from utils import ( | |
container_emphasis_css, | |
container_regular_css, | |
question_font, | |
modify_sql_guid_injection | |
) | |
import streamlit as st | |
import json | |
import pandas as pd | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from streamlit_extras.stylable_container import stylable_container | |
def load_data(file): | |
return pd.read_csv(file) | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded") | |
st.title("Relevancy Compare App") | |
st.divider() | |
st.markdown(question_font, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
def edit_df_data_change(): | |
edited_rows: dict = st.session_state.edit_df_data['edited_rows'] | |
st.session_state.previous_row_index = st.session_state.previous_row_index | |
st.session_state.current_row_index = next(iter(edited_rows)) | |
st.session_state.df = st.session_state.df.assign(selected=False) | |
update_dict = {idx: values for idx, values in edited_rows.items()} | |
st.session_state.df.update(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(update_dict, orient='index')) | |
st.need_rerun = False | |
if "df" not in st.session_state: | |
role_pick = st.selectbox("You are?", options=["Kyle", "Shadi", "Daniel", "Xin"], index=None, key='role_pick') | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a CSV file", type="csv") | |
st.session_state.role = role_pick | |
st.need_rerun = True | |
else: | |
uploaded_file = st.session_state.df | |
if uploaded_file is not None and 'role' in st.session_state: | |
"You are modifying as :", st.session_state.role | |
with st.container(): | |
if "df" not in st.session_state: | |
df = load_data(uploaded_file) | |
st.session_state.df_shape = df.shape | |
# selected load | |
select_values = [False] * len(df) | |
if "Comment" not in df.columns: | |
comments = [''] * len(df) | |
df.insert(0, 'Comment', comments) | |
st.session_state.default_row_index = 0 | |
if "LastModified" not in df.columns: | |
modifies = [''] * len(df) | |
df.insert(0, 'LastModified', modifies) | |
else: | |
df['Comment'] = df['Comment'].astype(str) | |
df['LastModified'] = df['LastModified'].astype(str) | |
comments = [c if c != 'nan' else '' for c in df['Comment'].tolist()] | |
modifies = [c if c != 'nan' else '' for c in df['LastModified'].tolist()] | |
df['Comment'] = comments | |
df['LastModified'] = modifies | |
first_nan = 0 | |
for i, c in enumerate(comments): | |
if not c: | |
first_nan = i | |
break | |
st.session_state.default_row_index = first_nan | |
st.session_state.current_row_index = st.session_state.default_row_index | |
st.session_state.previous_row_index = st.session_state.current_row_index | |
df.insert(0, 'Select', select_values) | |[st.session_state.current_row_index, 'Select'] = True | |
st.session_state['df'] = df | |
df_col, = st.columns(1) | |
st.session_state.previous_row_index = st.session_state.current_row_index | |
with st.container(): | |
bcol1, bcol2, _ = st.columns([1, 1, 5]) | |
with bcol1: | |
previous_row = st.button("Prev Row") | |
with bcol2: | |
next_row = st.button("Next Row") | |
if "current_row_index" in st.session_state and previous_row: | |
if st.session_state.current_row_index > 0: | |
st.session_state.previous_row_index = st.session_state.current_row_index | |
st.session_state.current_row_index -= 1 | |
if "current_row_index" in st.session_state and next_row: | |
if st.session_state.current_row_index < st.session_state.df_shape[0] - 1: | |
st.session_state.previous_row_index = st.session_state.current_row_index | |
st.session_state.current_row_index += 1 | |
row_index = st.session_state.current_row_index | |
row_data = st.session_state.df.loc[row_index] | |
question = row_data['question'] | |
pred_relevant_choice = row_data['pred_relevant_choice'] | |
correct_response = row_data['correct_response'] | |
relative_relevancy = json.loads(row_data['relative_relevancy']) | |
reason = relative_relevancy['reason'] | |
most_relevant = relative_relevancy['most_relevant'] | |
options=['first', 'second', 'both'] | |
default_index = options.index(most_relevant) | |
default_comment = row_data['Comment'] | |
first_css = container_regular_css | |
second_css = container_regular_css | |
first_color = ':black' | |
second_color = ':black' | |
st.write(f"##### Row {row_index}/{st.session_state.df_shape[0]-1}") | |
with st.container(border=True): | |
# st.write(f"Question: {question}") | |
st.markdown(f'<p class="question-font">[Q]: {question}</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
select_by = st.selectbox("Mark By: ", ["pred_relevant_choice", "correct_response"], key='mark_by_dropdown') | |
col1_res, col2_res, _ = st.columns([0.2, 0.2, 0.6]) | |
if select_by == 'pred_relevant_choice': | |
col1_res.write(f":blue[pred_relevant_choice: {pred_relevant_choice}]") | |
col2_res.write(f"correct_response: {correct_response}") | |
else: | |
col1_res.write(f"pred_relevant_choice: {pred_relevant_choice}") | |
col2_res.write(f":blue[correct_response: {correct_response}]") | |
if row_data[select_by].lower() == 'first' or row_data[select_by].lower() == 'both': | |
first_css = container_emphasis_css | |
first_color = ':blue' | |
if row_data[select_by].lower() == 'both': | |
second_css = container_emphasis_css | |
second_color = ':blue' | |
else: | |
second_css = container_emphasis_css | |
second_color = ':blue' | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
st.write("Target SQL:", use_container_width=True) | |
with stylable_container( | |
key="first_sql_container", | |
css_styles=first_css | |
): | |
target_sql_text = modify_sql_guid_injection(row_data['target_sql'].strip()) | |
#st.write(f"{first_color}[{target_sql_text}]", use_container_width=True) | |
col1, _ = st.columns([0.99, 0.01]) | |
with col1: | |
st.code( | |
target_sql_text, | |
language="sql" | |
) | |
# st.code( | |
# "\n".join( | |
# tw.wrap( | |
# target_sql_text, | |
# width=60, | |
# ) | |
# ), | |
# language="sql" | |
# ) | |
with col2: | |
st.write("Predicted SQL:", use_container_width=True) | |
with stylable_container( | |
key="second_sql_container", | |
css_styles=second_css | |
): | |
predicted_sql_text = modify_sql_guid_injection(row_data['predicted_sql'].strip()) | |
# st.write(f"{second_color}[{predicted_sql_text}]") | |
col1, _ = st.columns([0.99, 0.01]) | |
with col1: | |
st.code( | |
predicted_sql_text, | |
language="sql" | |
) | |
col1_comment, col2_comment = st.columns([1, 1]) | |
with col1_comment: | |
select_most_relevant = st.selectbox("most_relevant", options=options, index=default_index, key='most_relevant_drop_down') | |
reason_box = st.text_area("reason", value=reason, key='reason_text') | |
with col2_comment: | |
comment = st.text_area("Comment", value=default_comment, key='comment_text') | |
with st.container(): | |
bcol1, bcol2, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = st.columns(10) | |
with bcol1: | |
save = st.button("Save") | |
with bcol2: | |
download = st.button("Download") | |
if save: | |
updated_relative_relevancy = json.dumps({'most_relevant': select_most_relevant, "reason": reason_box}) | |[row_index, 'Comment'] = comment | |[row_index, 'relative_relevancy'] = updated_relative_relevancy | |[row_index, 'correct_response'] = select_most_relevant | |
current_time = | |
current_time_str = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | |[row_index, 'LastModified'] = f"{st.session_state.role}@{current_time_str}" | |
df = st.session_state.df.drop('Select', axis=1) | |
df.to_csv('modified.csv', index=False) | |
st.rerun() | |
if download: | |
with open('modified.csv') as f: | |
st.download_button('Download modified CSV', f, file_name='modified.csv') | |
st.session_state.df['Select'] = False | |[st.session_state.current_row_index, 'Select'] = True | |
edited_df = df_col.data_editor(st.session_state.df, num_rows="fixed", use_container_width=True, key='edit_df_data', on_change=edit_df_data_change) | |
#st.session_state.mannul_select = edited_df[edited_df['Select']].index | |
st.session_state.df = edited_df | |
if st.need_rerun: | |
st.need_rerun = False | |
st.rerun() | |