# Tutorial Service Contributor: [Xin Cong](https://github.com/congxin95) # Tutorial Tool This tool provides a tutorial for a foundation model based on a given objective. ## Setup The tool is initialized with the following parameters: - **name_for_model**: "Tutorial" - **description_for_model**: "Plugin for providing tutorial for a given objective." - **logo_url**: "https://your-app-url.com/.well-known/logo.png" - **contact_email**: "xin.cong@outlook.com" - **legal_info_url**: "hello@legal.com" ## API Key The tool requires an API key from OpenAI. You can sign up for a free account at https://www.openai.com/, create a new API key, and add it to environment variables. ## Endpoint The tool provides the following endpoint: - **/tutorial**: Provide a TODO list as a tutorial for the foundation model based on the given objective. The input should be a text string representing the objective. ## Function Description - **tutorial(text: str) -> str**: This function provides a TODO list as a tutorial for the foundation model based on the given objective. The text should be a string representing the objective. The function returns a TODO list as a tutorial.