[{"sql": "SELECT o_clerk FROM orders WHERE o_clerk < 'Clerk#000000377' AND o_shippriority = 0 AND o_orderstatus <> 'P' ORDER BY o_clerk DESC", "res_cnt": 548984, "execution_time": 7.67071008682251, "text": "Retrieve the clerk names from the orders table where the clerk name is less than 'Clerk#000000377', the ship priority is 0, and the order status is not 'P', and sort the results in descending order based on the clerk name."}, {"sql": "SELECT MIN(l_orderkey) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_comment ORDER BY l_comment ASC", "res_cnt": 34378943, "execution_time": 606.0404827594757, "text": "Find the minimum value of the \"l_orderkey\" column from the \"lineitem\" table, grouped by the values in the \"l_comment\" column, and sort the result in ascending order based on the values in the \"l_comment\" column."}, {"sql": "SELECT s_comment FROM supplier WHERE s_nationkey >= 6 ORDER BY s_comment ASC", "res_cnt": 76084, "execution_time": 2.5723021030426025, "text": "Retrieve the comments of suppliers whose nation key is greater than or equal to 6, and sort the results in ascending order based on the comments."}, {"sql": "SELECT ps_supplycost FROM partsupp WHERE ps_availqty <> 5628", "res_cnt": 7999236, "execution_time": 40.69241118431091, "text": "Retrieve the supply cost from the \"partsupp\" table where the available quantity is not equal to 5628."}, {"sql": "SELECT MIN(l_shipdate) FROM lineitem WHERE l_shipinstruct >= 'TAKE BACK RETURN' GROUP BY l_commitdate ORDER BY l_commitdate ASC", "res_cnt": 2466, "execution_time": 83.76757621765137, "text": "Find the earliest shipment date (minimum l_shipdate) for each unique l_commitdate where the shipping instruction is 'TAKE BACK RETURN', and sort the results by l_commitdate in ascending order."}, {"sql": "SELECT MIN(p_type) FROM part WHERE p_container <> 'SM DRUM' GROUP BY p_partkey ORDER BY MIN(p_type) ASC", "res_cnt": 1949902, "execution_time": 26.379438877105713, "text": "Find the minimum value of the column \"p_type\" from the table \"part\" for each unique value in the column \"p_partkey\", but only for rows where the value in the column \"p_container\" is not equal to 'SM DRUM', and sort the results in ascending order based on the minimum value of \"p_type\"."}, {"sql": "SELECT l_suppkey FROM lineitem WHERE l_linenumber <> 1", "res_cnt": 44986052, "execution_time": 262.93306398391724, "text": "Retrieve the supplier keys from the \"lineitem\" table where the line number is not equal to 1."}, {"sql": "SELECT l_shipinstruct FROM lineitem WHERE l_linestatus > 'F' AND l_receiptdate >= '1994-07-02' AND l_tax < 0.04 AND l_returnflag > 'A' ORDER BY l_shipinstruct ASC", "res_cnt": 13322500, "execution_time": 286.6735632419586, "text": "Retrieve the shipping instructions from the lineitem table where the linestatus is greater than 'F', the receipt date is on or after '1994-07-02', the tax is less than 0.04, and the return flag is greater than 'A', and sort the results in ascending order based on the shipping instructions."}, {"sql": "SELECT l_shipdate FROM lineitem WHERE l_shipdate <= '1996-11-15' AND l_shipmode = 'RAIL' AND l_receiptdate < '1994-07-31'", "res_cnt": 3083223, "execution_time": 83.14104127883911, "text": "Retrieve the shipment date from the lineitem table where the shipment date is on or before November 15th, 1996, the shipment mode is 'RAIL', and the receipt date is before July 31st, 1994."}, {"sql": "SELECT ps_suppkey, SUM(ps_partkey), AVG(ps_availqty), SUM(ps_supplycost) FROM partsupp WHERE ps_partkey < 73880 AND ps_availqty <> 9160 AND ps_supplycost < 892.65 GROUP BY ps_suppkey ORDER BY AVG(ps_availqty) ASC", "res_cnt": 99828, "execution_time": 4.685328960418701, "text": "Retrieve the supplier key, the sum of part keys, the average available quantity, and the sum of supply costs from the PartsSupp table where the part key is less than 73880, the available quantity is not equal to 9160, and the supply cost is less than 892.65. Group the results by supplier key and sort them in ascending order based on the average available quantity."}, {"sql": "SELECT c_phone FROM customer WHERE c_custkey < 73501 AND c_nationkey <= 23", "res_cnt": 70506, "execution_time": 5.223631858825684, "text": "Retrieve the phone numbers of customers whose customer key is less than 73501 and whose nation key is less than or equal to 23 from the \"customer\" table."}, {"sql": "SELECT MIN(s_name) FROM supplier WHERE s_address > 'pIXH,lXMVPMknhTIXb4owWLtOvOmsdb' GROUP BY s_name HAVING MIN(s_name) > 'Supplier#000003443'", "res_cnt": 32766, "execution_time": 1.8696420192718506, "text": "Retrieve the minimum value of the column \"s_name\" from the table \"supplier\" for those records where the value in the column \"s_address\" is greater than 'pIXH,lXMVPMknhTIXb4owWLtOvOmsdb', group the results by the column \"s_name\", and only include those groups where the minimum value of the column \"s_name\" is greater than 'Supplier#000003443'."}]