stylegan3_clip / torch_utils /ops /filtered_lrelu.h
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#include <cuda_runtime.h>
// CUDA kernel parameters.
struct filtered_lrelu_kernel_params
// These parameters decide which kernel to use.
int up; // upsampling ratio (1, 2, 4)
int down; // downsampling ratio (1, 2, 4)
int2 fuShape; // [size, 1] | [size, size]
int2 fdShape; // [size, 1] | [size, size]
int _dummy; // Alignment.
// Rest of the parameters.
const void* x; // Input tensor.
void* y; // Output tensor.
const void* b; // Bias tensor.
unsigned char* s; // Sign tensor in/out. NULL if unused.
const float* fu; // Upsampling filter.
const float* fd; // Downsampling filter.
int2 pad0; // Left/top padding.
float gain; // Additional gain factor.
float slope; // Leaky ReLU slope on negative side.
float clamp; // Clamp after nonlinearity.
int flip; // Filter kernel flip for gradient computation.
int tilesXdim; // Original number of horizontal output tiles.
int tilesXrep; // Number of horizontal tiles per CTA.
int blockZofs; // Block z offset to support large minibatch, channel dimensions.
int4 xShape; // [width, height, channel, batch]
int4 yShape; // [width, height, channel, batch]
int2 sShape; // [width, height] - width is in bytes. Contiguous. Zeros if unused.
int2 sOfs; // [ofs_x, ofs_y] - offset between upsampled data and sign tensor.
int swLimit; // Active width of sign tensor in bytes.
longlong4 xStride; // Strides of all tensors except signs, same component order as shapes.
longlong4 yStride; //
int64_t bStride; //
longlong3 fuStride; //
longlong3 fdStride; //
struct filtered_lrelu_act_kernel_params
void* x; // Input/output, modified in-place.
unsigned char* s; // Sign tensor in/out. NULL if unused.
float gain; // Additional gain factor.
float slope; // Leaky ReLU slope on negative side.
float clamp; // Clamp after nonlinearity.
int4 xShape; // [width, height, channel, batch]
longlong4 xStride; // Input/output tensor strides, same order as in shape.
int2 sShape; // [width, height] - width is in elements. Contiguous. Zeros if unused.
int2 sOfs; // [ofs_x, ofs_y] - offset between upsampled data and sign tensor.
// CUDA kernel specialization.
struct filtered_lrelu_kernel_spec
void* setup; // Function for filter kernel setup.
void* exec; // Function for main operation.
int2 tileOut; // Width/height of launch tile.
int numWarps; // Number of warps per thread block, determines launch block size.
int xrep; // For processing multiple horizontal tiles per thread block.
int dynamicSharedKB; // How much dynamic shared memory the exec kernel wants.
// CUDA kernel selection.
template <class T, class index_t, bool signWrite, bool signRead> filtered_lrelu_kernel_spec choose_filtered_lrelu_kernel(const filtered_lrelu_kernel_params& p, int sharedKB);
template <class T, bool signWrite, bool signRead> void* choose_filtered_lrelu_act_kernel(void);
template <bool signWrite, bool signRead> cudaError_t copy_filters(cudaStream_t stream);