import streamlit as st from source.languagemodel import LanguageModel from source.utilities import ( convert_tokens_to_songdata, convert_songdata_to_notesequence, convert_songdata_to_pianoroll, convert_notesequence_to_wave, convert_notesequence_to_midi ) # Define the MIDI instruments. midi_instruments = { "Harpsichord": 6, "Church Organ": 19, "Piano": 0, } # Load the model once and cache it. @st.cache_resource def load_model(): model = LanguageModel("TristanBehrens/bach-garland-mambaplus") return model model = load_model() # Initialize token_sequence in session state if it doesn't exist if "token_sequence" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.token_sequence = "GARLAND_START" st.session_state.song_data = None st.session_state.piano_roll = None st.session_state.wave = None st.session_state.note_sequence = None st.session_state.midi_file_content = None st.session_state.temperature = 0.1 st.session_state.bpm = 100 st.session_state.instrument = "Piano" # Define the main function. def main(): columns = st.columns([0.7, 0.3]) # Set up the Streamlit application column = columns.pop(0) with column: # Change the colors of the a-tag to (255, 75, 75). st.markdown("", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Add a title. st.title("Garland Composer") linkedin_url = "" x_url = "" st.write(f"By Dr. Tristan Behrens. Find me on [LinkedIn]({linkedin_url}) and [X]({x_url}).") hf_url = "" st.write(f"Model available on [Hugging Face]({hf_url}).") # Add a picture. column = columns.pop(0) with column: st.write(" ") st.write(" ") st.write(" ") st.image("garland.jpg", use_column_width=True) # Add a horizontal line. st.markdown("---") # Create two columns. columns = st.columns(3) # Add a slider to control the temperature. state_temperature = st.session_state.temperature with columns.pop(0): temperature = st.slider("Temperature", 0.0, 1.0, state_temperature) st.session_state.temperature = temperature # Add a slider to control the bpm. state_bpm = st.session_state.bpm with columns.pop(0): bpm = st.slider("BPM", 80, 120, state_bpm, 5) st.session_state.bpm = bpm # Dropdown for the instrument. state_instrument = st.session_state.instrument with columns.pop(0): instrument = st.selectbox("Instrument", list(midi_instruments.keys()), index=list(midi_instruments.keys()).index(state_instrument)) st.session_state.instrument = instrument # Get the token sequence from the session state. token_sequence = st.session_state.token_sequence # Columns for the buttons. columns = st.columns(5) # Add a button to generate the next bar. column = columns.pop(0) with column: if st.button("Add a bar", use_container_width=True): token_sequence = extend_sequence(model, token_sequence, temperature) refresh(token_sequence, bpm, instrument) # Add a button to compose long. column = columns.pop(0) with column: if st.button("Auto compose", use_container_width=True): token_sequence = auto_compose(model, token_sequence, temperature) refresh(token_sequence, bpm, instrument) # Add a button to remove the last bar. column = columns.pop(0) with column: if st.button("Remove last", use_container_width=True): token_sequence = shortened_sequence(token_sequence) refresh(token_sequence, bpm, instrument) # Add a button to reset the sequence. column = columns.pop(0) if token_sequence != "GARLAND_START": with column: if st.button("Reset", use_container_width=True): with columns.pop(0): token_sequence = "GARLAND_START" refresh(token_sequence, bpm, instrument) # Provide a download button for the MIDI file. column = columns.pop(0) if "midi_file_content" in st.session_state and st.session_state.midi_file_content is not None: with column: midi_file_content = st.session_state.midi_file_content if st.download_button( label="Download MIDI", data=midi_file_content, file_name="music.mid", mime="audio/midi", use_container_width=True ): pass # Add a horizontal line. st.markdown("---") # Display the piano roll. if "piano_roll" in st.session_state and st.session_state.piano_roll is not None: st.image(st.session_state.piano_roll) # Display an audio player. if "wave" in st.session_state and st.session_state.wave is not None:, format="audio/wav", sample_rate=44100, autoplay=True) # Add a horizontal line. st.markdown("---") # Set the text color to (255, 31, 75). if token_sequence.endswith("GARLAND_END"): st.write("The AI believes that the music is finished.") else: st.write("The AI believes that the music is not finished.") def auto_compose(model, token_sequence, temperature): max_iterations = 100 for _ in range(max_iterations): token_sequence = extend_sequence(model, token_sequence, temperature) if token_sequence.endswith("GARLAND_END"): break return token_sequence def extend_sequence(model, token_sequence, temperature): # Replace the last GARLAND_END token with NEXT. if token_sequence.endswith("GARLAND_END"): token_sequence = token_sequence.replace("GARLAND_END", "NEXT") # The maximum length of the generated music. max_length = 16_384 # When to stop the generation. end_tokens = ["NEXT", "GARLAND_END"] # Compose the music iterativelybar by bar. output_dict = model.generate( prompt=token_sequence, temperature=temperature, max_length=max_length, end_tokens=end_tokens, forbidden_tokens=["[PAD]", "[EOS]"], return_structured_output=True ) output = output_dict["output"] return output def shortened_sequence(token_sequence): # Find the position of the next to last NEXT token. next_tokens = token_sequence.split() next_positions = [i for i, x in enumerate(next_tokens) if x == "NEXT" or x == "GARLAND_END"] if len(next_positions) <= 1: token_sequence = "GARLAND_START" else: next_position = next_positions[-2] token_sequence = " ".join(next_tokens[:next_position + 1]) return token_sequence def refresh(token_sequence="GARLAND_START", bpm=120, instrument="Piano"): # Get the token sequence into the session state. st.session_state.token_sequence = token_sequence # Convert to song data. song_data = convert_tokens_to_songdata(token_sequence) song_data["bpm"] = bpm st.session_state.song_data = song_data # Set the instrument. for track in song_data["tracks"]: track["instrument"] = midi_instruments[instrument] # Convert to piano roll. piano_roll = convert_songdata_to_pianoroll(song_data) st.session_state.piano_roll = piano_roll # Convert to note sequence. note_sequence = convert_songdata_to_notesequence(song_data) st.session_state.note_sequence = note_sequence # Play the note sequence. wave = convert_notesequence_to_wave(note_sequence) st.session_state.wave = wave # Get the MIDI file content. midi_file_content = convert_notesequence_to_midi(note_sequence) st.session_state.midi_file_content = midi_file_content # Rerun the app. st.rerun() if __name__ == "__main__": main()