# This config was automatically generated from your source code # Stacks detected: cicd:github-actions:.github/workflows,deps:python:. version: 2.1 orbs: python: circleci/python@2 jobs: test-python: # Install dependencies and run tests docker: - image: cimg/python:3.8-node steps: - checkout - python/install-packages - run: name: Run tests command: pytest --junitxml=junit.xml || ((($? == 5)) && echo 'Did not find any tests to run.') - store_test_results: path: junit.xml deploy: # This is an example deploy job, not actually used by the workflow docker: - image: cimg/base:stable steps: # Replace this with steps to deploy to users - run: name: deploy command: '#e.g. ./deploy.sh' - run: name: found github actions config command: ':' workflows: build-and-test: jobs: - test-python # - deploy: # requires: # - test-python