




扩散模型与一般的概率模型(如GMM)不同,直接建模随机变量的概率分布。扩散模型采用一种间接方式,利用“随机变量变换”的方式(如图1a),逐步将待建模的概率分布(数据分布)转变成\"标准正态分布\",同时,建模学习各个变换对应的后验概率分布(图1b-c)。有了最终的标准正态分布和各个后验概率分布,则可通过祖先采样(Ancestral Sampling)的方式,从反向逐步采样得到各个随机变量ZTZ2,Z1,XZ_T \\ldots Z_2,Z_1,XZTZ2,Z1,X的样本。同时也可通过贝叶斯公式和全概率公式确定初始的数据分布q(x)q(x)q(x)



Figure 1: Diffusion model schematic

为了将初始的数据分布转换为简单的标准正态分布,扩散模型采用如下的变换方式\nZ=αX+1αϵwhereα<1,ϵN(0,I)\\begin{align}\n Z = \\sqrt{\\alpha} X + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha}\\epsilon \\qquad where \\quad \\alpha < 1, \\quad \\epsilon \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, I) \\tag{1.1}\n\\end{align}Z=αX+1αϵwhereα<1,ϵN(0,I)(1.1)\n其中Xq(x)X\\sim q(x)Xq(x)是任意的随机变量,Zq(Z)Z\\sim q(Z)Zq(Z)是变换后的随机变量。




第一个子变换是对随机变量XXX执行一个线性变换(αX\\sqrt{\\alpha}XαX),根据文献[3]的结论,线性变换使XXX的概率分布“变窄变高”,并且\"变窄变高\"的程度与α\\alphaα的值成正比。具体可看Demo 1,左1图为随机生成的一维的概率分布,左2图是经过线性变换后的概率分布,可以看出,与左1图相比,左2图的曲线“变窄变高”了。读者可亲自测试不同的α\\alphaα值,获得更直观的理解。


第二个子变换是“加上独立的随机噪声”(1αϵ\\sqrt{1-\\alpha}\\epsilon1αϵ),根据文献[4]的结论,“加上独立的随机变量”等效于对两个概率分布执行卷积,由于随机噪声的概率分布为高斯形状,所以相当于执行”高斯模糊“的操作。经过模糊后,原来的概率分布将变得更加平滑,与标准正态分布将更加相似。模糊的程度与噪声大小(1α1-\\alpha1α)正相关。具体可看Demo 1,左1图是随机生成的一维概率分布,左3图是经过变换后的结果,可以看出,变换后的曲线变光滑了,棱角变少了。读者可测试不同的α\\alphaα值,感受噪声大小对概率分布曲线形状的影响。左4图是综合两个子变换后的结果。


由变换的方式(式1.1)可以看出,前向条件概率q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx)的概率分布为高斯分布,且只与α\\alphaα的值有关,与q(x)q(x)q(x)的概率分布无关。\nq(zx)=N(αx, 1α)\\begin{align}\n q(z|x) &= \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\alpha}x,\\ 1-\\alpha) \\tag{2.1}\n\\end{align}q(zx)=N(αx, 1α)(2.1)\n具体可看Demo 2,左3图展示了q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx)的形状,从图中可以看到一条均匀的斜线,这意味着q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx)的均值与x线性相关,方差固定不变。α\\alphaα值的大小将决定斜线宽度和倾斜程度。




根据Bayes公式,有\nq(xz)=q(zx)q(x)q(z)\\begin{align}\n q(x|z) = \\frac{q(z|x)q(x)}{q(z)} \\tag{3.1}\n\\end{align}q(xz)=q(z)q(zx)q(x)(3.1)


zzz是取固定值时,q(z)q(z)q(z)是常数,所以q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)的形状只与q(zx)q(x){q(z|x)q(x)}q(zx)q(x)有关。\nq(xz)q(zx)q(x)where z is fixed\\begin{align}\n q(x|z) \\propto q(z|x)q(x) \\qquad where\\ z\\ is\\ fixed \\tag{3.2}\n\\end{align}q(xz)q(zx)q(x)where z is fixed(3.2)\n由式2.1可知,q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx)为高斯分布,于是有\nq(xz)12π(1α)exp(zαx)22(1α) q(x)where z is fixed=1α12πσexp(xμ)22σ2GaussFun q(x)where μ=zασ=1αα\\begin{align}\n q(x|z) &\\propto \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi(1-\\alpha)}}\\exp{\\frac{-(z-\\sqrt{\\alpha}x)^2}{2(1-\\alpha)}}\\ q(x)& \\qquad &where\\ z\\ is\\ fixed \\tag{3.3} \\newline\n &= \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\alpha}} \\underbrace{\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma}\\exp{\\frac{-(x-\\mu)^2}{2\\sigma^2}}}_{\\text{GaussFun}}\\ q(x)& \\qquad &where\\ \\mu=\\frac{z}{\\sqrt{\\alpha}}\\quad \\sigma=\\sqrt{\\frac{1-\\alpha}{\\alpha}} \\tag{3.4}\n\\end{align}q(xz)2π(1α)1exp2(1α)(zαx)2 q(x)=α1GaussFun2πσ1exp2σ2(xμ)2 q(x)where z is fixedwhere μ=αzσ=α1α(3.3)(3.4)





  • 当高斯函数的方差较小(较小噪声),或者q(x)q(x)q(x)变化缓慢时,q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)的形状将近似于高斯函数,函数形式较简单,方便建模学习。
  • \n
  • 当高斯函数的方差较大(较大噪声),或者q(x)q(x)q(x)剧烈变化时,q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)的形状将较复杂,与高斯函数有较大的差别,难以建模学习。
  • \n

具体可看Demo 2,左4图给出后验概率分布q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)的形态,可以看出,其形状较不规则,像一条弯曲且不均匀的曲线。当α\\alphaα较大时(噪声较小),曲线将趋向于均匀且笔直。读者可调整不同的α\\alphaα值,观察后验概率分布与噪声大小的关系;左5图,蓝色虚线\\textcolor{blue}{蓝色虚线}蓝色虚线给出q(x)q(x)q(x)绿色虚线\\textcolor{green}{绿色虚线}绿色虚线给出式3.4中的GaussFun,黄色实线\\textcolor{orange}{黄色实线}黄色实线给出两者相乘并归一化的结果,即固定z条件下后验概率q(xz=fixed)q(x|z=fixed)q(xz=fixed)。读者可调整不同z值,观察q(x)q(x)q(x)的波动变化对后验概率q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)形态的影响。



  • α0\\alpha \\to 0α0时,GaussFun的方差趋向于无穷大,不同zzz值的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)几乎变成一致,并与q(x)q(x)q(x)几乎相同。读者可在Demo 2中,将α\\alphaα设置为0.01,观察具体的结果。
  • \n
  • α1\\alpha \\to 1α1时,GaussFun的方差趋向于无穷小,不同zzz值的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)收缩成一系列不同偏移量的Dirac delta函数, 偏移量等于zzz。但有一些例外,当q(x)存在为零的区域时,其对应的q(x|z)将不再为Dirac delta函数,而是零函数。可在Demo 2中,将α\\alphaα设置为0.999,观察具体的结果。
  • \n



具体可看Demo 3.1,第一子图是随机生成的一维概率分布,经过7次的变换后,最终的概率分布与标准正态分布非常相似。相似的程度与迭代的次数和噪声大小正相关。对于相同的相似程度,如果每次所加的噪声较大(较小的α\\alphaα值),那所需变换的次数将较少。读者可尝试不同的α\\alphaα值和次数,观测最终概率分布的相似程度。




Demo 3.1的例子可以看到,随着变换次数增多,q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt)的棱角变得越来越少,同时,后验概率分布q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt)图中的斜线变得越来越笔直匀称,越来越像条件高斯分布。


Z1=α1X+1α1ϵ1Z2=α2Z1+1α2ϵ2Zt=αtZt1+1αtϵtZT=αTZT1+1αTϵTwhereαt<1t1,2,,T\\begin{align}\n Z_1 &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_1} X + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_1}\\epsilon_1 \\tag{4.1} \\newline\n Z_2 &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_2} Z_1 + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_2}\\epsilon_2 \\tag{4.2} \\newline\n &\\dots \\notag \\newline\n Z_{t} &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_t}Z_{t-1} + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_t}\\epsilon_{t} \\tag{4.3} \\newline\n &\\dots \\notag \\newline\n Z_{T} &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_T}Z_{T-1} + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_T}\\epsilon_{T} \\tag{4.4} \\newline\n &where \\quad \\alpha_t < 1 \\qquad t\\in {1,2,\\dots,T} \\notag\n\\end{align}Z1Z2ZtZT=α1X+1α1ϵ1=α2Z1+1α2ϵ2=αtZt1+1αtϵt=αTZT1+1αTϵTwhereαt<1t1,2,,T(4.1)(4.2)(4.3)(4.4)


把式4.1代入式4.2,同时利用高斯分布的性质,可得出q(z2x)q(z_2|x)q(z2x)的概率分布的形式\nz2=α2(α1x+1α1ϵ1)+1α2ϵ2=α2α1x+α2α2α1ϵ1+1α2ϵ2=N(α1α2x, 1α1α2)\\begin{align}\n z_2 &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_2}(\\sqrt{\\alpha_1}x + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_1}\\epsilon_1) + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_2}\\epsilon_2 \\tag{4.5} \\newline\n &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_2\\alpha_1}x + \\sqrt{\\alpha_2-\\alpha_2\\alpha_1}\\epsilon_1 + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_2}\\epsilon_2 \\tag{4.6} \\newline\n &= \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\alpha_1\\alpha_2}x,\\ 1-\\alpha_1\\alpha_2) \\tag{4.7}\n\\end{align}z2=α2(α1x+1α1ϵ1)+1α2ϵ2=α2α1x+α2α2α1ϵ1+1α2ϵ2=N(α1α2x, 1α1α2)(4.5)(4.6)(4.7)


同理,可递推得出\nq(ztx)=N(α1α2αtx, 1α1α2αt)=N(αtˉx, 1αtˉ)where αtˉj=1tαj\\begin{align}\n q(z_t|x) &= \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\alpha_1\\alpha_2\\cdots\\alpha_t}x,\\ 1-\\alpha_1\\alpha_2\\cdots\\alpha_t) = \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\bar{\\alpha_t}}x,\\ 1-\\bar{\\alpha_t}) \\qquad where\\ \\bar{\\alpha_t} \\triangleq \\prod_{j=1}^t\\alpha_j \\tag{4.8}\n\\end{align}q(ztx)=N(α1α2αtx, 1α1α2αt)=N(αtˉx, 1αtˉ)where αtˉj=1tαj(4.8)




在DDPM[2]论文中,作者使用了1000步(T=1000),将数据分布q(x)q(x)q(x)转换至q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)q(zTx)q(z_T|x)q(zTx)的概率分布如下:\nq(zTx)=N(0.00635 x, 0.99998)\\begin{align}\n q(z_T|x) &= \\mathcal{N}(0.00635\\ x,\\ 0.99998) \\tag{4.9}\n\\end{align}q(zTx)=N(0.00635 x, 0.99998)(4.9)


如果只考虑边际分布q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT),也可使用一次变换代替,变换如下:\nZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ\\begin{align}\n Z_T = \\sqrt{0.0000403}\\ X + \\sqrt{1-0.0000403}\\ \\epsilon = 0.00635\\ X + 0.99998\\ \\epsilon \\tag{4.10}\n\\end{align}ZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ(4.10)\n可以看出,应用两种变换后,变换后的分布q(zTx)q(z_T|x)q(zTx)相同,因此,q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)也相同。




具体可看Demo 3.2。示例中q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)使用N(0,1)\\mathcal{N}(0,1)N(0,1)代替,同时通过JS Div给出了误差大小。恢复的概率分布q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt)q(x)q(x)q(x)使用绿色曲线\\textcolor{green}{绿色曲线}绿色曲线标识,原始的概率分布使用蓝色曲线\\textcolor{blue}{蓝色曲线}蓝色曲线标识。可以看出,数据分布q(x)q(x)q(x)能够被很好地恢复回来,并且误差(JS Divergence)会小于标准正态分布替换q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)引起的误差。\nq(zT1)=q(zT1,zT)dzT=q(zT1zT)q(zT)dzTq(zt1)=q(zt1,zt)dzt=q(zt1zt)q(zt)dztq(z1)=q(z1,z2)dz1=q(z1z2)q(z2)dz2q(x)=q(x,z1)dz1=q(xz1)q(z1)dz1\\begin{align}\n q(z_{T-1}) &= \\int q(z_{T-1},z_T)dz_T = \\int q(z_{T-1}|z_T)q(z_T)dz_T \\tag{5.1} \\newline\n & \\dots \\notag \\newline\n q(z_{t-1}) &= \\int q(z_{t-1},z_t)dz_t = \\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(z_t)dz_t \\tag{5.2} \\newline\n & \\dots \\notag \\newline\n q(z_1) &= \\int q(z_1,z_2) dz_1 = \\int q(z_1|z_2)q(z_2)dz_2 \\tag{5.3} \\newline\n q(x) &= \\int q(x,z_1) dz_1 = \\int q(x|z_1)q(z_1)dz_1 \\tag{5.4} \\newline\n\\end{align}q(zT1)q(zt1)q(z1)q(x)=q(zT1,zT)dzT=q(zT1zT)q(zT)dzT=q(zt1,zt)dzt=q(zt1zt)q(zt)dzt=q(z1,z2)dz1=q(z1z2)q(z2)dz2=q(x,z1)dz1=q(xz1)q(z1)dz1(5.1)(5.2)(5.3)(5.4)\n在本文中,将上述恢复过程(式5.1~5.4)所使用的变换称之为“后验概率变换”。例如,在式5.4中,变换的输入为概率分布函数q(z1)q(z_1)q(z1),输出为概率分布函数q(x)q(x)q(x),整个变换由后验概率分布q(xz1)q(x|z_1)q(xz1)决定。此变换也可看作为一组基函数的线性加权和,基函数为不同条件下的q(xz1)q(x|z_1)q(xz1),各个基函数的权重为q(z1)q(z_1)q(z1)。在第7节,将会进一步介绍此变换的一些有趣性质。



  • α0\\alpha \\to 0α0时,不同zzz值的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)均与q(x)q(x)q(x)几乎相同,也就是说,线性加权和的基函数几乎相同。此状态下,不管输入如何变化,变换的输出总为q(x)q(x)q(x)
  • \n
  • α1\\alpha \\to 1α1时,不同zzz值的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)收缩成一系列不同偏移量的Dirac delta函数及零函数。此状态下,只要输入分布的支撑集(support set)包含于q(x)q(x)q(x)的支撑集,变换的输出与输入将保持一致。
  • \n

第4节中提到,DDPM[2]论文所使用的1000次变换可使用一次变换表示:\nZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ\\begin{align}\n Z_T = \\sqrt{0.0000403}\\ X + \\sqrt{1-0.0000403}\\ \\epsilon = 0.00635\\ X + 0.99998\\ \\epsilon \\tag{5.5}\n\\end{align}ZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ(5.5)\n由于α=0.0000403\\alpha=0.0000403α=0.0000403非常小,其对应的GaussFun(式3.4)的标准差达到157.52,而XXX的范围限制在[1,1][-1, 1][1,1],远小于GaussFun的标准差。在x[1,1]x \\in [-1, 1]x[1,1]范围内,GaussFun应该接近于常量,没有什么变化,所以不同的zTz_TzT对应的q(xzT)q(x|z_T)q(xzT)均与q(x)q(x)q(x)几乎相同。在这种状态下,对于q(xzT)q(x|z_T)q(xzT)相应的后验概率变换,不管输入分布是什么,输出分布都将是q(x)q(x)q(x)




读者可亲自做一个类似的实验。在Demo 3.1中,将start_alpha设置0.25,end_alpha也设置为0.25,step设置为7,此时q(z7)=0.000061X+10.000061ϵq(z_7)=\\sqrt{0.000061}X + \\sqrt{1-0.000061}\\epsilonq(z7)=0.000061X+10.000061ϵ,与DDPM的q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)基本相似。点击apply执行前向变换(蓝色曲线\\textcolor{blue}{蓝色曲线}蓝色曲线),为接下来的反向恢复做准备。在Demo 3.2中,noise_ratio设置为1,为末端分布q(z7)q(z_7)q(z7)引入100%的噪声,切换nose_random_seed的值可改变噪声的分布,取消选择backward_pdf,减少画面的干扰。点击apply将通过后验概率变换恢复q(x)q(x)q(x),将会看到,不管输入的q(z7)q(z_7)q(z7)的形状如何,恢复的q(x)q(x)q(x)均与原始的q(x)q(x)q(x)完全相同, JS Divergence为0,恢复的过程使用红色曲线\\textcolor{red}{红色曲线}红色曲线画出。\n








具体可看Demo 3.3,读者可测试不同复杂程度的q(x)q(x)q(x)α\\alphaα,观看后验概率分布q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt)的拟合程度,以及恢复q(x)q(x)q(x)的准确度。恢复的概率分布使用橙色\\textcolor{orange}{橙色}橙色标识,同时也通过JS divergence给出误差。


关于拟合的目标函数,与其它概率模型类似,可优化交叉熵损失\\textcolor{red}{优化交叉熵损失}优化交叉熵损失,使p(zt1zt)p(z_{t-1}|z_t)p(zt1zt)逼近于q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt)。由于(zt1zt)(z_{t-1}|z_t)(zt1zt)是条件概率,所以需要综合考虑各个条件,以各个条件发生的概率q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt)加权平均各个条件对应的交叉熵。最终的损失函数形式如下:\nloss=q(zt) q(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1Cross Entropy dzt=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\int q(z_t)\\ \\overbrace{\\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}}^{\\text{Cross Entropy}}\\ dz_t \\tag{6.1} \\newline\n &= -\\iint q(z_{t-1},z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.2} \n\\end{align}loss=q(zt) q(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1Cross Entropy dzt=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt(6.1)(6.2)\n也可以KL散度作为目标函数进行优化,KL散度与交叉熵是等价的[10]。\nloss=q(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dzt=q(zt)q(zt1zt)q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(zt) q(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1Cross Entropy dzt+q(zt)q(zt1zt)logq(zt1zt)Is Constantdz\\begin{align}\nloss &= \\int q(z_t) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dz_t \\tag{6.3} \\newline &= \\int q(z_t) \\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\frac{q(z_{t-1}|z_t)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}} dz_{t-1} dz_t \\tag{6.4} \\newline &= -\\int q(z_t)\\ \\underbrace{\\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}}_{\\text{Cross Entropy}}\\ dz_t + \\underbrace{\\int q(z_t) \\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\log q(z_{t-1}|z_t)}_{\\text{Is Constant}} dz \\tag{6.5}\n\\end{align}loss=q(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dzt=q(zt)q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt)q(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(zt) Cross Entropyq(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1 dzt+Is Constantq(zt)q(zt1zt)logq(zt1zt)dz(6.3)(6.4)(6.5)


式6.2的积分没有闭合的形式,不能直接优化。可使用蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)积分近似计算,新的目标函数如下:\nloss=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzti=0Nlogp(Zt1iZti)where(Zt1i,Zti)q(zt1,zt)\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\iint q(z_{t-1},z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.6} \\newline\n &\\approx -\\sum_{i=0}^N \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(Z_{t-1}^i|Z_t^i)} \\qquad where \\quad (Z_{t-1}^i,Z_t^i) \\sim q(z_{t-1},z_t) \\tag{6.7} \n\\end{align}loss=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzti=0Nlogp(Zt1iZti)where(Zt1i,Zti)q(zt1,zt)(6.6)(6.7)


上述的样本(Zt1i,Zti)(Z_{t-1}^i,Z_t^i)(Zt1i,Zti)服从联合概率分布q(zt1,zt)q(z_{t-1},z_t)q(zt1,zt),可通过祖先采样的方式采样得到。具体方式如下:通过正向转换的方式(式4.1~4.4),逐步采样X,Z1,Z2Zt1,ZtX,Z_1,Z_2\\dots Z_{t-1},Z_tX,Z1,Z2Zt1,Zt,然后留下(Zt1,Zt)(Z_{t-1},Z_t)(Zt1,Zt)作为一个样本。但这种采样方式比较慢,可利用q(ztx)q(z_t|x)q(ztx)概率分布已知的特点(式4.8)加速采样,先从q(x)q(x)q(x)采样XXX,然后由q(zt1x)q(z_{t-1}|x)q(zt1x)采样Zt1Z_{t-1}Zt1,最后由q(ztzt1)q(z_t|z_{t-1})q(ztzt1)采样ZtZ_tZt,于是得到一个样本(Zt1,Zt)(Z_{t-1},Z_t)(Zt1,Zt)




对于一致项(Consistent Term),证明如下:


loss=q(zt1,zt) logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)dx logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logq(zt1zt,x)dxdzt1dztThis Term Is Constant And Is Represented By C1q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logp(zt1zt)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logq(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(ztx)q(zt1zt,x)logq(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt)dzt1 dzxdztC1= q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdztC1 q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\iint q(z_{t-1},z_t)\\ \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.8} \\newline\n &= -\\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1}, z_t|x)dx\\ \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.9} \\newline\n &= \\overbrace{\\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1}, z_t|x) \\log q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x)dxdz_{t-1}dz_t}^{\\text{This Term Is Constant And Is Represented By}\\ \\textcolor{orange}{C_1}} \\tag{6.10} \\newline\n &\\quad - \\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1}, z_t|x) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dxdz_{t-1}dz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.11} \\newline\n &= \\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1},z_t|x) \\log \\frac{q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}}dxdz_{t-1}dz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.12} \\newline\n &= \\iint q(x)q(z_t|x)\\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\log \\frac{q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}}dz_{t-1}\\ dz_xdz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.13} \\newline\n &= \\iint \\ q(x)q(z_t|x) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dxdz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.14} \\newline\n &\\propto \\iint \\ q(x)q(z_t|x) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dxdz_t \\tag{6.15} \\newline\n\\end{align}loss=q(zt1,zt) logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)dx logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logq(zt1zt,x)dxdzt1dztThis Term Is Constant And Is Represented By C1q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logp(zt1zt)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logp(zt1zt)q(zt1zt,x)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(ztx)q(zt1zt,x)logp(zt1zt)q(zt1zt,x)dzt1 dzxdztC1= q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdztC1 q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt(6.8)(6.9)(6.10)(6.11)(6.12)(6.13)(6.14)(6.15)




对于重构项(Reconstruction Term),可通过类似的方式证明:\nloss=q(z1)q(xz1)logp(xz1)dxCross Entropy dz1=q(z1,x)logp(xz1)dxdz1=q(x)q(z1x)logp(xz1)dz1 dx\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\int q(z_1)\\overbrace{\\int q(x|z_1)\\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(x|z_1)}dx}^{\\text{Cross Entropy}}\\ dz_1 \\tag{6.16} \\newline\n &= -\\iint q(z_1,x)\\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(x|z_1)}dxdz_1 \\tag{6.17} \\newline\n &= -\\int q(x)\\int q(z_1|x)\\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(x|z_1)}dz_1\\ dx \\tag{6.18}\n\\end{align}loss=q(z1)q(xz1)logp(xz1)dxCross Entropy dz1=q(z1,x)logp(xz1)dxdz1=q(x)q(z1x)logp(xz1)dz1 dx(6.16)(6.17)(6.18)




根据一致项证明的结论,以及交叉熵与KL散度的关系,可得出一个有趣的结论:\nminpq(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dzt    minp q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} \\int q(z_t) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dz_t \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} \\iint \\ q(x)q(z_t|x) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dxdz_t \n\\end{align}minpq(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dztminp q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt\n比较左右两边的式子,可以看出,右边的目标函数比左边的目标函数多了一个条件变量XXX,同时也多了一个关于XXX积分,并且以XXX的发生的概率q(x)q(x)q(x)作为积分的加权系数。


依照类似的思路,可推导出一个更通用的关系:\nminpKL(q(z)p(z))    minp q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)})dx \n\\end{align}minpKL(q(z)p(z))minp q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx\n关于此结论的详细推导,可见Appendix A



\nq(x)=q(x,z)dz=q(xz)q(z)dz\\begin{align}\n q(x) &= \\int q(x,z) dz = \\int q(x|z)q(z)dz \\tag{7.1}\n\\end{align}q(x)=q(x,z)dz=q(xz)q(z)dz(7.1)\n\n

经过大量一维随机变量的实验发现,后验概率变换呈现出“压缩映射”(Contraction Mapping[6])的特征。也是说,对任意的两个概率分布qi1(z)qi2(z)q_{i1}(z)和q_{i2}(z)qi1(z)qi2(z),经过后验概率变换后得到qo1(x)q_{o1}(x)qo1(x)qo2(x)q_{o2}(x)qo2(x)qo1(z)q_{o1}(z)qo1(z)qo2(z)q_{o2}(z)qo2(z)的距离总是小于qi1(x)q_{i1}(x)qi1(x)qi2(x)q_{i2}(x)qi2(x)的距离。这里的距离可使用JS Divergence或Total Variance或度量。并且,这个压缩映射的压缩程度跟所加噪声大小正相关。\ndist(qo1(z), qo2(z))<dist(qi1(x), qi2(x))\\begin{align}\n dist(q_{o1}(z),\\ q_{o2}(z)) < dist(q_{i1}(x),\\ q_{i2}(x)) \\tag{7.2}\n\\end{align}dist(qo1(z), qo2(z))<dist(qi1(x), qi2(x))(7.2)


读者可查看Demo 4.1,左侧三个图呈现一个变换的过程,左1图是任意的数据分布q(x)q(x)q(x),左3图是变换后的概率分布,左2图是后验概率分布。可更改随机种子生成新的数据分布,调整α\\alphaα值引入不同程度的噪声。左侧最后两个图展示变换的“压缩性质”,左4图展示随机生成的两个输入分布,同时给出其距离度量值divindiv_{in}divin;左5图展示经过变换后的两个输出分布,输出分布之间的距离标识为divoutdiv_{out}divout。读者可改变输入的随机种子,切换不同的输入。可在图中看到,对于任意的输入,divindiv_{in}divin总是小于divoutdiv_{out}divout。另外,也可改变α\\alphaα的值,将会看到,α\\alphaα越小(噪声越大),divoutdivin\\frac{div_{out}}{div_{in}}divindivout的比值也越小,即收缩率越大。


由Banach fixed-point theorem[5]可知,压缩映射存在惟一一个定点(收敛点)。也就是说,对于任意的输入分布,可以连续迭代应用“后验概率变换”,只要迭代次数足够多,最终都会输出同一个分布。经过大量一维随机变量实验发现,定点(收敛点)位于q(x)q(x)q(x)附近。并且,与α\\alphaα的值有关,α\\alphaα越小(噪声越大),离得越近。


读者可看Demo 4.2,此部分展示迭代收敛的例子。选择合适的迭代次数,点中“apply iteration transform”,将逐步画出迭代的过程,每个子图均会展示各自变换后的输出分布(绿色曲线\\textcolor{green}{绿色曲线}绿色曲线),收敛的参考点分布q(x)q(x)q(x)蓝色曲线\\textcolor{blue}{蓝色曲线}蓝色曲线画出,同时给出输出分布与q(x)q(x)q(x)之间的距离distdistdist。可以看出,随着迭代的次数增加,输出分布与q(x)q(x)q(x)越来越相似,并最终会稳定在q(x)q(x)q(x)附近。对于较复杂的分布,可能需要较多迭代的次数或者较大的噪声。迭代次数可以设置为上万步,但会花费较长时间。


对于一维离散的情况,q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)将离散成一个矩阵(记为QxzQ_{x|z}Qxz),q(z)q(z)q(z)离散成一个向量(记为qi\\boldsymbol{q_i}qi),积分操作q(xz)q(z)dz\\int q(x|z)q(z)dzq(xz)q(z)dz将离散成\"矩阵-向量\"乘法操作,所以后验概率变换可写成\nqo=Qxz qi1 iterationqo=Qxz Qxz qi2 iterationqo=(Qxz)n qin iteration\\begin{align}\n \\boldsymbol{q_o} &= Q_{x|z}\\ \\boldsymbol{q_i} & \\quad\\quad &\\text{1 iteration} \\tag{7.3} \\newline\n \\boldsymbol{q_o} &= Q_{x|z}\\ Q_{x|z}\\ \\boldsymbol{q_i} & \\quad\\quad &\\text{2 iteration} \\tag{7.4} \\newline\n & \\dots & \\notag \\newline\n \\boldsymbol{q_o} &= (Q_{x|z})^n\\ \\boldsymbol{q_i} & \\quad\\quad &\\text{n iteration} \\tag{7.5} \\newline\n\\end{align}qoqoqo=Qxz qi=Qxz Qxz qi=(Qxz)n qi1 iteration2 iterationn iteration(7.3)(7.4)(7.5)\n于是,为了更深入地理解变换的特点,Demo 4.2也画出矩阵(Qxz)n(Q_{x|z})^n(Qxz)n的结果。从图里可以看到,当迭代趋向收敛时,矩阵(Qxz)n(Q_{x|z})^n(Qxz)n的行向量将变成一个常数向量,即向量的各分量都相等。在二维密度图里将表现为一条横线。


Appendix B中,将会提供一个证明,当q(x)q(x)q(x)α\\alphaα满足一些条件时,后验概率变换是一个严格的压缩映射。





\n由上面的分析可知,当满足一些条件时,\"后验概率变换\"是一个压缩映射,所以存在如下的关系:\ndist(q(x), qo(x))<dist(q(z), qi(z))\\begin{align}\n dist(q(x),\\ q_o(x)) < dist(q(z),\\ q_i(z)) \\tag{7.12}\n\\end{align}dist(q(x), qo(x))<dist(q(z), qi(z))(7.12)\n其中,q(z)q(z)q(z)是理想的输入分布,q(x)q(x)q(x)理想的输出分布,qi(x)q_i(x)qi(x)是任意的输入分布,qo(x)q_o(x)qo(x)qi(z)q_i(z)qi(z)经过变换后的输出分布。\n\n



具体可看Demo 3.2,通过增加“noise ratio”的值可以向“末尾分布q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)”添加噪声,点击“apply”按钮将逐步画出恢复的过程,恢复的分布以红色曲线\\textcolor{red}{红色曲线}红色曲线画出,同时也会通过JS散度标出误差的大小。将会看到,恢复的q(x)q(x)q(x)的误差总是小于q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT)的误差。










APP: 本Web APP是使用Gradio开发,并部署在HuggingFace。由于资源有限(2核,16G内存),所以可能会响应较慢。为了更好地体验,建议从github复制源代码,在本地机器运行。本APP只依赖Gradio, SciPy, Matplotlib。


Author: 郑镇鑫,资深视觉算法工程师,十年算法开发经历,曾就职于腾讯京东等互联网公司,目前专注于视频生成(类似Sora)。


Email: blair.star@163.com


The Diffusion Probability Model[1][2] is currently the main method used in image and video generation, but due to its abstruse theory, many engineers are unable to understand it well. This article will provide a very easy-to-understand method to help readers grasp the principles of the Diffusion Model. Specifically, it will illustrate the Diffusion Model using examples of one-dimensional random variables in an interactive way, explaining several interesting properties of the Diffusion Model in an intuitive manner.


The diffusion model is a probabilistic model. Probabilistic models mainly offer two functions: calculating the probability of a given sample appearing; and generating new samples. The diffusion model focuses on the latter aspect, facilitating the production of new samples, thus realizing the task of generation.


The diffusion model differs from general probability models (such as GMM), which directly models the probability distribution of random variables. The diffusion model adopts an indirect approach, which utilizes random variable transform(shown in Figure 1a) to gradually convert the data distribution (the probability distribution to be modeled) into the standard normal distribution, and meanwhile models the posterior probability distribution corresponding to each transformation (Figure 1b-c). Upon obtaining the final standard normal distribution and the posterior probability distributions, one can generate samples of each random variable ZTZ2,Z1,XZ_T \\ldots Z_2,Z_1,XZTZ2,Z1,X in reverse order through Ancestral Sampling. Simultaneously, initial data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) can be determined by employing Bayes theorem and the total probability theorem.


One might wonder: indirect methods require modeling and learning T posterior probability distributions, while direct methods only need to model one probability distribution, Why would we choose the indirect approach? Here's the reasoning: the initial data distribution might be quite complex and hard to represent directly with a probability model. In contrast, the complexity of each posterior probability distribution in indirect methods is significantly simpler, allowing it to be approximated by simple probability models. As we will see later, given certain conditions, posterior probability distributions can closely resemble Gaussian distributions, thus a simple conditional Gaussian model can be used for modeling.

Figure 1: Diffusion probability model schematic

To transform the initial data distribution into a simple standard normal distribution, the diffusion model uses the following transformation method: \nZ=αX+1αϵwhereα<1,ϵN(0,I)\\begin{align}\n Z = \\sqrt{\\alpha} X + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha}\\epsilon \\qquad where \\quad \\alpha < 1, \\quad \\epsilon \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, I) \\tag{1.1}\n\\end{align}Z=αX+1αϵwhereα<1,ϵN(0,I)(1.1)\nwhere Xq(x)X\\sim q(x)Xq(x)is any random variable,Zq(Z)Z\\sim q(Z)Zq(Z) is the transformed random variable。


This transformation can be divided into two sub-transformations。


The first sub-transformation performs a linear transformation (αX\\sqrt{\\alpha}XαX) on the random variable XXX. According to the conclusion of the literature[3], the linear transformation makes the probability distribution of XXX narrower and taller, and the extent of narrowing and heightening is directly proportional to the value of α\\alphaα.


This can be specifically seen in Demo 1, where the first figure depicts a randomly generated one-dimensional probability distribution, and the second figure represents the probability distribution after the linear transformation. It can be observed that the curve of the third figure has become narrower and taller compared to the first image. Readers can experiment with different α\\alphaα to gain a more intuitive understanding.


The second sub-transformation is adding independent random noise(1αϵ\\sqrt{1-\\alpha}\\epsilon1αϵ). According to the conclusion of the literature[4], adding independent random variables is equivalent to performing convolution on the two probability distributions. Since the probability distribution of random noise is Gaussian, it is equivalent to performing a Gaussian Blur operation. After blurring, the original probability distribution will become smoother and more similar to the standard normal distribution. The degree of blurring is directly proportional to the noise level (1α\\sqrt{1-\\alpha}1α).


For specifics, one can see Demo 1, where the first figure is a randomly generated one-dimensional probability distribution, and the third figure is the result after the transformation. It can be seen that the transformed probability distribution curve is smoother and there are fewer corners. The readers can test different α\\alphaα values to feel how the noise level affect the shape of the probability distribution. The last figure is the result after applying all two sub-transformations.


From the transformation method (equation 1.1), it can be seen that the probability distribution of the forward conditional probability q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx) is a Gaussian distribution, which is only related to the value of α\\alphaα, regardless of the probability distribution of q(x)q(x)q(x). \nq(zx)=N(αx, 1α)\\begin{align}\n q(z|x) &= \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\alpha}x,\\ 1-\\alpha) \\tag{2.1}\n\\end{align}q(zx)=N(αx, 1α)(2.1)\nIt can be understood by concrete examples in Demo 2. The third figure depict the shape of q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx). From the figure, a uniform slanting line can be observed. This implies that the mean of q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx) is linearly related to x, and the variance is fixed. The magnitude of α\\alphaα will determine the width and incline of the slanting line.


The posterior probability distribution does not have a closed form, but its shape can be inferred approximately through some technique.


According to Bayes formula, we have\nq(xz)=q(zx)q(x)q(z)\\begin{align}\n q(x|z) = \\frac{q(z|x)q(x)}{q(z)} \\tag{3.1}\n\\end{align}q(xz)=q(z)q(zx)q(x)(3.1)


When zzz takes a fixed value, q(z)q(z)q(z) is a constant, so the shape of q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) is only related to q(zx)q(x){q(z|x)q(x)}q(zx)q(x).\nq(xz)q(zx)q(x)where z is fixed\\begin{align}\n q(x|z) \\propto q(z|x)q(x) \\qquad where\\ z\\ is\\ fixed \\tag{3.2}\n\\end{align}q(xz)q(zx)q(x)where z is fixed(3.2)


From Equation 2.1, we can see that q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx) is a Gaussian distribution, so we have\nq(xz)12π(1α)exp(zαx)22(1α) q(x)where z is fixed=1α12πσexp(xμ)22σ2GaussFun q(x)where μ=zασ=1αα\\begin{align}\n q(x|z) &\\propto \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi(1-\\alpha)}}\\exp{\\frac{-(z-\\sqrt{\\alpha}x)^2}{2(1-\\alpha)}}\\ q(x)& \\qquad &where\\ z\\ is\\ fixed \\tag{3.3} \\newline\n &= \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\alpha}} \\underbrace{\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma}\\exp{\\frac{-(x-\\mu)^2}{2\\sigma^2}}}_{\\text{GaussFun}}\\ q(x)& \\qquad &where\\ \\mu=\\frac{z}{\\sqrt{\\alpha}}\\quad \\sigma=\\sqrt{\\frac{1-\\alpha}{\\alpha}} \\tag{3.4}\n\\end{align}q(xz)2π(1α)1exp2(1α)(zαx)2 q(x)=α1GaussFun2πσ1exp2σ2(xμ)2 q(x)where z is fixedwhere μ=αzσ=α1α(3.3)(3.4)


It can be observed that the GaussFun part is a Gaussian function of xxx, with a mean of zα\\frac{z}{\\sqrt{\\alpha}}αz and a variance of 1αα\\sqrt{\\frac{1-\\alpha}{\\alpha}}α1α, so the shape of q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) is determined by the product of GaussFun and q(x).


According to the characteristics of multiplication, the characteristics of the shape of the q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) function can be summarized.

  • When the variance of the Gaussian function is small (small noise), or when q(x)q(x)q(x) changes slowly, the shape of q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) will approximate to the Gaussian function, and have a simpler function form, which is convenient for modeling and learning.
  • \n \n
  • When the variance of the Gaussian function is large (large noise), or when q(x)q(x)q(x) changes drastically, the shape of q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) will be more complex, and greatly differ from a Gaussian function, which makes it difficult to model and learn.
  • \n

The specifics can be seen in Demo 2. The fourth figure present the shape of the posterior q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz), which shows an irregular shape and resembles a curved and uneven line. As α\\alphaα increases (noise decreases), the curve tends to be uniform and straight. Readers can adjust different α\\alphaα values and observe the relationship between the shape of posterior and the level of noise. In the last figure, the blue dash line\\textcolor{blue}{\\text{blue dash line}}blue dash line represents q(x)q(x)q(x), the green dash line\\textcolor{green}{\\text{green dash line}}green dash line represents GaussFun in the equation 3.4, and the orange curve\\textcolor{orange}{\\text{orange curve}}orange curve represents the result of multiplying the two function and normalizing it, which is the posterior probability q(xz=fixed)q(x|z=fixed)q(xz=fixed) under a fixed z condition. Readers can adjust different values of z to observe how the fluctuation of q(x)q(x)q(x) affect the shape of the posterior probability q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz).


The posterior q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) under two special states are worth considering.

  • As α0\\alpha \\to 0α0, the variance of GaussFun tends to \\infty, and q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) for different zzz almost become identical, and almost the same as q(x)q(x)q(x). Readers can set α\\alphaα to 0.001 in Demo 2 to observe the specific results.
  • \n \n
  • As α1\\alpha \\to 1α1, the variance of GaussFun tends to 000, The q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) for different zzz values contract into a series of Dirac delta functions with different offsets equalling to zzz. However, there are some exceptions. When there are regions where q(x)q(x)q(x) is zero, the corresponding q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) will no longer be a Dirac delta function, but a zero function. Readers can set α\\alphaα to 0.999 in Demo 2 to observe the specific results.
  • \n

For any arbitrary data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x), the transform(equation 2.1) in section 2 can be continuously applied(equation 4.1~4.4). As the number of transforms increases, the output probability distribution will become increasingly closer to the standard normal distribution. For more complex data distributions, more iterations or larger noise are needed.


Specific details can be observed in Demo 3.1. The first figure illustrates a randomly generated one-dimensional probability distribution. After seven transforms, this distribution looks very similar to the standard normal distribution. The degree of similarity increases with the number of iterations and the level of the noise. Given the same degree of similarity, fewer transforms are needed if the noise added at each step is larger (smaller α\\alphaα value). Readers can try different α\\alphaα values and numbers of transforms to see how similar the final probability distribution is.


The complexity of the initial probability distribution tends to be high, but as the number of transforms increases, the complexity of the probability distribution q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt) will decrease. As concluded in section 4, a more complex probability distribution corresponds to a more complex posterior probability distribution. Therefore, in order to ensure that the posterior probability distribution is more similar to the Conditional Gaussian function (easier to learn), a larger value of α\\alphaα (smaller noise) should be used in the initial phase, and a smaller value of α\\alphaα (larger noise) can be appropriately used in the later phase to accelerate the transition to the standard normal distribution.


In the example of Demo 3.1, it can be seen that as the number of transforms increases, the corners of q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt) become fewer and fewer. Meanwhile, the slanting lines in the plot of the posterior probability distribution q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt) become increasingly straight and uniform, resembling more and more the conditional Gaussian distribution.


Z1=α1X+1α1ϵ1Z2=α2Z1+1α2ϵ2Zt=αtZt1+1αtϵtZT=αTZT1+1αTϵTwhereαt<1t1,2,,T\\begin{align}\n Z_1 &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_1} X + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_1}\\epsilon_1 \\tag{4.1} \\newline\n Z_2 &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_2} Z_1 + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_2}\\epsilon_2 \\tag{4.2} \\newline\n &\\dots \\notag \\newline\n Z_{t} &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_t}Z_{t-1} + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_t}\\epsilon_{t} \\tag{4.3} \\newline\n &\\dots \\notag \\newline\n Z_{T} &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_T}Z_{T-1} + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_T}\\epsilon_{T} \\tag{4.4} \\newline\n &where \\quad \\alpha_t < 1 \\qquad t\\in {1,2,\\dots,T} \\notag\n\\end{align}Z1Z2ZtZT=α1X+1α1ϵ1=α2Z1+1α2ϵ2=αtZt1+1αtϵt=αTZT1+1αTϵTwhereαt<1t1,2,,T(4.1)(4.2)(4.3)(4.4)


By substituting Equation 4.1 into Equation 4.2, and utilizing the properties of Gaussian distribution, we can derive the form of q(z2x)q(z_2|x)q(z2x) \nz2=α2(α1x+1α1ϵ1)+1α2ϵ2=α2α1x+α2α2α1ϵ1+1α2ϵ2=N(α1α2x, 1α1α2)\\begin{align}\n z_2 &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_2}(\\sqrt{\\alpha_1}x + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_1}\\epsilon_1) + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_2}\\epsilon_2 \\tag{4.5} \\newline\n &= \\sqrt{\\alpha_2\\alpha_1}x + \\sqrt{\\alpha_2-\\alpha_2\\alpha_1}\\epsilon_1 + \\sqrt{1-\\alpha_2}\\epsilon_2 \\tag{4.6} \\newline\n &= \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\alpha_1\\alpha_2}x,\\ 1-\\alpha_1\\alpha_2) \\tag{4.7}\n\\end{align}z2=α2(α1x+1α1ϵ1)+1α2ϵ2=α2α1x+α2α2α1ϵ1+1α2ϵ2=N(α1α2x, 1α1α2)(4.5)(4.6)(4.7)


In the same way, it can be deduced recursively that\nq(ztx)=N(α1α2αtx, 1α1α2αt)=N(αtˉx, 1αtˉ)where αtˉj=1tαj\\begin{align}\n q(z_t|x) &= \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\alpha_1\\alpha_2\\cdots\\alpha_t}x,\\ 1-\\alpha_1\\alpha_2\\cdots\\alpha_t) = \\mathcal{N}(\\sqrt{\\bar{\\alpha_t}}x,\\ 1-\\bar{\\alpha_t}) \\qquad where\\ \\bar{\\alpha_t} \\triangleq \\prod_{j=1}^t\\alpha_j \\tag{4.8}\n\\end{align}q(ztx)=N(α1α2αtx, 1α1α2αt)=N(αtˉx, 1αtˉ)where αtˉj=1tαj(4.8)


Comparing the forms of Equation 4.8 and Equation 2.1, it can be found that their forms are completely consistent. If only focusing on the final transformed distribution q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt), then the t consective small transformations can be replaced by one large transformation. The α\\alphaα of the large transformation is the accumulation of the α\\alphaα from each small transformation.


In the DDPM[2] paper, the authors used 1000 steps (T=1000) to transform the data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) to q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT). The probability distribution of q(zTx)q(z_T|x)q(zTx) is as follows:\nq(zTx)=N(0.00635 x, 0.99998)\\begin{align}\n q(z_T|x) &= \\mathcal{N}(0.00635\\ x,\\ 0.99998) \\tag{4.9}\n\\end{align}q(zTx)=N(0.00635 x, 0.99998)(4.9)


If considering only marginal distribution q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT), a single transformation can also be used, which is as follows:\nZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ\\begin{align}\n Z_T = \\sqrt{0.0000403}\\ X + \\sqrt{1-0.0000403}\\ \\epsilon = 0.00635\\ X + 0.99998\\ \\epsilon \\tag{4.10}\n\\end{align}ZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ(4.10)\nIt can be seen that, after applying two transforms, the transformed distributions q(zTx)q(z_T|x)q(zTx) are the same. Thus, q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT) is also the same.


If the final probability distribution q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT) and the posterior probabilities of each transform q(xz),q(zt1zt)q(x|z),q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(xz),q(zt1zt) are known, the data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) can be recovered through the Bayes Theorem and the Law of Total Probability, as shown in equations 5.1~5.4. When the final probability distribution q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT) is very similar to the standard normal distribution, the standard normal distribution can be used as a substitute.


Specifics can be seen in Demo 3.2. In the example, q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT) substitutes N(0,1)\\mathcal{N}(0,1)N(0,1), and the error magnitude is given through JS Divergence. The restored probability distribution q(zt)q(z_t)q(zt) and q(x)q(x)q(x) are identified by the green curve\\textcolor{green}{\\text{green curve}}green curve, and the original probability distribution is identified by the blue curve\\textcolor{blue}{\\text{blue curve}}blue curve. It can be observed that the data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) can be well restored, and the error (JS Divergence) will be smaller than the error caused by the standard normal distribution replacing q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT).\nq(zT1)=q(zT1,zT)dzT=q(zT1zT)q(zT)dzTq(zt1)=q(zt1,zt)dzt=q(zt1zt)q(zt)dztq(z1)=q(z1,z2)dz1=q(z1z2)q(z2)dz2q(x)=q(x,z1)dz1=q(xz1)q(z1)dz1\\begin{align}\n q(z_{T-1}) &= \\int q(z_{T-1},z_T)dz_T = \\int q(z_{T-1}|z_T)q(z_T)dz_T \\tag{5.1} \\newline\n & \\dots \\notag \\newline\n q(z_{t-1}) &= \\int q(z_{t-1},z_t)dz_t = \\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(z_t)dz_t \\tag{5.2} \\newline\n & \\dots \\notag \\newline\n q(z_1) &= \\int q(z_1,z_2) dz_1 = \\int q(z_1|z_2)q(z_2)dz_2 \\tag{5.3} \\newline\n q(x) &= \\int q(x,z_1) dz_1 = \\int q(x|z_1)q(z_1)dz_1 \\tag{5.4} \\newline\n\\end{align}q(zT1)q(zt1)q(z1)q(x)=q(zT1,zT)dzT=q(zT1zT)q(zT)dzT=q(zt1,zt)dzt=q(zt1zt)q(zt)dzt=q(z1,z2)dz1=q(z1z2)q(z2)dz2=q(x,z1)dz1=q(xz1)q(z1)dz1(5.1)(5.2)(5.3)(5.4)\nIn this article, the aforementioned transform is referred to as the Posterior Transform. For example, in equation 5.4, the input of the transform is the probability distribution function q(z1)q(z_1)q(z1), and the output is the probability distribution function q(x)q(x)q(x).The entire transform is determined by the posterior q(xz1)q(x|z_1)q(xz1). This transform can also be considered as the linear weighted sum of a set of basis functions, where the basis functions are q(xz1)q(x|z_1)q(xz1) under different z1z_1z1, and the weights of each basis function are q(z1)q(z_1)q(z1). Some interesting properties of this transform will be introduced in Section 7.


In Section 3, we have considered two special posterior probability distributions. Next, we analyze their corresponding posterior transforms.

  • When α0\\alpha \\to 0α0, the q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) for different zzz are almost the same as q(x)q(x)q(x). In other words, the basis functions of linear weighted sum are almost the same. In this state, no matter how the input changes, the output of the transformation is always q(x)q(x)q(x).
  • \n
  • When α1\\alpha \\to 1α1, the q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) for different zzz values becomes a series of Dirac delta functions and zero functions. In this state, as long as the support set of the input distribution is included in the support set of q(x)q(x)q(x), the output of the transformation will remain the same with the input.
  • \n

In Section 4, it is mentioned that the 1000 transformations used in the DDPM[2] can be represented using a single transformation\nZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ\\begin{align}\n Z_T = \\sqrt{0.0000403}\\ X + \\sqrt{1-0.0000403}\\ \\epsilon = 0.00635\\ X + 0.99998\\ \\epsilon \\tag{5.5}\n\\end{align}ZT=0.0000403 X+10.0000403 ϵ=0.00635 X+0.99998 ϵ(5.5)


Since α=0.0000403\\alpha=0.0000403α=0.0000403 is very small, the corresponding standard deviation of GaussFun (Equation 3.4) reaches 157.52. However, the range of XXX is limited within [1,1][-1, 1][1,1], which is far smaller than the standard deviation of GaussFun. Within the range of x[1,1]x \\in [-1, 1]x[1,1], GaussFun should be close to a constant, showing little variation. Therefore, the q(xzT)q(x|z_T)q(xzT) corresponding to different zTz_TzT are almost the same as q(x)q(x)q(x). In this state, the posterior transform corresponding to q(xzT)q(x|z_T)q(xzT) does not depend on the input distribution, the output distribution will always be q(x)q(x)q(x).


Therefore, theoretically, in the DDPM model, it is not necessary to use the standard normal distribution to replace q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT). Any other arbitrary distributions can also be used as a substitute.


Readers can conduct a similar experiment themselves. In Demo 3.1, set start_alpha to 0.25, end_alpha to 0.25, and step to 7. At this point, q(z7)=0.000061X+10.000061ϵq(z_7)=\\sqrt{0.000061}X + \\sqrt{1-0.000061} \\epsilonq(z7)=0.000061X+10.000061ϵ, which is roughly equivalent to DDPM's q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT). Click on apply to perform the forward transform (plotted using blue curves\\textcolor{blue}{\\text{blue curves}}blue curves), which prepares for the subsequent restoring process. In Demo 3.2, set the noise_ratio to 1, introducing 100% noise into the tail distribution q(z7)q(z_7)q(z7). Changing the value of nose_random_seed will change the distribution of noise. Deselect backward_pdf to reduce screen clutter. Click on apply to restore q(x)q(x)q(x) through posterior transform. You will see that, no matter what the shape of input q(z7)q(z_7)q(z7) may be, the restored q(x)q(x)q(x) is always exactly the same as the original q(x)q(x)q(x). The JS Divergence is zero. The restoration process is plotted using a red curve\\textcolor{red}{\\text{red curve}}red curve.


From the front part of Section 3, it is known that the posterior probability distributions are unknown and related to q(x)q(x)q(x). Therefore, in order to recover the data distribution or sample from it, it is necessary to learn and estimate each posterior probability distribution.


From the latter part of Section 3, it can be understood that when certain conditions are met, each posterior probability distribution q(xz),q(zt1zt)q(x|z), q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(xz),q(zt1zt) approximates the Gaussian probability distribution. Therefore, by constructing a set of conditional Gaussian probability models p(xz),p(zt1zt)p(x|z), p(z_{t-1}|z_t)p(xz),p(zt1zt), we can learn to fit the corresponding q(xz),q(zt1zt)q(x|z), q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(xz),q(zt1zt).


Due to the limitations of the model's representative and learning capabilities, there will be certain errors in the fitting process, which will further impact the accuracy of restored q(x)q(x)q(x). The size of the fitting error is related to the complexity of the posterior probability distribution. As can be seen from Section 3, when q(x)q(x)q(x) is more complex or the added noise is large, the posterior probability distribution will be more complex, and it will differ greatly from the Gaussian distribution, thus leading to fitting errors and further affecting the restoration of q(x)q(x)q(x).


Refer to Demo 3.3 for the specifics. The reader can test different q(x)q(x)q(x) and α\\alphaα, observe the fitting degree of the posterior probability distribution q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt) and the accuracy of restored q(x)q(x)q(x). The restored probability distribution is ploted with orange\\textcolor{orange}{\\text{orange}}orange, and the error is also measured by JS divergence.


Regarding the objective function for fitting, similar to other probability models, the cross-entropy loss can be optimized to make p(zt1zt)p(z_{t-1}|z_t)p(zt1zt) approaching q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt). Since (zt1zt)(z_{t-1}|z_t)(zt1zt) is a conditional probability, it is necessary to fully consider all conditions. This can be achieved by averaging the cross-entropy corresponding to each condition weighted by the probability of each condition happening. The final form of the loss function is as follows.\nloss=q(zt)q(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1Cross Entropy dzt=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\int q(z_t) \\overbrace{\\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}}^{\\text{Cross Entropy}}\\ dz_t \\tag{6.1} \\newline\n &= -\\iint q(z_{t-1},z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.2} \n\\end{align}loss=q(zt)q(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1Cross Entropy dzt=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt(6.1)(6.2)


KL divergence can also be optimized as the objective function. KL divergence and cross-entropy are equivalent[10]\nloss=q(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dzt=q(zt)q(zt1zt)q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(zt) q(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1Cross Entropy dzt+q(zt)q(zt1zt)logq(zt1zt)Is Constantdz\\begin{align}\nloss &= \\int q(z_t) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dz_t \\tag{6.3} \\newline &= \\int q(z_t) \\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\frac{q(z_{t-1}|z_t)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}} dz_{t-1} dz_t \\tag{6.4} \\newline &= -\\int q(z_t)\\ \\underbrace{\\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}}_{\\text{Cross Entropy}}\\ dz_t + \\underbrace{\\int q(z_t) \\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\log q(z_{t-1}|z_t)}_{\\text{Is Constant}} dz \\tag{6.5}\n\\end{align}loss=q(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dzt=q(zt)q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt)q(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(zt) Cross Entropyq(zt1zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1 dzt+Is Constantq(zt)q(zt1zt)logq(zt1zt)dz(6.3)(6.4)(6.5)


The integral in equation 6.2 does not have a closed form and cannot be directly optimized. The Monte Carlo integration can be used for approximate calculation. The new objective function is as follows:\nloss=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzti=0Nlogp(Zt1iZti)where(Zt1i,Zti)q(zt1,zt)\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\iint q(z_{t-1},z_t) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.6} \\newline\n &\\approx -\\sum_{i=0}^N \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(Z_{t-1}^i|Z_t^i)} \\qquad where \\quad (Z_{t-1}^i,Z_t^i) \\sim q(z_{t-1},z_t) \\tag{6.7} \n\\end{align}loss=q(zt1,zt)logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzti=0Nlogp(Zt1iZti)where(Zt1i,Zti)q(zt1,zt)(6.6)(6.7)


The aforementioned samples (Zt1i,Zti)(Z_{t-1}^i,Z_t^i)(Zt1i,Zti) follow a joint probability distribution q(zt1,zt)q(z_{t-1},z_t)q(zt1,zt), which can be sampled via an Ancestral Sampling. The specific method is as follows: sample X,Z1,Z2Zt1,ZtX,Z_1,Z_2 \\dots Z_{t-1},Z_tX,Z1,Z2Zt1,Zt step by step through forward transforms (Formulas 4.1~4.4), and then reserve (Zt1,Zt)(Z_{t-1},Z_t)(Zt1,Zt) as a sample. This sampling process is relatively slow. To speed up the sampling, we can take advantage of the known features of the probability distribution q(ztx)q(z_t|x)q(ztx) (Formula 4.8). First, sample XXX from q(x)q(x)q(x), then sample Zt1Z_{t-1}Zt1 from q(zt1x)q(z_{t-1}|x)q(zt1x), and finally sample ZtZ_tZt from q(ztzt1)q(z_t|z_{t-1})q(ztzt1). Thus, a sample (Zt1,Zt)(Z_{t-1},Z_t)(Zt1,Zt) is obtained.


Some people may question that the objective function in Equation 6.3 seems different from those in the DPM[1] and DDPM[2] papers. In fact, these two objective functions are equivalent, and the proof is given below.


For Consistent Terms, the proof is as follows:


loss=q(zt1,zt) logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)dx logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logq(zt1zt,x)dxdzt1dztThis Term Is Constant And Is Represented By C1q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logp(zt1zt)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logq(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(ztx)q(zt1zt,x)logq(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt)dzt1 dzxdztC1= q(x)q(ztx)KL[q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt)]dxdztC1 q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\iint q(z_{t-1},z_t)\\ \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.8} \\newline\n &= -\\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1}, z_t|x)dx\\ \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dz_{t-1}dz_t \\tag{6.9} \\newline\n &= \\overbrace{\\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1}, z_t|x) \\log q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x)dxdz_{t-1}dz_t}^{\\text{This Term Is Constant And Is Represented By}\\ \\textcolor{orange}{C_1}} \\tag{6.10} \\newline\n &\\quad - \\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1}, z_t|x) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}dxdz_{t-1}dz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.11} \\newline\n &= \\iint \\int q(x)q(z_{t-1},z_t|x) \\log \\frac{q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}}dxdz_{t-1}dz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.12} \\newline\n &= \\iint q(x)q(z_t|x)\\int q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\log \\frac{q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}}dz_{t-1}\\ dz_xdz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.13} \\newline\n &= \\iint \\ q(x)q(z_t|x) KL[q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)}]dxdz_t - \\textcolor{orange}{C_1} \\tag{6.14} \\newline\n &\\propto \\iint \\ q(x)q(z_t|x) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dxdz_t \\tag{6.15} \\newline\n\\end{align}loss=q(zt1,zt) logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)dx logp(zt1zt)dzt1dzt=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logq(zt1zt,x)dxdzt1dztThis Term Is Constant And Is Represented By C1q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logp(zt1zt)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(zt1,ztx)logp(zt1zt)q(zt1zt,x)dxdzt1dztC1=q(x)q(ztx)q(zt1zt,x)logp(zt1zt)q(zt1zt,x)dzt1 dzxdztC1= q(x)q(ztx)KL[q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt)]dxdztC1 q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt(6.8)(6.9)(6.10)(6.11)(6.12)(6.13)(6.14)(6.15)


In the above formula, the term C1C_1C1 is a fixed value, which does not contain parameters to be optimized. Here, q(x)q(x)q(x) is a fixed probability distribution, and q(zt1zt)q(z_{t-1}|z_t)q(zt1zt) is also a fixed probability distribution, whose specific form is determined by q(x)q(x)q(x) and the coefficient α\\alphaα.


For the Reconstruction Term, it can be proven in a similar way.


loss=q(z1)q(xz1)logp(xz1)dxCross Entropy dz1=q(z1,x)logp(xz1)dxdz1=q(x)q(z1x)logp(xz1)dz1 dx\\begin{align}\n loss &= -\\int q(z_1)\\overbrace{\\int q(x|z_1)\\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(x|z_1)}dx}^{\\text{Cross Entropy}}\\ dz_1 \\tag{6.16} \\newline\n &= -\\iint q(z_1,x)\\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(x|z_1)}dxdz_1 \\tag{6.17} \\newline\n &= -\\int q(x)\\int q(z_1|x)\\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(x|z_1)}dz_1\\ dx \\tag{6.18}\n\\end{align}loss=q(z1)q(xz1)logp(xz1)dxCross Entropy dz1=q(z1,x)logp(xz1)dxdz1=q(x)q(z1x)logp(xz1)dz1 dx(6.16)(6.17)(6.18)


Therefore, the objective function in equation 6.1 is equivalent with the DPM original objective function.


Based on the conclusion of the Consistent Terms proof and the relationship between cross entropy and KL divergence, an interesting conclusion can be drawn:\nminpq(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dzt    minp q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} \\int q(z_t) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dz_t \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} \\iint \\ q(x)q(z_t|x) KL(q(z_{t-1}|z_t,x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z_{t-1}|z_t)})dxdz_t \\tag{6.19} \n\\end{align}minpq(zt)KL(q(zt1zt)p(zt1zt))dztminp q(x)q(ztx)KL(q(zt1zt,x)p(zt1zt))dxdzt(6.19)\nBy comparing the expressions on the left and right, it can be observed that the objective function on the right side includes an additional variable XXX compared to the left side. At the same time, there is an additional integral with respect to XXX, with the occurrence probability of XXX, denoted as q(x)q(x)q(x), serving as the weighting coefficient for the integral.


Following a similar proof method, a more general relationship can be derived:\nminpKL(q(z)p(z))    minp q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p}} \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)})dx \\tag{6.20} \n\\end{align}minpKL(q(z)p(z))minp q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx(6.20)\nA detailed derivation of this conclusion can be found in Appendix A.


Contraction Mapping and Converging Point

\nq(x)=q(x,z)dz=q(xz)q(z)dz\\begin{align}\n q(x) &= \\int q(x,z) dz = \\int q(x|z)q(z)dz \\tag{7.1}\n\\end{align}q(x)=q(x,z)dz=q(xz)q(z)dz(7.1)\n\n

Through extensive experiments with one-dimensional random variables, it was found that the Posterior Transform exhibits the characteristics of Contraction Mapping. This means that, for any two probability distributions qi1(z)q_{i1}(z)qi1(z) and qi2(z)q_{i2}(z)qi2(z), after posterior transform, we get qo1(x)q_{o1}(x)qo1(x) and qo2(x)q_{o2}(x)qo2(x). The distance between qo1(x)q_{o1}(x)qo1(x) and qo2(x)q_{o2}(x)qo2(x) is always less than the distance between qi1(x)q_{i1}(x)qi1(x) and qi2(x)q_{i2}(x)qi2(x). Here, the distance can be measured using JS divergence or Total Variance. Furthermore, the contractive ratio of this contraction mapping is positively related to the size of the added noise.\ndist(qo1(z), qo2(z))<dist(qi1(x), qi2(x))\\begin{align}\n dist(q_{o1}(z),\\ q_{o2}(z)) < dist(q_{i1}(x),\\ q_{i2}(x)) \\tag{7.2}\n\\end{align}dist(qo1(z), qo2(z))<dist(qi1(x), qi2(x))(7.2)


Readers can refer to Demo 4.1, where the first three figure present a transform process. The first figure is an arbitrary data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x), the third figure is the transformed probability distribution, and second figure is the posterior probability distribution q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz). You can change the random seed to generate a new data distributionq(x)q(x)q(x), and adjust the value of α\\alphaα to introduce different degrees of noise.


The last two figures show contraction of the transform. The fourth figure displays two randomly generated input distributions and their distance, divindiv_{in}divin. The fifth figure displays the two output distributions after transform, with the distance denoted as divoutdiv_{out}divout.


Readers can change the input random seed to toggle different inputs. It can be observed from the figures that divindiv_{in}divin is always smaller than divoutdiv_{out}divout for any input. Additionally, if you change the value of α\\alphaα, you will see that the smaller the α\\alphaα(larger noise), the smaller the ratio of divout/divindiv_{out}/div_{in}divout/divin,indicating a larger rate of contraction.


According to the Banach fixed-point theorem[5], a contraction mapping has a unique fixed point (converged point). That is to say, for any input distribution, the Posterior Transform can be applied continuously through iterations, and as long as the number of iterations is sufficient, the final output would be the same distribution. After a large number of one-dimensional random variable experiments, it was found that the fixed point (converged point) is located near q(x)q(x)q(x). Also, the location is related to the value of α\\alphaα; the smaller α\\alphaα (larger noise), the closer it is.


Readers can refer to Demo 4.2, which illustrates an example of applying posterior transform iteratively. Choose an appropriate number of iterations, and click on the button of Apply, and the iteration process will be draw step by step. Each subplot shows the transformed output distribution(green curve\\textcolor{green}{\\text{green curve}}green curve) from each transform, with the reference distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) expressed as a blue curve\\textcolor{blue}{\\text{blue curve}}blue curve, as well as the distance divdivdiv between the output distribution and q(x)q(x)q(x). It can be seen that as the number of iterations increases, the output distribution becomes more and more similar to q(x)q(x)q(x), and will eventually stabilize near q(x)q(x)q(x). For more complicated distributions, more iterations or greater noise may be required. The maximum number of iterations can be set to tens of thousands, but it'll take longer.


For the one-dimensional discrete case, q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) is discretized into a matrix (denoted as QxzQ_{x|z}Qxz), q(z)q(z)q(z) is discretized into a vector (denoted as qi\\boldsymbol{q_i}qi). The integration operation q(xz)q(z)dz\\int q(x|z)q(z)dzq(xz)q(z)dz is discretized into a matrix-vector multiplication operation, thus the posterior transform can be written as\nqo=Qxz qi1 iterationqo=Qxz Qxz qi2 iterationqo=(Qxz)n qin iteration\\begin{align}\n \\boldsymbol{q_o} &= Q_{x|z}\\ \\boldsymbol{q_i} & \\quad\\quad &\\text{1 iteration} \\tag{7.3} \\newline\n \\boldsymbol{q_o} &= Q_{x|z}\\ Q_{x|z}\\ \\boldsymbol{q_i} & \\quad\\quad &\\text{2 iteration} \\tag{7.4} \\newline\n & \\dots & \\notag \\newline\n \\boldsymbol{q_o} &= (Q_{x|z})^n\\ \\boldsymbol{q_i} & \\quad\\quad &\\text{n iteration} \\tag{7.5} \\newline\n\\end{align}qoqoqo=Qxz qi=Qxz Qxz qi=(Qxz)n qi1 iteration2 iterationn iteration(7.3)(7.4)(7.5)\nIn order to better understand the property of the transform, the matrix (Qxz)n(Q_{x|z})^n(Qxz)n is also plotted in Demo 4.2. From the demo we can see that, as the iterations converge, the row vectors of the matrix (Qxz)n(Q_{x|z})^n(Qxz)n will become a constant vector, that is, all components of the vector will be the same, which will appear as a horizontal line in the denisty plot.


In the Appendix B, a proof will be provided that, when q(x)q(x)q(x) and α\\alphaα satisfy some conditions, the posterior transform is a strict Contraction Mapping.


The relationship between the converged distribution and the input distribution q(x) cannot be rigorously proven at present.


Anti-noise Capacity In Restoring Data Distribution

\nFrom the above analysis, we know that when certain conditions are satisfied, the posterior transform is a contraction mapping. Therefore, the following relationship exists: \ndist(q(x), qo(x))<dist(q(z), qi(z))\\begin{align}\n dist(q(x),\\ q_o(x)) < dist(q(z),\\ q_i(z)) \\tag{7.12}\n\\end{align}dist(q(x), qo(x))<dist(q(z), qi(z))(7.12)\nWherein, q(z)q(z)q(z) is the ideal input distribution, q(x)q(x)q(x) is the ideal output distribution, qi(x)q_i(x)qi(x) is any arbitrary input distribution, and qo(x)q_o(x)qo(x) is the output distribution obtained after transforming qi(z)q_i(z)qi(z). \n\n

The above equation indicates that the distance between the output distribution qo(x)q_o(x)qo(x) and the ideal output distribution q(x) will always be less than the distance between the input distribution qi(z)q_i(z)qi(z) and the ideal input distribution q(x). Hence, the posterior transform has certain resistance to noise. This means that during the process of restoring q(x)q(x)q(x)(Section 5), even if the tail distribution q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT) contains some error, the error of the outputed distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) will be smaller than the error of input after undergoing a series of transform.


Refer specifically to Demo 3.2, where by increasing the value of the noise ratio, noise can be added to the tail distribution q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT). Clicking the \"apply\" button will gradually draw out the restoring process, with the restored distribution represented by a red curve\\textcolor{red}{\\text{red curve}}red curve, and the error size will be computed by the JS divergence. You will see that the error of restored q(x)q(x)q(x) is always less than the error of q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT).


From the above discussion, we know that the smaller the α\\alphaα (the larger the noise used in the transform process), the greater the contractive ratio of the contraction mapping, and thus, the stronger the ability to resist noise.


As mentioned in the Section 1, the transform of Equation 2.1 can be divided into two sub-transforms, the first one being a linear transform and the second being adding independent Gaussian noise. The linear transform is equivalent to a scaling transform of the probability distribution, so it has an inverse transformation. Adding independent Gaussian noise is equivalent to the execution of a convolution operation on the probability distribution, which can be restored through deconvolution. Therefore, theoretically, the data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) can be recovered from the final probability distribution q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT) through inverse linear transform and deconvolution.


However, in actuality, some problems do exist. Due to the extreme sensitivity of deconvolution to errors, having high input sensitivity, even a small amount of input noise can lead to significant changes in output[11][12]. Meanwhile, in the diffusion model, the standard normal distribution is used as an approximation to replace q(zT)q(z_T)q(zT), thus, noise is introduced at the initial stage of recovery. Although the noise is relatively small, because of the sensitivity of deconvolution, the noise will gradually amplify, affecting the recovery.


In addition, the infeasibility of deconvolution restoring can be understood from another perspective. Since the process of forward transform (equations 4.1 to 4.4) is fixed, the convolution kernel is fixed. Therefore, the corresponding deconvolution transform is also fixed. Since the initial data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) is arbitrary, any probability distribution can be transformed into an approximation of N(0,I)\\mathcal{N}(0,I)N(0,I) through a series of fixed linear transforms and convolutions. If deconvolution restoring is feasible, it means that a fixed deconvolution can be used to restore any data distribution q(x)q(x)q(x) from the N(0,I)\\mathcal{N}(0,I)N(0,I) , this is clearly paradoxical. The same input, the same transform, cannot have multiple different outputs.


APP: This Web APP is developed using Gradio and deployed on HuggingFace. Due to limited resources (2 cores, 16G memory), the response may be slow. For a better experience, it is recommended to clone the source code from github and run it locally. This program only relies on Gradio, SciPy, and Matplotlib.


Author: Zhenxin Zheng, Senior computer vision engineer with ten years of algorithm development experience, Formerly employed by Tencent and JD.com, currently focusing on image and video generation.


Email: blair.star@163.com.





\n对于任意两个随机变量Z,XZ,XZ,X(Entropy)定义如下[16]:\nH(Z)=p(z)logp(z)dz\\begin{align}\n \\mathbf{H}(Z) = \\int -p(z)\\log{p(z)}dz \\tag{A.1}\n\\end{align}H(Z)=p(z)logp(z)dz(A.1)\n条件熵(Conditional Entropy)的定义如下[17]:\nH(ZX)=p(x)p(zx)logp(zx)dzEntropy dx\\begin{align}\n \\mathbf{H}(Z|X) = \\int p(x) \\overbrace{\\int -p(z|x)\\log{p(z|x)}dz}^{\\text{Entropy}}\\ dx \\tag{A.2}\n\\end{align}H(ZX)=p(x)p(zx)logp(zx)dzEntropy dx(A.2)\n两者存在如下的不等式关系:\nH(ZX)H(Z)\\begin{align}\n \\mathbf{H}(Z|X) \\le \\mathbf{H}(Z) \\tag{A.3}\n\\end{align}H(ZX)H(Z)(A.3)\n也就是说,条件熵总是小于或者等于熵,当且仅当X与Z相互独立时,两者相等。此关系的证明可看文献[17]。\n\n


\n仿照条件熵定义的方式,引入一个新定义,条件KL散度,记为KLCKL_{\\mathcal{C}}KLC。由于KL散度的定义是非对称的,所以存在两种形式,如下:\nKLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dxKLC(q(z)p(zx))= p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx\\begin{align}\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) = \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)})dx \\tag{A.4} \\newline\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)}) = \\int \\ \\textcolor{blue}{p(x)} KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)})dx \\tag{A.5}\n\\end{align}KLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dxKLC(q(z)p(zx))= p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx(A.4)(A.5)\n\n

与条件熵类似,条件KL散度也存在类似的不等式关系:\nKLC(q(zx)p(z))KL(q(z)p(z))KLC(q(z)p(zx))KL(q(z)p(z))\\begin{align}\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\ge KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\tag{A.6} \\newline\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)}) \\ge KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\tag{A.7}\n\\end{align}KLC(q(zx)p(z))KL(q(z)p(z))KLC(q(z)p(zx))KL(q(z)p(z))(A.6)(A.7)\n也就是说,条件KL散度总是大于或者等于KL散度,当且仅当X与Z相互独立时,两者相等。




对于式A.6,证明如下:\nKLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx=q(x)q(zx)logq(zx)p(z)dzdx=q(x)q(zx)logq(zx)dzdxCondtional Entropy Hq(ZX)q(x)q(zx)logp(z)dzdx=Hq(ZX){q(x)q(zx)dx}logp(z)dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logp(z)dzCross Entropy=Hq(ZX)+q(z){logq(z)p(z)logq(z)}dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logq(z)p(z)dz+q(z)logq(z)dzEntropy Hq(Z)=KL(q(z)p(z))+Hq(Z)Hq(ZX)0KL(q(z)p(z))\\begin{align}\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) &= \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)})dx \\tag{A.8} \\newline\n &= \\iint q(x) q(z|x) \\log \\frac{q(z|x)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}}dzdx \\tag{A.9} \\newline\n &= -\\overbrace{\\iint - q(x)q(z|x) \\log q(z|x) dzdx}^{\\text{Condtional Entropy }\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X)} - \\iint q(x) q(z|x) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)} dzdx \\tag{A.10} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) - \\int \\left\\lbrace \\int q(x) q(z|x)dx \\right\\rbrace \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}dz \\tag{A.11} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) + \\overbrace{\\int - q(z) \\log p(z)dz}^{\\text{Cross Entropy}} \\tag{A.12} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) + \\int q(z)\\left\\lbrace \\log\\frac{q(z)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}} -\\log q(z)\\right\\rbrace dz \\tag{A.13} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) + \\int q(z)\\log\\frac{q(z)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}}dz + \\overbrace{\\int - q(z)\\log q(z)dz}^{\\text{Entropy } \\mathbf{H}_q(Z)} \\tag{A.14} \\newline\n &= KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) + \\overbrace{\\mathbf{H}_q(Z) - \\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X)}^{\\ge 0} \\tag{A.15} \\newline\n &\\le KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\tag{A.16}\n\\end{align}KLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx=q(x)q(zx)logp(z)q(zx)dzdx=q(x)q(zx)logq(zx)dzdxCondtional Entropy Hq(ZX)q(x)q(zx)logp(z)dzdx=Hq(ZX){q(x)q(zx)dx}logp(z)dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logp(z)dzCross Entropy=Hq(ZX)+q(z){logp(z)q(z)logq(z)}dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logp(z)q(z)dz+q(z)logq(z)dzEntropy Hq(Z)=KL(q(z)p(z))+Hq(Z)Hq(ZX)0KL(q(z)p(z))(A.8)(A.9)(A.10)(A.11)(A.12)(A.13)(A.14)(A.15)(A.16)\n其中式A.15应用了\"条件熵总是小于或者等于熵\"的结论。于是,得到式A.6的关系。


对于式A.7,证明如下:\nKL(q(z)p(z))=q(z)logq(z)p(z)dx=q(z)logq(z)p(zx)p(z)dzdz=p(x)dxq(z)logq(z)dzq(z)logp(zx)p(x)dxdz p(x)dx=1p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxq(z)p(x)logp(zx)dxdz jensen inequality=p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxp(z)q(z)logp(zx)dzdx=p(x)q(z)(logq(z)logp(zx))dzdx=p(x)q(z)logq(z)p(zx)dzdx=p(x){q(z)logq(z)p(zx)dz}dx=p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx=KLC(q(z)p(zx))\\begin{align}\n KL(\\textcolor{blue}{q(z)} \\Vert p(z)) &= \\int \\textcolor{blue}{q(z)}\\log\\frac{\\textcolor{blue}{q(z)}}{p(z)}dx \\tag{A.15} \\newline\n &= \\int q(z)\\log\\frac{q(z)}{\\int p(z|x)p(z)dz}dz \\tag{A.16} \\newline\n &= \\textcolor{orange}{\\int p(x)dx}\\int q(z)\\log q(z)dz - \\int q(z)\\textcolor{red}{\\log\\int p(z|x)p(x)dx}dz \\qquad \\ \\textcolor{orange}{\\int p(x)dx=1} \\tag{A.17} \\newline\n &\\le \\iint p(x) q(z)\\log q(z)dzdx - \\int q(z)\\textcolor{red}{\\int p(x)\\log p(z|x)dx}dz \\ \\qquad \\textcolor{red}{\\text{jensen\\ inequality}} \\tag{A.18} \\newline\n &= \\iint p(x)q(z)\\log q(z)dzdx - \\iint p(z)q(z)\\log p(z|x)dzdx \\tag{A.19} \\newline\n &= \\iint p(x)q(z)(\\log q(z) - \\log p(z|x))dzdx \\tag{A.20} \\newline\n &= \\iint p(x)q(z)\\log \\frac{q(z)}{p(z|x)}dzdx \\tag{A.21} \\newline\n &= \\int p(x)\\left\\lbrace \\int q(z)\\log \\frac{q(z)}{p(z|x)}dz\\right\\rbrace dx \\tag{A.22} \\newline\n &= \\int p(x)KL(\\textcolor{blue}{q(z)} \\Vert p(z|x))dx \\tag{A.23} \\newline\n &= KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)}) \\tag{A.24}\n\\end{align}KL(q(z)p(z))=q(z)logp(z)q(z)dx=q(z)logp(zx)p(z)dzq(z)dz=p(x)dxq(z)logq(z)dzq(z)logp(zx)p(x)dxdz p(x)dx=1p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxq(z)p(x)logp(zx)dxdz jensen inequality=p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxp(z)q(z)logp(zx)dzdx=p(x)q(z)(logq(z)logp(zx))dzdx=p(x)q(z)logp(zx)q(z)dzdx=p(x){q(z)logp(zx)q(z)dz}dx=p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx=KLC(q(z)p(zx))(A.15)(A.16)(A.17)(A.18)(A.19)(A.20)(A.21)(A.22)(A.23)(A.24)\n于是,得到式A.7的关系。




KL散度常用于拟合数据的分布。在此场景中,数据潜在的分布用q(z)q(z)q(z)表示,参数化的模型分布用pθ(z)\\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta(z)}pθ(z)表示。在优化的过程中,由于q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx)q(x)q(x)q(x)均保持不变,所以式A.15中的H(Z)H(ZX)\\mathbf{H}(Z) - \\mathbf{H}(Z|X)H(Z)H(ZX)为一个常数项。于是,可得到如下的关系\nminpθKL(q(z)pθ(z))    minpθ q(x)KL(q(zx)pθ(z))dx\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta}} KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta(z)}) \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta}} \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta(z)})dx \\tag{A.25}\n\\end{align}minpθKL(q(z)pθ(z))minpθ q(x)KL(q(zx)pθ(z))dx(A.25)


把上述的关系与Denoised Score Matching[18]作比较,可发现一些相似的地方。两者均引入一个新变量XXX,并且将拟合的目标分布q(z)代替为q(z|x)。代替后,由于q(z|x)是条件概率分布,所以,两者均考虑了所有的条件,并以条件发生的概率q(x)q(x)q(x)作为权重系数执行加权和。\nminψθ12q(z)ψθ(z)q(z)z2dz    minψθq(x) 12q(zx)ψθ(z)q(zx)z2dzScore Matching of q(zx) dx\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta}} \\frac{1}{2} \\int q(z) \\left\\lVert \\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta(z)} - \\frac{\\partial q(z)}{\\partial z} \\right\\rVert^2 dz \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta}} \\int q(x)\\ \\overbrace{\\frac{1}{2} \\int q(z|x) \\left\\lVert \\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta(z)} - \\frac{\\partial q(z|x)}{\\partial z} \\right\\rVert^2 dz}^{\\text{Score Matching of }q(z|x)}\\ dx \\tag{A.26}\n\\end{align}minψθ21q(z)ψθ(z)zq(z)2dzminψθq(x) 21q(zx)ψθ(z)zq(zx)2dzScore Matching of q(zx) dx(A.26)


上述加权和的操作有点类似于\"全概率公式消元\"。\nq(z)=q(z,x)dx=q(x)q(zx)dx\\begin{align}\n q(z) = \\int q(z,x) dx = \\int q(x) q(z|x) dx \\tag{A.27}\n\\end{align}q(z)=q(z,x)dx=q(x)q(zx)dx(A.27)

Figure 2: Only one component in support



下面分四种情况进行证明。证明的过程假设随机变量是离散型的,因此,后验概率变换可看作是一个离散Markov Chain的一步转移,后验概率q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)对应于转移矩阵(Transfer Matrix)。连续型的变量可认为是无限多状态的离散型变量。

  1. q(x)q(x)q(x)均大于0时,后验概率变换矩阵q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)将大于0,于是此矩阵是一个不可约非周期\\textcolor{red}{不可约}\\textcolor{green}{非周期}不可约非周期的Markov Chain的转移矩阵,根据文献[13]的结论,此变换是一个关于Total Variance度量的压缩映射,于是,根据Banach fixed-point theorem,此变换存在惟一定点(收敛点)。
  2. \n \n
  3. q(x)q(x)q(x)部分大于0,并且q(x)q(x)q(x)的支撑集(q(x)q(x)q(x)大于0的区域)只存在一个连通域时(图2),由式(3.4)可分析出几个结论:\n\n
    1. zzzxxx在支撑集内时,由于q(x)q(x)q(x)和GaussFun均大于0,所以,转移矩阵的对角元素{q(xz)z=x}\\{q(x|z)|z=x\\}{q(xz)z=x}大于0。这意味着,支撑集内的状态是非周期\\textcolor{green}{非周期}非周期的。
    2. \n\n
    3. zzzxxx在支撑集内时,由于GaussFun的支撑集存在一定的半径,所以,在对角元素上下附近区域内的{q(xz)x=z+ϵ}\\{q(x|z)|x=z+\\epsilon\\}{q(xz)x=z+ϵ}也大于0。这意味着,支撑集内的状态可相互访问(accessible),形成一个Communication Class\\textcolor{red}{\\text{Communication Class}}Communication Class[14]
    4. \n \n
    5. zzz在支撑集内xxx在支撑集外时,q(xz){q(x|z)}q(xz)全为0。这意味着,支撑集内的状态不可访问支撑集外的状态(图2b的inaccessible区域)。
    6. \n \n
    7. zzz在支撑集外xxx在支撑集内时,由于GaussFun的支撑集存在一定的范围,所以,存在部分扩展区域(图2b的extension区域),其对应的{q(xz)xsupport}\\{q(x|z)|x\\in support\\}{q(xz)xsupport}不全为0。这意味着,此部分扩展区域的状态可单向访问(access)支撑集内的状态(图2b的unidirectional区域)。
    8. \n \n
    9. zzz在支撑集外xxx在支撑集外时,对应的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)全为0。这意味着,支撑集外的状态不会转移至支撑集外的状态,也就是说,支撑集外的状态只来源于支撑集内的状态。
    10. \n\n

      \n由(c)可知,支撑集内的状态不会转移到支撑集外的状态,由(a)和(b)可知,支撑集内的状态是非周期且构成一个Communicate Class,所以,支撑集内的状态独立构成一个不可约且非周期的Markov Chain,根据文献[7]中Theorem 11.4.1的结论,当n+n\\to+\\inftyn+时,q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n收敛于一个固定矩阵,并且矩阵每个列向量都相同。这意味着,对于不同的z,q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n都相同(可见图2c)。另外,由(d)和(e)可知,存在部分支撑集外的z状态,能转移至支撑集内,并且会带着支撑集内的信息转移回支撑集外,于是,此部分z状态对应的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)(图2c的q(xzex)q(x|z_{ex})q(xzex)区域)也会等于支撑集内对应的q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)(图2c的q(xzsup)q(x|z_{sup})q(xzsup)区域)。\n


      \n所以,可以得出结论,当状态限制在支撑集和两个扩展区域内时,limnq(xz)n\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{q(x|z)^n}limnq(xz)n会收敛于一个固定矩阵,并且每个列向量均相同。于是,对于任意的输入分布,如果连续应用足够多后验概率变换,最终会收敛于一个固定分布,此分布等于收敛的矩阵的列向量。根据文献[9]的结论,当迭代变换收敛于惟一定点时,此变换是关于某个metric的Contraction Mapping。\n

  4. \n\n
  5. q(x)q(x)q(x)部分大于0,q(x)q(x)q(x)的支撑集存在多个连通域,并且各个连通域的最大距离被相应的GaussFun的支撑集所覆盖时,那各个连通域内的状态构成一个Communicate Class。如图3所示,q(x)q(x)q(x)存在两个连通域,在第一个连通域的边缘,q(xz=0.3)q(x|z=-0.3)q(xz=0.3)对应的GaussFun的支撑集能跨越间隙到达第二个连通域,于是第一个连通域的状态能访问第二个连通域的状态;在第二个连通域的边缘,q(xz=0)q(x|z=0)q(xz=0)对应的GaussFun的支撑集也能跨越间隙到达第一个连通域,于是第二个连通域的状态能访问第一个连通域的状态,所以两个连通域构成一个Communicate Class。因此,与单个连通域的情况类似,当状态限制在各个连通域、间隙及扩展区域内时,后验概率变换存在惟一一个迭代收敛点,并且是关于某个metric的压缩映射。
  6. \n\n
  7. q(x)q(x)q(x)部分大于0,q(x)q(x)q(x)的支撑集存在多个连通域时,并且各个连通域的最大距离不能被相应的GaussFun的支撑集所覆盖时,那各个连通域内的状态构成多个Communicate Class,如图4所示。此情况下,当nn\\to\\inftyn时,q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n也会收敛于一个固定矩阵,但每个列向量不尽相同。所以,后验概率变换不是一个严格的压缩映射。但当输入分布的状态限制在单个Communicate Class及相应的扩展范围内时,后验概率变换也是一个压缩映射,存在惟一收敛点。
  8. \n
Figure 3: Two component which can communicate with each other
Figure 4: Two component which cannot communicate with each other

另外,后验概率变换存在一个更通用的关系,与q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz)的具体值无关: 两个输出分布的之间的Total Variance距离总是会小于等于对应输入分布之间的Total Variance距离,即\ndist(qo1(x), qo2(x))dist(qi1(z), qi2(z))\\begin{align}\n dist(q_{o1}(x),\\ q_{o2}(x)) \\le dist(q_{i1}(z),\\ q_{i2}(z)) \\tag{B.1}\n\\end{align}dist(qo1(x), qo2(x))dist(qi1(z), qi2(z))(B.1)\n下面通过离散的形式给出证明:\nqo1qo2TV=Qxzqi1Qxzqi2TV=mnQxz(m,n)qi1(n)nQxz(m,n)qi2(n)=mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))Absolute value inequality=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))mQxz(m,n)mQxz(m,n)=1=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))\\begin{align}\n \\lVert q_{o1}-q_{o2}\\rVert_{TV} &= \\lVert Q_{x|z}q_{i1} - Q_{x|z}q_{i2}\\rVert_{TV} \\tag{B.2} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{m}\\textcolor{red}{|}\\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)q_{i1}(n) - \\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)q_{i2}(n)\\textcolor{red}{|} \\tag{B.3} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{m}\\textcolor{red}{|}\\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\tag{B.4} \\newline\n &\\leq \\sum_{m}\\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)\\textcolor{red}{|}(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\qquad \\qquad \\qquad \\text{Absolute value inequality} \\tag{B.5} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{n}\\textcolor{red}{|}(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\sum_{m} Q_{x|z}(m,n) \\qquad \\qquad \\qquad \\sum_{m} Q_{x|z}(m,n) = 1 \\tag{B.6} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{n}\\textcolor{red}{|}(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\tag{B.7}\n\\end{align}qo1qo2TV=Qxzqi1Qxzqi2TV=mnQxz(m,n)qi1(n)nQxz(m,n)qi2(n)=mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))Absolute value inequality=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))mQxz(m,n)mQxz(m,n)=1=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))(B.2)(B.3)(B.4)(B.5)(B.6)(B.7)\n其中,Qxz(m,n)Q_{x|z}(m,n)Qxz(m,n)表示矩阵QxzQ_{x|z}Qxz的第m行第n列的元素,qi1(n)q_{i1}(n)qi1(n)表示向量qi1q_{i1}qi1的第n个元素。


This section mainly introduces the relationship between KL divergence and conditional KL divergence. Before the formal introduction, we will briefly introduce the definitions of entropy and conditional entropy, as well as the inequality relationship between them, in preparation for the subsequent proof


Entropy and Conditional Entropy

\nFor any two random variables Z,XZ, XZ,X, the Entropy is defined as follows[16]:\nH(Z)=p(z)logp(z)dz\\begin{align}\n \\mathbf{H}(Z) = \\int -p(z)\\log{p(z)}dz \\tag{A.1}\n\\end{align}H(Z)=p(z)logp(z)dz(A.1)\nThe Conditional Entropy is defined as followed [17]:\nH(ZX)=p(x)p(zx)logp(zx)dzEntropy dx\\begin{align}\n \\mathbf{H}(Z|X) = \\int p(x) \\overbrace{\\int -p(z|x)\\log{p(z|x)}dz}^{\\text{Entropy}}\\ dx \\tag{A.2}\n\\end{align}H(ZX)=p(x)p(zx)logp(zx)dzEntropy dx(A.2)\nThe following inequality relationship exists between the two:\nH(ZX)H(Z)\\begin{align}\n \\mathbf{H}(Z|X) \\le \\mathbf{H}(Z) \\tag{A.3}\n\\end{align}H(ZX)H(Z)(A.3)\nIt is to say that the Conditional Entropy is always less than or equal to the Entropy, and they are equal only when X and Z are independent. The proof of this relationship can be found in the literature [17].\n\n

KL Divergence and Conditional KL Divergence

\nIn the same manner as the definition of Conditional Entropy, we introduce a new definition, Conditional KL Divergence, denoted as KLmathcalCKL_{\\\\mathcal{C}}KLmathcalC. Since KL Divergence is non-symmetric, there exist two forms as follows. \nKLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dxKLC(q(z)p(zx))= p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx\\begin{align}\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) = \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)})dx \\tag{A.4} \\newline\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)}) = \\int \\ \\textcolor{blue}{p(x)} KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)})dx \\tag{A.5}\n\\end{align}KLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dxKLC(q(z)p(zx))= p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx(A.4)(A.5)\n\n

Similar to Conditional Entropy, there also exists a similar inequality relationship for Conditional KL Divergence:\nKLC(q(zx)p(z))KL(q(z)p(z))KLC(q(z)p(zx))KL(q(z)p(z))\\begin{align}\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\ge KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\tag{A.6} \\newline\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)}) \\ge KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\tag{A.7}\n\\end{align}KLC(q(zx)p(z))KL(q(z)p(z))KLC(q(z)p(zx))KL(q(z)p(z))(A.6)(A.7)\nIt is to say that the Conditional KL Divergence is always less than or equal to the KL Divergence, and they are equal only when X and Z are independent.


The following provides proofs for the conclusions on Equation A.5 and Equation A.6 respectively.


For equation A.6, the proof is as follows:\nKLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx=q(x)q(zx)logq(zx)p(z)dzdx=q(x)q(zx)logq(zx)dzdxCondtional Entropy Hq(ZX)q(x)q(zx)logp(z)dzdx=Hq(ZX){q(x)q(zx)dx}logp(z)dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logp(z)dzCross Entropy=Hq(ZX)+q(z){logq(z)p(z)logq(z)}dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logq(z)p(z)dz+q(z)logq(z)dzEntropy Hq(Z)=KL(q(z)p(z))+Hq(Z)Hq(ZX)0KL(q(z)p(z))\\begin{align}\n KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) &= \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)})dx \\tag{A.8} \\newline\n &= \\iint q(x) q(z|x) \\log \\frac{q(z|x)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}}dzdx \\tag{A.9} \\newline\n &= -\\overbrace{\\iint - q(x)q(z|x) \\log q(z|x) dzdx}^{\\text{Condtional Entropy }\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X)} - \\iint q(x) q(z|x) \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)} dzdx \\tag{A.10} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) - \\int \\left\\lbrace \\int q(x) q(z|x)dx \\right\\rbrace \\log \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}dz \\tag{A.11} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) + \\overbrace{\\int - q(z) \\log p(z)dz}^{\\text{Cross Entropy}} \\tag{A.12} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) + \\int q(z)\\left\\lbrace \\log\\frac{q(z)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}} -\\log q(z)\\right\\rbrace dz \\tag{A.13} \\newline\n &= -\\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X) + \\int q(z)\\log\\frac{q(z)}{\\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}}dz + \\overbrace{\\int - q(z)\\log q(z)dz}^{\\text{Entropy } \\mathbf{H}_q(Z)} \\tag{A.14} \\newline\n &= KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) + \\overbrace{\\mathbf{H}_q(Z) - \\mathbf{H}_q(Z|X)}^{\\ge 0} \\tag{A.15} \\newline\n &\\le KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z)}) \\tag{A.16}\n\\end{align}KLC(q(zx)p(z))= q(x)KL(q(zx)p(z))dx=q(x)q(zx)logp(z)q(zx)dzdx=q(x)q(zx)logq(zx)dzdxCondtional Entropy Hq(ZX)q(x)q(zx)logp(z)dzdx=Hq(ZX){q(x)q(zx)dx}logp(z)dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logp(z)dzCross Entropy=Hq(ZX)+q(z){logp(z)q(z)logq(z)}dz=Hq(ZX)+q(z)logp(z)q(z)dz+q(z)logq(z)dzEntropy Hq(Z)=KL(q(z)p(z))+Hq(Z)Hq(ZX)0KL(q(z)p(z))(A.8)(A.9)(A.10)(A.11)(A.12)(A.13)(A.14)(A.15)(A.16)\nIn this context, equation A.15 applies the conclusion that Conditional Entropy is always less than or equal to Entropy. Thus, the relationship in equation A.6 is derived.


For equation A.6, the proof is as follows:\nKL(q(z)p(z))=q(z)logq(z)p(z)dx=q(z)logq(z)p(zx)p(z)dzdz=p(x)dxq(z)logq(z)dzq(z)logp(zx)p(x)dxdz p(x)dx=1p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxq(z)p(x)logp(zx)dxdz jensen inequality=p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxp(z)q(z)logp(zx)dzdx=p(x)q(z)(logq(z)logp(zx))dzdx=p(x)q(z)logq(z)p(zx)dzdx=p(x){q(z)logq(z)p(zx)dz}dx=p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx=KLC(q(z)p(zx))\\begin{align}\n KL(\\textcolor{blue}{q(z)} \\Vert p(z)) &= \\int \\textcolor{blue}{q(z)}\\log\\frac{\\textcolor{blue}{q(z)}}{p(z)}dx \\tag{A.15} \\newline\n &= \\int q(z)\\log\\frac{q(z)}{\\int p(z|x)p(z)dz}dz \\tag{A.16} \\newline\n &= \\textcolor{orange}{\\int p(x)dx}\\int q(z)\\log q(z)dz - \\int q(z)\\textcolor{red}{\\log\\int p(z|x)p(x)dx}dz \\qquad \\ \\textcolor{orange}{\\int p(x)dx=1} \\tag{A.17} \\newline\n &\\le \\iint p(x) q(z)\\log q(z)dzdx - \\int q(z)\\textcolor{red}{\\int p(x)\\log p(z|x)dx}dz \\ \\qquad \\textcolor{red}{\\text{jensen\\ inequality}} \\tag{A.18} \\newline\n &= \\iint p(x)q(z)\\log q(z)dzdx - \\iint p(z)q(z)\\log p(z|x)dzdx \\tag{A.19} \\newline\n &= \\iint p(x)q(z)(\\log q(z) - \\log p(z|x))dzdx \\tag{A.20} \\newline\n &= \\iint p(x)q(z)\\log \\frac{q(z)}{p(z|x)}dzdx \\tag{A.21} \\newline\n &= \\int p(x)\\left\\lbrace \\int q(z)\\log \\frac{q(z)}{p(z|x)}dz\\right\\rbrace dx \\tag{A.22} \\newline\n &= \\int p(x)KL(\\textcolor{blue}{q(z)} \\Vert p(z|x))dx \\tag{A.23} \\newline\n &= KL_{\\mathcal{C}}(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p(z|x)}) \\tag{A.24}\n\\end{align}KL(q(z)p(z))=q(z)logp(z)q(z)dx=q(z)logp(zx)p(z)dzq(z)dz=p(x)dxq(z)logq(z)dzq(z)logp(zx)p(x)dxdz p(x)dx=1p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxq(z)p(x)logp(zx)dxdz jensen inequality=p(x)q(z)logq(z)dzdxp(z)q(z)logp(zx)dzdx=p(x)q(z)(logq(z)logp(zx))dzdx=p(x)q(z)logp(zx)q(z)dzdx=p(x){q(z)logp(zx)q(z)dz}dx=p(x)KL(q(z)p(zx))dx=KLC(q(z)p(zx))(A.15)(A.16)(A.17)(A.18)(A.19)(A.20)(A.21)(A.22)(A.23)(A.24)\nThus, the relationship in equation A.7 is obtained.


Another important conclusion can be drawn from equation A.15.


The KL Divergence is often used to fit the distribution of data. In this scenario, the distribution of the data is denoted by q(z)q(z)q(z) and the parameterized model distribution is denoted by pθ(z)\\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta(z)}pθ(z). During the optimization process, since both q(zx)q(z|x)q(zx) and q(x)q(x)q(x) remain constant, the term H(Z)H(ZX)\\mathbf{H}(Z) - \\mathbf{H}(Z|X)H(Z)H(ZX) in Equation A.15 is a constant. Thus, the following relationship is obtained:\nminpθKL(q(z)pθ(z))    minpθ q(x)KL(q(zx)pθ(z))dx\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta}} KL(q(z) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta(z)}) \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta}} \\int \\ q(x) KL(q(z|x) \\Vert \\textcolor{blue}{p_\\theta(z)})dx \\tag{A.25}\n\\end{align}minpθKL(q(z)pθ(z))minpθ q(x)KL(q(zx)pθ(z))dx(A.25)


Comparing the above relationship with Denoised Score Matching [18](equation A.26), some similarities can be observed. Both introduce a new variable XXX, and substitute the targeted fitting distribution q(z) with q(z|x). After the substitution, since q(z|x) is a conditional probability distribution, both consider all conditions and perform a weighted sum using the probability of the conditions occurring, q(x)q(x)q(x), as the weight coefficient.\nminψθ12q(z)ψθ(z)q(z)z2dz    minψθq(x) 12q(zx)ψθ(z)q(zx)z2dzScore Matching of q(zx) dx\\begin{align}\n\\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta}} \\frac{1}{2} \\int q(z) \\left\\lVert \\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta(z)} - \\frac{\\partial q(z)}{\\partial z} \\right\\rVert^2 dz \\iff \\mathop{\\min}_{\\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta}} \\int q(x)\\ \\overbrace{\\frac{1}{2} \\int q(z|x) \\left\\lVert \\textcolor{blue}{\\psi_\\theta(z)} - \\frac{\\partial q(z|x)}{\\partial z} \\right\\rVert^2 dz}^{\\text{Score Matching of }q(z|x)}\\ dx \\tag{A.26}\n\\end{align}minψθ21q(z)ψθ(z)zq(z)2dzminψθq(x) 21q(zx)ψθ(z)zq(zx)2dzScore Matching of q(zx) dx(A.26)


The operation of the above weighted sum is somewhat similar to Elimination by Total Probability Formula .\nq(z)=q(z,x)dx=q(x)q(zx)dx\\begin{align}\n q(z) = \\int q(z,x) dx = \\int q(x) q(z|x) dx \\tag{A.27}\n\\end{align}q(z)=q(z,x)dx=q(x)q(zx)dx(A.27)

Figure 2: Only one component in support

The following will prove that with some conditions, the posterior transform is a contraction mapping, and there exists a unique point, which is also the converged point.


The proof will be divided into several cases, and assumes that the random variable is discrete, so the posterior transform can be regarded as a single step transition of a discrete Markov Chain. The posterior q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) corresponds to the transfer matrix. Continuous variables can be considered as discrete variables with infinite states.

  1. When q(x)q(x)q(x) is greater than 0, the posterior transform matrix q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) will be greater than 0 too. Therefore, this matrix is the transition matrix of an irreducible aperiodic\\textcolor{red}{\\text{irreducible}}\\ \\textcolor{green}{\\text{aperiodic}}irreducible aperiodic Markov Chain. According to the conclusion of the literature [13], this transformation is a contraction mapping with respect to Total Variance metric. Therefore, according to the Banach fixed-point theorem, this transformation has a unique fixed point(converged point).
  2. \n \n
  3. When q(x)q(x)q(x) is partially greater than 0, and the support of q(x)q(x)q(x) (the region where q(x)q(x)q(x) is greater than 0) consists only one connected component (Figure 2), several conclusions can be drawn from equation (3.4):\n\n
    1. When zzz and xxx are within the support set, since both q(x)q(x)q(x) and GaussFun are greater than 0, the diagonal elements of the transfer matrix {q(xz)z=x}\\{q(x|z)|z=x\\}{q(xz)z=x} are greater than 0. This means that the state within the support set is aperiodic\\textcolor{green}{\\text{aperiodic}}aperiodic.
    2. \n\n
    3. When zzz and xxx are within the support set, since GaussFun's support set has a certain range, elements above and below the diagonal {q(xz)x=z+ϵ}\\{q(x|z)|x=z+\\epsilon\\}{q(xz)x=z+ϵ}is also greater than 0. This means that states within the support set are accessible to each other, forming a Communication Class\\textcolor{red}{\\text{Communication Class}}Communication Class[14], see in Figure 2b.
    4. \n \n
    5. When zzz is within the support set and xxx is outside the support set, q(xz){q(x|z)}q(xz) is entirely 0. This means that the state within the support set is inaccessible to the state outside the support set (Inaccessible Region in Figure 2b)
    6. \n \n
    7. When zzz is outside the support set and xxx is inside the support set, due to the existence of a certain range of the support set of GaussFun, there are some extension areas (Extension Region in Figure 2b), where the corresponding {q(xz)xsupport}\\{q(x|z)|x \\in support\\}{q(xz)xsupport} is not all zero. This means that the state of this part of the extension area can unidirectionally access the state inside the support set (Unidirectional Region in Figure 2b).
    8. \n \n
    9. When zzz is outside the support set and xxx is outside the support set, the corresponding q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz) is entirely zero. This implies that, states outside the support set will not transit to states outside the support set. In other words, states outside the support set only originate from states within the support set.
    10. \n\n

    \nFrom (c), we know that states within the support set will not transition to states outside of the support set. From (a) and (b), we know that the states within the support set are non-periodic and form a Communicate Class. Therefore, the states within the support set independently form an irreducible and non-periodic Markov Chain. According to the conclusion of Theorem 11.4.1 in reference [7], as nn\\to\\inftyn, q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n will converge to a constant matrix, with each column vector in the matrix being identical. This implies that for different values of z, q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n are the same (as seen in Figure 2c). In Addition, according to (d) and (e), there exist some states z, which are outside of the support set, that can transition into the support set and will carry information from within the support set back to the outside. Thus, the corresponding q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n for these z states (the q(xzex)q(x|z_{ex})q(xzex) region in Figure 2c) will equal the corresponding q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n in the support set (the q(xzsup)q(x|z_{sup})q(xzsup) region in Figure 2c).\n


    \nTherefore, it can be concluded that when the state is confined within the support set and two extension regions, limnq(xz)n\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{q(x|z)^n}limnq(xz)n will converge to a fixed matrix, and each column vector is identical. Hence, for any input distribution, if posterior transforms are continuously applied, it will eventually converge to a fixed distribution, which is equal to the column vector of the converged matrix. Based on the conclusion from the literature [9], when a iterative transform converges to a unique fixed point, this transform is a Contraction Mapping with respect to a certain metric. \n

  4. \n\n
  5. When q(x)q(x)q(x) is partially greater than 0, and multiple connected component exist in the support set of q(x)q(x)q(x), and the maximum distance of each connected component can be covered by the support set of corresponding GaussFun, the states within each connected domain constitute only one Communicate Class. As shown in Figure 3, q(x)q(x)q(x) has two connected component. On the edge of the first component, the support set of GaussFun corresponding to q(xz=0.3)q(x|z=-0.3)q(xz=0.3) can span the gap to reach the second component, so the states of the first component can access the states of the second component. On the edge of the second component, the support set of GaussFun corresponding to q(xz=0)q(x|z=0)q(xz=0) can also span the gap to reach the first. Thus, the states of the second component can access the states of the first component, so these two component form a Communicate Class. Therefore, similar to the case with a single component, when states are confined to each component, gaps, and extension areas, the posterior transform has a unique iterative convergence point, which is a contraction mapping with respect to a certain metric.
  6. \n\n
  7. When q(x)q(x)q(x) is partially greater than 0, and multiple connected component exist in the support set of q(x)q(x)q(x), and the maximum distance of each connected component cannot be covered by the support set of corresponding GaussFun, the states within each component constitute multiple Communicate Classes, as shown in Figure 4. Under such circumstances, as nn\\to\\inftyn, q(xz)nq(x|z)^nq(xz)n will also converge to a fixed matrix, but not all the column vectors are identical. Therefore, the posterior transforma is not a strict contraction mapping. However, when the state of the input distribution is confined to a single Communicate Class and its corresponding extension, the posterior transform is also a contraction mapping with a unique convergence point.
  8. \n
Figure 3: Two components which can communicate with each other
Figure 4: Two components which cannot communicate with each other

Additionally, there exists a more generalized relation about the posterior transform that is independent of q(xz)q(x|z)q(xz): the Total Variance distance between two output distributions will always be less than or equal to the Total Variance distance between their corresponding input distributions, that is\ndist(qo1(x), qo2(x))<=dist(qi1(z), qi2(z))\\begin{align}\n dist(q_{o1}(x),\\ q_{o2}(x)) <= dist(q_{i1}(z),\\ q_{i2}(z)) \\tag{B.1}\n\\end{align}dist(qo1(x), qo2(x))<=dist(qi1(z), qi2(z))(B.1)\nThe proof is given below in discrete form:\nqo1qo2TV=Qxzqi1Qxzqi2TV=mnQxz(m,n)qi1(n)nQxz(m,n)qi2(n)=mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))Absolute value inequality=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))mQxz(m,n)mQxz(m,n)=1=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))\\begin{align}\n \\lVert q_{o1}-q_{o2}\\rVert_{TV} &= \\lVert Q_{x|z}q_{i1} - Q_{x|z}q_{i2}\\rVert_{TV} \\tag{B.2} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{m}\\textcolor{red}{|}\\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)q_{i1}(n) - \\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)q_{i2}(n)\\textcolor{red}{|} \\tag{B.3} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{m}\\textcolor{red}{|}\\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\tag{B.4} \\newline\n &\\leq \\sum_{m}\\sum_{n}Q_{x|z}(m,n)\\textcolor{red}{|}(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\qquad \\qquad \\qquad \\text{Absolute value inequality} \\tag{B.5} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{n}\\textcolor{red}{|}(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\sum_{m} Q_{x|z}(m,n) \\qquad \\qquad \\qquad \\sum_{m} Q_{x|z}(m,n) = 1 \\tag{B.6} \\newline\n &= \\sum_{n}\\textcolor{red}{|}(q_{i1}(n) - q_{i2}(n))\\textcolor{red}{|} \\tag{B.7}\n\\end{align}qo1qo2TV=Qxzqi1Qxzqi2TV=mnQxz(m,n)qi1(n)nQxz(m,n)qi2(n)=mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))mnQxz(m,n)(qi1(n)qi2(n))Absolute value inequality=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))mQxz(m,n)mQxz(m,n)=1=n(qi1(n)qi2(n))(B.2)(B.3)(B.4)(B.5)(B.6)(B.7)\nIn this context, Qxz(m,n)Q_{x|z}(m,n)Qxz(m,n) represents the element at the m-th row and n-th column of the matrix QxzQ_{x|z}Qxz, and qi1(n)q_{i1}(n)qi1(n) represents the n-th element of the vector qi1q_{i1}qi1.\n
