import streamlit as st from websearching import web_search from llama_cpp_inf import run_inference_lcpp def reply(query): jsonstr = web_search(query) results = run_inference_lcpp(jsonstr, query) return results st.set_page_config(page_title="SearchPhi", page_icon="🔎") # Title of the web app st.title("SearchPhi🔎") st.subheader("With Gradio Client API :)") st.text("Support this space at with a ⭐") # Input text box for the search query query = st.text_input("Enter search term:") # Number of results to display num_results = st.number_input("Number of results to display:", min_value=1, max_value=5, value=3) # Button to initiate search if st.button("Search"): if query: results = reply(query) st.write(f"**Results for '{query}':**") st.write_stream(results) else: st.write("Please enter a search term.")