import pdb import normflows as nf import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from einops import rearrange, repeat from normflows.distributions import BaseDistribution def sanitize_locals(args_dict, ignore_keys=None): if ignore_keys is None: ignore_keys = [] if not isinstance(ignore_keys, list): ignore_keys = [ignore_keys] _dict = args_dict.copy() _dict.pop("self") class_name = _dict.pop("__class__").__name__ class_params = {k: v for k, v in _dict.items() if k not in ignore_keys} return {class_name: class_params} def build_flows( latent_size, num_flows=4, num_blocks_per_flow=2, hidden_units=128, context_size=64 ): # Define flows flows = [] flows.append( nf.flows.MaskedAffineAutoregressive( latent_size, hidden_features=hidden_units, num_blocks=num_blocks_per_flow, context_features=context_size, ) ) for i in range(num_flows): flows += [ nf.flows.CoupledRationalQuadraticSpline( latent_size, num_blocks=num_blocks_per_flow, num_hidden_channels=hidden_units, num_context_channels=context_size, ) ] flows += [nf.flows.LULinearPermute(latent_size)] # Set base distribution context_encoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(context_size, context_size), nn.SiLU(), # output mean and scales for K=latent_size dimensions nn.Linear(context_size, latent_size * 2), ) q0 = ConditionalDiagGaussian(latent_size, context_encoder) # Construct flow model model = nf.ConditionalNormalizingFlow(q0, flows) return model class ConditionalDiagGaussian(BaseDistribution): """ Conditional multivariate Gaussian distribution with diagonal covariance matrix, parameters are obtained by a context encoder, context meaning the variable to condition on """ def __init__(self, shape, context_encoder): """Constructor Args: shape: Tuple with shape of data, if int shape has one dimension context_encoder: Computes mean and log of the standard deviation of the Gaussian, mean is the first half of the last dimension of the encoder output, log of the standard deviation the second half """ super().__init__() if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape,) if isinstance(shape, list): shape = tuple(shape) self.shape = shape self.n_dim = len(shape) self.d = self.context_encoder = context_encoder def forward(self, num_samples=1, context=None): encoder_output = self.context_encoder(context) split_ind = encoder_output.shape[-1] // 2 mean = encoder_output[..., :split_ind] log_scale = encoder_output[..., split_ind:] eps = torch.randn( (num_samples,) + self.shape, dtype=mean.dtype, device=mean.device ) z = mean + torch.exp(log_scale) * eps log_p = -0.5 * self.d * np.log(2 * np.pi) - torch.sum( log_scale + 0.5 * torch.pow(eps, 2), list(range(1, self.n_dim + 1)) ) return z, log_p def log_prob(self, z, context=None): encoder_output = self.context_encoder(context) split_ind = encoder_output.shape[-1] // 2 mean = encoder_output[..., :split_ind] log_scale = encoder_output[..., split_ind:] log_p = -0.5 * self.d * np.log(2 * np.pi) - torch.sum( log_scale + 0.5 * torch.pow((z - mean) / torch.exp(log_scale), 2), list(range(1, self.n_dim + 1)), ) return log_p def get_emb(sin_inp): """ Gets a base embedding for one dimension with sin and cos intertwined """ emb = torch.stack((sin_inp.sin(), sin_inp.cos()), dim=-1) return torch.flatten(emb, -2, -1) class PositionalEncoding2D(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels): """ :param channels: The last dimension of the tensor you want to apply pos emb to. """ super(PositionalEncoding2D, self).__init__() self.org_channels = channels channels = int(np.ceil(channels / 4) * 2) self.channels = channels inv_freq = 1.0 / (10000 ** (torch.arange(0, channels, 2).float() / channels)) self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq) self.register_buffer("cached_penc", None, persistent=False) def forward(self, tensor): """ :param tensor: A 4d tensor of size (batch_size, x, y, ch) :return: Positional Encoding Matrix of size (batch_size, x, y, ch) """ if len(tensor.shape) != 4: raise RuntimeError("The input tensor has to be 4d!") if ( self.cached_penc is not None and self.cached_penc.shape[:2] == tensor.shape[1:3] ): return self.cached_penc self.cached_penc = None batch_size, orig_ch, x, y = tensor.shape pos_x = torch.arange(x, device=tensor.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype) pos_y = torch.arange(y, device=tensor.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype) sin_inp_x = torch.einsum("i,j->ij", pos_x, self.inv_freq) sin_inp_y = torch.einsum("i,j->ij", pos_y, self.inv_freq) emb_x = get_emb(sin_inp_x).unsqueeze(1) emb_y = get_emb(sin_inp_y) emb = torch.zeros( (x, y, self.channels * 2), device=tensor.device, dtype=tensor.dtype, ) emb[:, :, : self.channels] = emb_x emb[:, :, self.channels : 2 * self.channels] = emb_y self.cached_penc = emb return self.cached_penc class SpatialNormer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_channels, # channels will be number of sigma scales in input kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, ): """ Note that the convolution will reduce the channel dimension So (b, num_sigmas, c, h, w) -> (b, num_sigmas, new_h , new_w) """ super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv3d( in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, # This is the real trick that ensures each # sigma dimension is normed separately groups=in_channels, stride=(1, stride, stride), padding=(0, padding, padding), bias=False, ) # all ones weights self.conv.weight.requires_grad = False # freeze weights @torch.no_grad() def forward(self, x): return self.conv(x.square()).pow_(0.5).squeeze(2) class PatchFlow(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_size, patch_size=3, context_embedding_size=128, num_flows=4, num_blocks_per_flow=2, hidden_units=128, ): super().__init__() self.config = sanitize_locals(locals(), ignore_keys="input_size") num_sigmas, c, h, w = input_size self.local_pooler = SpatialNormer( in_channels=num_sigmas, kernel_size=patch_size ) self.flows = build_flows( latent_size=num_sigmas, context_size=context_embedding_size, num_flows=num_flows, num_blocks_per_flow=num_blocks_per_flow, hidden_units=hidden_units, ) self.position_encoding = PositionalEncoding2D(channels=context_embedding_size) # caching pos encs _, _, ctx_h, ctw_w = self.local_pooler( torch.empty((1, num_sigmas, c, h, w)) ).shape self.position_encoding(torch.empty(1, 1, ctx_h, ctw_w)) assert self.position_encoding.cached_penc.shape[-1] == context_embedding_size def init_weights(self): # Initialize weights with Xavier linear_modules = list( filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, nn.Linear), self.flows.modules()) ) total = len(linear_modules) for idx, m in enumerate(linear_modules): # Last layer gets init w/ zeros if idx == total - 1: nn.init.zeros_( else: nn.init.xavier_uniform_( if m.bias is not None: nn.init.zeros_( def forward(self, x, chunk_size=32): b, s, c, h, w = x.shape x_norm = self.local_pooler(x) _, _, new_h, new_w = x_norm.shape context = self.position_encoding(x_norm) # (Patches * batch) x channels local_ctx = rearrange(context, "h w c -> (h w) c") patches = rearrange(x_norm, "b c h w -> (h w) b c") nchunks = (patches.shape[0] + chunk_size - 1) // chunk_size patches = patches.chunk(nchunks, dim=0) ctx_chunks = local_ctx.chunk(nchunks, dim=0) patch_logpx = [] # gc = repeat(global_ctx, "b c -> (n b) c", n=self.patch_batch_size) for p, ctx in zip(patches, ctx_chunks): # num patches in chunk (<= chunk_size) n = p.shape[0] ctx = repeat(ctx, "n c -> (n b) c", b=b) p = rearrange(p, "n b c -> (n b) c") # Compute log densities for each patch logpx = self.flows.log_prob(p, context=ctx) logpx = rearrange(logpx, "(n b) -> n b", n=n, b=b) patch_logpx.append(logpx) # Convert back to image logpx =, dim=0) logpx = rearrange(logpx, "(h w) b -> b 1 h w", b=b, h=new_h, w=new_w) return logpx.contiguous() @staticmethod def stochastic_step( scores, x_batch, flow_model, opt=None, train=False, n_patches=32, device="cpu" ): if train: flow_model.train() opt.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) else: flow_model.eval() patches, context = PatchFlow.get_random_patches( scores, x_batch, flow_model, n_patches ) patch_feature = context_vector = patch_feature = rearrange(patch_feature, "n b c -> (n b) c") context_vector = rearrange(context_vector, "n b c -> (n b) c") # global_pooled_image = flow_model.global_pooler(x_batch) # global_context = flow_model.global_attention(global_pooled_image) # gctx = repeat(global_context, "b c -> (n b) c", n=n_patches) # # Concatenate global context to local context # context_vector =[context_vector, gctx], dim=1) # z, ldj = flow_model.flows.inverse_and_log_det( # patch_feature, # context=context_vector, # ) loss = flow_model.flows.forward_kld(patch_feature, context_vector) loss *= n_patches if train: loss.backward() opt.step() return loss.item() / n_patches @staticmethod def get_random_patches(scores, x_batch, flow_model, n_patches): b = scores.shape[0] h = flow_model.local_pooler(scores) patches = rearrange(h, "b c h w -> (h w) b c") context = flow_model.position_encoding(h) context = rearrange(context, "h w c -> (h w) c") context = repeat(context, "n c -> n b c", b=b) # conserve gpu memory patches = patches.cpu() context = context.cpu() # Get random patches total_patches = patches.shape[0] shuffled_idx = torch.randperm(total_patches) rand_idx_batch = shuffled_idx[:n_patches] return patches[rand_idx_batch], context[rand_idx_batch]