import gradio as gr import json import numpy as np import datasets import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sample_dataset1 = datasets.load_dataset("asgaardlab/SampleDataset", split="validation") sample_dataset2 = datasets.load_dataset("asgaardlab/SampleDataset2", split="validation") def overlay_with_transparency(background, overlay, alpha_mask): """ Overlay a semi-transparent image on top of another image. Args: - background: The image on which the overlay will be added. - overlay: The image to overlay. - alpha_mask: The mask specifying transparency levels. """ return cv2.addWeighted(background, 1, overlay, alpha_mask, 0) def generate_overlay_image(buggy_image, objects, segmentation_image_rgb, font_scale=0.5, font_color=(0, 255, 255)): """ Generate an overlaid image using the provided annotations. Args: - buggy_image: The image to be overlaid. - objects: The JSON object details. - segmentation_image_rgb: The segmentation image. - font_scale: Scale factor for the font size. - font_color: Color for the font in BGR format. Returns: - The overlaid image. """ overlaid_img = buggy_image.copy() for obj in objects: # Get the mask for this object color = tuple(obj["color"])[:-1] mask = np.all(segmentation_image_rgb[:, :, :3] == np.array(color), axis=-1).astype(np.float32) # Create a colored version of the mask using the object's color colored_mask = np.zeros_like(overlaid_img) colored_mask[mask == 1] = color # Overlay the colored mask onto the original image with 0.3 transparency overlaid_img = overlay_with_transparency(overlaid_img, colored_mask, 0.3) # Find the center of the mask to place the label mask_coords = np.argwhere(mask) y_center, x_center = np.mean(mask_coords, axis=0).astype(int) # Draw the object's name at the center with specified font size and color cv2.putText(overlaid_img, obj["labelName"], (x_center, y_center), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, font_color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA) return overlaid_img def generate_annotations(selected_dataset, image_index): bugs_ds = sample_dataset1 if selected_dataset == 'Western Scene' else sample_dataset2 image_index = int(image_index) objects_json = bugs_ds[image_index]["Objects JSON (Correct)"] objects = json.loads(objects_json) segmentation_image_rgb = bugs_ds[image_index]["Segmentation Image (Correct)"] segmentation_image_rgb = np.array(segmentation_image_rgb) annotations = [] for obj in objects: color = tuple(obj["color"])[:-1] mask = np.all(segmentation_image_rgb[:, :, :3] == np.array(color), axis=-1).astype(np.float32) annotations.append((mask, obj["labelName"])) object_count = 0 # bugs_ds[image_index]["Object Count"] victim_name = bugs_ds[image_index]["Victim Name"] bug_type = bugs_ds[image_index]["Tag"] bug_image = bugs_ds[image_index]["Buggy Image"] correct_image = bugs_ds[image_index]["Correct Image"] # # Load a single image sample from the first dataset for demonstration # image_sample = sample_dataset1[0] # # Extract annotations for this image sample # objects_json = image_sample["Objects JSON (Correct)"] # objects = json.loads(objects_json) # segmentation_image_rgb = np.array(image_sample["Segmentation Image (Correct)"]) # # Generate the overlaid image with custom font size and color # overlaid_image = generate_overlay_image(np.array(image_sample["Buggy Image"]), objects, segmentation_image_rgb, font_scale=0.7, font_color=(255, 0, 0)) # # Display the overlaid image # plt.imshow(overlaid_image) # plt.axis('off') # overlaid_image = generate_overlay_image(np.array(bugs_ds[image_index]["Buggy Image"]), objects, segmentation_image_rgb) return ( bug_image, correct_image, (bugs_ds[image_index]["Correct Image"], annotations), overlaid_image, objects, object_count, victim_name, bug_type, ) def update_slider(selected_dataset): dataset = sample_dataset1 if selected_dataset == 'Western Scene' else sample_dataset2 return gr.update(minimum=0, maximum=len(dataset) - 1, step=1) # Setting up the Gradio interface using blocks API with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown( "Enter the image index and click **Submit** to view the segmentation annotations." ) with gr.Row(): selected_dataset = gr.Dropdown(['Western Scene', 'Viking Village'], label="Dataset") input_slider = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=1, step=1, label="Image Index" ) btn = gr.Button("Visualize") with gr.Row(): bug_image = gr.Image() correct_image = gr.Image() with gr.Row(): seg_img = gr.AnnotatedImage() overlaid_img = gr.Image() with gr.Row(): object_count = gr.Number(label="Object Count") victim_name = gr.Textbox(label="Victim Name") bug_type = gr.Textbox(label="Bug Type") with gr.Row(): json_data = gr.JSON() fn=generate_annotations, inputs=[selected_dataset, input_slider], outputs=[bug_image, correct_image, seg_img, overlaid_img, json_data, object_count, victim_name, bug_type], ) selected_dataset.change( fn=update_slider, inputs=[selected_dataset], outputs=[input_slider] ) demo.launch()