import gradio as gr import numpy as np import random import cv2 from enum import Enum from PIL import Image class Difficulty(Enum): EASY = "Easy" MEDIUM = "Medium" HARD = "Hard" class GoGame: def __init__(self, size=9): self.size = size self.board = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=int) self.current_player = 1 # 1 for black, -1 for white self.pass_count = 0 self.last_move = None self.captured_black = 0 self.captured_white = 0 def get_neighbors(self, x, y): neighbors = [] for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]: nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy if 0 <= nx < self.size and 0 <= ny < self.size: neighbors.append((nx, ny)) return neighbors def get_group(self, x, y): color = self.board[x, y] if color == 0: return set() group = {(x, y)} frontier = [(x, y)] while frontier: current = frontier.pop() for nx, ny in self.get_neighbors(*current): if self.board[nx, ny] == color and (nx, ny) not in group: group.add((nx, ny)) frontier.append((nx, ny)) return group def has_liberties(self, x, y): group = self.get_group(x, y) for stone_x, stone_y in group: for nx, ny in self.get_neighbors(stone_x, stone_y): if self.board[nx, ny] == 0: return True return False def capture_stones(self): captured = 0 for x in range(self.size): for y in range(self.size): if self.board[x, y] == -self.current_player and not self.has_liberties(x, y): group = self.get_group(x, y) captured += len(group) for gx, gy in group: self.board[gx, gy] = 0 return captured def is_valid_move(self, x, y): if self.board[x, y] != 0: return False # Make a temporary move. self.board[x, y] = self.current_player valid = self.has_liberties(x, y) captures_enemy = self.capture_stones() > 0 # Undo temporary move. self.board[x, y] = 0 return valid or captures_enemy def make_move(self, x, y): if not self.is_valid_move(x, y): return False self.board[x, y] = self.current_player captured = self.capture_stones() if self.current_player == 1: self.captured_white += captured else: self.captured_black += captured self.last_move = (x, y) self.current_player *= -1 return True def ai_move(self, difficulty): empty_positions = list(zip(*np.where(self.board == 0))) if not empty_positions: return None valid_moves = [pos for pos in empty_positions if self.is_valid_move(*pos)] if not valid_moves: return None if difficulty == Difficulty.EASY: move = random.choice(valid_moves) elif difficulty == Difficulty.MEDIUM: move = self.medium_ai(valid_moves) else: move = self.hard_ai(valid_moves) self.make_move(*move) return move def medium_ai(self, valid_moves): if self.last_move: lx, ly = self.last_move valid_moves.sort(key=lambda p: abs(p[0] - lx) + abs(p[1] - ly)) return valid_moves[0] return self.center_based_move(valid_moves) def center_based_move(self, valid_moves): center = self.size // 2 valid_moves.sort(key=lambda p: abs(p[0] - center) + abs(p[1] - center)) return valid_moves[0] def hard_ai(self, valid_moves): for move in valid_moves: self.board[move] = self.current_player if self.capture_stones() > 0: self.board[move] = 0 return move self.board[move] = 0 opponent = -self.current_player self.current_player = opponent for move in valid_moves: if self.is_valid_move(*move): self.board[move] = opponent if self.capture_stones() > 0: self.board[move] = 0 self.current_player = -opponent return move self.board[move] = 0 self.current_player = -opponent return self.medium_ai(valid_moves) def create_board_image(board, last_move=None, hover_pos=None): cell_size = 60 margin = 40 total_size = board.shape[0] * cell_size + 2 * margin # Create wooden background. image = np.full((total_size, total_size, 3), [219, 179, 119], dtype=np.uint8) # Draw grid. for i in range(board.shape[0]): cv2.line(image, (margin + i * cell_size, margin), (margin + i * cell_size, total_size - margin), (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.line(image, (margin, margin + i * cell_size), (total_size - margin, margin + i * cell_size), (0, 0, 0), 2) # Draw star points. star_points = [(2, 2), (2, 6), (4, 4), (6, 2), (6, 6)] for point in star_points:, (margin + point[1] * cell_size, margin + point[0] * cell_size), 4, (0, 0, 0), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) # Draw hover indicator, if any. if hover_pos: hover_row, hover_col = hover_pos center = (margin + hover_col * cell_size, margin + hover_row * cell_size) overlay = image.copy(), center, 23, (0, 0, 0), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) image = cv2.addWeighted(overlay, 0.5, image, 0.5, 0), center, 23, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # Draw stones. for i in range(board.shape[0]): for j in range(board.shape[1]): if board[i, j] != 0: center = (margin + j * cell_size, margin + i * cell_size) # Shadow effect., (center[0] + 2, center[1] + 2), 23, (0, 0, 0), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) stone_color = (0, 0, 0) if board[i, j] == 1 else (255, 255, 255), center, 23, stone_color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA) # 3D highlight. if board[i, j] == -1:, (center[0] - 5, center[1] - 5), 8, (240, 240, 240), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) else:, (center[0] - 5, center[1] - 5), 8, (40, 40, 40), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) # Highlight last move. if last_move: row, col = last_move center = (margin + col * cell_size, margin + row * cell_size), center, 5, (255, 0, 0), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) return Image.fromarray(image) class GradioGoGame: def __init__(self): = GoGame() self.difficulty = Difficulty.EASY self.hover_pos = None def process_click(self, evt: gr.SelectData): cell_size = 60 margin = 40 # evt.index returns pixel coordinates as (x, y). Convert to board coordinates. col = round((evt.index[0] - margin) / cell_size) row = round((evt.index[1] - margin) / cell_size) if not (0 <= row < and 0 <= col < return create_board_image(,, "Invalid click position" if not, col): return create_board_image(,, "Invalid move (occupied or suicide)" # AI Move. ai_move = if ai_move is None: return create_board_image(,, "Game Over" status = f"Black captures: {} | White captures: {}" return create_board_image(,, f"AI moved to: {ai_move}\n{status}" def update_hover(self, evt: gr.SelectData): cell_size = 60 margin = 40 col = round((evt.index[0] - margin) / cell_size) row = round((evt.index[1] - margin) / cell_size) if 0 <= row < and 0 <= col < self.hover_pos = (row, col) else: self.hover_pos = None return create_board_image(,, self.hover_pos) def reset_game(self): = GoGame() self.hover_pos = None return create_board_image(, "Game reset" def create_interface(): game = GradioGoGame() with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as interface: gr.Markdown(""" # Go Game vs AI Play the ancient game of Go against an AI opponent. Black plays first. **Rules:** - Click on any intersection to place a stone. - Capture enemy stones by surrounding them. - Stones must have liberties (empty adjacent points) to survive. """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): board_output = gr.Image( value=create_board_image(, label="Go Board", type="pil", height=600, width=600, interactive=True ) msg_output = gr.Textbox( label="Game Status", value="Click on an intersection to place a stone", lines=2 ) with gr.Column(scale=1): difficulty = gr.Radio( choices=[d.value for d in Difficulty], value=Difficulty.EASY.value, label="AI Difficulty" ) reset_btn = gr.Button("Reset Game", variant="secondary") # Update difficulty when the radio value changes. def update_difficulty(value): game.difficulty = Difficulty(value) return value difficulty.change(update_difficulty, inputs=[difficulty], outputs=[difficulty]) # Use .select() for click events on the interactive image. game.process_click, inputs=[], # No additional inputs: the event data is passed automatically. outputs=[board_output, msg_output] ) # (Removed mousemove event since gr.Image doesn't support it in your version.) game.reset_game, outputs=[board_output, msg_output] ) return interface if __name__ == "__main__": interface = create_interface() interface.launch()