TestLLM / litellm /secret_managers /aws_secret_manager.py
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This is a file for the AWS Secret Manager Integration
Relevant issue: https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm/issues/1883
* `os.environ["AWS_REGION_NAME"],
* `pip install boto3>=1.28.57`
import ast
import base64
import os
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import litellm
from litellm.proxy._types import KeyManagementSystem
def validate_environment():
if "AWS_REGION_NAME" not in os.environ:
raise ValueError("Missing required environment variable - AWS_REGION_NAME")
def load_aws_kms(use_aws_kms: Optional[bool]):
if use_aws_kms is None or use_aws_kms is False:
import boto3
# Create a Secrets Manager client
kms_client = boto3.client("kms", region_name=os.getenv("AWS_REGION_NAME"))
litellm.secret_manager_client = kms_client
litellm._key_management_system = KeyManagementSystem.AWS_KMS
except Exception as e:
raise e
class AWSKeyManagementService_V2:
V2 Clean Class for decrypting keys from AWS KeyManagementService
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.kms_client = self.load_aws_kms(use_aws_kms=True)
def validate_environment(
if "AWS_REGION_NAME" not in os.environ:
raise ValueError("Missing required environment variable - AWS_REGION_NAME")
## CHECK IF LICENSE IN ENV ## - premium feature
is_litellm_license_in_env: bool = False
if os.getenv("LITELLM_LICENSE", None) is not None:
is_litellm_license_in_env = True
elif os.getenv("LITELLM_SECRET_AWS_KMS_LITELLM_LICENSE", None) is not None:
is_litellm_license_in_env = True
if is_litellm_license_in_env is False:
raise ValueError(
"AWSKeyManagementService V2 is an Enterprise Feature. Please add a valid LITELLM_LICENSE to your envionment."
def load_aws_kms(self, use_aws_kms: Optional[bool]):
if use_aws_kms is None or use_aws_kms is False:
import boto3
# Create a Secrets Manager client
kms_client = boto3.client("kms", region_name=os.getenv("AWS_REGION_NAME"))
return kms_client
except Exception as e:
raise e
def decrypt_value(self, secret_name: str) -> Any:
if self.kms_client is None:
raise ValueError("kms_client is None")
encrypted_value = os.getenv(secret_name, None)
if encrypted_value is None:
raise Exception(
"AWS KMS - Encrypted Value of Key={} is None".format(secret_name)
if isinstance(encrypted_value, str) and encrypted_value.startswith("aws_kms/"):
encrypted_value = encrypted_value.replace("aws_kms/", "")
# Decode the base64 encoded ciphertext
ciphertext_blob = base64.b64decode(encrypted_value)
# Set up the parameters for the decrypt call
params = {"CiphertextBlob": ciphertext_blob}
# Perform the decryption
response = self.kms_client.decrypt(**params)
# Extract and decode the plaintext
plaintext = response["Plaintext"]
secret = plaintext.decode("utf-8")
if isinstance(secret, str):
secret = secret.strip()
secret_value_as_bool = ast.literal_eval(secret)
if isinstance(secret_value_as_bool, bool):
return secret_value_as_bool
except Exception:
return secret
- look for all values in the env with `aws_kms/<hashed_key>`
- decrypt keys
- rewrite env var with decrypted key (). Note: this environment variable will only be available to the current process and any child processes spawned from it. Once the Python script ends, the environment variable will not persist.
def decrypt_env_var() -> Dict[str, Any]:
# setup client class
aws_kms = AWSKeyManagementService_V2()
# iterate through env - for `aws_kms/`
new_values = {}
for k, v in os.environ.items():
if (
k is not None
and isinstance(k, str)
and k.lower().startswith("litellm_secret_aws_kms")
) or (v is not None and isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith("aws_kms/")):
decrypted_value = aws_kms.decrypt_value(secret_name=k)
# reset env var
k = re.sub("litellm_secret_aws_kms_", "", k, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
new_values[k] = decrypted_value
return new_values