surfx / src /
Zsombor Gegesy
Fix git rebase problems, and the failing doctest
//! This main library module provides the functionality to provide and handle the Tcp server
//! and register all the routes for the `websurfx` meta search engine website.
#![forbid(unsafe_code, clippy::panic)]
#![deny(missing_docs, clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items, clippy::perf)]
#![warn(clippy::cognitive_complexity, rust_2018_idioms)]
pub mod cache;
pub mod config;
pub mod engines;
pub mod handler;
pub mod models;
pub mod results;
pub mod server;
use std::net::TcpListener;
use crate::server::router;
use actix_cors::Cors;
use actix_files as fs;
use actix_governor::{Governor, GovernorConfigBuilder};
use actix_web::{dev::Server, http::header, middleware::Logger, web, App, HttpServer};
use cache::cacher::{Cache, SharedCache};
use config::parser::Config;
use handlebars::Handlebars;
use handler::paths::{file_path, FileType};
/// Runs the web server on the provided TCP listener and returns a `Server` instance.
/// # Arguments
/// * `listener` - A `TcpListener` instance representing the address and port to listen on.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a `Result` containing a `Server` instance on success, or an `std::io::Error` on failure.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use std::net::TcpListener;
/// use websurfx::{config::parser::Config, run, cache::cacher::Cache};
/// let config = Config::parse(true).unwrap();
/// let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed to bind address");
/// let cache = Cache::new_in_memory();
/// let server = run(listener,config,cache).expect("Failed to start server");
/// ```
pub fn run(listener: TcpListener, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> std::io::Result<Server> {
let mut handlebars: Handlebars<'_> = Handlebars::new();
let public_folder_path: &str = file_path(FileType::Theme)?;
.register_templates_directory(".html", format!("{}/templates", public_folder_path))
let handlebars_ref: web::Data<Handlebars<'_>> = web::Data::new(handlebars);
let cloned_config_threads_opt: u8 = config.threads;
let cache = web::Data::new(SharedCache::new(cache));
let server = HttpServer::new(move || {
let cors: Cors = Cors::default()
.wrap(Logger::default()) // added logging middleware for logging.
.per_second(config.rate_limiter.time_limit as u64)
.burst_size(config.rate_limiter.number_of_requests as u32)
// Serve images and static files (css and js files).
fs::Files::new("/static", format!("{}/static", public_folder_path))
fs::Files::new("/images", format!("{}/images", public_folder_path))
.service(router::robots_data) // robots.txt
.service(router::index) // index page
.service(server::routes::search::search) // search page
.service(router::about) // about page
.service(router::settings) // settings page
.default_service(web::route().to(router::not_found)) // error page
.workers(cloned_config_threads_opt as usize)
// Start server on with the user provided port number. for example