CogView2 / patch.apex
Add patch for apex to ignore minor-version mismatch of CUDA
history blame
1.58 kB
diff --git a/ b/
index 5f68ecf..b4d44a8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ def check_cuda_torch_binary_vs_bare_metal(cuda_dir):
print("\nCompiling cuda extensions with")
print(raw_output + "from " + cuda_dir + "/bin\n")
- if (bare_metal_major != torch_binary_major) or (bare_metal_minor != torch_binary_minor):
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Cuda extensions are being compiled with a version of Cuda that does "
- "not match the version used to compile Pytorch binaries. "
- "Pytorch binaries were compiled with Cuda {}.\n".format(torch.version.cuda)
- + "In some cases, a minor-version mismatch will not cause later errors: "
- " "
- "You can try commenting out this check (at your own risk)."
- )
+# if (bare_metal_major != torch_binary_major) or (bare_metal_minor != torch_binary_minor):
+# raise RuntimeError(
+# "Cuda extensions are being compiled with a version of Cuda that does "
+# "not match the version used to compile Pytorch binaries. "
+# "Pytorch binaries were compiled with Cuda {}.\n".format(torch.version.cuda)
+# + "In some cases, a minor-version mismatch will not cause later errors: "
+# " "
+# "You can try commenting out this check (at your own risk)."
+# )
def raise_if_cuda_home_none(global_option: str) -> None: