import gradio as gr import re import requests import time import tempfile import os token = os.environ['apikey'] API_HOST = """ def separate_syllables(string): #numbers = [ 4, 4, 8, 5 ] numbers = [ 8, 9, 8, 9 ] # Split the string into a list of characters parts = string.split(" ") string = "".join(parts) print("the new string: "+ string) chars = list(string) # Create a list to store the syllables syllables = [] # Iterate over the numbers for num in numbers: # Get the next num characters from the string syllable = "".join(chars[:num]) print("Appending " + "".join(chars[:num])) # Add the syllable to the list syllables.append(syllable) # Remove the syllable from the list of characters chars = chars[num:] # If there are any remaining characters, add them as a new line if chars: syllables.append("-") for num in numbers: # Get the next num characters from the remaining characters syllable = "".join(chars[:num]) # Add the syllable to the list syllables.append(syllable) # Remove the syllable from the list of characters chars = chars[num:] # Return the list of syllables joined by spaces if("-" in syllables): results = [[]] lines = 0 for i ,v in enumerate(syllables): if v == '-': lines=lines+1 else: if(len(results) == 1): results.append([]) results[lines].append(v) return list(map(lambda words: " ".join(words), results)) else: return " ".join(syllables) def flattenLines(lyrics): newValues = [] for i,val in enumerate(lyrics): if(type(lyrics[i]) == list): newValues.append(lyrics[i][0]) newValues.append(lyrics[i][1]) else: newValues.append(lyrics[i]) return newValues def getPayload(index): print("Getting payload for index: " + str(index)) match index: case 0: return { "voiceModel":"CFV_2", "voiceModelStyle":"mezzo", "language":"en", "scoreFileRemotePath":"themes/DeckTheHalls/score/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_Melody_C_200bpm_4x4_ABCD.json", "scoreDataFileRemotePath":"themes/DeckTheHalls/score/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_Score_Data_ABCD.json", "lyrics": [], "backgroundSounds":False, "artistName":"Cecilia", "songName":"Deck The Halls", "singerImageRemotePath":"singers/Singer-Cecilia-VideoImageBackground.png", "backgroundImageRemotePath":"themes/DeckTheHalls/images/Song-DeckTheHalls-VideoImageBackground02.png" } case 1: return { "voiceModel":"CFV_2", "voiceModelStyle":"mezzo", "language":"en", "scoreDataFileRemotePath": "themes/MoveYourBody/score/MoveYourBody_Score_Data_ABCD.json", "scoreFileRemotePath": "themes/MoveYourBody/score/MoveYourBody_Melody_ABCD.json", "singerImageRemotePath": "singers/Singer-Cecilia-VideoImageBackground.png", "dspFileRemotePath": "themes/MoveYourBody/dsp/XML/MoveYourBody_DSP_ABCD.xml", "dspEffect":"", "lyrics": [], "backgroundSounds":False, "artistName":"Cecilia", "songName":"Move Your Body", "backgroundImageRemotePath":"themes/DeckTheHalls/images/Song-DeckTheHalls-VideoImageBackground02.png" } case 2: return { "voiceModel": "Randy_v3o", "voiceModelStyle": "randy", "language": "en", "scoreFileRemotePath": "themes/DarkTrap/score/DarkTrap_Melody_ABCDEFGH.json", #"themes/DeckTheHalls/score/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_Melody_C_200bpm_4x4_ABCD.json", "scoreDataFileRemotePath": "themes/DarkTrap/score/DarkTrap_Score_Data_ABCDEFGH.json", #"themes/DeckTheHalls/score/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_Score_Data_ABCD.json", "dspFileRemotePath": "themes/DarkTrap/dsp/XML/DarkTrap_DSP_ABCDEFGH.xml", #"themes/DeckTheHalls/dsp/XML/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_DSP_C_200bpm_ABCD.xml", "dspEffect": "", "lyrics": [], "backgroundSounds": False, "artistName": "Jerry", "songName": "Dark Trap", #"Deck The Halls", "singerImageRemotePath": "singers/Singer-Jerry-VideoImageBackground.png", "backgroundImageRemotePath": "themes/DeckTheHalls/images/Song-DeckTheHalls-VideoImageBackground01.png" } case 3: return { "artistName": "Jerry", "backgroundImageRemotePath": "themes/HappyBirthday/images/Song-HappyBirthday-VideoImageBackground01.png", "backgroundSounds": False, "dspEffect": "", "dspFileRemotePath": "themes/HappyBirthday/dsp/XML/HappyBirthday_DSP_ABCD.xml", "language": "en", "lyrics": [], "scoreDataFileRemotePath": "themes/HappyBirthday/score/HappyBirthday_Score_Data_ABCD.json", "scoreFileRemotePath": "themes/HappyBirthday/score/HappyBirthday_Melody_ABCD.json", "singerImageRemotePath": "singers/Singer-Jerry-VideoImageBackground.png", "songName": "Happy Birthday", "voiceModel": "CFV_2", "voiceModelStyle": "baritone" } case 4: return { "voiceModel": "Randy_v3o", "voiceModelStyle": "randy", "language": "en", "scoreFileRemotePath": "themes/Levitate/score/Levitate_Melody_ABCD.json", #"themes/DeckTheHalls/score/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_Melody_C_200bpm_4x4_ABCD.json", "scoreDataFileRemotePath": "themes/Levitate/score/Levitate_Score_Data_ABCD.json", #"themes/DeckTheHalls/score/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_Score_Data_ABCD.json", "dspFileRemotePath": "themes/Levitate/dsp/XML/Levitate_DSP_ABCD.xml", #"themes/DeckTheHalls/dsp/XML/TTS_XMAS_DeckTheHalls_DSP_C_200bpm_ABCD.xml", "dspEffect": "", "lyrics": [], "backgroundSounds": False, "artistName": "Jerry", "songName": "Levitate", #"Deck The Halls", "singerImageRemotePath": "singers/Singer-Ed-VideoImageBackground.png", "backgroundImageRemotePath": "themes/Levitate/images/Song-Levitate-VideoImageBackground02.png" } def cleanUpLines(lines): return list(filter(None, lines)) def greet(index, lyrics): url = API_HOST + "/v2/cloud/partners/ttsing" verification_url = API_HOST + "/v2/cloud/partners/ttsing/" print("Calling api with "+ lyrics) print("URL: " + url) lines = cleanUpLines(lyrics.split("\n")) #newLines = flattenLines(list(map(separate_syllables, lines))) payload = getPayload(index) payload["lyrics"] = lines headers = { 'x-api-key': token } print(payload) print("Before the call") response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, json=payload) print("After the call...") jsonResp = response.json() print(response.text) jobID = jsonResp['jobId'] verification_url += jsonResp['jobId'] while(True): response = requests.request('GET', verification_url, headers=headers) print(response.text) print(jobID) jsonResp = response.json() if(jsonResp['status'] == 'failed'): return "" if('transformedAudioUrl' in jsonResp and jsonResp['transformedAudioUrl'] is not None): return gr.make_waveform(download_file(jsonResp['transformedAudioUrl'])) #return download_file(jsonResp['urlVideoWithBackground']) print("Still processing...") time.sleep(1) def download_file(url): response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(response.content) tmp_file.flush() return else: print("Error: Unable to download file") with gr.Blocks() as demo: #def handleChange(): # line3.update(visible=False) gr.Markdown(""" ## Voicemod's Text-to-Sing API To use this API follow the instructions: 1. First, select the melody you want from the dropdown 2. Then write the lyrics for it ### Disclaimer Each melody has specific requirements for the lyrics (number of notes per verse and duration of each note). Use the examples provided to understand how they work and write valid lyrics to get best results Also, the length of the song is fixed, if you go over the line numbers the extra lyrics will be ignored. ## Join our Community If you'd like to know more and meet other developers working with this technology, join our [Discord Server](! """) music_options = ["Deck the Halls by Cecilia", "Move your Body by Cecilia", "Dark Trap by Jerry", "Happy Birthday by Jerry", "Levitate by Ed"] with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): dd = gr.Dropdown(choices=music_options, type="index", label="Select the melody...") lines = gr.Textbox(lines=10, placeholder="Write your lyrics here...", label="Lyrics") with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Run") with gr.Column(): video = gr.Video(label="Generated output") gr.Markdown(""" ## Example lyrics To make your life easier, while testing the API, you can use and modify the following lyrics for each song: """) gr.Examples(fn=greet, examples=[["Move your Body by Cecilia", """this is just a test don’t worry now the lyrics will come the less you think about them just feel the melody""" ], ["Dark Trap by Jerry","""this is just a test don't worry about what I say the lyrics want to go crazy when pushed too hard take it easy and relax this is moving too fast I can help you be a better singer""" ], ["Happy Birthday by Jerry","""happy birthday to you happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear Laura happy birthday to you!"""] , ["Deck the Halls by Cecilia", """Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa la la la la, la la la la 'Tis the season to be jolly Fa la la la la, la la la la""" ], ["Levitate by Ed", """this is just a test don’t worry about what I say the lyrics want to go crazy when pushed too hard"""] ], inputs=[ dd, lines ], outputs=video, cache_examples=True ) gr.Markdown(""" ## Want to use this API for your project? If you'd like to use this API for your own project, request access through our [form here]( and join our [Dev Community on Discord](! """), inputs=[ dd, lines ], outputs=video) demo.launch()