INFO_MAIN= " Welcome to the Polish ASR Survey dashboard!
\ You can use it to learn about the state of Polish ASR speech data and benchmarks.
\ The dashboard is built upon the [*Polish ASR Speech Datasets Catalog*]( and [*Polish ASR Benchmarks Catalog*](

\ The dashboard is divided into the following tabs:
\ * **About Polish ASR Survey** - general information about the survey, references, and contact points
\ * **Polish ASR Speech Data Catalog** - detailed information about the speech data available for Polish ASR
\ * **Polish ASR Speech Data Survey** - analysis of the state of Polish ASR speech data
\ * **ASR Speech Data Taxonomy** - explanation of the columns in the *Polish ASR Speech Datasets Catalog*
\ * **Polish ASR Benchmarks Catalog** - detailed information about the benchmarks available for Polish ASR
\ * **Polish ASR Benchmarks Survey** - analysis of the state of Polish ASR benchmarks
\ * **ASR Benchmarks Taxonomy** - explanation of the columns in the *Polish ASR Benchmarks Catalog*
\ Please visit respective tab to learn how to use it and provide feedback.

\ If you want to share your feedback regarding the Speech Data catalog, please use this [FORM](

\ If you are looking for the latest ASR benchmarks for Polish, please visit the [AMU ASR leaderboard](

\ You can also contact the author via [email]( or [LinkedIn](
" CITATION_MAIN = "@misc{junczyk-2024-pl-asr-survey
\ title = {Polish ASR Survey},
\ author = {Michał Junczyk},
\ year = {2024},
\ publisher = {Hugging Face},
\ url = {} }" # TODO # * Analysis of datasets utility for the purpose of ASR evaluation (see the **Dataset Utility Index** tab)
\ ############################################################################################################ INFO_CATALOG= "This dashboard complements *Polish ASR Speech Datasets Catalog* available on [GitHub]( and [Google Sheets]( by providing:
\ * More convenient browsing of the catalog content (*see the **How to use?** section below*)
\ * Up-to-data analysis of the state of Polish ASR speech data (*see the **Polish ASR Speech Data Survey** tab*)

\ IMPORTANT - If you want to share your feedback regarding the catalog, please use this [FORM]( Each response is granted 50 PLN for the charity of your choice.
\ Your feedback will be helpful to assess the state of Polish ASR speech data from the community perspective.

\ If you want report missing dataset or request correction of descriptons, please follow the steps described on [GitHub](
\ You can also contact the author via [email]( or [LinkedIn](
" CITATION_CATALOG="@article{Junczyk+2024+27+52,
\ url = {},
\ title = {A survey of Polish ASR speech datasets},
\ author = {Michał Junczyk},
\ pages = {27--52},
\ volume = {60},
\ number = {1},
\ journal = {Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics},
\ doi = {doi:10.1515/psicl-2023-0019},
\ year = {2024},
\ lastchecked = {2024-03-10}
\ }" HOWTO_CATALOG = "To browse the catalog content using filters you must enable them first.
\ You can also sort the columns by clicking on the column header.
\ Depending on the column type, you can use the search box to filter the content.
\ Please refer to the **ASR Speech Data Taxonomy** tab for the explanation of the columns.
\ If you looking for insights derived from the collected in the catalog, please go to **Polish ASR Speech Data Survey** tab.
" HOWTO_TAXONOMY_CAT = "This table presents descriptors (columns) used in the *Polish ASR Speech Datasets Catalog*
\ Taxonomy is also provided on [GitHub as TSV file]( and [Google Sheets](" ############################################################################################################ INFO_BENCHMARK = "TODO" CITATION_BENCHMARK="@misc{junczyk-2023-pl-asr-speech-data-catalog,
\ title = {Polish ASR Speech Datasets Catalog},
\ author = {Michał Junczyk},
\ year = {2023},
\ publisher = {Github},
\ url = {} }" HOWTO_BENCHMARK = "You can use the filters to browse the catalog content.
\ You can also sort the columns by clicking on the column header.
\ Depending on the column type, you can use the search box to filter the content.
\ Please refer to the **ASR Benchmarks Catalog Taxonomy** tab for the explanation of the columns.
" ############################################################################################################