import streamlit as st from tools.chatbot import QuestionAnswering models = { 'llama-3.1-405b-instruct' : 'meta/llama-3.1-405b-instruct', 'gemma-2-27b-it' : 'google/gemma-2-27b-it', 'mistral-nemo-12b-instruct' : 'nv-mistralai/mistral-nemo-12b-instruct', 'nemotron-4-340b-instruct' : 'nvidia/nemotron-4-340b-instruct', 'phi-3-medium-128k-instruct' : 'microsoft/phi-3-medium-128k-instruct', 'arctic' : 'snowflake/arctic' } def main(): st.header("🤖 Your Native Chatbot is ready to help") st.markdown("**It helps you write and talk like a native speaker. So, What are you waiting for ? Let's go 😀**") model_key = st.sidebar.selectbox('Powered by', list(models.keys())) model_value = models[model_key] memory = [] chatbot = QuestionAnswering(model_name=model_value, memory=memory) curr_question = st.text_area( 'enter your prompt', placeholder="Talk to your Native Chatbot!", label_visibility="hidden" ) if st.button("Generate Answer"): try: chatbot.generate_answer(curr_question) except: st.warning(body="Refresh the page or Try it again later.", icon="🤖") main()