import * as ort from 'onnxruntime-web'; | |
class OnnxWrapper { | |
private session: ort.InferenceSession; | |
private _state: number[][]; | |
private _context: number[]; | |
private _last_sr: number; | |
private _last_batch_size: number; | |
private sample_rates: number[]; | |
private sessionReady: Promise<void>; | |
constructor(path: string, force_onnx_cpu: boolean = true) { | |
console.log(`Initializing OnnxWrapper with path: ${path}`); | |
this.sessionReady = this.initSession(path, force_onnx_cpu); | |
this.resetStates(); | |
this.sample_rates = [8000, 16000]; | |
} | |
async ready(): Promise<void> { | |
console.log('Waiting for OnnxWrapper session to be ready'); | |
await this.sessionReady; | |
console.log('OnnxWrapper session is ready'); | |
} | |
private async initSession(path: string, force_onnx_cpu: boolean) { | |
console.log(`Initializing ONNX session with force_onnx_cpu: ${force_onnx_cpu}`); | |
const options: ort.InferenceSession.SessionOptions = { | |
executionProviders: force_onnx_cpu ? ['wasm'] : ['webgl', 'wasm'], | |
graphOptimizationLevel: 'all', | |
executionMode: 'sequential', | |
enableCpuMemArena: true, | |
enableMemPattern: true, | |
extra: { | |
session: { | |
intra_op_num_threads: 1, | |
inter_op_num_threads: 1, | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
this.session = await ort.InferenceSession.create(path, options); | |
console.log('ONNX session created successfully'); | |
} | |
private _validate_input(x: number[][], sr: number): [number[][], number] { | |
if (!Array.isArray(x[0])) { | |
x = [x as unknown as number[]]; | |
} | |
if (x.length > 2) { | |
throw new Error(`Too many dimensions for input audio chunk ${x.length}`); | |
} | |
if (sr !== 16000 && (sr % 16000 === 0)) { | |
const step = Math.floor(sr / 16000); | |
x = => row.filter((_, i) => i % step === 0)); | |
sr = 16000; | |
} | |
if (!this.sample_rates.includes(sr)) { | |
throw new Error(`Supported sampling rates: ${this.sample_rates} (or multiply of 16000)`); | |
} | |
if (sr / x[0].length > 31.25) { | |
throw new Error("Input audio chunk is too short"); | |
} | |
return [x, sr]; | |
} | |
resetStates(batch_size: number = 1): void { | |
console.log(`Resetting states with batch_size: ${batch_size}`); | |
this._state = Array(2).fill(0).map(() => Array(batch_size * 128).fill(0)); | |
this._context = []; | |
this._last_sr = 0; | |
this._last_batch_size = 0; | |
} | |
async call(x: number[][], sr: number): Promise<number[][]> { | |
console.log(`Calling model with input shape: [${x.length}, ${x[0].length}], sample rate: ${sr}`); | |
await this.ready(); | |
[x, sr] = this._validate_input(x, sr); | |
const num_samples = sr === 16000 ? 512 : 256; | |
if (x[0].length !== num_samples) { | |
throw new Error(`Provided number of samples is ${x[0].length} (Supported values: 256 for 8000 sample rate, 512 for 16000)`); | |
} | |
const batch_size = x.length; | |
const context_size = sr === 16000 ? 64 : 32; | |
if (!this._last_batch_size) { | |
this.resetStates(batch_size); | |
} | |
if (this._last_sr && this._last_sr !== sr) { | |
this.resetStates(batch_size); | |
} | |
if (this._last_batch_size && this._last_batch_size !== batch_size) { | |
this.resetStates(batch_size); | |
} | |
if (this._context.length === 0) { | |
this._context = Array(batch_size * context_size).fill(0); | |
} | |
x =, i) => [...this._context.slice(i * context_size, (i + 1) * context_size), ...row]); | |
if (sr === 8000 || sr === 16000) { | |
const inputTensor = new ort.Tensor('float32', x.flat(), [batch_size, x[0].length]); | |
const stateTensor = new ort.Tensor('float32', this._state.flat(), [2, batch_size, 128]); | |
const srTensor = new ort.Tensor('int64', [sr], []); | |
const feeds: Record<string, ort.Tensor> = { | |
input: inputTensor, | |
state: stateTensor, | |
sr: srTensor | |
}; | |
const results = await; | |
const outputData = as Float32Array; | |
const stateData = as Float32Array; | |
this._state = Array(2).fill(0).map((_, i) => | |
Array.from(stateData.slice(i * batch_size * 128, (i + 1) * batch_size * 128)) | |
); | |
const outputShape = results.output.dims as number[]; | |
const out = Array(outputShape[0]).fill(0).map((_, i) => | |
Array.from(outputData.slice(i * outputShape[1], (i + 1) * outputShape[1])) | |
); | |
this._context = => row.slice(-context_size)).flat(); | |
this._last_sr = sr; | |
this._last_batch_size = batch_size; | |
console.log(`Model call completed, output shape: [${out.length}, ${out[0].length}]`); | |
return out; | |
} else { | |
throw new Error(`Unsupported sample rate: ${sr}. Supported rates are 8000 and 16000.`); | |
} | |
} | |
async audio_forward(x: number[][], sr: number): Promise<number[][]> { | |
console.log(`Running audio_forward with input shape: [${x.length}, ${x[0].length}], sample rate: ${sr}`); | |
const outs: number[][][] = []; | |
[x, sr] = this._validate_input(x, sr); | |
this.resetStates(); | |
const num_samples = sr === 16000 ? 512 : 256; | |
if (x[0].length % num_samples !== 0) { | |
const pad_num = num_samples - (x[0].length % num_samples); | |
x = => [...row, ...Array(pad_num).fill(0)]); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < x[0].length; i += num_samples) { | |
const wavs_batch = => row.slice(i, i + num_samples)); | |
const out_chunk = await, sr); | |
outs.push(out_chunk); | |
} | |
console.log(`audio_forward completed, output shape: [${outs.length}, ${outs[0].length}]`); | |
return outs.reduce((acc, curr) =>, i) => [...row, ...curr[i]])); | |
} | |
close(): void { | |
console.log('Closing OnnxWrapper session'); | |
this.session.release(); | |
} | |
} | |
export default OnnxWrapper; |