writing-comrade / app.py
Spico's picture
update emoji
import openai
import gradio as gr
instructions = {
"completion": "Please help me complete the text",
"correction": "Please help me correct mistakes in the text",
"polishing": "Please help me polish the language and improve my writing",
"paraphrase": "Please help me paraphrase the text",
"translation": "Please help me translate the text",
"freestyle": "",
template = "{instruction}:\n\nText: {text}"
def chat(task_type: str, text: str, api_key: str, tgt_lang: str = "") -> str:
openai.api_key = api_key
prompt = ""
task_type = task_type[1:].strip().lower()
if task_type == "freestyle":
prompt = text
instruction = instructions[task_type]
if task_type == "translation":
if tgt_lang:
instruction += f" into {tgt_lang.strip()}"
raise ValueError("Target language cannot be empty when translating")
prompt = template.format(instruction=instruction, text=text)
messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": f"You are a helpful writing assistant who can do {task_type}.",
{"role": "user", "content": prompt},
finish_reason = None
while finish_reason != "stop":
if len(messages) > 2 and messages[-1]["role"] == "assistant":
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "please continue"})
res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
finish_reason = res["choices"][0]["finish_reason"]
if len(messages) >= 5:
response_text = " ".join(
[msg["content"] for msg in messages if msg["role"] == "assistant"]
return response_text
with gr.Blocks(css="") as demo:
gr.Markdown("# ✒️ Writing Comrade")
gr.Markdown("Comrade, I'm your faithful writing fellow powered by ChatGPT. Destination, commander?")
"🎮 This demo is hosted on: [Huggingface Spaces](https://huggingface.co./spaces/Spico/writing-comrade) <br />"
"⭐ Star me on GitHub: [Spico197/writing-comrade](https://github.com/Spico197/writing-comrade) <br />"
"You may want to follow [this instruction](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/4936850-where-do-i-find-my-secret-api-key) to get an API key."
with gr.Row():
api_key = gr.Textbox(label='OpenAI API Key', type="password")
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True):
with gr.Column(scale=3):
emojis = "📝🥊💎🍦🚌🎤"
task_type = gr.Radio([f"{emojis[i]}{k.title()}" for i, k in enumerate(instructions.keys())], label="Task")
with gr.Column(min_width=100):
tgt_lang = gr.Textbox(label="Target language in translation")
with gr.Column():
text_button = gr.Button("Can~ do!", variant="primary")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
text_input = gr.TextArea(lines=15, label="Input")
with gr.Column():
text_output = gr.TextArea(lines=15, label="Output")
chat, inputs=[task_type, text_input, api_key, tgt_lang], outputs=text_output