Runtime error
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new file: assets/zluda/run-applio-amd.bat
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deleted: logs/mute/sliced_audios/mute40000.wav
deleted: logs/mute/sliced_audios/mute48000.wav
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deleted: requirements.txt
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modified: rvc/infer/
modified: rvc/infer/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/algorithm/
modified: rvc/lib/predictors/
deleted: rvc/lib/predictors/
modified: rvc/lib/predictors/
modified: rvc/lib/predictors/
modified: rvc/lib/tools/
modified: rvc/lib/tools/
modified: rvc/lib/tools/
modified: rvc/lib/tools/
modified: rvc/lib/
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deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/D40k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/D48k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/G32k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/G40k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/G48k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/f0D32k.pth
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deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/f0D48k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/f0G32k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/f0G40k.pth
deleted: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/f0G48k.pth
new file: rvc/models/pretraineds/pretraineds_custom/.gitkeep
modified: rvc/train/
deleted: rvc/train/extract/
new file: rvc/train/extract/
deleted: rvc/train/extract/
modified: rvc/train/extract/
modified: rvc/train/
modified: rvc/train/preprocess/
renamed: rvc/train/ -> rvc/train/preprocess/
modified: rvc/train/process/
modified: rvc/train/process/
modified: rvc/train/process/
modified: rvc/train/process/
modified: rvc/train/
modified: rvc/train/
modified: tabs/download/
modified: tabs/extra/
new file: tabs/extra/model_author/
modified: tabs/extra/
modified: tabs/extra/processing/
modified: tabs/inference/
modified: tabs/settings/
modified: tabs/settings/
modified: tabs/train/
modified: tabs/tts/
- .gitattributes +2 -35
- .github/FUNDING.yml +0 -13
- .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ +0 -34
- .github/workflows/code_formatter.yml +0 -51
- .github/workflows/unittest.yml +0 -32
- .gitignore +11 -0
- +81 -10
- +43 -27
- assets/Applio.ipynb +21 -52
- assets/Applio_Kaggle.ipynb +1 -0
- assets/Applio_NoUI.ipynb +54 -99
- assets/config.json +14 -13
- assets/formant_shift/f2m.json +4 -0
- assets/formant_shift/m2f.json +4 -0
- assets/formant_shift/random.json +4 -0
- assets/i18n/languages/ar_AR.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/bn_BN.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/de_DE.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/en_US.json +104 -27
- assets/i18n/languages/es_ES.json +3 -3
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- assets/i18n/languages/fr_FR.json +3 -3
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- assets/i18n/languages/hi_IN.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/hu_HU.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/id_ID.json +2 -2
- assets/i18n/languages/it_IT.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ja_JA.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ko_KO.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ml_IN.json +204 -204
- assets/i18n/languages/mr_MR.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ms_MS.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/nl_NL.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/pa_PA.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/pl_PL.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/pt_BR.json +278 -83
- assets/i18n/languages/pt_PT.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ro_RO.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ru_RU.json +73 -73
- assets/i18n/languages/ta-IN.json +203 -203
- assets/i18n/languages/ta_TA.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/te_TE.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/th_TH.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/tr_TR.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/uk_UK.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/ur_UR.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/vi_VI.json +3 -3
- assets/i18n/languages/zh_CN.json +2 -2
- assets/ +4 -4
- assets/presets/Default.json +7 -0
@@ -1,35 +1,2 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
*.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
4 |
*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
5 |
*.ckpt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
6 |
*.ftz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
7 |
*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
8 |
*.h5 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
9 |
*.joblib filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
10 |
*.lfs.* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
11 |
*.mlmodel filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
12 |
*.model filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
13 |
*.msgpack filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
14 |
*.npy filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
15 |
*.npz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
16 |
*.onnx filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
17 |
*.ot filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
18 |
*.parquet filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
19 |
*.pb filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
20 |
*.pickle filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
21 |
*.pkl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
22 |
*.pt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
23 |
*.pth filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
24 |
*.rar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
25 |
*.safetensors filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
26 |
saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
27 |
*.tar.* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
28 |
*.tar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
29 |
*.tflite filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
30 |
*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
31 |
*.wasm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
32 |
*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
33 |
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
34 |
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
35 |
*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
1 |
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
2 |
* text=auto
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
1 |
# These are supported funding model platforms
2 |
3 |
github: #
4 |
patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
5 |
open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
6 |
ko_fi: iahispano
7 |
tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
8 |
community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
9 |
liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
10 |
issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
11 |
otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
12 |
lfx_crowdfunding: # Replace with a single LFX Crowdfunding project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
13 |
custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
1 |
2 |
name: Bug report
3 |
about: Create a report to help us improve
4 |
title: "[BUG]"
5 |
labels: ''
6 |
assignees: ''
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
**Before You Report a Bug**
11 |
Reporting a bug is essential for us to improve our service, but we need detailed information to address the issue effectively. Since every computer setup is unique, there can be various reasons behind a bug. Before reporting, consider potential causes and provide as much detail as possible to help us understand the problem.
12 |
13 |
**Bug Description**
14 |
Please provide a clear and concise description of the bug.
15 |
16 |
**Steps to Reproduce**
17 |
Outline the steps to replicate the issue:
18 |
1. Go to '...'
19 |
2. Click on '....'
20 |
3. Scroll down to '....'
21 |
4. Observe the error.
22 |
23 |
**Expected Behavior**
24 |
Describe what you expected to happen.
25 |
26 |
27 |
Include screenshots or videos if they can illustrate the issue.
28 |
29 |
**Desktop Details:**
30 |
- Operating System: [e.g., Windows 11]
31 |
- Browser: [e.g., Chrome, Safari]
32 |
33 |
**Additional Context**
34 |
Any additional information that might be relevant to the issue.
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
1 |
name: Code Formatter
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
- main
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
11 |
12 |
13 |
contents: write
14 |
pull-requests: write
15 |
16 |
17 |
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
18 |
19 |
ref: ${{github.ref_name}}
20 |
21 |
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
22 |
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
23 |
24 |
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
25 |
26 |
- name: Install Black
27 |
run: pip install "black[jupyter]"
28 |
29 |
- name: Run Black
30 |
# run: black $(git ls-files '*.py')
31 |
run: black . --exclude=".*\.ipynb$"
32 |
33 |
- name: Commit Back
34 |
continue-on-error: true
35 |
id: commitback
36 |
run: |
37 |
git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
38 |
git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
39 |
git add --all
40 |
git commit -m "chore(format): run black on ${{github.ref_name}}"
41 |
42 |
- name: Create Pull Request
43 |
if: steps.commitback.outcome == 'success'
44 |
continue-on-error: true
45 |
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
46 |
47 |
delete-branch: true
48 |
body: "Automatically apply code formatter change"
49 |
title: "chore(format): run black on ${{github.ref_name}}"
50 |
commit-message: "chore(format): run black on ${{github.ref_name}}"
51 |
branch: formatter-${{github.ref_name}}
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
1 |
name: Test preprocess and extract
2 |
on: [push, pull_request]
3 |
4 |
5 |
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
6 |
7 |
8 |
python-version: ["3.9", "3.10"]
9 |
os: [ubuntu-latest]
10 |
11 |
12 |
- uses: actions/checkout@main
13 |
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
14 |
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
15 |
16 |
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
17 |
- name: Install dependencies
18 |
run: |
19 |
sudo apt update
20 |
sudo apt -y install ffmpeg
21 |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
22 |
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
23 |
python -m pip install --upgrade wheel
24 |
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
25 |
pip install -r requirements.txt
26 |
python prerequisites --models "True"
27 |
- name: Test Preprocess
28 |
run: |
29 |
python preprocess --model_name "Evaluate" --dataset_path "logs/mute/sliced_audios" --sampling_rate "48000" --cpu_cores "2"
30 |
- name: Test Extract
31 |
run: |
32 |
python extract --model_name "Evaluate" --sampling_rate "48000" --cpu_cores "2"
@@ -2,9 +2,20 @@
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
@@ -1,10 +1,81 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
1 |
<h1 align="center">
2 |
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Applio"></a>
3 |
4 |
5 |
<p align="center">
6 |
<img alt="Contributors" src="" />
7 |
<img alt="Release" src="" />
8 |
<img alt="Stars" src="" />
9 |
<img alt="Fork" src="" />
10 |
<img alt="Issues" src="" />
11 |
12 |
13 |
<p align="center">A simple, high-quality voice conversion tool, focused on ease of use and performance.</p>
14 |
15 |
<p align="center">
16 |
<a href="" target="_blank">🌐 Website</a>
17 |
18 |
<a href="" target="_blank">📚 Documentation</a>
19 |
20 |
<a href="" target="_blank">☎️ Discord</a>
21 |
22 |
23 |
<p align="center">
24 |
<a href="" target="_blank">🛒 Plugins</a>
25 |
26 |
<a href="" target="_blank">📦 Compiled</a>
27 |
28 |
<a href="" target="_blank">🎮 Playground</a>
29 |
30 |
<a href="" target="_blank">🔎 Google Colab (UI)</a>
31 |
32 |
<a href="" target="_blank">🔎 Google Colab (No UI)</a>
33 |
34 |
35 |
## Introduction
36 |
37 |
Applio is a powerful voice conversion tool focused on simplicity, quality, and performance. Whether you're an artist, developer, or researcher, Applio offers a straightforward platform for high-quality voice transformations. Its flexible design allows for customization through plugins and configurations, catering to a wide range of projects.
38 |
39 |
## Getting Started
40 |
41 |
### 1. Installation
42 |
43 |
Run the installation script based on your operating system:
44 |
45 |
- **Windows:** Double-click `run-install.bat`.
46 |
- **Linux/macOS:** Execute ``.
47 |
48 |
### 2. Running Applio
49 |
50 |
Start Applio using:
51 |
52 |
- **Windows:** Double-click `run-applio.bat`.
53 |
- **Linux/macOS:** Run ``.
54 |
55 |
This launches the Gradio interface in your default browser.
56 |
57 |
### 3. Optional: TensorBoard Monitoring
58 |
59 |
To monitor training or visualize data:
60 |
61 |
- **Windows:** Run `run-tensorboard.bat`.
62 |
- **Linux/macOS:** Run ``.
63 |
64 |
For more detailed instructions, visit the [documentation](
65 |
66 |
## Commercial Usage
67 |
68 |
For commercial use, follow the [MIT license](./LICENSE) and contact us at [email protected] to ensure ethical use. The use of Applio-generated audio files must comply with applicable copyrights. Consider supporting Applio’s development [through a donation](
69 |
70 |
## References
71 |
72 |
Applio is made possible thanks to these projects and their references:
73 |
74 |
- [gradio-screen-recorder]( by gstaff
75 |
- [rvc-cli]( by blaisewf
76 |
77 |
### Contributors
78 |
79 |
<a href="" target="_blank">
80 |
<img src="" />
81 |
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
1 |
import spaces
2 |
import gradio as gr
3 |
import sys
4 |
import os
5 |
6 |
now_dir = os.getcwd()
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Tabs
10 |
from tabs.inference.inference import inference_tab
11 |
from tabs.train.train import train_tab
12 |
from tabs.extra.extra import extra_tab
@@ -24,42 +33,50 @@ from tabs.settings.fake_gpu import fake_gpu_tab, gpu_available, load_fake_gpu
24 |
from tabs.settings.themes import theme_tab
25 |
from tabs.settings.precision import precision_tab
26 |
27 |
28 |
import assets.themes.loadThemes as loadThemes
29 |
from assets.i18n.i18n import I18nAuto
30 |
import assets.installation_checker as installation_checker
31 |
from assets.discord_presence import RPCManager
32 |
from assets.flask.server import start_flask, load_config_flask
33 |
from core import run_prerequisites_script
34 |
35 |
# Disable logging
36 |
import logging
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
run_prerequisites_script(False, True, True, True)
42 |
43 |
i18n = I18nAuto()
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
print("Starting Flask server")
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
my_applio = "ParityError/Interstellar"
57 |
58 |
with gr.Blocks(theme=my_applio, title="Applio") as Applio:
59 |
gr.Markdown("# Applio
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
with gr.Tab(i18n("Inference")):
@@ -105,9 +122,8 @@ with gr.Blocks(theme=my_applio, title="Applio") as Applio:
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
def launch_gradio():
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
113 |
1 |
import gradio as gr
2 |
import sys
3 |
import os
4 |
import logging
5 |
6 |
# Constants
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
# Set up logging
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
# Add current directory to sys.path
15 |
now_dir = os.getcwd()
16 |
17 |
18 |
# Import Tabs
19 |
from tabs.inference.inference import inference_tab
20 |
from tabs.train.train import train_tab
21 |
from tabs.extra.extra import extra_tab
33 |
from tabs.settings.themes import theme_tab
34 |
from tabs.settings.precision import precision_tab
35 |
36 |
# Run prerequisites
37 |
from core import run_prerequisites_script
38 |
39 |
run_prerequisites_script(False, True, True, True)
40 |
41 |
# Initialize i18n
42 |
from assets.i18n.i18n import I18nAuto
43 |
44 |
i18n = I18nAuto()
45 |
46 |
# Start Discord presence if enabled
47 |
if load_config_presence():
48 |
from assets.discord_presence import RPCManager
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
# Check installation
53 |
import assets.installation_checker as installation_checker
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
# Start Flask server if enabled
58 |
from assets.flask.server import start_flask, load_config_flask
59 |
60 |
if load_config_flask():
61 |
print("Starting Flask server")
62 |
63 |
64 |
# Load theme
65 |
import assets.themes.loadThemes as loadThemes
66 |
67 |
my_applio = loadThemes.load_json() or "ParityError/Interstellar"
68 |
69 |
# Define Gradio interface
70 |
with gr.Blocks(theme=my_applio, title="Applio") as Applio:
71 |
gr.Markdown("# Applio")
72 |
73 |
74 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance."
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
"[Support]( — [Discord Bot]( — [Find Voices]( — [GitHub]("
80 |
81 |
82 |
with gr.Tab(i18n("Inference")):
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
def launch_gradio(port):
126 |
127 |
128 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
129 |
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
7 |
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"## **Applio**\n",
10 |
11 |
12 |
"[Support]( — [Discord Bot]( — [Find Voices]( — [GitHub](\n",
13 |
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
16 |
"### **Credits**\n",
17 |
"- Encryption method: [Hina](\n",
18 |
"- Extra section: [Poopmaster](\n",
19 |
"- Main development: [Applio Team](
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
@@ -32,16 +29,14 @@
32 |
"outputs": [],
33 |
"source": [
34 |
"# @title **Install Applio**\n",
35 |
36 |
"import codecs\n",
37 |
"import time\n",
38 |
"import os\n",
39 |
40 |
"import shutil\n",
41 |
"import tarfile\n",
42 |
"import subprocess\n",
43 |
"from pathlib import Path\n",
44 |
45 |
46 |
"rot_47 = lambda encoded_text: \"\".join(\n",
47 |
" [\n",
@@ -61,67 +56,40 @@
61 |
"new_name = rot_47(\"kmjbmvh_hg\")\n",
62 |
"uioawhd = rot_47(codecs.decode(\"pbbxa://oqbpcj.kwu/QIPqaxivw/Ixxtqw.oqb\", \"rot_13\"))\n",
63 |
"uyadwa = codecs.decode(\"\", \"rot_13\")\n",
64 |
65 |
66 |
"%cd $new_name/\n",
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
"def vidal_setup(ForceIn):\n",
77 |
" L = \"Kikpm.ovm.bu\"\n",
78 |
" K = \"/content/\"\n",
79 |
" C = ForceIn\n",
80 |
81 |
" def F():\n",
82 |
" print(\"Installing pip packages...\")\n",
83 |
" subprocess.check_call([\"pip\", \"install\", \"-r\", \"requirements.txt\", \"--quiet\"])\n",
84 |
85 |
" A = K + rot_47(L)\n",
86 |
" G = K + rot_47(L)\n",
87 |
" D = \"/\"\n",
88 |
" if not os.path.exists(A):\n",
89 |
" M = os.path.dirname(A)\n",
90 |
" os.makedirs(M, exist_ok=True)\n",
91 |
" print(\"No cached install found..\")\n",
92 |
" try:\n",
93 |
" N =
94 |
95 |
" \"pbbxa://\",\n",
96 |
" \"rot_13\",\n",
97 |
" )\n",
98 |
" )\n",
99 |
"[\"wget\", \"-O\", A, N])\n",
100 |
" print(\"Download completed successfully!\")\n",
101 |
" except
102 |
" print(str(H))\n",
103 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
104 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
105 |
" if Path(A).exists():\n",
106 |
" with
107 |
108 |
109 |
" try:\n",
110 |
" I.extract(J, D)\n",
111 |
" except E as H:\n",
112 |
" print(\"Failed to extract a file\")\n",
113 |
" C = True\n",
114 |
" print(f\"Extraction of {G} to {D} completed.\")\n",
115 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
116 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
117 |
" if C:\n",
118 |
" F()\n",
119 |
" C = False\n",
120 |
" else:\n",
121 |
" F()\n",
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
"print(\"Finished installing requirements!\")"
127 |
@@ -143,10 +111,11 @@
143 |
"import time\n",
144 |
"import ipywidgets as widgets\n",
145 |
"from IPython.display import display\n",
146 |
"!npm install -g localtunnel\n",
147 |
"new_name = rot_47(\"kmjbmvh_hg\")\n",
148 |
149 |
"uyadwa = codecs.decode(\"\", \"rot_13\")\n",
150 |
"share_tunnel = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
151 |
"def start_applio():\n",
152 |
" if share_tunnel:\n",
7 |
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"## **Applio**\n",
10 |
"A simple, high-quality voice conversion tool focused on ease of use and performance. \n",
11 |
12 |
"[Support]( — [Discord Bot]( — [Find Voices]( — [GitHub](\n",
13 |
16 |
"### **Credits**\n",
17 |
"- Encryption method: [Hina](\n",
18 |
"- Extra section: [Poopmaster](\n",
19 |
"- Main development: [Applio Team]("
20 |
21 |
22 |
29 |
"outputs": [],
30 |
"source": [
31 |
"# @title **Install Applio**\n",
32 |
"import os\n",
33 |
"import codecs\n",
34 |
"import shutil\n",
35 |
"import tarfile\n",
36 |
"import subprocess\n",
37 |
38 |
"from pathlib import Path\n",
39 |
"from IPython.display import clear_output\n",
40 |
41 |
"rot_47 = lambda encoded_text: \"\".join(\n",
42 |
" [\n",
56 |
"new_name = rot_47(\"kmjbmvh_hg\")\n",
57 |
"uioawhd = rot_47(codecs.decode(\"pbbxa://oqbpcj.kwu/QIPqaxivw/Ixxtqw.oqb\", \"rot_13\"))\n",
58 |
"uyadwa = codecs.decode(\"\", \"rot_13\")\n",
59 |
"A = \"/content/\" + rot_47(\"Kikpm.ovm.bu\")\n",
60 |
"D = \"/\"\n",
61 |
62 |
"!git clone --depth 1 $uioawhd $new_name --branch 3.2.4 --single-branch\n",
63 |
"%cd $new_name/\n",
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
"def vidal_setup():\n",
68 |
" A = \"/content/\" + rot_47(\"Kikpm.ovm.bu\")\n",
69 |
" D = \"/\"\n",
70 |
" if not os.path.exists(A):\n",
71 |
" M = os.path.dirname(A)\n",
72 |
" os.makedirs(M, exist_ok=True)\n",
73 |
" print(\"No cached install found..\")\n",
74 |
" try:\n",
75 |
" N = codecs.decode(\n",
76 |
" \"uggcf://uhttvatsnpr.pb/VNUvfcnab/Nccyvb/erfbyir/znva/Raivebzrag/Pbyno/\",\n",
77 |
" \"rot_13\",\n",
78 |
" )\n",
79 |
"[\"wget\", \"-O\", A, N])\n",
80 |
" print(\"Download completed successfully!\")\n",
81 |
" except Exception as H:\n",
82 |
" print(str(H))\n",
83 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
84 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
85 |
" if Path(A).exists():\n",
86 |
" with, \"r:gz\") as I:\n",
87 |
" I.extractall(D)\n",
88 |
" print(f\"Extraction of {A} to {D} completed.\")\n",
89 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
90 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
"print(\"Finished installing requirements!\")"
95 |
111 |
"import time\n",
112 |
"import ipywidgets as widgets\n",
113 |
"from IPython.display import display\n",
114 |
"import os\n",
115 |
"os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'\n",
116 |
"!npm install -g localtunnel\n",
117 |
"new_name = rot_47(\"kmjbmvh_hg\")\n",
118 |
"%cd $new_name/\n",
119 |
"share_tunnel = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
120 |
"def start_applio():\n",
121 |
" if share_tunnel:\n",
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{},"source":["## **Applio**\n","A simple, high-quality voice conversion tool focused on ease of use and performance.\n","\n","[Support]( — [Discord Bot]( — [Find Voices]( — [GitHub](\n","\n","<br>\n","\n","### **Credits**\n","- Encryption method: [Hina](\n","- Main development: [Applio Team]("]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{},"source":["## Install"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"trusted":true},"outputs":[],"source":["import codecs\n","import os\n","import shutil\n","import tarfile\n","import subprocess\n","from pathlib import Path\n","from IPython.display import clear_output, Javascript\n","rot_47 = lambda encoded_text: \"\".join(\n"," [\n"," (\n"," chr(\n"," (ord(c) - (ord(\"a\") if c.islower() else ord(\"A\")) - 47) % 26\n"," + (ord(\"a\") if c.islower() else ord(\"A\"))\n"," )\n"," if c.isalpha()\n"," else c\n"," )\n"," for c in encoded_text\n"," ]\n",")\n","\n","new_name = rot_47(\"kmjbmvh_hg\")\n","findme = rot_47(codecs.decode(\"pbbxa://oqbpcj.kwu/Dqlitvb/qurwg-mtnqvlmz.oqb\", \"rot_13\"))\n","uioawhd = rot_47(codecs.decode(\"pbbxa://oqbpcj.kwu/QIPqaxivw/Ixxtqw.oqb\", \"rot_13\"))\n","!pip install uv\n","!git clone --depth 1 $uioawhd $new_name --branch 3.2.4\n","clear_output()\n","!mkdir -p /kaggle/tmp\n","%cd /kaggle/tmp\n","!uv venv .venv > /dev/null 2>&1\n","def vidal_setup(ForceIn):\n"," def F():\n"," print(\"Installing pip packages...\")\n"," subprocess.check_call([\"uv\", \"pip\", \"install\", \"-r\", \"requirements.txt\", \"--quiet\"])\n","\n"," A = \"/kaggle/working\" + rot_47(\"Kikpm.ovm.bu\")\n"," D = \"/kaggle/tmp\"\n"," if not os.path.exists(A):\n"," M = os.path.dirname(A)\n"," os.makedirs(M, exist_ok=True)\n"," print(\"No cached install found..\")\n"," try:\n"," N = rot_47(codecs.decode(\"pbbxa://\", \"rot_13\"))\n","[\"wget\",\"-q\" ,\"-O\", A, N])\n"," print(\"Download completed successfully!\")\n"," except Exception as H:\n"," print(str(H))\n"," if os.path.exists(A):\n"," os.remove(A)\n"," if Path(A).exists():\n"," with, \"r:gz\") as I:\n"," I.extractall(D)\n"," print(f\"Extraction of {A} to {D} completed.\")\n"," if os.path.exists(A):\n"," os.remove(A)\n"," else:\n"," F()\n","\n","vidal_setup(False)\n","%cd /kaggle/working/program_ml\n","!source /kaggle/tmp/.venv/bin/activate; python \"prerequisites\" --pretraineds_v1 \"False\" --pretraineds_v2 \"True\" --models \"True\" --exe \"False\" > /dev/null 2>&1\n","clear_output()\n","print(\"Finished\")"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{},"source":["## Setup Ngrok"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"trusted":true},"outputs":[],"source":["# (Token Ngrok)\n","!pip install pyngrok\n","!ngrok config add-authtoken token"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{},"source":["## Start"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"trusted":true},"outputs":[],"source":["from pyngrok import ngrok\n","ngrok.kill()\n","%cd /kaggle/working/program_ml\n","os.system(f\". /kaggle/tmp/.venv/bin/activate; imjoy-elfinder --root-dir=/kaggle --port 9876 > /dev/null 2>&1 &\")\n","clear_output()\n","%load_ext tensorboard\n","%tensorboard --logdir logs --port 8077\n","p_tunnel = ngrok.connect(6969)\n","t_tunnel = ngrok.connect(8077)\n","f_tunnel = ngrok.connect(9876)\n","clear_output()\n","print(\"Applio Url:\", p_tunnel.public_url)\n","print(\"Tensorboard Url:\", t_tunnel.public_url)\n","print(\"File Url:\", f_tunnel.public_url)\n","print(\"Save the link for later, this will take a while...\")\n","\n","!source /kaggle/tmp/.venv/bin/activate; python"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"_kg_hide-input":false},"source":["## Extra"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{},"source":["## Setup new logs folder format\n","- Put the exact name you put as your Model Name in Applio."]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["\n","modelname = \"Test\"\n","logs_folder = f\"/kaggle/working/program_ml/logs/\" + modelname\n","\n","import os\n","\n","folder_renames = {\n"," \"0_gt_wavs\": \"sliced_audios\",\n"," \"1_16k_wavs\": \"sliced_audios_16k\",\n"," \"2a_f0\": \"f0\",\n"," \"2b-f0nsf\": \"f0_voiced\",\n"," \"3_feature768\": \"v2_extracted\"\n","}\n","\n","def rename_folders(base_path, rename_dict):\n"," for old_name, new_name in rename_dict.items():\n"," old_path = os.path.join(base_path, old_name)\n"," new_path = os.path.join(base_path, new_name)\n"," if os.path.exists(old_path):\n"," os.rename(old_path, new_path)\n"," print(f\"Renamed {old_path} to {new_path}\")\n"," else:\n"," print(f\"Folder {old_path} does not exist\")\n","\n","rename_folders(logs_folder, folder_renames)\n"]}],"metadata":{"kaggle":{"accelerator":"nvidiaTeslaT4","dataSources":[],"dockerImageVersionId":30558,"isGpuEnabled":true,"isInternetEnabled":true,"language":"python","sourceType":"notebook"},"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3","language":"python","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"file_extension":".py","mimetype":"text/x-python","name":"python","nbconvert_exporter":"python","pygments_lexer":"ipython3","version":"3.10.12"}},"nbformat":4,"nbformat_minor":4}
@@ -6,11 +6,18 @@
6 |
"id": "0pKllbPyK_BC"
7 |
8 |
"source": [
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
@@ -68,7 +75,7 @@
68 |
"outputs": [],
69 |
"source": [
70 |
"# @title Clone\n",
71 |
"!git clone --branch 3.2.
72 |
"%cd /content/Applio"
73 |
74 |
@@ -97,54 +104,35 @@
97 |
98 |
"import codecs\n",
99 |
"import os\n",
100 |
"import shutil\n",
101 |
"import tarfile\n",
102 |
"import subprocess\n",
103 |
"from pathlib import Path\n",
104 |
105 |
"E = Exception\n",
106 |
"B = print\n",
107 |
108 |
109 |
"def vidal_setup(ForceIn):\n",
110 |
" L = \"Kikpm.ovm.bu\"\n",
111 |
" K = \"/content/\"\n",
112 |
" C = ForceIn\n",
113 |
114 |
" def F():\n",
115 |
" print(\"Installing pip packages...\")\n",
116 |
" subprocess.check_call([\"pip\", \"install\", \"-r\", \"requirements.txt\", \"--quiet\"])\n",
117 |
118 |
" A =
119 |
" G = K + rot_47(L)\n",
120 |
" D = \"/\"\n",
121 |
" if not os.path.exists(A):\n",
122 |
" M = os.path.dirname(A)\n",
123 |
" os.makedirs(M, exist_ok=True)\n",
124 |
" print(\"No cached install found..\")\n",
125 |
" try:\n",
126 |
" N =
127 |
128 |
" \"pbbxa://\",\n",
129 |
" \"rot_13\",\n",
130 |
" )\n",
131 |
" )\n",
132 |
"[\"wget\", \"-O\", A, N])\n",
133 |
" print(\"Download completed successfully!\")\n",
134 |
" except
135 |
" print(str(H))\n",
136 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
137 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
138 |
" if Path(A).exists():\n",
139 |
" with
140 |
141 |
142 |
" try:\n",
143 |
" I.extract(J, D)\n",
144 |
" except E as H:\n",
145 |
" print(\"Failed to extract a file\")\n",
146 |
" C = True\n",
147 |
" print(f\"Extraction of {G} to {D} completed.\")\n",
148 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
149 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
150 |
" if C:\n",
@@ -242,8 +230,11 @@
242 |
"split_audio = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
243 |
"clean_audio = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
244 |
"f0_autotune = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
245 |
246 |
"!python infer --pitch \"{f0_up_key}\" --filter_radius \"{filter_radius}\" --volume_envelope \"{rms_mix_rate}\" --index_rate \"{index_rate}\" --hop_length \"{hop_length}\" --protect \"{protect}\" --f0_autotune \"{f0_autotune}\" --f0_method \"{f0_method}\" --input_path \"{input_path}\" --output_path \"{output_path}\" --pth_path \"{pth_file}\" --index_path \"{index_file}\" --split_audio \"{split_audio}\" --clean_audio \"{clean_audio}\" --clean_strength \"{clean_strength}\" --export_format \"{export_format}\"\n",
247 |
248 |
"from IPython.display import Audio, display, clear_output\n",
249 |
@@ -271,14 +262,17 @@
271 |
"outputs": [],
272 |
"source": [
273 |
"# @title Preprocess Dataset\n",
274 |
"model_name = \"Darwin\" # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
275 |
"dataset_path = \"/content/drive/MyDrive/Darwin_Dataset\" # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
276 |
277 |
"sample_rate = \"40k\" # @param [\"32k\", \"40k\", \"48k\"] {allow-input: false}\n",
278 |
"sr = int(sample_rate.rstrip(\"k\")) * 1000\n",
279 |
"cpu_cores = 2 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max:2, step:1}\n",
280 |
281 |
"!python preprocess --model_name \"{model_name}\" --dataset_path \"{dataset_path}\" --sample_rate \"{sr}\" --cpu_cores \"{cpu_cores}\""
282 |
283 |
284 |
@@ -321,19 +315,15 @@
321 |
"import time\n",
322 |
323 |
"LOGS_FOLDER = \"/content/Applio/logs/\"\n",
324 |
"WEIGHTS_FOLDER = LOGS_FOLDER + model_name\n",
325 |
"GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH = \"/content/drive/MyDrive/RVC_Backup\"\n",
326 |
327 |
328 |
"def import_google_drive_backup():\n",
329 |
" print(\"Importing Google Drive backup...\")\n",
330 |
" weights_exist = False\n",
331 |
" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH):\n",
332 |
" for filename in files:\n",
333 |
" filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)\n",
334 |
" if os.path.isfile(filepath)
335 |
" os.path.join(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH, \"weights\")\n",
336 |
" ):\n",
337 |
" backup_filepath = os.path.join(\n",
338 |
" LOGS_FOLDER, os.path.relpath(filepath, GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH)\n",
339 |
" )\n",
@@ -341,28 +331,8 @@
341 |
" if not os.path.exists(backup_folderpath):\n",
342 |
" os.makedirs(backup_folderpath)\n",
343 |
" print(f\"Created backup folder: {backup_folderpath}\", flush=True)\n",
344 |
" shutil.copy2(filepath, backup_filepath)
345 |
" print(f\"Imported file from Google Drive backup: {filename}\")\n",
346 |
" elif filepath.startswith(\n",
347 |
" os.path.join(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH, \"weights\")\n",
348 |
" ) and filename.endswith(\".pth\"):\n",
349 |
" weights_exist = True\n",
350 |
" weights_filepath = os.path.join(\n",
351 |
352 |
" os.path.relpath(\n",
353 |
" filepath, os.path.join(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH, \"weights\")\n",
354 |
" ),\n",
355 |
" )\n",
356 |
" weights_folderpath = os.path.dirname(weights_filepath)\n",
357 |
" if not os.path.exists(weights_folderpath):\n",
358 |
" os.makedirs(weights_folderpath)\n",
359 |
" print(f\"Created weights folder: {weights_folderpath}\", flush=True)\n",
360 |
" shutil.copy2(filepath, weights_filepath) # copy file with metadata\n",
361 |
" print(f\"Imported file from weights: {filename}\")\n",
362 |
" if weights_exist:\n",
363 |
" print(\"Copied weights from Google Drive backup to local weights folder.\")\n",
364 |
" else:\n",
365 |
" print(\"No weights found in Google Drive backup.\")\n",
366 |
" print(\"Google Drive backup import completed.\")\n",
367 |
368 |
@@ -374,31 +344,6 @@
374 |
" return hash_md5.hexdigest()\n",
375 |
376 |
377 |
"def copy_weights_folder_to_drive():\n",
378 |
" destination_folder = os.path.join(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH, \"weights\")\n",
379 |
" try:\n",
380 |
" if not os.path.exists(destination_folder):\n",
381 |
" os.makedirs(destination_folder)\n",
382 |
383 |
" num_copied = 0\n",
384 |
" for filename in os.listdir(WEIGHTS_FOLDER):\n",
385 |
" if filename.endswith(\".pth\"):\n",
386 |
" source_file = os.path.join(WEIGHTS_FOLDER, filename)\n",
387 |
" destination_file = os.path.join(destination_folder, filename)\n",
388 |
" if not os.path.exists(destination_file):\n",
389 |
" shutil.copy2(source_file, destination_file)\n",
390 |
" num_copied += 1\n",
391 |
" print(f\"Copied {filename} to Google Drive!\")\n",
392 |
393 |
" if num_copied == 0:\n",
394 |
" print(\"No new finished models found for copying.\")\n",
395 |
" else:\n",
396 |
" print(f\"Finished copying {num_copied} files to Google Drive!\")\n",
397 |
398 |
" except Exception as error:\n",
399 |
" print(f\"An error occurred during copying weights to Google Drive: {str(error)}\")\n",
400 |
401 |
402 |
"if \"autobackups\" not in globals():\n",
403 |
" autobackups = False\n",
404 |
@@ -422,7 +367,6 @@
422 |
" pass\n",
423 |
424 |
" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(LOGS_FOLDER):\n",
425 |
" # Excluding \"zips\" directory\n",
426 |
" if \"zips\" in dirs:\n",
427 |
" dirs.remove(\"zips\")\n",
428 |
" if \"mute\" in dirs:\n",
@@ -493,7 +437,7 @@
493 |
" print(\"Autobackup Disabled\")\n",
494 |
495 |
" autobackups = True\n",
496 |
" print(\"Autobackup Enabled\")\n",
497 |
498 |
"total_epoch = 800 # @param {type:\"integer\"}\n",
499 |
"batch_size = 15 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max:25, step:0}\n",
@@ -557,7 +501,8 @@
557 |
"outputs": [],
558 |
"source": [
559 |
"# @title Generate index file\n",
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
@@ -572,7 +517,7 @@
572 |
"# @title Save model\n",
573 |
"# @markdown Enter the name of the model and the steps. You can find it in your `/content/Applio/logs` folder.\n",
574 |
"%cd /content\n",
575 |
"import shutil,
576 |
577 |
"model_name = \"Darwin\" # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
578 |
"model_epoch = 800 # @param {type:\"integer\"}\n",
@@ -581,14 +526,27 @@
581 |
"if os.path.exists(\"/content/zips\"):\n",
582 |
" shutil.rmtree(\"/content/zips\")\n",
583 |
"print(\"Removed zips.\")\n",
584 |
585 |
"print(\"Created zips.\")\n",
586 |
587 |
" print(\"There is no weight file with that name\")\n",
588 |
"if not save_big_file:\n",
589 |
" !cp
590 |
" !cp
591 |
" !cp
592 |
" %cd /content/zips\n",
593 |
" !zip -r {model_name}.zip {model_name}\n",
594 |
"if save_big_file:\n",
@@ -609,16 +567,13 @@
609 |
" !zip -r {ZIPFILEPATH} {os.path.join(logs_folder, filename)}\n",
610 |
" else:\n",
611 |
" !zip -r {ZIPFILEPATH} {os.path.join(logs_folder, filename)}\n",
612 |
" for filename in os.listdir(\"./weights\"):\n",
613 |
" if model_name in filename:\n",
614 |
" !zip -r {ZIPFILEPATH} {os.path.join('./weights/', filename)}\n",
615 |
616 |
"!mkdir -p /content/drive/MyDrive/RVC_Backup/\n",
617 |
618 |
" f\"/content/zips/{model_name}.zip\",\n",
619 |
" f\"/content/drive/MyDrive/RVC_Backup/{model_name}.zip\",\n",
620 |
621 |
"%cd /content\n",
622 |
623 |
624 |
@@ -702,4 +657,4 @@
702 |
703 |
"nbformat": 4,
704 |
"nbformat_minor": 0
705 |
6 |
"id": "0pKllbPyK_BC"
7 |
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"## **Applio NoUI**\n",
10 |
"A simple, high-quality voice conversion tool focused on ease of use and performance. \n",
11 |
12 |
"[Support]( — [Discord Bot]( — [Find Voices]( — [GitHub](\n",
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"### **Credits**\n",
17 |
"- Encryption method: [Hina](\n",
18 |
"- Extra section: [Poopmaster](\n",
19 |
"- Main development: [Applio Team](\n",
20 |
"- Colab inspired on [RVC v2 Disconnected]("
21 |
22 |
23 |
75 |
"outputs": [],
76 |
"source": [
77 |
"# @title Clone\n",
78 |
"!git clone --branch 3.2.4 --single-branch\n",
79 |
"%cd /content/Applio"
80 |
81 |
104 |
105 |
"import codecs\n",
106 |
"import os\n",
107 |
"import tarfile\n",
108 |
"import subprocess\n",
109 |
"from pathlib import Path\n",
110 |
"def vidal_setup(C):\n",
111 |
" def F():\n",
112 |
" print(\"Installing pip packages...\")\n",
113 |
" subprocess.check_call([\"pip\", \"install\", \"-r\", \"requirements.txt\", \"--quiet\"])\n",
114 |
115 |
" A = \"/content/\" + rot_47(\"Kikpm.ovm.bu\")\n",
116 |
" D = \"/\"\n",
117 |
" if not os.path.exists(A):\n",
118 |
" M = os.path.dirname(A)\n",
119 |
" os.makedirs(M, exist_ok=True)\n",
120 |
" print(\"No cached install found..\")\n",
121 |
" try:\n",
122 |
" N = codecs.decode(\n",
123 |
" \"uggcf://uhttvatsnpr.pb/VNUvfcnab/Nccyvb/erfbyir/znva/Raivebzrag/Pbyno/\",\n",
124 |
" \"rot_13\",\n",
125 |
" )\n",
126 |
"[\"wget\", \"-O\", A, N])\n",
127 |
" print(\"Download completed successfully!\")\n",
128 |
" except Exception as H:\n",
129 |
" print(str(H))\n",
130 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
131 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
132 |
" if Path(A).exists():\n",
133 |
" with, \"r:gz\") as I:\n",
134 |
" I.extractall(D)\n",
135 |
" print(f\"Extraction of {A} to {D} completed.\")\n",
136 |
" if os.path.exists(A):\n",
137 |
" os.remove(A)\n",
138 |
" if C:\n",
230 |
"split_audio = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
231 |
"clean_audio = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
232 |
"f0_autotune = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
233 |
"formant_shift = False # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
234 |
"formant_qfrency = 1.0 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1.0, max:16.0, step:0.1}\n",
235 |
"formant_timbre = 1.0 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1.0, max:16.0, step:0.1}\n",
236 |
237 |
"!python infer --pitch \"{f0_up_key}\" --filter_radius \"{filter_radius}\" --volume_envelope \"{rms_mix_rate}\" --index_rate \"{index_rate}\" --hop_length \"{hop_length}\" --protect \"{protect}\" --f0_autotune \"{f0_autotune}\" --f0_method \"{f0_method}\" --input_path \"{input_path}\" --output_path \"{output_path}\" --pth_path \"{pth_file}\" --index_path \"{index_file}\" --split_audio \"{split_audio}\" --clean_audio \"{clean_audio}\" --clean_strength \"{clean_strength}\" --export_format \"{export_format}\" --formant_shifting \"{formant_shift}\" --formant_qfrency \"{formant_qfrency}\" --formant_timbre \"{formant_timbre}\"\n",
238 |
239 |
"from IPython.display import Audio, display, clear_output\n",
240 |
262 |
"outputs": [],
263 |
"source": [
264 |
"# @title Preprocess Dataset\n",
265 |
"import os\n",
266 |
"os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'\n",
267 |
"model_name = \"Darwin\" # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
268 |
"dataset_path = \"/content/drive/MyDrive/Darwin_Dataset\" # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
269 |
270 |
"sample_rate = \"40k\" # @param [\"32k\", \"40k\", \"48k\"] {allow-input: false}\n",
271 |
"sr = int(sample_rate.rstrip(\"k\")) * 1000\n",
272 |
"cpu_cores = 2 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max:2, step:1}\n",
273 |
"cut_preprocess = True # @param{type:\"boolean\"}\n",
274 |
275 |
"!python preprocess --model_name \"{model_name}\" --dataset_path \"{dataset_path}\" --sample_rate \"{sr}\" --cpu_cores \"{cpu_cores}\" --cut_preprocess \"{cut_preprocess}\""
276 |
277 |
278 |
315 |
"import time\n",
316 |
317 |
"LOGS_FOLDER = \"/content/Applio/logs/\"\n",
318 |
"GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH = \"/content/drive/MyDrive/RVC_Backup\"\n",
319 |
320 |
321 |
"def import_google_drive_backup():\n",
322 |
" print(\"Importing Google Drive backup...\")\n",
323 |
" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH):\n",
324 |
" for filename in files:\n",
325 |
" filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)\n",
326 |
" if os.path.isfile(filepath):\n",
327 |
" backup_filepath = os.path.join(\n",
328 |
" LOGS_FOLDER, os.path.relpath(filepath, GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH)\n",
329 |
" )\n",
331 |
" if not os.path.exists(backup_folderpath):\n",
332 |
" os.makedirs(backup_folderpath)\n",
333 |
" print(f\"Created backup folder: {backup_folderpath}\", flush=True)\n",
334 |
" shutil.copy2(filepath, backup_filepath)\n",
335 |
" print(f\"Imported file from Google Drive backup: {filename}\")\n",
336 |
" print(\"Google Drive backup import completed.\")\n",
337 |
338 |
344 |
" return hash_md5.hexdigest()\n",
345 |
346 |
347 |
"if \"autobackups\" not in globals():\n",
348 |
" autobackups = False\n",
349 |
367 |
" pass\n",
368 |
369 |
" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(LOGS_FOLDER):\n",
370 |
" if \"zips\" in dirs:\n",
371 |
" dirs.remove(\"zips\")\n",
372 |
" if \"mute\" in dirs:\n",
437 |
" print(\"Autobackup Disabled\")\n",
438 |
439 |
" autobackups = True\n",
440 |
" print(\"Autobackup Enabled\") \n",
441 |
442 |
"total_epoch = 800 # @param {type:\"integer\"}\n",
443 |
"batch_size = 15 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max:25, step:0}\n",
501 |
"outputs": [],
502 |
"source": [
503 |
"# @title Generate index file\n",
504 |
"index_algorithm = \"Auto\" # @param [\"Auto\", \"Faiss\", \"KMeans\"] {allow-input: false}\n",
505 |
"!python index --model_name \"{model_name}\" --rvc_version \"{rvc_version}\" --index_algorithm \"{index_algorithm}\""
506 |
507 |
508 |
517 |
"# @title Save model\n",
518 |
"# @markdown Enter the name of the model and the steps. You can find it in your `/content/Applio/logs` folder.\n",
519 |
"%cd /content\n",
520 |
"import os, shutil, sys\n",
521 |
522 |
"model_name = \"Darwin\" # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
523 |
"model_epoch = 800 # @param {type:\"integer\"}\n",
526 |
"if os.path.exists(\"/content/zips\"):\n",
527 |
" shutil.rmtree(\"/content/zips\")\n",
528 |
"print(\"Removed zips.\")\n",
529 |
530 |
"os.makedirs(f\"/content/zips/{model_name}/\", exist_ok=True)\n",
531 |
"print(\"Created zips.\")\n",
532 |
533 |
"logs_folder = f\"/content/Applio/logs/{model_name}/\"\n",
534 |
"weight_file = None\n",
535 |
"if not os.path.exists(logs_folder):\n",
536 |
" print(f\"Model folder not found.\")\n",
537 |
" sys.exit(\"\")\n",
538 |
539 |
"for filename in os.listdir(logs_folder):\n",
540 |
" if filename.startswith(f\"{model_name}_{model_epoch}e\") and filename.endswith(\".pth\"):\n",
541 |
" weight_file = filename\n",
542 |
" break\n",
543 |
"if weight_file is None:\n",
544 |
" print(\"There is no weight file with that name\")\n",
545 |
" sys.exit(\"\")\n",
546 |
"if not save_big_file:\n",
547 |
" !cp {logs_folder}added_*.index /content/zips/{model_name}/\n",
548 |
" !cp {logs_folder}total_*.npy /content/zips/{model_name}/\n",
549 |
" !cp {logs_folder}{weight_file} /content/zips/{model_name}/\n",
550 |
" %cd /content/zips\n",
551 |
" !zip -r {model_name}.zip {model_name}\n",
552 |
"if save_big_file:\n",
567 |
" !zip -r {ZIPFILEPATH} {os.path.join(logs_folder, filename)}\n",
568 |
" else:\n",
569 |
" !zip -r {ZIPFILEPATH} {os.path.join(logs_folder, filename)}\n",
570 |
571 |
"!mkdir -p /content/drive/MyDrive/RVC_Backup/\n",
572 |
573 |
" f\"/content/zips/{model_name}.zip\",\n",
574 |
" f\"/content/drive/MyDrive/RVC_Backup/{model_name}.zip\",\n",
575 |
576 |
"%cd /content/Applio\n",
577 |
578 |
579 |
657 |
658 |
"nbformat": 4,
659 |
"nbformat_minor": 0
660 |
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
1 |
2 |
"theme": {
3 |
"file": "",
4 |
"class": "Applio"
5 |
6 |
"plugins": [],
7 |
"discord_presence": true,
8 |
"lang": {
9 |
"override": false,
10 |
"selected_lang": "en_US"
11 |
12 |
"flask_server": false,
13 |
"version": "3.2.5",
14 |
"fake_gpu": false,
15 |
"model_author": "None"
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
2 |
"formant_qfrency": 1.0,
3 |
"formant_timbre": 0.8
4 |
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
2 |
"formant_qfrency": 1.0,
3 |
"formant_timbre": 1.2
4 |
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
2 |
"formant_qfrency": 32.0,
3 |
"formant_timbre": 9.8
4 |
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "يحتوي هذا القسم على بعض الأدوات المساعدة الإضافية التي قد تكون غالبا في المراحل التجريبية.",
4 |
"Output Information": "معلومات الإخراج",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "سيتم عرض معلومات الإخراج هنا.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "إدخال مسار مجموعة البيانات",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "معدل أخذ العينات",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "معدل أخذ العينات من الملفات الصوتية.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "مجموعة بيانات ما قبل المعالجة",
36 |
"Extract": "استخرج",
37 |
"Hop Length": "طول القفزة",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "أداة استنساخ الصوت النهائية ، محسنة بدقة للحصول على قوة لا مثيل لها ، ونمطية ، وتجربة سهلة الاستخدام.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "يحتوي هذا القسم على بعض الأدوات المساعدة الإضافية التي قد تكون غالبا في المراحل التجريبية.",
4 |
"Output Information": "معلومات الإخراج",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "سيتم عرض معلومات الإخراج هنا.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "إدخال مسار مجموعة البيانات",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "معدل أخذ العينات",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "معدل أخذ العينات من الملفات الصوتية.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "نسخة RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "نسخة RVC من النموذج.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "مجموعة بيانات ما قبل المعالجة",
36 |
"Extract": "استخرج",
37 |
"Hop Length": "طول القفزة",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "এই বিভাগে কিছু অতিরিক্ত ইউটিলিটি রয়েছে যা প্রায়শই পরীক্ষামূলক পর্যায়ে থাকতে পারে।",
4 |
"Output Information": "আউটপুট তথ্য",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "আউটপুট তথ্য এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে।",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ডেটাসেটের পথ লিখুন",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "নমুনা হার",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "অডিও ফাইলের নমুনা হার।",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "প্রিপ্রসেস ডেটাসেট",
36 |
"Extract": "নিষ্কাশন",
37 |
"Hop Length": "হপ দৈর্ঘ্য",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "আলটিমেট ভয়েস ক্লোনিং টুল, অতুলনীয় শক্তি, মডুলারিটি এবং ব্যবহারকারী-বান্ধব অভিজ্ঞতার জন্য নিখুঁতভাবে অপ্টিমাইজ করা।",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "এই বিভাগে কিছু অতিরিক্ত ইউটিলিটি রয়েছে যা প্রায়শই পরীক্ষামূলক পর্যায়ে থাকতে পারে।",
4 |
"Output Information": "আউটপুট তথ্য",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "আউটপুট তথ্য এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে।",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ডেটাসেটের পথ লিখুন",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "নমুনা হার",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "অডিও ফাইলের নমুনা হার।",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "আরভিসি সংস্করণ",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "মডেলটির আরভিসি সংস্করণ।",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "প্রিপ্রসেস ডেটাসেট",
36 |
"Extract": "নিষ্কাশন",
37 |
"Hop Length": "হপ দৈর্ঘ্য",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Dieser Abschnitt enthält einige zusätzliche Dienstprogramme, die sich häufig in experimentellen Phasen befinden.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informationen zur Ausgabe",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Hier werden die Ausgabeinformationen angezeigt.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Datensatz-Pfad eingeben",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Samplingrate",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Die Samplingrate der Audiodateien.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Datensatz vorverarbeiten",
36 |
"Extract": "Extrahieren",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Sprungweite",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Ultimatives Tool zum Klonen von Stimmen, das sorgfältig für unübertroffene Leistung, Modularität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit optimiert wurde.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Dieser Abschnitt enthält einige zusätzliche Dienstprogramme, die sich häufig in experimentellen Phasen befinden.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informationen zur Ausgabe",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Hier werden die Ausgabeinformationen angezeigt.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Datensatz-Pfad eingeben",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Samplingrate",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Die Samplingrate der Audiodateien.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC-Version",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Die RVC-Version des Modells.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Datensatz vorverarbeiten",
36 |
"Extract": "Extrahieren",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Sprungweite",
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Output Information",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "The output information will be displayed here.",
6 |
7 |
"Inference": "Inference",
8 |
"Train": "Train",
9 |
"Extra": "Extra",
@@ -15,8 +14,10 @@
15 |
"Download": "Download",
16 |
"Report a Bug": "Report a Bug",
17 |
"Settings": "Settings",
18 |
19 |
"Preprocess": "Preprocess",
20 |
"Model Name": "Model Name",
21 |
"Name of the new model.": "Name of the new model.",
22 |
"Enter model name": "Enter model name",
@@ -32,10 +33,9 @@
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Enter dataset path",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Sampling Rate",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "The sampling rate of the audio files.",
35 |
36 |
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Preprocess Dataset",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Embedder Model",
40 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "Model used for learning speaker embedding.",
41 |
"Extract": "Extract",
@@ -66,12 +66,18 @@
66 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "GPU Custom Settings",
67 |
"GPU Number": "GPU Number",
68 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 to ∞ separated by -",
69 |
"GPU Information": "GPU Information",
70 |
"Pitch Guidance": "Pitch Guidance",
71 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.",
72 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.",
73 |
"Extract Features": "Extract Features",
74 |
"We prioritize running the model extraction on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.": "We prioritize running the model extraction on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.",
75 |
"Overtraining Detector": "Overtraining Detector",
76 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.",
77 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "Overtraining Detector Settings",
@@ -79,11 +85,9 @@
79 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.",
80 |
"Sync Graph": "Sync Graph",
81 |
"Synchronize the graph of the tensorbaord. Only enable this setting if you are training a new model.": "Synchronize the graph of the tensorbaord. Only enable this setting if you are training a new model.",
82 |
83 |
"Start Training": "Start Training",
84 |
"Stop Training
85 |
"Generate Index": "Generate Index",
86 |
87 |
"Export Model": "Export Model",
88 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.",
89 |
"Exported Pth file": "Exported Pth file",
@@ -91,14 +95,12 @@
91 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "Select the pth file to be exported",
92 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "Select the index file to be exported",
93 |
"Upload": "Upload",
94 |
95 |
"Voice Model": "Voice Model",
96 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "Select the voice model to use for the conversion.",
97 |
"Index File": "Index File",
98 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "Select the index file to use for the conversion.",
99 |
"Refresh": "Refresh",
100 |
"Unload Voice": "Unload Voice",
101 |
102 |
"Single": "Single",
103 |
"Upload Audio": "Upload Audio",
104 |
"Select Audio": "Select Audio",
@@ -118,6 +120,13 @@
118 |
"Upscale Audio": "Upscale Audio",
119 |
"Upscale the audio to a higher quality, recommended for low-quality audios. (It could take longer to process the audio)": "Upscale the audio to a higher quality, recommended for low-quality audios. (It could take longer to process the audio)",
120 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.",
121 |
"Pitch": "Pitch",
122 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.",
123 |
"Filter Radius": "Filter Radius",
@@ -130,10 +139,8 @@
130 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.",
131 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "Pitch extraction algorithm",
132 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.",
133 |
134 |
"Convert": "Convert",
135 |
"Export Audio": "Export Audio",
136 |
137 |
"Batch": "Batch",
138 |
"Input Folder": "Input Folder",
139 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "Select the folder containing the audios to convert.",
@@ -141,9 +148,7 @@
141 |
"Output Folder": "Output Folder",
142 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.",
143 |
"Enter output path": "Enter output path",
144 |
145 |
"Get information about the audio": "Get information about the audio",
146 |
147 |
"## Voice Blender": "## Voice Blender",
148 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.",
149 |
"Voice Blender": "Voice Blender",
@@ -152,7 +157,6 @@
152 |
"Blend Ratio": "Blend Ratio",
153 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.",
154 |
"Fusion": "Fusion",
155 |
156 |
"Path to Model": "Path to Model",
157 |
"Enter path to model": "Enter path to model",
158 |
"Model information to be placed": "Model information to be placed",
@@ -165,23 +169,18 @@
165 |
"Model conversion": "Model conversion",
166 |
"Pth file": "Pth file",
167 |
"Output of the pth file": "Output of the pth file",
168 |
169 |
"Extract F0 Curve": "Extract F0 Curve",
170 |
"The f0 curve represents the variations in the base frequency of a voice over time, showing how pitch rises and falls.": "The f0 curve represents the variations in the base frequency of a voice over time, showing how pitch rises and falls.",
171 |
172 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# How to Report an Issue on GitHub",
173 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.",
174 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).",
175 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.",
176 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.",
177 |
178 |
"Record Screen": "Record Screen",
179 |
"Record": "Record",
180 |
"Stop Recording": "Stop Recording",
181 |
182 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "Introduce the model .pth path",
183 |
"See Model Information": "See Model Information",
184 |
185 |
"## Download Model": "## Download Model",
186 |
"Model Link": "Model Link",
187 |
"Introduce the model link": "Introduce the model link",
@@ -195,7 +194,6 @@
195 |
"## Download Pretrained Models": "## Download Pretrained Models",
196 |
"Select the pretrained model you want to download.": "Select the pretrained model you want to download.",
197 |
"And select the sampling rate": "And select the sampling rate.",
198 |
199 |
"TTS Voices": "TTS Voices",
200 |
"TTS Speed": "TTS Speed",
201 |
"Increase or decrease TTS speed.": "Increase or decrease TTS speed.",
@@ -206,7 +204,6 @@
206 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "Enter text to synthesize",
207 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "Output Path for TTS Audio",
208 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "Output Path for RVC Audio",
209 |
210 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Enable Applio integration with Discord presence",
211 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.",
212 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "Enable Applio integration with using flask",
@@ -221,11 +218,91 @@
221 |
"Precision": "Precision",
222 |
"Select the precision you want to use for training and inference.": "Select the precision you want to use for training and inference.",
223 |
"Update precision": "Update precision",
224 |
225 |
"Plugin Installer": "Plugin Installer",
226 |
"Drag your to install it": "Drag your to install it",
227 |
228 |
"Version Checker": "Version Checker",
229 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.",
230 |
"Check for updates": "Check for updates"
231 |
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Output Information",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "The output information will be displayed here.",
6 |
"Inference": "Inference",
7 |
"Train": "Train",
8 |
"Extra": "Extra",
14 |
"Download": "Download",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "Report a Bug",
16 |
"Settings": "Settings",
17 |
"Preprocess": "Preprocess",
18 |
"Audio cutting": "Audio cutting",
19 |
"It's recommended to deactivate this option if your dataset has already been processed.": "It's recommended to deactivate this option if your dataset has already been processed.",
20 |
"Process effects": "Process effects",
21 |
"Model Name": "Model Name",
22 |
"Name of the new model.": "Name of the new model.",
23 |
"Enter model name": "Enter model name",
33 |
"Enter dataset path": "Enter dataset path",
34 |
"Sampling Rate": "Sampling Rate",
35 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "The sampling rate of the audio files.",
36 |
"Model Architecture": "Model Architecture",
37 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Version of the model architecture.",
38 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Preprocess Dataset",
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Embedder Model",
40 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "Model used for learning speaker embedding.",
41 |
"Extract": "Extract",
66 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "GPU Custom Settings",
67 |
"GPU Number": "GPU Number",
68 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 to ∞ separated by -",
69 |
"The GPU information will be displayed here.": "The GPU information will be displayed here.",
70 |
"Specify the number of GPUs you wish to utilize for preprocess by entering them separated by hyphens (-). At the moment, using multi-gpu will not have a significant effect.": "Specify the number of GPUs you wish to utilize for preprocess by entering them separated by hyphens (-). At the moment, using multi-gpu will not have a significant effect.",
71 |
"Specify the number of GPUs you wish to utilize for extracting by entering them separated by hyphens (-).": "Specify the number of GPUs you wish to utilize for extracting by entering them separated by hyphens (-).",
72 |
"The number of CPU cores to use in the preprocess. The default setting are your cpu cores, which is recommended for most cases.": "The number of CPU cores to use in the preprocess. The default setting are your cpu cores, which is recommended for most cases.",
73 |
"The number of CPU cores to use in the extraction process. The default setting are your cpu cores, which is recommended for most cases.": "The number of CPU cores to use in the extraction process. The default setting are your cpu cores, which is recommended for most cases.",
74 |
"GPU Information": "GPU Information",
75 |
"Pitch Guidance": "Pitch Guidance",
76 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.",
77 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.",
78 |
"Extract Features": "Extract Features",
79 |
"We prioritize running the model extraction on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.": "We prioritize running the model extraction on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.",
80 |
"We prioritize running the model preprocessing on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.": "We prioritize running the model preprocessing on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.",
81 |
"Overtraining Detector": "Overtraining Detector",
82 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.",
83 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "Overtraining Detector Settings",
85 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.",
86 |
"Sync Graph": "Sync Graph",
87 |
"Synchronize the graph of the tensorbaord. Only enable this setting if you are training a new model.": "Synchronize the graph of the tensorbaord. Only enable this setting if you are training a new model.",
88 |
"Start Training": "Start Training",
89 |
"Stop Training": "Stop Training",
90 |
"Generate Index": "Generate Index",
91 |
"Export Model": "Export Model",
92 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.",
93 |
"Exported Pth file": "Exported Pth file",
95 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "Select the pth file to be exported",
96 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "Select the index file to be exported",
97 |
"Upload": "Upload",
98 |
"Voice Model": "Voice Model",
99 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "Select the voice model to use for the conversion.",
100 |
"Index File": "Index File",
101 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "Select the index file to use for the conversion.",
102 |
"Refresh": "Refresh",
103 |
"Unload Voice": "Unload Voice",
104 |
"Single": "Single",
105 |
"Upload Audio": "Upload Audio",
106 |
"Select Audio": "Select Audio",
120 |
"Upscale Audio": "Upscale Audio",
121 |
"Upscale the audio to a higher quality, recommended for low-quality audios. (It could take longer to process the audio)": "Upscale the audio to a higher quality, recommended for low-quality audios. (It could take longer to process the audio)",
122 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.",
123 |
"Formant Shifting": "Formant Shifting",
124 |
"Enable formant shifting. Used for male to female and vice-versa convertions.": "Enable formant shifting. Used for male to female and vice-versa convertions.",
125 |
"Browse presets for formanting": "Browse presets for formanting",
126 |
"Presets are located in /assets/formant_shift folder": "Presets are located in /assets/formant_shift folder",
127 |
"Default value is 1.0": "Default value is 1.0",
128 |
"Quefrency for formant shifting": "Quefrency for formant shifting",
129 |
"Timbre for formant shifting": "Timbre for formant shifting",
130 |
"Pitch": "Pitch",
131 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.",
132 |
"Filter Radius": "Filter Radius",
139 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.",
140 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "Pitch extraction algorithm",
141 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.",
142 |
"Convert": "Convert",
143 |
"Export Audio": "Export Audio",
144 |
"Batch": "Batch",
145 |
"Input Folder": "Input Folder",
146 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "Select the folder containing the audios to convert.",
148 |
"Output Folder": "Output Folder",
149 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.",
150 |
"Enter output path": "Enter output path",
151 |
"Get information about the audio": "Get information about the audio",
152 |
"## Voice Blender": "## Voice Blender",
153 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.",
154 |
"Voice Blender": "Voice Blender",
157 |
"Blend Ratio": "Blend Ratio",
158 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.",
159 |
"Fusion": "Fusion",
160 |
"Path to Model": "Path to Model",
161 |
"Enter path to model": "Enter path to model",
162 |
"Model information to be placed": "Model information to be placed",
169 |
"Model conversion": "Model conversion",
170 |
"Pth file": "Pth file",
171 |
"Output of the pth file": "Output of the pth file",
172 |
"Extract F0 Curve": "Extract F0 Curve",
173 |
"The f0 curve represents the variations in the base frequency of a voice over time, showing how pitch rises and falls.": "The f0 curve represents the variations in the base frequency of a voice over time, showing how pitch rises and falls.",
174 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# How to Report an Issue on GitHub",
175 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.",
176 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).",
177 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.",
178 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.",
179 |
"Record Screen": "Record Screen",
180 |
"Record": "Record",
181 |
"Stop Recording": "Stop Recording",
182 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "Introduce the model .pth path",
183 |
"See Model Information": "See Model Information",
184 |
"## Download Model": "## Download Model",
185 |
"Model Link": "Model Link",
186 |
"Introduce the model link": "Introduce the model link",
194 |
"## Download Pretrained Models": "## Download Pretrained Models",
195 |
"Select the pretrained model you want to download.": "Select the pretrained model you want to download.",
196 |
"And select the sampling rate": "And select the sampling rate.",
197 |
"TTS Voices": "TTS Voices",
198 |
"TTS Speed": "TTS Speed",
199 |
"Increase or decrease TTS speed.": "Increase or decrease TTS speed.",
204 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "Enter text to synthesize",
205 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "Output Path for TTS Audio",
206 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "Output Path for RVC Audio",
207 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Enable Applio integration with Discord presence",
208 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.",
209 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "Enable Applio integration with using flask",
218 |
"Precision": "Precision",
219 |
"Select the precision you want to use for training and inference.": "Select the precision you want to use for training and inference.",
220 |
"Update precision": "Update precision",
221 |
"Plugin Installer": "Plugin Installer",
222 |
"Drag your to install it": "Drag your to install it",
223 |
"Version Checker": "Version Checker",
224 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.",
225 |
"Check for updates": "Check for updates",
226 |
"Post-Process": "Post-Process",
227 |
"Post-process the audio to apply effects to the output.": "Post-process the audio to apply effects to the output.",
228 |
"Reverb": "Reverb",
229 |
"Apply reverb to the audio.": "Apply reverb to the audio.",
230 |
"Reverb Room Size": "Reverb Room Size",
231 |
"Set the room size of the reverb.": "Set the room size of the reverb.",
232 |
"Reverb Damping": "Reverb Damping",
233 |
"Set the damping of the reverb.": "Set the damping of the reverb.",
234 |
"Reverb Wet Gain": "Reverb Wet Gain",
235 |
"Set the wet gain of the reverb.": "Set the wet gain of the reverb.",
236 |
"Reverb Dry Gain": "Reverb Dry Gain",
237 |
"Set the dry gain of the reverb.": "Set the dry gain of the reverb.",
238 |
"Reverb Width": "Reverb Width",
239 |
"Set the width of the reverb.": "Set the width of the reverb.",
240 |
"Reverb Freeze Mode": "Reverb Freeze Mode",
241 |
"Set the freeze mode of the reverb.": "Set the freeze mode of the reverb.",
242 |
"Pitch Shift": "Pitch Shift",
243 |
"Apply pitch shift to the audio.": "Apply pitch shift to the audio.",
244 |
"Pitch Shift Semitones": "Pitch Shift Semitones",
245 |
"Set the pitch shift semitones.": "Set the pitch shift semitones.",
246 |
"Limiter": "Limiter",
247 |
"Apply limiter to the audio.": "Apply limiter to the audio.",
248 |
"Limiter Threshold dB": "Limiter Threshold dB",
249 |
"Set the limiter threshold dB.": "Set the limiter threshold dB.",
250 |
"Limiter Release Time": "Limiter Release Time",
251 |
"Set the limiter release time.": "Set the limiter release time.",
252 |
"Gain": "Gain",
253 |
"Apply gain to the audio.": "Apply gain to the audio.",
254 |
"Gain dB": "Gain dB",
255 |
"Set the gain dB.": "Set the gain dB.",
256 |
"Distortion": "Distortion",
257 |
"Apply distortion to the audio.": "Apply distortion to the audio.",
258 |
"Distortion Gain": "Distortion Gain",
259 |
"Set the distortion gain.": "Set the distortion gain.",
260 |
"Chorus": "Chorus",
261 |
"Apply chorus to the audio.": "Apply chorus to the audio.",
262 |
"Chorus Rate Hz": "Chorus Rate Hz",
263 |
"Set the chorus rate Hz.": "Set the chorus rate Hz.",
264 |
"Chorus Depth": "Chorus Depth",
265 |
"Set the chorus depth.": "Set the chorus depth.",
266 |
"Chorus Center Delay ms": "Chorus Center Delay ms",
267 |
"Set the chorus center delay ms.": "Set the chorus center delay ms.",
268 |
"Chorus Feedback": "Chorus Feedback",
269 |
"Set the chorus feedback.": "Set the chorus feedback.",
270 |
"Chorus Mix": "Chorus Mix",
271 |
"Set the chorus mix.": "Set the chorus mix.",
272 |
"Bitcrush": "Bitcrush",
273 |
"Apply bitcrush to the audio.": "Apply bitcrush to the audio.",
274 |
"Bitcrush Bit Depth": "Bitcrush Bit Depth",
275 |
"Set the bitcrush bit depth.": "Set the bitcrush bit depth.",
276 |
"Clipping": "Clipping",
277 |
"Apply clipping to the audio.": "Apply clipping to the audio.",
278 |
"Clipping Threshold": "Clipping Threshold",
279 |
"Set the clipping threshold.": "Set the clipping threshold.",
280 |
"Compressor": "Compressor",
281 |
"Apply compressor to the audio.": "Apply compressor to the audio.",
282 |
"Compressor Threshold dB": "Compressor Threshold dB",
283 |
"Set the compressor threshold dB.": "Set the compressor threshold dB.",
284 |
"Compressor Ratio": "Compressor Ratio",
285 |
"Set the compressor ratio.": "Set the compressor ratio.",
286 |
"Compressor Attack ms": "Compressor Attack ms",
287 |
"Set the compressor attack ms.": "Set the compressor attack ms.",
288 |
"Compressor Release ms": "Compressor Release ms",
289 |
"Set the compressor release ms.": "Set the compressor release ms.",
290 |
"Delay": "Delay",
291 |
"Apply delay to the audio.": "Apply delay to the audio.",
292 |
"Delay Seconds": "Delay Seconds",
293 |
"Set the delay seconds.": "Set the delay seconds.",
294 |
"Delay Feedback": "Delay Feedback",
295 |
"Set the delay feedback.": "Set the delay feedback.",
296 |
"Delay Mix": "Delay Mix",
297 |
"Set the delay mix.": "Set the delay mix.",
298 |
"Custom Embedder": "Custom Embedder",
299 |
"Select Custom Embedder": "Select Custom Embedder",
300 |
"Refresh embedders": "Refresh embedders",
301 |
"Folder Name": "Folder Name",
302 |
"Upload .bin": "Upload .bin",
303 |
"Upload .json": "Upload .json",
304 |
"Move files to custom embedder folder": "Move files to custom embedder folder",
305 |
"model information": "model information",
306 |
"Model Creator": "Model Creator",
307 |
"Name of the model creator. (Default: Unknown)": "Name of the model creator. (Default: Unknown)"
308 |
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Esta sección contiene algunas utilidades adicionales que a menudo pueden estar en fases experimentales.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Información de salida",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "La información de salida se mostrará aquí.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Introduzca la ruta del dataset",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Frecuencia de muestreo",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "La frecuencia de muestreo de los archivos de audio.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Preprocesar dataset",
36 |
"Embedder Model": "Modelo de incrustación",
37 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "Modelo utilizado para aprender la incrustación del hablante.",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "La herramienta de clonación de voz definitiva, meticulosamente optimizada para una potencia, modularidad y experiencia de uso inigualables.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Esta sección contiene algunas utilidades adicionales que a menudo pueden estar en fases experimentales.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Información de salida",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "La información de salida se mostrará aquí.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Introduzca la ruta del dataset",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Frecuencia de muestreo",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "La frecuencia de muestreo de los archivos de audio.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Versión RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "La versión RVC del modelo.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Preprocesar dataset",
36 |
"Embedder Model": "Modelo de incrustación",
37 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "Modelo utilizado para aprender la incrustación del hablante.",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "این بخش شامل برخی از ابزارهای اضافی است که اغلب ممکن است در مراحل ازمایشی باشد.",
4 |
"Output Information": "اطلاعات خروجی",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "اطلاعات خروجی در اینجا نمایش داده خواهد شد.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "وارد کردن مسیر مجموعه داده ها",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "نرخ نمونه برداری",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "نرخ نمونه برداری از فایل های صوتی.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "مجموعه داده پیش پردازش",
36 |
"Extract": "عصاره",
37 |
"Hop Length": "طول هاپ",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "ابزار شبیه سازی صدا نهایی، با دقت برای قدرت بی نظیر، مدولار بودن و تجربه کاربر پسند بهینه شده است.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "این بخش شامل برخی از ابزارهای اضافی است که اغلب ممکن است در مراحل ازمایشی باشد.",
4 |
"Output Information": "اطلاعات خروجی",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "اطلاعات خروجی در اینجا نمایش داده خواهد شد.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "وارد کردن مسیر مجموعه داده ها",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "نرخ نمونه برداری",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "نرخ نمونه برداری از فایل های صوتی.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "نسخه RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "نسخه RVC از مدل.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "مجموعه داده پیش پردازش",
36 |
"Extract": "عصاره",
37 |
"Hop Length": "طول هاپ",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Cette section contient quelques utilitaires supplémentaires qui peuvent souvent être en phase expérimentale.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informations de sortie",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Les informations de sortie seront affichées ici.",
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Entrez le chemin d’accès au jeu de données",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Fréquence d’échantillonnage",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Fréquence d’échantillonnage des fichiers audio.",
35 |
36 |
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Jeu de données de prétraitement",
38 |
"Extract": "Extraire",
39 |
"Hop Length": "Longueur du houblon",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Outil ultime de clonage vocal, méticuleusement optimisé pour une puissance, une modularité et une expérience conviviales inégalées.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Cette section contient quelques utilitaires supplémentaires qui peuvent souvent être en phase expérimentale.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informations de sortie",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Les informations de sortie seront affichées ici.",
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Entrez le chemin d’accès au jeu de données",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Fréquence d’échantillonnage",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Fréquence d’échantillonnage des fichiers audio.",
35 |
"Model Architecture": "Model Architecture",
36 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "La version RVC du modèle.",
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Jeu de données de prétraitement",
38 |
"Extract": "Extraire",
39 |
"Hop Length": "Longueur du houblon",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "આ વિભાગમાં કેટલીક વધારાની ઉપયોગિતાઓ છે જે ઘણીવાર પ્રાયોગિક તબક્કામાં હોઈ શકે છે.",
4 |
"Output Information": "આઉટપુટ જાણકારી",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "આઉટપુટ જાણકારી અંહિ દર્શાવવામાં આવશે.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ડેટાસેટ પાથને દાખલ કરો",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "નમૂનાનો દર",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ઓડિયો ફાઈલોનો નમૂનાનો દર.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "પ્રીપ્રોસેસ ડેટાસેટ",
36 |
"Extract": "અર્ક કાઢો",
37 |
"Hop Length": "હોપ લંબાઈ",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "અંતિમ વોઇસ ક્લોનિંગ ટૂલ, જે અજોડ શક્તિ, મોડ્યુલારિટી અને વપરાશકર્તા-મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ અનુભવ માટે સાવચેતીપૂર્વક ઓપ્ટિમાઇઝ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "આ વિભાગમાં કેટલીક વધારાની ઉપયોગિતાઓ છે જે ઘણીવાર પ્રાયોગિક તબક્કામાં હોઈ શકે છે.",
4 |
"Output Information": "આઉટપુટ જાણકારી",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "આઉટપુટ જાણકારી અંહિ દર્શાવવામાં આવશે.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ડેટાસેટ પાથને દાખલ કરો",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "નમૂનાનો દર",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ઓડિયો ફાઈલોનો નમૂનાનો દર.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC આવૃત્તિ",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "મોડેલનું આરવીસી વર્ઝન.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "પ્રીપ્રોસેસ ડેટાસેટ",
36 |
"Extract": "અર્ક કાઢો",
37 |
"Hop Length": "હોપ લંબાઈ",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "इस खंड में कुछ अतिरिक्त उपयोगिताएँ होती हैं जो अक्सर प्रायोगिक चरणों में हो सकती हैं।",
4 |
"Output Information": "आउटपुट जानकारी",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "आउटपुट जानकारी यहाँ प्रदर्शित की जाएगी।",
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "डेटासेट पथ डालें",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "नमूनाकरण दर",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ऑडियो फ़ाइलों की नमूनाकरण दर।",
35 |
36 |
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "डेटासेट का पूर्व-प्रसंस्करण करें",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "एम्बेडर मॉडल",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "अल्टीमेट वॉयस क्लोनिंग टूल, बेजोड़ पॉवर, मॉड्यूलरिटी और उपयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल अनुभव के लिए बारीकी से ऑप्टिमाइज़ किया गया।\n[हिन्दी अनुवाद: Enes](",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "इस खंड में कुछ अतिरिक्त उपयोगिताएँ होती हैं जो अक्सर प्रायोगिक चरणों में हो सकती हैं।",
4 |
"Output Information": "आउटपुट जानकारी",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "आउटपुट जानकारी यहाँ प्रदर्शित की जाएगी।",
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "डेटासेट पथ डालें",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "नमूनाकरण दर",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ऑडियो फ़ाइलों की नमूनाकरण दर।",
35 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC वर्शन",
36 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "मॉडल का RVC वर्शन।",
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "डेटासेट का पूर्व-प्रसंस्करण करें",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "एम्बेडर मॉडल",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Ez a szakasz néhány további segédprogramot tartalmaz, amelyek gyakran kísérleti fázisban vannak.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Kimeneti információk",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "A kimeneti információk itt jelennek meg.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Adja meg az adatkészlet elérési útját",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Mintavételi arány",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Az audiofájlok mintavételi frekvenciája.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Adatkészlet előfeldolgozása",
36 |
"Extract": "Kivonat",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Komló hossza",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "A legjobb hangklónozó eszköz, aprólékosan optimalizálva a páratlan teljesítmény, a modularitás és a felhasználóbarát élmény érdekében.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Ez a szakasz néhány további segédprogramot tartalmaz, amelyek gyakran kísérleti fázisban vannak.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Kimeneti információk",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "A kimeneti információk itt jelennek meg.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Adja meg az adatkészlet elérési útját",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Mintavételi arány",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Az audiofájlok mintavételi frekvenciája.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC verzió",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "A modell RVC verziója.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Adatkészlet előfeldolgozása",
36 |
"Extract": "Kivonat",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Komló hossza",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bagian ini berisi beberapa utilitas tambahan yang mungkin sering berada dalam tahap percobaan.",
4 |
"Output Information": "informasi keluaran",
5 |
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
26 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "Berkas audio telah berhasil ditambahkan ke dataset. Silakan klik tombol praproses.",
27 |
"Enter dataset path": "Masukkan jalur kumpulan data",
28 |
"Sampling Rate": "Tingkat Pengambilan Sampel",
29 |
30 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Kumpulan Data Praproses",
31 |
32 |
"Extract": "Ekstrak",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Alat kloning suara terbaik, dioptimalkan secara cermat untuk kekuatan tak tertandingi, modularitas, dan pengalaman ramah pengguna.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bagian ini berisi beberapa utilitas tambahan yang mungkin sering berada dalam tahap percobaan.",
4 |
"Output Information": "informasi keluaran",
5 |
26 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "Berkas audio telah berhasil ditambahkan ke dataset. Silakan klik tombol praproses.",
27 |
"Enter dataset path": "Masukkan jalur kumpulan data",
28 |
"Sampling Rate": "Tingkat Pengambilan Sampel",
29 |
"Model Architecture": "Versi RVC",
30 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Kumpulan Data Praproses",
31 |
32 |
"Extract": "Ekstrak",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Questa sezione contiene alcune utilità aggiuntive che spesso possono essere in fase sperimentale.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informazioni sull'output",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Qui verranno visualizzate le informazioni sull'output.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Inserisci il percorso del dataset",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Frequenza di campionamento",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "La frequenza di campionamento dei file audio.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Pre-elabora dataset",
36 |
"Extract": "Estrai",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Lunghezza del salto",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Strumento di clonazione vocale definitivo, meticolosamente ottimizzato per potenza, modularità ed esperienza utente senza rivali.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Questa sezione contiene alcune utilità aggiuntive che spesso possono essere in fase sperimentale.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informazioni sull'output",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Qui verranno visualizzate le informazioni sull'output.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Inserisci il percorso del dataset",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Frequenza di campionamento",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "La frequenza di campionamento dei file audio.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Versione RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "La versione RVC del modello.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Pre-elabora dataset",
36 |
"Extract": "Estrai",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Lunghezza del salto",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "このセクションには、多くの場合、実験段階にある可能性のあるいくつかの追加のユーティリティが含まれています。",
4 |
"Output Information": "出力情報",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "出力情報がここに表示されます。",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "データセットのパスを入力",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "サンプリングレート",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "オーディオファイルのサンプリングレートです。",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "データセットの前処理",
36 |
"Extract": "抽出",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ホップ長(Hop Length)",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "他の追随を許さないパワー、モジュール性、そしてユーザーフレンドリーな操作性を実現するために綿密に最適化された究極のボイスクローニングツール。",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "このセクションには、多くの場合、実験段階にある可能性のあるいくつかの追加のユーティリティが含まれています。",
4 |
"Output Information": "出力情報",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "出力情報がここに表示されます。",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "データセットのパスを入力",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "サンプリングレート",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "オーディオファイルのサンプリングレートです。",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC バージョン",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "モデルの RVC バージョン。",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "データセットの前処理",
36 |
"Extract": "抽出",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ホップ長(Hop Length)",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "이 섹션에는 아직 실험 단계에 있는 추가 유틸리티가 포함되어 있습니다.",
4 |
"Output Information": "출력 정보",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "출력 정보가 여기에 표시됩니다.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "데이터 세트 경로 입력",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "샘플링 레이트",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "오디오 파일의 샘플링 레이트입니다.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "데이터 세트 사전 처리",
36 |
"Extract": "추출물",
37 |
"Hop Length": "홉 길이",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "타의 추종을 불허하는 성능, 모듈성 및 사용자 친화적인 경험을 위해 세심하게 최적화된 궁극의 음성 복제 도구입니다.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "이 섹션에는 아직 실험 단계에 있는 추가 유틸리티가 포함되어 있습니다.",
4 |
"Output Information": "출력 정보",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "출력 정보가 여기에 표시됩니다.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "데이터 세트 경로 입력",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "샘플링 레이트",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "오디오 파일의 샘플링 레이트입니다.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC 버전",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "모델의 RVC 버전입니다.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "데이터 세트 사전 처리",
36 |
"Extract": "추출물",
37 |
"Hop Length": "홉 길이",
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ഈ പേരിലെ കൊണ്ടാടാൻ പ്രയോജനപ്രദമായ എന്നതിനാൽ കഴിഞ്ഞത് സാധാരണയായ പോസിക്കുകളിൽ അവസാനിക്കാത്ത ചില യന്ത്രങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളതാണ്.",
4 |
"Output Information": "പ്രണാമം വിവരം",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "ഇവിടെ പ്രണയ വിവരങ്ങൾ പ്രദശിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടും.",
6 |
"Inference": "സൂചന",
7 |
"Train": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം",
8 |
"Extra": "അധികം",
9 |
"Merge Audios": "ഓഡിയോ ഒടിക്കുക",
10 |
"Processing": "പ്രൊസസ്സിംഗ്",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "ഓഡിയോ വിശ്ലേഷണകൾ",
12 |
"Model Information": "മോഡൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ",
13 |
"Plugins": "പ്ലഗിൻസ്",
14 |
"Download": "ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "പിശക് റിപ്പോർട്ട്",
16 |
"Settings": "സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
17 |
"Preprocess": "പ്രൊസസ്",
18 |
"Model Name": "മോഡൽ പേര്",
19 |
"Name of the new model.": "പുതിയ മോഡലിന്റെ പേര്.",
20 |
"Enter model name": "മോഡൽ പേര് നൽകുക",
21 |
"Dataset Path": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പാത",
22 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് ഫോൾഡർക്കുള്ള പാത.",
23 |
"Refresh Datasets": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റുകൾ പുനഃസൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
24 |
"Dataset Creator": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് സൃഷ്ടാവ്",
25 |
"Dataset Name": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പേര്",
26 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "പുതിയ ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റിന്റെ പേര്.",
27 |
"Enter dataset name": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പേര് നൽകുക",
28 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "ഓഡിയോ ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
29 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "ഓഡിയോ ഫയൽ യഥാർത്ഥമായി ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റിലേക്ക് ചേർന്നു. ദയവായി പ്രൊസെസ് ബട്ടൺ അമർത്തുക.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പാത നൽകുക",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "സാമ്പ്ലിംഗ് റേറ്റ്",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ഓഡിയോ ഫയലുകളുടെ സാമ്പ്ലിംഗ് റേറ്റ്.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പ്രൊസെസ് ചെയ്യുക",
36 |
37 |
"Embedder Model": "Embedder Model",
38 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "സ്പീക്കർ എംബെഡ്ഡിംഗ് പഠിപ്പിക്കാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന മോഡൽ.",
39 |
"Extract": "എക്സ്ട്രാക്ട്",
40 |
"Hop Length": "ഹോപ്പ് ലെന്ത്",
41 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "സിസ്റ്റത്തിൽ ഒരു വിശദ പിച്ച് മാറ്റത്തിന്റെ ദാരിദ്ര്യം സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. ചെറിയ ഹോപ്പ് ലെന്തുകള് ഇൻഫരൻസിനായി കൂടുതൽ സമയം ആവശ്യപ്പെടുന്നു, എന്നിരുന്നാലും ഉയരമായ പിച്ച് അക്ക്യൂറസി നൽകുന്നു.",
42 |
"Batch Size": "ബാച്ച് വലുപ്പം",
43 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "നിനക്ക് ലഭ്യമായ GPU-യുടെ VRAM നുസരിച്ച് അലൈൻ ചെയ്യുന്നത് പ്രാധാന്യപ്പെടുന്നു. 4-ന്റെ സെറ്റിംഗ് മൊത്തം അക്ക്യൂറസി പരിഷ്കർത്തനവും എല്ലാത്തിനെയും അവലംബപ്പെടുന്നു, എന്നിരുന്നാലും 8 വലുപ്പം അനുഭവജീവനത്തിനായി ഉന്നയിക്കുന്നു.",
44 |
"Save Every Epoch": "എന്നാൽ എന്റെ എപ്പൊക്കാലിലെയും മോഡൽ സേവ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനു വരെ",
45 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will be saved at.": "എന്താണ് എപ്പൊക്കാലിൽ മോഡൽ സേവ് ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നതെന്ന് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
46 |
"Total Epoch": "മൊത്തം എപ്പൊക്ക്",
47 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "മോഡൽ പ്രശിക്ഷണ പ്രക്രിയയ്ക്കായി എപ്പൊക്ക് എത്രയാണ് എന്നത് നിര്ദിഷ്ടമാക്കുന്നു.",
48 |
"Pretrained": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ്",
49 |
"Save Only Latest": "കേവലായി പുതിയത് മാത്രം സേവ് ചെയ്യുക",
50 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "ഈ സെറ്റിംഗ് പ്രവർത്തനത്തിനായി ക്രമീകരിച്ചാൽ, G മറ്റും D ഫയലുകൾ അവരുടെ അവസാന പതിപ്പുകൾക്ക് മാത്രം സേവ് ചെയ്യും, പ്രഭാവകരമായി സ്റ്റോറേജ് സ്ഥലം സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതാണ്.",
51 |
"Save Every Weights": "എന്റെ എപ്പൊക്കാലിലും ഭാരം സേവ് ചെയ്യുക",
52 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "ഈ സെറ്റിംഗ് നിര്ദ്ദേശപ്പെടുന്ന ഓരോ എപ്പൊക്കിലും മോഡലിന്റെ ഭാരങ്ങൾ സേവ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയുന്നു.",
53 |
"Custom Pretrained": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ്",
54 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡലുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത് ഉന്നത ഫലങ്ങൾ നൽകിയാൽ, സ്പഷ്ടമായ ഉപയോഗ കേസിനായി കൈമേലെ പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നത് സാധാരണയായ പ്രദർശനത്തെ വളർത്തുന്നതിനും പ്രദർശനം വളർത്തുന്നതിനും കൂടുതൽ സഹായകമാകും.",
55 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
56 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡുകൾ പുനഃസ്വന്തമാക്കുക",
57 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് കസ്റ്റം സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
58 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "നിനക്ക് ഡ്രോപ്പ് ചെയ്യിയ ഫയൽ ഒരു സാധാരണ പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് ഫയലല്ല. ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രയിക്കുക.",
59 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് ഫയലെ ഡ്രോപ്പ്ഡൌൺ മെനുവിലെത്താൻ റെഫ്രഷ് ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.",
60 |
"Pretrained G Path": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് G പാത",
61 |
"Pretrained D Path": "കസ്റ്റം
62 |
"GPU Settings": "GPU സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
63 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "അട്വാൻസ്ഡ് GPU സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ സജ്ജീവമാക്കുന്നു, പ്രശസ്ത GPU ആർക്കിടെയുള്ള ഉപയോക്താക്കളിനായി ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്തത്.",
64 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "GPU കസ്റ്റം സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
65 |
"GPU Number": "GPU നമ്പർ",
66 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 മുതൽ ∞ വരെ - ഒടുക്കിയ",
67 |
"GPU Information": "GPU വിവരം",
68 |
"Pitch Guidance": "പിച്ച് ഗൈഡൻസ്",
69 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "പിച്ച് ഗൈഡൻസ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച്, ഓരിജിനൽ വോയ്സിന്റെ ഇൻറോണേഷനെ, അതിന്റെ പിച്ചു സേവനേന്ന്, സോണ്റിംഗ് മുതലായ സന്നിധികളിൽ പ്രാഥമിക സ്വരം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പിച്ച് നമ്പറെ പരിരക്ഷിക്കേണ്ടതായ സ്ഥിതികളിലേക്ക് മികച്ച ഫലങ്ങൾ പ്രാപ്തമാക്കാനാകുന്നു.",
70 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "നിനക്ക് സ്വന്തമായി പ്രശിക്ഷണം നടത്തുമ്പോൾ പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡലുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക. ഈ രീതി പ്രശിക്ഷണ സമയം കുറയ്ക്കുന്നുവെങ്കിൽ മൊത്തം ഗുണമേന്മ വരും.",
71 |
"Extract Features": "ഫീച്ചർ എക്സ്ട്രാക്ട്",
72 |
"Overtraining Detector": "ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് ഡിറ്റക്റ്റർ",
73 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "പ്രശിക്ഷണ ഡാറ്റയെ നിങ്ങളുടെ മോഡൽ അതിന്റെ തരംതിരിച്ചു പഠിക്കാൻ അനുവദിക്കുന്നത് നിലവിൽ നിന്ന് ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് ശ്രമിക്കുക.",
74 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് ഡിറ്റക്റ്റർ സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
75 |
"Overtraining Threshold": "ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് താഴ്ന്ന മിതം",
76 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "യാത്രാവധി പരിശോധിച്ചിട്ടില്ലാത്ത അഭിവൃദ്ധി നിരയെടുക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ മോഡൽ പരിശോധനയെന്നത് പ്രശിക്ഷണം നിലനിൽക്കാനുള്ള ഏറ്റവും ഉന്നത എപ്പോക്കുകൾ സജ്ജമാക്കുക.",
77 |
78 |
"Start Training": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം ആരംഭിക്കുക",
79 |
"Stop Training & Restart Applio": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം നിർത്തുക & അപ്ലിയോ പുനഃപ്രാരംഭിക്കുക",
80 |
"Generate Index": "ഇൻഡെക്സ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
81 |
82 |
"Export Model": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് മോഡൽ",
83 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "'അപ്ലോഡ്' ബട്ടൺ കേവലം ഗൂഗിൾ കോളാബിന് മാത്രം: നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗൂഗിൾ ഡ്രൈവിലെ ApplioExported ഫോൾഡറിലേക്ക് എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നു.",
84 |
"Exported Pth file": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്ത Pth ഫയൽ",
85 |
"Exported Index file": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്ത ഇൻഡെക്സ് ഫയൽ",
86 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ആദ്യം pth ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
87 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ആദ്യം
88 |
"Upload": "അപ്ലോഡ്",
89 |
90 |
"Voice Model": "വോയ്സ് മോഡൽ",
91 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "കണ്വേർഷനിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ വോയ്സ് മോഡലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
92 |
"Index File": "ഇൻഡെക്സ് ഫയൽ",
93 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "കണ്വേർഷനിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ഇൻഡെക്സ് ഫയലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
94 |
"Refresh": "പുനഃസ്വന്തമാക്കുക",
95 |
"Unload Voice": "വോയ്സ് അൺലോഡ്",
96 |
"Single": "ഏകത്വം",
97 |
"Upload Audio": "ഓഡിയോ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
98 |
"Select Audio": "ഓഡിയോ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
99 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "കണ്വേർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ഓഡിയോ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
100 |
"Advanced Settings": "പുതുമയായ സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
101 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "പരിമാറ്റുക (assets/audios എല്ലാ ഓഡിയോകൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക)",
102 |
"Custom Output Path": "കസ്റ്റം ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
103 |
"Output Path": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
104 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "ഓട്ട്പുട്ട് ഓഡിയോ സേവ്ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നത്, സ്വഭാവമായി assets/audios/output.wav ഇല്",
105 |
"Split Audio": "ഓഡിയോ വിഭാഗീകരണം",
106 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "അനുമാനത്തിന് കൂടുതൽ ഫലങ്ങൾ ലഭിക്കാൻ ഓഡിയോ ഭാഗങ്ങൾക്ക് വിഭാഗീകരണം ചെയ്യുക.",
107 |
"Autotune": "ഓട്ടോട്യൂൺ",
108 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "സോഫ്റ്റ് ഓട്ടോട്യൂൺ ആപ്ലയുകയും, സിംഗിങ് കൺവേർഷനുകളില് ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്യുകയും.",
109 |
"Clean Audio": "ശുദ്ധമായ ഓഡിയോ",
110 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "ശുദ്ധമായി നോയിസ് ഡിറ്റക്ഷൻ ആൾഗോരിതങ്ങൾ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് നിനക്ക് എത്ര പ്രയോജനപ്രദമായ ഓഡിയോ പരിഷ്കരിക്കാൻ, സ്പീക്കിംഗ് ഓഡിയോക്കിന് ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്യുക.",
111 |
"Clean Strength": "ശുദ്ധി ശക്തി",
112 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "നിനക്ക് അവശ്യമായ ഓഡിയോക്ക് ശുദ്ധിയുടെ നില സജ്ജീവമാക്കുക, അതെക്കും കൂടുതൽ ഉള്ളതും അതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് ചോദിക്കുന്നതെന്തെങ്കിലും ശുദ്ധി ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്ന ഓഡിയോ കമ്പ്രസ്ഡ് ആയിരിക്കാനുള്ള സാധ്യതയുണ്ട്.",
113 |
"Pitch": "പിച്ച്",
114 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "ഓഡിയോയുടെ പിച്ച് സജ്ജീവമാക്കുക, അതെക്കും ഉയരുന്നുവെങ്കിലും പിച്ച്.",
115 |
"Filter Radius": "ഫിൽട്ടർ റേഡിയസ്",
116 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "സംഖ്യ 3 അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അതിനേക്കാൾ കൂടുതൽ ആയിരിക്കുന്നാല്, ശ്വസനം കുറയ്ക്കാന് ശേഷിക്കുന്ന രീതിയില് കൂടുതല് കഴിവുള്ളതാണ്.",
117 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "സേര്ച്ച് ഫീച്ചർ റേഷ്യോ",
118 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "ഇനഡെക്സ് ഫയലായി
119 |
"Volume Envelope": "വോള്യൂം എൻവലപ്പ്",
120 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "ആഉട്ട്പുട്ട് ഒറ്റവന്നേറ്റത്തിന്റെ വോള്യൂം എൻവലപ്പ് സ്ഥലപ്പെടുത്തുക. അനുഭവം 1-ക്കു സമീപമായിരിക്കുന്നതും, അനുഭവ എൻവലപ്പ് ഉപയോഗപ്പെടുന്നതും കൂടുതൽ ആണ്.",
121 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "വോയ്സ്ലസ് കോൺസനന്റുകൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കുക",
122 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "എല്ലാവര്ക്കും പ്രകടമായ കോൺസനന്റുകൾ ഒഴുകുന്നത് എന്നതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ ഇലക്ട്രോ-ഓക്കുസ്റ്റിക് കൊതിയും മറ്റു ആർട്ടിഫാക്ടുകളും പ്രതിരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള അരികോട്. പാരാമീറ്ററിനെ അതിന്റെ 0.5 എന്നേക്കും ഉച്ചക്കൊണ്ട് കൂട്ടിക്കൊള്ളൽ സാമൂഹ്യപ്രതിരക്ഷ നൽകുന്നു. എന്നാല്, ഈ മൂല്യം കുറഞ്ഞാക്കാൻ സാധ്യതയുണ്ട്, പ്രതിരക്ഷണം താഴെ കുറഞ്ഞുകൂടാൻ സഹായകരമാവുക.",
123 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "പിച്ച് എക്സ്ട്രാക്ഷൻ ആൾഗോരിതം",
124 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "ഓഡിയോ കൺവേർഷനിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട പിച്ച് എക്സ്ട്രാക്ഷൻ ആൾഗോരിതം. സ്വതന്ത്ര ആൾഗോരിതത്താണ് rmvpe, അത് പലതരത്തിലുള്ള പ്രസ്താവനകളില് ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നു.",
125 |
126 |
"Convert": "കൺവേർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
127 |
"Export Audio": "ഓഡിയോ എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
128 |
129 |
"Batch": "ബാച്ച്",
130 |
"Input Folder": "ഇൻപുട്ട് ഫോൾഡർ",
131 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "കൺവേർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ഓഡിയോകളെ കാണുന്ന ഫോൾഡർ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
132 |
"Enter input path": "ഇൻപുട്ട് പാത നൽകുക",
133 |
"Output Folder": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് ഫോൾഡർ",
134 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് ഓഡിയോകൾ സേവ്ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്ന ഫോൾഡർ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
135 |
"Enter output path": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത നൽകുക",
136 |
137 |
"Get information about the audio": "ഓഡിയോയുടെ കുറിപ്പ് നേടുക",
138 |
139 |
"## Voice Blender": "## വോയ്സ് ബ്ലെന്ഡർ",
140 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "രണ്ട് വോയ്സ് മോഡലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക, നിനക്ക് ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന ബ്ലെന്റ് ശതകം സജ്ജീവമാക്കുക, അവയുടെ ബ്ലെന്റും പൂർണ്ണമായും പുതിയ ഒരു വോയ്സായാക്കുക.",
141 |
"Voice Blender": "വോയ്സ് ബ്ലെന്ഡർ",
142 |
"Drag and drop your model here": "നിനക്ക് ശൈലിക്കുകയോരോ മോഡൽ ഇവിടെ
143 |
"You can also use a custom path.": "നിനക്ക് ഒരു സ്വന്തമായ പാതയും
144 |
"Blend Ratio": "ബ്ലെന്റ് അനുപാതം",
145 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "സ്ഥാനം കൊണ്ടുകൂടുതൽ പ്രതിരൂപമാക്കാൻ മുന്നേറ്റം ഒന്നിലേറ്റെത്തിനു അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മറ്റൊന്നിലേറ്റെത്തിനു സാധിക്കും.",
146 |
"Fusion": "ഫ്യൂഷൻ",
147 |
"Path to Model": "മോഡലിന്റെ പാത",
148 |
"Enter path to model": "മോഡലിനെ സജ്ജീവമാക്കാൻ പാത നൽകുക",
149 |
"Model information to be placed": "പ്ലേസ്മെന്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ ആവശ്യമായ മോഡലിന്റെ വിവരം",
150 |
"Introduce the model information": "മോഡലിന്റെ വിവരം പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
151 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "മോഡലില് സ്ഥലപ്പെടുത്താനുള്ള വിവരം (നിനക്ക് വിടാവുകയും അല്ലെങ്കിൽ എന്തെങ്കിലും ചേരുകയും ചെയ്യാം).",
152 |
"View model information": "മോഡലിന്റെ വിവരം കാണുക",
153 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "മോഡലിന്റെ pth പാത പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
154 |
"View": "കാണുക",
155 |
"Model extraction": "മോഡൽ എക്സ്ട്രാക്ഷൻ",
156 |
"Model conversion": "മോഡൽ കൺവേർഷൻ",
157 |
"Pth file": "Pth ഫയൽ",
158 |
"Output of the pth file": "Pth ഫയലിന്റെ പ്രോഡക്റ്റ്",
159 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# GitHub-ലെ ഒരു ഇഷ്യൂ റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള രീതി",
160 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. നിന്റെ അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്ന ഇഷ്യൂ റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്യുന്നതിന് താഴെ 'Record Screen' ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.",
161 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. ഇഷ്യൂ റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്തുതീർക്കുന്നതിനുശേഷം, 'Stop Recording' ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക (അത് തുടർന്നിരിക്കുന്നുമോ എന്ന് താഴെയോ കാണുന്ന ലേബല് അനുസരിച്ച് മാറുന്നു).",
162 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. [GitHub Issues]( സ്ഥലത്തേക്ക് പോകുക, 'New Issue' ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.",
163 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. നൽകിയ ഇഷ്യൂ ടെംപ്ലേറ്റ് പൂർത്തിയാക്കുക, ആവശ്യമായ വിവരങ്ങളെ ചേർക്കുന്നതിനുശേഷം, പഴയ ഘടനയിൽ റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്ത ഫയൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് എസെറ്റ് വിഭാഗം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക.",
164 |
"Record Screen": "റെക്കോർഡ് സ്ക്രീൻ",
165 |
"Record": "റെക്കോർഡ്",
166 |
"Stop Recording": "റെക്കോർഡുനിർത്തുക",
167 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "മോഡൽ .pth പാത പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
168 |
"See Model Information": "മോഡൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ കാണുക",
169 |
"## Download Model": "## മോഡൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
170 |
"Model Link": "മോഡൽ ലിങ്ക്",
171 |
"Introduce the model link": "മോഡൽ ലിങ്ക് പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
172 |
"Download Model": "മോഡൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
173 |
"## Drop files": "## ഫയലുകൾ ഇടുക",
174 |
"## Search Model": "## മോഡൽ തിരയൽ",
175 |
"Search": "തിരയൽ",
176 |
"Introduce the model name to search.": "തിരയുന്നതിനായി മോഡൽ പേര് അറിയിക്കുക.",
177 |
"We couldn't find models by that name.": "അനുബന്ധമായ പേരിൽ മോഡൽസ്
178 |
179 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "നിനക്ക് .pth ഫയലുകളും .index ഫയലുകളും ഇവിടെ ഡ്രാഗ് ചെയ്യുക. ഒന്നുകിട്ട് പിന്നെ മറ്റൊന്നു ഡ്രാഗ് ചെയ്യുക.",
180 |
"TTS Voices": "TTS വോയ്സുകൾ",
181 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "മാറ്റത്തിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ TTS വോയ്സ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
182 |
"Text to Synthesize": "സിന്തിയസൈസ് ചെയ്യുന്ന ടെക്സ്റ്റ്",
183 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "സിന്തിയസൈസ് ചെയ്യാൻ ടെക്സ്റ്റ് നൽകുക.",
184 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "അല്ലെങ്കിൽ .txt ഫയൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം",
185 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "സിന്തിയസൈസ് ചെയ്യാൻ ടെക്സ്റ്റ് നൽകുക",
186 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "TTS ഓഡിയോക്ക് ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
187 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "RVC ഓഡിയോക്ക് ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
188 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Discord പ്രസന്നതയോട് Applio ഇൻറഗ്രേഷൻ സജീവമാക്കുക",
189 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "ഇത് Discord-നായിരിക്കുന്ന നിലാവ് കാണാനുള്ള സാധ്യത സജീവമാക്കും.",
190 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "flask ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഇൻറഗ്രേഷൻ Applio സജീവമാക്കുക",
191 |
"It will activate the possibility of downloading models with a click from the website.": "ഇത് വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ഒരു ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ മോഡലുകൾ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള സാധ്യത സജീവമാക്കും.",
192 |
"Enable fake GPU": "വഞ്ചി ജിപിയു ഇയക്കുക",
193 |
"Training is currently unsupported due to the absence of a GPU. To activate the training tab, navigate to the settings tab and enable the 'Fake GPU' option.": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം തറന്ന് നിലവിലുള്ളതിന് ജിപിയു ഇല്ലാതെ പ്രസ്താവിക്കുന്നതിനായി തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നത് അനുവദിക്കാൻ 'ഫെയ്ക് ജിപിയു' ഓപ്ഷൻ സജ്ജമാക്കുക എന്ന് ക്രമീകരിക്കാൻ തിരിച്ചുവരുക. ",
194 |
"Activates the train tab. However, please note that this device lacks GPU capabilities, hence training is not supported. This option is only for testing purposes. (This option will restart Applio)": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം തുടങ്ങുന്നു. എങ്കിലും, ദയവായി ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക എന്നത് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപകരണത്തിൽ GPU സാധ്യതകൾ ഇല്ലാത്തതാണ്, അതിനാൽ പ്രശിക്ഷണം അനുവദനീയമല്ല. ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ ഇപ്പോൾ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങളിക്കായാണ്. (ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ അപ്ലിയോ പുനഃസജ്ജമാക്കും)",
195 |
"Theme": "തീം",
196 |
"Select the theme you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "നിനക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ എന്താണെന്ന് നിങ്ങളുടെ തീം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. (Applio പുനഃസജീവമാക്കാൻ ആവശ്യമാണ്)",
197 |
"Language": "ഭാഷ",
198 |
"Select the language you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപയോഗത്തിന് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഭാഷ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. (Applio പുനഃസജീവമാക്കാൻ ആവശ്യമാണ്)",
199 |
"Plugin Installer": "പ്ലഗിൻ ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾലർ",
200 |
"Drag your to install it": "അതിനായി നിനക്ക് നിന്നെത്തിയ .zip ഫയല് ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ ചെയ്യാൻ ഇവിടെ ഡ്രാഗ് ചെയ്യുക",
201 |
"Version Checker": "വേര്ഷന് ചെക്കർ",
202 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "നിനക്ക്
203 |
"Check for updates": "അപ്ഡേറ്റുകൾ പരിശോധിക്കുക"
204 |
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "അനന്തമായ ശക്തി, മോഡുലാരിറ്റി, ഉപയോക്തൃ-സൗഹൃദ അനുഭവത്തിനായി യാഥാർത്ഥ്യമാക്കിയ അത്യുന്നതമായ വോയ്സ് ക്ലോണിങ് ടൂൾ.\n[മലയാളത്തിലേക്ക് വായന: Enes](",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ഈ പേരിലെ കൊണ്ടാടാൻ പ്രയോജനപ്രദമായ എന്നതിനാൽ കഴിഞ്ഞത് സാധാരണയായ പോസിക്കുകളിൽ അവസാനിക്കാത്ത ചില യന്ത്രങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളതാണ്.",
4 |
"Output Information": "പ്രണാമം വിവരം",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "ഇവിടെ പ്രണയ വിവരങ്ങൾ പ്രദശിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടും.",
6 |
"Inference": "സൂചന",
7 |
"Train": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം",
8 |
"Extra": "അധികം",
9 |
"Merge Audios": "ഓഡിയോ ഒടിക്കുക",
10 |
"Processing": "പ്രൊസസ്സിംഗ്",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "ഓഡിയോ വിശ്ലേഷണകൾ",
12 |
"Model Information": "മോഡൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ",
13 |
"Plugins": "പ്ലഗിൻസ്",
14 |
"Download": "ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "പിശക് റിപ്പോർട്ട്",
16 |
"Settings": "സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
17 |
"Preprocess": "പ്രൊസസ്",
18 |
"Model Name": "മോഡൽ പേര്",
19 |
"Name of the new model.": "പുതിയ മോഡലിന്റെ പേര്.",
20 |
"Enter model name": "മോഡൽ പേര് നൽകുക",
21 |
"Dataset Path": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പാത",
22 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് ഫോൾഡർക്കുള്ള പാത.",
23 |
"Refresh Datasets": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റുകൾ പുനഃസൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
24 |
"Dataset Creator": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് സൃഷ്ടാവ്",
25 |
"Dataset Name": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പേര്",
26 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "പുതിയ ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റിന്റെ പേര്.",
27 |
"Enter dataset name": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പേര് നൽകുക",
28 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "ഓഡിയോ ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
29 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "ഓഡിയോ ഫയൽ യഥാർത്ഥമായി ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റിലേക്ക് ചേർന്നു. ദയവായി പ്രൊസെസ് ബട്ടൺ അമർത്തുക.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പാത നൽകുക",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "സാമ്പ്ലിംഗ് റേറ്റ്",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ഓഡിയോ ഫയലുകളുടെ സാമ്പ്ലിംഗ് റേറ്റ്.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC പതിപ്പ്",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "മോഡലിന്റെ RVC പതിപ്പ്.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ഡാറ്റാസെറ്റ് പ്രൊസെസ് ചെയ്യുക",
36 |
37 |
"Embedder Model": "Embedder Model",
38 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "സ്പീക്കർ എംബെഡ്ഡിംഗ് പഠിപ്പിക്കാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന മോഡൽ.",
39 |
"Extract": "എക്സ്ട്രാക്ട്",
40 |
"Hop Length": "ഹോപ്പ് ലെന്ത്",
41 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "സിസ്റ്റത്തിൽ ഒരു വിശദ പിച്ച് മാറ്റത്തിന്റെ ദാരിദ്ര്യം സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. ചെറിയ ഹോപ്പ് ലെന്തുകള് ഇൻഫരൻസിനായി കൂടുതൽ സമയം ആവശ്യപ്പെടുന്നു, എന്നിരുന്നാലും ഉയരമായ പിച്ച് അക്ക്യൂറസി നൽകുന്നു.",
42 |
"Batch Size": "ബാച്ച് വലുപ്പം",
43 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "നിനക്ക് ലഭ്യമായ GPU-യുടെ VRAM നുസരിച്ച് അലൈൻ ചെയ്യുന്നത് പ്രാധാന്യപ്പെടുന്നു. 4-ന്റെ സെറ്റിംഗ് മൊത്തം അക്ക്യൂറസി പരിഷ്കർത്തനവും എല്ലാത്തിനെയും അവലംബപ്പെടുന്നു, എന്നിരുന്നാലും 8 വലുപ്പം അനുഭവജീവനത്തിനായി ഉന്നയിക്കുന്നു.",
44 |
"Save Every Epoch": "എന്നാൽ എന്റെ എപ്പൊക്കാലിലെയും മോഡൽ സേവ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനു വരെ",
45 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will be saved at.": "എന്താണ് എപ്പൊക്കാലിൽ മോഡൽ സേവ് ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നതെന്ന് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
46 |
"Total Epoch": "മൊത്തം എപ്പൊക്ക്",
47 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "മോഡൽ പ്രശിക്ഷണ പ്രക്രിയയ്ക്കായി എപ്പൊക്ക് എത്രയാണ് എന്നത് നിര്ദിഷ്ടമാക്കുന്നു.",
48 |
"Pretrained": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ്",
49 |
"Save Only Latest": "കേവലായി പുതിയത് മാത്രം സേവ് ചെയ്യുക",
50 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "ഈ സെറ്റിംഗ് പ്രവർത്തനത്തിനായി ക്രമീകരിച്ചാൽ, G മറ്റും D ഫയലുകൾ അവരുടെ അവസാന പതിപ്പുകൾക്ക് മാത്രം സേവ് ചെയ്യും, പ്രഭാവകരമായി സ്റ്റോറേജ് സ്ഥലം സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതാണ്.",
51 |
"Save Every Weights": "എന്റെ എപ്പൊക്കാലിലും ഭാരം സേവ് ചെയ്യുക",
52 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "ഈ സെറ്റിംഗ് നിര്ദ്ദേശപ്പെടുന്ന ഓരോ എപ്പൊക്കിലും മോഡലിന്റെ ഭാരങ്ങൾ സേവ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയുന്നു.",
53 |
"Custom Pretrained": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ്",
54 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡലുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത് ഉന്നത ഫലങ്ങൾ നൽകിയാൽ, സ്പഷ്ടമായ ഉപയോഗ കേസിനായി കൈമേലെ പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നത് സാധാരണയായ പ്രദർശനത്തെ വളർത്തുന്നതിനും പ്രദർശനം വളർത്തുന്നതിനും കൂടുതൽ സഹായകമാകും.",
55 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
56 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡുകൾ പുനഃസ്വന്തമാക്കുക",
57 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് കസ്റ്റം സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
58 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "നിനക്ക് ഡ്രോപ്പ് ചെയ്യിയ ഫയൽ ഒരു സാധാരണ പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് ഫയലല്ല. ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രയിക്കുക.",
59 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് ഫയലെ ഡ്രോപ്പ്ഡൌൺ മെനുവിലെത്താൻ റെഫ്രഷ് ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.",
60 |
"Pretrained G Path": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് G പാത",
61 |
"Pretrained D Path": "കസ്റ്റം പ്രീട്രെ���ിനെഡ് D പാത",
62 |
"GPU Settings": "GPU സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
63 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "അട്വാൻസ്ഡ് GPU സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ സജ്ജീവമാക്കുന്നു, പ്രശസ്ത GPU ആർക്കിടെയുള്ള ഉപയോക്താക്കളിനായി ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്തത്.",
64 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "GPU കസ്റ്റം സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
65 |
"GPU Number": "GPU നമ്പർ",
66 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 മുതൽ ∞ വരെ - ഒടുക്കിയ",
67 |
"GPU Information": "GPU വിവരം",
68 |
"Pitch Guidance": "പിച്ച് ഗൈഡൻസ്",
69 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "പിച്ച് ഗൈഡൻസ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച്, ഓരിജിനൽ വോയ്സിന്റെ ഇൻറോണേഷനെ, അതിന്റെ പിച്ചു സേവനേന്ന്, സോണ്റിംഗ് മുതലായ സന്നിധികളിൽ പ്രാഥമിക സ്വരം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പിച്ച് നമ്പറെ പരിരക്ഷിക്കേണ്ടതായ സ്ഥിതികളിലേക്ക് മികച്ച ഫലങ്ങൾ പ്രാപ്തമാക്കാനാകുന്നു.",
70 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "നിനക്ക് സ്വന്തമായി പ്രശിക്ഷണം നടത്തുമ്പോൾ പ്രീട്രെയിനെഡ് മോഡലുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക. ഈ രീതി പ്രശിക്ഷണ സമയം കുറയ്ക്കുന്നുവെങ്കിൽ മൊത്തം ഗുണമേന്മ വരും.",
71 |
"Extract Features": "ഫീച്ചർ എക്സ്ട്രാക്ട്",
72 |
"Overtraining Detector": "ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് ഡിറ്റക്റ്റർ",
73 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "പ്രശിക്ഷണ ഡാറ്റയെ നിങ്ങളുടെ മോഡൽ അതിന്റെ തരംതിരിച്ചു പഠിക്കാൻ അനുവദിക്കുന്നത് നിലവിൽ നിന്ന് ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് ശ്രമിക്കുക.",
74 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് ഡിറ്റക്റ്റർ സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
75 |
"Overtraining Threshold": "ഓവർട്രെയിനിംഗ് താഴ്ന്ന മിതം",
76 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "യാത്രാവധി പരിശോധിച്ചിട്ടില്ലാത്ത അഭിവൃദ്ധി നിരയെടുക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ മോഡൽ പരിശോധനയെന്നത് പ്രശിക്ഷണം നിലനിൽക്കാനുള്ള ഏറ്റവും ഉന്നത എപ്പോക്കുകൾ സജ്ജമാക്കുക.",
77 |
78 |
"Start Training": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം ആരംഭിക്കുക",
79 |
"Stop Training & Restart Applio": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം നിർത്തുക & അപ്ലിയോ പുനഃപ്രാരംഭിക്കുക",
80 |
"Generate Index": "ഇൻഡെക്സ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
81 |
82 |
"Export Model": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് മോഡൽ",
83 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "'അപ്ലോഡ്' ബട്ടൺ കേവലം ഗൂഗിൾ കോളാബിന് മാത്രം: നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗൂഗിൾ ഡ്രൈവിലെ ApplioExported ഫോൾഡറിലേക്ക് എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നു.",
84 |
"Exported Pth file": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്ത Pth ഫയൽ",
85 |
"Exported Index file": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്ത ഇൻഡെക്സ് ഫയൽ",
86 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ആദ്യം pth ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
87 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ആദ്യം ഇൻഡെക��സ് ഫയൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
88 |
"Upload": "അപ്ലോഡ്",
89 |
90 |
"Voice Model": "വോയ്സ് മോഡൽ",
91 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "കണ്വേർഷനിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ വോയ്സ് മോഡലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
92 |
"Index File": "ഇൻഡെക്സ് ഫയൽ",
93 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "കണ്വേർഷനിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ഇൻഡെക്സ് ഫയലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
94 |
"Refresh": "പുനഃസ്വന്തമാക്കുക",
95 |
"Unload Voice": "വോയ്സ് അൺലോഡ്",
96 |
"Single": "ഏകത്വം",
97 |
"Upload Audio": "ഓഡിയോ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക",
98 |
"Select Audio": "ഓഡിയോ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക",
99 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "കണ്വേർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ഓഡിയോ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
100 |
"Advanced Settings": "പുതുമയായ സെറ്റിംഗുകൾ",
101 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "പരിമാറ്റുക (assets/audios എല്ലാ ഓഡിയോകൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക)",
102 |
"Custom Output Path": "കസ്റ്റം ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
103 |
"Output Path": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
104 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "ഓട്ട്പുട്ട് ഓഡിയോ സേവ്ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നത്, സ്വഭാവമായി assets/audios/output.wav ഇല്",
105 |
"Split Audio": "ഓഡിയോ വിഭാഗീകരണം",
106 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "അനുമാനത്തിന് കൂടുതൽ ഫലങ്ങൾ ലഭിക്കാൻ ഓഡിയോ ഭാഗങ്ങൾക്ക് വിഭാഗീകരണം ചെയ്യുക.",
107 |
"Autotune": "ഓട്ടോട്യൂൺ",
108 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "സോഫ്റ്റ് ഓട്ടോട്യൂൺ ആപ്ലയുകയും, സിംഗിങ് കൺവേർഷനുകളില് ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്യുകയും.",
109 |
"Clean Audio": "ശുദ്ധമായ ഓഡിയോ",
110 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "ശുദ്ധമായി നോയിസ് ഡിറ്റക്ഷൻ ആൾഗോരിതങ്ങൾ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് നിനക്ക് എത്ര പ്രയോജനപ്രദമായ ഓഡിയോ പരിഷ്കരിക്കാൻ, സ്പീക്കിംഗ് ഓഡിയോക്കിന് ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്യുക.",
111 |
"Clean Strength": "ശുദ്ധി ശക്തി",
112 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "നിനക്ക് അവശ്യമായ ഓഡിയോക്ക് ശുദ്ധിയുടെ നില സജ്ജീവമാക്കുക, അതെക്കും കൂടുതൽ ഉള്ളതും അതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് ചോദിക്കുന്നതെന്തെങ്കിലും ശുദ്ധി ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്ന ഓഡിയോ കമ്പ്രസ്ഡ് ആയിരിക്കാനുള്ള സാധ്യതയുണ്ട്.",
113 |
"Pitch": "പിച്ച്",
114 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "ഓഡിയോയുടെ പിച്ച് സജ്ജീവമാക്കുക, അതെക്കും ഉയരുന്നുവെങ്കിലും പിച്ച്.",
115 |
"Filter Radius": "ഫിൽട്ടർ റേഡിയസ്",
116 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "സംഖ്യ 3 അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അതിനേക്കാൾ കൂടുതൽ ആയിരിക്കുന്നാല്, ശ്വസനം കുറയ്ക്കാന് ശേഷിക്കുന്ന രീതിയില് കൂടുതല് കഴിവുള്ളതാണ്.",
117 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "സേര്ച്ച് ഫീച്ചർ റേഷ്യോ",
118 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "ഇനഡെക്സ് ഫയലായി വികസി��്കുന്ന പ്രഭാവം; ഉയര്ന്ന മൂല്യം ഉയരത്തിന് അനുബന്ധ പ്രഭാവമുള്ളതാണ്. എനിക്ക് കുറഞ്ഞ മൂല്യങ്ങളെ അനുവദിക്കാനും ആര്ടിഫാക്ടുകള് നിലവിലുള്ള ഓഡിയോയിലെ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടുകൾ ഉപയോഗപ്പെടുന്നു.",
119 |
"Volume Envelope": "വോള്യൂം എൻവലപ്പ്",
120 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "ആഉട്ട്പുട്ട് ഒറ്റവന്നേറ്റത്തിന്റെ വോള്യൂം എൻവലപ്പ് സ്ഥലപ്പെടുത്തുക. അനുഭവം 1-ക്കു സമീപമായിരിക്കുന്നതും, അനുഭവ എൻവലപ്പ് ഉപയോഗപ്പെടുന്നതും കൂടുതൽ ആണ്.",
121 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "വോയ്സ്ലസ് കോൺസനന്റുകൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കുക",
122 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "എല്ലാവര്ക്കും പ്രകടമായ കോൺസനന്റുകൾ ഒഴുകുന്നത് എന്നതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ ഇലക്ട്രോ-ഓക്കുസ്റ്റിക് കൊതിയും മറ്റു ആർട്ടിഫാക്ടുകളും പ്രതിരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള അരികോട്. പാരാമീറ്ററിനെ അതിന്റെ 0.5 എന്നേക്കും ഉച്ചക്കൊണ്ട് കൂട്ടിക്കൊള്ളൽ സാമൂഹ്യപ്രതിരക്ഷ നൽകുന്നു. എന്നാല്, ഈ മൂല്യം കുറഞ്ഞാക്കാൻ സാധ്യതയുണ്ട്, പ്രതിരക്ഷണം താഴെ കുറഞ്ഞുകൂടാൻ സഹായകരമാവുക.",
123 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "പിച്ച് എക്സ്ട്രാക്ഷൻ ആൾഗോരിതം",
124 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "ഓഡിയോ കൺവേർഷനിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട പിച്ച് എക്സ്ട്രാക്ഷൻ ആൾഗോരിതം. സ്വതന്ത്ര ആൾഗോരിതത്താണ് rmvpe, അത് പലതരത്തിലുള്ള പ്രസ്താവനകളില് ശിഫാരസ് ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നു.",
125 |
126 |
"Convert": "കൺവേർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
127 |
"Export Audio": "ഓഡിയോ എക്സ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക",
128 |
129 |
"Batch": "ബാച്ച്",
130 |
"Input Folder": "ഇൻപുട്ട് ഫോൾഡർ",
131 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "കൺവേർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ഓഡിയോകളെ കാണുന്ന ഫോൾഡർ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
132 |
"Enter input path": "ഇൻപുട്ട് പാത നൽകുക",
133 |
"Output Folder": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് ഫോൾഡർ",
134 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് ഓഡിയോകൾ സേവ്ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്ന ഫോൾഡർ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
135 |
"Enter output path": "ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത നൽകുക",
136 |
137 |
"Get information about the audio": "ഓഡിയോയുടെ കുറിപ്പ് നേടുക",
138 |
139 |
"## Voice Blender": "## വോയ്സ് ബ്ലെന്ഡർ",
140 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "രണ്ട് വോയ്സ് മോഡലുകൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക, നിനക്ക് ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന ബ്ലെന്റ് ശതകം സജ്ജീവമാക്കുക, അവയുടെ ബ്ലെന്റും പൂർണ്ണമായും പുതിയ ഒരു വോയ്സായാക്കുക.",
141 |
"Voice Blender": "വോയ്സ് ബ്ലെന്ഡർ",
142 |
"Drag and drop your model here": "നിനക്ക് ശൈലിക്കുകയോരോ മോഡൽ ഇവിടെ വികസിപ്പിക്ക��ക",
143 |
"You can also use a custom path.": "നിനക്ക് ഒരു സ്വന്തമായ പാതയും ഉപയോഗിക്കാം.",
144 |
"Blend Ratio": "ബ്ലെന്റ് അനുപാതം",
145 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "സ്ഥാനം കൊണ്ടുകൂടുതൽ പ്രതിരൂപമാക്കാൻ മുന്നേറ്റം ഒന്നിലേറ്റെത്തിനു അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മറ്റൊന്നിലേറ്റെത്തിനു സാധിക്കും.",
146 |
"Fusion": "ഫ്യൂഷൻ",
147 |
"Path to Model": "മോഡലിന്റെ പാത",
148 |
"Enter path to model": "മോഡലിനെ സജ്ജീവമാക്കാൻ പാത നൽകുക",
149 |
"Model information to be placed": "പ്ലേസ്മെന്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ ആവശ്യമായ മോഡലിന്റെ വിവരം",
150 |
"Introduce the model information": "മോഡലിന്റെ വിവരം പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
151 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "മോഡലില് സ്ഥലപ്പെടുത്താനുള്ള വിവരം (നിനക്ക് വിടാവുകയും അല്ലെങ്കിൽ എന്തെങ്കിലും ചേരുകയും ചെയ്യാം).",
152 |
"View model information": "മോഡലിന്റെ വിവരം കാണുക",
153 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "മോഡലിന്റെ pth പാത പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
154 |
"View": "കാണുക",
155 |
"Model extraction": "മോഡൽ എക്സ്ട്രാക്ഷൻ",
156 |
"Model conversion": "മോഡൽ കൺവേർഷൻ",
157 |
"Pth file": "Pth ഫയൽ",
158 |
"Output of the pth file": "Pth ഫയലിന്റെ പ്രോഡക്റ്റ്",
159 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# GitHub-ലെ ഒരു ഇഷ്യൂ റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള രീതി",
160 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. നിന്റെ അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്ന ഇഷ്യൂ റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്യുന്നതിന് താഴെ 'Record Screen' ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.",
161 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. ഇഷ്യൂ റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്തുതീർക്കുന്നതിനുശേഷം, 'Stop Recording' ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക (അത് തുടർന്നിരിക്കുന്നുമോ എന്ന് താഴെയോ കാണുന്ന ലേബല് അനുസരിച്ച് മാറുന്നു).",
162 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. [GitHub Issues]( സ്ഥലത്തേക്ക് പോകുക, 'New Issue' ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.",
163 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. നൽകിയ ഇഷ്യൂ ടെംപ്ലേറ്റ് പൂർത്തിയാക്കുക, ആവശ്യമായ വിവരങ്ങളെ ചേർക്കുന്നതിനുശേഷം, പഴയ ഘടനയിൽ റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്ത ഫയൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് എസെറ്റ് വിഭാഗം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക.",
164 |
"Record Screen": "റെക്കോർഡ് സ്ക്രീൻ",
165 |
"Record": "റെക്കോർഡ്",
166 |
"Stop Recording": "റെക്കോർഡുനിർത്തുക",
167 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "മോഡൽ .pth പാത പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
168 |
"See Model Information": "മോഡൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ കാണുക",
169 |
"## Download Model": "## മോഡൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
170 |
"Model Link": "മോഡൽ ലിങ്ക്",
171 |
"Introduce the model link": "മോഡൽ ലിങ്ക് പരിചയപ്പെടുക",
172 |
"Download Model": "മോഡൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ്",
173 |
"## Drop files": "## ഫയലുകൾ ഇടുക",
174 |
"## Search Model": "## മോഡൽ തിരയൽ",
175 |
"Search": "തിരയൽ",
176 |
"Introduce the model name to search.": "തിരയുന്നതിനായി മോഡൽ പേര് അറിയിക്കുക.",
177 |
"We couldn't find models by that name.": "അനുബന്ധമായ പേരിൽ മോഡൽസ് കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല.",
178 |
179 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "നിനക്ക് .pth ഫയലുകളും .index ഫയലുകളും ഇവിടെ ഡ്രാഗ് ചെയ്യുക. ഒന്നുകിട്ട് പിന്നെ മറ്റൊന്നു ഡ്രാഗ് ചെയ്യുക.",
180 |
"TTS Voices": "TTS വോയ്സുകൾ",
181 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "മാറ്റത്തിനായി ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ TTS വോയ്സ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക.",
182 |
"Text to Synthesize": "സിന്തിയസൈസ് ചെയ്യുന്ന ടെക്സ്റ്റ്",
183 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "സിന്തിയസൈസ് ചെയ്യാൻ ടെക്സ്റ്റ് നൽകുക.",
184 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "അല്ലെങ്കിൽ .txt ഫയൽ അപ്ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം",
185 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "സിന്തിയസൈസ് ചെയ്യാൻ ടെക്സ്റ്റ് നൽകുക",
186 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "TTS ഓഡിയോക്ക് ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
187 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "RVC ഓഡിയോക്ക് ഔട്ട്പുട്ട് പാത",
188 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Discord പ്രസന്നതയോട് Applio ഇൻറഗ്രേഷൻ സജീവമാക്കുക",
189 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "ഇത് Discord-നായിരിക്കുന്ന നിലാവ് കാണാനുള്ള സാധ്യത സജീവമാക്കും.",
190 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "flask ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഇൻറഗ്രേഷൻ Applio സജീവമാക്കുക",
191 |
"It will activate the possibility of downloading models with a click from the website.": "ഇത് വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ഒരു ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ മോഡലുകൾ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള സാധ്യത സജീവമാക്കും.",
192 |
"Enable fake GPU": "വഞ്ചി ജിപിയു ഇയക്കുക",
193 |
"Training is currently unsupported due to the absence of a GPU. To activate the training tab, navigate to the settings tab and enable the 'Fake GPU' option.": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം തറന്ന് നിലവിലുള്ളതിന് ജിപിയു ഇല്ലാതെ പ്രസ്താവിക്കുന്നതിനായി തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നത് അനുവദിക്കാൻ 'ഫെയ്ക് ജിപിയു' ഓപ്ഷൻ സജ്ജമാക്കുക എന്ന് ക്രമീകരിക്കാൻ തിരിച്ചുവരുക. ",
194 |
"Activates the train tab. However, please note that this device lacks GPU capabilities, hence training is not supported. This option is only for testing purposes. (This option will restart Applio)": "പ്രശിക്ഷണം തുടങ്ങുന്നു. എങ്കിലും, ദയവായി ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക എന്നത് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപകരണത്തിൽ GPU സാധ്യതകൾ ഇല്ലാത്തതാണ്, അതിനാൽ പ്രശിക്ഷണം അനുവദനീയമല്ല. ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ ഇപ്പോൾ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങളിക്കായാണ്. (ഈ ഓപ്ഷൻ അപ്ലിയോ പുനഃസജ്ജമാക്കും)",
195 |
"Theme": "തീം",
196 |
"Select the theme you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "നിനക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ എന്താണെന്ന് നിങ്ങളുടെ തീം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. (Applio പുനഃസജീവമാക്കാൻ ആവശ്യമാണ്)",
197 |
"Language": "ഭാഷ",
198 |
"Select the language you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപയോഗത്തിന് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഭാഷ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. (Applio പുനഃസജീവമാക്കാൻ ആവശ്യമാണ്)",
199 |
"Plugin Installer": "പ്ലഗിൻ ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾലർ",
200 |
"Drag your to install it": "അതിനായി നിനക്ക് നിന്നെത്തിയ .zip ഫയല് ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ ചെയ്യാൻ ഇവിടെ ഡ്രാഗ് ചെയ്യുക",
201 |
"Version Checker": "വേര്ഷന് ചെക്കർ",
202 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "നിനക്ക് അപ്ഡേറ്റുചെയ്യേണ്ടതോ എന്ന് അപ്ലിയോയുടെ ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ പതിപ്പായത് പരിശോധിക്കുക.",
203 |
"Check for updates": "അപ്ഡേറ്റുകൾ പരിശോധിക്കുക"
204 |
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "या विभागात काही अतिरिक्त उपयोगिता आहेत ज्या बर्याचदा प्रायोगिक टप्प्यात असू शकतात.",
4 |
"Output Information": "आउटपुट माहिती",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "आउटपुट माहिती येथे प्रदर्शित केली जाईल.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "डेटासेट मार्ग प्रविष्ट करा",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "नमुना दर",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ऑडिओ फायलींचे नमुने घेण्याचा दर.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Preprocess Dataset",
36 |
"Extract": "अर्क",
37 |
"Hop Length": "हॉप लांबी",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "अल्टिमेट व्हॉइस क्लोनिंग टूल, अप्रतिम शक्ती, मॉड्युलरिटी आणि वापरकर्ता-अनुकूल अनुभवासाठी काळजीपूर्वक ऑप्टिमाइझ केलेले.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "या विभागात काही अतिरिक्त उपयोगिता आहेत ज्या बर्याचदा प्रायोगिक टप्प्यात असू शकतात.",
4 |
"Output Information": "आउटपुट माहिती",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "आउटपुट माहिती येथे प्रदर्शित केली जाईल.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "डेटासेट मार्ग प्रविष्ट करा",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "नमुना दर",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ऑडिओ फायलींचे नमुने घेण्याचा दर.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "आरव्हीसी आवृत्ती",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "मॉडेलची आरव्हीसी आवृत्ती.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Preprocess Dataset",
36 |
"Extract": "अर्क",
37 |
"Hop Length": "हॉप लांबी",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bahagian ini mengandungi beberapa utiliti tambahan yang selalunya berada dalam fasa percubaan.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Maklumat Output",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Maklumat output akan dipaparkan di sini.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Memasukkan laluan set data",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Kadar Persampelan",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Kadar pensampelan fail audio.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Set Data Praproses",
36 |
"Extract": "Cabutan",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Panjang Hop",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Alat pengklonan suara muktamad, dioptimumkan dengan teliti untuk kuasa yang tiada tandingan, modulariti, dan pengalaman mesra pengguna.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bahagian ini mengandungi beberapa utiliti tambahan yang selalunya berada dalam fasa percubaan.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Maklumat Output",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Maklumat output akan dipaparkan di sini.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Memasukkan laluan set data",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Kadar Persampelan",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Kadar pensampelan fail audio.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Versi RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Versi RVC model.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Set Data Praproses",
36 |
"Extract": "Cabutan",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Panjang Hop",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Deze sectie bevat enkele extra hulpprogramma's die zich vaak in experimentele fasen bevinden.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Output Informatie",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "De uitvoerinformatie wordt hier weergegeven.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Pad naar gegevensset invoeren",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Bemonsteringsfrequentie",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "De bemonsteringsfrequentie van de audiobestanden.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Gegevensset voor het proces",
36 |
"Extract": "Extract",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Hop Lengte",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Ultieme tool voor het klonen van stemmen, zorgvuldig geoptimaliseerd voor ongeëvenaarde kracht, modulariteit en gebruiksvriendelijke ervaring.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Deze sectie bevat enkele extra hulpprogramma's die zich vaak in experimentele fasen bevinden.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Output Informatie",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "De uitvoerinformatie wordt hier weergegeven.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Pad naar gegevensset invoeren",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Bemonsteringsfrequentie",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "De bemonsteringsfrequentie van de audiobestanden.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC-versie",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "De RVC-versie van het model.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Gegevensset voor het proces",
36 |
"Extract": "Extract",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Hop Lengte",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ਇਸ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਵਾਧੂ ਉਪਯੋਗਤਾਵਾਂ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਅਕਸਰ ਪ੍ਰਯੋਗਾਤਮਕ ਪੜਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ।",
4 |
"Output Information": "ਆਊਟਪੁੱਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਇੱਥੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਿਤ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ।",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ਡਾਟਾਸੈਟ ਪਾਥ ਦਾਖਲ ਕਰੋ",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "ਨਮੂਨੇ ਲੈਣ ਦੀ ਦਰ",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ਆਡੀਓ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਨਮੂਨੇ ਲੈਣ ਦੀ ਦਰ।",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ਪ੍ਰੀਪ੍ਰੋਸੈਸ ਡੇਟਾਸੈਟ",
36 |
"Extract": "ਐਕਸਟਰੈਕਟ",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ਹੌਪ ਲੰਬਾਈ",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "ਅੰਤਮ ਵੌਇਸ ਕਲੋਨਿੰਗ ਟੂਲ, ਬੇਮਿਸਾਲ ਸ਼ਕਤੀ, ਮਾਡਿਊਲਰਿਟੀ, ਅਤੇ ਉਪਭੋਗਤਾ-ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਅਨੁਭਵ ਲਈ ਧਿਆਨ ਨਾਲ ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ਇਸ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਵਾਧੂ ਉਪਯੋਗਤਾਵਾਂ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਅਕਸਰ ਪ੍ਰਯੋਗਾਤਮਕ ਪੜਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ।",
4 |
"Output Information": "ਆਊਟਪੁੱਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਇੱਥੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਿਤ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ।",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ਡਾਟਾਸੈਟ ਪਾਥ ਦਾਖਲ ਕਰੋ",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "ਨਮੂਨੇ ਲੈਣ ਦੀ ਦਰ",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ਆਡੀਓ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਨਮੂਨੇ ਲੈਣ ਦੀ ਦਰ।",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC ਸੰਸਕਰਣ",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "ਮਾਡਲ ਦਾ ਆਰਵੀਸੀ ਸੰਸਕਰਣ.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ਪ੍ਰੀਪ੍ਰੋਸੈਸ ਡੇਟਾਸੈਟ",
36 |
"Extract": "ਐਕਸਟਰੈਕਟ",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ਹੌਪ ਲੰਬਾਈ",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Ta sekcja zawiera kilka dodatkowych narzędzi, które często mogą znajdować się w fazie eksperymentalnej.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informacje wyjściowe",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "W tym miejscu zostaną wyświetlone informacje wyjściowe.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Wprowadź ścieżkę zestawu danych",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Częstotliwość próbkowania",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Częstotliwość próbkowania plików audio.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Wstępne przetwarzanie zestawu danych",
36 |
"Extract": "Ekstrakt",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Długość chmielu",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Najlepsze narzędzie do klonowania głosu, skrupulatnie zoptymalizowane pod kątem niezrównanej mocy, modułowości i przyjazności dla użytkownika.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Ta sekcja zawiera kilka dodatkowych narzędzi, które często mogą znajdować się w fazie eksperymentalnej.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informacje wyjściowe",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "W tym miejscu zostaną wyświetlone informacje wyjściowe.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Wprowadź ścieżkę zestawu danych",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Częstotliwość próbkowania",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Częstotliwość próbkowania plików audio.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Wersja RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Wersja modelu RVC.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Wstępne przetwarzanie zestawu danych",
36 |
"Extract": "Ekstrakt",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Długość chmielu",
@@ -1,113 +1,308 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Esta seção contém
4 |
"Output Information": "Informações de
5 |
"Inference": "Inferência",
6 |
"Train": "Treinar",
7 |
"Extra": "Extra",
8 |
"Merge Audios": "Mesclar
9 |
"Processing": "
10 |
"Audio Analyzer": "Analisador de
11 |
"Model Information": "
12 |
"Download": "Baixar",
13 |
"Report a Bug": "Reportar um Bug",
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
"Dataset Path": "Caminho do dataset",
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Pré-processar dataset",
22 |
"Extract": "Extrair",
23 |
"Hop Length": "
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
"GPU Number": "Número da GPU",
40 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 a ∞ separados por -",
41 |
"GPU Information": "Informações da GPU",
42 |
"Pitch Guidance": "Orientação de
43 |
44 |
"Start Training": "Iniciar Treinamento",
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
"Refresh": "Atualizar",
49 |
"Unload Voice": "Descarregar
50 |
"Single": "
51 |
"Upload Audio": "Carregar
52 |
"Select Audio": "
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
"Output Path": "Caminho de
57 |
"Pitch": "Pitch",
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
"Convert": "Converter",
62 |
"Export Audio": "Exportar
63 |
"Batch": "
64 |
"Input Folder": "Pasta de
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
"Get information about the audio": "Obter informações sobre o áudio",
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
"Path to Model B": "Caminho para o Modelo B",
77 |
"Path to model": "Caminho para o modelo",
78 |
"Model information to be placed": "Modelo de informação a colocar",
79 |
"Fusion": "Fusão",
80 |
81 |
82 |
"Model information to be
83 |
84 |
85 |
"View model information": "Ver informações do modelo",
86 |
87 |
88 |
"Model conversion": "Conversão de modelo",
89 |
"Pth file": "Arquivo Pth",
90 |
"Output of the pth file": "Saída do arquivo pth",
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. Vá para [GitHub Issues]( e clique no botão 'New Issue'.",
95 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4.
96 |
"Record Screen": "Gravar
97 |
"Record": "Gravar",
98 |
"Stop Recording": "Parar
99 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "Introduza o caminho
100 |
"See Model Information": "
101 |
"## Download Model": "## Baixar Modelo",
102 |
"Model Link": "Link do
103 |
"Introduce the model link": "Introduza o link do modelo",
104 |
"Download Model": "Baixar Modelo",
105 |
"## Drop files": "## Soltar arquivos",
106 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "Arraste
107 |
"TTS Voices": "Vozes TTS",
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Conversão de Voz baseada em VITS focada em simplicidade, qualidade e desempenho.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Esta seção contém algumas utilidades extras que muitas vezes podem estar em fases experimentais.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informações de Saída",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "As informações de saída serão exibidas aqui.",
6 |
"Inference": "Inferência",
7 |
"Train": "Treinar",
8 |
"Extra": "Extra",
9 |
"Merge Audios": "Mesclar Áudios",
10 |
"Processing": "Processando",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "Analisador de Áudio",
12 |
"Model Information": "Informações do Modelo",
13 |
"Plugins": "Plugins",
14 |
"Download": "Baixar",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "Reportar um Bug",
16 |
"Settings": "Configurações",
17 |
"Preprocess": "Pré-processar",
18 |
"Audio cutting": "Corte de Áudio",
19 |
"It's recommended to deactivate this option if your dataset has already been processed.": "Recomenda-se desativar esta opção se seu dataset já foi processado.",
20 |
"Process effects": "Processar efeitos",
21 |
"Model Name": "Nome do Modelo",
22 |
"Name of the new model.": "Nome do novo modelo.",
23 |
"Enter model name": "Digite o nome do modelo",
24 |
"Dataset Path": "Caminho do dataset",
25 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "Caminho para a pasta do dataset.",
26 |
"Refresh Datasets": "Atualizar datasets",
27 |
"Dataset Creator": "Criador de dataset",
28 |
"Dataset Name": "Nome do dataset",
29 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "Nome do novo dataset.",
30 |
"Enter dataset name": "Digite o nome do dataset",
31 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "Carregar dataset de Áudio",
32 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "O arquivo de áudio foi adicionado com sucesso ao dataset. Por favor, clique no botão de pré-processamento.",
33 |
"Enter dataset path": "Digite o caminho do dataset",
34 |
"Sampling Rate": "Sampling Rate",
35 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "O sampling rate dos arquivos de áudio.",
36 |
"Model Architecture": "Versão do RVC",
37 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "A versão do RVC do modelo.",
38 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Pré-processar dataset",
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Modelo de Embedding",
40 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "Modelo usado para aprender a incorporação do locutor.",
41 |
"Extract": "Extrair",
42 |
"Hop Length": "Hop Length",
43 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "Denota a duração que o sistema leva para transitar para uma mudança significativa de tom. Comprimentos de salto menores requerem mais tempo para inferência, mas tendem a proporcionar maior precisão de tom.",
44 |
"Batch Size": "Tamanho do Lote",
45 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "É aconselhável alinhá-lo com a VRAM disponível da sua GPU. Uma configuração de 4 oferece maior precisão, mas processamento mais lento, enquanto 8 proporciona resultados mais rápidos e padrão.",
46 |
"Save Every Epoch": "Salvar a Cada Epochs",
47 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will saved at.": "Determine em quantas epochs o modelo será salvo.",
48 |
"Total Epoch": "Total de Epochs",
49 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "Especifica a quantidade total de epochs para o processo de treinamento do modelo.",
50 |
"Pretrained": "Pré-treino",
51 |
"Save Only Latest": "Salvar Apenas o Mais Recente",
52 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "Ativar esta configuração fará com que os arquivos G e D salvem apenas suas versões mais recentes, economizando espaço de armazenamento.",
53 |
"Save Every Weights": "Salvar Todos os Arquivos de modelo",
54 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "Esta configuração permite salvar os arquivos de modelos ao final de cada epoch.",
55 |
"Custom Pretrained": "Pré-treino Personalizado",
56 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "Utilizar modelos Pré-treino personalizados pode levar a resultados superiores, pois selecionar os modelos Pré-treino mais adequados para o caso específico pode melhorar significativamente o desempenho.",
57 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "Carregar Modelo Pré-treino",
58 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "Atualizar Pré-treino Personalizados",
59 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "Configurações Personalizadas de Pré-treino",
60 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "O arquivo que você soltou não é um arquivo Pré-treino válido. Por favor, tente novamente.",
61 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "Clique no botão de atualizar para ver o arquivo Pré-treino no menu suspenso.",
62 |
"Pretrained G Path": "Caminho do Pré-treino G",
63 |
"Pretrained D Path": "Caminho do Pré-treino D",
64 |
"GPU Settings": "Configurações de GPU",
65 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "Define configurações avançadas de GPU, recomendadas para usuários com melhor arquitetura de GPU.",
66 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "Configurações Personalizadas de GPU",
67 |
"GPU Number": "Número da GPU",
68 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 a ∞ separados por -",
69 |
"The GPU information will be displayed here.": "As informações da GPU serão exibidas aqui.",
70 |
"Specify the number of GPUs you wish to utilize for preprocess by entering them separated by hyphens (-). At the moment, using multi-gpu will not have a significant effect.": "Especifique o número de GPUs que você deseja utilizar para pré-processamento, inserindo-os separados por hífens (-). No momento, usar várias GPUs não terá um efeito significativo.",
71 |
"Specify the number of GPUs you wish to utilize for extracting by entering them separated by hyphens (-).": "Especifique o número de GPUs que você deseja utilizar para extração, inserindo-os separados por hífens (-).",
72 |
"The number of CPU cores to use in the preprocess. The default setting are your cpu cores, which is recommended for most cases.": "O número de núcleos de CPU a serem usados no pré-processamento. A configuração padrão são seus núcleos de CPU, o que é recomendado para a maioria dos casos.",
73 |
"The number of CPU cores to use in the extraction process. The default setting are your cpu cores, which is recommended for most cases.": "O número de núcleos de CPU a serem usados no processo de extração. A configuração padrão são seus núcleos de CPU, o que é recomendado para a maioria dos casos.",
74 |
"GPU Information": "Informações da GPU",
75 |
"Pitch Guidance": "Orientação de Tom",
76 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "Ao empregar a orientação de tom, torna-se viável espelhar a entonação da voz original, incluindo seu tom. Este recurso é particularmente valioso para canto e outros cenários onde preservar a melodia ou padrão de tom original é essencial.",
77 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "Utilize modelos Pré-treino ao treinar o seu próprio. Esta abordagem reduz a duração do treinamento e melhora a qualidade geral.",
78 |
"Extract Features": "Extrair Recursos",
79 |
"We prioritize running the model extraction on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.": "Prioritizamos a execução da extração do modelo na GPU para um desempenho mais rápido. Se você preferir usar a CPU, simplesmente deixe o campo da GPU em branco.",
80 |
"We prioritize running the model preprocessing on the GPU for faster performance. If you prefer to use the CPU, simply leave the GPU field blank.": "Prioritizamos a execução do pré-processamento do modelo na GPU para um desempenho mais rápido. Se você preferir usar a CPU, simplesmente deixe o campo da GPU em branco.",
81 |
"Overtraining Detector": "Detector de Overtrain",
82 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "Detecte o Overtrain para evitar que o modelo aprenda os dados de treinamento muito bem e perca a capacidade de generalizar para novos dados.",
83 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "Configurações do Detector de Overtrain",
84 |
"Overtraining Threshold": "Limite de Overtrain",
85 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "Defina o número máximo de épocas que você deseja que seu modelo pare de treinar se nenhuma melhoria for detectada.",
86 |
"Sync Graph": "Sincronizar Gráfico",
87 |
"Synchronize the graph of the tensorboard. Only enable this setting if you are training a new model.": "Sincronize o gráfico do tensorboard. Ative esta configuração apenas se você estiver treinando um novo modelo.",
88 |
"Start Training": "Iniciar Treinamento",
89 |
"Stop Training": "Parar Treinamento",
90 |
"Generate Index": "Gerar index",
91 |
"Export Model": "Exportar Modelo",
92 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "O botão 'Carregar' é apenas para google colab: Carrega os arquivos exportados para a pasta ApplioExported no seu Google Drive.",
93 |
"Exported Pth file": "Arquivo Pth Exportado",
94 |
"Exported Index file": "Arquivo de index Exportado",
95 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "Selecione o arquivo pth a ser exportado",
96 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "Selecione o arquivo de index a ser exportado",
97 |
"Upload": "Carregar",
98 |
"Voice Model": "Modelo de Voz",
99 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "Selecione o modelo de voz a ser usado para a conversão.",
100 |
"Index File": "Arquivo de index",
101 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "Selecione o arquivo de índice a ser usado para a conversão.",
102 |
"Refresh": "Atualizar",
103 |
"Unload Voice": "Descarregar Voz",
104 |
"Single": "Um arquivo",
105 |
"Upload Audio": "Carregar Áudio",
106 |
"Select Audio": "Selecionar Áudio",
107 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "Selecione o áudio a ser convertido.",
108 |
"Advanced Settings": "Configurações Avançadas",
109 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "Limpar Saídas (Exclui todos os áudios em assets/audios)",
110 |
"Custom Output Path": "Caminho de Saída Personalizado",
111 |
"Output Path": "Caminho de Saída",
112 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "O caminho onde o áudio de saída será salvo, por padrão em assets/audios/output.wav",
113 |
"Split Audio": "Dividir Áudio",
114 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "Divida o áudio em partes para inferência para obter melhores resultados em alguns casos.",
115 |
"Autotune": "Autotune",
116 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "Aplique um autotune suave às suas inferências, recomendado para conversões de canto.",
117 |
"Clean Audio": "Limpar Áudio",
118 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "Limpe sua saída de áudio usando algoritmos de detecção de ruído, recomendado para áudios de fala.",
119 |
"Clean Strength": "Força de Limpeza",
120 |
"Upscale Audio": "Upscale Áudio",
121 |
"Upscale the audio to a higher quality, recommended for low-quality audios. (It could take longer to process the audio)": "Aprimore o áudio para uma qualidade superior, recomendado para áudios de baixa qualidade. (Pode demorar mais para processar o áudio)",
122 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "Defina o nível de limpeza para o áudio desejado, quanto mais você aumentar, mais ele será limpo, mas é possível que o áudio fique mais comprimido.",
123 |
"Formant Shifting": "Mudança de Formante",
124 |
"Enable formant shifting. Used for male to female and vice-versa convertions.": "Ative a mudança de formante. Usado para conversões de masculino para feminino e vice-versa.",
125 |
"Browse presets for formanting": "Procurar predefinições para formanting",
126 |
"Presets are located in /assets/formant_shift folder": "As predefinições estão localizadas na pasta /assets/formant_shift",
127 |
"Default value is 1.0": "O valor padrão é 1.0",
128 |
"Quefrency for formant shifting": "Quefrência para mudança de formante",
129 |
"Timbre for formant shifting": "Timbre para mudança de formante",
130 |
"Pitch": "Pitch",
131 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "Defina o Pitch do áudio, quanto maior o valor, mais alto será o Pitch.",
132 |
"Filter Radius": "Filter Radius",
133 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "Se o número for maior ou igual a três, empregar filtragem mediana nos resultados do tom coletado tem o potencial de diminuir a respiração.",
134 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "Proporção de Recurso de Pesquisa",
135 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "Influência exercida pelo arquivo de índice; um valor mais alto corresponde a uma maior influência. No entanto, optar por valores mais baixos pode ajudar a mitigar artefatos presentes no áudio.",
136 |
"Volume Envelope": "Envelope de Volume",
137 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "Substitua ou misture com o envelope de volume da saída. Quanto mais próximo o valor estiver de 1, mais o envelope de saída será empregado.",
138 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "Proteger Consoantes Surdas",
139 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "Proteja consoantes distintas e sons de respiração para evitar rasgos eletroacústicos e outros artefatos. Puxar o parâmetro para seu valor máximo de 0,5 oferece proteção abrangente. No entanto, reduzir esse valor pode diminuir a extensão da proteção, enquanto potencialmente mitiga o efeito de indexação.",
140 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "Algoritmo de extração de Pitch",
141 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "Algoritmo de extração de Pitch a ser usado para a conversão de áudio. O algoritmo padrão é rmvpe, que é recomendado para a maioria dos casos.",
142 |
"Convert": "Converter",
143 |
"Export Audio": "Exportar Áudio",
144 |
"Batch": "Varios arquivos",
145 |
"Input Folder": "Pasta de Entrada",
146 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "Selecione a pasta contendo os áudios a serem convertidos.",
147 |
"Enter input path": "Digite o caminho de entrada",
148 |
"Output Folder": "Pasta de Saída",
149 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "Selecione a pasta onde os áudios de saída serão salvos.",
150 |
"Enter output path": "Digite o caminho de saída",
151 |
"Get information about the audio": "Obter informações sobre o áudio",
152 |
"## Voice Blender": "## Fusão de voz",
153 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "Selecione dois modelos de voz, defina a porcentagem de Mix desejada e misture-os em uma nova voz.",
154 |
"Voice Blender": "Fusão de voz",
155 |
"Drag and drop your model here": "Arraste e solte seu modelo aqui",
156 |
"You can also use a custom path.": "Você também pode usar um caminho personalizado.",
157 |
"Blend Ratio": "Taxa de Fusão",
158 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "Ajustar a posição mais para um lado ou para o outro tornará o modelo mais semelhante ao primeiro ou ao segundo.",
159 |
"Fusion": "Fusão",
160 |
"Path to Model": "Caminho para o Modelo",
161 |
"Enter path to model": "Digite o caminho para o modelo",
162 |
"Model information to be placed": "Informações do modelo a serem colocadas",
163 |
"Inroduce the model information": "Introduza as informações do modelo",
164 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "As informações a serem colocadas no modelo (Você pode deixar em branco ou colocar qualquer coisa).",
165 |
"View model information": "Ver informações do modelo",
166 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "Introduza o caminho do modelo pth",
167 |
"View": "Ver",
168 |
"Model extraction": "Extração de modelo",
169 |
"Model conversion": "Conversão de modelo",
170 |
"Pth file": "Arquivo Pth",
171 |
"Output of the pth file": "Saída do arquivo pth",
172 |
"Extract F0 Curve": "Extrair Curva F0",
173 |
"The f0 curve represents the variations in the base frequency of a voice over time, showing how pitch rises and falls.": "A curva f0 representa as variações na frequência base de uma voz ao longo do tempo, mostrando como o tom sobe e desce.",
174 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# Como Reportar um Problema no GitHub",
175 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. Clique no botão 'Gravar Tela' abaixo para começar a gravar o problema que você está enfrentando.",
176 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. Uma vez que você tenha terminado de gravar o problema, clique no botão 'Parar Gravação' (o mesmo botão, mas o rótulo muda dependendo se você está gravando ativamente ou não).",
177 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. Vá para [GitHub Issues]( e clique no botão 'New Issue'.",
178 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. Complete o modelo de problema fornecido, garantindo incluir detalhes conforme necessário, e utilize a seção de ativos para carregar o arquivo gravado na etapa anterior.",
179 |
"Record Screen": "Gravar Tela",
180 |
"Record": "Gravar",
181 |
"Stop Recording": "Parar Gravação",
182 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "Introduza o caminho do modelo .pth",
183 |
"See Model Information": "Ver Informações do Modelo",
184 |
"## Download Model": "## Baixar Modelo",
185 |
"Model Link": "Link do Modelo",
186 |
"Introduce the model link": "Introduza o link do modelo",
187 |
"Download Model": "Baixar Modelo",
188 |
"## Drop files": "## Soltar arquivos",
189 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "Arraste seu arquivo .pth e arquivo .index para este espaço. Arraste um e depois o outro.",
190 |
"## Search Model": "## Buscar Modelo",
191 |
"Search": "Buscar",
192 |
"Introduce the model name to search.": "Introduza o nome do modelo para buscar.",
193 |
"We couldn't find models by that name.": "Não conseguimos encontrar modelos com esse nome.",
194 |
"## Download Pretrained Models": "## Baixar Modelos Pré-treinados",
195 |
"Select the pretrained model you want to download.": "Selecione o modelo pré-treino que você deseja baixar.",
196 |
"And select the sampling rate": "E selecione a taxa de amostragem.",
197 |
"TTS Voices": "Vozes TTS",
198 |
"TTS Speed": "Velocidade TTS",
199 |
"Increase or decrease TTS speed.": "Aumentar ou diminuir a velocidade do TTS.",
200 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "Selecione a voz TTS a ser usada para a conversão.",
201 |
"Text to Synthesize": "Texto para Sintetizar",
202 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "Digite o texto para sintetizar.",
203 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "Ou você pode carregar um arquivo .txt",
204 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "Digite o texto para sintetizar",
205 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "Caminho de Saída para Áudio do TTS",
206 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "Caminho de Saída para Áudio do RVC",
207 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Ativar integração do Applio com presença no Discord",
208 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "Isso ativará a possibilidade de exibir a atividade atual do Applio no Discord.",
209 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "Ativar integração do Applio com usando flask",
210 |
"It will activate the possibility of downloading models with a click from the website.": "Isso ativará a possibilidade de baixar modelos com um clique no site.",
211 |
"Enable fake GPU": "Ativar GPU falsa",
212 |
"Training is currently unsupported due to the absence of a GPU. To activate the training tab, navigate to the settings tab and enable the 'Fake GPU' option.": "O treinamento atualmente não é suportado devido à ausência de uma GPU. Para ativar a aba de treinamento, navegue até a aba de configurações e ative a opção 'GPU Falsa'.",
213 |
"Activates the train tab. However, please note that this device lacks GPU capabilities, hence training is not supported. This option is only for testing purposes. (This option will restart Applio)": "Ativa a aba de treinamento. No entanto, observe que este dispositivo não possui capacidades de GPU, portanto, o treinamento não é suportado. Esta opção é apenas para fins de teste. (Esta opção reiniciará o Applio)",
214 |
"Theme": "Tema",
215 |
"Select the theme you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "Selecione o tema que você deseja usar. (Requer reiniciar o Applio)",
216 |
"Language": "Idioma",
217 |
"Select the language you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "Selecione o idioma que você deseja usar. (Requer reiniciar o Applio)",
218 |
"Precision": "Precisão",
219 |
"Select the precision you want to use for training and inference.": "Selecione a precisão que você deseja usar para treinamento e inferência.",
220 |
"Update precision": "Atualizar precisão",
221 |
"Plugin Installer": "Instalador de Plugin",
222 |
"Drag your to install it": "Arraste seu para instalá-lo",
223 |
"Version Checker": "Verificador de Versão",
224 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "Verifique qual versão do Applio é a mais recente para ver se você precisa atualizar.",
225 |
"Check for updates": "Verificar atualizações",
226 |
"Post-Process": "Pós-processamento",
227 |
"Post-process the audio to apply effects to the output.": "Pós-processar o áudio para aplicar efeitos na saída.",
228 |
"Reverb": "Reverberação",
229 |
"Apply reverb to the audio.": "Aplicar reverberação ao áudio.",
230 |
"Reverb Room Size": "Tamanho da Sala de Reverberação",
231 |
"Set the room size of the reverb.": "Defina o tamanho da sala da reverberação.",
232 |
"Reverb Damping": "Amortecimento da Reverberação",
233 |
"Set the damping of the reverb.": "Defina o amortecimento da reverberação.",
234 |
"Reverb Wet Gain": "Ganho Molhado da Reverberação",
235 |
"Set the wet gain of the reverb.": "Defina o ganho molhado da reverberação.",
236 |
"Reverb Dry Gain": "Ganho Seco da Reverberação",
237 |
"Set the dry gain of the reverb.": "Defina o ganho seco da reverberação.",
238 |
"Reverb Width": "Largura da Reverberação",
239 |
"Set the width of the reverb.": "Defina a largura da reverberação.",
240 |
"Reverb Freeze Mode": "Modo de Congelamento da Reverberação",
241 |
"Set the freeze mode of the reverb.": "Defina o modo de congelamento da reverberação.",
242 |
"Pitch Shift": "Mudança de Pitch",
243 |
"Apply pitch shift to the audio.": "Aplicar mudança de Pitch ao áudio.",
244 |
"Pitch Shift Semitones": "Semitons de Mudança de Pitch",
245 |
"Set the pitch shift semitones.": "Defina os semitons de mudança de Pitch.",
246 |
"Limiter": "Limitador",
247 |
"Apply limiter to the audio.": "Aplicar limitador ao áudio.",
248 |
"Limiter Threshold dB": "Limite do Limitador em dB",
249 |
"Set the limiter threshold dB.": "Defina o limite do limitador em dB.",
250 |
"Limiter Release Time": "Tempo de Liberação do Limitador",
251 |
"Set the limiter release time.": "Defina o tempo de liberação do limitador.",
252 |
"Gain": "Ganho",
253 |
"Apply gain to the audio.": "Aplicar ganho ao áudio.",
254 |
"Gain dB": "Ganho dB",
255 |
"Set the gain dB.": "Defina o ganho em dB.",
256 |
"Distortion": "Distorção",
257 |
"Apply distortion to the audio.": "Aplicar distorção ao áudio.",
258 |
"Distortion Gain": "Ganho de Distorção",
259 |
"Set the distortion gain.": "Defina o ganho de distorção.",
260 |
"Chorus": "Chorus",
261 |
"Apply chorus to the audio.": "Aplicar Chorus ao áudio.",
262 |
"Chorus Rate Hz": "Taxa de Chorus Hz",
263 |
"Set the chorus rate Hz.": "Defina a taxa de Chorus em Hz.",
264 |
"Chorus Depth": "Profundidade do Chorus",
265 |
"Set the chorus depth.": "Defina a profundidade do Chorus.",
266 |
"Chorus Center Delay ms": "Delay Central do Chorus ms",
267 |
"Set the chorus center delay ms.": "Defina o Delay central do Chorus em ms.",
268 |
"Chorus Feedback": "Feedback do Chorus",
269 |
"Set the chorus feedback.": "Defina o feedback do Chorus.",
270 |
"Chorus Mix": "Mix do Chorus",
271 |
"Set the chorus mix.": "Defina a Mix do Chorus.",
272 |
"Bitcrush": "Bitcrush",
273 |
"Apply bitcrush to the audio.": "Aplicar bitcrush ao áudio.",
274 |
"Bitcrush Bit Depth": "Profundidade de Bits do Bitcrush",
275 |
"Set the bitcrush bit depth.": "Defina a profundidade de bits do bitcrush.",
276 |
"Clipping": "Clipping",
277 |
"Apply clipping to the audio.": "Aplicar clipping ao áudio.",
278 |
"Clipping Threshold": "Limite de Clipping",
279 |
"Set the clipping threshold.": "Defina o limite de clipping.",
280 |
"Compressor": "Compressor",
281 |
"Apply compressor to the audio.": "Aplicar compressor ao áudio.",
282 |
"Compressor Threshold dB": "Limite do Compressor em dB",
283 |
"Set the compressor threshold dB.": "Defina o limite do compressor em dB.",
284 |
"Compressor Ratio": "Taxa do Compressor",
285 |
"Set the compressor ratio.": "Defina a taxa do compressor.",
286 |
"Compressor Attack ms": "Ataque do Compressor ms",
287 |
"Set the compressor attack ms.": "Defina o ataque do compressor em ms.",
288 |
"Compressor Release ms": "Liberação do Compressor ms",
289 |
"Set the compressor release ms.": "Defina a liberação do compressor em ms.",
290 |
"Delay": "Delay",
291 |
"Apply delay to the audio.": "Aplicar Delay ao áudio.",
292 |
"Delay Seconds": "Segundos de Delay",
293 |
"Set the delay seconds.": "Defina os segundos de Delay.",
294 |
"Delay Feedback": "Feedback do Delay",
295 |
"Set the delay feedback.": "Defina o feedback do Delay.",
296 |
"Delay Mix": "Mix do Delay",
297 |
"Set the delay mix.": "Defina a Mix do Delay.",
298 |
"Custom Embedder": "Embedder Personalizado",
299 |
"Select Custom Embedder": "Selecionar Embedder Personalizado",
300 |
"Refresh embedders": "Atualizar Embedderes",
301 |
"Folder Name": "Nome da Pasta",
302 |
"Upload .bin": "Carregar .bin",
303 |
"Upload .json": "Carregar .json",
304 |
"Move files to custom embedder folder": "Mover arquivos para a pasta de Embedder personalizado",
305 |
"model information": "informações do modelo",
306 |
"Model Creator": "Criador do Modelo",
307 |
"Name of the model creator. (Default: Unknown)": "Nome do criador do modelo. (Padrão: Unknown)"
308 |
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Esta seção contém alguns utilitários extras que muitas vezes podem estar em fases experimentais.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informações de saída",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "As informações de saída serão exibidas aqui.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Inserir caminho do conjunto de dados",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Taxa de amostragem",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "A taxa de amostragem dos arquivos de áudio.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Pré-processar conjunto de dados",
36 |
"Extract": "Extrair",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Comprimento do salto",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "A melhor ferramenta de clonagem de voz, meticulosamente otimizada para potência, modularidade e experiência de fácil utilização incomparáveis.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Esta seção contém alguns utilitários extras que muitas vezes podem estar em fases experimentais.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informações de saída",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "As informações de saída serão exibidas aqui.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Inserir caminho do conjunto de dados",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Taxa de amostragem",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "A taxa de amostragem dos arquivos de áudio.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Versão RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "A versão RVC do modelo.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Pré-processar conjunto de dados",
36 |
"Extract": "Extrair",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Comprimento do salto",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Această secțiune conține câteva utilități suplimentare care pot fi adesea în faze experimentale.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informații despre ieșire",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Informațiile de ieșire vor fi afișate aici.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Introduceți calea setului de date",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Rata de eșantionare",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Rata de eșantionare a fișierelor audio.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Set de date preproces",
36 |
"Extract": "Extract",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Lungimea hameiului",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Cel mai bun instrument de clonare a vocii, optimizat meticulos pentru putere, modularitate și experiență ușor de utilizat.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Această secțiune conține câteva utilități suplimentare care pot fi adesea în faze experimentale.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Informații despre ieșire",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Informațiile de ieșire vor fi afișate aici.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Introduceți calea setului de date",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Rata de eșantionare",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Rata de eșantionare a fișierelor audio.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Versiunea RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Versiunea RVC a modelului.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Set de date preproces",
36 |
"Extract": "Extract",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Lungimea hameiului",
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Этот раздел содержит
4 |
"Output Information": "Выходная информация",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Здесь будет отображена выходная информация.",
6 |
"Inference": "Вывод",
7 |
"Train": "
8 |
"Extra": "
9 |
"Merge Audios": "Слияние
10 |
"Processing": "Обработка",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "Анализатор
12 |
"Model Information": "Информация о модели",
13 |
"Plugins": "Плагины",
14 |
"Download": "
15 |
"Report a Bug": "Сообщить об ошибке",
16 |
"Settings": "
17 |
"Preprocess": "
18 |
"Model Name": "Название модели",
19 |
"Name of the new model.": "Название новой модели.",
20 |
"Enter model name": "Введите название модели",
21 |
"Dataset Path": "Путь к набору данных",
22 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "Путь к папке
23 |
"Refresh Datasets": "
24 |
"Dataset Creator": "Создатель набора данных",
25 |
"Dataset Name": "
26 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "
27 |
"Enter dataset name": "Введите
28 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "
29 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "Аудиофайл успешно добавлен в набор данных. Пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку предварительной обработки.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Введите путь к набору данных",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Частота дискретизации",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Частота дискретизации аудиофайлов.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "
36 |
"Extract": "
37 |
"Hop Length": "Длина
38 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "Обозначает время, необходимое системе для перехода к значительному изменению высоты тона. Меньшая длина скачка требует больше времени для
39 |
"Batch Size": "Размер
40 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "Рекомендуется выровнять его с доступной видеопамятью вашего графического процессора. Значение 4 обеспечивает повышенную точность, но более медленную обработку,
41 |
"Save Every Epoch": "
42 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will saved at.": "Определите,
43 |
"Total Epoch": "
44 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "Задает общее количество эпох для процесса обучения модели.",
45 |
"Pretrained": "Предварительно
46 |
"Save Only Latest": "
47 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "Включение
48 |
"Save Every Weights": "
49 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "Эта настройка позволяет сохранять весовые коэффициенты модели в конце каждой эпохи.",
50 |
"Custom Pretrained": "
51 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "Использование пользовательских предварительно обученных моделей может привести к превосходным результатам, так как выбор наиболее подходящих предварительно обученных моделей, адаптированных к конкретному сценарию использования, может значительно повысить производительность.",
52 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "
53 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "
54 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "
55 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "Файл, который вы
56 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "Нажмите кнопку обновления, чтобы увидеть предварительно обученный файл в
57 |
"Pretrained G Path": "
58 |
"Pretrained D Path": "
59 |
"GPU Settings": "Настройки
60 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "Устанавливает расширенные настройки
61 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "Пользовательские настройки
62 |
"GPU Number": "Номер
63 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "от 0 до
64 |
"GPU Information": "Информация о
65 |
"Pitch Guidance": "Руководство по
66 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "Используя управление высотой тона, становится возможным отразить интонацию исходного голоса, включая его высоту. Эта функция особенно ценна для пения и других сценариев, где важно сохранить оригинальную мелодию или тональность.",
67 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "Используйте предварительно обученные модели при обучении своих собственных. Такой подх��д сокращает продолжительность обучения и повышает общее качество.",
68 |
"Extract Features": "
69 |
"Start Training": "Начать обучение",
70 |
"Generate Index": "Сгенерировать индекс",
71 |
"Voice Model": "Голосовая модель",
72 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "Выберите голосовую модель, которая будет использоваться для преобразования.",
73 |
"Index File": "Индексный файл",
74 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "Выберите индексный файл, который будет использоваться для преобразования.",
75 |
"Refresh": "
76 |
"Unload Voice": "Выгрузить голос",
77 |
"Single": "
78 |
"Upload Audio": "Загрузить аудио",
79 |
"Select Audio": "Выберите
80 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "Выберите аудио для преобразования.",
81 |
"Advanced Settings": "Расширенные настройки",
82 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "
83 |
"Custom Output Path": "Пользовательский выходной путь",
84 |
"Output Path": "Выходной путь",
85 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "Путь, по которому будет сохранен выходной звук, по умолчанию в assets/audios/output.wav",
86 |
"Split Audio": "
87 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "Разделите аудио на фрагменты для вывода, чтобы получить лучшие результаты в некоторых случаях.",
88 |
"Autotune": "Автотюн",
89 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "Примените мягкую автонастройку к
90 |
"Clean Audio": "
91 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "Очистите аудиовыход с помощью алгоритмов обнаружения шума, рекомендуемых для
92 |
"Clean Strength": "
93 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "Установите желаемый уровень очистки звука, чем больше вы его увеличите, тем больше он будет очищаться, но возможно, что звук будет более сжатым.",
94 |
"Pitch": "
95 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "Установите высоту звука, чем выше значение, тем выше высота тона.",
96 |
"Filter Radius": "Радиус фильтра",
97 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "Если это число больше или равно трем, использование медианной фильтрации по собранным результатам тона может привести к снижению дыхания.",
98 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "Соотношение объектов поиска",
99 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "Влияние, оказываемое индексным файлом; Чем выше значение, тем больше влияние. Однако выбор более низких значений может помочь смягчить артефакты, присутствующие в аудио.",
100 |
"Volume Envelope": "Огибающая
101 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "Замените или смешайте с огибающей громкости выхода. Чем ближе отношение к 1, тем больше используется выходная огибающая.",
102 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "Защита глухих согласных",
103 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "Защитите отчетливые согласные и звуки дыхания, чтобы предотвратить электроакустические разрывы и другие артефакты. Извлечение параметра до максимального значения 0,5 обеспечивает комплексную защиту. Однако уменьшение этого значения может снизить степень защиты, потенциально смягчив эффект индексирования.",
104 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "Алгоритм извлечения высоты тона",
105 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "Алгоритм извлечения высоты тона, используемый для преобразования звука. По умолчанию используется алгоритм rmvpe, который рекомендуется для большинства случаев.",
106 |
"Convert": "
107 |
"Export Audio": "
108 |
"Batch": "
109 |
"Input Folder": "Входная папка",
110 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "Выберите папку, содержащую аудиофайлы для преобразования.",
111 |
"Enter input path": "Введите путь ввода",
112 |
"Output Folder": "Выходная папка",
113 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "Выберите папку, в которой будут сохранены выходные аудиозаписи.",
114 |
"Enter output path": "Введите выходной путь",
115 |
"Get information about the audio": "
116 |
"Information about the audio file": "Информация об аудиофайле",
117 |
"Waiting for information...": "
118 |
"## Voice Blender": "## Голосовой блендер",
119 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "Выберите две модели голоса, установите желаемый процент смешивания и смешайте их в совершенно новый голос.",
120 |
"Voice Blender": "Голосовой блендер",
@@ -129,12 +129,12 @@
129 |
"Inroduce the model information": "Ввод информации о модели",
130 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "Информация, которая будет размещена в модели (Вы можете оставить ее пустой или поставить что угодно).",
131 |
"View model information": "Просмотр информации о модели",
132 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "
133 |
"View": "
134 |
"Model extraction": "Извлечение модели",
135 |
"Model conversion": "Преобразование модели",
136 |
"Pth file": "
137 |
"Output of the pth file": "Вывод
138 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# Как сообщить о проблеме на GitHub",
139 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. Нажмите кнопку «Записать экран» ниже, чтобы начать запись проблемы, с которой вы столкнулись.",
140 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. После того, как вы закончили запись задачи, нажмите кнопку «Остановить запись» (та же кнопка, но метка меняется в зависимости от того, ведете ли вы активную запись или нет).",
@@ -143,22 +143,22 @@
143 |
"Record Screen": "Запись экрана",
144 |
"Record": "Запись",
145 |
"Stop Recording": "Остановить запись",
146 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "
147 |
"See Model Information": "Посмотреть информацию о модели",
148 |
"## Download Model": "## Скачать модель",
149 |
"Model Link": "Ссылка на модель",
150 |
"Introduce the model link": "
151 |
"Download Model": "Скачать модель",
152 |
"## Drop files": "## Удаление файлов",
153 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "Перетащите файлы .pth и .index в это пространство. Перетащите один, а затем другой.",
154 |
"TTS Voices": "Голоса TTS",
155 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "Выберите голос TTS, который будет использоваться для преобразования.",
156 |
"Text to Synthesize": "
157 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "Введите текст для синтеза.",
158 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "Или вы можете загрузить .txt файл",
159 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "Введите текст для синтеза",
160 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "Выходной
161 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "Выходной
162 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Включите интеграцию Applio с присутствием в Discord",
163 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "Это активирует возможность отображения текущей активности Applio в Discord.",
164 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "Включите интеграцию Applio с с помощью flask",
@@ -171,5 +171,5 @@
171 |
"Drag your to install it": "Перетащите, чтобы установить его",
172 |
"Version Checker": "Проверка версий",
173 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "Проверьте, какая версия Applio является последней, чтобы узнать, нужно ли вам обновление.",
174 |
"Check for updates": "
175 |
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Конвертация голоса на основе VITS, ориентированная на простоту, качество и производительность.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Этот раздел содержит дополнительные утилиты, которые часто могут находиться на экспериментальных стадиях.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Выходная информация",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Здесь будет отображена выходная информация.",
6 |
"Inference": "Вывод",
7 |
"Train": "Обучение",
8 |
"Extra": "Дополнительно",
9 |
"Merge Audios": "Слияние аудио",
10 |
"Processing": "Обработка",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "Анализатор аудио",
12 |
"Model Information": "Информация о модели",
13 |
"Plugins": "Плагины",
14 |
"Download": "Скачать",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "Сообщить об ошибке",
16 |
"Settings": "Настройки",
17 |
"Preprocess": "Предварительная обработка",
18 |
"Model Name": "Название модели",
19 |
"Name of the new model.": "Название новой модели.",
20 |
"Enter model name": "Введите название модели",
21 |
"Dataset Path": "Путь к набору данных",
22 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "Путь к папке с набором данных.",
23 |
"Refresh Datasets": "Обновить наборы данных",
24 |
"Dataset Creator": "Создатель набора данных",
25 |
"Dataset Name": "Название набора данных",
26 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "Название нового набора данных.",
27 |
"Enter dataset name": "Введите название набора данных",
28 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "Загрузить набор аудиоданных",
29 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "Аудиофайл успешно добавлен в набор данных. Пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку предварительной обработки.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Введите путь к набору данных",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Частота дискретизации",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Частота дискретизации аудиофайлов.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Версия RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Версия RVC модели.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Предварительная обработка набора данных",
36 |
"Extract": "Извлечь",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Длина скачка",
38 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "Обозначает время, необходимое системе для перехода к значительному изменению высоты тона. Меньшая длина скачка требует больше времени для вывода, но обычно обеспечивает более высокую точность определения высоты тона.",
39 |
"Batch Size": "Размер пакета",
40 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "Рекомендуется выровнять его с доступной видеопамятью вашего графического процессора. Значение 4 обеспечивает повышенную точность, но более медленную обработку, тогда как 8 обеспечивает более быстрые и стандартные результаты.",
41 |
"Save Every Epoch": "Сохранять каждую эпоху",
42 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will saved at.": "Определите, на скольких эпохах будет сохраняться модель.",
43 |
"Total Epoch": "Общее количество эпох",
44 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "Задает общее количество эпох для процесса обучения модели.",
45 |
"Pretrained": "Предварительно обученные модели",
46 |
"Save Only Latest": "Сохранять только последние версии",
47 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "Включение этой настройки приведет к тому, что файлы G и D будут сохранять только свои самые последние версии, что позволит эффективно экономить место на диске.",
48 |
"Save Every Weights": "Сохранять все веса",
49 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "Эта настройка позволяет сохранять весовые коэффициенты модели в конце каждой эпохи.",
50 |
"Custom Pretrained": "Пользовательские предварительно обученные модели",
51 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "Использование пользовательских предварительно обученных моделей может привести к превосходным результатам, так как выбор наиболее подходящих предварительно обученных моделей, адаптированных к конкретному сценарию использования, может значительно повысить производительность.",
52 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "Загрузить предварительно обученную модель",
53 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "Обновить пользовательские предварительно обученные модели",
54 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "Пользовательские настройки предварительно обученных моделей",
55 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "Файл, который вы загрузили, не является допустимым предварительно обученным файлом. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.",
56 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "Нажмите кнопку обновления, чтобы увидеть предварительно обученный файл в выпадающем меню.",
57 |
"Pretrained G Path": "Путь к пользовательскому предварительно обученному G",
58 |
"Pretrained D Path": "Путь к пользовательскому предварительно обученному D",
59 |
"GPU Settings": "Настройки GPU",
60 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "Устанавливает расширенные настройки GPU, рекомендуемые для пользователей с улучшенной архитектурой GPU.",
61 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "Пользовательские настройки GPU",
62 |
"GPU Number": "Номер GPU",
63 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "от 0 до ∞, разделенные -",
64 |
"GPU Information": "Информация о GPU",
65 |
"Pitch Guidance": "Руководство по высоте тона",
66 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "Используя управление высотой тона, становится возможным отразить интонацию исходного голоса, включая его высоту. Эта функция особенно ценна для пения и других сценариев, где важно сохранить оригинальную мелодию или тональность.",
67 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "Используйте предварительно обученные модели при обучении своих собственных. Такой подх��д сокращает продолжительность обучения и повышает общее качество.",
68 |
"Extract Features": "Извлечь функции",
69 |
"Start Training": "Начать обучение",
70 |
"Generate Index": "Сгенерировать индекс",
71 |
"Voice Model": "Голосовая модель",
72 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "Выберите голосовую модель, которая будет использоваться для преобразования.",
73 |
"Index File": "Индексный файл",
74 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "Выберите индексный файл, который будет использоваться для преобразования.",
75 |
"Refresh": "Обновить",
76 |
"Unload Voice": "Выгрузить голос",
77 |
"Single": "Одиночный",
78 |
"Upload Audio": "Загрузить аудио",
79 |
"Select Audio": "Выберите аудио",
80 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "Выберите аудио для преобразования.",
81 |
"Advanced Settings": "Расширенные настройки",
82 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "Очистить выходные данные (удаляет все аудио в assets/audios)",
83 |
"Custom Output Path": "Пользовательский выходной путь",
84 |
"Output Path": "Выходной путь",
85 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "Путь, по которому будет сохранен выходной звук, по умолчанию в assets/audios/output.wav",
86 |
"Split Audio": "Разделить аудио",
87 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "Разделите аудио на фрагменты для вывода, чтобы получить лучшие результаты в некоторых случаях.",
88 |
"Autotune": "Автотюн",
89 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "Примените мягкую автонастройку к вашим выводам, рекомендуемую для певческих преобразований.",
90 |
"Clean Audio": "Очистить аудио",
91 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "Очистите аудиовыход с помощью алгоритмов обнаружения шума, рекомендуемых для разговорных аудио.",
92 |
"Clean Strength": "Сила очистки",
93 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "Установите желаемый уровень очистки звука, чем больше вы его увеличите, тем больше он будет очищаться, но возможно, что звук будет более сжатым.",
94 |
"Pitch": "Высота тона",
95 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "Установите высоту звука, чем выше значение, тем выше высота тона.",
96 |
"Filter Radius": "Радиус фильтра",
97 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "Если это число больше или равно трем, использование медианной фильтрации по собранным результатам тона может привести к снижению дыхания.",
98 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "Соотношение объектов поиска",
99 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "Влияние, оказываемое индексным файлом; Чем выше значение, тем больше влияние. Однако выбор более низких значений может помочь смягчить артефакты, присутствующие в аудио.",
100 |
"Volume Envelope": "Огибающая громкости",
101 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "Замените или смешайте с огибающей громкости выхода. Чем ближе отношение к 1, тем больше используется выходная огибающая.",
102 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "Защита глухих согласных",
103 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "Защитите отчетливые согласные и звуки дыхания, чтобы предотвратить электроакустические разрывы и другие артефакты. Извлечение параметра до максимального значения 0,5 обеспечивает комплексную защиту. Однако уменьшение этого значения может снизить степень защиты, потенциально смягчив эффект индексирования.",
104 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "Алгоритм извлечения высоты тона",
105 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "Алгоритм извлечения высоты тона, используемый для преобразования звука. По умолчанию используется алгоритм rmvpe, который рекомендуется для большинства случаев.",
106 |
"Convert": "Преобразовать",
107 |
"Export Audio": "Экспортировать аудио",
108 |
"Batch": "Пакет",
109 |
"Input Folder": "Входная папка",
110 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "Выберите папку, содержащую аудиофайлы для преобразования.",
111 |
"Enter input path": "Введите путь ввода",
112 |
"Output Folder": "Выходная папка",
113 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "Выберите папку, в которой будут сохранены выходные аудиозаписи.",
114 |
"Enter output path": "Введите выходной путь",
115 |
"Get information about the audio": "Получить информацию об аудио",
116 |
"Information about the audio file": "Информация об аудиофайле",
117 |
"Waiting for information...": "Ожидание информации...",
118 |
"## Voice Blender": "## Голосовой блендер",
119 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "Выберите две модели голоса, установите желаемый процент смешивания и смешайте их в совершенно новый голос.",
120 |
"Voice Blender": "Голосовой блендер",
129 |
"Inroduce the model information": "Ввод информации о модели",
130 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "Информация, которая будет размещена в модели (Вы можете оставить ее пустой или поставить что угодно).",
131 |
"View model information": "Просмотр информации о модели",
132 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "Введите путь к pth модели",
133 |
"View": "Просмотр",
134 |
"Model extraction": "Извлечение модели",
135 |
"Model conversion": "Преобразование модели",
136 |
"Pth file": "Pth файл",
137 |
"Output of the pth file": "Вывод pth файла",
138 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# Как сообщить о проблеме на GitHub",
139 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. Нажмите кнопку «Записать экран» ниже, чтобы начать запись проблемы, с которой вы столкнулись.",
140 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. После того, как вы закончили запись задачи, нажмите кнопку «Остановить запись» (та же кнопка, но метка меняется в зависимости от того, ведете ли вы активную запись или нет).",
143 |
"Record Screen": "Запись экрана",
144 |
"Record": "Запись",
145 |
"Stop Recording": "Остановить запись",
146 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "Введите путь к .pth модели",
147 |
"See Model Information": "Посмотреть информацию о модели",
148 |
"## Download Model": "## Скачать модель",
149 |
"Model Link": "Ссылка на модель",
150 |
"Introduce the model link": "Введите ссылку на модель",
151 |
"Download Model": "Скачать модель",
152 |
"## Drop files": "## Удаление файлов",
153 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "Перетащите файлы .pth и .index в это пространство. Перетащите один, а затем другой.",
154 |
"TTS Voices": "Голоса TTS",
155 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "Выберите голос TTS, который будет использоваться для преобразования.",
156 |
"Text to Synthesize": "Текст для синтеза",
157 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "Введите текст для синтеза.",
158 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "Или вы можете загрузить .txt файл",
159 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "Введите текст для синтеза",
160 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "Выходной путь для TTS-аудио",
161 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "Выходной путь для RVC-аудио",
162 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Включите интеграцию Applio с присутствием в Discord",
163 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "Это активирует возможность отображения текущей активности Applio в Discord.",
164 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "Включите интеграцию Applio с с помощью flask",
171 |
"Drag your to install it": "Перетащите, чтобы установить его",
172 |
"Version Checker": "Проверка версий",
173 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "Проверьте, какая версия Applio является последней, чтобы узнать, нужно ли вам обновление.",
174 |
"Check for updates": "Проверка наличия обновлений"
175 |
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "இந்த பிரிவில் சேர்ந்துள்ள கொடுமை கருவிகளில் சார்ந்த பல கூட்டுத்தரங்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.",
4 |
"Output Information": "வெளியீடு தகவல்",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "வெளியீடு தகவல் இங்கே காட்டப்படும்.",
6 |
"Inference": "கருத்து",
7 |
"Train": "பயிற்சி",
8 |
"Extra": "கூடுதல்",
9 |
"Merge Audios": "ஒரேபோனில் ஒன்றாக்குக",
10 |
"Processing": "செயலாக்கம்",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "ஆடியோ பகுப்பாய்வாளர்",
12 |
"Model Information": "மாதிரி தகவல்",
13 |
"Plugins": "பிளகின்கள்",
14 |
"Download": "பதிவிறக்கம்",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "பிழை அறிக்கை",
16 |
"Settings": "அமைப்புகள்",
17 |
"Preprocess": "முன்பாகவும்",
18 |
"Model Name": "மாதிரி பெயர்",
19 |
"Name of the new model.": "புதிய மாதிரி பெயர்.",
20 |
"Enter model name": "மாதிரி பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்",
21 |
"Dataset Path": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பாதை",
22 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "தரவுத்தொகுதி கோப்புக்கு பாதை.",
23 |
"Refresh Datasets": "தரவுத்தொகுதிகளை புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
24 |
"Dataset Creator": "தரவுத்தொகுதி உருவாக்கி",
25 |
"Dataset Name": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பெயர்",
26 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "புதிய தரவுத்தொகுதி பெயர்.",
27 |
"Enter dataset name": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்",
28 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "ஆடியோ தரவுத்தொகுதியை பதிவேற்றவும்",
29 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "ஆடியோ கோப்பு தரவுத்தொகுதிக்கு வெற்றிகரமாக சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தயவுசெய்து முன்னிருப்பை அழுத்தவும்.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பாதையை உள்ளிடவும்",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "மாதிரி விகிதம்",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ஆடியோ கோப்புகளின் மாதிரி விகிதம்.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "முன்பாகவும் தரவுத்தொகுதி",
36 |
37 |
"Embedder Model": "உள்ளீடு மாதிரி",
38 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "பேச்சாளர் உள்ளீட்டை கற்க பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மாதிரி.",
39 |
"Extract": "எக்ஸ்ட்ராக்ட்",
40 |
"Hop Length": "ஹாப் நீளம்",
41 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "கருத்துக்கு எவ்வளவு நேரம் எடுத்துக் கொள்கிறது என்றால், அது ஒரு முக்கிய பிச் மாற்றத்திற்கு அமைந்துகொள்கின்றது. சிறிய ஹாப் நீளங்களுக்கு அதிக நேரம் தேவைப்படுகின்றது ஆனால் அவை உயரமான பிச் சரிசெய்தியை உருவாக்க உதவுகின்றன.",
42 |
"Batch Size": "பேட்ச் அளவு",
43 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "உங்கள் GPU கிடைக்கும் கிடைச்சதை அவசியமாக உள்ளிட பரிந்திருக்கின்றது. 4 என்ற அமைப்பு உயர்த்தப்பட்ட உறுதியுள்ள சொல்லத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ளது ஆனால் அதிக நேரம் பயன்படுகின்றது, 8 அமைப்பு விரைவாக மற்றும் நிலைக்குப் பொருத்தப்படுகிறது.",
44 |
"Save Every Epoch": "ஒவ்வொரு காலமும் சேமிக்கவும்",
45 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will saved at.": "மாதிரி எதிர்காலங்களில் எத்தனை படிப்புகளில் மாதிரியைச் சேமிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்கள்.",
46 |
"Total Epoch": "மொத்த எபக்",
47 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "மாதிரி பயிற்சி செய்திகளின் மொத்த அளவை குறிப்பிடுகிறது.",
48 |
"Pretrained": "பூர்வதயாரிக",
49 |
"Save Only Latest": "கடைசியே சேமிக்கவும்",
50 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "இந்த அமைப்பை இயக்கும் போது G மற்றும் D கோப்புகள் உங்கள் கடைசி பதிப்புகளைச் சேமிக்கும், வாயிலாக சேமிக்கப்படுகின்றன.",
51 |
"Save Every Weights": "ஒவ்வொரு எடைக்கும் சேமிக்கவும்",
52 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "இந்த அமைப்பு உங்கள் மாதிரி பயிற்சி செய்தியின் முடிவில் மாதிரிகளை சேமிக்க அனுமதிக்கின்றது.",
53 |
"Custom Pretrained": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக",
54 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரிகளை பயன்படுத்துவது சிறந்த விளக்கங்களை தரலாம், குறிப்பிடுகின்ற குழப்பத்திற்கு ஏற்றதும் பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரிகளைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்க உடனே அந்தக் குழப்பத்தை அபூர்வமாக செயல்படுத்தலாம்.",
55 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரி மோடெலை பதிவேற்றவும்",
56 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிகளை புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
57 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக அமைப்புகள்",
58 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "நீங்கள் பொருத்தவில்லை என்றால் பூர்வதயாரிக கோப்பு அல்ல. மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
59 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "கீழேயுள்ள பட்டி பட்டியில் பூர்வதயாரிக கோப்புக்கு உருவாக்க முயலுங்கள்.",
60 |
"Pretrained G Path": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக G பாதை",
61 |
"Pretrained D Path": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக D பாதை",
62 |
"GPU Settings": "GPU அமைப்புகள்",
63 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "மேலும் முதிர்ச்சியான GPU அமைப்புகளை அமைக்கின்றது, உடனடியான GPU கருவிக்கு பரிந்திரமான பயனாளர்களுக்கு பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகிறது.",
64 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "GPU கஸ்டம் அமைப்புகள்",
65 |
"GPU Number": "GPU எண்",
66 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0
67 |
"GPU Information": "GPU தகவல்",
68 |
"Pitch Guidance": "பிச் வழிநிரப்பல்",
69 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "பிச் வழிநிரப்பல் மூலம், மூல குரலின் ஒலிக்கோட்டைக் கண்டுகொள்வது சாத்தியமாகின்றது, அதன் பிச்சை கூட. இந்த அம்சம் குரல் பாடலுக்கும் மற்றும் உலாவிகளுக்கும் மூல இசை அல்லது பிச் முதிரையைக் காப்பாற்ற எளியதாக இருக்கும்.",
70 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "உங்கள் பயிற்சியில் உங்கள் தனிப்பட்ட மாதிரிகளை பயன்படுத்துவது பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரிகளை பயன்படுத்துவது குரல் பயிற்சி காலத்தை குறைக்கின்றது மற்றும் மொத்த தரவின் உயர்த்துத்தை அதிகரிக்கின்றது.",
71 |
"Extract Features": "அம்சங்கள் எடு",
72 |
"Overtraining Detector": "அதிகமாக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் அறிவுப்பால்",
73 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் தரவை மிகவும் நன்றாக அறியும் பாதுகாப்பு மூலம் மாதிரி பயிற்சிப்படுத்துதலை தடுக்க, புதிய தரவுக்கு பொதுவாக பொருத்தமாக மாற்ற அனுமதியை இழக்குகிறது.",
74 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "அதிக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் அறிவுப்பால் அமைப்புகள்",
75 |
"Overtraining Threshold": "அதிக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் அறிவுப்பால் அதிகம்",
76 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "அதிகமாக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் தரவு அறியப்படாதால் உங்கள் மாதிரியின் பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் மொத்த எண்ணிக்கையை அமைக்கவும்.",
77 |
78 |
"Start Training": "பயிற்சி ஆரம்பிக்கவும்",
79 |
"Stop Training & Restart Applio": "பயிற்சி நிறுத்து & புதுப்பிக்க Applio",
80 |
"Generate Index": "சுருக்கம் உருவாக்கு",
81 |
82 |
"Export Model": "ஏற்றுமதி மாதிரி",
83 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "'பதிவேற்று' பொத்தான்கள் உள்ளீட்டிற்கு மட்டுமே கூகுள் கோலாப் சேமிப்பகத்திற்கு கடைசியாக கூகுள் டிரைவில் உங்கள் ApplioExported கோப்புக்கு ஏற்றுமதிக்கும்.",
84 |
"Exported Pth file": "ஏற்றுமதிக்கப்பட்ட Pth கோப்பு",
85 |
"Exported Index file": "ஏற்றுமதிக்கப்பட்ட சுட்டி கோப்பு",
86 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "ஏற்றுமதிக்க வேண்டிய pth கோப்பைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
87 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "ஏற்றுமதிக்க வேண்டிய சுட்டி கோப்பைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
88 |
"Upload": "பதிவேற்று",
89 |
90 |
"Voice Model": "குரல் மாதிரி",
91 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "மாற்றத்திற்கு பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் குரல் மாதிரியை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்.",
92 |
"Index File": "சுருக்க கோப்பு",
93 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "
94 |
"Refresh": "புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
95 |
"Unload Voice": "குரல் அமைதி",
96 |
"Single": "ஒற்றை",
97 |
"Upload Audio": "ஒலியை பதிவேற்று",
98 |
"Select Audio": "ஒலியைத் தேர்ந்தெடு",
99 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "மாற்றுவதற்கு ஒலியைத் தேர்ந்தெடு.",
100 |
"Advanced Settings": "மேம்பாடு அமைப்புகள்",
101 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "வெற்றிகளை அழித்தல் (assets/audios உள்ள அனைத்து ஒலிகளையும் நீக்கும்)",
102 |
"Custom Output Path": "கஸ்டம் வெற்றிப் பாதை",
103 |
"Output Path": "வெற்றி பாதை",
104 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "வெற்றிகள் உள்ளிடப்பட்ட ஒலியைச் சேமிக்கப்படும் பாதை, பொதுவாக assets/audios/output.wav இல்.",
105 |
"Split Audio": "ஒலியை பிரித்தல்",
106 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "கொலுசுகளாக ஒலியை பிரிக்க, சில நிலைகளில் சிறப்பு விளக்கங்களைப் பெற விரும்புகின்றது.",
107 |
"Autotune": "ஆட்டோடியூன்",
108 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "உங்கள் முன்னோடிகளுக்கு ஒரு மென்னுரை ஆட்டோடியூனை பயன்படுத்தவும், பாடல் மாற்றங்களுக்கு பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகின்றது.",
109 |
"Clean Audio": "சுத்தமான ஒலி",
110 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "உங்கள் ஒலி வெற்றியை சுத்தமாக்க, பேசும் ஒலிகளுக்கு பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகின்றது.",
111 |
"Clean Strength": "சுத்த வலிமை",
112 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "நீங்கள் விரும்பும் ஒலிக்கு சுத்தமாக்க விளக்கு, அதை அதிகரிக்கும்போது அது அதிகரிக்கும், ஆனால் ஒலி குறுகியாக இருக்கலாம்.",
113 |
"Pitch": "பிச்",
114 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "ஒலியின் பிச் அமைக்கவும், மதிப்பு உயரானதும் அதிகமாகும்.",
115 |
"Filter Radius": "குழப்பத்தின் அருகு",
116 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "எண் மூலம் மூன்று அல்லது அதனை விட அதிகமாக இருந்தால், சேகரித்த இசை முடிவுகளில் இயலுமை குறைவாகும் என்று சொல்லப்படுகின்றது.",
117 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "தேடல் அம்ச விகிதம்",
118 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "இடைவரிசு கோப்பின் மூலம் உள்ள பாதியான ஒருவரிடத்திற்கு உருவாகும் அந்தக் கோப்பு; அதிக மதிப்பு அதிக உருவாகும் என்று அர்த்தம். எனவே, குறோக்கின் குறைந்த மதிப்புகளைத் தேர்வுசெய்வதால் ஒலியில் உள்ள கலப்புகளைத் தவிர்க்க உதவலாம்.",
119 |
"Volume Envelope": "அளவு என்வெலோப்",
120 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "வெற்றியின் அளவு என்வெலோப் இல் மாறியது அல்லது இணைந்தது. விளக்கு அந்த விகிதம் 1 க்கு அழைத்திருந்தால், வெற்றியின் அளவு என்வெலோப் பயன்படும்.",
121 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "குரலின் இல்லாத ஸ்வரக்களைக் காப்பாற்றவும்",
122 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "எலக்ட்ரோ-ஒலி கொழுகு மற்றும் பிற கலப்புகளை தடுக்குவதற்கு விரிவான ஸ்வரக்களுக்கு மற்றும் சுவாசத் தானங்களுக்கு பாதுகாக்க. இந்த அளவுக்கு அதிகமாக 0.5 க்கு அழைத்துக் கொள்வது பொருத்தமான பாதுகாப்பை வழங்குகின்றது. ஆனால், இந்த மதிப்பை குறைந்ததாக்கின்றார் என்றால், பாதுகாப்புக்குரிய நிலை குறைந்துவிடப்படலாம் மற்றும் அதுவே இந்தக் குறோக்குனை பரிந்துரிக்கும் என்று எச்சரிக்கை தரகின்றது.",
123 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "பிச் எக்ஸ்டிரக்ஷன் அளவுத் தொகுப்பு",
124 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "ஒலி மாற்றத்திற்கு பயன்படுத்த வேண்டிய பிச் எக்ஸ்டிரக்ஷன் அளவுத் தொகுப்பு. இயல்பான அளவுத் தொகுப்பு rmvpe ஆகும், இது அதிகமாக பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகின்றது.",
125 |
126 |
"Convert": "மாற்று",
127 |
"Export Audio": "ஒலியை ஏற்றுமதி செய்",
128 |
129 |
"Batch": "பேட்ச்",
130 |
"Input Folder": "உள்ளிடும் கோப்பு",
131 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "மாற்ற ஒலிகளைக் கொண்ட கோப்புகளைக் கொண்ட கோப்புக்கு தேர்ந்தெடு.",
132 |
"Enter input path": "உள்ளிடும் பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
133 |
"Output Folder": "வெற்றி கோப்பு",
134 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "வெற்றிகளைச் சேமிக்கப்படும் கோப்புக்கு தேர்ந்தெடு.",
135 |
"Enter output path": "வெற்றியின் பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
136 |
137 |
"Get information about the audio": "ஒலியை பற்றிய தகவல் பெறுக",
138 |
139 |
"## Voice Blender": "## குரல் பிளெண்டர்",
140 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "இரண்டு குரல் மாதிரிகளைத் தேர்வு செய்து, விரும்பிய குரல் சதவீதம் அமைக்கவும், அவைகளை முழுமையாக ஒரு புதிய குரலாக பிளெண்டுகின்றன.",
141 |
"Voice Blender": "குரல் பிளெண்டர்",
142 |
"Drag and drop your model here": "உங்கள் மாதிரி இங்கே எழுதவும்",
143 |
"You can also use a custom path.": "நீங்கள் கஸ்டம் பாதையையும் பயன்படுத்தலாம்.",
144 |
"Blend Ratio": "குரல் சதவீதம்",
145 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "ஒரு பக்கத்திற்கு அல்லது மற்றும் மற்றும் அதிகமாக செய்யும் உள்ளீடு இரட்டிப் பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுதல் மாதிரியாகின்றது.",
146 |
"Fusion": "ஐக்கியம்",
147 |
"Path to Model": "மாதிரிக்கு பாதை",
148 |
"Enter path to model": "மாதிரிக்கு பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
149 |
"Model information to be placed": "இருந்து
150 |
"Introduce the model information": "மாதிரி தகவல் அறிமுகம்",
151 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "மாதிரிக்கு வைக்கப்பட வேண்டிய தகவல் (நீங்கள் அந்தச் செயலை விட அந்தச் செய்யாமல் அனைத்ததையும் வைக்கலாம்).",
152 |
"View model information": "மாதிரி தகவலைக் காண்க",
153 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "மாதிரி pth பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
154 |
"View": "காண்க",
155 |
"Model extraction": "மாதிரி எடுத்தல்",
156 |
"Model conversion": "மாதிரி மாற்றம்",
157 |
"Pth file": "Pth கோப்பு",
158 |
"Output of the pth file": "Pth கோப்பின் வெளியேற்றம்",
159 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# GitHub-ல் ஒரு பிரச்சினையை புகாரளிக்குவது எப்படி",
160 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. நீங்கள் அந்தப் பிரச்சினையை பரிசோதிக்கும் கீழே 'திரையை பதிகம் செய்யும்' பொத்தானை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.",
161 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. நீங்கள் அந்தப் பிரச்சினையை பரிசோதித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றீர்கள், அந்தச் செய்யப்படும் பொத்தானை கிளிக் செய்யவும் (இது நீங்கள் சொல்லப்படும் பொத்தான், ஆனால் நீங்கள் எந்தவேணையும் செய்யக்கூடிய நிலையின் போது பொத்தானின் பெயர் மாறுகின்றது).",
162 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. [GitHub Issues]( க்கு செல்லவும் மற்றும் 'புதிய பிரச்சினை' பொத்தானை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.",
163 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. வழுதுணர்ந்து, தேவையான விவரங்களைக் கொண்டு விரிவாக பிரச்சினை பதிவேடு செய்து, முந்தைய படித்த கோப்பை பதிவேடுக்கு பயன்படுத்தலாம்.",
164 |
"Record Screen": "திரையை பதிகம் செய்க",
165 |
"Record": "பதிகம் செய்க",
166 |
"Stop Recording": "பதிகம் நிறுத்துக",
167 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "மாதிரி .pth பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
168 |
"See Model Information": "மாதிரி தகவலைக் காண்க",
169 |
"## Download Model": "## மாதிரி பதிவிறக்கம்",
170 |
"Model Link": "மாதிரி இணைப்பு",
171 |
"Introduce the model link": "மாதிரி இணைப்பை உள்ளிடுக",
172 |
"Download Model": "மாதிரி பதிவிறக்கம்",
173 |
"## Drop files": "## கோப்புகளை விழுக",
174 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "உங்கள் .pth கோப்பு மற்றும் .index கோப்பை இந்த இடத்திற்கு எழுதுங்கள். ஒருவருக்கு பிறகு ஒருவருக்கு எழுதுங்கள்.",
175 |
"## Search Model": "## மாதிரி தேடு",
176 |
"Search": "தேடு",
177 |
"Introduce the model name to search.": "தேடுவதற்கு மாதிரிப் பெயரை அறிமுகப்படுத்து.",
178 |
"We couldn't find models by that name.": "அந்த பெயரில்
179 |
180 |
"TTS Voices": "TTS குரல்கள்",
181 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "மாற்றத்திற்கு
182 |
"Text to Synthesize": "சிந்தனை செய்ய உள்ள உரை",
183 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "சிந்தனை செய்ய உள்ள உரையை உள்ளிடுக.",
184 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "அல்லது .txt கோப்பை பதிவேற்றலாம்",
185 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "சிந்தனை செய்ய உள்ள உரையை உள்ளிடுக",
186 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "TTS குரலுக்கான வெளியேற்ற பாதை",
187 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "RVC குரலுக்கான வெளியேற்ற பாதை",
188 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Discord உள்ளிட்டது உள்ளிடத்துடன் Applio ஒருவருக்கு இயங்குதல் இயல்புநிலை செய்தியை இயக்குங்கள்",
189 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "இது Applio செயல்திறனை Discord-ல் காண்பிக்க முடியும்.",
190 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "flask ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி உடன் Applio ஒருவருக்கு இயங்குதல் இயல்புநிலை செய்தியை இயக்குங்கள்",
191 |
"It will activate the possibility of downloading models with a click from the website.": "இது இணையத்திலிருந்து ஒரு கிளிக்குட்டுடன் மாதிரிகளை பதிவிறக்க முடியும்.",
192 |
"Enable fake GPU": "கப்பூ ஜி.பி.யூ ஐ இயக்கு",
193 |
"Training is currently unsupported due to the absence of a GPU. To activate the training tab, navigate to the settings tab and enable the 'Fake GPU' option.": "ஒரு ஜி.பி.யூ இல்லாமல் தற்போது பயிற்சிப்படுத்தல் ஆதரிக்கப்படவில்லை. பயிற்சிக்கு பட்டி செயல்முறையை செயலாக்க, அமைப்புகள் பட்டியலில் செல்ல, 'பெயர் ஜி.பி.யூ' விருப்பத்தை இயக்கவும்.",
194 |
"Activates the train tab. However, please note that this device lacks GPU capabilities, hence training is not supported. This option is only for testing purposes. (This option will restart Applio)": "பயிற்சிக்கு பட்டி செயலாக்கிறது. எனவே, இந்த சாதனம் ஜி.பி.யூ திறன் இல்லையாம், அதனால் பயிற்சி ஆதரிக்கப்படவில்லை. இந்த விருப்பம் மட்டுமே சோதனை காரணங்களுக்காக உள்ளது. (இந்த விருப்பம் Applio ஐ மீண்டும் திரும்பியிருப்பதற்காக)",
195 |
"Theme": "தீமா",
196 |
"Select the theme you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "நீங்கள் பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் தீமையை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். (Applio-ஐ மீளவே போகும்)",
197 |
"Language": "மொழி",
198 |
"Select the language you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "நீங்கள் பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் மொழியை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். (Applio-ஐ மீளவே போகும்)",
199 |
"Plugin Installer": "பிளகின் நிறுவி",
200 |
"Drag your to install it": "உங்கள் கோப்பை இதுக்கு இழுக்கவும் அதை நிறுவுக",
201 |
"Version Checker": "பதிப்பு சரிபார்க்கல்",
202 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "நீங்கள் புதியதாகப் புதுப்பிக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை பார்க்க, Applio இன் எந்த பதிப்பு சரிபார்க்கவும்.",
203 |
"Check for updates": "புதுப்பிக்கவும்"
204 |
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "முழுமையான குரல் குளோனிங் கருவி, அநாகரமாக ஒருமிக்க, பகுக்காதது, பயனர் உருவாக்கத்திற்கு உயரியது.\n[தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு: Enes](",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "இந்த பிரிவில் சேர்ந்துள்ள கொடுமை கருவிகளில் சார்ந்த பல கூட்டுத்தரங்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.",
4 |
"Output Information": "வெளியீடு தகவல்",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "வெளியீடு தகவல் இங்கே காட்டப்படும்.",
6 |
"Inference": "கருத்து",
7 |
"Train": "பயிற்சி",
8 |
"Extra": "கூடுதல்",
9 |
"Merge Audios": "ஒரேபோனில் ஒன்றாக்குக",
10 |
"Processing": "செயலாக்கம்",
11 |
"Audio Analyzer": "ஆடியோ பகுப்பாய்வாளர்",
12 |
"Model Information": "மாதிரி தகவல்",
13 |
"Plugins": "பிளகின்கள்",
14 |
"Download": "பதிவிறக்கம்",
15 |
"Report a Bug": "பிழை அறிக்கை",
16 |
"Settings": "அமைப்புகள்",
17 |
"Preprocess": "முன்பாகவும்",
18 |
"Model Name": "மாதிரி பெயர்",
19 |
"Name of the new model.": "புதிய மாதிரி பெயர்.",
20 |
"Enter model name": "மாதிரி பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்",
21 |
"Dataset Path": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பாதை",
22 |
"Path to the dataset folder.": "தரவுத்தொகுதி கோப்புக்கு பாதை.",
23 |
"Refresh Datasets": "தரவுத்தொகுதிகளை புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
24 |
"Dataset Creator": "தரவுத்தொகுதி உருவாக்கி",
25 |
"Dataset Name": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பெயர்",
26 |
"Name of the new dataset.": "புதிய தரவுத்தொகுதி பெயர்.",
27 |
"Enter dataset name": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்",
28 |
"Upload Audio Dataset": "ஆடியோ தரவுத்தொகுதியை பதிவேற்றவும்",
29 |
"The audio file has been successfully added to the dataset. Please click the preprocess button.": "ஆடியோ கோப்பு தரவுத்தொகுதிக்கு வெற்றிகரமாக சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தயவுசெய்து முன்னிருப்பை அழுத்தவும்.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "தரவுத்தொகுதி பாதையை உள்ளிடவும்",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "மாதிரி விகிதம்",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ஆடியோ கோப்புகளின் மாதிரி விகிதம்.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC பதிப்பு",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "மாதிரி RVC பதிப்பு.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "முன்பாகவும் தரவுத்தொகுதி",
36 |
37 |
"Embedder Model": "உள்ளீடு மாதிரி",
38 |
"Model used for learning speaker embedding.": "பேச்சாளர் உள்ளீட்டை கற்க பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மாதிரி.",
39 |
"Extract": "எக்ஸ்ட்ராக்ட்",
40 |
"Hop Length": "ஹாப் நீளம்",
41 |
"Denotes the duration it takes for the system to transition to a significant pitch change. Smaller hop lengths require more time for inference but tend to yield higher pitch accuracy.": "கருத்துக்கு எவ்வளவு நேரம் எடுத்துக் கொள்கிறது என்றால், அது ஒரு முக்கிய பிச் மாற்றத்திற்கு அமைந்துகொள்கின்றது. சிறிய ஹாப் நீளங்களுக்கு அதிக நேரம் தேவைப்படுகின்றது ஆனால் அவை உயரமான பிச் சரிசெய்தியை உருவாக்க உதவுகின்றன.",
42 |
"Batch Size": "பேட்ச் அளவு",
43 |
"It's advisable to align it with the available VRAM of your GPU. A setting of 4 offers improved accuracy but slower processing, while 8 provides faster and standard results.": "உங்கள் GPU கிடைக்கும் கிடைச்சதை அவசியமாக உள்ளிட பரிந்திருக்கின்றது. 4 என்ற அமைப்பு உயர்த்தப்பட்ட உறுதியுள்ள சொல்லத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ளது ஆனால் அதிக நேரம் பயன்படுகின்றது, 8 அமைப்பு விரைவாக மற்றும் நிலைக்குப் பொருத்தப்படுகிறது.",
44 |
"Save Every Epoch": "ஒவ்வொரு காலமும் சேமிக்கவும்",
45 |
"Determine at how many epochs the model will saved at.": "மாதிரி எதிர்காலங்களில் எத்தனை படிப்புகளில் மாதிரியைச் சேமிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்கள்.",
46 |
"Total Epoch": "மொத்த எபக்",
47 |
"Specifies the overall quantity of epochs for the model training process.": "மாதிரி பயிற்சி செய்திகளின் மொத்த அளவை குறிப்பிடுகிறது.",
48 |
"Pretrained": "பூர்வதயாரிக",
49 |
"Save Only Latest": "கடைசியே சேமிக்கவும்",
50 |
"Enabling this setting will result in the G and D files saving only their most recent versions, effectively conserving storage space.": "இந்த அமைப்பை இயக்கும் போது G மற்றும் D கோப்புகள் உங்கள் கடைசி பதிப்புகளைச் சேமிக்கும், வாயிலாக சேமிக்கப்படுகின்றன.",
51 |
"Save Every Weights": "ஒவ்வொரு எடைக்கும் சேமிக்கவும்",
52 |
"This setting enables you to save the weights of the model at the conclusion of each epoch.": "இந்த அமைப்பு உங்கள் மாதிரி பயிற்சி செய்தியின் முடிவில் மாதிரிகளை சேமிக்க அனுமதிக்கின்றது.",
53 |
"Custom Pretrained": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக",
54 |
"Utilizing custom pretrained models can lead to superior results, as selecting the most suitable pretrained models tailored to the specific use case can significantly enhance performance.": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரிகளை பயன்படுத்துவது சிறந்த விளக்கங்களை தரலாம், குறிப்பிடுகின்ற குழப்பத்திற்கு ஏற்றதும் பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரிகளைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்க உடனே அந்தக் குழப்பத்தை அபூர்வமாக செயல்படுத்தலாம்.",
55 |
"Upload Pretrained Model": "பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரி மோடெலை பதிவேற்றவும்",
56 |
"Refresh Custom Pretraineds": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிகளை புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
57 |
"Pretrained Custom Settings": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக அமைப்புகள்",
58 |
"The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "நீங்கள் பொருத்தவில்லை என்றால் பூர்வதயாரிக கோப்பு அல்ல. மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
59 |
"Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "கீழேயுள்ள பட்டி பட்டியில் பூர்வதயாரிக கோப்புக்கு உருவாக்க முயலுங்கள்.",
60 |
"Pretrained G Path": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக G பாதை",
61 |
"Pretrained D Path": "கஸ்டம் பூர்வதயாரிக D பாதை",
62 |
"GPU Settings": "GPU அமைப்புகள்",
63 |
"Sets advanced GPU settings, recommended for users with better GPU architecture.": "மேலும் முதிர்ச்சியான GPU அமைப்புகளை அமைக்கின்றது, உடனடியான GPU கருவிக்கு பரிந்திரமான பயனாளர்களுக்கு பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகிறது.",
64 |
"GPU Custom Settings": "GPU கஸ்டம் அமைப்புகள்",
65 |
"GPU Number": "GPU எண்",
66 |
"0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 இரு ∞ பிரிவாக - வாக்கப்பட்டு",
67 |
"GPU Information": "GPU தகவல்",
68 |
"Pitch Guidance": "பிச் வழிநிரப்பல்",
69 |
"By employing pitch guidance, it becomes feasible to mirror the intonation of the original voice, including its pitch. This feature is particularly valuable for singing and other scenarios where preserving the original melody or pitch pattern is essential.": "பிச் வழிநிரப்பல் மூலம், மூல குரலின் ஒலிக்கோட்டைக் கண்டுகொள்வது சாத்தியமாகின்றது, அதன் பிச்சை கூட. இந்த அம்சம் குரல் பாடலுக்கும் மற்றும் உலாவிகளுக்கும் மூல இசை அல்லது பிச் முதிரையைக் காப்பாற்ற எளியதாக இருக்கும்.",
70 |
"Utilize pretrained models when training your own. This approach reduces training duration and enhances overall quality.": "உங்கள் பயிற்சியில் உங்கள் தனிப்பட்ட மாதிரிகளை பயன்படுத்துவது பூர்வதயாரிக மாதிரிகளை பயன்படுத்துவது குரல் பயிற்சி காலத்தை குறைக்கின்றது மற்றும் மொத்த தரவின் உயர்த்துத்தை அதிகரிக்கின்றது.",
71 |
"Extract Features": "அம்சங்கள் எடு",
72 |
"Overtraining Detector": "அதிகமாக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் அறிவுப்பால்",
73 |
"Detect overtraining to prevent the model from learning the training data too well and losing the ability to generalize to new data.": "பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் தரவை மிகவும் நன்றாக அறியும் பாதுகாப்பு மூலம் மாதிரி பயிற்சிப்படுத்துதலை தடுக்க, புதிய தரவுக்கு பொதுவாக பொருத்தமாக மாற்ற அனுமதியை இழக்குகிறது.",
74 |
"Overtraining Detector Settings": "அதிக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் அறிவுப்பால் அமைப்புகள்",
75 |
"Overtraining Threshold": "அதிக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் அறிவுப்பால் அதிகம்",
76 |
"Set the maximum number of epochs you want your model to stop training if no improvement is detected.": "அதிகமாக பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் தரவு அறியப்படாதால் உங்கள் மாதிரியின் பயிற்சிப்படுத்தும் மொத்த எண்ணிக்கையை அமைக்கவும்.",
77 |
78 |
"Start Training": "பயிற்சி ஆரம்பிக்கவும்",
79 |
"Stop Training & Restart Applio": "பயிற்சி நிறுத்து & புதுப்பிக்க Applio",
80 |
"Generate Index": "சுருக்கம் உருவாக்கு",
81 |
82 |
"Export Model": "ஏற்றுமதி மாதிரி",
83 |
"The button 'Upload' is only for google colab: Uploads the exported files to the ApplioExported folder in your Google Drive.": "'பதிவேற்று' பொத்தான்கள் உள்ளீட்டிற்கு மட்டுமே கூகுள் கோலாப் சேமிப்பகத்திற்கு கடைசியாக கூகுள் டிரைவில் உங்கள் ApplioExported கோப்புக்கு ஏற்றுமதிக்கும்.",
84 |
"Exported Pth file": "ஏற்றுமதிக்கப்பட்ட Pth கோப்பு",
85 |
"Exported Index file": "ஏற்றுமதிக்கப்பட்ட சுட்டி கோப்பு",
86 |
"Select the pth file to be exported": "ஏற்றுமதிக்க வேண்டிய pth கோப்பைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
87 |
"Select the index file to be exported": "ஏற்றுமதிக்க வேண்டிய சுட்டி கோப்பைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
88 |
"Upload": "பதிவேற்று",
89 |
90 |
"Voice Model": "குரல் மாதிரி",
91 |
"Select the voice model to use for the conversion.": "மாற்றத்திற்கு பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் குரல் மாதிரியை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்.",
92 |
"Index File": "சுருக்க கோப்பு",
93 |
"Select the index file to use for the conversion.": "மாற்றத்திற்��ு பயன்படுத்த உள்ள சுருக்க கோப்பை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்.",
94 |
"Refresh": "புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
95 |
"Unload Voice": "குரல் அமைதி",
96 |
"Single": "ஒற்றை",
97 |
"Upload Audio": "ஒலியை பதிவேற்று",
98 |
"Select Audio": "ஒலியைத் தேர்ந்தெடு",
99 |
"Select the audio to convert.": "மாற்றுவதற்கு ஒலியைத் தேர்ந்தெடு.",
100 |
"Advanced Settings": "மேம்பாடு அமைப்புகள்",
101 |
"Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "வெற்றிகளை அழித்தல் (assets/audios உள்ள அனைத்து ஒலிகளையும் நீக்கும்)",
102 |
"Custom Output Path": "கஸ்டம் வெற்றிப் பாதை",
103 |
"Output Path": "வெற்றி பாதை",
104 |
"The path where the output audio will be saved, by default in assets/audios/output.wav": "வெற்றிகள் உள்ளிடப்பட்ட ஒலியைச் சேமிக்கப்படும் பாதை, பொதுவாக assets/audios/output.wav இல்.",
105 |
"Split Audio": "ஒலியை பிரித்தல்",
106 |
"Split the audio into chunks for inference to obtain better results in some cases.": "கொலுசுகளாக ஒலியை பிரிக்க, சில நிலைகளில் சிறப்பு விளக்கங்களைப் பெற விரும்புகின்றது.",
107 |
"Autotune": "ஆட்டோடியூன்",
108 |
"Apply a soft autotune to your inferences, recommended for singing conversions.": "உங்கள் முன்னோடிகளுக்கு ஒரு மென்னுரை ஆட்டோடியூனை பயன்படுத்தவும், பாடல் மாற்றங்களுக்கு பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகின்றது.",
109 |
"Clean Audio": "சுத்தமான ஒலி",
110 |
"Clean your audio output using noise detection algorithms, recommended for speaking audios.": "உங்கள் ஒலி வெற்றியை சுத்தமாக்க, பேசும் ஒலிகளுக்கு பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகின்றது.",
111 |
"Clean Strength": "சுத்த வலிமை",
112 |
"Set the clean-up level to the audio you want, the more you increase it the more it will clean up, but it is possible that the audio will be more compressed.": "நீங்கள் விரும்பும் ஒலிக்கு சுத்தமாக்க விளக்கு, அதை அதிகரிக்கும்போது அது அதிகரிக்கும், ஆனால் ஒலி குறுகியாக இருக்கலாம்.",
113 |
"Pitch": "பிச்",
114 |
"Set the pitch of the audio, the higher the value, the higher the pitch.": "ஒலியின் பிச் அமைக்கவும், மதிப்பு உயரானதும் அதிகமாகும்.",
115 |
"Filter Radius": "குழப்பத்தின் அருகு",
116 |
"If the number is greater than or equal to three, employing median filtering on the collected tone results has the potential to decrease respiration.": "எண் மூலம் மூன்று அல்லது அதனை விட அதிகமாக இருந்தால், சேகரித்த இசை முடிவுகளில் இயலுமை குறைவாகும் என்று சொல்லப்படுகின்றது.",
117 |
"Search Feature Ratio": "தேடல் அம்ச விகிதம்",
118 |
"Influence exerted by the index file; a higher value corresponds to greater influence. However, opting for lower values can help mitigate artifacts present in the audio.": "இடைவரிசு கோப்பின் மூலம் உள்ள பாதியான ஒருவரிடத்திற்கு உருவாகும் அந்தக் கோப்பு; அதிக மதிப்பு அதிக உருவாகும் என்று அர்த்தம். எனவே, குறோக்கின் குறைந்த மதிப்புகளைத் தேர்வுசெய்வதால் ஒலியில் உள்ள கலப்புகளைத் தவிர்க்க உதவலாம்.",
119 |
"Volume Envelope": "அளவு என்வெலோப்",
120 |
"Substitute or blend with the volume envelope of the output. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more the output envelope is employed.": "வெற்றியின் அளவு என்வெலோப் இல் மாறியது அல்லது இணைந்தது. விளக்கு அந்த விகிதம் 1 க்கு அழைத்திருந்தால், வெற்றியின் அளவு என்வெலோப் பயன்படும்.",
121 |
"Protect Voiceless Consonants": "குரலின் இல்லாத ஸ்வரக்களைக் காப்பாற்றவும்",
122 |
"Safeguard distinct consonants and breathing sounds to prevent electro-acoustic tearing and other artifacts. Pulling the parameter to its maximum value of 0.5 offers comprehensive protection. However, reducing this value might decrease the extent of protection while potentially mitigating the indexing effect.": "எலக்ட்ரோ-ஒலி கொழுகு மற்றும் பிற கலப்புகளை தடுக்குவதற்கு விரிவான ஸ்வரக்களுக்கு மற்றும் சுவாசத் தானங்களுக்கு பாதுகாக்க. இந்த அளவுக்கு அதிகமாக 0.5 க்கு அழைத்துக் கொள்வது பொருத்தமான பாதுகாப்பை வழங்குகின்றது. ஆனால், இந்த மதிப்பை குறைந்ததாக்கின்றார் என்றால், பாதுகாப்புக்குரிய நிலை குறைந்துவிடப்படலாம் மற்றும் அதுவே இந்தக் குறோக்குனை பரிந்துரிக்கும் என்று எச்சரிக்கை தரகின்றது.",
123 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm": "பிச் எக்ஸ்டிரக்ஷன் அளவுத் தொகுப்பு",
124 |
"Pitch extraction algorithm to use for the audio conversion. The default algorithm is rmvpe, which is recommended for most cases.": "ஒலி மாற்றத்திற்கு பயன்படுத்த வேண்டிய பிச் எக்ஸ்டிரக்ஷன் அளவுத் தொகுப்பு. இயல்பான அளவுத் தொகுப்பு rmvpe ஆகும், இது அதிகமாக பரிந்துரிக்கப்படுகின்றது.",
125 |
126 |
"Convert": "மாற்று",
127 |
"Export Audio": "ஒலியை ஏற்றுமதி செய்",
128 |
129 |
"Batch": "பேட்ச்",
130 |
"Input Folder": "உள்ளிடும் கோப்பு",
131 |
"Select the folder containing the audios to convert.": "மாற்ற ஒலிகளைக் கொண்ட கோப்புகளைக் கொண்ட கோப்புக்கு தேர்ந்தெடு.",
132 |
"Enter input path": "உள்ளிடும் பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
133 |
"Output Folder": "வெற்றி கோப்பு",
134 |
"Select the folder where the output audios will be saved.": "வெற்றிகளைச் சேமிக்கப்படும் கோப்புக்கு தேர்ந்தெடு.",
135 |
"Enter output path": "வெற்றியின் பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
136 |
137 |
"Get information about the audio": "ஒலியை பற்றிய தகவல் பெறுக",
138 |
139 |
"## Voice Blender": "## குரல் பிளெண்டர்",
140 |
"Select two voice models, set your desired blend percentage, and blend them into an entirely new voice.": "இரண்டு குரல் மாதிரிகளைத் தேர்வு செய்து, விரும்பிய குரல் சதவீதம் அமைக்கவும், அவைகளை முழுமையாக ஒரு புதிய குரலாக பிளெண்டுகின்றன.",
141 |
"Voice Blender": "குரல் பிளெண்டர்",
142 |
"Drag and drop your model here": "உங்கள் மாதிரி இங்கே எழுதவும்",
143 |
"You can also use a custom path.": "நீங்கள் கஸ்டம் பாதையையும் பயன்படுத்தலாம்.",
144 |
"Blend Ratio": "குரல் சதவீதம்",
145 |
"Adjusting the position more towards one side or the other will make the model more similar to the first or second.": "ஒரு பக்கத்திற்கு அல்லது மற்றும் மற்றும் அதிகமாக செய்யும் உள்ளீடு இரட்டிப் பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுதல் மாதிரியாகின்றது.",
146 |
"Fusion": "ஐக்கியம்",
147 |
"Path to Model": "மாதிரிக்கு பாதை",
148 |
"Enter path to model": "மாதிரிக்கு பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
149 |
"Model information to be placed": "இருந்து ��ிடப்பட வேண்டிய மாதிரி தகவல்",
150 |
"Introduce the model information": "மாதிரி தகவல் அறிமுகம்",
151 |
"The information to be placed in the model (You can leave it blank or put anything).": "மாதிரிக்கு வைக்கப்பட வேண்டிய தகவல் (நீங்கள் அந்தச் செயலை விட அந்தச் செய்யாமல் அனைத்ததையும் வைக்கலாம்).",
152 |
"View model information": "மாதிரி தகவலைக் காண்க",
153 |
"Introduce the model pth path": "மாதிரி pth பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
154 |
"View": "காண்க",
155 |
"Model extraction": "மாதிரி எடுத்தல்",
156 |
"Model conversion": "மாதிரி மாற்றம்",
157 |
"Pth file": "Pth கோப்பு",
158 |
"Output of the pth file": "Pth கோப்பின் வெளியேற்றம்",
159 |
"# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# GitHub-ல் ஒரு பிரச்சினையை புகாரளிக்குவது எப்படி",
160 |
"1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1. நீங்கள் அந்தப் பிரச்சினையை பரிசோதிக்கும் கீழே 'திரையை பதிகம் செய்யும்' பொத்தானை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.",
161 |
"2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. நீங்கள் அந்தப் பிரச்சினையை பரிசோதித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றீர்கள், அந்தச் செய்யப்படும் பொத்தானை கிளிக் செய்யவும் (இது நீங்கள் சொல்லப்படும் பொத்தான், ஆனால் நீங்கள் எந்தவேணையும் செய்யக்கூடிய நிலையின் போது பொத்தானின் பெயர் மாறுகின்றது).",
162 |
"3. Go to [GitHub Issues]( and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. [GitHub Issues]( க்கு செல்லவும் மற்றும் 'புதிய பிரச்சினை' பொத்தானை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.",
163 |
"4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. வழுதுணர்ந்து, தேவையான விவரங்களைக் கொண்டு விரிவாக பிரச்சினை பதிவேடு செய்து, முந்தைய படித்த கோப்பை பதிவேடுக்கு பயன்படுத்தலாம்.",
164 |
"Record Screen": "திரையை பதிகம் செய்க",
165 |
"Record": "பதிகம் செய்க",
166 |
"Stop Recording": "பதிகம் நிறுத்துக",
167 |
"Introduce the model .pth path": "மாதிரி .pth பாதையை உள்ளிடுக",
168 |
"See Model Information": "மாதிரி தகவலைக் காண்க",
169 |
"## Download Model": "## மாதிரி பதிவிறக்கம்",
170 |
"Model Link": "மாதிரி இணைப்பு",
171 |
"Introduce the model link": "மாதிரி இணைப்பை உள்ளிடுக",
172 |
"Download Model": "மாதிரி பதிவிறக்கம்",
173 |
"## Drop files": "## கோப்புகளை விழுக",
174 |
"Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "உங்கள் .pth கோப்பு மற்றும் .index கோப்பை இந்த இடத்திற்கு எழுதுங்கள். ஒருவருக்கு பிறகு ஒருவருக்கு எழுதுங்கள்.",
175 |
"## Search Model": "## மாதிரி தேடு",
176 |
"Search": "தேடு",
177 |
"Introduce the model name to search.": "தேடுவதற்கு மாதிரிப் பெயரை அறிமுகப்படுத்து.",
178 |
"We couldn't find models by that name.": "அந்த பெயரில் மாதிரிகளைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை.",
179 |
180 |
"TTS Voices": "TTS குரல்கள்",
181 |
"Select the TTS voice to use for the conversion.": "மாற்றத்திற்கு பயன்ப��ுத்த உள்ள TTS குரலை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்.",
182 |
"Text to Synthesize": "சிந்தனை செய்ய உள்ள உரை",
183 |
"Enter the text to synthesize.": "சிந்தனை செய்ய உள்ள உரையை உள்ளிடுக.",
184 |
"Or you can upload a .txt file": "அல்லது .txt கோப்பை பதிவேற்றலாம்",
185 |
"Enter text to synthesize": "சிந்தனை செய்ய உள்ள உரையை உள்ளிடுக",
186 |
"Output Path for TTS Audio": "TTS குரலுக்கான வெளியேற்ற பாதை",
187 |
"Output Path for RVC Audio": "RVC குரலுக்கான வெளியேற்ற பாதை",
188 |
"Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Discord உள்ளிட்டது உள்ளிடத்துடன் Applio ஒருவருக்கு இயங்குதல் இயல்புநிலை செய்தியை இயக்குங்கள்",
189 |
"It will activate the possibility of displaying the current Applio activity in Discord.": "இது Applio செயல்திறனை Discord-ல் காண்பிக்க முடியும்.",
190 |
"Enable Applio integration with using flask": "flask ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி உடன் Applio ஒருவருக்கு இயங்குதல் இயல்புநிலை செய்தியை இயக்குங்கள்",
191 |
"It will activate the possibility of downloading models with a click from the website.": "இது இணையத்திலிருந்து ஒரு கிளிக்குட்டுடன் மாதிரிகளை பதிவிறக்க முடியும்.",
192 |
"Enable fake GPU": "கப்பூ ஜி.பி.யூ ஐ இயக்கு",
193 |
"Training is currently unsupported due to the absence of a GPU. To activate the training tab, navigate to the settings tab and enable the 'Fake GPU' option.": "ஒரு ஜி.பி.யூ இல்லாமல் தற்போது பயிற்சிப்படுத்தல் ஆதரிக்கப்படவில்லை. பயிற்சிக்கு பட்டி செயல்முறையை செயலாக்க, அமைப்புகள் பட்டியலில் செல்ல, 'பெயர் ஜி.பி.யூ' விருப்பத்தை இயக்கவும்.",
194 |
"Activates the train tab. However, please note that this device lacks GPU capabilities, hence training is not supported. This option is only for testing purposes. (This option will restart Applio)": "பயிற்சிக்கு பட்டி செயலாக்கிறது. எனவே, இந்த சாதனம் ஜி.பி.யூ திறன் இல்லையாம், அதனால் பயிற்சி ஆதரிக்கப்படவில்லை. இந்த விருப்பம் மட்டுமே சோதனை காரணங்களுக்காக உள்ளது. (இந்த விருப்பம் Applio ஐ மீண்டும் திரும்பியிருப்பதற்காக)",
195 |
"Theme": "தீமா",
196 |
"Select the theme you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "நீங்கள் பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் தீமையை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். (Applio-ஐ மீளவே போகும்)",
197 |
"Language": "மொழி",
198 |
"Select the language you want to use. (Requires restarting Applio)": "நீங்கள் பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் மொழியை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். (Applio-ஐ மீளவே போகும்)",
199 |
"Plugin Installer": "பிளகின் நிறுவி",
200 |
"Drag your to install it": "உங்கள் கோப்பை இதுக்கு இழுக்கவும் அதை நிறுவுக",
201 |
"Version Checker": "பதிப்பு சரிபார்க்கல்",
202 |
"Check which version of Applio is the latest to see if you need to update.": "நீங்கள் புதியதாகப் புதுப்பிக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை பார்க்க, Applio இன் எந்த பதிப்பு சரிபார்க்கவும்.",
203 |
"Check for updates": "புதுப்பிக்கவும்"
204 |
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "இந்த பிரிவில் சில கூடுதல் பயன்பாடுகள் உள்ளன, அவை பெரும்பாலும் சோதனை கட்டங்களில் இருக்கலாம்.",
4 |
"Output Information": "வெளியீட்டு தகவல்",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "வெளியீட்டு தகவல் இங்கே காட்டப்படும்.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "தரவுத்தொகுப்பு பாதையை உள்ளிடவும்",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "மாதிரி மதிப்பீடு",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ஆடியோ கோப்புகளின் மாதிரி விகிதம்.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "செயல்முறைக்கு முந்தைய தரவுத்தொகுப்பு",
36 |
"Extract": "பிரித்தெடுத்தல்",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ஹாப் நீளம்",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "இறுதி குரல் குளோனிங் கருவி, நிகரற்ற சக்தி, மாடுலாரிட்டி மற்றும் பயனர் நட்பு அனுபவத்திற்காக உன்னிப்பாக உகந்ததாக உள்ளது.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "இந்த பிரிவில் சில கூடுதல் பயன்பாடுகள் உள்ளன, அவை பெரும்பாலும் சோதனை கட்டங்களில் இருக்கலாம்.",
4 |
"Output Information": "வெளியீட்டு தகவல்",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "வெளியீட்டு தகவல் இங்கே காட்டப்படும்.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "தரவுத்தொகுப்பு பாதையை உள்ளிடவும்",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "மாதிரி மதிப்பீடு",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ஆடியோ கோப்புகளின் மாதிரி விகிதம்.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC பதிப்பு",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "மாடலின் RVC பதிப்பு.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "செயல்முறைக்கு முந்தைய தரவுத்தொகுப்பு",
36 |
"Extract": "பிரித்தெடுத்தல்",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ஹாப் நீளம்",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ఈ విభాగంలో కొన్ని అదనపు ఉపయోగాలు ఉన్నాయి, అవి తరచుగా ప్రయోగాత్మక దశలలో ఉండవచ్చు.",
4 |
"Output Information": "అవుట్ పుట్ సమాచారం",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "అవుట్ పుట్ సమాచారం ఇక్కడ ప్రదర్శించబడుతుంది.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "డేటాసెట్ మార్గాన్ని నమోదు చేయండి",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "నమూనా రేటు",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ఆడియో ఫైల్స్ యొక్క నమూనా రేటు.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ప్రీప్రాసెస్ Dataset",
36 |
"Extract": "ఉద్ధరించు",
37 |
"Hop Length": "హాప్ పొడవు",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "అల్టిమేట్ వాయిస్ క్లోనింగ్ టూల్, సాటిలేని శక్తి, మాడ్యులారిటీ మరియు వినియోగదారు-స్నేహపూర్వక అనుభవం కోసం జాగ్రత్తగా ఆప్టిమైజ్ చేయబడింది.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ఈ విభాగంలో కొన్ని అదనపు ఉపయోగాలు ఉన్నాయి, అవి తరచుగా ప్రయోగాత్మక దశలలో ఉండవచ్చు.",
4 |
"Output Information": "అవుట్ పుట్ సమాచారం",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "అవుట్ పుట్ సమాచారం ఇక్కడ ప్రదర్శించబడుతుంది.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "డేటాసెట్ మార్గాన్ని నమోదు చేయండి",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "నమూనా రేటు",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "ఆడియో ఫైల్స్ యొక్క నమూనా రేటు.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Model Architecture",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "మోడల్ యొక్క ఆర్ విసి వెర్షన్.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ప్రీప్రాసెస్ Dataset",
36 |
"Extract": "ఉద్ధరించు",
37 |
"Hop Length": "హాప్ పొడవు",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ส่วนนี้ประกอบด้วยยูทิลิตี้พิเศษบางอย่างที่มักจะอยู่ในขั้นตอนการทดลอง",
4 |
"Output Information": "ข้อมูลเอาต์พุต",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "ข้อมูลผลลัพธ์จะแสดงที่นี่",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ป้อนเส้นทางชุดข้อมูล",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Samp อัตราลิง",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "อัตราการสุ่มตัวอย่างของไฟล์เสียง",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ชุดข้อมูลประมวลผลล่วงหน้า",
36 |
"Extract": "สกัด",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ความยาวกระโดด",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "สุดยอดเครื่องมือโคลนเสียงที่ได้รับการปรับให้เหมาะสมอย่างพิถีพิถันเพื่อพลังที่ไม่มีใครเทียบได้ความเป็นโมดูลและประสบการณ์ที่ใช้งานง่าย",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "ส่วนนี้ประกอบด้วยยูทิลิตี้พิเศษบางอย่างที่มักจะอยู่ในขั้นตอนการทดลอง",
4 |
"Output Information": "ข้อมูลเอาต์พุต",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "ข้อมูลผลลัพธ์จะแสดงที่นี่",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ป้อนเส้นทางชุดข้อมูล",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Samp อัตราลิง",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "อัตราการสุ่มตัวอย่างของไฟล์เสียง",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "รุ่น RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "รุ่น RVC ของรุ่น",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "ชุดข้อมูลประมวลผลล่วงหน้า",
36 |
"Extract": "สกัด",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ความยาวกระโดด",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bu bölümde, genellikle deneysel aşamalarda olabilecek bazı ekstra yardımcı programlar bulunur.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Çıktı Bilgileri",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Çıktı bilgileri burada görüntülenecektir.",
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Veri kümesi yolunu girin",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Örnekleme Hızı",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Ses dosyalarının örnekleme hızı.",
35 |
36 |
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Veri Kümesini İşlem Öncesinden Geçir",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Gömme Modeli",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Üstün ses kopyalama aracı, rakipsiz güç, modülerlik ve kullanıcı dostu deneyim için özenle optimize edilmiştir.\n[Türkçe çeviri: Enes](",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Bu bölümde, genellikle deneysel aşamalarda olabilecek bazı ekstra yardımcı programlar bulunur.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Çıktı Bilgileri",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Çıktı bilgileri burada görüntülenecektir.",
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Veri kümesi yolunu girin",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Örnekleme Hızı",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Ses dosyalarının örnekleme hızı.",
35 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC Sürümü",
36 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Modelin RVC sürümü.",
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Veri Kümesini İşlem Öncesinden Geçir",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Gömme Modeli",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Цей розділ містить деякі додаткові утиліти, які часто можуть перебувати в експериментальних стадіях.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Вихідна інформація",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Тут буде відображена вихідна інформація.",
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Введіть шлях до датасету",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Частота дискретизації",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Частота дискретизації аудіофайлів.",
35 |
36 |
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Обробити датасет",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Модель розгортання",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Найкращий інструмент для клонування голосу, ретельно оптимізований для неперевершеної потужності, модульності та зручного використання.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Цей розділ містить деякі додаткові утиліти, які часто можуть перебувати в експериментальних стадіях.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Вихідна інформація",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Тут буде відображена вихідна інформація.",
32 |
"Enter dataset path": "Введіть шлях до датасету",
33 |
"Sampling Rate": "Частота дискретизації",
34 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Частота дискретизації аудіофайлів.",
35 |
"Model Architecture": "Версія RVC",
36 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Версія моделі RVC.",
37 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Обробити датасет",
38 |
39 |
"Embedder Model": "Модель розгортання",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "اس سیکشن میں کچھ اضافی افادیت شامل ہیں جو اکثر تجرباتی مراحل میں ہوسکتی ہیں۔",
4 |
"Output Information": "آؤٹ پٹ معلومات",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "آؤٹ پٹ کی معلومات یہاں ظاہر کی جائے گی۔",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ڈیٹا سیٹ کا راستہ درج کریں",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "نمونے لینے کی شرح",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "آڈیو فائلوں کے نمونے لینے کی شرح۔",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "پری پروسیس ڈیٹا سیٹ",
36 |
"Extract": "نکالنا",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ہاپ کی لمبائی",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "حتمی صوتی کلوننگ ٹول ، بے مثال طاقت ، ماڈیولریٹی ، اور صارف دوست تجربے کے لئے احتیاط سے بہتر بنایا گیا ہے۔",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "اس سیکشن میں کچھ اضافی افادیت شامل ہیں جو اکثر تجرباتی مراحل میں ہوسکتی ہیں۔",
4 |
"Output Information": "آؤٹ پٹ معلومات",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "آؤٹ پٹ کی معلومات یہاں ظاہر کی جائے گی۔",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "ڈیٹا سیٹ کا راستہ درج کریں",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "نمونے لینے کی شرح",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "آڈیو فائلوں کے نمونے لینے کی شرح۔",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Model Architecture",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "ماڈل کا آر وی سی ورژن۔",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "پری پروسیس ڈیٹا سیٹ",
36 |
"Extract": "نکالنا",
37 |
"Hop Length": "ہاپ کی لمبائی",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Phần này chứa một số tiện ích bổ sung thường có thể đang trong giai đoạn thử nghiệm.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Thông tin đầu ra",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Thông tin đầu ra sẽ được hiển thị ở đây.",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Nhập đường dẫn tập dữ liệu",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Tỷ lệ lấy mẫu",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Tốc độ lấy mẫu của các tệp âm thanh.",
33 |
34 |
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Tập dữ liệu tiền xử lý",
36 |
"Extract": "Trích",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Chiều dài hop",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "Công cụ nhân bản giọng nói tối ưu, được tối ưu hóa tỉ mỉ cho sức mạnh vô song, tính mô-đun và trải nghiệm thân thiện với người dùng.",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "Phần này chứa một số tiện ích bổ sung thường có thể đang trong giai đoạn thử nghiệm.",
4 |
"Output Information": "Thông tin đầu ra",
5 |
"The output information will be displayed here.": "Thông tin đầu ra sẽ được hiển thị ở đây.",
30 |
"Enter dataset path": "Nhập đường dẫn tập dữ liệu",
31 |
"Sampling Rate": "Tỷ lệ lấy mẫu",
32 |
"The sampling rate of the audio files.": "Tốc độ lấy mẫu của các tệp âm thanh.",
33 |
"Model Architecture": "Phiên bản RVC",
34 |
"Version of the model architecture.": "Phiên bản RVC của mô hình.",
35 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "Tập dữ liệu tiền xử lý",
36 |
"Extract": "Trích",
37 |
"Hop Length": "Chiều dài hop",
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "本节包含一些额外的实用程序,这些实用程序通常处于实验阶段。",
4 |
"Output Information": "输出信息",
5 |
"Inference": "推理",
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
17 |
"Dataset Path": "数据集路径",
18 |
"Enter dataset path": "输入数据集路径",
19 |
"Sampling Rate": "采样率",
20 |
21 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "预处理数据集",
22 |
"Extract": "提取",
23 |
"Hop Length": "跳跃长度",
1 |
2 |
"VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.": "终极语音克隆工具,经过精心优化,具有无与伦比的功能、模块化和用户友好的体验。",
3 |
"This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "本节包含一些额外的实用程序,这些实用程序通常处于实验阶段。",
4 |
"Output Information": "输出信息",
5 |
"Inference": "推理",
17 |
"Dataset Path": "数据集路径",
18 |
"Enter dataset path": "输入数据集路径",
19 |
"Sampling Rate": "采样率",
20 |
"Model Architecture": "RVC 版本",
21 |
"Preprocess Dataset": "预处理数据集",
22 |
"Extract": "提取",
23 |
"Hop Length": "跳跃长度",
@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ def check_installation():
17 |
current_drive = os.path.splitdrive(now_dir)[0]
18 |
if current_drive.upper() != system_drive.upper():
19 |
raise InstallationError(
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
if "OneDrive" in now_dir:
26 |
raise InstallationError(
27 |
28 |
29 |
elif " " in now_dir:
30 |
raise InstallationError(
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
except UnicodeEncodeError:
36 |
raise InstallationError(
37 |
38 |
17 |
current_drive = os.path.splitdrive(now_dir)[0]
18 |
if current_drive.upper() != system_drive.upper():
19 |
raise InstallationError(
20 |
f"Installation Error: The current working directory is on drive {current_drive}, but the default system drive is {system_drive}. Please move Applio to the {system_drive} drive."
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
if "OneDrive" in now_dir:
26 |
raise InstallationError(
27 |
"Installation Error: The current working directory is located in OneDrive. Please move Applio to a different folder."
28 |
29 |
elif " " in now_dir:
30 |
raise InstallationError(
31 |
"Installation Error: The current working directory contains spaces. Please move Applio to a folder without spaces in its path."
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
except UnicodeEncodeError:
36 |
raise InstallationError(
37 |
"Installation Error: The current working directory contains non-ASCII characters. Please move Applio to a folder with only ASCII characters in its path."
38 |
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 |
2 |
"pitch": 0,
3 |
"filter_radius": 3,
4 |
"index_rate": 0.75,
5 |
"rms_mix_rate": 1,
6 |
"protect": 0.5
7 |