import OnnxWrapper from './Silero'; // Assuming you have this class implemented const modelPath = process.env.VAD_MODEL_PATH; export class VadDetector { private model: OnnxWrapper; private startThreshold: number; private endThreshold: number; private samplingRate: number; private minSilenceSamples: number; private speechPadSamples: number; private triggered: boolean; private tempEnd: number; private currentSample: number; constructor( startThreshold: number, endThreshold: number, samplingRate: number, minSilenceDurationMs: number, speechPadMs: number ) { if (samplingRate !== 8000 && samplingRate !== 16000) { throw new Error("Does not support sampling rates other than [8000, 16000]"); } this.model = new OnnxWrapper(modelPath); this.startThreshold = startThreshold; this.endThreshold = endThreshold; this.samplingRate = samplingRate; this.minSilenceSamples = samplingRate * minSilenceDurationMs / 1000; this.speechPadSamples = samplingRate * speechPadMs / 1000; this.reset(); console.log(`VadDetector initialized with: startThreshold=${startThreshold}, endThreshold=${endThreshold}, samplingRate=${samplingRate}`); } reset(): void { this.model.resetStates(); this.triggered = false; this.tempEnd = 0; this.currentSample = 0; console.log('VadDetector reset'); } async apply(data: Float32Array, returnSeconds: boolean): Promise<{ start?: number; end?: number }> { console.log(`Applying VAD to data of length ${data.length}`); const windowSizeSamples = data.length; this.currentSample += windowSizeSamples; // Determine the row length based on the sampling rate const rowLength = this.samplingRate === 16000 ? 512 : 256; // Calculate the number of rows const numRows = Math.ceil(data.length / rowLength); // Create the 2D array const x: number[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { const start = i * rowLength; const end = Math.min(start + rowLength, data.length); x.push(Array.from(data.slice(start, end))); // If the last row is not full, pad it with zeros if (end - start < rowLength) { x[i] = x[i].concat(new Array(rowLength - (end - start)).fill(0)); } } let speechProb: number; try { let speechProbPromise = await, this.samplingRate); if (speechProbPromise && Array.isArray(speechProbPromise) && speechProbPromise[0]) { speechProb = speechProbPromise[0][0]; console.log(`Speech probability: ${speechProb}`); } else { throw new Error("Unexpected response from model"); } } catch (e) { console.error("Error in VadDetector.apply:", e); throw new Error("Error calling the model: " + e); } if (speechProb >= this.startThreshold && this.tempEnd !== 0) { this.tempEnd = 0; } if (speechProb >= this.startThreshold && !this.triggered) { this.triggered = true; let speechStart = Math.max(this.currentSample - this.speechPadSamples, 0); console.log(`Speech start detected at sample ${speechStart}`); if (returnSeconds) { const speechStartSeconds = speechStart / this.samplingRate; return { start: Number(speechStartSeconds.toFixed(1)) }; } else { return { start: speechStart }; } } if (speechProb < this.endThreshold && this.triggered) { console.log(`Potential speech end at sample ${this.currentSample}`); if (this.tempEnd === 0) { this.tempEnd = this.currentSample; } if (this.currentSample - this.tempEnd < this.minSilenceSamples) { console.log('Silence duration too short, continuing'); return {}; } else { const speechEnd = this.tempEnd + this.speechPadSamples; console.log(`Speech end confirmed at sample ${speechEnd}`); this.tempEnd = 0; this.triggered = false; if (returnSeconds) { const speechEndSeconds = speechEnd / this.samplingRate; return { end: Number(speechEndSeconds.toFixed(1)) }; } else { return { end: speechEnd }; } } } return {}; } async close(): Promise { this.reset(); await this.model.close(); } }