[ { "_id": "\"zoiG7n65AvKAyBcfK\"", "name": "Wesley Neill", "application": "{\"text\":\"Because I directly benefited from being a mentee at SharpestMinds, so I know that good mentorship can help someone find the career they want!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-11-10T18:00:59.037Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BfJ7sw5e9222zKxxk\"", "name": "Joseph Woodall", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am a former mentee in SharpestMinds, Kevin McPherson was my mentor. I loved the program, and Kevin did a great job. So, I would like to come back as a mentor. I love teaching, and want to help individuals with a range of skill sets find their dream career. My understanding, and application, of Data Science, Machine Learning Engineering, and Data Engineering has increased since I was in the program- and I would love to give back and help the next generation of techies!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-11-08T20:52:34.873Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"NdfKnssjfnHwrPwhA\"", "name": "Nasir Safdari", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"NdfKnssjfnHwrPwhA\"", "name": "Nasir Safdari", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"JTQkywrGmH8LypSba\"", "name": "Samantha", "application": "{\"text\":\"I believe in the value of community and rising by lifting others and mentoring is a good application of that. I know how intimidating tech can be especially for women and girls, this was a reoccurring theme when I mentored with AISaturdaysLagos, and even in my current job where I mentor new hires. Having the pleasure of mentoring and leading women/girls has allowed me to observe that they did exceedingly well when they were mentored by someone they could relate to, not just on gender, but someone who felt the same intimidation entering the tech space and is now a \\\"success story\\\". I mentor in my current position and I would love to add one more mentee who I can assist in their tech journey. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T00:30:56.335Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Bqid3nN5rm6WPscFF\"", "name": "Hyung Jin Kim", "application": "{\"text\":\"I got a help from Sharpestminds to find a job. I would like to contribute back.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T00:50:21.953Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"xuffCGieuB7pWmKFB\"", "name": "Natasha Borders", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'm not sure if I would fit into a mentor profile since I don't have a data scientist title currently, but if you're still interested in having me, I think I could provide some good perspective on the difference between start ups and large companies and on how someone without any background in coding etc can actually begin working in data and do data science and analytics in various industries. Let me know! \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T00:55:58.261Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"kBGSstrBJP2hf2WAp\"", "name": "John LaGue", "application": "{\"text\":\"Sharpest Minds was incredibly helpful for me in landing two positions actually and I'd love to stay connected with the community. While I don't think I would be the optimal mentor for someone with technical questions - my technical skills are severely lacking. I do think I would enjoy helping anyone who is looking to work at very early stage startups and/or want to be a founder themselves. As COO of a start up I think I could help someone put their best foot forward when applying to positions and also help with any startup related topics. \\nBut, I do know that my data science skills have not been sharpened over the past few years since I have worked more in operations/marketing positions. So my technical mentoring would be lacking.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T03:55:10.013Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"XwNn6TppjPLmrxNwr\"", "name": "Nadim Kawwa", "application": "{\"text\":\"First things first: got an invitation to apply from Aniket.\\n\\nI was a mentee myself and last year switched to a data science position at a startup. Therefore what mentees will go through, I went through recently. In addition, I have a keen understanding, and feeling, of what it's like to be in the mentee's shoes. Having been through many interview loops I know the process and its pitfalls.\\n\\nI'm also confident that if I was able to transition in a not favorable market environment that they can do it too.\\n\\nMoreover, working at a startup means wearing multiple hats: data engineer, data scientist, and ML engineer. For the mentee it means I can identify the areas where they need help and build a strong foundation in all aspects of DS.\\n\\nFinally, I wish to contribute to an experience I was once part of. I had the immense luck of having a wonderful, supportive, and very knowledgeable mentor who guided me through my journey and I hope I can do the same for others. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T04:44:19.522Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"pfWESpbX987KmyrPm\"", "name": "Aycha Tammour", "application": "{\"text\":\"As someone who transitioned from academia to industry, I worked hard on identifying my transferrable skills and on learning how to leverage them in my new role as a Data Scientist. The presence of a mentor during some of the critical moments in my career transition has had a big positive impact on my career. I find it very rewarding to help folks who are trying to find their path into careers in Data Science and i hope through the Sharpest Minds program i can have a more structured way to share some of the lessons i have learned on this transition to those who need it. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T15:47:14.714Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BfJ7sw5e9222zKxxk\"", "name": "Joseph Lee Woodall", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have seen the impact of mentorship with SharpestMinds first hand. I was a mentee with SharpestMinds, and would love to come back as a mentor to share my experience, evolving story, and all the things with someone who has just started their data science journey. Please also refer to my resume, as my LinkedIn does not list every piece of my career experience, especially under Evolv Consulting: https://www.overleaf.com/project/6318cf90b2afa4a02ec0f835. \\n\\nPlease also refer to my website: \\nhttps://josephwoodall.github.io/\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T16:40:58.519Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"iPJ7LqHNnP6MdxBhA\"", "name": "Mehmet Adalar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have passion to teach and share what I learned.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-06T19:29:08.828Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"eoCSgkJHfubAK2XkT\"", "name": "Arogya Anna Maria Peddanedi", "application": "{\"text\":\"Seeking an opportunity to support others within the community.Also mentorship is not to just support others but use it as a way to improve myself.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-07T01:44:40.925Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"LvKK73x7oi4sGSwjp\"", "name": "William Chen-Mertens", "application": "{\"text\":\"As someone who went through a big career change with the help of SharpestMinds, I think I'm in a good position to add value to the platform, and I get lots of personal fulfillment from teaching and mentorship. Additionally, I have been working on some materials to make software engineering and AI/ML more accessible, so it would be a good opportunity to be able to use them.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-07T17:39:21.120Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"72uKEDi4FCSfSgtSq\"", "name": "Niloofar Zarifi", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have experience in teaching in colleges and universities and would like to be in touch and share my knowledge with students \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-08T02:19:23.315Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"rptaoPg6eyKza8T3N\"", "name": "Arul Prakash Pugazhendi", "application": "{\"text\":\"As a former mentee, I had a wonderful experience that helped me kick-start my machine learning career. Thus, I believe I can pay it forward by assisting individuals in similar situations to where I was a few years back.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-08T23:06:59.534Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"j2hBzjWm8pKimjM7G\"", "name": "Kalen Asberry", "application": "{\"text\":\"Data professionals are in high demand in today's digital economy, and mentoring can be a powerful way to help individuals develop their skills and succeed in this field. By sharing your knowledge and expertise with data professionals, I can help individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.\\n\\nMentoring can also be a rewarding experience for the mentor. It provides an opportunity to develop leadership and communication skills, gain new insights into the industry, and expand your network. Additionally, mentoring allows me to give back to the community and make a positive impact on the lives and careers of others.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-09T03:46:32.433Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"iNzswCb3ij35SDqRY\"", "name": "Nathan Burns", "application": "{\"text\":\"I enjoy teaching and would like to give back to the data science community. When I was in high school and university, I would tutor friends in their math and science classes. Also, when I was in university I was a teacher advisor who ran tutorials for a variety of math subjects. I have now been involved in the world of data science for 5.5 years, and in my last role I was working at a data science online education startup where I led a content creation team that taught data science, machine learning, Python, statistics and mathematics. Moreover, I was a mentee for the SharpestMinds program back in 2019. Put it all together, and you can see that I have a lot of experience with teaching, a lot of experience in data science, and I have first-hand experience with the SharpestMinds mentorship program from the point-of-view of the student, so I would be better able to empathize with any new mentees who enroll in this program. I would love to discuss this opportunity to become a mentor some more, so please get in touch and I would be happy to discuss more. \\n\\nRegards,\\nNathan\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-09T18:57:06.702Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"er4HW8jACmJhgo3wz\"", "name": "Kushal Kapoor", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been part of the community for almost 2 years now as a mentor and follower. On personal front I was in a situation where I wasn't sure about how to land in DS role and SM community helped me for getting my dream job. After 1 year and 3 months experience in industry, I believe it time for me to mentor other where they can learn from my experience and skills obtained along the journey. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-10T22:16:19.823Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"mx9tvLvvFh9BpfdQu\"", "name": "Flora Liu", "application": "{\"text\":\"Years ago I was a mentee of sharpestmind. I was empowered by my mentor. Now I believe it\u2019s time for me to help out the people who are trying to land a job as a data scientist or make career transition into data science field.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-12T21:58:15.314Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7WSvZGSxzwfGeepwj\"", "name": "Hazel Donaldson", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to be a mentor because while I\u2019m still new in the space, I think that I would be able to help someone who is trying to get their foot in the door. I was able to become a data scientist because of SharpestMinds, I would like to pay that forward \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-14T16:50:50.121Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"PZzmgnnG6ZpB4fSLh\"", "name": "Farzeem Jiwani", "application": "{\"text\":\"Having achieved success as a mentee using the platform, I\u2019d like to use the same to give back to the tech community using my professional experience and technical skills.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-16T04:52:26.442Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"KiNxkZ9kXCHbtamTw\"", "name": "Saiteja Sirikonda", "application": "{\"text\":\"A little money might help and I've already helped 5 of my best friends getting into Amazon and I work there. I know what I'm doing, basically. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-29T23:52:52.874Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"C7Wzw3W9wuckrcGbf\"", "name": "Chris Anderson", "application": "{\"text\":\"I've been doing it for free a bit lately and I enjoy it more than I've ever enjoyed my day job? I also started a meetup in college to teach web dev and a meetup at my last company to teach ML to SWEs. I tend to gravitate toward mentorship type tasks already.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-09-01T02:01:14.437Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7geYF3eisBAuqs3mb\"", "name": "Suhas Shekar", "application": "{\"text\":\"Coaching/mentoring has been a passion and interest of mine since I started coaching tennis in 7th grade. More recently, I've been active in participating as a mentor and mentee within Facebook. \\n\\nI've been fortunate enough to find exceptional mentors who have helped me get to this stage and would like to pay that forward by offering my mentorship opportunities. \\n\\nMy main value add will be for product analysts. I'm not a technical DS (although I do know stats and modeling and all that to pass interviews). My main value add is helping data scientists translate their data analysis into business impact. Coaching how to narrate crisp storylines, influence product strategy, etc. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-09-05T22:15:51.000Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"kWvJvD5iPY7Cg9zLo\"", "name": "Shekhar Tanwar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love solving problems, and guiding people to develop their analytical abilities. I have been mentoring aspiring data scientists both within my company and outside and I strongly believe I can help people reach their goals in a methodical fashion.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-08T12:04:34.299Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Bca5ZTFPG2hYjvDWW\"", "name": "Pranjal Bhatt", "application": "{\"text\":\"Hello,\\n\\nI am connected with SM community since 2020, upon my graduation I was looking for learning opportunity and interview prep for jobs. Throughout my time as a mentee, I learned several ways to answer technical questions and get past cultural interviews. Today, as ML Engineer at my work, interview people and support in on-boarding process. To my surprise there are so many talented candidates but several are filtered out due to lack of translation and communication skill, inable to present themselves and their interest precisely. At this stage in my career, due to past experiences and what I learn from community - I have decided to share my thoughts to new graduates and upskill DS professionals to reduce the gap between school and industry. Being a mentor will enable me to address this problem and develop a large network amongst ML Community to become a life-long learner. \\n\\nPlease accept my application, as I look forward to hearing from you soon.\\n\\n\\nSincerely,\\n\\nPranjal Bhatt\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-11-14T19:56:06.531Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"cuHEJ4yEqAvxXAPRb\"", "name": "Farzad Qassemi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"aqJ6RWSxEwi6CfFYC\"", "name": "Rajat Jatana", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nkTqQEtT3wrxuCtCT\"", "name": "Phil Glazer", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"dxf4fyzTDbeGucPfS\"", "name": "Aida Delfan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"fokRzqy3tYstafmTj\"", "name": "Reuben Pereira", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bbo6R6xHsxzt6Sj3w\"", "name": "Logan Jeya", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"6SsAGdXbRxALTjFYK\"", "name": "Venkatesh Muthusamy", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"XvaFZCvJspxeh4NRZ\"", "name": "Alina Li Zhang", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QAZs6yXNe9wXn5M7A\"", "name": "Hassan Shaban", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"wqMXkLxPAEBS26TJw\"", "name": "Sepehr Sisakht", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"E8YMdN5M6y8DpedT4\"", "name": "Seye Adekanye", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ter65dmX7vJ7ANDYY\"", "name": "Dominick Lim", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bXSMZgKesaCCs5efs\"", "name": "David Kong", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Nt7pqYdsYZT9a63ye\"", "name": "Jonathan Chung", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"mCznBmLp6nfzFsPnc\"", "name": "Avishalom Shalit", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7saDEETES63EeBYXt\"", "name": "Weikai Qi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"D4QiQzv6dRApDfQEY\"", "name": "Thomas Vissers", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QSfeWozfwDKNGYEsP\"", 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"application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ZYjfMTCJK2ty2yXCn\"", "name": "Goku Mohandas", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"dRLtccEShNHgjRkSd\"", "name": "Hueyling Kao", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"tnhmiRg5ogmRssx3C\"", "name": "Joseph Catrambone", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"xuA3eoroPS59wXiWL\"", "name": "John DeJesus", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BkqKzcebAQDkvqbB3\"", "name": "Andrew Tausz", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Mq3NBJd3e8DLqC3gg\"", "name": "Alex Mansourati", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"XRyxfeEbn96si8Srk\"", "name": "Lena Bosch", "application": null, "updates": [ "been working with Dylan already with some of his mentees\n- joined as a developer got promoted twice\n\n- senior manager, have a few scrums under her\n\n- lots of BI, lots of DS, ETL\n\n- machine learning, projections,\n\n\n\nDid receive a lot of mentoring during her career. And does a lot of mentoring already\n\nWomen in tech. handicap. Mentoring was a way to close the gap.\n\n\"Mentoring changes futures\"\n\n\n\n- Francois is a maximallist\n\n- wants to learn everything,\n\n\n- Loved the amazing amount of empathy that I found. Wants to continue that\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"6McuvGu9NdrPM8Dxb\"", "name": "Sushil Pathak", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am a product of SharpestMinds. I was able to land my job with the help of a great mentor and this wholesome community. Now, having and gaining more than 1 year of experience in the field of data analysis. I believe that it's time to help the community and mentor the new graduate to land the job of their dream. I believe that being a mentor, I can bring a positive impact to the SharpestMinds community. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-19T16:31:41.935Z\"}", "updates": [ "product of SM. Been a year and a half, I think I can bring some positive feedback to the community.\n\nCareer has been great.\n\nSQL engineer, now working on data visualization, python, SQL.\n\n- Analytics engineer\n\n- analyze data from customers, make predictions, compile in dashboard\n\n- create a data pipeline, so that repo for dashboard gets updated in real time\n\nIdeal mentee\n\n- recent grad. no industry experience. Migrating from recent grad to ndusty\n\n- knows the process, knows how recruitment works\n\n- knows the process for international students\n\n\n\nMentorship\n\n- pre-screen folks -> see if their goals are aligned\n\n- create a theme/syllabus/mentorship plan\n\n- meeting at this time, working on this thing,\n\n- Kind of similar to Kenneth but change it a lil bit.\n\n- With Kenneth, worked on interview prep and courses, but would want to work on a real-world project\n\n- project idea: depends on mentee.\n\n- Pandemic during his job search. Cold email approach first, find them on LinkedIn\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-" ] }, { "_id": "\"EtLJW8Qo5p3xyxTaw\"", "name": "Brandon Reynolds", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"AZFwjoyp6dNzw88Si\"", "name": "Edward Terry", "application": "{\"text\":\"Being a mentee trained me for the skills I applied from day 1 at my new role last year. I am also going through a life coach training program on the side now where I am learning how to help people define and achieve their goals. I would also like the motivation to learn more about the state of the art in my field of computer vision.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-11T13:32:53.365Z\"}", "updates": [ "* taking an instructor course\n* coming into his own style\n* especially tech professionals, aspiring ones\n* good flexible way to add income that encourages me to get more familiar with my field and network more\n* have a disproportionate impact\n* Dyllan was his mentor,\n* Value from mentorships was in more ways than I expected* shared a mature and problem-solving toolbox\n* provided a good model of mentor involvement (not too much)\n* did help with roadblocks, encouragement, accountability\n\n\n\nWhat kind of mentee?\n\n* always been on the fringes a bit (robotics and CV)\n* at first, folks in his particular domain\n\n\nStructuring a mentorship?\n\n* 3 months has been pretty solid\n* sifting thru papers, getting familiar with papers, terminology, allocate 3 weeks to do tat and find a research Q and decide on a paper to implement\n* 2- 3 weeks to get acquainted with data\n* then implementation and debugging\n* drawing the line somewhere (call it done) and presenting more time on the presentation\n* ad-hoc support during interview and job search\n* \"imposter syndrome\"\n* \"Defacto HR department at my company\"\n* \"Particularly good at emotional support\"", "Updated: Edward Terry - 05:30 pm Wed, Jun 16, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\n\n---------- Forwarded message ---------\nFrom: Calendly \nDate: Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 1:46 PM\nSubject: Updated: Edward Terry - 05:30 pm Wed, Jun 16, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\nTo: \n\nCalendly\n\nHi Russell Pollari,\n\nA new event has been scheduled.\n\nEvent Type:\n\nSharpestMinds mentor interview\n\nInvitee:\n\nEdward Terry\n\nInvitee Email:\n\nedward.william.terry@gmail.com\n\nEvent Date/Time:\n\n05:30 pm - Wednesday, June 16, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nDescription:\n\nInterview screen to be a mentor on SharpestMinds. Will be non-technical and informal.\n\nWill also include an introduction to the company and how mentorships work at SharpestMinds.\n\nLocation:\n\nThis is a Google Meet web conference.\nJoin now\n\nInvitee Time Zone:\n\nEastern Time - US & Canada\n\nDate & Time:\n\nFormer:\n05:30 pm - Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nUpdated:\n\n05:30 pm - Wednesday, June 16, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nRescheduled by Edward Terry\n\nReason - Someone visiting town at last minute.\n\nSent from Calendly\n\nReport this event\n\n--\n\nRussell Pollari\nCTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"EoETAjykP2QRepxd6\"", "name": "Remi Dion", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"rQ33BKmF9agrr6Ddi\"", "name": "Mukesh Mithrakumar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been a Data Science/Machine Learning mentor for the past 3+ years. During this time I've worked with multiple bootcamps with different formats and structure and regardless of where I have worked, I love what I do because different bootcamps attract different types of students and it has been an amazing experience working with students from all walks of life. \\nIt is a great feeling when your mentees reach out and thank you for being a part of their journey in data science when they get their first job.\\nI would love to continue what I am doing with SharpestMinds and to be a part of the mentor team and to help the students in any way I can.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-02-08T02:27:30.137Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Twitter a while back\n* thought the ISA was interesting\nMentorship exp?\n\n* since 2017\n* thinkful then springboard\n* instructor with GA, fourth brain\n* liked the mentorship part, not the instructing part\nWhat are beginners missing\n\n* bootcamps to do a good foundation\n* gap in SE skills, to move beyond PoC\n* basic git stuff, working collaboratively\nAs a mentor, how can you help?\n\n* 6 months long,\n\n* first 2 months, python skills\n* 3 months, theoretical and applied side of ML\n* then career stuff, packaging projects, focus on business value\n* linkedin, resume,\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"eNWGxoFPBytFsTZ7Q\"", "name": "Jheel Patel", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"36WKigjPGGdYCN3hh\"", "name": "Fran\u00e7ois Le Lay", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"v9ejoec9xtviSpdzR\"", "name": "Parisa Naraei", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"NdfKnssjfnHwrPwhA\"", "name": "Nasir Safdari", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"uuXPYTNw8uB2RbX5m\"", "name": "Marwan Kashef", "application": "{\"text\":\"I was on the other end of this pipeline over 4 years ago where I backed out of pursuing my mentorship because I felt incredibly lost and inadequate on my data journey. \\n\\nI invested that time to self-learn to become eligible to complete a Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence where I learned both the technical implementation and business impact of machine learning and data science as a whole. Shortly after, I went through the grindhouse of conducing tens of data scientist interviews, where I got to the final round 10 times, ultimately losing every time to a physicist of some sort.\\n\\nI eventually landed a role at the company called RVezy where I worked as a Data Scientist. I then became a professor at the University of Ottawa teaching Intro to Data Science and Analytics for Decision Making. Finally, I'm currently still a bootcamp instructor teaching SQL/Python/Tableau at Lighthouse Labs, a data-drive bootcamp.\\n\\nI'd love to be a formal mentor as this journey I just laid out was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, and I can emphasize with that individual who graduated from a non-technical degree who realized a bit 'too late' that they didn't pursue engineering, data, or something in the STEM domain. I want to save years of rejection and confusion to help individuals find their place in the overly competitive and sometimes cruel data science space. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-17T01:33:38.941Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* joined SM in 2018 looking for a mentor\n* wanted to go from analytics to DS\n* was matched with someone, but felt like he was not in a good space to benefit (could barely code)\n* Then did some self-learning, math, ML, coding, java, python, Julia\n* Then started a master's\n* recently switched to Amazon as BI engineer\nWhy mentor?\n\n* Learned a lot of things the hard way\n* Kept losing to physicists,\n\n* uphill battle\n* want to help others avoid the same mistakes\n*\n\n* gets a lot of fulfillment from helping people, and not many people were happy to help\n* I don't care about\nMentorship exp\n\n* mentors at lighthouse labs\n* taught at unversity and bootcamp\nWhat do beginners need?\n\n* hard to know what to learn\n* SQL, Python - what does that mean?\n* Depends on what you want to use it for. How do you know if you've learned them if there is\n\n* Most important things: (SQL) how to you retrieve queries from multiple tables, where the connections are not as strong\n* Writing efficient queries. If you do a sub-query on a petabyte of data, you'll be waiting all year\n* Partioning from a SQL perspective\n* Python- the basics. Basic transformations, adding columns to dataframes, lamba functions. Do all this before you import sklearn\nHow can you help as a mentor?\n\n* Where to you want to end up? BE extremely specific *not just DS\" (where, what industry)* imposter DS - dashboards\n* Math/stats\n* Generalist /unicorn\n\n* Ignore courses, start with a courses. Find a dataset and go from there\n* I wasted a year of my year just doing courses\n* Project, day 1\n* Mentees do the work, I give advice. E.g. advice and hints\n* At amazon, the things I'm being asked to are to ambiguous. No gaurdrails\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"F8DSZJzfx5ZsmCLhY\"", "name": "Jiri Stodulka", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love coaching. Want to transfer what I have learned and how I did enter the field.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-08T13:36:13.899Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why become a mentor?\n\n* always wanted to mentor\n* likes to teach ppl\n* discuss technical stuff, transfer knowledge\nHave you done much mentoring?\n\n* always explaining something to new folks, and colleagues\n* with AISC, runs discussion groups - ML in economics\n* teaching again for AISC - mathematics of deeplearning\nHow would you structure a mentorship?\n\n* would do it differently than how I had it\n* understand the person, know their goals and background\n* shape it accordingly\n* focus on longer term\n* practical, not just ML, but entire pipeline , deployment\n* what is the goal, besides just the job, in terms of technical skills,\n\n* personal brand and marketing\n* but need more to stand out (like some deployed projects)\n* find something they are pas,sionate about, ideally in the industry they are looking for\n* deploy, deploy\nMentee preferences:\n\n* does not want to teach python\n* but okay with ML beginners\n* enthusiastic, grit, hustle\n* support the mentee emotionally\nMy mentorship exp:\n\n* build a structure, and stress out regular routines\n* harry potter/dumbledore\n* weekly meeting no matter what\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"KdAQ9a7j8XQAvSyC4\"", "name": "Nayan Saxena", "application": "{\"text\":\"\\nI am a data scientist at the Royal Bank of Canada, and a machine learning engineer at WOMBO.ai. I am a recent graduate from the University of Toronto where I did an undergraduate degree in Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics and held several teaching assistant positions for various graduate and undergraduate statistics courses mentoring and teaching 1500+ students. Previously I have also worked at Bell Canada and would love to help students throughout their career journeys.\\n\\nAlongside my teaching and professional work, I have also produced several papers on topics including Neural Architecture Search, Dueling Bandit Algorithms, Item Response Theory & Gaussian Processes appearing at top machine learning venues like AAAI, ICML, NeurIPS, EDM, IEEE-ICALT, ICCM. I also have experience briefly running monte-carlo simulations on the Niagara supercomputer cluster for a journal manuscript on clinical trials under the supervision of Prof. Jessica Gronsbell (UofT) and Zack McCaw (Google). I was also a Research Assistant at the Intelligent Adaptive Interventions Research Group, where I conducted research on Statistical Inference for Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms (RL) supervised by Prof. Joseph Jay Williams.\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-12T03:32:11.445Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"jmqkYecPRWaz6Lp7a\"", "name": "Monarch Wadia", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QtPbZ3RpD5NKxWjbP\"", "name": "Edward Plata", "application": "{\"text\":\"Hi Russell, \\n\\nHope you enjoyed the holidays!\\n\\nI am a point in my career where I am confident I can provide value to people coming out of college or struggling in the job market with a transition one industry to tech. I have 3 years of data engineering experience in financial services and now working in consulting where I am exposed to a multitude of industries and have gained an understanding on what skillsets are important to create impact in industry. \\n\\nWould love to connect and chat more if I seem like a good fit.\\n\\nThanks,\\nEddy\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-10T01:17:07.093Z\"}", "updates": [ "* Was a mentee 3 years ago\n* Been helping friends\n\n* Accenture DE consultant, been there for 6 months now\n* two projects. One for insure tech, the other architecting a hospital's data architecture\n* interacts with so many different jobs\n* understands the difference\n\n\n\nBiggest gaps\n\n* confidence. People don't think they can do it\n* they don't realize they actually have the skills\n* especially academic to industry\n* Actually a different way of\n* What should I learn? It doesn't matter,\n\n* DE => SQL and Spark, and Python.. here and there\n* direction\n\n\nAs a mentor, how would you help?\n\n* has a couple Notion dashboards for tracking their applications\n\n* Track job application process, want to know where you're getting rejected\n* guidance, what the industry needs now\n* make a plan, where to apply? What industry?\n* Let's get 50 jobs, read through them, and find one project that accommodate 50% of the needs of each one\n\n* As a new grad you're going to have to grind it out\n\n* Use the SM approach of reaching out to people\n* JD Qualifications: \"What they want to see on your resume\"\n* When I was applying, I would waste a lot of time\n* I would do a lot of rapid fire, apply now on Indeed* Good for getting interviews\n\n* Web scrape all the job postings\n* Selenium to web scrape LinkedIn\n* Wants to contribute in more ways than one\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"ccoQPe2yNXxvywanP\"", "name": "Akshay Singh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"9brwuYo5qwjmSpc56\"", "name": "Chen Shen", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ywRGThteYastWCH6H\"", "name": "Andrew Zirm", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3BdxRDFhJ4SppCzqH\"", "name": "Jeff", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"CLvndGtnd773zACAA\"", "name": "Geoffrey Hunter", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"vnuR4sovXTfkMgqo5\"", "name": "Alice Cecile", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Dv4qvrSf3ruJg7TTW\"", "name": "Aniket Gupta", "application": "{\"text\":\"Experience sharing and learning.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-12-21T12:13:59.675Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"NP4Zuc4m4GsTAQ7Ae\"", "name": "Chon-Kit Pun", "application": "{\"text\":\"I hope to support aspired data scientist who recently graduated to break into the data science industry. Having a similar journey myself, I hope to leverage my success and to give back to the community. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-12-04T00:28:21.486Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"EhYuuQ8wkFTvgj8ud\"", "name": "Justin Reppert", "application": "{\"text\":\"I came from a non-traditional background to an ML research lab, and it has been a rich and rewarding transition for me. I'd like to mentor others through similar transitions.\\n\\nI have a particular interest in those looking to get into AI safety research or work with large language models, as well as those who are curious to understand what is going on deeply and who want to build things.\\n\\nI'm probably only able to take on one mentee at a time.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-12-09T22:50:34.027Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"deBkNmwENFDpd5BSz\"", "name": "Nicholas Taub", "application": "{\"text\":\"Having ventured on my own journey into data analytics some years ago, with many days/weeks/months dedicated to learning/training the trade coupled with building my professional identity, I am now incredibly interested in supporting the success of aspiring data professionals. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-02T18:06:56.328Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"LideZnqPYmbHXYmbX\"", "name": "Venkata sai Varada", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am a tech enthusiastic person with expertise in ds and ML. I strongly believe in having good community for anyone to develop new skills. I have benefited a lot from many known and unknown people during my career and would like to give back to my community.\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-09T10:28:27.444Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ahQs8PYfBfi7F96MD\"", "name": "Akshey Singhal", "application": "{\"text\":\"My desire to help others learn and grow, a passion for machine learning and a desire to share that experience with others, and a desire to contribute to the field by helping to educate the next generation of machine learning practitioners.\\n\\nBeing a mentor is a fulfilling experience, as it allows me to share my knowledge and expertise with others and potentially make a positive impact on their lives and careers. It is a great opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in machine learning, as mentoring others may require you to continually learn and stay current in the field.\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-12-21T18:35:02.662Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"eTKrzstxYgrqxLRdp\"", "name": "Manikandan Sivanesan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"c3g58XKJTNbrKhkd7\"", "name": "Monish Gandhi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"gvgdZLRCRBZRaxDfw\"", "name": "Gavin Hackeling", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YBfkdQH52jWEJTwDC\"", "name": "Mohcine Madkour", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"KKx2zoQrmqebivGuq\"", "name": "Andreas Kupper", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"5mwxBgw9Ld5STBSeQ\"", "name": "Christopher Peter Makris", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"T6aqeCqz2hquP4inZ\"", "name": "Asher Ameli", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"DEHHrgkD869CmqDiG\"", "name": "Natesh Arunachalam", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"imisf3Kq7gJ4HdD9c\"", "name": "Akash Shetty", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"cc4HQS6okjxEBD7LP\"", "name": "Sunny Zhu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nnCN6Jy3RWqpMxGoS\"", "name": "Sakibul Alam", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* Sakib\n* Applied math\n* product analyst at indeed\n* DS at two sigma\n* Always into mentoring* tutoring etc\n* At indeed, mentoring junior folks\n\n* Less about the deep learning, folks underestimate the soft skills\n* What's the business impact?\n* Complexity is not always great\n* Product managers have been good mentors, being embedded in a product, how can I be a good data science?\n* Ideal mentee => Strong math background, but not a lot of experience, trying to break into a career, focus on basics, linear regression,\n\n* Structure => Project-based, look into their interests, project might be NFL scheduling, start with the problem, blog posts walk it through technically, then walk through it from a business perspective =>\n\n* data cleaning, etc, project based\n* Then to interview prep, things like that, if they are more experienced\n* mini-projects if they are looking for\n\n* \"Looking for a data scientist role?\"\n* \"Average time commitment\"\n* \"", "SharpestMinds Mentor interview\nGreat! Just sent an invite with a Google Meets URL attached. Let me know if you don't receive it. Chat soon!-- Russell Pollari CTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"u6oh5HNYTqrh4G4Rm\"", "name": "Faraaz Sheriff", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"6tr2kqdmc6sHcwPuj\"", "name": "Mike Beaumier", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\nRuss's take-away: love this guy. Great energy, passionate about helping folks.\n\n* mentorship has always played critical\n* Physics PhD, post docs were mentors helped with skillsets for DS\n* insight fellowship, mentors, how to structure your DS project\n* first role thru insight\n* actively participating as alumni mentor\n* ML at Mercedes, boss was a great mentor\n* Moved to Google as DS\n* deploying models\n* big data pipelines\n\n* Insight has fallen on hard times\n* alumni are stepping into help the fellows\n* saw an alumn that was at SM\n* wants to keep mentoring\n* \"What are the mentees goals?\", what do you mean \"data science\"?\n* \"Where are you in your search?\"\n\n* Design a practicum, if you want to build\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"D6GLHjxMrWqxpLYvo\"", "name": "Harjot Singh Parmar", "application": null, "updates": [ "late to interview..\n\n* Based out of Waterloo\n* Mechanical engineering\n* operational research optimization => DS\n* digital marketing\n* ML models, recommendation systems, for different clients\n* to a MSc in CS?\n* Health care related projcets\n* Now at GeoTab\n* Collect sensor data and build models\n* detect rough patches of road / accidents\n* collision detection\n* Data team => certain dedicated DS on product\n* Some research only data scientists, like Harjot, developing PoCs\n* has to communicate to clients\nWhy be a mentor?\n\n* Wants to get involved and be able to help\n* Wants to network\nDone much mentoring?\n\n* as a Sr data analyst had to mentor new hires\n* as a MSc did some mentoring of udnergrads\n* helping them grow\nHow would you structure mentorship\n\n* understand where they are, where they stand\n* understand the current market\n* guide them, stack on skills\n* SQL + Python\nHave you had any mentors?\n\n* self-directed, kaggle etc\n* grad supervisor\n* not much there\n* would of loved a mentor to guide through\ngets a lot of LinkedIn requests for folks looking for jobs" ] }, { "_id": "\"EXbqhtNmnsQeqANfk\"", "name": "Ying Wang", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* PA at Google at Stadia\n* Heard about us on Andrew Mao's channel\n* on maternity leave right now\n* Wants to work with students to help them get jobs\n* Coach on interviewQuery (knows Jay)\n* One-off coaching sessions\n* Prefers long term relationship\n* Wants to make meaningful impact in their career\n\n* Coached around 10 students, folks are coming back\n* Lots of resources, but 1on1 coaching is more effective\n* Sudies math at waterloo\n* wanted to be a quant\n* MS in finance\n* Was a tutor back in school\n* Has a youtube channel.. personal finance\n* Google has mentorship programs\n* Has one mentor at Google, encourages career mobility\n* Good mentor skills?* listening skills, what are they struggling with\n* identify strength and weaknesses\n* Tailor to their needs\n\n* Overwhelmed by trading floor" ] }, { "_id": "\"mrfzYmFzcqysc55T5\"", "name": "Nikhil Desmukh", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* Bay area\n* engineering\n* PhD in neuroscience at Princeton -> how retina processes images\n* not a fan of academia\n* silicon valley => CV for AVs\n* led a team of 5 PhDs on algorithm development\n* distracted driver detection\n* Tennessee (followed partner)\n* fountains (SaaS for hiring hourly workers)\n* Led data science team, funnel optimization for onboarding\n* spun up own consulting biz, how to structure team and manage projects\n* Contract for Reliance Jio, helped them build agile ML teams\n* Still consulting, working on a side-biz\n* As PhD student, mentored a lot of undergrads, scoping out projects, accomplishable\n* Also helped jr grad students\n* Management roles, learned how to motivate folks, do 1on1s\n* How do align individual goals wth company goals\n* Education PMs and software engs on ML and what it can do\n* Lunch + learn every month\n* Lots of management exp\n* encouraged folks to start their own things\n* recently mentored a friend to help her get a job at DS company\n* Met Kevin McPherson through Lunch club (lunchclub.ai) => networking/community\n* Motivation -> not doing much coaching with junior folks, missed it\n* Pretty open to dif backgrounds\n* Diversity, equity, inclusion, woman PoC\n* Folks who come from academia\n* Depends on individual goals\n* Take stock of your skills\n\n* find a project to demo skill, or fill in the gap\n* long term goals: where do they want to go with their career?\n* Really like him" ] }, { "_id": "\"nnwmi8sYCQA2DTdpC\"", "name": "Ablimit Aji", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* 2008 to US for grad school\n* ML and search\n* big data hit\n* ML to databases, => thesis: spatial query processing\n* HP labs\n* Wanted less academic, joined startup, sr data engineer\n* leading smaller team focusing on data engineeringW\n* First time in people manager role, previously was working on own\n* Joined startup in series A, CTO and manager were great mentors\n* mentoring since grad school\n* HP => summer internships\n* Wants to share my learnings, esp. for folks starting their career\n* Get involved in community and get to know people and make friends\n* have to provide value to keep em coming back\n* had other mentors where value weened over time, after 3-4 days\n* Trying to identify what person wants\n* 1) identify goal 2) try to understand a person while understand myself\n* Align with the business goals\n* accountability\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"sRyJx67tGGz4wKDQx\"", "name": "Eva Kozoderova", "application": null, "updates": [ "* started in marketing\n\n* lots of analytics\n* started taking courses in DS and programming\n* learnt a lot from peers and managers\n* \"for many newbs, it feels like too much\"\n* works in marketing, prediction, segmentation\n* data engineering a bit as well\n* bit of a generalist\n* DS team part of a broader team ~50\n* works with about 5-10 ppl\nWhy apply at SM?\n\n* wants to help folks\n* show them it does not require a MSc\n* I can set a good example, help folks find solutions\nDone much mentoring?\n\n* manager for JR marketing ppl\nHave you had mentors?\n\n* Had some good managers\n* \"dif ppl bring dif traits\"* enthusiasm and sharing it with others, the confidence boost\n* guiding through problem-solving\n\nWho can you help?\n\n* folks coming from a similar background\n\nHow would a mentorship look?\n\n* understanding and identifying the industry they are trying to get to\n* find some problems\n* developing a simple project\n* network w/ ppl in similar industries, as early as possible\n* \"I was afraid to talk to ppl with DS titles\"" ] }, { "_id": "\"X53m7n6rhHri2GgMn\"", "name": "Andrew Yang", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Why apply?* referred by a friend who is a mentor\n\n* Done much mentoring?* TA back in grad school, lectures, sometimes more informal\n* Giving more general advice\n\n* Studied physics\n* Ended up handling a lot of the data flow in the lab\n* Learned python, liked it,\n\n* Works at Zuora as a data engineer, the corporate data team\n* helps a lot of team with their data pipelines\n* How can you provide value?* felt the pain of the job search\n* did not have a mentor\n* would love to help folks in a similar situation\n* started on \"DS\" team, but they did not have the infra\n* had to learn the soft skills, and convince them to build out more infra and focus on analytics\n* experience with some SQL,\n* cloud tools are more important\n* try to listen to the latest trends\n\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"tAKij9ieKnTqbDYcj\"", "name": "Davis Vance", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Low energy\n*\n\nDoing some side mentoring\n* Wants to make it more formal\n* not big on networking\n* sometimes posts stuff and ppl reach out to him\n* econometrics degree\n* Salesforce contract, turned out he loved coding\n* bootcamp -> Metis\n* Joined Google on contract* started triaging, finding and managing bugs\n* started generalist analytics role\n* set group that works\n\n* building data wearhouse\n\n* Boy scouts for a while, did a lot of mentoring\n* At google,\n\nWho can you help?\n\n* not necessarily looking to get into analytics\n* giving insights into how engineering and analytical minds work\n* why we do things, and how we set things up?\n* e.g. don't get too obsessed with the numbers\n* insights to non-technical people\n* clearly explain things in laymen terms\n* entry level\n\nNot motivated by money\n\nWants to get into engineering space - apache, Kubernetes, docker\n\nUsed to google's internal tools\n\nA bit rusty in Python", "Davis via Linkedin:\n\nHey, sorry for not reaching out. I am having doubts on my ability to tick off all the boxes in the mentor checklist. I don't want to mislead on my abilities in DS.", "From Linkedin when I inquired about my email:\n\nI saw it but I didn't want to take it immediately. I've become\ninterested in reading some of your blog and wanted to connect after I\nmade time to dig in a bit. I'll schedule something and work that out" ] }, { "_id": "\"LXyPT7mWoHGz9GiRL\"", "name": "Travis Sanders", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Grad school CS + math, got into DS\n* internship at heartflow\n* startup, failed\n* another company get acquired at The Muse\n* new hire and will be the first DS and growing out the team\n\n* ML eng and ML eng manager\n* recommendations\nHave you don't much mentorship?\n* no DS or ML mentorship\n* done a lot of tutoring\nHave you have had any mentorships?\n\n* have not, but wish I did\n- Has thought about a YT channel, Jupyter notebook\n\n- wants to help out\n\n- underrepresented groups" ] }, { "_id": "\"sXPBdeoFs4Zc5MRSN\"", "name": "Lindsay Thomas Mico", "application": null, "updates": [ "* What lead you to apply to SM?* likes doing mentoring\n* give back to the community\n* build network\n* been more challenging during the pandemic\n* likes the extra cash\n* was curious about mentorship, googled us\n\n* Brief summary of their career path?* started in bioloogy/stats - nueroscience\n* PhD, left with MSc\n* move to natural resources - mapping the world in time and space\n* big data before it was called big data\n* suddenly \"data science\" became a thing -> lightbulb moment\n* grad program in system science\n* went back to healthcare\n* now director of DS at providence\n* works in IT dept. => platforms + data\n* data science leader\n* codeless, but still does lots of architecture, lifted them into the cloud\n* at his heart: mathematician and philosopher\n* TF and all that not all that helpful when it comes to business problems\n* can share insight into what is more valuable\n\n* Do you have any experience mentoring in the past, both formally and informally?* board chair of a professional association\n* lots of mentoring\n* taught intro to DS course through a no-profit\n\n* Have you had any mentors that have had an outsized impact on your career?*\n\n* What would a mentorship look like with you?* has to be personalized, depends on mentee\n* undergrad is a little early\n* starts by asking questions\n* help fill technical gaps\n\n* starts by asking questions\n* what a business actually needs. How to present yourself\n* insight as a hiring manager\n* really about rounding out folks\n* No big pref between stats to tech, or tech to stats\n* wants to help underrepresented demos (women, PoC)\n\n* What values can you bring to the table as a mentor?*\n\n* Give them a pitch/summary about SM* How the program works\n\n* * what a mentorship offer entails\n\n* expectation settings is key\n* personality fit is most important\n\n* Free trial aspect\n\nInterested in networking with other metnors" ] }, { "_id": "\"sncMz6cZcbjxyzjZz\"", "name": "Karan Uppal", "application": null, "updates": [ "- New York City\n\n- What led you to apply?\n\n- old colleage mentioned it\n\n- he couldn't do it, but has friends who are raving for it\n\n- wants to broaden experience it\n\n- Career\n\n- evolutionIQ year and 2 months (small team)\n\n- Started at bloomberg (ML team, joined at 5, grew a lot)\n\n- analytics on financial data (NLP) sentiment analysis\n\n- unstructured data to readable news\n\n- transitioned into management role, managed 5ppl grew to 12ppl\n\n- decision making workflow for traders\n\n- decision making systems for insurers to find Qualification examiners\n\n- Experience mentors\n\n- lots of managing\n\n- 3 month training prforma for interns at Bloomberg, got paired with mentor\n\n- ML bootcamp at bloomberg\n\n- Ideal mentee?\n\n- reasonable software eng background that want to transition into ML\n\n- software engineer matters more\n\n- as long as they are strong one in one\n\n- How would you structure a mentorship?\n\n- tailored to the persons needs\n\n- helping them build a portfolio\n\n- what are they interested in but also something that looks good to employers\n\n- then coaching on interviews" ] }, { "_id": "\"Aur7NQACvnMRqC5Yi\"", "name": "Anton Biryukov", "application": null, "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* has heard about us\n* been mentoring folks in Calgary for a few societies, undergrads and grad students\n* wants to be mentoring more on the DS side\nBackground:\n\n* geophysics / engineering background\n* kind of always been DS\n* transitioned tofull DS\n* 2017 wanted to get out of the energy industry\n* internship w/ a trading fund in MTL\n* geophysics has sequential data, core samples, time samples\n* similar with financial data (w.r.t algorithms)\nProgram in Calgary to help folks pivot into DS, doing some mentoring there\n\n* a bit of python stats, jupyter notebook but missing prod skills\n* slowly transitioning into more of an engineering discipline\n* how to deploy, scalable code, best practices\n* used to be wild west anyone with sklearn .fit() .predict()\n* docker, REST APIs over feature generation\n\nHow would you mentor?\n\n* conversations with mentees\n* learn from each other\n* best done by working together\n* come up with a good idea to study, that is relevant and achievable\n* \"who will have the hardest time breathing post covid?\"* as web-app or auto-generated report\n\n* help them out with some templates. Some dummy app that deploys and explains each piece* e.g. if it is Heroku how does it work? What are the dynos\n\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"AZkZRSTMbx3XJQWJf\"", "name": "John Lee", "application": "{\"text\":\"Having benefitted from a mentor ship myself back when I was applying for data science jobs, I would like to give back and similarly assist those who are looking to land their first or next job within data science.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-03-23T13:48:09.427Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* was on the platform a while back looking for a mentor\n* even though he didn't find a mentor, found it was a good experience\n\n* An avid listener of the podcast\n* Really likes the model - wants to partake as a mentor\n* Long-term relationships!\nCareer?\n\n* Went with Mentor Cruise - just happened to find a mentor who wanted to mentor for free\n* Did a bootcamp at Metis\n\n* DS at fintech startup at Octane (only there 3 months)\n* was previously a data analyst at JP Morgan - Python, SQL , Tableau\nWhat was most valuable about having a mentor?\n\n* assistance and feedback on interview skills - technical interviews (leet code, algos, data structures, theory)\n* mentor filled in the gap pointed in right direction\nWhat would a mentorship look like with you?\n\n* ideal mentee -> fundamental understanding of different areas within DS, basic code and basic math, basic DS\n* interview prep! technical, behavioural\n* well-designed resume/cover letter\n* optimizing job search" ] }, { "_id": "\"EeJQsHCSBSho3uGZ8\"", "name": "Joel Prince Varghese", "application": "{\"text\":\"I struggled breaking into data science when I was starting out so I want to use what I have learned now to make the path easier for others. I write tips for aspiring data scientists on Medium - https://medium.com/@joelprince25.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-02T06:19:35.641Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* Saw Edouard's posts on LI\n*\n\nHow did you break-in?\n\n* mech eng degree\n* pivoted into an internship in NY at life insurance\n* 2nd DS at e-health (medicare broker)\n* involved in the hiring process\n* 10 DS's now\n* customer retention problems* predict who would cancel, and how to stop them\n\n* NLP problems to analyze customer support data\nMuch experience mentoring?\n\n* does some tutoring\n* did some virtual OH (https://www.linkedin.com/company/virtual-office-hours/?viewAsMember=true)\n* writes a lot of articles on Medium, and folks have reached out to him about it\nWhat value can you add?\n\n* Done a lot of interviewing\n* miss the practical aspect\n* can tell them a lot of real-world examples\nHow would you mentor?\n\n* Really depends on the person\n* can help with a project / and shaping resume\nWho would you be best suited to help?\n\n* someone struggling with the interview part of it\n* Can't help with early-stage learning." ] }, { "_id": "\"hGbuh8qvfP6xiKf8s\"", "name": "Duncan Haywood", "application": "{\"text\":\"I first and foremost wish to become a mentor to give forward the kindness other mentors have given me. I believe I have valuable experience to share with students from building out my company's machine learning department from scratch. I would like to pass along these skills and guide students to gain professional-level skillsets. I further will be developing a larger machine learning department with a startup over the next year, and I am looking to develop and hire talent for this role as head of the machine learning department. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-20T22:12:41.295Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* starting new position\n* self-taught at DS\n* Background in math. Did some tutoring in math, then switched over to DS\nTutor Ocean\n\n* technical work lots of tutoring\n* pointed students in the right direction\nWhere can you add value?\n\n* guidance into what to focus on. Learn the right things.\n* providing projects put it in a business framework\nWho are you best suited to help?\n\n* ML engineering, not research\n* tabular data, regression. Not a lof NLP or computer vision\n* Big on AWS, but maybe not GCP or Azure\n* taking things into a production first mindset\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"bRpWJDyupprzrom6J\"", "name": "Amir Kashani", "application": "{\"text\":\"building up my mentorship skills, paying it forward.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-29T22:23:23.228Z\"}", "updates": [ "* Was doing mentoring for LS\n* Consolidate my thoughts\n* Learning by teaching\n* A friend recommended SM\n* Engineering background (electrical + mech)\n* Made the transition into DS. Knows how to make the change from SWE to DS\n* TA/teacher in college knows how to find folks,\n* Hires a lot, so knows what to look for\n* Lots of interns, that he informally mentors, took one from zero to hero\n\n* Open to challenges. Opens my perspective.\n* can help folks with some relatedness to engineering, which he knows really well\n* doesn't know marketing, insurance\n* Lambda has a whole process" ] }, { "_id": "\"icLaCEXeKt2BtGbSK\"", "name": "gaurav sood", "application": "{\"text\":\"Seeing people grow and achieve is fulfilling to me. To solve the biggest challenges facing humanity today, we need everyone. And I want to invest in people so that they can help solve the urgent problems and produce cool things that the world can benefit from tomorrow.\\n\"}", "updates": [ "Came across us and liked the opportunity\n\nDoes this informally, has a Slack group he manages\n\nLikes the business model\nData Science mentor\n\n* formalizing biz problems, delivering actual value in the business\n* teacher at the companies he' sbeen\n* teacher at fourtbrain (Andrew Ng's)\n* econ + DS\n* structured problem solving\n* understanding the business\n* doesn't like the word analytics* \"What is it you're trying to solve for?\"\n\n* Not v. interested in building dashboards\n* MLE - cares about the how\n* helping ppl think through how to deliver value to the business* lots of folks are employed but not delivering value\n\n* learning by doing\n* writing is important\n* OSS\n\nideal mentee\n\n* engineering mindset - do things, rather than talk about things\n* good coding skills\n\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"Z8EYJ8TJqYqZKPe6X\"", "name": "Dean Lee", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have enjoyed immensely my experience mentoring several contacts from completing a relevant data analysis project, to targeted job applications, to interview prep to landing a job/internship, and to negotiating the terms of the offer. I see this kind of mentoring as indispensable to bringing in a continuous flow of talent into my line of work, computational biology in drug development. We are currently experiencing a shortage of talent mainly because young, aspiring computational biologists don't know how exactly to break into these roles. As computational biology is a fairly young discipline, there is not yet a lot of conventional wisdom for how to land a position as a computational biologist. To address the lack of structure in how to get on this path, I would like to provide my professional experience.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-20T18:16:31.886Z\"}", "updates": [ "* speaking with cofounder of forefront\n* DS at life science companies\n* \"Not what we do but that sounds like SharpestMinds\"\n* Halfway through a PhD, didn't like it. Noticed explosion in biostats\n* learned how to code, navigated transition on my own\n* people took a chance o me, got his hands on real data and practiced\n* took him 2.5 years. But could have taken less with a mentor could have taken 6 months\n* bar is still low\n* in current role recruited like 5 ppl, learned about what stands out, interview process, etc. and what employers look for\n* PhDs and post-docs are expensive but lack the basic skills\n* ended up hiring folks just through networking\n* no clear path to be a computational biologits\n\n* Wants to work with ppl who are looking for a computation biologist\n* easier to go from biology background (1 year is enough) already started to teach themselves Python or R\n* can't just show up ad expect the mentor to just tell them everything\n* actually interested in the biological questions\n* metaanalysis of LinkedIn job postings, show them what kind of roles they are and focus on one of those categories, find those certain skill sets that everyone wants\n* then select a few datasets that they are familiar with\n* feed them questions that will help prep them for industry\n* tell a story\n* spend a lot of time on resume prep\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"XBc6PKzhC4mDtzfjL\"", "name": "Sahil Batra", "application": "{\"text\":\"I enjoy teaching in the AI field & work in a Sr Manager Data Science role for Dell. I am looking forward to this role to provide better 1*1 guidance to fellow mentees & share my knowledge in the Data Science field. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-07T20:33:40.415Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* Heard from a friend of a friend\n* Mentoring a bit with great learning* a batch of 15 ppl\n* walk through curricula\n* didn't have to into the theory\n* go through case study\n* not actively teaching, finished last month\n\nWhat do you get out mentoring?\n\n* positive impact on others feels good, satisfaction\n* the field is evolving rapidly\n* helps keep up to date from mentee's Q's\nWhat do you bring to the table as a mentor?\n\n* cybersecurity\n\nBackground\n\n* was very data focussed\n* did MSc biz analytics\n* software job, focused on customer analytics\n* wanted to work on something new\n* joined a new team\n* did some certifications and had to learn a lot\n* broad email analysis\n* network traffic analysis, find outliers anomalies\nIdeal mentee\n\n* not at the very beginning\n* Folks do so many courses, but I ask \"can you do an end-to-end project\"\n* ppl with python skills, sklearn, tf\n\n* guide them to do it in an end-to-end project\n* capstones are fixed, standard datasets\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"vPePmFmBdPZ5sHgFD\"", "name": "Abhimanyu Anand", "application": "{\"text\":\"It has always been my passion to help others. Complementary to that there is also a \\\"feel good factor\\\" in knowing that by sharing my knowledge I am making a difference in someone's life. My reason for applying to join SharpestMinds now, is that due to the pandemic I have seen a lot of people suffer, being not able to understand and implement things they learn at work or college. So, I think currently it's paramount for individuals who have something to share that can make someone's life easier to start sharing their knowledge. Lastly, along with all of that while being a mentor a person can learn from the experience of the mentee and develop a better understanding and perspective of things and sometimes gain complete new insights about different industries. \\n\\nIf given the opportunity I am willing to share my knowledge and skills in Data science and Machine learning with people available on your platform.\\n\\n\\nThanks\\nAbhimanyu Anand\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-10T13:36:44.270Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* love helping ppl\n* DS is his passion\n* been through this journey himself - especially now\n* heard from a friend\nDone much mentoring?\n\n* tutor at trent, helped folks with their DS projects\n* helping out his friends find jobs\nCareer path\n\n* internship at oil and natural gas (India)\n* mentor gave him a big data project, that was his intro to DS\n* couple of other internships, certifications\n* Did a MsC at Trent, kaggle, certifications, open source libraries\nHow would you approach mentorship?\n\n* certifications maybe, but projects first\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* transitioning into DS, starting a career\n* DE, DS, ML\nHow would you structure a mentorship?\n\n* Get to know the mentee's skills, career aspirations\n* how soon do they want to get there?\n* come up with a plan" ] }, { "_id": "\"S8wbeTApsBg7tEHXW\"", "name": "Xiaolu Jiang", "application": "{\"text\":\"Sharing my job search and interview experience. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-12T04:23:30.203Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* Talked with a friend, Gary V - used to be a mentor\n* wants to know more\n* seems interesting\nDone any mentoring?\n\n* nothing formally\n* in grad school worked as a TA and RA\n* taught some study groups etc\n* wants to share more about DS recruiting tips, behaviour interview tips\n* likes to interact with students\nIdeal mentee\n\n* 2 types of students\n* 1 from a STEM recent grad\n* Folks from social science background (economics, finance)\n* they have done the study\n* students with a firm commitment willing to put in the time\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"xhgkhxPCYD8q7TB9Z\"", "name": "Aditya Lohia", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Moving to US for a masters in CS in August\n* Looked for opportunities to mentor, found us\n* lots of informal mentorships* Where to learn\n* connect them with senior folks\n* help build some projects\n\n* Someone who is confused about what is best to learn\n* Learn by building\n* had no deep learning experience, was first DL engineer\n* Guide to open source tools* e.g. GoogleColab" ] }, { "_id": "\"5nxZz5XtKcKsXyezJ\"", "name": "Joseph Owens", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love being able to give back in any way that I can. I've made it to where I am largely by myself, but I realize that succeeding is much easier with a support system; I'd like to be that support system for someone because I want to ease the burden of succeeding of the difficult but extremely rewarding field of data science.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-28T01:41:49.672Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\nWhy apply?\n\n* Blog post - \"How to find a DS mentor\"\n* Currently does mentoring for Thinkful\n\n\nHow would you structure a mentorship?\n\n* What are their goals?\n* Help them realize their goals\nWhat would you want from a mentor?\n\n* How to market yourself\n* How to approach interviews\n* These are the types of companies to look into\n* This is the most optimal path to get there\n* Wanted to be a DS in name, but didn't realize was already a DS in practice\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* Slanted toward data science, more geared to the business side (decision intelligence sort of person)\n* Earlier on in their career\n* figure out what direction they need to be going\n* Not sure he could mentor someone technically\n* Communicate technical things to non-technical people\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"qsFFKvHRYJKqLZWrp\"", "name": "Kristen Bystrom", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have already been mentoring a lot of new graduates and students in the data science industry but am excited about how sharpest minds can provide more structure to these mentor/ mentee relationships. I love mentoring because it gives me more experience helping new data scientists which is crucial for my journey to become a data science manager. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-02T07:53:39.240Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* already mentor a couple of ppl on an informal basis. Rec'd from connections\n* Some folks have said positive experiences\n* Want more structure, love connecting and helping with journey\n* focus on seeking out mentees in minority groups\n* hesitant for a while b/c the concept of paying\n\n\n* 1 mentee just graduated with MSc in stats\n* heavily involved in hackathon and community (NW hacks)\n* lots of connections in the tech industry\n* can refer mentee to job, edit resume, cover letter\n* practice interviews\n* not so much technical stuff\n* \"showing that they can work in a team\"\n* ability to communicate, use GitHub\n\n\nOverwhelmed with an influx of requests?\n\nDo we do anything to combat discrimination?\n\nWhat does the screening looking like for mentees?\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"2WpbaEg3t9DyxKvdH\"", "name": "Ngoc Hai Nguyen", "application": "{\"text\":\"Over the course of my journey breaking into data science, I've had many mentors helping me on the way. I couldn't have developed my skills to the fullest and get a job I'm comfortable with. I want to give back by helping other passionate and curious individuals driven to enter this field.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-28T16:38:31.244Z\"}", "updates": [ "Sent welcome aboard email manually bc I forgot to set up automation before inviting him to the web app \ud83d\ude43", "Interview:\n\n\n\n* What led you to apply to be a mentor?\n* Jiri (and his mentor) are how he heard about us and Zach thinks our model is a very forward way of looking.\n* \u201cBreaking into data science isn\u2019t bottlenecked by technical ability, but rather by networking\u201d\n* \u201cespecially in the canadian market\n* Career path\n* Started in econ, then went to entrepreneur, then into DS\n* Went through Springboard (wanted to get into NLP)\n* Experience mentoring in the past?\n* Yes. Not in DS\n* Previous startup was involved in mentoring HS and University students\n* wanted to help folks from SE asia with career strategy\n* Tutoring and mentoring for ~10 years\n* Have you had mentors who had an outsized impact on your career?\n* Yes\n* a group of mentors helped him transition beyond Springboard\n* What would a mentorship look like to you?\n* at first, I\u2019d have a meeting to chat with a mentee in an informal way to help them break the ice and try to help them understand that there\u2019s nothing to be afraid of and there\u2019s no need to hold a facade\n* go into career search strategy\n* e.g., \u201cI branded myself as someone who specialized in product who can explain the business value quickly\u201d\n* What values can you bring to the table as a mentor?\n* Humility, resilience, motivation,\n* Graduated bootcamp right as COVID hit\n* \u201cThere are times when you want to give up\u201d\n* Summary of SM\n* Requests:\n* Statistics of the operation\n* Average number of mentees per mentor\n* Average time commitment of mentor\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"Dof4jmdftZb6aMrwT\"", "name": "Sarfaraz Hussein", "application": "{\"text\":\"Share my extensive experience in Data Science and Machine Learning. I love teaching, mentoring and helping people specially in technical domains.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-10T17:07:21.404Z\"}", "updates": [ "Atlanta\n\nWhy apply?\n\n* experience teaching and mentoring students in grad school\n* afterwards as well in industry\n* help people is primary motivation\nDoing much mentoring now?\n\n* Home depot before Amazon\n* Mentoring folks there\n* outside the company mentoring grad students in their research projects\n* CV folks\nCV, classification, image segmentation, deep learning etc. cybersecurity applications, e-commerce, RL, fraud detection\n\nsome experience with NLP\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* CV\n* general deep learning and machine learning\nHow would you approach mentorship?\n\n* What are the goals. Why they actually want to be mentee?\n* And a timeline\n* come up with a plan/structure\n* start with some theory, then polish off with a project and hands-on training\n* then help them with interviews\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"nDhGt4E7ZR5ZpAGX8\"", "name": "Yuwei Duan", "application": "{\"text\":\"In the past 7 years, I have worked as a software engineer and senior data engineer for multiple high-tech and banking organizations such as Netease, Scotiabank, ByteDance, RBC and Amazon. I have received help from pioneers throughout my career journey. As a result, I believe it is the time to give back to the community to help more young talents reach their career goals. I am skilled in Java, Scala, Spark/Flink, Hive, GCP, Pandas, Tensorflow serving. In addition, my past experiences have given me sufficient amount of knowledge and insights in the data industry insights, which I would love to share with my future mentees.\\nI value SharpestMinds as a great platform for me to reach potential mentees, and I believe my expertise and experiences would also contribute to the development of the community. \\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-09T18:59:46.439Z\"}", "updates": [ "Working with Leyuan at RBC senior DE\n\n* Moving to Amazon\nAlready mentoring a bit at the current role\n\n* done a lot interviews\n* coached one student to find a job at ManuLife (friend of friend)* mock interviews\n* project refinement helped make their resume stand out\n* help frame some projects if they need it\n\nIdeal mentee\n\n* DE and software skills\n* Some programming experience, CS background is the best (nice-to-have)\n* related projects already\n* need some help on the job hunt\n\n\nWhere can you add the most value\n\n* Can guide someone through big data project, up their skills\n* have done a lot of interviews (on both sides)\n* worked at ByteDance\nCanada market is pretty small, prefer experienced but not new grads\n\nPrepare early, network, information is most important (esp. in Canada) about who is hiring, where, etc.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"ysXv8mRszSyCA66cK\"", "name": "Dylan Lawless", "application": "{\"text\":\"I studied Business Analytics during my undergrad and the one thing I wish was more exposure to professionals in the field. Now that I have a few years of experience, I would like to give to those what I wish I had. I believe this is a great opportunity and I look forward to speaking soon. Thank you\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-14T20:57:20.752Z\"}", "updates": [ "Nashville\n\nWhy apply?\n\n* no prior exp mentoring\n* got a request from a bootcamp to be an instructor/mentor, but did not have the time for it\n* studied Biz Analytics\n\n* thought it was lacking folks with industry experience to come talk to students\n* Would be great to provide that for someone\n* Do you no more than data science?\n* Seems like you focus on the DS side, is their room for Data analyst mentors?\nStruggled with a finding industry when he entered\n\n\"Let's find a company, and reach out to folks\"\n\nHow would you structure the mentorship?\n\n* providing my experience, first off the bat\n* \"there will be hiccups and nos, and rejections\"\n* keep working on those skills, (set up an auto scraper on indeed)\n* be prepared for anything\n* Not sure what the structure the most\n* \"communication first\"\n\nWas on a team of 6, wanted a larger impact. Now only data analyst in the company (100 employees). Worked on SEO/marketing, built a BI tool for accounting/financing. Now on the operations side. Wear many hats.\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"EKP88fTPTmcpR5dzv\"", "name": "Izuki Matsuba", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been teaching and mentoring several people to become software engineer, AI developer, English teacher, and so on. Through my mentoring experiences, I found a joy and meaning in mentorship, and would like to explore this path more professionally. Also I hope I can gain mentorship/leadership experiences and skills through this mentorship.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-08-24T14:53:36.929Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview:\n\nHow'd you hear about us?\n\nFormer co-worker: Divya, had a conversation about mentorship and she suggested SharpestMinds, because it is more focused on DS and ML\n\n\n\nHave you mentored before?\n\nInformally mostly. Taught someone to teach high school students.\n\nIDK if tutoring is similar to mentor, but have a lot of tutoring exp.\n\nAlso, I play Go and was a competitive player, and taught folks to play\n\nNot just math, but also how to find a career and thinking process. Also help folks looking for job, which sounds like the primary purpose of SM. He is connections in the field- folks looking for MLEs and he knows what they look for (done some interviewing)\n\n\n\nHalf research and half engineering\n\n\n\nWhat are folks missing?\n\nCan help let people know what companies are looking for.\n\nPeople focus too much on courses and concepts but forget about business success.\n\nDS is intersection of BI and DA - understanding business. \n\n\n\nApproach to mentorship?\n\nWhat do they need, what do they want? Help them complete that goal.\n\nThing long term - 5 years down the road. And work backward from there.\n\nCreate a roadmap with that person. These skills and these many days to prepare.\n\nThey will be valuable connections down the road.\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"dNY8BmG6exPhmmEqS\"", "name": "Zixiao Shi", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love teaching and helping others fulfill their best selves.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-15T01:16:36.283Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about us?\n\n* teach at universities. Do enjoy teaching\n* Friend of his has a mentor program that he created\n* Then did a google search\n* we were the first one that popped up\n* likes the business model. Vague but interesting\n\n* enjoy helping others, money doesn't matter too much\n* need incentive to give the mentor more engaged/responsible\nBackground about me\n\n* PhD in civil - applied ML in building systems\n* Teaches applied data analytics in buildings - for people who are in building science, but want some data science exposure\n* Came from a different field, came from academia\n* day job is traditional data science\nOn academia to industry\n\n* lots of transferable skills\n* but the mindset has to change. Adapt to be more impact orientated/outcome. Instead of pure research. Learn about collaboration, not common in academia. Goal oriented.\nOn engineering to data science\n\n* mostly self taught (Coursera etc.)\n* developed some web applications too\n* did not have any mentors, so ended up taking a longer route\n* I got lots of tunnel vision. Read a lot from other domains which helped\n* think more broadly, think about impacts to the world\n* Might have spend 2-3 less years if he learned this earlier\n* open minded, explore different options\n* get out your comfort zone\nApproach to mentorship\n\n* start with a chat. Set clear expectations. I can help with some things, but not all\n* understand the why? monetary? interest? both?\n* See if I'm a good fit and go from there\n* start with high level plan.\n* What are the areas you're good at, where do you want to learn. Start with roadmap and set milestones.\n* Depends on the individual. Long term plan or medium term plan\n* It's not as hard as you think. As long as you've got the experience\n* knowing where to start is the hard part\nIdeal mentee\n\n* Someone from academia can help a lot with\n* motivated\n* STEM folks rather than art history\n* Has some ML general exp. but can't help with MLE, DE\nSees this as a very good thing for society, to be honest.\n\nBootcamps are overcharging students, teaching useless things, and underpaying instructors\n\n\n\nExpecting a baby in January, do I have to commit to anything?\n\n\nI could be anyone! how do you confirm identity!\n(1) confirm work email\n\n(2) check if email address matches linkedin email address\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"DKbTZQu463hvA9KSG\"", "name": "Arunas Marcinkevicius", "application": "{\"text\":\"I would like to work with people more.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-22T18:53:14.140Z\"}", "updates": [ "interview\n\n\n\nHow'd you hear about us\n\n* Just googled mentorship. Looking for a mentor himself. Not necessarily a DS mentor\n* got curious\n\n\n\nMentorship experience\n\n* mentored a few folks in his professional career\n* all kind of positions - related to DS - done every role one can\n* had interns, junior folks, etc. come to him with questions, then engage with bigger picture career conversations\n* turned into valuable mentorships\n\n\nMentorship approach - how can you add value\n\n* see myself as a generalist\n* DS field is specializing very rapidly.\n\n* Each have their own set technology and tools\n* On the job it's more about learning the tools\n* Junior folks lack the efficient tools\n* One of the first things I learned, was bash scripting and using the console. Big ups\n* DA toolbox\n* Knowing what tools they should focus on. Depends on the discipline\nStructure a mentorship\n\n* Google meet to get to know someone\n* Google Keep for documenting and tasks\n* Not a huge fan of agile, but really like Trello as a tool\n* listing what we want, with an agenda. Prepare for that a little bit\n* Google docs, iterating together. Self documenting, can come back and refer to it\nValue:\n\n* Actually knowing what I want to do\n* went through a lot of positions, looking for my perfect job\n* Not really interested in specializing too deeply\n* perspective of a generalist\n* Big fan of open source, open data etc.\n* likes those qualities to be present in the teams he worked with\n* Go try things to find out.\n* Long term vision: specialist or generalist\n* Tech industry is so incredibly fast. Can get sucked in and forget about your mid and long term goals\nWhat do you look for in a mentee?\n\n* Aligned with my own values and my own profile (maybe)\n* figure out with first meetings and calls\n* look for industries, problems, interested in\n* background too\n* In Canada now, but grew up in eastern Europe. That could be relevant\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"48GDiwQg5LB8fsuKF\"", "name": "Peer Shajudeen", "application": "{\"text\":\"Mentoring for me really started when I was a Capstone design TA for the electrical engineering where students build a prototype that they demo to industry judges. I would work them with closely in ideating, troubleshooting, distilling fundamental EE principles and working to get their software fixed, working on their presentations or proposal all of this sometimes at 3 am. This dedication naturally drew me to place where I wanted to impact people in furthering their career goals. As an advisor/mentor for insight data science I would work with mentees in mock interviews, helping build an end to end data science project, or most importantly how to succeed in interviews. I would work with them in coming up with a systematic plan on identifying the hurdles before their next interview and tackle those efficiently. But most importantly learning from theirs and drawing from my own failures really made me value the process much more than the outcome.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-10-03T16:07:49.493Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\n\nHow did you hear about us?\n\n* Quora or Reddit?\n\nWhy mentor?\n\n* PhD in EE. Biotech firm software engineering. Missed working with large sets of data and modeling. Moved towards for a more DS focused career\n* Went through Insight DS. -> great networking experience. Mentorship. Mock interviews\n* Loved the collaborative aspect and learning from the alumni\n* Now I'm doing the same as a mentor. Unfortunately Insight is struggling so looking for more opportunities\n* First, looked at non-profits. Then found SM.\n\n\n\nHow can you add value as a mentor?\n\n* Help them get tailored for the job, rather than building an end-to-end ML project (could help, but maybe not so much with infrastructure)\n* Strong knowledge base in stats, ML, CV\n* How to solve data challenges\n* Mock interviews - this was one of my biggest aids, still does it at insight\n* business case studies -\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* already done their research, project under their belt\n* sufficient coding knowledge, that I can embellish (let's look at your resume)\n* not completely from scratch. Similar to insight\n* PhDs who are just starting out\n* Strong motivation, not just DS for the sake of it\n* proof of work\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"xBtz3sRydzkE9cmcF\"", "name": "Sadid Hasan", "application": "{\"text\":\"Make an impact by growing others\u2019 career path in AI and data science.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-28T12:52:53.564Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\n\nHow did you hear about us?\n---------------------------\n\nSaw SM in a colleague's mentor profile. Decided to check us out\n\n\n\nWhy mentor?\n------------\n\nFirst job as as a lecturer. Was the study lead for all his groups as a student. Built a reputation. Got passionate about it..\n\nMentored a lot of intern (>15 in the last 9 years). Very involved in the community. Conferences. PhD supervisor. At current role at CVS, mentoring a lot. DS4S mentorship\n\n\n\nHow would you add value as a mentor?\n\n-------------------------------------\n\nShare my exp. How to apply. Interview process.\n\nPreparing for interviews, based on where they are applying.\n\nTailor to their strengths. Help them identity and work on their weaknesses.\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n--------------\n\nDepends on our focus area. Can help pretty much everyone. Understand their level and where they are coming from and how I can help them grow from there.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"MsSSZ5zonHSYmDPAM\"", "name": "Salman Amin", "application": "{\"text\":\"To find folks for Learners.ai internship\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-29T18:47:44.686Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7e7SajRjugzt7Siop\"", "name": "Nandi Subhrangshu", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have successfully transitioned into data science from a different field. I know what areas to focus on for such a successful transition. In my current company, I have enjoyed successfully mentoring junior scientists on complex problems. I enjoy forming long term bonds with fellow scientists. I believe the world needs a lot more data scientists in near future. I am confident I can make a difference by influencing some motivated individuals into data science and shape the future. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-10-20T21:11:58.250Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* was helping someone prep for a DS interview, and they mentioned SM.\n* Helped a lot of folks prep for interviews at amazon and others\nHow can you add value?\n\n* how to tell a story.\n\n* Do a few projects where you can quantify the impact\n* CS, stats, they are all qualified\nWhere are folks missing?\n\n* from interviews at Amazon:* telling a story, focus too much on experience and not on impact\n* might not have the opportunity to work on a problem\n\n\n\nFind strengths, and talk about them from a DS perspective\n\n\n\nUndergrad was mech. eng\n\nthen consulting and quant finance\n\nhad the tools, but not the experience, then went and did a PhD in stats\n\nwas more motivated to be a professor. Then learned what a professor does, and got internship at amazon. Felt like industry offered better opportunities\n\n\n\nTech companies do a lot more science now\n\n\n\nEverything has been linked to a real customer problem. Filed 3 patents. One has some potential academic potential\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\nFresh out of grad school / early in their career. First 3 years are important. Can help there. Can also help with mid-career transition\n\n\n\nWould love to see some past projects\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"wo6LKqZEhG4jX5sQL\"", "name": "Anisha Zaveri", "application": "{\"text\":\"I transitioned to data science from academia. This process taught me a lot on how to prepare for industry. I'd like to help other people do this as well!\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-10-23T00:27:18.432Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Post on LinkedIn. Hiring announcement\n\nMentorship exp?\n\n* PhD and postdoc as microbiologist. Got into ML during postdoc. Did some projects in the lab\n* Went through insight data science (last year)\n* Now building recommender systems, DL and ML at PDL\n* Mentored some folks in wet-lab skills. And on computational biology\n* at PDL mentoring three co-ops on software /ML, taking things to production\n\n* Last batch at insight\n\nHow could you help mentees?\n\n* I started from scratch. No formal training in stats/math/CS\n* Taught herself. Knows the good resources and study styles\n* Setting scheduled and motivating herself to work. Changing directions if stuck\n* Strong work ethic and knowing when to pivot\n* knowledge gained from Insight. Was very thorough, Can use a lot of those resource and training\n\nStructure the mentorship\n\n* If skills are there, they have to get the job.* Would focus on applying (CV, cold emails, interview prep)\n\n* Building technical skills. Building interesting projects is an important thing. And learning how to showcase those projects. Helping\n\nIdeal mentee\n\n* Maybe not CV. But very comfortable with broad ML and NLP focused deep learning methods\nIntro to SM\n\n* " ] }, { "_id": "\"EoETAjykP2QRepxd6\"", "name": "Remi Dion", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been involved with the Montreal startup ecosystem for years, have mentored at hackathons and regularly meet with startup founders to discuss our progress and hurdles. I love the connections, ideas and drive of tech innovators with a social goal\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-10-21T22:28:15.233Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\nThrough a friend. Met through a meetup, shared SM. Fell through.Then re-kindled and found SM\n\n\n\nMentorship exp\n\n* informally. Startup scene in Montreal. Chatted with friends. But got them in line with what is useful\n* Set up regular meetings with some folks in the industry, and acted as informal advisor.\n* Hackathons and startup fests. Participated as a coach. Both technical and business\n* At work, director at a small startup\n\n\n\nExperience\n\n* Explore.ai, data science consulting for non-data companies\n* PoC, then deploy\n* Very much a generalist - formal training on deep learning. But deep learning might not be the solution. Strategy\n\n\nWhat are folks lacking?\n\n* From academia they are working with R. \"Oh we'll have to steer them towards Python\"\n* AI/DS are so broad. Folks are not specific enough. Was does Data Science mean?? We talking SQL extracting, visualization. Probability and stats. Let's be specific and use the right vocabulary. Know where your blind spots are\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* Data Science is a screwdriver. Industry agnostic. Likes folks who have indirect paths into DS. People who come from non-linear\n\nStructuring a mentorship\n\n* 4 quadrants. Split your to-dos and want-to-dos. Urgent, important, non-urgent, non-important\n* Allow us to get a grasp of their time, and their perceptions. \"Why is this important?\"\n* Then get into goal setting.\n* How would this quadrant look in 5 years?\n\n---\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"EP8tXH5FiEYS7fbNj\"", "name": "Girish Jeyakumar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I had a lot of mentors in my life who helped me get where I am. I believe I am now at a place where I can pay it forward and help others land their dreams jobs. The possibility of being able to make this happen and help others succeed feels exciting and makes me happy. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-03T08:30:34.613Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\nSaw some friends on LI who had mentioned SM. Realized it would be a good platform to mentor\n\nI've had mentors in my life\n\n\n\nCareer\n\n* Undergrad in CS \n* Worked at Microsoft in Vancouver, now in Redmond\n* Did a lot of AI courses\n\n* Does mostly software engineering, but still stays on top of AI/ML\nHow did you mentors help you?\n\n* Having someone with experience can help a ton\n* had mentors who could guide me to where to study\n* Had mentors at MSFT that helped direct my career\n* Always looking for opportunities\nHow could you add value?\n\n* gone through the same phase\n* Can tell them what it will look like in the tech space\n* already mentoring ppl, new team members\n* been interviewing for msft for the past year. Can offer guidance on how to interview well\n* Insider information, how to boost specific parts of their skill-sets\nHow would you structure a mentorship?\n\n* Depends on the mentee\n* meeting every week\n* find the gaps and look at how to fill them\n* what roles are they looking for, companies.\n\n* understand first, identify their passion, and come up with things that align\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"THDF5DkEa6vt55WF8\"", "name": "Amir Najian", "application": null, "updates": [ "interview\n\n* A friend of his told him about it\n\n* 6 years in industry\n* geospatial science\n* Risk Management solutions* software for insurance companies\n\n* niche area, specific type of data\n* Has broader experience\n* Mentoring* Helping folks in his specific field\n* comfortable in other fields\n\n* spatial data is growing\n* has it's own complexities\n* spatial statistics\n* autonomous cars\n\n* done a bit of mentoring* folks form insurance industry\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"iJ9u4ExWtoY48mFfY\"", "name": "Sai Teja", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am highly passionate about teaching students with Teachnical concepts. I have been a data science tutor for various clubs at University of waterloo. I enjoy teaching very much as well as improve my skills in this domain. I have been inspired my many tutors in this platform to highly motivate students and guide them to a right career path.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-02T03:05:26.231Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Seeing some of his peers who are mentoring at SM. Been talking with them\nCareer story?\n\n* Recent grad from UW. Specializing in AI/ML\n* variety of experience, Deep learning, NLP, building models\n* DS club at UW, making workships\n* Accenture then KPMG and now on the job hunt\n\nMentor experience?\n\n* Did some mentoring in university clubs\n* Doing some workshops for DS club\n* DS club all sorts of students. Exposure to industry practices\n\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* Might have software exp and basic DS concepts. But don't know how the process works, don't know the pipeline\nHow can you help with these?\n\n* Pull back the curtain. Explain what it's actually like. Tell them what to expect\n* Maybe help them build a portfolio\n\nApproach to mentorship?\n\n* First explore the SM things.\n* Prepare a curriculum and create a plan\n* What concepts do you need to focus on,\n\n* Build out a portfolio\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"6rc6jbeGjgEMm8KjS\"", "name": "Peter Chen", "application": "{\"text\":\"I enjoy helping others learn Data Science. I personally transitioned from Mechanical Engineering to Data Science around 5 years ago primarily through self-learning and online resources. I have helped many of my friends and colleagues do the same over the years. Additionally, I have 3 years of experience providing mock interviews and resume critiques \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-03T01:27:17.125Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM\n\n* Saw it on LI somewhere. Saw the webpage . Liked it\n\nCareer story:\n\n* Mech engineer - GE aviation\n* rotational program at GE. Lots of folks were talking about data\n* volenteered to join a data team as a data engineer\n* self-taught. Building pipelines and dashboards\n* then transitioned to DS\n* company paid for a masters\n\n* pivoted to a new company, more software oriented\n* then transitioned to Amazon\n* lots of self learning\n* got mentored by more Sr. DS\n* also did some mentoring himself for junior folks\n* Went from MatLab to Python\n* Python: Code Academy -> DataCamp -> got some O'Reilly books -> Udemy -> learned on the job\n* DS theory and stats -> free books and then started finding work at company's, Coursera (Andrew Ng)\n\n* Mentors -> help take skills to next level. Outline some steps he needed to take to be a DS, then up his software skills and ML models\n* did some mentoring himself -> a lot of folks wanted to follow a similar path to him (~5). Helped guide them on resources, types of projects, advice on upskilling\n* Also done mentorship outside his company -> with a lab that does cancer research. Helped them incorporate DS. Pick up the field from scratch\nBeginners to the industry\n\n* Fundamentals of statistics and theory.\n\n* Intro projects are trivial with the data they are using. The real world is messy\n* How do you operationalize models you make. \nHow can you help them\n\n* Project based work\n* Find projects that can showcase those skills\n* Take it the next level\n* Real-life project\n* Be that guy at work that is the data guy\nAdd value as a mentor\n\n* industry best practices - version control, good code, documentation. Make your code look more professional\n* notebooks to real code\n* making things work on the cloud. Deploy and scale\n* Provide resources.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"dcgrKHaSQt5gDfZgh\"", "name": "Sumeet Kaur Sehra", "application": "{\"text\":\"A committed, knowledgeable, and capable academic researcher with a doctorate in Computer Science and more than 15 years of teaching and curriculum development for undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students. Have research publications in leading journals in Computer Science and Engineering and at national and international conferences. Possesses hands on experience of state-of-the-art methods coupled with the creativity and intelligence to provide technical documentation to\\ndeliver the results.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-27T10:13:33.776Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* LinkedIn, and\n* my husband is a mentor?\nCareer\n\n* Already in teaching profession. Assistant professor in CS and engineering\n* Teaching undergrad and post grad in CS and engineering\n* software engineering, statistics,\n* ML is my core area\nMentoring exp?\n\n* assigned some students personally for 1:1 mentoring\n* maximize 1:1 interactions\nWhy mentor more?\n\n* learn more about what students want\n* better understanding on how to communicate and be a part of their projects / their journey\nBiggest gaps?\n\n* Folks skip over the fundamentals, and just want to build projects\nHow to help?\n\n* learning should not be a burden, should be interesting, so getting to know the fundamentals is a problem\n* Find out what the mentee knows, and identify the gaps\n* together with the mentee. start with theoretical, then move to practical\n* focus on what the mentees want, then figure out what is required\nCan you help folks with the job market?\n\n* Have done a lot recently at self-marketing\n* Right now just for knowledge gathering, learning for long-term goals\nMentorship structure\n\n* schedule depends on mentee and mentor needs\n* tools - Zoom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"tAwe5SLcRTKKEqovW\"", "name": "Fady Fadel", "application": "{\"text\":\"Help people achieve their career goals and level their playing field in analytics, data science and machine learning.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-18T21:38:41.647Z\"}", "updates": [ "Googled mentor opportunities\n\n\n\ncareer background\n\n* background in IT\n* 10 years\n* not just about data, but using the right resources - cloud, OSS, APIs\n* transitioned into healtchcare - solving biz problems using DS and ML\n* NLP, quality monitoring, clinical trial, and MLOps\n* trying to shape the junior DS in the company.\n\nmentoring experience\n\n* within companies, mentoring juniors, help them shape their careers* horizontal, t-shaped\n* expanding knowledge but be strong in a certain domain\n* feedback loop is important\n\nwhere are folks biggest weaknesses\n\n* not the technical knowledge, it's the application - solving biz problems\n* understanding the problem, and driving business value\n* stage and shape\n* 80% of projects fail\nHow to help\n\n* assess where they are in their career path and their goals\n* so many directions in DS, need to define that\n* understand their challenges.\n* work on a set of goals/path/journey\n* and follow up on it\n* don't just give them an assignment, make sure to follow up\n* a lot of reinforcement is needed\n\n\n* \n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"LfCpBSjPpt8CQSqHF\"", "name": "Surbhi Gupta", "application": "{\"text\":\"I did not have a mentor when I got into data science. Now that I\u2019m at a good organisation and learning a lot in the field I want to share and encourage others wanting to get into this field. Also, as more diverse set of people get involved in building solutions/ products using AI/ML we\u2019ll start moving towards more equity in the world.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-04T17:34:07.150Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Came to Canada 2.5 years ago\n* came here with a job\n* attended a couple of meetups downtown Toronto, met the founders\n* was interested in being a mentee .. learn how to network etc.\n\n* got a job at SurveyMonkey\n* working with a life coach\n* now wants to give back to people who need it\n* not just students, immigrants, even middle aged\n\nMentorship experience\n\n* some informal mentorship - coached teammates on how to do certain things\n* domain knowledge helps a lot - passed on her knowledge\nHow to add value\n\n* new to it\n* discussion approach. Not do this, do that\n* help the mentee learn how to approach a problem\n* would love to work with ppl transitioning from one career to another\n* getting a lot of knowledge from their earlier careers\n* Folks don't often highlight their past experience\n* reinforce that w/e you have is extremely valuable knowledge\n* of course, need to add DS skills on top\n* would also love to help out immigrants. Not just skills but experience\n\n\nWomen don't get the same opportunities to advance their career. May aim is for women empowerment. Try to reduce the attrition of women in the industry" ] }, { "_id": "\"T6Y2bJYeBkR3RMFqs\"", "name": "Patrick Noonan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have over 10 years of real-world analytics experience and I'm passionate about spreading my knowledge to students entering the field. I've always been energized by informal teaching sessions with colleagues and 1 year ago I began mentoring students in a formal setting with CareerFoundry. I'm loving every moment of it and at times it feels more like a calling than my day job as a data analyst! \\n\\nI particularly enjoy explaining tricky students to students that enhance their understanding and lead to those elusive 'ah-ha' moments. I consider myself patient and empathetic; I always strive to put myself in the students shoes to understand their goals and strategize a way to best serve them. \\n\\nI also have a diverse work experience background; I've worked at startups, corporations and as a freelancer. I've lived abroad and worked non-tech jobs. My field of study is in science, not specifically data analytics or computer science. I'm mostly self-taught so I understand what it takes to succeed in the world of analytics and I have plenty of experience I can impart on them. I feel that this is a huge asset to my students because I can relate to many different career trajectories, educational backgrounds and cultural differences. \\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-10T10:54:45.577Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\n\nHow did you hear about SM?\n\n* Google search for mentor data science /analytics\n* clicked a bunch of links and found us\n\nBrief career outline\n\n* Fell into it\n* temping at random office jobs\n* online advertising - learned about excel\n* worked at a startup for a year, doing data stuff\n* then Pandora for a while - go more and more involved in data analytics\n* Then went to Spain and taught engligh for sabattical\n* Now doing freelance work and personal projects\n* learning by building!!\n* Started mentoring a year ago with CareerFoundry\n\nMentoring exp\n\n* CareerFoundry\n* Loves helping folks going through similar experiences\n* Enjoys it. students can book any number of calls with mentors as they go through the coursework\n* Just wants more. Some students are not very engaged. Maybe don't see the value in mentorship\n* Wants to connect with more students\n* CareerFoundry just assigns students\n* There is a chemistry thing\n\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* What is to be a DS or DA\n* Assume there is an end-goal, where they will be it\n* no-one knows everything. That's okay. You need to figure stuff out on your own\n* the ability to tackle a problem without knowing. Where to look, break it down into small steps\n* There is no right answer. No right course. Used to more structure\nHow can you help?\n\n* Hammering home building and personal project\n* Even better, you're curious. To have your own data. Answer your own curiosity\n* Help them build, Help them overcome blockers. Use those as teaching moments\n* Give them confidence. Practice overcoming things\n* Sharing my personal experiences. \"I don't know it all. Still learning every day\". That is okay\n\nQuestions\n\n-\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"pdNJsAAaF6kiNKAE4\"", "name": "Shivam Goyal", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been mentoring students and new joiners for a period of time in India and Canada. As a data science consultant, people reach out to me everyday for advise and mentorship. I have been mentoring budding data scientist to grow and take the right path to become a successful data scientist at University of Windsor. Hence, I want to do mentoring by taking it to next level by reaching out to new people and help them in all ways I can. This also gives me a personal satisfaction of being able to help people succeed in their profession as a data scientist and improve myself as a person at the same time. Thanks \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-08T20:01:57.536Z\"}", "updates": [ "How you did you hear about SM?\n\n* LinkedIn\n* currently mentoring a few folks at university for DA\n* working as a DS for almost 6 years\n* India => Canada\n* mentored ~20 ppl at the time\n* gets a lot of messages from ppl for mentoring help\nCareer\n\n* 6 years\n* lots of different clients\n\n* led teams\n* business end - creating POC\n* was at Accenture, now at University of Windsor\n\n* University of Windsor Data Analytics course\n* Windsor\nNewcomers missing\n\n* they become a coder not a DS - \"I know R, I know Python\"\n* don't actually implement. do some Kaggle, or build some projects\n* or how to solve a business problem\n* Need to understand the basic problem, and why you implement an algorithm\n* storytelling! creating a story with data\n\nMentorship approach\n\n* understand their background / capabilities\n* how interested are they? Go with the flow or actually passionate\n* has to be very flexible\n* What is the business side? Mock projects to get the feel for solving a DS problem\n* Mock interviews\n* \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"zqEX9XKCgaYEZX7Q9\"", "name": "Koyuki Nakamori", "application": "{\"text\":\"Mentorship is near and dear to my heart! Have been mentoring many DS/MLE over the few years which is one of the most profound experience I've had. \\n\\nSummary:\\n\u2022 Strong academic record in Applied Mathematics(BS), Computer Science, Operations\\nResearch (MS), Statistics or other quantitative fields\\n\\n\u2022 Over 12 years of data science and machine learning experience in corporate, start-\\nup, and research environments\\n\\n\u2022 Proven skills in big data techniques including Python, Spark, Scala, SQL, Hive, R,\\nMongoDB, Ruby, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP\\n\u2022 Certified Google Cloud data engineer\\n\u2022 Solid leadership skills leading +10 people teams\\n\u2022 Master\u2019s degree in Operations Research and Applied Mathematics, UBC\\n\u2022 Fluent in Mandarin, Japanese\\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\\nHeadspace, San Francisco, US\\nHead of Machine Learning\\nNov 2020 - Current\\n\u2022 Lead the evolution of Headspace\u2019s data culture and grow the Machine Learning team\\nfrom two to ten-plus\\n\u2022 Partner and collaborate closely with the senior leadership teams as the go-to advisory\\nperson to define company-wide strategies and roadmaps\\n\u2022 Lead Headspace\u2019s Machine Learning team with clear objectives and goals, feedback, and\\ncoaching. In particular, guide the growth from close-knit team into an organization\\nclosely partnering across the company\\n\u2022 Partner cross-functionally across the organization with mindfulness experts, content\\ncreatives, product managers, B2B sales and more\\n\u2022 Build advanced ML-powered pipelines in production\\n\u2022 Develop algorithms for natural language processing, search, personalization, computer\\nvision, and understanding user behavior\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-25T20:30:01.227Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\nRecently moved from Seattle from SF\n\nUsed to live in Toronto / Vancouver\n\nwas searching for local mentorship oppurtnities and was impressed\n\n\n\nMentoring exp?\n\nNear and dear to my heart\n\nThought about creating my own platform\n\nGA, pathrise, etc.\n\nmentoring/teaching is the best way to learn\n\n\n\nWhat are newbies lacking? Where do they need the most help?\n\n* Coding is everying! Well no.. you need soft skills and business context, communication* start from the business problem\n\n* The fundamentals. Python, SQL, PySpark. Really need to know these!\n* Growth mindset, \"After I get a job, I'm all set\". Have to keep learning. Need to stay up to date in the industry. Have to have that mindset\nHow can you add value as a mentor?\n\n* I have the context. 12+ years working in the industry\n* very hands on, can help level up technical skills and prepare for interviews\n* Learn by example how to get that growth mindset. You don't have to know it all, but you have to be able to learn it all\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"RRNq4kpnsJsyWN4Hu\"", "name": "Ryan Orban", "application": "{\"text\":\"I've been involved in data science education and talent management for several years. I miss the 1:1 aspect of working with individuals and I'm interested to see if a mentorship ISA is successful. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-20T01:34:49.658Z\"}", "updates": [ "- How did hear about SM?\n\nAlgovera Discord\n\nExperience mentoring\n\n* Started a DS bootcamp back in 2013. Sold it to Galvanize, became CTO, scaled\n* over 3400 students. 95% placement rate\nWhy do you want to mentor?\n\n* At Galvanize slowly became disconnected from the 1:1 coaching part\n* nostalgic for being in the classroom\n* 1:1 is super rewarding\n* loves running into his old mentees\n* hoping we've done a good job of selecting high profile candidates\n* Gets a lot of asks on LI\nWhat signals do you look for in a mentee?\n\n* further along in their career\n* DS and ML are too hyped.\n\n* has a few years of exp and looking to take the next step\n* career progression\n* Not interested in the \"Hey what do I do after these courses\"\nWhat are beginners lacking?\n\n* hardest part is standing out\n* 2500 applicants per posting\n* rely on signals because we need something\n* folks focus on credentials and online courses, but that is table stakes, actually can be a negative signal\n* too much focus on deep learning\n* 98% of ML problems do not involve deep learning\n* even for classic DS, most time is the infra around\n* go back to what makes you special, and build a project to show that you understand all the steps that go into production\n* DS that can code well, that unlocks so many doors for you\nHow would you help people?\n\n* Actually put some in production\n* not the latest greatest model\n* deliver some value (business or fun)\n* make it interactive, and can be seen to work\n* Don't throw your code in an iPython notebook\n* web app, API\n* find something your passionate about, then find a problem. It's fine if people have solved it\n* walking through the decisions, the trade-offs, the problems\n* talking about something that you're comfortable . Re-frame the interview\n*\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"2iSQccxNimPSoyjWg\"", "name": "Divey Saini", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been working in Data Science and Applied Science for more than 20 years. Would like to help aspiring people and also network with fellow professionals. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-25T16:35:03.777Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Signed up a while ago to prep for an interview\n* Spoke to a mentor. Very nice person\n* working as consultant for MS\n* kind of a solo DS\n* wants to collab with more people and network more\n* lots of background exp, can be helpful for the community\n* reviews DS books\n* experience with lots of domains (medical, financial)\nMentoring exp?\n\n* mentored MSc students who came for internship\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* experience is missing\n* perception\n* broad field. Dif companies have dif expectations\n* been in the field for 22 years\n* shifted from academia -> industry\n* basic sciences to solving business problems\n* industry has more time-pressure\n* biggest challenge: understanding what the business expectations\nHow can you help?\n\n* can provide context from my experience\n* guide them on skills they need, shape expectations\n* bring them up to speed on what's needed\nStructure a mentorship?\n\n* what are mentee's goals?\n* adjust according to their needs\n* if it's just a job\n* know the right skills they need\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"Qdiv2BxWjTsRqJ2fd\"", "name": "Nandita Dwivedi", "application": "{\"text\":\"Growing up, when I was a student I always used to find satisfaction in understanding fundamentals and concepts of any topic, simplifying them and helping my friends understand it. Making it easier for them to relate to these topics. I used to find it fulfilling and shortly I realized that answering their questions helped me learn better as well. \\n\\nSince school I haven't gotten many opportunities to work with others to help them learn and grow but my successful experience of helping a small group back then encourages me to take up mentoring now.\\n\\nI am currently working as a Senior ML Engineer for a small start-up based out of New York. I have had 2 other jobs prior to this - one, as a Software Engineer with Time Magazine and other as a Data Scientist with realtor.com. I have gone through the transformation of career path from an Engineer to a Data Scientist, and now to a role where I have to be an Engineer some days, do dev-ops and Data Science on other days. I have given interviewed numerous times and conducted many interviews as well. And having interviewed for different roles I understand how each interview can be targeted. \\n\\nI want to use my experience and knowledge to help students, people trying to switch jobs and transform careers to be able to interview with confidence. To help them built a resume and profile that will standout and land a job successfully.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-17T02:49:16.741Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* a year and a half ago\n* someone liked my post on LI (hiring announcement)\n* reached out to the person and got the deets, told her friend about SM\n* and she found a mentor and got a job last year\n* back then, I didn't have enough experience, but think I'd be good at it\nMentoring exp\n\n* never formaly\n* was a TA in grad school\n* yesterday was advising someone\n* knows how to negotiate a good salary\n* now ask for a promotion, ask for a raise\n* friends and acquaintances\nWhat are beginners lacking?\n\n* for new grads\n* they need to be honest in their interviews, be straight forward about what you don't know\n* don't expect them to know everything. It's about attitude not skillset\n* show that you are willing to learn\n* we learn on the job\n* important to have decent projects\n* don't want someone who can't even open a terminal window\n* hands on projects\n* things can be theoretical and straightforward in academic\n* problem statement is not straightforward in in\n\n* one good project is enough\nAs a mentor, how can you help?\n\n* understand their journey\n* what has worked, what has failed\n* look at their weaknesses, is it projects or interviews\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"gpAusSbd65NRv52Q2\"", "name": "Karamvir Singh", "application": "{\"text\":\"Since my school days, I have been great at mentoring my friends and juniors. I have a natural tendency of assisting my mentees in discovering their own path to learning. Throughout my academic as well as professional life, my tailored student centric mentoring approach has led me to be the favourite go to guide for my peers and colleagues.\\n\\nFrom teaching high school physics to my juniors to providing career guidance to my University's Professional Development Club Members, I have touched and changed many lives by providing them proper guidance and the right time.\\n\\nI studied Bachelors in Computer Science from Guru Nanak Dev University, India and later completed my Masters of System Science from University of Ottawa, Canada. Throughout the 4 years of my Bachelor's degree, I was a regular mentor to my batch of 120 students. I taught Computer Science subjects like C programming, Data Structures, Data Science as well as college level Physics and Mathematics. Later on during my Masters, I joined a 600+ membered Professional Development Club, where I actively volunteered in guiding Master's Engineering Students on career focused topics like Resume Building, Interview Preparation, Communication Skills, etc.\\n\\nApart from my studies, I have around 4 years of industry expereience working as a Software Developer, IT Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Science Consultant and now recently, as an MLOps Engineer as well. I have worked with a a variety of companies ranging from mid sized Software \\nand AI Consultancies (Genesis Techno Soft Ltd, Lemay.ai) to Multi National Firms (KPMG) and even AI Startups, (mia-ml.com).\\n\\nI have always thought that my career trajectory has made me a very good guide for Data Science Students looking to enter the highly competitive job market. Hence, when I came across SharpestMinds through a friend who is a mentor himself, I felt that it is the perfect way of giving back to the community and putting my knowledge and skills to good use.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-24T02:24:18.667Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Kunal from Delhi\n* did a ride share from ottawa to waterloo and met a mentor\n\n* took a while from learning about us to applying\nMentorship exp\n\n* formally - a peer mentor or a tutor for my juniors throughout my academics\n* used to teach physics and math\n* and also taught CS part-time\n* tutored HS students while doing Master's\n* president of professional development club. mentored them all in general career guidance\n* now has that knowledge is very helpful. Helps his peers out with it\nWhat do people need help with\n\n* Resume building (ADS and automated screening)\n* first pass, show the recruiter the value quickly\n* how to write you experience in concise and specific manner\n* once you start getting interviews, they are usually okay, but can use the experience to tune\n* beginners need experience, have to work on projects, not just udemy courses\n* Then communication skills and how to present!\n* And resume skills! Folks are too humble!\n* Write your experience so that it's more impactful\n* takes 3- 5 interviews to get your story right\nHow can help mentees?\n\n* Send me your resume. Talk through their past experience\n* Next: discuss their projects and past experience\n* Identify gaps, missing things\n* get some practical project experience!\n* divide time btw interviews, applying, building projects\n* helping them with the project\n* put that project on your resume a bit in advance (if it will be done soon)\n* once they get interviews, do some mock interviews\n* if they are lacing some skills (e.g. Docker) give them some initial teachings /concepts but set them out to learn on their own\n* Help them do retros on their interviews\n* \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"LF6WtY4HRb92KWfdX\"", "name": "Kaine Black", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to become a mentor to help aspiring data scientists and data analysts reach their goals and find a path to success which is rewarding for them. I have had some great mentors myself, and I want to start practicing my own coaching and mentoring skills so that I can help make a difference in others professional development.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-02-02T00:25:32.695Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\nHow did you hear about SM?\n- Google search\n- Interested in mentoring\n\nMentoring exp?\n- Intac insurance for 2 years\n- big DS org\n- mentored a lot of co-ops through their internship\n- loved it. Loved helping them through their first experience as a DS\n\n- I've had some great mentors that made a huge impact on your life\n- extremly experienced, they've been through it already and can empathize\n- not too serious, can talk about other things\n\nWhat are beginners missing?\n- so much going on. Hard to prepare for\n- helpful to have somone who can help you tackle\n- optimize resume, algorithms\n- so much to know\n- to have a mentor to break it down into manageable pieces\n- stick on a track\n- coach them through interviews / confidence\n\nHow would you help as a mentor?\n- Break things down into smaller pieces / chunks\n- Work through it as a team\n- boost confidence / boost morale\n\nWhat would you look for in a mentee?\n- open minded\n- signs that they need some support\n- reliable (they actually do what they say)\n- look for drive, look if they really want to do this\n- passion for data science in general\n\n- not in it for the money\n- wants to work towards a manager, likes the experience" ] }, { "_id": "\"qGSBBjdiuXGXrygWq\"", "name": "Judy Chen", "application": "{\"text\":\"I\u2019ve been a hiring manager for analysts and data scientists for a number of years and feel that there is a lack of what I would consider practical skills and critical thinking. I\u2019m looking for an avenue to help shape some of this.\\n\\nAdditionally, I can help mentor experienced people who are looking to pivot into management. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-23T17:21:06.385Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* was mentoring at SpringBoard\n* for family reasons taking a step back\n* looking for something super flexible\n* Looked for a mentoring platform ad found SM\nMentorship exp\n\n* SpringBoard - exp was pretty good. Most of my mentoring was around people looking to pivot into DS. Turned into career conversations instead of actual DS. Should I lean into that more?\n* Most mentoring doesn't pay very well\n* GM of a 100 person team. So does a lot of mentoring\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* landscape has changed. Used to be a lot of hype. deconstructing that for candidates and companies\n* big gap btw what people think it is, hype vs reality\n* there is some shock when you actually land that role\nHow can you help as a mentor?\n\n* started off as PM pivoted into DS and pivoted into a management role\n* PM for mobile gaming involves a lot of analytics\n\n* visibility as a hiring manager can help\n\n* didn't realize what big data was, until I got into the mobile app industry\n* constant touch points with users\nIdeal mentee\n\n* not people pivoting from non-technical background\n* good with ppl who ARE data scientists who might want to pivot to a PM role or management\n* classic, how do you outsmart interview questions\n* DS is so broad. Don't know deep learning, not a software engineer (knows some prod best practices)\n* strength is on the consumer journey, analytics, product side. A/B tests. Evaluate tests and have robust experimental science\n\n\n* \n" ] }, { "_id": "\"3XxXCEQtxEdQfrP3e\"", "name": "Zachary Allen", "application": "{\"text\":\"I enjoy teaching and helping people work through problems. More importantly, having come to data and ML from a non traditional career path I have a great deal of appreciation for how influential a mentor can be in helping things make sense.\\n\\nThe opportunity to ease the struggle for others who are going through similar trials as to what I did would be a great opportunity. An additional plus comes in the form of helping all kinds of people will varied domain experience help make sense of the worlds data is something we desperately need. The world is a better place with more data savvy individuals.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-02-24T01:31:57.838Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about us?\n\n* Nathan Sutton's post on Linkedin\n* checked out SM, seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to other platforms\nMentorship exp\n\n* Formal mentoring w/ Springboard. Didn't really fit with me. Very assembly line experience. Liked the mentorship but not their approach\n* Informal mentorship at current company\n* helped build the data team, with a lot of folks from non-traditional\n\nWhere do they need help?\n\n* with non-traditional, mostly technical\n* e.g. marketers good at business value communication\n* with technical, they tend to ignore the business vakye\n\n* the model itself, I spend the the least time evaluating\nHow can you help?\n\n* full stack project. Raw data to end project\n* hostable dashboard, fully containerized api. Depends on their interests and career goals\n* set some milestones along the way. Where is your raw data coming from and how do you clean it\n* At regular intervals, look at their work and challenge them with potential problems. Helps to think big picture\n\n* I don't want to be the teacher. Happy to work through technical problems\n\n\n* \n" ] }, { "_id": "\"MGQcDMppPmS3KNQJp\"", "name": "Vikram Reddy Ardham", "application": "{\"text\":\"Dear Sharpest Minds, I made a transition from Academia to Industry a few years ago and the transition was full of challenges. I would love to help others make such transitions easier and joyful. I want people to not make the mistakes I made. There is a great joy in helping others succeed.\\n\\nI have a PhD and been teaching and mentoring students for several years. This one of the things I enjoy very much apart from solving tough Data Science problems.\\n\\nI am currently working as the Lead Data Scientist at Noibu, one of the fasted growing SaaS companies in Canada. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-06T22:43:41.284Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BZeHcmnp9L5EcXj7e\"", "name": "Peyton Runyan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I mentor already and am looking to formalize a new mentee with a contract.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-03T22:47:15.414Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"uWfJr7A6S2yojDNYN\"", "name": "Labeeb Khan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love teaching and coaching.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-15T17:35:54.729Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you here about SharpestMinds?\n\n* worked with a mentee who joined his company\n* loves our business model\n* helps personal friends out, and loved it\n* loves the incentives\n* Also, interviews one of our mentors - was a bit of a sour experience - he ghosted a few times\nWhy mentor?\n\n* Love teaching, currently tutoring on the weekend\n* Always that guy coaching the juniors\n* The code reviews / inspiring them\n* This would be another avenue\n\nBiggest weaknesses\n\n* Coding skills\n* model development\n* business acumen\n* Most ppl are strong on 2 out of 3\n* most ppl are strong in the modelling aspect (b/c that's because what the tutorials and courses)\n* identify the gaps\n* What would an interviewer see. your communication + knowledge. Have to play the game a bit. e.g. need knowledge of decision trees\n* Just show that aptitude on your own.\n\n* We have comp sci students are screwing up the simplest questions\n* So much our there, don't know what to focus on\n* e.g. tons of courses on NN, but like you don't need these\n* SE students, really good at their algos, but fail at the architecture\n\n* \"e.g. how would you build a user management system\", \"how would you build an API?\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"8KvbfZBT5CBNyXhi7\"", "name": "Yijun Xie", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'd like to gather some mentoring experience that can help me to advance further in my career.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-11T01:48:19.052Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* By a friend, who referred him to SM\nWhy do you want to mentor?\n\n* I want to share my knowledge, help people, feels good, fulfilling\n* I am an IC, but might want to be in a management track, so looking for some experience there\n* understand how to collaborate/guide junior folks - valuable experience\nMentorship exp\n\n* Informally, helped out my friends\n* help screen/improve their resumes\n* help them prep for interviews, based on the JDs suggest some topics\n* guidance on technical interview, behavioural questions\n* What do company's expect from new grads\nWhat are beginners lacking?\n\n* 2 types: (1) has internships, (2) no internships,\n* (2) no clear expectation, and no experience, how to package your past experience and sell them\nHow can you add value?\n\n* I went academic to industry, made a lot of mistakes that I can share\n* understanding job descriptions\n* I've been interviewing junior folks, knows what the experience is like for an interviewer\n* help mentees understand what to highlight during an interview\n* present yourself well in a short period of time\n* First interview I had, I had no idea. But now I have a google doc with hilights\n\n\n\n\nOnboarding\n\n(sent at ~1:48)\n\n* A bit difficult to decide on industry/technical strengths, but not too bad. Didn't think anything was missing from the list, when I asked\n* Bio was very short (but probably because I was watching)\n* Had a clarifying question about \"Assigning a project\"\n* Filling out the \"Expectations\" field takes some time. Maybe some more presets? Also text box is too small\n* Took about 7 minutes total\n\n* \"Much easier than I expected. I thought it would be a super long questionnaire\"\n* \"Oh so these are mentees?\" (talking about the recommended mentees on his dashboard) \"And they would see something similar on their end, right?\"" ] }, { "_id": "\"vLpEztDdpZ379Hv9x\"", "name": "Sammie Bae", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am interested in becoming a data engineering mentor because I personally experienced the frustrations due to the lack of formal training in the field and because I want to develop my mentoring skills further.\\n\\nI\u2019ve seen how complex, different, and broad different data engineering stacks and architecture can be having worked at data teams across company sizes and scale. I worked at small (Shippo), medium (Yelp), and large (NVIDIA) companies and I am currently working at a unicorn startup (Moveworks) as the first engineer on the team. While I took my fair share of MOOCs which honed in on specific hard skills such as SQL, I found that the hardest and the most valuable skills such as data ops, backfilling, zero downtime migrations, and performance optimization was never taught. With my experience, I wish to teach the best practices to the newcomers in the field.\\n\\nI am also actively trying to become a better mentor as I plan to eventually transition into a tech lead position. As the 1st engineer on the data platform team at Moveworks, my work was very independent for the first 2 years as I was the only engineer scaling our platform from X GB to XX TB daily. With recent hires, 5 engineers within the team are all senior but I don\u2019t have the direct opportunity to mentor someone with less experience. Therefore, I\u2019d like an external opportunity through SharpestMinds to mentor new engineers.\\n\\nFinally, I am passionate about teaching technical concepts and want to be an educator of data engineering in the future.\\nFor example, I have previously written and published a book on JavaScript which sold 2000+ copies on Amazon. I strive to do the same with data engineering after I learn how to best teach the concepts to individual mentees first.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-28T15:10:13.104Z\"}", "updates": [ "* Stumbled upon us on Linkedin\n* Then did a few google queries\n* Got curious about how ML folks are getting trained\nMentorship experience?\n\n* interns on other teams\n* colleages that are less experienced\n* pretty short staffed on the DE front\n* trains a lot of data scientists to be DEs\nHow to train them?\n\n* connecting concepts\n* DB + server layer + front end\n* with DE => there's more* scheduler, concurrency on the scheduler, db\n\n* Focus on one thing at a time* containerization etc\n\n* difference btw project and real life\nApproach to mentorship\n\n* Clarify what they are looking for\n* DE is an overloaded term. Can be anything from writing lots of ETLs, or focused on building the systems\n* Start there, that will drive what should learn, and what tools\n* ETL - snowflake, etc\n* systems - more low-level like spark\n* realistically pick 2-3 technologies\n* but make sure the fundamentals are there. It's about the concepts, not the tool\n\nQuestions:\n\n* What is an example of things that didn't go well?\n* What makes a bad mentor?\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"czMx3NnuwZZmdg9vL\"", "name": "Jessie Wang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I graduated as a master of computer science from the University of Alberta. I had well-rounded software development experience of Python, C#, SQL and JavaScript. During school, I have worked on projects, including the development of an interactive and responsive movie recommendation website using JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and the design of a VR game using Unity and Oculus Rift. At the day-to-day work, I worked on utilizing OpenCV and TensorFlow in Python to develop machine learning algorithms to support decision-making and optimize workflow. I am a passionate data scientist who would like to inspire other to get to know cutting-edge ML applications. I am more than willing to share my experience with like-minded people and help them succeed.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-28T17:20:21.267Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about Jessie?\n\n* heard from a friend of a friend who is a mentor\n* Want more mentorship exp\n* get more exp\nMentorship experience?\n\n* informally helping interns, with guidance on their project\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* different aspects\n* technical skills - so many tools available,\n* technical guidance, how to use the tools\n* how to set up a proper data pipeline, injestion\n* soft skills, intimated by asking questions, not used to take ownership, take initiative\nHow would you help?\n\n* not from a CS background\n* undergrad in chem. eng\n* did some co-ops that involved stastical models, gained some interest\n* then pursued a MS in DS\n* can help out folks who have interest in CS, but don't have a CS degree\n* help them with self-learning\n* MS or not depends on the personality\nIdeal mentee\n\n* Folks who don't come from a CS background,\n\n* and want to learn interview skills\n* recent grads, don't have a lot of experience interviewing\n* help them navigate the interview process\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"9eJQ3dQNHNAttQ6dc\"", "name": "Pritul Patel", "application": "{\"text\":\"I entered the field of analytics 13 years ago and had no idea back then how the data science industry would shape up a decade later. I didn\u2019t have any mentor to help navigate the career path and had to figure a lot on my own using google.\\n\\nData science is a vast field and breaking into it can be overwhelming. \\nMoreover, since Data science jobs demand has shot through the roof so are the number of aspiring data scientists. As a result, companies have also raised the bar significantly with numerous interview rounds covering wide-range of topics.\\n\\nI want to guide aspiring data scientists to embrace the interview process, shorten the interview prep time, and smoothly navigate various inteviews to break into this field and identify themselves as an expert in the field.\\n\\nI\u2019ve been on both sides of the inteview table and can add a lot of perspective to a candidate\u2019s interview prep that can give them an edge over other candidates.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-26T23:58:52.864Z\"}", "updates": [ "How you heard about SM?\n\n* browsing on Google for mentoring platforms\n* was doing some informal mentoring last year - in DS\n* likes the ISA model - without the agreement it gets taken for granted\nCareer story\n\n* goal is always to pivot to w/e is the next best\n* engineering MsC - stumbled on a few courses by the MBA school - data mining, db marketing\n* those opened his eyes towards this being a big thing\n* graduated in the 2008 financial crisis - lots of layoffs\n* first job logistics and transportation, was exposed to analytics and analyzing supply chain data\n* pivoted to fraud analytics in LA (mobile marketing platform). Lots of log based analysis, scale was much bigger\n* Then joined Yahoo! - insights manager\n* Then Ebay - Sr. DS - tech lead building massive experimentation. Test and learn culture. 2000 experiments a year\n\n*\n\nWhat are beginners missing\n\n* proliferation of Uni courses super broad\n* so it can be super broad and intimidating\n* feels like you need to know everything\n* pick a specialization!\n* ML system design (not a great person to teach it, but can point folks in the right direction)* mix of software engineering\n\n* Lack of focus and loss of how to approach\n* Folks need a GitHub\nAs a mentor how to add value?\n\n* understand their strengths (they might not know their strengths)\n* and their blind-spots (depending on what they want to pursue)\n* then can start addressing the gaps\n* and build up a base and hone those skills\n* help them build soft skills\n* breaking down the interview process, what employers are looking for\n* e.g. FAMNG\n* leet-code style questions\n* what kinds of interviews, for each type\n* e,g. for product analytics don't need leet-code, but need to know SQL and stats\n* might be different at different companies\n* don't be afraid of talking to recruiters\n* motivating them to embrace the interview process\n* accept that you are going to fail a lot of interviews, but you will get much better at it every time\n* depends on mood, luck, etc\n* applied to 1,023 companies and got 3 interviews out of it\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"hAM8gTRzNgpd38hbb\"", "name": "Ali Tozan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am already mentoring people voluntarily and leading a group of $0+ Data&Analytics enthusiasts occasionally (US and Canada based). I am so happy to see people getting jobs. Even manatees are consulting me after getting a job. So I love mentoring :)\\n\\nI know SharpestMinds for a while ,and I wanted to be active broader in North America and to be honest generate some extra income using my skills. \\n\\nAs you'll see in my LinkedIn profile, I have a very diverse background in software development, research and development, machine learning, data science, and product analytics.\\nHappy to have a conversation and share how I can help more people.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-04-22T16:30:39.145Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"2xwQs5tYcJ3mGvZeN\"", "name": "Connor Moffatt", "application": "{\"text\":\"I really enjoy helping others. I am looking for some income on the side, and I believe I can really help people aspiring for data science roles in sports and and healthcare\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-02-26T18:52:18.892Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about us?\n\n* Towards Data Science\n\n* then I remembered it, and thought I could help people out\nMentoring experience\n\n* a little bit, informally\n* had a few friends he helped get jobs\n\n\nPlayed college baseball, applied to an internship at Angels\n\nDid applied math, and minored in CS\n\nin his senior year, made a DS degree\n\n\n\nDid you have any mentors?\n\n* yes, but not DS based\n\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* ppl take a course and call it a day\n* but you need to actually get through a ML project\n* sink or swim to learn what your missing\nHow would you approach a mentorship?\n\n* Understand what type of job they need to do\n* (1) decide if it's a fit (with me) e.g. not NLP\n* make sure my strengths match their goals\n* lead them, let them fail, don't force-feed, but not get so stuck that they want to quit\n* walk that balance\n\n* The relational aspect, of once you're there in the job\n* in baseball, ave to communicate to a lot of technical people. Like really non-technical people (like a coach)\n* learning how to communicate to all levels\n* rule of thumb on project -5 slides and less than 30 words\n* folks can be over confident\n* learning to curb your expectations + gain trust\n* brainstorm projects to do (both of us)\n* act like it's an actual company and make them produce the results top to bottom\n* give them shared experiences from my own experiences and see if they can relate/map those experiences\n* helping people is way more important than the money\n* created his own ACT course to help people who didn't start studying in time\n* 8 hours and 4 hours, here is the barebones. Get folks from an 18\n* 40/50 ppl took it, probably helped at lest 10-15 people\n\n\n* \n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"dg6sSYkzqAP3GTpNb\"", "name": "mehrshad mehboudi", "application": "{\"text\":\"* Keeping my knowledge updated\\n* helping others by sharing my experience\\n* I was an assistant professor for two years and enjoyed very much teaching and helping others.\\n* getting to know sharpest minds!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-04-08T18:33:49.981Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"N4bKRzbX75yw8kK3s\"", "name": "Wei Chan Xiang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I meet a lot of young talent and people who want to break into or grow in the data space as part of my job/recruiting and often I wish I can give more advice and tips on how to make them even more successful. In general, mentorship and helping someone success is very satisfying and hope to help wherever possible! \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-04T23:25:33.614Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* from a variety of places (LI, YT)\n* after a few impressions decided to look at it\nWhy do you want to mentor?\n\n* already work with a lot of new grads and early career folks\n* likes mentorship\n* and has had some mentors that have helped\n* do a lot of recruiting - I wish I could tell this advice to candidates that I could tell them\n* Confidence. It's an art and anyone can do it. Not quite sure how to take that initial step. How do I compete with the MSc and PhDs.\nMentorship experience\n\n* Women in STEM mentorship program. Mentored a uni student, got a job quickly after 2 months\nWhat did you get from your mentors\n\n* direct technical feedback, on problems\n* career planning advice - how do you set yourself up for success, got a lot of benefits from her mentors\nHow would you add value?\n\n* comes from a technical background\n* loves diving into problems - e.g. debugging\n* providing that career and industry advice\n* giving some examples of my personal journey\nHow would you structure a mentorship\n\n* very open\n* depends on the mentee and where they would benefit the most\n\n\n* \n* " ] }, { "_id": "\"obLqkc5wbbT8xYWKc\"", "name": "Navid Mashinchi", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have a strong passion for helping out students/new grads to break into the data science industry. I have been there myself and have been working now for a year as a data scientist. A lot of students underestimate the personal branding aspect and believe by just have a master\u2019s degree or certificate automatically lands them their dream job. There goes a lot into it\u2026I have been a student ambassador for the University of Denver\u2019s data science master\u2019s program and am currently mentoring data science boot camp students at MIT. It really gives me a big satisfaction seeing people succeed by helping them out. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-04-24T00:16:53.127Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"PjrFju4igReeCMMb6\"", "name": "Hossein Kalbasi", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am currently one of the top Data Science mentors at GreatLearning. I enjoy helping others and being part of the long-term career growth of mentees. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-04T03:08:48.371Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4Xo3EX9n5HT43CP9t\"", "name": "Neerja Jhingan", "application": "{\"text\":\"Because i have more than 7 years of experience in web development and 3 years in data science. I am already in this profession. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-11T20:43:42.013Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"si89DiFWB5Z2v3QHP\"", "name": "Dhrumil Patel", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been a SharpestMinds Mentee in the past and I want to give back to the amazing community that has helped me a ton to be where I am in my career at the moment!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-03T00:27:09.450Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"tteRvyAsc8rTob2om\"", "name": "Raj Singh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'm generally interested in being a mentor because I want to help aspiring ML engineers who were in the same position I was in. Finding a job in machine learning can be really daunting and stressful and I would love to help make that process easier for mentees. I've found that my experiences with giving back to the community have been extremely rewarding and I want to continue doing it!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-13T20:47:33.616Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"xGDukaH5uXEbSiLsf\"", "name": "Mohit Singh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have spare time and I would like to use that to help individuals through mentorship\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-14T18:54:11.122Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you find out about SM?\n\n* Searching for it a year or 2 ago, looking for mentorship opportunities (a mentor for myself)\n* Now feel like I'm in a place to mentor on my own\n\nMentorship experience\n\n* Informally. Folks have reached out on LinkedIn asking for advice.\n* helping out on and off whenever I can\n* Folks just moving to Canada, and wanted to lear how to improve their DS skillset, and folks who wanted to get into DS themselves\n* gave them advice on what to focus on and some common pitfalls for self learners\n\nPitfalls\n\n* Tunnel vision on very specific topics and lost track of the big picture\n* E.g. got very into NLP, got too in the weeds on all the algorithms\n* had this energy to learn something, but did not know what to learn and that's where mentorship can really help\n* there is often no-one teaching us how to diagnose real-world problems\n* e.g. A/B test goes well initially, but then starts to go wrong\n* interviews are leaning more into case studies\nHow to add value as a mentor\n\n* ask them what could go wrong\n* bring up real-world scenarios. How concepts relate to the real world and how\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"7Z7qEoayfTBHSZbtL\"", "name": "Jahir Mauricio Gutierrez", "application": "{\"text\":\"Because I love teaching and mentoring! The greatest accomplishments in my career as a Machine Learning Scientist came from interactions with my mentors who shared their knowledge and experience with me. I feel it is the right time to give back to the community and create new bonds with future professionals in the space.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-27T16:34:43.128Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\n\nHow did you hear about us?\n\n* His wife Monica was a mentee.\n* Insight DS - first cohort in Toronto. After you graduate you can come back and mentor or join as an advisor. Been a mentee as well on the other side.\n\n* Did it for a year and a hald. Insight shut down. Likes SM, the culture, and the folks at the team\n* Finally have a permit. Now ready to mentor!\n\nWhy mentor?\n\n* Get to meet new people, interesting people\n* Many of my mentees from insight have become colleagues friends, strong network. Core community, and strong relationships\n* Thrilled to see someone he mentored succeed. Didn't get paid at Insight but still got value\n* Helps me stay up to date with the field.\n\nWhat can you bring?\n\n* Job interview prep - coding interviews, behavioral and personal interviews.\n\n* Always loved teaching. Likes to show folks the doors (didactic approach)\n* Not \"just go to hackerrank\" but offer actual insights and talk about concepts\n* Both manager and researcher. Working on a team for a common goal\n* Set up long-term, medium-term, short-term vision. Can help folks set visions and help them scope a realistic plan and goals.\n* Help mentees with understanding basic soft skills that are needed when transitioning from academia to industry. How to acquire and develop the soft skills - communication, navigating shyness or insecurity. Talking to stakeholders and business partners\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* no strong preference for research\n* used to be more applied stuff for financial and healthcare applications\n* had a manager role, and started doing more research\n* not a ML expert, field is too broad. Couldn't help someone who is a PhD in CS trying to get into RL or something\nQuestions\n\n* \n" ] }, { "_id": "\"xwToR9S9YEb2XEmKC\"", "name": "Pedram Ataee", "application": null, "updates": [ "Career overview\n\n* YC in 2013\n* ML lead at \"atomic labs\"\n* gesture recognition - 5 US patents - acquired by google\n\n* 2013 graduated electrical eng\n* CV for particle detection\n* NLP company parsing legal documents\n* heard about SM through a friend of mine\n* Teaches a ML bootcamp (7 Gate) in vancouver\n* wrote a book\n* experiment management systems\n\nExperience mentoring\n\n* mentored a lot of students over the years\n* tought a bootcamp\n\nWhat do you hope to get out of mentorship?\n\n* enjoys mentoring\n* wants to channel it in a better way\n* hard to say no to folks\n* wants to do it sustainably\n* give value / take value* feedback\n* contribute to his open-source project -> nlp sentence embedding (wrapper around different embedding methods)\n\n* Likes the business model\n* Positive networking\n\nWhat type of person are you best suited to help?\n\n* NLP\n* not setup junior folks\n* Joy working with smart folks\n\nWhere can you provide value as a mentor?\n\n* not hand holding\n* sharing feedback motivating\n* not an interview coach" ] }, { "_id": "\"3BH7tLZDMy6GaSCSB\"", "name": "Rogelio Cuevas", "application": "{\"text\":\"Now that my current role is more management-oriented and being hands on the past, I see mentorship as an opportunity for me to keep growing as a tech manager while forcing myself to keep hands-on skills through a mentorship experience.\\nAdditionally, in the past I have learned from people I have mentored as they follow recent threads in the DS/ML space. This allows for a mutually beneficial relationship of common growth for both parties. \\n\\nLooking forward to the opportunity! \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-08T02:21:01.411Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bSXEcJrjQu7eDDTAH\"", "name": "Daniel S Relihan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have worked programmatically with data for the past 20+ years - from developing an geographically-aware image annotation system on a *flip phone* for the MIT Media Lab while an undergrad to developing data and algorithms used daily by the vast majority of Wall Street banks, pension funds, and insurance firms.\\n\\nIn addition to my technical work, I have personally invested in over a dozen seed-stage startups, been a general partner at a boutique venture fund, personally invested in real estate projects across the US, and served as a non-profit board member.\\n\\nI am extremely optimistic for and eager to help the next generation of thinkers and engineers address the current generation of problems and opportunities out there in the world. Some of my most satisfying work in my career has been helping smart, driven people achieve. \\n\\nOn the mentorship side, I help mentees not only identify what value they can bring to prospective employers, but how to best communicate that to the employer.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-07-18T13:16:02.686Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QJN3iJ2E2SHDwqSAh\"", "name": "Saurav Roy", "application": "{\"text\":\"There are very few dedicated data engineering programs as compared to computer science and data scientist programs.\\nI have a computer science background and have moved to data engineering as well as transitioned from Individual contributor to manager.\\n\\nSo, I want to give back to the engineering community by empowering people with practical job search tips & tricks and transition advice to the data engineering field.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-09T06:22:32.045Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3z5jXv7a4SFS77suH\"", "name": "Kishan Akbari", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been helping many people over Linkedin find their first job into the Data Science area. I would like to make this experience more enriching and formal.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-07-19T02:17:18.890Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"EY4dRKv2NCPAFMTvx\"", "name": "Rondale Williams", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'd love to teach others how fun this career is, how to easily build projects, design patterns, software architecture, and how to find answers to questions without searching for answers for hours. Too often, I see junior engineers get caught up learning the nuances of programming languages and the many frameworks that help software engineers build apps. Instead, I'd like to show aspiring engineers how they can easily get a job by quickly learning the tools they need to get a job and the basics of the programming languages they need to learn to get a job quickly. I'd also love to show them how software engineering teams actually work in agile environments, how to write tests and the mentality behind writing tests, and how we use Git to work as a team.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-07-11T22:28:59.214Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"vtCy25iFGo2qidcsB\"", "name": "Ty Shaikh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I transitioned into analytics from product management. I enjoy the work and it fits my personality and interests better.\\n\\nI want to help others do the same. If they are not happy in their current job or want to do something more challenging, I want to guide them to an analytics job that fits them.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-30T17:00:06.636Z\"}", "updates": [ "- almost found a mentor a year or so ago\n- likes the business model\n\n- PM at General Assembly started doing product analytics using Looker, dashboards, data model\n- LifeMD - seeling health and wellness - marketing analytics, finance supply chain, dashboards modeling\n\n- More of a generalist, a mixture of analytics engineering and DA\n\n- Can do Python, SQL etc. Feels blocks at his company, not hiring enough data folks.\n\n- changed into the field at 31\n\n\nWho would you mentor?\n\n- data analytics people, knows a bit of DS and DE\n\n- can speak a lot to analytics engineering\n\n- interested in data, passionate\n\n- genuine interest, background doesn't matter\n\n- Have you done any MOOCs?\n\n\n\nApproach to mentorship?\n\n- doing some mentorship on the side\n\n- landed first 2 clients last week\n\n- depends on where the people are\n\n- intro call, career goals, get on the same page\n\n- what role? help them decide, examples are very important\n\n- worked in ed tech a lot, examples and case studies important\n\n- might have enough to go into market -> resume, q''s outreach strategies, mock interviews\n\n- or work on a project, know the tools talk to talk, end to end DA project\n\n- find a dataset, excel, data manipulation and visualize it\n\n- \"data analyst side\"\n\n- delete old mentee account\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"ewXobqWeZx36FP5DQ\"", "name": "Ovo Okpubuluku", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love to give back and pay forward the help I got to break into Tech and Data Science. Brings me satisfaction. Also need a side-job to augment income.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-07-18T12:16:12.259Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Hw9BK4g37iArk5Rxk\"", "name": "Manas Narkar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been mentoring, coaching and building high performance data science teams for last few years. With this I have learnt that I love to share my practical experience/knowledge to anyone who has a strong desire to grow and shape their professional careers. It gives me a strong sense of fulfilment when I see my efforts translating into mentees personal/professional growth. \\n\\nI truly believe this is an excellent platform to increase my reach and share my knowledge. Would love to be part of this. \\n\\nCheers\\nManas\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-02-27T22:48:29.820Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about us?\n\n* LinkedIn - someone's profile was advertising SM\n* Got curious, checked it out and liked what he saw\n\nWhy do you want to mentor?\n\n* sharing knowledge is very important\n* passing it on and seeing someone grow using it\n* can be overwhelming with all the different paths, can help my experince o help\n* find it very fulfilling\n\nMentorship exp\n\n* building out teams and grown teams for the last 7 years\n* very worthwhile to invest time in someone and help them grow\n* Mostly through my company - within my team, or maybe outside of my team\n* ppl in his company, helped them get on the path towards DS\n\nWhat are beginners missing\n\n* What is the path?\n* path might be long - set milestones and celebrate those\n* help technically\n* keep focused\n* ask questions! Not just imparting knowledge, but making them think through the problem\n* how to approach a project\n* boost confidence!!\n* more and more complex problems to solve\n* I did not have a mentor\n* having a mentor changed the game completely\nValue as a mentor\n\n* lots of experience\n* building out teams\n* building up people into good Data scientists\n* does lot of hiring and mentoring at different levels\n* great communicator\n* \n" ] }, { "_id": "\"PaZb3Zwjrd8WcYhyn\"", "name": "Mark Atkins", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have a background in computer science and nuclear engineering. After spending years as a Naval Officer I went back to school, got a master's in analytics, and became a data scientist. Throughout my journey, my path has led to a role in ML Engineering as the lead ML Architect at Freeport McMoRan, one of the largest mining companies in the US. I have seen first-hand how learning the superficial skills of data science and programming might look good on paper and lead to interview success, but in the long term do not set people up with the tools to contribute to enterprise solutions. I want to mentor candidates in solid software design principles fist, and then teach the intricacies of data science and ML engineering.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-15T16:31:22.976Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Almost became a mentee a couple years back\n* getting out of the Navy, middle of Covid\n* talked with Jeremie Harris\n* had some resources w/ Military resources\n* always interested in mentorship, felt like a good time\nMentorship exp\n\n* Outside of the tech world, in military, lots of mentorship\n* Have a lot of DS's who aren't very good software engineers. Getting them off the Jupyter notebooks\n* Done a lot of interviews and has a good sense of what people need\n* If you link to your GitHub, have something more than notebooks\nWhat are beginners lacking?\n\n* how to monitor after you deploy\n* never actually grasping how the rest of the stack works\n* \"data cleaning is 80% of the work\" - what that actually means\n* how python works, how to think in systems\n* lacking knowledge of cloud (GCP, Azure, AWS)\n* get to know things off your local computer\n* MLE and DE, focus on the E\n* depends on their long term goals\nAs a mentor, how could you help?\n\n* A lot less resources on MLE\n* Build a project that showcases an understanding of the full pipeline\n* Model doesn't matter, build a pipeline\n* Take a model end to end, build that project!\n* for a DS, don't build a big notebook. Build a self contained python project\n\n\n* \n" ] }, { "_id": "\"HwPn9DqXuBLm2SvLb\"", "name": "Saim Mehmood", "application": "{\"text\":\"To contribute back to the community and aspiring data scientists in regards to what I have learned in academia, job hunting process and now working in the industry.\\nI was a mentee at SM with Omar Nada and currently working at Badal.io as MLOps Engineer.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-26T07:41:37.567Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"zS5YYpcJoNT4iLZzQ\"", "name": "Royal Denzil Sequiera", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been involved in mentoring since my undergrad days, and I love mentoring. In 2018, I founded Sushiksha, an organization that mentors hundreds of Engineering and Medical students in India. I also have been actively involved in mentoring refugees from East Africa. I understand mentoring well, and I have seen lots of improvements in my mentees. Simply put, mentoring brings me joy and satisfaction.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-12T19:14:34.609Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FkNW5edSCy2TtmccS\"", "name": "Naeim Bahrami", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been working on different aspects of machine learning and computer vision, specifically in the medical field. My expertise is AI and Data Science in the medical sciences and I believe there is a lack of skilled scientists and engineers in this field who have both 1) a strong ML/Data Science background and 2) some domain knowledge. Mentoring more high skilled scientists and engineers within the field will help eligible candidates to get familiar with both sides and be ready to get hire by the medical device and pharmaceutical companies. \\n\\nCurrently, I am a Lead Artificial Scientist - Imaging at GE Healthcare and I am developing many new methods and models that are in the product and helping our society. I am leading a handful of projects and mentoring junior scientists within my team. \\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-18T02:31:56.798Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"t2pJwMBHtLoaC5AaQ\"", "name": "Nima Tajbakhsh", "application": "{\"text\":\"1) to help people better prepare for AI interviews, without them going through unnecessary stress and anxiety; 2) to have an additional source of income to support my family.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-21T07:01:11.441Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"D2seoxznubr2pMhsH\"", "name": "David DeStefano", "application": "{\"text\":\"Passionate about education and environments where information can be shared, learners can be vulnerable and receive opportunity to grow. I was a tech lead and educator at Codesmith, one of the largest bootcamps in the US. Additionally I started a coding meeting in NYC that reached 600 individuals across the globe. My goal was to create content and settings where new learners could come and grow. Lastly I am the founding member of the Boston chapter of MLOps Community. We focus specifically on bringing together Boston professionals and learners to share experiences, problems. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-22T22:31:01.839Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"PQeLPRzhXBLuEtMWn\"", "name": "Masashi Omori", "application": "{\"text\":\"I also transitioned into data science and understand the hardships. I find joy in providing guidance and seeing others succeed. I have informally given advice to students in data science boot camps, non-data scientist peers, and connections on LinkedIn. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-27T01:58:50.494Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"NAjwz9STw8iPLHf6G\"", "name": "PENG JIANG", "application": "{\"text\":\"I personally benefited from learning from people who were already in industry. There wasn't such great platform for people with different background and YOE to learn from each other. Now it's my turn to share my own experience to early career professionals. At the minimum, I would like to get to know and learn from others\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-30T04:52:11.107Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WhHKKbG4FxLEodreZ\"", "name": "Omer", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"8G3HfrzjveuAPZXGJ\"", "name": "Triveni Putti", "application": "{\"text\":\"I recently prepared for job interviews and landed Data Scientist jobs in a lot of companies such as Shopify, realtor.com, CVS and Product Analyst job at Google. I have learnt so much from my job preparation phase that I keep sharing with my friends. I thought Sharpest Minds would be a nice platform to share what I learnt and to help others. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-25T13:36:06.638Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FgMYELzkPgWkNcTWE\"", "name": "Atif Muhammad", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have some availability for the next couple of months to help future Data Scientists grow in the industry. I am also looking to employ young candidates with fresh ideas and those who are eager to learn and grow.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-29T19:14:55.344Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"wXttZ2wBH9MPdRFzC\"", "name": "Marina Wyss", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love teaching, and often speak at early career events at the universities I've attended (U.C. Berkeley, and the Hertie School in Berlin). \\n\\nI think this sounds like an excellent opportunity to help on a more personal, one-on-one level, and continue to learn myself. I've also heard great things from one of your existing mentors, Leyuan, who is on my team at Coursera.\\n\\nI know how challenging it can be to break into data science, especially coming from a non-traditional background, so I'd love to help! Thanks so much.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-15T17:15:21.741Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Works with Leyuan at Coursera\nWhy mentor?\n\n* Recently talked to some students from her alma matter, about ppl who want to be Data scientists,\n* Folks are missing real-world advice, too academic\n* It's been fulfilling to help folks\n* Have a good amount of teaching experience\n* Nice seeing people good\n\nMentorship Experience?\n\n* Led the DS club in her master's\n* Took some first years under her wing\n* Public policy school, can be intimidating\n* career has been all over the place\n* started in public policy, ran a small biz (jewlerly company)\n* then started her master's and was introduced into coding,\n\nWhat are beginners' biggest weaknesses?\n\n* Knowing where to focus\n* Super broad, incredibly overwhelming\n\n* spend some time to determine where you want to focus\n* have fun with it\n* personal projects that I enjoyed, and though was interesting went a really long wa\n\nHow can you help as a mentor?\n\n* I'm a good interviewer\n* Preparing for the job hunt processis more involved than a lot of people are prepared for\n* How to do well on the interviews, and have a portfolio\n* Then how to prepare for the interview, and come across confidently in that interview\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"Q8F62qZrrLW3T5QK9\"", "name": "Madhur", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am aware of the challenges faced by new comers in Canada as well as those interested to start a career in data science. I can help them achieve the desired transition given my 10+ years in the data science career journey. I am also interested in continuing to network with the right people having a growth mindset and I have found many in the sharpest minds community. This community has enabled me to build some life long connections during my first few years in Canada and I would like to give back.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-27T14:42:30.511Z\"}", "updates": [ "Used to be a mentee - Omar Nada\n\n\n\nCareer\n\n* CIBC - Fraud analytics\n* e.g. cc transaction data\n* Likes it. Likes the ad-hoc work\nMentorship experience?\n\n* trained new members at past jobs\n* walking them through basic details -\n\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* everyone has it\n* Started in 2010 in India* understanding the tech stack\n* understanding the business\n\n* here in Canada* more about networking and knowing people\n* perception gap\n\n\n\nHow can you add value as a mentor?\n\n* People from India who are coming here and need guidance\n* From my own experience. How to begin\n\n* setting expectations* e.g. around culture in N.A\n* where to start from - don't overfit to a job title\n\nMentorship structure?\n\n* AISC, weclouddata\n* Python - build something\n* help them approach a DS problem, open mind, and not just the most complex model\n* setting expectations around time commitment\n* Not being discouraged - it takes time - staying positive\n* getting them involved in the community\n* always good to meet people\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"FC4EBQi9zNNy5KdsG\"", "name": "Sean Farquharson", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have a desire to help others achieve their goals. I am very passionate about data science and I want to share that passion to motivate others who are job seeking. I believe in motivating people to unlock their full potential. Helping others is a very important part of my life. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-30T06:09:23.974Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QY9ufxhwPkWkQaBgL\"", "name": "Samuel Bradley-Kelly", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been a professional mentor to both undergraduate & graduate students for the past 7 years. These are students I mentored have entered into careers in software engineering, data science / machine learning and product (tech focus). Based on my previous success with my mentees having landed internships & full-time jobs, I believe this would greatly benefit a serious mentee candidate who wants to partner with a mentor like myself in order to maximize their chances of success :) \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-14T23:03:35.978Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bmnt9SFQSxDE7Tn7d\"", "name": "Vinamra Mathur", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been mentoring students and professionals alike who want to enter the data science field through LinkedIn. Becoming a mentor will help me build my leadership skills as well as give the joy of placing the potential candidates in their field of choice. I would also be able to develop the ability to motivate and encourage others vis-a-vis develop a sense of empathy towards others. \\nI have had past experience of mentorship and had the pleasure of successfully placing candidates in the data science. I want to continue the art of giving and rejoice in the success of others.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-09-06T17:41:23.633Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"GWigDw2Wygbj7v4Kx\"", "name": "Rishab Goel", "application": "{\"text\":\"Over the past year, I have realized that mentoring others provide me a sense of fulfillment. I currently work at Twitter and have mentored a few times in my role trying to transfer my ML knowledge and best ML practices to others in the company. I have worked in the industry for 4+ years in a variety of ML roles (both research and product). I wish to help other through this mentorship especially people who are in early stages of their career or people who are interested in advancing further. Interestingly, about 4.5 years ago I got one of my internships through SharpestMinds and also think this as a way to give back to the community.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-17T23:51:11.237Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ctXg4fjx2zWx7ZWPH\"", "name": "Sophie Wang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am data scientist at Linkedin and a former teacher. Mentorship has always been one of the most important parts of my life, and I am excited to engage more with it.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-09-14T01:49:05.020Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"qKA4abdvMTcqJPkSm\"", "name": "Matthew Graziano", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have had the distinct pleasure of helping numerous analysts, data scientists, and developers establish vision for their careers and helping them be strategic in attaining those goals. Playing a small role in the success of others careers has been some of the most fulfilling and meaningful work of my career. I do coaching and mentoring as a part of my day to day responsibilities as a Senior Data Science Manager at Progressive Insurance, and I hope to have the opportunity to continue to develop others working with Sharpest Minds.\\n\\nHaving spent 8+ years in the analytics space, I have had the privilege of developing expertise in not only how to build and deploy technical solutions but also on how to build partnerships with my peers to drive tangible business value. Having had success building, hiring, and leading successful teams of data scientists, I have strong knowledge to offer on how folks interested in getting their foot in the door can best position their strengths and experience to land their first job in this very competitive industry.\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-07-23T02:15:21.801Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"DMZYtJzKCc8bSdN5e\"", "name": "Robert Dowd", "application": "{\"text\":\"It took me a very long time to find the right career path for me, jumping around between jobs and career industries. Once I found data science, I had absolutely no doubt that it was the right path for me. Making the choice to pursue this transition, however, was not easy. I struggled a lot to understand what the requirements were, what the field looked like, and how I could use my experience in healthcare and my degree in biology to do data science. Now that I have been through my journey (zigzagging my way to a career as a data scientist in biotech), I would love to use that experience to help other data scientists coming from a non-data-science background find their way. Additionally, I not only felt like the day-to-day work suits my strengths, but it also has also been such a captivating field of work for me. The largest reason for this is because I have so many academic interests (likely driven by my jumping careers) and I love that data science allows one to work in any field that interests them, where there is data, or a space to create it. That said, the burden of choice can also be difficult for some people to navigate. I would love to draw on my experience and past choices to help guide younger/aspiring data scientists to find the path that's right for them. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-17T15:49:35.194Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"qDSDDgwNayYPg5J4T\"", "name": "Sri Harsha vardhan Pathuri", "application": "{\"text\":\"To help the new graduates to get into their first job by sharing personal experiences.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-13T00:21:58.815Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BubK5oC823Q5z7fE9\"", "name": "Andrew George", "application": "{\"text\":\"Mentorship has been been one of the most fulfilling aspects of my life for the past decade. In my early 20s, I spent three years managing a startup in Denver, CO that produced Lithium batteries for off-grid homes. During that time, I had the opportunity to mentor/coach two interns and ten production technicians to improve their technical abilities and electrical career outlook. After leaving that role to attend graduate school at Indiana University, I served as a Peer Mentor for the LiFT Scholars Program for two and a half years (https://liftscholars.soic.iupui.edu/). As a LiFT Peer Mentor, I held weekly office hours to tutor/mentor students, built & revised resumes, assisted in cover letter composition, helped students prepare for interviews using the STAR technique, and coordinated \\\"Industry Visits\\\" to local organizations to help our students build their professional network in the Indianapolis tech community. After finishing my master's degree in applied data science, I joined Progressive Insurance as a senior data scientist where I have had the chance to help two aspiring data scientists improve their technical prowess. I am extremely grateful for the mentors who have helped me throughout my career journey, and I hope to continue to pay it forward to the next generation of data scientists through the SharpestMinds program. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-09-22T23:39:00.715Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"vP6LQ5sD4KNtb2PJz\"", "name": "Daniel Wood", "application": "{\"text\":\"I was a mentee and it really helped me break in to DS. I'd love to provide others with the same experience. I have been mentoring junior DS at my company and I really enjoy it. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-09-04T21:10:23.014Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"xwEwMppQwKdtmywPx\"", "name": "Yenson Lau", "application": "{\"text\":\"Being a SharpestMinds mentor would be an excellent way for me to:\\n- give back to the ML community\\n- develop my technical leadership and communication skills\\n- grow my network and lifelong connections\\n- broaden my technical and professional horizons\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-10T20:52:21.941Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"2NsrsxhWoDsiuMj3g\"", "name": "David Peletz", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'd like to be a mentor because I really enjoy teaching and guiding others. In the past, I've found being a teaching assistant and tutor very rewarding. I believe that it'd be rewarding to help people find their dream jobs within data science.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-12T21:07:01.837Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"xfBRBXwXY8ipyFWor\"", "name": "Biren Gandhi", "application": "{\"text\":\"Data science field is evolving like never before. I have started my journey of analytics few years back when I was completely new and coming from sales background.\\n \\nI believe, mentoring is gives an opportunity to develop leadership skills helps widens my circle of influence. Mentorship opportunity will help me continue learning and research.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-07-04T16:30:16.376Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"EJpKi3eYcKcoh63Nc\"", "name": "Francesco Gorga", "application": "{\"text\":\"I believe having a mentor can have an incredibly deep impact in one's professional career; I have had great mentors in the past, and I would like to give back. \\n\\nI have been a mentor in my company for two years now. I have helped 7 junior analysts and data scientists to grow and achieve their career goals.\\n\\nMoreover, having been a mentor for a couple of years now, I discovered that there are huge benefits for the mentors themselves! \\nPersonally, I have found it really useful as an additional incentive to keep up with news in the industry, gain a fresh perspective on data science, and be exposed to a large array of problems and ideas.\\n\\nAs such, I have started to look for other opportunities to grow as a mentor outside of my company. Recently, I have started helping new graduates prepare for their data science interviews, by doing mock interviews for coding, SQL, and ML questions.\\n\\nWhen I read about SharpestMinds, I thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to combine my passion for mentoring others, and at the same time offering more tactical and practical guidance to help them start their career in data science. \\nMoreover, I think the ISA is a great way to ensure motivation and engagements from both sides of the mentorship relationship.\\n\\nOverall, I'm very excited about SharpestMinds, and hope to hear back from you soon.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-16T22:48:16.001Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\nLooking for some mentoring opportunities. Google search. Then heard it again on a TDS podcast\n\n\n\nCareer in brief?\n\nEngineering + Math in Italy\n\nInterned at Amazon - analyst in transportation\n\nmoved to luxemburg - to work for Amazon (4 years)\n\nBI engineering - working on ML\n\n2019 moved to AWS - as data scientist, causal inference\n\nCould spend 15% helping other teams on various projects\n\nHackathons within team\n\n2021 moved to Seattle, working on ECS\n\nMentorship exp\n\nStarted mentoring at AWS - on own team. Interns and new joiners\n\nMentoring out of his own team (Amazon's internal program) mostly in DS\n\nMentoring outside of Amazon - mostly mock interviews - prepping specifically to Amazon\n\n\n\nWhat are beginners lacking\n\n- new grads have a misconception of what DS is. Though this is going away a bit\n\n- folks thing it is a lot of modelling. 90% is data cleaning, engineering, and communication\n\nData scientist = DE, DA, software engineer. But a DS takes the end goal in mind\n\n- For folks who DO get the job. They want to learn as much as possible about dif algorithms\n\n- too much focus on theory, not enough on projects.\n\n- For junior DS, pick a specialization, don't go too broad.\n\n- Learn ore about MLOps\n\n\n\nHow can you help them?\n\n- Depends on the goals of the mentee. The objective\n\n- Define the objective. What does success look like?\n\n- In once extereme acquiring knowledge, the other other mock interviews\n\n- probe their knowledge vs what they say their knowledge is. Find blind spots\n\n- Building an end-to-end project\n\n- as a mentor, would want a grasp of how to guide a project properly\n\n- when it comes to applications, it becomes more tactical\n\n- mock interviews - SQL, to ML and theory, stats, coding and behavioral\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"nAbeGQEbKsfbCGvDA\"", "name": "Jeremy Owens", "application": "{\"text\":\"I know how tremendous of a leveling up I experienced as a mentee in the program, and am confident that it's the reason I'm in the job I'm in now and doing as well as I am (two promotions in one year). I'd love to have the opportunity to pay it forward and teach folks some of what I know now that I'm \\\"on the other side\\\"\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-05T20:08:50.504Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"zKHXuc4ftq95E23bu\"", "name": "Cristiano Aguiar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'm a former mentee and became a Lead Data Scientist at the company Sharpest Minds helped me find. I found my mentorship process to be extremely valuable and I believe I can also provide value for new mentees. \\n\\nSince I joined the company I work for I was able to acquire a great knowledge of developing deep learning algorithms in a medical device company. My skills can be helpful for new mentees willing to work in this field.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-25T21:10:56.600Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"c32anD2CruyxG7J7y\"", "name": "Ahmed Elbagoury", "application": "{\"text\":\"My background\\n-------------\\nI have a mix between teaching and practical experience.\\n\\nI have been working as a software(ML) engineer at Google for over three and half years. That's why I will be able to share with candidates what are the most valuable practical skills in needed for ML in industry. \\n\\nBefore that I spent some time in Academia at Waterloo and Purdue university where I did both research and teaching. \\n\\nMy teaching experience spans undergraduate and graduate courses which gives me the ability to deal with candidates with different levels of experience. Moreover I have the following certificates from the University of Waterloo:\\n- Fundamentals of University Teaching program Certificate\\n- ExpecTAtions TA Workshop\\n\\nMotivation\\n-----------\\n- Since I left academia I have been missing the opportunity of teaching, mentoring and helping others grow.\\n- I have been through job hunting at different companies (large and small). And I have the perspective of both the employer and the candidate. \\n- This along with my teaching experience put me in a good position to bridge the gap between candidates skills and the market requirements.\\n- I have been through interview preparation multiple times over the last few years. I am looking forward to sharing with candidates the lessons I learnt and what the skills and knowledge that are crucial for landing a job.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-16T12:59:43.904Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"szG4ZJsmbQkDQkkuo\"", "name": "Cheryl To", "application": "{\"text\":\"I was a mentee and landed my first job as a data scientist. Since then I've transitioned into being a data engineer. Today, I am now looking for roles as a Sr data engineer. I have been through the process, and know how tough it can be. I think I have a lot to offer technically and professionally.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-20T12:40:17.959Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WyWWL6sHsBdbXoRWS\"", "name": "Olga Milkovska", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to become a mentor because I am passionate about learning and teaching, I love help others to grow their career and I get energized by making a positive impact to someone's career trajectory. I have 7 years of work experience in Data Analytics in large companies and would love to share my knowledge and insights with other data ninjas!\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-03T17:09:22.316Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"uKCaSznfhHjbCBMyu\"", "name": "Rahul Iyer", "application": "{\"text\":\"I was a mentee at sharpestminds back in 2019.I am where I am today due to Ajay Ajaal and have wanted for the longest time, to give back to this brilliant community. Having been in the data field, I have also realized that there's a dearth in a particular skillset in the Canadian job market that needs to be filled in with competent people. I want to make an attempt towards that as well. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-28T13:46:41.443Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"foZT58ud8nDJRSWqW\"", "name": "Simon Szalai", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been a SharpestMinds mentee, and I love the approach. I feel like that I got to the point in my career when I can provide real help to mentees. Being a self-taught engineer, I also have a lot of experience how to teach myself, and I believe this is a very valuable skill that I could pass to mentees.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-11-05T03:19:59.495Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"q6Hes75PHjLtoRiq3\"", "name": "Anuj Patel", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have started my journey with SharpestMinds as a mentee. I initially struggled a lot in securing a good job and SharpestMinds community helped me a lot to sharpen my skills and developing new skills. Therefore, I know what a mentee is expecting from a mentor as I was in his shoes once. Now, I feel like it is my time to help back the community by helping them get ready for the interviews and securing a decent position at a well-known company. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-10-27T17:45:37.935Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Dii5LsDhRNGXiiRbg\"", "name": "Fan Jiang", "application": "{\"text\":\"Hello Team!\\n\\nMy name is Fan. I\u2019m now a data engineer working at Meta. Nice to e-meet you! \\n\\nI'm always passionate about helping people, especially young professionals, to get their first and dream job! When I first see SharpestMinds website, I found this is a great platform that can help me connect with the people who needs help, so here I am :)\\n\\nLet me briefly introduce myself a bit. \\n\\nI got both my BSc. Statistics and MSc. Computing Science from the University of Alberta. Right after I graduated, I started to pursue my career in the data industry. I\u2019ve been working as a BI developer, data scientist and cyber security analyst before settling down as a data engineer. I have experience working in financial organizations, banks such as HSBC and Scotiabank, consulting firms such as PwC and Accenture, and high-tech companies such as IBM and Meta. I\u2019m enthusiastic as working and growing as a data engineer, and I hope I can help my mentees to launch their career as a data professional!\\n\\nOther than my professional experience, I\u2019d also love to share my experience as an international job hunter in Canada with my mentee. I moved from China to Canada 10 years ago. I understand how difficult it is to adapt a new environment to study and work. I hope I can help my mentee to set a clear career goal and achieve their career success in the near future!\\n\\nLong story short, I have been working on helping students and early professionals launch their dream jobs in the data industry for several years, and I always enjoy sharing the happiness when people get hired. Please do not hesitate to connect with me to learn more about me! I\u2019m looking forward to hearing from you soon.\\n\\nBest,\\nFan\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-19T19:20:00.704Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"jb4L26b5qB3uJDN4E\"", "name": "Cheng Qian", "application": "{\"text\":\"Twelve years ago, I was an international student to US to pursue my master degree alone in the Analytics field. After my graduation, it was very hard for me to find a job in US, without sufficient working experience as well as in a completely new environment. Luckily at that time, some alumni kindly offered their advice to guide me the job search process, and some of them became my mentor in my latter professional career. I'm forever grateful for their mentorship and without my mentors, I would not achieve my current career in the American corporate environment. I have been in the data science/analytics field for 10 years, and would like to offer my mentorship to other junior professionals who are looking for assistance in their job search process. Being a mentor and able to provide value to other people is a rewarding experience to me. I would like to join and be part of the SharpestMinds.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-11-09T04:13:12.676Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"hEd6Wy9mZzJfZX279\"", "name": "Jaret Andre", "application": "{\"text\":\"- I love to helping others find their confidence and work towards their goals.\\n- I motivate friends, family and others to try to be the best versions of themselves and grow each day.\\n- I Currently mentor 5 recent graduates or switching industry mentees out of pure passion and fulfillment (Aspiring: 2 Data Scientists, 1 Software Engineers and 2 psychologists).\\n- I believe that I can teach a lot about changing your mindset to achieve any goal you want. \\n\\n\\n- Roughly 7 months ago I started following SharpestMinds and even met with 12 Mentors (as a potential mentee) and I really enjoyed the community feeling. \\n\\n- I really enjoy the business model.\\n\\n\\nFor years I have had friends, family and acquaintances tell me that I should be a mentor/life coach/influencer but I never felt like I had enough experience (realistically confidence) to do that. But after giving it a try I find myself even better than I thought I could be. \\n\\nLooking for a job can be lonely, scary and dark and if I can help as much people to push through that then that would be extremely rewarding.\\n\\nI can talk about my technical skills and experience but I believe helping someone grow their mindset is the most important skill for a mentor.\\n\\nPeople who know me well would say \\\"I put in 110% in everything I do\\\" and this is yet another aspect in my life that I want to put 110%\\n\\nThanks,\\n\\nJaret Andr\u00e9 \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-19T00:03:28.945Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\n\nHow did you hear about SM?\n\nWas going to be a mentee. Talked to like 13 mentors, they all said they didn't really need it.\n\nFound out through a friend.\n\n\n\nCareer\n\n- 2 years of exp in the DS world.\n\n- been a mentor in the last 3ish months\n\n - folks approach him on LinkedIn.\n\n- talked to his friend who is a mentor at SM\n\n- More focused on the mindset, and how to tackle a problem\n\n- Has a couple he is talking to he can bring over to SharpestMinds.\n\n\n\nWhat are beginners lacking?\n\n* Mindset - don't take rejection so hard\n\n* Lack of experience - build end-to end project gain experience.\n* Sell yourself as a product\n\nMentorship structure\n\n- \"You can tackle any problem, by reducing it to smaller problems\"\n\n- \"Mindset shift\"\n\n- Your job is not your life\n\n- set the goals earlier\n\n- Break down into small problems, build a path \"2/3 weeks here then we get into projects, then get into interview prep..\"\n\n- meet once or twice a week\n\n- build/\n\n\n\nQuestions\n\n* \n" ] }, { "_id": "\"vmcDsmkQMrfZkH9PW\"", "name": "Anna Panta", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4BoKwLEzmwDN7xcDb\"", "name": "Ricardo Martinez", "application": "{\"text\":\"During my professional growth as a Data Scientist and Software Engineer, I had a lot of mentors along the way that I felt was the reason I've been successful in this field. I enjoy working with others in finding their full potential and developing their skills. Personal & Technical development is a very important aspect for me and would love to give folks interested in Data Science an opportunity to develop those skillsets and also be successful.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-04-16T14:01:32.357Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"juioyctLJHtKJiiWf\"", "name": "Daryl Kang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I once mentored groups of graduate students through their master's capstone program at NJIT. It was one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable highlights of my career.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-11-20T18:14:21.254Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"63sKHyCMxgJ44wd5X\"", "name": "Anurag Srivastava", "application": "{\"text\":\"To make a positive impact in an individual's life! - It's fulfilling! Adds to the meaning and purpose of your life. :)\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-08-16T03:27:45.936Z\"}", "updates": [ "How'd you hear about us?\n\nWas looking for mentoring opportunities. Talking to some students. Once of his students told him about SharpestMinds\n\n\n\nHave you mentored before?\n\nStarted 7 years ago. Took a sabbatical. My mentor referred me to One university to teach DS and etc. Worked there for a year, and discovered it was something he liked.\n\nWorked for various companies as coach/mentor\n\nTakes consulting assignments on the side, which lets him bring real world projects to his students, get them real world exp on his consulting assignments.\n\nMoved to Vancouver, found Lighthouse labs as instructor\n\nFeb 2021- VanHack, tech interview prep, resume\n\n\n\nWhat are folks missing?\n\nSkills and tech can be taught. What folks are missing is shift in attitude.\n\n\"I need to learn the syntax\" => Key word scientist. your job is to think. Deliver business value\n\nDon't have to think like a programmer. learn the implication => business implication => add value to the bottom line\n\n\n\nApproach to mentorship?\n\nDon't believe in a standard. For any concept there are 10,000 different explanations available. Everyone is different. Try to understand their learning style.\n\n\n\nRecently mentored an exceptional candidate. Got a job through VanHack. $130k USD.\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"DedJCkDAcqchZpPpc\"", "name": "Ernest (Khashayar) Namdar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have two solid motivations for becoming a mentor at SharpestMinds. First, I am passionate about helping others grow and have always enjoyed leading people. Second, I believe I would reach the point I am much earlier if I had a good mentor. I aim to be that facilitator for those at the beginning of the road.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-18T23:40:43.456Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"DKMQbzF9Qo3TAfr7K\"", "name": "Elliot Stern", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to be a mentor to continue my passion of teaching and supporting other data scientists. As a data science teacher to Fortune 500 companies at Data Society and tutoring college students in data science at Sqooasha, I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my excitement for data science. The opportunity to follow a student through their complete journey from \\\"hello world\\\" to a job in the industry is an exciting challenge that I have the skillset to excel at.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-14T01:29:02.166Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"EpnaNkN28EcH6eMwN\"", "name": "Haebichan Jung", "application": "{\"text\":\"As preface, I met and worked with Jeremy Harris at TowardsDataScience.com (TDS) while building the youtube/podcast platform for Ludo Benistant, TDS founder. Edouard approached me many years ago about becoming a mentor. I resonated with this position then, since I was a person who broke into the data science industry after working as an English teacher at a public school. Since my career transition, I\u2019ve been passionate about mentoring others on how to mirror my path to finding success in landing a data science job.\\n\\nTo dive deeper in my mentorship experience, I've mentored 5+ students from UC Berkeley (my alma mater) in the last 3 years in securing data science roles, hosted through the university\u2019s internal data alumni program. Furthermore, I have written 5+ highly successful articles on TowardsDataScience (TDS) on finding a job as a Data Scientist (One of my articles has been read over 100,000 times).\\n\\nI have also interviewed many leaders in data science (such as the head of Data Science at Patreon) on questions about landing a data science job while working as a project lead at TDS. Many readers/audience have reached out to me on how my content has played an important role in performing well during interviews. \\n\\nTo summarize, I have two reasons for wanting to become a mentor at SharpestMinds: \\n\\n1. I have a deep passion and in-depth knowledge in data science mentorship. I have transitioned into Data Science from a non-data related field, and thus have a frontline experience in knowing how to break into the data industry. This goes from how to write resumes, how to perform well during interviews, pitfalls to avoid, etc. \\n\\n2. I deeply align with the company\u2019s mission about nurturing junior/aspiring Data Scientists and helping them succeed in landing a dream job. It\u2019s what I have been doing on the side out of passion, especially at TDS and my alma mater programs. \\n\\nI am very excited to take this passion to the next level by becoming a mentor at SharpestMinds. \\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-05-11T00:17:22.876Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"y2z45jLM6LzaoqABp\"", "name": "Asad Norouzi", "application": "{\"text\":\"Helping others to become successful is a joyful feeling.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-13T06:18:39.914Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3Apnw6q8epoZqYXpA\"", "name": "Mikhail Klassen", "application": "{\"text\":\"* Build relationships in the industry\\n* Earn side income\\n* Help others break into data science and build careers\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-24T20:12:38.671Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"gyJT6yXcxexYyrj2r\"", "name": "Ashay Pathak", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been working as a professional full stack data scientist from last 3 years. I would love to take this opportunity and share my experience by teaching others\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-02-10T03:47:56.586Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about us?\n\n* was searching for mentorship opps\n* getting a lot of ppl reaching out on LI\n* felt like it was a great time to share his experience\n* googled us, and liked the business model\nMentoring experience\n\n* informally\n* lots of new hires, does a lot of pair programming with them\n* also has experience as a TA\nWhat are beginners lacking?\n\n* DS is like an ocean, folks don't know where to start\n* too much hype on ML, not enough on business communication\n* pair programming helps communicate the day-to-day\n* managing expectations, cultures\n* lots of communications\n* how to think about business value\n* expectation setting\n* easy to find information, but what do YOU want to work on?\n* not many ppl have a strong CS background, focus on basics, communication, business value\n* mentorship bridge\n\nHow can you help as a mentor?\n\n* Don't want to boast, \"but I'm good\"\n* interacts with a lot of folks from non-tech background\n* help them start writing code in Python, setting up an environment\n* create a mindset on how things work. E.g. how to handle errors\n* domain exp can help a lot, focus on their strengths\nWhat would you look for in a mentee?\n\n* curiosity!\n* first question should be \"Why?\" and not \"How?\"\n* first thing is business value\n\n\n* \n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"NrJrWL7LepmLJwrLF\"", "name": "Waleed Ammar", "application": "{\"text\":\"I already do it.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-06T17:33:06.980Z\"}", "updates": [ "My brother is mentoring on SM\n\nI'm already doing this for free.\n\nCareer\n\n* Undergrad in CS\n* Did some teaching while doing grad school\n* Joined MSFT research in Cario for 3 years - Microsoft translator. Challenges with the arabic language. that's how I got into NLP\n* Then moved to Redmond to work with MSFT - 1 year\n* then PhD at Carnegie-melon. NLP\n* analyzing scientific documents at Allen institute. in 2016\n* led the research group\n* Went to Google Research\n* Tomorrow moving to Google Assistant\n* Paper submitted to nature in genomics\nMentoring experience\n\n* Throughout my career. Likes helping people. Whenever folks ask for help, I try\n* Also within google doing some more structured mentoring\n* 4 people. Meet monthly\n* have the mentee drive the conversation\n* understand their perspective. Ask them questions to nudge them. Influence their thinking\nBeginners\n\n* don't have hands-on experience. Learned a lot but did not build models\n* some people have the hands-on experience. But don't know how to get an interview\n* some folks are just not great communicators\nCan you add value\n\n* mentor can guide them to what they should be doing\n* help them focus their efforts on high leverage activities\n* some are more fruitful with others\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"wZk9zQedM7bGJ6ZDo\"", "name": "Maithrreye Srinivasan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have different mentors in every stage of my career and I would like to give back to AI community by sharing my experience in the data science field with people who want to break into this field as well as people who want to change career. Being someone who worked in technical customer success and moved to high studies to enter into AI field, I believe I can help others from my experience. Mentoring also helps me to be a better leader, gain new perspective and be ladder for a change in someone's life. Also I have time that I can use it here. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-03-30T23:40:45.392Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"zXSJh6qZiK6fXwXQX\"", "name": "Kaitlin Bustos", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to be a mentor to share my knowledge and expertise to the Data Scientists of our future. I am passionate about helping like-minded individuals kick start their career with the same ease and success as I had. My personable and empathetic nature ensures an enhanced learning experience for my mentees. With my fairly recent transition into Data Science I am up to date with the latest industry standards and best practices. It is my leadership capabilities and determination to help others succeed that steers me toward a mentorship position at SharpestMinds. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-30T02:17:01.146Z\"}", "updates": [ "How you heard about SM?\n\n* Googling side hustles\n* another platform that did tech mentorships (but more software engineering)\n* googled data science mentorship\nCareer\n\n* undergrad in Pyscology + stats, fell in love with stats\n* then found DS, felt like the perfect fit\n* enrolled in a bootcamp - Brainstation\nMentoring exp\n\n* informally, sharing knowledge\n* was a mentor at DataJam- mentoring a team of begineers in a hackathon (week long)\n* Team won first place: predicting supply + demand for the next pandemic\nDid you have any mentors?\n\n* During DS bootcamp, met some folks in the tech industry who helped\n* At current company has a mentor\nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* The ability to persist, will face a lot of rejection\n* the prereqs for some jobs (5+ years of exp. and higher degrees)\n* the skills matter more, ignore some of the pre-reqs\n* Had some coding experience in Uni, using R\n* Brain station was great in building the foundations. Can't learn it all, but laid out what you would need to know\n* Certified data science practitioner\nHow could you add value\n\n* Just went through it a year ago. Has a good appreciation\n\n* Doing interviews in my current role.\n* Knows what companies are looking for\n* empathetic and uplifting and want to support people and help people\n* learning and growth mindset\n\n\n* \n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"ijCEhYwJJADG9kBLr\"", "name": "Atishay Jain", "application": "{\"text\":\"Hi, \\nI was a part of sharpest minds 4 years back as a mentee. Having spent 3 years in the ML industry, I am at the stage where I can help other students, or people looking to grow by guiding, supporting and working with them. I have always looked at the teaching profession as my ultimate goal for my career because that gives me an opportunity to create the most impact at the ground level. Being a mentor at Sharpest Minds will be a stepping stone in the direction. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-08-04T17:01:04.276Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"6naFnA5XetnrnFQBM\"", "name": "Harrison Mamin", "application": "{\"text\":\"In my first job search after grad school, I applied to over 600 jobs, and I vividly remember how intimidating and discouraging that experience was. It took a lot of time and effort but I now feel very confident in my ability to navigate the interview process, and I want to share some of that knowledge with people who are where I was a few years ago. I think I have a lot of valuable experience to share regarding:\\n\\n-passing interviews (in my last job search, I had a 100% pass rate and ended up choosing between 5 new offers plus a counter from my current employer. I've gotten offers for data scientist, machine learning engineer, machine learning researcher, and software engineer positions.)\\n-working at a startup vs. a large public company (I've done both)\\n-offer negotiations (this did not come naturally to me at all, but I've improved quite a bit and in my last job search I was usually able to negotiate $30k-100k increases)\\n-side projects (I consistently build non-trivial programming side projects, i.e. 3-8 month long efforts of daily work)\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-11T00:11:30.396Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"EqQ3Jtsp92tqPkDHu\"", "name": "Arooj Ahmed Qureshi", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to be a mentor because I have extensive experience in the field of data science and have personally benefited from mentorship in the past. As a former mentee at the company, I understand the value of guidance and support in professional development and am eager to pay it forward by sharing my knowledge and skills with others.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-21T03:39:22.649Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"thaufFMiWD6N4Qbap\"", "name": "Yaser Keneshloo", "application": "{\"text\":\"I always liked teaching advanced topics to people coming from diverse background and enjoyed how they would use it uniquely in their daily work life. I am currently teaching some of these topics as a collaboration with Data Society.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-08T18:15:48.627Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Kn3RZFpviR8rJbyu4\"", "name": "George John Jordan Thomas Aquinas Hayward", "application": "{\"text\":\"I know what it\u2019s like to love data, but still be doubted. I know how hard it is to break in to the industry. To me, data science is about the pursuit of truth. I think it\u2019s far too often limited only to academics, when there is also a human, an ethical, and a business component also critical to the job. I love to mentor candidates who have the skills, have the passion, but may not have the network, experience, or self-belief. I love candidates who have Githubs, built their own projects without a course, and are hungry to break in. I also love candidates who are Data Analysts, and just need a couple tweaks to get that first Data Scientist job. I want to see these kinds of people break in, and I think it will be good for the entire industry. \\n\ud83e\udd92\\nI had a pretty bizarre path to data science and because of this there's a certain kind of candidate that I can help in a way that a lot of other data science professionals can't. Namely, with God's help, I taught myself to code, then went into business by myself as Hayward Data Science, before getting into then-Facebook (on Messenger, focused on battery efficiency, which is like a mix of product and infra). I got promoted in a year, got consistently high ratings (never below \\\"Meets All\\\" and \u201cExceeds\u201d or above 3 times in a row) and I did a lot of stuff in the 3 years I was there. One of the things I would do is shadow interviews and help advocate for candidates. In fact, I even emailed the hiring committee once and got them off the fence on a candidate who got the job as a Data Scientist at Meta! Aside from FB I've cracked technical interviews at Airbnb, Spotify, Major League Baseball, DoorDash, Noom, Twitter, and HelloFresh, just to name a few, so I have a great idea of what it takes to advance in these processes.\\n\ud83e\udd92\\nPlease don't hesitate to contact me with anything additional. \\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-22T21:56:40.431Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"e7XvephYenvd4Cgt6\"", "name": "Jinal Shah", "application": "{\"text\":\"Because I like sharing my knowledge and help individuals achieve their goals. I have done this many times where I have helped my mentees grow in their career as well as helped them become better at what they are doing by providing them guidance and examples to have a broader picture of things. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-26T22:49:04.782Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"2mhPyJorwBLQLmYr8\"", "name": "Nick Singh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QyWo7ALTA8EzzoxMp\"", "name": "Mahsa Ebrahimian", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been working more than 4 years as a data scientist in two different industries and I have been helping my friends land a job in this area, so I would like to connect with more people and to expand our horizons.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-21T22:15:29.097Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* From a friend\n* before that, my husband was on SM and found a mentor\n* also introduce it to another friend\nCareer\n\n* Working as a DS\n* Touched some DE in the past\n* on a DS team, with MLEs\n* current project is predicting fraud\n\nMentorship exp\n\n* some volunteer jobs while I was a student\n* helped other students get into the job market\n* helping friends of mine get into the DS world\nWhere are the biggest gaps for beginners\n\n* mindset\n* tailoring resume and marketing themselves\n\n* finding what roles/industry\n\n* Build something that showcases skills\nHow would you help?\n\n* Start with building their profile, based on their previous experiences\n* no one-size fits alls\n* once we know the exp, find the overlap with the job market\n* build a profile that attracts employers\n* start practicing interviews\n* interviewing is a practice\n* you only need one!!\n\n\n* Would love to connect with other mentors who have done it\n* tips from successful mentors\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"EEdi35Rrrob2KQdr6\"", "name": "Zekiye Erdem", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been a Lead Instructor and Data Science Project Supervisor at Toronto Metropolitan University for more than 5 years. I have graduated more than 100 capstone students and 95% of them find a Data Science relevant job in repetitive companies. I believe I can contribute to Data scientists or Data Analytics candidates on their career journey. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-02-03T00:46:29.935Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4CopszWwTD6sBrNwo\"", "name": "Andrew Bauer", "application": "{\"text\":\"Hello! I have recently started to frequently mentor/manage AI research scientists and engineers in my current role at Seekr and I am finding it very fulfilling and enjoyable. I have experience in 1:1 mentorship and teaching experience in my previous life as an academic researcher (both as a doctoral and postdoctoral researcher), and it feels good to return to this kind of role. I would like to apply to be a Sharpest Minds mentor in order to leverage my technical and mentorship skill sets to help land AI researchers and engineers jobs in the exciting and burgeoning field of AI. I love to brainstorm different project ideas and have a diverse set of experiences, ranging from brain-reading/neuroscience in academia to ML-focused anti-money laundering to using NLP to detect fake news. I also continue to contribute as an individual contributor in my company, so I could help mentees on a coding and implementation level (code reviews, ETL, model development, model serving and production). I'm sure I would enjoy working with mentees on interesting projects! Note I have gone through Insight Data Science and have witnessed firsthand how useful and gratifying the mentor-mentee relationship can be. Also, I used to know Nina Lopatina who is a former mentor at Sharpest Minds and could help refer me if need be. Thanks for your consideration.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-29T06:31:15.211Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Yoau7kC3wYSXwx3fT\"", "name": "sima sharifirad", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have gained a lot of experience so far and it's time for me to give back to the community and help others.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-02-05T14:39:53.044Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ddt6dqtJwjyuqFKBe\"", "name": "Daniel chih", "application": "{\"text\":\"As someone who made a career switch from Mechanical engineering to data engineering last year. I understand the pain, stress and anxiety that comes with making such a massive life changing decision. Prior to doing data engineering bootcamp early 2022. I had zero knowledge of programming/data, after struggling for few months, I landed with 4 job offers and Now I know work as Senior Data Engineer @ NASDAQ. \\n\\nI believe that sharing my knowledge and experience with others can help them become more skilled and successful in their careers as I have recently gone through that phase. Being a mentor can also help me to continue learning and growing as a professional.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-01-26T00:43:49.668Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"9QxQYopgcQtpcAqTN\"", "name": "Joseph Wickline", "application": "{\"text\":\"I'm a Data Engineer closing in on 5 years of experience in the Analytics/BI field, covering both the front-end (data visualization) and back-end (pipelines and infrastructure), and just about everything in between. My experience has spanned a few industries - retail, insurance, and SaaS - each with their own unique set of problems to solve. As much as I enjoy delving into technical issues and building complex systems, I am a people person and love chatting with others who are following a similar career path. I am interested in mentoring as a way to stay engaged with the community, and pass along the lessons I've learned to help others become great practitioners.\\n\\n*My technical background is available on my LinkedIn page, and I can provide my full resume upon request.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-02-15T21:26:13.748Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"mPXGbba756PACyWPk\"", "name": "Michael Zhang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I would like to share my experience to new grads and help them to get their first job. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-02-22T20:19:02.756Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FjcfhfaxPSD4qfnv8\"", "name": "Phuoc Thanh Hong", "application": "{\"text\":\"I would like to help new people to get into the data science, machine learning fields.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-02-23T13:12:20.498Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BzGXrpKMetxCYYJaF\"", "name": "Robert Yi", "application": "{\"text\":\"Hosted an event with SM\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-02-28T22:26:16.286Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"duJMWBuBC5YZJpdcG\"", "name": "Dipak Rimal", "application": "{\"text\":\"I did SharpestMind mentorship with David Staszak, when I was transitioning to industry role from academia. I found the mentorship to be a very helpful support system while I was preparing for that transition. I really appreciated the effort my mentor and the resources provided by the sharpest mind community. Now that I have spent more than 3 years in my current role, I want to help others help with the similar transitions. In my current role, I have been hiring and mentoring Data Science interns and helping them with practical experience data science experience. I am always enthusiastic and passionate about helping others. The process of landing the first DS/ML role can be challenging and frustrating for some. Having a good mentor to help navigate the process can be very helpful. As I have been through the mentorship experience, I want to be a part of it and help others. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T16:27:42.576Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"SdbMhAHC3EFS2twvs\"", "name": "Parham Hamouni", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been part of the community as a mentee myself, I have been successful as a Data Scientist, and I think I can help by contributing to the community. \\nI have also been approached by Aniket. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-03T23:43:58.347Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"2SzqL23xh2Jb6cATk\"", "name": "Kailuo (Cairo) Liu", "application": "{\"text\":\"To help other people and grow together\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T03:32:30.491Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"kNHNmPQ5mAeZoMmoc\"", "name": "Alireza Ghasemieh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I want to help others to accelerate the process of being prepared to enter the market.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T02:28:55.317Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"sLXpCK9R89EediJkR\"", "name": "Chunshan Feng", "application": "{\"text\":\"Finding a job is not easy. I experience this process, and I want to share my knowledge and experience with others, and help others to find a job.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-05T21:24:33.145Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"GGtWcrBkJ2BNYK4pJ\"", "name": "Vijay Ghanapaati", "application": "{\"text\":\"Help people who are looking to break into the data domain.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-05T22:33:22.519Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"dH4tbvTZfJEoFxiQd\"", "name": "William Suh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I was a mentee before and want to give back. Also, got an invite to apply so I'm reaching out to learn more. Thank you.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T01:01:28.039Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"RpoAtNsGJggihJ4Sh\"", "name": "Mahdi Torabi Rad", "application": "{\"text\":\"- sharing my experience with others\\n- getting more involved in the SM community\\n- learning with other mentors and mentees.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-06T14:22:28.451Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4a9LgsfsuNN7jc325\"", "name": "Ting Fung Lam", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am excited to hear about this opportunity to become a mentor for SharpestMinds, so I would like to apply for this position. As a former mentee last year, I have plenty of relevant experience working as a data scientist or ML engineer, and I can offer a lot of my personal experience to my prospective mentees.\\nI started my SharpestMinds mentorship with Misbah Khan in 2021 with enough technical experience but a lack of interviewing experience. She provided me with plenty of valuable job-searching skills, so I was eventually able to land my current job at Crater Labs as an Applied Research Scientist. More importantly, I recently reached my one-year milestone at this company, which implies that I have also learned the necessary skills to succeed in this position. Thus, I would like to apply my experience to help my fellow job seekers succeed. Meanwhile, there are a lot of tech bootcamps and online courses with questionable practices and quality. By being a mentor in SharpestMinds, I can help my prospective mentees save time and money by avoiding those questionable businesses and assist them in reaching their career goals on a one-to-one basis.\\nPlease do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any further questions. I can be reached by email or at 905-805-5964. Thank you for your consideration.\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T00:13:55.419Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4bjMY6rHb7fhNKtic\"", "name": "Justin Smith", "application": "{\"text\":\"I was a mentee in 2021 and it was a significant catalyst toward career transitioning. Beyond finding the experience helpful, I also enjoy teaching and have considered mentoring for some time. Helping others navigate their growth and development is something I am passionate about. During my time as a software engineer I have done software engineering and data engineering in addition to working in a datascience/machine learning group. There is a lot more to say and I look forward to chatting. \",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-06T16:55:24.217Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"KRyX9jfXDCyDkDwN5\"", "name": "Lee Schmalz", "application": "{\"text\":\"I graduated college with two applicable majors, but ended up working a low-paying internship that I didn't enjoy for 8 months after my undergrad. The main reason I wasn't able to get a job right away is because, after receiving many denials, I didn't believe I was qualified for one. \\n\\nI joined the SharpestMinds program as a mentee and my mentor, Kevin, not only gave me valuable skills; but gave me the guidance and confidence I needed to continue my job search. Kevin helped me land a job at Prenosis, a biotech start-up in Chicago, where I love what I do, have been promoted to a Senior Data Scientist, and have received a 2x increase in compensation since I started. \\n\\nI hope I can do for others trying to break into the field what Kevin did for me.\",\"changed_at\":\"2023-03-04T14:01:15.913Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Rxy5DfhnFz3ZLsMWQ\"", "name": "David Staszak", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"egMA7PCCWTdT9RwLL\"", "name": "Maryam Fallah", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"DhmMABZivcqDyoy5v\"", "name": "Renkoh Kato", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bD49vgSL8cLEf9bFB\"", "name": "Ryan McCaffrey", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"jnNL3qjkswE56oyCx\"", "name": "Mohitdeep Singh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Md8ReYZ95L5M4z8Zf\"", "name": "Tim Duquette", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"H9ENy9SxJYPGPFXet\"", "name": "Eric Chou", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ALiuPJ3LthESAr6ag\"", "name": "Shashi Yenkanchi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"JjGw2kaXuB97jWfMj\"", "name": "Maheedhar Kolla", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"o9T6uCmHmpzDW8aWH\"", "name": "Oren Shklarsky", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"MmnxcNJJCYFJ8rmnE\"", "name": "Fan Zhang", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"GiyuC65jZuvFNKpSd\"", "name": "Amirsina Eskandarifar", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"fzzZPbBy8qa8qRWeW\"", "name": "Belal Aboabdo", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"x3sMYC6ieqEzPyb2s\"", "name": "Ian Burgess", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Fku9yKP6KknAuyvzk\"", "name": "Betty Zhang", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"EFSnFJFoYv5tkj6wt\"", "name": "Aditya Subramanian", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"PCSAhsn92SPzkXcsh\"", "name": "Taraneh Khazaei", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FgeL5pQsHiBoRBdSR\"", "name": "Max Yazhbin", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"sBDfYgYgkTZsuqFXr\"", "name": "Omar Abid", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"mf4EvxaKQXwS7Eypf\"", "name": "Ryan Lambert", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"exsTkfNYchANH7XnA\"", "name": "Sergey Orshanskiy", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"D4ZxjgEsyFRCBcfgT\"", "name": "Tyler Folkman", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QqfwiDWznAwwkbPjv\"", "name": "Chris Wetherill", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YifZHMLipf2xupi9g\"", "name": "Gaurav Kumar Singh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ZwEwMY93BAX9GnMCy\"", "name": "Reza Katebi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"9g3AMtTrWSHm8JpGm\"", "name": "Carl Osipov", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WfwJktjojtuSuJ7jk\"", "name": "Amir Tavasoli", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { 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"\"PQNMMmdTecJNEpwou\"", "name": "Ed Mentor", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ABmsNRa46yqy4uRAQ\"", "name": "Nina Lopatina", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bv6ab9sJTvnEpaC5a\"", "name": "Mohammad Raza", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YPjo6iB6vyjFYzYst\"", "name": "Ron Boger", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"bjCLFbbYyMJmkLmkc\"", "name": "Susan Holcomb", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Sq4CMDNcucJCMDkSB\"", "name": "Jack Etheredge", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"LkjGN9BeqpR9HwDok\"", "name": "Jerome Carless", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"cwjBMABLviYc6WG7X\"", "name": "Michael Lomnitz", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nb354AxCeYBj2Dq4N\"", "name": "Cecilia Liu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"QE7QXMr6REHssr2Pv\"", "name": "Sharath Rao", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"LTdP2ggLysMyiqMzX\"", "name": "Abdullah Irfan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"hB22Jh4Wymivumht5\"", "name": "Pithawat Tan Vachiramon", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"TiuB75Bn7Mfdu6uzf\"", "name": "Indrani Gorti", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"k5QeDNs9wZCz8kBKq\"", "name": "Joann Tang", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"v86gbfeSr8qK6o7XP\"", "name": "Scott Sobel", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Kgw28qPwwdgDHmgGH\"", "name": "Joe Papa", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"REXt74b9wsJ5KMcCJ\"", "name": "Priya Panwar", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Ac8DZnfofxTh7GG3h\"", "name": "Christophe Williams", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"uDTenXMzBHoRmyepF\"", "name": "Richard Yu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"D7PmDQHKB5MCe4HXo\"", "name": "Nick Bent", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"JcK4vuSY3jw3BdbzH\"", "name": "Larkin Liu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"RGPy2phmTF5He7Ciz\"", "name": "Amit Shavit", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"JQ2RNYye3y5w5rQGD\"", "name": "Kiran Mantripragada", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"tM2k3aQQfH2KR9wZk\"", "name": "Daniel Hunter", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"pFQKszEEn9ipp8hGb\"", "name": "Jesse Moore", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Y93rhQKZoDXbfuBDg\"", "name": "Alan Si", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"kGMa69iD4ZuxyEsNS\"", "name": "Reza Farahani", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"iYk6yoFi5ZQ956JMz\"", "name": "Jake Cheng", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"crY99nLnnYjJREDZT\"", "name": "Gary Vartanian", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FcsTj6AenHWaToSeH\"", "name": "Tolga Tuncoglu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"phf5f98T3nwWJw5gJ\"", "name": "Ali Ahmed", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ZK3nuWeTvEiC9jyTw\"", "name": "Aiden Johnson", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"MqC5e4z9vL7XzaS5u\"", "name": "Haya Toumy", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"GFzefEHtTbMGduoC2\"", "name": "Zia Babar", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YrFfyTNX7nGn8H5vQ\"", "name": "Ivan Zhang", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"u4jhzcCQ4KA37sozx\"", "name": "Mehrsa Golestaneh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7s5urGfxSMDwFDy3i\"", "name": "Tomas Babej", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"GJSe4qHWQYhmaEqaG\"", "name": "Pooja Voladoddi", "application": null, "updates": [ "How's the mentorship going?\n\nThank you for the feedback, Pooja!could you tell me more if the mentee view of the dashboard is different than what's visible for me as a mentor? Can check with him and mention it could be helpful to use for SM and him.\nThe mentee view is more feature-rich (though we are currently working on building a better-shared dashboard). The Job search and Terminal tabs in particular should be very useful. The former lets him track applications, and will also walk him through drafting a cold email or LinkedIn message. The mentor view lets you view all the applications your mentee has added there. The Terminal tab shows bulk stats from our community of mentees, (which you can see as well), but the mentee view also lets him view his own stats (provided he uses the application tracker).\nSome big updates coming soon to these, I'll keep you in the loop.Having some sort of platform or feature to request other mentors to mock interview my mentees on specific skills where I may not be the best could help.\nGreat idea! We have been talking about this for a while now. It is somewhere on our roadmap. But I have seen some request this king of thing with success in the #mentors channel on Slack.\nThanks again!\nRussell\n\n--\nRussell Pollari\nCTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"35bdPN4z2Tf8zWKEd\"", "name": "Shuyan Mei", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"8PCCBXh7qJvfcpyC5\"", "name": "Jeremie Harris", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"25ieaydRWeTvTDQPc\"", "name": "Jay Feng", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WGiBfGQq3BGkZAk3B\"", "name": "Revathy Sivasankaran", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Why apply?* known about us for a while. Has met many folks\n* had trouble back in 2018 navigating the field\n* had some mentors herself\n* wants to pass on knowledge that you gathered\n\n* background in electronics MSc in analytics and ML\n* wasn't sure what role. mentors helped guide to the right path\n* did a few courses\n* Python a lot easier than java\n* done a lot of informal mentorship* during BCs\n* helped folks prep for a career fair prep for interviews\n\n* what can you bring to the table* need a spark of business\n* help folks pinpoint some roles\n* recently moved to product manager role, transition fresh in her mind\n* built a lot dashboards\n* sql and python, some ML (applied ML!)\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"2nXmPrTBg2Fv4eNu7\"", "name": "Rocio Ng", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4gnQt62faYz3LE9yT\"", "name": "Sanyam Kapoor", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"8qbMCDmvumhSrqigt\"", "name": "Kiril Tsemekhman", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"9mWYyTGgbNeKyc2D2\"", "name": "Damola Adepetu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3TPc52SyyeLNxvFTz\"", "name": "Menglin Wang", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"8Eqsiz95A8ikfDyBm\"", "name": "Nadeem Fazil", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"9KpSMRznHTSCjFTQ2\"", "name": "Randy Lao", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YW6mgfYXHXJ7ekqok\"", "name": "William Cox", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"89ggpgt3h4pScrZuX\"", "name": "Renee Jia", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nJaDqchCopsz7oS8u\"", "name": "Wenjie Zi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"8ZEDJbeX7qMC9AR62\"", "name": "Leo Knauth", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nfodFbqtfQXe47Dpe\"", "name": "Milan Cvitkovic", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YwxeMR65GQamPuy6o\"", "name": "Nasirat Akinola", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"AYg5wgmCsLTrmtSCi\"", "name": "Kunal Kohli", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7Foet6FdapRLQLcpy\"", "name": "Ike Okonkwo", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"K2goypujQqp4ycqJB\"", "name": "Suneil Shrivastav", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"yGyFBQvfv44iG2JC5\"", "name": "Dyllan McCreary", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"9spSpFTTQFwCSXMWi\"", "name": "Palermo Penano", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WFFBbScu45kp6B9Kz\"", "name": "Rohan Deshmukh", "application": null, "updates": [ "He had some Q's, we jumped on a call\n\nWhat if mentee gets job part way through?\n\n* He had the right info, but wanted to confirm\n\nWhat is the deal with the cap?\n\n* Told him why\u2014to protect both mentees and mentors. He gets it.\n* His sense was that it made the platform more equal (putting a limit on the superstar effect)\nWhat's the deal with webinars? Can we host one.? and How? Can we share it publicly?\n\n* Really wants his (future) mentee to do this, and to share it on LI and publicly and get it widely attended. I loved it, told him to reach out to me", "* Why apply to SM?* Browsing on LI, saw a mentor's update\n* wants to start helping students\n* shared calendar on LI with folks for career coaching calls\n* wants to give back\n\n* Learnt everything on the job, no formal degree in DS\n* how to apply\n\n* Much exp mentoring?* not much formal experience\n\n* Have you had any mentors?* yes, a colleague at Pwc\n* traded meth and software skills\n* motivated him to take courses, learn on the job\n\n* What would mentorship look like?* depends on mentee\n* what are they looking for?\n* has technical skills, or needs interview prep?\n* resume prep maybe?\n* depends on where their bottle neck is\n* done a ton of interviewing\n* does recruiting for Data scientists, has inside view\n\n* Profile of mentee that you'd enjoy working with?* know where they stand\n* self-aware of how technically good they are\n* many ppl ignore the math part\n* will help me help them\n* if not, try to understand have a retrospective\n* how passionate are you" ] }, { "_id": "\"szz6ruhK7Eionkz5p\"", "name": "Aditya Mundle", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"a4RkTR95Cpur8EBb7\"", "name": "Andy Marchese", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"42DP5KEhYNmcB4Q9h\"", "name": "Ricky Fok", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4qe88RR2YxpMwhqgR\"", "name": "Lediona Nishani", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"CzJfKRgRd9nyyg6Yi\"", "name": "Jagraj Gill", "application": "{\"text\":\"After going through as a mentee, and seeing the degree of impact that an experienced mentor may provide assures me that I am capable of delivering with excellence (in academic, adversarial, and preparatory means) to future candidates. My background in statistical modeling , teaching, and current industry demands will be a strong foundation for my mentorship. I have received an overwhelming response via social media messages for the above, and would like to make SharpestMinds the platform for this journey. Thank you. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-19T03:46:08.925Z\"}", "updates": [ "* When I was being mentored by Leyuan, there wasn't much of a backend.\n* \"Leyuan was great\"\n* started at a small startup\n\n* wanted a refresher, got involved in the public sector, connected with Leyuan for that\n* still keep in touch with Leyuan, and mentees\nInterviewing a lot of candidates and sees a few shortcomings\n\namazing creative capacities, but trouble conveying ideas to a non-technical audience, or formulating an objective statement,\n\nresumes, presentation skills, and basic stats\n\n\n\njob market is saturated, but losing out candidates for trivial reasons\n\n\"What is the dif btw Guassian and Poissonion dist\" and I blanked out. \"I should know this\"\n\nknew my answer, but could not convey it\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* getting a lot of emails through LI, about SM\n* sometimes b/c he is connected to Leyuan\n* sometimes postdocs, academia does not hold as much weight\n* communication and conveying ideas\n* penetrate the job market but doesn't now know, or has a skill set that is missing\n* :\"pick a field\" and specialize\n* wants to get into NLP a bit more\n* general understanding of basic stats or python, or any programming\n* opposed to interview styles that are leet code based\n* we do a lot of white-boarding and pseudo code\n\n\nStructure mentorship\n\n* I would stick with a smaller group\n* multiple areas that I want to tackle, concurrently with one person\n* week-to-week, tackle different topics\n* look for areas of improvement, strong suits, highlight\n\n\n\"One mentor Leyuan\" brings in so much. If we can have mentors like Leyuan across the board, this is a home run\n\n\n\n\"Not once has it occurred to me that this is a business venture to you\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"zicYbpnkGHfREGQMj\"", "name": "Prateek Jain", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"BnEQpsZb7E4b68FXP\"", "name": "Sukhjit Sehra", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"wmJg4NEv8mZGvY34s\"", "name": "Simon Suo", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"gF4ZThtek4KRvZ6ff\"", "name": "Mikhail Sidyakov", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"PKnFPiXmFqFK4LLoK\"", "name": "Ramya Balasubramaniam", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"g5rR7eCXC5uZ45WkL\"", "name": "Ran Liu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ehSsCoMxcroJvHiNF\"", "name": "Kelly Dietz", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"86AhKnFHZMs8FsZHS\"", "name": "Ehsan Amjadian", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"tgozfj9dg6sCQn349\"", "name": "Arman Didandeh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"HviKpcmDFBgucfHuP\"", "name": "John Calabrese", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4XrpfeXEXs38HRQqH\"", "name": "Simon Belak", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"n7osfqesgqdbxKB6i\"", "name": "Kevin Choi", "application": null, "updates": [ "How's the mentorship going?\n\nHi Kevin,Thanks so much for the detailed response! For resume support, Johan (and yourself) can look through our resources here: https://app.sharpestminds.com/static-page/mentee-contents\nAnd Johan can request a resume and LinkedIn review from us from their SM dashboard.A generic CS intro is an interesting idea. What kinds of concepts would you want the most support with?A big +1 to more networking opportunities. This is something we are planning on putting more resources into. You can see some of the events we've been hosting here: https://app.sharpestminds.com/events. But I'd be curious to hear if you have any ideas on better ways to encourage networking within our community.Thanks again for being a great mentor!-Russell--\nRussell Pollari\nCTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"HxbYfdEgDNWvuG6Lh\"", "name": "Nabila Abraham", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"RMSXSYfXZqpEMrnff\"", "name": "Alex Ellis", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"KNhe8TXRKaA6zXmfG\"", "name": "Ryan Kingery", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"TYDySRT2PEvtmmPoa\"", "name": "Ryan Turner", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"szP4gdjr8kzdn4QEJ\"", "name": "Nathan Waters", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"tahHhCMnEmw2sGkgF\"", "name": "Vibhor Kaushik", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Dc33f8K7jtnJjAj9G\"", "name": "Mandy Gu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"G5F6ZjmwzkN2SEuoY\"", "name": "Misbah Khan", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have 10+ years of part time mentoring experience. It gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment to help people and the community with knowledge and experience that I have.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-03-17T23:17:28.733Z\"}", "updates": [ "* Knows us a while\n* Saw a post about Peter\n* also mentors at Great learning (mygreatlearning.com)\n* volunteerly mentors fresh grads women in STEM\n* flexible, w/e their requirements there are\n\nCareer:\n\n* after MSc\n* started as an independent contractor\n* contributed to OSS\n* works with Monish at Gradient Ascent\n* Still has side projects\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* Polish their resume / build a good profile\n* review their code\n\n* Could help with NLP\n* Can help folks parse the paths\nWhat would a mentorship look like?\n\n* What works best for other people" ] }, { "_id": "\"d4bsefm8Z8sKij2bs\"", "name": "Upom Malik", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"s3YTQdkg7Wyp6HBoi\"", "name": "Neal Fultz", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"xCYdBawWHtWjs8cuP\"", "name": "Ahmad Rajab", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"2CPaer5rCgoMbcYGZ\"", "name": "Brian Godsey", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"pibCLvY7uCtCgwqGa\"", "name": "Patrick Beukema", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"L4XBAoHirw3DqR9oE\"", "name": "Ilya Goldin", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WZw52usCLiDbn3YNe\"", "name": "Joey Berkowitz", "application": "{\"text\":\"Having gone through a mentorship myself, I thought that the experience was incredibly valuable. I credit SharpestMinds for setting me on the path towards the job that I have now. \\nI want to impart what I've learned in my own job search and data science journey to prospective mentees. I learned a lot about what kind of place I want to work, what kinds of problems I was interested in solving, and how different organizations use data science that I think would be valuable for anyone entering the field. I also learned a ton about how to prepare for interviews, which I think would be valuable to pass on.\\nI think I can also offer a lot as far as what data science and analytics looks like in a startup environment, the \\\"modern data stack\\\" and what kinds of skills companies are looking for nowadays. I also think I provide a business-facing skillset and experience with analytics engineering work that I don't always see reflected in the SM community (which is more focused on machine learning - not that that's a bad thing!)\\n\\nOverall, I want to get more people involved in the data space and help grow the awesome community you've got going at SharpestMinds.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-24T19:30:27.140Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"geXGb5oNCWWHrAuja\"", "name": "Michael Todisco", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"gi5RcDYqvB2ioFeMF\"", "name": "Winston Li", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"iMqZYESKGobdYabzk\"", "name": "Andy Seow", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"X3peXWvHamsfk3BfH\"", "name": "Charlie Lu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ag5Ppvba6bW8bGnwi\"", "name": "Mukarram Tahir", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3Gnd3cnXXqKJn4Hs4\"", "name": "Vatsal Patel", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"NcMtA2GjFadfs8KC5\"", "name": "Angshuman Ghosh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"P8RvvxgYrtPoBimcp\"", "name": "Christopher Davis", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"q37LYYrdtADpWJpmR\"", "name": "Taimur Sajid", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"A7aKdGbSu8pw28Bdx\"", "name": "Michael Wharton", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3PZEjHFazEtqCsMQv\"", "name": "Aditya Chaudhary", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"PFi6peYkfAcaQkM72\"", "name": "Karan Teckwani", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"WAaSHozRSt9xAqmL9\"", "name": "Vejey Subash Gandyer", "application": null, "updates": [ "@Russell Pollari Thanks for tagging me! So Ali and Vejey started on April 3rd, 2021. Last contact seems to be a few weeks prior to Vejey's reach out on May 10th. This lines up with perhaps a week or so after the end fo the free trial period. I'll find out from Vejey how much time he invested but I suspect it's 3-4 weeks max. Out of a 12 week mentorship that'd be a pro-ration down to 25-33% if the interview converted into a job for Ali. \n\nLI profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-a-601845203/\n\n\n\nDoesn't look like he got hired." ] }, { "_id": "\"ePwEDH6qXGij5rBHt\"", "name": "Hemant Sangwan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ccoQPe2yNXxvywanP\"", "name": "Akshay Singh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"TSd26wZnS6FG9njK2\"", "name": "Kaveh Hassani", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ywRGThteYastWCH6H\"", "name": "Andrew Zirm", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"uEfeoKc9sqjQuRcf8\"", "name": "Ray Phan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"3a8g4EKqss8SukBAQ\"", "name": "Daniel Fredriksen", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"i5uJZf2hTjFRPRAMT\"", "name": "Andj J", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"H6bvZrK8W7fnzJCtd\"", "name": "Sowmya Vajjala", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Y2qyEbQkLwSLCekB2\"", "name": "David Oxnard", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4DqFJSdpqprxBjDqm\"", "name": "Kevin McPherson", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nZvCZ6s4a3iSmXxyM\"", "name": "Taha Mokfi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"CALSJSXjh4PWojPzC\"", "name": "Suhas Pai", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"MTjuciiMoSMKS7NBz\"", "name": "Carlo Lisi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"33XdaYGePdNczDA5q\"", "name": "Katie Gross", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"nj6quqTmPX2rWZTQB\"", "name": "Jatin Malhotra", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"GCF34XztgeKPBR5F4\"", "name": "Farrokh Mansouri", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YP9FK4EoSte8iAm9E\"", "name": "Faraz Zaidi", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"6QPvFWkfimrPN2bzJ\"", "name": "Anirudh Singh", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"fDTFYBmE76Rp2t8yr\"", "name": "Leyuan Yu", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"MsnShnNFh9d9uByj2\"", "name": "Khaled Ammar", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"XMCzDqy6rHRWwzN3p\"", "name": "Maria Kamali", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7CsrmyoLSnMvnwn7A\"", "name": "Christopher Ngan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"CpisbGyNYEcvHPRAp\"", "name": "Kenneth Chan", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"erneCvKaLeMJ77N73\"", "name": "Om Patri", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"7CLnc78H4F8LjBzn2\"", "name": "Madhuri Maddipatla", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"oevckMt9SkgMHDRxB\"", "name": "Omar Nada", "application": null, "updates": [ "SharpestMinds payments\nHi Omar,\n\nI hope all is well. One of your mentees, Madhur pointed out that the statement descriptor for their payments to you was DIVEN MENTORSHIP. I checked out the payment and everything is working as expected. It just looks like your \"statement descriptor\" (the line that shows up in account statements etc.) needs an update.\n\nThe statement descriptor is a setting in your Stripe account. You can get to it from your Stripe dashboard => Settings => Account details (https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/account). You'll find it under \"Public business information\".\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nRussell\n--\nRussell Pollari CTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"jTkoBQrPFH5FBNSQK\"", "name": "David Yakobovitch", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"MYNnvwTC88ZRGTKCb\"", "name": "Vyas Anirudh Akundy", "application": "{\"text\":\"- After I worked for one year as a Data Scientist, I started receiving many requests for guidance on LinkedIn from my juniors in college and also from other aspiring data scientists.\\n- Most of these requests/messages were focussed on 2 questions:\\n - What do I need to study to get into the field \\n of data science?\\n - How do I prepare for Data Science Interviews?\\n\\n- I have been answering these questions for as long as I can remember and people got back to me saying that my suggestions were very helpful and that they got a good direction as to where they can go from here.\\n- Hence I started posting articles about how to prepare for a role in AI(Data science/engineer/analyst)\\n- Then someone from SharpestMinds, who is also my friend, suggested that I could do the same thing that I have been doing in a better way by also helping people develop their profile with projects.\\n- That is when I came across this website and was interested in applying to be a Mentor. \\n- After a one year of work, I have become acquainted with the intricacies of a full data science project which start from the data analysis and end with model deployment and maintenance.\\n\\n- Finally, this would also be a good learning opportunity for me as I also get to learn about new topics from the projects that I might do with potential mentees. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-03-13T22:53:12.637Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* been doing it informally\n* lots of folks approach him and ask him for advice\n* guided folks and done some projects with them\nWhat was your path?\n\n* U waterloo\n* ManuLife\n* NLP team. R&D group\n* In-house team, customers are other teams at ManuLife\nWhat advice do you give?\n\n* Folks are overwhelmed by all the resources\n* Need guidance\n* Made a spreadsheet with all the basic ML algos\n* Also the things you need to do with those ML algos\n* Building is better\n* Advises folks on their projects\nWhat would a mentorship look like?\n\n* reached out to someone at SM to mentor (reached out to Arman) early on\n* \"You need to know what you want first\"\n* Shape the curricula based on their needs\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* no particular preference\n* can help the early folks\n* could help experience folks learn NLP\n* teaches NLP at manulife" ] }, { "_id": "\"2pQd8dmGTcydMMx8Z\"", "name": "Parin Shah", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FuKR4QjuGYCCFfEMh\"", "name": "Debadyuti RoyChowdhury", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"yzcd8NPCZQkJmvZHw\"", "name": "Reza Fazeli", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"yXznPpg3ezwooC2Er\"", "name": "Russell Pollari", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Mt9ZuZc8uatRegA2R\"", "name": "Vik Pant", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"h8yuNJGcer2ymA2WS\"", "name": "Mustafa Ibrahim", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"eXY2mKYfq6AeC8npG\"", "name": "Jennetta George", "application": "{\"text\":\"Mentoring is one of my favorite parts of directing a data science team. I have been a lifelong teacher of mathematics and STEM subjects, so tutoring data science is a natural extension to something I have spent so many years cultivating. I also love to learn through teaching: data science is such a vast field that no one can possibly know all the answers. I love getting really smart questions asked of me that force me to get out of my comfort zone to figure out how to answer them!\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-03-20T01:37:13.584Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply to SM?\n\n* spare time\n* director of AI center of excellence, creates trainings and thought leadership\n* started tutoring for Thinkful\n* Did a lot of tutoring/teaching/STEM things\n* Googled us and we were top of list.\n\n* Thought we were\n\nCareer path?\n\n* STEM since 18\n* Quit PhD after a couple of years and opened some businesses (health food cafe, tutoring)\n* started teaching at middle school\n* then finished grad school in sweden\n* AI researcher\n* AI management\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* can work with most ppl\n* someone who is bright, but newer to coding\nWhat can you bring to the table?\n\n* Honest about limitations, help articulate what you do know and find a path to find what you do know\n* Has a blog post on imposter syndrome\n* not super technical\n* graph theory\n* NLP, entity matching\nStructure a mentorship?\n\n* Asked me if we had suggestions\n* does a lot of interviewing\n* weekly schedule - one coding problem, one ML system design problem, deployment problem\n* Weekly goals\nasking a lot of questions about payments, stats" ] }, { "_id": "\"yKBnDv798pXBsmEAR\"", "name": "Eric Xiao", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Why apply?* Talked to a friend who mentioned her mentee\n* Always wanted to be a part of something like this\n* Was hard for me level up\n* always had great mentors\n* spent a lot of time critiquing resumes\n* wants to give back and bonus is getting paid\n\n* What did your mentors give you* Having someone to talk to or pair program together\n* offer specific feedback, someone to rely on\n* hold you accountable\n* that extra experience is helpful to share context\n\n* Does a lot of practice interviews for knowledge sharing\n\n* Can tell people the golden path\n* How can you help\n* helped folks create their profile tune their resume w.r.t projects\n\n* interview prep\n* can understand folks technical skills\n* helped GF transition into DS from nursing" ] }, { "_id": "\"AYqFBHywCFmXqdXWq\"", "name": "OGUZ AKKAS", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have several years of academia and industry experience and I believe I can guide the ones that are starting fresh in the Data science, NLP and ML domain to thrive in their jobs or find the best opportunities through real life experiences. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-08-20T04:37:38.033Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\nHow'd you hear about us?\n\nFrom a friend - signed up and became a mentor and suggested it to him. \"Why not try?\"\n\n\nHave you mentored before?\n\nInformal a lot. Formally in PhD student was mentoring undergrad settings, and in career, mentored interns, and junior DS and ML engineers.\n\nWhat is the role of a mentor?\n\nTeach now to fish, don't give them a fish. Teach them to think. Guidance. Can't learn without trying. Don't be afraid to fail.\n\n\n\nWhat are folks missing?\n\nFail or ask someone. Don't be afraid to try and fail, and don't be afraid to ask.\n\nComing to me for help, without trying first.\n\nTry first, then come to me if you get stuck.\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\nNew grads. Or folks transitioning.\n\npivoted from industrial engineering, familiar with the career change\n\nCan even help folks grow from junior to mid-level\n\n\n\nWorked as an NLP engineer, machine learning engineer (technical, deployment, MLOps),\n\nDid some basic data science too.\n\n\n\nApproach to mentorship?\n\nUnderstand them, their strengths weaknesses, goals (career etc.).\nThen start working on the weaknesses, could be online courses, projects\n\nFocus on their strengths so they can highlight them.\n\nIf I feel they are good, can refer them to my network/company.\n\nQ's about SM:\n\n-\n\nPronounced", "Updated: Oguz Akkas - 11:00 am Tue, Aug 31, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\n\n---------- Forwarded message ---------\nFrom: Calendly \nDate: Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 10:12 AM\nSubject: Updated: Oguz Akkas - 11:00 am Tue, Aug 31, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\nTo: \n\nCalendly\n\nHi Russell Pollari,\n\nA new event has been scheduled.\n\nEvent Type:\n\nSharpestMinds mentor interview\n\nInvitee:\n\nOguz Akkas\n\nInvitee Email:\n\noakkas84@gmail.com\n\nEvent Date/Time:\n\n11:00 am - Tuesday, August 31, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nDescription:\n\nInterview screen to be a mentor on SharpestMinds. Will be non-technical and informal.\n\nWill also include an introduction to the company and how mentorships work at SharpestMinds.\n\nLocation:\n\nThis is a Google Meet web conference.\nJoin now\n\nInvitee Time Zone:\n\nMountain Time - US & Canada\n\nDate & Time:\n\nFormer:\n12:00 pm - Thursday, August 26, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nUpdated:\n\n11:00 am - Tuesday, August 31, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nRescheduled by Oguz Akkas\n\nSent from Calendly\n\nReport this event\n\n--\n\nRussell Pollari\nCEO @ SharpestMinds\n\nNewsletter: https://russellpollari.substack.com/\n\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/russ_poll\n\nLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/russell-pollari/\n\nhttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"5T6k8Sfb7bBF7Xni9\"", "name": "Devayani Pawar", "application": null, "updates": [ "* loved the community\n* loved having Jatin there as a mentor\n* At Deloitte - doing a lot of networking\n* working on a big data hub for covid and NIH\n* Does some mentoring for high school girls who are interested in tech\n* explore path - show them my work, let them ask q's\n* project - give them a basic task (e.g. use a Jupyter notebook, or use Pandas)\n* meet once every month\n\n* transition is still fresh in her mind can help folks who are in their place\n* talking to ppl, networking through linkedin, tons of conferences\n* 1on1 conversations w/ DS and managers\n* feels pretty technical competent, can tell folks where to start\n* Was too scared to start, worried about failing\n* Confidence\n* Someone to be there for support\n* has been doing a lot of documentation on her journey\n* can use that as a template, from basics or not\n* modeling -> deploying -> getting a job\n* How to talk to folks on LinkedIn. Has done a ton of trial and errror\n* Lots of virtual events and conferences that were really valuable to me* women in tech/data\n* major camp (unconference)\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"PMbvxqLoCFSBPDL4H\"", "name": "Yashovardhan Chaturvedi", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Why apply?* Applied as a mentee way back, but got a job on his own\n* wants to give back\n* Focus in school is on model building, but that's only 5% of the job\n* Wanted to give that perspective to people\n* Used to focus too much on models\n\n* Doing a MSc in CS focused on ML, applied to medical datasets\n* internship at MD.ai* DL for image segmentation\n* interpretability, builts some prototypes\n\n* Tekka research, FedEx, last-mile deliverability robot, sidewalks bike lanes* Computer vision, segmentation1:1, object detection\n* optimizing models for edge devices\n\n* Ideal mentee?* knows enough software development, python\n* even no knowledge of ML\n* prefers software development -> to ML\n* Can help ML people transition from 1 GPU to doing dist. training\n\n* Mentorship structure?* start with 1:1, see what they need, what they want, what they are interested in?\n* CV, NLP, etc?\n* 1:1s every week\n* communicate on Slack channel\n* if stuck, schedule more sessions\n* re-evaluate every 2 weeks, are they on the same page,\n* Could help with mock interviews, resume, LinkedIn, depends on what person wants\n\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"K5XJADTG6ShzMCJr5\"", "name": "Thomas Hossler", "application": null, "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* getting interested in EdTech\n* Did a course with Udacity\n* Applying to be an instructor/mentor with different bootcamps\n* Scanned the space, knew insight\n* came across SM, knew it was a bit novel\nHow'd you get into DS?\n\n* DS is too broad\n* Computer vision/deep learning\n* PhD stanford, (moved from France) computational geoscientist\n* did a bit of ML, took a leave after 2 years to get industry exp\n* been working at startups ever since\n* doing a lot of MLE deep learning computer vision\nHave you done much mentoring yourself?\n\n* managing a few undergrad interns right now\n* mentoring a high school student through iMentor\nWhat could you bring to the table?\n\n* been through transition himself (eath science to deep learning)\n* has a good sense of the curricula, what is good\n\n* pretty good at building projects from scratch\n* 3rd employee at the latest company\n* 50 to 100 interviews for data roles\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* As long as their interests align. Happy with anything\n* Computer vision-based project", "Updated: Thomas Hossler - 11:00 am Tue, Mar 16, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\n\n---------- Forwarded message ---------\nFrom: Calendly \nDate: Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 6:14 PM\nSubject: Updated: Thomas Hossler - 11:00 am Tue, Mar 16, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\nTo: \n\nCalendly\n\nHi Russell Pollari,\n\nA new event has been scheduled.\n\nEvent Type:\n\nSharpestMinds mentor interview\n\nInvitee:\n\nThomas Hossler\n\nInvitee Email:\n\nthomas.hossler@gmail.com\n\nEvent Date/Time:\n\n11:00 am - Tuesday, March 16, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nDescription:\n\nInterview screen to be a mentor on SharpestMinds. Will be non-technical and informal.\n\nWill also include an introduction to the company and how mentorships work at SharpestMinds.\n\nLocation:\n\nThis is a Google Meet web conference.\nJoin now\n\nInvitee Time Zone:\n\nPacific Time - US & Canada\n\nDate & Time:\n\nFormer:\n11:30 am - Tuesday, March 16, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nUpdated:\n\n11:00 am - Tuesday, March 16, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nRescheduled by Thomas Hossler\n\nReason - work meeting\n\nSent from Calendly\n\nReport this event\n\n--\n\nRussell Pollari\nCTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"ngRQLWp5MAdy6AMeE\"", "name": "Vineet Kachhawaha", "application": null, "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* Used to work with Arman (mentor)\n* already doing some indirect mentoring at previous jobs. Helping junior folks\nAt AWS as a solutions architect\n\n* not as DS, but as MLE\n* mlOps pipeline\n* did some projects NLP\n* help folks get familiar with SageMaker\nWhere can you add value?\n\n* Folks who want to be a MLE\n* MLOps\n* How to use cloud\n* Also data engineering. End-to-end pipeline / full stack. data lake\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* engineers not Data scientists\nHow would you structure a mentorship?\n\n* What is their area of interest?\n* DE vs MLE?* get familiar with tools\n* find a use case + value prop\n* working backward to find the right solution\n* Then work to build it out\n\n* resume or interview prep?* yup" ] }, { "_id": "\"AJAAWJfaAZLLDridp\"", "name": "Denys Linkov", "application": "{\"text\":\"I've been a mentor for several programs and want to continue to help people out. I think being part of a new mentorship program is a good learning experience and helps me become a better mentor and help different groups of people. I chatted with Edouard about Sharpest minds 2 years ago and since then have had more related experience in the data/ml space. Some programs I've mentored for \\n\\n- RBC student program (workshops, 1 on 1, project advice)\\n- RBC upskilling program (analytics)\\n- AISC discussion lead \\n- Lead a student mentorship program (tu20) for 4 years \\n- 10+ Hackathons \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-08-22T15:02:40.155Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\nHow'd you hear about us?\n\nTalked to Ed a while back 2 or 3 years ago at a Synthetic Intelligence meetup.\n\nLiked the idea (the ISA model) was wrapping up school.\n\nTwo at RBC, and now at a startup.\n\n\n\nHave you mentored before?\n\nAt RBC - creating mentorships programs.\n\nMade some programs for TechUnder20\n\nA lot of people have helped me out, so I should help others along the way\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\n- No specific one in mind.\n\n- What would be the strengths of your profile for mentees?\n\n\n\nWhat value can you bring?\n\nBring up examples from specific domains.\n\nConnecting DS/DE concepts to things they have experience with\n\nConnecting DS/Eng/software development\n\nMost of my exp is on the eng/cloud deployment side. Can help mentees with that\n\nOk how do you deploy it?\n\n\n\nWhat are folks missing?\n\nSchool does not match up with technical skills. Depends on the person. Everybody's journey is a little bit different. If they're not sure help them figure it out.\n\n\n\nQ's about SM:\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"zjvP4SCEYb6mpJ8HE\"", "name": "Ankit Gupta", "application": "{\"text\":\"My education in applied\\nstatistics and computer engineering provides me with the theoretical understanding of\\nalgorithms and systems. My decade long industry experience at various companies (big and\\nsmall) has equipped me with an understanding of a) how to leverage data at different\\ncompanies and functions b) Challenges at different stages of a company c) What makes a great\\ndata scientist. I have interviewed over 100 data science candidates and taught many more. I\\nwould like to use my experience to help people realize their data science career journey.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-24T00:34:20.637Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* unofficially helping folks out who reach out on LI\n* given lectures at past companies on DS for new hires\n* wants to scale his output and connect with a community\n* done 100 or more interviews\n* leads a team of DS\n* sees a gap in JD and candidates* lots of tech skills, but it is the softer skills that are lacking\n* come across better in mentorship setting\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* consumer internet\n* folks looking to get into consumer-focused business\n* marketing, operations, product,\n\n* function agnostic, but consumer focuses, more common\n* product science but not MLE\n* MLEs end up doing the same thing, with a bit more systems knowledge\n* does not want to handhold\n* lots of confusion w.r.t. what roles (DA vs DS etc)\n* primer on what these roles actually are\n* high-level guidance, here are the fundamentals, mindset\n\n* how to tailor yourself towards companies\n* don't advertise job opening at apple\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"7W27iTvpyt3ps54Jy\"", "name": "Omar Attia", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have been receiving tens of requests monthly on LinkedIn from young and aspiring data scientists and machine learning practitioners looking for help and mentorship on how to get a job in the field or how to get promoted. I enjoy these conversations and I feel pleasure helping them and boosting their speed. I think having a framework like sharpestminds will make doing this much easier and more systematic. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-06T17:39:34.243Z\"}", "updates": [ "Have you talked with potential mentees?\n\n* only talked to one and started a mentorship - Sami - very interesting (senior, worked as software developer for 20 yrs) big age gap\n* mostly in support role b2b, corporate role, got fed up and took 2 years to study ML\n* thought I'd be helping out a fresh grad\nthe quality?\n\n* only the one, very smart, very hard working\n* first thing we worked was resume\n* bought resume book - read it all very quickly\n* lots of passion and hustle, but has not worked on the technical side\nWeb app\n\n* Had a few hiccups\n* Sometimes has to refresh 3-4 times, on the login page, before content shows up\n* rec'd to his mentee to go to an event, but he couldn't see it?\n\nworried about age-ism, and wants to connect with other folks on SM who have done the same thing\n\n\n\n* most challenging part might be getting the interview\n* worried about age-ism", "Why apply?\n\n* Worked as a TA at UWaterloo\n* Always enjoyed teaching\n* \"If you really want to learn, teach\"\n* Joined Appled and have been receiving cold emails and DMs asking for mentorship, career help. 10s of requests a month\n* was on the lookout for platforms where he can make it systematic and get paid\n* Started googling, found SharpestMinds\nCareer\n\n* undergrad in systems eng. (Egypt)\n* AWS internships in Cape town - built a few data services, aggregating logs from EC2 (deployed in prod and being used)\n* moved to Netherlands and worked for booking.com as ML/DS* security team, anomaly detection, fraud detection\n* content side - machine translation, got 15 languages automated translation\n\n* applied to uWaterloo - data management and ML (PhD student) then joined an early startup Inductive - data quality stuff\n* were about to sign first client, and Apple bought them, been at Apple for a year and half\n* at Apple - deploy inductiv tech in Siri, build knowledge graph\n* Apple is big on demos\nIdeal mentee\n\n* keeping an open mind\n* looking to get into ML and DS position.\n\n* Experience already in programming,\n* but anyone could do it regardless of background\n* business analytics, ds, or hardcore ML\nMentorship approach\n\n* main idea: 100% project based, let the project drive the theory\n* not read w3 to learn SQL, do a project that requires it\n* \"build a bookstore system\"\n* give them a dataset and give them questions to test their SQL\n* learn through projects! (this is how I did it) bonus you have a portfolio\n* \"every mentee is differnet\"\n* I interview ppl all the time\n* they might now know what they need, but should respect their needs\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"cf6uLZXa6iWcqbuH5\"", "name": "Kislaya Singh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have taught professional during my Masters. I believe that I am good at it and it gives me a chance to share my experiences and skills with others. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-02T13:36:25.469Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* DS at Deloitte working with multiple clients\n* taught students and professionals python and DS in the past\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* interested in python and anything DS\n* resume, teaching, explaining concepts\n* Very comfortable with deep learning and ML\n* more experience in NLP\nMentors?\n\n* Mentors were mainly his professors\nMentorship\n\n* mock interviews\n* resume discussions career advice\n* teaching them concepts\n* start very basic, python basics and SQL basics\n* then to modeling, linear regression\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"J63gNRKHYtMfAzneT\"", "name": "Oleksandr Malovanyi", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Why apply?* 1-2 yrs ago thinking about starting a similar company\n* Difficult to find the mentors\n* First job is not easy\n* Googled how to be a mentor\n* Read up on how it works, likes our business model\n* it's a 2 way relationship, helps keep you fresh\n* Why not apply, wants to mentor + additional income\n\n* helped a lot of people get into tech (back in ukraine)\n* one friend was in gov't for 8 years, started with SQL, now senior java developer\n* thanks to his help\n* been mentoring folks informally and formally for ~7 years\n* What value to you add?* technical skills to start\n* but soft skills are important\n* understanding the roles and how the industry works\n* Prepare for interviews\n* How to sell yourself\n\n* At Cloudera:* is interviewer, (1) tech interview, (2) system design, wants to understand how they can think\n* data engineer\n* data service for all teams in data, prepare and make data available\n* has some internal product for doing data science\n* full life-cycle end-to-end\n\n* Moved to US from Ukraine in 2015\n* Ideal mentee* SQL, python, and Java, and big data products" ] }, { "_id": "\"3s9CKQbA9mv4oktW5\"", "name": "Werner Chao", "application": "{\"text\":\"I like teaching. Also want to get to know some talented people. And I've met Russell at meetup before, heard good things about SharpestMinds.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-29T01:49:54.706Z\"}", "updates": [ "I know hin through AISC\nheard some good things about SM\n\nwants to stay up to date on the newest things\n\ndoing remote work has some free time\n\ntaught at AISC (once per week, for 4-6 weeks)\n\n- leads some interns on projects\n\n- computer vision is where his experience is\n\n- some NLP\n\n- interested in financial stuff\n\n- self-motivated, eager to learn\n\n- read the stuff on their own\n\n\n\nRead all the Q+A\nWhat do you want to do?\nWhat are you interested in?\nSetup a project for them - build and deploy\n\"I was like that before\", have a lot of exp deploying\nwould like to have an end-to-end project\n\nbeneficial to focus on one end\n\nHere's a model \"deploy\" it\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"h3ETKih7pG4Tcr49q\"", "name": "Ran An", "application": "{\"text\":\"There were people helping me to landing my first job, it\u2019s time for me to share my experience and help others to find they dream jobs \uff1a\uff09\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-28T14:40:51.375Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\nHow did you hear about SM?\n\nConnection on LinkedIn is a mentor. Had some coffee chats. Heard lots of good things. Likes the platform, likes to help folks. I struggled to get my first job, and had folks helping me. This gives me chance to give back.\n\nI help some of my friends now who want to break in.\n\n\n\nSaw my post about mentor, coach, and tutor. Liked that framing. I'm continuing learning to stay on top.\n\n\n\nCurrently in the health care industry. Want to broaden her understanding.\n\n\n\nFirst job was in a consulting company - natural gas pipeline consulting company. Did some data engineering work, and some ML forecasting.\n\nCurrently with HHS (hamilton health sciences). New team. Not straightforward on DS. Currently building software foundation from the ground, ETL pipelines. Trying to sell our ideas to internal stakeholders.\n\n\nAlso doing some projects, forecasting things like patient volume. Will sell to stakeholder when time is good.\n\n\n\nI want to do modeling, forecasting, Deep learning. But when you get in it's not as sexy. People need time to understand the blackboxes. Most important soft skill is communication and presentation.\n\n\n\nMy mentors\n\nEarly stage, I only focused on technical side. Would focus on models.\n\nNow, learn what technique and think bigger picture. Communicate with stakeholders. How to communicate with them.\n\nBut technical side is core for everything.\n\nIdeal mentee\n\n* Similar path to me. Engineering background. No CS background had to learn programming herself. Did some matlab, but Python and R are more important.\n* Background in engineering.\n* SQL is also most important tool, but some folks ignore it. Practice is more important. Would help them build up with SQL skills\n\n\n\nQuestions about SM?\n\n* What do we do to help mentees?\n* Talking face-to-face would be good.\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"PCxicmizqcZ5tgKtN\"", "name": "Khobaib Zaamout", "application": "{\"text\":\"I love helping people and enjoy building my social capital and professional network.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-07-12T16:42:49.389Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* I mentor ppl and has mentors\n* PhD from UofC\n* Learn how to run a research lab\n* likes to help ppl -naturally like to mentor ppl\n* met someone through lunch club - \"sounds like SharpestMinds\"\n* helped his mentees get jobs, prep for interviews\n* curiosity driven list\n* considers them friends more than mentees\n* long term\nWhere did you find your mentees?\n\n* helping one person who is PostDoc at UofT - I was her TA\n* Another wanted to buy his bike\n* another transitioned from chem. eng. - met by chance by mutual colleague\n* met him once in PhD - reached out to me\n* lead sales representative (at company he's working for)- looking to transition\n* another in india looking for technical mentorship\nLess mentoring more mutual beneficial mentorship\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* academic background, but also applied background\n* if technical mentorship - more suited for certain fields\n* if they are new, then pretty open.\n\n* I'm a traditional ML guy, and done analysis etc.\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"wHD3fhYSSXM9odhKS\"", "name": "Jiarong Cui", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have personally benefited from having a personal Data Science mentor early on. From telling me early on that I should have this business mindset early on in a project, I should have look at this problem from this angle as well, or I could have ask for specific use case of this question so I can understand the underlying business impact better. These mindsets and experiences have changed me into a better contributor over the years, and now I want to be part of a bigger community where I can share these knowledge and experience back to those someone who needs it. \\n\\nI have started this journey early on, where I have joined a non-profit organization to help mentoring high school students on college application. Through this experience, I gained valuable on interacting with a wide spectrum of individuals and learned to work with them in different styles. I have also been mentoring others who have interested in becoming a Data Scientist through my personal time. Some of my mentees have successfully landed themselves in Airbnb, Yelp, and Pinterest.\\n\\nI would love to continue creating impact in future Data Science generations, and I am looking for a bigger platform where I can put my time in helping those who needed.\\n\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-08-23T06:16:51.981Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n\n\nHow did you hear about us?\n\nFriend of mine from a bootcamp (David) told him to check it out. Checked out the website, liked it.\n\"I was in that position, and I had a mentor\"\n\n\"Help avoid side-tracks\"\n\n\"In a position where he wants to give back\"\n\nBeen talking to 5 or 6 folks, from his alumn netowrk, and helping them plan their careers, build their portfolio. Serving as a mentor for him.\nOne of them got an offer from Pinterest as a DS. Was more fulffing\nWants a better platform to do this\n\n\nYour mentor\n\n- Quarterly check-in, he's a career and life coach\n\n- Monthly and bi-weekly back then, was a DS mentor\n\n- How to think about business use-case\n\n- What are some edge cases you should be aware of\n\n- help my build out a DS mindset, mindset is most valuable\n\n\n\nWhat are folks lacking?\n\n- A lot of the skills are very do-able to learn\n\n- State model performance into business perspective, what does 95% tell me about the business?\n\n- Mindset is key!\n\n- Hardest part is communication. It's an art. Don't communicate too much\n\nApproach to mentorship\n\n- Varies person to person\n\n- What does this person want?\n\n- Tell them about the mindset. Plant the seed.\n\n- Look at resumes, find out what they are lacking, how much? How do we go from A/B\n\n- Build out a plan to improve on those bullet points\n\n- Continuously remind them \"What does it mean to be a data scientist\"\n\n- Has proven successful, not perfect\n\n\n\n- Lingo makes a lot of difference. During interview research, (1) Company, (2) Person you're talking to, (3) Know your stuff. Speak on the same terms as your interviewer, translate to that particular industry.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"skLZiF6sbgHcaXAox\"", "name": "Saeed Garmsiri", "application": "{\"text\":\"I like to share my knowledge and experiences with people who are in the first steps of becoming a data scientist.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-08-23T03:33:57.136Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview:\n\nHow'd you hear about us?\n\nLast 6 years been working as DS - NLP, time series forecasting, etc\n\n\"Now is the time to share my experience with newcomers\"\n\nWhen he shared his thoughts about it with his friend, he mentioned SharpestMinds\n\nGot excited by how it works.\n- nothing is upfront (aspiring DS might not have money to pay for it)\n\n- if everything is okay\n\n\n\nHave you mentored before?\n\n- Nothing formal, but informal and one of them is his colleague. Mentoring him for 6 months. Taught him to be a DA to DE, leveraging his DE experience.\n\n-\n\nIdeal mentee?\n\nNothing specific. DS is interdisciplinary\n\nshould be familiar with some basic CS\n\n\n\nWhat are folks missing?\n\n- statistics and mathematics (Esp for DS)\n\n- software engineering -> knowing at least 1 programing language, design patterns, OOP\n\n\n\nApproach to mentorship?\n\nCreate a personal learning path for each mentee. Will be different on their knowledge/background.\n\nField knowledge in each project is very important. Business understanding. Software engineering, Stats/probability. Good collaboration with other teams.\nDS should be good story tellers. Need to communicate to other non-technical teams.\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"FnkMSfqgauJxcEAuD\"", "name": "Rushikesh Ranade", "application": null, "updates": [ "Adding a mentee slot on Sharpest Minds\n\nHi Rushikesh,You've gotten good ratings from your current mentee. I've just increased your spots to 3 (this is our default for all our experienced mentors). Keep up the good work! And let me know if you have any questions, concerns, etc.Happy mentoring!Russell--\nRussell Pollari\nCTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com", "Interview\n\n---------\n\n* How did you find out about SM?* A friend who is a mentee told him he's good at explaining\n* Liked the concept\n\n* \"Need to know Python?\"\n* 60% R and 40%\n\n* Co-op at John Deere* transitioning to cloud\n\n* VP of grad student assoc.\n\n* Seminars/teaching\n\n* T-shaped skills\n* Do you have any mentors?* yes, at John Deere had a mentor\n* asking questions is skill\n* always reply even if you missed a deadline\n* if you don't like something, let me know\n\n* How can you help?* Data analytics and data wrangling and data cleaning\n* Retail space\n* data visualization / communicating data into layman terms\n* Communication\n\n* How would you approach mentorship?* 1on1, what are they looking for?\n* only if he can help\n* Decide on a project, break into deliverables\n\n* Time-series forecasting and basic logistic regression\n* MBa heavily use SAS\n* \"I'm not only manging your brand, but also my brand\"" ] }, { "_id": "\"pdwyhrnTCn5q4FHRu\"", "name": "Divya Sivasankaran", "application": null, "updates": [ "Lots of experience and a great attitude. Told me\u2014unprompted\u2014that she'd rather help mentees build a toolset for self-learning rather than teach directly\n\nWritten in Status - Approved", "Interview - Dec 22\n\n* Met me at a meetup -> AISC\n* CS degree -> more hardware focused -> robotics/CV project (pre-AI hype)\n* Startup doing software dev\n* AutoDesk -> CV, reconstructing objects from images\n* ImageNet hit and ML exploded\n* got a master's -> ML (online algos)\n* healthcare startup -> video monitoring (lots of small projects, end-to-end)\n* ML ethics -> Moved to Canada -> Joined integrate.ai -> fairness initiatve\n\n* Back to AutoDesk -> major digital transformation, everything on the cloud\n* Researchy/prototypey, finding places to add ML* generative design\n* Converting from 2d to 3d\n\n* CV is strength but has comfortable with classic DS\n* different structure with different people\n* help them build the toolset, rather than teach them on their own\n* \"When to ask for help/ when not to?\"\n\n* been lucky with mentors in her life--owes a lot to mentors\n* \"How you define success?\"" ] }, { "_id": "\"j82AgedQqey6BDmR8\"", "name": "Anshuman Panwar", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"FeijDvcyHjvDyWg4x\"", "name": "Yong (Michael) Wang", "application": null, "updates": [ "Checking in\nHi Michael,Thanks for the feedback!The ISA will apply to their first 12 months of work. So a 6-month contract, if it's annualized salary is above 50k, means they would pay the ISA for those 6 months. Once it ends, the ISA would be paused and reactivated for another 6 months if they get hired again. You'll need a Stripe account. You can set this up to point to any bank account you'd like, and you can fill in the business information any way you'd' like. Hope that helps. -Russell -- Russell Pollari CTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com", "* Interview\n- Heard about us from a friend\n* Came to Canada in 2016\n* MSc in Canada\n* Moneris\n* Hamilton Health Sciences as DS* Fixed budget\n* Optimizing internal process => how many nurses\n* Data science team (1 of 2)\n* used to be analytics, now moving towards more predictive analytics\n\n* Have any experience mentoring?* Not really.. one junior DS\n\n* Do you have any mentors?* \"One guy helped him a lot\"\n* Case study => how to tell a good story, to a non-tech person\n* Be clear about a business problem, how will my solution impact business decision\n\n* \"Who can you help the most?\"* New immigrants and ESL folks\n* Not only technique and skills and confidence\n\n* \"How would you structure a mentorship?\"* 2-3 hours each week\n* Interview prep\n* Depends on what they need\n\n* Wants to help others in similar positions to him. ESL and new immigrants\n*\n\n-" ] }, { "_id": "\"dRBHrHs4it7XTmksb\"", "name": "Yiran Shi", "application": null, "updates": [ "She had an offer to a mentee. But he has a bunch of unreasonable requests for the mentorship. She ended up canceling the offer\nWe have been in touch on Slack", "Interview\n\n* Heard from a friend that is a mentor, looking for something to do in spare time\n* Just stepping in a manager role, wants some practicing\n\n* Math and finance => canadian western bank => insurance company => pricing analyst\n* Moved to Toronto => MSc at Queens => Loyalty One => Senior Analyst\n* Heavy on analytics\n* \"Time commitment?\"\n* \"How do you track income?\"\n* \"Can I be pro=active?\"\n* Have done informal mentorship* coached some friends\n\n* And formal on my team\n* \"How would you structure it?* What are their expectations?\n* depends on their interest\n* Can help with LI and resume\n* cold email, ask for a referral, thank you letter\n\n* See mentee as a client\n* Who are you best suited to help?* entry level / soft skills\n* not good sr. level => more on the data side\n* Data analytics!!\n\n* SQL, python, excel\n* Tableau, PowerBI\n* How to present\n\n* \"Have you had a mentor?\"* sr at company\n* once a month\n* talked about everything\n* gave insights\n\n*\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"qjPF3tjCnNmMnw7mN\"", "name": "Vivian Zhang", "application": null, "updates": [ "* some folks mentioned SM as valuable\n* already mentors folks\n* CS and stats / applied math\n* did not finish PhD\n* 5 years of research exp\n* 8th year at academy\n* trained 5000 students\n* offer free mentorship\n\n*\n\n* depends on the student\n* \"where they are\"\n* First asses what and get overview of what happened.\n* Maybe they applied higher than their skill level?\n* Assess baseline first\n* has some mentors, CTO\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"XgsgoGiF2HwMG9M7j\"", "name": "Jason Weng", "application": "{\"text\":\"Help guide inexperienced professionals to have a successful career in the data field.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-06T05:43:17.439Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* was looking for a side-gig\n* wants to help folks folks\nCareer\n\n* got involved by a mistake\n* Investment banking\n\n* Wanted to bet on NBA, started using stats and taught himself\n\n* DS at google\n* LinkedIn at analytics manager\n* Sr. DS at intercom - supporting marketing team\nMentoring experience?\n\n* Helping college kids at LI as a volunteer. Taught them how to network.\nBeginners\n\n* Had 3 FTEs\n* Asking questions. Stakeholders often don't know. It's up to us to really understand the problem.\n\n* Too much focus on technical stuff, not on other constraints\n* Apply the human side\n* Simplest solution is often the best\nHow can you add value?\n\n* Here's a scenario, what would you do?\n* Help folks break out of their way of thinking\n* Support the front-line. the marketers etc.\n* DS is a support role\nStructure a mentorship?\n\n* understand first\n* take me through a problem\n* Don't just focus on models, understand the business. Think more broadly\n* coding is not the issue, it's about understanding the data and applying it to business problems\n\n* If I was bookings.com and I saw my sales volume go down. (pro tip: seasonal, low-frequency). Evaluate the business for what it is and be adaptable\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"e9tRRYLYutc2m8Mf9\"", "name": "Nadav Rindler", "application": "{\"text\":\"I am an experienced mentor and data science instructor, with four years of practice working directly with students. \\n\\nI\u2019m passionate about analytics and so have always sought out the data science community wherever I live. This naturally led to opportunities to share, learn, and teach others. I have been a mentor with Springboard\u2019s data science bootcamp for two and a half years, working with students one-on-one to teach core concepts and help prepare students for data scientist roles in the industry. Before that, I lived in Malaysia, where I partnered with local organizations to teach workshops and short courses on topics in data science.\\n\\nI believe in the educational model \u2013 online learning with human guidance \u2013 because it is the path I have followed. As a student, I developed my own learning goals, combining formal education, free online resources, and mentorship from more experienced colleagues. I aim to pay it forward by helping to train and upskill the next generation of data scientists. \\n\\nIn addition to reward of seeing students grow, mentoring also helps me professionally. Explaining complicated concepts in simple language is a crucial and undervalued skill. And the industry moves so rapidly that it is important to stay on top of the latest developments. Working as a mentor helps me do both, because I must constantly learn and improve to help students solve problems.\\n\\nI\u2019m keen to work with students and think I could be a useful addition to your impressive portfolio of data scientist mentors \u2013 one who brings 7+ years of experience as a practitioner in the marketing and non-profit sectors.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-10T08:50:47.793Z\"}", "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* Blog post -> Towards Data Science\nMentorship exp\n\n* Currently mentoring at Springboard. 30 minutes/each 1:1 time. Another 30 minutes of questions. Been there for 2 and a half years\n* In day job, done a lot of mentoring to up-skill colleagues\n* taught workshops in Malaysia\n* Going to finish working with Springboard soon. Likes the SM platform. Incentives are aligned. I don't choose my students, they don't choose me. Don't see the upside at Springboard.\n* 1:1 contact with practitioner. That's how I got in\n* I had a friend who could coach me through. Didn't know SQL, didn't know anything\n* 10 years ago there was no data science major. Enjoyed econometrics\n* Seeing and doing\nMentorship approach\n\n* Accountability buddy. Keep folks on track, keep them motivated\n* Get them unstuck\n* experience and judgement that comes from being a practioner\n* scientific thinking is a softer skill\n* self-guided work focuses on the nuts and bolts\n* How to get a data set to answer the question you want to answer\n* not just copy paste sklearn script.\nWhat do you look for in a mentee?\n\n* they know to ask for help\n* able to teach themselves new concepts. Learning new concepts.\n* Google first, SO first, before they come to me\n* methods and packages are always changing, need to learn\n* Done something to impress me. Shows they have the discipline/motivation\n* Marketing and analytics. Cuts across industries.\n* Work in the non-profit sector. Breaking in there has it's own challenges\n* Can't add as much value => deep learning, NN. Not much experience\n* 90% of folks don't need it\n* Speak Spanish.\n\nSharpestMinds\n\n* \n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"xskyxh6HadzqeQC9K\"", "name": "Chris Luiz", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have mentored a number of folks within the context of my full time role and really enjoy the work. Over the past few years I've typically had 4-5 mentees concurrently, across the fields of data science, software engineering, ml ops and product development.\\n\\nI look forward to getting set up and connecting with some folks!\\n\\nThanks,\\nChris\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-14T11:43:53.955Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"YrwPd5XcLKzab9Wgi\"", "name": "Junwei Huang", "application": "{\"text\":\"1. I have persistent interest in teaching and sharing. I believe by doing that, I can help others avoid pitfalls and achieve career milestones effectively. \\n2. As a working professional, I have lectured a graduate level course at University of Toronto to ~10 PhD and Master students and trained hundreds of clients globally for my employer. \\n3. As a PhD student in graduate school, I served 2 years as mentor-in-residence at Trinity college on top of my regular Teaching Assistance duties. \\n4. I have worked for several industries mainly as a software developer, tech lead and now data scientist. I believe my experience will benefit students preparing for the real world and working professionals switching to a data intensive role. \\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-17T17:41:38.815Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"itLANypwdiPyxeie9\"", "name": "Nathan Sutton", "application": "{\"text\":\"In my experience the data community is open minded to new entrants, we just ask that you show us the proof you can perform in a role like this. I think SharpestMinds addresses that niche in a unique way with your focus on building data products over a set curriculum. \\n\\nA couple bullets about me.\\n- 6 years in the healthcare vertical\\n- 3 years of mentoring data science students @ Springboard\\n- Currently the technical founder of a radiology imaging startup\\n\\nI would like to work with SharpestMinds in particular because of the trust and autonomy I believe you place in your mentors. In the place of a rigid course of study, it looks like you rely on properly aligning the economic incentives of both the mentor and mentee. I think this type of income share agreement is the best way ensure a successful outcome for your students.\\n\\nI look forward to hearing from you. \\n\\nSincerely,\\n\\nNathan Sutton\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-28T19:13:26.747Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"TZBm3RkYoQKouDvAQ\"", "name": "Farid Hassainia", "application": "{\"text\":\"I like sharing both my knowledge and my experience in AI/DL. I am a co-creator of the first AI/DL Framework: IceVision. I also co-built a thriving and a welcoming community around IceVision where I interact with new/existing IceVision users, on a daily basis. I am also an active member of the Fastai community where I built and shared numerous resources. I have a good experience in guiding learners.\\n\\nI can help your mentees not only in AI/DL field but also in building their portfolio, and in leveraging social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube) to create a noticeable presence that will increase their chances to be quickly hired. \\n\\nHere is a partial list of my current/past projects.\\n- Co-created IceVision, and IceData\\n- Created a Time Series package for Fastai v2\\n- Created several professional IceVision presentations\\n- Created Visual Guide for Fastai v2\\n- Posted several blog posts\\n- Created and taught several courses\\n- Created and marketed several professional software: StatMap 3D, DataFinder\\n\\nIceVision Repo: https://github.com/airctic/IceVision\\nIceVision Forum: https://discord.gg/JDBeZYK\\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/ai_fast_track\\nYouTube Play Lists: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCht9jVWkzlolBqWJ2tsskOQ/playlists\\n\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-05-21T14:04:28.882Z\"}", "updates": [ "I am already a mentor\n\n* cofounder of ICE vision* 1st agnostic CV application\n* built a community around it\n* started in fast ai community\n\n* Encourages his mentees to share their knowledge\n* encourages folks to contribute\n* doing it for free\n* Also do it while earning money\n* Can help folks who are in CV\n* has an extensive network on LinkedIn\n* very active on LI and Twitter\n* can help mentees in how to advertise and how to be visible on dif platforms* and in different communities\n\n* \n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"TX3PP3tdHWhjYeaYb\"", "name": "Karen Ouyang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I understand the importance of having a mentor and a guide when breaking into the data analytics/data science circle because I was once trying to break in from a teaching background. I want to help others achieve their career goals in the data analytics sphere and inspire others to believe they can also successfully change careers and find a role they enjoy. I want to improve my leadership skills and examine my profession from a different perspective. For me mentoring is also a form of expanding my existing network. The good feeling of giving back is the cherry on top. \\n\\nThe only reservation I have of becoming of mentor is the fact that I have only a little over a year of real industry experience in the data analytics field. However, I feel that I have learned a lot in the past year and would love to share the insights I have gathered over time with others.\\n\\nThank you. \",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-18T21:47:13.986Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* Friend was a mentee that wanted to a DS* she really enjoyed it\n* Wants to help folks out like her friend\n* network with folks who will be future DS or DA\n* was a teacher before\n* likes teaching and guiding\n* still tutoring - little kids\n\nA friend was in a bootcamp before but missed a lot of things that were actually required did\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee\n\n* ideally someone in their career\n* not well versed in DL and advanced ML\n* Can help with DS consulting and DA roles\n* python, SQL, datavis\n\n* More business focussed than engineering\n\n\nMentorships approach\n\n* set up boundaries - communication\n* set up schedule\n* when can you contact me\n* Guide them instead of an answer\n* career coach made her do a lot of journaling\n* Does want to meet in person\n* Read their body language, \"as an interviewer\"\nRead a blog post\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"hy6K5hjjeSrbpHyQX\"", "name": "Farhang Talran", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* We met at AISC\n* Friend talked about SharpestMinds, so took a look again\n* Likes to mentor\n\n* Grad school for engineering, got introed to ML\n* Tried to steer projects into ML\n* Did Insight data science\n* ML software engineer for over a year\n* excited about product development, ML features\n* Slack app => nlp features, chat bots\n* ML for security, ML on edge\n* challenges with dealing with other teammates\n* Deploying to edge devices is a whole another ball game\n* Has done some TAing\n* Less involved in mentorship for a while\n* Insight made him mentor folks, helped 2 folks\n* 1 person at work that I really look up to\n* a few years ahead of me\n* helps frame new ways to think of\n\n* I have ideas but will iterate often\n* modeled after insight\n* showing that you can do this through projects\n* Make sure you have a GitHub, well organized, showcase abilities\n* Learning skills and showcasing through projects\n* What skills are more important\n* Helping with interviews/interview prep/networking\n\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"9QpyzTRZhsPZRbvfE\"", "name": "Justin Jeong", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"ce2smJ6NdJogAGs5g\"", "name": "Amir Feizpour", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"keA4gbiksQQzBT2DC\"", "name": "Swati Soni", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Background* tech lead at apple\n* vision, NLP + Fraud\n* overseeing 2 projects, of 7 each\n* DS/ ML combined\n* monitoring\n\n* experience mentoring* folks on LinkedIn, friends\n* info is out there, but people get lost in all the info\n* \"We have this problem\" \u2014understanding this problem, does it need ML or not?\n* prioritization is where they lack\n* building the MVP\n* gather feedback, improve\n\n* Could not have reached here without mentors* VP level positions\n* without mentoring it's hard to see what to do. Unlocking\n\n* experience, patience, friendly attitude, uplifting, positive attitude\n* removing the cloud\n\n* \"Freshers\"* raw talent\u2014explosive with ideas\n* with more experienced folks have to get them to unlearn\n* sometimes need to take a step back\n\n* 40% technical + theoretical, 60% professional + personal\n\n*", "SharpestMinds mentorship application\n\n---------- Forwarded message ---------\nFrom: Edouard Harris \nDate: Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 1:02 PM\nSubject: Re: SharpestMinds mentorship application\nTo: swati soni \nCc: Russell Pollari \n\nHi Swati \u2014 thanks for following up. I'm ccing Russell, who is now in charge of mentor interviews. He'll be able to set up a mutually convenient time with you to connect.\n\nCheers!\n\nOn Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 10:27 PM, swati soni wrote:\nHi Edouard,\nI am interested in Pursing the mentorship role. Please let me know when would you like to connect.\nThanks,\nSwati\nOn Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 2:01 PM Edouard Harris wrote:\nHi Swati - just wanted to check in with you about your mentor application. Are you still interested?\nIf not, no worries - just to know whether I should keep your file active/open.\nEdouard Harris, Ph.D.Cofounder SharpestMinds https://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"RcxKyBG6k2eJy7kJB\"", "name": "Kevin Yang", "application": "{\"text\":\"I heard about SharpestMinds through one of my colleagues. He shared his story about helping a mentee navigate returning to industry after 10 years as a SAHM, and how it was extremely rewarding helping her figure out that she wanted to be a data engineer and not a DS or a PM.\\n\\nI've been a generalist DS for the past 6 years, but with a dash of entrepreneurship and product work thrown in. I'd love to volunteer through SharpestMinds to help interested people find their calling in the data space.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-06-18T18:06:21.466Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* A colleague at Slack (Adam)\n* switched to DS 5 years ago\n* flying blind not a help\n* Also went through YC (S16)\n* wife is switching over to PM\nDone much mentorship in the past\n\n* is mentoring a few folks at Sales analytics\n* how to grow in the DS\n* what's a good litmus test\n* it is all about talking to people\nSwitched over from operations research. Realized he hated finance\n\nenjoyed building tools and insights. Joined bootcamp - Galvanize. Chance encounter at a meetup and got an offer\n\n\n\nIdeal mentee\n\n* folks have been in some field for a while who want to become more technical\n* switching non-technical to technical but staying in the same industry\n* e.g. friend is selling furniture. how to get into data\n* career transitions\n* I am a career generalist\n\n\nMentorship approach\n\n* get a sense of mentorship, what are their goals\n* where can I add the most value\n* leverage network and friendships\n* interview prep. resume\n* level setting\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"Anm2i8Mgaj38K895g\"", "name": "Haritha Gangavarapu", "application": "{\"text\":\"Learning is easy, whereas finding a path to learn needs lot of research. When I started to pursue a career in data science/ Machine Learning, I spent a lot of time researching about the field, learning from the peers, and understanding the track to land in a dream career. The more the inputs, the more confused I was in choosing the right path that suits me. But once I made my choice of doing a Masters degree in the related filed and figuring out from there helped me meet my goals. During my masters, I got exposure on lot of domains and branches in AI - Machine learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Exactly four years ago, I was still figuring out what branch of Analytics is for me - Statistical/Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics/Operations research. I am thankful to all my friends and mentors who helped me in choosing the right set of course work and sharing their knowledge about the data science and statistical modelling field. I now have an excellent understanding about the analytics domain, given a problem what methods and tools are used to solve it efficiently, how to formulate the hypothesis that is helpful for the business in making a data driven decisions forward. With the experience I gained over the past few years in the Data Science, I can confidently say that I will be able to help the students with the 'where do I start' and 'how to get there', which are most critical in any journey toward building a career. \\nMy journey started as a software analyst in 2013 and I am currently working as a data modeling consultant for the World Bank. Sharing my experience and the path I followed with the data science/Machine Learning aspirants brings me joy. I look forward to seeing many more students/professionals taking up opportunities in data science and research methods in domains that include Education, Health and Living by providing them with the right mentorship and guidance.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-21T16:42:43.449Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* didn't know where to start, so many paths\n* talked to ppl, looked up info online\n* experimentation\n* wants to help folks in her situation\n* help folks understand where to go, in which fields to focus\nHistory\n\n* CS undergrad\n* worked as a SWEat Hexadon\n* saw some opportunities for ML to automate\n* applied to MsC in data analytics\n* likes to understand the math* applied statistics\n\n* Now at World Bank* data cleaning,\n\n* data migration, on-premise to cloud\n* financial data\n* data governance\n\nHow could you add value?\n\n* help folks determine what skills to learn\n* continuous learning\n* Can help with the transition from SWE to ML* understanding the underlying math\n\nWhat would a mentorship look like?\n\n* figure out their goals* career goals, interests\n\n* What tools helped me?\n* My tips for the job search\n* Would love to explore", "Updated: Haritha Gangavarapu - 02:00 pm Wed, May 5, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\n\n---------- Forwarded message ---------\nFrom: Calendly \nDate: Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 9:26 AM\nSubject: Updated: Haritha Gangavarapu - 02:00 pm Wed, May 5, 2021 - SharpestMinds mentor interview\nTo: \n\nCalendly\n\nHi Russell Pollari,\n\nA new event has been scheduled.\n\nEvent Type:\n\nSharpestMinds mentor interview\n\nInvitee:\n\nHaritha Gangavarapu\n\nInvitee Email:\n\nharithagangavarapu92@gmail.com\n\nEvent Date/Time:\n\n02:00 pm - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nDescription:\n\nInterview screen to be a mentor on SharpestMinds. Will be non-technical and informal.\n\nWill also include an introduction to the company and how mentorships work at SharpestMinds.\n\nLocation:\n\nThis is a Google Meet web conference.\nJoin now\n\nInvitee Time Zone:\n\nEastern Time - US & Canada\n\nDate & Time:\n\nFormer:\n02:30 pm - Wednesday, April 28, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nUpdated:\n\n02:00 pm - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)\n\nRescheduled by Haritha Gangavarapu\n\nReason - Hi Russell,\n\nI have something urgent that came up early today which has deadlines for the Friday. So, I am rescheduling our tomorrow's meeting to next week, May 5, 2PM EST.\nI apologize for changing the schedule and thanks so much for accomodating.\n\nThanks,\nHaritha\n\nSent from Calendly\n\nReport this event\n\n--\n\nRussell Pollari\nCTO SharpestMindshttps://sharpestminds.com" ] }, { "_id": "\"faytopYiCSpwkvX2q\"", "name": "Conor OBrien", "application": "{\"text\":\"Help share knowledge I've gathered in DS & ML over my career\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-09-19T06:53:25.120Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* I think an instagram ad\nCareer overview\n\n* Physics major\n* material science job - analyzing metal powders\n* biotech - heartbeat, EEG etcs\n* vision systems for MRI - detecting cancer\n* Computer vision on MRI\nMentorship exp\n\n* informally. Other engineers and entry level engineers\n* some tutoring etc\n* don't really have a community of folks\n* want to see the next generation of mentors and mentees\nChallenges\n\n* learning more of the hardcore stats. Learned that himself\n* Andrew Ngs courses, plural sight\n* two minute papers\nValue add\n\n* vision systems\n* a bit of exp with NLP\n* was in the beta for gpt-3 - played around with that a little bit\nApproach to mentorship\n\n* Depend on where they are coming form\n* find out what they need\n\n* help them execute on that\n* weekly or bi-weekly. Depends on their availability\n* self authoring - their ideal path. lay it out and turn it into quarterly goals, then monthly, etc.\n* they can even teach me things\n* \n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"AfbqogMipAp4rWCrX\"", "name": "Michael Xu", "application": "{\"text\":\"Looking to help young/aspiring data professionals find and navigate their path. It is common to pivot towards job titles or compensation rather than the substance of the roles early on. Helping folks find out what they truly enjoy doing and to dedicate to a path has brought tremendous purpose to my past experiences mentoring.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-12-17T15:23:50.407Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Chris Luiz\nMentoring exp?\n\n* lots of internal mentorship\n* at one companies, gave talks, promoted events, building opportunities\n* In current role, lots on current team. Considers manging being a mentor\nHave any mentors yourself?\n\n* outside the technical space\n* wants to understand how to think about business\n* Lots of CXOs, VPs\n* marketing, people operations\nValue of a mentor\n\n* Bounce ideas off\n* talk about ideas and get alternative perspectives\n* people have been through similar situations\n* understand how they would handle specific situations\n* unbiased untechnical advice\n\nBiggest gaps\n\n* Blurriness of titles/roles/responsibilities\n* \"I'm a generalist\".\n\n* J.r folks get too attached to titles\n* Understand what they like/enjoy\n* folks over-fit to the title they want\nHow to overcome\n\n* try stuff\n* get your hands dirty\n* get to know the stack by building things\n* data should push for full-stack\n* appreciation for what they enjoy long-term\n* push hands on practice in auxiliary skills\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"oYHWtKpjGG55MQoMB\"", "name": "Khushaal Popli", "application": "{\"text\":\"Since my Ph.D. days, I have tried to help the community with my experience and learning. It gives me immense pleasure to help someone achieve their dream and participate in their learning journey. \\nWith my career and experiences so far, I have been part of the data science world for around a decade and believe that I can help someone steer through their career launch and further. In my current role, I have been recruiting for Data Scientists in my team and feel that there seems to be a gap in what industry needs versus the perception about a good candidate's skills. I want to mentor potential Data Science candidates by providing industrial exposure and how a data science job differs from what we learn in Academia. \\n\\nI believe that my interdisciplinary experience surrounding engineering, mathematics, and data science will help a diverse group of candidates from different professional backgrounds, especially those from non-software backgrounds. \\n\\nAdditionally, this venture will help me grow as a leader and enable me to look at things differently from Mentees' eyes. \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-04T01:14:53.105Z\"}", "updates": [ "Engineering background, then moved to DS\n\nThen got a PhD\n\nmentored some folks in engineering\n\nI like teaching and I like mentoring\n\nUnofficially connected to his school, they send him folks\n\nCurrent role Automation enginerer/ MLE\n\nWas \"unofficially\" a DS at a mining company\n\nhad to practice communicating to a non-technical audience\n\nNow lead DS, hiring the team. Mentor all new-comers\n\nInterviewed 40+ Data scientists\n\nThere is a gap:\n\n- not always about fitting a nueral net, not always about accuracy\n\n- sometimes simple models work best\n\n- lacking the foundational mathematics to be a good DS (most common comment)\n\n- Could not explain what a coefficent meant in a linear regression model\n\n- XGBoost\n\nAs a mentor how could you help?\n\n- understand \"why\" data science\n\n- understanding and acknowledge the gaps\n\n- then work on a plan to fix them\n\n- \"I don't know everything\", but I'll help you plan, refer, and help you on your journey\n\n- some hands on sessions, if needed\n\n- come up with a plan with" ] }, { "_id": "\"MJKbn3Jw4FuvfxBCW\"", "name": "Idris El-Feghi", "application": "{\"text\":\"I have many years of experience and data science, machine learning and computer vision with many years of teaching and research. I feel this this experience could be a good learning source for others \",\"changed_at\":\"2022-01-13T14:22:14.124Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\n* Friend of mine (co-worker) referred me\n* Looked at the website,\n* Come from both academia to industry\n* Feels like I might be able to help\n\nMentoring exp?\n\n* Supervised many MsC students and still supervising PhD students\n* Done a lot of teaching - gradate and undergad\n* At SomaTech for 3 years\n* mentors the new hires, onboarding \nWhat are beginners missing?\n\n* Psycology, this is there first job, and they are scared about what they can do\n* unaware of the expectations - feel like they should be producing the first way, some folks expect the opposite (spoon feeding)\n* It's about finding the middle ground\n* If we know what to do, then we wouldn't have hired you\n* Folks are not used to reporting results, communication\n* understanding the production pipeline\nAs a mentor, how could you help?\n\n* What's the role he is expected to do?\n* Help them understand the expectations, what they are expected to know. Python, ML, OpenCV, or SQL, spark, big data. Depends on the role\n* deploying to prod\n\n* pre-prepared data sets don't prep well. how to handle missing data, corrupted data\n* overfitting - there is no easy solution. You will always have overfitting, how to interpret, how does it affect results.\n\n\n* \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"PjidMwuoriNwcENjG\"", "name": "Julie Beynon", "application": "{\"text\":\"One of the things that new data analyst lack is the social capital and the understanding of where to start. That's something that I was lucky enough to have access to early in my career.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-11-09T17:07:45.437Z\"}", "updates": [ "How did you hear about SM?\n\nDo some mentoring with a company called Black Valley, and Springboard. Saw some folks who were doing both\n\n\n\nCareer\n\nDon't have a strong CS /stats background.\n\nStarted in general marketing / product marketing\n\nturns out she liked the measurment /results over the creative aspects\n\nwas fortunate to work at startups and could learn on the job\n\nlearned a lot on my own Fail and learn\n\nat clearbit, started on the marketing team. Ended up owning the entire analytics arm\n\n\n\nWhy mentorship\n\n-Likes to give back. But also great to find up and coming talent.\n\nWhat do new folks need?\n\nPeople overestimate what they need to get started\n\nover train and over prepare\n\nbringing it down to reality - it's not rocket science\n\nit's very do-able\n\ngetting creative with how to get into the space\n\nhelping with the hard skills - python, SQL\n\nhelp make a ton of intros - using her social capital\n\n\n\nHow do you manage mentorships\n\nExcel dog with tasks, goals\n\nLikes the mentee to run the session - wants them to figure out\n\nI don't want to tell them how to do it. Mentee should come with questions\n\nI can give ideas and guide. I'm here as a resource\n\n2 way street. Make sure the relationship works in that way\n\nHumility helps\n\n\n\n* Not really in it for the money\n*\n\n\n\n" ] }, { "_id": "\"fHbsvkeLbM7p3jrww\"", "name": "Reed Coke", "application": null, "updates": [ "* Alerts and notifications are a bother, accepts some responsibility for not tuning his settings* Messages that are very useful - admins, mentees, ray\n* Lots of job offers - often tuned towards mentors\n* Upvote channel, thought it was sharing articles, but seemed like pure self-promotion* The fact that it was mostly mentees made him re-think this\n\n* Questions about DS concepts\n\n* Only really liked the first category of notifications, but felt the need to check them all\n* Was necessary to have a chat platform with a mentee\n* with Sebastion, weekly goal hangouts messages on slack* He is on the job hunt, been on it about a month\n* encouraged him not to start too soon on the job hunt until he finished the project\n* 8week turned out to be a 9-week project\n* have him give a presentation to 3 of his friends (2 DS's and on not DS)\n* Did some mock interviews\n* Speaks highly of Sebastion and his experience mentoring him\n\n* Impression of culture* not being able to tell who is the mentor who is mentee, gave him weird impressions\n* very entrepreneurial, doesn't like the self-promotion and \"hype\" talks\n* His impression that it was mostly mentors posting, and that really bothered him, He seemed to rethink his impression knowing that many of the posts came from mentees\n* a lot of Q's have an element of brag\n* Having slack open all the time feels like having LI open all the time\n* SM one of the 4 channels he has open most of the time\n\n* going to leave Slack, but we'll keep his account default alive\n* doesn't mind email notifications, would be open to checking out the product again if Slack community is not such an integral part of the experience\n\nImpression. Nice guy, very particular, but self-aware." ] }, { "_id": "\"R3N2cEgS3Pjj47rKY\"", "name": "Andrew Mao", "application": null, "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"Q2GiCmR84e9LRQgay\"", "name": "Fan Zhang", "application": "{\"text\":\"- share learning about job hunting / working with ML given the challenging time\\n- build candidate pool to refer when recruits contact me\\n- monetary incentives\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-04-09T17:37:00.961Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* lots of people having a rough time on the job hunt\n* gets a lot of folks reaching out to them on LI and old school\n* attracted by the monetary incentives\nExperience\n\n* Tangerine has a mentorship program\n* paired based on goals, mentee decides on the time\n* tries to ask open-ended questions\nWhat is the most challenging?\n\n* the first role is the hardest\n* sees a big ratio of applicants to job (as a hiring manager)\n* Mentee should drive the whole conversation\nWhat would a mentorship look like?\n\n* mentee should have strong technical background (but not a ton of business exp)\n* prep for applying to jobs (writing resume, mock interviews)\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"i6WqdHkNRzfK6TNZZ\"", "name": "Sudeep Maity", "application": "{\"text\":\"With 20 years of experience in data science, I would love to share my knowledge with prospective students. I would love make a transformation in the lives of aspiring students.\",\"changed_at\":\"2022-06-18T17:20:33.758Z\"}", "updates": [] }, { "_id": "\"4CYRqCx6BuZhioh6C\"", "name": "Antoni Muhawi", "application": null, "updates": [ "Interview\n\n* been looking for mentorship opportunities, found us on google\n* Q's from Toni* \"Examples of projects?\"\n* \"How is matching?\"\n* \"How long?\"\n\n* Likes the long-term focus?\n* Industrial engineer undergrad\n* Grad school for finance\n* Prop shop, hedge fund trading equity options, algo strategies - 4 years\n* moved to realstate private equity firm, heady data analysis, underwriting model\n* pwc => consulting => deal analytics, data analytics for M&A\n* 40 deals, started at 20, went to 100\n\n* finance + data + technology\n* google finance, data analytics, internal and operational, lot of dashboarding\n\n* Have you done much mentoring?* at PwC, Sr. manager, running teams, team of 4, hired them himself\n* career coach, just general mentor\n* has tutored a bit\n\n* What do you get out of mentoring?* accomplishment seeing your mentee grow\n* very proud of his mentees\n\n* Had any mentors yourself?* yup some informal leaders\n* learned some good discipline, market knowledge\n* pWc => apprenticeship model, helped him grow\n\n* What would you look for in a mentee?* high potential, room for growth\n* need hands-on time to determine\n* eagernss to learn + open mindedness\n* allignment on interest\n* Analytics\n\n* doesn't have to be finance\n\n*" ] }, { "_id": "\"45AwjnZQ2vkYXQvyF\"", "name": "Jyotika Singh", "application": "{\"text\":\"I actively mentor my team at my full time job. I would like to make a larger impact by helping more people that would benefit from mentorship and would in turn become successful in their careers.\",\"changed_at\":\"2021-03-22T02:40:55.363Z\"}", "updates": [ "Why apply?\n\n* 2018 - U. Virg. gave a talk to some DS students, got a lot of interest\n* Gave some talks for folks at GA\n* Spoke at multiple conferences\n* Likes the engagement and questions that result\n* mentors her team at her company\n* does some informal mentorship for friends\n* rewarding to see differences that mentorship can make\n* wanted to take it to a more formal level\nCareer\n\n* media intelligence, ICX, director of DS\n* leads a team of DS and DAs\n* navigating social media data based on client requests\n* lots of different clients and types of roles\n* team of 3\n* Junior DS\n* Small team so have to wear a lot of heads\n* good coding yell\nIdeal mentee?\n\n* dedication of mentee, motivation\n* the right attitude, to really want it\nHow would you structure a mentorship?\n\n* depends on the mentee, where they are, what they need\n* building a project is a great idea\n* does a lot of interviewing\n* strong projects can go a long way\nIs on H1B and just wants to confirm that it is okay" ] }, { "_id": "\"bQNypBEqeoWaaD4Mc\"", "name": "Mohamed Elgendy", "application": null, "updates": [ "Hey Russell - I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to ghost you out. Starting\n\nmarch things gotten super busy very fast after we raised our seed round\n\nand I didn't have the time to follow up.\n\nIt is going to be hard for me to focus on both mentoring and building a\n\ncompany at such an early stage. I would love to contribute to this\n\namazing work that youre doing at SharpestMinds once things settle a\n\nlittle on my end.", "* engineering\n* management track\n* ML eng teams 7-8 years\n* founded CV think tank, CV startup sold to palantir\n* Rakuten for AI, people, and infra\n* starting his own company in ML ops space\n* published CV book last year\n* ML at udacity, and at amazon\n* side projects are teaching and/or mentoring\n* keep beginner mindset\n* advising a few startups\n* one of ML engineers was a mentee st SM\nHow do you mentor?\n\n* Udemy ML nano-degree, taught and mentored\n* has some informal mentorships, 2-3 hrs /week talking to people\nProfile of mentee\n\n* if technical, CV\n* to get a job, more general\n* more deep learning focussed\nMaybe there are shortcuts? Wants to figure out how to approach it" ] } ]