import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity |
import torch |
import json |
import os |
import glob |
from pathlib import Path |
from datetime import datetime |
import edge_tts |
import asyncio |
import requests |
from collections import defaultdict |
from audio_recorder_streamlit import audio_recorder |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components |
from urllib.parse import quote |
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET |
from datasets import load_dataset |
'search_history': [], |
'last_voice_input': "", |
'transcript_history': [], |
'should_rerun': False, |
'search_columns': [], |
'initial_search_done': False, |
'tts_voice': "en-US-AriaNeural", |
'arxiv_last_query': "", |
'dataset_loaded': False, |
'current_page': 0, |
'data_cache': None, |
'dataset_info': None |
} |
for var, default in SESSION_VARS.items(): |
if var not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state[var] = default |
@st.cache_resource |
def get_model(): |
return SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') |
@st.cache_data |
def load_dataset_page(dataset_id, token, page, rows_per_page): |
try: |
start_idx = page * rows_per_page |
end_idx = start_idx + rows_per_page |
dataset = load_dataset( |
dataset_id, |
token=token, |
streaming=False, |
split=f'train[{start_idx}:{end_idx}]' |
) |
return pd.DataFrame(dataset) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Error loading page {page}: {str(e)}") |
return pd.DataFrame() |
@st.cache_data |
def get_dataset_info(dataset_id, token): |
try: |
dataset = load_dataset(dataset_id, token=token, streaming=True) |
return dataset['train'].info |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Error loading dataset info: {str(e)}") |
return None |
def fetch_dataset_info(dataset_id): |
info_url = f"https://huggingface.co./api/datasets/{dataset_id}" |
try: |
response = requests.get(info_url, timeout=30) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
return response.json() |
except Exception as e: |
st.warning(f"Error fetching dataset info: {e}") |
return None |
def fetch_dataset_rows(dataset_id, config="default", split="train", max_rows=100): |
url = f"https://datasets-server.huggingface.co/first-rows?dataset={dataset_id}&config={config}&split={split}" |
try: |
response = requests.get(url, timeout=30) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
data = response.json() |
if 'rows' in data: |
processed_rows = [] |
for row_data in data['rows']: |
row = row_data.get('row', row_data) |
for key in row: |
if any(term in key.lower() for term in ['embed', 'vector', 'encoding']): |
if isinstance(row[key], str): |
try: |
row[key] = [float(x.strip()) for x in row[key].strip('[]').split(',') if x.strip()] |
except: |
continue |
row['_config'] = config |
row['_split'] = split |
processed_rows.append(row) |
return processed_rows |
except Exception as e: |
st.warning(f"Error fetching rows: {e}") |
return [] |
class FastDatasetSearcher: |
def __init__(self, dataset_id="tomg-group-umd/cinepile"): |
self.dataset_id = dataset_id |
self.text_model = get_model() |
self.token = os.environ.get('DATASET_KEY') |
if not self.token: |
st.error("Please set the DATASET_KEY environment variable") |
st.stop() |
if st.session_state['dataset_info'] is None: |
st.session_state['dataset_info'] = get_dataset_info(self.dataset_id, self.token) |
def load_page(self, page=0): |
return load_dataset_page(self.dataset_id, self.token, page, ROWS_PER_PAGE) |
def quick_search(self, query, df): |
"""Enhanced search with strict token matching and semantic relevance""" |
if df.empty or not query.strip(): |
return df |
try: |
searchable_cols = [] |
for col in df.columns: |
sample_val = df[col].iloc[0] |
if not isinstance(sample_val, (np.ndarray, bytes)): |
searchable_cols.append(col) |
query_lower = query.lower() |
query_terms = set(query_lower.split()) |
query_embedding = self.text_model.encode([query], show_progress_bar=False)[0] |
scores = [] |
matched_any = [] |
for _, row in df.iterrows(): |
text_parts = [] |
row_matched = False |
exact_match = False |
priority_fields = ['description', 'matched_text'] |
other_fields = [col for col in searchable_cols if col not in priority_fields] |
for col in priority_fields: |
if col in row: |
val = row[col] |
if val is not None: |
val_str = str(val).lower() |
if query_lower in val_str.split(): |
exact_match = True |
if any(term in val_str.split() for term in query_terms): |
row_matched = True |
text_parts.append(str(val)) |
for col in other_fields: |
val = row[col] |
if val is not None: |
val_str = str(val).lower() |
if query_lower in val_str.split(): |
exact_match = True |
if any(term in val_str.split() for term in query_terms): |
row_matched = True |
text_parts.append(str(val)) |
text = ' '.join(text_parts) |
if text.strip(): |
text_tokens = set(text.lower().split()) |
matching_terms = query_terms.intersection(text_tokens) |
keyword_score = len(matching_terms) / len(query_terms) |
text_embedding = self.text_model.encode([text], show_progress_bar=False)[0] |
semantic_score = float(cosine_similarity([query_embedding], [text_embedding])[0][0]) |
combined_score = 0.8 * keyword_score + 0.2 * semantic_score |
if exact_match: |
combined_score *= EXACT_MATCH_BOOST |
elif row_matched: |
combined_score *= 1.2 |
else: |
combined_score = 0.0 |
row_matched = False |
scores.append(combined_score) |
matched_any.append(row_matched) |
results_df = df.copy() |
results_df['score'] = scores |
results_df['matched'] = matched_any |
filtered_df = results_df[ |
(results_df['matched']) | |
(results_df['score'] > MIN_KEYWORD_MATCHES) |
] |
return filtered_df.sort_values('score', ascending=False) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Search error: {str(e)}") |
return df |
class VideoSearch: |
def __init__(self): |
self.text_model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') |
self.dataset_id = "omegalabsinc/omega-multimodal" |
self.load_dataset() |
def fetch_dataset_rows(self): |
try: |
df, configs, splits = search_dataset( |
self.dataset_id, |
"", |
include_configs=None, |
include_splits=None |
) |
if not df.empty: |
st.session_state['search_columns'] = [col for col in df.columns |
if col not in ['video_embed', 'description_embed', 'audio_embed'] |
and not col.startswith('_')] |
return df |
return self.load_example_data() |
except Exception as e: |
st.warning(f"Error loading videos: {e}") |
return self.load_example_data() |
def load_example_data(self): |
example_data = [{ |
"video_id": "sample-123", |
"youtube_id": "dQw4w9WgXcQ", |
"description": "An example video", |
"views": 12345, |
"start_time": 0, |
"end_time": 60 |
}] |
return pd.DataFrame(example_data) |
def load_dataset(self): |
self.dataset = self.fetch_dataset_rows() |
self.prepare_features() |
def prepare_features(self): |
try: |
embed_cols = [col for col in self.dataset.columns |
if any(term in col.lower() for term in ['embed', 'vector', 'encoding'])] |
embeddings = {} |
for col in embed_cols: |
try: |
data = [] |
for row in self.dataset[col]: |
if isinstance(row, str): |
values = [float(x.strip()) for x in row.strip('[]').split(',') if x.strip()] |
elif isinstance(row, list): |
values = row |
else: |
continue |
data.append(values) |
if data: |
embeddings[col] = np.array(data) |
except: |
continue |
self.video_embeds = embeddings.get('video_embed', next(iter(embeddings.values())) if embeddings else None) |
self.text_embeds = embeddings.get('description_embed', self.video_embeds) |
except: |
num_rows = len(self.dataset) |
self.video_embeds = np.random.randn(num_rows, 384) |
self.text_embeds = np.random.randn(num_rows, 384) |
def search(self, query, column=None, top_k=20): |
"""Enhanced search with better relevance scoring""" |
query_embedding = self.text_model.encode([query])[0] |
video_sims = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], self.video_embeds)[0] |
text_sims = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], self.text_embeds)[0] |
combined_sims = 0.7 * text_sims + 0.3 * video_sims |
if column and column in self.dataset.columns and column != "All Fields": |
matches = self.dataset[column].astype(str).str.contains(query, case=False) |
combined_sims[matches] *= 1.5 |
relevant_indices = np.where(combined_sims >= MIN_RELEVANCE)[0] |
if len(relevant_indices) == 0: |
return [] |
top_k = min(top_k, len(relevant_indices)) |
top_indices = relevant_indices[np.argsort(combined_sims[relevant_indices])[-top_k:][::-1]] |
results = [] |
for idx in top_indices: |
result = {'relevance_score': float(combined_sims[idx])} |
for col in self.dataset.columns: |
if col not in ['video_embed', 'description_embed', 'audio_embed']: |
result[col] = self.dataset.iloc[idx][col] |
results.append(result) |
return results |
def search_dataset(dataset_id, search_text, include_configs=None, include_splits=None): |
dataset_info = fetch_dataset_info(dataset_id) |
if not dataset_info: |
return pd.DataFrame(), [], [] |
configs = include_configs if include_configs else dataset_info.get('config_names', ['default']) |
all_rows = [] |
available_splits = set() |
for config in configs: |
try: |
splits_url = f"https://datasets-server.huggingface.co/splits?dataset={dataset_id}&config={config}" |
splits_response = requests.get(splits_url, timeout=30) |
if splits_response.status_code == 200: |
splits_data = splits_response.json() |
splits = [split['split'] for split in splits_data.get('splits', [])] |
if not splits: |
splits = ['train'] |
if include_splits: |
splits = [s for s in splits if s in include_splits] |
available_splits.update(splits) |
for split in splits: |
rows = fetch_dataset_rows(dataset_id, config, split) |
for row in rows: |
text_content = ' '.join(str(v) for v in row.values() |
if isinstance(v, (str, int, float))) |
if search_text.lower() in text_content.lower(): |
row['_matched_text'] = text_content |
row['_relevance_score'] = text_content.lower().count(search_text.lower()) |
all_rows.append(row) |
except Exception as e: |
st.warning(f"Error processing config {config}: {e}") |
continue |
if all_rows: |
df = pd.DataFrame(all_rows) |
df = df.sort_values('_relevance_score', ascending=False) |
return df, configs, list(available_splits) |
return pd.DataFrame(), configs, list(available_splits) |
@st.cache_resource |
def get_speech_model(): |
return edge_tts.Communicate |
async def generate_speech(text, voice=None): |
if not text.strip(): |
return None |
if not voice: |
voice = st.session_state['tts_voice'] |
try: |
communicate = get_speech_model()(text, voice) |
audio_file = f"speech_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.mp3" |
await communicate.save(audio_file) |
return audio_file |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"Error generating speech: {e}") |
return None |
def transcribe_audio(audio_path): |
"""Placeholder for ASR implementation""" |
return "ASR not implemented. Add your preferred speech recognition here!" |
def arxiv_search(query, max_results=5): |
base_url = "http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?" |
search_url = base_url + f"search_query={quote(query)}&start=0&max_results={max_results}" |
try: |
r = requests.get(search_url) |
if r.status_code == 200: |
root = ET.fromstring(r.text) |
ns = {'atom': 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'} |
entries = root.findall('atom:entry', ns) |
results = [] |
for entry in entries: |
title = entry.find('atom:title', ns).text.strip() |
summary = entry.find('atom:summary', ns).text.strip() |
link = next((l.get('href') for l in entry.findall('atom:link', ns) |
if l.get('type') == 'text/html'), None) |
results.append((title, summary, link)) |
return results |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"ArXiv search error: {e}") |
return [] |
def show_file_manager(): |
st.subheader("π File Manager") |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload File", type=['txt', 'md', 'mp3']) |
if uploaded_file: |
with open(uploaded_file.name, "wb") as f: |
f.write(uploaded_file.getvalue()) |
st.success(f"Uploaded: {uploaded_file.name}") |
st.experimental_rerun() |
with col2: |
if st.button("π Clear Files"): |
for f in glob.glob("*.txt") + glob.glob("*.md") + glob.glob("*.mp3"): |
os.remove(f) |
st.success("All files cleared!") |
st.experimental_rerun() |
files = glob.glob("*.txt") + glob.glob("*.md") + glob.glob("*.mp3") |
if files: |
st.write("### Existing Files") |
for f in files: |
with st.expander(f"π {os.path.basename(f)}"): |
if f.endswith('.mp3'): |
st.audio(f) |
else: |
with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: |
st.text_area("Content", file.read(), height=100) |
if st.button(f"Delete {os.path.basename(f)}", key=f"del_{f}"): |
os.remove(f) |
st.experimental_rerun() |
def perform_arxiv_lookup(query, vocal_summary=True, titles_summary=True, full_audio=False): |
results = arxiv_search(query, max_results=5) |
if not results: |
st.write("No results found.") |
return |
st.markdown(f"**ArXiv Results for '{query}':**") |
for i, (title, summary, link) in enumerate(results, start=1): |
st.markdown(f"**{i}. {title}**") |
st.write(summary) |
if link: |
st.markdown(f"[View Paper]({link})") |
if vocal_summary: |
spoken_text = f"Here are ArXiv results for {query}. " |
if titles_summary: |
spoken_text += " Titles: " + ", ".join([res[0] for res in results]) |
else: |
spoken_text += " " + results[0][1][:200] |
audio_file = asyncio.run(generate_speech(spoken_text)) |
if audio_file: |
st.audio(audio_file) |
if full_audio: |
full_text = "" |
for i, (title, summary, _) in enumerate(results, start=1): |
full_text += f"Result {i}: {title}. {summary} " |
audio_file_full = asyncio.run(generate_speech(full_text)) |
if audio_file_full: |
st.write("### Full Audio Summary") |
st.audio(audio_file_full) |
def render_result(result): |
"""Render a search result with voice selection and TTS options""" |
score = result.get('relevance_score', 0) |
result_filtered = {k: v for k, v in result.items() |
if k not in ['relevance_score', 'video_embed', 'description_embed', 'audio_embed']} |
if 'youtube_id' in result: |
st.video(f"https://youtube.com/watch?v={result['youtube_id']}&t={result.get('start_time', 0)}") |
cols = st.columns([2, 1]) |
with cols[0]: |
text_content = [] |
for key, value in result_filtered.items(): |
if isinstance(value, (str, int, float)): |
st.write(f"**{key}:** {value}") |
if isinstance(value, str) and len(value.strip()) > 0: |
text_content.append(f"{key}: {value}") |
with cols[1]: |
st.metric("Relevance Score", f"{score:.2%}") |
voices = { |
"Aria (US Female)": "en-US-AriaNeural", |
"Guy (US Male)": "en-US-GuyNeural", |
"Sonia (UK Female)": "en-GB-SoniaNeural", |
"Tony (UK Male)": "en-GB-TonyNeural", |
"Jenny (US Female)": "en-US-JennyNeural" |
} |
selected_voice = st.selectbox( |
"Select Voice", |
list(voices.keys()), |
key=f"voice_{result.get('video_id', '')}" |
) |
if st.button("π Read Description", key=f"read_{result.get('video_id', '')}"): |
text_to_read = ". ".join(text_content) |
audio_file = asyncio.run(generate_speech(text_to_read, voices[selected_voice])) |
if audio_file: |
st.audio(audio_file) |
def main(): |
st.title("π₯ Advanced Video & Dataset Search with Voice") |
search = VideoSearch() |
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs([ |
"π Search", "ποΈ Voice Input", "π ArXiv", "π Files" |
]) |
with tab1: |
st.subheader("Search Videos") |
col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) |
with col1: |
query = st.text_input("Enter search query:", |
value="" if st.session_state['initial_search_done'] else "aliens") |
with col2: |
search_column = st.selectbox("Search in:", |
["All Fields"] + st.session_state['search_columns']) |
col3, col4 = st.columns(2) |
with col3: |
num_results = st.slider("Max results:", 1, 100, 20) |
with col4: |
search_button = st.button("π Search") |
if (search_button or not st.session_state['initial_search_done']) and query: |
st.session_state['initial_search_done'] = True |
selected_column = None if search_column == "All Fields" else search_column |
with st.spinner("Searching..."): |
results = search.search(query, selected_column, num_results) |
if results: |
st.session_state['search_history'].append({ |
'query': query, |
'timestamp': datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), |
'results': results[:5] |
}) |
st.write(f"Found {len(results)} results:") |
for i, result in enumerate(results, 1): |
with st.expander(f"Result {i}", expanded=(i==1)): |
render_result(result) |
else: |
st.warning("No matching results found.") |
with tab2: |
st.subheader("Voice Search") |
st.write("ποΈ Record your query:") |
audio_bytes = audio_recorder() |
if audio_bytes: |
with st.spinner("Processing audio..."): |
audio_path = f"temp_audio_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.wav" |
with open(audio_path, "wb") as f: |
f.write(audio_bytes) |
voice_query = transcribe_audio(audio_path) |
st.markdown("**Transcribed Text:**") |
st.write(voice_query) |
st.session_state['last_voice_input'] = voice_query |
if st.button("π Search from Voice"): |
results = search.search(voice_query, None, 20) |
for i, result in enumerate(results, 1): |
with st.expander(f"Result {i}", expanded=(i==1)): |
render_result(result) |
if os.path.exists(audio_path): |
os.remove(audio_path) |
with tab3: |
st.subheader("ArXiv Search") |
arxiv_query = st.text_input("Search ArXiv:", value=st.session_state['arxiv_last_query']) |
vocal_summary = st.checkbox("π Quick Audio Summary", value=True) |
titles_summary = st.checkbox("π Titles Only", value=True) |
full_audio = st.checkbox("π Full Audio Summary", value=False) |
if st.button("π Search ArXiv"): |
st.session_state['arxiv_last_query'] = arxiv_query |
perform_arxiv_lookup(arxiv_query, vocal_summary, titles_summary, full_audio) |
with tab4: |
show_file_manager() |
with st.sidebar: |
st.subheader("βοΈ Settings & History") |
if st.button("ποΈ Clear History"): |
st.session_state['search_history'] = [] |
st.experimental_rerun() |
st.markdown("### Recent Searches") |
for entry in reversed(st.session_state['search_history'][-5:]): |
with st.expander(f"{entry['timestamp']}: {entry['query']}"): |
for i, result in enumerate(entry['results'], 1): |
st.write(f"{i}. {result.get('description', '')[:100]}...") |
st.markdown("### Voice Settings") |
st.selectbox("TTS Voice:", [ |
"en-US-AriaNeural", |
"en-US-GuyNeural", |
"en-GB-SoniaNeural" |
], key="tts_voice") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |