from PIL import Image import torch import gradio Instructuction = "Select a Unique Portrait Image of yourself" title="I am something of a Painter, Anime-Edition (AnimeGAN-V2)" description = "Drag/Drop or Upload a cute portrait Image of yourself or anyone you find interesting 😉, then observe how this Generative model\ is able to Generate a cute Anime-Cartoon version of your Image." article = """ - Select an image from the examples provided as demo image, - Click submit to Generate Image, - Tips: Quality Images with Great brightness/without pre-existing filters work better (Image Noise). - Privacy: No user data is collected or saved, - Credits to akhaliq/AnimeGANv2 for original AnimeGanV2""" model = torch.hub.load( "AK391/animegan2-pytorch:main", "generator", pretrained=True, #device="cuda", progress=False ) face2paint = torch.hub.load( 'AK391/animegan2-pytorch:main', 'face2paint', size=512, device="cuda",side_by_side=False ) def inference(img): return face2paint(model, img) gradio.Interface(inference, inputs=gradio.Image(type='pil'), outputs=gradio.Image(type='pil'), Instructuction=Instructuction, title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=['/Upload Xty.png', '/Upload Tg.png']).launch()