import os import sys import time import torch import librosa import logging import traceback import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import noisereduce as nr from import wavfile from audio_upscaler import upscale now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(now_dir) from rvc.infer.pipeline import Pipeline as VC from rvc.lib.utils import load_audio, load_embedding from import process_audio, merge_audio from rvc.lib.algorithm.synthesizers import Synthesizer from rvc.configs.config import Config logging.getLogger("httpx").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("httpcore").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("faiss").setLevel(logging.WARNING) class VoiceConverter: """ A class for performing voice conversion using the Retrieval-Based Voice Conversion (RVC) method. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the VoiceConverter with default configuration, and sets up models and parameters. """ self.config = Config() # Load RVC configuration self.hubert_model = ( None # Initialize the Hubert model (for embedding extraction) ) self.tgt_sr = None # Target sampling rate for the output audio self.net_g = None # Generator network for voice conversion = None # Voice conversion pipeline instance self.cpt = None # Checkpoint for loading model weights self.version = None # Model version self.n_spk = None # Number of speakers in the model self.use_f0 = None # Whether the model uses F0 def load_hubert(self, embedder_model: str, embedder_model_custom: str = None): """ Loads the HuBERT model for speaker embedding extraction. Args: embedder_model (str): Path to the pre-trained HuBERT model. embedder_model_custom (str): Path to the custom HuBERT model. """ models, _, _ = load_embedding(embedder_model, embedder_model_custom) self.hubert_model = models[0].to(self.config.device) self.hubert_model = ( self.hubert_model.half() if self.config.is_half else self.hubert_model.float() ) self.hubert_model.eval() @staticmethod def remove_audio_noise(input_audio_path, reduction_strength=0.7): """ Removes noise from an audio file using the NoiseReduce library. Args: input_audio_path (str): Path to the input audio file. reduction_strength (float): Strength of the noise reduction. Default is 0.7. """ try: rate, data = reduced_noise = nr.reduce_noise( y=data, sr=rate, prop_decrease=reduction_strength ) return reduced_noise except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred removing audio noise: {error}") return None @staticmethod def convert_audio_format(input_path, output_path, output_format): """ Converts an audio file to a specified output format. Args: input_path (str): Path to the input audio file. output_path (str): Path to the output audio file. output_format (str): Desired audio format (e.g., "WAV", "MP3"). """ try: if output_format != "WAV": print(f"Converting audio to {output_format} format...") audio, sample_rate = librosa.load(input_path, sr=None) common_sample_rates = [ 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, ] target_sr = min(common_sample_rates, key=lambda x: abs(x - sample_rate)) audio = librosa.resample( audio, orig_sr=sample_rate, target_sr=target_sr ) sf.write(output_path, audio, target_sr, format=output_format.lower()) return output_path except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred converting the audio format: {error}") def convert_audio( self, audio_input_path: str, audio_output_path: str, model_path: str, index_path: str, embedder_model: str, pitch: int, f0_file: str, f0_method: str, index_rate: float, volume_envelope: int, protect: float, hop_length: int, split_audio: bool, f0_autotune: bool, filter_radius: int, embedder_model_custom: str, clean_audio: bool, clean_strength: float, export_format: str, upscale_audio: bool, resample_sr: int = 0, sid: int = 0, ): """ Performs voice conversion on the input audio. Args: audio_input_path (str): Path to the input audio file. audio_output_path (str): Path to the output audio file. model_path (str): Path to the voice conversion model. index_path (str): Path to the index file. sid (int, optional): Speaker ID. Default is 0. pitch (str, optional): Key for F0 up-sampling. Default is None. f0_file (str, optional): Path to the F0 file. Default is None. f0_method (str, optional): Method for F0 extraction. Default is None. index_rate (float, optional): Rate for index matching. Default is None. resample_sr (int, optional): Resample sampling rate. Default is 0. volume_envelope (float, optional): RMS mix rate. Default is None. protect (float, optional): Protection rate for certain audio segments. Default is None. hop_length (int, optional): Hop length for audio processing. Default is None. split_audio (bool, optional): Whether to split the audio for processing. Default is False. f0_autotune (bool, optional): Whether to use F0 autotune. Default is False. filter_radius (int, optional): Radius for filtering. Default is None. embedder_model (str, optional): Path to the embedder model. Default is None. embedder_model_custom (str, optional): Path to the custom embedder model. Default is None. clean_audio (bool, optional): Whether to clean the audio. Default is False. clean_strength (float, optional): Strength of the audio cleaning. Default is 0.7. export_format (str, optional): Format for exporting the audio. Default is "WAV". upscale_audio (bool, optional): Whether to upscale the audio. Default is False. """ self.get_vc(model_path, sid) try: start_time = time.time() print(f"Converting audio '{audio_input_path}'...") if upscale_audio == True: upscale(audio_input_path, audio_input_path) audio = load_audio(audio_input_path, 16000) audio_max = np.abs(audio).max() / 0.95 if audio_max > 1: audio /= audio_max if not self.hubert_model: self.load_hubert(embedder_model, embedder_model_custom) file_index = ( index_path.strip() .strip('"') .strip("\n") .strip('"') .strip() .replace("trained", "added") ) if self.tgt_sr != resample_sr >= 16000: self.tgt_sr = resample_sr if split_audio: result, new_dir_path = process_audio(audio_input_path) if result == "Error": return "Error with Split Audio", None dir_path = ( new_dir_path.strip().strip('"').strip("\n").strip('"').strip() ) if dir_path: paths = [ os.path.join(root, name) for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_path, topdown=False) for name in files if name.endswith(".wav") and root == dir_path ] try: for path in paths: self.convert_audio( audio_input_path=path, audio_output_path=path, model_path=model_path, index_path=index_path, sid=sid, pitch=pitch, f0_file=None, f0_method=f0_method, index_rate=index_rate, resample_sr=resample_sr, volume_envelope=volume_envelope, protect=protect, hop_length=hop_length, split_audio=False, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, filter_radius=filter_radius, export_format=export_format, upscale_audio=upscale_audio, embedder_model=embedder_model, embedder_model_custom=embedder_model_custom, clean_audio=clean_audio, clean_strength=clean_strength, ) except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred processing the segmented audio: {error}") print(traceback.format_exc()) return f"Error {error}" print("Finished processing segmented audio, now merging audio...") merge_timestamps_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(new_dir_path), f"{os.path.basename(audio_input_path).split('.')[0]}_timestamps.txt", ) self.tgt_sr, audio_opt = merge_audio(merge_timestamps_file) os.remove(merge_timestamps_file) else: audio_opt = model=self.hubert_model, net_g=self.net_g, sid=sid, audio=audio, input_audio_path=audio_input_path, pitch=pitch, f0_method=f0_method, file_index=file_index, index_rate=index_rate, pitch_guidance=self.use_f0, filter_radius=filter_radius, tgt_sr=self.tgt_sr, resample_sr=resample_sr, volume_envelope=volume_envelope, version=self.version, protect=protect, hop_length=hop_length, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, f0_file=f0_file, ) if audio_output_path: sf.write(audio_output_path, audio_opt, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV") if clean_audio: cleaned_audio = self.remove_audio_noise( audio_output_path, clean_strength ) if cleaned_audio is not None: sf.write( audio_output_path, cleaned_audio, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV" ) output_path_format = audio_output_path.replace( ".wav", f".{export_format.lower()}" ) audio_output_path = self.convert_audio_format( audio_output_path, output_path_format, export_format ) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print( f"Conversion completed at '{audio_output_path}' in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds." ) except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred during audio conversion: {error}") print(traceback.format_exc()) def get_vc(self, weight_root, sid): """ Loads the voice conversion model and sets up the pipeline. Args: weight_root (str): Path to the model weights. sid (int): Speaker ID. """ if sid == "" or sid == []: self.cleanup_model() if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.load_model(weight_root) if self.cpt is not None: self.setup_network() self.setup_vc_instance() def cleanup_model(self): """ Cleans up the model and releases resources. """ if self.hubert_model is not None: del self.net_g, self.n_spk,, self.hubert_model, self.tgt_sr self.hubert_model = self.net_g = self.n_spk = = self.tgt_sr = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() del self.net_g, self.cpt if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.cpt = None def load_model(self, weight_root): """ Loads the model weights from the specified path. Args: weight_root (str): Path to the model weights. """ self.cpt = ( torch.load(weight_root, map_location="cpu") if os.path.isfile(weight_root) else None ) def setup_network(self): """ Sets up the network configuration based on the loaded checkpoint. """ if self.cpt is not None: self.tgt_sr = self.cpt["config"][-1] self.cpt["config"][-3] = self.cpt["weight"]["emb_g.weight"].shape[0] self.use_f0 = self.cpt.get("f0", 1) self.version = self.cpt.get("version", "v1") self.text_enc_hidden_dim = 768 if self.version == "v2" else 256 self.net_g = Synthesizer( *self.cpt["config"], use_f0=self.use_f0, text_enc_hidden_dim=self.text_enc_hidden_dim, is_half=self.config.is_half, ) del self.net_g.enc_q self.net_g.load_state_dict(self.cpt["weight"], strict=False) self.net_g.eval().to(self.config.device) self.net_g = ( self.net_g.half() if self.config.is_half else self.net_g.float() ) def setup_vc_instance(self): """ Sets up the voice conversion pipeline instance based on the target sampling rate and configuration. """ if self.cpt is not None: = VC(self.tgt_sr, self.config) self.n_spk = self.cpt["config"][-3]