import nltk #NLTK for natural language processing tasks from nltk.corpus import stopwords # list of stop word from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize # To tokenize each word from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer # For specific rules to transform words to their stems # Preprosessing data before indexing with open('scraper_results.json', 'r') as doc: # Initialize empty lists to store publication name, URL, author, and date pubName = [] pubURL = [] pubCUAuthor = [] pubDate = [] # Load the scraped results using ujson data_dict = ujson.loads(scraper_results) # Get the length of the data_dict (number of publications) array_length = len(data_dict) # Print the number of publications print(array_length) #Seperate name, url, date, author in different file for item in data_dict: pubName.append(item["name"]) pubURL.append(item["pub_url"]) pubCUAuthor.append(item["cu_author"]) pubDate.append(item["date"]) with open('pub_name.json', 'w') as f:ujson.dump(pubName, f) with open('pub_url.json', 'w') as f:ujson.dump(pubURL, f) with open('pub_cu_author.json', 'w') as f:ujson.dump(pubCUAuthor, f) with open('pub_date.json', 'w') as f: ujson.dump(pubDate, f) #Open a file with publication names in read mode with open('pub_name.json','r') as #Load JSON File pubName = ujson.loads(publication) #Downloading libraries to use its methods'stopwords')'punkt')'all') #Predefined stopwords in nltk are used stop_words = stopwords.words('english') stemmer = PorterStemmer() pub_list_first_stem = [] pub_list = [] pub_list_wo_sc = [] print(len(pubName)) for file in pubName: #Splitting strings to tokens(words) words = word_tokenize(file) stem_word = "" for i in words: if i.lower() not in stop_words: stem_word += stemmer.stem(i) + " " pub_list_first_stem.append(stem_word) pub_list.append(file) #Removing all below characters special_characters = '''!()-—[]{};:'"\, <>./?@#$%^&*_~0123456789+=’‘''' for file in pub_list: word_wo_sc = "" if len(file.split()) ==1 : pub_list_wo_sc.append(file) else: for a in file: if a in special_characters: word_wo_sc += ' ' else: word_wo_sc += a #print(word_wo_sc) pub_list_wo_sc.append(word_wo_sc) #Stemming Process pub_list_stem_wo_sw = [] for name in pub_list_wo_sc: words = word_tokenize(name) stem_word = "" for a in words: if a.lower() not in stop_words: stem_word += stemmer.stem(a) + ' ' pub_list_stem_wo_sw.append(stem_word.lower()) data_dict = {} #Inverted Index holder # Indexing process for a in range(len(pub_list_stem_wo_sw)): for b in pub_list_stem_wo_sw[a].split(): if b not in data_dict: data_dict[b] = [a] else: data_dict[b].append(a) # printing the lenght print(len(pub_list_wo_sc)) print(len(pub_list_stem_wo_sw)) print(len(pub_list_first_stem)) print(len(pub_list)) # with open('publication_list.json', 'w') as f: # ujson.dump(pub_list, f) with open('publication_list_stemmed.json', 'w') as f: ujson.dump(pub_list_first_stem, f) with open('publication_indexed_dictionary.json', 'w') as f: ujson.dump(data_dict, f)