""" Clean chatbot arena battle log. Usage: python3 clean_battle_data.py --mode conv_release """ import argparse import datetime import json import os import oss2 import sys from pytz import timezone import time import PIL from PIL import ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True from tqdm import tqdm from .basic_stats import get_log_files, NUM_SERVERS, LOG_ROOT_DIR, bucket from .utils import detect_language, get_time_stamp_from_date VOTES = ["tievote", "leftvote", "rightvote", "bothbad_vote"] IDENTITY_WORDS = [ "vicuna", "lmsys", "koala", "uc berkeley", "open assistant", "laion", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "openai", "anthropic", "claude", "bard", "palm", "lamda", "google", "llama", "qianwan", "alibaba", "mistral", "zhipu", "KEG lab", "01.AI", "AI2", "Tülu", "Tulu", "NETWORK ERROR DUE TO HIGH TRAFFIC. PLEASE REGENERATE OR REFRESH THIS PAGE.", "$MODERATION$ YOUR INPUT VIOLATES OUR CONTENT MODERATION GUIDELINES.", "API REQUEST ERROR. Please increase the number of max tokens.", "**API REQUEST ERROR** Reason: The response was blocked.", "**API REQUEST ERROR**", ] for i in range(len(IDENTITY_WORDS)): IDENTITY_WORDS[i] = IDENTITY_WORDS[i].lower() def remove_html(raw): if raw.startswith("

"): return raw[raw.find(": ") + 2 : -len("

\n")] if raw.startswith("### Model A: ") or raw.startswith("### Model B: "): return raw[13:] return raw def to_openai_format(messages): roles = ["user", "assistant"] ret = [] for i, x in enumerate(messages): ret.append({"role": roles[i % 2], "content": x[1]}) return ret def replace_model_name(old_name, tstamp): replace_dict = { "bard": "palm-2", "claude-v1": "claude-1", "claude-instant-v1": "claude-instant-1", "oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b": "oasst-pythia-12b", "claude-2": "claude-2.0", "PlayGroundV2": "PlayGround V2", "PlayGroundV2.5": "PlayGround V2.5", } if old_name in ["gpt-4", "gpt-3.5-turbo"]: if tstamp > 1687849200: return old_name + "-0613" else: return old_name + "-0314" if old_name in replace_dict: return replace_dict[old_name] return old_name def read_file(filename): data = [] for retry in range(5): try: # lines = open(filename).readlines() for l in open(filename): row = json.loads(l) if row["type"] in VOTES: data.append(row) break except FileNotFoundError: time.sleep(2) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error in reading {filename}") print(row) exit(0) return data def read_file_parallel(log_files, num_threads=16): data_all = [] from multiprocessing import Pool with Pool(num_threads) as p: ret_all = list(tqdm(p.imap(read_file, log_files), total=len(log_files))) for ret in ret_all: data_all.extend(ret) return data_all def read_file_from_oss(bucket, filename): """ Read and parse a log file stored in OSS. :param bucket: oss2.Bucket instance :param filename: Path to the file in OSS :return: List of parsed log data """ data = [] for retry in range(5): try: # Get the file content from OSS result = bucket.get_object(filename) for line in result.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines(): # Read file content line by line row = json.loads(line) if row["type"] in VOTES: # Filter rows based on type data.append(row) break except oss2.exceptions.NoSuchKey: print(f"File not found in OSS: {filename}. Retrying ({retry + 1}/5)...") time.sleep(2) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"Error decoding JSON in file {filename}: {e}") exit(0) except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading file {filename} from OSS: {e}") time.sleep(2) return data def read_file_parallel_from_oss(bucket, log_files, num_threads=16): """ Read multiple log files from OSS in parallel. :param bucket: oss2.Bucket instance :param log_files: List of log file paths in OSS :param num_threads: Number of threads to use for parallel processing :return: Combined log data from all files """ data_all = [] from multiprocessing import Pool from functools import partial # Partial function to include the bucket as a fixed argument read_function = partial(read_file_from_oss, bucket) # Parallel processing using multiprocessing Pool with Pool(num_threads) as p: ret_all = list(tqdm(p.imap(read_function, log_files), total=len(log_files))) for ret in ret_all: data_all.extend(ret) return data_all def load_image(image_path): try: return PIL.Image.open(image_path) except: return None def clean_battle_data(log_files, exclude_model_names, ban_ip_list=None, sanitize_ip=False, mode="simple"): data = read_file_parallel_from_oss(bucket, log_files, num_threads=16) convert_type = { "leftvote": "model_a", "rightvote": "model_b", "tievote": "tie", "bothbad_vote": "tie (bothbad)", } all_models = set() all_ips = dict() ct_anony = 0 ct_invalid = 0 ct_leaked_identity = 0 ct_banned = 0 battles = [] for row in tqdm(data, desc="Cleaning"): if row["models"][0] is None or row["models"][1] is None: print(f"Invalid model names: {row['models']}") continue # Resolve model names models_public = [remove_html(row["models"][0]), remove_html(row["models"][1])] if "model_name" in row["states"][0]: models_hidden = [ row["states"][0]["model_name"], row["states"][1]["model_name"], ] if models_hidden[0] is None: models_hidden = models_public else: models_hidden = models_public if (models_public[0] == "" and models_public[1] != "") or ( models_public[1] == "" and models_public[0] != "" ): ct_invalid += 1 print(f"Invalid model names: {models_public}") continue if row["anony"]: anony = True models = models_hidden ct_anony += 1 else: anony = False models = models_public if not models_public == models_hidden: print(f"Model names mismatch: {models_public} vs {models_hidden}") ct_invalid += 1 continue def preprocess_model_name(m): if m == "Playground v2": return 'playground_PlayGroundV2_generation' if m == "Playground v2.5": return 'playground_PlayGroundV2.5_generation' return m models = [preprocess_model_name(m) for m in models] # valid = True # for _model in models: # print(_model) # input() # try: # platform, model_name, task = _model.split("_") # except ValueError: # print(f"Invalid model names: {_model}") # valid = False # break # if not (platform.lower() in ["playground", "imagenhub", 'fal'] and (task == "generation" or task == "text2image")): # valid = False # break # if not valid: # ct_invalid += 1 # print(f"Invalid model names: {models} for t2i_generation") # continue # for i, _model in enumerate(models): # platform, model_name, task = _model.split("_") # models[i] = model_name models = [replace_model_name(m, row["tstamp"]) for m in models] # Exclude certain models if exclude_model_names and any(x in exclude_model_names for x in models): ct_invalid += 1 continue if mode == "conv_release": # assert the two images are the same date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(row["tstamp"], tz=timezone("US/Pacific")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # 2024-02-29 image_path_format = f"{LOG_ROOT_DIR}/{date}-convinput_images/input_image_" image_path_0 = image_path_format + str(row["states"][0]["conv_id"]) + ".png" image_path_1 = image_path_format + str(row["states"][1]["conv_id"]) + ".png" if not os.path.exists(image_path_0) or not os.path.exists(image_path_1): print(f"Image not found for {image_path_0} or {image_path_1}") ct_invalid += 1 continue image_0 = load_image(image_path_0) image_1 = load_image(image_path_1) if image_0 is None or image_1 is None: print(f"Image not found for {image_path_0} or {image_path_1}") ct_invalid += 1 continue if image_0.tobytes() != image_1.tobytes(): print(f"Image not the same for {image_path_0} and {image_path_1}") ct_invalid += 1 continue # question_id = row["states"][0]["conv_id"] ip = row["ip"] if ip not in all_ips: all_ips[ip] = {"ip": ip, "count": 0, "sanitized_id": len(all_ips)} all_ips[ip]["count"] += 1 if sanitize_ip: user_id = f"arena_user_{all_ips[ip]['sanitized_id']}" else: user_id = f"{all_ips[ip]['ip']}" if ban_ip_list is not None and ip in ban_ip_list: ct_banned += 1 print(f"User {user_id} is banned") continue # Save the results battles.append( dict( model_a=models[0], model_b=models[1], winner=convert_type[row["type"]], judge=f"arena_user_{user_id}", anony=anony, tstamp=row["tstamp"], ) ) all_models.update(models_hidden) battles.sort(key=lambda x: x["tstamp"]) last_updated_tstamp = battles[-1]["tstamp"] last_updated_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( last_updated_tstamp, tz=timezone("US/Pacific") ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") print( f"#votes: {len(data)}, #invalid votes: {ct_invalid}, " f"#leaked_identity: {ct_leaked_identity} " f"#banned: {ct_banned} " ) print(f"#battles: {len(battles)}, #anony: {ct_anony}") print(f"#models: {len(all_models)}, {all_models}") print(f"last-updated: {last_updated_datetime}") if ban_ip_list is not None: for ban_ip in ban_ip_list: if ban_ip in all_ips: del all_ips[ban_ip] print("Top 30 IPs:") print(sorted(all_ips.values(), key=lambda x: x["count"], reverse=True)[:30]) return battles if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--max-num-files", type=int) parser.add_argument( "--mode", type=str, choices=["simple", "conv_release"], default="simple" ) parser.add_argument("--exclude-model-names", type=str, nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--ban-ip-file", type=str) parser.add_argument("--sanitize-ip", action="store_true", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() log_files = get_log_files(bucket, args.max_num_files) ban_ip_list = json.load(open(args.ban_ip_file)) if args.ban_ip_file else None battles = clean_battle_data( log_files, args.exclude_model_names or [], ban_ip_list, args.sanitize_ip, args.mode, ) last_updated_tstamp = battles[-1]["tstamp"] cutoff_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( last_updated_tstamp, tz=timezone("US/Pacific") ).strftime("%Y%m%d") if args.mode == "simple": for x in battles: for key in [ "conversation_a", "conversation_b", "question_id", ]: if key in x: del x[key] print("Samples:") for i in range(min(4, len(battles))): print(battles[i]) output = f"clean_battle_{cutoff_date}.json" elif args.mode == "conv_release": output = f"clean_battle_conv_{cutoff_date}.json" with open(output, "w") as fout: json.dump(battles, fout, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Write cleaned data to {output}") with open("cut_off_date.txt", "w") as fout: fout.write(cutoff_date)