web3d / node_modules /three /src /materials /MeshBasicMaterial.d.ts
julien-c's picture
julien-c HF staff
do not gitignore the builds
import { Color } from './../math/Color';
import { Texture } from './../textures/Texture';
import { MaterialParameters, Material } from './Material';
import { Combine } from '../constants';
* parameters is an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance.
export interface MeshBasicMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {
color?: Color | string | number;
opacity?: number;
map?: Texture;
aoMap?: Texture;
aoMapIntensity?: number;
specularMap?: Texture;
alphaMap?: Texture;
envMap?: Texture;
combine?: Combine;
reflectivity?: number;
refractionRatio?: number;
wireframe?: boolean;
wireframeLinewidth?: number;
wireframeLinecap?: string;
wireframeLinejoin?: string;
skinning?: boolean;
morphTargets?: boolean;
export class MeshBasicMaterial extends Material {
constructor(parameters?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters);
color: Color;
map: Texture | null;
aoMap: Texture | null;
aoMapIntensity: number;
specularMap: Texture | null;
alphaMap: Texture | null;
envMap: Texture | null;
combine: Combine;
reflectivity: number;
refractionRatio: number;
wireframe: boolean;
wireframeLinewidth: number;
wireframeLinecap: string;
wireframeLinejoin: string;
skinning: boolean;
morphTargets: boolean;
setValues(parameters: MeshBasicMaterialParameters): void;