import chromadb |
import posthog |
import torch |
from chromadb.config import Settings |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
from modules.logging_colors import logger |
logger.info('Intercepting all calls to posthog :)') |
posthog.capture = lambda *args, **kwargs: None |
class Collecter(): |
def __init__(self): |
pass |
def add(self, texts: list[str]): |
pass |
def get(self, search_strings: list[str], n_results: int) -> list[str]: |
pass |
def clear(self): |
pass |
class Embedder(): |
def __init__(self): |
pass |
def embed(self, text: str) -> list[torch.Tensor]: |
pass |
class ChromaCollector(Collecter): |
def __init__(self, embedder: Embedder): |
super().__init__() |
self.chroma_client = chromadb.Client(Settings(anonymized_telemetry=False)) |
self.embedder = embedder |
self.collection = self.chroma_client.create_collection(name="context", embedding_function=embedder.embed) |
self.ids = [] |
def add(self, texts: list[str]): |
if len(texts) == 0: |
return |
self.ids = [f"id{i}" for i in range(len(texts))] |
self.collection.add(documents=texts, ids=self.ids) |
def get_documents_ids_distances(self, search_strings: list[str], n_results: int): |
n_results = min(len(self.ids), n_results) |
if n_results == 0: |
return [], [], [] |
result = self.collection.query(query_texts=search_strings, n_results=n_results, include=['documents', 'distances']) |
documents = result['documents'][0] |
ids = list(map(lambda x: int(x[2:]), result['ids'][0])) |
distances = result['distances'][0] |
return documents, ids, distances |
def get(self, search_strings: list[str], n_results: int) -> list[str]: |
documents, _, _ = self.get_documents_ids_distances(search_strings, n_results) |
return documents |
def get_ids(self, search_strings: list[str], n_results: int) -> list[str]: |
_, ids, _ = self.get_documents_ids_distances(search_strings, n_results) |
return ids |
def get_sorted(self, search_strings: list[str], n_results: int) -> list[str]: |
documents, ids, _ = self.get_documents_ids_distances(search_strings, n_results) |
return [x for _, x in sorted(zip(ids, documents))] |
def apply_time_weight_to_distances(self, ids: list[int], distances: list[float], time_weight: float = 1.0) -> list[float]: |
if len(self.ids) <= 1: |
return distances.copy() |
return [distance * (1 - _id / (len(self.ids) - 1) * time_weight) for _id, distance in zip(ids, distances)] |
def get_ids_sorted(self, search_strings: list[str], n_results: int, n_initial: int = None, time_weight: float = 1.0) -> list[str]: |
do_time_weight = time_weight > 0 |
if not (do_time_weight and n_initial is not None): |
n_initial = n_results |
elif n_initial == -1: |
n_initial = len(self.ids) |
if n_initial < n_results: |
raise ValueError(f"n_initial {n_initial} should be >= n_results {n_results}") |
_, ids, distances = self.get_documents_ids_distances(search_strings, n_initial) |
if do_time_weight: |
distances_w = self.apply_time_weight_to_distances(ids, distances, time_weight=time_weight) |
results = zip(ids, distances, distances_w) |
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[2])[:n_results] |
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[0]) |
ids = [x[0] for x in results] |
return sorted(ids) |
def clear(self): |
self.collection.delete(ids=self.ids) |
self.ids = [] |
class SentenceTransformerEmbedder(Embedder): |
def __init__(self) -> None: |
self.model = SentenceTransformer("sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2") |
self.embed = self.model.encode |
def make_collector(): |
global embedder |
return ChromaCollector(embedder) |
def add_chunks_to_collector(chunks, collector): |
collector.clear() |
collector.add(chunks) |
embedder = SentenceTransformerEmbedder() |