flask-llama / llama.cpp /tests /test-chat.cpp
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// Tests chat handling, including grammar generation and parsing for tool calling, for various templates.
// Also acts as a CLI to generate a Markdown summary of the formats of Jinja templates,
// e.g. given Minja (http://github.com/google/minja) checked out in parent dir:
// cmake -B build && cmake --build build --parallel && ./build/bin/test-chat ../minja/build/tests/*.jinja 2>/dev/null
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <json.hpp>
#include <string>
#include "chat-template.hpp"
#include "chat.hpp"
#include "llama-grammar.h"
#include "unicode.h"
using json = nlohmann::ordered_json;
static common_chat_msg msg_from_json(const json & message) {
common_chat_msg ret;
ret.role = "assistant";
if (message.contains("content") && !message.at("content").is_null()) {
ret.content = message.at("content");
if (message.contains("tool_plan")) {
ret.tool_plan = message.at("tool_plan");
auto has_tool_calls = message.contains("tool_calls");
if (has_tool_calls) {
for (const auto & tc : message.at("tool_calls")) {
const auto & arguments = tc.at("function").at("arguments");
arguments.is_string() ? arguments.get<std::string>() : arguments.dump(),
tc.contains("id") ? tc.at("id").get<std::string>() : "",
return ret;
template <class T> static void assert_equals(const T & expected, const T & actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
std::cerr << "Expected: " << expected << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Actual: " << actual << std::endl;
std::cerr << std::flush;
throw std::runtime_error("Test failed");
static std::string read_file(const std::string & path) {
std::cerr << "# Reading: " << path << std::endl << std::flush;
std::ifstream fs(path, std::ios_base::binary);
if (!fs.is_open()) {
fs = std::ifstream("../" + path, std::ios_base::binary);
if (!fs.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open file: " + path);
fs.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
auto size = fs.tellg();
std::string out;
fs.read(&out[0], static_cast<std::streamsize>(size));
return out;
static std::unique_ptr<llama_grammar> build_grammar(const std::string & grammar_str) {
return std::unique_ptr<llama_grammar>(
llama_grammar_init_impl(nullptr, grammar_str.c_str(), "root", false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0));
// TODO: extract to common helper (copied from test-grammar-integration.cpp)
static bool match_string(const std::string & input, llama_grammar * grammar) {
const auto cpts = unicode_cpts_from_utf8(input);
auto & stacks_cur = llama_grammar_get_stacks(grammar);
for (const auto & cpt : cpts) {
llama_grammar_accept(grammar, cpt);
if (stacks_cur.empty()) {
// no stacks means that the grammar failed to match at this point
return false;
for (const auto & stack : stacks_cur) {
if (stack.empty()) {
// An empty stack means that the grammar has been completed
return true;
return false;
// Dumps `{"a": 1}` as `"{\"a\": 1}"`, unlike nlohmann::json::dump which would dump it as `"{\"a\":1}"`.
static std::string dump(const json & j) {
return minja::Value(j).dump(-1, /* to_json= */ true);
static void assert_msg_equals(const common_chat_msg & expected, const common_chat_msg & actual) {
assert_equals(expected.role, actual.role);
assert_equals(expected.content, actual.content);
assert_equals(expected.tool_calls.size(), actual.tool_calls.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.tool_calls.size(); i++) {
const auto & expected_tool_call = expected.tool_calls[i];
const auto & actual_tool_call = actual.tool_calls[i];
assert_equals(expected_tool_call.name, actual_tool_call.name);
assert_equals(dump(json::parse(expected_tool_call.arguments)), dump(json::parse(actual_tool_call.arguments)));
assert_equals(expected_tool_call.id, actual_tool_call.id);
const auto special_function_tool = json::parse(R"({
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "special_function",
"description": "I'm special",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"arg1": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The arg."
"required": ["arg1"]
const auto python_tool = json::parse(R"({
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "python",
"description": "an ipython interpreter",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"code": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Python code to execute."
"required": ["code"]
const auto code_interpreter_tool = json::parse(R"({
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "code_interpreter",
"description": "an ipython interpreter",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"code": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Python code to execute."
"required": ["code"]
const json tools = { special_function_tool, python_tool };
const json llama_3_1_tools = { special_function_tool, code_interpreter_tool };
struct delta_data {
std::string delta;
common_chat_params params;
static delta_data init_delta(const common_chat_template & tmpl, const std::vector<std::string> & end_tokens,
const json & user_message, const json & delta_message, const json & tools,
const json & tool_choice) {
common_chat_inputs inputs;
inputs.parallel_tool_calls = true;
inputs.messages = json::array();
inputs.tools = tools;
inputs.tool_choice = tool_choice;
auto params_prefix = common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs);
inputs.add_generation_prompt = false;
auto params_full = common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs);
std::string prefix = params_prefix.prompt;
std::string full = params_full.prompt;
// Check full starts with prefix
if (full.find(prefix) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Full:\n%s\n\nPrefix:\n%s\n\n", full.c_str(), prefix.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("Full message does not start with prefix");
if (full == prefix) {
throw std::runtime_error("Full message is the same as the prefix");
auto delta = full.substr(prefix.size());
// Strip end tokens
for (const auto & end_token : end_tokens) {
// rfind to find the last occurrence
auto pos = delta.rfind(end_token);
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
delta = delta.substr(0, pos);
return { delta, params_full };
Applies the template to 1 user message w/ add_generation_prompt=true, then w/ the test message w/ add_generation_prompt=false,
gets the diff, removes any end tokens and parses the result w/ the grammar, checking that
the parsed message is the same as the test_message
static void test_template(const common_chat_template & tmpl, const std::vector<std::string> & end_tokens,
const json & test_message, const json & tools = {}, const std::string & expected_delta = "",
bool expect_grammar_triggered = true) {
common_chat_msg expected_msg = msg_from_json(test_message);
auto user_message = json{
{ "role", "user" },
{ "content", "Hello, world!" }
for (const auto & tool_choice : json({ "auto", "required" })) {
auto data = init_delta(tmpl, end_tokens, user_message, test_message, tools, tool_choice);
if (!expected_delta.empty()) {
assert_equals(expected_delta, data.delta);
if (expect_grammar_triggered) {
const auto msg = common_chat_parse(data.delta, data.params.format);
assert_msg_equals(expected_msg, msg);
if (!expected_msg.tool_calls.empty()) {
if (!data.params.grammar.empty()) {
auto grammar = build_grammar(data.params.grammar);
if (!grammar) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to build grammar");
auto earliest_trigger_pos = std::string::npos;
auto constrained = data.delta;
for (const auto & trigger : data.params.grammar_triggers) {
auto pos = constrained.find(trigger.word);
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
if (pos > 0 && trigger.at_start) {
fprintf(stderr, "Trigger %s not at start of message, skipping:\n\n%s\n\n", trigger.word.c_str(), constrained.c_str());
if (earliest_trigger_pos == std::string::npos || pos < earliest_trigger_pos) {
earliest_trigger_pos = pos;
auto grammar_triggered = false;
if (earliest_trigger_pos != std::string::npos) {
constrained = constrained.substr(earliest_trigger_pos);
grammar_triggered = true;
if (data.params.grammar_lazy) {
assert_equals(expect_grammar_triggered, grammar_triggered);
if (grammar_triggered && !match_string(constrained, grammar.get())) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to match delta against grammar:\n\n" + data.delta +
"\n\nGrammar: " + data.params.grammar);
static void test_template_output_parsers() {
json text_message {
{ "role", "assistant" },
{ "content", "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?" },
json tool_calls = json::array({{
{ "type", "function" },
{ "function", { { "name", "special_function" }, { "arguments", "{\"arg1\": 1}" } } },
json tool_call_message {
{ "role", "assistant"},
{ "content", {}},
{ "tool_calls", {
{ "type", "function" },
{ "function", {
{ "name", "special_function" },
{ "arguments", "{\"arg1\": 1}" },
json tool_call_message_with_id {
{ "role", "assistant"},
{ "content", {}},
{ "tool_calls", {
{ "type", "function" },
{ "function", {
{ "name", "special_function" },
{ "arguments", "{\"arg1\": 1}" },
{"id", "123456789"},
{ "role", "assistant" },
{ "content", {} },
{ "tool_calls", tool_calls }
json tool_call_plan_message_with_idx {
{ "role", "assistant"},
{ "content", {}},
{ "tool_plan", "I'm not so sure"},
{ "tool_calls", {
{ "type", "function" },
{ "function", {
{ "name", "special_function" },
{ "arguments", "{\"arg1\": 1}" },
// Index of the tool call in the tool_calls array
{"id", "0"},
{ "role", "assistant" },
{ "content", {} },
{ "tool_calls", tool_calls }
auto python_tool_call_message = json{
{ "role", "assistant" },
{ "content", {} },
{ "tool_calls", json{ {
{ "type", "function" },
{ "function",
{ "name", "python" },
{ "arguments",
{ "code", "print('hey')" },
} },
} },
} } }
auto code_interpreter_tool_call_message = json{
{ "role", "assistant" },
{ "content", {} },
{ "tool_calls", json{ {
{ "type", "function" },
{ "function",
{ "name", "code_interpreter" },
{ "arguments",
{ "code", "print('hey')" },
} },
} },
} } }
common_chat_inputs inputs_no_tools;
inputs_no_tools.messages = {
{ { "role", "user" }, { "content", "Hey\nThere" } }
common_chat_inputs inputs_tools = inputs_no_tools;
inputs_tools.tools = json::array();
common_chat_inputs inputs_tools_builtin = inputs_no_tools;
inputs_tools_builtin.tools = json::array();
// Not supported yet
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/CohereForAI-c4ai-command-r-plus-tool_use.jinja"), "<s>", "</s>");
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_GENERIC, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/CohereForAI-c4ai-command-r7b-12-2024-tool_use.jinja"), "<s>", "</s>");
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|END_OF_TURN_TOKEN|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_CONTENT_ONLY, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_no_tools).format);
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_COMMAND_R7B, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_plan_message_with_idx, tools,
"<|START_THINKING|>I'm not so sure<|END_THINKING|>"
" {\"tool_call_id\": \"0\", \"tool_name\": \"special_function\", \"parameters\": {\"arg1\": 1}}\n"
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools,
"<|START_RESPONSE|>Hello, world!\n"
"What's up?<|END_RESPONSE|>",
/* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/google-gemma-2-2b-it.jinja"), "<s>", "</s>");
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<end_of_turn>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_CONTENT_ONLY, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_no_tools).format);
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_GENERIC, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
"<s>", "</s>"),
// Generic tool calls doesn't generate / parse content-only messages symmetrically.
" \"response\": \"Hello, world!\\nWhat's up?\"\n"
common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format));
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message_with_id, tools,
" \"tool_calls\": [\n"
" {\n"
" \"name\": \"special_function\",\n"
" \"arguments\": {\n"
" \"arg1\": 1\n"
" },\n"
" \"id\": \"123456789\"\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/mistralai-Mistral-Nemo-Instruct-2407.jinja"), "<s>",
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "</s>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_MISTRAL_NEMO, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message_with_id, tools,
"[TOOL_CALLS][{\"name\": \"special_function\", \"arguments\": {\"arg1\": 1}, \"id\": \"123456789\"}]");
const common_chat_template tmpl(
read_file("models/templates/NousResearch-Hermes-2-Pro-Llama-3-8B-tool_use.jinja"), "<s>", "</s>");
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|im_end|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_HERMES_2_PRO, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
"<s>", "</s>"),
common_chat_template(read_file("models/templates/Qwen-Qwen2.5-7B-Instruct.jinja"), "<s>", "</s>"),
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
"{\"name\": \"special_function\", \"arguments\": {\"arg1\": 1}}\n"
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, python_tool_call_message, tools,
"{\"name\": \"python\", \"arguments\": {\"code\": \"print('hey')\"}}\n"
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/meta-llama-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct.jinja"), "<s>",
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|eom_id|>", "<|eot_id|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_LLAMA_3_X, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools_builtin).format);
"<s>", "</s>"),
// test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, R"(?)", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, code_interpreter_tool_call_message, llama_3_1_tools,
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, python_tool_call_message, tools,
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
"{\"name\": \"special_function\", \"parameters\": {\"arg1\": 1}}");
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/meta-llama-Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct.jinja"), "<s>",
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|eom_id|>", "<|eot_id|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_LLAMA_3_X, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
"{\"name\": \"special_function\", \"parameters\": {\"arg1\": 1}}");
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/meetkai-functionary-medium-v3.1.jinja"), "<s>",
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|eom_id|>", "<|eot_id|>" };
common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
"<function=special_function>{\"arg1\": 1}</function>");
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/meetkai-functionary-medium-v3.2.jinja"), "<s>",
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|eom_id|>", "<|eot_id|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_FUNCTIONARY_V3_2, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_no_tools).format);
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_FUNCTIONARY_V3_2, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, {},
"Hello, world!\n"
"What's up?",
/* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
"{\"arg1\": 1}");
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/fireworks-ai-llama-3-firefunction-v2.jinja"), "<s>",
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|eot_id|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_FIREFUNCTION_V2, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
" functools[{\"name\": \"special_function\", \"arguments\": {\"arg1\": 1}}]");
const common_chat_template tmpl(read_file("models/templates/deepseek-ai-DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Llama-8B.jinja"),
"<s>", "</s>");
std::vector<std::string> end_tokens{ "<|end▁of▁sentence|>" };
assert_equals(COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_DEEPSEEK_R1, common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs_tools).format);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, text_message, tools, "Hello, world!\nWhat's up?", /* expect_grammar_triggered= */ false);
test_template(tmpl, end_tokens, tool_call_message, tools,
"{\"arg1\": 1}\n"
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
#ifndef _WIN32
if (argc > 1) {
common_chat_inputs inputs;
inputs.messages = {
{ { "role", "user" }, { "content", "Hey" } }
inputs.tools = json::array({ special_function_tool });
std::cout << "| Template | Format |\n";
std::cout << "|----------|--------|\n";
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
std::string path = argv[i];
if (path.rfind(".jinja") != path.size() - 6) {
std::cerr << "Skipping non-jinja file: " << path << std::endl;
common_chat_template tmpl(read_file(path), "", "");
auto parts = string_split(path, "/");
auto name = parts[parts.size() - 1];
std::cout << "| " << name << " | " << common_chat_format_name(common_chat_params_init(tmpl, inputs).format)
<< " |\n";
} else
std::cout << "\n[chat] All tests passed!" << std::endl;
return 0;