localizing-anomalies / networks_edm2.py
ahsanMah's picture
+ HF models now built with config not pickle
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"""Improved diffusion model architecture proposed in the paper
"Analyzing and Improving the Training Dynamics of Diffusion Models"."""
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch_utils import persistence
from torch_utils import misc
# Normalize given tensor to unit magnitude with respect to the given
# dimensions. Default = all dimensions except the first.
def normalize(x, dim=None, eps=1e-4):
if dim is None:
dim = list(range(1, x.ndim))
norm = torch.linalg.vector_norm(x, dim=dim, keepdim=True, dtype=torch.float32)
norm = torch.add(eps, norm, alpha=np.sqrt(norm.numel() / x.numel()))
return x / norm.to(x.dtype)
# Upsample or downsample the given tensor with the given filter,
# or keep it as is.
def resample(x, f=[1,1], mode='keep'):
if mode == 'keep':
return x
f = np.float32(f)
assert f.ndim == 1 and len(f) % 2 == 0
pad = (len(f) - 1) // 2
f = f / f.sum()
f = np.outer(f, f)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]
f = misc.const_like(x, f)
c = x.shape[1]
if mode == 'down':
return torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x, f.tile([c, 1, 1, 1]), groups=c, stride=2, padding=(pad,))
assert mode == 'up'
return torch.nn.functional.conv_transpose2d(x, (f * 4).tile([c, 1, 1, 1]), groups=c, stride=2, padding=(pad,))
# Magnitude-preserving SiLU (Equation 81).
def mp_silu(x):
return torch.nn.functional.silu(x) / 0.596
# Magnitude-preserving sum (Equation 88).
def mp_sum(a, b, t=0.5):
return a.lerp(b, t) / np.sqrt((1 - t) ** 2 + t ** 2)
# Magnitude-preserving concatenation (Equation 103).
def mp_cat(a, b, dim=1, t=0.5):
Na = a.shape[dim]
Nb = b.shape[dim]
C = np.sqrt((Na + Nb) / ((1 - t) ** 2 + t ** 2))
wa = C / np.sqrt(Na) * (1 - t)
wb = C / np.sqrt(Nb) * t
return torch.cat([wa * a , wb * b], dim=dim)
# Magnitude-preserving Fourier features (Equation 75).
class MPFourier(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_channels, bandwidth=1):
self.register_buffer('freqs', 2 * np.pi * torch.randn(num_channels) * bandwidth)
self.register_buffer('phases', 2 * np.pi * torch.rand(num_channels))
def forward(self, x):
y = x.to(torch.float32)
y = y.ger(self.freqs.to(torch.float32))
y = y + self.phases.to(torch.float32)
y = y.cos() * np.sqrt(2)
return y.to(x.dtype)
# Magnitude-preserving convolution or fully-connected layer (Equation 47)
# with force weight normalization (Equation 66).
class MPConv(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel):
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_channels, in_channels, *kernel))
def forward(self, x, gain=1):
w = self.weight.to(torch.float32)
if self.training:
with torch.no_grad():
self.weight.copy_(normalize(w)) # forced weight normalization
w = normalize(w) # traditional weight normalization
w = w * (gain / np.sqrt(w[0].numel())) # magnitude-preserving scaling
w = w.to(x.dtype)
if w.ndim == 2:
return x @ w.t()
assert w.ndim == 4
return torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x, w, padding=(w.shape[-1]//2,))
# U-Net encoder/decoder block with optional self-attention (Figure 21).
class Block(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
in_channels, # Number of input channels.
out_channels, # Number of output channels.
emb_channels, # Number of embedding channels.
flavor = 'enc', # Flavor: 'enc' or 'dec'.
resample_mode = 'keep', # Resampling: 'keep', 'up', or 'down'.
resample_filter = [1,1], # Resampling filter.
attention = False, # Include self-attention?
channels_per_head = 64, # Number of channels per attention head.
dropout = 0, # Dropout probability.
res_balance = 0.3, # Balance between main branch (0) and residual branch (1).
attn_balance = 0.3, # Balance between main branch (0) and self-attention (1).
clip_act = 256, # Clip output activations. None = do not clip.
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.flavor = flavor
self.resample_filter = resample_filter
self.resample_mode = resample_mode
self.num_heads = out_channels // channels_per_head if attention else 0
self.dropout = dropout
self.res_balance = res_balance
self.attn_balance = attn_balance
self.clip_act = clip_act
self.emb_gain = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([]))
self.conv_res0 = MPConv(out_channels if flavor == 'enc' else in_channels, out_channels, kernel=[3,3])
self.emb_linear = MPConv(emb_channels, out_channels, kernel=[])
self.conv_res1 = MPConv(out_channels, out_channels, kernel=[3,3])
self.conv_skip = MPConv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel=[1,1]) if in_channels != out_channels else None
self.attn_qkv = MPConv(out_channels, out_channels * 3, kernel=[1,1]) if self.num_heads != 0 else None
self.attn_proj = MPConv(out_channels, out_channels, kernel=[1,1]) if self.num_heads != 0 else None
def forward(self, x, emb):
# Main branch.
x = resample(x, f=self.resample_filter, mode=self.resample_mode)
if self.flavor == 'enc':
if self.conv_skip is not None:
x = self.conv_skip(x)
x = normalize(x, dim=1) # pixel norm
# Residual branch.
y = self.conv_res0(mp_silu(x))
c = self.emb_linear(emb, gain=self.emb_gain) + 1
y = mp_silu(y * c.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).to(y.dtype))
if self.training and self.dropout != 0:
y = torch.nn.functional.dropout(y, p=self.dropout)
y = self.conv_res1(y)
# Connect the branches.
if self.flavor == 'dec' and self.conv_skip is not None:
x = self.conv_skip(x)
x = mp_sum(x, y, t=self.res_balance)
# Self-attention.
# Note: torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention() could be used here,
# but we haven't done sufficient testing to verify that it produces identical results.
if self.num_heads != 0:
y = self.attn_qkv(x)
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0], self.num_heads, -1, 3, y.shape[2] * y.shape[3])
q, k, v = normalize(y, dim=2).unbind(3) # pixel norm & split
w = torch.einsum('nhcq,nhck->nhqk', q, k / np.sqrt(q.shape[2])).softmax(dim=3)
y = torch.einsum('nhqk,nhck->nhcq', w, v)
y = self.attn_proj(y.reshape(*x.shape))
x = mp_sum(x, y, t=self.attn_balance)
# Clip activations.
if self.clip_act is not None:
x = x.clip_(-self.clip_act, self.clip_act)
return x
# EDM2 U-Net model (Figure 21).
class UNet(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
img_resolution, # Image resolution.
img_channels, # Image channels.
label_dim, # Class label dimensionality. 0 = unconditional.
model_channels = 192, # Base multiplier for the number of channels.
channel_mult = [1,2,3,4], # Per-resolution multipliers for the number of channels.
channel_mult_noise = None, # Multiplier for noise embedding dimensionality. None = select based on channel_mult.
channel_mult_emb = None, # Multiplier for final embedding dimensionality. None = select based on channel_mult.
num_blocks = 3, # Number of residual blocks per resolution.
attn_resolutions = [16,8], # List of resolutions with self-attention.
label_balance = 0.5, # Balance between noise embedding (0) and class embedding (1).
concat_balance = 0.5, # Balance between skip connections (0) and main path (1).
**block_kwargs, # Arguments for Block.
cblock = [model_channels * x for x in channel_mult]
cnoise = model_channels * channel_mult_noise if channel_mult_noise is not None else cblock[0]
cemb = model_channels * channel_mult_emb if channel_mult_emb is not None else max(cblock)
self.label_balance = label_balance
self.concat_balance = concat_balance
self.out_gain = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([]))
# Embedding.
self.emb_fourier = MPFourier(cnoise)
self.emb_noise = MPConv(cnoise, cemb, kernel=[])
self.emb_label = MPConv(label_dim, cemb, kernel=[]) if label_dim != 0 else None
# Encoder.
self.enc = torch.nn.ModuleDict()
cout = img_channels + 1
for level, channels in enumerate(cblock):
res = img_resolution >> level
if level == 0:
cin = cout
cout = channels
self.enc[f'{res}x{res}_conv'] = MPConv(cin, cout, kernel=[3,3])
self.enc[f'{res}x{res}_down'] = Block(cout, cout, cemb, flavor='enc', resample_mode='down', **block_kwargs)
for idx in range(num_blocks):
cin = cout
cout = channels
self.enc[f'{res}x{res}_block{idx}'] = Block(cin, cout, cemb, flavor='enc', attention=(res in attn_resolutions), **block_kwargs)
# Decoder.
self.dec = torch.nn.ModuleDict()
skips = [block.out_channels for block in self.enc.values()]
for level, channels in reversed(list(enumerate(cblock))):
res = img_resolution >> level
if level == len(cblock) - 1:
self.dec[f'{res}x{res}_in0'] = Block(cout, cout, cemb, flavor='dec', attention=True, **block_kwargs)
self.dec[f'{res}x{res}_in1'] = Block(cout, cout, cemb, flavor='dec', **block_kwargs)
self.dec[f'{res}x{res}_up'] = Block(cout, cout, cemb, flavor='dec', resample_mode='up', **block_kwargs)
for idx in range(num_blocks + 1):
cin = cout + skips.pop()
cout = channels
self.dec[f'{res}x{res}_block{idx}'] = Block(cin, cout, cemb, flavor='dec', attention=(res in attn_resolutions), **block_kwargs)
self.out_conv = MPConv(cout, img_channels, kernel=[3,3])
def forward(self, x, noise_labels, class_labels):
# Embedding.
emb = self.emb_noise(self.emb_fourier(noise_labels))
if self.emb_label is not None:
emb = mp_sum(emb, self.emb_label(class_labels * np.sqrt(class_labels.shape[1])), t=self.label_balance)
emb = mp_silu(emb)
# Encoder.
x = torch.cat([x, torch.ones_like(x[:, :1])], dim=1)
skips = []
for name, block in self.enc.items():
x = block(x) if 'conv' in name else block(x, emb)
# Decoder.
for name, block in self.dec.items():
if 'block' in name:
x = mp_cat(x, skips.pop(), t=self.concat_balance)
x = block(x, emb)
x = self.out_conv(x, gain=self.out_gain)
return x
# Preconditioning and uncertainty estimation.
class Precond(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
img_resolution, # Image resolution.
img_channels, # Image channels.
label_dim, # Class label dimensionality. 0 = unconditional.
use_fp16 = True, # Run the model at FP16 precision?
sigma_data = 0.5, # Expected standard deviation of the training data.
logvar_channels = 128, # Intermediate dimensionality for uncertainty estimation.
**unet_kwargs, # Keyword arguments for UNet.
self.img_resolution = img_resolution
self.img_channels = img_channels
self.label_dim = label_dim
self.use_fp16 = use_fp16
self.sigma_data = sigma_data
self.unet = UNet(img_resolution=img_resolution, img_channels=img_channels, label_dim=label_dim, **unet_kwargs)
self.logvar_fourier = MPFourier(logvar_channels)
self.logvar_linear = MPConv(logvar_channels, 1, kernel=[])
def forward(self, x, sigma, class_labels=None, force_fp32=False, return_logvar=False, **unet_kwargs):
x = x.to(torch.float32)
sigma = sigma.to(torch.float32).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)
class_labels = None if self.label_dim == 0 else torch.zeros([1, self.label_dim], device=x.device) if class_labels is None else class_labels.to(torch.float32).reshape(-1, self.label_dim)
dtype = torch.float16 if (self.use_fp16 and not force_fp32 and x.device.type == 'cuda') else torch.float32
# Preconditioning weights.
c_skip = self.sigma_data ** 2 / (sigma ** 2 + self.sigma_data ** 2)
c_out = sigma * self.sigma_data / (sigma ** 2 + self.sigma_data ** 2).sqrt()
c_in = 1 / (self.sigma_data ** 2 + sigma ** 2).sqrt()
c_noise = sigma.flatten().log() / 4
# Run the model.
x_in = (c_in * x).to(dtype)
F_x = self.unet(x_in, c_noise, class_labels, **unet_kwargs)
D_x = c_skip * x + c_out * F_x.to(torch.float32)
# Estimate uncertainty if requested.
if return_logvar:
logvar = self.logvar_linear(self.logvar_fourier(c_noise)).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)
return D_x, logvar # u(sigma) in Equation 21
return D_x