TestLLM / litellm /secret_managers /hashicorp_secret_manager.py
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import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
import httpx
import litellm
from litellm._logging import verbose_logger
from litellm.caching import InMemoryCache
from litellm.llms.custom_httpx.http_handler import (
from litellm.proxy._types import KeyManagementSystem
from .base_secret_manager import BaseSecretManager
class HashicorpSecretManager(BaseSecretManager):
def __init__(self):
from litellm.proxy.proxy_server import CommonProxyErrors, premium_user
# Vault-specific config
self.vault_addr = os.getenv("HCP_VAULT_ADDR", "")
self.vault_token = os.getenv("HCP_VAULT_TOKEN", "")
# If your KV engine is mounted somewhere other than "secret", adjust here:
self.vault_namespace = os.getenv("HCP_VAULT_NAMESPACE", None)
# Optional config for TLS cert auth
self.tls_cert_path = os.getenv("HCP_VAULT_CLIENT_CERT", "")
self.tls_key_path = os.getenv("HCP_VAULT_CLIENT_KEY", "")
self.vault_cert_role = os.getenv("HCP_VAULT_CERT_ROLE", None)
# Validate environment
if not self.vault_token:
raise ValueError(
"Missing Vault token. Please set VAULT_TOKEN in your environment."
litellm.secret_manager_client = self
litellm._key_management_system = KeyManagementSystem.HASHICORP_VAULT
_refresh_interval = os.environ.get("HCP_VAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL", 86400)
_refresh_interval = int(_refresh_interval) if _refresh_interval else 86400
self.cache = InMemoryCache(
) # store in memory for 1 day
if premium_user is not True:
raise ValueError(
f"Hashicorp secret manager is only available for premium users. {CommonProxyErrors.not_premium_user.value}"
def _auth_via_tls_cert(self) -> str:
Ref: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/api-docs/auth/cert
curl \
--request POST \
--cacert vault-ca.pem \
--cert cert.pem \
--key key.pem \
--header "X-Vault-Namespace: mynamespace/" \
--data '{"name": "my-cert-role"}' \
"auth": {
"client_token": "cf95f87d-f95b-47ff-b1f5-ba7bff850425",
"policies": ["web", "stage"],
"lease_duration": 3600,
"renewable": true
verbose_logger.debug("Using TLS cert auth for Hashicorp Vault")
# Vault endpoint for cert-based login, e.g. '/v1/auth/cert/login'
login_url = f"{self.vault_addr}/v1/auth/cert/login"
# Include your Vault namespace in the header if you're using namespaces.
# E.g. self.vault_namespace = 'mynamespace/'
# If you only have root namespace, you can omit this header entirely.
headers = {}
if hasattr(self, "vault_namespace") and self.vault_namespace:
headers["X-Vault-Namespace"] = self.vault_namespace
# We use the client cert and key for mutual TLS
resp = httpx.post(
cert=(self.tls_cert_path, self.tls_key_path),
token = resp.json()["auth"]["client_token"]
_lease_duration = resp.json()["auth"]["lease_duration"]
verbose_logger.info("Successfully obtained Vault token via TLS cert auth.")
key="hcp_vault_token", value=token, ttl=_lease_duration
return token
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not authenticate to Vault via TLS cert: {e}")
def _get_tls_cert_auth_body(self) -> dict:
return {"name": self.vault_cert_role}
def get_url(self, secret_name: str) -> str:
_url = f"{self.vault_addr}/v1/"
if self.vault_namespace:
_url += f"{self.vault_namespace}/"
_url += f"secret/data/{secret_name}"
return _url
def _get_request_headers(self) -> dict:
if self.tls_cert_path and self.tls_key_path:
return {"X-Vault-Token": self._auth_via_tls_cert()}
return {"X-Vault-Token": self.vault_token}
async def async_read_secret(
secret_name: str,
optional_params: Optional[dict] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, httpx.Timeout]] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
Reads a secret from Vault KV v2 using an async HTTPX client.
secret_name is just the path inside the KV mount (e.g., 'myapp/config').
Returns the entire data dict from data.data, or None on failure.
if self.cache.get_cache(secret_name) is not None:
return self.cache.get_cache(secret_name)
async_client = get_async_httpx_client(
# For KV v2: /v1/<mount>/data/<path>
# Example:
_url = self.get_url(secret_name)
url = _url
response = await async_client.get(url, headers=self._get_request_headers())
# For KV v2, the secret is in response.json()["data"]["data"]
json_resp = response.json()
_value = self._get_secret_value_from_json_response(json_resp)
self.cache.set_cache(secret_name, _value)
return _value
except Exception as e:
verbose_logger.exception(f"Error reading secret from Hashicorp Vault: {e}")
return None
def sync_read_secret(
secret_name: str,
optional_params: Optional[dict] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, httpx.Timeout]] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
Reads a secret from Vault KV v2 using a sync HTTPX client.
secret_name is just the path inside the KV mount (e.g., 'myapp/config').
Returns the entire data dict from data.data, or None on failure.
if self.cache.get_cache(secret_name) is not None:
return self.cache.get_cache(secret_name)
sync_client = _get_httpx_client()
# For KV v2: /v1/<mount>/data/<path>
url = self.get_url(secret_name)
response = sync_client.get(url, headers=self._get_request_headers())
# For KV v2, the secret is in response.json()["data"]["data"]
json_resp = response.json()
_value = self._get_secret_value_from_json_response(json_resp)
self.cache.set_cache(secret_name, _value)
return _value
except Exception as e:
verbose_logger.exception(f"Error reading secret from Hashicorp Vault: {e}")
return None
async def async_write_secret(
secret_name: str,
secret_value: str,
description: Optional[str] = None,
optional_params: Optional[dict] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, httpx.Timeout]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Writes a secret to Vault KV v2 using an async HTTPX client.
secret_name: Path inside the KV mount (e.g., 'myapp/config')
secret_value: Value to store
description: Optional description for the secret
optional_params: Additional parameters to include in the secret data
timeout: Request timeout
dict: Response containing status and details of the operation
async_client = get_async_httpx_client(
params={"timeout": timeout},
url = self.get_url(secret_name)
# Prepare the secret data
data = {"data": {"key": secret_value}}
if description:
data["data"]["description"] = description
response = await async_client.post(
url=url, headers=self._get_request_headers(), json=data
return response.json()
except Exception as e:
verbose_logger.exception(f"Error writing secret to Hashicorp Vault: {e}")
return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
async def async_rotate_secret(
current_secret_name: str,
new_secret_name: str,
new_secret_value: str,
optional_params: Dict | None = None,
timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None = None,
) -> Dict:
raise NotImplementedError("Hashicorp does not support secret rotation")
async def async_delete_secret(
secret_name: str,
recovery_window_in_days: Optional[int] = 7,
optional_params: Optional[dict] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, httpx.Timeout]] = None,
) -> dict:
Async function to delete a secret from Hashicorp Vault.
In KV v2, this marks the latest version of the secret as deleted.
secret_name: Name of the secret to delete
recovery_window_in_days: Not used for Vault (Vault handles this internally)
optional_params: Additional parameters specific to the secret manager
timeout: Request timeout
dict: Response containing status and details of the operation
async_client = get_async_httpx_client(
params={"timeout": timeout},
# For KV v2 delete: /v1/<mount>/data/<path>
url = self.get_url(secret_name)
response = await async_client.delete(
url=url, headers=self._get_request_headers()
# Clear the cache for this secret
return {
"status": "success",
"message": f"Secret {secret_name} deleted successfully",
except Exception as e:
verbose_logger.exception(f"Error deleting secret from Hashicorp Vault: {e}")
return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
def _get_secret_value_from_json_response(
self, json_resp: Optional[dict]
) -> Optional[str]:
Get the secret value from the JSON response
Json response from hashicorp vault is of the form:
{"key":"Vault Is The Way"},
Note: LiteLLM assumes that all secrets are stored as under the key "key"
if json_resp is None:
return None
return json_resp.get("data", {}).get("data", {}).get("key", None)