2D-To-3D-Images / pifuhd /apps /scripts /prepare_train_labels.py
Seif-Yasser's picture
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import argparse
import json
import pickle
def prepare_annotations(annotations_per_image, images_info, net_input_size):
"""Prepare labels for training. For each annotated person calculates center
to perform crop around it during the training. Also converts data to the internal format.
:param annotations_per_image: all annotations for specified image id
:param images_info: auxiliary information about all images
:param net_input_size: network input size during training
:return: list of prepared annotations
prepared_annotations = []
for _, annotations in annotations_per_image.items():
previous_centers = []
for annotation in annotations[0]:
if (annotation['num_keypoints'] < 5
or annotation['area'] < 32 * 32):
person_center = [annotation['bbox'][0] + annotation['bbox'][2] / 2,
annotation['bbox'][1] + annotation['bbox'][3] / 2]
is_close = False
for previous_center in previous_centers:
distance_to_previous = ((person_center[0] - previous_center[0]) ** 2
+ (person_center[1] - previous_center[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
if distance_to_previous < previous_center[2] * 0.3:
is_close = True
if is_close:
prepared_annotation = {
'img_paths': images_info[annotation['image_id']]['file_name'],
'img_width': images_info[annotation['image_id']]['width'],
'img_height': images_info[annotation['image_id']]['height'],
'objpos': person_center,
'image_id': annotation['image_id'],
'bbox': annotation['bbox'],
'segment_area': annotation['area'],
'scale_provided': annotation['bbox'][3] / net_input_size,
'num_keypoints': annotation['num_keypoints'],
'segmentations': annotations[1]
keypoints = []
for i in range(len(annotation['keypoints']) // 3):
keypoint = [annotation['keypoints'][i * 3], annotation['keypoints'][i * 3 + 1], 2]
if annotation['keypoints'][i * 3 + 2] == 1:
keypoint[2] = 0
elif annotation['keypoints'][i * 3 + 2] == 2:
keypoint[2] = 1
prepared_annotation['keypoints'] = keypoints
prepared_other_annotations = []
for other_annotation in annotations[0]:
if other_annotation == annotation:
prepared_other_annotation = {
'objpos': [other_annotation['bbox'][0] + other_annotation['bbox'][2] / 2,
other_annotation['bbox'][1] + other_annotation['bbox'][3] / 2],
'bbox': other_annotation['bbox'],
'segment_area': other_annotation['area'],
'scale_provided': other_annotation['bbox'][3] / net_input_size,
'num_keypoints': other_annotation['num_keypoints']
keypoints = []
for i in range(len(other_annotation['keypoints']) // 3):
keypoint = [other_annotation['keypoints'][i * 3], other_annotation['keypoints'][i * 3 + 1], 2]
if other_annotation['keypoints'][i * 3 + 2] == 1:
keypoint[2] = 0
elif other_annotation['keypoints'][i * 3 + 2] == 2:
keypoint[2] = 1
prepared_other_annotation['keypoints'] = keypoints
prepared_annotation['processed_other_annotations'] = prepared_other_annotations
previous_centers.append((person_center[0], person_center[1], annotation['bbox'][2], annotation['bbox'][3]))
return prepared_annotations
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--labels', type=str, required=True, help='path to json with keypoints train labels')
parser.add_argument('--output-name', type=str, default='prepared_train_annotation.pkl',
help='name of output file with prepared keypoints annotation')
parser.add_argument('--net-input-size', type=int, default=368, help='network input size')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.labels, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
annotations_per_image_mapping = {}
for annotation in data['annotations']:
if annotation['num_keypoints'] != 0 and not annotation['iscrowd']:
if annotation['image_id'] not in annotations_per_image_mapping:
annotations_per_image_mapping[annotation['image_id']] = [[], []]
crowd_segmentations_per_image_mapping = {}
for annotation in data['annotations']:
if annotation['iscrowd']:
if annotation['image_id'] not in crowd_segmentations_per_image_mapping:
crowd_segmentations_per_image_mapping[annotation['image_id']] = []
for image_id, crowd_segmentations in crowd_segmentations_per_image_mapping.items():
if image_id in annotations_per_image_mapping:
annotations_per_image_mapping[image_id][1] = crowd_segmentations
images_info = {}
for image_info in data['images']:
images_info[image_info['id']] = image_info
prepared_annotations = prepare_annotations(annotations_per_image_mapping, images_info, args.net_input_size)
with open(args.output_name, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(prepared_annotations, f)