# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from __future__ import division import numpy as np from annotator.mmpkg.mmcv.image import rgb2bgr from annotator.mmpkg.mmcv.video import flowread from .image import imshow def flowshow(flow, win_name='', wait_time=0): """Show optical flow. Args: flow (ndarray or str): The optical flow to be displayed. win_name (str): The window name. wait_time (int): Value of waitKey param. """ flow = flowread(flow) flow_img = flow2rgb(flow) imshow(rgb2bgr(flow_img), win_name, wait_time) def flow2rgb(flow, color_wheel=None, unknown_thr=1e6): """Convert flow map to RGB image. Args: flow (ndarray): Array of optical flow. color_wheel (ndarray or None): Color wheel used to map flow field to RGB colorspace. Default color wheel will be used if not specified. unknown_thr (str): Values above this threshold will be marked as unknown and thus ignored. Returns: ndarray: RGB image that can be visualized. """ assert flow.ndim == 3 and flow.shape[-1] == 2 if color_wheel is None: color_wheel = make_color_wheel() assert color_wheel.ndim == 2 and color_wheel.shape[1] == 3 num_bins = color_wheel.shape[0] dx = flow[:, :, 0].copy() dy = flow[:, :, 1].copy() ignore_inds = ( np.isnan(dx) | np.isnan(dy) | (np.abs(dx) > unknown_thr) | (np.abs(dy) > unknown_thr)) dx[ignore_inds] = 0 dy[ignore_inds] = 0 rad = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if np.any(rad > np.finfo(float).eps): max_rad = np.max(rad) dx /= max_rad dy /= max_rad rad = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) angle = np.arctan2(-dy, -dx) / np.pi bin_real = (angle + 1) / 2 * (num_bins - 1) bin_left = np.floor(bin_real).astype(int) bin_right = (bin_left + 1) % num_bins w = (bin_real - bin_left.astype(np.float32))[..., None] flow_img = (1 - w) * color_wheel[bin_left, :] + w * color_wheel[bin_right, :] small_ind = rad <= 1 flow_img[small_ind] = 1 - rad[small_ind, None] * (1 - flow_img[small_ind]) flow_img[np.logical_not(small_ind)] *= 0.75 flow_img[ignore_inds, :] = 0 return flow_img def make_color_wheel(bins=None): """Build a color wheel. Args: bins(list or tuple, optional): Specify the number of bins for each color range, corresponding to six ranges: red -> yellow, yellow -> green, green -> cyan, cyan -> blue, blue -> magenta, magenta -> red. [15, 6, 4, 11, 13, 6] is used for default (see Middlebury). Returns: ndarray: Color wheel of shape (total_bins, 3). """ if bins is None: bins = [15, 6, 4, 11, 13, 6] assert len(bins) == 6 RY, YG, GC, CB, BM, MR = tuple(bins) ry = [1, np.arange(RY) / RY, 0] yg = [1 - np.arange(YG) / YG, 1, 0] gc = [0, 1, np.arange(GC) / GC] cb = [0, 1 - np.arange(CB) / CB, 1] bm = [np.arange(BM) / BM, 0, 1] mr = [1, 0, 1 - np.arange(MR) / MR] num_bins = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR color_wheel = np.zeros((3, num_bins), dtype=np.float32) col = 0 for i, color in enumerate([ry, yg, gc, cb, bm, mr]): for j in range(3): color_wheel[j, col:col + bins[i]] = color[j] col += bins[i] return color_wheel.T