videomatch /
dodijk's picture
Show error in HF Spaces.
history blame
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import logging
import time
import pandas
import gradio as gr
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from config import *
from videomatch import index_hashes_for_video, get_decent_distance, \
get_video_indices, compare_videos, get_change_points
def plot_comparison(lims, D, I, hash_vectors, MIN_DISTANCE = 3):
x = [(lims[i+1]-lims[i]) * [i] for i in range(hash_vectors.shape[0])]
x = [i/FPS for j in x for i in j]
y = [i/FPS for i in I]
# Create figure and dataframe to plot with sns
fig = plt.figure()
# plt.tight_layout()
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(x, y), columns = ['X', 'Y'])
g = sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='X', y='Y', s=2*(1-D/(MIN_DISTANCE+1)), alpha=1-D/MIN_DISTANCE)
# Set x-labels to be more readable
x_locs, x_labels = plt.xticks() # Get original locations and labels for x ticks
x_labels = [time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(x)) for x in x_locs]
plt.xticks(x_locs, x_labels)
plt.xlabel('Time in source video (H:M:S)')
plt.xlim(0, None)
# Set y-labels to be more readable
y_locs, y_labels = plt.yticks() # Get original locations and labels for x ticks
y_labels = [time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(y)) for y in y_locs]
plt.yticks(y_locs, y_labels)
plt.ylabel('Time in target video (H:M:S)')
# Adjust padding to fit gradio
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25, left=0.20)
return fig
def plot_multi_comparison(df, change_points):
""" From the dataframe plot the current set of plots, where the bottom right is most indicative """
fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=100, sharex=True)
sns.scatterplot(data = df, x='time', y='SOURCE_S', ax=ax_arr[0,0])
sns.lineplot(data = df, x='time', y='SOURCE_LIP_S', ax=ax_arr[0,1])
sns.scatterplot(data = df, x='time', y='OFFSET', ax=ax_arr[1,0])
sns.lineplot(data = df, x='time', y='OFFSET_LIP', ax=ax_arr[1,1])
# Plot change point as lines
sns.lineplot(data = df, x='time', y='OFFSET_LIP', ax=ax_arr[2,1])
for x in change_points:
cp_time = x.start_time
plt.vlines(x=cp_time, ymin=np.min(df['OFFSET_LIP']), ymax=np.max(df['OFFSET_LIP']), colors='red', lw=2)
rand_y_pos = np.random.uniform(low=np.min(df['OFFSET_LIP']), high=np.max(df['OFFSET_LIP']), size=None)
plt.text(x=cp_time, y=rand_y_pos, s=str(np.round(x.confidence, 2)), color='r', rotation=-0.0, fontsize=14)
return fig
def get_videomatch_df(url, target, min_distance=MIN_DISTANCE, vanilla_df=False):
distance = get_decent_distance(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE, MAX_DISTANCE)
video_index, hash_vectors, target_indices = get_video_indices(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE = distance)
lims, D, I, hash_vectors = compare_videos(hash_vectors, target_indices, MIN_DISTANCE = distance)
target = [(lims[i+1]-lims[i]) * [i] for i in range(hash_vectors.shape[0])]
target_s = [i/FPS for j in target for i in j]
source_s = [i/FPS for i in I]
# Make df
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(target_s, source_s, D, I), columns = ['TARGET_S', 'SOURCE_S', 'DISTANCE', 'INDICES'])
if vanilla_df:
return df
# Minimum distance dataframe ----
# Group by X so for every second/x there will be 1 value of Y in the end
# index_min_distance = df.groupby('TARGET_S')['DISTANCE'].idxmin()
# df_min = df.loc[index_min_distance]
# df_min
# -------------------------------
df['TARGET_WEIGHT'] = 1 - df['DISTANCE']/distance # Higher value means a better match
df['SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE'] = df['SOURCE_S'] * df['TARGET_WEIGHT'] # Multiply the weight (which indicates a better match) with the value for Y and aggregate to get a less noisy estimate of Y
# Group by X so for every second/x there will be 1 value of Y in the end
grouped_X = df.groupby('TARGET_S').agg({'SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE' : 'sum', 'TARGET_WEIGHT' : 'sum'})
# Remake the dataframe
df = grouped_X.reset_index()
df = df.drop(columns=['SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE', 'TARGET_WEIGHT'])
df = df.rename({'FINAL_SOURCE_VALUE' : 'SOURCE_S'}, axis='columns')
# Add NAN to "missing" x values (base it off hash vector, not target_s)
step_size = 1/FPS
x_complete = np.round(np.arange(start=0.0, stop = max(df['TARGET_S'])+step_size, step = step_size), 1) # More robust
df['TARGET_S'] = np.round(df['TARGET_S'], 1)
df_complete = pd.DataFrame(x_complete, columns=['TARGET_S'])
# Merge dataframes to get NAN values for every missing SOURCE_S
df = df_complete.merge(df, on='TARGET_S', how='left')
# Interpolate between frames since there are missing values
df['SOURCE_LIP_S'] = df['SOURCE_S'].interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='both', axis=0)
# Add timeshift col and timeshift col with Linearly Interpolated Values
df['TIMESHIFT'] = df['SOURCE_S'].shift(1) - df['SOURCE_S']
df['TIMESHIFT_LIP'] = df['SOURCE_LIP_S'].shift(1) - df['SOURCE_LIP_S']
# Add Offset col that assumes the video is played at the same speed as the other to do a "timeshift"
df['OFFSET'] = df['SOURCE_S'] - df['TARGET_S'] - np.min(df['SOURCE_S'])
df['OFFSET_LIP'] = df['SOURCE_LIP_S'] - df['TARGET_S'] - np.min(df['SOURCE_LIP_S'])
# Add time column for plotting
df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df["TARGET_S"], unit='s') # Needs a datetime as input
return df
def get_comparison(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE = 4):
""" Function for Gradio to combine all helper functions"""
video_index, hash_vectors, target_indices = get_video_indices(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE = MIN_DISTANCE)
lims, D, I, hash_vectors = compare_videos(hash_vectors, target_indices, MIN_DISTANCE = MIN_DISTANCE)
fig = plot_comparison(lims, D, I, hash_vectors, MIN_DISTANCE = MIN_DISTANCE)
return fig
def get_auto_comparison(url, target, smoothing_window_size=10, method="CUSUM"):
""" Function for Gradio to combine all helper functions"""
distance = get_decent_distance(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE, MAX_DISTANCE)
if distance == None:
return None
raise gr.Error("No matches found!")
video_index, hash_vectors, target_indices = get_video_indices(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE = distance)
lims, D, I, hash_vectors = compare_videos(hash_vectors, target_indices, MIN_DISTANCE = distance)
# fig = plot_comparison(lims, D, I, hash_vectors, MIN_DISTANCE = distance)
df = get_videomatch_df(url, target, min_distance=MIN_DISTANCE, vanilla_df=False)
change_points = get_change_points(df, smoothing_window_size=smoothing_window_size, method=method)
fig = plot_multi_comparison(df, change_points)
return fig
video_urls = ["",
index_iface = gr.Interface(fn=lambda url: index_hashes_for_video(url).ntotal,
examples=video_urls, cache_examples=True)
compare_iface = gr.Interface(fn=get_comparison,
inputs=["text", "text", gr.Slider(2, 30, 4, step=2)],
examples=[[x, video_urls[-1]] for x in video_urls[:-1]])
auto_compare_iface = gr.Interface(fn=get_auto_comparison,
inputs=["text", "text", gr.Slider(1, 50, 10, step=1), gr.Dropdown(choices=["CUSUM", "Robust"], value="CUSUM")],
examples=[[x, video_urls[-1]] for x in video_urls[:-1]])
iface = gr.TabbedInterface([auto_compare_iface, compare_iface, index_iface,], ["AutoCompare", "Compare", "Index"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('SVG') # To be able to plot in gradio
#iface.launch(auth=("test", "test"), share=True, debug=True)