import os import pprint as pp from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict import diff_viewer import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from datasets import load_dataset, get_dataset_config_names CHECK_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT = os.getenv("CHECK_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT") LOGS_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT = os.getenv("LOGS_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT") OPERATION_TYPES = [ "Applied filter", "Applied deduplication function", "Applied map function", ] MAX_LEN_DS_CHECKS = os.getenv("MAX_LEN_DS_CHECKS") def get_ds(config): ds = load_dataset(CHECK_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT, config) return ds def next_idx(idx: int): idx += 1 return idx % len(st.session_state["ds"]) def previous_idx(idx: int): idx -= 1 return idx % len(st.session_state["ds"]) def on_click_next(): st.session_state["idx_1"] = next_idx(st.session_state["idx_1"]) st.session_state["idx_2"] = next_idx(st.session_state["idx_2"]) def on_click_previous(): st.session_state["idx_1"] = previous_idx(st.session_state["idx_1"]) st.session_state["idx_2"] = previous_idx(st.session_state["idx_2"]) def on_ds_change(config): st.session_state["ds"] = get_ds(config) st.session_state["idx_1"] = 0 st.session_state["idx_2"] = 1 if len(st.session_state["ds"]) > 1 else 0 st.session_state["ds_check_config"] = config st.session_state["ds_max_docs"] = len(st.session_state["ds"]) def get_log_stats_df(raw_log): data = OrderedDict( { "Order": [], "Name": [], "Initial number of samples": [], "Final number of samples": [], "Initial size in bytes": [], "Final size in bytes": [], } ) metric_dict = defaultdict(lambda: {}) order = 0 for line in raw_log.split("\n"): for metric_name in list(data.keys()) + OPERATION_TYPES: if metric_name == "Name" or metric_name == "Order": continue if metric_name not in line: continue if ( metric_name == "Removed percentage" and "Removed percentage in bytes" in line ): continue if ( metric_name == "Deduplicated percentage" and "Deduplicated percentage in bytes" in line ): continue value = line.split(metric_name)[1].split(" ")[1] if metric_name in OPERATION_TYPES: operation_name = value metric_dict[operation_name]["Order"] = order order += 1 continue assert ( metric_name not in metric_dict[operation_name] ), f"operation_name: {operation_name}\n\nvalue: {value}\n\nmetric_dict: {pp.pformat(metric_dict)} \n\nmetric_name: {metric_name} \n\nline: {line}" metric_dict[operation_name][metric_name] = value for name, data_dict in metric_dict.items(): for metric_name in data.keys(): if metric_name == "Name": data[metric_name].append(name) continue data[metric_name].append(data_dict[metric_name]) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.rename( { "Initial size in bytes": "Initial size (GB)", "Final size in bytes": "Final size (GB)", }, axis=1, inplace=True, ) df["% samples removed"] = ( ( df["Initial number of samples"].astype(float) - df["Final number of samples"].astype(float) ) / df["Initial number of samples"].astype(float) * 100 ) df["Size (GB) % removed"] = ( (df["Initial size (GB)"].astype(float) - df["Final size (GB)"].astype(float)) / df["Initial size (GB)"].astype(float) * 100 ) return df def get_logs_stats(raw_log): try: df = get_log_stats_df(raw_log) st.dataframe(df) except Exception as e: st.write(e) st.write("Subset of the logs:") subcontent = [ line for line in raw_log.split("\n") if "INFO - __main__" in line and "Examples of" not in line and "Examples n°" not in line ] st.write(subcontent) def meta_component(idx_key: str = "idx_1"): if "meta" not in st.session_state["ds"][st.session_state[idx_key]]: return with st.expander("See meta field of the example"): meta = st.session_state["ds"][st.session_state["idx_1"]]["meta"] st.write(meta) def filter_page(): index_example = st.number_input("Index of the chosen example", min_value=0, max_value=st.session_state["ds_max_docs"] -1, value=0, step=1) st.session_state["idx_1"] = index_example st.session_state["idx_2"] = next_idx(index_example) idx_1 = st.session_state["idx_1"] idx_2 = st.session_state["idx_2"] text_1 = st.session_state["ds"][idx_1]["text"] text_2 = st.session_state["ds"][idx_2]["text"] st.markdown( f"

Some examples of filtered out texts

", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # col_button_previous, _, col_button_next = st.columns(3) # col_button_next.button( # "Go to next example", # key=None, # help=None, # on_click=on_click_next, # args=None, # kwargs=None, # ) # col_button_previous.button( # "Go to previous example", # key=None, # help=None, # on_click=on_click_previous, # args=None, # kwargs=None, # ) col_1, col_2 = st.columns(2) with col_1: st.subheader(f"Example n°{idx_1}") meta_component(idx_key="idx_1") text_1_show = text_1.replace("\n", "
") st.markdown(f"
", unsafe_allow_html=True) with col_2: st.subheader(f"Example n°{idx_2}") meta_component(idx_key="idx_2") text_2_show = text_2.replace("\n", "
") st.markdown(f"
", unsafe_allow_html=True) def dedup_or_cleaning_page(): index_example = st.number_input("Index of the chosen example", min_value=0, max_value=st.session_state["ds_max_docs"] -1, value=0, step=1) st.session_state["idx_1"] = index_example st.session_state["idx_2"] = next_idx(index_example) # col_button_previous, col_title, col_button_next = st.columns(3) # col_title.markdown( # f"

Example n°{st.session_state['idx_1']}

", # unsafe_allow_html=True, # ) # col_button_next.button( # "Go to next example", # key=None, # help=None, # on_click=on_click_next, # args=None, # kwargs=None, # ) # col_button_previous.button( # "Go to previous example", # key=None, # help=None, # on_click=on_click_previous, # args=None, # kwargs=None, # ) text = st.session_state["ds"][st.session_state["idx_1"]]["text"] old_text = st.session_state["ds"][st.session_state["idx_1"]]["old_text"] st.markdown( f"

Changes applied

", unsafe_allow_html=True ) col_text_1, col_text_2 = st.columns(2) with col_text_1: st.subheader("Old text") with col_text_2: st.subheader("New text") diff_viewer.diff_viewer(old_text=old_text, new_text=text, lang="none") meta_component(idx_key="idx_1") with st.expander("See full old and new texts of the example"): text_show = text.replace("\n", "
") old_text_show = old_text.replace("\n", "
") col_1, col_2 = st.columns(2) with col_1: st.subheader("Old text") st.markdown(f"
", unsafe_allow_html=True) with col_2: st.subheader("New text") st.markdown(f"
", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Streamlit page st.set_page_config(page_title="Dataset explorer", page_icon=":hugging_face:", layout="wide") st.write( "The purpose of this application is to sequentially view the changes made to a dataset." ) col_option_clean, col_option_ds = st.columns(2) CHECK_CONFIGS = get_dataset_config_names(CHECK_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT) CLEANING_VERSIONS = set() dataset_names = set() checks_names = set() for check_config in CHECK_CONFIGS: cleaning_version, check_config = check_config.split("_dsname_") dataset_name, checks_name = check_config.split("_operation_") CLEANING_VERSIONS.add(cleaning_version) dataset_names.add(dataset_name) checks_names.add(checks_names) # CLEANING_VERSIONS = sorted(list(os.listdir(DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT)), reverse=True) option_clean = col_option_clean.selectbox( "Select the cleaning version", CLEANING_VERSIONS ) # DATASET_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT, option_clean) # dataset_names = sorted(list(os.listdir(DATASET_DIR_PATH))) option_ds = col_option_ds.selectbox("Select the dataset", dataset_names) # checks_path = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR_PATH, option_ds, "checks") # checks_names = sorted(list(os.listdir(checks_path))) # log_path = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR_PATH, option_ds, "logs.txt") ds_log = load_dataset(LOGS_DATASET_DIR_PATH_BEFORE_CLEAN_SELECT, f"{option_clean}_dsname_{option_ds}") log = ds_log["train"][0] get_logs_stats(log=log) option_check = st.selectbox("Select the operation applied to inspect", checks_names) ds_check_config = f"{option_clean}_dsname_{option_ds}_operation_{option_check}" if "ds" not in st.session_state or ds_check_config != st.session_state["ds_check_config"]: on_ds_change(ds_check_config) if len(st.session_state["ds"]) == MAX_LEN_DS_CHECKS: st.warning( f"Note: only a subset of size {MAX_LEN_DS_CHECKS} of the modified / filtered examples can be shown in this application" ) with st.expander("See details of the available checks"): st.write(st.session_state["ds"]) _ = filter_page() if "_filter_" in option_check else dedup_or_cleaning_page()