import os import sys import copy import json import torch import random import argparse import subprocess import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import subprocess import concurrent.futures from vita.model.vita_tts.decoder.decoder import LLM2TTSCodecAR from vita.model.vita_tts.decoder.ticodec.vqvae_tester import VqvaeTester class llm2TTS(): def __init__(self, model_path): self.model = self.get_model(model_path).cuda().to( torch.bfloat16 if torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported() else torch.float32 ) self.infer = self.model.infer self.codec_model = VqvaeTester(config_path=model_path + "/codec/model.json", model_path=model_path + "/codec/", sample_rate=24000) self.codec_model = self.codec_model.cuda() self.codec_model.vqvae.generator.remove_weight_norm() self.codec_model.vqvae.encoder.remove_weight_norm() self.codec_model.eval() def get_model_conf(self, model_path): model_conf = model_path + "/decoder/model.json" with open(model_conf, "rb") as f: print('reading a config file from ' + model_conf) confs = json.load(f) # for asr, tts, mt idim, odim, args = confs return argparse.Namespace(**args) def get_model(self, model_path): args_load = self.get_model_conf(model_path) args_load = vars(args_load) args = argparse.Namespace(**args_load) odim = args.odim idim = args.idim model = LLM2TTSCodecAR(idim, odim, args) # Resume from a snapshot snapshot_dict = torch.load(model_path + "/decoder/", map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) if 'model' in snapshot_dict.keys(): resume_model_dict = snapshot_dict['model'] else: resume_model_dict = snapshot_dict model_dict = model.state_dict() for key in model_dict.keys(): if key in resume_model_dict.keys(): if model_dict[key].shape == resume_model_dict[key].shape: model_dict[key] = resume_model_dict[key] else: print('Key {} has different shape, {} VS {}'.format(key, model_dict[key].shape, resume_model_dict[key].shape)) else: print('Key {} has not in resume model'.format(key)) model.load_state_dict(model_dict) model.eval() return model def find_min_sum_index(self, buffer, syn, N, threshold): """ Find the index with the minimum sum of a sliding window in the given audio segment and perform operations based on this index. Parameters: - buffer (torch.Tensor): The buffer containing previously processed audio segments. - syn (torch.Tensor): The current audio segment to be processed. - N (int): The size of the sliding window used to calculate the sum. - threshold (float): Threshold value to determine whether to concatenate buffer and current segment or not. Returns: - tuple: A tuple containing the updated buffer and the processed audio segment. """ arr = syn[0, 0, :] L = len(arr) mid = L // 2 kernel = torch.ones(N).to(arr.device) window_sums = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(arr.abs().view(1, 1, -1), kernel.view(1, 1, -1), padding=0).squeeze() start_index = mid - (N // 2) min_sum, min_index = torch.min(window_sums[start_index:], dim=0) # get the start and end index of the window start_index = max(0, min_index.item() + start_index) end_index = min(L, min_index.item() + N + start_index) # calculate the real min_sum and min_index min_sum_real, min_index_real = torch.min(arr[start_index: end_index].abs(), dim=0) min_index = min_index_real.item() + start_index min_sum = min_sum / N syn_clone = syn.clone() if min_sum < threshold: syn =[buffer.clone(), syn[:, :, :min_index]], dim=-1) buffer = syn_clone[:, :, min_index:] else: buffer =[buffer, syn_clone], dim=-1) syn = None return buffer, syn def run(self, hidden, top_k, prefix, codec_chunk_size=40, codec_padding_size=10, penalty_window_size=-1, penalty=1.1, N=2401, seg_threshold=0.01): """ Run the speech decoder process. Parameters: - hidden (torch.Tensor): The output for embedding layer of the language model. - top_k (int): The number of top-k tokens to consider during inference. - prefix (str, optional): The hidden state from the language model. - codec_chunk_size (int, default=40): The size of each chunk to process in the codec model. - codec_padding_size (int, default=10): The amount of padding to add on each side of the codec chunk. - penalty_window_size (int, default=20): The window size for applying penalties during decoding. - penalty (float, default=1.1): The penalty factor. Yields: - torch.Tensor: Intermediate audio segments generated by the codec model. """ codec_upsample_rate = 600 left_padding = 0 right_padding = codec_padding_size prefix = None buffer = torch.zeros([1, 1, 0]).to(hidden.device) with torch.no_grad(): with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.bfloat16 if torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported() else torch.float32): print("Starting TTS...") token = torch.full((1, 0), self.model.vocab_size, dtype=torch.long, device=hidden.device) for next_token_id in self.infer(hidden, top_k, prefix, penalty_window_size, penalty): token =[token, next_token_id], dim=-1) if token.size(1) == left_padding + codec_chunk_size + right_padding: syn = self.codec_model.vqvae(token.unsqueeze(-1), torch.tensor(self.codec_model.vqvae.h.global_tokens, device=token.device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)) print("Codec Done") syn = syn[:, :, left_padding * codec_upsample_rate: -right_padding * codec_upsample_rate] left_padding = codec_padding_size token = token[:, -(left_padding + right_padding):] buffer, syn = self.find_min_sum_index(buffer, syn, N, seg_threshold) if syn is not None: yield syn if token.size(1) > 0: print("Codec Done") syn = self.codec_model.vqvae(token.unsqueeze(-1), torch.tensor(self.codec_model.vqvae.h.global_tokens, device=token.device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)) syn = syn[:, :, left_padding * codec_upsample_rate:] yield[buffer, syn], dim=-1)