import numpy as np import gradio as gr import aiohttp import asyncio import cv2 import dlib import base64 import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context URL = "" MAX_USERS = 10 def filter_profile_data(data): """ Filter user profile data to get reputation, display name, profile link, and profile image of first 10 users based on reputation. :param data: array of dicts containing raw user profile information :return: array of dicts filtered user profile information """ data = data["items"] data = data[: min(MAX_USERS, len(data))] keys_to_keep = ["reputation", "location", "display_name", "link", "profile_image"] filtered_data = [] for raw_user in data: user = {} for key in keys_to_keep: user[key] = raw_user[key] if key in raw_user else None filtered_data.append(user) return filtered_data async def fetch_stack_overflow_profiles(url): """ Fetch user profiles from Stack Overflow API. :param url: URL of API to be called :return: Raw user profile data if response is successful else error message """ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get(url, timeout=10) as response: if response.status == 200: data = await response.json() data = filter_profile_data(data) return data else: return f"Failed to retrieve Stack Overflow user data: Status Code {response.status}" except aiohttp.ClientError as e: return str(e) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return "User data request timed out" async def download_profile_image(url): """ Download profile image from given URL. :param url: URL of profile image :return: RGB decoded image if image can be downloaded else error message """ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get(url, timeout=10) as response: if response.status == 200: data = await array = np.asarray(bytearray(data), dtype=np.uint8) image = cv2.imdecode(array, 1) return image else: return f"Failed to retrieve user profile image: Status Code {response.status}" except aiohttp.ClientError as e: return f"Profile image could not be downloaded: {str(e)}" except asyncio.TimeoutError: return "User profile image request timed out" def detect_face_in_image(image): """ Detects whether a there is a face in the input image using dlib. :param image: Image to check for face :return: Image with bounding box highlighting face if face exists else original image :return: True if face exists in image else False """ detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() faces, _, _ =, 1, -0.5) for face in faces: cv2.rectangle( image, (face.left(),, (face.right(), face.bottom()), (0, 255, 0), 4, ) _, buffer = cv2.imencode(".jpg", image) image = base64.b64encode(buffer) return image, len(faces) > 0 def fetch_and_process_users(): """ Higher level function to fetch users and analyze their profile images. :return: HTML content displaying fetched user information and error messages as necessary """ profiles = if type(profiles) is str: return get_error_html(profiles) user_content = [] for profile in profiles: image_url = profile["profile_image"] image = if image_url else None if image is None: user_html = get_user_html( None, profile, "", "Image for this user could not be fetched!" ) user_content.append(user_html) continue if type(image) is str: user_html = get_user_html(None, profile, "", image) user_content.append(user_html) continue image, face_exists = detect_face_in_image(image) face_message = ( "Face detected and highlighted in the user profile image!" if face_exists else "No face detected in the user profile image!" ) image = image.decode("utf-8") user_html = get_user_html(image, profile, face_message, None) user_content.append(user_html) return "".join(user_content) def get_error_html(error_message): """ Constructs an HTML template to display error message. :param error_message: Message to be displayed :return: HTML code with the error message """ return f"""
{error_message} Try generating again.
""" def get_user_html(image, profile, face_message, error_message): """ Constructs an HTML template to display user information and error message. :param image: Base64 image to be displayed on the page :param profile: Profile information to be displayed :param face_message: Message that indicates whether face exists or not in the picture :param error_message: Error message to display in case image cannot be fetched :return: HTML code with the user information with a potential error message """ if error_message is None: image_html = f"""
Profile image
{face_message} """ else: image_html = f"""
{error_message} Try generating again.
""" user_html = f"""
Name: {profile.get("display_name", "Not available")}
Reputation: {profile.get("reputation", "Not available")}
Location: {profile.get("location", "Not available")}
View Profile
""" return user_html def get_html_content(): """ Constructs the whole HTML template to be displayed to the user. :return: HTML code to display each user's information and error messages """ html_content = fetch_and_process_users() return html_content demo = gr.Interface( fn=get_html_content, inputs=[], outputs=gr.components.HTML(label="Stack Overflow User Profiles"), title="Stack Overflow User Profiles and Face Detection", css="footer{display:none !important}", allow_flagging="never", ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()