JadenFK's picture
stable diffusion
history blame
No virus
19.1 kB
import webdataset as wds
import kornia
from PIL import Image
import io
import os
import torchvision
from PIL import Image
import glob
import random
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from tqdm import tqdm
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from einops import rearrange
import torch
from webdataset.handlers import warn_and_continue
from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
from ldm.data.inpainting.synthetic_mask import gen_large_mask, MASK_MODES
from ldm.data.base import PRNGMixin
class DataWithWings(torch.utils.data.IterableDataset):
def __init__(self, min_size, transform=None, target_transform=None):
self.min_size = min_size
self.transform = transform if transform is not None else nn.Identity()
self.target_transform = target_transform if target_transform is not None else nn.Identity()
self.kv = OnDiskKV(file='/home/ubuntu/laion5B-watermark-safety-ordered', key_format='q', value_format='ee')
self.kv_aesthetic = OnDiskKV(file='/home/ubuntu/laion5B-aesthetic-tags-kv', key_format='q', value_format='e')
self.pwatermark_threshold = 0.8
self.punsafe_threshold = 0.5
self.aesthetic_threshold = 5.
self.total_samples = 0
self.samples = 0
location = 'pipe:aws s3 cp --quiet s3://s-datasets/laion5b/laion2B-data/{000000..231349}.tar -'
self.inner_dataset = wds.DataPipeline(
wds.shuffle(1000, handler=wds.warn_and_continue),
wds.decode('pilrgb', handler=wds.warn_and_continue),
wds.map(self._add_tags, handler=wds.ignore_and_continue),
wds.map_dict(jpg=self.transform, txt=self.target_transform, punsafe=self._punsafe_to_class, handler=wds.warn_and_continue),
wds.to_tuple('jpg', 'txt', 'punsafe', handler=wds.warn_and_continue),
def _compute_hash(url, text):
if url is None:
url = ''
if text is None:
text = ''
total = (url + text).encode('utf-8')
return mmh3.hash64(total)[0]
def _add_tags(self, x):
hsh = self._compute_hash(x['json']['url'], x['txt'])
pwatermark, punsafe = self.kv[hsh]
aesthetic = self.kv_aesthetic[hsh][0]
return {**x, 'pwatermark': pwatermark, 'punsafe': punsafe, 'aesthetic': aesthetic}
def _punsafe_to_class(self, punsafe):
return torch.tensor(punsafe >= self.punsafe_threshold).long()
def _filter_predicate(self, x):
return x['pwatermark'] < self.pwatermark_threshold and x['aesthetic'] >= self.aesthetic_threshold and x['json']['original_width'] >= self.min_size and x['json']['original_height'] >= self.min_size
return False
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.inner_dataset)
def dict_collation_fn(samples, combine_tensors=True, combine_scalars=True):
"""Take a list of samples (as dictionary) and create a batch, preserving the keys.
If `tensors` is True, `ndarray` objects are combined into
tensor batches.
:param dict samples: list of samples
:param bool tensors: whether to turn lists of ndarrays into a single ndarray
:returns: single sample consisting of a batch
:rtype: dict
keys = set.intersection(*[set(sample.keys()) for sample in samples])
batched = {key: [] for key in keys}
for s in samples:
[batched[key].append(s[key]) for key in batched]
result = {}
for key in batched:
if isinstance(batched[key][0], (int, float)):
if combine_scalars:
result[key] = np.array(list(batched[key]))
elif isinstance(batched[key][0], torch.Tensor):
if combine_tensors:
result[key] = torch.stack(list(batched[key]))
elif isinstance(batched[key][0], np.ndarray):
if combine_tensors:
result[key] = np.array(list(batched[key]))
result[key] = list(batched[key])
return result
class WebDataModuleFromConfig(pl.LightningDataModule):
def __init__(self, tar_base, batch_size, train=None, validation=None,
test=None, num_workers=4, multinode=True, min_size=None,
print(f'Setting tar base to {tar_base}')
self.tar_base = tar_base
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.train = train
self.validation = validation
self.test = test
self.multinode = multinode
self.min_size = min_size # filter out very small images
self.max_pwatermark = max_pwatermark # filter out watermarked images
def make_loader(self, dataset_config, train=True):
if 'image_transforms' in dataset_config:
image_transforms = [instantiate_from_config(tt) for tt in dataset_config.image_transforms]
image_transforms = []
torchvision.transforms.Lambda(lambda x: rearrange(x * 2. - 1., 'c h w -> h w c'))])
image_transforms = torchvision.transforms.Compose(image_transforms)
if 'transforms' in dataset_config:
transforms_config = OmegaConf.to_container(dataset_config.transforms)
transforms_config = dict()
transform_dict = {dkey: load_partial_from_config(transforms_config[dkey])
if transforms_config[dkey] != 'identity' else identity
for dkey in transforms_config}
img_key = dataset_config.get('image_key', 'jpeg')
transform_dict.update({img_key: image_transforms})
if 'postprocess' in dataset_config:
postprocess = instantiate_from_config(dataset_config['postprocess'])
postprocess = None
shuffle = dataset_config.get('shuffle', 0)
shardshuffle = shuffle > 0
nodesplitter = wds.shardlists.split_by_node if self.multinode else wds.shardlists.single_node_only
if self.tar_base == "__improvedaesthetic__":
print("## Warning, loading the same improved aesthetic dataset "
"for all splits and ignoring shards parameter.")
tars = "pipe:aws s3 cp s3://s-laion/improved-aesthetics-laion-2B-en-subsets/aesthetics_tars/{000000..060207}.tar -"
tars = os.path.join(self.tar_base, dataset_config.shards)
dset = wds.WebDataset(
print(f'Loading webdataset with {len(dset.pipeline[0].urls)} shards.')
dset = (dset
.decode('pil', handler=wds.warn_and_continue)
.map_dict(**transform_dict, handler=wds.warn_and_continue)
if postprocess is not None:
dset = dset.map(postprocess)
dset = (dset
.batched(self.batch_size, partial=False,
loader = wds.WebLoader(dset, batch_size=None, shuffle=False,
return loader
def filter_size(self, x):
valid = True
if self.min_size is not None and self.min_size > 1:
valid = valid and x['json']['original_width'] >= self.min_size and x['json']['original_height'] >= self.min_size
except Exception:
valid = False
if self.max_pwatermark is not None and self.max_pwatermark < 1.0:
valid = valid and x['json']['pwatermark'] <= self.max_pwatermark
except Exception:
valid = False
return valid
except Exception:
return False
def filter_keys(self, x):
return ("jpg" in x) and ("txt" in x)
except Exception:
return False
def train_dataloader(self):
return self.make_loader(self.train)
def val_dataloader(self):
return self.make_loader(self.validation, train=False)
def test_dataloader(self):
return self.make_loader(self.test, train=False)
from ldm.modules.image_degradation import degradation_fn_bsr_light
import cv2
class AddLR(object):
def __init__(self, factor, output_size, initial_size=None, image_key="jpg"):
self.factor = factor
self.output_size = output_size
self.image_key = image_key
self.initial_size = initial_size
def pt2np(self, x):
x = ((x+1.0)*127.5).clamp(0, 255).to(dtype=torch.uint8).detach().cpu().numpy()
return x
def np2pt(self, x):
x = torch.from_numpy(x)/127.5-1.0
return x
def __call__(self, sample):
# sample['jpg'] is tensor hwc in [-1, 1] at this point
x = self.pt2np(sample[self.image_key])
if self.initial_size is not None:
x = cv2.resize(x, (self.initial_size, self.initial_size), interpolation=2)
x = degradation_fn_bsr_light(x, sf=self.factor)['image']
x = cv2.resize(x, (self.output_size, self.output_size), interpolation=2)
x = self.np2pt(x)
sample['lr'] = x
return sample
class AddBW(object):
def __init__(self, image_key="jpg"):
self.image_key = image_key
def pt2np(self, x):
x = ((x+1.0)*127.5).clamp(0, 255).to(dtype=torch.uint8).detach().cpu().numpy()
return x
def np2pt(self, x):
x = torch.from_numpy(x)/127.5-1.0
return x
def __call__(self, sample):
# sample['jpg'] is tensor hwc in [-1, 1] at this point
x = sample[self.image_key]
w = torch.rand(3, device=x.device)
w /= w.sum()
out = torch.einsum('hwc,c->hw', x, w)
# Keep as 3ch so we can pass to encoder, also we might want to add hints
sample['lr'] = out.unsqueeze(-1).tile(1,1,3)
return sample
class AddMask(PRNGMixin):
def __init__(self, mode="512train", p_drop=0.):
assert mode in list(MASK_MODES.keys()), f'unknown mask generation mode "{mode}"'
self.make_mask = MASK_MODES[mode]
self.p_drop = p_drop
def __call__(self, sample):
# sample['jpg'] is tensor hwc in [-1, 1] at this point
x = sample['jpg']
mask = self.make_mask(self.prng, x.shape[0], x.shape[1])
if self.prng.choice(2, p=[1 - self.p_drop, self.p_drop]):
mask = np.ones_like(mask)
mask[mask < 0.5] = 0
mask[mask > 0.5] = 1
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask[..., None])
sample['mask'] = mask
sample['masked_image'] = x * (mask < 0.5)
return sample
class AddEdge(PRNGMixin):
def __init__(self, mode="512train", mask_edges=True):
assert mode in list(MASK_MODES.keys()), f'unknown mask generation mode "{mode}"'
self.make_mask = MASK_MODES[mode]
self.n_down_choices = [0]
self.sigma_choices = [1, 2]
self.mask_edges = mask_edges
def __call__(self, sample):
# sample['jpg'] is tensor hwc in [-1, 1] at this point
x = sample['jpg']
mask = self.make_mask(self.prng, x.shape[0], x.shape[1])
mask[mask < 0.5] = 0
mask[mask > 0.5] = 1
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask[..., None])
sample['mask'] = mask
n_down_idx = self.prng.choice(len(self.n_down_choices))
sigma_idx = self.prng.choice(len(self.sigma_choices))
n_choices = len(self.n_down_choices)*len(self.sigma_choices)
raveled_idx = np.ravel_multi_index((n_down_idx, sigma_idx),
(len(self.n_down_choices), len(self.sigma_choices)))
normalized_idx = raveled_idx/max(1, n_choices-1)
n_down = self.n_down_choices[n_down_idx]
sigma = self.sigma_choices[sigma_idx]
kernel_size = 4*sigma+1
kernel_size = (kernel_size, kernel_size)
sigma = (sigma, sigma)
canny = kornia.filters.Canny(
y = (x+1.0)/2.0 # in 01
y = y.unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
# down
for i_down in range(n_down):
size = min(y.shape[-2], y.shape[-1])//2
y = kornia.geometry.transform.resize(y, size, antialias=True)
# edge
_, y = canny(y)
if n_down > 0:
size = x.shape[0], x.shape[1]
y = kornia.geometry.transform.resize(y, size, interpolation="nearest")
y = y.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[0].expand(-1, -1, 3).contiguous()
y = y*2.0-1.0
if self.mask_edges:
sample['masked_image'] = y * (mask < 0.5)
sample['masked_image'] = y
sample['mask'] = torch.zeros_like(sample['mask'])
# concat normalized idx
sample['smoothing_strength'] = torch.ones_like(sample['mask'])*normalized_idx
return sample
def example00():
url = "pipe:aws s3 cp s3://s-datasets/laion5b/laion2B-data/000000.tar -"
dataset = wds.WebDataset(url)
example = next(iter(dataset))
for k in example:
print(k, type(example[k]))
for k in ["json", "txt"]:
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(example["jpg"]))
outdir = "tmp"
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
image.save(os.path.join(outdir, example["__key__"] + ".png"))
def load_example(example):
return {
"key": example["__key__"],
"image": Image.open(io.BytesIO(example["jpg"])),
"text": example["txt"].decode(),
for i, example in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)):
ex = load_example(example)
print(ex["image"].size, ex["text"])
if i >= 100:
def example01():
# the first laion shards contain ~10k examples each
url = "pipe:aws s3 cp s3://s-datasets/laion5b/laion2B-data/{000000..000002}.tar -"
batch_size = 3
shuffle_buffer = 10000
dset = wds.WebDataset(
dset = (dset
.shuffle(shuffle_buffer, initial=shuffle_buffer)
.decode('pil', handler=warn_and_continue)
.batched(batch_size, partial=False,
num_workers = 2
loader = wds.WebLoader(dset, batch_size=None, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers)
batch_sizes = list()
keys_per_epoch = list()
for epoch in range(5):
keys = list()
for batch in tqdm(loader):
for bs in batch_sizes:
assert bs==batch_size
print(f"{len(batch_sizes)} batches of size {batch_size}.")
batch_sizes = list()
for i_batch in [0, 1, -1]:
print(f"Batch {i_batch} of epoch {epoch}:")
print("next epoch.")
def example02():
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from torch.utils.data.distributed import DistributedSampler
from torch.utils.data import IterableDataset
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, RandomSampler, Sampler, SequentialSampler
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.supporters import CombinedLoader, CycleIterator
#config = OmegaConf.load("configs/stable-diffusion/txt2img-1p4B-multinode-clip-encoder-high-res-512.yaml")
#config = OmegaConf.load("configs/stable-diffusion/txt2img-upscale-clip-encoder-f16-1024.yaml")
config = OmegaConf.load("configs/stable-diffusion/txt2img-v2-clip-encoder-improved_aesthetics-256.yaml")
datamod = WebDataModuleFromConfig(**config["data"]["params"])
dataloader = datamod.train_dataloader()
for batch in dataloader:
def example03():
# improved aesthetics
tars = "pipe:aws s3 cp s3://s-laion/improved-aesthetics-laion-2B-en-subsets/aesthetics_tars/{000000..060207}.tar -"
dataset = wds.WebDataset(tars)
def filter_keys(x):
return ("jpg" in x) and ("txt" in x)
except Exception:
return False
def filter_size(x):
return x['json']['original_width'] >= 512 and x['json']['original_height'] >= 512
except Exception:
return False
def filter_watermark(x):
return x['json']['pwatermark'] < 0.5
except Exception:
return False
dataset = (dataset
.decode('pil', handler=wds.warn_and_continue))
n_save = 20
n_total = 0
n_large = 0
n_large_nowm = 0
for i, example in enumerate(dataset):
n_total += 1
if filter_size(example):
n_large += 1
if filter_watermark(example):
n_large_nowm += 1
if n_large_nowm < n_save+1:
image = example["jpg"]
image.save(os.path.join("tmp", f"{n_large_nowm-1:06}.png"))
if i%500 == 0:
print(f"Large: {n_large}/{n_total} | {n_large/n_total*100:.2f}%")
if n_large > 0:
print(f"No Watermark: {n_large_nowm}/{n_large} | {n_large_nowm/n_large*100:.2f}%")
def example04():
# improved aesthetics
for i_shard in range(60208)[::-1]:
tars = "pipe:aws s3 cp s3://s-laion/improved-aesthetics-laion-2B-en-subsets/aesthetics_tars/{:06}.tar -".format(i_shard)
dataset = wds.WebDataset(tars)
def filter_keys(x):
return ("jpg" in x) and ("txt" in x)
except Exception:
return False
def filter_size(x):
return x['json']['original_width'] >= 512 and x['json']['original_height'] >= 512
except Exception:
return False
dataset = (dataset
.decode('pil', handler=wds.warn_and_continue))
example = next(iter(dataset))
except Exception:
print(f"Error @ {i_shard}")
if __name__ == "__main__":