Build error
Build error
static const llama_vocab * vocab; | |
static bool match_string(const std::string & input, llama_sampler * grammar) { | |
llama_sampler_reset(grammar); | |
auto tokens = common_tokenize(vocab, input, false, false); | |
auto n_vocab = llama_vocab_n_tokens(vocab); | |
std::vector<llama_token_data> cur; | |
cur.reserve(n_vocab); | |
for (llama_token token_id = 0; token_id < (llama_token) n_vocab; token_id++) { | |
cur.emplace_back(llama_token_data{ token_id, 0.0f, 0.0f }); | |
} | |
auto tok_arr = llama_token_data_array{, cur.size(), -1, false }; | |
for (const auto token : tokens) { | |
for (llama_token token_id = 0; token_id < (llama_token) n_vocab; token_id++) { | |
cur[token_id].logit = 0.0f; | |
} | |
llama_sampler_apply(grammar, &tok_arr); | |
if (cur[token].logit < 0.0f) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
llama_sampler_accept(grammar, token); | |
} | |
// do we allow EOS at the end? if so the grammar is accepting | |
auto tok_eos = llama_vocab_eot(vocab); | |
if (tok_eos == LLAMA_TOKEN_NULL) { | |
tok_eos = llama_vocab_eos(vocab); | |
} | |
cur[tok_eos].logit = 0.0f; | |
llama_sampler_apply(grammar, &tok_arr); | |
return cur[tok_eos].logit >= 0.0f; | |
} | |
static void test(const std::string & test_desc, const std::string & grammar_str, | |
const std::vector<std::string> & passing_strings, const std::vector<std::string> & failing_strings) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "⚫ Testing %s\n%s\n", test_desc.c_str(), grammar_str.c_str()); | |
fflush(stderr); | |
auto * grammar = llama_sampler_init_llg(vocab, "lark", grammar_str.c_str()); | |
fprintf(stderr, " 🔵 Valid strings:\n"); | |
// Passing strings | |
for (const auto & test_string : passing_strings) { | |
fprintf(stderr, " \"%s\" ", test_string.c_str()); | |
fflush(stderr); | |
bool matched = match_string(test_string, grammar); | |
if (!matched) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "❌ (failed to match)\n"); | |
// DEBUG: Write strings to files so that we can analyze more easily with gbnf-validator program to see exactly where things failed. | |
// DEBUG: Write the grammar_str to test-grammar-integration.grammar.gbnf | |
FILE * grammar_file = fopen("test-grammar-integration.grammar.gbnf", "w"); | |
if (grammar_file) { | |
fprintf(grammar_file, "%s", grammar_str.c_str()); | |
fclose(grammar_file); | |
} | |
// DEBUG: Write the test string to test-grammar-integration.string.txt | |
FILE * string_file = fopen("test-grammar-integration.string.txt", "w"); | |
if (string_file) { | |
fprintf(string_file, "%s", test_string.c_str()); | |
fclose(string_file); | |
} | |
fprintf(stderr, | |
"\n NOTE: Debug grammar file generated. To analyze this failure in detail, run the following " | |
"command: ./llama-gbnf-validator test-grammar-integration.grammar.gbnf " | |
"test-grammar-integration.string.txt\n\n"); | |
} else { | |
fprintf(stdout, "✅︎\n"); | |
} | |
assert(matched); | |
} | |
fprintf(stderr, " 🟠 Invalid strings:\n"); | |
// Failing strings | |
for (const auto & test_string : failing_strings) { | |
fprintf(stderr, " \"%s\" ", test_string.c_str()); | |
fflush(stderr); | |
bool matched = match_string(test_string, grammar); | |
if (matched) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "❌ (incorrectly matched)\n"); | |
} else { | |
fprintf(stdout, "✅︎\n"); | |
} | |
assert(!matched); | |
} | |
llama_sampler_free(grammar); | |
} | |
static void test_grammar(const std::string & test_desc, const std::string & grammar_str, | |
const std::vector<std::string> & passing_strings, | |
const std::vector<std::string> & failing_strings) { | |
test(test_desc + ". Grammar: " + grammar_str, grammar_str, passing_strings, failing_strings); | |
} | |
static void test_schema(const std::string & test_desc, const std::string & schema_str, | |
const std::vector<std::string> & passing_strings, | |
const std::vector<std::string> & failing_strings) { | |
test(test_desc + ". Schema: " + schema_str, "%llguidance {}\nstart: %json " + schema_str, passing_strings, | |
failing_strings); | |
} | |
static void test_simple_grammar() { | |
test_schema("min 0", | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": 0 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"0", | |
"10", | |
"12", | |
"10000", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"-1", | |
"-10", | |
"-10000", | |
"-100000000000000000000000000000000", | |
// "100000000000000000000000000000000", | |
"00", | |
"01", | |
"-0", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min 2", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": 2 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"2", | |
"3", | |
"4", | |
"10", | |
"20", | |
"1234567890000000", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"0", "1", "-1", "-100", "0", "1", "01", "02", | |
// "12345678900000000", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min 456", | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": 456 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"456", | |
"4560", | |
"457", | |
"460", | |
"500", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"455", | |
"356", | |
"50", | |
"050", | |
"-1", | |
"-456", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min -123", | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": -123 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"-123", | |
"-122", | |
"-11", | |
"-1", | |
"0", | |
"1", | |
"123", | |
"1234", | |
"2345", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"-1234", | |
"-124", | |
}); | |
test_schema("max 9999", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"maximum": 9999 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"-99999", | |
"0", | |
"9999", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"10000", | |
"99991", | |
}); | |
test_schema("max -9999", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"maximum": -9999 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"-10000", | |
"-9999", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"-9998", | |
"0", | |
"9999", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min 5 max 30", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": 5, | |
"maximum": 30 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"5", | |
"10", | |
"30", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"05", | |
"4", | |
"-1", | |
"31", | |
"123", | |
"0123", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min -1 max 1", | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": -1, | |
"maximum": 1 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"-1", | |
"0", | |
"1", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"-11", | |
"-10", | |
"-2", | |
"2", | |
"10", | |
"11", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min -123 max 42", | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"minimum": -123, | |
"maximum": 42 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"-123", | |
"-122", | |
"-13", | |
"-11", | |
"-2", | |
"-1", | |
"0", | |
"1", | |
"5", | |
"10", | |
"39", | |
"40", | |
"42", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"-0123", | |
"-124", | |
"-1123", | |
"-200", | |
"43", | |
"123", | |
"0123", | |
}); | |
test_schema("exclusive min / max", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer", | |
"exclusiveMinimum": 0, | |
"exclusiveMaximum": 10000 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"1", | |
"9999", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"0", | |
"01", | |
"10000", | |
"99999", | |
}); | |
// Test case for a simple grammar | |
test_grammar("simple grammar", | |
R"""( | |
start: expr | |
expr: term ("+" term)* | |
term: number | |
number: /[0-9]+/ )""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"42", | |
"1+2+3+4+5", | |
"123+456", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"+", | |
"/ 3", | |
"1+2+3+4+5+", | |
"12a45", | |
}); | |
} | |
static void test_complex_grammar() { | |
// Test case for a more complex grammar, with both failure strings and success strings | |
test_grammar("medium complexity grammar", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""( | |
start: expression | |
expression: term ws (("+"|"-") ws term)* | |
term: factor ws (("*"|"/") ws factor)* | |
factor: number | variable | "(" expression ")" | function-call | |
number: /[0-9]+/ | |
variable: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ | |
function-call: variable ws "(" (expression ("," ws expression)*)? ")" | |
ws: /[ \t\n\r]?/ )""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ "42", | |
"1*2*3*4*5", | |
"x", | |
"x+10", | |
"x1+y2", | |
"(a+b)*(c-d)", | |
"func()", | |
"func(x,y+2)", | |
"a*(b+c)-d/e", | |
"f(g(x),h(y,z))", | |
"x + 10", | |
"x1 + y2", | |
"(a + b) * (c - d)", | |
"func()", | |
"func(x, y + 2)", | |
"a * (b + c) - d / e", | |
"f(g(x), h(y, z))", | |
"123+456", | |
"123*456*789-123/456+789*123", | |
"123+456*789-123/456+789*123-456/789+123*456-789/123+456*789-123/456+789*123-456" }, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"+", | |
"/ 3x", | |
"x + + y", | |
"a * / b", | |
"func(,)", | |
"func(x y)", | |
"(a + b", | |
"x + y)", | |
"a + b * (c - d", | |
"42 +", | |
"x +", | |
"x + 10 +", | |
"(a + b) * (c - d", | |
"func(", | |
"func(x, y + 2", | |
"a * (b + c) - d /", | |
"f(g(x), h(y, z)", | |
"123+456*789-123/456+789*123-456/789+123*456-789/123+456*789-123/456+789*123-456/", | |
}); | |
} | |
static void test_special_chars() { | |
// A collection of tests to exercise special characters such as "." | |
test_grammar("special characters", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""( | |
start: /.../ "abc" /.../ | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ "abcabcabc", "aaaabcccc", | |
// NOTE: Also ensures that multi-byte characters still count as a single character | |
"🔵🟠✅abc❌🟠🔵" }, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ "aaabcccc", "aaaaabcccc", "aaaabccc", "aaaabccccc", "🔵🟠✅❌abc❌✅🟠🔵", "🔵🟠abc🟠🔵" }); | |
} | |
static void test_quantifiers() { | |
// A collection of tests to exercise * + and ? quantifiers | |
test_grammar( | |
"* quantifier", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""(start: "a"*)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ "", "a", "aaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ "b", "ab", "aab", "ba", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab" }); | |
test_grammar( | |
"+ quantifier", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""(start: "a"+)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ "a", "aaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ "", "b", "ab", "aab", "ba", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab" }); | |
test_grammar("? quantifier", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""(start: "a"?)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ "", "a" }, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"b", | |
"ab", | |
"aa", | |
"ba", | |
}); | |
test_grammar("mixed quantifiers", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""( | |
start: cons+ vowel* cons? (vowel cons)* | |
vowel: /[aeiouy]/ | |
cons: /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]/ | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"yes", | |
"no", | |
"noyes", | |
"crwth", | |
"four", | |
"bryyyy", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"yess", | |
"yesno", | |
"forty", | |
"catyyy", | |
}); | |
test_grammar("simple exact repetition", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""( | |
start: /[ab]{4}/ | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"aaaa", | |
"bbbb", | |
"abab", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"a", | |
"b", | |
"aaaaa", | |
}); | |
test_grammar("simple min repetition", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""( | |
start: /[ab]{4,}/ | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"aaaa", | |
"aaaaab", | |
"bbbb", | |
"ababab", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"", | |
"aba", | |
}); | |
test_grammar("simple max repetition", | |
// Grammar | |
R"""( | |
start: /[ab]{0,4}/ | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"", | |
"a", | |
"aa", | |
"aaa", | |
"aaab", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"aaaaa", | |
}); | |
// test_grammar("min / max repetition", | |
// // Grammar | |
// R"""( | |
// start: ("0x" /[A-F0-9]{2}/ " "?){3,5} | |
// )""", | |
// // Passing strings | |
// { | |
// "0xFF 0x12 0xAB", | |
// "0xFF 0x12 0xAB 0x00 0x00", | |
// }, | |
// // Failing strings | |
// { | |
// "", | |
// "0xFF", | |
// "0xFF 0x12", | |
// "0xFF 0x12 0xAB 0x00 0x00 0x00", | |
// }); | |
} | |
static void test_json_schema() { | |
// Note that this is similar to the regular grammar tests, | |
// but we convert each json schema to a grammar before parsing. | |
// Otherwise, this test structure is the same. | |
test_schema("empty schema (object)", | |
// Schema | |
R"""( | |
{"type":"object"} | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({})""", | |
R"""({"foo": "bar"})""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"", | |
"[]", | |
"null", | |
R"""("")""", | |
"true", | |
}); | |
test_schema( | |
"exotic formats (list)", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"items": [ | |
{ "format": "date" }, | |
{ "format": "uuid" }, | |
{ "format": "time" }, | |
{ "format": "date-time" } | |
] | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
// "{}", // NOTE: This string passes for this schema on -- should it? | |
// "[]", // NOTE: This string passes for this schema on -- should it? | |
R"""(["2012-04-23", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab", "18:25:43.511Z", "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z"])""", | |
//R"""(["2012-04-23","12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"])""", // NOTE: This string passes for this schema on -- should it? | |
//R"""({"foo": "bar"})""", // NOTE: This string passes for this schema on -- should it? | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""(["foo", "bar"])""", | |
R"""(["12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"])""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("string", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "string" | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foo")""", | |
R"""("bar")""", | |
R"""("")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({})""", | |
R"""("foo": "bar")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("string w/ min length 1", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "string", | |
"minLength": 1 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foo")""", | |
R"""("bar")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("")""", | |
R"""({})""", | |
R"""("foo": "bar")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("string w/ min length 3", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "string", | |
"minLength": 3 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foo")""", | |
R"""("bar")""", | |
R"""("foobar")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("")""", | |
R"""("f")""", | |
R"""("fo")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("string w/ max length", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "string", | |
"maxLength": 3 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foo")""", | |
R"""("bar")""", | |
R"""("")""", | |
R"""("f")""", | |
R"""("fo")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foobar")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("string w/ min & max length", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "string", | |
"minLength": 1, | |
"maxLength": 4 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foo")""", | |
R"""("bar")""", | |
R"""("f")""", | |
R"""("barf")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("")""", | |
R"""("barfo")""", | |
R"""("foobar")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("boolean", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "boolean" | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"true", | |
"false", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("")""", | |
R"""("true")""", | |
R"""(True)""", | |
R"""(FALSE)""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("integer", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "integer" | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""(0)""", | |
R"""(12345)""", | |
R"""(1234567890123456)""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""()""", | |
R"""(01)""", | |
R"""(007)""", | |
R"""(12345678901234567 )""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("string const", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"const": "foo" | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("foo")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""(foo)""", | |
R"""("bar")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("non-string const", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"const": true | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""(true)""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""()""", | |
R"""(foo)""", | |
R"""("true")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("non-string const", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"enum": ["red", "amber", "green", null, 42, ["foo"]] | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("red")""", | |
R"""(null)""", | |
R"""(42)""", | |
R"""(["foo"])""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""()""", | |
R"""(420)""", | |
R"""(true)""", | |
R"""(foo)""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("simple pattern", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$" | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("")""", | |
R"""("He_llo-12")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("!")""", | |
R"""("Hello World")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("pattern with escapes", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"pattern": "^a\\^\\$\\.\\[\\]\\(\\)\\|\\{\\}\\*\\+\\?b$" | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("a^$.[]()|{}*+?b")""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""("ab")""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("", | |
// Schema | |
R"""( | |
{ | |
"type": ["array", "null"], | |
"items": { "type": "string" } | |
} | |
)""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
"null", | |
"[]", | |
"[\"123\"]", | |
"[\"foo\", \"bar\"]", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
"", | |
"[123]", | |
"\"foo\"", | |
"[\"foo\", 42]", | |
}); | |
test_schema("min+max items", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"items": { | |
"type": ["number", "integer"] | |
}, | |
"minItems": 3, | |
"maxItems": 5 | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""([1, 2, 3])""", | |
R"""([1, 2, 3, 4])""", | |
R"""([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])""", | |
// this is in fact correct; keyword do not apply if the type is wrong | |
R"""(1)""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""([1, 2])""", | |
R"""([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])""", | |
}); | |
// Properties (from: | |
test_schema("object properties", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "object", | |
"properties": { | |
"number": { "type": "number" }, | |
"street_name": { "type": "string" }, | |
"street_type": { "enum": ["Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard"] } | |
}, | |
"additionalProperties": false | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
// "By default, leaving out properties is valid" | |
R"""({ "street_name": "Pennsylvania" })""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania" })""", | |
// "By extension, even an empty object is valid" | |
R"""({})""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type": "Avenue" })""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
// Change datatype from number to string | |
R"""({ "number": "1600", "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
// Reorder properties | |
R"""({ "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "number": 1600 })""", | |
// Reorder properties | |
R"""({ "number": "1600", "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
// Additional properties set to false | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue", "direction":"NW"})""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("additional properties can't override other properties", | |
R"""({ | |
"properties": { | |
"a": {"type": "integer"}, | |
"b": {"type": "integer"} | |
}, | |
"additionalProperties": true | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({"a": 42})""", | |
R"""({"c": ""})""", | |
R"""({"a": 42, "c": ""})""", | |
R"""({"a_": ""})""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""()""", | |
R"""({"a": ""})""", | |
R"""({"a": "", "b": ""})""", | |
}); | |
// Properties (from: | |
test_schema("object properties, additionalProperties: true", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "object", | |
"properties": { | |
"number": { "type": "number" }, | |
"street_name": { "type": "string" }, | |
"street_type": { "enum": ["Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard"] } | |
}, | |
"additionalProperties": true | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
// "By extension, even an empty object is valid" | |
R"""({})""", | |
R"""({"number":1600,"street_name":"Pennsylvania","street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
// "By default, leaving out properties is valid" | |
R"""({ "street_name": "Pennsylvania" })""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania" })""", | |
// "By default, providing additional properties is valid" | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue", "direction":"NW"})""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type": "Avenue" })""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
// Change datatype from number to string | |
R"""({ "number": "1600", "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
// Reorder properties | |
R"""({ "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "number": 1600, "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
}); | |
// Additional properties: false | |
test_schema( | |
"required + optional props each in original order", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"type": "object", | |
"properties": { | |
"number": { "type": "number" }, | |
"street_name": { "type": "string" }, | |
"street_type": { "enum": ["Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard"] } | |
}, | |
"additionalProperties": false | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({ "street_name": "Pennsylvania" })""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania" })""", | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type":"Avenue"})""", | |
// Spaces are permitted around enum values | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type": "Avenue" })""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
// Reorder properties | |
R"""({ "street_type": "Avenue", "number": 1600 })""", | |
// Add "direction" | |
R"""({ "number": 1600, "street_name": "Pennsylvania", "street_type": "Avenue", "direction": "NW" })""", | |
}); | |
test_schema("required + optional props each in original order", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"properties": { | |
"b": {"type": "string"}, | |
"a": {"type": "string"}, | |
"d": {"type": "string"}, | |
"c": {"type": "string"} | |
}, | |
"required": ["a", "b"], | |
"additionalProperties": false | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({"b": "foo", "a": "bar"})""", | |
R"""({"b":"foo","a":"bar","d":"qux"})""", | |
R"""({"b":"foo", "a":"bar", "d":"qux", "c":"baz"})""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({"a": "foo", "b": "bar"})""", | |
R"""({"b": "bar"})""", | |
R"""({"a": "foo", "c": "baz"})""", | |
R"""({"a":"foo", "b":"bar", "c":"baz", "d":"qux"})""", | |
}); | |
// NOTE: Example from | |
test_schema( | |
"required props", | |
// Schema | |
R"""({ | |
"$schema": "", | |
"$id": "", | |
"title": "Product", | |
"description": "A product from Acme's catalog", | |
"type": "object", | |
"properties": { | |
"productId": { | |
"description": "The unique identifier for a product", | |
"type": "integer" | |
}, | |
"productName": { | |
"description": "Name of the product", | |
"type": "string" | |
}, | |
"price": { | |
"description": "The price of the product", | |
"type": "number", | |
"exclusiveMinimum": 0 | |
}, | |
"tags": { | |
"description": "Tags for the product", | |
"type": "array", | |
"items": { | |
"type": "string" | |
}, | |
"minItems": 1, | |
"DISABLED_uniqueItems": true | |
}, | |
"dimensions": { | |
"type": "object", | |
"properties": { | |
"length": { | |
"type": "number" | |
}, | |
"width": { | |
"type": "number" | |
}, | |
"height": { | |
"type": "number" | |
} | |
}, | |
"required": [ "length", "width", "height" ] | |
} | |
}, | |
"required": [ "productId", "productName", "price" ] | |
})""", | |
// Passing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50})""", | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50, "tags": ["home", "green"]})""", | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50, "tags": ["home", "green"], "dimensions": {"length": 785, "width": 250.5, "height": -0.359}})""", | |
}, | |
// Failing strings | |
{ | |
R"""({})""", // Missing all required properties | |
R"""({"productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50, "productId": 1})""", // Out of order properties | |
// `exclusiveMinimum` is OK for llg | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": -12.50})""", | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door"})""", // Missing required property (price) | |
R"""({"productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50})""", // Missing required property (productId) | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50, "tags": []})""", // tags is empty, but minItems is 1 | |
R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50, "dimensions": {"length": 785, "width": 250.5, "height": -0.359}, "tags": ["home", "green"]})""", // Tags and dimensions are out of order | |
// TODO: The following line should fail, but currently it passes. `uniqueItems` is not supported, as it would likely be too difficult to implement. | |
// R"""({"productId": 1, "productName": "A green door", "price": 12.50, "tags": ["home", "green", "home"]})""", | |
}); | |
} | |
int main(int argc, const char ** argv) { | |
fprintf(stdout, "Running llguidance integration tests...\n"); | |
if (argc != 2) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <vocab-file>\n", argv[0]); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
const char * vocab_file = argv[1]; | |
fprintf(stderr, "reading vocab from: '%s'\n", vocab_file); | |
llama_model * model; | |
llama_context * ctx; | |
llama_backend_init(); | |
// load the vocab | |
{ | |
auto mparams = llama_model_default_params(); | |
mparams.vocab_only = true; | |
model = llama_model_load_from_file(vocab_file, mparams); | |
if (model == NULL) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to load vocab '%s'\n", __func__, vocab_file); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
// needed? | |
auto cparams = llama_context_default_params(); | |
ctx = llama_init_from_model(model, cparams); | |
if (ctx == NULL) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to load vocab '%s'\n", __func__, vocab_file); | |
llama_model_free(model); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
} | |
vocab = llama_model_get_vocab(model); | |
test_simple_grammar(); | |
test_complex_grammar(); | |
test_special_chars(); | |
test_quantifiers(); | |
test_json_schema(); | |
fprintf(stdout, "All tests passed.\n"); | |
return 0; | |
} | |