File size: 11,546 Bytes
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import copy
import note_seq
from PIL import Image
import tempfile
import os
import colorama
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
import torch
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
from dacite import from_dict
from import MutableMapping
import sys
# NOTE: Imported from helibrunna.
def display_logo():
Display the logo by printing it line by line with a cyberpunk color scheme.
FileNotFoundError: If the logo file is missing.
# Get the path of this script and use it to find the logo.
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
search_path = os.path.dirname(script_path)
# Load the logo.
logo_path = os.path.join(search_path, "assets", "asciilogo.txt")
if not os.path.exists(logo_path):
raise FileNotFoundError("The logo file is missing.")
with open(logo_path, "r") as f:
logo =
# Print the logo line by line. Use colorama to colorize the output. Use a cyberpunk color scheme.
for line_index, line in enumerate(logo.split("\n")):
color = colorama.Fore.GREEN
style = colorama.Style.BRIGHT if line_index % 2 == 0 else colorama.Style.NORMAL
print(color + style + line)
# NOTE: Imported from helibrunna.
def model_from_config(model_config: DictConfig, device:str) -> torch.nn.Module:
Create a model based on the provided model configuration.
model_config (DictConfig): The configuration for the model.
The created model.
ValueError: If the model type is unknown.
# Get the model type from the configuration.
model_type = model_config.get("type", "xLSTMLMModel")
# Create the xLSTMLMModel.
if model_type == "xLSTMLMModel":
print("Creating xLSTMLMModel...")
from xlstm.xlstm_lm_model import xLSTMLMModel, xLSTMLMModelConfig
# If there is no GPU, use the vanilla backend.
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
#model_config.backend = "vanilla"
model_config.slstm_block.slstm.backend = "vanilla"
model_config.mlstm_block.mlstm.backend = "vanilla"
model_config_object = from_dict(xLSTMLMModelConfig, OmegaConf.to_container(model_config))
# Create the model.
model = xLSTMLMModel(model_config_object)
# Create the GPT2LMModel.
elif model_type == "gpt2":
print("Creating GPT2LMModel...")
from .models.gpttwo import GPT2LMModel, GPT2LMModelConfig
model_config_object = from_dict(GPT2LMModelConfig, OmegaConf.to_container(model_config))
model = GPT2LMModel(model_config_object)
# Create the MambaLM.
elif model_type == "mamba":
print("Creating Mamba LM...")
from mambapy.lm import LM, MambaConfig
model_config_object = from_dict(MambaConfig, OmegaConf.to_container(model_config))
model = LM(model_config_object, model_config.vocab_size)
# Create the Transformer.
elif model_type == "transformer":
from .models.transformer import TransformerConfig, Transformer
model_config_object = from_dict(TransformerConfig, OmegaConf.to_container(model_config))
model = Transformer(model_config_object)
# Create a Pharia instance.
elif model_type == "pharia":
from .models.pharia import PhariaConfig, PhariaModel
model_config_object = from_dict(PhariaConfig, OmegaConf.to_container(model_config))
model = PhariaModel(model_config_object)
# Create a TransformerXL instance.
raise ValueError(f"Unknown model type: {model_type}")
# Move the model to the device.
return model
def convert_tokens_to_songdata(tokens):
if isinstance(tokens, str):
tokens = tokens.split()
song_data = {}
song_data["tracks"] = []
current_track_index = 0
current_timestep = 0
for token in tokens:
if token == "GARLAND_START":
elif token == "BAR_START":
if current_track_index == len(song_data["tracks"]):
song_data["tracks"] += [{"bars": [], "instrument": "0"}]
bar_data = {"notes": []}
song_data["tracks"][current_track_index]["bars"] += [bar_data]
current_timestep = 0
elif token.startswith("INST="):
instrument = token.split("=")[1]
song_data["tracks"][current_track_index]["instrument"] = instrument
elif token.startswith("DENSITY="):
elif token.startswith("NOTE_ON="):
note_pitch = int(token.split("=")[1])
note_data = {
"note": note_pitch,
"start": current_timestep,
"end": current_timestep,
"veloctiy": 80
song_data["tracks"][current_track_index]["bars"][-1]["notes"] += [note_data]
elif token.startswith("TIME_DELTA="):
current_timestep += int(token.split("=")[1])
elif token.startswith("NOTE_OFF="):
note_pitch = int(token.split("=")[1])
for note_data in song_data["tracks"][current_track_index]["bars"][-1]["notes"]:
if note_data["note"] == note_pitch and note_data["start"] == note_data["end"]:
note_data["end"] = current_timestep
elif token == "BAR_END":
current_track_index += 1
elif token == "NEXT":
current_track_index = 0
elif token == "GARLAND_END":
elif token == "[PAD]":
elif token == "[EOS]":
raise Exception(f"Unknown token: {token}")
assert isinstance(song_data, dict)
return song_data
def convert_songdata_to_notesequence(song_data:dict, quantize_steps_per_quarter=8, remove_disabled_tracks=True):
assert isinstance(song_data, dict), f"Invalid song data type: {type(song_data)}"
# Clone the song data.
song_data = copy.deepcopy(song_data)
# Sort the tracks by instrument.
assert "tracks" in song_data, f"Invalid song data: {song_data.keys()}"
tracks = sorted(song_data["tracks"], key=lambda t: t["instrument"])
song_data["tracks"] = tracks
# Remove tracks that are not enabled.
if remove_disabled_tracks:
song_data["tracks"] = [t for t in song_data["tracks"] if t.get("enabled", True)]
# Create an empy note sequence.
note_sequence = note_seq.protobuf.music_pb2.NoteSequence()
# Add the tempo.
bpm = song_data["bpm"] if "bpm" in song_data else 120
note_sequence.tempos.add().qpm = bpm
# Compute some lengths.
step_length_seconds = 60.0 / bpm / quantize_steps_per_quarter
bar_length_seconds = 4 * step_length_seconds * quantize_steps_per_quarter
# Get the instruments.
instruments = list(set([t["instrument"] for t in song_data["tracks"]]))
# Add the tracks.
for track_index, track_data in enumerate(song_data["tracks"]):
instrument = track_data["instrument"]
for bar_index, bar_data in enumerate(track_data["bars"]):
bar_start_time = bar_index * bar_length_seconds
for note_data in bar_data["notes"]:
assert "note" in note_data
assert "start" in note_data
assert "end" in note_data
note = note_sequence.notes.add()
#note.instrument = instrument TODO
note.pitch = note_data["note"]
note.start_time = note_data["start"] * step_length_seconds + bar_start_time
note.end_time = note_data["end"] * step_length_seconds + bar_start_time
if "velocity" in note_data:
note.velocity = note_data["velocity"]
note.velocity = 80
note.instrument = track_index
if instrument == "drums":
note.is_drum = True
note.is_drum = False
note.program = int(instrument)
return note_sequence
def convert_songdata_to_pianoroll(song_data):
# The bars are 4/4 and the quantization is 8 steps per quarter, aka 32 steps per bar.
# We will render a grid. The height is 64 pixels. The width is 32 pixels per bar
# Create a new image.
lengths = [len(track["bars"]) for track in song_data["tracks"]]
if lengths == []:
return None
assert len(set(lengths)) == 1, f"Unequal number of bars: {lengths}"
num_bars = lengths[0]
# Get the note extremes.
min_note = 128
max_note = 0
for track_data in song_data["tracks"]:
for bar_data in track_data["bars"]:
for note_data in bar_data["notes"]:
min_note = min(min_note, note_data["note"])
max_note = max(max_note, note_data["note"])
# The width depends on the bars.
width = 32 * num_bars
# The width depends on the notes.
height = 1 + max_note - min_note
# Create the image.
image ="RGB", (width, height), (14, 17, 23))
# Define some colors.
base_color = (255, 75, 75)
adjustments = [1.2, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6]
colors = []
for adjustment in adjustments:
import colorsys
rgb = base_color
rgb = [float(c) / 255.0 for c in rgb]
hsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*rgb)
# Rotate the hue.
offset = (adjustment - 1.0) * 0.1
hsv = (hsv[0] + offset, hsv[1], hsv[2])
rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*hsv)
rgb = tuple([int(255.0 * c) for c in rgb])
colors += [rgb]
for color in colors:
# Draw the grid.
for track_index, track_data in enumerate(song_data["tracks"]):
color = colors[track_index % len(colors)]
for bar_index, bar_data in enumerate(track_data["bars"]):
x = bar_index * 32
for note_data in bar_data["notes"]:
y = max_note - note_data["note"]
assert y >= 0 and y < height, f"Invalid y: {y}, note {note_data['note']} min_note: {min_note}, max_note: {max_note}, difference: {max_note - min_note}, height: {height}"
for i in range(note_data["start"], note_data["end"]):
image.putpixel((x + i, y), color)
# Resize the image. Use nearest neighbor for pixel art.
factor = 4
image = image.resize((width * factor, height * factor), Image.NEAREST)
return image
def convert_notesequence_to_wave(note_sequence):
if len(note_sequence.notes) == 0:
return None
synthesizer = note_seq.fluidsynth
wave = synthesizer(note_sequence, sample_rate=44100)
return wave
except Exception as e:
synthesizer = note_seq.synthesize
wave = synthesizer(note_sequence)
return wave
def convert_notesequence_to_midi(note_sequence, filename="output.mid"):
if len(note_sequence.notes) == 0:
return None
# Returns the file content of the midi file.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
filename =
note_seq.sequence_proto_to_midi_file(note_sequence, filename)
with open(filename, "rb") as file:
content =
return content