stylegan3_clip / gui_utils /
history blame
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# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
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import os
import functools
import contextlib
import numpy as np
import OpenGL.GL as gl
import OpenGL.GL.ARB.texture_float
import dnnlib
def init_egl():
assert os.environ['PYOPENGL_PLATFORM'] == 'egl' # Must be set before importing OpenGL.
import OpenGL.EGL as egl
import ctypes
# Initialize EGL.
display = egl.eglGetDisplay(egl.EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY)
assert display != egl.EGL_NO_DISPLAY
major = ctypes.c_int32()
minor = ctypes.c_int32()
ok = egl.eglInitialize(display, major, minor)
assert ok
assert major.value * 10 + minor.value >= 14
# Choose config.
config_attribs = [
configs = (ctypes.c_int32 * 1)()
num_configs = ctypes.c_int32()
ok = egl.eglChooseConfig(display, config_attribs, configs, 1, num_configs)
assert ok
assert num_configs.value == 1
config = configs[0]
# Create dummy pbuffer surface.
surface_attribs = [
egl.EGL_WIDTH, 1,
egl.EGL_HEIGHT, 1,
surface = egl.eglCreatePbufferSurface(display, config, surface_attribs)
assert surface != egl.EGL_NO_SURFACE
# Setup GL context.
ok = egl.eglBindAPI(egl.EGL_OPENGL_API)
assert ok
context = egl.eglCreateContext(display, config, egl.EGL_NO_CONTEXT, None)
assert context != egl.EGL_NO_CONTEXT
ok = egl.eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context)
assert ok
_texture_formats = {
('uint8', 1): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, format=gl.GL_LUMINANCE, internalformat=gl.GL_LUMINANCE8),
('uint8', 2): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, format=gl.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, internalformat=gl.GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8),
('uint8', 3): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, format=gl.GL_RGB, internalformat=gl.GL_RGB8),
('uint8', 4): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, format=gl.GL_RGBA, internalformat=gl.GL_RGBA8),
('float32', 1): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_FLOAT, format=gl.GL_LUMINANCE, internalformat=OpenGL.GL.ARB.texture_float.GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB),
('float32', 2): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_FLOAT, format=gl.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, internalformat=OpenGL.GL.ARB.texture_float.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_ARB),
('float32', 3): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_FLOAT, format=gl.GL_RGB, internalformat=gl.GL_RGB32F),
('float32', 4): dnnlib.EasyDict(type=gl.GL_FLOAT, format=gl.GL_RGBA, internalformat=gl.GL_RGBA32F),
def get_texture_format(dtype, channels):
return _texture_formats[(np.dtype(dtype).name, int(channels))]
def prepare_texture_data(image):
image = np.asarray(image)
if image.ndim == 2:
image = image[:, :, np.newaxis]
if == 'float64':
image = image.astype('float32')
return image
def draw_pixels(image, *, pos=0, zoom=1, align=0, rint=True):
pos = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(pos, dtype='float32'), [2])
zoom = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(zoom, dtype='float32'), [2])
align = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(align, dtype='float32'), [2])
image = prepare_texture_data(image)
height, width, channels = image.shape
size = zoom * [width, height]
pos = pos - size * align
if rint:
pos = np.rint(pos)
fmt = get_texture_format(image.dtype, channels)
gl.glPushAttrib(gl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | gl.GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT)
gl.glRasterPos2f(pos[0], pos[1])
gl.glPixelZoom(zoom[0], -zoom[1])
gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
gl.glDrawPixels(width, height, fmt.format, fmt.type, image)
def read_pixels(width, height, *, pos=0, dtype='uint8', channels=3):
pos = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(pos, dtype='float32'), [2])
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
fmt = get_texture_format(dtype, channels)
image = np.empty([height, width, channels], dtype=dtype)
gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
gl.glReadPixels(int(np.round(pos[0])), int(np.round(pos[1])), width, height, fmt.format, fmt.type, image)
return np.flipud(image)
class Texture:
def __init__(self, *, image=None, width=None, height=None, channels=None, dtype=None, bilinear=True, mipmap=True):
self.gl_id = None
self.bilinear = bilinear
self.mipmap = mipmap
# Determine size and dtype.
if image is not None:
image = prepare_texture_data(image)
self.height, self.width, self.channels = image.shape
self.dtype = image.dtype
assert width is not None and height is not None
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.channels = channels if channels is not None else 3
self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None else np.uint8
# Validate size and dtype.
assert isinstance(self.width, int) and self.width >= 0
assert isinstance(self.height, int) and self.height >= 0
assert isinstance(self.channels, int) and self.channels >= 1
assert self.is_compatible(width=width, height=height, channels=channels, dtype=dtype)
# Create texture object.
self.gl_id = gl.glGenTextures(1)
with self.bind():
gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR if self.bilinear else gl.GL_NEAREST)
gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR if self.mipmap else gl.GL_NEAREST)
def delete(self):
if self.gl_id is not None:
self.gl_id = None
def __del__(self):
def bind(self):
prev_id = gl.glGetInteger(gl.GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D)
gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.gl_id)
gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, prev_id)
def update(self, image):
if image is not None:
image = prepare_texture_data(image)
assert self.is_compatible(image=image)
with self.bind():
fmt = get_texture_format(self.dtype, self.channels)
gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, fmt.internalformat, self.width, self.height, 0, fmt.format, fmt.type, image)
if self.mipmap:
def draw(self, *, pos=0, zoom=1, align=0, rint=False, color=1, alpha=1, rounding=0):
zoom = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(zoom, dtype='float32'), [2])
size = zoom * [self.width, self.height]
with self.bind():
draw_rect(pos=pos, size=size, align=align, rint=rint, color=color, alpha=alpha, rounding=rounding)
def is_compatible(self, *, image=None, width=None, height=None, channels=None, dtype=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
if image is not None:
if image.ndim != 3:
return False
ih, iw, ic = image.shape
if not self.is_compatible(width=iw, height=ih, channels=ic, dtype=image.dtype):
return False
if width is not None and self.width != width:
return False
if height is not None and self.height != height:
return False
if channels is not None and self.channels != channels:
return False
if dtype is not None and self.dtype != dtype:
return False
return True
class Framebuffer:
def __init__(self, *, texture=None, width=None, height=None, channels=None, dtype=None, msaa=0):
self.texture = texture
self.gl_id = None
self.gl_color = None
self.gl_depth_stencil = None
self.msaa = msaa
# Determine size and dtype.
if texture is not None:
assert isinstance(self.texture, Texture)
self.width = texture.width
self.height = texture.height
self.channels = texture.channels
self.dtype = texture.dtype
assert width is not None and height is not None
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.channels = channels if channels is not None else 4
self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None else np.float32
# Validate size and dtype.
assert isinstance(self.width, int) and self.width >= 0
assert isinstance(self.height, int) and self.height >= 0
assert isinstance(self.channels, int) and self.channels >= 1
assert width is None or width == self.width
assert height is None or height == self.height
assert channels is None or channels == self.channels
assert dtype is None or dtype == self.dtype
# Create framebuffer object.
self.gl_id = gl.glGenFramebuffers(1)
with self.bind():
# Setup color buffer.
if self.texture is not None:
assert self.msaa == 0
gl.glFramebufferTexture2D(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gl.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.texture.gl_id, 0)
fmt = get_texture_format(self.dtype, self.channels)
self.gl_color = gl.glGenRenderbuffers(1)
gl.glBindRenderbuffer(gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.gl_color)
gl.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.msaa, fmt.internalformat, self.width, self.height)
gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gl.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.gl_color)
# Setup depth/stencil buffer.
self.gl_depth_stencil = gl.glGenRenderbuffers(1)
gl.glBindRenderbuffer(gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.gl_depth_stencil)
gl.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.msaa, gl.GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, self.width, self.height)
gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gl.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.gl_depth_stencil)
def delete(self):
if self.gl_id is not None:
self.gl_id = None
if self.gl_color is not None:
gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, [self.gl_color])
self.gl_color = None
if self.gl_depth_stencil is not None:
gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, [self.gl_depth_stencil])
self.gl_depth_stencil = None
def __del__(self):
def bind(self):
prev_fbo = gl.glGetInteger(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING)
prev_rbo = gl.glGetInteger(gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING)
gl.glBindFramebuffer(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, self.gl_id)
if self.width is not None and self.height is not None:
gl.glViewport(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
gl.glBindFramebuffer(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, prev_fbo)
gl.glBindRenderbuffer(gl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, prev_rbo)
def blit(self, dst=None):
assert dst is None or isinstance(dst, Framebuffer)
with self.bind():
gl.glBindFramebuffer(gl.GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 if dst is None else dst.fbo)
gl.glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, self.width, self.height, 0, 0, self.width, self.height, gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, gl.GL_NEAREST)
def draw_shape(vertices, *, mode=gl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, pos=0, size=1, color=1, alpha=1):
assert vertices.ndim == 2 and vertices.shape[1] == 2
pos = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(pos, dtype='float32'), [2])
size = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(size, dtype='float32'), [2])
color = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(color, dtype='float32'), [3])
alpha = np.clip(np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(alpha, dtype='float32'), []), 0, 1)
gl.glPushAttrib(gl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | gl.GL_TRANSFORM_BIT)
gl.glVertexPointer(2, gl.GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices)
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, gl.GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices)
gl.glTranslate(pos[0], pos[1], 0)
gl.glScale(size[0], size[1], 1)
gl.glColor4f(color[0] * alpha, color[1] * alpha, color[2] * alpha, alpha)
gl.glDrawArrays(mode, 0, vertices.shape[0])
def draw_rect(*, pos=0, pos2=None, size=None, align=0, rint=False, color=1, alpha=1, rounding=0):
assert pos2 is None or size is None
pos = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(pos, dtype='float32'), [2])
pos2 = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(pos2, dtype='float32'), [2]) if pos2 is not None else None
size = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(size, dtype='float32'), [2]) if size is not None else None
size = size if size is not None else pos2 - pos if pos2 is not None else np.array([1, 1], dtype='float32')
pos = pos - size * align
if rint:
pos = np.rint(pos)
rounding = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(rounding, dtype='float32'), [2])
rounding = np.minimum(np.abs(rounding) / np.maximum(np.abs(size), 1e-8), 0.5)
if np.min(rounding) == 0:
rounding *= 0
vertices = _setup_rect(float(rounding[0]), float(rounding[1]))
draw_shape(vertices, mode=gl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, pos=pos, size=size, color=color, alpha=alpha)
def _setup_rect(rx, ry):
t = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 1 if max(rx, ry) == 0 else 64)
s = 1 - np.sin(t); c = 1 - np.cos(t)
x = [c * rx, 1 - s * rx, 1 - c * rx, s * rx]
y = [s * ry, c * ry, 1 - s * ry, 1 - c * ry]
v = np.stack([x, y], axis=-1).reshape(-1, 2)
return v.astype('float32')
def draw_circle(*, center=0, radius=100, hole=0, color=1, alpha=1):
hole = np.broadcast_to(np.asarray(hole, dtype='float32'), [])
vertices = _setup_circle(float(hole))
draw_shape(vertices, mode=gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, pos=center, size=radius, color=color, alpha=alpha)
def _setup_circle(hole):
t = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, 128)
s = np.sin(t); c = np.cos(t)
v = np.stack([c, s, c * hole, s * hole], axis=-1).reshape(-1, 2)
return v.astype('float32')