kurd-spell-app / prepare_data /generate_dataset.py
ariahmed's picture
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e489264 verified
import random
from string import punctuation
import re
import os
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import List
def tokenizer_check_if_text_too_long(text, tokenizer, max_length):
data = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus([text],max_length=max_length,truncation=True,return_overflowing_tokens=True )
if len(data["input_ids"]) > 1:
return True
return False#, len(data["input_ids"][0])
def delete_characters(text, char_delete_percentage=0.01):
modifyed_line = []
for char in text:
if random.random() > char_delete_percentage or char in NUMBERS:
return "".join(modifyed_line)
def insert_characters(text, augmentation_probability=0.01):
modifyed_line = []
for char in text:
if random.random() <= augmentation_probability and char not in NUMBERS:
return "".join(modifyed_line)
def replace_characters(text, augmentation_probability=0.01):
modifyed_line = []
for char in text:
if random.random() <= augmentation_probability and char not in NUMBERS:
return "".join(modifyed_line)
def random_neighbor_replace(line: str, keyboard_rows: List[str], blank: str) -> str:
lines = keyboard_rows
n_rows = len(keyboard_rows)
_mapper = {}
def __get_left(row_idx: int, col_idx: int) -> List[str]:
if col_idx == 0:
return []
return [lines[row_idx][col_idx - 1]]
def __get_right(row_idx: int, col_idx: int) -> List[str]:
if col_idx == (len(lines[row_idx]) - 1):
return []
return lines[row_idx][col_idx + 1]
def __get_upper(row_idx: int, col_idx: int) -> List[str]:
if row_idx == 0:
return []
line = lines[row_idx - 1]
start = max(0, col_idx - 1)
end = min(len(line), col_idx + 2)
return list(line[start: end])
def __get_lower(row_idx: int, col_idx: int) -> List[str]:
if row_idx == (n_rows - 1):
return []
line = lines[row_idx + 1]
start = max(0, col_idx - 1)
end = min(len(line), col_idx + 2)
return list(line[start: end])
funcs = [__get_left, __get_right, __get_upper, __get_lower]
for row_idx in range(n_rows):
for col_idx in range(len(lines[row_idx])):
items = []
for func in funcs:
items.extend(func(row_idx, col_idx))
items = list(filter(lambda x: x != blank, items))
char = lines[row_idx][col_idx]
_mapper[char] = items.copy()
def get_char(char: str) -> str:
if char not in _mapper:
return char
return random.choice(_mapper[char])
length = len(line)
if length == 0:
length = 1
idx = random.randint(0, length - 1)
return line[:idx] + get_char(line[idx]) + line[idx + 1:]
def lower_case_words(text, augmentation_probability=0.5):
modifyed_line = []
for word in text.split():
if word[0].islower() == False and random.random() <= augmentation_probability:
word = word.lower()
return " ".join(modifyed_line)
clean_chars = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-zöäüÖÄÜß,.!?’\'$%€0-9\(\)\- ]', re.MULTILINE)
def cleanup(text):
text = clean_chars.sub('', text)
#print("bug: somehow all numbers are removed - this is might be due to this regex")
#text = text.replace("\n", "")
#text = text.replace('"','\\"')
return text
clean_punctuation = re.compile(r"(?<!\d)[.,;:'?؟.!()؟،»«](?!\d)")
def remove_punctuation(text):
"""Remove all punctuation from string, except if it's between NUMBERS"""
return clean_punctuation.sub("", text)
def combine_sentences(text, sentences, augmentation_probability = 1):
if random.random() < augmentation_probability:
sentences_to_sample = random.randint(0,10)
augmentation_sentences = random.sample(sentences,sentences_to_sample)
return text + " " + " ".join(augmentation_sentences)
return text
def delete_word(text, augmentation_probability = 0.001):
if random.random() < augmentation_probability:
words = text.split()
if len(words) < 3:
# do not delete word in short text, as there will be no context to guess the word
return text
word_to_remove = random.randint(0,len(words)-1)
return " ".join(words)
return text
if __name__ == "__main__":
data_file = "data/data.txt" #"data/en.wikidump.processed.24m.txt" #
language = "ckb" # "wikidump.24m.en"
num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(data_file,'r'))
print("Number of lines:",num_lines)
with open(data_file,'r') as file:
sentences = file.readlines(int(num_lines*0.5))
# sentences = [cleanup(sentence) for sentence in sentences]
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-base")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("./tokenizer")
with open(language+".csv","w",encoding='utf-8') as output:
with open(data_file,'r') as file:
for line in tqdm(file, total=num_lines):
# line = cleanup(line)
if len(line) < 1:
line = combine_sentences(line,sentences)
if tokenizer_check_if_text_too_long(line,tokenizer,max_length=1024):
print(f"skipping line as its too long ({len(line)}):\n"+line)
if random.random() >0.02:
# we will leave 2% of the data untouched, to teach the
# model, not to "overact" on the texts
new_line = delete_word(line)
new_line = delete_characters(new_line)
new_line = insert_characters(new_line)
new_line = replace_characters(new_line)
new_line = random_neighbor_replace(new_line, KEYBOARD_KEYS, KEYBOARD_BLANK)
new_line = remove_punctuation(new_line)
new_line = line
os.system(f"echo \"text,summary\" > {language}.train.csv")
num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(f"{language}.csv",'r'))
os.system(f"head -n {num_lines-2000} {language}.csv >> {language}.train.csv")
os.system(f"echo \"text,summary\" > {language}.test.csv")
os.system(f"tail -n 2000 {language}.csv >> {language}.test.csv")