import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import as px | |
df = pd.read_csv(r'FY2021_merged_file.csv', dtype={"Fiscal Week": "string", | |
"Fiscal Year": "category", | |
"Chain Code": "category", | |
"Store": "category", | |
"Address": "string", | |
"Postal Code": "float", | |
"City": "category", | |
"State": "category", | |
"Container Code": "category", | |
"Sales Item Category": "category", | |
"units sold":"float", | |
"SalePrice":"float", | |
"sales $":"float"}) | |
df["Postal Code"] = df["Postal Code"].convert_dtypes() | |
df["units sold"] = df["units sold"].convert_dtypes() | |
# Extract fiscal year and week from the 'Fiscal Week' column for sorting | |
df['Fiscal Year'] = df['Fiscal Week'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split(' ')[1])) # Extract year as an integer | |
df['Week Number'] = df['Fiscal Week'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('Week ')[1])) # Extract week as an integer | |
# Sort the DataFrame by fiscal year and week number | |
df = df.sort_values(by=['Fiscal Year', 'Week Number']) | |
# Reformat 'Fiscal Week' for display (e.g., 'FY21W51') | |
df['Fiscal Week Short'] = df.apply(lambda x: f"FY{x['Fiscal Year']%100}W{x['Week Number']}", axis=1) | |
# Ensure the short fiscal week column is treated as a categorical variable and sorted by the order of appearance | |
df['Fiscal Week Short'] = pd.Categorical(df['Fiscal Week Short'], categories=df['Fiscal Week Short'].unique(), ordered=True) | |
# df['Fiscal Week'] = df['Fiscal Week'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('FY 20', 'FY').replace('Week ', 'W')) | |
# Sort by 'Fiscal Week' | |
# df = df.sort_values(by='Fiscal Week') | |
st.title('Sales Data Dashboard') | |
state = st.selectbox('Select State', df['State'].unique()) | |
feature = st.selectbox('Select Feature for Grouping', ['Chain Code', 'Sales Item Category', 'Fiscal Week']) | |
# Filter the dataframe based on selections | |
filtered_df = df[df['State'] == state] | |
# Plot based on user's selection | |
if feature == 'Sales Item Category': | |
st.subheader(f'Sales Data for {state} - Grouped by Sales Item Category') | |
group_data = filtered_df.groupby(['Fiscal Week Short', 'Sales Item Category'])['units sold'].sum().reset_index() | |
fig =, x='Fiscal Week Short', y='units sold', color='Sales Item Category', | |
title=f'Units Sold over Fiscal Week in {state} by Sales Item Category', | |
labels={'Units Sold': 'Units Sold'}) | |
elif feature == 'Chain Code': | |
st.subheader(f'Sales Data for {state} - Grouped by Chain Code') | |
group_data = filtered_df.groupby(['Fiscal Week Short', 'Chain Code'])['units sold'].sum().reset_index() | |
fig =, x='Fiscal Week Short', y='units sold', color='Chain Code', | |
title=f'Units Sold over Fiscal Week in {state} by Chain Code', | |
labels={'Units Sold': 'Units Sold'}) | |
print(df.head(5)) | |
# Display the interactive plot | |
st.plotly_chart(fig) | |