import torch import pickle from transformers import AutoTokenizer , DistilBertForSequenceClassification , CamembertForSequenceClassification from transformers import BatchEncoding, PreTrainedTokenizerBase from typing import Optional from torch import Tensor import numpy as np from random import shuffle from Model import BERT from FrModel import FR_BERT from Model import tokenizer , mult_token_id , cls_token_id , pad_token_id , max_pred , maxlen , sep_token_id from FrModel import fr_tokenizer , fr_mult_token_id , fr_cls_token_id , fr_pad_token_id , fr_sep_token_id from transformers import pipeline from transformers import AutoModelForCTC, Wav2Vec2Processor import torchaudio import logging import soundfile as sf device = "cpu" # Load the model def load_models(): print("Loading DistilBERT model...") model = DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("DistillMDPI1/DistillMDPI1/saved_model") print("Loading BERT model...") neptune = BERT() device = "cpu" model_save_path = "Neptune/Neptune/" neptune.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) print("Loading speech recognition pipeline...") pipe = pipeline( "automatic-speech-recognition", model="openai/whisper-tiny.en", chunk_length_s=30, device=device, ) print(pipe) # Charger le label encoder with open("DistillMDPI1/DistillMDPI1/label_encoder.pkl", "rb") as f: label_encoder = pickle.load(f) return model, neptune, pipe def load_fr_models(): print("Loading Camembert model") fr_model = CamembertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("Camembert/Camembert/saved_model") print("Loading BERT model...") fr_neptune = FR_BERT() device = "cpu" model_save_path = "fr_neptune/fr_neptune/" fr_neptune.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) print("Loading Wav2Vec2 model for French...") wav2vec2_processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("bhuang/asr-wav2vec2-french") wav2vec2_model = AutoModelForCTC.from_pretrained("bhuang/asr-wav2vec2-french").to(device) return fr_model, fr_neptune, wav2vec2_processor, wav2vec2_model fr_class_labels = {0: ('Physics', 'primary', '#478ce6'), 1: ('AI','cyan', '#0dcaf0'), 2: ('economies', 'warning' , '#f7c32e'), 3: ('environments','success' , '#0cbc87'), 4: ('sports', 'orange', '#fd7e14')} class_labels = { 16: ('vehicles','info' , '#4f9ef8'), 10: ('environments','success' , '#0cbc87'), 9: ('energies', 'danger', '#d6293e'), 0: ('Physics', 'primary', '#0f6fec'), 13: ('robotics', 'moss','#B1E5F2'), 3: ('agriculture','agri' , '#a8c686'), 11: ('ML', 'yellow', '#ffc107'), 8: ('economies', 'warning' , '#f7c32e'), 15: ('technologies','vanila' ,'#FDF0D5' ), 12: ('mathematics','coffe' ,'#7f5539' ), 14: ('sports', 'orange', '#fd7e14'), 4: ('AI','cyan', '#0dcaf0'), 6: ('Innovation','rosy' ,'#BF98A0'), 5: ('Science','picton' ,'#5fa8d3' ), 1: ('Societies','purple' , '#6f42c1'), 2: ('administration','pink', '#d63384'), 7: ('biology' ,'cambridge' , '#88aa99')} def predict_class(text , model): # Tokenisation du texte inputs = transform_list_of_texts(text, tokenizer, 510, 510, 1, 2550) # Extraire le tenseur de la liste input_ids_tensor = inputs["input_ids"][0] attention_mask_tensor = inputs["attention_mask"][0] # Passage du texte à travers le modèle with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids_tensor, attention_mask=attention_mask_tensor) # Application de la fonction softmax probabilities = torch.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=1)[0] # Identification de la classe majoritaire predicted_class_index = torch.argmax(probabilities).item() predicted_class = class_labels[predicted_class_index] # Créer un dictionnaire de pourcentages trié par probabilité sorted_percentages = {class_labels[idx]: probabilities[idx].item() * 100 for idx in range(len(class_labels))} sorted_percentages = dict(sorted(sorted_percentages.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)) return predicted_class, sorted_percentages def transform_list_of_texts( texts: list[str], tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, maximal_text_length: Optional[int] = None, ) -> BatchEncoding: model_inputs = [ transform_single_text(text, tokenizer, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length, maximal_text_length) for text in texts ] input_ids = [model_input[0] for model_input in model_inputs] attention_mask = [model_input[1] for model_input in model_inputs] tokens = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask} return BatchEncoding(tokens) def transform_single_text( text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, maximal_text_length: Optional[int], ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Transforms (the entire) text to model input of BERT model.""" if maximal_text_length: tokens = tokenize_text_with_truncation(text, tokenizer, maximal_text_length) else: tokens = tokenize_whole_text(text, tokenizer) input_id_chunks, mask_chunks = split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks(tokens, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length) add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) add_padding_tokens(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks , chunk_size) input_ids, attention_mask = stack_tokens_from_all_chunks(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) return input_ids, attention_mask def tokenize_whole_text(text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase) -> BatchEncoding: """Tokenizes the entire text without truncation and without special tokens.""" tokens = tokenizer(text, add_special_tokens=False, truncation=False, return_tensors="pt") return tokens def tokenize_text_with_truncation( text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, maximal_text_length: int ) -> BatchEncoding: """Tokenizes the text with truncation to maximal_text_length and without special tokens.""" tokens = tokenizer( text, add_special_tokens=False, max_length=maximal_text_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt" ) return tokens def split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks( tokens: BatchEncoding, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, ) -> tuple[list[Tensor], list[Tensor]]: """Splits tokens into overlapping chunks with given size and stride.""" input_id_chunks = split_overlapping(tokens["input_ids"][0], chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length) mask_chunks = split_overlapping(tokens["attention_mask"][0], chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length) return input_id_chunks, mask_chunks def add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> None: """ Adds special CLS token (token id = 101) at the beginning. Adds SEP token (token id = 102) at the end of each chunk. Adds corresponding attention masks equal to 1 (attention mask is boolean). """ for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)): # adding CLS (token id 101) and SEP (token id 102) tokens input_id_chunks[i] =[Tensor([101]), input_id_chunks[i], Tensor([102])]) # adding attention masks corresponding to special tokens mask_chunks[i] =[Tensor([1]), mask_chunks[i], Tensor([1])]) def add_padding_tokens(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor] , chunk_size) -> None: """Adds padding tokens (token id = 0) at the end to make sure that all chunks have exactly 512 tokens.""" for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)): # get required padding length pad_len = chunk_size + 2 - input_id_chunks[i].shape[0] # check if tensor length satisfies required chunk size if pad_len > 0: # if padding length is more than 0, we must add padding input_id_chunks[i] =[input_id_chunks[i], Tensor([0] * pad_len)]) mask_chunks[i] =[mask_chunks[i], Tensor([0] * pad_len)]) def stack_tokens_from_all_chunks(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Reshapes data to a form compatible with BERT model input.""" input_ids = torch.stack(input_id_chunks) attention_mask = torch.stack(mask_chunks) return input_ids.long(), def split_overlapping(tensor: Tensor, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int) -> list[Tensor]: """Helper function for dividing 1-dimensional tensors into overlapping chunks.""" result = [tensor[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(tensor), stride)] if len(result) > 1: # ignore chunks with less than minimal_length number of tokens result = [x for x in result if len(x) >= minimal_chunk_length] return result ## Voice part def stack_tokens_from_all_chunks_for_inference(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Reshapes data to a form compatible with BERT model input.""" input_ids = torch.stack(input_id_chunks) attention_mask = torch.stack(mask_chunks) return input_ids.long(), def transform_for_inference_text(text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, maximal_text_length: Optional[int],) -> BatchEncoding: if maximal_text_length: tokens = tokenize_text_with_truncation(text, tokenizer, maximal_text_length) else: tokens = tokenize_whole_text(text, tokenizer) input_id_chunks, mask_chunks = split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks(tokens, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length) add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end_inference(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) add_padding_tokens_inference(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks, chunk_size) input_ids, attention_mask = stack_tokens_from_all_chunks_for_inference(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) return {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask} def add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end_inference(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> None: """ Adds special MULT token, CLS token at the beginning. Adds SEP token at the end of each chunk. Adds corresponding attention masks equal to 1 (attention mask is boolean). """ for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)): # adding MULT, CLS, and SEP tokens input_id_chunks[i] =[input_id_chunks[i]]) # adding attention masks corresponding to special tokens mask_chunks[i] =[mask_chunks[i]]) def add_padding_tokens_inference(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor], chunk_size: int) -> None: """Adds padding tokens at the end to make sure that all chunks have exactly chunk_size tokens.""" pad_token_id = 0 # Assuming this is defined somewhere in your code for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)): # get required padding length pad_len = chunk_size - input_id_chunks[i].shape[0] # check if tensor length satisfies required chunk size if pad_len > 0: # if padding length is more than 0, we must add padding input_id_chunks[i] =[input_id_chunks[i], torch.tensor([pad_token_id] * pad_len)]) mask_chunks[i] =[mask_chunks[i], torch.tensor([0] * pad_len)]) def prepare_text(tokens_splitted: BatchEncoding): batch = [] sentences = [] input_ids_list = tokens_splitted['input_ids'] for i in range(0, len(input_ids_list), 2): # Adjust loop to stop at second last index k = i + 1 if k == len(input_ids_list): input_ids_a = input_ids_list[i] input_ids_a = [token for token in input_ids_a.view(-1).tolist() if token != pad_token_id] input_ids_b = [] input_ids = [cls_token_id] + [mult_token_id] + input_ids_a + [sep_token_id] + [mult_token_id] + input_ids_b + [sep_token_id] text_input_a = tokenizer.decode(input_ids_a) sentences.append(text_input_a) segment_ids = [0] * (1 + 1 + len(input_ids_a) + 1) + [1] * (1 + len(input_ids_b) + 1) # MASK LM n_pred = min(max_pred, max(1, int(round(len(input_ids) * 0.15)))) cand_masked_pos = [idx for idx, token in enumerate(input_ids) if token not in [cls_token_id, sep_token_id, mult_token_id]] shuffle(cand_masked_pos) masked_tokens, masked_pos = [], [] for pos in cand_masked_pos[:n_pred]: masked_pos.append(pos) masked_tokens.append(input_ids[pos]) input_ids[pos] = tokenizer.mask_token_id # Zero Padding n_pad = maxlen - len(input_ids) input_ids.extend([pad_token_id] * n_pad) segment_ids.extend([0] * n_pad) # Zero Padding for masked tokens if max_pred > n_pred: n_pad = max_pred - n_pred masked_tokens.extend([0] * n_pad) masked_pos.extend([0] * n_pad) else: input_ids_a = input_ids_list[i] # Correct the indexing here input_ids_b = input_ids_list[k] # Correct the indexing here input_ids_a = [token for token in input_ids_a.view(-1).tolist() if token != pad_token_id] input_ids_b = [token for token in input_ids_b.view(-1).tolist() if token != pad_token_id] input_ids = [cls_token_id] + [mult_token_id] + input_ids_a + [sep_token_id] + [mult_token_id] + input_ids_b + [sep_token_id] segment_ids = [0] * (1 + 1 + len(input_ids_a) + 1) + [1] * (1 + len(input_ids_b) + 1) text_input_a = tokenizer.decode(input_ids_a) text_input_b = tokenizer.decode(input_ids_b) sentences.append(text_input_a) sentences.append(text_input_b) # MASK LM n_pred = min(max_pred, max(1, int(round(len(input_ids) * 0.15)))) cand_masked_pos = [idx for idx, token in enumerate(input_ids) if token not in [cls_token_id, sep_token_id, mult_token_id]] shuffle(cand_masked_pos) masked_tokens, masked_pos = [], [] for pos in cand_masked_pos[:n_pred]: masked_pos.append(pos) masked_tokens.append(input_ids[pos]) input_ids[pos] = tokenizer.mask_token_id # Zero Padding n_pad = maxlen - len(input_ids) input_ids.extend([pad_token_id] * n_pad) segment_ids.extend([0] * n_pad) # Zero Padding for masked tokens if max_pred > n_pred: n_pad = max_pred - n_pred masked_tokens.extend([0] * n_pad) masked_pos.extend([0] * n_pad) batch.append([input_ids, segment_ids, masked_pos]) return batch, sentences def inference(text: str): encoded_text = transform_for_inference_text(text, tokenizer, 125, 125, 1, 2550) batch, sentences = prepare_text(encoded_text) return batch, sentences def predict(inference_batch,neptune , device = device): all_preds_mult1 = [] neptune.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for batch in inference_batch: input_ids = torch.tensor(batch[0], device=device, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0) segment_ids = torch.tensor(batch[1], device=device, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0) masked_pos = torch.tensor(batch[2], device=device, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0) _, _, logits_mclsf1, logits_mclsf2 = neptune(input_ids, segment_ids, masked_pos) preds_mult1 = torch.argmax(logits_mclsf1, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() preds_mult2 = torch.argmax(logits_mclsf2, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() all_preds_mult1.extend(preds_mult1) all_preds_mult1.extend(preds_mult2) return all_preds_mult1 def align_predictions_with_sentences(sentences, preds): dc = {} # Initialize an empty dictionary for sentence, pred in zip(sentences, preds): # Iterate through sentences and predictions dc[sentence] = class_labels.get(pred, "Unknown") # Look up the label for each prediction return dc #### FRENCH PREPROCESSING #### def predict_fr_class(text , model): # Tokenisation du texte inputs = transform_list_of_fr_texts(text, fr_tokenizer, 126, 30, 1, 2550) # Extraire le tenseur de la liste input_ids_tensor = inputs["input_ids"][0] attention_mask_tensor = inputs["attention_mask"][0] # Passage du texte à travers le modèle with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids_tensor, attention_mask=attention_mask_tensor) # Application de la fonction softmax probabilities = torch.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=1)[0] # Identification de la classe majoritaire predicted_class_index = torch.argmax(probabilities).item() predicted_class = fr_class_labels[predicted_class_index] # Créer un dictionnaire de pourcentages trié par probabilité sorted_percentages = {fr_class_labels[idx]: probabilities[idx].item() * 100 for idx in range(len(fr_class_labels))} sorted_percentages = dict(sorted(sorted_percentages.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)) return predicted_class, sorted_percentages def prepare_fr_text(tokens_splitted: BatchEncoding): batch = [] sentences = [] input_ids_list = tokens_splitted['input_ids'] for i in range(0, len(input_ids_list), 2): # Adjust loop to stop at second last index k = i + 1 if k == len(input_ids_list): input_ids_a = input_ids_list[i] input_ids_a = [token for token in input_ids_a.view(-1).tolist() if token != pad_token_id] input_ids_b = [] input_ids = [fr_cls_token_id] + [fr_mult_token_id] + input_ids_a + [fr_sep_token_id] + [fr_mult_token_id] + input_ids_b + [fr_sep_token_id] text_input_a = fr_tokenizer.decode(input_ids_a , skip_special_tokens=True) sentences.append(text_input_a) segment_ids = [0] * (1 + 1 + len(input_ids_a) + 1) + [1] * (1 + len(input_ids_b) + 1) # MASK LM n_pred = min(max_pred, max(1, int(round(len(input_ids) * 0.15)))) cand_masked_pos = [idx for idx, token in enumerate(input_ids) if token not in [fr_cls_token_id, fr_sep_token_id, fr_mult_token_id]] shuffle(cand_masked_pos) masked_tokens, masked_pos = [], [] for pos in cand_masked_pos[:n_pred]: masked_pos.append(pos) masked_tokens.append(input_ids[pos]) input_ids[pos] = fr_tokenizer.mask_token_id # Zero Padding n_pad = maxlen - len(input_ids) input_ids.extend([fr_pad_token_id] * n_pad) segment_ids.extend([0] * n_pad) # Zero Padding for masked tokens if max_pred > n_pred: n_pad = max_pred - n_pred masked_tokens.extend([0] * n_pad) masked_pos.extend([0] * n_pad) else: input_ids_a = input_ids_list[i] # Correct the indexing here input_ids_b = input_ids_list[k] # Correct the indexing here input_ids_a = [token for token in input_ids_a.view(-1).tolist() if token != pad_token_id] input_ids_b = [token for token in input_ids_b.view(-1).tolist() if token != pad_token_id] input_ids = [fr_cls_token_id] + [fr_mult_token_id] + input_ids_a + [fr_sep_token_id] + [fr_mult_token_id] + input_ids_b + [fr_sep_token_id] segment_ids = [0] * (1 + 1 + len(input_ids_a) + 1) + [1] * (1 + len(input_ids_b) + 1) text_input_a = fr_tokenizer.decode(input_ids_a , skip_special_tokens=True) text_input_b = fr_tokenizer.decode(input_ids_b, skip_special_tokens=True) sentences.append(text_input_a) sentences.append(text_input_b) # MASK LM n_pred = min(max_pred, max(1, int(round(len(input_ids) * 0.15)))) cand_masked_pos = [idx for idx, token in enumerate(input_ids) if token not in [fr_cls_token_id, fr_sep_token_id, fr_mult_token_id]] shuffle(cand_masked_pos) masked_tokens, masked_pos = [], [] for pos in cand_masked_pos[:n_pred]: masked_pos.append(pos) masked_tokens.append(input_ids[pos]) input_ids[pos] = fr_tokenizer.mask_token_id # Zero Padding n_pad = maxlen - len(input_ids) input_ids.extend([fr_pad_token_id] * n_pad) segment_ids.extend([0] * n_pad) # Zero Padding for masked tokens if max_pred > n_pred: n_pad = max_pred - n_pred masked_tokens.extend([0] * n_pad) masked_pos.extend([0] * n_pad) batch.append([input_ids, segment_ids, masked_pos]) return batch, sentences def fr_inference(text: str): encoded_text = transform_for_inference_fr_text(text, fr_tokenizer, 125, 125, 1, 2550) batch, sentences = prepare_fr_text(encoded_text) return batch, sentences def align_fr_predictions_with_sentences(sentences, preds): dc = {} # Initialize an empty dictionary for sentence, pred in zip(sentences, preds): # Iterate through sentences and predictions dc[sentence] = fr_class_labels.get(pred, "Unknown") # Look up the label for each prediction return dc def transform_for_inference_fr_text(text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, maximal_text_length: Optional[int],) -> BatchEncoding: if maximal_text_length: tokens = tokenize_text_with_truncation(text, tokenizer, maximal_text_length) else: tokens = tokenize_whole_text(text, tokenizer) input_id_chunks, mask_chunks = split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks(tokens, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length) add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end_inference(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) add_padding_fr_tokens_inference(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks, chunk_size) input_ids, attention_mask = stack_tokens_from_all_chunks_for_inference(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) return {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask} def add_padding_fr_tokens_inference(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor], chunk_size: int) -> None: """Adds padding tokens at the end to make sure that all chunks have exactly chunk_size tokens.""" pad_token_id = 1 # Assuming this is defined somewhere in your code for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)): # get required padding length pad_len = chunk_size - input_id_chunks[i].shape[0] # check if tensor length satisfies required chunk size if pad_len > 0: # if padding length is more than 0, we must add padding input_id_chunks[i] =[input_id_chunks[i], torch.tensor([pad_token_id] * pad_len)]) mask_chunks[i] =[mask_chunks[i], torch.tensor([0] * pad_len)]) def transform_list_of_fr_texts( texts: list[str], tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, maximal_text_length: Optional[int] = None, ) -> BatchEncoding: model_inputs = [ transform_single_fr_text(text, tokenizer, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length, maximal_text_length) for text in texts ] input_ids = [model_input[0] for model_input in model_inputs] attention_mask = [model_input[1] for model_input in model_inputs] tokens = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask} return BatchEncoding(tokens) def transform_single_fr_text( text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int, maximal_text_length: Optional[int], ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Transforms (the entire) text to model input of BERT model.""" if maximal_text_length: tokens = tokenize_text_with_truncation(text, tokenizer, maximal_text_length) else: tokens = tokenize_whole_text(text, tokenizer) input_id_chunks, mask_chunks = split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks(tokens, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length) add_fr_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) add_padding_tokens(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks , chunk_size) input_ids, attention_mask = stack_tokens_from_all_chunks(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks) return input_ids, attention_mask def add_fr_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> None: """ Adds special CLS token (token id = 101) at the beginning. Adds SEP token (token id = 102) at the end of each chunk. Adds corresponding attention masks equal to 1 (attention mask is boolean). """ for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)): # adding CLS (token id 101) and SEP (token id 102) tokens input_id_chunks[i] =[Tensor([5]), input_id_chunks[i], Tensor([6])]) # adding attention masks corresponding to special tokens mask_chunks[i] =[Tensor([1]), mask_chunks[i], Tensor([1])]) def transcribe_speech(audio_path, wav2vec2_processor, wav2vec2_model):"Starting transcription of {audio_path}") try: # Try loading with torchaudio first waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(audio_path) waveform = waveform.squeeze().numpy()"Audio loaded with torchaudio. Shape: {waveform.shape}, Sample rate: {sample_rate}") except Exception as e: logging.warning(f"torchaudio failed to load the audio. Trying with soundfile. Error: {str(e)}") try: # If torchaudio fails, try with soundfile waveform, sample_rate = waveform = torch.from_numpy(waveform).float()"Audio loaded with soundfile. Shape: {waveform.shape}, Sample rate: {sample_rate}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Both torchaudio and soundfile failed to load the audio. Error: {str(e)}") raise ValueError("Unable to load the audio file.") # Ensure waveform is 1D if waveform.ndim > 1: waveform = np.mean(waveform, axis=0) # Changed from axis=1 to axis=0"Waveform reduced to 1D. New shape: {waveform.shape}") # Resample if necessary if sample_rate != wav2vec2_processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate: resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(sample_rate, wav2vec2_processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate) waveform = resampler(torch.from_numpy(waveform).float())"Audio resampled to {wav2vec2_processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate}Hz") # Normalize try: input_values = wav2vec2_processor(waveform, sampling_rate=wav2vec2_processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt").input_values"Input values shape after processing: {input_values.shape}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error during audio processing: {str(e)}") raise # Ensure input_values is 2D (batch_size, sequence_length) input_values = input_values.squeeze() if input_values.dim() == 0: # If it's a scalar, unsqueeze twice input_values = input_values.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) elif input_values.dim() == 1: # If it's 1D, unsqueeze once input_values = input_values.unsqueeze(0)"Final input values shape: {input_values.shape}") try: with torch.inference_mode(): logits = wav2vec2_model("Model inference successful. Logits shape: {logits.shape}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error during model inference: {str(e)}") raise predicted_ids = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1) predicted_sentence = wav2vec2_processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids)"Transcription complete. Result: {predicted_sentence[0]}") return predicted_sentence[0]