# Query Wolframalpha Service Contributor [Shengding Hu](https://github.com/shengdinghu) You can get the API keys from https://products.wolframalpha.com/api/ # Wolfram Tool This tool provides dynamic computation and curated data from WolframAlpha and Wolfram Cloud. ## Setup The tool is initialized with the following parameters: - **name_for_model**: "Wolfram" - **description_for_model**: "Dynamic computation and curated data from WolframAlpha and Wolfram Cloud." - **logo_url**: "https://www.wolframcdn.com/images/icons/Wolfram.png" - **contact_email**: "hello@contact.com" - **legal_info_url**: "hello@legal.com" ## Endpoint The tool provides the following endpoint: - **/getWolframAlphaResults**: Get Wolfram|Alpha results using a natural query. ## Function Description - **getWolframAlphaResults(input: str) -> dict**: This function gets Wolfram|Alpha results using a natural query. The input should be a string. The function returns a dictionary containing the results. Note that queries to getWolframAlphaResults must ALWAYS have this structure: {"input": query}. Please directly read the output JSON.