import streamlit as st import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd import requests from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie st.title("Automated Fraud Detection System Web app") st.write(""" This app will helps us to track what type of transactions lead to fraud. I collected a dataset from [Kaggle repositry]( ,which contains historical information about fraudulent transactions which can be used to detect fraud in online payments. """) def load_lottieurl(url: str): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: return None return r.json() lottie_url = "" lottie_hello = load_lottieurl(lottie_url) with st.sidebar: st_lottie(lottie_hello,quality='high') st.sidebar.title('Users Features Explanation') st.sidebar.markdown("**step**: represents a unit of time where 1 step equals 1 hour") st.sidebar.markdown("**type**: type of online transaction") st.sidebar.markdown('**amount**: the amount of the transaction') st.sidebar.markdown('**oldbalanceOrg**: balance before the transaction') st.sidebar.markdown('**newbalanceOrig**: balance after the transaction') st.sidebar.markdown('**oldbalanceDest**: initial balance of recipient before the transaction') st.sidebar.markdown('**newbalanceDest**: the new balance of recipient after the transaction') st.header('User Input Features') def user_input_features(): step = st.number_input('Step', 0, 3) type = st.selectbox('Online Transaction Type', ("CASH IN", "CASH OUT", "DEBIT", "PAYMENT", "TRANSFER")) amount = st.number_input("Amount of the transaction") oldbalanceOrg = st.number_input("Old balance Origin") newbalanceOrig = st.number_input("New balance Origin") oldbalanceDest = st.number_input("Old Balance Destination") newbalanceDest = st.number_input("New Balance Destination") data = {'step': step, 'type': type, 'amount': amount, 'oldbalanceOrg': oldbalanceOrg, 'newbalanceOrig': newbalanceOrig, 'oldbalanceDest': oldbalanceDest, 'newbalanceDest': newbalanceDest} features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0]) return features input_df = user_input_features() # Combines user input features with sample dataset # This will be useful for the encoding phase fraud_raw = pd.read_csv('samp_online.csv') fraud = fraud_raw.drop(columns=['isFraud','nameOrig','nameDest','isFlaggedFraud']) df = pd.concat([input_df,fraud],axis=0) # Encoding of ordinal features encode = ['type'] for col in encode: dummy = pd.get_dummies(df[col], prefix=col) df = pd.concat([df,dummy], axis=1) del df[col] df = df[:1] # Selects only the first row (the user input data) # Reads in saved classification model if st.button("Predict"): load_clf = tf.keras.models.load_model('fraud.h5', compile=False) load_clf.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) # Apply model to make predictions y_probs = load_clf.predict(df) pred = tf.round(y_probs) pred = tf.cast(pred, tf.int32) st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if pred == 0: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) col1.metric("Prediction", value="Transaction is not fraudulent ") col2.metric("Confidence Level", value=f"{np.round(np.max(y_probs) * 100)}%") else: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) col1.metric("Prediction", value="Transaction is fraudulent") col2.metric("Confidence Level", value=f"{np.round(np.max(y_probs) * 100)}%")