{"id":"2308.10469","submitter":"Sophie Sun","authors":"Zhuowei Lin, Simon C.Y. Peng, Sophie C.C. Sun","title":"Upper bounds of dual flagged Weyl characters","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For a subset $D$ of boxes in an $n\\times n$ square grid, let $\\chi_{D}(x)$\ndenote the dual character of the flagged Weyl module associated to $D$. It is\nknown that $\\chi_{D}(x)$ specifies to a Schubert polynomial (resp., a key\npolynomial) in the case when $D$ is the Rothe diagram of a permutation (resp.,\nthe skyline diagram of a composition). One can naturally define a lower and an\nupper bound of $\\chi_{D}(x)$. M{\\'e}sz{\\'a}ros, St. Dizier and Tanjaya\nconjectured that $\\chi_{D}(x)$ attains the upper bound if and only if $D$\navoids a certain subdiagram. We provide a proof of this conjecture.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:09:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Zhuowei",""],["Peng","Simon C. Y.",""],["Sun","Sophie C. C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10470","submitter":"Jagabandhu Mishra","authors":"Jagabandhu Mishra and S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna","title":"Implicit Self-supervised Language Representation for Spoken Language\n Diarization","comments":"Planning to Submit in IEEE-JSTSP","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.AS cs.CL cs.SD","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In a code-switched (CS) scenario, the use of spoken language diarization (LD)\nas a pre-possessing system is essential. Further, the use of implicit\nframeworks is preferable over the explicit framework, as it can be easily\nadapted to deal with low/zero resource languages. Inspired by speaker\ndiarization (SD) literature, three frameworks based on (1) fixed segmentation,\n(2) change point-based segmentation and (3) E2E are proposed to perform LD. The\ninitial exploration with synthetic TTSF-LD dataset shows, using x-vector as\nimplicit language representation with appropriate analysis window length ($N$)\ncan able to achieve at per performance with explicit LD. The best implicit LD\nperformance of $6.38$ in terms of Jaccard error rate (JER) is achieved by using\nthe E2E framework. However, considering the E2E framework the performance of\nimplicit LD degrades to $60.4$ while using with practical Microsoft CS (MSCS)\ndataset. The difference in performance is mostly due to the distributional\ndifference between the monolingual segment duration of secondary language in\nthe MSCS and TTSF-LD datasets. Moreover, to avoid segment smoothing, the\nsmaller duration of the monolingual segment suggests the use of a small value\nof $N$. At the same time with small $N$, the x-vector representation is unable\nto capture the required language discrimination due to the acoustic similarity,\nas the same speaker is speaking both languages. Therefore, to resolve the issue\na self-supervised implicit language representation is proposed in this study.\nIn comparison with the x-vector representation, the proposed representation\nprovides a relative improvement of $63.9\\%$ and achieved a JER of $21.8$ using\nthe E2E framework.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:11:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mishra","Jagabandhu",""],["Prasanna","S. R. Mahadeva",""]]} {"id":"2308.10471","submitter":"Siu-Hung Ng","authors":"Siu-Hung Ng and Xingting Wang","title":"On Hopf algebras of dimension $p^n$ in characteristic $p$","comments":"31 pages LaTeX","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.QA math.RA math.RT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $\\Bbbk$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. We\nstudy the general structures of $p^n$-dimensional Hopf algebras over $\\Bbbk$\nwith $p^{n-1}$ group-like elements or a primitive element generating a\n$p^{n-1}$-dimensional Hopf subalgebra. As applications, we have proved that\nHopf algebras of dimension $p^2$ over $\\Bbbk$ are pointed or basic for $p \\le\n5$, and provided a list of characterizations of the Radford algebra $R(p)$. In\nparticular, $R(p)$ is the unique nontrivial extension of $\\Bbbk[C_p]^*$ by\n$\\Bbbk[C_p]$, where $C_p$ is the cyclic group of order $p$. In addition, we\nhave proved a vanishing theorem for some 2nd Sweedler cohomology group and\ninvestigated the extensions of $p$-dimensional Hopf algebras. All these\nextensions have been identified and shown to be pointed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:11:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ng","Siu-Hung",""],["Wang","Xingting",""]]} {"id":"2308.10472","submitter":"Eddie Nijholt","authors":"Eddie Nijholt, Tiago Pereira, Fernando C. Queiroz and Dmitry Turaev","title":"Chaotic behavior in diffusively coupled systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Communications in Mathematical Physics (2023): 1-42","doi":"10.1007/s00220-023-04699-5","report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study emergent oscillatory behavior in networks of diffusively coupled\nnonlinear ordinary differential equations. Starting from a situation where each\nisolated node possesses a globally attracting equilibrium point, we give, for\nan arbitrary network configuration, general conditions for the existence of the\ndiffusive coupling of a homogeneous strength which makes the network dynamics\nchaotic. The method is based on the theory of local bifurcations we develop for\ndiffusively coupled networks. We, in particular, introduce the class of the\nso-called versatile network configurations and prove that the Taylor\ncoefficients of the reduction to the center manifold for any versatile network\ncan take any given value.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:14:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nijholt","Eddie",""],["Pereira","Tiago",""],["Queiroz","Fernando C.",""],["Turaev","Dmitry",""]]} {"id":"2308.10473","submitter":"Peisheng Yu","authors":"Peisheng Yu","title":"Counting Non-abelian Coverings of Algebraic Curve","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article, we study the etale coverings of an algebraic curve $C$ with\nGalois group a semi-direct product $\\mathbb{Z}/m\\mathbb{Z} \\rtimes\n\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z}$. Especially, for a given etale cyclic $n$-covering $D\n\\to C$, we determine how many curves $E$ are there, satisfying $E \\to D$ is an\netale cyclic $m$-covering and $E \\to C$ is Galois with non-abelian Galois\ngroup, under the assumption $gcd(m,n)=1$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:20:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Peisheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10474","submitter":"Francesc Castella","authors":"Francesc Castella, Chi-Yun Hsu, Debanjana Kundu, Yu-Shen Lee, Zheng\n Liu","title":"Derived $p$-adic heights and the leading coefficient of the\n Bertolini--Darmon--Prasanna $p$-adic $L$-function","comments":"34 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $E/\\mathbf{Q}$ be an elliptic curve and let $p$ be an odd prime of good\nreduction for $E$. Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field satisfying the\nclassical Heegner hypothesis and in which $p$ splits. In a previous work,\nAgboola--Castella formulated an analogue of the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer\nconjecture for the $p$-adic $L$-function $L_{\\mathfrak{p}}^{\\rm BDP}$ of\nBertolini--Darmon--Prasanna attached to $E/K$, assuming the prime $p$ to be\nordinary for $E$. The goal of this paper is two-fold:\n (1) We formulate a $p$-adic BSD conjecture for $L_{\\mathfrak{p}}^{\\rm BDP}$\nfor all odd primes $p$ of good reduction.\n (2) For an algebraic analogue $F_{\\overline{\\mathfrak{p}}}^{\\rm BDP}$ of\n$L_{\\mathfrak{p}}^{\\rm BDP}$, we show that the ``leading coefficient'' part of\nour conjecture holds, and that the ``order of vanishing'' part follows from the\nexpected ``maximal non-degeneracy'' of an anticyclotomic $p$-adic height.\n In particular, when the Iwasawa--Greenberg Main Conjecture\n$(F_{\\overline{\\mathfrak{p}}}^{\\rm BDP})=(L_{\\mathfrak{p}}^{\\rm BDP})$ is\nknown, our results determine the leading coefficient of $L_{\\mathfrak{p}}^{\\rm\nBDP}$ at $T=0$ up to a $p$-adic unit. Moreover, by adapting the approach of\nBurungale--Castella--Kim in the $p$-ordinary case, we prove the main conjecture\nfor supersingular primes $p$ under mild hypotheses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:20:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Castella","Francesc",""],["Hsu","Chi-Yun",""],["Kundu","Debanjana",""],["Lee","Yu-Shen",""],["Liu","Zheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10475","submitter":"Kirill Koshelev","authors":"Kirill Koshelev, Pavel Tonkaev, and Yuri Kivshar","title":"Nonlinear chiral metaphotonics","comments":"perspective, 35 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We review the physics and some applications of photonic structures designed\nfor the realisation of strong $\\textit{nonlinear chiroptical response}$. We pay\nmuch attention to the recent strategy of utilizing different types of\n$\\textit{optical resonances}$ in metallic and dielectric subwavelength\nstructures and metasurfaces, including surface plasmon resonances, Mie\nresonances, lattice guided modes, and bound states in the continuum. We\nsummarize earlier results and discuss more recent developments for achieving\nlarge circular dichroism combined with the high efficiency of nonlinear\nharmonic generation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:21:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Koshelev","Kirill",""],["Tonkaev","Pavel",""],["Kivshar","Yuri",""]]} {"id":"2308.10476","submitter":"Sichao Qu","authors":"Sichao Qu, Min Yang, Yunfei Xu, Songwen Xiao and Nicholas X. Fang","title":"Reverberation Time Control by Acoustic Metamaterials in a Small Room","comments":"15 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110753","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph physics.class-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In recent years, metamaterials have gained considerable attention as a\npromising material technology due to their unique properties and customizable\ndesign, distinguishing them from traditional materials. This article delves\ninto the value of acoustic metamaterials in room acoustics, particularly in\nsmall room acoustics that poses specific challenges due to their significant\ncavity resonant nature. Small rooms usually exhibit an inhomogeneous frequency\nresponse spectrum, requiring higher wall absorption with specific spectrum to\nachieve a uniform acoustic environment, i.e., a constant reverberation time\nover a wide audible frequency band. To tackle this issue, we developed a design\nthat simultaneously incorporates numerous subwavelength acoustic resonators at\ndifferent frequencies to achieve customized broadband absorption for the walls\nof a specific example room. The on-site experimental measurements agree well\nwith the numerical predictions, attesting to the robustness of the design and\nmethod. The proposed method of reverse-engineering metamaterials by targeting\nspecific acoustic requirements has broad applicability and unique advantages in\nsmall confined spaces with high acoustic requirements, such as recording\nstudios, listening rooms, and car cabins.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:21:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Qu","Sichao",""],["Yang","Min",""],["Xu","Yunfei",""],["Xiao","Songwen",""],["Fang","Nicholas X.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10477","submitter":"Junyi Shen","authors":"Jun-Yi Shen, Yuan-Chuan Zou, A. M. Chen, Duan-Yuan Gao","title":"What absorbs the early TeV photons of GRB 221009A?","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The tera-electronvolt (TeV) light curve of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 221009A\nshows an unprecedentedly rapid rise at the beginning epoch. This phenomenon\ncould be due to the strong absorption of photons and electrons within the\nemitting region. As the external shock expands outwards and the radius\nincreases, the volume of matter also increases, leading to a gradual decrease\nin the optical depth for TeV photons. We explore several possibilities for the\nphysical origin of this peculiar behavior. We calculate the optical depth for\nTeV photons due to annihilation with lower energy photons in the external shock\nand scattering by electrons produced via cascading of the TeV emission. Even\nunder aggressive assumptions, we find the optical depths for these processes\nare orders of magnitude too small to explain the observed light curve. Other\nsources of absorbers, such as electrons in the ejecta or external shock, also\ndo not yield sufficient optical depths. Therefore, the origin of the early\npeculiar TeV light curve remains uncertain.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:24:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Jun-Yi",""],["Zou","Yuan-Chuan",""],["Chen","A. M.",""],["Gao","Duan-Yuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10478","submitter":"Zachary Sweger","authors":"Zachary Sweger, Spencer R. Klein, Yuanjing Ji, Minjung Kim, Saeahram\n Yoo, Ziyuan Zeng, Daniel Cebra, Xin Dong","title":"Modeling Backward-Angle ($u$-channel) Virtual Compton Scattering at an\n Electron-Ion Collider","comments":"12 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nucl-ex nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" High-energy backward ($u$-channel) reactions can involve very large momentum\ntransfers to the target baryons, shifting them by many units of rapidity. These\nreactions are difficult to understand in conventional models in which baryon\nnumber is carried by the valence quarks. Backward Compton scattering is an\nespecially attractive experimental target, because of its simple final state.\nThere is currently limited data on this process, and that data is at low\ncenter-of-mass energies. In this paper, we examine the prospects for studying\nbackward Compton scattering at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). We model\nthe cross-section and kinematics using the limited data on backward Compton\nscattering and backward meson production, and then simulate Compton scattering\nat EIC energies, in a simple model of the ePIC detector. Generally, the proton\nis scattered toward mid-rapidity, while the produced photon is in the\nfar-forward region, visible in a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC). We show that\nthe background from backward $\\pi^0$ production can be rejected using a\nhigh-resolution, well-segmented ZDC.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:33:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sweger","Zachary",""],["Klein","Spencer R.",""],["Ji","Yuanjing",""],["Kim","Minjung",""],["Yoo","Saeahram",""],["Zeng","Ziyuan",""],["Cebra","Daniel",""],["Dong","Xin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10479","submitter":"Arijit Ghosh","authors":"Sutanoya Chakraborty, Arijit Ghosh, Soumi Nandi","title":"Stabbing boxes with finitely many axis-parallel lines and flats","comments":"13 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO cs.CG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We give necessary and sufficient condition for an infinite collection of\naxis-parallel boxes in $\\mathbb{R}^{d}$ to be pierceable by finitely many\naxis-parallel $k$-flats, where $0 \\leq k < d$. We also consider colorful\ngeneralizations of the above result and establish their feasibility. The\nproblem considered in this paper is an infinite variant of the\nHadwiger-Debrunner $(p,q)$-problem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:37:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chakraborty","Sutanoya",""],["Ghosh","Arijit",""],["Nandi","Soumi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10480","submitter":"Arijit Ghosh","authors":"Sutanoya Chakraborty, Arijit Ghosh, Soumi Nandi","title":"Dimension Independent Helly Theorem for Lines and Flats","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO cs.CG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We give a generalization of dimension independent Helly Theorem of\nAdiprasito, B\\'{a}r\\'{a}ny, Mustafa, and Terpai (Discrete & Computational\nGeometry 2022) to higher dimensional transversal. We also prove some\nimpossibility results that establish the tightness of our extension.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:38:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chakraborty","Sutanoya",""],["Ghosh","Arijit",""],["Nandi","Soumi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10481","submitter":"Lingyu Xiao","authors":"Lingyu Xiao, Xiang Li, Sen Yang, Wankou Yang","title":"ADNet: Lane Shape Prediction via Anchor Decomposition","comments":"ICCV2023 accepted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we revisit the limitations of anchor-based lane detection\nmethods, which have predominantly focused on fixed anchors that stem from the\nedges of the image, disregarding their versatility and quality. To overcome the\ninflexibility of anchors, we decompose them into learning the heat map of\nstarting points and their associated directions. This decomposition removes the\nlimitations on the starting point of anchors, making our algorithm adaptable to\ndifferent lane types in various datasets. To enhance the quality of anchors, we\nintroduce the Large Kernel Attention (LKA) for Feature Pyramid Network (FPN).\nThis significantly increases the receptive field, which is crucial in capturing\nthe sufficient context as lane lines typically run throughout the entire image.\nWe have named our proposed system the Anchor Decomposition Network (ADNet).\nAdditionally, we propose the General Lane IoU (GLIoU) loss, which significantly\nimproves the performance of ADNet in complex scenarios. Experimental results on\nthree widely used lane detection benchmarks, VIL-100, CULane, and TuSimple,\ndemonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on\nVIL-100 and exhibits competitive accuracy on CULane and TuSimple. Code and\nmodels will be released on https://github.com/ Sephirex-X/ADNet.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:42:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Xiao","Lingyu",""],["Li","Xiang",""],["Yang","Sen",""],["Yang","Wankou",""]]} {"id":"2308.10482","submitter":"Phuong Nguyen Minh","authors":"Phuong Minh Nguyen, Le Minh Nguyen","title":"An Effective Method using Phrase Mechanism in Neural Machine Translation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Machine Translation is one of the essential tasks in Natural Language\nProcessing (NLP), which has massive applications in real life as well as\ncontributing to other tasks in the NLP research community. Recently,\nTransformer -based methods have attracted numerous researchers in this domain\nand achieved state-of-the-art results in most of the pair languages. In this\npaper, we report an effective method using a phrase mechanism,\nPhraseTransformer, to improve the strong baseline model Transformer in\nconstructing a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system for parallel corpora\nVietnamese-Chinese. Our experiments on the MT dataset of the VLSP 2022\ncompetition achieved the BLEU score of 35.3 on Vietnamese to Chinese and 33.2\nBLEU scores on Chinese to Vietnamese data. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/phuongnm94/PhraseTransformer.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:46:40 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:33:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","Phuong Minh",""],["Nguyen","Le Minh",""]]} {"id":"2308.10483","submitter":"Shuai Lu","authors":"Shuai Lu, Zihang Gao, Yong Sun, Suhan Zhang, Baoju Li, Chengliang Hao,\n Yijun Xu, Wei Gu","title":"Aggregate Model of District Heating Network for Integrated Energy\n Dispatch: A Physically Informed Data-Driven Approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The district heating network (DHN) is essential in enhancing the operational\nflexibility of integrated energy systems (IES). Yet, it is hard to obtain an\naccurate and concise DHN model for the operation owing to complicated network\nfeatures and imperfect measurement. Considering this, this paper proposes a\nphysically informed data-driven aggregate model (AGM) for DHN, providing a\nconcise description of the source-load relationship of DHN without exposing\nnetwork details. First, we derive the analytical relationship between the state\nvariables of the source and load nodes of DHN, offering a physical fundament\nfor the AGM. Second, we propose a physics-informed estimator for AGM that is\nrobust to low-quality measurement, in which the physical constraints associated\nwith the parameter normalization and sparsity are embedded to improve the\naccuracy and robustness. Finally, we propose a physics-enhanced algorithm to\nsolve the nonlinear estimator with non-closed constraints efficiently.\nSimulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:54:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Shuai",""],["Gao","Zihang",""],["Sun","Yong",""],["Zhang","Suhan",""],["Li","Baoju",""],["Hao","Chengliang",""],["Xu","Yijun",""],["Gu","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10484","submitter":"Yiwei Dong","authors":"Yiwei Dong, Yan Sun, Ye Xu, Zehao Lin, Shuaibo Bian, Chaojie Hao,\n Dejian Liu, Yingjie Li, Ji Yang, Yang Su, Xin Zhou, Shaobo Zhang, Qing-Zeng\n Yan, and Zhiwei Chen","title":"Distributions and Physical Properties of Molecular Clouds in the Third\n Galactic Quadrant: $l$ = [219.75, 229.75]$^\\circ$ and $b$ = [-5.25,\n 5.25]$^\\circ$","comments":"22 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables (with machine-readable versions),\n published in ApJS","journal-ref":"ApJS 268 1 (2023)","doi":"10.3847/1538-4365/acde81","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present the results of an unbiased $^{12}$CO/$^{13}$CO/C$^{18}$O ($J$ =\n1-0) survey in a portion of the third Galactic quadrant (TGQ): $l$ = [219.75,\n229.75]$^\\circ$ and $b$ = [-5.25, 5.25]$^\\circ$. The high-resolution and\nhigh-sensitivity data sets help to unravel the distributions and physical\nproperties of the molecular clouds (MCs) in the mapped area. In the LSR\nvelocity range from -1 to 85 km/s, the molecular material successfully traces\nthe Local, Perseus, and Outer arms. In the TGQ, the Outer arm appears to be\nmore prominent than that in the second Galactic quadrant (SGQ), but the Perseus\narm is not as conspicuous as that in the SGQ. A total of 1,502 $^{12}$CO, 570\n$^{13}$CO, and 53 C$^{18}$O molecular structures are identified, spanning over\n$\\sim2$ and $\\sim6$ orders of magnitude in size and mass, respectively. Tight\nmass-radius correlations and virial parameter-mass anticorrelations are\nobservable. Yet, it seems that no clear correlations between velocity\ndispersion and effective radius can be found over the full dynamic range. The\nvertical distribution of the MCs renders evident pictures of the Galactic warp\nand flare.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:57:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Dong","Yiwei",""],["Sun","Yan",""],["Xu","Ye",""],["Lin","Zehao",""],["Bian","Shuaibo",""],["Hao","Chaojie",""],["Liu","Dejian",""],["Li","Yingjie",""],["Yang","Ji",""],["Su","Yang",""],["Zhou","Xin",""],["Zhang","Shaobo",""],["Yan","Qing-Zeng",""],["Chen","Zhiwei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10485","submitter":"Igor Shparlinski","authors":"Kamil Bulinski and Igor E. Shparlinski","title":"Counting elements of the congruence subgroup","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We obtain asymptotic formulas for the number of matrices in the congruence\nsubgroup \\[ \\Gamma_0(Q) = \\left\\{ A\\in\\mathrm{SL}_2(\\mathbb Z):~c \\equiv 0\n\\pmod Q\\right\\}, \\] which are of naive height at most $X$. Our result is\nuniform in a very broad range of values $Q$ and $X$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:01:09 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 05:15:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Bulinski","Kamil",""],["Shparlinski","Igor E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10486","submitter":"Sehwan Moon","authors":"Sehwan Moon and Hyunju Lee","title":"Deep Metric Loss for Multimodal Learning","comments":"18 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multimodal learning often outperforms its unimodal counterparts by exploiting\nunimodal contributions and cross-modal interactions. However, focusing only on\nintegrating multimodal features into a unified comprehensive representation\noverlooks the unimodal characteristics. In real data, the contributions of\nmodalities can vary from instance to instance, and they often reinforce or\nconflict with each other. In this study, we introduce a novel \\text{MultiModal}\nloss paradigm for multimodal learning, which subgroups instances according to\ntheir unimodal contributions. \\text{MultiModal} loss can prevent inefficient\nlearning caused by overfitting and efficiently optimize multimodal models. On\nsynthetic data, \\text{MultiModal} loss demonstrates improved classification\nperformance by subgrouping difficult instances within certain modalities. On\nfour real multimodal datasets, our loss is empirically shown to improve the\nperformance of recent models. Ablation studies verify the effectiveness of our\nloss. Additionally, we show that our loss generates a reliable prediction score\nfor each modality, which is essential for subgrouping. Our \\text{MultiModal}\nloss is a novel loss function to subgroup instances according to the\ncontribution of modalities in multimodal learning and is applicable to a\nvariety of multimodal models with unimodal decisions. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/SehwanMoon/MultiModalLoss.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:04:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Moon","Sehwan",""],["Lee","Hyunju",""]]} {"id":"2308.10487","submitter":"Lue Tao","authors":"Lue Tao, Yu-Xuan Huang, Wang-Zhou Dai, Yuan Jiang","title":"Deciphering Raw Data in Neuro-Symbolic Learning with Provable Guarantees","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Neuro-symbolic hybrid systems are promising for integrating machine learning\nand symbolic reasoning, where perception models are facilitated with\ninformation inferred from a symbolic knowledge base through logical reasoning.\nDespite empirical evidence showing the ability of hybrid systems to learn\naccurate perception models, the theoretical understanding of learnability is\nstill lacking. Hence, it remains unclear why a hybrid system succeeds for a\nspecific task and when it may fail given a different knowledge base. In this\npaper, we introduce a novel way of characterising supervision signals from a\nknowledge base, and establish a criterion for determining the knowledge's\nefficacy in facilitating successful learning. This, for the first time, allows\nus to address the two questions above by inspecting the knowledge base under\ninvestigation. Our analysis suggests that many knowledge bases satisfy the\ncriterion, thus enabling effective learning, while some fail to satisfy it,\nindicating potential failures. Comprehensive experiments confirm the utility of\nour criterion on benchmark tasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:04:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tao","Lue",""],["Huang","Yu-Xuan",""],["Dai","Wang-Zhou",""],["Jiang","Yuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10488","submitter":"Pranav Singh","authors":"Pranav Singh, Luoyao Chen, Mei Chen, Jinqian Pan, Raviteja\n Chukkapalli, Shravan Chaudhari and Jacopo Cirrone","title":"Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation: Optimizing Cross-Entropy Weights\n and Post-Processing with Autoencoders","comments":"Accepted at ICCV CVAMD 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The task of medical image segmentation presents unique challenges,\nnecessitating both localized and holistic semantic understanding to accurately\ndelineate areas of interest, such as critical tissues or aberrant features.\nThis complexity is heightened in medical image segmentation due to the high\ndegree of inter-class similarities, intra-class variations, and possible image\nobfuscation. The segmentation task further diversifies when considering the\nstudy of histopathology slides for autoimmune diseases like dermatomyositis.\nThe analysis of cell inflammation and interaction in these cases has been less\nstudied due to constraints in data acquisition pipelines. Despite the\nprogressive strides in medical science, we lack a comprehensive collection of\nautoimmune diseases. As autoimmune diseases globally escalate in prevalence and\nexhibit associations with COVID-19, their study becomes increasingly essential.\nWhile there is existing research that integrates artificial intelligence in the\nanalysis of various autoimmune diseases, the exploration of dermatomyositis\nremains relatively underrepresented. In this paper, we present a deep-learning\napproach tailored for Medical image segmentation. Our proposed method\noutperforms the current state-of-the-art techniques by an average of 12.26% for\nU-Net and 12.04% for U-Net++ across the ResNet family of encoders on the\ndermatomyositis dataset. Furthermore, we probe the importance of optimizing\nloss function weights and benchmark our methodology on three challenging\nmedical image segmentation tasks\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:09:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Singh","Pranav",""],["Chen","Luoyao",""],["Chen","Mei",""],["Pan","Jinqian",""],["Chukkapalli","Raviteja",""],["Chaudhari","Shravan",""],["Cirrone","Jacopo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10489","submitter":"Suprio Bhar","authors":"Suprio Bhar, Rajeev Bhaskaran and Arvind Kumar Nath","title":"Existence and Uniqueness of Stochastic PDEs associated with the Forward\n Equations: An Approach using Alternate Norms","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider stochastic PDEs \\[dY_t = L(Y_t)\\, dt + A(Y_t).\\, dB_t, t > 0\\]\nand associated PDEs \\[du_t = L u_t\\, dt, t > 0\\] with regular initial\nconditions. Here, $L$ and $A$ are certain partial differential operators\ninvolving multiplication by smooth functions and are of the order two and one\nrespectively, and in special cases are associated with finite dimensional\ndiffusion processes. This PDE also includes Kolmogorov's Forward Equation\n(Fokker-Planck Equation) as a special case. We first prove a Monotonicity\ninequality for the pair $(L, A)$ and using this inequality, we obtain the\nexistence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the Stochastic PDE and the PDE.\nIn addition, a stochastic representation for the solution to the PDE is also\nestablished.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:18:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bhar","Suprio",""],["Bhaskaran","Rajeev",""],["Nath","Arvind Kumar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10490","submitter":"Xin Yu","authors":"Xin Yu, Peng Dai, Wenbo Li, Lan Ma, Zhengzhe Liu, Xiaojuan Qi","title":"Texture Generation on 3D Meshes with Point-UV Diffusion","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023, Oral","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we focus on synthesizing high-quality textures on 3D meshes. We\npresent Point-UV diffusion, a coarse-to-fine pipeline that marries the\ndenoising diffusion model with UV mapping to generate 3D consistent and\nhigh-quality texture images in UV space. We start with introducing a point\ndiffusion model to synthesize low-frequency texture components with our\ntailored style guidance to tackle the biased color distribution. The derived\ncoarse texture offers global consistency and serves as a condition for the\nsubsequent UV diffusion stage, aiding in regularizing the model to generate a\n3D consistent UV texture image. Then, a UV diffusion model with hybrid\nconditions is developed to enhance the texture fidelity in the 2D UV space. Our\nmethod can process meshes of any genus, generating diversified,\ngeometry-compatible, and high-fidelity textures. Code is available at\nhttps://cvmi-lab.github.io/Point-UV-Diffusion\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:20:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Xin",""],["Dai","Peng",""],["Li","Wenbo",""],["Ma","Lan",""],["Liu","Zhengzhe",""],["Qi","Xiaojuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10491","submitter":"Francesco Barbato","authors":"Giulia Rizzoli, Francesco Barbato, Matteo Caligiuri, Pietro Zanuttigh","title":"SynDrone -- Multi-modal UAV Dataset for Urban Scenarios","comments":"Accepted at ICCV Workshops, downloadable dataset with CC-BY license,\n 8 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The development of computer vision algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles\n(UAVs) imagery heavily relies on the availability of annotated high-resolution\naerial data. However, the scarcity of large-scale real datasets with\npixel-level annotations poses a significant challenge to researchers as the\nlimited number of images in existing datasets hinders the effectiveness of deep\nlearning models that require a large amount of training data. In this paper, we\npropose a multimodal synthetic dataset containing both images and 3D data taken\nat multiple flying heights to address these limitations. In addition to\nobject-level annotations, the provided data also include pixel-level labeling\nin 28 classes, enabling exploration of the potential advantages in tasks like\nsemantic segmentation. In total, our dataset contains 72k labeled samples that\nallow for effective training of deep architectures showing promising results in\nsynthetic-to-real adaptation. The dataset will be made publicly available to\nsupport the development of novel computer vision methods targeting UAV\napplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:22:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Rizzoli","Giulia",""],["Barbato","Francesco",""],["Caligiuri","Matteo",""],["Zanuttigh","Pietro",""]]} {"id":"2308.10492","submitter":"Zhaosheng Wang","authors":"Minjie Zhang, Jiating Wu, Ke Shi, Langsheng Ling, Wei Tong, Chuanying\n Xi, Li Pi, J. Wosnitza, Huiqian Luo, Zhaosheng Wang","title":"Huge magnetostriction in superconducting single-crystalline\n BaFe$_{1.908}$Ni$_{0.092}$As$_{2}$","comments":"4 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":"Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 072602 (2023)","doi":"10.1063/5.0166209","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The performance of iron-based superconductors in high magnetic fields plays\nan important role for their practical application. In this work, we measured\nthe magnetostriction and magnetization of BaFe$_{1.908}$Ni$_{0.092}$As$_{2}$\nsingle crystals using pulsed magnetic fields up to 60 T and static magnetic\nfields up to 33 T, respectively. A huge longitudinal magnetostriction (of the\norder of 10$ ^{-4} $) was observed in the direction of the twin boundaries. The\nmagnetization measurements evidence a high critical-current density due to\nstrong bulk pinning. By using magnetization data with an exponential\nflux-pinning model, we can reproduce the magnetostriction curves qualitatively.\nThis result shows that the magnetostriction of\nBaFe$_{1.908}$Ni$_{0.092}$As$_{2}$ can be well explained by a\nflux-pinning-induced mechanism.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:22:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Minjie",""],["Wu","Jiating",""],["Shi","Ke",""],["Ling","Langsheng",""],["Tong","Wei",""],["Xi","Chuanying",""],["Pi","Li",""],["Wosnitza","J.",""],["Luo","Huiqian",""],["Wang","Zhaosheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10493","submitter":"Liu Zhuang Mr.","authors":"Zhuang Liu and Ye Yuan and Zhilong Ji and Jingfeng Bai and Xiang Bai","title":"Semantic Graph Representation Learning for Handwritten Mathematical\n Expression Recognition","comments":"12 Pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Handwritten mathematical expression recognition (HMER) has attracted\nextensive attention recently. However, current methods cannot explicitly study\nthe interactions between different symbols, which may fail when faced similar\nsymbols. To alleviate this issue, we propose a simple but efficient method to\nenhance semantic interaction learning (SIL). Specifically, we firstly construct\na semantic graph based on the statistical symbol co-occurrence probabilities.\nThen we design a semantic aware module (SAM), which projects the visual and\nclassification feature into semantic space. The cosine distance between\ndifferent projected vectors indicates the correlation between symbols. And\njointly optimizing HMER and SIL can explicitly enhances the model's\nunderstanding of symbol relationships. In addition, SAM can be easily plugged\ninto existing attention-based models for HMER and consistently bring\nimprovement. Extensive experiments on public benchmark datasets demonstrate\nthat our proposed module can effectively enhance the recognition performance.\nOur method achieves better recognition performance than prior arts on both\nCROHME and HME100K datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:23:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Zhuang",""],["Yuan","Ye",""],["Ji","Zhilong",""],["Bai","Jingfeng",""],["Bai","Xiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10494","submitter":"Yulei Wang","authors":"Yulei Wang, Xin Cheng, Mingde Ding, Zhaoyuan Liu, Jian Liu, Xiaojue\n Zhu","title":"Three-dimensional Turbulent Reconnection within Solar Flare Current\n Sheet","comments":"15 pages, 8 figure, accepted for publication in ApJL","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Solar flares can release coronal magnetic energy explosively and may impact\nthe safety of near-earth space environments. Their structures and properties on\nmacroscale have been interpreted successfully by the generally-accepted\ntwo-dimension standard model invoking magnetic reconnection theory as the key\nenergy conversion mechanism. Nevertheless, some momentous dynamical features as\ndiscovered by recent high-resolution observations remain elusive. Here, we\nreport a self-consistent high-resolution three-dimension magnetohydrodynamical\nsimulation of turbulent magnetic reconnection within a flare current sheet. It\nis found that fragmented current patches of different scales are spontaneously\ngenerated with a well-developed turbulence spectrum at the current sheet, as\nwell as at the flare loop-top region. The close coupling of tearing-mode and\nKelvin-Helmholtz instabilities plays a critical role in developing turbulent\nreconnection and in forming dynamical structures with synthetic observables in\ngood agreement with realistic observations. The sophisticated modeling makes a\nparadigm shift from the traditional to three-dimension turbulent reconnection\nmodel unifying flare dynamical structures of different scales.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:25:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yulei",""],["Cheng","Xin",""],["Ding","Mingde",""],["Liu","Zhaoyuan",""],["Liu","Jian",""],["Zhu","Xiaojue",""]]} {"id":"2308.10495","submitter":"Ilya Deriy","authors":"Ilya Deriy, Kseniia Lezhennikova, Stanislav Glybovsky, Ivan Iorsh,\n Oleh Yermakov, Mingzhao Song, Redha Abdeddaim, Stefan Enoch, Pavel Belov, and\n Andrey Bogdanov","title":"Anomalous Reflection From Hyperbolic Media","comments":"16 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.class-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Despite the apparent simplicity, the problem of refraction of electromagnetic\nwaves at the planar interface between two media has an incredibly rich spectrum\nof unusual phenomena. An example is the paradox that occurs when an\nelectromagnetic wave is incident on the interface between a hyperbolic medium\nand an isotropic dielectric. At certain orientations of the optical axis of the\nhyperbolic medium relative to the interface, the reflected and transmitted\nwaves are completely absent. In this paper, we formulate the aforementioned\nparadox and present its resolution by introduction of infinitesimal losses in a\nhyperbolic medium. We show that the reflected wave exists, but became extremely\ndecaying as the loss parameter tends to zero. As a consequence, all the energy\nscattered into the reflected channel is absorbed at the interface. We support\nour reasoning with analytical calculations, numerical simulations, and an\nexperiment with self-complementary metasurfaces in the microwave region. In\naddition to the great fundamental interest, this paradox resolution discovers a\nplethora of applications for the reflectors, refractors, absorbers, lenses,\nantennas, camouflage and holography applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:26:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Deriy","Ilya",""],["Lezhennikova","Kseniia",""],["Glybovsky","Stanislav",""],["Iorsh","Ivan",""],["Yermakov","Oleh",""],["Song","Mingzhao",""],["Abdeddaim","Redha",""],["Enoch","Stefan",""],["Belov","Pavel",""],["Bogdanov","Andrey",""]]} {"id":"2308.10496","submitter":"Oliver Niggemann","authors":"Jan-Philipp Roche and Oliver Niggemann and Jens Friebe","title":"Using Autoencoders and AutoDiff to Reconstruct Missing Variables in a\n Set of Time Series","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Existing black box modeling approaches in machine learning suffer from a\nfixed input and output feature combination. In this paper, a new approach to\nreconstruct missing variables in a set of time series is presented. An\nautoencoder is trained as usual with every feature on both sides and the neural\nnetwork parameters are fixed after this training. Then, the searched variables\nare defined as missing variables at the autoencoder input and optimized via\nautomatic differentiation. This optimization is performed with respect to the\navailable features loss calculation. With this method, different input and\noutput feature combinations of the trained model can be realized by defining\nthe searched variables as missing variables and reconstructing them. The\ncombination can be changed without training the autoencoder again. The approach\nis evaluated on the base of a strongly nonlinear electrical component. It is\nworking well for one of four variables missing and generally even for multiple\nmissing variables.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:35:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Roche","Jan-Philipp",""],["Niggemann","Oliver",""],["Friebe","Jens",""]]} {"id":"2308.10497","submitter":"Huaiqian Li","authors":"Huaiqian Li and Bingyao Wu","title":"Asymptotics of Kantorovich Distance for Empirical Measures of the\n Laguerre Model","comments":"15 pages; to appear in PAMS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We estimate the rate of convergence for the Kantorovich (or Wasserstein)\ndistance between empirical measures of i.i.d. random variables associated with\nthe Laguerre model of order $\\alpha$ on $(0,\\infty)^N$ and their common law,\nwhich is not compactly supported and has no rotational symmetry. Compared with\nthe Gaussian case, our result is sharp provided the parameter $\\alpha$ and the\ndimension $N$ are chosen in a specified regime.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:36:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Huaiqian",""],["Wu","Bingyao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10498","submitter":"Subenoy Chakraborty","authors":"Madhukrishna Chakraborty and Subenoy Chakraborty","title":"Raychaudhuri equation and Bouncing cosmology","comments":"15 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The present work deals with an exhaustive study of bouncing cosmology in the\nbackground of homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker\nspace-time. The geometry of the bouncing point has been studied extensively and\nused as a tool to classify the models from the point of view of cosmology.\nRaychaudhuri equation (RE) has been furnished in these models to classify the\nbouncing point as regular point or singular point. Behavior of time-like\ngeodesic congruence in the neighbourhood of the bouncing point has been\ndiscussed using the Focusing Theorem which follows as a consequence of the RE.\nAn analogy of the RE with the evolution equation for a linear harmonic\noscillator has been made and an oscillatory bouncing model has been discussed\nin this context.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:38:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chakraborty","Madhukrishna",""],["Chakraborty","Subenoy",""]]} {"id":"2308.10499","submitter":"Aditya Subramanian","authors":"Diptarka Chakraborty, Syamantak Das, Arindam Khan and Aditya\n Subramanian","title":"Fair Rank Aggregation","comments":"A preliminary version of this paper appeared in NeurIPS 2022","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Ranking algorithms find extensive usage in diverse areas such as web search,\nemployment, college admission, voting, etc. The related rank aggregation\nproblem deals with combining multiple rankings into a single aggregate ranking.\nHowever, algorithms for both these problems might be biased against some\nindividuals or groups due to implicit prejudice or marginalization in the\nhistorical data. We study ranking and rank aggregation problems from a fairness\nor diversity perspective, where the candidates (to be ranked) may belong to\ndifferent groups and each group should have a fair representation in the final\nranking. We allow the designer to set the parameters that define fair\nrepresentation. These parameters specify the allowed range of the number of\ncandidates from a particular group in the top-$k$ positions of the ranking.\nGiven any ranking, we provide a fast and exact algorithm for finding the\nclosest fair ranking for the Kendall tau metric under block-fairness. We also\nprovide an exact algorithm for finding the closest fair ranking for the Ulam\nmetric under strict-fairness, when there are only $O(1)$ number of groups. Our\nalgorithms are simple, fast, and might be extendable to other relevant metrics.\nWe also give a novel meta-algorithm for the general rank aggregation problem\nunder the fairness framework. Surprisingly, this meta-algorithm works for any\ngeneralized mean objective (including center and median problems) and any\nfairness criteria. As a byproduct, we obtain 3-approximation algorithms for\nboth center and median problems, under both Kendall tau and Ulam metrics.\nFurthermore, using sophisticated techniques we obtain a\n$(3-\\varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm, for a constant $\\varepsilon>0$, for\nthe Ulam metric under strong fairness.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:38:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chakraborty","Diptarka",""],["Das","Syamantak",""],["Khan","Arindam",""],["Subramanian","Aditya",""]]} {"id":"2308.10500","submitter":"Hrvoje Nikolic","authors":"Hrvoje Nikolic","title":"Quantum statistical mechanics from a Bohmian perspective","comments":"31 pages, minor revision","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We develop a general formulation of quantum statistical mechanics in terms of\nprobability currents that satisfy continuity equations in the multi-particle\nposition space, for closed and open systems with a fixed number of particles.\nThe continuity equation for any closed or open system suggests a natural\nBohmian interpretation in terms of microscopic particle trajectories, that make\nthe same measurable predictions as standard quantum theory. The microscopic\ntrajectories are not directly observable, but provide a general, simple and\nintuitive microscopic interpretation of macroscopic phenomena in quantum\nstatistical mechanics. In particular, we discuss how various notions of\nentropy, proper and improper mixtures, and thermodynamics are understood from\nthe Bohmian perspective.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:39:10 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 06:22:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Nikolic","Hrvoje",""]]} {"id":"2308.10501","submitter":"Shanshan Wang","authors":"Shanshan Wang, Mamadou Diagne, Miroslav Krsti\\'c","title":"Deep Learning of Delay-Compensated Backstepping for Reaction-Diffusion\n PDEs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP cs.LG math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks that approximate nonlinear function-to-function\nmappings, i.e., operators, which are called DeepONet, have been demonstrated in\nrecent articles to be capable of encoding entire PDE control methodologies,\nsuch as backstepping, so that, for each new functional coefficient of a PDE\nplant, the backstepping gains are obtained through a simple function\nevaluation. These initial results have been limited to single PDEs from a given\nclass, approximating the solutions of only single-PDE operators for the gain\nkernels. In this paper we expand this framework to the approximation of\nmultiple (cascaded) nonlinear operators. Multiple operators arise in the\ncontrol of PDE systems from distinct PDE classes, such as the system in this\npaper: a reaction-diffusion plant, which is a parabolic PDE, with input delay,\nwhich is a hyperbolic PDE. The DeepONet-approximated nonlinear operator is a\ncascade/composition of the operators defined by one hyperbolic PDE of the\nGoursat form and one parabolic PDE on a rectangle, both of which are bilinear\nin their input functions and not explicitly solvable. For the delay-compensated\nPDE backstepping controller, which employs the learned control operator,\nnamely, the approximated gain kernel, we guarantee exponential stability in the\n$L^2$ norm of the plant state and the $H^1$ norm of the input delay state.\nSimulations illustrate the contributed theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:42:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Shanshan",""],["Diagne","Mamadou",""],["Krsti\u0107","Miroslav",""]]} {"id":"2308.10502","submitter":"Junze Yin","authors":"Yeqi Gao, Zhao Song, Junze Yin","title":"GradientCoin: A Peer-to-Peer Decentralized Large Language Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CL stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Since 2008, after the proposal of a Bitcoin electronic cash system, Bitcoin\nhas fundamentally changed the economic system over the last decade. Since 2022,\nlarge language models (LLMs) such as GPT have outperformed humans in many\nreal-life tasks. However, these large language models have several practical\nissues. For example, the model is centralized and controlled by a specific\nunit. One weakness is that if that unit decides to shut down the model, it\ncannot be used anymore. The second weakness is the lack of guaranteed\ndiscrepancy behind this model, as certain dishonest units may design their own\nmodels and feed them unhealthy training data.\n In this work, we propose a purely theoretical design of a decentralized LLM\nthat operates similarly to a Bitcoin cash system. However, implementing such a\nsystem might encounter various practical difficulties. Furthermore, this new\nsystem is unlikely to perform better than the standard Bitcoin system in\neconomics. Therefore, the motivation for designing such a system is limited. It\nis likely that only two types of people would be interested in setting up a\npractical system for it:\n $\\bullet$ Those who prefer to use a decentralized ChatGPT-like software.\n $\\bullet$ Those who believe that the purpose of carbon-based life is to\ncreate silicon-based life, such as Optimus Prime in Transformers.\n The reason the second type of people may be interested is that it is possible\nthat one day an AI system like this will awaken and become the next level of\nintelligence on this planet.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:42:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Yeqi",""],["Song","Zhao",""],["Yin","Junze",""]]} {"id":"2308.10503","submitter":"Isha Sanskriti","authors":"I. Sanskriti, D. Kim, and J. Twamley","title":"Shape deformation of magnetically levitated fluid droplets","comments":"6 pages, two column, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Diamagnetic levitation can provide a completely passive method to support\nmaterials against the pull of gravity, and researchers have levitated both\nsolids and fluids. Such levitation can be assisted by increasing the magnetic\nsusceptibility contrast by using a surrounding paramagnetic medium and through\nbuoyancy forces, known as magneto-Archimedean levitation. The\nmagneto-Archimedean levitation of solids has proved useful in chemistry and\nbiology. However, the levitation of fluid droplets has an additional interest\nbecause the fluid droplet's shape can deform. We perform experiments and\nsimulations to gauge the squashing or eccentricity of the static magnetically\nlevitated fluid droplet. By carefully characterizing all the parameters\naffecting the droplet's levitation, using image analysis to estimate the\ndroplet's eccentricity, and using finite element adaptive simulations to find\nthe lowest energy droplet shape, we find good agreement between the simulations\nand experimental results. As a potential application, we show that the\ndroplet's eccentricity can be used to perform magnetic gradiometry with a\npotential resolution of $S\\sim 8\\,{\\rm nT/cm}$, over a volume of 10 mm$^3$,\nwhich is competitive with other room-temperature magnetic gradiometer\ntechniques.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:44:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sanskriti","I.",""],["Kim","D.",""],["Twamley","J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10504","submitter":"Ebenezer Isaac","authors":"Ebenezer R.H.P. Isaac and Akshat Sharma","title":"Adaptive Thresholding Heuristic for KPI Anomaly Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A plethora of outlier detectors have been explored in the time series domain,\nhowever, in a business sense, not all outliers are anomalies of interest.\nExisting anomaly detection solutions are confined to certain outlier detectors\nlimiting their applicability to broader anomaly detection use cases. Network\nKPIs (Key Performance Indicators) tend to exhibit stochastic behaviour\nproducing statistical outliers, most of which do not adversely affect business\noperations. Thus, a heuristic is required to capture the business definition of\nan anomaly for time series KPI. This article proposes an Adaptive Thresholding\nHeuristic (ATH) to dynamically adjust the detection threshold based on the\nlocal properties of the data distribution and adapt to changes in time series\npatterns. The heuristic derives the threshold based on the expected periodicity\nand the observed proportion of anomalies minimizing false positives and\naddressing concept drift. ATH can be used in conjunction with any underlying\nseasonality decomposition method and an outlier detector that yields an outlier\nscore. This method has been tested on EON1-Cell-U, a labeled KPI anomaly\ndataset produced by Ericsson, to validate our hypothesis. Experimental results\nshow that ATH is computationally efficient making it scalable for near real\ntime anomaly detection and flexible with multiple forecasters and outlier\ndetectors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:45:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Isaac","Ebenezer R. H. P.",""],["Sharma","Akshat",""]]} {"id":"2308.10505","submitter":"Weihao Li","authors":"Weihao Li, Emily Dodwell, Dianne Cook","title":"A Clustering Algorithm to Organize Satellite Hotspot Data for the\n Purpose of Tracking Bushfires Remotely","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.AP stat.CO stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes a spatiotemporal clustering algorithm and its\nimplementation in the R package spotoroo. This work is motivated by the\ncatastrophic bushfires in Australia throughout the summer of 2019-2020 and made\npossible by the availability of satellite hotspot data. The algorithm is\ninspired by two existing spatiotemporal clustering algorithms but makes\nenhancements to cluster points spatially in conjunction with their movement\nacross consecutive time periods. It also allows for the adjustment of key\nparameters, if required, for different locations and satellite data sources.\nBushfire data from Victoria, Australia, is used to illustrate the algorithm and\nits use within the package.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:45:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Weihao",""],["Dodwell","Emily",""],["Cook","Dianne",""]]} {"id":"2308.10506","submitter":"Lianghai Xiao","authors":"Lianghai Xiao, Yitian Qian, Shaohua Pan","title":"A relaxation method for binary orthogonal optimization problems with its\n applications","comments":"Binary orthogonal optimization problems, global exact penalty,\n relaxation methods, semantic hashing","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This paper focuses on a class of binary orthogonal optimization problems\nfrequently arising in semantic hashing. Consider that this class of problems\nmay have an empty feasible set, rendering them not well-defined. We introduce\nan equivalent model involving a restricted Stiefel manifold and a matrix box\nset, and then investigate its penalty problems induced by the $\\ell_1$-distance\nfrom the box set and its Moreau envelope. The two penalty problems are always\nwell-defined, and moreover, they serve as the global exact penalties provided\nthat the original model is well-defined. Notably, the penalty problem induced\nby the Moreau envelope is a smooth optimization over an embedded submanifold\nwith a favorable structure. We develop a retraction-based nonmonotone\nline-search Riemannian gradient method to address this penalty problem to\nachieve a desirable solution for the original binary orthogonal problems.\nFinally, the proposed method is applied to supervised and unsupervised hashing\ntasks and is compared with several popular methods on the MNIST and CIFAR-10\ndatasets. The numerical comparisons reveal that our algorithm is significantly\nsuperior to other solvers in terms of feasibility violation, and it is\ncomparable even superior to others in terms of evaluation metrics related to\nthe Hamming distance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:46:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Xiao","Lianghai",""],["Qian","Yitian",""],["Pan","Shaohua",""]]} {"id":"2308.10507","submitter":"Zhixue Liu","authors":"Zhixue Liu","title":"An estimation of the Gauss curvature and the modified defect relation\n for the Gauss map of immersed harmonic surfaces in $\\mathbb{R}^n$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CV math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $X:M\\rightarrow{\\mathbb R}^3$ denote a $K$-quasiconformal harmonic\nsurface and let $\\mathfrak{n}$ be the unit normal map of $M$. We define $d(p)$\nas the distance from point $p$ to the boundary of $M$ and $\\mathcal{K}(p)$ as\nthe Gauss curvature of $M$ at $p$. Assuming that the Gauss map (i.e., the\nnormal $\\mathfrak{n}$) omits $7$ directions $\\mathbf{d}_1,\\cdots,\\mathbf{d}_7$\nin $S^2$ with the property that any three of these directions are not contained\nin a plane in ${\\mathbb R}^3$. Then there exists a positive constant $C$\ndepending only on $\\mathbf{d}_1,\\cdots,\\mathbf{d}_7$ such that\n\\begin{equation*} |\\mathcal{K}(p)|\\leq C/d(p)^2 \\end{equation*} for all points\n$p\\in M$. Furthermore, a modified defect relation for the generalized Gauss map\nof the immersed harmonic surfaces in $\\mathbb{R}^n(n\\geq 3)$ is verified.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:48:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Zhixue",""]]} {"id":"2308.10508","submitter":"Biplab Bose","authors":"Talagadadeevi Nirupamateja (1), Siva Sai Himakar Sreerangam (1 and 2),\n Biplab Bose (1) ((1) Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian\n Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, India 781039, (2) American\n Express, Gurugram, India)","title":"Collective Alignment of Cells in Planar Cell Polarity: Insights from a\n Spin Model","comments":"11 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nlin.AO cond-mat.stat-mech q-bio.CB","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In metazoans, cells collectively polarize and align along the tissue plane.\nThis phenomenon is called Planar cell polarity (PCP). Polarization means\nasymmetric segregation of molecules and sub-cellular structures within a cell.\nIn PCP, cells collectively align in a particular direction along the tissue\nplane through identical polarization. PCP in the Drosophila wing requires local\ncell-cell interactions in the presence of some global cue. We used a\nlattice-based equilibrium model and investigated the collective alignment of\ncells through local interactions and a global cue. This system undergoes a\npercolation transition and belongs to the universality class of 2D random\npercolation. We show that the local interaction should be beyond a threshold to\ntrigger system-level coordinated polarization of cells. Under this condition,\neven a weak global cue can align all cells in the correct direction. With\nstrong local interactions, this system is robust against local aberrations in\nglobal signaling, and collective alignment of cells is achieved even with a\ntransient global signal.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:50:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nirupamateja","Talagadadeevi","","1 and 2"],["Sreerangam","Siva Sai Himakar","","1 and 2"],["Bose","Biplab",""]]} {"id":"2308.10509","submitter":"Rong Li","authors":"Teli Ma, Rong Li, Junwei Liang","title":"An Examination of the Compositionality of Large Generative\n Vision-Language Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" With the success of Large Language Models (LLMs), a surge of Generative\nVision-Language Models (GVLMs) have been constructed via multimodal instruction\ntuning. The tuning recipe substantially deviates from the common contrastive\nvision-language learning. However, the performance of GVLMs in multimodal\ncompositional reasoning remains largely unexplored, as existing evaluation\nmetrics and benchmarks focus predominantly on assessing contrastive models like\nCLIP. In this paper, we examine the potential evaluation metrics to assess the\nGVLMs and hypothesize generative score methods are suitable for evaluating\ncompositionality. In addition, current benchmarks tend to prioritize syntactic\ncorrectness over semantics. The presence of morphological bias in these\nbenchmarks can be exploited by GVLMs, leading to ineffective evaluations. To\ncombat this, we define a MorphoBias Score to quantify the morphological bias\nand propose a novel LLM-based strategy to calibrate the bias. Moreover, a\nchallenging task is added to evaluate the robustness of GVLMs against inherent\ninclination toward syntactic correctness. We include the calibrated dataset and\nthe task into a new benchmark, namely MOrphologicall De-biased Benchmark\n(MODE). Our study provides the first unbiased benchmark for the\ncompositionality of GVLMs, facilitating future research in this direction. We\nwill release our code and datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:50:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ma","Teli",""],["Li","Rong",""],["Liang","Junwei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10510","submitter":"Songtao Wu","authors":"Jing Wang, Songtao Wu, Kuanhong Xu, and Zhiqiang Yuan","title":"Frequency Compensated Diffusion Model for Real-scene Dehazing","comments":"16 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Due to distribution shift, deep learning based methods for image dehazing\nsuffer from performance degradation when applied to real-world hazy images. In\nthis paper, we consider a dehazing framework based on conditional diffusion\nmodels for improved generalization to real haze. First, we find that optimizing\nthe training objective of diffusion models, i.e., Gaussian noise vectors, is\nnon-trivial. The spectral bias of deep networks hinders the higher frequency\nmodes in Gaussian vectors from being learned and hence impairs the\nreconstruction of image details. To tackle this issue, we design a network\nunit, named Frequency Compensation block (FCB), with a bank of filters that\njointly emphasize the mid-to-high frequencies of an input signal. We\ndemonstrate that diffusion models with FCB achieve significant gains in both\nperceptual and distortion metrics. Second, to further boost the generalization\nperformance, we propose a novel data synthesis pipeline, HazeAug, to augment\nhaze in terms of degree and diversity. Within the framework, a solid baseline\nfor blind dehazing is set up where models are trained on synthetic hazy-clean\npairs, and directly generalize to real data. Extensive evaluations show that\nthe proposed dehazing diffusion model significantly outperforms\nstate-of-the-art methods on real-world images.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:50:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Jing",""],["Wu","Songtao",""],["Xu","Kuanhong",""],["Yuan","Zhiqiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10511","submitter":"Shrestha Datta","authors":"Shrestha Datta and Md Adith Mollah and Raisa Fairooz and Tariful Islam\n Fahim","title":"Performance Enhancement Leveraging Mask-RCNN on Bengali Document Layout\n Analysis","comments":"Contest paper, Conest: DL sprint 2.0 (Link:\n https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/dlsprint2), Solution link:\n https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/dlsprint2/discussion/432201","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Understanding digital documents is like solving a puzzle, especially\nhistorical ones. Document Layout Analysis (DLA) helps with this puzzle by\ndividing documents into sections like paragraphs, images, and tables. This is\ncrucial for machines to read and understand these documents. In the DL Sprint\n2.0 competition, we worked on understanding Bangla documents. We used a dataset\ncalled BaDLAD with lots of examples. We trained a special model called Mask\nR-CNN to help with this understanding. We made this model better by\nstep-by-step hyperparameter tuning, and we achieved a good dice score of 0.889.\nHowever, not everything went perfectly. We tried using a model trained for\nEnglish documents, but it didn't fit well with Bangla. This showed us that each\nlanguage has its own challenges. Our solution for the DL Sprint 2.0 is publicly\navailable at https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/dlsprint2/discussion/432201\nalong with notebooks, weights, and inference notebook.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:51:58 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:08:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Datta","Shrestha",""],["Mollah","Md Adith",""],["Fairooz","Raisa",""],["Fahim","Tariful Islam",""]]} {"id":"2308.10512","submitter":"Wang Chen","authors":"Wang Chen, Jintao Ke, Xiqun Chen","title":"Quantifying traffic emission reductions and traffic congestion\n alleviation from high-capacity ride-sharing","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Despite the promising benefits that ride-sharing offers, there has been a\nlack of research on the benefits of high-capacity ride-sharing services. Prior\nresearch has also overlooked the relationship between traffic volume and the\ndegree of traffic congestion and emissions. To address these gaps, this study\ndevelops an open-source agent-based simulation platform and a heuristic\nalgorithm to quantify the benefits of high-capacity ride-sharing with\nsignificantly lower computational costs. The simulation platform integrates a\ntraffic emission model and a speed-density traffic flow model to characterize\nthe interactions between traffic congestion levels and emissions. The\nexperiment results demonstrate that ride-sharing with vehicle capacities of 2,\n4, and 6 passengers can alleviate total traffic congestion by approximately 3%,\n4%, and 5%, and reduce traffic emissions of a ride-sourcing system by\napproximately 30%, 45%, and 50%, respectively. This study can guide\ntransportation network companies in designing and managing more efficient and\nenvironment-friendly mobility systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:53:57 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 01:58:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Wang",""],["Ke","Jintao",""],["Chen","Xiqun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10513","submitter":"Eneko Osaba","authors":"Esther Villar-Rodriguez, Aitor Gomez-Tejedor, Eneko Osaba","title":"Hybrid classical-quantum computing: are we forgetting the classical part\n in the binomial?","comments":"2 pages, 1 figure, paper accepted for being presented in the upcoming\n IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering - IEEE QCE\n 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.AI cs.ET","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The expectations arising from the latest achievements in the quantum\ncomputing field are causing that researchers coming from classical artificial\nintelligence to be fascinated by this new paradigm. In turn, quantum computing,\non the road towards usability, needs classical procedures. Hybridization is, in\nthese circumstances, an indispensable step but can also be seen as a promising\nnew avenue to get the most from both computational worlds. Nonetheless, hybrid\napproaches have now and will have in the future many challenges to face, which,\nif ignored, will threaten the viability or attractiveness of quantum computing\nfor real-world applications. To identify them and pose pertinent questions, a\nproper characterization of the hybrid quantum computing field, and especially\nhybrid solvers, is compulsory. With this motivation in mind, the main purpose\nof this work is to propose a preliminary taxonomy for classifying hybrid\nschemes, and bring to the fore some questions to stir up researchers minds\nabout the real challenges regarding the application of quantum computing.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:56:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Villar-Rodriguez","Esther",""],["Gomez-Tejedor","Aitor",""],["Osaba","Eneko",""]]} {"id":"2308.10514","submitter":"N. Asger Mortensen","authors":"Sergii Morozov, Torgom Yezekyan, Christian Wolff, Sergey I.\n Bozhevolnyi, N. Asger Mortensen","title":"Inducing room-temperature valley polarization of excitonic emission in\n transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el physics.optics quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The lowest energy states in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers\nfollow valley selection rules, which have attracted vast interest due to the\npossibility of encoding and processing of quantum information. However, these\nquantum states are strongly affected by the temperature-dependent intervalley\nscattering causing complete valley depolarization, which is hampering any\npractical applications of TMD monolayers at room temperature. Therefore, for\nachieving clear and robust valley polarization in TMD monolayers one needs to\nsuppress parasitic depolarization processes, which is the central challenge in\nthe growing field of valleytronics. Here, in electron-doping experiments on TMD\nmonolayers, we demonstrate that strong doping levels beyond $10^{13}$~cm$^{-2}$\ncan induce 61\\% and 37\\% valley contrast at room temperature in tungsten\ndiselenide and molybdenum diselenide monolayers, respectively. Our results\nindicate that charged excitons in TMD monolayers can be utilized as quantum\nunits in designing of practical valleytronic devices operating at 300 K.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:01:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Morozov","Sergii",""],["Yezekyan","Torgom",""],["Wolff","Christian",""],["Bozhevolnyi","Sergey I.",""],["Mortensen","N. Asger",""]]} {"id":"2308.10515","submitter":"Yifan Zhang","authors":"Yifan Zhang, Zhen Dong, Huanrui Yang, Ming Lu, Cheng-Ching Tseng, Yuan\n Du, Kurt Keutzer, Li Du, Shanghang Zhang","title":"QD-BEV : Quantization-aware View-guided Distillation for Multi-view 3D\n Object Detection","comments":"ICCV 2023 Accept","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multi-view 3D detection based on BEV (bird-eye-view) has recently achieved\nsignificant improvements. However, the huge memory consumption of\nstate-of-the-art models makes it hard to deploy them on vehicles, and the\nnon-trivial latency will affect the real-time perception of streaming\napplications. Despite the wide application of quantization to lighten models,\nwe show in our paper that directly applying quantization in BEV tasks will 1)\nmake the training unstable, and 2) lead to intolerable performance degradation.\nTo solve these issues, our method QD-BEV enables a novel view-guided\ndistillation (VGD) objective, which can stabilize the quantization-aware\ntraining (QAT) while enhancing the model performance by leveraging both image\nfeatures and BEV features. Our experiments show that QD-BEV achieves similar or\neven better accuracy than previous methods with significant efficiency gains.\nOn the nuScenes datasets, the 4-bit weight and 6-bit activation quantized\nQD-BEV-Tiny model achieves 37.2% NDS with only 15.8 MB model size,\noutperforming BevFormer-Tiny by 1.8% with an 8x model compression. On the Small\nand Base variants, QD-BEV models also perform superbly and achieve 47.9% NDS\n(28.2 MB) and 50.9% NDS (32.9 MB), respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:06:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yifan",""],["Dong","Zhen",""],["Yang","Huanrui",""],["Lu","Ming",""],["Tseng","Cheng-Ching",""],["Du","Yuan",""],["Keutzer","Kurt",""],["Du","Li",""],["Zhang","Shanghang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10516","submitter":"Michel Hehn","authors":"Jun-Xiao Lin, Michel Hehn, Thomas Hauet, Yi Peng, Junta Igarashi, Yann\n Le Guen, Quentin Remy, Jon Gorchon, Gregory Malinowski, St\\'ephane Mangin,\n and Julius Hohlfeld","title":"Single laser pulse induced magnetization switching in in-plane\n magnetized GdCo alloys","comments":"19 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The discovery of all-optical ultra-fast deterministic magnetization switching\nhas opened up new possibilities for manipulating magnetization in devices using\nfemtosecond laser pulses. Previous studies on single pulse all-optical\nhelicity-independent switching (AO-HIS) have mainly focused on perpendicularly\nmagnetized thin films. This work presents a comprehensive study on AO-HIS for\nin-plane magnetized GdxCo100-x thin films. Deterministic single femtosecond\nlaser pulse toggle magnetization switching is demonstrated in a wider\nconcentration range (x=10% to 25%) compared to the perpendicularly magnetized\ncounterparts with GdCo thicknesses up to 30 nm. The switching time strongly\ndepends on the GdxCo100-x concentration, with lower Gd concentration exhibiting\nshorter switching times (less than 500 fs). Our findings in this geometry\nprovide insights into the underlying mechanisms governing single pulse AO-HIS,\nwhich challenge existing theoretical predictions. Moreover, in-plane magnetized\nGdxCo100-x thin films offer extended potential for opto-spintronic applications\ncompared to their perpendicular magnetized counterparts.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:08:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Jun-Xiao",""],["Hehn","Michel",""],["Hauet","Thomas",""],["Peng","Yi",""],["Igarashi","Junta",""],["Guen","Yann Le",""],["Remy","Quentin",""],["Gorchon","Jon",""],["Malinowski","Gregory",""],["Mangin","St\u00e9phane",""],["Hohlfeld","Julius",""]]} {"id":"2308.10517","submitter":"Xingchang Huang","authors":"Xingchang Huang, Tobias Ritschel, Hans-Peter Seidel, Pooran Memari,\n Gurprit Singh","title":"Patternshop: Editing Point Patterns by Image Manipulation","comments":null,"journal-ref":"ACM Transactions on Graphics 2023 Volume 42 Issue 4 Article No.:\n 53","doi":"10.1145/3592418","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Point patterns are characterized by their density and correlation. While\nspatial variation of density is well-understood, analysis and synthesis of\nspatially-varying correlation is an open challenge. No tools are available to\nintuitively edit such point patterns, primarily due to the lack of a compact\nrepresentation for spatially varying correlation. We propose a low-dimensional\nperceptual embedding for point correlations. This embedding can map point\npatterns to common three-channel raster images, enabling manipulation with\noff-the-shelf image editing software. To synthesize back point patterns, we\npropose a novel edge-aware objective that carefully handles sharp variations in\ndensity and correlation. The resulting framework allows intuitive and\nbackward-compatible manipulation of point patterns, such as recoloring,\nrelighting to even texture synthesis that have not been available to 2D point\npattern design before. Effectiveness of our approach is tested in several user\nexperiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:10:43 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 10:35:24 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:27:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Xingchang",""],["Ritschel","Tobias",""],["Seidel","Hans-Peter",""],["Memari","Pooran",""],["Singh","Gurprit",""]]} {"id":"2308.10518","submitter":"Saman Rahmani Parhizkar","authors":"Saman Rahmani and Hossein Panahi and Amerne Najafizade","title":"Heun-type solutions for the Dirac particle on the curved background of\n Minkowski space-times","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In the present paper, we study the Dirac equation in the background of\nMinkowski space-time on a light cone. With the help of the coupling of the\nradial parts, the system of 4 equations is reduced to two different\nsecond-order differential equations, which coincide with a particle in present\npotentials. It turns out that the central equation reduces to Heun-type\nequations and provides us with energy spectra. Also, it is shown that the\nSchr\\\"odinger equation like with a combination of the external field is related\nto a second-order differential equation. In another way to solve the problem,\nresults are valid for a spinless charged particle in the context of the\nmagnetic field. Keywords: Heun function, Dirac equation, curved space-time,\nlight cone\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:11:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Rahmani","Saman",""],["Panahi","Hossein",""],["Najafizade","Amerne",""]]} {"id":"2308.10519","submitter":"Feilu Wang","authors":"Lan Zhang, Feilu Wang, Xiangxiang Xue, David Salzmann, Baifei Shen,\n Zehao Zhong, Gang Zhao","title":"Preliminary Exploration of Areal Density of Angular Momentum for Spiral\n Galaxies","comments":"7 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":"published by RAA, 2023, Vol 23, No. 8, Letters","doi":"10.1088/1674-4527/acdfa7","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The specific angular momenta ($j_t$) of stars, baryons as a whole and dark\nmatter haloes contain clues of vital importance about how galaxies form and\nevolve. Using a sample of 70 spiral galaxies, we perform a preliminary analysis\nof $j_t$, and introduce a new quantity, e.g., areal density of angular momentum\n(ADAM) ($j_t~M_\\star/4R_d^2$) as an indication for the existence of jet in\nspiral galaxies. The percentage of spiral galaxies having jet(s) shows strong\ncorrelation with the ADAM, although the present sample is incomplete.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:12:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Lan",""],["Wang","Feilu",""],["Xue","Xiangxiang",""],["Salzmann","David",""],["Shen","Baifei",""],["Zhong","Zehao",""],["Zhao","Gang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10520","submitter":"Na Zhang","authors":"Shangkun Weng and Wengang Yang and Na Zhang","title":"Smooth Subsonic and Transonic Flows with Nonzero Angular Velocity and\n Vorticity to steady Euler-Poisson system in a Concentric Cylinder","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, both smooth subsonic and transonic flows to steady\nEuler-Poisson system in a concentric cylinder are studied. We first establish\nthe existence of cylindrically symmetric smooth subsonic and transonic flows to\nsteady Euler-Poisson system in a concentric cylinder. On one hand, we\ninvestigate the structural stability of smooth cylindrically symmetric subsonic\nflows under three-dimensional perturbations on the inner and outer cylinders.\nOn the other hand, the structural stability of smooth transonic flows under the\naxi-symmetric perturbations are examined. There is no any restrictions on the\nbackground subsonic and transonic solutions. A deformation-curl-Poisson\ndecomposition to the steady Euler-Poisson system is utilized in our work to\ndeal with the hyperbolic-elliptic mixed structure in subsonic region. It should\nbe emphasized that there is a special structure of the steady Euler-Poisson\nsystem which yields a priori estimates and uniqueness of a second order\nelliptic system for the velocity potential and the electrostatic potential.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:15:06 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:02:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Weng","Shangkun",""],["Yang","Wengang",""],["Zhang","Na",""]]} {"id":"2308.10521","submitter":"Deguo Ma","authors":"Deguo Ma, Chen Li, Lin Qiao, Tianming Du, Dechao Tang, Zhiyu Ma,\n Marcin Grzegorzek Hongzan, Hongzan Sun","title":"PHE-SICH-CT-IDS: A Benchmark CT Image Dataset for Evaluation Semantic\n Segmentation, Object Detection and Radiomic Feature Extraction of\n Perihematomal Edema in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Intracerebral hemorrhage is one of the diseases with the highest mortality\nand poorest prognosis worldwide. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH)\ntypically presents acutely, prompt and expedited radiological examination is\ncrucial for diagnosis, localization, and quantification of the hemorrhage.\nEarly detection and accurate segmentation of perihematomal edema (PHE) play a\ncritical role in guiding appropriate clinical intervention and enhancing\npatient prognosis. However, the progress and assessment of computer-aided\ndiagnostic methods for PHE segmentation and detection face challenges due to\nthe scarcity of publicly accessible brain CT image datasets. This study\nestablishes a publicly available CT dataset named PHE-SICH-CT-IDS for\nperihematomal edema in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. The dataset\ncomprises 120 brain CT scans and 7,022 CT images, along with corresponding\nmedical information of the patients. To demonstrate its effectiveness,\nclassical algorithms for semantic segmentation, object detection, and radiomic\nfeature extraction are evaluated. The experimental results confirm the\nsuitability of PHE-SICH-CT-IDS for assessing the performance of segmentation,\ndetection and radiomic feature extraction methods. To the best of our\nknowledge, this is the first publicly available dataset for PHE in SICH,\ncomprising various data formats suitable for applications across diverse\nmedical scenarios. We believe that PHE-SICH-CT-IDS will allure researchers to\nexplore novel algorithms, providing valuable support for clinicians and\npatients in the clinical setting. PHE-SICH-CT-IDS is freely published for\nnon-commercial purpose at:\nhttps://figshare.com/articles/dataset/PHE-SICH-CT-IDS/23957937.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:18:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ma","Deguo",""],["Li","Chen",""],["Qiao","Lin",""],["Du","Tianming",""],["Tang","Dechao",""],["Ma","Zhiyu",""],["Hongzan","Marcin Grzegorzek",""],["Sun","Hongzan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10522","submitter":"Jiangmeng Li","authors":"Jiangmeng Li, Hang Gao, Wenwen Qiang, Changwen Zheng","title":"Information Theory-Guided Heuristic Progressive Multi-View Coding","comments":"This paper is accepted by the jourcal of Neural Networks (Elsevier)\n by 2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2109.02344","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multi-view representation learning aims to capture comprehensive information\nfrom multiple views of a shared context. Recent works intuitively apply\ncontrastive learning to different views in a pairwise manner, which is still\nscalable: view-specific noise is not filtered in learning view-shared\nrepresentations; the fake negative pairs, where the negative terms are actually\nwithin the same class as the positive, and the real negative pairs are\ncoequally treated; evenly measuring the similarities between terms might\ninterfere with optimization. Importantly, few works study the theoretical\nframework of generalized self-supervised multi-view learning, especially for\nmore than two views. To this end, we rethink the existing multi-view learning\nparadigm from the perspective of information theory and then propose a novel\ninformation theoretical framework for generalized multi-view learning. Guided\nby it, we build a multi-view coding method with a three-tier progressive\narchitecture, namely Information theory-guided hierarchical Progressive\nMulti-view Coding (IPMC). In the distribution-tier, IPMC aligns the\ndistribution between views to reduce view-specific noise. In the set-tier, IPMC\nconstructs self-adjusted contrasting pools, which are adaptively modified by a\nview filter. Lastly, in the instance-tier, we adopt a designed unified loss to\nlearn representations and reduce the gradient interference. Theoretically and\nempirically, we demonstrate the superiority of IPMC over state-of-the-art\nmethods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:19:47 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:03:19 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:49:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Li","Jiangmeng",""],["Gao","Hang",""],["Qiang","Wenwen",""],["Zheng","Changwen",""]]} {"id":"2308.10523","submitter":"Xin-Cheng Wen","authors":"Xin-Cheng Wen, Xinchen Wang, Cuiyun Gao, Shaohua Wang, Yang Liu,\n Zhaoquan Gu","title":"When Less is Enough: Positive and Unlabeled Learning Model for\n Vulnerability Detection","comments":"This paper is accepted by ASE 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.AI cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Automated code vulnerability detection has gained increasing attention in\nrecent years. The deep learning (DL)-based methods, which implicitly learn\nvulnerable code patterns, have proven effective in vulnerability detection. The\nperformance of DL-based methods usually relies on the quantity and quality of\nlabeled data. However, the current labeled data are generally automatically\ncollected, such as crawled from human-generated commits, making it hard to\nensure the quality of the labels. Prior studies have demonstrated that the\nnon-vulnerable code (i.e., negative labels) tends to be unreliable in\ncommonly-used datasets, while vulnerable code (i.e., positive labels) is more\ndetermined. Considering the large numbers of unlabeled data in practice, it is\nnecessary and worth exploring to leverage the positive data and large numbers\nof unlabeled data for more accurate vulnerability detection.\n In this paper, we focus on the Positive and Unlabeled (PU) learning problem\nfor vulnerability detection and propose a novel model named PILOT, i.e.,\nPositIve and unlabeled Learning mOdel for vulnerability deTection. PILOT only\nlearns from positive and unlabeled data for vulnerability detection. It mainly\ncontains two modules: (1) A distance-aware label selection module, aiming at\ngenerating pseudo-labels for selected unlabeled data, which involves the\ninter-class distance prototype and progressive fine-tuning; (2) A\nmixed-supervision representation learning module to further alleviate the\ninfluence of noise and enhance the discrimination of representations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:21:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wen","Xin-Cheng",""],["Wang","Xinchen",""],["Gao","Cuiyun",""],["Wang","Shaohua",""],["Liu","Yang",""],["Gu","Zhaoquan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10524","submitter":"Zhou Daquan","authors":"Daquan Zhou, Kai Wang, Jianyang Gu, Xiangyu Peng, Dongze Lian, Yifan\n Zhang, Yang You, Jiashi Feng","title":"Dataset Quantization","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" State-of-the-art deep neural networks are trained with large amounts\n(millions or even billions) of data. The expensive computation and memory costs\nmake it difficult to train them on limited hardware resources, especially for\nrecent popular large language models (LLM) and computer vision models (CV).\nRecent popular dataset distillation methods are thus developed, aiming to\nreduce the number of training samples via synthesizing small-scale datasets via\ngradient matching. However, as the gradient calculation is coupled with the\nspecific network architecture, the synthesized dataset is biased and performs\npoorly when used for training unseen architectures. To address these\nlimitations, we present dataset quantization (DQ), a new framework to compress\nlarge-scale datasets into small subsets which can be used for training any\nneural network architectures. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DQ is able\nto generate condensed small datasets for training unseen network architectures\nwith state-of-the-art compression ratios for lossless model training. To the\nbest of our knowledge, DQ is the first method that can successfully distill\nlarge-scale datasets such as ImageNet-1k with a state-of-the-art compression\nratio. Notably, with 60% data from ImageNet and 20% data from Alpaca's\ninstruction tuning data, the models can be trained with negligible or no\nperformance drop for both vision tasks (including classification, semantic\nsegmentation, and object detection) as well as language tasks (including\ninstruction tuning tasks such as BBH and DROP).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:24:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Daquan",""],["Wang","Kai",""],["Gu","Jianyang",""],["Peng","Xiangyu",""],["Lian","Dongze",""],["Zhang","Yifan",""],["You","Yang",""],["Feng","Jiashi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10525","submitter":"Javier Rodriguez-Puigvert","authors":"Javier Rodr\\'iguez-Puigvert, V\\'ictor M. Batlle, J.M.M. Montiel, Ruben\n Martinez Cantin, Pascal Fua, Juan D. Tard\\'os, Javier Civera","title":"LightDepth: Single-View Depth Self-Supervision from Illumination Decline","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Single-view depth estimation can be remarkably effective if there is enough\nground-truth depth data for supervised training. However, there are scenarios,\nespecially in medicine in the case of endoscopies, where such data cannot be\nobtained. In such cases, multi-view self-supervision and synthetic-to-real\ntransfer serve as alternative approaches, however, with a considerable\nperformance reduction in comparison to supervised case. Instead, we propose a\nsingle-view self-supervised method that achieves a performance similar to the\nsupervised case. In some medical devices, such as endoscopes, the camera and\nlight sources are co-located at a small distance from the target surfaces.\nThus, we can exploit that, for any given albedo and surface orientation, pixel\nbrightness is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the\nsurface, providing a strong single-view self-supervisory signal. In our\nexperiments, our self-supervised models deliver accuracies comparable to those\nof fully supervised ones, while being applicable without depth ground-truth\ndata.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:25:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Rodr\u00edguez-Puigvert","Javier",""],["Batlle","V\u00edctor M.",""],["Montiel","J. M. M.",""],["Cantin","Ruben Martinez",""],["Fua","Pascal",""],["Tard\u00f3s","Juan D.",""],["Civera","Javier",""]]} {"id":"2308.10526","submitter":"Chongyang Wang","authors":"Chongyang Wang, Yuan Feng, Lingxiao Zhong, Siyi Zhu, Chi Zhang, Siqi\n Zheng, Chen Liang, Yuntao Wang, Chengqi He, Chun Yu, and Yuanchun Shi","title":"UbiPhysio: Support Daily Functioning, Fitness, and Rehabilitation with\n Action Understanding and Feedback in Natural Language","comments":"27 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We introduce UbiPhysio, a milestone framework that delivers fine-grained\naction description and feedback in natural language to support people's daily\nfunctioning, fitness, and rehabilitation activities. This expert-like\ncapability assists users in properly executing actions and maintaining\nengagement in remote fitness and rehabilitation programs. Specifically, the\nproposed UbiPhysio framework comprises a fine-grained action descriptor and a\nknowledge retrieval-enhanced feedback module. The action descriptor translates\naction data, represented by a set of biomechanical movement features we\ndesigned based on clinical priors, into textual descriptions of action types\nand potential movement patterns. Building on physiotherapeutic domain\nknowledge, the feedback module provides clear and engaging expert feedback. We\nevaluated UbiPhysio's performance through extensive experiments with data from\n104 diverse participants, collected in a home-like setting during 25 types of\neveryday activities and exercises. We assessed the quality of the language\noutput under different tuning strategies using standard benchmarks. We\nconducted a user study to gather insights from clinical experts and potential\nusers on our framework. Our initial tests show promise for deploying UbiPhysio\nin real-life settings without specialized devices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:26:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Chongyang",""],["Feng","Yuan",""],["Zhong","Lingxiao",""],["Zhu","Siyi",""],["Zhang","Chi",""],["Zheng","Siqi",""],["Liang","Chen",""],["Wang","Yuntao",""],["He","Chengqi",""],["Yu","Chun",""],["Shi","Yuanchun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10527","submitter":"Xiaofeng Pan","authors":"Wei Dai, Yingmin Su, Xiaofeng Pan","title":"DPAN: Dynamic Preference-based and Attribute-aware Network for Relevant\n Recommendations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3583780.3615218","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In e-commerce platforms, the relevant recommendation is a unique scenario\nproviding related items for a trigger item that users are interested in.\nHowever, users' preferences for the similarity and diversity of recommendation\nresults are dynamic and vary under different conditions. Moreover, individual\nitem-level diversity is too coarse-grained since all recommended items are\nrelated to the trigger item. Thus, the two main challenges are to learn\nfine-grained representations of similarity and diversity and capture users'\ndynamic preferences for them under different conditions. To address these\nchallenges, we propose a novel method called the Dynamic Preference-based and\nAttribute-aware Network (DPAN) for predicting Click-Through Rate (CTR) in\nrelevant recommendations. Specifically, based on Attribute-aware Activation\nValues Generation (AAVG), Bi-dimensional Compression-based Re-expression (BCR)\nis designed to obtain similarity and diversity representations of user\ninterests and item information. Then Shallow and Deep Union-based Fusion (SDUF)\nis proposed to capture users' dynamic preferences for the diverse degree of\nrecommendation results according to various conditions. DPAN has demonstrated\nits effectiveness through extensive offline experiments and online A/B testing,\nresulting in a significant 7.62% improvement in CTR. Currently, DPAN has been\nsuccessfully deployed on our e-commerce platform serving the primary traffic\nfor relevant recommendations. The code of DPAN has been made publicly\navailable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:26:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Dai","Wei",""],["Su","Yingmin",""],["Pan","Xiaofeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10528","submitter":"Johannes Schmitt","authors":"Johannes Schmitt","title":"Birational classification of toric orbifolds","comments":"7 pages; comments very welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We give a complete classification of the torus-equivariant birational\nequivalence classes of smooth proper toric Deligne-Mumford stacks with trivial\ngeneric stabilizer in terms of their associated stacky fans.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:30:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Schmitt","Johannes",""]]} {"id":"2308.10529","submitter":"Tianyu Yu","authors":"Tianyu Yu, Chengyue Jiang, Chao Lou, Shen Huang, Xiaobin Wang, Wei\n Liu, Jiong Cai, Yangning Li, Yinghui Li, Kewei Tu, Hai-Tao Zheng, Ningyu\n Zhang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Yong Jiang","title":"SeqGPT: An Out-of-the-box Large Language Model for Open Domain Sequence\n Understanding","comments":"Initial version of SeqGPT","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive ability for open-domain\nNLP tasks. However, LLMs are sometimes too footloose for natural language\nunderstanding (NLU) tasks which always have restricted output and input format.\nTheir performances on NLU tasks are highly related to prompts or demonstrations\nand are shown to be poor at performing several representative NLU tasks, such\nas event extraction and entity typing. To this end, we present SeqGPT, a\nbilingual (i.e., English and Chinese) open-source autoregressive model\nspecially enhanced for open-domain natural language understanding. We express\nall NLU tasks with two atomic tasks, which define fixed instructions to\nrestrict the input and output format but still ``open'' for arbitrarily varied\nlabel sets. The model is first instruction-tuned with extremely fine-grained\nlabeled data synthesized by ChatGPT and then further fine-tuned by 233\ndifferent atomic tasks from 152 datasets across various domains. The\nexperimental results show that SeqGPT has decent classification and extraction\nability, and is capable of performing language understanding tasks on unseen\ndomains. We also conduct empirical studies on the scaling of data and model\nsize as well as on the transfer across tasks. Our model is accessible at\nhttps://github.com/Alibaba-NLP/SeqGPT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:31:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Tianyu",""],["Jiang","Chengyue",""],["Lou","Chao",""],["Huang","Shen",""],["Wang","Xiaobin",""],["Liu","Wei",""],["Cai","Jiong",""],["Li","Yangning",""],["Li","Yinghui",""],["Tu","Kewei",""],["Zheng","Hai-Tao",""],["Zhang","Ningyu",""],["Xie","Pengjun",""],["Huang","Fei",""],["Jiang","Yong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10530","submitter":"Harley David Scammell Dr","authors":"Harley D. Scammell and Mathias S. Scheurer","title":"Displacement-field-tunable superconductivity in an inversion-symmetric\n twisted van der Waals heterostructure","comments":"13 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the superconducting properties of inversion-symmetric twisted\ntrilayer graphene by considering different parent states, including\nspin-singlet, triplet, and SO(4) degenerate states, with or without nodal\npoints. By placing transition metal dichalcogenide layers above and below\ntwisted trilayer graphene, spin-orbit coupling is induced in TTLG and, due to\ninversion symmetry, the spin-orbit coupling does not spin-split the bands. The\napplication of a displacement field ($D_0$) breaks the inversion symmetry and\ncreates spin-splitting. We analyze the evolution of the superconducting order\nparameters in response to the combined spin-orbit coupling and $D_0$-induced\nspin-splitting. Utilizing symmetry analysis combined with both a direct\nnumerical evaluation and a complementary analytical study of the gap equation,\nwe provide a comprehensive understanding of the influence of spin-orbit\ncoupling and $D_0$ on superconductivity. These results contribute to a better\nunderstanding of the superconducting order in twisted trilayer graphene.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:31:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Scammell","Harley D.",""],["Scheurer","Mathias S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10531","submitter":"Qingwen Bu","authors":"Qingwen Bu, Sungrae Park, Minsoo Khang, Yichuan Cheng","title":"SRFormer: Empowering Regression-Based Text Detection Transformer with\n Segmentation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Existing techniques for text detection can be broadly classified into two\nprimary groups: segmentation-based methods and regression-based methods.\nSegmentation models offer enhanced robustness to font variations but require\nintricate post-processing, leading to high computational overhead.\nRegression-based methods undertake instance-aware prediction but face\nlimitations in robustness and data efficiency due to their reliance on\nhigh-level representations. In our academic pursuit, we propose SRFormer, a\nunified DETR-based model with amalgamated Segmentation and Regression, aiming\nat the synergistic harnessing of the inherent robustness in segmentation\nrepresentations, along with the straightforward post-processing of\ninstance-level regression. Our empirical analysis indicates that favorable\nsegmentation predictions can be obtained at the initial decoder layers. In\nlight of this, we constrain the incorporation of segmentation branches to the\nfirst few decoder layers and employ progressive regression refinement in\nsubsequent layers, achieving performance gains while minimizing additional\ncomputational load from the mask. Furthermore, we propose a Mask-informed Query\nEnhancement module. We take the segmentation result as a natural soft-ROI to\npool and extract robust pixel representations, which are then employed to\nenhance and diversify instance queries. Extensive experimentation across\nmultiple benchmarks has yielded compelling findings, highlighting our method's\nexceptional robustness, superior training and data efficiency, as well as its\nstate-of-the-art performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:34:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bu","Qingwen",""],["Park","Sungrae",""],["Khang","Minsoo",""],["Cheng","Yichuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10532","submitter":"Vahagn Mikaelian","authors":"Vahagn H. Mikaelian","title":"Higman operations on integer sequences, and embeddings of recursive\n groups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This is an extended version of summary of the talk at the International\nConference on Group Theory in honor of Victor Mazurov on the occasion of his\n80th birthday. The concise version of this report can be found in the talks and\ncommunications band at the Conference site. The objective of the current talk\nis to present our very recent article in which we for various types of\nrecursive groups discuss possibility of their explicit embeddings into finitely\npresented groups.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:36:52 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 19:20:28 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 10:33:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Mikaelian","Vahagn H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10533","submitter":"Toru Tamaki","authors":"Shuki Shimizu, Toru Tamaki","title":"Joint learning of images and videos with a single Vision Transformer","comments":"MVA2023 (18th International Conference on Machine Vision\n Applications), Hamamatsu, Japan, 23-25 July 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this study, we propose a method for jointly learning of images and videos\nusing a single model. In general, images and videos are often trained by\nseparate models. We propose in this paper a method that takes a batch of images\nas input to Vision Transformer IV-ViT, and also a set of video frames with\ntemporal aggregation by late fusion. Experimental results on two image datasets\nand two action recognition datasets are presented.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:38:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Shimizu","Shuki",""],["Tamaki","Toru",""]]} {"id":"2308.10534","submitter":"Hyunglip Bae","authors":"Hyunglip Bae, Jang Ho Kim, Woo Chang Kim","title":"Universal Approximation of Parametric Optimization via Neural Networks\n with Piecewise Linear Policy Approximation","comments":"17 pages, 2 figures, preprint, under review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Parametric optimization solves a family of optimization problems as a\nfunction of parameters. It is a critical component in situations where optimal\ndecision making is repeatedly performed for updated parameter values, but\ncomputation becomes challenging when complex problems need to be solved in\nreal-time. Therefore, in this study, we present theoretical foundations on\napproximating optimal policy of parametric optimization problem through Neural\nNetworks and derive conditions that allow the Universal Approximation Theorem\nto be applied to parametric optimization problems by constructing piecewise\nlinear policy approximation explicitly. This study fills the gap on formally\nanalyzing the constructed piecewise linear approximation in terms of\nfeasibility and optimality and show that Neural Networks (with ReLU\nactivations) can be valid approximator for this approximation in terms of\ngeneralization and approximation error. Furthermore, based on theoretical\nresults, we propose a strategy to improve feasibility of approximated solution\nand discuss training with suboptimal solutions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:38:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bae","Hyunglip",""],["Kim","Jang Ho",""],["Kim","Woo Chang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10535","submitter":"Shanshan Wang","authors":"Kaidi Xu, Di Hu, Jun Chen, Haoshen Ye, Lin Han, Shan-Shan Wang, Shuai\n Dong","title":"Two-orbital spin-fermion model study of ferromagnetism in honeycomb\n lattice","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The spin-fermion model was previously successful to describe the complex\nphase diagrams of colossal magnetoresistive manganites and iron-based\nsuperconductors. In recent years, two-dimensional magnets have rapidly raised\nup as a new attractive branch of quantum materials, which are theoretically\ndescribed based on classical spin models in most studies. Alternatively, here\nthe two-orbital spin-fermion model is established as a uniform scenario to\ndescribe the ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice. This model\nconnects the magnetic interactions with the electronic structures. Then the\ncontinuous tuning of magnetism in these honeycomb lattices can be predicted,\nbased on a general phase diagram. The electron/hole doping, from the empty\n$e_{g}$ to half-filled $e_{g}$ limit, is studied as a benchmark. Our Monte\nCarlo result finds that the ferromagnetic $T_{C}$ reaches the maximum at the\nquarter-filled case. In other regions, the linear relationship between $T_{C}$\nand doping concentration provides a theoretical guideline for the experimental\nmodulations of two-dimensional ferromagnetism tuned by ionic liquid or\nelectrical gating.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:39:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Kaidi",""],["Hu","Di",""],["Chen","Jun",""],["Ye","Haoshen",""],["Han","Lin",""],["Wang","Shan-Shan",""],["Dong","Shuai",""]]} {"id":"2308.10536","submitter":"Shubham Kumar","authors":"Shubham Kumar, Deepmala","title":"The Unique Solvability Conditions for the Generalized Absolute Value\n Equations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC math.FA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper investigates the conditions that guarantee unique solvability and\nunsolvability for the generalized absolute value equations (GAVE) given by $Ax\n- B \\vert x \\vert = b$. Further, these conditions are also valid to determine\nthe unique solution of the generalized absolute value matrix equations (GAVME)\n$AX - B \\vert X \\vert =F$. Finally, certain aspects related to the solvability\nand unsolvability of the absolute value equations (AVE) have been deliberated\nupon.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:40:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kumar","Shubham",""],["Deepmala","",""]]} {"id":"2308.10537","submitter":"Nicolas Heist","authors":"Nicolas Heist, Sven Hertling, Heiko Paulheim","title":"KGrEaT: A Framework to Evaluate Knowledge Graphs via Downstream Tasks","comments":"Accepted for the Short Paper track of CIKM'23, October 21-25, 2023,\n Birmingham, United Kingdom","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.DB cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In recent years, countless research papers have addressed the topics of\nknowledge graph creation, extension, or completion in order to create knowledge\ngraphs that are larger, more correct, or more diverse. This research is\ntypically motivated by the argumentation that using such enhanced knowledge\ngraphs to solve downstream tasks will improve performance. Nonetheless, this is\nhardly ever evaluated. Instead, the predominant evaluation metrics - aiming at\ncorrectness and completeness - are undoubtedly valuable but fail to capture the\ncomplete picture, i.e., how useful the created or enhanced knowledge graph\nactually is. Further, the accessibility of such a knowledge graph is rarely\nconsidered (e.g., whether it contains expressive labels, descriptions, and\nsufficient context information to link textual mentions to the entities of the\nknowledge graph). To better judge how well knowledge graphs perform on actual\ntasks, we present KGrEaT - a framework to estimate the quality of knowledge\ngraphs via actual downstream tasks like classification, clustering, or\nrecommendation. Instead of comparing different methods of processing knowledge\ngraphs with respect to a single task, the purpose of KGrEaT is to compare\nvarious knowledge graphs as such by evaluating them on a fixed task setup. The\nframework takes a knowledge graph as input, automatically maps it to the\ndatasets to be evaluated on, and computes performance metrics for the defined\ntasks. It is built in a modular way to be easily extendable with additional\ntasks and datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:43:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Heist","Nicolas",""],["Hertling","Sven",""],["Paulheim","Heiko",""]]} {"id":"2308.10538","submitter":"Fatih Ozaydin","authors":"Fatih Ozaydin, \\\"Ozg\\\"ur E. M\\\"ustecapl{\\i}o\\u{g}lu, Tu\\u{g}rul\n Hakio\\u{g}lu","title":"Powering quantum Otto engines only with q-deformation of the working\n substance","comments":"8 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:2208.08565","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider a quantum Otto cycle with a $q$-deformed quantum oscillator\nworking substance and classical thermal baths. We investigate the influence of\nthe quantum statistical deformation parameter $q$ on the work and efficiency of\nthe cycle. In usual quantum Otto cycle, a Hamiltonian parameter is varied\nduring the quantum adiabatic stages while the quantum statistical character of\nthe working substance remains fixed. We point out that even if the Hamiltonian\nparameters are not changing, work can be harvested by quantum statistical\nchanges of the working substance. Work extraction from thermal resources using\nquantum statistical mutations of the working substance makes a quantum Otto\ncycle without any classical analog.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:44:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ozaydin","Fatih",""],["M\u00fcstecapl\u0131o\u011flu","\u00d6zg\u00fcr E.",""],["Hakio\u011flu","Tu\u011frul",""]]} {"id":"2308.10539","submitter":"Deepak Chahal","authors":"Deepak Chahal, Devika Kamath, Richard de Grijs, Paolo Ventura and\n Xiaodian Chen","title":"Unravelling the Period Gap using LAMOST Chromospheric Activity Indices","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1093/mnras/stad2521","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In our recent catalogue of BY Draconis (BY Dra) variables based on Zwicky\nTransient Facility data, we found traces of a period gap in the period-colour\ndiagram. We combined our BY Dra database with catalogues from the {\\sl Kepler}\nand K2 surveys, revealing a prominent period gap. Here, we use this combined\nZTF-{\\sl Kepler}-K2 data set to investigate the origin of the period gap\nobserved for BY Dra stars using chromospheric activity indices. We use low- and\nmedium-resolution spectra from the LAMOST Data Release 7 to derive magnetic\nactivity indices for the Ca {\\sc ii} H and K and H$\\alpha$ emission lines. We\nfind a strong dependence of chromospheric activity on both stellar mass and\nrotation period. For partially convective K-M-type stars, the activity\ndecreases steeply up to an age of $\\sim$700-1000 Myr, subsequently evolving to\nthe type of low-level saturation associated with spin-down stallation. In\ncontrast, F-G-type stars with thinner convective envelopes exhibit constant\nactivity with increasing age. We suspect that the observed steep decrease for\npartially convective stars is driven by core-envelope coupling. This mechanism\nreduces differential rotation at the core-envelope transition, hence leading to\ndecreased magnetic activity. Moreover, we derive activity indices for\npreviously known star clusters and find similar trends as regards their\nactivity levels as a function of age. In particular, very low-level activity is\nobserved around the location of the period gap. Therefore, we conclude that the\nperiod gap, defined by the non-detection of variable sources, is driven by a\nminimum in chromospheric activity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:46:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Chahal","Deepak",""],["Kamath","Devika",""],["de Grijs","Richard",""],["Ventura","Paolo",""],["Chen","Xiaodian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10540","submitter":"Amartya Bose","authors":"Amartya Bose","title":"Quantum correlation functions through tensor network path integral","comments":"12 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph physics.chem-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Tensor networks have historically proven to be of great utility in providing\ncompressed representations of wave functions that can be used for calculation\nof eigenstates. Recently, it has been shown that a variety of these networks\ncan be leveraged to make real time non-equilibrium simulations of dynamics\ninvolving the Feynman-Vernon influence functional more efficient. In this work,\ntensor networks are utilized for calculating equilibrium correlation function\nfor open quantum systems using the path integral methodology. These correlation\nfunctions are of fundamental importance in calculations of rates of reactions,\nsimulations of response functions and susceptibilities, spectra of systems,\netc. The influence of the solvent on the quantum system is incorporated through\nan influence functional, whose unconventional structure motivates the design of\na new optimal matrix product-like operator that can be applied to the so-called\npath amplitude matrix product state. This complex time tensor network path\nintegral approach provides an exceptionally efficient representation of the\npath integral enabling simulations for larger systems strongly interacting with\nbaths and at lower temperatures out to longer time. The design and\nimplementation of this method is discussed along with illustrations from rate\ntheory, symmetrized spin correlation functions, dynamical susceptibility\ncalculations and quantum thermodynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:46:51 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:16:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Bose","Amartya",""]]} {"id":"2308.10541","submitter":"Isabelle Charton","authors":"Isabelle Charton, Liat Kessler","title":"Monotone Symplectic Six-Manifolds that admit a Hamiltonian GKM Action\n are diffeomorphic to Smooth Fano Threefolds","comments":"58 pages, 13 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.SG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $(M,\\omega)$ be a compact symplectic manifold with a Hamiltonian GKM\naction of a compact torus. We formulate a positive condition on the space; this\ncondition is satisfied if the underlying symplectic manifold is monotone.The\nmain result of this article is that the underlying manifold of a positive\nHamiltonian GKM space of dimension six is diffeomorphic to a smooth Fano\nthreefold. We prove the main result in two steps.\n In the first step, we analyze the equivariant cohomology of (maybe\nnon-positive) Hamiltonian GKM spaces in any dimension with tools provided by\nKirwan: the so-called Kirwan classes. We show that if the complexity of the\naction is zero or one, or if the dimension of the manifold is six, then the\nequivariant and the ordinary cohomology with integer coefficients are\ndetermined by the GKM graph. This analysis, in combination with a\nclassification result by Jupp, Wall and \\u Zubr for certain six-manifolds,\nshows that the diffeomorphism type of a symplectic six-manifold with a\nHamiltonian GKM action is determined by the associated GKM graph.\n In the second step, based on results by Godinho and Sabatini, we give a\ncomplete list of the GKM graphs of positive Hamiltonian GKM spaces of dimension\nsix. We deduce that any such GKM graph is isomorphic to a GKM graph of a smooth\nFano threefold.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:47:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Charton","Isabelle",""],["Kessler","Liat",""]]} {"id":"2308.10542","submitter":"Alexis Goujon","authors":"Alexis Goujon, Sebastian Neumayer, Michael Unser","title":"Learning Weakly Convex Regularizers for Convergent Image-Reconstruction\n Algorithms","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose to learn non-convex regularizers with a prescribed upper bound on\ntheir weak-convexity modulus. Such regularizers give rise to variational\ndenoisers that minimize a convex energy. They rely on few parameters (less than\n15,000) and offer a signal-processing interpretation as they mimic handcrafted\nsparsity-promoting regularizers. Through numerical experiments, we show that\nsuch denoisers outperform convex-regularization methods as well as the popular\nBM3D denoiser. Additionally, the learned regularizer can be deployed to solve\ninverse problems with iterative schemes that provably converge. For both CT and\nMRI reconstruction, the regularizer generalizes well and offers an excellent\ntradeoff between performance, number of parameters, guarantees, and\ninterpretability when compared to other data-driven approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:52:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Goujon","Alexis",""],["Neumayer","Sebastian",""],["Unser","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10543","submitter":"Chao Pan","authors":"Chao Pan, Lei Zhang, Yilong Lu, Jilu Jin, Lin Qiu, Jingdong Chen,\n Jacob Benesty","title":"An Anchor-Point Based Image-Model for Room Impulse Response Simulation\n with Directional Source Radiation and Sensor Directivity Patterns","comments":"19 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The image model method has been widely used to simulate room impulse\nresponses and the endeavor to adapt this method to different applications has\nalso piqued great interest over the last few decades. This paper attempts to\nextend the image model method and develops an anchor-point-image-model (APIM)\napproach as a solution for simulating impulse responses by including both the\nsource radiation and sensor directivity patterns. To determine the orientations\nof all the virtual sources, anchor points are introduced to real sources, which\nsubsequently lead to the determination of the orientations of the virtual\nsources. An algorithm is developed to generate room impulse responses with APIM\nby taking into account the directional pattern functions, factional time\ndelays, as well as the computational complexity. The developed model and\nalgorithms can be used in various acoustic problems to simulate room acoustics\nand improve and evaluate processing algorithms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:54:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pan","Chao",""],["Zhang","Lei",""],["Lu","Yilong",""],["Jin","Jilu",""],["Qiu","Lin",""],["Chen","Jingdong",""],["Benesty","Jacob",""]]} {"id":"2308.10544","submitter":"Peng Cui","authors":"Zhijie Deng, Peng Cui, Jun Zhu","title":"Towards Accelerated Model Training via Bayesian Data Selection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Mislabeled, duplicated, or biased data in real-world scenarios can lead to\nprolonged training and even hinder model convergence. Traditional solutions\nprioritizing easy or hard samples lack the flexibility to handle such a variety\nsimultaneously. Recent work has proposed a more reasonable data selection\nprinciple by examining the data's impact on the model's generalization loss.\nHowever, its practical adoption relies on less principled approximations and\nadditional clean holdout data. This work solves these problems by leveraging a\nlightweight Bayesian treatment and incorporating off-the-shelf zero-shot\npredictors built on large-scale pre-trained models. The resulting algorithm is\nefficient and easy-to-implement. We perform extensive empirical studies on\nchallenging benchmarks with considerable data noise and imbalance in the online\nbatch selection scenario, and observe superior training efficiency over\ncompetitive baselines. Notably, on the challenging WebVision benchmark, our\nmethod can achieve similar predictive performance with significantly fewer\ntraining iterations than leading data selection methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:58:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Zhijie",""],["Cui","Peng",""],["Zhu","Jun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10545","submitter":"Runduo Liang","authors":"Runduo Liang, Zhengyan Liu, Lei Lei, Wen Zhao","title":"Constraints Based on Non-detection of Kilonova Optical Searching","comments":"The paper contains some errors in Section 3 about data used in this\n work and acknowledgement description that should be corrected now","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Mergers of binary neutron stars are multimessenger sources of gravitational\nwaves that have an optical luminous counterpart, commonly referred to as\n'kilonova'. Inspired by the detection of GW170817, intensive searches have been\nconducted during the LIGO/Virgo O3 run. However, despite these efforts, no\nverified kilonova was detected. In this work, we present a parameter constraint\nmethod based on non-detection of optical searching considering both GW skymap,\nlimited sky coverage, cadence, limiting magnitudes and the probability of\nastrophysical origin. We use our method to place constraints on EoS of neutron\nstar based on follow-up during O3 run and obtain $M_{\\rm TOV} =\n2.170^{+0.120}_{-0.108}\\ M_{\\odot}$ at 90\\% confidence level with the\ncombination of other observations. And we also take outlook for WFST targeting\nkilonova throughout the LIGO/Virgo O4 run. With more events handled, we will\nobtain more stringent constraints on EoS and kilonova populations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:00:55 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:52:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liang","Runduo",""],["Liu","Zhengyan",""],["Lei","Lei",""],["Zhao","Wen",""]]} {"id":"2308.10546","submitter":"Xinmin Hou","authors":"Taiping Jiang, Xinmin Hou","title":"Ramsey numbers of color critical graphs versus large generalized fans","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Given two graphs $G$ and $H$, the {Ramsey number} $R(G,H)$ is the smallest\npositive integer $N$ such that every 2-coloring of the edges of $K_{N}$\ncontains either a red $G$ or a blue $H$. Let $K_{N-1}\\sqcup K_{1,k}$ be the\ngraph obtained from $K_{N-1}$ by adding a new vertex $v$ connecting $k$\nvertices of $K_{N-1}$. Hook and Isaak (2011) defined the {\\em star-critical\nRamsey number} $r_{*}(G,H)$ as the smallest integer $k$ such that every\n2-coloring of the edges of $K_{N-1}\\sqcup K_{1,k}$ contains either a red $G$ or\na blue $H$, where $N=R(G, H)$. For sufficiently large $n$, Li and\nRousseau~(1996) proved that $R(K_{k+1},K_{1}+nK_{t})=knt +1$, Hao, Lin~(2018)\nshowed that $r_{*}(K_{k+1},K_{1}+nK_{t})=(k-1)tn+t$;\n Li and Liu~(2016) proved that $R(C_{2k+1}, K_{1}+nK_{t})=2nt+1$, and Li, Li,\nand Wang~(2020) showed that $r_{*}(C_{2m+1},K_{1}+nK_{t})=nt+t$. A graph $G$\nwith $\\chi(G)=k+1$ is called edge-critical if $G$ contains an edge $e$ such\nthat $\\chi(G-e)=k$. In this paper, we extend the above results by showing that\nfor an edge-critical graph $G$ with $\\chi(G)=k+1$, when $k\\geq 2$, $t\\geq 2$\nand $n$ is sufficiently large, $R(G, K_{1}+nK_{t})=knt+1$ and\n$r_{*}(G,K_{1}+nK_{t})=(k-1)nt+t$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:01:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jiang","Taiping",""],["Hou","Xinmin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10547","submitter":"Jun Chen","authors":"Jun Chen, Haishan Ye, Mengmeng Wang, Tianxin Huang, Guang Dai, Ivor\n W.Tsang, Yong Liu","title":"Decentralized Riemannian Conjugate Gradient Method on the Stiefel\n Manifold","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.LG cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The conjugate gradient method is a crucial first-order optimization method\nthat generally converges faster than the steepest descent method, and its\ncomputational cost is much lower than the second-order methods. However, while\nvarious types of conjugate gradient methods have been studied in Euclidean\nspaces and on Riemannian manifolds, there has little study for those in\ndistributed scenarios. This paper proposes a decentralized Riemannian conjugate\ngradient descent (DRCGD) method that aims at minimizing a global function over\nthe Stiefel manifold. The optimization problem is distributed among a network\nof agents, where each agent is associated with a local function, and\ncommunication between agents occurs over an undirected connected graph. Since\nthe Stiefel manifold is a non-convex set, a global function is represented as a\nfinite sum of possibly non-convex (but smooth) local functions. The proposed\nmethod is free from expensive Riemannian geometric operations such as\nretractions, exponential maps, and vector transports, thereby reducing the\ncomputational complexity required by each agent. To the best of our knowledge,\nDRCGD is the first decentralized Riemannian conjugate gradient algorithm to\nachieve global convergence over the Stiefel manifold.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:02:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Jun",""],["Ye","Haishan",""],["Wang","Mengmeng",""],["Huang","Tianxin",""],["Dai","Guang",""],["Tsang","Ivor W.",""],["Liu","Yong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10548","submitter":"Qiqi Gu","authors":"Qiqi Gu and Wei Ke","title":"Typing Composable Coroutines","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.PL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Coroutine, as a powerful programming construct, is widely used in\nasynchronous applications to replace thread-based programming or the callback\nhell. Using coroutines makes code more readable and maintainable, for its\nability to transfer control while keeping the literal scope. However, reasoning\nabout coroutine behavior can be challenging without proper typing. We propose a\ntype notation and calculus for composing asymmetric, first-class, stackless\ncoroutines. Given the types of a list of coroutines, we can compute a composed\ntype matching the collective behavior of the coroutines, so that the input and\noutput can be type-checked by a type system. Our coroutine types can model the\ndata received by or yielded from a coroutine, which be of coroutine types as\nwell. On top of our type calculus, we discuss its soundness and evaluation\nissues, then provide four application scenarios of our coroutine types. Not\nonly can our types be used in modern programming languages, such as Python, but\nalso model program behaviors in OCaml and even Prolog.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:04:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Gu","Qiqi",""],["Ke","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10549","submitter":"J\\\"uri Keller","authors":"J\\\"uri Keller, Timo Breuer, Philipp Schaer","title":"Evaluating Temporal Persistence Using Replicability Measures","comments":"To be published in Proceedings of the Working Notes of CLEF 2023 -\n Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece 18 - 21,\n 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In real-world Information Retrieval (IR) experiments, the Evaluation\nEnvironment (EE) is exposed to constant change. Documents are added, removed,\nor updated, and the information need and the search behavior of users is\nevolving. Simultaneously, IR systems are expected to retain a consistent\nquality. The LongEval Lab seeks to investigate the longitudinal persistence of\nIR systems, and in this work, we describe our participation. We submitted runs\nof five advanced retrieval systems, namely a Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF)\napproach, ColBERT, monoT5, Doc2Query, and E5, to both sub-tasks. Further, we\ncast the longitudinal evaluation as a replicability study to better understand\nthe temporal change observed. As a result, we quantify the persistence of the\nsubmitted runs and see great potential in this evaluation method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:05:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Keller","J\u00fcri",""],["Breuer","Timo",""],["Schaer","Philipp",""]]} {"id":"2308.10550","submitter":"Yan Dolinsky","authors":"Yan Dolinsky and Or Zuk","title":"Explicit Computations for Delayed Semistatic Hedging","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-fin.MF","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work we consider the exponential utility maximization problem in the\nframework of semistatic hedging.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:05:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Dolinsky","Yan",""],["Zuk","Or",""]]} {"id":"2308.10551","submitter":"Rudra Narayan Padhan Dr.","authors":"Rudra Narayan Padhan, Ibrahem Yakzan Hasan and Saudamini Nayak","title":"Capability of Nilpotent Lie Superalgebras of Small Dimension","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.00254,\n arXiv:2303.15088, arXiv:2207.11445","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we define partially capable Lie superalgebra. As an\napplication we classify all capable nilpotent Lie superalgebras of dimension\nless than equal to five.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:07:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Padhan","Rudra Narayan",""],["Hasan","Ibrahem Yakzan",""],["Nayak","Saudamini",""]]} {"id":"2308.10552","submitter":"Chao Wang","authors":"Chao Wang, Theodoros Stouraitis, Anna Belardinelli, Stephan Hasler and\n Michael Gienger","title":"Communicating Robot's Intentions while Assisting Users via Augmented\n Reality","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper explores the challenges faced by assistive robots in effectively\ncooperating with humans, requiring them to anticipate human behavior, predict\ntheir actions' impact, and generate understandable robot actions. The study\nfocuses on a use-case involving a user with limited mobility needing assistance\nwith pouring a beverage, where tasks like unscrewing a cap or reaching for\nobjects demand coordinated support from the robot. Yet, anticipating the\nrobot's intentions can be challenging for the user, which can hinder effective\ncollaboration. To address this issue, we propose an innovative solution that\nutilizes Augmented Reality (AR) to communicate the robot's intentions and\nexpected movements to the user, fostering a seamless and intuitive interaction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:07:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Chao",""],["Stouraitis","Theodoros",""],["Belardinelli","Anna",""],["Hasler","Stephan",""],["Gienger","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10553","submitter":"Valentino Tosatti","authors":"Yang Li, Valentino Tosatti","title":"Special K\\\"ahler geometry and holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations","comments":"32 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We give a new proof of a theorem of Hwang, showing that the base of a\nholomorphic Lagrangian fibration of a compact hyperkahler manifold must be the\nhalf-dimensional projective space, provided the base is smooth. Our arguments\nexploit the differential geometry of the special Kahler metric that exists on\nthe base away from the discriminant locus, and use a recent result of Bakker.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:10:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yang",""],["Tosatti","Valentino",""]]} {"id":"2308.10554","submitter":"Seogkyu Jeon","authors":"Seogkyu Jeon, Bei Liu, Pilhyeon Lee, Kibeom Hong, Jianlong Fu, Hyeran\n Byun","title":"Improving Diversity in Zero-Shot GAN Adaptation with Semantic Variations","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023 (poster)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Training deep generative models usually requires a large amount of data. To\nalleviate the data collection cost, the task of zero-shot GAN adaptation aims\nto reuse well-trained generators to synthesize images of an unseen target\ndomain without any further training samples. Due to the data absence, the\ntextual description of the target domain and the vision-language models, e.g.,\nCLIP, are utilized to effectively guide the generator. However, with only a\nsingle representative text feature instead of real images, the synthesized\nimages gradually lose diversity as the model is optimized, which is also known\nas mode collapse. To tackle the problem, we propose a novel method to find\nsemantic variations of the target text in the CLIP space. Specifically, we\nexplore diverse semantic variations based on the informative text feature of\nthe target domain while regularizing the uncontrolled deviation of the semantic\ninformation. With the obtained variations, we design a novel directional moment\nloss that matches the first and second moments of image and text direction\ndistributions. Moreover, we introduce elastic weight consolidation and a\nrelation consistency loss to effectively preserve valuable content information\nfrom the source domain, e.g., appearances. Through extensive experiments, we\ndemonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods in ensuring sample diversity\nin various scenarios of zero-shot GAN adaptation. We also conduct ablation\nstudies to validate the effect of each proposed component. Notably, our model\nachieves a new state-of-the-art on zero-shot GAN adaptation in terms of both\ndiversity and quality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:12:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jeon","Seogkyu",""],["Liu","Bei",""],["Lee","Pilhyeon",""],["Hong","Kibeom",""],["Fu","Jianlong",""],["Byun","Hyeran",""]]} {"id":"2308.10555","submitter":"Anh Le-Tuan","authors":"Anh Le-Tuan, David Bowden, Danh Le-Phuoc","title":"Semantic Programming for Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2202.13958","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This position paper presents ThothSP, a Semantic Programming framework with\nthe aim of lowering the coding effort in building smart applications on the\nDevice-Edge-Cloud continuum by leveraging semantic knowledge. It introduces a\nnovel neural-symbolic stream fusion mechanism, which enables the specification\nof data fusion pipelines via declarative rules, with degrees of learnable\nprobabilistic weights. Moreover, it includes an adaptive federator that allows\nthe Thoth>runtime to be distributed across multiple compute nodes in a network,\nand to coordinate their resources to collaboratively process tasks by\ndelegating partial workloads to their peers. To demonstrate ThothSP's\ncapability, we report a case study on a distributed camera network to show\nThothSP's behaviour against a traditional edge-cloud setup.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:12:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Le-Tuan","Anh",""],["Bowden","David",""],["Le-Phuoc","Danh",""]]} {"id":"2308.10556","submitter":"Kristoffer Andersson","authors":"Kristoffer Andersson and Cornelis W. Oosterlee","title":"D-TIPO: Deep time-inconsistent portfolio optimization with stocks and\n options","comments":"27 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-fin.PM q-fin.CP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we propose a machine learning algorithm for time-inconsistent\nportfolio optimization. The proposed algorithm builds upon neural network based\ntrading schemes, in which the asset allocation at each time point is determined\nby a a neural network. The loss function is given by an empirical version of\nthe objective function of the portfolio optimization problem. Moreover, various\ntrading constraints are naturally fulfilled by choosing appropriate activation\nfunctions in the output layers of the neural networks. Besides this, our main\ncontribution is to add options to the portfolio of risky assets and a risk-free\nbond and using additional neural networks to determine the amount allocated\ninto the options as well as their strike prices.\n We consider objective functions more in line with the rational preference of\nan investor than the classical mean-variance, apply realistic trading\nconstraints and model the assets with a correlated jump-diffusion SDE. With an\nincomplete market and a more involved objective function, we show that it is\nbeneficial to add options to the portfolio. Moreover, it is shown that adding\noptions leads to a more constant stock allocation with less demand for drastic\nre-allocations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:17:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Andersson","Kristoffer",""],["Oosterlee","Cornelis W.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10557","submitter":"Katharina Prasse","authors":"Katharina Prasse, Steffen Jung, Yuxuan Zhou, Margret Keuper","title":"Local Spherical Harmonics Improve Skeleton-Based Hand Action Recognition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Hand action recognition is essential. Communication, human-robot\ninteractions, and gesture control are dependent on it. Skeleton-based action\nrecognition traditionally includes hands, which belong to the classes which\nremain challenging to correctly recognize to date. We propose a method\nspecifically designed for hand action recognition which uses relative angular\nembeddings and local Spherical Harmonics to create novel hand representations.\nThe use of Spherical Harmonics creates rotation-invariant representations which\nmake hand action recognition even more robust against inter-subject differences\nand viewpoint changes. We conduct extensive experiments on the hand joints in\nthe First-Person Hand Action Benchmark with RGB-D Videos and 3D Hand Pose\nAnnotations, and on the NTU RGB+D 120 dataset, demonstrating the benefit of\nusing Local Spherical Harmonics Representations. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/KathPra/LSHR_LSHT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:17:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Prasse","Katharina",""],["Jung","Steffen",""],["Zhou","Yuxuan",""],["Keuper","Margret",""]]} {"id":"2308.10558","submitter":"Vaclav Dedic","authors":"Vaclav Dedic, Jakub Sanitrak, Tomas Fridrisek, Martin Rejhon, Bohdan\n Morzhuk, Mykhailo Shestopalov, Jan Kunc","title":"Investigation of internal electric fields in graphene/6H-SiC under\n illumination by Pockels effect","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we introduce a method for mapping profiles of internal\nelectric fields in birefringent crystals based on the electro-optic Pockels\neffect and measuring phase differences of low-intensity polarized light. In the\ncase of the studied 6H-SiC crystal with graphene electrodes, the experiment is\nsignificantly affected by birefringence at zero bias voltage applied to the\ncrystal and a strong thermo-optical effect. We dealt with these phenomena by\nadding a Soleil-Babinet compensator and using considerations based on\nmeasurements of crystal heating under laser illumination. The method can be\ngeneralized and adapted to any Pockels crystal that can withstand sufficiently\nhigh voltages. We demonstrate the significant formation of space charge in\nsemi-insulating 6H-SiC under illumination by above-bandgap light.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:20:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Dedic","Vaclav",""],["Sanitrak","Jakub",""],["Fridrisek","Tomas",""],["Rejhon","Martin",""],["Morzhuk","Bohdan",""],["Shestopalov","Mykhailo",""],["Kunc","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10559","submitter":"Leila Ismail Prof.","authors":"Leila Ismail and Rajkumar Buyya","title":"Metaverse: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions for\n Scalable and Realtime Virtual Worlds","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" With the emergence of Cloud computing, Internet of Things-enabled\nHuman-Computer Interfaces, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and\nhigh-accurate Machine and Deep-learning recognition and predictive models,\nalong with the Post Covid-19 proliferation of social networking, and remote\ncommunications, the Metaverse gained a lot of popularity. Metaverse has the\nprospective to extend the physical world using virtual and augmented reality so\nthe users can interact seamlessly with the real and virtual worlds using\navatars and holograms. It has the potential to impact people in the way they\ninteract on social media, collaborate in their work, perform marketing and\nbusiness, teach, learn, and even access personalized healthcare. Several works\nin the literature examine Metaverse in terms of hardware wearable devices, and\nvirtual reality gaming applications. However, the requirements of realizing the\nMetaverse in realtime and at a large-scale need yet to be examined for the\ntechnology to be usable. To address this limitation, this paper presents the\ntemporal evolution of Metaverse definitions and captures its evolving\nrequirements. Consequently, we provide insights into Metaverse requirements. In\naddition to enabling technologies, we lay out architectural elements for\nscalable, reliable, and efficient Metaverse systems, and a classification of\nexisting Metaverse applications along with proposing required future research\ndirections.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:23:10 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 12:54:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Ismail","Leila",""],["Buyya","Rajkumar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10560","submitter":"Andrea Pizzo","authors":"Andrea Pizzo, Angel Lozano, Sundeep Rangan, Thomas Marzetta","title":"Wide-Aperture MIMO via Reflection off a Smooth Surface","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.01213","journal-ref":"in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 8,\n pp. 5229-5239, Aug. 2023","doi":"10.1109/TWC.2022.3232742.","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper provides a deterministic channel model for a scenario where\nwireless connectivity is established through a reflection off a smooth planar\nsurface of an infinite extent. The developed model is rigorously built upon the\nphysics of wave propagation and is as precise as tight are the unboundedness\nand smoothness assumptions on the surface. This model allows establishing how\nline-of-sight multiantenna communication is altered by a reflection off an\nelectrically large surface, a situation of high interest for mmWave and\nterahertz frequencies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:31:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pizzo","Andrea",""],["Lozano","Angel",""],["Rangan","Sundeep",""],["Marzetta","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10561","submitter":"Hongtian Yu","authors":"Hongtian Yu, Yunjie Tian, Qixiang Ye, Yunfan Liu","title":"Spatial Transform Decoupling for Oriented Object Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved remarkable success in computer\nvision tasks. However, their potential in rotation-sensitive scenarios has not\nbeen fully explored, and this limitation may be inherently attributed to the\nlack of spatial invariance in the data-forwarding process. In this study, we\npresent a novel approach, termed Spatial Transform Decoupling (STD), providing\na simple-yet-effective solution for oriented object detection with ViTs. Built\nupon stacked ViT blocks, STD utilizes separate network branches to predict the\nposition, size, and angle of bounding boxes, effectively harnessing the spatial\ntransform potential of ViTs in a divide-and-conquer fashion. Moreover, by\naggregating cascaded activation masks (CAMs) computed upon the regressed\nparameters, STD gradually enhances features within regions of interest (RoIs),\nwhich complements the self-attention mechanism. Without bells and whistles, STD\nachieves state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark datasets including\nDOTA-v1.0 (82.24% mAP) and HRSC2016 (98.55% mAP), which demonstrates the\neffectiveness of the proposed method. Source code is available at\nhttps://github.com/yuhongtian17/Spatial-Transform-Decoupling.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:36:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Hongtian",""],["Tian","Yunjie",""],["Ye","Qixiang",""],["Liu","Yunfan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10562","submitter":"Delfina Sol Martinez Pandiani","authors":"Delfina Sol Martinez Pandiani and Valentina Presutti","title":"Seeing the Intangible: Surveying Automatic High-Level Visual\n Understanding from Still Images","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The field of Computer Vision (CV) was born with the single grand goal of\ncomplete image understanding: providing a complete semantic interpretation of\nan input image. What exactly this goal entails is not immediately\nstraightforward, but theoretical hierarchies of visual understanding point\ntowards a top level of full semantics, within which sits the most complex and\nsubjective information humans can detect from visual data. In particular,\nnon-concrete concepts including emotions, social values and ideologies seem to\nbe protagonists of this \"high-level\" visual semantic understanding. While such\n\"abstract concepts\" are critical tools for image management and retrieval,\ntheir automatic recognition is still a challenge, exactly because they rest at\nthe top of the \"semantic pyramid\": the well-known semantic gap problem is\nworsened given their lack of unique perceptual referents, and their reliance on\nmore unspecific features than concrete concepts. Given that there seems to be\nvery scarce explicit work within CV on the task of abstract social concept\n(ASC) detection, and that many recent works seem to discuss similar\nnon-concrete entities by using different terminology, in this survey we provide\na systematic review of CV work that explicitly or implicitly approaches the\nproblem of abstract (specifically social) concept detection from still images.\nSpecifically, this survey performs and provides: (1) A study and clustering of\nhigh level visual understanding semantic elements from a multidisciplinary\nperspective (computer science, visual studies, and cognitive perspectives); (2)\nA study and clustering of high level visual understanding computer vision tasks\ndealing with the identified semantic elements, so as to identify current CV\nwork that implicitly deals with AC detection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:37:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pandiani","Delfina Sol Martinez",""],["Presutti","Valentina",""]]} {"id":"2308.10563","submitter":"Guan Xiucui","authors":"Junhua Jia, Xiucui Guan, Xinqiang Qian, Panos M. Pardalos","title":"Restricted inverse optimal value problem on linear programming under\n weighted $l_1$ norm","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the restricted inverse optimal value problem on linear programming\nunder weighted $l_1$ norm (RIOVLP $_1$). Given a linear programming problem\n$LP_c: \\min \\{cx|Ax=b,x\\geq 0\\}$ with a feasible solution $x^0$ and a value\n$K$, we aim to adjust the vector $c$ to $\\bar{c}$ such that $x^0$ becomes an\noptimal solution of the problem LP$_{\\bar c}$ whose objective value\n$\\bar{c}x^0$ equals $K$. The objective is to minimize the distance $\\|\\bar c -\nc\\|_1=\\sum_{j=1}^nd_j|\\bar c_j-c_j|$ under weighted $l_1$ norm.Firstly, we\nformulate the problem (RIOVLP$_1$) as a linear programming problem by dual\ntheories. Secondly, we construct a sub-problem $(D^z)$, which has the same form\nas $LP_c$, of the dual (RIOVLP$_1$) problem corresponding to a given value $z$.\nThirdly, when the coefficient matrix $A$ is unimodular, we design a binary\nsearch algorithm to calculate the critical value $z^*$ corresponding to an\noptimal solution of the problem (RIOVLP$_1$). Finally, we solve the (RIOV)\nproblems on Hitchcock and shortest path problem, respectively, in\n$O(T_{MCF}\\log\\max\\{d_{max},x^0_{max},n\\})$ time, where we solve a sub-problem\n$(D^z)$ by minimum cost flow in $T_{MCF}$ time in each iteration. The values\n$d_{max},x^0_{max}$ are the maximum values of $d$ and $x^0$, respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:38:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jia","Junhua",""],["Guan","Xiucui",""],["Qian","Xinqiang",""],["Pardalos","Panos M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10564","submitter":"Tai Nguyen","authors":"Tai Nguyen, Yifeng Di, Joohan Lee, Muhao Chen and Tianyi Zhang","title":"Software Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning","comments":"ASE 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recognizing software entities such as library names from free-form text is\nessential to enable many software engineering (SE) technologies, such as\ntraceability link recovery, automated documentation, and API recommendation.\nWhile many approaches have been proposed to address this problem, they suffer\nfrom small entity vocabularies or noisy training data, hindering their ability\nto recognize software entities mentioned in sophisticated narratives. To\naddress this challenge, we leverage the Wikipedia taxonomy to develop a\ncomprehensive entity lexicon with 79K unique software entities in 12\nfine-grained types, as well as a large labeled dataset of over 1.7M sentences.\nThen, we propose self-regularization, a noise-robust learning approach, to the\ntraining of our software entity recognition (SER) model by accounting for many\ndropouts. Results show that models trained with self-regularization outperform\nboth their vanilla counterparts and state-of-the-art approaches on our\nWikipedia benchmark and two Stack Overflow benchmarks. We release our models,\ndata, and code for future research.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:41:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","Tai",""],["Di","Yifeng",""],["Lee","Joohan",""],["Chen","Muhao",""],["Zhang","Tianyi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10565","submitter":"Weiwei Cui","authors":"Weiwei Cui and Jun Wang","title":"Ergodic exponential maps with escaping singular behaviours","comments":"11 pages, 1 figure; comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS math.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We construct exponential maps for which the singular value tends to infinity\nunder iterates while the maps are ergodic. This is in contrast with a result of\nLyubich from 1987 which tells that $e^z$ is not ergodic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:43:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cui","Weiwei",""],["Wang","Jun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10566","submitter":"Chee Fai Fong","authors":"C. F. Fong, D. Yamashita, N. Fang, S. Fujii, Y.-R. Chang, T.\n Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and Y. K. Kato","title":"Self-aligned hybrid nanocavities using atomically thin materials","comments":"9 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals layered materials with intriguing\nproperties are increasingly being adopted in hybrid photonics. The 2D materials\nare often integrated with photonic structures including cavities to enhance\nlight-matter coupling, providing additional control and functionality. The 2D\nmaterials, however, needs to be precisely placed on the photonic cavities.\nFurthermore, the transfer of 2D materials onto the cavities could degrade the\ncavity quality $(Q)$ factor. Instead of using prefabricated PhC nanocavities,\nwe demonstrate a novel approach to form a hybrid nanocavity by partially\ncovering a PhC waveguide post-fabrication with a suitably-sized 2D material\nflake. We successfully fabricated such hybrid nanocavity devices with hBN,\nWSe$_2$ and MoTe$_2$ flakes on silicon PhC waveguides, obtaining $Q$ factors as\nhigh as $4.0\\times10^5$. Remarkably, even mono- and few-layer flakes can\nprovide sufficient local refractive index modulation to induce nanocavity\nformation. Since the 2D material is spatially self-aligned to the nanocavity,\nwe have also managed to observe cavity PL enhancement in a MoTe$_2$ hybrid\ncavity device, with a cavity Purcell enhancement factor of about 15. Our\nresults highlights the prospect of using such 2D materials-induced PhC\nnanocavity to realize a wide range of photonic components for hybrid devices\nand integrated photonic circuits.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:50:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Fong","C. F.",""],["Yamashita","D.",""],["Fang","N.",""],["Fujii","S.",""],["Chang","Y. -R.",""],["Taniguchi","T.",""],["Watanabe","K.",""],["Kato","Y. K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10567","submitter":"Joris Labarbe","authors":"Joris Labarbe and Didier Clamond","title":"General procedure for free-surface recovery from bottom pressure\n measurements: Application to rotational overhanging waves","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A novel boundary integral approach for the recovery of overhanging (or not)\nrotational (or not) water waves from pressure measurements at the bottom is\npresented. The method is based on the Cauchy integral formula and on an\nEulerian--Lagrangian formalism to accommodate overturning free surfaces. This\napproach eliminates the need to introduce {\\em a priori} a special basis of\nfunctions, providing thus a general means of fitting the pressure data and,\nconsequently, recovering the free surface. The effectiveness and accuracy of\nthe method are demonstrated through numerical examples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:52:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Labarbe","Joris",""],["Clamond","Didier",""]]} {"id":"2308.10568","submitter":"Juan Jose Francisco Miguelez","authors":"Juan Jose Francisco Miguelez, Cristin Buescu","title":"Analytical valuation of vulnerable derivative contracts with bilateral\n cash flows under credit, funding and wrong-way risks","comments":"43 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-fin.PR q-fin.MF","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the problem of valuing a vulnerable derivative with bilateral cash\nflows between two counterparties in the presence of funding, credit and\nwrong-way risks, and derive a closed-form valuation formula for an at-the-money\n(ATM) forward contract as well as a second order approximation for the general\ncase. We posit a model with heterogeneous interest rates and default occurrence\nand infer a Cauchy problem for the pre-default valuation function of the\ncontract, which includes ab initio any counterparty risk - as opposed to\ncalculating valuation adjustments collectively known as XVA. Under a specific\nfunding policy which linearises the Cauchy problem, we obtain a generic\nprobabilistic representation for the pre-default valuation (Theorem 1). We\napply this general framework to the valuation of an equity forward and\nestablish the contract can be expressed as a continuous portfolio of European\noptions with suitably chosen strikes and expiries under a particular\nprobability measure (Theorem 2). Our valuation formula admits a closed-form\nexpression when the forward contract is ATM (Corollary 2) and we derive a\nsecond order approximation in moneyness when the contract is close to ATM\n(Theorem 3). Numerical results of our model show that the forward is more\nsensitive to funding factors than credit ones, while higher stock funding costs\nincrease sensitivity to credit spreads and wrong-way risk.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:53:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Miguelez","Juan Jose Francisco",""],["Buescu","Cristin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10569","submitter":"Cheng Feng","authors":"Cheng Feng, Zhen Chen, Congxuan Zhang, Weiming Hu, Bing Li, Feng Lu","title":"RT-MonoDepth: Real-time Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Depth sensing is a crucial function of unmanned aerial vehicles and\nautonomous vehicles. Due to the small size and simple structure of monocular\ncameras, there has been a growing interest in depth estimation from a single\nRGB image. However, state-of-the-art monocular CNN-based depth estimation\nmethods using fairly complex deep neural networks are too slow for real-time\ninference on embedded platforms. This paper addresses the problem of real-time\ndepth estimation on embedded systems. We propose two efficient and lightweight\nencoder-decoder network architectures, RT-MonoDepth and RT-MonoDepth-S, to\nreduce computational complexity and latency. Our methodologies demonstrate that\nit is possible to achieve similar accuracy as prior state-of-the-art works on\ndepth estimation at a faster inference speed. Our proposed networks,\nRT-MonoDepth and RT-MonoDepth-S, runs at 18.4\\&30.5 FPS on NVIDIA Jetson Nano\nand 253.0\\&364.1 FPS on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin on a single RGB image of\nresolution 640$\\times$192, and achieve relative state-of-the-art accuracy on\nthe KITTI dataset. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this paper achieves\nthe best accuracy and fastest inference speed compared with existing fast\nmonocular depth estimation methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:59:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Feng","Cheng",""],["Chen","Zhen",""],["Zhang","Congxuan",""],["Hu","Weiming",""],["Li","Bing",""],["Lu","Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10570","submitter":"Jihwan Kim","authors":"Jihwan Kim, Miso Lee, Jae-Pil Heo","title":"Self-Feedback DETR for Temporal Action Detection","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Temporal Action Detection (TAD) is challenging but fundamental for real-world\nvideo applications. Recently, DETR-based models have been devised for TAD but\nhave not performed well yet. In this paper, we point out the problem in the\nself-attention of DETR for TAD; the attention modules focus on a few key\nelements, called temporal collapse problem. It degrades the capability of the\nencoder and decoder since their self-attention modules play no role. To solve\nthe problem, we propose a novel framework, Self-DETR, which utilizes\ncross-attention maps of the decoder to reactivate self-attention modules. We\nrecover the relationship between encoder features by simple matrix\nmultiplication of the cross-attention map and its transpose. Likewise, we also\nget the information within decoder queries. By guiding collapsed self-attention\nmaps with the guidance map calculated, we settle down the temporal collapse of\nself-attention modules in the encoder and decoder. Our extensive experiments\ndemonstrate that Self-DETR resolves the temporal collapse problem by keeping\nhigh diversity of attention over all layers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:01:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Jihwan",""],["Lee","Miso",""],["Heo","Jae-Pil",""]]} {"id":"2308.10571","submitter":"Won Jo","authors":"Yujin Hwang, Won Jo, Juyoung Hong, and Yukyung Choi","title":"Overcoming Overconfidence for Active Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" It is not an exaggeration to say that the recent progress in artificial\nintelligence technology depends on large-scale and high-quality data.\nSimultaneously, a prevalent issue exists everywhere: the budget for data\nlabeling is constrained. Active learning is a prominent approach for addressing\nthis issue, where valuable data for labeling is selected through a model and\nutilized to iteratively adjust the model. However, due to the limited amount of\ndata in each iteration, the model is vulnerable to bias; thus, it is more\nlikely to yield overconfident predictions. In this paper, we present two novel\nmethods to address the problem of overconfidence that arises in the active\nlearning scenario. The first is an augmentation strategy named\nCross-Mix-and-Mix (CMaM), which aims to calibrate the model by expanding the\nlimited training distribution. The second is a selection strategy named Ranked\nMargin Sampling (RankedMS), which prevents choosing data that leads to overly\nconfident predictions. Through various experiments and analyses, we are able to\ndemonstrate that our proposals facilitate efficient data selection by\nalleviating overconfidence, even though they are readily applicable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:04:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hwang","Yujin",""],["Jo","Won",""],["Hong","Juyoung",""],["Choi","Yukyung",""]]} {"id":"2308.10572","submitter":"Oskar Pro\\'sniak","authors":"Wojciech De Roeck, Fran\\c{c}ois Huveneers, Oskar A. Pro\\'sniak","title":"Slow dissipation and spreading in disordered classical systems: A direct\n comparison between numerics and mathematical bounds","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.dis-nn","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the breakdown of Anderson localization in the one-dimensional\nnonlinear Klein-Gordon chain, a prototypical example of a disordered classical\nmany-body system. A series of numerical works indicate that an initially\nlocalized wave packet spreads polynomially in time, while analytical studies\nrather suggest a much slower spreading. Here, we focus on the decorrelation\ntime in equilibrium. On the one hand, we provide a mathematical theorem\nestablishing that this time is larger than any inverse power law in the\neffective anharmonicity parameter $\\lambda$, and on the other hand our numerics\nshow that it follows a power law for a broad range of values of $\\lambda$. This\nnumerical behavior is fully consistent with the power law observed numerically\nin spreading experiments, and we conclude that the state-of-the-art numerics\nmay well be unable to capture the long-time behavior of such classical\ndisordered systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:10:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["De Roeck","Wojciech",""],["Huveneers","Fran\u00e7ois",""],["Pro\u015bniak","Oskar A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10573","submitter":"Sihui Zhong","authors":"Sihui Zhong, Valery M. Nakariakov, Dmitrii Y. Kolotkov, Lakshmi\n Pradeep Chitta, Patrick Antolin, Cis Verbeeck, David Berghmans","title":"Polarisation of decayless kink oscillations of solar coronal loops","comments":"19 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Nature Communications","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Decayless kink oscillations of plasma loops in the solar corona may contain\nan answer to the enigmatic problem of solar and stellar coronal heating. The\npolarisation of the oscillations gives us a unique information about their\nexcitation mechanisms and energy supply. However, unambiguous determination of\nthe polarisation has remained elusive. Here, we show simultaneous detection of\na 4-min decayless kink oscillation from two non-parallel lines-of-sights,\nseparated by about 104\\textdegree, provided by unique combination of the High\nResolution Imager on Solar Orbiter and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on\nSolar Dynamics Observatory. The observations reveal a horizontal or weakly\noblique linear polarisation of the oscillation. This conclusion is based on the\ncomparison of observational results with forward modelling of the observational\nmanifestation of various kinds of polarisation of kink oscillations. The\nrevealed polarisation favours the sustainability of these oscillations by\nquasi-steady flows which may hence supply the energy for coronal heating.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:13:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhong","Sihui",""],["Nakariakov","Valery M.",""],["Kolotkov","Dmitrii Y.",""],["Chitta","Lakshmi Pradeep",""],["Antolin","Patrick",""],["Verbeeck","Cis",""],["Berghmans","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.10574","submitter":"Lixin Yang","authors":"Kailin Li, Lixin Yang, Haoyu Zhen, Zenan Lin, Xinyu Zhan, Licheng\n Zhong, Jian Xu, Kejian Wu, Cewu Lu","title":"CHORD: Category-level Hand-held Object Reconstruction via Shape\n Deformation","comments":"To be presented at ICCV 2023, Paris","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In daily life, humans utilize hands to manipulate objects. Modeling the shape\nof objects that are manipulated by the hand is essential for AI to comprehend\ndaily tasks and to learn manipulation skills. However, previous approaches have\nencountered difficulties in reconstructing the precise shapes of hand-held\nobjects, primarily owing to a deficiency in prior shape knowledge and\ninadequate data for training. As illustrated, given a particular type of tool,\nsuch as a mug, despite its infinite variations in shape and appearance, humans\nhave a limited number of 'effective' modes and poses for its manipulation. This\ncan be attributed to the fact that humans have mastered the shape prior of the\n'mug' category, and can quickly establish the corresponding relations between\ndifferent mug instances and the prior, such as where the rim and handle are\nlocated. In light of this, we propose a new method, CHORD, for Category-level\nHand-held Object Reconstruction via shape Deformation. CHORD deforms a\ncategorical shape prior for reconstructing the intra-class objects. To ensure\naccurate reconstruction, we empower CHORD with three types of awareness:\nappearance, shape, and interacting pose. In addition, we have constructed a new\ndataset, COMIC, of category-level hand-object interaction. COMIC contains a\nrich array of object instances, materials, hand interactions, and viewing\ndirections. Extensive evaluation shows that CHORD outperforms state-of-the-art\napproaches in both quantitative and qualitative measures. Code, model, and\ndatasets are available at https://kailinli.github.io/CHORD.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:14:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Kailin",""],["Yang","Lixin",""],["Zhen","Haoyu",""],["Lin","Zenan",""],["Zhan","Xinyu",""],["Zhong","Licheng",""],["Xu","Jian",""],["Wu","Kejian",""],["Lu","Cewu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10575","submitter":"Domenico Nardiello Dr.","authors":"D. Nardiello, L. R. Bedin, M. Griggio, M. Salaris, M. Scalco, S.\n Cassisi","title":"Photometry and astrometry with JWST -- III. A NIRCam-Gaia DR3 analysis\n of the open cluster NGC 2506","comments":"20 pages, 17 figures (5 in low resolution), 4 tables. Accepted for\n publication in MNRAS on August 5, 2023. PSF models, catalogs and stacked\n images are publicly available at\n https://web.oapd.inaf.it/bedin/files/PAPERs_eMATERIALs/JWST/Paper_03/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the third paper of this series aimed at developing the tools for analysing\nresolved stellar populations using the cameras on board of the James Webb Space\nTelescope (JWST), we present a detailed multi-band study of the 2 Gyr Galactic\nopen cluster NGC 2506. We employ public calibration data-sets collected in\nmultiple filters to: (i) derive improved effective Point Spread Functions\n(ePSFs) for ten NIRCam filters; (ii) extract high-precision photometry and\nastrometry for stars in the cluster, approaching the main-sequence (MS) lower\nmass of ~0.1 Msun; and (iii) take advantage of the synergy between JWST and\nGaia DR3 to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cluster's global and local\nproperties. We derived a MS binary fraction of ~57.5 %, extending the Gaia\nlimit (~0.8 Msun) to lower masses (~0.4 Msun) with JWST. We conducted a study\non the mass functions (MFs) of NGC 2506, mapping the mass segregation with Gaia\ndata, and extending MFs to lower masses with the JWST field. We also combined\ninformation on the derived MFs to infer an estimate of the cluster present-day\ntotal mass. Lastly, we investigated the presence of white dwarfs (WDs) and\nidentified a strong candidate. However, to firmly establish its cluster\nmembership, as well as that of four other WD candidates and of the majority of\nfaint low-mass MS stars, further JWST equally deep observations will be\nrequired. We make publicly available catalogues, atlases, and the improved\nePSFs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:15:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nardiello","D.",""],["Bedin","L. R.",""],["Griggio","M.",""],["Salaris","M.",""],["Scalco","M.",""],["Cassisi","S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10576","submitter":"Jiajun Tong","authors":"Jiajun Tong, Zhixiao Wang, Xiaobin Rui","title":"Incorprating Prompt tuning for Commit classification with prior\n Knowledge","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Commit Classification(CC) is an important task in software maintenance since\nit helps software developers classify code changes into different types\naccording to their nature and purpose. This allows them to better understand\nhow their development efforts are progressing, identify areas where they need\nimprovement. However, existing methods are all discriminative models, usually\nwith complex architectures that require additional output layers to produce\nclass label probabilities. Moreover, they require a large amount of labeled\ndata for fine-tuning, and it is difficult to learn effective classification\nboundaries in the case of limited labeled data. To solve above problems, we\npropose a generative framework that Incorporating prompt-tuning for commit\nclassification with prior knowledge (IPCK)\nhttps://github.com/AppleMax1992/IPCK, which simplifies the model structure and\nlearns features across different tasks. It can still reach the SOTA performance\nwith only limited samples. Firstly, we proposed a generative framework based on\nT5. This encoder-decoder construction method unifies different CC task into a\ntext2text problem, which simplifies the structure of the model by not requiring\nan extra output layer. Second, instead of fine-tuning, we design an\nprompt-tuning solution which can be adopted in few-shot scenarios with only\nlimit samples. Furthermore, we incorporate prior knowledge via an external\nknowledge graph to map the probabilities of words into the final labels in the\nspeech machine step to improve performance in few-shot scenarios. Extensive\nexperiments on two open available datasets show that our framework can solve\nthe CC problem simply but effectively in few-shot and zeroshot scenarios, while\nimproving the adaptability of the model without requiring a large amount of\ntraining samples for fine-tuning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:17:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tong","Jiajun",""],["Wang","Zhixiao",""],["Rui","Xiaobin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10577","submitter":"Marco Dentz","authors":"Xiangnan Yu and Marco Dentz and HongGuang Sun and Yong Zhang","title":"The impact of microscale physics in continuous time random walks for\n hydrodynamic dispersion in disordered media","comments":"29 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn cond-mat.stat-mech physics.geo-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The continuous time random walk (CTRW) approach has been widely applied to\nmodel large-scale non-Fickian transport in the flow through disordered media.\nOften, the underlying microscopic transport mechanisms and disorder\ncharacteristics are not known. Their effect on large-scale solute dispersion is\nencoded by a heavy-tailed transition time distribution. Here we study how the\nmicroscale physics manifests in the CTRW framework, and how it affects solute\ndispersion. To this end, we consider three CTRW models that originate in\ndifferent microscopic disorder and transport mechanisms, that is, transport\nunder random sorption properties, random flow properties, and a combination\nthereof. All of these mechanisms can give rise to anomalous transport. We first\nderive the CTRW models corresponding to each of these physical scenarios, then\nwe explore the impact of the microscale physics on the large-scale dispersion\nbehavior for flux-weighted and uniform solute injection modes. Analytical and\nnumerical results show the differences and similarities in the observed\nanomalous dispersion behaviors in terms of spatial particle densities,\ndisplacement mean and variance, and particle breakthrough curves. While random\nadvection and sorption have similar large-scale transport signatures, they\ndiffer in their response to uniform injection conditions, and in general to\ninitial particle distributions that are not flux-weighted. These findings\nhighlight the importance of the microscale physics for the interpretation and\nprediction of anomalous dispersion phenomena in disordered media.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:17:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Xiangnan",""],["Dentz","Marco",""],["Sun","HongGuang",""],["Zhang","Yong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10578","submitter":"Cinzia Di Giusto","authors":"Cinzia Di Giusto (C&A), Davide Ferr\\'e, Etienne Lozes (I3S, LSV),\n Nicolas Nisse","title":"Weakly synchronous systems with three machines are Turing powerful","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.FL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Communicating finite-state machines (CFMs) are a Turing powerful model of\nasynchronous message-passing distributed systems. In weakly synchronous\nsystems, processes communicate through phases in which messages are first sent\nand then received, for each process. Such systems enjoy a limited form of\nsynchronization, and for some communication models, this restriction is enough\nto make the reachability problem decidable. In particular, we explore the\nintriguing case of p2p (FIFO) communication, for which the reachability problem\nis known to be undecidable for four processes, but decidable for two. We show\nthat the configuration reachability problem for weakly synchronous systems of\nthree processes is undecidable. This result is heavily inspired by our study on\nthe treewidth of the Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) that might be generated by\nsuch systems. In this sense, the main contribution of this work is a weakly\nsynchronous system with three processes that generates MSCs of arbitrarily\nlarge treewidth.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:24:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Di Giusto","Cinzia","","C&A"],["Ferr\u00e9","Davide","","I3S, LSV"],["Lozes","Etienne","","I3S, LSV"],["Nisse","Nicolas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10579","submitter":"Aleksander Figiel","authors":"Aleksander Figiel and Janne H. Korhonen and Neil Olver and Stefan\n Schmid","title":"Demand-Aware Network Design with Steiner Nodes and a Connection to\n Virtual Network Embedding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NI cs.DC cs.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Emerging optical and virtualization technologies enable the design of more\nflexible and demand-aware networked systems, in which resources can be\noptimized toward the actual workload they serve. For example, in a demand-aware\ndatacenter network, frequently communicating nodes (e.g., two virtual machines\nor a pair of racks in a datacenter) can be placed topologically closer,\nreducing communication costs and hence improving the overall network\nperformance.\n This paper revisits the bounded-degree network design problem underlying such\ndemand-aware networks. Namely, given a distribution over communicating server\npairs, we want to design a network with bounded maximum degree that minimizes\nexpected communication distance. In addition to this known problem, we\nintroduce and study a variant where we allow Steiner nodes (i.e., additional\nrouters) to be added to augment the network.\n We improve the understanding of this problem domain in several ways. First,\nwe shed light on the complexity and hardness of the aforementioned problems,\nand study a connection between them and the virtual networking embedding\nproblem. We then provide a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the\nSteiner node version of the problem, and use it to improve over prior\nstate-of-the-art algorithms for the original version of the problem with sparse\ncommunication distributions. Finally, we investigate various heuristic\napproaches to bounded-degree network design problem, in particular providing a\nreliable heuristic algorithm with good experimental performance.\n We report on an extensive empirical evaluation, using several real-world\ntraffic traces from datacenters, and find that our approach results in improved\ndemand-aware network designs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:24:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Figiel","Aleksander",""],["Korhonen","Janne H.",""],["Olver","Neil",""],["Schmid","Stefan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10580","submitter":"Mostafa Meliani","authors":"B. Kaltenbacher, M. Meliani, and V. Nikoli\\'c","title":"The Kuznetsov and Blackstock equations of nonlinear acoustics with\n nonlocal-in-time dissipation","comments":"This is the second part of our study of quasilinear wave equations\n with nonlocal dissipation resulting from the splitting of arXiv:2206.15245 to\n improve its readability","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In ultrasonics, nonlocal quasilinear wave equations arise when taking into\naccount a class of heat flux laws of Gurtin--Pipkin type within the system of\ngoverning equations of sound motion. The present study extends previous work by\nthe authors to incorporate nonlocal acoustic wave equations with quadratic\ngradient nonlinearities which require a new approach in the energy analysis.\nMore precisely, we investigate the Kuznetsov and Blackstock equations with\ndissipation of fractional type and identify a minimal set of assumptions on the\nmemory kernel needed for each equation. In particular, we discuss the\nphysically relevant examples of Abel and Mittag-Leffler kernels. We perform the\nwell-posedness analysis uniformly with respect to a small parameter on which\nthe kernels depend and which can be interpreted as the sound diffusivity or the\nthermal relaxation time. We then analyze the limiting behavior of solutions\nwith respect to this parameter, and how it is influenced by the specific class\nof memory kernels at hand. Through such a limiting study, we relate the\nconsidered nonlocal quasilinear equations to their limiting counterparts and\nestablish the convergence rates of the respective solutions in the energy norm.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:24:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kaltenbacher","B.",""],["Meliani","M.",""],["Nikoli\u0107","V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10581","submitter":"Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas","authors":"Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas","title":"Brill-Noether loci","comments":"Comments welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Brill-Noether loci are those subsets of the moduli space of curves of genus g\ndetermined by the existence of a linear series of degree d and dimension r. We\nprovide a new proof of the non-emptiness of the loci when the expected\ncodimension of the Brill-Noether loci is at most g-2. We show that for a\ngeneric point of a component of this locus, the Petri map is onto and the\nmaximal rank conjecture for quadrics is satisfied. We also show that\nBrill-Noether loci of the same codimension are distinct when the codimension is\nnot too large\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:30:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bigas","Montserrat Teixidor i",""]]} {"id":"2308.10582","submitter":"Aleksandar Bulj","authors":"Aleksandar Bulj","title":"Generic norm growth of powers of homogeneous unimodular Fourier\n multipliers","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA math.AP math.FA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For an integer $d\\ge 2$, $t\\in \\mathbb{R}$ and a $0$-homogeneous function\n$\\Phi\\in C^{\\infty}(\\mathbb{R}^{d}\\setminus\\{0\\},\\mathbb{R})$, we consider the\nfamily of Fourier multiplier operators $T_{\\Phi}^t$ associated with symbols\n$\\xi\\mapsto \\exp(it\\Phi(\\xi))$ and prove that for a generic phase function\n$\\Phi$, one has the estimate $\\lVert T_{\\Phi}^t\\rVert_{L^p\\to L^p}\n\\gtrsim_{d,p, \\Phi}\\langle t\\rangle ^{d\\lvert\\frac{1}{p}-\\frac{1}{2}\\rvert}$.\nThat is the maximal possible order of growth in $t\\to \\pm \\infty$, according to\nthe previous work by V. Kova\\v{c} and the author and the result shows that the\ntwo special examples of functions $\\Phi$ that induce the maximal growth, given\nby V. Kova\\v{c} and the author and independently by D. Stolyarov, to disprove a\nconjecture of Maz'ya actually exhibit the same general phenomenon.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:30:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bulj","Aleksandar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10583","submitter":"Willem van den Boom","authors":"Willem van den Boom, Maria De Iorio, Fang Qian, Alessandra Guglielmi","title":"The Multivariate Bernoulli detector: Change point estimation in discrete\n survival analysis","comments":"43 pages, 12 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Time-to-event data are often recorded on a discrete scale with multiple,\ncompeting risks as potential causes for the event. In this context, application\nof continuous survival analysis methods with a single risk suffer from biased\nestimation. Therefore, we propose the Multivariate Bernoulli detector for\ncompeting risks with discrete times involving a multivariate change point model\non the cause-specific baseline hazards. Through the prior on the number of\nchange points and their location, we impose dependence between change points\nacross risks, as well as allowing for data-driven learning of their number.\nThen, conditionally on these change points, a Multivariate Bernoulli prior is\nused to infer which risks are involved. Focus of posterior inference is\ncause-specific hazard rates and dependence across risks. Such dependence is\noften present due to subject-specific changes across time that affect all\nrisks. Full posterior inference is performed through a tailored local-global\nMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, which exploits a data augmentation\ntrick and MCMC updates from non-conjugate Bayesian nonparametric methods. We\nillustrate our model in simulations and on prostate cancer data, comparing its\nperformance with existing approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:31:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Boom","Willem van den",""],["De Iorio","Maria",""],["Qian","Fang",""],["Guglielmi","Alessandra",""]]} {"id":"2308.10584","submitter":"Sopan Sarkar","authors":"Sopan Sarkar, Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, and Marwan Krunz","title":"RADIANCE: Radio-Frequency Adversarial Deep-learning Inference for\n Automated Network Coverage Estimation","comments":"6 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.NI eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Radio-frequency coverage maps (RF maps) are extensively utilized in wireless\nnetworks for capacity planning, placement of access points and base stations,\nlocalization, and coverage estimation. Conducting site surveys to obtain RF\nmaps is labor-intensive and sometimes not feasible. In this paper, we propose\nradio-frequency adversarial deep-learning inference for automated network\ncoverage estimation (RADIANCE), a generative adversarial network (GAN) based\napproach for synthesizing RF maps in indoor scenarios. RADIANCE utilizes a\nsemantic map, a high-level representation of the indoor environment to encode\nspatial relationships and attributes of objects within the environment and\nguide the RF map generation process. We introduce a new gradient-based loss\nfunction that computes the magnitude and direction of change in received signal\nstrength (RSS) values from a point within the environment. RADIANCE\nincorporates this loss function along with the antenna pattern to capture\nsignal propagation within a given indoor configuration and generate new\npatterns under new configuration, antenna (beam) pattern, and center frequency.\nExtensive simulations are conducted to compare RADIANCE with ray-tracing\nsimulations of RF maps. Our results show that RADIANCE achieves a mean average\nerror (MAE) of 0.09, root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of 0.29, peak\nsignal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of 10.78, and multi-scale structural similarity\nindex (MS-SSIM) of 0.80.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:33:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sarkar","Sopan",""],["Manshaei","Mohammad Hossein",""],["Krunz","Marwan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10585","submitter":"Dingzirui Wang","authors":"Dingzirui Wang, Longxu Dou, Wenbin Zhang, Junyu Zeng, Wanxiang Che","title":"Exploring Equation as a Better Intermediate Meaning Representation for\n Numerical Reasoning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Numerical reasoning is vital for natural language processing models to\nunderstand and process numerical information in real-world scenarios. Most\ncurrent methods first generate the Intermediate Meaning Representations (IMRs)\nof questions and then generate answers. Current SOTA methods generate programs\nas IMRs with large language models (LLMs). Intuitively, equations have fewer\nrestrictions and closer semantics to the question than programs, leading to\nhigher generation accuracy. However, current LLMs generate equations worse than\nprograms, where we assume that the equation data is rare in pre-training data\ncompared to programs. So in this paper, we try to use equations as IMRs to\nsolve the numerical reasoning task by addressing two problems: (1)\nTheoretically, how to prove that the equation is an IMR with higher generation\naccuracy than programs; (2) Empirically, how to improve the generation accuracy\nof equations with LLMs. For the first problem, we propose and prove a\nproposition to theoretically compare the generation accuracy of different IMRs.\nFor the second problem, we present a method called Boosting Numerical\nReason\\textbfing by Decomposing the Generation of Equations (Bridge), which can\nimprove the accuracy of LLMs in generating equations as IMRs by reducing the\ntendency of generating constant expressions and programs. Our method improves\nthe performance by 2.2%, 0.9%, and 1.7% on GSM8K, SVAMP, and Algebra datasets\ncompared to the previous state-of-the-art methods under the single reasoning\npath setting. Our codes and prompts are released in\nhttps://github.com/zirui-HIT/Bridge_for_Numerical_Reasoning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:35:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Dingzirui",""],["Dou","Longxu",""],["Zhang","Wenbin",""],["Zeng","Junyu",""],["Che","Wanxiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10586","submitter":"Gw\\'enol\\'e Lecorv\\'e","authors":"Rashedur Rahman, Gw\\'enol\\'e Lecorv\\'e, Nicolas B\\'echet","title":"Age Recommendation from Texts and Sentences for Children","comments":"26 pages (incl. 4 pages for appendices), 4 figures, 20 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Children have less text understanding capability than adults. Moreover, this\ncapability differs among the children of different ages. Hence, automatically\npredicting a recommended age based on texts or sentences would be a great\nbenefit to propose adequate texts to children and to help authors writing in\nthe most appropriate way. This paper presents our recent advances on the age\nrecommendation task. We consider age recommendation as a regression task, and\ndiscuss the need for appropriate evaluation metrics, study the use of\nstate-of-the-art machine learning model, namely Transformers, and compare it to\ndifferent models coming from the literature. Our results are also compared with\nrecommendations made by experts. Further, this paper deals with preliminary\nexplainability of the age prediction model by analyzing various linguistic\nfeatures. We conduct the experiments on a dataset of 3, 673 French texts (132K\nsentences, 2.5M words). To recommend age at the text level and sentence level,\nour best models achieve MAE scores of 0.98 and 1.83 respectively on the test\nset. Also, compared to the recommendations made by experts, our sentence-level\nrecommendation model gets a similar score to the experts, while the text-level\nrecommendation model outperforms the experts by an MAE score of 1.48.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:40:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Rahman","Rashedur",""],["Lecorv\u00e9","Gw\u00e9nol\u00e9",""],["B\u00e9chet","Nicolas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10587","submitter":"Muhammad Syifa'ul Mufid","authors":"Muhammad Syifa'ul Mufid, Andrea Micheli, Alessandro Abate, Alessandro\n Cimatti","title":"Formal Analysis and Verification of Max-Plus Linear Systems","comments":"28 pages (including appendixes)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.FL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Max-Plus Linear (MPL) systems are an algebraic formalism with practical\napplications in transportation networks, manufacturing and biological systems.\nIn this paper, we investigate the problem of automatically analyzing the\nproperties of MPL, taking into account both structural properties such as\ntransient and cyclicity, and the open problem of user-defined temporal\nproperties. We propose Time-Difference LTL (TDLTL), a logic that encompasses\nthe delays between the discrete time events governed by an MPL system, and\ncharacterize the problem of model checking TDLTL over MPL. We first consider a\nframework based on the verification of infinite-state transition systems, and\npropose an approach based on an encoding into model checking. Then, we leverage\nthe specific features of MPL systems to devise a highly optimized,\ncombinational approach based on Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT). We\nexperimentally evaluate the features of the proposed approaches on a large set\nof benchmarks. The results show that the proposed approach substantially\noutperforms the state of the art competitors in expressiveness and\neffectiveness, and demonstrate the superiority of the combinational approach\nover the reduction to model checking.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:40:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mufid","Muhammad Syifa'ul",""],["Micheli","Andrea",""],["Abate","Alessandro",""],["Cimatti","Alessandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.10588","submitter":"Jyotiranjan Beuria","authors":"Jyotiranjan Beuria","title":"Persistent homology of collider observations: when (w)hole matters","comments":"7 figures, 5 tables, submitted to PLB","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nlin.CD physics.data-an","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Topological invariants have played a fundamental role in the advancement of\ntheoretical high energy physics. Physicists have used several kinematic\ntechniques to distinguish new physics predictions from the Standard Model (SM)\nof particle physics at Large Hadron Collider (LHC). However, the study of\nglobal topological invariants of the collider signals has not yet attracted\nmuch attention. In this article, we present, a novel approach to study collider\nsignals using persistent homology. The global topological properties of the\nensemble of events as expressed by measures like persistent entropy, Betti\narea, etc. are worth considering in addition to the traditional approach of\nusing kinematic variables event by event. In this exploratory study, we first\nexplore the characteristic topological signature of a few SM electroweak\nresonant productions. Next, we use the framework to distinguish global\nproperties of the invisible Higgs decay processes in the SM and a real singlet\nextension of the SM featuring stable singlet scalar dark matter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:41:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Beuria","Jyotiranjan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10589","submitter":"Javad Shabanpour","authors":"Javad Shabanpour, Vladimir Lenets, Geoffroy Lerosey, Sergei Tretyakov\n and Constantin Simovski","title":"Engineering of intelligent reflecting surfaces: Reflection locality and\n angular stability","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are electromagnetically passive\ncontrollable structures, deflecting the incident wave beam in directions\npredefined by the control signal. A usual way to design RIS based on\nmetasurfaces (MSs) is based on the application of the approximation in which\nthe reflective properties of a uniform MS are attributed to a unit cell of the\nnon-uniform one. We call this approximation the reflection locality. In the\npresent paper, we show that this approximation may result in heavy errors. We\nalso find a condition under which this approximation is applicable for a wide\nrange of incidence and deflection angles. This condition is the angular\nstability of the reflection phase of a uniform MS based on which the\nnon-uniform one is generated. We present an approximate analytical proof of the\nequivalence of the reflection locality and angular stability. As an example, we\nreport theoretical and experimental results we obtained for a binary RIS whose\ngeneric uniform analogue has the angular stability. Meanwhile, for its\ncounterpart without angular stability (the so-called mushroom MS) the same\nmodel fails.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:41:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Shabanpour","Javad",""],["Lenets","Vladimir",""],["Lerosey","Geoffroy",""],["Tretyakov","Sergei",""],["Simovski","Constantin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10590","submitter":"Naoya Kuse","authors":"Jonathan Cuevas, Ryugo Iwami, Atsushi Uchida, Kaoru Minoshima, and\n Naoya Kuse","title":"Solving multi-armed bandit problems using a chaotic microresonator comb","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics cs.ET","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem, foundational to reinforcement\nlearning-based decision-making, addresses the challenge of maximizing rewards\namidst multiple uncertain choices. While algorithmic solutions are effective,\ntheir computational efficiency diminishes with increasing problem complexity.\nPhotonic accelerators, leveraging temporal and spatial-temporal chaos, have\nemerged as promising alternatives. However, despite these advancements, current\napproaches either compromise computation speed or amplify system complexity. In\nthis paper, we introduce a chaotic microresonator frequency comb (chaos comb)\nto tackle the MAB problem, where each comb mode is assigned to a slot machine.\nThrough a proof-of-concept experiment, we employ 44 comb modes to address an\nMAB with 44 slot machines, demonstrating performance competitive with both\nconventional software algorithms and other photonic methods. Further, the\nscalability of decision making is explored with up to 512 slot machines using\nexperimentally obtained temporal chaos in different time slots. Power-law\nscalability is achieved with an exponent of 0.96, outperforming conventional\nsoftware-based algorithms. Moreover, we find that a numerically calculated\nchaos comb accurately reproduces experimental results, paving the way for\ndiscussions on strategies to increase the number of slot machines.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:46:16 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:08:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Cuevas","Jonathan",""],["Iwami","Ryugo",""],["Uchida","Atsushi",""],["Minoshima","Kaoru",""],["Kuse","Naoya",""]]} {"id":"2308.10591","submitter":"Hannes Gernandt","authors":"Maria C. Honecker, Hannes Gernandt, Kai Wulff, Carsten Trunk, Johann\n Reger","title":"Feedback rectifiable pairs and stabilization of switched linear systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We address the feedback design problem for switched linear systems. In\nparticular we aim to design a switched state-feedback such that the resulting\nclosed-loop switched system is in upper triangular form. To this effect we\nformulate and analyse the feedback rectification problem for pairs of matrices.\nWe present necessary and sufficient conditions for the feedback rectifiability\nof pairs for two subsystems and give a constructive procedure to design\nstabilizing state-feedback for a class of switched systems. Several examples\nillustrate the characteristics of the problem considered and the application of\nthe proposed constructive procedure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:46:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Honecker","Maria C.",""],["Gernandt","Hannes",""],["Wulff","Kai",""],["Trunk","Carsten",""],["Reger","Johann",""]]} {"id":"2308.10592","submitter":"Emilia Wi\\'snios","authors":"Inez Okulska, Kinga G{\\l}\\k{a}bi\\'nska, Anna Ko{\\l}os, Agnieszka\n Karli\\'nska, Emilia Wi\\'snios, Adam Nowakowski, Pawe{\\l} Ellerik, Andrzej\n Pra{\\l}at","title":"BAN-PL: a Novel Polish Dataset of Banned Harmful and Offensive Content\n from Wykop.pl web service","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Advances in automated detection of offensive language online, including hate\nspeech and cyberbullying, require improved access to publicly available\ndatasets comprising social media content. In this paper, we introduce BAN-PL,\nthe first open dataset in the Polish language that encompasses texts flagged as\nharmful and subsequently removed by professional moderators. The dataset\nencompasses a total of 691,662 pieces of content from a popular social\nnetworking service, Wykop, often referred to as the \"Polish Reddit\", including\nboth posts and comments, and is evenly distributed into two distinct classes:\n\"harmful\" and \"neutral\". We provide a comprehensive description of the data\ncollection and preprocessing procedures, as well as highlight the linguistic\nspecificity of the data. The BAN-PL dataset, along with advanced preprocessing\nscripts for, i.a., unmasking profanities, will be publicly available.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:47:31 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 11:01:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Okulska","Inez",""],["G\u0142\u0105bi\u0144ska","Kinga",""],["Ko\u0142os","Anna",""],["Karli\u0144ska","Agnieszka",""],["Wi\u015bnios","Emilia",""],["Nowakowski","Adam",""],["Ellerik","Pawe\u0142",""],["Pra\u0142at","Andrzej",""]]} {"id":"2308.10593","submitter":"Dmitry Maslennikov","authors":"Dmitry R. Maslennikov, Marios Maimaris, Haoqing Ning, Xijia Zheng,\n Navendu Mondal, Vladimir V. Bruevich, Saied Md Pratik, Andrew J. Musser,\n Vitaly Podzorov, Jean-Luc Bredas, Veaceslav Coropceanu, Artem A. Bakulin","title":"Interplay Between Mixed and Pure Exciton States Controls Singlet Fission\n in Rubrene Single Crystals","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Singlet fission (SF) is a multielectron process in which one singlet exciton\nS converts into a pair of triplet excitons T+T. SF is widely studied as it may\nhelp overcome the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit for semiconductor\nphotovoltaic cells. To elucidate and control the SF mechanism, great attention\nhas been given to the identification of intermediate states in SF materials,\nwhich often appear elusive due to the complexity and fast timescales of the SF\nprocess. Here, we apply 10fs-1ms transient absorption techniques to high-purity\nrubrene single crystals to disentangle the intrinsic fission dynamics from the\neffects of defects and grain boundaries and to identify reliably the fission\nintermediates. We show that above-gap excitation directly generates a hybrid\nvibronically assisted mixture of singlet state and triplet-pair multiexciton\n[S:TT], which rapidly (<100fs) and coherently branches into pure singlet or\ntriplet excitations. The relaxation of [S:TT] to S is followed by a relatively\nslow and temperature-activated (48 meV activation energy) incoherent fission\nprocess. The SF competing pathways and intermediates revealed here unify the\nobservations and models presented in previous studies of SF in rubrene and\npropose alternative strategies for the development of SF-enhanced photovoltaic\nmaterials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:48:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Maslennikov","Dmitry R.",""],["Maimaris","Marios",""],["Ning","Haoqing",""],["Zheng","Xijia",""],["Mondal","Navendu",""],["Bruevich","Vladimir V.",""],["Pratik","Saied Md",""],["Musser","Andrew J.",""],["Podzorov","Vitaly",""],["Bredas","Jean-Luc",""],["Coropceanu","Veaceslav",""],["Bakulin","Artem A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10594","submitter":"Emil Have","authors":"Jay Armas, Emil Have","title":"Carrollian fluids and spontaneous breaking of boost symmetry","comments":"5+7 pages, letter format","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th cond-mat.str-el gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the hydrodynamic regime, field theories typically have their boost\nsymmetry spontaneously broken due to the presence of a thermal rest frame\nalthough the associated Goldstone field does not acquire independent dynamics.\nWe show that this is not the case for Carrollian field theories where the boost\nGoldstone field plays a central role. This allows us to give a first-principles\nderivation of the equilibrium currents and dissipative effects of Carrollian\nfluids. We also demonstrate that the limit of vanishing speed of light of\nrelativistic fluids is a special case of this class of Carrollian fluids. Our\nresults shine light on the thermodynamic properties and thermal partition\nfunctions of Carrollian field theories.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:48:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Armas","Jay",""],["Have","Emil",""]]} {"id":"2308.10595","submitter":"Michael Farber","authors":"Michael Farber and Amit Kumar Paul","title":"Sequential parametrized topological complexity of sphere bundles","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Autonomous motion of a system (robot) is controlled by a motion planning\nalgorithm. A sequential parametrized motion planning algorithm \\cite{FP22}\nworks under variable external conditions and generates continuous motions of\nthe system to attain the prescribed sequence of states at prescribed moments of\ntime. Topological complexity of such algorithms characterises their structure\nand discontinuities. Information about states of the system consistent with\nstates of the external conditions is described by a fibration $p: E\\to B$ where\nthe base $B$ parametrises the external conditions and each fibre $p^{-1}(b)$ is\nthe configuration space of the system constrained by external conditions $b\\in\nB$; more detail on this approach is given below. Our main goal in this paper is\nto study the sequential topological complexity of sphere bundles $\\dot \\xi:\n\\dot E\\to B$; in other words we study {\\it \\lq\\lq parametrized families of\nspheres\\rq\\rq} and sequential parametrized motion planning algorithms for such\nbundles. We use the Euler and Stiefel - Whitney characteristic classes to\nobtain lower bounds on the topological complexity. We illustrate our results by\nmany explicit examples. Some related results for the special case $r=2$ were\ndescribed earlier in \\cite{FW23}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:50:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Farber","Michael",""],["Paul","Amit Kumar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10596","submitter":"Margot Boughelilba","authors":"Margot Boughelilba, Anita Reimer, Lukas Merten and Jon-Paul Lundquist","title":"Spine-sheath jet model for low-luminosity AGNs","comments":"PoS 444 (38th ICRC) 958 (accepted)","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.22323/1.444.0958","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In several jetted AGNs, structured jets have been observed. In particular\nspine-sheath configurations where the jet is radially divided into two or more\nzones of different flow velocities. We present a model based on the particle\nand radiation transport code CR-ENTREES. Here, interaction rates and secondary\nparticle and photon yields are pre-calculated by Monte Carlo event generators\nor semi-analytical approximations. These are then used to create transition\nmatrices, that describe how each particle spectrum evolves with time. This code\nallows for arbitrary injection of primary particles, and the possibility to\nchoose which interaction to include (photo-meson production, Bethe-Heitler\npair-production, inverse-Compton scattering, $\\gamma$-$\\gamma$ pair production,\ndecay of all unstable particles, synchrotron radiation -- from electrons,\nprotons, and all relevant secondaries before their respective decays -- and\nparticle escape). In addition to the particle and radiation interactions taking\nplace in each homogeneous zone, we implement the feedback between the two zones\nhaving different bulk velocities. The main mechanism at play when particles\ncross the boundary between the two zones is shear acceleration. We follow a\nmicroscopic description of this acceleration process to create a corresponding\ntransition matrix and include it in our numerical setup. Furthermore, each\nzone's radiation field can be used as an external target photon field for the\nother zone's particle interactions. We present here the first results of the\neffect of a two-zone spine-sheath jet, by applying this model to typical\nlow-luminosity AGNs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:53:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Boughelilba","Margot",""],["Reimer","Anita",""],["Merten","Lukas",""],["Lundquist","Jon-Paul",""]]} {"id":"2308.10597","submitter":"Daniele De Martini","authors":"Fraser Rennie, David Williams, Paul Newman and Daniele De Martini","title":"Doppler-aware Odometry from FMCW Scanning Radar","comments":"Accepted to ITSC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This work explores Doppler information from a millimetre-Wave (mm-W)\nFrequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) scanning radar to make odometry\nestimation more robust and accurate. Firstly, doppler information is added to\nthe scan masking process to enhance correlative scan matching. Secondly, we\ntrain a Neural Network (NN) for regressing forward velocity directly from a\nsingle radar scan; we fuse this estimate with the correlative scan matching\nestimate and show improved robustness to bad estimates caused by challenging\nenvironment geometries, e.g. narrow tunnels. We test our method with a novel\ncustom dataset which is released with this work at\nhttps://ori.ox.ac.uk/publications/datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:56:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Rennie","Fraser",""],["Williams","David",""],["Newman","Paul",""],["De Martini","Daniele",""]]} {"id":"2308.10598","submitter":"Abdulah Jarouf","authors":"Abdulah Jarouf, Javier Hernandez Fernandez, Aymen Omri, Roberto Di\n Pietro","title":"Inferring Power Grid Information with Power Line Communications: Review\n and Insights","comments":"IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.OH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" High-frequency signals were widely studied in the last decade to identify\ngrid and channel conditions in PLNs. PLMs operating on the grid's physical\nlayer are capable of transmitting such signals to infer information about the\ngrid. Hence, PLC is a suitable communication technology for SG applications,\nespecially suited for grid monitoring and surveillance. In this paper, we\nprovide several contributions: 1) a classification of PLC-based applications;\n2) a taxonomy of the related methodologies; 3) a review of the literature in\nthe area of PLC Grid Information Inference (GII); and, insights that can be\nleveraged to further advance the field. We found research contributions\naddressing PLMs for three main PLC-GII applications: topology inference,\nanomaly detection, and physical layer key generation. In addition, various\nPLC-GII measurement, processing, and analysis approaches were found to provide\ndistinctive features in measurement resolution, computation complexity, and\nanalysis accuracy. We utilize the outcome of our review to shed light on the\ncurrent limitations of the research contributions and suggest future research\ndirections in this field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:56:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jarouf","Abdulah",""],["Fernandez","Javier Hernandez",""],["Omri","Aymen",""],["Di Pietro","Roberto",""]]} {"id":"2308.10599","submitter":"Anders Christensen","authors":"Anders Christensen, Massimiliano Mancini, A. Sophia Koepke, Ole\n Winther, Zeynep Akata","title":"Image-free Classifier Injection for Zero-Shot Classification","comments":"Accepted at ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Zero-shot learning models achieve remarkable results on image classification\nfor samples from classes that were not seen during training. However, such\nmodels must be trained from scratch with specialised methods: therefore, access\nto a training dataset is required when the need for zero-shot classification\narises. In this paper, we aim to equip pre-trained models with zero-shot\nclassification capabilities without the use of image data. We achieve this with\nour proposed Image-free Classifier Injection with Semantics (ICIS) that injects\nclassifiers for new, unseen classes into pre-trained classification models in a\npost-hoc fashion without relying on image data. Instead, the existing\nclassifier weights and simple class-wise descriptors, such as class names or\nattributes, are used. ICIS has two encoder-decoder networks that learn to\nreconstruct classifier weights from descriptors (and vice versa), exploiting\n(cross-)reconstruction and cosine losses to regularise the decoding process.\nNotably, ICIS can be cheaply trained and applied directly on top of pre-trained\nclassification models. Experiments on benchmark ZSL datasets show that ICIS\nproduces unseen classifier weights that achieve strong (generalised) zero-shot\nclassification performance. Code is available at\nhttps://github.com/ExplainableML/ImageFreeZSL .\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:56:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Christensen","Anders",""],["Mancini","Massimiliano",""],["Koepke","A. Sophia",""],["Winther","Ole",""],["Akata","Zeynep",""]]} {"id":"2308.10600","submitter":"Robert Ganian","authors":"Cornelius Brand and Robert Ganian and Sebastian R\\\"oder and Florian\n Schager","title":"Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Computing RAC Drawings of Graphs","comments":"Accepted at GD 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CG cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In a right-angle crossing (RAC) drawing of a graph, each edge is represented\nas a polyline and edge crossings must occur at an angle of exactly $90^\\circ$,\nwhere the number of bends on such polylines is typically restricted in some\nway. While structural and topological properties of RAC drawings have been the\nfocus of extensive research, little was known about the boundaries of\ntractability for computing such drawings. In this paper, we initiate the study\nof RAC drawings from the viewpoint of parameterized complexity. In particular,\nwe establish that computing a RAC drawing of an input graph $G$ with at most\n$b$ bends (or determining that none exists) is fixed-parameter tractable\nparameterized by either the feedback edge number of $G$, or $b$ plus the vertex\ncover number of $G$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:56:56 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:44:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Brand","Cornelius",""],["Ganian","Robert",""],["R\u00f6der","Sebastian",""],["Schager","Florian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10601","submitter":"Zhijin Ge","authors":"Zhijin Ge, Fanhua Shang, Hongying Liu, Yuanyuan Liu, Liang Wan, Wei\n Feng, Xiaosen Wang","title":"Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Examples with Arbitrary\n Style Transfer","comments":"10 pages, 2 figures, accepted by the 31st ACM International\n Conference on Multimedia (MM '23)","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3612070","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CR cs.LG eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples crafted by\napplying human-imperceptible perturbations on clean inputs. Although many\nattack methods can achieve high success rates in the white-box setting, they\nalso exhibit weak transferability in the black-box setting. Recently, various\nmethods have been proposed to improve adversarial transferability, in which the\ninput transformation is one of the most effective methods. In this work, we\nnotice that existing input transformation-based works mainly adopt the\ntransformed data in the same domain for augmentation. Inspired by domain\ngeneralization, we aim to further improve the transferability using the data\naugmented from different domains. Specifically, a style transfer network can\nalter the distribution of low-level visual features in an image while\npreserving semantic content for humans. Hence, we propose a novel attack method\nnamed Style Transfer Method (STM) that utilizes a proposed arbitrary style\ntransfer network to transform the images into different domains. To avoid\ninconsistent semantic information of stylized images for the classification\nnetwork, we fine-tune the style transfer network and mix up the generated\nimages added by random noise with the original images to maintain semantic\nconsistency and boost input diversity. Extensive experimental results on the\nImageNet-compatible dataset show that our proposed method can significantly\nimprove the adversarial transferability on either normally trained models or\nadversarially trained models than state-of-the-art input transformation-based\nattacks. Code is available at: https://github.com/Zhijin-Ge/STM.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:58:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ge","Zhijin",""],["Shang","Fanhua",""],["Liu","Hongying",""],["Liu","Yuanyuan",""],["Wan","Liang",""],["Feng","Wei",""],["Wang","Xiaosen",""]]} {"id":"2308.10602","submitter":"Liangyi Zhao","authors":"Peng Gao, Liangyi Zhao","title":"First moment of central values of some primitive Dirichlet $L$-functions\n with fixed order characters","comments":"11 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.10726","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We evaluate asymptotically the smoothed first moment of central values of\nfamilies of primitive cubic, quartic and sextic Dirichlet $L$-functions, using\nthe method of double Dirichlet series. Quantitative non-vanishing result for\nthese $L$-values are also proved.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:00:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Peng",""],["Zhao","Liangyi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10603","submitter":"Silvia-Laura Pintea","authors":"Silvia L. Pintea, Yancong Lin, Jouke Dijkstra, Jan C. van Gemert","title":"A step towards understanding why classification helps regression","comments":"Accepted at ICCV-2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A number of computer vision deep regression approaches report improved\nresults when adding a classification loss to the regression loss. Here, we\nexplore why this is useful in practice and when it is beneficial. To do so, we\nstart from precisely controlled dataset variations and data samplings and find\nthat the effect of adding a classification loss is the most pronounced for\nregression with imbalanced data. We explain these empirical findings by\nformalizing the relation between the balanced and imbalanced regression losses.\nFinally, we show that our findings hold on two real imbalanced image datasets\nfor depth estimation (NYUD2-DIR), and age estimation (IMDB-WIKI-DIR), and on\nthe problem of imbalanced video progress prediction (Breakfast). Our main\ntakeaway is: for a regression task, if the data sampling is imbalanced, then\nadd a classification loss.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:00:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pintea","Silvia L.",""],["Lin","Yancong",""],["Dijkstra","Jouke",""],["van Gemert","Jan C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10604","submitter":"Dongwook Lee Ph.D.","authors":"Dongwook Lee, Wonjun Choi, Seohyung Lee, ByungIn Yoo, Eunho Yang,\n Seongju Hwang","title":"BackTrack: Robust template update via Backward Tracking of candidate\n template","comments":"14 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Variations of target appearance such as deformations, illumination variance,\nocclusion, etc., are the major challenges of visual object tracking that\nnegatively impact the performance of a tracker. An effective method to tackle\nthese challenges is template update, which updates the template to reflect the\nchange of appearance in the target object during tracking. However, with\ntemplate updates, inadequate quality of new templates or inappropriate timing\nof updates may induce a model drift problem, which severely degrades the\ntracking performance. Here, we propose BackTrack, a robust and reliable method\nto quantify the confidence of the candidate template by backward tracking it on\nthe past frames. Based on the confidence score of candidates from BackTrack, we\ncan update the template with a reliable candidate at the right time while\nrejecting unreliable candidates. BackTrack is a generic template update scheme\nand is applicable to any template-based trackers. Extensive experiments on\nvarious tracking benchmarks verify the effectiveness of BackTrack over existing\ntemplate update algorithms, as it achieves SOTA performance on various tracking\nbenchmarks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:00:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Dongwook",""],["Choi","Wonjun",""],["Lee","Seohyung",""],["Yoo","ByungIn",""],["Yang","Eunho",""],["Hwang","Seongju",""]]} {"id":"2308.10605","submitter":"Anshuman Baruah","authors":"Parangam Goswami, Anshuman Baruah, Atri Deshamukhya","title":"Traversable wormholes in $f(R)$ gravity sourced by a cloud of strings","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Wormhole solutions in General Relativity (GR) require \\textit{exotic} matter\nsources that violate the null energy condition (NEC), and it is well known that\nhigher-order modifications of GR and some alternative matter sources can\nsupport wormholes. In this study, we explore the possibility of formulating\ntraversable wormholes in $f(R)$ modified gravity, which is perhaps the most\nwidely discussed modification of GR, with two approaches. First, to investigate\nthe effects of geometrical constraints on the global characteristics, we gauge\nthe $rr$-component of the metric tensor, and employ Pad\\`{e} approximation to\ncheck whether a well-constrained \\textit{shape function} can be formulated in\nthis manner. We then derive the field equations with a background of string\ncloud, and numerically analyse the energy conditions, stability, and amount of\nexotic matter in this space-time. Next, as an alternative source in a simple\n$f(R)$ gravity model, we use the background cloud of strings to estimate the\nwormhole shape function, and analyse the relevant properties of the space-time.\nThese results are then compared with those of wormholes threaded by normal\nmatter in the simple $f(R)$ gravity model considered. The results demonstrate\nthat wormholes with NEC violations are feasible; however, the wormhole\nspace-times in the simple $f(R)$ gravity model are unstable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:02:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Goswami","Parangam",""],["Baruah","Anshuman",""],["Deshamukhya","Atri",""]]} {"id":"2308.10606","submitter":"Marco Scutari","authors":"Alessandro Bregoli and Karin Rathsman and Marco Scutari and Fabio\n Stella and S{\\o}ren Wengel Mogensen","title":"Analyzing Complex Systems with Cascades Using Continuous-Time Bayesian\n Networks","comments":"21 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ML cs.LG stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Interacting systems of events may exhibit cascading behavior where events\ntend to be temporally clustered. While the cascades themselves may be obvious\nfrom the data, it is important to understand which states of the system trigger\nthem. For this purpose, we propose a modeling framework based on\ncontinuous-time Bayesian networks (CTBNs) to analyze cascading behavior in\ncomplex systems. This framework allows us to describe how events propagate\nthrough the system and to identify likely sentry states, that is, system states\nthat may lead to imminent cascading behavior. Moreover, CTBNs have a simple\ngraphical representation and provide interpretable outputs, both of which are\nimportant when communicating with domain experts. We also develop new methods\nfor knowledge extraction from CTBNs and we apply the proposed methodology to a\ndata set of alarms in a large industrial system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:06:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bregoli","Alessandro",""],["Rathsman","Karin",""],["Scutari","Marco",""],["Stella","Fabio",""],["Mogensen","S\u00f8ren Wengel",""]]} {"id":"2308.10607","submitter":"Johannes Moerland","authors":"Johannes Moerland, Nikolai Wyderka, Hermann Kampermann, Dagmar\n Bru{\\ss}","title":"Bound entangled Bell diagonal states of unequal local dimensions, and\n their witnesses","comments":"11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Bell diagonal states constitute a well-studied family of bipartite quantum\nstates that arise naturally in various contexts in quantum information. In this\npaper we generalize the notion of Bell diagonal states to the case of unequal\nlocal dimensions and investigate their entanglement properties. We extend the\nfamily of entanglement criteria of Sarbicki et al. to non-Hermitian operator\nbases to construct entanglement witnesses for the class of generalized Bell\ndiagonal states. We then show how to optimize the witnesses with respect to\nnoise robustness. Finally, we use these witnesses to construct bound entangled\nstates that are not detected by the usual computable cross norm or realignment\nand de Vicente criteria.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:07:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Moerland","Johannes",""],["Wyderka","Nikolai",""],["Kampermann","Hermann",""],["Bru\u00df","Dagmar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10608","submitter":"Yuhan Li","authors":"Yuhan Li, Yishun Dou, Yue Shi, Yu Lei, Xuanhong Chen, Yi Zhang, Peng\n Zhou, Bingbing Ni","title":"FocalDreamer: Text-driven 3D Editing via Focal-fusion Assembly","comments":"Project website: https://focaldreamer.github.io","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" While text-3D editing has made significant strides in leveraging score\ndistillation sampling, emerging approaches still fall short in delivering\nseparable, precise and consistent outcomes that are vital to content creation.\nIn response, we introduce FocalDreamer, a framework that merges base shape with\neditable parts according to text prompts for fine-grained editing within\ndesired regions. Specifically, equipped with geometry union and dual-path\nrendering, FocalDreamer assembles independent 3D parts into a complete object,\ntailored for convenient instance reuse and part-wise control. We propose\ngeometric focal loss and style consistency regularization, which encourage\nfocal fusion and congruent overall appearance. Furthermore, FocalDreamer\ngenerates high-fidelity geometry and PBR textures which are compatible with\nwidely-used graphics engines. Extensive experiments have highlighted the\nsuperior editing capabilities of FocalDreamer in both quantitative and\nqualitative evaluations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:16:52 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:23:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yuhan",""],["Dou","Yishun",""],["Shi","Yue",""],["Lei","Yu",""],["Chen","Xuanhong",""],["Zhang","Yi",""],["Zhou","Peng",""],["Ni","Bingbing",""]]} {"id":"2308.10609","submitter":"Hojoon Lee","authors":"Hojoon Lee, Hawon Jeong, Byungkun Lee, Kyungyup Lee, Jaegul Choo","title":"ST-RAP: A Spatio-Temporal Framework for Real Estate Appraisal","comments":"Accepted to CIKM'23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we introduce ST-RAP, a novel Spatio-Temporal framework for\nReal estate APpraisal. ST-RAP employs a hierarchical architecture with a\nheterogeneous graph neural network to encapsulate temporal dynamics and spatial\nrelationships simultaneously. Through comprehensive experiments on a\nlarge-scale real estate dataset, ST-RAP outperforms previous methods,\ndemonstrating the significant benefits of integrating spatial and temporal\naspects in real estate appraisal. Our code and dataset are available at\nhttps://github.com/dojeon-ai/STRAP.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:18:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Hojoon",""],["Jeong","Hawon",""],["Lee","Byungkun",""],["Lee","Kyungyup",""],["Choo","Jaegul",""]]} {"id":"2308.10610","submitter":"Yubiao Yue","authors":"Yubiao Yue, Xinyu Zeng, Xiaoqiang Shi, Meiping Zhang, Haihua Liang,\n Fan Zhang, Yanmei Chen, Zefeng Xie, Wenrui Wu, Zhenzhang Li","title":"Ultrafast and Ultralight Network-Based Intelligent System for Real-time\n Diagnosis of Ear diseases in Any Devices","comments":"This manuscript has been submitted to Neural Networks","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Traditional ear disease diagnosis heavily depends on experienced specialists\nand specialized equipment, frequently resulting in misdiagnoses, treatment\ndelays, and financial burdens for some patients. Utilizing deep learning models\nfor efficient ear disease diagnosis has proven effective and affordable.\nHowever, existing research overlooked model inference speed and parameter size\nrequired for deployment. To tackle these challenges, we constructed a\nlarge-scale dataset comprising eight ear disease categories and normal ear\ncanal samples from two hospitals. Inspired by ShuffleNetV2, we developed\nBest-EarNet, an ultrafast and ultralight network enabling real-time ear disease\ndiagnosis. Best-EarNet incorporates the novel Local-Global Spatial Feature\nFusion Module which can capture global and local spatial information\nsimultaneously and guide the network to focus on crucial regions within feature\nmaps at various levels, mitigating low accuracy issues. Moreover, our network\nuses multiple auxiliary classification heads for efficient parameter\noptimization. With 0.77M parameters, Best-EarNet achieves an average frames per\nsecond of 80 on CPU. Employing transfer learning and five-fold cross-validation\nwith 22,581 images from Hospital-1, the model achieves an impressive 95.23%\naccuracy. External testing on 1,652 images from Hospital-2 validates its\nperformance, yielding 92.14% accuracy. Compared to state-of-the-art networks,\nBest-EarNet establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) in practical\napplications. Most importantly, we developed an intelligent diagnosis system\ncalled Ear Keeper, which can be deployed on common electronic devices. By\nmanipulating a compact electronic otoscope, users can perform comprehensive\nscanning and diagnosis of the ear canal using real-time video. This study\nprovides a novel paradigm for ear endoscopy and other medical endoscopic image\nrecognition applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:20:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yue","Yubiao",""],["Zeng","Xinyu",""],["Shi","Xiaoqiang",""],["Zhang","Meiping",""],["Liang","Haihua",""],["Zhang","Fan",""],["Chen","Yanmei",""],["Xie","Zefeng",""],["Wu","Wenrui",""],["Li","Zhenzhang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10611","submitter":"Subir Ghosh","authors":"Akshat Pandey and Subir Ghosh","title":"Superconducting Quantum Circuits in the light of Dirac's Constraint\n Analysis Framework","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work we introduce a new framework - Dirac's Hamiltonian formalism of\nconstraint systems - to study different types of Superconducting Quantum\nCircuits (SQC) in a {\\it{unified}} and unambiguous way. The Lagrangian of a SQC\nreveals the constraints, that are classified in a Hamiltonian framework, such\nthat redundant variables can be removed to isolate the canonical degrees of\nfreedom for subsequent quantization of the Dirac Brackets via a generalized\nCorrespondence Principle. This purely algebraic approach makes the application\nof concepts such as graph theory, null vector, loop charge,\\ etc that are in\nvogue, (each for a specific type of circuit), completely redundant.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:22:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pandey","Akshat",""],["Ghosh","Subir",""]]} {"id":"2308.10612","submitter":"A. C. Khunt","authors":"Sagar V. Soni, A. C. Khunt and A. H. Hasmani","title":"A Study of Morris-Thorne Wormhole in Einstein-Cartan Theory","comments":"20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Preparing for submission to the\n International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper focuses on the Einstein-Cartan theory, an extension of general\nrelativity that incorporates a torsion tensor into spacetime. The differential\nform technique is employed to analyze the Einstein-Cartan theory, which\nreplaces tensors with tetrads. A tetrad formalism, specifically the\nNewmann-Penrose-Jogia-Griffiths formalism, is used to study the field\nequations. The energy-momentum tensor is also determined, considering a\nWeyssenhoff fluid with anisotropic matter. The spin density is derived in terms\nof the red-shift function. We also examine the energy conditions at the throat\nof a Morris-Thorne wormhole. The results shed light on the properties of\nwormholes in the context of the Einstein-Cartan theory, including the energy\nconditions at the throat.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:22:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Soni","Sagar V.",""],["Khunt","A. C.",""],["Hasmani","A. H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10613","submitter":"Weihong Wang","authors":"Jasper Surmont, Weihong Wang, Tom Van Cutsem","title":"Static Application Security Testing of Consensus-Critical Code in the\n Cosmos Network","comments":"5th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative\n Networks and Services (BRAINS'23)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Blockchains require deterministic execution in order to reach consensus. This\nis often guaranteed in languages designed to write smart contracts, such as\nSolidity. Application-specific blockchains or ``appchains'' allow the\nblockchain application logic to be written using general-purpose programming\nlanguages, giving developers more flexibility but also additional\nresponsibilities. In particular, developers must ensure that their blockchain\napplication logic does not contain any sources of non-determinism. Any source\nof non-determinism may be a potential source of vulnerabilities.\n This paper focuses on the use of Static Application Security Testing (SAST)\ntools to detect such sources of non-determinism at development time. We focus\non Cosmos, a prominent open-source project that lets developers build\ninterconnected networks of application-specific blockchains. Cosmos provides a\nSoftware Development Kit (SDK) that allows these chains to be implemented in\nthe Go programming language. We create a corpus of 11 representative\nCosmos-based appchains to analyze for sources of non-determinism in Go.\n As part of our study, we identified cosmos-sdk-codeql, a set of CodeQL code\nanalysis rules for Cosmos applications. We find that these rules generate many\nfalse positives and propose a refactored set of rules that more precisely\ndetects sources of non-determinism only in code that runs as part of the\nblockchain logic. We demonstrate a significant increase in the precision of the\nrules, making the SAST tool more effective and hence potentially contributing\nto enhanced security for Cosmos-based blockchains.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:22:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Surmont","Jasper",""],["Wang","Weihong",""],["Van Cutsem","Tom",""]]} {"id":"2308.10614","submitter":"Sophie Hermann","authors":"Sophie Hermann, Matthias Schmidt","title":"Active crystallization from power functional theory","comments":"6 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We address the gas, liquid, and crystal phase behaviour of active Brownian\nparticles in three dimensions. The nonequilibrium force balance at coexistence\nleads to equality of state functions for which we use power functional\napproximations. Motility-induced phase separation starts at a critical point\nand quickly becomes metastable against active freezing for P\\'eclet numbers\nabove a nonequilibrium triple point. The mean swim speed acts as a state\nvariable, similar to the density of depletion agents in colloidal demixing. We\nobtain quantitative agreement with recent simulation results and correctly\npredict the strength of particle number fluctuations in active fluids.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:23:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hermann","Sophie",""],["Schmidt","Matthias",""]]} {"id":"2308.10615","submitter":"Shubham Kanodia","authors":"Shubham Kanodia, Matthias Y. He, Eric B. Ford, Sujit K. Ghosh, and\n Angie Wolfgang","title":"Beyond 2-D Mass-Radius Relationships: A Nonparametric and Probabilistic\n Framework for Characterizing Planetary Samples in Higher Dimensions","comments":"Accepted in ApJ. Updated MRExo package and sample scripts available\n here: https://github.com/shbhuk/mrexo/tree/v1.0dev. Package will be released\n on PyPI (pip) along with full documentation upon publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Fundamental to our understanding of planetary bulk compositions is the\nrelationship between their masses and radii, two properties that are often not\nsimultaneously known for most exoplanets. However, while many previous studies\nhave modeled the two-dimensional relationship between planetary mass and radii,\nthis approach largely ignores the dependencies on other properties that may\nhave influenced the formation and evolution of the planets. In this work, we\nextend the existing nonparametric and probabilistic framework of \\texttt{MRExo}\nto jointly model distributions beyond two dimensions. Our updated framework can\nnow simultaneously model up to four observables, while also incorporating\nasymmetric measurement uncertainties and upper limits in the data. We showcase\nthe potential of this multi-dimensional approach to three science cases: (i) a\n4-dimensional joint fit to planetary mass, radius, insolation, and stellar\nmass, hinting of changes in planetary bulk density across insolation and\nstellar mass; (ii) a 3-dimensional fit to the California Kepler Survey sample\nshowing how the planet radius valley evolves across different stellar masses;\nand (iii) a 2-dimensional fit to a sample of Class-II protoplanetary disks in\nLupus while incorporating the upper-limits in dust mass measurements. In\naddition, we employ bootstrap and Monte-Carlo sampling to quantify the impact\nof the finite sample size as well as measurement uncertainties on the predicted\nquantities. We update our existing open-source user-friendly \\texttt{MRExo}\n\\texttt{Python} package with these changes, which allows users to apply this\nhighly flexible framework to a variety of datasets beyond what we have shown\nhere.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:28:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kanodia","Shubham",""],["He","Matthias Y.",""],["Ford","Eric B.",""],["Ghosh","Sujit K.",""],["Wolfgang","Angie",""]]} {"id":"2308.10616","submitter":"Andreas Kirchner","authors":"Andreas Kirchner, Eduardo Grossi, Stefan Floerchinger","title":"Cooper-Frye spectra of hadrons with viscous corrections including feed\n down from resonance decays","comments":"37 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A method to calculate hadron momentum spectra after feed down from resonance\ndecays in the context of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions described by\nrelativistic fluid dynamics is presented. The conceptual setup uses the\nCooper-Frye freeze-out integration together with an integral operator\ndescribing resonance decays. We provide explicit expressions for the\nintegration over the freeze-out surface for a smooth and symmetric background\nsolution, as well as for linearized perturbations around it. A major advantage\nof our method is that many integrals can be precomputed independently of a\nconcrete hydrodynamic simulation. Additionally, we examine the influence of\nadding heavier resonances to the decay chain on the spectrum of pions and show\nhow to include a phase with partial chemical equilibrium in order to separate\nthe chemical from the kinetic freeze-out.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:30:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kirchner","Andreas",""],["Grossi","Eduardo",""],["Floerchinger","Stefan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10617","submitter":"Jerry Jun-Yan Zhang","authors":"Jerry Jun-Yan Zhang, Nicolas Lodieu, Eduardo Mart\\'in","title":"Optical Properties of Metal-poor T Dwarf Candidates","comments":"13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A on 18th Aug 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Context. Metal-poor brown dwarfs are poorly understood because they are\nextremely faint and rare. Only a few candidates have been identified as T-type\nsubdwarfs in infrared surveys and their optical properties remain\nunconstrained.\n Aims. We aim to improve the knowledge of the optical properties of T subdwarf\ncandidates to break the degeneracy between metallicity and temperature and to\ninvestigate their atmospheric properties.\n Methods. Deep $z$-band images of 10 known T subdwarf candidates were\ncollected with the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias. Low-resolution optical\nspectra for two of them were obtained with the same telescope. Photometric\nmeasurements of the $z$-band flux were performed for all the targets and they\nwere combined with infrared photometry in $J, H, K, W1$ and $W2$-bands from the\nliterature to obtain the colours. The spectra were compared with\nsolar-metallicity T dwarf templates and with laboratory spectra.\n Results. We found that the targets segregate into three distinct groups in\nthe $W1 - W2$ vs. $z - W1$ colour-colour diagram. Group I objects are mixed\nwith solar-metallicity T dwarfs. Group III objects have $W1 - W2$ colours\nsimilar to T dwarfs but very red $z - W1$ colours. Group II objects lie between\nGroup I and III. The two targets for which we obtained spectra are located in\nGroup I and their spectroscopic properties resemble normal T dwarfs but with\nwater features that are deeper and have a shape akin to pure water.\n Conclusions. We conclude that the $W1 - W2$ vs. $z - W1$ colour-colour\ndiagram is excellent to break the metallicity-temperature degeneracy for\nobjects cooler than L-type. A revision of the spectral classification of T\nsubdwarf might be needed in the future, according to the photometric and\nspectroscopic properties of WISE1810 and WISE0414 in Group III discussed in\nthis work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:31:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Jerry Jun-Yan",""],["Lodieu","Nicolas",""],["Mart\u00edn","Eduardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10618","submitter":"Johan Medrano","authors":"Johan Medrano, Karl J. Friston, Peter Zeidman","title":"Linking fast and slow: the case for generative models","comments":"20 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A pervasive challenge in neuroscience is testing whether neuronal\nconnectivity changes over time due to specific causes, such as stimuli, events,\nor clinical interventions. Recent hardware innovations and falling data storage\ncosts enable longer, more naturalistic neuronal recordings. The implicit\nopportunity for understanding the self-organised brain calls for new analysis\nmethods that link temporal scales: from the order of milliseconds over which\nneuronal dynamics evolve, to the order of minutes, days or even years over\nwhich experimental observations unfold. This review article demonstrates how\nhierarchical generative models and Bayesian inference help to characterise\nneuronal activity across different time scales. Crucially, these methods go\nbeyond describing statistical associations among observations and enable\ninference about underlying mechanisms. We offer an overview of fundamental\nconcepts in state-space modeling and suggest a taxonomy for these methods.\nAdditionally, we introduce key mathematical principles that underscore a\nseparation of temporal scales, such as the slaving principle, and review\nBayesian methods that are being used to test hypotheses about the brain with\nmulti-scale data. We hope that this review will serve as a useful primer for\nexperimental and computational neuroscientists on the state of the art and\ncurrent directions of travel in the complex systems modelling literature.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:33:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Medrano","Johan",""],["Friston","Karl J.",""],["Zeidman","Peter",""]]} {"id":"2308.10619","submitter":"Xiaona Sun","authors":"Xiaona Sun and Zhenyu Wu and Yichen Liu and Saier Hu and Zhiqiang Zhan\n and Yang Ji","title":"centroIDA: Cross-Domain Class Discrepancy Minimization Based on\n Accumulative Class-Centroids for Imbalanced Domain Adaptation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) approaches address the covariate shift\nproblem by minimizing the distribution discrepancy between the source and\ntarget domains, assuming that the label distribution is invariant across\ndomains. However, in the imbalanced domain adaptation (IDA) scenario, covariate\nand long-tailed label shifts both exist across domains. To tackle the IDA\nproblem, some current research focus on minimizing the distribution\ndiscrepancies of each corresponding class between source and target domains.\nSuch methods rely much on the reliable pseudo labels' selection and the feature\ndistributions estimation for target domain, and the minority classes with\nlimited numbers makes the estimations more uncertainty, which influences the\nmodel's performance. In this paper, we propose a cross-domain class discrepancy\nminimization method based on accumulative class-centroids for IDA (centroIDA).\nFirstly, class-based re-sampling strategy is used to obtain an unbiased\nclassifier on source domain. Secondly, the accumulative class-centroids\nalignment loss is proposed for iterative class-centroids alignment across\ndomains. Finally, class-wise feature alignment loss is used to optimize the\nfeature representation for a robust classification boundary. A series of\nexperiments have proved that our method outperforms other SOTA methods on IDA\nproblem, especially with the increasing degree of label shift.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:35:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sun","Xiaona",""],["Wu","Zhenyu",""],["Liu","Yichen",""],["Hu","Saier",""],["Zhan","Zhiqiang",""],["Ji","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10620","submitter":"Yanjie Zhao","authors":"Xinyi Hou, Yanjie Zhao, Yue Liu, Zhou Yang, Kailong Wang, Li Li, Xiapu\n Luo, David Lo, John Grundy, Haoyu Wang","title":"Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature\n Review","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly impacted numerous domains,\nincluding Software Engineering (SE). Many recent publications have explored\nLLMs applied to various SE tasks and applications. Nevertheless, a\ncomprehensive understanding of the application, effects, and possible\nlimitations of LLMs on SE is still in its early stages. To bridge this gap, we\nconducted a systematic literature review on the intersection of LLMs and SE,\nwith a particular focus on understanding how LLMs can be exploited in SE to\noptimize processes and outcomes. We collect and analyze a total of 229 research\npapers from 2017 to 2023 to answer four key research questions (RQs). In RQ1,\nwe categorize and provide a comparative analysis of different LLMs that have\nbeen employed in SE tasks, characterising their distinctive features and uses.\nIn RQ2, we analyse the methods used in data collection, preprocessing, and\napplication highlighting the role of robust, well-curated datasets for\nsuccessful LLM for SE implementation. RQ3 investigates the strategies employed\nto optimize and evaluate the performance of LLMs in SE, as well as the common\ntechniques related to prompt optimization. Finally, RQ4 examines the specific\nSE tasks where LLMs have shown success to date, illustrating their practical\ncontributions to the field. From the answers to these RQs, we discuss the\ncurrent state-of-the-art and trends, identifying gaps in existing research, and\nflagging promising areas for future study.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:37:49 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 06:07:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Hou","Xinyi",""],["Zhao","Yanjie",""],["Liu","Yue",""],["Yang","Zhou",""],["Wang","Kailong",""],["Li","Li",""],["Luo","Xiapu",""],["Lo","David",""],["Grundy","John",""],["Wang","Haoyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10621","submitter":"Patrick Ruhkamp","authors":"HyunJun Jung, Patrick Ruhkamp, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam","title":"Multi-Modal Dataset Acquisition for Photometrically Challenging Object","comments":"Accepted at ICCV 2023 TRICKY Workshop","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper addresses the limitations of current datasets for 3D vision tasks\nin terms of accuracy, size, realism, and suitable imaging modalities for\nphotometrically challenging objects. We propose a novel annotation and\nacquisition pipeline that enhances existing 3D perception and 6D object pose\ndatasets. Our approach integrates robotic forward-kinematics, external infrared\ntrackers, and improved calibration and annotation procedures. We present a\nmulti-modal sensor rig, mounted on a robotic end-effector, and demonstrate how\nit is integrated into the creation of highly accurate datasets. Additionally,\nwe introduce a freehand procedure for wider viewpoint coverage. Both approaches\nyield high-quality 3D data with accurate object and camera pose annotations.\nOur methods overcome the limitations of existing datasets and provide valuable\nresources for 3D vision research.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:38:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jung","HyunJun",""],["Ruhkamp","Patrick",""],["Navab","Nassir",""],["Busam","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10622","submitter":"Eyke H\\\"ullermeier","authors":"Sascha Henzgen and Eyke H\\\"ullermeier","title":"Weighting by Tying: A New Approach to Weighted Rank Correlation","comments":"15 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Measures of rank correlation are commonly used in statistics to capture the\ndegree of concordance between two orderings of the same set of items. Standard\nmeasures like Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho coefficient put equal emphasis\non each position of a ranking. Yet, motivated by applications in which some of\nthe positions (typically those on the top) are more important than others, a\nfew weighted variants of these measures have been proposed. Most of these\ngeneralizations fail to meet desirable formal properties, however. Besides,\nthey are often quite inflexible in the sense of committing to a fixed weighing\nscheme. In this paper, we propose a weighted rank correlation measure on the\nbasis of fuzzy order relations. Our measure, called scaled gamma, is related to\nGoodman and Kruskal's gamma rank correlation. It is parametrized by a fuzzy\nequivalence relation on the rank positions, which in turn is specified\nconveniently by a so-called scaling function. This approach combines soundness\nwith flexibility: it has a sound formal foundation and allows for weighing rank\npositions in a flexible way.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:40:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Henzgen","Sascha",""],["H\u00fcllermeier","Eyke",""]]} {"id":"2308.10623","submitter":"Ioan-Adrian Cosma Mr.","authors":"Andy Catruna, Adrian Cosma and Emilian Radoi","title":"GaitPT: Skeletons Are All You Need For Gait Recognition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The analysis of patterns of walking is an important area of research that has\nnumerous applications in security, healthcare, sports and human-computer\ninteraction. Lately, walking patterns have been regarded as a unique\nfingerprinting method for automatic person identification at a distance. In\nthis work, we propose a novel gait recognition architecture called Gait Pyramid\nTransformer (GaitPT) that leverages pose estimation skeletons to capture unique\nwalking patterns, without relying on appearance information. GaitPT adopts a\nhierarchical transformer architecture that effectively extracts both spatial\nand temporal features of movement in an anatomically consistent manner, guided\nby the structure of the human skeleton. Our results show that GaitPT achieves\nstate-of-the-art performance compared to other skeleton-based gait recognition\nworks, in both controlled and in-the-wild scenarios. GaitPT obtains 82.6%\naverage accuracy on CASIA-B, surpassing other works by a margin of 6%.\nMoreover, it obtains 52.16% Rank-1 accuracy on GREW, outperforming both\nskeleton-based and appearance-based approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:47:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Catruna","Andy",""],["Cosma","Adrian",""],["Radoi","Emilian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10624","submitter":"Aditya Chopra","authors":"Aditya Chopra, Aaron C Bell, William Fawcett, Rodd Talebi, Daniel\n Angerhausen, At{\\i}l{\\i}m G\\\"une\\c{s} Baydin, Anamaria Berea, Nathalie A.\n Cabrol, Christopher Kempes, Massimo Mascaro","title":"PyATMOS: A Scalable Grid of Hypothetical Planetary Atmospheres","comments":"9 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Cloud computing offers an opportunity to run compute-resource intensive\nclimate models at scale by parallelising model runs such that datasets useful\nto the exoplanet community can be produced efficiently. To better understand\nthe statistical distributions and properties of potentially habitable planetary\natmospheres we implemented a parallelised climate modelling tool to scan a\nrange of hypothetical atmospheres.Starting with a modern day Earth atmosphere,\nwe iteratively and incrementally simulated a range of atmospheres to infer the\nlandscape of the multi-parameter space, such as the abundances of biological\nmediated gases (\\ce{O2}, \\ce{CO2}, \\ce{H2O}, \\ce{CH4}, \\ce{H2}, and \\ce{N2})\nthat would yield `steady state' planetary atmospheres on Earth-like planets\naround solar-type stars. Our current datasets comprises of \\numatmospheres\nsimulated models of exoplanet atmospheres and is available publicly on the NASA\nExoplanet Archive. Our scalable approach of analysing atmospheres could also\nhelp interpret future observations of planetary atmospheres by providing\nestimates of atmospheric gas fluxes and temperatures as a function of altitude.\nSuch data could enable high-throughput first-order assessment of the potential\nhabitability of exoplanetary surfaces and sepcan be a learning dataset for\nmachine learning applications in the atmospheric and exoplanet science domain.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:49:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chopra","Aditya",""],["Bell","Aaron C",""],["Fawcett","William",""],["Talebi","Rodd",""],["Angerhausen","Daniel",""],["Baydin","At\u0131l\u0131m G\u00fcne\u015f",""],["Berea","Anamaria",""],["Cabrol","Nathalie A.",""],["Kempes","Christopher",""],["Mascaro","Massimo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10625","submitter":"Jens Uwe Neurohr","authors":"Jens U. Neurohr, Friederike Nolle, Thomas Faidt, Samuel Grandthyll,\n Anton Wittig, Michael A. Klatt, Karin Jacobs and Frank M\\\"uller","title":"Impact of geometry on chemical analysis exemplified for photoelectron\n spectroscopy of black silicon","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For a smooth surface, the chemical composition can be readily evaluated by a\nvariety of spectroscopy techniques; a prominent example is X-ray photoelectron\nspectroscopy (XPS), where the relative proportions of the elements are mainly\ndetermined by the intensity ratio of the element-specific photoelectrons. This\ndeduction, however, is more intricate for a nanorough surface, such as black\nsilicon, since the steep slopes of the geometry mimic local variations of the\nlocal emission angle. Here, we explicitly quantify this effect via an integral\ngeometric analysis, by using so-called Minkowski tensors. Thus, we match the\nchemical information from XPS with topographical information from atomic force\nmicroscopy (AFM). Our method provides reliable estimates of layer thicknesses\nfor nanorough surfaces. For our black silicon samples, we found that the oxide\nlayer thickness is on average comparable to that of a native oxide layer. Our\nstudy highlights the impact of complex geometries at the nanoscale on the\nanalysis of chemical properties with implications for a broad class of\nspectroscopy techniques.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:51:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Neurohr","Jens U.",""],["Nolle","Friederike",""],["Faidt","Thomas",""],["Grandthyll","Samuel",""],["Wittig","Anton",""],["Klatt","Michael A.",""],["Jacobs","Karin",""],["M\u00fcller","Frank",""]]} {"id":"2308.10626","submitter":"Sheriff Tolulope Ibrahim","authors":"Sheriff Tolulope Ibrahim, Jamin Patel, Tarun Reddy Katapally","title":"Digital citizen science for ethical surveillance of physical activity\n among youth: mobile ecological momentary assessments vs. retrospective recall","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor of mortality globally.\nHence, understanding the physical activity (PA) patterns of youth is essential\nto manage and mitigate non-communicable diseases. As digital citizen science\napproaches utilizing citizen-owned smartphones to ethically obtain PA big data\ncan transform PA surveillance, this study aims to understand the frequency of\nPA reported by youth using smartphone-deployed retrospective validated surveys\ncompared to prospective time-triggered mobile ecological momentary assessments\n(mEMAs). Using a digital citizen science methodology, this study recruited\nyouth citizen scientists (N = 808) in 2018 (August 31- December 31) in\nSaskatchewan, Canada. Youth citizen scientists (age 13 to 21) reported their PA\nusing prospective mEMAs and retrospective surveys over an eight-day period. A\nsignificant difference was found in reporting the frequency of PA\nretrospectively vs. prospectively via mEMAs (p < 0.000). Ethnicity, parental\neducation, and strength training were associated with prospective PA frequency;\nhowever, no associations were significant with retrospective PA frequency. With\naccess to ubiquitous digital devices growing worldwide, and youth having\nparticularly high digital literacy, digital citizen science for the ethical\nsurveillance of PA using mEMAs presents a promising approach for the management\nand prevention of non-communicable diseases among youth.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:53:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ibrahim","Sheriff Tolulope",""],["Patel","Jamin",""],["Katapally","Tarun Reddy",""]]} {"id":"2308.10627","submitter":"Patrick Ruhkamp","authors":"Patrick Ruhkamp, Daoyi Gao, HyunJun Jung, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam","title":"Polarimetric Information for Multi-Modal 6D Pose Estimation of\n Photometrically Challenging Objects with Limited Data","comments":"Accepted at ICCV 2023 TRICKY Workshop","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" 6D pose estimation pipelines that rely on RGB-only or RGB-D data show\nlimitations for photometrically challenging objects with e.g. textureless\nsurfaces, reflections or transparency. A supervised learning-based method\nutilising complementary polarisation information as input modality is proposed\nto overcome such limitations. This supervised approach is then extended to a\nself-supervised paradigm by leveraging physical characteristics of polarised\nlight, thus eliminating the need for annotated real data. The methods achieve\nsignificant advancements in pose estimation by leveraging geometric information\nfrom polarised light and incorporating shape priors and invertible physical\nconstraints.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:56:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ruhkamp","Patrick",""],["Gao","Daoyi",""],["Jung","HyunJun",""],["Navab","Nassir",""],["Busam","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10628","submitter":"Gao-Chan Yong","authors":"Gao-Chan Yong","title":"Strangeness production in neutron star matter","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Based on a dynamics model on particle production, we analyze the production\nand fraction of exotic components in neutron star matter. It is found that\nthere exists a small fraction of strangeness in twice saturation density\nmatter. For five times saturation density matter, the fraction of strange\nbaryons can be as high as 25-50\\%, depending on the equation of state used. The\nneutron-proton asymmetry of dense matter does not significantly impact the\nstrangeness fraction in neutron star matter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:57:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yong","Gao-Chan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10629","submitter":"Luis Badesa","authors":"Luis Badesa, Carlos Matamala and Goran Strbac","title":"Who should pay for frequency-containment ancillary services? Providing\n incentives to shape investment during the energy transition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" While the operating cost of electricity grids based on thermal generation was\nlargely driven by the cost of fuel, as renewable penetration increases,\nancillary services represent an increasingly large proportion of the running\ncosts. Electric frequency is an important magnitude in highly renewable grids,\nas it becomes more volatile and therefore the cost related to maintaining it\nwithin safe bounds has significantly increased. So far, costs for\nfrequency-containment ancillary services have been socialised, but it has\nbecome relevant to rethink this regulatory arrangement. In this paper, we\ndiscuss the issue of cost allocation for these services, highlighting the need\nto evolve towards a causation-based regulatory framework. We argue that parties\nresponsible for creating the need for ancillary services should bear these\ncosts. However, this would imply an important change in electricity market\npolicy, therefore it is necessary to understand the impact on current and\nfuture investments on generation, as well as on electricity tariffs. Here we\nprovide a qualitative analysis of this issue, hoping to open up a focused\ndiscussion among academics, regulators and industry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:02:18 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 19:14:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Badesa","Luis",""],["Matamala","Carlos",""],["Strbac","Goran",""]]} {"id":"2308.10630","submitter":"Qi Deng","authors":"Jiyuan Tan, Chenyu Xue, Chuwen Zhang, Qi Deng, Dongdong Ge, Yinyu Ye","title":"A Homogenization Approach for Gradient-Dominated Stochastic Optimization","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Gradient dominance property is a condition weaker than strong convexity, yet\nit sufficiently ensures global convergence for first-order methods even in\nnon-convex optimization. This property finds application in various machine\nlearning domains, including matrix decomposition, linear neural networks, and\npolicy-based reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we study the\nstochastic homogeneous second-order descent method (SHSODM) for\ngradient-dominated optimization with $\\alpha \\in [1, 2]$ based on a recently\nproposed homogenization approach. Theoretically, we show that SHSODM achieves a\nsample complexity of $O(\\epsilon^{-7/(2 \\alpha) +1})$ for $\\alpha \\in [1, 3/2)$\nand $\\tilde{O}(\\epsilon^{-2/\\alpha})$ for $\\alpha \\in [3/2, 2]$. We further\nprovide a SHSODM with a variance reduction technique enjoying an improved\nsample complexity of $O( \\epsilon ^{-( 7-3\\alpha ) /( 2\\alpha )})$ for $\\alpha\n\\in [1,3/2)$. Our results match the state-of-the-art sample complexity bounds\nfor stochastic gradient-dominated optimization without \\emph{cubic\nregularization}. Since the homogenization approach only relies on solving\nextremal eigenvector problems instead of Newton-type systems, our methods gain\nthe advantage of cheaper iterations and robustness in ill-conditioned problems.\nNumerical experiments on several RL tasks demonstrate the efficiency of SHSODM\ncompared to other off-the-shelf methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:03:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tan","Jiyuan",""],["Xue","Chenyu",""],["Zhang","Chuwen",""],["Deng","Qi",""],["Ge","Dongdong",""],["Ye","Yinyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10631","submitter":"Ioan-Adrian Cosma Mr.","authors":"Adrian Cosma, Emilian Radoi","title":"PsyMo: A Dataset for Estimating Self-Reported Psychological Traits from\n Gait","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Psychological trait estimation from external factors such as movement and\nappearance is a challenging and long-standing problem in psychology, and is\nprincipally based on the psychological theory of embodiment. To date, attempts\nto tackle this problem have utilized private small-scale datasets with\nintrusive body-attached sensors. Potential applications of an automated system\nfor psychological trait estimation include estimation of occupational fatigue\nand psychology, and marketing and advertisement. In this work, we propose PsyMo\n(Psychological traits from Motion), a novel, multi-purpose and multi-modal\ndataset for exploring psychological cues manifested in walking patterns. We\ngathered walking sequences from 312 subjects in 7 different walking variations\nand 6 camera angles. In conjunction with walking sequences, participants filled\nin 6 psychological questionnaires, totalling 17 psychometric attributes related\nto personality, self-esteem, fatigue, aggressiveness and mental health. We\npropose two evaluation protocols for psychological trait estimation. Alongside\nthe estimation of self-reported psychological traits from gait, the dataset can\nbe used as a drop-in replacement to benchmark methods for gait recognition. We\nanonymize all cues related to the identity of the subjects and publicly release\nonly silhouettes, 2D / 3D human skeletons and 3D SMPL human meshes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:06:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cosma","Adrian",""],["Radoi","Emilian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10632","submitter":"Peiyan Zhang","authors":"Peiyan Zhang, Haoyang Liu, Chaozhuo Li, Xing Xie, Sunghun Kim, Haohan\n Wang","title":"Foundation Model-oriented Robustness: Robust Image Model Evaluation with\n Pretrained Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Machine learning has demonstrated remarkable performance over finite\ndatasets, yet whether the scores over the fixed benchmarks can sufficiently\nindicate the model's performance in the real world is still in discussion. In\nreality, an ideal robust model will probably behave similarly to the oracle\n(e.g., the human users), thus a good evaluation protocol is probably to\nevaluate the models' behaviors in comparison to the oracle. In this paper, we\nintroduce a new robustness measurement that directly measures the image\nclassification model's performance compared with a surrogate oracle (i.e., a\nfoundation model). Besides, we design a simple method that can accomplish the\nevaluation beyond the scope of the benchmarks. Our method extends the image\ndatasets with new samples that are sufficiently perturbed to be distinct from\nthe ones in the original sets, but are still bounded within the same\nimage-label structure the original test image represents, constrained by a\nfoundation model pretrained with a large amount of samples. As a result, our\nnew method will offer us a new way to evaluate the models' robustness\nperformance, free of limitations of fixed benchmarks or constrained\nperturbations, although scoped by the power of the oracle. In addition to the\nevaluation results, we also leverage our generated data to understand the\nbehaviors of the model and our new evaluation strategies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:07:27 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 06:41:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Peiyan",""],["Liu","Haoyang",""],["Li","Chaozhuo",""],["Xie","Xing",""],["Kim","Sunghun",""],["Wang","Haohan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10633","submitter":"Yasuto Hoshi","authors":"Yasuto Hoshi, Daisuke Miyashita, Youyang Ng, Kento Tatsuno, Yasuhiro\n Morioka, Osamu Torii, Jun Deguchi","title":"RaLLe: A Framework for Developing and Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented\n Large Language Models","comments":"18 pages, 2 figures, see https://youtu.be/JYbm75qnfTg for the\n demonstration screencast","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Retrieval-augmented large language models (R-LLMs) combine pre-trained large\nlanguage models (LLMs) with information retrieval systems to improve the\naccuracy of factual question-answering. However, current libraries for building\nR-LLMs provide high-level abstractions without sufficient transparency for\nevaluating and optimizing prompts within specific inference processes such as\nretrieval and generation. To address this gap, we present RaLLe, an open-source\nframework designed to facilitate the development, evaluation, and optimization\nof R-LLMs for knowledge-intensive tasks. With RaLLe, developers can easily\ndevelop and evaluate R-LLMs, improving hand-crafted prompts, assessing\nindividual inference processes, and objectively measuring overall system\nperformance quantitatively. By leveraging these features, developers can\nenhance the performance and accuracy of their R-LLMs in knowledge-intensive\ngeneration tasks. We open-source our code at https://github.com/yhoshi3/RaLLe.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:08:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hoshi","Yasuto",""],["Miyashita","Daisuke",""],["Ng","Youyang",""],["Tatsuno","Kento",""],["Morioka","Yasuhiro",""],["Torii","Osamu",""],["Deguchi","Jun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10634","submitter":"Frank J. Jiang","authors":"August S\\\"oderlund, Frank J. Jiang, Vandana Narri, Amr Alanwar, and\n Karl H. Johansson","title":"Data-Driven Reachability Analysis of Pedestrians Using Behavior Modes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we present a data-driven approach for safely predicting the\nfuture state sets of pedestrians. Previous approaches to predicting the future\nstate sets of pedestrians either do not provide safety guarantees or are overly\nconservative. Moreover, an additional challenge is the selection or\nidentification of a model that sufficiently captures the motion of pedestrians.\nTo address these issues, this paper introduces the idea of splitting previously\ncollected, historical pedestrian trajectories into different behavior modes for\nperforming data-driven reachability analysis. Through this proposed approach,\nwe are able to use data-driven reachability analysis to capture the future\nstate sets of pedestrians, while being less conservative and still maintaining\nsafety guarantees. Furthermore, this approach is modular and can support\ndifferent approaches for behavior splitting. To illustrate the efficacy of the\napproach, we implement our method with a basic behavior-splitting module and\nevaluate the implementation on an open-source data set of real pedestrian\ntrajectories. In this evaluation, we find that the modal reachable sets are\nless conservative and more descriptive of the future state sets of the\npedestrian.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:10:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["S\u00f6derlund","August",""],["Jiang","Frank J.",""],["Narri","Vandana",""],["Alanwar","Amr",""],["Johansson","Karl H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10635","submitter":"Mathias Sonnleitner","authors":"Mathias Sonnleitner, Christoph Th\\\"ale","title":"A note on critical intersections of classical and Schatten $p$-balls","comments":"12 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The purpose of this note is to study the asymptotic volume of intersections\nof unit balls associated with two norms in $\\mathbb{R}^n$ as their dimension\n$n$ tends to infinity. A general framework is provided and then specialized to\nthe following cases. For classical $\\ell_p^n$-balls the focus lies on the case\n$p=\\infty$, which has previously not been studied in the literature. As far as\nSchatten $p$-balls are considered, we concentrate on the cases $p=2$ and\n$p=\\infty$. In both situations we uncover an unconventional limiting behavior.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:14:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sonnleitner","Mathias",""],["Th\u00e4le","Christoph",""]]} {"id":"2308.10636","submitter":"Amin Honarmandi Shandiz","authors":"Amin Honarmandi Shandiz and Attila R\\'adics and Rajesh Tamada and Makk\n \\'Arp\\'ad and Karolina Glowacka and Lehel Ferenczi and Sandeep Dutta and\n Michael Fanariotis","title":"Automated Identification of Failure Cases in Organ at Risk Segmentation\n Using Distance Metrics: A Study on CT Data","comments":"11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Automated organ at risk (OAR) segmentation is crucial for radiation therapy\nplanning in CT scans, but the generated contours by automated models can be\ninaccurate, potentially leading to treatment planning issues. The reasons for\nthese inaccuracies could be varied, such as unclear organ boundaries or\ninaccurate ground truth due to annotation errors. To improve the model's\nperformance, it is necessary to identify these failure cases during the\ntraining process and to correct them with some potential post-processing\ntechniques. However, this process can be time-consuming, as traditionally it\nrequires manual inspection of the predicted output. This paper proposes a\nmethod to automatically identify failure cases by setting a threshold for the\ncombination of Dice and Hausdorff distances. This approach reduces the\ntime-consuming task of visually inspecting predicted outputs, allowing for\nfaster identification of failure case candidates. The method was evaluated on\n20 cases of six different organs in CT images from clinical expert curated\ndatasets. By setting the thresholds for the Dice and Hausdorff distances, the\nstudy was able to differentiate between various states of failure cases and\nevaluate over 12 cases visually. This thresholding approach could be extended\nto other organs, leading to faster identification of failure cases and thereby\nimproving the quality of radiation therapy planning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:14:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Shandiz","Amin Honarmandi",""],["R\u00e1dics","Attila",""],["Tamada","Rajesh",""],["\u00c1rp\u00e1d","Makk",""],["Glowacka","Karolina",""],["Ferenczi","Lehel",""],["Dutta","Sandeep",""],["Fanariotis","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10637","submitter":"Amol Delmade Dr","authors":"Amol Delmade, Frank Slyne, Colm Browning, Daniel Kilper Liam Barry and\n Marco Ruffini","title":"Metro Access Network with Convergence of Coherent and Analog RoF Data\n Services","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NI eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Efficient use of spectral resources will be an important aspect of converged\naccess network deployment. This work analyzes the performance of variable\nbandwidth Analog Radio-over-Fiber signals transmitted in the unfilled spectral\nspaces of telecom-grade ROADM channels dedicated for coherent signals\ntransmission over the OpenIreland testbed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:19:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Delmade","Amol",""],["Slyne","Frank",""],["Browning","Colm",""],["Barry","Daniel Kilper Liam",""],["Ruffini","Marco",""]]} {"id":"2308.10638","submitter":"Soubhik Sanyal","authors":"Soubhik Sanyal, Partha Ghosh, Jinlong Yang, Michael J. Black, Justus\n Thies, Timo Bolkart","title":"SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-dependent Clothed\n and Textured Human Meshes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.GR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present SCULPT, a novel 3D generative model for clothed and textured 3D\nmeshes of humans. Specifically, we devise a deep neural network that learns to\nrepresent the geometry and appearance distribution of clothed human bodies.\nTraining such a model is challenging, as datasets of textured 3D meshes for\nhumans are limited in size and accessibility. Our key observation is that there\nexist medium-sized 3D scan datasets like CAPE, as well as large-scale 2D image\ndatasets of clothed humans and multiple appearances can be mapped to a single\ngeometry. To effectively learn from the two data modalities, we propose an\nunpaired learning procedure for pose-dependent clothed and textured human\nmeshes. Specifically, we learn a pose-dependent geometry space from 3D scan\ndata. We represent this as per vertex displacements w.r.t. the SMPL model.\nNext, we train a geometry conditioned texture generator in an unsupervised way\nusing the 2D image data. We use intermediate activations of the learned\ngeometry model to condition our texture generator. To alleviate entanglement\nbetween pose and clothing type, and pose and clothing appearance, we condition\nboth the texture and geometry generators with attribute labels such as clothing\ntypes for the geometry, and clothing colors for the texture generator. We\nautomatically generated these conditioning labels for the 2D images based on\nthe visual question answering model BLIP and CLIP. We validate our method on\nthe SCULPT dataset, and compare to state-of-the-art 3D generative models for\nclothed human bodies. We will release the codebase for research purposes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:23:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sanyal","Soubhik",""],["Ghosh","Partha",""],["Yang","Jinlong",""],["Black","Michael J.",""],["Thies","Justus",""],["Bolkart","Timo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10639","submitter":"Bo Wu","authors":"Bo Wu, Qiang An, Jiawei Yao, Fengchuan Wu, Yunqi Fu","title":"Effect of Rydberg-atom-based sensor performance on different Rydberg\n atom population at one atomic-vapor cell","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.atom-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The atomic-vapor cell is a vital component for Rydberg atomic microwave\nsensors, and impacts on overall capability of Rydberg sensor. However, the\nconventional analysis approach on effect of vapor-cell length contains two\nimplicit assumptions, that is, the same atomic population density and buffer\ngas pressure, which make it unable to accurately capture actual response about\neffect of Rydberg-atom-based sensor performance on different Rydberg atom\npopulation. Here, utilizing a stepped cesium atomic-vapor cell with five\ndifferent dimensions at the same atomic population density and buffer gas\npressure, the height and full width at half maximum of Electromagnetically\nInduced Transparency(EIT) signal, and the sensitivity of the atomic\nsuperheterodyne sensor are comprehensively investigated at the same Rabi\nfrequences(saturated laser power) conditions. It is identified that EIT signal\nheight is proportional to the cell length, full width at half maximum and\nsensitivity grow with the increment of cell length to a certain extent. Based\non the coherent integration signal theory and atomic linear expansion\ncoefficient method, theoretical analysis of the EIT height and sensitivity are\nfurther investigated. The results could shed new light on the understanding and\ndesign of ultrahigh-sensitivity Rydberg atomic microwave sensors and find\npromising applications in quantum measurement, communication, and imaging.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:23:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Bo",""],["An","Qiang",""],["Yao","Jiawei",""],["Wu","Fengchuan",""],["Fu","Yunqi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10640","submitter":"Yongxing Zhu","authors":"Yongxing Zhu","title":"Quantized Vortex Dynamics of the Nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger Equation with\n Wave Operator on the Torus","comments":"15 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We derive rigorously the reduced dynamical law for quantized vortex dynamics\nof the nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation with wave operator on the torus when\nthe core size of vortex $\\varepsilon \\to 0$. It is proved that the reduced\ndynamical law of the nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation with wave operator is a\nmixed state of the vortex motion laws for the nonlinear wave equation and the\nnonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation. We will also investigate the convergence of\nthe reduced dynamical law of the nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation with wave\noperator to the vortex motion law of the nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation via\nnumerical simulation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:25:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhu","Yongxing",""]]} {"id":"2308.10641","submitter":"Burak Soner","authors":"Burak Soner and Sinem Coleri","title":"Statistical Analysis of Geometric Algorithms in Vehicular Visible Light\n Positioning","comments":"Technical report. 7 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Vehicular visible light positioning (VLP) methods find relative locations of\nvehicles by estimating the positions of intensity-modulated head/tail lights of\none vehicle (target) with respect to another (ego). Estimation is done in two\nsteps: 1) relative bearing or range of the transmitter-receiver link is\nmeasured over the received signal on the ego side, and 2) target position is\nestimated based on those measurements using a geometric algorithm that\nexpresses position coordinates in terms of the bearing-range parameters. The\nprimary source of statistical error for these non-linear algorithms is the\nchannel noise on the received signals that contaminates parameter measurements\nwith varying levels of sensitivity. In this paper, we present two such\ngeometric vehicular VLP algorithms that were previously unexplored, compare\ntheir performance with state-of-the-art algorithms over simulations, and\nanalyze theoretical performance of all algorithms against statistical channel\nnoise by deriving the respective Cramer-Rao lower bounds. The two newly\nexplored algorithms do not outperform existing state-of-the-art, but we present\nthem alongside the statistical analyses for the sake of completeness and to\nmotivate further research in vehicular VLP. Our main finding is that direct\nbearing-based algorithms provide higher accuracy against noise for estimating\nlateral position coordinates, and range-based algorithms provide higher\naccuracy in the longitudinal axis due to the non-linearity of the respective\ngeometric algorithms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:27:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Soner","Burak",""],["Coleri","Sinem",""]]} {"id":"2308.10642","submitter":"Yeuk Hay Joshua Lam","authors":"Raju Krishnamoorthy, Yeuk Hay Joshua Lam","title":"Frobenius trace fields of cohomologically rigid local systems","comments":"Comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $X/\\mathbb{C}$ be a smooth projective variety and let $L$ be an\nirreducible $\\overline{\\mathbb{Q}}_{\\ell}$-local system on $X$ with torsion\ndeterminant. Suppose $L$ is cohomologically rigid. The pair $(X, L)$ may be\nspreaded out to a finitely generated base, and therefore reduced modulo $p$ for\nalmost all $p$; the Frobenius traces of this mod $p$ reduction lie in a number\nfield $F_p$, by a theorem of Deligne. We investigate to what extent $F_p$\ndepends on $p$. We prove that for a positive density of primes $p$, the $F_p$'s\nare contained in a fixed number field. More precisely, we prove that $F_p$ is\nunramified at primes $\\ell$ such that $\\ell\\neq p$ and $\\ell$ large, where the\nlargeness condition is uniform and does not depend on $p$, and also that $F_p$\nis unramified at $p$ assuming a further condition on $p$. We also speculate on\nthe relation between the uniform boundedness of the $F_p$'s, and the local\nsystem $L$ being strongly of geometric origin, a notion due to Langer-Simpson.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:28:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Krishnamoorthy","Raju",""],["Lam","Yeuk Hay Joshua",""]]} {"id":"2308.10643","submitter":"Zhehui Wang","authors":"Zhehui Wang, Andrew F. T. Leong, Angelo Dragone, Arianna E. Gleason,\n Rafael Ballabriga, Christopher Campbell, Michael Campbell, Cinzia Da Vi\\`a,\n Dana M. Dattelbaum, Marcel Demarteau, Lorenzo Fabris, Eric R. Fossum, Sol M.\n Gruner, Todd Hufnagel, Xiaolu Ju, Ke Li, Xavier Llopart, Bratislav Luki\\'c,\n Alexander Rack, Joseph Strehlow, Audrey C. Therrien, Julia Thom-Levy,\n Feixiang Wang, Tiqiao Xiao, Mingwei Xu, Xin Yue","title":"Ultrafast Radiographic Imaging and Tracking: An overview of instruments,\n methods, data, and applications","comments":"51 pages, 31 figures; Overview of ultrafast radiographic imaging and\n tracking as a part of ULITIMA 2023 conference, Mar. 13-16,2023, Menlo Park,\n CA, USA","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"Los Alamos Report number LA-UR-23-29338","categories":"physics.ins-det physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Ultrafast radiographic imaging and tracking (U-RadIT) use state-of-the-art\nionizing particle and light sources to experimentally study sub-nanosecond\ndynamic processes in physics, chemistry, biology, geology, materials science\nand other fields. These processes, fundamental to nuclear fusion energy,\nadvanced manufacturing, green transportation and others, often involve one mole\nor more atoms, and thus are challenging to compute by using the first\nprinciples of quantum physics or other forward models. One of the central\nproblems in U-RadIT is to optimize information yield through, e.g.\nhigh-luminosity X-ray and particle sources, efficient imaging and tracking\ndetectors, novel methods to collect data, and large-bandwidth online and\noffline data processing, regulated by the underlying physics, statistics, and\ncomputing power. We review and highlight recent progress in: a.) Detectors; b.)\nU-RadIT modalities; c.) Data and algorithms; and d.) Applications.\nHardware-centric approaches to U-RadIT optimization are constrained by detector\nmaterial properties, low signal-to-noise ratio, high cost and long development\ncycles of critical hardware components such as ASICs. Interpretation of\nexperimental data, including comparisons with forward models, is frequently\nhindered by sparse measurements, model and measurement uncertainties, and\nnoise. Alternatively, U-RadIT make increasing use of data science and machine\nlearning algorithms, including experimental implementations of compressed\nsensing. Machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches, refined by\nphysics and materials information, may also contribute significantly to data\ninterpretation, uncertainty quantification, and U-RadIT optimization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:29:25 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 27 Aug 2023 17:49:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Zhehui",""],["Leong","Andrew F. T.",""],["Dragone","Angelo",""],["Gleason","Arianna E.",""],["Ballabriga","Rafael",""],["Campbell","Christopher",""],["Campbell","Michael",""],["Da Vi\u00e0","Cinzia",""],["Dattelbaum","Dana M.",""],["Demarteau","Marcel",""],["Fabris","Lorenzo",""],["Fossum","Eric R.",""],["Gruner","Sol M.",""],["Hufnagel","Todd",""],["Ju","Xiaolu",""],["Li","Ke",""],["Llopart","Xavier",""],["Luki\u0107","Bratislav",""],["Rack","Alexander",""],["Strehlow","Joseph",""],["Therrien","Audrey C.",""],["Thom-Levy","Julia",""],["Wang","Feixiang",""],["Xiao","Tiqiao",""],["Xu","Mingwei",""],["Yue","Xin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10644","submitter":"Alexander Norcliffe MSc MSci BA","authors":"Alexander Norcliffe, Marc Peter Deisenroth","title":"Faster Training of Neural ODEs Using Gau{\\ss}-Legendre Quadrature","comments":"32 pages, 16 figures, 7 tables, published in TMLR 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.NA math.NA stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Neural ODEs demonstrate strong performance in generative and time-series\nmodelling. However, training them via the adjoint method is slow compared to\ndiscrete models due to the requirement of numerically solving ODEs. To speed\nneural ODEs up, a common approach is to regularise the solutions. However, this\napproach may affect the expressivity of the model; when the trajectory itself\nmatters, this is particularly important. In this paper, we propose an\nalternative way to speed up the training of neural ODEs. The key idea is to\nspeed up the adjoint method by using Gau{\\ss}-Legendre quadrature to solve\nintegrals faster than ODE-based methods while remaining memory efficient. We\nalso extend the idea to training SDEs using the Wong-Zakai theorem, by training\na corresponding ODE and transferring the parameters. Our approach leads to\nfaster training of neural ODEs, especially for large models. It also presents a\nnew way to train SDE-based models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:31:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Norcliffe","Alexander",""],["Deisenroth","Marc Peter",""]]} {"id":"2308.10645","submitter":"Gerald Cooray PhD","authors":"Gerald K. Cooray, Vernon Cooray and Karl Friston","title":"Canonical Cortical Field Theories","comments":"19 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We characterise the dynamics of neuronal activity, in terms of field theory,\nusing neural units placed on a 2D-lattice modelling the cortical surface. The\nelectrical activity of neuronal units was analysed with the aim of deriving a\nneural field model with a simple functional form that still able to predict or\nreproduce empirical findings. Each neural unit was modelled using a neural mass\nand the accompanying field theory was derived in the continuum limit. The field\ntheory comprised coupled (real) Klein-Gordon fields, where predictions of the\nmodel fall within the range of experimental findings. These predictions\nincluded the frequency spectrum of electric activity measured from the cortex,\nwhich was derived using an equipartition of energy over eigenfunctions of the\nneural fields. Moreover, the neural field model was invariant, within a set of\nparameters, to the dynamical system used to model each neuronal mass.\nSpecifically, topologically equivalent dynamical systems resulted in the same\nneural field model when connected in a lattice; indicating that the fields\nderived could be read as a canonical cortical field theory. We specifically\ninvestigated non-dispersive fields that provide a structure for the coding (or\nrepresentation) of afferent information. Further elaboration of the ensuing\nneural field theory, including the effect of dispersive forces, could be of\nimportance in the understanding of the cortical processing of information.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:34:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cooray","Gerald K.",""],["Cooray","Vernon",""],["Friston","Karl",""]]} {"id":"2308.10646","submitter":"Bruno Gallas","authors":"Mathieu Nicolas (INSP, LRS), Per Magnus Walmsness (NTNU), Jayeeta\n Amboli (FRESNEL), Lu Zhang (INSP, LRS), Guillaume Demesy (FRESNEL), Nicolas\n Bonod (FRESNEL), Souhir Boujday (LRS), Morten Kildemo (NTNU), Bruno Gallas\n (INSP)","title":"True Circular Dichroism in Optically Active Achiral Metasurfaces and Its\n Relation to Chiral Near-Fields","comments":"ACS Applied Optical Materials, 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1021/acsaom.3c00136","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Optically active achiral metasurfaces offer a promising way to detect chiral\nmolecules based on chiroptic methods. The combination of plasmonic enhanced\ncircular dichroism and reversible optical activity would boost the sensitivity\nand provide enantiomerselective surfaces while using a single sensing site. In\nthis work, we use metasurfaces containing arrays of U-shaped resonators as a\nbenchmark for analyzing the optical activity of achiral materials. Although the\npeculiar optical activity of these metasurfaces has 1 been quite well\ndescribed, we present here an experimental and numerical quantitative\ndetermination of the different contributions to the measured optical activity.\nIn particular, it is shown that linear birefringence and retardance contribute,\nbut only marginally, to the apparent circular dichroism of the metasurface\nassociated with the excitation of magnetoelectric modes. We then numerically\ndemonstrate the peculiar near-field properties of the magneto-electric modes\nand explain how these properties could be reflected in the far-field\npolarimetric properties in the presence of chiral molecules. This work provides\nalternatives for the detection scheme of chiral molecules using plasmonic\nresonators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:34:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nicolas","Mathieu","","INSP, LRS"],["Walmsness","Per Magnus","","NTNU"],["Amboli","Jayeeta","","FRESNEL"],["Zhang","Lu","","INSP, LRS"],["Demesy","Guillaume","","FRESNEL"],["Bonod","Nicolas","","FRESNEL"],["Boujday","Souhir","","LRS"],["Kildemo","Morten","","NTNU"],["Gallas","Bruno","","INSP"]]} {"id":"2308.10647","submitter":"Shayekh Islam","authors":"Imam Mohammad Zulkarnain, Shayekh Bin Islam, Md. Zami Al Zunaed\n Farabe, Md. Mehedi Hasan Shawon, Jawaril Munshad Abedin, Beig Rajibul Hasan,\n Marsia Haque, Istiak Shihab, Syed Mobassir, MD. Nazmuddoha Ansary, Asif\n Sushmit, Farig Sadeque","title":"bbOCR: An Open-source Multi-domain OCR Pipeline for Bengali Documents","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Despite the existence of numerous Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools,\nthe lack of comprehensive open-source systems hampers the progress of document\ndigitization in various low-resource languages, including Bengali. Low-resource\nlanguages, especially those with an alphasyllabary writing system, suffer from\nthe lack of large-scale datasets for various document OCR components such as\nword-level OCR, document layout extraction, and distortion correction; which\nare available as individual modules in high-resource languages. In this paper,\nwe introduce Bengali$.$AI-BRACU-OCR (bbOCR): an open-source scalable document\nOCR system that can reconstruct Bengali documents into a structured searchable\ndigitized format that leverages a novel Bengali text recognition model and two\nnovel synthetic datasets. We present extensive component-level and system-level\nevaluation: both use a novel diversified evaluation dataset and comprehensive\nevaluation metrics. Our extensive evaluation suggests that our proposed\nsolution is preferable over the current state-of-the-art Bengali OCR systems.\nThe source codes and datasets are available here:\nhttps://bengaliai.github.io/bbocr.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:35:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:32:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zulkarnain","Imam Mohammad",""],["Islam","Shayekh Bin",""],["Farabe","Md. Zami Al Zunaed",""],["Shawon","Md. Mehedi Hasan",""],["Abedin","Jawaril Munshad",""],["Hasan","Beig Rajibul",""],["Haque","Marsia",""],["Shihab","Istiak",""],["Mobassir","Syed",""],["Ansary","MD. Nazmuddoha",""],["Sushmit","Asif",""],["Sadeque","Farig",""]]} {"id":"2308.10648","submitter":"Dong Xingning","authors":"Yutao Chen, Xingning Dong, Tian Gan, Chunluan Zhou, Ming Yang, and\n Qingpei Guo","title":"EVE: Efficient zero-shot text-based Video Editing with Depth Map\n Guidance and Temporal Consistency Constraints","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Motivated by the superior performance of image diffusion models, more and\nmore researchers strive to extend these models to the text-based video editing\ntask. Nevertheless, current video editing tasks mainly suffer from the dilemma\nbetween the high fine-tuning cost and the limited generation capacity. Compared\nwith images, we conjecture that videos necessitate more constraints to preserve\nthe temporal consistency during editing. Towards this end, we propose EVE, a\nrobust and efficient zero-shot video editing method. Under the guidance of\ndepth maps and temporal consistency constraints, EVE derives satisfactory video\nediting results with an affordable computational and time cost. Moreover,\nrecognizing the absence of a publicly available video editing dataset for fair\ncomparisons, we construct a new benchmark ZVE-50 dataset. Through comprehensive\nexperimentation, we validate that EVE could achieve a satisfactory trade-off\nbetween performance and efficiency. We will release our dataset and codebase to\nfacilitate future researchers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:36:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Yutao",""],["Dong","Xingning",""],["Gan","Tian",""],["Zhou","Chunluan",""],["Yang","Ming",""],["Guo","Qingpei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10649","submitter":"Pawan Kumar","authors":"Sajal Khandelwal, Pawan Kumar, Syed Azeemuddin","title":"Reinforcement Learning Based Sensor Optimization for Bio-markers","comments":"7 pages, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.NE eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Radio frequency (RF) biosensors, in particular those based on inter-digitated\ncapacitors (IDCs), are pivotal in areas like biomedical diagnosis, remote\nsensing, and wireless communication. Despite their advantages of low cost and\neasy fabrication, their sensitivity can be hindered by design imperfections,\nenvironmental factors, and circuit noise. This paper investigates enhancing the\nsensitivity of IDC-based RF sensors using novel reinforcement learning based\nBinary Particle Swarm Optimization (RLBPSO), and it is compared to Ant Colony\nOptimization (ACO), and other state-of-the-art methods. By focusing on\noptimizing design parameters like electrode design and finger width, the\nproposed study found notable improvements in sensor sensitivity. The proposed\nRLBPSO method shows best optimized design for various frequency ranges when\ncompared to current state-of-the-art methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:36:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Khandelwal","Sajal",""],["Kumar","Pawan",""],["Azeemuddin","Syed",""]]} {"id":"2308.10650","submitter":"Frederik H\\\"uttel","authors":"Frederik Boe H\\\"uttel, Filipe Rodrigues, Francisco C\\^amara Pereira","title":"Deep Evidential Learning for Bayesian Quantile Regression","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" It is desirable to have accurate uncertainty estimation from a single\ndeterministic forward-pass model, as traditional methods for uncertainty\nquantification are computationally expensive. However, this is difficult\nbecause single forward-pass models do not sample weights during inference and\noften make assumptions about the target distribution, such as assuming it is\nGaussian. This can be restrictive in regression tasks, where the mean and\nstandard deviation are inadequate to model the target distribution accurately.\nThis paper proposes a deep Bayesian quantile regression model that can estimate\nthe quantiles of a continuous target distribution without the Gaussian\nassumption. The proposed method is based on evidential learning, which allows\nthe model to capture aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty with a single\ndeterministic forward-pass model. This makes the method efficient and scalable\nto large models and datasets. We demonstrate that the proposed method achieves\ncalibrated uncertainties on non-Gaussian distributions, disentanglement of\naleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, and robustness to out-of-distribution\nsamples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:42:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["H\u00fcttel","Frederik Boe",""],["Rodrigues","Filipe",""],["Pereira","Francisco C\u00e2mara",""]]} {"id":"2308.10651","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Davide Basile (Formal Methods and Tools lab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy),\n Maurice H. ter Beek (Formal Methods and Tools lab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)","title":"Research Challenges in Orchestration Synthesis","comments":"In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.08920","journal-ref":"EPTCS 383, 2023, pp. 73-90","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.383.5","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.FL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Contract automata allow to formally define the behaviour of service contracts\nin terms of service offers and requests, some of which are moreover optional\nand some of which are necessary. A composition of contracts is said to be in\nagreement if all service requests are matched by corresponding offers. Whenever\na composition of contracts is not in agreement, it can be refined to reach an\nagreement using the orchestration synthesis algorithm. This algorithm is a\nvariant of the synthesis algorithm used in supervisory control theory and it is\nbased on the fact that optional transitions are controllable, whereas necessary\ntransitions are at most semi-controllable and cannot always be controlled. In\nfact, the resulting orchestration is such that as much of the behaviour in\nagreement is maintained. In this paper, we discuss recent developments of the\norchestration synthesis algorithm for contract automata. Notably, we present a\nrefined notion of semi-controllability and compare it with the original notion\nby means of examples. We then discuss the current limits of the orchestration\nsynthesis algorithm and identify a number of research challenges together with\na research roadmap.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:46:39 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:54:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Basile","Davide","","Formal Methods and Tools lab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy"],["ter Beek","Maurice H.","","Formal Methods and Tools lab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy"]]} {"id":"2308.10652","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Wolfgang Jeltsch (Well-Typed, London, England), Javier D\\'iaz (Atix\n Labs (a Globant Division), Buenos Aires, Argentina)","title":"Proofs about Network Communication: For Humans and Machines","comments":"In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.08920","journal-ref":"EPTCS 383, 2023, pp. 1-14","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.383.1","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Many concurrent and distributed systems are safety-critical and therefore\nhave to provide a high degree of assurance. Important properties of such\nsystems are frequently proved on the specification level, but implementations\ntypically deviate from specifications for practical reasons. Machine-checked\nproofs of bisimilarity statements are often useful for guaranteeing that\nproperties of specifications carry over to implementations. In this paper, we\npresent a way of conducting such proofs with a focus on network communication.\nThe proofs resulting from our approach are not just machine-checked but also\nintelligible for humans.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:47:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jeltsch","Wolfgang","","Well-Typed, London, England"],["D\u00edaz","Javier","","Atix\n Labs"]]} {"id":"2308.10653","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Franco Barbanera (Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,\n Universit\\`a di Catania, Catania, Italy), Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini\n (Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit\\`a di Torino, Torino, Italy)","title":"Partially Typed Multiparty Sessions","comments":"In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.08920","journal-ref":"EPTCS 383, 2023, pp. 15-34","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.383.2","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A multiparty session formalises a set of concurrent communicating\nparticipants. We propose a type system for multiparty sessions where some\ncommunications between participants can be ignored. This allows us to type some\nsessions with global types representing interesting protocols, which have no\ntype in the standard type systems. Our type system enjoys Subject Reduction,\nSession Fidelity and \"partial\" Lock-freedom. The last property ensures the\nabsence of locks for participants with non ignored communications. A sound and\ncomplete type inference algorithm is also discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:47:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Barbanera","Franco","","Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,\n Universit\u00e0 di Catania, Catania, Italy"],["Dezani-Ciancaglini","Mariangiola","","Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit\u00e0 di Torino, Torino, Italy"]]} {"id":"2308.10654","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Seyed Hossein Haeri (IOG, Belgium & University of Bergen, Norway),\n Peter W. Thompson (PNSol, UK), Peter Van Roy (Universit\\'e catholique de\n Louvain, Belgium), Magne Haveraaen (University of Bergen, Norway), Neil J.\n Davies (PNSol, UK), Mikhail Barash (University of Bergen, Norway), Kevin\n Hammond (IOG, UK), James Chapman (IOG, UK)","title":"Algebraic Reasoning About Timeliness","comments":"In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.08920","journal-ref":"EPTCS 383, 2023, pp. 35-54","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.383.3","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.PF cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Designing distributed systems to have predictable performance under high load\nis difficult because of resource exhaustion, non-linearity, and stochastic\nbehaviour. Timeliness, i.e., delivering results within defined time bounds, is\na central aspect of predictable performance. In this paper, we focus on\ntimeliness using the DELTA-Q Systems Development paradigm (DELTA-QSD, developed\nby PNSol), which computes timeliness by modelling systems observationally using\nso-called outcome expressions. An outcome expression is a compositional\ndefinition of a system's observed behaviour in terms of its basic operations.\nGiven the behaviour of the basic operations, DELTA-QSD efficiently computes the\nstochastic behaviour of the whole system including its timeliness.\n This paper formally proves useful algebraic properties of outcome expressions\nw.r.t. timeliness. We prove the different algebraic structures the set of\noutcome expressions form with the different DELTA-QSD operators and demonstrate\nwhy those operators do not form richer structures. We prove or disprove the set\nof all possible distributivity results on outcome expressions. On our way for\ndisproving 8 of those distributivity results, we develop a technique called\nproperisation, which gives rise to the first body of maths for improper random\nvariables. Finally, we also prove 14 equivalences that have been used in the\npast in the practice of DELTA-QSD.\n An immediate benefit is rewrite rules that can be used for design exploration\nunder established timeliness equivalence. This work is part of an ongoing\nproject to disseminate and build tool support for DELTA-QSD. The ability to\nrewrite outcome expressions is essential for efficient tool support.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:47:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Haeri","Seyed Hossein","","IOG, Belgium & University of Bergen, Norway"],["Thompson","Peter W.","","PNSol, UK"],["Van Roy","Peter","","Universit\u00e9 catholique de\n Louvain, Belgium"],["Haveraaen","Magne","","University of Bergen, Norway"],["Davies","Neil J.","","PNSol, UK"],["Barash","Mikhail","","University of Bergen, Norway"],["Hammond","Kevin","","IOG, UK"],["Chapman","James","","IOG, UK"]]} {"id":"2308.10655","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Manel Barkallah (Nadi Research Institute Faculty of Computer Science\n University of Namur Namur, Belgium), Jean-Marie Jacquet (Nadi Research\n Institute Faculty of Computer Science University of Namur Namur, Belgium)","title":"On the Introduction of Guarded Lists in Bach: Expressiveness,\n Correctness, and Efficiency Issues","comments":"In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.08920","journal-ref":"EPTCS 383, 2023, pp. 55-72","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.383.4","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.PL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Concurrency theory has received considerable attention, but mostly in the\nscope of synchronous process algebras such as CCS, CSP, and ACP. As another way\nof handling concurrency, data-based coordination languages aim to provide a\nclear separation between interaction and computation by synchronizing processes\nasynchronously by means of information being available or not on a shared\nspace. Although these languages enjoy interesting properties, verifying program\ncorrectness remains challenging. Some works, such as Anemone, have introduced\nfacilities, including animations and model checking of temporal logic formulae,\nto better grasp system modelling. However, model checking is known to raise\nperformance issues due to the state space explosion problem. In this paper, we\npropose a guarded list construct as a solution to address this problem. We\nestablish that the guarded list construct increases performance while strictly\nenriching the expressiveness of data-based coordination languages. Furthermore,\nwe introduce a notion of refinement to introduce the guarded list construct in\na correctness-preserving manner.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:48:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Barkallah","Manel","","Nadi Research Institute Faculty of Computer Science\n University of Namur Namur, Belgium"],["Jacquet","Jean-Marie","","Nadi Research\n Institute Faculty of Computer Science University of Namur Namur, Belgium"]]} {"id":"2308.10656","submitter":"Shuang Cui","authors":"Shuang Cui, Kai Han, Jing Tang, He Huang, Xueying Li, Aakas Zhiyuli,\n Hanxiao Li","title":"Practical Parallel Algorithms for Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization","comments":"Part of the contribution appears in AAAI-2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Submodular maximization has found extensive applications in various domains\nwithin the field of artificial intelligence, including but not limited to\nmachine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. With the\nincreasing size of datasets in these domains, there is a pressing need to\ndevelop efficient and parallelizable algorithms for submodular maximization.\nOne measure of the parallelizability of a submodular maximization algorithm is\nits adaptive complexity, which indicates the number of sequential rounds where\na polynomial number of queries to the objective function can be executed in\nparallel. In this paper, we study the problem of non-monotone submodular\nmaximization subject to a knapsack constraint, and propose the first\ncombinatorial algorithm achieving an $(8+\\epsilon)$-approximation under\n$\\mathcal{O}(\\log n)$ adaptive complexity, which is \\textit{optimal} up to a\nfactor of $\\mathcal{O}(\\log\\log n)$. Moreover, we also propose the first\nalgorithm with both provable approximation ratio and sublinear adaptive\ncomplexity for the problem of non-monotone submodular maximization subject to a\n$k$-system constraint. As a by-product, we show that our two algorithms can\nalso be applied to the special case of submodular maximization subject to a\ncardinality constraint, and achieve performance bounds comparable with those of\nstate-of-the-art algorithms. Finally, the effectiveness of our approach is\ndemonstrated by extensive experiments on real-world applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:48:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cui","Shuang",""],["Han","Kai",""],["Tang","Jing",""],["Huang","He",""],["Li","Xueying",""],["Zhiyuli","Aakas",""],["Li","Hanxiao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10657","submitter":"Tanmay Inamdar","authors":"Tanmay Inamdar, Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh, Vaishali\n Surianarayanan","title":"Parameterized Complexity of Fair Bisection: FPT-Approximation meets\n Unbreakability","comments":"Full version of ESA 2023 paper. Abstract shortened to meet the\n character limit","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In the Minimum Bisection problem, input is a graph $G$ and the goal is to\npartition the vertex set into two parts $A$ and $B$, such that $||A|-|B|| \\le\n1$ and the number $k$ of edges between $A$ and $B$ is minimized. This problem\ncan be viewed as a clustering problem where edges represent similarity, and the\ntask is to partition the vertices into two equally sized clusters, while\nminimizing the number of pairs of similar objects that end up in different\nclusters. In this paper, we initiate the study of a fair version of Minimum\nBisection. In this problem, the vertices of the graph are colored using one of\n$c \\ge 1$ colors. The goal is to find a bisection $(A, B)$ with at most $k$\nedges between the parts, such that for each color $i\\in [c]$, $A$ has exactly\n$r_i$ vertices of color $i$.\n We first show that Fair Bisection is $W$[1]-hard parameterized by $c$ even\nwhen $k = 0$. On the other hand, our main technical contribution shows that is\nthat this hardness result is simply a consequence of the very strict\nrequirement that each color class $i$ has {\\em exactly} $r_i$ vertices in $A$.\nIn particular, we give an $f(k,c,\\epsilon)n^{O(1)}$ time algorithm that finds a\nbalanced partition $(A, B)$ with at most $k$ edges between them, such that for\neach color $i\\in [c]$, there are at most $(1\\pm \\epsilon)r_i$ vertices of color\n$i$ in $A$. Our approximation algorithm is best viewed as a proof of concept\nthat the technique introduced by [Lampis, ICALP '18] for obtaining\nFPT-approximation algorithms for problems of bounded tree-width or clique-width\ncan be efficiently exploited even on graphs of unbounded width. The key insight\nis that the technique of Lampis is applicable on tree decompositions with\nunbreakable bags (as introduced in [Cygan et al., SIAM Journal on Computing\n'14]). Along the way, we also derive a combinatorial result regarding tree\ndecompositions of graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:49:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Inamdar","Tanmay",""],["Lokshtanov","Daniel",""],["Saurabh","Saket",""],["Surianarayanan","Vaishali",""]]} {"id":"2308.10658","submitter":"Feng Liu","authors":"Feng Liu, Minchul Kim, ZiAng Gu, Anil Jain, Xiaoming Liu","title":"Learning Clothing and Pose Invariant 3D Shape Representation for\n Long-Term Person Re-Identification","comments":"10 pages, 7 figures, accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Long-Term Person Re-Identification (LT-ReID) has become increasingly crucial\nin computer vision and biometrics. In this work, we aim to extend LT-ReID\nbeyond pedestrian recognition to include a wider range of real-world human\nactivities while still accounting for cloth-changing scenarios over large time\ngaps. This setting poses additional challenges due to the geometric\nmisalignment and appearance ambiguity caused by the diversity of human pose and\nclothing. To address these challenges, we propose a new approach 3DInvarReID\nfor (i) disentangling identity from non-identity components (pose, clothing\nshape, and texture) of 3D clothed humans, and (ii) reconstructing accurate 3D\nclothed body shapes and learning discriminative features of naked body shapes\nfor person ReID in a joint manner. To better evaluate our study of LT-ReID, we\ncollect a real-world dataset called CCDA, which contains a wide variety of\nhuman activities and clothing changes. Experimentally, we show the superior\nperformance of our approach for person ReID.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:51:46 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 10:37:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Feng",""],["Kim","Minchul",""],["Gu","ZiAng",""],["Jain","Anil",""],["Liu","Xiaoming",""]]} {"id":"2308.10659","submitter":"Alpin Novianus Tatan","authors":"Alpin N. Tatan, Jun Haruyama, and Osamu Sugino","title":"Magnetic phases of electron-doped, infinite-layer\n Sr$_{1-x}$La$_x$CuO$_2$ from first-principles density functional calculations","comments":"15 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el physics.comp-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The magnetic phases of electron-doped, infinite-layer\n$\\mathrm{Sr}_{1-x}\\mathrm{La}_{x}\\mathrm{CuO}_2$ are elucidated by\nfirst-principles density functional calculations. We describe the\nantiferromagnetic parent state, metallic phase transition, lattice structure\nand magnetic anisotropy evolution upon doping, as well as pressure-induced\nchanges to the density of states at Fermi level that are consistent with\nexperiments where comparison is possible. We investigate low-energy states with\nmultiple magnetic configurations and study their specific heat coefficients and\nmagnetic exchange coupling, as well as the density of states at Fermi level.\nThe latter quantity is used to study the effects of spin fluctuations on the\nelectronic structure of this strongly correlated material.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:52:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tatan","Alpin N.",""],["Haruyama","Jun",""],["Sugino","Osamu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10660","submitter":"Emmanouil Raptakis","authors":"Sergei M. Kuzenko and Emmanouil S. N. Raptakis","title":"Self-duality for $\\cal N$-extended superconformal gauge multiplets","comments":"24 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We develop a general formalism of duality rotations for $\\cal N$-extended\nsuperconformal gauge multiplets in conformally flat backgrounds as an extension\nof the approach given in arXiv:2107.02001. Additionally, we construct\n$\\mathsf{U}(1)$ duality-invariant models for the ${\\mathcal N}=2$\nsuperconformal gravitino multiplet recently described in arXiv:2305.16029. Each\nof them is automatically self-dual with respect to a superfield Legendre\ntransformation. A method is proposed to generate such self-dual models,\nincluding a family of superconformal theories.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:55:24 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:06:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Kuzenko","Sergei M.",""],["Raptakis","Emmanouil S. N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10661","submitter":"Rikio Ichishima","authors":"Rikio Ichishima, Francesc A. Muntaner-Batle","title":"On the super edge-magicness of graphs with a specific degree sequence","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A graph $G$ is said to be super edge-magic if there exists a bijective\nfunction $f:V\\left(G\\right) \\cup E\\left(G\\right)\\rightarrow \\left\\{1, 2, \\ldots\n, \\left\\vert V\\left( G\\right) \\right\\vert +\\left\\vert E\\left( G\\right)\n\\right\\vert \\right\\}$ such that $f\\left(V \\left(G\\right)\\right) =\\left\\{1, 2,\n\\ldots , \\left\\vert V\\left( G\\right) \\right\\vert \\right\\}$ and $f\\left(u\\right)\n+ f\\left(v\\right) + f\\left(uv\\right)$ is a constant for each $uv\\in E\\left(\nG\\right) $. In this paper, we study the super edge-magicness of graphs of order\n$n$ with degree sequence $s:4, 2, 2, \\ldots, 2$. We also investigate the super\nedge-magic properties of certain families of graphs. This leads us to propose\nsome open problems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:55:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ichishima","Rikio",""],["Muntaner-Batle","Francesc A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10662","submitter":"Siew-Wan Ohl","authors":"Siew-Wan Ohl, Juan Manuel Rossello, Daniel Fuster, and Claus-Dieter\n Ohl","title":"Finite amplitude wave propagation through bubbly fluids","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The existence of only a few bubbles could drastically reduce the acoustic\nwave speed in a liquid. Wood's equation models the linear sound speed, while\nthe speed of an ideal shock waves is derived as a function of the pressure\nratio across the shock. The common finite amplitude waves lie, however, in\nbetween these limits. We show that in a bubbly medium, the high frequency\ncomponents of finite amplitude waves are attenuated and dissipate quickly, but\na low frequency part remains. This wave is then transmitted by the collapse of\nthe bubbles and its speed decreases with increasing void fraction. We\ndemonstrate that the linear and the shock wave regimes can be smoothly\nconnected through a Mach number based on the collapse velocity of the bubbles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:57:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ohl","Siew-Wan",""],["Rossello","Juan Manuel",""],["Fuster","Daniel",""],["Ohl","Claus-Dieter",""]]} {"id":"2308.10663","submitter":"Andrea Severing","authors":"Denise S. Christovam, Miguel Ferreira-Carvalho, Andrea Marino, Martin\n Sundermann, Daisuke Takegami, Anna Melendez-Sans, Ku Ding Tsuei, Zhiwei Hu,\n Sahana Roessler, Manuel Valvidares, Maurits W. Haverkort, Yu Liu, Eric D.\n Bauer, Liu Hao Tjeng, Gertrud Zwicknagl, Andrea Severing","title":"Spectroscopic evidence of Kondo-induced quasi-quartet in CeRh$_2$As$_2$","comments":"8 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" CeRh$_2$As$_2$ is a new multiphase superconductor with strong suggestions for\nan additional itinerant multipolar ordered phase. The modeling of the low\ntemperature properties of this heavy fermion compound requires a quartet\nCe$^{3+}$ crystal-field ground state. Here we provide the evidence for the\nformation of such a quartet state using x-ray spectroscopy. Core-level\nphotoelectron and x-ray absorption spectroscopy confirm the presence of Kondo\nhybridization in CeRh$_2$As$_2$. The temperature dependence of the linear\ndichroism unambiguously reveils the impact of Kondo physics for coupling the\nKramer's doublets into an effective quasi-quartet. Non-resonant inelastic x-ray\nscattering data find that the $|\\Gamma_7^- \\rangle$ state with its lobes along\nthe 110 direction of the tetragonal structure ($xy$ orientation) contributes\nmost to the multi-orbital ground state of CeRh$_2$As$_2$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:57:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Christovam","Denise S.",""],["Ferreira-Carvalho","Miguel",""],["Marino","Andrea",""],["Sundermann","Martin",""],["Takegami","Daisuke",""],["Melendez-Sans","Anna",""],["Tsuei","Ku Ding",""],["Hu","Zhiwei",""],["Roessler","Sahana",""],["Valvidares","Manuel",""],["Haverkort","Maurits W.",""],["Liu","Yu",""],["Bauer","Eric D.",""],["Tjeng","Liu Hao",""],["Zwicknagl","Gertrud",""],["Severing","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.10664","submitter":"Nikolaos Koursioumpas","authors":"Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Lina Magoula, Nikolaos Petropouleas,\n Alexandros-Ioannis Thanopoulos, Theodora Panagea, Nancy Alonistioti, M. A.\n Gutierrez-Estevez, Ramin Khalili","title":"A Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Energy Efficient\n Federated Learning in Wireless Communication Networks","comments":"27 Pages Single Column, 6 Figures, Submitted for possible publication\n in the IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN). arXiv\n admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.14237","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Progressing towards a new era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - enabled\nwireless networks, concerns regarding the environmental impact of AI have been\nraised both in industry and academia. Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a\nkey privacy preserving decentralized AI technique. Despite efforts currently\nbeing made in FL, its environmental impact is still an open problem. Targeting\nthe minimization of the overall energy consumption of an FL process, we propose\nthe orchestration of computational and communication resources of the involved\ndevices to minimize the total energy required, while guaranteeing a certain\nperformance of the model. To this end, we propose a Soft Actor Critic Deep\nReinforcement Learning (DRL) solution, where a penalty function is introduced\nduring training, penalizing the strategies that violate the constraints of the\nenvironment, and ensuring a safe RL process. A device level synchronization\nmethod, along with a computationally cost effective FL environment are\nproposed, with the goal of further reducing the energy consumption and\ncommunication overhead. Evaluation results show the effectiveness of the\nproposed scheme compared to four state-of-the-art baseline solutions in both\nstatic and dynamic environments, achieving a decrease of up to 94% in the total\nenergy consumption.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:02:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Koursioumpas","Nikolaos",""],["Magoula","Lina",""],["Petropouleas","Nikolaos",""],["Thanopoulos","Alexandros-Ioannis",""],["Panagea","Theodora",""],["Alonistioti","Nancy",""],["Gutierrez-Estevez","M. A.",""],["Khalili","Ramin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10665","submitter":"Souvik Pal","authors":"Souvik Pal","title":"Quasi-finite modules over extended affine Lie algebras","comments":"32 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we consider irreducible quasi-finite (or equivalently weakly\nintegrable) modules, with non-trivial action of the core, over the extended\naffine Lie algebras (EALAs) whose centerless cores are multiloop algebras. The\ncenterless cores of all but one family of EALAs having nullity greater than 1\nare known to admit such multiloop realizations. For any such (untwisted) EALA,\nwe show that the irreducible quasi-finite modules are either integrable with\nthe center of the underlying core acting trivially, or restricted generalized\nhighest weight (GHW) modules. We further prove that in the nullity 2 case,\nthese irreducible restricted GHW modules turn out to be highest weight type\nmodules, thereby classifying the irreducible quasi-finite modules over all such\nEALAs. In particular, we obtain the classification of irreducible quasi-finite\nmodules over toroidal Lie algebras, minimal EALAs and toroidal EALAs of nullity\n2. Along the way, we completely classify the irreducible weakly integrable\nmodules over affine Kac-Moody algebras (studied by Rao-Futorny [Trans. Amer.\nMath. Soc. 2009] for non-zero level modules). Our results generalize the\nwell-known work of Chari [Invent. Math. 1986] and Chari-Pressley [Math. Ann.\n1986] concerning the classification of irreducible integrable modules over\n(nullity 1) affine Kac--Moody algebras.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:03:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pal","Souvik",""]]} {"id":"2308.10666","submitter":"Arnaud de Mesmay","authors":"Niloufar Fuladi and Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay","title":"Degenerate crossing number and signed reversal distance","comments":"Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on\n Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CG math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The degenerate crossing number of a graph is the minimum number of transverse\ncrossings among all its drawings, where edges are represented as simple arcs\nand multiple edges passing through the same point are counted as a single\ncrossing. Interpreting each crossing as a cross-cap induces an embedding into a\nnon-orientable surface. In 2007, Mohar showed that the degenerate crossing\nnumber of a graph is at most its non-orientable genus and he conjectured that\nthese quantities are equal for every graph. He also made the stronger\nconjecture that this also holds for any loopless pseudotriangulation with a\nfixed embedding scheme.\n In this paper, we prove a structure theorem that almost completely classifies\nthe loopless 2-vertex embedding schemes for which the degenerate crossing\nnumber equals the non-orientable genus. In particular, we provide a\ncounterexample to Mohar's stronger conjecture, but show that in the vast\nmajority of the 2-vertex cases, the conjecture does hold.\n The reversal distance between two signed permutations is the minimum number\nof reversals that transform one permutation to the other one. If we represent\nthe trajectory of each element of a signed permutation under successive\nreversals by a simple arc, we obtain a drawing of a 2-vertex embedding scheme\nwith degenerate crossings. Our main result is proved by leveraging this\nconnection and a classical result in genome rearrangement (the\nHannenhali-Pevzner algorithm) and can also be understood as an extension of\nthis algorithm when the reversals do not necessarily happen in a monotone\norder.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:03:20 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:19:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fuladi","Niloufar",""],["Hubard","Alfredo",""],["de Mesmay","Arnaud",""]]} {"id":"2308.10667","submitter":"Souvik Agasti Dr.","authors":"Souvik Agasti","title":"Simulation of Kerr Nonlinearity: Revealing Initial State Dependency","comments":"15 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We simulate coherent driven free dissipative Kerr nonlinear system\nnumerically using time evolving block decimation (TEBD) algorithm and time\npropagation on the Heisenberg equation of motion using Eulers method to study\nhow the numerical results are analogous to classical bistability. The system\nevolves through different trajectories to stabilize different branches for\ndifferent external drives and initial conditions. The Wigner state reprentation\nconfirms the system to suffer a residual effect of initial state throughout the\nnon-classical dynamical evolution and the steady state of the system.\nFurthermore, we also see the numerically simulated spectral density remains\nsignificantly different from analytical counterparts when initial states do not\nlie to the same branch of the final state.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:04:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Agasti","Souvik",""]]} {"id":"2308.10668","submitter":"Mehdi Haghshenas","authors":"Mehdi Haghshenas, Parisa Ramezani, Maurizio Magarini, Emil Bj\\\"ornson","title":"Parametric Channel Estimation with Short Pilots in RIS-Assisted Near-\n and Far-Field Communications","comments":"Submitted to IEEE Transaction for possible publication","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) can control the wireless\npropagation environment by modifying the reflected signals. This feature\nrequires channel state information (CSI). Considering the dimensionality of\ntypical RIS, CSI acquisition requires lengthy pilot transmissions. Hence,\ndeveloping channel estimation techniques with low pilot overhead is vital.\nMoreover, the large aperture of the RIS may cause transmitters/receivers to\nfall in its near-field region, where both distance and angles affect the\nchannel structure. This paper proposes a parametric maximum likelihood\nestimation (MLE) framework for jointly estimating the direct channel between\nthe user and the base station and the line-of-sight channel between the user\nand the RIS. A novel adaptive RIS configuration strategy is proposed to select\nthe RIS configuration for the next pilot to actively refine the estimate. We\ndesign a minimal-sized codebook of orthogonal RIS configurations to choose from\nduring pilot transmission with a dimension much smaller than the number of RIS\nelements. To further reduce the required number of pilots, we propose an\ninitialization strategy with two wide beams. We demonstrate numerically that\nthe proposed MLE framework only needs 6-8 pilots when conventional\nnon-parametric estimators need 1025 pilots. We also showcase efficient user\nchannel tracking in near-field and far-field scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:06:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Haghshenas","Mehdi",""],["Ramezani","Parisa",""],["Magarini","Maurizio",""],["Bj\u00f6rnson","Emil",""]]} {"id":"2308.10669","submitter":"Henry Legg","authors":"Henry F. Legg, Richard Hess, Daniel Loss, Jelena Klinovaja","title":"Reply to Antipov et al., Microsoft Quantum: \"Comment on Hess et al.\n Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 207001 (2023)\"","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this Reply we respond to the comment by Antipov et al. from Microsoft\nQuantum on Hess et al., PRL 130, 207001 (2023). Antipov et al. reported only a\nsingle simulation and claimed it did not pass the Microsoft Quantum topological\ngap protocol (TGP). They have provided no parameters or data for this\nsimulation (despite request). Regardless, in this reply we demonstrate that the\ntrivial bulk gap reopening mechanism outlined in Hess et al., in combination\nwith trivial ZBPs, passes the TGP and therefore can result in TGP false\npositives.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:07:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Legg","Henry F.",""],["Hess","Richard",""],["Loss","Daniel",""],["Klinovaja","Jelena",""]]} {"id":"2308.10670","submitter":"Andrey Nesterov","authors":"Andrey Nesterov","title":"Asymptotics of solving a singularly perturbed system of transport\n equations with fast and slow components in the critical case","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" An asymptotic expansion with respect to a small parameter of the solution of\nthe Cauchy problem is constructed for a system of three transfer equations, two\nof which are singularly perturbed by the degeneracy of the entire senior part\nof the transfer operator, and the third equation clearly does not contain a\nsmall parameter. The peculiarity of the problem is that it belongs to the\nso-called critical case: the solution of a degenerate problem is a\none-parameter family. The asymptotic expansion of the solution under smooth\ninitial conditions is constructed as the sum of the regular part and boundary\nfunctions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:08:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nesterov","Andrey",""]]} {"id":"2308.10671","submitter":"Conrad Sanderson","authors":"Juan Sandino, Peter A. Caccetta, Conrad Sanderson, Frederic Maire,\n Felipe Gonzalez","title":"Reducing Object Detection Uncertainty from RGB and Thermal Data for UAV\n Outdoor Surveillance","comments":null,"journal-ref":"IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2022","doi":"10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843611","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have resulted in their\nquick adoption for wide a range of civilian applications, including precision\nagriculture, biosecurity, disaster monitoring and surveillance. UAVs offer\nlow-cost platforms with flexible hardware configurations, as well as an\nincreasing number of autonomous capabilities, including take-off, landing,\nobject tracking and obstacle avoidance. However, little attention has been paid\nto how UAVs deal with object detection uncertainties caused by false readings\nfrom vision-based detectors, data noise, vibrations, and occlusion. In most\nsituations, the relevance and understanding of these detections are delegated\nto human operators, as many UAVs have limited cognition power to interact\nautonomously with the environment. This paper presents a framework for\nautonomous navigation under uncertainty in outdoor scenarios for small UAVs\nusing a probabilistic-based motion planner. The framework is evaluated with\nreal flight tests using a sub 2 kg quadrotor UAV and illustrated in victim\nfinding Search and Rescue (SAR) case study in a forest/bushland. The navigation\nproblem is modelled using a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process\n(POMDP), and solved in real time onboard the small UAV using Augmented Belief\nTrees (ABT) and the TAPIR toolkit. Results from experiments using colour and\nthermal imagery show that the proposed motion planner provides accurate victim\nlocalisation coordinates, as the UAV has the flexibility to interact with the\nenvironment and obtain clearer visualisations of any potential victims compared\nto the baseline motion planner. Incorporating this system allows optimised UAV\nsurveillance operations by diminishing false positive readings from\nvision-based object detectors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:13:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sandino","Juan",""],["Caccetta","Peter A.",""],["Sanderson","Conrad",""],["Maire","Frederic",""],["Gonzalez","Felipe",""]]} {"id":"2308.10672","submitter":"Pavel Maksimov","authors":"Pavel A. Maksimov","title":"Proximity-induced sequence of field transitions in Kitaev candidate\n BaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$","comments":"7 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study field-induced phase transitions of the minimal exchange model\nproposed earlier for BaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$, a candidate for Kitaev honeycomb\nmodel, using numerical minimization of classical spin clusters. We show that\nexperimentally observed sequence of step-like transitions in magnetic field is\nrealized in the phase diagram of the minimal model. Surprisingly, intermediate\nup-up-down plateau phase is stabilized only in the proximity of a\ndouble-zigzag$-$zigzag phase boundary. We systematically map out the region of\nstability of experimentally observed cascade of transitions and argue that\nBaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$ exchange parameters are close to a region of strong phase\ncompetition, which can explain suppressed saturation field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:14:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Maksimov","Pavel A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10673","submitter":"Zhiqiang Yu","authors":"Zhiqiang Yu","title":"On the realization of a class of\n $\\text{SL}(2,\\mathbb{Z})$-representations","comments":"20pages; comments are welcomed","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.QA math.CT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Let $p10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$), with\n$z_{\\rm{spec}}<1.2$, selected from Stripe 82X, COSMOS, and GOODS-N/S. The\nrest-frame SEDs show a wide spread ($\\sim2.5$ dex) in the relative strengths of\nbroad continuum features at X-ray, ultraviolet (UV), mid-infrared (MIR), and\nFIR wavelengths. A linear correlation (log-log slope of 0.7$\\pm0.04$) is found\nbetween $L_{\\rm{MIR}}$ and $L_{\\rm{X}}$. There is significant scatter in the\nrelation between the $L_{\\rm{UV}}$ and $L_{\\rm{X}}$ due to heavy obscuration,\nhowever the most luminous and unobscured AGN show a linear correlation (log-log\nslope of 0.8$\\pm0.06$) in the relation above this scatter. The relation between\n$L_{\\rm{FIR}}$ and $L_{\\rm{X}}$ is predominantly flat, but with decreasing\ndispersion at $L_{\\rm{X}}>10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$. The ratio between the \"galaxy\nsubtracted\" bolometric luminosity and the intrinsic $L_{\\rm{X}}$ increases from\na factor of $\\sim$$10-70$ from log $L_{\\rm{bol}}/{\\rm(erg\\;\ns}^{-1})=44.5-46.5$. Characteristic SED shapes have been determined by grouping\nAGN based on relative strengths of the UV and MIR emission. The average\n$L_{1\\mu\\rm{m}}$ is constant for the majority of these SED shapes, while AGN\nwith the strongest UV and MIR emission have elevated $L_{1\\mu\\rm{m}}$,\nconsistent with the AGN emission dominating their SEDs at optical and NIR\nwavelengths. A strong correlation is found between the SED shape and both the\n$L_{\\rm{X}}$ and $L_{\\rm{bol}}$, such that\n$L_{\\rm{bol}}/L_{\\rm{X}}=20.4\\pm1.8$, independent of the SED shape. This is\nconsistent with an evolutionary scenario of increasing $L_{\\rm{bol}}$ with\ndecreasing obscuration as the AGN blows away circumnuclear gas.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 09:59:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Auge","Connor",""],["Sanders","David",""],["Treister","Ezequiel",""],["Urry","C. Megan",""],["Kirkpatrick","Allison",""],["Cappelluti","Nico",""],["Ananna","Tonima Tasnim",""],["Boquien","M\u00e9d\u00e9ric",""],["Balokovi\u0107","Mislav",""],["Civano","Francesca",""],["Coleman","Brandon",""],["Ghosh","Aritra",""],["Kartaltepe","Jeyhan",""],["Koss","Michael",""],["LaMassa","Stephanie",""],["Marchesi","Stefano",""],["Peca","Alessandro",""],["Powell","Meredith",""],["Trakhtenbrot","Benny",""],["Turner","Tracey Jane",""]]} {"id":"2308.10711","submitter":"Jordan Frecon","authors":"Marianna de Santis (UNIROMA), Jordan Frecon (LHC), Francesco Rinaldi\n (Unipd), Saverio Salzo (DIAG UNIROMA), Martin Schmidt","title":"Relax and penalize: a new bilevel approach to mixed-binary\n hyperparameter optimization","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In recent years, bilevel approaches have become very popular to efficiently\nestimate high-dimensional hyperparameters of machine learning models. However,\nto date, binary parameters are handled by continuous relaxation and rounding\nstrategies, which could lead to inconsistent solutions. In this context, we\ntackle the challenging optimization of mixed-binary hyperparameters by\nresorting to an equivalent continuous bilevel reformulation based on an\nappropriate penalty term. We propose an algorithmic framework that, under\nsuitable assumptions, is guaranteed to provide mixed-binary solutions.\nMoreover, the generality of the method allows to safely use existing continuous\nbilevel solvers within the proposed framework. We evaluate the performance of\nour approach for a specific machine learning problem, i.e., the estimation of\nthe group-sparsity structure in regression problems. Reported results clearly\nshow that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches based on\nrelaxation and rounding\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:24:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["de Santis","Marianna","","UNIROMA"],["Frecon","Jordan","","LHC"],["Rinaldi","Francesco","","Unipd"],["Salzo","Saverio","","DIAG UNIROMA"],["Schmidt","Martin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10712","submitter":"Durga Prasad Karanam Dr","authors":"K. Durga Prasad, Dibyendu Misra, Amitabh, Megha Bhatt, G. Ambily,\n Sachana Sathyan, Neeraj Srivastava and Anil Bhardwaj","title":"Chandrayaan-3 Alternate Landing Site: Pre-Landing Characterisation","comments":"13 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" India's third Moon mission Chandrayaan 3 will deploy a lander and a rover at\na high latitude location of the Moon enabling us to carry out first ever\nin-situ science investigations of such a pristine location that will\npotentially improve our understanding on primary crust formation and subsequent\nmodification processes. The primary landing site (PLS), is situated at\n69.367621 degS, 32.348126 degE. As a contingency, an alternate landing site\n(ALS) was also selected at nearly the same latitude but nearly 450 km west to\nPLS. In this work, a detailed study of the geomorphology, composition, and\ntemperature characteristics of ALS has been carried out using the best-ever\nhigh resolution Chandrayaan 2 OHRC DEMs and Ortho images, datasets obtained\nfrom Chandrayaan 1 and on-going Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. For understanding\nthe thermophysical behaviour, we used a well-established thermophysical model.\nWe found that the Chandrayaan 3 ALS is characterised by a smooth topography\nwith an elevated central part. The ALS is a scientifically interesting site\nwith a high possibility of sampling ejecta materials from Tycho and Moretus.\nBased on the spectral and elemental analysis of the site, Fe is found to be\nnear approx. 4.8 wt.%, with Mg approx. 5 wt.%, and Ca approx. 11 wt.%.\nCompositionally, ALS is similar to PLS with a highland soil composition.\nSpatial and diurnal variability of around 40 K and 175 K has been observed in\nthe surface temperatures at ALS. Although belonging to similar location like\nPLS, ALS showed reduced daytime temperatures and enhanced night-time\ntemperatures compared to PLS, indicating a terrain of distinctive\nthermophysical characteristics. Like PLS, ALS is also seems to be an\ninteresting site for science investigations and Chandrayaan 3 is expected to\nprovide new insights into the understanding of lunar science even if it happens\nto land in the alternate landing site.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:26:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Prasad","K. Durga",""],["Misra","Dibyendu",""],["Amitabh","",""],["Bhatt","Megha",""],["Ambily","G.",""],["Sathyan","Sachana",""],["Srivastava","Neeraj",""],["Bhardwaj","Anil",""]]} {"id":"2308.10713","submitter":"Di Chang","authors":"Di Chang, Yufeng Yin, Zongjian Li, Minh Tran, Mohammad Soleymani","title":"LibreFace: An Open-Source Toolkit for Deep Facial Expression Analysis","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by WACV 2024 Round 1. (Application\n Track) Project Page: https://boese0601.github.io/libreface/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Facial expression analysis is an important tool for human-computer\ninteraction. In this paper, we introduce LibreFace, an open-source toolkit for\nfacial expression analysis. This open-source toolbox offers real-time and\noffline analysis of facial behavior through deep learning models, including\nfacial action unit (AU) detection, AU intensity estimation, and facial\nexpression recognition. To accomplish this, we employ several techniques,\nincluding the utilization of a large-scale pre-trained network, feature-wise\nknowledge distillation, and task-specific fine-tuning. These approaches are\ndesigned to effectively and accurately analyze facial expressions by leveraging\nvisual information, thereby facilitating the implementation of real-time\ninteractive applications. In terms of Action Unit (AU) intensity estimation, we\nachieve a Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) of 0.63 on DISFA, which is 7%\nhigher than the performance of OpenFace 2.0 while maintaining highly-efficient\ninference that runs two times faster than OpenFace 2.0. Despite being compact,\nour model also demonstrates competitive performance to state-of-the-art facial\nexpression analysis methods on AffecNet, FFHQ, and RAF-DB. Our code will be\nreleased at https://github.com/ihp-lab/LibreFace\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 00:33:29 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 03:46:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Chang","Di",""],["Yin","Yufeng",""],["Li","Zongjian",""],["Tran","Minh",""],["Soleymani","Mohammad",""]]} {"id":"2308.10714","submitter":"Yehonatan Fridman","authors":"Yehonatan Fridman, Suprasad Mutalik Desai, Navneet Singh, Thomas\n Willhalm, Gal Oren","title":"CXL Memory as Persistent Memory for Disaggregated HPC: A Practical\n Approach","comments":"12 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In the landscape of High-Performance Computing (HPC), the quest for efficient\nand scalable memory solutions remains paramount. The advent of Compute Express\nLink (CXL) introduces a promising avenue with its potential to function as a\nPersistent Memory (PMem) solution in the context of disaggregated HPC systems.\nThis paper presents a comprehensive exploration of CXL memory's viability as a\ncandidate for PMem, supported by physical experiments conducted on cutting-edge\nmulti-NUMA nodes equipped with CXL-attached memory prototypes. Our study not\nonly benchmarks the performance of CXL memory but also illustrates the seamless\ntransition from traditional PMem programming models to CXL, reinforcing its\npracticality.\n To substantiate our claims, we establish a tangible CXL prototype using an\nFPGA card embodying CXL 1.1/2.0 compliant endpoint designs (Intel FPGA CXL IP).\nPerformance evaluations, executed through the STREAM and STREAM-PMem\nbenchmarks, showcase CXL memory's ability to mirror PMem characteristics in\nApp-Direct and Memory Mode while achieving impressive bandwidth metrics with\nIntel 4th generation Xeon (Sapphire Rapids) processors.\n The results elucidate the feasibility of CXL memory as a persistent memory\nsolution, outperforming previously established benchmarks. In contrast to\npublished DCPMM results, our CXL-DDR4 memory module offers comparable bandwidth\nto local DDR4 memory configurations, albeit with a moderate decrease in\nperformance. The modified STREAM-PMem application underscores the ease of\ntransitioning programming models from PMem to CXL, thus underscoring the\npracticality of adopting CXL memory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:27:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Fridman","Yehonatan",""],["Desai","Suprasad Mutalik",""],["Singh","Navneet",""],["Willhalm","Thomas",""],["Oren","Gal",""]]} {"id":"2308.10715","submitter":"Jean-Christophe Mourrat","authors":"Jean-Christophe Mourrat","title":"Un-inverting the Parisi formula","comments":"17 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR cond-mat.dis-nn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The free energy of any system can be written as the supremum of a functional\ninvolving an energy term and an entropy term. Surprisingly, the limit free\nenergy of mean-field spin glasses is expressed as an infimum instead, a\nphenomenon sometimes called an inverted variational principle. Using a\nstochastic-control representation of the Parisi functional and convex duality\narguments, we rewrite this limit free energy as a supremum over martingales in\na Wiener space.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:35:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mourrat","Jean-Christophe",""]]} {"id":"2308.10716","submitter":"Jianyang Gu","authors":"Jianyang Gu, Hao Luo, Kai Wang, Wei Jiang, Yang You, Jian Zhao","title":"Color Prompting for Data-Free Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptive\n Person Re-Identification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification (Re-ID) methods\nalleviate the burden of data annotation through generating pseudo supervision\nmessages. However, real-world Re-ID systems, with continuously accumulating\ndata streams, simultaneously demand more robust adaptation and anti-forgetting\ncapabilities. Methods based on image rehearsal addresses the forgetting issue\nwith limited extra storage but carry the risk of privacy leakage. In this work,\nwe propose a Color Prompting (CoP) method for data-free continual unsupervised\ndomain adaptive person Re-ID. Specifically, we employ a light-weighted prompter\nnetwork to fit the color distribution of the current task together with Re-ID\ntraining. Then for the incoming new tasks, the learned color distribution\nserves as color style transfer guidance to transfer the images into past\nstyles. CoP achieves accurate color style recovery for past tasks with adequate\ndata diversity, leading to superior anti-forgetting effects compared with image\nrehearsal methods. Moreover, CoP demonstrates strong generalization performance\nfor fast adaptation into new domains, given only a small amount of unlabeled\nimages. Extensive experiments demonstrate that after the continual training\npipeline the proposed CoP achieves 6.7% and 8.1% average rank-1 improvements\nover the replay method on seen and unseen domains, respectively. The source\ncode for this work is publicly available in\nhttps://github.com/vimar-gu/ColorPromptReID.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:38:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Gu","Jianyang",""],["Luo","Hao",""],["Wang","Kai",""],["Jiang","Wei",""],["You","Yang",""],["Zhao","Jian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10717","submitter":"Qizao Wang","authors":"Qizao Wang, Xuelin Qian, Bin Li, Yanwei Fu, Xiangyang Xue","title":"Rethinking Person Re-identification from a Projection-on-Prototypes\n Perspective","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) as a retrieval task, has achieved tremendous\ndevelopment over the past decade. Existing state-of-the-art methods follow an\nanalogous framework to first extract features from the input images and then\ncategorize them with a classifier. However, since there is no identity overlap\nbetween training and testing sets, the classifier is often discarded during\ninference. Only the extracted features are used for person retrieval via\ndistance metrics. In this paper, we rethink the role of the classifier in\nperson Re-ID, and advocate a new perspective to conceive the classifier as a\nprojection from image features to class prototypes. These prototypes are\nexactly the learned parameters of the classifier. In this light, we describe\nthe identity of input images as similarities to all prototypes, which are then\nutilized as more discriminative features to perform person Re-ID. We thereby\npropose a new baseline ProNet, which innovatively reserves the function of the\nclassifier at the inference stage. To facilitate the learning of class\nprototypes, both triplet loss and identity classification loss are applied to\nfeatures that undergo the projection by the classifier. An improved version of\nProNet++ is presented by further incorporating multi-granularity designs.\nExperiments on four benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed ProNet is simple\nyet effective, and significantly beats previous baselines. ProNet++ also\nachieves competitive or even better results than transformer-based competitors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:38:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Qizao",""],["Qian","Xuelin",""],["Li","Bin",""],["Fu","Yanwei",""],["Xue","Xiangyang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10718","submitter":"Jie Zhang","authors":"Yutong Wu, Jie Zhang, Florian Kerschbaum, and Tianwei Zhang","title":"Backdooring Textual Inversion for Concept Censorship","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent years have witnessed success in AIGC (AI Generated Content). People\ncan make use of a pre-trained diffusion model to generate images of high\nquality or freely modify existing pictures with only prompts in nature\nlanguage. More excitingly, the emerging personalization techniques make it\nfeasible to create specific-desired images with only a few images as\nreferences. However, this induces severe threats if such advanced techniques\nare misused by malicious users, such as spreading fake news or defaming\nindividual reputations. Thus, it is necessary to regulate personalization\nmodels (i.e., concept censorship) for their development and advancement.\n In this paper, we focus on the personalization technique dubbed Textual\nInversion (TI), which is becoming prevailing for its lightweight nature and\nexcellent performance. TI crafts the word embedding that contains detailed\ninformation about a specific object. Users can easily download the word\nembedding from public websites like Civitai and add it to their own stable\ndiffusion model without fine-tuning for personalization. To achieve the concept\ncensorship of a TI model, we propose leveraging the backdoor technique for good\nby injecting backdoors into the Textual Inversion embeddings. Briefly, we\nselect some sensitive words as triggers during the training of TI, which will\nbe censored for normal use. In the subsequent generation stage, if the triggers\nare combined with personalized embeddings as final prompts, the model will\noutput a pre-defined target image rather than images including the desired\nmalicious concept.\n To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive\nexperiments on Stable Diffusion, a prevailing open-sourced text-to-image model.\nOur code, data, and results are available at\nhttps://concept-censorship.github.io.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:39:04 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:56:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Yutong",""],["Zhang","Jie",""],["Kerschbaum","Florian",""],["Zhang","Tianwei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10719","submitter":"Rahul Maitra","authors":"Dibyendu Mondal and Rahul Maitra","title":"Ground or Excited State: a State-Specific Variational Quantum\n Eigensolver for Them All","comments":"12 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) provides a lucrative platform to\ndetermine molecular energetics in near-term quantum devices. While the VQE is\ntraditionally tailored to determine the ground state wavefunction with the\nunderlying Rayleigh-Ritz principle, the access to specific symmetry-adapted\nexcited states remains elusive. This often requires high depth circuit or\nadditional ancilla qubits along with prior knowledge of the ground state\nwavefunction. We propose a unified VQE framework that treats the ground and\nexcited states in the same footings. With the knowledge of the irreducible\nrepresentations of the spinorbitals, we construct a multi-determinantal\nreference that is adapted to a given spatial symmetry where additionally, the\ndeterminants are entangled through appropriate Clebsch-Gordan coefficients to\nensure the desired spin-multiplicity. We introduce the notion of totally\nsymmetric, spin-scalar unitary which maintains the purity of the reference at\neach step of the optimization. The state-selectivity safeguards the method\nagainst any variational collapse while leading to any targeted low-lying\neigenroot of arbitrary symmetry. The direct access to the excited states\nshields our approach from the cumulative error that plagues excited state\ncalculations in a quantum computer and with few parameter count, it is expected\nto be realized in near-term quantum devices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:39:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mondal","Dibyendu",""],["Maitra","Rahul",""]]} {"id":"2308.10720","submitter":"Francesco Calabr\\'o","authors":"Ferdinando Auricchio, Maria Roberta Belardo, Francesco Calabr\\`o,\n Ariel F. Pascaner","title":"On the accuracy of interpolation based on single-layer artificial neural\n networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.AI cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In the present paper, we consider one-hidden layer ANNs with a feedforward\narchitecture, also referred to as shallow or two-layer networks, so that the\nstructure is determined by the number and types of neurons. The determination\nof the parameters that define the function, called training, is done via the\nresolution of the approximation problem, so by imposing the interpolation\nthrough a set of specific nodes. We present the case where the parameters are\ntrained using a procedure that is referred to as Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)\nthat leads to a linear interpolation problem. In such hypotheses, the existence\nof an ANN interpolating function is guaranteed. The focus is then on the\naccuracy of the interpolation outside of the given sampling interpolation nodes\nwhen they are the equispaced, the Chebychev, and the randomly selected ones.\nThe study is motivated by the well-known bell-shaped Runge example, which makes\nit clear that the construction of a global interpolating polynomial is accurate\nonly if trained on suitably chosen nodes, ad example the Chebychev ones. In\norder to evaluate the behavior when growing the number of interpolation nodes,\nwe raise the number of neurons in our network and compare it with the\ninterpolating polynomial. We test using Runge's function and other well-known\nexamples with different regularities. As expected, the accuracy of the\napproximation with a global polynomial increases only if the Chebychev nodes\nare considered. Instead, the error for the ANN interpolating function always\ndecays and in most cases we observe that the convergence follows what is\nobserved in the polynomial case on Chebychev nodes, despite the set of nodes\nused for training.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:40:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Auricchio","Ferdinando",""],["Belardo","Maria Roberta",""],["Calabr\u00f2","Francesco",""],["Pascaner","Ariel F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10721","submitter":"Giovanni Minelli","authors":"Giovanni Minelli, Mirco Musolesi","title":"CoMIX: A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Training Architecture for\n Efficient Decentralized Coordination and Independent Decision Making","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.MA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Robust coordination skills enable agents to operate cohesively in shared\nenvironments, together towards a common goal and, ideally, individually without\nhindering each other's progress. To this end, this paper presents Coordinated\nQMIX (CoMIX), a novel training framework for decentralized agents that enables\nemergent coordination through flexible policies, allowing at the same time\nindependent decision-making at individual level. CoMIX models selfish and\ncollaborative behavior as incremental steps in each agent's decision process.\nThis allows agents to dynamically adapt their behavior to different situations\nbalancing independence and collaboration. Experiments using a variety of\nsimulation environments demonstrate that CoMIX outperforms baselines on\ncollaborative tasks. The results validate our incremental policy approach as\neffective technique for improving coordination in multi-agent systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:45:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Minelli","Giovanni",""],["Musolesi","Mirco",""]]} {"id":"2308.10722","submitter":"Yichuan Deng","authors":"Yichuan Deng, Michalis Mamakos, Zhao Song","title":"Clustered Linear Contextual Bandits with Knapsacks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we study clustered contextual bandits where rewards and\nresource consumption are the outcomes of cluster-specific linear models. The\narms are divided in clusters, with the cluster memberships being unknown to an\nalgorithm. Pulling an arm in a time period results in a reward and in\nconsumption for each one of multiple resources, and with the total consumption\nof any resource exceeding a constraint implying the termination of the\nalgorithm. Thus, maximizing the total reward requires learning not only models\nabout the reward and the resource consumption, but also cluster memberships. We\nprovide an algorithm that achieves regret sublinear in the number of time\nperiods, without requiring access to all of the arms. In particular, we show\nthat it suffices to perform clustering only once to a randomly selected subset\nof the arms. To achieve this result, we provide a sophisticated combination of\ntechniques from the literature of econometrics and of bandits with constraints.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:47:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Yichuan",""],["Mamakos","Michalis",""],["Song","Zhao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10723","submitter":"Ji Ruoning","authors":"Ruoning Ji (1), Xianyong Ding (1), Fangyang Zhan (1), Xiaoliang Xiao\n (1), Jing Fan (2), Zhen Ning (1), and Rui Wang (1),(3)","title":"Controllable Weyl nodes and Fermi arcs in a light-irradiated carbon\n allotrope","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The precise control of Weyl physics in realistic materials oers a promising\navenue to construct accessible topological quantum systems, and thus draw\nwidespread attention in condensed-matter physics. Here, based on rst-principles\ncalculations, maximally localized Wannier functions based tight-binding model,\nand Floquet theorem, we study the light-manipulated evolution of Weyl physics\nin a carbon allotrope C6 crystallizing a face-centered orthogonal structure\n(fco-C6), an ideal Weyl semimetal with two pairs of Weyl nodes, under the\nirradiation of a linearly polarized light (LPL). We show that the positions of\nWeyl nodes and Fermi arcs can be accurately controlled by changing light\nintensity. Moreover, we employ a low-energy eective k p model to understand\nlight-controllable Weyl physics. The results indicate that the symmetry of\nlight-irradiated fco-C6 can be selectively preserved, which guarantees that the\nlight-manipulated Weyl nodes can only move in the highsymmetry plane in\nmomentum space. Our work not only demonstrates the ecacy of employing periodic\ndriving light elds as an ecient approach to manipulate Weyl physics, but also\npaves a reliable pathway for designing accessible topological states under\nlight irradiation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:47:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ji","Ruoning",""],["Ding","Xianyong",""],["Zhan","Fangyang",""],["Xiao","Xiaoliang",""],["Fan","Jing",""],["Ning","Zhen",""],["Wang","Rui",""]]} {"id":"2308.10724","submitter":"Grischa Fraumann","authors":"Houcemeddine Turki, Grischa Fraumann, Mohamed Ali Hadj Taieb, Mohamed\n Ben Aouicha","title":"Global visibility of publications through Digital Object Identifiers","comments":"5 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure","journal-ref":"Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, volume 8, 2023","doi":"10.3389/frma.2023.1207980","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DL cs.SI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This brief research report analyzes the availability of Digital Object\nIdentifiers (DOIs) worldwide, highlighting the dominance of large publishing\nhouses and the need for unique persistent identifiers to increase the\nvisibility of publications from developing countries. The study reveals that a\nconsiderable amount of publications from developing countries are excluded from\nthe global flow of scientific information due to the absence of DOIs,\nemphasizing the need for alternative publishing models. The authors suggest\nthat the availability of DOIs should receive more attention in scholarly\ncommunication and scientometrics, contributing to a necessary debate on DOIs\nrelevant for librarians, publishers, and scientometricians.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:47:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Turki","Houcemeddine",""],["Fraumann","Grischa",""],["Taieb","Mohamed Ali Hadj",""],["Aouicha","Mohamed Ben",""]]} {"id":"2308.10725","submitter":"Maryam Khosravi","authors":"Maryam Khosravi and Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian","title":"Some applications of linear algebraic methods in combinatorics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this note, we intend to produce all latin squares from one of them using\nsuitable move which is defined by small trades and do the similar work on\n4-cycle systems. These problems, reformulate as finding basis for the kernel of\nspecial matrices, representef to some graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:47:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Khosravi","Maryam",""],["Mahmoodian","Ebadollah S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10726","submitter":"Chen Wang","authors":"Chen Wang, Haoran Feng, Ji Yang, Xuepeng Chen, Yang Su, Qing-Zeng Yan,\n Fujun Du, Yuehui Ma, and Jiajun Cai","title":"The molecular clouds in a section of the third Galactic quadrant:\n observational properties and chemical abundance ratio between CO and its\n isotopologues","comments":"11 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, accepted by AJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compare the observational properties between $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, and\nC$^{18}$O and summarize the observational parameters based on 7069 clouds\nsample from the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting (MWISP) CO survey in a\nsection of the third Galactic quadrant. We find that the $^{13}$CO angular area\n($A_{\\rm ^{13}CO}$) generally increases with that of $^{12}$CO ($A_{\\rm\n^{12}CO}$), and the ratio of $A_{\\rm ^{13}CO}$ to $A_{\\rm ^{12}CO}$ is 0.38 by\nlinear fitting. We find that the $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO flux are tightly\ncorrelated as $F_{\\rm ^{13}CO}~=~0.17~ F_{\\rm ^{12}CO}$ with both fluxes\ncalculated within the $^{13}$CO-bright region. This indicates that the\nabundance $X_{\\rm ^{13}CO}$ is a constant to be 6.5$^{+0.1}_{-0.5}$ $\\times\n10^{-7}$ for all samples under assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium\n(LTE). Additionally, we observed that the X-factor is approximately constant in\nlarge sample molecular clouds. Similarly, we find $F_{\\rm\nC^{18}O}~=~0.11~F_{\\rm ^{13}CO}$ with both fluxes calculated within\nC$^{18}$O-bright region, which indicates that the abundance ratios ${X_{\\rm\n^{13}CO}/X_{\\rm C^{18}O}}$ stays the same value 9.7$^{+0.6}_{-0.8}$ across the\nmolecular clouds under LTE assumption. The linear relationships of $F_{\\rm\n^{12}CO}$ vs. $F_{\\rm ^{13}CO}$ and $F_{\\rm ^{13}CO}$ vs. $F_{\\rm C^{18}O}$\nhold not only for the $^{13}$CO-bright region or C$^{18}$O-bright region, but\nalso for the entire molecular cloud scale with lower flux ratio. The abundance\nratio ${X_{\\rm ^{13}CO}/X_{\\rm C^{18}O}}$ inside clouds shows a strong\ncorrelation with column density and temperature. This indicates that the\n${X_{\\rm ^{13}CO}/X_{\\rm C^{18}O}}$ is dominated by a combination of chemical\nfractionation, selectively dissociation, and self-shielding effect inside\nclouds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:49:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Chen",""],["Feng","Haoran",""],["Yang","Ji",""],["Chen","Xuepeng",""],["Su","Yang",""],["Yan","Qing-Zeng",""],["Du","Fujun",""],["Ma","Yuehui",""],["Cai","Jiajun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10727","submitter":"Bella Specktor Fadida","authors":"Bella Specktor-Fadida, Anna Levchakov, Dana Schonberger, Liat\n Ben-Sira, Dafna Ben-Bashat, Leo Joskowicz","title":"Test-time augmentation-based active learning and self-training for\n label-efficient segmentation","comments":"Accepted to MICCAI MILLanD workshop 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Deep learning techniques depend on large datasets whose annotation is\ntime-consuming. To reduce annotation burden, the self-training (ST) and\nactive-learning (AL) methods have been developed as well as methods that\ncombine them in an iterative fashion. However, it remains unclear when each\nmethod is the most useful, and when it is advantageous to combine them. In this\npaper, we propose a new method that combines ST with AL using Test-Time\nAugmentations (TTA). First, TTA is performed on an initial teacher network.\nThen, cases for annotation are selected based on the lowest estimated Dice\nscore. Cases with high estimated scores are used as soft pseudo-labels for ST.\nThe selected annotated cases are trained with existing annotated cases and ST\ncases with border slices annotations. We demonstrate the method on MRI fetal\nbody and placenta segmentation tasks with different data variability\ncharacteristics. Our results indicate that ST is highly effective for both\ntasks, boosting performance for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution\n(OOD) data. However, while self-training improved the performance of\nsingle-sequence fetal body segmentation when combined with AL, it slightly\ndeteriorated performance of multi-sequence placenta segmentation on ID data. AL\nwas helpful for the high variability placenta data, but did not improve upon\nrandom selection for the single-sequence body data. For fetal body segmentation\nsequence transfer, combining AL with ST following ST iteration yielded a Dice\nof 0.961 with only 6 original scans and 2 new sequence scans. Results using\nonly 15 high-variability placenta cases were similar to those using 50 cases.\nCode is available at: https://github.com/Bella31/TTA-quality-estimation-ST-AL\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:50:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Specktor-Fadida","Bella",""],["Levchakov","Anna",""],["Schonberger","Dana",""],["Ben-Sira","Liat",""],["Ben-Bashat","Dafna",""],["Joskowicz","Leo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10728","submitter":"Veerle Sterken J","authors":"Veerle J. Sterken, Silvan Hunziker, Kostas Dialynas, Jan Leitner,\n Maximilian Sommer, Ralf Srama, Lennart R. Baalmann, Aigen Li, Konstantin\n Herbst, Andr\\'e Galli, Pontus Brandt, My Riebe, Jack Baggaley, Michel Blanc,\n Andrej Czechowski, Frederic Effenberger, Brian Fields, Priscilla Frisch,\n Mihaly Horanyi, Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Nozair Khawaja, Harald Kr\\\"uger, Bill S.\n Kurth, Niels F. W. Ligterink, Jeffrey L. Linsky, Casey Lisse, David\n Malaspina, Jesse A. Miller, Merav Opher, Andrew R. Poppe, Frank Postberg,\n Elena Provornikova, Seth Redfield, John Richardson, Michael Rowan-Robinson,\n Klaus Scherer, Mitchell M. Shen, Jon D. Slavin, Zoltan Sternovsky, Gunter\n Stober, Peter Strub, Jamey Szalay, Mario Trieloff","title":"Synergies between interstellar dust and heliospheric science with an\n Interstellar Probe","comments":"18 pages, 7 Figures, 5 Tables. Originally submitted as white paper\n for the National Academies Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics\n 2024-2033","journal-ref":"RAS Techniques and Instruments, rzad034 (2023)","doi":"10.1093/rasti/rzad034","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.EP astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We discuss the synergies between heliospheric and dust science, the open\nscience questions, the technological endeavors and programmatic aspects that\nare important to maintain or develop in the decade to come. In particular, we\nillustrate how we can use interstellar dust in the solar system as a tracer for\nthe (dynamic) heliosphere properties, and emphasize the fairly unexplored, but\npotentially important science question of the role of cosmic dust in\nheliospheric and astrospheric physics. We show that an Interstellar Probe\nmission with a dedicated dust suite would bring unprecedented advances to\ninterstellar dust research, and can also contribute-through measuring dust - to\nheliospheric science. This can, in particular, be done well if we work in\nsynergy with other missions inside the solar system, thereby using multiple\nvantage points in space to measure the dust as it `rolls' into the heliosphere.\nSuch synergies between missions inside the solar system and far out are crucial\nfor disentangling the spatially and temporally varying dust flow. Finally, we\nhighlight the relevant instrumentation and its suitability for contributing to\nfinding answers to the research questions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:53:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sterken","Veerle J.",""],["Hunziker","Silvan",""],["Dialynas","Kostas",""],["Leitner","Jan",""],["Sommer","Maximilian",""],["Srama","Ralf",""],["Baalmann","Lennart R.",""],["Li","Aigen",""],["Herbst","Konstantin",""],["Galli","Andr\u00e9",""],["Brandt","Pontus",""],["Riebe","My",""],["Baggaley","Jack",""],["Blanc","Michel",""],["Czechowski","Andrej",""],["Effenberger","Frederic",""],["Fields","Brian",""],["Frisch","Priscilla",""],["Horanyi","Mihaly",""],["Hsu","Hsiang-Wen",""],["Khawaja","Nozair",""],["Kr\u00fcger","Harald",""],["Kurth","Bill S.",""],["Ligterink","Niels F. W.",""],["Linsky","Jeffrey L.",""],["Lisse","Casey",""],["Malaspina","David",""],["Miller","Jesse A.",""],["Opher","Merav",""],["Poppe","Andrew R.",""],["Postberg","Frank",""],["Provornikova","Elena",""],["Redfield","Seth",""],["Richardson","John",""],["Rowan-Robinson","Michael",""],["Scherer","Klaus",""],["Shen","Mitchell M.",""],["Slavin","Jon D.",""],["Sternovsky","Zoltan",""],["Stober","Gunter",""],["Strub","Peter",""],["Szalay","Jamey",""],["Trieloff","Mario",""]]} {"id":"2308.10729","submitter":"Changzhen Li","authors":"Changzhen Li, Jie Zhang, Yang Wei, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Shiguang\n Shan","title":"Patch Is Not All You Need","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Vision Transformers have achieved great success in computer visions,\ndelivering exceptional performance across various tasks. However, their\ninherent reliance on sequential input enforces the manual partitioning of\nimages into patch sequences, which disrupts the image's inherent structural and\nsemantic continuity. To handle this, we propose a novel Pattern Transformer\n(Patternformer) to adaptively convert images to pattern sequences for\nTransformer input. Specifically, we employ the Convolutional Neural Network to\nextract various patterns from the input image, with each channel representing a\nunique pattern that is fed into the succeeding Transformer as a visual token.\nBy enabling the network to optimize these patterns, each pattern concentrates\non its local region of interest, thereby preserving its intrinsic structural\nand semantic information. Only employing the vanilla ResNet and Transformer, we\nhave accomplished state-of-the-art performance on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, and\nhave achieved competitive results on ImageNet.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:54:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Changzhen",""],["Zhang","Jie",""],["Wei","Yang",""],["Ji","Zhilong",""],["Bai","Jinfeng",""],["Shan","Shiguang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10730","submitter":"Nicolas Roisin","authors":"Nicolas Roisin, Marie-St\\'ephane Colla, Romain Scaffidi, Thomas\n Pardoen, Denis Flandre, Jean-Pierre Raskin","title":"Band gap reduction in highly-strained silicon beams predicted by\n first-principles theory and validated using photoluminescence spectroscopy","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A theoretical study of the band gap reduction under tensile stress is\nperformed and validated through experimental measurements. First-principles\ncalculations based on density functional theory (DFT) are performed for\nuniaxial stress applied in the [001], [110] and [111] directions. The\ncalculated band gap reductions are equal to 126, 240 and 100 meV at 2$\\%$\nstrain, respectively. Photoluminescence spectroscopy experiments are performed\nby deformation applied in the [110] direction. Microfabricated specimens have\nbeen deformed using an on-chip tensile technique up to ~1$\\%$ as confirmed by\nback-scattering Raman spectroscopy. A fitting correction based on the band gap\nfluctuation model has been used to eliminate the specimen interference signal\nand retrieve reliable values. Very good agreement is observed between\nfirst-principles theory and experimental results with a band gap reduction of,\nrespectively, 93 and 91 meV when the silicon beam is deformed by 0.95$\\%$ along\nthe [110] direction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:54:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Roisin","Nicolas",""],["Colla","Marie-St\u00e9phane",""],["Scaffidi","Romain",""],["Pardoen","Thomas",""],["Flandre","Denis",""],["Raskin","Jean-Pierre",""]]} {"id":"2308.10731","submitter":"John Carlton","authors":"John Carlton and Christopher McCabe","title":"From RATs to riches: mitigating anthropogenic and synanthropic noise in\n atom interferometer searches for ultra-light dark matter","comments":"15 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"KCL-PH-TH/2023-29, AION-REPORT/2023-09","categories":"astro-ph.CO hep-ex hep-ph physics.atom-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Atom interferometers offer promising new avenues for detecting ultra-light\ndark matter (ULDM). The exceptional sensitivity of atom interferometers to\nfluctuations in the local gravitational potential exposes them to sources of\nnoise from human (anthropogenic) and animal (synanthropic) activity, which may\nobscure signals from ULDM. We characterise potential anthropogenic and\nsynanthropic noise sources and examine their influence on a year-long\nmeasurement campaign by AION-10, an upcoming atom interferometer experiment\nthat will be located at the University of Oxford. We propose a data cleaning\nframework that identifies and then masks anthropogenic and synanthropic noise.\nWith this framework, we demonstrate that even in noisy conditions, the\nsensitivity to ULDM can be restored to within between 10% and 40% of an atom\nshot noise-limited experiment, depending on the specific composition of the\nanthropogenic and synanthropic noise. This work provides an important step\ntowards creating robust noise reduction analysis strategies in the pursuit of\nULDM detection with atom interferometers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:54:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Carlton","John",""],["McCabe","Christopher",""]]} {"id":"2308.10732","submitter":"Katherine Rhode","authors":"Katherine L. Rhode, Nicholas J. Smith, William F. Janesh, John J.\n Salzer, Elizabeth A. K. Adams, Martha P. Haynes, Steven Janowiecki, John M.\n Cannon","title":"A Search for Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Universe with ALFALFA\n and the WIYN One Degree Imager","comments":"33 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables. Published in the September 2023 issue\n of The Astronomical Journal","journal-ref":"AJ 166 113 (2023)","doi":"10.3847/1538-3881/aceb5a","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present results from an optical search for Local Group dwarf galaxy\ncandidates associated with the Ultra-Compact High Velocity Clouds (UCHVCs)\ndiscovered by the ALFALFA neutral hydrogen survey. The ALFALFA UCHVCs are\nisolated, compact HI clouds with projected sizes, velocities, and estimated HI\nmasses that suggest they may be nearby dwarf galaxies, but that have no clear\ncounterpart in existing optical survey data. We observed 26 UCHVCs with the\nWIYN 3.5-m telescope and One Degree Imager (ODI) in two broadband filters and\nsearched the images for resolved stars with properties that match those of\nstars in typical dwarf galaxies at distances <2.5 Mpc. We identify one\npromising dwarf galaxy candidate at a distance of ~570 kpc associated with the\nUCHVC AGC 268071, and five other candidates that may deserve additional\nfollow-up. We carry out a detailed analysis of ODI imaging of a UCHVC that is\nclose in both projected distance and radial velocity to the outer-halo Milky\nWay globular cluster Pal 3. We also use our improved detection methods to\nreanalyze images of five UCHVCs that were found to have possible optical\ncounterparts during the first phase of the project, and confirm the detection\nof a possible stellar counterpart to the UCHVC AGC 249525 at an estimated\ndistance of ~2 Mpc. We compare the optical and HI properties of the dwarf\ngalaxy candidates to the results from recent theoretical simulations that model\nsatellite galaxy populations in group environments, as well as to the observed\nproperties of galaxies in and around the Local Group.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:55:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Rhode","Katherine L.",""],["Smith","Nicholas J.",""],["Janesh","William F.",""],["Salzer","John J.",""],["Adams","Elizabeth A. K.",""],["Haynes","Martha P.",""],["Janowiecki","Steven",""],["Cannon","John M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10733","submitter":"Eric Sawyer","authors":"Eric T. Sawyer and Brett D. Wick","title":"The Hyt\\\"onen-Vuorinen L^{p} conjecture for the Hilbert transform when\n (4/3)0\\,$\n$\\gamma \\geq0\\,$. Using the recursive solution to the master equation we find\nfor power law feedback numerical evidence that the probability mass function\nfor finite time scales asymptotically with $\\omega^{-\\gamma}\\,$ for\n$\\gamma>1\\,$. We also provide simulations supporting a previous result by\nOliveira (corollary to Theorem 4 in \\cite{oliveira2009onset}) that the tail of\nthe losers scale as $\\omega^{-(\\gamma-1)}\\,$ but extending to $N \\geq 2$ bins.\nWe thus find evidence that the balls in bins process with power law feedback\nproduces power law distributions as is common to many real world phenomena.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:59:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Forbes","Samuel",""]]} {"id":"2308.10735","submitter":"Alexandra Weinberger","authors":"Oswin Aichholzer and Birgit Vogtenhuber and Alexandra Weinberger","title":"Different Types of Isomorphisms of Drawings of Complete Multipartite\n Graphs","comments":"Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on\n Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Simple drawings are drawings of graphs in which any two edges intersect at\nmost once (either at a common endpoint or a proper crossing), and no edge\nintersects itself. We analyze several characteristics of simple drawings of\ncomplete multipartite graphs: which pairs of edges cross, in which order they\ncross, and the cyclic order around vertices and crossings, respectively. We\nconsider all possible combinations of how two drawings can share some\ncharacteristics and determine which other characteristics they imply and which\nthey do not imply. Our main results are that for simple drawings of complete\nmultipartite graphs, the orders in which edges cross determine all other\nconsidered characteristics. Further, if all partition classes have at least\nthree vertices, then the pairs of edges that cross determine the rotation\nsystem and the rotation around the crossings determine the extended rotation\nsystem. We also show that most other implications -- including the ones that\nhold for complete graphs -- do not hold for complete multipartite graphs. Using\nthis analysis, we establish which types of isomorphisms are meaningful for\nsimple drawings of complete multipartite graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:01:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Aichholzer","Oswin",""],["Vogtenhuber","Birgit",""],["Weinberger","Alexandra",""]]} {"id":"2308.10736","submitter":"Abhinandan .","authors":"Abhinandan","title":"Syntomic complex and $p$-adic nearby cycles","comments":"Original version from 2022. Comments always welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In local relative $p$-adic Hodge theory, we show that the Galois cohomology\nof a finite crystalline height representation, upto a Tate twist, is\nessentially computed by (Fontaine-Messing) syntomic complex with coefficient in\nthe associated $F$-isocrystal. In global applications, for smooth ($p$-adic\nformal) schemes, we establish a comparison between syntomic complex with\ncoefficient in a locally free Fontaine-Laffaille module and $p$-adic nearby\ncycles of the associated \\'etale local system on the (rigid) generic fiber.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:04:09 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:59:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Abhinandan","",""]]} {"id":"2308.10737","submitter":"Bahare Fatemi","authors":"Bahare Fatemi, Sami Abu-El-Haija, Anton Tsitsulin, Mehran Kazemi,\n Dustin Zelle, Neslihan Bulut, Jonathan Halcrow, Bryan Perozzi","title":"UGSL: A Unified Framework for Benchmarking Graph Structure Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Graph neural networks (GNNs) demonstrate outstanding performance in a broad\nrange of applications. While the majority of GNN applications assume that a\ngraph structure is given, some recent methods substantially expanded the\napplicability of GNNs by showing that they may be effective even when no graph\nstructure is explicitly provided. The GNN parameters and a graph structure are\njointly learned. Previous studies adopt different experimentation setups,\nmaking it difficult to compare their merits. In this paper, we propose a\nbenchmarking strategy for graph structure learning using a unified framework.\nOur framework, called Unified Graph Structure Learning (UGSL), reformulates\nexisting models into a single model. We implement a wide range of existing\nmodels in our framework and conduct extensive analyses of the effectiveness of\ndifferent components in the framework. Our results provide a clear and concise\nunderstanding of the different methods in this area as well as their strengths\nand weaknesses. The benchmark code is available at\nhttps://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/ugsl.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:05:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Fatemi","Bahare",""],["Abu-El-Haija","Sami",""],["Tsitsulin","Anton",""],["Kazemi","Mehran",""],["Zelle","Dustin",""],["Bulut","Neslihan",""],["Halcrow","Jonathan",""],["Perozzi","Bryan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10738","submitter":"Pratyush Pranav","authors":"Pratyush Pranav, Thomas Buchert","title":"Homology reveals significant anisotropy in the cosmic microwave\n background","comments":"13 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO math.AT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We test the tenet of statistical isotropy of the standard cosmological model\nvia a homology analysis of the cosmic microwave background temperature maps.\nExamining small sectors of the normalized maps, we find that the results\nexhibit a dependence on whether we compute the mean and variance locally from\nthe masked patch, or from the full masked sky. Assigning local mean and\nvariance for normalization, we find the maximum discrepancy between the data\nand model in the galactic northern hemisphere at more than $3.5$ s.d. for the\nPR4 dataset at degree-scale. For the PR3 dataset, the C-R and SMICA maps\nexhibit higher significance than the PR4 dataset at $\\sim 4$ and $4.1$ s.d.\nrespectively, however the NILC and SEVEM maps exhibit lower significance at\n$\\sim 3.4$ s.d. The southern hemisphere exhibits high degree of consistency\nbetween the data and the model for both the PR4 and PR3 datasets. Assigning the\nmean and variance of the full masked sky decreases the significance for the\nnorthern hemisphere, the tails in particular. However the tails in the southern\nhemisphere are strongly discrepant at more than $4$ standard deviations at\napproximately $5$ degrees. The $p$-values obtained from the $\\chi^2$-statistic\nexhibit commensurate significance in both the experiments. Examining the\nquadrants of the sphere, we find the first quadrant to be the major source of\nthe discrepancy. Prima-facie, the results indicate a breakdown of statistical\nisotropy in the CMB maps, however more work is needed to ascertain the source\nof the anomaly. Regardless, these map characteristics may have serious\nconsequences for downstream computations such as parameter estimation, and the\nrelated Hubble tension.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:06:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pranav","Pratyush",""],["Buchert","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10739","submitter":"Rapha\\\"el Dupr\\'e","authors":"Rapha\\\"el Dupr\\'e, Federico Ceccopieri","title":"A TMD-based model for Hadronization off heavy nuclei","comments":"22 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) off nuclei is a unique\nprocess to study the parton propagation mechanism and its modification induced\nby the presence of the nuclear medium. It allows us to probe the medium\nproperties, particularly the cold nuclear matter transport coefficient, which\ncan be directly linked to the nuclear gluon density. We present here a model\nfor hadron production in deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering, which takes\ninto account the hadronic transverse momentum of final state particles via\ntransverse-momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions and fragmentation\nfunctions. We implement parton energy loss and hadronic absorption with a\ngeometrical model of the nucleus. The model is compared with the nuclear SIDIS\nmultiplicity ratios and transverse-momentum broadening data from the CLAS,\nHERMES, and EMC collaborations, aiming for a simultaneous description of these\ndata sets. We obtain a good agreement over the various nuclear targets and the\nwide kinematical range of those experiments. We best describe the data with a\ntransport coefficient \\hat q = 0.3 GeV/fm 2 , and we highlight the importance\nand the role of correlations in extracting this quantity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:08:35 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:18:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Dupr\u00e9","Rapha\u00ebl",""],["Ceccopieri","Federico",""]]} {"id":"2308.10740","submitter":"Afshin Khadangi","authors":"Afshin Khadangi","title":"We Don't Need No Adam, All We Need Is EVE: On The Variance of Dual\n Learning Rate And Beyond","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the rapidly advancing field of deep learning, optimising deep neural\nnetworks is paramount. This paper introduces a novel method, Enhanced Velocity\nEstimation (EVE), which innovatively applies different learning rates to\ndistinct components of the gradients. By bifurcating the learning rate, EVE\nenables more nuanced control and faster convergence, addressing the challenges\nassociated with traditional single learning rate approaches. Utilising a\nmomentum term that adapts to the learning landscape, the method achieves a more\nefficient navigation of the complex loss surface, resulting in enhanced\nperformance and stability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EVE\nsignificantly outperforms existing optimisation techniques across various\nbenchmark datasets and architectures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:08:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Khadangi","Afshin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10741","submitter":"Christian Schlarmann","authors":"Christian Schlarmann and Matthias Hein","title":"On the Adversarial Robustness of Multi-Modal Foundation Models","comments":"ICCV AROW 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Multi-modal foundation models combining vision and language models such as\nFlamingo or GPT-4 have recently gained enormous interest. Alignment of\nfoundation models is used to prevent models from providing toxic or harmful\noutput. While malicious users have successfully tried to jailbreak foundation\nmodels, an equally important question is if honest users could be harmed by\nmalicious third-party content. In this paper we show that imperceivable attacks\non images in order to change the caption output of a multi-modal foundation\nmodel can be used by malicious content providers to harm honest users e.g. by\nguiding them to malicious websites or broadcast fake information. This\nindicates that countermeasures to adversarial attacks should be used by any\ndeployed multi-modal foundation model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:09:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Schlarmann","Christian",""],["Hein","Matthias",""]]} {"id":"2308.10742","submitter":"Askar Ali","authors":"Askar Ali, Ali \\\"Ovg\\\"un","title":"Topological dyonic black holes of massive gravity with generalized\n quasitopological electromagnetism","comments":"24 pages and 15 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we investigate new dyonic black holes of massive gravity\nsourced by generalized quasitopological electromagnetism in arbitrary\ndimensions. We begin by deriving the exact solution to the field equations\ndefining these black holes and look at how graviton's mass, dimensionality\nparameter, and quasitopological electromagnetic field affect the horizon\nstructure of anti-de Sitter dyonic black holes. We also explore the asymptotic\nbehaviour of the curvature invariants at both the origin and infinity to\nanalyze the geometric structure of the resultant black holes. We also compute\nthe conserved and thermodynamic quantities of these dyonic black holes with the\nhelp of established techniques and known formulas. After investigating the\nrelevancy of first law, we look at how various parameters influence the local\nthermodynamic stability of resultant black hole solution. We also examine how\nthermal fluctuations affect the local stability of dyonic black holes in\nmassive gravity. Finally, we study the shadow cast of the black hole.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:15:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ali","Askar",""],["\u00d6vg\u00fcn","Ali",""]]} {"id":"2308.10743","submitter":"Huanran Chen","authors":"Shuo Zhang, Ziruo Wang, Zikai Zhou, Huanran Chen","title":"Boosting Adversarial Attack with Similar Target","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, posing a threat\nto the models' applications and raising security concerns. An intriguing\nproperty of adversarial examples is their strong transferability. Several\nmethods have been proposed to enhance transferability, including ensemble\nattacks which have demonstrated their efficacy. However, prior approaches\nsimply average logits, probabilities, or losses for model ensembling, lacking a\ncomprehensive analysis of how and why model ensembling significantly improves\ntransferability. In this paper, we propose a similar targeted attack method\nnamed Similar Target~(ST). By promoting cosine similarity between the gradients\nof each model, our method regularizes the optimization direction to\nsimultaneously attack all surrogate models. This strategy has been proven to\nenhance generalization ability. Experimental results on ImageNet validate the\neffectiveness of our approach in improving adversarial transferability. Our\nmethod outperforms state-of-the-art attackers on 18 discriminative classifiers\nand adversarially trained models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:16:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Shuo",""],["Wang","Ziruo",""],["Zhou","Zikai",""],["Chen","Huanran",""]]} {"id":"2308.10744","submitter":"Eric De Giuli","authors":"Eric De Giuli","title":"Fermionic theory of nonequilibrium steady states","comments":"4 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.dis-nn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" As the quantification of metabolism, nonequilibrium steady states play a\ncentral role in living matter, but are beyond the purview of equilibrium\nstatistical mechanics. Here we develop a fermionic theory of nonequilibrium\nsteady states in continuous-time Markovian systems. The response to an\narbitrary perturbation is computed, and simplified in canonical cases. Beyond\nresponse, we consider ensembles of NESS and derive a fluctuation-response\nrelation over a non-equilibrium ensemble. Some connections to quantum gravity\nare pointed out, and the formulation is extended to a supersymmetric integral\none, which may form the basis of nontrivial solvable models of nonequilibrium\nsteady states.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:17:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["De Giuli","Eric",""]]} {"id":"2308.10745","submitter":"D\\'aniel Kincses","authors":"M\\'arton Nagy, Aletta Purzsa, M\\'at\\'e Csan\\'ad, D\\'aniel Kincses","title":"A novel method for calculating Bose-Einstein correlation functions with\n Coulomb final-state interaction","comments":"20 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th hep-ex hep-ph nucl-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Measurements of Bose-Einstein correlations played a crucial role in the\ndiscovery and the subsequent detailed exploration of the Quark-Gluon-Plasma\n(QGP) created in high-energy collisions of heavy nuclei. Such measurements gave\nrise to femtoscopy, a flourishing sub-field of high-energy physics, and there\nare important new directions to explore and discoveries to be made in the near\nfuture. One of these important current topics is the precise investigation of\nthe shape of the correlation functions utilizing L\\'evy-stable sources. In this\npaper, we present a novel method of calculating the shape of the two-particle\ncorrelation functions, including the Coulomb final-state interaction. This\nmethod relies on an exact calculation of a large part of the necessary\nintegrals of the Coulomb wave function and can be utilized to calculate the\ncorrelation function for any source function with an easily accessible Fourier\ntransform. In this way, it is eminently applicable to L\\'evy-stable source\nfunctions. In this particular case, we find that the new method is more robust\nand allows the investigation of a wider parameter range than the previously\nutilized techniques. We present an easily applicable software package that is\nready to use in experimental studies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:26:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nagy","M\u00e1rton",""],["Purzsa","Aletta",""],["Csan\u00e1d","M\u00e1t\u00e9",""],["Kincses","D\u00e1niel",""]]} {"id":"2308.10746","submitter":"Longyue Li","authors":"Li-Ming Cao, Long-Yue Li, Liang-Bi Wu and Yu-Sen Zhou","title":"The instability of the inner horizon of the quantum-corrected black hole","comments":"12 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"ICTS-USTC/PCFT-23-23","categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We analyse the stability of the inner horizon of the quantum-corrected black\nhole which is proposed in loop quantum gravity as the exterior of the quantum\nOppenheimer-Snyder and Swiss Cheese models. It is shown that the flux and\nenergy density of a test scalar field measured by free-falling observers are\nboth divergent near the Cauchy horizon. By considering the generalized Dray-'t\nHooft-Redmond relation which is independent of the field equation, we find that\nthe mass inflation always happens and the scalar curvature and Kretschmann\nscalar are also divergent on the inner horizon. These suggest that the inner\nhorizon is unstable and will probably turn into a null singularity. The results\nsupport the strong cosmic censorship hypothesis. However, this also implies\nthat the quantum corrected model may not be the definitive endpoint as a\nregular black hole. Besides, it further proposes that any possible observable\nastronomical phenomenon which depends on the existence of the inner horizon of\nthe black hole is not reliable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:28:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cao","Li-Ming",""],["Li","Long-Yue",""],["Wu","Liang-Bi",""],["Zhou","Yu-Sen",""]]} {"id":"2308.10747","submitter":"Tomasz Kami\\'nski Dr","authors":"Tomek Kaminski, Mirek R. Schmidt, Anlaug Amanda Djupvik, Karl M.\n Menten, Alex Kraus, Krystian I{\\l}kiewicz, Thomas Steinmetz, Muhammad Zain\n Mobeen, Ryszard Szczerba","title":"A radical transition in the post-main-sequence system U Equulei","comments":"Comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" U Equ is an unusual maser-hosting IR source discovered in the 1990s. It was\ntentatively classified as a post-AGB star with a unique optical spectrum\ndisplaying rare emission and absorption features from molecular gas. In 2022,\nwe discovered that its optical spectrum has drastically changed. Methods:\nOptical high-resolution spectra of U Equ from SALT are supplemented by archival\ndata and NIR photometry from NOT. New spectral line observations with the\nEffelsberg telescope and ALMA are presented. Results: No circumstellar\nmolecular features are present in the contemporary optical spectra of U Equ.\nNon-photospheric absorption and emission from neutral and ionized species\ndominate the current spectrum. Some of the observed features indicate an\noutflow with a terminal velocity of 215 km\\s. The H\\&K lines of [Ca II]\nindicate a photosphere of spectral type F. Photometric measurements show that\nthe source has been monotonically increasing its optical and NIR fluxes since\nthe beginning of this century. SEDs at different epochs show dusty\ncircumstellar material arranged in a highly-inclined disk. At a distance of 4\nkpc, the source's luminosity is 10$^4$ L$_{\\odot}$. Conclusions: The object has\nchanged considerably in the last three decades, either due to geometrical\nreconfiguration of the circumstellar medium, evolutionary changes in the\ncentral star, or owing to an accretion event that has started in the system\nvery recently. Observationally, U Equ appears to resemble the Category 0 of\ndisk-hosting post-AGB stars, especially the post-common envelope binary HD\n101584. It is uncertain if the drastic spectral change and the associated\noptical/MIR rise in brightness are common in post-AGB stars but such a radical\nchange may be related to the real-time onset of the evolution of the system\ninto a planetary nebula. We find that the post-AGB star V576 Car has undergone\na similar transformation as U Equ.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:29:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kaminski","Tomek",""],["Schmidt","Mirek R.",""],["Djupvik","Anlaug Amanda",""],["Menten","Karl M.",""],["Kraus","Alex",""],["I\u0142kiewicz","Krystian",""],["Steinmetz","Thomas",""],["Mobeen","Muhammad Zain",""],["Szczerba","Ryszard",""]]} {"id":"2308.10748","submitter":"Pierre Matalon","authors":"Paola F. Antonietti, Pierre Matalon, Marco Verani","title":"Iterative solution to the biharmonic equation in mixed form discretized\n by the Hybrid High-Order method","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We consider the solution to the biharmonic equation in mixed form discretized\nby the Hybrid High-Order (HHO) methods. The two resulting second-order elliptic\nproblems can be decoupled via the introduction of a new unknown, corresponding\nto the boundary value of the solution of the first Laplacian problem. This\ntechnique yields a global linear problem that can be solved iteratively via a\nKrylov-type method. More precisely, at each iteration of the scheme, two\nsecond-order elliptic problems have to be solved, and a normal derivative on\nthe boundary has to be computed. In this work, we specialize this scheme for\nthe HHO discretization. To this aim, an explicit technique to compute the\ndiscrete normal derivative of an HHO solution of a Laplacian problem is\nproposed. Moreover, we show that the resulting discrete scheme is well-posed.\nFinally, a new preconditioner is designed to speed up the convergence of the\nKrylov method. Numerical experiments assessing the performance of the proposed\niterative algorithm on both two- and three-dimensional test cases are\npresented.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:30:06 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 14:32:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Antonietti","Paola F.",""],["Matalon","Pierre",""],["Verani","Marco",""]]} {"id":"2308.10749","submitter":"Zach Hunter","authors":"Zach Hunter","title":"On a method of Alweiss","comments":"29 pages. comments encouraged!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.DS math.LO math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently, Alweiss settled Hindman's conjecture over the rationals. In this\npaper, we provide our own exposition of Alweiss' result, and show how to modify\nhis method to also show that sums of distinct products are partition regular\nover the rationals.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:30:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hunter","Zach",""]]} {"id":"2308.10750","submitter":"Susmita Chowdhury","authors":"Susmita Chowdhury, Victor Hjort, Rui Shu, Grzegorz Greczynski, Arnaud\n le Febvrier, Per Eklund, and Martin Magnuson","title":"Thermoelectric properties and electronic structure of Cr(Mo,V)Nx thin\n films studied by synchrotron and lab-based X-ray spectroscopy","comments":"28 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Chromium-based nitrides are used in hard, resilient coatings, and show\npromise for thermoelectric applications due to their combination of structural,\nthermal, and electronic properties. Here, we investigated the electronic\nstructures and chemical bonding correlated to the thermoelectric properties of\nepitaxially grown chromium-based multicomponent nitride Cr(Mo,V)Nx thin films.\nDue to minuscule N vacancies, finite population of Cr 3d and N 2p states appear\nat the Fermi level and diminishes the band opening for Cr0.51N0.49.\nIncorporating holes by alloying V in N deficient CrN matrix results in enhanced\nthermoelectric power factor with marginal change in the charge transfer of Cr\nto N compared to Cr0.51N0.49. Further alloying Mo isoelectronic to Cr increases\nthe density of states across the Fermi level due to hybridization of the (Cr,\nV) 3d and Mo 4d-N 2p states in Cr(Mo,V)Nx. The hybridization effect with\nreduced N 2p states off from stoichiometry drives the system towards metal like\nelectrical resistivity and reduction in Seebeck coefficient compensating the\noverall power factor still comparable to Cr0.51N0.49. The N deficiency also\ndepicts a critical role in reduction of the charge transfer from metal to N\nsite. The present work envisages ways for enhancing thermoelectric properties\nthrough electronic band engineering by alloying and competing effects of N\nvacancies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:32:53 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:43:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Chowdhury","Susmita",""],["Hjort","Victor",""],["Shu","Rui",""],["Greczynski","Grzegorz",""],["Febvrier","Arnaud le",""],["Eklund","Per",""],["Magnuson","Martin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10751","submitter":"Mengyu Cheng","authors":"Mengyu Cheng, Zhenxin Liu and Michael R\\\"ockner","title":"Averaging principle and normal deviation for multi-scale SDEs with\n polynomial nonlinearity","comments":"39 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We investigate three types of averaging principles and the normal deviation\nfor multi-scale stochastic differential equations (in short, SDEs) with\npolynomial nonlinearity. More specifically, we first demonstrate the strong\nconvergence of the solution of SDEs, which involves highly oscillating\ncomponents and fast processes, to that of the averaged equation. Then we\ninvestigate the small fluctuations of the system around its average, and show\nthat the normalized difference weakly converges to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type\nprocess, which can be viewed as a functional central limit theorem.\nAdditionally, we show that the attractor of the original system tends to that\nof the averaged equation in probability measure space as the time scale\n$\\varepsilon$ goes to zero. Finally, we establish the second Bogolyubov\ntheorem; that is to say, we prove that there exists a quasi-periodic solution\nin a neighborhood of the stationary solution of the averaged equation when the\n$\\varepsilon$ is small.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:32:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cheng","Mengyu",""],["Liu","Zhenxin",""],["R\u00f6ckner","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10752","submitter":"Stefano Leoni","authors":"Nianze Tao and Hiromi Morimoto and Stefano Leoni","title":"Comprehensive Molecular Representation from Equivariant Transformer","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.atm-clus physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We implement an equivariant transformer that embeds molecular net charge and\nspin state without additional neural network parameters. The model trained on a\nsinglet/triplet non-correlated \\ce{CH2} dataset can identify different spin\nstates and shows state-of-the-art extrapolation capability. We found that\nSoftmax activation function utilised in the self-attention mechanism of graph\nnetworks outperformed ReLU-like functions in prediction accuracy. Additionally,\nincreasing the attention temperature from $\\tau = \\sqrt{d}$ to $\\sqrt{2d}$\nfurther improved the extrapolation capability. We also purposed a weight\ninitialisation method that sensibly accelerated the training process.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:39:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tao","Nianze",""],["Morimoto","Hiromi",""],["Leoni","Stefano",""]]} {"id":"2308.10753","submitter":"HAL CCSD","authors":"Antonin Chambolle (CEREMADE, MOKAPLAN), Vincent Duval (MOKAPLAN), Joao\n Miguel Machado (CEREMADE, MOKAPLAN)","title":"The Total Variation-Wasserstein Problem","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work we analyze the Total Variation-Wasserstein minimization problem.\nWe propose an alternative form of deriving optimality conditions from the\napproach of Calier\\&Poon'18, and as result obtain further regularity for the\nquantities involved. In the sequel we propose an algorithm to solve this\nproblem alongside two numerical experiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:40:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chambolle","Antonin","","CEREMADE, MOKAPLAN"],["Duval","Vincent","","MOKAPLAN"],["Machado","Joao Miguel","","CEREMADE, MOKAPLAN"]]} {"id":"2308.10754","submitter":"Vincent Bertin","authors":"Vincent Bertin","title":"Similarity solutions in elastohydrodynamic bouncing","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" We investigate theoretically and numerically the impact of an elastic sphere\non a rigid wall in a viscous fluid. Our focus is on the dynamics of the\ncontact, employing the soft lubrication model in which the sphere is separated\nfrom the wall by a thin liquid film. In the limit of large sphere inertia, the\nsphere bounces and the dynamics is close to the Hertz theory. Remarkably, the\nfilm thickness separating the sphere from the wall exhibits non-trivial\nself-similar properties that vary during the spreading and retraction phases.\nLeveraging these self-similar properties, we establish the energy budget and\npredict the coefficient of restitution for the sphere. The general framework\nderived here opens many perspectives to study the lubrication film in impact\nproblems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:40:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bertin","Vincent",""]]} {"id":"2308.10755","submitter":"Bin Wang","authors":"Conghui He, Zhenjiang Jin, Chao Xu, Jiantao Qiu, Bin Wang, Wei Li,\n Hang Yan, Jiaqi Wang, Dahua Lin","title":"WanJuan: A Comprehensive Multimodal Dataset for Advancing English and\n Chinese Large Models","comments":"Technical Report","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The rise in popularity of ChatGPT and GPT-4 has significantly accelerated the\ndevelopment of large models, leading to the creation of numerous impressive\nlarge language models(LLMs) and multimodal large language models (MLLMs). These\ncutting-edge models owe their remarkable performance to high-quality data.\nHowever, the details of the training data used in leading paradigms are often\nkept confidential. This lack of transparency, coupled with the scarcity of\nopen-source data, impedes further developments within the community. As a\nresponse, this paper presents \"Wan Juan\", a large-scale multimodal dataset\ncomposed of both Chinese and English data, collected from a wide range of web\nsources. The dataset incorporates text, image-text, and video modalities, with\na total volume exceeding 2TB. It was utilized in the training of InternLM, a\nmodel that demonstrated significant advantages in multi-dimensional evaluations\nwhen compared to models of a similar scale. All data can be accessed at\nhttps://opendatalab.org.cn/WanJuan1.0.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:40:48 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:57:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["He","Conghui",""],["Jin","Zhenjiang",""],["Xu","Chao",""],["Qiu","Jiantao",""],["Wang","Bin",""],["Li","Wei",""],["Yan","Hang",""],["Wang","Jiaqi",""],["Lin","Dahua",""]]} {"id":"2308.10756","submitter":"Christian Rosenke","authors":"Van Bang Le, Christian Rosenke","title":"Computing Optimal Leaf Roots of Chordal Cographs in Linear Time","comments":"22 pages, 2 figures, full version of the FCT 2023 paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO cs.DM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A graph G is a k-leaf power, for an integer k >= 2, if there is a tree T with\nleaf set V(G) such that, for all vertices x, y in V(G), the edge xy exists in G\nif and only if the distance between x and y in T is at most k. Such a tree T is\ncalled a k-leaf root of G. The computational problem of constructing a k-leaf\nroot for a given graph G and an integer k, if any, is motivated by the\nchallenge from computational biology to reconstruct phylogenetic trees. For\nfixed k, Lafond [SODA 2022] recently solved this problem in polynomial time.\n In this paper, we propose to study optimal leaf roots of graphs G, that is,\nthe k-leaf roots of G with minimum k value. Thus, all k'-leaf roots of G\nsatisfy k <= k'. In terms of computational biology, seeking optimal leaf roots\nis more justified as they yield more probable phylogenetic trees. Lafond's\nresult does not imply polynomial-time computability of optimal leaf roots,\nbecause, even for optimal k-leaf roots, k may (exponentially) depend on the\nsize of G. This paper presents a linear-time construction of optimal leaf roots\nfor chordal cographs (also known as trivially perfect graphs). Additionally, it\nhighlights the importance of the parity of the parameter k and provides a\ndeeper insight into the differences between optimal k-leaf roots of even versus\nodd k.\n Keywords: k-leaf power, k-leaf root, optimal k-leaf root, trivially perfect\nleaf power, chordal cograph\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:41:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Le","Van Bang",""],["Rosenke","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10757","submitter":"Carlo Mazzola","authors":"Carlo Mazzola, Marta Romeo, Francesco Rea, Alessandra Sciutti, Angelo\n Cangelosi","title":"To Whom are You Talking? A Deep Learning Model to Endow Social Robots\n with Addressee Estimation Skills","comments":"Accepted version of a paper published at 2023 International Joint\n Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Please find the published version and\n info to cite the paper at https://doi.org/10.1109/IJCNN54540.2023.10191452 .\n 10 pages, 8 Figures, 3 Tables","journal-ref":"2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN),\n pp. 1-10","doi":"10.1109/IJCNN54540.2023.10191452","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Communicating shapes our social word. For a robot to be considered social and\nbeing consequently integrated in our social environment it is fundamental to\nunderstand some of the dynamics that rule human-human communication. In this\nwork, we tackle the problem of Addressee Estimation, the ability to understand\nan utterance's addressee, by interpreting and exploiting non-verbal bodily cues\nfrom the speaker. We do so by implementing an hybrid deep learning model\ncomposed of convolutional layers and LSTM cells taking as input images\nportraying the face of the speaker and 2D vectors of the speaker's body\nposture. Our implementation choices were guided by the aim to develop a model\nthat could be deployed on social robots and be efficient in ecological\nscenarios. We demonstrate that our model is able to solve the Addressee\nEstimation problem in terms of addressee localisation in space, from a robot\nego-centric point of view.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:43:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mazzola","Carlo",""],["Romeo","Marta",""],["Rea","Francesco",""],["Sciutti","Alessandra",""],["Cangelosi","Angelo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10758","submitter":"Anxo Perez AnxoPerez","authors":"Anxo P\\'erez, Marcos Fern\\'andez-Pichel, Javier Parapar, David E.\n Losada","title":"DepreSym: A Depression Symptom Annotated Corpus and the Role of LLMs as\n Assessors of Psychological Markers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.IR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Computational methods for depression detection aim to mine traces of\ndepression from online publications posted by Internet users. However,\nsolutions trained on existing collections exhibit limited generalisation and\ninterpretability. To tackle these issues, recent studies have shown that\nidentifying depressive symptoms can lead to more robust models. The eRisk\ninitiative fosters research on this area and has recently proposed a new\nranking task focused on developing search methods to find sentences related to\ndepressive symptoms. This search challenge relies on the symptoms specified by\nthe Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), a questionnaire widely used in\nclinical practice. Based on the participant systems' results, we present the\nDepreSym dataset, consisting of 21580 sentences annotated according to their\nrelevance to the 21 BDI-II symptoms. The labelled sentences come from a pool of\ndiverse ranking methods, and the final dataset serves as a valuable resource\nfor advancing the development of models that incorporate depressive markers\nsuch as clinical symptoms. Due to the complex nature of this relevance\nannotation, we designed a robust assessment methodology carried out by three\nexpert assessors (including an expert psychologist). Additionally, we explore\nhere the feasibility of employing recent Large Language Models (ChatGPT and\nGPT4) as potential assessors in this complex task. We undertake a comprehensive\nexamination of their performance, determine their main limitations and analyze\ntheir role as a complement or replacement for human annotators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:44:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["P\u00e9rez","Anxo",""],["Fern\u00e1ndez-Pichel","Marcos",""],["Parapar","Javier",""],["Losada","David E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10759","submitter":"Chenyuan Zhang","authors":"Chenyuan Zhang, Yanlin Wang, Zhao Wei, Yong Xu, Juhong Wang, Hui Li\n and Rongrong Ji","title":"EALink: An Efficient and Accurate Pre-trained Framework for Issue-Commit\n Link Recovery","comments":"13 pages, 6 figures, published to ASE","journal-ref":"IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software\n Engineering,2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Issue-commit links, as a type of software traceability links, play a vital\nrole in various software development and maintenance tasks. However, they are\ntypically deficient, as developers often forget or fail to create tags when\nmaking commits. Existing studies have deployed deep learning techniques,\nincluding pretrained models, to improve automatic issue-commit link\nrecovery.Despite their promising performance, we argue that previous approaches\nhave four main problems, hindering them from recovering links in large software\nprojects. To overcome these problems, we propose an efficient and accurate\npre-trained framework called EALink for issue-commit link recovery. EALink\nrequires much fewer model parameters than existing pre-trained methods,\nbringing efficient training and recovery. Moreover, we design various\ntechniques to improve the recovery accuracy of EALink. We construct a\nlarge-scale dataset and conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the power\nof EALink. Results show that EALink outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by\na large margin (15.23%-408.65%) on various evaluation metrics. Meanwhile, its\ntraining and inference overhead is orders of magnitude lower than existing\nmethods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:46:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Chenyuan",""],["Wang","Yanlin",""],["Wei","Zhao",""],["Xu","Yong",""],["Wang","Juhong",""],["Li","Hui",""],["Ji","Rongrong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10760","submitter":"Zhihao Lu","authors":"Zhihao Lu","title":"Liouville theorems and Harnack inequalities for Allen-Cahn type equation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We first give a logarithmic gradient estimate for positive solutions of\nAllen-Cahn equation on Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below.\nAs its natural corallary, Harnack inequality and a Liouville theorem for\nclassical positive solutions are obtained. Later, we consider similar estimate\nunder integral curvature condition and generalize previous results to a class\nnonlinear equations which contain some classical elliptic equations such as\nLane-Emden equation, static Whitehead-Newell equation and static Fisher-KPP\nequation. Last, we briefly generalize them to equation with gradient item under\nBakry-\\'{E}mery curvature condition.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:48:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Zhihao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10761","submitter":"Mingkai Zheng","authors":"Mingkai Zheng, Shan You, Lang Huang, Xiu Su, Fei Wang, Chen Qian,\n Xiaogang Wang, Chang Xu","title":"CoNe: Contrast Your Neighbours for Supervised Image Classification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Image classification is a longstanding problem in computer vision and machine\nlearning research. Most recent works (e.g. SupCon , Triplet, and max-margin)\nmainly focus on grouping the intra-class samples aggressively and compactly,\nwith the assumption that all intra-class samples should be pulled tightly\ntowards their class centers. However, such an objective will be very hard to\nachieve since it ignores the intra-class variance in the dataset. (i.e.\ndifferent instances from the same class can have significant differences).\nThus, such a monotonous objective is not sufficient. To provide a more\ninformative objective, we introduce Contrast Your Neighbours (CoNe) - a simple\nyet practical learning framework for supervised image classification.\nSpecifically, in CoNe, each sample is not only supervised by its class center\nbut also directly employs the features of its similar neighbors as anchors to\ngenerate more adaptive and refined targets. Moreover, to further boost the\nperformance, we propose ``distributional consistency\" as a more informative\nregularization to enable similar instances to have a similar probability\ndistribution. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that CoNe achieves\nstate-of-the-art performance across different benchmark datasets, network\narchitectures, and settings. Notably, even without a complicated training\nrecipe, our CoNe achieves 80.8\\% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with ResNet-50,\nwhich surpasses the recent Timm training recipe (80.4\\%). Code and pre-trained\nmodels are available at\n\\href{https://github.com/mingkai-zheng/CoNe}{https://github.com/mingkai-zheng/CoNe}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:49:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Mingkai",""],["You","Shan",""],["Huang","Lang",""],["Su","Xiu",""],["Wang","Fei",""],["Qian","Chen",""],["Wang","Xiaogang",""],["Xu","Chang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10762","submitter":"Javier Mart\\'inez-Aguinaga","authors":"Javier Mart\\'inez-Aguinaga","title":"Existence and classification of maximal growth distributions","comments":"30 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT math.DG math.SG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This article tackles the problem of existence and classification of maximal\ngrowth distributions on smooth manifolds. We show that maximal growth\ndistributions of rank$>2$ abide by a full $h$-principle in all dimensions. We\nmake use of M. Gromov's higher order convex integration and, on the way, we\nestablish a new criterion for checking ampleness of a differential relation.\n As a consequence we answer in the positive, for $k>2$, the long-standing open\nquestion posed by M. Kazarian and B. Shapiro more than 25 years ago in [14] of\nwhether any parallelizable manifold admits a $k$-rank distribution of maximal\ngrowth. We also answer several related open questions.\n For completeness we show that the differential relation of maximal growth for\nrank-$2$ distributions is not ample in any ambient dimension. Non-ampleness of\nthe Engel and the $(2,3,5)$-conditions follow as particular cases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:50:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mart\u00ednez-Aguinaga","Javier",""]]} {"id":"2308.10763","submitter":"Laurel Kaye","authors":"Laurel Kaye, Shreyas Vissapragada, Maximilian N. Gunther, Suzanne\n Aigrain, Thomas Mikal-Evans, Eric L. N. Jensen, Hannu Parviainen, Francisco\n J. Pozuelos, Lyu Abe, Jack S. Acton, Abdelkrim Agabi, Douglas R. Alves, David\n R. Anderson, David J. Armstrong, Khalid Barkaoui, Oscar Barragan, Bjorn\n Benneke, Patricia T. Bo yd, Rafael Brahm, Ivan Bruni, Edward M. Bryant,\n Matthew R. Burleigh, Sarah L. Casewell, David Ciardi, Ryan Cloutier, Karen A.\n Collins, Kevin I. Collins, Dennis M. Conti, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Nicolas\n Crouzet, Tansu Daylan, Diana Dragomir, Georgina Dransfield, Daniel F abrycky,\n Michael Fausnaugh, Gabor Fuuresz, Tianjun Gan, Samuel Gill, Michael Gillon,\n Michael R Goad, Varoujan Gorjian, Michael Greklek-McKeon, Natalia Guerrero,\n Tristan Guillot, Emmanuel Jehin, J. S. Jenkins, Monika Lendl, Jacob Kamler,\n Stephen R. Kane, John F. Kielkopf, Michelle Kunimoto, Wenceslas Marie-Sainte,\n James McCormac, Djamel Mekarnia, Farisa Y. Morales, Maximiliano Moyano, Enric\n Palle, Vivien Parmentier, Howard M. Relles, Francois-Xavier Schmider, Richard\n P. Schwarz, S. Seager, Alexis M. S. Smith, Thiam-Guan Tan, Jake Taylor,\n Amaury H. M. J. Triaud, Joseph D. Twicken, Stephane Udry, J. I. Vines, Gavin\n Wang, Peter J. Wheatley, Joshua N. Winn","title":"Transit Timing Variations in the three-planet system: TOI-270","comments":"22 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":"Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 510,\n Issue 4, pp.5464-5485 (2022)","doi":"10.1093/mnras/stab3483","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We present ground and space-based photometric observations of TOI-270\n(L231-32), a system of three transiting planets consisting of one super-Earth\nand two sub-Neptunes discovered by TESS around a bright (K-mag=8.25) M3V dwarf.\nThe planets orbit near low-order mean-motion resonances (5:3 and 2:1), and are\nthus expected to exhibit large transit timing variations (TTVs). Following an\nextensive observing campaign using 8 different observatories between 2018 and\n2020, we now report a clear detection of TTVs for planets c and d, with\namplitudes of $\\sim$10 minutes and a super-period of $\\sim$3 years, as well as\nsignificantly refined estimates of the radii and mean orbital periods of all\nthree planets.\n Dynamical modeling of the TTVs alone puts strong constraints on the mass\nratio of planets c and d and on their eccentricities. When incorporating\nrecently published constraints from radial velocity observations, we obtain\nmasses of $M_{\\mathrm{b}}=1.48\\pm0.18\\,M_\\oplus$, $M_{c}=6.20\\pm0.31\\,M_\\oplus$\nand $M_{\\mathrm{d}}=4.20\\pm0.16\\,M_\\oplus$ for planets b, c and d,\nrespectively. We also detect small, but significant eccentricities for all\nthree planets : $e_\\mathrm{b} =0.0167\\pm0.0084$, $e_{c} =0.0044\\pm0.0006$ and\n$e_{d} = 0.0066\\pm0.0020$. Our findings imply an Earth-like rocky composition\nfor the inner planet, and Earth-like cores with an additional He/H$_2$O\natmosphere for the outer two. TOI-270 is now one of the best-constrained\nsystems of small transiting planets, and it remains an excellent target for\natmospheric characterization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:52:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kaye","Laurel",""],["Vissapragada","Shreyas",""],["Gunther","Maximilian N.",""],["Aigrain","Suzanne",""],["Mikal-Evans","Thomas",""],["Jensen","Eric L. N.",""],["Parviainen","Hannu",""],["Pozuelos","Francisco J.",""],["Abe","Lyu",""],["Acton","Jack S.",""],["Agabi","Abdelkrim",""],["Alves","Douglas R.",""],["Anderson","David R.",""],["Armstrong","David J.",""],["Barkaoui","Khalid",""],["Barragan","Oscar",""],["Benneke","Bjorn",""],["yd","Patricia T. Bo",""],["Brahm","Rafael",""],["Bruni","Ivan",""],["Bryant","Edward M.",""],["Burleigh","Matthew R.",""],["Casewell","Sarah L.",""],["Ciardi","David",""],["Cloutier","Ryan",""],["Collins","Karen A.",""],["Collins","Kevin I.",""],["Conti","Dennis M.",""],["Crossfield","Ian J. M.",""],["Crouzet","Nicolas",""],["Daylan","Tansu",""],["Dragomir","Diana",""],["Dransfield","Georgina",""],["abrycky","Daniel F",""],["Fausnaugh","Michael",""],["Fuuresz","Gabor",""],["Gan","Tianjun",""],["Gill","Samuel",""],["Gillon","Michael",""],["Goad","Michael R",""],["Gorjian","Varoujan",""],["Greklek-McKeon","Michael",""],["Guerrero","Natalia",""],["Guillot","Tristan",""],["Jehin","Emmanuel",""],["Jenkins","J. S.",""],["Lendl","Monika",""],["Kamler","Jacob",""],["Kane","Stephen R.",""],["Kielkopf","John F.",""],["Kunimoto","Michelle",""],["Marie-Sainte","Wenceslas",""],["McCormac","James",""],["Mekarnia","Djamel",""],["Morales","Farisa Y.",""],["Moyano","Maximiliano",""],["Palle","Enric",""],["Parmentier","Vivien",""],["Relles","Howard M.",""],["Schmider","Francois-Xavier",""],["Schwarz","Richard P.",""],["Seager","S.",""],["Smith","Alexis M. S.",""],["Tan","Thiam-Guan",""],["Taylor","Jake",""],["Triaud","Amaury H. M. J.",""],["Twicken","Joseph D.",""],["Udry","Stephane",""],["Vines","J. I.",""],["Wang","Gavin",""],["Wheatley","Peter J.",""],["Winn","Joshua N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10764","submitter":"Md Rafique Un Nabi","authors":"Md Rafique Un Nabi, Rabindra Basnet, Krishna Pandey, Santosh Karki\n Chhetri, Dinesh Upreti, Gokul Acharya, Fei Wang, Arash Fereidouni, Hugh O. H.\n Churchill, Yingdong Guan, Zhiqiang Mao, Jin Hu","title":"Coupling Between Magnetic and Transport Properties in Magnetic Layered\n Material Mn2-xZnxSb","comments":"23 pages, 5 figures, Figures are at the end of the manuscript","journal-ref":"Acta Materialia (2023): 119251","doi":"10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119251","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We synthesized single crystals for Mn2-xZnxSb and studied their magnetic and\nelectronic transport properties. This material system displays rich magnetic\nphase tunable with temperature and Zn composition. In addition, two groups of\ndistinct magnetic and electronic properties, separated by a critical Zn\ncomposition of x = 0.6, are discovered. The Zn-less samples are metallic and\ncharacterized by a resistivity jump at the magnetic ordering temperature, while\nthe Zn-rich samples lose metallicity and show a metal-to-insulator\ntransition-like feature tunable by magnetic field. Our findings establish\nMn2-xZnxSb as a promising material platform that offers opportunities to study\nhow the coupling of spin, charge, and lattice degrees of freedom governs\ninteresting transport properties in 2D magnets, which is currently a topic of\nbroad interest.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:53:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Nabi","Md Rafique Un",""],["Basnet","Rabindra",""],["Pandey","Krishna",""],["Chhetri","Santosh Karki",""],["Upreti","Dinesh",""],["Acharya","Gokul",""],["Wang","Fei",""],["Fereidouni","Arash",""],["Churchill","Hugh O. H.",""],["Guan","Yingdong",""],["Mao","Zhiqiang",""],["Hu","Jin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10765","submitter":"Taisei Takabayashi","authors":"Taisei Takabayashi, Masayuki Ohzeki","title":"Hybrid Algorithm of Linear Programming Relaxation and Quantum Annealing","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The demand for classical-quantum hybrid algorithms to solve large-scale\ncombinatorial optimization problems using quantum annealing (QA) has increased.\nOne approach involves obtaining an approximate solution using classical\nalgorithms and refining it using QA. In previous studies, such variables were\ndetermined using molecular dynamics (MD) as a continuous optimization method.\nWe propose a method that uses the simple continuous relaxation technique called\nlinear programming (LP) relaxation. Our method demonstrated superiority through\ncomparative experiments with the minimum vertex cover problem versus the\nprevious MD-based approach. Furthermore, the hybrid approach of LP relaxation\nand simulated annealing showed advantages in accuracy and speed compared to\nsolving with simulated annealing alone.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:53:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Takabayashi","Taisei",""],["Ohzeki","Masayuki",""]]} {"id":"2308.10766","submitter":"Stephen G. Low","authors":"Stephen G. Low","title":"Jacobi Group Symmetry of Hamilton's Mechanics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We show that the diffeomorphisms of an extended phase space with time,\nenergy, momentum and position degrees of freedom that leave invariant the\nsymplectic 2-form and and a degenerate orthogonal metric dt^2 locally satisfy\nHamilton's equations up to the usual canonical transformations on the\nposition-momentum subspace.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:56:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Low","Stephen G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10767","submitter":"Qi Deng","authors":"Zhenwei Lin, Qi Deng","title":"GBM-based Bregman Proximal Algorithms for Constrained Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" As the complexity of learning tasks surges, modern machine learning\nencounters a new constrained learning paradigm characterized by more intricate\nand data-driven function constraints. Prominent applications include\nNeyman-Pearson classification (NPC) and fairness classification, which entail\nspecific risk constraints that render standard projection-based training\nalgorithms unsuitable. Gradient boosting machines (GBMs) are among the most\npopular algorithms for supervised learning; however, they are generally limited\nto unconstrained settings. In this paper, we adapt the GBM for constrained\nlearning tasks within the framework of Bregman proximal algorithms. We\nintroduce a new Bregman primal-dual method with a global optimality guarantee\nwhen the learning objective and constraint functions are convex. In cases of\nnonconvex functions, we demonstrate how our algorithm remains effective under a\nBregman proximal point framework. Distinct from existing constrained learning\nalgorithms, ours possess a unique advantage in their ability to seamlessly\nintegrate with publicly available GBM implementations such as XGBoost (Chen and\nGuestrin, 2016) and LightGBM (Ke et al., 2017), exclusively relying on their\npublic interfaces. We provide substantial experimental evidence to showcase the\neffectiveness of the Bregman algorithm framework. While our primary focus is on\nNPC and fairness ML, our framework holds significant potential for a broader\nrange of constrained learning applications. The source code is currently freely\navailable at\nhttps://github.com/zhenweilin/ConstrainedGBM}{https://github.com/zhenweilin/ConstrainedGBM.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:56:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Zhenwei",""],["Deng","Qi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10768","submitter":"Johannes Christensen","authors":"Johannes Christensen and Sergey Neshveyev","title":"Isotropy fibers of ideals in groupoid C$^{*}$-algebras","comments":"19 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Given a locally compact \\'etale groupoid and an ideal $I$ in its groupoid\nC$^*$-algebra, we show that $I$ defines a family of ideals in group\nC$^*$-algebras of the isotropy groups and then study to which extent $I$ is\ndetermined by this family. As an application we obtain the following results:\n(a) prove that every proper ideal is contained in an induced primitive ideal;\n(b) describe the maximal ideals; (c) classify the primitive ideals for a class\nof graded groupoids with essentially central isotropy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:57:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Christensen","Johannes",""],["Neshveyev","Sergey",""]]} {"id":"2308.10769","submitter":"Pei-Ying Huo","authors":"Pei-Ying Huo, Wei-Zhou Jiang, Rong-Yao Yang and Xiu-Rong Zhang","title":"Dynamic Evolution of S$_0$$\\sim$S$_3$ at the Oxygen Evolving Complex\n with the Spin Marker under the Photoelectric Polarization","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.bio-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Water oxidation in the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) of the photosystem II is\ncatalyzed by the core cluster CaMn$_4$O$_5$ which was projected to experience\nfive intermediate states S($\\rm_i$) in the Kok's cycle since 1970's. However,\nthe detailed dynamics of state evolutions still remains unclear, albeit with\nthe general fact that the process is initiated by the transfer of\nphotoelectrons with the steady electron donors of the water molecules. Based on\ndensity functional simulations, we find that the spin flips of Manganese atoms\nbetween the consecutive states in the electric polarization field can be used\nas a marker to uncover the intricate dynamic evolutions and the underlying\ndynamics. The dynamic electron and proton transfers and water insertion and\ndissociation are traced to reveal the evolution pathways of S$_0$$\\sim$S$_3$\nwith commensurate spin flips towards the exact spin configuration of the next\nstate. In particular, the various water insertions and dissociations at\ncoordination sites of the S$_2$ open and closed cubane isomers are predicted\nwith constraints on the necessary spin flips. Our study lays a solid ground for\ngetting through the whole Kok's cycle via the pending S$_4$ state that is\ncrucial for dioxygen generation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:59:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Huo","Pei-Ying",""],["Jiang","Wei-Zhou",""],["Yang","Rong-Yao",""],["Zhang","Xiu-Rong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10770","submitter":"Zhouyu Zhang","authors":"Zhouyu Zhang, Jia Shen, Junhyoung Ha, Yue Chen","title":"Toward Extending Concentric Tube Robot Kinematics for Large Clearance\n and Impulse Curvature","comments":"8 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Concentric Tube Robots (CTRs) have been proposed to operate within the\nunstructured environment for minimally invasive surgeries. In this letter, we\nconsider the operation scenario where the tubes travel inside the channels with\na large clearance or large curvature, such as aortas or industrial pipes.\nAccurate kinematic modeling of CTRs is required for the development of advanced\ncontrol and sensing algorithms. To this end, we extended the conventional CTR\nkinematics model to a more general case with large tube-to-tube clearance and\nlarge centerline curvature. Numerical simulations and experimental validations\nare conducted to compare our model with respect to the conventional CTR\nkinematic model. In the physical experiments, our proposed model achieved a tip\nposition error of 1.53 mm in the 2D planer case and 4.36 mm in 3D case,\noutperforming the state-of-the-art model by 71% and 66%, respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:00:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Zhouyu",""],["Shen","Jia",""],["Ha","Junhyoung",""],["Chen","Yue",""]]} {"id":"2308.10771","submitter":"Tamas Vertesi","authors":"Istv\\'an M\\'arton, Erika Bene, P\\'eter Divi\\'anszky, Tam\\'as V\\'ertesi","title":"Beating one bit of communication with and without quantum\n pseudo-telepathy","comments":"11 pages, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" According to Bell's theorem, certain entangled states cannot be simulated\nclassically using local hidden variables (LHV). But if can we augment LHV by\nclassical communication, how many bits are needed to simulate them? There is a\nstrong evidence that a single bit of communication is powerful enough to\nsimulate projective measurements on any two-qubit entangled state. In this\nstudy, we present Bell-like scenarios where bipartite correlations resulting\nfrom projective measurements on higher dimensional states cannot be simulated\nwith a single bit of communication. These include a three-input, a four-input,\na seven-input, and a 63-input bipartite Bell-like inequality with 80089, 64,\n16, and 2 outputs, respectively. Two copies of emblematic Bell expressions,\nsuch as the Magic square pseudo-telepathy game, prove to be particularly\npowerful, requiring a $16\\times 16$ state to beat the one-bit classical bound,\nand look a promising candidate for implementation on an optical platform.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:01:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["M\u00e1rton","Istv\u00e1n",""],["Bene","Erika",""],["Divi\u00e1nszky","P\u00e9ter",""],["V\u00e9rtesi","Tam\u00e1s",""]]} {"id":"2308.10772","submitter":"Mohammad Mahdi Abedi","authors":"Mohammad Mahdi Abedi, David Pardo, Tariq Alkhalifah","title":"Semi-blind-trace algorithm for self-supervised attenuation of trace-wise\n coherent noise","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.geo-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Trace-wise noise is a type of noise often seen in seismic data, which is\ncharacterized by vertical coherency and horizontal incoherency. Using\nself-supervised deep learning to attenuate this type of noise, the conventional\nblind-trace deep learning trains a network to blindly reconstruct each trace in\nthe data from its surrounding traces; it attenuates isolated trace-wise noise\nbut causes signal leakage in clean and noisy traces and reconstruction errors\nnext to each noisy trace. To reduce signal leakage and improve denoising, we\npropose a new loss function and masking procedure in semi-blind-trace deep\nlearning. Our hybrid loss function has weighted active zones that cover masked\nand non-masked traces. Therefore, the network is not blinded to clean traces\nduring their reconstruction. During training, we dynamically change the masks'\ncharacteristics. The goal is to train the network to learn the characteristics\nof the signal instead of noise. The proposed algorithm enables the designed\nU-net to detect and attenuate trace-wise noise without having prior information\nabout the noise. A new hyperparameter of our method is the relative weight\nbetween the masked and non-masked traces' contribution to the loss function.\nNumerical experiments show that selecting a small value for this parameter is\nenough to significantly decrease signal leakage. The proposed algorithm is\ntested on synthetic and real off-shore and land datasets with different noises.\nThe results show the superb ability of the method to attenuate trace-wise noise\nwhile preserving other events. An implementation of the proposed algorithm as a\nPython code is also made available.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:02:34 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:23:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Abedi","Mohammad Mahdi",""],["Pardo","David",""],["Alkhalifah","Tariq",""]]} {"id":"2308.10773","submitter":"Patrik \\v{S}van\\v{c}ara","authors":"Patrik \\v{S}van\\v{c}ara, Pietro Smaniotto, Leonardo Solidoro, James F.\n MacDonald, Sam Patrick, Ruth Gregory, Carlo F. Barenghi, Silke Weinfurtner","title":"Exploring the Quantum-to-Classical Vortex Flow: Quantum Field Theory\n Dynamics on Rotating Curved Spacetimes","comments":"11 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Gravity simulators offer the prospect of emulating quantum field dynamics on\ncurved spacetime, including that of a black hole, in tabletop experiments.\nSince black holes in nature spin, to simulate a realistic black hole we must be\nable to achieve rotation - crucially requiring a set-up with at least 2+1\ndimensions. Here, we report on the realisation of a draining flow of superfluid\nhelium, with the most extensive stable vortex structures ever observed in a\nquantum fluid. Our non-contact 3-D measurement technique visualises\nmicrometre-scale interface waves on the superfluid vortex flow, uncovering\nnovel wave-vortex interactions, such as intricate patterns like bound states,\nand even, potentially, black hole ringdown signatures. This novel approach\nprovides an arena to explore quantum-to-classical vortex flow transitions and\ndevelop finite temperature quantum field theory simulators for rotating curved\nspacetimes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:04:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["\u0160van\u010dara","Patrik",""],["Smaniotto","Pietro",""],["Solidoro","Leonardo",""],["MacDonald","James F.",""],["Patrick","Sam",""],["Gregory","Ruth",""],["Barenghi","Carlo F.",""],["Weinfurtner","Silke",""]]} {"id":"2308.10774","submitter":"Qili Li","authors":"Namrata Bansal, Qili Li, Paul Nufer, Lichuan Zhang, Amir-Abbas\n Haghighirad, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Wulf Wulfhekel","title":"Magnon-Phonon coupling in Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$","comments":"6 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the dynamic coupling of magnons and phonons in single crystals of\nFe3GeTe2 (FGT) using inelastic scanning tunneling spectroscopy (ISTS) with an\nultra-low temperature scanning tunneling microscope. Inelastic scattering of\nhot carriers off phonons or magnons has been widely studied using ISTS, and we\nuse it to demonstrate strong magnon-phonon coupling in FGT. We show a strong\ninteraction between magnons and acoustic phonons which leads to formation of\nvan Hove singularities originating in avoided level crossings and hybridization\nbetween the magnonic and phononic bands in this material. We identify these\nadditional hybridization points in experiments and compare their energy with\ndensity functional theory calculations. Our findings provide a platform for\ndesigning the properties of dynamic magnon-phonon coupling in two-dimensional\nmaterials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:04:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bansal","Namrata",""],["Li","Qili",""],["Nufer","Paul",""],["Zhang","Lichuan",""],["Haghighirad","Amir-Abbas",""],["Mokrousov","Yuriy",""],["Wulfhekel","Wulf",""]]} {"id":"2308.10775","submitter":"Bendeguz Offertaler","authors":"Simone Giombi, Shota Komatsu, Bendeguz Offertaler, Jieru Shan","title":"Boundary reparametrizations and six-point functions on the AdS$_2$\n string","comments":"52 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compute the tree-level connected six-point function of identical scalar\nfluctuations of the AdS$_2$ string worldsheet dual to the half-BPS Wilson line\nin planar ${\\cal N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills. The calculation can be carried out\nanalytically in the conformal gauge approach, where the boundary\nreparametrization mode of the string plays a crucial role. We also study the\nanalytic continuation of the six-point function to an out-of-time-order\nconfiguration, which is related to a 3-to-3 scattering amplitude in flat space.\nAs a check of our results, we also numerically compute the six-point function\nusing the Nambu-Goto action in static gauge, finding agreement with the\nconformal gauge answer.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:05:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Giombi","Simone",""],["Komatsu","Shota",""],["Offertaler","Bendeguz",""],["Shan","Jieru",""]]} {"id":"2308.10776","submitter":"Jan Brabec","authors":"Jan Brabec, Filip \\v{S}rajer, Radek Starosta, Tom\\'a\\v{s} Sixta, Marc\n Dupont, Milo\\v{s} Lenoch, Ji\\v{r}\\'i Men\\v{s}\\'ik, Florian Becker, Jakub\n Boros, Tom\\'a\\v{s} Pop, Pavel Nov\\'ak","title":"A Modular and Adaptive System for Business Email Compromise Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The growing sophistication of Business Email Compromise (BEC) and spear\nphishing attacks poses significant challenges to organizations worldwide. The\ntechniques featured in traditional spam and phishing detection are insufficient\ndue to the tailored nature of modern BEC attacks as they often blend in with\nthe regular benign traffic. Recent advances in machine learning, particularly\nin Natural Language Understanding (NLU), offer a promising avenue for combating\nsuch attacks but in a practical system, due to limitations such as data\navailability, operational costs, verdict explainability requirements or a need\nto robustly evolve the system, it is essential to combine multiple approaches\ntogether. We present CAPE, a comprehensive and efficient system for BEC\ndetection that has been proven in a production environment for a period of over\ntwo years. Rather than being a single model, CAPE is a system that combines\nindependent ML models and algorithms detecting BEC-related behaviors across\nvarious email modalities such as text, images, metadata and the email's\ncommunication context. This decomposition makes CAPE's verdicts naturally\nexplainable. In the paper, we describe the design principles and constraints\nbehind its architecture, as well as the challenges of model design, evaluation\nand adapting the system continuously through a Bayesian approach that combines\nlimited data with domain knowledge. Furthermore, we elaborate on several\nspecific behavioral detectors, such as those based on Transformer neural\narchitectures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:06:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Brabec","Jan",""],["\u0160rajer","Filip",""],["Starosta","Radek",""],["Sixta","Tom\u00e1\u0161",""],["Dupont","Marc",""],["Lenoch","Milo\u0161",""],["Men\u0161\u00edk","Ji\u0159\u00ed",""],["Becker","Florian",""],["Boros","Jakub",""],["Pop","Tom\u00e1\u0161",""],["Nov\u00e1k","Pavel",""]]} {"id":"2308.10777","submitter":"Elif Hocaoglu","authors":"Tugce Ersoy, P{\\i}nar Kaya, Elif Hocaoglu, Ramazan Unal","title":"I-BaR: Integrated Balance Rehabilitation Framework","comments":"37 pages, 2 figures, journal paper","journal-ref":"BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Neurological diseases are observed in approximately one billion people\nworldwide. A further increase is foreseen at the global level as a result of\npopulation growth and aging. Individuals with neurological disorders often\nexperience cognitive, motor, sensory, and lower extremity dysfunctions. Thus,\nthe possibility of falling and balance problems arise due to the postural\ncontrol deficiencies that occur as a result of the deterioration in the\nintegration of multi-sensory information. We propose a novel rehabilitation\nframework, Integrated Balance Rehabilitation (I-BaR), to improve the\neffectiveness of the rehabilitation with objective assessment, individualized\ntherapy, convenience with different disability levels and adoption of an\nassist-as-needed paradigm and, with an integrated rehabilitation process as a\nwhole, i.e., ankle-foot preparation, balance, and stepping phases,\nrespectively. Integrated Balance Rehabilitation allows patients to improve\ntheir balance ability by providing multi-modal feedback: visual via utilization\nof Virtual Reality; vestibular via anteroposterior and mediolateral\nperturbations with the robotic platform; proprioceptive via haptic feedback.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:06:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ersoy","Tugce",""],["Kaya","P\u0131nar",""],["Hocaoglu","Elif",""],["Unal","Ramazan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10778","submitter":"Daniele Malitesta","authors":"Daniele Malitesta, Claudio Pomo, Vito Walter Anelli, Alberto Carlo\n Maria Mancino, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Tommaso Di Noia","title":"A Topology-aware Analysis of Graph Collaborative Filtering","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The successful integration of graph neural networks into recommender systems\n(RSs) has led to a novel paradigm in collaborative filtering (CF), graph\ncollaborative filtering (graph CF). By representing user-item data as an\nundirected, bipartite graph, graph CF utilizes short- and long-range\nconnections to extract collaborative signals that yield more accurate user\npreferences than traditional CF methods. Although the recent literature\nhighlights the efficacy of various algorithmic strategies in graph CF, the\nimpact of datasets and their topological features on recommendation performance\nis yet to be studied. To fill this gap, we propose a topology-aware analysis of\ngraph CF. In this study, we (i) take some widely-adopted recommendation\ndatasets and use them to generate a large set of synthetic sub-datasets through\ntwo state-of-the-art graph sampling methods, (ii) measure eleven of their\nclassical and topological characteristics, and (iii) estimate the accuracy\ncalculated on the generated sub-datasets considering four popular and recent\ngraph-based RSs (i.e., LightGCN, DGCF, UltraGCN, and SVD-GCN). Finally, the\ninvestigation presents an explanatory framework that reveals the linear\nrelationships between characteristics and accuracy measures. The results,\nstatistically validated under different graph sampling settings, confirm the\nexistence of solid dependencies between topological characteristics and\naccuracy in the graph-based recommendation, offering a new perspective on how\nto interpret graph CF.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:09:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Malitesta","Daniele",""],["Pomo","Claudio",""],["Anelli","Vito Walter",""],["Mancino","Alberto Carlo Maria",""],["Di Sciascio","Eugenio",""],["Di Noia","Tommaso",""]]} {"id":"2308.10779","submitter":"Dongjin Lee","authors":"Dongjin Lee, Juho Lee, Kijung Shin","title":"Spear and Shield: Adversarial Attacks and Defense Methods for\n Model-Based Link Prediction on Continuous-Time Dynamic Graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.SI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Real-world graphs are dynamic, constantly evolving with new interactions,\nsuch as financial transactions in financial networks. Temporal Graph Neural\nNetworks (TGNNs) have been developed to effectively capture the evolving\npatterns in dynamic graphs. While these models have demonstrated their\nsuperiority, being widely adopted in various important fields, their\nvulnerabilities against adversarial attacks remain largely unexplored. In this\npaper, we propose T-SPEAR, a simple and effective adversarial attack method for\nlink prediction on continuous-time dynamic graphs, focusing on investigating\nthe vulnerabilities of TGNNs. Specifically, before the training procedure of a\nvictim model, which is a TGNN for link prediction, we inject edge perturbations\nto the data that are unnoticeable in terms of the four constraints we propose,\nand yet effective enough to cause malfunction of the victim model. Moreover, we\npropose a robust training approach T-SHIELD to mitigate the impact of\nadversarial attacks. By using edge filtering and enforcing temporal smoothness\nto node embeddings, we enhance the robustness of the victim model. Our\nexperimental study shows that T-SPEAR significantly degrades the victim model's\nperformance on link prediction tasks, and even more, our attacks are\ntransferable to other TGNNs, which differ from the victim model assumed by the\nattacker. Moreover, we demonstrate that T-SHIELD effectively filters out\nadversarial edges and exhibits robustness against adversarial attacks,\nsurpassing the link prediction performance of the naive TGNN by up to 11.2%\nunder T-SPEAR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:09:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Dongjin",""],["Lee","Juho",""],["Shin","Kijung",""]]} {"id":"2308.10780","submitter":"Minh Tam Pham Nguyen","authors":"Minh Tam, Sebastiano Peotta","title":"Superfluid weight in the isolated band limit within the generalized\n random phase approximation","comments":"28 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The superfluid weight of a generic lattice model with attractive Hubbard\ninteraction is computed analytically in the isolated band limit within the\ngeneralized random phase approximation. Time-reversal symmetry, spin rotational\nsymmetry, and the uniform pairing condition are assumed. It is found that the\nrelation obtained in [https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.014518]\nbetween the superfluid weight in the flat band limit and the so-called minimal\nquantum metric is valid even at the level of the generalized random phase\napproximation. For an isolated, but not necessarily flat, band it is found that\nthe correction to the superfluid weight obtained from the generalized random\nphase approximation $D_{\\rm s}^{(1)} = D_{\\rm s,c}^{(1)}+D_{\\rm s,g}^{(1)}$ is\nalso the sum of a conventional contribution $D_{\\rm s,c}^{(1)}$ and a geometric\ncontribution $D_{\\rm s,g}^{(1)}$, as in the case of the known mean-field result\n$D_{\\rm s}^{(0)}=D_{\\rm s,c}^{(0)}+D_{\\rm s,g}^{(0)}$, in which the geometric\nterm $D_{\\rm s,g}^{(0)}$ is a weighted average of the quantum metric. The\nconventional contribution is geometry independent, that is independent of the\norbital positions, while it is possible to find a preferred, or natural, set of\norbital positions such that $D_{\\rm s,g}^{(1)}=0$. Useful analytic expressions\nare derived for both the natural orbital positions and the minimal quantum\nmetric, including its extension to bands that are not necessarily flat.\nFinally, using some simple examples, it is argued that the natural orbital\npositions may lead to a more refined classification of the topological\nproperties of the band structure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:11:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tam","Minh",""],["Peotta","Sebastiano",""]]} {"id":"2308.10781","submitter":"Swati Gupta","authors":"Mehak Arora, Hassan Mortagy, Nathan Dwarshius, Swati Gupta, Andre L.\n Holder, Rishikesan Kamaleswaran","title":"Mixed-Integer Projections for Automated Data Correction of EMRs Improve\n Predictions of Sepsis among Hospitalized Patients","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Machine learning (ML) models are increasingly pivotal in automating clinical\ndecisions. Yet, a glaring oversight in prior research has been the lack of\nproper processing of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data in the clinical\ncontext for errors and outliers. Addressing this oversight, we introduce an\ninnovative projections-based method that seamlessly integrates clinical\nexpertise as domain constraints, generating important meta-data that can be\nused in ML workflows. In particular, by using high-dimensional mixed-integer\nprograms that capture physiological and biological constraints on patient\nvitals and lab values, we can harness the power of mathematical \"projections\"\nfor the EMR data to correct patient data. Consequently, we measure the distance\nof corrected data from the constraints defining a healthy range of patient\ndata, resulting in a unique predictive metric we term as \"trust-scores\". These\nscores provide insight into the patient's health status and significantly boost\nthe performance of ML classifiers in real-life clinical settings. We validate\nthe impact of our framework in the context of early detection of sepsis using\nML. We show an AUROC of 0.865 and a precision of 0.922, that surpasses\nconventional ML models without such projections.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:14:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Arora","Mehak",""],["Mortagy","Hassan",""],["Dwarshius","Nathan",""],["Gupta","Swati",""],["Holder","Andre L.",""],["Kamaleswaran","Rishikesan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10782","submitter":"Konstantinos P. Panousis","authors":"Konstantinos P. Panousis, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos","title":"Sparse Linear Concept Discovery Models","comments":"Accepted @ ICCVW CLVL 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The recent mass adoption of DNNs, even in safety-critical scenarios, has\nshifted the focus of the research community towards the creation of inherently\nintrepretable models. Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) constitute a popular\napproach where hidden layers are tied to human understandable concepts allowing\nfor investigation and correction of the network's decisions. However, CBMs\nusually suffer from: (i) performance degradation and (ii) lower\ninterpretability than intended due to the sheer amount of concepts contributing\nto each decision. In this work, we propose a simple yet highly intuitive\ninterpretable framework based on Contrastive Language Image models and a single\nsparse linear layer. In stark contrast to related approaches, the sparsity in\nour framework is achieved via principled Bayesian arguments by inferring\nconcept presence via a data-driven Bernoulli distribution. As we experimentally\nshow, our framework not only outperforms recent CBM approaches accuracy-wise,\nbut it also yields high per example concept sparsity, facilitating the\nindividual investigation of the emerging concepts.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:16:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Panousis","Konstantinos P.",""],["Ienco","Dino",""],["Marcos","Diego",""]]} {"id":"2308.10783","submitter":"Md. Arid Hasan","authors":"Md. Arid Hasan, Shudipta Das, Afiyat Anjum, Firoj Alam, Anika Anjum,\n Avijit Sarker, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori","title":"Zero- and Few-Shot Prompting with LLMs: A Comparative Study with\n Fine-tuned Models for Bangla Sentiment Analysis","comments":"Zero-Shot Prompting, Few-Shot Prompting, LLMs, Comparative Study,\n Fine-tuned Models, Bangla, Sentiment Analysis","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The rapid expansion of the digital world has propelled sentiment analysis\ninto a critical tool across diverse sectors such as marketing, politics,\ncustomer service, and healthcare. While there have been significant\nadvancements in sentiment analysis for widely spoken languages, low-resource\nlanguages, such as Bangla, remain largely under-researched due to resource\nconstraints. Furthermore, the recent unprecedented performance of Large\nLanguage Models (LLMs) in various applications highlights the need to evaluate\nthem in the context of low-resource languages. In this study, we present a\nsizeable manually annotated dataset encompassing 33,605 Bangla news tweets and\nFacebook comments. We also investigate zero- and few-shot in-context learning\nwith several language models, including Flan-T5, GPT-4, and Bloomz, offering a\ncomparative analysis against fine-tuned models. Our findings suggest that\nmonolingual transformer-based models consistently outperform other models, even\nin zero and few-shot scenarios. To foster continued exploration, we intend to\nmake this dataset and our research tools publicly available to the broader\nresearch community. In the spirit of further research, we plan to make this\ndataset and our experimental resources publicly accessible to the wider\nresearch community.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:19:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hasan","Md. Arid",""],["Das","Shudipta",""],["Anjum","Afiyat",""],["Alam","Firoj",""],["Anjum","Anika",""],["Sarker","Avijit",""],["Noori","Sheak Rashed Haider",""]]} {"id":"2308.10784","submitter":"Soorena Salari","authors":"Soorena Salari, Amirhossein Rasoulian, Hassan Rivaz, Yiming Xiao","title":"Dense Error Map Estimation for MRI-Ultrasound Registration in Brain\n Tumor Surgery Using Swin UNETR","comments":"Accepted in IEEE IUS 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Early surgical treatment of brain tumors is crucial in reducing patient\nmortality rates. However, brain tissue deformation (called brain shift) occurs\nduring the surgery, rendering pre-operative images invalid. As a cost-effective\nand portable tool, intra-operative ultrasound (iUS) can track brain shift, and\naccurate MRI-iUS registration techniques can update pre-surgical plans and\nfacilitate the interpretation of iUS. This can boost surgical safety and\noutcomes by maximizing tumor removal while avoiding eloquent regions. However,\nmanual assessment of MRI-iUS registration results in real-time is difficult and\nprone to errors due to the 3D nature of the data. Automatic algorithms that can\nquantify the quality of inter-modal medical image registration outcomes can be\nhighly beneficial. Therefore, we propose a novel deep-learning (DL) based\nframework with the Swin UNETR to automatically assess 3D-patch-wise dense error\nmaps for MRI-iUS registration in iUS-guided brain tumor resection and show its\nperformance with real clinical data for the first time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:19:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Salari","Soorena",""],["Rasoulian","Amirhossein",""],["Rivaz","Hassan",""],["Xiao","Yiming",""]]} {"id":"2308.10785","submitter":"Yuki Takei","authors":"Yuki Takei, Daichi Tsuna, Takatoshi Ko, and Toshikazu Shigeyama","title":"Simulating Hydrogen-poor Interaction-Powered Supernovae with CHIPS","comments":"16 pages, 9 figures. CHIPS code will be released at the end of August","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present the updated open-source code Complete History of\nInteraction-Powered Supernovae (CHIPS) that can be applied to modeling\nsupernovae (SNe) arising from an interaction with massive circumstellar medium\n(CSM) as well as the formation process of the CSM. Our update mainly concerns\nwith extensions to hydrogen-poor SNe from stripped progenitors, targeting\nmodeling of interaction-powered SNe Ibc such as Type Ibn and Icn SNe. We\nsuccessfully reproduce the basic properties of the light curves of these types\nof SNe that occur after partial eruption of the outermost layer with a mass of\n$0.01$--$0.1\\,M_\\odot$ at $\\lesssim 1$ year before explosion. We also find that\nthe luminosity of the observed precursors can be naturally explained by the\noutburst that creates the dense CSM, given that the energy of the outburst is\nefficiently dissipated by collision with an external material, possibly\ngenerated by a previous mass eruption. We discuss possible scenarios causing\neruptive mass-loss based on our results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:21:14 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:29:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Takei","Yuki",""],["Tsuna","Daichi",""],["Ko","Takatoshi",""],["Shigeyama","Toshikazu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10786","submitter":"Gines R. Perez Teruel","authors":"GRP Teruel, Ksh. Newton Singh, Tanmoy Chowdhury, Farook Rahaman,\n Monimala Mondal","title":"Testing of K(R,T)-gravity through gravastar configurations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article, we are reporting for the first time the existence of\ngravastar configurations in the framework of K(R,T)-gravity, which can be\ntreated as an alternative to a black hole (Mazur and Mottola). This strengthens\nhow much this new gravity theory may be physically demanding to the gravity\ncommunity in the near future. We first develop the gravastar field equations\nfor a generic K(R,T) functional and then we study four different models within\nthis theory. We find that the solutions for the interior region are regular\neverywhere regardless of the exact form of the K(R,T) functional. The solutions\nfor the shell region indicate that two of the four models subjected to the\nstudy are physically feasible. In addition, the junction conditions are\nconsidered at each interface by using the Lanczos equations that yield the\nsurface density and pressure at the thin shell. We investigate various\ncharacteristics of the gravastar structure such as the proper length, energy,\nand entropy of the spherical distribution.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:21:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Teruel","GRP",""],["Singh","Ksh. Newton",""],["Chowdhury","Tanmoy",""],["Rahaman","Farook",""],["Mondal","Monimala",""]]} {"id":"2308.10787","submitter":"Aniket Sudeep Dalvi","authors":"Aniket S. Dalvi, Jacob Whitlow, Marissa D'Onofrio, Leon Riesebos,\n Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Kenneth R. Brown and Jonathan M. Baker","title":"One-Time Compilation of Device-Level Instructions for Quantum\n Subroutines","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.ET cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A large class of problems in the current era of quantum devices involve\ninterfacing between the quantum and classical system. These include calibration\nprocedures, characterization routines, and variational algorithms. The control\nin these routines iteratively switches between the classical and the quantum\ncomputer. This results in the repeated compilation of the program that runs on\nthe quantum system, scaling directly with the number of circuits and\niterations. The repeated compilation results in a significant overhead\nthroughout the routine. In practice, the total runtime of the program\n(classical compilation plus quantum execution) has an additional cost\nproportional to the circuit count. At practical scales, this can dominate the\nround-trip CPU-QPU time, between 5% and 80%, depending on the proportion of\nquantum execution time.\n To avoid repeated device-level compilation, we identify that machine code can\nbe parametrized corresponding to pulse/gate parameters which can be dynamically\nadjusted during execution. Therefore, we develop a device-level\npartial-compilation (DLPC) technique that reduces compilation overhead to\nnearly constant, by using cheap remote procedure calls (RPC) from the QPU\ncontrol software to the CPU. We then demonstrate the performance speedup of\nthis on optimal pulse calibration, system characterization using randomized\nbenchmarking (RB), and variational algorithms. We execute this modified\npipeline on real trapped-ion quantum computers and observe significant\nreductions in compilation time, as much as 2.7x speedup for small-scale VQE\nproblems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:23:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Dalvi","Aniket S.",""],["Whitlow","Jacob",""],["D'Onofrio","Marissa",""],["Riesebos","Leon",""],["Chen","Tianyi",""],["Phiri","Samuel",""],["Brown","Kenneth R.",""],["Baker","Jonathan M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10788","submitter":"Mohammed S. Al-Abiad","authors":"Mohammed S. Al-Abiad, Mohammad Javad-Kalbasi, Shahrokh Valaee","title":"Effectiveness of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces to Enhance\n Connectivity in UAV Networks","comments":"14 pages, 8 figures, journal paper. arXiv admin note: text overlap\n with arXiv:2308.04675","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are expected to make future 6G\nnetworks more connected and resilient against node failures, due to their\nability to introduce controllable phase-shifts onto impinging electromagnetic\nwaves and impose link redundancy. Meanwhile, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)\nare prone to failure due to limited energy, random failures, or targeted\nfailures, which causes network disintegration that results in information\ndelivery loss. In this paper, we show that the integration between UAVs and\nRISs for improving network connectivity is crucial. We utilize RISs to provide\npath diversity and alternative connectivity options for information flow from\nuser equipments (UEs) to less critical UAVs by adding more links to the\nnetwork, thereby making the network more resilient and connected. To that end,\nwe first define the criticality of UAV nodes, which reflects the importance of\nsome nodes over other nodes. We then employ the algebraic connectivity metric,\nwhich is adjusted by the reflected links of the RISs and their criticality\nweights, to formulate the problem of maximizing the network connectivity. Such\nproblem is a computationally expensive combinatorial optimization. To tackle\nthis problem, we propose a relaxation method such that the discrete scheduling\nconstraint of the problem is relaxed and becomes continuous. Leveraging this,\nwe propose two efficient solutions, namely semi-definite programming (SDP)\noptimization and perturbation heuristic, which both solve the problem in\npolynomial time. For the perturbation heuristic, we derive the lower and upper\nbounds of the algebraic connectivity obtained by adding new links to the\nnetwork. Finally, we corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions\nthrough extensive simulation experiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:27:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Al-Abiad","Mohammed S.",""],["Javad-Kalbasi","Mohammad",""],["Valaee","Shahrokh",""]]} {"id":"2308.10789","submitter":"Dinesh Kumar Singha","authors":"Dinesh Kumar Singha, Rudra Majhi, Lipsarani Panda, Monojit Ghosh,\n Rukmani Mohanta","title":"Study of Scalar Non Standard Interaction at Protvino to Super-ORCA\n experiment","comments":"15 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper we have studied the phenomenon of non-standard interaction\nmediated by a scalar field (SNSI) in the context of P2SO experiment and\ncompared its sensitivity with DUNE. In particular, we have studied the\ncapability of these two experiments to put bounds on the diagonal SNSI\nparameters i.e., $\\eta_{ee}$, $\\eta_{\\mu\\mu}$ and $\\eta_{\\tau\\tau}$ and studied\nthe impact of these parameters on the determination of neutrino mass ordering,\noctant of $\\theta_{23}$ and CP violation (CPV). In our analysis we find that,\nthe parameter $\\Delta m^2_{31}$ has a non-trivial role if one wants estimate\nthe bounds on $\\eta_{\\mu\\mu}$ and $\\eta_{\\tau\\tau}$ assuming SNSI does not\nexist in nature. Our results show that sensitivity of P2SO and DUNE to\nconstraint $\\eta_{\\mu\\mu}$ and $\\eta_{\\tau\\tau}$ are similar whereas the\nsensitivity of DUNE is slightly better for $\\eta_{ee}$. We find that the mass\nordering and CPV sensitivities are mostly affected by $\\eta_{ee}$ compared to\n$\\eta_{\\mu \\mu}$ and $\\eta_{\\tau \\tau}$ if one assumes SNSI exists in nature.\nOn the other hand, octant sensitivity is mostly affected by $\\eta_{\\mu \\mu}$\nand $\\eta_{\\tau \\tau}$. These sensitivities can be either higher or lower than\nthe standard three flavour scenario depending on the relative sign of the SNSI\nparameters. Regarding the precision of atmospheric mixing parameters, we find\nthat the precision of $\\theta_{23}$ deteriorates significantly in the presence\nof $\\eta_{\\mu\\mu}$ and $\\eta_{\\tau\\tau}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:32:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Singha","Dinesh Kumar",""],["Majhi","Rudra",""],["Panda","Lipsarani",""],["Ghosh","Monojit",""],["Mohanta","Rukmani",""]]} {"id":"2308.10790","submitter":"Sophia Wang","authors":"Iyad Majid, Youchen Victor Zhang, Robert Chang, Sophia Y. Wang","title":"Extraction of Text from Optic Nerve Optical Coherence Tomography Reports","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate rule-based\nalgorithms to enhance the extraction of text data, including retinal nerve\nfiber layer (RNFL) values and other ganglion cell count (GCC) data, from Zeiss\nCirrus optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan reports. Methods: DICOM files\nthat contained encapsulated PDF reports with RNFL or Ganglion Cell in their\ndocument titles were identified from a clinical imaging repository at a single\nacademic ophthalmic center. PDF reports were then converted into image files\nand processed using the PaddleOCR Python package for optical character\nrecognition. Rule-based algorithms were designed and iteratively optimized for\nimproved performance in extracting RNFL and GCC data. Evaluation of the\nalgorithms was conducted through manual review of a set of RNFL and GCC\nreports. Results: The developed algorithms demonstrated high precision in\nextracting data from both RNFL and GCC scans. Precision was slightly better for\nthe right eye in RNFL extraction (OD: 0.9803 vs. OS: 0.9046), and for the left\neye in GCC extraction (OD: 0.9567 vs. OS: 0.9677). Some values presented more\nchallenges in extraction, particularly clock hours 5 and 6 for RNFL thickness,\nand signal strength for GCC. Conclusions: A customized optical character\nrecognition algorithm can identify numeric results from optical coherence scan\nreports with high precision. Automated processing of PDF reports can greatly\nreduce the time to extract OCT results on a large scale.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:34:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Majid","Iyad",""],["Zhang","Youchen Victor",""],["Chang","Robert",""],["Wang","Sophia Y.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10791","submitter":"Wen-Jie Liu","authors":"Wenjie Liu, Qingshan Wu","title":"A Block-Ring connected Topology of Parameterized Quantum Circuits","comments":"9 pages, 12 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" It is essential to select efficient topology of parameterized quantum\ncircuits (PQCs) in variational quantum algorithms (VQAs). However, there are\nproblems in current circuits, i.e. optimization difficulties caused by too many\nparameters or performance is hard to guarantee. How to reduce the number of\nparameters (number of single-qubit rotation gates and 2-qubit gates) in PQCs\nwithout reducing the performance has become a new challenge. To solve this\nproblem, we propose a novel topology, called Block-Ring (BR) topology, to\nconstruct the PQCs. This topology allocate all qubits to several blocks,\nall-to-all mode is adopt inside each block and ring mode is applied to connect\ndifferent blocks. Compared with the pure all-to-all topology circuits which own\nthe best power, BR topology have similar performance and the number of\nparameters and 2-qubit gate reduced from 0(n^2) to 0(mn) , m is a\nhyperparameter set by ourselves. Besides, we compared BR topology with other\ntopology circuits in terms of expressibility and entangling capability.\nConsidering the effects of different 2-qubit gates on circuits, we also make a\ndistinction between controlled X-rotation gates and controlled Z-rotation\ngates. Finally, the 1- and 2-layer configurations of PQCs are taken into\nconsideration as well, which shows the BR's performance improvement in the\ncondition of multilayer circuits.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:35:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Wenjie",""],["Wu","Qingshan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10792","submitter":"Jiwei Li","authors":"Shengyu Zhang, Linfeng Dong, Xiaoya Li, Sen Zhang, Xiaofei Sun, Shuhe\n Wang, Jiwei Li, Runyi Hu, Tianwei Zhang, Fei Wu and Guoyin Wang","title":"Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey","comments":"A Survey paper, Pre-print","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This paper surveys research works in the quickly advancing field of\ninstruction tuning (IT), a crucial technique to enhance the capabilities and\ncontrollability of large language models (LLMs). Instruction tuning refers to\nthe process of further training LLMs on a dataset consisting of\n\\textsc{(instruction, output)} pairs in a supervised fashion, which bridges the\ngap between the next-word prediction objective of LLMs and the users' objective\nof having LLMs adhere to human instructions. In this work, we make a systematic\nreview of the literature, including the general methodology of IT, the\nconstruction of IT datasets, the training of IT models, and applications to\ndifferent modalities, domains and applications, along with an analysis on\naspects that influence the outcome of IT (e.g., generation of instruction\noutputs, size of the instruction dataset, etc). We also review the potential\npitfalls of IT along with criticism against it, along with efforts pointing out\ncurrent deficiencies of existing strategies and suggest some avenues for\nfruitful research.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:35:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Shengyu",""],["Dong","Linfeng",""],["Li","Xiaoya",""],["Zhang","Sen",""],["Sun","Xiaofei",""],["Wang","Shuhe",""],["Li","Jiwei",""],["Hu","Runyi",""],["Zhang","Tianwei",""],["Wu","Fei",""],["Wang","Guoyin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10793","submitter":"Boyu Li","authors":"Boyu Li, Robert Simon Fong, Peter Ti\\v{n}o","title":"Simple Cycle Reservoirs are Universal","comments":"21 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Reservoir computation models form a subclass of recurrent neural networks\nwith fixed non-trainable input and dynamic coupling weights. Only the static\nreadout from the state space (reservoir) is trainable, thus avoiding the known\nproblems with propagation of gradient information backwards through time.\nReservoir models have been successfully applied in a variety of tasks and were\nshown to be universal approximators of time-invariant fading memory dynamic\nfilters under various settings. Simple cycle reservoirs (SCR) have been\nsuggested as severely restricted reservoir architecture, with equal weight ring\nconnectivity of the reservoir units and input-to-reservoir weights of binary\nnature with the same absolute value. Such architectures are well suited for\nhardware implementations without performance degradation in many practical\ntasks. In this contribution, we rigorously study the expressive power of SCR in\nthe complex domain and show that they are capable of universal approximation of\nany unrestricted linear reservoir system (with continuous readout) and hence\nany time-invariant fading memory filter over uniformly bounded input streams.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:35:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Boyu",""],["Fong","Robert Simon",""],["Ti\u0148o","Peter",""]]} {"id":"2308.10794","submitter":"Bingkun Huang","authors":"Bingkun Huang, Zhiyu Zhao, Guozhen Zhang, Yu Qiao and Limin Wang","title":"MGMAE: Motion Guided Masking for Video Masked Autoencoding","comments":"ICCV 2023 camera-ready version","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Masked autoencoding has shown excellent performance on self-supervised video\nrepresentation learning. Temporal redundancy has led to a high masking ratio\nand customized masking strategy in VideoMAE. In this paper, we aim to further\nimprove the performance of video masked autoencoding by introducing a motion\nguided masking strategy. Our key insight is that motion is a general and unique\nprior in video, which should be taken into account during masked pre-training.\nOur motion guided masking explicitly incorporates motion information to build\ntemporal consistent masking volume. Based on this masking volume, we can track\nthe unmasked tokens in time and sample a set of temporal consistent cubes from\nvideos. These temporal aligned unmasked tokens will further relieve the\ninformation leakage issue in time and encourage the MGMAE to learn more useful\nstructure information. We implement our MGMAE with an online efficient optical\nflow estimator and backward masking map warping strategy. We perform\nexperiments on the datasets of Something-Something V2 and Kinetics-400,\ndemonstrating the superior performance of our MGMAE to the original VideoMAE.\nIn addition, we provide the visualization analysis to illustrate that our MGMAE\ncan sample temporal consistent cubes in a motion-adaptive manner for more\neffective video pre-training.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:39:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Bingkun",""],["Zhao","Zhiyu",""],["Zhang","Guozhen",""],["Qiao","Yu",""],["Wang","Limin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10795","submitter":"Yiwen Xing","authors":"Yiwen Xing, Cristina Dondi, Rita Borgo, and Alfie Abdul-Rahman","title":"Visualizing Historical Book Trade Data: An Iterative Design Study with\n Close Collaboration with Domain Experts","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The circulation of historical books has always been an area of interest for\nhistorians. However, the data used to represent the journey of a book across\ndifferent places and times can be difficult for domain experts to digest due to\nburied geographical and chronological features within text-based presentations.\nThis situation provides an opportunity for collaboration between visualization\nresearchers and historians. This paper describes a design study where a variant\nof the Nine-Stage Framework was employed to develop a Visual Analytics (VA)\ntool called DanteExploreVis. This tool was designed to aid domain experts in\nexploring, explaining, and presenting book trade data from multiple\nperspectives. We discuss the design choices made and how each panel in the\ninterface meets the domain requirements. We also present the results of a\nqualitative evaluation conducted with domain experts. The main contributions of\nthis paper include: 1) the development of a VA tool to support domain experts\nin exploring, explaining, and presenting book trade data; 2) a comprehensive\ndocumentation of the iterative design, development, and evaluation process\nfollowing the variant Nine-Stage Framework; 3) a summary of the insights gained\nand lessons learned from this design study in the context of the humanities\nfield; and 4) reflections on how our approach could be applied in a more\ngeneralizable way.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:40:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Xing","Yiwen",""],["Dondi","Cristina",""],["Borgo","Rita",""],["Abdul-Rahman","Alfie",""]]} {"id":"2308.10796","submitter":"Yilun Yang","authors":"Yilun Yang, Arthur Christianen, Mari Carmen Ba\\~nuls, Dominik S. Wild,\n J. Ignacio Cirac","title":"Phase-Sensitive Quantum Measurement without Controlled Operations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Many quantum algorithms rely on the measurement of complex quantum\namplitudes. Standard approaches to obtain the phase information, such as the\nHadamard test, give rise to large overheads due to the need for global\ncontrolled-unitary operations. We introduce a quantum algorithm based on\ncomplex analysis that overcomes this problem for amplitudes that are a\ncontinuous function of time. Our method only requires the implementation of\nreal-time evolution and a shallow circuit that approximates a short\nimaginary-time evolution. We show that the method outperforms the Hadamard test\nin terms of circuit depth and that it is suitable for current noisy quantum\ncomputers when combined with a simple error-mitigation strategy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:41:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Yilun",""],["Christianen","Arthur",""],["Ba\u00f1uls","Mari Carmen",""],["Wild","Dominik S.",""],["Cirac","J. Ignacio",""]]} {"id":"2308.10797","submitter":"Ishita Mediratta","authors":"Ishita Mediratta, Minqi Jiang, Jack Parker-Holder, Michael Dennis,\n Eugene Vinitsky, Tim Rockt\\\"aschel","title":"Stabilizing Unsupervised Environment Design with a Learned Adversary","comments":"CoLLAs 2023 - Oral; Second and third authors contributed equally","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A key challenge in training generally-capable agents is the design of\ntraining tasks that facilitate broad generalization and robustness to\nenvironment variations. This challenge motivates the problem setting of\nUnsupervised Environment Design (UED), whereby a student agent trains on an\nadaptive distribution of tasks proposed by a teacher agent. A pioneering\napproach for UED is PAIRED, which uses reinforcement learning (RL) to train a\nteacher policy to design tasks from scratch, making it possible to directly\ngenerate tasks that are adapted to the agent's current capabilities. Despite\nits strong theoretical backing, PAIRED suffers from a variety of challenges\nthat hinder its practical performance. Thus, state-of-the-art methods currently\nrely on curation and mutation rather than generation of new tasks. In this\nwork, we investigate several key shortcomings of PAIRED and propose solutions\nfor each shortcoming. As a result, we make it possible for PAIRED to match or\nexceed state-of-the-art methods, producing robust agents in several established\nchallenging procedurally-generated environments, including a partially-observed\nmaze navigation task and a continuous-control car racing environment. We\nbelieve this work motivates a renewed emphasis on UED methods based on learned\nmodels that directly generate challenging environments, potentially unlocking\nmore open-ended RL training and, as a result, more general agents.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:42:56 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:38:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mediratta","Ishita",""],["Jiang","Minqi",""],["Parker-Holder","Jack",""],["Dennis","Michael",""],["Vinitsky","Eugene",""],["Rockt\u00e4schel","Tim",""]]} {"id":"2308.10798","submitter":"Jason Atnip","authors":"Jason Atnip, Gary Froyland, Cecilia Gonz\\'alez-Tokman, Sandro Vaienti","title":"Compound Poisson statistics for dynamical systems via spectral\n perturbation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider random transformations\n$T_\\omega^n:=T_{\\sigma^{n-1}\\omega}\\circ\\cdots\\circ T_{\\sigma\\omega}\\circ\nT_\\omega,$ where each map $T_{\\omega}$ acts on a complete metrizable space $M$.\nAssociated with this random map cocycle is a transfer operator cocycle\n$\\mathcal{L}^{n}_{\\omega,0}:=\\mathcal{L}_{\\sigma^{n-1}\\omega,0}\\circ\\cdots\\circ\\mathcal{L}_{\\sigma\\omega,0}\\circ\n\\mathcal{L}_{\\omega,0}$, where $\\mathcal{L}_{\\omega,0}$ is the transfer\noperator for the map $T_\\omega$. The randomness comes from an invtertible and\nergodic driving map $\\sigma:\\Omega\\to\\Omega$ acting on a probability space\n$(\\Omega,\\mathcal{F},m).$ We introduce a family of random holes $H_{\\omega, n}$\ninto $M$, from which we define a perturbed cocycle\n$\\mathcal{L}_{\\omega,n,s}(\\cdot):=\\mathcal{L}_{\\omega,0}(\\cdot\ne^{is\\mathbb{1}_{H_{\\omega,n}}})$. We develop a spectral approach for quenched\ncompound Poisson statistics that considers random dynamics and random\nobservations. To facilitate this we introduce the random variable\n$S_{\\omega,n,n}(x):=\\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\\mathbb{1}_{H_{\\sigma^j\\omega,n}}(T_\\omega^jx)$,\nwhich counts the number of visits to random holes in a suitably scaled time\ninterval. Under suitable assumptions, we show that in the $n\\to\\infty$ limit,\nthe characteristic function of the random variable $S_{\\omega,n,n}$ converges\npointwise to the characteristic function of a random variable that is discrete\nand infinitely divisible, and therefore compound-Poisson distributed. We\nprovide several explicit examples for piecewise monotone interval maps in both\nthe deterministic and random settings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:44:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Atnip","Jason",""],["Froyland","Gary",""],["Gonz\u00e1lez-Tokman","Cecilia",""],["Vaienti","Sandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.10799","submitter":"Sufei Shi","authors":"Zhen Lian, Yuze Meng, Lei Ma, Indrajit Maity, Li Yan, Qiran Wu, Xiong\n Huang, Dongxue Chen, Xiaotong Chen, Xinyue Chen, Mark Blei, Takashi\n Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Sefaattin Tongay, Johannes Lischner, Yong-Tao Cui,\n Su-Fei Shi","title":"Valley-polarized Exitonic Mott Insulator in WS2/WSe2 Moir\\'e\n Superlattice","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Strongly enhanced electron-electron interaction in semiconducting moir\\'e\nsuperlattices formed by transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) heterobilayers\nhas led to a plethora of intriguing fermionic correlated states. Meanwhile,\ninterlayer excitons in a type-II aligned TMDC heterobilayer moir\\'e\nsuperlattice, with electrons and holes separated in different layers, inherit\nthis enhanced interaction and strongly interact with each other, promising for\nrealizing tunable correlated bosonic quasiparticles with valley degree of\nfreedom. We employ photoluminescence spectroscopy to investigate the strong\nrepulsion between interlayer excitons and correlated electrons in a WS2/WSe2\nmoir\\'e superlattice and combine with theoretical calculations to reveal the\nspatial extent of interlayer excitons and the band hierarchy of correlated\nstates. We further find that an excitonic Mott insulator state emerges when one\ninterlayer exciton occupies one moir\\'e cell, evidenced by emerging\nphotoluminescence peaks under increased optical excitation power. Double\noccupancy of excitons in one unit cell requires overcoming the energy cost of\nexciton-exciton repulsion of about 30-40 meV, depending on the stacking\nconfiguration of the WS2/WSe2 heterobilayer. Further, the valley polarization\nof the excitonic Mott insulator state is enhanced by nearly one order of\nmagnitude. Our study demonstrates the WS2/WSe2 moir\\'e superlattice as a\npromising platform for engineering and exploring new correlated states of\nfermion, bosons, and a mixture of both.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:44:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 21:47:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Lian","Zhen",""],["Meng","Yuze",""],["Ma","Lei",""],["Maity","Indrajit",""],["Yan","Li",""],["Wu","Qiran",""],["Huang","Xiong",""],["Chen","Dongxue",""],["Chen","Xiaotong",""],["Chen","Xinyue",""],["Blei","Mark",""],["Taniguchi","Takashi",""],["Watanabe","Kenji",""],["Tongay","Sefaattin",""],["Lischner","Johannes",""],["Cui","Yong-Tao",""],["Shi","Su-Fei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10800","submitter":"Matthew R. DeVerna","authors":"Matthew R. DeVerna, Harry Yaojun Yan, Kai-Cheng Yang, Filippo Menczer","title":"Artificial intelligence is ineffective and potentially harmful for fact\n checking","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.AI cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Fact checking can be an effective strategy against misinformation, but its\nimplementation at scale is impeded by the overwhelming volume of information\nonline. Recent artificial intelligence (AI) language models have shown\nimpressive ability in fact-checking tasks, but how humans interact with\nfact-checking information provided by these models is unclear. Here we\ninvestigate the impact of fact checks generated by a popular AI model on belief\nin, and sharing intent of, political news in a preregistered randomized control\nexperiment. Although the AI performs reasonably well in debunking false\nheadlines, we find that it does not significantly affect participants' ability\nto discern headline accuracy or share accurate news. However, the AI\nfact-checker is harmful in specific cases: it decreases beliefs in true\nheadlines that it mislabels as false and increases beliefs for false headlines\nthat it is unsure about. On the positive side, the AI increases sharing intents\nfor correctly labeled true headlines. When participants are given the option to\nview AI fact checks and choose to do so, they are significantly more likely to\nshare both true and false news but only more likely to believe false news. Our\nfindings highlight an important source of potential harm stemming from AI\napplications and underscore the critical need for policies to prevent or\nmitigate such unintended consequences.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:47:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["DeVerna","Matthew R.",""],["Yan","Harry Yaojun",""],["Yang","Kai-Cheng",""],["Menczer","Filippo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10801","submitter":"Alexis Baudin","authors":"Alexis Baudin, Lionel Tabourier, Cl\\'emence Magnien","title":"LSCPM: communities in massive real-world Link Streams by Clique\n Percolation Method","comments":"18 pages, 7 figures, to be published in 30th International Symposium\n on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI cs.IR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Community detection is a popular approach to understand the organization of\ninteractions in static networks. For that purpose, the Clique Percolation\nMethod (CPM), which involves the percolation of k-cliques, is a well-studied\ntechnique that offers several advantages. Besides, studying interactions that\noccur over time is useful in various contexts, which can be modeled by the link\nstream formalism. The Dynamic Clique Percolation Method (DCPM) has been\nproposed for extending CPM to temporal networks.\n However, existing implementations are unable to handle massive datasets. We\npresent a novel algorithm that adapts CPM to link streams, which has the\nadvantage that it allows us to speed up the computation time with respect to\nthe existing DCPM method. We evaluate it experimentally on real datasets and\nshow that it scales to massive link streams. For example, it allows to obtain a\ncomplete set of communities in under twenty-five minutes for a dataset with\nthirty million links, what the state of the art fails to achieve even after a\nweek of computation. We further show that our method provides communities\nsimilar to DCPM, but slightly more aggregated. We exhibit the relevance of the\nobtained communities in real world cases, and show that they provide\ninformation on the importance of vertices in the link streams.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:48:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Baudin","Alexis",""],["Tabourier","Lionel",""],["Magnien","Cl\u00e9mence",""]]} {"id":"2308.10802","submitter":"Cheng Ouyang","authors":"Le Chen, Cheng Ouyang and William Vickery","title":"Parabolic Anderson model with colored noise on torus","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We construct an intrinsic family of Gaussian noises on $d$-dimensional flat\ntorus $\\mathbb{T}^d$. It is the analogue of the colored noise on\n$\\mathbb{R}^d$, and allows us to study stochastic PDEs on torus in the It\\^{o}\nsense in high dimensions. With this noise, we consider the parabolic Anderson\nmodel (PAM) with measure-valued initial conditions and establish some basic\nproperties of the solution, including a sharp upper and lower bound for the\nmoments and H\\\"{o}lder continuity in space and time. The study of the toy model\nof $\\mathbb{T}^d$ in the present paper is a first step towards our effort in\nunderstanding how geometry and topology play an role in the behavior of\nstochastic PDEs on general (compact) manifolds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:49:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Le",""],["Ouyang","Cheng",""],["Vickery","William",""]]} {"id":"2308.10803","submitter":"Jon Paul Lundquist","authors":"J.P. Lundquist, L. Merten, S. Vorobiov, M. Boughelilba, A. Reimer, P.\n Da Vela, F. Tavecchio, G. Bonnoli and C. Righi","title":"The UHECR-FR0 Radio Galaxy Connection: A Multi-Messenger Study of Energy\n Spectra/Composition Emission and Intergalactic Magnetic Field Propagation","comments":"PoS 444 (38th ICRC) 1512","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.22323/1.444.1512","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This study investigates low luminosity Fanaroff-Riley Type 0 (FR0) radio\ngalaxies as a potentially significant source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays\n(UHECRs). Due to their much higher prevalence in the local universe compared to\nmore powerful radio galaxies (about five times more than FR-1s), FR0s may\nprovide a substantial fraction of the total UHECR energy density. To determine\nthe nucleon composition and energy spectrum of UHECRs emitted by FR0 sources,\nsimulation results from CRPropa3 are fit to Pierre Auger Observatory data. The\nresulting emission spectral indices, rigidity cutoffs, and nucleon fractions\nare compared to recent Auger results. The FR0 simulations include the\napproximately isotropic distribution of FR0 galaxies and various intergalactic\nmagnetic field configurations (including random and structured fields) and\npredict the fluxes of secondary photons and neutrinos produced during UHECR\npropagation through cosmic photon backgrounds. This comprehensive simulation\nallows for investigating the properties of the FR0 sources using observational\nmulti-messenger data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:51:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Lundquist","J. P.",""],["Merten","L.",""],["Vorobiov","S.",""],["Boughelilba","M.",""],["Reimer","A.",""],["Da Vela","P.",""],["Tavecchio","F.",""],["Bonnoli","G.",""],["Righi","C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10804","submitter":"Antoine Mellet","authors":"Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin and Antoine Mellet","title":"H\\\"older and Sobolev regularity of optimal transportation potentials\n with rough measures","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider a Kantorovich potential associated to an optimal transportation\nproblem between measures that are not necessarily absolutely continuous with\nrespect to the Lebesgue measure, but are comparable to the Lebesgue measure\nwhen restricted to balls with radius greater than some $\\delta>0$. Our main\nresults extend the classical regularity theory of optimal transportation to\nthis framework. In particular, we establish both H\\\"older and Sobolev\nregularity results for Kantorovich potentials up to some critical length scale\ndepending on $\\delta$. Our assumptions are very natural in the context of the\nnumerical computation of optimal maps, which often involves approximating by\nsums of Dirac masses some measures that are absolutely continuous with\ndensities bounded away from zero and infinity on their supports.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:51:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jabin","Pierre-Emmanuel",""],["Mellet","Antoine",""]]} {"id":"2308.10805","submitter":"Song-Ren Fu","authors":"Song-Ren Fu, Peng-Fei Yao and Yongyi Yu","title":"Inverse problem of recoverying a time-dependent nonlinearity appearing\n in third-order nonlinear acoustic equations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we consider the inverse problem of recovering a time-dependent\nnonlinearity for a third order nonlinear acoustic equation, which is known as\nthe Jordan-Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation (J-M-G-T equation for short). This\nthird order in time equation arises, for example, from the wave propagation in\nviscous thermally relaxing fluids. The well-posedness of the nonlinear equation\nis obtained for the small initial and boundary data. By the higher order\nlinearization to the nonlinear equation, and construction of complex geometric\noptics (CGO for short) solutions for the linearized equation, we derive the\nuniqueness of recovering the nonlinearity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:52:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Fu","Song-Ren",""],["Yao","Peng-Fei",""],["Yu","Yongyi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10806","submitter":"Zixuan Liu","authors":"Zixuan Liu, Liu Liu, Xueqian Wang, Peilin Zhao","title":"Differentiable Frank-Wolfe Optimization Layer","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Differentiable optimization has received a significant amount of attention\ndue to its foundational role in the domain of machine learning based on neural\nnetworks. The existing methods leverages the optimality conditions and implicit\nfunction theorem to obtain the Jacobian matrix of the output, which increases\nthe computational cost and limits the application of differentiable\noptimization. In addition, some non-differentiable constraints lead to more\nchallenges when using prior differentiable optimization layers. This paper\nproposes a differentiable layer, named Differentiable Frank-Wolfe Layer\n(DFWLayer), by rolling out the Frank-Wolfe method, a well-known optimization\nalgorithm which can solve constrained optimization problems without projections\nand Hessian matrix computations, thus leading to a efficient way of dealing\nwith large-scale problems. Theoretically, we establish a bound on the\nsuboptimality gap of the DFWLayer in the context of l1-norm constraints.\nExperimental assessments demonstrate that the DFWLayer not only attains\ncompetitive accuracy in solutions and gradients but also consistently adheres\nto constraints. Moreover, it surpasses the baselines in both forward and\nbackward computational speeds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:53:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Zixuan",""],["Liu","Liu",""],["Wang","Xueqian",""],["Zhao","Peilin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10807","submitter":"Soheil Abadifard","authors":"Soheil Abadifard, Sepehr Bakhshi, Sanaz Gheibuni, Fazli Can","title":"DynED: Dynamic Ensemble Diversification in Data Stream Classification","comments":"Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information\n and Knowledge Management (CIKM '23), October 21--25, 2023, Birmingham, United\n Kingdom","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3583780.3615266","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Ensemble methods are commonly used in classification due to their remarkable\nperformance. Achieving high accuracy in a data stream environment is a\nchallenging task considering disruptive changes in the data distribution, also\nknown as concept drift. A greater diversity of ensemble components is known to\nenhance prediction accuracy in such settings. Despite the diversity of\ncomponents within an ensemble, not all contribute as expected to its overall\nperformance. This necessitates a method for selecting components that exhibit\nhigh performance and diversity. We present a novel ensemble construction and\nmaintenance approach based on MMR (Maximal Marginal Relevance) that dynamically\ncombines the diversity and prediction accuracy of components during the process\nof structuring an ensemble. The experimental results on both four real and 11\nsynthetic datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach (DynED) provides a\nhigher average mean accuracy compared to the five state-of-the-art baselines.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:56:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Abadifard","Soheil",""],["Bakhshi","Sepehr",""],["Gheibuni","Sanaz",""],["Can","Fazli",""]]} {"id":"2308.10808","submitter":"Yunzhe Qi","authors":"Yunzhe Qi, Yikun Ban, Jingrui He","title":"Graph Neural Bandits","comments":"Accepted to SIGKDD 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3580305.3599371","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Contextual bandits algorithms aim to choose the optimal arm with the highest\nreward out of a set of candidates based on the contextual information. Various\nbandit algorithms have been applied to real-world applications due to their\nability of tackling the exploitation-exploration dilemma. Motivated by online\nrecommendation scenarios, in this paper, we propose a framework named Graph\nNeural Bandits (GNB) to leverage the collaborative nature among users empowered\nby graph neural networks (GNNs). Instead of estimating rigid user clusters as\nin existing works, we model the \"fine-grained\" collaborative effects through\nestimated user graphs in terms of exploitation and exploration respectively.\nThen, to refine the recommendation strategy, we utilize separate GNN-based\nmodels on estimated user graphs for exploitation and adaptive exploration.\nTheoretical analysis and experimental results on multiple real data sets in\ncomparison with state-of-the-art baselines are provided to demonstrate the\neffectiveness of our proposed framework.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:57:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Qi","Yunzhe",""],["Ban","Yikun",""],["He","Jingrui",""]]} {"id":"2308.10809","submitter":"Fangyun Wei","authors":"Fangyun Wei, Yutong Chen","title":"Improving Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Cross-Lingual Signs","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This work dedicates to continuous sign language recognition (CSLR), which is\na weakly supervised task dealing with the recognition of continuous signs from\nvideos, without any prior knowledge about the temporal boundaries between\nconsecutive signs. Data scarcity heavily impedes the progress of CSLR. Existing\napproaches typically train CSLR models on a monolingual corpus, which is orders\nof magnitude smaller than that of speech recognition. In this work, we explore\nthe feasibility of utilizing multilingual sign language corpora to facilitate\nmonolingual CSLR. Our work is built upon the observation of cross-lingual\nsigns, which originate from different sign languages but have similar visual\nsignals (e.g., hand shape and motion). The underlying idea of our approach is\nto identify the cross-lingual signs in one sign language and properly leverage\nthem as auxiliary training data to improve the recognition capability of\nanother. To achieve the goal, we first build two sign language dictionaries\ncontaining isolated signs that appear in two datasets. Then we identify the\nsign-to-sign mappings between two sign languages via a well-optimized isolated\nsign language recognition model. At last, we train a CSLR model on the\ncombination of the target data with original labels and the auxiliary data with\nmapped labels. Experimentally, our approach achieves state-of-the-art\nperformance on two widely-used CSLR datasets: Phoenix-2014 and Phoenix-2014T.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:58:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wei","Fangyun",""],["Chen","Yutong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10810","submitter":"Davide Girolami","authors":"Choong Pak Shen and Davide Girolami","title":"Evaluating Pauli errors on cluster states by weighted distances","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech physics.atom-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We address the problem of evaluating the difference between quantum states\nbefore and after being affected by errors encoded in unitary transformations.\nStandard distance functions, e.g., the Bures length, are not fully adequate for\nsuch a task. Weighted distances are instead appropriate information measures to\nquantify distinguishability of multipartite states. Here, we employ the\npreviously introduced weighted Bures length and the newly defined weighted\nHilbert-Schmidt distance to quantify how much single-qubit Pauli errors alter\ncluster states. We find that different errors of the same dimension change\ncluster states in a different way, i.e., their detectability is in general\ndifferent. Indeed, they transform an ideal cluster state into a state whose\nweighted distance from the input depends on the specific chosen Pauli rotation,\nas well as the position of the affected qubit in the graph related to the\nstate. As these features are undetected by using standard distances, the study\nproves the usefulness of weighted distances to monitor key but elusive\nproperties of many-body quantum systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:58:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Choong Pak",""],["Girolami","Davide",""]]} {"id":"2308.10811","submitter":"Johannes Zink","authors":"Jonathan Klawitter and Johannes Zink","title":"Tree Drawings with Columns","comments":"Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on\n Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CG cs.DM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Our goal is to visualize an additional data dimension of a tree with\nmultifaceted data through superimposition on vertical strips, which we call\ncolumns. Specifically, we extend upward drawings of unordered rooted trees\nwhere vertices have assigned heights by mapping each vertex to a column. Under\nan orthogonal drawing style and with every subtree within a column drawn\nplanar, we consider different natural variants concerning the arrangement of\nsubtrees within a column. We show that minimizing the number of crossings in\nsuch a drawing can be achieved in fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) time in the\nmaximum vertex degree $\\Delta$ for the most restrictive variant, while becoming\nNP-hard (even to approximate) already for a slightly relaxed variant. However,\nwe provide an FPT algorithm in the number of crossings plus $\\Delta$, and an\nFPT-approximation algorithm in $\\Delta$ via a reduction to feedback arc set.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:59:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Klawitter","Jonathan",""],["Zink","Johannes",""]]} {"id":"2308.10812","submitter":"Pavel Gvozdevsky","authors":"Pavel Gvozdevsky","title":"On countable isotypic structures","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We obtain several results concerning the concept of isotypic structures.\nNamely we prove that any field of finite transcendence degree over a prime\nsubfield is defined by types; then we give examples of certain countable\nisotypic but not isomorphic structures: totally ordered sets, rings, and\ngroups/\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:01:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Gvozdevsky","Pavel",""]]} {"id":"2308.10813","submitter":"Vasily Golyshev","authors":"V. Golyshev","title":"On $L$-derivatives and biextensions of Calabi-Yau motives","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We prove that certain differential operators of the form $DLD$ with $L$\nhypergeometric and $D=z \\frac{d}{dz}$ are of Picard-Fuchs type. We give closed\nhypergeometric expressions for minors of the biextension period matrices that\narise from certain rank 4 weight 3 Calabi-Yau motives presumed to be of\nanalytic rank 1. We compare their values numerically to the first derivative of\nthe $L$-functions of the respective motives at $s=2$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:02:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Golyshev","V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10814","submitter":"Natalia Frumkin","authors":"Natalia Frumkin, Dibakar Gope, and Diana Marculescu","title":"Jumping through Local Minima: Quantization in the Loss Landscape of\n Vision Transformers","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.09643","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Quantization scale and bit-width are the most important parameters when\nconsidering how to quantize a neural network. Prior work focuses on optimizing\nquantization scales in a global manner through gradient methods (gradient\ndescent \\& Hessian analysis). Yet, when applying perturbations to quantization\nscales, we observe a very jagged, highly non-smooth test loss landscape. In\nfact, small perturbations in quantization scale can greatly affect accuracy,\nyielding a $0.5-0.8\\%$ accuracy boost in 4-bit quantized vision transformers\n(ViTs). In this regime, gradient methods break down, since they cannot reliably\nreach local minima. In our work, dubbed Evol-Q, we use evolutionary search to\neffectively traverse the non-smooth landscape. Additionally, we propose using\nan infoNCE loss, which not only helps combat overfitting on the small\ncalibration dataset ($1,000$ images) but also makes traversing such a highly\nnon-smooth surface easier. Evol-Q improves the top-1 accuracy of a fully\nquantized ViT-Base by $10.30\\%$, $0.78\\%$, and $0.15\\%$ for $3$-bit, $4$-bit,\nand $8$-bit weight quantization levels. Extensive experiments on a variety of\nCNN and ViT architectures further demonstrate its robustness in extreme\nquantization scenarios. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/enyac-group/evol-q\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:03:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Frumkin","Natalia",""],["Gope","Dibakar",""],["Marculescu","Diana",""]]} {"id":"2308.10815","submitter":"Pablo Sanchez Ocal","authors":"Paul Balmer, Pablo S. Ocal","title":"Universal support for triangulated categories","comments":"2 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CT math.AG math.AT math.RT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We revisit a result of Gratz and Stevenson on the universal space that\ncarries supports for objects of a triangulated category, in the absence of a\ntensor product.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:09:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Balmer","Paul",""],["Ocal","Pablo S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10816","submitter":"Maximiliano Contino","authors":"M. Laura Arias, Maximiliano Contino, Alejandra Maestripieri and\n Stefania Marcantognini","title":"Semiclosed multivalued projections","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A multivalued projection is an idempotent linear relation with invariant\ndomain. We characterize multivalued projections that are operator ranges\n(called semiclosed) and provide several formulae of them. Moreover, we study\nthe decomposability and continuity of multivalued projections, and describe\nnilpotent relations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:10:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Arias","M. Laura",""],["Contino","Maximiliano",""],["Maestripieri","Alejandra",""],["Marcantognini","Stefania",""]]} {"id":"2308.10819","submitter":"Zekun Li","authors":"Zekun Li and Baolin Peng and Pengcheng He and Xifeng Yan","title":"Do you really follow me? Adversarial Instructions for Evaluating the\n Robustness of Large Language Models","comments":"Work in progress","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable proficiency in following\ninstructions, making them valuable in customer-facing applications. However,\ntheir impressive capabilities also raise concerns about the amplification of\nrisks posed by adversarial instructions, which can be injected into the model\ninput by third-party attackers to manipulate LLMs' original instructions and\nprompt unintended actions and content. Therefore, it is crucial to understand\nLLMs' ability to accurately discern which instructions to follow to ensure\ntheir safe deployment in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose a\npioneering benchmark for automatically evaluating the robustness of LLMs\nagainst adversarial instructions. The objective of this benchmark is to\nquantify the extent to which LLMs are influenced by injected adversarial\ninstructions and assess their ability to differentiate between these\nadversarial instructions and original user instructions. Through experiments\nconducted with state-of-the-art instruction-following LLMs, we uncover\nsignificant limitations in their robustness against adversarial instruction\nattacks. Furthermore, our findings indicate that prevalent instruction-tuned\nmodels are prone to being overfitted to follow any instruction phrase in the\nprompt without truly understanding which instructions should be followed. This\nhighlights the need to address the challenge of training models to comprehend\nprompts instead of merely following instruction phrases and completing the\ntext.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:21:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Zekun",""],["Peng","Baolin",""],["He","Pengcheng",""],["Yan","Xifeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10820","submitter":"Miaoyu Li","authors":"Miaoyu Li, Ying Fu, Ji Liu, Yulun Zhang","title":"Pixel Adaptive Deep Unfolding Transformer for Hyperspectral Image\n Reconstruction","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Hyperspectral Image (HSI) reconstruction has made gratifying progress with\nthe deep unfolding framework by formulating the problem into a data module and\na prior module. Nevertheless, existing methods still face the problem of\ninsufficient matching with HSI data. The issues lie in three aspects: 1) fixed\ngradient descent step in the data module while the degradation of HSI is\nagnostic in the pixel-level. 2) inadequate prior module for 3D HSI cube. 3)\nstage interaction ignoring the differences in features at different stages. To\naddress these issues, in this work, we propose a Pixel Adaptive Deep Unfolding\nTransformer (PADUT) for HSI reconstruction. In the data module, a pixel\nadaptive descent step is employed to focus on pixel-level agnostic degradation.\nIn the prior module, we introduce the Non-local Spectral Transformer (NST) to\nemphasize the 3D characteristics of HSI for recovering. Moreover, inspired by\nthe diverse expression of features in different stages and depths, the stage\ninteraction is improved by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Experimental\nresults on both simulated and real scenes exhibit the superior performance of\nour method compared to state-of-the-art HSI reconstruction methods. The code is\nreleased at: https://github.com/MyuLi/PADUT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:12:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Li","Miaoyu",""],["Fu","Ying",""],["Liu","Ji",""],["Zhang","Yulun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10821","submitter":"Benjamin Marais","authors":"William Maillet and Benjamin Marais","title":"Neural Networks Optimizations Against Concept and Data Drift in Malware\n Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Despite the promising results of machine learning models in malware\ndetection, they face the problem of concept drift due to malware constant\nevolution. This leads to a decline in performance over time, as the data\ndistribution of the new files differs from the training one, requiring regular\nmodel update. In this work, we propose a model-agnostic protocol to improve a\nbaseline neural network to handle with the drift problem. We show the\nimportance of feature reduction and training with the most recent validation\nset possible, and propose a loss function named Drift-Resilient Binary\nCross-Entropy, an improvement to the classical Binary Cross-Entropy more\neffective against drift. We train our model on the EMBER dataset (2018) and\nevaluate it on a dataset of recent malicious files, collected between 2020 and\n2023. Our improved model shows promising results, detecting 15.2% more malware\nthan a baseline model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:13:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Maillet","William",""],["Marais","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10822","submitter":"Jie Wang","authors":"Hao Wen, Jie Wang, Xiaodong Qiao","title":"A Novel Ehanced Move Recognition Algorithm Based on Pre-trained Models\n with Positional Embeddings","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The recognition of abstracts is crucial for effectively locating the content\nand clarifying the article. Existing move recognition algorithms lack the\nability to learn word position information to obtain contextual semantics. This\npaper proposes a novel enhanced move recognition algorithm with an improved\npre-trained model and a gated network with attention mechanism for unstructured\nabstracts of Chinese scientific and technological papers. The proposed\nalgorithm first performs summary data segmentation and vocabulary training. The\nEP-ERNIE$\\_$AT-GRU framework is leveraged to incorporate word positional\ninformation, facilitating deep semantic learning and targeted feature\nextraction. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm\nachieves 13.37$\\%$ higher accuracy on the split dataset than on the original\ndataset and a 7.55$\\%$ improvement in accuracy over the basic comparison model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 03:20:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wen","Hao",""],["Wang","Jie",""],["Qiao","Xiaodong",""]]} {"id":"2308.10823","submitter":"Tyrel Stokes","authors":"Tyrel Stokes, Ian Shrier, and Russell Steele","title":"Simulation Experiments as a Causal Problem","comments":"19 pages, 17 figures. Under review at Statistical Science","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME econ.EM math.ST stat.CO stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Simulation methods are among the most ubiquitous methodological tools in\nstatistical science. In particular, statisticians often is simulation to\nexplore properties of statistical functionals in models for which developed\nstatistical theory is insufficient or to assess finite sample properties of\ntheoretical results. We show that the design of simulation experiments can be\nviewed from the perspective of causal intervention on a data generating\nmechanism. We then demonstrate the use of causal tools and frameworks in this\ncontext. Our perspective is agnostic to the particular domain of the simulation\nexperiment which increases the potential impact of our proposed approach. In\nthis paper, we consider two illustrative examples. First, we re-examine a\npredictive machine learning example from a popular textbook designed to assess\nthe relationship between mean function complexity and the mean-squared error.\nSecond, we discuss a traditional causal inference method problem, simulating\nthe effect of unmeasured confounding on estimation, specifically to illustrate\nbias amplification. In both cases, applying causal principles and using\ngraphical models with parameters and distributions as nodes in the spirit of\ninfluence diagrams can 1) make precise which estimand the simulation targets ,\n2) suggest modifications to better attain the simulation goals, and 3) provide\nscaffolding to discuss performance criteria for a particular simulation design.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:14:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Stokes","Tyrel",""],["Shrier","Ian",""],["Steele","Russell",""]]} {"id":"2308.10824","submitter":"Fabio Bernasconi","authors":"Fabio Bernasconi and Stefano Filipazzi","title":"Rational points on 3-folds with nef anti-canonical class over finite\n fields","comments":"27 pages, comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We prove that a geometrically integral smooth 3-fold $X$ with nef\nanti-canonical class and negative Kodaira dimension over a finite field\n$\\mathbb{F}_q$ of characteristic $p>5$ and cardinality $q=p^e > 19$ has a\nrational point. Additionally, under the same assumptions on $p$ and $q$, we\nshow that a 3-fold $X$ with trivial canonical class and non-zero first Betti\nnumber $b_1(X) \\neq 0$ has a rational point. Our techniques rely on the Minimal\nModel Program to establish several structure results for generalized log\nCalabi--Yau 3-fold pairs over perfect fields.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:17:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bernasconi","Fabio",""],["Filipazzi","Stefano",""]]} {"id":"2308.10825","submitter":"Michael Postol","authors":"Michael S. Postol","title":"Algebraic Topology for Data Scientists","comments":"322 pages, 69 figures, 5 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AT math.HO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This book gives a thorough introduction to topological data analysis (TDA),\nthe application of algebraic topology to data science. Algebraic topology is\ntraditionally a very specialized field of math, and most mathematicians have\nnever been exposed to it, let alone data scientists, computer scientists, and\nanalysts. I have three goals in writing this book. The first is to bring people\nup to speed who are missing a lot of the necessary background. I will describe\nthe topics in point-set topology, abstract algebra, and homology theory needed\nfor a good understanding of TDA. The second is to explain TDA and some current\napplications and techniques. Finally, I would like to answer some questions\nabout more advanced topics such as cohomology, homotopy, obstruction theory,\nand Steenrod squares, and what they can tell us about data. It is hoped that\nreaders will acquire the tools to start to think about these topics and where\nthey might fit in.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:19:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Postol","Michael S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10826","submitter":"Ian Richardson","authors":"I. G. Richardson (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and University of\n Maryland, College Park), O. C. St Cyr, J. T. Burkepile (NCAR/HAO), H. Xie\n (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Catholic University of America), B. J.\n Thompson (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)","title":"Solar Energetic Particle-Associated Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by\n the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Mk3 and Mk4 Coronameters","comments":"To be published in Solar Physics","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1007/s11207-023-02192-9","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We report on the first comprehensive study of the coronal mass ejections\n(CMEs) associated with $\\sim$25 MeV solar energetic proton (SEP) events in\n1980-2013 observed in the low/inner corona by the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory\n(MLSO) Mk3 and Mk4 coronameters. Where possible, these observations are\ncombined with spacebased observations from the Solar Maximum Mission C/P, P78-1\nSOLWIND or SOHO/LASCO coronagraphs. The aim of the study is to understand\ndirectly-measured (rather than inferred from proxies) CME motions in the low to\nmiddle corona and their association with SEP acceleration, and hence attempt to\nidentify early signatures that are characteristic of SEP acceleration in\nground-based CME observations that may be used to warn of impending SEP events.\nAlthough we find that SEP events are associated with CMEs that are on average\nfaster and wider than typical CMEs observed by MLSO, a major challenge turns\nout to be determining reliable estimates of the CME dynamics in the low corona\nfrom the 3-minute cadence Mk3/4 observations since different analysis\ntechniques can produce inconsistent results. This complicates the assessment of\nwhat early information on a possible SEP event is available from these low\ncoronal observations\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 17:18:45 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 22:28:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Richardson","I. G.","","NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and University of\n Maryland, College Park"],["Cyr","O. C. St","","NCAR/HAO"],["Burkepile","J. T.","","NCAR/HAO"],["Xie","H.","","NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Catholic University of America"],["Thompson","B. J.","","NASA Goddard Space Flight Center"]]} {"id":"2308.10827","submitter":"Mohammad Ardeshir","authors":"Mohammad Ardeshir and Rasoul Ramezanian","title":"The Temporal Continuum","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.HO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" The continuum has been one of the most controversial topics in mathematics\nsince the time of the Greeks. Some mathematicians, such as Euclid and Cantor,\nheld the position that a line is composed of points, while others, like\nAristotle, Weyl and Brouwer, argued that a line is not composed of points but\nrather a matrix of a continued insertion of points. In spite of this\ndisagreement on the structure of the continuum, they did distinguish the\ntemporal line from the spatial line. In this paper, we argue that there is\nindeed a difference between the intuition of the spatial continuum and the\nintuition of the temporal continuum. The main primary aspect of the temporal\ncontinuum, in contrast with the spatial continuum, is the notion of\norientation.\n The continuum has usually been mathematically modeled by Cauchy sequences and\nthe Dedekind cuts. While in the first model, each point can be approximated by\nrational numbers, in the second one, that is not possible constructively. We\nargue that points on the temporal continuum cannot be approximated by rationals\nas a temporal point is a flow that sinks to the past. In our model, the\ncontinuum is a collection of constructive Dedekind cuts, and we define two\ntopologies for temporal continuum: 1. oriented topology and 2. the ordinary\ntopology. We prove that every total function from the oriented topological\nspace to the ordinary one is continuous.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 18:13:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ardeshir","Mohammad",""],["Ramezanian","Rasoul",""]]} {"id":"2308.10828","submitter":"Zhihan Jiang","authors":"Zhihan Jiang, Jinyang Liu, Junjie Huang, Yichen Li, Yintong Huo,\n Jiazhen Gu, Zhuangbin Chen, Jieming Zhu and Michael R. Lyu","title":"A Large-scale Benchmark for Log Parsing","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Log data is pivotal in activities like anomaly detection and failure\ndiagnosis in the automated maintenance of software systems. Due to their\nunstructured format, log parsing is often required to transform them into a\nstructured format for automated analysis. A variety of log parsers exist,\nmaking it vital to benchmark these tools to comprehend their features and\nperformance. However, existing datasets for log parsing are limited in terms of\nscale and representativeness, posing challenges for studies that aim to\nevaluate or develop log parsers. This problem becomes more pronounced when\nthese parsers are evaluated for production use. To address these issues, we\nintroduce a new collection of large-scale annotated log datasets, named LogPub,\nwhich more accurately mirrors log data observed in real-world software systems.\nLogPub comprises 14 datasets, each averaging 3.6 million log lines. Utilizing\nLogPub, we re-evaluate 15 log parsers in a more rigorous and practical setting.\nWe also propose a new evaluation metric to lessen the sensitivity of current\nmetrics to imbalanced data distribution. Furthermore, we are the first to\nscrutinize the detailed performance of log parsers on logs that represent rare\nsystem events and offer comprehensive information for system troubleshooting.\nParsing such logs accurately is vital yet challenging. We believe that our work\ncould shed light on the design and evaluation of log parsers in more realistic\nsettings, thereby facilitating their implementation in production systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:24:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Jiang","Zhihan",""],["Liu","Jinyang",""],["Huang","Junjie",""],["Li","Yichen",""],["Huo","Yintong",""],["Gu","Jiazhen",""],["Chen","Zhuangbin",""],["Zhu","Jieming",""],["Lyu","Michael R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10829","submitter":"Elliot Fox","authors":"Elliot Fox (Durham U., IPPP), Nigel Glover (Durham U., IPPP and Zurich\n U.)","title":"Initial-Final and Initial-Initial antenna functions for real radiation\n at next-to-leading order","comments":"33 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"IPPP/23/44, ZU-TH 47/23","categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The antenna subtraction method has achieved remarkable success in various\nprocesses relevant to the Large Hadron Collider. In Reference [1], an algorithm\nwas proposed for constructing real-radiation antenna functions for\nelectron-positron annihilation, directly from specified unresolved limits,\naccommodating any number of real emissions. Here, we extend this algorithm to\nbuild antennae involving partons in the initial state, specifically the\ninitial-final and initial-initial antennae. Using this extended algorithm, we\nexplicitly construct all NLO QCD antenna functions and compare them with\npreviously extracted antenna functions derived from matrix elements.\nAdditionally, we rigorously match the integration of the antenna functions over\nthe initial-final and initial-initial unresolved phase space with the previous\napproach, providing an independent validation of our results. The improved\nantenna functions are more compact and reduced in number, making them more\nreadily applicable for higher-order calculations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:24:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Fox","Elliot","","Durham U., IPPP"],["Glover","Nigel","","Durham U., IPPP and Zurich\n U."]]} {"id":"2308.10830","submitter":"Anna Tsai","authors":"Anna Tsai, Dylan L. Jow, Daniel Baker, Ue-Li Pen","title":"Scintillated microlensing: measuring cosmic distances with fast radio\n bursts","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a novel means of directly measuring cosmological distances using\nscintillated microlensing of fast radio bursts (FRBs). In standard strong\nlensing measurements of cosmic expansion, the main source of systematic\nuncertainty lies in modeling the mass profile of galactic halos. Using\nextra-galactic stellar microlensing to measure the Hubble constant avoids this\nsystematic uncertainty as the lens potential of microlenses depends only on a\nsingle parameter: the mass of the lens. FRBs, which may achieve nanosecond\nprecision on lensing time delays, are well-suited to precision measurements of\nstellar microlensing, for which the time delays are on the order of\nmilliseconds. However, typical angular separations between the microlensed\nimages on the order of microarcseconds make the individual images impossible to\nspatially resolve with ground-based telescopes. We propose leveraging\nscintillation in the ISM to resolve the microlensed images, effectively turning\nthe ISM into an astrophysical-scale interferometer. Using this technique, we\nestimate a 6\\% uncertainty on $H_0$ from a single observed scintillated\nmicrolensing event, with a sub-percent uncertainty on $H_0$ achievable with\nonly 30 such events. With an optical depth for stellar microlensing of\n$10^{-3}$, this may be achievable in the near future with upcoming FRB\ntelescopes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 16:04:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Tsai","Anna",""],["Jow","Dylan L.",""],["Baker","Daniel",""],["Pen","Ue-Li",""]]} {"id":"2308.10831","submitter":"Emmanuel Calvet","authors":"Emmanuel Calvet, Jean Rouat, Bertrand Reulet","title":"Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Emerges as a Key Factor for RBN\n Performance, Overriding Attractor Dynamics","comments":"22 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":"Front. Comput. Neurosci. Volume 17 - 2023","doi":"10.3389/fncom.2023.1223258","report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC cs.LG cs.NE stat.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Reservoir computing provides a time and cost-efficient alternative to\ntraditional learning methods.Critical regimes, known as the \"edge of chaos,\"\nhave been found to optimize computational performance in binary neural\nnetworks. However, little attention has been devoted to studying\nreservoir-to-reservoir variability when investigating the link between\nconnectivity, dynamics, and performance. As physical reservoir computers become\nmore prevalent, developing a systematic approach to network design is crucial.\nIn this article, we examine Random Boolean Networks (RBNs) and demonstrate that\nspecific distribution parameters can lead to diverse dynamics near critical\npoints. We identify distinct dynamical attractors and quantify their\nstatistics, revealing that most reservoirs possess a dominant attractor. We\nthen evaluate performance in two challenging tasks, memorization and\nprediction, and find that a positive excitatory balance produces a critical\npoint with higher memory performance. In comparison, a negative inhibitory\nbalance delivers another critical point with better prediction performance.\nInterestingly, we show that the intrinsic attractor dynamics have little\ninfluence on performance in either case.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 2 Aug 2023 17:41:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Calvet","Emmanuel",""],["Rouat","Jean",""],["Reulet","Bertrand",""]]} {"id":"2308.10832","submitter":"Gabriele Berton","authors":"Gabriele Berton, Gabriele Trivigno, Barbara Caputo, Carlo Masone","title":"EigenPlaces: Training Viewpoint Robust Models for Visual Place\n Recognition","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Visual Place Recognition is a task that aims to predict the place of an image\n(called query) based solely on its visual features. This is typically done\nthrough image retrieval, where the query is matched to the most similar images\nfrom a large database of geotagged photos, using learned global descriptors. A\nmajor challenge in this task is recognizing places seen from different\nviewpoints. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new method, called\nEigenPlaces, to train our neural network on images from different point of\nviews, which embeds viewpoint robustness into the learned global descriptors.\nThe underlying idea is to cluster the training data so as to explicitly present\nthe model with different views of the same points of interest. The selection of\nthis points of interest is done without the need for extra supervision. We then\npresent experiments on the most comprehensive set of datasets in literature,\nfinding that EigenPlaces is able to outperform previous state of the art on the\nmajority of datasets, while requiring 60\\% less GPU memory for training and\nusing 50\\% smaller descriptors. The code and trained models for EigenPlaces are\navailable at {\\small{\\url{https://github.com/gmberton/EigenPlaces}}}, while\nresults with any other baseline can be computed with the codebase at\n{\\small{\\url{https://github.com/gmberton/auto_VPR}}}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:27:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Berton","Gabriele",""],["Trivigno","Gabriele",""],["Caputo","Barbara",""],["Masone","Carlo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10833","submitter":"Domagoj Brada\\v{c}","authors":"Domagoj Brada\\v{c}, Jacob Fox, Benny Sudakov","title":"Ramsey numbers of hypergraphs of a given size","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The $q$-color Ramsey number of a $k$-uniform hypergraph $H$ is the minimum\ninteger $N$ such that any $q$-coloring of the complete $k$-uniform hypergraph\non $N$ vertices contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. The study of these\nnumbers is one of the central topics in Combinatorics. In 1973, Erd\\H{o}s and\nGraham asked to maximize the Ramsey number of a graph as a function of the\nnumber of its edges. Motivated by this problem, we study the analogous question\nfor hypergaphs. For fixed $k \\ge 3$ and $q \\ge 2$ we prove that the largest\npossible $q$-color Ramsey number of a $k$-uniform hypergraph with $m$ edges is\nat most $\\mathrm{tw}_k(O(\\sqrt{m})),$ where $\\mathrm{tw}$ denotes the tower\nfunction. We also present a construction showing that this bound is tight for\n$q \\ge 4$. This resolves a problem by Conlon, Fox and Sudakov. They previously\nproved the upper bound for $k \\geq 4$ and the lower bound for $k=3$. Although\nin the graph case the tightness follows simply by considering a clique of\nappropriate size, for higher uniformities the construction is rather involved\nand is obtained by using paths in expander graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:31:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Brada\u010d","Domagoj",""],["Fox","Jacob",""],["Sudakov","Benny",""]]} {"id":"2308.10834","submitter":"Muhammad Shahbaz Khan","authors":"Muhammad Shahbaz Khan, Jawad Ahmad, Hisham Ali, Nikolaos Pitropakis,\n Ahmed Al-Dubai, Baraq Ghaleb, William J. Buchanan","title":"SRSS: A New Chaos-Based Single-Round Single S-Box Image Encryption\n Scheme for Highly Auto-Correlated Data","comments":"6 Pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" With the advent of digital communication, securing digital images during\ntransmission and storage has become a critical concern. The traditional s-box\nsubstitution methods often fail to effectively conceal the information within\nhighly auto-correlated regions of an image. This paper addresses the security\nissues presented by three prevalent S-box substitution methods, i.e., single\nS-box, multiple S-boxes, and multiple rounds with multiple S-boxes, especially\nwhen handling images with highly auto-correlated pixels. To resolve the\naddressed security issues, this paper proposes a new scheme SRSS-the Single\nRound Single S-Box encryption scheme. SRSS uses a single S-box for substitution\nin just one round to break the pixel correlations and encrypt the plaintext\nimage effectively. Additionally, this paper introduces a new Chaos-based Random\nOperation Selection System-CROSS, which nullifies the requirement for multiple\nS-boxes, thus reducing the encryption scheme's complexity. By randomly\nselecting the operation to be performed on each pixel, driven by a chaotic\nsequence, the proposed scheme effectively scrambles even high auto-correlation\nareas. When compared to the substitution methods mentioned above, the proposed\nencryption scheme exhibited exceptionally well in just a single round with a\nsingle S-box. The close-to-ideal statistical security analysis results, i.e.,\nan entropy of 7.89 and a correlation coefficient of 0.007, validate the\neffectiveness of the proposed scheme. This research offers an innovative path\nforward for securing images in applications requiring low computational\ncomplexity and fast encryption and decryption speeds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:32:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Khan","Muhammad Shahbaz",""],["Ahmad","Jawad",""],["Ali","Hisham",""],["Pitropakis","Nikolaos",""],["Al-Dubai","Ahmed",""],["Ghaleb","Baraq",""],["Buchanan","William J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10835","submitter":"Yan Wang","authors":"Yan Wang, Zhixuan Chu, Xin Ouyang, Simeng Wang, Hongyan Hao, Yue Shen,\n Jinjie Gu, Siqiao Xue, James Y Zhang, Qing Cui, Longfei Li, Jun Zhou, Sheng\n Li","title":"Enhancing Recommender Systems with Large Language Model Reasoning Graphs","comments":"12 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recommendation systems aim to provide users with relevant suggestions, but\noften lack interpretability and fail to capture higher-level semantic\nrelationships between user behaviors and profiles. In this paper, we propose a\nnovel approach that leverages large language models (LLMs) to construct\npersonalized reasoning graphs. These graphs link a user's profile and\nbehavioral sequences through causal and logical inferences, representing the\nuser's interests in an interpretable way. Our approach, LLM reasoning graphs\n(LLMRG), has four components: chained graph reasoning, divergent extension,\nself-verification and scoring, and knowledge base self-improvement. The\nresulting reasoning graph is encoded using graph neural networks, which serves\nas additional input to improve conventional recommender systems, without\nrequiring extra user or item information. Our approach demonstrates how LLMs\ncan enable more logical and interpretable recommender systems through\npersonalized reasoning graphs. LLMRG allows recommendations to benefit from\nboth engineered recommendation systems and LLM-derived reasoning graphs. We\ndemonstrate the effectiveness of LLMRG on benchmarks and real-world scenarios\nin enhancing base recommendation models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:35:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yan",""],["Chu","Zhixuan",""],["Ouyang","Xin",""],["Wang","Simeng",""],["Hao","Hongyan",""],["Shen","Yue",""],["Gu","Jinjie",""],["Xue","Siqiao",""],["Zhang","James Y",""],["Cui","Qing",""],["Li","Longfei",""],["Zhou","Jun",""],["Li","Sheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10836","submitter":"Simon Thebaud","authors":"Simon Th\\'ebaud, Lucas Lindsay, Tom Berlijn","title":"Breaking Rayleigh's law with spatially correlated disorder to control\n phonon transport","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.026301","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Controlling thermal transport in insulators and semiconductors is crucial for\nmany technological fields such as thermoelectrics and thermal insulation, for\nwhich a low thermal conductivity ($\\kappa$) is desirable. A major obstacle for\nrealizing low $\\kappa$ materials is Rayleigh's law, which implies that acoustic\nphonons, which carry most of the heat, are insensitive to scattering by point\ndefects at low energy. We demonstrate, with large scale simulations on tens of\nmillions of atoms, that isotropic long-range spatial correlations in the defect\ndistribution can dramatically reduce phonon lifetimes of important\nlow-frequency heat-carrying modes, leading to a large reduction of $\\kappa$ --\npotentially an order of magnitude at room temperature. We propose a general and\nquantitative framework for controlling thermal transport in complex functional\nmaterials through structural spatial correlations, and we establish the optimal\nfunctional form of spatial correlations that minimize $\\kappa$. We end by\nbriefly discussing experimental realizations of various correlated structures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:35:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Th\u00e9baud","Simon",""],["Lindsay","Lucas",""],["Berlijn","Tom",""]]} {"id":"2308.10837","submitter":"Yan Wang","authors":"Zhixuan Chu, Hongyan Hao, Xin Ouyang, Simeng Wang, Yan Wang, Yue Shen,\n Jinjie Gu, Qing Cui, Longfei Li, Siqiao Xue, James Y Zhang, Sheng Li","title":"Leveraging Large Language Models for Pre-trained Recommender Systems","comments":"13 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent advancements in recommendation systems have shifted towards more\ncomprehensive and personalized recommendations by utilizing large language\nmodels (LLM). However, effectively integrating LLM's commonsense knowledge and\nreasoning abilities into recommendation systems remains a challenging problem.\nIn this paper, we propose RecSysLLM, a novel pre-trained recommendation model\nbased on LLMs. RecSysLLM retains LLM reasoning and knowledge while integrating\nrecommendation domain knowledge through unique designs of data, training, and\ninference. This allows RecSysLLM to leverage LLMs' capabilities for\nrecommendation tasks in an efficient, unified framework. We demonstrate the\neffectiveness of RecSysLLM on benchmarks and real-world scenarios. RecSysLLM\nprovides a promising approach to developing unified recommendation systems by\nfully exploiting the power of pre-trained language models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:39:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chu","Zhixuan",""],["Hao","Hongyan",""],["Ouyang","Xin",""],["Wang","Simeng",""],["Wang","Yan",""],["Shen","Yue",""],["Gu","Jinjie",""],["Cui","Qing",""],["Li","Longfei",""],["Xue","Siqiao",""],["Zhang","James Y",""],["Li","Sheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10838","submitter":"Giulia Preti","authors":"Giulia Preti, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Matteo Riondato","title":"An impossibility result for Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling from\n micro-canonical bipartite graph ensembles","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI physics.soc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are commonly used to sample from\ngraph ensembles. Two graphs are neighbors in the state space if one can be\nobtained from the other with only a few modifications, e.g., edge rewirings.\nFor many common ensembles, e.g., those preserving the degree sequences of\nbipartite graphs, rewiring operations involving two edges are sufficient to\ncreate a fully-connected state space, and they can be performed efficiently. We\nshow that, for ensembles of bipartite graphs with fixed degree sequences and\nnumber of butterflies (k2,2 bi-cliques), there is no universal constant c such\nthat a rewiring of at most c edges at every step is sufficient for any such\nensemble to be fully connected. Our proof relies on an explicit construction of\na family of pairs of graphs with the same degree sequences and number of\nbutterflies, with each pair indexed by a natural c, and such that any sequence\nof rewiring operations transforming one graph into the other must include at\nleast one rewiring operation involving at least c edges. Whether rewiring these\nmany edges is sufficient to guarantee the full connectivity of the state space\nof any such ensemble remains an open question. Our result implies the\nimpossibility of developing efficient, graph-agnostic, MCMC algorithms for\nthese ensembles, as the necessity to rewire an impractically large number of\nedges may hinder taking a step on the state space.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:40:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Preti","Giulia",""],["Morales","Gianmarco De Francisci",""],["Riondato","Matteo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10839","submitter":"Tianyi Sun","authors":"Tianyi Sun","title":"Vision Transformer Pruning Via Matrix Decomposition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV stat.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This is a further development of Vision Transformer Pruning via matrix\ndecomposition. The purpose of the Vision Transformer Pruning is to prune the\ndimension of the linear projection of the dataset by learning their associated\nimportance score in order to reduce the storage, run-time memory, and\ncomputational demands. In this paper we further reduce dimension and complexity\nof the linear projection by implementing and comparing several matrix\ndecomposition methods while preserving the generated important features. We end\nup selected the Singular Value Decomposition as the method to achieve our goal\nby comparing the original accuracy scores in the original Github repository and\nthe accuracy scores of using those matrix decomposition methods, including\nSingular Value Decomposition, four versions of QR Decomposition, and LU\nfactorization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:40:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sun","Tianyi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10840","submitter":"Vimal William","authors":"Vimal W and Akshansh Gupta","title":"Deep Learning Architecture for Motor Imaged Words","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The notion of a Brain-Computer Interface system is the acquisition of signals\nfrom the brain, processing them, and translating them into commands. The study\nconcentrated on a specific sort of brain signal known as Motor Imagery EEG\nsignals, which are activated in the brain without any external stimulus of the\nneeded motor activities in relation to the signal. The signals are further\nprocessed using complicated signal processing methods such as wavelet-based\ndenoising and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based dimensionality\nreduction approach. To extract the characteristics from the processed data,\nboth signal processing includes Short-Term Fourier Transforms (STFT) and a\nprobabilistic approach such as Gramian Angular field Theory are used.\nFurthermore, the gathered feature signals are analyzed and converted into\nnoteworthy commands by Deep Learning algorithms, which can be a mix of\ncomplicated Deep Learning algorithm families such as CNN and RNN. The Weights\nof trained model with the particular subject is further used for the multiple\nsubject which shows in the elevation of accuracy rate in translating the Motor\nImagery EEG signals into the relevant motor actions\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 12:07:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["W","Vimal",""],["Gupta","Akshansh",""]]} {"id":"2308.10841","submitter":"Nikhil Hadap","authors":"Nikhil D. Hadap","title":"Lienard-Wiechert Potentials due to a 'classically' spinning point-charge\n in Non-Relativistic arbitrary motion","comments":"17 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.class-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Lienard-Wiechert potentials have been derived for a non-relativistically\nmoving and 'classically' spinning point-charge; assuming it to be a rigid,\nmoving and spinning charged-sphere, and subsequently reducing its dimensions to\n\"point-particle\" limit. The paper demonstrates that when the effect of\n\"rotational-acceleration\" were considered, together with causality, expressions\nfor the LW potentials accompany additional correction terms that contain\nspin-angular-momentum (or simply the \"classical spin\") of the point-charge.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 12:27:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hadap","Nikhil D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10842","submitter":"Hugo Caselles-Dupr\\'e","authors":"Hugo Caselles-Dupr\\'e, Olivier Sigaud, Mohamed Chetouani","title":"Enhancing Agent Communication and Learning through Action and Language","comments":"IMOL workshop, Paris 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We introduce a novel category of GC-agents capable of functioning as both\nteachers and learners. Leveraging action-based demonstrations and\nlanguage-based instructions, these agents enhance communication efficiency. We\ninvestigate the incorporation of pedagogy and pragmatism, essential elements in\nhuman communication and goal achievement, enhancing the agents' teaching and\nlearning capabilities. Furthermore, we explore the impact of combining\ncommunication modes (action and language) on learning outcomes, highlighting\nthe benefits of a multi-modal approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 09:45:21 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:55:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Caselles-Dupr\u00e9","Hugo",""],["Sigaud","Olivier",""],["Chetouani","Mohamed",""]]} {"id":"2308.10843","submitter":"Mireille Fares","authors":"Mireille Fares, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin","title":"TranSTYLer: Multimodal Behavioral Style Transfer for Facial and Body\n Gestures Generation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.MM cs.CV cs.LG cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper addresses the challenge of transferring the behavior expressivity\nstyle of a virtual agent to another one while preserving behaviors shape as\nthey carry communicative meaning. Behavior expressivity style is viewed here as\nthe qualitative properties of behaviors. We propose TranSTYLer, a multimodal\ntransformer based model that synthesizes the multimodal behaviors of a source\nspeaker with the style of a target speaker. We assume that behavior\nexpressivity style is encoded across various modalities of communication,\nincluding text, speech, body gestures, and facial expressions. The model\nemploys a style and content disentanglement schema to ensure that the\ntransferred style does not interfere with the meaning conveyed by the source\nbehaviors. Our approach eliminates the need for style labels and allows the\ngeneralization to styles that have not been seen during the training phase. We\ntrain our model on the PATS corpus, which we extended to include dialog acts\nand 2D facial landmarks. Objective and subjective evaluations show that our\nmodel outperforms state of the art models in style transfer for both seen and\nunseen styles during training. To tackle the issues of style and content\nleakage that may arise, we propose a methodology to assess the degree to which\nbehavior and gestures associated with the target style are successfully\ntransferred, while ensuring the preservation of the ones related to the source\ncontent.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 15:42:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Fares","Mireille",""],["Pelachaud","Catherine",""],["Obin","Nicolas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10844","submitter":"Vidya Venkateswaran","authors":"Vidya Venkateswaran","title":"Affine Hecke algebras and symmetric quasi-polynomial duality","comments":"34 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RT math.NT math.QA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In a recent paper with Sahi and Stokman, we introduced quasi-polynomial\ngeneralizations of Macdonald polynomials for arbitrary root systems via a new\nclass of representations of the double affine Hecke algebra. These objects\ndepend on a deformation parameter $q$, Hecke parameters, and an additional\ntorus parameter. In this paper, we study $\\textit{antisymmetric}$ and\n$\\textit{symmetric}$ quasi-polynomial analogs of Macdonald polynomials in the\n$q \\rightarrow \\infty$ limit. We provide explicit decomposition formulas for\nthese objects in terms of classical Demazure-Lusztig operators and partial\nsymmetrizers, and relate them to Macdonald polynomials with prescribed symmetry\nin the same limit. We also provide a complete characterization of\n(anti-)symmetric quasi-polynomials in terms of partially (anti-)symmetric\npolynomials. As an application, we obtain formulas for metaplectic spherical\nWhittaker functions associated to arbitrary root systems. For $GL_{r}$, this\nrecovers some recent results of Brubaker, Buciumas, Bump, and Gustafsson, and\nproves a precise statement of their conjecture about a ``parahoric-metaplectic\"\nduality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:44:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Venkateswaran","Vidya",""]]} {"id":"2308.10845","submitter":"Diodato Ferraioli","authors":"Vincenzo Auletta and Francesco Carbone and Diodato Ferraioli","title":"Election Manipulation in Social Networks with Single-Peaked Agents","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GT cs.MA cs.SI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Several elections run in the last years have been characterized by attempts\nto manipulate the result of the election through the diffusion of fake or\nmalicious news over social networks. This problem has been recognized as a\ncritical issue for the robustness of our democracy. Analyzing and understanding\nhow such manipulations may occur is crucial to the design of effective\ncountermeasures to these practices.\n Many studies have observed that, in general, to design an optimal\nmanipulation is usually a computationally hard task. Nevertheless, literature\non bribery in voting and election manipulation has frequently observed that\nmost hardness results melt down when one focuses on the setting of (nearly)\nsingle-peaked agents, i.e., when each voter has a preferred candidate (usually,\nthe one closer to her own belief) and preferences of remaining candidates are\ninversely proportional to the distance between the candidate position and the\nvoter's belief. Unfortunately, no such analysis has been done for election\nmanipulations run in social networks.\n In this work, we try to close this gap: specifically, we consider a setting\nfor election manipulation that naturally raises (nearly) single-peaked\npreferences, and we evaluate the complexity of election manipulation problem in\nthis setting: while most of the hardness and approximation results still hold,\nwe will show that single-peaked preferences allow to design simple, efficient\nand effective heuristics for election manipulation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:44:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Auletta","Vincenzo",""],["Carbone","Francesco",""],["Ferraioli","Diodato",""]]} {"id":"2308.10846","submitter":"Pranay Pasula","authors":"Pranay Pasula","title":"Real World Time Series Benchmark Datasets with Distribution Shifts:\n Global Crude Oil Price and Volatility","comments":"7 pages, 5 figures. Awarded Best Paper Runner Up / Honorable Mention\n and presented as Contributed Talk at IJCAI 2023, the 32nd International Joint\n Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI4TS)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The scarcity of task-labeled time-series benchmarks in the financial domain\nhinders progress in continual learning. Addressing this deficit would foster\ninnovation in this area. Therefore, we present COB, Crude Oil Benchmark\ndatasets. COB includes 30 years of asset prices that exhibit significant\ndistribution shifts and optimally generates corresponding task (i.e., regime)\nlabels based on these distribution shifts for the three most important crude\noils in the world. Our contributions include creating real-world benchmark\ndatasets by transforming asset price data into volatility proxies, fitting\nmodels using expectation-maximization (EM), generating contextual task labels\nthat align with real-world events, and providing these labels as well as the\ngeneral algorithm to the public. We show that the inclusion of these task\nlabels universally improves performance on four continual learning algorithms,\nsome state-of-the-art, over multiple forecasting horizons. We hope these\nbenchmarks accelerate research in handling distribution shifts in real-world\ndata, especially due to the global importance of the assets considered. We've\nmade the (1) raw price data, (2) task labels generated by our approach, (3) and\ncode for our algorithm available at https://oilpricebenchmarks.github.io.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:44:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pasula","Pranay",""]]} {"id":"2308.10847","submitter":"Graham Enos","authors":"Graham R. Enos, Matthew J. Reagor, Eric Hulburd","title":"Evaluating quantum generative models via imbalanced data classification\n benchmarks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A limited set of tools exist for assessing whether the behavior of quantum\nmachine learning models diverges from conventional models, outside of abstract\nor theoretical settings. We present a systematic application of explainable\nartificial intelligence techniques to analyze synthetic data generated from a\nhybrid quantum-classical neural network adapted from twenty different\nreal-world data sets, including solar flares, cardiac arrhythmia, and speech\ndata. Each of these data sets exhibits varying degrees of complexity and class\nimbalance. We benchmark the quantum-generated data relative to state-of-the-art\nmethods for mitigating class imbalance for associated classification tasks. We\nleverage this approach to elucidate the qualities of a problem that make it\nmore or less likely to be amenable to a hybrid quantum-classical generative\nmodel.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:46:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Enos","Graham R.",""],["Reagor","Matthew J.",""],["Hulburd","Eric",""]]} {"id":"2308.10848","submitter":"Weize Chen","authors":"Weize Chen, Yusheng Su, Jingwei Zuo, Cheng Yang, Chenfei Yuan, Chen\n Qian, Chi-Min Chan, Yujia Qin, Yaxi Lu, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong\n Sun, Jie Zhou","title":"AgentVerse: Facilitating Multi-Agent Collaboration and Exploring\n Emergent Behaviors in Agents","comments":"Work in progress","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Autonomous agents empowered by Large Language Models (LLMs) have undergone\nsignificant improvements, enabling them to generalize across a broad spectrum\nof tasks. However, in real-world scenarios, cooperation among individuals is\noften required to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of task\naccomplishment. Hence, inspired by human group dynamics, we propose a\nmulti-agent framework \\framework that can collaboratively and dynamically\nadjust its composition as a greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts system. Our\nexperiments demonstrate that \\framework framework can effectively deploy\nmulti-agent groups that outperform a single agent. Furthermore, we delve into\nthe emergence of social behaviors among individual agents within a group during\ncollaborative task accomplishment. In view of these behaviors, we discuss some\npossible strategies to leverage positive ones and mitigate negative ones for\nimproving the collaborative potential of multi-agent groups. Our codes for\n\\framework will soon be released at\n\\url{https://github.com/OpenBMB/AgentVerse}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:47:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Weize",""],["Su","Yusheng",""],["Zuo","Jingwei",""],["Yang","Cheng",""],["Yuan","Chenfei",""],["Qian","Chen",""],["Chan","Chi-Min",""],["Qin","Yujia",""],["Lu","Yaxi",""],["Xie","Ruobing",""],["Liu","Zhiyuan",""],["Sun","Maosong",""],["Zhou","Jie",""]]} {"id":"2308.10849","submitter":"Gabriele Bruell","authors":"Gabriele Bruell and Long Pei","title":"Existence, regularity, and symmetry of periodic traveling waves for\n Gardner-Ostrovsky type equations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We study the existence, regularity, and symmetry of periodic traveling\nsolutions to a class of Gardner-Ostrovsky type equations, including the\nclassical Gardner-Ostrovsky equation, the (modified) Ostrovsky, and the reduced\n(modified) Ostrovsky equation. The modified Ostrovsky equation is also known as\nthe short pulse equation. The Gardner-Ostrovsky equation is a model for\ninternal ocean waves of large amplitude. We prove the existence of nontrivial,\nperiodic traveling wave solutions using local bifurcation theory, where the\nwave speed serves as the bifurcation parameter. Moreover, we give a regularity\nanalysis for periodic traveling solutions in the presence as well as absence of\nBoussinesq dispersion. We see that the presence of Boussinesq dispersion\nimplies smoothness of periodic traveling wave solutions, while its absence may\nlead to singularities in the form of peaks or cusps. Eventually, we study the\nsymmetry of periodic traveling solutions by the method of moving planes. A\nnovel feature of the symmetry results in the absence of Boussinesq dispersion\nis that we do not need to impose a traditional monotonicity condition or a\nrecently developed reflection criterion on the wave profiles to prove the\nstatement on the symmetry of periodic traveling waves.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:47:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bruell","Gabriele",""],["Pei","Long",""]]} {"id":"2308.10850","submitter":"Ziqi Niu","authors":"Ziqi Niu, Yue Jiang, Jianming Wen, Chuanwei Zhang, Shengwang Du, Irina\n Novikova","title":"Four-wave mixing with anti-parity-time symmetry in hot $^{85}$Rb vapor","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report an experimental demonstration of anti-parity-time (anti-PT)\nsymmetric optical four-wave mixing in thermal Rubidium vapor, where the\npropagation of two conjugate optical fields in a double-$\\Lambda$ scheme is\ngoverned by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We are particularly interested in\nstudying quantum intensity correlations between the two conjugate fields near\nthe exceptional point, taking into account loss and accompanied Langevin noise.\nOur experimental measurements of classical four-wave mixing gain and the\nassociated two-mode relative-intensity squeezing are in reasonable agreement\nwith the theoretical predictions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:47:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Niu","Ziqi",""],["Jiang","Yue",""],["Wen","Jianming",""],["Zhang","Chuanwei",""],["Du","Shengwang",""],["Novikova","Irina",""]]} {"id":"2308.10851","submitter":"Omar Makke","authors":"Omar Makke and Feng Lin","title":"Learning in Dynamic Systems and Its Application to Adaptive PID Control","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep learning using neural networks has revolutionized machine learning and\nput artificial intelligence into everyday life. In order to introduce\nself-learning to dynamic systems other than neural networks, we extend the\nBrandt-Lin learning algorithm of neural networks to a large class of dynamic\nsystems. This extension is possible because the Brandt-Lin algorithm does not\nrequire a dedicated step to back-propagate the errors in neural networks. To\nthis end, we first generalize signal-flow graphs so that they can be used to\nmodel nonlinear systems as well as linear systems. We then derive the extended\nBrandt-Lin algorithm that can be used to adapt the weights of branches in\ngeneralized signal-flow graphs. We show the applications of the new algorithm\nby applying it to adaptive PID control. In particular, we derive a new\nadaptation law for PID controllers. We verify the effectiveness of the method\nusing simulations for linear and nonlinear plants, stable as well as unstable\nplants.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:48:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Makke","Omar",""],["Lin","Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.10852","submitter":"William Bennett","authors":"William Bennett and Ryan G. McClarren","title":"Uncertainty benchmarks for time-dependent transport problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Uncertainty quantification results are presented for a well known\nverification solution, the time dependent transport infinite plane pulse. The\nmethod of polynomial chaos expansions (PCE) is employed for quick and accurate\ncalculation of the quantities of interest. Also, the method of uncollided\nsolutions is used in this problem to treat part of the uncertainty calculation\nanalytically.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:48:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bennett","William",""],["McClarren","Ryan G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10853","submitter":"Alex Iosevich","authors":"Paige Bright, Xinyu Fang, Barrett Heritage, Alex Iosevich, Tingsong\n Jiang, Hans Parshall, and Maxwell Sun","title":"Generalized point configurations in ${\\mathbb F}_q^d$","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1802.06460","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we generalize \\cite{IosevichParshall}, \\cite{LongPaths} and\n\\cite{cycles} by allowing the \\emph{distance} between two points in a finite\nfield vector space to be defined by a general non-degenerate bilinear form or\nquadratic form. We prove the same bounds on the sizes of large subsets of\n$\\F_q^d$ for them to contain distance graphs with a given maximal vertex\ndegree, under the more general notion of distance. We also prove the same\nresults for embedding paths, trees and cycles in the general setting.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:49:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bright","Paige",""],["Fang","Xinyu",""],["Heritage","Barrett",""],["Iosevich","Alex",""],["Jiang","Tingsong",""],["Parshall","Hans",""],["Sun","Maxwell",""]]} {"id":"2308.10854","submitter":"Zeke Insepov","authors":"B. Zhumabay, R. Dagarbek, D. Kantarbayeva, I. Nevmerzhitsky, B.\n Rakymetov, A. Serikkanov, Zh. Alsar, K.B. Tynyshtykbayev, and Z. Insepov","title":"Thermophysical Characteristics of the Porous Silicon Samples Formed by\n Electrochemical, Chemical and Combined Etching Methods","comments":"20 pages, 8 Figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The article addresses the thermophysical properties of porous silicon (PS)\nsamples produced through electrochemical (EC), metal-assisted chemical (MACE),\nand combined (MACE + EC) etching methods. The PS/MACE+EC sample's\nthermophysical properties exhibited higher values than both the PS/EC and\nPS/MACE. The energy activity associated with the process of water splitting on\nthe surface of porous silicon (PS) formed by the metal-assisted chemical\netching (MACE) combined with the electrochemical etching (EC) method is found\nto be more significant compared to the PS samples prepared using only EC or\nMACE techniques. The combined MACE/EC method is considered the most effective\ntechnique for obtaining PS with a nanoporous silicon surface, which has the\nhighest energy activity in water-splitting processes. The activation energy\nrequired for water splitting, denoted as Ea (PS/MACE+EC), exhibits a higher\nvalue compared to the activation energies observed for the Ea (PS/EC) and Ea\n(PS/MACE) samples. The inclusion of nickel (Ni) particles within the pores of\nporous silicon (PS) serves to stabilize the thermophysical properties of\nthe material. Consequently, this prevents substantial alterations in the\nthermal characteristics of PS compared to PS without nickel in its pores.\nThe samples containing nickel (PS/MACE) and PS/MACE+EC exhibit long-term\npreservation of their energy activity (Ea) for one year. This phenomenon occurs\ndue to the presence of nickel-containing nanopores within the samples. The\narticle additionally examines the thermophysical properties of porous silicon\n(PS) in comparison to crystalline silicon (c-Si) and powdered silicon\n(powder-Si).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:49:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhumabay","B.",""],["Dagarbek","R.",""],["Kantarbayeva","D.",""],["Nevmerzhitsky","I.",""],["Rakymetov","B.",""],["Serikkanov","A.",""],["Alsar","Zh.",""],["Tynyshtykbayev","K. B.",""],["Insepov","Z.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10855","submitter":"Shulin Huang","authors":"Shulin Huang, Shirong Ma, Yinghui Li, Mengzuo Huang, Wuhe Zou, Weidong\n Zhang, Hai-Tao Zheng","title":"LatEval: An Interactive LLMs Evaluation Benchmark with Incomplete\n Information from Lateral Thinking Puzzles","comments":"Work in progress","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" With the continuous evolution and refinement of LLMs, they are endowed with\nimpressive logical reasoning or vertical thinking capabilities. But can they\nthink out of the box? Do they possess proficient lateral thinking abilities?\nFollowing the setup of Lateral Thinking Puzzles, we propose a novel evaluation\nbenchmark, LatEval, which assesses the model's lateral thinking within an\ninteractive framework. In our benchmark, we challenge LLMs with 2 aspects: the\nquality of questions posed by the model and the model's capability to integrate\ninformation for problem-solving. We find that nearly all LLMs struggle with\nemploying lateral thinking during interactions. For example, even the most\nadvanced model, GPT-4, exhibits the advantage to some extent, yet still\nmaintain a noticeable gap when compared to human. This evaluation benchmark\nprovides LLMs with a highly challenging and distinctive task that is crucial to\nan effective AI assistant.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:49:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Shulin",""],["Ma","Shirong",""],["Li","Yinghui",""],["Huang","Mengzuo",""],["Zou","Wuhe",""],["Zhang","Weidong",""],["Zheng","Hai-Tao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10856","submitter":"Aobo Li","authors":"I.J. Arnquist, F.T. Avignone III, A.S. Barabash, C.J. Barton, K.H.\n Bhimani, E. Blalock, B. Bos, M. Busch, M. Buuck, T.S. Caldwell, Y.-D. Chan,\n C.D. Christofferson, P.-H. Chu, M.L. Clark, C. Cuesta, J.A. Detwiler, Yu.\n Efremenko, H. Ejiri, S.R. Elliott, N. Fuad, G.K. Giovanetti, M.P. Green, J.\n Gruszko, I.S. Guinn, V.E. Guiseppe, C.R. Haufe, R. Henning, D. Hervas\n Aguilar, E.W. Hoppe, A. Hostiuc, M.F. Kidd, I. Kim, R.T. Kouzes, T.E. Lannen\n V, A. Li, J.M. Lopez-Castano, R.D. Martin, R. Massarczyk, S.J. Meijer, S.\n Mertens, T.K. Oli, L.S. Paudel, W. Pettus, A.W.P. Poon, B. Quenallata, D.C.\n Radford, A.L. Reine, K. Rielage, N.W. Ruof, D.C. Schaper, S.J. Schleich, D.\n Tedeschi, R.L. Varner, S. Vasilyev, S.L. Watkins, J.F. Wilkerson, C. Wiseman,\n W. Xu, C.-H. Yu, and B.X. Zhu","title":"Majorana Demonstrator Data Release for AI/ML Applications","comments":"Zenodo DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8257027","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG nucl-ex physics.data-an physics.ins-det","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The enclosed data release consists of a subset of the calibration data from\nthe Majorana Demonstrator experiment. Each Majorana event is accompanied by raw\nGermanium detector waveforms, pulse shape discrimination cuts, and calibrated\nfinal energies, all shared in an HDF5 file format along with relevant metadata.\nThis release is specifically designed to support the training and testing of\nArtificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms upon our\ndata. This document is structured as follows. Section I provides an overview of\nthe dataset's content and format; Section II outlines the location of this\ndataset and the method for accessing it; Section III presents the NPML Machine\nLearning Challenge associated with this dataset; Section IV contains a\ndisclaimer from the Majorana collaboration regarding the use of this dataset;\nAppendix A contains technical details of this data release. Please direct\nquestions about the material provided within this release to liaobo77@ucsd.edu\n(A. Li).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:50:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:31:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Arnquist","I. J.",""],["Avignone","F. T.","III"],["Barabash","A. S.",""],["Barton","C. J.",""],["Bhimani","K. H.",""],["Blalock","E.",""],["Bos","B.",""],["Busch","M.",""],["Buuck","M.",""],["Caldwell","T. S.",""],["Chan","Y. -D.",""],["Christofferson","C. D.",""],["Chu","P. -H.",""],["Clark","M. L.",""],["Cuesta","C.",""],["Detwiler","J. A.",""],["Efremenko","Yu.",""],["Ejiri","H.",""],["Elliott","S. R.",""],["Fuad","N.",""],["Giovanetti","G. K.",""],["Green","M. P.",""],["Gruszko","J.",""],["Guinn","I. S.",""],["Guiseppe","V. E.",""],["Haufe","C. R.",""],["Henning","R.",""],["Aguilar","D. Hervas",""],["Hoppe","E. W.",""],["Hostiuc","A.",""],["Kidd","M. F.",""],["Kim","I.",""],["Kouzes","R. T.",""],["Lannen","T. E.","V"],["Li","A.",""],["Lopez-Castano","J. M.",""],["Martin","R. D.",""],["Massarczyk","R.",""],["Meijer","S. J.",""],["Mertens","S.",""],["Oli","T. K.",""],["Paudel","L. S.",""],["Pettus","W.",""],["Poon","A. W. P.",""],["Quenallata","B.",""],["Radford","D. C.",""],["Reine","A. L.",""],["Rielage","K.",""],["Ruof","N. W.",""],["Schaper","D. C.",""],["Schleich","S. J.",""],["Tedeschi","D.",""],["Varner","R. L.",""],["Vasilyev","S.",""],["Watkins","S. L.",""],["Wilkerson","J. F.",""],["Wiseman","C.",""],["Xu","W.",""],["Yu","C. -H.",""],["Zhu","B. X.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10857","submitter":"Thomas Drury","authors":"Thomas Drury, Juan J Abellan, Nicky Best, Ian R. White","title":"Estimation of treatment policy estimands for continuous outcomes using\n off treatment sequential multiple imputation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The estimands framework outlined in ICH E9 (R1) describes the components\nneeded to precisely define the effects to be estimated in clinical trials,\nwhich includes how post-baseline \"intercurrent\" events (IEs) are to be handled.\nIn late-stage clinical trials, it is common to handle intercurrent events like\n\"treatment discontinuation\" using the treatment policy strategy and target the\ntreatment effect on all outcomes regardless of treatment discontinuation. For\ncontinuous repeated measures, this type of effect is often estimated using all\nobserved data before and after discontinuation using either a mixed model for\nrepeated measures (MMRM) or multiple imputation (MI) to handle any missing\ndata. In basic form, both of these estimation methods ignore treatment\ndiscontinuation in the analysis and therefore may be biased if there are\ndifferences in patient outcomes after treatment discontinuation compared to\npatients still assigned to treatment, and missing data being more common for\npatients who have discontinued treatment. We therefore propose and evaluate a\nset of MI models that can accommodate differences between outcomes before and\nafter treatment discontinuation. The models are evaluated in the context of\nplanning a phase 3 trial for a respiratory disease. We show that analyses\nignoring treatment discontinuation can introduce substantial bias and can\nsometimes underestimate variability. We also show that some of the MI models\nproposed can successfully correct the bias but inevitably lead to increases in\nvariance. We conclude that some of the proposed MI models are preferable to the\ntraditional analysis ignoring treatment discontinuation, but the precise choice\nof MI model will likely depend on the trial design, disease of interest and\namount of observed and missing data following treatment discontinuation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:55:00 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 10:50:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Drury","Thomas",""],["Abellan","Juan J",""],["Best","Nicky",""],["White","Ian R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10858","submitter":"Lee Alacoque","authors":"Lee R. Alacoque (1), Anurag Bhattacharyya (2), Kai A. James (3) ((1)\n University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, (2) Palo Alto Research Center, (3)\n Georgia Institute of Technology)","title":"Compliant Mechanism Synthesis Using Nonlinear Elastic Topology\n Optimization with Variable Boundary Conditions","comments":"30 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In topology optimization of compliant mechanisms, the specific placement of\nboundary conditions strongly affects the resulting material distribution and\nperformance of the design. At the same time, the most effective locations of\nthe loads and supports are often difficult to find manually. This substantially\nlimits topology optimization's effectiveness for many mechanism design\nproblems. We remove this limitation by developing a method which automatically\ndetermines optimal positioning of a prescribed input displacement and a set of\nsupports simultaneously with an optimal material layout. Using nonlinear\nelastic physics, we synthesize a variety of compliant mechanisms with large\noutput displacements, snap-through responses, and prescribed output paths,\nproducing designs with significantly improved performance in every case tested.\nCompared to optimal designs generated using best-guess boundary conditions used\nin previous studies, the mechanisms presented in this paper see performance\nincreases ranging from 23%-430%. The results show that nonlinear mechanism\nresponses may be particularly sensitive to boundary condition locations and\nthat effective placements can be difficult to find without an automated method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:56:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Alacoque","Lee R.",""],["Bhattacharyya","Anurag",""],["James","Kai A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10859","submitter":"Simon Becker","authors":"Simon Becker, Tristan Humbert, Jens Wittsten, Mengxuan Yang","title":"Chiral limit of twisted trilayer graphene","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el math.AP math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We initiate the mathematical study of the Bistritzer-MacDonald Hamiltonian\nfor twisted trilayer graphene in the chiral limit (and beyond). We develop a\nspectral theoretic approach to investigate the presence of flat bands under\nspecific magic parameters. This allows us to derive trace formulae that show\nthat the tunnelling parameters that lead to flat bands are nowhere continuous\nas functions of the twisting angles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:59:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Becker","Simon",""],["Humbert","Tristan",""],["Wittsten","Jens",""],["Yang","Mengxuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10860","submitter":"Yanzeng Zhang","authors":"Yanzeng Zhang and Jun Li and Xianzhu Tang","title":"Electron heat flux and propagating fronts in plasma thermal quench via\n ambipolar transport","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The thermal collapse of a nearly collisionless plasma interacting with a\ncooling spot, in which the electron parallel heat flux plays an essential role,\nis investigated both theoretically and numerically. We show that such thermal\ncollapse, which is known as thermal quench in tokamaks, comes about in the form\nof propagating fronts, originating from the cooling spot, along the magnetic\nfield lines. The slow fronts, propagating with local ion sound speed, limit the\naggressive cooling of plasma, which is accompanied by a plasma cooling flow\ntoward the cooling spot. The extraordinary physics underlying such a cooling\nflow is that the fundamental constraint of ambipolar transport along the field\nline limits the spatial gradient of electron thermal conduction flux to the\nmuch weaker convective scaling, as opposed to the free-streaming scaling, so\nthat a large electron temperature and hence pressure gradient can be sustained.\nThe last ion front for a radiative cooling spot is a shock front where cold but\nflowing ions meet the hot ions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:03:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yanzeng",""],["Li","Jun",""],["Tang","Xianzhu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10861","submitter":"Romain Aza\\\"is","authors":"Farah Ben Naoum, Christophe Godin, Romain Aza\\\"is","title":"Characterization of random walks on space of unordered trees using\n efficient metric simulation","comments":"26 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS cs.DM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The simple random walk on $\\mathbb{Z}^p$ shows two drastically different\nbehaviours depending on the value of $p$: it is recurrent when $p\\in\\{1,2\\}$\nwhile it escapes (with a rate increasing with $p$) as soon as $p\\geq3$. This\nclassical example illustrates that the asymptotic properties of a random walk\nprovides some information on the structure of its state space. This paper aims\nto explore analogous questions on space made up of combinatorial objects with\nno algebraic structure. We take as a model for this problem the space of\nunordered unlabeled rooted trees endowed with Zhang edit distance. To this end,\nit defines the canonical unbiased random walk on the space of trees and\nprovides an efficient algorithm to evaluate its escape rate. Compared to Zhang\nalgorithm, it is incremental and computes the edit distance along the random\nwalk approximately 100 times faster on trees of size $500$ on average. The\nescape rate of the random walk on trees is precisely estimated using intensive\nnumerical simulations, out of reasonable reach without the incremental\nalgorithm.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:04:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Naoum","Farah Ben",""],["Godin","Christophe",""],["Aza\u00efs","Romain",""]]} {"id":"2308.10862","submitter":"Carlos Navarrete","authors":"Carlos Navarrete and Mariana Macedo and Viktor Stojkoski and Marcela\n Parada","title":"Election Polarization: Mapping citizen divisions through elections","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY physics.soc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Elections can unveil citizens' enthusiasm and discomfort concerning political\ncandidates, parties, and issues. While a substantial body of literature studies\nthe election outcomes from the perspective of winners and losers, an\nunder-explored condition to understand societal divisions emerges from citizen\nvoting patterns. Here, we examine the concept of Election Polarization (EP) as\na measure of citizens' divisions on Election Day. We present an agnostic\napproach that relies exclusively on election data and considers the\ncompetitiveness of candidates (Between-EP) and their voting dispersion\nthroughout a territory (Within-EP). We use both synthetic data and presidential\nelection results from France, Chile, and the United States to show that our\napproach successfully identified theoretical expectations of ``polarized''\nelections. Furthermore, we validate its robustness over the election type,\naggregation scale, use of abstentions/spoilt votes, and the number of\ncandidates. Finally, our analysis reveals that state-level Within-EP and\nBetween-EP in the U.S. are positively associated with political polarization\nand political interest, respectively, shedding light that EP could potentially\nencompass a simple and reliable measure of quasi-political polarization,\nopening the opportunity of studying this phenomenon both for regional level and\nlower/middle-income countries without electoral surveys.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 18:06:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Navarrete","Carlos",""],["Macedo","Mariana",""],["Stojkoski","Viktor",""],["Parada","Marcela",""]]} {"id":"2308.10863","submitter":"Qiao Yang","authors":"Qiao Yang, Yu-Biao Wu, Lin Zhuang, Ji-Min Zhao, Wu-Ming Liu","title":"Lorentz-Invariant Interactions in Honeycomb Lattice with Hubbard\n Interaction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We derive Lorentz-invariant four-fermion interactions, including\nNambu-Jona-Lasinio type and superconducting type, which are widely studied in\nhigh-energy physics, from the honeycomb lattice Hamiltonian with Hubbard\ninteraction. We investigate the phase transitions induced by these two\ninteractions and consider the effects of the chemical potential and magnetic\nflux (Haldane mass term) on these phase transitions. We find that the\ncharge-density-wave and superconductivity generated by the attractive\ninteractions are mainly controlled by the chemical potential, while the\nmagnetic flux delimits the domain of phase transition. Our analysis underscores\nthe influence of the initial topological state on the phase transitions, a\nfacet largely overlooked in prior studies. We present experimental protocols\nusing cold atoms to verify our theoretical results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:08:23 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 09:43:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Qiao",""],["Wu","Yu-Biao",""],["Zhuang","Lin",""],["Zhao","Ji-Min",""],["Liu","Wu-Ming",""]]} {"id":"2308.10864","submitter":"Ludovico Theo Giorgini","authors":"Ludovico Theo Giorgini, Andre N. Souza, Peter J. Schmid","title":"Clustering of Dynamical Systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nlin.CD","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we address the problem of community detection in a graph whose\nconnectivity is given by probabilities (denoted by numbers between zero and\none) rather than an adjacency matrix (only 0 or 1). The graphs themselves come\nfrom partitions of a dynamical system's state space where the probabilities\ndenote likely transition pathways for dynamics. We propose a modification of\nthe Leicht-Newman algorithm \\cite{Leicht2008} which is able to automatically\ndetect communities of strongly intra-connected points in state space, from\nwhich information about the residence time of the system and its principal\nperiodicities can be extracted. Furthermore, a novel algorithm to construct the\ntransition rate matrix of a dynamical system which encodes the time dependency\nof its Perron-Frobenius operator, is developed. Crucially, it overcomes the\nissue of time-scale separation stemming from the matrix construction based on\n{\\it{infinitesimal}} generators and the exploration of {\\it{long-term}}\nfeatures of the underlying dynamical system. This method is then tested on a\nrange of dynamical systems and datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:08:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Giorgini","Ludovico Theo",""],["Souza","Andre N.",""],["Schmid","Peter J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10865","submitter":"Simon Blouin","authors":"Simon Blouin, Falk Herwig, Huaqing Mao, Pavel Denissenkov, Paul R.\n Woodward","title":"3D hydrodynamics simulations of a 3 $M_{\\odot}$ core-helium burning star","comments":"Submitted to MNRAS. Movies available at https://www.ppmstar.org","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The inner structure of core-helium burning (CHeB) stars remains uncertain due\nto the yet unknown nature of mixing at the boundary of their cores. Large\nconvective cores beyond a bare Schwarzschild model are favoured both from\ntheoretical arguments and from asteroseismological constraints. However, the\nexact nature of this extra mixing, and in particular the possible presence of\nsemiconvective layers, is still debated. In this work, we approach this problem\nthrough a new avenue by performing the first full-sphere 3D hydrodynamics\nsimulations of the interiors of CHeB stars. We use the PPMstar explicit gas\ndynamics code to simulate the inner 0.45 $M_{\\odot}$ of a 3 $M_{\\odot}$ CHeB\nstar. Simulations are performed using different Cartesian grid resolutions\n(768$^3$, 1152$^3$ and 1728$^3$) and heating rates. We use two different\ninitial states, one based on MESA's predictive mixing scheme (which yields a\nlarge overshoot region) and one based on the convective premixing approach\n(which exhibits a semiconvective interface). The general behaviour of the flow\nin the convective core and in the stable envelope (where internal gravity waves\nare observed) is consistent with our recent simulations of core convection in\nmassive main-sequence stars, and so are the various scaling relations. The\nsemiconvective layers are dominated by strong internal gravity waves that do\nnot produce measurable species mixing, but overshooting motions from the\nconvective core gradually homogenize the semiconvective interface. This process\ncan possibly completely erase the semiconvective layers, which would imply that\nCHeB stars do not harbour a semiconvection zone.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:09:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Blouin","Simon",""],["Herwig","Falk",""],["Mao","Huaqing",""],["Denissenkov","Pavel",""],["Woodward","Paul R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10866","submitter":"Gabriela Marques G.A.Marques","authors":"Gabriela A. Marques, Jia Liu, Masato Shirasaki, Leander Thiele,\n Daniela Grand\\'on, Kevin M. Huffenberger, Sihao Cheng, Joachim\n Harnois-D\\'eraps, Ken Osato, William R. Coulton","title":"Cosmology from weak lensing peaks and minima with Subaru Hyper\n Suprime-Cam survey first-year data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present cosmological constraints derived from peak counts, minimum counts,\nand the angular power spectrum of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam first-year (HSC\nY1) weak lensing shear catalog. Weak lensing peak and minimum counts contain\nnon-Gaussian information and hence are complementary to the conventional\ntwo-point statistics in constraining cosmology. In this work, we forward-model\nthe three summary statistics and their dependence on cosmology, using a suite\nof $N$-body simulations tailored to the HSC Y1 data. We investigate systematic\nand astrophysical effects including intrinsic alignments, baryon feedback,\nmultiplicative bias, and photometric redshift uncertainties. We mitigate the\nimpact of these systematics by applying cuts on angular scales, smoothing\nscales, statistic bins, and tomographic redshift bins. By combining peaks,\nminima, and the power spectrum, assuming a flat-$\\Lambda$CDM model, we obtain\n$S_{8} \\equiv \\sigma_8\\sqrt{\\Omega_m/0.3}= 0.810^{+0.022}_{-0.026}$, a 35\\%\ntighter constraint than that obtained from the angular power spectrum alone.\nOur results are in agreement with other studies using HSC weak lensing shear\ndata, as well as with Planck 2018 cosmology and recent CMB lensing constraints\nfrom the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the South Pole Telescope.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:09:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Marques","Gabriela A.",""],["Liu","Jia",""],["Shirasaki","Masato",""],["Thiele","Leander",""],["Grand\u00f3n","Daniela",""],["Huffenberger","Kevin M.",""],["Cheng","Sihao",""],["Harnois-D\u00e9raps","Joachim",""],["Osato","Ken",""],["Coulton","William R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10867","submitter":"L\\'aszl\\'o Sz\\'ekelyhidi","authors":"L\\'aszl\\'o Sz\\'ekelyhidi","title":"Spectral Synthesis on Direct Products","comments":"arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2307.16016","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In a former paper we introduced the concept of localisation of ideals in the\nFourier algebra of a locally compact Abelian group. It turns out that\nlocalisability of a closed ideal in the Fourier algebra is equivalent to the\nsynthesisability of the annihilator of that closed ideal which corresponds to\nthis ideal in the measure algebra. This equivalence provides an effective tool\nto prove synthesisability of varieties on locally compact Abelian groups. In\nanother paper we used this method to show that when investigating\nsynthesisability of a variety, roughly speaking, compact elements of the group\ncan be neglected. Using these results, in this paper we completely characterise\nthose locally compact Abelian groups on which spectral synthesis holds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:12:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sz\u00e9kelyhidi","L\u00e1szl\u00f3",""]]} {"id":"2308.10868","submitter":"Angelos Angelopoulos","authors":"Nikos Chrisochoides, Andriy Fedorov, Fotis Drakopoulos, Andriy Kot,\n Yixun Liu, Panos Foteinos, Angelos Angelopoulos, Olivier Clatz, Nicholas\n Ayache, Peter M. Black, Alex J. Golby, Ron Kikinis","title":"Advancing Intra-operative Precision: Dynamic Data-Driven Non-Rigid\n Registration for Enhanced Brain Tumor Resection in Image-Guided Neurosurgery","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" During neurosurgery, medical images of the brain are used to locate tumors\nand critical structures, but brain tissue shifts make pre-operative images\nunreliable for accurate removal of tumors. Intra-operative imaging can track\nthese deformations but is not a substitute for pre-operative data. To address\nthis, we use Dynamic Data-Driven Non-Rigid Registration (NRR), a complex and\ntime-consuming image processing operation that adjusts the pre-operative image\ndata to account for intra-operative brain shift. Our review explores a specific\nNRR method for registering brain MRI during image-guided neurosurgery and\nexamines various strategies for improving the accuracy and speed of the NRR\nmethod. We demonstrate that our implementation enables NRR results to be\ndelivered within clinical time constraints while leveraging Distributed\nComputing and Machine Learning to enhance registration accuracy by identifying\noptimal parameters for the NRR method. Additionally, we highlight challenges\nassociated with its use in the operating room.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 03:33:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chrisochoides","Nikos",""],["Fedorov","Andriy",""],["Drakopoulos","Fotis",""],["Kot","Andriy",""],["Liu","Yixun",""],["Foteinos","Panos",""],["Angelopoulos","Angelos",""],["Clatz","Olivier",""],["Ayache","Nicholas",""],["Black","Peter M.",""],["Golby","Alex J.",""],["Kikinis","Ron",""]]} {"id":"2308.10869","submitter":"Nibraas Khan","authors":"Nibraas Khan, Mahrukh Tauseef, Ritam Ghosh, Nilanjan Sarkar","title":"A Novel Loss Function Utilizing Wasserstein Distance to Reduce\n Subject-Dependent Noise for Generalizable Models in Affective Computing","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Emotions are an essential part of human behavior that can impact thinking,\ndecision-making, and communication skills. Thus, the ability to accurately\nmonitor and identify emotions can be useful in many human-centered applications\nsuch as behavioral training, tracking emotional well-being, and development of\nhuman-computer interfaces. The correlation between patterns in physiological\ndata and affective states has allowed for the utilization of deep learning\ntechniques which can accurately detect the affective states of a person.\nHowever, the generalisability of existing models is often limited by the\nsubject-dependent noise in the physiological data due to variations in a\nsubject's reactions to stimuli. Hence, we propose a novel cost function that\nemploys Optimal Transport Theory, specifically Wasserstein Distance, to scale\nthe importance of subject-dependent data such that higher importance is\nassigned to patterns in data that are common across all participants while\ndecreasing the importance of patterns that result from subject-dependent noise.\nThe performance of the proposed cost function is demonstrated through an\nautoencoder with a multi-class classifier attached to the latent space and\ntrained simultaneously to detect different affective states. An autoencoder\nwith a state-of-the-art loss function i.e., Mean Squared Error, is used as a\nbaseline for comparison with our model across four different commonly used\ndatasets. Centroid and minimum distance between different classes are used as a\nmetrics to indicate the separation between different classes in the latent\nspace. An average increase of 14.75% and 17.75% (from benchmark to proposed\nloss function) was found for minimum and centroid euclidean distance\nrespectively over all datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 01:15:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Khan","Nibraas",""],["Tauseef","Mahrukh",""],["Ghosh","Ritam",""],["Sarkar","Nilanjan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10871","submitter":"Charlie Sire Mr","authors":"Charlie Sire and Yann Richet and Rodolphe Le Riche and Didier\n Rulli\\`ere and J\\'er\\'emy Rohmer and Lucie Pheulpin","title":"FunQuant: A R package to perform quantization in the context of rare\n events and time-consuming simulations","comments":"7 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Journal Of Open Source Software","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.CO cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Quantization summarizes continuous distributions by calculating a discrete\napproximation. Among the widely adopted methods for data quantization is\nLloyd's algorithm, which partitions the space into Vorono\\\"i cells, that can be\nseen as clusters, and constructs a discrete distribution based on their\ncentroids and probabilistic masses. Lloyd's algorithm estimates the optimal\ncentroids in a minimal expected distance sense, but this approach poses\nsignificant challenges in scenarios where data evaluation is costly, and\nrelates to rare events. Then, the single cluster associated to no event takes\nthe majority of the probability mass. In this context, a metamodel is required\nand adapted sampling methods are necessary to increase the precision of the\ncomputations on the rare clusters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 08:34:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sire","Charlie",""],["Richet","Yann",""],["Riche","Rodolphe Le",""],["Rulli\u00e8re","Didier",""],["Rohmer","J\u00e9r\u00e9my",""],["Pheulpin","Lucie",""]]} {"id":"2308.10872","submitter":"Maryam Khosravi","authors":"B. Bagheri Gh., M. Khosravi, E. S. Mahmoodian and S. Rashidi","title":"A study of $4-$cycle systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A $4-$cycle system is a partition of the edges of the complete graph $K_n$\ninto $4-$cycles. Let ${ C}$ be a collection of cycles of length 4 whose edges\npartition the edges of $K_n$. A set of 4-cycles $T_1 \\subset C$ is called a\n4-cycle trade if there exists a set $T_2$ of edge-disjoint 4-cycles on the same\nvertices, such that $({C} \\setminus T_1)\\cup T_2$ also is a collection of\ncycles of length 4 whose edges partition the edges of $K_n$.\n We study $4-$cycle trades of volume two (double-diamonds) and three and show\nthat the set of all 4-CS(9) is connected with respect of trading with trades of\nvolume 2 (double-diamond) and 3.\n In addition, we present a full rank matrix whose null-space is containing\ntrade-vectors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:18:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Gh.","B. Bagheri",""],["Khosravi","M.",""],["Mahmoodian","E. S.",""],["Rashidi","S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10873","submitter":"Malyaban Bal","authors":"Malyaban Bal, Abhronil Sengupta","title":"SpikingBERT: Distilling BERT to Train Spiking Language Models Using\n Implicit Differentiation","comments":"Under Review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Large language Models (LLMs), though growing exceedingly powerful, comprises\nof orders of magnitude less neurons and synapses than the human brain. However,\nit requires significantly more power/energy to operate. In this work, we\npropose a novel bio-inspired spiking language model (LM) which aims to reduce\nthe computational cost of conventional LMs by drawing motivation from the\nsynaptic information flow in the brain. In this paper, we demonstrate a\nframework that leverages the average spiking rate of neurons at equilibrium to\ntrain a neuromorphic spiking LM using implicit differentiation technique,\nthereby overcoming the non-differentiability problem of spiking neural network\n(SNN) based algorithms without using any type of surrogate gradient. The\nsteady-state convergence of the spiking neurons also allows us to design a\nspiking attention mechanism, which is critical in developing a scalable spiking\nLM. Moreover, the convergence of average spiking rate of neurons at equilibrium\nis utilized to develop a novel ANN-SNN knowledge distillation based technique\nwherein we use a pre-trained BERT model as \"teacher\" to train our \"student\"\nspiking architecture. While the primary architecture proposed in this paper is\nmotivated by BERT, the technique can be potentially extended to different kinds\nof LLMs. Our work is the first one to demonstrate the performance of an\noperational spiking LM architecture on multiple different tasks in the GLUE\nbenchmark.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:20:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bal","Malyaban",""],["Sengupta","Abhronil",""]]} {"id":"2308.10874","submitter":"Sumeet Sohan Singh","authors":"Sumeet S. Singh","title":"Analyzing Transformer Dynamics as Movement through Embedding Space","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL cs.NE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Transformer language models exhibit intelligent behaviors such as\nunderstanding natural language, recognizing patterns, acquiring knowledge,\nreasoning, planning, reflecting and using tools. This paper explores how their\nunderlying mechanics give rise to intelligent behaviors. We adopt a systems\napproach to analyze Transformers in detail and develop a mathematical framework\nthat frames their dynamics as movement through embedding space. This novel\nperspective provides a principled way of thinking about the problem and reveals\nimportant insights related to the emergence of intelligence:\n 1. At its core the Transformer is a Embedding Space walker, mapping\nintelligent behavior to trajectories in this vector space.\n 2. At each step of the walk, it composes context into a single composite\nvector whose location in Embedding Space defines the next step.\n 3. No learning actually occurs during decoding; in-context learning and\ngeneralization are simply the result of different contexts composing into\ndifferent vectors.\n 4. Ultimately the knowledge, intelligence and skills exhibited by the model\nare embodied in the organization of vectors in Embedding Space rather than in\nspecific neurons or layers. These abilities are properties of this\norganization.\n 5. Attention's contribution boils down to the association-bias it lends to\nvector composition and which influences the aforementioned organization.\nHowever, more investigation is needed to ascertain its significance.\n 6. The entire model is composed from two principal operations: data\nindependent filtering and data dependent aggregation. This generalization\nunifies Transformers with other sequence models and across modalities.\n Building upon this foundation we formalize and test a semantic space theory\nwhich posits that embedding vectors represent semantic concepts and find some\nevidence of its validity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:21:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Singh","Sumeet S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10875","submitter":"Elvis Han Cui","authors":"Elvis Han Cui, Zizhao Zhang, Culsome Junwen Chen, Weng Kee Wong","title":"Metaheuristic Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence with Applications to\n Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Ecology and, the Manufacturing Industries","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NE cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms are important components of\nartificial intelligence, and are increasingly used across disciplines to tackle\nvarious types of challenging optimization problems. We apply a newly proposed\nnature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm called competitive swarm optimizer with\nmutated agents (CSO-MA) and demonstrate its flexibility and out-performance\nrelative to its competitors in a variety of optimization problems in the\nstatistical sciences. In particular, we show the algorithm is efficient and can\nincorporate various cost structures or multiple user-specified nonlinear\nconstraints. Our applications include (i) finding maximum likelihood estimates\nof parameters in a single cell generalized trend model to study pseudotime in\nbioinformatics, (ii) estimating parameters in a commonly used Rasch model in\neducation research, (iii) finding M-estimates for a Cox regression in a Markov\nrenewal model and (iv) matrix completion to impute missing values in a two\ncompartment model. In addition we discuss applications to (v) select variables\noptimally in an ecology problem and (vi) design a car refueling experiment for\nthe auto industry using a logistic model with multiple interacting factors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 16:41:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Cui","Elvis Han",""],["Zhang","Zizhao",""],["Chen","Culsome Junwen",""],["Wong","Weng Kee",""]]} {"id":"2308.10876","submitter":"Olivier Ramar\\'e","authors":"Olivier Ramar\\'e","title":"Explicit count of integral ideals of an imaginary quadratic field","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We provide explicit bounds for the number of integral ideals of norms at most\n$X$ is $\\mathbb{Q}[\\sqrt{d}]$ when $d <0$ is a fundamendal discriminant with an\nerror term of size $O(X^{1/3})$. In particular, we prove that, when $\\chi$ is\nthe non-principal character modulo $3$ and $X\\ge1$, we have $\\sum_{n\\le\nX}(1\\star\\chi)(n) = \\frac{\\pi}{3\\sqrt{3}}X +O^*( 1.94\\,X^{1/3})$, and that,\nwhen $\\chi$ is the non-principal character modulo $4$ and $X\\ge1$, we have\n$\\sum_{n\\le X}(1\\star\\chi)(n) = \\frac{\\pi }{4}X+ O^*( 1.4\\,X^{1/3})$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:24:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ramar\u00e9","Olivier",""]]} {"id":"2308.10877","submitter":"Miranda Holmes-Cerfon","authors":"Kerun Xu and Miranda Holmes-Cerfon","title":"Monte Carlo on manifolds in high dimensions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.CO cs.NA math.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We introduce an efficient numerical implementation of a Markov Chain Monte\nCarlo method to sample a probability distribution on a manifold (introduced\ntheoretically in Zappa, Holmes-Cerfon, Goodman (2018)), where the manifold is\ndefined by the level set of constraint functions, and the probability\ndistribution may involve the pseudodeterminant of the Jacobian of the\nconstraints, as arises in physical sampling problems. The algorithm is easy to\nimplement and scales well to problems with thousands of dimensions and with\ncomplex sets of constraints provided their Jacobian retains sparsity. The\nalgorithm uses direct linear algebra and requires a single matrix factorization\nper proposal point, which enhances its efficiency over previously proposed\nmethods but becomes the computational bottleneck of the algorithm in high\ndimensions. We test the algorithm on several examples inspired by soft-matter\nphysics and materials science to study its complexity and properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:24:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Kerun",""],["Holmes-Cerfon","Miranda",""]]} {"id":"2308.10878","submitter":"Wenqing Wei","authors":"Wen-Qing Wei, Shi-Zheng Zhang, Zhi-Gang Deng, Wei Qi, Hao Xu, Li-Rong\n Liu, Jia-Lin Zhang, Fang-Fang Li, Xing Xu, Zhong-Min Hu, Ben-Zheng Chen,\n Bu-Bo Ma, Jian-Xing Li, Xue-Guang Ren, Zhong-Feng Xu, Dieter H. H. Hoffmann,\n Quan-Ping Fan, Wei-Wu Wang, Shao-Yi Wang, Jian Teng, Bo Cui, Feng Lu, Lei\n Yang, Yu-Qiu Gu, Zong-Qing Zhao, Rui Cheng, Zhao Wang, Yu Lei, Guo-Qing Xiao,\n Hong-Wei Zhao, Bing Liu, Guan-Chao Zhao, Min-Sheng Liu, Hua-Sheng Xie,\n Lei-Feng Cao, Jie-Ru Ren, Wei-Min Zhou, and Yong-Tao Zhao","title":"Proton-Boron Fusion Yield Increased by Orders of Magnitude with Foam\n Targets","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A novel intense beam-driven scheme for high yield of the tri-alpha reaction\n11B(p,{\\alpha})2{\\alpha} was investigated. We used a foam target made of\ncellulose triacetate (TAC, C_9H_{16}O_8) doped with boron. It was then heated\nvolumetrically by soft X-ray radiation from a laser heated hohlraum and turned\ninto a homogenous, and long living plasma. We employed a picosecond laser pulse\nto generate a high-intensity energetic proton beam via the well-known Target\nNormal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) mechanism. We observed up to 10^{10}/sr\n{\\alpha} particles per laser shot. This constitutes presently the highest yield\nvalue normalized to the laser energy on target. The measured fusion yield per\nproton exceeds the classical expectation of beam-target reactions by up to four\norders of magnitude under high proton intensities. This enhancement is\nattributed to the strong electric fields and nonequilibrium thermonuclear\nfusion reactions as a result of the new method. Our approach shows\nopportunities to pursue ignition of aneutronic fusion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:25:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Wei","Wen-Qing",""],["Zhang","Shi-Zheng",""],["Deng","Zhi-Gang",""],["Qi","Wei",""],["Xu","Hao",""],["Liu","Li-Rong",""],["Zhang","Jia-Lin",""],["Li","Fang-Fang",""],["Xu","Xing",""],["Hu","Zhong-Min",""],["Chen","Ben-Zheng",""],["Ma","Bu-Bo",""],["Li","Jian-Xing",""],["Ren","Xue-Guang",""],["Xu","Zhong-Feng",""],["Hoffmann","Dieter H. H.",""],["Fan","Quan-Ping",""],["Wang","Wei-Wu",""],["Wang","Shao-Yi",""],["Teng","Jian",""],["Cui","Bo",""],["Lu","Feng",""],["Yang","Lei",""],["Gu","Yu-Qiu",""],["Zhao","Zong-Qing",""],["Cheng","Rui",""],["Wang","Zhao",""],["Lei","Yu",""],["Xiao","Guo-Qing",""],["Zhao","Hong-Wei",""],["Liu","Bing",""],["Zhao","Guan-Chao",""],["Liu","Min-Sheng",""],["Xie","Hua-Sheng",""],["Cao","Lei-Feng",""],["Ren","Jie-Ru",""],["Zhou","Wei-Min",""],["Zhao","Yong-Tao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10879","submitter":"Evan Sundbo","authors":"Evan Sundbo","title":"Piecewise Toric Varieties and Cell-Compatible Sheaves","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the cohomology of piecewise toric varieties via the derived\npush-forward of the constant sheaf to a complex of polytopes, proving a\nDeligne-type decomposition theorem, degeneration of the associated Leray-Serre\nspectral sequence, and showing that the Leray filtration on their cohomology is\nequal to twice the weight filtration. Furthermore, we give an explicit formula\nfor the Betti numbers of some piecewise toric varieties whose associated\ncomplex of polytopes is the $n$-skeleton of a higher dimensional polytope,\nencompassing some important examples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:26:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sundbo","Evan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10880","submitter":"Akriti Sinha","authors":"Akriti Sinha and Abhirup Datta","title":"Detailed study of the Bootes field using 300-500 MHz uGMRT observations:\n Source Properties and radio--infrared correlations","comments":"18 pages, 18 Figures; Accepted for publication in MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1093/mnras/stad2544 10.1093/mnras/stad2544","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The dominant source of radio continuum emissions at low frequencies is\nsynchrotron radiation, which originates from star-forming regions in disk\ngalaxies and from powerful jets produced by active galactic nuclei (AGN). We\nstudied the Bootes field using the upgraded Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope\n(uGMRT) at 400 MHz, achieving a central minimum off-source RMS noise of\n35$\\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$ and a catalogue of 3782 sources in $\\sim6$ sq. degrees of\nthe sky. The resulting catalogue was compared to other radio frequency\ncatalogues, and the corrected normalised differential source counts were\nderived. We use standard multi-wavelength techniques to classify the sources in\nstar-forming galaxies (SFGs), radio-loud (RL) AGN, and radio-quiet (RQ) AGN\nthat confirm a boost in the SFGs and RQ\\,AGN AGN populations at lower flux\nlevels. For the first time, we investigated the properties of the radio--IR\nrelations at 400\\,MHz in this field. The $L_{\\rm 400 MHz}$--$L_{\\rm TIR}$\nrelations for SFGs were found to show a strong correlation with non-linear\nslope values of $1.10\\pm0.01$, and variation of $q_{\\rm TIR}$ with $z$ is given\nas, $q_{\\rm TIR} = (2.19 \\pm 0.07)\\ (1+z)^{-0.15 \\pm 0.08}$. This indicates\nthat the non-linearity of the radio--IR relations can be attributed to the mild\nvariation of $q_{\\rm TIR}$ values with $z$. The derived relationships exhibit\nsimilar behaviour when applied to LOFAR at 150 MHz and also at 1.4 GHz. This\nemphasises the fact that other parameters like magnetic field evolution with\n$z$ or the number densities of cosmic ray electrons can play a vital role in\nthe mild evolution of $q$ values.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:27:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Sinha","Akriti",""],["Datta","Abhirup",""]]} {"id":"2308.10881","submitter":"Joachim Kerner","authors":"Patrizio Bifulco and Joachim Kerner","title":"A note on Ambarzumian's theorem for quantum graphs","comments":"5 pages, comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.SP math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Based on the main result presented in a recent paper, we derive\nAmbarzumian-type theorems for Schr\\\"odinger operators defined on quantum\ngraphs. We recover existing results such as the classical theorem by\nAmbarzumian and establish some seemingly new statements, too.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:28:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bifulco","Patrizio",""],["Kerner","Joachim",""]]} {"id":"2308.10882","submitter":"Samuel Dooley","authors":"Arka Pal, Deep Karkhanis, Manley Roberts, Samuel Dooley, Arvind\n Sundararajan, Siddartha Naidu","title":"Giraffe: Adventures in Expanding Context Lengths in LLMs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Modern large language models (LLMs) that rely on attention mechanisms are\ntypically trained with fixed context lengths which enforce upper limits on the\nlength of input sequences that they can handle at evaluation time. To use these\nmodels on sequences longer than the train-time context length, one might employ\ntechniques from the growing family of context length extrapolation methods --\nmost of which focus on modifying the system of positional encodings used in the\nattention mechanism to indicate where tokens or activations are located in the\ninput sequence. We conduct a wide survey of existing methods of context length\nextrapolation on a base LLaMA or LLaMA 2 model, and introduce some of our own\ndesign as well -- in particular, a new truncation strategy for modifying the\nbasis for the position encoding.\n We test these methods using three new evaluation tasks (FreeFormQA,\nAlteredNumericQA, and LongChat-Lines) as well as perplexity, which we find to\nbe less fine-grained as a measure of long context performance of LLMs. We\nrelease the three tasks publicly as datasets on HuggingFace. We discover that\nlinear scaling is the best method for extending context length, and show that\nfurther gains can be achieved by using longer scales at evaluation time. We\nalso discover promising extrapolation capabilities in the truncated basis. To\nsupport further research in this area, we release three new 13B parameter\nlong-context models which we call Giraffe: 4k and 16k context models trained\nfrom base LLaMA-13B, and a 32k context model trained from base LLaMA2-13B. We\nalso release the code to replicate our results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:30:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pal","Arka",""],["Karkhanis","Deep",""],["Roberts","Manley",""],["Dooley","Samuel",""],["Sundararajan","Arvind",""],["Naidu","Siddartha",""]]} {"id":"2308.10883","submitter":"Mohamed Nomeir","authors":"Alptug Aytekin, Mohamed Nomeir, Sajani Vithana and Sennur Ulukus","title":"Quantum Symmetric Private Information Retrieval with Secure Storage and\n Eavesdroppers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT cs.CR cs.NI eess.SP math.IT quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider both the classical and quantum variations of $X$-secure,\n$E$-eavesdropped and $T$-colluding symmetric private information retrieval\n(SPIR). This is the first work to study SPIR with $X$-security in classical or\nquantum variations. We first develop a scheme for classical $X$-secure,\n$E$-eavesdropped and $T$-colluding SPIR (XSETSPIR) based on a modified version\nof cross subspace alignment (CSA), which achieves a rate of $R= 1 -\n\\frac{X+\\max(T,E)}{N}$. The modified scheme achieves the same rate as the\nscheme used for $X$-secure PIR with the extra benefit of symmetric privacy.\nNext, we extend this scheme to its quantum counterpart based on the $N$-sum box\nabstraction. This is the first work to consider the presence of eavesdroppers\nin quantum private information retrieval (QPIR). In the quantum variation, the\neavesdroppers have better access to information over the quantum channel\ncompared to the classical channel due to the over-the-air decodability. To that\nend, we develop another scheme specialized to combat eavesdroppers over quantum\nchannels. The scheme proposed for $X$-secure, $E$-eavesdropped and\n$T$-colluding quantum SPIR (XSETQSPIR) in this work maintains the super-dense\ncoding gain from the shared entanglement between the databases, i.e., achieves\na rate of $R_Q = \\min\\left\\{ 1, 2\\left(1-\\frac{X+\\max(T,E)}{N}\\right)\\right\\}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:30:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Aytekin","Alptug",""],["Nomeir","Mohamed",""],["Vithana","Sajani",""],["Ulukus","Sennur",""]]} {"id":"2308.10884","submitter":"Debatri Chattopadhyay","authors":"Debatri Chattopadhyay, Jakob Stegmann, Fabio Antonini, Jordan Barber,\n Isobel M. Romero-Shaw","title":"Binary black hole mergers in nuclear star clusters: eccentricities,\n spins, masses, and the growth of massive seeds","comments":"submitted to MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the formation of intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) through\nhierarchical mergers of stellar origin black holes (BHs), as well as BH mergers\nformed dynamically in nuclear star clusters. Using a semi-analytical approach\nwhich incorporates probabilistic mass-function-dependent double BH (DBH)\npairing, binary-single encounters, and a mass-ratio-dependent prescription for\nenergy dissipation in hardening binaries, we find that IMBHs with masses of\n$\\mathcal{O}(10^2)$~--~$\\mathcal{O}(10^4)\\,\\rm M_\\odot$ can be formed solely\nthrough hierarchical mergers in timescales of a few $100$\\,Myrs to a few\\,Gyrs.\nClusters with escape velocities $\\gtrsim400$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ inevitably form\nhigh-mass IMBHs. The spin distribution of IMBHs with masses $\\gtrsim\n10^3M_\\odot$ is strongly clustered at $\\chi\\sim 0.15$; while for lower masses,\nit at $\\chi\\sim 0.7$. Eccentric mergers are more frequent for equal-mass\nbinaries containing first- and/or second-generation BHs. Metal-rich, young,\ndense clusters can produce up to $20\\%$ of their DBH mergers with eccentricity\n$\\geq0.1$ at $10\\,\\rm Hz$, and $\\sim2$~--~$9\\%$ of all in-cluster mergers can\nform at $>10$\\,Hz. Nuclear star clusters are therefore promising environments\nfor the formation of highly-eccentric DBH mergers, detectable with current\ngravitational-wave detectors. Clusters of extreme mass ($\\sim10^8$\\,M$_\\odot$)\nand density ($\\sim10^8$\\,M$_\\odot$pc$^{-3}$) can have about half of all of\ntheir DBH mergers with primary masses $\\geq100$\\,M$_\\odot$. The fraction of\nin-cluster mergers increases rapidly with increasing cluster escape velocity,\nbeing nearly unity for $v_{\\rm esc}\\gtrsim 200$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$. Cosmological\nmerger rate of DBHs from nuclear clusters varies\n$\\approx0.01-1$\\,Gpc$^{-3}$yr$^{-1}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:33:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chattopadhyay","Debatri",""],["Stegmann","Jakob",""],["Antonini","Fabio",""],["Barber","Jordan",""],["Romero-Shaw","Isobel M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10885","submitter":"Federico Coro","authors":"Matteo Becchetti, Roberto Bonciani, Leandro Cieri, Federico Coro,\n Federico Ripani","title":"Full top-quark mass dependence in diphoton production at NNLO in QCD","comments":"14 pages and 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"IFIC/23-33, FTUV-23-0808.1917","categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper we consider the diphoton production in hadronic collisions at\nthe next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in perturbative QCD, taking into\naccount for the first time the full top quark mass dependence up to two loops\n(full NNLO). We show selected numerical distributions, highlighting the\nkinematic regions where the massive corrections are more significant. We make\nuse of the recently computed two-loop massive amplitudes for diphoton\nproduction in the quark annihilation channel. The remaining massive\ncontributions at NNLO are also considered, and we comment on the weight of the\ndifferent types of contributions to the full and complete result.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:34:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Becchetti","Matteo",""],["Bonciani","Roberto",""],["Cieri","Leandro",""],["Coro","Federico",""],["Ripani","Federico",""]]} {"id":"2308.10886","submitter":"Bingqing Cheng","authors":"Aleks Reinhardt, Pin Yu Chew, Bingqing Cheng","title":"A streamlined molecular-dynamics workflow for computing solubilities of\n molecular and ionic crystals","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.chem-ph physics.comp-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Computing the solubility of crystals in a solvent using atomistic simulations\nis notoriously challenging due to the complexities and convergence issues\nassociated with free-energy methods, as well as the slow equilibration in\ndirect-coexistence simulations. This paper introduces a molecular-dynamics\nworkflow that simplifies and robustly computes the solubility of molecular or\nionic crystals. This method is considerably more straightforward than the\nstate-of-the-art, as we have streamlined and optimised each step of the\nprocess. Specifically, we calculate the chemical potential of the crystal using\nthe gas-phase molecule as a reference state, and employ the S0 method to\ndetermine the concentration dependence of the chemical potential of the solute.\nWe use this workflow to predict the solubilities of sodium chloride in water,\nurea polymorphs in water, and paracetamol polymorphs in both water and ethanol.\nOur findings indicate that the predicted solubility is sensitive to the chosen\npotential energy surface. Furthermore, we note that the harmonic approximation\noften fails for both molecular crystals and gas molecules at or above room\ntemperature, and that the assumption of an ideal solution becomes less valid\nfor highly soluble substances.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:36:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Reinhardt","Aleks",""],["Chew","Pin Yu",""],["Cheng","Bingqing",""]]} {"id":"2308.10887","submitter":"Andrei Vasin V.","authors":"Andrei Vasin","title":"A T(L) theorem for the Calder\\'{o}n--Zygmund operators in\n BMO($\\mathbb{R}^d$)","comments":"12","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A variant of the global $T(1)$ criterion to characterize the bounded\nCalder\\'{o}n--Zygmund operators on BMO($\\mathbb{R}^d$) is proved. We apply it\nto the certain Calder\\'on commutators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:41:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Vasin","Andrei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10888","submitter":"Borja Balle","authors":"Leonard Berrada, Soham De, Judy Hanwen Shen, Jamie Hayes, Robert\n Stanforth, David Stutz, Pushmeet Kohli, Samuel L. Smith, Borja Balle","title":"Unlocking Accuracy and Fairness in Differentially Private Image\n Classification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CV cs.CY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Privacy-preserving machine learning aims to train models on private data\nwithout leaking sensitive information. Differential privacy (DP) is considered\nthe gold standard framework for privacy-preserving training, as it provides\nformal privacy guarantees. However, compared to their non-private counterparts,\nmodels trained with DP often have significantly reduced accuracy. Private\nclassifiers are also believed to exhibit larger performance disparities across\nsubpopulations, raising fairness concerns. The poor performance of classifiers\ntrained with DP has prevented the widespread adoption of privacy preserving\nmachine learning in industry. Here we show that pre-trained foundation models\nfine-tuned with DP can achieve similar accuracy to non-private classifiers,\neven in the presence of significant distribution shifts between pre-training\ndata and downstream tasks. We achieve private accuracies within a few percent\nof the non-private state of the art across four datasets, including two medical\nimaging benchmarks. Furthermore, our private medical classifiers do not exhibit\nlarger performance disparities across demographic groups than non-private\nmodels. This milestone to make DP training a practical and reliable technology\nhas the potential to widely enable machine learning practitioners to train\nsafely on sensitive datasets while protecting individuals' privacy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:42:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Berrada","Leonard",""],["De","Soham",""],["Shen","Judy Hanwen",""],["Hayes","Jamie",""],["Stanforth","Robert",""],["Stutz","David",""],["Kohli","Pushmeet",""],["Smith","Samuel L.",""],["Balle","Borja",""]]} {"id":"2308.10889","submitter":"Carl Mueller","authors":"Le Chen, Sefika Kuzgun, Carl Mueller, and Panqiu Xia","title":"On the radius of self-repellent fractional Brownian motion","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the radius $R_T$ of a self-repellent fractional Brownian motion\n$\\left\\{B^H_t\\right\\}_{0\\le t\\le T}$ taking values in $\\mathbb{R}^d$. Our\nsharpest result is for $d=1$, where we find that with high probability,\n\\begin{equation*}\n R_T \\asymp T^\\nu, \\quad \\text{with $\\nu=\\frac{2}{3}\\left(1+H\\right)$.}\n\\end{equation*} For $d>1$, we provide upper and lower bounds for the exponent\n$\\nu$, but these bounds do not match.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:43:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Le",""],["Kuzgun","Sefika",""],["Mueller","Carl",""],["Xia","Panqiu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10890","submitter":"Alfio Bonanno","authors":"Alfio Bonanno, Daniele Malafarina, Antonio Panassiti","title":"Dust collapse in asymptotic safety: a path to regular black holes","comments":"6 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Regular black hole spacetimes are obtained from an effective Lagrangian for\nQuantum Einstein Gravity. The interior matter is modeled as a dust fluid, which\ninteracts with the geometry through a multiplicative coupling function denoted\nas $\\chi$. The specific functional form of $\\chi$ is deduced from\nAsymptotically Safe gravity, under the key assumption that the Reuter fixed\npoint remains minimally affected by the presence of matter. As a consequence\nthe gravitational coupling vanishes at high energies. The static exterior\ngeometry of the black hole is entirely determined by the junction conditions at\nthe boundary surface. Consequently, the resulting global spacetime geometry\nremains devoid of singularities at all times. This result offers a novel\nperspective on regular black holes in Asymptotically Safe gravity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:44:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Bonanno","Alfio",""],["Malafarina","Daniele",""],["Panassiti","Antonio",""]]} {"id":"2308.10891","submitter":"Bekir Can L\\\"utf\\\"uo\\u{g}lu","authors":"A. Hocine, B. Hamil, F. Merabtine, B. C. L\\\"utf\\\"uo\\u{g}lu, M.\n Benarous","title":"On Dunkl-Bose-Einstein Condensation in Harmonic Traps","comments":"11 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas cond-mat.stat-mech hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The use of the Dunkl derivative, which is defined by a combination of the\ndifference-differential and reflection operator, allows the classification of\nthe solutions according to even and odd solutions. Recently, we considered the\nDunkl formalism to investigate the Bose-Einstein condensation of an ideal Bose\ngas confined in a gravitational field. In this work, we address a similar\nproblem and examine an ideal Bose gas trapped by a three-dimensional harmonic\noscillator within the Dunkl formalism. To this end, we derive an analytic\nexpression for the critical temperature of the N particle system, discuss its\nvalue at large-N limit and finally derive and compare the ground state\npopulation with the usual case result. In addition, we explore two thermal\nquantities, namely the Dunkl-internal energy and the Dunkl-heat capacity\nfunctions. The Wigner parameter of the Dunkl formalism can be successfully used\nto obtain a better agreement between experimental and theoretical results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 00:55:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Hocine","A.",""],["Hamil","B.",""],["Merabtine","F.",""],["L\u00fctf\u00fco\u011flu","B. C.",""],["Benarous","M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10892","submitter":"Colby Fronk","authors":"Colby Fronk and Jaewoong Yun and Prashant Singh and Linda Petzold","title":"Bayesian polynomial neural networks and polynomial neural ordinary\n differential equations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.CE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Symbolic regression with polynomial neural networks and polynomial neural\nordinary differential equations (ODEs) are two recent and powerful approaches\nfor equation recovery of many science and engineering problems. However, these\nmethods provide point estimates for the model parameters and are currently\nunable to accommodate noisy data. We address this challenge by developing and\nvalidating the following Bayesian inference methods: the Laplace approximation,\nMarkov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods, and variational inference. We\nhave found the Laplace approximation to be the best method for this class of\nproblems. Our work can be easily extended to the broader class of symbolic\nneural networks to which the polynomial neural network belongs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:42:29 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 05:05:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Fronk","Colby",""],["Yun","Jaewoong",""],["Singh","Prashant",""],["Petzold","Linda",""]]} {"id":"2308.10893","submitter":"Yinzheng Zhong","authors":"Yinzheng Zhong and Alexei Lisitsa","title":"Online Transition-Based Feature Generation for Anomaly Detection in\n Concurrent Data Streams","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.DB","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we introduce the transition-based feature generator (TFGen)\ntechnique, which reads general activity data with attributes and generates\nstep-by-step generated data. The activity data may consist of network activity\nfrom packets, system calls from processes or classified activity from\nsurveillance cameras. TFGen processes data online and will generate data with\nencoded historical data for each incoming activity with high computational\nefficiency. The input activities may concurrently originate from distinct\ntraces or channels. The technique aims to address issues such as\ndomain-independent applicability, the ability to discover global process\nstructures, the encoding of time-series data, and online processing capability.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 19:29:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Zhong","Yinzheng",""],["Lisitsa","Alexei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10894","submitter":"Hauke K\\\"ohn","authors":"Hauke Koehn, Andreas Just, Peter Berczik, Michael Tremmel","title":"Dynamics of supermassive black hole triples in the ROMULUS25\n cosmological simulation","comments":"11 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" For a pair of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the remnant of a dual\ngalaxy merger, well-known models exist to describe their dynamical evolution\nuntil the final coalescence accompanied by the emission of a low-frequency\ngravitational wave (GW) signal. In this article, we investigate the dynamical\nevolution of three SMBH triple systems recovered from the ROMULUS25\ncosmological simulation to explore common dynamical evolution patterns and\nassess typical coalescence times. For this purpose, we construct initial\nconditions from the ROMULUS25 data and perform high-resolution gravitodynamical\n\\N-body simulations. We track the orbital evolution from the galactic inspiral\nto the formation of hard binaries at sub-parsec separation and use the observed\nhardening rates to project the time of coalescence. In all cases, the two\nheaviest black holes form an efficiently hardening binary that merges within\nfractions of the Hubble time. The lightest SMBH either gets ejected, forms a\nstable hierarchical triple system with the heavier binary, forms a hardening\nbinary with the previously merged binary's remnant, or remains on a wide\ngalactic orbit. The coalescence times of the lighter black holes are thus\nsignificantly longer than for the heavier binary, as they experience lower\ndynamical friction and stellar hardening rates. We observe the formation of\nhierarchical triples when the density profile of the galactic nucleus is\nsufficiently steep.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:55:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Koehn","Hauke",""],["Just","Andreas",""],["Berczik","Peter",""],["Tremmel","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10895","submitter":"Claudio Landim","authors":"Claudio Landim and Sonia Velasco","title":"Dynamic and static large deviations of a one dimensional SSEP in weak\n contact with reservoirs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We derive a formula for the quasi-potential of one-dimensional symmetric\nexclusion process in weak contact with reservoirs. The interaction with the\nboundary is so weak that, in the diffusive scale, the density profile evolves\nas the one of the exclusion process with reflecting boundary conditions. In\norder to observe an evolution of the total mass, the process has to be observed\nin a longer time-scale, in which the density profile becomes immediately\nconstant.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:58:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Landim","Claudio",""],["Velasco","Sonia",""]]} {"id":"2308.10896","submitter":"Markus Worchel","authors":"Markus Worchel and Marc Alexa","title":"Differentiable Shadow Mapping for Efficient Inverse Graphics","comments":"CVPR 2023, project page:\n https://mworchel.github.io/differentiable-shadow-mapping","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GR cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show how shadows can be efficiently generated in differentiable rendering\nof triangle meshes. Our central observation is that pre-filtered shadow\nmapping, a technique for approximating shadows based on rendering from the\nperspective of a light, can be combined with existing differentiable\nrasterizers to yield differentiable visibility information. We demonstrate at\nseveral inverse graphics problems that differentiable shadow maps are orders of\nmagnitude faster than differentiable light transport simulation with similar\naccuracy -- while differentiable rasterization without shadows often fails to\nconverge.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:58:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Worchel","Markus",""],["Alexa","Marc",""]]} {"id":"2308.10897","submitter":"Evonne Ng","authors":"Evonne Ng, Sanjay Subramanian, Dan Klein, Angjoo Kanazawa, Trevor\n Darrell, Shiry Ginosar","title":"Can Language Models Learn to Listen?","comments":"ICCV 2023; Project page:\n https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~evonne_ng/projects/text2listen/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a framework for generating appropriate facial responses from a\nlistener in dyadic social interactions based on the speaker's words. Given an\ninput transcription of the speaker's words with their timestamps, our approach\nautoregressively predicts a response of a listener: a sequence of listener\nfacial gestures, quantized using a VQ-VAE. Since gesture is a language\ncomponent, we propose treating the quantized atomic motion elements as\nadditional language token inputs to a transformer-based large language model.\nInitializing our transformer with the weights of a language model pre-trained\nonly on text results in significantly higher quality listener responses than\ntraining a transformer from scratch. We show that our generated listener motion\nis fluent and reflective of language semantics through quantitative metrics and\na qualitative user study. In our evaluation, we analyze the model's ability to\nutilize temporal and semantic aspects of spoken text. Project page:\nhttps://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~evonne_ng/projects/text2listen/\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Ng","Evonne",""],["Subramanian","Sanjay",""],["Klein","Dan",""],["Kanazawa","Angjoo",""],["Darrell","Trevor",""],["Ginosar","Shiry",""]]} {"id":"2308.10898","submitter":"Xueyi Liu","authors":"Xueyi Liu and Bin Wang and He Wang and Li Yi","title":"Few-Shot Physically-Aware Articulated Mesh Generation via Hierarchical\n Deformation","comments":"ICCV 2023. Project Page: https://meowuu7.github.io/few-arti-obj-gen","journal-ref":"International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We study the problem of few-shot physically-aware articulated mesh\ngeneration. By observing an articulated object dataset containing only a few\nexamples, we wish to learn a model that can generate diverse meshes with high\nvisual fidelity and physical validity. Previous mesh generative models either\nhave difficulties in depicting a diverse data space from only a few examples or\nfail to ensure physical validity of their samples. Regarding the above\nchallenges, we propose two key innovations, including 1) a hierarchical mesh\ndeformation-based generative model based upon the divide-and-conquer philosophy\nto alleviate the few-shot challenge by borrowing transferrable deformation\npatterns from large scale rigid meshes and 2) a physics-aware deformation\ncorrection scheme to encourage physically plausible generations. We conduct\nextensive experiments on 6 articulated categories to demonstrate the\nsuperiority of our method in generating articulated meshes with better\ndiversity, higher visual fidelity, and better physical validity over previous\nmethods in the few-shot setting. Further, we validate solid contributions of\nour two innovations in the ablation study. Project page with code is available\nat https://meowuu7.github.io/few-arti-obj-gen.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Xueyi",""],["Wang","Bin",""],["Wang","He",""],["Yi","Li",""]]} {"id":"2308.10899","submitter":"Tignting Liao","authors":"Tingting Liao, Hongwei Yi, Yuliang Xiu, Jiaxaing Tang, Yangyi Huang,\n Justus Thies, Michael J. Black","title":"TADA! Text to Animatable Digital Avatars","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We introduce TADA, a simple-yet-effective approach that takes textual\ndescriptions and produces expressive 3D avatars with high-quality geometry and\nlifelike textures, that can be animated and rendered with traditional graphics\npipelines. Existing text-based character generation methods are limited in\nterms of geometry and texture quality, and cannot be realistically animated due\nto inconsistent alignment between the geometry and the texture, particularly in\nthe face region. To overcome these limitations, TADA leverages the synergy of a\n2D diffusion model and an animatable parametric body model. Specifically, we\nderive an optimizable high-resolution body model from SMPL-X with 3D\ndisplacements and a texture map, and use hierarchical rendering with score\ndistillation sampling (SDS) to create high-quality, detailed, holistic 3D\navatars from text. To ensure alignment between the geometry and texture, we\nrender normals and RGB images of the generated character and exploit their\nlatent embeddings in the SDS training process. We further introduce various\nexpression parameters to deform the generated character during training,\nensuring that the semantics of our generated character remain consistent with\nthe original SMPL-X model, resulting in an animatable character. Comprehensive\nevaluations demonstrate that TADA significantly surpasses existing approaches\non both qualitative and quantitative measures. TADA enables creation of\nlarge-scale digital character assets that are ready for animation and\nrendering, while also being easily editable through natural language. The code\nwill be public for research purposes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Liao","Tingting",""],["Yi","Hongwei",""],["Xiu","Yuliang",""],["Tang","Jiaxaing",""],["Huang","Yangyi",""],["Thies","Justus",""],["Black","Michael J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10900","submitter":"Danial Langeroodi","authors":"Danial Langeroodi and Jens Hjorth and Zhoujian Zhang","title":"Little Red Dots or Brown Dwarfs? NIRSpec Discovery of Three Brown Dwarfs\n Masquerading as NIRCam-Selected Highly-Reddened AGNs","comments":"Submitted to ApJL","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Cold, substellar objects such as brown dwarfs have long been recognized as\ncontaminants in color-selected samples of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In\nparticular, their near- to mid-infrared colors (1--5 $\\mu$m) can closely\nresemble the V-shaped ($f_{\\lambda}$) spectra of highly-reddened accreting\nsupermassive black holes, the little red dots, especially at $6 < z < 7$.\nRecently, a NIRCam-selected sample of little red dots over 45 arcmin$^2$ has\nbeen followed-up with deep NIRSpec multi-object prism spectroscopy through the\nUNCOVER program. By investigating the acquired spectra, we identify three out\nof the 13 followed-up objects as T dwarfs with temperatures between 650 and\n1300 K and distances between 0.8 and 4.8 kpc. We identify the remaining 10\nobjects as extragalactic sources at $z_{\\rm spec} > 3$. Given that three of\nthese sources are the strongly lensed images of the same AGN (Abell2744-QSO1),\nwe derive a brown dwarf contamination fraction of 27\\% in this NIRCam-selection\nof little red dots. We find that in the near-infrared filters, brown dwarfs\nappear much bluer than the highly-reddened AGN, providing an avenue for\ndistinguishing the two and compiling cleaner samples of\nphotometrically-selected highly-reddened AGN.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:27 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 23:59:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Langeroodi","Danial",""],["Hjorth","Jens",""],["Zhang","Zhoujian",""]]} {"id":"2308.10901","submitter":"Russell Mendonca","authors":"Russell Mendonca, Shikhar Bahl, Deepak Pathak","title":"Structured World Models from Human Videos","comments":"RSS 2023. Website at https://human-world-model.github.io","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI cs.CV cs.LG cs.NE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We tackle the problem of learning complex, general behaviors directly in the\nreal world. We propose an approach for robots to efficiently learn manipulation\nskills using only a handful of real-world interaction trajectories from many\ndifferent settings. Inspired by the success of learning from large-scale\ndatasets in the fields of computer vision and natural language, our belief is\nthat in order to efficiently learn, a robot must be able to leverage\ninternet-scale, human video data. Humans interact with the world in many\ninteresting ways, which can allow a robot to not only build an understanding of\nuseful actions and affordances but also how these actions affect the world for\nmanipulation. Our approach builds a structured, human-centric action space\ngrounded in visual affordances learned from human videos. Further, we train a\nworld model on human videos and fine-tune on a small amount of robot\ninteraction data without any task supervision. We show that this approach of\naffordance-space world models enables different robots to learn various\nmanipulation skills in complex settings, in under 30 minutes of interaction.\nVideos can be found at https://human-world-model.github.io\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Mendonca","Russell",""],["Bahl","Shikhar",""],["Pathak","Deepak",""]]} {"id":"2308.10902","submitter":"Keunhong Park","authors":"Keunhong Park, Philipp Henzler, Ben Mildenhall, Jonathan T. Barron,\n Ricardo Martin-Brualla","title":"CamP: Camera Preconditioning for Neural Radiance Fields","comments":"SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, Project page: https://camp-nerf.github.io","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) can be optimized to obtain high-fidelity 3D\nscene reconstructions of objects and large-scale scenes. However, NeRFs require\naccurate camera parameters as input -- inaccurate camera parameters result in\nblurry renderings. Extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters are usually\nestimated using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods as a pre-processing step to\nNeRF, but these techniques rarely yield perfect estimates. Thus, prior works\nhave proposed jointly optimizing camera parameters alongside a NeRF, but these\nmethods are prone to local minima in challenging settings. In this work, we\nanalyze how different camera parameterizations affect this joint optimization\nproblem, and observe that standard parameterizations exhibit large differences\nin magnitude with respect to small perturbations, which can lead to an\nill-conditioned optimization problem. We propose using a proxy problem to\ncompute a whitening transform that eliminates the correlation between camera\nparameters and normalizes their effects, and we propose to use this transform\nas a preconditioner for the camera parameters during joint optimization. Our\npreconditioned camera optimization significantly improves reconstruction\nquality on scenes from the Mip-NeRF 360 dataset: we reduce error rates (RMSE)\nby 67% compared to state-of-the-art NeRF approaches that do not optimize for\ncameras like Zip-NeRF, and by 29% relative to state-of-the-art joint\noptimization approaches using the camera parameterization of SCNeRF. Our\napproach is easy to implement, does not significantly increase runtime, can be\napplied to a wide variety of camera parameterizations, and can\nstraightforwardly be incorporated into other NeRF-like models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:54 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 23:28:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Park","Keunhong",""],["Henzler","Philipp",""],["Mildenhall","Ben",""],["Barron","Jonathan T.",""],["Martin-Brualla","Ricardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10903","submitter":"Xue-Yang Song","authors":"Xue-Yang Song, Ya-Hui Zhang and T. Senthil","title":"Phase transitions out of quantum Hall states in moir\\'e TMD bilayers","comments":"17+3 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Motivated by the recent experimental breakthroughs in observing Fractional\nQuantum Anomalous Hall (FQAH) states in moir\\'e Transition Metal Dichalcogenide\n(TMD) bilayers, we propose and study various unconventional phase transitions\nbetween quantum Hall phases and Fermi liquids or charge ordered phases upon\ntuning the bandwidth. At filling $\\nu=-\\frac{2}{3}$, we describe a direct\ntransition between the FQAH state and a Charge Density Wave (CDW) insulator.\nThe critical theory resembles that of the familiar deconfined quantum critical\npoint(DQCP) but with an additional Chern-Simons term. At filling\n$\\nu=-\\frac{1}{2}$, we study the possibility of a continuous transition between\nthe composite Fermi liquid (CFL) and the Fermi liquid (FL) building on and\nrefining previous work by Barkeshli and McGreevy. Crucially we show that\ntranslation symmetry alone is enough to enable a second order CFL-FL\ntransition. We argue that there must be critical CDW fluctuations though\nneither phase has long range CDW order. We present experimental signatures the\nmost striking of which is a universal jump of both longitudinal and Hall\nresistivities at the critical point. With disorder, we argue that the CDW order\ngets pinned and the CFL-FL evolution happens through an intermediate\nelectrically insulating phase with mobile neutral fermions. A clean analog of\nthis insulating phase with long range CDW order and a neutral fermi surface can\npotentially also exist. We discuss the properties of this phase and the nature\nof its phase transitions. We also present a critical theory for the CFL to FL\ntransition at filling $\\nu=-\\frac{3}{4}$. Our work opens up a new avenue to\nrealize deconfined criticalities and fractionalized phases beyond familiar\nLandau level physics in the moir\\'e Chern band system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:59:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Song","Xue-Yang",""],["Zhang","Ya-Hui",""],["Senthil","T.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10904","submitter":"Zuhair Al-Johar Dr.","authors":"Zuhair A. Al-Johar","title":"An alternative proof of Godel's first incompleteness theorem","comments":"5 pages, typos corrected, lemmas added, more uniform notation,\n clarifying notes added, the proof is essentially the same","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This proof of Godel's first incompleteness theorem doesn't require\nomega-consistency, nor does it refer to codes of negated sentences as in\nRosser's. It begins from where Godel's usual proof ends, and stalks it till it\nends proving it.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 10:41:10 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 11:32:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Al-Johar","Zuhair A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10905","submitter":"Mingfei Guo","authors":"Mingfei Guo","title":"Analyzing Quantization in TVM","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" There has been many papers in academic literature on quantizing weight\ntensors in deep learning models to reduce inference latency and memory\nfootprint. TVM also has the ability to quantize weights and support low-bit\ncomputations. Although quantization is typically expected to improve inference\ntime, in TVM, the performance of 8-bit quantization does not meet the\nexpectations. Typically, when applying 8-bit quantization to a deep learning\nmodel, it is usually expected to achieve around 50% of the full-precision\ninference time. However, in this particular case, not only does the quantized\nversion fail to achieve the desired performance boost, but it actually performs\nworse, resulting in an inference time that is about 2 times as slow as the\nnon-quantized version. In this project, we thoroughly investigate the reasons\nbehind the underperformance and assess the compatibility and optimization\nopportunities of 8-bit quantization in TVM. We discuss the optimization of two\ndifferent types of tasks: computation-bound and memory-bound, and provide a\ndetailed comparison of various optimization techniques in TVM. Through the\nidentification of performance issues, we have successfully improved\nquantization by addressing a bug in graph building. Furthermore, we analyze\nmultiple optimization strategies to achieve the optimal quantization result.\nThe best experiment achieves 163.88% improvement compared with the TVM compiled\nbaseline in inference time for the compute-bound task and 194.98% for the\nmemory-bound task.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 07:39:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Guo","Mingfei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10906","submitter":"Bowen Zhao","authors":"Daniel Pook-Kolb, Bowen Zhao, Lars Andersson, Badri Krishnan and\n Shing-Tung Yau","title":"Properties of Quasi-local mass in binary black hole mergers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Identifying a general quasi-local notion of energy-momentum and angular\nmomentum would be an important advance in general relativity with potentially\nimportant consequences for mathematical and astrophysical studies in general\nrelativity. In this paper we study a promising approach to this problem first\nproposed by Wang and Yau in 2009 based on isometric embeddings of closed\nsurfaces in Minkowski space. We study the properties of the Wang-Yau\nquasi-local mass in high accuracy numerical simulations of the head-on\ncollisions of two non-spinning black holes within full general relativity. We\ndiscuss the behavior of the Wang-Yau quasi-local mass on constant expansion\nsurfaces and we compare its behavior with the irreducible mass. We investigate\nthe time evolution of the Wang-Yau Quasi-local mass in numerical examples. In\naddition we discuss mathematical subtleties in defining the Wang-Yau mass for\nmarginally trapped surfaces.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 10:31:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pook-Kolb","Daniel",""],["Zhao","Bowen",""],["Andersson","Lars",""],["Krishnan","Badri",""],["Yau","Shing-Tung",""]]} {"id":"2308.10907","submitter":"Vivek Thumbigere Math","authors":"Himanshi Tanwar, Jeba Mercy Gnanasekaran, Devon Allison, Ling-shiang\n Chuang, Xuesong He, Mario Aimetti, Giacomo Baima, Massimo Costalonga, Raymond\n K. Cross, Cynthia Sears, Saurabh Mehandru, Judy Cho, Jean-Frederic Colombel,\n Jean-Pierre Raufman, Vivek Thumbigere-Math","title":"Unraveling the Link between Periodontitis and Inflammatory Bowel\n Disease: Challenges and Outlook","comments":"Total Words: 7,016 Figures: 3 Tables: 2 Reference: 341","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.TO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Periodontitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) are chronic inflammatory\nconditions, characterized by microbial dysbiosis and hyper-immunoinflammatory\nresponses. Growing evidence suggest an interconnection between periodontitis\nand IBD, implying a shift from the traditional concept of independent diseases\nto a complex, reciprocal cycle. This review outlines the evidence supporting an\nOral-Gut axis, marked by a higher prevalence of periodontitis in IBD patients\nand vice versa. The specific mechanisms linking periodontitis and IBD remain to\nbe fully elucidated, but emerging evidence points to the ectopic colonization\nof the gut by oral bacteria, which promote intestinal inflammation by\nactivating host immune responses. This review presents an in-depth examination\nof the interconnection between periodontitis and IBD, highlighting the shared\nmicrobiological and immunological pathways, and proposing a multi-hit\nhypothesis in the pathogenesis of periodontitis-mediated intestinal\ninflammation. Furthermore, the review underscores the critical need for a\ncollaborative approach between dentists and gastroenterologists to provide\nholistic oral-systemic healthcare.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 18:59:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tanwar","Himanshi",""],["Gnanasekaran","Jeba Mercy",""],["Allison","Devon",""],["Chuang","Ling-shiang",""],["He","Xuesong",""],["Aimetti","Mario",""],["Baima","Giacomo",""],["Costalonga","Massimo",""],["Cross","Raymond K.",""],["Sears","Cynthia",""],["Mehandru","Saurabh",""],["Cho","Judy",""],["Colombel","Jean-Frederic",""],["Raufman","Jean-Pierre",""],["Thumbigere-Math","Vivek",""]]} {"id":"2308.10908","submitter":"Parag Saxena","authors":"Samar Wazir, Gautam Siddharth Kashyap, Parag Saxena","title":"MLOps: A Review","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has become a widely accepted method for\nsignificant progress that is rapidly evolving. Since it employs computational\nmethods to teach machines and produce acceptable answers. The significance of\nthe Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) methods, which can provide acceptable\nanswers for such problems, is examined in this study. To assist in the creation\nof software that is simple to use, the authors research MLOps methods. To\nchoose the best tool structure for certain projects, the authors also assess\nthe features and operability of various MLOps methods. A total of 22 papers\nwere assessed that attempted to apply the MLOps idea. Finally, the authors\nadmit the scarcity of fully effective MLOps methods based on which advancements\ncan self-regulate by limiting human engagement.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 19:24:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wazir","Samar",""],["Kashyap","Gautam Siddharth",""],["Saxena","Parag",""]]} {"id":"2308.10909","submitter":"Joshua Attih","authors":"Joshua Attih","title":"Global Warming In Ghana's Major Cities Based on Statistical Analysis of\n NASA's POWER Over 3-Decades","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ao-ph cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Global warming's impact on high temperatures in various parts of the world\nhas raised concerns. This study investigates long-term temperature trends in\nfour major Ghanaian cities representing distinct climatic zones. Using NASA's\nPrediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) data, statistical analyses\nassess local climate warming and its implications. Linear regression trend\nanalysis and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning predict\ntemperature variations. Land Surface Temperature (LST) profile maps generated\nfrom the RSLab platform enhance accuracy. Results reveal local warming trends,\nparticularly in industrialized Accra. Demographic factors aren't significant.\nXGBoost model's low Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) scores demonstrate\neffectiveness in capturing temperature patterns. Wa unexpectedly has the\nhighest mean temperature. Estimated mean temperatures for mid-2023 are: Accra\n27.86{\\deg}C, Kumasi 27.15{\\deg}C, Kete-Krachi 29.39{\\deg}C, and Wa\n30.76{\\deg}C. These findings improve understanding of local climate warming for\npolicymakers and communities, aiding climate change strategies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 03:23:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Attih","Joshua",""]]} {"id":"2308.10910","submitter":"Yunlu Yan","authors":"Yunlu Yan, Chun-Mei Feng, Yuexiang Li, Rick Siow Mong Goh, Lei Zhu","title":"Federated Pseudo Modality Generation for Incomplete Multi-Modal MRI\n Reconstruction","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures,","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.AI cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" While multi-modal learning has been widely used for MRI reconstruction, it\nrelies on paired multi-modal data which is difficult to acquire in real\nclinical scenarios. Especially in the federated setting, the common situation\nis that several medical institutions only have single-modal data, termed the\nmodality missing issue. Therefore, it is infeasible to deploy a standard\nfederated learning framework in such conditions. In this paper, we propose a\nnovel communication-efficient federated learning framework, namely Fed-PMG, to\naddress the missing modality challenge in federated multi-modal MRI\nreconstruction. Specifically, we utilize a pseudo modality generation mechanism\nto recover the missing modality for each single-modal client by sharing the\ndistribution information of the amplitude spectrum in frequency space. However,\nthe step of sharing the original amplitude spectrum leads to heavy\ncommunication costs. To reduce the communication cost, we introduce a\nclustering scheme to project the set of amplitude spectrum into finite cluster\ncentroids, and share them among the clients. With such an elaborate design, our\napproach can effectively complete the missing modality within an acceptable\ncommunication cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method\ncan attain similar performance with the ideal scenario, i.e., all clients have\nthe full set of modalities. The source code will be released.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 03:38:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yan","Yunlu",""],["Feng","Chun-Mei",""],["Li","Yuexiang",""],["Goh","Rick Siow Mong",""],["Zhu","Lei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10911","submitter":"Chenwei Wang","authors":"Chenwei Wang, Siyi Luo, Jifang Pei, Yulin Huang, Yin Zhang, and Jianyu\n Yang","title":"Crucial Feature Capture and Discrimination for Limited Training Data SAR\n ATR","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Although deep learning-based methods have achieved excellent performance on\nSAR ATR, the fact that it is difficult to acquire and label a lot of SAR images\nmakes these methods, which originally performed well, perform weakly. This may\nbe because most of them consider the whole target images as input, but the\nresearches find that, under limited training data, the deep learning model\ncan't capture discriminative image regions in the whole images, rather focus on\nmore useless even harmful image regions for recognition. Therefore, the results\nare not satisfactory. In this paper, we design a SAR ATR framework under\nlimited training samples, which mainly consists of two branches and two\nmodules, global assisted branch and local enhanced branch, feature capture\nmodule and feature discrimination module. In every training process, the global\nassisted branch first finishes the initial recognition based on the whole\nimage. Based on the initial recognition results, the feature capture module\nautomatically searches and locks the crucial image regions for correct\nrecognition, which we named as the golden key of image. Then the local extract\nthe local features from the captured crucial image regions. Finally, the\noverall features and local features are input into the classifier and\ndynamically weighted using the learnable voting parameters to collaboratively\ncomplete the final recognition under limited training samples. The model\nsoundness experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through the\nimprovement of feature distribution and recognition probability. The\nexperimental results and comparisons on MSTAR and OPENSAR show that our method\nhas achieved superior recognition performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 12:57:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Chenwei",""],["Luo","Siyi",""],["Pei","Jifang",""],["Huang","Yulin",""],["Zhang","Yin",""],["Yang","Jianyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10912","submitter":"Herv\\'e Zwirn","authors":"Herv\\'e Zwirn","title":"Explaining Emergence","comments":"13 pages, 15 figures, to appear in the forthcoming proceedings of the\n UM6P Science Week 2023 Complexity Summit","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CC cs.AI cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Emergence is a pregnant property in various fields. It is the fact for a\nphenomenon to appear surprisingly and to be such that it seems at first sight\nthat it is not possible to predict its apparition. That is the reason why it\nhas often been said that emergence is a subjective property relative to the\nobserver. Some mathematical systems having very simple and deterministic rules\nnevertheless show emergent behavior. Studying these systems shed a new light on\nthe subject and allows to define a new concept, computational irreducibility,\nwhich deals with behaviors that even though they are totally deterministic\ncannot be predicted without simulating them. Computational irreducibility is\nthen a key for understanding emergent phenomena from an objective point of view\nthat does not need the mention of any observer.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 20:31:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zwirn","Herv\u00e9",""]]} {"id":"2308.10913","submitter":"James Gornet","authors":"James Gornet and Matthew Thomson","title":"Automated mapping of virtual environments with visual predictive coding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Humans construct internal cognitive maps of their environment directly from\nsensory inputs without access to a system of explicit coordinates or distance\nmeasurements. While machine learning algorithms like SLAM utilize specialized\nvisual inference procedures to identify visual features and construct spatial\nmaps from visual and odometry data, the general nature of cognitive maps in the\nbrain suggests a unified mapping algorithmic strategy that can generalize to\nauditory, tactile, and linguistic inputs. Here, we demonstrate that predictive\ncoding provides a natural and versatile neural network algorithm for\nconstructing spatial maps using sensory data. We introduce a framework in which\nan agent navigates a virtual environment while engaging in visual predictive\ncoding using a self-attention-equipped convolutional neural network. While\nlearning a next image prediction task, the agent automatically constructs an\ninternal representation of the environment that quantitatively reflects\ndistances. The internal map enables the agent to pinpoint its location relative\nto landmarks using only visual information.The predictive coding network\ngenerates a vectorized encoding of the environment that supports vector\nnavigation where individual latent space units delineate localized, overlapping\nneighborhoods in the environment. Broadly, our work introduces predictive\ncoding as a unified algorithmic framework for constructing cognitive maps that\ncan naturally extend to the mapping of auditory, sensorimotor, and linguistic\ninputs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 22:29:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gornet","James",""],["Thomson","Matthew",""]]} {"id":"2308.10914","submitter":"Christian Fonseca-Mora","authors":"Santiago Cambronero, David Campos, C. A. Fonseca-Mora, Dar\\'io Mena","title":"On the Supremum of a Family of Set Functions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The concept of supremum of a family of set functions was introduced by M.\nVeraar and I. Yaroslavtsev (2016) for families of measures defined on a\nmeasurable space. We expand this concept to include families of set functions\nin a very general setting. The case of families of signed measures is widely\ndiscussed and exploited.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 22:31:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Cambronero","Santiago",""],["Campos","David",""],["Fonseca-Mora","C. A.",""],["Mena","Dar\u00edo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10915","submitter":"Peng Li","authors":"Peng Li, Zhiyi Chen, Xu Chu, Kexin Rong","title":"DiffPrep: Differentiable Data Preprocessing Pipeline Search for Learning\n over Tabular Data","comments":"Published at SIGMOD 2023","journal-ref":"ACM SIGMOD 2023","doi":"10.1145/3589328","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DB cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Data preprocessing is a crucial step in the machine learning process that\ntransforms raw data into a more usable format for downstream ML models.\nHowever, it can be costly and time-consuming, often requiring the expertise of\ndomain experts. Existing automated machine learning (AutoML) frameworks claim\nto automate data preprocessing. However, they often use a restricted search\nspace of data preprocessing pipelines which limits the potential performance\ngains, and they are often too slow as they require training the ML model\nmultiple times. In this paper, we propose DiffPrep, a method that can\nautomatically and efficiently search for a data preprocessing pipeline for a\ngiven tabular dataset and a differentiable ML model such that the performance\nof the ML model is maximized. We formalize the problem of data preprocessing\npipeline search as a bi-level optimization problem. To solve this problem\nefficiently, we transform and relax the discrete, non-differential search space\ninto a continuous and differentiable one, which allows us to perform the\npipeline search using gradient descent with training the ML model only once.\nOur experiments show that DiffPrep achieves the best test accuracy on 15 out of\nthe 18 real-world datasets evaluated and improves the model's test accuracy by\nup to 6.6 percentage points.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 23:40:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Peng",""],["Chen","Zhiyi",""],["Chu","Xu",""],["Rong","Kexin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10916","submitter":"Xingyi Yang","authors":"Xingyi Yang and Xinchao Wang","title":"Diffusion Model as Representation Learner","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have recently demonstrated impressive\nresults on various generative tasks.Despite its promises, the learned\nrepresentations of pre-trained DPMs, however, have not been fully understood.\nIn this paper, we conduct an in-depth investigation of the representation power\nof DPMs, and propose a novel knowledge transfer method that leverages the\nknowledge acquired by generative DPMs for recognition tasks. Our study begins\nby examining the feature space of DPMs, revealing that DPMs are inherently\ndenoising autoencoders that balance the representation learning with\nregularizing model capacity. To this end, we introduce a novel knowledge\ntransfer paradigm named RepFusion. Our paradigm extracts representations at\ndifferent time steps from off-the-shelf DPMs and dynamically employs them as\nsupervision for student networks, in which the optimal time is determined\nthrough reinforcement learning. We evaluate our approach on several image\nclassification, semantic segmentation, and landmark detection benchmarks, and\ndemonstrate that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Our results uncover\nthe potential of DPMs as a powerful tool for representation learning and\nprovide insights into the usefulness of generative models beyond sample\ngeneration. The code is available at\n\\url{https://github.com/Adamdad/Repfusion}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:38:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Xingyi",""],["Wang","Xinchao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10917","submitter":"Liangrui Pan","authors":"Liangrui Pan, Dazheng Liu, Zhichao Feng, Wenjuan Liu, Shaoliang Peng","title":"PACS: Prediction and analysis of cancer subtypes from multi-omics data\n based on a multi-head attention mechanism model","comments":"Submitted to BIBM2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM cs.LG cs.MM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Due to the high heterogeneity and clinical characteristics of cancer, there\nare significant differences in multi-omic data and clinical characteristics\namong different cancer subtypes. Therefore, accurate classification of cancer\nsubtypes can help doctors choose the most appropriate treatment options,\nimprove treatment outcomes, and provide more accurate patient survival\npredictions. In this study, we propose a supervised multi-head attention\nmechanism model (SMA) to classify cancer subtypes successfully. The attention\nmechanism and feature sharing module of the SMA model can successfully learn\nthe global and local feature information of multi-omics data. Second, it\nenriches the parameters of the model by deeply fusing multi-head attention\nencoders from Siamese through the fusion module. Validated by extensive\nexperiments, the SMA model achieves the highest accuracy, F1 macroscopic, F1\nweighted, and accurate classification of cancer subtypes in simulated,\nsingle-cell, and cancer multiomics datasets compared to AE, CNN, and GNN-based\nmodels. Therefore, we contribute to future research on multiomics data using\nour attention-based approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 03:54:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pan","Liangrui",""],["Liu","Dazheng",""],["Feng","Zhichao",""],["Liu","Wenjuan",""],["Peng","Shaoliang",""]]} {"id":"2308.10918","submitter":"Hwan Kim","authors":"Hwan Kim, Junghoon Kim, Byung Suk Lee, and Sungsu Lim","title":"Deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection with Metapath-based Context\n Knowledge","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Graph anomaly detection has attracted considerable attention in recent years.\nThis paper introduces a novel approach that leverages metapath-based\nsemi-supervised learning, addressing the limitations of previous methods. We\npresent a new framework, Metapath-based Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection\n(MSAD), incorporating GCN layers in both the encoder and decoder to efficiently\npropagate context information between abnormal and normal nodes. The design of\nmetapath-based context information and a specifically crafted anomaly community\nenhance the process of learning differences in structures and attributes, both\nglobally and locally. Through a comprehensive set of experiments conducted on\nseven real-world networks, this paper demonstrates the superiority of the MSAD\nmethod compared to state-of-the-art techniques. The promising results of this\nstudy pave the way for future investigations, focusing on the optimization and\nanalysis of metapath patterns to further enhance the effectiveness of anomaly\ndetection on attributed networks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:41:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Hwan",""],["Kim","Junghoon",""],["Lee","Byung Suk",""],["Lim","Sungsu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10919","submitter":"Zuojian Pan","authors":"Zuojian Pan, Zhizhong Chen, Yiyong Chen, Haodong Zhang, Han Yang,\n Jingxin Nie, Chuhan Deng, Boyan Dong, Daqi Wang, Yuchen Li, Weihua Chen, Fei\n Jiao, Xiangning Kang, Chuanyu Jia, Zhiwen Liang, Qi Wang, Guoyi Zhang and Bo\n Shen","title":"Effect of Grain Coalescence on Dislocation and Stress Evolution of GaN\n Films Grown on Nanoscale Patterned Sapphire Substrates","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Two types of nucleation layers (NLs), including in-situ low-temperature grown\nGaN (LT-GaN) and ex-situ sputtered physical vapor deposition AlN (PVD-AlN), are\napplied on cone-shaped nanoscale patterned sapphire substrate (NPSS). The\ninitial growth process of GaN on these two NLs is comparably investigated by a\nseries of growth interruptions. The coalescence process of GaN grains is\nmodulated by adjusting the three-dimensional (3D) temperatures. The results\nindicate that higher 3D temperatures reduce the edge dislocation density while\nincreasing the residual compressive stress in GaN films. Compared to the LT-GaN\nNLs, the PVD-AlN NLs effectively resist Ostwald ripening and facilitate the\nuniform growth of GaN grains on NPSS. Furthermore, GaN films grown on NPSS with\nPVD-AlN NLs exhibit a reduction of over 50% in both screw and edge dislocation\ndensities compared to those grown on LT-GaN NLs. Additionally, PVD-AlN NLs\nresult in an increase of about 0.5 GPa in the residual compressive stress\nobserved in GaN films.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:50:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pan","Zuojian",""],["Chen","Zhizhong",""],["Chen","Yiyong",""],["Zhang","Haodong",""],["Yang","Han",""],["Nie","Jingxin",""],["Deng","Chuhan",""],["Dong","Boyan",""],["Wang","Daqi",""],["Li","Yuchen",""],["Chen","Weihua",""],["Jiao","Fei",""],["Kang","Xiangning",""],["Jia","Chuanyu",""],["Liang","Zhiwen",""],["Wang","Qi",""],["Zhang","Guoyi",""],["Shen","Bo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10920","submitter":"Carlos Andres Agudelo Serna","authors":"Carlos Andres Agudelo Serna, Rachelle Bosua, Sean B. Maynard, Atif\n Ahmad","title":"Addressing Knowledge Leakage Risk caused by the use of mobile devices in\n Australian Organizations","comments":"Pages 14. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.01450","journal-ref":"PACIS 2017 Proceedings. 224 http://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2017/224","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Information and knowledge leakage has become a significant security risk to\nAustralian organizations. Each security incident in Australian business cost an\naverage US$\\$$2.8 million. Furthermore, Australian organisations spend the\nsecond most worldwide (US$\\$$1.2 million each on average) on investigating and\nassessing information breaches. The leakage of sensitive organizational\ninformation occurs through different avenues, such as social media, cloud\ncomputing and mobile devices. In this study, we (1) analyze the knowledge\nleakage risk (KLR) caused by the use of mobile devices in knowledge-intensive\nAustralian organizations, (2) present a conceptual research model to explain\nthe determinants that influence KLR through the use of mobile devices grounded\nin the literature, (3) conduct interviews with security and knowledge managers\nto understand what strategies they use to mitigate KLR caused by the use of\nmobile devices and (4) use content analysis and the conceptual model to frame\nthe preliminary findings from the interviews. Keywords: Knowledge leakage,\nmobile devices, mobile contexts, knowledge leakage risk\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:03:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Serna","Carlos Andres Agudelo",""],["Bosua","Rachelle",""],["Maynard","Sean B.",""],["Ahmad","Atif",""]]} {"id":"2308.10921","submitter":"Paulina Szymczak","authors":"Paulina Szymczak, Ewa Szczurek","title":"Artificial intelligence-driven antimicrobial peptide discovery","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.BM cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) emerge as promising agents against\nantimicrobial resistance, providing an alternative to conventional antibiotics.\nArtificial intelligence (AI) revolutionized AMP discovery through both\ndiscrimination and generation approaches. The discriminators aid the\nidentification of promising candidates by predicting key peptide properties\nsuch as activity and toxicity, while the generators learn the distribution over\npeptides and enable sampling novel AMP candidates, either de novo, or as\nanalogues of a prototype peptide. Moreover, the controlled generation of AMPs\nwith desired properties is achieved by discriminator-guided filtering,\npositive-only learning, latent space sampling, as well as conditional and\noptimized generation. Here we review recent achievements in AI-driven AMP\ndiscovery, highlighting the most exciting directions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:02:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Szymczak","Paulina",""],["Szczurek","Ewa",""]]} {"id":"2308.10922","submitter":"Mukul Singh","authors":"Mukul Singh, Jos\\'e Cambronero, Sumit Gulwani, Vu Le, Carina Negreanu,\n Gust Verbruggen","title":"DataVinci: Learning Syntactic and Semantic String Repairs","comments":"13 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DB cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" String data is common in real-world datasets: 67.6% of values in a sample of\n1.8 million real Excel spreadsheets from the web were represented as text.\nSystems that successfully clean such string data can have a significant impact\non real users. While prior work has explored errors in string data, proposed\napproaches have often been limited to error detection or require that the user\nprovide annotations, examples, or constraints to fix the errors. Furthermore,\nthese systems have focused independently on syntactic errors or semantic errors\nin strings, but ignore that strings often contain both syntactic and semantic\nsubstrings. We introduce DataVinci, a fully unsupervised string data error\ndetection and repair system. DataVinci learns regular-expression-based patterns\nthat cover a majority of values in a column and reports values that do not\nsatisfy such patterns as data errors. DataVinci can automatically derive edits\nto the data error based on the majority patterns and constraints learned over\nother columns without the need for further user interaction. To handle strings\nwith both syntactic and semantic substrings, DataVinci uses an LLM to abstract\n(and re-concretize) portions of strings that are semantic prior to learning\nmajority patterns and deriving edits. Because not all data can result in\nmajority patterns, DataVinci leverages execution information from an existing\nprogram (which reads the target data) to identify and correct data repairs that\nwould not otherwise be identified. DataVinci outperforms 7 baselines on both\nerror detection and repair when evaluated on 4 existing and new benchmarks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:09:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Singh","Mukul",""],["Cambronero","Jos\u00e9",""],["Gulwani","Sumit",""],["Le","Vu",""],["Negreanu","Carina",""],["Verbruggen","Gust",""]]} {"id":"2308.10923","submitter":"Kalyani Desikan","authors":"Machasri Manickam and Kalyani Desikan","title":"Eigenvalue Interlacing of Bipartite Graphs and Construction of Expander\n Code using Vertex-split of a Bipartite Graph","comments":"17 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The second largest eigenvalue of a graph is an important algebraic parameter\nwhich is related with the expansion, connectivity and randomness properties of\na graph. Expanders are highly connected sparse graphs. In coding theory,\nExpander codes are Error Correcting codes made up of bipartite expander graphs.\nIn this paper, first we prove the interlacing of the eigenvalues of the\nadjacency matrix of the bipartite graph with the eigenvalues of the bipartite\nquotient matrices of the corresponding graph matrices. Then we obtain bounds\nfor the second largest and second smallest eigenvalues. Since the graph is\nbipartite, the results for Laplacian will also hold for Signless Laplacian\nmatrix. We then introduce a new method called vertex-split of a bipartite graph\nto construct asymptotically good expander codes with expansion factor\n$\\frac{D}{2}<\\alpha < D$ and $\\epsilon<\\frac{1}{2}$ and prove a condition for\nthe vertex-split of a bipartite graph to be $k-$connected with respect to\n$\\lambda_{2}.$ Further, we prove that the vertex-split of $G$ is a bipartite\nexpander. Finally, we construct an asymptotically good expander code whose\nfactor graph is a graph obtained by the vertex-split of a bipartite graph.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:10:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Manickam","Machasri",""],["Desikan","Kalyani",""]]} {"id":"2308.10924","submitter":"Jan Ambjorn","authors":"Jan Ambjorn and Yoshiyuki Watabiki","title":"Is the present acceleration of the Universe caused by merging with other\n universes?","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.CO hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that by allowing our Universe to merge with other universes one is\nlead to modified Friedmann equations that explain the present accelerated\nexpansion of our Universe without the need of a cosmological constant.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:37:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ambjorn","Jan",""],["Watabiki","Yoshiyuki",""]]} {"id":"2308.10925","submitter":"Chen Sun","authors":"Hyeonseok Seong, Chen Sun, Seokhoon Yun","title":"Axion Magnetic Resonance: A Novel Enhancement in Axion-Photon Conversion","comments":"13 pages, 5 figures, numerical code available at\n https://github.com/ChenSun-Phys/axion-magnetic-resonance","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"DESY-23-118, LA-UR-23-29378, CTPU-PTC-23-39","categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We identify a new resonance, axion magnetic resonance (AMR), that can greatly\nenhance the conversion rate between axions and photons. A series of axion\nsearch experiments rely on converting them into photons inside a constant\nmagnetic field background. A common bottleneck of such experiments is the\nconversion amplitude being suppressed by the axion mass when $m_a \\gtrsim\n10^{-4}~$eV. We point out that a spatial or temporal variation in the magnetic\nfield can cancel the difference between the photon dispersion relation and that\nof the axion, hence greatly enhancing the conversion probability. We\ndemonstrate that the enhancement can be achieved by both a helical magnetic\nfield profile and a harmonic oscillation of the magnitude. Our approach can\nextend the projected ALPS II reach in the axion-photon coupling ($g_{a\\gamma}$)\nby two orders of magnitude at $m_a = 10^{-3}\\;\\mathrm{eV}$ with moderate\nassumptions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Seong","Hyeonseok",""],["Sun","Chen",""],["Yun","Seokhoon",""]]} {"id":"2308.10926","submitter":"Philip Mansfield","authors":"Philip Mansfield, Elise Darragh-Ford, Yunchong Wang, Ethan O. Nadler,\n Risa H. Wechsler","title":"Symfind: Addressing the Fragility of Subhalo Finders and Revealing the\n Durability of Subhalos","comments":"45 pages, 19 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A major question in $\\Lambda$CDM is what this theory actually predicts for\nthe properties of subhalo populations. Subhalos are difficult to simulate and\nto find within simulations, and this propagates into uncertainty in theoretical\npredictions for satellite galaxies. We present Symfind, a new\nparticle-tracking-based subhalo finder, and demonstrate that it can track\nsubhalos to orders-of-magnitude lower masses than commonly used halo-finding\ntools, with a focus on Rockstar and consistent-trees. These longer survival\nmean that at a fixed peak subhalo mass, we find $\\approx 15\\%{-}40\\%$ more\nsubhalos within the virial radius, $R_\\textrm{vir}$, and $\\approx 35\\%-120\\%$\nmore subhalos within $R_\\textrm{vir}/4$ in the Symphony dark-matter-only\nsimulation suite. More subhalos are found as resolution is increased. We\nperform extensive numerical testing. In agreement with idealized simulations,\nwe show that the $v_{\\rm max}$ of subhalos is only resolved at high resolutions\n($n_\\textrm{peak}\\gtrsim3\\times 10^4$), but that mass loss itself can be\nresolved at much more modest particle counts ($n_\\textrm{peak}\\gtrsim4\\times\n10^3$). We show that Rockstar converges to false solutions for the mass\nfunction, radial distribution, and disruption masses of subhalos. We argue that\nour new method can trace resolved subhalos until the point of typical galaxy\ndisruption without invoking ``orphan'' modeling. We outline a concrete set of\nsteps for determining whether other subhalo finders meet the same criteria. We\npublicly release Symfind catalogs and particle data for the Symphony simulation\nsuite at \\url{http://web.stanford.edu/group/gfc/symphony}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mansfield","Philip",""],["Darragh-Ford","Elise",""],["Wang","Yunchong",""],["Nadler","Ethan O.",""],["Wechsler","Risa H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10927","submitter":"Noah Rogers","authors":"Noah S. J. Rogers, Claudia M. Scarlata, Evan D. Skillman, Nathan R.\n Eggen, Anne E. Jaskot, Vihang Mehta, John M. Cannon","title":"HST UV Spectroscopy of the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy Pox 186","comments":"22 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical\n Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Studying the galaxies responsible for reionization is often conducted through\nlocal reionization-era analogs; however, many of these local analogs are too\nmassive to be representative of the low-mass star-forming galaxies that are\nthought to play a dominant role in reionization. The local, low-mass dwarf\nstarburst galaxy Pox 186 is one such system with physical conditions\nrepresentative of a reionization-era starburst galaxy. We present deep\nultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy of Pox 186 to study its stellar population and\nionization conditions and to compare these conditions to other local starburst\ngalaxies. The new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph data are combined with archival\nobservations to cover $\\sim$1150-2000 A and allow for an assessment of Pox\n186's stellar population, the relative enrichment of C and O, and the escape of\nionizing photons. We detect significant Ly$\\alpha$ and low-ionization state\nabsorption features, indicative of previously undetected neutral gas in Pox\n186. The C/O relative abundance, log(C/O) = -0.62$\\pm$0.02, is consistent with\nother low-metallicity dwarf galaxies and suggests a comparable star formation\nhistory in these systems. We compare UV line ratios in Pox 186 to those of\ndwarf galaxies and photoionization models, and we find excellent agreement for\nthe ratios utilizing the intense C III], O III], and double-peaked C IV lines.\nHowever, the UV and optical He II emission is faint and distinguishes Pox 186\nfrom other local starburst dwarf galaxies. We explore mechanisms that could\nproduce faint He II, which have implications for the low-mass reionization-era\ngalaxies which may have similar ionization conditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Rogers","Noah S. J.",""],["Scarlata","Claudia M.",""],["Skillman","Evan D.",""],["Eggen","Nathan R.",""],["Jaskot","Anne E.",""],["Mehta","Vihang",""],["Cannon","John M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10928","submitter":"Matthew Sullivan","authors":"Hooman Davoudiasl, Matthew Sullivan","title":"Adagio for Thermal Relics","comments":"6 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A larger Planck scale during an early epoch leads to a smaller Hubble rate,\nwhich is the measure for efficiency of primordial processes. The resulting\nslower cosmic tempo can accommodate alternative cosmological histories. We\nconsider this possibility in the context of extra dimensional theories, which\ncan provide a natural setting for the scenario. If the fundamental scale of the\ntheory is not too far above the weak scale, to alleviate the ``hierarchy\nproblem,\" cosmological constraints imply that thermal relic dark matter would\nbe at the GeV scale, which may be disfavored by cosmic microwave background\nmeasurements. Such dark matter becomes viable again in our proposal, due to\nsmaller requisite annihilation cross section, further motivating ongoing low\nenergy accelerator-based searches. Quantum gravity signatures associated with\nthe extra dimensional setting can be probed at high energy colliders -- up to\n$\\sim 13$ TeV at the LHC or $\\sim 100$ TeV at FCC-hh. Searches for missing\nenergy signals of dark sector states, with masses $\\gtrsim 10$ GeV, can be\npursued at a future circular lepton collider.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Davoudiasl","Hooman",""],["Sullivan","Matthew",""]]} {"id":"2308.10929","submitter":"Andrew Lucas","authors":"Chao Yin, Andrew Lucas","title":"Heisenberg-limited metrology with perturbing interactions","comments":"24+5 pages, 3+0 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that it is possible to perform Heisenberg-limited metrology on\nGHZ-like states, in the presence of generic spatially local interactions during\nthe measurement process. An explicit protocol, which relies on measurements and\nfeedback based on polynomial-time classical computation, achieves the\nHeisenberg limit. In one dimension, matrix product state methods can be used to\nperform this classical calculation, while in higher dimensions the cluster\nexpansion underlies the efficient calculations. The latter approach is based on\nan efficient classical sampling algorithm for short-time quantum dynamics,\nwhich may be of independent interest.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yin","Chao",""],["Lucas","Andrew",""]]} {"id":"2308.10930","submitter":"Aaron B. Pearlman","authors":"Aaron B. Pearlman, Paul Scholz, Suryarao Bethapudi, Jason W. T.\n Hessels, Victoria M. Kaspi, Franz Kirsten, Kenzie Nimmo, Laura G. Spitler,\n Emmanuel Fonseca, Bradley W. Meyers, Ingrid Stairs, Chia Min Tan, Mohit\n Bhardwaj, Shami Chatterjee, Amanda M. Cook, Alice P. Curtin, Fengqiu Adam\n Dong, Tarraneh Eftekhari, B. M. Gaensler, Tolga G\\\"uver, Jane Kaczmarek,\n Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Daniele Michilli, Thomas A. Prince, Ketan R.\n Sand, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick M. Smith, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar","title":"Multiwavelength Constraints on the Origin of a Nearby Repeating Fast\n Radio Burst Source in a Globular Cluster","comments":"58 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, submitted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Since fast radio bursts (FRBs) were discovered, their precise origins have\nremained a mystery. Multiwavelength observations of nearby FRB sources provide\none of the best ways to make rapid progress in our understanding of the\nenigmatic FRB phenomenon. We present results from a sensitive, broadband\nmultiwavelength X-ray and radio observational campaign of FRB 20200120E, the\nclosest known extragalactic repeating FRB source. At a distance of 3.63 Mpc,\nFRB 20200120E resides in an exceptional location, within a ~10 Gyr-old globular\ncluster in the M81 galactic system. We place deep limits on both the persistent\nX-ray luminosity and prompt X-ray emission at the time of radio bursts from FRB\n20200120E, which we use to constrain possible progenitors for the source. We\ncompare our results to various classes of X-ray sources and transients. In\nparticular, we find that FRB 20200120E is unlikely to be associated with:\nultraluminous X-ray bursts (ULXBs), similar to those observed from objects of\nunknown origin in other extragalactic globular clusters; giant flares, like\nthose observed from Galactic and extragalactic magnetars; or most intermediate\nflares and very bright short X-ray bursts, similar to those seen from magnetars\nin the Milky Way. We show that FRB 20200120E is also unlikely to be powered by\na persistent or transient ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) source or a young,\nextragalactic pulsar embedded in a Crab-like nebula. We also provide new\nconstraints on the compatibility of FRB 20200120E with accretion-based FRB\nmodels involving X-ray binaries and models that require a synchrotron maser\nprocess from relativistic shocks to generate FRB emission. These results\nhighlight the power that multiwavelength observations of nearby FRBs can\nprovide for discriminating between potential FRB progenitor models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Pearlman","Aaron B.",""],["Scholz","Paul",""],["Bethapudi","Suryarao",""],["Hessels","Jason W. T.",""],["Kaspi","Victoria M.",""],["Kirsten","Franz",""],["Nimmo","Kenzie",""],["Spitler","Laura G.",""],["Fonseca","Emmanuel",""],["Meyers","Bradley W.",""],["Stairs","Ingrid",""],["Tan","Chia Min",""],["Bhardwaj","Mohit",""],["Chatterjee","Shami",""],["Cook","Amanda M.",""],["Curtin","Alice P.",""],["Dong","Fengqiu Adam",""],["Eftekhari","Tarraneh",""],["Gaensler","B. M.",""],["G\u00fcver","Tolga",""],["Kaczmarek","Jane",""],["Leung","Calvin",""],["Masui","Kiyoshi W.",""],["Michilli","Daniele",""],["Prince","Thomas A.",""],["Sand","Ketan R.",""],["Shin","Kaitlyn",""],["Smith","Kendrick M.",""],["Tendulkar","Shriharsh P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10931","submitter":"Saarik Kalia","authors":"Itay M. Bloch and Saarik Kalia","title":"Curl up with a good $\\mathbf B$: Detecting ultralight dark matter with\n differential magnetometry","comments":"16 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Ultralight dark matter (such as kinetically mixed dark-photon dark matter or\naxionlike dark matter) can source an oscillating magnetic-field signal at the\nEarth's surface, which can be measured by a synchronized array of ground-based\nmagnetometers. The global signal of ultralight dark matter can be robustly\npredicted for low masses, when the wavelength of the dark matter is larger than\nthe radius of the Earth, $\\lambda_\\mathrm{DM}\\gg R$. However, at higher masses,\nenvironmental effects, such as the Schumann resonances, can become relevant,\nmaking the global magnetic-field signal $\\mathbf B$ difficult to reliably\nmodel. In this work, we show that $\\nabla\\times\\mathbf B$ is robust to global\nenvironmental details, and instead only depends on the local dark matter\namplitude. We therefore propose to measure the local curl of the magnetic field\nat the Earth's surface, as a means for detecting ultralight dark matter with\n$\\lambda_\\mathrm{DM}\\lesssim R$. As this measurement requires vertical\ngradients, it can be done near a hill/mountain. Our measurement scheme not only\nallows for a robust prediction, but also acts as a background rejection scheme\nfor external noise sources. We show that our technique can be the most\nsensitive terrestrial probe of dark-photon dark matter for frequencies\n$10\\,\\mathrm{Hz}\\leq f_{A'}\\leq1\\,\\mathrm{kHz}$ (corresponding to masses\n$4\\times10^{-14}\\,\\mathrm{eV}\\leq m_{A'}\\leq4\\times10^{-12}\\,\\mathrm{eV}$). It\ncan also achieve sensitivities to axionlike dark matter comparabe to the CAST\nhelioscope, in the same frequency range.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bloch","Itay M.",""],["Kalia","Saarik",""]]} {"id":"2308.10932","submitter":"Caitlin Casey","authors":"Caitlin M. Casey, Hollis B. Akins, Marko Shuntov, Olivier Ilbert,\n Louise Paquereau, Maximilien Franco, Christopher C. Hayward, Steven L.\n Finkelstein, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Brant E. Robertson, Natalie Allen, Malte\n Brinch, Olivia R. Cooper, Xuheng Ding, Nicole E. Drakos, Andreas L. Faisst,\n Seiji Fujimoto, Steven Gillman, Santosh Harish, Michaela Hirschmann, Shuowen\n Jin, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Anton M. Koekemoer, Vasily Kokorev, Daizhong Liu,\n Arianna S. Long, Georgios Magdis, Claudia Maraston, Crystal L. Martin, Henry\n Joy McCracken, Jed McKinney, Bahram Mobasher, Jason Rhodes, R. Michael Rich,\n David B. Sanders, John D. Silverman, Sune Toft, Aswin P. Vijayan, John R.\n Weaver, Stephen M. Wilkins, Lilan Yang, Jorge A. Zavala","title":"COSMOS-Web: Intrinsically Luminous z$\\gtrsim$10 Galaxy Candidates Test\n Early Stellar Mass Assembly","comments":"30 pages, 9 figures; ApJ submitted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We report the discovery of 15 exceptionally luminous $10\\lesssim z\\lesssim14$\ncandidate galaxies discovered in the first 0.28 deg$^2$ of JWST/NIRCam imaging\nfrom the COSMOS-Web Survey. These sources span rest-frame UV magnitudes of\n$-20.5>M_{\\rm UV}>-22$, and thus constitute the most intrinsically luminous\n$z\\gtrsim10$ candidates identified by JWST to-date. Selected via NIRCam imaging\nwith Hubble ACS/F814W, deep ground-based observations corroborate their\ndetection and help significantly constrain their photometric redshifts. We\nanalyze their spectral energy distributions using multiple open-source codes\nand evaluate the probability of low-redshift solutions; we conclude that 12/15\n(80%) are likely genuine $z\\gtrsim10$ sources and 3/15 (20%) likely\nlow-redshift contaminants. Three of our $z\\sim12$ candidates push the limits of\nearly stellar mass assembly: they have estimated stellar masses\n$\\sim5\\times10^{9}\\,M_\\odot$, implying an effective stellar baryon fraction of\n$\\epsilon_{\\star}\\sim0.2-0.5$, where $\\epsilon_{\\star}\\equiv\nM_{\\star}/(f_{b}M_{halo})$. The assembly of such stellar reservoirs is made\npossible due to rapid, burst-driven star formation on timescales $<$100\\,Myr\nwhere the star-formation rate may far outpace the growth of the underlying dark\nmatter halos. This is supported by the similar volume densities inferred for\n$M_\\star\\sim10^{10}\\,M_\\odot$ galaxies relative to $M_\\star\\sim10^{9}\\,M_\\odot$\n-- both about $10^{-6}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ -- implying they live in halos of comparable\nmass. At such high redshifts, the duty cycle for starbursts would be of order\nunity, which could cause the observed change in the shape of the UVLF from a\ndouble powerlaw to Schechter at $z\\approx8$. Spectroscopic redshift\nconfirmation and ensuing constraints of their masses will be critical to\nunderstanding how, and if, such early massive galaxies push the limits of\ngalaxy formation in $\\Lambda$CDM.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Casey","Caitlin M.",""],["Akins","Hollis B.",""],["Shuntov","Marko",""],["Ilbert","Olivier",""],["Paquereau","Louise",""],["Franco","Maximilien",""],["Hayward","Christopher C.",""],["Finkelstein","Steven L.",""],["Boylan-Kolchin","Michael",""],["Robertson","Brant E.",""],["Allen","Natalie",""],["Brinch","Malte",""],["Cooper","Olivia R.",""],["Ding","Xuheng",""],["Drakos","Nicole E.",""],["Faisst","Andreas L.",""],["Fujimoto","Seiji",""],["Gillman","Steven",""],["Harish","Santosh",""],["Hirschmann","Michaela",""],["Jin","Shuowen",""],["Kartaltepe","Jeyhan S.",""],["Koekemoer","Anton M.",""],["Kokorev","Vasily",""],["Liu","Daizhong",""],["Long","Arianna S.",""],["Magdis","Georgios",""],["Maraston","Claudia",""],["Martin","Crystal L.",""],["McCracken","Henry Joy",""],["McKinney","Jed",""],["Mobasher","Bahram",""],["Rhodes","Jason",""],["Rich","R. Michael",""],["Sanders","David B.",""],["Silverman","John D.",""],["Toft","Sune",""],["Vijayan","Aswin P.",""],["Weaver","John R.",""],["Wilkins","Stephen M.",""],["Yang","Lilan",""],["Zavala","Jorge A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10933","submitter":"Pietro Benetti Genolini","authors":"Pietro Benetti Genolini, Jerome P. Gauntlett, James Sparks","title":"Localizing Wrapped M5-branes and Gravitational Blocks","comments":"6 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider $d=2$, $\\mathcal{N}=(0,2)$ SCFTs that can arise from M5-branes\nwrapping four-dimensional, complex, toric manifolds and orbifolds. We use\nequivariant localization to compute the off-shell central charge of the dual\nsupergravity solutions, obtaining a result which can be written as a sum of\ngravitational blocks and precisely agrees with a field theory computation using\nanomaly polynomials and $c$-extremization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Genolini","Pietro Benetti",""],["Gauntlett","Jerome P.",""],["Sparks","James",""]]} {"id":"2308.10934","submitter":"Fabian Ballar-Trigueros","authors":"Fabian Ballar Trigueros, Tiago Mendes-Santos, Markus Heyl","title":"Mean-field theories are simple for neural quantum states","comments":"10 pages,3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.dis-nn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The utilization of artificial neural networks for representing quantum\nmany-body wave functions has garnered significant attention, with enormous\nrecent progress for both ground states and non-equilibrium dynamics. However,\nquantifying state complexity within this neural quantum states framework\nremains elusive. In this study, we address this key open question from the\ncomplementary point of view: Which states are simple to represent with neural\nquantum states? Concretely, we show on a general level that ground states of\nmean-field theories with permutation symmetry only require a limited number of\nindependent neural network parameters. We analytically establish that, in the\nthermodynamic limit, convergence to the ground state of the fully-connected\ntransverse-field Ising model (TFIM), the mean-field Ising model, can be\nachieved with just one single parameter. Expanding our analysis, we explore the\nbehavior of the 1-parameter ansatz under breaking of the permutation symmetry.\nFor that purpose, we consider the TFIM with tunable long-range interactions,\ncharacterized by an interaction exponent $\\alpha$. We show analytically that\nthe 1-parameter ansatz for the neural quantum state still accurately captures\nthe ground state for a whole range of values for $0\\le \\alpha \\le 1$, implying\na mean-field description of the model in this regime.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Trigueros","Fabian Ballar",""],["Mendes-Santos","Tiago",""],["Heyl","Markus",""]]} {"id":"2308.10935","submitter":"Rahul Sahay","authors":"Rahul Sahay, Stefan Divic, Daniel E. Parker, Tomohiro Soejima, Sajant\n Anand, Johannes Hauschild, Monika Aidelsburger, Ashvin Vishwanath, Shubhayu\n Chatterjee, Norman Y. Yao, Michael P. Zaletel","title":"Superconductivity in a Topological Lattice Model with Strong Repulsion","comments":"27 pages (with 8 figures) + 35 pages supplementary (with 14 figures)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.quant-gas cond-mat.supr-con quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The highly tunable nature of synthetic quantum materials -- both in the\nsolid-state and cold atom contexts -- invites examining which microscopic\ningredients aid in the realization of correlated phases of matter such as\nsuperconductors. Recent experimental advances in moir\\'e materials suggest that\nunifying the features of the Fermi-Hubbard model and quantum Hall systems\ncreates a fertile ground for the emergence of such phases. Here, we introduce a\nminimal 2D lattice model that incorporates exactly these features:\ntime-reversal symmetry, band topology, and strong repulsive interactions. By\nusing infinite cylinder density matrix renormalization group methods (cylinder\niDMRG), we investigate the ground state phase diagram of this model. We find\nthat it hosts an interaction-induced quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator and\ndemonstrate that weakly hole-doping this state gives rise to a superconductor\nat a finite circumference, with indications that this behavior persists on\nlarger cylinders. At the aforementioned circumference, the superconducting\nphase is surprisingly robust to perturbations including additional repulsive\ninteractions in the pairing channel. By developing a technique to probe the\nsuperconducting gap function in iDMRG, we phenomenologically characterize the\nsuperconductor. Namely, we demonstrate that it is formed from the weak pairing\nof holes atop the QSH insulator. Furthermore, we determine the pairing symmetry\nof the superconductor, finding it to be $p$-wave -- reminiscent of the\nunconventional superconductivity reported in experiments on twisted bilayer\ngraphene (TBG). Motivated by this, we elucidate structural similarities and\ndifferences between our model and those of TBG in its chiral limit. Finally, to\nprovide a more direct experimental realization, we detail an implementation of\nour Hamiltonian in a system of cold fermionic alkaline-earth atoms in an\noptical lattice.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sahay","Rahul",""],["Divic","Stefan",""],["Parker","Daniel E.",""],["Soejima","Tomohiro",""],["Anand","Sajant",""],["Hauschild","Johannes",""],["Aidelsburger","Monika",""],["Vishwanath","Ashvin",""],["Chatterjee","Shubhayu",""],["Yao","Norman Y.",""],["Zaletel","Michael P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10936","submitter":"Genevieve Schroeder","authors":"Genevieve Schroeder (Northwestern/CIERA), Lauren Rhodes, Tanmoy\n Laskar, Anya Nugent, Alicia Rouco Escorial, Jillian C. Rastinejad, Wen-fai\n Fong, Alexander J. van der Horst, P\\'eter Veres, Kate D. Alexander, Alex\n Andersson, Edo Berger, Peter K. Blanchard, Sarah Chastain, Lise Christensen,\n Rob Fender, David A. Green, Paul Groot, Ian Heywood, Assaf Horesh, Luca Izzo,\n Charles D. Kilpatrick, Elmar K\\\"ording, Amy Lien, Daniele B. Malesani,\n Vanessa McBride, Kunal Mooley, Antonia Rowlinson, Huei Sears, Ben Stappers,\n Nial Tanvir, Susanna D. Vergani, Ralph A.M.J. Wijers, David Williams-Baldwin,\n and Patrick Woudt","title":"A Radio Flare in the Long-Lived Afterglow of the Distant Short GRB\n 210726A: Energy Injection or a Reverse Shock from Shell Collisions?","comments":"28 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present the discovery of the radio afterglow of the short $\\gamma$-ray\nburst (GRB) 210726A, localized to a galaxy at a photometric redshift of $z\\sim\n2.4$. While radio observations commenced $\\lesssim 1~$day after the burst, no\nradio emission was detected until $\\sim11$~days. The radio afterglow\nsubsequently brightened by a factor of $\\sim 3$ in the span of a week, followed\nby a rapid decay (a ``radio flare''). We find that a forward shock afterglow\nmodel cannot self-consistently describe the multi-wavelength X-ray and radio\ndata, and underpredicts the flux of the radio flare by a factor of $\\approx 5$.\nWe find that the addition of substantial energy injection, which increases the\nisotropic kinetic energy of the burst by a factor of $\\approx 4$, or a reverse\nshock from a shell collision are viable solutions to match the broad-band\nbehavior. At $z\\sim 2.4$, GRB\\,210726A is among the highest redshift short GRBs\ndiscovered to date as well as the most luminous in radio and X-rays. Combining\nand comparing all previous radio afterglow observations of short GRBs, we find\nthat the majority of published radio searches conclude by $\\lesssim 10~$days\nafter the burst, potentially missing these late rising, luminous radio\nafterglows.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Schroeder","Genevieve","","Northwestern/CIERA"],["Rhodes","Lauren",""],["Laskar","Tanmoy",""],["Nugent","Anya",""],["Escorial","Alicia Rouco",""],["Rastinejad","Jillian C.",""],["Fong","Wen-fai",""],["van der Horst","Alexander J.",""],["Veres","P\u00e9ter",""],["Alexander","Kate D.",""],["Andersson","Alex",""],["Berger","Edo",""],["Blanchard","Peter K.",""],["Chastain","Sarah",""],["Christensen","Lise",""],["Fender","Rob",""],["Green","David A.",""],["Groot","Paul",""],["Heywood","Ian",""],["Horesh","Assaf",""],["Izzo","Luca",""],["Kilpatrick","Charles D.",""],["K\u00f6rding","Elmar",""],["Lien","Amy",""],["Malesani","Daniele B.",""],["McBride","Vanessa",""],["Mooley","Kunal",""],["Rowlinson","Antonia",""],["Sears","Huei",""],["Stappers","Ben",""],["Tanvir","Nial",""],["Vergani","Susanna D.",""],["Wijers","Ralph A. M. J.",""],["Williams-Baldwin","David",""],["Woudt","Patrick",""]]} {"id":"2308.10937","submitter":"Dainis Dravins","authors":"Dainis Dravins (Lund), Hans-G\\\"unter Ludwig (Heidelberg)","title":"Solar Photospheric Spectrum Microvariability I. Theoretical searches for\n proxies of radial-velocity jittering","comments":"18 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy &\n Astrophysics","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Extreme precision radial-velocity spectrometers enable extreme precision\nstellar spectroscopy. Searches for low-mass exoplanets around solar-type stars\nare limited by the physical variability in stellar spectra, such as the\nshort-term jittering of apparent radial velocities. To understand the physical\norigins of such jittering, the solar spectrum is assembled, as far as possible,\nfrom basic principles. Surface convection is modeled with time-dependent 3D\nhydrodynamics, followed by the computation of hyper-high resolution spectra\nduring numerous instances of the simulation sequences. The behavior of\ndifferent classes of photospheric absorption lines is monitored to identify\ncommonalities or differences between different classes of lines: weak or\nstrong, neutral or ionized, high- or low-excitation, atomic or molecular. For\nFe I and Fe II lines, the radial-velocity jittering over the small simulation\narea typically amounts to +-150 m/s, scaling to about 2 m/s for the full solar\ndisk. Most photospheric lines vary in phase but with different amplitudes among\ndifferent classes of lines. Radial-velocity excursions are greater for stronger\nand for ionized lines, decreasing at longer wavelengths. The differences\nbetween various line-groups are about one order of magnitude less than the full\njittering amplitudes. By matching very precisely measured radial velocities to\nthe characteristic jittering patterns between different line-groups should\nenable to identify and to remove a significant component of the stellar noise\noriginating in granulation. To verify the modeling toward such a filter,\npredictions of solar center-to-limb dependences of jittering amplitudes are\npresented for different classes of lines, testable with spatially resolving\nsolar telescopes connected to existing radial-velocity instruments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Dravins","Dainis","","Lund"],["Ludwig","Hans-G\u00fcnter","","Heidelberg"]]} {"id":"2308.10938","submitter":"Glenn Wagner","authors":"Glenn Wagner, Yves H. Kwan, Nick Bultinck, Steven H. Simon, S.A.\n Parameswaran","title":"Coulomb-driven band unflattening suppresses $K$-phonon pairing in\n moir\\'e graphene","comments":"8 pages, 2 figures (+16 pages, 8 figures supplement)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" It is a matter of current debate whether the gate-tunable superconductivity\nin twisted bilayer graphene is phonon-mediated or arises from electron-electron\ninteractions. The recent observation of the strong coupling of electrons to\nso-called $K$-phonon modes in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy\nexperiments has resuscitated early proposals that $K$-phonons drive\nsuperconductivity. We show that the bandwidth-enhancing effect of interactions\ndrastically weakens both the intrinsic susceptibility towards pairing as well\nas the screening of Coulomb repulsion that is essential for the phonon\nattraction to dominate at low temperature. This rules out purely\n$K$-phonon-mediated superconductivity with the observed transition temperature\nof $\\sim 1$ K. We conclude that the unflattening of bands by Coulomb\ninteractions challenges any purely phonon-driven pairing mechanism, and must be\naddressed by a successful theory of superconductivity in moir\\'e graphene.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wagner","Glenn",""],["Kwan","Yves H.",""],["Bultinck","Nick",""],["Simon","Steven H.",""],["Parameswaran","S. A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10939","submitter":"Hans Gl{\\o}ckner Giil","authors":"Hans Gl{\\o}ckner Giil and Jacob Linder","title":"Superconductor-altermagnet memory functionality without stray fields","comments":"5 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A novel class of antiferromagnets, dubbed altermagnets, exhibit a\nnon-relativistically spin-split band structure reminiscent of $d$-wave\nsuperconductors, despite the absence of net magnetization. This unique\ncharacteristic enables utilization in cryogenic stray-field-free memory\ndevices, offering the possibility of achieving high storage densities. In this\nLetter, we determine how a proximate altermagnet influences the critical\ntemperature $T_c$ of a conventional $s$-wave singlet superconductor.\nConsidering both a bilayer and trilayer, we show that such hybrid structures\nmay serve as stray-field free memory devices where the critical temperature is\ncontrolled by rotating the N\\'eel vector of one altermagnet, providing infinite\nmagnetoresistance. Furthermore, our study reveals that altermagnetism can\ncoexist with superconductivity up to a critical strength of the altermagnetic\norder as well as robustness of the altermagnetic influence on the conduction\nelectrons against non-magnetic impurities, ensuring the persistence of the\nproximity effect under realistic experimental conditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Giil","Hans Gl\u00f8ckner",""],["Linder","Jacob",""]]} {"id":"2308.10940","submitter":"Rob Van Holstein","authors":"R. G. van Holstein, C. U. Keller, F. Snik, S. P. Bos","title":"Polarization-dependent beam shifts upon metallic reflection in\n high-contrast imagers and telescopes","comments":"19 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy\n & Astrophysics, forthcoming article","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1051/0004-6361/202243156","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.EP physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" (Abridged) Context. To directly image rocky exoplanets in reflected\n(polarized) light, future space- and ground-based high-contrast imagers and\ntelescopes aim to reach extreme contrasts at close separations from the star.\nHowever, the achievable contrast will be limited by reflection-induced\npolarization aberrations. While polarization aberrations can be modeled\nnumerically, such computations provide little insight into the full range of\neffects, their origin and characteristics, and possible ways to mitigate them.\nAims. We aim to understand polarization aberrations produced by reflection off\nflat metallic mirrors at the fundamental level. Methods. We used polarization\nray tracing to numerically compute polarization aberrations and interpret the\nresults in terms of the polarization-dependent spatial and angular\nGoos-H\\\"anchen and Imbert-Federov shifts of the beam of light as described with\nclosed-form mathematical expressions in the physics literature. Results. We\nfind that all four beam shifts are fully reproduced by polarization ray tracing\nand study the origin, characteristics, sizes, and directions of the shifts. Of\nthe four beam shifts, only the spatial Goos-H\\\"anchen and Imbert-Federov shifts\nare relevant for high-contrast imagers and telescopes because these shifts are\nvisible in the focal plane and create a polarization structure in the PSF that\nreduces the performance of coronagraphs and the polarimetric speckle\nsuppression close to the star. Conclusions. The beam shifts in an optical\nsystem can be mitigated by keeping the f-numbers large and angles of incidence\nsmall. Most importantly, mirror coatings should not be optimized for maximum\nreflectivity, but should be designed to have a retardance close to 180{\\deg}.\nThe insights from our study can be applied to improve the performance of\ncurrent and future high-contrast imagers, especially those in space and on the\nELTs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["van Holstein","R. G.",""],["Keller","C. U.",""],["Snik","F.",""],["Bos","S. P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10941","submitter":"Erin Rose Higgins","authors":"Erin R. Higgins, Jorick S. Vink, Raphael Hirschi, Alison M. Laird,\n Gautham N. Sabhahit","title":"Stellar Wind Yields of Very Massive Stars","comments":"Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The most massive stars provide an essential source of recycled material for\nyoung clusters and galaxies. While very massive stars (VMS, M>100M) are\nrelatively rare compared to O stars, they lose disproportionately large amounts\nof mass already from the onset of core H-burning. VMS have optically thick\nwinds with elevated mass-loss rates in comparison to optically thin standard\nO-star winds. We compute wind yields and ejected masses on the main sequence,\nand we compare enhanced mass-loss rates to standard ones. We calculate solar\nmetallicity wind yields from MESA stellar evolution models in the range 50 -\n500M, including a large nuclear network of 92 isotopes, investigating not only\nthe CNO-cycle, but also the Ne-Na and Mg-Al cycles. VMS with enhanced winds\neject 5-10 times more H-processed elements (N, Ne, Na, Al) on the main sequence\nin comparison to standard winds, with possible consequences for observed\nanti-correlations, such as C-N and Na-O, in globular clusters. We find that for\nVMS 95% of the total wind yields is produced on the main sequence, while only\n~5% is supplied by the post-main sequence. This implies that VMS with enhanced\nwinds are the primary source of 26Al, contrasting previous works where\nclassical Wolf-Rayet winds had been suggested to be responsible for Galactic\n26Al enrichment. Finally, 200M stars eject 100 times more of each heavy element\nin their winds than 50M stars, and even when weighted by an IMF their wind\ncontribution is still an order of magnitude higher than that of 50M stars.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Higgins","Erin R.",""],["Vink","Jorick S.",""],["Hirschi","Raphael",""],["Laird","Alison M.",""],["Sabhahit","Gautham N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10942","submitter":"Xiaohui Liu","authors":"Xiao Lin Li, Xiaohui Liu, Feng Yuan and Hua Xing Zhu","title":"Illuminating Nucleon Gluon Interference via Calorimetric Asymmetry","comments":"6 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present an innovative approach to the linearly polarized gluons confined\ninside the unpolarized nucleon in lepton-nucleon scattering. Our method\nanalyzes the correlation of energy flows at azimuthal separations $\\phi$. The\ninterference of the spinning gluon with both positive and negative helicities\ntranslates into a $\\cos(2\\phi)$ asymmetry imprinted on the detector. Unlike the\nconventional transverse momentum dependent (TMD) probes, the $\\cos(2\\phi)$\nasymmetry in this approach is preserved by rotational symmetry, holds to all\norders, and is free of radiation contamination, thus expected to provide the\nexquisite signature of the nucleon linearly polarized gluons.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Xiao Lin",""],["Liu","Xiaohui",""],["Yuan","Feng",""],["Zhu","Hua Xing",""]]} {"id":"2308.10943","submitter":"Toby Brown","authors":"Toby Brown, Ian D. Roberts, Mallory Thorp, Sara L. Ellison, Nikki\n Zabel, Christine D. Wilson, Yannick M. Bah\\'e, Dhruv Bisaria, Alberto D.\n Bolatto, Alessandro Boselli, Aeree Chung, Luca Cortese, Barbara Catinella,\n Timothy A. Davis, Mar\\'ia J. Jim\\'enez-Donaire, Claudia D.P. Lagos, Bumhyun\n Lee, Laura C. Parker, Rory Smith, Kristine Spekkens, Adam R.H. Stevens,\n Vicente Villanueva, Adam B. Watts","title":"VERTICO VII: Environmental quenching caused by suppression of molecular\n gas content and star formation efficiency in Virgo Cluster galaxies","comments":"17 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study how environment regulates the star formation cycle of 33 Virgo\nCluster satellite galaxies on 720 parsec scales. We present the first resolved\nstar-forming main sequence for cluster galaxies, dividing the sample based on\ntheir global HI properties and comparing to a control sample of field galaxies.\nHI-poor cluster galaxies have reduced star formation rate (SFR) surface\ndensities with respect to both HI-normal cluster and field galaxies (0.5 dex),\nsuggesting that mechanisms regulating the global HI content are responsible for\nquenching local star formation. We demonstrate that the observed quenching in\nHI-poor galaxies is caused by environmental processes such as ram pressure\nstripping (RPS) simultaneously reducing molecular gas surface density and star\nformation efficiency (SFE), compared to regions in HI-normal systems (by 0.38\nand 0.22 dex, respectively). We observe systematically elevated SFRs that are\ndriven by increased molecular gas surface densities at fixed stellar mass\nsurface density in the outskirts of early-stage RPS galaxies, while SFE remains\nunchanged with respect to the field sample. We quantify how RPS and starvation\naffect the star formation cycle of inner and outer galaxy discs as they are\nprocessed by the cluster. We show both are effective quenching mechanisms with\nthe key difference being that RPS acts upon the galaxy outskirts while\nstarvation regulates the star formation cycle throughout disc, including within\nthe truncation radius. For both processes, the quenching is caused by a\nsimultaneous reduction in molecular gas surface densities and SFE at fixed\nstellar mass surface density.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Brown","Toby",""],["Roberts","Ian D.",""],["Thorp","Mallory",""],["Ellison","Sara L.",""],["Zabel","Nikki",""],["Wilson","Christine D.",""],["Bah\u00e9","Yannick M.",""],["Bisaria","Dhruv",""],["Bolatto","Alberto D.",""],["Boselli","Alessandro",""],["Chung","Aeree",""],["Cortese","Luca",""],["Catinella","Barbara",""],["Davis","Timothy A.",""],["Jim\u00e9nez-Donaire","Mar\u00eda J.",""],["Lagos","Claudia D. P.",""],["Lee","Bumhyun",""],["Parker","Laura C.",""],["Smith","Rory",""],["Spekkens","Kristine",""],["Stevens","Adam R. H.",""],["Villanueva","Vicente",""],["Watts","Adam B.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10944","submitter":"Henry Leung","authors":"Henry W. Leung, Jo Bovy","title":"Towards an astronomical foundation model for stars with a\n Transformer-based model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Rapid strides are currently being made in the field of artificial\nintelligence using Transformer-based models like Large Language Models (LLMs).\nThe potential of these methods for creating a single, large, versatile model in\nastronomy has not yet been explored. In this work, we propose a framework for\ndata-driven astronomy that uses the same core techniques and architecture as\nused by LLMs. Using a variety of observations and labels of stars as an\nexample, we build a Transformer-based model and train it in a self-supervised\nmanner with cross-survey data sets to perform a variety of inference tasks. In\nparticular, we demonstrate that a $\\textit{single}$ model can perform both\ndiscriminative and generative tasks even if the model was not trained or\nfine-tuned to do any specific task. For example, on the discriminative task of\nderiving stellar parameters from Gaia XP spectra, we achieve an accuracy of 47\nK in $T_\\mathrm{eff}$, 0.11 dex in $\\log{g}$, and 0.07 dex in $[\\mathrm{M/H}]$,\noutperforming an expert $\\texttt{XGBoost}$ model in the same setting. But the\nsame model can also generate XP spectra from stellar parameters, inpaint\nunobserved spectral regions, extract empirical stellar loci, and even determine\nthe interstellar extinction curve. Our framework demonstrates that building and\ntraining a $\\textit{single}$ foundation model without fine-tuning using data\nand parameters from multiple surveys to predict unmeasured observations and\nparameters is well within reach. Such \"Large Astronomy Models\" trained on large\nquantities of observational data will play a large role in the analysis of\ncurrent and future large surveys.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Leung","Henry W.",""],["Bovy","Jo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10945","submitter":"Vyshnav Mohan","authors":"Vyshnav Mohan","title":"Krylov Complexity of Open Quantum Systems: From Hard Spheres to Black\n Holes","comments":"25 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We examine the complexity of quasi-static chaotic open quantum systems. As a\nprototypical example, we analytically compute the Krylov complexity of a slowly\nleaking hard-sphere gas using Berry's conjecture. We then connect it to the\nholographic complexity of a $d+1$-dimensional evaporating black hole using the\nComplexity=Volume proposal. We model the black hole spacetime by stitching\ntogether a sequence of static Schwarzschild patches across incoming negative\nenergy null shock waves. Under certain identification of parameters, we find\nthe late time complexity growth rate during each quasi-static equilibrium to be\nthe same in both systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mohan","Vyshnav",""]]} {"id":"2308.10946","submitter":"Antonio Enrique C\\'arcamo Hern\\'andez","authors":"A. E. C\\'arcamo Hern\\'andez, Diego Restrepo, Ivan Schmidt, \\'Oscar\n Zapata","title":"Effective interactions for the SM fermion mass hierarchy and their\n possible UV realization","comments":"16 pages, 6 captioned figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We built an extended 2HDM theory with a spontaneously broken $U(1) _{X}$\nglobal symmetry, where the tree level Universal Seesaw Mechanism generates the\nmass hierarchy of the Standard Model charged fermions and the Zee-Babu\nmechanism produces tiny active neutrino masses. The third family of SM charged\nfermions gets tree level masses from Yukawa interactions involving the Higgs\ndoublets $H_1$ (for the top quark) and $H_2$ (for the bottom quark and tau\nlepton). The model under consideration is consistent with SM fermion masses and\nmixings, with the muon and electron $g-2$ anomalies and successfully\naccommodates the constraints arising from charged lepton flavor violation and\nmeson oscillations. The proposed model predicts rates for charged lepton flavor\nviolating decays within the reach of forthcoming experiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hern\u00e1ndez","A. E. C\u00e1rcamo",""],["Restrepo","Diego",""],["Schmidt","Ivan",""],["Zapata","\u00d3scar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10947","submitter":"Florian Ecker","authors":"Florian Ecker, Daniel Grumiller, Jelle Hartong, Alfredo P\\'erez,\n Stefan Prohazka, Ricardo Troncoso","title":"Carroll black holes","comments":"58pp, 7 figs","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"TUW-23-03","categories":"hep-th gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Despite the absence of a lightcone structure, some solutions of Carroll\ngravity show black hole-like behaviour. We define Carroll black holes as\nsolutions of Carroll gravity that exhibit Carroll thermal properties and have a\nCarroll extremal surface, notions introduced in our work. The latter is a\nCarroll analogue of a Lorentzian extremal surface. As examples, we discuss the\nCarroll versions of Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\\\"om, and BTZ black holes\nand black hole solutions of generic 1+1 dimensional Carroll dilaton gravity,\nincluding Carroll JT and Carroll Witten black holes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ecker","Florian",""],["Grumiller","Daniel",""],["Hartong","Jelle",""],["P\u00e9rez","Alfredo",""],["Prohazka","Stefan",""],["Troncoso","Ricardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10948","submitter":"Soumavo Ghosh Dr.","authors":"Soumavo Ghosh, Paola Di Matteo","title":"Looking for a needle in a haystack : how to measure the length of a\n stellar bar?","comments":"12 pages, 10 figures (including appendix), comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" One of the challenges related to stellar bars is to determine accurately the\nlength of the bar in a disc galaxy. In past literature, a wide variety of\nmethods has been employed to measure the extent of a bar. However, a systematic\nstudy on determining the robustness and accuracy of different bar length\nestimators is still beyond our grasp. Here, we investigate the accuracy and the\ncorrelation (if any) between different bar length measurement methods while\nusing an $N$-body model of a barred galaxy where the bar evolves\nself-consistently in presence of a live dark matter halo. We investigate the\ntemporal evolution of the bar length, using different estimators (involving\nisophotal analysis of de-projected surface brightness distribution and Fourier\ndecomposition of surface density), and study their robustness and accuracy.\nFurther attempts have been made towards determining correlation between any two\nof these bar length estimators used here. In presence of spirals, the bar\nlength estimators which only consider the amplitudes of different Fourier\nmoments (and do not take into account the phase-angle of $m=2$ Fourier moment),\nsystematically overestimate the length of the bar. The strength dark-gaps\n(produced by bars) correlates strongly with the bar length in early rapid\ngrowth phase, and is only weakly anti-correlated during subsequent quiescent\nphase of bar evolution. However, the location of dark-gaps correlates only\nweakly with the bar length, hence can not be used as a robust proxy for\ndetermining the bar length. In addition, the bar length estimators, obtained\nusing isophotal analysis of de-projected surface brightness distribution,\nsystematically overestimate the bar length. The implications of bar length\nover(under)estimation in the context of determining fast/slow bars are further\ndiscussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ghosh","Soumavo",""],["Di Matteo","Paola",""]]} {"id":"2308.10949","submitter":"Hongguang Liu","authors":"Kristina Giesel, Hongguang Liu, Eric Rullit, Parampreet Singh, Stefan\n Andreas Weigl","title":"Embedding generalized LTB models in polymerized spherically symmetric\n spacetimes","comments":"31 pages,1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We generalize the existing works on the way (generalized) LTB models can be\nembedded into polymerized spherically symmetric models in several aspects. We\nre-examine such an embedding at the classical level and show that a suitable\nLTB condition can only be treated as a gauge fixing in the non-marginally bound\ncase, while in the marginally bound case it must be considered as an additional\nfirst class constraint. A novel aspect of our formalism, based on the effective\nequations of motion, is to derive compatible dynamics LTB conditions for\npolymerized models by using holonomy and inverse triad corrections\nsimultaneously, whereas in earlier work these were only considered separately.\nFurther, our formalism allows to derive compatible LTB conditions for a vast of\nclass of polymerized models available in the current literature. Within this\nbroader class of polymerizations there are effective models contained for which\nthe classical LTB condition is a compatible one. Our results show that there\nexist a class of effective models for which the dynamics decouples completely\nalong the radial direction. It turns out that this subsector is strongly linked\nto the property that in the temporally gauge fixed model, the algebra of the\ngeometric contribution to the Hamiltonian constraint and the spatial\ndiffeomorphism constraint is closed. We finally apply the formalism to existing\nmodels from the literature and compare our results to the existing ones.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Giesel","Kristina",""],["Liu","Hongguang",""],["Rullit","Eric",""],["Singh","Parampreet",""],["Weigl","Stefan Andreas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10950","submitter":"Calum Gordon","authors":"Calum Gordon, Andrei Cuceu, Jon\\'as Chaves-Montero, Andreu\n Font-Ribera, Alma Xochitl Gonz\\'alez-Morales, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, E.\n Armengaud, S. Bailey, A. Bault, A. Brodzeller, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, R. de\n la Cruz, K. Dawson, P. Doel, J. E. Forero-Romero, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, J.\n Guy, H. K. Herrera-Alcantar, V. Ir\\v{s}i\\v{c}, N. G. Kara\\c{c}ayl{\\i}, D.\n Kirkby, M. Landriau, L. Le Guillou, M. E. Levi, A. de la Macorra, M. Manera,\n P. Martini, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, P. Montero-Camacho, A.\n Mu\\~noz-Guti\\'errez, L. Napolitano, J. Nie, G. Niz, N. Palanque-Delabrouille,\n W. J. Percival, M. Pieri, C. Poppett, F. Prada, I. P\\'erez-R\\`afols, C.\n Ram\\'irez-P\\'erez, C. Ravoux, M. Rezaie, A. J. Ross, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, D.\n Schlegel, M. Schubnell, H. Seo, F. Sinigaglia, T. Tan, G. Tarl\\'e, M.\n Walther, B. A. Weaver, C. Y\\`eche, Z. Zhou, H. Zou","title":"3D Correlations in the Lyman-$\\alpha$ Forest from Early DESI Data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present the first measurements of Lyman-$\\alpha$ (Ly$\\alpha$) forest\ncorrelations using early data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument\n(DESI). We measure the auto-correlation of Ly$\\alpha$ absorption using 88,509\nquasars at $z>2$, and its cross-correlation with quasars using a further\n147,899 tracer quasars at $z\\gtrsim1.77$. Then, we fit these correlations using\na 13-parameter model based on linear perturbation theory and find that it\nprovides a good description of the data across a broad range of scales. We\ndetect the BAO peak with a signal-to-noise ratio of $3.8\\sigma$, and show that\nour measurements of the auto- and cross-correlations are fully-consistent with\nprevious measurements by the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey\n(eBOSS). Even though we only use here a small fraction of the final DESI\ndataset, our uncertainties are only a factor of 1.7 larger than those from the\nfinal eBOSS measurement. We validate the existing analysis methods of\nLy$\\alpha$ correlations in preparation for making a robust measurement of the\nBAO scale with the first year of DESI data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gordon","Calum",""],["Cuceu","Andrei",""],["Chaves-Montero","Jon\u00e1s",""],["Font-Ribera","Andreu",""],["Gonz\u00e1lez-Morales","Alma Xochitl",""],["Aguilar","J.",""],["Ahlen","S.",""],["Armengaud","E.",""],["Bailey","S.",""],["Bault","A.",""],["Brodzeller","A.",""],["Brooks","D.",""],["Claybaugh","T.",""],["de la Cruz","R.",""],["Dawson","K.",""],["Doel","P.",""],["Forero-Romero","J. E.",""],["Gontcho","S. Gontcho A",""],["Guy","J.",""],["Herrera-Alcantar","H. K.",""],["Ir\u0161i\u010d","V.",""],["Kara\u00e7ayl\u0131","N. G.",""],["Kirkby","D.",""],["Landriau","M.",""],["Guillou","L. Le",""],["Levi","M. E.",""],["de la Macorra","A.",""],["Manera","M.",""],["Martini","P.",""],["Meisner","A.",""],["Miquel","R.",""],["Montero-Camacho","P.",""],["Mu\u00f1oz-Guti\u00e9rrez","A.",""],["Napolitano","L.",""],["Nie","J.",""],["Niz","G.",""],["Palanque-Delabrouille","N.",""],["Percival","W. J.",""],["Pieri","M.",""],["Poppett","C.",""],["Prada","F.",""],["P\u00e9rez-R\u00e0fols","I.",""],["Ram\u00edrez-P\u00e9rez","C.",""],["Ravoux","C.",""],["Rezaie","M.",""],["Ross","A. J.",""],["Rossi","G.",""],["Sanchez","E.",""],["Schlegel","D.",""],["Schubnell","M.",""],["Seo","H.",""],["Sinigaglia","F.",""],["Tan","T.",""],["Tarl\u00e9","G.",""],["Walther","M.",""],["Weaver","B. A.",""],["Y\u00e8che","C.",""],["Zhou","Z.",""],["Zou","H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10951","submitter":"Lawrence Lee Jr","authors":"Lawrence Lee, Charles Bell, John Lawless, Emery Nibigira","title":"QCD Reference Frames and False Jet Individualism","comments":"5 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In collider physics, the properties of hadronic jets are often measured as a\nfunction of their lab-frame momenta. However, jet fragmentation must occur in\nthe particular rest frame of all color-connected particles. Since this frame\nneed not be the lab frame, the fragmentation of a jet depends on the properties\nof its sibling objects. This non-factorizability of jets has consequences for\njet techniques such as jet tagging, boosted boson measurements, and searches\nfor physics Beyond the Standard Model. In this paper, we will describe the\neffect and show its impact as predicted by simulation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Lawrence",""],["Bell","Charles",""],["Lawless","John",""],["Nibigira","Emery",""]]} {"id":"2308.10952","submitter":"Tony Mroczkowski","authors":"Tony Mroczkowski, Claudia Cicone, Matthias Reichert, Patricio\n Gallardo, Hans Kaercher, Richard Hills, Daniel Bok, Erik Dahl, Pierre\n Dubois-dit-Bonclaude, Aleksej Kiselev, Martin Timpe, Thomas Zimmerer, Simon\n Dicker, Mike Macintosh, Pamela Klaassen, Michael Niemack","title":"Progress in the Design of the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter\n Telescope","comments":"Accepted for the URSI GASS 2023, Sapporo, Japan, 19-26 August 2023. 4\n pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) aims to be the\npremier next generation large diameter (50 meter) single dish observatory\ncapable of observations across the millimeter/submillimeter spectrum, from\n30~GHz to 1~THz. AtLAST will be sited in Chile at approximately 5100 meters\nabove sea level, high in the Atacama Desert near Llano de Chajnantor. The novel\nrocking-chair telescope design allows for a unprecedentedly wide field of view\n(FoV) of 1-2$^\\circ$ diameter, a large receiver cabin housing six major\ninstruments, and high structural stability during fast scanning operations (up\nto $\\sim 3^\\circ$ per second in azimuth). Here we describe the current status\nof, and expected outcomes for, the antenna design study, which will be\ncompleted in 2024.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mroczkowski","Tony",""],["Cicone","Claudia",""],["Reichert","Matthias",""],["Gallardo","Patricio",""],["Kaercher","Hans",""],["Hills","Richard",""],["Bok","Daniel",""],["Dahl","Erik",""],["Dubois-dit-Bonclaude","Pierre",""],["Kiselev","Aleksej",""],["Timpe","Martin",""],["Zimmerer","Thomas",""],["Dicker","Simon",""],["Macintosh","Mike",""],["Klaassen","Pamela",""],["Niemack","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10953","submitter":"Hongguang Liu","authors":"Kristina Giesel, Hongguang Liu, Parampreet Singh, Stefan Andreas Weigl","title":"Generalized analysis of a dust collapse in effective loop quantum\n gravity: fate of shocks and covariance","comments":"25 pages,1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Based on modifications inspired from loop quantum gravity (LQG), spherically\nsymmetric models have recently been explored to understand the resolution of\nclassical singularities and the fate of the spacetime beyond. While such\nphenomenological studies have provided useful insights, questions remain on\nwhether such models exhibit some of the desired properties such as consistent\nLTB conditions, covariance and compatibility with the improved dynamics of loop\nquantum cosmology in the cosmological and LTB sectors. We provide a systematic\nprocedure to construct effective spherically symmetric models encoding LQG\nmodifications as a $1+1$ field theory models encoding these properties\nfollowing the analysis in our companion paper. As concrete examples of our\ngeneralized strategy we obtain and compare with different phenomenological\nmodels which have been investigated recently and demonstrate resolution of\nsingularity by quantum geometry effects via a bounce. These include models with\nareal gauge fixing, a polymerized vacuum solution, polymerized junction\nconditions and an Oppenheimer-Snyder dust collapse model. An important insight\nfrom our approach is that the dynamical equations care about the $\\det(e)$ part\nrather than the square root of the determinant of the spatial metric. As a\nresult, shock solutions which have been argued to exist in some models are\nfound to be absent even if one considers coordinate transformations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Giesel","Kristina",""],["Liu","Hongguang",""],["Singh","Parampreet",""],["Weigl","Stefan Andreas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10954","submitter":"Louise Breuval","authors":"Adam G. Riess and Louise Breuval","title":"The Local Value of H$_0$","comments":"14 pages, 14 figures. Invited Review for IAU Symposium 376, Richard\n de Grijs, Patricia Whitelock and Marcio Catelan, eds","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We review the local determination of the Hubble constant, H$_0$, focusing on\nrecent measurements of a distance ladder constructed from geometry, Cepheid\nvariables and Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). We explain in some detail the\ncomponents of the ladder: (1) geometry from Milky Way parallaxes, masers in NGC\n4258 and detached eclipsing binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud; (2)\nmeasurements of Cepheids with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in these anchors\nand in the hosts of 42 SNe Ia; and (3) SNe Ia in the Hubble flow. Great\nattention to negating systematic uncertainties through the use of differential\nmeasurements is reviewed. A wide array of tests are discussed. The measurements\nprovide a strong indication of a discrepancy between the local measure of H$_0$\nand its value predicted by $\\Lambda$CDM theory, calibrated by the cosmic\nmicrowave background ($Planck$), a decade-long challenge known as the `Hubble\nTension'. We present new measurements with the James Webb Space Telescope of\n$>$320 Cepheids on both rungs of the distance ladder, in a SN Ia host and the\ngeometric calibrator NGC 4258, showing reduced noise and good agreement with\nthe same as measured with HST. This provides strong evidence that systematic\nerrors in HST Cepheid photometry do not play a significant role in the present\nHubble Tension. Future measurements are expected to refine the local\ndetermination of the Hubble constant.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:00:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Riess","Adam G.",""],["Breuval","Louise",""]]} {"id":"2308.10955","submitter":"Raz Slutsky","authors":"Joav Orovitz, Raz Slutsky, Itamar Vigdorovich","title":"The Space of Traces of the Free Group and Free Products of Matrix\n Algebras","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR math.OA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that the space of traces of the free group is a Poulsen simplex,\ni.e., every trace is a pointwise limit of extremal traces. We prove that this\nfails for many virtually free groups. Using a similar strategy, we show that\nthe space of traces of the free product of matrix algebras\n$\\mathbf{M}_n(\\mathbb{C}) * \\mathbf{M}_n(\\mathbb{C})$ is a Poulsen simplex as\nwell, answering a question of Musat and R{\\o}rdam for $n \\geq 4$. Similar\nresults are shown for certain faces of the simplices above, most notably, for\nthe face of finite-dimensional traces.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:01:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Orovitz","Joav",""],["Slutsky","Raz",""],["Vigdorovich","Itamar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10956","submitter":"Holger Metzler","authors":"Holger Metzler and Carlos A. Sierra","title":"Information content and maximum entropy of compartmental systems in\n equilibrium","comments":"Code repository:\n https://github.com/goujou/entropy_and_complexity_in_eq","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT cond-mat.stat-mech math.DS math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Although compartmental dynamical systems are used in many different areas of\nscience, model selection based on the maximum entropy principle (MaxEnt) is\nchallenging because of the lack of methods for quantifying the entropy for this\ntype of systems. Here, we take advantage of the interpretation of compartmental\nsystems as continuous-time Markov chains to obtain entropy measures that\nquantify model information content. In particular, we quantify the uncertainty\nof a single particle's path as it travels through the system as described by\npath entropy and entropy rates. Path entropy measures the uncertainty of the\nentire path of a traveling particle from its entry into the system until its\nexit, whereas entropy rates measure the average uncertainty of the\ninstantaneous future of a particle while it is in the system. We derive\nexplicit formulas for these two types of entropy for compartmental systems in\nequilibrium based on Shannon information entropy and show how they can be used\nto solve equifinality problems in the process of model selection by means of\nMaxEnt.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:02:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Metzler","Holger",""],["Sierra","Carlos A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10957","submitter":"Fulvio Gesmundo","authors":"Francesco Galuppi, Fulvio Gesmundo, Ettore Teixeira Turatti, Lorenzo\n Venturello","title":"Characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues of tensors","comments":"25 pages, comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"BCSim-2022-s04","categories":"math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We lay the geometric foundations for the study of the characteristic\npolynomial of tensors. For symmetric tensors of order $d \\geq 3$ and dimension\n$2$ and symmetric tensors of order $3$ and dimension $3$, we prove that only\nfinitely many tensors share any given characteristic polynomial, unlike the\ncase of symmetric matrices and the case of non-symmetric tensors. We propose\nprecise conjectures for the dimension of the variety of tensors sharing the\nsame characteristic polynomial, in the symmetric and in the non-symmetric\nsetting.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:03:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Galuppi","Francesco",""],["Gesmundo","Fulvio",""],["Turatti","Ettore Teixeira",""],["Venturello","Lorenzo",""]]} {"id":"2308.10958","submitter":"Francois Rheault","authors":"Etienne St-Onge, Kurt G Schilling, Francois Rheault","title":"BundleSeg: A versatile, reliable and reproducible approach to white\n matter bundle segmentation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This work presents BundleSeg, a reliable, reproducible, and fast method for\nextracting white matter pathways. The proposed method combines an iterative\nregistration procedure with a recently developed precise streamline search\nalgorithm that enables efficient segmentation of streamlines without the need\nfor tractogram clustering or simplifying assumptions. We show that BundleSeg\nachieves improved repeatability and reproducibility than state-of-the-art\nsegmentation methods, with significant speed improvements. The enhanced\nprecision and reduced variability in extracting white matter connections offer\na valuable tool for neuroinformatic studies, increasing the sensitivity and\nspecificity of tractography-based studies of white matter pathways.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:03:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["St-Onge","Etienne",""],["Schilling","Kurt G",""],["Rheault","Francois",""]]} {"id":"2308.10959","submitter":"Sijin Wu","authors":"Sijin Wu, Dan Zhang, Teng Hu, Shikun Feng","title":"DocPrompt: Large-scale continue pretrain for zero-shot and few-shot\n document question answering","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we propose Docprompt for document question answering tasks\nwith powerful zero-shot and few-shot performance. We proposed a novel weakly\nsupervised data generation method, a novel multl-stage training method and a\nnovel understanding model \\& generation model ensemble method. We achieved\nstate-of-the-art performance on 4 document question answering tasks. This\nmethod greatly improves the delivery efficiency and model performance of\ndocument question answering customer projects, reducing annotation costs and\nlabor costs. Our demo can be found at\nhttps://huggingface.co./spaces/PaddlePaddle/ERNIE-Layout.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:14:00 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:14:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Sijin",""],["Zhang","Dan",""],["Hu","Teng",""],["Feng","Shikun",""]]} {"id":"2308.10960","submitter":"Ronald Kriemann","authors":"Ronald Kriemann","title":"Hierarchical Lowrank Arithmetic with Binary Compression","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.MS cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" With lowrank approximation the storage requirements for dense data are\nreduced down to linear complexity and with the addition of hierarchy this also\nworks for data without global lowrank properties. However, the lowrank factors\nitself are often still stored using double precision numbers. Newer approaches\nexploit the different IEEE754 floating point formats available nowadays in a\nmixed precision approach. However, these formats show a significant gap in\nstorage (and accuracy), e.g. between half, single and double precision. We\ntherefore look beyond these standard formats and use adaptive compression for\nstoring the lowrank and dense data and investigate how that affects the\narithmetic of such matrices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:15:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kriemann","Ronald",""]]} {"id":"2308.10961","submitter":"Conghao Zhou","authors":"Conghao Zhou, Jie Gao, Mushu Li, Xuemin Shen, Weihua Zhuang, Xu Li,\n Weisen Shi","title":"AI-Assisted Slicing-Based Resource Management for Two-Tier Radio Access\n Networks","comments":"Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and\n Networking","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1109/TCCN.2023.3307929","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NI eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" While network slicing has become a prevalent approach to service\ndifferentiation, radio access network (RAN) slicing remains challenging due to\nthe need of substantial adaptivity and flexibility to cope with the highly\ndynamic network environment in RANs. In this paper, we develop a slicing-based\nresource management framework for a two-tier RAN to support multiple services\nwith different quality of service (QoS) requirements. The developed framework\nfocuses on base station (BS) service coverage (SC) and interference management\nfor multiple slices, each of which corresponds to a service. New designs are\nintroduced in the spatial, temporal, and slice dimensions to cope with\nspatiotemporal variations in data traffic, balance adaptivity and overhead of\nresource management, and enhance flexibility in service differentiation. Based\non the proposed framework, an energy efficiency maximization problem is\nformulated, and an artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted approach is proposed\nto solve the problem. Specifically, a deep unsupervised learning-assisted\nalgorithm is proposed for searching the optimal SC of the BSs, and an\noptimization-based analytical solution is found for managing interference among\nBSs. Simulation results under different data traffic distributions demonstrate\nthat our proposed slicing-based resource management framework, empowered by the\nAI-assisted approach, outperforms the benchmark frameworks and achieves a\nclose-to-optimal performance in energy efficiency.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:15:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Conghao",""],["Gao","Jie",""],["Li","Mushu",""],["Shen","Xuemin",""],["Zhuang","Weihua",""],["Li","Xu",""],["Shi","Weisen",""]]} {"id":"2308.10962","submitter":"Adrian Boedtker Ghansah","authors":"Adrian B. Ghansah, Jeeseop Kim, Maegan Tucker, Aaron D. Ames","title":"Humanoid Robot Co-Design: Coupling Hardware Design with Gait Generation\n via Hybrid Zero Dynamics","comments":"7 pages, 6 figures, accepted to CDC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Selecting robot design parameters can be challenging since these parameters\nare often coupled with the performance of the controller and, therefore, the\nresulting capabilities of the robot. This leads to a time-consuming and often\nexpensive process whereby one iterates between designing the robot and manually\nevaluating its capabilities. This is particularly challenging for bipedal\nrobots, where it can be difficult to evaluate the behavior of the system due to\nthe underlying nonlinear and hybrid dynamics. Thus, in an effort to streamline\nthe design process of bipedal robots, and maximize their performance, this\npaper presents a systematic framework for the co-design of humanoid robots and\ntheir associated walking gaits. To this end, we leverage the framework of\nhybrid zero dynamic (HZD) gait generation, which gives a formal approach to the\ngeneration of dynamic walking gaits. The key novelty of this paper is to\nconsider both virtual constraints associated with the actuators of the robot,\ncoupled with design virtual constraints that encode the associated parameters\nof the robot to be designed. These virtual constraints are combined in an HZD\noptimization problem which simultaneously determines the design parameters\nwhile finding a stable walking gait that minimizes a given cost function. The\nproposed approach is demonstrated through the design of a novel humanoid robot,\nADAM, wherein its thigh and shin are co-designed so as to yield energy\nefficient bipedal locomotion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:15:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ghansah","Adrian B.",""],["Kim","Jeeseop",""],["Tucker","Maegan",""],["Ames","Aaron D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10963","submitter":"David Setton","authors":"David J. Setton, Gurtina Besla, Ekta Patel, Cameron Hummels, Yong\n Zheng, Evan Schneider","title":"The Large Magellanic Cloud's $\\sim30$ Kiloparsec Bow Shock and its\n Impact on the Circumgalactic Medium","comments":"Submitted to ApJ Letters, 5 figures and 1 table. Comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The interaction between the supersonic motion of the Large Magellanic Cloud\n(LMC) and the Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) is expected to result in a bow shock\nthat leads the LMC's gaseous disk. In this letter, we use hydrodynamic\nsimulations of the LMC's recent infall to predict the extent of this shock and\nits effect on the Milky Way's (MW) CGM. The simulations clearly predict the\nexistence of an asymmetric shock with a present day stand-off radius of\n$\\sim6.7$ kpc and a transverse diameter of $\\sim30$ kpc. Over the past 500 Myr,\n$\\sim8\\%$ of the MW's CGM in the southern hemisphere should have interacted\nwith the shock front. This interaction may have had the effect of smoothing\nover inhomogeneities and increasing mixing in the MW CGM. We find observational\nevidence of the existence of the bow shock in recent $H\\alpha$ maps of the LMC,\nproviding a potential explanation for the envelope of ionized gas surrounding\nthe LMC. Furthermore, the interaction of the bow shock with the MW CGM may also\nexplain observations of ionized gas surrounding the Magellanic Stream. Using\nrecent orbital histories of MW satellites, we find that many satellites have\nlikely interacted with the LMC shock. Additionally, the dwarf galaxy Ret2 is\ncurrently sitting inside the shock, which may impact the interpretation of\nreported gamma ray excess in Ret2. This work highlights bow shocks associated\nwith infalling satellites are an under-explored, yet potentially very important\ndynamical mixing process in the circumgalactic and intracluster media.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:20:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Setton","David J.",""],["Besla","Gurtina",""],["Patel","Ekta",""],["Hummels","Cameron",""],["Zheng","Yong",""],["Schneider","Evan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10964","submitter":"Jon M. Miller","authors":"J. M. Miller (Univ. of Michigan), B. Mockler (University of\n California, Los Angeles, and Carnegie Observatories), E. Ramirez-Ruiz (Univ.\n of California, Santa Cruz), P. A. Draghis (Univ. of Michigan), J. J. Drake\n (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. Raymond\n (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), M. T. Reynolds (Univ. of\n Michigan, Ohio State University), X. Xiang (Univ. of Michigan), S.-B. Yun\n (Univ. of Michigan), A. Zoghbi (Univ. of Maryland, NASA/GSFC)","title":"Evidence of a Massive Stellar Disruption in the X-ray Spectrum of\n ASASSN-14li","comments":"Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The proximity and duration of the tidal disruption event (TDE) ASASSN-14li\nled to the discovery of narrow, blue-shifted absorption lines in X-rays and UV.\nThe gas seen in X-ray absorption is consistent with bound material close to the\napocenter of elliptical orbital paths, or with a disk wind similar to those\nseen in Seyfert-1 active galactic nuclei. We present a new analysis of the\ndeepest high-resolution XMM-Newton and Chandra spectra of ASASSN-14li. Driven\nby the relative strengths of He-like and H-like charge states, the data require\n[N/C] > 2.4, in qualitative agreement with UV spectral results. Flows of the\nkind seen in the X-ray spectrum of ASASSN-14li were not clearly predicted in\nsimulations of TDEs; this left open the possibility that the observed\nabsorption might be tied to gas released in prior AGN activity. However, the\nabundance pattern revealed in this analysis points to a single star rather than\na standard AGN accretion flow comprised of myriad gas contributions. The\nsimplest explanation of the data is likely that a moderately massive star (M ~\n3 Msun) with significant CNO processing was disrupted. An alternative\nexplanation is that a lower mass star was disrupted that had previously been\nstripped of its envelope. We discuss the strengths and limitations of our\nanalysis and these interpretations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:23:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Miller","J. M.","","Univ. of Michigan"],["Mockler","B.","","University of\n California, Los Angeles, and Carnegie Observatories"],["Ramirez-Ruiz","E.","","Univ.\n of California, Santa Cruz"],["Draghis","P. A.","","Univ. of Michigan"],["Drake","J. J.","","Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics"],["Raymond","J.","","Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics"],["Reynolds","M. T.","","Univ. of\n Michigan, Ohio State University"],["Xiang","X.","","Univ. of Michigan"],["Yun","S. -B.","","Univ. of Michigan"],["Zoghbi","A.","","Univ. of Maryland, NASA/GSFC"]]} {"id":"2308.10965","submitter":"Paschal Amusuo","authors":"Paschal C. Amusuo (1), Ricardo Andr\\'es Calvo M\\'endez (2), Zhongwei\n Xu (3), Aravind Machiry (1) and James C. Davis (1) ((1) Purdue University,\n USA, (2) Universidad Nacional de Colombia, (3) Xi'an JiaoTong University)","title":"Systematically Detecting Packet Validation Vulnerabilities in Embedded\n Network Stacks","comments":"12 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the 38th IEEE/ACM\n International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Embedded Network Stacks (ENS) enable low-resource devices to communicate with\nthe outside world, facilitating the development of the Internet of Things and\nCyber-Physical Systems. Some defects in ENS are thus high-severity\ncybersecurity vulnerabilities: they are remotely triggerable and can impact the\nphysical world. While prior research has shed light on the characteristics of\ndefects in many classes of software systems, no study has described the\nproperties of ENS defects nor identified a systematic technique to expose them.\nThe most common automated approach to detecting ENS defects is feedback-driven\nrandomized dynamic analysis (\"fuzzing\"), a costly and unpredictable technique.\n This paper provides the first systematic characterization of cybersecurity\nvulnerabilities in ENS. We analyzed 61 vulnerabilities across 6 open-source\nENS. Most of these ENS defects are concentrated in the transport and network\nlayers of the network stack, require reaching different states in the network\nprotocol, and can be triggered by only 1-2 modifications to a single packet. We\ntherefore propose a novel systematic testing framework that focuses on the\ntransport and network layers, uses seeds that cover a network protocol's\nstates, and systematically modifies packet fields. We evaluated this framework\non 4 ENS and replicated 12 of the 14 reported IP/TCP/UDP vulnerabilities. On\nrecent versions of these ENSs, it discovered 7 novel defects (6 assigned CVES)\nduring a bounded systematic test that covered all protocol states and made up\nto 3 modifications per packet. We found defects in 3 of the 4 ENS we tested\nthat had not been found by prior fuzzing research. Our results suggest that\nfuzzing should be deferred until after systematic testing is employed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:23:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Amusuo","Paschal C.",""],["M\u00e9ndez","Ricardo Andr\u00e9s Calvo",""],["Xu","Zhongwei",""],["Machiry","Aravind",""],["Davis","James C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10966","submitter":"Rohan Chandra","authors":"Rohan Chandra, Vrushabh Zinage, Efstathios Bakolas, Joydeep Biswas,\n Peter Stone","title":"Decentralized Multi-Robot Social Navigation in Constrained Environments\n via Game-Theoretic Control Barrier Functions","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.08815","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.GT cs.MA cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present an approach to ensure safe and deadlock-free navigation for\ndecentralized multi-robot systems operating in constrained environments,\nincluding doorways and intersections. Although many solutions have been\nproposed to ensure safety, preventing deadlocks in a decentralized fashion with\nglobal consensus remains an open problem. We first formalize the objective as a\nnon-cooperative, non-communicative, partially observable multi-robot navigation\nproblem in constrained spaces with multiple conflicting agents, which we term\nas \\emph{social mini-games}. Our approach to ensuring liveness rests on two\nnovel insights: $(i)$ there exists a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium that\nallows decentralized robots to perturb their state onto \\textit{liveness sets}\ni.e. states where robots are deadlock-free and $(ii)$ forward invariance of\nliveness sets can be achieved identical to how control barrier functions (CBFs)\nguarantee forward invariance of safety sets. We evaluate our approach in\nsimulation as well on physical robots using F$1/10$ robots, a Clearpath Jackal,\nas well as a Boston Dynamics Spot in a doorway and corridor intersection\nscenario. Compared to both fully decentralized and centralized approaches with\nand without deadlock resolution capabilities, we demonstrate that our approach\nresults in safer, more efficient, and smoother navigation, based on a\ncomprehensive set of metrics including success rate, collision rate, stop time,\nchange in velocity, path deviation, time-to-goal, and flow rate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:23:53 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:36:59 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 03:01:59 GMT"},{"version":"v4","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:23:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Chandra","Rohan",""],["Zinage","Vrushabh",""],["Bakolas","Efstathios",""],["Biswas","Joydeep",""],["Stone","Peter",""]]} {"id":"2308.10967","submitter":"Ladina Hausmann","authors":"Ladina Hausmann, Alexander Schmidhuber, Esteban Castro-Ruiz","title":"Measurement events relative to temporal quantum reference frames","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Page-Wootters formalism is a proposal for reconciling the\nbackground-dependent, quantum-mechanical notion of time with the background\nindependence of general relativity. However, there has been much discussion\nregarding the physical meaning of the framework. In this work, we compare two\nconsistent approaches to the Page-Wootters formalism to clarify the operational\nmeaning of evolution and measurements with respect to a quantum temporal\nreference frame. The so-called \"twirled observable\" approach implements\nmeasurements as operators that are invariant with respect to the Hamiltonian\nconstraint. The \"purified measurement\" approach instead models measurements\ndynamically by modifying the constraint itself. While both approaches agree in\nthe limit of ideal clocks, a natural generalization of the purified measurement\napproach to the case of non-ideal, finite-resource clocks yields a radically\ndifferent picture. We discuss the physical origin of this discrepancy and argue\nthat they describe operationally distinct situations. Moreover, we show that,\nfor non-ideal clocks, the purified measurement approach yields time non-local,\nnon-unitary evolution and implies a fundamental limitation to the operational\ndefinition of the temporal order of events. Nevertheless, unitarity and\ndefinite temporal order can be restored if we assume that time is discrete.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:26:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hausmann","Ladina",""],["Schmidhuber","Alexander",""],["Castro-Ruiz","Esteban",""]]} {"id":"2308.10968","submitter":"Guoyao Shen","authors":"Guoyao Shen, Yancheng Zhu, Hernan Jara, Sean B. Andersson, Chad W.\n Farris, Stephan Anderson, Xin Zhang","title":"MRI Field-transfer Reconstruction with Limited Data: Regularization by\n Neural Style Transfer","comments":"30 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, 1 algorithm chart","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG physics.med-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent works have demonstrated success in MRI reconstruction using deep\nlearning-based models. However, most reported approaches require training on a\ntask-specific, large-scale dataset. Regularization by denoising (RED) is a\ngeneral pipeline which embeds a denoiser as a prior for image reconstruction.\nThe potential of RED has been demonstrated for multiple image-related tasks\nsuch as denoising, deblurring and super-resolution. In this work, we propose a\nregularization by neural style transfer (RNST) method to further leverage the\npriors from the neural transfer and denoising engine. This enables RNST to\nreconstruct a high-quality image from a noisy low-quality image with different\nimage styles and limited data. We validate RNST with clinical MRI scans from\n1.5T and 3T and show that RNST can significantly boost image quality. Our\nresults highlight the capability of the RNST framework for MRI reconstruction\nand the potential for reconstruction tasks with limited data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:26:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Guoyao",""],["Zhu","Yancheng",""],["Jara","Hernan",""],["Andersson","Sean B.",""],["Farris","Chad W.",""],["Anderson","Stephan",""],["Zhang","Xin",""]]} {"id":"2308.10969","submitter":"Chuqiao Lin Mr","authors":"Chuqiao Lin, Vir B. Bulchandani, Shivaji L. Sondhi","title":"Quantum tasks assisted by quantum noise","comments":"18 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.dis-nn cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We introduce a notion of expected utility for quantum tasks and discuss some\ngeneral conditions under which this is increased by the presence of quantum\nnoise in the underlying resource states. We apply the resulting formalism to\nthe specific problem of playing the parity game with ground states of the\nrandom transverse-field Ising model. This demonstrates a separation in the\nground-state phase diagram between regions where rational players will be\n``risk-seeking'' or ``risk-averse'', depending on whether they win the game\nmore or less often in the presence of disorder. The boundary between these\nregions depends non-universally on the correlation length of the disorder.\nStrikingly, we find that adding zero-mean, uncorrelated disorder to the\ntransverse fields can generate a weak quantum advantage that would not exist in\nthe absence of noise.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:29:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Chuqiao",""],["Bulchandani","Vir B.",""],["Sondhi","Shivaji L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10970","submitter":"Panagiotis Promponas","authors":"Panagiotis Promponas, Tingjun Chen, Leandros Tassiulas","title":"Optimizing Sectorized Wireless Networks: Model, Analysis, and Algorithm","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Future wireless networks need to support the increasing demands for high data\nrates and improved coverage. One promising solution is sectorization, where an\ninfrastructure node (e.g., a base station) is equipped with multiple sectors\nemploying directional communication. Although the concept of sectorization is\nnot new, it is critical to fully understand the potential of sectorized\nnetworks, such as the rate gain achieved when multiple sectors can be\nsimultaneously activated. In this paper, we focus on sectorized wireless\nnetworks, where sectorized infrastructure nodes with beam-steering capabilities\nform a multi-hop mesh network for data forwarding and routing. We present a\nsectorized node model and characterize the capacity region of these sectorized\nnetworks. We define the flow extension ratio and the corresponding\nsectorization gain, which quantitatively measure the performance gain\nintroduced by node sectorization as a function of the network flow. Our\nobjective is to find the optimal sectorization of each node that achieves the\nmaximum flow extension ratio, and thus the sectorization gain. Towards this\ngoal, we formulate the corresponding optimization problem and develop an\nefficient distributed algorithm that obtains the node sectorization under a\ngiven network flow with an approximation ratio of 2/3. Through extensive\nsimulations, we evaluate the sectorization gain and the performance of the\nproposed algorithm in various network scenarios with varying network flows. The\nsimulation results show that the approximate sectorization gain increases\nsublinearly as a function of the number of sectors per node.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:32:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Promponas","Panagiotis",""],["Chen","Tingjun",""],["Tassiulas","Leandros",""]]} {"id":"2308.10971","submitter":"Frank L\\\"ubeck","authors":"Frank L\\\"ubeck","title":"Greatest common divisors of values of integer polynomials and an\n application to maximal tori","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We describe how to compute for two polynomials $f(X), g(X) \\in \\mathbb{Z}[X]$\nwith integer coefficients the greatest common divisors of $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ for\nall integers $z \\in \\mathbb{Z}$. As an application we determine the structures\n(elementary divisors) of all maximal tori in exceptional groups of Lie type.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:32:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["L\u00fcbeck","Frank",""]]} {"id":"2308.10972","submitter":"Christopher Corbally","authors":"Richard O. Gray, Christopher J. Corbally, Michael M. Briley, Adam\n McKay, Forrest Sims, David Boyd, Christophe Boussin, Courtney E. McGahee,\n Robert Buchheim, Gary Walker, David Iadevaia, David Cejudo Fernandez, Damien\n Lemay, Jack Martin, Jim Grubb, Albert Stiewing, Joseph Daglen, Keith Shank,\n Sydney Andrews, Nick Barnhardt, Rebekah Clark, Hunter Corman, Sabina Gomes,\n Agastya Jonnalagadda, Theo McDaries, Ava Mills, Will Newsom, Andrew Slate and\n Michael Watts","title":"TU Tau B: The Peculiar 'Eclipse' of a possible proto-Barium Giant","comments":"9 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, a number of amateur observatories made\n significant contributions to this research. Paper accepted for publication in\n The Astronomical Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" TU Tau (= HD 38218 = HIP 27135) is a binary system consisting of a C-N carbon\nstar primary and an A-type secondary. We report on new photometry and\nspectroscopy which tracked the recent disappearance of the A-star secondary.\nThe dimming of the A-star was gradual and irregular, with one or more brief\nbrightenings, implying the presence of nonhomogeneities in the carbon star\noutflow. We also present evidence that the A-star is actively accreting\ns-process enriched material from the carbon star and suggest that it will\ntherefore eventually evolve into a Barium giant. This is an important system as\nwell because the A-type star can serve as a probe of the outer atmosphere of\nthe carbon star.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:37:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gray","Richard O.",""],["Corbally","Christopher J.",""],["Briley","Michael M.",""],["McKay","Adam",""],["Sims","Forrest",""],["Boyd","David",""],["Boussin","Christophe",""],["McGahee","Courtney E.",""],["Buchheim","Robert",""],["Walker","Gary",""],["Iadevaia","David",""],["Fernandez","David Cejudo",""],["Lemay","Damien",""],["Martin","Jack",""],["Grubb","Jim",""],["Stiewing","Albert",""],["Daglen","Joseph",""],["Shank","Keith",""],["Andrews","Sydney",""],["Barnhardt","Nick",""],["Clark","Rebekah",""],["Corman","Hunter",""],["Gomes","Sabina",""],["Jonnalagadda","Agastya",""],["McDaries","Theo",""],["Mills","Ava",""],["Newsom","Will",""],["Slate","Andrew",""],["Watts","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.10973","submitter":"Jarrod Haas","authors":"Jarrod Haas","title":"SupEuclid: Extremely Simple, High Quality OoD Detection with Supervised\n Contrastive Learning and Euclidean Distance","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection has developed substantially in the past\nfew years, with available methods approaching, and in a few cases achieving,\nperfect data separation on standard benchmarks. These results generally involve\nlarge or complex models, pretraining, exposure to OoD examples or extra\nhyperparameter tuning. Remarkably, it is possible to achieve results that can\nexceed many of these state-of-the-art methods with a very simple method. We\ndemonstrate that ResNet18 trained with Supervised Contrastive Learning (SCL)\nproduces state-of-the-art results out-of-the-box on near and far OoD detection\nbenchmarks using only Euclidean distance as a scoring rule. This may obviate\nthe need in some cases for more sophisticated methods or larger models, and at\nthe very least provides a very strong, easy to use baseline for further\nexperimentation and analysis.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:41:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Haas","Jarrod",""]]} {"id":"2308.10974","submitter":"Chuan Xiao","authors":"Xu Han, Zengqing Wu, Chuan Xiao","title":"\"Guinea Pig Trials\" Utilizing GPT: A Novel Smart Agent-Based Modeling\n Approach for Studying Firm Competition and Collusion","comments":"To appear at Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)\n 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CE cs.MA econ.GN q-fin.EC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Firm competition and collusion involve complex dynamics, particularly when\nconsidering communication among firms. Such issues can be modeled as problems\nof complex systems, traditionally approached through experiments involving\nhuman subjects or agent-based modeling methods. We propose an innovative\nframework called Smart Agent-Based Modeling (SABM), wherein smart agents,\nsupported by GPT-4 technologies, represent firms, and interact with one\nanother. We conducted a controlled experiment to study firm price competition\nand collusion behaviors under various conditions. SABM is more cost-effective\nand flexible compared to conducting experiments with human subjects. Smart\nagents possess an extensive knowledge base for decision-making and exhibit\nhuman-like strategic abilities, surpassing traditional ABM agents. Furthermore,\nsmart agents can simulate human conversation and be personalized, making them\nideal for studying complex situations involving communication. Our results\ndemonstrate that, in the absence of communication, smart agents consistently\nreach tacit collusion, leading to prices converging at levels higher than the\nBertrand equilibrium price but lower than monopoly or cartel prices. When\ncommunication is allowed, smart agents achieve a higher-level collusion with\nprices close to cartel prices. Collusion forms more quickly with communication,\nwhile price convergence is smoother without it. These results indicate that\ncommunication enhances trust between firms, encouraging frequent small price\ndeviations to explore opportunities for a higher-level win-win situation and\nreducing the likelihood of triggering a price war. We also assigned different\npersonas to firms to analyze behavioral differences and tested variant models\nunder diverse market structures. The findings showcase the effectiveness and\nrobustness of SABM and provide intriguing insights into competition and\ncollusion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:42:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Han","Xu",""],["Wu","Zengqing",""],["Xiao","Chuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.10975","submitter":"Sudipta Mondal","authors":"Sudipta Mondal, Pritam Halder, Aditi Sen De","title":"Duality between imperfect resources and measurements for propagating\n entanglement in networks","comments":"13 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a measurement-based entanglement propagation strategy for networks\nin which all nodes except two are initially occupied by a suitably chosen\nsingle-qubit system and the two nodes share a bipartite noisy entangled state.\nThe connections between the sites are established using unsharp two-qubit\nmeasurements. When only a single node performs measurements, we refer to it as\na unidirectional protocol while when both parts of the initial entangled states\nperform measurements, we call it a bidirectional scheme. When the measurement\noutcome is post-selected, we demonstrate that in the presence of a local\namplitude damping channel acting on a single site, entanglement shareability,\nas measured by the monogamy score, of the resulting state after measurement can\nbe higher for all values of the strength of the noise than that of the scenario\nwithout noise. We observe that irrespective of the channel, there exists a\nrange of unsharpness parameter where a higher monogamy score may be obtained\nstarting from the initial nonmaximally entangled states than from the initial\nmaximally entangled state. We report that the effect of noise on the average\nmonogamy score entered from the resource state may be reduced faster with the\nunidirectional protocol than with the bidirectional one.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:44:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mondal","Sudipta",""],["Halder","Pritam",""],["De","Aditi Sen",""]]} {"id":"2308.10976","submitter":"Gabriel Andreas Dill","authors":"Francesco Campagna and Gabriel A. Dill","title":"Algebraic relations over finite fields that preserve the endomorphism\n rings of CM $j$-invariants","comments":"18 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We characterise the integral affine plane curves over a finite field $k$ with\nthe property that all but finitely many of their $\\overline{k}$-points have\ncoordinates that are $j$-invariants of elliptic curves with isomorphic\nendomorphism rings. This settles a finite field variant of the Andr\\'e-Oort\nconjecture for $Y(1)^2_\\mathbb{C}$, which is a theorem of Andr\\'e. We use our\nresult to solve the modular support problem for function fields of positive\ncharacteristic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:45:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Campagna","Francesco",""],["Dill","Gabriel A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10977","submitter":"Eric Rowland","authors":"Eric Rowland, Manon Stipulanti, Reem Yassawi","title":"Algebraic power series and their automatic complexity I: finite fields","comments":"29 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT cs.FL cs.SC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Christol's theorem states that a power series with coefficients in a finite\nfield is algebraic if and only if its coefficient sequence is automatic. A\nnatural question is how the size of a polynomial describing such a sequence\nrelates to the size of an automaton describing the same sequence. Bridy used\ntools from algebraic geometry to bound the size of the minimal automaton for a\nsequence, given its minimal polynomial. We produce a new proof of Bridy's bound\nby embedding algebraic sequences as diagonals of rational functions. Crucially\nfor our interests, our approach can be adapted to work not just over a finite\nfield but over the integers modulo $p^\\alpha$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:48:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Rowland","Eric",""],["Stipulanti","Manon",""],["Yassawi","Reem",""]]} {"id":"2308.10978","submitter":"Heather Blake","authors":"Zhanar Berikkyzy, Beth Bjorkman, Heather Smith Blake, Sogol\n Jahanbekam, Lauren Keough, Kevin Moss, Danny Rorabaugh, and Songling Shan","title":"Triangle-degree and triangle-distinct graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Let $G$ be a simple graph and $v$ be a vertex of $G$. The triangle-degree of\n$v$ in $G$ is the number of triangles that contain $v$. While every graph has\nat least two vertices with the same degree, there are graphs in which every\nvertex has a distinct triangle-degree. In this paper, we construct an infinite\nfamily of graphs with this property. We also study the vertex degrees and size\nof graphs with this property.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:54:17 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Berikkyzy","Zhanar",""],["Bjorkman","Beth",""],["Blake","Heather Smith",""],["Jahanbekam","Sogol",""],["Keough","Lauren",""],["Moss","Kevin",""],["Rorabaugh","Danny",""],["Shan","Songling",""]]} {"id":"2308.10979","submitter":"Tony Feng","authors":"Tony Feng, Zhiwei Yun, Wei Zhang","title":"Modularity of higher theta series I: cohomology of the generic fiber","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In a previous paper we constructed $\\textit{higher}$ theta series for unitary\ngroups over function fields, and conjectured their modularity properties. Here\nwe prove the generic modularity of the $\\ell$-adic realization of higher theta\nseries in cohomology. The proof debuts a new type of Fourier transform,\noccurring on the Borel-Moore homology of moduli spaces for shtuka-type objects,\nthat we call the $\\textit{arithmetic Fourier transform}$. Another novelty in\nthe argument is a $\\textit{sheaf-cycle correspondence}$ extending the classical\nsheaf-function correspondence, which facilitates the deployment of\nsheaf-theoretic methods to analyze algebraic cycles. Although the modularity\nproperty is a statement within classical algebraic geometry, the proof relies\non derived algebraic geometry, especially a nascent theory of $\\textit{derived\nFourier analysis}$ on derived vector bundles, which we develop.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:54:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Feng","Tony",""],["Yun","Zhiwei",""],["Zhang","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.10980","submitter":"Evan Kirby","authors":"Evan N. Kirby (1), Alexander P. Ji (2), Mikhail Kovalev (3) ((1)\n University of Notre Dame, (2) University of Chicago, (3) Yunnan\n Observatories)","title":"r-process Abundance Patterns in the Globular Cluster M92","comments":"35 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Whereas light element abundance variations are a hallmark of globular\nclusters, there is little evidence for variation in neutron-capture elements. A\nsignificant exception is M15, which shows a star-to-star dispersion in\nneutron-capture abundances of at least one order of magnitude. The literature\ncontains evidence both for and against a neutron-capture dispersion in M92. We\nconducted an analysis of archival Keck/HIRES spectra of 35 stars in M92, 29 of\nwhich are giants, which we use exclusively for our conclusions. M92 conforms to\nthe light element abundance variations typical of massive clusters. Like other\nglobular clusters, its neutron-capture abundances were generated by the\nr-process. We confirm a star-to-star dispersion in the r-process. Unlike M15,\nthe dispersion is limited to \"first-generation\" (low Na, high Mg) stars, and\nthe dispersion is smaller for Sr, Y, and Zr than for Ba and the lanthanides.\nThis is the first detection of a relation between light element and\nneutron-capture abundances in a globular cluster. We propose that a source of\nthe main r-process polluted the cluster shortly before or concurrently with the\nfirst generation of star formation. The heavier r-process abundances were\ninhomogeneously distributed while the first-generation stars were forming. The\nsecond-generation stars formed after several crossing times (~0.8 Myr); hence,\nthe second generation shows no r-process dispersion. This scenario imposes a\nminimum temporal separation of 0.8 Myr between the first and second\ngenerations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:55:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kirby","Evan N.",""],["Ji","Alexander P.",""],["Kovalev","Mikhail",""]]} {"id":"2308.10981","submitter":"Sania Asif","authors":"Sania Asif and Yao Wang","title":"BiHom-(pre-)Poisson conformal algebra","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The aim of this study is to introduce the notion of BiHom-Poisson conformal\nalgebra, BiHom-pre-Poisson conformal algebra, and their related structures. We\nshow that we can construct many new BiHom-Poisson conformal algebras for a\ngiven BiHom-Poisson conformal algebra. Moreover, the tensor product of two\nBiHom-Poisson conformal algebras is also a BiHom-Poisson conformal algebra. We\nfurther describe the conformal bimodule and representation theory of\nBiHom-Poisson conformal algebra. In addition, we define BiHom-pre-Poisson\nconformal algebra as the combination of BiHom-preLie conformal algebra and\nBiHom-dendriform conformal algebra under some compatibility conditions. We also\ndemonstrate that how to construct BiHom-Poisson conformal algebra from\nBiHom-pre-Poisson conformal algebra and provide the representation theory for\nBiHom-pre-Poisson conformal algebra. Finally, a detailed description of\n$\\mathcal{O}$-operators and Rota-Baxter operators on BiHom-Poisson conformal\nalgebra is provided.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:55:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Asif","Sania",""],["Wang","Yao",""]]} {"id":"2308.10982","submitter":"Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta","authors":"L. P. Chitta, S. K. Solanki, J. C. del Toro Iniesta, J. Woch, D.\n Calchetti, A. Gandorfer, J. Hirzberger, F. Kahil, G. Valori, D. Orozco\n Su\\'arez, H. Strecker, T. Appourchaux, R. Volkmer, H. Peter, S. Mandal, R.\n Aznar Cuadrado, L. Teriaca, U. Sch\\\"uhle, D. Berghmans, C. Verbeeck, A. N.\n Zhukov, E. R. Priest","title":"Fleeting small-scale surface magnetic fields build the quiet-Sun corona","comments":"Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.plasm-ph physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Arch-like loop structures filled with million Kelvin hot plasma form the\nbuilding blocks of the quiet-Sun corona. Both high-resolution observations and\nmagnetoconvection simulations show the ubiquitous presence of magnetic fields\non the solar surface on small spatial scales of $\\sim$100\\,km. However, the\nquestion of how exactly these quiet-Sun coronal loops originate from the\nphotosphere and how the magnetic energy from the surface is channeled to heat\nthe overlying atmosphere is a long-standing puzzle. Here we report\nhigh-resolution photospheric magnetic field and coronal data acquired during\nthe second science perihelion of Solar Orbiter that reveal a highly dynamic\nmagnetic landscape underlying the observed quiet-Sun corona. We found that\ncoronal loops often connect to surface regions that harbor fleeting weaker,\nmixed-polarity magnetic field patches structured on small spatial scales, and\nthat coronal disturbances could emerge from these areas. We suggest that weaker\nmagnetic fields with fluxes as low as $10^{15}$\\,Mx and or those that evolve on\ntimescales less than 5\\,minutes, are crucial to understand the coronal\nstructuring and dynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:57:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chitta","L. P.",""],["Solanki","S. K.",""],["Iniesta","J. C. del Toro",""],["Woch","J.",""],["Calchetti","D.",""],["Gandorfer","A.",""],["Hirzberger","J.",""],["Kahil","F.",""],["Valori","G.",""],["Su\u00e1rez","D. Orozco",""],["Strecker","H.",""],["Appourchaux","T.",""],["Volkmer","R.",""],["Peter","H.",""],["Mandal","S.",""],["Cuadrado","R. Aznar",""],["Teriaca","L.",""],["Sch\u00fchle","U.",""],["Berghmans","D.",""],["Verbeeck","C.",""],["Zhukov","A. N.",""],["Priest","E. R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10983","submitter":"Jo\\~ao Manuel da Silva Santos","authors":"J. M. da Silva Santos, K. Reardon, G. Cauzzi, T. Schad, V. Martinez\n Pillet, A. Tritschler, F. W\\\"oger, R. Hofmann, J. Stauffer, and H. Uitenbroek","title":"Magnetic fields in solar plage regions: insights from high-sensitivity\n spectropolarimetry","comments":"17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Plage regions are patches of concentrated magnetic field in the Sun's\natmosphere where hot coronal loops are rooted. While previous studies have shed\nlight on the properties of plage magnetic fields in the photosphere, there are\nstill challenges in measuring the overlying chromospheric magnetic fields,\nwhich are crucial to understanding the overall heating and dynamics. Here, we\nutilize high-sensitivity, spectropolarimetric data obtained by the four-meter\nDaniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) to investigate the dynamic environment\nand magnetic field stratification of an extended, decaying plage region. The\ndata show strong circular polarization signals in both plage cores and\nsurrounding fibrils. Notably, weak linear polarization signals clearly\ndifferentiate between plage patches and the fibril canopy, where they are\nrelatively stronger. Inversions of the Ca II 8542 $\\mathring{A}$ spectra show\nan imprint of the fibrils in the chromospheric magnetic field, with typical\nfield strength values ranging from $\\sim$ 200-300 G in fibrils. We confirm the\nweak correlation between field strength and cooling rates in the lower\nchromosphere. Additionally, we observe supersonic downflows and strong velocity\ngradients in the plage periphery, indicating dynamical processes occurring in\nthe chromosphere. These findings contribute to our understanding of the\nmagnetic field and dynamics within plages, emphasizing the need for further\nresearch to explore the expansion of magnetic fields with height and the\nthree-dimensional distribution of heating rates in the lower chromosphere.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:01:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Santos","J. M. da Silva",""],["Reardon","K.",""],["Cauzzi","G.",""],["Schad","T.",""],["Pillet","V. Martinez",""],["Tritschler","A.",""],["W\u00f6ger","F.",""],["Hofmann","R.",""],["Stauffer","J.",""],["Uitenbroek","H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.10984","submitter":"Amar Kumar","authors":"Amar Kumar, Nima Fathi, Raghav Mehta, Brennan Nichyporuk, Jean-Pierre\n R. Falet, Sotirios Tsaftaris, Tal Arbel","title":"Debiasing Counterfactuals In the Presence of Spurious Correlations","comments":"Accepted to the FAIMI (Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging) workshop at\n MICCAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Deep learning models can perform well in complex medical imaging\nclassification tasks, even when basing their conclusions on spurious\ncorrelations (i.e. confounders), should they be prevalent in the training\ndataset, rather than on the causal image markers of interest. This would\nthereby limit their ability to generalize across the population. Explainability\nbased on counterfactual image generation can be used to expose the confounders\nbut does not provide a strategy to mitigate the bias. In this work, we\nintroduce the first end-to-end training framework that integrates both (i)\npopular debiasing classifiers (e.g. distributionally robust optimization (DRO))\nto avoid latching onto the spurious correlations and (ii) counterfactual image\ngeneration to unveil generalizable imaging markers of relevance to the task.\nAdditionally, we propose a novel metric, Spurious Correlation Latching Score\n(SCLS), to quantify the extent of the classifier reliance on the spurious\ncorrelation as exposed by the counterfactual images. Through comprehensive\nexperiments on two public datasets (with the simulated and real visual\nartifacts), we demonstrate that the debiasing method: (i) learns generalizable\nmarkers across the population, and (ii) successfully ignores spurious\ncorrelations and focuses on the underlying disease pathology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:01:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kumar","Amar",""],["Fathi","Nima",""],["Mehta","Raghav",""],["Nichyporuk","Brennan",""],["Falet","Jean-Pierre R.",""],["Tsaftaris","Sotirios",""],["Arbel","Tal",""]]} {"id":"2308.10985","submitter":"Nidal Chamoun","authors":"N. Chamoun (HIAST) and E. I. Lashin (Ain Shams Univ. & CFP-Zewail\n city)","title":"Textures of Neutrino Mass Matrix from $S_4$-flavor Symmetry","comments":"40 pages, pdflatex, 6 tables and 12 figures. arXiv admin note: text\n overlap with arXiv:2208.10344","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study a texture of neutrino mass matrix characterized by two constraints\nconsisting of one equality and another antiequality between two elements\ncorresponding to two pairs of the matrix entries. Amidst such textures, we\nlimit our study to three patterns which were realizable assuming an\n$S_4$-symmetry within type II-seesaw scenario. Three such cases were found and\nstudied: I ($M_{\\nu 22}=-M_{\\nu 33}$ \\& $M_{\\nu 11}=+M_{\\nu 23}$), II ($M_{\\nu\n11}=-M_{\\nu 33}$ \\& $M_{\\nu 22}=+M_{\\nu 13}$) and III ($M_{\\nu 11}=-M_{\\nu 22}$\n\\& $M_{\\nu 33}=+M_{\\nu 12}$). We specify the role of non-physical phases in the\ndefinition of the textures under study which were tested against experimental\nconstraints, and were found to accommodate data with both hierarchies allowed.\nHowever, switching off the non-physical phases allows only for inverted\nhierarchy, except for the texture III which allows also, albeit for a very\nnarrow parameter space region, for normal ordering. We present a complete\nphenomenological analysis of these three textures and justify analytically the\nresulting correlations. We detail the effect of the non-physical phases is\ndiluting/deforming several correlations, which otherwise would have been\n``clear\". Finally, we give theoretical realizations within seesaw type II\nscenarios for such textures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:10:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chamoun","N.","","HIAST"],["Lashin","E. I.","","Ain Shams Univ. & CFP-Zewail\n city"]]} {"id":"2308.10986","submitter":"Sabir M. Gusein-Zade","authors":"Sabir M. Gusein-Zade, Ignacio Luengo, Alejandro Melle-Hern\\'andez","title":"Grothendieck ring of pairs of quasi-projective varieties","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We define a Grothendieck ring of pairs of complex quasi-projective varieties\n(that is a variety and a subvariety). We describe $\\lambda$-structures and a\npower structure on/over this ring. We show that the conjectual symmetric power\nof the projective line with several orbifold points described by A.Fonarev is\nconsistent with the symmetric power of this line with points as a pair of\nvarieties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:12:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gusein-Zade","Sabir M.",""],["Luengo","Ignacio",""],["Melle-Hern\u00e1ndez","Alejandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.10987","submitter":"Ori Saporta-Katz","authors":"Ori Saporta-Katz, Nadav Mantel, Rotem Liran, Vered Rom-Kedar, Hezi\n Gildor","title":"Northbound Lagrangian Pathways of the Mediterranean Outflow Water and\n the Mechanism of Time-Dependent Chaotic Advection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ao-ph nlin.CD physics.geo-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Mediterranean Sea releases approximately 1Sv of water into the North\nAtlantic through the Gibraltar Straits, forming the saline Mediterranean\nOutflow Water (MOW). Its impact on large-scale flow and specifically its\nnorthbound Lagrangian pathways are widely debated, yet a comprehensive overview\nof MOW pathways over recent decades is lacking. We calculate and analyze\nsynthetic Lagrangian trajectories in 1980-2020 reanalysis velocity data. 16\\%\nof the MOW follow a direct northbound path to the sub-polar gyre, reaching a\n1000m depth crossing window at the southern tip of Rockall Ridge in about 10\nyears. Surprisingly, time-dependent chaotic advection, not steady currents,\ndrives over half of the northbound transport. Our results suggest a potential\n15-20yr predictability in the direct northbound transport, which points to an\nupcoming decrease of MOW northbound transport in the next couple of decades.\nAdditionally, monthly variability appears more significant than inter-annual\nvariability in mixing and spreading the MOW.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 10:00:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Saporta-Katz","Ori",""],["Mantel","Nadav",""],["Liran","Rotem",""],["Rom-Kedar","Vered",""],["Gildor","Hezi",""]]} {"id":"2308.10988","submitter":"Adel Ammar","authors":"Adel Ammar","title":"ERA*: Enhanced Relaxed A* algorithm for Solving the Shortest Path\n Problem in Regular Grid Maps","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This paper introduces a novel algorithm for solving the point-to-point\nshortest path problem in a static regular 8-neighbor connectivity (G8) grid.\nThis algorithm can be seen as a generalization of Hadlock algorithm to G8\ngrids, and is shown to be theoretically equivalent to the relaxed $A^*$\n($RA^*$) algorithm in terms of the provided solution's path length, but with\nsubstantial time and memory savings, due to a completely different computation\nstrategy, based on defining a set of lookup matrices. Through an experimental\nstudy on grid maps of various types and sizes (1290 runs on 43 maps), it is\nproven to be 2.25 times faster than $RA^*$ and 17 times faster than the\noriginal $A^*$, in average. Moreover, it is more memory-efficient, since it\ndoes not need to store a G score matrix.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:25:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ammar","Adel",""]]} {"id":"2308.10989","submitter":"John Daniel","authors":"John Daniel, Zheng Sun, Xuejian Zhang, Yuanqiu Tan, Neil Dilley,\n Zhihong Chen, Joerg Appenzeller","title":"Experimental demonstration of an integrated on-chip p-bit core utilizing\n stochastic Magnetic Tunnel Junctions and 2D-MoS$_{2}$ FETs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cs.ET","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Probabilistic computing is a novel computing scheme that offers a more\nefficient approach than conventional CMOS-based logic in a variety of\napplications ranging from optimization to Bayesian inference, and invertible\nBoolean logic. The probabilistic-bit (or p-bit, the base unit of probabilistic\ncomputing) is a naturally fluctuating entity that requires tunable\nstochasticity; by coupling low-barrier stochastic Magnetic Tunnel Junctions\n(MTJs) with a transistor circuit, a compact implementation is achieved. In this\nwork, through integrating stochastic MTJs with 2D-MoS$_{2}$ FETs, the first\non-chip realization of a key p-bit building block displaying\nvoltage-controllable stochasticity is demonstrated. In addition, supported by\ncircuit simulations, this work provides a careful analysis of the three\ntransistor-one magnetic tunnel junction (3T-1MTJ) p-bit design, evaluating how\nthe characteristics of each component influence the overall p-bit output. This\nunderstanding of the interplay between the characteristics of the transistors\nand the MTJ is vital for the construction of a fully functioning p-bit, making\nthe design rules presented in this article key for future experimental\nimplementations of scaled on-chip p-bit networks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:16:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Daniel","John",""],["Sun","Zheng",""],["Zhang","Xuejian",""],["Tan","Yuanqiu",""],["Dilley","Neil",""],["Chen","Zhihong",""],["Appenzeller","Joerg",""]]} {"id":"2308.10990","submitter":"Jie Liu","authors":"Jie Liu, Tao Zhang, Shuyu Sun","title":"Flashlight Search Medial Axis: A Pixel-Free Pore-Network Extraction\n Algorithm","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Pore-network models (PNMs) have become an important tool in the study of\nfluid flow in porous media over the last few decades, and the accuracy of their\nresults highly depends on the extraction of pore networks. Traditional methods\nof pore-network extraction are based on pixels and require images with high\nquality. Here, a pixel-free method called the flashlight search medial axis\n(FSMA) algorithm is proposed for pore-network extraction in a continuous space.\nThe search domain in a two-dimensional space is a line, whereas a surface\ndomain is searched in a three-dimensional scenario. Thus, the FSMA algorithm\nfollows the dimensionality reduction idea; the medial axis can be identified\nusing only a few points instead of calculating every point in the void space.\nIn this way, computational complexity of this method is greatly reduced\ncompared to that of traditional pixel-based extraction methods, thus enabling\nlarge-scale pore-network extraction. Based on cases featuring two- and\nthree-dimensional porous media, the FSMA algorithm performs well regardless of\nthe topological structure of the pore network or the positions of the pore and\nthroat centers. This algorithm can also be used to examine both closed- and\nopen-boundary cases. Finally, the FSMA algorithm can search dead-end pores,\nwhich is of great significance in the study of multiphase flow in porous media.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 5 Aug 2023 11:37:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Jie",""],["Zhang","Tao",""],["Sun","Shuyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.10991","submitter":"Yoko Hirono","authors":"Wladislav Artsimovich, Yoko Hirono","title":"Improved mirror ball projection for more accurate merging of multiple\n camera outputs and process monitoring","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Using spherical mirrors in place of wide-angle cameras allows for\ncost-effective monitoring of manufacturing processes in hazardous environment,\nwhere a camera would normally not operate. This includes environments of high\nheat, vacuum and strong electromagnetic fields. Moreover, it allows the\nlayering of multiple camera types (e.g., color image, near-infrared,\nlong-wavelength infrared, ultraviolet) into a single wide-angle output, whilst\naccounting for the different camera placements and lenses used. Normally, the\ndifferent camera positions introduce a parallax shift between the images, but\nwith a spherical projection as produced by a spherical mirror, this parallax\nshift is reduced, depending on mirror size and distance to the monitoring\ntarget.\n This paper introduces a variation of the 'mirror ball projection', that\naccounts for distortion produced by a perspective camera at the pole of the\nprojection. Finally, the efficacy of process monitoring via a mirror ball is\nevaluated.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 04:18:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Artsimovich","Wladislav",""],["Hirono","Yoko",""]]} {"id":"2308.10992","submitter":"Viacheslav Klimenko","authors":"Viacheslav V. Klimenko, Varsha Kulkarni, David A. Wake, Suraj Poudel,\n Matthew A. Bershady, Celine Peroux, Britt Lundgren","title":"The Baryonic Content of Galaxies Mapped by MaNGA and the Gas Around Them","comments":"Accepted for publication in ApJ, 49 pages, 36 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We analyze the cool gas in and around 14 nearby galaxies (at $z$$<$0.1)\nmapped with the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey by measuring absorption lines produced by\ngas in spectra of background quasars/AGN at impact parameters of 0-25 effective\nradii from the galaxy center. Using HST/COS, we detect absorption at the galaxy\nredshift and measure or constrain column densities of neutral (H I, N I, O I,\nAr I), low-ionization (Si II, S II, C II, N II Fe II), and high-ionization (Si\nIII, Fe III, N V, O VI) species for 11 galaxies. We derive the ionization\nparameter and ionization-corrected metallicity using CLOUDY photo-ionization\nmodels. The H I column density ranges from $\\sim$$10^{13}$ to\n$\\sim$$10^{20}\\,{\\rm cm^{-2}}$ and decreases with impact parameter for $r \\ge\nR_{e}$. Galaxies with higher stellar mass have weaker H I absorption. Comparing\nabsorption velocities with MaNGA radial velocity maps of ionized gas line\nemissions in galactic disks, we find that the neutral gas seen in absorption\nco-rotates with the disk out to $\\sim$10 $R_{e}$. Sight lines with lower\nelevation angles show lower metallicities, consistent with the metallicity\ngradient in the disk derived from MaNGA maps. Higher elevation angle sight\nlines show higher ionization, lower H I-column density, super-solar\nmetallicity, and velocities consistent with the direction of galactic outflow.\nOur data offer the first detailed comparisons of CGM properties (kinematics and\nmetallicity) with extrapolations of detailed galaxy maps from integral field\nspectroscopy; similar studies for larger samples are needed to more fully\nunderstand how galaxies interact with their CGM.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:17:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Klimenko","Viacheslav V.",""],["Kulkarni","Varsha",""],["Wake","David A.",""],["Poudel","Suraj",""],["Bershady","Matthew A.",""],["Peroux","Celine",""],["Lundgren","Britt",""]]} {"id":"2308.10993","submitter":"Andrii Babii","authors":"Andrii Babii, Eric Ghysels, Jonas Striaukas","title":"Econometrics of Machine Learning Methods in Economic Forecasting","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.EM stat.AP stat.ME stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper surveys the recent advances in machine learning method for\neconomic forecasting. The survey covers the following topics: nowcasting,\ntextual data, panel and tensor data, high-dimensional Granger causality tests,\ntime series cross-validation, classification with economic losses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:19:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Babii","Andrii",""],["Ghysels","Eric",""],["Striaukas","Jonas",""]]} {"id":"2308.10994","submitter":"Mustaffa Hussain","authors":"Mustaffa Hussain, Saharsh Barve","title":"Switched auxiliary loss for robust training of transformer models for\n histopathological image segmentation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Functional tissue Units (FTUs) are cell population neighborhoods local to a\nparticular organ performing its main function. The FTUs provide crucial\ninformation to the pathologist in understanding the disease affecting a\nparticular organ by providing information at the cellular level. In our\nresearch, we have developed a model to segment multi-organ FTUs across 5 organs\nnamely: the kidney, large intestine, lung, prostate and spleen by utilizing the\nHuBMAP + HPA - Hacking the Human Body competition dataset. We propose adding\nshifted auxiliary loss for training models like the transformers to overcome\nthe diminishing gradient problem which poses a challenge towards optimal\ntraining of deep models. Overall, our model achieved a dice score of 0.793 on\nthe public dataset and 0.778 on the private dataset and shows a 1% improvement\nwith the use of the proposed method. The findings also bolster the use of\ntransformers models for dense prediction tasks in the field of medical image\nanalysis. The study assists in understanding the relationships between cell and\ntissue organization thereby providing a useful medium to look at the impact of\ncellular functions on human health.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:20:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hussain","Mustaffa",""],["Barve","Saharsh",""]]} {"id":"2308.10995","submitter":"Shikha Verma","authors":"Shikha Verma, Kuldeep Srivastava, Akhilesh Tiwari, Shekhar Verma","title":"Deep Learning Techniques in Extreme Weather Events: A Review","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ao-ph cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Extreme weather events pose significant challenges, thereby demanding\ntechniques for accurate analysis and precise forecasting to mitigate its\nimpact. In recent years, deep learning techniques have emerged as a promising\napproach for weather forecasting and understanding the dynamics of extreme\nweather events. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the\nstate-of-the-art deep learning in the field. We explore the utilization of deep\nlearning architectures, across various aspects of weather prediction such as\nthunderstorm, lightning, precipitation, drought, heatwave, cold waves and\ntropical cyclones. We highlight the potential of deep learning, such as its\nability to capture complex patterns and non-linear relationships. Additionally,\nwe discuss the limitations of current approaches and highlight future\ndirections for advancements in the field of meteorology. The insights gained\nfrom this systematic review are crucial for the scientific community to make\ninformed decisions and mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 08:15:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Verma","Shikha",""],["Srivastava","Kuldeep",""],["Tiwari","Akhilesh",""],["Verma","Shekhar",""]]} {"id":"2308.10997","submitter":"Sadeep Jayasumana","authors":"Sadeep Jayasumana, Daniel Glasner, Srikumar Ramalingam, Andreas Veit,\n Ayan Chakrabarti, Sanjiv Kumar","title":"SPEGTI: Structured Prediction for Efficient Generative Text-to-Image\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Modern text-to-image generation models produce high-quality images that are\nboth photorealistic and faithful to the text prompts. However, this quality\ncomes at significant computational cost: nearly all of these models are\niterative and require running inference multiple times with large models. This\niterative process is needed to ensure that different regions of the image are\nnot only aligned with the text prompt, but also compatible with each other. In\nthis work, we propose a light-weight approach to achieving this compatibility\nbetween different regions of an image, using a Markov Random Field (MRF) model.\nThis method is shown to work in conjunction with the recently proposed Muse\nmodel. The MRF encodes the compatibility among image tokens at different\nspatial locations and enables us to significantly reduce the required number of\nMuse prediction steps. Inference with the MRF is significantly cheaper, and its\nparameters can be quickly learned through back-propagation by modeling MRF\ninference as a differentiable neural-network layer. Our full model, SPEGTI,\nuses this proposed MRF model to speed up Muse by 1.5X with no loss in output\nimage quality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 14:07:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jayasumana","Sadeep",""],["Glasner","Daniel",""],["Ramalingam","Srikumar",""],["Veit","Andreas",""],["Chakrabarti","Ayan",""],["Kumar","Sanjiv",""]]} {"id":"2308.10999","submitter":"Mieczys{\\l}aw K{\\l}opotek","authors":"Mieczys{\\l}aw A. K{\\l}opotek and Bart{\\l}miej Starosta and S{\\l}awomir\n T. Wierzcho\\'n","title":"Eigenvalue-based Incremental Spectral Clustering","comments":"14 tables, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Our previous experiments demonstrated that subsets collections of (short)\ndocuments (with several hundred entries) share a common normalized in some way\neigenvalue spectrum of combinatorial Laplacian. Based on this insight, we\npropose a method of incremental spectral clustering. The method consists of the\nfollowing steps: (1) split the data into manageable subsets, (2) cluster each\nof the subsets, (3) merge clusters from different subsets based on the\neigenvalue spectrum similarity to form clusters of the entire set. This method\ncan be especially useful for clustering methods of complexity strongly\nincreasing with the size of the data sample,like in case of typical spectral\nclustering. Experiments were performed showing that in fact the clustering and\nmerging the subsets yields clusters close to clustering the entire dataset.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 13:42:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["K\u0142opotek","Mieczys\u0142aw A.",""],["Starosta","Bart\u0142miej",""],["Wierzcho\u0144","S\u0142awomir T.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11001","submitter":"Shilpa Lakhanpal","authors":"Shilpa Lakhanpal, Ajay Gupta, Rajeev Agrawal","title":"Leveraging Explainable AI to Analyze Researchers' Aspect-Based Sentiment\n about ChatGPT","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The groundbreaking invention of ChatGPT has triggered enormous discussion\namong users across all fields and domains. Among celebration around its various\nadvantages, questions have been raised with regards to its correctness and\nethics of its use. Efforts are already underway towards capturing user\nsentiments around it. But it begs the question as to how the research community\nis analyzing ChatGPT with regards to various aspects of its usage. It is this\nsentiment of the researchers that we analyze in our work. Since Aspect-Based\nSentiment Analysis has usually only been applied on a few datasets, it gives\nlimited success and that too only on short text data. We propose a methodology\nthat uses Explainable AI to facilitate such analysis on research data. Our\ntechnique presents valuable insights into extending the state of the art of\nAspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on newer datasets, where such analysis is not\nhampered by the length of the text data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:44:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lakhanpal","Shilpa",""],["Gupta","Ajay",""],["Agrawal","Rajeev",""]]} {"id":"2308.11002","submitter":"Sa\\v{s}a Novakovi\\'c","authors":"Sa\\v{s}a Novakovi\\'c","title":"A note on some polynomial-factorial diophantine equations","comments":"14 pages, comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In 1876 Brocard, and independently in 1913 Ramanujan, asked to find all\ninteger solutions for the equation $n!=x^2-1$. It is conjectured that this\nequation has only three solutions, but up to now this is an open problem.\nOverholt observed that a weak form of Szpiro's-conjecture implies that\nBrocard's equation has finitely many integer solutions. More generally,\nassuming the ABC-conjecture, Luca showed that equations of the form $n!=P(x)$\nwhere $P(x)\\in\\mathbb{Z}[x]$ of degree $d\\geq 2$ have only finitely many\ninteger solutions with $n>0$. And if $P(x)$ is irreducible, Berend and Harmse\nproved unconditionally that $P(x)=n!$ has only finitely many integer solutions.\nIn this note we study diophantine equations of the form $g(x_1,...,x_r)=P(x)$\nwhere $P(x)\\in\\mathbb{Z}[x]$ of degree $d\\geq 2$ and $g(x_1,...,x_r)\\in\n\\mathbb{Z}[x_1,...,x_r]$ where for $x_i$ one may also plug in $A^{n}$ or the\nBhargava factorial $n!_S$. We want to understand when there are finitely many\nor infinitely many integer solutions. Moreover, we study diophantine equations\nof the form $g(x_1,...,x_r)=f(x,y)$ where $f(x,y)\\in\\mathbb{Z}[x,y]$ is a\nhomogeneous polynomial of degree $\\geq2$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:34:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Novakovi\u0107","Sa\u0161a",""]]} {"id":"2308.11003","submitter":"Bertrand Rouet-Leduc","authors":"Bertrand Rouet-Leduc, Thomas Kerdreux, Alexandre Tuel, Claudia Hulbert","title":"Autonomous Detection of Methane Emissions in Multispectral Satellite\n Data Using Deep Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.geo-ph cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases, and its short atmospheric\nhalf-life makes it a prime target to rapidly curb global warming. However,\ncurrent methane emission monitoring techniques primarily rely on approximate\nemission factors or self-reporting, which have been shown to often dramatically\nunderestimate emissions. Although initially designed to monitor surface\nproperties, satellite multispectral data has recently emerged as a powerful\nmethod to analyze atmospheric content. However, the spectral resolution of\nmultispectral instruments is poor, and methane measurements are typically very\nnoisy. Methane data products are also sensitive to absorption by the surface\nand other atmospheric gases (water vapor in particular) and therefore provide\nnoisy maps of potential methane plumes, that typically require extensive human\nanalysis. Here, we show that the image recognition capabilities of deep\nlearning methods can be leveraged to automatize the detection of methane leaks\nin Sentinel-2 satellite multispectral data, with dramatically reduced false\npositive rates compared with state-of-the-art multispectral methane data\nproducts, and without the need for a priori knowledge of potential leak sites.\nOur proposed approach paves the way for the automated, high-definition and\nhigh-frequency monitoring of point-source methane emissions across the world.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:36:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Rouet-Leduc","Bertrand",""],["Kerdreux","Thomas",""],["Tuel","Alexandre",""],["Hulbert","Claudia",""]]} {"id":"2308.11004","submitter":"M. Ilyas","authors":"M. Ilyas and Kazuharu Bamba","title":"Traversable wormholes with static spherical symmetry and their stability\n in higher-curvature gravity","comments":"11 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"FU-PCG-121","categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The solutions of traversable wormholes and their geometries are investigated\nin higher-curvature gravity with boundary terms for each case under the\npresence of anisotropic, isotropic and barotropic fluids in detail. For each\ncase, the effective energy-momentum tensor violates the null energy condition\nthroughout the wormhole throat. The null and weak energy conditions are also\nanalyzed for ordinary matters. The regions that physically viable wormhole\nsolutions can exist are explicitly shown. Furthermore, it is found that the\nrange of the viable regions exhibits an alternating pattern of expansion and\ncontraction. The present analyses can reveal the regions in which traversable\nwormholes can be constructed for anisotropic, isotropic and barotropic fluids\ncases with incorporating realistic matter contents, leading to fundamental\nphysics insights into the feasible construction of wormholes in\nhigher-curvature gravity with boundary term.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 09:10:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ilyas","M.",""],["Bamba","Kazuharu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11005","submitter":"Sam Nelson","authors":"Jieon Kim and Sam Nelson","title":"Entropic Niebrzydowski Tribrackets","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT math.QA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We introduce the notion of entropic Niebrzydowski tribrackets or just\nentropic tribrackets, analogous to entropic (also known as abelian or medial )\nquandles and biquandles. We show that if X is a finite entropic tribracket then\nfor any tribracket T , the homset Hom(T, X) (and in particular, for any\noriented link L, the homset Hom(T (L), X)) also has the structure of an\nentropic tribracket. This operation yields a product on the category of\nentropic tribrackets; we compute the operation table for entropic tribrackets\nof small cardinality and prove a few results. We conjecture that this structure\ncan be used to distinguish links which have the same counting invariant with\nrespect to a chosen entropic coloring tribracket X.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:38:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Jieon",""],["Nelson","Sam",""]]} {"id":"2308.11006","submitter":"Christopher Ormerod","authors":"Christopher Ormerod","title":"Using language models in the implicit automated assessment of\n mathematical short answer items","comments":"11 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.CY cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a new way to assess certain short constructed responses to\nmathematics items. Our approach uses a pipeline that identifies the key values\nspecified by the student in their response. This allows us to determine the\ncorrectness of the response, as well as identify any misconceptions. The\ninformation from the value identification pipeline can then be used to provide\nfeedback to the teacher and student. The value identification pipeline consists\nof two fine-tuned language models. The first model determines if a value is\nimplicit in the student response. The second model identifies where in the\nresponse the key value is specified. We consider both a generic model that can\nbe used for any prompt and value, as well as models that are specific to each\nprompt and value. The value identification pipeline is a more accurate and\ninformative way to assess short constructed responses than traditional\nrubric-based scoring. It can be used to provide more targeted feedback to\nstudents, which can help them improve their understanding of mathematics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:45:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ormerod","Christopher",""]]} {"id":"2308.11007","submitter":"Guillermo Cabrera-Vives","authors":"Esteban Medina-Rosales, Guillermo Cabrera-Vives, and Christopher J.\n Miller","title":"Mitigating Bias in Deep Learning: Training Unbiased Models on Biased\n Data for the Morphological Classification of Galaxies","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Galaxy morphologies and their relation with physical properties have been a\nrelevant subject of study in the past. Most galaxy morphology catalogs have\nbeen labelled by human annotators or by machine learning models trained on\nhuman labelled data. Human generated labels have been shown to contain biases\nin terms of the observational properties of the data, such as image resolution.\nThese biases are independent of the annotators, that is, are present even in\ncatalogs labelled by experts. In this work, we demonstrate that training deep\nlearning models on biased galaxy data produce biased models, meaning that the\nbiases in the training data are transferred to the predictions of the new\nmodels. We also propose a method to train deep learning models that considers\nthis inherent labelling bias, to obtain a de-biased model even when training on\nbiased data. We show that models trained using our deep de-biasing method are\ncapable of reducing the bias of human labelled datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:46:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Medina-Rosales","Esteban",""],["Cabrera-Vives","Guillermo",""],["Miller","Christopher J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11008","submitter":"Togerchety Hitendra sarma","authors":"D.D.D.Suribabu, T.Hitendra Sarma, B.Eswar Reddy","title":"Approximating Clustering for Memory Management and request processing","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DB","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Clustering is a crucial tool for analyzing data in virtually every scientific\nand engineering discipline. There are more scalable solutions framed to enable\ntime and space clustering for the future large-scale data analyses. As a\nresult, hardware and software innovations that can significantly improve data\nefficiency and performance of the data clustering techniques are necessary to\nmake the future large-scale data analysis practical. This paper proposes a\nnovel mechanism for computing bit-serial medians. We propose a novel method,\ntwo-parameter terms that enables in computation within the data arrays\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:39:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Suribabu","D. D. D.",""],["Sarma","T. Hitendra",""],["Reddy","B. Eswar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11009","submitter":"Alexander Barg","authors":"Madhura Pathegama and Alexander Barg","title":"Smoothing of binary codes, uniform distributions, and applications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The action of a noise operator on a code transforms it into a distribution on\nthe respective space. Some common examples from information theory include\nBernoulli noise acting on a code in the Hamming space and Gaussian noise acting\non a lattice in the Euclidean space. We aim to characterize the cases when the\noutput distribution is close to the uniform distribution on the space, as\nmeasured by R{\\'e}nyi divergence of order $\\alpha \\in [1,\\infty]$. A version of\nthis question is known as the channel resolvability problem in information\ntheory, and it has implications for security guarantees in wiretap channels,\nerror correction, discrepancy, worst-to-average case complexity reductions, and\nmany other problems.\n Our work quantifies the requirements for asymptotic uniformity (perfect\nsmoothing) and identifies explicit code families that achieve it under the\naction of the Bernoulli and ball noise operators on the code. We derive\nexpressions for the minimum rate of codes required to attain asymptotically\nperfect smoothing. In proving our results, we leverage recent results from\nharmonic analysis of functions on the Hamming space. Another result pertains to\nthe use of code families in Wyner's transmission scheme on the binary wiretap\nchannel. We identify explicit families that guarantee strong secrecy when\napplied in this scheme, showing that nested Reed-Muller codes can transmit\nmessages reliably and securely over a binary symmetric wiretap channel with a\npositive rate. Finally, we establish a connection between smoothing and error\ncorrection in the binary symmetric channel.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:50:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pathegama","Madhura",""],["Barg","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.11010","submitter":"Fatemeh Mirmojarabian","authors":"Fatemeh Mirmojarabian, Saeed S. Jahromi, Jahanfar Abouie","title":"Valence-Bond Solid phases in the spin-$1/2$ Kekul{\\'e}-Heisenberg model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We map out the ground state phase diagram of the isotropic Kekul{\\'e}-Kitaev\nmodel on the honeycomb lattice in the presence of the Heisenberg exchange\ncouplings. Our study relies on large-scale tensor network simulations based on\ngraph-based projected entangled pair state (gPEPS) approach in the\nthermodynamic limit. We find that on top of the quantum spin liquid (QSL) and\nconventional magnetically ordered phases which are typical of the\nKitaev-Heisenberg model, the Kekul{\\'e}-Heisenberg phase diagram, hosts two\nplaquette valance bond solid (VBS) phases with vanishing magnetic order. While\nthe VBS phases preserve the symmetries of the original Hamiltonian, they differ\nmarkedly from the Kitaev spin liquid by having decorated plaquette ordering\nwhich is distinguished by a plaquette order parameter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:50:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mirmojarabian","Fatemeh",""],["Jahromi","Saeed S.",""],["Abouie","Jahanfar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11011","submitter":"Peng Zhou","authors":"Peng Zhou, Alexander J. Edwards, Frederick B. Mancoff, Sanjeev\n Aggarwal, Stephen K. Heinrich-Barna, Joseph S. Friedman","title":"Neuromorphic Hebbian learning with magnetic tunnel junction synapses","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Neuromorphic computing aims to mimic both the function and structure of\nbiological neural networks to provide artificial intelligence with extreme\nefficiency. Conventional approaches store synaptic weights in non-volatile\nmemory devices with analog resistance states, permitting in-memory computation\nof neural network operations while avoiding the costs associated with\ntransferring synaptic weights from a memory array. However, the use of analog\nresistance states for storing weights in neuromorphic systems is impeded by\nstochastic writing, weights drifting over time through stochastic processes,\nand limited endurance that reduces the precision of synapse weights. Here we\npropose and experimentally demonstrate neuromorphic networks that provide\nhigh-accuracy inference thanks to the binary resistance states of magnetic\ntunnel junctions (MTJs), while leveraging the analog nature of their stochastic\nspin-transfer torque (STT) switching for unsupervised Hebbian learning. We\nperformed the first experimental demonstration of a neuromorphic network\ndirectly implemented with MTJ synapses, for both inference and\nspike-timing-dependent plasticity learning. We also demonstrated through\nsimulation that the proposed system for unsupervised Hebbian learning with\nstochastic STT-MTJ synapses can achieve competitive accuracies for MNIST\nhandwritten digit recognition. By appropriately applying neuromorphic\nprinciples through hardware-aware design, the proposed STT-MTJ neuromorphic\nlearning networks provide a pathway toward artificial intelligence hardware\nthat learns autonomously with extreme efficiency.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:58:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Peng",""],["Edwards","Alexander J.",""],["Mancoff","Frederick B.",""],["Aggarwal","Sanjeev",""],["Heinrich-Barna","Stephen K.",""],["Friedman","Joseph S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11012","submitter":"Sergey Yakovlev L.","authors":"V. A. Gradusov, S. L. Yakovlev","title":"On scattering problem off the potential, decreasing as inverse square of\n distance","comments":"15 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.atom-ph math-ph math.MP nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" A solution of the scattering problem is obtained for the Schr\\\"odinger\nequation with the potential of induced dipole interaction, which decreases as\nthe inverse square of the distance. Such a potential arises in the collision of\nan incident charged particle with a complex of charged particles (for example,\nin the collision of electrons with atoms). For the wave function, an integral\nequation is constructed for an arbitrary value of the orbital momentum of\nrelative motion. By solving this equation, an exact integral representation for\nthe $K$-matrix of the problem is obtained in terms of the wave function. This\nrepresentation is used to analyze the behavior of the $K$-matrix at low\nenergies and to obtain comprehensive information on its threshold behavior for\nvarious values of the dipole momentum. The resulting solution is applied to\nstudy the behavior of the scattering cross sections in the electron, positron\nand antiproton system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:00:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gradusov","V. A.",""],["Yakovlev","S. L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11013","submitter":"Jeong Min Lee","authors":"Jeong Min Lee and Milos Hauskrecht","title":"Personalized Event Prediction for Electronic Health Records","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.01787","journal-ref":"Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 143, 2023, 102620,\n ISSN 0933-3657","doi":"10.1016/j.artmed.2023.102620","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Clinical event sequences consist of hundreds of clinical events that\nrepresent records of patient care in time. Developing accurate predictive\nmodels of such sequences is of a great importance for supporting a variety of\nmodels for interpreting/classifying the current patient condition, or\npredicting adverse clinical events and outcomes, all aimed to improve patient\ncare. One important challenge of learning predictive models of clinical\nsequences is their patient-specific variability. Based on underlying clinical\nconditions, each patient's sequence may consist of different sets of clinical\nevents (observations, lab results, medications, procedures). Hence, simple\npopulation-wide models learned from event sequences for many different patients\nmay not accurately predict patient-specific dynamics of event sequences and\ntheir differences. To address the problem, we propose and investigate multiple\nnew event sequence prediction models and methods that let us better adjust the\nprediction for individual patients and their specific conditions. The methods\ndeveloped in this work pursue refinement of population-wide models to\nsubpopulations, self-adaptation, and a meta-level model switching that is able\nto adaptively select the model with the best chance to support the immediate\nprediction. We analyze and test the performance of these models on clinical\nevent sequences of patients in MIMIC-III database.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:03:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Jeong Min",""],["Hauskrecht","Milos",""]]} {"id":"2308.11014","submitter":"Andrey Bagrov","authors":"Fabio Salvati, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Andrey A. Bagrov, Tom Westerhout","title":"Stability of a quantum skyrmion: projective measurements and the quantum\n Zeno effect","comments":"7+eps pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Magnetic skyrmions are vortex-like quasiparticles characterized by long\nlifetime and remarkable topological properties. That makes them a promising\ncandidate for the role of information carriers in magnetic information storage\nand processing devices. Although considerable progress has been made in\nstudying skyrmions in classical systems, little is known about the quantum\ncase: quantum skyrmions cannot be directly observed by probing the local\nmagnetization of the system, and the notion of topological protection is\nelusive in the quantum realm. Here, we explore the potential robustness of\nquantum skyrmions in comparison to their classical counterparts. We\ntheoretically analyze the dynamics of a quantum skyrmion subject to local\nprojective measurements and demonstrate that the properties of the skyrmionic\nquantum state change very little upon external perturbations. We further show\nthat by performing repetitive measurements on a quantum skyrmion, it can be\ncompletely stabilized through an analog of the quantum Zeno effect.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:03:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Salvati","Fabio",""],["Katsnelson","Mikhail I.",""],["Bagrov","Andrey A.",""],["Westerhout","Tom",""]]} {"id":"2308.11015","submitter":"Tze Ho Elden Tse","authors":"Tze Ho Elden Tse, Franziska Mueller, Zhengyang Shen, Danhang Tang,\n Thabo Beeler, Mingsong Dou, Yinda Zhang, Sasa Petrovic, Hyung Jin Chang,\n Jonathan Taylor, Bardia Doosti","title":"Spectral Graphormer: Spectral Graph-based Transformer for Egocentric\n Two-Hand Reconstruction using Multi-View Color Images","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a novel transformer-based framework that reconstructs two high\nfidelity hands from multi-view RGB images. Unlike existing hand pose estimation\nmethods, where one typically trains a deep network to regress hand model\nparameters from single RGB image, we consider a more challenging problem\nsetting where we directly regress the absolute root poses of two-hands with\nextended forearm at high resolution from egocentric view. As existing datasets\nare either infeasible for egocentric viewpoints or lack background variations,\nwe create a large-scale synthetic dataset with diverse scenarios and collect a\nreal dataset from multi-calibrated camera setup to verify our proposed\nmulti-view image feature fusion strategy. To make the reconstruction physically\nplausible, we propose two strategies: (i) a coarse-to-fine spectral graph\nconvolution decoder to smoothen the meshes during upsampling and (ii) an\noptimisation-based refinement stage at inference to prevent self-penetrations.\nThrough extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations, we show that our\nframework is able to produce realistic two-hand reconstructions and demonstrate\nthe generalisation of synthetic-trained models to real data, as well as\nreal-time AR/VR applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:07:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tse","Tze Ho Elden",""],["Mueller","Franziska",""],["Shen","Zhengyang",""],["Tang","Danhang",""],["Beeler","Thabo",""],["Dou","Mingsong",""],["Zhang","Yinda",""],["Petrovic","Sasa",""],["Chang","Hyung Jin",""],["Taylor","Jonathan",""],["Doosti","Bardia",""]]} {"id":"2308.11016","submitter":"Rub\\'en Mart\\'inez-Avenda\\~no","authors":"Ad\\'an \\'Angeles-Romero and Rub\\'en A. Mart\\'inez Avenda\\~no","title":"The Forward and Backward Shift on the Hardy Space of a Tree","comments":"23 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we initiate the study of the forward and backward shifts on the\nHardy space of a tree and the little Hardy space of a tree. In particular, we\ninvestigate when these shifts are bounded, find the norm of the shifts if they\nare bounded, characterize the trees in which they are an isometry, compute the\nspectrum in some concrete examples, and completely determine when they are\nhypercyclic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:12:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["\u00c1ngeles-Romero","Ad\u00e1n",""],["Avenda\u00f1o","Rub\u00e9n A. Mart\u00ednez",""]]} {"id":"2308.11017","submitter":"Douglas Silva","authors":"Douglas F\\'elix da Silva, Li Hui, Paulo J. A. Sim\\~oes, Adriana Valio,\n Joaquim C. E. R., Hugh S. Hudson, Paulo J. A. Simoes, Lyndsay Fletcher, Laura\n A. Hayes, Iain G. Hannah","title":"Statistical analysis of the onset temperature of solar flares in\n 2010-2011","comments":"6 pages,7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1093/mnras/stad2244","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Understanding the physical processes that trigger solar flares is paramount\nto help with forecasting space weather and mitigating the effects on our\ntechnological infrastructure. A previously unknown phenomenon was recently\nidentified in solar flares: the plasma temperature, derived from soft X-ray\n(SXR) data, at the onset of four flares, was revealed to be in the range 10-15\nMK, without evidence of gradual heating. To investigate how common the\nhot-onset phenomenon may be, we extend this investigation to solar flares of\nB1.2- X6.9 classes recorded by the X-ray Sensor (XRS) on-board the GOES-14 and\nGOES-15 satellites between 2010 and 2011. For this statistical study, we\nemployed the same methodology as in recent work, where the pre-flare SXR flux\nof each flare is obtained manually, and the temperature and emission measure\nvalues are obtained by the flux ratio of the two GOES/XRS channels using the\nstandard software. From 3224 events listed in the GOES flare catalog for\n2010-2011, we have selected and analyzed 745 events for which the flare\nheliographic location was provided in the list, to investigate center-to-limb\neffects of the hot-onset phenomenon. Our results show that 559 out of 745\nflares (75%) exhibit an onset temperature above 8.6 MK (the first quartile),\nwith respective log10 of the emission measure values between 46.0 - 47.25 cm-3,\nindicating that small amounts of plasma are quickly heated to high\ntemperatures. These results suggest that the hot-onset phenomenon is very\ncommon in solar flares.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:14:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["da Silva","Douglas F\u00e9lix",""],["Hui","Li",""],["Sim\u00f5es","Paulo J. A.",""],["Valio","Adriana",""],["R.","Joaquim C. E.",""],["Hudson","Hugh S.",""],["Simoes","Paulo J. A.",""],["Fletcher","Lyndsay",""],["Hayes","Laura A.",""],["Hannah","Iain G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11018","submitter":"Seok Won Kang","authors":"Seok Won Kang, Jegyeong Ryu, Suh In Kim, Youngsoo Kim, Yoon Young Kim","title":"Computational Synthesis of Wearable Robot Mechanisms: Application to\n Hip-Joint Mechanisms","comments":"28 pages, 7 figures, Supplementary Materials","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Since wearable linkage mechanisms could control the moment transmission from\nactuator(s) to wearers, they can help ensure that even low-cost wearable\nsystems provide advanced functionality tailored to users' needs. For example,\nif a hip mechanism transforms an input torque into a spatially-varying moment,\na wearer can get effective assistance both in the sagittal and frontal planes\nduring walking, even with an affordable single-actuator system. However, due to\nthe combinatorial nature of the linkage mechanism design space, the topologies\nof such nonlinear-moment-generating mechanisms are challenging to determine,\neven with significant computational resources and numerical data. Furthermore,\non-premise production development and interactive design are nearly impossible\nin conventional synthesis approaches. Here, we propose an innovative autonomous\ncomputational approach for synthesizing such wearable robot mechanisms,\neliminating the need for exhaustive searches or numerous data sets. Our method\ntransforms the synthesis problem into a gradient-based optimization problem\nwith sophisticated objective and constraint functions while ensuring the\ndesired degree of freedom, range of motion, and force transmission\ncharacteristics. To generate arbitrary mechanism topologies and dimensions, we\nemployed a unified ground model. By applying the proposed method for the design\nof hip joint mechanisms, the topologies and dimensions of non-series-type hip\njoint mechanisms were obtained. Biomechanical simulations validated its\nmulti-moment assistance capability, and its wearability was verified via\nprototype fabrication. The proposed design strategy can open a new way to\ndesign various wearable robot mechanisms, such as shoulders, knees, and ankles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:14:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kang","Seok Won",""],["Ryu","Jegyeong",""],["Kim","Suh In",""],["Kim","Youngsoo",""],["Kim","Yoon Young",""]]} {"id":"2308.11019","submitter":"Tim Sziburis","authors":"Tim Sziburis, Markus Nowak, Davide Brunelli","title":"Instance-based Learning with Prototype Reduction for Real-Time\n Proportional Myocontrol: A Randomized User Study Demonstrating\n Accuracy-preserving Data Reduction for Prosthetic Embedded Systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.LG cs.RO cs.SY eess.SP eess.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This work presents the design, implementation and validation of learning\ntechniques based on the kNN scheme for gesture detection in prosthetic control.\nTo cope with high computational demands in instance-based prediction, methods\nof dataset reduction are evaluated considering real-time determinism to allow\nfor the reliable integration into battery-powered portable devices. The\ninfluence of parameterization and varying proportionality schemes is analyzed,\nutilizing an eight-channel-sEMG armband. Besides offline cross-validation\naccuracy, success rates in real-time pilot experiments (online target\nachievement tests) are determined. Based on the assessment of specific dataset\nreduction techniques' adequacy for embedded control applications regarding\naccuracy and timing behaviour, Decision Surface Mapping (DSM) proves itself\npromising when applying kNN on the reduced set. A randomized, double-blind user\nstudy was conducted to evaluate the respective methods (kNN and kNN with\nDSM-reduction) against Ridge Regression (RR) and RR with Random Fourier\nFeatures (RR-RFF). The kNN-based methods performed significantly better\n(p<0.0005) than the regression techniques. Between DSM-kNN and kNN, there was\nno statistically significant difference (significance level 0.05). This is\nremarkable in consideration of only one sample per class in the reduced set,\nthus yielding a reduction rate of over 99% while preserving success rate. The\nsame behaviour could be confirmed in an extended user study. With k=1, which\nturned out to be an excellent choice, the runtime complexity of both kNN (in\nevery prediction step) as well as DSM-kNN (in the training phase) becomes\nlinear concerning the number of original samples, favouring dependable wearable\nprosthesis applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:15:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sziburis","Tim",""],["Nowak","Markus",""],["Brunelli","Davide",""]]} {"id":"2308.11020","submitter":"Koji Inoue","authors":"Koji Inoue, Divesh Lala, Keiko Ochi, Tatsuya Kawahara, Gabriel Skantze","title":"Towards Objective Evaluation of Socially-Situated Conversational Robots:\n Assessing Human-Likeness through Multimodal User Behaviors","comments":"Accepted by 25th ACM International Conference on Multimodal\n Interaction (ICMI '23), Late-Breaking Results","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3610661.3617151","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.HC cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper tackles the challenging task of evaluating socially situated\nconversational robots and presents a novel objective evaluation approach that\nrelies on multimodal user behaviors. In this study, our main focus is on\nassessing the human-likeness of the robot as the primary evaluation metric.\nWhile previous research often relied on subjective evaluations from users, our\napproach aims to evaluate the robot's human-likeness based on observable user\nbehaviors indirectly, thus enhancing objectivity and reproducibility. To begin,\nwe created an annotated dataset of human-likeness scores, utilizing user\nbehaviors found in an attentive listening dialogue corpus. We then conducted an\nanalysis to determine the correlation between multimodal user behaviors and\nhuman-likeness scores, demonstrating the feasibility of our proposed\nbehavior-based evaluation method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:21:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Inoue","Koji",""],["Lala","Divesh",""],["Ochi","Keiko",""],["Kawahara","Tatsuya",""],["Skantze","Gabriel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11021","submitter":"Mihai Cristian P\\^irvu","authors":"Mihai Pirvu, Alina Marcu, Alexandra Dobrescu, Nabil Belbachir, Marius\n Leordeanu","title":"Multi-Task Hypergraphs for Semi-supervised Learning using Earth\n Observations","comments":"Accepted in ICCV 2023 Workshops","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" There are many ways of interpreting the world and they are highly\ninterdependent. We exploit such complex dependencies and introduce a powerful\nmulti-task hypergraph, in which every node is a task and different paths\nthrough the hypergraph reaching a given task become unsupervised teachers, by\nforming ensembles that learn to generate reliable pseudolabels for that task.\nEach hyperedge is part of an ensemble teacher for a given task and it is also a\nstudent of the self-supervised hypergraph system. We apply our model to one of\nthe most important problems of our times, that of Earth Observation, which is\nhighly multi-task and it often suffers from missing ground-truth data. By\nperforming extensive experiments on the NASA NEO Dataset, spanning a period of\n22 years, we demonstrate the value of our multi-task semi-supervised approach,\nby consistent improvements over strong baselines and recent work. We also show\nthat the hypergraph can adapt unsupervised to gradual data distribution shifts\nand reliably recover, through its multi-task self-supervision process, the\nmissing data for several observational layers for up to seven years.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:22:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pirvu","Mihai",""],["Marcu","Alina",""],["Dobrescu","Alexandra",""],["Belbachir","Nabil",""],["Leordeanu","Marius",""]]} {"id":"2308.11022","submitter":"Stevo Rackovic","authors":"Filipa Valdeira, Stevo Rackovi\\'c, Valeria Danalachi, Qiwei Han,\n Cl\\'audia Soares","title":"Extreme Multilabel Classification for Specialist Doctor Recommendation\n with Implicit Feedback and Limited Patient Metadata","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recommendation Systems (RS) are often used to address the issue of medical\ndoctor referrals. However, these systems require access to patient feedback and\nmedical records, which may not always be available in real-world scenarios. Our\nresearch focuses on medical referrals and aims to predict recommendations in\ndifferent specialties of physicians for both new patients and those with a\nconsultation history. We use Extreme Multilabel Classification (XML), commonly\nemployed in text-based classification tasks, to encode available features and\nexplore different scenarios. While its potential for recommendation tasks has\noften been suggested, this has not been thoroughly explored in the literature.\nMotivated by the doctor referral case, we show how to recast a traditional\nrecommender setting into a multilabel classification problem that current XML\nmethods can solve. Further, we propose a unified model leveraging patient\nhistory across different specialties. Compared to state-of-the-art RS using the\nsame features, our approach consistently improves standard recommendation\nmetrics up to approximately $10\\%$ for patients with a previous consultation\nhistory. For new patients, XML proves better at exploiting available features,\noutperforming the benchmark in favorable scenarios, with particular emphasis on\nrecall metrics. Thus, our approach brings us one step closer to creating more\neffective and personalized doctor referral systems. Additionally, it highlights\nXML as a promising alternative to current hybrid or content-based RS, while\nidentifying key aspects to take into account when using XML for recommendation\ntasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:23:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Valdeira","Filipa",""],["Rackovi\u0107","Stevo",""],["Danalachi","Valeria",""],["Han","Qiwei",""],["Soares","Cl\u00e1udia",""]]} {"id":"2308.11023","submitter":"Youngmin Seo","authors":"Young Min Seo, Karen Willacy, Umaa Rebbapragada","title":"Statistical Prediction of [CII] Observations by Constructing Probability\n Density Functions using SOFIA, Herschel, and Spitzer Observations","comments":"7 figures","journal-ref":"Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 2023,\n 10.1142/S2251171723500071","doi":"10.1142/S2251171723500071","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a statistical algorithm for predicting the [CII] emission from\nHerschel and Spitzer continuum images using probability density functions\nbetween the [CII] emission and continuum emission. The [CII] emission at 158\n$\\mu$m is a critical tracer in studying the life cycle of interstellar medium\nand galaxy evolution. Unfortunately, its frequency is in the far infrared\n(FIR), which is opaque through the troposphere and cannot be observed from the\nground except for highly red-shifted sources (z $\\gtrsim$ 2). Typically [CII]\nobservations of closer regions have been carried out using suborbital or space\nobservatories. Given the high cost of these facilities and limited time\navailability, it is important to have highly efficient observations/operations\nin terms of maximizing science returns. This requires accurate prediction of\nthe strength of emission lines and, therefore, the time required for their\nobservation. However, [CII] emission has been hard to predict due to a lack of\nstrong correlations with other observables. Here we adopt a new approach to\nmaking accurate predictions of [CII] emission by relating this emission\nsimultaneously to several tracers of dust emission in the same region. This is\ndone using a statistical methodology utilizing probability density functions\n(PDFs) among [CII] emission and Spitzer IRAC and Herschel PACS/SPIRE images.\nOur test result toward a star-forming region, RCW 120, demonstrates that our\nmethodology delivers high-quality predictions with less than 30\\% uncertainties\nover 80\\% of the entire observation area, which is more than sufficient to test\nobservation feasibility and maximize science return. The {\\it pickle} dump\nfiles storing the PDFs and trained neural network module are accessible upon\nrequest and will support future far-infrared missions, for example, GUSTO and\nFIR Probe.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:23:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Seo","Young Min",""],["Willacy","Karen",""],["Rebbapragada","Umaa",""]]} {"id":"2308.11024","submitter":"Jo\\~ao Pedro Carvalho","authors":"Ilani Axelrod-Freed, Jo\\~ao Pedro Carvalho and Yuki Takahashi","title":"Quantitative Transversal Theorems in the Plane","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Hadwiger's theorem is a variant of Helly-type theorems involving common\ntransversals to families of convex sets instead of common intersections. In\nthis paper, we obtain a quantitative version of Hadwiger's theorem on the\nplane: given an ordered family of pairwise disjoint and compact convex sets in\n$\\mathbb{R}^2$ and any real-valued monotone function on convex subsets of\n$\\mathbb{R}^2,$ if every three sets have a common transversal, respecting the\norder, such that the intersection of the sets with each half-plane defined by\nthe transversal are valued at least (or at most) some constant $\\alpha,$ then\nthe entire family has a common transversal with the same property. Unlike\nprevious generalizations of Hadwiger's theorem, we prove that disjointness is\nnecessary for the quantitative case. We also prove colorful versions of our\nresults.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:25:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Axelrod-Freed","Ilani",""],["Carvalho","Jo\u00e3o Pedro",""],["Takahashi","Yuki",""]]} {"id":"2308.11025","submitter":"Sijia Jiang","authors":"Sijia Jiang, Jing Hua, Zhizhong Han","title":"Coordinate Quantized Neural Implicit Representations for Multi-view\n Reconstruction","comments":"to be appeared at ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In recent years, huge progress has been made on learning neural implicit\nrepresentations from multi-view images for 3D reconstruction. As an additional\ninput complementing coordinates, using sinusoidal functions as positional\nencodings plays a key role in revealing high frequency details with\ncoordinate-based neural networks. However, high frequency positional encodings\nmake the optimization unstable, which results in noisy reconstructions and\nartifacts in empty space. To resolve this issue in a general sense, we\nintroduce to learn neural implicit representations with quantized coordinates,\nwhich reduces the uncertainty and ambiguity in the field during optimization.\nInstead of continuous coordinates, we discretize continuous coordinates into\ndiscrete coordinates using nearest interpolation among quantized coordinates\nwhich are obtained by discretizing the field in an extremely high resolution.\nWe use discrete coordinates and their positional encodings to learn implicit\nfunctions through volume rendering. This significantly reduces the variations\nin the sample space, and triggers more multi-view consistency constraints on\nintersections of rays from different views, which enables to infer implicit\nfunction in a more effective way. Our quantized coordinates do not bring any\ncomputational burden, and can seamlessly work upon the latest methods. Our\nevaluations under the widely used benchmarks show our superiority over the\nstate-of-the-art. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/MachinePerceptionLab/CQ-NIR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:27:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jiang","Sijia",""],["Hua","Jing",""],["Han","Zhizhong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11026","submitter":"Trambak Banerjee","authors":"Trambak Banerjee, Bowen Gang and Jianliang He","title":"Harnessing The Collective Wisdom: Fusion Learning Using Decision\n Sequences From Diverse Sources","comments":"29 pages and 10 figures. Under review at a journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Learning from the collective wisdom of crowds enhances the transparency of\nscientific findings by incorporating diverse perspectives into the\ndecision-making process. Synthesizing such collective wisdom is related to the\nstatistical notion of fusion learning from multiple data sources or studies.\nHowever, fusing inferences from diverse sources is challenging since\ncross-source heterogeneity and potential data-sharing complicate statistical\ninference. Moreover, studies may rely on disparate designs, employ widely\ndifferent modeling techniques for inferences, and prevailing data privacy norms\nmay forbid sharing even summary statistics across the studies for an overall\nanalysis. In this paper, we propose an Integrative Ranking and Thresholding\n(IRT) framework for fusion learning in multiple testing. IRT operates under the\nsetting where from each study a triplet is available: the vector of binary\naccept-reject decisions on the tested hypotheses, the study-specific False\nDiscovery Rate (FDR) level and the hypotheses tested by the study. Under this\nsetting, IRT constructs an aggregated, nonparametric, and discriminatory\nmeasure of evidence against each null hypotheses, which facilitates ranking the\nhypotheses in the order of their likelihood of being rejected. We show that IRT\nguarantees an overall FDR control under arbitrary dependence between the\nevidence measures as long as the studies control their respective FDR at the\ndesired levels. Furthermore, IRT synthesizes inferences from diverse studies\nirrespective of the underlying multiple testing algorithms employed by them.\nWhile the proofs of our theoretical statements are elementary, IRT is extremely\nflexible, and a comprehensive numerical study demonstrates that it is a\npowerful framework for pooling inferences.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:30:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Banerjee","Trambak",""],["Gang","Bowen",""],["He","Jianliang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11027","submitter":"Zhuohang Li","authors":"Zhuohang Li, Chao Yan, Xinmeng Zhang, Gharib Gharibi, Zhijun Yin,\n Xiaoqian Jiang, Bradley A. Malin","title":"Split Learning for Distributed Collaborative Training of Deep Learning\n Models in Health Informatics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Deep learning continues to rapidly evolve and is now demonstrating remarkable\npotential for numerous medical prediction tasks. However, realizing deep\nlearning models that generalize across healthcare organizations is challenging.\nThis is due, in part, to the inherent siloed nature of these organizations and\npatient privacy requirements. To address this problem, we illustrate how split\nlearning can enable collaborative training of deep learning models across\ndisparate and privately maintained health datasets, while keeping the original\nrecords and model parameters private. We introduce a new privacy-preserving\ndistributed learning framework that offers a higher level of privacy compared\nto conventional federated learning. We use several biomedical imaging and\nelectronic health record (EHR) datasets to show that deep learning models\ntrained via split learning can achieve highly similar performance to their\ncentralized and federated counterparts while greatly improving computational\nefficiency and reducing privacy risks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:30:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Zhuohang",""],["Yan","Chao",""],["Zhang","Xinmeng",""],["Gharibi","Gharib",""],["Yin","Zhijun",""],["Jiang","Xiaoqian",""],["Malin","Bradley A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11028","submitter":"Saeid Alikhani","authors":"Saeid Alikhani and Fatemeh Aghaei","title":"More on the $2$-restricted optimal pebbling number","comments":"12 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple graph. A function $f:V\\rightarrow \\mathbb{N}\\cup\n\\{0\\}$ is called a configuration of pebbles on the vertices of $G$ and the\nweight of $f$ is $w(f)=\\sum_{u\\in V}f(u)$ which is just the total number of\npebbles assigned to vertices. A pebbling step from a vertex $u$ to one of its\nneighbors $v$ reduces $f(u)$ by two and increases $f(v)$ by one. A pebbling\nconfiguration $f$ is said to be solvable if for every vertex $ v $, there\nexists a sequence (possibly empty) of pebbling moves that results in a pebble\non $v$. A pebbling configuration $f$ is a $t$-restricted pebbling configuration\n(abbreviated $t$RPC) if $f(v)\\leq t$ for all $v\\in V$. The $t$-restricted\noptimal pebbling number $\\pi_t^*(G)$ is the minimum weight of a solvable $t$RPC\non $G$. Chellali et.al. [Discrete Appl. Math. 221 (2017) 46-53] characterized\nconnected graphs $G$ having small $2$-restricted optimal pebbling numbers and\ncharacterization of graphs $G$ with $\\pi_2^*(G)=5$ stated as an open problem.\nIn this paper, we solve this problem. We improve the upper bound of the\n$2$-restricted optimal pebbling number of trees of order $n$. Also, we study\n$2$-restricted optimal pebbling number of some grid graphs, corona and\nneighborhood corona of two specific graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 09:35:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Alikhani","Saeid",""],["Aghaei","Fatemeh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11029","submitter":"Lin Yuan","authors":"Lin Yuan, Guoheng Huang, Fenghuan Li, Xiaochen Yuan, Chi-Man Pun, Guo\n Zhong","title":"RBA-GCN: Relational Bilevel Aggregation Graph Convolutional Network for\n Emotion Recognition","comments":null,"journal-ref":"IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,\n vol. 31, pp. 2325-2337,2023","doi":"10.1109/TASLP.2023.3284509","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) has received increasing attention\nfrom researchers due to its wide range of applications.As conversation has a\nnatural graph structure,numerous approaches used to model ERC based on graph\nconvolutional networks (GCNs) have yielded significant results.However,the\naggregation approach of traditional GCNs suffers from the node information\nredundancy problem,leading to node discriminant information\nloss.Additionally,single-layer GCNs lack the capacity to capture long-range\ncontextual information from the graph. Furthermore,the majority of approaches\nare based on textual modality or stitching together different modalities,\nresulting in a weak ability to capture interactions between modalities. To\naddress these problems, we present the relational bilevel aggregation graph\nconvolutional network (RBA-GCN), which consists of three modules: the graph\ngeneration module (GGM), similarity-based cluster building module (SCBM) and\nbilevel aggregation module (BiAM). First, GGM constructs a novel graph to\nreduce the redundancy of target node information.Then,SCBM calculates the node\nsimilarity in the target node and its structural neighborhood, where noisy\ninformation with low similarity is filtered out to preserve the discriminant\ninformation of the node. Meanwhile, BiAM is a novel aggregation method that can\npreserve the information of nodes during the aggregation process. This module\ncan construct the interaction between different modalities and capture\nlong-range contextual information based on similarity clusters. On both the\nIEMOCAP and MELD datasets, the weighted average F1 score of RBA-GCN has a\n2.17$\\sim$5.21\\% improvement over that of the most advanced method.Our code is\navailable at https://github.com/luftmenscher/RBA-GCN and our article with the\nsame name has been published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio,Speech,and\nLanguage Processing,vol.31,2023\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 11:29:12 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:36:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Yuan","Lin",""],["Huang","Guoheng",""],["Li","Fenghuan",""],["Yuan","Xiaochen",""],["Pun","Chi-Man",""],["Zhong","Guo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11030","submitter":"Haocong Luo","authors":"Haocong Luo, Yahya Can Tu\\u{g}rul, F. Nisa Bostanc{\\i}, Ataberk Olgun,\n A. Giray Ya\\u{g}l{\\i}k\\c{c}{\\i}, and Onur Mutlu","title":"Ramulator 2.0: A Modern, Modular, and Extensible DRAM Simulator","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AR cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We present Ramulator 2.0, a highly modular and extensible DRAM simulator that\nenables rapid and agile implementation and evaluation of design changes in the\nmemory controller and DRAM to meet the increasing research effort in improving\nthe performance, security, and reliability of memory systems. Ramulator 2.0\nabstracts and models key components in a DRAM-based memory system and their\ninteractions into shared interfaces and independent implementations. Doing so\nenables easy modification and extension of the modeled functions of the memory\ncontroller and DRAM in Ramulator 2.0. The DRAM specification syntax of\nRamulator 2.0 is concise and human-readable, facilitating easy modifications\nand extensions. Ramulator 2.0 implements a library of reusable templated lambda\nfunctions to model the functionalities of DRAM commands to simplify the\nimplementation of new DRAM standards, including DDR5, LPDDR5, HBM3, and GDDR6.\nWe showcase Ramulator 2.0's modularity and extensibility by implementing and\nevaluating a wide variety of RowHammer mitigation techniques that require\ndifferent memory controller design changes. These techniques are added\nmodularly as separate implementations without changing any code in the baseline\nmemory controller implementation. Ramulator 2.0 is rigorously validated and\nmaintains a fast simulation speed compared to existing cycle-accurate DRAM\nsimulators. Ramulator 2.0 is open-sourced under the permissive MIT license at\nhttps://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/ramulator2\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:39:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Luo","Haocong",""],["Tu\u011frul","Yahya Can",""],["Bostanc\u0131","F. Nisa",""],["Olgun","Ataberk",""],["Ya\u011fl\u0131k\u00e7\u0131","A. Giray",""],["Mutlu","Onur",""]]} {"id":"2308.11031","submitter":"Niseem Magdy","authors":"Niseem Magdy and Roy Lacey","title":"Exploring Rapidity-Even Dipolar Flow in Isobaric Collisions at RHIC","comments":"6 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publication","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th nucl-ex","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Employing the AMPT transport model, we investigate the response of the\nrapidity-even dipolar flow ($\\mathrm{v^{even}_{1}}$) and its associated Global\nMomentum Conservation (GMC) parameter $\\mathrm{K}$ to structural disparities\nwithin $^{96}$Ru and $^{96}$Zr nuclei. We analyze \\RuRu and \\ZrZr collisions at\na center-of-mass energy of $\\sqrt{\\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 200~GeV. Our analysis\ndemonstrates that the eccentricity $\\varepsilon_1$, $\\mathrm{v^{even}_{1}}$ and\n$\\mathrm{K}$ exhibit subtle yet discernible sensitivity to the input nuclear\nstructure distinctions between $^{96}$Ru and $^{96}$Zr isobars. This\nobservation suggests that measuring $v^{\\rm even}_{1}$ and the GMC parameter in\nthese isobaric collisions could serve as a means to fine-tune the comprehension\nof their nuclear structure disparities and offer insights to enhance the\ninitial condition assumptions of theoretical models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:39:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Magdy","Niseem",""],["Lacey","Roy",""]]} {"id":"2308.11032","submitter":"Prabh Simran Baweja","authors":"Prabh Simran Singh Baweja, Orathai Sangpetch, Akkarit Sangpetch","title":"AI For Fraud Awareness","comments":"Technical Report published at CMKL University in 2020","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In today's world, with the rise of numerous social platforms, it has become\nrelatively easy for anyone to spread false information and lure people into\ntraps. Fraudulent schemes and traps are growing rapidly in the investment\nworld. Due to this, countries and individuals face huge financial risks. We\npresent an awareness system with the use of machine learning and gamification\ntechniques to educate the people about investment scams and traps. Our system\napplies machine learning techniques to provide a personalized learning\nexperience to the user. The system chooses distinct game-design elements and\nscams from the knowledge pool crafted by domain experts for each individual.\nThe objective of the research project is to reduce inequalities in all\ncountries by educating investors via Active Learning. Our goal is to assist the\nregulators in assuring a conducive environment for a fair, efficient, and\ninclusive capital market. In the paper, we discuss the impact of the problem,\nprovide implementation details, and showcase the potentiality of the system\nthrough preliminary experiments and results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 05:45:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Baweja","Prabh Simran Singh",""],["Sangpetch","Orathai",""],["Sangpetch","Akkarit",""]]} {"id":"2308.11034","submitter":"Jiaqi Wen","authors":"Jiaqi Wen, Bogdan Gabrys, Katarzyna Musial","title":"Digital Twin-Oriented Complex Networked Systems based on Heterogeneous\n node features and interaction rules","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This study proposes an extendable modelling framework for Digital\nTwin-Oriented Complex Networked Systems (DT-CNSs) with a goal of generating\nnetworks that faithfully represent real systems. Modelling process focuses on\n(i) features of nodes and (ii) interaction rules for creating connections that\nare built based on individual node's preferences. We conduct experiments on\nsimulation-based DT-CNSs that incorporate various features and rules about\nnetwork growth and different transmissibilities related to an epidemic spread\non these networks. We present a case study on disaster resilience of social\nnetworks given an epidemic outbreak by investigating the infection occurrence\nwithin specific time and social distance. The experimental results show how\ndifferent levels of the structural and dynamics complexities, concerned with\nfeature diversity and flexibility of interaction rules respectively, influence\nnetwork growth and epidemic spread. The analysis revealed that, to achieve\nmaximum disaster resilience, mitigation policies should be targeted at nodes\nwith preferred features as they have higher infection risks and should be the\nfocus of the epidemic control.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 01:54:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wen","Jiaqi",""],["Gabrys","Bogdan",""],["Musial","Katarzyna",""]]} {"id":"2308.11035","submitter":"Aleczander Herczeg","authors":"Aleczander Herczeg and Jason Jackiewicz","title":"Inferring the Solar Meridional Circulation Flow Profile by Applying\n Bayesian Methods to Time-distance Helioseismology","comments":"20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Mapping the large-scale subsurface plasma flow profile within the Sun has\nbeen attempted using various methods for several decades. One such flow in\nparticular is the meridional circulation, for which numerous studies have been\npublished. However, such studies often show disagreement in structure. In an\neffort to constrain the flow profile from the data, a Bayesian Markov chain\nMonte Carlo framework has been developed to take advantage of the advances in\ncomputing power that allow for the efficient exploration of high-dimensional\nparameter spaces. This study utilizes helioseismic travel-time difference data\ncovering a span of twenty-one years and a parametrized model of the meridional\ncirculation to find the most likely flow profiles. Tests were carried out on\nartificial data to determine the ability of this method to recover expected\nsolar-like flow profiles as well as a few extreme cases. We find the method\ncapable of recovering the input flows of both single- and double-cell flow\nstructures. Some inversion results indicate potential differences in meridional\ncirculation between the two solar cycles in terms of both magnitude and\nmorphology, in particular in the mid convection zone. Of these, the most likely\nsolutions show that solar cycle 23 has a large, single-celled profile, while\ncycle 24 shows weaker flows in general and hints towards a double-celled\nstructure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:42:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Herczeg","Aleczander",""],["Jackiewicz","Jason",""]]} {"id":"2308.11036","submitter":"M. White","authors":"M White (1), J Makara (1), S Ranpariya (1), L Pei (1), M Barba (1), J\n Subedi (1), J Dong (1), B Hansen (1), A E T Akintola (1), (2), J Holzbauer\n (1), J Ozelis (1), S Chandrasekaran (1), V Roger (1) ((1) Fermi National\n Accelerator Laboratory, (2) STFC Daresbury Laboratory)","title":"Installation, commissioning, and testing of the HB650 CM at PIP2IT","comments":"2023 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic\n Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"FERMILAB-CONF-23-359-TD","categories":"physics.acc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is a major upgrade to the Fermilab\naccelerator complex, featuring a new 800-MeV Superconducting Radio-Frequency\n(SRF) linear accelerator (LINAC) powering the accelerator complex to provide\nthe world's most intense high-energy neutrino beam. This paper describes the\nconversion of the PIP-II Injector Test Facility (PIP2IT) cryogenic system into\na test stand for PIP-II High-Beta 650 MHz (HB650) cryomodules at Fermilab's\nCryomodule Test Facility (CMTF). A description of the associated mechanical,\nelectrical, and controls modifications necessary for testing HB650 cryomodules\nare provided. The cooldown and warmup requirements, procedures and associated\ncontrols logic is described.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:49:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["White","M",""],["Makara","J",""],["Ranpariya","S",""],["Pei","L",""],["Barba","M",""],["Subedi","J",""],["Dong","J",""],["Hansen","B",""],["Akintola","A E T",""],["Holzbauer","J",""],["Ozelis","J",""],["Chandrasekaran","S",""],["Roger","V",""]]} {"id":"2308.11037","submitter":"Chaegeun Song","authors":"Chaegeun Song, Bing Li","title":"On Exact Bayesian Credible Sets for Classification and Pattern\n Recognition","comments":"16 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.ST stat.ME stat.ML stat.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The current definition of a Bayesian credible set cannot, in general, achieve\nan arbitrarily preassigned credible level. This drawback is particularly acute\nfor classification problems, where there are only a finite number of achievable\ncredible levels. As a result, there is as of today no general way to construct\nan exact credible set for classification. In this paper, we introduce a\ngeneralized credible set that can achieve any preassigned credible level. The\nkey insight is a simple connection between the Bayesian highest posterior\ndensity credible set and the Neyman--Pearson lemma, which, as far as we know,\nhasn't been noticed before. Using this connection, we introduce a randomized\ndecision rule to fill the gaps among the discrete credible levels. Accompanying\nthis methodology, we also develop the Steering Wheel Plot to represent the\ncredible set, which is useful in visualizing the uncertainty in classification.\nBy developing the exact credible set for discrete parameters, we make the\ntheory of Bayesian inference more complete.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:50:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Song","Chaegeun",""],["Li","Bing",""]]} {"id":"2308.11038","submitter":"Muhammad Abdul Rahman","authors":"Muhammad Abdul Rahman and Muhammad Aamir Basheer and Zubair Khalid and\n Muhammad Tahir and Momin Uppal","title":"Logistics Hub Location Optimization: A K-Means and P-Median Model Hybrid\n Approach Using Road Network Distances","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Logistic hubs play a pivotal role in the last-mile delivery distance; even a\nslight increment in distance negatively impacts the business of the e-commerce\nindustry while also increasing its carbon footprint. The growth of this\nindustry, particularly after Covid-19, has further intensified the need for\noptimized allocation of resources in an urban environment. In this study, we\nuse a hybrid approach to optimize the placement of logistic hubs. The approach\nsequentially employs different techniques. Initially, delivery points are\nclustered using K-Means in relation to their spatial locations. The clustering\nmethod utilizes road network distances as opposed to Euclidean distances.\nNon-road network-based approaches have been avoided since they lead to\nerroneous and misleading results. Finally, hubs are located using the P-Median\nmethod. The P-Median method also incorporates the number of deliveries and\npopulation as weights. Real-world delivery data from Muller and Phipps (M&P) is\nused to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. Serving deliveries from\nthe optimal hub locations results in the saving of 815 (10%) meters per\ndelivery.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:28:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Rahman","Muhammad Abdul",""],["Basheer","Muhammad Aamir",""],["Khalid","Zubair",""],["Tahir","Muhammad",""],["Uppal","Momin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11039","submitter":"Gabriel Ballot","authors":"Gabriel Ballot, Vadim Malvone, Jean Leneutre, Youssef Laarouchi","title":"Capacity ATL","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.MA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Model checking strategic abilities was successfully developed and applied\nsince the early 2000s to ensure properties in Multi-Agent System. In this\npaper, we introduce the notion of capacities giving different abilities to an\nagent. This applies naturally to systems where multiple entities can play the\nsame role in the game, such as different client versions in protocol analysis,\ndifferent robots in heterogeneous fleets, different personality traits in\nsocial structure modeling, or different attacker profiles in a cybersecurity\nsetting. With the capacity of other agents being unknown at the beginning of\nthe game, the longstanding problems of imperfect information arise. Our\ncontribution is the following: (i) we define a new class of concurrent game\nstructures where the agents have different capacities that modify their action\nlist and (ii) we introduce a logic extending Alternating-time Temporal Logic to\nreason about these games.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:51:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ballot","Gabriel",""],["Malvone","Vadim",""],["Leneutre","Jean",""],["Laarouchi","Youssef",""]]} {"id":"2308.11040","submitter":"Leda Gao","authors":"Leda Gao, Paul R. Anderson, Robert S. Link","title":"Backreaction and order reduction in initially contracting models of the\n universe","comments":"58 pages, 19 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The semiclassical backreaction equations are solved in closed\nRobertson-Walker spacetimes containing a positive cosmological constant and a\nconformally coupled massive scalar field. Renormalization of the stress-energy\ntensor results in higher derivative terms that can lead to solutions that vary\non much shorter time scales than the solutions that would occur if the higher\nderivative terms were not present. These extra solutions can be eliminated\nthrough the use of order reduction. Four different methods of order reduction\nare investigated. These are first applied to the case when only conformally\ninvariant fields, with and without classical radiation, are present. Then they\nare applied to the massive conformally coupled scalar field. The effects of\ndifferent adiabatic vacuum states for the massive field are considered. It is\nfound that if enough particles are produced, then the Universe collapses to a\nfinal singularity. Otherwise it undergoes a bounce, but at a smaller value of\nthe scale factor (for the models considered) than occurs for the classical de\nSitter solution. The stress-energy tensor incorporates both particle production\nand vacuum polarization effects. An analysis of the energy density of the\nmassive field is done to determine when the contribution from the particles\ndominates.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:01:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Leda",""],["Anderson","Paul R.",""],["Link","Robert S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11041","submitter":"Matthew Ritch","authors":"Matthew Ritch and Charles Copley","title":"Bayesian Prevalence Estimation from Pooled and Individual Data","comments":"19 pages, 15 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME q-bio.QM stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Pooled and individual disease testing are common methods for determining the\npopulation prevalences of diseases. Recently, researchers have used Monte Carlo\nMarkov Chain methods to estimate population prevalence from the combined\nstreams of these two types of testing data. We propose an analytical solution\nfor estimating population prevalence from combined individual and pooled binary\nsampling data. We also use simulated sampling data to characterize these\nposterior distributions under a variety of sampling conditions, including a\nrange of true prevalences, variable numbers of pooled and individual tests,\nvariable number of individual samples per pooled sample, and a range of values\nfor test sensitivity and specificity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:02:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ritch","Matthew",""],["Copley","Charles",""]]} {"id":"2308.11042","submitter":"Amisha Srivastava","authors":"Xingyu Meng, Amisha Srivastava, Ayush Arunachalam, Avik Ray, Pedro\n Henrique Silva, Rafail Psiakis, Yiorgos Makris, Kanad Basu","title":"Unlocking Hardware Security Assurance: The Potential of LLMs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.AR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" System-on-Chips (SoCs) form the crux of modern computing systems. SoCs enable\nhigh-level integration through the utilization of multiple Intellectual\nProperty (IP) cores. However, the integration of multiple IP cores also\npresents unique challenges owing to their inherent vulnerabilities, thereby\ncompromising the security of the entire system. Hence, it is imperative to\nperform hardware security validation to address these concerns. The efficiency\nof this validation procedure is contingent on the quality of the SoC security\nproperties provided. However, generating security properties with traditional\napproaches often requires expert intervention and is limited to a few IPs,\nthereby resulting in a time-consuming and non-robust process. To address this\nissue, we, for the first time, propose a novel and automated Natural Language\nProcessing (NLP)-based Security Property Generator (NSPG). Specifically, our\napproach utilizes hardware documentation in order to propose the first hardware\nsecurity-specific language model, HS-BERT, for extracting security properties\ndedicated to hardware design. To evaluate our proposed technique, we trained\nthe HS-BERT model using sentences from RISC-V, OpenRISC, MIPS, OpenSPARC, and\nOpenTitan SoC documentation. When assessedb on five untrained OpenTitan\nhardware IP documents, NSPG was able to extract 326 security properties from\n1723 sentences. This, in turn, aided in identifying eight security bugs in the\nOpenTitan SoC design presented in the hardware hacking competition, Hack@DAC\n2022.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:05:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Meng","Xingyu",""],["Srivastava","Amisha",""],["Arunachalam","Ayush",""],["Ray","Avik",""],["Silva","Pedro Henrique",""],["Psiakis","Rafail",""],["Makris","Yiorgos",""],["Basu","Kanad",""]]} {"id":"2308.11043","submitter":"Gautam Sreekumar","authors":"Gautam Sreekumar and Vishnu Naresh Boddeti","title":"Spurious Correlations and Where to Find Them","comments":"2nd Workshop on SCIS, ICML 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Spurious correlations occur when a model learns unreliable features from the\ndata and are a well-known drawback of data-driven learning. Although there are\nseveral algorithms proposed to mitigate it, we are yet to jointly derive the\nindicators of spurious correlations. As a result, the solutions built upon\nstandalone hypotheses fail to beat simple ERM baselines. We collect some of the\ncommonly studied hypotheses behind the occurrence of spurious correlations and\ninvestigate their influence on standard ERM baselines using synthetic datasets\ngenerated from causal graphs. Subsequently, we observe patterns connecting\nthese hypotheses and model design choices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:06:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sreekumar","Gautam",""],["Boddeti","Vishnu Naresh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11044","submitter":"Anna Nickolaevna Morozovska","authors":"Eugene A. Eliseev, Anna N. Morozovska, Sergei V. Kalinin, and Dean R.\n Evans","title":"Strain-Induced Polarization Enhancement in BaTiO$_3$ Core-Shell\n Nanoparticles","comments":"34 pages, including 5 figures and 1 Appendix","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Despite fascinating experimental results, the influence of defects and\nelastic strains on the physical state of nanosized ferroelectrics is still\npoorly explored theoretically. One of unresolved theoretical problems is the\nanalytical description of the strongly enhanced spontaneous polarization,\npiezoelectric response, and dielectric properties of ferroelectric oxide thin\nfilms and core-shell nanoparticles induced by elastic strains and stresses. In\nparticular, the 10-nm quasi-spherical BaTiO3 core-shell nanoparticles reveal a\ngiant spontaneous polarization up to 130 mu_C/cm2, where the physical origin is\na large Ti off-centering. The available theoretical description cannot explain\nthe giant spontaneous polarization observed in these spherical nanoparticles.\nThis work analyzes polar properties of BaTiO3 core-shell spherical\nnanoparticles using the Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire approach, which considers\nthe nonlinear electrostriction coupling and large Vegard strains in the shell.\nWe reveal that a spontaneous polarization greater than 50 mu_C/cm2 can be\nstable in a (10-100) nm BaTiO3 core at room temperature, where a 5 nm\nparaelectric shell is stretched by (3-6)% due to Vegard strains, which\ncontribute to the elastic mismatch at the core-shell interface. The\npolarization value 50 mu_C/cm2 corresponds to high tetragonality ratios (1.02 -\n1.04), which is further increased up to 100 mu_C/cm2 by higher Vegard strains\nand/or intrinsic surface stresses leading to unphysically high tetragonality\nratios (1.08 - 1.16). The nonlinear electrostriction coupling and the elastic\nmismatch at the core-shell interface are key physical factors of the\nspontaneous polarization enhancement in the core. Doping with the\nhighly-polarized core-shell nanoparticles can be useful in optoelectronics and\nnonlinear optics, electric field enhancement, reduced switching voltages,\ncatalysis, and electrocaloric nanocoolers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:08:14 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 27 Aug 2023 23:10:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Eliseev","Eugene A.",""],["Morozovska","Anna N.",""],["Kalinin","Sergei V.",""],["Evans","Dean R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11045","submitter":"A Martinez","authors":"A Martinez (1), J Creus Prats (1), W Soyars (1), R Dhuley (1), B\n Hansen (1), Y Jia (1), A Chakravarty (2), M Goyal (2), T Banaszkiewicz (3), P\n Duda (3), M Stanclik (3) ((1) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (2)\n Bhabha Atomic Research Center Trombay, (3) Wroclaw University of Science and\n Technology)","title":"Warm Compressor system Overview and status of the PIP-II cryogenic\n system","comments":"2023 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic\n Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"FERMILAB-CONF-23-350-TD","categories":"physics.acc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is a major upgrade to the Fermilab\naccelerator complex, featuring a new 800-MeV Superconducting Radio-Frequency\n(SRF) linear accelerator (Linac) powering the accelerator complex to provide\nthe world's most intense high-energy neutrino beam. The PIP-II Linac consists\nof 23 SRF cryomodules operating at 2 K, 5 K, and 40 K temperature levels\nsupplied by a single helium cryoplant providing 2.5 kW of cooling capacity at\n2.0 K. The PIP-II cryogenic system consists of two major systems: a helium\ncryogenic plant and a cryogenic distribution system. The cryogenic plant\nincludes a refrigerator cold box, a warm compressor system, and helium storage,\nrecovery, and purification systems. The cryogenic distribution system includes\na distribution box, intermediate transfer line, and a tunnel transfer line\nconsisting of modular bayonet cans which supply and return cryogens to the\ncryomodules. A turnaround can is located at the end of the Linac to turnaround\ncryogenic flows. This paper describes the layout, design, and current status of\nthe PIP-II cryogenic system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:12:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Martinez","A",""],["Prats","J Creus",""],["Soyars","W",""],["Dhuley","R",""],["Hansen","B",""],["Jia","Y",""],["Chakravarty","A",""],["Goyal","M",""],["Banaszkiewicz","T",""],["Duda","P",""],["Stanclik","M",""]]} {"id":"2308.11046","submitter":"Oleg Kechkin","authors":"Oleg V. Kechkin","title":"Kink in dual dilaton-axion theories with potential","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th nlin.PS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The representation in terms of Ernst's complex potential is used to describe\nand analyze dilaton-axion theories with potential. The set of such systems is\ndivided into pairs of dual systems with respect to the inversion of the Ernst\npotential. Using duality, a theory is constructed that is invariant with\nrespect to the nonlinear Ehlers transformation. For this theory, a soliton\nsolution is obtained that is dual to a dilaton kink in a system that is\ninvariant with respect to the axion shift transformation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:13:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kechkin","Oleg V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11047","submitter":"Abhijeet Parida","authors":"Abhijeet Parida, Zhifan Jiang, Syed Muhammad Anwar, Nicholas Foreman,\n Nicholas Stence, Michael J. Fisher, Roger J. Packer, Robert A. Avery, and\n Marius George Linguraru","title":"Harmonization Across Imaging Locations(HAIL): One-Shot Learning for\n Brain MRI","comments":"Under review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" For machine learning-based prognosis and diagnosis of rare diseases, such as\npediatric brain tumors, it is necessary to gather medical imaging data from\nmultiple clinical sites that may use different devices and protocols. Deep\nlearning-driven harmonization of radiologic images relies on generative\nadversarial networks (GANs). However, GANs notoriously generate pseudo\nstructures that do not exist in the original training data, a phenomenon known\nas \"hallucination\". To prevent hallucination in medical imaging, such as\nmagnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain, we propose a one-shot learning\nmethod where we utilize neural style transfer for harmonization. At test time,\nthe method uses one image from a clinical site to generate an image that\nmatches the intensity scale of the collaborating sites. Our approach combines\nlearning a feature extractor, neural style transfer, and adaptive instance\nnormalization. We further propose a novel strategy to evaluate the\neffectiveness of image harmonization approaches with evaluation metrics that\nboth measure image style harmonization and assess the preservation of\nanatomical structures. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of\nour method in preserving patient anatomy while adjusting the image intensities\nto a new clinical site. Our general harmonization model can be used on unseen\ndata from new sites, making it a valuable tool for real-world medical\napplications and clinical trials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:13:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Parida","Abhijeet",""],["Jiang","Zhifan",""],["Anwar","Syed Muhammad",""],["Foreman","Nicholas",""],["Stence","Nicholas",""],["Fisher","Michael J.",""],["Packer","Roger J.",""],["Avery","Robert A.",""],["Linguraru","Marius George",""]]} {"id":"2308.11048","submitter":"Aditya Rajagopal","authors":"Aditya Rajagopal, Diederik Adriaan Vink, Jianyi Cheng, Yann Herklotz","title":"GSA to HDL: Towards principled generation of dynamically scheduled\n circuits","comments":"Presented at the 19th International Summer School on Advanced\n Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-performance Embedded Systems\n (ACACES 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" High-level synthesis (HLS) refers to the automatic translation of a software\nprogram written in a high-level language into a hardware design. Modern HLS\ntools have moved away from the traditional approach of static (compile time)\nscheduling of operations to generating dynamic circuits that schedule\noperations at run time. Such circuits trade-off area utilisation for increased\ndynamism and throughput. However, existing lowering flows in dynamically\nscheduled HLS tools rely on conservative assumptions on their input program due\nto both the intermediate representations (IR) utilised as well as the lack of\nformal specifications on the translation into hardware. These assumptions cause\nsuboptimal hardware performance. In this work, we lift these assumptions by\nproposing a new and efficient abstraction for hardware mapping; namely h-GSA,\nan extension of the Gated Single Static Assignment (GSA) IR. Using this\nabstraction, we propose a lowering flow that transforms GSA into h-GSA and maps\nh-GSA into dynamically scheduled hardware circuits. We compare the schedules\ngenerated by our approach to those by the state-of-the-art dynamic-scheduling\nHLS tool, Dynamatic, and illustrate the potential performance improvement from\nhardware mapping using the proposed abstraction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:19:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Rajagopal","Aditya",""],["Vink","Diederik Adriaan",""],["Cheng","Jianyi",""],["Herklotz","Yann",""]]} {"id":"2308.11049","submitter":"Saeed Fakhry","authors":"Saeed Fakhry","title":"Primordial Black Hole Merger Rate in $f(R)$ Gravity","comments":"17 pages, 11 figures, references added","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Primordial black holes (PBHs) are known as one of the potential candidates\nfor dark matter. They are expected to have formed due to the direct\ngravitational collapse of density fluctuations in the early Universe.\nTherefore, the study of the merger rate of PBHs in modified theories of gravity\ncan provide more detailed information about their abundance. In this work, we\ndelve into the calculation of the merger rate of PBHs within the theoretical\nframework of $f(R)$ gravity. Our analysis reveals an enhancement in the merger\nrate of PBHs compared to that obtained from general relativity (GR).\nAdditionally, modulating the field strength $f_{R0}$ induces shifts in the PBH\nmerger rate, presenting a potential observational signature of modified\ngravity. We also find that the total merger rate of PBHs will be consistent\nwith the merger rate of black holes estimated by the Laser Interferometer\nGravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)-Virgo-KAGRA detectors if $f_{PBH}\\gtrsim\n0.1$. While further improvements might be required, relative enhancement of the\nmerger rate of PBHs in the framework of $f(R)$ gravity and its consistency with\ngravitational wave data underscore the importance of employing modified\ntheories of gravity to examine diverse scenarios related to the formation of\nblack holes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:20:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fakhry","Saeed",""]]} {"id":"2308.11050","submitter":"Nicholas Charles Landolfi","authors":"Nicholas C. Landolfi and Sanjay Lall","title":"Optimal Dorfman Group Testing For Symmetric Distributions","comments":"20 pages w/o references, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP math.PR stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study Dorfman's classical group testing protocol in a novel setting where\nindividual specimen statuses are modeled as exchangeable random variables. We\nare motivated by infectious disease screening. In that case, specimens which\narrive together for testing often originate from the same community and so\ntheir statuses may exhibit positive correlation. Dorfman's protocol screens a\npopulation of n specimens for a binary trait by partitioning it into\nnonoverlapping groups, testing these, and only individually retesting the\nspecimens of each positive group. The partition is chosen to minimize the\nexpected number of tests under a probabilistic model of specimen statuses. We\nrelax the typical assumption that these are independent and indentically\ndistributed and instead model them as exchangeable random variables. In this\ncase, their joint distribution is symmetric in the sense that it is invariant\nunder permutations. We give a characterization of such distributions in terms\nof a function q where q(h) is the marginal probability that any group of size h\ntests negative. We use this interpretable representation to show that the set\npartitioning problem arising in Dorfman's protocol can be reduced to an integer\npartitioning problem and efficiently solved. We apply these tools to an\nempirical dataset from the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology helps explain the\nunexpectedly high empirical efficiency reported by the original investigators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:29:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Landolfi","Nicholas C.",""],["Lall","Sanjay",""]]} {"id":"2308.11051","submitter":"Mikkie Musser","authors":"Christopher D. Carone and Mikkie R. Musser","title":"Note on scattering in asymptotically nonlocal theories","comments":"16 pages LaTeX, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" It is possible to formulate theories with many Lee-Wick particles such that a\nlimit exists where the low-energy theory approaches the form of a ghost-free\nnonlocal theory. Such asymptotically nonlocal quantum field theories have a\nderived regulator scale that is hierarchically smaller than the lightest\nLee-Wick resonance; this has been studied previously in the case of\nasymptotically nonlocal scalar theories, Abelian and non-Abelian gauge\ntheories, and linearized gravity. Here we consider the dependence on\ncenter-of-mass energy of scattering cross sections in these theories. While\nLee-Wick resonances can be decoupled from the low-energy theory, scattering\namplitudes nonetheless reflect the emergent nonlocality at the scale where the\nquadratic divergences are regulated. This implies observable consequences in\ntheories designed to address the hierarchy problem, even when the Lee-Wick\nresonances are not directly accessible.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:30:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Carone","Christopher D.",""],["Musser","Mikkie R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11052","submitter":"M. Maruf","authors":"M. Maruf, Arka Daw, Amartya Dutta, Jie Bu, Anuj Karpatne","title":"Beyond Discriminative Regions: Saliency Maps as Alternatives to CAMs for\n Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation","comments":"24 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In recent years, several Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WS3)\nmethods have been proposed that use class activation maps (CAMs) generated by a\nclassifier to produce pseudo-ground truths for training segmentation models.\nWhile CAMs are good at highlighting discriminative regions (DR) of an image,\nthey are known to disregard regions of the object that do not contribute to the\nclassifier's prediction, termed non-discriminative regions (NDR). In contrast,\nattribution methods such as saliency maps provide an alternative approach for\nassigning a score to every pixel based on its contribution to the\nclassification prediction. This paper provides a comprehensive comparison\nbetween saliencies and CAMs for WS3. Our study includes multiple perspectives\non understanding their similarities and dissimilarities. Moreover, we provide\nnew evaluation metrics that perform a comprehensive assessment of WS3\nperformance of alternative methods w.r.t. CAMs. We demonstrate the\neffectiveness of saliencies in addressing the limitation of CAMs through our\nempirical studies on benchmark datasets. Furthermore, we propose random\ncropping as a stochastic aggregation technique that improves the performance of\nsaliency, making it a strong alternative to CAM for WS3.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:30:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Maruf","M.",""],["Daw","Arka",""],["Dutta","Amartya",""],["Bu","Jie",""],["Karpatne","Anuj",""]]} {"id":"2308.11053","submitter":"Hangting Chen","authors":"Hangting Chen, Jianwei Yu, Yi Luo, Rongzhi Gu, Weihua Li, Zhuocheng\n Lu, Chao Weng","title":"Ultra Dual-Path Compression For Joint Echo Cancellation And Noise\n Suppression","comments":"Accepted by Interspeech 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.AS cs.LG cs.SD","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Echo cancellation and noise reduction are essential for full-duplex\ncommunication, yet most existing neural networks have high computational costs\nand are inflexible in tuning model complexity. In this paper, we introduce\ntime-frequency dual-path compression to achieve a wide range of compression\nratios on computational cost. Specifically, for frequency compression,\ntrainable filters are used to replace manually designed filters for dimension\nreduction. For time compression, only using frame skipped prediction causes\nlarge performance degradation, which can be alleviated by a post-processing\nnetwork with full sequence modeling. We have found that under fixed compression\nratios, dual-path compression combining both the time and frequency methods\nwill give further performance improvement, covering compression ratios from 4x\nto 32x with little model size change. Moreover, the proposed models show\ncompetitive performance compared with fast FullSubNet and DeepFilterNet. A demo\npage can be found at\nhangtingchen.github.io/ultra_dual_path_compression.github.io/.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:36:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Hangting",""],["Yu","Jianwei",""],["Luo","Yi",""],["Gu","Rongzhi",""],["Li","Weihua",""],["Lu","Zhuocheng",""],["Weng","Chao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11054","submitter":"Sufei Shi","authors":"Zhen Lian, Dongxue Chen, Yuze Meng, Xiaotong Chen, Ying Su, Rounak\n Banerjee, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Sefaattin Tongay, Chuanwei\n Zhang, Yong-Tao Cui, Su-Fei Shi","title":"Exciton Superposition across Moir\\'e States in a Semiconducting Moir\\'e\n Superlattice","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Nature Communications 14, 5042 (2023)","doi":"10.1038/s41467-023-40783-z","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Moir\\'e superlattices of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides\n(TMDCs) enable unprecedented spatial control of electron wavefunctions in an\nartificial lattice with periodicities more than ten times larger than that of\natomic crystals, leading to emerging quantum states with fascinating electronic\nand optical properties. The breaking of translational symmetry further\nintroduces a new degree of freedom inside each moir\\'e unit cell: high symmetry\npoints of energy minima called moir\\'e sites, behaving as spatially separated\nquantum dots. The superposition of a quasiparticle wavefunction between\ndifferent moir\\'e sites will enable a new platform for quantum information\nprocessing but is hindered by the suppressed electron tunneling between moir\\'e\nsites. Here we demonstrate the superposition between two moir\\'e sites by\nconstructing an angle-aligned trilayer WSe2/monolayer WS2 moir\\'e\nheterojunction. The two moir\\'e sites with energy minimum allow the formation\nof two different interlayer excitons, with the hole residing in either moir\\'e\nsite of the first WSe2 layer interfacing the WS2 layer and the electron in the\nthird WSe2 layer. An external electric field can drive the hybridization of\neither of the interlayer excitons with the intralayer excitons in the third\nWSe2 layer, realizing the continuous tuning of interlayer exciton hopping\nbetween two moir\\'e sites. Therefore, a superposition of the two interlayer\nexcitons localized at different moir\\'e sites can be realized, which can be\nresolved in the electric-field-dependent optical reflectance spectra,\ndistinctly different from that of the natural trilayer WSe2 in which the\nmoir\\'e modulation is absent. Our study illustrates a strategy of harnessing\nthe new moir\\'e site degree of freedom for quantum information science, a new\ndirection of twistronics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:39:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lian","Zhen",""],["Chen","Dongxue",""],["Meng","Yuze",""],["Chen","Xiaotong",""],["Su","Ying",""],["Banerjee","Rounak",""],["Taniguchi","Takashi",""],["Watanabe","Kenji",""],["Tongay","Sefaattin",""],["Zhang","Chuanwei",""],["Cui","Yong-Tao",""],["Shi","Su-Fei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11055","submitter":"Ritesh Patel","authors":"Ritesh Patel, Matthew J. West, Daniel B. Seaton, Phillip Hess, Tatiana\n Niembro, Katharine K. Reeves","title":"The Closest View of a Fast Coronal Mass Ejection: How Faulty Assumptions\n near Perihelion Lead to Unrealistic Interpretations of PSP/WISPR Observations","comments":"13 Pages, 6 Figures; Accepted in The Astrophysical Journal Letters","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report on the closest view of a coronal mass ejection observed by the\nParker Solar Probe (PSP)/Wide-field Imager for {Parker} Solar PRobe (WISPR)\ninstrument on September 05, 2022, when PSP was traversing from a distance of\n15.3~to~13.5~R$_\\odot$ from the Sun. The CME leading edge and an arc-shaped\n{\\emph{concave-up} structure near the core} was tracked in WISPR~field of view\nusing the polar coordinate system, for the first time. Using the impact\ndistance on Thomson surface, we measured average speeds of CME leading edge and\nconcave-up structure as $\\approx$2500~$\\pm$~270\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ and\n$\\approx$400~$\\pm$~70\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ with a deceleration of\n$\\approx$20~m~s$^{-2}$ for the later. {The use of the plane-of-sky approach\nyielded an unrealistic speed of more than three times of this estimate.} We\nalso used single viewpoint STEREO/COR-2A images to fit the Graduated\nCylindrical Shell (GCS) model to the CME while incorporating the source region\nlocation from EUI of Solar Orbiter and estimated a 3D speed of\n$\\approx$2700\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$. We conclude that this CME exhibits the highest\nspeed during the ascending phase of solar cycle 25. This places it in the\ncategory of extreme speed CMEs, which account for only 0.15\\% of all CMEs\nlisted in the CDAW CME catalog.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:42:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Patel","Ritesh",""],["West","Matthew J.",""],["Seaton","Daniel B.",""],["Hess","Phillip",""],["Niembro","Tatiana",""],["Reeves","Katharine K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11056","submitter":"Hande Tun\\c{c}el G\\\"olpek","authors":"Hande Tuncel Golpek and Aysun Aytac","title":"Closeness and Residual Closeness of Harary Graphs","comments":"21 pages preprint","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Analysis of a network in terms of vulnerability is one of the most\nsignificant problems. Graph theory serves as a valuable tool for solving\ncomplex network problems, and there exist numerous graph-theoretic parameters\nto analyze the system's stability. Among these parameters, the closeness\nparameter stands out as one of the most commonly used vulnerability metric. Its\ndefinition has evolved over time to enhance ease of formulation and\napplicability to disconnected structures. Furthermore, based on the closeness\nparameter, residual closeness, which is a newer and more sensitive parameter\ncompared to other existing parameters, has been introduced as a new graph\nvulnerability index by Dangalchev. In this study, the outcomes of the closeness\nand residual closeness parameters in Harary Graphs have been examined. Harary\nGraphs are well-known constructs that are distinguished by having $n$ vertices\nthat are $k$-connected with the least possible number of edges.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:52:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Golpek","Hande Tuncel",""],["Aytac","Aysun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11057","submitter":"R David Mayrhofer","authors":"R. David Mayrhofer and Andrey V. Chubukov","title":"Nonanalytic Corrections to the Landau Diamagnetic Susceptibility","comments":"21 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We analyze potential non-analytic terms in the Landau diamagnetic\nsusceptibility, $\\chi_{dia}$, at a finite temperature $T$ and/or finite\nmagnetic field $H$. To do this, we express the diamagnetic susceptibility as\n$\\chi_{dia} = (e/c)^2 \\lim_{Q\\rightarrow0} \\Pi^{JJ}_\\perp (Q)/Q^2$, where\n$\\Pi^{JJ}_\\perp$ is the transverse component of the static current-current\ncorrelator, and evaluate $\\Pi^{JJ}_\\perp (Q)$ for a system of fermions with\nHubbard interaction to second order in Hubbard $U$ by combining self energy,\nMaki-Thompson, and Aslamazov-Larkin diagrams. We find that at $T=H=0$, the\nexpansion of $\\Pi^{JJ}_\\perp (Q)/Q^2$ in $U$ is regular, but at a finite $T$\nand/or $H$, it contains $U^2 T$ and/or $U^2 |H|$ terms. Similar terms have been\npreviously found for the paramagnetic Pauli susceptibility. We obtain the full\nexpression for the non-analytic $\\delta \\chi_{dia} (H,T)$ when both $T$ and $H$\nare finite, and show that the $H/T$ dependence is similar to that for the Pauli\nsusceptibility.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 21:55:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mayrhofer","R. David",""],["Chubukov","Andrey V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11058","submitter":"David Jekel","authors":"David Jekel","title":"Optimal transport for types and convex analysis for definable predicates\n in tracial $\\mathrm{W}^*$-algebras","comments":"28 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OA math.LO math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We investigate the connections between continuous model theory, free\nprobability, and optimal transport/convex analysis in the context of tracial\nvon Neumann algebras. In particular, we give an analog of Monge-Kantorovich\nduality for optimal couplings where the role of probability distributions on\n$\\mathbb{C}^n$ is played by model-theoretic types, the role of real-valued\ncontinuous functions is played by definable predicates, and the role of\ncontinuous function $\\mathbb{C}^n \\to \\mathbb{C}^n$ is played by definable\nfunctions. In the process, we also advance the understanding of definable\npredicates and definable functions by showing that all definable predicates can\nbe approximated by \"$C^1$ definable predicates\" whose gradients are definable\nfunctions. As a consequence, we show that every element in the definable\nclosure of $\\mathrm{W}^*(x_1,\\dots,x_n)$ can be expressed as a definable\nfunction of $(x_1,\\dots,x_n)$. We give several classes of examples showing that\ndefinable closure can be much larger than $\\mathrm{W}^*(x_1,\\dots,x_n)$ in\ngeneral.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:00:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jekel","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.11059","submitter":"David Nesvorny","authors":"David Nesvorny, Pedro Bernardinelli, David Vokrouhlicky, Konstantin\n Batygin","title":"Radial Distribution of Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects Points to Sun's\n Formation in a Stellar Cluster","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Scattered Disk Objects (SDOs) are a population of trans-Neptunian bodies\nwith semimajor axes $50< a \\lesssim 1000$ au and perihelion distances $q\n\\gtrsim 30$ au. The detached SDOs with orbits beyond the reach of Neptune\n(roughly $q>35$~au) are of special interest here as an important constraint on\nthe early evolution of the outer Solar System. The semimajor axis profile of\ndetached SDOs at 50--500~au, as characterized from the Dark Energy Survey\n(DES), is radially extended, but previous dynamical models of Neptune's early\nmigration produce a relatively compact profile. This problem is most likely\nrelated to Sun's birth environment in a stellar cluster. We perform new\ndynamical simulations that account for cluster effects and show that the\norbital distribution of SDOs can be explained if a particularly close stellar\nencounter occurred early on (e.g., M dwarf with the mass $\\simeq 0.2$ $M_\\odot$\napproaching the Sun at $\\simeq 200$ au). For such an encounter to happen with a\nreasonably high probability the Sun must have formed in a stellar cluster with\n$\\eta T \\gtrsim 10^4$ Myr pc$^{-3}$, where $\\eta$ is the stellar number density\nand $T$ is the Sun's residence time in the cluster.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:02:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nesvorny","David",""],["Bernardinelli","Pedro",""],["Vokrouhlicky","David",""],["Batygin","Konstantin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11060","submitter":"Petr Zavada","authors":"Petr Zavada and Karel P\\'i\\v{s}ka","title":"Kinematics of the Milky way from the statistical analysis of the Gaia\n Data Release 3","comments":"15 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" By analyzing data from the Gaia Space Observatory, we have obtained precise\nbasic characteristics of the collective motion of stars in a part of our\ngalaxy. Our research is based on a statistical analysis of the motion of\n$33~146~122$ selected stars at a distance $\\lesssim6$ kpc from the Sun. Up to\nthis distance, Gaia provides high statistics of stars with well-measured proper\nmotion and parallax needed to determine the corresponding transverse velocity\nwith sufficient precision. We obtained the velocity of the Sun $\\left(\nU_{\\odot},V_{\\odot},W_{\\odot}\\right) =(10.5\\pm1,22.5\\pm3,7.5\\pm0.5)$ km/s\nrelative to a set of nearby stars and the rotation velocity of the galaxy at\ndifferent radii. For the radius of the Sun's orbit, we obtained the velocity$\\\nV_{0}\\approx225$ km/s. We have shown that the various kinematic characteristics\nand distributions, which depend on the position in the galaxy, can be very well\ndescribed in the studied region by a simple Monte-Carlo simulation model based\non five parameters in the galactocentric reference frame. The optimal values of\nthese parameters were determined by comparison with the data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:03:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:59:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zavada","Petr",""],["P\u00ed\u0161ka","Karel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11061","submitter":"Paul M. Terwilliger","authors":"Kazumasa Nomura and Paul Terwilliger","title":"Spin models and distance-regular graphs of $q$-Racah type","comments":"48 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.QA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $\\Gamma$ denote a distance-regular graph, with vertex set $X$ and\ndiameter $D\\geq 3$. We assume that $\\Gamma$ is formally self-dual and $q$-Racah\ntype. We also assume that for each $x \\in X$ the subconstituent algebra\n$T=T(x)$ contains a certain central element $Z=Z(x)$. We use $Z$ to construct a\nspin model $\\sf W$ afforded by $\\Gamma$. We investigate the combinatorial\nimplications of $Z$. We reverse the logical direction and recover $Z$ from $\\sf\nW$. We finish with some open problems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:11:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nomura","Kazumasa",""],["Terwilliger","Paul",""]]} {"id":"2308.11062","submitter":"Shen Yan","authors":"Shen Yan, Xuehan Xiong, Arsha Nagrani, Anurag Arnab, Zhonghao Wang,\n Weina Ge, David Ross, Cordelia Schmid","title":"UnLoc: A Unified Framework for Video Localization Tasks","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" While large-scale image-text pretrained models such as CLIP have been used\nfor multiple video-level tasks on trimmed videos, their use for temporal\nlocalization in untrimmed videos is still a relatively unexplored task. We\ndesign a new approach for this called UnLoc, which uses pretrained image and\ntext towers, and feeds tokens to a video-text fusion model. The output of the\nfusion module are then used to construct a feature pyramid in which each level\nconnects to a head to predict a per-frame relevancy score and start/end time\ndisplacements. Unlike previous works, our architecture enables Moment\nRetrieval, Temporal Localization, and Action Segmentation with a single stage\nmodel, without the need for action proposals, motion based pretrained features\nor representation masking. Unlike specialized models, we achieve state of the\nart results on all three different localization tasks with a unified approach.\nCode will be available at: \\url{https://github.com/google-research/scenic}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:15:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yan","Shen",""],["Xiong","Xuehan",""],["Nagrani","Arsha",""],["Arnab","Anurag",""],["Wang","Zhonghao",""],["Ge","Weina",""],["Ross","David",""],["Schmid","Cordelia",""]]} {"id":"2308.11063","submitter":"Yanan Wu","authors":"Yanan Wu, Zhixiang Chi, Yang Wang, Songhe Feng","title":"MetaGCD: Learning to Continually Learn in Generalized Category Discovery","comments":"This paper has been accepted by ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we consider a real-world scenario where a model that is\ntrained on pre-defined classes continually encounters unlabeled data that\ncontains both known and novel classes. The goal is to continually discover\nnovel classes while maintaining the performance in known classes. We name the\nsetting Continual Generalized Category Discovery (C-GCD). Existing methods for\nnovel class discovery cannot directly handle the C-GCD setting due to some\nunrealistic assumptions, such as the unlabeled data only containing novel\nclasses. Furthermore, they fail to discover novel classes in a continual\nfashion. In this work, we lift all these assumptions and propose an approach,\ncalled MetaGCD, to learn how to incrementally discover with less forgetting.\nOur proposed method uses a meta-learning framework and leverages the offline\nlabeled data to simulate the testing incremental learning process. A\nmeta-objective is defined to revolve around two conflicting learning objectives\nto achieve novel class discovery without forgetting. Furthermore, a soft\nneighborhood-based contrastive network is proposed to discriminate uncorrelated\nimages while attracting correlated images. We build strong baselines and\nconduct extensive experiments on three widely used benchmarks to demonstrate\nthe superiority of our method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:16:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Yanan",""],["Chi","Zhixiang",""],["Wang","Yang",""],["Feng","Songhe",""]]} {"id":"2308.11064","submitter":"Sean Howe","authors":"Sean Howe and Christian Klevdal","title":"Admissible pairs and $p$-adic Hodge structures II: The bi-analytic\n Ax-Lindemann theorem","comments":"46 pages, comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We reinterpret and generalize the construction of local Shimura varieties and\ntheir non-minuscule analogs by viewing them as moduli spaces of admissible\npairs. Our main application is a bi-analytic Ax-Lindemann theorem comparing, in\nthe basic case, rigid analytic subvarieties for the two distinct analytic\nstructures induced by the Hodge and Hodge-Tate period maps and their lattice\nrefinements. The theorem implies, in particular, that the only bi-analytic\nsubdiamonds are special subvarieties, generalizing the bi-analytic\ncharacterization of special points given in Part I. These results suggest that\nthere is a purely local, $p$-adic theory of bi-analytic geometry that runs in\nparallel to the global, archimedean theory of bi-algebraic geometry arising in\nthe study of unlikely intersection and functional transcendence for Shimura\nvarieties and more general period domains for variations of Hodge structure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:18:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Howe","Sean",""],["Klevdal","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11065","submitter":"Sean Howe","authors":"Sean Howe and Christian Klevdal","title":"Admissible pairs and $p$-adic Hodge structures I: Transcendence of the\n de Rham lattice","comments":"54 pages, comments welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For an algebraically closed non-archimedean extension $C/\\mathbb{Q}_p$, we\ndefine a Tannakian category of $p$-adic Hodge structures over $C$ that is a\nlocal, $p$-adic analog of the global, archimedean category of\n$\\mathbb{Q}$-Hodge structures in complex geometry. In this setting the\nfiltrations of classical Hodge theory must be enriched to lattices over a\ncomplete discrete valuation ring, Fontaine's integral de Rham period ring\n$B^+_\\mathrm{dR}$, and a pure $p$-adic Hodge structure is then a\n$\\mathbb{Q}_p$-vector space equipped with a $B^+_\\mathrm{dR}$-lattice\nsatisfying a natural condition analogous to the transversality of the complex\nHodge filtration with its conjugate. We show $p$-adic Hodge structures are\nequivalent to a full subcategory of basic objects in the category of admissible\npairs, a toy category of cohomological motives over $C$ that is equivalent to\nthe isogeny category of rigidified Breuil-Kisin-Fargues modules and closely\nrelated to Fontaine's $p$-adic Hodge theory over $p$-adic subfields. As an\napplication, we characterize basic admissible pairs with complex multiplication\nin terms of the transcendence of $p$-adic periods. This generalizes an earlier\nresult for one-dimensional formal groups and is an unconditional, local,\n$p$-adic analog of a global, archimedean characterization of CM motives over\n$\\mathbb{C}$ conditional on the standard conjectures, the Hodge conjecture, and\nthe Grothendieck period conjecture (known unconditionally for abelian varieties\nby work Cohen and Shiga and Wolfart).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:19:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Howe","Sean",""],["Klevdal","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11066","submitter":"Songhui Yue","authors":"Songhui Yue, Xiaoyan Hong, and Randy K. Smith","title":"CSM-H-R: An Automatic Context Reasoning Framework for Interoperable\n Intelligent Systems and Privacy Protection","comments":"11 pages, 8 figures, Keywords: Context Reasoning, Automation,\n Intelligent Systems, Context Modeling, Context Dynamism, Privacy Protection,\n Context Sharing, Interoperability, System Integration","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Automation of High-Level Context (HLC) reasoning for intelligent systems at\nscale is imperative due to the unceasing accumulation of contextual data in the\nIoT era, the trend of the fusion of data from multi-sources, and the intrinsic\ncomplexity and dynamism of the context-based decision-making process. To\nmitigate this issue, we propose an automatic context reasoning framework\nCSM-H-R, which programmatically combines ontologies and states at runtime and\nthe model-storage phase for attaining the ability to recognize meaningful HLC,\nand the resulting data representation can be applied to different reasoning\ntechniques. Case studies are developed based on an intelligent elevator system\nin a smart campus setting. An implementation of the framework - a CSM Engine,\nand the experiments of translating the HLC reasoning into vector and matrix\ncomputing especially take care of the dynamic aspects of context and present\nthe potentiality of using advanced mathematical and probabilistic models to\nachieve the next level of automation in integrating intelligent systems;\nmeanwhile, privacy protection support is achieved by anonymization through\nlabel embedding and reducing information correlation. The code of this study is\navailable at: https://github.com/songhui01/CSM-H-R.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:21:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yue","Songhui",""],["Hong","Xiaoyan",""],["Smith","Randy K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11067","submitter":"Wajid Mannan Dr","authors":"Wajid H. Mannan","title":"A fake Klein bottle with bubble","comments":"9 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We resolve the question of the existence of a finite 2-complex with the same\nfundamental group and Euler characteristic as a Klein bottle with a bubble, but\nhomotopically distinct to it.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:24:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mannan","Wajid H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11068","submitter":"Guillermo Bern\\'ardez","authors":"Guillermo Bern\\'ardez, Lev Telyatnikov, Eduard Alarc\\'on, Albert\n Cabellos-Aparicio, Pere Barlet-Ros, Pietro Li\\`o","title":"Topological Graph Signal Compression","comments":"9 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.NI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently emerged Topological Deep Learning (TDL) methods aim to extend\ncurrent Graph Neural Networks (GNN) by naturally processing higher-order\ninteractions, going beyond the pairwise relations and local neighborhoods\ndefined by graph representations. In this paper we propose a novel TDL-based\nmethod for compressing signals over graphs, consisting in two main steps:\nfirst, disjoint sets of higher-order structures are inferred based on the\noriginal signal --by clustering $N$ datapoints into $K\\ll N$ collections; then,\na topological-inspired message passing gets a compressed representation of the\nsignal within those multi-element sets. Our results show that our framework\nimproves both standard GNN and feed-forward architectures in compressing\ntemporal link-based signals from two real-word Internet Service Provider\nNetworks' datasets --from $30\\%$ up to $90\\%$ better reconstruction errors\nacross all evaluation scenarios--, suggesting that it better captures and\nexploits spatial and temporal correlations over the whole graph-based network\nstructure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:26:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bern\u00e1rdez","Guillermo",""],["Telyatnikov","Lev",""],["Alarc\u00f3n","Eduard",""],["Cabellos-Aparicio","Albert",""],["Barlet-Ros","Pere",""],["Li\u00f2","Pietro",""]]} {"id":"2308.11069","submitter":"Sabiou Inoua","authors":"Sabiou Inoua, Vernon Smith","title":"Classical Economics: Lost and Found","comments":null,"journal-ref":"The Independent Review, Volume 25, Number 1, Summer 2020","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.GN q-fin.EC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" \"Economists miss the boat when they act as if Arrow and Debreu's general\nequilibrium model accurately describes markets in the real world of constant\nchange. In contrast, the classical view on the market mechanism offers a\nhelpful foundation on which to add modern insights about how markets create and\ncoordinate information.\"\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:27:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Inoua","Sabiou",""],["Smith","Vernon",""]]} {"id":"2308.11070","submitter":"Ruiquan Huang","authors":"Xi Li, Songhe Wang, Ruiquan Huang, Mahanth Gowda, George Kesidis","title":"Temporal-Distributed Backdoor Attack Against Video Based Action\n Recognition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved tremendous success in various\napplications including video action recognition, yet remain vulnerable to\nbackdoor attacks (Trojans). The backdoor-compromised model will mis-classify to\nthe target class chosen by the attacker when a test instance (from a non-target\nclass) is embedded with a specific trigger, while maintaining high accuracy on\nattack-free instances. Although there are extensive studies on backdoor attacks\nagainst image data, the susceptibility of video-based systems under backdoor\nattacks remains largely unexplored. Current studies are direct extensions of\napproaches proposed for image data, e.g., the triggers are\n\\textbf{independently} embedded within the frames, which tend to be detectable\nby existing defenses. In this paper, we introduce a \\textit{simple} yet\n\\textit{effective} backdoor attack against video data. Our proposed attack,\nadding perturbations in a transformed domain, plants an \\textbf{imperceptible,\ntemporally distributed} trigger across the video frames, and is shown to be\nresilient to existing defensive strategies. The effectiveness of the proposed\nattack is demonstrated by extensive experiments with various well-known models\non two video recognition benchmarks, UCF101 and HMDB51, and a sign language\nrecognition benchmark, Greek Sign Language (GSL) dataset. We delve into the\nimpact of several influential factors on our proposed attack and identify an\nintriguing effect termed \"collateral damage\" through extensive studies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:31:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Xi",""],["Wang","Songhe",""],["Huang","Ruiquan",""],["Gowda","Mahanth",""],["Kesidis","George",""]]} {"id":"2308.11071","submitter":"Tianmin Shu","authors":"Kunal Jha, Tuan Anh Le, Chuanyang Jin, Yen-Ling Kuo, Joshua B.\n Tenenbaum, Tianmin Shu","title":"Neural Amortized Inference for Nested Multi-agent Reasoning","comments":"8 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG cs.MA cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multi-agent interactions, such as communication, teaching, and bluffing,\noften rely on higher-order social inference, i.e., understanding how others\ninfer oneself. Such intricate reasoning can be effectively modeled through\nnested multi-agent reasoning. Nonetheless, the computational complexity\nescalates exponentially with each level of reasoning, posing a significant\nchallenge. However, humans effortlessly perform complex social inferences as\npart of their daily lives. To bridge the gap between human-like inference\ncapabilities and computational limitations, we propose a novel approach:\nleveraging neural networks to amortize high-order social inference, thereby\nexpediting nested multi-agent reasoning. We evaluate our method in two\nchallenging multi-agent interaction domains. The experimental results\ndemonstrate that our method is computationally efficient while exhibiting\nminimal degradation in accuracy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:40:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jha","Kunal",""],["Le","Tuan Anh",""],["Jin","Chuanyang",""],["Kuo","Yen-Ling",""],["Tenenbaum","Joshua B.",""],["Shu","Tianmin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11072","submitter":"Joseph Fioresi","authors":"Joseph Fioresi, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave, Mubarak Shah","title":"TeD-SPAD: Temporal Distinctiveness for Self-supervised\n Privacy-preservation for video Anomaly Detection","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Video anomaly detection (VAD) without human monitoring is a complex computer\nvision task that can have a positive impact on society if implemented\nsuccessfully. While recent advances have made significant progress in solving\nthis task, most existing approaches overlook a critical real-world concern:\nprivacy. With the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence\ntechnologies, it becomes crucial to implement proper AI ethics into their\ndevelopment. Privacy leakage in VAD allows models to pick up and amplify\nunnecessary biases related to people's personal information, which may lead to\nundesirable decision making. In this paper, we propose TeD-SPAD, a\nprivacy-aware video anomaly detection framework that destroys visual private\ninformation in a self-supervised manner. In particular, we propose the use of a\ntemporally-distinct triplet loss to promote temporally discriminative features,\nwhich complements current weakly-supervised VAD methods. Using TeD-SPAD, we\nachieve a positive trade-off between privacy protection and utility anomaly\ndetection performance on three popular weakly supervised VAD datasets:\nUCF-Crime, XD-Violence, and ShanghaiTech. Our proposed anonymization model\nreduces private attribute prediction by 32.25% while only reducing frame-level\nROC AUC on the UCF-Crime anomaly detection dataset by 3.69%. Project Page:\nhttps://joefioresi718.github.io/TeD-SPAD_webpage/\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:42:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fioresi","Joseph",""],["Dave","Ishan Rajendrakumar",""],["Shah","Mubarak",""]]} {"id":"2308.11073","submitter":"Weiguo Pian","authors":"Weiguo Pian, Shentong Mo, Yunhui Guo, Yapeng Tian","title":"Audio-Visual Class-Incremental Learning","comments":"Accepted at ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we introduce audio-visual class-incremental learning, a\nclass-incremental learning scenario for audio-visual video recognition. We\ndemonstrate that joint audio-visual modeling can improve class-incremental\nlearning, but current methods fail to preserve semantic similarity between\naudio and visual features as incremental step grows. Furthermore, we observe\nthat audio-visual correlations learned in previous tasks can be forgotten as\nincremental steps progress, leading to poor performance. To overcome these\nchallenges, we propose AV-CIL, which incorporates Dual-Audio-Visual Similarity\nConstraint (D-AVSC) to maintain both instance-aware and class-aware semantic\nsimilarity between audio-visual modalities and Visual Attention Distillation\n(VAD) to retain previously learned audio-guided visual attentive ability. We\ncreate three audio-visual class-incremental datasets, AVE-Class-Incremental\n(AVE-CI), Kinetics-Sounds-Class-Incremental (K-S-CI), and\nVGGSound100-Class-Incremental (VS100-CI) based on the AVE, Kinetics-Sounds, and\nVGGSound datasets, respectively. Our experiments on AVE-CI, K-S-CI, and\nVS100-CI demonstrate that AV-CIL significantly outperforms existing\nclass-incremental learning methods in audio-visual class-incremental learning.\nCode and data are available at: https://github.com/weiguoPian/AV-CIL_ICCV2023.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:43:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pian","Weiguo",""],["Mo","Shentong",""],["Guo","Yunhui",""],["Tian","Yapeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11074","submitter":"Martial Longla","authors":"Martial Longla","title":"New copula families and mixing properties","comments":"24pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We characterize absolutely continuous symmetric copulas with square\nintegrable densities in this paper. This characterization is used to create new\ncopula families, that are perturbations of the independence copula. The full\nstudy of mixing properties of Markov chains generated by these copula families\nis conducted. An extension that includes the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern family\nof copulas is proposed. We propose some examples of copulas that generate\nnon-mixing Markov chains, but whose convex combinations generate $\\psi$-mixing\nMarkov chains. Some general results on $\\psi$-mixing are given. The Spearman's\ncorrelation $\\rho_S$ and Kendall's $\\tau$ are provided for the created copula\nfamilies. Some general remarks are provided for $\\rho_S$ and $\\tau$. A central\nlimit theorem is provided for parameter estimators in one example. A simulation\nstudy is conducted to support derived asymptotic distributions for some\nexamples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:50:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Longla","Martial",""]]} {"id":"2308.11075","submitter":"Kelsie Taylor","authors":"Kelsie Taylor","title":"A Deep Dive into the Connections Between the Renormalization Group and\n Deep Learning in the Ising Model","comments":"103 pages, 87 figures, Senior Thesis, Advisors: Maria Spiropulu and\n Joseph Lykken","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.7907/ztpg-z092","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cs.LG cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The renormalization group (RG) is an essential technique in statistical\nphysics and quantum field theory, which considers scale-invariant properties of\nphysical theories and how these theories' parameters change with scaling. Deep\nlearning is a powerful computational technique that uses multi-layered neural\nnetworks to solve a myriad of complicated problems. Previous research suggests\nthe possibility that unsupervised deep learning may be a form of RG flow, by\nbeing a layer-by-layer coarse graining of the original data. We examined this\nconnection on a more rigorous basis for the simple example of Kadanoff block\nrenormalization of the 2D nearest-neighbor Ising model, with our deep learning\naccomplished via Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs). We developed extensive\nrenormalization techniques for the 1D and 2D Ising model to provide a baseline\nfor comparison. For the 1D Ising model, we successfully used Adam optimization\non a correlation length loss function to learn the group flow, yielding results\nconsistent with the analytical model for infinite N. For the 2D Ising model, we\nsuccessfully generated Ising model samples using the Wolff algorithm, and\nperformed the group flow using a quasi-deterministic method, validating these\nresults by calculating the critical exponent \\nu. We then examined RBM learning\nof the Ising model layer by layer, finding a blocking structure in the learning\nthat is qualitatively similar to RG. Lastly, we directly compared the weights\nof each layer from the learning to Ising spin renormalization, but found\nquantitative inconsistencies for the simple case of nearest-neighbor Ising\nmodels.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:50:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Taylor","Kelsie",""]]} {"id":"2308.11076","submitter":"Jacob Haqq-Misra","authors":"Jacob Haqq-Misra","title":"Constraints on Interstellar Sovereignty","comments":"Submitted to JBIS for the 8th Interstellar Symposium special issue","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.pop-ph physics.soc-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Human space exploration and settlement of other planets is becoming\nincreasingly technologically feasible, while mission concepts for remote and\ncrewed missions to nearby star systems continue to be developed. But the\nlong-term success of space settlement also requires extensions and advances in\nmodels of governance. This paper provides a synthesis of the physical factors\nthat will constrain the application of sovereignty in space as well as legal\nprecedent on Earth that likely applies to any crewed or uncrewed missions to\nother stellar systems. The Outer Space Treaty limits the territorial expansion\nof states into space, but the requirements for oversight of nongovernmental\nagencies and retention of property ownership enable the extension of state\njurisdiction into space. Pragmatic constraints from historical precedent on\nEarth suggest that new space treaties will be unlikely to succeed and new\nglobal space agencies may have limited jurisdiction over states, while hard\nconstraints of the space environment require adherence to technical\ncapabilities, political feasibility, and long-term sustainability. These\nfactors form a three-prong test for assessing the viability of interstellar\ngovernance models. This discussion of interstellar governance is intended to\nfurther the conversation about sovereignty in space prior to the first\nintentional launch of any interstellar spacecraft.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:52:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Haqq-Misra","Jacob",""]]} {"id":"2308.11077","submitter":"Bing Tang","authors":"Zhengguo Tang, Heng Zhu, Hongchao Shi, Bing Tang","title":"Photoinduced topological phase transitions in Kitaev-Heisenberg\n honeycomb ferromagnets with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We theoretically study topological properties of Floquet magnon in a\nlaser-irradiated Kitaev-Heisenberg honeycomb ferromagnet with the\nDzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction by means of the Floquet-Bloch theory. It is\nfound that the Kitaev-Heisenberg ferromagnet can reveal two topological phases\nwith different Chern numbers when it is irradiated by a circular-polarized\nlight laser. Our results show that the topological phase of the system can be\nswitched from one topological phase to another one via varying the light\nintensity. The intrinsic DMI plays a crucial role in the occurrence of\nphotoinduced topological phase transition. It is shown that the sign reversal\nof the thermal hall conductivity is an important indicator on photoinduced\ntopological phase transitions in the Kitaev-Heisenberg honeycomb ferromagnet.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:03:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tang","Zhengguo",""],["Zhu","Heng",""],["Shi","Hongchao",""],["Tang","Bing",""]]} {"id":"2308.11078","submitter":"Mahdi Soleymani","authors":"Mahdi Soleymani, Qiang Liu, Hessam Mahdavifar, Laura Balzano","title":"Matrix Completion over Finite Fields: Bounds and Belief Propagation\n Algorithms","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider the low rank matrix completion problem over finite fields. This\nproblem has been extensively studied in the domain of real/complex numbers,\nhowever, to the best of authors' knowledge, there exists merely one efficient\nalgorithm to tackle the problem in the binary field, due to Saunderson et al.\n[1]. In this paper, we improve upon the theoretical guarantees for the\nalgorithm provided in [1]. Furthermore, we formulate a new graphical model for\nthe matrix completion problem over the finite field of size $q$, $\\Bbb{F}_q$,\nand present a message passing (MP) based approach to solve this problem. The\nproposed algorithm is the first one for the considered matrix completion\nproblem over finite fields of arbitrary size. Our proposed method has a\nsignificantly lower computational complexity, reducing it from $O(n^{2r+3})$ in\n[1] down to $O(n^2)$ (where, the underlying matrix has dimension $n \\times n$\nand $r$ denotes its rank), while also improving the performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:09:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Soleymani","Mahdi",""],["Liu","Qiang",""],["Mahdavifar","Hessam",""],["Balzano","Laura",""]]} {"id":"2308.11079","submitter":"Luke Ditria","authors":"Luke Ditria, Tom Drummond","title":"Long-Term Prediction of Natural Video Sequences with Robust Video\n Predictors","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Predicting high dimensional video sequences is a curiously difficult problem.\nThe number of possible futures for a given video sequence grows exponentially\nover time due to uncertainty. This is especially evident when trying to predict\ncomplicated natural video scenes from a limited snapshot of the world. The\ninherent uncertainty accumulates the further into the future you predict making\nlong-term prediction very difficult. In this work we introduce a number of\nimprovements to existing work that aid in creating Robust Video Predictors\n(RoViPs). We show that with a combination of deep Perceptual and\nuncertainty-based reconstruction losses we are able to create high quality\nshort-term predictions. Attention-based skip connections are utilised to allow\nfor long range spatial movement of input features to further improve\nperformance. Finally, we show that by simply making the predictor robust to its\nown prediction errors, it is possible to produce very long, realistic natural\nvideo sequences using an iterated single-step prediction task.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:16:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ditria","Luke",""],["Drummond","Tom",""]]} {"id":"2308.11080","submitter":"Reese Jones","authors":"Jan N. Fuhg, Nikolaos Bouklas, Reese E. Jones","title":"Stress representations for tensor basis neural networks: alternative\n formulations to Finger-Rivlin-Ericksen","comments":"32 pages, 20 figures, 4 appendices","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Data-driven constitutive modeling frameworks based on neural networks and\nclassical representation theorems have recently gained considerable attention\ndue to their ability to easily incorporate constitutive constraints and their\nexcellent generalization performance. In these models, the stress prediction\nfollows from a linear combination of invariant-dependent coefficient functions\nand known tensor basis generators. However, thus far the formulations have been\nlimited to stress representations based on the classical Rivlin and Ericksen\nform, while the performance of alternative representations has yet to be\ninvestigated. In this work, we survey a variety of tensor basis neural network\nmodels for modeling hyperelastic materials in a finite deformation context,\nincluding a number of so far unexplored formulations which use theoretically\nequivalent invariants and generators to Finger-Rivlin-Ericksen. Furthermore, we\ncompare potential-based and coefficient-based approaches, as well as different\ncalibration techniques. Nine variants are tested against both noisy and\nnoiseless datasets for three different materials. Theoretical and practical\ninsights into the performance of each formulation are given.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:28:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fuhg","Jan N.",""],["Bouklas","Nikolaos",""],["Jones","Reese E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11081","submitter":"Sepideh Mosaferi","authors":"Sepideh Mosaferi, Malay Ghosh, Shonosuke Sugasawa","title":"An Unbiased Predictor for Skewed Response Variable with Measurement\n Error in Covariate","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME stat.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We introduce a new small area predictor when the Fay-Herriot normal error\nmodel is fitted to a logarithmically transformed response variable, and the\ncovariate is measured with error. This framework has been previously studied by\nMosaferi et al. (2023). The empirical predictor given in their manuscript\ncannot perform uniformly better than the direct estimator. Our proposed\npredictor in this manuscript is unbiased and can perform uniformly better than\nthe one proposed in Mosaferi et al. (2023). We derive an approximation of the\nmean squared error (MSE) for the predictor. The prediction intervals based on\nthe MSE suffer from coverage problems. Thus, we propose a non-parametric\nbootstrap prediction interval which is more accurate. This problem is of great\ninterest in small area applications since statistical agencies and agricultural\nsurveys are often asked to produce estimates of right skewed variables with\ncovariates measured with errors. With Monte Carlo simulation studies and two\nCensus Bureau's data sets, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposed\nmethodology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:30:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mosaferi","Sepideh",""],["Ghosh","Malay",""],["Sugasawa","Shonosuke",""]]} {"id":"2308.11082","submitter":"Majd Soud","authors":"Majd Soud, Grischa Liebel and Mohammad Hamdaqa","title":"PrAIoritize: Learning to Prioritize Smart Contract Bugs and\n Vulnerabilities","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Smart contract vulnerabilities and bugs have become a key concern for\nsoftware engineers, as they can lead to significant financial losses,\nreputational damage, and legal issues. Therefore, prioritizing bug fixing for\nsmart contracts is critical to maintaining trust. Due to the lack of tracking\ntools, prioritizing smart contract-reported bugs is done manually, which is a\ntedious task, limits bug triaging, and needs specialized knowledge. Towards\nthis end, we propose PrAIoritize; an automated approach for predicting smart\ncontract bug priorities that assist software engineers in prioritizing highly\nurgent bug reports. PrAIoritize consists of two main phases: 1) automatic\nlabeling, which involves the automatic construction of a smart contract keyword\nlexicon and the automatic assignment of priority levels to unlabeled bug\nreports; 2) model construction, which involves feature engineering and designs\nlayers of feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs) and bidirectional long\nshort-term memory (BiLSTM) with multi-class classification to better capture\nthe features of the textual descriptions of bugs and predict their priority\nlevels. The model then is trained using smart contract bug reports collected\nfrom two data sources: open-source software (OSS) projects available on GitHub\nand NVD vulnerability database. Our evaluation demonstrates significant\nimprovement over state-of-the-art baselines and commonly used pre-trained\nmodels (e.g. BERT) for similar classification tasks, with 5.75%-35.29% increase\nin F-measure, precision, and recall.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:30:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Soud","Majd",""],["Liebel","Grischa",""],["Hamdaqa","Mohammad",""]]} {"id":"2308.11083","submitter":"Dimitrios Los","authors":"Dimitrios Los, Thomas Sauerwald","title":"An Improved Drift Theorem for Balanced Allocations","comments":"This paper refines and extends the content on the drift theorem and\n applications in arXiv:2203.13902. It consists of 38 pages, 7 figures, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR cs.DM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In the balanced allocations framework, there are $m$ jobs (balls) to be\nallocated to $n$ servers (bins). The goal is to minimize the gap, the\ndifference between the maximum and the average load.\n Peres, Talwar and Wieder (RSA 2015) used the hyperbolic cosine potential\nfunction to analyze a large family of allocation processes including the\n$(1+\\beta)$-process and graphical balanced allocations. The key ingredient was\nto prove that the potential drops in every step, i.e., a drift inequality.\n In this work we improve the drift inequality so that (i) it is asymptotically\ntighter, (ii) it assumes weaker preconditions, (iii) it applies not only to\nprocesses allocating to more than one bin in a single step and (iv) to\nprocesses allocating a varying number of balls depending on the sampled bin.\nOur applications include the processes of (RSA 2015), but also several new\nprocesses, and we believe that our techniques may lead to further results in\nfuture work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:35:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Los","Dimitrios",""],["Sauerwald","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11084","submitter":"Xulong Zhang","authors":"Yimin Deng, Huaizhen Tang, Xulong Zhang, Jianzong Wang, Ning Cheng,\n Jing Xiao","title":"PMVC: Data Augmentation-Based Prosody Modeling for Expressive Voice\n Conversion","comments":"Accepted by the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia\n (MM2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3613800","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Voice conversion as the style transfer task applied to speech, refers to\nconverting one person's speech into a new speech that sounds like another\nperson's. Up to now, there has been a lot of research devoted to better\nimplementation of VC tasks. However, a good voice conversion model should not\nonly match the timbre information of the target speaker, but also expressive\ninformation such as prosody, pace, pause, etc. In this context, prosody\nmodeling is crucial for achieving expressive voice conversion that sounds\nnatural and convincing. Unfortunately, prosody modeling is important but\nchallenging, especially without text transcriptions. In this paper, we firstly\npropose a novel voice conversion framework named 'PMVC', which effectively\nseparates and models the content, timbre, and prosodic information from the\nspeech without text transcriptions. Specially, we introduce a new speech\naugmentation algorithm for robust prosody extraction. And building upon this,\nmask and predict mechanism is applied in the disentanglement of prosody and\ncontent information. The experimental results on the AIShell-3 corpus supports\nour improvement of naturalness and similarity of converted speech.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:37:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Yimin",""],["Tang","Huaizhen",""],["Zhang","Xulong",""],["Wang","Jianzong",""],["Cheng","Ning",""],["Xiao","Jing",""]]} {"id":"2308.11085","submitter":"Emanuel de Lima","authors":"Emanuel F. de Lima","title":"Formation of deeply bound polar molecules combining pump-dump pulses\n with infrared radiation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.atom-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider the formation of cold ground-state polar molecules in a low\nvibrational level by laser fields. Starting from a pair of cold colliding atoms\nof dissimilar species, we propose a strategy consisting of three steps. In the\nfirst step, a pump pulse induces the molecule formation by photoassociating the\natomic pair in a high or intermediate vibrational level of an excited\nelectronic molecular state. This step is followed by a dump pulse in an\nintermediate vibrational level of the ground state. In the last step, an\ninfrared chirped pulse induces downward transitions among the vibrational\nlevels of the ground electronic state, reaching the ground vibrational level.\nInitially, the strategy is constructed with fixed-shaped pulses. Subsequently,\nwe perform the calculations with optimized chirped pulses introducing an\noptimal control technique in which the optimization of the time-dependent\nfrequency is carried out in the time domain. The proposed scheme is an\nalternative to the use of two pairs of pump-dump pulses or to the direct\nphotoassociation and vibrational stabilization in the ground state.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:40:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["de Lima","Emanuel F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11086","submitter":"Daniel VandenHeuvel","authors":"Daniel J. VandenHeuvel and Pascal R. Buenzli and Matthew J. Simpson","title":"Pushing coarse-grained models beyond the continuum limit using equation\n learning","comments":"42 pages, 18 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS q-bio.QM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Mathematical modelling of biological population dynamics often involves\nproposing high fidelity discrete agent-based models that capture stochasticity\nand individual-level processes. These models are often considered in\nconjunction with an approximate coarse-grained differential equation that\ncaptures population-level features only. These coarse-grained models are only\naccurate in certain asymptotic parameter regimes, such as enforcing that the\ntime scale of individual motility far exceeds the time scale of birth/death\nprocesses. When these coarse-grained models are accurate, the discrete model\nstill abides by conservation laws at the microscopic level, which implies that\nthere is some macroscopic conservation law that can describe the macroscopic\ndynamics. In this work, we introduce an equation learning framework to find\naccurate coarse-grained models when standard continuum limit approaches are\ninaccurate. We demonstrate our approach using a discrete mechanical model of\nepithelial tissues, considering a series of four case studies that illustrate\nhow we can learn macroscopic equations describing mechanical relaxation, cell\nproliferation, and the equation governing the dynamics of the free boundary of\nthe tissue. While our presentation focuses on this biological application, our\napproach is more broadly applicable across a range of scenarios where discrete\nmodels are approximated by approximate continuum-limit descriptions. All code\nand data to reproduce this work are available at\nhttps://github.com/DanielVandH/StepwiseEQL.jl.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:49:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["VandenHeuvel","Daniel J.",""],["Buenzli","Pascal R.",""],["Simpson","Matthew J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11087","submitter":"Jose Solano-Castellanos","authors":"Jose A. Solano-Castellanos, Won Kyung Do, and Monroe Kennedy III","title":"Embedded Object Detection and Mapping in Soft Materials Using Optical\n Tactile Sensing","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we present a methodology that uses an optical tactile sensor\nfor efficient tactile exploration of embedded objects within soft materials.\nThe methodology consists of an exploration phase, where a probabilistic\nestimate of the location of the embedded objects is built using a Bayesian\napproach. The exploration phase is then followed by a mapping phase which\nexploits the probabilistic map to reconstruct the underlying topography of the\nworkspace by sampling in more detail regions where there is expected to be\nembedded objects. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, we tested our\napproach on an experimental setup that consists of a series of quartz beads\nlocated underneath a polyethylene foam that prevents direct observation of the\nconfiguration and requires the use of tactile exploration to recover the\nlocation of the beads. We show the performance of our methodology using ten\ndifferent configurations of the beads where the proposed approach is able to\napproximate the underlying configuration. We benchmark our results against a\nrandom sampling policy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:52:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Solano-Castellanos","Jose A.",""],["Do","Won Kyung",""],["Kennedy","Monroe","III"]]} {"id":"2308.11088","submitter":"Han Lei","authors":"Lei Han, Chunyu Tu, Zhiwen Yu, Zhiyong Yu, Weihua Shan, Liang Wang,\n and Bin Guo","title":"Collaborative Route Planning of UAVs, Workers and Cars for Crowdsensing\n in Disaster Response","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.MA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Efficiently obtaining the up-to-date information in the disaster-stricken\narea is the key to successful disaster response. Unmanned aerial vehicles\n(UAVs), workers and cars can collaborate to accomplish sensing tasks, such as\ndata collection, in disaster-stricken areas. In this paper, we explicitly\naddress the route planning for a group of agents, including UAVs, workers, and\ncars, with the goal of maximizing the task completion rate. We propose\nMANF-RL-RP, a heterogeneous multi-agent route planning algorithm that\nincorporates several efficient designs, including global-local dual information\nprocessing and a tailored model structure for heterogeneous multi-agent\nsystems. Global-local dual information processing encompasses the extraction\nand dissemination of spatial features from global information, as well as the\npartitioning and filtering of local information from individual agents.\nRegarding the construction of the model structure for heterogeneous\nmulti-agent, we perform the following work. We design the same data structure\nto represent the states of different agents, prove the Markovian property of\nthe decision-making process of agents to simplify the model structure, and also\ndesign a reasonable reward function to train the model. Finally, we conducted\ndetailed experiments based on the rich simulation data. In comparison to the\nbaseline algorithms, namely Greedy-SC-RP and MANF-DNN-RP, MANF-RL-RP has\nexhibited a significant improvement in terms of task completion rate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:54:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Han","Lei",""],["Tu","Chunyu",""],["Yu","Zhiwen",""],["Yu","Zhiyong",""],["Shan","Weihua",""],["Wang","Liang",""],["Guo","Bin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11089","submitter":"Yi Shen","authors":"Yi Shen and Lin Chen","title":"The additivity of states uniquely determined by marginals","comments":"10 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The pure states that can be uniquely determined among all (UDA) states by\ntheir marginals are essential to efficient quantum state tomography. We\ngeneralize the UDA states from the context of pure states to that of arbitrary\n(no matter pure or mixed) states, motivated by the efficient state tomography\nof low-rank states. We call the \\emph{additivity} of $k$-UDA states for three\ndifferent composite ways of tensor product, if the composite state of two\n$k$-UDA states is still uniquely determined by the $k$-partite marginals for\nthe corresponding type of tensor product. We show that the additivity holds if\none of the two initial states is pure, and present the conditions under which\nthe additivity holds for two mixed UDA states. One of the three composite ways\nof tensor product is also adopted to construct genuinely multipartite entangled\n(GME) states. Therefore, it is effective to construct multipartite $k$-UDA\nstate with genuine entanglement by uniting the additivity of $k$-UDA states and\nthe construction of GME states.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:06:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Yi",""],["Chen","Lin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11090","submitter":"Fran\\c{c}ois Hu","authors":"Philipp Ratz and Fran\\c{c}ois Hu and Arthur Charpentier","title":"Addressing Fairness and Explainability in Image Classification Using\n Optimal Transport","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Algorithmic Fairness and the explainability of potentially unfair outcomes\nare crucial for establishing trust and accountability of Artificial\nIntelligence systems in domains such as healthcare and policing. Though\nsignificant advances have been made in each of the fields separately, achieving\nexplainability in fairness applications remains challenging, particularly so in\ndomains where deep neural networks are used. At the same time, ethical\ndata-mining has become ever more relevant, as it has been shown countless times\nthat fairness-unaware algorithms result in biased outcomes. Current approaches\nfocus on mitigating biases in the outcomes of the model, but few attempts have\nbeen made to try to explain \\emph{why} a model is biased. To bridge this gap,\nwe propose a comprehensive approach that leverages optimal transport theory to\nuncover the causes and implications of biased regions in images, which easily\nextends to tabular data as well. Through the use of Wasserstein barycenters, we\nobtain scores that are independent of a sensitive variable but keep their\nmarginal orderings. This step ensures predictive accuracy but also helps us to\nrecover the regions most associated with the generation of the biases. Our\nfindings hold significant implications for the development of trustworthy and\nunbiased AI systems, fostering transparency, accountability, and fairness in\ncritical decision-making scenarios across diverse domains.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:10:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ratz","Philipp",""],["Hu","Fran\u00e7ois",""],["Charpentier","Arthur",""]]} {"id":"2308.11091","submitter":"Zhengxian Mei","authors":"A. Liam Fitzpatrick and Zhengxian Mei","title":"LSZ in Action: Extracting Form Factors from Correlators\n Nonperturbatively in 2d $\\phi^4$ Theory","comments":"29 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we compute multiparticle form factors of local operators in 2d\n$\\phi^4$ theory using a recently proposed method [1] for efficiently\nimplementing the LSZ prescription with Hamiltonian Truncation methods, and we\nadopt Lightcone Conformal Truncation (LCT) in particular for our calculations.\nWe perform various checks of our results at weak and strong coupling, and\nelucidate the parametric behavior of truncation errors.\n This opens up the possibility to compute S-matrix in various strongly coupled\nmodels using the LSZ method in LCT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:16:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fitzpatrick","A. Liam",""],["Mei","Zhengxian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11092","submitter":"Allen Shafter","authors":"William A. Burris, Allen W. Shafter, Kamil Hornoch","title":"Do the Outburst Properties of M31N 2008-12a Depend on the Time Since the\n Previous Eruption?","comments":"5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table (data behind the figure); accepted for\n publication in Research Notes of the AAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Photometric observations spanning the UV to the near IR during the nine most\nrecent eruptions (2014-2022) of the extragalactic nova M31N 2008-12a are\npresented and analyzed in order to explore whether the lightcurve properties\nfor a given eruption, specifically the peak magnitudes and fade rates, are\ncorrelated with the time interval since the previous eruption. No significant\ncorrelation between the pre-eruption interval and the rate of decline was\nfound, however it appears that the brightness at the peak of an outburst may be\npositively correlated with the time interval since the previous eruption.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:19:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Burris","William A.",""],["Shafter","Allen W.",""],["Hornoch","Kamil",""]]} {"id":"2308.11093","submitter":"Thomas Kipf","authors":"Georg Heigold, Matthias Minderer, Alexey Gritsenko, Alex Bewley,\n Daniel Keysers, Mario Lu\\v{c}i\\'c, Fisher Yu, Thomas Kipf","title":"Video OWL-ViT: Temporally-consistent open-world localization in video","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present an architecture and a training recipe that adapts pre-trained\nopen-world image models to localization in videos. Understanding the open\nvisual world (without being constrained by fixed label spaces) is crucial for\nmany real-world vision tasks. Contrastive pre-training on large image-text\ndatasets has recently led to significant improvements for image-level tasks.\nFor more structured tasks involving object localization applying pre-trained\nmodels is more challenging. This is particularly true for video tasks, where\ntask-specific data is limited. We show successful transfer of open-world models\nby building on the OWL-ViT open-vocabulary detection model and adapting it to\nvideo by adding a transformer decoder. The decoder propagates object\nrepresentations recurrently through time by using the output tokens for one\nframe as the object queries for the next. Our model is end-to-end trainable on\nvideo data and enjoys improved temporal consistency compared to\ntracking-by-detection baselines, while retaining the open-world capabilities of\nthe backbone detector. We evaluate our model on the challenging TAO-OW\nbenchmark and demonstrate that open-world capabilities, learned from\nlarge-scale image-text pre-training, can be transferred successfully to\nopen-world localization across diverse videos.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:21:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Heigold","Georg",""],["Minderer","Matthias",""],["Gritsenko","Alexey",""],["Bewley","Alex",""],["Keysers","Daniel",""],["Lu\u010di\u0107","Mario",""],["Yu","Fisher",""],["Kipf","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11094","submitter":"Peter Suranyi","authors":"Lauren Street, Peter Suranyi, and L.C.R. Wijewardhana","title":"WKB approximation to boson dark matter","comments":"14 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Galactic dark matter halos may be composed of ultralight axions (ULAs) ($m_a\n\\lesssim 1$ eV) with wave functions that satisfy nonlinear\nSchr\\\"{o}dinger-Poisson equations (SPA). We find eigenstates of SPA in WKB\napproximation. The expansion parameter of the WKB approximation is\n$\\delta=1/\\sqrt{S}$, where $S=2 M R G m_a^{2}$, with $M$ being the total mass,\n$R$ the radius of the halo, and $G$ the gravitational constant. $S\\gg 1$ for\nalmost all galaxies, even if the ULA mass is as small as $m_a=10^{-22} $ eV,\nmaking the leading order WKB approximation almost exact. As the level spacing\nof bound states is roughly proportional to $\\delta$, the number of states in\nthe gravitational well is huge. We do not see a reason why not all or most of\nthem contribute to the halo. Using an appropriate distribution function allows\nthe summation of states to construct the profile of the halo as a function of\nthe gravitational potential, which can be found solving the Poisson equation.\nUsing various energy distribution functions, we obtain results similar to those\nin simulations. Future plans include investigations of collapse through time\ndependent generalizations, and inclusion of self-interactions, which also\ninduce decay processes of the halo.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:24:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Street","Lauren",""],["Suranyi","Peter",""],["Wijewardhana","L. C. R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11095","submitter":"S Y Anushka Santhika Thenuwara PhD","authors":"Anushka Thenuwara and Andrei Sidorov","title":"Ramsey interferometry in three-level and five-level systems of $^{87}Rb$\n Bose-Einstein condensates","comments":"19 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.atom-ph cond-mat.quant-gas","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Our work here presents the analytical expressions for a typical Ramsey\ninterferometric sequence for a three- and a five-level system. The analytical\nexpressions are derived starting from the first principals of unitary time\nevolution operators. We focus on the three- and five-level systems because we\npropose a novel Ramsey interferometer created by a trapped two-state\nBose-Einstein Condensate driven by dipole oscillations and gravitational sag.\nIt involves the $^{87}Rb$ atoms in states $\\vert F=2, m_F=+2 \\rangle$ $(\\vert\n+2 \\rangle)$ and $\\vert F=2, m_F=+1 \\rangle$ $(\\vert +1 \\rangle)$ of the $5\n^2S_{\\frac{1}{2}}$ ground state. Though the interferometer focusses on the\ntwo-levels, the experimental readouts involve all the five states in $F = 2$\nhyperfine manifold. Therefore, the analytical derivation was first tested for\nthree-levels and then expanded to five-levels. We developed the expressions for\nfive-levels for greater analytical accuracy of the experimental scenario. This\nwork provides a step-by-step outline for the derivation and methodology for the\nanalytical expressions. These analytical formulae denote the population\nvariation during Rabi and Ramsey oscillations for each state as well as the\noverall average for both the three- and five-level cases. The expressions are\nderived within the rotating wave approximation (RWA) under the equal Rabi\ncondition. Further, by following the derivation methodology, these analytical\nexpressions can be easily expanded for Ramsey sequences with unequal pulses,\nand Ramsey sequences with spin echo techniques.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:32:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Thenuwara","Anushka",""],["Sidorov","Andrei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11096","submitter":"Devesh Tiwari","authors":"Daniel Silver, Tirthak Patel, William Cutler, Aditya Ranjan, Harshitta\n Gandhi, Devesh Tiwari","title":"MosaiQ: Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation on\n NISQ Computers","comments":"Accepted to appear at ICCV'23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.AR cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Quantum machine learning and vision have come to the fore recently, with\nhardware advances enabling rapid advancement in the capabilities of quantum\nmachines. Recently, quantum image generation has been explored with many\npotential advantages over non-quantum techniques; however, previous techniques\nhave suffered from poor quality and robustness. To address these problems, we\nintroduce, MosaiQ, a high-quality quantum image generation GAN framework that\ncan be executed on today's Near-term Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ)\ncomputers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:40:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Silver","Daniel",""],["Patel","Tirthak",""],["Cutler","William",""],["Ranjan","Aditya",""],["Gandhi","Harshitta",""],["Tiwari","Devesh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11097","submitter":"Taro Nakajima","authors":"Taro Nakajima, Masao Watanabe, Yasuhiro Inamura, Kazuki Matsui, Tomoki\n Kanda, Tetsuya Nomoto, Kazuki Ohishi, Yukihiko Kawamura, Hiraku Saito, Hiromu\n Tamatsukuri, Noriki Terada, and Yoshimitsu Kohama","title":"Stroboscopic Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction in Long Pulsed Magnetic\n Fields","comments":"9 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present proof-of-principle experiments of stroboscopic time-of-flight\n(TOF) neutron diffraction in long pulsed magnetic fields. By utilizing electric\ndouble-layer capacitors, we developed a long pulsed magnet for neutron\ndiffraction measurements, which generates pulsed magnetic fields with the full\nwidths at the half maximum of more than $10^2$ ms. The field variation is slow\nenough to be approximated as a steady field within the time scale of a\npolychromatic neutron pulse passing through a sample placed in a distance of\nthe order of $10^1$ m from the neutron source. This enables us to efficiently\nexplore the reciprocal space using a wide range of neutron wavelength in high\nmagnetic fields. We applied this technique to investigate field-induced\nmagnetic phases in the triangular lattice antiferromagnets\nCuFe$_{1-x}$Ga$_x$O$_2$ ($x=0, 0.035$).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:43:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nakajima","Taro",""],["Watanabe","Masao",""],["Inamura","Yasuhiro",""],["Matsui","Kazuki",""],["Kanda","Tomoki",""],["Nomoto","Tetsuya",""],["Ohishi","Kazuki",""],["Kawamura","Yukihiko",""],["Saito","Hiraku",""],["Tamatsukuri","Hiromu",""],["Terada","Noriki",""],["Kohama","Yoshimitsu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11098","submitter":"Lirand\\\"e Pira","authors":"Lirand\\\"e Pira, Chris Ferrie","title":"Explicability and Inexplicability in the Interpretation of Quantum\n Neural Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Interpretability of artificial intelligence (AI) methods, particularly deep\nneural networks, is of great interest due to the widespread use of AI-backed\nsystems, which often have unexplainable behavior. The interpretability of such\nmodels is a crucial component of building trusted systems. Many methods exist\nto approach this problem, but they do not obviously generalize to the quantum\nsetting. Here we explore the interpretability of quantum neural networks using\nlocal model-agnostic interpretability measures of quantum and classical neural\nnetworks. We introduce the concept of the band of inexplicability, representing\nthe interpretable region in which data samples have no explanation, likely\nvictims of inherently random quantum measurements. We see this as a step toward\nunderstanding how to build responsible and accountable quantum AI models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:43:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pira","Lirand\u00eb",""],["Ferrie","Chris",""]]} {"id":"2308.11099","submitter":"Ion Garate","authors":"Xinyuan Xu, David S\\'en\\'echal, Ion Garate","title":"Theory of a topological analogue of the magnetic bit","comments":"13 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In magnetic memories, the state of a ferromagnet is encoded in the\norientation of its magnetization. The energy of the system is minimized when\nthe magnetization is parallel or antiparallel to a preferred (easy) axis. These\ntwo stable directions define the logical bit. Under an external perturbation,\nthe direction of magnetization can be controllably reversed and thus the bit\nflipped. Here, we theoretically design a topological analogue of the magnetic\nbit in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH)-Holstein model, where we show that a\ntransient external perturbation can lead to a permanent change in the\nelectronic band topology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:46:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Xinyuan",""],["S\u00e9n\u00e9chal","David",""],["Garate","Ion",""]]} {"id":"2308.11100","submitter":"Elsayed Mohammed","authors":"Elsayed Mohammed, Omar Mashaal and Hatem Abou-Zeid","title":"Using Early Exits for Fast Inference in Automatic Modulation\n Classification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NI cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Automatic modulation classification (AMC) plays a critical role in wireless\ncommunications by autonomously classifying signals transmitted over the radio\nspectrum. Deep learning (DL) techniques are increasingly being used for AMC due\nto their ability to extract complex wireless signal features. However, DL\nmodels are computationally intensive and incur high inference latencies. This\npaper proposes the application of early exiting (EE) techniques for DL models\nused for AMC to accelerate inference. We present and analyze four early exiting\narchitectures and a customized multi-branch training algorithm for this\nproblem. Through extensive experimentation, we show that signals with moderate\nto high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are easier to classify, do not require\ndeep architectures, and can therefore leverage the proposed EE architectures.\nOur experimental results demonstrate that EE techniques can significantly\nreduce the inference speed of deep neural networks without sacrificing\nclassification accuracy. We also thoroughly study the trade-off between\nclassification accuracy and inference time when using these architectures. To\nthe best of our knowledge, this work represents the first attempt to apply\nearly exiting methods to AMC, providing a foundation for future research in\nthis area.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:51:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mohammed","Elsayed",""],["Mashaal","Omar",""],["Abou-Zeid","Hatem",""]]} {"id":"2308.11101","submitter":"Can-Li Song Dr","authors":"Li-Xuan Wei, Peng-Cheng Xiao, Fangsen Li, Li Wang, Bo-Yuan Deng,\n Fang-Jun Cheng, Fa-Wei Zheng, Ning Hao, Ping Zhang, Xu-Cun Ma, Qi-Kun Xue,\n Can-Li Song","title":"Discovery of smectic charge and pair-density-wave orders in topological\n monolayer 1T$^\\prime$-MoTe$_2$","comments":"16 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary materials","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Electronic liquid-crystal phases are observed in numerous strongly-correlated\nsystems including high-temperature superconductors. However, identifying these\nexotic phases and understanding their interplay with superconductivity in\ntopological materials remain challenging. Here we employ a cryogenic scanning\ntunneling microscopy to discover a smectic (stripe) charge order (CO) and a\nprimary pair-density-wave (PDW) in topological monolayer 1T$^\\prime$-MoTe$_2$.\nThe two orders are spatially modulated unidirectionally at the same wavevector,\nbut have a marked spatial phase difference of about 2$\\pi$/5. Importantly, the\nprimary PDW state features a two-gap superconductivity below the transition\ntemperature of 6.0 K and induces another unique particle-hole-symmetric CO at\ntwice the PDW wavevector. Combining these results and our density functional\ncalculations, we reveal that the two smectic orders are primarily driven by\nnesting behaviors between electron and hole pockets. Our findings establish\nmonolayer 1T$^\\prime$-MoTe$_2$ as a topological paradigm for exploring\nelectronic smecticity, which intertwines with multiple preexisting\nsymmetry-breaking states.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:54:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wei","Li-Xuan",""],["Xiao","Peng-Cheng",""],["Li","Fangsen",""],["Wang","Li",""],["Deng","Bo-Yuan",""],["Cheng","Fang-Jun",""],["Zheng","Fa-Wei",""],["Hao","Ning",""],["Zhang","Ping",""],["Ma","Xu-Cun",""],["Xue","Qi-Kun",""],["Song","Can-Li",""]]} {"id":"2308.11102","submitter":"Shingo Taki","authors":"Kei Miura, Shingo Taki","title":"Quartic surfaces with a Galois point and Eisenstein K3 surfaces","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that a quartic surface with an inner Galois point has the structure\nof an Eisenstein $K3$ surface of type $(4, 3)$. Furthermore we prove that the\nquartic surface with 8 (the maximum number) inner Galois points has not only\nthis structure but also the structure of an Eisenstein $K3$ surface of type\n$(20, 1)$. In particular, it is isomorphic to Vinberg's $K3$ surface $X_{3}$\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:57:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Miura","Kei",""],["Taki","Shingo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11103","submitter":"Joel Niklaus","authors":"Alex Nyffenegger, Matthias St\\\"urmer, Joel Niklaus","title":"Anonymity at Risk? Assessing Re-Identification Capabilities of Large\n Language Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.IR cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Anonymity of both natural and legal persons in court rulings is a critical\naspect of privacy protection in the European Union and Switzerland. With the\nadvent of LLMs, concerns about large-scale re-identification of anonymized\npersons are growing. In accordance with the Federal Supreme Court of\nSwitzerland, we explore the potential of LLMs to re-identify individuals in\ncourt rulings by constructing a proof-of-concept using actual legal data from\nthe Swiss federal supreme court. Following the initial experiment, we\nconstructed an anonymized Wikipedia dataset as a more rigorous testing ground\nto further investigate the findings. With the introduction and application of\nthe new task of re-identifying people in texts, we also introduce new metrics\nto measure performance. We systematically analyze the factors that influence\nsuccessful re-identifications, identifying model size, input length, and\ninstruction tuning among the most critical determinants. Despite high\nre-identification rates on Wikipedia, even the best LLMs struggled with court\ndecisions. The complexity is attributed to the lack of test datasets, the\nnecessity for substantial training resources, and data sparsity in the\ninformation used for re-identification. In conclusion, this study demonstrates\nthat re-identification using LLMs may not be feasible for now, but as the\nproof-of-concept on Wikipedia showed, it might become possible in the future.\nWe hope that our system can help enhance the confidence in the security of\nanonymized decisions, thus leading to the courts being more confident to\npublish decisions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:57:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nyffenegger","Alex",""],["St\u00fcrmer","Matthias",""],["Niklaus","Joel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11104","submitter":"Luyi Yang","authors":"Haochen Zhang, Zhixuan Bi, Zehua Zhai, Han Gao, Yuwei Liu, Meiling\n Jin, Meng Ye, Xuanzhang Li, Haowen Liu, Yuegang Zhang, Xiang Li, Hairen Tan,\n Yong Xu, Luyi Yang","title":"Revealing unusual bandgap shifts with temperature and bandgap\n renormalization effect in phase-stabilized metal halide perovskites","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Hybrid organic-inorganic metal halide perovskites are emerging materials in\nphotovoltaics, whose bandgap is one of the most crucial parameters governing\ntheir light harvesting performance. Here we present temperature and\nphotocarrier density dependence of the bandgap in two phase-stabilized\nperovskite thin films (MA0.3FA0.7PbI3 and MA0.3FA0.7Pb0.5Sn0.5I3) using\nphotoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy. Contrasting bandgap shifts with\ntemperature are observed between the two perovskites. By utilizing X-ray\ndiffraction and in situ high pressure photoluminescence spectroscopy, we show\nthat the thermal expansion plays only a minor role on the large bandgap\nblueshift due to the enhanced structural stability in our samples. Our\nfirst-principles calculations further demonstrate the significant impact of\nthermally induced lattice distortions on the bandgap widening and reveal that\nthe anomalous trends are caused by the competition between the static and\ndynamic distortions. Additionally, both the bandgap renormalization and band\nfilling effects are directly observed for the first time in fluence-dependent\nphotoluminescence measurements and are employed to estimate the exciton\neffective mass. Our results provide new insights into the basic understanding\nof thermal and charge-accumulation effects on the band structure of hybrid\nperovskites.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:00:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Haochen",""],["Bi","Zhixuan",""],["Zhai","Zehua",""],["Gao","Han",""],["Liu","Yuwei",""],["Jin","Meiling",""],["Ye","Meng",""],["Li","Xuanzhang",""],["Liu","Haowen",""],["Zhang","Yuegang",""],["Li","Xiang",""],["Tan","Hairen",""],["Xu","Yong",""],["Yang","Luyi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11105","submitter":"Tejasi Bhatnagar","authors":"Tejasi Bhatnagar and Yu Fu","title":"Abelian varieties with real multiplication: classification and isogeny\n classes over finite fields","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we provide a classification of certain points on Hilbert\nmodular varieties over finite fields under a mild assumption on Newton polygon.\nFurthermore, we use this characterization to prove estimates for the size of\nisogeny classes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:01:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bhatnagar","Tejasi",""],["Fu","Yu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11106","submitter":"Dongkwon Jin","authors":"Dongkwon Jin, Dahyun Kim, Chang-Su Kim","title":"Recursive Video Lane Detection","comments":"ICCV 2023 accepted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A novel algorithm to detect road lanes in videos, called recursive video lane\ndetector (RVLD), is proposed in this paper, which propagates the state of a\ncurrent frame recursively to the next frame. RVLD consists of an intra-frame\nlane detector (ILD) and a predictive lane detector (PLD). First, we design ILD\nto localize lanes in a still frame. Second, we develop PLD to exploit the\ninformation of the previous frame for lane detection in a current frame. To\nthis end, we estimate a motion field and warp the previous output to the\ncurrent frame. Using the warped information, we refine the feature map of the\ncurrent frame to detect lanes more reliably. Experimental results show that\nRVLD outperforms existing detectors on video lane datasets. Our codes are\navailable at https://github.com/dongkwonjin/RVLD.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:02:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jin","Dongkwon",""],["Kim","Dahyun",""],["Kim","Chang-Su",""]]} {"id":"2308.11107","submitter":"Daigo Shoji","authors":"Daigo Shoji","title":"Classification of the lunar surface pattern by AI architectures: Does AI\n see a rabbit in the Moon?","comments":"15 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CY cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In Asian countries, there is a tradition that a rabbit (the Moon rabbit)\nlives on the Moon. As the origin of this tradition, usually, two reasons are\nmentioned. One reason is that the color pattern of the lunar surface is similar\nto the shape of a rabbit. The other reason is that both the Moon and rabbit are\nsymbols of fertility because the Moon appears and disappears (i.e., waxing and\nwaning) cyclically, and rabbits bear children frequently. Considering the\nlatter reason, is the lunar surface color pattern not similar to a rabbit?\nHere, the similarity between rabbit and the lunar surface pattern was evaluated\nusing seven AI architectures. In the test by CLIP, assuming that people look at\nthe Moon in the early evening frequently, the lunar surface is more similar to\na rabbit than a face at low latitude regions, while it can be classified as\nface as latitude increases, which is consistent with that the oldest literature\nabout the Moon rabbit was written in India and that there is a culture of\nhuman's face in the Moon in Europe. Tested with ImageNet weights, ConvNeXt and\nCLIP sometimes classified the lunar surface pattern into rabbit with relatively\nhigh probabilities. Cultures are generated by our attitude to the environment.\nBoth dynamic and static similarities may be required to induce our imagination.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:05:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shoji","Daigo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11108","submitter":"Jason Lynch","authors":"Surendra B. Anantharaman, Jason Lynch, Mariya Aleksich, Christopher E.\n Stevens, Christopher Munley, Bongjun Choi, Sridhar Shenoy, Thomas Darlington,\n Arka Majumdar, P. James Shuck, Joshua Hendrickson, J. Nathan Hohman, Deep\n Jariwala","title":"Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling in 2D Metal-Chalcogenates","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Hybridization of excitons with photons to form hybrid quasiparticles,\nexciton-polaritons (EPs), has been widely investigated in a range of\nsemiconductor material systems coupled to photonic cavities. Self-hybridization\noccurs when the semiconductor itself can serve as the photonic cavity medium\nresulting in strongly-coupled EPs with Rabi splitting energies > 200 meV at\nroom temperatures which recently were observed in layered two-dimensional (2D)\nexcitonic materials. Here, we report an extreme version of this phenomenon, an\nultrastrong EP coupling, in a nascent, 2D excitonic system, the metal organic\nchalcogenate (MOCHA) compound named mithrene. The resulting self-hybridized EPs\nin mithrene crystals placed on Au substrates show Rabi Splitting in the\nultrastrong coupling range (> 600 meV) due to the strong oscillator strength of\nthe excitons concurrent with the large refractive indices of mithrene. We\nfurther show bright EP emission at room temperature as well as EP dispersions\nat low-temperatures. Importantly, we find lower EP emission linewidth narrowing\nto ~1 nm when mithrene crystals are placed in closed Fabry-Perot cavities. Our\nresults suggest that MOCHA materials are ideal for polaritonics in the deep\ngreen-blue part of the spectrum where strong excitonic materials with large\noptical constants are notably scarce.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:05:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Anantharaman","Surendra B.",""],["Lynch","Jason",""],["Aleksich","Mariya",""],["Stevens","Christopher E.",""],["Munley","Christopher",""],["Choi","Bongjun",""],["Shenoy","Sridhar",""],["Darlington","Thomas",""],["Majumdar","Arka",""],["Shuck","P. James",""],["Hendrickson","Joshua",""],["Hohman","J. Nathan",""],["Jariwala","Deep",""]]} {"id":"2308.11109","submitter":"Maher Boudabra","authors":"Maher Boudabra, Binghao Wu","title":"A note on a deterministic property to obtain the long run behavior of\n the range of a stochastic process","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A Brownian motion with drift is simply a process $V^{\\eta}_t$ of the form\n$V^{\\eta}_t=B_{t}+\\eta t$ where $B_{t}$ is a standard Brownian motion and\n$\\eta>0$ \\footnote{The case $\\eta<0$ is deducible by remarking\n$V^{-\\eta}(t)=-V^{\\eta}(t)$.} In \\cite{tanre2006range}, the authors considered\nthe drifted Brownian motion and studied the statistics of some related\nsequences defined by certain stopping times. In particular, they provided the\nlaw of the range $R_{t}(V^{\\eta})$ of $V^{\\eta}$ as well as its first range\nprocess $\\theta_{V^{\\eta}}(a)$. In particular, they investigated the asymptotic\ncomportment of $R_{t}(V^{\\eta})$ and $\\theta_{V^{\\eta}}(a)$. They proved that\nif $V_{t}^{\\eta}$ is a Brownian motion with a positive drift $\\eta$ then its\nrange $R_{t}(V^{\\eta})=\\sup_{0\\leq s\\leq t}V_{t}^{\\eta}-\\inf_{0\\leq s\\leq\nt}V_{t}^{\\eta}$ is asymptotically equivalent to $\\eta t$. In other words\n \\begin{equation}\n\\frac{R_{t}(V^{\\eta})}{t}\\overset{a.e}{\\underset{t\\rightarrow\\infty}{\\longrightarrow}}\\eta.\\label{range}\n\\end{equation} In this paper, we show that (\\ref{range}) follows from a\nstriking deterministic property. More precisely, we show that the long run\nbehavior of the range of a deterministic continuous function is obtainable\nstraightaway from that of the function itself. Our result can be deemed as the\ncontinuous version of a similar one appeared in \\cite{mgrw}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:10:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Boudabra","Maher",""],["Wu","Binghao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11110","submitter":"Natasha Fernandes","authors":"M\\'ario S. Alvim, Natasha Fernandes, Annabelle McIver, Carroll Morgan\n and Gabriel H. Nunes","title":"A novel analysis of utility in privacy pipelines, using Kronecker\n products and quantitative information flow","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We combine Kronecker products, and quantitative information flow, to give a\nnovel formal analysis for the fine-grained verification of utility in complex\nprivacy pipelines. The combination explains a surprising anomaly in the\nbehaviour of utility of privacy-preserving pipelines -- that sometimes a\nreduction in privacy results also in a decrease in utility. We use the standard\nmeasure of utility for Bayesian analysis, introduced by Ghosh at al., to\nproduce tractable and rigorous proofs of the fine-grained statistical behaviour\nleading to the anomaly. More generally, we offer the prospect of\nformal-analysis tools for utility that complement extant formal analyses of\nprivacy. We demonstrate our results on a number of common privacy-preserving\ndesigns.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:22:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Alvim","M\u00e1rio S.",""],["Fernandes","Natasha",""],["McIver","Annabelle",""],["Morgan","Carroll",""],["Nunes","Gabriel H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11111","submitter":"Ru Peng","authors":"Ru Peng, Qiuyang Duan, Haobo Wang, Jiachen Ma, Yanbo Jiang, Yongjun\n Tu, Xiu Jiang, Junbo Zhao","title":"CAME: Contrastive Automated Model Evaluation","comments":"ICCV2023 main conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Automated Model Evaluation (AutoEval) framework entertains the\npossibility of evaluating a trained machine learning model without resorting to\na labeled testing set. Despite the promise and some decent results, the\nexisting AutoEval methods heavily rely on computing distribution shifts between\nthe unlabelled testing set and the training set. We believe this reliance on\nthe training set becomes another obstacle in shipping this technology to\nreal-world ML development. In this work, we propose Contrastive Automatic Model\nEvaluation (CAME), a novel AutoEval framework that is rid of involving training\nset in the loop. The core idea of CAME bases on a theoretical analysis which\nbonds the model performance with a contrastive loss. Further, with extensive\nempirical validation, we manage to set up a predictable relationship between\nthe two, simply by deducing on the unlabeled/unseen testing set. The resulting\nframework CAME establishes a new SOTA results for AutoEval by surpassing prior\nwork significantly.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:24:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Peng","Ru",""],["Duan","Qiuyang",""],["Wang","Haobo",""],["Ma","Jiachen",""],["Jiang","Yanbo",""],["Tu","Yongjun",""],["Jiang","Xiu",""],["Zhao","Junbo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11112","submitter":"Hajime Suzuki Dr","authors":"Farina Riaz, Shahab Abdulla, Hajime Suzuki, Srinjoy Ganguly, Ravinesh\n C. Deo and Susan Hopkins","title":"Development of a Novel Quantum Pre-processing Filter to Improve Image\n Classification Accuracy of Neural Network Models","comments":"13 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes a novel quantum pre-processing filter (QPF) to improve\nthe image classification accuracy of neural network (NN) models. A simple four\nqubit quantum circuit that uses Y rotation gates for encoding and two\ncontrolled NOT gates for creating correlation among the qubits is applied as a\nfeature extraction filter prior to passing data into the fully connected NN\narchitecture. By applying the QPF approach, the results show that the image\nclassification accuracy based on the MNIST (handwritten 10 digits) and the\nEMNIST (handwritten 47 class digits and letters) datasets can be improved, from\n92.5% to 95.4% and from 68.9% to 75.9%, respectively. These improvements were\nobtained without introducing extra model parameters or optimizations in the\nmachine learning process. However, tests performed on the developed QPF\napproach against a relatively complex GTSRB dataset with 43 distinct class\nreal-life traffic sign images showed a degradation in the classification\naccuracy. Considering this result, further research into the understanding and\nthe design of a more suitable quantum circuit approach for image classification\nneural networks could be explored utilizing the baseline method proposed in\nthis paper.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:27:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Riaz","Farina",""],["Abdulla","Shahab",""],["Suzuki","Hajime",""],["Ganguly","Srinjoy",""],["Deo","Ravinesh C.",""],["Hopkins","Susan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11113","submitter":"Kazumasa Fujiwara","authors":"Kazumasa Fujiwara and Vladimir Georgiev","title":"Lifespan estimates for 1d damped wave equation with zero moment initial\n data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" In this manuscript, a sharp lifespan estimate of solutions to semilinear\nclassical damped wave equation is investigated in one dimensional case when the\nFourier 0th moment of sum of initial position and speed is $0$. Especially, it\nis shown that the behavior of lifespan changes with $p=3/2$ with respect to the\nsize of the initial data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:35:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fujiwara","Kazumasa",""],["Georgiev","Vladimir",""]]} {"id":"2308.11114","submitter":"Shifan Zhao","authors":"Zhining Wei, Shifan Zhao","title":"On M\\\"obius functions from automorphic forms and a generalized Sarnak's\n conjecture","comments":"13 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we consider M\\\"obius functions associated with two types of\n$L$-functions: Rankin-Selberg $L$-functions of symmetric powers of distinct\nholomorphic cusp forms and $L$-functions of Maass cusp forms. We show that\nthese M\\\"obius functions are weakly orthogonal to bounded sequences. As a\ndirect corollary, a generalized Sarnak's conjecture holds for these two types\nof M\\\"obius functions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:38:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wei","Zhining",""],["Zhao","Shifan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11115","submitter":"Xinsheng Tan","authors":"Yu Zhang, Yan-Qing Zhu, Jianwen Xu, Wen Zheng, Dong Lan, Giandomenico\n Palumbo, Nathan Goldman, Shi-Liang Zhu, Xinsheng Tan, Z.D.Wang, Yang Yu","title":"Exploring Parity Magnetic Effects through Experimental Simulation with\n Superconducting Qubits","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" We present the successful realization of four-dimensional (4D) semimetal\nbands featuring tensor monopoles, achieved using superconducting quantum\ncircuits. Our experiment involves the creation of a highly tunable diamond\nenergy diagram with four coupled transmons, and the parametric modulation of\ntheir tunable couplers, effectively mapping momentum space to parameter space.\nThis approach enables us to establish a 4D Dirac-like Hamiltonian with fourfold\ndegenerate points. Moreover, we manipulate the energy of tensor monopoles by\nintroducing an additional pump microwave field, generating effective magnetic\nand pseudo-electric fields and simulating topological parity magnetic effects\nemerging from the parity anomaly. Utilizing non-adiabatic response methods, we\nmeasure the fractional second Chern number for a Dirac valley with a varying\nmass term, signifying a nontrivial topological phase transition connected to a\n5D Yang monopole. Our work lays the foundation for further investigations into\nhigher-dimensional topological states of matter and enriches our comprehension\nof topological phenomena.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:39:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yu",""],["Zhu","Yan-Qing",""],["Xu","Jianwen",""],["Zheng","Wen",""],["Lan","Dong",""],["Palumbo","Giandomenico",""],["Goldman","Nathan",""],["Zhu","Shi-Liang",""],["Tan","Xinsheng",""],["Wang","Z. D.",""],["Yu","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11116","submitter":"Haesoo Chung","authors":"Haesoo Chung and Nam Ik Cho","title":"LAN-HDR: Luminance-based Alignment Network for High Dynamic Range Video\n Reconstruction","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" As demands for high-quality videos continue to rise, high-resolution and\nhigh-dynamic range (HDR) imaging techniques are drawing attention. To generate\nan HDR video from low dynamic range (LDR) images, one of the critical steps is\nthe motion compensation between LDR frames, for which most existing works\nemployed the optical flow algorithm. However, these methods suffer from flow\nestimation errors when saturation or complicated motions exist. In this paper,\nwe propose an end-to-end HDR video composition framework, which aligns LDR\nframes in the feature space and then merges aligned features into an HDR frame,\nwithout relying on pixel-domain optical flow. Specifically, we propose a\nluminance-based alignment network for HDR (LAN-HDR) consisting of an alignment\nmodule and a hallucination module. The alignment module aligns a frame to the\nadjacent reference by evaluating luminance-based attention, excluding color\ninformation. The hallucination module generates sharp details, especially for\nwashed-out areas due to saturation. The aligned and hallucinated features are\nthen blended adaptively to complement each other. Finally, we merge the\nfeatures to generate a final HDR frame. In training, we adopt a temporal loss,\nin addition to frame reconstruction losses, to enhance temporal consistency and\nthus reduce flickering. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method\nperforms better or comparable to state-of-the-art methods on several\nbenchmarks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:43:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chung","Haesoo",""],["Cho","Nam Ik",""]]} {"id":"2308.11117","submitter":"Linghao Wang","authors":"Linghao Wang, Zhen Liu, Peitian Ma, Qianli Ma","title":"Meta-Stock: Task-Difficulty-Adaptive Meta-learning for Sub-new Stock\n Price Prediction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Sub-new stock price prediction, forecasting the price trends of stocks listed\nless than one year, is crucial for effective quantitative trading. While deep\nlearning methods have demonstrated effectiveness in predicting old stock\nprices, they require large training datasets unavailable for sub-new stocks. In\nthis paper, we propose Meta-Stock: a task-difficulty-adaptive meta-learning\napproach for sub-new stock price prediction. Leveraging prediction tasks\nformulated by old stocks, our meta-learning method aims to acquire the fast\ngeneralization ability that can be further adapted to sub-new stock price\nprediction tasks, thereby solving the data scarcity of sub-new stocks.\nMoreover, we enhance the meta-learning process by incorporating an adaptive\nlearning strategy sensitive to varying task difficulties. Through wavelet\ntransform, we extract high-frequency coefficients to manifest stock price\nvolatility. This allows the meta-learning model to assign gradient weights\nbased on volatility-quantified task difficulty. Extensive experiments on\ndatasets collected from three stock markets spanning twenty-two years prove\nthat our Meta-Stock significantly outperforms previous methods and manifests\nstrong applicability in real-world stock trading. Besides, we evaluate the\nreasonability of the task difficulty quantification and the effectiveness of\nthe adaptive learning strategy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:54:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Linghao",""],["Liu","Zhen",""],["Ma","Peitian",""],["Ma","Qianli",""]]} {"id":"2308.11118","submitter":"Tristram Bogart","authors":"Tristram Bogart and Daniel Felipe Cu\\'ellar","title":"An Ehrhart theoretic approach to generalized Golomb rulers","comments":"15 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A Golomb ruler is a sequence of integers whose pairwise differences, or\nequivalently pairwise sums, are all distinct. This definition has been\ngeneralized in various ways to allow for sums of h integers, or to allow up to\ng repetitions of a given sum or difference. Beck, Bogart, and Pham applied the\ntheory of inside-out polytopes of Beck and Zaslavsky to prove structural\nresults about the counting functions of Golomb rulers. We extend their approach\nto the various types of generalized Golomb rulers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:54:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bogart","Tristram",""],["Cu\u00e9llar","Daniel Felipe",""]]} {"id":"2308.11119","submitter":"Masato Tamura","authors":"Masato Tamura","title":"Random Word Data Augmentation with CLIP for Zero-Shot Anomaly Detection","comments":"Accepted to BMVC2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper presents a novel method that leverages a visual-language model,\nCLIP, as a data source for zero-shot anomaly detection. Tremendous efforts have\nbeen put towards developing anomaly detectors due to their potential industrial\napplications. Considering the difficulty in acquiring various anomalous samples\nfor training, most existing methods train models with only normal samples and\nmeasure discrepancies from the distribution of normal samples during inference,\nwhich requires training a model for each object category. The problem of this\ninefficient training requirement has been tackled by designing a CLIP-based\nanomaly detector that applies prompt-guided classification to each part of an\nimage in a sliding window manner. However, the method still suffers from the\nlabor of careful prompt ensembling with known object categories. To overcome\nthe issues above, we propose leveraging CLIP as a data source for training. Our\nmethod generates text embeddings with the text encoder in CLIP with typical\nprompts that include words of normal and anomaly. In addition to these words,\nwe insert several randomly generated words into prompts, which enables the\nencoder to generate a diverse set of normal and anomalous samples. Using the\ngenerated embeddings as training data, a feed-forward neural network learns to\nextract features of normal and anomaly from CLIP's embeddings, and as a result,\na category-agnostic anomaly detector can be obtained without any training\nimages. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves\nstate-of-the-art performance without laborious prompt ensembling in zero-shot\nsetups.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:55:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tamura","Masato",""]]} {"id":"2308.11120","submitter":"Tariq Syed","authors":"Tariq Syed","title":"Some remarks on Spin orbits of unit vectors","comments":"16 pages; comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.AC math.KT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and a commutative ring $R$ with $2 \\in R^{\\times}$,\nthe group $SL_n (R)$ acts on the set $Um_n (R)$ of unimodular vectors of length\n$n$ and $Spin_{2n}(R)$ acts on the set of unit vectors $U_{2n-1}(R)$. We give\nan example of a ring for which the comparison map $Um_n (R)/SL_n (R)\n\\rightarrow U_{2n-1}(R)/Spin_{2n}(R)$ fails to be bijective.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:55:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Syed","Tariq",""]]} {"id":"2308.11121","submitter":"Yuanhang Liu","authors":"Yuanhang Liu, Weijia Wu, Donghui Yang, Jie Zhong","title":"Observability inequalities for the backward stochastic evolution\n equations and their applications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The present article delves into the investigation of observability\ninequalities pertaining to backward stochastic evolution equations. We employ a\ncombination of spectral inequalities, interpolation inequalities, and the\ntelegraph series method as our primary tools to directly establish\nobservability inequalities. Furthermore, we explore three specific equations as\napplication examples: a stochastic degenerate equation, a stochastic fourth\norder parabolic equation and a stochastic heat equation. It is noteworthy that\nthese equations can be rendered null controllability with only one control in\nthe drift term to each system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:55:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Yuanhang",""],["Wu","Weijia",""],["Yang","Donghui",""],["Zhong","Jie",""]]} {"id":"2308.11122","submitter":"Yu Fu","authors":"Yu Fu","title":"Families of isogenous elliptic curves ordered by height","comments":"21 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Given a family of products of elliptic curves over a rational curve over a\nnumber field $K$, we give a bound for the number of special fibers of height at\nmost $B$ such that the two factors are isogenous. We prove an upper bound that\ndepends on $K$, the family, and the height $B$. Moreover, if we slightly change\nthe definition of the height of the parametrizing family, we prove a uniform\nbound that depends only on the degree of the family, $K$, and the height $B$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 01:57:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fu","Yu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11123","submitter":"Luke Ditria","authors":"Luke Ditria, Tom Drummond","title":"Hey That's Mine Imperceptible Watermarks are Preserved in Diffusion\n Generated Outputs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.MM cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Generative models have seen an explosion in popularity with the release of\nhuge generative Diffusion models like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion to the\npublic. Because of this new ease of access, questions surrounding the automated\ncollection of data and issues regarding content ownership have started to\nbuild. In this paper we present new work which aims to provide ways of\nprotecting content when shared to the public. We show that a generative\nDiffusion model trained on data that has been imperceptibly watermarked will\ngenerate new images with these watermarks present. We further show that if a\ngiven watermark is correlated with a certain feature of the training data, the\ngenerated images will also have this correlation. Using statistical tests we\nshow that we are able to determine whether a model has been trained on marked\ndata, and what data was marked. As a result our system offers a solution to\nprotect intellectual property when sharing content online.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:06:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ditria","Luke",""],["Drummond","Tom",""]]} {"id":"2308.11124","submitter":"Pieter van Goor","authors":"Pieter van Goor, Tarek Hamel, Robert Mahony","title":"Constructive Equivariant Observer Design for Inertial Navigation","comments":"10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of IFAC World Congress\n 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) are algorithms that fuse inertial\nmeasurements of angular velocity and specific acceleration with supplementary\nsensors including GNSS and magnetometers to estimate the position, velocity and\nattitude, or extended pose, of a vehicle. The industry-standard extended Kalman\nfilter (EKF) does not come with strong stability or robustness guarantees and\ncan be subject to catastrophic failure. This paper exploits a Lie group\nsymmetry of the INS dynamics to propose the first nonlinear observer for INS\nwith error dynamics that are almost-globally asymptotically and locally\nexponentially stable, independently of the chosen gains. The observer is aided\nonly by a GNSS measurement of position. As expected, the convergence guarantee\ndepends on persistence of excitation of the vehicle's specific acceleration in\nthe inertial frame. Simulation results demonstrate the observer's performance\nand its ability to converge from extreme errors in the initial state estimates.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:08:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["van Goor","Pieter",""],["Hamel","Tarek",""],["Mahony","Robert",""]]} {"id":"2308.11125","submitter":"Denny Oliveira","authors":"Denny M. Oliveira","title":"Interplanetary Shock Data Base","comments":"2 Figures, 2 Listings, 2 Tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.3389/fspas.2023.1240323","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.space-ph astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this manuscript, I provide an updated interplanetary shock data base I\npublished in previous works. This list has now 603 events. I also present and\ndescribe the data and methodologies used to compile this list. The main\ncontribution of this work is to provide an updated end accurate interplanetary\nshock data base for future space physics and space weather investigations. The\nlist has been uploaded to Zenodo, and a link is provided for accessing the data\nfiles. As for Frontiers requirements, the access of the list has kept to be\nrestricted during the review process. The list will be made public if/when the\nmanuscript is published.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:08:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Oliveira","Denny M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11126","submitter":"Guangyi Zhang","authors":"Guangyi Zhang, Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu","title":"Alleviating Distortion Accumulation in Multi-Hop Semantic Communication","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently, semantic communication has been investigated to boost the\nperformance of end-to-end image transmission systems. However, existing\nsemantic approaches are generally based on deep learning and belong to lossy\ntransmission. Consequently, as the receiver continues to transmit received\nimages to another device, the distortion of images accumulates with each\ntransmission. Unfortunately, most recent advances overlook this issue and only\nconsider single-hop scenarios, where images are transmitted only once from a\ntransmitter to a receiver. In this letter, we propose a novel framework of a\nmulti-hop semantic communication system. To address the problem of distortion\naccumulation, we introduce a novel recursive training method for the encoder\nand decoder of semantic communication systems. Specifically, the received\nimages are recursively input into the encoder and decoder to retrain the\nsemantic communication system. This empowers the system to handle distorted\nreceived images and achieve higher performance. Our extensive simulation\nresults demonstrate that the proposed methods significantly alleviate\ndistortion accumulation in multi-hop semantic communication.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:12:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Guangyi",""],["Hu","Qiyu",""],["Cai","Yunlong",""],["Yu","Guanding",""]]} {"id":"2308.11127","submitter":"Xuheng Cai","authors":"Xuheng Cai, Lianghao Xia, Xubin Ren, Chao Huang","title":"How Expressive are Graph Neural Networks in Recommendation?","comments":"32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge\n Management (CIKM) 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.LG cs.SI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated superior performance on\nvarious graph learning tasks, including recommendation, where they leverage\nuser-item collaborative filtering signals in graphs. However, theoretical\nformulations of their capability are scarce, despite their empirical\neffectiveness in state-of-the-art recommender models. Recently, research has\nexplored the expressiveness of GNNs in general, demonstrating that message\npassing GNNs are at most as powerful as the Weisfeiler-Lehman test, and that\nGNNs combined with random node initialization are universal. Nevertheless, the\nconcept of \"expressiveness\" for GNNs remains vaguely defined. Most existing\nworks adopt the graph isomorphism test as the metric of expressiveness, but\nthis graph-level task may not effectively assess a model's ability in\nrecommendation, where the objective is to distinguish nodes of different\ncloseness. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis of\nthe expressiveness of GNNs in recommendation, considering three levels of\nexpressiveness metrics: graph isomorphism (graph-level), node automorphism\n(node-level), and topological closeness (link-level). We propose the\ntopological closeness metric to evaluate GNNs' ability to capture the\nstructural distance between nodes, which aligns closely with the objective of\nrecommendation. To validate the effectiveness of this new metric in evaluating\nrecommendation performance, we introduce a learning-less GNN algorithm that is\noptimal on the new metric and can be optimal on the node-level metric with\nsuitable modification. We conduct extensive experiments comparing the proposed\nalgorithm against various types of state-of-the-art GNN models to explore the\nexplainability of the new metric in the recommendation task. For\nreproducibility, implementation codes are available at\nhttps://github.com/HKUDS/GTE.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:17:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Cai","Xuheng",""],["Xia","Lianghao",""],["Ren","Xubin",""],["Huang","Chao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11128","submitter":"Daniel Cornejo","authors":"John C. Mantilla, Luiz C. C. M. Nagamine, Daniel Cornejo, Renato\n Cohen, Wesley de Oliveira, Paulo Souza, Sebasti\\~ao W. da Silva, Fermin F.H.\n Arag\\'on, Pedro L. Gastelois, Paulo C. Morais, Jos\\'e A.H. Coaquira","title":"Structural, morphological, and magnetic characterizations of\n (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanocrystals: A comprehensive stoichiometric determination","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Iron manganese trioxide (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanocrystals were synthesized by the\nsol-gel method. The 80 K Mossbauer spectrum was well-fitted using two doublets\nrepresenting the 8b and 24d crystallographic sites of the (FexMn1-x)2O3 phase\nand two weak extra sextets which were attributed to crystalline and amorphous\nhematite. Our findings showed formation of a bixbyite primary phase. The Raman\nspectrum exhibits six Raman active modes, typical of (Fe,Mn)2O3, and two extra\nRaman modes associated with the secondary hematite phase. X-ray photoelectron\nspectroscopy analysis confirmed the presence of oxygen vacancy onto the\n(FexMn1-x)2O3 particle surface, with varying oxidation states. X-band magnetic\nresonance data revealed a single broad resonance line in the whole temperature\nrange (3.8 K - 300 K). The temperature dependence of both resonance field and\nresonance linewidth shows a remarkable change in the range of 40 - 50 K, herein\ncredited to surface spin glass behavior. The model picture used assumes\n(FexMn1-x)2O3 nanoparticles with a core-shell structure. Results indicate that\nbelow about 50 K the spin system of shell reveals a paramagnetic to spin\nglass-like transition upon cooling, with a critical temperature estimated at 43\nK. In the higher temperature range, the superparamagnetic hematite (secondary)\nphase contributes remarkably to the temperature dependence of the resonance\nlinewidth. Zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and fieldcooled (FC) data show strong\nirreversibility and a peak in the ZFC curve at 33 K, attributed to a\nparamagnetic-ferrimagnetic transition of the main phase. Hysteresis curve at 5\nK shows a low coercive field of 4 kOe, with the magnetization not reaching\nsaturation at 70 kOe, suggesting the occurrence of a ferrimagnetic core with a\nmagnetic disorder at surface, characteristic of core-shell spin-glass-like\nbehavior.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:17:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mantilla","John C.",""],["Nagamine","Luiz C. C. M.",""],["Cornejo","Daniel",""],["Cohen","Renato",""],["de Oliveira","Wesley",""],["Souza","Paulo",""],["da Silva","Sebasti\u00e3o W.",""],["Arag\u00f3n","Fermin F. H.",""],["Gastelois","Pedro L.",""],["Morais","Paulo C.",""],["Coaquira","Jos\u00e9 A. H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11129","submitter":"Yuankai Luo","authors":"Yuankai Luo","title":"Transformers for Capturing Multi-level Graph Structure using\n Hierarchical Distances","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.SI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Graph transformers need strong inductive biases to derive meaningful\nattention scores. Yet, current proposals rarely address methods capturing\nlonger ranges, hierarchical structures, or community structures, as they appear\nin various graphs such as molecules, social networks, and citation networks. In\nthis paper, we propose a hierarchy-distance structural encoding (HDSE), which\nmodels a hierarchical distance between the nodes in a graph focusing on its\nmulti-level, hierarchical nature. In particular, this yields a framework which\ncan be flexibly integrated with existing graph transformers, allowing for\nsimultaneous application with other positional representations. Through\nextensive experiments on 12 real-world datasets, we demonstrate that our HDSE\nmethod successfully enhances various types of baseline transformers, achieving\nstate-of-the-art empirical performances on 10 benchmark datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:22:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Luo","Yuankai",""]]} {"id":"2308.11130","submitter":"Yushuang Wu","authors":"Yushuang Wu, Xiao Li, Jinglu Wang, Xiaoguang Han, Shuguang Cui, Yan Lu","title":"Efficient View Synthesis with Neural Radiance Distribution Field","comments":"Accepted by ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent work on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has demonstrated significant\nadvances in high-quality view synthesis. A major limitation of NeRF is its low\nrendering efficiency due to the need for multiple network forwardings to render\na single pixel. Existing methods to improve NeRF either reduce the number of\nrequired samples or optimize the implementation to accelerate the network\nforwarding. Despite these efforts, the problem of multiple sampling persists\ndue to the intrinsic representation of radiance fields. In contrast, Neural\nLight Fields (NeLF) reduce the computation cost of NeRF by querying only one\nsingle network forwarding per pixel. To achieve a close visual quality to NeRF,\nexisting NeLF methods require significantly larger network capacities which\nlimits their rendering efficiency in practice. In this work, we propose a new\nrepresentation called Neural Radiance Distribution Field (NeRDF) that targets\nefficient view synthesis in real-time. Specifically, we use a small network\nsimilar to NeRF while preserving the rendering speed with a single network\nforwarding per pixel as in NeLF. The key is to model the radiance distribution\nalong each ray with frequency basis and predict frequency weights using the\nnetwork. Pixel values are then computed via volume rendering on radiance\ndistributions. Experiments show that our proposed method offers a better\ntrade-off among speed, quality, and network size than existing methods: we\nachieve a ~254x speed-up over NeRF with similar network size, with only a\nmarginal performance decline. Our project page is at\nyushuang-wu.github.io/NeRDF.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:23:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Yushuang",""],["Li","Xiao",""],["Wang","Jinglu",""],["Han","Xiaoguang",""],["Cui","Shuguang",""],["Lu","Yan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11131","submitter":"Jianghao Lin","authors":"Jianghao Lin, Rong Shan, Chenxu Zhu, Kounianhua Du, Bo Chen, Shigang\n Quan, Ruiming Tang, Yong Yu, Weinan Zhang","title":"ReLLa: Retrieval-enhanced Large Language Models for Lifelong Sequential\n Behavior Comprehension in Recommendation","comments":"Under Review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" With large language models (LLMs) achieving remarkable breakthroughs in\nnatural language processing (NLP) domains, LLM-enhanced recommender systems\nhave received much attention and have been actively explored currently. In this\npaper, we focus on adapting and empowering a pure large language model for\nzero-shot and few-shot recommendation tasks. First and foremost, we identify\nand formulate the lifelong sequential behavior incomprehension problem for LLMs\nin recommendation domains, i.e., LLMs fail to extract useful information from a\ntextual context of long user behavior sequence, even if the length of context\nis far from reaching the context limitation of LLMs. To address such an issue\nand improve the recommendation performance of LLMs, we propose a novel\nframework, namely Retrieval-enhanced Large Language models (ReLLa) for\nrecommendation tasks in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. For zero-shot\nrecommendation, we perform semantic user behavior retrieval (SUBR) to improve\nthe data quality of testing samples, which greatly reduces the difficulty for\nLLMs to extract the essential knowledge from user behavior sequences. As for\nfew-shot recommendation, we further design retrieval-enhanced instruction\ntuning (ReiT) by adopting SUBR as a data augmentation technique for training\nsamples. Specifically, we develop a mixed training dataset consisting of both\nthe original data samples and their retrieval-enhanced counterparts. We conduct\nextensive experiments on a real-world public dataset (i.e., MovieLens-1M) to\ndemonstrate the superiority of ReLLa compared with existing baseline models, as\nwell as its capability for lifelong sequential behavior comprehension.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:25:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Jianghao",""],["Shan","Rong",""],["Zhu","Chenxu",""],["Du","Kounianhua",""],["Chen","Bo",""],["Quan","Shigang",""],["Tang","Ruiming",""],["Yu","Yong",""],["Zhang","Weinan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11132","submitter":"Yu Fu","authors":"Yu Fu","title":"Isogeny classes of non-simple abelian surfaces over finite fields","comments":"19 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $A=E \\times E_{ss}$ be an abelian surface over a finite field\n$\\mathbb{F}_{q}$, where $E$ is an ordinary elliptic curve and $E_{ss}$ is a\nsupersingular elliptic curve. We give a lower bound on the size of isomorphism\nclasses of principally polarized abelian surfaces defined over\n$\\mathbb{F}_{q^{n}}$ that are $\\overline{\\mathbb{F}}_{q}$-isogenous to $A$ by\nstudying classification of certain kind of finite group schemes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:26:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fu","Yu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11133","submitter":"Daniel Sevcovic","authors":"Daniel Sevcovic, Cyril Izuchukwu Udeani","title":"Learning the solution operator of a nonlinear parabolic equation using\n physics informed deep operator network","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This study focuses on addressing the challenges of solving analytically\nintractable differential equations that arise in scientific and engineering\nfields such as Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman. Traditional numerical methods and\nneural network approaches for solving such equations often require independent\nsimulation or retraining when the underlying parameters change. To overcome\nthis, this study employs a physics-informed DeepONet (PI-DeepONet) to\napproximate the solution operator of a nonlinear parabolic equation.\nPI-DeepONet integrates known physics into a deep neural network, which learns\nthe solution of the PDE.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:27:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sevcovic","Daniel",""],["Udeani","Cyril Izuchukwu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11134","submitter":"Francois Golse","authors":"Fran\\c{c}ois Golse","title":"Quantum Optimal Transport: Quantum Couplings and Many-Body Problems","comments":"81 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This text is a set of lecture notes for a 4.5-hour course given at the\nErd\\\"os Center (R\\'enyi Institute, Budapest) during the Summer School \"Optimal\nTransport on Quantum Structures\" (September 19th-23rd, 2023). Lecture I\nintroduces the quantum analogue of the Wasserstein distance of exponent $2$\ndefined in [F. Golse, C. Mouhot, T. Paul: Comm. Math. Phys. 343 (2016),\n165-205], and in [F. Golse, T. Paul: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 223 (2017)\n57-94]. Lecture II discusses various applications of this quantum analogue of\nthe Wasserstein distance of exponent $2$, while Lecture III discusses several\nof its most important properties, such as the triangle inequality, and the\nKantorovich duality in the quantum setting, together with some of their\nimplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:28:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Golse","Fran\u00e7ois",""]]} {"id":"2308.11135","submitter":"Hiroshi Okamoto","authors":"Hiroshi Okamoto, Iku Yoshimoto, Sota Kato, Budrul Ahsan, Shuji\n Shinohara","title":"Testing the Power-Law Hypothesis of the Inter-Conflict Interval","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The severity of war, measured by battle deaths, follows a power-law\ndistribution. Here, we demonstrate that power law also holds in the temporal\naspects of interstate conflicts. A critical quantity is the inter-conflict\ninterval (ICI), the interval between the end of a conflict in a dyad and the\nstart of the subsequent conflict in the same dyad. Using elaborate statistical\ntests, we confirmed that the ICI samples compiled from the history of\ninterstate conflicts from 1816 to 2014 followed a power-law distribution. We\npropose an information-theoretic model to account for the power-law properties\nof ICIs. The model predicts that a series of ICIs in each dyad is independently\ngenerated from an identical power-law distribution. This was confirmed by\nstatistical examination of the autocorrelation of the ICI series. Our findings\nhelp us understand the nature of wars between normal states, the significance\nof which has increased since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:31:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Okamoto","Hiroshi",""],["Yoshimoto","Iku",""],["Kato","Sota",""],["Ahsan","Budrul",""],["Shinohara","Shuji",""]]} {"id":"2308.11136","submitter":"Simiao Zhang","authors":"Jitao Bai, Simiao Zhang, Zhonghao Chen","title":"Is There Any Social Principle for LLM-Based Agents?","comments":"3 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY cs.AI cs.SI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Focus on Large Language Model based agents should involve more than\n\"human-centered\" alignment or application. We argue that more attention should\nbe paid to the agent itself and discuss the potential of social sciences for\nagents.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:32:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bai","Jitao",""],["Zhang","Simiao",""],["Chen","Zhonghao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11137","submitter":"Hojoon Lee","authors":"Hojoon Lee, Dongyoon Hwang, Kyushik Min, Jaegul Choo","title":"Towards Validating Long-Term User Feedbacks in Interactive\n Recommendation Systems","comments":"Accepted to SIGIR'22","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3477495.3531869","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Interactive Recommender Systems (IRSs) have attracted a lot of attention, due\nto their ability to model interactive processes between users and recommender\nsystems. Numerous approaches have adopted Reinforcement Learning (RL)\nalgorithms, as these can directly maximize users' cumulative rewards. In IRS,\nresearchers commonly utilize publicly available review datasets to compare and\nevaluate algorithms. However, user feedback provided in public datasets merely\nincludes instant responses (e.g., a rating), with no inclusion of delayed\nresponses (e.g., the dwell time and the lifetime value). Thus, the question\nremains whether these review datasets are an appropriate choice to evaluate the\nlong-term effects of the IRS. In this work, we revisited experiments on IRS\nwith review datasets and compared RL-based models with a simple reward model\nthat greedily recommends the item with the highest one-step reward. Following\nextensive analysis, we can reveal three main findings: First, a simple greedy\nreward model consistently outperforms RL-based models in maximizing cumulative\nrewards. Second, applying higher weighting to long-term rewards leads to a\ndegradation of recommendation performance. Third, user feedbacks have mere\nlong-term effects on the benchmark datasets. Based on our findings, we conclude\nthat a dataset has to be carefully verified and that a simple greedy baseline\nshould be included for a proper evaluation of RL-based IRS approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:34:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Hojoon",""],["Hwang","Dongyoon",""],["Min","Kyushik",""],["Choo","Jaegul",""]]} {"id":"2308.11138","submitter":"Chen Yang","authors":"Peiheng Gao, Ning Sun, Xuefeng Wang, Chen Yang, Ri\\v{c}ardas Zitikis","title":"NLP-based detection of systematic anomalies among the narratives of\n consumer complaints","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME cs.CL q-fin.RM stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We develop an NLP-based procedure for detecting systematic nonmeritorious\nconsumer complaints, simply called systematic anomalies, among complaint\nnarratives. While classification algorithms are used to detect pronounced\nanomalies, in the case of smaller and frequent systematic anomalies, the\nalgorithms may falter due to a variety of reasons, including technical ones as\nwell as natural limitations of human analysts. Therefore, as the next step\nafter classification, we convert the complaint narratives into quantitative\ndata, which are then analyzed using an algorithm for detecting systematic\nanomalies. We illustrate the entire procedure using complaint narratives from\nthe Consumer Complaint Database of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:39:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Peiheng",""],["Sun","Ning",""],["Wang","Xuefeng",""],["Yang","Chen",""],["Zitikis","Ri\u010dardas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11139","submitter":"Yan Li","authors":"Yan Li, Alexander Shapiro","title":"Rectangularity and duality of distributionally robust Markov Decision\n Processes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The main goal of this paper is to discuss several approaches to formulation\nof distributionally robust counterparts of Markov Decision Processes, where the\ntransition kernels are not specified exactly but rather are assumed to be\nelements of the corresponding ambiguity sets. The intent is to clarify some\nconnections between the game and static formulations of distributionally robust\nMDPs, and delineate the role of rectangularity associated with ambiguity sets\nin determining these connections.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:41:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yan",""],["Shapiro","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.11140","submitter":"Haesoo Chung","authors":"Haesoo Chung and Nam Ik Cho","title":"High Dynamic Range Imaging of Dynamic Scenes with Saturation\n Compensation but without Explicit Motion Compensation","comments":"WACV 2022","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" High dynamic range (HDR) imaging is a highly challenging task since a large\namount of information is lost due to the limitations of camera sensors. For HDR\nimaging, some methods capture multiple low dynamic range (LDR) images with\naltering exposures to aggregate more information. However, these approaches\nintroduce ghosting artifacts when significant inter-frame motions are present.\nMoreover, although multi-exposure images are given, we have little information\nin severely over-exposed areas. Most existing methods focus on motion\ncompensation, i.e., alignment of multiple LDR shots to reduce the ghosting\nartifacts, but they still produce unsatisfying results. These methods also\nrather overlook the need to restore the saturated areas. In this paper, we\ngenerate well-aligned multi-exposure features by reformulating a motion\nalignment problem into a simple brightness adjustment problem. In addition, we\npropose a coarse-to-fine merging strategy with explicit saturation\ncompensation. The saturated areas are reconstructed with similar well-exposed\ncontent using adaptive contextual attention. We demonstrate that our method\noutperforms the state-of-the-art methods regarding qualitative and quantitative\nevaluations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:44:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chung","Haesoo",""],["Cho","Nam Ik",""]]} {"id":"2308.11141","submitter":"Takao Morinari","authors":"Takao Morinari","title":"Time-reversal symmetry-breaking flux state in an organic Dirac fermion\n system","comments":"6 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate symmetry breaking in the Dirac fermion phase of the organic\ncompound $\\alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ under pressure, where BEDT-TTF denotes\nbis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene. The exchange interaction resulting from\ninter-molecule Coulomb repulsion leads to broken time-reversal symmetry and\nparticle-hole symmetry while preserving translational symmetry. The system\nbreaks time-reversal symmetry by creating fluxes in the unit cell. This\nsymmetry-broken state exhibits a large Nernst signal as well as thermopower. We\ncompute the Nernst signal and thermopower, demonstrating their consistency with\nexperimental results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:50:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Morinari","Takao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11142","submitter":"Haotian Xia","authors":"Rhys Tracy, Haotian Xia, Alex Rasla, Yuan-Fang Wang, Ambuj Singh","title":"Graph Encoding and Neural Network Approaches for Volleyball Analytics:\n From Game Outcome to Individual Play Predictions","comments":"This paper is an extended version of the one accepted at the KDD 2023\n Workshop on Data Science and AI for Sports (DSAI4Sports), entitled\n 'RallyGraph: Specialized Graph Encoding for Enhanced Volleyball'","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This research aims to improve the accuracy of complex volleyball predictions\nand provide more meaningful insights to coaches and players. We introduce a\nspecialized graph encoding technique to add additional contact-by-contact\nvolleyball context to an already available volleyball dataset without any\nadditional data gathering. We demonstrate the potential benefits of using graph\nneural networks (GNNs) on this enriched dataset for three different volleyball\nprediction tasks: rally outcome prediction, set location prediction, and hit\ntype prediction. We compare the performance of our graph-based models to\nbaseline models and analyze the results to better understand the underlying\nrelationships in a volleyball rally. Our results show that the use of GNNs with\nour graph encoding yields a much more advanced analysis of the data, which\nnoticeably improves prediction results overall. We also show that these\nbaseline tasks can be significantly improved with simple adjustments, such as\nremoving blocked hits. Lastly, we demonstrate the importance of choosing a\nmodel architecture that will better extract the important information for a\ncertain task. Overall, our study showcases the potential strengths and\nweaknesses of using graph encodings in sports data analytics and hopefully will\ninspire future improvements in machine learning strategies across sports and\napplications by using graphbased encodings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:51:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tracy","Rhys",""],["Xia","Haotian",""],["Rasla","Alex",""],["Wang","Yuan-Fang",""],["Singh","Ambuj",""]]} {"id":"2308.11143","submitter":"Chao Zhuang","authors":"Chao Zhuang, Kosuke Minami, Kota Shiba, Genki Yoshikawa","title":"Tailoring Stresses in Piezoresistive Microcantilevers for Enhanced\n Surface Stress Sensing: Insights from Topology Optimization","comments":"18 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In assessing piezoresistive microcantilever sensitivity for surface stress\nsensing, the key is its capacity to translate surface stress into changes in\nresistance. This change hinges on the interplay between stresses and\npiezoresistivity. Traditional optimization has been constrained by rudimentary\n1D models, overlooking potentially superior designs. Addressing this, we\nemployed topology optimization to optimize Si(100) microcantilevers with a\np-type piezoresistor. This led to optimized designs with up to 30% enhanced\nsensitivity over conventional designs. A recurrent \"double-cantilever\"\nconfiguration emerged, which optimizes longitudinal stress and reduces\ntransverse stress at the piezoresistor, resulting in enhanced sensitivity. We\ndeveloped a simplified model to analyze stress distributions in these designs.\nBy adjusting geometrical features in this model, we identified ideal parameter\ncombinations for optimal stress distribution. Contrary to conventional designs\nfavoring short cantilevers, our findings redefine efficient surface stress\nsensing, paving the way for innovative sensor designs beyond the conventional\nrectangular cantilevers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:52:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhuang","Chao",""],["Minami","Kosuke",""],["Shiba","Kota",""],["Yoshikawa","Genki",""]]} {"id":"2308.11144","submitter":"Pingyi Chen","authors":"Pingyi Chen, Chenglu Zhu, Zhongyi Shui, Jiatong Cai, Sunyi Zheng,\n Shichuan Zhang, Lin Yang","title":"Exploring Unsupervised Cell Recognition with Prior Self-activation Maps","comments":"MICCAI 2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:2210.07862","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The success of supervised deep learning models on cell recognition tasks\nrelies on detailed annotations. Many previous works have managed to reduce the\ndependency on labels. However, considering the large number of cells contained\nin a patch, costly and inefficient labeling is still inevitable. To this end,\nwe explored label-free methods for cell recognition. Prior self-activation maps\n(PSM) are proposed to generate pseudo masks as training targets. To be\nspecific, an activation network is trained with self-supervised learning. The\ngradient information in the shallow layers of the network is aggregated to\ngenerate prior self-activation maps. Afterward, a semantic clustering module is\nthen introduced as a pipeline to transform PSMs to pixel-level semantic pseudo\nmasks for downstream tasks. We evaluated our method on two histological\ndatasets: MoNuSeg (cell segmentation) and BCData (multi-class cell detection).\nCompared with other fully-supervised and weakly-supervised methods, our method\ncan achieve competitive performance without any manual annotations. Our simple\nbut effective framework can also achieve multi-class cell detection which can\nnot be done by existing unsupervised methods. The results show the potential of\nPSMs that might inspire other research to deal with the hunger for labels in\nmedical area.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:54:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Pingyi",""],["Zhu","Chenglu",""],["Shui","Zhongyi",""],["Cai","Jiatong",""],["Zheng","Sunyi",""],["Zhang","Shichuan",""],["Yang","Lin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11145","submitter":"Sho Ejiri","authors":"Sho Ejiri","title":"Splitting of algebraic fiber spaces with nef relative anti-canonical\n divisor and decomposition of $F$-split varieties","comments":"46 pages, v2: Theorems 1.7 and 7.9 and Corollaries 1.13 and 7.16\n added. Typos corrected","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we prove that an algebraic fiber space $f:X\\to Y$ over a\nperfect field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ with nef relative anti-canonical\ndivisor $-K_{X/Y}$ splits into the product after taking the base change along a\nfinite cover of $Y$, if the geometric generic fiber has mild singularities and\nif one of the following conditions holds: (i) $k\\subseteq\\overline{\\mathbb\nF_p}$; (ii) $\\pi^{et}(Y)$ is finite; (iii) $-K_X$ is semi-ample and $Y$ is an\nabelian variety. As its application, we generalize Patakfalvi and Zdanowicz's\nBeauville-Bogomolov decomposition in positive characteristic to the case when\nthe anti-canonical divisor is numerically equivalent to a semi-ample divisor,\nwhich is applied to study the abundance conjecture in a new case and the\nfundamental group of an $F$-split variety with semi-ample anti-canonical\ndivisor. We also show that a variety over a finite field with nef\nanti-canonical divisor satisfying some conditions has a rational point.\nFurthermore, to show the splitting theorem, we generalize partially Popa and\nSchnell's global generation theorem and Viehweg's weak positivity theorem to\nthe case of generalized pairs in positive characteristic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:58:51 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 23:49:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Ejiri","Sho",""]]} {"id":"2308.11146","submitter":"Adrian Dumitrescu","authors":"Adrian Dumitrescu and Andrzej Lingas","title":"Finding Small Complete Subgraphs Efficiently","comments":"14 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:2105.01265","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" (I) We revisit the algorithmic problem of finding all triangles in a graph\n$G=(V,E)$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. According to a result of Chiba and\nNishizeki (1985), this task can be achieved by a combinatorial algorithm\nrunning in $O(m \\alpha) = O(m^{3/2})$ time, where $\\alpha= \\alpha(G)$ is the\ngraph arboricity. We provide a new very simple combinatorial algorithm for\nfinding all triangles in a graph and show that is amenable to the same running\ntime analysis. We derive these worst-case bounds from first principles and with\nvery simple proofs that do not rely on classic results due to Nash-Williams\nfrom the 1960s.\n (II) We extend our arguments to the problem of finding all small complete\nsubgraphs of a given fixed size. We show that the dependency on $m$ and\n$\\alpha$ in the running time $O(\\alpha^{\\ell-2} \\cdot m)$ of the algorithm of\nChiba and Nishizeki for listing all copies of $K_\\ell$, where $\\ell \\geq 3$, is\nasymptotically tight.\n (III) We give improved arboricity-sensitive running times for counting and/or\ndetection of copies of $K_\\ell$, for small $\\ell \\geq 4$. A key ingredient in\nour algorithms is, once again, the algorithm of Chiba and Nishizeki. Our new\nalgorithms are faster than all previous algorithms in certain high-range\narboricity intervals for every $\\ell \\geq 7$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:03:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Dumitrescu","Adrian",""],["Lingas","Andrzej",""]]} {"id":"2308.11147","submitter":"Eric Palmerduca","authors":"Eric Palmerduca, Hong Qin","title":"Photon topology","comments":"54 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP physics.optics physics.plasm-ph quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The topology of photons in vacuum is interesting because there are no photons\nwith $\\boldsymbol{k}=0$, creating a hole in momentum space. We show that while\nthe set of all photons forms a trivial vector bundle $\\gamma$ over this\nmomentum space, the $R$- and $L$-photons form topologically nontrivial\nsubbundles $\\gamma_\\pm$ with first Chern numbers $\\pm2$. In contrast, $\\gamma$\nhas no linearly polarized subbundles, and there is no Chern number associated\nwith linear polarizations. It is a known difficulty that the standard version\nof Wigner's little group method produces singular representations of the\nPoincar\\'{e} group for massless particles. By considering representations of\nthe Poincar\\'{e} group on vector bundles we obtain a version of Wigner's little\ngroup method for massless particles which avoids these singularities. We show\nthat any massless bundle representation of the Poincar\\'{e} group can be\ncanonically decomposed into irreducible bundle representations labeled by\nhelicity. This proves that the $R$- and $L$-photons are globally well-defined\nas particles and that the photon wave function can be uniquely split into $R$-\nand $L$-components. This formalism offers a method of quantizing the EM field\nwithout invoking discontinuous polarization vectors as in the traditional\nscheme. We also demonstrate that the spin-Chern number of photons is not a\npurely topological quantity. Lastly, there has been an extended debate on\nwhether photon angular momentum can be split into spin and orbital parts. Our\nwork explains the precise issues that prevent this splitting. Photons, as\nmassless irreducible bundle representations of the Poincar\\'{e} group, do not\nadmit a spin operator. Instead, the angular momentum associated with photons'\ninternal degree of freedom is described by a helicity-induced subalgebra, which\nis 3D and commuting, corresponding to the translational symmetry of $\\gamma$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:05:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Palmerduca","Eric",""],["Qin","Hong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11148","submitter":"Junyi Lu","authors":"Junyi Lu, Lei Yu, Xiaojia Li, Li Yang, Chun Zuo","title":"LLaMA-Reviewer: Advancing Code Review Automation with Large Language\n Models through Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (Practical Experience Report)","comments":"Accepted to the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software\n Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The automation of code review activities, a long-standing pursuit in software\nengineering, has been primarily addressed by numerous domain-specific\npre-trained models. Despite their success, these models frequently demand\nextensive resources for pre-training from scratch. In contrast, Large Language\nModels (LLMs) provide an intriguing alternative, given their remarkable\ncapabilities when supplemented with domain-specific knowledge. However, their\npotential for automating code review tasks remains largely unexplored.\n In response to this research gap, we present LLaMA-Reviewer, an innovative\nframework that leverages the capabilities of LLaMA, a popular LLM, in the realm\nof code review. Mindful of resource constraints, this framework employs\nparameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, delivering high performance\nwhile using less than 1% of trainable parameters.\n An extensive evaluation of LLaMA-Reviewer is conducted on two diverse,\npublicly available datasets. Notably, even with the smallest LLaMA base model\nconsisting of 6.7B parameters and a limited number of tuning epochs,\nLLaMA-Reviewer equals the performance of existing code-review-focused models.\n The ablation experiments provide insights into the influence of various\nfine-tuning process components, including input representation, instruction\ntuning, and different PEFT methods. To foster continuous progress in this\nfield, the code and all PEFT-weight plugins have been made open-source.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:10:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Junyi",""],["Yu","Lei",""],["Li","Xiaojia",""],["Yang","Li",""],["Zuo","Chun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11149","submitter":"Mostafa Sharifzadeh","authors":"Mostafa Sharifzadeh, Sobhan Goudarzi, An Tang, Habib Benali, and\n Hassan Rivaz","title":"Phase Aberration Correction: A Deep Learning-Based Aberration to\n Aberration Approach","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2303.05747","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" One of the primary sources of suboptimal image quality in ultrasound imaging\nis phase aberration. It is caused by spatial changes in sound speed over a\nheterogeneous medium, which disturbs the transmitted waves and prevents\ncoherent summation of echo signals. Obtaining non-aberrated ground truths in\nreal-world scenarios can be extremely challenging, if not impossible. This\nchallenge hinders training of deep learning-based techniques' performance due\nto the presence of domain shift between simulated and experimental data. Here,\nfor the first time, we propose a deep learning-based method that does not\nrequire ground truth to correct the phase aberration problem, and as such, can\nbe directly trained on real data. We train a network wherein both the input and\ntarget output are randomly aberrated radio frequency (RF) data. Moreover, we\ndemonstrate that a conventional loss function such as mean square error is\ninadequate for training such a network to achieve optimal performance. Instead,\nwe propose an adaptive mixed loss function that employs both B-mode and RF\ndata, resulting in more efficient convergence and enhanced performance.\nFinally, we publicly release our dataset, including 161,701 single plane-wave\nimages (RF data). This dataset serves to mitigate the data scarcity problem in\nthe development of deep learning-based techniques for phase aberration\ncorrection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:11:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sharifzadeh","Mostafa",""],["Goudarzi","Sobhan",""],["Tang","An",""],["Benali","Habib",""],["Rivaz","Hassan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11150","submitter":"Linjie Liu","authors":"Shijia Hua, Zitong Hui, Linjie Liu","title":"Evolution of conditional cooperation in collective-risk social dilemma\n with repeated group interactions","comments":"Accepted by Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The evolution and long-term sustenance of cooperation has consistently piqued\nscholarly interest across the disciplines of evolutionary biology and social\nsciences. Previous theoretical and experimental studies on collective risk\nsocial dilemma games have revealed that the risk of collective failure will\naffect the evolution of cooperation. In the real world individuals usually\nadjust their decisions based on environmental factors such as risk intensity\nand cooperation level. However, it is still not well understood how such\nconditional behaviors affect the evolution of cooperation in repeated group\ninteractions scenario from a theoretical perspective. Here, we construct an\nevolutionary game model with repeated interactions, in which defectors decide\nwhether to cooperate in subsequent rounds of the game based on whether the risk\nexceeds their tolerance threshold and whether the number of cooperators exceeds\nthe collective goal in the early rounds of the game. We find that the\nintroduction of conditional cooperation strategy can effectively promote the\nemergence of cooperation, especially when the risk is low. In addition, the\nrisk threshold significantly affects the evolutionary outcomes, with a high\nrisk promoting the emergence of cooperation. Importantly, when the risk of\nfailure to reach collective goals exceeds a certain threshold, the timely\ntransition from a defective strategy to a cooperative strategy by conditional\ncooperators is beneficial for maintaining high-level cooperation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:12:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hua","Shijia",""],["Hui","Zitong",""],["Liu","Linjie",""]]} {"id":"2308.11151","submitter":"Tarak Patra","authors":"Kumar Ayush, Pooja Sahu, Sk Musharaf Ali and Tarak K Patra","title":"Predicting Pair Correlation Functions of Glasses using Machine Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft physics.comp-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Glasses offer a broad range of tunable thermophysical properties that are\nlinked to their compositions. However, it is challenging to establish a\nuniversal composition-property relation of glasses due to their enormous\ncomposition and chemical space. Here, we address this problem and develop a\nmetamodel of composition-atomistic structure relation of a class of glassy\nmaterial via a machine learning (ML) approach. Within this ML framework, an\nunsupervised deep learning technique, viz. convolutional neural network (CNN)\nautoencoder, and a regression algorithm, viz. random forest (RF), are\nintegrated into a fully automated pipeline to predict the spatial distribution\nof atoms in a glass. The RF regression model predicts the pair correlation\nfunction of a glass in a latent space. Subsequently, the decoder of the CNN\nconverts the latent space representation to the actual pair correlation\nfunction of the given glass. The atomistic structures of silicate (SiO2) and\nsodium borosilicate (NBS) based glasses with varying compositions and dopants\nare collected from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to establish and\nvalidate this ML pipeline. The model is found to predict the atom pair\ncorrelation function for many unknown glasses very accurately. This method is\nvery generic and can accelerate the design, discovery, and fundamental\nunderstanding of composition-atomistic structure relations of glasses and other\nmaterials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:13:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ayush","Kumar",""],["Sahu","Pooja",""],["Ali","Sk Musharaf",""],["Patra","Tarak K",""]]} {"id":"2308.11152","submitter":"Flor Ortiz","authors":"Flor Ortiz, Nicolas Skatchkovsky, Eva Lagunas, Wallace A. Martins,\n Geoffrey Eappen, Saed Daoud, Osvaldo Simeone, Bipin Rajendran and Symeon\n Chatzinotas","title":"Energy-Efficient On-Board Radio Resource Management for Satellite\n Communications via Neuromorphic Computing","comments":"currently under review at IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in\n Communications and Networking","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.LG cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The latest satellite communication (SatCom) missions are characterized by a\nfully reconfigurable on-board software-defined payload, capable of adapting\nradio resources to the temporal and spatial variations of the system traffic.\nAs pure optimization-based solutions have shown to be computationally tedious\nand to lack flexibility, machine learning (ML)-based methods have emerged as\npromising alternatives. We investigate the application of energy-efficient\nbrain-inspired ML models for on-board radio resource management. Apart from\nsoftware simulation, we report extensive experimental results leveraging the\nrecently released Intel Loihi 2 chip. To benchmark the performance of the\nproposed model, we implement conventional convolutional neural networks (CNN)\non a Xilinx Versal VCK5000, and provide a detailed comparison of accuracy,\nprecision, recall, and energy efficiency for different traffic demands. Most\nnotably, for relevant workloads, spiking neural networks (SNNs) implemented on\nLoihi 2 yield higher accuracy, while reducing power consumption by more than\n100$\\times$ as compared to the CNN-based reference platform. Our findings point\nto the significant potential of neuromorphic computing and SNNs in supporting\non-board SatCom operations, paving the way for enhanced efficiency and\nsustainability in future SatCom systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:13:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ortiz","Flor",""],["Skatchkovsky","Nicolas",""],["Lagunas","Eva",""],["Martins","Wallace A.",""],["Eappen","Geoffrey",""],["Daoud","Saed",""],["Simeone","Osvaldo",""],["Rajendran","Bipin",""],["Chatzinotas","Symeon",""]]} {"id":"2308.11153","submitter":"Phillip Kerger","authors":"Amitabh Basu, Hongyi Jiang, Phillip Kerger, Marco Molinaro","title":"Information Complexity of Mixed-integer Convex Optimization","comments":"35 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the information complexity of mixed-integer convex\noptimization under different types of oracles. We establish new lower bounds\nfor the standard first-order oracle, improving upon the previous best known\nlower bound. This leaves only a lower order linear term (in the dimension) as\nthe gap between the lower and upper bounds. This is derived as a corollary of a\nmore fundamental ``transfer\" result that shows how lower bounds on information\ncomplexity of continuous convex optimization under different oracles can be\ntransferred to the mixed-integer setting in a black-box manner.\n Further, we (to the best of our knowledge) initiate the study of, and obtain\nthe first set of results on, information complexity under oracles that only\nreveal \\emph{partial} first-order information, e.g., where one can only make a\nbinary query over the function value or subgradient at a given point. We give\nalgorithms for (mixed-integer) convex optimization that work under these less\ninformative oracles. We also give lower bounds showing that, for some of these\noracles, every algorithm requires more iterations to achieve a target error\ncompared to when complete first-order information is available. That is, these\noracles are provably less informative than full first-order oracles for the\npurpose of optimization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:14:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Basu","Amitabh",""],["Jiang","Hongyi",""],["Kerger","Phillip",""],["Molinaro","Marco",""]]} {"id":"2308.11154","submitter":"Xiucheng Wang","authors":"Xiucheng Wang, Hongzhi Guo","title":"Mobility-Aware Computation Offloading for Swarm Robotics using Deep\n Reinforcement Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":"2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking\n Conference (CCNC)","doi":"10.1109/CCNC49032.2021.9369456","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.LG cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Swarm robotics is envisioned to automate a large number of dirty, dangerous,\nand dull tasks. Robots have limited energy, computation capability, and\ncommunication resources. Therefore, current swarm robotics have a small number\nof robots, which can only provide limited spatio-temporal information. In this\npaper, we propose to leverage the mobile edge computing to alleviate the\ncomputation burden. We develop an effective solution based on a mobility-aware\ndeep reinforcement learning model at the edge server side for computing\nscheduling and resource. Our results show that the proposed approach can meet\ndelay requirements and guarantee computation precision by using minimum robot\nenergy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:20:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Xiucheng",""],["Guo","Hongzhi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11155","submitter":"Junyu Liu","authors":"Zihan Pengmei, Yinan Shu, Junyu Liu","title":"xxMD: Benchmarking Neural Force Fields Using Extended Dynamics beyond\n Equilibrium","comments":"19 pages, many figures. Data available at\n https://github.com/zpengmei/xxMD","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI physics.chem-ph quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Neural force fields (NFFs) have gained prominence in computational chemistry\nas surrogate models, superseding quantum-chemistry calculations in ab initio\nmolecular dynamics. The prevalent benchmark for NFFs has been the MD17 dataset\nand its subsequent extension. These datasets predominantly comprise geometries\nfrom the equilibrium region of the ground electronic state potential energy\nsurface, sampling from direct adiabatic dynamics. However, many chemical\nreactions entail significant molecular deformations, notably bond breaking. We\ndemonstrate the constrained distribution of internal coordinates and energies\nin the MD17 datasets, underscoring their inadequacy for representing systems\nundergoing chemical reactions. Addressing this sampling limitation, we\nintroduce the xxMD (Extended Excited-state Molecular Dynamics) dataset, derived\nfrom non-adiabatic dynamics. This dataset encompasses energies and forces\nascertained from both multireference wave function theory and density\nfunctional theory. Furthermore, its nuclear configuration spaces authentically\ndepict chemical reactions, making xxMD a more chemically relevant dataset. Our\nre-assessment of equivariant models on the xxMD datasets reveals notably higher\nmean absolute errors than those reported for MD17 and its variants. This\nobservation underscores the challenges faced in crafting a generalizable NFF\nmodel with extrapolation capability. Our proposed xxMD-CASSCF and xxMD-DFT\ndatasets are available at https://github.com/zpengmei/xxMD.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:23:36 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 20:55:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Pengmei","Zihan",""],["Shu","Yinan",""],["Liu","Junyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11156","submitter":"Toshiyuki Kodama","authors":"Toshiyuki Kodama, Nobuaki Kikuchi, Takahiro Chiba, Satoshi Okamoto,\n Seigo Ohno, and Satoshi Tomita","title":"Observation of Current-induced Nonlinear Spin Polarization in Pt-Py\n Bilayers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We experimentally observe nonlinear spin polarization in metallic bilayers of\nplatinum and permalloy by means of spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR)\nwith the spin-Hall effects. The ST-FMR results under massive dc current\ninjection contain striking features, which are not caused by extrinsic Joule\nheating, but by intrinsic nonlinear spin polarization. The emergence of\nnonlinear spin polarization is consistent with observation of unidirectional\nspin-Hall magnetoresistance due to magnon generation/annihilation. Moreover,\nthe magnon generation (annihilation) leads to effective magnetization shrinkage\n(expansion) revealed by the ST-FMR measurements. The present study paves a way\nto spin-Hall effect based nonlinear spintronic devices as well as\n6th-generation mobile communication light sources.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:25:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kodama","Toshiyuki",""],["Kikuchi","Nobuaki",""],["Chiba","Takahiro",""],["Okamoto","Satoshi",""],["Ohno","Seigo",""],["Tomita","Satoshi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11157","submitter":"Xiaoyan Cao","authors":"Xiaoyan Cao, Yiyao Zheng, Yao Yao, Huapeng Qin, Xiaoyu Cao, Shihui Guo","title":"TOPIC: A Parallel Association Paradigm for Multi-Object Tracking under\n Complex Motions and Diverse Scenes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Video data and algorithms have been driving advances in multi-object tracking\n(MOT). While existing MOT datasets focus on occlusion and appearance\nsimilarity, complex motion patterns are widespread yet overlooked. To address\nthis issue, we introduce a new dataset called BEE23 to highlight complex\nmotions. Identity association algorithms have long been the focus of MOT\nresearch. Existing trackers can be categorized into two association paradigms:\nsingle-feature paradigm (based on either motion or appearance feature) and\nserial paradigm (one feature serves as secondary while the other is primary).\nHowever, these paradigms are incapable of fully utilizing different features.\nIn this paper, we propose a parallel paradigm and present the Two rOund\nParallel matchIng meChanism (TOPIC) to implement it. The TOPIC leverages both\nmotion and appearance features and can adaptively select the preferable one as\nthe assignment metric based on motion level. Moreover, we provide an\nAttention-based Appearance Reconstruct Module (AARM) to reconstruct appearance\nfeature embeddings, thus enhancing the representation of appearance features.\nComprehensive experiments show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art\nperformance on four public datasets and BEE23. Notably, our proposed parallel\nparadigm surpasses the performance of existing association paradigms by a large\nmargin, e.g., reducing false negatives by 12% to 51% compared to the\nsingle-feature association paradigm. The introduced dataset and association\nparadigm in this work offers a fresh perspective for advancing the MOT field.\nThe source code and dataset are available at\nhttps://github.com/holmescao/TOPICTrack.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:30:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Cao","Xiaoyan",""],["Zheng","Yiyao",""],["Yao","Yao",""],["Qin","Huapeng",""],["Cao","Xiaoyu",""],["Guo","Shihui",""]]} {"id":"2308.11158","submitter":"Liang Chen","authors":"Liang Chen, Yong Zhang, Yibing Song, Anton van den Hengel, and\n Lingqiao Liu","title":"Domain Generalization via Rationale Invariance","comments":"Accepted in ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper offers a new perspective to ease the challenge of domain\ngeneralization, which involves maintaining robust results even in unseen\nenvironments. Our design focuses on the decision-making process in the final\nclassifier layer. Specifically, we propose treating the element-wise\ncontributions to the final results as the rationale for making a decision and\nrepresenting the rationale for each sample as a matrix. For a well-generalized\nmodel, we suggest the rationale matrices for samples belonging to the same\ncategory should be similar, indicating the model relies on domain-invariant\nclues to make decisions, thereby ensuring robust results. To implement this\nidea, we introduce a rationale invariance loss as a simple regularization\ntechnique, requiring only a few lines of code. Our experiments demonstrate that\nthe proposed approach achieves competitive results across various datasets,\ndespite its simplicity. Code is available at\n\\url{https://github.com/liangchen527/RIDG}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:31:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Liang",""],["Zhang","Yong",""],["Song","Yibing",""],["Hengel","Anton van den",""],["Liu","Lingqiao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11159","submitter":"Dalong Zheng","authors":"Dalong Zheng, Zebin Wu, Jia Liu, Zhihui Wei","title":"SwinV2DNet: Pyramid and Self-Supervision Compounded Feature Learning for\n Remote Sensing Images Change Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Among the current mainstream change detection networks, transformer is\ndeficient in the ability to capture accurate low-level details, while\nconvolutional neural network (CNN) is wanting in the capacity to understand\nglobal information and establish remote spatial relationships. Meanwhile, both\nof the widely used early fusion and late fusion frameworks are not able to well\nlearn complete change features. Therefore, based on swin transformer V2 (Swin\nV2) and VGG16, we propose an end-to-end compounded dense network SwinV2DNet to\ninherit the advantages of both transformer and CNN and overcome the\nshortcomings of existing networks in feature learning. Firstly, it captures the\nchange relationship features through the densely connected Swin V2 backbone,\nand provides the low-level pre-changed and post-changed features through a CNN\nbranch. Based on these three change features, we accomplish accurate change\ndetection results. Secondly, combined with transformer and CNN, we propose\nmixed feature pyramid (MFP) which provides inter-layer interaction information\nand intra-layer multi-scale information for complete feature learning. MFP is a\nplug and play module which is experimentally proven to be also effective in\nother change detection networks. Further more, we impose a self-supervision\nstrategy to guide a new CNN branch, which solves the untrainable problem of the\nCNN branch and provides the semantic change information for the features of\nencoder. The state-of-the-art (SOTA) change detection scores and fine-grained\nchange maps were obtained compared with other advanced methods on four commonly\nused public remote sensing datasets. The code is available at\nhttps://github.com/DalongZ/SwinV2DNet.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:31:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Dalong",""],["Wu","Zebin",""],["Liu","Jia",""],["Wei","Zhihui",""]]} {"id":"2308.11160","submitter":"Pin Chen","authors":"Liang Gu, Yang Liu, Pin Chen, Haiyou Huang, Ning Chen, Yang Li, Yutong\n Lu and Yanjing Su","title":"Predicting Transition Temperature of Superconductors with Graph Neural\n Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Predicting high temperature superconductors has long been a great challenge.\nThe difficulty lies in how to predict the transition temperature (Tc) of\nsuperconductors. Although recent progress in material informatics has led to a\nnumber of machine learning models predicting Tc, prevailing models have not\nshown adequate generalization ability and physical rationality to find new high\ntemperature superconductors, yet. In this work, a bond sensitive graph neural\nnetwork (BSGNN) was developed to predict the Tc of various superconductors. In\nBSGNN, communicative message passing and graph attention methods were utilized\nto enhance the model's ability to process bonding and interaction information\nin the crystal lattice, which is crucial for the superconductivity.\nConsequently, our results revealed the relevance between chemical bond\nattributes and Tc. It indicates that shorter bond length is favored by high Tc.\nMeanwhile, some specific chemical elements that have relatively large van der\nWaals radius is favored by high Tc. It gives a convenient guidance for\nsearching high temperature superconductors in materials database, by ruling out\nthe materials that could never have high Tc.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:34:18 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 02:17:11 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 02:40:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Gu","Liang",""],["Liu","Yang",""],["Chen","Pin",""],["Huang","Haiyou",""],["Chen","Ning",""],["Li","Yang",""],["Lu","Yutong",""],["Su","Yanjing",""]]} {"id":"2308.11161","submitter":"Thanh Dat Nguyen","authors":"Thanh-Dat Nguyen, Yang Zhou, Xuan Bach D. Le, Patanamon (Pick)\n Thongtanunam, David Lo","title":"Adversarial Attacks on Code Models with Discriminative Graph Patterns","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Pre-trained language models of code are now widely used in various software\nengineering tasks such as code generation, code completion, vulnerability\ndetection, etc. This, in turn, poses security and reliability risks to these\nmodels. One of the important threats is \\textit{adversarial attacks}, which can\nlead to erroneous predictions and largely affect model performance on\ndownstream tasks. Current adversarial attacks on code models usually adopt\nfixed sets of program transformations, such as variable renaming and dead code\ninsertion, leading to limited attack effectiveness. To address the\naforementioned challenges, we propose a novel adversarial attack framework,\nGraphCodeAttack, to better evaluate the robustness of code models. Given a\ntarget code model, GraphCodeAttack automatically mines important code patterns,\nwhich can influence the model's decisions, to perturb the structure of input\ncode to the model. To do so, GraphCodeAttack uses a set of input source codes\nto probe the model's outputs and identifies the \\textit{discriminative} ASTs\npatterns that can influence the model decisions. GraphCodeAttack then selects\nappropriate AST patterns, concretizes the selected patterns as attacks, and\ninserts them as dead code into the model's input program. To effectively\nsynthesize attacks from AST patterns, GraphCodeAttack uses a separate\npre-trained code model to fill in the ASTs with concrete code snippets. We\nevaluate the robustness of two popular code models (e.g., CodeBERT and\nGraphCodeBERT) against our proposed approach on three tasks: Authorship\nAttribution, Vulnerability Prediction, and Clone Detection. The experimental\nresults suggest that our proposed approach significantly outperforms\nstate-of-the-art approaches in attacking code models such as CARROT and ALERT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:40:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","Thanh-Dat","","Pick"],["Zhou","Yang","","Pick"],["Le","Xuan Bach D.","","Pick"],["Patanamon","","","Pick"],["Thongtanunam","",""],["Lo","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.11162","submitter":"Hamid Tizhoosh","authors":"Abubakr Shafique, Ricardo Gonzalez, Liron Pantanowitz, Puay Hoon Tan,\n Alberto Machado, Ian A Cree, and Hamid R. Tizhoosh","title":"A Preliminary Investigation into Search and Matching for Tumour\n Discrimination in WHO Breast Taxonomy Using Deep Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG q-bio.QM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women worldwide.\nThey include a group of malignant neoplasms with a variety of biological,\nclinical, and histopathological characteristics. There are more than 35\ndifferent histological forms of breast lesions that can be classified and\ndiagnosed histologically according to cell morphology, growth, and architecture\npatterns. Recently, deep learning, in the field of artificial intelligence, has\ndrawn a lot of attention for the computerized representation of medical images.\nSearchable digital atlases can provide pathologists with patch matching tools\nallowing them to search among evidently diagnosed and treated archival cases, a\ntechnology that may be regarded as computational second opinion. In this study,\nwe indexed and analyzed the WHO breast taxonomy (Classification of Tumours 5th\nEd.) spanning 35 tumour types. We visualized all tumour types using deep\nfeatures extracted from a state-of-the-art deep learning model, pre-trained on\nmillions of diagnostic histopathology images from the TCGA repository.\nFurthermore, we test the concept of a digital \"atlas\" as a reference for search\nand matching with rare test cases. The patch similarity search within the WHO\nbreast taxonomy data reached over 88% accuracy when validating through\n\"majority vote\" and more than 91% accuracy when validating using top-n tumour\ntypes. These results show for the first time that complex relationships among\ncommon and rare breast lesions can be investigated using an indexed digital\narchive.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:40:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shafique","Abubakr",""],["Gonzalez","Ricardo",""],["Pantanowitz","Liron",""],["Tan","Puay Hoon",""],["Machado","Alberto",""],["Cree","Ian A",""],["Tizhoosh","Hamid R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11163","submitter":"Noriaki Kawaguchi","authors":"Noriaki Kawaguchi","title":"S-limit shadowing and a global description of Li-Yorke type chaos","comments":"18 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For any continuous self-map of a compact metric space, we extend a partition\nof each chain component with respect to a chain proximal relation to a\n$G_\\delta$-partition of the phase space. Under the assumption of s-limit\nshadowing, we use this partition to give a global description of Li-Yorke type\nchaos corresponding to several Furstenberg families.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:44:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kawaguchi","Noriaki",""]]} {"id":"2308.11164","submitter":"Yiding Lu","authors":"Yiding Lu, Yijie Lin, Mouxing Yang, Dezhong Peng, Peng Hu, Xi Peng","title":"Decoupled Contrastive Multi-view Clustering with High-order Random Walks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In recent, some robust contrastive multi-view clustering (MvC) methods have\nbeen proposed, which construct data pairs from neighborhoods to alleviate the\nfalse negative issue, i.e., some intra-cluster samples are wrongly treated as\nnegative pairs. Although promising performance has been achieved by these\nmethods, the false negative issue is still far from addressed and the false\npositive issue emerges because all in- and out-of-neighborhood samples are\nsimply treated as positive and negative, respectively. To address the issues,\nwe propose a novel robust method, dubbed decoupled contrastive multi-view\nclustering with high-order random walks (DIVIDE). In brief, DIVIDE leverages\nrandom walks to progressively identify data pairs in a global instead of local\nmanner. As a result, DIVIDE could identify in-neighborhood negatives and\nout-of-neighborhood positives. Moreover, DIVIDE embraces a novel MvC\narchitecture to perform inter- and intra-view contrastive learning in different\nembedding spaces, thus boosting clustering performance and embracing the\nrobustness against missing views. To verify the efficacy of DIVIDE, we carry\nout extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets comparing with nine\nstate-of-the-art MvC methods in both complete and incomplete MvC settings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:45:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Yiding",""],["Lin","Yijie",""],["Yang","Mouxing",""],["Peng","Dezhong",""],["Hu","Peng",""],["Peng","Xi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11165","submitter":"Risheng Liu","authors":"Di Wang, Jinyuan Liu, Long Ma, Risheng Liu, Xin Fan","title":"Improving Misaligned Multi-modality Image Fusion with One-stage\n Progressive Dense Registration","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Misalignments between multi-modality images pose challenges in image fusion,\nmanifesting as structural distortions and edge ghosts. Existing efforts\ncommonly resort to registering first and fusing later, typically employing two\ncascaded stages for registration,i.e., coarse registration and fine\nregistration. Both stages directly estimate the respective target deformation\nfields. In this paper, we argue that the separated two-stage registration is\nnot compact, and the direct estimation of the target deformation fields is not\naccurate enough. To address these challenges, we propose a Cross-modality\nMulti-scale Progressive Dense Registration (C-MPDR) scheme, which accomplishes\nthe coarse-to-fine registration exclusively using a one-stage optimization,\nthus improving the fusion performance of misaligned multi-modality images.\nSpecifically, two pivotal components are involved, a dense Deformation Field\nFusion (DFF) module and a Progressive Feature Fine (PFF) module. The DFF\naggregates the predicted multi-scale deformation sub-fields at the current\nscale, while the PFF progressively refines the remaining misaligned features.\nBoth work together to accurately estimate the final deformation fields. In\naddition, we develop a Transformer-Conv-based Fusion (TCF) subnetwork that\nconsiders local and long-range feature dependencies, allowing us to capture\nmore informative features from the registered infrared and visible images for\nthe generation of high-quality fused images. Extensive experimental analysis\ndemonstrates the superiority of the proposed method in the fusion of misaligned\ncross-modality images.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:46:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Di",""],["Liu","Jinyuan",""],["Ma","Long",""],["Liu","Risheng",""],["Fan","Xin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11166","submitter":"Zongyi Xu","authors":"Zongyi Xu, Bo Yuan, Shanshan Zhao, Qianni Zhang, Xinbo Gao","title":"Hierarchical Point-based Active Learning for Semi-supervised Point Cloud\n Semantic Segmentation","comments":"International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Impressive performance on point cloud semantic segmentation has been achieved\nby fully-supervised methods with large amounts of labelled data. As it is\nlabour-intensive to acquire large-scale point cloud data with point-wise\nlabels, many attempts have been made to explore learning 3D point cloud\nsegmentation with limited annotations. Active learning is one of the effective\nstrategies to achieve this purpose but is still under-explored. The most recent\nmethods of this kind measure the uncertainty of each pre-divided region for\nmanual labelling but they suffer from redundant information and require\nadditional efforts for region division. This paper aims at addressing this\nissue by developing a hierarchical point-based active learning strategy.\nSpecifically, we measure the uncertainty for each point by a hierarchical\nminimum margin uncertainty module which considers the contextual information at\nmultiple levels. Then, a feature-distance suppression strategy is designed to\nselect important and representative points for manual labelling. Besides, to\nbetter exploit the unlabelled data, we build a semi-supervised segmentation\nframework based on our active strategy. Extensive experiments on the S3DIS and\nScanNetV2 datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves 96.5% and\n100% performance of fully-supervised baseline with only 0.07% and 0.1% training\ndata, respectively, outperforming the state-of-the-art weakly-supervised and\nactive learning methods. The code will be available at\nhttps://github.com/SmiletoE/HPAL.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:52:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Zongyi",""],["Yuan","Bo",""],["Zhao","Shanshan",""],["Zhang","Qianni",""],["Gao","Xinbo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11167","submitter":"Kapil Panda","authors":"Kapil Panda, Anirudh Mazumder","title":"Predicting Dosage of Immunosuppressant Drugs After Kidney\n Transplantation Using Machine Learning","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" While kidney transplants are seen as the best treatment option for patients\nwith end-stage renal disease and kidney failure, the organ's health depends on\nthe dosage of immunosuppressant drugs post-transplantation. Due to the dosage\nvariance based on each patient's unique physiology, nephrologists face numerous\ndifficulties when determining the precise dosage needed for each patient.\nTherefore, in this research we aim to devise a machine learning algorithm to\nforecast the dosage of immunosuppressant drugs needed for different patients\nafter kidney transplantation. Utilizing a random forest algorithm, the devised\nmodel is able to achieve accurate measurements for patient drug dosages.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:52:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Panda","Kapil",""],["Mazumder","Anirudh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11168","submitter":"Xiaolin Wang","authors":"Zhonggen Su, Xiaolin Wang","title":"Discretized Normal Approximation of Sums of Locally Dependent Random\n Variables via Stein's Method","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $\\{X_{i}, i\\in J\\}$ be a family of locally dependent non-negative\ninteger-valued random variables with finite expectation and variance. We\nconsider the sum $W=\\sum_{i\\in J}X_i$ and establish general error upper bounds\nfor the total variation distance $d_{TV}(W, Y^{d})$, where $Y^{d}$ is the\ndiscretized normal distribution. The major ingredient of the proof is to\napproximate $W$ by a three-parametric intermediate random variable $M$ based on\nStein's method. As applications, we study in detail four well-known examples,\nwhich are counting vertices of all edges point inward, birthday problem,\ncounting monochromatic edges in uniformly colored graphs, and triangles in the\nErd\\H{o}s-R\\'{e}nyi random graph. Through delicate analysis and computations we\nobtain sharper upper error bounds than existing results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:54:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Su","Zhonggen",""],["Wang","Xiaolin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11169","submitter":"Kapil Panda","authors":"Kapil Panda, Anirudh Mazumder","title":"Blockchain-Powered Supply Chain Management for Kidney Organ Preservation","comments":"5 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Due to the shortage of available kidney organs for transplants, handling\nevery donor kidney with utmost care is crucial to preserve the organ's health,\nespecially during the organ supply chain where kidneys are prone to\ndeterioration during transportation. Therefore, this research proposes a\nblockchain platform to aid in managing kidneys in the supply chain. This\nframework establishes a secure system that meticulously tracks the organ's\nlocation and handling, safeguarding the health from donor to recipient.\nAdditionally, a machine-learning algorithm is embedded to monitor organ health\nin real-time against various metrics for prompt detection of possible kidney\ndamage.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:56:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Panda","Kapil",""],["Mazumder","Anirudh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11170","submitter":"Ilyas Bayramov","authors":"Ilyas Bayramov","title":"Fourier decay, Green's kernel and Schottky groups","comments":"Changed the name, completed the proof of results announced in\n previous versions","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this note, I would like to discuss an approach to the construction of\nGreen's function on algebraic surfaces, indicated by Manin, towards the\ncomputation of the Green's function on surfaces using Schottky uniformization.\nWe shall see that the exact geometric interpretation of the formula mentioned\nthere is obscure, and try to remedy the situation by investigating convergence\nof deformations of that formula.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:56:36 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:27:24 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 02:01:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Bayramov","Ilyas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11171","submitter":"Yuchong Sun","authors":"Yuchong Sun, Bei Liu, Xu Chen, Ruihua Song, Jianlong Fu","title":"ViCo: Engaging Video Comment Generation with Human Preference Rewards","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Engaging video comments play an important role in video social media, as they\nare the carrier of feelings, thoughts, or humor of the audience. Preliminary\nworks have made initial exploration for video comment generation by adopting\ncaption-style encoder-decoder models. However, comment generation presents some\nunique challenges distinct from caption generation, which makes these methods\nsomewhat less effective at generating engaging comments. In contrast to the\nobjective and descriptive nature of captions, comments tend to be inherently\nsubjective, making it hard to quantify and evaluate the engagement of comments.\nFurthermore, the scarcity of truly engaging comments brings difficulty to\ncollecting enough high-quality training examples. In this paper, we propose\nViCo with three novel designs to tackle the above challenges for generating\nengaging Video Comments. Firstly, to quantify the engagement of comments, we\nutilize the number of \"likes\" each comment receives as a proxy of human\npreference after an appropriate debiasing procedure. Secondly, to automatically\nevaluate the engagement of comments, we train a reward model to align its\njudgment to the above proxy. Our user studies indicate that this reward model\neffectively aligns with human judgments. Lastly, to alleviate the scarcity of\nhigh-quality comments, an initial generator is trained on readily available but\nnoisy data to generate comments. Then the reward model is employed to offer\nfeedback on the generated comments, thus optimizing the initial generator. To\nfacilitate the research of video commenting, we collect a large video\ncomment-dataset (ViCo-20k) with rich metadata from a popular video website.\nExperiments on ViCo-20k show that the comments generated by our ViCo model\nexhibit the best performance in terms of both quantitative and qualitative\nresults, particularly when engagement is considered.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:01:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sun","Yuchong",""],["Liu","Bei",""],["Chen","Xu",""],["Song","Ruihua",""],["Fu","Jianlong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11172","submitter":"Yuya Haraguchi","authors":"Yuya Haraguchi, Daisuke Nishio-Hamane and Hiroko Aruga Katori","title":"Magnetic ordering in the $J_{\\rm eff}$ = 0 Nickelate NiRh$_2$O$_4$\n prepared via a solid-state metathesis","comments":"7 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Physical Review Materials","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In spinel-type nickelate NiRh$_2$O$_4$, magnetic ordering is observed upon\nthe sample synthesized via kinetically controlled low-temperature solid-state\nmetathesis, as opposed to previously-reported samples obtained through\nconventional solid-state reaction. Our findings are based on a combination of\nbulk susceptibility and specific heat measurements that disclose a N$\\'e$el\ntransition temperature of $T_N$ = 45 K in this material, which might feature\nspin-orbit entanglement in the tetragonally-coordinated $d^8$ Mott insulators.\nThe emergence of magnetic ordering upon alteration of the synthesis route\nindicates that the suppression of magnetic ordering in the previous sample was\nrooted in the cation-mixing assisted by the entropy gain that results from\nhigh-temperature reactions. Furthermore, the $J_{\\rm eff}$ = 0 physics, instead\nof solely the spin-only $S = 1$, describes the observed enhancement of\neffective magnetic moment well. Overseeing all observations and speculations,\nwe propose that the possible mechanism responsible for the emergent magnetic\norderings in NiRh$_2$O$_4$ is the condensation of $J_{\\rm eff}$ = 0 exciton,\ndriven by the interplay of the tetragonal crystal field and superexchange\ninteractions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:01:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Haraguchi","Yuya",""],["Nishio-Hamane","Daisuke",""],["Katori","Hiroko Aruga",""]]} {"id":"2308.11173","submitter":"Gilberto Boaretto","authors":"Gilberto Boaretto and Marcelo C. Medeiros","title":"Forecasting inflation using disaggregates and machine learning","comments":"44 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.EM stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper examines the effectiveness of several forecasting methods for\npredicting inflation, focusing on aggregating disaggregated forecasts - also\nknown in the literature as the bottom-up approach. Taking the Brazilian case as\nan application, we consider different disaggregation levels for inflation and\nemploy a range of traditional time series techniques as well as linear and\nnonlinear machine learning (ML) models to deal with a larger number of\npredictors. For many forecast horizons, the aggregation of disaggregated\nforecasts performs just as well survey-based expectations and models that\ngenerate forecasts using the aggregate directly. Overall, ML methods outperform\ntraditional time series models in predictive accuracy, with outstanding\nperformance in forecasting disaggregates. Our results reinforce the benefits of\nusing models in a data-rich environment for inflation forecasting, including\naggregating disaggregated forecasts from ML techniques, mainly during volatile\nperiods. Starting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the random forest model based on\nboth aggregate and disaggregated inflation achieves remarkable predictive\nperformance at intermediate and longer horizons.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:01:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Boaretto","Gilberto",""],["Medeiros","Marcelo C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11174","submitter":"James Bonifacio","authors":"James Bonifacio and Dalimil Mazac and Sridip Pal","title":"Spectral Bounds on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Associativity and the Trace\n Formula","comments":"v1: 61 pages + appendices and references","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.SP hep-th math-ph math.GT math.MP math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We constrain the low-energy spectra of Laplace operators on closed hyperbolic\nmanifolds and orbifolds in three dimensions, including the standard\nLaplace-Beltrami operator on functions and the Laplacian on powers of the\ncotangent bundle. Our approach employs linear programming techniques to derive\nrigorous bounds by leveraging two types of spectral identities. The first type,\ninspired by the conformal bootstrap, arises from the consistency of the\nspectral decomposition of the product of Laplace eigensections, and involves\nthe Laplacian spectra as well as integrals of triple products of eigensections.\nWe formulate these conditions in the language of representation theory of\n$\\mathrm{PSL}_2(\\mathbb{C})$ and use them to prove upper bounds on the first\nand second Laplacian eigenvalues. The second type of spectral identities\nfollows from the Selberg trace formula. We use them to find upper bounds on the\nspectral gap of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on hyperbolic 3-orbifolds, as\nwell as on the systole length of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, as a function of the\nvolume. Further, we prove that the spectral gap $\\lambda_1$ of the\nLaplace-Beltrami operator on all closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds satisfies\n$\\lambda_1 < 47.32$. Along the way, we use the trace formula to estimate the\nlow-energy spectra of a large set of example orbifolds and compare them with\nour general bounds, finding that the bounds are nearly sharp in several cases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:02:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bonifacio","James",""],["Mazac","Dalimil",""],["Pal","Sridip",""]]} {"id":"2308.11175","submitter":"Jinpeng Wang","authors":"Jinpeng Wang, Ziyun Zeng, Yunxiao Wang, Yuting Wang, Xingyu Lu,\n Tianxiang Li, Jun Yuan, Rui Zhang, Hai-Tao Zheng, Shu-Tao Xia","title":"MISSRec: Pre-training and Transferring Multi-modal Interest-aware\n Sequence Representation for Recommendation","comments":"Accepted to ACM MM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3611967","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI cs.MM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The goal of sequential recommendation (SR) is to predict a user's potential\ninterested items based on her/his historical interaction sequences. Most\nexisting sequential recommenders are developed based on ID features, which,\ndespite their widespread use, often underperform with sparse IDs and struggle\nwith the cold-start problem. Besides, inconsistent ID mappings hinder the\nmodel's transferability, isolating similar recommendation domains that could\nhave been co-optimized. This paper aims to address these issues by exploring\nthe potential of multi-modal information in learning robust and generalizable\nsequence representations. We propose MISSRec, a multi-modal pre-training and\ntransfer learning framework for SR. On the user side, we design a\nTransformer-based encoder-decoder model, where the contextual encoder learns to\ncapture the sequence-level multi-modal synergy while a novel interest-aware\ndecoder is developed to grasp item-modality-interest relations for better\nsequence representation. On the candidate item side, we adopt a dynamic fusion\nmodule to produce user-adaptive item representation, providing more precise\nmatching between users and items. We pre-train the model with contrastive\nlearning objectives and fine-tune it in an efficient manner. Extensive\nexperiments demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of MISSRec, promising\nan practical solution for real-world recommendation scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:06:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Jinpeng",""],["Zeng","Ziyun",""],["Wang","Yunxiao",""],["Wang","Yuting",""],["Lu","Xingyu",""],["Li","Tianxiang",""],["Yuan","Jun",""],["Zhang","Rui",""],["Zheng","Hai-Tao",""],["Xia","Shu-Tao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11176","submitter":"Katharina Huber","authors":"Katharina T. Huber, Leo van Iersel, Vincent Moulton, Guillaume Scholz","title":"Is this network proper forest-based?","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.PE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In evolutionary biology, networks are becoming increasingly used to represent\nevolutionary histories for species that have undergone non-treelike or\nreticulate evolution. Such networks are essentially directed acyclic graphs\nwith a leaf set that corresponds to a collection of species, and in which\nnon-leaf vertices with indegree 1 correspond to speciation events and vertices\nwith indegree greater than 1 correspond to reticulate events such as gene\ntransfer. Recently forest-based networks have been introduced, which are\nessentially (multi-rooted) networks that can be formed by adding some arcs to a\ncollection of phylogenetic trees (or phylogenetic forest), where each arc is\nadded in such a way that its ends always lie in two different trees in the\nforest. In this paper, we consider the complexity of deciding whether or not a\ngiven network is proper forest-based, that is, whether it can be formed by\nadding arcs to some underlying phylogenetic forest which contains the same\nnumber of trees as there are roots in the network. More specifically, we show\nthat it can be decided in polynomial time whether or not a binary, tree-child\nnetwork with $m \\ge 2$ roots is proper forest-based in case $m=2$, but that\nthis problem is NP-complete for $m\\ge 3$. We also give a fixed parameter\ntractable (FPT) algorithm for deciding whether or not a network in which every\nvertex has indegree at most 2 is proper forest-based. A key element in proving\nour results is a new characterization for when a network with $m$ roots is\nproper forest-based which is given in terms of the existence of certain\n$m$-colorings of the vertices of the network.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:07:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Huber","Katharina T.",""],["van Iersel","Leo",""],["Moulton","Vincent",""],["Scholz","Guillaume",""]]} {"id":"2308.11177","submitter":"Setti Thirupathaiah Dr","authors":"Achintya Low, Susanta Ghosh, Soumya Ghorai, and Setti Thirupathaiah","title":"Effect of Electron-Phonon Scattering on the Anomalous Hall Conductivity\n of Fe$_3$Sn: A Kagome Ferromagnetic Metal","comments":"8 pages and 4 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. B","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report on magnetic and magnetotransport studies of a Kagome ferromagnetic\nmetal, Fe$_3$Sn. Our studies reveal a large anomalous Hall conductivity\n($\\sigma_{zx}$) in this system, mainly contributed by temperature independent\nintrinsic Hall conductivity ($\\sigma^{int}_{zx}$=485$\\pm$60 S/cm) and\ntemperature dependent extrinsic Hall conductivity ($\\sigma^{ext}_{zx}$) due to\nskew-scattering. Although $\\sigma^{ext}_{zx}$ value is large and almost\nequivalent to the intrinsic Hall conductivity at low temperatures, it\ndrastically decreases with increasing temperature, following the relation\n$\\sigma^{ext}_{zx}=\\frac{\\sigma_{zx0}^{ext}}{(aT+1)^2}$, under the influence of\nelectron-phonon scattering. The presence of electron-phonon scattering in this\nsystem is also confirmed by the linear dependence of longitudinal electrical\nresistivity at higher temperatures [$\\rho(T)\\propto T$]. We further find that\nFe$_3$Sn is a soft ferromagnet with an easy-axis of magnetization lying in the\n$\\it{ab}$ plane of the crystal with magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy\ndensity as large as 1.02 $\\times$ 10$^6$\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:08:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Low","Achintya",""],["Ghosh","Susanta",""],["Ghorai","Soumya",""],["Thirupathaiah","Setti",""]]} {"id":"2308.11178","submitter":"Cheng Zhang","authors":"Xing Wang and Cheng Zhang","title":"Sharp local $L^p$ estimates for the Hermite eigenfunctions","comments":"32 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP math-ph math.CA math.MP math.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the concentration of eigenfunctions for the Hermite operator\n$-\\Delta+|x|^2$ in $\\mathbb{R}^n$ by establishing new $L^p$ bounds over balls.\nCompared to Koch-Tataru's global estimates, these new estimates demonstrate\nlocal improvements for a certain range of $p$. The sharpness of these local\nestimates can be verified by examples with various types of concentrations.\nMoreover, we prove that the sharp $L^p$ bounds of the Hermite eigenfunctions\nover the unit ball $\\{|x|\\le 1\\}$ coincide with Sogge's $L^p$ bounds for the\nLaplace eigenfunctions on compact manifolds, up to a scaling factor\n$\\lambda^{-\\frac12}$. This phenomenon suggests that the Hermite eigenfunctions\nlocally resemble the rescaled Laplace eigenfunctions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:09:44 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 02:37:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Xing",""],["Zhang","Cheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11179","submitter":"Ibtihaj Ahmad","authors":"Ibtihaj Ahmad, Syed Muhammad Israr, Zain Ul Islam","title":"A three in one bottom-up framework for simultaneous semantic\n segmentation, instance segmentation and classification of multi-organ nuclei\n in digital cancer histology","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Simultaneous segmentation and classification of nuclei in digital histology\nplay an essential role in computer-assisted cancer diagnosis; however, it\nremains challenging. The highest achieved binary and multi-class Panoptic\nQuality (PQ) remains as low as 0.68 bPQ and 0.49 mPQ, respectively. It is due\nto the higher staining variability, variability across the tissue, rough\nclinical conditions, overlapping nuclei, and nuclear class imbalance. The\ngeneric deep-learning methods usually rely on end-to-end models, which fail to\naddress these problems associated explicitly with digital histology. In our\nprevious work, DAN-NucNet, we resolved these issues for semantic segmentation\nwith an end-to-end model. This work extends our previous model to simultaneous\ninstance segmentation and classification. We introduce additional decoder heads\nwith independent weighted losses, which produce semantic segmentation, edge\nproposals, and classification maps. We use the outputs from the three-head\nmodel to apply post-processing to produce the final segmentation and\nclassification. Our multi-stage approach utilizes edge proposals and semantic\nsegmentations compared to direct segmentation and classification strategies\nfollowed by most state-of-the-art methods. Due to this, we demonstrate a\nsignificant performance improvement in producing high-quality instance\nsegmentation and nuclei classification. We have achieved a 0.841 Dice score for\nsemantic segmentation, 0.713 bPQ scores for instance segmentation, and 0.633\nmPQ for nuclei classification. Our proposed framework is generalized across 19\ntypes of tissues. Furthermore, the framework is less complex compared to the\nstate-of-the-art.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:10:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Ahmad","Ibtihaj",""],["Israr","Syed Muhammad",""],["Islam","Zain Ul",""]]} {"id":"2308.11180","submitter":"Suyoung Lee","authors":"Suyoung Lee, Sangjae Lee, Saegyeol Jung, Jiwon Jung, Donghan Kim,\n Yeonjae Lee, Byeongjun Seok, Jaeyoung Kim, Byeong Gyu Park, Libor\n \\v{S}mejkal, Chang-Jong Kang, and Changyoung Kim","title":"Broken Kramers' degeneracy in altermagnetic MnTe","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Altermagnetism is a newly identified fundamental class of magnetism with\nvanishing net magnetization and time-reversal symmetry broken electronic\nstructure. Probing the unusual electronic structure with nonrelativistic spin\nsplitting would be a direct experimental verification of altermagnetic phase.\nBy combining high-quality film growth and $in~situ$ angle-resolved\nphotoemission spectroscopy, we report the electronic structure of an\naltermagnetic candidate, $\\alpha$-MnTe. Temperature dependent study reveals the\nlifting of Kramers{\\textquoteright} degeneracy accompanied by a magnetic phase\ntransition at $T_N=267\\text{ K}$ with spin splitting of up to $370\\text{ meV}$,\nproviding direct spectroscopic evidence for altermagnetism in MnTe.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:12:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Suyoung",""],["Lee","Sangjae",""],["Jung","Saegyeol",""],["Jung","Jiwon",""],["Kim","Donghan",""],["Lee","Yeonjae",""],["Seok","Byeongjun",""],["Kim","Jaeyoung",""],["Park","Byeong Gyu",""],["\u0160mejkal","Libor",""],["Kang","Chang-Jong",""],["Kim","Changyoung",""]]} {"id":"2308.11181","submitter":"Li He","authors":"Li He, Baixi Jiao, Yuxi Liu","title":"Temporal Interaction -- Bridging Time and Experience in Human-Computer\n Interaction","comments":"8 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Traditional static user interfaces (UI) have given way to dynamic systems\nthat can intelligently adapt to and respond to users' changing needs. Temporal\ninteraction is an emerging field in human-computer interaction (HCI), which\nrefers to the study and design of UI that are capable of adapting and\nresponding to the user's changing behavioral and emotional states. By\ncomprehending and incorporating the temporal component of user interactions, it\nfocuses on developing dynamic and individualized user experiences. This idea\nplaces a strong emphasis on the value of adjusting to user behavior and\nemotions in order to create a more unique and interesting user experience. The\npotential of temporal interaction to alter user interface design is highlighted\nby this paper's examination of its capacity to adjust to user behavior and\nreact to emotional states. Designers can create interfaces that respond to the\nchanging demands, emotions, and behaviors of users by utilizing temporal\ninteractions. This produces interfaces that are not only highly functional but\nalso form an emotional connection with the users.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:16:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["He","Li",""],["Jiao","Baixi",""],["Liu","Yuxi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11182","submitter":"Di Zhang","authors":"Di Zhang, Zhuyu Wang, Fangzhou Liu, Peiyun Yi, Linfa Peng, Yuan Chen,\n Li Wei, Hao Li","title":"Unraveling the pH-Dependent Oxygen Reduction Performance on Single-Atom\n Catalysts: From Single- to Dual-Sabatier Optima","comments":"24 pages, 5 Figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" M-N-C single-atom catalysts (SACs) have emerged as a potential substitute for\nthe costly platinum-group catalysts in oxygen reduction reaction (ORR).\nHowever, several critical aspects of M-N-C SACs in ORR remain poorly\nunderstood, including their pH-dependent activity, selectivity for 2- or\n4-electron transfer pathways, and the identification of the rate-determining\nsteps. Herein, analyzing >100 M-N-C structures and >2000 sets of energetics, we\nunveil for the first time a pH-dependent evolution in ORR activity volcanos\nfrom a single-peak in alkaline media to a double-peak in acids. We found that\nthis pH-dependent behavior in M-N-C catalysts fundamentally stems from their\nmoderate dipole moments and polarizability for O* and HOO* adsorbates, as well\nas unique scaling relations among ORR adsorbates. To validate our theoretical\ndiscovery, we synthesized a series of molecular M-N-C catalysts, each\ncharacterized by well-defined atomic coordination environments. Impressively,\nthe experiments matched our theoretical predictions on kinetic current, Tafel\nslope, and turnover frequency in both acidic and alkaline environments. These\nnew insights also refine the famous Sabatier principle by emphasizing the need\nto avoid an \"acid trap\" while designing M-N-C catalysts for ORR or any other\npH-dependent electrochemical applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:18:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Di",""],["Wang","Zhuyu",""],["Liu","Fangzhou",""],["Yi","Peiyun",""],["Peng","Linfa",""],["Chen","Yuan",""],["Wei","Li",""],["Li","Hao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11183","submitter":"Setti Thirupathaiah Dr","authors":"Susanta Ghosh, Achintya Low, Soumya Ghorai, Kalyan Mandal, and Setti\n Thirupathaiah","title":"Tuning of Electrical, Magnetic, and Topological Properties of Magnetic\n Weyl Semimetal Mn$_{3+x}$Ge by Fe doping","comments":"16 pages and 5 figures, accepted in Journal of Physics: Condensed\n Matter","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1088/1361-648X/acf262","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report on the tuning of electrical, magnetic, and topological properties\nof the magnetic Weyl semimetal (Mn$_{3+x}$Ge) by Fe doping at the Mn site,\nMn$_{(3+x)-\\delta}$Fe$_{\\delta}$Ge ($\\delta$=0, 0.30, and 0.62). Fe doping\nsignificantly changes the electrical and magnetic properties of Mn$_{3+x}$Ge.\nThe resistivity of the parent compound displays metallic behavior, the system\nwith $\\delta$=0.30 of Fe doping exhibits semiconducting or bad-metallic\nbehavior, and the system with $\\delta$=0.62 of Fe doping demonstrates a\nmetal-insulator transition at around 100 K. Further, we observe that the Fe\ndoping increases in-plane ferromagnetism, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and\ninduces a spin-glass state at low temperatures. Surprisingly, topological Hall\nstate has been noticed at a Fe doping of $\\delta$=0.30 that is not found in the\nparent compound or with $\\delta$=0.62 of Fe doping. In addition, spontaneous\nanomalous Hall effect observed in the parent system is significantly reduced\nwith increasing Fe doping concentration.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:19:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ghosh","Susanta",""],["Low","Achintya",""],["Ghorai","Soumya",""],["Mandal","Kalyan",""],["Thirupathaiah","Setti",""]]} {"id":"2308.11184","submitter":"Yufu Wang","authors":"Yufu Wang, Kostas Daniilidis","title":"ReFit: Recurrent Fitting Network for 3D Human Recovery","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present Recurrent Fitting (ReFit), a neural network architecture for\nsingle-image, parametric 3D human reconstruction. ReFit learns a\nfeedback-update loop that mirrors the strategy of solving an inverse problem\nthrough optimization. At each iterative step, it reprojects keypoints from the\nhuman model to feature maps to query feedback, and uses a recurrent-based\nupdater to adjust the model to fit the image better. Because ReFit encodes\nstrong knowledge of the inverse problem, it is faster to train than previous\nregression models. At the same time, ReFit improves state-of-the-art\nperformance on standard benchmarks. Moreover, ReFit applies to other\noptimization settings, such as multi-view fitting and single-view shape\nfitting. Project website: https://yufu-wang.github.io/refit_humans/\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:20:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yufu",""],["Daniilidis","Kostas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11185","submitter":"Xinyu Li","authors":"Najmeh Sadoughi, Xinyu Li, Avijit Vajpayee, David Fan, Bing Shuai,\n Hector Santos-Villalobos, Vimal Bhat, Rohith MV","title":"MEGA: Multimodal Alignment Aggregation and Distillation For Cinematic\n Video Segmentation","comments":"ICCV 2023 accepted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Previous research has studied the task of segmenting cinematic videos into\nscenes and into narrative acts. However, these studies have overlooked the\nessential task of multimodal alignment and fusion for effectively and\nefficiently processing long-form videos (>60min). In this paper, we introduce\nMultimodal alignmEnt aGgregation and distillAtion (MEGA) for cinematic\nlong-video segmentation. MEGA tackles the challenge by leveraging multiple\nmedia modalities. The method coarsely aligns inputs of variable lengths and\ndifferent modalities with alignment positional encoding. To maintain temporal\nsynchronization while reducing computation, we further introduce an enhanced\nbottleneck fusion layer which uses temporal alignment. Additionally, MEGA\nemploys a novel contrastive loss to synchronize and transfer labels across\nmodalities, enabling act segmentation from labeled synopsis sentences on video\nshots. Our experimental results show that MEGA outperforms state-of-the-art\nmethods on MovieNet dataset for scene segmentation (with an Average Precision\nimprovement of +1.19%) and on TRIPOD dataset for act segmentation (with a Total\nAgreement improvement of +5.51%)\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:23:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sadoughi","Najmeh",""],["Li","Xinyu",""],["Vajpayee","Avijit",""],["Fan","David",""],["Shuai","Bing",""],["Santos-Villalobos","Hector",""],["Bhat","Vimal",""],["MV","Rohith",""]]} {"id":"2308.11186","submitter":"Teng Wang","authors":"Baoshuo Kan, Teng Wang, Wenpeng Lu, Xiantong Zhen, Weili Guan, Feng\n Zheng","title":"Knowledge-Aware Prompt Tuning for Generalizable Vision-Language Models","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Pre-trained vision-language models, e.g., CLIP, working with manually\ndesigned prompts have demonstrated great capacity of transfer learning.\nRecently, learnable prompts achieve state-of-the-art performance, which however\nare prone to overfit to seen classes, failing to generalize to unseen classes.\nIn this paper, we propose a Knowledge-Aware Prompt Tuning (KAPT) framework for\nvision-language models. Our approach takes inspiration from human intelligence\nin which external knowledge is usually incorporated into recognizing novel\ncategories of objects. Specifically, we design two complementary types of\nknowledge-aware prompts for the text encoder to leverage the distinctive\ncharacteristics of category-related external knowledge. The discrete prompt\nextracts the key information from descriptions of an object category, and the\nlearned continuous prompt captures overall contexts. We further design an\nadaptation head for the visual encoder to aggregate salient attentive visual\ncues, which establishes discriminative and task-aware visual representations.\nWe conduct extensive experiments on 11 widely-used benchmark datasets and the\nresults verify the effectiveness in few-shot image classification, especially\nin generalizing to unseen categories. Compared with the state-of-the-art CoCoOp\nmethod, KAPT exhibits favorable performance and achieves an absolute gain of\n3.22% on new classes and 2.57% in terms of harmonic mean.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:24:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kan","Baoshuo",""],["Wang","Teng",""],["Lu","Wenpeng",""],["Zhen","Xiantong",""],["Guan","Weili",""],["Zheng","Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11187","submitter":"Hao Jin","authors":"Hao Jin, Minghui Lian, Shicheng Qiu, Xuxu Han, Xizhi Zhao, Long Yang,\n Zhiyi Zhang, Haoran Xie, Kouichi Konno and Shaojun Hu","title":"A Semi-automatic Oriental Ink Painting Framework for Robotic Drawing\n from 3D Models","comments":"12 pages, this manuscript is an extended version of our paper\n accepted by IEEE RA-L","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Creating visually pleasing stylized ink paintings from 3D models is a\nchallenge in robotic manipulation. We propose a semi-automatic framework that\ncan extract expressive strokes from 3D models and draw them in oriental ink\npainting styles by using a robotic arm. The framework consists of a simulation\nstage and a robotic drawing stage. In the simulation stage, geometrical\ncontours were automatically extracted from a certain viewpoint and a neural\nnetwork was employed to create simplified contours. Then, expressive digital\nstrokes were generated after interactive editing according to user's aesthetic\nunderstanding. In the robotic drawing stage, an optimization method was\npresented for drawing smooth and physically consistent strokes to the digital\nstrokes, and two oriental ink painting styles termed as Noutan (shade) and\nKasure (scratchiness) were applied to the strokes by robotic control of a\nbrush's translation, dipping and scraping. Unlike existing methods that\nconcentrate on generating paintings from 2D images, our framework has the\nadvantage of rendering stylized ink paintings from 3D models by using a\nconsumer-grade robotic arm. We evaluate the proposed framework by taking 3\nstandard models and a user-defined model as examples. The results show that our\nframework is able to draw visually pleasing oriental ink paintings with\nexpressive strokes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:35:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 04:56:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Jin","Hao",""],["Lian","Minghui",""],["Qiu","Shicheng",""],["Han","Xuxu",""],["Zhao","Xizhi",""],["Yang","Long",""],["Zhang","Zhiyi",""],["Xie","Haoran",""],["Konno","Kouichi",""],["Hu","Shaojun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11188","submitter":"Siyao Liu","authors":"Siyao Liu and Yong Wang","title":"A note on modular forms and generalized anomaly cancellation formulas 2","comments":"16 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In [7], Liu and Wang generalized the Han-Liu-Zhang cancellation formulas to\nthe (a, b) type cancellation formulas. In this note, we prove some another (a,\nb) type cancellation formulas for even-dimensional Riemannian manifolds. And by\ntransgression, we obtain some characteristic forms with modularity properties\non odd-dimensional manifolds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:49:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Siyao",""],["Wang","Yong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11189","submitter":"Nathaniel Ezra Zheng Lee","authors":"Noel Ngu, Nathaniel Lee, Paulo Shakarian","title":"Diversity Measures: Domain-Independent Proxies for Failure in Language\n Model Queries","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Error prediction in large language models often relies on domain-specific\ninformation. In this paper, we present measures for quantification of error in\nthe response of a large language model based on the diversity of responses to a\ngiven prompt - hence independent of the underlying application. We describe how\nthree such measures - based on entropy, Gini impurity, and centroid distance -\ncan be employed. We perform a suite of experiments on multiple datasets and\ntemperature settings to demonstrate that these measures strongly correlate with\nthe probability of failure. Additionally, we present empirical results\ndemonstrating how these measures can be applied to few-shot prompting,\nchain-of-thought reasoning, and error detection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:49:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ngu","Noel",""],["Lee","Nathaniel",""],["Shakarian","Paulo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11190","submitter":"Bivudutta Mishra Dr.","authors":"Rahul Bhagat, S.A. Narawade, B. Mishra, S.K. Tripathy","title":"Constrained cosmological model in $f(Q,T)$ gravity with non-linear\n non-metricity","comments":"11 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The $f(Q,T)$ cosmological model has emerged as a promising framework for\nunderstanding various aspects of cosmic evolution. In this study, we focused on\nobtaining the constraints of the free parameters in the non-linear form of\nnon-metricity in $f(Q,T)$ gravity using the $Hubble$, $Pantheon$, and $BAO$\ndatasets. To determine the best-fit values for the model parameters and the\nequation of state (EoS) parameter, we employed an MCMC analysis. By examining\nthe error bar plots, we observed that both the model curve and the $\\Lambda$CDM\ncurve successfully passed through the range obtained from the datasets.\nAdditionally, we studied the state finder diagnostics and energy conditions to\ngain insights into the properties of the model. Furthermore, we conducted an\nanalysis using the $Om(z)$ diagnostic, which provides a null test for the\nvalidity of the $\\Lambda$CDM model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:51:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bhagat","Rahul",""],["Narawade","S. A.",""],["Mishra","B.",""],["Tripathy","S. K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11191","submitter":"Abhinandan .","authors":"Abhinandan","title":"Crystalline representations and Wach modules in the imperfect residue\n field case","comments":"Comments always welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For an absolutely unramified field extension $L/\\mathbb{Q}_p$ with imperfect\nresidue field, we develop the notion of Wach modules in the setting of\n$(\\varphi,\\Gamma)$-modules for $L$. Our main result establishes a categorical\nequivalence between lattices inside crystalline representations of the absolute\nGalois group of $L$ and integral Wach modules. Moreover, we provide a direct\nrelation between a rational Wach module equipped with the Nygaard filtration\nand the filtered $\\varphi$-module of its associated crystalline representation\nin the imperfect residue field case.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:52:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Abhinandan","",""]]} {"id":"2308.11192","submitter":"Srinjoy Das","authors":"Srinjoy Das, Lawrence Rauchwerger","title":"Automatic Task Parallelization of Dataflow Graphs in ML/DL models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Several methods exist today to accelerate Machine Learning(ML) or\nDeep-Learning(DL) model performance for training and inference. However, modern\ntechniques that rely on various graph and operator parallelism methodologies\nrely on search space optimizations which are costly in terms of power and\nhardware usage. Especially in the case of inference, when the batch size is 1\nand execution is on CPUs or for power-constrained edge devices, current\ntechniques can become costly, complicated or inapplicable. To ameliorate this,\nwe present a Critical-Path-based Linear Clustering approach to exploit inherent\nparallel paths in ML dataflow graphs. Our task parallelization approach further\noptimizes the structure of graphs via cloning and prunes them via constant\npropagation and dead-code elimination. Contrary to other work, we generate\nreadable and executable parallel Pytorch+Python code from input ML models in\nONNX format via a new tool that we have built called {\\bf Ramiel}. This allows\nus to benefit from other downstream acceleration techniques like intra-op\nparallelism and potentially pipeline parallelism. Our preliminary results on\nseveral ML graphs demonstrate up to 1.9$\\times$ speedup over serial execution\nand outperform some of the current mechanisms in both compile and runtimes.\nLastly, our methods are lightweight and fast enough so that they can be used\neffectively for power and resource-constrained devices, while still enabling\ndownstream optimizations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:54:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Das","Srinjoy",""],["Rauchwerger","Lawrence",""]]} {"id":"2308.11193","submitter":"Nathan Garland","authors":"Malte Hildebrandt, Robert E Robson, Nathan A Garland","title":"Semi-empirical analysis of leptons in gases in crossed electric and\n magnetic fields, Part II: Transverse compression of muon beams","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph physics.atom-ph physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" This article employs fluid equations to analyse muon beams in gases subject\nto crossed electric and magnetic fields, focussing in particular on a scheme\nproposed by D. Taqqu in 2006, whereby transverse compression of the beam is\nachieved by creating a density gradient in the gas. A general criterion for\nmaximising beam compression, derived from first principles, is then applied to\ndetermine optimal experimental conditions for {\\mu ^ +} in helium gas. Although\nthe calculations require input of transport data for ({\\mu ^ +}, He), which are\ngenerally unavailable, this issue is circumvented by \"aliasing\" ({\\mu ^ +}, He)\nwith (H{^ +}, He), for which transport coefficient data are available.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:55:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hildebrandt","Malte",""],["Robson","Robert E",""],["Garland","Nathan A",""]]} {"id":"2308.11194","submitter":"Maya Varma","authors":"Maya Varma, Jean-Benoit Delbrouck, Sarah Hooper, Akshay Chaudhari,\n Curtis Langlotz","title":"ViLLA: Fine-Grained Vision-Language Representation Learning from\n Real-World Data","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP and ALIGN, are generally trained\non datasets consisting of image-caption pairs obtained from the web. However,\nreal-world multimodal datasets, such as healthcare data, are significantly more\ncomplex: each image (e.g. X-ray) is often paired with text (e.g. physician\nreport) that describes many distinct attributes occurring in fine-grained\nregions of the image. We refer to these samples as exhibiting high pairwise\ncomplexity, since each image-text pair can be decomposed into a large number of\nregion-attribute pairings. The extent to which VLMs can capture fine-grained\nrelationships between image regions and textual attributes when trained on such\ndata has not been previously evaluated. The first key contribution of this work\nis to demonstrate through systematic evaluations that as the pairwise\ncomplexity of the training dataset increases, standard VLMs struggle to learn\nregion-attribute relationships, exhibiting performance degradations of up to\n37% on retrieval tasks. In order to address this issue, we introduce ViLLA as\nour second key contribution. ViLLA, which is trained to capture fine-grained\nregion-attribute relationships from complex datasets, involves two components:\n(a) a lightweight, self-supervised mapping model to decompose image-text\nsamples into region-attribute pairs, and (b) a contrastive VLM to learn\nrepresentations from generated region-attribute pairs. We demonstrate with\nexperiments across four domains (synthetic, product, medical, and natural\nimages) that ViLLA outperforms comparable VLMs on fine-grained reasoning tasks,\nsuch as zero-shot object detection (up to 3.6 AP50 points on COCO and 0.6 mAP\npoints on LVIS) and retrieval (up to 14.2 R-Precision points).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:03:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Varma","Maya",""],["Delbrouck","Jean-Benoit",""],["Hooper","Sarah",""],["Chaudhari","Akshay",""],["Langlotz","Curtis",""]]} {"id":"2308.11195","submitter":"Yi-Zhuang You","authors":"Da-Chuan Lu, Miao Li, Zhao-Yi Zeng, Wanda Hou, Juven Wang, Fan Yang,\n Yi-Zhuang You","title":"Superconductivity from Doping Symmetric Mass Generation Insulators:\n Application to La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under Pressure","comments":"11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.quant-gas cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the bilayer nickelates as a platform to realize the symmetric\nmass generation (SMG) insulator, a featureless Mott insulator that arises due\nto the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) anomaly cancellation in bilayer spin-1/2\nlattice systems. Through a single-orbital bilayer square lattice model\ninvolving intralayer hopping $t$ and interlayer superexchange interaction $J$,\nwe demonstrate the emergence of high-temperature superconductivity (SC) upon\ndoping the SMG insulator. The SC phase features $s$-wave interlayer\nspin-singlet pairing and exhibits a crossover between the BCS and BEC limits by\ntuning the $J/t$ ratio. We estimate the SC transition temperature $T_c$ from\nboth the weak and strong coupling limits at the mean-field level. Our findings\noffer insights into the experimentally observed decrease in $T_c$ with pressure\nand the strange metal behavior above $T_c$. Additionally, we propose that both\nNi $3d_{z^2}$ and $3d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbitals can exhibit superconductivity in\nLa$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under pressure, but their $T_c$ should vary in opposite ways\nunder doping. This characteristic difference suggests a potential experimental\npathway to identify which electronic orbital plays the principal role in the\nformation of superconductivity in this system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:03:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Da-Chuan",""],["Li","Miao",""],["Zeng","Zhao-Yi",""],["Hou","Wanda",""],["Wang","Juven",""],["Yang","Fan",""],["You","Yi-Zhuang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11196","submitter":"Stefan Heinen","authors":"Stefan Heinen and Danish Khan and Guido Falk von Rudorff and\n Konstantin Karandashev and Daniel Jose Arismendi Arrieta and Alastair J. A.\n Price and Surajit Nandi and Arghya Bhowmik and Kersti Hermansson and O.\n Anatole von Lilienfeld","title":"Reducing Training Data Needs with Minimal Multilevel Machine Learning\n (M3L)","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" For many machine learning applications in science, data acquisition, not\ntraining, is the bottleneck even when avoiding experiments and relying on\ncomputation and simulation. Correspondingly, and in order to reduce cost and\ncarbon footprint, training data efficiency is key. We introduce minimal\nmultilevel machine learning (M3L) which optimizes training data set sizes using\na loss function at multiple levels of reference data in order to minimize a\ncombination of prediction error with overall training data acquisition costs\n(as measured by computational wall-times). Numerical evidence has been obtained\nfor calculated atomization energies and electron affinities of thousands of\norganic molecules at various levels of theory including HF, MP2, DLPNO-CCSD(T),\nDFHFCABS, PNOMP2F12, and PNOCCSD(T)F12, and treating tens with basis sets TZ,\ncc-pVTZ, and AVTZ-F12. Our M3L benchmarks for reaching chemical accuracy in\ndistinct chemical compound sub-spaces indicate substantial computational cost\nreductions by factors of $\\sim$ 1.01, 1.1, 3.8, 13.8 and 25.8 when compared to\nheuristic sub-optimal multilevel machine learning (M2L) for the data sets QM7b,\nQM9$^\\mathrm{LCCSD(T)}$, EGP, QM9$^\\mathrm{CCSD(T)}_\\mathrm{AE}$, and\nQM9$^\\mathrm{CCSD(T)}_\\mathrm{EA}$, respectively. Furthermore, we use M2L to\ninvestigate the performance for 76 density functionals when used within\nmultilevel learning and building on the following levels drawn from the\nhierarchy of Jacobs Ladder:~LDA, GGA, mGGA, and hybrid functionals. Within M2L\nand the molecules considered, mGGAs do not provide any noticeable advantage\nover GGAs. Among the functionals considered and in combination with LDA, the\nthree on average top performing GGA and Hybrid levels for atomization energies\non QM9 using M3L correspond respectively to PW91, KT2, B97D, and $\\tau$-HCTH,\nB3LYP$\\ast$(VWN5), TPSSH.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:13:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Heinen","Stefan",""],["Khan","Danish",""],["von Rudorff","Guido Falk",""],["Karandashev","Konstantin",""],["Arrieta","Daniel Jose Arismendi",""],["Price","Alastair J. A.",""],["Nandi","Surajit",""],["Bhowmik","Arghya",""],["Hermansson","Kersti",""],["von Lilienfeld","O. Anatole",""]]} {"id":"2308.11197","submitter":"Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh","authors":"Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh, Robert E. Hillman, Daryush D. Mehta","title":"Toward Generalizable Machine Learning Models in Speech, Language, and\n Hearing Sciences: Sample Size Estimation and Reducing Overfitting","comments":"Under review at JSLHR","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" This study's first purpose is to provide quantitative evidence that would\nincentivize researchers to instead use the more robust method of nested\ncross-validation. The second purpose is to present methods and MATLAB codes for\ndoing power analysis for ML-based analysis during the design of a study. Monte\nCarlo simulations were used to quantify the interactions between the employed\ncross-validation method, the discriminative power of features, the\ndimensionality of the feature space, and the dimensionality of the model. Four\ndifferent cross-validations (single holdout, 10-fold, train-validation-test,\nand nested 10-fold) were compared based on the statistical power and\nstatistical confidence of the ML models. Distributions of the null and\nalternative hypotheses were used to determine the minimum required sample size\nfor obtaining a statistically significant outcome ({\\alpha}=0.05,\n1-\\b{eta}=0.8). Statistical confidence of the model was defined as the\nprobability of correct features being selected and hence being included in the\nfinal model. Our analysis showed that the model generated based on the single\nholdout method had very low statistical power and statistical confidence and\nthat it significantly overestimated the accuracy. Conversely, the nested\n10-fold cross-validation resulted in the highest statistical confidence and the\nhighest statistical power, while providing an unbiased estimate of the\naccuracy. The required sample size with a single holdout could be 50% higher\nthan what would be needed if nested cross-validation were used. Confidence in\nthe model based on nested cross-validation was as much as four times higher\nthan the confidence in the single holdout-based model. A computational model,\nMATLAB codes, and lookup tables are provided to assist researchers with\nestimating the sample size during the design of their future studies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:14:42 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 02:07:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Ghasemzadeh","Hamzeh",""],["Hillman","Robert E.",""],["Mehta","Daryush D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11198","submitter":"Wentian Qu","authors":"Wentian Qu, Zhaopeng Cui, Yinda Zhang, Chenyu Meng, Cuixia Ma,\n Xiaoming Deng, Hongan Wang","title":"Novel-view Synthesis and Pose Estimation for Hand-Object Interaction\n from Sparse Views","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Hand-object interaction understanding and the barely addressed novel view\nsynthesis are highly desired in the immersive communication, whereas it is\nchallenging due to the high deformation of hand and heavy occlusions between\nhand and object. In this paper, we propose a neural rendering and pose\nestimation system for hand-object interaction from sparse views, which can also\nenable 3D hand-object interaction editing. We share the inspiration from recent\nscene understanding work that shows a scene specific model built beforehand can\nsignificantly improve and unblock vision tasks especially when inputs are\nsparse, and extend it to the dynamic hand-object interaction scenario and\npropose to solve the problem in two stages. We first learn the shape and\nappearance prior knowledge of hands and objects separately with the neural\nrepresentation at the offline stage. During the online stage, we design a\nrendering-based joint model fitting framework to understand the dynamic\nhand-object interaction with the pre-built hand and object models as well as\ninteraction priors, which thereby overcomes penetration and separation issues\nbetween hand and object and also enables novel view synthesis. In order to get\nstable contact during the hand-object interaction process in a sequence, we\npropose a stable contact loss to make the contact region to be consistent.\nExperiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art\nmethods. Code and dataset are available in project webpage\nhttps://iscas3dv.github.io/HO-NeRF.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:17:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Qu","Wentian",""],["Cui","Zhaopeng",""],["Zhang","Yinda",""],["Meng","Chenyu",""],["Ma","Cuixia",""],["Deng","Xiaoming",""],["Wang","Hongan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11199","submitter":"Donghoon Han","authors":"Donghoon Han, Seunghyeon Seo, Donghyeon Jeon, Jiho Jang, Chaerin Kong\n and Nojun Kwak","title":"ConcatPlexer: Additional Dim1 Batching for Faster ViTs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Transformers have demonstrated tremendous success not only in the natural\nlanguage processing (NLP) domain but also the field of computer vision,\nigniting various creative approaches and applications. Yet, the superior\nperformance and modeling flexibility of transformers came with a severe\nincrease in computation costs, and hence several works have proposed methods to\nreduce this burden. Inspired by a cost-cutting method originally proposed for\nlanguage models, Data Multiplexing (DataMUX), we propose a novel approach for\nefficient visual recognition that employs additional dim1 batching (i.e.,\nconcatenation) that greatly improves the throughput with little compromise in\nthe accuracy. We first introduce a naive adaptation of DataMux for vision\nmodels, Image Multiplexer, and devise novel components to overcome its\nweaknesses, rendering our final model, ConcatPlexer, at the sweet spot between\ninference speed and accuracy. The ConcatPlexer was trained on ImageNet1K and\nCIFAR100 dataset and it achieved 23.5% less GFLOPs than ViT-B/16 with 69.5% and\n83.4% validation accuracy, respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:21:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Han","Donghoon",""],["Seo","Seunghyeon",""],["Jeon","Donghyeon",""],["Jang","Jiho",""],["Kong","Chaerin",""],["Kwak","Nojun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11200","submitter":"Shengsheng Lin","authors":"Shengsheng Lin, Weiwei Lin, Wentai Wu, Feiyu Zhao, Ruichao Mo, Haotong\n Zhang","title":"SegRNN: Segment Recurrent Neural Network for Long-Term Time Series\n Forecasting","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" RNN-based methods have faced challenges in the Long-term Time Series\nForecasting (LTSF) domain when dealing with excessively long look-back windows\nand forecast horizons. Consequently, the dominance in this domain has shifted\ntowards Transformer, MLP, and CNN approaches. The substantial number of\nrecurrent iterations are the fundamental reasons behind the limitations of RNNs\nin LTSF. To address these issues, we propose two novel strategies to reduce the\nnumber of iterations in RNNs for LTSF tasks: Segment-wise Iterations and\nParallel Multi-step Forecasting (PMF). RNNs that combine these strategies,\nnamely SegRNN, significantly reduce the required recurrent iterations for LTSF,\nresulting in notable improvements in forecast accuracy and inference speed.\nExtensive experiments demonstrate that SegRNN not only outperforms SOTA\nTransformer-based models but also reduces runtime and memory usage by more than\n78%. These achievements provide strong evidence that RNNs continue to excel in\nLTSF tasks and encourage further exploration of this domain with more RNN-based\napproaches. The source code is coming soon.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:23:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Shengsheng",""],["Lin","Weiwei",""],["Wu","Wentai",""],["Zhao","Feiyu",""],["Mo","Ruichao",""],["Zhang","Haotong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11201","submitter":"Wenbo Xu","authors":"Wenbo Xu, Huaxi Huang, Ming Cheng, Litao Yu, Qiang Wu, Jian Zhang","title":"Masked Cross-image Encoding for Few-shot Segmentation","comments":"conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Few-shot segmentation (FSS) is a dense prediction task that aims to infer the\npixel-wise labels of unseen classes using only a limited number of annotated\nimages. The key challenge in FSS is to classify the labels of query pixels\nusing class prototypes learned from the few labeled support exemplars. Prior\napproaches to FSS have typically focused on learning class-wise descriptors\nindependently from support images, thereby ignoring the rich contextual\ninformation and mutual dependencies among support-query features. To address\nthis limitation, we propose a joint learning method termed Masked Cross-Image\nEncoding (MCE), which is designed to capture common visual properties that\ndescribe object details and to learn bidirectional inter-image dependencies\nthat enhance feature interaction. MCE is more than a visual representation\nenrichment module; it also considers cross-image mutual dependencies and\nimplicit guidance. Experiments on FSS benchmarks PASCAL-$5^i$ and COCO-$20^i$\ndemonstrate the advanced meta-learning ability of the proposed method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:36:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Wenbo",""],["Huang","Huaxi",""],["Cheng","Ming",""],["Yu","Litao",""],["Wu","Qiang",""],["Zhang","Jian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11202","submitter":"Kapil Panda","authors":"Kapil Panda","title":"Analysis of Optimal Portfolio Management Using Hierarchical Clustering","comments":"5 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-fin.PM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Portfolio optimization is a task that investors use to determine the best\nallocations for their investments, and fund managers implement computational\nmodels to help guide their decisions. While one of the most common portfolio\noptimization models in the industry is the Markowitz Model, practitioners\nrecognize limitations in its framework that lead to suboptimal out-of-sample\nperformance and unrealistic allocations. In this study, I refine the Markowitz\nModel by incorporating machine learning to improve portfolio performance. By\nusing a hierarchical clustering-based approach, I am able to enhance portfolio\nperformance on a risk-adjusted basis compared to the Markowitz Model, across\nvarious market factors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:37:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Panda","Kapil",""]]} {"id":"2308.11203","submitter":"Jack Thompson","authors":"Serena Dipierro, Giorgio Poggesi, Jack Thompson, Enrico Valdinoci","title":"Quantitative stability for overdetermined nonlocal problems with\n parallel surfaces and investigation of the stability exponents","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article, we analyze the stability of the parallel surface problem for\nsemilinear equations driven by the fractional Laplacian. We prove a\nquantitative stability result that goes beyond that previously obtained in\n[Cir+23].\n Moreover, we discuss in detail several techniques and challenges in obtaining\nthe optimal exponent in this stability result. In particular, this includes an\nupper bound on the exponent via an explicit computation involving a family of\nellipsoids. We also sharply investigate a technique that was proposed in\n[Cir+18] to obtain the optimal stability exponent in the quantitative estimate\nfor the nonlocal Alexandrov's soap bubble theorem, obtaining accurate estimates\nto be compared with a new, explicit example.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:40:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Dipierro","Serena",""],["Poggesi","Giorgio",""],["Thompson","Jack",""],["Valdinoci","Enrico",""]]} {"id":"2308.11204","submitter":"Zihang Liu","authors":"Zihang Liu, Le Yu, Tongyu Zhu, Leiei Sun","title":"A Simple Framework for Multi-mode Spatial-Temporal Data Modeling","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Spatial-temporal data modeling aims to mine the underlying spatial\nrelationships and temporal dependencies of objects in a system. However, most\nexisting methods focus on the modeling of spatial-temporal data in a single\nmode, lacking the understanding of multiple modes. Though very few methods have\nbeen presented to learn the multi-mode relationships recently, they are built\non complicated components with higher model complexities. In this paper, we\npropose a simple framework for multi-mode spatial-temporal data modeling to\nbring both effectiveness and efficiency together. Specifically, we design a\ngeneral cross-mode spatial relationships learning component to adaptively\nestablish connections between multiple modes and propagate information along\nthe learned connections. Moreover, we employ multi-layer perceptrons to capture\nthe temporal dependencies and channel correlations, which are conceptually and\ntechnically succinct. Experiments on three real-world datasets show that our\nmodel can consistently outperform the baselines with lower space and time\ncomplexity, opening up a promising direction for modeling spatial-temporal\ndata. The generalizability of the cross-mode spatial relationships learning\nmodule is also validated.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:41:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Zihang",""],["Yu","Le",""],["Zhu","Tongyu",""],["Sun","Leiei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11205","submitter":"Gaurav Bhardwaj","authors":"Gaurav Bhardwaj, Bapi Chatterjee, Abhinav Sharma, Sathya Peri and\n Siddharth Nayak","title":"Learned Lock-free Search Data Structures","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Non-blocking search data structures offer scalability with a progress\nguarantee on high-performance multi-core architectures. In the recent past,\n\"learned queries\" have gained remarkable attention. It refers to predicting the\nrank of a key computed by machine learning models trained to infer the\ncumulative distribution function of an ordered dataset. A line of works\nexhibits the superiority of learned queries over classical query algorithms.\nYet, to our knowledge, no existing non-blocking search data structure employs\nthem. In this paper, we introduce \\textbf{Kanva}, a framework for learned\nnon-blocking search. Kanva has an intuitive yet non-trivial design: traverse\ndown a shallow hierarchy of lightweight linear models to reach the\n\"non-blocking bins,\" which are dynamic ordered search structures. The proposed\napproach significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art -- non-blocking\ninterpolation search trees and elimination (a,b) trees -- in many workload and\ndata distributions. Kanva is provably linearizable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:42:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bhardwaj","Gaurav",""],["Chatterjee","Bapi",""],["Sharma","Abhinav",""],["Peri","Sathya",""],["Nayak","Siddharth",""]]} {"id":"2308.11206","submitter":"Xujie Zhang","authors":"Xujie Zhang, Binbin Yang, Michael C. Kampffmeyer, Wenqing Zhang,\n Shiyue Zhang, Guansong Lu, Liang Lin, Hang Xu, Xiaodan Liang","title":"DiffCloth: Diffusion Based Garment Synthesis and Manipulation via\n Structural Cross-modal Semantic Alignment","comments":"accepted by ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Cross-modal garment synthesis and manipulation will significantly benefit the\nway fashion designers generate garments and modify their designs via flexible\nlinguistic interfaces.Current approaches follow the general text-to-image\nparadigm and mine cross-modal relations via simple cross-attention modules,\nneglecting the structural correspondence between visual and textual\nrepresentations in the fashion design domain. In this work, we instead\nintroduce DiffCloth, a diffusion-based pipeline for cross-modal garment\nsynthesis and manipulation, which empowers diffusion models with flexible\ncompositionality in the fashion domain by structurally aligning the cross-modal\nsemantics. Specifically, we formulate the part-level cross-modal alignment as a\nbipartite matching problem between the linguistic Attribute-Phrases (AP) and\nthe visual garment parts which are obtained via constituency parsing and\nsemantic segmentation, respectively. To mitigate the issue of attribute\nconfusion, we further propose a semantic-bundled cross-attention to preserve\nthe spatial structure similarities between the attention maps of attribute\nadjectives and part nouns in each AP. Moreover, DiffCloth allows for\nmanipulation of the generated results by simply replacing APs in the text\nprompts. The manipulation-irrelevant regions are recognized by blended masks\nobtained from the bundled attention maps of the APs and kept unchanged.\nExtensive experiments on the CM-Fashion benchmark demonstrate that DiffCloth\nboth yields state-of-the-art garment synthesis results by leveraging the\ninherent structural information and supports flexible manipulation with region\nconsistency.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:43:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Xujie",""],["Yang","Binbin",""],["Kampffmeyer","Michael C.",""],["Zhang","Wenqing",""],["Zhang","Shiyue",""],["Lu","Guansong",""],["Lin","Liang",""],["Xu","Hang",""],["Liang","Xiaodan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11207","submitter":"Muzi Hong","authors":"Muzi Hong, Ryusuke Jinno","title":"Quartic Gradient Flow","comments":"8 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"RESCEU-16/23","categories":"hep-ph astro-ph.CO hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Saddle-point configurations, such as the Euclidean bounce and sphalerons, are\nknown to be difficult to find numerically. In this Letter we study a new\nmethod, Quartic Gradient Flow, to search for such configurations. The central\nidea is to introduce a gradient-flow-like equation in such a way that all the\nfluctuations around the saddle-point have eigenvalues that are square of the\neigenvalues of the original quadratic operator. We illustrate how the method\nworks for the Euclidean bounce and sphalerons.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:45:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hong","Muzi",""],["Jinno","Ryusuke",""]]} {"id":"2308.11208","submitter":"Fedor Kovalev","authors":"Fedor Kovalev and Ilya Shadrivov","title":"Parametric metasurfaces for electromagnetic wave amplification","comments":"The following article has been submitted to Applied Physics Letters.\n After it is published, it will be found at https://pubs.aip.org/aip/apl","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study parametric amplification of electromagnetic waves by metasurfaces.\nWe design a variable capacitor-loaded metasurface that is able to amplify\nincident electromagnetic waves. We analyze various regimes of operation of the\nsystem and find that we can achieve a significant gain (over 10 dB) in just one\nlayer of such structure, and this gain can be controlled by the parametric\nmodulation. We study the instability threshold for this system and show that a\nsimple theoretical model agrees well with the results of full numerical\nsimulations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:45:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kovalev","Fedor",""],["Shadrivov","Ilya",""]]} {"id":"2308.11209","submitter":"Anupama Mampage","authors":"Anupama Mampage, Shanika Karunasekera, Rajkumar Buyya","title":"A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Algorithm for Time and Cost\n Optimized Scaling of Serverless Applications","comments":"15 pages, 22 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Serverless computing has gained a strong traction in the cloud computing\ncommunity in recent years. Among the many benefits of this novel computing\nmodel, the rapid auto-scaling capability of user applications takes prominence.\nHowever, the offer of adhoc scaling of user deployments at function level\nintroduces many complications to serverless systems. The added delay and\nfailures in function request executions caused by the time consumed for\ndynamically creating new resources to suit function workloads, known as the\ncold-start delay, is one such very prevalent shortcoming. Maintaining idle\nresource pools to alleviate this issue often results in wasted resources from\nthe cloud provider perspective. Existing solutions to address this limitation\nmostly focus on predicting and understanding function load levels in order to\nproactively create required resources. Although these solutions improve\nfunction performance, the lack of understanding on the overall system\ncharacteristics in making these scaling decisions often leads to the\nsub-optimal usage of system resources. Further, the multi-tenant nature of\nserverless systems requires a scalable solution adaptable for multiple\nco-existing applications, a limitation seen in most current solutions. In this\npaper, we introduce a novel multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning based\nintelligent solution for both horizontal and vertical scaling of function\nresources, based on a comprehensive understanding on both function and system\nrequirements. Our solution elevates function performance reducing cold starts,\nwhile also offering the flexibility for optimizing resource maintenance cost to\nthe service providers. Experiments conducted considering varying workload\nscenarios show improvements of up to 23% and 34% in terms of application\nlatency and request failures, while also saving up to 45% in infrastructure\ncost for the service providers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:45:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mampage","Anupama",""],["Karunasekera","Shanika",""],["Buyya","Rajkumar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11210","submitter":"Dooyoung Kim","authors":"Dooyoung Kim, Woontack Woo","title":"Edge-Centric Space Rescaling with Redirected Walking for Dissimilar\n Physical-Virtual Space Registration","comments":"This paper has been accepted as a paper for the 2023 ISMAR conference\n (2023/10/16-2023/10/20) 10 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a novel space-rescaling technique for registering dissimilar\nphysical-virtual spaces by utilizing the effects of adjusting physical space\nwith redirected walking. Achieving a seamless immersive Virtual Reality (VR)\nexperience requires overcoming the spatial heterogeneities between the physical\nand virtual spaces and accurately aligning the VR environment with the user's\ntracked physical space. However, existing space-matching algorithms that rely\non one-to-one scale mapping are inadequate when dealing with highly dissimilar\nphysical and virtual spaces, and redirected walking controllers could not\nutilize basic geometric information from physical space in the virtual space\ndue to coordinate distortion. To address these issues, we apply relative\ntranslation gains to partitioned space grids based on the main interactable\nobject's edge, which enables space-adaptive modification effects of physical\nspace without coordinate distortion. Our evaluation results demonstrate the\neffectiveness of our algorithm in aligning the main object's edge, surface, and\nwall, as well as securing the largest registered area compared to alternative\nmethods under all conditions. These findings can be used to create an immersive\nplay area for VR content where users can receive passive feedback from the\nplane and edge in their physical environment.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:47:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Dooyoung",""],["Woo","Woontack",""]]} {"id":"2308.11211","submitter":"Dawei Li","authors":"Kun Liu, Yutian Lei, Dawei Li","title":"Simultaneous 3D Construction and Imaging of Plant Cells Using Plasmonic\n Nanoprobe Assisted Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy","comments":"18 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Nonlinear optical (NLO) imaging has emerged as a promising plant cell imaging\ntechnique due to its large optical penetration, inherent 3D spatial resolution,\nand reduced photodamage, meanwhile exogenous nanoprobes are usually needed for\nnon-signal target cell analysis. Here, we report in-vivo, simultaneous 3D\nlabeling and imaging of potato cell structures using plasmonic\nnanoprobe-assisted multimodal NLO microscopy. Experimental results show that\nthe complete cell structure could be imaged by the combination of\nsecond-harmonic generation (SHG) and two-photon luminescence (TPL) when noble\nmetal silver or gold ions are added. In contrast, without noble metal ion\nsolution, no NLO signals from the cell wall could be acquired. The mechanism\ncan be attributed to noble metal nanoprobes with strong nonlinear optical\nresponses formed along the cell walls via a femtosecond laser scan. During the\nSHG-TPL imaging process, noble metal ions that cross the cell wall could be\nrapidly reduced to plasmonic nanoparticles by fs laser and selectively anchored\nonto both sides of the cell wall, thereby leading to simultaneous 3D labeling\nand imaging of potato cells. Compared with traditional labeling technique that\nneeds in-vitro nanoprobe fabrication and cell labeling, our approach allows for\none-step, in-vivo labeling of plant cells, thus providing a rapid,\ncost-effective way for cellular structure construction and imaging.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:48:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Kun",""],["Lei","Yutian",""],["Li","Dawei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11212","submitter":"Latifah Hanum","authors":"Latifah Hanum, Nanang Susyanto and Dwi Ertiningsih","title":"Mathematical Model of the Impact of Chemotherapy and Anti-Angiogenic\n Therapy on Drug Resistance in Glioma Growth","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS q-bio.TO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This research presents a mathematical model of glioma growth dynamics with\ndrug resistance, capturing interactions among five cell populations: glial\ncells, sensitive glioma cells, resistant glioma cells, endothelial cells, and\nneuron cells, along with two therapy agent populations: chemotherapy and\nanti-angiogenic therapy. Glioma is a malignant tumor originating from glial\ncells, undergoes chemotherapy-induced mutations, leading to drug-resistant\nglioma cells. This not only impacts glioma cells but also normal cells.\nCombining chemotherapy and anti-angiogenic therapy, the model employs a Holling\ntype II response function, considering optimal dosages for treatment\noptimization. Through analysis, three equilibrium are identified: two stable\nand one unstable equilibrium points. Numerical simulations, employing phase\nportraits and trajectory diagrams, illustrate the combined therapies impact on\nglioma cells. In summary, this concise model explores glioma dynamics and drug\nresistance, offering insights into the efficacy of combined therapies, crucial\nfor optimizing glioma treatment.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:55:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hanum","Latifah",""],["Susyanto","Nanang",""],["Ertiningsih","Dwi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11213","submitter":"Xinzhou Su","authors":"Xinzhou Su, Kaiheng Zou, Huibin Zhou, Hao Song, Yingning Wang, Ruoyu\n Zeng, Zile Jiang, Yuxiang Duan, Maxim Karpov, Tobias J. Kippenberg, Moshe\n Tur, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Alan E. Willner","title":"Temporally and Longitudinally Tailored Dynamic Space-Time Wave Packets","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In general, space-time wave packets with correlations between transverse\nspatial fields and temporal frequency spectra can lead to unique spatiotemporal\ndynamics, thus enabling control of the instantaneous light properties. However,\nspatiotemporal dynamics generated in previous approaches manifest themselves at\na given propagation distance yet not arbitrarily tailored longitudinally. Here,\nwe propose and demonstrate a new versatile class of judiciously synthesized\nwave packets whose spatiotemporal evolution can be arbitrarily engineered to\ntake place at various predesigned distances along the longitudinal propagation\npath. Spatiotemporal synthesis is achieved by introducing a 2-dimensional\nspectrum comprising both temporal and longitudinal wavenumbers associated with\nspecific transverse Bessel-Gaussian fields. The resulting spectra are then\nemployed to produce wave packets evolving in both time and axial distance - in\nfull accord with the theoretical analysis. In this respect, various light\ndegrees of freedom can be independently manipulated, such as intensity,\npolarization, and transverse spatial distribution (e.g., orbital angular\nmomentum). Through a temporal-longitudinal frequency comb spectrum, we simulate\nthe synthesis of the aforementioned wave packet properties, indicating a\ndecrease in relative error compared to the desired phenomena as more spectral\ncomponents are incorporated. Additionally, we experimentally demonstrate\ntailorable spatiotemporal fields carrying time- and longitudinal-varying\norbital angular momentum, such that the local topological charge evolves every\n~1 ps in the time domain and 10 cm axially. We believe that our space-time wave\npackets can significantly expand the exploration of spatiotemporal dynamics in\nthe longitudinal dimension, and potentially enable novel applications in\nultrafast microscopy, light-matter interactions, and nonlinear optics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:55:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Su","Xinzhou",""],["Zou","Kaiheng",""],["Zhou","Huibin",""],["Song","Hao",""],["Wang","Yingning",""],["Zeng","Ruoyu",""],["Jiang","Zile",""],["Duan","Yuxiang",""],["Karpov","Maxim",""],["Kippenberg","Tobias J.",""],["Tur","Moshe",""],["Christodoulides","Demetrios N.",""],["Willner","Alan E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11214","submitter":"Jeff R Hammond","authors":"Jeff R. Hammond, Lisandro Dalcin, Erik Schnetter, Marc P\\'erache,\n Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Jed Brown, Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi, Joseph Schuchart,\n Simon Byrne and Hui Zhou","title":"MPI Application Binary Interface Standardization","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3615318.3615319","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" MPI is the most widely used interface for high-performance computing (HPC)\nworkloads. Its success lies in its embrace of libraries and ability to evolve\nwhile maintaining backward compatibility for older codes, enabling them to run\non new architectures for many years. In this paper, we propose a new level of\nMPI compatibility: a standard Application Binary Interface (ABI). We review the\nhistory of MPI implementation ABIs, identify the constraints from the MPI\nstandard and ISO C, and summarize recent efforts to develop a standard ABI for\nMPI. We provide the current proposal from the MPI Forum's ABI working group,\nwhich has been prototyped both within MPICH and as an independent abstraction\nlayer called Mukautuva. We also list several use cases that would benefit from\nthe definition of an ABI while outlining the remaining constraints.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:57:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hammond","Jeff R.",""],["Dalcin","Lisandro",""],["Schnetter","Erik",""],["P\u00e9rache","Marc",""],["Besnard","Jean-Baptiste",""],["Brown","Jed",""],["Gadeschi","Gonzalo Brito",""],["Schuchart","Joseph",""],["Byrne","Simon",""],["Zhou","Hui",""]]} {"id":"2308.11215","submitter":"Soham Sen","authors":"Sukanta Bhattacharyya, Soham Sen, and Sunandan Gangopadhyay","title":"Resonant detectors of gravitational wave in the linear and quadratic\n generalized uncertainty principle framework","comments":"19 pages LATEX. Comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we consider a resonant bar detector of gravitational wave in\nthe generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) framework with linear and quadratic\nmomentum uncertainties. The phonon modes in these detectors vibrate due to the\ninteraction with the incoming gravitational wave. In this uncertainty principle\nframework, we calculate the resonant frequencies and transition rates induced\nby the incoming gravitational waves on these detectors. We observe that the\nenergy eigenstates and the eigenvalues get modified by the GUP parameters. We\nalso observe non-vanishing transition probabilities between two adjacent energy\nlevels due to the existence of the linear order momentum correction in the\ngeneralized uncertainty relation which was not present in the quadratic GUP\nanalysis [\\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6382/abac45}{Class. Quantum\nGrav. 37 (2020) 195006}]. We finally obtain bounds on the dimensionless GUP\nparameters using the form of the transition rates obtained during this\nanalysis.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:00:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bhattacharyya","Sukanta",""],["Sen","Soham",""],["Gangopadhyay","Sunandan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11216","submitter":"Christine Allen-Blanchette","authors":"Christine Allen-Blanchette","title":"Hamiltonian GAN","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A growing body of work leverages the Hamiltonian formalism as an inductive\nbias for physically plausible neural network based video generation. The\nstructure of the Hamiltonian ensures conservation of a learned quantity (e.g.,\nenergy) and imposes a phase-space interpretation on the low-dimensional\nmanifold underlying the input video. While this interpretation has the\npotential to facilitate the integration of learned representations in\ndownstream tasks, existing methods are limited in their applicability as they\nrequire a structural prior for the configuration space at design time. In this\nwork, we present a GAN-based video generation pipeline with a learned\nconfiguration space map and Hamiltonian neural network motion model, to learn a\nrepresentation of the configuration space from data. We train our model with a\nphysics-inspired cyclic-coordinate loss function which encourages a minimal\nrepresentation of the configuration space and improves interpretability. We\ndemonstrate the efficacy and advantages of our approach on the Hamiltonian\nDynamics Suite Toy Physics dataset.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:03:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Allen-Blanchette","Christine",""]]} {"id":"2308.11217","submitter":"Zhaoxiang Hou","authors":"Zengxiang Li and Zhaoxiang Hou and Hui Liu and Ying Wang and Tongzhi\n Li and Longfei Xie and Chao Shi and Chengyi Yang and Weishan Zhang and Zelei\n Liu and Liang Xu","title":"Federated Learning in Big Model Era: Domain-Specific Multimodal Large\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multimodal data, which can comprehensively perceive and recognize the\nphysical world, has become an essential path towards general artificial\nintelligence. However, multimodal large models trained on public datasets often\nunderperform in specific industrial domains. This paper proposes a multimodal\nfederated learning framework that enables multiple enterprises to utilize\nprivate domain data to collaboratively train large models for vertical domains,\nachieving intelligent services across scenarios. The authors discuss in-depth\nthe strategic transformation of federated learning in terms of intelligence\nfoundation and objectives in the era of big model, as well as the new\nchallenges faced in heterogeneous data, model aggregation, performance and cost\ntrade-off, data privacy, and incentive mechanism. The paper elaborates a case\nstudy of leading enterprises contributing multimodal data and expert knowledge\nto city safety operation management , including distributed deployment and\nefficient coordination of the federated learning platform, technical\ninnovations on data quality improvement based on large model capabilities and\nefficient joint fine-tuning approaches. Preliminary experiments show that\nenterprises can enhance and accumulate intelligent capabilities through\nmultimodal model federated learning, thereby jointly creating an smart city\nmodel that provides high-quality intelligent services covering energy\ninfrastructure safety, residential community security, and urban operation\nmanagement. The established federated learning cooperation ecosystem is\nexpected to further aggregate industry, academia, and research resources,\nrealize large models in multiple vertical domains, and promote the large-scale\nindustrial application of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge research on\nmultimodal federated learning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:05:11 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 06:17:21 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 06:24:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Li","Zengxiang",""],["Hou","Zhaoxiang",""],["Liu","Hui",""],["Wang","Ying",""],["Li","Tongzhi",""],["Xie","Longfei",""],["Shi","Chao",""],["Yang","Chengyi",""],["Zhang","Weishan",""],["Liu","Zelei",""],["Xu","Liang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11218","submitter":"Daniel Kessler","authors":"Daniel Kessler and Elizaveta Levina","title":"Computational Inference for Directions in Canonical Correlation Analysis","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is a method for analyzing pairs of\nrandom vectors; it learns a sequence of paired linear transformations such that\nthe resultant canonical variates are maximally correlated within pairs while\nuncorrelated across pairs. CCA outputs both canonical correlations as well as\nthe canonical directions which define the transformations. While inference for\ncanonical correlations is well developed, conducting inference for canonical\ndirections is more challenging and not well-studied, but is key to\ninterpretability. We propose a computational bootstrap method (combootcca) for\ninference on CCA directions. We conduct thorough simulation studies that range\nfrom simple and well-controlled to complex but realistic and validate the\nstatistical properties of combootcca while comparing it to several competitors.\nWe also apply the combootcca method to a brain imaging dataset and discover\nlinked patterns in brain connectivity and behavioral scores.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:09:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kessler","Daniel",""],["Levina","Elizaveta",""]]} {"id":"2308.11219","submitter":"Yu Ye","authors":"Shiqi Yang, Xiaolong Xu, Bo Han, Pingfan Gu, Roger Guzman, Yiwen Song,\n Zhongchong Lin, Peng Gao, Wu Zhou, Jinbo Yang, Zuxin Chen and Yu Ye","title":"Controlling the 2D magnetism of CrBr$_3$ by van der Waals stacking\n engineering","comments":"7 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" The manipulation of two-dimensional (2D) magnetic order is of significant\nimportance to facilitate future 2D magnets for low-power and high-speed\nspintronic devices. Van der Waals stacking engineering makes promises for\ncontrollable magnetism via interlayer magnetic coupling. However, directly\nexamining the stacking order changes accompanying magnetic order transitions at\nthe atomic scale and preparing device-ready 2D magnets with controllable\nmagnetic orders remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate effective control of\ninterlayer stacking in exfoliated CrBr$_3$ via thermally assisted strain\nengineering. The stable interlayer ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromagnetic (AFM),\nand FM-AFM coexistent ground states confirmed by the magnetic circular\ndichroism measurements are realized. Combined with the first-principles\ncalculations, the atomically-resolved imaging technique reveals the correlation\nbetween magnetic order and interlay stacking order in the CrBr$_3$ flakes\nunambiguously. A tunable exchange bias effect is obtained in the mixed phase of\nFM and AFM states. This work will introduce new magnetic properties by\ncontrolling the stacking order, and sequence of 2D magnets, providing ample\nopportunities for their application in spintronic devices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:09:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Shiqi",""],["Xu","Xiaolong",""],["Han","Bo",""],["Gu","Pingfan",""],["Guzman","Roger",""],["Song","Yiwen",""],["Lin","Zhongchong",""],["Gao","Peng",""],["Zhou","Wu",""],["Yang","Jinbo",""],["Chen","Zuxin",""],["Ye","Yu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11220","submitter":"Lucia Morris","authors":"Lucia Morris, Tori Qiu, Nikhil Raghuraman","title":"Federated Learning on Patient Data for Privacy-Protecting Polycystic\n Ovary Syndrome Treatment","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The field of women's endocrinology has trailed behind data-driven medical\nsolutions, largely due to concerns over the privacy of patient data. Valuable\ndatapoints about hormone levels or menstrual cycling could expose patients who\nsuffer from comorbidities or terminate a pregnancy, violating their privacy. We\nexplore the application of Federated Learning (FL) to predict the optimal drug\nfor patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a serious hormonal\ndisorder impacting millions of women worldwide, yet it's poorly understood and\nits research is stunted by a lack of patient data. We demonstrate that a\nvariety of FL approaches succeed on a synthetic PCOS patient dataset. Our\nproposed FL models are a tool to access massive quantities of diverse data and\nidentify the most effective treatment option while providing PCOS patients with\nprivacy guarantees.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:21:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Morris","Lucia",""],["Qiu","Tori",""],["Raghuraman","Nikhil",""]]} {"id":"2308.11221","submitter":"Dongyu Bai","authors":"Dongyu Bai, Yihan Nie, Jing Shang, Minghao Liu, Yang Yang, Haifei\n Zhan, Liangzhi Kou and Yuantong Gu","title":"Ferroelectric Domain and Switching Dynamics in Curved In2Se3: First\n Principle and Deep Learning Molecular Dynamics Simulations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Complex strain status can exist in 2D materials during their synthesis\nprocess, resulting in significant impacts on the physical and chemical\nproperties. Despite their prevalence in experiments, their influence on the\nmaterial properties and the corresponding mechanism are often understudied due\nto the lack of effective simulation methods. In this work, we investigated the\neffects of bending, rippling, and bubbling on the ferroelectric domains in\nIn2Se3 monolayer by density functional theory (DFT) and deep learning molecular\ndynamics (DLMD) simulations. The analysis of the tube model shows that bending\ndeformation imparts asymmetry into the system, and the polarization direction\ntends to orient towards the tensile side, which has a lower energy state than\nthe opposite polarization direction. The energy barrier for polarization\nswitching can be reduced by compressive strain according DFT results. The\ndynamics of the polarization switching is investigated by the DLMD simulations.\nThe influence of curvature and temperature on the switching time follows the\nArrhenius-style function. For the complex strain status in the rippling and\nbubbling model, the lifetime of the local transient polarization is analyzed by\nthe autocorrelation function, and the size of the stable polarization domain is\nidentified. Local curvature and temperature can influence the local\npolarization dynamics following the proposed Arrhenius-style equation. Through\ncross-scale simulations, this study demonstrates the capability of\ndeep-learning potentials in simulating polarization for ferroelectric\nmaterials. It further reveals the potential to manipulate local polarization in\nferroelectric materials through strain engineering.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:27:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bai","Dongyu",""],["Nie","Yihan",""],["Shang","Jing",""],["Liu","Minghao",""],["Yang","Yang",""],["Zhan","Haifei",""],["Kou","Liangzhi",""],["Gu","Yuantong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11222","submitter":"Lu Tianhang","authors":"Tianhang Lu and Han Xian and Qizhi Fang","title":"Approximate Core Allocations for Edge Cover Games","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO econ.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the approximate core for edge cover games, which are cooperative\ngames stemming from edge cover problems. In these games, each player controls a\nvertex on a network $G = (V, E; w)$, and the cost of a coalition $S\\subseteq V$\nis equivalent to the minimum weight of edge covers in the subgraph induced by\n$S$. We prove that the 3/4-core of edge cover games is always non-empty and can\nbe computed in polynomial time by using linear program duality approach. This\nratio is the best possible, as it represents the integrality gap of the natural\nLP for edge cover problems. Moreover, our analysis reveals that the ratio of\napproximate core corresponds with the length of the shortest odd cycle of\nunderlying graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:27:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Tianhang",""],["Xian","Han",""],["Fang","Qizhi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11223","submitter":"Francesco Pittaluga","authors":"Francesco Pittaluga and Bingbing Zhuang","title":"LDP-Feat: Image Features with Local Differential Privacy","comments":"11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in International Conference on\n Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Modern computer vision services often require users to share raw feature\ndescriptors with an untrusted server. This presents an inherent privacy risk,\nas raw descriptors may be used to recover the source images from which they\nwere extracted. To address this issue, researchers recently proposed\nprivatizing image features by embedding them within an affine subspace\ncontaining the original feature as well as adversarial feature samples. In this\npaper, we propose two novel inversion attacks to show that it is possible to\n(approximately) recover the original image features from these embeddings,\nallowing us to recover privacy-critical image content. In light of such\nsuccesses and the lack of theoretical privacy guarantees afforded by existing\nvisual privacy methods, we further propose the first method to privatize image\nfeatures via local differential privacy, which, unlike prior approaches,\nprovides a guaranteed bound for privacy leakage regardless of the strength of\nthe attacks. In addition, our method yields strong performance in visual\nlocalization as a downstream task while enjoying the privacy guarantee.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:28:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pittaluga","Francesco",""],["Zhuang","Bingbing",""]]} {"id":"2308.11224","submitter":"Chang Liu","authors":"Chang Liu, Bo Wu","title":"Evaluating Large Language Models on Graphs: Performance Insights and\n Comparative Analysis","comments":"12 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered considerable interest within both\nacademic and industrial. Yet, the application of LLMs to graph data remains\nunder-explored. In this study, we evaluate the capabilities of four LLMs in\naddressing several analytical problems with graph data. We employ four distinct\nevaluation metrics: Comprehension, Correctness, Fidelity, and Rectification.\nOur results show that: 1) LLMs effectively comprehend graph data in natural\nlanguage and reason with graph topology. 2) GPT models can generate logical and\ncoherent results, outperforming alternatives in correctness. 3) All examined\nLLMs face challenges in structural reasoning, with techniques like zero-shot\nchain-of-thought and few-shot prompting showing diminished efficacy. 4) GPT\nmodels often produce erroneous answers in multi-answer tasks, raising concerns\nin fidelity. 5) GPT models exhibit elevated confidence in their outputs,\npotentially hindering their rectification capacities. Notably, GPT-4 has\ndemonstrated the capacity to rectify responses from GPT-3.5-turbo and its own\nprevious iterations. The code is available at:\nhttps://github.com/Ayame1006/LLMtoGraph.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:32:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Chang",""],["Wu","Bo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11225","submitter":"Anes Bendimerad","authors":"Anes Bendimerad, Youcef Remil, Romain Mathonat, Mehdi Kaytoue","title":"On-Premise AIOps Infrastructure for a Software Editor SME: An Experience\n Report","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Information Technology has become a critical component in various industries,\nleading to an increased focus on software maintenance and monitoring. With the\ncomplexities of modern software systems, traditional maintenance approaches\nhave become insufficient. The concept of AIOps has emerged to enhance\npredictive maintenance using Big Data and Machine Learning capabilities.\nHowever, exploiting AIOps requires addressing several challenges related to the\ncomplexity of data and incident management. Commercial solutions exist, but\nthey may not be suitable for certain companies due to high costs, data\ngovernance issues, and limitations in covering private software. This paper\ninvestigates the feasibility of implementing on-premise AIOps solutions by\nleveraging open-source tools. We introduce a comprehensive AIOps infrastructure\nthat we have successfully deployed in our company, and we provide the rationale\nbehind different choices that we made to build its various components.\nParticularly, we provide insights into our approach and criteria for selecting\na data management system and we explain its integration. Our experience can be\nbeneficial for companies seeking to internally manage their software\nmaintenance processes with a modern AIOps approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:47:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bendimerad","Anes",""],["Remil","Youcef",""],["Mathonat","Romain",""],["Kaytoue","Mehdi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11226","submitter":"Eric Kulanthaivelu","authors":"Eric Kulanthaivelu (UR UFRDE, CEMOI)","title":"The growth effects of tropical cyclones in the U.S.: new evidence from\n state to county level","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Tropical cyclones have always been a concern for public authorities in the\nU.S., with a season lasting nearly half of the year. Using longitudinal data on\neconomic growth and exposure to tropical cyclones, we provide new comprehensive\nanalyses of these disasters' growth impact in U.S. states and counties. While\nwe find that results remain insignificant with country-wide samples, this study\nshows that the effects can be, instead, significant at regional level. In fact,\na specific analysis of Florida State stresses significant short-term negative\neffects, both at county and state levels. At this stage, this study calls for\nan in-depth investigation of the underlying mechanisms leading to such growth\ndepletion but already pins down the important heterogeneity in the effects of a\ncatastrophe on growth patterns within a country.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:52:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kulanthaivelu","Eric","","UR UFRDE, CEMOI"]]} {"id":"2308.11227","submitter":"Luca Asselle","authors":"L. Asselle and M. Starostka","title":"A note on the Morse homology for a class of functionals in Banach spaces\n involving the $p$-Laplacian","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper we show how to construct Morse homology for an explicit class\nof functionals involving the $p$-Laplacian. The natural domain of definition of\nsuch functionals is the Banach space $W^{1,2p}_0(\\Omega)$, where $p>n/2$ and\n$\\Omega \\subset \\mathbb R^n$ is a bounded domain with sufficiently smooth\nboundary. As $W^{1,2p}_0(\\Omega)$ is not isomorphic to its dual space, critical\npoints of such functionals cannot be non-degenerate in the usual sense, and\nhence in the construction of Morse homology we only require that the second\ndifferential at each critical point be injective. Our result upgrades a result\nof Cingolani and Vannella, where critical groups for an analogous class of\nfunctionals are computed, and provides in this special case a positive answer\nto Smale's suggestion that injectivity of the second differential should be\nenough for Morse theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:52:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Asselle","L.",""],["Starostka","M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11228","submitter":"Dan Solodar","authors":"Dan Solodar and Itzik Klein","title":"VIO-DualProNet: Visual-Inertial Odometry with Learning Based Process\n Noise Covariance","comments":"10 pages, 15 figures, bib file","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Visual-inertial odometry (VIO) is a vital technique used in robotics,\naugmented reality, and autonomous vehicles. It combines visual and inertial\nmeasurements to accurately estimate position and orientation. Existing VIO\nmethods assume a fixed noise covariance for the inertial uncertainty. However,\naccurately determining in real-time the noise variance of the inertial sensors\npresents a significant challenge as the uncertainty changes throughout the\noperation leading to suboptimal performance and reduced accuracy. To circumvent\nthis, we propose VIO-DualProNet, a novel approach that utilizes deep learning\nmethods to dynamically estimate the inertial noise uncertainty in real-time. By\ndesigning and training a deep neural network to predict inertial noise\nuncertainty using only inertial sensor measurements, and integrating it into\nthe VINS-Mono algorithm, we demonstrate a substantial improvement in accuracy\nand robustness, enhancing VIO performance and potentially benefiting other\nVIO-based systems for precise localization and mapping across diverse\nconditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:54:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Solodar","Dan",""],["Klein","Itzik",""]]} {"id":"2308.11229","submitter":"Claudio De Persis","authors":"C. De Persis, D. Gadginmath, F. Pasqualetti, P. Tesi","title":"Data-Driven Feedback Linearization with Complete Dictionaries","comments":"Submitted for peer review on 29 March 2023. To appear in the\n Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 13-15\n December 2023, Singapore","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider the feedback linearization problem, and contribute with a new\nmethod that can learn the linearizing controller from a library (a dictionary)\nof candidate functions. When the dynamics of the system are known, the method\nboils down to solving a set of linear equations. Remarkably, the same idea\nextends to the case in which the dynamics of the system are unknown and a\nlinearizing controller must be found using experimental data. In particular, we\nderive a simple condition (checkable from data) to assess when the\nlinearization property holds over the entire state space of interest and not\njust on the dataset used to determine the solution. We also discuss important\nresearch directions on this topic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:56:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["De Persis","C.",""],["Gadginmath","D.",""],["Pasqualetti","F.",""],["Tesi","P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11230","submitter":"Yasushi Kawase","authors":"Yasushi Kawase, Kazuhisa Makino, Hanna Sumita, Akihisa Tamura, Makoto\n Yokoo","title":"Towards Optimal Subsidy Bounds for Envy-freeable Allocations","comments":"14pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the fair division of indivisible items with subsidies among $n$\nagents, where the absolute marginal valuation of each item is at most one.\nUnder monotone valuations (where each item is a good), Brustle et al. (2020)\ndemonstrated that a maximum subsidy of $2(n-1)$ and a total subsidy of\n$2(n-1)^2$ are sufficient to guarantee the existence of an envy-freeable\nallocation. In this paper, we improve upon these bounds, even in a wider model.\nNamely, we show that, given an EF1 allocation, we can compute in polynomial\ntime an envy-free allocation with a subsidy of at most $n-1$ per agent and a\ntotal subsidy of at most $n(n-1)/2$. Moreover, we present further improved\nbounds for monotone valuations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:05:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kawase","Yasushi",""],["Makino","Kazuhisa",""],["Sumita","Hanna",""],["Tamura","Akihisa",""],["Yokoo","Makoto",""]]} {"id":"2308.11231","submitter":"Tao Wang","authors":"Tao Wang, Bing-cheng He, Chun-xiao Zhou, Dong-kang Li and Lorenzo\n Fortunato","title":"Emerging $\\gamma$-softness in $^{196}$Pt in the SU3-IBM","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, it has been argued that a new $\\gamma$-soft rotational spectrum\nemerges in the interacting boson model with SU(3) higher-order interactions,\nopening up new approaches to understand the $\\gamma$-softness in realistic\nnuclei. In a previous paper, $\\gamma$-softness with degeneracy of the ground\nand quasi-$\\gamma$ bands is observed, which displays a O(5) partial dynamical\nsymmetry. In this paper, another special point connected with the middle\ndegenerate point is discussed, which is found to be related with the properties\nof $^{196}$Pt. This emergent $\\gamma$-softness has also been shown to be\nimportant for understanding the prolate-oblate asymmetric shape phase\ntransition. The low-lying spectra, $B(E2)$ values and quadrupole moments in\n$^{196}$Pt are discussed showing that the new model can account for several\nobserved features.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:09:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Tao",""],["He","Bing-cheng",""],["Zhou","Chun-xiao",""],["Li","Dong-kang",""],["Fortunato","Lorenzo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11232","submitter":"Ragnar Fleischmann","authors":"King Hang Mok, Ragnar Fleischmann","title":"Branched flows in active random walks and the formation of ant trail\n patterns","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.bio-ph cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Branched flow governs the transition from ballistic to diffusive motion of\nwaves and conservative particle flows in spatially correlated random or complex\nenvironments. It occurs in many physical systems from micrometer to\ninterstellar scales. In living matter systems, however, this transport regime\nis usually suppressed by dissipation and noise. In this article we demonstrate\nthat, nonetheless, noisy active random walks, characterizing many living\nsystems like foraging animals, and chemotactic bacteria, can show a regime of\nbranched flow. To this aim we model the dynamics of trail forming ants and use\nit to derive a scaling theory of branched flows in active random walks in\nrandom bias fields in the presence of noise. We also show how trail patterns,\nformed by the interaction of ants by depositing pheromones along their\ntrajectories, can be understood as a consequence of branched flow.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:14:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mok","King Hang",""],["Fleischmann","Ragnar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11233","submitter":"Tommaso Apicella","authors":"Tommaso Apicella, Alessio Xompero, Edoardo Ragusa, Riccardo Berta,\n Andrea Cavallaro, Paolo Gastaldo","title":"Affordance segmentation of hand-occluded containers from exocentric\n images","comments":"Paper accepted to Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics\n (ACVR) in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023; 10 pages,\n 4 figures, 2 tables. Data, code, and trained models are available at\n https://apicis.github.io/projects/acanet.html","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Visual affordance segmentation identifies the surfaces of an object an agent\ncan interact with. Common challenges for the identification of affordances are\nthe variety of the geometry and physical properties of these surfaces as well\nas occlusions. In this paper, we focus on occlusions of an object that is\nhand-held by a person manipulating it. To address this challenge, we propose an\naffordance segmentation model that uses auxiliary branches to process the\nobject and hand regions separately. The proposed model learns affordance\nfeatures under hand-occlusion by weighting the feature map through hand and\nobject segmentation. To train the model, we annotated the visual affordances of\nan existing dataset with mixed-reality images of hand-held containers in\nthird-person (exocentric) images. Experiments on both real and mixed-reality\nimages show that our model achieves better affordance segmentation and\ngeneralisation than existing models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:14:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Apicella","Tommaso",""],["Xompero","Alessio",""],["Ragusa","Edoardo",""],["Berta","Riccardo",""],["Cavallaro","Andrea",""],["Gastaldo","Paolo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11234","submitter":"Zhe Chen","authors":"Zhe Chen, Daniel Harabor, Jiaoyang Li, Peter J. Stuckey","title":"Traffic Flow Optimisation for Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.MA cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) is a fundamental problem in robotics that\nasks us to compute collision-free paths for a team of agents, all moving across\na shared map. Although many works appear on this topic, all current algorithms\nstruggle as the number of agents grows. The principal reason is that existing\napproaches typically plan free-flow optimal paths, which creates congestion. To\ntackle this issue we propose a new approach for MAPF where agents are guided to\ntheir destination by following congestion-avoiding paths. We evaluate the idea\nin two large-scale settings: one-shot MAPF, where each agent has a single\ndestination, and lifelong MAPF, where agents are continuously assigned new\ntasks. For one-shot MAPF we show that our approach substantially improves\nsolution quality. For Lifelong MAPF we report large improvements in overall\nthroughput.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:17:39 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 03:13:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Zhe",""],["Harabor","Daniel",""],["Li","Jiaoyang",""],["Stuckey","Peter J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11235","submitter":"Zhenzhe Gao","authors":"Zhenzhe Gao, Zhaoxia Yin, Hongjian Zhan, Heng Yin, Yue Lu","title":"Adaptive White-Box Watermarking with Self-Mutual Check Parameters in\n Deep Neural Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found wide application, but also poses risks\ndue to unintentional or malicious tampering during deployment. Regular checks\nare therefore necessary to detect and prevent such risks. Fragile watermarking\nis a technique used to identify tampering in AI models. However, previous\nmethods have faced challenges including risks of omission, additional\ninformation transmission, and inability to locate tampering precisely. In this\npaper, we propose a method for detecting tampered parameters and bits, which\ncan be used to detect, locate, and restore parameters that have been tampered\nwith. We also propose an adaptive embedding method that maximizes information\ncapacity while maintaining model accuracy. Our approach was tested on multiple\nneural networks subjected to attacks that modified weight parameters, and our\nresults demonstrate that our method achieved great recovery performance when\nthe modification rate was below 20%. Furthermore, for models where watermarking\nsignificantly affected accuracy, we utilized an adaptive bit technique to\nrecover more than 15% of the accuracy loss of the model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:21:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Zhenzhe",""],["Yin","Zhaoxia",""],["Zhan","Hongjian",""],["Yin","Heng",""],["Lu","Yue",""]]} {"id":"2308.11236","submitter":"Bilel Benjdira Dr.","authors":"Bilel Benjdira, Anis Koubaa, Anas M. Ali","title":"ROSGPT_Vision: Commanding Robots Using Only Language Models' Prompts","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we argue that the next generation of robots can be commanded\nusing only Language Models' prompts. Every prompt interrogates separately a\nspecific Robotic Modality via its Modality Language Model (MLM). A central Task\nModality mediates the whole communication to execute the robotic mission via a\nLarge Language Model (LLM). This paper gives this new robotic design pattern\nthe name of: Prompting Robotic Modalities (PRM). Moreover, this paper applies\nthis PRM design pattern in building a new robotic framework named\nROSGPT_Vision. ROSGPT_Vision allows the execution of a robotic task using only\ntwo prompts: a Visual and an LLM prompt. The Visual Prompt extracts, in natural\nlanguage, the visual semantic features related to the task under consideration\n(Visual Robotic Modality). Meanwhile, the LLM Prompt regulates the robotic\nreaction to the visual description (Task Modality). The framework automates all\nthe mechanisms behind these two prompts. The framework enables the robot to\naddress complex real-world scenarios by processing visual data, making informed\ndecisions, and carrying out actions automatically. The framework comprises one\ngeneric vision module and two independent ROS nodes. As a test application, we\nused ROSGPT_Vision to develop CarMate, which monitors the driver's distraction\non the roads and makes real-time vocal notifications to the driver. We showed\nhow ROSGPT_Vision significantly reduced the development cost compared to\ntraditional methods. We demonstrated how to improve the quality of the\napplication by optimizing the prompting strategies, without delving into\ntechnical details. ROSGPT_Vision is shared with the community (link:\nhttps://github.com/bilel-bj/ROSGPT_Vision) to advance robotic research in this\ndirection and to build more robotic frameworks that implement the PRM design\npattern and enables controlling robots using only prompts.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:21:24 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:31:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Benjdira","Bilel",""],["Koubaa","Anis",""],["Ali","Anas M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11237","submitter":"Chao Ni","authors":"Chao Ni, Xin Yin, Kaiwen Yang, Dehai Zhao, Zhenchang Xing and Xin Xia","title":"Distinguishing Look-Alike Innocent and Vulnerable Code by Subtle\n Semantic Representation Learning and Explanation","comments":"Accepted By FSE'23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Though many deep learning (DL)-based vulnerability detection approaches have\nbeen proposed and indeed achieved remarkable performance, they still have\nlimitations in the generalization as well as the practical usage. More\nprecisely, existing DL-based approaches (1) perform negatively on prediction\ntasks among functions that are lexically similar but have contrary semantics;\n(2) provide no intuitive developer-oriented explanations to the detected\nresults. In this paper, we propose a novel approach named SVulD, a\nfunction-level Subtle semantic embedding for Vulnerability Detection along with\nintuitive explanations, to alleviate the above limitations. Specifically, SVulD\nfirstly trains a model to learn distinguishing semantic representations of\nfunctions regardless of their lexical similarity. Then, for the detected\nvulnerable functions, SVulD provides natural language explanations (e.g., root\ncause) of results to help developers intuitively understand the\nvulnerabilities. To evaluate the effectiveness of SVulD, we conduct large-scale\nexperiments on a widely used practical vulnerability dataset and compare it\nwith four state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches by considering five performance\nmeasures. The experimental results indicate that SVulD outperforms all SOTAs\nwith a substantial improvement (i.e., 23.5%-68.0% in terms of F1-score,\n15.9%-134.8% in terms of PR-AUC and 7.4%-64.4% in terms of Accuracy). Besides,\nwe conduct a user-case study to evaluate the usefulness of SVulD for developers\non understanding the vulnerable code and the participants' feedback\ndemonstrates that SVulD is helpful for development practice.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:23:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ni","Chao",""],["Yin","Xin",""],["Yang","Kaiwen",""],["Zhao","Dehai",""],["Xing","Zhenchang",""],["Xia","Xin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11238","submitter":"Ruodu Wang","authors":"Haiyan Liu, Bin Wang, Ruodu Wang, Sheng Chao Zhuang","title":"Distorted optimal transport","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC econ.TH math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Classic optimal transport theory is built on minimizing the expected cost\nbetween two given distributions. We propose the framework of distorted optimal\ntransport by minimizing a distorted expected cost. This new formulation is\nmotivated by concrete problems in decision theory, robust optimization, and\nrisk management, and it has many distinct features compared to the classic\ntheory. We choose simple cost functions and study different distortion\nfunctions and their implications on the optimal transport plan. We show that on\nthe real line, the comonotonic coupling is optimal for the distorted optimal\ntransport problem when the distortion function is convex and the cost function\nis submodular and monotone. Some forms of duality and uniqueness results are\nprovided. For inverse-S-shaped distortion functions and linear cost, we obtain\nthe unique form of optimal coupling for all marginal distributions, which turns\nout to have an interesting ``first comonotonic, then counter-monotonic\"\ndependence structure; for S-shaped distortion functions a similar structure is\nobtained. Our results highlight several challenges and features in distorted\noptimal transport, offering a new mathematical bridge between the fields of\nprobability, decision theory, and risk management.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:25:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Haiyan",""],["Wang","Bin",""],["Wang","Ruodu",""],["Zhuang","Sheng Chao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11239","submitter":"Silky Singh","authors":"Silky Singh and Shripad Deshmukh and Mausoom Sarkar and Balaji\n Krishnamurthy","title":"LOCATE: Self-supervised Object Discovery via Flow-guided Graph-cut and\n Bootstrapped Self-training","comments":"Accepted to the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Learning object segmentation in image and video datasets without human\nsupervision is a challenging problem. Humans easily identify moving salient\nobjects in videos using the gestalt principle of common fate, which suggests\nthat what moves together belongs together. Building upon this idea, we propose\na self-supervised object discovery approach that leverages motion and\nappearance information to produce high-quality object segmentation masks.\nSpecifically, we redesign the traditional graph cut on images to include motion\ninformation in a linear combination with appearance information to produce edge\nweights. Remarkably, this step produces object segmentation masks comparable to\nthe current state-of-the-art on multiple benchmarks. To further improve\nperformance, we bootstrap a segmentation network trained on these preliminary\nmasks as pseudo-ground truths to learn from its own outputs via self-training.\nWe demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, named LOCATE, on multiple\nstandard video object segmentation, image saliency detection, and object\nsegmentation benchmarks, achieving results on par with and, in many cases\nsurpassing state-of-the-art methods. We also demonstrate the transferability of\nour approach to novel domains through a qualitative study on in-the-wild\nimages. Additionally, we present extensive ablation analysis to support our\ndesign choices and highlight the contribution of each component of our proposed\nmethod.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:27:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Singh","Silky",""],["Deshmukh","Shripad",""],["Sarkar","Mausoom",""],["Krishnamurthy","Balaji",""]]} {"id":"2308.11240","submitter":"Rameshwar Pratap","authors":"Rameshwar Pratap and Raghav Kulkarni","title":"Minwise-Independent Permutations with Insertion and Deletion of Features","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In their seminal work, Broder \\textit{et. al.}~\\citep{BroderCFM98} introduces\nthe $\\mathrm{minHash}$ algorithm that computes a low-dimensional sketch of\nhigh-dimensional binary data that closely approximates pairwise Jaccard\nsimilarity. Since its invention, $\\mathrm{minHash}$ has been commonly used by\npractitioners in various big data applications. Further, the data is dynamic in\nmany real-life scenarios, and their feature sets evolve over time. We consider\nthe case when features are dynamically inserted and deleted in the dataset. We\nnote that a naive solution to this problem is to repeatedly recompute\n$\\mathrm{minHash}$ with respect to the updated dimension. However, this is an\nexpensive task as it requires generating fresh random permutations. To the best\nof our knowledge, no systematic study of $\\mathrm{minHash}$ is recorded in the\ncontext of dynamic insertion and deletion of features. In this work, we\ninitiate this study and suggest algorithms that make the $\\mathrm{minHash}$\nsketches adaptable to the dynamic insertion and deletion of features. We show a\nrigorous theoretical analysis of our algorithms and complement it with\nextensive experiments on several real-world datasets. Empirically we observe a\nsignificant speed-up in the running time while simultaneously offering\ncomparable performance with respect to running $\\mathrm{minHash}$ from scratch.\nOur proposal is efficient, accurate, and easy to implement in practice.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:27:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pratap","Rameshwar",""],["Kulkarni","Raghav",""]]} {"id":"2308.11241","submitter":"Harunori Kawano","authors":"Harunori Kawano and Sota Shimizu","title":"An Effective Transformer-based Contextual Model and Temporal Gate\n Pooling for Speaker Identification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.AI cs.LG eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Wav2vec2 has achieved success in applying Transformer architecture and\nself-supervised learning to speech recognition. Recently, these have come to be\nused not only for speech recognition but also for the entire speech processing.\nThis paper introduces an effective end-to-end speaker identification model\napplied Transformer-based contextual model. We explored the relationship\nbetween the parameters and the performance in order to discern the structure of\nan effective model. Furthermore, we propose a pooling method, Temporal Gate\nPooling, with powerful learning ability for speaker identification. We applied\nConformer as encoder and BEST-RQ for pre-training and conducted an evaluation\nutilizing the speaker identification of VoxCeleb1. The proposed method has\nachieved an accuracy of 85.9% with 28.5M parameters, demonstrating comparable\nprecision to wav2vec2 with 317.7M parameters. Code is available at\nhttps://github.com/HarunoriKawano/speaker-identification-with-tgp.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:34:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kawano","Harunori",""],["Shimizu","Sota",""]]} {"id":"2308.11242","submitter":"Hriday Bavle Dr","authors":"Hriday Bavle, Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez, Javier Civera, Holger Voos","title":"Faster Optimization in S-Graphs Exploiting Hierarchy","comments":"4 pages, 3 figures, IROS 2023 Workshop Paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" 3D scene graphs hierarchically represent the environment appropriately\norganizing different environmental entities in various layers. Our previous\nwork on situational graphs extends the concept of 3D scene graph to SLAM by\ntightly coupling the robot poses with the scene graph entities, achieving\nstate-of-the-art results. Though, one of the limitations of S-Graphs is\nscalability in really large environments due to the increased graph size over\ntime, increasing the computational complexity.\n To overcome this limitation in this work we present an initial research of an\nimproved version of S-Graphs exploiting the hierarchy to reduce the graph size\nby marginalizing redundant robot poses and their connections to the\nobservations of the same structural entities. Firstly, we propose the\ngeneration and optimization of room-local graphs encompassing all graph\nentities within a room-like structure. These room-local graphs are used to\ncompress the S-Graphs marginalizing the redundant robot keyframes within the\ngiven room. We then perform windowed local optimization of the compressed graph\nat regular time-distance intervals. A global optimization of the compressed\ngraph is performed every time a loop closure is detected. We show similar\naccuracy compared to the baseline while showing a 39.81% reduction in the\ncomputation time with respect to the baseline.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:35:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bavle","Hriday",""],["Sanchez-Lopez","Jose Luis",""],["Civera","Javier",""],["Voos","Holger",""]]} {"id":"2308.11243","submitter":"Oskar Pro\\'sniak","authors":"Wojciech De Roeck, Fran\\c{c}ois Huveneers, Oskar A. Pro\\'sniak","title":"Long persistence of localization in a disordered anharmonic chain beyond\n the atomic limit","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We establish rigorous bounds on dissipative transport in the disordered\nKlein-Gordon chain with quartic on-site potential, governed by a parameter\n$\\lambda$. At $\\lambda = 0$, the chain is harmonic and transport is fully\nsuppressed by Anderson localization. For the anharmonic system at $\\lambda >\n0$, our results show that dissipative effects set in on time scales that grow\nfaster than any polynomial in $1/\\lambda$, as $\\lambda\\to 0$. From a technical\nperspective, the main novelty of our work is that we do not restrict ourselves\nto the atomic limit, i.e. we develop perturbation theory around the harmonic\nsystem with a fixed hopping strength between near oscillators. This allows us\nto compare our mathematical results with previous numerical work and contribute\nto the resolution of an ongoing debate in the physics community, as we explain\nin a companion paper arXiv:2308.10572.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:35:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["De Roeck","Wojciech",""],["Huveneers","Fran\u00e7ois",""],["Pro\u015bniak","Oskar A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11244","submitter":"Ombretta Strafforello","authors":"Ombretta Strafforello, Klamer Schutte, Jan van Gemert","title":"Are current long-term video understanding datasets long-term?","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Many real-world applications, from sport analysis to surveillance, benefit\nfrom automatic long-term action recognition. In the current deep learning\nparadigm for automatic action recognition, it is imperative that models are\ntrained and tested on datasets and tasks that evaluate if such models actually\nlearn and reason over long-term information. In this work, we propose a method\nto evaluate how suitable a video dataset is to evaluate models for long-term\naction recognition. To this end, we define a long-term action as excluding all\nthe videos that can be correctly recognized using solely short-term\ninformation. We test this definition on existing long-term classification tasks\non three popular real-world datasets, namely Breakfast, CrossTask and LVU, to\ndetermine if these datasets are truly evaluating long-term recognition. Our\nstudy reveals that these datasets can be effectively solved using shortcuts\nbased on short-term information. Following this finding, we encourage long-term\naction recognition researchers to make use of datasets that need long-term\ninformation to be solved.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:39:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Strafforello","Ombretta",""],["Schutte","Klamer",""],["van Gemert","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11245","submitter":"Philippe Grandcl\\'ement","authors":"Philippe Grandcl\\'ement","title":"Fully consistent rotating black holes in the cubic Galileon theory","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Configurations of rotating black holes in the cubic Galileon theory are\ncomputed by means of spectral methods. The equations are written in the 3+1\nformalism and the coordinates are based on the maximal slicing condition and\nthe spatial harmonic gauge. The black holes are described as apparent horizons\nin equilibrium. It enables the first fully consistent computation of rotating\nblack holes in this theory. Several quantities are extracted from the\nsolutions. In particular, the vanishing of the mass is confirmed. A link is\nmade between that and the fact that the solutions do not obey the zeroth-law of\nblack hole thermodynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:41:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Grandcl\u00e9ment","Philippe",""]]} {"id":"2308.11246","submitter":"Adam Bednorz","authors":"Tomasz Bia{\\l}ecki, Tomasz Rybotycki, Josep Batle, Adam Bednorz","title":"Quantum dimension witness with a single repeated operation","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a simple null test of a dimension of a quantum system, using a\nsingle repeated operation in the method of delays, assuming that each instance\nis identical and independent. The test is well-suited to current feasible\nquantum technologies, with programmed gates. We also analyze weaker versions of\nthe test, assuming unitary or almost unitary operations and derive expressions\nfor the statistical error.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:42:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bia\u0142ecki","Tomasz",""],["Rybotycki","Tomasz",""],["Batle","Josep",""],["Bednorz","Adam",""]]} {"id":"2308.11247","submitter":"Eduardo Fernandes Montesuma","authors":"Eduardo Fernandes Montesuma, Michela Mulas, Fred Ngol\\`e Mboula,\n Francesco Corona, Antoine Souloumiac","title":"Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis of\n Chemical Processes","comments":"18 pages,15 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Fault diagnosis is an essential component in process supervision. Indeed, it\ndetermines which kind of fault has occurred, given that it has been previously\ndetected, allowing for appropriate intervention. Automatic fault diagnosis\nsystems use machine learning for predicting the fault type from sensor\nreadings. Nonetheless, these models are sensible to changes in the data\ndistributions, which may be caused by changes in the monitored process, such as\nchanges in the mode of operation. This scenario is known as Cross-Domain Fault\nDiagnosis (CDFD). We provide an extensive comparison of single and multi-source\nunsupervised domain adaptation (SSDA and MSDA respectively) algorithms for\nCDFD. We study these methods in the context of the Tennessee-Eastmann Process,\na widely used benchmark in the chemical industry. We show that using multiple\ndomains during training has a positive effect, even when no adaptation is\nemployed. As such, the MSDA baseline improves over the SSDA baseline\nclassification accuracy by 23% on average. In addition, under the\nmultiple-sources scenario, we improve classification accuracy of the no\nadaptation setting by 8.4% on average.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:43:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Montesuma","Eduardo Fernandes",""],["Mulas","Michela",""],["Mboula","Fred Ngol\u00e8",""],["Corona","Francesco",""],["Souloumiac","Antoine",""]]} {"id":"2308.11248","submitter":"Hidetoshi Taya","authors":"Hidetoshi Taya, Charlie Ironside","title":"Kramers-Kr\\\"onig approach to the electric permittivity of the vacuum in\n a strong constant electric field","comments":"25 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"RIKEN-iTHEMS-Report-23","categories":"hep-ph hep-th physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the electric permittivity of the QED vacuum in the presence of a\nstrong constant electric field, motivated by the analogy between the\ndynamically-assisted Schwinger effect in strong-field QED and the Franz-Keldysh\neffect in semiconductor physics. We develop a linear-response theory based on\nthe non-equilibrium in-in formalism and the Furry-picture perturbation theory,\nwith which and also utilizing the Kramers-Kr\\\"onig relation, we calculate the\nelectric permittivity without assuming weak fields and low-frequency probes. We\ndiscover that the electric permittivity exhibits characteristic oscillating\ndependence on the probe frequency, which directly reflects the change of the\nQED-vacuum structure by the strong field. We also establish a quantitative\ncorrespondence between the electric permittivity and the number of\nelectron-positron pairs produced by the dynamically-assisted Schwinger effect.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:44:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Taya","Hidetoshi",""],["Ironside","Charlie",""]]} {"id":"2308.11249","submitter":"Ombretta Strafforello","authors":"Ombretta Strafforello, Xin Liu, Klamer Schutte, Jan van Gemert","title":"Video BagNet: short temporal receptive fields increase robustness in\n long-term action recognition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Previous work on long-term video action recognition relies on deep\n3D-convolutional models that have a large temporal receptive field (RF). We\nargue that these models are not always the best choice for temporal modeling in\nvideos. A large temporal receptive field allows the model to encode the exact\nsub-action order of a video, which causes a performance decrease when testing\nvideos have a different sub-action order. In this work, we investigate whether\nwe can improve the model robustness to the sub-action order by shrinking the\ntemporal receptive field of action recognition models. For this, we design\nVideo BagNet, a variant of the 3D ResNet-50 model with the temporal receptive\nfield size limited to 1, 9, 17 or 33 frames. We analyze Video BagNet on\nsynthetic and real-world video datasets and experimentally compare models with\nvarying temporal receptive fields. We find that short receptive fields are\nrobust to sub-action order changes, while larger temporal receptive fields are\nsensitive to the sub-action order.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:44:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Strafforello","Ombretta",""],["Liu","Xin",""],["Schutte","Klamer",""],["van Gemert","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11250","submitter":"Dong Sung Yoon","authors":"Ho Yun Jung, Ja Kyung Koo, Dong Hwa Shin and Dong Sung Yoon","title":"Class fields arising from the form class groups of order O and level N","comments":"30 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field and $\\mathcal{O}$ be an order in $K$.\nWe construct class fields associated with form class groups which are\nisomorphic to certain $\\mathcal{O}$-ideal class groups in terms of the theory\nof canonical models due to Shimura. By utilizing these form class groups, we\nfirst derive a congruence relation on special values of a modular function of\nhigher level as an analogue of Kronecker's congruence relation. Furthermore, as\nan application of such class fields, for a positive integer $n$ we examine\nprimes of the form $x^2+ny^2$ with some additional conditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:47:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 05:15:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Jung","Ho Yun",""],["Koo","Ja Kyung",""],["Shin","Dong Hwa",""],["Yoon","Dong Sung",""]]} {"id":"2308.11251","submitter":"Kai-Bao Chen","authors":"K.B. Chen, J.P. Ma, X.B. Tong","title":"Twist-3 Contributions in Semi-Inclusive DIS in the Target Fragmentation\n Region","comments":"11 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present the complete results up to twist-3 for hadron production in the\ntarget fragmentation region of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering with a\npolarized lepton beam and polarized nucleon target. The non-perturbative\neffects are factorized into fracture functions. The calculation up to twist-3\nis non-trivial since one has to keep gauge invariance. By applying collinear\nexpansion, we show that the hadronic tensor can be expressed by gauge-invariant\nfracture functions. We also present the results for the structure functions and\nazimuthal asymmetries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:48:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","K. B.",""],["Ma","J. P.",""],["Tong","X. B.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11252","submitter":"Ivan Duchemin","authors":"David Amblard, Xavier Blase, Ivan Duchemin","title":"Many-body $GW$ calculations with very large scale polarizable\n environments made affordable: a fully ab initio QM/QM approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a many-body $GW$ formalism for quantum subsystems embedded in\ndiscrete polarizable environments containing up to several hundred thousand\natoms described at a fully ab initio random phase approximation level. Our\napproach is based on a fragment approximation in the construction of the\nGreen's function and independent-electron susceptibilities. Further, the\nenvironing fragments susceptibility matrices are reduced to a minimal but\naccurate representation preserving low order polarizability tensors through a\nconstrained minimization scheme. This approach dramatically reduces the cost\nassociated with inverting the Dyson equation for the screened Coulomb potential\n$W$, while preserving the description of short to long-range screening effects.\nThe efficiency and accuracy of the present scheme is exemplified in the\nparadigmatic cases of fullerene bulk, surface, subsurface, and slabs with\nvarying number of layers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:48:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Amblard","David",""],["Blase","Xavier",""],["Duchemin","Ivan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11253","submitter":"Mario Santilli","authors":"Mario Santilli","title":"Finite total curvature and soap bubbles with almost constant\n higher-order mean curvature","comments":"23 pages. Comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Given $ n \\geq 2 $ and $ k \\in \\{2, \\ldots , n\\} $, we study the asymptotic\nbehaviour of sequences of bounded $C^2$-domains of finite total curvature in $\n\\mathbb{R}^{n+1} $ converging in volume and perimeter, and with the $ k $-th\nmean curvature functions converging in $ L^1 $ to a constant. Under natural\nmean convexity hypothesis, and assuming an $ L^\\infty $-control on the mean\ncurvature outside a set of vanishing area, we prove that finite unions of\nmutually tangent balls are the only possible limits. This is the first result\nwhere such a uniqueness is proved without assuming uniform bounds on the\nexterior or interior touching balls.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:52:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Santilli","Mario",""]]} {"id":"2308.11254","submitter":"Agnieszka Miko{\\l}ajczyk-Bare{\\l}a","authors":"Agnieszka Miko{\\l}ajczyk-Bare{\\l}a, Micha{\\l} Grochowski","title":"A survey on bias in machine learning research","comments":"Submitted to journal. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:2308.09464","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Current research on bias in machine learning often focuses on fairness, while\noverlooking the roots or causes of bias. However, bias was originally defined\nas a \"systematic error,\" often caused by humans at different stages of the\nresearch process. This article aims to bridge the gap between past literature\non bias in research by providing taxonomy for potential sources of bias and\nerrors in data and models. The paper focus on bias in machine learning\npipelines. Survey analyses over forty potential sources of bias in the machine\nlearning (ML) pipeline, providing clear examples for each. By understanding the\nsources and consequences of bias in machine learning, better methods can be\ndeveloped for its detecting and mitigating, leading to fairer, more\ntransparent, and more accurate ML models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:56:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Miko\u0142ajczyk-Bare\u0142a","Agnieszka",""],["Grochowski","Micha\u0142",""]]} {"id":"2308.11255","submitter":"elise grosjean","authors":"Elise Grosjean, Bernd Simeon, Christina Surulescu","title":"A mathematical model for meniscus cartilage regeneration","comments":"GAMM2023, May 2023, Dresden (GERMANY), Germany","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA q-bio.TO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a continuous model for meniscus cartilage regeneration triggered\nby two populations of cells migrating and (de)differentiating within an\nartificial scaffold with a known structure. The described biological processes\nare influenced by a fluid flow and therewith induced deformations of the\nscaffold. Numerical simulations are done for the corresponding dynamics within\na bioreactor which was designed for performing the biological experiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:58:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Grosjean","Elise",""],["Simeon","Bernd",""],["Surulescu","Christina",""]]} {"id":"2308.11256","submitter":"Linjian Meng","authors":"Linjian Meng, Zhenxing Ge, Wenbin Li, Bo An, Yang Gao","title":"Efficient Last-iterate Convergence Algorithms in Solving Games","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GT cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" No-regret algorithms are popular for learning Nash equilibrium (NE) in\ntwo-player zero-sum normal-form games (NFGs) and extensive-form games (EFGs).\nMany recent works consider the last-iterate convergence no-regret algorithms.\nAmong them, the two most famous algorithms are Optimistic Gradient Descent\nAscent (OGDA) and Optimistic Multiplicative Weight Update (OMWU). However, OGDA\nhas high per-iteration complexity. OMWU exhibits a lower per-iteration\ncomplexity but poorer empirical performance, and its convergence holds only\nwhen NE is unique. Recent works propose a Reward Transformation (RT) framework\nfor MWU, which removes the uniqueness condition and achieves competitive\nperformance with OMWU. Unfortunately, RT-based algorithms perform worse than\nOGDA under the same number of iterations, and their convergence guarantee is\nbased on the continuous-time feedback assumption, which does not hold in most\nscenarios. To address these issues, we provide a closer analysis of the RT\nframework, which holds for both continuous and discrete-time feedback. We\ndemonstrate that the essence of the RT framework is to transform the problem of\nlearning NE in the original game into a series of strongly convex-concave\noptimization problems (SCCPs). We show that the bottleneck of RT-based\nalgorithms is the speed of solving SCCPs. To improve the their empirical\nperformance, we design a novel transformation method to enable the SCCPs can be\nsolved by Regret Matching+ (RM+), a no-regret algorithm with better empirical\nperformance, resulting in Reward Transformation RM+ (RTRM+). RTRM+ enjoys\nlast-iterate convergence under the discrete-time feedback setting. Using the\ncounterfactual regret decomposition framework, we propose Reward Transformation\nCFR+ (RTCFR+) to extend RTRM+ to EFGs. Experimental results show that our\nalgorithms significantly outperform existing last-iterate convergence\nalgorithms and RM+ (CFR+).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:59:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Meng","Linjian",""],["Ge","Zhenxing",""],["Li","Wenbin",""],["An","Bo",""],["Gao","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11257","submitter":"Yingyao Wang","authors":"Yingyao Wang, Yongwei Zhou, Chaoqun Duan, Junwei Bao, Tiejun Zhao","title":"HopPG: Self-Iterative Program Generation for Multi-Hop Question\n Answering over Heterogeneous Knowledge","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The semantic parsing-based method is an important research branch for\nknowledge-based question answering. It usually generates executable programs\nlean upon the question and then conduct them to reason answers over a knowledge\nbase. Benefit from this inherent mechanism, it has advantages in the\nperformance and the interpretability. However,traditional semantic parsing\nmethods usually generate a complete program before executing it, which\nstruggles with multi-hop question answering over heterogeneous knowledge.\nFirstly,a complete multi-hop program relies on multiple heterogeneous\nsupporting facts, and it is difficult for models to receive these facts\nsimultaneously. Secondly,these methods ignore the interaction information\nbetween the previous-hop execution result and the current-hop program\ngeneration. To alleviate these challenges, we propose a self-iterative\nframework for multi-hop program generation (HopPG) over heterogeneous\nknowledge, which leverages the previous-hop execution results to retrieve\nsupporting facts and generate subsequent programs iteratively. We evaluate our\nmodel on MMQA-T^2. The experimental results show that HopPG outperforms\nexisting semantic-parsing-based baselines, especially on the multi-hop\nquestions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:00:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yingyao",""],["Zhou","Yongwei",""],["Duan","Chaoqun",""],["Bao","Junwei",""],["Zhao","Tiejun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11258","submitter":"Stefano Zacchiroli","authors":"Jes\\'us M. Gonz\\'alez-Barahona (URJC), Sergio Montes-Leon (URJC),\n Gregorio Robles (URJC), Stefano Zacchiroli (IP Paris, LTCI)","title":"The Software Heritage License Dataset (2022 Edition)","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Empirical Software Engineering, In press","doi":"10.1007/s10664-023-10377-w","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Context: When software is released publicly, it is common to include with it\neither the full text of the license or licenses under which it is published, or\na detailed reference to them. Therefore public licenses, including FOSS (free,\nopen source software) licenses, are usually publicly available in source code\nrepositories.Objective: To compile a dataset containing as many documents as\npossible that contain the text of software licenses, or references to the\nlicense terms. Once compiled, characterize the dataset so that it can be used\nfor further research, or practical purposes related to license analysis.Method:\nRetrieve from Software Heritage-the largest publicly available archive of FOSS\nsource code-all versions of all files whose names are commonly used to convey\nlicensing terms. All retrieved documents will be characterized in various ways,\nusing automated and manual analyses.Results: The dataset consists of 6.9\nmillion unique license files. Additional metadata about shipped license files\nis also provided, making the dataset ready to use in various contexts,\nincluding: file length measures, MIME type, SPDX license (detected using\nScanCode), and oldest appearance. The results of a manual analysis of 8102\ndocuments is also included, providing a ground truth for further analysis. The\ndataset is released as open data as an archive file containing all deduplicated\nlicense files, plus several portable CSV files with metadata, referencing files\nvia cryptographic checksums.Conclusions: Thanks to the extensive coverage of\nSoftware Heritage, the dataset presented in this paper covers a very large\nfraction of all software licenses for public code. We have assembled a large\nbody of software licenses, characterized it quantitatively and qualitatively,\nand validated that it is mostly composed of licensing information and includes\nalmost all known license texts. The dataset can be used to conduct empirical\nstudies on open source licensing, training of automated license classifiers,\nnatural language processing (NLP) analyses of legal texts, as well as\nhistorical and phylogenetic studies on FOSS licensing. It can also be used in\npractice to improve tools detecting licenses in source code.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:01:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gonz\u00e1lez-Barahona","Jes\u00fas M.","","URJC"],["Montes-Leon","Sergio","","URJC"],["Robles","Gregorio","","URJC"],["Zacchiroli","Stefano","","IP Paris, LTCI"]]} {"id":"2308.11259","submitter":"Olivier Couronne","authors":"Olivier Couronn\\'e (MODAL'X)","title":"An update on lower bounds for the critical values of oriented\n percolation models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We obtain new lower bounds on the critical points for various models of\noriented percolation. The method is to provide a stochastic domination of the\npercolation processes by multitype Galton-Watson trees. This can be apply to\nthe classical bond and site oriented percolation on Z^2 , but also on other\nlattices such as inhomogeneous ones, and on dimension three.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:02:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Couronn\u00e9","Olivier","","MODAL'X"]]} {"id":"2308.11260","submitter":"Arantxa Urdangarin Iztueta","authors":"A. Urdangarin, T. Goicoa, T. Kneib, M.D. Ugarte","title":"A one-step spatial+ approach to mitigate spatial confounding in\n multivariate spatial areal models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Ecological spatial areal models encounter the well-known and challenging\nproblem of spatial confounding. This issue makes it arduous to distinguish\nbetween the impacts of observed covariates and spatial random effects. Despite\nprevious research and various proposed methods to tackle this problem, finding\na definitive solution remains elusive. In this paper, we propose a one-step\nversion of the spatial+ approach that involves dividing the covariate into two\ncomponents. One component captures large-scale spatial dependence, while the\nother accounts for short-scale dependence. This approach eliminates the need to\nseparately fit spatial models for the covariates. We apply this method to\nanalyze two forms of crimes against women, namely rapes and dowry deaths, in\nUttar Pradesh, India, exploring their relationship with socio-demographic\ncovariates. To evaluate the performance of the new approach, we conduct\nextensive simulation studies under different spatial confounding scenarios. The\nresults demonstrate that the proposed method provides reliable estimates of\nfixed effects and posterior correlations between different responses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:03:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Urdangarin","A.",""],["Goicoa","T.",""],["Kneib","T.",""],["Ugarte","M. D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11261","submitter":"Sadegh Aliakbarian","authors":"Sadegh Aliakbarian, Fatemeh Saleh, David Collier, Pashmina Cameron,\n Darren Cosker","title":"HMD-NeMo: Online 3D Avatar Motion Generation From Sparse Observations","comments":"Accepted at ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Generating both plausible and accurate full body avatar motion is the key to\nthe quality of immersive experiences in mixed reality scenarios. Head-Mounted\nDevices (HMDs) typically only provide a few input signals, such as head and\nhands 6-DoF. Recently, different approaches achieved impressive performance in\ngenerating full body motion given only head and hands signal. However, to the\nbest of our knowledge, all existing approaches rely on full hand visibility.\nWhile this is the case when, e.g., using motion controllers, a considerable\nproportion of mixed reality experiences do not involve motion controllers and\ninstead rely on egocentric hand tracking. This introduces the challenge of\npartial hand visibility owing to the restricted field of view of the HMD. In\nthis paper, we propose the first unified approach, HMD-NeMo, that addresses\nplausible and accurate full body motion generation even when the hands may be\nonly partially visible. HMD-NeMo is a lightweight neural network that predicts\nthe full body motion in an online and real-time fashion. At the heart of\nHMD-NeMo is the spatio-temporal encoder with novel temporally adaptable mask\ntokens that encourage plausible motion in the absence of hand observations. We\nperform extensive analysis of the impact of different components in HMD-NeMo\nand introduce a new state-of-the-art on AMASS dataset through our evaluation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:07:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Aliakbarian","Sadegh",""],["Saleh","Fatemeh",""],["Collier","David",""],["Cameron","Pashmina",""],["Cosker","Darren",""]]} {"id":"2308.11262","submitter":"Tim Palmer","authors":"Tim Palmer","title":"Superdeterminism Without Conspiracy","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Superdeterminism -- where the Measurement-Independence assumption in Bell's\nTheorem is violated -- is typically treated with derision as it appears to\nimply contrived conspiratorial correlations between properties $\\lambda$ of\nparticles being measured, and nominally accurate measurement settings $x$ and\n$y$. Based on an analysis of Pearlean interventions needed to determine whether\n$x$ and $y$ are free variables, we show that whilst conspiracy implies\nsuperdeterminism, superdeterminism does not imply conspiracy. In conspiratorial\nsuperdeterminism these interventions are consistent with physical theory; in\nnon-conspiratorial superdeterminism they are inconsistent. A non-conspiratorial\nlocally-causal superdeterministic model is developed, based in part on the\ngeneric properties of chaotic attractors and in part on an arbitrarily fine\ndiscretisation of complex Hilbert Space. Here the required interventions are\ninconsistent with rational-number constraints on exact measurement settings $X$\nand $Y$. In this model, hidden variables $\\lambda$ are defined as the\ninformation, over and above the freely chosen determinants of $x$ and $y$,\nwhich determine $X$ and $Y$. These rationality constraints limit the freedom to\nvary $x$ and $y$ keeping $\\lambda$ fixed. These constraints disappear with any\ncoarse-graining of $\\lambda$ and hence $X$. We show how quantum mechanics might\nbe `gloriously explained and derived' as the singular continuum limit of a\nsuperdeterministic discretisation of Hilbert Space. We argue that the real\nmessage behind Bell's Theorem is the need to develop more holistic theories of\nfundamental physics -- notably gravitational physics -- some ideas for moving\nin this direction are discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:09:22 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:43:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Palmer","Tim",""]]} {"id":"2308.11263","submitter":"Mohammadreza Doostmohammadian","authors":"Mohammadreza Doostmohammadian","title":"Distributed Energy Resource Management: All-Time Resource-Demand\n Feasibility, Delay-Tolerance, Nonlinearity, and Beyond","comments":"IEEE LCSS 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we propose distributed and networked energy management\nscenarios to optimize the production and reservation of energy among a set of\ndistributed energy nodes. In other words, the idea is to optimally allocate the\ngenerated and reserved powers based on nodes' local cost gradient information\nwhile meeting the demand energy. One main concern is the all-time (or anytime)\nresource-demand feasibility, implying that at all iterations of the scheduling\nalgorithm, the balance between the produced power and demand plus reserved\npower must hold. The other concern is to design algorithms to tolerate\ncommunication time-delays and changes in the network. Further, one can\nincorporate possible model nonlinearity in the algorithm to address both\ninherent (e.g., saturation and quantization) and purposefully-added (e.g.,\nsignum-based) nonlinearities in the model. The proposed optimal allocation\nalgorithm addresses all the above concerns, while it benefits from possible\nfeatures of the distributed (or networked) solutions such as\nno-single-node-of-failure and distributed information processing. We show both\nthe all-time feasibility of the proposed scheme and its convergence under\ncertain bound on the step-rate using Lyapunov-type proofs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:09:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Doostmohammadian","Mohammadreza",""]]} {"id":"2308.11264","submitter":"Oncay Yasa PhD","authors":"Oncay Yasa, Fikru M. Tiruneh, Miriam Filippi, Aiste Balciunaite,\n Robert K. Katzschmann","title":"Perforated red blood cells enable compressible and injectable hydrogels\n as therapeutic vehicles","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Hydrogels engineered for medical use within the human body need to be\ndelivered in a minimally invasive fashion without altering their biochemical\nand mechanical properties to maximize their therapeutic outcomes. In this\nregard, key strategies applied for creating such medical hydrogels include\nformulating precursor solutions that can be crosslinked in situ with physical\nor chemical cues following their delivery or forming macroporous hydrogels at\nsub-zero temperatures via cryogelation prior to their delivery. Here, we\npresent a new class of injectable composite materials with shape recovery\nability. The shape recovery is derived from the physical properties of red\nblood cells (RBCs) that are first modified via hypotonic swelling and then\nintegrated into the hydrogel scaffolds before polymerization. The RBCs'\nhypotonic swelling induces the formation of nanometer-sized pores on their cell\nmembranes, which enable fast liquid release under compression. The resulting\nbiocomposite hydrogel scaffolds display high deformability and shape-recovery\nability. The scaffolds can repeatedly compress up to ~87% of their original\nvolumes during injection and subsequent retraction through syringe needles of\ndifferent sizes; this cycle of injection and retraction can be repeated up to\nten times without causing any substantial mechanical damage to the scaffolds.\nOur biocomposite material system and fabrication approach for injectable\nmaterials will be foundational for the minimally invasive delivery of\ndrug-loaded scaffolds, tissue-engineered constructs, and personalized medical\nplatforms that could be administered to the human body with conventional\nneedle-syringe systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:12:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yasa","Oncay",""],["Tiruneh","Fikru M.",""],["Filippi","Miriam",""],["Balciunaite","Aiste",""],["Katzschmann","Robert K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11265","submitter":"Wojciech \\.Zu{\\l}awi\\'nski","authors":"Wojciech \\.Zu{\\l}awi\\'nski, Aleksandra Grzesiek, Rados{\\l}aw Zimroz,\n Agnieszka Wy{\\l}oma\\'nska","title":"Identification and validation of periodic autoregressive model with\n additive noise: finite-variance case","comments":"17 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":"Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 427 (2023),\n 115131","doi":"10.1016/j.cam.2023.115131","report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we address the problem of modeling data with periodic\nautoregressive (PAR) time series and additive noise. In most cases, the data\nare processed assuming a noise-free model (i.e., without additive noise), which\nis not a realistic assumption in real life. The first two steps in PAR model\nidentification are order selection and period estimation, so the main focus is\non these issues. Finally, the model should be validated, so a procedure for\nanalyzing the residuals, which are considered here as multidimensional vectors,\nis proposed. Both order and period selection, as well as model validation, are\naddressed by using the characteristic function (CF) of the residual series. The\nCF is used to obtain the probability density function, which is utilized in the\ninformation criterion and for residuals distribution testing. To complete the\nPAR model analysis, the procedure for estimating the coefficients is necessary.\nHowever, this issue is only mentioned here as it is a separate task (under\nconsideration in parallel). The presented methodology can be considered as the\ngeneral framework for analyzing data with periodically non-stationary\ncharacteristics disturbed by finite-variance external noise. The original\ncontribution is in the selection of the optimal model order and period\nidentification, as well as the analysis of residuals. All these findings have\nbeen inspired by our previous work on machine condition monitoring that used\nPAR modeling\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:12:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["\u017bu\u0142awi\u0144ski","Wojciech",""],["Grzesiek","Aleksandra",""],["Zimroz","Rados\u0142aw",""],["Wy\u0142oma\u0144ska","Agnieszka",""]]} {"id":"2308.11266","submitter":"O.S.K.S. Sastri","authors":"O. S. K. S. Sastri, Arushi Sharma and Ayushi Awasthi","title":"Constructing Inverse Scattering Potentials for {\\alpha}-{\\alpha} System\n using Reference Potential Approach","comments":"10 pages, 4 figures, 2 Tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Background: An accurate way to incorporate long range Coulomb interaction\nalongside short-range nuclear interaction has been a challenge for theoretical\nphysicists. Purpose: In this paper, we propose a methodology based on the\nreference potential approach for constructing inverse potentials of alpha-alpha\nscattering. Methods: Two smoothly joined Morse potentials, regular for\nshort-range nuclear interaction and inverted for long range Coulomb, are used\nin tandem as a reference potential in the phase function method to obtain the\nscattering phase shifts for the S, D and G states of alpha-alpha scattering.\nThe model parameters are optimized by choosing to minimize the mean absolute\npercentage error between the obtained and experimental scattering phase shift\nvalues. Results: The constructed inverse potentials for S, D and G states have\nresulted in mean absolute percentage errors of 0.8, 0.5, and 0.4 respectively.\nThe obtained resonances for D and G states closely match the experimental ones.\nConclusion: The reference potential approach using a combination of smoothly\njoined Morse functions is successful in accurately accounting for the Coulomb\ninteraction between charged particles in nuclear scattering studies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:13:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sastri","O. S. K. S.",""],["Sharma","Arushi",""],["Awasthi","Ayushi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11267","submitter":"David Mark Bossens","authors":"David M. Bossens","title":"Robust Lagrangian and Adversarial Policy Gradient for Robust Constrained\n Markov Decision Processes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.NE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The robust constrained Markov decision process (RCMDP) is a recent\ntask-modelling framework for reinforcement learning that incorporates\nbehavioural constraints and that provides robustness to errors in the\ntransition dynamics model through the use of an uncertainty set. Simulating\nRCMDPs requires computing the worst-case dynamics based on value estimates for\neach state, an approach which has previously been used in the Robust\nConstrained Policy Gradient (RCPG). Highlighting potential downsides of RCPG\nsuch as not robustifying the full constrained objective and the lack of\nincremental learning, this paper introduces two algorithms, called RCPG with\nRobust Lagrangian and Adversarial RCPG. RCPG with Robust Lagrangian modifies\nRCPG by taking the worst-case dynamics based on the Lagrangian rather than\neither the value or the constraint. Adversarial RCPG also formulates the\nworst-case dynamics based on the Lagrangian but learns this directly and\nincrementally as an adversarial policy through gradient descent rather than\nindirectly and abruptly through constrained optimisation on a sorted value\nlist. A theoretical analysis first derives the Lagrangian policy gradient for\nthe policy optimisation of both proposed algorithms and then the adversarial\npolicy gradient to learn the adversary for Adversarial RCPG. Empirical\nexperiments injecting perturbations in inventory management and safe navigation\ntasks demonstrate the competitive performance of both algorithms compared to\ntraditional RCPG variants as well as non-robust and non-constrained ablations.\nIn particular, Adversarial RCPG ranks among the top two performing algorithms\non all tests.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:24:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bossens","David M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11268","submitter":"Shih-Hao Lu","authors":"Shih-Hao Lu, Char-Dir Chung, Wei-Chang Chen, and Ping-Feng Tsou","title":"Orthogonal Constant-Amplitude Sequence Families for System Parameter\n Identification in Spectrally Compact OFDM","comments":"15 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In rectangularly-pulsed orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)\nsystems, constant-amplitude (CA) sequences are desirable to construct\npreamble/pilot waveforms to facilitate system parameter identification (SPI).\nOrthogonal CA sequences are generally preferred in various SPI applications\nlike random-access channel identification. However, the number of conventional\northogonal CA sequences (e.g., Zadoff-Chu sequences) that can be adopted in\ncellular communication without causing sequence identification ambiguity is\ninsufficient. Such insufficiency causes heavy performance degradation for SPI\nrequiring a large number of identification sequences. Moreover,\nrectangularly-pulsed OFDM preamble/pilot waveforms carrying conventional CA\nsequences suffer from large power spectral sidelobes and thus exhibit low\nspectral compactness. This paper is thus motivated to develop several order-I\nCA sequence families which contain more orthogonal CA sequences while endowing\nthe corresponding OFDM preamble/pilot waveforms with fast-decaying spectral\nsidelobes. Since more orthogonal sequences are provided, the developed order-I\nCA sequence families can enhance the performance characteristics in SPI\nrequiring a large number of identification sequences over multipath channels\nexhibiting short-delay channel profiles, while composing spectrally compact\nOFDM preamble/pilot waveforms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:25:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Shih-Hao",""],["Chung","Char-Dir",""],["Chen","Wei-Chang",""],["Tsou","Ping-Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11269","submitter":"Larry Huynh","authors":"Larry Huynh, Jin Hong, Ajmal Mian, Hajime Suzuki, Yanqiu Wu, Seyit\n Camtepe","title":"Quantum-Inspired Machine Learning: a Survey","comments":"56 pages, 13 figures, 8 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Quantum-inspired Machine Learning (QiML) is a burgeoning field, receiving\nglobal attention from researchers for its potential to leverage principles of\nquantum mechanics within classical computational frameworks. However, current\nreview literature often presents a superficial exploration of QiML, focusing\ninstead on the broader Quantum Machine Learning (QML) field. In response to\nthis gap, this survey provides an integrated and comprehensive examination of\nQiML, exploring QiML's diverse research domains including tensor network\nsimulations, dequantized algorithms, and others, showcasing recent\nadvancements, practical applications, and illuminating potential future\nresearch avenues. Further, a concrete definition of QiML is established by\nanalyzing various prior interpretations of the term and their inherent\nambiguities. As QiML continues to evolve, we anticipate a wealth of future\ndevelopments drawing from quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and classical\nmachine learning, enriching the field further. This survey serves as a guide\nfor researchers and practitioners alike, providing a holistic understanding of\nQiML's current landscape and future directions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:29:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Huynh","Larry",""],["Hong","Jin",""],["Mian","Ajmal",""],["Suzuki","Hajime",""],["Wu","Yanqiu",""],["Camtepe","Seyit",""]]} {"id":"2308.11270","submitter":"Xiaopeng Zhao professor","authors":"Yao Qi, Duo Chen, Yongbo Li, Chao Sun, Qingyu Hai, Miao Shi, Honggang\n Chen, Xiaopeng Zhao","title":"Green-light p-n Junction Particle Inhomogeneous Phase Enhancement of\n MgB2 Smart Meta-Superconductor","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Improving the critical temperature (TC), critical magnetic field (HC), and\ncritical current (JC) of superconducting materials has always been one of the\nmost significant challenges in the field of superconductivity, but progress has\nbeen slow over the years. Based on the concept of injecting energy to enhance\nelectron pairing states, in this study, we have employed a solid-state\nsintering method to fabricate a series of smart meta-superconductors (SMSCs)\nconsisting of p-n junction nanostructures with a wavelength of 550 nm, doped\nwithin an MgB2 matrix. Experimental results demonstrate that compared to pure\nMgB2 samples, the critical transition temperature (TC) has increased by 1.2 K,\nthe critical current (JC) has increased by 52.8%, and the Meissner effect (HC)\nshows significant improvement in its diamagnetic properties. This phenomenon of\nenhanced superconducting performance can be explained by the coupling between\nsuperconducting electrons and evanescent waves.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:37:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Qi","Yao",""],["Chen","Duo",""],["Li","Yongbo",""],["Sun","Chao",""],["Hai","Qingyu",""],["Shi","Miao",""],["Chen","Honggang",""],["Zhao","Xiaopeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11271","submitter":"Can Wang","authors":"Can Wang, Feng Chen, Mingde Ding, and Zekun Lu","title":"Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Confined Eruption of a\n Magnetic Flux Rope: Unveiling the Driving and Constraining Forces","comments":"17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.plasm-ph physics.space-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We analyse the forces that control the dynamic evolution of a flux rope\neruption in a three-dimensional (3D) radiative magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD)\nsimulation. The confined eruption of the flux rope gives rise to a C8.5 flare.\nThe flux rope rises slowly with an almost constant velocity of a few km/s in\nthe early stage, when the gravity and Lorentz force are nearly counterbalanced.\nAfter the flux rope rises to the height at which the decay index of the\nexternal poloidal field satisfies the torus instability criterion, the\nsignificantly enhanced Lorentz force breaks the force balance and drives rapid\nacceleration of the flux rope. Fast magnetic reconnection is immediately\ninduced within the current sheet under the erupting flux rope, which provides a\nstrong positive feedback to the eruption. The eruption is eventually confined\ndue to the tension force from the strong external toroidal field. Our results\nsuggest that the gravity of plasma plays an important role in sustaining the\nquasi-static evolution of the pre-eruptive flux rope. The Lorentz force, which\nis contributed from both the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instability and\nmagnetic reconnection, dominates the dynamic evolution during the eruption\nprocess.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:39:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Can",""],["Chen","Feng",""],["Ding","Mingde",""],["Lu","Zekun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11272","submitter":"Seungyul Han","authors":"Yonghyeon Jo, Sunwoo Lee, Junghyuk Yum, Seungyul Han","title":"FoX: Formation-aware exploration in multi-agent reinforcement learning","comments":"7 pages main, 5 pages appendix with reference. 10 figures, submitted\n for AAAI","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has gained\nsignificant popularity due to its success in various cooperative multi-agent\ntasks. However, exploration still remains a challenging problem in MARL due to\nthe partial observability of the agents and the exploration space that can grow\nexponentially as the number of agents increases. Firstly, in order to address\nthe scalability issue of the exploration space, we define a formation-based\nequivalence relation on the exploration space and aim to reduce the search\nspace by exploring only meaningful states in different formations. Then, we\npropose a novel formation-aware exploration (FoX) framework that encourages\npartially observable agents to visit the states in diverse formations by\nguiding them to be well aware of their current formation solely based on their\nown observations. Numerical results show that the proposed FoX framework\nsignificantly outperforms the state-of-the-art MARL algorithms on Google\nResearch Football (GRF) and sparse Starcraft II multi-agent challenge (SMAC)\ntasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:39:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jo","Yonghyeon",""],["Lee","Sunwoo",""],["Yum","Junghyuk",""],["Han","Seungyul",""]]} {"id":"2308.11273","submitter":"Mario Raciti","authors":"Mario Raciti and Giampaolo Bella","title":"Up-to-date Threat Modelling for Soft Privacy on Smart Cars","comments":"Accepted in 7th International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy\n Requirements Engineering (SECPRE 2023). arXiv admin note: substantial text\n overlap with arXiv:2306.04222","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Physical persons playing the role of car drivers consume data that is sourced\nfrom the Internet and, at the same time, themselves act as sources of relevant\ndata. It follows that citizens' privacy is potentially at risk while they\ndrive, hence the need to model privacy threats in this application domain. This\npaper addresses the privacy threats by updating a recent threat-modelling\nmethodology and by tailoring it specifically to the soft privacy target\nproperty, which ensures citizens' full control on their personal data. The\nmethodology now features the sources of documentation as an explicit variable\nthat is to be considered. It is demonstrated by including a new version of the\nde-facto standard LINDDUN methodology as well as an additional source by ENISA\nwhich is found to be relevant to soft privacy. The main findings are a set of\n23 domain-independent threats, 43 domain-specific assets and 525\ndomain-dependent threats for the target property in the automotive domain.\nWhile these exceed their previous versions, their main value is to offer\nself-evident support to at least two arguments. One is that LINDDUN has evolved\nmuch the way our original methodology already advocated because a few of our\npreviously suggested extensions are no longer outstanding. The other one is\nthat ENISA's treatment of privacy aboard smart cars should be extended\nconsiderably because our 525 threats fall in the same scope.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:40:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Raciti","Mario",""],["Bella","Giampaolo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11274","submitter":"Barbara Kaltenbacher","authors":"Barbara Kaltenbacher, Amjad Tuffaha","title":"Well-posedness of a Nonlinear Acoustics -- Structure Interaction Model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We establish local-in-time and global in time well-posedness for small data,\nfor a coupled system of nonlinear acoustic structure interactions. The model\nconsists of the nonlinear Westervelt equation on a bounded domain with non\nhomogeneous boundary conditions, coupled with a 4th order linear equation\ndefined on a lower dimensional interface occupying part of the boundary of the\ndomain, with transmission boundary conditions matching acoustic velocities and\nacoustic pressures. While the well-posedness of the Westervelt model has been\nwell studied in the literature, there has been no works on the literature on\nthe coupled structure acoustic interaction model involving the Westervelt\nequation. Another contribution of this work, is a novel variational weak\nformulation of the linearized system and a consideration of various boundary\nconditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:40:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kaltenbacher","Barbara",""],["Tuffaha","Amjad",""]]} {"id":"2308.11275","submitter":"Lingfang Wang","authors":"Lingfang Wang, Ying Li, Qiao Li, Xin Cheng, and Mingde Ding","title":"Spectral Features of the Solar Transition Region and Chromospheric Lines\n at Flare Ribbons Observed with IRIS","comments":"26 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We report on the spectral features of the Si IV 1402.77 \\AA, C II 1334.53\n\\AA, and Mg II h or k lines, formed in the layers from the transition region to\nthe chromosphere, in three two-ribbon flares (with X-, M-, and C-class)\nobserved with IRIS. All the three lines show significant redshifts within the\nmain flare ribbons, which mainly originate from the chromospheric condensation\nduring the flares. The average redshift velocities of the Si IV line within the\nmain ribbons are 56.6, 25.6, and 10.5 km s$^{-1}$ for the X-, M-, and C-class\nflares, respectively, which show a decreasing tendency with the flare class.\nThe C II and Mg II lines show a similar tendency but with smaller velocities\ncompared to the Si IV line. Additionally, the Mg II h or k line shows a\nblue-wing enhancement in the three flares in particular at the flare ribbon\nfronts, which is supposed to be caused by an upflow in the upper chromosphere\ndue to the heating of the atmosphere. Moreover, the Mg II h or k line exhibits\na central reversal at the flare ribbons, but turns to pure emission shortly\nafter 1--4 minutes. Correspondingly, the C II line also shows a central\nreversal but in a smaller region. However, for the Si IV line, the central\nreversal is only found in the X-class flare, but not in the other two flares.\nAs usual, the central reversal of these lines can be caused by the opacity\neffect. This implies that in addition to the optically thick lines (C II and Mg\nII lines), the Si IV line can become optically thick in a strong flare, which\nis likely related to the nonthermal electron beam heating.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:42:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Lingfang",""],["Li","Ying",""],["Li","Qiao",""],["Cheng","Xin",""],["Ding","Mingde",""]]} {"id":"2308.11276","submitter":"Shansong Liu","authors":"Shansong Liu, Atin Sakkeer Hussain, Chenshuo Sun, Ying Shan","title":"Music Understanding LLaMA: Advancing Text-to-Music Generation with\n Question Answering and Captioning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.AI cs.CL cs.MM eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Text-to-music generation (T2M-Gen) faces a major obstacle due to the scarcity\nof large-scale publicly available music datasets with natural language\ncaptions. To address this, we propose the Music Understanding LLaMA (MU-LLaMA),\ncapable of answering music-related questions and generating captions for music\nfiles. Our model utilizes audio representations from a pretrained MERT model to\nextract music features. However, obtaining a suitable dataset for training the\nMU-LLaMA model remains challenging, as existing publicly accessible audio\nquestion answering datasets lack the necessary depth for open-ended music\nquestion answering. To fill this gap, we present a methodology for generating\nquestion-answer pairs from existing audio captioning datasets and introduce the\nMusicQA Dataset designed for answering open-ended music-related questions. The\nexperiments demonstrate that the proposed MU-LLaMA model, trained on our\ndesigned MusicQA dataset, achieves outstanding performance in both music\nquestion answering and music caption generation across various metrics,\noutperforming current state-of-the-art (SOTA) models in both fields and\noffering a promising advancement in the T2M-Gen research field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:43:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Shansong",""],["Hussain","Atin Sakkeer",""],["Sun","Chenshuo",""],["Shan","Ying",""]]} {"id":"2308.11277","submitter":"Hubert Mara","authors":"Ernst St\\\"otzner, Timo Homburg and Hubert Mara","title":"CNN based Cuneiform Sign Detection Learned from Annotated 3D Renderings\n and Mapped Photographs with Illumination Augmentation","comments":"This paper was accepted to ICCV23 and includes the DOI for an Open\n Access Dataset with annotated cuneiform script","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Motivated by the challenges of the Digital Ancient Near Eastern Studies\n(DANES) community, we develop digital tools for processing cuneiform script\nbeing a 3D script imprinted into clay tablets used for more than three\nmillennia and at least eight major languages. It consists of thousands of\ncharacters that have changed over time and space. Photographs are the most\ncommon representations usable for machine learning, while ink drawings are\nprone to interpretation. Best suited 3D datasets that are becoming available.\nWe created and used the HeiCuBeDa and MaiCuBeDa datasets, which consist of\naround 500 annotated tablets. For our novel OCR-like approach to mixed image\ndata, we provide an additional mapping tool for transferring annotations\nbetween 3D renderings and photographs. Our sign localization uses a RepPoints\ndetector to predict the locations of characters as bounding boxes. We use image\ndata from GigaMesh's MSII (curvature, see https://gigamesh.eu) based rendering,\nPhong-shaded 3D models, and photographs as well as illumination augmentation.\nThe results show that using rendered 3D images for sign detection performs\nbetter than other work on photographs. In addition, our approach gives\nreasonably good results for photographs only, while it is best used for mixed\ndatasets. More importantly, the Phong renderings, and especially the MSII\nrenderings, improve the results on photographs, which is the largest dataset on\na global scale.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:46:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["St\u00f6tzner","Ernst",""],["Homburg","Timo",""],["Mara","Hubert",""]]} {"id":"2308.11278","submitter":"Kevin Wilson Dr","authors":"S. Faye Williamson, Svetlana V. Tishkovskaya and Kevin J. Wilson","title":"Hybrid sample size calculations for cluster randomised trials using\n assurance","comments":"21 pages, 4 figures and 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Sample size determination for cluster randomised trials (CRTs) is challenging\nas it requires robust estimation of the intra-cluster correlation coefficient\n(ICC). Typically, the sample size is chosen to provide a certain level of power\nto reject the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test. This relies on the minimal\nclinically important difference (MCID) and estimates for the standard\ndeviation, ICC and possibly the coefficient of variation of the cluster size.\nVarying these parameters can have a strong effect on the sample size. In\nparticular, it is sensitive to small differences in the ICC. A relevant ICC\nestimate is often not available, or the available estimate is imprecise. If the\nICC used is far from the unknown true value, this can lead to trials which are\nsubstantially over- or under-powered. We propose a hybrid approach using\nBayesian assurance to find the sample size for a CRT with a frequentist\nanalysis. Assurance is an alternative to power which incorporates uncertainty\non parameters through a prior distribution. We suggest specifying prior\ndistributions for the standard deviation, ICC and coefficient of variation of\nthe cluster size, while still utilising the MCID. We illustrate the approach\nthrough the design of a CRT in post-stroke incontinence. We show assurance can\nbe used to find a sample size based on an elicited prior distribution for the\nICC, when a power calculation discards all information in the prior except a\nsingle point estimate. Results show that this approach can avoid misspecifying\nsample sizes when prior medians for the ICC are very similar but prior\ndistributions exhibit quite different behaviour. Assurance provides an\nunderstanding of the probability of success of a trial given an MCID and can be\nused to produce sample sizes which are robust to parameter uncertainty. This is\nespecially useful when there is difficulty obtaining reliable parameter\nestimates.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:47:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Williamson","S. Faye",""],["Tishkovskaya","Svetlana V.",""],["Wilson","Kevin J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11279","submitter":"Jonas Jansen","authors":"Gabriele Br\\\"ull, Bastian Hilder, Jonas Jansen","title":"Thermocapillary Thin Films: Periodic Steady States and Film Rupture","comments":"32 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP nlin.PS physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study stationary, periodic solutions to the thermocapillary thin-film\nmodel\n \\begin{equation*}\n \\partial_t h + \\partial_x \\Bigl(h^3(\\partial_x^3 h - g\\partial_x h) +\nM\\frac{h^2}{(1+h)^2}\\partial_xh\\Bigr) = 0,\\quad t>0,\\ x\\in \\mathbb{R},\n \\end{equation*} which can be derived from the B\\'enard-Marangoni problem via\na lubrication approximation. When the Marangoni number $M$ increases beyond a\ncritical value $M^*$, the constant solution becomes spectrally unstable via a\n(conserved) long-wave instability and periodic stationary solutions bifurcate.\nFor a fixed period, we find that these solutions lie on a global bifurcation\ncurve of stationary, periodic solutions with a fixed wave number and mass.\nFurthermore, we show that the stationary periodic solutions on the global\nbifurcation branch converge to a weak stationary periodic solution which\nexhibits film rupture. The proofs rely on a Hamiltonian formulation of the\nstationary problem and the use of analytic global bifurcation theory. Finally,\nwe show the instability of the bifurcating solutions close to the bifurcation\npoint and give a formal derivation of the amplitude equation governing the\ndynamics close to the onset of instability.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:49:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Br\u00fcll","Gabriele",""],["Hilder","Bastian",""],["Jansen","Jonas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11280","submitter":"Zaiyi Shen","authors":"Zaiyi Shen, Juho S. Lintuvuori","title":"Collective Flows Drive Cavitation in Spinner Monolayers","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Physical Review Letters 130 (18), 188202 (2023)","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.188202","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn cond-mat.soft","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Hydrodynamic interactions can give rise to a collective motion of rotating\nparticles. This, in turn, can lead to coherent fluid flows. Using large scale\nhydrodynamic simulations, we study the coupling between these two in spinner\nmonolayers at weakly inertial regime. We observe an instability, where the\ninitially uniform particle layer separates into particle void and particle rich\nareas. The particle void region corresponds to a fluid vortex, and it is driven\nby a surrounding spinner edge current. We show that the instability originates\nfrom a hydrodynamic lift force between the particle and fluid flows. The\ncavitation can be tuned by the strength of the collective flows. It is\nsuppressed when the spinners are confined by a no-slip surface, and multiple\ncavity and oscillating cavity states are observed when the particle\nconcentration is reduced.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:50:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Zaiyi",""],["Lintuvuori","Juho S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11281","submitter":"Eyal Hanania","authors":"Eyal Hanania, Ilya Volovik, Lilach Barkat, Israel Cohen and Moti\n Freiman","title":"PCMC-T1: Free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping with\n Physically-Constrained Motion Correction","comments":"Accepted to MICCAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" T1 mapping is a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI) technique that\nhas emerged as a valuable tool in the diagnosis of diffuse myocardial diseases.\nHowever, prevailing approaches have relied heavily on breath-hold sequences to\neliminate respiratory motion artifacts. This limitation hinders accessibility\nand effectiveness for patients who cannot tolerate breath-holding. Image\nregistration can be used to enable free-breathing T1 mapping. Yet, inherent\nintensity differences between the different time points make the registration\ntask challenging. We introduce PCMC-T1, a physically-constrained deep-learning\nmodel for motion correction in free-breathing T1 mapping. We incorporate the\nsignal decay model into the network architecture to encourage\nphysically-plausible deformations along the longitudinal relaxation axis. We\ncompared PCMC-T1 to baseline deep-learning-based image registration approaches\nusing a 5-fold experimental setup on a publicly available dataset of 210\npatients. PCMC-T1 demonstrated superior model fitting quality (R2: 0.955) and\nachieved the highest clinical impact (clinical score: 3.93) compared to\nbaseline methods (0.941, 0.946 and 3.34, 3.62 respectively). Anatomical\nalignment results were comparable (Dice score: 0.9835 vs. 0.984, 0.988). Our\ncode and trained models are available at https://github.com/eyalhana/PCMC-T1.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:50:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hanania","Eyal",""],["Volovik","Ilya",""],["Barkat","Lilach",""],["Cohen","Israel",""],["Freiman","Moti",""]]} {"id":"2308.11282","submitter":"Marcello Porta","authors":"Marcello Porta, Vieri Mastropietro, Alessandro Giuliani","title":"Response functions of many-body condensed matter systems","comments":"27 pages. Article commissioned by the Encyclopedia of Mathematical\n Physics","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph cond-mat.str-el math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We discuss rigorous results about the response functions of gapped and\ngapless interacting fermionic lattice models, relevant for the study of\ntransport in condensed matter physics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:50:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Porta","Marcello",""],["Mastropietro","Vieri",""],["Giuliani","Alessandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.11283","submitter":"Alex Massarenti","authors":"Michele Bolognesi, Alex Massarenti, Elena Poma","title":"Cox rings of blow-ups of multiprojective spaces","comments":"12 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.AC math.RA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $X^{1,n}_r$ be the blow-up of $\\mathbb{P}^1\\times\\mathbb{P}^n$ in $r$\ngeneral points. We describe the Mori cone of $X^{1,n}_r$ for $r\\leq n+2$ and\nfor $r = n+3$ when $n\\leq 4$. Furthermore, we prove that $X^{1,n}_{n+1}$ is log\nFano and give an explicit presentation for its Cox ring.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:50:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bolognesi","Michele",""],["Massarenti","Alex",""],["Poma","Elena",""]]} {"id":"2308.11284","submitter":"Mingxuan Xiao","authors":"Mingxuan Xiao, Yan Xiao, Hai Dong, Shunhui Ji, Pengcheng Zhang","title":"LEAP: Efficient and Automated Test Method for NLP Software","comments":"Accepted at ASE 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The widespread adoption of DNNs in NLP software has highlighted the need for\nrobustness. Researchers proposed various automatic testing techniques for\nadversarial test cases. However, existing methods suffer from two limitations:\nweak error-discovering capabilities, with success rates ranging from 0% to\n24.6% for BERT-based NLP software, and time inefficiency, taking 177.8s to\n205.28s per test case, making them challenging for time-constrained scenarios.\nTo address these issues, this paper proposes LEAP, an automated test method\nthat uses LEvy flight-based Adaptive Particle swarm optimization integrated\nwith textual features to generate adversarial test cases. Specifically, we\nadopt Levy flight for population initialization to increase the diversity of\ngenerated test cases. We also design an inertial weight adaptive update\noperator to improve the efficiency of LEAP's global optimization of\nhigh-dimensional text examples and a mutation operator based on the greedy\nstrategy to reduce the search time. We conducted a series of experiments to\nvalidate LEAP's ability to test NLP software and found that the average success\nrate of LEAP in generating adversarial test cases is 79.1%, which is 6.1%\nhigher than the next best approach (PSOattack). While ensuring high success\nrates, LEAP significantly reduces time overhead by up to 147.6s compared to\nother heuristic-based methods. Additionally, the experimental results\ndemonstrate that LEAP can generate more transferable test cases and\nsignificantly enhance the robustness of DNN-based systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:51:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Xiao","Mingxuan",""],["Xiao","Yan",""],["Dong","Hai",""],["Ji","Shunhui",""],["Zhang","Pengcheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11285","submitter":"Daniela Gaul","authors":"Daniela Gaul, Kathrin Klamroth, Christian Pfeiffer, Arne Schulz,\n Michael Stiglmayr","title":"A Tight Formulation for the Dial-a-Ride Problem","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.DM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Ridepooling services play an increasingly important role in modern\ntransportation systems. With soaring demand and growing fleet sizes, the\nunderlying route planning problems become increasingly challenging. In this\ncontext, we consider the dial-a-ride problem (DARP): Given a set of\ntransportation requests with pick-up and delivery locations, passenger numbers,\ntime windows, and maximum ride times, an optimal routing for a fleet of\nvehicles, including an optimized passenger assignment, needs to be determined.\nWe present tight mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations for the\nDARP by combining two state-of-the-art models into novel\nlocation-augmented-event-based formulations. Strong valid inequalities and\nlower and upper bounding techniques are derived to further improve the\nformulations. We then demonstrate the theoretical and computational superiority\nof the new model: First, the formulation is tight in the sense that, if time\nwindows shrink to a single point in time, the linear programming relaxation\nyields integer (and hence optimal) solutions. Second, extensive numerical\nexperiments on benchmark instances show that computational times are on average\nreduced by 49.7% compared to state-of-the-art event-based approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:53:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gaul","Daniela",""],["Klamroth","Kathrin",""],["Pfeiffer","Christian",""],["Schulz","Arne",""],["Stiglmayr","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.11286","submitter":"Manuel Hauke","authors":"Lorenz Fr\\\"uhwirth, Manuel Hauke","title":"On Birkhoff sums that satisfy no temporal distributional limit theorem\n for almost every irrational","comments":"14 pages, 1 figure, all comments are appreciated","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Dolgpoyat and Sarig showed that for any piecewise smooth function $f:\n\\mathbb{T} \\to \\mathbb{R}$ and almost every pair $(\\alpha,x_0) \\in \\mathbb{T}\n\\times \\mathbb{T}$, $S_N(f,\\alpha,x_0) := \\sum_{n =1}^{N} f(n\\alpha + x_0)$\nfails to fulfill a temporal distributional limit theorem. In this article, we\nshow that the two-dimensional average is in fact not needed: For almost every\n$\\alpha \\in \\mathbb{T}$ and all $x_0 \\in \\mathbb{T}$, $S_N(f,\\alpha,x_0)$ does\nnot satisfy a temporal distributional limit theorem, regardless of centering\nand scaling. The obtained results additionally lead to progress in a question\nposed by Dolgopyat and Sarig.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:54:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fr\u00fchwirth","Lorenz",""],["Hauke","Manuel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11287","submitter":"Rui Pan","authors":"Tianchen Gao, Yan Zhang, Rui Pan, and Hansheng Wang","title":"Large-scale Multi-layer Academic Networks Derived from Statistical\n Publications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The utilization of multi-layer network structures now enables the explanation\nof complex systems in nature from multiple perspectives. Multi-layer academic\nnetworks capture diverse relationships among academic entities, facilitating\nthe study of academic development and the prediction of future directions.\nHowever, there are currently few academic network datasets that simultaneously\nconsider multi-layer academic networks; often, they only include a single\nlayer. In this study, we provide a large-scale multi-layer academic network\ndataset, namely, LMANStat, which includes collaboration, co-institution,\ncitation, co-citation, journal citation, author citation, author-paper and\nkeyword co-occurrence networks. Furthermore, each layer of the multi-layer\nacademic network is dynamic. Additionally, we expand the attributes of nodes,\nsuch as authors' research interests, productivity, region and institution.\nSupported by this dataset, it is possible to study the development and\nevolution of statistical disciplines from multiple perspectives. This dataset\nalso provides fertile ground for studying complex systems with multi-layer\nstructures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:56:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Tianchen",""],["Zhang","Yan",""],["Pan","Rui",""],["Wang","Hansheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11288","submitter":"Dain Kim","authors":"Dain Kim, Jinhyeok Park, Dongwoo Kim","title":"Test Time Embedding Normalization for Popularity Bias Mitigation","comments":"5 pages, CIKM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3583780.3615281","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Popularity bias is a widespread problem in the field of recommender systems,\nwhere popular items tend to dominate recommendation results. In this work, we\npropose 'Test Time Embedding Normalization' as a simple yet effective strategy\nfor mitigating popularity bias, which surpasses the performance of the previous\nmitigation approaches by a significant margin. Our approach utilizes the\nnormalized item embedding during the inference stage to control the influence\nof embedding magnitude, which is highly correlated with item popularity.\nThrough extensive experiments, we show that our method combined with the\nsampled softmax loss effectively reduces popularity bias compare to previous\napproaches for bias mitigation. We further investigate the relationship between\nuser and item embeddings and find that the angular similarity between\nembeddings distinguishes preferable and non-preferable items regardless of\ntheir popularity. The analysis explains the mechanism behind the success of our\napproach in eliminating the impact of popularity bias. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/ml-postech/TTEN.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:57:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Dain",""],["Park","Jinhyeok",""],["Kim","Dongwoo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11289","submitter":"Xinrui Li","authors":"Xinrui Li, Zhenjun Dong, Yong Zeng, Shi Jin, Rui Zhang","title":"Multi-User Modular XL-MIMO Communications: Near-Field Beam Focusing\n Pattern and User Grouping","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we investigate multi-user modular extremely large-scale\nmultiple-input multiple-output (XL-MIMO) communication systems, where modular\nextremely large-scale uniform linear array (XL-ULA) is deployed at the base\nstation (BS) to serve multiple single-antenna users. By exploiting the unique\nmodular array architecture and considering the potential near-field\npropagation, we develop sub-array based uniform spherical wave (USW) models for\ndistinct versus common angles of arrival/departure (AoAs/AoDs) with respect to\ndifferent sub-arrays/modules, respectively. Under such USW models, we analyze\nthe beam focusing patterns at the near-field observation location by using\nnear-field beamforming. The analysis reveals that compared to the conventional\nXL-MIMO with collocated antenna elements, modular XL-MIMO can provide better\nspatial resolution by benefiting from its larger array aperture. However, it\nalso incurs undesired grating lobes due to the large inter-module separation.\nMoreover, it is found that for multi-user modular XL-MIMO communications, the\nachievable signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for users may be\ndegraded by the grating lobes of the beam focusing pattern. To address this\nissue, an efficient user grouping method is proposed for multi-user\ntransmission scheduling, so that users located within the grating lobes of each\nother are not allocated to the same time-frequency resource block (RB) for\ntheir communications. Numerical results are presented to verify the\neffectiveness of the proposed user grouping method, as well as the superior\nperformance of modular XL-MIMO over its collocated counterpart with densely\ndistributed users.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:07:38 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 01:37:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Li","Xinrui",""],["Dong","Zhenjun",""],["Zeng","Yong",""],["Jin","Shi",""],["Zhang","Rui",""]]} {"id":"2308.11290","submitter":"Yuxuan Du","authors":"Yuxuan Du, Yibo Yang, Tongliang Liu, Zhouchen Lin, Bernard Ghanem,\n Dacheng Tao","title":"ShadowNet for Data-Centric Quantum System Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Understanding the dynamics of large quantum systems is hindered by the curse\nof dimensionality. Statistical learning offers new possibilities in this regime\nby neural-network protocols and classical shadows, while both methods have\nlimitations: the former is plagued by the predictive uncertainty and the latter\nlacks the generalization ability. Here we propose a data-centric learning\nparadigm combining the strength of these two approaches to facilitate diverse\nquantum system learning (QSL) tasks. Particularly, our paradigm utilizes\nclassical shadows along with other easily obtainable information of quantum\nsystems to create the training dataset, which is then learnt by neural networks\nto unveil the underlying mapping rule of the explored QSL problem. Capitalizing\non the generalization power of neural networks, this paradigm can be trained\noffline and excel at predicting previously unseen systems at the inference\nstage, even with few state copies. Besides, it inherits the characteristic of\nclassical shadows, enabling memory-efficient storage and faithful prediction.\nThese features underscore the immense potential of the proposed data-centric\napproach in discovering novel and large-scale quantum systems. For\nconcreteness, we present the instantiation of our paradigm in quantum state\ntomography and direct fidelity estimation tasks and conduct numerical analysis\nup to 60 qubits. Our work showcases the profound prospects of data-centric\nartificial intelligence to advance QSL in a faithful and generalizable manner.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:11:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Du","Yuxuan",""],["Yang","Yibo",""],["Liu","Tongliang",""],["Lin","Zhouchen",""],["Ghanem","Bernard",""],["Tao","Dacheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11291","submitter":"Salim Khazem","authors":"Salim Khazem, Jeremy Fix, C\\'edric Pradalier","title":"Improving Knot Prediction in Wood Logs with Longitudinal Feature\n Propagation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The quality of a wood log in the wood industry depends heavily on the\npresence of both outer and inner defects, including inner knots that are a\nresult of the growth of tree branches. Today, locating the inner knots require\nthe use of expensive equipment such as X-ray scanners. In this paper, we\naddress the task of predicting the location of inner defects from the outer\nshape of the logs. The dataset is built by extracting both the contours and the\nknots with X-ray measurements. We propose to solve this binary segmentation\ntask by leveraging convolutional recurrent neural networks. Once the neural\nnetwork is trained, inference can be performed from the outer shape measured\nwith cheap devices such as laser profilers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of\nour approach on fir and spruce tree species and perform ablation on the\nrecurrence to demonstrate its importance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:12:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Khazem","Salim",""],["Fix","Jeremy",""],["Pradalier","C\u00e9dric",""]]} {"id":"2308.11292","submitter":"Raffael Hagger","authors":"Robert Fulsche and Raffael Hagger","title":"Quantum harmonic analysis for polyanalytic Fock spaces","comments":"37 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We develop the quantum harmonic analysis framework in the reducible setting\nand apply our findings to polyanalytic Fock spaces. In particular, we explain\nsome phenomena observed in arXiv:2201.10230 and answer a few related open\nquestions. For instance, we show that there exists a symbol such that the\ncorresponding Toeplitz operator is unitary on the analytic Fock space but\nvanishes completely on one of the true polyanalytic Fock spaces. This follows\ndirectly from an explicit characterization of the kernel of the Toeplitz\nquantization, which we derive using quantum harmonic analysis. Moreover, we\nshow that the Berezin transform is injective on the set of of Toeplitz\noperators. Finally, we provide several characterizations of the\n$\\mathcal{C}_1$-algebra in terms of integral kernel estimates and essential\ncommutants.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:13:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fulsche","Robert",""],["Hagger","Raffael",""]]} {"id":"2308.11293","submitter":"Wojciech \\.Zu{\\l}awi\\'nski","authors":"Prashant Giri, Aleksandra Grzesiek, Wojciech \\.Zu{\\l}awi\\'nski, S.\n Sundar, Agnieszka Wy{\\l}oma\\'nska","title":"The modified Yule-Walker method for multidimensional infinite-variance\n periodic autoregressive model of order 1","comments":"31 pages, 17 figures","journal-ref":"Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 52 (2023), 462-493","doi":"10.1007/s42952-022-00191-3","report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME math.PR math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The time series with periodic behavior, such as the periodic autoregressive\n(PAR) models belonging to the class of the periodically correlated processes,\nare present in various real applications. In the literature, such processes\nwere considered in different directions, especially with the\nGaussian-distributed noise. However, in most of the applications, the\nassumption of the finite-variance distribution seems to be too simplified.\nThus, one can consider the extensions of the classical PAR model where the\nnon-Gaussian distribution is applied. In particular, the Gaussian distribution\ncan be replaced by the infinite-variance distribution, e.g. by the\n$\\alpha-$stable distribution. In this paper, we focus on the multidimensional\n$\\alpha-$stable PAR time series models. For such models, we propose a new\nestimation method based on the Yule-Walker equations. However, since for the\ninfinite-variance case the covariance does not exist, thus it is replaced by\nanother measure, namely the covariation. In this paper we propose to apply two\nestimators of the covariation measure. The first one is based on moment\nrepresentation (moment-based) while the second one - on the spectral measure\nrepresentation (spectral-based). The validity of the new approaches are\nverified using the Monte Carlo simulations in different contexts, including the\nsample size and the index of stability of the noise. Moreover, we compare the\nmoment-based covariation-based method with spectral-based covariation-based\ntechnique. Finally, the real data analysis is presented.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:14:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Giri","Prashant",""],["Grzesiek","Aleksandra",""],["\u017bu\u0142awi\u0144ski","Wojciech",""],["Sundar","S.",""],["Wy\u0142oma\u0144ska","Agnieszka",""]]} {"id":"2308.11294","submitter":"Xingyue Pu","authors":"Xingyue Pu, Stephen Roberts, Xiaowen Dong, and Stefan Zohren","title":"Network Momentum across Asset Classes","comments":"27 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-fin.PM cs.LG eess.SP q-fin.TR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We investigate the concept of network momentum, a novel trading signal\nderived from momentum spillover across assets. Initially observed within the\nconfines of pairwise economic and fundamental ties, such as the stock-bond\nconnection of the same company and stocks linked through supply-demand chains,\nmomentum spillover implies a propagation of momentum risk premium from one\nasset to another. The similarity of momentum risk premium, exemplified by\nco-movement patterns, has been spotted across multiple asset classes including\ncommodities, equities, bonds and currencies. However, studying the network\neffect of momentum spillover across these classes has been challenging due to a\nlack of readily available common characteristics or economic ties beyond the\ncompany level. In this paper, we explore the interconnections of momentum\nfeatures across a diverse range of 64 continuous future contracts spanning\nthese four classes. We utilise a linear and interpretable graph learning model\nwith minimal assumptions to reveal the intricacies of the momentum spillover\nnetwork. By leveraging the learned networks, we construct a network momentum\nstrategy that exhibits a Sharpe ratio of 1.5 and an annual return of 22%, after\nvolatility scaling, from 2000 to 2022. This paper pioneers the examination of\nmomentum spillover across multiple asset classes using only pricing data,\npresents a multi-asset investment strategy based on network momentum, and\nunderscores the effectiveness of this strategy through robust empirical\nanalysis.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:15:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Pu","Xingyue",""],["Roberts","Stephen",""],["Dong","Xiaowen",""],["Zohren","Stefan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11295","submitter":"Elizaveta Kostenok","authors":"Elizaveta Kostenok, Daniil Cherniavskii, Alexey Zaytsev","title":"Uncertainty Estimation of Transformers' Predictions via Topological\n Analysis of the Attention Matrices","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Determining the degree of confidence of deep learning model in its prediction\nis an open problem in the field of natural language processing. Most of the\nclassical methods for uncertainty estimation are quite weak for text\nclassification models. We set the task of obtaining an uncertainty estimate for\nneural networks based on the Transformer architecture. A key feature of such\nmo-dels is the attention mechanism, which supports the information flow between\nthe hidden representations of tokens in the neural network. We explore the\nformed relationships between internal representations using Topological Data\nAnalysis methods and utilize them to predict model's confidence. In this paper,\nwe propose a method for uncertainty estimation based on the topological\nproperties of the attention mechanism and compare it with classical methods. As\na result, the proposed algorithm surpasses the existing methods in quality and\nopens up a new area of application of the attention mechanism, but requires the\nselection of topological features.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:17:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kostenok","Elizaveta",""],["Cherniavskii","Daniil",""],["Zaytsev","Alexey",""]]} {"id":"2308.11296","submitter":"Shitong Wu","authors":"Lingyi Chen, Shitong Wu, Wenhao Ye, Huihui Wu, Hao Wu, Wenyi Zhang, Bo\n Bai and Yining Sun","title":"Information Bottleneck Revisited: Posterior Probability Perspective with\n Optimal Transport","comments":"ISIT 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Information bottleneck (IB) is a paradigm to extract information in one\ntarget random variable from another relevant random variable, which has aroused\ngreat interest due to its potential to explain deep neural networks in terms of\ninformation compression and prediction. Despite its great importance, finding\nthe optimal bottleneck variable involves a difficult nonconvex optimization\nproblem due to the nonconvexity of mutual information constraint. The\nBlahut-Arimoto algorithm and its variants provide an approach by considering\nits Lagrangian with fixed Lagrange multiplier. However, only the strictly\nconcave IB curve can be fully obtained by the BA algorithm, which strongly\nlimits its application in machine learning and related fields, as strict\nconcavity cannot be guaranteed in those problems. To overcome the above\ndifficulty, we derive an entropy regularized optimal transport (OT) model for\nIB problem from a posterior probability perspective. Correspondingly, we use\nthe alternating optimization procedure and generalize the Sinkhorn algorithm to\nsolve the above OT model. The effectiveness and efficiency of our approach are\ndemonstrated via numerical experiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:18:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Lingyi",""],["Wu","Shitong",""],["Ye","Wenhao",""],["Wu","Huihui",""],["Wu","Hao",""],["Zhang","Wenyi",""],["Bai","Bo",""],["Sun","Yining",""]]} {"id":"2308.11297","submitter":"Wang Long-Jun","authors":"Zi-Rui Chen and Long-Jun Wang","title":"Stellar weak-interaction rates for $rp$-process waiting-point nuclei\n from projected shell model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a projected shell model (PSM) for description of stellar\nweak-interaction rates between even-even and odd-odd nuclei with extended\nconfiguration space where up to six-quasiparticle (qp) configurations are\nincluded, and the stellar weak-interaction rates for eight $rp$-process\nwaiting-point (WP) nuclei, $^{64}$Ge, $^{68}$Se, $^{72}$Kr, $^{76}$Sr,\n$^{80}$Zr, $^{84}$Mo, $^{88}$Ru and $^{92}$Pd, are calculated and analyzed for\nthe first time within the model. Higher-order qp configurations are found to\naffect the underlying Gamow-Teller strength distributions and the corresponding\nstellar weak-interaction rates. Under $rp$-process environments with high\ntemperatures and densities, on one hand, thermal population of excited states\nof parent nuclei tends to decrease the stellar $\\beta^+$ decay rates. On the\nother hand, the possibility of electron capture (EC) tends to provide\nincreasing contribution to the rates with temperature and density. The\neffective half-lives of WP nuclei under the $rp$-process peak condition are\npredicted to be reduced as compared with the terrestrial case, especially for\n$^{64}$Ge and $^{68}$Se.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:19:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Zi-Rui",""],["Wang","Long-Jun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11298","submitter":"Zeyu Zhang","authors":"Biao Wu, Yutong Xie, Zeyu Zhang, Jinchao Ge, Kaspar Yaxley, Suzan\n Bahadir, Qi Wu, Yifan Liu, Minh-Son To","title":"BHSD: A 3D Multi-Class Brain Hemorrhage Segmentation Dataset","comments":"Accepted by MLMI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a pathological condition characterized by\nbleeding inside the skull or brain, which can be attributed to various factors.\nIdentifying, localizing and quantifying ICH has important clinical\nimplications, in a bleed-dependent manner. While deep learning techniques are\nwidely used in medical image segmentation and have been applied to the ICH\nsegmentation task, existing public ICH datasets do not support the multi-class\nsegmentation problem. To address this, we develop the Brain Hemorrhage\nSegmentation Dataset (BHSD), which provides a 3D multi-class ICH dataset\ncontaining 192 volumes with pixel-level annotations and 2200 volumes with\nslice-level annotations across five categories of ICH. To demonstrate the\nutility of the dataset, we formulate a series of supervised and semi-supervised\nICH segmentation tasks. We provide experimental results with state-of-the-art\nmodels as reference benchmarks for further model developments and evaluations\non this dataset.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:20:55 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 05:44:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Biao",""],["Xie","Yutong",""],["Zhang","Zeyu",""],["Ge","Jinchao",""],["Yaxley","Kaspar",""],["Bahadir","Suzan",""],["Wu","Qi",""],["Liu","Yifan",""],["To","Minh-Son",""]]} {"id":"2308.11299","submitter":"Wang Long-Jun","authors":"Fan Gao and Zi-Rui Chen and Long-Jun Wang","title":"Nuclear $\\beta$ spectrum from projected shell model (I): allowed\n one-to-one transition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Nuclear $\\beta$ spectrum and the corresponding (anti-)neutrino spectrum play\nimportant roles in many aspects of nuclear astrophysics, particle physics,\nnuclear industry and nuclear data. In this work we propose a projected shell\nmodel (PSM) to calculate the level energies as well as the reduced one-body\ntransition density (ROBTD) by the Pfaffian algorithm for nuclear $\\beta$\ndecays. The calculated level energies and ROBTD are inputed to the Beta\nSpectrum Generator (BSG) code to study the high precision $\\beta$ spectrum of\nallowed one-to-one transitions. When experimental level energies are adopted,\nthe calculated $\\beta$ spectrum by ROBTD of the PSM deviates from the one by\nthe extreme simple particle evaluation of the BSG by up to $10\\%$, reflecting\nthe importance of nuclear many-body correlations. When calculated level\nenergies are adopted, the calculated $\\beta$ spectrum shows sensitive\ndependence on the reliability of calculated level energies. The developed\nmethod for ROBTD by the PSM will also be useful for study of the\nfirst-forbidden transitions, the isovector spin monopole resonance etc. in a\nstraightforward way.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:25:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Fan",""],["Chen","Zi-Rui",""],["Wang","Long-Jun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11300","submitter":"Thomas O'Connell","authors":"Thomas P. O'Connell, Tyler Bonnen, Yoni Friedman, Ayush Tewari, Josh\n B. Tenenbaum, Vincent Sitzmann, Nancy Kanwisher","title":"Approaching human 3D shape perception with neurally mappable models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Humans effortlessly infer the 3D shape of objects. What computations underlie\nthis ability? Although various computational models have been proposed, none of\nthem capture the human ability to match object shape across viewpoints. Here,\nwe ask whether and how this gap might be closed. We begin with a relatively\nnovel class of computational models, 3D neural fields, which encapsulate the\nbasic principles of classic analysis-by-synthesis in a deep neural network\n(DNN). First, we find that a 3D Light Field Network (3D-LFN) supports 3D\nmatching judgments well aligned to humans for within-category comparisons,\nadversarially-defined comparisons that accentuate the 3D failure cases of\nstandard DNN models, and adversarially-defined comparisons for algorithmically\ngenerated shapes with no category structure. We then investigate the source of\nthe 3D-LFN's ability to achieve human-aligned performance through a series of\ncomputational experiments. Exposure to multiple viewpoints of objects during\ntraining and a multi-view learning objective are the primary factors behind\nmodel-human alignment; even conventional DNN architectures come much closer to\nhuman behavior when trained with multi-view objectives. Finally, we find that\nwhile the models trained with multi-view learning objectives are able to\npartially generalize to new object categories, they fall short of human\nalignment. This work provides a foundation for understanding human shape\ninferences within neurally mappable computational architectures and highlights\nimportant questions for future work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:29:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["O'Connell","Thomas P.",""],["Bonnen","Tyler",""],["Friedman","Yoni",""],["Tewari","Ayush",""],["Tenenbaum","Josh B.",""],["Sitzmann","Vincent",""],["Kanwisher","Nancy",""]]} {"id":"2308.11301","submitter":"Pallabi Manna Dr","authors":"Santanu Mandal, Pallabi Manna","title":"Intersection subgroup graph with forbidden subgraphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $G$ be a group. The intersection subgroup graph of $G$ (introduced by\nAnderson et al. \\cite{anderson}) is the simple graph $\\Gamma_{S}(G)$ whose\nvertices are those non-trivial subgroups say $H$ of $G$ with $H\\cap K=\\{e\\}$\nfor some non-trivial subgroup $K$ of $G$; two distinct vertices $H$ and $K$ are\nadjacent if and only if $H\\cap K=\\{e\\}$, where $e$ is the identity element of\n$G$. In this communication, we explore the groups whose intersection subgroup\ngraph belongs to several significant graph classes including cluster graphs,\nperfect graphs, cographs, chordal graphs, bipartite graphs, triangle-free and\nclaw-fee graphs. We categorize each nilpotent group $G$ so that $\\Gamma_S(G)$\nbelongs to the above classes. We entirely classify the simple group of Lie type\nwhose intersection subgroup graph is a cograph. Moreover, we deduce that\n$\\Gamma_{S}(G)$ is neither a cograph nor a chordal graph if $G$ is a\ntorsion-free nilpotent group.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:29:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mandal","Santanu",""],["Manna","Pallabi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11302","submitter":"Quentin Gallea","authors":"Quentin Gallea","title":"From Mundane to Meaningful: AI's Influence on Work Dynamics -- evidence\n from ChatGPT and Stack Overflow","comments":"17 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.GN cs.AI q-fin.EC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" This paper illustrates how generative AI could give opportunities for big\nproductivity gains but also opens up questions about the impact of these new\npowerful technologies on the way we work and share knowledge. More\nspecifically, we explore how ChatGPT changed a fundamental aspect of coding:\nproblem-solving. To do so, we exploit the effect of the sudden release of\nChatGPT on the 30th of November 2022 on the usage of the largest online\ncommunity for coders: Stack Overflow. Using quasi-experimental methods\n(Difference-in-Difference), we find a significant drop in the number of\nquestions. In addition, the questions are better documented after the release\nof ChatGPT. Finally, we find evidence that the remaining questions are more\ncomplex. These findings suggest not only productivity gains but also a\nfundamental change in the way we work where routine inquiries are solved by AI\nallowing humans to focus on more complex tasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:30:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Gallea","Quentin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11303","submitter":"Christopher Patrick","authors":"Christopher E. Patrick, Yixuan Huang, Laura H. Lewis and Julie B.\n Staunton","title":"Theory of defect-induced crystal field perturbations in rare earth\n magnets","comments":"14 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a theory describing the single-ion anisotropy of rare earth (RE)\nmagnets in the presence of point defects. Taking the RE-lean 1:12 magnet class\nas a prototype, we use first-principles calculations to show how the\nintroduction of Ti substitutions into SmFe$_{12}$ perturbs the crystal field,\ngenerating new coefficients due to the lower symmetry of the RE environment. We\nthen demonstrate that these perturbations can be described extremely\nefficiently using a screened point charge model. We provide analytical\nexpressions for the anisotropy energy which can be straightforwardly\nimplemented in atomistic spin dynamics simulations, meaning that such\nsimulations can be carried out for an arbitrary arrangement of point defects.\nThe significant crystal field perturbations calculated here demonstrate that a\nsample which is single-phase from a structural point of view can nonetheless\nhave a dramatically varying anisotropy profile at the atomistic level if there\nis compositional disorder, which may influence localized magnetic objects like\ndomain walls or skyrmions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:31:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Patrick","Christopher E.",""],["Huang","Yixuan",""],["Lewis","Laura H.",""],["Staunton","Julie B.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11304","submitter":"David Ne\\v{c}as","authors":"David Ne\\v{c}as","title":"Self-consistent autocorrelation for finite-area bias correction in\n roughness measurement","comments":"18 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.data-an","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Scan line levelling, a ubiquitous and often necessary step in AFM data\nprocessing, can cause a severe bias on measured roughness parameters such as\nmean square roughness or correlation length. This work exploits the observation\nthat the bias of autocorrelation function (ACF) is expressed in terms of the\nfunction itself, permitting a self-consistent formulation of the problem. Using\nthis formulation, two correction approaches are proposed, both with the aim to\nobtain convenient formulae which can be applied to practical correction. The\nfirst modifies standard analytical models of ACF to incorporate, in\nexpectation, the bias and thus match the bias of the data the models are used\nto fit. The second inverts the relation between true and estimated ACF to\nrealise a model-free correction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:32:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ne\u010das","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.11305","submitter":"Pavlo O. Dral","authors":"Lina Zhang, Yi-Fan Hou, Fuchun Ge, Pavlo O. Dral","title":"Energy-conserving molecular dynamics is not energy conserving","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1039/D3CP03515H","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph physics.class-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Molecular dynamics (MD) is a widely-used tool for simulating the molecular\nand materials properties. It is a common wisdom that molecular dynamics\nsimulations should obey physical laws and, hence, lots of effort is put into\nensuring that molecular dynamics simulations are energy conserving. The\nemergence of machine learning (ML) potentials for MD leads to a growing\nrealization that monitoring conservation of energy during simulations is of low\nutility because the dynamics is often unphysically dissociative. Other ML\nmethods for MD are not based on a potential and provide only forces or\ntrajectories which are reasonable but not necessarily energy-conserving. Here\nwe propose to clearly distinguish between the simulation-energy and true-energy\nconservation and highlight that the simulations should focus on decreasing the\ndegree of true-energy non-conservation. We introduce very simple, new criteria\nfor evaluating the quality of molecular dynamics estimating the degree of\ntrue-energy non-conservation and we demonstrate their practical utility on an\nexample of infrared spectra simulations. These criteria are more important and\nintuitive than simply evaluating the quality of the ML potential energies and\nforces as is commonly done and can be applied universally, e.g., even for\ntrajectories with unknown or discontinuous potential energy. Such an approach\nintroduces new standards for evaluating MD by focusing on the true-energy\nconservation and can help in developing more accurate methods for simulating\nmolecular and materials properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:34:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Lina",""],["Hou","Yi-Fan",""],["Ge","Fuchun",""],["Dral","Pavlo O.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11306","submitter":"Galina L. Klimchitskaya","authors":"Galina L. Klimchitskaya, Constantine C. Korikov, Vladimir M.\n Mostepanenko and Oleg Yu. Tsybin","title":"Nonequilibrium Casimir-Polder Interaction Between Nanoparticles and\n Substrates Coated with Gapped Graphene","comments":"20 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":"Symmetry, v.15, N8, 1580 (2023)","doi":"10.3390/sym15081580","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The out-of-thermal-equilibrium Casimir-Polder force between nanoparticles and\ndielectric substrates coated with gapped graphene is considered in the\nframework of the Dirac model using the formalism of the polarization tensor.\nThis is an example of physical phenomena violating the time-reversal symmetry.\nAfter presenting the main points of the used formalism, we calculate two\ncontributions to the Casimir-Polder force acting on a nanoparticle on the\nsource side of a fused silica glass substrate coated with gapped graphene,\nwhich is either cooler or hotter than the environment. The total nonequilibrium\nforce magnitudes are computed as a function of separation for different values\nof the energy gap and compared with those from an uncoated plate and with the\nequilibrium force in the presence of graphene coating. According to our\nresults, the presence of a substrate increases the magnitude of the\nnonequlibrium force. The force magnitude becomes larger with higher and smaller\nwith lower temperature of the graphene-coated substrate as compared to the\nequilibrium force at the environmental temperature. It is shown that with\nincreasing energy gap the magnitude of the nonequilibrium force becomes\nsmaller, and the graphene coating makes a lesser impact on the force acting on\na nanoparticle from the uncoated substrate. Possible applications of the\nobtained results are discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:35:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Klimchitskaya","Galina L.",""],["Korikov","Constantine C.",""],["Mostepanenko","Vladimir M.",""],["Tsybin","Oleg Yu.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11307","submitter":"Qizheng He","authors":"Qizheng He and Zhean Xu","title":"Simple and Faster Algorithms for Knapsack","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we obtain a number of new simple pseudo-polynomial time\nalgorithms on the well-known knapsack problem, focusing on the running time\ndependency on the number of items $n$, the maximum item weight\n$w_\\mathrm{max}$, and the maximum item profit $p_\\mathrm{max}$. Our results\ninclude:\n - An $\\widetilde{O}(n^{3/2}\\cdot \\min\\{w_\\mathrm{max},p_\\mathrm{max}\\})$-time\nrandomized algorithm for 0-1 knapsack, improving the previous\n$\\widetilde{O}(\\min\\{n w_\\mathrm{max} p_\\mathrm{max}^{2/3},n p_\\mathrm{max}\nw_\\mathrm{max}^{2/3}\\})$ [Bringmann and Cassis, ESA'23] for the small $n$ case.\n - An $\\widetilde{O}(n+\\min\\{w_\\mathrm{max},p_\\mathrm{max}\\}^{5/2})$-time\nrandomized algorithm for bounded knapsack, improving the previous\n$O(n+\\min\\{w_\\mathrm{max}^3,p_\\mathrm{max}^3\\})$ [Polak, Rohwedder and\nWegrzyck, ICALP'21].\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:36:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["He","Qizheng",""],["Xu","Zhean",""]]} {"id":"2308.11308","submitter":"Irina Heinz","authors":"Irina Heinz, Adam R. Mills, Jason R. Petta and Guido Burkard","title":"Analysis and mitigation of residual exchange coupling in linear spin\n qubit arrays","comments":"15 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In recent advancements of quantum computing utilizing spin qubits, it has\nbeen demonstrated that this platform possesses the potential for implementing\ntwo-qubit gates with fidelities exceeding 99.5%. However, as with other qubit\nplatforms, it is not feasible to completely turn qubit couplings off. This\nstudy aims to investigate the impact of coherent error matrices in gate set\ntomography by employing a double quantum dot. We evaluate the infidelity caused\nby residual exchange between spins and compare various mitigation approaches,\nincluding the use of adjusted timing through simple drives, considering\ndifferent parameter settings in the presence of charge noise. Furthermore, we\nextend our analysis to larger arrays of exchange-coupled spin qubits to provide\nan estimation of the expected fidelity. In particular, we demonstrate the\ninfluence of residual exchange on a single-qubit $Y$ gate and the native\ntwo-qubit SWAP gate in a linear chain. Our findings emphasize the significance\nof accounting for residual exchange when scaling up spin qubit devices and\nhighlight the tradeoff between the effects of charge noise and residual\nexchange in mitigation techniques.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:37:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Heinz","Irina",""],["Mills","Adam R.",""],["Petta","Jason R.",""],["Burkard","Guido",""]]} {"id":"2308.11309","submitter":"Maur\\'icio Moreira-Soares","authors":"Maur\\'icio Moreira-Soares, Eduardo Mossmann, Rui D. M. Travasso and\n Jos\\'e Rafael Bordin","title":"TrajPy: empowering feature engineering for trajectory analysis across\n domains","comments":"4 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM physics.bio-ph physics.data-an","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Trajectories, sequentially measured quantities that form a path, are an\nimportant presence in many different fields, from hadronic beams in physics to\nelectrocardiograms in medicine. Trajectory anal-ysis requires the\nquantification and classification of curves either using statistical\ndescriptors or physics-based features. To date, there is no extensive and\nuser-friendly package for trajectory anal-ysis available, despite its\nimportance and potential application across domains. We developed a free\nopen-source python package named TrajPy as a complementary tool to empower\ntrajectory analysis. The package showcases a friendly graphic user interface\nand provides a set of physical descriptors that help characterizing these\nintricate structures. In combina-tion with image analysis, it was already\nsuccessfully applied to the study of mitochondrial motility in neuroblastoma\ncell lines and to the analysis of in silico models for cell migration. The\nTrajPy package was developed in Python 3 and released under the GNU GPL-3\nlicense. Easy installation is available through PyPi and the development source\ncode can be found in the repository https://github.com/ocbe-uio/TrajPy/. The\npackage release is automatically archived under the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3656044.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:37:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Moreira-Soares","Maur\u00edcio",""],["Mossmann","Eduardo",""],["Travasso","Rui D. M.",""],["Bordin","Jos\u00e9 Rafael",""]]} {"id":"2308.11310","submitter":"Marcin Marculewicz","authors":"Marcin Marculewicz, Mouyuan Sun, Jianfeng Wu, and Zhixiang Zhang","title":"The disk reverberation mapping of X-ray weak quasars: a case study of\n SDSS J153913.47+395423.4","comments":"10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical\n Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The widely adopted ``lamppost'' thermal reprocessing model, in which the\nvariable UV/optical emission is a result of the accretion disk reprocessing of\nthe highly fluctuating X-ray emission, can be tested by measuring inter-band\ntime lags in quasars spanning a range of X-ray power. This work reports the\ninter-band time lag in an apparently X-ray weak quasar, SDSS\nJ153913.47+395423.4. A significant cross-correlation with a time delay of $\\sim\n33$ days (observed-frame) is detected in the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)\n$g$ and $r$ light curves of SDSS J153913.47+395423.4. The observed X-ray power\nseems to be too weak to account for the observed inter-band cross-correlation\nwith time delay. Hence the X-ray weak quasar SDSS J153913.47+395423.4 is either\nintrinsically X-ray normal (but observationally X-ray weak), or the X-ray\nemission is not the only mechanism to drive UV/optical variability. In the\nformer case, the required X-ray power is at least 19 times stronger than\nobserved, which requires either an exceptionally anisotropic corona or\nCompton-thick obscuration. Alternatively, the Corona-heated Accretion disk\nReprocessing (CHAR) or the EUV torus models may account for the observed time\nlags.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:40:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Marculewicz","Marcin",""],["Sun","Mouyuan",""],["Wu","Jianfeng",""],["Zhang","Zhixiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11311","submitter":"Pavlo O. Dral","authors":"Fuchun Ge, Lina Zhang, Yi-Fan Hou, Yuxinxin Chen, Arif Ullah, Pavlo O.\n Dral","title":"Four-Dimensional-Spacetime Atomistic Artificial Intelligence Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c01592","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We demonstrate that AI can learn atomistic systems in the four-dimensional\n(4D) spacetime. For this, we introduce the 4D-spacetime GICnet model which for\nthe given initial conditions - nuclear positions and velocities at time zero -\ncan predict nuclear positions and velocities as a continuous function of time\nup to the distant future. Such models of molecules can be unrolled in the time\ndimension to yield long-time high-resolution molecular dynamics trajectories\nwith high efficiency and accuracy. 4D-spacetime models can make predictions for\ndifferent times in any order and do not need a stepwise evaluation of forces\nand integration of the equations of motions at discretized time steps, which is\na major advance over the traditional, cost-inefficient molecular dynamics.\nThese models can be used to speed up dynamics, simulate vibrational spectra,\nand obtain deeper insight into nuclear motions as we demonstrate for a series\nof organic molecules.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:40:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ge","Fuchun",""],["Zhang","Lina",""],["Hou","Yi-Fan",""],["Chen","Yuxinxin",""],["Ullah","Arif",""],["Dral","Pavlo O.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11312","submitter":"Dong Wen Mr.","authors":"Dong Wen, Tao Li, Chenglong Li, Pengye Xia, Hui Yang, Zhigang Sun","title":"Octopus: A Heterogeneous In-network Computing Accelerator Enabling Deep\n Learning for network","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AR cs.NI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep learning (DL) for network models have achieved excellent performance in\nthe field and are becoming a promising component in future intelligent network\nsystem. Programmable in-network computing device has great potential to deploy\nDL for network models, however, existing device cannot afford to run a DL\nmodel. The main challenges of data-plane supporting DL-based network models lie\nin computing power, task granularity, model generality and feature extracting.\n To address above problems, we propose Octopus: a heterogeneous in-network\ncomputing accelerator enabling DL for network models. A feature extractor is\ndesigned for fast and efficient feature extracting. Vector accelerator and\nsystolic array work in a heterogeneous collaborative way, offering\nlow-latency-highthroughput general computing ability for packet-and-flow-based\ntasks. Octopus also contains on-chip memory fabric for storage and connecting,\nand Risc-V core for global controlling. The proposed Octopus accelerator design\nis implemented on FPGA. Functionality and performance of Octopus are validated\nin several use-cases, achieving performance of 31Mpkt/s feature extracting,\n207ns packet-based computing latency, and 90kflow/s flow-based computing\nthroughput.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:42:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wen","Dong",""],["Li","Tao",""],["Li","Chenglong",""],["Xia","Pengye",""],["Yang","Hui",""],["Sun","Zhigang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11313","submitter":"Mathieu Lamoureux","authors":"Mathieu Lamoureux (1) and Gwenha\\\"el de Wasseige (1) ((1) Centre for\n Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3, Universit\\'e Catholique\n de Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)","title":"Identification of time-correlated neutrino clusters in populations of\n astrophysical transient sources","comments":"Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023).\n 8 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.22323/1.444.1507","report-no":"PoS-ICRC2023-1507","categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The detection of astrophysical neutrinos from transient sources can help to\nunderstand the origin of the neutrino diffuse flux and to constrain the\nunderlying production mechanisms. In particular, proton-neutron collisions may\nproduce GeV neutrinos. However, at these energies, neutrino data from large\nwater Cherenkov telescopes, like KM3NeT and IceCube, are dominated by the\nwell-known atmospheric neutrino flux. It is then necessary to identify a\nsub-dominant component due to an astrophysical emission based on time\ncorrelation across messengers. The contribution covers several methods to\nsearch for such a signal in short time windows centered on observed transient\nsources, including a novel approach based on the distribution of time\ndifferences. Their performance is compared in the context of subpopulations of\nastrophysical sources that may show prompt or delayed neutrino emissions. The\noutlook for the usage of such techniques in actual analyses is also presented.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:48:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lamoureux","Mathieu",""],["de Wasseige","Gwenha\u00ebl",""]]} {"id":"2308.11314","submitter":"Christian Wald","authors":"Christian Wald, Gabriele Steidl","title":"A Study of Particle Motion in the Presence of Clusters","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The motivation for this study came from the task of analysing the kinetic\nbehavior of single molecules in a living cell based on Single Molecule\nLocalization Microscopy. Given measurements of both the motion of clusters and\nmolecules, the main task consists in detecting if a molecule belongs to a\ncluster. While the exact size of the clusters is usually unknown, upper bounds\nare available. In this study, we simulate the cluster movement by a Brownian\nmotion and those of the particles by a Gaussian mixture model with two modes\ndepending on the position of the particle within or outside a cluster. We\npropose various variational models to detect if a particle lies within a\ncluster based on the Wasserstein and maximum mean discrepancy distances between\nmeasures. We compare the performance of the proposed models for simulated data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:49:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wald","Christian",""],["Steidl","Gabriele",""]]} {"id":"2308.11315","submitter":"Xi Tong","authors":"Sadra Jazayeri, S\\'ebastien Renaux-Petel, Xi Tong, Denis Werth and\n Yuhang Zhu","title":"Parity Violation from Emergent Non-Locality During Inflation","comments":"15 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th astro-ph.CO gr-qc hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Parity violation in the early universe holds great promise for uncovering new\nphysics. In particular, the primordial scalar four-point correlation function\nis allowed to develop a parity-violating component when massive spinning\nparticles coupled to a helical chemical potential are present during inflation.\nIn this paper, we explore the rich physics of such a parity-violating\ntrispectrum in the presence of a reduced speed of sound for the Goldstone boson\nof broken time translations. We show that this signal can be significantly\nlarge while remaining under perturbative control, offering promising\nobservational prospects for future cosmological surveys. In the limit of a\nreduced sound speed, the dynamics admits an effective non-local description\norganized as a time-derivative expansion. This reveals that parity violation\narises due to emergent non-locality in the single-field effective theory. At\nleading order, this effective theory yields a compact trispectrum template,\nwritten in terms of elementary functions. We then conduct a comprehensive\nanalysis of the kinematic dependence of this parity-violating trispectrum and\nreveal new features. In addition to the low-speed collider resonance, we find a\nnew class of signals lying in the internal soft-limit of the correlator. This\nsignal is characterized by an oscillatory pattern periodic in the momentum\nratio, with a frequency determined by the speed of sound and the chemical\npotential, making it drastically distinct from the conventional cosmological\ncollider signal.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:49:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jazayeri","Sadra",""],["Renaux-Petel","S\u00e9bastien",""],["Tong","Xi",""],["Werth","Denis",""],["Zhu","Yuhang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11316","submitter":"Attila Lengyel","authors":"Tom Edixhoven, Attila Lengyel, Jan van Gemert","title":"Using and Abusing Equivariance","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we show how Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks use\nsubsampling to learn to break equivariance to their symmetries. We focus on 2D\nrotations and reflections and investigate the impact of broken equivariance on\nnetwork performance. We show that a change in the input dimension of a network\nas small as a single pixel can be enough for commonly used architectures to\nbecome approximately equivariant, rather than exactly. We investigate the\nimpact of networks not being exactly equivariant and find that approximately\nequivariant networks generalise significantly worse to unseen symmetries\ncompared to their exactly equivariant counterparts. However, when the\nsymmetries in the training data are not identical to the symmetries of the\nnetwork, we find that approximately equivariant networks are able to relax\ntheir own equivariant constraints, causing them to match or outperform exactly\nequivariant networks on common benchmark datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:49:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Edixhoven","Tom",""],["Lengyel","Attila",""],["van Gemert","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11317","submitter":"Raj Prince","authors":"Raj Prince, Anuvab Banerjee, Ajay Sharma, Avik Kumar das, Alok C.\n Gupta, and Debanjan Bose","title":"Quasi-periodic oscillation detected in $\\gamma$-rays in blazar PKS\n 0346-27","comments":"7 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A, in Press","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a variability study of the blazar PKS 0346-27 from December 2018\nto January 2022 in its archival $\\gamma$-ray observation by Fermi-LAT. We use\nthe Lomb-Scargle periodogram and the weighted wavelet transform methods in\norder to detect the presence of periodicity/quasi-periodicity and localize this\nfeature in time and frequency space. The significance of the periodicity\nfeature has been estimated using the Monte-Carlo simulation approach. We have\nalso determined the global significance of the periodicity to test the\nrobustness of our claim. To explore the most probable scenario, we modeled the\nlight curve with both a straight jet and a curved jet model. We detect a\nperiodicity feature of $\\sim$ 100 days duration for the entire period of\nobservation with a statistical significance of $3\\sigma$, which amounts to a\n99.7\\% confidence level. The global significance of this feature is found to be\n96.96\\%. Based on the Akaike Information Criteria, the most probable\nexplanation is that the observed emission is enhanced due to the helical motion\nof a blob within a curved jet. The origin of this QPO is very likely a region\nof enhanced emission moving helically inside a curved jet. This work presents\nstrong evidence for jet curvature in the source and an independent (albeit a\nlittle serendipitous) procedure to estimate the curvature in blazar jets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:50:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Prince","Raj",""],["Banerjee","Anuvab",""],["Sharma","Ajay",""],["das","Avik Kumar",""],["Gupta","Alok C.",""],["Bose","Debanjan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11318","submitter":"Silke Buehler-Paschen","authors":"Diana M. Kirschbaum, Monika Lu\\v{z}nik, Gwenvredig Le Roy, Silke\n Paschen","title":"How to identify and characterize strongly correlated topological\n semimetals","comments":"22 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" How strong correlations and topology interplay is a topic of great current\ninterest. In this perspective paper, we focus on correlation-driven gapless\nphases. We take the time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetal as an example\nbecause it is expected to have clear (albeit nonquantized) topological\nsignatures in the Hall response and because the first strongly correlated\nrepresentative, the noncentrosymmetric Weyl-Kondo semimetal Ce$_3$Bi$_4$Pd$_3$,\nhas recently been discovered. We summarize its key characteristics and use them\nto construct a prototype Weyl-Kondo semimetal temperature-magnetic field phase\ndiagram. This allows for a substantiated assessment of other Weyl-Kondo\nsemimetal candidate materials. We also put forward scaling plots of the\nintrinsic Berry-curvature-induced Hall response vs the inverse Weyl velocity --\na measure of correlation strength, and vs the inverse charge carrier\nconcentration -- a measure of the proximity of Weyl nodes to the Fermi level.\nThey suggest that the topological Hall response is maximized by strong\ncorrelations and small carrier concentrations. We hope that our work will guide\nthe search for new Weyl-Kondo semimetals and correlated topological semimetals\nin general, and also trigger new theoretical work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:51:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kirschbaum","Diana M.",""],["Lu\u017enik","Monika",""],["Roy","Gwenvredig Le",""],["Paschen","Silke",""]]} {"id":"2308.11319","submitter":"Evgeni Bezus","authors":"Artem I. Kashapov, Leonid L. Doskolovich, Evgeni A. Bezus, Dmitry A.\n Bykov and Victor A. Soifer","title":"On-chip spatiotemporal optical vortex generation using an integrated\n metal-dielectric resonator","comments":"14 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We theoretically demonstrate the possibility of generating a spatiotemporal\noptical vortex (STOV) beam in a dielectric slab waveguide. The STOV is\ngenerated upon reflection of a spatiotemporal optical pulse from an integrated\nmetal-dielectric structure consisting of metal strips \"buried\" in the\nwaveguide. For describing the interaction of the incident pulse with the\nintegrated structure, we derive its \"vectorial\" spatiotemporal transfer\nfunction (TF) describing the transformation of the electromagnetic field\ncomponents of the incident pulse. We show that if the TF of the structure\ncorresponds to the TF of a spatiotemporal differentiator with a $\\pi/2$ phase\ndifference between the terms describing temporal and spatial differentiation,\nthen the envelope of the reflected pulse will contain an STOV in all nonzero\ncomponents of the electromagnetic field. The obtained theoretical results are\nin good agreement with the results of rigorous numerical simulation of the STOV\ngeneration using a three-strip metal-dielectric integrated structure. We\nbelieve that the presented results pave the way for the research and\napplication of STOV beams in the on-chip geometry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:51:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kashapov","Artem I.",""],["Doskolovich","Leonid L.",""],["Bezus","Evgeni A.",""],["Bykov","Dmitry A.",""],["Soifer","Victor A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11320","submitter":"Mohsen Razavi","authors":"Shradhanjali Sahu, Ahmed Lawey, and Mohsen Razavi","title":"Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution in Multiple-Input\n Multiple-Output Settings","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate quantum key distribution (QKD) in optical\nmultiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) settings. Such settings can prove useful\nin dealing with harsh channel conditions as in, e.g., satellite-based QKD. We\nstudy a $2\\times2$ setting for continuous variable (CV) QKD with Gaussian\nencoding and heterodyne detection and reverse reconciliation. We present our\nkey rate analysis for this system and compare it with single-mode and\nmultiplexed CV QKD scenarios. We show that we can achieve multiplexing gain\nusing multiple transmitters and receivers even if there is some crosstalk\nbetween the two channels. In certain cases, when there is nonzero correlated\nexcess noise in the two received signals, we can even surpass the multiplexing\ngain.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:52:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sahu","Shradhanjali",""],["Lawey","Ahmed",""],["Razavi","Mohsen",""]]} {"id":"2308.11321","submitter":"Jiuyu Liu","authors":"Jiuyu Liu and Yi Ma and Rahim Tafazolli","title":"Alternative Normalized-Preconditioning for Scalable Iterative Large-MIMO\n Detection","comments":"Accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Signal detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (large-MIMO) systems\npresents greater challenges compared to conventional massive-MIMO for two\nprimary reasons. First, large-MIMO systems lack favorable propagation\nconditions as they do not require a substantially greater number of service\nantennas relative to user antennas. Second, the wireless channel may exhibit\nspatial non-stationarity when an extremely large aperture array (ELAA) is\ndeployed in a large-MIMO system. In this paper, we propose a scalable iterative\nlarge-MIMO detector named ANPID, which simultaneously delivers 1) close to\nmaximum-likelihood detection performance, 2) low computational-complexity\n(i.e., square-order of transmit antennas), 3) fast convergence, and 4)\nrobustness to the spatial non-stationarity in ELAA channels. ANPID incorporates\na damping demodulation step into stationary iterative (SI) methods and\nalternates between two distinct demodulated SI methods. Simulation results\ndemonstrate that ANPID fulfills all the four features concurrently and\noutperforms existing low-complexity MIMO detectors, especially in highly-loaded\nlarge MIMO systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:52:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Jiuyu",""],["Ma","Yi",""],["Tafazolli","Rahim",""]]} {"id":"2308.11322","submitter":"Xin Li","authors":"Xin Li, Yuqing Huang, Zhenyu He, Yaowei Wang, Huchuan Lu, Ming-Hsuan\n Yang","title":"CiteTracker: Correlating Image and Text for Visual Tracking","comments":"accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Existing visual tracking methods typically take an image patch as the\nreference of the target to perform tracking. However, a single image patch\ncannot provide a complete and precise concept of the target object as images\nare limited in their ability to abstract and can be ambiguous, which makes it\ndifficult to track targets with drastic variations. In this paper, we propose\nthe CiteTracker to enhance target modeling and inference in visual tracking by\nconnecting images and text. Specifically, we develop a text generation module\nto convert the target image patch into a descriptive text containing its class\nand attribute information, providing a comprehensive reference point for the\ntarget. In addition, a dynamic description module is designed to adapt to\ntarget variations for more effective target representation. We then associate\nthe target description and the search image using an attention-based\ncorrelation module to generate the correlated features for target state\nreference. Extensive experiments on five diverse datasets are conducted to\nevaluate the proposed algorithm and the favorable performance against the\nstate-of-the-art methods demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed\ntracking method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:53:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Xin",""],["Huang","Yuqing",""],["He","Zhenyu",""],["Wang","Yaowei",""],["Lu","Huchuan",""],["Yang","Ming-Hsuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11323","submitter":"Gast\\'on Creci","authors":"Gast\\'on Creci, Tanja Hinderer and Jan Steinhoff","title":"Tidal properties of neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories of gravity","comments":"v1, 40 pages, 27 figures, feedback is welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A major science goal of gravitational-wave (GW) observations is to probe the\nnature of gravity and constrain modifications to General Relativity. An\nestablished class of modified gravity theories are scalar-tensor models, which\nintroduce an extra scalar degree of freedom. This affects the internal\nstructure of neutron stars (NSs), as well as their dynamics and GWs in binary\nsystems, where distinct novel features can arise from the appearance of scalar\ncondensates in parts of the parameter space. To improve the robustness of the\nanalyses of such GW events requires advances in modeling\ninternal-structure-dependent phenomena in scalar-tensor theories. We develop an\neffective description of potentially scalarized NSs on large scales, where\ninformation about the interior is encoded in characteristic Love numbers or\nequivalently tidal deformabilities. We demonstrate that three independent tidal\ndeformabilities are needed to characterize the configurations: a scalar,\ntensor, and a novel 'mixed' parameter, and develop the general methodology to\ncompute these quantities. We also present case studies for different NS\nequations of state and scalar properties and provide the mapping between the\ndeformabilities in different frames often used for calculations. Our results\nhave direct applications for future GW tests of gravity and studies of\npotential degeneracies with other uncertain physics such as the equation of\nstate or presence of dark matter in NS binary systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:55:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Creci","Gast\u00f3n",""],["Hinderer","Tanja",""],["Steinhoff","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11324","submitter":"Luca Buoninfante","authors":"Luca Buoninfante","title":"Massless and Partially Massless Limits in Quadratic Gravity","comments":"34 pages. Comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In the context of perturbative quantum field theory, the addition of\nquadratic-curvature invariants to the Einstein-Hilbert action makes it possible\nto achieve strict renormalizability in four dimensions. The additional terms\n$R^2$ and $C_{\\mu\\nu\\rho\\sigma} C^{\\mu\\nu\\rho\\sigma}$ are multiplied by\ndimensionless coefficients that are related to the masses of the extra\ngravitational degrees of freedom and to the interaction couplings. The aim of\nthis paper is to study the limit of the theory in which the Weyl-squared\ncoefficient tends to infinity. Remarkably, the result of this limit turns out\nto be sensitive to the presence of a cosmological constant: when the latter is\nzero we have a massless limit for the spin-2 ghost, while when the cosmological\nconstant is different from zero we obtain a partially massless limit. We show\nthat the renormalizability property and the ghost-like nature of the massive\nspin-$2$ field ensure that the two limits do not hit strong couplings, unlike\nstandard ghost-free theories of massive gravity. In particular, in the\npartially massless limit the interactions mediated by the spin-$2$ sector\nvanish. We argue that our results can be useful for understanding the\nhigh-energy limit of Quadratic Gravity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:56:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Buoninfante","Luca",""]]} {"id":"2308.11325","submitter":"Miguel Dovale \\'Alvarez","authors":"Victor Huarcaya, Miguel Dovale \\'Alvarez, Daniel Penkert, Stefano\n Gozzo, Pablo Mart\\'inez Cano, Kohei Yamamoto, Juan Jos\\'e Esteban Delgado,\n Moritz Mehmet, Karsten Danzmann, Gerhard Heinzel","title":"$2\\cdot 10^{-13}$ fractional laser frequency stability with a 7-cm\n unequal-arm Mach-Zehnder interferometer","comments":"9 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.ins-det","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" To achieve sub-picometer sensitivities in the millihertz band, laser\ninterferometric inertial sensors rely on some form of reduction of the laser\nfrequency noise, typically by locking the laser to a stable frequency\nreference, such as the narrow-linewidth resonance of an ultra-stable optical\ncavity or an atomic or molecular transition. In this paper we report on a\ncompact laser frequency stabilization technique based on an unequal-arm\nMach-Zehnder interferometer that is sub-nanometer stable at $10\\,\\mu$Hz,\nsub-picometer at $0.5\\,$mHz, and reaches a noise floor of\n$7\\,\\mathrm{fm}/\\!\\sqrt{\\mathrm{Hz}}$ at 1 Hz. The interferometer is used in\nconjunction with a DC servo to stabilize the frequency of a laser down to a\nfractional instability below $4 \\times 10^{-13}$ at averaging times from 0.1 to\n100 seconds. The technique offers a wide operating range, does not rely on\ncomplex lock acquisition procedures, and can be readily integrated as part of\nthe optical bench in future gravity missions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:58:37 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 10:11:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Huarcaya","Victor",""],["\u00c1lvarez","Miguel Dovale",""],["Penkert","Daniel",""],["Gozzo","Stefano",""],["Cano","Pablo Mart\u00ednez",""],["Yamamoto","Kohei",""],["Delgado","Juan Jos\u00e9 Esteban",""],["Mehmet","Moritz",""],["Danzmann","Karsten",""],["Heinzel","Gerhard",""]]} {"id":"2308.11326","submitter":"Diana Vaman","authors":"Yuchen Du and Diana Vaman","title":"Tree-level Graviton Scattering in the Worldline Formalism","comments":"63 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We use the worldline formalism to study tree-level scattering processes\ninvolving gravitons. A massless spin 2 particle is described by an $N=4$\nsupersymmetric worldline action which is also $O(4)$ symmetric. More generally,\n$N=2S$ supersymmetric worldline actions exhibiting $O(N)$ symmetry describe\nfree spin $S$ particles. Recently a BRST approach was used to construct the\non-shell background graviton emission vertex from a graviton worldline.\nNonetheless, an action describing the coupling of higher spin ($S\\geq 2$)\nparticles with generic background gravity is unknown. In this paper, we found\nthat in order to reproduce Einstein's general relativity 3-point graviton\nvertex, interpreted as the emission of an off-shell graviton from the\nworldline, the coupling to background gravity must break the $O(4)$ symmetry to\n$O(2) \\times O(2)$. In addition to this symmetry-breaking feature, we also\nfound that the coefficient $\\beta$ of the worldline action counterterm $\\beta\nR$ differs from previous results in the literature. By comparing the linearized\ngraviton and photon emission vertex operators from different worldlines, we\nnoticed that they obey a squaring relation. For MHV (Maximal Helicity\nViolating) amplitudes, these squaring relations among the linearized vertex\noperators directly result in double-copy-like relations between the scattering\namplitudes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:59:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Du","Yuchen",""],["Vaman","Diana",""]]} {"id":"2308.11327","submitter":"Bingqing Zhang","authors":"Bingqing Zhang, Sen Wang, Yifan Liu, Brano Kusy, Xue Li and Jiajun Liu","title":"Object Detection Difficulty: Suppressing Over-aggregation for Faster and\n Better Video Object Detection","comments":"11 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ACM MM2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3612090","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Current video object detection (VOD) models often encounter issues with\nover-aggregation due to redundant aggregation strategies, which perform feature\naggregation on every frame. This results in suboptimal performance and\nincreased computational complexity. In this work, we propose an image-level\nObject Detection Difficulty (ODD) metric to quantify the difficulty of\ndetecting objects in a given image. The derived ODD scores can be used in the\nVOD process to mitigate over-aggregation. Specifically, we train an ODD\npredictor as an auxiliary head of a still-image object detector to compute the\nODD score for each image based on the discrepancies between detection results\nand ground-truth bounding boxes. The ODD score enhances the VOD system in two\nways: 1) it enables the VOD system to select superior global reference frames,\nthereby improving overall accuracy; and 2) it serves as an indicator in the\nnewly designed ODD Scheduler to eliminate the aggregation of frames that are\neasy to detect, thus accelerating the VOD process. Comprehensive experiments\ndemonstrate that, when utilized for selecting global reference frames, ODD-VOD\nconsistently enhances the accuracy of Global-frame-based VOD models. When\nemployed for acceleration, ODD-VOD consistently improves the frames per second\n(FPS) by an average of 73.3% across 8 different VOD models without sacrificing\naccuracy. When combined, ODD-VOD attains state-of-the-art performance when\ncompeting with many VOD methods in both accuracy and speed. Our work represents\na significant advancement towards making VOD more practical for real-world\napplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:59:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Bingqing",""],["Wang","Sen",""],["Liu","Yifan",""],["Kusy","Brano",""],["Li","Xue",""],["Liu","Jiajun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11328","submitter":"Felicitas H\\\"ormann","authors":"Felicitas H\\\"ormann and Hannes Bartz","title":"Fast Gao-like Decoding of Horizontally Interleaved Linearized\n Reed-Solomon Codes","comments":"21 pages, 1 figure, published in the proceedings of CBCrypto 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Both horizontal interleaving as well as the sum-rank metric are currently\nattractive topics in the field of code-based cryptography, as they could\nmitigate the problem of large key sizes. In contrast to vertical interleaving,\nwhere codewords are stacked vertically, each codeword of a horizontally\n$s$-interleaved code is the horizontal concatenation of $s$ codewords of $s$\ncomponent codes. In the case of horizontally interleaved linearized\nReed-Solomon (HILRS) codes, these component codes are chosen to be linearized\nReed-Solomon (LRS) codes.\n We provide a Gao-like decoder for HILRS codes that is inspired by the\nrespective works for non-interleaved Reed-Solomon and Gabidulin codes. By\napplying techniques from the theory of minimal approximant bases, we achieve a\ncomplexity of $\\tilde{\\mathcal{O}}(s^{2.373} n^{1.635})$ operations in\n$\\mathbb{F}_{q^m}$, where $\\tilde{\\mathcal{O}}(\\cdot)$ neglects logarithmic\nfactors, $s$ is the interleaving order and $n$ denotes the length of the\ncomponent codes. For reasonably small interleaving order $s \\ll n$, this is\nsubquadratic in the component-code length $n$ and improves over the only known\nsyndrome-based decoder for HILRS codes with quadratic complexity. Moreover, it\ncloses the performance gap to vertically interleaved LRS codes for which a\ndecoder of complexity $\\tilde{\\mathcal{O}}(s^{2.373} n^{1.635})$ is already\nknown.\n We can decode beyond the unique-decoding radius and handle errors of sum-rank\nweight up to $\\frac{s}{s + 1} (n - k)$ for component-code dimension $k$. We\nalso give an upper bound on the failure probability in the zero-derivation\nsetting and validate its tightness via Monte Carlo simulations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:59:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["H\u00f6rmann","Felicitas",""],["Bartz","Hannes",""]]} {"id":"2308.11329","submitter":"Chuer Chen","authors":"Chuer Chen, Nan Cao, Jiani Hou, Yi Guo, Yulei Zhang, Yang Shi","title":"MusicJam: Visualizing Music Insights via Generated Narrative\n Illustrations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Visualizing the insights of the invisible music is able to bring listeners an\nenjoyable and immersive listening experience, and therefore has attracted much\nattention in the field of information visualization. Over the past decades,\nvarious music visualization techniques have been introduced. However, most of\nthem are manually designed by following the visual encoding rules, thus shown\nin form of a graphical visual representation whose visual encoding schema is\nusually taking effort to understand. Recently, some researchers use figures or\nillustrations to represent music moods, lyrics, and musical features, which are\nmore intuitive and attractive. However, in these techniques, the figures are\nusually pre-selected or statically generated, so they cannot precisely convey\ninsights of different pieces of music. To address this issue, in this paper, we\nintroduce MusicJam, a music visualization system that is able to generate\nnarrative illustrations to represent the insight of the input music. The system\nleverages a novel generation model designed based on GPT-2 to generate\nmeaningful lyrics given the input music and then employs the stable diffusion\nmodel to transform the lyrics into coherent illustrations. Finally, the\ngenerated results are synchronized and rendered as an MP4 video accompanied by\nthe input music. We evaluated the proposed lyric generation model by comparing\nit to the baseline models and conducted a user study to estimate the quality of\nthe generated illustrations and the final music videos. The results showed the\npower of our technique.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:03:42 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 08:17:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Chuer",""],["Cao","Nan",""],["Hou","Jiani",""],["Guo","Yi",""],["Zhang","Yulei",""],["Shi","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11330","submitter":"Nabin Kumar Sahu","authors":"Nabin Kumar Sahu and Vishesh Rajput","title":"Dynamical Representation of Frames in Tensor Product of Hardy Spaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Dynamical Sampling of frames and tensor products are important topics in\nharmonic analysis. This paper combines the concepts of dynamical sampling of\nframes and the Carleson condition in the tensor product of Hardy spaces.\nInitially we discuss the preservation of the frame property under the tensor\nproduct on the Hilbert spaces. Then we discuss the iterative representation of\nframes in tensor product of Hardy spaces. The key ingredient of this paper is\nthe so-called Carleson condition on the sequence $\\{ \\lambda_k\n\\}_{k=1}^{\\infty} \\otimes\\{ \\gamma_l \\}_{l=1}^{\\infty} $ in the open unit disc\n$\\mathbb{D}_1 \\otimes \\mathbb{D}_2$. Our proof is motivated by the result of\nShapiro and Shields.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:04:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Sahu","Nabin Kumar",""],["Rajput","Vishesh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11331","submitter":"Xinchi Deng","authors":"Xinchi Deng, Han Shi, Runhui Huang, Changlin Li, Hang Xu, Jianhua Han,\n James Kwok, Shen Zhao, Wei Zhang, Xiaodan Liang","title":"GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale Contrastive\n Language-Image Pre-training","comments":"Accepted by ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Cross-modal pre-training has shown impressive performance on a wide range of\ndownstream tasks, benefiting from massive image-text pairs collected from the\nInternet. In practice, online data are growing constantly, highlighting the\nimportance of the ability of pre-trained model to learn from data that is\ncontinuously growing. Existing works on cross-modal pre-training mainly focus\non training a network with fixed architecture. However, it is impractical to\nlimit the model capacity when considering the continuously growing nature of\npre-training data in real-world applications. On the other hand, it is\nimportant to utilize the knowledge in the current model to obtain efficient\ntraining and better performance. To address the above issues, in this paper, we\npropose GrowCLIP, a data-driven automatic model growing algorithm for\ncontrastive language-image pre-training with continuous image-text pairs as\ninput. Specially, we adopt a dynamic growth space and seek out the optimal\narchitecture at each growth step to adapt to online learning scenarios. And the\nshared encoder is proposed in our growth space to enhance the degree of\ncross-modal fusion. Besides, we explore the effect of growth in different\ndimensions, which could provide future references for the design of cross-modal\nmodel architecture. Finally, we employ parameter inheriting with momentum (PIM)\nto maintain the previous knowledge and address the issue of the local minimum\ndilemma. Compared with the existing methods, GrowCLIP improves 2.3% average\ntop-1 accuracy on zero-shot image classification of 9 downstream tasks. As for\nzero-shot image retrieval, GrowCLIP can improve 1.2% for top-1 image-to-text\nrecall on Flickr30K dataset.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:07:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Xinchi",""],["Shi","Han",""],["Huang","Runhui",""],["Li","Changlin",""],["Xu","Hang",""],["Han","Jianhua",""],["Kwok","James",""],["Zhao","Shen",""],["Zhang","Wei",""],["Liang","Xiaodan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11332","submitter":"Matthias Wagener","authors":"Matthias Wagener, Andriette Bekker, Mohammad Arashi, and Antonio Punzo","title":"Uncovering a generalised gamma distribution: from shape to\n interpretation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we introduce the flexible interpretable gamma (FIG)\ndistribution which has been derived by Weibullisation of the body-tail\ngeneralised normal distribution. The parameters of the FIG have been verified\ngraphically and mathematically as having interpretable roles in controlling the\nleft-tail, body, and right-tail shape. The generalised gamma (GG) distribution\nhas become a staple model for positive data in statistics due to its\ninterpretable parameters and tractable equations. Although there are many\ngeneralised forms of the GG which can provide better fit to data, none of them\nextend the GG so that the parameters are interpretable. Additionally, we\npresent some mathematical characteristics and prove the identifiability of the\nFIG parameters. Finally, we apply the FIG model to hand grip strength and\ninsurance loss data to assess its flexibility relative to existing models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:12:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wagener","Matthias",""],["Bekker","Andriette",""],["Arashi","Mohammad",""],["Punzo","Antonio",""]]} {"id":"2308.11333","submitter":"Ming Hu","authors":"Yanxin Yang, Ming Hu, Yue Cao, Jun Xia, Yihao Huang, Yang Liu,\n Mingsong Chen","title":"Protect Federated Learning Against Backdoor Attacks via Data-Free\n Trigger Generation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" As a distributed machine learning paradigm, Federated Learning (FL) enables\nlarge-scale clients to collaboratively train a model without sharing their raw\ndata. However, due to the lack of data auditing for untrusted clients, FL is\nvulnerable to poisoning attacks, especially backdoor attacks. By using poisoned\ndata for local training or directly changing the model parameters, attackers\ncan easily inject backdoors into the model, which can trigger the model to make\nmisclassification of targeted patterns in images. To address these issues, we\npropose a novel data-free trigger-generation-based defense approach based on\nthe two characteristics of backdoor attacks: i) triggers are learned faster\nthan normal knowledge, and ii) trigger patterns have a greater effect on image\nclassification than normal class patterns. Our approach generates the images\nwith newly learned knowledge by identifying the differences between the old and\nnew global models, and filters trigger images by evaluating the effect of these\ngenerated images. By using these trigger images, our approach eliminates\npoisoned models to ensure the updated global model is benign. Comprehensive\nexperiments demonstrate that our approach can defend against almost all the\nexisting types of backdoor attacks and outperform all the seven\nstate-of-the-art defense methods with both IID and non-IID scenarios.\nEspecially, our approach can successfully defend against the backdoor attack\neven when 80\\% of the clients are malicious.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:16:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Yanxin",""],["Hu","Ming",""],["Cao","Yue",""],["Xia","Jun",""],["Huang","Yihao",""],["Liu","Yang",""],["Chen","Mingsong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11334","submitter":"Erjing Luo","authors":"Erjing Luo, Haitong Huang, Cheng Liu, Guoyu Li, Bing Yang, Ying Wang,\n Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li","title":"DeepBurning-MixQ: An Open Source Mixed-Precision Neural Network\n Accelerator Design Framework for FPGAs","comments":"Accepted by 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided\n Design (ICCAD)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Mixed-precision neural networks (MPNNs) that enable the use of just enough\ndata width for a deep learning task promise significant advantages of both\ninference accuracy and computing overhead. FPGAs with fine-grained\nreconfiguration capability can adapt the processing with distinct data width\nand models, and hence, can theoretically unleash the potential of MPNNs.\nNevertheless, commodity DPUs on FPGAs mostly emphasize generality and have\nlimited support for MPNNs especially the ones with lower data width. In\naddition, primitive DSPs in FPGAs usually have much larger data width than that\nis required by MPNNs and haven't been sufficiently co-explored with MPNNs yet.\nTo this end, we propose an open source MPNN accelerator design framework\nspecifically tailored for FPGAs. In this framework, we have a systematic\nDSP-packing algorithm to pack multiple lower data width MACs in a single\nprimitive DSP and enable efficient implementation of MPNNs. Meanwhile, we take\nDSP packing efficiency into consideration with MPNN quantization within a\nunified neural network architecture search (NAS) framework such that it can be\naware of the DSP overhead during quantization and optimize the MPNN performance\nand accuracy concurrently. Finally, we have the optimized MPNN fine-tuned to a\nfully pipelined neural network accelerator template based on HLS and make best\nuse of available resources for higher performance. Our experiments reveal the\nresulting accelerators produced by the proposed framework can achieve\noverwhelming advantages in terms of performance, resource utilization, and\ninference accuracy for MPNNs when compared with both handcrafted counterparts\nand prior hardware-aware neural network accelerators on FPGAs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:17:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Luo","Erjing",""],["Huang","Haitong",""],["Liu","Cheng",""],["Li","Guoyu",""],["Yang","Bing",""],["Wang","Ying",""],["Li","Huawei",""],["Li","Xiaowei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11335","submitter":"Xingyu Zhou","authors":"Xingyu Zhou, Jing Zhang, Chao-Kai Wen, Shi Jin, and Shuangfeng Han","title":"Graph Neural Network-Enhanced Expectation Propagation Algorithm for MIMO\n Turbo Receivers","comments":"15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. This paper has been accepted for\n publication by the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Copyright may be\n transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be\n accessible","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks (NNs) are considered a powerful tool for balancing the\nperformance and complexity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) receivers\ndue to their accurate feature extraction, high parallelism, and excellent\ninference ability. Graph NNs (GNNs) have recently demonstrated outstanding\ncapability in learning enhanced message passing rules and have shown success in\novercoming the drawback of inaccurate Gaussian approximation of expectation\npropagation (EP)-based MIMO detectors. However, the application of the\nGNN-enhanced EP detector to MIMO turbo receivers is underexplored and\nnon-trivial due to the requirement of extrinsic information for iterative\nprocessing. This paper proposes a GNN-enhanced EP algorithm for MIMO turbo\nreceivers, which realizes the turbo principle of generating extrinsic\ninformation from the MIMO detector through a specially designed training\nprocedure. Additionally, an edge pruning strategy is designed to eliminate\nredundant connections in the original fully connected model of the GNN\nutilizing the correlation information inherently from the EP algorithm. Edge\npruning reduces the computational cost dramatically and enables the network to\nfocus more attention on the weights that are vital for performance. Simulation\nresults and complexity analysis indicate that the proposed MIMO turbo receiver\noutperforms the EP turbo approaches by over 1 dB at the bit error rate of\n$10^{-5}$, exhibits performance equivalent to state-of-the-art receivers with\n2.5 times shorter running time, and adapts to various scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:24:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Xingyu",""],["Zhang","Jing",""],["Wen","Chao-Kai",""],["Jin","Shi",""],["Han","Shuangfeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11336","submitter":"Xiaocong Chen","authors":"Xiaocong Chen, Siyu Wang, Julian McAuley, Dietmar Jannach and Lina Yao","title":"On the Opportunities and Challenges of Offline Reinforcement Learning\n for Recommender Systems","comments":"under review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Reinforcement learning serves as a potent tool for modeling dynamic user\ninterests within recommender systems, garnering increasing research attention\nof late. However, a significant drawback persists: its poor data efficiency,\nstemming from its interactive nature. The training of reinforcement\nlearning-based recommender systems demands expensive online interactions to\namass adequate trajectories, essential for agents to learn user preferences.\nThis inefficiency renders reinforcement learning-based recommender systems a\nformidable undertaking, necessitating the exploration of potential solutions.\nRecent strides in offline reinforcement learning present a new perspective.\nOffline reinforcement learning empowers agents to glean insights from offline\ndatasets and deploy learned policies in online settings. Given that recommender\nsystems possess extensive offline datasets, the framework of offline\nreinforcement learning aligns seamlessly. Despite being a burgeoning field,\nworks centered on recommender systems utilizing offline reinforcement learning\nremain limited. This survey aims to introduce and delve into offline\nreinforcement learning within recommender systems, offering an inclusive review\nof existing literature in this domain. Furthermore, we strive to underscore\nprevalent challenges, opportunities, and future pathways, poised to propel\nresearch in this evolving field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:28:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Xiaocong",""],["Wang","Siyu",""],["McAuley","Julian",""],["Jannach","Dietmar",""],["Yao","Lina",""]]} {"id":"2308.11337","submitter":"\\\"Unal Ege Gaznepo\\u{g}lu","authors":"\\\"Unal Ege Gaznepoglu, Nils Peters","title":"Evaluation of the Speech Resynthesis Capabilities of the VoicePrivacy\n Challenge Baseline B1","comments":"Accepted to 3rd Symposium on Security and Privacy of Speech\n Communication","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.AS cs.SD","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Speaker anonymization systems continue to improve their ability to obfuscate\nthe original speaker characteristics in a speech signal, but often create\nprocessing artifacts and unnatural sounding voices as a tradeoff. Many of those\nsystems stem from the VoicePrivacy Challenge (VPC) Baseline B1, using a neural\nvocoder to synthesize speech from an F0, x-vectors and bottleneck\nfeatures-based speech representation. Inspired by this, we investigate the\nreproduction capabilities of the aforementioned baseline, to assess how\nsuccessful the shared methodology is in synthesizing human-like speech. We use\nfour objective metrics to measure speech quality, waveform similarity, and F0\nsimilarity. Our findings indicate that both the speech representation and the\nvocoder introduces artifacts, causing an unnatural perception. A MUSHRA-like\nlistening test on 18 subjects corroborate our findings, motivating further\nresearch on the analysis and synthesis components of the VPC Baseline B1.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:32:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gaznepoglu","\u00dcnal Ege",""],["Peters","Nils",""]]} {"id":"2308.11338","submitter":"Olivier Poch","authors":"Olivier Poch, Antoine Pommerol, Nicolas Fray, Bastian Gundlach","title":"Laboratory Experiments to Understand Comets","comments":"36 pages, 13 figures, Chapter accepted for publication on February\n 24th 2023, now in press for the book Comets III, edited by K. Meech, M.\n Combi, D. Bockelee-Morvan, S. Raymond and M. Zolensky, University of Arizona\n Press","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In order to understand the origin and evolution of comets, one must decipher\nthe processes that formed and processed cometary ice and dust. Cometary\nmaterials have diverse physical and chemical properties and are mixed in\nvarious ways. Laboratory experiments are capable of producing simple to complex\nanalogues of comet-like materials, measuring their properties, and simulating\nthe processes by which their compositions and structures may evolve. The\nresults of laboratory experiments are essential for the interpretations of\ncomet observations and complement theoretical models. They are also necessary\nfor planning future missions to comets. This chapter presents an overview of\npast and ongoing laboratory experiments exploring how comets were formed and\ntransformed, from the nucleus interior and surface, to the coma. Throughout\nthese sections, the pending questions are highlighted, and the perspectives and\nprospects for future experiments are discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:33:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Poch","Olivier",""],["Pommerol","Antoine",""],["Fray","Nicolas",""],["Gundlach","Bastian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11339","submitter":"Siyi Hu","authors":"Ceyao Zhang, Kaijie Yang, Siyi Hu, Zihao Wang, Guanghe Li, Yihang Sun,\n Cheng Zhang, Zhaowei Zhang, Anji Liu, Song-Chun Zhu, Xiaojun Chang, Junge\n Zhang, Feng Yin, Yitao Liang, Yaodong Yang","title":"ProAgent: Building Proactive Cooperative AI with Large Language Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG cs.MA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Building AIs with adaptive behaviors in human-AI cooperation stands as a\npivotal focus in AGI research. Current methods for developing cooperative\nagents predominantly rely on learning-based methods, where policy\ngeneralization heavily hinges on past interactions with specific teammates.\nThese approaches constrain the agent's capacity to recalibrate its strategy\nwhen confronted with novel teammates. We propose \\textbf{ProAgent}, a novel\nframework that harnesses large language models (LLMs) to fashion a\n\\textit{pro}active \\textit{agent} empowered with the ability to anticipate\nteammates' forthcoming decisions and formulate enhanced plans for itself.\nProAgent excels at cooperative reasoning with the capacity to dynamically adapt\nits behavior to enhance collaborative efforts with teammates. Moreover, the\nProAgent framework exhibits a high degree of modularity and interpretability,\nfacilitating seamless integration to address a wide array of coordination\nscenarios. Experimental evaluations conducted within the framework of\n\\textit{Overcook-AI} unveil the remarkable performance superiority of ProAgent,\noutperforming five methods based on self-play and population-based training in\ncooperation with AI agents. Further, when cooperating with human proxy models,\nits performance exhibits an average improvement exceeding 10\\% compared to the\ncurrent state-of-the-art, COLE. The advancement was consistently observed\nacross diverse scenarios involving interactions with both AI agents of varying\ncharacteristics and human counterparts. These findings inspire future research\nfor human-robot collaborations. For a hands-on demonstration, please visit\n\\url{https://pku-proagent.github.io}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:36:56 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 01:50:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Ceyao",""],["Yang","Kaijie",""],["Hu","Siyi",""],["Wang","Zihao",""],["Li","Guanghe",""],["Sun","Yihang",""],["Zhang","Cheng",""],["Zhang","Zhaowei",""],["Liu","Anji",""],["Zhu","Song-Chun",""],["Chang","Xiaojun",""],["Zhang","Junge",""],["Yin","Feng",""],["Liang","Yitao",""],["Yang","Yaodong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11340","submitter":"Silvia Liberata Ullo","authors":"Francesca Razzano and Mariapia Rita Iandolo and Chiara Zarro and G. S.\n Yogesh and Silvia Liberata Ullo","title":"Integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for Earth surface\n classification using Machine Learning algorithms implemented on Google Earth\n Engine","comments":"4 pages, 7 figures, IEEE InGARSS conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this study, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data are both\nconsidered for Earth surface classification. Specifically, the integration of\nSentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) data is carried out through supervised\nMachine Learning (ML) algorithms implemented on the Google Earth Engine (GEE)\nplatform for the classification of a particular region of interest. Achieved\nresults demonstrate how in this case radar and optical remote detection provide\ncomplementary information, benefiting surface cover classification and\ngenerally leading to increased mapping accuracy. In addition, this paper works\nin the direction of proving the emerging role of GEE as an effective\ncloud-based tool for handling large amounts of satellite data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:44:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Razzano","Francesca",""],["Iandolo","Mariapia Rita",""],["Zarro","Chiara",""],["Yogesh","G. S.",""],["Ullo","Silvia Liberata",""]]} {"id":"2308.11341","submitter":"Marco Evangelisti","authors":"David Gracia, Sara Lafuerza, Javier Blasco, Marco Evangelisti","title":"The electrocaloric effect of lead-free\n Ba$_{1-y}$Ca$_y$Ti$_{1-x}$Hf$_x$O$_3$ from direct and indirect measurements","comments":"30 pages, 17 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report on the dielectric and electrocaloric properties of\nBa$_{1-y}$Ca$_y$Ti$_{1-x}$Hf$_x$O$_3$ for compositions $0.12t\\right)$ is regularly varying of index $\\alpha>1$ at\ninfinity, we show that the law of $I_\\xi(t)$, suitably normed and rescaled,\nconverges weakly to a probability measure stemming from a new generalisation of\nthe product factorisation of classical exponential functionals. These results\nsubstantially improve upon the existing literature and are obtained via a novel\ncombination between Mellin inversion of the Laplace transform of\n$\\mathbb{E}\\left(I^{-a}_{\\xi}(t)\\mathbf{1}_{\\left\\{I_{\\xi}(t)\\leq\nx\\right\\}}\\right)$, $a\\in (0,1)$, $x\\in(0,\\infty],$ and Tauberian theory\naugmented for integer-valued $\\alpha$ by a suitable application of the\none-large jump principle in the context of the de Haan theory. The methodology\nrests upon the representation of the aforementioned Mellin transform in terms\nof the recently introduced bivariate Bernstein-gamma functions for which we\ndevelop the following new results of independent interest (for general $\\xi$):\nwe link these functions to the $q$-potentials of $\\xi$; we show that their\nderivatives at zero are finite upon the finiteness of the aforementioned\nintegral criterion; we offer neat estimates of those derivatives along complex\nlines. These results are useful in various applications of the exponential\nfunctionals themselves and in different contexts where properties of bivariate\nBernstein-gamma functions are needed. $\\xi$ need not be non-lattice.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:36:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Minchev","Martin",""],["Savov","Mladen",""]]} {"id":"2308.11364","submitter":"Hao Dong","authors":"Hao Dong, Xiaofei Guan, Yufeng Nie","title":"Higher-order multi-scale method for high-accuracy nonlinear\n thermo-mechanical simulation of heterogeneous shells","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the present work, we consider multi-scale computation and convergence for\nnonlinear time-dependent thermo-mechanical equations of inhomogeneous shells\npossessing temperature-dependent material properties and orthogonal periodic\nconfigurations. The first contribution is that a novel higher-order macro-micro\ncoupled computational model is rigorously devised via multi-scale asymptotic\ntechnique and Taylor series approach for high-accuracy simulation of\nheterogeneous shells. Benefitting from the higher-order corrected terms, the\nhigher-order multi-scale computational model keeps the conservation of local\nenergy and momentum for nonlinear thermo-mechanical simulation. Moreover, a\nglobal error estimation with explicit rate of higher-order multi-scale\nsolutions is first derived in the energy norm sense. Furthermore, an efficient\nspace-time numerical algorithm with off-line and on-line stages is presented in\ndetail. Adequate numerical experiments are conducted to confirm the competitive\nadvantages of the presented multi-scale approach, exhibiting not only the\nexceptional numerical accuracy, but also the less computational expense for\nheterogeneous shells.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:38:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Dong","Hao",""],["Guan","Xiaofei",""],["Nie","Yufeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11365","submitter":"Alperen Kalay","authors":"Alperen Kalay, Bahri Batuhan Bilecen, Mustafa Ayazoglu","title":"Towards Clip-Free Quantized Super-Resolution Networks: How to Tame\n Representative Images","comments":"BMVC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Super-resolution (SR) networks have been investigated for a while, with their\nmobile and lightweight versions gaining noticeable popularity recently.\nQuantization, the procedure of decreasing the precision of network parameters\n(mostly FP32 to INT8), is also utilized in SR networks for establishing mobile\ncompatibility. This study focuses on a very important but mostly overlooked\npost-training quantization (PTQ) step: representative dataset (RD), which\nadjusts the quantization range for PTQ. We propose a novel pipeline (clip-free\nquantization pipeline, CFQP) backed up with extensive experimental\njustifications to cleverly augment RD images by only using outputs of the FP32\nmodel. Using the proposed pipeline for RD, we can successfully eliminate\nunwanted clipped activation layers, which nearly all mobile SR methods utilize\nto make the model more robust to PTQ in return for a large overhead in runtime.\nRemoving clipped activations with our method significantly benefits overall\nincreased stability, decreased inference runtime up to 54% on some SR models,\nbetter visual quality results compared to INT8 clipped models - and outperforms\neven some FP32 non-quantized models, both in runtime and visual quality,\nwithout the need for retraining with clipped activation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:41:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kalay","Alperen",""],["Bilecen","Bahri Batuhan",""],["Ayazoglu","Mustafa",""]]} {"id":"2308.11366","submitter":"Maria Axenovich","authors":"Maria Axenovich","title":"A class of graphs of zero Tur\\'an density in a hypercube","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A graph is cubical if it is a subgraph of a hypercube. For a cubical graph\n$H$ and a hypercube $Q_n$, $ex(Q_n, H)$ is the largest number of edges in an\n$H$-free subgraph of $Q_n$. If $ex(Q_n, H)$ is at least a positive proportion\nof the number of edges in $Q_n$, $H$ is said to have a positive Tur\\'an density\nin a hypercube or simply a positive Tur\\'an density; otherwise it has a zero\nTur\\'an density. Determining $ex(Q_n, H)$ and even identifying whether $H$ has\na positive or a zero Tur\\'an density remains a widely open question for general\n$H$. By relating extremal numbers in a hypercube and certain corresponding\nhypergraphs, Conlon found a large class of cubical graphs, ones having\nso-called partite representation, that have a zero Tur\\'an density. He raised a\nquestion whether this gives a characterisation, i.e., whether a cubical graph\nhas zero Tur\\'an density if and only if it has partite representation. Here, we\nshow that, as suspected by Conlon, this is not the case. We give an example of\na class of cubical graphs which have no partite representation, but on the\nother hand, have a zero Tur\\'an density. In addition, we show that any graph\nwhose every block has partite representation has a zero Tur\\'an density in a\nhypercube.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:43:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Axenovich","Maria",""]]} {"id":"2308.11367","submitter":"Viktor K\\\"onye","authors":"Viktor K\\\"onye, Kyrylo Ochkan, Anastasiia Chyzhykova, Jan Carl Budich,\n Jeroen van den Brink, Ion Cosma Fulga, and Joseph Dufouleur","title":"Non-Hermitian topological ohmmeter","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Measuring large electrical resistances forms an essential part of common\napplications such as insulation testing, but suffers from a fundamental\nproblem: the larger the resistance, the less sensitive a canonical ohmmeter is.\nHere we develop a conceptually different electronic sensor by exploiting the\ntopological properties of non-Hermitian matrices, whose eigenvalues can show an\nexponential sensitivity to perturbations. The ohmmeter is realized in an\nmulti-terminal, linear electric circuit with a non-Hermitian conductance\nmatrix, where the target resistance plays the role of the perturbation. We\ninject multiple currents and measure a single voltage in order to directly\nobtain the value of the resistance. The relative accuracy of the device\nincreases exponentially with the number of terminals, and for large resistances\noutperforms a standard measurement by over an order of magnitude. Our work\npaves the way towards leveraging non-Hermitian conductance matrices in\nhigh-precision sensing.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:46:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["K\u00f6nye","Viktor",""],["Ochkan","Kyrylo",""],["Chyzhykova","Anastasiia",""],["Budich","Jan Carl",""],["Brink","Jeroen van den",""],["Fulga","Ion Cosma",""],["Dufouleur","Joseph",""]]} {"id":"2308.11368","submitter":"Jose Carrasco","authors":"Jose Carrasco, Marc Langer, Antoine Neven, Barbara Kraus","title":"Gaining confidence on the correct realization of arbitrary quantum\n computations","comments":"17 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present verification protocols to gain confidence in the correct\nperformance of the realization of an arbitrary universal quantum computation.\nThe derivation of the protocols is based on the fact that matchgate\ncomputations, which are classically efficiently simulable, become universal if\nsupplemented with additional resources. We combine tools from weak simulation,\nrandomized compiling, and classical statistics to derive verification circuits.\nThese circuits have the property that (i) they strongly resemble the original\ncircuit and (ii) cannot only be classically efficiently simulated in the ideal,\ni.e. error free, scenario, but also in the realistic situation where errors are\npresent. In fact, in one of the protocols we apply exactly the same circuit as\nin the original computation, however, to a slightly modified input state.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:47:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Carrasco","Jose",""],["Langer","Marc",""],["Neven","Antoine",""],["Kraus","Barbara",""]]} {"id":"2308.11369","submitter":"Ning Gao","authors":"Ning Gao, Bernard Hohmann, Gerhard Neumann","title":"Enhancing Interpretable Object Abstraction via Clustering-based Slot\n Initialization","comments":null,"journal-ref":"The 34th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Object-centric representations using slots have shown the advances towards\nefficient, flexible and interpretable abstraction from low-level perceptual\nfeatures in a compositional scene. Current approaches randomize the initial\nstate of slots followed by an iterative refinement. As we show in this paper,\nthe random slot initialization significantly affects the accuracy of the final\nslot prediction. Moreover, current approaches require a predetermined number of\nslots from prior knowledge of the data, which limits the applicability in the\nreal world. In our work, we initialize the slot representations with clustering\nalgorithms conditioned on the perceptual input features. This requires an\nadditional layer in the architecture to initialize the slots given the\nidentified clusters. We design permutation invariant and permutation\nequivariant versions of this layer to enable the exchangeable slot\nrepresentations after clustering. Additionally, we employ mean-shift clustering\nto automatically identify the number of slots for a given scene. We evaluate\nour method on object discovery and novel view synthesis tasks with various\ndatasets. The results show that our method outperforms prior works\nconsistently, especially for complex scenes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:48:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Ning",""],["Hohmann","Bernard",""],["Neumann","Gerhard",""]]} {"id":"2308.11370","submitter":"He Jiachun","authors":"Jia-Chun He, Xiao-Na Sun, Jie-Shuang Wang, Frank M. Rieger, Ruo-Yu\n Liu, En-Wei Liang","title":"Studying X-ray spectra from large-scale jets of FR II radio galaxies:\n application of shear particle acceleration","comments":"14 pages, 4 figures, 6 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Shear particle acceleration is a promising candidate for the origin of\nextended high-energy emission in extra-galactic jets. In this paper, we explore\nthe applicability of a shear model to 24 X-ray knots in the large-scale jets of\nFR II radio galaxies, and study the jet properties by modeling the\nmulti-wavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in a leptonic framework\nincluding synchrotron and inverse Compton - CMB processes. In order to improve\nspectral modelling, we analyze Fermi-LAT data for five sources and reanalyzed\narchival data of Chandra on 15 knots, exploring the radio to X-ray connection.\nWe show that the X-ray SEDs of these knots can be satisfactorily modelled by\nsynchrotron radiation from a second, shear-accelerated electron population\nreaching multi-TeV energies. The inferred flow speeds are compatible with\nlarge-scale jets being mildly relativistic. We explore two different shear flow\nprofiles (i.e., linearly decreasing and power-law) and find that the required\nspine speeds differ only slightly, supporting the notion that for higher flow\nspeeds the variations in particle spectral indices are less dependent on the\npresumed velocity profile. The derived magnetic field strengths are in the\nrange of a few to ten microGauss, and the required power in non-thermal\nparticles typically well below the Eddington constraint. Finally, the inferred\nparameters are used to constrain the potential of FR II jets as possible UHECR\naccelerators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:49:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["He","Jia-Chun",""],["Sun","Xiao-Na",""],["Wang","Jie-Shuang",""],["Rieger","Frank M.",""],["Liu","Ruo-Yu",""],["Liang","En-Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11371","submitter":"Pablo Antolin","authors":"Thibaut Hirschler, Robin Bouclier, Pablo Antolin, Annalisa Buffa","title":"Reduced Order Modeling based Inexact FETI-DP solver for lattice\n structures","comments":"30 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.CE cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper addresses the overwhelming computational resources needed with\nstandard numerical approaches to simulate architected materials. Those\nmultiscale heterogeneous lattice structures gain intensive interest in\nconjunction with the improvement of additive manufacturing as they offer, among\nmany others, excellent stiffness-to-weight ratios. We develop here a dedicated\nHPC solver that benefits from the specific nature of the underlying problem in\norder to drastically reduce the computational costs (memory and time) for the\nfull fine-scale analysis of lattice structures. Our purpose is to take\nadvantage of the natural domain decomposition into cells and, even more\nimportantly, of the geometrical and mechanical similarities among cells. Our\nsolver consists in a so-called inexact FETI-DP method where the local,\ncell-wise operators and solutions are approximated with reduced order modeling\ntechniques. Instead of considering independently every cell, we end up with\nonly few principal local problems to solve and make use of the corresponding\nprincipal cell-wise operators to approximate all the others. It results in a\nscalable algorithm that saves numerous local factorizations. Our solver is\napplied for the isogeometric analysis of lattices built by spline composition,\nwhich offers the opportunity to compute the reduced basis with macro-scale\ndata, thereby making our method also multiscale and matrix-free. The solver is\ntested against various 2D and 3D analyses. It shows major gains with respect to\nblack-box solvers; in particular, problems of several millions of degrees of\nfreedom can be solved with a simple computer within few minutes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:53:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hirschler","Thibaut",""],["Bouclier","Robin",""],["Antolin","Pablo",""],["Buffa","Annalisa",""]]} {"id":"2308.11372","submitter":"Rowan Batzofin Mr","authors":"Rowan Batzofin (1), Pierre Cristofari (2), Kathrin Egberts (1) and\n Constantin Steppa (1) ((1) University of Potsdam, (2) Observatoire de Paris\n PSL Research University)","title":"The population of Galactic supernova remnants in the TeV range","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings for the 38th International Cosmic Ray\n Conference (ICRC2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.22323/1.444.0617","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" SNRs are likely to be significant sources of Galactic cosmic rays up to the\nknee. They produce gamma rays in the very-high-energy (E>100 GeV) range mainly\nvia two mechanisms: hadronic interactions of accelerated protons with the\ninterstellar medium and leptonic interactions of accelerated electrons with\nsoft photons. Observations with current instruments have lead to the detection\nof about a dozen SNRs in VHE gamma rays and future instruments will help\nsignificantly increase this number. Yet, the details of particle acceleration\nat SNRs, and of the mechanisms producing VHE gamma-ray at SNRs remain poorly\nunderstood: What is the spectrum of accelerated particles? What is the\nefficiency of particle acceleration? Is the gamma-ray emission dominated by\nhadronic or leptonic origin?\n To address these questions, we simulate the population of SNRs in the\ngamma-ray domain, and confront it to the current population of TeV SNRs. This\nmethod allows us to investigate several crucial aspects of particle\nacceleration at SNRs, such as the level of magnetic field around SNR shocks or\nscanning the parameter space of the accelerated particles (spectral index,\nelectron to proton ratio and the acceleration efficiency of the shock) with the\npossibility to constrain some of the parameters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:54:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Batzofin","Rowan",""],["Cristofari","Pierre",""],["Egberts","Kathrin",""],["Steppa","Constantin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11373","submitter":"Meng Guo","authors":"Zesen Liu, Meng Guo and Zhongkui Li","title":"Tackling the Curse of Dimensionality in Large-scale Multi-agent LTL Task\n Planning via Poset Product","comments":"9 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas have been used to describe complex tasks\nfor multi-agent systems, with both spatial and temporal constraints. However,\nsince the planning complexity grows exponentially with the number of agents and\nthe length of the task formula, existing applications are mostly limited to\nsmall artificial cases. To address this issue, a new planning algorithm is\nproposed for task formulas specified as sc-LTL formulas. It avoids two common\nbottlenecks in the model-checking-based planning methods, i.e., (i) the direct\ntranslation of the complete task formula to the associated B\\\"uchi automaton;\nand (ii) the synchronized product between the B\\\"uchi automaton and the\ntransition models of all agents. In particular, each conjuncted sub-formula is\nfirst converted to the associated R-posets as an abstraction of the temporal\ndependencies among the subtasks. Then, an efficient algorithm is proposed to\ncompute the product of these R-posets, which retains their dependencies and\nresolves potential conflicts. Furthermore, the proposed approach is applied to\ndynamic scenes where new tasks are generated online. It is capable of deriving\nthe first valid plan with a polynomial time and memory complexity w.r.t. the\nsystem size and the formula length. Our method can plan for task formulas with\na length of more than 60 and a system with more than 35 agents, while most\nexisting methods fail at the formula length of 20. The proposed method is\nvalidated on large fleets of service robots in both simulation and hardware\nexperiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:56:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Zesen",""],["Guo","Meng",""],["Li","Zhongkui",""]]} {"id":"2308.11374","submitter":"Hongtao Zhang","authors":"Jixian Wang and Hongtao Zhang and Ram Tiwari","title":"Weighting Based Approaches to Borrowing Historical Controls for Indirect\n comparison for Time-to-Event Data with a Cure Fraction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" To use historical controls for indirect comparison with single-arm trials,\nthe population difference between data sources should be adjusted to reduce\nconfounding bias. The adjustment is more difficult for time-to-event data with\na cure fraction. We propose different adjustment approaches based on pseudo\nobservations and calibration weighting by entropy balancing. We show a simple\nway to obtain the pseudo observations for the cure rate and propose a simple\nweighted estimator based on them. Estimation of the survival function in\npresence of a cure fraction is also considered. Simulations are conducted to\nexamine the proposed approaches. An application to a breast cancer study is\npresented.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:58:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Jixian",""],["Zhang","Hongtao",""],["Tiwari","Ram",""]]} {"id":"2308.11375","submitter":"Klaus Broelemann","authors":"Ann-Kristin Becker, Oana Dumitrasc, Klaus Broelemann","title":"Interpretable Distribution-Invariant Fairness Measures for Continuous\n Scores","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ML cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Measures of algorithmic fairness are usually discussed in the context of\nbinary decisions. We extend the approach to continuous scores. So far,\nROC-based measures have mainly been suggested for this purpose. Other existing\nmethods depend heavily on the distribution of scores, are unsuitable for\nranking tasks, or their effect sizes are not interpretable. Here, we propose a\ndistributionally invariant version of fairness measures for continuous scores\nwith a reasonable interpretation based on the Wasserstein distance. Our\nmeasures are easily computable and well suited for quantifying and interpreting\nthe strength of group disparities as well as for comparing biases across\ndifferent models, datasets, or time points. We derive a link between the\ndifferent families of existing fairness measures for scores and show that the\nproposed distributionally invariant fairness measures outperform ROC-based\nfairness measures because they are more explicit and can quantify significant\nbiases that ROC-based fairness measures miss. Finally, we demonstrate their\neffectiveness through experiments on the most commonly used fairness benchmark\ndatasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:01:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Becker","Ann-Kristin",""],["Dumitrasc","Oana",""],["Broelemann","Klaus",""]]} {"id":"2308.11376","submitter":"Shaheer Ullah Saeed","authors":"Weixi Yi, Vasilis Stavrinides, Zachary M.C. Baum, Qianye Yang, Dean C.\n Barratt, Matthew J. Clarkson, Yipeng Hu, Shaheer U. Saeed","title":"Boundary-RL: Reinforcement Learning for Weakly-Supervised Prostate\n Segmentation in TRUS Images","comments":"Accepted to MICCAI Workshop MLMI 2023 (14th International Conference\n on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose Boundary-RL, a novel weakly supervised segmentation method that\nutilises only patch-level labels for training. We envision the segmentation as\na boundary detection problem, rather than a pixel-level classification as in\nprevious works. This outlook on segmentation may allow for boundary delineation\nunder challenging scenarios such as where noise artefacts may be present within\nthe region-of-interest (ROI) boundaries, where traditional pixel-level\nclassification-based weakly supervised methods may not be able to effectively\nsegment the ROI. Particularly of interest, ultrasound images, where intensity\nvalues represent acoustic impedance differences between boundaries, may also\nbenefit from the boundary delineation approach. Our method uses reinforcement\nlearning to train a controller function to localise boundaries of ROIs using a\nreward derived from a pre-trained boundary-presence classifier. The classifier\nindicates when an object boundary is encountered within a patch, as the\ncontroller modifies the patch location in a sequential Markov decision process.\nThe classifier itself is trained using only binary patch-level labels of object\npresence, which are the only labels used during training of the entire boundary\ndelineation framework, and serves as a weak signal to inform the boundary\ndelineation. The use of a controller function ensures that a sliding window\nover the entire image is not necessary. It also prevents possible\nfalse-positive or -negative cases by minimising number of patches passed to the\nboundary-presence classifier. We evaluate our proposed approach for a\nclinically relevant task of prostate gland segmentation on trans-rectal\nultrasound images. We show improved performance compared to other tested weakly\nsupervised methods, using the same labels e.g., multiple instance learning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:02:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yi","Weixi",""],["Stavrinides","Vasilis",""],["Baum","Zachary M. C.",""],["Yang","Qianye",""],["Barratt","Dean C.",""],["Clarkson","Matthew J.",""],["Hu","Yipeng",""],["Saeed","Shaheer U.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11377","submitter":"Igor V. Volovich","authors":"Igor Volovich","title":"Cosmological Constant and Maximum of Entropy for de Sitter Space","comments":"9 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" There are at least two cosmological constants calling for explanation. The\nfirst one describes the quasi-de Sitter inflation in the early universe, and\nthe second describes the current acceleration of the universe associated with\ndark energy. An approach to the computation of the inflationary cosmological\nconstant in the early universe is proposed. The tunneling and no-boundary\nproposals suggest that the ground state of the early universe is the de Sitter\nspace. In this paper it is argued that the radius of the de Sitter space, i.e.\nthe cosmological constant, can be computed using the principle of maximum\nentropy. The universe emerges from ``nothing\" that corresponds to a minimum of\nentropy. The entropy reaches its maximal value for the 4-dimensional de Sitter\nspace with the inflationary cosmological constant\n$\\Lambda=3\\pi\\,\\exp\\{-\\psi(3/2)\\}$, where $\\psi$ is the digamma function,\n$\\Lambda\\approx 9.087$ in Planck units.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:02:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Volovich","Igor",""]]} {"id":"2308.11378","submitter":"Florian Oschmann","authors":"\\v{S}\\'arka Ne\\v{c}asov\\'a, Florian Oschmann","title":"A collision result for both non-Newtonian and heat conducting Newtonian\n compressible fluids","comments":"12 pages, no figures, comments welcome. arXiv admin note: text\n overlap with arXiv:2210.04698","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We generalize the known collision results for a solid in a 3D compressible\nNewtonian fluid to compressible non-Newtonian ones, and to Newtonian fluids\nwith temperature depending viscosities.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:05:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ne\u010dasov\u00e1","\u0160\u00e1rka",""],["Oschmann","Florian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11379","submitter":"Ittay Eyal","authors":"Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Ittay Eyal, Joseph Y. Halpern","title":"Colordag: An Incentive-Compatible Blockchain","comments":"To be published in DISC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GT cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present Colordag, a blockchain protocol where following the prescribed\nstrategy is, with high probability, a best response as long as all miners have\nless than 1/2 of the mining power. We prove the correctness of Colordag even if\nthere is an extremely powerful adversary who knows future actions of the\nscheduler: specifically, when agents will generate blocks and when messages\nwill arrive. The state-of-the-art protocol, Fruitchain, is an epsilon-Nash\nequilibrium as long as all miners have less than 1/2 of the mining power.\nHowever, there is a simple deviation that guarantees that deviators are never\nworse off than they would be by following Fruitchain, and can sometimes do\nbetter. Thus, agents are motivated to deviate. Colordag implements a solution\nconcept that we call epsilon-sure Nash equilibrium and does not suffer from\nthis problem. Because it is an epsilon-sure Nash equilibrium, Colordag is an\nepsilon Nash equilibrium and with probability (1 - epsilon) is a best response.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:08:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Abraham","Ittai",""],["Dolev","Danny",""],["Eyal","Ittay",""],["Halpern","Joseph Y.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11380","submitter":"Thai Binh Nguyen","authors":"Thai-Binh Nguyen and Alexander Waibel","title":"Convoifilter: A case study of doing cocktail party speech recognition","comments":"6 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.CL eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper presents an end-to-end model designed to improve automatic speech\nrecognition (ASR) for a particular speaker in a crowded, noisy environment. The\nmodel utilizes a single-channel speech enhancement module that isolates the\nspeaker's voice from background noise, along with an ASR module. Through this\napproach, the model is able to decrease the word error rate (WER) of ASR from\n80% to 26.4%. Typically, these two components are adjusted independently due to\nvariations in data requirements. However, speech enhancement can create\nanomalies that decrease ASR efficiency. By implementing a joint fine-tuning\nstrategy, the model can reduce the WER from 26.4% in separate tuning to 14.5%\nin joint tuning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:09:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","Thai-Binh",""],["Waibel","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.11381","submitter":"Zichen Yu","authors":"Zichen Yu, Quanli Liu, Wei Wang, Liyong Zhang, Xiaoguang Zhao","title":"DALNet: A Rail Detection Network Based on Dynamic Anchor Line","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Rail detection is one of the key factors for intelligent train. In the paper,\nmotivated by the anchor line-based lane detection methods, we propose a rail\ndetection network called DALNet based on dynamic anchor line. Aiming to solve\nthe problem that the predefined anchor line is image agnostic, we design a\nnovel dynamic anchor line mechanism. It utilizes a dynamic anchor line\ngenerator to dynamically generate an appropriate anchor line for each rail\ninstance based on the position and shape of the rails in the input image. These\ndynamically generated anchor lines can be considered as better position\nreferences to accurately localize the rails than the predefined anchor lines.\nIn addition, we present a challenging urban rail detection dataset DL-Rail with\nhigh-quality annotations and scenario diversity. DL-Rail contains 7000 pairs of\nimages and annotations along with scene tags, and it is expected to encourage\nthe development of rail detection. We extensively compare DALNet with many\ncompetitive lane methods. The results show that our DALNet achieves\nstate-of-the-art performance on our DL-Rail rail detection dataset and the\npopular Tusimple and LLAMAS lane detection benchmarks. The code will be\nreleased at https://github.com/Yzichen/mmLaneDet.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:12:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:34:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Zichen",""],["Liu","Quanli",""],["Wang","Wei",""],["Zhang","Liyong",""],["Zhao","Xiaoguang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11382","submitter":"Pablo Dorta-Gonzalez","authors":"Sara M. Gonz\\'alez-Betancor and Pablo Dorta-Gonz\\'alez","title":"Does society show differential attention to researchers based on gender\n and field?","comments":"23 pages, 5 figures, 7 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" While not all researchers prioritize social impact, it is undeniably a\ncrucial aspect that adds significance to their work. The objective of this\npaper is to explore potential gender differences in the social attention paid\nto researchers and to examine their association with specific fields of study.\nTo achieve this goal, the paper analyzes four dimensions of social influence\nand examines three measures of social attention to researchers. The dimensions\nare media influence (mentions in mainstream news), political influence\n(mentions in public policy reports), social media influence (mentions in\nTwitter), and educational influence (mentions in Wikipedia). The measures of\nsocial attention to researchers are: proportion of publications with social\nmentions (social attention orientation), mentions per publication (level of\nsocial attention), and mentions per mentioned publication (intensity of social\nattention). By analyzing the rankings of authors -- for the four dimensions\nwith the three measures in the 22 research fields of the Web of Science\ndatabase -- and by using Spearman correlation coefficients, we conclude that:\n1) significant differences are observed between fields; 2) the dimensions\ncapture different and independent aspects of the social impact. Finally, we use\nnon-parametric means comparison tests to detect gender bias in social\nattention. We conclude that for most fields and dimensions with enough non-zero\naltmetrics data, gender differences in social attention are not predominant,\nbut are still present and vary across fields.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:17:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gonz\u00e1lez-Betancor","Sara M.",""],["Dorta-Gonz\u00e1lez","Pablo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11383","submitter":"Xavier Fern\\'andez-Real","authors":"Xavier Fern\\'andez-Real, Xavier Ros-Oton","title":"Schauder and Cordes-Nirenberg estimates for nonlocal elliptic equations\n with singular kernels","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study integro-differential elliptic equations (of order $2s$) with\nvariable coefficients, and prove the natural and most general Schauder-type\nestimates that can hold in this setting, both in divergence and non-divergence\nform. Furthermore, we also establish H\\\"older estimates for general elliptic\nequations with no regularity assumption on $x$, including for the first time\noperators like $\\sum_{i=1}^n(-\\partial^2_{\\textbf{v}_i(x)})^s$, provided that\nthe coefficients have ``small oscillation''.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:19:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fern\u00e1ndez-Real","Xavier",""],["Ros-Oton","Xavier",""]]} {"id":"2308.11384","submitter":"Sourav Bhattacharya","authors":"Sourav Bhattacharya and Moutushi Dutta Choudhury","title":"Non-perturbative $\\langle \\phi \\rangle$, $\\langle \\phi^2 \\rangle$ and\n the dynamically generated scalar mass with Yukawa interaction in the\n inflationary de Sitter spacetime","comments":"v1; 34pp, 10 figues","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider a massless minimally coupled self interacting quantum scalar\nfield coupled to fermion via the Yukawa interaction, in the inflationary de\nSitter background. The fermion is also taken to be massless and the scalar\npotential is taken to be a hybrid, $V(\\phi)= \\lambda \\phi^4/4!+ \\beta\n\\phi^3/3!$ ($\\lambda >0$). The chief physical motivation behind this choice of\n$V(\\phi)$ corresponds to, apart from its boundedness from below property, the\nfact that shape wise $V(\\phi)$ has qualitative similarity with standard\ninflationary classical slow roll potentials. Also, its vacuum expectation value\ncan be negative, suggesting some screening of the inflationary cosmological\nconstant. We choose that $\\langle \\phi \\rangle\\sim 0$ at early times with\nrespect to the Bunch-Davies vacuum, so that perturbation theory is valid\ninitially. We consider the equations satisfied by $\\langle \\phi (t) \\rangle$\nand $\\langle \\phi^2(t) \\rangle$, constructed from the coarse grained equation\nof motion for the slowly rolling $\\phi$. We then compute the vacuum expectation\nvalues of various relevant operators using the in-in formalism up to three\nloop, in terms of the leading powers of the secular logarithms. For a closed\nfermion loop, we have restricted ourselves here to only the local contribution.\nThese large logarithms are then resummed by constructing suitable\nnon-perturbative equations to compute $\\langle \\phi \\rangle$ and $\\langle\n\\phi^2 \\rangle$. $\\langle \\phi \\rangle$ turns out to be at least approximately\nan order of magnitude less compared to the minimum of the classical potentail,\n$-3\\beta/\\lambda$, owing to the strong quantum fluctuations. For $\\langle\n\\phi^2 \\rangle$, we have computed the dynamically generated scalar mass at late\ntimes, by taking the appropriate purely local constributions. Variations of\nthese quantities with respect to different couplings have also been presented.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:22:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bhattacharya","Sourav",""],["Choudhury","Moutushi Dutta",""]]} {"id":"2308.11385","submitter":"Jakob Piribauer","authors":"Julie Parreaux, Jakob Piribauer, Christel Baier","title":"Counterfactual Causality for Reachability and Safety based on Distance\n Functions","comments":"This is the extended version of a paper accepted for publication at\n GandALF 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Investigations of causality in operational systems aim at providing\nhuman-understandable explanations of why a system behaves as it does. There is,\nin particular, a demand to explain what went wrong on a given counterexample\nexecution that shows that a system does not satisfy a given specification. To\nthis end, this paper investigates a notion of counterfactual causality in\ntransition systems based on Stalnaker's and Lewis' semantics of counterfactuals\nin terms of most similar possible worlds and introduces a novel corresponding\nnotion of counterfactual causality in two-player games. Using distance\nfunctions between paths in transition systems, this notion defines whether\nreaching a certain set of states is a cause for the violation of a reachability\nor safety property. Similarly, using distance functions between memoryless\nstrategies in reachability and safety games, it is defined whether reaching a\nset of states is a cause for the fact that a given strategy for the player\nunder investigation is losing. The contribution of the paper is two-fold: In\ntransition systems, it is shown that counterfactual causality can be checked in\npolynomial time for three prominent distance functions between paths. In\ntwo-player games, the introduced notion of counterfactual causality is shown to\nbe checkable in polynomial time for two natural distance functions between\nmemoryless strategies. Further, a notion of explanation that can be extracted\nfrom a counterfactual cause and that pinpoints changes to be made to the given\nstrategy in order to transform it into a winning strategy is defined. For the\ntwo distance functions under consideration, the problem to decide whether such\nan explanation imposes only minimal necessary changes to the given strategy\nwith respect to the used distance function turns out to be coNP-complete and\nnot to be solvable in polynomial time if P is not equal to NP, respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:23:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Parreaux","Julie",""],["Piribauer","Jakob",""],["Baier","Christel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11386","submitter":"Agnieszka Miko{\\l}ajczyk-Bare{\\l}a","authors":"Agnieszka Miko{\\l}ajczyk-Bare{\\l}a, Maria Ferlin, Micha{\\l} Grochowski","title":"Targeted Data Augmentation for bias mitigation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CV cs.CY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The development of fair and ethical AI systems requires careful consideration\nof bias mitigation, an area often overlooked or ignored. In this study, we\nintroduce a novel and efficient approach for addressing biases called Targeted\nData Augmentation (TDA), which leverages classical data augmentation techniques\nto tackle the pressing issue of bias in data and models. Unlike the laborious\ntask of removing biases, our method proposes to insert biases instead,\nresulting in improved performance. To identify biases, we annotated two diverse\ndatasets: a dataset of clinical skin lesions and a dataset of male and female\nfaces. These bias annotations are published for the first time in this study,\nproviding a valuable resource for future research. Through Counterfactual Bias\nInsertion, we discovered that biases associated with the frame, ruler, and\nglasses had a significant impact on models. By randomly introducing biases\nduring training, we mitigated these biases and achieved a substantial decrease\nin bias measures, ranging from two-fold to more than 50-fold, while maintaining\na negligible increase in the error rate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:25:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Miko\u0142ajczyk-Bare\u0142a","Agnieszka",""],["Ferlin","Maria",""],["Grochowski","Micha\u0142",""]]} {"id":"2308.11387","submitter":"James Callan","authors":"James Callan and Justyna Petke","title":"Multi-Objective Improvement of Android Applications","comments":"32 pages, 8 Figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Non-functional properties, such as runtime or memory use, are important to\nmobile app users and developers, as they affect user experience. Previous work\non automated improvement of non-functional properties in mobile apps failed to\naddress the inherent trade-offs between such properties. We propose a practical\napproach and the first open-source tool, GIDroid (2023), for multi-objective\nautomated improvement of Android apps. In particular, we use Genetic\nimprovement, a search-based technique that navigates the space of software\nvariants to find improved software. We use a simulation-based testing framework\nto greatly improve the speed of search. GIDroid contains three state-of-the-art\nmulti-objective algorithms, and two new mutation operators, which cache the\nresults of method calls. Genetic improvement relies on testing to validate\npatches. Previous work showed that tests in open-source Android applications\nare scarce. We thus wrote tests for 21 versions of 7 Android apps, creating a\nnew benchmark for performance improvements. We used GIDroid to improve versions\nof mobile apps where developers had previously found improvements to runtime,\nmemory, and bandwidth use. Our technique automatically re-discovers 64% of\nexisting improvements. We then applied our approach to current versions of\nsoftware in which there were no known improvements. We were able to improve\nexecution time by up to 35%, and memory use by up to 33% in these apps.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:26:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Callan","James",""],["Petke","Justyna",""]]} {"id":"2308.11388","submitter":"Mingxiang Li","authors":"Mingxiang Li, Juncheng Wei","title":"Higher order Bol's inequality and its applications","comments":"22 pages. Comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Assuming that the conformal metric $g=e^{2u}|dx|^2$ on $\\mathbb{R}^n$ is\nnormal, our focus lies in investigating the following conjecture: if the\nQ-curvature of such a manifold is bounded from above by $(n-1)!$, then the\nvolume is sharply bounded from below by the volume of the standard n-sphere. In\nspecific instances, such as when $u$ is radially symmetric or when the\nQ-curvature is represented by a polynomial, we provide a positive response to\nthis conjecture, although the general case remains unresolved. Intriguingly,\nunder the normal and radially symmetric assumptions, we establish that the\nvolume is bounded from above by the volume of the standard n-sphere when the\nQ-curvature is bounded from below by $(n-1)!$, thereby addressing a certain\nopen problem raised by Hyder-Martinazzi (2021, JDE).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:27:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Mingxiang",""],["Wei","Juncheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11389","submitter":"Pietro Gori","authors":"Rebeca V\\'etil, Cl\\'ement Abi-Nader, Alexandre B\\^one, Marie-Pierre\n Vullierme, Marc-Michel Roh\\'e, Pietro Gori, Isabelle Bloch","title":"Non-Redundant Combination of Hand-Crafted and Deep Learning Radiomics:\n Application to the Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer","comments":"CaPTion workshop MICCAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We address the problem of learning Deep Learning Radiomics (DLR) that are not\nredundant with Hand-Crafted Radiomics (HCR). To do so, we extract DLR features\nusing a VAE while enforcing their independence with HCR features by minimizing\ntheir mutual information. The resulting DLR features can be combined with\nhand-crafted ones and leveraged by a classifier to predict early markers of\ncancer. We illustrate our method on four early markers of pancreatic cancer and\nvalidate it on a large independent test set. Our results highlight the value of\ncombining non-redundant DLR and HCR features, as evidenced by an improvement in\nthe Area Under the Curve compared to baseline methods that do not address\nredundancy or solely rely on HCR features.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:28:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["V\u00e9til","Rebeca",""],["Abi-Nader","Cl\u00e9ment",""],["B\u00f4ne","Alexandre",""],["Vullierme","Marie-Pierre",""],["Roh\u00e9","Marc-Michel",""],["Gori","Pietro",""],["Bloch","Isabelle",""]]} {"id":"2308.11390","submitter":"Hao Dong","authors":"Hao Dong, Junzhi Cui","title":"Statistical higher-order multi-scale method for nonlinear\n thermo-mechanical simulation of random composite materials with\n temperature-dependent properties","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Stochastic multi-scale modeling and simulation for nonlinear\nthermo-mechanical problems of composite materials with complicated random\nmicrostructures remains a challenging issue. In this paper, we develop a novel\nstatistical higher-order multi-scale (SHOMS) method for nonlinear\nthermo-mechanical simulation of random composite materials, which is designed\nto overcome limitations of prohibitive computation involving the macro-scale\nand micro-scale. By virtue of statistical multi-scale asymptotic analysis and\nTaylor series method, the SHOMS computational model is rigorously derived for\naccurately analyzing nonlinear thermo-mechanical responses of random composite\nmaterials both in the macro-scale and micro-scale. Moreover, the local error\nanalysis of SHOMS solutions in the point-wise sense clearly illustrates the\ncrucial indispensability of establishing the higher-order asymptotic corrected\nterms in SHOMS computational model for keeping the conservation of local energy\nand momentum. Then, the corresponding space-time multi-scale numerical\nalgorithm with off-line and on-line stages is designed to efficiently simulate\nnonlinear thermo-mechanical behaviors of random composite materials. Finally,\nextensive numerical experiments are presented to gauge the efficiency and\naccuracy of the proposed SHOMS approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:28:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Dong","Hao",""],["Cui","Junzhi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11391","submitter":"Kathrin B\\\"ockmann","authors":"K. B\\\"ockmann, M. Br\\\"uggen, V. Heesen, A. Basu, S. P. O'Sullivan, I.\n Heywood, M. Jarvis, A. Scaife, J. Stil, R. Taylor, N. J. Adams, R. A. A.\n Bowler, M. N. Tudorache","title":"Probing magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using polarization\n data from MIGHTEE","comments":"11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The detection and study of magnetic fields surrounding galaxies is important\nto understand galaxy evolution since magnetic fields are tracers for dynamical\nprocesses in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and can have a significant impact\non the evolution of the CGM. The Faraday rotation measure (RM) of the polarized\nlight of background radio sources passing through the magnetized CGM of\nintervening galaxies can be used as a tracer for the strength and extent of\nmagnetic fields around galaxies. We use rotation measures observed by the\nMIGHTEE-POL (MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration\nPOLarisation) survey by MeerKAT in the XMM-LSS and COSMOS fields to investigate\nthe RM around foreground star-forming galaxies. We use spectroscopic catalogs\nof star-forming and blue cloud galaxies to measure the RM of MIGHTEE-POL\nsources as a function of the impact parameter from the intervening galaxy. We\nthen repeat this procedure using a deeper galaxy catalog with photometric\nredshifts. For the spectroscopic star-forming sample we find a\nredshift-corrected |RM| excess of 5.6 +/- 2.3 rad m-2 which corresponds to a\n2.5 sigma significance around galaxies with a median redshift of z = 0.46 for\nimpact parameters below 130 kpc only selecting the intervenor with the smallest\nimpact parameter. Making use of a photometric galaxy catalog and taking into\naccount all intervenors with Mg < -13.6 mag, the signal disappears. We find no\nindication for a correlation between redshift and RM, nor do we find a\nconnection between the total number of intervenors to the total |RM| . We have\npresented tentative evidence that the CGM of star-forming galaxies is permeated\nby coherent magnetic fields within the virial radius. We conclude that mostly\nbright, star-forming galaxies with impact parameters less than 130 kpc\nsignificantly contribute to the RM of the background radio source.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:30:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["B\u00f6ckmann","K.",""],["Br\u00fcggen","M.",""],["Heesen","V.",""],["Basu","A.",""],["O'Sullivan","S. P.",""],["Heywood","I.",""],["Jarvis","M.",""],["Scaife","A.",""],["Stil","J.",""],["Taylor","R.",""],["Adams","N. J.",""],["Bowler","R. A. A.",""],["Tudorache","M. N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11392","submitter":"Marco Martorano","authors":"Marco Martorano, Arjen van der Wel, Eric F. Bell, Marijn Franx,\n Katherine E. Whitaker, Angelos Nersesian, Sedona H. Price, Maarten Baes,\n Katherine A. Suess, Erica J. Nelson, Tim B. Miller, Rachel Bezanson, Gabriel\n Brammer","title":"Rest-Frame Near-Infrared Radial Light Profiles up to z=3 from\n JWST/NIRCam: Wavelength Dependence of the S\\'ersic Index","comments":"15 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We examine the wavelength dependence of radial light profiles based on\nS\\'ersic index $n$ measurements of 1067 galaxies with M$_*\\geq$\n10$^{9.5}$M$_\\odot$ and in the redshift range $0.5 < z < 3$. The sample and\nrest-frame optical light profiles are drawn from CANDELS$+$3D-HST; rest-frame\nnear-infrared light profiles are inferred from CEERS JWST/NIRCam imaging. $n$\nshows only weak dependence on wavelength, regardless of redshift, galaxy mass\nand type: on average, star-forming galaxies have $n = 1-1.5$ and quiescent\ngalaxies have $n = 3-4$ in the rest-frame optical and near-infrared. The strong\ncorrelation at all wavelengths between $n$ and star-formation activity implies\na physical connection between the radial stellar mass profile and\nstar-formation activity. The main caveat is that the current sample is too\nsmall to discern trends for the most massive galaxies (M$_* > 10^{11}M_\\odot$).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:31:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Martorano","Marco",""],["van der Wel","Arjen",""],["Bell","Eric F.",""],["Franx","Marijn",""],["Whitaker","Katherine E.",""],["Nersesian","Angelos",""],["Price","Sedona H.",""],["Baes","Maarten",""],["Suess","Katherine A.",""],["Nelson","Erica J.",""],["Miller","Tim B.",""],["Bezanson","Rachel",""],["Brammer","Gabriel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11393","submitter":"Ilya Molchanov","authors":"Andrii Ilienko, Ilya Molchanov, Riccardo Turin","title":"Strong limit theorems for empirical halfspace depth trimmed regions","comments":"25 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR math.MG math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study empirical variants of the halfspace (Tukey) depth of a probability\nmeasure $\\mu$, which are obtained by replacing $\\mu$ with the corresponding\nweighted empirical measure. We prove analogues of the Marcinkiewicz--Zygmund\nstrong law of large numbers and of the law of the iterated logarithm in terms\nof set inclusions and for the Hausdorff distance between the theoretical and\nempirical variants of depth trimmed regions. In the special case of $\\mu$ being\nthe uniform distribution on a convex body $K$, the depth trimmed regions are\nconvex floating bodies of $K$, and we obtain strong limit theorems for their\nempirical estimators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:32:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ilienko","Andrii",""],["Molchanov","Ilya",""],["Turin","Riccardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11394","submitter":"Laetitia Delrez","authors":"L. Delrez, A. Leleu, A. Brandeker, M. Gillon, M. J. Hooton, A. Collier\n Cameron, A. Deline, A. Fortier, D. Queloz, A. Bonfanti, V. Van Grootel, T. G.\n Wilson, J. A. Egger, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, G. Anglada, J. Asquier, T.\n B\\'arczy, D. Barrado y Navascues, S. C. C. Barros, W. Baumjohann, M. Beck, T.\n Beck, W. Benz, N. Billot, X. Bonfils, L. Borsato, C. Broeg, M. Buder, J.\n Cabrera, V. Cessa, S. Charnoz, Sz. Csizmadia, P. E. Cubillos, M. B. Davies,\n M. Deleuil, O. D. S. Demangeon, B.-O. Demory, D. Ehrenreich, A. Erikson, L.\n Fossati, M. Fridlund, D. Gandolfi, M. G\\\"udel, J. Hasiba, S. Hoyer, K. G.\n Isaak, J. M. Jenkins, L. L. Kiss, J. Laskar, D. W. Latham, A. Lecavelier des\n Etangs, M. Lendl, C. Lovis, R. Luque, D. Magrin, P. F. L. Maxted, C.\n Mordasini, V. Nascimbeni, G. Olofsson, R. Ottensamer, I. Pagano, E. Pall\\'e,\n G. Peter, G. Piotto, D. Pollacco, R. Ragazzoni, N. Rando, H. Rauer, I. Ribas,\n G. Ricker, N. C. Santos, G. Scandariato, S. Seager, D. S\\'egransan, A. E.\n Simon, A. M. S. Smith, S. G. Sousa, M. Steller, Gy. M. Szab\\'o, N. Thomas, S.\n Udry, R. Vanderspek, J. Venturini, V. Viotto, N. A. Walton, J. N. Winn","title":"Refining the properties of the TOI-178 system with CHEOPS and TESS","comments":"20 pages, 5 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The TOI-178 system consists of a nearby late K-dwarf transited by six planets\nin the super-Earth to mini-Neptune regime, with orbital periods between 1.9 and\n20.7 days. All planets but the innermost one form a chain of Laplace\nresonances. Mass estimates derived from a preliminary radial velocity (RV)\ndataset suggest that the planetary densities do not decrease in a monotonic way\nwith the orbital distance to the star, contrary to what one would expect based\non simple formation and evolution models. To improve the characterisation of\nthis key system and prepare for future studies (in particular with JWST), we\nperform a detailed photometric study based on 40 new CHEOPS visits, one new\nTESS sector, as well as previously published CHEOPS, TESS, and NGTS data. First\nwe perform a global analysis of the 100 transits contained in our data to\nrefine the transit parameters of the six planets and study their transit timing\nvariations (TTVs). We then use our extensive dataset to place constraints on\nthe radii and orbital periods of potential additional transiting planets in the\nsystem. Our analysis significantly refines the transit parameters of the six\nplanets, most notably their radii, for which we now obtain relative precisions\n$\\lesssim$3%, with the exception of the smallest planet $b$ for which the\nprecision is 5.1%. Combined with the RV mass estimates, the measured TTVs allow\nus to constrain the eccentricities of planets $c$ to $g$, which are found to be\nall below 0.02, as expected from stability requirements. Taken alone, the TTVs\nalso suggest a higher mass for planet $d$ than the one estimated from the RVs,\nwhich had been found to yield a surprisingly low density for this planet.\nHowever, the masses derived from the current TTV dataset are very\nprior-dependent and further observations, over a longer temporal baseline, are\nneeded to deepen our understanding of this iconic planetary system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:35:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Delrez","L.",""],["Leleu","A.",""],["Brandeker","A.",""],["Gillon","M.",""],["Hooton","M. J.",""],["Cameron","A. Collier",""],["Deline","A.",""],["Fortier","A.",""],["Queloz","D.",""],["Bonfanti","A.",""],["Van Grootel","V.",""],["Wilson","T. G.",""],["Egger","J. A.",""],["Alibert","Y.",""],["Alonso","R.",""],["Anglada","G.",""],["Asquier","J.",""],["B\u00e1rczy","T.",""],["Navascues","D. Barrado y",""],["Barros","S. C. C.",""],["Baumjohann","W.",""],["Beck","M.",""],["Beck","T.",""],["Benz","W.",""],["Billot","N.",""],["Bonfils","X.",""],["Borsato","L.",""],["Broeg","C.",""],["Buder","M.",""],["Cabrera","J.",""],["Cessa","V.",""],["Charnoz","S.",""],["Csizmadia","Sz.",""],["Cubillos","P. E.",""],["Davies","M. B.",""],["Deleuil","M.",""],["Demangeon","O. D. S.",""],["Demory","B. -O.",""],["Ehrenreich","D.",""],["Erikson","A.",""],["Fossati","L.",""],["Fridlund","M.",""],["Gandolfi","D.",""],["G\u00fcdel","M.",""],["Hasiba","J.",""],["Hoyer","S.",""],["Isaak","K. G.",""],["Jenkins","J. M.",""],["Kiss","L. L.",""],["Laskar","J.",""],["Latham","D. W.",""],["Etangs","A. Lecavelier des",""],["Lendl","M.",""],["Lovis","C.",""],["Luque","R.",""],["Magrin","D.",""],["Maxted","P. F. L.",""],["Mordasini","C.",""],["Nascimbeni","V.",""],["Olofsson","G.",""],["Ottensamer","R.",""],["Pagano","I.",""],["Pall\u00e9","E.",""],["Peter","G.",""],["Piotto","G.",""],["Pollacco","D.",""],["Ragazzoni","R.",""],["Rando","N.",""],["Rauer","H.",""],["Ribas","I.",""],["Ricker","G.",""],["Santos","N. C.",""],["Scandariato","G.",""],["Seager","S.",""],["S\u00e9gransan","D.",""],["Simon","A. E.",""],["Smith","A. M. S.",""],["Sousa","S. G.",""],["Steller","M.",""],["Szab\u00f3","Gy. M.",""],["Thomas","N.",""],["Udry","S.",""],["Vanderspek","R.",""],["Venturini","J.",""],["Viotto","V.",""],["Walton","N. A.",""],["Winn","J. N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11395","submitter":"Shyamali Mitra","authors":"Aadarsh G. Goenka, Shyamali Mitra, Mrinal K. Naskar, Nibaran Das","title":"ULGss: A Strategy to construct a Library of Universal Logic Gates for\n $N$-variable Boolean Logic beyond NAND and NOR","comments":"8 pages 10 tables 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.ET","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In literature, NAND and NOR are two logic gates that display functional\ncompleteness, hence regarded as Universal gates. So, the present effort is\nfocused on exploring a library of universal gates in binary that are still\nunexplored in literature along with a broad and systematic approach to classify\nthe logic connectives. The study shows that the number of Universal Gates in\nany logic system grows exponentially with the number of input variables $N$. It\nis revealed that there are $56$ Universal gates in binary for $N=3$. It is\nshown that the ratio of the count of Universal gates to the total number of\nLogic gates is $\\approx $ $\\frac{1}{4}$ or 0.25. Adding constants $0,1$ allow\nfor the creation of $4$ additional (for $N=2$) and $169$ additional Universal\nGates (for $N=3$). In this article, the mathematical and logical underpinnings\nof the concept of universal logic gates are presented, along with a search\nstrategy $ULG_{SS}$ exploring multiple paths leading to their identification. A\nfast-track approach has been introduced that uses the hexadecimal\nrepresentation of a logic gate to quickly ascertain its attribute.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:36:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Goenka","Aadarsh G.",""],["Mitra","Shyamali",""],["Naskar","Mrinal K.",""],["Das","Nibaran",""]]} {"id":"2308.11396","submitter":"Kaiwen Ning","authors":"Zibin Zheng, Kaiwen Ning, Jiachi Chen, Yanlin Wang, Wenqing Chen,\n Lianghong Guo and Weicheng Wang","title":"Towards an Understanding of Large Language Models in Software\n Engineering Tasks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) have drawn widespread attention and research due\nto their astounding performance in tasks such as text generation and reasoning.\nDerivative products, like ChatGPT, have been extensively deployed and highly\nsought after. Meanwhile, the evaluation and optimization of LLMs in software\nengineering tasks, such as code generation, have become a research focus.\nHowever, there is still a lack of systematic research on the application and\nevaluation of LLMs in the field of software engineering. Therefore, this paper\nis the first to comprehensively investigate and collate the research and\nproducts combining LLMs with software engineering, aiming to answer two\nquestions: (1) What are the current integrations of LLMs with software\nengineering? (2) Can LLMs effectively handle software engineering tasks? To\nfind the answers, we have collected related literature as extensively as\npossible from seven mainstream databases, and selected 123 papers for analysis.\nWe have categorized these papers in detail and reviewed the current research\nstatus of LLMs from the perspective of seven major software engineering tasks,\nhoping this will help researchers better grasp the research trends and address\nthe issues when applying LLMs. Meanwhile, we have also organized and presented\npapers with evaluation content to reveal the performance and effectiveness of\nLLMs in various software engineering tasks, providing guidance for researchers\nand developers to optimize.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:37:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Zibin",""],["Ning","Kaiwen",""],["Chen","Jiachi",""],["Wang","Yanlin",""],["Chen","Wenqing",""],["Guo","Lianghong",""],["Wang","Weicheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11397","submitter":"Weitong Wang","authors":"Weitong Wang","title":"Ordering of number fields and distribution of class groups: abelian\n extensions","comments":"Any comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" When p divides the ordering of Galois group, the distribution of the Sylow\np-subgroup of Cl(K) is closely related to the problem of counting fields with\ncertain specifications. Moreover, different orderings of number fields affect\nthe answers of such questions in a nontrivial way. So, in this paper, we set up\nan invariant of number fields with parameters, and consider field counting\nproblems with specifications while the parameters change as a variable. The\ncase of abelian extensions shows that, roughly speaking, the result of counting\nabelian fields is a function of the invariant with parameters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:37:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:58:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Weitong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11398","submitter":"Pavel Strunz","authors":"Pavel Strunz","title":"Interior solution of azimuthally symmetric case of Laplace equation in\n orthogonal similar oblate spheroidal coordinates","comments":"36 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph astro-ph.EP astro-ph.GA math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Curvilinear coordinate systems distinct from the rectangular Cartesian\ncoordinate system are particularly valuable in the field calculations as they\nfacilitate the expression of boundary conditions of differential equations in a\nreasonably simple way when the coordinate surfaces fit the physical boundaries\nof the problem. The recently finalized orthogonal similar oblate spheroidal\n(SOS) coordinate system can be particularly useful for a physical processes\ndescription inside or in the vicinity of the bodies with the geometry of an\noblate spheroid. Such shape is aproximating well objects investigated within\nastrophysics. The solution of the azimuthally symmetric case of the Laplace\nequation was found for the interior space in the orthogonal SOS coordinates. In\nthe frame of the derivation of the harmonic functions, the Laplace equation was\nseparated by a special separation procedure. A generalized Legendre equation\nwas introduced as the equation for the angular part of the separated Laplace\nequation. The harmonic functions were determined as relations involving\ngeneralized Legendre functions of the first and of the second kind. Several\nlower-degree functions are reported. Recursion formula facilitating\ndetermination of the higher-degree harmonic functions was found. The general\nsolution of the azimuthally symmetric Laplace equation for the interior space\nin the SOS coordinates is reported.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:38:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Strunz","Pavel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11399","submitter":"Antti K\\\"aenm\\\"aki","authors":"Bal\\'azs B\\'ar\\'any, Antti K\\\"aenm\\\"aki, Aleksi Py\\\"or\\\"al\\\"a, Meng Wu","title":"Scaling limits of self-conformal measures","comments":"25 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that any self-conformal measure $\\mu$ on $\\mathbb{R}$ is uniformly\nscaling and generates an ergodic fractal distribution. This generalizes\nexisting results by removing the need for any separation condition. We also\nobtain applications to the prevalence of normal numbers in self-conformal sets,\nthe resonance between self-conformal measures on the line, and projections of\nself-affine measures on carpets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:39:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["B\u00e1r\u00e1ny","Bal\u00e1zs",""],["K\u00e4enm\u00e4ki","Antti",""],["Py\u00f6r\u00e4l\u00e4","Aleksi",""],["Wu","Meng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11400","submitter":"Maryam Khosravian","authors":"Maryam Khosravian, Rouven Koch, and Jose L. Lado","title":"Hamiltonian learning with real-space impurity tomography in topological\n moire superconductors","comments":"11 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.dis-nn","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Extracting Hamiltonian parameters from available experimental data is a\nchallenge in quantum materials. In particular, real-space spectroscopy methods\nsuch as scanning tunneling spectroscopy allow probing electronic states with\natomic resolution, yet even in those instances extracting effective Hamiltonian\nis an open challenge. Here we show that impurity states in modulated systems\nprovide a promising approach to extracting non-trivial Hamiltonian parameters\nof a quantum material. We show that by combining the real-space spectroscopy of\ndifferent impurity locations in a moire topological superconductor, modulations\nof exchange and superconducting parameters can be inferred via machine\nlearning. We demonstrate our strategy with a physically-inspired harmonic\nexpansion combined with a fully-connected neural network that we benchmark\nagainst a conventional convolutional architecture. We show that while both\napproaches allow extracting exchange modulations, only the former approach\nallows inferring the features of the superconducting order. Our results\ndemonstrate the potential of machine learning methods to extract Hamiltonian\nparameters by real-space impurity spectroscopy as local probes of a topological\nstate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:41:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Khosravian","Maryam",""],["Koch","Rouven",""],["Lado","Jose L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11401","submitter":"Matthias Pfretzschner","authors":"Simon D. Fink, Matthias Pfretzschner, Ignaz Rutter","title":"Parameterized Complexity of Simultaneous Planarity","comments":"Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on\n Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Given $k$ input graphs $G_1, \\dots ,G_k$, where each pair $G_i$, $G_j$ with\n$i \\neq j$ shares the same graph $G$, the problem Simultaneous Embedding With\nFixed Edges (SEFE) asks whether there exists a planar drawing for each input\ngraph such that all drawings coincide on $G$. While SEFE is still open for the\ncase of two input graphs, the problem is NP-complete for $k \\geq 3$ [Schaefer,\nJGAA 13]. In this work, we explore the parameterized complexity of SEFE. We\nshow that SEFE is FPT with respect to $k$ plus the vertex cover number or the\nfeedback edge set number of the the union graph $G^\\cup = G_1 \\cup \\dots \\cup\nG_k$. Regarding the shared graph $G$, we show that SEFE is NP-complete, even if\n$G$ is a tree with maximum degree 4. Together with a known NP-hardness\nreduction [Angelini et al., TCS 15], this allows us to conclude that several\nparameters of $G$, including the maximum degree, the maximum number of degree-1\nneighbors, the vertex cover number, and the number of cutvertices are\nintractable. We also settle the tractability of all pairs of these parameters.\nWe give FPT algorithms for the vertex cover number plus either of the first two\nparameters and for the number of cutvertices plus the maximum degree, whereas\nwe prove all remaining combinations to be intractable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:42:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fink","Simon D.",""],["Pfretzschner","Matthias",""],["Rutter","Ignaz",""]]} {"id":"2308.11402","submitter":"Rui Ding","authors":"Fuhui Zhou, Rui Ding, Qihui Wu, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Kai-Kit Wong,\n and Naofal Al-Dhahir","title":"A Partially Observable Deep Multi-Agent Active Inference Framework for\n Resource Allocation in 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications Networks","comments":"Some technical errors occured in the manuscript","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Resource allocation is of crucial importance in wireless communications.\nHowever, it is extremely challenging to design efficient resource allocation\nschemes for future wireless communication networks since the formulated\nresource allocation problems are generally non-convex and consist of various\ncoupled variables. Moreover, the dynamic changes of practical wireless\ncommunication environment and user service requirements thirst for efficient\nreal-time resource allocation. To tackle these issues, a novel partially\nobservable deep multi-agent active inference (PODMAI) framework is proposed for\nrealizing intelligent resource allocation. A belief based learning method is\nexploited for updating the policy by minimizing the variational free energy. A\ndecentralized training with a decentralized execution multi-agent strategy is\ndesigned to overcome the limitations of the partially observable state\ninformation. Exploited the proposed framework, an intelligent spectrum\nallocation and trajectory optimization scheme is developed for a spectrum\nsharing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) network with dynamic transmission rate\nrequirements as an example. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed\nframework can significantly improve the sum transmission rate of the secondary\nnetwork compared to various benchmark schemes. Moreover, the convergence speed\nof the proposed PODMAI is significantly improved compared with the conventional\nreinforcement learning framework. Overall, our proposed framework can enrich\nthe intelligent resource allocation frameworks and pave the way for realizing\nreal-time resource allocation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:50:00 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 27 Aug 2023 07:53:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Fuhui",""],["Ding","Rui",""],["Wu","Qihui",""],["Ng","Derrick Wing Kwan",""],["Wong","Kai-Kit",""],["Al-Dhahir","Naofal",""]]} {"id":"2308.11403","submitter":"Ann-Kathrin Perrevoort","authors":"Ann-Kathrin Perrevoort (for the Mu3e Collaboration)","title":"Searching for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation with Mu3e","comments":"6 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on\n Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFACT 2022)","journal-ref":"Physical Sciences Forum. 2023; 8(1):30","doi":"10.3390/psf2023008030","report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The observation of lepton flavour violation (LFV) in the charged lepton\nsector would be an unambiguous sign of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM),\nand thus, it is the channel of choice for many BSM searches. LFV searches in\nmuon decays in particular benefit from the fact that muons can be easily\nproduced at high rates. There is a global effort to search for LFV at\nhigh-intensity muon sources to which the upcoming Mu3e experiment at the Paul\nScherrer Institute (PSI) will contribute. The Mu3e Collaboration aims to\nperform a background-free search for the LFV decay $\\mu^+\\to e^+e^-e^+$ with an\nunprecedented sensitivity in the order of $10^{-15}$ in the first phase of\noperation and $10^{-16}$ in the final phase - an improvement over the preceding\nSINDRUM experiment by four orders of magnitude. The high muon stopping rates\nand low momenta of the decay electrons make high demands on momentum and time\nresolution and on the data acquisition. The innovative experimental concept is\nbased on a tracking detector built from novel ultra-thin silicon pixel sensors\nand scintillating fibres and tiles as well as online event reconstruction and\nfiltering in real time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:50:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Perrevoort","Ann-Kathrin","","for the Mu3e Collaboration"]]} {"id":"2308.11404","submitter":"Margareta Wagner","authors":"Hao Chen, Matthias A. Blatnik, Christian L. Ritterhoff, Igor\n Sokolovi\\'c, Francesca Mirabella, Giada Franceschi, Michele Riva, Michael\n Schmid, Jan \\v{C}echal, Bernd Meyer, Ulrike Diebold, and Margareta Wagner","title":"Water Structures Reveal Local Hydrophobicity on the In2O3(111) Surface","comments":null,"journal-ref":"ACS Nano 16, 2022, 21163-21173","doi":"10.1021/acsnano.2c09115","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Clean oxide surfaces are generally hydrophilic. Water molecules anchor at\nundercoordinated surface metal atoms that act as Lewis-acid sites, and they are\nstabilized by H bonds to undercoordinated surface oxygens. The large unit cell\nof In2O3(111) provides surface atoms in various configurations, which leads to\nchemical heterogeneity and a local deviation from this general rule.\nExperiments (TPD, XPS, ncAFM) agree quantitatively with DFT calculations and\nshow a series of distinct phases. The first three water molecules dissociate at\none specific area of the unit cell and desorb above room temperature. The next\nthree adsorb as molecules in the adjacent region. Three more water molecules\nrearrange this structure and an additional nine pile up above the OH groups.\nDespite offering undercoordinated In and O sites, the rest of the unit cell is\nunfavorable for adsorption and remains water-free. The first water layer thus\nshows ordering into nanoscopic 3D water clusters separated by hydrophobic\npockets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:51:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Hao",""],["Blatnik","Matthias A.",""],["Ritterhoff","Christian L.",""],["Sokolovi\u0107","Igor",""],["Mirabella","Francesca",""],["Franceschi","Giada",""],["Riva","Michele",""],["Schmid","Michael",""],["\u010cechal","Jan",""],["Meyer","Bernd",""],["Diebold","Ulrike",""],["Wagner","Margareta",""]]} {"id":"2308.11405","submitter":"Shahid Shah","authors":"Shifa Showkat, Zahid Bashir Dar and Shahid Mehraj Shah","title":"Achievable Sum-rate of variants of QAM over Gaussian Multiple Access\n Channel with and without security","comments":"11 Figures, two tables. Accepted for publication in IEEE\n International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Vision (SPCV-2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The performance of next generation wireless systems (5G/6G and beyond) at the\nphysical layer is primarily driven by the choice of digital modulation\ntechniques that are bandwidth and power efficient, while maintaining high data\nrates. Achievable rates for Gaussian input and some finite constellations\n(BPSK/QPSK/QAM) are well studied in the literature. However, new variants of\nQuadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) such as Cross-QAM (XQAM), Star-QAM\n(S-QAM), Amplitude and phase shift keying (APSK), and Hexagonal Quadrature\nAmplitude Modulation (H-QAM) are not studied in the context of achievable rates\nfor meeting the demand of high data rates. In this paper, we study achievable\nrate region for different variants of M-QAM like Cross-QAM, H-QAM, Star-QAM and\nAPSK. We also compute mutual information corresponding to the sum rate of\nGaussian Multiple Access Channel (G-MAC), for hybrid constellation scheme,\ne.g., user 1 transmits using Star-QAM and user 2 by H-QAM. From the results, it\nis observed that S-QAM gives the maximum sum-rate when users transmit same\nconstellations. Also, it has been found that when hybrid constellation is used,\nthe combination of Star-QAM \\& H-QAM gives the maximum rate. In the next part\nof the paper, we consider a scenario wherein an adversary is also present at\nthe receiver side and is trying to decode the information. We model this\nscenario as Gaussian Multiple Access Wiretap Channel (G-MAW-WT). We then\ncompute the achievable secrecy sum rate of two user G-MAC-WT with discrete\ninputs from different variants of QAM (viz, X-QAM, H-QAM and S-QAM).It has been\nfound that at higher values of SNR, S-QAM gives better values of SSR than the\nother variants. For hybrid inputs of QAM, at lower values of SNR, combination\nof APSK and S-QAM gives better results and at higher values of SNR, combination\nof HQAM and APSK gives greater value of SSR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:53:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Showkat","Shifa",""],["Dar","Zahid Bashir",""],["Shah","Shahid Mehraj",""]]} {"id":"2308.11406","submitter":"Alexey Zaytsev","authors":"Alexey Zaytsev, Alex Natekin, Evgeni Vorsin, Valerii Smirnov, Georgii\n Smirnov, Oleg Sidorshin, Alexander Senin, Alexander Dudin, Dmitry Berestnev","title":"Designing an attack-defense game: how to increase robustness of\n financial transaction models via a competition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CR q-fin.ST","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Given the escalating risks of malicious attacks in the finance sector and the\nconsequential severe damage, a thorough understanding of adversarial strategies\nand robust defense mechanisms for machine learning models is critical. The\nthreat becomes even more severe with the increased adoption in banks more\naccurate, but potentially fragile neural networks. We aim to investigate the\ncurrent state and dynamics of adversarial attacks and defenses for neural\nnetwork models that use sequential financial data as the input.\n To achieve this goal, we have designed a competition that allows realistic\nand detailed investigation of problems in modern financial transaction data.\nThe participants compete directly against each other, so possible attacks and\ndefenses are examined in close-to-real-life conditions. Our main contributions\nare the analysis of the competition dynamics that answers the questions on how\nimportant it is to conceal a model from malicious users, how long does it take\nto break it, and what techniques one should use to make it more robust, and\nintroduction additional way to attack models or increase their robustness.\n Our analysis continues with a meta-study on the used approaches with their\npower, numerical experiments, and accompanied ablations studies. We show that\nthe developed attacks and defenses outperform existing alternatives from the\nliterature while being practical in terms of execution, proving the validity of\nthe competition as a tool for uncovering vulnerabilities of machine learning\nmodels and mitigating them in various domains.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:53:09 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:00:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zaytsev","Alexey",""],["Natekin","Alex",""],["Vorsin","Evgeni",""],["Smirnov","Valerii",""],["Smirnov","Georgii",""],["Sidorshin","Oleg",""],["Senin","Alexander",""],["Dudin","Alexander",""],["Berestnev","Dmitry",""]]} {"id":"2308.11407","submitter":"Pinjun Zheng","authors":"Pinjun Zheng, Xing Liu, Tarig Ballal, and Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri","title":"Attitude Determination in Urban Canyons: A Synergy between GNSS and 5G\n Observations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper considers the attitude determination problem based on the global\nnavigation satellite system (GNSS) and fifth-generation (5G) measurement fusion\nto address the shortcomings of standalone GNSS and 5G techniques in deep urban\nregions. The tight fusion of the GNSS and the 5G observations results in a\nunique hybrid integer- and orthonormality-constrained optimization problem. To\nsolve this problem, we propose an estimation method consisting of the steps of\nfloat solution computation, ambiguity resolution, and fixed solution\ncomputation. Numerical results reveal that the proposed method can effectively\nimprove the attitude determination accuracy and reliability compared to either\nthe pure GNSS solution or the pure 5G solution.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:53:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Pinjun",""],["Liu","Xing",""],["Ballal","Tarig",""],["Al-Naffouri","Tareq Y.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11408","submitter":"Giuseppe Vecchio","authors":"Giuseppe Vecchio, Renato Sortino, Simone Palazzo, Concetto Spampinato","title":"MatFuse: Controllable Material Generation with Diffusion Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Creating high quality and realistic materials in computer graphics is a\nchallenging and time-consuming task, which requires great expertise. In this\npaper, we present MatFuse, a novel unified approach that harnesses the\ngenerative power of diffusion models (DM) to simplify the creation of SVBRDF\nmaps. Our DM-based pipeline integrates multiple sources of conditioning, such\nas color palettes, sketches, and pictures, enabling fine-grained control and\nflexibility in material synthesis. This design allows for the combination of\ndiverse information sources (e.g., sketch + image embedding), enhancing\ncreative possibilities in line with the principle of compositionality. We\ndemonstrate the generative capabilities of the proposed method under various\nconditioning settings; on the SVBRDF estimation task, we show that our method\nyields performance comparable to state-of-the-art approaches, both\nqualitatively and quantitatively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:54:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Vecchio","Giuseppe",""],["Sortino","Renato",""],["Palazzo","Simone",""],["Spampinato","Concetto",""]]} {"id":"2308.11409","submitter":"Yongling Zhao","authors":"Yuhan Jiang, Yongling Zhao, Jan Carmeliet, Bingchuan Nie, Feng Xu","title":"Critical transitions on route to chaos of natural convection on a heated\n horizontal circular surface","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The transition route and bifurcations of the buoyant flow developing on a\nheated circular horizontal surface are elaborated using direct numerical\nsimulations and direct stability analysis. A series of bifurcations, as a\nfunction of Rayleigh numbers (Ra) ranging from $10^1$ to $6\\times10^7$, are\nfound on the route to the chaos of the flow at $Pr=7$. When $Ra<1.0\\times10^3$,\nthe buoyant flow above the heated horizontal surface is dominated by\nconduction, because of which distinct thermal boundary layer and plume are not\npresent. At $Ra=1.1\\times10^6$, a Hopf bifurcation occurs, resulting in the\nflow transition from a steady state to a periodic puffing state. As Ra\nincreases further, the flow enters a periodic rotating state at\n$Ra=1.9\\times10^6$, which is a unique state that was rarely discussed in the\nliterature. These critical transitions, leaving from a steady state and\nsubsequently entering a series of periodic states (puffing, rotating, flapping\nand doubling) and finally leading to chaos, are diagnosed using spectral\nanalysis and two-dimensional Fourier Transform (2DFT). Moreover, direct\nstability analysis is conducted by introducing random numerical perturbations\ninto the boundary condition of the surface heating. We find that when the state\nof a flow is in the vicinity of bifurcation points (e.g., $Ra=2.0\\times10^6$),\nthe flow is conditionally unstable to perturbations, and it can bifurcate from\nthe rotating state to the flapping state in advance. However, for relatively\nstable flow states, such as at $Ra=1.5\\times10^6$, the flow remains its\nperiodic puffing state even though it is being perturbed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:54:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jiang","Yuhan",""],["Zhao","Yongling",""],["Carmeliet","Jan",""],["Nie","Bingchuan",""],["Xu","Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11410","submitter":"Adeela Afzal","authors":"Adeela Afzal, Maria Mehmood, Mansoor Ur Rehman, Qaiser Shafi","title":"Supersymmetric hybrid inflation and metastable cosmic strings in\n $SU(4)_c \\times SU(2)_L \\times U(1)_R$","comments":"7 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We construct a realistic supersymmetric model for superheavy metastable\ncosmic strings (CSs) that can be investigated in the current pulsar timing\narray (PTA) experiments. We consider shifted $\\mu$ hybrid inflation in which\nthe symmetry breaking $SU(4)_c \\times SU(2)_L \\times U(1)_R\\rightarrow\nSU(3)_c\\times SU(2)_L \\times U(1)_{B-L}\\times U(1)_R$ proceeds along an\ninflationary trajectory such that the topologically unstable primordial\nmonopoles are inflated away. The breaking of $U(1)_{B-L} \\times U(1)_R\n\\rightarrow U(1)_Y$ after inflation ends yields the metastable CSs that\ngenerate the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) which is\nconsistent with the current PTA data set. The scalar spectral index $n_s$ and\nthe tensor to scalar ratio $r$ are also compatible with Planck 2018. We briefly\ndiscuss both reheating and leptogenesis in this model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:56:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Afzal","Adeela",""],["Mehmood","Maria",""],["Rehman","Mansoor Ur",""],["Shafi","Qaiser",""]]} {"id":"2308.11411","submitter":"Hongyin Zhu","authors":"Hongyin Zhu","title":"Extracting Relational Triples Based on Graph Recursive Neural Network\n via Dynamic Feedback Forest Algorithm","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Extracting relational triples (subject, predicate, object) from text enables\nthe transformation of unstructured text data into structured knowledge. The\nnamed entity recognition (NER) and the relation extraction (RE) are two\nfoundational subtasks in this knowledge generation pipeline. The integration of\nsubtasks poses a considerable challenge due to their disparate nature. This\npaper presents a novel approach that converts the triple extraction task into a\ngraph labeling problem, capitalizing on the structural information of\ndependency parsing and graph recursive neural networks (GRNNs). To integrate\nsubtasks, this paper proposes a dynamic feedback forest algorithm that connects\nthe representations of subtasks by inference operations during model training.\nExperimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:00:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhu","Hongyin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11412","submitter":"Federico Ripani","authors":"Matteo Becchetti, Roberto Bonciani, Leandro Cieri, Federico Coro,\n Federico Ripani","title":"Two-loop form factors for diphoton production in quark annihilation\n channel with heavy quark mass dependence","comments":"23 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"IFIC/23-32, FTUV-23-0808.6381","categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present the computation of the two-loop form factors for diphoton\nproduction in the quark annihilation channel. These quantities are relevant for\nthe NNLO QCD corrections to diphoton production at LHC recently presented in\narXiv:2308.10885. The computation is performed retaining full dependence on the\nmass of the heavy quark in the loops. The master integrals are evaluated by\nmeans of differential equations which are solved exploiting the generalised\npower series technique.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:00:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Becchetti","Matteo",""],["Bonciani","Roberto",""],["Cieri","Leandro",""],["Coro","Federico",""],["Ripani","Federico",""]]} {"id":"2308.11413","submitter":"Mikhail Borovoi","authors":"Mikhail Borovoi, Bogdan Adrian Dina, and Willem A. de Graaf","title":"Real non-degenerate two-step nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension eight","comments":"21 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR math.AG math.RA math.RT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We classify the non-degenerate two-step nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension 8\nover the field of real numbers, using known results over complex numbers. We\nwrite explicit structure constants for these real Lie algebras.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:01:23 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:18:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Borovoi","Mikhail",""],["Dina","Bogdan Adrian",""],["de Graaf","Willem A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11414","submitter":"Chen Jialin","authors":"Jialin Chen, Jiangfan Wang, Yi-feng Yang","title":"Pair density wave, unconventional superconductivity, and non-Fermi\n liquid quantum critical phase in frustrated Kondo lattice","comments":"10 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Motivated by the recent discovery of an intermediate quantum critical phase\nbetween the antiferromagnetic order and the Fermi liquid in the frustrated\nKondo lattice CePdAl, we study here a Kondo-Heisenberg chain with frustrated\n$J_1$-$J_2$ XXZ interactions among local spins using the density matrix\nrenormalization group method. Our simulations reveal a global phase diagram\nwith rich ground states including the antiferromagnetic order, the\nvalence-bond-solid and bond-order-wave orders, the pair density wave state, the\nuniform superconducting state, and the Luttinger liquid state. We show that\nboth the pair density wave and uniform superconductivity belong to the family\nof Luther-Emery liquids and may arise from pair instability of an intermediate\nquantum critical phase with medium Fermi volume in the presence of strong\nquantum fluctuations, while the Luttinger liquid has a large Fermi volume. This\nsuggests a deep connection between the pair density wave, the unconventional\nsuperconductivity, and the non-Fermi liquid quantum critical phase.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:01:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Jialin",""],["Wang","Jiangfan",""],["Yang","Yi-feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11415","submitter":"Sandra Vianna","authors":"Mateus Rattes Lima da Motta, Gabriel Bi\\'e Alves, Antonio Zelaquett\n Khoury, Sandra Sampaio Vianna","title":"Poincar\\'e sphere symmetries in four-wave mixing with orbital angular\n momentum","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We explore a degenerate four-wave mixing process induced by transversely\nstructured light beams in a rubidium vapor cell. In particular, we consider the\nnonlinear interaction driven by optical modes contained in the orbital angular\nmomentum Poincar\\'e sphere, which can be parametrized in terms of a polar and\nan azimuthal angle. In this context we investigate the transfer of spatial\nstructure to two distinct four-wave mixing signals, possessing different\npropagation directions in space. We show that under usual assumptions, the\noutput fields can also be described by modes belonging to Poincar\\'e spheres,\nand that the angles describing the input and output modes are related according\nto well-defined rules. Our experimental results show good agreement with the\ncalculations, which predict intricate field structures and a transition of the\nFWM transverse profile between the near- and far-field regions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:01:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["da Motta","Mateus Rattes Lima",""],["Alves","Gabriel Bi\u00e9",""],["Khoury","Antonio Zelaquett",""],["Vianna","Sandra Sampaio",""]]} {"id":"2308.11416","submitter":"Kirill Simonov","authors":"Robert Ganian, Liana Khazaliya, Kirill Simonov","title":"Consistency-Checking Problems: A Gateway to Parameterized Sample\n Complexity","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, Brand, Ganian and Simonov introduced a parameterized refinement of\nthe classical PAC-learning sample complexity framework. A crucial outcome of\ntheir investigation is that for a very wide range of learning problems, there\nis a direct and provable correspondence between fixed-parameter\nPAC-learnability (in the sample complexity setting) and the fixed-parameter\ntractability of a corresponding \"consistency checking\" search problem (in the\nsetting of computational complexity). The latter can be seen as generalizations\nof classical search problems where instead of receiving a single instance, one\nreceives multiple yes- and no-examples and is tasked with finding a solution\nwhich is consistent with the provided examples.\n Apart from a few initial results, consistency checking problems are almost\nentirely unexplored from a parameterized complexity perspective. In this\narticle, we provide an overview of these problems and their connection to\nparameterized sample complexity, with the primary aim of facilitating further\nresearch in this direction. Afterwards, we establish the fixed-parameter\n(in)-tractability for some of the arguably most natural consistency checking\nproblems on graphs, and show that their complexity-theoretic behavior is\nsurprisingly very different from that of classical decision problems. Our new\nresults cover consistency checking variants of problems as diverse as (k-)Path,\nMatching, 2-Coloring, Independent Set and Dominating Set, among others.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:02:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ganian","Robert",""],["Khazaliya","Liana",""],["Simonov","Kirill",""]]} {"id":"2308.11417","submitter":"Chandan Yeshwanth","authors":"Chandan Yeshwanth, Yueh-Cheng Liu, Matthias Nie{\\ss}ner, Angela Dai","title":"ScanNet++: A High-Fidelity Dataset of 3D Indoor Scenes","comments":"ICCV 2023. Video: https://youtu.be/E6P9e2r6M8I , Project page:\n https://cy94.github.io/scannetpp/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present ScanNet++, a large-scale dataset that couples together capture of\nhigh-quality and commodity-level geometry and color of indoor scenes. Each\nscene is captured with a high-end laser scanner at sub-millimeter resolution,\nalong with registered 33-megapixel images from a DSLR camera, and RGB-D streams\nfrom an iPhone. Scene reconstructions are further annotated with an open\nvocabulary of semantics, with label-ambiguous scenarios explicitly annotated\nfor comprehensive semantic understanding. ScanNet++ enables a new real-world\nbenchmark for novel view synthesis, both from high-quality RGB capture, and\nimportantly also from commodity-level images, in addition to a new benchmark\nfor 3D semantic scene understanding that comprehensively encapsulates diverse\nand ambiguous semantic labeling scenarios. Currently, ScanNet++ contains 460\nscenes, 280,000 captured DSLR images, and over 3.7M iPhone RGBD frames.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:02:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yeshwanth","Chandan",""],["Liu","Yueh-Cheng",""],["Nie\u00dfner","Matthias",""],["Dai","Angela",""]]} {"id":"2308.11418","submitter":"Jia-Rui Guo","authors":"Jia-rui Guo","title":"Relations Between Partition Functions of with Various Gauge Fields from\n Double Copy Relations in AdS/CFT Correspondence","comments":"12 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nucl-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work, we use double copy relation to obtain AdS on-shell gravity\ncoupling to tensor instead of scalar field, giving more complex structures,\nwhich leads to an relation between AdS on-shell gauge field and gauge field in\nCFT. This also provide a comparison from the strong-weak correspondence, which\ncould be applied in matter with QCD and QED fields and their thermodynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:03:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Guo","Jia-rui",""]]} {"id":"2308.11419","submitter":"Jiani Liu","authors":"Jiani Liu, Ce Zhu, Zhen Long, and Yipeng Liu","title":"Tensor Regression","comments":"187 pages, 32 figures, 10 tables","journal-ref":"Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning: Vol. 14: No. 4, pp\n 379-565 (2021)","doi":"10.1561/2200000087.","report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ML cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Regression analysis is a key area of interest in the field of data analysis\nand machine learning which is devoted to exploring the dependencies between\nvariables, often using vectors. The emergence of high dimensional data in\ntechnologies such as neuroimaging, computer vision, climatology and social\nnetworks, has brought challenges to traditional data representation methods.\nTensors, as high dimensional extensions of vectors, are considered as natural\nrepresentations of high dimensional data. In this book, the authors provide a\nsystematic study and analysis of tensor-based regression models and their\napplications in recent years. It groups and illustrates the existing\ntensor-based regression methods and covers the basics, core ideas, and\ntheoretical characteristics of most tensor-based regression methods. In\naddition, readers can learn how to use existing tensor-based regression methods\nto solve specific regression tasks with multiway data, what datasets can be\nselected, and what software packages are available to start related work as\nsoon as possible. Tensor Regression is the first thorough overview of the\nfundamentals, motivations, popular algorithms, strategies for efficient\nimplementation, related applications, available datasets, and software\nresources for tensor-based regression analysis. It is essential reading for all\nstudents, researchers and practitioners of working on high dimensional data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:04:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Jiani",""],["Zhu","Ce",""],["Long","Zhen",""],["Liu","Yipeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11420","submitter":"Yuanzhang Xiao","authors":"YuanzhangXiao and ChaithanyaBandi and Ermin Wei","title":"Supply Function Equilibrium in Networked Electricity Markets","comments":"13 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GT cs.MA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study deregulated power markets with strategic power suppliers. In\nderegulated markets, each supplier submits its supply function (i.e., the\namount of electricity it is willing to produce at various prices) to the\nindependent system operator (ISO), who based on the submitted supply functions,\ndispatches the suppliers to clear the market with minimal total generation\ncost. If all suppliers reported their true marginal cost functions as supply\nfunctions, the market outcome would be efficient (i.e., the total generation\ncost is minimized). However, when suppliers are strategic and aim to maximize\ntheir own profits, the reported supply functions are not necessarily the true\nmarginal cost functions, and the resulting market outcome may be inefficient.\nThe efficiency loss depends crucially on the topology of the underlying\ntransmission network. This paper provides an analytical upper bound of the\nefficiency loss due to strategic suppliers, and proves that the bound is tight\nunder a large class of transmission networks (i.e., weakly cyclic networks).\nOur upper bound sheds light on how the efficiency loss depends on the\ntransmission network topology (e.g., the degrees of nodes, the admittances and\nflow limits of transmission lines).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:06:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["YuanzhangXiao","",""],["ChaithanyaBandi","",""],["Wei","Ermin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11421","submitter":"Alexander Wong","authors":"Alexander Wong, Saad Abbasi, Saeejith Nair","title":"TurboViT: Generating Fast Vision Transformers via Generative\n Architecture Search","comments":"5 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Vision transformers have shown unprecedented levels of performance in\ntackling various visual perception tasks in recent years. However, the\narchitectural and computational complexity of such network architectures have\nmade them challenging to deploy in real-world applications with\nhigh-throughput, low-memory requirements. As such, there has been significant\nresearch recently on the design of efficient vision transformer architectures.\nIn this study, we explore the generation of fast vision transformer\narchitecture designs via generative architecture search (GAS) to achieve a\nstrong balance between accuracy and architectural and computational efficiency.\nThrough this generative architecture search process, we create TurboViT, a\nhighly efficient hierarchical vision transformer architecture design that is\ngenerated around mask unit attention and Q-pooling design patterns. The\nresulting TurboViT architecture design achieves significantly lower\narchitectural computational complexity (>2.47$\\times$ smaller than FasterViT-0\nwhile achieving same accuracy) and computational complexity (>3.4$\\times$ fewer\nFLOPs and 0.9% higher accuracy than MobileViT2-2.0) when compared to 10 other\nstate-of-the-art efficient vision transformer network architecture designs\nwithin a similar range of accuracy on the ImageNet-1K dataset. Furthermore,\nTurboViT demonstrated strong inference latency and throughput in both\nlow-latency and batch processing scenarios (>3.21$\\times$ lower latency and\n>3.18$\\times$ higher throughput compared to FasterViT-0 for low-latency\nscenario). These promising results demonstrate the efficacy of leveraging\ngenerative architecture search for generating efficient transformer\narchitecture designs for high-throughput scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:08:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wong","Alexander",""],["Abbasi","Saad",""],["Nair","Saeejith",""]]} {"id":"2308.11422","submitter":"Mingwei Liu","authors":"Mingwei Liu, Yanjun Yang, Yiling Lou, Xin Peng, Zhong Zhou, Xueying\n Du, Tianyong Yang","title":"Recommending Analogical APIs via Knowledge Graph Embedding","comments":"Accepted by FSE 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Library migration, which re-implements the same software behavior by using a\ndifferent library instead of using the current one, has been widely observed in\nsoftware evolution. One essential part of library migration is to find an\nanalogical API that could provide the same functionality as current ones.\nHowever, given the large number of libraries/APIs, manually finding an\nanalogical API could be very time-consuming and error-prone. Researchers have\ndeveloped multiple automated analogical API recommendation techniques.\nDocumentation-based methods have particularly attracted significant interest.\nDespite their potential, these methods have limitations, such as a lack of\ncomprehensive semantic understanding in documentation and scalability\nchallenges. In this work, we propose KGE4AR, a novel documentation-based\napproach that leverages knowledge graph (KG) embedding to recommend analogical\nAPIs during library migration. Specifically, KGE4AR proposes a novel unified\nAPI KG to comprehensively and structurally represent three types of knowledge\nin documentation, which can better capture the high-level semantics. Moreover,\nKGE4AR then proposes to embed the unified API KG into vectors, enabling more\neffective and scalable similarity calculation. We build KGE4AR' s unified API\nKG for 35,773 Java libraries and assess it in two API recommendation scenarios:\nwith and without target libraries. Our results show that KGE4AR substantially\noutperforms state-of-the-art documentation-based techniques in both evaluation\nscenarios in terms of all metrics (e.g., 47.1%-143.0% and 11.7%-80.6% MRR\nimprovements in each scenario). Additionally, we explore KGE4AR' s scalability,\nconfirming its effective scaling with the growing number of libraries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:12:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Mingwei",""],["Yang","Yanjun",""],["Lou","Yiling",""],["Peng","Xin",""],["Zhou","Zhong",""],["Du","Xueying",""],["Yang","Tianyong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11423","submitter":"Margareta Wagner","authors":"Margareta Wagner, Fabio Calcinelli, Andreas Jeindl, Michael Schmid,\n Oliver T. Hofmann, Ulrike Diebold","title":"Adsorption configurations of Co-phthalocyanine on In2O3(111)","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Surface Science 722, 2022, 122065","doi":"10.1016/j.susc.2022.122065","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Indium oxide offers optical transparency paired with electric conductivity, a\ncombination required in many optoelectronic applications. The most-stable\nIn2O3(111) surface has a large unit cell (1.43 nm lattice constant). It\ncontains a mixture of both bulk-like and undercoordinated O and In atoms and\nprovides an ideal playground to explore the interaction of surfaces with\norganic molecules of similar size as the unit cell. Non-contact atomic force\nmicroscopy (nc-AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and density\nfunctional theory (DFT) were used to study the adsorption of Co-phthalocyanine\n(CoPc) on In2O3(111). Isolated CoPc molecules adsorb at two adsorption sites in\na 7:3 ratio. The Co atom sits either on top of a surface oxygen ('F\nconfiguration') or indium atom ('S configuration'). This subtle change in\nadsorption site induces bending of the molecules, which is reflected in their\nelectronic structure. According to DFT the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital\nof the undistorted gas-phase CoPc remains mostly unaffected in the F\nconfiguration but is filled by one electron in S configuration. At coverages up\nto one CoPc molecule per substrate unit cell, a mixture of domains with\nmolecules in F and S configuration are found. Molecules at F sites first\ncondense into a F-(2x2) structure and finally rearrange into a F-(1x1) symmetry\nwith partially overlapping molecules, while S-sited molecules only assume a\nS-(1x1) superstructure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:12:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wagner","Margareta",""],["Calcinelli","Fabio",""],["Jeindl","Andreas",""],["Schmid","Michael",""],["Hofmann","Oliver T.",""],["Diebold","Ulrike",""]]} {"id":"2308.11424","submitter":"Makayla Lewis","authors":"Makayla Lewis","title":"AIxArtist: A First-Person Tale of Interacting with Artificial\n Intelligence to Escape Creative Block","comments":"1st International Workshop on Explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts),\n ACM Creativity and Cognition (C&C) 2023. Online, 6 pages.\n https://xaixarts.github.io","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The future of the arts and artificial intelligence (AI) is promising as\ntechnology advances. As the use of AI in design becomes more widespread, art\npractice may not be a human-only art form and could instead become a digitally\nintegrated experience. With enhanced creativity and collaboration, arts and AI\ncould work together towards creating artistic outputs that are visually\nappealing and meet the needs of the artist and viewer. While it is uncertain\nhow far the integration will go, arts and AI will likely influence one another.\nThis workshop pictorial puts forward first-person research that shares\ninteractions between an HCI researcher and AI as they try to escape the\ncreative block. The pictorial paper explores two questions: How can AI support\nartists' creativity, and what does it mean to be explainable in this context?\nHIs, ChatGPT and Midjourney were engaged; the result was a series of\nreflections that require further discussion and explorations in the XAIxArts\ncommunity: Transparency of attribution, the creation process, ethics of asking,\nand inspiration vs copying.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:15:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lewis","Makayla",""]]} {"id":"2308.11425","submitter":"Lei Zhang","authors":"Chen Wan and Lei Zhang","title":"A Conjecture for Multiplicities of Strongly Tempered Spherical Varieties","comments":"17 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RT math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we form a conjecture about the multiplicities of all the\nstrongly tempered spherical varieties without Type N root for tempered\nrepresentations. This generalizes the epsilon dichotomy conjectures of\nGan-Gross-Prasad and Wan-Zhang.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:17:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wan","Chen",""],["Zhang","Lei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11426","submitter":"Georg Madsen","authors":"N. Unglert, J. Carrete, L. B. P\\'artay, G. K. H. Madsen","title":"Neural-Network Force Field Backed Nested Sampling: Study of the Silicon\n p-T Phase Diagram","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Nested sampling is a promising method for calculating phase diagrams of\nmaterials, however, the computational cost limits its applicability if\nab-initio accuracy is required. In the present work, we report on the efficient\nuse of a neural-network force field in conjunction with the nested-sampling\nalgorithm. We train our force fields on a recently reported database of silicon\nstructures and demonstrate our approach on the low-pressure region of the\nsilicon pressure-temperature phase diagram between 0 and \\SI{16}{GPa}. The\nsimulated phase diagram shows a good agreement with experimental results,\nclosely reproducing the melting line. Furthermore, all of the experimentally\nstable structures within the investigated pressure range are also observed in\nour simulations. We point out the importance of the choice of\nexchange-correlation functional for the training data and show how the meta-GGA\nr2SCAN plays a pivotal role in achieving accurate thermodynamic behaviour using\nnested-sampling. We furthermore perform a detailed analysis of the exploration\nof the potential energy surface and highlight the critical role of a diverse\ntraining data set.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:17:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Unglert","N.",""],["Carrete","J.",""],["P\u00e1rtay","L. B.",""],["Madsen","G. K. H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11427","submitter":"Tatiana Gateva-Ivanova","authors":"Tatiana Gateva-Ivanova and Shahn Majid","title":"Quadratic algebras associated to permutation idempotent solutions of the\n YBE","comments":"35 pages 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.QA math-ph math.MP math.RA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the quadratic algebras $A(K,X,r)$ associated to a class of strictly\nbraided but idempotent set-theoretic solutions $(X,r)$ of the Yang-Baxter or\nbraid relations. In the invertible case, these algebras would be analogues of\nbraided-symmetric algebras or `quantum affine spaces' but due to $r$ being\nidempotent they have very different properties. We show that all algebras\n$A(K,X,r)$ for $r$ of a certain permutation idempotent type are isomorphic for\na given $n=|X|$, leading to canonical algebras $A(K,n)$. We study the\nproperties of these both via Veronese subalgebras and Segre products and in\nterms of noncommutative differential geometry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:17:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gateva-Ivanova","Tatiana",""],["Majid","Shahn",""]]} {"id":"2308.11428","submitter":"Nishtha Srivastava","authors":"Wei Li, Megha Chakraborty, Claudia Quinteros Cartaya, Jonas koehler,\n Johannes Faber, Georg Ruempker, Nishtha Srivastava","title":"SAIPy: A Python Package for single station Earthquake Monitoring using\n Deep Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.geo-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Seismology has witnessed significant advancements in recent years with the\napplication of deep learning methods to address a broad range of problems.\nThese techniques have demonstrated their remarkable ability to effectively\nextract statistical properties from extensive datasets, surpassing the\ncapabilities of traditional approaches to an extent. In this study, we present\nSAIPy, an open source Python package specifically developed for fast data\nprocessing by implementing deep learning. SAIPy offers solutions for multiple\nseismological tasks, including earthquake detection, magnitude estimation,\nseismic phase picking, and polarity identification. We introduce upgraded\nversions of previously published models such as CREIMERT capable of identifying\nearthquakes with an accuracy above 99.8 percent and a root mean squared error\nof 0.38 unit in magnitude estimation. These upgraded models outperform state of\nthe art approaches like the Vision Transformer network. SAIPy provides an API\nthat simplifies the integration of these advanced models, including CREIMERT,\nDynaPickerv2, and PolarCAP, along with benchmark datasets. The package has the\npotential to be used for real time earthquake monitoring to enable timely\nactions to mitigate the impact of seismic events. Ongoing development efforts\naim to enhance the performance of SAIPy and incorporate additional features\nthat enhance exploration efforts, and it also would be interesting to approach\nthe retraining of the whole package as a multi-task learning problem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:21:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Li","Wei",""],["Chakraborty","Megha",""],["Cartaya","Claudia Quinteros",""],["koehler","Jonas",""],["Faber","Johannes",""],["Ruempker","Georg",""],["Srivastava","Nishtha",""]]} {"id":"2308.11429","submitter":"Fatemeh Davoodi","authors":"Fatemeh Davoodi, Nahid Talebi","title":"Topological Plasmonic Ring Resonator","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Topological plasmonic provides a new insight for the manipulation of light.\nAnalogous to exotic nature of topological edge states in topological photonics,\ntopological plasmonic combines concepts from topology and plasmonics. By\nutilizing topological protection, plasmons can be made to propagate without\nsignificant scattering or decay, even in the presence of defects or disorder.\nHerein, we present a study on the design, characterization, and manipulation of\ntopological plasmonic chains of discs based on the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model\nmade into a ring resonator. The investigation focuses on exploring the unique\nproperties of these resonators and their potential to support topologically\nprotected edge modes, within the continuum of rotationally symmetric optical\nmodes of a ring. To observe the topological edge modes in rotationally\nsymmetric chains, we employ a symmetry-breaking excitation technique based on\nelectron beams. It analyzes the influence of parameters such as dimerization\nand loop numbers on the presence of topological modes. Additionally, we explore\nthe manipulation of electron impact positions to control the direction of\npropagation and selectively excite specific bulk or edge modes. The findings\ncontribute to a deeper understanding of topological effects by numerically\ninvestigating their design principles and exploring techniques to manipulate\ntopological edge modes. The insights gained from this study have implications\nfor the development of nanoscale plasmonic systems with customized\nfunctionalities, potentially impacting areas such as nanophotonics and quantum\ninformation processing.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:24:23 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 09:22:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Davoodi","Fatemeh",""],["Talebi","Nahid",""]]} {"id":"2308.11430","submitter":"Sierra Grant","authors":"Sierra L. Grant, Lucas M. Stapper, Michiel R. Hogerheijde, Ewine F.\n van Dishoeck, Sean Brittain, and Miguel Vioque","title":"The $\\dot{M}$--$M_{\\rm{disk}}$ relationship for Herbig Ae/Be stars: a\n lifetime problem for disks with low masses?","comments":"16 pages, 3 figures, accepted to AJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The accretion of material from protoplanetary disks onto their central stars\nis a fundamental process in the evolution of these systems and a key diagnostic\nin constraining the disk lifetime. We analyze the relationship between the\nstellar accretion rate and the disk mass in 32 intermediate-mass Herbig Ae/Be\nsystems and compare them to their lower-mass counterparts, T Tauri stars. We\nfind that the $\\dot{M}$--$M_{\\rm{disk}}$ relationship for Herbig Ae/Be stars is\nlargely flat at $\\sim$10$^{-7}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ across over three orders\nof magnitude in dust mass. While most of the sample follows the T Tauri trend,\na subset of objects with high accretion rates and low dust masses are\nidentified. These outliers (12 out of 32 sources) have an inferred disk\nlifetime of less than 0.01 Myr and are dominated by objects with low infrared\nexcess. This outlier sample is likely identified in part by the bias in\nclassifying Herbig Ae/Be stars, which requires evidence of accretion that can\nonly be reliably measured above a rate of $\\sim$10$^{-9}$ M$_{\\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$\nfor these spectral types. If the disk masses are not underestimated and the\naccretion rates are not overestimated, this implies that these disks may be on\nthe verge of dispersal, which may be due to efficient radial drift of material\nor outer disk depletion by photoevaporation and/or truncation by companions.\nThis outlier sample likely represents a small subset of the larger young,\nintermediate-mass stellar population, the majority of which would have already\nstopped accreting and cleared their disks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:24:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Grant","Sierra L.",""],["Stapper","Lucas M.",""],["Hogerheijde","Michiel R.",""],["van Dishoeck","Ewine F.",""],["Brittain","Sean",""],["Vioque","Miguel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11431","submitter":"John Hoang","authors":"J. Hoang, D. A. Williams","title":"Generating airshower images for the VERITAS telescopes with conditional\n Generative Adversarial Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System) is the\ncurrent-generation array comprising four 12-meter optical ground-based Imaging\nAtmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). Its primary goal is to indirectly\nobserve gamma-ray emissions from the most violent astrophysical sources in the\nuniverse. Recent advancements in Machine Learning (ML) have sparked interest in\nutilizing neural networks (NNs) to directly infer properties from IACT images.\nHowever, the current training data for these NNs is generated through\ncomputationally expensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulation methods. This study\npresents a simulation method that employs conditional Generative Adversarial\nNetworks (cGANs) to synthesize additional VERITAS data to facilitate training\nfuture NNs. In this test-of-concept study, we condition the GANs on five\nclasses of simulated camera images consisting of circular muon showers and\ngamma-ray shower images in the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants of\nthe camera. Our results demonstrate that by casting training data as time\nseries, cGANs can 1) replicate shower morphologies based on the input class\nvectors and 2) generalize additional signals through interpolation in both the\nclass and latent spaces. Leveraging GPUs strength, our method can synthesize\nnovel signals at an impressive speed, generating over $10^6$ shower events in\nless than a minute.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:29:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hoang","J.",""],["Williams","D. A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11432","submitter":"Xu Chen","authors":"Lei Wang and Chen Ma and Xueyang Feng and Zeyu Zhang and Hao Yang and\n Jingsen Zhang and Zhiyuan Chen and Jiakai Tang and Xu Chen and Yankai Lin and\n Wayne Xin Zhao and Zhewei Wei and Ji-Rong Wen","title":"A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents","comments":"32 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Autonomous agents have long been a prominent research topic in the academic\ncommunity. Previous research in this field often focuses on training agents\nwith limited knowledge within isolated environments, which diverges\nsignificantly from the human learning processes, and thus makes the agents hard\nto achieve human-like decisions. Recently, through the acquisition of vast\namounts of web knowledge, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated\nremarkable potential in achieving human-level intelligence. This has sparked an\nupsurge in studies investigating autonomous agents based on LLMs. To harness\nthe full potential of LLMs, researchers have devised diverse agent\narchitectures tailored to different applications. In this paper, we present a\ncomprehensive survey of these studies, delivering a systematic review of the\nfield of autonomous agents from a holistic perspective. More specifically, our\nfocus lies in the construction of LLM-based agents, for which we propose a\nunified framework that encompasses a majority of the previous work.\nAdditionally, we provide a summary of the various applications of LLM-based AI\nagents in the domains of social science, natural science, and engineering.\nLastly, we discuss the commonly employed evaluation strategies for LLM-based AI\nagents. Based on the previous studies, we also present several challenges and\nfuture directions in this field. To keep track of this field and continuously\nupdate our survey, we maintain a repository for the related references at\nhttps://github.com/Paitesanshi/LLM-Agent-Survey.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:30:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Lei",""],["Ma","Chen",""],["Feng","Xueyang",""],["Zhang","Zeyu",""],["Yang","Hao",""],["Zhang","Jingsen",""],["Chen","Zhiyuan",""],["Tang","Jiakai",""],["Chen","Xu",""],["Lin","Yankai",""],["Zhao","Wayne Xin",""],["Wei","Zhewei",""],["Wen","Ji-Rong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11433","submitter":"Dorian Martino","authors":"Dorian Martino","title":"A duality theorem for a four dimensional Willmore energy","comments":"49 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We prove an analog of Bryant's duality theorem for a four dimensional\nWillmore energy $\\mathcal{E}_{GR}$ obtained by Graham-Reichert and Zhang. We\nshow that for an immersion $\\Phi$ from a four dimensional compact manifold\nwithout boundary $\\Sigma$ into $\\mathbb{R}^5$, the energy\n$\\mathcal{E}_{GR}(\\Phi)$ is equal to two energies on its conformal Gauss map\n$Y$. One defined only in terms of the image of $Y$, which is the analog of the\narea functional for Willmore surfaces, and an other one defined on maps from\n$\\Sigma$ into the De Sitter space $\\mathbb{S}^{5,1}$, which is the analog of\nthe Dirichlet energy for Willmore surfaces. We prove that even when restricted\nto immersions of a given topological manifold $\\Sigma^4$, $\\mathcal{E}_{GR}$ is\nnever bounded from below on the set of immersions from $\\Sigma$ into\n$\\mathbb{R}^5$. We exhibit a second conformally invariant energy\n$\\mathcal{E}_P$ which is bounded from below and whose construction is closer to\nthe two dimensional Willmore energy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:31:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Martino","Dorian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11434","submitter":"Zeinab Akhlaghi","authors":"Asamin Khaefi, Zeinab Akhlaghi and Behrooz Khosravi","title":"On the subgroup regular set in Cayley graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" A subset $C$ of the vertex set of a graph $\\Gamma$ is said to be\n$(a,b)$-regular if $C$ induces an $a$-regular subgraph and every vertex outside\n$C$ is adjacent to exactly $b$ vertices in $C$. In particular, if $C$ is an\n$(a,b)$-regular set of some Cayley graph on a finite group $G$, then $C$ is\ncalled an $(a,b)$-regular set of $G$ and a $(0,1)$-regular set is called a\nperfect code of $G$. In [Wang, Xia and Zhou, Regular sets in Cayley graphs, J.\nAlgebr. Comb., 2022] it is proved that if $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, then\n$H$ is a perfect code of $G$ if and only if it is an $(a,b)$-regular set of\n$G$, for each $0\\leq a\\leq|H|-1$ and $0\\leq b\\leq|H|$ with $\\gcd(2,|H|-1)\\mid\na$. In this paper, we generalize this result and show that a subgroup $H$ of\n$G$ is a perfect code of $G$ if and only if it is an $(a,b)$-regular set of\n$G$, for each $0\\leq a\\leq|H|-1$ and $0\\leq b\\leq|H|$ such that $\\gcd(2,|H|-1)$\ndivides $a$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:35:33 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 20:50:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Khaefi","Asamin",""],["Akhlaghi","Zeinab",""],["Khosravi","Behrooz",""]]} {"id":"2308.11435","submitter":"Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankowski","authors":"Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankowski and Alain Bensoussan","title":"Reproducing kernel approach to linear quadratic mean field control\n problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Mean-field control problems have received continuous interest over the last\ndecade. Despite being more intricate than in classical optimal control, the\nlinear-quadratic setting can still be tackled through Riccati equations.\nRemarkably, we demonstrate that another significant attribute extends to the\nmean-field case: the existence of an intrinsic reproducing kernel Hilbert space\nassociated with the problem. Our findings reveal that this Hilbert space not\nonly encompasses deterministic controlled push-forward mappings but can also\nrepresent of stochastic dynamics. Specifically, incorporating Brownian noise\naffects the deterministic kernel through a conditional expectation, to make the\ntrajectories adapted. Introducing reproducing kernels allows us to rewrite the\nmean-field control problem as optimizing over a Hilbert space of trajectories\nrather than controls. This framework even accommodates nonlinear terminal\ncosts, without resorting to adjoint processes or Pontryagin's maximum\nprinciple, further highlighting the versatility of the proposed methodology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:36:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Aubin-Frankowski","Pierre-Cyril",""],["Bensoussan","Alain",""]]} {"id":"2308.11436","submitter":"Israel Martinez-Castellanos","authors":"Israel Martinez-Castellanos, Savitri Gallego, Chien-You Huang, Chris\n Karwin, Carolyn Kierans, Jan Peter Lommler, Saurabh Mittal, Michela Negro,\n Eliza Neights, Sean N. Pike, Yong Sheng, Thomas Siegert, Hiroki Yoneda,\n Andreas Zoglauer, John A. Tomsick, Steven E. Boggs, Dieter Hartmann, Marco\n Ajello, Eric Burns, Chris Fryer, Alexander Lowell, Julien Malzac, Jarred\n Roberts, Pascal Saint-Hilaire, Albert Shih, Clio Sleator, Tadayuki Takahashi,\n Fabrizio Tavecchio, Eric Wulf, Jacqueline Beechert, Hannah Gulick, Alyson\n Joens, Hadar Lazar, Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros, Shigeki Matsumoto, Tom\n Melia, Mark Amman, Dhruv Bal, Peter von Ballmoos, Hugh Bates, Markus\n B\\\"ottcher, Andrea Bulgarelli, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Hsiang-Kuang Chang,\n Claire Chen, Che-Yen Chu, Alex Ciabattoni, Luigi Costamante, Lente Dreyer,\n Valentina Fioretti, Francesco Fenu, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Eric Grove, Pierre\n Jean, Nikita Khatiya, J\\\"urgen Kn\\\"odlseder, Martin Krause, Mark Leising,\n Tiffany R. Lewis, Lea Marcotulli, Samer Al Nussirat, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Uwe\n Oberlack, David Palmore, Gabriele Panebianco, Nicolo Parmiggiani, Tyler\n Parsotan, Field Rogers, Hester Schutte, Alan P. Smale, Jacob Smith, Aaron\n Trigg, Tonia Venters, Yu Watanabe, Haocheng Zhang","title":"The cosipy library: COSI's high-level analysis software","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Martinez, Israel. The cosipy library: COSI's high-level analysis\n software. PoS ICRC2023 (2023) 444-858","doi":"10.22323/1.444.0858","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a selected Small Explorer\n(SMEX) mission launching in 2027. It consists of a large field-of-view Compton\ntelescope that will probe with increased sensitivity the under-explored MeV\ngamma-ray sky (0.2-5 MeV). We will present the current status of cosipy, a\nPython library that will perform spectral and polarization fits, image\ndeconvolution, and all high-level analysis tasks required by COSI's broad\nscience goals: uncovering the origin of the Galactic positrons, mapping the\nsites of Galactic nucleosynthesis, improving our models of the jet and emission\nmechanism of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and\ndetecting and localizing gravitational wave and neutrino sources. The cosipy\nlibrary builds on the experience gained during the COSI balloon campaigns and\nwill bring the analysis of data in the Compton regime to a modern open-source\nlikelihood-based code, capable of performing coherent joint fits with other\ninstruments using the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML). In this\ncontribution, we will also discuss our plans to receive feedback from the\ncommunity by having yearly software releases accompanied by publicly-available\ndata challenges.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:38:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Martinez-Castellanos","Israel",""],["Gallego","Savitri",""],["Huang","Chien-You",""],["Karwin","Chris",""],["Kierans","Carolyn",""],["Lommler","Jan Peter",""],["Mittal","Saurabh",""],["Negro","Michela",""],["Neights","Eliza",""],["Pike","Sean N.",""],["Sheng","Yong",""],["Siegert","Thomas",""],["Yoneda","Hiroki",""],["Zoglauer","Andreas",""],["Tomsick","John A.",""],["Boggs","Steven E.",""],["Hartmann","Dieter",""],["Ajello","Marco",""],["Burns","Eric",""],["Fryer","Chris",""],["Lowell","Alexander",""],["Malzac","Julien",""],["Roberts","Jarred",""],["Saint-Hilaire","Pascal",""],["Shih","Albert",""],["Sleator","Clio",""],["Takahashi","Tadayuki",""],["Tavecchio","Fabrizio",""],["Wulf","Eric",""],["Beechert","Jacqueline",""],["Gulick","Hannah",""],["Joens","Alyson",""],["Lazar","Hadar",""],["Oliveros","Juan Carlos Martinez",""],["Matsumoto","Shigeki",""],["Melia","Tom",""],["Amman","Mark",""],["Bal","Dhruv",""],["von Ballmoos","Peter",""],["Bates","Hugh",""],["B\u00f6ttcher","Markus",""],["Bulgarelli","Andrea",""],["Cavazzuti","Elisabetta",""],["Chang","Hsiang-Kuang",""],["Chen","Claire",""],["Chu","Che-Yen",""],["Ciabattoni","Alex",""],["Costamante","Luigi",""],["Dreyer","Lente",""],["Fioretti","Valentina",""],["Fenu","Francesco",""],["Ghirlanda","Giancarlo",""],["Grove","Eric",""],["Jean","Pierre",""],["Khatiya","Nikita",""],["Kn\u00f6dlseder","J\u00fcrgen",""],["Krause","Martin",""],["Leising","Mark",""],["Lewis","Tiffany R.",""],["Marcotulli","Lea",""],["Nussirat","Samer Al",""],["Nakazawa","Kazuhiro",""],["Oberlack","Uwe",""],["Palmore","David",""],["Panebianco","Gabriele",""],["Parmiggiani","Nicolo",""],["Parsotan","Tyler",""],["Rogers","Field",""],["Schutte","Hester",""],["Smale","Alan P.",""],["Smith","Jacob",""],["Trigg","Aaron",""],["Venters","Tonia",""],["Watanabe","Yu",""],["Zhang","Haocheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11437","submitter":"Margareta Wagner","authors":"Margareta Wagner, Bernd Meyer, Martin Setvin, Michael Schmid, Ulrike\n Diebold","title":"Direct assessment of the proton affinity of individual surface hydroxyls\n with non-contact atomic force microscopy","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Nature 592, 2021, 722-725","doi":"10.1038/s41586-021-03432-3","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The state of protonation/deprotonation of surfaces has far-ranging\nimplications in all areas of chemistry: from acid-base catalysis$^1$ and the\nelectro- and photocatalytic splitting of water$^2$, to the behavior of\nminerals$^3$ and biochemistry$^4$. The acidity of a molecule or a surface site\nis described by its proton affinity (PA) and pK$_\\mathrm{a}$ value (the\nnegative logarithm of the equilibrium constant of the proton transfer reaction\nin solution). For solids, in contrast to molecules, the acidity of individual\nsites is difficult to assess. For mineral surfaces such as oxides they are\nestimated by semi-empirical concepts such as bond-order valence sums$^5$, and\nalso increasingly modeled with first-principles molecular dynamics\nsimulations$^{6,7}$. Currently such predictions cannot be tested - the\nexperimental measures used for comparison are typically average quantities\nintegrated over the whole surface or, in some cases, individual crystal\nfacets$^8$, such as the point of zero charge (pzc)$^9$. Here we assess\nindividual hydroxyls on In$_2$O$_3$(111), a model oxide with four different\ntypes of surface oxygen atoms, and probe the strength of their hydrogen bond\nwith the tip of a non-contact atomic force microscope (AFM). The force curves\nare in quantitative agreement with density-functional theory (DFT)\ncalculations. By relating the results to known proton affinities and\npK$_\\mathrm{a}$ values of gas-phase molecules, we provide a direct measure of\nproton affinity distributions at the atomic scale.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:39:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wagner","Margareta",""],["Meyer","Bernd",""],["Setvin","Martin",""],["Schmid","Michael",""],["Diebold","Ulrike",""]]} {"id":"2308.11438","submitter":"Masafumi Niwano","authors":"Masafumi Niwano, Katsuhiro L. Murata, Naohiro Ito, Yoichi Yatsu,\n Nobuyuki Kawai","title":"Optical and X-ray variations during 5 outbursts of Aql X-1 in 3.6 years\n from 2016","comments":"9 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We analyzed optical/X-ray quasi-simultaneous light curves of Aql X-1,\nobtained by MAXI (Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image), ZTF (Zwicky Transient\nFacility) and LCO (Las Cumbres Observatory) in about 3.6 years from 2016, for\nunderstanding electromagnetic radiation mechanisms during its outbursts. As a\nresult, we confirmed that 5 outbursts had detected in the epoch, and that 3\noutbursts underwent the X-ray state transition across Low-Hard, In-Transition,\nand High-Soft state while remaining 2 outbursts stayed in the Low-Hard state.\nWe found that the optical spectral energy distribution in the High-Soft state\nis consistent with a simplified irradiated disk model, and that the optical\ncolor/magnitude variation can be explained by variations in the X-ray\nluminosity and the disk geometrical thickness.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:41:33 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 01:23:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Niwano","Masafumi",""],["Murata","Katsuhiro L.",""],["Ito","Naohiro",""],["Yatsu","Yoichi",""],["Kawai","Nobuyuki",""]]} {"id":"2308.11439","submitter":"Rinku Maji","authors":"Rinku Maji, Wan-Il Park","title":"Supersymmetric $U(1)_{B-L}$ flat direction and NANOGrav 15 year data","comments":"8 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that, when connected with monopoles, the \\textit{flat} $D$-flat\ndirection breaking the local $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry as an extension of the\nminimal supersymmetric standard model can be responsible for the signal of a\nstochastic gravitational wave background recently reported by NANOGrav\ncollaborations, while naturally satisfying constraints at high frequency band.\nThanks to the flatness of the direction, a phase of thermal inflation arises\nnaturally. The reheating temperature is quite low, and suppresses signals at\nfrequencies higher than the characteristic frequency set by the reheating\ntemperature. Notably, forthcoming spaced-based experiments such as LISA can\nprobe the cutoff frequency, providing an indirect clue of the scale of soft\nSUSY-breaking mass parameter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:41:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Maji","Rinku",""],["Park","Wan-Il",""]]} {"id":"2308.11440","submitter":"Soubarna Banik","authors":"Soubarna Banik, Edvard Avagyan, Alejandro Mendoza Gracia, Alois Knoll","title":"PoseGraphNet++: Enriching 3D Human Pose with Orientation Estimation","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Existing kinematic skeleton-based 3D human pose estimation methods only\npredict joint positions. Although this is sufficient to compute the yaw and\npitch of the bone rotations, the roll around the axis of the bones remains\nunresolved by these methods. In this paper, we propose a novel 2D-to-3D lifting\nGraph Convolution Network named PoseGraphNet++ to predict the complete human\npose including the joint positions and the bone orientations. We employ node\nand edge convolutions to utilize the joint and bone features. Our model is\nevaluated on multiple benchmark datasets, and its performance is either on par\nwith or better than the state-of-the-art in terms of both position and rotation\nmetrics. Through extensive ablation studies, we show that PoseGraphNet++\nbenefits from exploiting the mutual relationship between the joints and the\nbones.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:42:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Banik","Soubarna",""],["Avagyan","Edvard",""],["Gracia","Alejandro Mendoza",""],["Knoll","Alois",""]]} {"id":"2308.11441","submitter":"Junsheng Zhou","authors":"Junsheng Zhou, Baorui Ma, Shujuan Li, Yu-Shen Liu, Zhizhong Han","title":"Learning a More Continuous Zero Level Set in Unsigned Distance Fields\n through Level Set Projection","comments":"To appear at ICCV2023. Code is available at\n https://github.com/junshengzhou/LevelSetUDF","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Latest methods represent shapes with open surfaces using unsigned distance\nfunctions (UDFs). They train neural networks to learn UDFs and reconstruct\nsurfaces with the gradients around the zero level set of the UDF. However, the\ndifferential networks struggle from learning the zero level set where the UDF\nis not differentiable, which leads to large errors on unsigned distances and\ngradients around the zero level set, resulting in highly fragmented and\ndiscontinuous surfaces. To resolve this problem, we propose to learn a more\ncontinuous zero level set in UDFs with level set projections. Our insight is to\nguide the learning of zero level set using the rest non-zero level sets via a\nprojection procedure. Our idea is inspired from the observations that the\nnon-zero level sets are much smoother and more continuous than the zero level\nset. We pull the non-zero level sets onto the zero level set with gradient\nconstraints which align gradients over different level sets and correct\nunsigned distance errors on the zero level set, leading to a smoother and more\ncontinuous unsigned distance field. We conduct comprehensive experiments in\nsurface reconstruction for point clouds, real scans or depth maps, and further\nexplore the performance in unsupervised point cloud upsampling and unsupervised\npoint normal estimation with the learned UDF, which demonstrate our non-trivial\nimprovements over the state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at\nhttps://github.com/junshengzhou/LevelSetUDF .\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:45:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Junsheng",""],["Ma","Baorui",""],["Li","Shujuan",""],["Liu","Yu-Shen",""],["Han","Zhizhong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11442","submitter":"Nitish Shukla","authors":"Nitish Shukla","title":"SDeMorph: Towards Better Facial De-morphing from Single Morph","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Face Recognition Systems (FRS) are vulnerable to morph attacks. A face morph\nis created by combining multiple identities with the intention to fool FRS and\nmaking it match the morph with multiple identities. Current Morph Attack\nDetection (MAD) can detect the morph but are unable to recover the identities\nused to create the morph with satisfactory outcomes. Existing work in\nde-morphing is mostly reference-based, i.e. they require the availability of\none identity to recover the other. Sudipta et al. \\cite{ref9} proposed a\nreference-free de-morphing technique but the visual realism of outputs produced\nwere feeble. In this work, we propose SDeMorph (Stably Diffused De-morpher), a\nnovel de-morphing method that is reference-free and recovers the identities of\nbona fides. Our method produces feature-rich outputs that are of significantly\nhigh quality in terms of definition and facial fidelity. Our method utilizes\nDenoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) by destroying the input morphed\nsignal and then reconstructing it back using a branched-UNet. Experiments on\nASML, FRLL-FaceMorph, FRLL-MorDIFF, and SMDD datasets support the effectiveness\nof the proposed method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:46:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shukla","Nitish",""]]} {"id":"2308.11443","submitter":"Xiaojun Jia","authors":"Xiaojun Jia, Yuefeng Chen, Xiaofeng Mao, Ranjie Duan, Jindong Gu, Rong\n Zhang, Hui Xue and Xiaochun Cao","title":"Revisiting and Exploring Efficient Fast Adversarial Training via LAW:\n Lipschitz Regularization and Auto Weight Averaging","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Fast Adversarial Training (FAT) not only improves the model robustness but\nalso reduces the training cost of standard adversarial training. However, fast\nadversarial training often suffers from Catastrophic Overfitting (CO), which\nresults in poor robustness performance. Catastrophic Overfitting describes the\nphenomenon of a sudden and significant decrease in robust accuracy during the\ntraining of fast adversarial training. Many effective techniques have been\ndeveloped to prevent Catastrophic Overfitting and improve the model robustness\nfrom different perspectives. However, these techniques adopt inconsistent\ntraining settings and require different training costs, i.e, training time and\nmemory costs, leading to unfair comparisons. In this paper, we conduct a\ncomprehensive study of over 10 fast adversarial training methods in terms of\nadversarial robustness and training costs. We revisit the effectiveness and\nefficiency of fast adversarial training techniques in preventing Catastrophic\nOverfitting from the perspective of model local nonlinearity and propose an\neffective Lipschitz regularization method for fast adversarial training.\nFurthermore, we explore the effect of data augmentation and weight averaging in\nfast adversarial training and propose a simple yet effective auto weight\naveraging method to improve robustness further. By assembling these techniques,\nwe propose a FGSM-based fast adversarial training method equipped with\nLipschitz regularization and Auto Weight averaging, abbreviated as FGSM-LAW.\nExperimental evaluations on four benchmark databases demonstrate the\nsuperiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art fast adversarial\ntraining methods and the advanced standard adversarial training methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:50:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jia","Xiaojun",""],["Chen","Yuefeng",""],["Mao","Xiaofeng",""],["Duan","Ranjie",""],["Gu","Jindong",""],["Zhang","Rong",""],["Xue","Hui",""],["Cao","Xiaochun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11444","submitter":"Jaehyun Kim","authors":"Seungwon Choi, Wonseok Kang, Jiseong Chung, Jaehyun Kim, Tae-wan Kim","title":"Adaptive Graduated Non-Convexity for Pose Graph Optimization","comments":"4 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a novel approach to robust pose graph optimization based on\nGraduated Non-Convexity (GNC). Unlike traditional GNC-based methods, the\nproposed approach employs an adaptive shape function using B-spline to optimize\nthe shape of the robust kernel. This aims to reduce GNC iterations, boosting\ncomputational speed without compromising accuracy. When integrated with the\nopen-source riSAM algorithm, the method demonstrates enhanced efficiency across\ndiverse datasets. Accompanying open-source code aims to encourage further\nresearch in this area. https://github.com/SNU-DLLAB/AGNC-PGO\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:51:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Choi","Seungwon",""],["Kang","Wonseok",""],["Chung","Jiseong",""],["Kim","Jaehyun",""],["Kim","Tae-wan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11445","submitter":"Vinicius Casteluber Laass","authors":"Daciberg Lima Gon\\c{c}alves, Vinicius Casteluber Laass, Weslem\n Liberato Silva","title":"The Borsuk-Ulam property for homotopy classes on bundles, parametrized\n braids groups and applications for surfaces bundles","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $M$ and $N$ be fiber bundles over the same base $B$, where $M$ is endowed\nwith a free involution $\\tau$ over $B$. A homotopy class $\\delta \\in [M,N]_{B}$\n(over $B$) is said to have the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to $\\tau$ if\nfor every fiber-preserving map $f\\colon M \\to N$ over $B$ which represents\n$\\delta$ there exists a point $x \\in M$ such that $f(\\tau(x)) = f(x)$. In the\ncases that $B$ is a $K(\\pi ,1)$-space and the fibers of the projections $M \\to\nB$ and $N \\to B$ are $K(\\pi,1)$ closed surfaces $S_M$ and $S_N$, respectively,\nwe show that the problem of decide if a homotopy class of a fiber-preserving\nmap $f\\colon M \\to N$ over $B$ has the Borsuk-Ulam property is equivalent of an\nalgebraic problem involving the fundamental groups of $M$, the orbit space of\n$M$ by $\\tau$ and a type of generalized braid groups of $N$ that we call\nparametrized braid groups. As an application, we determine the homotopy classes\nof self fiber-preserving maps of some 2-torus bundles over $\\mathbb{S}^1$ that\nsatisfy the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to certain involutions $\\tau$\nover $\\mathbb{S}^1$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:53:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gon\u00e7alves","Daciberg Lima",""],["Laass","Vinicius Casteluber",""],["Silva","Weslem Liberato",""]]} {"id":"2308.11446","submitter":"Mateusz Krzyzi\\'nski","authors":"Katarzyna Kobyli\\'nska, Mateusz Krzyzi\\'nski, Rafa{\\l} Machowicz,\n Mariusz Adamek, Przemys{\\l}aw Biecek","title":"Exploration of Rashomon Set Assists Explanations for Medical Data","comments":"This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication.\n Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no\n longer be accessible","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The machine learning modeling process conventionally culminates in selecting\na single model that maximizes a selected performance metric. However, this\napproach leads to abandoning a more profound analysis of slightly inferior\nmodels. Particularly in medical and healthcare studies, where the objective\nextends beyond predictions to valuable insight generation, relying solely on\nperformance metrics can result in misleading or incomplete conclusions. This\nproblem is particularly pertinent when dealing with a set of models with\nperformance close to maximum one, known as $\\textit{Rashomon set}$. Such a set\ncan be numerous and may contain models describing the data in a different way,\nwhich calls for comprehensive analysis. This paper introduces a novel process\nto explore Rashomon set models, extending the conventional modeling approach.\nThe cornerstone is the identification of the most different models within the\nRashomon set, facilitated by the introduced $\\texttt{Rashomon_DETECT}$\nalgorithm. This algorithm compares profiles illustrating prediction\ndependencies on variable values generated by eXplainable Artificial\nIntelligence (XAI) techniques. To quantify differences in variable effects\namong models, we introduce the Profile Disparity Index (PDI) based on measures\nfrom functional data analysis. To illustrate the effectiveness of our approach,\nwe showcase its application in predicting survival among hemophagocytic\nlymphohistiocytosis (HLH) patients - a foundational case study. Additionally,\nwe benchmark our approach on other medical data sets, demonstrating its\nversatility and utility in various contexts.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:53:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kobyli\u0144ska","Katarzyna",""],["Krzyzi\u0144ski","Mateusz",""],["Machowicz","Rafa\u0142",""],["Adamek","Mariusz",""],["Biecek","Przemys\u0142aw",""]]} {"id":"2308.11447","submitter":"Xueyi Liu","authors":"Xueyi Liu, Rui Hou, Yanglei Gan, Da Luo, Changlin Li, Xiaojun Shi and\n Qiao Liu","title":"Aspect-oriented Opinion Alignment Network for Aspect-Based Sentiment\n Classification","comments":"8 pages, 5 figure, ECAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Aspect-based sentiment classification is a crucial problem in fine-grained\nsentiment analysis, which aims to predict the sentiment polarity of the given\naspect according to its context. Previous works have made remarkable progress\nin leveraging attention mechanism to extract opinion words for different\naspects. However, a persistent challenge is the effective management of\nsemantic mismatches, which stem from attention mechanisms that fall short in\nadequately aligning opinions words with their corresponding aspect in\nmulti-aspect sentences. To address this issue, we propose a novel\nAspect-oriented Opinion Alignment Network (AOAN) to capture the contextual\nassociation between opinion words and the corresponding aspect. Specifically,\nwe first introduce a neighboring span enhanced module which highlights various\ncompositions of neighboring words and given aspects. In addition, we design a\nmulti-perspective attention mechanism that align relevant opinion information\nwith respect to the given aspect. Extensive experiments on three benchmark\ndatasets demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art results. The\nsource code is available at https://github.com/AONE-NLP/ABSA-AOAN.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:55:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Xueyi",""],["Hou","Rui",""],["Gan","Yanglei",""],["Luo","Da",""],["Li","Changlin",""],["Shi","Xiaojun",""],["Liu","Qiao",""]]} {"id":"2308.11448","submitter":"Jiantao Wu","authors":"Jiantao Wu and Shentong Mo and Muhammad Awais and Sara Atito and\n Zhenhua Feng and Josef Kittler","title":"Masked Momentum Contrastive Learning for Zero-shot Semantic\n Understanding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Self-supervised pretraining (SSP) has emerged as a popular technique in\nmachine learning, enabling the extraction of meaningful feature representations\nwithout labelled data. In the realm of computer vision, pretrained vision\ntransformers (ViTs) have played a pivotal role in advancing transfer learning.\nNonetheless, the escalating cost of finetuning these large models has posed a\nchallenge due to the explosion of model size. This study endeavours to evaluate\nthe effectiveness of pure self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques in computer\nvision tasks, obviating the need for finetuning, with the intention of\nemulating human-like capabilities in generalisation and recognition of unseen\nobjects. To this end, we propose an evaluation protocol for zero-shot\nsegmentation based on a prompting patch. Given a point on the target object as\na prompt, the algorithm calculates the similarity map between the selected\npatch and other patches, upon that, a simple thresholding is applied to segment\nthe target. Another evaluation is intra-object and inter-object similarity to\ngauge discriminatory ability of SSP ViTs. Insights from zero-shot segmentation\nfrom prompting and discriminatory abilities of SSP led to the design of a\nsimple SSP approach, termed MMC. This approaches combines Masked image\nmodelling for encouraging similarity of local features, Momentum based\nself-distillation for transferring semantics from global to local features, and\nglobal Contrast for promoting semantics of global features, to enhance\ndiscriminative representations of SSP ViTs. Consequently, our proposed method\nsignificantly reduces the overlap of intra-object and inter-object\nsimilarities, thereby facilitating effective object segmentation within an\nimage. Our experiments reveal that MMC delivers top-tier results in zero-shot\nsemantic segmentation across various datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:55:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Jiantao",""],["Mo","Shentong",""],["Awais","Muhammad",""],["Atito","Sara",""],["Feng","Zhenhua",""],["Kittler","Josef",""]]} {"id":"2308.11449","submitter":"Junlong Lyu","authors":"Junlong Lyu, Zhitang Chen, Shoubo Feng","title":"Convergence guarantee for consistency models","comments":"20 pages, 1 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.AI cs.NA math.AP math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We provide the first convergence guarantees for the Consistency Models (CMs),\na newly emerging type of one-step generative models that can generate\ncomparable samples to those generated by Diffusion Models. Our main result is\nthat, under the basic assumptions on score-matching errors, consistency errors\nand smoothness of the data distribution, CMs can efficiently sample from any\nrealistic data distribution in one step with small $W_2$ error. Our results (1)\nhold for $L^2$-accurate score and consistency assumption (rather than\n$L^\\infty$-accurate); (2) do note require strong assumptions on the data\ndistribution such as log-Sobelev inequality; (3) scale polynomially in all\nparameters; and (4) match the state-of-the-art convergence guarantee for\nscore-based generative models (SGMs). We also provide the result that the\nMultistep Consistency Sampling procedure can further reduce the error comparing\nto one step sampling, which support the original statement of \"Consistency\nModels, Yang Song 2023\". Our result further imply a TV error guarantee when\ntake some Langevin-based modifications to the output distributions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:57:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lyu","Junlong",""],["Chen","Zhitang",""],["Feng","Shoubo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11450","submitter":"Xucheng Wang","authors":"Dan Zeng, Mingliang Zou, Xucheng Wang, Shuiwang Li","title":"Towards Discriminative Representations with Contrastive Instances for\n Real-Time UAV Tracking","comments":"arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2308.10262","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Maintaining high efficiency and high precision are two fundamental challenges\nin UAV tracking due to the constraints of computing resources, battery\ncapacity, and UAV maximum load. Discriminative correlation filters (DCF)-based\ntrackers can yield high efficiency on a single CPU but with inferior precision.\nLightweight Deep learning (DL)-based trackers can achieve a good balance\nbetween efficiency and precision but performance gains are limited by the\ncompression rate. High compression rate often leads to poor discriminative\nrepresentations. To this end, this paper aims to enhance the discriminative\npower of feature representations from a new feature-learning perspective.\nSpecifically, we attempt to learn more disciminative representations with\ncontrastive instances for UAV tracking in a simple yet effective manner, which\nnot only requires no manual annotations but also allows for developing and\ndeploying a lightweight model. We are the first to explore contrastive learning\nfor UAV tracking. Extensive experiments on four UAV benchmarks, including\nUAV123@10fps, DTB70, UAVDT and VisDrone2018, show that the proposed DRCI\ntracker significantly outperforms state-of-the-art UAV tracking methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:58:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zeng","Dan",""],["Zou","Mingliang",""],["Wang","Xucheng",""],["Li","Shuiwang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11451","submitter":"Shirin Afzal","authors":"Shirin Afzal, Tyler J. Zimmerling, Mahdi Rizvandi, Majid Taghavi,\n Taras Hrushevskyi, Manpreet Kaur, Vien Van, and Shabir Barzanjeh","title":"Bright quantum photon sources from a topological Floquet resonance","comments":"20 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Entanglement, a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, plays a crucial\nrole as a valuable resource in quantum technologies. The practical\nimplementation of entangled photon sources encounters obstacles arising from\nimperfections and defects inherent in physical systems and microchips,\nresulting in a loss or degradation of entanglement. The topological photonic\ninsulators, however, have emerged as promising candidates, demonstrating an\nexceptional capability to resist defect-induced scattering, thus enabling the\ndevelopment of robust entangled sources. Despite their inherent advantages,\nbuilding bright and programmable topologically protected entangled sources\nremains challenging due to intricate device designs and weak material\nnonlinearity. Here we present an advancement in entanglement generation\nachieved through a non-magnetic and tunable resonance-based anomalous Floquet\ninsulator, utilizing an optical spontaneous four-wave mixing process. Our\nexperiment demonstrates a substantial enhancement in entangled photon pair\ngeneration compared to devices reliant solely on topological edge states and\noutperforming trivial photonic devices in spectral resilience. This work marks\na step forward in the pursuit of defect-robust and bright entangled sources\nthat can open avenues for the exploration of cascaded quantum devices and the\nengineering of quantum states. Our result could lead to the development of\nresilient quantum sources with potential applications in quantum technologies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:59:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Afzal","Shirin",""],["Zimmerling","Tyler J.",""],["Rizvandi","Mahdi",""],["Taghavi","Majid",""],["Hrushevskyi","Taras",""],["Kaur","Manpreet",""],["Van","Vien",""],["Barzanjeh","Shabir",""]]} {"id":"2308.11452","submitter":"Ioannis Sarafis","authors":"Valasia Vlachopoulou, Ioannis Sarafis, Alexandros Papadopoulos","title":"Food Image Classification and Segmentation with Attention-based Multiple\n Instance Learning","comments":"Accepted for presentation at 18th International Workshop on Semantic\n and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization (SMAP 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The demand for accurate food quantification has increased in the recent\nyears, driven by the needs of applications in dietary monitoring. At the same\ntime, computer vision approaches have exhibited great potential in automating\ntasks within the food domain. Traditionally, the development of machine\nlearning models for these problems relies on training data sets with\npixel-level class annotations. However, this approach introduces challenges\narising from data collection and ground truth generation that quickly become\ncostly and error-prone since they must be performed in multiple settings and\nfor thousands of classes. To overcome these challenges, the paper presents a\nweakly supervised methodology for training food image classification and\nsemantic segmentation models without relying on pixel-level annotations. The\nproposed methodology is based on a multiple instance learning approach in\ncombination with an attention-based mechanism. At test time, the models are\nused for classification and, concurrently, the attention mechanism generates\nsemantic heat maps which are used for food class segmentation. In the paper, we\nconduct experiments on two meta-classes within the FoodSeg103 data set to\nverify the feasibility of the proposed approach and we explore the functioning\nproperties of the attention mechanism.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:59:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Vlachopoulou","Valasia",""],["Sarafis","Ioannis",""],["Papadopoulos","Alexandros",""]]} {"id":"2308.11453","submitter":"Yu-Long Zhou","authors":"Ling-Bing He, Ning Jiang and Yu-long Zhou","title":"Quantitative global well-posedness of Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein equation\n and incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier limit","comments":"42 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In the diffusive scaling and in the whole space, we prove the global\nwell-posedness of the scaled Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein (briefly, BBE) equation\nwith high temperature in the low regularity space $H^2_xL^2$. In particular, we\nquantify the fluctuation around the Bose-Einstein equilibrium\n$\\mathcal{M}_{\\lambda,T}(v)$ with respect to the parameters $\\lambda$ and\ntemperature $T$. Furthermore, the estimate for the diffusively scaled BBE\nequation is uniform to the Knudsen number $\\epsilon$. As a consequence, we\nrigorously justify the hydrodynamic limit to the incompressible\nNavier-Stokes-Fourier equations. This is the first rigorous fluid limit result\nfor BBE.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:02:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["He","Ling-Bing",""],["Jiang","Ning",""],["Zhou","Yu-long",""]]} {"id":"2308.11454","submitter":"Feng-Ren Fan","authors":"Feng-Ren Fan, Cong Xiao, and Wang Yao","title":"Altermagnetic Orbital Chern Insulator in Twisted MoTe$_{2}$","comments":"6 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In twisted MoTe$_{2}$, latest transport measurement has reported observation\nof quantum anomalous Hall effect at hole filling $\\nu=-1$, which undergoes a\ntopological phase transition to a trivial ferromagnet as layer hybridization\ngets suppressed by interlayer bias $D$. Here we show that this underlies the\nexistence of an orbital Chern insulating state with gate ($D$) switchable sign\nin an altermagnetic spin background at hole filling $\\nu=-2$. From\nmomentum-space Hartree Fock calculations, we find this state has a topological\nphase diagram complementary to that of the $\\nu=-1$ one: by sweeping $D$ from\npositive to negative, the Chern number of this $\\nu=-2$ state can be switched\nbetween $+1$, $0$, and $-1$, accompanied by a sign change of a sizable orbital\nmagnetization. In range of $D$ where this altermagnet is the ground state, the\norbital magnetization allows magnetic field initialization of the spin\naltermagnetic order and the Chern number.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:02:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fan","Feng-Ren",""],["Xiao","Cong",""],["Yao","Wang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11455","submitter":"Tobias Uelwer","authors":"Tobias Uelwer, Jan Robine, Stefan Sylvius Wagner, Marc H\\\"oftmann,\n Eric Upschulte, Sebastian Konietzny, Maike Behrendt, Stefan Harmeling","title":"A Survey on Self-Supervised Representation Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI eess.IV stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Learning meaningful representations is at the heart of many tasks in the\nfield of modern machine learning. Recently, a lot of methods were introduced\nthat allow learning of image representations without supervision. These\nrepresentations can then be used in downstream tasks like classification or\nobject detection. The quality of these representations is close to supervised\nlearning, while no labeled images are needed. This survey paper provides a\ncomprehensive review of these methods in a unified notation, points out\nsimilarities and differences of these methods, and proposes a taxonomy which\nsets these methods in relation to each other. Furthermore, our survey\nsummarizes the most-recent experimental results reported in the literature in\nform of a meta-study. Our survey is intended as a starting point for\nresearchers and practitioners who want to dive into the field of representation\nlearning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:05:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Uelwer","Tobias",""],["Robine","Jan",""],["Wagner","Stefan Sylvius",""],["H\u00f6ftmann","Marc",""],["Upschulte","Eric",""],["Konietzny","Sebastian",""],["Behrendt","Maike",""],["Harmeling","Stefan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11456","submitter":"Peter Udo Diehl","authors":"Peter Udo Diehl, Hannes Zilly, Felix Sattler, Yosef Singer, Kevin\n Kepp, Mark Berry, Henning Hasemann, Marlene Zippel, M\\\"uge Kaya, Paul\n Meyer-Rachner, Annett Pudszuhn, Veit M. Hofmann, Matthias Vormann, Elias\n Sprengel","title":"Deep learning-based denoising streamed from mobile phones improves\n speech-in-noise understanding for hearing aid users","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The hearing loss of almost half a billion people is commonly treated with\nhearing aids. However, current hearing aids often do not work well in\nreal-world noisy environments. We present a deep learning based denoising\nsystem that runs in real time on iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S10 (25ms\nalgorithmic latency). The denoised audio is streamed to the hearing aid,\nresulting in a total delay of around 75ms. In tests with hearing aid users\nhaving moderate to severe hearing loss, our denoising system improves audio\nacross three tests: 1) listening for subjective audio ratings, 2) listening for\nobjective speech intelligibility, and 3) live conversations in a noisy\nenvironment for subjective ratings. Subjective ratings increase by more than\n40%, for both the listening test and the live conversation compared to a fitted\nhearing aid as a baseline. Speech reception thresholds, measuring speech\nunderstanding in noise, improve by 1.6 dB SRT. Ours is the first denoising\nsystem that is implemented on a mobile device, streamed directly to users'\nhearing aids using only a single channel as audio input while improving user\nsatisfaction on all tested aspects, including speech intelligibility. This\nincludes overall preference of the denoised and streamed signal over the\nhearing aid, thereby accepting the higher latency for the significant\nimprovement in speech understanding.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:05:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Diehl","Peter Udo",""],["Zilly","Hannes",""],["Sattler","Felix",""],["Singer","Yosef",""],["Kepp","Kevin",""],["Berry","Mark",""],["Hasemann","Henning",""],["Zippel","Marlene",""],["Kaya","M\u00fcge",""],["Meyer-Rachner","Paul",""],["Pudszuhn","Annett",""],["Hofmann","Veit M.",""],["Vormann","Matthias",""],["Sprengel","Elias",""]]} {"id":"2308.11457","submitter":"Greg\\'orio Silva Neto","authors":"Greg\\'orio Silva Neto and Vanessa Silva","title":"Ruled surfaces as translating solitons of the inverse mean curvature\n flow in the three-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space","comments":"22 pages, 4 figures. Final version","journal-ref":"Published in the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and\n Applications, Volume 528, Issue 2, 2023","doi":"10.1016/j.jmaa.2023.127550","report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we classify the nondegenerate ruled surfaces in the\nthree-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space that are translating solitons for the\ninverse mean curvature flow. In particular, we prove the existence of\nnon-cylindrical ruled translating solitons, which contrast with the Euclidean\nsetting.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:06:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Neto","Greg\u00f3rio Silva",""],["Silva","Vanessa",""]]} {"id":"2308.11458","submitter":"Oliver Pescott","authors":"Oliver L. Pescott, Robin J. Boyd, Gary D. Powney, Gavin B. Stewart","title":"Towards a unified approach to formal risk of bias assessments for causal\n and descriptive inference","comments":"12 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Statistics is sometimes described as the science of reasoning under\nuncertainty. Statistical models provide one view of this uncertainty, but what\nis frequently neglected is the invisible portion of uncertainty: that assumed\nnot to exist once a model has been fitted to some data. Systematic errors, i.e.\nbias, in data relative to some model and inferential goal can seriously\nundermine research conclusions, and qualitative and quantitative techniques\nhave been created across several disciplines to quantify and generally appraise\nsuch potential biases. Perhaps best known are so-called risk of bias assessment\ninstruments used to investigate the likely quality of randomised controlled\ntrials in medical research. However, the logic of assessing the risks caused by\nvarious types of systematic error to statistical arguments applies far more\nwidely. This logic applies even when statistical adjustment strategies for\npotential biases are used, as these frequently make assumptions (e.g. data\nmissing at random) that can never be guaranteed in finite samples. Mounting\nconcern about such situations can be seen in the increasing calls for greater\nconsideration of biases caused by nonprobability sampling in descriptive\ninference (i.e. survey sampling), and the statistical generalisability of\nin-sample causal effect estimates in causal inference; both of which relate to\nthe consideration of model-based and wider uncertainty when presenting research\nconclusions from models. Given that model-based adjustments are never perfect,\nwe argue that qualitative risk of bias reporting frameworks for both\ndescriptive and causal inferential arguments should be further developed and\nmade mandatory by journals and funders. It is only through clear statements of\nthe limits to statistical arguments that consumers of research can fully judge\ntheir value for any specific application.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:08:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pescott","Oliver L.",""],["Boyd","Robin J.",""],["Powney","Gary D.",""],["Stewart","Gavin B.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11459","submitter":"Zhe-Yu Jeff Ou","authors":"Xuan Tang, Yunxiao Zhang, Xueshi Guo, Liang Cui, Xiaoying Li, Z. Y. Ou","title":"Phase Dependent Hanbury-Brown and Twiss effect","comments":"5 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) effect is the foundation for stellar intensity\ninterferometry. However, it is a phase insensitive two-photon interference\neffect. In this paper, we extend the HBT interferometer by mixing two\nphase-coherent input fields with coherent auxiliary fields before intensity\ncorrelation measurement and achieve phase sensitive two-photon interference so\nas to measure the complete complex second-order coherence function of the input\nfields. This practical scheme paves the way for synthetic aperture imaging for\nastronomical applications in optical regime. Pulsed input fields is also tested\nfor potential remote sensing and ranging applications. We discuss the condition\nto implement recently proposed entanglement-based telescopy scheme with the\nmore realistic cw broadband anti-bunched light fields.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:11:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tang","Xuan",""],["Zhang","Yunxiao",""],["Guo","Xueshi",""],["Cui","Liang",""],["Li","Xiaoying",""],["Ou","Z. Y.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11460","submitter":"Aaron Levin","authors":"Gordon Heier and Aaron Levin","title":"A Schmidt-Nochka Theorem for closed subschemes in subgeneral position","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG math.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In previous work, the authors established a generalized version of Schmidt's\nsubspace theorem for closed subschemes in general position in terms of Seshadri\nconstants. We extend our theorem to weighted sums involving closed subschemes\nin subgeneral position, providing a joint generalization of Schmidt's theorem\nwith seminal inequalities of Nochka. A key aspect of the proof is the use of a\nlower bound for Seshadri constants of intersections from algebraic geometry, as\nwell as a generalized Chebyshev inequality. As an application, we extend\ninequalities of Nochka and Ru-Wong from hyperplanes in $m$-subgeneral position\nto hypersurfaces in $m$-subgeneral position in projective space, proving a\nsharp result in dimensions $2$ and $3$, and coming within a factor of $3/2$ of\na sharp inequality in all dimensions. We state analogous results in Nevanlinna\ntheory generalizing the Second Main Theorem and Nochka's theorem (Cartan's\nconjecture).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:11:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Heier","Gordon",""],["Levin","Aaron",""]]} {"id":"2308.11461","submitter":"Marc Uetz","authors":"Puck te Rietmole and Marc Uetz","title":"Sequencing Stochastic Jobs with a Single Sample","comments":"12 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper revisits the well known single machine scheduling problem to\nminimize total weighted completion times. The twist is that job sizes are\nstochastic from unknown distributions, and the scheduler has access to only a\nsingle sample from each of the distributions. For this restricted information\nregime, we analyze the simplest and probably only reasonable scheduling\nalgorithm, namely to schedule by ordering the jobs by weight over sampled\nprocessing times. In general, this algorithm can be tricked by adversarial\ninput distributions, performing in expectation arbitrarily worse even in\ncomparison to choosing a random schedule. The paper suggests notions to capture\nthe idea that this algorithm, on reasonable inputs, should exhibit a provably\ngood expected performance. Specifically, we identify three natural classes of\ninput distributions, such that for these classes, the algorithm performs better\nthan random on any input.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:13:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Rietmole","Puck te",""],["Uetz","Marc",""]]} {"id":"2308.11462","submitter":"Neel Guha","authors":"Neel Guha, Julian Nyarko, Daniel E. Ho, Christopher R\\'e, Adam\n Chilton, Aditya Narayana, Alex Chohlas-Wood, Austin Peters, Brandon Waldon,\n Daniel N. Rockmore, Diego Zambrano, Dmitry Talisman, Enam Hoque, Faiz Surani,\n Frank Fagan, Galit Sarfaty, Gregory M. Dickinson, Haggai Porat, Jason\n Hegland, Jessica Wu, Joe Nudell, Joel Niklaus, John Nay, Jonathan H. Choi,\n Kevin Tobia, Margaret Hagan, Megan Ma, Michael Livermore, Nikon Rasumov-Rahe,\n Nils Holzenberger, Noam Kolt, Peter Henderson, Sean Rehaag, Sharad Goel,\n Shang Gao, Spencer Williams, Sunny Gandhi, Tom Zur, Varun Iyer, and Zehua Li","title":"LegalBench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal\n Reasoning in Large Language Models","comments":"143 pages, 79 tables, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The advent of large language models (LLMs) and their adoption by the legal\ncommunity has given rise to the question: what types of legal reasoning can\nLLMs perform? To enable greater study of this question, we present LegalBench:\na collaboratively constructed legal reasoning benchmark consisting of 162 tasks\ncovering six different types of legal reasoning. LegalBench was built through\nan interdisciplinary process, in which we collected tasks designed and\nhand-crafted by legal professionals. Because these subject matter experts took\na leading role in construction, tasks either measure legal reasoning\ncapabilities that are practically useful, or measure reasoning skills that\nlawyers find interesting. To enable cross-disciplinary conversations about LLMs\nin the law, we additionally show how popular legal frameworks for describing\nlegal reasoning -- which distinguish between its many forms -- correspond to\nLegalBench tasks, thus giving lawyers and LLM developers a common vocabulary.\nThis paper describes LegalBench, presents an empirical evaluation of 20\nopen-source and commercial LLMs, and illustrates the types of research\nexplorations LegalBench enables.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 22:08:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Guha","Neel",""],["Nyarko","Julian",""],["Ho","Daniel E.",""],["R\u00e9","Christopher",""],["Chilton","Adam",""],["Narayana","Aditya",""],["Chohlas-Wood","Alex",""],["Peters","Austin",""],["Waldon","Brandon",""],["Rockmore","Daniel N.",""],["Zambrano","Diego",""],["Talisman","Dmitry",""],["Hoque","Enam",""],["Surani","Faiz",""],["Fagan","Frank",""],["Sarfaty","Galit",""],["Dickinson","Gregory M.",""],["Porat","Haggai",""],["Hegland","Jason",""],["Wu","Jessica",""],["Nudell","Joe",""],["Niklaus","Joel",""],["Nay","John",""],["Choi","Jonathan H.",""],["Tobia","Kevin",""],["Hagan","Margaret",""],["Ma","Megan",""],["Livermore","Michael",""],["Rasumov-Rahe","Nikon",""],["Holzenberger","Nils",""],["Kolt","Noam",""],["Henderson","Peter",""],["Rehaag","Sean",""],["Goel","Sharad",""],["Gao","Shang",""],["Williams","Spencer",""],["Gandhi","Sunny",""],["Zur","Tom",""],["Iyer","Varun",""],["Li","Zehua",""]]} {"id":"2308.11463","submitter":"Toon Van De Maele","authors":"Toon Van de Maele, Bart Dhoedt, Tim Verbelen, Giovanni Pezzulo","title":"Bridging Cognitive Maps: a Hierarchical Active Inference Model of\n Spatial Alternation Tasks and the Hippocampal-Prefrontal Circuit","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Cognitive problem-solving benefits from cognitive maps aiding navigation and\nplanning. Previous studies revealed that cognitive maps for physical space\nnavigation involve hippocampal (HC) allocentric codes, while cognitive maps for\nabstract task space engage medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) task-specific codes.\nSolving challenging cognitive tasks requires integrating these two types of\nmaps. This is exemplified by spatial alternation tasks in multi-corridor\nsettings, where animals like rodents are rewarded upon executing an alternation\npattern in maze corridors. Existing studies demonstrated the HC - mPFC\ncircuit's engagement in spatial alternation tasks and that its disruption\nimpairs task performance. Yet, a comprehensive theory explaining how this\ncircuit integrates task-related and spatial information is lacking. We advance\na novel hierarchical active inference model clarifying how the HC - mPFC\ncircuit enables the resolution of spatial alternation tasks, by merging\nphysical and task-space cognitive maps. Through a series of simulations, we\ndemonstrate that the model's dual layers acquire effective cognitive maps for\nnavigation within physical (HC map) and task (mPFC map) spaces, using a\nbiologically-inspired approach: a clone-structured cognitive graph. The model\nsolves spatial alternation tasks through reciprocal interactions between the\ntwo layers. Importantly, disrupting inter-layer communication impairs difficult\ndecisions, consistent with empirical findings. The same model showcases the\nability to switch between multiple alternation rules. However, inhibiting\nmessage transmission between the two layers results in perseverative behavior,\nconsistent with empirical findings. In summary, our model provides a\nmechanistic account of how the HC - mPFC circuit supports spatial alternation\ntasks and how its disruption impairs task performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:21:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Van de Maele","Toon",""],["Dhoedt","Bart",""],["Verbelen","Tim",""],["Pezzulo","Giovanni",""]]} {"id":"2308.11464","submitter":"Yun-Hin Chan","authors":"Yun-Hin Chan, Rui Zhou, Running Zhao, Zhihan Jiang, Edith C.-H. Ngai","title":"Internal Cross-layer Gradients for Extending Homogeneity to\n Heterogeneity in Federated Learning","comments":"Preprint. Under review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Federated learning (FL) inevitably confronts the challenge of system\nheterogeneity in practical scenarios. To enhance the capabilities of most\nmodel-homogeneous FL methods in handling system heterogeneity, we propose a\ntraining scheme that can extend their capabilities to cope with this challenge.\nIn this paper, we commence our study with a detailed exploration of homogeneous\nand heterogeneous FL settings and discover three key observations: (1) a\npositive correlation between client performance and layer similarities, (2)\nhigher similarities in the shallow layers in contrast to the deep layers, and\n(3) the smoother gradients distributions indicate the higher layer\nsimilarities. Building upon these observations, we propose InCo Aggregation\nthat leverags internal cross-layer gradients, a mixture of gradients from\nshallow and deep layers within a server model, to augment the similarity in the\ndeep layers without requiring additional communication between clients.\nFurthermore, our methods can be tailored to accommodate model-homogeneous FL\nmethods such as FedAvg, FedProx, FedNova, Scaffold, and MOON, to expand their\ncapabilities to handle the system heterogeneity. Copious experimental results\nvalidate the effectiveness of InCo Aggregation, spotlighting internal\ncross-layer gradients as a promising avenue to enhance the performance in\nheterogenous FL.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:23:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chan","Yun-Hin",""],["Zhou","Rui",""],["Zhao","Running",""],["Jiang","Zhihan",""],["Ngai","Edith C. -H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11465","submitter":"Shashank Kumar Roy","authors":"Shashank Kumar Roy and Amit Apte","title":"Computation of covariant lyapunov vectors using data assimilation","comments":"20 pages, 9 figures and no tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Computing Lyapunov vectors from partial and noisy observations is a\nchallenging problem. We propose a method using data assimilation to approximate\nthe Lyapunov vectors using the estimate of the underlying trajectory obtained\nfrom the filter mean. We then extensively study the sensitivity of these\napproximate Lyapunov vectors and the corresponding Oseledets' subspaces to the\nperturbations in the underlying true trajectory. We demonstrate that this\nsensitivity is consistent with and helps explain the errors in the approximate\nLyapunov vectors from the estimated trajectory of the filter. Using the idea of\nprincipal angles, we demonstrate that the Oseledets' subspaces defined by the\nLVs computed from the approximate trajectory are less sensitive than the\nindividual vectors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:24:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Roy","Shashank Kumar",""],["Apte","Amit",""]]} {"id":"2308.11466","submitter":"Paul-Ambroise Duquenne","authors":"Paul-Ambroise Duquenne, Holger Schwenk, Beno\\^it Sagot","title":"SONAR: Sentence-Level Multimodal and Language-Agnostic Representations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We introduce SONAR, a new multilingual and multimodal fixed-size sentence\nembedding space. Our single text encoder, covering 200 languages, substantially\noutperforms existing sentence embeddings such as LASER3 and LabSE on the xsim\nand xsim++ multilingual similarity search tasks. Speech segments can be\nembedded in the same SONAR embedding space using language-specific speech\nencoders trained in a teacher-student setting on speech transcription data. Our\nencoders outperform existing speech encoders on similarity search tasks. We\nalso provide a text decoder for 200 languages, which allows us to perform\ntext-to-text and speech-to-text machine translation, including for zero-shot\nlanguage and modality combinations. Our text-to-text results are competitive\ncompared to the state-of-the-art NLLB~1B model, despite the fixed-size\nbottleneck representation. Our zero-shot speech-to-text translation results\ncompare favorably with strong supervised baselines such as Whisper.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:25:15 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 10:46:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Duquenne","Paul-Ambroise",""],["Schwenk","Holger",""],["Sagot","Beno\u00eet",""]]} {"id":"2308.11467","submitter":"Abbas Nasrollah Nejad","authors":"Marcos Jardim, Abbas Nasrollah Nejad and Aron Simis","title":"The Bourbaki Degree of Plane Projective Curves","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Bourbaki sequences and Bourbaki ideals have been studied by several authors\nsince its inception sixty years ago circa. Generic Bourbaki sequences have been\nthoroughly examined by the senior author with B. Ulrich and W. Vasconcelos, but\ndue to their nature, no numerical invariant was immediately available.\nRecently, J. Herzog, S. Kumashiro, and D. Stamate introduced the {\\em Bourbaki\nnumber} in the category of graded modules as the shifted degree of a Bourbaki\nideal corresponding to submodules generated in degree at least the maximal\ndegree of a minimal generator of the given module. The present work introduces\nthe{\\em Bourbaki degree} as the algebraic multiplicity of a Bourbaki ideal\ncorresponding to choices of minimal generators of minimal degree. The main\nintent is a study of plane curve singularities via this new numerical\ninvariant. Accordingly, quite naturally, the focus is on the case where the\nstanding graded module is the first syzygy module of the gradient ideal of a\nreduced form $f\\in k[x,y,z]$ -- i.e., the main component of the module of\nlogarithmic derivations of the corresponding curve. The overall goal of this\nproject is to allow for a facet of classification of projective plane curves\nbased on the behavior of this new numerical invariant, with emphasis on results\nabout its lower and upper bounds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:27:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jardim","Marcos",""],["Nejad","Abbas Nasrollah",""],["Simis","Aron",""]]} {"id":"2308.11468","submitter":"Silvia Liberata Ullo","authors":"Mariapia Rita Iandolo and Francesca Razzano and Chiara Zarro and G. S.\n Yogesh and Silvia Liberata Ullo","title":"Multitemporal analysis in Google Earth Engine for detecting urban\n changes using optical data and machine learning algorithms","comments":"4 pages, 6 figures, 2023 InGARSS Conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The aim of this work is to perform a multitemporal analysis using the Google\nEarth Engine (GEE) platform for the detection of changes in urban areas using\noptical data and specific machine learning (ML) algorithms. As a case study,\nCairo City has been identified, in Egypt country, as one of the five most\npopulous megacities of the last decade in the world. Classification and change\ndetection analysis of the region of interest (ROI) have been carried out from\nJuly 2013 to July 2021. Results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method\nin identifying changed and unchanged urban areas over the selected period.\nFurthermore, this work aims to evidence the growing significance of GEE as an\nefficient cloud-based solution for managing large quantities of satellite data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:29:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Iandolo","Mariapia Rita",""],["Razzano","Francesca",""],["Zarro","Chiara",""],["Yogesh","G. S.",""],["Ullo","Silvia Liberata",""]]} {"id":"2308.11469","submitter":"Gon\\c{c}alo dos Reis Dr.","authors":"Francisco Bernal and Xingyuan Chen and Goncalo dos Reis","title":"An iterative method for Helmholtz boundary value problems arising in\n wave propagation","comments":"21 pages, 6 Figures, 1 table,","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The complex Helmholtz equation $(\\Delta + k^2)u=f$ (where $k\\in{\\mathbb\nR},u(\\cdot),f(\\cdot)\\in{\\mathbb C}$) is a mainstay of computational wave\nsimulation. Despite its apparent simplicity, efficient numerical methods are\nchallenging to design and, in some applications, regarded as an open problem.\nTwo sources of difficulty are the large number of degrees of freedom and the\nindefiniteness of the matrices arising after discretisation. Seeking to meet\nthem within the novel framework of probabilistic domain decomposition, we set\nout to rewrite the Helmholtz equation into a form amenable to the Feynman-Kac\nformula for elliptic boundary value problems. We consider two typical\nscenarios, the scattering of a plane wave and the propagation inside a cavity,\nand recast them as a sequence of Poisson equations. By means of stochastic\narguments, we find a sufficient and simulatable condition for the convergence\nof the iterations. Upon discretisation a necessary condition for convergence\ncan be derived by adding up the iterates using the harmonic series for the\nmatrix inverse -- we illustrate the procedure in the case of finite\ndifferences.\n From a practical point of view, our results are ultimately of limited scope.\nNonetheless, this unexpected -- even paradoxical -- new direction of attack on\nthe Helmholtz equation proposed by this work offers a fresh perspective on this\nclassical and difficult problem. Our results show that there indeed exists a\npredictable range $k$~4.5), and low absorption\nlosses, making 3R-MoS$_2$ highly attractive for nonlinear nanophotonics. We\ndemonstrate this by fabricating 3R-MoS$_2$ nanodisks of various radii, which\nsupport resonant anapole states, and observing substantial ($>$ 100-fold)\nenhancement of second-harmonic generation in a single resonant nanodisk\ncompared to an unpatterned flake of the same thickness. The enhancement is\nmaximized at the spectral overlap between the anapole state of the disk and the\nmaterial resonance of the second-order susceptibility. Our approach unveils a\npowerful tool for enhancing the entire spectrum of optical second-order\nnonlinear processes in nanostructured van der Waals materials, thereby paving\nthe way for nonlinear and quantum high-index TMD-nanophotonics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:25:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zograf","George",""],["Polyakov","Alexander Yu.",""],["Bancerek","Maria",""],["Antosiewicz","Tomasz",""],["Kucukoz","Betul",""],["Shegai","Timur",""]]} {"id":"2308.11505","submitter":"Benjamin Ab\\'ecassis","authors":"Debora Monego, Sarit Dutta, Doron Grossman, Marion Krapez, Pierre\n Bauer, Austin Hubley, J\\'er\\'emie Margueritat, Benoit Mahler, Asaph\n Widmer-Cooper and Benjamin Ab\\'ecassis","title":"Ligand-Induced Incompatible Curvatures Control Ultrathin Nanoplatelet\n Polymorphism and Chirality","comments":"16 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The ability of thin materials to shape-shift is a common occurrence that\nleads to dynamic pattern formation and function in natural and man-made\nstructures. However, harnessing this concept to design inorganic structures at\nthe nanoscale rationally has remained far from reach due to a lack of\nfundamental understanding of the essential physical components. Here, we show\nthat the interaction between organic ligands and the nanocrystal surface is\nresponsible for the full range of chiral shapes seen in colloidal\nnanoplatelets. The adsorption of ligands results in incompatible curvatures on\nthe top and bottom surfaces of NPL, causing them to deform into helico\\\"ids,\nhelical ribbons, or tubes depending on the lateral dimensions and\ncrystallographic orientation of the NPL. We demonstrate that nanoplatelets\nbelong to the broad class of geometrically frustrated assemblies and exhibit\none of their hallmark features: a transition between helico\\\"ids and helical\nribbons at a critical width. The effective curvature $\\bar{\\kappa}$ is the\nsingle aggregate parameter that encodes the details of the ligand/surface\ninteraction, determining the nanoplatelets' geometry for a given width and\ncrystallographic orientation. The conceptual framework described here will aid\nthe rational design of dynamic, chiral nanostructures with high fundamental and\npractical relevance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:27:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Monego","Debora",""],["Dutta","Sarit",""],["Grossman","Doron",""],["Krapez","Marion",""],["Bauer","Pierre",""],["Hubley","Austin",""],["Margueritat","J\u00e9r\u00e9mie",""],["Mahler","Benoit",""],["Widmer-Cooper","Asaph",""],["Ab\u00e9cassis","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11506","submitter":"Xin Duan","authors":"Xin Duan, Yan Yang, Liyuan Pan, Xiabi Liu","title":"LCCo: Lending CLIP to Co-Segmentation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper studies co-segmenting the common semantic object in a set of\nimages. Existing works either rely on carefully engineered networks to mine the\nimplicit semantic information in visual features or require extra data (i.e.,\nclassification labels) for training. In this paper, we leverage the contrastive\nlanguage-image pre-training framework (CLIP) for the task. With a backbone\nsegmentation network that independently processes each image from the set, we\nintroduce semantics from CLIP into the backbone features, refining them in a\ncoarse-to-fine manner with three key modules: i) an image set feature\ncorrespondence module, encoding global consistent semantic information of the\nimage set; ii) a CLIP interaction module, using CLIP-mined common semantics of\nthe image set to refine the backbone feature; iii) a CLIP regularization\nmodule, drawing CLIP towards this co-segmentation task, identifying the best\nCLIP semantic and using it to regularize the backbone feature. Experiments on\nfour standard co-segmentation benchmark datasets show that the performance of\nour method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:27:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Duan","Xin",""],["Yang","Yan",""],["Pan","Liyuan",""],["Liu","Xiabi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11507","submitter":"Ce Zhang","authors":"Yi Zhang, Ce Zhang, Xueting Hu, Zhihai He","title":"Unsupervised Prototype Adapter for Vision-Language Models","comments":"Accepted by PRCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently, large-scale pre-trained vision-language models (e.g. CLIP and\nALIGN) have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in acquiring transferable\nvisual representations. To leverage the valuable knowledge encoded within these\nmodels for downstream tasks, several fine-tuning approaches, including prompt\ntuning methods and adapter-based methods, have been developed to adapt\nvision-language models effectively with supervision. However, these methods\nrely on the availability of annotated samples, which can be labor-intensive and\ntime-consuming to acquire, thus limiting scalability. To address this issue, in\nthis work, we design an unsupervised fine-tuning approach for vision-language\nmodels called Unsupervised Prototype Adapter (UP-Adapter). Specifically, for\nthe unannotated target datasets, we leverage the text-image aligning capability\nof CLIP to automatically select the most confident samples for each class.\nUtilizing these selected samples, we generate class prototypes, which serve as\nthe initialization for the learnable prototype model. After fine-tuning, the\nprototype model prediction is combined with the original CLIP's prediction by a\nresidual connection to perform downstream recognition tasks. Our extensive\nexperimental results on image recognition and domain generalization show that\nthe proposed unsupervised method outperforms 8-shot CoOp, 8-shot Tip-Adapter,\nand also the state-of-the-art UPL method by large margins.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:28:49 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 00:07:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yi",""],["Zhang","Ce",""],["Hu","Xueting",""],["He","Zhihai",""]]} {"id":"2308.11508","submitter":"Zhijun Qiao","authors":"Mingxuan Zhu, Zhenteng Zeng, Zaihong Jiang, Baoqiang Xia, Zhijun Qiao","title":"Rogue peakon, well-posedness, ill-posedness and blow-up phenomenon for\n an integrable Camassa-Holm type equation","comments":"23 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nlin.SI math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we study an integrable Camassa-Holm (CH) type equation with\nquadratic nonlinearity. The CH type equation is shown integrable through a Lax\npair, and particularly the equation is found to possess a new kind of peaked\nsoliton (peakon) solution - called {\\sf rogue peakon}, that is given in a\nrational form with some logarithmic function, but not a regular traveling wave.\nWe also provide multi-rogue peakon solutions. Furthermore, we discuss the local\nwell-posedness of the solution in the Besov space $B_{p,r}^{s}$ with $1\\leq\np,r\\leq\\infty$, $s>\\max \\left\\{1+1/p,3/2\\right\\}$ or $B_{2,1}^{3/2}$, and then\nprove the ill-posedness of the solution in $B_{2,\\infty}^{3/2}$. Moreover, we\nestablish the global existence and blow-up phenomenon of the solution, which\nis, if $m_0(x)=u_0-u_{0xx}\\geq(\\not\\equiv) 0$, then the corresponding solution\nexists globally, meanwhile, if $m_0(x)\\leq(\\not\\equiv) 0$, then the\ncorresponding solution blows up in a finite time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:29:38 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 19:21:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Zhu","Mingxuan",""],["Zeng","Zhenteng",""],["Jiang","Zaihong",""],["Xia","Baoqiang",""],["Qiao","Zhijun",""]]} {"id":"2308.11509","submitter":"Lixiong Qin","authors":"Lixiong Qin, Mei Wang, Chao Deng, Ke Wang, Xi Chen, Jiani Hu, Weihong\n Deng","title":"SwinFace: A Multi-task Transformer for Face Recognition, Expression\n Recognition, Age Estimation and Attribute Estimation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3304724","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In recent years, vision transformers have been introduced into face\nrecognition and analysis and have achieved performance breakthroughs. However,\nmost previous methods generally train a single model or an ensemble of models\nto perform the desired task, which ignores the synergy among different tasks\nand fails to achieve improved prediction accuracy, increased data efficiency,\nand reduced training time. This paper presents a multi-purpose algorithm for\nsimultaneous face recognition, facial expression recognition, age estimation,\nand face attribute estimation (40 attributes including gender) based on a\nsingle Swin Transformer. Our design, the SwinFace, consists of a single shared\nbackbone together with a subnet for each set of related tasks. To address the\nconflicts among multiple tasks and meet the different demands of tasks, a\nMulti-Level Channel Attention (MLCA) module is integrated into each\ntask-specific analysis subnet, which can adaptively select the features from\noptimal levels and channels to perform the desired tasks. Extensive experiments\nshow that the proposed model has a better understanding of the face and\nachieves excellent performance for all tasks. Especially, it achieves 90.97%\naccuracy on RAF-DB and 0.22 $\\epsilon$-error on CLAP2015, which are\nstate-of-the-art results on facial expression recognition and age estimation\nrespectively. The code and models will be made publicly available at\nhttps://github.com/lxq1000/SwinFace.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:38:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Qin","Lixiong",""],["Wang","Mei",""],["Deng","Chao",""],["Wang","Ke",""],["Chen","Xi",""],["Hu","Jiani",""],["Deng","Weihong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11510","submitter":"Alireza Zolanvari","authors":"Alireza Zolanvari and Ashish Cherukuri","title":"Iterative risk-constrained model predictive control: A data-driven\n distributionally robust approach","comments":"14 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:2111.12977","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes an iterative distributionally robust model predictive\ncontrol (MPC) scheme to solve a risk-constrained infinite-horizon optimal\ncontrol problem. In each iteration, the algorithm generates a trajectory from\nthe starting point to the target equilibrium state with the aim of respecting\nrisk constraints with high probability (that encodes safe operation of the\nsystem) and improving the cost of the trajectory as compared to previous\niterations. At the end of each iteration, the visited states and observed\nsamples of the uncertainty are stored and accumulated with the previous\nobservations. For each iteration, the states stored previously are considered\nas terminal constraints of the MPC scheme, and samples obtained thus far are\nused to construct distributionally robust risk constraints. As iterations\nprogress, more data is obtained and the environment is explored progressively\nto ensure better safety and cost optimality. We prove that the MPC scheme in\neach iteration is recursively feasible and the resulting trajectories converge\nasymptotically to the target while ensuring safety with high probability.\n We identify conditions under which the cost-to-go reduces as iterations\nprogress. For systems with locally one-step reachable target, we specify\nscenarios that ensure finite-time convergence of iterations. We provide\ncomputationally tractable reformulations of the risk constraints for total\nvariation and Wasserstein distance-based ambiguity sets. A simulation example\nillustrates the application of our results in finding a risk-constrained path\nfor two mobile robots facing an uncertain obstacle.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:39:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zolanvari","Alireza",""],["Cherukuri","Ashish",""]]} {"id":"2308.11511","submitter":"Adri\\'an Csisz\\'arik","authors":"Adri\\'an Csisz\\'arik, Melinda F. Kiss, P\\'eter K\\H{o}r\\\"osi-Szab\\'o,\n M\\'arton Muntag, Gergely Papp, D\\'aniel Varga","title":"Mode Combinability: Exploring Convex Combinations of Permutation Aligned\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We explore element-wise convex combinations of two permutation-aligned neural\nnetwork parameter vectors $\\Theta_A$ and $\\Theta_B$ of size $d$. We conduct\nextensive experiments by examining various distributions of such model\ncombinations parametrized by elements of the hypercube $[0,1]^{d}$ and its\nvicinity. Our findings reveal that broad regions of the hypercube form surfaces\nof low loss values, indicating that the notion of linear mode connectivity\nextends to a more general phenomenon which we call mode combinability. We also\nmake several novel observations regarding linear mode connectivity and model\nre-basin. We demonstrate a transitivity property: two models re-based to a\ncommon third model are also linear mode connected, and a robustness property:\neven with significant perturbations of the neuron matchings the resulting\ncombinations continue to form a working model. Moreover, we analyze the\nfunctional and weight similarity of model combinations and show that such\ncombinations are non-vacuous in the sense that there are significant functional\ndifferences between the resulting models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:39:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Csisz\u00e1rik","Adri\u00e1n",""],["Kiss","Melinda F.",""],["K\u0151r\u00f6si-Szab\u00f3","P\u00e9ter",""],["Muntag","M\u00e1rton",""],["Papp","Gergely",""],["Varga","D\u00e1niel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11512","submitter":"Yinqiong Cai","authors":"Yinqiong Cai, Keping Bi, Yixing Fan, Jiafeng Guo, Wei Chen, Xueqi\n Cheng","title":"L^2R: Lifelong Learning for First-stage Retrieval with\n Backward-Compatible Representations","comments":"accepted by CIKM2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" First-stage retrieval is a critical task that aims to retrieve relevant\ndocument candidates from a large-scale collection. While existing retrieval\nmodels have achieved impressive performance, they are mostly studied on static\ndata sets, ignoring that in the real-world, the data on the Web is continuously\ngrowing with potential distribution drift. Consequently, retrievers trained on\nstatic old data may not suit new-coming data well and inevitably produce\nsub-optimal results. In this work, we study lifelong learning for first-stage\nretrieval, especially focusing on the setting where the emerging documents are\nunlabeled since relevance annotation is expensive and may not keep up with data\nemergence. Under this setting, we aim to develop model updating with two goals:\n(1) to effectively adapt to the evolving distribution with the unlabeled\nnew-coming data, and (2) to avoid re-inferring all embeddings of old documents\nto efficiently update the index each time the model is updated.\n We first formalize the task and then propose a novel Lifelong Learning method\nfor the first-stage Retrieval, namely L^2R. L^2R adopts the typical memory\nmechanism for lifelong learning, and incorporates two crucial components: (1)\nselecting diverse support negatives for model training and memory updating for\neffective model adaptation, and (2) a ranking alignment objective to ensure the\nbackward-compatibility of representations to save the cost of index rebuilding\nwithout hurting the model performance. For evaluation, we construct two new\nbenchmarks from LoTTE and Multi-CPR datasets to simulate the document\ndistribution drift in realistic retrieval scenarios. Extensive experiments show\nthat L^2R significantly outperforms competitive lifelong learning baselines.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:39:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Cai","Yinqiong",""],["Bi","Keping",""],["Fan","Yixing",""],["Guo","Jiafeng",""],["Chen","Wei",""],["Cheng","Xueqi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11513","submitter":"Gianluca Mancusi","authors":"Gianluca Mancusi, Aniello Panariello, Angelo Porrello, Matteo Fabbri,\n Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara","title":"TrackFlow: Multi-Object Tracking with Normalizing Flows","comments":"Accepted at ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The field of multi-object tracking has recently seen a renewed interest in\nthe good old schema of tracking-by-detection, as its simplicity and strong\npriors spare it from the complex design and painful babysitting of\ntracking-by-attention approaches. In view of this, we aim at extending\ntracking-by-detection to multi-modal settings, where a comprehensive cost has\nto be computed from heterogeneous information e.g., 2D motion cues, visual\nappearance, and pose estimates. More precisely, we follow a case study where a\nrough estimate of 3D information is also available and must be merged with\nother traditional metrics (e.g., the IoU). To achieve that, recent approaches\nresort to either simple rules or complex heuristics to balance the contribution\nof each cost. However, i) they require careful tuning of tailored\nhyperparameters on a hold-out set, and ii) they imply these costs to be\nindependent, which does not hold in reality. We address these issues by\nbuilding upon an elegant probabilistic formulation, which considers the cost of\na candidate association as the negative log-likelihood yielded by a deep\ndensity estimator, trained to model the conditional joint probability\ndistribution of correct associations. Our experiments, conducted on both\nsimulated and real benchmarks, show that our approach consistently enhances the\nperformance of several tracking-by-detection algorithms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:40:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mancusi","Gianluca",""],["Panariello","Aniello",""],["Porrello","Angelo",""],["Fabbri","Matteo",""],["Calderara","Simone",""],["Cucchiara","Rita",""]]} {"id":"2308.11514","submitter":"Gustav Mogull","authors":"Gustav Uhre Jakobsen, Gustav Mogull, Jan Plefka, Benjamin Sauer","title":"Dissipative scattering of spinning black holes at fourth\n post-Minkowskian order","comments":"9 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"HU-EP-23/47-RTG","categories":"hep-th gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compute the radiation reacted momentum impulse $\\Delta p_i^\\mu$, spin kick\n$\\Delta S_i^\\mu$, and scattering angle $\\theta$ between two scattered spinning\nmassive bodies (black holes or neutron stars) using the $\\mathcal{N}=1$\nsupersymmetric worldline quantum field theory formalism up to fourth\npost-Minkowskian (4PM) order. Our calculation confirms the state-of-the-art\nnon-spinning results, and extends them to include spin-orbit effects. Advanced\nmulti-loop Feynman integral technology including differential equations and the\nmethod of regions are applied and extended to deal with the retarded\npropagators arising in a causal description of the scattering dynamics. From\nthese results we determine a complete set of radiative fluxes at sub-leading PM\norder: the 4PM radiated four-momentum and, via linear response, the 3PM\nradiated angular momentum, both again including spin-orbit effects.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:41:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jakobsen","Gustav Uhre",""],["Mogull","Gustav",""],["Plefka","Jan",""],["Sauer","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11515","submitter":"Oanh Nguyen","authors":"Hoi H. Nguyen and Oanh Nguyen","title":"Hole radii for the Kac polynomials and derivatives","comments":"23 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Kac polynomial $$f_n(x) = \\sum_{i=0}^{n} \\xi_i x^i$$ with independent\ncoefficients of variance 1 is one of the most studied models of random\npolynomials.\n It is well-known that the empirical measure of the roots converges to the\nuniform measure on the unit disk. On the other hand, at any point on the unit\ndisk, there is a hole in which there are no roots, with high probability. In a\nbeautiful work \\cite{michelen2020real}, Michelen showed that the holes at $\\pm\n1$ are of order $1/n$. We show that in fact, all the hole radii are of the same\norder. The same phenomenon is established for the derivatives of the Kac\npolynomial as well.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:41:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","Hoi H.",""],["Nguyen","Oanh",""]]} {"id":"2308.11516","submitter":"Wei Fan","authors":"Wei Fan and Huipeng Zhang","title":"Non-perturbative instanton effects in the quartic and the sextic\n double-well potential by the numerical bootstrap approach","comments":"18 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently the non-perturbative numerical bootstrap method is rapidly\ndeveloping, especially its application in nonlinear quantum mechanics,\nmany-body physics, lattice models and matrix models. Here we use this numerical\nbootstrap to study the non-perturbative instanton effects in symmetric\ndouble-well potentials, using an efficient implementation of the algorithm\nproposed recently by Aikawa, Morita and Yoshimura. The ground state level\nsplitting, caused by instantons, is computed for the quartic and the sextic\ncase, where the coupling constant $g$ characterizes the strength of instanton\neffects. Inspired by well-known perturbative results that is only valid at\nlarge $g$ value under the dilute-gas limit, a qualitative formula is proposed\nfor the ground state level splitting across all values of $g$, which agrees\nwell with the bootstrap data. It has the expected behavior at both large value\n$|g|\\to \\infty$ and small value $|g|\\to 0$, so it describes both the 'weak' and\nthe 'strong' regimes of instanton effects. This qualitative formula is\nnon-perturbative and can not be obtained by loop summation alone. It is beyond\nthe dilute-gas approximation, and might be from a renormalization-group-like\nprocedure or other undiscovered analytic methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:45:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fan","Wei",""],["Zhang","Huipeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.11517","submitter":"Mark Kempton","authors":"Nolan Ison, Mark Kempton, Franklin Kenter","title":"Zero Forcing on 2-connected Outerplanar Graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We determine upper and lower bounds on the zero forcing number of 2-connected\nouterplanar graphs in terms of the structure of the weak dual. We show that the\nupper bound is always at most half the number of vertices of the graph. This\nwork generalizes work of Hern\\'andez, Ranilla and Ranilla-Cortina who proved a\nsimilar result for maximal outerplanar graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:45:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ison","Nolan",""],["Kempton","Mark",""],["Kenter","Franklin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11518","submitter":"Amirhossein Reisizadeh","authors":"Amirhossein Reisizadeh, Khashayar Gatmiry, Asuman Ozdaglar","title":"EM for Mixture of Linear Regression with Clustered Data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Modern data-driven and distributed learning frameworks deal with diverse\nmassive data generated by clients spread across heterogeneous environments.\nIndeed, data heterogeneity is a major bottleneck in scaling up many distributed\nlearning paradigms. In many settings however, heterogeneous data may be\ngenerated in clusters with shared structures, as is the case in several\napplications such as federated learning where a common latent variable governs\nthe distribution of all the samples generated by a client. It is therefore\nnatural to ask how the underlying clustered structures in distributed data can\nbe exploited to improve learning schemes. In this paper, we tackle this\nquestion in the special case of estimating $d$-dimensional parameters of a\ntwo-component mixture of linear regressions problem where each of $m$ nodes\ngenerates $n$ samples with a shared latent variable. We employ the well-known\nExpectation-Maximization (EM) method to estimate the maximum likelihood\nparameters from $m$ batches of dependent samples each containing $n$\nmeasurements. Discarding the clustered structure in the mixture model, EM is\nknown to require $O(\\log(mn/d))$ iterations to reach the statistical accuracy\nof $O(\\sqrt{d/(mn)})$. In contrast, we show that if initialized properly, EM on\nthe structured data requires only $O(1)$ iterations to reach the same\nstatistical accuracy, as long as $m$ grows up as $e^{o(n)}$. Our analysis\nestablishes and combines novel asymptotic optimization and generalization\nguarantees for population and empirical EM with dependent samples, which may be\nof independent interest.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:47:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Reisizadeh","Amirhossein",""],["Gatmiry","Khashayar",""],["Ozdaglar","Asuman",""]]} {"id":"2308.11519","submitter":"Anusuya Krishnan Baby","authors":"Anusuya Krishnan","title":"Optimizing Multi-Class Text Classification: A Diverse Stacking Ensemble\n Framework Utilizing Transformers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Customer reviews play a crucial role in assessing customer satisfaction,\ngathering feedback, and driving improvements for businesses. Analyzing these\nreviews provides valuable insights into customer sentiments, including\ncompliments, comments, and suggestions. Text classification techniques enable\nbusinesses to categorize customer reviews into distinct categories,\nfacilitating a better understanding of customer feedback. However, challenges\nsuch as overfitting and bias limit the effectiveness of a single classifier in\nensuring optimal prediction. This study proposes a novel approach to address\nthese challenges by introducing a stacking ensemble-based multi-text\nclassification method that leverages transformer models. By combining multiple\nsingle transformers, including BERT, ELECTRA, and DistilBERT, as base-level\nclassifiers, and a meta-level classifier based on RoBERTa, an optimal\npredictive model is generated. The proposed stacking ensemble-based multi-text\nclassification method aims to enhance the accuracy and robustness of customer\nreview analysis. Experimental evaluations conducted on a real-world customer\nreview dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed\napproach over traditional single classifier models. The stacking ensemble-based\nmulti-text classification method using transformers proves to be a promising\nsolution for businesses seeking to extract valuable insights from customer\nreviews and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and\ndrive continuous improvement.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 13:29:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Krishnan","Anusuya",""]]} {"id":"2308.11520","submitter":"Anusuya Krishnan Baby","authors":"Anusuya Krishnan","title":"Exploring the Power of Topic Modeling Techniques in Analyzing Customer\n Reviews: A Comparative Analysis","comments":"13 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The exponential growth of online social network platforms and applications\nhas led to a staggering volume of user-generated textual content, including\ncomments and reviews. Consequently, users often face difficulties in extracting\nvaluable insights or relevant information from such content. To address this\nchallenge, machine learning and natural language processing algorithms have\nbeen deployed to analyze the vast amount of textual data available online. In\nrecent years, topic modeling techniques have gained significant popularity in\nthis domain. In this study, we comprehensively examine and compare five\nfrequently used topic modeling methods specifically applied to customer\nreviews. The methods under investigation are latent semantic analysis (LSA),\nlatent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), non-negative matrix factorization (NMF),\npachinko allocation model (PAM), Top2Vec, and BERTopic. By practically\ndemonstrating their benefits in detecting important topics, we aim to highlight\ntheir efficacy in real-world scenarios. To evaluate the performance of these\ntopic modeling methods, we carefully select two textual datasets. The\nevaluation is based on standard statistical evaluation metrics such as topic\ncoherence score. Our findings reveal that BERTopic consistently yield more\nmeaningful extracted topics and achieve favorable results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 08:18:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Krishnan","Anusuya",""]]} {"id":"2308.11521","submitter":"Zhenhua Wang","authors":"Zhenhua Wang, Wei Xie, Kai Chen, Baosheng Wang, Zhiwen Gui, Enze Wang","title":"Self-Deception: Reverse Penetrating the Semantic Firewall of Large\n Language Models","comments":"Serious errors were found in the experiment, which may lead to the\n overturning of the overall conclusions of the paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have emerged with astonishing\ncapabilities approaching artificial general intelligence. While providing\nconvenience for various societal needs, LLMs have also lowered the cost of\ngenerating harmful content. Consequently, LLM developers have deployed\nsemantic-level defenses to recognize and reject prompts that may lead to\ninappropriate content. Unfortunately, these defenses are not foolproof, and\nsome attackers have crafted \"jailbreak\" prompts that temporarily hypnotize the\nLLM into forgetting content defense rules and answering any improper questions.\nTo date, there is no clear explanation of the principles behind these\nsemantic-level attacks and defenses in both industry and academia.\n This paper investigates the LLM jailbreak problem and proposes an automatic\njailbreak method for the first time. We propose the concept of a semantic\nfirewall and provide three technical implementation approaches. Inspired by the\nattack that penetrates traditional firewalls through reverse tunnels, we\nintroduce a \"self-deception\" attack that can bypass the semantic firewall by\ninducing LLM to generate prompts that facilitate jailbreak. We generated a\ntotal of 2,520 attack payloads in six languages (English, Russian, French,\nSpanish, Chinese, and Arabic) across seven virtual scenarios, targeting the\nthree most common types of violations: violence, hate, and pornography. The\nexperiment was conducted on two models, namely the GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4. The\nsuccess rates on the two models were 86.2% and 67%, while the failure rates\nwere 4.7% and 2.2%, respectively. This highlighted the effectiveness of the\nproposed attack method. All experimental code and raw data will be released as\nopen-source to inspire future research. We believe that manipulating AI\nbehavior through carefully crafted prompts will become an important research\ndirection in the future.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:04:36 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 00:25:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Zhenhua",""],["Xie","Wei",""],["Chen","Kai",""],["Wang","Baosheng",""],["Gui","Zhiwen",""],["Wang","Enze",""]]} {"id":"2308.11522","submitter":"Jonas Kantic","authors":"Jonas Kantic and Fabian C. Legl and Walter Stechele and Jakob Hermann","title":"ReLiCADA -- Reservoir Computing using Linear Cellular Automata Design\n Algorithm","comments":"19 pages, 14 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we present a novel algorithm to optimize the design of\nReservoir Computing using Cellular Automata models for time series\napplications. Besides selecting the models' hyperparameters, the proposed\nalgorithm particularly solves the open problem of linear Cellular Automaton\nrule selection. The selection method pre-selects only a few promising candidate\nrules out of an exponentially growing rule space. When applied to relevant\nbenchmark datasets, the selected rules achieve low errors, with the best rules\nbeing among the top 5% of the overall rule space. The algorithm was developed\nbased on mathematical analysis of linear Cellular Automaton properties and is\nbacked by almost one million experiments, adding up to a computational runtime\nof nearly one year. Comparisons to other state-of-the-art time series models\nshow that the proposed Reservoir Computing using Cellular Automata models have\nlower computational complexity, at the same time, achieve lower errors. Hence,\nour approach reduces the time needed for training and hyperparameter\noptimization by up to several orders of magnitude.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:52:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kantic","Jonas",""],["Legl","Fabian C.",""],["Stechele","Walter",""],["Hermann","Jakob",""]]} {"id":"2308.11523","submitter":"Akifumi Sako","authors":"Harald Grosse and Akifumi Sako","title":"Integrability of $\\Phi^4$ Matrix Model as $N$-body Harmonic Oscillator\n System","comments":"16 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph hep-th math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study a Hermitian matrix model with a kinetic term given by $ Tr (H \\Phi^2\n)$, where $H$ is a positive definite Hermitian matrix, similar as in the\nKontsevich Matrix model, but with its potential $\\Phi^3$ replaced by $\\Phi^4$.\nWe show that its partition function solves an integrable Schr\\\"odinger-type\nequation for a non-interacting $N$-body Harmonic oscillator system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:54:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Grosse","Harald",""],["Sako","Akifumi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11524","submitter":"Alain J. Brizard","authors":"Alain J. Brizard","title":"Comment on \"Modification of Lie's transform perturbation theory for\n charged particle motion in a magnetic field''","comments":"3 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A recent paper by L.~Zheng [Phys. Plasmas, 30, 042515 (2023)] presented a\ncritical analysis of standard Lie-transform perturbation theory and suggested\nthat its application to the problem of charged-particle motion in a magnetic\nfield suffered from ordering inconsistencies. In the present Comment, we\nsuggest that this criticism is unjustified and that standard Lie-transform\nperturbation theory does not need to be modified in its application to\nguiding-center theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:54:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Brizard","Alain J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11525","submitter":"Maurizio Quadrio","authors":"Daniele Massaro, Fulvio Martinelli, Peter J. Schmid and Maurizio\n Quadrio","title":"Linear stability of Poiseuille flow over a steady spanwise Stokes layer","comments":"Under consideration by PRF","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The temporal linear stability of plane Poiseuille flow modified by spanwise\nforcing applied at the walls is considered. The forcing consists of a\nstationary streamwise distribution of spanwise velocity that generates a steady\ntransversal Stokes layer, known to reduce skin-friction drag in a turbulent\nflow with little energetic cost. A large numerical study is carried out, where\nthe effects of both the physical and the discretization parameters are\nthoroughly explored, for three representative subcritical values of the\nReynolds number Re. Results show that the spanwise Stokes layer significantly\naffects the linear stability of the system. For example, at Re=2000 the wall\nforcing is found to more than double the negative real part of the least-stable\neigenvalue, and to decrease by nearly a factor of four the maximum transient\ngrowth of perturbation energy. These observations are Re-dependent and further\nimprove at higher $Re$. Comments on the physical implications of the obtained\nresults are provided, suggesting that spanwise forcing might be effective to\nobtain at the same time a delayed transition to turbulence and a reduced\nturbulent friction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:54:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Massaro","Daniele",""],["Martinelli","Fulvio",""],["Schmid","Peter J.",""],["Quadrio","Maurizio",""]]} {"id":"2308.11526","submitter":"Pranjal Gupta","authors":"Pranjal Gupta and Harshit Kumar and Debanjana Kar and Karan Bhukar and\n Pooja Aggarwal and Prateeti Mohapatra","title":"Learning Representations on Logs for AIOps","comments":"11 pages, 2023 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cloud Computing\n (CLOUD)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" AI for IT Operations (AIOps) is a powerful platform that Site Reliability\nEngineers (SREs) use to automate and streamline operational workflows with\nminimal human intervention. Automated log analysis is a critical task in AIOps\nas it provides key insights for SREs to identify and address ongoing faults.\nTasks such as log format detection, log classification, and log parsing are key\ncomponents of automated log analysis. Most of these tasks require supervised\nlearning; however, there are multiple challenges due to limited labelled log\ndata and the diverse nature of log data. Large Language Models (LLMs) such as\nBERT and GPT3 are trained using self-supervision on a vast amount of unlabeled\ndata. These models provide generalized representations that can be effectively\nused for various downstream tasks with limited labelled data. Motivated by the\nsuccess of LLMs in specific domains like science and biology, this paper\nintroduces a LLM for log data which is trained on public and proprietary log\ndata. The results of our experiments demonstrate that the proposed LLM\noutperforms existing models on multiple downstream tasks. In summary, AIOps\npowered by LLMs offers an efficient and effective solution for automating log\nanalysis tasks and enabling SREs to focus on higher-level tasks. Our proposed\nLLM, trained on public and proprietary log data, offers superior performance on\nmultiple downstream tasks, making it a valuable addition to the AIOps platform.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 20:34:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gupta","Pranjal",""],["Kumar","Harshit",""],["Kar","Debanjana",""],["Bhukar","Karan",""],["Aggarwal","Pooja",""],["Mohapatra","Prateeti",""]]} {"id":"2308.11527","submitter":"Kav\\'e Salamatian","authors":"Dong Wang, Kav\\'e Salamatian, Yunqing Xia, Weiwei Deng, Qi Zhiang","title":"BERT4CTR: An Efficient Framework to Combine Pre-trained Language Model\n with Non-textual Features for CTR Prediction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Although deep pre-trained language models have shown promising benefit in a\nlarge set of industrial scenarios, including Click-Through-Rate (CTR)\nprediction, how to integrate pre-trained language models that handle only\ntextual signals into a prediction pipeline with non-textual features is\nchallenging.\n Up to now two directions have been explored to integrate multi-modal inputs\nin fine-tuning of pre-trained language models. One consists of fusing the\noutcome of language models and non-textual features through an aggregation\nlayer, resulting into ensemble framework, where the cross-information between\ntextual and non-textual inputs are only learned in the aggregation layer. The\nsecond one consists of splitting non-textual features into fine-grained\nfragments and transforming the fragments to new tokens combined with textual\nones, so that they can be fed directly to transformer layers in language\nmodels. However, this approach increases the complexity of the learning and\ninference because of the numerous additional tokens.\n To address these limitations, we propose in this work a novel framework\nBERT4CTR, with the Uni-Attention mechanism that can benefit from the\ninteractions between non-textual and textual features while maintaining low\ntime-costs in training and inference through a dimensionality reduction.\nComprehensive experiments on both public and commercial data demonstrate that\nBERT4CTR can outperform significantly the state-of-the-art frameworks to handle\nmulti-modal inputs and be applicable to CTR prediction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:25:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Dong",""],["Salamatian","Kav\u00e9",""],["Xia","Yunqing",""],["Deng","Weiwei",""],["Zhiang","Qi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11529","submitter":"Gabe Schoenbach","authors":"Moon Duchin and Gabe Schoenbach","title":"Redistricting for Proportionality","comments":null,"journal-ref":"The Forum, vol. 20, no. 3-4, 2022, pp. 371-393","doi":"10.1515/for-2022-2064","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" American democracy is currently heavily reliant on plurality in single-member\ndistricts, or PSMD, as a system of election. But public perceptions of fairness\nare often keyed to partisan proportionality, or the degree of congruence\nbetween each party's share of the the vote and its share of representation.\nPSMD has not tended to secure proportional outcomes historically, partially due\nto gerrymandering, where line-drawers intentionally extract more advantage for\ntheir side. But it is now increasingly clear that even blind PSMD is frequently\ndisproportional, and in unpredictable ways that depend on local political\ngeography. In this paper we consider whether it is feasible to bring PSMD into\nalignment with a proportionality norm by targeting proportional outcomes in the\ndesign and selection of districts. We do this mainly through a close\nexamination of the \"Freedom to Vote Test,\" a redistricting reform proposed in\ndraft legislation in 2021. We find that applying the test with a\nproportionality target makes for sound policy: it performs well in legal\nbattleground states and has a workable exception to handle edge cases where\nproportionality is out of reach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:56:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Duchin","Moon",""],["Schoenbach","Gabe",""]]} {"id":"2308.11530","submitter":"Hualei Wang","authors":"Hualei Wang, Jianguo Mao, Zhifang Guo, Jiarui Wan, Hong Liu, Xiangdong\n Wang","title":"Furnishing Sound Event Detection with Language Model Abilities","comments":"8 pages,2 figures,published to AAAI","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.AI eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently, the ability of language models (LMs) has attracted increasing\nattention in visual cross-modality. In this paper, we further explore the\ngeneration capacity of LMs for sound event detection (SED), beyond the visual\ndomain. Specifically, we propose an elegant method that aligns audio features\nand text features to accomplish sound event classification and temporal\nlocation. The framework consists of an acoustic encoder, a contrastive module\nthat align the corresponding representations of the text and audio, and a\ndecoupled language decoder that generates temporal and event sequences from the\naudio characteristic. Compared with conventional works that require complicated\nprocessing and barely utilize limited audio features, our model is more concise\nand comprehensive since language model directly leverage its semantic\ncapabilities to generate the sequences. We investigate different decoupling\nmodules to demonstrate the effectiveness for timestamps capture and event\nclassification. Evaluation results show that the proposed method achieves\naccurate sequences of sound event detection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:59:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Hualei",""],["Mao","Jianguo",""],["Guo","Zhifang",""],["Wan","Jiarui",""],["Liu","Hong",""],["Wang","Xiangdong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11531","submitter":"Claire Barale","authors":"Claire Barale","title":"Empowering Refugee Claimants and their Lawyers: Using Machine Learning\n to Examine Decision-Making in Refugee Law","comments":"19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law -\n ICAIL 2023, Doctoral Consortium. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap\n with arXiv:2305.15533","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Our project aims at helping and supporting stakeholders in refugee status\nadjudications, such as lawyers, judges, governing bodies, and claimants, in\norder to make better decisions through data-driven intelligence and increase\nthe understanding and transparency of the refugee application process for all\ninvolved parties. This PhD project has two primary objectives: (1) to retrieve\npast cases, and (2) to analyze legal decision-making processes on a dataset of\nCanadian cases. In this paper, we present the current state of our work, which\nincludes a completed experiment on part (1) and ongoing efforts related to part\n(2). We believe that NLP-based solutions are well-suited to address these\nchallenges, and we investigate the feasibility of automating all steps\ninvolved. In addition, we introduce a novel benchmark for future NLP research\nin refugee law. Our methodology aims to be inclusive to all end-users and\nstakeholders, with expected benefits including reduced time-to-decision, fairer\nand more transparent outcomes, and improved decision quality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:59:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Barale","Claire",""]]} {"id":"2308.11532","submitter":"Augusto Montisci","authors":"Augusto Montisci","title":"A free from local minima algorithm for training regressive MLP neural\n networks","comments":"9 pages, 4 figures, theoretical work","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article an innovative method for training regressive MLP networks is\npresented, which is not subject to local minima. The Error-Back-Propagation\nalgorithm, proposed by William-Hinton-Rummelhart, has had the merit of\nfavouring the development of machine learning techniques, which has permeated\nevery branch of research and technology since the mid-1980s. This extraordinary\nsuccess is largely due to the black-box approach, but this same factor was also\nseen as a limitation, as soon more challenging problems were approached. One of\nthe most critical aspects of the training algorithms was that of local minima\nof the loss function, typically the mean squared error of the output on the\ntraining set. In fact, as the most popular training algorithms are driven by\nthe derivatives of the loss function, there is no possibility to evaluate if a\nreached minimum is local or global. The algorithm presented in this paper\navoids the problem of local minima, as the training is based on the properties\nof the distribution of the training set, or better on its image internal to the\nneural network. The performance of the algorithm is shown for a well-known\nbenchmark.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:59:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Montisci","Augusto",""]]} {"id":"2308.11533","submitter":"Brock Klippenstein Mr.","authors":"Rapha\\\"el Clou\\^atre, Brock Klippenstein, Richard Mika\\\"el Slevinsky","title":"Lifting Sylvester equations: singular value decay for non-normal\n coefficients","comments":"17 pagers, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA math.OA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We aim to find conditions on two Hilbert space operators $A$ and $B$ under\nwhich the expression $AX-XB$ having low rank forces the operator $X$ itself to\nadmit a good low rank approximation. It is known that this can be achieved when\n$A$ and $B$ are normal and have well-separated spectra. In this paper, we relax\nthis normality condition, using the idea of operator dilations. The basic\nproblem then becomes the lifting of Sylvester equations, which is reminiscent\nof the classical commutant lifting theorem and its variations. Our approach\nalso allows us to show that the (factored) alternating direction implicit\nmethod for solving Sylvester equaftions $AX-XB=C$ does not require too many\niterations, even without requiring $A$ to be normal.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:59:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Clou\u00e2tre","Rapha\u00ebl",""],["Klippenstein","Brock",""],["Slevinsky","Richard Mika\u00ebl",""]]} {"id":"2308.11534","submitter":"Chuyi Kong","authors":"Chuyi Kong, Yaxin Fan, Xiang Wan, Feng Jiang, Benyou Wang","title":"Large Language Model as a User Simulator","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The unparalleled performance of closed-sourced ChatGPT has sparked efforts\ntowards its democratization, with notable strides made by leveraging real user\nand ChatGPT conversations, as evidenced by Vicuna. However, while current\nendeavors like Baize and UltraChat aim to auto-generate conversational data due\nto challenges in gathering human participation, they primarily rely on ChatGPT\nto simulate human behaviors based on directives rather than genuine human\nlearning. This results in a limited scope, diminished diversity, and an absence\nof genuine multi-round conversational dynamics. To address the above issues, we\ninnovatively target human questions extracted from genuine human-machine\nconversations as a learning goal and train a user simulator, UserGPT, to\nproduce a high-quality human-centric synthetic conversation dataset, RealChat.\nSubsequently, this dataset trains our assistant model, ReaLM. Experimentally,\nReaLM outpaces baseline models in both Vicuna-Bench and MT-Bench by pairwise\ncomparison when considering equivalent training set sizes, and manual\nevaluation also shows that our model is highly competitive. Impressively, when\nfine-tuned with the latest LLaMA 2 model, ReaLM secured a leading score of 6.33\nin the MT-Bench, outshining the contemporary same-scale models, including the\nLLaMA-2-7B-chat model. Further in-depth analysis demonstrates the scalability\nand transferability of our approach. A preliminary exploration into the\ninterplay between training set data quality and resultant model performance is\nalso undertaken, laying a robust groundwork for future investigations. The code\nis available at https://github.com/FreedomIntelligence/ReaLM.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:51:56 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:33:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kong","Chuyi",""],["Fan","Yaxin",""],["Wan","Xiang",""],["Jiang","Feng",""],["Wang","Benyou",""]]} {"id":"2308.11535","submitter":"Akshat Pandey","authors":"Akshat Pandey","title":"Geodesic congruences in acoustic spacetimes and the role of Raychaudhuri\n equation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" It has been known that the propagation of sound in fluids can be used to\nmodel acoustic spacetimes. These acoustic spacetimes offer analogue models for\ngravity. We use the Raychaudhuri equation to study the propagation of sound in\nthese fluids, which, via the Eikonal approximation, correspond to null geodesic\ncongruences in the acoustic spacetimes. We explore this within the acoustic\nanalogues of black holes and cosmological spacetimes. The robustness of the\nRaychaudhuri equation and the limits of the acoustic analogue are emphasised.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 18:59:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pandey","Akshat",""]]} {"id":"2308.11536","submitter":"Corey Lunsford","authors":"Corey Lunsford","title":"Lax Matrices & Clusters for Type A & C Q-Deformed Open Toda Chain","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.QA math-ph math.MP math.RT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" At the turn of the century, Etingof and Sevostyanov independently constructed\na family of quantum integrable systems, quantizing the open Toda chain\nassociated to a simple Lie group $G$. The elements of this family are\nparameterized by Coxeter words of the corresponding Weyl group. Twenty years\nlater, in the works of Finkelberg, Gonin, and Tsymbaliuk, this was generalized\nto a family of quantum Toda chains parameterized by pairs of Coxeter words. In\nthis paper, we show that this family is actually a single cluster integrable\nsystem written in different clusters associated to cyclic double Coxeter words.\nFurthermore, if we restrict the action of Hamiltonians to its positive\nrepresentation, these systems become unitary equivalent.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:04:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Lunsford","Corey",""]]} {"id":"2308.11537","submitter":"Samuele Garda","authors":"Samuele Garda, Leon Weber-Genzel, Robert Martin, Ulf Leser","title":"BELB: a Biomedical Entity Linking Benchmark","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Biomedical entity linking (BEL) is the task of grounding entity mentions to a\nknowledge base. It plays a vital role in information extraction pipelines for\nthe life sciences literature. We review recent work in the field and find that,\nas the task is absent from existing benchmarks for biomedical text mining,\ndifferent studies adopt different experimental setups making comparisons based\non published numbers problematic. Furthermore, neural systems are tested\nprimarily on instances linked to the broad coverage knowledge base UMLS,\nleaving their performance to more specialized ones, e.g. genes or variants,\nunderstudied. We therefore developed BELB, a Biomedical Entity Linking\nBenchmark, providing access in a unified format to 11 corpora linked to 7\nknowledge bases and spanning six entity types: gene, disease, chemical,\nspecies, cell line and variant. BELB greatly reduces preprocessing overhead in\ntesting BEL systems on multiple corpora offering a standardized testbed for\nreproducible experiments. Using BELB we perform an extensive evaluation of six\nrule-based entity-specific systems and three recent neural approaches\nleveraging pre-trained language models. Our results reveal a mixed picture\nshowing that neural approaches fail to perform consistently across entity\ntypes, highlighting the need of further studies towards entity-agnostic models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:05:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Garda","Samuele",""],["Weber-Genzel","Leon",""],["Martin","Robert",""],["Leser","Ulf",""]]} {"id":"2308.11538","submitter":"Dmitrii Pavlov","authors":"Eliana Duarte, Dmitrii Pavlov, Maximilian Wiesmann","title":"Algebraic Geometry of Quantum Graphical Models","comments":"20 pages, comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Algebro-geometric methods have proven to be very successful in the study of\ngraphical models in statistics. In this paper we introduce the foundations to\ncarry out a similar study of their quantum counterparts. These quantum\ngraphical models are families of quantum states satisfying certain locality or\ncorrelation conditions encoded by a graph. We lay out several ways to associate\nan algebraic variety to a quantum graphical model. The classical graphical\nmodels can be recovered from most of these varieties by restricting to quantum\nstates represented by diagonal matrices. We study fundamental properties of\nthese varieties and provide algorithms to compute their defining equations.\nMoreover, we study quantum information projections to quantum exponential\nfamilies defined by graphs and prove a quantum analogue of Birch's Theorem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:07:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Duarte","Eliana",""],["Pavlov","Dmitrii",""],["Wiesmann","Maximilian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11539","submitter":"Sarah Arpin","authors":"Sarah Arpin, James Clements, Pierrick Dartois, Jonathan Komada\n Eriksen, P\\'eter Kutas, Benjamin Wesolowski","title":"Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion\n Orders","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Orientations of supersingular elliptic curves encode the information of an\nendomorphism of the curve. Computing the full endomorphism ring is a known hard\nproblem, so one might consider how hard it is to find one such orientation. We\nprove that access to an oracle which tells if an elliptic curve is\n$\\mathfrak{O}$-orientable for a fixed imaginary quadratic order $\\mathfrak{O}$\nprovides non-trivial information towards computing an endomorphism\ncorresponding to the $\\mathfrak{O}$-orientation. We provide explicit algorithms\nand in-depth complexity analysis.\n We also consider the question in terms of quaternion algebras. We provide\nalgorithms which compute an embedding of a fixed imaginary quadratic order into\na maximal order of the quaternion algebra ramified at $p$ and $\\infty$. We\nprovide code implementations in Sagemath which is efficient for finding\nembeddings of imaginary quadratic orders of discriminants up to $O(p)$, even\nfor cryptographically sized $p$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:11:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Arpin","Sarah",""],["Clements","James",""],["Dartois","Pierrick",""],["Eriksen","Jonathan Komada",""],["Kutas","P\u00e9ter",""],["Wesolowski","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11540","submitter":"Shu Kanazawa","authors":"Shu Kanazawa, Khanh Duy Trinh","title":"Central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of the adjacency\n matrices of random simplicial complexes","comments":"30 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the adjacency matrix of the Linial-Meshulam complex model, which is\na higher-dimensional generalization of the Erd\\H{o}s-R\\'enyi graph model.\nRecently, Knowles and Rosenthal proved that the empirical spectral distribution\nof the adjacency matrix is asymptotically given by Wigner's semicircle law in a\ndiluted regime. In this article, we prove a central limit theorem for the\nlinear eigenvalue statistics for test functions of polynomial growth that is of\nclass $C^{2}$ on a closed interval. The proof is based on higher-dimensional\ncombinatorial enumerations and concentration properties of random symmetric\nmatrices. Furthermore, when the test function is a polynomial function, we\nobtain the explicit formula for the variance of the limiting Gaussian\ndistribution.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:12:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kanazawa","Shu",""],["Trinh","Khanh Duy",""]]} {"id":"2308.11541","submitter":"Claire Barale","authors":"Claire Barale","title":"Refugee status determination: how cooperation with machine learning\n tools can lead to more justice","comments":"Scottish Law and Innovation Network (SCOTLIN) 2022, Early Career\n Scholars Symposium","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Previous research on refugee status adjudications has shown that prediction\nof the outcome of an application can be derived from very few features with\nsatisfactory accuracy. Recent research work has achieved between 70 and 90%\naccuracy using text analytics on various legal fields among which refugee\nstatus determination. Some studies report predictions derived from the judge\nidentity only. Additionally most features used for prediction are\nnon-substantive and external features ranging from news reports, date and time\nof the hearing or weather. On the other hand, literature shows that noise is\nubiquitous in human judgments and significantly affects the outcome of\ndecisions. It has been demonstrated that noise is a significant factor\nimpacting legal decisions. We use the term \"noise\" in the sense described by D.\nKahneman, as a measure of how human beings are unavoidably influenced by\nexternal factors when making a decision. In the context of refugee status\ndetermination, it means for instance that two judges would take different\ndecisions when presented with the same application. This article explores ways\nthat machine learning can help reduce noise in refugee law decision making. We\nare not suggesting that this proposed methodology should be exclusive from\nother approaches to improve decisions such as training of decision makers,\nskills acquisition or judgment aggregation, but rather that it is a path worth\nexploring. We investigate how artificial intelligence and specifically\ndata-driven applications can be used to benefit all parties involved in refugee\nstatus adjudications. We specifically look at decisions taken in Canada and in\nthe United States. Our research aims at reducing arbitrariness and unfairness\nthat derive from noisy decisions, based on the assumption that if two cases or\napplications are alike they should be treated in the same way and induce the\nsame outcome.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:16:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Barale","Claire",""]]} {"id":"2308.11542","submitter":"Yan-Cong Chen","authors":"Yan-Cong Chen","title":"Magical or magnetic? Less commonly taught facts about real-world\n permanent magnets and their diverse interactions with objects","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.pop-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Permanent magnets are fascinating. They generate magnetic field and act as\nthe key component in compasses, motors, speakers for practical applications.\nThey are also made into magnetic toys for entertainment and education with\nmagical magnetic tricks. Some of these tricks fueled the recent upsurge for\nmagnetic-responsive objects including but not limited to a LK-99 mixture. A\nlack of full consideration of the magnetic interactions seems to be the reason\nwhy some tricks like \"half levitation\" is misinterpreted, and the situation is\nnot really rectified in the following replications and discussions. Here I\nwould like to go through some less commonly taught facts about real-world\npermanent magnets starting from the nonuniformity to their combined effects\nwith other factors. Based on these facts, I will also break down the situation\nof some examples of how permanent magnets diversely interact even with ordinary\nobjects, as one may have seen from recent sources. I believe this discussion is\nuseful both in an informative and educational way, helping those who want to\nthink deeper about magnetic mechanism beyond a simple attract/repel\nterminology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:18:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Yan-Cong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11543","submitter":"Gayle Geschwind","authors":"Gayle Geschwind, Michael Vignal, H.J. Lewandowski","title":"Representational differences in how students compare measurements","comments":"4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in PERC Conference Proceedings\n 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ed-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Measurement uncertainty plays a critical role in the process of experimental\nphysics. It is useful to be able to assess student proficiency around the topic\nto iteratively improve instruction and student learning. For the topic of\nmeasurement uncertainty, we developed an assessment tool called the Survey of\nPhysics Reasoning on Uncertainty Concepts in Experiments (SPRUCE), which aims\nto assess students' knowledge, and use of, a variety of concepts related to\nmeasurement uncertainty. This assessment includes two isomorphic questions\nfocused on comparing two measurements with uncertainty. One is presented\nnumerically and the other pictorially. Despite the questions probing identical\nconcepts, students answer them in different ways, indicating that they rely on\ndistinct modes of representation to make sense of measurement uncertainty and\ncomparisons. Specifically, students score much higher on the pictorially\nrepresented item, which suggests possible instructional changes to leverage\nstudents' use of representations while working with concepts of measurement\nuncertainty.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:20:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Geschwind","Gayle",""],["Vignal","Michael",""],["Lewandowski","H. J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11544","submitter":"Sergey Gusev","authors":"Sergey V. Gusev","title":"Varieties of aperiodic monoids with commuting idempotents whose\n subvariety lattice is distributive","comments":"75 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We completely classify all varieties of aperiodic monoids with commuting\nidempotents whose subvariety lattice is distributive.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:21:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gusev","Sergey V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11545","submitter":"Thang Pham","authors":"Thang Pham, Kate Reidy, Joachim D. Thomsen, Baoming Wang, Nishant\n Deshmukh, Michael A. Filler and Frances M. Ross","title":"Salt-assisted vapor-liquid-solid growth of one-dimensional van der Waals\n materials","comments":"16 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We have combined the benefits of two catalytic growth phenomena to form\nnanostructures of transition metal trichalcogenides (TMTs), materials that are\nchallenging to grow in a nanostructured form by conventional techniques, as\nrequired to exploit their exotic physics. Our growth strategy combines the\nbenefits of vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth in controlling dimension and growth\nlocation, and salt-assisted growth for fast growth at moderate temperatures.\nThis salt-assisted VLS growth is enabled through use of a catalyst that\nincludes Au and an alkali metal halide. We demonstrate high yields of NbS3 1D\nnanostructures with sub-ten nanometer diameter, tens of micrometers length, and\ndistinct 1D morphologies consisting of nanowires and nanoribbons with [010] and\n[100] growth orientations, respectively. We present strategies to control the\ngrowth location, size, and morphology. We extend the growth method to\nsynthesize other TMTs, NbSe3 and TiS3, as nanowires. Finally, we discuss the\ngrowth mechanism based on the relationships we measure between the materials\ncharacteristics (growth orientation, morphology and dimensions) and the growth\nconditions (catalyst volume and growth time). Our study introduces\nopportunities to expand the library of emerging 1D vdW materials and their\nheterostructures with controllable nanoscale dimensions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:22:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pham","Thang",""],["Reidy","Kate",""],["Thomsen","Joachim D.",""],["Wang","Baoming",""],["Deshmukh","Nishant",""],["Filler","Michael A.",""],["Ross","Frances M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11546","submitter":"Apurva Patil","authors":"Apurva Patil, Yujing Zhou, David Fridovich-Keil, Takashi Tanaka","title":"Risk-Minimizing Two-Player Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Game via\n Path Integral Control","comments":"8 pages, 4 figures, CDC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper addresses a continuous-time risk-minimizing two-player zero-sum\nstochastic differential game (SDG), in which each player aims to minimize its\nprobability of failure. Failure occurs in the event when the state of the game\nenters into predefined undesirable domains, and one player's failure is the\nother's success. We derive a sufficient condition for this game to have a\nsaddle-point equilibrium and show that it can be solved via a\nHamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) partial differential equation (PDE) with Dirichlet\nboundary condition. Under certain assumptions on the system dynamics and cost\nfunction, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the saddle-point of the\ngame. We provide explicit expressions for the saddle-point policies which can\nbe numerically evaluated using path integral control. This allows us to solve\nthe game online via Monte Carlo sampling of system trajectories. We implement\nour control synthesis framework on two classes of risk-minimizing zero-sum\nSDGs: a disturbance attenuation problem and a pursuit-evasion game. Simulation\nstudies are presented to validate the proposed control synthesis framework.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:24:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Patil","Apurva",""],["Zhou","Yujing",""],["Fridovich-Keil","David",""],["Tanaka","Takashi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11547","submitter":"Douglas Natelson","authors":"Shusen Liao, Yunxuan Zhu, Qian Ye, Stephen Sanders, Jiawei Yang,\n Alessandro Alabastri, Douglas Natelson","title":"Quantifying efficiency of remote excitation for surface enhanced Raman\n spectroscopy in molecular junctions","comments":"20 pages, 4 figures, plus 19 pages, 11 figures supporting information","journal-ref":"J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 7574-7580 (2023)","doi":"10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c01948","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is enabled by local surface\nplasmon resonances (LSPRs) in metallic nanogaps. When SERS is excited by direct\nillumination of the nanogap, the background heating of lattice and electrons\ncan prevent further manipulation of the molecules. To overcome this issue, we\nreport SERS in electromigrated gold molecular junctions excited remotely:\nsurface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are excited at nearby gratings, propagate to\nthe junction, and couple to the local nanogap plasmon modes. Like direct\nexcitation, remote excitation of the nanogap can generate both SERS emission\nand an open-circuit photovoltage (OCPV). We compare SERS intensity and OCPV in\nboth direct and remote illumination configurations. SERS spectra obtained by\nremote excitation are much more stable than those obtained through direct\nexcitation when photon count rates are comparable. By statistical analysis of\n33 devices, coupling efficiency of remote excitation is calculated to be around\n10%, consistent with the simulated energy flow.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:24:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liao","Shusen",""],["Zhu","Yunxuan",""],["Ye","Qian",""],["Sanders","Stephen",""],["Yang","Jiawei",""],["Alabastri","Alessandro",""],["Natelson","Douglas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11548","submitter":"Daniil Karzanov","authors":"Daniil Karzanov","title":"Modelling Structural Breaks In Stock Price Time Series Using Stochastic\n Differential Equations","comments":"4 pages, 3 Figures, Conference. Intel. pp 4-7.\n http://agora.guru.ru/display.php?conf=hpc2021&page=item005&l=1","journal-ref":"Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer\n Technologies, 2021","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper studies the effect of quarterly earnings reports on the stock\nprice. The profitability of the stock is modelled by geometric Brownian\ndiffusion and the Constant Elasticity of Variance model. We fit several\nvariations of stochastic differential equations to the pre-and after-report\nperiod using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Grid Search of parameters\nmethod. By examining the change in the model parameters after reports'\npublication, the study reveals that the reports have enough evidence to be a\nstructural breakpoint, meaning that all the forecast models exploited are not\napplicable for forecasting and should be refitted shortly.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:26:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Karzanov","Daniil",""]]} {"id":"2308.11549","submitter":"Cassidy Buhler","authors":"Cassidy K. Buhler and Hande Y. Benson","title":"Decision-Making for Land Conservation: A Derivative-Free Optimization\n Framework with Nonlinear Inputs","comments":"8 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Protected areas (PAs) are designated spaces where human activities are\nrestricted to preserve critical habitats. Decision-makers are challenged with\nbalancing a trade-off of financial feasibility with ecological benefit when\nestablishing PAs. Given the long-term ramifications of these decisions and the\nconstantly shifting environment, it is crucial that PAs are carefully selected\nwith long-term viability in mind.\n Using AI tools like simulation and optimization is common for designating\nPAs, but current decision models are primarily linear. In this paper, we\npropose a derivative-free optimization framework paired with a nonlinear\ncomponent, population viability analysis (PVA). Formulated as a mixed integer\nnonlinear programming (MINLP) problem, our model allows for linear and\nnonlinear inputs. Connectivity, competition, crowding, and other similar\nconcerns are handled by the PVA software, rather than expressed as constraints\nof the optimization model. In addition, we present numerical results that serve\nas a proof of concept, showing our models yield PAs with similar expected risk\nto that of preserving every parcel in a habitat, but at a significantly lower\ncost.\n The overall goal is to promote interdisciplinary work by providing a new\nmathematical programming tool for conservationists that allows for nonlinear\ninputs and can be paired with existing ecological software.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:30:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Buhler","Cassidy K.",""],["Benson","Hande Y.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11550","submitter":"Margareta Wagner","authors":"Margareta Wagner, Jakob Hofinger, Martin Setv\\'in, Lynn A. Boatner,\n Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold","title":"The prototypical organic-oxide interface: intra-molecular resolution of\n sexiphenyl on In$_2$O$_3$(111)","comments":null,"journal-ref":"ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 2018, 14175-14182","doi":"10.1021/acsami.8b02177","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The performance of an organic-semiconductor device is critically determined\nby the geometric alignment, orientation, and ordering of the organic molecules.\nWhile an organic multilayer eventually adopts the crystal structure of the\norganic material, the alignment and configuration at the interface with the\nsubstrate/electrode material is essential for charge injection into the organic\nlayer. This work focuses on the prototypical organic semiconductor\npara-sexiphenyl (6P) adsorbed on In$_2$O$_3$(111), the thermodynamically most\nstable surface of the material that the most common transparent conducting\noxide, indium tin oxide (ITO) is based on. The onset of nucleation and\nformation of the first monolayer are followed with atomically-resolved scanning\ntunneling microscopy (STM) and non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM).\nAnnealing to 200$^\\circ$C provides sufficient thermal energy for the molecules\nto orient themselves along the high-symmetry directions of the surface, leading\nto a single adsorption site. The AFM data suggests a twisted adsorption\ngeometry. With increasing coverage, the 6P molecules first form a loose network\nwith poor long-range order. Eventually the molecules re-orient and form an\nordered monolayer. This first monolayer has a densely packed, well-ordered\n(2$\\times$1) structure with one 6P per In$_2$O$_3$(111) substrate unit cell,\ni.e., a molecular density of 5.64$\\times$10$^{13}$ cm$^{-2}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:31:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wagner","Margareta",""],["Hofinger","Jakob",""],["Setv\u00edn","Martin",""],["Boatner","Lynn A.",""],["Schmid","Michael",""],["Diebold","Ulrike",""]]} {"id":"2308.11551","submitter":"Gengyuan Zhang","authors":"Gengyuan Zhang, Jisen Ren, Jindong Gu, Volker Tresp","title":"Multi-event Video-Text Retrieval","comments":"accepted to ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.IR cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Video-Text Retrieval (VTR) is a crucial multi-modal task in an era of massive\nvideo-text data on the Internet. A plethora of work characterized by using a\ntwo-stream Vision-Language model architecture that learns a joint\nrepresentation of video-text pairs has become a prominent approach for the VTR\ntask. However, these models operate under the assumption of bijective\nvideo-text correspondences and neglect a more practical scenario where video\ncontent usually encompasses multiple events, while texts like user queries or\nwebpage metadata tend to be specific and correspond to single events. This\nestablishes a gap between the previous training objective and real-world\napplications, leading to the potential performance degradation of earlier\nmodels during inference. In this study, we introduce the Multi-event Video-Text\nRetrieval (MeVTR) task, addressing scenarios in which each video contains\nmultiple different events, as a niche scenario of the conventional Video-Text\nRetrieval Task. We present a simple model, Me-Retriever, which incorporates key\nevent video representation and a new MeVTR loss for the MeVTR task.\nComprehensive experiments show that this straightforward framework outperforms\nother models in the Video-to-Text and Text-to-Video tasks, effectively\nestablishing a robust baseline for the MeVTR task. We believe this work serves\nas a strong foundation for future studies. Code is available at\nhttps://github.com/gengyuanmax/MeVTR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:32:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Gengyuan",""],["Ren","Jisen",""],["Gu","Jindong",""],["Tresp","Volker",""]]} {"id":"2308.11552","submitter":"Samuzal Barua","authors":"Samuzal Barua, Oluwashina K. Adegoke, Ranjeev Misra, Pramod Pawar, V.\n Jithesh, Biman J. Medhi","title":"A Search for X-ray/UV Correlation in the Reflection-Dominated Seyfert 1\n Galaxy Mrk 1044","comments":"Accepted for Publication in APJ, 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Correlated variability between coronal X-rays and disc optical/UV photons\nprovides a very useful diagnostic of the interplay between the different\nregions around an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and how they interact. AGN that\nreveal strong X-ray reflection in their spectra should normally exhibit\noptical/UV to X-ray correlation consistent with reprocessing -- where the\noptical/UV emission lag behind the X-rays. While such correlated delay has been\nseen in some sources, it has been absent in others. \\rm{Mrk~1044} is one such\nsource that has been known to reveal strong X-ray reflection in its spectra. In\nour analysis of three long \\textit{XMM-Newton} and several \\textit{Swift}\nobservations of the source, we found no strong evidence for correlation between\nits UV and X-ray lightcurves both on short and long time scales. Among other\nplausible causes for the non-detection, we posit that higher X-ray variability\nthan UV and strong general relativistic effects close to the black hole may\nalso be responsible. We also present results from the spectral analysis based\non \\textit{XMM-Newton} and \\textit{NuSTAR} observations, which show the strong\nsoft X-ray excess and iron K$\\alpha$ line in the 0.3--50 keV spectrum that can\nbe described by relativistic reflection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:33:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Barua","Samuzal",""],["Adegoke","Oluwashina K.",""],["Misra","Ranjeev",""],["Pawar","Pramod",""],["Jithesh","V.",""],["Medhi","Biman J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11553","submitter":"Alaska Subedi","authors":"Alaska Subedi","title":"Order-by-disorder charge density wave condensation at\n $\\mathbf{\\textit{q} =(\\frac{1}{3},\\frac{1}{3},\\frac{1}{3})}$ in kagome metal\n ScV$_6$Sn$_6$","comments":"Fix a typo; 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables; crystal structure\n information are given in ancillary files","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The recent discovery of a charge density wave order at the wave vector $P$\n$(\\frac{1}{3},\\frac{1}{3},\\frac{1}{3})$ in the kagome metal ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ has\ncreated a mystery because subsequent theoretical and experimental studies show\na dominant phonon instability instead at another wave vector $H$\n$(\\frac{1}{3},\\frac{1}{3},\\frac{1}{2})$. In this paper, I use first principles\ntotal energy calculations to map out the landscape of the structural\ndistortions due to the unstable phonon modes at $H$, $L$\n$(\\frac{1}{2},0,\\frac{1}{2})$, and $P$ present in this material. In agreement\nwith previous results, I find that the distortions due to the $H$ instability\ncause the largest gain in energy relative to the parent structure, followed in\norder by the $L$ and $P$ instabilities. However, only two distinct structure\noccur due to this instability, which are separated by 6 meV/f.u. The\ninstability at $L$ results in three distinct structures separated in energy by\n5 meV/f.u. In contrast, six different distorted structures are stabilized due\nto the instability at $P$, and they all lie within 2 meV/f.u.\\ of each other.\nHence, despite a lower energy gain, the condensation at $P$ could be favorable\ndue to a larger entropy gain associated with the fluctuations within a manifold\nwith larger multiplicity via the order-by-disorder mechanism.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:34:19 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 11:11:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Subedi","Alaska",""]]} {"id":"2308.11554","submitter":"Miguel Beneitez","authors":"Miguel Beneitez, Jacob Page, Yves Dubief, Rich R. Kerswell","title":"Multistability of elasto-inertial two-dimensional channel flow","comments":"17 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Elasto-inertial turbulence (EIT) is a recently discovered two-dimensional\nchaotic flow state observed in dilute polymer solutions. It has been\nhypothesised that the dynamical origins of EIT are linked to a center-mode\ninstability, whose nonlinear evolution leads to a travelling wave with an\n'arrowhead' structure in the polymer conformation, a structure also observed\ninstantaneously in simulations of EIT. In this work we conduct a suite of\ntwo-dimensional direct numerical simulations spanning a wide range of polymeric\nflow parameters to examine the possible dynamical connection between the\narrowhead and EIT. Our calculations reveal (up to) four co-existent attractors:\nthe laminar state and a steady arrowhead, along with EIT and a 'chaotic\narrowhead'. The steady arrowhead is stable for all parameters considered here,\nwhile the final pair of (chaotic) flow states are visually very similar and can\nbe distinguished only by the presence of a weak polymer arrowhead structure in\nthe 'chaotic arrowhead' regime. Analysis of energy transfers between the flow\nand the polymer indicates that both chaotic regimes are maintained by an\nidentical near-wall mechanism and that the weak arrowhead does not play a role.\nOur results suggest that the arrowhead is a benign flow structure that is\ndisconnected from the self-sustaining mechanics of EIT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:34:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Beneitez","Miguel",""],["Page","Jacob",""],["Dubief","Yves",""],["Kerswell","Rich R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11555","submitter":"Simon Becker","authors":"Simon Becker, Maciej Zworski","title":"From the chiral model of TBG to the Bistritzer--MacDonald model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el math.AP math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We analyse the splitting of exact flat bands in the chiral model of the\ntwisted bilayer graphene (TBG) when the $AA'/BB'$ coupling of the full\nBistritzer--MacDonald model is taken into account. The first-order perturbation\ncaused by the $AA'/BB'$ potential the same for both bands and satisfies\ninteresting symmetries, in particular it vanishes on the line defined by the\n$K$ points. The splitting of the flat bands is governed by the quadratic term\nwhich vanishes at the $K$ points.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:36:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Becker","Simon",""],["Zworski","Maciej",""]]} {"id":"2308.11556","submitter":"Jeremy Lovejoy","authors":"Kathrin Bringmann and Jeremy Lovejoy","title":"Odd unimodal sequeneces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we study odd unimodal and odd strongly unimodal sequences. We\nuse $q$-series methods to find several fundamental generating functions.\nEmploying the Euler--Maclaurin summation formula we obtain the asymptotic main\nterm for both types of sequences. We also find families of congruences modulo\n$4$ for the number of odd strongly unimodal sequences.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:37:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bringmann","Kathrin",""],["Lovejoy","Jeremy",""]]} {"id":"2308.11557","submitter":"Shengbang Fang","authors":"Shengbang Fang, Tai D. Nguyen, Matthew C. Stamm","title":"Open Set Synthetic Image Source Attribution","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" AI-generated images have become increasingly realistic and have garnered\nsignificant public attention. While synthetic images are intriguing due to\ntheir realism, they also pose an important misinformation threat. To address\nthis new threat, researchers have developed multiple algorithms to detect\nsynthetic images and identify their source generators. However, most existing\nsource attribution techniques are designed to operate in a closed-set scenario,\ni.e. they can only be used to discriminate between known image generators. By\ncontrast, new image-generation techniques are rapidly emerging. To contend with\nthis, there is a great need for open-set source attribution techniques that can\nidentify when synthetic images have originated from new, unseen generators. To\naddress this problem, we propose a new metric learning-based approach. Our\ntechnique works by learning transferrable embeddings capable of discriminating\nbetween generators, even when they are not seen during training. An image is\nfirst assigned to a candidate generator, then is accepted or rejected based on\nits distance in the embedding space from known generators' learned reference\npoints. Importantly, we identify that initializing our source attribution\nembedding network by pretraining it on image camera identification can improve\nour embeddings' transferability. Through a series of experiments, we\ndemonstrate our approach's ability to attribute the source of synthetic images\nin open-set scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:37:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Fang","Shengbang",""],["Nguyen","Tai D.",""],["Stamm","Matthew C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11558","submitter":"Gunjan Kumar","authors":"Diptarka Chakraborty, Sourav Chakraborty, Gunjan Kumar","title":"Tight Lower Bound on Equivalence Testing in Conditional Sampling Model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS cs.CC cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the equivalence testing problem where the goal is to determine if\nthe given two unknown distributions on $[n]$ are equal or $\\epsilon$-far in the\ntotal variation distance in the conditional sampling model (CFGM, SICOMP16;\nCRS, SICOMP15) wherein a tester can get a sample from the distribution\nconditioned on any subset. Equivalence testing is a central problem in\ndistribution testing, and there has been a plethora of work on this topic in\nvarious sampling models.\n Despite significant efforts over the years, there remains a gap in the\ncurrent best-known upper bound of $\\tilde{O}(\\log \\log n)$ [FJOPS, COLT 2015]\nand lower bound of $\\Omega(\\sqrt{\\log \\log n})$[ACK, RANDOM 2015, Theory of\nComputing 2018].\n Closing this gap has been repeatedly posed as an open problem (listed as\nproblems 66 and 87 at sublinear.info). In this paper, we completely resolve the\nquery complexity of this problem by showing a lower bound of\n$\\tilde{\\Omega}(\\log \\log n)$. For that purpose, we develop a novel and generic\nproof technique that enables us to break the $\\sqrt{\\log \\log n}$ barrier, not\nonly for the equivalence testing problem but also for other distribution\ntesting problems, such as uniblock property.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:38:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Chakraborty","Diptarka",""],["Chakraborty","Sourav",""],["Kumar","Gunjan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11559","submitter":"Federico Butori","authors":"Federico Butori and Francesco Grotto and Eliseo Luongo and Leonardo\n Roveri","title":"Existence of Invariant Measures for Stochastic Inviscid Multi-Layer\n Quasi-Geostrophic Equations","comments":"Corrected typo in the title","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR math-ph math.AP math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider an inviscid 3-layer quasi-geostrophic model with stochastic\nforcing in a 2D bounded domain. After establishing well-posedness of such\nsystem under natural regularity assumptions on the initial condition and the\n(additive) noise, we prove the existence of an invariant measure supported on\nbounded functions by means of the Krylov-Bogoliubov approach developed by\nFerrario and Bessaih (Comm. Math. Phys. 377, 2020).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:42:45 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 17:49:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Butori","Federico",""],["Grotto","Francesco",""],["Luongo","Eliseo",""],["Roveri","Leonardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11560","submitter":"Sergey Volkov","authors":"Sergey Volkov","title":"Calculation of lepton magnetic moments in quantum electrodynamics: a\n justification of the flexible divergence elimination method","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The flexible method of reduction to finite integrals, briefly described in\nearlier publications of the author, is described in detail. The method is\nsuitable for the calculation of all quantum electrodynamical contributions to\nthe magnetic moments of leptons. It includes mass-dependent contributions. The\nmethod removes all divergences (UV, IR and mixed) point-by-point in Feynman\nparametric space without any usage of limit-like regularizations. It yields a\nfinite integral for each individual Feynman graph. The subtraction procedure is\nbased on the use of linear operators applied to the Feynman amplitudes of\nUV-divergent subgraphs; a placement of all terms in the same Feynman parametric\nspace is implied. The final result is simply the sum of the individual graph\ncontributions; no residual renormalization is required. The method also allows\nus to split the total contribution into the contributions of small\ngauge-invariant classes. The procedure offers a great freedom in the choice of\nthe linear operators. This freedom can be used for improving the computation\nspeed and for a reliability check. The mechanism of divergence elimination is\nexplained, as well as the equivalence of the method and the on-shell\nrenormalization. For illustrative purposes, all 4-loop contributions to the\nanomalous magnetic moments of the electron and muon are given for each small\ngauge-invariant class, as well as their comparison with previously known\nresults. This also includes the contributions that depend on the ratios of the\ntau-lepton mass to the electron and muon mass.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:43:38 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 10:18:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Volkov","Sergey",""]]} {"id":"2308.11561","submitter":"Yifei Su","authors":"Yifei Su, Dong An, Yuan Xu, Kehan Chen, Yan Huang","title":"Target-Grounded Graph-Aware Transformer for Aerial Vision-and-Dialog\n Navigation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This report details the methods of the winning entry of the AVDN Challenge in\nICCV CLVL 2023. The competition addresses the Aerial Navigation from Dialog\nHistory (ANDH) task, which requires a drone agent to associate dialog history\nwith aerial observations to reach the destination. For better cross-modal\ngrounding abilities of the drone agent, we propose a Target-Grounded\nGraph-Aware Transformer (TG-GAT) framework. Concretely, TG-GAT first leverages\na graph-aware transformer to capture spatiotemporal dependency, which benefits\nnavigation state tracking and robust action planning. In addition,an auxiliary\nvisual grounding task is devised to boost the agent's awareness of referred\nlandmarks. Moreover, a hybrid augmentation strategy based on large language\nmodels is utilized to mitigate data scarcity limitations. Our TG-GAT framework\nwon the AVDN Challenge, with 2.2% and 3.0% absolute improvements over the\nbaseline on SPL and SR metrics, respectively. The code is available at\nhttps://github.com/yifeisu/TG-GAT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:45:35 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 05:53:43 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:57:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Su","Yifei",""],["An","Dong",""],["Xu","Yuan",""],["Chen","Kehan",""],["Huang","Yan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11562","submitter":"Egor Ushakov","authors":"Egor Ushakov, Anton Naumov, Vladislav Fomberg, Polina Vishnyakova,\n Aleksandra Asaturova, Alina Badlaeva, Anna Tregubova, Evgeny Karpulevich,\n Gennady Sukhikh, Timur Fatkhudinov","title":"EndoNet: model for automatic calculation of H-score on histological\n slides","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" H-score is a semi-quantitative method used to assess the presence and\ndistribution of proteins in tissue samples by combining the intensity of\nstaining and percentage of stained nuclei. It is widely used but time-consuming\nand can be limited in accuracy and precision. Computer-aided methods may help\novercome these limitations and improve the efficiency of pathologists'\nworkflows. In this work, we developed a model EndoNet for automatic calculation\nof H-score on histological slides. Our proposed method uses neural networks and\nconsists of two main parts. The first is a detection model which predicts\nkeypoints of centers of nuclei. The second is a H-score module which calculates\nthe value of the H-score using mean pixel values of predicted keypoints. Our\nmodel was trained and validated on 1780 annotated tiles with a shape of 100x100\n$\\mu m$ and performed 0.77 mAP on a test dataset. Moreover, the model can be\nadjusted to a specific specialist or whole laboratory to reproduce the manner\nof calculating the H-score. Thus, EndoNet is effective and robust in the\nanalysis of histology slides, which can improve and significantly accelerate\nthe work of pathologists.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:45:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Ushakov","Egor",""],["Naumov","Anton",""],["Fomberg","Vladislav",""],["Vishnyakova","Polina",""],["Asaturova","Aleksandra",""],["Badlaeva","Alina",""],["Tregubova","Anna",""],["Karpulevich","Evgeny",""],["Sukhikh","Gennady",""],["Fatkhudinov","Timur",""]]} {"id":"2308.11563","submitter":"Silvana Deilen","authors":"Silvana Deilen, Sergio Hern\\'andez Garrido, Ekaterina\n Lapshinova-Koltunski, Christiane Maa{\\ss}","title":"Using ChatGPT as a CAT tool in Easy Language translation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This study sets out to investigate the feasibility of using ChatGPT to\ntranslate citizen-oriented administrative texts into German Easy Language, a\nsimplified, controlled language variety that is adapted to the needs of people\nwith reading impairments. We use ChatGPT to translate selected texts from\nwebsites of German public authorities using two strategies, i.e. linguistic and\nholistic. We analyse the quality of the generated texts based on different\ncriteria, such as correctness, readability, and syntactic complexity. The\nresults indicated that the generated texts are easier than the standard texts,\nbut that they still do not fully meet the established Easy Language standards.\nAdditionally, the content is not always rendered correctly.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:59:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Deilen","Silvana",""],["Garrido","Sergio Hern\u00e1ndez",""],["Lapshinova-Koltunski","Ekaterina",""],["Maa\u00df","Christiane",""]]} {"id":"2308.11564","submitter":"Joshu\\'e Hel\\'i Ricalde Guerrero","authors":"Daniel Hern\\'andez-Hern\\'andez and Joshu\\'e Hel\\'i Ricalde-Guerrero","title":"Conditional McKean-Vlasov Differential Equations with Common Poissonian\n Noise: Propagation of Chaos","comments":"24 pages, 0 figures, submitted to Electronic Journal of Probability","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A model for the evolution of a large population interacting system is\nconsidered in which a marked Poisson processes influences their evolution,\ntogether with a Brownian motion. Mean field McKean-Vlasov limits of such system\nare formulated studying first both systems individually. Letting the population\nsize growing to infinite, the weak convergence of the solutions of such systems\nis proved; in other words, propagation of chaos of such systems is obtained.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:04:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Hern\u00e1ndez-Hern\u00e1ndez","Daniel",""],["Ricalde-Guerrero","Joshu\u00e9 Hel\u00ed",""]]} {"id":"2308.11565","submitter":"Piotr Bozek","authors":"Rupam Samanta and Piotr Bozek","title":"Momentum dependent measures of correlations between mean transverse\n momentum and harmonic flow in heavy ion collisions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th hep-ph nucl-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The correlation between the mean transverse momentum and the harmonic flow\ncoefficients is an observable which is of great interest, it is sensitive to\nshape fluctuations in the initial state of a relativistic nuclear collision.\nThe measurement of that correlation coefficient in central collisions allows\none to infer on the intrinsic deformation and structure of the colliding\nnuclei. We propose to study the momentum dependent covariance and correlation\ncoefficient between the mean transverse momentum and the harmonic flow in a\ngiven transverse momentum bin. Two possible constructions of such observable\nare provided and predictions are obtained from a viscous hydrodynamic model. We\nfind that such momentum dependent correlation coefficient between the mean\ntransverse momentum and the harmonic flow shows a very strong and nontrivial\nmomentum dependence. We also explore the effect of granularity (nucleon width)\nin the initial state on this momentum dependent correlation coefficient. In\nparticular, this momentum dependence could be used to constrain the size of\nsmall scale fluctuations in the initial state.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:06:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Samanta","Rupam",""],["Bozek","Piotr",""]]} {"id":"2308.11566","submitter":"John Voight","authors":"John Voight","title":"Kneser's method of neighbors","comments":"18 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In a landmark paper published in 1957, Kneser introduced a method for\nenumerating classes in the genus of a definite, integral quadratic form. This\nmethod has been deeply influential, on account of its theoretical importance as\nwell as its practicality. In this survey, we exhibit Kneser's method of\nneighbors and indicate some of its applications in number theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:08:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Voight","John",""]]} {"id":"2308.11567","submitter":"Arthur Pellegrino","authors":"Arthur Pellegrino, N Alex Cayco-Gajic, Angus Chadwick","title":"Low Tensor Rank Learning of Neural Dynamics","comments":"The last two authors contributed equally","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC cs.LG cs.NE math.DS stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Learning relies on coordinated synaptic changes in recurrently connected\npopulations of neurons. Therefore, understanding the collective evolution of\nsynaptic connectivity over learning is a key challenge in neuroscience and\nmachine learning. In particular, recent work has shown that the weight matrices\nof task-trained RNNs are typically low rank, but how this low rank structure\nunfolds over learning is unknown. To address this, we investigate the rank of\nthe 3-tensor formed by the weight matrices throughout learning. By fitting RNNs\nof varying rank to large-scale neural recordings during a motor learning task,\nwe find that the inferred weights are low-tensor-rank and therefore evolve over\na fixed low-dimensional subspace throughout the entire course of learning. We\nnext validate the observation of low-tensor-rank learning on an RNN trained to\nsolve the same task by performing a low-tensor-rank decomposition directly on\nthe ground truth weights, and by showing that the method we applied to the data\nfaithfully recovers this low rank structure. Finally, we present a set of\nmathematical results bounding the matrix and tensor ranks of gradient descent\nlearning dynamics which show that low-tensor-rank weights emerge naturally in\nRNNs trained to solve low-dimensional tasks. Taken together, our findings\nprovide novel constraints on the evolution of population connectivity over\nlearning in both biological and artificial neural networks, and enable reverse\nengineering of learning-induced changes in recurrent network dynamics from\nlarge-scale neural recordings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:08:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Pellegrino","Arthur",""],["Cayco-Gajic","N Alex",""],["Chadwick","Angus",""]]} {"id":"2308.11568","submitter":"Guhnoo Yun","authors":"Guhnoo Yun, Juhan Yoo, Kijung Kim, Jeongho Lee, Dong Hwan Kim","title":"SPANet: Frequency-balancing Token Mixer using Spectral Pooling\n Aggregation Modulation","comments":"Accepted paper at ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent studies show that self-attentions behave like low-pass filters (as\nopposed to convolutions) and enhancing their high-pass filtering capability\nimproves model performance. Contrary to this idea, we investigate existing\nconvolution-based models with spectral analysis and observe that improving the\nlow-pass filtering in convolution operations also leads to performance\nimprovement. To account for this observation, we hypothesize that utilizing\noptimal token mixers that capture balanced representations of both high- and\nlow-frequency components can enhance the performance of models. We verify this\nby decomposing visual features into the frequency domain and combining them in\na balanced manner. To handle this, we replace the balancing problem with a mask\nfiltering problem in the frequency domain. Then, we introduce a novel\ntoken-mixer named SPAM and leverage it to derive a MetaFormer model termed as\nSPANet. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides a way to\nachieve this balance, and the balanced representations of both high- and\nlow-frequency components can improve the performance of models on multiple\ncomputer vision tasks. Our code is available at\n$\\href{https://doranlyong.github.io/projects/spanet/}{\\text{https://doranlyong.github.io/projects/spanet/}}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:14:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yun","Guhnoo",""],["Yoo","Juhan",""],["Kim","Kijung",""],["Lee","Jeongho",""],["Kim","Dong Hwan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11569","submitter":"Robin Delabays","authors":"Glory M. Givi, Robin Delabays, Matthieu Jacquemet, and Philippe\n Jacquod","title":"On the Robustness of Democratic Electoral Processes to Computational\n Propaganda","comments":"Main text: 26 pages, 6 figures. Supplementary information: 14 pages,\n 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" There is growing evidence of systematic attempts to influence democratic\nelections by controlled and digitally organized dissemination of fake news.\nThis raises the question of the intrinsic robustness of democratic electoral\nprocesses against external influences. Particularly interesting is to identify\nthe social characteristics of a voter population that renders it more resilient\nagainst opinion manipulation. Equally important is to determine which of the\nexisting democratic electoral systems is more robust to external influences.\nHere we construct a mathematical electoral model to address these two\nquestions. We find that electorates are more resilient against opinion\nmanipulations (i) if they are less polarized and (ii) when voters interact more\nwith each other, regardless of their opinion differences, and that (iii)\nelectoral systems based on proportional representation are generally the most\nrobust. Our model qualitatively captures the volatility of the US House of\nRepresentatives elections. We take this as a solid validation of our approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:19:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Givi","Glory M.",""],["Delabays","Robin",""],["Jacquemet","Matthieu",""],["Jacquod","Philippe",""]]} {"id":"2308.11570","submitter":"J. E. Paguyo","authors":"Santiago Arenas-Velilla, Octavio Arizmendi, J. E. Paguyo","title":"Central limit theorem for crossings in randomly embedded graphs","comments":"18 pages, 5 figures. This is a merger of arXiv:2104.01134 and\n arXiv:2205.03995","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider the number of crossings in a random embedding of a graph, $G$,\nwith vertices in convex position. We give explicit formulas for the mean and\nvariance of the number of crossings as a function of various subgraph counts of\n$G$. Using Stein's method and size-bias coupling, we prove an upper bound on\nthe Kolmogorov distance between the distribution of the number of crossings and\na standard normal random variable. As an application, we establish central\nlimit theorems, along with convergence rates, for the number of crossings in\nrandom matchings, path graphs, cycle graphs, and the disjoint union of\ntriangles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:21:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Arenas-Velilla","Santiago",""],["Arizmendi","Octavio",""],["Paguyo","J. E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11571","submitter":"Carlos Am\\'endola","authors":"Carlos Am\\'endola, Francesco Galuppi, \\'Angel David R\\'ios Ortiz,\n Pierpaola Santarsiero, Tim Seynnaeve","title":"Decomposing Tensor Spaces via Path Signatures","comments":"22 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"BCSim-2022-s04","categories":"math.RT math.AG math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The signature of a path is a sequence of tensors whose entries are iterated\nintegrals, playing a key role in stochastic analysis and applications. The set\nof all signature tensors at a particular level gives rise to the universal\nsignature variety. We show that the parametrization of this variety induces a\nnatural decomposition of the tensor space via representation theory, and\nconnect this to the study of path invariants. We also examine the question of\ndetermining what is the tensor rank of a signature tensor.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:21:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Am\u00e9ndola","Carlos",""],["Galuppi","Francesco",""],["Ortiz","\u00c1ngel David R\u00edos",""],["Santarsiero","Pierpaola",""],["Seynnaeve","Tim",""]]} {"id":"2308.11572","submitter":"Mojtaba Jazaeri","authors":"Mojtaba Jazaeri","title":"Neumaier Cayley graphs","comments":"17 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A Neumaier graph is a non-complete edge-regular graph with the property that\nit has a regular clique. In this paper, we study Neumaier Cayley graphs. We\ngive a necessary and sufficient condition under which a Neumaier Cayley graph\nis a strongly regular Neumaier Cayley graph. We also characterize Neumaier\nCayley graphs with small valency at most $10$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:22:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jazaeri","Mojtaba",""]]} {"id":"2308.11573","submitter":"Zhijian Qiao","authors":"Zhijian Qiao, Zehuan Yu, Binqian Jiang, Huan Yin, and Shaojie Shen","title":"G3Reg: Pyramid Graph-based Global Registration using Gaussian Ellipsoid\n Model","comments":"Under review","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This study introduces a novel framework, G3Reg, for fast and robust global\nregistration of LiDAR point clouds. In contrast to conventional complex\nkeypoints and descriptors, we extract fundamental geometric primitives\nincluding planes, clusters, and lines (PCL) from the raw point cloud to obtain\nlow-level semantic segments. Each segment is formulated as a unified Gaussian\nEllipsoid Model (GEM) by employing a probability ellipsoid to ensure the ground\ntruth centers are encompassed with a certain degree of probability. Utilizing\nthese GEMs, we then present a distrust-and-verify scheme based on a Pyramid\nCompatibility Graph for Global Registration (PAGOR). Specifically, we establish\nan upper bound, which can be traversed based on the confidence level for\ncompatibility testing to construct the pyramid graph. Gradually, we solve\nmultiple maximum cliques (MAC) for each level of the graph, generating numerous\ntransformation candidates. In the verification phase, we adopt a precise and\nefficient metric for point cloud alignment quality, founded on geometric\nprimitives, to identify the optimal candidate. The performance of the algorithm\nis extensively validated on three publicly available datasets and a\nself-collected multi-session dataset, without changing any parameter settings\nin the experimental evaluation. The results exhibit superior robustness and\nreal-time performance of the G3Reg framework compared to state-of-the-art\nmethods. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential for integrating individual\nGEM and PAGOR components into other algorithmic frameworks to enhance their\nefficacy. To advance further research and promote community understanding, we\nhave publicly shared the source code.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:23:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Qiao","Zhijian",""],["Yu","Zehuan",""],["Jiang","Binqian",""],["Yin","Huan",""],["Shen","Shaojie",""]]} {"id":"2308.11574","submitter":"Sunul Oh","authors":"Sunul Oh","title":"Hyperbolic Dehn filling, volume, and transcendentality","comments":"36 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $M$ be a 1-cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold. In this paper, we investigate\nthe behavior of the number $N_M(v)$ of Dehn fillings of $M$ with a given volume\n$v$. Our study focuses on 236 manifolds with cusp shapes characterized by\nrational real parts. We establish necessary conditions for Dehn fillings that\nshare the same complex volume or exhibit conjugate complex volume differences.\nAdditionally, we demonstrate the transcendental nature of the Neumann-Zagier\nvolume formula, proving that the growth of $N_M$ is slower than any power of\nits filling coefficient.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:24:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Oh","Sunul",""]]} {"id":"2308.11575","submitter":"Vladimir Zolotarev","authors":"Vladimir A. Zolotarev","title":"Inverse spectral problem for a third-order differential operator","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Inverse spectral problem for a self-adjoint differential operator, which is\nthe sum of the operator of the third derivative on a finite interval and of the\noperator of multiplication by a real function (potential), is solved. Closed\nsystem of integral linear equations is obtained. Via solution to this system,\nthe potential is calculated. It is shown that the main parameters of the\nobtained system of equations are expressed via spectral data of the initial\noperator. It is established that the potential is unambiguously defined by the\nfour spectra.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:24:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zolotarev","Vladimir A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11576","submitter":"Alessandro Sfondrini","authors":"Alberto Brollo and Dennis le Plat and Alessandro Sfondrini and Ryo\n Suzuki","title":"More on the tensionless limit of pure-Ramond-Ramond AdS3/CFT2","comments":"82 pages, many figures and tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In a recent letter we presented the equations which describe tensionless\nlimit of the excited-state spectrum for strings on $AdS_3\\times S^3\\times T^4$\nsupported by Ramond-Ramond flux, and their numerical solution. In this paper,\nwe give a detailed account of the derivation of these equations from the mirror\nTBA equations proposed by Frolov and Sfondrini, discussing the\ncontour-deformation trick which we used to obtain excited-state equations and\nthe tensionless limit. We also comment at length on the algorithm for the\nnumerical solution of the equations in the tensionless limit, and present a\nnumber of explicit numerical results, as well as comment on their\ninterpretation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:27:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Brollo","Alberto",""],["Plat","Dennis le",""],["Sfondrini","Alessandro",""],["Suzuki","Ryo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11577","submitter":"Matthew A. Lim","authors":"Alessandro Gavardi, Matthew A. Lim, Simone Alioli, Frank Tackmann","title":"NNLO+PS $W^+W^-$ production using jet veto resummation at NNLL$'$","comments":"39 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We construct a novel event generator for the process $p \\> p \\to \\ell^- \\>\n\\bar{\\nu}_\\ell \\> \\ell'^+ \\> \\nu_{\\ell'}$, which matches fixed-order\npredictions at next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong coupling to a parton\nshower program. The matching is achieved using the GENEVA method, in this case\nexploiting a resummed calculation for the hardest jet transverse momentum at\nnext-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy obtained via soft-collinear\neffective theory and implemented in the C++ library SCETlib. This choice of\nresolution variable ensures that the introduction of a jet veto, commonly used\nby experimental analyses to reject multi-jet background events, does not result\nin the appearance of unmitigated large logarithms for low veto scales before\nshowering. After validating our partonic results against publicly available\nfixed order and resummed calculations, we compare our predictions to\nmeasurements taken at the ATLAS and CMS experiments, finding good agreement.\nThis is the first NNLO+PS accurate event generator to use the hardest jet\ntransverse momentum as a resolution variable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:27:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gavardi","Alessandro",""],["Lim","Matthew A.",""],["Alioli","Simone",""],["Tackmann","Frank",""]]} {"id":"2308.11578","submitter":"Zixing Zhang","authors":"Zixing Zhang, Liyizhe Peng, Tao Pang, Jing Han, Huan Zhao, Bjorn W.\n Schuller","title":"Refashioning Emotion Recognition Modelling: The Advent of Generalised\n Large Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" After the inception of emotion recognition or affective computing, it has\nincreasingly become an active research topic due to its broad applications.\nOver the past couple of decades, emotion recognition models have gradually\nmigrated from statistically shallow models to neural network-based deep models,\nwhich can significantly boost the performance of emotion recognition models and\nconsistently achieve the best results on different benchmarks. Therefore, in\nrecent years, deep models have always been considered the first option for\nemotion recognition. However, the debut of large language models (LLMs), such\nas ChatGPT, has remarkably astonished the world due to their emerged\ncapabilities of zero/few-shot learning, in-context learning, chain-of-thought,\nand others that are never shown in previous deep models. In the present paper,\nwe comprehensively investigate how the LLMs perform in emotion recognition in\nterms of diverse aspects, including in-context learning, few-short learning,\naccuracy, generalisation, and explanation. Moreover, we offer some insights and\npose other potential challenges, hoping to ignite broader discussions about\nenhancing emotion recognition in the new era of advanced and generalised large\nmodels.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:14:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Zixing",""],["Peng","Liyizhe",""],["Pang","Tao",""],["Han","Jing",""],["Zhao","Huan",""],["Schuller","Bjorn W.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11579","submitter":"Lakhdar Remaki","authors":"Lakhdar Remaki","title":"An alternative to SVM Method for Data Classification","comments":"15 pages and 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Support vector machine (SVM), is a popular kernel method for data\nclassification that demonstrated its efficiency for a large range of practical\napplications. The method suffers, however, from some weaknesses including; time\nprocessing, risk of failure of the optimization process for high dimension\ncases, generalization to multi-classes, unbalanced classes, and dynamic\nclassification. In this paper an alternative method is proposed having a\nsimilar performance, with a sensitive improvement of the aforementioned\nshortcomings. The new method is based on a minimum distance to optimal\nsubspaces containing the mapped original classes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 14:09:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Remaki","Lakhdar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11580","submitter":"Jose Morales Escalante","authors":"Jose A. Morales Escalante","title":"NIPG-DG schemes for transformed master equations modeling open quantum\n systems","comments":"21 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph cs.NA math.NA quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This work presents a numerical analysis of a master equation modeling the\ninteraction of a system with a noisy environment in the particular context of\nopen quantum systems. It is shown that our transformed master equation has a\nreduced computational cost in comparison to a Wigner-Fokker-Planck model of the\nsame system for the general case of any potential. Specifics of a NIPG-DG\nnumerical scheme adequate for the convection-diffusion system obtained are then\npresented. This will let us solve computationally the transformed system of\ninterest modeling our open quantum system. A benchmark problem, the case of a\nharmonic potential, is then presented, for which the numerical results are\ncompared against the analytical steady-state solution of this problem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:28:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Escalante","Jose A. Morales",""]]} {"id":"2308.11581","submitter":"Fabio Zoccolan","authors":"Yoshihito Kazashi, Fabio Nobile, and Fabio Zoccolan","title":"Dynamically Orthogonal Approximation for Stochastic Differential\n Equations","comments":"32 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we set the mathematical foundations of the Dynamical Low Rank\nApproximation (DLRA) method for high-dimensional stochastic differential\nequations. DLRA aims at approximating the solution as a linear combination of a\nsmall number of basis vectors with random coefficients (low rank format) with\nthe peculiarity that both the basis vectors and the random coefficients vary in\ntime. While the formulation and properties of DLRA are now well understood for\nrandom/parametric equations, the same cannot be said for SDEs and this work\naims to fill this gap. We start by rigorously formulating a Dynamically\nOrthogonal (DO) approximation (an instance of DLRA successfully used in\napplications) for SDEs, which we then generalize to define a parametrization\nindependent DLRA for SDEs. We show local well-posedness of the DO equations and\ntheir equivalence with the DLRA formulation. We also characterize the explosion\ntime of the DO solution by a loss of linear independence of the random\ncoefficients defining the solution expansion and give sufficient conditions for\nglobal existence.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:30:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kazashi","Yoshihito",""],["Nobile","Fabio",""],["Zoccolan","Fabio",""]]} {"id":"2308.11582","submitter":"Daniel Mitsutani","authors":"Daniel Mitsutani, Jonathan DeWitt","title":"Coexistence of measures with simple Lyapunov spectrum for fiber-bunched\n cocycles","comments":"31 pages, 1 figure; comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We prove that if a H\\\"older continuous fiber-bunched cocycle $\\hat{A}$ over\nan invertible hyperbolic transitive shift $\\hat{\\Sigma}$ satisfies an\nappropriate strong irreducibility condition on Grassmannians, then\n$\\hat{\\Sigma}$ admits an ergodic measure $\\hat{\\mu}$ with full support and\nproduct structure with simple Lyapunov spectrum if and only if any other\nergodic measure with full support and product structure also has simple\nLyapunov spectrum.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:31:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mitsutani","Daniel",""],["DeWitt","Jonathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11583","submitter":"Surajit Biswas","authors":"Nabamita Banerjee, Arindam Bhattacharjee, Surajit Biswas, Arpita\n Mitra, Debangshu Mukherjee","title":"$W(0,b)$ algebra and the dual theory of 3D asymptotically flat higher\n spin gravity","comments":"27+5 pages; 3 appendices","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" BMS algebra in three spacetime dimensions can be deformed into a two\nparameter family of algebra known as $W(a,b)$ algebra. For $a=0$, we show that\nother than $W(0,-1)$, no other $W(0,b)$ algebra admits a non-degenerate\nbilinear and thus one can not have a Chern-Simons gauge theory formulation with\nthem. However, they may appear in a three-dimensional gravity description,\nwhere we also need to have a spin 2 generator, that comes from the $(a=0,b=-1)$\nsector. In the present work, we have demonstrated that the asymptotic symmetry\nalgebra of a spin 3 gravity theory on flat spacetime has both the $W(0,-1)$ and\n$W(0,-2)$ algebras as subalgebras. We have also constructed a dual boundary\nfield theory for this higher spin gravity theory by using the\nChern-Simons/Wess-Zumino-Witten correspondence.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:32:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Banerjee","Nabamita",""],["Bhattacharjee","Arindam",""],["Biswas","Surajit",""],["Mitra","Arpita",""],["Mukherjee","Debangshu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11584","submitter":"Zhonghua Zheng","authors":"Zhonghua Zheng, Lizi Liao, Yang Deng, Liqiang Nie","title":"Building Emotional Support Chatbots in the Era of LLMs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The integration of emotional support into various conversational scenarios\npresents profound societal benefits, such as social interactions, mental health\ncounseling, and customer service. However, there are unsolved challenges that\nhinder real-world applications in this field, including limited data\navailability and the absence of well-accepted model training paradigms. This\nwork endeavors to navigate these challenges by harnessing the capabilities of\nLarge Language Models (LLMs). We introduce an innovative methodology that\nsynthesizes human insights with the computational prowess of LLMs to curate an\nextensive emotional support dialogue dataset. Our approach is initiated with a\nmeticulously designed set of dialogues spanning diverse scenarios as generative\nseeds. By utilizing the in-context learning potential of ChatGPT, we\nrecursively generate an ExTensible Emotional Support dialogue dataset, named\nExTES. Following this, we deploy advanced tuning techniques on the LLaMA model,\nexamining the impact of diverse training strategies, ultimately yielding an LLM\nmeticulously optimized for emotional support interactions. An exhaustive\nassessment of the resultant model showcases its proficiency in offering\nemotional support, marking a pivotal step in the realm of emotional support\nbots and paving the way for subsequent research and implementations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 10:49:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Zhonghua",""],["Liao","Lizi",""],["Deng","Yang",""],["Nie","Liqiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11585","submitter":"Yosuke Miyanishi","authors":"Yosuke Miyanishi, Minh Le Nguyen","title":"Causal Intersectionality and Dual Form of Gradient Descent for\n Multimodal Analysis: a Case Study on Hateful Memes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the wake of the explosive growth of machine learning (ML) usage,\nparticularly within the context of emerging Large Language Models (LLMs),\ncomprehending the semantic significance rooted in their internal workings is\ncrucial. While causal analyses focus on defining semantics and its\nquantification, the gradient-based approach is central to explainable AI (XAI),\ntackling the interpretation of the black box. By synergizing these approaches,\nthe exploration of how a model's internal mechanisms illuminate its causal\neffect has become integral for evidence-based decision-making. A parallel line\nof research has revealed that intersectionality - the combinatory impact of\nmultiple demographics of an individual - can be structured in the form of an\nAveraged Treatment Effect (ATE). Initially, this study illustrates that the\nhateful memes detection problem can be formulated as an ATE, assisted by the\nprinciples of intersectionality, and that a modality-wise summarization of\ngradient-based attention attribution scores can delineate the distinct\nbehaviors of three Transformerbased models concerning ATE. Subsequently, we\nshow that the latest LLM LLaMA2 has the ability to disentangle the\nintersectional nature of memes detection in an in-context learning setting,\nwith their mechanistic properties elucidated via meta-gradient, a secondary\nform of gradient. In conclusion, this research contributes to the ongoing\ndialogue surrounding XAI and the multifaceted nature of ML models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 13:14:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Miyanishi","Yosuke",""],["Nguyen","Minh Le",""]]} {"id":"2308.11586","submitter":"Max Arnott","authors":"Max Arnott and Niels Jakob Laustsen","title":"Uniqueness of algebra norm on quotients of the algebra of bounded\n operators on a Banach space","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We show that for each of the following Banach spaces~$X$, the quotient\nalgebra $\\mathscr{B}(X)/\\mathscr{I}$ has a unique algebra norm for every closed\nideal $\\mathscr{I}$ of $\\mathscr{B}(X)\\colon$\n - $X= \\bigl(\\bigoplus_{n\\in\\N}\\ell_2^n\\bigr)_{c_0}$\\quad and its dual,\\quad\n$X= \\bigl(\\bigoplus_{n\\in\\N}\\ell_2^n\\bigr)_{\\ell_1}$,\n - $X= \\bigl(\\bigoplus_{n\\in\\N}\\ell_2^n\\bigr)_{c_0}\\oplus c_0(\\Gamma)$\\quad\nand its dual, \\quad $X=\n\\bigl(\\bigoplus_{n\\in\\N}\\ell_2^n\\bigr)_{\\ell_1}\\oplus\\ell_1(\\Gamma)$,\\quad for\nan uncountable cardinal number~$\\Gamma$,\n - $X = C_0(K_{\\mathcal{A}})$, the Banach space of continuous functions\nvanishing at infinity on the locally compact Mr\\'{o}wka space~$K_{\\mathcal{A}}$\ninduced by an uncountable, almost disjoint family~$\\mathcal{A}$ of infinite\nsubsets of~$\\mathbb{N}$, constructed such that $C_0(K_{\\mathcal{A}})$ admits\n\"few operators\".\n Equivalently, this result states that every homomorphism\nfrom~$\\mathscr{B}(X)$ into a Banach algebra is continuous and has closed range.\nThe key step in our proof is to show that the identity operator on a suitably\nchosen Banach space factors through every operator in\n$\\mathscr{B}(X)\\setminus\\mathscr{I}$ with control over the norms of the\noperators used in the factorization. These quantitative factorization results\nmay be of independent interest.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:34:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Arnott","Max",""],["Laustsen","Niels Jakob",""]]} {"id":"2308.11587","submitter":"John Machacek","authors":"John Machacek","title":"Graph-like Scheduling Problems and Property B","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO cs.DM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Breuer and Klivans defined a diverse class of scheduling problems in terms of\nBoolean formulas with atomic clauses that are inequalities. We consider what we\ncall graph-like scheduling problems. These are Boolean formulas that are\nconjunctions of disjunctions of atomic clauses $(x_i \\neq x_j)$. These problems\ngeneralize proper coloring in graphs and hypergraphs. We focus on the existence\nof a solution with all $x_i$ taking the value of $0$ or $1$ (i.e. problems\nanalogous to the bipartite case). When a graph-like scheduling problem has such\na solution, we say it has property B just as is done for $2$-colorable\nhypergraphs. We define the notion of a $\\lambda$-uniform graph-like scheduling\nproblem for any integer partition $\\lambda$. Some bounds are attained for the\nsize of the smallest $\\lambda$-uniform graph-like scheduling problems without\nproperty B. We make use of both random and constructive methods to obtain\nbounds. Just as in the case of hypergraphs finding tight bounds remains an open\nproblem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:35:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Machacek","John",""]]} {"id":"2308.11588","submitter":"Cynthia Trendafilova","authors":"Cynthia Trendafilova","title":"The Impact of Cross-Covariances Between the CMB and Reconstructed\n Lensing Power","comments":"14 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Weak gravitational lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) changes\nCMB statistics in a nontrivial way, allowing for reconstruction of the lensing\npotential and the use of these reconstructed maps in determining cosmological\nparameters that affect the formation of intervening large-scale structures.\nAlthough in principle there are correlations between the primary CMB and the\nreconstructed lensing potential due to the lensing procedure itself, in\npractice CMB analyses treat these as negligible when combining these band\npowers in likelihoods. In this paper we quantify explicitly the impact on\nparameter constraints due to these cross-covariances between the lensed CMB and\nreconstructed lensing power, and we compare to the effect of including all\nlensing-induced non-Gaussian covariances, which have previously shown to impact\nparameter constraints on the order of 10%. We perform our analysis for a range\nof experimental setups, scanning over instrumental noise levels of 0.5 to 10.0\n$\\mu$K-arcmin in temperature assuming fully polarized detectors, and using a\nfixed beam size of 1.4 arcmin. When the correlations between the lensed CMB and\nlensing power are neglected, we find that forecasted constraints shift by at\nmost 3% of the error bar for a 6-parameter $\\Lambda$CDM model, and for the\nnoise levels considered in this paper. For some of the $\\Lambda$CDM extensions\nconsidered here, however, these correlations have a nontrivial impact, in some\ncases more than 10% of the error bar, even for current experimental noise\nlevels.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:36:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Trendafilova","Cynthia",""]]} {"id":"2308.11589","submitter":"Panji Arisaputra","authors":"Panji Arisaputra, Amalia Zahra","title":"Indonesian Automatic Speech Recognition with XLSR-53","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.18280/isi.270614","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This study focuses on the development of Indonesian Automatic Speech\nRecognition (ASR) using the XLSR-53 pre-trained model, the XLSR stands for\ncross-lingual speech representations. The use of this XLSR-53 pre-trained model\nis to significantly reduce the amount of training data in non-English languages\nrequired to achieve a competitive Word Error Rate (WER). The total amount of\ndata used in this study is 24 hours, 18 minutes, and 1 second: (1) TITML-IDN 14\nhours and 31 minutes; (2) Magic Data 3 hours and 33 minutes; and (3) Common\nVoice 6 hours, 14 minutes, and 1 second. With a WER of 20%, the model built in\nthis study can compete with similar models using the Common Voice dataset split\ntest. WER can be decreased by around 8% using a language model, resulted in WER\nfrom 20% to 12%. Thus, the results of this study have succeeded in perfecting\nprevious research in contributing to the creation of a better Indonesian ASR\nwith a smaller amount of data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:59:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Arisaputra","Panji",""],["Zahra","Amalia",""]]} {"id":"2308.11590","submitter":"Priya Shukla","authors":"Priya Shukla, Vandana Kushwaha, G C Nandi","title":"Vision-Based Intelligent Robot Grasping Using Sparse Neural Network","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" In the modern era of Deep Learning, network parameters play a vital role in\nmodels efficiency but it has its own limitations like extensive computations\nand memory requirements, which may not be suitable for real time intelligent\nrobot grasping tasks. Current research focuses on how the model efficiency can\nbe maintained by introducing sparsity but without compromising accuracy of the\nmodel in the robot grasping domain. More specifically, in this research two\nlight-weighted neural networks have been introduced, namely Sparse-GRConvNet\nand Sparse-GINNet, which leverage sparsity in the robotic grasping domain for\ngrasp pose generation by integrating the Edge-PopUp algorithm. This algorithm\nfacilitates the identification of the top K% of edges by considering their\nrespective score values. Both the Sparse-GRConvNet and Sparse-GINNet models are\ndesigned to generate high-quality grasp poses in real-time at every pixel\nlocation, enabling robots to effectively manipulate unfamiliar objects. We\nextensively trained our models using two benchmark datasets: Cornell Grasping\nDataset (CGD) and Jacquard Grasping Dataset (JGD). Both Sparse-GRConvNet and\nSparse-GINNet models outperform the current state-of-the-art methods in terms\nof performance, achieving an impressive accuracy of 97.75% with only 10% of the\nweight of GR-ConvNet and 50% of the weight of GI-NNet, respectively, on CGD.\nAdditionally, Sparse-GRConvNet achieve an accuracy of 85.77% with 30% of the\nweight of GR-ConvNet and Sparse-GINNet achieve an accuracy of 81.11% with 10%\nof the weight of GI-NNet on JGD. To validate the performance of our proposed\nmodels, we conducted extensive experiments using the Anukul (Baxter) hardware\ncobot.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:36:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Shukla","Priya",""],["Kushwaha","Vandana",""],["Nandi","G C",""]]} {"id":"2308.11591","submitter":"Nikhil Yadav","authors":"Nathan Zhong and Nikhil Yadav","title":"What's Race Got to do with it? Predicting Youth Depression Across Racial\n Groups Using Machine and Deep Learning","comments":"6 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Depression is a common yet serious mental disorder that affects millions of\nU.S. high schoolers every year. Still, accurate diagnosis and early detection\nremain significant challenges. In the field of public health, research shows\nthat neural networks produce promising results in identifying other diseases\nsuch as cancer and HIV. This study proposes a similar approach, utilizing\nmachine learning (ML) and artificial neural network (ANN) models to classify\ndepression in a student. Additionally, the study highlights the differences in\nrelevant factors for race subgroups and advocates the need for more extensive\nand diverse datasets. The models train on nationwide Youth Risk Behavior\nSurveillance System (YRBSS) survey data, in which the most relevant factors of\ndepression are found with statistical analysis. The survey data is a structured\ndataset with 15000 entries including three race subsets each consisting of 900\nentries. For classification, the research problem is modeled as a supervised\nlearning binary classification problem. Factors relevant to depression for\ndifferent racial subgroups are also identified. The ML and ANN models are\ntrained on the entire dataset followed by different race subsets to classify\nwhether an individual has depression. The ANN model achieves the highest F1\nscore of 82.90% while the best-performing machine learning model, support\nvector machines (SVM), achieves a score of 81.90%. This study reveals that\ndifferent parameters are more valuable for modeling depression across diverse\nracial groups and furthers research regarding American youth depression.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:59:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Zhong","Nathan",""],["Yadav","Nikhil",""]]} {"id":"2308.11592","submitter":"Hao Feng Mr.","authors":"Hao Feng, Zijian Wang, Jingqun Tang, Jinghui Lu, Wengang Zhou,\n Houqiang Li, Can Huang","title":"UniDoc: A Universal Large Multimodal Model for Simultaneous Text\n Detection, Recognition, Spotting and Understanding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), tremendous strides have been made\nin the field of multimodal understanding. However, existing advanced algorithms\nare limited to effectively utilizing the immense representation capabilities\nand rich world knowledge inherent to these large pre-trained models, and the\nbeneficial connections among tasks within the context of text-rich scenarios\nhave not been sufficiently explored. In this work, we introduce UniDoc, a novel\nmultimodal model equipped with text detection and recognition capabilities,\nwhich are deficient in existing approaches. Moreover, UniDoc capitalizes on the\nbeneficial interactions among tasks to enhance the performance of each\nindividual task. To implement UniDoc, we perform unified multimodal instruct\ntuning on the contributed large-scale instruction following datasets.\nQuantitative and qualitative experimental results show that UniDoc sets\nstate-of-the-art scores across multiple challenging benchmarks. To the best of\nour knowledge, this is the first large multimodal model capable of simultaneous\ntext detection, recognition, spotting, and understanding.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 17:32:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Feng","Hao",""],["Wang","Zijian",""],["Tang","Jingqun",""],["Lu","Jinghui",""],["Zhou","Wengang",""],["Li","Houqiang",""],["Huang","Can",""]]} {"id":"2308.11593","submitter":"Zhou Tang","authors":"Zhou Tang and Ted Westling","title":"Nonparametric Assessment of Variable Selection and Ranking Algorithms","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Selecting from or ranking a set of candidates variables in terms of their\ncapacity for predicting an outcome of interest is an important task in many\nscientific fields. A variety of methods for variable selection and ranking have\nbeen proposed in the literature. In practice, it can be challenging to know\nwhich method is most appropriate for a given dataset. In this article, we\npropose methods of comparing variable selection and ranking algorithms. We\nfirst introduce measures of the quality of variable selection and ranking\nalgorithms. We then define estimators of our proposed measures, and establish\nasymptotic results for our estimators in the regime where the dimension of the\ncovariates is fixed as the sample size grows. We use our results to conduct\nlarge-sample inference for our measures, and we propose a computationally\nefficient partial bootstrap procedure to potentially improve finite-sample\ninference. We assess the properties of our proposed methods using numerical\nstudies, and we illustrate our methods with an analysis of data for predicting\nwine quality from its physicochemical properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:37:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Tang","Zhou",""],["Westling","Ted",""]]} {"id":"2308.11594","submitter":"Jinwuk Seok","authors":"Jinwuk Seok, and Changsik Cho","title":"Quantization-based Optimization with Perspective of Quantum Mechanics","comments":"Preprint for ICTC conference (First Revision)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Statistical and stochastic analysis based on thermodynamics has been the main\nanalysis framework for stochastic global optimization. Recently, appearing\nquantum annealing or quantum tunneling algorithm for global optimization, we\nrequire a new researching framework for global optimization algorithms. In this\npaper, we provide the analysis for quantization-based optimization based on the\nSchr\\\"odinger equation to reveal what property in quantum mechanics enables\nglobal optimization. We present that the tunneling effect derived by the\nSchr\\\"odinger equation in quantization-based optimization enables to escape of\na local minimum. Additionally, we confirm that this tunneling effect is the\nsame property included in quantum mechanics-based global optimization.\nExperiments with standard multi-modal benchmark functions represent that the\nproposed analysis is valid.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 05:03:31 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:48:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Seok","Jinwuk",""],["Cho","Changsik",""]]} {"id":"2308.11595","submitter":"Mostafa Bousder Dr.","authors":"M. Bousder, A.Riadsolh, M El Belkacemi and H. Ez-Zahraouy","title":"Cosmic acceleration in Lovelock quantum gravity","comments":"18 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":"Volume 458, Part 1, November 2023, 169441","doi":"10.1016/j.aop.2023.169441","report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper introduces novel solutions for inflation and late-time cosmic\nacceleration within the framework of quantum Lovelock gravity, utilizing\nFriedmann equations. Furthermore, we demonstrate the hypergeometric states of\ncosmic acceleration through the Schr\\\"{o}dinger stationary equation. A physical\ninterpretation is proposed, whereby the rescaled Lovelock couplings represent a\ntopological mass that characterizes the Lovelock branch. This research holds\nthe potential for an extension into the quantum description. Predictions for\nthe spectral tilt and tensor-to-scalar ratio are depicted through plotted\ncurves. By utilizing the rescaled Hubble parameter, the spectral index is\ndetermined in terms of the number of e-folds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:23:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bousder","M.",""],["Riadsolh","A.",""],["Belkacemi","M El",""],["Ez-Zahraouy","H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11596","submitter":"Marta R. Costa-Juss\\`a","authors":"Seamless Communication, Lo\\\"ic Barrault, Yu-An Chung, Mariano Cora\n Meglioli, David Dale, Ning Dong, Paul-Ambroise Duquenne, Hady Elsahar, Hongyu\n Gong, Kevin Heffernan, John Hoffman, Christopher Klaiber, Pengwei Li, Daniel\n Licht, Jean Maillard, Alice Rakotoarison, Kaushik Ram Sadagopan, Guillaume\n Wenzek, Ethan Ye, Bapi Akula, Peng-Jen Chen, Naji El Hachem, Brian Ellis,\n Gabriel Mejia Gonzalez, Justin Haaheim, Prangthip Hansanti, Russ Howes,\n Bernie Huang, Min-Jae Hwang, Hirofumi Inaguma, Somya Jain, Elahe Kalbassi,\n Amanda Kallet, Ilia Kulikov, Janice Lam, Daniel Li, Xutai Ma, Ruslan\n Mavlyutov, Benjamin Peloquin, Mohamed Ramadan, Abinesh Ramakrishnan, Anna\n Sun, Kevin Tran, Tuan Tran, Igor Tufanov, Vish Vogeti, Carleigh Wood, Yilin\n Yang, Bokai Yu, Pierre Andrews, Can Balioglu, Marta R. Costa-juss\\`a, Onur\n Celebi, Maha Elbayad, Cynthia Gao, Francisco Guzm\\'an, Justine Kao, Ann Lee,\n Alexandre Mourachko, Juan Pino, Sravya Popuri, Christophe Ropers, Safiyyah\n Saleem, Holger Schwenk, Paden Tomasello, Changhan Wang, Jeff Wang, Skyler\n Wang","title":"SeamlessM4T-Massively Multilingual & Multimodal Machine Translation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" What does it take to create the Babel Fish, a tool that can help individuals\ntranslate speech between any two languages? While recent breakthroughs in\ntext-based models have pushed machine translation coverage beyond 200\nlanguages, unified speech-to-speech translation models have yet to achieve\nsimilar strides. More specifically, conventional speech-to-speech translation\nsystems rely on cascaded systems that perform translation progressively,\nputting high-performing unified systems out of reach. To address these gaps, we\nintroduce SeamlessM4T, a single model that supports speech-to-speech\ntranslation, speech-to-text translation, text-to-speech translation,\ntext-to-text translation, and automatic speech recognition for up to 100\nlanguages. To build this, we used 1 million hours of open speech audio data to\nlearn self-supervised speech representations with w2v-BERT 2.0. Subsequently,\nwe created a multimodal corpus of automatically aligned speech translations.\nFiltered and combined with human-labeled and pseudo-labeled data, we developed\nthe first multilingual system capable of translating from and into English for\nboth speech and text. On FLEURS, SeamlessM4T sets a new standard for\ntranslations into multiple target languages, achieving an improvement of 20%\nBLEU over the previous SOTA in direct speech-to-text translation. Compared to\nstrong cascaded models, SeamlessM4T improves the quality of into-English\ntranslation by 1.3 BLEU points in speech-to-text and by 2.6 ASR-BLEU points in\nspeech-to-speech. Tested for robustness, our system performs better against\nbackground noises and speaker variations in speech-to-text tasks compared to\nthe current SOTA model. Critically, we evaluated SeamlessM4T on gender bias and\nadded toxicity to assess translation safety. Finally, all contributions in this\nwork are open-sourced and accessible at\nhttps://github.com/facebookresearch/seamless_communication\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:44:18 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 21:02:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Communication","Seamless",""],["Barrault","Lo\u00efc",""],["Chung","Yu-An",""],["Meglioli","Mariano Cora",""],["Dale","David",""],["Dong","Ning",""],["Duquenne","Paul-Ambroise",""],["Elsahar","Hady",""],["Gong","Hongyu",""],["Heffernan","Kevin",""],["Hoffman","John",""],["Klaiber","Christopher",""],["Li","Pengwei",""],["Licht","Daniel",""],["Maillard","Jean",""],["Rakotoarison","Alice",""],["Sadagopan","Kaushik Ram",""],["Wenzek","Guillaume",""],["Ye","Ethan",""],["Akula","Bapi",""],["Chen","Peng-Jen",""],["Hachem","Naji El",""],["Ellis","Brian",""],["Gonzalez","Gabriel Mejia",""],["Haaheim","Justin",""],["Hansanti","Prangthip",""],["Howes","Russ",""],["Huang","Bernie",""],["Hwang","Min-Jae",""],["Inaguma","Hirofumi",""],["Jain","Somya",""],["Kalbassi","Elahe",""],["Kallet","Amanda",""],["Kulikov","Ilia",""],["Lam","Janice",""],["Li","Daniel",""],["Ma","Xutai",""],["Mavlyutov","Ruslan",""],["Peloquin","Benjamin",""],["Ramadan","Mohamed",""],["Ramakrishnan","Abinesh",""],["Sun","Anna",""],["Tran","Kevin",""],["Tran","Tuan",""],["Tufanov","Igor",""],["Vogeti","Vish",""],["Wood","Carleigh",""],["Yang","Yilin",""],["Yu","Bokai",""],["Andrews","Pierre",""],["Balioglu","Can",""],["Costa-juss\u00e0","Marta R.",""],["Celebi","Onur",""],["Elbayad","Maha",""],["Gao","Cynthia",""],["Guzm\u00e1n","Francisco",""],["Kao","Justine",""],["Lee","Ann",""],["Mourachko","Alexandre",""],["Pino","Juan",""],["Popuri","Sravya",""],["Ropers","Christophe",""],["Saleem","Safiyyah",""],["Schwenk","Holger",""],["Tomasello","Paden",""],["Wang","Changhan",""],["Wang","Jeff",""],["Wang","Skyler",""]]} {"id":"2308.11597","submitter":"Conrad Kosowsky","authors":"Conrad Kosowsky","title":"Nash Equilibrium Existence without Convexity","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, I prove the existence of a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium for\na large class of games with nonconvex strategy spaces. Specifically, if each\nplayer's strategies form a compact, connected Euclidean neighborhood retract\nand if all best-response correspondences are null-homotopic, then the game has\na pure-strategy Nash equilibrium. As an application, I show how this result can\nprove the fundamental theorem of algebra.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:46:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Kosowsky","Conrad",""]]} {"id":"2308.11598","submitter":"Anton Klimovsky","authors":"Andreas Greven, Frank den Hollander, Anton Klimovsky, Anita Winter","title":"The grapheme-valued Wright-Fisher diffusion with mutation","comments":"25 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In [Athreya, den Hollander, R\\\"ollin; 2021, arXiv:1908.06241] models from\npopulation genetics were used to define stochastic dynamics in the space of\ngraphons arising as continuum limits of dense graphs. In the present paper we\nexhibit an example of a simple neutral population genetics model for which this\ndynamics is a Markovian diffusion that can be characterised as the solution of\na martingale problem. In particular, we consider a Markov chain in the space of\nfinite graphs that resembles a Moran model with resampling and mutation. We\nencode the finite graphs as graphemes, which can be represented as a triple\nconsisting of a vertex set, an adjacency matrix and a sampling measure. We\nequip the space of graphons with convergence of sample subgraph densities and\nshow that the grapheme-valued Markov chain converges to a grapheme-valued\ndiffusion as the number of vertices goes to infinity. We show that the\ngrapheme-valued diffusion has a stationary distribution that is linked to the\nPoisson-Dirichlet distribution. In a companion paper [Greven, den Hollander,\nKlimovsky, Winter; 2023], we build up a general theory for obtaining\ngrapheme-valued diffusions via genealogies of models in population genetics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:46:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Greven","Andreas",""],["Hollander","Frank den",""],["Klimovsky","Anton",""],["Winter","Anita",""]]} {"id":"2308.11599","submitter":"Kabish Wisal","authors":"Kabish Wisal, Chun-Wei Chen, Hui Cao and A. Douglas Stone","title":"Theory of Transverse Mode Instability in Fiber Amplifiers with Multimode\n Excitations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Transverse Mode Instability (TMI) which results from dynamic nonlinear\nthermo-optical scattering is the primary limitation to power scaling in\nhigh-power fiber lasers and amplifiers. It has been proposed that TMI can be\nsuppressed by exciting multiple modes in a highly multimode fiber. We derive a\nsemi-analytic frequency-domain theory of the threshold for the onset of TMI\nunder arbitrary multimode input excitation for general fiber geometries. We\nshow that TMI results from exponential growth of noise in all the modes at\ndownshifted frequencies due to the thermo-optical coupling. The noise growth\nrate in each mode is given by the sum of signal powers in various modes\nweighted by pairwise thermo-optical coupling coefficients. We calculate\nthermo-optical coupling coefficients for all $\\sim$$10^4$ pairs of modes in a\nstandard circular multimode fiber and show that modes with large transverse\nspatial frequency mismatch are weakly coupled resulting in a banded coupling\nmatrix. This short-range behavior is due to the diffusive nature of the heat\npropagation which mediates the coupling and leads to a lower noise growth rate\nupon multimode excitation compared to single mode, resulting in significant TMI\nsuppression. We find that the TMI threshold increases linearly with the number\nof modes that are excited, leading to more than an order of magnitude increase\nin the TMI threshold in a 82-mode fiber amplifier. Using our theory, we also\ncalculate TMI threshold in fibers with non-circular geometries upon multimode\nexcitation and show the linear scaling of TMI threshold to be a universal\nproperty of different fibers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:47:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Wisal","Kabish",""],["Chen","Chun-Wei",""],["Cao","Hui",""],["Stone","A. Douglas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11600","submitter":"Thomas Kosch","authors":"Pascal Knierim, Thomas Kosch","title":"Towards Universal Interaction for Extended Reality","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Extended Reality (XR) is a rapidly growing field offering unique immersive\nexperiences, social networking, learning, and collaboration opportunities. The\ncontinuous advancements in XR technology and industry efforts are gradually\nmoving this technology toward end consumers. However, a universal\none-size-fits-all solution for seamless XR interaction still needs to be\ndiscovered. Currently, we face a diverse landscape of interaction modalities\nthat depend on the environment, user preferences, task, and device\ncapabilities. Commercially available input methods like handheld controllers,\nhand gestures, voice commands, and combinations of those need universal\nflexibility and expressiveness. Additionally, hybrid user interfaces, such as\nsmartwatches and smartphones as ubiquitous input and output devices, expand\nthis interaction design space. In this position paper, we discuss the idea of a\nuniversal interaction concept for XR. We present challenges and opportunities\nfor implementing hybrid user interfaces, emphasizing Environment, Task, and\nUser. We explore the potential to enhance user experiences, interaction\ncapabilities, and the development of seamless and efficient XR interaction\nmethods. We examine challenges and aim to stimulate a discussion on the design\nof generic, universal interfaces for XR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:47:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Knierim","Pascal",""],["Kosch","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11601","submitter":"Surya Narayanan Hari","authors":"Surya Narayanan Hari, Matt Thomson","title":"Tryage: Real-time, intelligent Routing of User Prompts to Large Language\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL cs.MA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The introduction of the transformer architecture and the self-attention\nmechanism has led to an explosive production of language models trained on\nspecific downstream tasks and data domains. With over 200, 000 models in the\nHugging Face ecosystem, users grapple with selecting and optimizing models to\nsuit multifaceted workflows and data domains while addressing computational,\nsecurity, and recency concerns. There is an urgent need for machine learning\nframeworks that can eliminate the burden of model selection and customization\nand unleash the incredible power of the vast emerging model library for end\nusers. Here, we propose a context-aware routing system, Tryage, that leverages\na language model router for optimal selection of expert models from a model\nlibrary based on analysis of individual input prompts. Inspired by the thalamic\nrouter in the brain, Tryage employs a perceptive router to predict down-stream\nmodel performance on prompts and, then, makes a routing decision using an\nobjective function that integrates performance predictions with user goals and\nconstraints that are incorporated through flags (e.g., model size, model\nrecency). Tryage allows users to explore a Pareto front and automatically\ntrade-off between task accuracy and secondary goals including minimization of\nmodel size, recency, security, verbosity, and readability. Across heterogeneous\ndata sets that include code, text, clinical data, and patents, the Tryage\nframework surpasses Gorilla and GPT3.5 turbo in dynamic model selection\nidentifying the optimal model with an accuracy of 50.9% , compared to 23.6% by\nGPT 3.5 Turbo and 10.8% by Gorilla. Conceptually, Tryage demonstrates how\nrouting models can be applied to program and control the behavior of\nmulti-model LLM systems to maximize efficient use of the expanding and evolving\nlanguage model ecosystem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:48:24 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 17:34:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Hari","Surya Narayanan",""],["Thomson","Matt",""]]} {"id":"2308.11602","submitter":"Baian Liu","authors":"Baian Liu","title":"Extremal factorization lengths of elements in commutative, cancellative\n semigroups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" For a numerical semigroup $S := \\langle n_1, \\dots, n_k \\rangle$ with minimal\ngenerators $n_1 < \\cdots < n_k$, Barron, O'Neill, and Pelayo showed that\n$L(s+n_1) = L(s) + 1$ and $\\ell(s+n_k) = \\ell(s) + 1$ for all sufficiently\nlarge $s \\in S$, where $L(s)$ and $\\ell(s)$ are the longest and shortest\nfactorization lengths of $s \\in S$, respectively. For some numerical\nsemigroups, $L(s+n_1) = L(s) + 1$ for all $s \\in S$ or $\\ell(s+n_k) = \\ell(s) +\n1$ for all $s \\in S$. In a general commutative, cancellative semigroup $S$, it\nis also possible to have $L(s+m) = L(s) + 1$ for some atom $m$ and all $s \\in\nS$ or to have $\\ell(s+m) = \\ell(s) + 1$ for some atom $m$ and all $s \\in S$. We\ndetermine necessary and sufficient conditions for these two phenomena. We then\ngeneralize the notions of Kunz posets and Kunz polytopes. Each integer point on\na Kunz polytope corresponds to a commutative, cancellative semigroup. We\ndetermine which integer points on a given Kunz polytope correspond to semigroup\nin which $L(s+m) = L(s) + 1$ for all $s$ and similarly which integer points\nyield semigroups for which $\\ell(s+m) = \\ell(s) + 1$ for all $s$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:48:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Baian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11603","submitter":"Lawk Mineh","authors":"Lawk Mineh, Davide Spriano","title":"Separability in Morse local-to-global groups","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We show that in a Morse local-to-global group where stable subgroups are\nseparable, the product of any stable subgroups is separable. As an application,\nwe show that the product of stable subgroups in virtually special groups is\nseparable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:49:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mineh","Lawk",""],["Spriano","Davide",""]]} {"id":"2308.11604","submitter":"Matin Mortaheb","authors":"Matin Mortaheb, Mohammad A. Amir Khojastepour, Srimat T. Chakradhar,\n Sennur Ulukus","title":"Semantic Multi-Resolution Communications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep learning based joint source-channel coding (JSCC) has demonstrated\nsignificant advancements in data reconstruction compared to separate\nsource-channel coding (SSCC). This superiority arises from the suboptimality of\nSSCC when dealing with finite block-length data. Moreover, SSCC falls short in\nreconstructing data in a multi-user and/or multi-resolution fashion, as it only\ntries to satisfy the worst channel and/or the highest quality data. To overcome\nthese limitations, we propose a novel deep learning multi-resolution JSCC\nframework inspired by the concept of multi-task learning (MTL). This proposed\nframework excels at encoding data for different resolutions through\nhierarchical layers and effectively decodes it by leveraging both current and\npast layers of encoded data. Moreover, this framework holds great potential for\nsemantic communication, where the objective extends beyond data reconstruction\nto preserving specific semantic attributes throughout the communication\nprocess. These semantic features could be crucial elements such as class\nlabels, essential for classification tasks, or other key attributes that\nrequire preservation. Within this framework, each level of encoded data can be\ncarefully designed to retain specific data semantics. As a result, the\nprecision of a semantic classifier can be progressively enhanced across\nsuccessive layers, emphasizing the preservation of targeted semantics\nthroughout the encoding and decoding stages. We conduct experiments on MNIST\nand CIFAR10 dataset. The experiment with both datasets illustrates that our\nproposed method is capable of surpassing the SSCC method in reconstructing data\nwith different resolutions, enabling the extraction of semantic features with\nheightened confidence in successive layers. This capability is particularly\nadvantageous for prioritizing and preserving more crucial semantic features\nwithin the datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:52:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Mortaheb","Matin",""],["Khojastepour","Mohammad A. Amir",""],["Chakradhar","Srimat T.",""],["Ulukus","Sennur",""]]} {"id":"2308.11605","submitter":"Mainak Singha","authors":"Mainak Singha, Ankit Jha, Biplab Banerjee","title":"GOPro: Generate and Optimize Prompts in CLIP using Self-Supervised\n Learning","comments":"Accepted at BMVC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large-scale foundation models, such as CLIP, have demonstrated remarkable\nsuccess in visual recognition tasks by embedding images in a semantically rich\nspace. Self-supervised learning (SSL) has also shown promise in improving\nvisual recognition by learning invariant features. However, the combination of\nCLIP with SSL is found to face challenges due to the multi-task framework that\nblends CLIP's contrastive loss and SSL's loss, including difficulties with loss\nweighting and inconsistency among different views of images in CLIP's output\nspace. To overcome these challenges, we propose a prompt learning-based model\ncalled GOPro, which is a unified framework that ensures similarity between\nvarious augmented views of input images in a shared image-text embedding space,\nusing a pair of learnable image and text projectors atop CLIP, to promote\ninvariance and generalizability. To automatically learn such prompts, we\nleverage the visual content and style primitives extracted from pre-trained\nCLIP and adapt them to the target task. In addition to CLIP's cross-domain\ncontrastive loss, we introduce a visual contrastive loss and a novel prompt\nconsistency loss, considering the different views of the images. GOPro is\ntrained end-to-end on all three loss objectives, combining the strengths of\nCLIP and SSL in a principled manner. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that\nGOPro outperforms the state-of-the-art prompting techniques on three\nchallenging domain generalization tasks across multiple benchmarks by a\nsignificant margin. Our code is available at\nhttps://github.com/mainaksingha01/GOPro.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:53:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Singha","Mainak",""],["Jha","Ankit",""],["Banerjee","Biplab",""]]} {"id":"2308.11606","submitter":"Emanuele Bugliarello","authors":"Emanuele Bugliarello, Hernan Moraldo, Ruben Villegas, Mohammad\n Babaeizadeh, Mohammad Taghi Saffar, Han Zhang, Dumitru Erhan, Vittorio\n Ferrari, Pieter-Jan Kindermans, Paul Voigtlaender","title":"StoryBench: A Multifaceted Benchmark for Continuous Story Visualization","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Generating video stories from text prompts is a complex task. In addition to\nhaving high visual quality, videos need to realistically adhere to a sequence\nof text prompts whilst being consistent throughout the frames. Creating a\nbenchmark for video generation requires data annotated over time, which\ncontrasts with the single caption used often in video datasets. To fill this\ngap, we collect comprehensive human annotations on three existing datasets, and\nintroduce StoryBench: a new, challenging multi-task benchmark to reliably\nevaluate forthcoming text-to-video models. Our benchmark includes three video\ngeneration tasks of increasing difficulty: action execution, where the next\naction must be generated starting from a conditioning video; story\ncontinuation, where a sequence of actions must be executed starting from a\nconditioning video; and story generation, where a video must be generated from\nonly text prompts. We evaluate small yet strong text-to-video baselines, and\nshow the benefits of training on story-like data algorithmically generated from\nexisting video captions. Finally, we establish guidelines for human evaluation\nof video stories, and reaffirm the need of better automatic metrics for video\ngeneration. StoryBench aims at encouraging future research efforts in this\nexciting new area.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:53:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Bugliarello","Emanuele",""],["Moraldo","Hernan",""],["Villegas","Ruben",""],["Babaeizadeh","Mohammad",""],["Saffar","Mohammad Taghi",""],["Zhang","Han",""],["Erhan","Dumitru",""],["Ferrari","Vittorio",""],["Kindermans","Pieter-Jan",""],["Voigtlaender","Paul",""]]} {"id":"2308.11607","submitter":"Kuan-Chih Huang","authors":"Kuan-Chih Huang, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Yi-Hsuan Tsai","title":"Delving into Motion-Aware Matching for Monocular 3D Object Tracking","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023. Code is available at\n https://github.com/kuanchihhuang/MoMA-M3T","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent advances of monocular 3D object detection facilitate the 3D\nmulti-object tracking task based on low-cost camera sensors. In this paper, we\nfind that the motion cue of objects along different time frames is critical in\n3D multi-object tracking, which is less explored in existing monocular-based\napproaches. In this paper, we propose a motion-aware framework for monocular 3D\nMOT. To this end, we propose MoMA-M3T, a framework that mainly consists of\nthree motion-aware components. First, we represent the possible movement of an\nobject related to all object tracklets in the feature space as its motion\nfeatures. Then, we further model the historical object tracklet along the time\nframe in a spatial-temporal perspective via a motion transformer. Finally, we\npropose a motion-aware matching module to associate historical object tracklets\nand current observations as final tracking results. We conduct extensive\nexperiments on the nuScenes and KITTI datasets to demonstrate that our MoMA-M3T\nachieves competitive performance against state-of-the-art methods. Moreover,\nthe proposed tracker is flexible and can be easily plugged into existing\nimage-based 3D object detectors without re-training. Code and models are\navailable at https://github.com/kuanchihhuang/MoMA-M3T.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:53:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Kuan-Chih",""],["Yang","Ming-Hsuan",""],["Tsai","Yi-Hsuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11608","submitter":"Zhaodi Pan","authors":"Z. Pan, F. Bianchini, W. L. K. Wu, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, E. Anderes,\n A. J. Anderson, B. Ansarinejad, M. Archipley, K. Aylor, L. Balkenhol, P. S.\n Barry, R. Basu Thakur, K. Benabed, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, L. E. Bleem,\n F. R. Bouchet, L. Bryant, K. Byrum, E. Camphuis, J. E. Carlstrom, F. W.\n Carter, T. W. Cecil, C. L. Chang, P. Chaubal, G. Chen, P. M. Chichura, H.-M.\n Cho, T.-L. Chou, J.-F. Cliche, A. Coerver, T. M. Crawford, A. Cukierman, C.\n Daley, T. de Haan, E. V. Denison, K. R. Dibert, J. Ding, M. A. Dobbs, A.\n Doussot, D. Dutcher, W. Everett, C. Feng, K. R. Ferguson, K. Fichman, A.\n Foster, J. Fu, S. Galli, A. E. Gambrel, R. W. Gardner, F. Ge, N.\n Goeckner-Wald, R. Gualtieri, F. Guidi, S. Guns, N. Gupta, N. W. Halverson, A.\n H. Harke-Hosemann, N. L. Harrington, J. W. Henning, G. C. Hilton, E. Hivon,\n G. P. Holder, W. L. Holzapfel, J. C. Hood, D. Howe, N. Huang, K. D. Irwin, O.\n Jeong, M. Jonas, A. Jones, F. K\\'eruzor\\'e, T. S. Khaire, L. Knox, A. M.\n Kofman, M. Korman, D. L. Kubik, S. Kuhlmann, C.-L. Kuo, A. T. Lee, E. M.\n Leitch, K. Levy, A. E. Lowitz, C. Lu, A. Maniyar, F. Menanteau, S. S. Meyer,\n D. Michalik, M. Millea, J. Montgomery, A. Nadolski, Y. Nakato, T. Natoli, H.\n Nguyen, G. I. Noble, V. Novosad, Y. Omori, S. Padin, P. Paschos, J. Pearson,\n C. M. Posada, K. Prabhu, W. Quan, S. Raghunathan, M. Rahimi, A. Rahlin, C. L.\n Reichardt, D. Riebel, B. Riedel, J. E. Ruhl, J. T. Sayre, E. Schiappucci, E.\n Shirokoff, G. Smecher, J. A. Sobrin, A. A. Stark, J. Stephen, K. T. Story, A.\n Suzuki, S. Takakura, C. Tandoi, K. L. Thompson, B. Thorne, C. Trendafilova,\n C. Tucker, C. Umilta, L. R. Vale, K. Vanderlinde, J. D. Vieira, G. Wang, N.\n Whitehorn, V. Yefremenko, K. W. Yoon, M. R. Young, J. A. Zebrowski","title":"A Measurement of Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave\n Background Using SPT-3G 2018 Data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a measurement of gravitational lensing over 1500 deg$^2$ of the\nSouthern sky using SPT-3G temperature data at 95 and 150 GHz taken in 2018. The\nlensing amplitude relative to a fiducial Planck 2018 $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology is\nfound to be $1.020\\pm0.060$, excluding instrumental and astrophysical\nsystematic uncertainties. We conduct extensive systematic and null tests to\ncheck the robustness of the lensing measurements, and report a minimum-variance\ncombined lensing power spectrum over angular multipoles of $509$\ncandidates reported in Atek et al. (2023). Using six sources with multiple\nemission line detections, we find that the offset of the redshift estimates\nbetween the lines and the Ly$\\alpha$ break alone with prism can be as large as\n$\\pm0.2$, raising caution in designing future follow-up spectroscopy for the\nbreak-only sources. With spec-$z$ confirmed sources in UNCOVER and the\nliterature, we derive lower limits on the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV)\nluminosity function (LF) at $z\\simeq9$-12 and find these lower limits to be\nconsistent with recent photometric measurements. We identify at least two\nunambiguous and several possible active galactic nucleus (AGN) systems based on\nX-ray emission, broad line (BL) H$\\beta$, high ionization line (e.g., NIV]1487,\nCIV1549) detections, and excess in UVLF. This requires the AGN LFs at $z\\simeq$\n9-10 to be comparable or even higher than the X-ray AGN LF estimated at\n$z\\sim6$ and indicates a plausible cause of the high abundance of $z>9$\ngalaxies claimed in recent photometric studies may be AGNs. One UV-luminous\nsource is confirmed at the same redshift as a dusty BL AGN at $z=8.50$ with a\nphysical separation of 380 kpc in the source plane. These two sources show\nblueward Ly$\\alpha$ line or continuum emission, suggesting that they reside in\nthe same ionized bubble with a radius of $7.69\\pm0.18$ pMpc. Our results imply\nthat AGNs have a non-negligible contribution to cosmic reionization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:54:56 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 17:55:29 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:11:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Fujimoto","Seiji",""],["Wang","Bingjie",""],["Weaver","John",""],["Kokorev","Vasily",""],["Atek","Hakim",""],["Bezanson","Rachel",""],["Labbe","Ivo",""],["Brammer","Gabriel",""],["Greene","Jenny E.",""],["Chemerynska","Iryna",""],["Dayal","Pratika",""],["de Graaff","Anna",""],["Furtak","Lukas J.",""],["Oesch","Pascal A.",""],["Setton","David J.",""],["Price","Sedona H.",""],["Miller","Tim B.",""],["Williams","Christina C.",""],["Whitaker","Katherine E.",""],["Zitrin","Adi",""],["Cutler","Sam E.",""],["Leja","Joel",""],["Pan","Richard",""],["Coe","Dan",""],["van Dokkum","Pieter",""],["Feldmann","Robert",""],["Fudamoto","Yoshinobu",""],["Goulding","Andy D.",""],["Khullar","Gourav",""],["Marchesini","Danilo",""],["Maseda","Michael",""],["Nanayakkara","Themiya",""],["Nelson","Erica J.",""],["Smit","Renske",""],["Stefanon","Mauro",""],["Weibel","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.11610","submitter":"Vasily Kokorev","authors":"Vasily Kokorev, Seiji Fujimoto, Ivo Labbe, Jenny E. Greene, Rachel\n Bezanson, Pratika Dayal, Erica J. Nelson, Hakim Atek, Gabriel Brammer, Karina\n I. Caputi, Iryna Chemerynska, Sam E. Cutler, Robert Feldmann, Yoshinobu\n Fudamoto, Lukas J. Furtak, Andy D. Goulding, Anna de Graaff, Joel Leja,\n Danilo Marchesini, Tim B. Miller, Themiya Nanayakkara, Pascal Oesch, Richard\n Pan, Sedona H. Price, David J. Setton, Renske Smit, Mauro Stefanon, Bingjie\n Wang, John R. Weaver, Katherine E. Whitaker, Christina C. Williams, Adi\n Zitrin","title":"UNCOVER: A NIRSpec Identification of a Broad Line AGN at z = 8.50","comments":"14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to ApJL","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep observations with JWST have revealed an emerging population of red\npoint-like sources that could provide a link between the postulated\nsupermassive black hole seeds and observed quasars. In this work we present a\nJWST/NIRSpec spectrum from the JWST Cycle 1 UNCOVER Treasury survey, of a\nmassive accreting black hole at $z=8.50$, displaying a clear broad-line\ncomponent as inferred from the H$\\beta$ line with FWHM = $3439\\pm413$ km\ns$^{-1}$, typical of the broad line region of an active galactic nucleus (AGN).\nThe AGN nature of this object is further supported by high ionization, as\ninferred from emission lines, and a point-source morphology. We compute the\nblack hole mass of log$_{10}(M_{\\rm BH}/M_\\odot)=8.17\\pm0.42$, and a bolometric\nluminosity of $L_{\\rm bol}\\sim6.6\\times10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$. These values\nimply that our object is accreting at $\\sim 40\\%$ of the Eddington limit.\nDetailed modeling of the spectral energy distribution in the optical and\nnear-infrared, together with constraints from ALMA, indicate an upper limit on\nthe stellar mass of log$_{10}(M_{\\rm *}/M_\\odot)<8.7$, which would lead to an\nunprecedented ratio of black hole to host mass of at least $\\sim 30 \\%$. This\nis orders of magnitude higher compared to the local QSOs, but is consistent\nwith recent AGN studies at high redshift with JWST. This finding suggests that\na non-negligible fraction of supermassive black holes either started out from\nmassive seeds and/or grew at a super-Eddington rate at high redshift. Given the\npredicted number densities of high-$z$ faint AGN, future NIRSpec observations\nof larger samples will allow us to further investigate the galaxy-black hole\nco-evolution in the early Universe.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:55:02 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 08:51:37 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:43:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Kokorev","Vasily",""],["Fujimoto","Seiji",""],["Labbe","Ivo",""],["Greene","Jenny E.",""],["Bezanson","Rachel",""],["Dayal","Pratika",""],["Nelson","Erica J.",""],["Atek","Hakim",""],["Brammer","Gabriel",""],["Caputi","Karina I.",""],["Chemerynska","Iryna",""],["Cutler","Sam E.",""],["Feldmann","Robert",""],["Fudamoto","Yoshinobu",""],["Furtak","Lukas J.",""],["Goulding","Andy D.",""],["de Graaff","Anna",""],["Leja","Joel",""],["Marchesini","Danilo",""],["Miller","Tim B.",""],["Nanayakkara","Themiya",""],["Oesch","Pascal",""],["Pan","Richard",""],["Price","Sedona H.",""],["Setton","David J.",""],["Smit","Renske",""],["Stefanon","Mauro",""],["Wang","Bingjie",""],["Weaver","John R.",""],["Whitaker","Katherine E.",""],["Williams","Christina C.",""],["Zitrin","Adi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11611","submitter":"David T. Nguyen","authors":"David T. Nguyen","title":"A translation of N.M. Katz's \"Exponential Sums\"","comments":"arXiv admin comment: This version has been removed by arXiv\n administrators as the submitter did not have the rights to agree to the\n license at the time of submission","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" These notes are devoted to the theory of exponential sums over finite fields.\nThe first chapter recalls some of the number-theoretic interest of such sums.\nThe second chapter discusses the $L$-functions attached to such sums, the \"Weil\nconjectures\" for these $L$-functions as established by Deligne, andthe\nconsequences for the exponential sums themselves. The third chapter is devoted\nto the cohomological interpretation of exponential sums and of their associated\n$L$-functions. These first three chapters are largely of an expository nature.\n The main results are found in chapters four and five. Chapter four is devoted\nto theorems of uniformity \"for almost all $p$\" for the cohomological structure\nof quite general exponential sums. Chapter five is devoted to a precise\nanalysis of the cohomological structure of certain specific classes of\nexponential sums for which the associated algebro-geometric situation is\nespecially attractive.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:18:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","David T.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11612","submitter":"Gino Isidori","authors":"Gino Isidori","title":"Flavor physics beyond the Standard Model and the Kobayashi-Maskawa\n legacy","comments":"17 pages, based on the talk given at the KM50 Symposium (KEK,\n February 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Kobayashi-Maskawa (KM) hypothesis about the existence of a third\ngeneration of quarks represents a cornerstone of the Standard Model (SM). Fifty\nyears after this seminal paper, flavor physics continues to represent a\nprivileged observatory on physics occurring at high energy scales. In this\npaper I first review this statement using general effective-theory arguments,\nhighlighting some interesting modern lessons from the KM paper. I then discuss\nsome novel extensions of the SM based on the concept of flavor deconstruction:\nthe hypothesis that gauge interactions are manifestly flavor non universal in\nthe ultraviolet. The phenomenological consequences of this class of models are\nalso briefly illustrated.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:56:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Isidori","Gino",""]]} {"id":"2308.11613","submitter":"Alexey Pokrovskiy","authors":"Kyriakos Katsamaktsis, Shoham Letzter, Alexey Pokrovskiy, Benny\n Sudakov","title":"Ascending Subgraph Decomposition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A typical theme for many well-known decomposition problems is to show that\nsome obvious necessary conditions for decomposing a graph $G$ into copies $H_1,\n\\ldots, H_m$ are also sufficient. One such problem was posed in 1987, by Alavi,\nBoals, Chartrand, Erd\\H{o}s, and Oellerman. They conjectured that the edges of\nevery graph with $\\binom{m+1}2$ edges can be decomposed into subgraphs $H_1,\n\\dots, H_m$ such that each $H_i$ has $i$ edges and is isomorphic to a subgraph\nof $H_{i+1}$. In this paper we prove this conjecture for sufficiently large\n$m$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:58:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Katsamaktsis","Kyriakos",""],["Letzter","Shoham",""],["Pokrovskiy","Alexey",""],["Sudakov","Benny",""]]} {"id":"2308.11614","submitter":"Ruoshi Jiang","authors":"Ruoshi Jiang, Jinning Hou, Zhiyu Fan, Zi-Jian Lang and Wei Ku","title":"Pressure driven screening of Ni spin results in cuprate-like high-$T_c$\n superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Beyond 14GPa of pressure, bi-layered La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ was recently found to\ndevelop strong superconductivity above the liquid nitrogen boiling temperature.\nAn immediate essential question is the pressure-induced qualitative change of\nelectronic structure that enables the exciting high-temperature\nsuperconductivity. We investigate this timely question via a numerical\nmulti-scale derivation of effective many-body physics. At the atomic scale, we\nfirst clarify that the system has a strong charge transfer nature with\nitinerant carriers residing mainly in the in-plane oxygen between spin-1\nNi$^{2+}$ ions. We then elucidate in eV- and sub-eV-scale the key physical\neffect of the applied pressure: It induces a cuprate-like electronic structure\nthrough partially screening the Ni spin from 1 to 1/2. This suggests a\nhigh-temperature superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ with microscopic\nmechanism and ($d$-wave) symmetry similar to that in the cuprates.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:58:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Jiang","Ruoshi",""],["Hou","Jinning",""],["Fan","Zhiyu",""],["Lang","Zi-Jian",""],["Ku","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.11615","submitter":"Benjamin Lev","authors":"Kangning Yang, Yicheng Zhang, Kuan-Yu Li, Kuan-Yu Lin, Sarang\n Gopalakrishnan, Marcos Rigol, Benjamin L. Lev","title":"Phantom energy of a quenched, prethermal quantum many-body scar state","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures with 15-page supplement including 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas physics.atom-ph quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Strongly interacting quantum systems can exhibit emergent excitations that\ndiffer qualitatively from their microscopic degrees of freedom. Here we study\nan emergent phenomenon that is intrinsic to such systems far from equilibrium:\nNamely, the transmutation of attractive interactions into repulsive\ninteractions. We initialize an attractively interacting Bose gas in a highly\nexcited and correlated nonthermal state, quench the confining potential, and\nmeasure how the kinetic and total energies evolve after the quench. Although\nthe bare interactions are attractive, the low-energy degrees of freedom evolve\nas if they repel each other: Thus, their kinetic energy paradoxically decreases\nas the gas is compressed. We quantify the missing ``phantom'' energy by\nbenchmarking our experimental results against generalized hydrodynamics (GHD)\ncalculations. We present evidence that the missing kinetic energy is stored in\nvery high-momentum modes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:59:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Kangning",""],["Zhang","Yicheng",""],["Li","Kuan-Yu",""],["Lin","Kuan-Yu",""],["Gopalakrishnan","Sarang",""],["Rigol","Marcos",""],["Lev","Benjamin L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11616","submitter":"Andi Gu","authors":"Andi Gu, Hong-Ye Hu, Di Luo, Taylor L. Patti, Nicholas C. Rubin,\n Susanne F. Yelin","title":"Zero and Finite Temperature Quantum Simulations Powered by Quantum Magic","comments":"12 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"MIT-CTP/5583","categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a comprehensive approach to quantum simulations at both zero and\nfinite temperatures, employing a quantum information theoretic perspective and\nutilizing the Clifford + $k$Rz transformations. We introduce the \"quantum magic\nladder\", a natural hierarchy formed by systematically augmenting Clifford\ntransformations with the addition of Rz gates. These classically simulable\nsimilarity transformations allow us to reduce the quantumness of our system,\nconserving vital quantum resources. This reduction in quantumness is essential,\nas it simplifies the Hamiltonian and shortens physical circuit-depth,\novercoming constraints imposed by limited error correction. We improve the\nperformance of both digital and analog quantum computers on ground state and\nfinite temperature molecular simulations, not only outperforming the\nHartree-Fock solution, but also achieving consistent improvements as we ascend\nthe quantum magic ladder. By facilitating more efficient quantum simulations,\nour approach enables near-term and early fault-tolerant quantum computers to\naddress novel challenges in quantum chemistry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:59:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Gu","Andi",""],["Hu","Hong-Ye",""],["Luo","Di",""],["Patti","Taylor L.",""],["Rubin","Nicholas C.",""],["Yelin","Susanne F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11617","submitter":"Omid Taheri","authors":"Omid Taheri, Yi Zhou, Dimitrios Tzionas, Yang Zhou, Duygu Ceylan,\n Soren Pirk, Michael J. Black","title":"GRIP: Generating Interaction Poses Using Latent Consistency and Spatial\n Cues","comments":"The project has been started during Omid Taheri's internship at Adobe\n and as a collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Hands are dexterous and highly versatile manipulators that are central to how\nhumans interact with objects and their environment. Consequently, modeling\nrealistic hand-object interactions, including the subtle motion of individual\nfingers, is critical for applications in computer graphics, computer vision,\nand mixed reality. Prior work on capturing and modeling humans interacting with\nobjects in 3D focuses on the body and object motion, often ignoring hand pose.\nIn contrast, we introduce GRIP, a learning-based method that takes, as input,\nthe 3D motion of the body and the object, and synthesizes realistic motion for\nboth hands before, during, and after object interaction. As a preliminary step\nbefore synthesizing the hand motion, we first use a network, ANet, to denoise\nthe arm motion. Then, we leverage the spatio-temporal relationship between the\nbody and the object to extract two types of novel temporal interaction cues,\nand use them in a two-stage inference pipeline to generate the hand motion. In\nthe first stage, we introduce a new approach to enforce motion temporal\nconsistency in the latent space (LTC), and generate consistent interaction\nmotions. In the second stage, GRIP generates refined hand poses to avoid\nhand-object penetrations. Given sequences of noisy body and object motion, GRIP\nupgrades them to include hand-object interaction. Quantitative experiments and\nperceptual studies demonstrate that GRIP outperforms baseline methods and\ngeneralizes to unseen objects and motions from different motion-capture\ndatasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:59:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Taheri","Omid",""],["Zhou","Yi",""],["Tzionas","Dimitrios",""],["Zhou","Yang",""],["Ceylan","Duygu",""],["Pirk","Soren",""],["Black","Michael J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11618","submitter":"Adam Smercina","authors":"Adam Smercina, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Benjamin F. Williams, Meredith\n J. Durbin, Margaret Lazzarini, Eric F. Bell, Yumi Choi, Andrew Dolphin,\n Karoline Gilbert, Puragra Guhathakurta, Eric W. Koch, Hans-Walter Rix, Erik\n Rosolowsky, Anil Seth, Evan D. Skillman, Daniel R. Weisz","title":"The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury: Triangulum Extended Region\n (PHATTER). V. The Structure of M33 in Resolved Stellar Populations","comments":"31 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a detailed analysis of the the structure of the Local Group\nflocculent spiral galaxy M33, as measured using the Panchromatic Hubble\nAndromeda Treasury Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER) survey. Leveraging the\nmultiwavelength coverage of PHATTER, we find that the oldest populations are\ndominated by a smooth exponential disk with two distinct spiral arms and a\nclassical central bar $-$ completely distinct from what is seen in broadband\noptical imaging, and the first-ever confirmation of a bar in M33. We estimate a\nbar extent of $\\sim$1 kpc. The two spiral arms are asymmetric in orientation\nand strength, and likely represent the innermost impact of the recent tidal\ninteraction responsible for M33's warp at larger scales. The flocculent\nmulti-armed morphology for which M33 is known is only visible in the young\nupper main sequence population, which closely tracks the morphology of the ISM.\nWe investigate the stability of M33's disk, finding $Q{\\sim}1$ over the\nmajority of the disk. We fit multiple components to the old stellar density\ndistribution and find that, when considering recent stellar kinematics, M33's\nbulk structure favors the inclusion of an accreted halo component, modeled as a\nbroken power-law. The best-fit halo model has an outer power-law index of $-$3\nand accurately describes observational evidence of M33's stellar halo from both\nresolved stellar spectroscopy in the disk and its stellar populations at large\nradius. Integrating this profile yields a total halo stellar mass of\n${\\sim}5{\\times}10^8\\ M_{\\odot}$, giving a total stellar halo mass fraction of\n16%, most of which resides in the innermost 2.5 kpc.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:59:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Smercina","Adam",""],["Dalcanton","Julianne J.",""],["Williams","Benjamin F.",""],["Durbin","Meredith J.",""],["Lazzarini","Margaret",""],["Bell","Eric F.",""],["Choi","Yumi",""],["Dolphin","Andrew",""],["Gilbert","Karoline",""],["Guhathakurta","Puragra",""],["Koch","Eric W.",""],["Rix","Hans-Walter",""],["Rosolowsky","Erik",""],["Seth","Anil",""],["Skillman","Evan D.",""],["Weisz","Daniel R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11624","submitter":"Kain Lu Low","authors":"Guangxi Fan, Kain Lu Low","title":"Revolutionizing TCAD Simulations with Universal Device Encoding and\n Graph Attention Networks","comments":"32 pages, 13 figures and 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.AR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" An innovative methodology that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and\ngraph representation for semiconductor device encoding in TCAD device\nsimulation is proposed. A graph-based universal encoding scheme is presented\nthat not only considers material-level and device-level embeddings, but also\nintroduces a novel spatial relationship embedding inspired by interpolation\noperations typically used in finite element meshing. Universal physical laws\nfrom device simulations are leveraged for comprehensive data-driven modeling,\nwhich encompasses surrogate Poisson emulation and current-voltage (IV)\nprediction based on drift-diffusion model. Both are achieved using a novel\ngraph attention network, referred to as RelGAT. Comprehensive technical details\nbased on the device simulator Sentaurus TCAD are presented, empowering\nresearchers to adopt the proposed AI-driven Electronic Design Automation (EDA)\nsolution at the device level.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 1 Aug 2023 05:58:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Fan","Guangxi",""],["Low","Kain Lu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11625","submitter":"Skyler Simmons","authors":"Skyler Simmons","title":"The Octahedral Collision-Based Periodic Orbit in the Three-Dimensional\n Six-Body Problem","comments":"26 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:2110.06174","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We construct a highly-symmetric periodic orbit of six bodies in three\ndimensions. In this orbit, binary collisions occur at the origin in a regular\nperiodic fashion, rotating between pairs of bodies located on the coordinate\naxes. Regularization of the collisions in the orbit is achieved by an extension\nof the Levi-Civita method. Initial conditions for the orbit are found\nnumerically. In contrast to an earlier periodic collision-based orbit in three\ndimensions, this orbit is shown to be unstable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 4 Aug 2023 01:10:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Simmons","Skyler",""]]} {"id":"2308.11626","submitter":"Guang Ping He","authors":"Guang Ping He","title":"Comment on \"Masking quantum information is impossible\"","comments":"2 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The no-masking theorem (Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 230501 (2018)) claims that\narbitrary quantum states cannot be masked. Based on this result, the authors\nfurther suggested that qubit commitment is not possible. Here we show that this\nconnection does not hold in general.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 4 Aug 2023 21:55:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["He","Guang Ping",""]]} {"id":"2308.11627","submitter":"Dengfeng Liu","authors":"Yiwen Xu, Dengfeng Liu, Liangtao Huang, Zhiquan Lin, Tiesong Zhao, and\n Sam Kwong","title":"Non-Intrusive Electric Load Monitoring Approach Based on Current Feature\n Visualization for Smart Energy Management","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.CV cs.SY eess.IV eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The state-of-the-art smart city has been calling for an economic but\nefficient energy management over large-scale network, especially for the\nelectric power system. It is a critical issue to monitor, analyze and control\nelectric loads of all users in system. In this paper, we employ the popular\ncomputer vision techniques of AI to design a non-invasive load monitoring\nmethod for smart electric energy management. First of all, we utilize both\nsignal transforms (including wavelet transform and discrete Fourier transform)\nand Gramian Angular Field (GAF) methods to map one-dimensional current signals\nonto two-dimensional color feature images. Second, we propose to recognize all\nelectric loads from color feature images using a U-shape deep neural network\nwith multi-scale feature extraction and attention mechanism. Third, we design\nour method as a cloud-based, non-invasive monitoring of all users, thereby\nsaving energy cost during electric power system control. Experimental results\non both public and our private datasets have demonstrated our method achieves\nsuperior performances than its peers, and thus supports efficient energy\nmanagement over large-scale Internet of Things (IoT).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 04:52:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Yiwen",""],["Liu","Dengfeng",""],["Huang","Liangtao",""],["Lin","Zhiquan",""],["Zhao","Tiesong",""],["Kwong","Sam",""]]} {"id":"2308.11628","submitter":"Thomas Heston","authors":"Thomas F. Heston","title":"Prompt Engineering For Students of Medicine and Their Teachers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" \"Prompt Engineering for Students of Medicine and Their Teachers\" brings the\nprinciples of prompt engineering for large language models such as ChatGPT and\nGoogle Bard to medical education. This book contains a comprehensive guide to\nprompt engineering to help both teachers and students improve education in the\nmedical field. Just as prompt engineering is critical in getting good\ninformation out of an AI, it is also critical to get students to think and\nunderstand more deeply. The principles of prompt engineering that we have\nlearned from AI systems have the potential to simultaneously revolutionize\nlearning in the healthcare field. The book analyzes from multiple angles the\nanatomy of a good prompt for both AI models and students. The different types\nof prompts are examined, showing how each style has unique characteristics and\napplications. The principles of prompt engineering, applied properly, are\ndemonstrated to be effective in teaching across the diverse fields of anatomy,\nphysiology, pathology, pharmacology, and clinical skills. Just like ChatGPT and\nsimilar large language AI models, students need clear and detailed prompting in\norder for them to fully understand a topic. Using identical principles, a\nprompt that gets good information from an AI will also cause a student to think\nmore deeply and accurately. The process of prompt engineering facilitates this\nprocess. Because each chapter contains multiple examples and key takeaways, it\nis a practical guide for implementing prompt engineering in the learning\nprocess. It provides a hands-on approach to ensure readers can immediately\napply the concepts they learn\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 20:47:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Heston","Thomas F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11629","submitter":"Yunfei Zhang","authors":"Yunfei Zhang, Mario Ilic, Klaus Bogenberger","title":"Autonomous Vehicles as a Sensor: Simulating Data Collection Process","comments":"15 pages, 11 figures, the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Urban traffic state estimation is pivotal in furnishing precise and reliable\ninsights into traffic flow characteristics, thereby enabling efficient traffic\nmanagement. Traditional traffic estimation methodologies have predominantly\nhinged on labor-intensive and costly techniques such as loop detectors and\nfloating car data. Nevertheless, the relentless progression in autonomous\ndriving technology has catalyzed an increasing interest in capitalizing on the\nextensive potential of on-board sensor data, giving rise to a novel concept\nknown as \"Autonomous Vehicles as a Sensor\" (AVaaS). This paper innovatively\nrefines the AVaaS concept by simulating the data collection process. We take\nreal-world sensor attributes into account and employ more accurate estimation\ntechniques based on the on-board sensor data. Such data can facilitate the\nestimation of high-resolution, link-level traffic states and, more extensively,\nonline cluster- and network-level traffic states. We substantiate the viability\nof the AVaaS concept through a case study conducted using a real-world traffic\nsimulation in Ingolstadt, Germany. The results attest to the ability of AVaaS\nin estimating both microscopic (link-level) and macroscopic (cluster- and\nnetwork-level) traffic states, thereby highlighting the immense potential of\nthe AVaaS concept in effecting precise and reliable traffic state estimation\nand also further applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 9 Aug 2023 08:57:44 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:57:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yunfei",""],["Ilic","Mario",""],["Bogenberger","Klaus",""]]} {"id":"2308.11630","submitter":"Francesco Da Ros","authors":"Ali Cem, Ognjen Jovanovic, Siqi Yan, Yunhong Ding, Darko Zibar, and\n Francesco Da Ros","title":"Addressing Data Scarcity in Optical Matrix Multiplier Modeling Using\n Transfer Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present and experimentally evaluate using transfer learning to address\nexperimental data scarcity when training neural network (NN) models for\nMach-Zehnder interferometer mesh-based optical matrix multipliers. Our approach\ninvolves pre-training the model using synthetic data generated from a less\naccurate analytical model and fine-tuning with experimental data. Our\ninvestigation demonstrates that this method yields significant reductions in\nmodeling errors compared to using an analytical model, or a standalone NN model\nwhen training data is limited. Utilizing regularization techniques and ensemble\naveraging, we achieve < 1 dB root-mean-square error on the matrix weights\nimplemented by a photonic chip while using only 25% of the available data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:33:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Cem","Ali",""],["Jovanovic","Ognjen",""],["Yan","Siqi",""],["Ding","Yunhong",""],["Zibar","Darko",""],["Da Ros","Francesco",""]]} {"id":"2308.11631","submitter":"Duo Zhang","authors":"Duo Zhang","title":"Deep learning-based flow disaggregation for hydropower plant management","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" High temporal resolution data is a vital resource for hydropower plant\nmanagement. Currently, only daily resolution data are available for most of\nNorwegian hydropower plant, however, to achieve more accurate management,\nsub-daily resolution data are often required. To deal with the wide absence of\nsub-daily data, time series disaggregation is a potential tool. In this study,\nwe proposed a time series disaggregation model based on deep learning, the\nmodel is tested using flow data from a Norwegian flow station, to disaggregate\nthe daily flow into hourly flow. Preliminary results show some promising\naspects for the proposed model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 10:52:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Duo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11632","submitter":"Abhishek Chauhan","authors":"Malvika Kanojia, Prerna Kamani, Gautam Siddharth Kashyap, Shafaq Naz,\n Samar Wazir, Abhishek Chauhan","title":"Alternative Agriculture Land-Use Transformation Pathways by\n Partial-Equilibrium Agricultural Sector Model: A Mathematical Approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Humanity's progress in combating hunger, poverty, and child mortality is\nmarred by escalating environmental degradation due to rising greenhouse gas\nemissions and climate change impacts. Despite positive developments, ecosystems\nare suffering globally. Regional strategies for mitigating and adapting to\nclimate change must be viewed from a global perspective. The 2015 UN\nSustainable Development Goals reflect the challenge of balancing social and\nenvironmental aspects for sustainable development. Agriculture, vital for food\nproduction, also threatens Earth systems. A study examines the interplay of\nland-use impacts, modeling crop and livestock trade, and their effects on\nclimate, biodiversity, water, and land using a Partial-Equilibrium Agricultural\nSector Model. Different scenarios involving taxing externalities related to\nEarth processes were tested. Results show synergies in reducing emissions,\nbiodiversity loss, water use, and phosphorus pollution, driven by shifts in\ncrop management. Nitrogen application and deforestation scenarios exhibit\nweaker synergies and more conflicts. The study offers insights into SDG\ninteractions and the potential for sustainable farming.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 12 Aug 2023 10:12:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kanojia","Malvika",""],["Kamani","Prerna",""],["Kashyap","Gautam Siddharth",""],["Naz","Shafaq",""],["Wazir","Samar",""],["Chauhan","Abhishek",""]]} {"id":"2308.11633","submitter":"Brandon Sheffield","authors":"Brandon Sheffield, Frank E. Bobe III, Bradley Marchand, Matthew S.\n Emigh","title":"Advances in Self-Supervised Learning for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Data\n Processing, Classification, and Pattern Recognition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) imaging has become a crucial technology for\nunderwater exploration because of its unique ability to maintain resolution at\nincreasing ranges, a characteristic absent in conventional sonar techniques.\nHowever, the effective application of deep learning to SAS data processing is\noften limited due to the scarcity of labeled data. To address this challenge,\nthis paper proposes MoCo-SAS that leverages self-supervised learning (SSL) for\nSAS data processing, classification, and pattern recognition. The experimental\nresults demonstrate that MoCo-SAS significantly outperforms traditional\nsupervised learning methods, as evidenced by significant improvements observed\nin terms of the F1-score. These findings highlight the potential of SSL in\nadvancing the state-of-the-art in SAS data processing, offering promising\navenues for enhanced underwater object detection and classification.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 12 Aug 2023 20:59:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Sheffield","Brandon",""],["Bobe","Frank E.","III"],["Marchand","Bradley",""],["Emigh","Matthew S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11634","submitter":"Anna Zamojska-Dzienio","authors":"A.B. Romanowska, J.D.H. Smith, and A. Zamojska-Dzienio","title":"Barycentric algebra and convex polygon coordinates","comments":"62 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.MG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Barycentric coordinates provide solutions to the problem of expressing an\nelement of a compact convex set as a convex combination of a finite number of\nextreme points of the set. Various approaches to this problem have arisen, in\nvarious contexts. The most general solution, namely the Gibbs coordinates based\non entropy maximization, actually work in the broader setting of barycentric\nalgebras, which constitute semilattice-ordered systems of convex sets. These\ncoordinates involve exponential functions. For convex polytopes, Wachspress\ncoordinates offer solutions which only involve rational functions. The current\npaper focuses primarily on convex polygons in the plane. After summarizing the\nGibbs and Wachspress coordinates, we identify where they agree, and provide\ncomparisons between them when they do not. Within a general formalism for\nanalyzing coordinate systems, we then introduce a direct sparse geometric\napproach based on chordal decompositions of polygons, along with a symmetrized\nversion which creates what we call cartographic coordinates. We present\ncomparisons between cartographic coordinates based on distinct chordal\ndecompositions, and comparisons of cartographic coordinates with Gibbs and\nWachspress coordinates.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 13 Aug 2023 08:34:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Romanowska","A. B.",""],["Smith","J. D. H.",""],["Zamojska-Dzienio","A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11635","submitter":"Zhen Liang Jane","authors":"Weishan Ye, Zhiguo Zhang, Min Zhang, Fei Teng, Li Zhang, Linling Li,\n Gan Huang, Jianhong Wang, Dong Ni, and Zhen Liang","title":"Semi-Supervised Dual-Stream Self-Attentive Adversarial Graph Contrastive\n Learning for Cross-Subject EEG-based Emotion Recognition","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.06496","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.HC cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Electroencephalography (EEG) is an objective tool for emotion recognition\nwith promising applications. However, the scarcity of labeled data remains a\nmajor challenge in this field, limiting the widespread use of EEG-based emotion\nrecognition. In this paper, a semi-supervised Dual-stream Self-Attentive\nAdversarial Graph Contrastive learning framework (termed as DS-AGC) is proposed\nto tackle the challenge of limited labeled data in cross-subject EEG-based\nemotion recognition. The DS-AGC framework includes two parallel streams for\nextracting non-structural and structural EEG features. The non-structural\nstream incorporates a semi-supervised multi-domain adaptation method to\nalleviate distribution discrepancy among labeled source domain, unlabeled\nsource domain, and unknown target domain. The structural stream develops a\ngraph contrastive learning method to extract effective graph-based feature\nrepresentation from multiple EEG channels in a semi-supervised manner. Further,\na self-attentive fusion module is developed for feature fusion, sample\nselection, and emotion recognition, which highlights EEG features more relevant\nto emotions and data samples in the labeled source domain that are closer to\nthe target domain. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmark databases\n(SEED and SEED-IV) using a semi-supervised cross-subject leave-one-subject-out\ncross-validation evaluation scheme show that the proposed model outperforms\nexisting methods under different incomplete label conditions (with an average\nimprovement of 5.83% on SEED and 6.99% on SEED-IV), demonstrating its\neffectiveness in addressing the label scarcity problem in cross-subject\nEEG-based emotion recognition.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 13 Aug 2023 23:54:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Ye","Weishan",""],["Zhang","Zhiguo",""],["Zhang","Min",""],["Teng","Fei",""],["Zhang","Li",""],["Li","Linling",""],["Huang","Gan",""],["Wang","Jianhong",""],["Ni","Dong",""],["Liang","Zhen",""]]} {"id":"2308.11636","submitter":"Rui Liu","authors":"Rui Liu, Yuanyuan Chen, Anran Li, Yi Ding, Han Yu, Cuntai Guan","title":"Aggregating Intrinsic Information to Enhance BCI Performance through\n Federated Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.DC cs.LG cs.NE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Insufficient data is a long-standing challenge for Brain-Computer Interface\n(BCI) to build a high-performance deep learning model. Though numerous research\ngroups and institutes collect a multitude of EEG datasets for the same BCI\ntask, sharing EEG data from multiple sites is still challenging due to the\nheterogeneity of devices. The significance of this challenge cannot be\noverstated, given the critical role of data diversity in fostering model\nrobustness. However, existing works rarely discuss this issue, predominantly\ncentering their attention on model training within a single dataset, often in\nthe context of inter-subject or inter-session settings. In this work, we\npropose a hierarchical personalized Federated Learning EEG decoding (FLEEG)\nframework to surmount this challenge. This innovative framework heralds a new\nlearning paradigm for BCI, enabling datasets with disparate data formats to\ncollaborate in the model training process. Each client is assigned a specific\ndataset and trains a hierarchical personalized model to manage diverse data\nformats and facilitate information exchange. Meanwhile, the server coordinates\nthe training procedure to harness knowledge gleaned from all datasets, thus\nelevating overall performance. The framework has been evaluated in Motor\nImagery (MI) classification with nine EEG datasets collected by different\ndevices but implementing the same MI task. Results demonstrate that the\nproposed frame can boost classification performance up to 16.7% by enabling\nknowledge sharing between multiple datasets, especially for smaller datasets.\nVisualization results also indicate that the proposed framework can empower the\nlocal models to put a stable focus on task-related areas, yielding better\nperformance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first end-to-end\nsolution to address this important challenge.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:59:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Rui",""],["Chen","Yuanyuan",""],["Li","Anran",""],["Ding","Yi",""],["Yu","Han",""],["Guan","Cuntai",""]]} {"id":"2308.11637","submitter":"Olga Holtz","authors":"Olga V. Holtz","title":"Classical values of Zeta, as simple as possible but not simpler","comments":"10 page, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.HO math.CO math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This short note for non-experts means to demystify the tasks of evaluating\nthe Riemann Zeta Function at nonnegative integers and at even natural numbers,\nboth initially performed by Leonhard Euler. Treading in the footsteps of G. H.\nHardy and others, I re-examine Euler's work on the functional equation for the\nZeta function, and explain how both the functional equation and all `classical'\ninteger values can be obtained in one sweep using only Euler's favorite method\nof generating functions. As a counter-point, I also present an even simpler\nargument essentially due to Bernhard Riemann, which however requires Cauchy's\nresidue theorem, a result not yet available to Euler. As a final point, I\nendeavor to clarify how these two methods are organically linked and can be\ntaught as an intuitive gateway into the world of Zeta functionology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 09:56:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Holtz","Olga V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11638","submitter":"Reza Arablouei","authors":"Timothy Tadj, Reza Arablouei, Volkan Dedeoglu","title":"IoT Data Trust Evaluation via Machine Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Various approaches based on supervised or unsupervised machine learning (ML)\nhave been proposed for evaluating IoT data trust. However, assessing their\nreal-world efficacy is hard mainly due to the lack of related\npublicly-available datasets that can be used for benchmarking. Since obtaining\nsuch datasets is challenging, we propose a data synthesis method, called random\nwalk infilling (RWI), to augment IoT time-series datasets by synthesizing\nuntrustworthy data from existing trustworthy data. Thus, RWI enables us to\ncreate labeled datasets that can be used to develop and validate ML models for\nIoT data trust evaluation. We also extract new features from IoT time-series\nsensor data that effectively capture its auto-correlation as well as its\ncross-correlation with the data of the neighboring (peer) sensors. These\nfeatures can be used to learn ML models for recognizing the trustworthiness of\nIoT sensor data. Equipped with our synthesized ground-truth-labeled datasets\nand informative correlation-based feature, we conduct extensive experiments to\ncritically examine various approaches to evaluating IoT data trust via ML. The\nresults reveal that commonly used ML-based approaches to IoT data trust\nevaluation, which rely on unsupervised cluster analysis to assign trust labels\nto unlabeled data, perform poorly. This poor performance can be attributed to\nthe underlying unsubstantiated assumption that clustering provides reliable\nlabels for data trust, a premise that is found to be untenable. The results\nalso show that the ML models learned from datasets augmented via RWI while\nusing the proposed features generalize well to unseen data and outperform\nexisting related approaches. Moreover, we observe that a semi-supervised ML\napproach that requires only about 10% of the data labeled offers competitive\nperformance while being practically more appealing compared to the\nfully-supervised approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 05:44:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Tadj","Timothy",""],["Arablouei","Reza",""],["Dedeoglu","Volkan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11639","submitter":"Sungho Suh","authors":"Tae Yeob Kang, Haebom Lee, Sungho Suh","title":"In situ Fault Diagnosis of Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes by Processing\n S-Parameter Patterns","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the field of optoelectronics, indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes play a\ncrucial role in various applications, such as displays, sensors, and solar\ncells. Effective fault detection and diagnosis of the ITO electrodes are\nessential to ensure the performance and reliability of the devices. However,\ntraditional visual inspection is challenging with transparent ITO electrodes,\nand existing fault detection methods have limitations in determining the root\ncauses of the defects, often requiring destructive evaluations. In this study,\nan in situ fault diagnosis method is proposed using scattering parameter\n(S-parameter) signal processing, offering early detection, high diagnostic\naccuracy, noise robustness, and root cause analysis. A comprehensive\nS-parameter pattern database is obtained according to defect states. Deep\nlearning (DL) approaches, including multilayer perceptron (MLP), convolutional\nneural network (CNN), and transformer, are then used to simultaneously analyze\nthe cause and severity of defects. Notably, it is demonstrated that the\ndiagnostic performance under additive noise levels can be significantly\nenhanced by combining different channels of the S-parameters as input to the\nlearning algorithms, as confirmed through the t-distributed stochastic neighbor\nembedding (t-SNE) dimension reduction visualization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 08:33:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kang","Tae Yeob",""],["Lee","Haebom",""],["Suh","Sungho",""]]} {"id":"2308.11640","submitter":"Rachel Newton","authors":"Christopher Frei, Daniel Loughran and Rachel Newton","title":"The Hasse norm principle for abelian extensions -- corrigendum","comments":"25 pages, corrigendum to arXiv:1508.02518. Comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The proofs of Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.5(2) in the authors' paper 'The Hasse\nnorm principle for abelian extensions' are incorrect. We point out the mistakes\nand provide correct proofs, using techniques of the original paper.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:13:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Frei","Christopher",""],["Loughran","Daniel",""],["Newton","Rachel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11641","submitter":"Annibal Figueiredo","authors":"Rodrigo R. Silva, Annibal Figueiredo","title":"Synge's dynamic problem for two isolated point charges. A new method to\n find global solutions for Functional Differential Equations System","comments":"32 pages, 10 Figures, 2 Tables, Preprint Article","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.DS math.MP physics.class-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Synge's problem consists in to determine the dynamics of two point electrical\ncharges interacting through their electromagnetic fields, without to take into\naccount the radiation terms due to the self-forces in each charge. We discuss\nhow this problem is related to the question on to establish initial conditions\nfor the electromagnetic fields that are compatible with the two point charges\nsystem isolation, that is, the charges are free from the action of external\nforces. This problem stems from the existence of inter-temporal constraints for\nthe charges trajectories, which implies that the relativistic Newton equations\nfor the charges is not a system of ODEs, but rather a system of Functional\nDifferential Equations (FDEs). We developed a new method to obtain global\nsolutions that satisfies this system of FDEs and a given initial condition for\nthe charges positions and velocities. This method allows the construction of a\nrecursive numerical algorithm that only use integration methods for ODEs\nsystems. Finally, we apply this algorithm to obtain numerical approximations\nfor the quasi-circular solutions that are predicted in Synge's problem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 13:46:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Silva","Rodrigo R.",""],["Figueiredo","Annibal",""]]} {"id":"2308.11642","submitter":"Yuvaraj Govindarajulu","authors":"Yuvaraj Govindarajulu and Raja Rajeshwari Raj Kumar","title":"Gesture Recognition based on Long-Short Term Memory Cells using\n Smartphone IMUs","comments":"Proceedings of Fachpraktikum Interaktive Systeme (FIS 18), FIS 18,\n Summer 2018, University of Stuttgart, Germany","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Over the last few decades, Smartphone technology has seen significant\nimprovements. Enhancements specific to built-in Inertial Measurement Units\n(IMUs) and other dedicated sensors of the smartphones(which are often available\nas default) such as- Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Fingerprint\nreader, Proximity and Ambient light sensors have made devices smarter and the\ninteraction seamless. Gesture recognition using these smart phones have been\nexperimented with many techniques. In this solution, a Recurrent Neural Network\n(RNN) approach, LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory Cells) has been used to classify\nten different gestures based on data from Accelerometer and Gyroscope.\nSelection of sensor data (Accelerometer and Gyroscope) was based on the ones\nthat provided maximum information regarding the movement and orientation of the\nphone. Various models were experimented in this project, the results of which\nare presented in the later sections. Furthermore, the properties and\ncharacteristics of the collected data were studied and a set of improvements\nhave been suggested in the future work section.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:37:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Govindarajulu","Yuvaraj",""],["Kumar","Raja Rajeshwari Raj",""]]} {"id":"2308.11643","submitter":"James Clarke","authors":"James M. Clarke, Maryam Mehrnezhad, Ehsan Toreini","title":"Invisible, Unreadable, and Inaudible Cookie Notices: An Evaluation of\n Cookie Notices for Users with Visual Impairments","comments":"36 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper investigates the accessibility of cookie notices on websites for\nusers with visual impairments (VI) via a set of system studies on top UK\nwebsites (n=46) and a user study (n=100). We use a set of methods and\ntools--including accessibility testing tools, text-only browsers, and screen\nreaders, to perform our system studies. Our results demonstrate that the\nmajority of cookie notices on these websites have some form of accessibility\nissues including contrast issues, not having headings, and not being read aloud\nimmediately when the page is loaded. We discuss how such practises impact the\nuser experience and privacy and provide a set of recommendations for multiple\nstakeholders for more accessible websites and better privacy practises for\nusers with VIs. To complement our technical contribution we conduct a user\nstudy and finding that people with VIs generally have a negative view of cookie\nnotices and believe our recommendations could help their online experience. We\nalso find a disparity in how users wish to respond to cookie notices as apposed\nto how they do in reality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 20:06:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Clarke","James M.",""],["Mehrnezhad","Maryam",""],["Toreini","Ehsan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11644","submitter":"Han Chen","authors":"Yang Yu, Han Chen","title":"Synergistic Signal Denoising for Multimodal Time Series of Structure\n Vibration","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) plays an indispensable role in ensuring\nthe longevity and safety of infrastructure. With the rapid growth of sensor\ntechnology, the volume of data generated from various structures has seen an\nunprecedented surge, bringing forth challenges in efficient analysis and\ninterpretation. This paper introduces a novel deep learning algorithm tailored\nfor the complexities inherent in multimodal vibration signals prevalent in SHM.\nBy amalgamating convolutional and recurrent architectures, the algorithm\nadeptly captures both localized and prolonged structural behaviors. The pivotal\nintegration of attention mechanisms further enhances the model's capability,\nallowing it to discern and prioritize salient structural responses from\nextraneous noise. Our results showcase significant improvements in predictive\naccuracy, early damage detection, and adaptability across multiple SHM\nscenarios. In light of the critical nature of SHM, the proposed approach not\nonly offers a robust analytical tool but also paves the way for more\ntransparent and interpretable AI-driven SHM solutions. Future prospects include\nreal-time processing, integration with external environmental factors, and a\ndeeper emphasis on model interpretability.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 00:41:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Yang",""],["Chen","Han",""]]} {"id":"2308.11645","submitter":"George Chen","authors":"Xiaobin Shen, Jonathan Elmer, George H. Chen","title":"Neurological Prognostication of Post-Cardiac-Arrest Coma Patients Using\n EEG Data: A Dynamic Survival Analysis Framework with Competing Risks","comments":"Machine Learning for Healthcare conference (MLHC 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest who enter a coma are at high risk\nof death. Forecasting neurological outcomes of these patients (the task of\nneurological prognostication) could help with treatment decisions. In this\npaper, we propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first dynamic framework\nfor neurological prognostication of post-cardiac-arrest comatose patients using\nEEG data: our framework makes predictions for a patient over time as more EEG\ndata become available, and different training patients' available EEG time\nseries could vary in length. Predictions are phrased in terms of either\ntime-to-event outcomes (time-to-awakening or time-to-death) or as the patient's\nprobability of awakening or of dying across multiple time horizons. Our\nframework uses any dynamic survival analysis model that supports competing\nrisks in the form of estimating patient-level cumulative incidence functions.\nWe consider three competing risks as to what happens first to a patient:\nawakening, being withdrawn from life-sustaining therapies (and thus\ndeterministically dying), or dying (by other causes). We demonstrate our\nframework by benchmarking three existing dynamic survival analysis models that\nsupport competing risks on a real dataset of 922 patients. Our main\nexperimental findings are that: (1) the classical Fine and Gray model which\nonly uses a patient's static features and summary statistics from the patient's\nlatest hour's worth of EEG data is highly competitive, achieving accuracy\nscores as high as the recently developed Dynamic-DeepHit model that uses\nsubstantially more of the patient's EEG data; and (2) in an ablation study, we\nshow that our choice of modeling three competing risks results in a model that\nis at least as accurate while learning more information than simpler models\n(using two competing risks or a standard survival analysis setup with no\ncompeting risks).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 03:46:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Xiaobin",""],["Elmer","Jonathan",""],["Chen","George H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11646","submitter":"Xinting Liao","authors":"Xinting Liao, Chaochao Chen, Weiming Liu, Pengyang Zhou, Huabin Zhu,\n Shuheng Shen, Weiqiang Wang, Mengling Hu, Yanchao Tan, and Xiaolin Zheng","title":"Joint Local Relational Augmentation and Global Nash Equilibrium for\n Federated Learning with Non-IID Data","comments":"To appear in ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM23)","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3612178","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI cs.GT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm that needs\ncollaboration between a server and a series of clients with decentralized data.\nTo make FL effective in real-world applications, existing work devotes to\nimproving the modeling of decentralized data with non-independent and identical\ndistributions (non-IID). In non-IID settings, there are intra-client\ninconsistency that comes from the imbalanced data modeling, and inter-client\ninconsistency among heterogeneous client distributions, which not only hinders\nsufficient representation of the minority data, but also brings discrepant\nmodel deviations. However, previous work overlooks to tackle the above two\ncoupling inconsistencies together. In this work, we propose FedRANE, which\nconsists of two main modules, i.e., local relational augmentation (LRA) and\nglobal Nash equilibrium (GNE), to resolve intra- and inter-client inconsistency\nsimultaneously. Specifically, in each client, LRA mines the similarity\nrelations among different data samples and enhances the minority sample\nrepresentations with their neighbors using attentive message passing. In\nserver, GNE reaches an agreement among inconsistent and discrepant model\ndeviations from clients to server, which encourages the global model to update\nin the direction of global optimum without breaking down the clients\noptimization toward their local optimums. We conduct extensive experiments on\nfour benchmark datasets to show the superiority of FedRANE in enhancing the\nperformance of FL with non-IID data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:17:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Liao","Xinting",""],["Chen","Chaochao",""],["Liu","Weiming",""],["Zhou","Pengyang",""],["Zhu","Huabin",""],["Shen","Shuheng",""],["Wang","Weiqiang",""],["Hu","Mengling",""],["Tan","Yanchao",""],["Zheng","Xiaolin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11647","submitter":"Giacomo Oliveri","authors":"Giacomo Oliveri, Francesco Zardi, and Andrea Massa","title":"Optically-Transparent EM Skins for Outdoor-to-Indoor mm-Wave Wireless\n Communications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.SY eess.SY physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Optically-transparent opportunistic electromagnetic skins (OTO-EMSs) are\nproposed to enable outdoor-to-indoor (O2I) millimiter-wave (mmW) wireless\ncommunications with existing windows/glass-panels. More in detail, static\npassive EMSs consisting of optically-transparent conducting patterned layers\nattached to standard glass-panels are designed. Towards this end, both the\nphase coverage and the optical transparency of a meshed copper-based meta-atom\nprinted on a non-dedicated insulated glass substrate are optimized.\nSuccessively, the feasibility of OTO-EMSs able to support mmW high-efficiency\nO2I transmissions along non-Snell refraction directions is numerically\ndemonstrated.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 07:47:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Oliveri","Giacomo",""],["Zardi","Francesco",""],["Massa","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.11648","submitter":"Zhaofeng Ge","authors":"Zhao-Feng Ge and Yu-Qi Chen","title":"A Regularized $(XP)^2$ Model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate a dynamic model described by the classical Hamiltonian\n$H(x,p)=(x^2+a^2)(p^2+a^2)$ , where $a^2>0$, in classical, semi-classical, and\nquantum mechanics.In the high-energy $E$ limit, the phase path resembles that\nof the $(XP)^2$ model. However, the non-zero value of $a$ acts as a regulator,\nremoving the singularities that appear in the region where $x, p \\sim 0$ ,\nresulting in a discrete spectrum characterized by a logarithmic increase in\nstate density. Classical solutions are described by elliptic functions, with\nthe period being determined by elliptic integrals. We present three different\nforms of quantized Hamiltonians, and reformulate them into the standard Schr\\\"\nodinger equation with $\\cosh 2x$-like potentials. Numerical evaluations of the\nspectra for these forms are carried out and reveal minor differences in energy\nlevels. Among them, one interesting form possesses Hamiltonian in the Schr\\\"\nodinger equation that is identical to its classical version. In such scenarios,\nthe eigenvalue equations can be expressed as the vanishing of the Mathieu\nfunctions' value at $i\\infty$ points, and furthermore, the Mathieu functions\ncan be represented as the wave functions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 01:34:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Ge","Zhao-Feng",""],["Chen","Yu-Qi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11649","submitter":"Benjamin Kenwright","authors":"Benjamin Kenwright","title":"Exploring the Power of Creative AI Tools and Game-Based Methodologies\n for Interactive Web-Based Programming","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In recent years, the fields of artificial intelligence and web-based\nprogramming have seen tremendous advancements, enabling developers to create\ndynamic and interactive websites and applications. At the forefront of these\nadvancements, creative AI tools and game-based methodologies have emerged as\npotent instruments, promising enhanced user experiences and increased\nengagement in educational environments. This chapter explores the potential of\nthese tools and methodologies for interactive web-based programming, examining\ntheir benefits, limitations, and real-world applications. We examine the\nchallenges and ethical considerations that arise when integrating these\ntechnologies into web development, such as privacy concerns and the potential\nfor bias in AI-generated content. Through this exploration, we aim to provide\ninsights into the exciting possibilities that creative AI tools and game-based\nmethodologies offer for the future of web-based programming.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 20:01:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kenwright","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11650","submitter":"Noah Bray-Ali","authors":"Noah Bray-Ali","title":"Standard Model Muon Magnetic Dipole Moment","comments":"Five pages, three tables, prepared for 6th Plenary Workshop of the\n Muon g-2 Theory Initiative","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The most recent high-precision determination of the hadronic leading order\ncontribution to the muon magnetic dipole moment within the Standard Model of\nparticle physics has revealed a five standard deviation discrepancy with the\nprevious determination with the highest precision. A systematic effect of the\nluminous volume created during the measurements leading to the determinations\nseems to be the source of the discrepancy. Correcting for the luminous volume\neffect allows a consistent determination of the Standard Model muon magnetic\ndipole moment with precision that is comparable to the latest world average\nfrom muon spin precession experiments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 06:54:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Bray-Ali","Noah",""]]} {"id":"2308.11651","submitter":"Tiehang Duan","authors":"Tiehang Duan, Zhenyi Wang, Gianfranco Doretto, Fang Li, Cui Tao,\n Donald Adjeroh","title":"Distributionally Robust Cross Subject EEG Decoding","comments":"ECAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, deep learning has shown to be effective for Electroencephalography\n(EEG) decoding tasks. Yet, its performance can be negatively influenced by two\nkey factors: 1) the high variance and different types of corruption that are\ninherent in the signal, 2) the EEG datasets are usually relatively small given\nthe acquisition cost, annotation cost and amount of effort needed. Data\naugmentation approaches for alleviation of this problem have been empirically\nstudied, with augmentation operations on spatial domain, time domain or\nfrequency domain handcrafted based on expertise of domain knowledge. In this\nwork, we propose a principled approach to perform dynamic evolution on the data\nfor improvement of decoding robustness. The approach is based on\ndistributionally robust optimization and achieves robustness by optimizing on a\nfamily of evolved data distributions instead of the single training data\ndistribution. We derived a general data evolution framework based on\nWasserstein gradient flow (WGF) and provides two different forms of evolution\nwithin the framework. Intuitively, the evolution process helps the EEG decoder\nto learn more robust and diverse features. It is worth mentioning that the\nproposed approach can be readily integrated with other data augmentation\napproaches for further improvements. We performed extensive experiments on the\nproposed approach and tested its performance on different types of corrupted\nEEG signals. The model significantly outperforms competitive baselines on\nchallenging decoding scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 11:31:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Duan","Tiehang",""],["Wang","Zhenyi",""],["Doretto","Gianfranco",""],["Li","Fang",""],["Tao","Cui",""],["Adjeroh","Donald",""]]} {"id":"2308.11652","submitter":"Jiaqi Yin","authors":"Jiaqi Yin and Cunxi Yu","title":"Accelerating Exact Combinatorial Optimization via RL-based\n Initialization -- A Case Study in Scheduling","comments":"International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 2023 (ICCAD)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Scheduling on dataflow graphs (also known as computation graphs) is an\nNP-hard problem. The traditional exact methods are limited by runtime\ncomplexity, while reinforcement learning (RL) and heuristic-based approaches\nstruggle with determinism and solution quality. This research aims to develop\nan innovative approach that employs machine learning (ML) for addressing\ncombinatorial optimization problems, using scheduling as a case study. The goal\nis to provide guarantees in optimality and determinism while maintaining the\nruntime cost of heuristic methods. Specifically, we introduce a novel two-phase\nRL-to-ILP scheduling framework, which includes three steps: 1) RL solver acts\nas coarse-grain scheduler, 2) solution relaxation and 3) exact solving via ILP.\nOur framework demonstrates the same scheduling performance compared with using\nexact scheduling methods while achieving up to 128 $\\times$ speed improvements.\nThis was conducted on actual EdgeTPU platforms, utilizing ImageNet DNN\ncomputation graphs as input. Additionally, the framework offers improved\non-chip inference runtime and acceleration compared to the commercially\navailable EdgeTPU compiler.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 15:52:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Yin","Jiaqi",""],["Yu","Cunxi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11653","submitter":"German Kalbermann","authors":"G. K\\\"albermann (Soil and Water dept.(Emeritus), Faculty of\n Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel)","title":"A theorem for the normalization of continuous spectrum stationary states","comments":"4 printed pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A simple analytic formula developed here greatly simplifies the calculation\nof the normalization of continuous spectrum stationary states of the\none-dimensional Schr\\\"odinger equation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 12:06:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["K\u00e4lbermann","G.","","Soil and Water dept."]]} {"id":"2308.11654","submitter":"Bingxin Wang","authors":"Bingxin Wang, Xiaowen Fu, Yuan Lan, Luchan Zhang, and Yang Xiang","title":"Large Transformers are Better EEG Learners","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Pre-trained large transformer models have achieved remarkable performance in\nthe fields of natural language processing and computer vision. Since the\nmagnitude of available labeled electroencephalogram (EEG) data is much lower\nthan that of text and image data, it is difficult for transformer models\npre-trained from EEG to be developed as large as GPT-4 100T to fully unleash\nthe potential of this architecture. In this paper, we show that transformers\npre-trained from images as well as text can be directly fine-tuned for\nEEG-based prediction tasks. We design AdaCE, plug-and-play Adapters for\nConverting EEG data into image as well as text forms, to fine-tune pre-trained\nvision and language transformers. The proposed AdaCE module is highly effective\nfor fine-tuning pre-trained transformers while achieving state-of-the-art\nperformance on diverse EEG-based prediction tasks. For example, AdaCE on the\npre-trained Swin-Transformer achieves 99.6%, an absolute improvement of 9.2%,\non the EEG-decoding task of human activity recognition (UCI HAR). Furthermore,\nwe empirically show that applying the proposed AdaCE to fine-tune larger\npre-trained models can achieve better performance on EEG-based predicting\ntasks, indicating the potential of our adapters for even larger transformers.\nThe plug-and-play AdaCE module can be applied to fine-tuning most of the\npopular pre-trained transformers on many other time-series data with multiple\nchannels, not limited to EEG data and the models we use. Our code will be\navailable at https://github.com/wangbxj1234/AdaCE.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 12:54:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Bingxin",""],["Fu","Xiaowen",""],["Lan","Yuan",""],["Zhang","Luchan",""],["Xiang","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.11655","submitter":"Mehmet Onur Fen","authors":"Mehmet Onur Fen, Fatma Tokmak Fen","title":"Period-Doubling Route to Chaos and Intermittency in a Hybrid R\\\"ossler\n Model","comments":"13 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nlin.CD math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A R\\\"ossler model perturbed with a piecewise constant function is\ninvestigated. The perturbation function used in the model is constructed by\nmeans of the logistic map. In the absence of the perturbation the system is\nassumed to possess two equilibrium points one of which is linearly stable. The\noccurrences of period-doubling cascade and intermittency are numerically\ninvestigated. Extensions of the aforementioned phenomena among coupled\nR\\\"ossler systems are also shown. Our results reveal that discontinuous\nperturbations are capable of generating continuous chaos.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 21:14:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Fen","Mehmet Onur",""],["Fen","Fatma Tokmak",""]]} {"id":"2308.11656","submitter":"Igor Carrara","authors":"Igor Carrara (UCA, CRISAM), Th\\'eodore Papadopoulo (UCA, CRISAM)","title":"Pseudo-online framework for BCI evaluation: A MOABB perspective","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.AI cs.LG eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Objective: BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) technology operates in three modes:\nonline, offline, and pseudo-online. In the online mode, real-time EEG data is\nconstantly analyzed. In offline mode, the signal is acquired and processed\nafterwards. The pseudo-online mode processes collected data as if they were\nreceived in real-time. The main difference is that the offline mode often\nanalyzes the whole data, while the online and pseudo-online modes only analyze\ndata in short time windows. Offline analysis is usually done with asynchronous\nBCIs, which restricts analysis to predefined time windows. Asynchronous BCI,\ncompatible with online and pseudo-online modes, allows flexible mental activity\nduration. Offline processing tends to be more accurate, while online analysis\nis better for therapeutic applications. Pseudo-online implementation\napproximates online processing without real-time constraints. Many BCI studies\nbeing offline introduce biases compared to real-life scenarios, impacting\nclassification algorithm performance. Approach: The objective of this research\npaper is therefore to extend the current MOABB framework, operating in offline\nmode, so as to allow a comparison of different algorithms in a pseudo-online\nsetting with the use of a technology based on overlapping sliding windows. To\ndo this will require the introduction of a idle state event in the dataset that\ntakes into account all different possibilities that are not task thinking. To\nvalidate the performance of the algorithms we will use the normalized Matthews\nCorrelation Coefficient (nMCC) and the Information Transfer Rate (ITR). Main\nresults: We analyzed the state-of-the-art algorithms of the last 15 years over\nseveral Motor Imagery (MI) datasets composed by several subjects, showing the\ndifferences between the two approaches from a statistical point of view.\nSignificance: The ability to analyze the performance of different algorithms in\noffline and pseudo-online modes will allow the BCI community to obtain more\naccurate and comprehensive reports regarding the performance of classification\nalgorithms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:22:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Carrara","Igor","","UCA, CRISAM"],["Papadopoulo","Th\u00e9odore","","UCA, CRISAM"]]} {"id":"2308.11657","submitter":"Andrei Korol V","authors":"German Rojas-Lorenzo and Jesus Rubayo-Soneira and Maykel\n Marquez-Mijares and Andrei V. Korol and Andrey V. Solov'yov","title":"Multiple scattering of 855 MeV electrons in amorphous and crystalline\n silicon: simulations versus experiment","comments":"9 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph physics.acc-ph physics.data-an","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The angular distribution function of multiple scattering experienced by 855\nMeV electrons passing through an amorphous silicon plate and an oriented\nsilicon crystal has been studied by means of relativistic molecular dynamics\nsimulations using two types of the potentials that describe electron-atom\ninteraction. The differences in the angular distributions of the beam particles\nin both media are analysed. The results obtained are compared to the\nexperimental data and to the results of Monte Carlo simulations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:51:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Rojas-Lorenzo","German",""],["Rubayo-Soneira","Jesus",""],["Marquez-Mijares","Maykel",""],["Korol","Andrei V.",""],["Solov'yov","Andrey V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11658","submitter":"Yi Zhang","authors":"Yi Zhang, Haiyan Fan, Yujie Zhang, Lixin Ran, Dexin Ye and Xudong Chen","title":"Analytical Method for Metasurface-Based Cloaking Under Arbitrary Oblique\n Illumination","comments":"16 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.comp-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The performance of antennas can severely deteriorate in the presence of\nadjacent electrically-large scatterers. In this work, we use a conducting\nhollow cylinder to shield the scatterer. The cylinder is shelled with single\nlayer dielectric and electromagnetic metasurface. The scattering field analysis\nwith respect to the surface impedance is derived. By optimizing the anisotropic\nimpedance distribution, the scattering cross-section can be effectively\nreduced. The proposed method is valid for both TMz, TEz and non-TM/TE incident\nfield. The accuracy and effectiveness of the method are verified by four\ncloaking scenarios in microwave regime. We demonstrate that with the surface\nimpedance obtained by our method, a metasurface is designed with physical\nsubwavelength structure. We also show a cloaking scenario under magnetic dipole\nradiation, which is closer to the case of a realistic antenna. This method can\nbe further applied to cloaking tasks in terahertz and optical regimes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:01:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yi",""],["Fan","Haiyan",""],["Zhang","Yujie",""],["Ran","Lixin",""],["Ye","Dexin",""],["Chen","Xudong",""]]} {"id":"2308.11659","submitter":"Bavo D.C. Campo","authors":"Bavo D.C. Campo and Katrien Antonio","title":"An engine to simulate insurance fraud network data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.AP stat.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Traditionally, the detection of fraudulent insurance claims relies on\nbusiness rules and expert judgement which makes it a time-consuming and\nexpensive process (\\'Oskarsd\\'ottir et al., 2022). Consequently, researchers\nhave been examining ways to develop efficient and accurate analytic strategies\nto flag suspicious claims. Feeding learning methods with features engineered\nfrom the social network of parties involved in a claim is a particularly\npromising strategy (see for example Van Vlasselaer et al. (2016); Tumminello et\nal. (2023)). When developing a fraud detection model, however, we are\nconfronted with several challenges. The uncommon nature of fraud, for example,\ncreates a high class imbalance which complicates the development of well\nperforming analytic classification models. In addition, only a small number of\nclaims are investigated and get a label, which results in a large corpus of\nunlabeled data. Yet another challenge is the lack of publicly available data.\nThis hinders not only the development of new methods, but also the validation\nof existing techniques. We therefore design a simulation machine that is\nengineered to create synthetic data with a network structure and available\ncovariates similar to the real life insurance fraud data set analyzed in\n\\'Oskarsd\\'ottir et al. (2022). Further, the user has control over several\ndata-generating mechanisms. We can specify the total number of policyholders\nand parties, the desired level of imbalance and the (effect size of the)\nfeatures in the fraud generating model. As such, the simulation engine enables\nresearchers and practitioners to examine several methodological challenges as\nwell as to test their (development strategy of) insurance fraud detection\nmodels in a range of different settings. Moreover, large synthetic data sets\ncan be generated to evaluate the predictive performance of (advanced) machine\nlearning techniques.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:14:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Campo","Bavo D. C.",""],["Antonio","Katrien",""]]} {"id":"2308.11660","submitter":"Chacko V M","authors":"K. K. Anakha and V. M. Chacko","title":"Type I-Type II Mixture Censoring Scheme for Lifetime Data Analysis","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Type-I and Type-II censoring schemes are the most prominent and commonly\nused censoring schemes in practice. In this work, a mixture of Type-I and Type-\nII censoring schemes, named the Type I-Type II mixture censoring scheme, has\nbeen introduced. Different censoring schemes have been discussed, along with\ntheir benefits and drawbacks. For the proposed censoring scheme, we analyze the\ndata under the assumption that failure times of experimental units follow the\nWeibull distribution. The computational formulas for the expected number of\nfailures and the expected failure time are provided. Maximum likelihood\nestimation and Bayesian estimation are used to estimate the model parameters.\nOn the basis of thorough Monte Carlo simulations, the investigated inferential\napproaches are evaluated. Finally, a numerical example is provided to\ndemonstrate the method of inference discussed here.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:47:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Anakha","K. K.",""],["Chacko","V. M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11661","submitter":"Jesus Fuentes","authors":"Jes\\'us Fuentes","title":"Quantum Fuzzy Orbits","comments":"This manuscript has been conceived as a rectification to the\n discussion initially published by the author in Ref. [1]","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1038/s41598-020-79309-8","report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This manuscript surveys quantum operations under the influence of harmonic\nmagnetic fields subject to time variations. The author scrutinises the dynamic\ninterplay of these fields and canonical variables, leading to effects such as\nsqueezing, looping effects, and parametric resonances. The time evolution of\nobservables tethered to a time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonian is examined. The\nresults of this inquiry offer contributions to the quantum control theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:42:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Fuentes","Jes\u00fas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11662","submitter":"Chongyan Chen","authors":"Chongyan Chen, Samreen Anjum, Danna Gurari","title":"VQA Therapy: Exploring Answer Differences by Visually Grounding Answers","comments":"IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Visual question answering is a task of predicting the answer to a question\nabout an image. Given that different people can provide different answers to a\nvisual question, we aim to better understand why with answer groundings. We\nintroduce the first dataset that visually grounds each unique answer to each\nvisual question, which we call VQAAnswerTherapy. We then propose two novel\nproblems of predicting whether a visual question has a single answer grounding\nand localizing all answer groundings. We benchmark modern algorithms for these\nnovel problems to show where they succeed and struggle. The dataset and\nevaluation server can be found publicly at\nhttps://vizwiz.org/tasks-and-datasets/vqa-answer-therapy/.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:57:21 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 23:58:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Chongyan",""],["Anjum","Samreen",""],["Gurari","Danna",""]]} {"id":"2308.11663","submitter":"Vinothkumar L","authors":"Vinothkumar Latchoumanane, Murugan Varadhan, Andrea\n Semani\\v{c}ov\\'a-Fe\\v{n}ov\\v{c}\\'ikov\\'a","title":"A new class of disconnected antimagic graphs","comments":"12 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A graph $G$ is antimagic if there exists a bijection $f$ from $E(G)$ to\n$\\left\\{1,2, \\dots,|E(G)|\\right\\}$ such that the vertex sums for all vertices\nof $G$ are distinct, where the vertex sum is defined as the sum of the labels\nof all incident edges.\n Hartsfield and Ringel conjectured that every connected graph other than $K_2$\nadmits an antimagic labeling. It is still a challenging problem to address\nantimagicness in the case of disconnected graphs. In this paper, we study\nantimagicness for the disconnected graph that is constructed as the direct\nproduct of a star and a path.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 02:41:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Latchoumanane","Vinothkumar",""],["Varadhan","Murugan",""],["Semani\u010dov\u00e1-Fe\u0148ov\u010d\u00edkov\u00e1","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.11664","submitter":"Yi Fang","authors":"Fang Yi (1 and 2), Yuan Haibo (1 and 2), Zhang Ruoyi (1 and 2), Gao\n Jian (1 and 2) and Xu Shuai (1 and 2) ((1) Institute for Frontiers in\n Astronomy and Astrophysics, Beijing Normal University, (2) Department of\n Astronomy, Beijing Normal University)","title":"Empirical extinction coefficients for the Swift-UVOT\n optical-through-ultraviolet passbands","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We calculated empirical reddening and extinction coefficients with respect to\nthe dust reddening map of Schlegel et al. for the Swift-UVOT passbands, using\nthe 'star pair' method and photometric data from the UVOT Serendipitous Source\nCatalogue and spectroscopic data from LAMOST Data Release 7 and 2MASS. The\nreddening coefficients for the UVW2-UVM2, UVM2-UVW1, UVW1-U, U-B, and B-V\ncolors are -1.39, 2.08, 0.78, 0.72, and 0.84, respectively.The extinction\ncoefficients for the UVW2, UVM2, UVW1, U, B, and V bands are 5.60, 6.99, 4.91,\n4.13, 3.41 and 2.57, respectively. The numbers are consistent with predictions\nby the Fitzpatrick's extinction law of R(V)=3.0. Temperature-dependent\nvariations of the coefficients are found and discussed, particularly for the\nultraviolet passbands. We recommend using the new reddening and extinction\ncoefficients in future when dereddening the Swift-UVOT data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:01:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Yi","Fang","","1 and 2"],["Haibo","Yuan","","1 and 2"],["Ruoyi","Zhang","","1 and 2"],["Jian","Gao","","1 and 2"],["Shuai","Xu","","1 and 2"]]} {"id":"2308.11665","submitter":"Cole Mathis","authors":"OoLEN (Origin of Life Early-career Network), Silke Asche, Carla\n Bautista, David Boulesteix, Alexandre Champagne-Ruel, Cole Mathis, Omer\n Markovitch, Zhen Peng, Alyssa Adams, Avinash Vicholous Dass, Arnaud Buch,\n Eloi Camprubi, Enrico Sandro Colizzi, Stephanie Col\\'on-Santos, Hannah\n Dromiack, Valentina Erastova, Amanda Garcia, Ghjuvan Grimaud, Aaron Halpern,\n Stuart A Harrison, Se\\'an F. Jordan, Tony Z Jia, Amit Kahana, Artemy\n Kolchinsky, Odin Moron-Garcia, Ryo Mizuuchi, Jingbo Nan, Yuliia Orlova, Ben\n K. D. Pearce, Klaus Paschek, Martina Preiner, Silvana Pinna, Eduardo\n Rodr\\'iguez-Rom\\'an, Loraine Schwander, Siddhant Sharma, Harrison B. Smith,\n Andrey Vieira, Joana C. Xavier","title":"What it takes to solve the Origin(s) of Life: An integrated review of\n techniques","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.PE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Understanding the origin(s) of life (OoL) is a fundamental challenge for\nscience in the 21st century. Research on OoL spans many disciplines, including\nchemistry, physics, biology, planetary sciences, computer science, mathematics\nand philosophy. The sheer number of different scientific perspectives relevant\nto the problem has resulted in the coexistence of diverse tools, techniques,\ndata, and software in OoL studies. This has made communication between the\ndisciplines relevant to the OoL extremely difficult because the interpretation\nof data, analyses, or standards of evidence can vary dramatically. Here, we\nhope to bridge this wide field of study by providing common ground via the\nconsolidation of tools and techniques rather than positing a unifying view on\nhow life emerges. We review the common tools and techniques that have been used\nsignificantly in OoL studies in recent years. In particular, we aim to identify\nwhich information is most relevant for comparing and integrating the results of\nexperimental analyses into mathematical and computational models. This review\naims to provide a baseline expectation and understanding of technical aspects\nof origins research, rather than being a primer on any particular topic. As\nsuch, it spans broadly -- from analytical chemistry to mathematical models --\nand highlights areas of future work that will benefit from a multidisciplinary\napproach to tackling the mystery of life's origin. Ultimately, we hope to\nempower a new generation of OoL scientists by reviewing how they can\ninvestigate life's origin, rather than dictating how to think about the\nproblem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:46:19 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 23:12:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["OoLEN","","","Origin of Life Early-career Network"],["Asche","Silke",""],["Bautista","Carla",""],["Boulesteix","David",""],["Champagne-Ruel","Alexandre",""],["Mathis","Cole",""],["Markovitch","Omer",""],["Peng","Zhen",""],["Adams","Alyssa",""],["Dass","Avinash Vicholous",""],["Buch","Arnaud",""],["Camprubi","Eloi",""],["Colizzi","Enrico Sandro",""],["Col\u00f3n-Santos","Stephanie",""],["Dromiack","Hannah",""],["Erastova","Valentina",""],["Garcia","Amanda",""],["Grimaud","Ghjuvan",""],["Halpern","Aaron",""],["Harrison","Stuart A",""],["Jordan","Se\u00e1n F.",""],["Jia","Tony Z",""],["Kahana","Amit",""],["Kolchinsky","Artemy",""],["Moron-Garcia","Odin",""],["Mizuuchi","Ryo",""],["Nan","Jingbo",""],["Orlova","Yuliia",""],["Pearce","Ben K. D.",""],["Paschek","Klaus",""],["Preiner","Martina",""],["Pinna","Silvana",""],["Rodr\u00edguez-Rom\u00e1n","Eduardo",""],["Schwander","Loraine",""],["Sharma","Siddhant",""],["Smith","Harrison B.",""],["Vieira","Andrey",""],["Xavier","Joana C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11666","submitter":"Cheng Ma","authors":"Cheng Ma, Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Jianxi Gao","title":"Generalized dimension reduction approach for heterogeneous networked\n systems with time-delay","comments":"26 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph cs.MA physics.comp-ph q-bio.PE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Networks of interconnected agents are essential to study complex networked\nsystems' state evolution, stability, resilience, and control. Nevertheless, the\nhigh dimensionality and nonlinear dynamics are vital factors preventing us from\ntheoretically analyzing them. Recently, the dimension-reduction approaches\nreduced the system's size by mapping the original system to a one-dimensional\nsystem such that only one effective representative can capture its macroscopic\ndynamics. However, the approaches dramatically fail as the network becomes\nheterogeneous and has multiple community structures. Here, we bridge the gap by\ndeveloping a generalized dimension reduction approach, which enables us to map\nthe original system to a $m$-dimensional system that consists of $m$\ninteracting components. Notably, by validating it on various dynamical models,\nthis approach accurately predicts the original system state and the tipping\npoint, if any. Furthermore, the numerical results demonstrate that this\napproach approximates the system evolution and identifies the critical points\nfor complex networks with time delay.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:49:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Ma","Cheng",""],["Korniss","Gyorgy",""],["Szymanski","Boleslaw K.",""],["Gao","Jianxi",""]]} {"id":"2308.11667","submitter":"Thomas Gomez","authors":"Thomas Gomez, Mark Zammit, Igor Bray, Christopher Fontes, Jackson\n White","title":"Enhancements of Electron-Atom Collisions due to Pauli Repulsion in\n Neutron-Star Magnetic Fields","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.SR physics.atom-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Neutron star surfaces and atmospheres are unique environments that sustain\nthe largest-known magnetic fields in the universe. Our knowledge of neutron\nstar material properties, including the composition and equation of state,\nremains highly unconstrained. Electron-atom collisions are integral to\ntheoretical thermal conduction and spectral emission models that describe\nneutron star surfaces. The theory of scattering in magnetic fields was\ndeveloped in the 1970s, but focused only on bare nuclei scattering. In this\nwork, we present a quantum treatment of atom-electron collisions in magnetic\nfields; of significant importance is the inclusion of Pauli repulsion arising\nfrom two interacting electrons. We find strange behaviors not seen in\ncollisions without a magnetic field. In high magnetic fields, Pauli repulsion\ncan lead to orders of magnitude enhancements of collision cross sections.\nAdditionally, the elastic collision cross sections that involve the ground\nstate become comparable to those involving excited states, and states with\nlarge orbits have the largest contribution to the collisions. We anticipate\nsignificant changes to transport properties and spectral line broadening in\nneutron star surfaces and atmospheres, which will aid in spectral diagnostics\nof these extreme environments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:24:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Gomez","Thomas",""],["Zammit","Mark",""],["Bray","Igor",""],["Fontes","Christopher",""],["White","Jackson",""]]} {"id":"2308.11668","submitter":"Antoine Naegel","authors":"Antoine Na\\\"egel, Magalie Viallon, Jabrane Karkouri, Thomas Troalen,\n Pierre Croisille, H\\'el\\`ene Ratiney","title":"Validation of apparent intra-and extra-myocellular lipid content\n indicator using spiral spectroscopic imaging at 3T","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Annual meeting ESMRMB, ESMRMB, Oct 2023, Basel, Switzerland","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This work presents a fast and simple method based on spiral MRSI for mapping\nthe IMCL and EMCL apparent content, which is a challenging task and it compares\nthis indicator to classical quantification results in muscles of interest.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:52:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Na\u00ebgel","Antoine",""],["Viallon","Magalie",""],["Karkouri","Jabrane",""],["Troalen","Thomas",""],["Croisille","Pierre",""],["Ratiney","H\u00e9l\u00e8ne",""]]} {"id":"2308.11669","submitter":"Junghoon Kim","authors":"Junghoon Kim, Yeonjun In, Kanghoon Yoon, Junmo Lee, Chanyoung Park","title":"Class Label-aware Graph Anomaly Detection","comments":"CIKM 2023 (short paper)","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3583780.3615249","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Unsupervised GAD methods assume the lack of anomaly labels, i.e., whether a\nnode is anomalous or not. One common observation we made from previous\nunsupervised methods is that they not only assume the absence of such anomaly\nlabels, but also the absence of class labels (the class a node belongs to used\nin a general node classification task). In this work, we study the utility of\nclass labels for unsupervised GAD; in particular, how they enhance the\ndetection of structural anomalies. To this end, we propose a Class Label-aware\nGraph Anomaly Detection framework (CLAD) that utilizes a limited amount of\nlabeled nodes to enhance the performance of unsupervised GAD. Extensive\nexperiments on ten datasets demonstrate the superior performance of CLAD in\ncomparison to existing unsupervised GAD methods, even in the absence of\nground-truth class label information. The source code for CLAD is available at\n\\url{https://github.com/jhkim611/CLAD}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:46:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Junghoon",""],["In","Yeonjun",""],["Yoon","Kanghoon",""],["Lee","Junmo",""],["Park","Chanyoung",""]]} {"id":"2308.11670","submitter":"Volker Turau","authors":"Nisal Hemadasa Manikku Badu and Marcus Venzke and Volker Turau and\n Yanqiu Huang","title":"Machine Learning-based Positioning using Multivariate Time Series\n Classification for Factory Environments","comments":"18 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) gained importance in many industrial\napplications. State-of-the-art solutions heavily rely on external\ninfrastructures and are subject to potential privacy compromises, external\ninformation requirements, and assumptions, that make it unfavorable for\nenvironments demanding privacy and prolonged functionality. In certain\nenvironments deploying supplementary infrastructures for indoor positioning\ncould be infeasible and expensive. Recent developments in machine learning (ML)\noffer solutions to address these limitations relying only on the data from\nonboard sensors of IoT devices. However, it is unclear which model fits best\nconsidering the resource constraints of IoT devices. This paper presents a\nmachine learning-based indoor positioning system, using motion and ambient\nsensors, to localize a moving entity in privacy concerned factory environments.\nThe problem is formulated as a multivariate time series classification (MTSC)\nand a comparative analysis of different machine learning models is conducted in\norder to address it. We introduce a novel time series dataset emulating the\nassembly lines of a factory. This dataset is utilized to assess and compare the\nselected models in terms of accuracy, memory footprint and inference speed. The\nresults illustrate that all evaluated models can achieve accuracies above 80 %.\nCNN-1D shows the most balanced performance, followed by MLP. DT was found to\nhave the lowest memory footprint and inference latency, indicating its\npotential for a deployment in real-world scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:07:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Badu","Nisal Hemadasa Manikku",""],["Venzke","Marcus",""],["Turau","Volker",""],["Huang","Yanqiu",""]]} {"id":"2308.11671","submitter":"Jacob Deasy","authors":"Jacob Deasy, Ron Schwessinger, Ferran Gonzalez, Stephen Young, Kim\n Branson","title":"Generalising sequence models for epigenome predictions with tissue and\n assay embeddings","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.GN cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Sequence modelling approaches for epigenetic profile prediction have recently\nexpanded in terms of sequence length, model size, and profile diversity.\nHowever, current models cannot infer on many experimentally feasible tissue and\nassay pairs due to poor usage of contextual information, limiting $\\textit{in\nsilico}$ understanding of regulatory genomics. We demonstrate that strong\ncorrelation can be achieved across a large range of experimental conditions by\nintegrating tissue and assay embeddings into a Contextualised Genomic Network\n(CGN). In contrast to previous approaches, we enhance long-range sequence\nembeddings with contextual information in the input space, rather than\nexpanding the output space. We exhibit the efficacy of our approach across a\nbroad set of epigenetic profiles and provide the first insights into the effect\nof genetic variants on epigenetic sequence model training. Our general approach\nto context integration exceeds state of the art in multiple settings while\nemploying a more rigorous validation procedure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:34:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Deasy","Jacob",""],["Schwessinger","Ron",""],["Gonzalez","Ferran",""],["Young","Stephen",""],["Branson","Kim",""]]} {"id":"2308.11672","submitter":"Florence Bockting","authors":"Florence Bockting, Stefan T. Radev, Paul-Christian B\\\"urkner","title":"Simulation-Based Prior Knowledge Elicitation for Parametric Bayesian\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" A central characteristic of Bayesian statistics is the ability to\nconsistently incorporate prior knowledge into various modeling processes. In\nthis paper, we focus on translating domain expert knowledge into corresponding\nprior distributions over model parameters, a process known as prior\nelicitation. Expert knowledge can manifest itself in diverse formats, including\ninformation about raw data, summary statistics, or model parameters. A major\nchallenge for existing elicitation methods is how to effectively utilize all of\nthese different formats in order to formulate prior distributions that align\nwith the expert's expectations, regardless of the model structure. To address\nthese challenges, we develop a simulation-based elicitation method that can\nlearn the hyperparameters of potentially any parametric prior distribution from\na wide spectrum of expert knowledge using stochastic gradient descent. We\nvalidate the effectiveness and robustness of our elicitation method in four\nrepresentative case studies covering linear models, generalized linear models,\nand hierarchical models. Our results support the claim that our method is\nlargely independent of the underlying model structure and adaptable to various\nelicitation techniques, including quantile-based, moment-based, and\nhistogram-based methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:43:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Bockting","Florence",""],["Radev","Stefan T.",""],["B\u00fcrkner","Paul-Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11673","submitter":"Daketi Yatin","authors":"Dhruv Limbani, Daketi Yatin, Nitish Chaturvedi, Vaishnavi Moorthy,\n Pushpalatha M, Harichandana BSS, Sumit Kumar","title":"WEARS: Wearable Emotion AI with Real-time Sensor data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Emotion prediction is the field of study to understand human emotions.\nExisting methods focus on modalities like text, audio, facial expressions,\netc., which could be private to the user. Emotion can be derived from the\nsubject's psychological data as well. Various approaches that employ\ncombinations of physiological sensors for emotion recognition have been\nproposed. Yet, not all sensors are simple to use and handy for individuals in\ntheir daily lives. Thus, we propose a system to predict user emotion using\nsmartwatch sensors. We design a framework to collect ground truth in real-time\nutilizing a mix of English and regional language-based videos to invoke\nemotions in participants and collect the data. Further, we modeled the problem\nas binary classification due to the limited dataset size and experimented with\nmultiple machine-learning models. We also did an ablation study to understand\nthe impact of features including Heart Rate, Accelerometer, and Gyroscope\nsensor data on mood. From the experimental results, Multi-Layer Perceptron has\nshown a maximum accuracy of 93.75 percent for pleasant-unpleasant (high/low\nvalence classification) moods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:03:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Limbani","Dhruv",""],["Yatin","Daketi",""],["Chaturvedi","Nitish",""],["Moorthy","Vaishnavi",""],["M","Pushpalatha",""],["BSS","Harichandana",""],["Kumar","Sumit",""]]} {"id":"2308.11674","submitter":"Jean-Yves Ollitrault","authors":"Jean-Yves Ollitrault","title":"Measures of azimuthal anisotropy in high-energy collisions","comments":"15 pages, 11 figures. Prepared for the topical issue of EPJA on\n \"Intersection of low-energy nuclear structure and high-energy nuclear\n collisions\"","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-ex hep-ex hep-ph nucl-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Azimuthal anisotropy is a key observation made in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion\ncollisions. This phenomenon has played a crucial role in the development of the\nfield over the last two decades. In addition to its interest for studying the\nquark-gluon plasma, which was the original motivation, it is sensitive to the\nproperties of incoming nuclei, in particular to the nuclear deformation and to\nthe nuclear skin. The azimuthal anisotropy is therefore of crucial importance\nwhen relating low-energy nuclear structure to high-energy nuclear collisions.\nThis article is an elementary introduction to the various observables used in\norder to characterize azimuthal anisotropy, which go under the names of\n$v_2\\{2\\}$, $v_3\\{2\\}$, $v_2\\{4\\}$, etc. The intended audience is primarily\nphysicists working in the field of nuclear structure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:17:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Ollitrault","Jean-Yves",""]]} {"id":"2308.11675","submitter":"Manish Ramaswamy","authors":"Manish Ramaswamy","title":"Flying Capacitor Cell Equalization for Li-ion Automotive Battery Stacks","comments":"6 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The automotive industry is fast evolving to Li-ion chemistries, which have\nmore favorable power, energy density, and efficiency. To meet the demands of\ngreater electric ranges, parallel strings of batteries are required to increase\nthe overall system capacity. Differences in chemical characteristics, internal\nresistance, and operating conditions can cause variations in remaining cell\ncapacity, decreasing the total battery storage capacity over time, shortening\nthe battery lifetime and eventually damaging the cells. Cell equalization tries\nto restore all the cells in the pack to an equal state of charge in order to\nprolong the battery lifetime and to ensure safe battery operations. This work\npresents an active charge equalization scheme with a flying capacitor to\nshuttle charge between the unbalanced cells in a parallel battery pack. The\ntheoretical framework is accompanied by MATLAB simulations on a twelve cell\npack in series/parallel configuration supporting the validity of the chosen\napproach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:42:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Ramaswamy","Manish",""]]} {"id":"2308.11676","submitter":"Yonghe Zhao","authors":"Yonghe Zhao, Shuai Fu, Huiyan Sun","title":"A Study on the Impact of Non-confounding Covariates on the Inferential\n Performance of Methods based on the Potential Outcome Framework","comments":"12 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Potential Outcome Framework (POF) plays a prominent role in the field of\ncausal inference. Most causal inference models based on the POF (CIMs-B-POF)\nare designed for eliminating confounding bias and default to an underlying\nassumption of Confounding Covariates. This assumption posits that the\ncovariates consist solely of confounders. However, the assumption of\nConfounding Covariates is challenging to maintain in practice, particularly\nwhen dealing with high-dimensional covariates. While certain methods have been\nproposed to differentiate the distinct components of covariates prior to\nconducting causal inference, the consequences of treating non-confounding\ncovariates as confounders remain unclear. This ambiguity poses a potential risk\nwhen applying the CIMs-B-POF in practical scenarios. In this paper, we present\na unified graphical framework for the CIMs-B-POF, which greatly enhances the\ncomprehension of these models' underlying principles. Using this graphical\nframework, we quantitatively analyze the extent to which the inference\nperformance of CIMs-B-POF is influenced when incorporating various types of\nnon-confounding covariates, such as instrumental variables, mediators,\ncolliders, and adjustment variables. The key findings are: in the task of\neliminating confounding bias, the optimal scenario is for the covariates to\nexclusively encompass confounders; in the subsequent task of inferring\ncounterfactual outcomes, the adjustment variables contribute to more accurate\ninferences. Furthermore, extensive experiments conducted on synthetic datasets\nconsistently validate these theoretical conclusions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 13:18:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zhao","Yonghe",""],["Fu","Shuai",""],["Sun","Huiyan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11677","submitter":"Gr\\'egoire Petit","authors":"Gr\\'egoire Petit, Michael Soumm, Eva Feillet, Adrian Popescu, Bertrand\n Delezoide, David Picard, C\\'eline Hudelot","title":"An Analysis of Initial Training Strategies for Exemplar-Free\n Class-Incremental Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Class-Incremental Learning (CIL) aims to build classification models from\ndata streams. At each step of the CIL process, new classes must be integrated\ninto the model. Due to catastrophic forgetting, CIL is particularly challenging\nwhen examples from past classes cannot be stored, the case on which we focus\nhere. To date, most approaches are based exclusively on the target dataset of\nthe CIL process. However, the use of models pre-trained in a self-supervised\nway on large amounts of data has recently gained momentum. The initial model of\nthe CIL process may only use the first batch of the target dataset, or also use\npre-trained weights obtained on an auxiliary dataset. The choice between these\ntwo initial learning strategies can significantly influence the performance of\nthe incremental learning model, but has not yet been studied in depth.\nPerformance is also influenced by the choice of the CIL algorithm, the neural\narchitecture, the nature of the target task, the distribution of classes in the\nstream and the number of examples available for learning. We conduct a\ncomprehensive experimental study to assess the roles of these factors. We\npresent a statistical analysis framework that quantifies the relative\ncontribution of each factor to incremental performance. Our main finding is\nthat the initial training strategy is the dominant factor influencing the\naverage incremental accuracy, but that the choice of CIL algorithm is more\nimportant in preventing forgetting. Based on this analysis, we propose\npractical recommendations for choosing the right initial training strategy for\na given incremental learning use case. These recommendations are intended to\nfacilitate the practical deployment of incremental learning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:06:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Petit","Gr\u00e9goire",""],["Soumm","Michael",""],["Feillet","Eva",""],["Popescu","Adrian",""],["Delezoide","Bertrand",""],["Picard","David",""],["Hudelot","C\u00e9line",""]]} {"id":"2308.11678","submitter":"Dung Le dr.","authors":"Dung Le","title":"A priori Bound of Solutions to a Class of Elliptic/Parabolic Cross\n Diffusion Systems of $m$ Equations on Two/Three Dimensional Domains.\n Existence on thin domains","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We establish several bounds for solutions to elliptic/parabolic\ncross-diffusion systems of $m$ equations ($m\\ge2$) on 2d/3d domains $\\Og$. We\nsettle the existence and global existence problems in these cases and also\nprovide new counter-examples for the case of general dimensions. Most\nimportantly, we prove that when $m=N=3$, the thinness of $\\Og$ in $\\RR^3$ is\nsufficient and necessary. When $m$ is arbitrary and $N=3$, we establish global\nexistence results for nonlinear cross-diffusion systems (the case of the scalar\nsemilinear equation was considered in the literature but the classical methods\ndo not seem to be applicable here).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:14:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Le","Dung",""]]} {"id":"2308.11679","submitter":"Greg\\'orio Silva Neto","authors":"Greg\\'orio Silva Neto and Vanessa Silva","title":"Classification of ruled surfaces as homothetic self-similar solutions of\n the inverse mean curvature flow in the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space","comments":"26 pages, 6 figures. Final version, to appear in the Bulletin of the\n Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series. arXiv admin note: substantial\n text overlap with arXiv:2308.11457","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we classify the nondegenerate ruled surfaces in the\nthree-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space that are homothetic self-similar\nsolutions for the inverse mean curvature flow. This classification shows the\nexistence of two classes of non-cylindrical homothetic solitons: one with\nlightlike rulings and another one with non-lightlike rulings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:17:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Neto","Greg\u00f3rio Silva",""],["Silva","Vanessa",""]]} {"id":"2308.11680","submitter":"Alan Goldman","authors":"P. Das, A. Kreyssig, G. S. Tucker, A. Podlesnyak, Feng Ye, Masaaki\n Matsuda, T. Kong, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, R. Flint, P. P. Orth, T.\n Yamada, R. J. McQueeney and A. I. Goldman","title":"Short-range magnetic correlations in quasicrystalline i-Tb-Cd","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We report on elastic and inelastic neutron scattering from single-grain\nisotopically-enriched samples to elucidate the local magnetic correlations\nbetween Tb$^{3+}$ moments in quasicrystalline i-Tb-Cd. The inelastic neutron\nscattering measurements of the CEF excitations demonstrated that the Tb$^{3+}$\nmoments are directed primarily along the local five-fold axes of the Tsai-type\ncluster as was found for the TbCd6 approximant phase. Based on the inelastic\nmeasurements, we consider of a simple Ising-type model for the moment\nconfigurations on a single Tb$^{3+}$ icosahedron and enumerate the lowest\nenergy moment configurations. We then calculate the diffuse scattering from\nthese configurations and compare with the experimental magnetic diffuse\nscattering measurements to identify the most likely single cluster moment\nconfigurations and find reasonable agreement between the broad features\nobserved in our scattering simulations. We further consider the role of\nhigher-order (longer range) intercluster correlations for the magnetic\nscattering.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:37:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Das","P.",""],["Kreyssig","A.",""],["Tucker","G. S.",""],["Podlesnyak","A.",""],["Ye","Feng",""],["Matsuda","Masaaki",""],["Kong","T.",""],["Bud'ko","S. L.",""],["Canfield","P. C.",""],["Flint","R.",""],["Orth","P. P.",""],["Yamada","T.",""],["McQueeney","R. J.",""],["Goldman","A. I.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11681","submitter":"Peng Wu","authors":"Peng Wu, Xuerong Zhou, Guansong Pang, Lingru Zhou, Qingsen Yan, Peng\n Wang, Yanning Zhang","title":"VadCLIP: Adapting Vision-Language Models for Weakly Supervised Video\n Anomaly Detection","comments":"Submitted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.MM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The recent contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model has shown\ngreat success in a wide range of image-level tasks, revealing remarkable\nability for learning powerful visual representations with rich semantics. An\nopen and worthwhile problem is efficiently adapting such a strong model to the\nvideo domain and designing a robust video anomaly detector. In this work, we\npropose VadCLIP, a new paradigm for weakly supervised video anomaly detection\n(WSVAD) by leveraging the frozen CLIP model directly without any pre-training\nand fine-tuning process. Unlike current works that directly feed extracted\nfeatures into the weakly supervised classifier for frame-level binary\nclassification, VadCLIP makes full use of fine-grained associations between\nvision and language on the strength of CLIP and involves dual branch. One\nbranch simply utilizes visual features for coarse-grained binary\nclassification, while the other fully leverages the fine-grained language-image\nalignment. With the benefit of dual branch, VadCLIP achieves both\ncoarse-grained and fine-grained video anomaly detection by transferring\npre-trained knowledge from CLIP to WSVAD task. We conduct extensive experiments\non two commonly-used benchmarks, demonstrating that VadCLIP achieves the best\nperformance on both coarse-grained and fine-grained WSVAD, surpassing the\nstate-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Specifically, VadCLIP achieves\n84.51% AP and 88.02% AUC on XD-Violence and UCF-Crime, respectively. Code and\nfeatures will be released to facilitate future VAD research.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:58:36 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 06:55:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Peng",""],["Zhou","Xuerong",""],["Pang","Guansong",""],["Zhou","Lingru",""],["Yan","Qingsen",""],["Wang","Peng",""],["Zhang","Yanning",""]]} {"id":"2308.11682","submitter":"Sunil Kumar Tripathy Dr.","authors":"S K Tripathy, A Sendha, S K Pradhan, Z. Naik and B. Mishra","title":"Cosmological Model with Cosmic transit behaviour in Brans-Dicke Theory","comments":"13 pages, accepted version of Gravitation and Cosmology","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We have constructed a dark energy cosmological model in the framework of\ngeneralized Brans Dicke theory (GBD) with a self-interacting potential. The\nsource of dark energy is considered through a unified dark fluid (UDF)\ncharacterized by a linear equation of state (EoS). A time varying deceleration\nparameter simulating the cosmic transit behaviour has been introduced to get\nthe dynamical behaviour of the model. The $H(z)$ data have been explored to\nconstrain the model parameters and to study the dynamical aspects of the\nBrans-Dicke parameter and the scalar field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:03:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Tripathy","S K",""],["Sendha","A",""],["Pradhan","S K",""],["Naik","Z.",""],["Mishra","B.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11683","submitter":"Arash Eshghi","authors":"Arash Eshghi, Arash Ashrafzadeh","title":"Learning to generate and corr- uh I mean repair language in real-time","comments":"Proceedings of the workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of\n Dialogue, SemDial, Maribor, Slovenia (2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In conversation, speakers produce language incrementally, word by word, while\ncontinuously monitoring the appropriateness of their own contribution in the\ndynamically unfolding context of the conversation; and this often leads them to\nrepair their own utterance on the fly. This real-time language processing\ncapacity is furthermore crucial to the development of fluent and natural\nconversational AI. In this paper, we use a previously learned Dynamic Syntax\ngrammar and the CHILDES corpus to develop, train and evaluate a probabilistic\nmodel for incremental generation where input to the model is a purely semantic\ngeneration goal concept in Type Theory with Records (TTR). We show that the\nmodel's output exactly matches the gold candidate in 78% of cases with a\nROUGE-l score of 0.86. We further do a zero-shot evaluation of the ability of\nthe same model to generate self-repairs when the generation goal changes\nmid-utterance. Automatic evaluation shows that the model can generate\nself-repairs correctly in 85% of cases. A small human evaluation confirms the\nnaturalness and grammaticality of the generated self-repairs. Overall, these\nresults further highlight the generalisation power of grammar-based models and\nlay the foundations for more controllable, and naturally interactive\nconversational AI systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:09:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Eshghi","Arash",""],["Ashrafzadeh","Arash",""]]} {"id":"2308.11684","submitter":"Despoina Chatzakou","authors":"Despoina Chatzakou, Juan Soler-Company, Theodora Tsikrika, Leo Wanner,\n Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris","title":"User Identity Linkage in Social Media Using Linguistic and Social\n Interaction Features","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3394231.3397920","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Social media users often hold several accounts in their effort to multiply\nthe spread of their thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints. In the particular case of\nobjectionable content, users tend to create multiple accounts to bypass the\ncombating measures enforced by social media platforms and thus retain their\nonline identity even if some of their accounts are suspended. User identity\nlinkage aims to reveal social media accounts likely to belong to the same\nnatural person so as to prevent the spread of abusive/illegal activities. To\nthis end, this work proposes a machine learning-based detection model, which\nuses multiple attributes of users' online activity in order to identify whether\ntwo or more virtual identities belong to the same real natural person. The\nmodels efficacy is demonstrated on two cases on abusive and terrorism-related\nTwitter content.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:10:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Chatzakou","Despoina",""],["Soler-Company","Juan",""],["Tsikrika","Theodora",""],["Wanner","Leo",""],["Vrochidis","Stefanos",""],["Kompatsiaris","Ioannis",""]]} {"id":"2308.11685","submitter":"Jonas Jalowy","authors":"Brian C. Hall, Ching-Wei Ho, Jonas Jalowy, Zakhar Kabluchko","title":"Zeros of random polynomials undergoing the heat flow","comments":"56 pages with 9 Figures (and an animated figure in\n \"poly_heat_flow_animated.pdf\" of the supplementary files). Comments always\n welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR math-ph math.AP math.CA math.DS math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We investigate the evolution of the empirical distribution of the complex\nroots of high-degree random polynomials, when the polynomial undergoes the heat\nflow. In one prominent example of Weyl polynomials, the limiting zero\ndistribution evolves from the circular law into the elliptic law until it\ncollapses to the Wigner semicircle law, as was recently conjectured for\ncharacteristic polynomials of random matrices by Hall and Ho, 2022. Moreover,\nfor a general family of random polynomials with independent coefficients and\nisotropic limiting distribution of zeros, we determine the zero distribution of\nthe heat-evolved polynomials in terms of its logarithmic potential.\nFurthermore, we explicitly identify two critical time thresholds, at which\nsingularities develop and at which the limiting distribution collapses to the\nsemicircle law. Under mild conditions, we provide a complete characterization\nof the limiting distribution of heat-evolved random polynomials as a\npush-forward of the initial distribution under a transport map. Finally, we\ndiscuss the results from the perspectives of (partial) differential equations\n(in particular Hamilton--Jacobi equation and Burgers' equation), free\nprobability and optimal transport. The theory is accompanied by explicit\nexamples, simulations and conjectures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:23:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Hall","Brian C.",""],["Ho","Ching-Wei",""],["Jalowy","Jonas",""],["Kabluchko","Zakhar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11686","submitter":"Matthias Kaminski","authors":"Markus A. G. Amano, Casey Cartwright, Matthias Kaminski, Jackson Wu","title":"Relativistic Hydrodynamics under Rotation: Prospects & Limitations from\n a Holographic Perspective","comments":"38 pages, 14 figures, 10 tables, 5 appendices, ancillary data files","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th gr-qc hep-ph nucl-ex nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The AdS/CFT correspondence, or holography, has provided numerous important\ninsights into the behavior of strongly-coupled many-body systems. Crucially, it\nhas provided a testing ground for the construction of new effective field\ntheories, especially those in the low frequency, long wavelength limit known as\nhydrodynamics. In this article we continue the study of strongly-coupled\nrotating fluids using holography and hydrodynamics. We provide an overview of\nrecent developments arising from the study of simply spinning Myers-Perry black\nholes. We review techniques to obtain hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic modes,\ndescribe how branch point singularities in the complex frequency and momentum\nspace limit the radius of convergence of the hydrodynamic gradient expansion,\nand outline the relation of pole-skipping in the linear response functions to\nearly time chaotic behavior.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:28:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Amano","Markus A. G.",""],["Cartwright","Casey",""],["Kaminski","Matthias",""],["Wu","Jackson",""]]} {"id":"2308.11687","submitter":"Jakob Oldenburg","authors":"Cristina Caraci, Jakob Oldenburg, Benjamin Schlein","title":"Quantum Fluctuations of Many-Body Dynamics around the Gross-Pitaevskii\n Equation","comments":"58 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.AP math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider the evolution of a gas of $N$ bosons in the three-dimensional\nGross-Pitaevskii regime (in which particles are initially trapped in a volume\nof order one and interact through a repulsive potential with scattering length\nof the order $1/N$). We construct a quasi-free approximation of the many-body\ndynamics, whose distance to the solution of the Schr\\\"odinger equation\nconverges to zero, as $N \\to \\infty$, in the $L^2 (\\mathbb{R}^{3N})$-norm. To\nachieve this goal, we let the Bose-Einstein condensate evolve according to a\ntime-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. After factoring out the microscopic\ncorrelation structure, the evolution of the orthogonal excitations of the\ncondensate is governed instead by a Bogoliubov dynamics, with a time-dependent\ngenerator quadratic in creation and annihilation operators. As an application,\nwe show a central limit theorem for fluctuations of bounded observables around\ntheir expectation with respect to the Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:40:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Caraci","Cristina",""],["Oldenburg","Jakob",""],["Schlein","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11688","submitter":"Barry Simon","authors":"Michael Barnsley, Bruno Nachtergaele, Barry Simon","title":"Remembrances of Derek William Robinson (25 June 1935 - 31 August 2021)","comments":"This arXiv submission is posted primarily to make available some\n additional material to what we prepared for the Derek Memorial article\n published in the Notices of the AMS","journal-ref":"Notices A.M.S 70 (2023), 1252-1267","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.HO math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This arXiv submission is posted primarily to make available some additional\nmaterial to what we prepared for the Derek Memorial article published in the\nNotices of the AMS. We start (with the permission of the AMS) with the text of\nour submission close to the final published version (which you can get online.\nAfter that we include some autobiographical notes that Derek dictated to Louisa\nBarnsley (whom we thank) during his final illness. Finally some unpublished\nnotes Derek wrote on the history of his seminal monographs with Bratelli. We\nthank Marion Robinson for permission and encouragement to post these items.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:19:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Barnsley","Michael",""],["Nachtergaele","Bruno",""],["Simon","Barry",""]]} {"id":"2308.11689","submitter":"Patricia Cahn","authors":"Patricia Cahn, Gordana Matic, and Benjamin Ruppik","title":"Algorithms for Computing Invariants of Trisected Branched Covers","comments":"43 pages, 20 figures, 10 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We give diagrammatic algorithms for computing the group trisection, homology\ngroups, and intersection form of a closed, orientable, smooth 4-manifold,\npresented as a branched cover of a bridge-trisected surface in\n$\\mathbb{S}^{4}$. The algorithm takes as input a tri-plane diagram, labelled\nwith permutations according to the Wirtinger relations. We apply our algorithm\nto several examples, including dihedral and cyclic covers of spun knots, cyclic\ncovers of Suciu's ribbon knots with the trefoil knot group, and an infinite\nfamily of irregular covers of the Stevedore disk double. As an application, we\ngive a fully automated algorithm for computing Kjuchukova's homotopy-ribbon\nobstruction for a $p$-colorable knot, given an extension of that coloring over\na ribbon surface in the 4-ball.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:33:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Cahn","Patricia",""],["Matic","Gordana",""],["Ruppik","Benjamin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11690","submitter":"Ian Cohen","authors":"Ian J. Cohen, Chris Arridge, Abigail Azari, Chris Bard, George Clark,\n Frank Crary, Shannon Curry, Peter Delamere, Ryan M. Dewey, Gina A. DiBraccio,\n Chuanfei Dong, Alexander Drozdov, Austin Egert, Rachael Filwett, Jasper\n Halekas, Alexa Halford, Andr\\'ea Hughes, Katherine Garcia-Sage, Matina\n Gkioulidou, Charlotte Goetz, Cesare Grava, Michael Hirsch, Hans Leo F.\n Huybrighs, Peter Kollmann, Laurent Lamy, Wen Li, Michael Liemohn, Robert\n Marshal, Adam Masters, R. T. James McAteer, Karan Molaverdikhani, Agnit\n Mukhopadhyay, Romina Nikoukar, Larry Paxton, Leonardo H. Regoli, Elias\n Roussos, Nick Schneider, Ali Sulaiman, Y. Sun, Jamey Szalay","title":"The case for studying other planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres in\n Heliophysics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.EP physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Heliophysics is the field that \"studies the nature of the Sun, and how it\ninfluences the very nature of space - and, in turn, the atmospheres of\nplanetary bodies and the technology that exists there.\" However, NASA's\nHeliophysics Division tends to limit study of planetary magnetospheres and\natmospheres to only those of Earth. This leaves exploration and understanding\nof space plasma physics at other worlds to the purview of the Planetary Science\nand Astrophysics Divisions. This is detrimental to the study of space plasma\nphysics in general since, although some cross-divisional funding opportunities\ndo exist, vital elements of space plasma physics can be best addressed by\nextending the expertise of Heliophysics scientists to other stellar and\nplanetary magnetospheres. However, the diverse worlds within the solar system\nprovide crucial environmental conditions that are not replicated at Earth but\ncan provide deep insight into fundamental space plasma physics processes.\nStudying planetary systems with Heliophysics objectives, comprehensive\ninstrumentation, and new grant opportunities for analysis and modeling would\nenable a novel understanding of fundamental and universal processes of space\nplasma physics. As such, the Heliophysics community should be prepared to\nconsider, prioritize, and fund dedicated Heliophysics efforts to planetary\ntargets to specifically study space physics and aeronomy objectives.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:33:26 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 18:26:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Cohen","Ian J.",""],["Arridge","Chris",""],["Azari","Abigail",""],["Bard","Chris",""],["Clark","George",""],["Crary","Frank",""],["Curry","Shannon",""],["Delamere","Peter",""],["Dewey","Ryan M.",""],["DiBraccio","Gina A.",""],["Dong","Chuanfei",""],["Drozdov","Alexander",""],["Egert","Austin",""],["Filwett","Rachael",""],["Halekas","Jasper",""],["Halford","Alexa",""],["Hughes","Andr\u00e9a",""],["Garcia-Sage","Katherine",""],["Gkioulidou","Matina",""],["Goetz","Charlotte",""],["Grava","Cesare",""],["Hirsch","Michael",""],["Huybrighs","Hans Leo F.",""],["Kollmann","Peter",""],["Lamy","Laurent",""],["Li","Wen",""],["Liemohn","Michael",""],["Marshal","Robert",""],["Masters","Adam",""],["McAteer","R. T. James",""],["Molaverdikhani","Karan",""],["Mukhopadhyay","Agnit",""],["Nikoukar","Romina",""],["Paxton","Larry",""],["Regoli","Leonardo H.",""],["Roussos","Elias",""],["Schneider","Nick",""],["Sulaiman","Ali",""],["Sun","Y.",""],["Szalay","Jamey",""]]} {"id":"2308.11691","submitter":"Jingwei Zuo","authors":"George Arvanitakis, Jingwei Zuo, Mthandazo Ndhlovu and Hakim Hacid","title":"Practical Insights on Incremental Learning of New Human Physical\n Activity on the Edge","comments":"Accepted by DSAA 2023 (Industrial Track)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Edge Machine Learning (Edge ML), which shifts computational intelligence from\ncloud-based systems to edge devices, is attracting significant interest due to\nits evident benefits including reduced latency, enhanced data privacy, and\ndecreased connectivity reliance. While these advantages are compelling, they\nintroduce unique challenges absent in traditional cloud-based approaches. In\nthis paper, we delve into the intricacies of Edge-based learning, examining the\ninterdependencies among: (i) constrained data storage on Edge devices, (ii)\nlimited computational power for training, and (iii) the number of learning\nclasses. Through experiments conducted using our MAGNETO system, that focused\non learning human activities via data collected from mobile sensors, we\nhighlight these challenges and offer valuable perspectives on Edge ML.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:40:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Arvanitakis","George",""],["Zuo","Jingwei",""],["Ndhlovu","Mthandazo",""],["Hacid","Hakim",""]]} {"id":"2308.11692","submitter":"Laurentiu Rodina","authors":"Li-Yuan Chiang, Tzu-Chen Huang, Yu-tin Huang, Wei Li, Laurentiu\n Rodina, He-Chen Weng","title":"The Geometry of the Modular Bootstrap","comments":"25 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We explore the geometry behind the modular bootstrap and its image in the\nspace of Taylor coefficients of the torus partition function. In the first\npart, we identify the geometry as an intersection of planes with the convex\nhull of moment curves on $R^+{\\otimes}\\mathbb{Z}$, with boundaries\ncharacterized by the total positivity of generalized Hankel matrices. We phrase\nthe Hankel constraints as a semi-definite program, which has several\nadvantages, such as constant computation time with increasing central charge.\nWe derive bounds on the gap, twist-gap, and the space of Taylor coefficients\nthemselves. We find that if the gap is above $\\Delta^*_{gap}$, where\n$\\frac{c{-}1}{12}<\\Delta^*_{gap}< \\frac{c}{12}$, all coefficients become\nbounded on both sides and kinks develop in the space. In the second part, we\npropose an analytic method of imposing the integrality condition for the\ndegeneracy number in the spinless bootstrap, which leads to a non-convex\ngeometry. We find that even at very low derivative order this condition rules\nout regions otherwise allowed by bootstraps at high derivative order.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:52:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Chiang","Li-Yuan",""],["Huang","Tzu-Chen",""],["Huang","Yu-tin",""],["Li","Wei",""],["Rodina","Laurentiu",""],["Weng","He-Chen",""]]} {"id":"2308.11693","submitter":"Sylvain Prolhac","authors":"Sylvain Prolhac","title":"Probability of a single current","comments":"31 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Riemann surface associated with counting the current between two states\nof an underlying Markov process is hyperelliptic. We explore the consequences\nof this property for the time-dependent probability of that current for generic\nMarkov processes. When the system is prepared in its stationary state, the\nrelevant meromorphic differential is in particular fully characterized by the\nprecise identification of all its poles and zeroes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:04:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Prolhac","Sylvain",""]]} {"id":"2308.11694","submitter":"Petar Orli\\'c","authors":"Maarten Derickx, Petar Orli\\'c","title":"Modular curves $X_0(N)$ with infinitely many quartic points","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We determine all modular curves $X_0(N)$ with infinitely many quartic points.\nTo do this, we define a pairing that induces a quadratic form representing all\npossible degrees of a morphism from $X_0(N)$ to a positive rank elliptic curve.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:11:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Derickx","Maarten",""],["Orli\u0107","Petar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11695","submitter":"Dr. Sudhaker Upadhyay","authors":"Jyotish Kumar, Sudhaker Upadhyay and Himanshu Kumar Sudhanshu","title":"Small Black String Thermodynamics","comments":"12 pages, 6 captioned figures, published in Physica Scripta","journal-ref":"Phys. Scr. 98 (2023) 095306","doi":"10.1088/1402-4896/aceec3","report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider a cylindrically symmetric solution for the field equations of\nEinstein-Hilbert action with a negative cosmological constant in four\ndimensions. The small statistical fluctuation in the equilibrium thermodynamics\nof the black string solution is investigated. The small black string under the\ninfluence of small statistical fluctuation also follows the first law of\nthermodynamics. The behaviour of equation of states for black string changes\nsignificantly due to the fluctuation. The fluctuation causes instability to the\nsmall-sized black string only. Assuming the black string is fluid, the\ncompressibility of the black string is inversely proportional to the\nfluctuation parameter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:27:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Kumar","Jyotish",""],["Upadhyay","Sudhaker",""],["Sudhanshu","Himanshu Kumar",""]]} {"id":"2308.11696","submitter":"Leshem Choshen","authors":"Yotam Perlitz, Elron Bandel, Ariel Gera, Ofir Arviv, Liat Ein-Dor,\n Eyal Shnarch, Noam Slonim, Michal Shmueli-Scheuer, Leshem Choshen","title":"Efficient Benchmarking (of Language Models)","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The increasing versatility of language models LMs has given rise to a new\nclass of benchmarks that comprehensively assess a broad range of capabilities.\nSuch benchmarks are associated with massive computational costs reaching\nthousands of GPU hours per model. However the efficiency aspect of these\nevaluation efforts had raised little discussion in the literature. In this work\nwe present the problem of Efficient Benchmarking namely intelligently reducing\nthe computation costs of LM evaluation without compromising reliability. Using\nthe HELM benchmark as a test case we investigate how different benchmark design\nchoices affect the computation-reliability tradeoff. We propose to evaluate the\nreliability of such decisions by using a new measure Decision Impact on\nReliability DIoR for short. We find for example that the current leader on HELM\nmay change by merely removing a low-ranked model from the benchmark and observe\nthat a handful of examples suffice to obtain the correct benchmark ranking.\nConversely a slightly different choice of HELM scenarios varies ranking widely.\nBased on our findings we outline a set of concrete recommendations for more\nefficient benchmark design and utilization practices leading to dramatic cost\nsavings with minimal loss of benchmark reliability often reducing computation\nby x100 or more.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:59:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Perlitz","Yotam",""],["Bandel","Elron",""],["Gera","Ariel",""],["Arviv","Ofir",""],["Ein-Dor","Liat",""],["Shnarch","Eyal",""],["Slonim","Noam",""],["Shmueli-Scheuer","Michal",""],["Choshen","Leshem",""]]} {"id":"2308.11697","submitter":"Brian Shotwell","authors":"Julian J. Dukes, Brian Shotwell","title":"A family of repulsive neutral conductor geometries via abstract vector\n spaces","comments":"6 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.class-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently it was shown that it is possible for a neutral, isolated conductor\nto repel a point charge (or, a point dipole). Here we prove this fact using\ngeneral properties of vectors and operators in an inner-product space. We find\nthat a family of neutral, isolated conducting surface geometries, whose shape\nlies somewhere between a hemispherical bowl and an ovoid, will repel a point\ncharge. In addition, we find another family of surfaces (with a different\nshape) that will repel a point dipole. The latter geometry can lead to Casimir\nrepulsion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Dukes","Julian J.",""],["Shotwell","Brian",""]]} {"id":"2308.11698","submitter":"Tales Rick Perche","authors":"T. Rick Perche, Jos\\'e Polo-G\\'omez, Bruno de S. L. Torres, Eduardo\n Mart\\'in-Mart\\'inez","title":"Particle Detectors from Localized Quantum Field Theories","comments":"12 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a fully relativistic model for localized probes in quantum field\ntheory. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to obtain particle detector\nmodels from localized quantum field theories that interact with a free quantum\nfield. In particular, a particle detector model is obtained when one traces out\nover inaccessible degrees of freedom of the localized field. This gives rise to\na particle detector model, that is, a quantum degree of freedom that couples to\na free field theory in an extended region of spacetime. Moreover, we show that\nthe predictions of traditional particle detector models and fully relativistic\nlocalized fields completely coincide to leading order in perturbation theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Perche","T. Rick",""],["Polo-G\u00f3mez","Jos\u00e9",""],["Torres","Bruno de S. L.",""],["Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00ednez","Eduardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11699","submitter":"Abygail Waggoner","authors":"Abygail R. Waggoner, L. Ilsedore Cleeves, Ryan A. Loomis, Yuri Aikawa,\n Jaehan Bae, Jennifer B. Bergner, Alice S. Booth, Jenny K. Calahan, Gianni\n Cataldi, Charles J. Law, Romane Le Gal, Feng Long, Karin I. \\\"Oberg, Richard\n Teague, and David J. Wilner","title":"MAPS: Constraining Serendipitous Time Variability in Protoplanetary Disk\n Molecular Ion Emission","comments":"Accepted for publication in ApJ, 18 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Theoretical models and observations suggest that the abundances of molecular\nions in protoplanetary disks should be highly sensitive to the variable\nionization conditions set by the young central star. We present a search for\ntemporal flux variability of HCO+ J=1-0, which was observed as a part of the\nMolecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) ALMA Large Program. We\nsplit out and imaged the line and continuum data for each individual day the\nfive sources were observed (HD 163296, AS 209, GM Aur, MWC 480, and IM Lup,\nwith between 3 to 6 unique visits per source). Significant enhancement\n(>3\\sigma) was not observed, but we find variations in the spectral profiles in\nall five disks. Variations in AS 209, GM Aur, and HD 163296 are tentatively\nattributed to variations in HCO+ flux, while variations in IM Lup and MWC 480\nare most likely introduced by differences in the \\textit{uv} coverage, which\nimpact the amount of recovered flux during imaging. The tentative detections\nand low degree of variability are consistent with expectations of X-ray flare\ndriven HCO+ variability, which requires relatively large flares to enhance the\nHCO+ rotational emission at significant (>20%) levels. These findings also\ndemonstrate the need for dedicated monitoring campaigns with high signal to\nnoise ratios to fully characterize X-ray flare driven chemistry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Waggoner","Abygail R.",""],["Cleeves","L. Ilsedore",""],["Loomis","Ryan A.",""],["Aikawa","Yuri",""],["Bae","Jaehan",""],["Bergner","Jennifer B.",""],["Booth","Alice S.",""],["Calahan","Jenny K.",""],["Cataldi","Gianni",""],["Law","Charles J.",""],["Gal","Romane Le",""],["Long","Feng",""],["\u00d6berg","Karin I.",""],["Teague","Richard",""],["Wilner","David J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11700","submitter":"Ian Pang","authors":"Ian Pang, John Andrew Raine, David Shih","title":"SuperCalo: Calorimeter shower super-resolution","comments":"15 pages, 12 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ins-det cs.LG hep-ex hep-ph physics.data-an","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Calorimeter shower simulation is a major bottleneck in the Large Hadron\nCollider computational pipeline. There have been recent efforts to employ\ndeep-generative surrogate models to overcome this challenge. However, many of\nbest performing models have training and generation times that do not scale\nwell to high-dimensional calorimeter showers. In this work, we introduce\nSuperCalo, a flow-based super-resolution model, and demonstrate that\nhigh-dimensional fine-grained calorimeter showers can be quickly upsampled from\ncoarse-grained showers. This novel approach presents a way to reduce\ncomputational cost, memory requirements and generation time associated with\nfast calorimeter simulation models. Additionally, we show that the showers\nupsampled by SuperCalo possess a high degree of variation. This allows a large\nnumber of high-dimensional calorimeter showers to be upsampled from much fewer\ncoarse showers with high-fidelity, which results in additional reduction in\ngeneration time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Pang","Ian",""],["Raine","John Andrew",""],["Shih","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.11701","submitter":"Jerome P. Gauntlett","authors":"Pietro Benetti Genolini, Jerome P. Gauntlett and James Sparks","title":"Equivariant localization for AdS/CFT","comments":"60 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We explain how equivariant localization may be applied to AdS/CFT to compute\nvarious BPS observables in gravity, such as central charges and conformal\ndimensions of chiral primary operators, without solving the supergravity\nequations. The key ingredient is that supersymmetric AdS solutions with an\nR-symmetry are equipped with a set of equivariantly closed forms. These may in\nturn be used to impose flux quantization and compute observables for\nsupergravity solutions, using only topological information and the\nBerline--Vergne--Atiyah--Bott fixed point formula. We illustrate the formalism\nby considering $AdS_5\\times M_6$ and $AdS_3\\times M_8$ solutions of $D=11$\nsupergravity. As well as recovering results for many classes of well-known\nsupergravity solutions, without using any knowledge of their explicit form, we\nalso compute central charges for which explicit supergravity solutions have not\nbeen constructed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Genolini","Pietro Benetti",""],["Gauntlett","Jerome P.",""],["Sparks","James",""]]} {"id":"2308.11702","submitter":"Indranil Halder","authors":"Indranil Halder, Daniel L. Jafferis","title":"Double winding condensate CFT","comments":"38 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We conjecture a two-dimensional conformal field theory built out of a linear\ndilaton and a compact $\\beta\\gamma$ system deformed by winding condensates on\neach of the compact cycles. In particular, explicit expressions of the residues\nof the correlation functions are provided. As a worldsheet theory, it describes\na stringy black hole in AdS$_3$ (supported by the Kalb-Ramond flux) at the\nHawking-Page temperature. It is expected to be connected to the\nHorowitz-Polchinski-like solution near the Hagedorn temperature of thermal\nAdS$_3$ and Euclidean BTZ blackhole as we vary the temperature.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Halder","Indranil",""],["Jafferis","Daniel L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11703","submitter":"Susanne Westhoff","authors":"Sebastian Bruggisser, Lara Grabitz, Susanne Westhoff","title":"Global Analysis of the ALP Effective Theory","comments":"29 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We perform a global fit of the effective Lagrangian for axion-like particles\n(ALPs) to data. By combining LHC observables from top physics, dijet and\ndi-boson production with electroweak precision observables, we resolve the full\nparameter space of ALPs with flavor-universal couplings. Using the\nrenormalization group to evolve the effective ALP couplings to low energies\nallows us to investigate the impact of flavor observables on the global\nanalysis. We show that resonance searches in $B\\to K$ meson decays\nsignificantly enhance the sensitivity to ALPs with sub-GeV masses. The lifetime\nof the ALP plays a crucial role in resolving the multi-dimensional parameter\nspace with searches for prompt, displaced and invisible ALP decays. Our\nanalysis points out the differences in probing an effective theory with new\nlight particles, compared to scenarios with only non-resonant effects of heavy\nparticles at low energies, as in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Bruggisser","Sebastian",""],["Grabitz","Lara",""],["Westhoff","Susanne",""]]} {"id":"2308.11704","submitter":"Chethan Krishnan","authors":"Suman Das, Sumit K. Garg, Chethan Krishnan, Arnab Kundu","title":"What is the Simplest Linear Ramp?","comments":"16 pages, many plots, v2: minor corrections, references","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th cond-mat.stat-mech gr-qc quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We discuss conditions under which a deterministic sequence of real numbers,\ninterpreted as the set of eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian, can exhibit features\nusually associated to random matrix spectra. A key diagnostic is the spectral\nform factor (SFF) -- a linear ramp in the SFF is often viewed as a signature of\nrandom matrix behavior. Based on various explicit examples, we observe\nconditions for linear and power law ramps to arise in deterministic spectra. We\nnote that a very simple spectrum with a linear ramp is $E_n \\sim \\log n$.\nDespite the presence of ramps, these sequences do $not$ exhibit conventional\nlevel repulsion, demonstrating that the lore about their concurrence needs\nrefinement. However, when a small noise correction is added to the spectrum,\nthey lead to clear level repulsion as well as the (linear) ramp. We note some\nremarkable features of logarithmic spectra, apart from their linear ramps: they\nare closely related to normal modes of black hole stretched horizons, and their\npartition function with argument $s=\\beta+it$ is the Riemann zeta function\n$\\zeta(s)$. An immediate consequence is that the spectral form factor is simply\n$\\sim |\\zeta(it)|^2$. Our observation that log spectra have a linear ramp, is\nclosely related to the Lindel\\\"of hypothesis on the growth of the zeta\nfunction. With elementary numerics, we check that the slope of a best fit line\nthrough $|\\zeta(it)|^2$ on a log-log plot is indeed $1$, to the fourth decimal.\nWe also note that truncating the Riemann zeta function sum at a finite integer\n$N$ causes the would-be-eternal ramp to end on a plateau.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:40:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-30","authors_parsed":[["Das","Suman",""],["Garg","Sumit K.",""],["Krishnan","Chethan",""],["Kundu","Arnab",""]]} {"id":"2308.11705","submitter":"Jonathan Steiner","authors":"Stefan Antusch, Kevin Hinze, Shaikh Saad, Jonathan Steiner","title":"A Generalised Missing Partner Mechanism for SU(5) GUT Inflation","comments":"28 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We generalise the Missing Partner Mechanism to split the electron-like states\nfrom the coloured ones of vectorlike SU(5) 10-plets without fine-tuning.\nTogether with the extra light weak doublets from the Double Missing Partner\nMechanism (DMPM), this realises gauge coupling unification in the presence of a\nlight weak triplet and colour octet, the characteristic light relics from the\nadjoint in SU(5) GUT Inflation models. Additionally, we show how the vectorlike\n10-plets may generate realistic fermion masses while the DMPM ensures that\ndimension five nucleon decay is suppressed. A discovery of the light relic\nstates at future colliders would provide a \"smoking gun\" signal of the\nscenario.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Antusch","Stefan",""],["Hinze","Kevin",""],["Saad","Shaikh",""],["Steiner","Jonathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11706","submitter":"Clay C\\'ordova","authors":"Clay Cordova, Po-Shen Hsin, Carolyn Zhang","title":"Anomalies of Non-Invertible Symmetries in (3+1)d","comments":"57 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Anomalies of global symmetries are important tools for understanding the\ndynamics of quantum systems. We investigate anomalies of non-invertible\nsymmetries in 3+1d using 4+1d bulk topological quantum field theories given by\nAbelian two-form gauge theories, with a 0-form permutation symmetry. Gauging\nthe 0-form symmetry gives the 4+1d \"inflow\" symmetry topological field theory\nfor the non-invertible symmetry. We find a two levels of anomalies: (1) the\nbulk may fail to have an appropriate set of loop excitations which can condense\nto trivialize the boundary dynamics, and (2) the \"Frobenius-Schur indicator\" of\nthe non-invertible symmetry (generalizing the Frobenius-Schur indicator of 1+1d\nfusion categories) may be incompatible with trivial boundary dynamics. As a\nconsequence we derive conditions for non-invertible symmetries in 3+1d to be\ncompatible with symmetric gapped phases, and invertible gapped phases. Along\nthe way, we see that the defects characterizing $\\mathbb{Z}_{4}$ ordinary\nsymmetry host worldvolume theories with time-reversal symmetry $\\mathsf{T}$\nobeying the algebra $\\mathsf{T}^{2}=C$ or $\\mathsf{T}^{2}=(-1)^{F}C,$ with $C$\na unitary charge conjugation symmetry. We classify the anomalies of this\nsymmetry algebra in 2+1d and further use these ideas to construct 2+1d\ntopological orders with non-invertible time-reversal symmetry that permutes\nanyons. As a concrete realization of our general discussion, we construct new\nlattice Hamiltonian models in 3+1d with non-invertible symmetry, and constrain\ntheir dynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Cordova","Clay",""],["Hsin","Po-Shen",""],["Zhang","Carolyn",""]]} {"id":"2308.11707","submitter":"Francesco Benini","authors":"Andrea Antinucci, Francesco Benini, Christian Copetti, Giovanni\n Galati, Giovanni Rizi","title":"Anomalies of non-invertible self-duality symmetries: fractionalization\n and gauging","comments":"50 pages + appendices, comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study anomalies of non-invertible duality symmetries in both 2d and 4d,\nemploying the tool of the Symmetry TFT. In the 2d case we rephrase the known\nobstruction theory for the Tambara-Yamagami fusion category in a way easily\ngeneralizable to higher dimensions. In both cases we find two obstructions to\ngauging duality defects. The first obstruction requires the existence of a\nduality-invariant Lagrangian algebra in a certain Dijkgraaf-Witten theory in\none dimension more. In particular, intrinsically non-invertible (a.k.a. group\ntheoretical) duality symmetries are necessarily anomalous. The second\nobstruction requires the vanishing of a pure anomaly for the invertible duality\nsymmetry. This however depends on further data. In 2d this is specified by a\nchoice of equivariantization for the duality-invariant Lagrangian algebra. We\npropose and verify that this is equivalent to a choice of symmetry\nfractionalization for the invertible duality symmetry. The latter formulation\nhas a natural generalization to 4d and allows us to give a compact\ncharacterization of the anomaly. We comment on various possible applications of\nour results to self-dual theories.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Antinucci","Andrea",""],["Benini","Francesco",""],["Copetti","Christian",""],["Galati","Giovanni",""],["Rizi","Giovanni",""]]} {"id":"2308.11708","submitter":"Christopher K. Long MSc.","authors":"Christopher K. Long, Kieran Dalton, Crispin H. W. Barnes, David R. M.\n Arvidsson-Shukur, Normann Mertig","title":"Layering and subpool exploration for adaptive Variational Quantum\n Eigensolvers: Reducing circuit depth, runtime, and susceptibility to noise","comments":"19 + (21) pages, 16 + (4) figs, comments are welcomed","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Adaptive variational quantum eigensolvers (ADAPT-VQEs) are promising\ncandidates for simulations of strongly correlated systems on near-term quantum\nhardware. To further improve the noise resilience of these algorithms, recent\nefforts have been directed towards compactifying, or layering, their ansatz\ncircuits. Here, we broaden the understanding of the algorithmic layering\nprocess in three ways. First, we investigate the non-commutation relations\nbetween the different elements that are used to build ADAPT-VQE ans\\\"atze.\nDoing so, we develop a framework for studying and developing layering\nalgorithms, which produce shallower circuits. Second, based on this framework,\nwe develop a new subroutine that can reduce the number of quantum-processor\ncalls by optimizing the selection procedure with which a variational quantum\nalgorithm appends ansatz elements. Third, we provide a thorough numerical\ninvestigation of the noise-resilience improvement available via layering the\ncircuits of ADAPT-VQE algorithms. We find that layering leads to an improved\nnoise resilience with respect to amplitude-damping and dephasing noise, which,\nin general, affect idling and non-idling qubits alike. With respect to\ndepolarizing noise, which tends to affect only actively manipulated qubits, we\nobserve no advantage of layering.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Long","Christopher K.",""],["Dalton","Kieran",""],["Barnes","Crispin H. W.",""],["Arvidsson-Shukur","David R. M.",""],["Mertig","Normann",""]]} {"id":"2308.11709","submitter":"Laura Keating","authors":"Laura C. Keating, Ewald Puchwein, James S. Bolton, Martin G. Haehnelt,\n Girish Kulkarni","title":"Investigating the characteristic shape and scatter of intergalactic\n damping wings during reionization","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to MNRAS Letters","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Ly$\\alpha$ damping wings in the spectra of bright objects at high redshift\nare a useful probe of the ionization state of the intergalactic medium during\nthe reionization epoch. It has recently been noted that, despite the\ninhomogeneous nature of reionization, these damping wings have a characteristic\nshape which is a strong function of the volume-weighted average neutral\nhydrogen fraction of the intergalactic medium. We present here a closer\nexamination of this finding using a simulation of patchy reionization from the\nSherwood-Relics simulation suite. We show that the characteristic shape and\nscatter of the damping wings are determined by the average neutral hydrogen\ndensity along the line of sight, weighted by its contribution to the optical\ndepth producing the damping wing. We find that there is a redshift dependence\nin the characteristic shape due to the expansion of the Universe. Finally, we\nshow that it is possible to differentiate between the shapes of damping wings\nin galaxies and young (or faint) quasars at different points in the\nreionization history at large velocity offsets from the point where the\ntransmission first reaches zero.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Keating","Laura C.",""],["Puchwein","Ewald",""],["Bolton","James S.",""],["Haehnelt","Martin G.",""],["Kulkarni","Girish",""]]} {"id":"2308.11710","submitter":"David D. Awschalom","authors":"Masaya Fukami, Jonathan C. Marcks, Denis R. Candido, Leah R. Weiss,\n Benjamin Soloway, Sean E. Sullivan, Nazar Delegan, F. Joseph Heremans,\n Michael E. Flatt\\'e, and David D. Awschalom","title":"Magnon-mediated qubit coupling determined via dissipation measurements","comments":"14 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Controlled interaction between localized and delocalized solid-state spin\nsystems offers a compelling platform for on-chip quantum information processing\nwith quantum spintronics. Hybrid quantum systems (HQSs) of localized\nnitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond and delocalized magnon modes in\nferrimagnets-systems with naturally commensurate energies-have recently\nattracted significant attention, especially for interconnecting isolated spin\nqubits at length-scales far beyond those set by the dipolar coupling. However,\ndespite extensive theoretical efforts, there is a lack of experimental\ncharacterization of the magnon-mediated interaction between NV centers, which\nis necessary to develop such hybrid quantum architectures. Here, we\nexperimentally determine the magnon-mediated NV-NV coupling from the\nmagnon-induced self-energy of NV centers. Our results are quantitatively\nconsistent with a model in which the NV center is coupled to magnons by dipolar\ninteractions. This work provides a versatile tool to characterize HQSs in the\nabsence of strong coupling, informing future efforts to engineer entangled\nsolid-state systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:00:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Fukami","Masaya",""],["Marcks","Jonathan C.",""],["Candido","Denis R.",""],["Weiss","Leah R.",""],["Soloway","Benjamin",""],["Sullivan","Sean E.",""],["Delegan","Nazar",""],["Heremans","F. Joseph",""],["Flatt\u00e9","Michael E.",""],["Awschalom","David D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11711","submitter":"Dominik Werner Wolf","authors":"Dominik Werner Wolf and Markus Ulrich and Nikhil Kapoor","title":"Sensitivity analysis of AI-based algorithms for autonomous driving on\n optical wavefront aberrations induced by the windshield","comments":"Accepted at the IEEE ICCV 2023 - BRAVO workshop","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Autonomous driving perception techniques are typically based on supervised\nmachine learning models that are trained on real-world street data. A typical\ntraining process involves capturing images with a single car model and\nwindshield configuration. However, deploying these trained models on different\ncar types can lead to a domain shift, which can potentially hurt the neural\nnetworks performance and violate working ADAS requirements. To address this\nissue, this paper investigates the domain shift problem further by evaluating\nthe sensitivity of two perception models to different windshield\nconfigurations. This is done by evaluating the dependencies between neural\nnetwork benchmark metrics and optical merit functions by applying a Fourier\noptics based threat model. Our results show that there is a performance gap\nintroduced by windshields and existing optical metrics used for posing\nrequirements might not be sufficient.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 19 Aug 2023 17:01:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wolf","Dominik Werner",""],["Ulrich","Markus",""],["Kapoor","Nikhil",""]]} {"id":"2308.11712","submitter":"Maciek Wielgus","authors":"Maciek Wielgus, Sara Issaoun, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Razieh Emami, Monika\n Moscibrodzka, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Ciriaco Goddi, and Ed Fomalont","title":"The internal Faraday screen of Sagittarius A*","comments":"submitted to A&A, comments very welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report on 85-101 GHz light curves of the Galactic Center supermassive\nblack hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), observed in April 2017 with the Atacama\nLarge Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). This study of high-cadence\nfull-Stokes data provides new measurements of the fractional linear\npolarization at a 1-2% level resolved in 4 s time segments, and stringent upper\nlimits on the fractional circular polarization at 0.3%. We compare these\nfindings to ALMA light curves of Sgr A* at 212-230 GHz observed three days\nlater, characterizing a steep depolarization of the source at frequencies below\nabout 150 GHz. We obtain time-dependent rotation measure (RM) measurements,\nwith the mean RM at 85-101 GHz being a factor of two lower than that at 212-230\nGHz. Together with the rapid temporal variability of the RM and its different\nstatistical characteristics in both frequency bands, these results indicate\nthat the Faraday screen in Sgr A* is largely of internal character, with about\nhalf of the Faraday rotation taking place inside the inner 10 gravitational\nradii, contrary to the common external Faraday screen assumption. We then\ndemonstrate how this observation can be reconciled with theoretical models of\nradiatively inefficient accretion flows for a reasonable set of physical\nparameters. Comparisons with numerical general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic\nsimulations suggest that the innermost part of the accretion flow in Sgr A* is\nmuch less variable than what these models predict, in particular, the observed\nmagnetic field structure appears to be coherent and persistent.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:01:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wielgus","Maciek",""],["Issaoun","Sara",""],["Marti-Vidal","Ivan",""],["Emami","Razieh",""],["Moscibrodzka","Monika",""],["Brinkerink","Christiaan D.",""],["Goddi","Ciriaco",""],["Fomalont","Ed",""]]} {"id":"2308.11713","submitter":"Oscar Garcia-Montero","authors":"Oscar Garcia-Montero, Hannah Elfner and S\\\"oren Schlichting","title":"The McDIPPER: A novel saturation-based 3+1D initial state model for\n Heavy Ion Collisions","comments":"18 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a new 3D resolved model for the initial state of ultrarelativistic\nheavy-ion collisions, based on the $k_\\perp$-factorized Color Glass Condensate\nhybrid approach. The McDIPPER framework responds to the need for a\nrapidity-resolved initial-state Monte Carlo event generator which can deposit\nthe relevant conserved charges (energy, charge and baryon densities) both in\nthe midrapidity and forward/backward regions of the collision. This\nevent-by-event generator computes the gluon and (anti-) quark phase-space\ndensities using the IP-Sat model, from where the relevant conserved charges can\nbe computed directly. In the present work we have included the leading order\ncontributions to the light flavor parton densities. As a feature, the model can\nbe systematically improved in the future by adding next-to-leading order\ncalculations (in the CGC hybrid framework), and extended to lower energies by\nincluding sub-eikonal corrections the channels included. We present relevant\nobservables, such as the eccentricities and flow decorrelation, as tests of\nthis new approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:01:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Garcia-Montero","Oscar",""],["Elfner","Hannah",""],["Schlichting","S\u00f6ren",""]]} {"id":"2308.11714","submitter":"Gabriele Cugno","authors":"Gabriele Cugno, Yifan Zhou, Thanawuth Thanathibodee, Per\n Calissendorff, Michael R. Meyer, Suzan Edwards, Jaehan Bae, Myriam Benisty,\n Edwin Bergin, Matthew De Furio, Stefano Facchini, Jared R. Males, Laird M.\n Close, Richard D. Teague, Olivier Guyon, Sebastiaan Y. Haffert, Alexander D.\n Hedglen, Maggie Kautz, Andr\\'es Izquierdo, Joseph D. Long, Jennifer Lumbres,\n Avalon L. McLeod, Logan A. Pearce, Lauren Schatz, and Kyle Van Gorkom","title":"MagAO-X and HST high-contrast imaging of the AS209 disk at H$\\alpha$","comments":"13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in AJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The detection of emission lines associated with accretion processes is a\ndirect method for studying how and where gas giant planets form, how young\nplanets interact with their natal protoplanetary disk and how volatile delivery\nto their atmosphere takes place. H$\\alpha$ ($\\lambda=0.656\\,\\mu$m) is expected\nto be the strongest accretion line observable from the ground with adaptive\noptics systems, and is therefore the target of specific high-contrast imaging\ncampaigns. We present MagAO-X and HST data obtained to search for H$\\alpha$\nemission from the previously detected protoplanet candidate orbiting AS209,\nidentified through ALMA observations. No signal was detected at the location of\nthe candidate, and we provide limits on its accretion. Our data would have\ndetected an H$\\alpha$ emission with $F_\\mathrm{H\\alpha}>2.5\\pm0.3\n\\times10^{-16}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$, a factor 6.5 lower than the HST flux\nmeasured for PDS70b (Zhou et al., 2021). The flux limit indicates that if the\nprotoplanet is currently accreting it is likely that local extinction from\ncircumstellar and circumplanetary material strongly attenuates its emission at\noptical wavelengths. In addition, the data reveal the first image of the jet\nnorth of the star as expected from previous detections of forbidden lines.\nFinally, this work demonstrates that current ground-based observations with\nextreme adaptive optics systems can be more sensitive than space-based\nobservations, paving the way to the hunt for small planets in reflected light\nwith extremely large telescopes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:02:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Cugno","Gabriele",""],["Zhou","Yifan",""],["Thanathibodee","Thanawuth",""],["Calissendorff","Per",""],["Meyer","Michael R.",""],["Edwards","Suzan",""],["Bae","Jaehan",""],["Benisty","Myriam",""],["Bergin","Edwin",""],["De Furio","Matthew",""],["Facchini","Stefano",""],["Males","Jared R.",""],["Close","Laird M.",""],["Teague","Richard D.",""],["Guyon","Olivier",""],["Haffert","Sebastiaan Y.",""],["Hedglen","Alexander D.",""],["Kautz","Maggie",""],["Izquierdo","Andr\u00e9s",""],["Long","Joseph D.",""],["Lumbres","Jennifer",""],["McLeod","Avalon L.",""],["Pearce","Logan A.",""],["Schatz","Lauren",""],["Van Gorkom","Kyle",""]]} {"id":"2308.11715","submitter":"Andrew Fitzpatrick","authors":"A. Liam Fitzpatrick and Nathan Benjamin","title":"Higher $d$ Eisenstein Series and a Duality-Invariant Distance Measure","comments":"18 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Petersson inner product is a natural inner product on the space of\nmodular invariant functions. We describe an algebraic procedure for evaluating\nthe inner product between two modular functions in the case where at least one\nof them is the partition function of a Narain CFT with target-space dimension\n$c$. We apply this procedure to obtain a formula, written as a convergent sum\nover elementary functions, for the Eisenstein series $E_s(G,B)$ of a general\npoint in Narain moduli space. We also discuss the utility of the Petersson\ninner product as a distance measure on the space of 2d CFTs, and apply our\nprocedure to evaluate this distance in various examples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:03:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Fitzpatrick","A. Liam",""],["Benjamin","Nathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11716","submitter":"David Berenstein","authors":"David Berenstein, Hiroki Kawai","title":"Integrable Spin Chains from large-$N$ QCD at strong coupling","comments":"5 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th hep-lat","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study a spin chain for a confining string that arises at first order in\ndegenerate perturbation from the strong-coupling expansion of the\nKogut-Susskind Hamiltonian on a square lattice in the leading large $N$\nexpansion. We show some subsectors are integrable and that with a relaxed\nconstraint related to zigzag symmetry, the full spin chain is integrable in\narbitrary dimensions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:04:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Berenstein","David",""],["Kawai","Hiroki",""]]} {"id":"2308.11717","submitter":"Jin Koda","authors":"Jin Koda and Jonathan Tan","title":"On the Lifetime of Molecular Clouds with the \"Tuning-Fork\" Analysis","comments":"Submitted to ApJ, comments welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The \"tuning-fork\" (TF) analysis of CO and Halpha emission has been used to\nestimate the lifetimes of molecular clouds in nearby galaxies. With simple\nmodel calculations, we show that this analysis does not necessarily estimate\ncloud lifetimes, but instead captures a duration of the cloud evolutionary\ncycle, from dormant to star forming, and then back to a dormant phase. We adopt\na hypothetical setup in which molecular clouds (e.g., traced in CO) live\nforever and form stars (e.g., HII regions) at some frequency, which then drift\naway from the clouds. The TF analysis still returns a timescale for the\nimmortal clouds. This model requires drifting motion to separate the newborn\nstars from the clouds, and we discuss its origin. We also discuss the physical\norigin of the characteristic spatial separation term in the TF analysis and a\nbias due to systematic error in the determination of the reference timescale.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:04:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Koda","Jin",""],["Tan","Jonathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11718","submitter":"Dillon Snyder","authors":"Dillon Snyder","title":"Products of $p$-Adic Valuation Trees","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The study of prime divisibility plays a crucial role in number theory. The\n$p$-adic valuation of a number is the highest power of a prime, $p$, that\ndivides that number. Using this valuation, we construct $p$-adic valuation\ntrees to visually represent the valuations of a sequence. We investigate how\nnodes split on trees generated by linear functions with rational coefficients,\nas well as those formed from a product of linear or lower degree polynomials.\nWe describe the infinite branches of these polynomial trees and the valuations\nof their terminating nodes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:07:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Snyder","Dillon",""]]} {"id":"2308.11719","submitter":"Suvikranth Gera","authors":"Suvikranth Gera, Poulami Dutta Roy","title":"Black holes in degenerate Einstein Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Can QNMs\n distinguish them from GR?","comments":"31 pages, 15 figures , 6 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this study, for the first time, we analyse the quasinormal modes of black\nholes occurring within the framework of degenerate gravity. We investigate the\nproperties of the asymptotically flat spacetimes introduced recently in [JCAP\n02(2022)02] that satisfy degenerate Einstein Gauss-Bonnet(dEGB) action and\nbelong to a much larger class of solutions which include cosmological constant.\nThis solution has two distinct branches akin to Einstein Gauss-Bonnet(EBG)\ngravity. However, unlike the EBG solutions, both the branches of dEGB are\nwell-defined asymptotically. The negative branches from both theories can be\nidentified for the asymptotically flat case. We observe black holes for\nspecific ranges of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter and perform a stability\nanalysis by calculating the quasinormal modes (QNMs) under scalar wave\npropagation. Finally, the ringdown spectrums of our black holes are compared\nwith their GR counterparts.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:09:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Gera","Suvikranth",""],["Roy","Poulami Dutta",""]]} {"id":"2308.11720","submitter":"Yerong Li","authors":"Yerong Li, Roxana Girju","title":"Advancing Relation Extraction through Language Probing with Exemplars\n from Set Co-Expansion","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Relation Extraction (RE) is a pivotal task in automatically extracting\nstructured information from unstructured text. In this paper, we present a\nmulti-faceted approach that integrates representative examples and through\nco-set expansion. The primary goal of our method is to enhance relation\nclassification accuracy and mitigating confusion between contrastive classes.\n Our approach begins by seeding each relationship class with representative\nexamples. Subsequently, our co-set expansion algorithm enriches training\nobjectives by incorporating similarity measures between target pairs and\nrepresentative pairs from the target class. Moreover, the co-set expansion\nprocess involves a class ranking procedure that takes into account exemplars\nfrom contrastive classes. Contextual details encompassing relation mentions are\nharnessed via context-free Hearst patterns to ascertain contextual similarity.\n Empirical evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of our co-set expansion\napproach, resulting in a significant enhancement of relation classification\nperformance. Our method achieves an observed margin of at least 1 percent\nimprovement in accuracy in most settings, on top of existing fine-tuning\napproaches. To further refine our approach, we conduct an in-depth analysis\nthat focuses on tuning contrastive examples. This strategic selection and\ntuning effectively reduce confusion between classes sharing similarities,\nleading to a more precise classification process.\n Experimental results underscore the effectiveness of our proposed framework\nfor relation extraction. The synergy between co-set expansion and context-aware\nprompt tuning substantially contributes to improved classification accuracy.\nFurthermore, the reduction in confusion between contrastive classes through\ncontrastive examples tuning validates the robustness and reliability of our\nmethod.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 00:56:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yerong",""],["Girju","Roxana",""]]} {"id":"2308.11721","submitter":"Kate Donahue","authors":"Kate Donahue, Kostas Kollias, Sreenivas Gollapudi","title":"When Are Two Lists Better than One?: Benefits and Harms in Joint\n Decision-making","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CY cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Historically, much of machine learning research has focused on the\nperformance of the algorithm alone, but recently more attention has been\nfocused on optimizing joint human-algorithm performance. Here, we analyze a\nspecific type of human-algorithm collaboration where the algorithm has access\nto a set of $n$ items, and presents a subset of size $k$ to the human, who\nselects a final item from among those $k$. This scenario could model content\nrecommendation, route planning, or any type of labeling task. Because both the\nhuman and algorithm have imperfect, noisy information about the true ordering\nof items, the key question is: which value of $k$ maximizes the probability\nthat the best item will be ultimately selected? For $k=1$, performance is\noptimized by the algorithm acting alone, and for $k=n$ it is optimized by the\nhuman acting alone. Surprisingly, we show that for multiple of noise models, it\nis optimal to set $k \\in [2, n-1]$ - that is, there are strict benefits to\ncollaborating, even when the human and algorithm have equal accuracy\nseparately. We demonstrate this theoretically for the Mallows model and\nexperimentally for the Random Utilities models of noisy permutations. However,\nwe show this pattern is reversed when the human is anchored on the algorithm's\npresented ordering - the joint system always has strictly worse performance. We\nextend these results to the case where the human and algorithm differ in their\naccuracy levels, showing that there always exist regimes where a more accurate\nagent would strictly benefit from collaborating with a less accurate one, but\nthese regimes are asymmetric between the human and the algorithm's accuracy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:16:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Donahue","Kate",""],["Kollias","Kostas",""],["Gollapudi","Sreenivas",""]]} {"id":"2308.11722","submitter":"Akanksha Bhardwaj","authors":"Akanksha Bhardwaj, Christoph Englert, Dorival Gon\\c{c}alves, and\n Alberto Navarro","title":"Non-linear top-Higgs CP violation","comments":"10 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Searches for additional sources of CP violation at the Large Hadron Collider\nare a central part of the Higgs physics programme beyond the Standard Model.\nStudies employing so-called signed observables that track CP violation through\npurpose-built asymmetries bolster efforts based on Higgs boson rate analyses\nunder clear assumptions. A possibility, which is so far unexplored at the LHC,\nis a significant non-linear realisation of CP-violation, which is naturally\ndescribed in non-linear Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT). We perform an\nanalysis of the HL-LHC potential to constrain such interactions considering a\nlarge range of single and double Higgs production processes, including\ndifferential information where this is statistically and theoretically\npossible. A particular emphasis of our work is distinguishing expected\ncorrelations in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory from those attainable\nin HEFT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:24:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Bhardwaj","Akanksha",""],["Englert","Christoph",""],["Gon\u00e7alves","Dorival",""],["Navarro","Alberto",""]]} {"id":"2308.11723","submitter":"Clarke Esmerian","authors":"Clarke J. Esmerian and Nickolay Y. Gnedin","title":"Modeling Dust Production, Growth, and Destruction in Reionization-Era\n Galaxies with the CROC Simulations II: Predicting the Dust Content of\n High-Redshift Galaxies","comments":"Submitted to ApJ, comments welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We model the interstellar dust content of the reionization era with a suite\nof cosmological, fluid-dynamical simulations of galaxies with stellar masses\nranging from $\\sim 10^5 - 10^9 M_{\\odot}$ in the first $1.2$ billion years of\nthe universe. We use a post-processing method that accounts for dust creation\nand destruction processes, allowing us to systematically vary the parameters of\nthese processes to test whether dust-dependent observable quantities of\ngalaxies at these epochs could be useful for placing constraints on dust\nphysics. We then forward model observable properties of these galaxies to\ncompare to existing data. We find that we are unable to simultaneously match\nexisting observational constraints with any one set of model parameters.\nSpecifically, the models which predict the largest dust masses $D/Z \\gtrsim\n0.1$ at $z = 5$ -- because of high assumed production yields and/or efficient\ngrowth via accretion in the interstellar medium -- are preferred by constraints\non total dust mass and infrared luminosities, but these models produce far too\nmuch extinction in the ultraviolet, preventing them from matching observations\nof $\\beta_{\\rm UV}$. To investigate this discrepancy, we analyze the relative\nspatial distribution of stars and dust as probed by infrared (IR) and\nultraviolet (UV) emission, which appear to exhibit overly symmetric\nmorphologies compared to existing data, likely due to the limitations of the\nstellar feedback model used in the simulations. Our results indicate that the\nobservable properties of the dust distribution in high redshift galaxies are a\nparticularly strong test of stellar feedback.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:27:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Esmerian","Clarke J.",""],["Gnedin","Nickolay Y.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11724","submitter":"Rostyslav Hnatyshyn","authors":"Rostyslav Hnatyshyn, Jieqiong Zhao, Danny Perez, James Ahrens, Ross\n Maciejewski","title":"MolSieve: A Progressive Visual Analytics System for Molecular Dynamics\n Simulations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph cs.GR cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are ubiquitous in cutting-edge\nphysio-chemical research. They provide critical insights into how a physical\nsystem evolves over time given a model of interatomic interactions.\nUnderstanding a system's evolution is key to selecting the best candidates for\nnew drugs, materials for manufacturing, and countless other practical\napplications. With today's technology, these simulations can encompass millions\nof unit transitions between discrete molecular structures, spanning up to\nseveral milliseconds of real time. Attempting to perform a brute-force analysis\nwith data-sets of this size is not only computationally impractical, but would\nnot shed light on the physically-relevant features of the data. Moreover, there\nis a need to analyze simulation ensembles in order to compare similar processes\nin differing environments. These problems call for an approach that is\nanalytically transparent, computationally efficient, and flexible enough to\nhandle the variety found in materials based research. In order to address these\nproblems, we introduce MolSieve, a progressive visual analytics system that\nenables the comparison of multiple long-duration simulations. Using MolSieve,\nanalysts are able to quickly identify and compare regions of interest within\nimmense simulations through its combination of control charts, data-reduction\ntechniques, and highly informative visual components. A simple programming\ninterface is provided which allows experts to fit MolSieve to their needs. To\ndemonstrate the efficacy of our approach, we present two case studies of\nMolSieve and report on findings from domain collaborators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:30:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Hnatyshyn","Rostyslav",""],["Zhao","Jieqiong",""],["Perez","Danny",""],["Ahrens","James",""],["Maciejewski","Ross",""]]} {"id":"2308.11725","submitter":"Swati Thakur","authors":"Swati Thakur (1), Soni Devi (1), Sanjeet S. Kaintura (1), Katyayni\n Tiwari (1) and Pushpendra P. Singh (1) ((1) Department of Physics, Indian\n Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar - 140 001, Punjab, India)","title":"Spectroscopic performance evaluation and modeling of a low background\n HPGe detector using GEANT4","comments":"17 pages, 24 figures, 6 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ins-det","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Low background gamma spectrometry employing HPGe detectors is a sensitive\ntechnique for measuring low-level radioactivity in environmental applications,\nmaterial screening, and for rare decay searches. This work presents\nspectroscopic performance evaluation and modelling of a low background\nmeasurement setup developed at IIT Ropar in Punjab, India, to measure trace\nnatural radioactive elements, with a particular interest in studying low-level\nradioactivity in soil and/or rock samples to generate specific inputs for low\nbackground experiments. The performance test and characterization of a low\nbackground cryocooled HPGe detector with relative efficiency of $\\sim$33% have\nbeen carried out. An effective detector model has been developed using GEANT4\nMonte Carlo simulation to determine the response of the detector over an energy\nrange of 80.9-1408 keV and compared with the experimental performance of the\ndetector. The response of the detector obtained using Monte Carlo simulations\nagrees reasonably well within 93% level of confidence, indicating only 7%\ndeviation in the comparison. The present setup offers improved detection limits\nof primordial radionuclides (U/Th and K) to measure radioactive contamination\nin environmental matrices, which has been used elsewhere [1].\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:34:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Thakur","Swati",""],["Devi","Soni",""],["Kaintura","Sanjeet S.",""],["Tiwari","Katyayni",""],["Singh","Pushpendra P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11726","submitter":"Florian B\\\"ar","authors":"Florian R. B\\\"ar and Malcolm P. Kennett","title":"Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics in the Two-Component Bose-Hubbard Model","comments":"28 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model for\ntwo-component bosons using a strong-coupling approach within the\nclosed-time-path formalism and develop an effective theory for the action of\nthis problem. We obtain equations of motion for the superfluid order parameters\nof both boson species for both the superfluid and Mott-insulating phases and\nstudy these in the low-frequency, long-wavelength limit during a quantum quench\nfor various initial conditions. We find that an additional degree of freedom\nfor bosons leads to a richer phase diagram and out-of-equilibrium dynamics than\nthe single-component situation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:34:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["B\u00e4r","Florian R.",""],["Kennett","Malcolm P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11727","submitter":"Jonathan Sapirstein","authors":"J. Sapirstein, K.T. Cheng","title":"Simplified partial wave expansion of the Lamb shift","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.atom-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A method for calculating the self energy part of the Lamb shift is revisited.\nWhen the electron propagator in an external field is represented as an\nexpansion in partial waves, the original method converges relatively slowly,\nrequiring the calculation of dozens of partial waves. Here we show an improved\nmethod in which accurate results can be obtained using a much smaller number of\npartial waves. The method is illustrated for the ground states of hydrogenlike\nand lithiumlike boron, and the possibility of high accuracy calculations on\nlower Z hydrogenic ions is discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:36:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Sapirstein","J.",""],["Cheng","K. T.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11728","submitter":"Xiaofan Zhou","authors":"Xiaofan Zhou","title":"Invariant representation learning for sequential recommendation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Sequential recommendation involves automatically recommending the next item\nto users based on their historical item sequence. While most prior research\nemploys RNN or transformer methods to glean information from the item\nsequence-generating probabilities for each user-item pair and recommending the\ntop items, these approaches often overlook the challenge posed by spurious\nrelationships. This paper specifically addresses these spurious relations. We\nintroduce a novel sequential recommendation framework named Irl4Rec. This\nframework harnesses invariant learning and employs a new objective that factors\nin the relationship between spurious variables and adjustment variables during\nmodel training. This approach aids in identifying spurious relations.\nComparative analyses reveal that our framework outperforms three typical\nmethods, underscoring the effectiveness of our model. Moreover, an ablation\nstudy further demonstrates the critical role our model plays in detecting\nspurious relations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:39:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Xiaofan",""]]} {"id":"2308.11729","submitter":"Martin Houde","authors":"Katie Brown, Mohammed A. Chamma, Fereshteh Rajabi, Aishwarya Kumar,\n Hosein Rajabi, and Martin Houde","title":"Validating the Sub-Burst Slope Law: A Comprehensive Multi-Source\n Spectro-Temporal Analysis of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts","comments":"7 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We conduct a comprehensive spectro-temporal analysis of repeating Fast Radio\nBursts (FRBs) utilizing nine distinct sources, the largest sample to date. Our\ndata set includes 175 sub-bursts and 31 multi-component bursts from 11 data\nsets, with centre frequencies ranging from 149-7144 MHz and durations spanning\nfrom 73 \\mu s-13 ms. Our findings are consistent with the predictions of the\nTriggered Relativistic Dynamical Model (TRDM) of FRB emission. We affirm the\npredicted quadratic relationship between sub-burst slope and frequency, as well\nas a linear dependence of bandwidth on frequency that is consistent with\nmildly-relativistic Doppler broadening of narrow-band emission. Most\nimportantly, we confirm the sub-burst slope law, a predicted inverse\nrelationship between sub-burst slope and duration, to hold consistently across\ndifferent sources. Remarkably, we also discover that the drift rates of\nmulti-component bursts follow the same law as the sub-burst slopes, an\nunexplained result that warrants further investigation. These findings not only\nsupport the TRDM as a viable framework for explaining several aspects of FRB\nemission, but also provide new insights into the complex spectro-temporal\nproperties of FRBs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:41:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Brown","Katie",""],["Chamma","Mohammed A.",""],["Rajabi","Fereshteh",""],["Kumar","Aishwarya",""],["Rajabi","Hosein",""],["Houde","Martin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11730","submitter":"Yu Wang","authors":"Yu Wang, Nedim Lipka, Ryan A. Rossi, Alexa Siu, Ruiyi Zhang, Tyler\n Derr","title":"Knowledge Graph Prompting for Multi-Document Question Answering","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.IR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The 'pre-train, prompt, predict' paradigm of large language models (LLMs) has\nachieved remarkable success in open-domain question answering (OD-QA). However,\nfew works explore this paradigm in the scenario of multi-document question\nanswering (MD-QA), a task demanding a thorough understanding of the logical\nassociations among the contents and structures of different documents. To fill\nthis crucial gap, we propose a Knowledge Graph Prompting (KGP) method to\nformulate the right context in prompting LLMs for MD-QA, which consists of a\ngraph construction module and a graph traversal module. For graph construction,\nwe create a knowledge graph (KG) over multiple documents with nodes symbolizing\npassages or document structures (e.g., pages/tables), and edges denoting the\nsemantic/lexical similarity between passages or intra-document structural\nrelations. For graph traversal, we design an LM-guided graph traverser that\nnavigates across nodes and gathers supporting passages assisting LLMs in MD-QA.\nThe constructed graph serves as the global ruler that regulates the\ntransitional space among passages and reduces retrieval latency. Concurrently,\nthe LM-guided traverser acts as a local navigator that gathers pertinent\ncontext to progressively approach the question and guarantee retrieval quality.\nExtensive experiments underscore the efficacy of KGP for MD-QA, signifying the\npotential of leveraging graphs in enhancing the prompt design for LLMs. Our\ncode is at https://github.com/YuWVandy/KG-LLM-MDQA.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:41:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yu",""],["Lipka","Nedim",""],["Rossi","Ryan A.",""],["Siu","Alexa",""],["Zhang","Ruiyi",""],["Derr","Tyler",""]]} {"id":"2308.11731","submitter":"Gabriel Ng","authors":"Gabriel Ng","title":"Taylor Morphisms","comments":"27 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC math.LO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study generalised Taylor morphisms, functors which construct differential\nring homomorphisms from ring homomorphisms in a uniform way, analogous to the\nTaylor expansion for smooth functions. We generalise the construction of the\ntwisted Taylor morphism by Le\\'on S\\'anchez and Tressl to arbitrary\ndifferential rings by `twisting' the ring of Hurwitz series, and prove that\nthis results in a functor which is the right adjoint to a certain forgetful\nfunctor. We therefore give a concrete characterisation of all generalised\nTaylor morphisms over all differential rings with finitely many commuting\nderivations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:42:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Ng","Gabriel",""]]} {"id":"2308.11732","submitter":"Andrea Atzori","authors":"Andrea Atzori, Gianni Fenu, Mirko Marras","title":"(Un)fair Exposure in Deep Face Rankings at a Distance","comments":"Accepted as a full paper at IJCB 2023 Special Session \"Long-Range\n Biometrics Challenges\": 2023 International Joint Conference on Biometrics","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Law enforcement regularly faces the challenge of ranking suspects from their\nfacial images. Deep face models aid this process but frequently introduce\nbiases that disproportionately affect certain demographic segments. While bias\ninvestigation is common in domains like job candidate ranking, the field of\nforensic face rankings remains underexplored. In this paper, we propose a novel\nexperimental framework, encompassing six state-of-the-art face encoders and two\npublic data sets, designed to scrutinize the extent to which demographic groups\nsuffer from biases in exposure in the context of forensic face rankings.\nThrough comprehensive experiments that cover both re-identification and\nidentification tasks, we show that exposure biases within this domain are far\nfrom being countered, demanding attention towards establishing ad-hoc policies\nand corrective measures. The source code is available at\nhttps://github.com/atzoriandrea/ijcb2023-unfair-face-rankings\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:43:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Atzori","Andrea",""],["Fenu","Gianni",""],["Marras","Mirko",""]]} {"id":"2308.11733","submitter":"Igor Sfiligoi","authors":"Igor Sfiligoi, Frank W\\\"urthwein, Jeff Dost, Brian Lin and David\n Schultz","title":"Demand-driven provisioning of Kubernetes-like resources in OSG","comments":"6 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Proceedings of CHEP23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The OSG-operated Open Science Pool is an HTCondor-based virtual cluster that\naggregates resources from compute clusters provided by several organizations.\nMost of the resources are not owned by OSG, so demand-based dynamic\nprovisioning is important for maximizing usage without incurring excessive\nwaste. OSG has long relied on GlideinWMS for most of its resource provisioning\nneeds but is limited to resources that provide a Grid-compliant Compute\nEntrypoint. To work around this limitation, the OSG Software Team has developed\na glidein container that resource providers could use to directly contribute to\nthe OSPool. The problem of that approach is that it is not demand-driven,\nrelegating it to backfill scenarios only. To address this limitation, a\ndemand-driven direct provisioner of Kubernetes resources has been developed and\nsuccessfully used on the NRP. The setup still relies on the OSG-maintained\nbackfill container image but automates the provisioning matchmaking and\nsuccessive requests. That provisioner has also been extended to support\nLancium, a green computing cloud provider with a Kubernetes-like proprietary\ninterface. The provisioner logic has been intentionally kept very simple,\nmaking this extension a low-cost project. Both NRP and Lancium resources have\nbeen provisioned exclusively using this mechanism for many months.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:44:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Sfiligoi","Igor",""],["W\u00fcrthwein","Frank",""],["Dost","Jeff",""],["Lin","Brian",""],["Schultz","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.11734","submitter":"Luiz Fernando Afra Brito","authors":"Luiz Fernando Afra Brito and Marcelo Keese Albertini and Bruno Augusto\n Nassif Traven\\c{c}olo and Gonzalo Navarro","title":"Dynamic Compact Data Structure for Temporal Reachability with Unsorted\n Contact Insertions","comments":"17 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Temporal graphs represent interactions between entities over time. Deciding\nwhether entities can reach each other through temporal paths is useful for\nvarious applications such as in communication networks and epidemiology.\nPrevious works have studied the scenario in which addition of new interactions\ncan happen at any point in time. A known strategy maintains, incrementally, a\nTimed Transitive Closure by using a dynamic data structure composed of $O(n^2)$\nbinary search trees containing non-nested time intervals. However, space usage\nfor storing these trees grows rapidly as more interactions are inserted. In\nthis paper, we present a compact data structures that represent each tree as\ntwo dynamic bit-vectors. In our experiments, we observed that our data\nstructure improves space usage while having similar time performance for\nincremental updates when comparing with the previous strategy in temporally\ndense temporal graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:46:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Brito","Luiz Fernando Afra",""],["Albertini","Marcelo Keese",""],["Traven\u00e7olo","Bruno Augusto Nassif",""],["Navarro","Gonzalo",""]]} {"id":"2308.11735","submitter":"Tal Rubin","authors":"T. Rubin, J. M. Rax and N. J. Fisch","title":"Guiding center motion for particles in a ponderomotive magnetostatic end\n plug","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Hamiltonian dynamics of a single particle in a rotating plasma column,\ninteracting with an magnetic multipole is perturbatively solved for up to\nsecond order, using the method of Lie transformations. First, the exact\nHamiltonian is expressed in terms of canonical action-angle variables, and then\nan approximate integrable Hamiltonian is introduced, using another set of\nactions and angles.\n The perturbation introduces an effective ponderomotive potential, which to\nleading order is positive. At the second order, the pseudopotential consists of\na sum of terms of the Miller form, and can have either sign. Additionally at\nsecond order, the ponderomotive interaction introduces a modification to the\nparticle effective mass, when considering the motion along the column axis.\n It is found that particles can be axially confined by the ponderomotive\npotentials, but acquire radial excursions which scale as the confining\npotential. The radial excursions of the particle along its trajectory are\ninvestigated, and a condition for the minimal rotation speed is derived, in\norder for particles to remain radially confined.\n Last, we comment on the changes to the aforementioned solution to the\npseudopotintials and particle trajectory in the case of resonant motion, that\nis, a motion which has the same periodicity as the perturbation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:54:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Rubin","T.",""],["Rax","J. M.",""],["Fisch","N. J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.11736","submitter":"Ashutosh Marwah","authors":"Ashutosh Marwah and Fr\\'ed\\'eric Dupuis","title":"Smooth min-entropy lower bounds for approximation chains","comments":"comments welcome; sections on approximate EAT and source correlation\n can be read independently; total number of pages= 83, pages 55-78 are\n appendices","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" For a state $\\rho_{A_1^n B}$, we call a sequence of states $(\\sigma_{A_1^k\nB}^{(k)})_{k=1}^n$ an approximation chain if for every $1 \\leq k \\leq n$,\n$\\rho_{A_1^k B} \\approx_\\epsilon \\sigma_{A_1^k B}^{(k)}$. In general, it is not\npossible to lower bound the smooth min-entropy of such a $\\rho_{A_1^n B}$, in\nterms of the entropies of $\\sigma_{A_1^k B}^{(k)}$ without incurring very large\npenalty factors. In this paper, we study such approximation chains under\nadditional assumptions. We begin by proving a simple entropic triangle\ninequality, which allows us to bound the smooth min-entropy of a state in terms\nof the R\\'enyi entropy of an arbitrary auxiliary state while taking into\naccount the smooth max-relative entropy between the two. Using this triangle\ninequality, we create lower bounds for the smooth min-entropy of a state in\nterms of the entropies of its approximation chain in various scenarios. In\nparticular, utilising this approach, we prove an approximate version of entropy\naccumulation and also provide a solution to the source correlation problem in\nquantum key distribution.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:55:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Marwah","Ashutosh",""],["Dupuis","Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric",""]]} {"id":"2308.11737","submitter":"Jiacong Xu","authors":"Jiacong Xu, Yi Zhang, Jiawei Peng, Wufei Ma, Artur Jesslen, Pengliang\n Ji, Qixin Hu, Jiehua Zhang, Qihao Liu, Jiahao Wang, Wei Ji, Chen Wang,\n Xiaoding Yuan, Prakhar Kaushik, Guofeng Zhang, Jie Liu, Yushan Xie, Yawen\n Cui, Alan Yuille, Adam Kortylewski","title":"Animal3D: A Comprehensive Dataset of 3D Animal Pose and Shape","comments":"11 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Accurately estimating the 3D pose and shape is an essential step towards\nunderstanding animal behavior, and can potentially benefit many downstream\napplications, such as wildlife conservation. However, research in this area is\nheld back by the lack of a comprehensive and diverse dataset with high-quality\n3D pose and shape annotations. In this paper, we propose Animal3D, the first\ncomprehensive dataset for mammal animal 3D pose and shape estimation. Animal3D\nconsists of 3379 images collected from 40 mammal species, high-quality\nannotations of 26 keypoints, and importantly the pose and shape parameters of\nthe SMAL model. All annotations were labeled and checked manually in a\nmulti-stage process to ensure highest quality results. Based on the Animal3D\ndataset, we benchmark representative shape and pose estimation models at: (1)\nsupervised learning from only the Animal3D data, (2) synthetic to real transfer\nfrom synthetically generated images, and (3) fine-tuning human pose and shape\nestimation models. Our experimental results demonstrate that predicting the 3D\nshape and pose of animals across species remains a very challenging task,\ndespite significant advances in human pose estimation. Our results further\ndemonstrate that synthetic pre-training is a viable strategy to boost the model\nperformance. Overall, Animal3D opens new directions for facilitating future\nresearch in animal 3D pose and shape estimation, and is publicly available.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:57:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Jiacong",""],["Zhang","Yi",""],["Peng","Jiawei",""],["Ma","Wufei",""],["Jesslen","Artur",""],["Ji","Pengliang",""],["Hu","Qixin",""],["Zhang","Jiehua",""],["Liu","Qihao",""],["Wang","Jiahao",""],["Ji","Wei",""],["Wang","Chen",""],["Yuan","Xiaoding",""],["Kaushik","Prakhar",""],["Zhang","Guofeng",""],["Liu","Jie",""],["Xie","Yushan",""],["Cui","Yawen",""],["Yuille","Alan",""],["Kortylewski","Adam",""]]} {"id":"2308.11738","submitter":"Sagar Malhotra","authors":"Sagar Malhotra, Davide Bizzaro, and Luciano Serafini","title":"Lifted Inference beyond First-Order Logic","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2302.09830","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LO math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Weighted First Order Model Counting (WFOMC) is fundamental to probabilistic\ninference in statistical relational learning models. As WFOMC is known to be\nintractable in general ($\\#$P-complete), logical fragments that admit\npolynomial time WFOMC are of significant interest. Such fragments are called\ndomain liftable. Recent works have shown that the two-variable fragment of\nfirst order logic extended with counting quantifiers ($\\mathrm{C^2}$) is\ndomain-liftable. However, many properties of real-world data, like acyclicity\nin citation networks and connectivity in social networks, cannot be modeled in\n$\\mathrm{C^2}$, or first order logic in general. In this work, we expand the\ndomain liftability of $\\mathrm{C^2}$ with multiple such properties. We show\nthat any $\\mathrm{C^2}$ sentence remains domain liftable when one of its\nrelations is restricted to represent a directed acyclic graph, a connected\ngraph, a tree (resp. a directed tree) or a forest (resp. a directed forest).\nAll our results rely on a novel and general methodology of \"counting by\nsplitting\". Besides their application to probabilistic inference, our results\nprovide a general framework for counting combinatorial structures. We expand a\nvast array of previous results in discrete mathematics literature on directed\nacyclic graphs, phylogenetic networks, etc.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:58:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Malhotra","Sagar",""],["Bizzaro","Davide",""],["Serafini","Luciano",""]]} {"id":"2308.11739","submitter":"Federico Escudero PhD","authors":"Federico Escudero, Juan Sebasti\\'an Ardenghi","title":"Coulomb drag in metallic twisted bilayer graphene","comments":"9 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Strongly correlated phases in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) typically arise\nas transitions from a state in which the system behaves as a normal metal. In\nsuch metallic regime, electron-electron interactions usually only play a\nsubleading role in transport measurements, compared to the dominant scattering\nmechanism. Here, we propose and theoretically study an exception to this based\non a Coulomb drag setup between two metallic TBG, separated so that they only\ncouple through many-body interactions. We find that by solely varying the twist\nangle equally in both TBG, the drag resistivity exhibits a unique maximum as\nthe system crossovers from a degenerate to a nondegenerate regime. When the\ntwist angles in each TBG differ, we find an anomalous drag resistivity\ncharacterized by the appearance of multiple peaks. We show that this behavior\ncan be related to the dependence of the rectification function on the twist\nangle.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:01:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Escudero","Federico",""],["Ardenghi","Juan Sebasti\u00e1n",""]]} {"id":"2308.11740","submitter":"Alessandro Reineri","authors":"Alessandro Reineri (1), Silvia Zorzetti (1), Tanay Roy (1), Xinyuan\n You (1) ((1) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)","title":"Exploration of superconducting multi-mode cavity architectures for\n quantum computing","comments":"2023 Intl Conf on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE23)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"FERMILAB-CONF-23-405-SQMS","categories":"physics.app-ph quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities coupled to transmon circuits\nhave proven to be a promising platform for building high-coherence quantum\ninformation processors. An essential aspect of this realization involves\ndesigning high quality factor three-dimensional superconducting cavities to\nextend the lifetime of quantum systems. To increase the computational\ncapability of this architecture, we are exploring a multimode approach. This\npaper presents the design optimization process of a multi-cell SRF cavity to\nperform quantum computation based on an existing design developed in the scope\nof particle accelerator technology. We perform parametric electromagnetic\nsimulations to evaluate and optimize the design. In particular, we focus on the\nanalysis of the interaction between a nonlinear superconducting circuit known\nas the transmon and the cavity. This parametric design optimization is\nstructured to serve as a blueprint for future studies on similar systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:02:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Reineri","Alessandro","","Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory"],["Zorzetti","Silvia","","Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory"],["Roy","Tanay","","Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory"],["You","Xinyuan","","Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory"]]} {"id":"2308.11741","submitter":"Rodrigo Andrade e Silva","authors":"Rodrigo Andrade e Silva","title":"Quantization of causal diamonds in (2+1)-dimensional gravity -- Part I:\n Classical reduction","comments":"126 pages, 14 figures. Part II (Quantization and the Quantum) to\n appear soon","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th gr-qc math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We develop the non-perturbative reduced phase space quantization of causal\ndiamonds in (2+1)-dimensional gravity with a nonpositive cosmological constant.\nIn this Part I we focus on the classical reduction process, and the description\nof the reduced phase space, while in Part II we discuss the quantization of the\nphase space and quantum aspects of the causal diamonds. The system is defined\nas the domain of dependence of a spacelike topological disk with fixed boundary\nmetric. By solving the constraints in a constant-mean-curvature time gauge and\nremoving all the spatial gauge redundancy, we find that the phase space is the\ncotangent bundle of Diff^+(S^1)/PSL(2,R), i.e., the group of\norientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the circle modulo the projective\nspecial linear subgroup. Classically, the states correspond to causal diamonds\nembedded in AdS_3 (or Mink_3 if $\\Lambda = 0$), with fixed corner length, and\nwhose Cauchy surfaces have the topology of a disc.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:02:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Silva","Rodrigo Andrade e",""]]} {"id":"2308.11742","submitter":"Aditya Pillai","authors":"Aditya Pillai and Mohit Singh","title":"Linear Programming based Reductions for Multiple Visit TSP and Vehicle\n Routing Problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Multiple TSP ($\\mathrm{mTSP}$) is a important variant of $\\mathrm{TSP}$ where\na set of $k$ salesperson together visit a set of $n$ cities. The\n$\\mathrm{mTSP}$ problem has applications to many real life applications such as\nvehicle routing. Rothkopf introduced another variant of $\\mathrm{TSP}$ called\nmany-visits TSP ($\\mathrm{MV\\mbox{-}TSP}$) where a request $r(v)\\in\n\\mathbb{Z}_+$ is given for each city $v$ and a single salesperson needs to\nvisit each city $r(v)$ times and return back to his starting point. A\ncombination of $\\mathrm{mTSP}$ and $\\mathrm{MV\\mbox{-}TSP}$ called many-visits\nmultiple TSP $(\\mathrm{MV\\mbox{-}mTSP})$ was studied by B\\'erczi, Mnich, and\nVincze where the authors give approximation algorithms for various variants of\n$\\mathrm{MV\\mbox{-}mTSP}$.\n In this work, we show a simple linear programming (LP) based reduction that\nconverts a $\\mathrm{mTSP}$ LP-based algorithm to a LP-based algorithm for\n$\\mathrm{MV\\mbox{-}mTSP}$ with the same approximation factor. We apply this\nreduction to improve or match the current best approximation factors of several\nvariants of the $\\mathrm{MV\\mbox{-}mTSP}$. Our reduction shows that the\naddition of visit requests $r(v)$ to $\\mathrm{mTSP}$ does $\\textit{not}$ make\nthe problem harder to approximate even when $r(v)$ is exponential in number of\nvertices.\n To apply our reduction, we either use existing LP-based algorithms for\n$\\mathrm{mTSP}$ variants or show that several existing combinatorial algorithms\nfor $\\mathrm{mTSP}$ variants can be interpreted as LP-based algorithms. This\nallows us to apply our reduction to these combinatorial algorithms as well\nachieving the improved guarantees.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:05:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Pillai","Aditya",""],["Singh","Mohit",""]]} {"id":"2308.11743","submitter":"Leonardo Felipe Toso","authors":"Han Wang, Leonardo F. Toso, Aritra Mitra, and James Anderson","title":"Model-free Learning with Heterogeneous Dynamical Systems: A Federated\n LQR Approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study a model-free federated linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem\nwhere M agents with unknown, distinct yet similar dynamics collaboratively\nlearn an optimal policy to minimize an average quadratic cost while keeping\ntheir data private. To exploit the similarity of the agents' dynamics, we\npropose to use federated learning (FL) to allow the agents to periodically\ncommunicate with a central server to train policies by leveraging a larger\ndataset from all the agents. With this setup, we seek to understand the\nfollowing questions: (i) Is the learned common policy stabilizing for all\nagents? (ii) How close is the learned common policy to each agent's own optimal\npolicy? (iii) Can each agent learn its own optimal policy faster by leveraging\ndata from all agents? To answer these questions, we propose a federated and\nmodel-free algorithm named FedLQR. Our analysis overcomes numerous technical\nchallenges, such as heterogeneity in the agents' dynamics, multiple local\nupdates, and stability concerns. We show that FedLQR produces a common policy\nthat, at each iteration, is stabilizing for all agents. We provide bounds on\nthe distance between the common policy and each agent's local optimal policy.\nFurthermore, we prove that when learning each agent's optimal policy, FedLQR\nachieves a sample complexity reduction proportional to the number of agents M\nin a low-heterogeneity regime, compared to the single-agent setting.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:09:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Han",""],["Toso","Leonardo F.",""],["Mitra","Aritra",""],["Anderson","James",""]]} {"id":"2308.11744","submitter":"Abhishek Aich","authors":"Abhishek Aich, Samuel Schulter, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, Manmohan\n Chandraker, Yumin Suh","title":"Efficient Controllable Multi-Task Architectures","comments":"ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We aim to train a multi-task model such that users can adjust the desired\ncompute budget and relative importance of task performances after deployment,\nwithout retraining. This enables optimizing performance for dynamically varying\nuser needs, without heavy computational overhead to train and save models for\nvarious scenarios. To this end, we propose a multi-task model consisting of a\nshared encoder and task-specific decoders where both encoder and decoder\nchannel widths are slimmable. Our key idea is to control the task importance by\nvarying the capacities of task-specific decoders, while controlling the total\ncomputational cost by jointly adjusting the encoder capacity. This improves\noverall accuracy by allowing a stronger encoder for a given budget, increases\ncontrol over computational cost, and delivers high-quality slimmed\nsub-architectures based on user's constraints. Our training strategy involves a\nnovel 'Configuration-Invariant Knowledge Distillation' loss that enforces\nbackbone representations to be invariant under different runtime width\nconfigurations to enhance accuracy. Further, we present a simple but effective\nsearch algorithm that translates user constraints to runtime width\nconfigurations of both the shared encoder and task decoders, for sampling the\nsub-architectures. The key rule for the search algorithm is to provide a larger\ncomputational budget to the higher preferred task decoder, while searching a\nshared encoder configuration that enhances the overall MTL performance. Various\nexperiments on three multi-task benchmarks (PASCALContext, NYUDv2, and\nCIFAR100-MTL) with diverse backbone architectures demonstrate the advantage of\nour approach. For example, our method shows a higher controllability by ~33.5%\nin the NYUD-v2 dataset over prior methods, while incurring much less compute\ncost.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:09:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Aich","Abhishek",""],["Schulter","Samuel",""],["Roy-Chowdhury","Amit K.",""],["Chandraker","Manmohan",""],["Suh","Yumin",""]]} {"id":"2308.11745","submitter":"William Green","authors":"M. Burak Erdogan, Michael Goldberg, William R. Green","title":"Dispersive estimates for higher order Schr\\\"odinger operators with\n scaling-critical potentials","comments":"25 pages, submitted","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We prove a family of dispersive estimates for the higher order Schr\\\"odinger\nequation $iu_t=(-\\Delta)^mu +Vu$ for $m\\in \\mathbb N$ with $m>1$ and $2m