[ "za sar fafraaracit\nDEFENCE SERVICES REGULATIONS\n\nQaiat fate\nTRAVEL REGULATIONS\n\nUufestfeia BAehexr 2014\nREVISED EDITION 2014\n\nVLOS SNOILVINOAY SADIAUAS ADNAA4G\n\n(2014. am sit fou 7 sneer arared: sat farrerraci A enter He fore 7 S)\n\n(Orders issued upto 2014 have generally been incorporated in these regulations)", "j{kk lsok fofu;ekoyh\n;k=k fofu;e\n¼2014 rd tkjh fd, x, vkns'k lkekU;r% bl fofu;ekoyh esa 'kkfey dj fy, x, gSa½egkizca/kd] Hkkjr ljdkj eqnz.kky;] feUVks jksM] ubZ fnYyh&110002 }kjk\neqfnzr rFkk izdk'ku fu;a=d] Hkkjr ljdkj] fnYyh&110054 }kjk izdkf'kr\nPRINTED BY THE GENERAL MANAGER, GOVT . OF INDIA PRESS, MINT O ROAD, NEW DELHI-1 10002 \nAND PUBLISHED BY THE CONTROLLER OF PUBLICA TIONS, DELHI-1 100054MDMRF .T. 15\n9000—2013\n(Orders issued upto 2014 have generally been incorporated in these regulations)DEFENCE SER VICES REGULA TIONS \nDEFENCE SER VICES REGULA TIONS 2014\nTRAVEL REGULA TIONS\nifj'kksf/kr laLdj.k 2014\nREVISED EDITION 2014server 2 \\ d \\ 4879DEF(17-7-14)", "wat Gar faPrararach\n\n_ DEFENCE SERVICES REGULATIONS\n\narar fafraa\nTRAVEL REGULATIONS\n\nURNA Up 2014\n\nREVISED EDITION 2014\n\n(2014 de uni fey aye ares arrera: ga fafraaach F efra we fae avy ®)\n\n(Orders issued upto 2014 have generally been incorporated in these regulations)", "PREFACE\n\n1. Travel Regulations form a part of the Defence Service Regulations and area compendium\nof all rules, instructions and orders pertaining to the travel entitlements of personnel of Army,\nNavy, Air Force and Civilians paid from the Defence Services Estimates. The last compendium\nwas brought out in 19971.\n\n2. The Regulations being evolutionary and dynamic, necessitates periodic review to make it\ncontemporary. The Travel Regulations Revision Cell, which was constituted to undertake a\ncomplete revision of the compendium, has produced a comprehensive Edition, incorporating\nGovt orders relating to travel entitlements upto Aug 2013.\n\n3. This revised edition is the result of extensive and meticulous efforts put in by all the\nStake holders which has resulted into updating & revising these regulations by incorporating\nthe various Govt orders issued since August 1989.\n\n4. wish to place on record my appreciation for all the Departments/Wings involved in\nbringing out this revised ‘Travel Regulations’.\n\n1% February, 2014\n(R.K.MAFHUR)\nDefence Secretary\nMinistry of Defence\nGovt. of India", ". Chapter One\n\n. Chapter Two\n. Chapter Three\n. Chapter Four\n\n. Chapter Five\n\n. Chapter Six\n. Chapter Seven\n\n. Chapter Eight\n\nCHAPTERS\n\nGeneral Rules\n\nPermanent Duty Moves\n\nTemporary Duty Moves\n\nLeave Travel Concessions\n\nTravel Entitlements for journeys in connection with interviews,\nmedical test examination, selection for appointment and those on\naccount of retirement, release, discharge, transfer to reserve,\ndismissal and death.\n\nPermanent Travelling/ conveyance Allowance\n\nMilitary Tariff and Conveyance of Animals and Stores.\n\nTravel Entitlements for journey to and from Abroad.\n\n(ii", "TABLES OF CONTENTS\n\nRule No. | SUBJECT Pace No\nCHAPTER ONE - GENERAL RULES\n1 Classes of personnel to whom these rules are applicable 1\n2 Definitions | 1-4\n3 Delegation of Powers\n4 Authorities empowered to authorise moves and their responsibilities\nS Powers to sanction travelling allowance claims of a petty nature not\nspecifically covered by the rules\n6to8 Controlling Officer — Countersignature on Travelling Allowance bills 5\n9 Duties and powers of controlling officers 5-6\n10 Classification of journeys 6\n11 BLANK 6\n12 & 13 Grades of individuals — 6\n14 Revision of TA on reversion or promotion with retrospective effect 6\n15 Penalty for non-acceptance of conveyance provided 6\n16 Lien on conveyance 6-8\n17 Advances of Travelling Allowance and their adjustments 8-12\n17-A Charging of penal interest on advance of TA service personnel and Civilians 12\npaid from Defence Service Estimates\n18 Advance of TA/DA to families of Service Officers who dies while in service 12\n19 BLANK 12\n20 Grant of TA/DA Advance to JCOs and their equivalents on Conferment of 12\nHonorary Commission- Drawal of advance\n21 Advance of TA/DA to the family of a civilian who dies in service 13\n22 BLANK 13\n23 Completion of Travelling Allowance Claims 13-14\n24 Conveyance 14\n25 Provision of conveyance by requisition 14\n26 Sea journey within Indian limits 14\n2/7 Scale of accommodation for journeys by Railway on Warrant or Requisition 14\n\n(iii)", "(iv)\n\nRule No. SUBJECT | Pace No\neee\n\n28\n\n29\n\n30\n31\n32\n33\n34\n35\n36\n37\n38\n39\n40\n41\n42\n43\n\n44\n45\n46\n47\n48\n49\n50\n51\n52\n53\n54\n55\n\n56\no/\n\nBLANK\n\nConveyance by Road- Entitlement of\n\nBLANK\n\nBLANK\n\nPort of Embarkation for Passenger\n\nBLANK\n\nBLANK\n\nConveyance by a mode and/or class other than authorise under the Rules\nPayment of Port Taxes\n\nThrough Booking on Warrant or Requisition\n\nCalculation of Mileage Allowance for different classes of journeys\nRoutes | |\nGrant of Mileage Allowance-routes other than the shortest\n\nPoint of Commencement and End of Journey\n\nFerry Charges, Tolls and Railway Fares\n\nIncidence of Expenses in Connection with the Reservation of Accommodation\n\nin Railways /Aircraft.\nRefund of Cancellation Charges on Unused Rail/Air Tickets\nFractions of a kilometre in road journeys\nBLANK |\nTravelling Allowance admissible when warrants cannot be issued -\nProvision of Conveyance on Passage Order\nBLANK |\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\nCHAPTER TWO - PERMANENT DUTY MOVES\nDefinition of Permanent Duty |\n\nClasses of Accommodation for Travel by Rail\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG\n\n14\n14\n14\n14\n14\n14\n14\n\n14-15\n15\n15\n15\n\n15-17\n\n17-18\n\n18-19\n19\n\n19-20\n\n20\n20-21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n21\n\n22\n22-23", "(Vv)\neee\nR SUBJECT\n\nule No. Pace No\n58 Entitlement for Journey by Sea or by River Steamer 24\n99 Admissibility of Daily Allowances 24\n60 BLANK 24\n61 Rates of Road Mileage for Journey by Road 24-25\n61-A Carriage of Personal Effects on Transfer 25-26\n62 Conveyance for Air Journeys in India 26-27\n63 Warning Orders — Conveyance of Families 27\n64 TA to Commissioned Officers on First Appointment 27-28\n65 DA to Officers Undergoing Post Commission Training 28\n66 Entitlement of Regular Reserve Officers (Other than Medical and Dental) 28\nwhen Called up for service.\n67 Journey on permanent duty (Service Officers) 28-34\n67-A Headquarters in case of Naval Officers 34\n68 Military Nursing Officers 34\n69 JCOs holding Honorary Commissions 34\n70 Services Personnel Below Officers Rank 34-38\n70-A Conveyance to JCOs and Equivalents when Re-employed 38\n70-B Entitlement : Civilian Sisters 39\n71 Conveyance for Reservists 39\n72 Conveyance for the families of PBOR when joining for the first time 39-40\n72-A Conveyance for families of Service Officers/Civilians who marry while 40\nserving in Concessional Areas\n73 Conveyance to Families of Service Personnel when separated from the 40-41\nHead of the Family\n74 Conveyance to families of PBOR when ordered to vacate married 41\naccommodation\n75 Conveyance to the families of Gorkha soldiers / sailors/ airmen when 41-42\npermitted to bring families\n76 Journey on permanent duty: Civilian paid out of Defence Service Estimates 42-44\n77 Travelling Allowance entitlement for Civilian Government servants appointed 44\nto civilian post in Defence Services\n78 Travelling Allowance entitlement for Civilian Personnel employed in 44\n\ncompanies ASC (Civil GT)\n\n79 Conveyance of baggage when free Govt transport is provided to an individual 44\n\nA A peepee\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG", "(vi)\n\nRule No. SUBJECT Pace No\nee\n\n80 Journey by Road where Rail-cum-Road Services exist 44\n81 Entitlement for transfer within the same station or within a relatively 44-45\nshorter distance from the old headquarters\n82 Entitlement of Travelling Allowance when both husband and wife are 45\nCentral Government Servants |\n83 Individuals whose services are lent to other Departments/ Governments 45\n84 TArules admissible to individuals whose services are lent to an autonomous, 45\n| industrial or commercial undertaking or a statutory body or Local Authority in\nwhich any Central Govt funds have been invested ©\n85 Families moving apart from the Head of the Family 45-46\n85-A Grant of free conveyance to families of service personnel to occupy Govt 46\naccommodation allotted to them in Concessional Area\n86 Transfers whilst on duty away from HQ 46-47\n8/7 Transfer whilst on short leave 47-48\n88 Individuals transferred whilst on leave not allowed on return to retain 48-49\nOriginal station |\n89 Transfer whilst on leave other than short leave 49\n90 Free conveyance to individuals proceeding on leave after completion of the 49-50\nauthorised Course of instructions\n90-A Grant of Travelling Allowance (including Composite Transfer Grant) to non 50\nOfficial appointed to Committee/Commission for period of one year or more\nCHAPTER THREE - TEMPORARY DUTY MOVES\n91 Definition of Temporary Duty 51\n92 Class of accommodation for Travel By Rail — 31\n93 Use of Railway Saloons and Special Reserved Accommodation Including Air 51-52\nConditioned Accommodation for Defence Service Officers |\n94 Journey By Rail 52\n95 Blank 52\n95-A Entitlement to travel by Shatabdi Express Trains 52\n96 Provision of lying down accommodation for journeys by Railway on warrant 52\n97 Rail accommodation for prisoners and insane 52\n98 Reserved compartment for persons suffering from infectious or contagious 53\ndiseases\n99 Rail accommodation for Signal/Cipher Couriers 53\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\V4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG", "(vii)\n\neee\nRule No. SUBJECT | Pace No\nee\n\n99-A Rail Accommodation for DSC and Service personnel in AC First Class 53-54\nCoupe when escorting consignments of Arms and Ammunitions carried\nin the train |\n100 Conveyance of secret mail belonging to the Navy/ Air Force 54\n101 Re-imbursement of expenses incurred by Civilian Govt servants of Defence 55\nResearch and Development Organisation for carrying bonafide Govt stores\n102 Scale of accommodation 55-56\n103 Hire of conveyance at outstation 96\n104 Hiring of motor cars or use of private cars by officer in lieu of reserved 56-57\n\naccommodation by Railways on journeys where they are entitled to\nreserve Railway accommodation\n\n105 Hire of motor cars for use of recruiting party (IN) . 57\n106 Road Conveyance where the shortest route lies by rail 57\n107 Class of accommodation for sea journey within Indian limits 57\n108 Journeys by Air 57\n108-A Travel by Civil Aircraft by Personnel of non-entitled category 98\n109 Evacuation of casualties by Air 58\n110 Conveyance for air journeys for recruiting officer for Gorkhas and his staff - 58\n111 Road mileage for journeys by road 58-59\n112 Journeys where Rail-cum Road tickets are issued | 59\n113 Road Mileage for journeys at Outports 59\n114 Daily Allowance on Temporary Duty 59-61\n114-A Rates of Daily Allowance | 61-65\n115 Daily Allowance Admissible during Detention at Ports of Embarkation and 65\nDisembarkation\n116 Daily Allowance admissible to Officers appointed as attached Officers 65\n117 Travelling and Daily Allowance for officer attending Command Preparatory 65-66\n\nStaff College course for preparing candidates for the Defence Services\nStaff College Entrance Examination\n\n118 Daily allowance admissible in connection with examinations in professional 66\nsubjects 7\n119 Entitlement of travelling allowance on temporary duty journeys 66-67\n119-A Daily Allowance admissible to Air Force Officers on Temporary Duty move 67\nto another Unit :\n119-B Daily Allowance to Regular Service Officers posted to NCC for attending 67\nNCC Camps\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\V4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG", "(viii)\n\nRule No. | | SUBJECT\nae\n\n120\n121\n\n122\n\n123\n123-A\n\n124\n125\n\n126\n\n127\n127-A\n\n128\n\n129\n\n130\n131\n132\n\n133\n\n133-A\n134\n\n134-A\n134-B\n\n135\n136\n\nBLANK\n\nTA for journey to and from manoeuvre or training camp (including Artillery\npractice camps, Tactical exercise with or without troops, staff exercises etc)\n\nSpecial allowance to EME & AOC personnel to cover incidental expenditure\nin connection with the transport of gauges, tools, records etc)\n\nDaily allowance admissible when attending Courses of instructions\n\nSpecial Allowance in lieu of Daily allowance to the Defence Civilian participants\nof the Training Programme (both plan and non plan) sponsored by the Training\nDivision of the Department of Personnel and Training at various training\ninstitutions\n\nConveyance to individuals attending examinations and courses of instructions\n\nConveyance to Civilian Personnel of MES, attending Departmental\nExaminations\n\nTA/ DA to Civilian Personnel — MGO Services/ Indian Naval Establishments\n—Trade test at the outstation\n\nConveyance for Obligatory Departmental Examinations\n\nTravelling Allowance from Office/Residence to Examination Centre under\nHindi Teaching Scheme\n\nTravelling Allowance to Specialists appointed as Examiners for Practical\n\n_ Professional Tests of Civilian Candidates for direct permanent regular\n\nCommissions in the AMC.\n\nTravelling Allowance to an individual deputed for training at Centres: /\nInstitutions at his HQ Station\n\nConveyance on cash payment / passage order for reservist\nConveyance to Witnesses attending Military Courts\n\nTravelling Allowance to individuals for journeys undertaken to attend Civil\nCourts or to appear before Police Authorities\n\nTA to individuals attending Departmental Enquiries\nTA to Retired civilians for appearing in court of law\n\nConveyance for journeys to peruse Official Records at outstations in\nDisciplinary Cases\n\nTA to retired Civilian Govt. Servants for perusal of Documents\n\nTA/DA to retired Govt. Servants for attending courts of law in connection with\nDepartmental cases\n\nConveyance to accused person from one station to another for custody\n\nTravelling allowance admissible to officer permitted to attend Conferences,\nCongresses or Meetings\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG\n\nPace No\n\n67\n67\n\n67-68\n\n68\n68\n\n68-69\n69-70\n\n70\n\n10-71\n11-72\n\n72\n\n72-73\n\n73\n13-74\n74-76\n\n76-78\n18\n78-79\n\n79\n79\n\n79\n79-80", "Rule No.\n\n137\n138\n139\n140\n141\n\n141-A\n\n142\n143\n144\n145\n\n146\n147\n\n148\n149\n150\n\n150-A\n150-B\n\n151\n152\n152-A\n\n153\n154\n\n(ix)\n\nSUBJECT Pace No\nTravelling Allowance to the representatives of the Indian National Defence 80\nWorkers’ Federation and all India Defence Employees’ Federation to attend\n_meetings with the representative of the Ministry of Defence\nConveyance admissible in respect of attendance at Regimental Conferences 80-81\nTA admissible to military member of Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Boards 81\n\nwhen attending Quarterly Board Meetings\n\nTravelling allowance admissible to Officer for journeys as members of Central 81\nGoverning Council and Local Boards of Administration of Military Schools\n\nTA for journeys to attend meetings of the Services Sports Control Boards 8 1\n(SSCB) and committees subordinate thereto\n\nServices teams/Sportsmen/ Officials Participating in National Championship, 81\nAll India Tournaments conducted by National Bodies, National Coaching\n\nCamps and International events shall be entitled to TA/DA at normal TD in\n\nrespect of under mentioned journey\n\nConveyance for journeys of service personnel participating in sports 81-82\nTA to probationers attending Training Institute 82\nConveyance admissible for Prisoners and Deserters 82\n\nConveyance for individuals residing in Nepal who draw their pensions or family 82\nallotments annually\n\n82-83\n\nRecruiting parties to and from Andaman, Nicobar, Lakshadweep Group of 83\nIslands\n\nConveyance for Recruiting Parties\n\nClerks of Recruiting Officer when accompanying recruiting, assistant recruiting 83\nor extra assistant recruiting officer(s) on Temporary Duty\n\nTA/DA admissible to Service/ Civilian Officer attached as Liaison Staff with 83-84\nForeign Dignitaries\n\nCircumstances and conditions under which Conveyance may be authorised 84-85\nduring leave\n\nConveyance for Officer Officiating in leave vacancies 85-86\nConveyance for Individuals attending Course or Examinations whilst on 86\nleave in India\n\nConveyance when recalled from Leave for Duty 86-88\nTA to Colonels/Colonel Commandants visiting their units 88-89\nTravelling Allowance/Daily Allowance to Field Marshals when they are 89\ninvited to attend Formal Ceremonial Functions\n\nConveyance for journeys to obtain Medical Certificate | 89\nConveyance for Journeys to obtain Medical Advice 89\n\n\\\\192. 168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG", "(x)\n\nRule No. SUBJECT Pace No\n155 Conveyance of persons summoned to appear before a Medical Board for 89-90\nassessment or reassessment of pension\n156 Conveyance on Journeys for Anti-Rabic Treatment — 90\n\n15/7 Conveyance for Service Personnel including MNS when proceeding on the 90\norders of Competent Medical Authority to another Station to consult or receive\ntreatment and when returning there-from\n\n157-A Daily Allowance to service officer when appearing before the Medical Boards 90-91\nfor a Prescribed Medical Examination\n\n157-B Daily allowance to Naval Officers of Submarine Branch on account of — Ot\nsubmarine Medical Examination\n\n158 Conveyance for Attendants 91\n\n159 Conveyance admissible to Service Personnel when proceeding from a Civil 91-92\nHospital to the Nearest Service Hospital\n\n160 Conveyance for individuals proceeding for Electro Cardio Graphic (ECG) 92°\nExamination\n\n161 Conveyance for relatives of Service Personnel in cases of Dangerous Illness 92-93 —\nor Bereavement etc\n\n162 Conveyance to the relative of service personnel who are battle casualty and 93-94\n_ undergoing treatment in Military Hospital\n\n163 Conveyance in journeys for Mass Miniature Radiography of Gorkha Recruits 94\nenrolled at Ghoom\n\n164 Conveyance to families accompanying Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen Granted 94\n\nSick Leave\n\n165 Conveyance to family accompanying the NCs(E) granted sick leave after 94\nAnti-rabic Treatment\n\n166 Conveyance to sick families of Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen 94-95\n\n166-A Conveyance of families of Service Officers from one Hospital to another — 95\n\nand back for obtaining appropriate Medical attendance/ Treatment\n\n167 Conveyance to the relative of PBOR suffering from Tuberculosis/Leprosy 95\n\n168 Conveyance to Workmen of Defence Factories, Ordnance Installations, 95\n\nOrdnance Inspection Organisation to receive special Treatment |\n169 TA for journey to procure fitness certificates at the time of confirmation 95\n\n170 TA for journeys for Medical Examination in connection with filing up of Annual 95\nPerformance Appraisal Reports (APARs)\n\n171 Conveyance for relatives of Civilians in case of Dangerous Iliness 96\n172 Conveyance to Civilians applying for Invalid pension 96\n173 Reservists -Move on Temporary Duty — | 96\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG", "(xi)\n\nRule No. SUBJECT Pace No\nee\n\n174\n\n175\n\n176\n176-A\n\n176-B\n\n176-C\n177\n178\n179\n180\n\n181\n\n182\n\n183\n184\n\n184-A\n185\n\n186\n187\n188\n\n189\n190\n191\n\nSpecial Daily Allowance to Aircrew (Officers and Airmen) Employed on 97\nFerrying and Transport duties\n\nConveyance to the Civilian/Service Personnel for collection of Tickets, 97\nVisas, Passports in connection with official journeys\n\nCHAPTER FOUR- LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION\n\nMode and class of Accommodation 98-99\nFacility of LTC by air during winter only to Service Personnel posted in 99\nLadakh region\n\nJourney by Air on LTC to Service Personnel posted in Manipur/ Mizoram/ 99\nCachar and North Cachar districts of Assam including Silchar\n\nFree Air Travel facility for Service Personnel serving in the State of Tripura 99\nLeave Travel Concessions for Service Officers 99-104\nLeave Travel Concession to officers of the Military Nursing Service 104\nRoad Conveyance for Officers proceeding on Annual Leave 104-105\n\nArmy Officer employed as Army Aviation Pilots, Officers/ Sailors of the Indian 105\nNavy (Naval Aviation Branch)/Sub-Marine, and Air Crew Officers/ Airmen of\nthe Air Force employed on Regular Flying Duties\n\nReduced Fare Certificate for Service Officers Including /Midshipmen and JCOs 105-106\nand equivalent holding honorary rank as Commissioned Officers-Form ‘D’\n\nReduced Fare Certificate for MNS Officers and Civilian Sisters- 106\nForm ‘G’ (IAFT-1720)\n\nConcession Voucher to Service Personnel Below Officer Rank 106\nLeave Travel Concession to JCOs (including Honorary Commissioned 106-110\nOfficers/ OR /NCsE and their equivalent ranks in the Navy and Air Force)\n\nForfeiture of LTC 110\nConveyance to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and NCs (E) when proceeding on 110\nMedical Leave |\n\nBLANK 110\nConveyance to Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen who fall sick while on leave 110\nLeave Travel Concession for Service Personnel serving in Bhutan while 111\nproceeding on leave to and from India\n\nLeave Travel Concession to Civilians employed in Coys ASC (Civil GT) 111\nLeave Travel Concessions for Civilians 111-122\nChildren’s travel concessions during approved vacation of their institution 122-125\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG", "Rule No.\n\n(xii)\n\nSUBJECT\n\nPace No\n\nCHAPTER FIVE - TRAVEL ENTITLEMENTS FOR JOURNEYS IN CONNECTION\nWITH INTERVIEWS, MEDICAL TEST EXAMINATIONS, SELECTION FOR\n\n192 Travelling Allowance (TA) for candidates called up for Interview, Medical test\n\n192-A\n\n193\n194\n\n195\n196\n\n197\n\n198\n\n199\n199-A\n200\n200-A\n\n200-B\n\n201\n\n202\n203\n\n204\n205\n206\n207-A\n207-B\n\na\n\nAPPPOINTMENT AND THOSE ON ACCOUNT OF RETIREMENT,\n\nRELEASE, DISCHARGE, TRANSFER TO RESERVE,\nDISMISSAL AND DEATH\n\netc. for the grant of permanent regular commission in the Army, Navy and Air\nforce\n\nTA to Ex-JCOs and their equivalent in the Navy and Air Force when called for\n\ninterview by Deputy Director General, Defence security Corps for selection\nas JCO’s in Defence Security Corps will be entitled to\n\nConveyance to recruits, Combatant and Non-Combatants (Enrolled)\n\nTravelling Allowance to individuals accepted as a candidate for direct\ncommission in the rank of JCO\n\nConveyance to Boys of the Signal Corps\n\nConveyance to Ordnance Factories Personnel when called for interview/ .\nselection\n\nConveyance to Personnel for Scientific/Technical posts in Defence\nproduction/ Inspection and R&D Organisation\n\nTravelling Allowance to Scheduled Castes/Tribes/Disabled Ex-Service\npersonnel when called up for Interview/Written test for Group ‘C’ post\n\nTravelling Allowance to Civilian Government Servants called for Interview\nDaily Allowance to Civilian candidates\nBLANK\n\nEntitlement on Retirement/Release/Transfer to Reserve/ Discharge-Service\nPersonnel\n\nTravelling Allowance to Service Personnel who wish to settle down\n\npermanently at the last duty station on retirement\n\nConcession of TA/DA etc to service personnel on re-employment under\nCentral Government\n\nPreference of TA claim by Service Officers\n\nEntitlement of domiciled/Individuals who intend to reside permanently\noutside India after retirement\n\nLien on conveyance-preparatory to retirement\nBLANK\n\n126-128\n\n128\n\n128-129\n\n129\n\n129\n129\n\n129\n\n129-130\n\n130\n\n130\n\n130\n130-131\n\n131-132\n\n132\n\n132\n132\n\n132\n132\n\nTravelling Allowance on release on release from re-employed/re-enrolled service 132-1 33\n\nTravelling Allowance to MNS Officers on Termination of Service\n\nTravelling Allowance to MNS Officers on retirement\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEFENCE ENG\n\n133\n133", "(xiii)\n\neee\nRule No. SUBJECT Pace No\nEe\n208 _ Travelling allowance to Civilian on retirement 133-134\n\n209 Conveyance to Service Officers on Dismissal or Removal from Service 134\n210 Conveyance to Service Personnel Below Officer Rank on dismissal from Service 134\n\n211 Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel when proceeding to a Hospital in 134-135\nconnection with the supply etc Of artificial limbs and appliances\n\n212 Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel for the settlement of Disability pension 135\nclaims where Medical Board papers are not traceable or have been lost\n\n213 Conveyance to Ex-service personnel called before a Medical Board for 135\nassessment or re-assessment of their eligibility for Constant Attendance\nAllowance | |\n\n214 Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel admitted to Service Hospital for — 135\ntreatment of disabilities regarded as attributable to or aggravated by Service\n\n215 Conveyance to the Attendants of Disabled Service Personnel 136\n\n216 Travelling Allowance entitlement of families of Service Officers including 136-137\n\nMNS, who die while in Service\n\n217 Travelling Allowance Entitlement of families of Service Personnel Below 137-138\nOfficer Rank who die while in Service\n\n217-A Defence Service personnel killed in Border/Line of Control (LC), Operation/ 138\nCounter-Insurgency (Cl) Operations in India and abroad\n\n218 Travelling Allowance entitlement of families of civilian Government Servants 138-139\nwho die while in service\n\n218-A Conveyance of dead body of a civilian paid from Defence Service Estimates 139-140\nor a Service Personnel\n\n218-B_ Travelling Allowance entitlement of family of deceased accompanying the 140\n\ndead body of VIP etc\n\n219 Travelling Allowance entitlement of families of Service Personnel/ Civilians 140\ndeclared missing/POW\n\n220 BLANK 140\n\nCHAPTER SIX - PERMANENT TRAVELLING/CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE\n\n221 Permanent Travelling Allowance 141\n\n222 Conveyance allowance | 141-143\n\n223 Conveyance allowance — Habitual Journeys 143\n\n224 Hire charge — Government servants whether Gazetted or Non- Gazetted 144\n\non official duties within a radius of 8 Kms\n\n225 Conveyance Allowance-Individuals Group B & C (both industrial and non- 144-146\nindustrial) whose duties necessitate extensive travelling within a radius of\n8 Kms. or at an outstation", "(xiv)\n\nRule No. ‘SUBJECT | Pace No\n\n226 BLANK 146\n227 BLANK 146\n228 BLANK | | 146\n229 BLANK 146\n230 BLANK 146\n230-A_ Grant of Transport Allowance to Blind and Orthopedically Handicapped 146-147\n\nDefence personnel\n\n230-B Grant of Transportation Allowance to Service Officers and Personnel Below 147-148\nOfficers Rank (PBOR)\n\nCHAPTER SEVEN - MILITARY TARIFF AND CONVEYANCE OF\n\nANIMALS AND STORES\n231 Custody and issue of warrants, credit notes and requisition | 149\n232 Mode of Payment | 149\n233 Booking of individuals travelling on railway warrant 149\n234 Conveyance of Defence Stores and Baggage 149\n235 Rebooking of goods and parcels 150\n236 Conveyance of Government chargers and Equipment Mule by Road 150\n237 Credit Notes 150\n238 Free Allowance of Baggage | 150\n239 Despatch of Public Stores 150\n240 Despatch of Stores by Air | | 150-151\n241 Public, Regimental and Mess stores 151\n242 Conveyance of Band Equipment 151\n243 Transportation of printed question papers by Rail-Trade Examining 151\n\nBoards of Air Force\n\nCHAPTER EIGHT —- TRAVEL ENTITLEMTNS FOR JOURNEYS TO\nAND FROM ABORAD |\n\n244 Approved Routes 152\n245 Class of Air travel 152\n246 Approved Mode for Air Journeys 152-153\n247 Authority for Moves 153\n248 Entitlements for Permanent Duty Moves to and from Sea/Air Port in India 153\n\nenroute to Stations Abroad\n249 Journeys by Rail/ Road-cum-Sea 153-154", "(xv)\n\n-RuleNo. | ~~~*SSUBUECT.~—SO~=~C=~“—s~S*SSSSSTC«‘“‘\n\neach occasion on which he qualifies whether\nadmitted or not.\n\nlf on the occasion of first presenting himself,\na journey is not involved, e.g. the course or\nexamination is held at the candidate’s\nstation, and he fails, free conveyance for the\nsame course or examination on subsequent\noccasion will not be admissible except in\nthe circumstances mentioned in clause (ii)\nabove.\n\nIn the case of individuals permitted to appear\nin the First Class and special certificate of\neducation by taking up one or more subjects\nat a time, each subject or subjects taken\n\nup together will be considered as one-\n\nexamination.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n69\n\n(iii) Individuals who have been once through a\ncourse other than a qualifying course will, if\ndetailed or permitted to attend the course\nagain as a refresher course, be allowed\nconveyance both ways on every such\noccasion provided the refresher course is\nauthorised by regulations.\n\nWhen the duration of course, referred to\nabove exceeds 90 days, the family of the\nindividual concerned is entitled to\nconveyance subject to the restrictions under\nRule 91.\n\n=\n\n(v) An individual detailed or permitted by the\nCompetent Authority to attend a voluntary\ncourse of instruction or examination in\nprofessional subjects and languages is\nentitled to conveyance as in (i) and (ii) above.\n\nNOTE: In the case of voluntary language\nexaminations, the Competent Authority will\nbe the Board of Examiners.\n\n(vi) Army Officers called to New Delhi for\nappearing in Language Aptitude Tests\nconducted for the selection of the officers to\nbe detailed on language courses will be\nentitled to TAand DAat the normal rates as\nprescribed for TD.\n\n125. Conveyance to Civilian Personnel of MES,\nattending Departmental Examinations\n\nThe following Civilian personnel of the Military\nEngineer Services attending the departmental\nexamination, shown below, are entitled to free\nconveyance for each examination on the first occasion\nonly if a journey is involved:\n\n(a) Engineer Cadre :\n\n(i) Executive Engineers Examinations for\nExecutive Engineer confirmation as\nor Assistant A.E.Es/\n\nSuperintendants B/R\nor E/M Grade I.\n\n(ii) Superintendents B/R Examinations for\n\nor E/M Grade | confirmation.\n(iii) Superintendents B/R Examinations for\nor E/M Grade Il pr-omotion to\nGrade I.\n\n(b) Barrack/ Stores Cadre:\n\n(i) Supervisors B/R Grade Examinations for\nlor ll appointment to the\n\npermanent Estab-\nlishment or for", "promotion to\nGrade I.\n\n(ii) Storekeepers Grade Store-keepers\nlor Il examination for\npromotion/\nconfirmation.\n\n(iii) (1) Store men Examination for\n\npromotion/\nees Grade | confirmation.\n(3) Sub Overseer\n\n(c) Drawing Cadre: Examinations for\nappointment to the\npermanent\nEstablishment or for\n\npromotion to Grade |.\n\n(i) Draughtsman\nGrade | or Il\n\n(d) Clerical Grade :\n\n(i) Clerks- Upper Division Examinations for\n\nand Lower Division appointment to the\npermanent Establi-\n\nshment or — for\npromotion of Lower\nDivision Clerks to the\nUpper division or to\nqualify in typing test.\n\n(li) Stenographers/\nClerks- Upper\nDivision or\nLower Division\n\nExaminations _ for\nconfirmation/\npromotion in the\ngrade of\nstenographers.\n\nNOTE: DA for halts at outstations in connection with\nthe above examinations is not admissible.\n\n126. Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance to\nCivilian Personnel- MGO Services/Indian\nNaval Establishments — Trade test at the\noutstation\n\nIn case where the Officer Commanding/Head of\nthe Establishment certifies that facilities do not exist\nin his establishment for a particular trade test, civilian\nindustrial and non-industrial personnel employed in\nMGO Services/ Indian Naval Establishments who are\nrequired to perform journey to and outstation in order\nto undergo such a trade test will be entitled to TA\nlimited to one rail fare in the entitled class each way\nonce only in respect of the same test.\n\nDaily Allowance will be admissible in respect of\nhalts at the outstation under the normal rules.\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\nThe grant of TA/DA, referred to above, shall be\n\napplicable in the following cases only:\n\n(a) Tests for reclassification involving from one\nlower post to another higher post in the\nnormal line within the industrial categories.\n\n(b) Tests for promotion from industrial posts to\nthe posts of Leading hands/Supervisors\n(technical) in the case of MGO Services and\nForeman, Inspector, Leading man, Assistant\nLeading man and Charge man of fitters in\nNaval Establishments.\n\nIn case of travel between places not connected\nby rail, road mileage as per Rule 61 will be allowed.\n\nThe concession shall not be applicable for the\nsecond and subsequent occasions for taking the test\nof the same category or for taking tests which do not\n\n_ fall under any of the categories (a) to (d) above.\n\n127. Conveyance for Obligatory Departmental\nExaminations\n\nA Competent Authority may authorise the grant —\nof conveyance as on TD to individuals for journeys to\nand from the place at which they appear for any\nobligatory departmental examination (other than those\nspecified in Rule 124 and 125) in connection with their\nretention/promotion.\n\nNo DA will be admissible in respect of halts at the\noutstation.\n\nNOTE 1: If an individual actually performs journey\nunder Rules 124, 125, 126 and under this\nRule to the place of examination but he is\nnot able to appear in the examination\nbecause of its cancellation at the last\nmoment, that is, If intimation regarding the\ncancellation does not reach the individual\nat the time of commencement of journey,\nthe following authorities may sanction to the\nindividual concerned TA after due verification\nof the facts subject to the conditions\nmentioned in the above rules :\n\n(a) Min of Defence\n\n(b) GOsC-in-C Commands/VCOAS/DCOAS /\nAG/QMG/ MGO/MS/E-in-C/DGAFMS/\nDGQA/SA/ DOS / DGNCC/ DPR (Defence)/\nDGOF/DGOL & SM.", "(C) (1)\n\n(i!)\n\n(iii)\n\nChief of Logistics\nIHQ of MoD (Navy)\n\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding -in-\nChief Naval\nCommands\n\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding Fleets/:\nAreas\n\nFor Naval personnel\nserving in |IHQ of MoD\n(Navy) and Ships/\nEstablishments\ndirectly under their\ncontrol.\n\nFor Naval personnel\nserving under them.\n\n(d)(i) AOA For individuals serving\nat Air HQ and Units\ndirectly under their\ncontrol.\n\n(ii) AOsC-in-C For Air Force\nCommands personnel serving\n\nunder them.\nNOTE 2: In the event of an officer attending the\n\nexamination at his own request, and for his\nown convenience, at a centre other than that\nnearest to his own station, TA will be\nrestricted to that which would have been\nadmissible from his present duty station to\nthe nearest centre only.\n\n127-A. Travelling Allowance from Office/\nResidence to Examination Centre under\nHindi Teaching Scheme\n\n(i)\n\n(i!)\n\n(iii)\n\nThe Civilian Personnel paid from Defence\nService Estimates appearing in Hindi/Hindi\nTyping/ Hindi Stenography Examinations\nwhich are obligatory departmental\nexaminations are entitled to TA from office\nto the examination centres. Employees\nshould be permitted to travel to the nearest\nexamination Centre for taking the\nexamination.\n\nThe Government servant appearing at these\nexaminations may be treated as on duty\nduring the day or days of examination and\nin case they are to undertake any journey\nfor going to the examination Centre and\ncoming back, the reasonable time involved\nin the process may also be treated as duty\ntime.\n\nThe grant of TAto these Government servants\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n1\n\nfor appearing in the examination will be\nregulated as follows:\n\n(a) In the case of aGovernment servant who\n\nhas not been paid TAunder TR Rule 124\non a previous occasion for taking Hindi /\nHindi typewriting / Hindi Stenography\nExamination TA may be paid for appearing\nat an examination in which he secures\nnot less than 25% of the marks:\n\n(b) AGovernment servant who has once been\n\npaid TA under TR Rule 124 without\npassing an examination will be entitled\nto TA on a second occasion only in\n\nrespect of the appearance at the\nexamination which he passes.\n\n(v) During the examination days, if the trainees\n\n(!)\n\n(il)\n\ndo not actually attend the office and reach\nthe examination centre direct from their\nresidence, in such cases, on the fulfilment\nof conditions as laid down in para (iii) above\nthe concerned employees would be paid TAs\nas under:\n\n(a) In cases where the Officer Trainee\nproceeds direct from his residence to\nexamination centre he shall be entitled\nto TA under TR Rule 124 only if the\ndistance from his residence to his office\nis more than 8 kilometres. Where this\ncondition is not satisfied the Officer\nTrainee will be entitled to only actual\nconveyance expense by the public\nconveyance.\n\nWhichever is less than\nprovided the distance\ntravelled each way is\nnot less than 1.6 Km.\n\nFor the distance\nfrom residence to\nexamination centre\nand back, and\n\nOr\n\nFor the distance from\noffice to examination\ncentre and back.\n\n(b) In cases where Officer Trainees proceed\nfrom residence to examination centre but\nreturn to office and proceed from office to\nexamination centre and go to residence\nfrom there.\n\n(i) If the distance between office and the\nexamination centre is more than 1.6\nkilometres but less than 8 kilometres\nthey will be entitled to actual", "conveyance expenses for both the\nforward and return journeys.\n\n(il) If the distance between office and\nexamination centre is more than 8\nkilometres, the trainee will be entitled\nto TA under TR Rule 124.\n\n(v) During leave, the cases of Govt employees\ntaking Hindi/ Hindi Typing/ Hindi\nStenography examination will be regulated\nas under:\n\n(i) In cases the office and residence of\nGovernment servant are at a distance\nof 8 kilometres from the examination\ncentre. They may be allowed TA under\nTR Rule 124.\n\n(ii) In other cases, the Government servant\nmay be allowed actual conveyance\nexpenses by public conveyance\nbetween residence and the examination\ncentre provided the distance between\nthe examination centre and office/\nresidence is more than 1.6 kilometres.\n\n(vi) The entitlement of actual conveyance\nallowance to the trainees under para (iv)\n(a) and (b) (i) and para V above should be\nlimited to the amount of DA admissible.\n\n(vii) Officer/trainees attending Hindi/Hindi\nTypewriting/ Hindi Stenography\nExamination will be entitled to conveyance\nexpenses by Tonga or other cheapest mode\nof conveyance at the rate fixed by the local\nauthorities at the place, where public\nconveyance like Bus/Train are not in\noperation in that case, two Officer Trainees\nmay hire a rickshaw or four Trainees may\nhire a Tonga and claim the proportionate\ncharges at the rate fixed by the local\nauthorities at that place.\n\n(vill) In all cases, grant of TA/actual conveyance\nallowances is subject to the fulfilment of\nthe conditions laid down in para (iii) above.\n\n128. Travelling Allowance to Specialists\nappointed as Examiners for Practical\nProfessional Tests of Civilian Candidates\nfor direct permanent regular commissions\nIn the AMC\n\nCivilian Specialists and Professors of Medical\nColleges appointed as Examiners by the DGAFMS,\nto conduct the practical professional tests prescribed\n\n\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n12\n\nfor civilian candidates who qualify in the competitive\nexaminations conducted by the Union Public Service\nCommission for grant of direct permanent regular\ncommissions in the Army Medical Corps, will be\nentitled to following travel concessions:\n\n(1) One single rail fare each way, from the\n\n(i\n\n(ii\n\n(iv\n\n)\n\n)\n\n~~”\n\nnormal place of residence to the railway\nstation nearest to the place of examination,\nby the highest class accommodation\navailable on the railways. Journeys will be\nperformed by the shortest route.\n\nDaily Allowance as authorised to officers\ndrawing Grade Pay of %5,400/- and above\nfor both journey as well as halt at the\noutstation.\n\nExaminers may be permitted to travel by air\nwith the prior permission of the DGAFMS,\nwhich may be accorded in special cases in\nthe interest of public service. Where journey\nis performed by air without prior permission\nof the DGAFMS, the examiner will be\nentitled to the rail fare only.\n\nRoad Mileage as admissible to officers\ndrawing Grade Pay of = 5,400/- and above\nbetween the place of residence of the\nexaminer and the railway station/airport and\nalso between the railway station/airport and\nthe place of examination at the outstation.\n\n129. Travelling Allowance to an individual\ndeputed for training at Centres/Institutions\nat his HQ station\n\nThe admissibility of TA/DA to the individual deputed\nfor in connection with training courses of instructions\nat HQs station will be regulated as under:\n\n1. (a) No DAor Road Mileage Allowance would be\n\nadmissible to individual attending training at\nCentres/Institution located at the individual\nHQs station, as such institutions/centres\nshall be deemed to be his Temporary HQ\nduring the period of his training. Travelling\nAllowance shall also not be admissible to a\nGovernment servant on a day when he is\ndetailed for study/training etc. by the\nTraining Institution at another place at the\nsame station and he visits that place at the\nsame station and he visits that place directly\nfrom his residence.", "(b) Road Mileage Allowance at the appropriate\nrate plus 50% DA for period of absence from\nHQs would be admissible to the individual\nfor training at Centres located in areas\ncontiguous to HQs station and where the\nindividual performs journey beyond 8 Km.\n\n(c) Road Mileage Allowance for onward and\nreturn journey once only plus normal DA\nfor the period of entire absence from HQ\nwould be admissible to the individual for\ntraining at place located outside the HQ\nstation or contiguous areas.\n\nNOTE :For the purpose of TD/Course of Instructions\nthe area covered under the Municipal limits\nof the town or city, in which the normal duty\npoint of the Government servant is located\nis to be treated as the HQ station of the\nindividual. A journey performed beyond the\n‘HQ station’ be within the limit of urban\nagglomeration in which a Government\nservant's HQ is located is to be treated as\n‘area contiguous to HQ station’.\n\n2. When however, on any day the\nGovernment servants under training, are\nrequired, under proper orders, to attend two\nor more place at the HQ station in\nconnection with their training the actual\nconveyance expenses by the public\nconveyance between one local place of\ntraining and the other such place(s) may\nbe reimbursed to them. They will be entitled\nto conveyance expenses by Rickshaw/\nTonga or other cheapest mode of\nconveyance at the rate fixed by the local\nauthorities at that place where public\nconveyance like Bus/Tram/Train are not in\noperation. Wherever possible two\nGovernment servants may hire a Rickshaw\nor four Government servants may hire a\nTonga and claim the proportionate charge.\n\n130. Conveyance on cash payment/ Passage\n\nOrder for Reservist\n\n(a) Reservists whose homes are in Konkan\nCoast, when called up for training, are to\nbe provided conveyance by the passage\norder attached to IAFY/1954/NF3/NF4(C),\nfor their journey from the ports of Konkan\nCoast to Mumbai. The steamer Ship\ncompany concerned will provide passage\non production of the Passage Order\nattached to the IAFY/1954/NF3/NF4(C). The\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_ 3\n\n13\n\n(b)\n\n_ form must be completed before despatch to\n\nthe reservists.\n\nReservists returning to their homes after\ntraining on the Konkan Coast will receive\ncash payments from the OC of the Training\nCentre concerned an amount equivalent to\nthe cost of passage, from Mumbai to the\nport on the Konkan Coast to which they are\nproceeding and will make their own\narrangement.\n\nGorkha reservists residing in Nepal when\njoining their Reserve Centre for training will\nbe reimbursed the actual cost of rail fares\non arrival at the Reserve Centre. When\nreturning from the Reserve Centre, Kunraghat\nrailway tickets for the various home station\nwill be purchased by the Gorkha Reserve\nCentre from the Station Master Kunraghat\non cash payment and obtain a certificate\nfrom the Station Master showing the\ntransaction complete in all details. The\ncertificate, together with a nominal roll of all\nreservists actually returned to home stations\nand contingent bill (1.AFA115) will be\nforwarded by the OC Gorkha Reserve Centre\nto the CDA (Factories) for pre-audit and\nrefund in cash of the amounts shown on the\ncontingent bill. Any unused tickets will be\nreturned to the Station Master, Kunraghat,\nand their cost claimed by the OC Gorkha\nReserve Centre, under the Indian Railway\ncoaching tariff in force.\n\n131. Conveyance to Witnesses attending Military\nCourts\n\n(!)\n\n(il)\n\nA civilian witness in Government service who\nis summoned to attend a Military Court is\nentitled to conveyance and will receive TA\nunder civil rules or these regulations\naccording to whether he is serving in a civil\ndepartment or in the Defence Services\nprovided that the facts, as to which he is to\ngive evidence, have come to his knowledge\nin the discharge of his public duties.\n\nCadets who are summoned to attend a\nMilitary Court of Inquiry will be provided first\nclass/AC-I] accommodation on railway\nwarrants provided the facts, as to which they\nare to give evidence, have come to their\nknowledge in the discharge of their public\nduties after recruitment as Cadets. Daily", "Allowance for halts and journey period will\nalso be admissible under the normal rules\nas for personnel drawing Grade Pay of\n¥ 4,200/- to F 4,800/-.\n\n14\n\ninterests of the State, provided that in case\nof a witness, the facts, as to which he is to\ngive evidence, have come to his\nknowledge in the discharge of his public\n\nduties, will be entitled to free conveyance.\nWhen such conveyance is provided, a\nwitness may not accept any payment on\naccount of Travelling or Subsistence\nAllowance from the Court. Any fees, which\nmay be deposited in the Court for the\ntravelling and subsistence allowance of the\n\nNOTE: An individual summoned to give evidence,\n| while on leave, will be entitled to conveyance\nunder the above clauses from and to the\n_ place from which he is summoned as if he\n\nwere on duty.\n\n(ili) (a) Accivilian witness who is not in Government .\n\nservice, when called to appear before a\nCourt Martial/ Court or Board of Inquiry/\nSummary of Evidence, will be entitled to\ndraw Travelling and Subsistence Allowance\nat the rates fixed by local Government,\nHigh Court or Administrators for non-official\nwitnesses appearing before Courts of Law\nunder their jurisdiction. The rates of the\nallowances will be ascertained from and\npaid through the Magistrate where\nwitnesses are called through him. In other\ncases, the rates of the allowance will be\nascertained from the Magistrate in whose\n' Jurisdiction the witness resides at the time\nhe is summoned to give evidence and paid\nby the summoning authority.\n\n(ii)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nwitness, must be credited to Government.\nIf the court, in which he gives evidence, is\nsituated within 8 kilometres of his HQ and\nno TA is, therefore, admissible for the\njourneys he may, if he be not in receipt of\npermanent TA, accept such payment of\nactual travelling expenses as the Court\nmay make.\n\nThe rule in clause (i) above will also apply\nto witness summoned to give evidence in\na civil case to which Government is a party.\n\nAn individual, summoned to give evidence,\nwhile on leave, other leave pending\nretirement or release, will be entitled to\nconveyance under this rule from and to the\n\nplace from which he is summoned as if he\nwas on duty. The TAof individuals, on leave\npending retirement/release, will be\nregulated under Rule 131.\n\nNOTE 2: When a witness attends a Civil Court in\nhis private capacity, he is only entitled to\nsuch Travelling and Subsistence Allowance\nas are admissible in accordance with the\nrules of the Court, if the Court pays him\nany sum as Subsistence Allowance or\n\nNOTE: In the case of a witness, who is not in\nGovernment service, summoned direct in\nconnection with departmental inquiries and\nnot through a Magistrate, the Presiding\nOfficer is empowered to decide the class to\nwhich the witness belongs on the basis of\nthe person's position in life for purposes of\ngrant of TA and Subsistence Allowance.\n\n(b) It is the duty of the summoning authority\nto advance to the witness through the\n\nMagistrate, if he is called through a\nMagistrate. Otherwise direct a sufficient\nsum to cover his travelling expenses and\nto arrange payment to him of the\nSubsistence Allowance and expenses on\naccount of return conveyance before he\nleaves the station to which summoned.\n\n(iii)\n\ncompensation, apart from travelling\nexpenses, he must credit that sum to\nGovernment before drawing full pay for the\nday or days of absence.\n\nCentral Government servants, who are\nsummoned by the Courts of Law to produce\nofficial documents or to give evidence on\n\nfacts coming to their knowledge in the\ndischarge of their official duties in civil\ncases to which Government is not a party,\nmay be allowed to draw TA, as for a journey\non tour, for their journey to attend the\nCourts in such cases. The amount of TA\nmay be paid initially, from the Central\nGovernment funds and charged to the head\nof account to which their pay and\n\n132. Travelling Allowance to individuals for\njourneys undertaken to attend Civil Courts\nor to appear before Police Authorities\n\nA. (i) An individual detailed or summoned, either\nas a witness or as an accused, to attend a\nCivil Court in a criminal case involving the\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3", "(il)\n\nallowances are debatable. No part of the\ntravelling expenses should be accepted by\nthe Government servant concerned from\nthe Court. The amount of TA, so paid, will\nbe got reimbursed from the Courts\nconcerned in full, in the case of Courts,\nother than those in West Bengal, and to the\nextent admissible at Courts rates in the case\nof Courts in West Bengal. It shall be the\nduty of the Controlling Officer to see that\nthe amount due is recovered from the Courts\nand accounted for in provision of Government\nAccounting Rules1990.\n\n, Individuals who are themselves suspected\n\nto be involved and are required under\nproper orders i.e. with the approval of their\nOfficer Commanding the unit or the Heads\nof the Office in which the individuals are\nserving/ Commanding Officer Ships and\nEstablishments, as the case may be , to\nproceed to an outstation to appear before\npolice authorities, including Special Police\nEstablishments, will be entitled to\nconveyance as admissible for a journey on\nTD.\n\nWhere a civilian Government servant,\nwhile under suspension, performs journeys\nto attend Police/Special Police Establish-\nment enquiry in connection with a case in\nwhich he is suspected to be involved, TA,\nas for a journey on TD, may be allowed for\nsuch journeys, provided that they are\nperformed under the direction of or with\nthe approval of the Officer Commanding\nthe unit/ships and establishments/or the\nHead of Office in which he was employed\nbefore suspension, as the case may be.\n\nWhere a civilian Government servant\nundertakes journeys during suspension for\nappearing in Court of Law, as an accused,\nand is later on acquitted by the court and\nreinstated in service but for death or his\nhaving attained the age of compulsory\nretirement or being allowed to retire\nvoluntarily, TA as for a journey on TD based\non the Grade to which the civilian\nGovernment servant belonged before\nsuspension may be reimbursed by the\nDefence Ministry provided the legal\nexpenses incurred by him in defending such\nproceedings are reimbursed to him in full or\nin part under Art 32(3)(d) of the Constitution.\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n15\n\nUO\n\n(ii)\n\n(iii)\n\n(Iv)\n\n(b\n\nIn cases where journeys were performed by\nthe civilian Government servant by rail/\nsteamer in a class lower than the class to\nwhich he was entitled before suspension,\nthe fares of the class actually used, in\naddition to his other entitlement of TA, as\non TD, may be paid to him.\n\nFor journeys performed by a civilian\nGovernment servant in connection with\nproceedings initiated by Government in\nrespect of matters connected with the\nofficial duties or position of the Government\nservant, no TAwill be admissible in respect\nof journeys performed by a civilian\nGovernment servant for his defence in any\nproceedings, civil or criminal instituted\nagainst him by the State in respect of\nmatters rising out of or connected with his\nofficial duties or his official position. If,\nhowever, the proceedings conclude in\n\nfavour of the individual, TA in such cases\n\nmay be granted on the lines indicated in\npara C (li) above. |\n\nFor journeys performed in connection with\nproceedings instituted by a civilian\nGovernment servant on his being required\nby Government to vindicate his official\nconduct, TAin such cases may be granted\non the lines indicated in para C(il) above.\n\nFor journeys performed by a civilian\nGovernment servant in connection with\nproceedings instituted by a private party\nagainst him in respect of matters\nconnected with his official duties or\nposition:\n\n(a) Ifthe Government makes arrangements\n\nfor the conduct of the proceedings, the\ndefence of the Government servant\nbeing in public interest, TA, as for a\njourney on TD, may be paid.\n\nIf a civilian Government servant himself\nconducts his defence, TA may be\nadmissible on the lines indicated in para\nC (ii) above subject to the further\ncondition that the travelling expenses\nare not decreed by the Court of Law as\npayable by the plaintiff.\n\nee”\n\nNo TA will be admissible in the following\ncases:\n\n(a) Proceedings in respect of matters not", "(v) (1)\n\n(Ii)\n\n(iii)\n\n133. Travelling Allowance to\n\n~_—s\noO\n—\n\nconnected with official duties or position\nof the civilian Government servant.\n\nProceedings instituted by a civilian\nGovernment Servant with the previous\nsanction of Government to vindicate his\nconduct arising out of or connected with\nhis official duties or position, though not\nrequired to do so by the Government.\n\nIn criminal case to which the State is a\nparty, a Government servant giving\nevidence regarding facts of which he has\nofficial knowledge will, on production of the\ncertificate of attendance, issued by the\nsummoning Court, be paid TA by the\nGovernment under whom he is serving.\n\nIn criminal cases, to which the State is not\na party, Government servant giving\nevidence regarding facts of which he has\nofficial Knowledge will be paid TA by the\nsummoning court according to the rules\nunder which such Government servant\ndraws his TA for a journey on tour and the\ncharges will be borne by the Central\nGovernment or by the concerned State\nGovernments where the court is situated.\n\nIn order to enable the court to assess the\namount admissible to him, the Government\nservant should carry to the court a\ncertificate, duly signed by his Controlling\nOfficer, showing the rates of travelling and\nDA admissible to him for a journey on tour.\nIf the Government servant is his own\nControlling Officer, the certificate should\nbe signed by him as such.\n\nWhen a Government servant serving in a\ncommercial department or when any other\nofficer is summoned to give evidence as a\ntechnical or expert witness the pay of the\nGovernment servant concerned for the\nperiod of his absence from his HQ and TA\nand other expenses due to him will first be\nborne by the Government servant under\nwhom he Is serving and subsequently be\nrecovered from the Central Government\nor by the concerned State Governments\nwhere the court is situated.\n\nindividuals\n\nattending Departmental Enquiries |\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n16\n\n(a)\n\n(b\n\nee”\n\nAcivilian Government servant who is required\nto perform a journey to attend Departmental\nEnquiry (other than a Police enquiry) held\nagainst him under civilian in Defence\nservices (Classification, Control and appeal)\nRules in force at a station, other than his\nHQs, may be allowed TA as for a journey on\nTD from his HQ to the place where the\nDepartmental Enquiry is held and back. No\nTAwill, however, be admissible if the enquiry\nis held at an outstation at his own request.\n\nThe provisions of clause (a) above will also\napply when the civilian Government\nservant is on leave or under suspension,\nsubject to the condition that TA will be\nadmissible to the place of enquiry either\nfrom his HQ or from the place where he\nwas on leave or was permitted to reside\nduring suspension, whichever is less and\nwill be regulated in accordance with the\ngrade to which he belonged prior to his\ngoing on leave or suspension. Similar TA\nwill be admissible for the return journey.\nThe rate of DA/Road Mileage Allowance\nwill be calculated on the pay drawn by the\nindividual prior to hig suspension.\n\nThe provisions of clauses (a) and (b) above\nwill also apply to a civilian Government\nservant against whom an oral enquiry is\nheld under the Central Civil Services\n(Classification, Control and Appeal)\nRules, 1965, and who is required to proceed\nfrom one station to another to appear\nbefore the officer conducting the enquiry.\n\nNo TA will, however, be admissible to the\ncharged persons if the enquiry is held at a\nplace other than his HQ expressly at his\nown request.\n\nEvery person, whether he is a Central or\nState Government servant or not, who is\ncalled to give evidence in a Departmental\nEnquiry by either the Government or the\nGovernment servant against whom the\ninquiry is being held, will be entitled to\npayment of travelling and other expenses\nas under :\n\n(i) Witness (service and civilians) paid from\nDefence Services Estimates, who are\nsummoned to give evidence in a", "Departmental Enquiry will be entitled to\nconveyance as admissible for a journey\non TD.\n\nNOTE 1:\ndepartmental inquiry to give evidence as\nto the facts which have come to his\nknowledge in the discharge of his public\nduties, the minimum time required to be\nspent by him on the journey, to and from\nthe place where the enquiry is held and\nthe days on which he is required to remain\npresent before the authority holding the\ninquiry shall be treated as duty; provided\nthat if the witness is on leave, the entire\ntime spent shall be treated as a part of the\nleave and he shall not be deemed to have\nbeen recalled to duty. This will not,\nhowever, prejudice his entitlement to TA/\nDA.\n\nNOTE 2: Witness who is called by any authority\nholding the Departmental Enquiry to give\nevidence as to the facts which have come\nto his knowledge at a time when he was\nnot in Government service will also be\n\nentitled to conveyance under this para.\n\n(ii) Where the witness is a Central\nGovernment servant of another\nDepartment or Ministry, he shall be\nentitled to receive, in respect of the\nattendance before the authority holding\nthe Departmental Enquiry, from the\nDepartment or Ministry under which he\nis serving, for the time being, payment\nof TA as on TD.\n\nWhere the witness is a State\nGovernment servant, he shall be entitled\nto receive in respect of the attendance\nbefore the authority holding the\nDepartmental Enquiry from the State\nGovernment such TA and/or DA, as may\nbe admissible to him under the rules\napplicable to him in that behalf in respect\nof a journey undertaken on TD and the\namount so paid shall be paid by the\nCentral Government to the State\nGovernment who shall raise a debit in\nrespect thereof against the Central\nGovernment.\n\n(iii)\n\nThe provision in Rule 131 will apply where\na person, who has been a Government\nservant is called to give evidence as to\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\nWhere the witness is called in the\n\nT/\n\nthe facts which have come to his\nknowledge in the discharge of his public\nduties, or a person who is not a Central\nGovernment servant or a State\nGovernment servant, is called to give\nevidence before any authority holding a\nDepartmental Enquiry.\n\n(2) The Officer of the Board, holding the\ninquiry, shall furnish a certificate to every\nperson appearing before him in the form\ngiven below:\n\nThis is to certify that Shri (name, designation,\noffice etc.) appeared before me as a witness on\nat (place)\nin the Departmental Enquiry\nagainst Shri (name, designation, office etc.) and was\ndischarged on\n\nNothing has been paid to him on account of his\ntravelling and other expenses.\n\nPlace and date\nDisciplinary Authority/\nBoard of Inquiry/\nInquiry Officer\n\n(Signature)\n\nCopy forwarded for information to the Ministry/\nDepartment of secretary to\nthe Government of (name of the State\nGovernmenn).................0 department.\n\n(3) However insofar as persons nominated by\nDisciplinary Authority to present the case\nin support of a charge before an authority\nholding the departmental inquiry or\nassisting a Government servant against\nwhom the inquiry is held in presenting his\nCase, as provided in sub-rule (8) of Rule\n14 of the Central Civil Services\n(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules,\n1965, the authority holding the\nDepartmental Enquiry shall furnish a\ncertificate to such person in the form given\nbelow. All expenditure on TA paid to a\nGovernment servant under this para shall\nbe charged to the Head of Account to which\nsuch Government servant’s salary is\ndebitable.\n\nCERTIFICATE\n\nThis is to certify that Shri\n(name, designation, office etc.) attended the\n\nat", "proceedings in the Departmental Enquiry against\n| (name, designation etc.)\nto present the case in support of the charges/to assist\nthe said SNfi..........0..00 cece eee, (name)\n\nNothing has been paid to him on account of his\ntravelling and other expenses.\n\n(Signature)\n\nDisciplinary Authority/ Board of Inquiry/ Inquiry\nOfficer\n\nCopy forwarded for information to:\n\n(Here mention the name of the department/\noffice, with full address, where the individual to whom\nthis certificate is being issued, is employed).\n\n(e) Aretired civilian paid from Defence Service\nEstimates required to attend Department\nEnquiry instituted against him may be\nallowed TA as on tour by the shortest route\nfor the journey in connection with enquiry\nfrom his “Home Town” (declared as such\nfor the purposes of leave travel\nconcessions to Central Government\nservants) to the place of enquiry and back.\nIn case the person concerned has taken\nup residence after retirement at a place\nother than his home town he may be\nallowed TA for journeys from such place of\nresidence to the place of enquiry and back.\n\nNOTE 1: The place of residence means the place\nfor which post retirement TA claim was\ndrawn or the place (Bank/Treasury) from\nwhich pension is being drawn. However, if\nat the time of receipt of summons, the\nretired Government servant is at place\ndifferent from his home or place, town or\nresidence, TA should be restricted to the\nshort of the two journeys between that\nplace to the place of enquiry and the Home\nTown/place of residence to the place of\n\nenquiry.\n\nTravelling Allowance shall be regulated in\naccordance with the pay of the post held\nby the retired Government servant\nimmediately prior to retirement.\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3: No advance of TAshould, however be paid\n\nin connection with such journeys.\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n18\n\n133-A. Travelling Allowance to Retired civilians\nfor Appearing in Court of Law\n\nThe retired civilian against whom judicial\nproceedings are instituted by the Government after\nretirement and have to attend such cases in the Court\nof Law from out stations may be allowed TA as on tour\nby the shortest route (without any DA for halts for the\njourneys they have to perform from their home town\nplace of residence to the place of judicial proceedings\nif they are honourably acquitted by the court.\n\nNOTE 1: The place of residence means the place for\nwhich retirement TAclaim was drawn or the\nplace (Bank/Treasury) from which pension\nis being drawn.\n\nNOTE 2: Travelling Allowance shall be regulated in\naccordance with the pay of the post/Grade\nPay held by the retired civilians immediately\n\nprior to the retirement.\n\nNOTE 3: No advance of TAshould, however, be paid\n\nin connection with such journey.\n\n134. Conveyance for Journeys to peruse Official\nRecords at outstations in Disciplinary Cases\n\nConveyance may be allowed to the civilian\nGovernment servants on duty or on leave or under\nsuspension, for journeys undertaken to outstations to\nperuse, official records for the representation of their\ndefence in connection with any disciplinary\nproceedings instituted against them. Conveyance will\nbe allowed from the HQ of the Government servant or\nfrom any other place where the Government servant\nmay be spending his leave or where the suspended\nofficer has been permitted on his own request to reside\nbut not exceeding what would be admissible had the\njourney been undertaken from the HQ of other\nGovernment servant subject to the following further\nconditions:\n\n(a) The Enquiring Officer certified that the official\nrecords to be consulted are relevant and\nessential for the preparation of the defence\nstatement.\n\nThe Competent Authority certifies that the\nOriginal records would not be sent to. the\nHQ stations of the Government servant or\nthe bulk of the documents rule out the\npossibility of copies being made out and\nsent, and\n\nThe Head of Office, under whose\nadministrative control the Government\n\n(Cc\n\neee”", "servant is, certifies that the journey was\nperformed with his approval.\n\n134-A. Travelling Allowance to retired Civilian\nGovernment Servants for perusal of\nDocuments\n\nIn preparation of their defence, against Disciplinary\nProceeding, retired civilian Government servants may\nbe allowed TA as on tour, including DA for halts\n(restricted to a maximum of three days only) for\nundertaking journeys to outstations for perusal of\nofficial documents in preparation of their defence\nagainst disciplinary proceeding instituted against\nthem. TA claims in such cases will be restricted to\none to and fro rail fare, in respect of one such case,\nby the class to which the retired Government servant\nwas entitled immediately prior to retirement, by the\nshortest route between the place of residence/declared\nplace of residence up to which retirement TA has been\navailed of/place from where the journey has actually\nbeen performed and the place where the documents\nare kept, whichever is less and DA will be admissible\nas indicated above. The grant of TA will also-be subject\nto the condition that the Inquiry Officer certifies that\nthe official records to be consulted are relevant and\nessential for the preparation of defence statement.\n\n134-B. Travelling Allowance/ DA to retired\nGovernment Servants for attending Courts\nof Law in connection with Departmental\ncases |\n\nA retired Government servant who is summoned\nby a Court of Law for giving evidence in departmental\ncases as to facts which have come to his knowledge\nin the discharge of his duties while in service or who\nis called upon by the Government to present its case\n_ orto act as complainant on its behalf may be allowed\nTAas on tour (including DA for halts) for the journey to\nperform in that connection.\n\nTAin such cases, will be restricted to the shortest\nroute, by the entitled class prescribed for the post\nlast held by him, under orders in force at the time of\nthe journeys, between the places of residence/declared\nplace of residence upto which retirement, TA has been\navailed of/place from where the proceedings are held,\nwhichever is less. The grant of TAwill also be subject\nto the production of a certificate from the Summoning\nCourt that the retired Government servant has not been\npaid TA from the Court. TA/DA will be drawn from the\ndepartment on whose behalf or at whose request he\nattends the hearing. No TA advance will be paid in\nconnection with such journeys. All other terms and\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n79\n\nconditions regarding regulation of TA/DAto Government\nservants, as revised from time to time will also be\napplicable in such cases of retired Government\nservant.\n\n135. Conveyance to Accused Person from one\nStation to another for Custody\n\nConveyance is admissible for an accused person\ntried by General, Summary General or District Court\nMartial or Court Martial at a small station where there\nis no suitable unit/establishment to take him over\nfor custody until such time as the proceedings of the\nCourt Martial are confirmed for his move to the\nnearest station where such suitable unit/\nestablishment exists. Conveyance is also admissible\nfor the move of such accused person back to the\nformer station should it become necessary.\n\n136. Travelling Allowance admissible to officer\npermitted to attend Conferences,\nCongresses or Meetings\n\n(a) (i) Individuals permitted, on their own request,\nto attend Conferences, Congresses or\nMeetings held in India if any Government\ninterest is served thereby, will be allowed\nconveyance of the entitled class for the\njourney each way.\n\n(ii) Travelling for a journey on TD will,\nhowever, be admissible when an officer is\nofficially sent to attend a Conference,\nCongress or Meeting.\n\nNOTE: Sanction for the moves of individuals in\nconnection with the Conferences,\nCongresses or Meetings, including\ndepartmental Conferences, not authorised\nin the Basic Regulations or in separate\nGovernment letters, will be accorded under\nRule 4(ii) of these Regulations. Moves in\nconnection with Conferences, Congresses\nor Meetings authorised in the basis\nregulations or in separate Government\nletters will be sanctioned by the Competent\nAuthority mentioned in Appendix III of these\nRegulations. —\n\n(b) Individuals who are invitees, members,\nOfficials delegates of the organisations\nconcerned or have been asked to read\npapers, at a Conference, when they are\npermitted to attend Meetings organised in\nIndia by scientific associations like the\nIndian Science Congress Association, the\nNational Institute of Sciences of India, the", "Institute of Engineers, the Indian Academy\nof Sciences, Bangalore, and similar other\nbodies will be entitled to conveyance in sub\n(clause) a-(i). Official delegates of the\nGovernment attending such Meetings will\nbe governed by (a) (ii) above.\n\n137. Travelling Allowance to the representatives\nof the Indian National Defence Workers’\nFederation and All India Defence\nEmployees’ Federation to attend Meetings\nwith the representatives of the Ministry of\nDefence\n\nRepresentatives of the Indian National Defence\nWorkers’ Federation and All India Defence\nEmployees’ Federation and the Recognised Staff\nAssociations and Recognised Unions not affiliated\nto any of these Federations when they attend\nMeetings with representatives of the Ministry of\nDefence at the instance of that Ministry or\nOrganisations, subordinates thereto, for discussion\nof the problems affecting their members will be\nentitled to TA as under:\n\n(1) Non Officials: Railway fare (not exceeding\nfirst class/AC-II) each way of the class in\nwhich actually — travelled.\n\n(li) Government officials: Railway fare each\nway of the class to which entitled by virtue\nof their status in Government service or\nthe class in which actually travelled, if\nlower.\n(lil) Actual cost of conveyance hired only at the\nscheduled rate not exceeding limit laid\ndown per day to such of the members of\nthe Federation to attend the meeting while\nresiding in the station at which the meeting\nis held.\n\nRailway fare referred to in items (i) and (ii)\nabove may be paid by Mail/Express train\nalso if the individuals have actually\ntravelled by. such train.\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2: Payment to Government officials of the\nallowances at items (ii) and (iii) above will\nbe authorised provided the Head of\nDepartment, under whom the official\nconcerned is serving, decides that\n\nGovernment interest is served.\n\nNOTE 3: Conveyance by air is not permissible as a\n\nrule. Presidents, Vice Presidents and\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n80\n\nGeneral Secretaries of the above\nFederations, Recognised Unions,\nRecognised Staff Associations etc. will,\nhowever be permitted to travel by air provided\nthey certify that their normal mode of travel\nis by air, when not travelling on official duty.\nAs regard others, their cases will be\nexamined on merits, and permission granted\nby Ministry of Defence only when air travel\nis necessary and urgent. Circumstances\nnecessitating air travel would be where notice\nof the meeting is inadequate or the\nindividuals concerned have to fulfil other\nengagements about the dates of the\nmeeting or have other important pre-\noccupations.\n\nNOTE 4: Non-official members will be paid the fare\nfor the outward and return journeys on the\ndate of their departure from the station at\nwhich the meeting is held from Imprest, if\nany, held by the Administrative Authorities\nconvening the meeting and Imprest will be\nrecouped by submission of TA claims to\nthe appropriate Regional Controller of\nDefence Accounts, duly signed by the\nmembers, countersigned by the\nAdministrative Authorities convening the\nmeeting and supported by a copy of order\nissued by Administrative Authorities to the\nmember requiring his attendance on a\nparticular date. Non-official members will\nbe required to furnish the following\ncertificates on the bill:\n\n2\n\n| undertake to complete the return journey\nto the place and in the class of rail\naccommodation for which payment has\nbeen made, by mail/express train/ordinary\ntrain.\n\nNo allowance of a like nature has been\ndrawn or will be drawn from any other\nsource.\n\n(b)\n\nNOTE 5: Advance of TA under the normal rules to\nthe extent admissible may also be paid to\n\nthe Government Servants.\n\n138. Conveyance admissible in respect of\nattendance at Regimental Conferences\n\nTravelling Allowance/Daily Allowance on\nTemporary Duty scale is admissible to the\nfollowing\n\n(a) An Officer of an Infantry Battalion attending", "the Regimental Conference at the HQ of the\nRegimental Centre of his Group. Travelling\nAllowance and DA is limited to one officer\nper unit biennially.\n\n(b) Commanding Officer of Gorkha Units\nattending Annual Regimental Conference at\nKunraghat. |\n\n139. Travelling Allowance admissible to military\nmember of Soldier's, Sailor's and Airmen’s\nBoards when attending Quarterly Board\nMeetings\n\nMilitary members of the District Soldiers, Sailors\nand Airmen Boards will draw TA and DA under the\nnormal rules when attending quarterly board\nmeeting.\n\n140. Travelling Allowance admissible to Officer\nfor journeys as members of Central\nGoverning Council and Local Boards of\nAdministration of Military Schools\n\nOfficers who are members of Central Governing\n\nCouncil and Local Boards of Administration of\n\nMilitary Schools will be entitled to draw TA in\naccordance with the scales and rates applicable to\nthem while proceeding on TD.\n\n141. Travelling Allowance for journeys to attend\nMeetings of the Services Sport Control\nBoards(SSCB) and committees subordinate\nthereto\n\n(i) Members travelling from one station to\nanother within Indian limits to attend\ncommittee meeting convened by the SSCB\nand committee subordinate thereto are\nentitled to TA/DA at normal TD scale. All\nclaims for the TA on this account must be\ncountersigned by the officer convening the\nmeeting.\n\n(li) Services staff of the SSCB may move on\n\nTD within India in performance of their\n\nduties listed below:\n\n(a) To attend preliminary and final rounds\nof the Services Championships.\n\nTo attend National/ International\nChampionships/ Competitions where\nservices personnel are taking part.\n\n(b)\n\nLiaison visit to various establishments/\nunits for making arrangements for the\n~ conduct of preliminary and final rounds\nof Services Championships.\n\n(Cc\n\nwee”\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n81\n\n(d) Liaison visits to various Civil Authorities/\nSports Organisations in connection with\narrangements of Services teams/\nsportsmen participating in civil\ntournaments/International competitions.\n\n(e) Any other move within India which is\nnecessary in the interests of promoting\nsports in the Services.\n\n(f\n\neee”\n\nTo attend meetings of National Sports\nBodies where Services Teams/\nSportsmen are participating.\n\nThe Competent Authority to sanction such\nmoves will be the Ministry of Defence. For journeys |\nby air, sanction of Secretary, Min of Defence will be\nobtained.\n\nNOTE: The above rule is also applicable to\nindividuals representing the SSCB on\nrecognised civilian sports associations of an\nall India nature.\n\nServices teams/Sportsmen/ Officials\nParticipating in National Championships,\n\nAll India Tournaments conducted by\nNational Bodies, National Coaching\nCamps and International events shall be\nentitled to TA/DA at normal TD in respect\nof under mentioned journey\n\n141-A\n\n(a) To the venue of National and other\nmandatory Championships by All India\nFederations.\n\n(b) To the venue of International Competitions\nwithin the Country.\n\n(c) To the venue of National Coaching/final\nselection Camps. |\n\n(d) Internal journey in connection with\nInternational Competitions abroad.\n\nThe president SSCB will be Competent Authority\nto order such moves. The individual will travel on\nwarrant/air as per their entitlement on both the\nonward and return journeys.\n\n142. Conveyance for journeys of Service\nPersonnel participating in Sports\n\nService personnel participating in preliminary\nand final rounds of Services Championships\norganised by Sports Control Board will travel on\nwarrant on both the onward and return journeys.\n\nDaily Allowance for the period of the journey and\nhalt at the outstation will not be admissible.", "Travel by AC-II/AC-III/First Class/ AC-Chair Car/\nSleeper Class as per entitlement is permissible.\nHowever, travel by air and/or AC-| Class is not\nadmissible.\n\nNOTE: Units/Formations Sports Championships will\nbe treated as preliminary round of the\nServices Championships for the purpose.\n\n143. Travelling Allowance to Probationers\nattending Training Institute\n\nao\n\nTravelling Allowance to probationers of the\nvarious services for joining the training institutions\nand in the course of their training shall be regulated\nas under :\n\n(i) No TA should be allowed for the onward\njourneys in cases where the probationers\njoin the training institutions direct on first\nappointment to Government service:\n\n(ii\n\nwee”\n\nTravelling Allowance as on TD may be\nallowed to the probationers who are already\nin Government service or who first join their\nrespective Department or State of\nallotment and then proceed to join the\ntraining institute or where they move from\none Training Institutes to another. No DA\nwill, however, be admissible in any case\nfor the periods of their stay in the training\ninstitutes; and\n\n(iii) Travelling Allowance as admissible under\nthe normal rules may be allowed for TD to\noutstations undertaken from the training\ninstitutions as part of the training.\n\n144. Conveyance admissible for Prisoners and\nDeserters\n\n(i) Conveyance is admissible for deserters or\nabsentees brought back to their units/\nestablishments/ships or elsewhere for trial\nafter apprehension and for soldiers/sailors/\n\nairmen sentenced to penal servitude,\nimprisonment or detention travelling to and\nfrom a military prison or detention barracks\nand also for necessary escorts. Baggage\nwill be restricted to Railway Free\nAllowance. Road Mileage Allowance based\non actual expenses incurred will be\nadmissible to soldiers/sailors/ airmen\nacting as escort parties or as armed guards\nand to retrieved deserters and will be\nclaimed on production of a bill duty\nsupported by a certificate from the Civil\nAuthorities (which term include police\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n82\n\nofficials) stating the mileage covered by\n\nthem and the local tariff for the cheapest\n\nsuitable mode of conveyance.\n(ii) When ex-service prisoners are transferred\nfrom one civil jail to another, the cost of\nconveyance of both prisoners and their\nescorts will be met from the Defence\nservice Estimates.\n(iii) Expenditure incurred by a State\nGovernment in escorting deserters to\nRegimental Centres/ Units/ Formations/\nEstablishments will be reimbursed from the\nDefence Service Estimates, debits on that\naccount supported by an Audit Certificate\nto the effect that “the charges debited have\nbeen audited and admitted under Rules”\nwill be raised by the Civil Accounts Officer\nconcerned against the Controller of\nDefence Accounts in whose payment the\ndeserter was.\n\nNOTE: The provisions of the above rule are also\napplicable to Reservist Deserters. |\n\n145. Conveyance for individuals residing in\nNepal who draw their pensions or family\nallotments annually\n\nIndividuals residing in Nepal who have to\nundertake journeys for receiving payment of their\npensions or family allotments will be granted road\nmileage at prescribed rates per day to and from the\nnearest Pension Paying Centres. The concession will\nalso be admissible to the nominated heir of a\npensioner when coming to draw the arrears of\nlifetime pension of a pensioner who dies in Nepal\nand also to the representative of a Gorkha pensioner\nwho draws pension on behalf of a pensioner. In\ncases, however where an individual represents at\none and the same time more than one pensioner\nthe pension paying authority will ensure that the\nrepresentative draws only one road mileage in\n\n_ respect of each journey irrespective of the number\n\nof pensioners whose pension is drawn by him.\n\nThe above concession will be admissible once\nin a year and will be granted, provided the journey\ninvolved extends over a period of more than two\ndays each way.\n\n146. Conveyance for Recruiting Parties\n\n(1) Recruiting parties will be entitled to\nconveyance by rail, road and sea from and\nto the station from which they are\ndespatched on recruiting duty.", "(li) Recruiting parties despatched to outstations\nto engage artificers for ordnance factories are\nentitled to conveyance by railway and road\nto and from and from the recruiting station,\nrail and road warrants being issued for both\njourneys.\n\n(iil) Recruiting parties, except when proceeding\n\nfrom their units/ establishments, will\n\nordinarily pay their own and the recruits’\nrailway and road fares, rail and road\nwarrants only being issued at the discretion\nof Recruiting Officer, the amount so\nexpended being recovered by the unit/\nestablishment on the certificate of the\nRecruiting Officers.\n\n(iv) Regimental recruiters are entitled to\nconveyance whilst on recruiting duties,\nincluding the period spent on journeys from\nand to the station of their units, except\nwhen proceeding from their units, they will\nOrdinarily pay their own and the recruits’\ntravelling expenses, railway and road\nwarrants being only used at the discretion\n\nof Recruiting Officer.\n\n(Vv\n\nall\n\nPaid recruiters, on recruiting duty, will be\neligible for conveyance by rail, road and\nsea from the place where they obtain their\nrecruits to the nearest recruiting office and\nreturn. They will ordinarily pay their own\nand the recruits’ travelling expenses,\nRailway and Road Warrants being issued\nonly at the discretion of Recruiting Officer.\nThey will, however, be entitled to Travelling\nAllowance and DA as for civilians drawing\nGrade Pay below ‘ 2400/-, while travelling\non duty.\n\nSoldiers/ Sailors on leave, when on\nrecruiting duty, will be eligible for\nconveyance by rail, road and sea from the\nplace where they obtain their recruits to the\nnearest Recruiting or Medical Examination\nCentre and return to their homes, if\nnecessary.\n\n(vi)\n\n(vii\n\n~~”\n\nReservists, pensioners and discharged\nSoldiers/ Sailors when employed on\nrecruiting duty, will be eligible for\nconveyance by rail, road and sea from the\nplace where they obtain their recruits to the\nnearest Recruiting or Medical Examination\nCentre and return to their homes, if\nnecessary.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n83\n\n147. Recruiting parties to and from Andaman,\nNicobar and Lakshadweep Group of Islands\n\nThe Personnel of the Recruiting Organisation who\nare detailed to carry out recruiting duty to Andaman,\nNicobar and Lakshadweep Group of Islands will be\nentitled to the following concessions:—\n\n(a) Personnel who are\nentitled to travel in\nclasses other than\ndeck.\n\n(b) Personnel who are\nentitled to ‘deck’\nclass\n\nDieted passage.\n\nThe reimbursement of\ndiet charges actually\nincurred and charged for\nby the Shipping\ncompany in addition to\nthe actual fare which is\nwithout diet.\n\nNo DA/Messing Allowance/ Ration Allowance will\nbe admissible in addition.\n\n148. Clerks of Recruiting Officer when\naccompanying Recruiting, Assistant\nRecruiting or Extra Assistant Recruiting\nOfficer(s) on Temporary Duty\n\nA Recruiting, Assistant Recruiting or Extra\nAssistant Recruiting Officer may, when he considers\nit necessary, authorise a clerk of recruiting office\naccompanying him on TD to travel by public motor\nbus or lorry between stations which are connected\nby rail and sea. In such cases, the actual cost of\nconveyance by motor bus or lorry shall be admissible\nirrespective of the cost of warrant between the two\nstations.\n\nCombatant Clerks/Sailors of Writer Branch/\nAirmen Clerks- GD and Medical Assistants employed\n\n-on recruiting duty when travelling by road on which\n\nmotor buses do not ply for hire will be entitled to\ndraw actual out-of pocket expenses for conveyance\nboth for themselves and their baggage.\n\n149. Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance\nadmissible to Service/ Civilian Officer\nattached as Liaison Staff with Foreign\nDignitaries\n\n(i) Individuals who are attached to Foreign\nDignitaries/Delegations for liaison, security\nduties etc., are entitled to TA under the\nnormal rules for their journey from their\nduty stations to the places where they are\nasked to join the Dignitaries/Delegations\nand back again to their duty stations from", "(il)\n\n(b\n\n(Cc\n\n(d\n\nthe places where they are asked to return\non completion of their liaison, security\nduties, etc.\n\nDuring the period when such as individual\naccompanies Foreign Dignitaries/Delegation\nfor liaison, security duties, etc, he will be\ngoverned by the following terms of TA/DA:\n\n(a) For journeys by Rail: Individual will, as\n\nfar as possible, travel by the class of\naccommodation to which he is entitled\nunder the normal rules. In cases, however\nwhere it is considered absolutely\nnecessary for the accompanying\nindividual to travel in a higher class of\naccommodation than that to which he is\nnormally entitled, e.g. travel by air\nconditioned accommodation along with\nthe Dignitaries/members of the\nDelegation, he may be allowed to do so\nwith the prior sanction of Ministry of\nDefence.\n\n~~”\n\nFor journeys by Road and by Air: The\nindividual may, wherever necessary travel\nby road and by air with the dignitary/\nmembers of the Delegation.\n\n——\n\nDaily Allowance for the journeys by rail,\nroad and air will not be admissible to the\naccompanying individual. His expenses\non food in transit and other essential\nincidental expenses, e.g., porter charges\nwill, however, be met from Government\nfunds as for the dignitary/ members of\nthe Delegation.\n\nee”\n\nFor journeys by road and by air, the\nindividual should, wherever possible,\nmake his own arrangements for boarding\nand lodging at an outstation, in which\ncase he may draw the DA admissible to\nhim under the normal rules. Where,\nhowever, it is considered absolutely\nnecessary that he should stay in the\nsame hotel as the dignitary/ member of\nthe Delegation, accommodation\nappropriate to his status may be arranged\nfor him in that hotel, In such cases,\nthe individual would be entitled to\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n84\n\nDA as per clause (iv) of Rule 114 read\nwith Rule 114-A.\n\n150. Circumstances and conditions under which\nconveyance may be authorised during leave\n\n(i) Normally TAis not admissible for a journey\n\n(i\n\n)\n\nmade during leave or while proceeding on\nor returning from leave. :\n\nAn individual who is detailed for TD whilst\non leave (including casual leave) may, if such\nduty entails a journey from the place where\nhe is spending his leave when so detailed,\ndraw the TA admissible for the particular duty\nperformed from the place where he is\nspending his leave to the place where he\nperforms the duty and also for the return\njourney to the place where he spends his\nleave, provided he actually performs his\nreturn journey.\n\nIn the case of an individual who combines\ncasual leave with TD before commencement\nof TD or during the TD or on completion of\nTD no DA will be admissible for the days of\ncasual leave. TA may be allowed as may be\nadmissible from the HQs to the outstation\nwhere Official duty is performed or vice versa\nfrom one TD station to another duty station\nby shortest routes. Prior permission of the\nControlling Officer will be obtained for such\ncombination.\n\nNOTE: The phrase “the place where he performs the\n\n(ii\n\n~~”\n\nduty” occurring in this rule includes also the\nHQ station of the individual provided the TD is\nnot connected with his appointment or with\nhis unit/formation/establishment.\n\nThe following authorities may, for special\nreason which should be recorded, authorise\nindividuals shown against such authorities\nto draw conveyance in the following\ncircumstances:\n\n(1) When detailed for TD while proceeding\non or returning from leave,\n\nor\n\n(2) When detailed for TD at the place where\nhe spends his leave.", "Army (a)\n\n(b)\n\n(Cc)\nNavy (d)\n\n(e)\n\n(f)\n\nAir\nForce\n(h)\n(j)\n\n(9)\n\n(k)\n\n(1)\n\n(m)\n(n)\n(0)\n\n(1)\n\nNOTE:\n\nDGOL &SM PSOs at IHQ of MoD\n(Army) and GOsC-in-C\n\nCommands.\n\nHeads of Branches at\nIHQ of MoD (Army)/\nDGOL & SM\n\nGOsC-in-C Commands\nChief of the Naval Staff\n\nIndividuals placed\nunder their control.\n\nPSOs at IHQ of MoD\n(Navy), The Flag\nOfficers Commanding-\nin-Chief, Commands,\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding Fleets/\nAreas.\n\nHead of Branches at\nIHQ of MoD (Navy)\n\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding-in-Chief,\nCommands/ The Flag\nOfficers Commanding\nFleets/ Areas.\n\nChief of the Air Staff\n\nIndividu]als placed under\ntheir control.\n\nIndividuals placed\nunder their control.\n\nAOA at Air HQ\n\nAir Officers Commanding-\nin-Chief Commands\n\nDGAFMS Individuals placed\nDGOF under their control.\nDGNCC\n\nDGQA\n\nScientific Adviser to the\nDefence Minister\n\nAn authority to draw conveyance under\nclause (iii) above shall be given when the\nfollowing conditions are fulfilled:\n\n(a) Itis necessary or expedient in the public\ninterest for the individual concerned to\nperform the duty at that particular time,\nand\n\nIf the individuals concerned were not\nrequired to perform duty, it would be\nnecessary to detail some other person\nto perform it.\n\nThe conveyance admissible under this rule\nwill be regulated by the Grade Pay of the post\nwhich an individual would have held had he\nnot proceeded on leave. Conveyance to an\nindividual, who, during the period of his refused\nleave running concurrently with re-employment\nunder Government is required to travel on\nGovernment duty, should be regulated with\nreference to his reemployment pay plus\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n85\n\nVv)\n\n(vi)\n\n(vii)\n\n(viii)\n\n(1)\n\npension, subject to the provision that if the sum\nof such pay plus pension exceeds the pay of\nre-employed post, if it is on a fixed rate of pay,\nor the maximum pay of re-employed post, if it\nis on a time scale of pay, such excess shall\nbe ignored. The amount of pension to be taken\ninto account for these purposes will be the\namount originally sanctioned, i.e., before\ncommunication, if any, and will also include\nthe pensionary equivalent of death-cum-\nretirement gratuity, if any.\n\nThe conveyance admissible under clause (iii)\nabove shall be limited to that admissible for\na single journey on TD between the\nindividual’s permanent station at the time\nwhen he proceeds on leave and place where\nhe is required to perform the duty.\n\nThe provisions under clauses (iii) and (iv)\nabove will also apply when an individual\nproceeds on leave of any kind than casual\nleave, from outstation on completion of TD\nat that station and returns to HQ on expiry\nof such leave.\n\nIf casual leave is availed of in such cases,\nthe grant of TA for both the outward and return\njourneys, at the TD scale, is not affected\nthereby.\n\nWhen an individual proceeds on leave from\nan outstation while on TD and rejoins the\nTD at the outstation on expiry of such leave,\nhis TA and DA for the TD so performed will\nbe regulated under the normal rules provided\nthe conditions laid in clause (iv) above are\nfulfilled. No DA will be admissible for the\nperiod of leave.\n\nIn cases where an individual on leave is\ndetailed to attend a Court of Inquiry, Court\nMartial or to give evidence before a Civil\nCourt, or any duty of the type involving the\npresence of a particular individual for whom\nclaim for TA/DA under clauses (iii) and (vii)\nabove has been preferred, the certification\nof the condition mentioned in clause (iv) (b)\nby the Competent Authority for grant of\nconveyance is not necessary.\n\n150-A. Conveyance for Officer Officiating in\n\nleave vacancies\nWhen a Commissioned Officer is moved\n\n- from one station to another to officiate in a\n\npurely privilege/annual leave vacancy, TAat\nthe TD scale for the journeys on taking\nup and relinquishing the TD shall be\nadmissible, provided the duties of the", "officer proceeding on leave cannot be left\nunattended to during his absence or be\nperformed by another officer serving at the\nstation in the case of Army and Air Force\nofficer or by any other officer serving at IN\nship/Establishment in the case of IN Officer,\nand provided further that PSOs or Head of\nthe Branch at IHQ of MoD (Army)/GOsC-in-\nC Commands, in the case of Army Officer,\nPSOs at Air HQ/Air Officers Commanding-\nin-Chief commands, as applicable, in the\ncase of Air Force Officers, PSOs or Head of\nBranch at IHQ of MoD (Navy) Administrative\nAuthority concerned in the case of IN\nOfficers, DGOF in case of Commissioned\nOfficers serving in DGOF’s HQ and Ordnance\nFactories etc., and DGNCC in respect of\nNCC Officers employed on whole time basis\nin the Senior Division of NCC units, is\nsatisfied that owing to the exigencies of\nservice; the officer would not otherwise be\nable to obtain a reasonable proportion of his\nleave. DGOL & SM for officers placed under\nhis control.\n\n(ii) When a Commissioned Officer is moved\nfrom one station to another to officiate in a\ncombined leave vacancy extending up to a\nperiod of 180 days or less, TA on the TD\nscale shall be admissible.\n\n(iii) In both the cases mentioned in clauses (i)\nand (ii) above, DA as admissible for normal\nTD shall be granted provided that anticipated\nduration of duty at the outstation does not\nexceed 180 days. Such officiating\narrangements shall be made under the\npersonal orders of the authorities mentioned\nin clause (1) above after they are satisfied\nthat arrangements are inescapable.\n\nException: Officer of the AMC who are deputed\nfrom one station to another to fill up the vacancy,\nCaused on proceeding of the Medical Officer/Specialist\non casual leave for more than 5 days, will be entitled\nto normal TA/DA as on TD move, provided there is no\nother Medical Officer/ Specialist of that particular\nspeciality available at that station. These arrangements\nwill be made by the local authorities empowered to\nsanction TD moves.\n\n150-B. Conveyance for Individuals attending\nCourses or Examinations whilst on leave\nin India\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n86\n\n~_—~\ney\n—\n\n(i) Conveyance to the extent specified below\n\nis admissible to an individual ordered or\npermitted to attend an authorised Course of\nInstruction or Examination, whilst on leave:\n\n(a) Ifthe individual is on privilege, earned or\n\nannual leave, un-combined with other\nleave, conveyance to the extent\nadmissible had he remained at duty.\n\nWhen other leave is taken, conveyance\nfrom his place of residence to the station\nto which he proceeds for attending the\nCourse or Examination, and then to his\nplace or residence or to his own station,\nprovided that the expenditure caused\nthereby does not exceed that which would\nhave been incurred had he not been on\nleave.\n\n(il) Conveyance is inadmissible to an individual\n\nwho, for his own convenience, does not\nproceed to the station which he had been\noriginally ordered, but is permitted to attend\nthe Course or Examination in question at\nthe station at which he is residing whilst on\nleave.\n\n151. Conveyance when recalled from Leave for\nDuty\n\n(i) Commissioned Officers (including MNS\n\nOfficers) and civilians on leave, other than\ncasual leave, recalled for active service or\nduty with his Corps/Unit/ Formation/\nEstablishment or in his appointment by the\nappropriate leave sanctioning authorities\nbefore the expiration of his leave, are entitled\nto TA at TD scale for the return journey to\nhis station from the place at which the order\nof recall reaches him, provided that the\nemergency necessitating his return could\nnot have been foreseen at the time of\nproceeding on leave. TAat the same scale\nfor the journey from their duty station to the\nleave station in respect of the officers who\nare permitted to avail the balance of leave\non completion of the duty will be admissible\nsubject to the following conditions:\n\n(a) Order for recall from leave will be issued\n\nby Army Commanders and equivalents\nin the case of officers serving in\nCommands. In the case of officer serving\nin Service HQs the orders will", "be issued by the DGOL & SM/AOP/COP\nas the case may be. This power will not\nbe delegated to any other officer.\n\n~—,\ney\n~ee”\n\nQuantum of leave initially granted should\nbe 30 days or more and the officer before\nrecall should have consumed/less than\nhalf the period.\n\nWhen an officer is recalled on grounds\nother than a National Emergency or\nInternal disorder, he should return to the\nstation from which he was recalled on\ncompletion of TD if permitted to avail\nbalance of annual leave.\n\nHowever, the entitlement to LTC for the\nfinal return journey to duty station of\nCommissioned Officers (including MNS\nOfficers), who are permitted to avail\nthemselves of balance of leave on\ncompletion of duty, shall remain\nunaffected.\n\nNOTE: Civilian Government servants who are\n\nrecalled from leave before expiry of half of\nits period to perform duty connected with\ntheir own appointment will be entitled to\nleave concessions for the final return journey\nsubject to the conditions laid down in Rule\n190 provided they avail of the balance of\nleave immediately on completion of the duty.\nIn cases where the balance of leave is not\nimmediately granted on completion of the\nduty due to exigencies of service, the refusal\nto grant leave having been recorded in\nwriting by the authority competent to\nsanction leave and specific reasons for\nrefusal given, the LTC for the final return\njourney to their permanent duty station will\nbe admissible when the leave is granted\nlater. In no case will the LTC for final return\njourney to the permanent duty station be\ngranted to those who do not avail\nthemselves of the balance of leave for\npersonal reasons immediately on completion\nof duty for which recalled from leave.\n\n(ii) The concession under clause (i) above will\n\nbe admissible only when the leave is\ncurtailed by more than half the period.\n\nOfficers who are recalled from leave for.\n\nactive service or duty with their Corps of\nUnit or Ships or Establishments or to\nperform duty connected with their own\nappointment will be entitled to LTC for the\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n8/\n\n(iii) (a\n\n)\n\neee”\n\nfinal return journey subject to the conditions\nlaid down in Rule 177, provided they avail\nof the balance of leave immediately on\ncompletion of the duty. In cases where the\nbalance of leave is not immediately granted\non completion of the duty due to exigencies\nof service the refusal to grant leave having\nbeen recorded in writing by the authority\ncompetent to sanction leave and specific\nreasons for refusal given, the LTC for the\nfinal return to their permanent duty station\nwill be admissible when the leave is\ngranted later. In no case will the LTC for\nthe final return journey to the permanent\nduty station be granted to those who do\nnot avail themselves of the balance of\nleave for personal reasons immediately on\ncompletion of duty for which recalled from\nleave.\n\nTo become entitled to LTC it is necessary\nthat the Officer should spend the balance\nof leave after recall at the same station upto\nwhich they had availed of the LTC for the\nonward journey. The OC/the Commanding\nOfficer of IN Ship/Establishment shall,\nhowever, have discretionary powers to\nauthorise the leave to be spent at a\ndifferent station provided that no extra\nexpenditure to the State is caused.\n\nA soldier, sailor, airman (including a JCO\nand his equivalents holding Honorary rank\nas Commissioned Officer), or NCs(E)\ngranted annual leave who is recalled to\nservice before the completion of the first\nhalf of his leave, may again be granted free\nconveyance to and from his home to the\nextent prescribed in Rule 184. Conveyance\nunder this rule will be in addition to that\nauthorised for annual leave.\n\nA soldier, sailor, airman (including a JCO\nand his equivalents holding Honorary rank\nas a Commissioned Officer), or NCs(E)\ngranted leave (other than casual leave )\ninvolving travel at his own expense will, if\nrequired to rejoin his’ Unit/Ship/\nEstablishment before the completion of the\nfirst half of the leave granted to him be\nrefunded the actual amount paid for the\nrailway journeys. If required to rejoin at a\nnew station thereby not making the use of\nthe concession voucher (IAF T-1720-A) for\nthe return journey, he will, in addition, be\ngiven a warrant as for one on annual leave.", "(c)\n\n(1)\n\nsub-clause (a) and (b) above are not\napplicable to Boys and Apprentices.\n\nWhere journeys in respect of service\npersonnel are necessitated by compulsory\nrecall from vacations to duty in public interest\nTAwill be admissible as per recall from leave,\ntreating vacation as leave under this Rule\nand all terms and conditions stipulated in\nthis Rule will be applicable in such cases.\n\nNOTE: The term vacation implies that when training/\n\nteaching Institutes such as IMA and NDA etc.\nare closed for summer/ winter vacation and\nDefence Personnel of such institutions are\nrecalled from vacation for duty in public\ninterest.\n\n152. Travelling Allowance to Colonels/ Colonel\nCommandants visiting their Units\n\n(1)\n\n(ii)\n\nThe Colonels of Regiment/ Colonel\nCommandants of the Corps appointed\nabove shall be entitled to conveyance\nwithin Indian Limits at the TD scale for\njourneys by Air, Rail, Road and Sea as\nadmissible under the rules.\n\nThe Colonels of the Regiment /Colonel\nCommandants of the Corps will be entitled\nto visit to Units during each financial year\nas indicated below :—\n\n(a) Colonel of an Armoured Regiment:\n\nOne visit to the Regiment.\n\n(b) Colonel of an Infantry Regiment:\n\n(i) The Colonel of an Infantry Regiment\nhaving twelve or less Battalions in his\nRegiment is authorized six visits\nduring a financial year and to the\nextent of 50 percent of the number\nof Battalions in the Regiment in case\nnumber of Battalions is more than 12.\nSuch visits, however, will not exceed\n8 in a financial year but without any\nconstraints regarding the number of\nvisits to a Unit in that year.\n\nIn addition to the visits authorized in\nPara (b) (i) above, a Colonel of an\nInfantry Regiment is authorized to visit\nthe Regimental Centre of his Regiment\nonce in each financial year.\n\n(ii\n\nee”\n\n(c) Colonel Commandants of Artillery, Army\n\nAir Defence, Army Aviation, Engineers,\nArmy Medical Corps, Corps of Signals,\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n88\n\n(d\n\n(e\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nArmy Service Corps, Army Ordnance\nCorps, Corps of Electronics and\nMechanical Engineering, Corps of Military\nPolice, Pioneer Corps, Intelligence\nCorps, Remount and Veterinary Corps:\nSix visits.\n\nod\n\nColonel Commandant, Army Dental\nCorps: Two visits.\n\n~~\n\nColonel Commandant, Army Education\nCorps: One visit to Army Education\nCorps Training College and Centre,\nPachmarhi.\n\n(f) Colonel Commandant,\nPhysicalTraining Corps:\nAPTC, Pune.\n\nColonel Commandant , Military Farms:\nFour visits.\n\nArmy\nOne visit to\n\nColonel Commandant, Army Postal\nservice: One visit.\n\nColonel Commandant, Defence\n\nsecurity Corps: One visit.\n\nColonel Commandant, Judge Advocate\nGeneral: One visit.\n\nColonel\nOne visit.\n\nCommandant, SL(RO):\n\nThe term ‘journey’ referred to in clause (i)\nand (ii) above connotes a single return\njourney from one station (i.e. the place of\nresidence of the Officer) to a particular\ndestination (i.e. station where a Unit of the\nCorps or Regiment is located) and return\nthere from to the starting station. If during\nthe course of the journey, the Colonel or\nColonel Commandant visits six different\nUnits located at six different stations, it\nshould be viewed as equivalent to six\njourneys for applying the limitation laid\ndown above. However, if two or more visits\nof the Corps or Regiment located in the\nsame station are visited during a particular\ntour but DA is claimed for halt with only\none Unit under clause (iii) below and not\nfor halts in connection with visits of different\nUnits at that station, then such a journey ©\nmay be treated as only one journey.\n\nColonel Commandants of ASC and EME\nare also entitled to the conveyance, TAand\nDA from their residence in India to the\nvenue of Senior ASC Officer’s Conference", "and DEME Annual Conference and back.\nTA/DA, admissible for this duty, will be\nadjusted against their authorised number of\nvisits, as per clause (ii), ibid.\n\nDaily Allowance will be admissible under\nnormal rules for duration of halts at such\nUnits. Advance of TA, when necessary, will\nbe obtained from the GOC-in-Comman4d in\nwhich the Officer concerned may be\nresiding.\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n\nUse of Railway Saloon and special reserved\naccommodation will not be provided.\n\n(v) An Honorary Colonel of the Regiment will\nbe authorised to visit Battalion/ Regiment/\nCorps Centre once a year and to attend\nRegt/Corps re-unions, as and when held. The\ntravel/other expenses shall either be borne\nby the individual or left at the discretion of\nthe Regt/ Corps. There shall be no financial\n\nimplication/ obligation to the Government.\n\nAir Force Officer not below the rank of Group\nCaptain are eligible for appointment as\nCommodore Commandant to each of the\nOperational Squadrons and major Training\nInstitute (Ground Duty Branches) i.e. AFA,\nAFAC, AFTC & IAM of the IAF. TA/DA will\nbe admissible as for Colonel Commandants\nof the Army. The visits to Squadrons by\nserving officers appointed as Commodore\nCommandants will be combined with the\nother duties to the extent possible.\n\n(vi\n\n~~\n\nCaptain Commandants of the Navy will be\nentitled to the same travelling allowance and\nDA as admissible to the Colonel\nCommandants of the Army.\n\n(vii)\n\n152-A. Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance to\nField Marshals when they are invited to\nattend Formal Ceremonial Functions\n\nField Marshals will be entitled to TA/DA as per TD\nscale as admissible to Service Chiefs under these\nRules from their place of residence to Delhi to attend\nformal ceremonial functions and back on the following\noccasions :\n\n(a) Republic Day Parade and Beating the\nRetreat Ceremony.\n\n(b) Investiture Ceremonials at Rashtrapati\nBhavan.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n89\n\nNOTE: The claims will be submitted to the PCDA(O)\nPune for payment and the Field Marshal will\nact as their own Controlling Officer.\n\n153. Conveyance for journeys to obtain Medical\nCertificate\n\nIfa person is compelled to travel to another station\nto obtain a medical certificate in support of his\napplication for leave or for further opinion as to the\nnecessity for the leave recommended in the medical\ncertificate, for an original grant of leave he will be\ngranted free conveyance on warrant except in the case\nof a civilian who will draw fare by rail in the entitled\nClass and a Road Mileage Allowance at the rates laid\ndown in Rule 61. If an individual undertakes more than\none journey he may be granted similar conveyance\nfor the second and subsequent journey also, provided\nthat he produces a certificate from the Medical Officer\nconcerned or the Medical Board that he was required\nto undertake such a journey or journeys at the behest\nof that authority. The journey should not be undertaken\nwithout the prior permission of the Controlling Officer\nif such permission can be obtained without risk to the\nperson requiring leave.\n\nNo allowance will be admissible for the period of\nhalt in such cases.\n\n154. Conveyance for Journeys to obtain Medical\nAdvice\n\nIf, in order to obtain medical advice, a person is\ncompelled to leave a station at which he is posted\nand at which there is no Government medical Officer\nand travels to another station he may draw TA for\nthe journey on production of a certificate from the\nMedical Officer consulted that the journey was in\nhis opinion absolutely necessary. The journey\n\n_ should not be undertaken without the previous\n\npermission of the Controlling Officer if such\npermission can be obtained without risk to the\nperson requiring medical advice.\n\nNo allowance will be admissible for the period of\nhalt in such cases.\n\n155. Conveyance of persons summoned to\nappear before a Medical Board for\nassessment or reassessment of pension\n\n(i) An individual (serving or discharged) who is\nordered from his home to proceed to another\nstation to appear before a medical board for\nassessment or reassessment of his pension\nwill be entitled to free conveyance to and\nfrom that station. If in the opinion of the\nmedical board such a person should be", "(i\n\n~~”\n\n(iii\n\n~~”\n\n(iv)\n\n(v\n\nwee”\n\nexamined by specialist, free conveyance to\nand from the specialist’s station or direct\n\nthere-from to the individual's home, as may\n\nbe necessary, will also be admissible.\n\nFor journey period officers/service personnel\nwill be eligible for TA at TD scale. When\nauthorised by an authority mentioned in Rule\n98, pensioners suffering from tuberculosis\nor leprosy, when advised to appear before a\nResurvey Medical Board, will be entitled to\ntravel in a First Class reserved (two berth)\ncoupe compartment or to a four berth class\ncompartment in trains which do not carry\nFirst Class two berth coupes, irrespective\nof the class to which they are entitled.\n\nNo DA will be admissible for the period of\nstay at the place where medical board is\nheld.\n\nThe authority to sanction claims for TA of\nOfficer and issue of warrants to others will\nbe the OC Hospital or President of the\nCentral Medical Board as applicable.\nRailway warrants for the return journey may\nalso be issued by the OC Hospital-or\nPresident of the Medical Board in cases in\nwhich pensioners appear before a\nReassessment/Resurvey Medical Board\nunder their own arrangements.\n\nFor purposes of grant of free conveyance\nunder this rule, the normal place of\nresidence will be treated as the home of a\nperson. In case a person is temporarily at\na place other than his normal place of\nresidence, free conveyance will be\nrestricted to the cost of conveyance from\nthe normal place of residence to the\nnearest station to it at which a Standing\nMedical Board is held.\n\n156. Conveyance on Journeys for Anti-Rabic\nTreatment\n\n(i)\n\n(i!)\n\nAll individuals are entitled to conveyance\nwhen proceeding for and returning from\nanti-rabic treatment under the orders of the\nCompetent Medical Authority from a station\nwhere such treatment is not available to\nthe nearest station where the treatment is\navailable. The concession shall be\nadmissible also to individuals on leave. No\nDA for the period of halt will be admissible.\n\nA member to the family of a Soldier/Sailor/\nAirman shall be entitled to conveyance\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n90\n\nwhen proceeding for or returning from anti-\nrabic treatment under the orders of the\nCompetent Medical Authority from a station\nwhere such treatment is not available to the\nnearest station where the treatment is\navailable.\n\nNOTE: Above facility is also admissible to civilian\nsisters of Service Hospitals.\n\n157. Conveyance for Service Personnel\nincluding MNS when proceeding on the\norders of Competent Medical Authority to\nanother Station to consult or receive\ntreatment and when returning there-from\n\nTravelling Allowance at a TD scale for journey\nperiod only will be admissible in the followin\ncases:— ,\n\n(a) All service personnel when proceeding to\nanother station under the orders of\nCompetent Medical Authority to consult or\nreceive medical treatment from another\nHospital or when transferred to a Service\nHospital from a station in which no such\nHospital exists. Similar concession will be\nadmissible when an individual proceeds for\ndental treatment from an officer of Army\nDental Corps or civilian dentist employed\nunder the Regulations for Medical Services\nin circumstances which entitle them to the\ntreatment.\n\n(b\n\n~~”\n\nAll service personnel when proceeding to\nthe nearest Government Civil Hospital in\nanother station and back.\n\n(Cc\n\n~~\n\nAll service personnel including MNS being\ndeclared insane and proceeding to and\nfrom an asylum.\n\n(d) A Commissioned Officer including MNS\nwhen appearing before Medical Board for\na prescribed medical examination and\nwhen returning from there.\n\n(e\n\nNee”\n\nBoys/Apprentices who are undergoing\ntreatment in a Service Hospital at a\nstation in which they are receiving training\nand are transferred for specialist treatment\nunder the orders of the authorised medical\nattendant provided that the sickness/injury\nis not due to individual’s own imprudence\nor misconduct.\n\n157-A. Daily Allowance to Service officer when", "appearing before the Medical Boards for\na Prescribed Medical Examination\n\nDaily Allowance for the period of halt will be\nadmissible to the officers of all Branches of the Air\nForce, officers of the Naval Aviation Branch of the Indian\nNavy when appearing before the Medical Boards for\nPrescribed Medical Examination at the Institute of\nAviation Medicine Bangalore and Air Force Central\nMedical Establishment, New Delhi. No DA, will,\nhowever, be admissible for admittance to medical\ntests.\n\nTheArmy officers employed in Army Aviation Units\nas Pilots are also authorised DA for the period of halt,\nwhen appearing before Medical Board for Prescribed\nMedical Examination.\n\n157-B. Daily Allowance to Naval Officer of\nSubmarine Branch on account of\nSubmarine Medical Examination\n\nDaily Allowance will be admissible for the period\nof halt to officers of Submarine Branch of Indian Navy\nwhen they proceed to out station for appearing before\nthe Medical Board for the Prescribed Submarine\nMedical Examination at Mumbai/Kochi /\nVisakhapatnam. No DA will however, be admissible\nfor admittance to medical test.\n\n158. Conveyance for Attendants\n\n(1) Conveyance is admissible for attendants\nwhen accompanying a sick individual, an\ninvalid or a case of mental disease entitled\nto conveyance under these regulations,\nprovided their services are considered\nessential by the medical authorities.\nAppendix VII gives the connected details\nand information regarding medical\nauthorities who can recommend and\nsanction moves of attendants. The number\nand class of attendants necessary will be\nstated by the authority recommending the\nmove.\n\nConveyance is also admissible for an\nattendant accompanying a workman of the\nDefence installations, including Ordnance\nand Clothing factories (as defined in\nWorkmen’s Compensation Act) who\nsustains serious injuries as a result of an\naccident during the course of his duty and\nis directed by the Medical Officer-in-charge\nto a Service and/or Civil Hospital at an out\nstation for specialised treatment, provided\nthat the said Medical Officer recommends\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n91\n\nthat it is essential that attendant should\naccompany the patient.\n\n(ii) An attendant in Government service\nauthorised conveyance under the above\nclause at the public expense shall be\nconsidered as travelling on duty if not in\nGovernment service, actual expenses will\nbe allowed at the discretion of the\nControlling Officer.\n\nNOTE: Actual expenses for the return journey will\nbe allowed at the discretion of the Controlling\nOfficer to the attendant of workmen involved\nin serious accidents if he is not a\nGovernment Servant.\n\n(iii) The following concessions will be\nadmissible to the attendant accompanying\na workman, employed in various factories,\nworkshops (within the meaning of the\nFactories Act) and an Industrial or non-\nIndustrial employee of the Ordnance\nInstallations who has sustained serious\ninjuries as a result of an accident during\nthe course of his duty and is directed by\nthe Medical Officer-in-charge to a Service/\nCivil Hospital within the local limits for\ntreatment, provided that the said Medical\nOfficer recommends that it is essential that\nan attendant should accompany the\npatient:\n\n(a) The attendant shall be considered as\ntravelling on duty.\n\n(bo) The attendant shall travel in the same\n\nambulance free of charge.\n\nNene”\n\n(C)\n\nThe attendant shall be allowed payment\nof actual expenses for the return journey.\n\n(d) A person not in Government service\naccompanying the injured workmen as\nattendant shall be allowed to travel in\n\nthe same ambulance free of charge.\n\n159. Conveyance admissible to Service\nPersonnel when proceeding from a Civil\nHospital to the Nearest Service Hospital\n\nFree conveyance is admissible to service\npersonnel admitted to Civil Hospital under the\nprovisions of a para 293(a) of Regulations for the\nMedical Services of the Armed Forces (1983), when\ntransferred from the Civil Hospitals to the nearest\nservice Hospital either in the same station, when\nsuitable accommodation becomes available, or at", "another station when the condition of the patient\npermits of such transfer.\n\n160. Conveyance for individuals proceeding for\nElectro Cardio Graphic (ECG) Examination\n\nConveyance for a journey to another station to\nconsult a specialist will be admissible to service\npersonnel when proceeding to the nearest\ngovernment Civil Hospital in another station and\nback, under order of the Competent Medical\nAuthority, for ECG Examination.\n\n161. Conveyance for relatives of Service\nPersonnel in Cases of Dangerous Illness\nor Bereavement etc.\n\nFree conveyyyge either under clause (A) or (B)\nbelow, as the individuals concerned may choose to\navail of, will be granted to such number of persons\nas mentioned below, one of whom must be a relative,\nto visit an Officer, a Nursing Officer, a Cadet, a Boy\n(only the sonyyf a serving or ex JCO/OR of the Army\n, equivalent ranks in the Navy and Air Force) of\nMilitary School, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, NCs(E),\nenrolled Trainee and Apprentice or a Boy, reported\nas dangerously ill either in a Civil Hospital or a\nService Hospital or to attend the funeral of any such\nindividual within Indian limits provided that illness\nor death is not due to the individual's own\nmisconduct:\n\n(a) Individuals placed on\ndangerously ill list\n\nTwo persons\n\nFunerals:\n\n(b)\n(i)\n\nMarried Service Three Persons\npersonnel (including\n\nCadets, Trainees etc.)\n\nUnmarried Service\npersonnel (including\nCadets, Trainees etc.)\n\n(ii\n\nNee”\n\nTwo persons\n\n(A\n\neee”\n\nBy Rail/Road : The visitors will be entitled\nto the same class of conveyance as the\npatient or the deceased. Relatives visiting\nboys of a Military School will travel on\nwarrant in the entitled class, if in service,\nand on Cash TA in the class admissible to\nthem at the time of their release etc., if no\nlonger in service. Civilian visitors of these\nboys will travel on Cash TAin second class\nof accommodation.\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n92\n\n(B) By Air:\n\n1. Individuals placed on Dangerously Ill\nList :\n\nTo one relative: The second person not\nnecessarily a relative may travel by rail/\nroad under clause (A) above but this\nindividual may also be allowed to\naccompany the relative by air subject\nto the following conditions :\n\n(1) Where the relative is a lady.\n\n(ii) Where the relative is a male but is\nover 60 years of age or is infirm,\nphysically handicapped or ill at the\ntime of departure to the bedside of\ndangerously ill individual.\n\nNOTE 1: The authorities to decide whether the\nconditions laid down in clause (ii) above\nare fulfilled will be the OC/Officer in\nCharge, Hospital in the case of Service\nHospital and the authority who issues the\nnotification of dangerous illness in the case\nof Civil Hospitals and their decision will be\nfinal.\n\nNOTE 2:Family members of service personnel\nposted in Andaman & Nicobar Islands who\nare placed on Dangerous Ill/Serious III Lists\nto a Service Hospital in the mainland for\ntreatment may be evacuated by air at\nGovernment expense. This facility will be\nextended consequent upon a certificate to\nbe given by the OC, Hospital or MO In-\ncharge that travel by air was absolutely\nessential and that travel by any other\nmeans i.e. by ship would have definitely\nendangered the life of the patient or\ninvolved a risk of serious aggravation of\nthe condition of the patient.\n\n2. Funerals: Two or three relatives of the\ndeceased as the case may be will be\nallowed conveyance by air/rail/road to\nattend the funeral. In cases where only\none relative travels, a second individual\nmay travel by rail/road under clause (A)\nabove or may be allowed, subject to\nfulfilment of the conditions laid down in\nsub-clauses (i) and (ii) of clause (B) (1)\nabove to accompany the relative by Air.\n\n3. Return Journey: The return Journey in\n\nall cases referred to in (1) and (2) above\nwill be performed by rail/road only and", "will be limited to the same persons who\nwere provided free conveyance for the\nonward journey.\n\nThe cost of conveyance to and from the\nHospital will normally be paid after the\narrival of the visitors in the Hospital by\nthe Officer commanding/Officer-in-\ncharge in the case of Service Hospital\nand the authority who issues the\nnotification of dangerous illness or death\nin the case of a Civil Hospital. In cases,\nhowever, where the cost of conveyance\nof relatives of soldiers/ sailors/ airmen,\nNCs(E), apprentices or boys for the\nJourney to the Hospital exceeds Rs. 10\nor in r/o service officer Rs. 50 the\nauthority issuing the certificate of\ndangerous illness will also send by\ntelegraphic money order one single fare\nof the appropriate class for each visitor.\nIn cases of death occurring at a place\nother than Hospital, necessary payment\nwill be made by the OC Station or CO\nof the Ship/ Establishment.\n\nNOTE: Free conveyance, as laid down above, will\nalso be admissible to one relative to visit a\nsoldier/sailor/airman, NCs(E), enrolled\ntrainee, an apprentice or a boy, who is\nreported to be dangerously ill due to\nattempted suicide or to attend his funeral in\ncase of death due to suicide. In cases,\nhowever, when the relative is a male but over\nthe age of sixty, or is a lady or a minor, or is\ninfirm or physically handicapped at the time\nof departure, conveyance will also be\nadmissible to a second person, not\nnecessarily a relative, under the conditions\nlaid down in this rule.\n\n162. Conveyance to the relative of Service\nPersonnel who are Battle Casualty and\nundergoing Treatment in Military Hospital\n\nThe following facilities will be granted to relatives\nof all Defence Personnel irrespective of rank who\nare battle casualties or casualties from Concessional\nAreas and who though not on the dangerously ill list,\nhave been undergoing treatment in Hospitals for more\nthan three months :—\n\n(a) Conveyance at Government expense to two\nrelatives to visit the patient once every six\nmonths. If the two relatives happen to be\nthe mother and the wife of the patient, one\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF-. 3\n\n93\n\n~ee”\n\neee”\n\neee”\n\neee”\n\nwee”\n\nattendant may also accompany them during\ntheir first visit at Government expense.\n\nIf the hospitalisation of the battle casualty\nprolongs beyond six months — thus qualifying\nfor further visits by the relatives under this\nfacility during the second (or future) visits,\none of the visitors out of the two must be a\nfirst degree relative i.e. wife, children,\nparents, real brothers and sisters.\n\nIn the case of patients who are in a position\nto undertake the journey but require further\ntreatment in the hospitals and are allowed\nto proceed to their homes, the relatives will\nnot be allowed free conveyance to the\nhospitals during that half year.\n\nIn case the visiting relatives are female,\nconveyance at Government expense will\nbe granted to an additional person who may\nnot necessarily be a relative, to escort/\naccompany the female relatives.\n\nFree accommodation to visiting relatives/\nattendants for not more than four days in\ntents near Service Hospitals or General\nHospitals located in rear areas under\narrangements of the Commanding Officer\nof the station concerned without additional\nexpense to Government, tented\naccommodation to be provided only when\nsome other suitable accommodation is not\nfound vacant.\n\nFood will be arranged by the Commanding\nOfficer of the Unit/Establishment to which\nthe relatives remain attached. Ration for\nthem will be drawn by the Unit at the scale\nlaid down in Army/Navy/AF instructions in\nthe normal manner, the attachment of such\nrelatives for the purpose being published\nin the Station/ Formation/ Establishment\nOrders. The cost of the ration at a rate\nequivalent to current higher rate of ration\nallowance as modified from time to time\nwill be recovered from the relatives and\ncredited to the state.\n\nNOTE: The cost of conveyance for both journeys shall\n\nbe paid after the arrival of the relatives/\nattendant at the Hospitals. Relatives/\nattendant will be entitled to the same class\nof railway accommodation as the patient to\nbe visited or the class in which they actually\ntravelled, whichever is lower.", "163. Conveyance in journeys for Mass Miniature\nRadiography of Gorkha Recruits enrolled at\nGhoom\n\nGorkha recruits enrolled at Ghoom will be eligible\nfor free conveyance as soldiers/sailors/airmen from\nGhoom to Kunraghat for carrying out Mass Miniature\nRadiography at Military Hospital, Kunraghat. Such\nof the recruits as are rejected at Kunraghat after Mass\nMiniature Radiography will be eligible for free\nconveyance as soldiers/sailors/ airmen from\nKunraghat to Ghoom and after their discharge at\nGhoom to their homes in Nepal under Rule 193(e),\nif they had actually proceeded from their homes to\nGhoom.\n\n164. Conveyance to families Accompanying\nSoldiers/ Sailors/ Airmen Granted Sick\nLeave\n\n(1) The family of a soldier/sailor/airman/\nNCs(E) on the authorised married\nestablishment temporarily serving at a\nStation outside the State in which he was\nrecruited is entitled to conveyance when\naccompanying the soldier/ sailor/ airman/\nNCs(E) proceeding to his home on leave\ngranted on the recommendation of a\nmedical board, provided that the family was\noriginally conveyed at the public expense\nto the station at which the soldier/sailor/\nairman is serving.\n\n(li) Conveyance for families under this rule is\nrestricted to conveyance by railway and is\nadmissible only on the condition that further\nconveyance will not be granted to the\nfamily until the Unit to which the soldier/\nSailor/airman belongs has returned to the\nState in which he was recruited and until\nthe family has rejoined the Unit at their own\nexpense.\n\n(iii) The family of a soldier/sailor/airman\nreferred to in the preceding clause who is\ngranted leave to his home on the\nrecommendation of a medical board after\nanti-rabic treatment is entitled to\nconveyance to the extent specified in Rule\n156.\n\n165. Conveyance to Family accompanying the\nNCs(E) granted Sick Leave after Anti-Rabic\nTreatment\n\nThe family of a NCs(E) granted leave to his\nhome on the recommendation of a medical board\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\nafter anti-rabic treatment is entitled to conveyance by\nrailway and sea to his home.\n\n166. Conveyance to sick families of Soldiers,\nSailors and Airmen\n\n(a) Families of soldiers, sailors and airmen\nincluding Master Warrant Officer on the\nauthorised married establishment residing\nwith the head of family in a station where\nthere is no Service Hospital and requiring\nadmission to Hospital or Specialist’s\nexamination will, under the order of the\nauthorised medical attendant, be entitled\nto free conveyance by rail/road/steamer\nfrom the station of duty of the individual to\nthe nearest Service Hospital and back.\nConveyance for necessary attendants will\nbe regulated in accordance with the Rule\n158:—\n\n(1) Where Government transport is\navailable, the sick families will be\npermitted to avail themselves of it.\n\n(ii) Where transport contract is in force and\nroad warrant could be used, such\nwarrants will be issued in favour of sick\nfamilies.\n\nIn the absence of facilities provided in (i) and\n(ii) above, the sick families will be entitled to\nreimbursement of actual expenditure on account of\nroad journeys involved, in reaching Military Hospitals,\nat prescribed rate. Conveyance by steamer will be\non requisition. If a warrant cannot be used, its value\nmay be refunded.\n\nNOTE: Facility at (a) above will also be admissible\nto families of NCs(E).\n\n(6) Free conveyance will also be provided for\nthe patients transferred from one Service\nHospital to another and back in cases of\nemergency.\n\nFamilies of JCOs/OR/NCs(E)/ of the Army\nand the equivalents of the Navy and Air\nForce, not on the married roll if admitted\nin the Service Hospital may be transferred,\nas a life saving measure to the nearest\nService Hospital where the necessary\ntreatment is available and that for the move\ninvolved free conveyance will be provided.\nSick attendant may also be provided in\nemergent cases when being transferred\nfrom one Service Hospital to another and\nconveyance of the attendant will be\n\n—\nO\n—", "regulated in accordance with Rule 158 read\nwith Appendix VII.\n\n166-A. Conveyance of families of Service\nOfficers from one Hospital to another and\nback for obtaining appropriate Medical\nattendance/ Treatment\n\nFamilies of service officers residing with the\nHead of the Family in a station where there is no\nService Hospital and requiring admission to hospital\nor specialist's examination will be entitled to free\nconveyance by rail/road/air/steamer from the station\nof duty of the individual to the nearest Service\nHospital and back. Conveyance for necessary\n\nattendants will be regulated in accordance with the\n\nRule158.\n\n167. Conveyance to the Relative of PBOR\nsuffering from Tuberculosis/ Leprosy\n\n(a) When the Officer Commanding Hospital or\nMedical Officer-in-Charge Sanatorium\nconsiders it necessary that a soldier/sailor/\nairman or NCs (E) suffering from\ntuberculosis/ leprosy should be visited by\na relative, the actual cost of conveyance\nby rail to and from the station at which the\npatient is in Hospital/Sanatorium will be\nadmissible to visit the patient:-\n\n(i) For one relative only every six months\nin respect of those soldiers/sailors/\nairmen and NCs (E) who are given\ntreatment in a Service Hospital/\nSanatorium as serving personnel for the\nfirst one year.\n\n(li) For one relative only once during each\n\nyear of treatment in respect of\n\ndischarged soldiers/ sailors/airmen and\nnon-combatants (enrolled) undergoing\ntreatment in the Service Hospital/\n\nSanatorium.\n\n(b) Actual cost of conveyance by road limited\nto road mileage at appropriate rate\napplicable to the patient visited will also\nbe admissible to relatives mentioned in\nclauses (a) (i) and (ii) above, where the\nplaces are not connected by rail.\n\n—\n‘2\n~—\n\nThe cost of conveyance for both journeys\nshall be paid after the arrival of the relative\nat the Hospital/Sanatorium. The relative will\nbe entitled to the same class of\naccommodation as the patient visited or\nthe class in which he travelled, whichever\nis lower.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n95\n\n(d) If in any case the patient is granted leave to\nvisit his relatives, he will be granted\nconveyance on warrant for the return\njourney which will be offset against the\ncorresponding visit of a relative.\n\n168. Conveyance to Workmen of Defence\nFactories, Ordnance Installations,\nOrdnance Inspection Organisation to\nreceive special Treatment\n\nIndustrial and non-industrial employees in\nOrdnance Factories, Ordnance Installations and in\nthe Inspection Organisations, who are workmen as\ndefined in the Workmen’s Compensation Act, are\nentitled to conveyance when directed by the Medical\nOfficer-in-charge concerned, to proceed to another\nStation to consult, or receive treatment from a military\nspecialist medical Officer. No DA for halts will be\nadmissible.\n\n169. Travelling Allowance for journey to procure\nfitness certificates at the time of\nconfirmation\n\nA temporary civilian Government servant\ngazetted or non-gazetted, who is required to appear\nbefore an appropriate medical authority at a place\nother than his HQ to produce a fitness certificate at\nthe time of confirmation is entitled to TAas on TD to\nand from the nearest station where the appropriate\nmedical authority is stationed provided that the\nmedical examination fee in such a case is borne by\nthe Government. No allowance will be admissible\nfor the period of halt in such cases.\n\n170. Travelling Allowance for journeys for\nMedical Examination in connection with\nfiling up of Annual Performance Appraisal\nReports (APARs)\n\nA civilian Government Servant governed by the\nCivilian in Defence Services (Field Service Liability)\nRules, 1957’, when required owing to lack of medical\nfacilities at the place of duty to appear before an\nappropriate medical authority at an outstation for\nmedical examination in connection with the filling\nup of his APARs, will be entitled to TA as on TD to\nand from the nearest station where the appropriate\nmedical authority is stationed.\n\nNo DA for the period of halt at the outstation will\nbe admissible.\n\nNOTE : The provisions of the above rule are not\napplicable to the DGOF’s Organisation.", "171. Conveyance for relatives of Civilians in case\nof Dangerous illness\n\nConveyance to one relative only may be allowed\nwhen the Appointed Medical Officer considers it\nnecessary that a civilian (other than an Officer)\ninvalided to a peace station as a result of illness or\ninjury contracted on field service and lying\ndangerously ill in hospital should be visited by a\nrelative. The concession should be restricted to the\nactual cost of conveyance (subject to the maximum\nentitlement to and from the station at which the\nindividual is in hospital) the same being paid for both\nthe outward and return journeys after the arrival of\nthe relative at the hospital.\n\n172. Conveyance to Civilians applying for\nInvalid pension\n\nWhen a civilian is directed by his official superior\nin the interest of public service to apply for an invalid\npension and when a board cannot be assembled at\nthe same station, actual expenses, limited to rail fare/\nroad mileage are admissible. Similar allowance is\nalso admissible for the return journey when\nnecessary. No allowance will be admissible for halts.\n\nNOTE: A Competent Authority may sanction\ntravelling expenses as above in special\ncases in which an individual voluntarily\napplies for an invalid pension.\n\n173. Reservists-Move on Temporary Duty\n\n(i) Asoldier/sailor/airman Reservist (including\nan artificer reservist) will be entitled to\nconveyance on warrant/requisition:—\n\n(a) When called up for training and when\nreturning there from.\n\nWhen summoned on account of\nabsence through sickness or other\nreasonable cause, to proceed to his\nReserve Centre for medical examination\nand when returning there from.\n\n(b)\n\n(c) When transferred to the Active List at\nhis own request provided the Unit to which\nhe belongs is then under orders for Field\nservice: AGorkha reservist volunteering\nto retransfer to colours after the\ncompletion of training is entitled to\nconveyance to his Unit in lieu of\nconveyance to his Recruiting Centre, the\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\n96\n\nextra expenditure if any being borne by\nthe reservist himself (not applicable to\nartificer reservist).\n\n(d\n\nee”\n\nWhen Invalided during Training:\nConveyance by Rail and Sea is\nadmissible in the above cases. For\njourneys by road between places not\nconnected by rail, an allowance at the\nrates as given in Rule 61 and for road\njourney in Nepal at prescribed rate is\nadmissible. For road conveyance when\nthe shortest route lies by rail or sea a\nreservist when he so desires, the\nDespatching Officer at his discretion\nmay allow him to travel by road in public\nconveyance subject to the condition that\ncost against the Government on account\nof such journey does not exceed what\nwould have been admissible had the\nJourney in question been performed by\nmain route by rail or sea.\n\nWhen transferred under the orders of\nthe Competent Medical Authority during\nthe training period for outward and return\njourneys.\n\n@\n\n(1) From one Service Hospital to another\nfor consultation of a Specialist and/\nor for continued medical treatment.\n\n(2) From one station at which no Service\nHospital exists to the nearest Service\nHospital with the required facilities for\ntreatment.\n\nNOTE: The competent medical authority for the\npurpose of item (2) above will be the\nauthorised medical attendant.\n\n(ii) Conveyance under clause (i) above is\nadmissible to a reservist to and from the\nusual place of residence or employment\nin India and in the case of Gorkhas to and\nfrom their place of residence in Nepal.\n\n(iii) In case of dangerous illness or\nbereavement during training period\nrelatives of reservists will be allowed\nconveyance as laid down in Rule 161. The\nrelatives will travel in the class of rail\naccommodation in which the reservists\nhimself is entitled to travel.\n\nReservists/Deserters will be entitled to\nconveyance facilities as laid down in Rule\n144.\n\n(iv)", "174. Special Daily Allowance to Aircrew (Officers\nand Airmen) Employed on Ferrying and\nTransport duties\n\n(i) In order to reimburse Aircrew (Officer and\nAirmen) the additional expenditure which\nthey may incur at outstations on messing\nand accommodation in the performance of\nferrying and transport duties in the Air\nForce/Navy, special DA at prescribed rate\nwill be admissible, but in lieu of the normal\nDA provided it is certified that it was not\npossible for service reasons for them to be\nmessed and/or accommodated under\nservice arrangements.\n\nNo allowance for meals will be admissible\nbetween 10 PM and 5 AM journeys will\nnormally be deemed to commence at 5AM.\n\n(1!)\n\n97\n\n(iii) No other Daily or Ration Allowance will be\nadmissible when the special DA is drawn.\nThe Officers have thus an option to draw\neither the DA admissible on TD at ordinary\nrates or this Special Allowance.\n\nNOTE: Maximum amount which can be claimed for\neach meal should not exceed the prescribed\nlimits, but if the amount incurred in any case\nis below the prescribed limit the\nreimbursement will be restricted to the actual\nexpenses.\n\n(iv) Claims for special DA will be submitted on\ntravelling claim duty supported by the\ncertificate provided to the individual\nconcerned by the Captain of the aircraft in\nthe proforma given below:\n\nMessing/accommodation charges incurred by No.\n\nRank/Sailor\n\nName\n\nParent Unit/Ship/Estt.\n\nUnit/ Estt Period of absence Particulars of actual expenses incurred Total Claim\nvisited from Parent Unit/\n\nShip/Estt. from Breakfast Lunch Tea Dinner Accomodation\n\nvoeeeaeeeaees to (date z z 4 z z z\n\nand timing to be\n\ngiven)\n\nCertified that messing and/or accommodation arrangements have not been possible under Service\narrangements at the outstation and claim represents actual expenses by the aircrew named above.\n\nCountersigned..........\nUnits/Ship/Estt.\n\nCommanding\n\n(v) Charges for messing/accommodation at\noutstations will be paid in cash by aircrews\nwill be recouped by submission o f claims.\n\n(vi) The above provisions will also be applicable\nto airmen/sailors who are detailed to\nproceed on VIP aircraft/aircraft employed on\nferrying and transport duties for servicing\nduties in (out of the way places) where\nnormal servicing facilities do not exist.\nClaims for the special DA should be\nsupported by a certificate in addition to the\ncertificate required under clause (iv) above\nfrom the Captain of the Aircraft certifying that\nthe airmen/sailors were detailed to proceed\non VIP aircraft/aircraft employed on ferrying\nand transport duties for servicing duties at\nplaces where normal servicing facilities do\nnot exist.\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_3\n\nOfficer...........\n\nDated.............. Air Force/Navy\n\n(vil) The above provisions will also be applicable\nto aircrews and ground personnel of\ncalibration flights as authorised by the\nService HQs. |\n\n175. Conveyance to the Civilian/ Service\nPersonnel for collection of Tickets, Visas,\nPassports in connection with official\njourneys\n\nCivilians paid from Defence Services Estimates/\nservice personnel who either go themselves or are\ndeputed for collecting air/rail/bus/ship tickets,\npassports, visas etc. from railway stations booking\noffices, passport offices, embassies etc. will be entitled\nto conveyance charges in connections with official\njourneys within India as well as abroad. The facility\nwill be allowed only by public transport and will also\nbe subject to conyyol by the Controlling Officer.", "CHAPTER FOUR\n\nLEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSIONS\n\n176. Mode and class of Accommodation (e)\n\nThe travel entitlements for the purpose of official\ntours/transfer or Leave Travel Concessions (LTC)\nwill be the same but no Daily Allowance shall be\nadmissible for travel on LTC.\n\nThe entitlement of journeys on various modes\nof transport while availing LTC by service personnel,\ncivilians and their families will be as under :—\n\n(a) Journey by Air: Class of accommodation\nfor journey by air will be as per Rule 62.\n\nNOTE: In the case of journey performed by air by\nnon-entitled service personnel the\nreimbursement will be limited to that which\nwould have been admissible had the journey\nbeen performed by surface route by the\nappropriate mode and class by the shortest\napproved route or the actual air fare\nwhichever is less.\n\n(b) Journey by Rail: Class of accommodation\n\nJourney by Road: Class. of\naccommodation for journey by road will be\nas per Rule 61 subject to the following\nconditions :—\n\n(i) In all cases of travel by AC Taxi, Taxi or\nAutorickshaw production of fare receipt\nwill be necessary.\n\n(ii} Reimbursement of actual expenditure\n\nlimited to the cost of rail fare of the\nentitled class in lieu of warrant may be\nsanctioned, if LTC journeys are\nperformed in vehicles operated by the\nGovernment or any Corporation in the\nPublic Sector run by the Central or State\nGovernment or a local body. LTC shall\nnot be admissible for journey by a\nprivate car (owned, borrowed or hired)\nor a bus, van or other vehicles owned\nOr operated on charter by private\noperator.\n\nfor journey by rail will be as per Rule 57. (iii) Use of own car/hired taxi on LTC\n\nNOTE 1: Entitlement by Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express\nTrains would be applicable in cases where\njourney is actually undertaken by these\ntrains and not for determining entitlement\non notional basis. Both ends of the journey\n|.e. place of start of the journey and the\ndestination should be directly connected\nby Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express Trains.\n\nNOTE 2: Service personnel and their families may\nalso travel on Warrants/Form’D’/CV by\nShatabdi and Rajdhani Express. The class\nof accommodation for travel by Shatabdi\nExpress will be as per Rule 95 A.\n\nJourney by Sea or by River Steamer:\nClass of accommodation for journey by sea\nor by river steamer will be as per Rule 58.\n\n—\nO\n—\n\nAccommodation entitlements for travel\n\nbetween. the mainland and the Andaman\n\n& Nicobar Group of Islands and the\nLakshadweep Group of Islands by ships (f)\noperated by the Shipping Corporation of\n\nIndia Limited will be as per Rule 58.\n\n(d\n\nwee”\n\n98\n\njourney on account of physical\nhandicap: Controlling Officer, as\nmentioned in Appx I] of Travel\nRegulations, is authorised to allow use\nof own car/hired taxi for LTC journey on\naccount of disability of the service\npersonnel or dependent family members\nw.e.f. 19.06.2010 after obtaining\nfollowing papers/conditions to avoid\nmisuse of such relaxation: —\n\n(a) Medical certificate from Competent\nAuthority;\n\n(b) Undertaking from Service Personnel\nthat journey in authorized mode is not\nfeasible and he/she will travel by own\ncar/hired taxi; and\n\n(c) Such claim to be restricted to the fare\nof the journey by the entitled class\nby rail/air by the shortest route.\n\nSpouse /dependent children residing away\nfrom the Service Personnel’s\nHeadquarters:", "Though it is not necessary for the spouse and\nchildren to reside with the service personnel so as\nto be eligible for LTC, the concession in their cases\nshall, however, be restricted to the actual distance\ntravelled and the distance between the\nHeadquarters/place of posting of the service\npersonnel and the Home town/ place of visit,\nwhichever is less subject to other conditions laid\ndown in these Travel Regulations.\n\n176-A. Facility of LTC by air during winter only\nto Service Personnel posted in Ladakh\nRegion |\n\nService personnel serving in Ladakh Region will\nbe entitled to LTC facility by air during winter season\nwith the following conditions:-\n\n(i) The facility of air travel will be admissible\nonly for the period from 15th November to\n15th March.\n\nThe facility of air travel will be limited to\ntravel between Leh and Sri Nagar/Jammu/\nChandigarh both for the onward and return\njourney. This facility would, however be\nadmissible between Leh and one of these\nthree places. The to/fro journeys between\nSri Nagar/ Jammu/Chandigarh and the\nhome town or any other place of visit will\nbe performed in the entitled mode/class of\nGovernment servant concerned.\n\n(1!)\n\n(iil) The facility of air travel (from 15th Nov to\n15th Mar) from Delhi/Chandigarh/Jammu\nto Ladakh and back will be admissible to\nService Personnel and families of Ladakh\nScouts domiciled in Ladakh and posted\noutside Ladakh region, or to those whose\n\nfamily living in Ladakh to meet their family.\n\n176-B. Journey by Air on LTC to Service\nPersonnel posted in Manipur/ Mizoram/\nCachar and North Cachar districts of\nAssam including Silchar\n\nservice personnel posted in Manipur/ Mizoram/\nCachar, and North Cachar districts of Assam\nincluding Silchar to perform journeys by air between\nImphal/Aizwal/ Silchar and Kolkata while proceeding\non/ returning from LTC.\n\nThis provision will take effect from 30th July\n1999.\n\n176-C. Free Air Travel facility for Service\nPersonnel serving in the State of Tripura\n\nservice personnel serving in the State of Tripura\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n99\n\nare allowed free air travel facility once in a year\nbetween Agartala and Kolkata and back while\n\n- proceeding on Annual Leave.\n\n177. Leave Travel Concessions for Service\nOfficers\n\nA.{i)(a) A service officer proceeding on any\nauthorized leave including furlough leave,\nmaternity leave (for lady officer) besides\nannual/casual leave irrespective of its\nduration within Indian limits, is eligible for\nfree conveyance by entitled mode/class by\ndirect/ main route to and from the nearest\nrailway station/airport to his home town/\nselected place of residence(SPR) once in\nthe second year of his service for the first\ntime and thereafter once in a year and\nevery alternate year to any place in India\nin lieu of home town/SPR. The concession\nif not availed in the year in which it is due\nordinarily lapses but see clause (ii) below\nand Rule 177 E.\n\nOnce, in addition to the officer, his family\nas defined in Rule 2 will also be entitled\nfree conveyance for journey to home town/\nSPR and back.\n\nNOTE: One additional Railway warrant is admissible\nto officers of the Armed forces serving in\nField/High Altitude/Counter Insurgency/\nCounter Terrorism operational Areas to\ntravel to and from their duty station and\nHometown/ Selected Place of Residence\n(SPR) twice a year instead of one free\nrailway warrant.\n\n(b\n\n~ee”\n\n(c) (i) Railway free allowance of baggage only will\nbe admissible.\n\n(ii) Officers will travel on warrants/Form ‘D’\nincluding Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express\nTrains.\n\nNOTE: The reimbursement of charges for booking\nof rail tickets through Internet/E-ticketing\nbooked through the website of Indian\nRailways only for railway journeys\nundertaken for duty/LTC is admissible.\n\n(d) Service officers who are not provided\nmarried accommodation in their new duty\nstation and are permitted to retain family\naccommodation at the old duty station may\ntravel to their old duty station instead of\nhome town. The entitlement of the wife to\nLTC under clause B below, in such cases\ni.e. free travel for that year would lapse.", "(€)\n\nNOTE:\n\n(f)\n\nNOTE:\n\n(il)\n\n(iii\n\n~~”\n\n(iv)\n\nWhere the main route is wholly or partly\nby sea, the Embarkation Authority at the\nport will, on requisition from OC Unit\n(Commanding Officers of IN Ships and\nestablishments in the case of IN Officers),\narrange return sea passage within Indian\nlimits. Road journey will be performed on\nwarrant or cash payment in accordance\nwith Rule 47.\n\nIn regard to places in territory of India\nconnected by shipping services the\nentitlement of the service personnel by ship\nwill be regulated as per Rule 176 (c) & (d).\n\nThe OC /Commanding Officer of IN ships\nand establishments in the case of IN\nofficers) will have discretionary powers to\nauthorise the use of warrant to a place other\nthan the railway station nearest to the\nofficer's home provided that no extra\nexpense to the State is caused and that\nthe authorised scale of the issue of\nwarrants is not exceeded.\n\nIn the case of Naval officers who are allowed\nto report to the shore establishment of the\nport when the ship on which they are borne\nis temporary away from the home port or\nfrom the port where it was scheduled to be\nat the time vide note below Rule 115, free\nconveyance on warrant will be admissible,\nas a special case, from port where the officer\nreported on expiry of leave to the port to\nwhich he is later ordered to join his ship.\n\nAn officer who, owing to the exigencies of\nthe service, is prevented from availing\nhimself of the concession of free\nconveyance in the year which falls due,\nmay avail concession in the next year. For\nthe purpose of determining his eligibility\nfor further free conveyance, the concession\nwill be held to have been availed of in the\nprevious year in which it originally fell due.\n\nAn officer granted leave on medical\ncertificate will be entitled to free\nconveyance in the entitled mode/class to\nany place in India recommended by the\nmedical board and the use of such free\nconveyance will not be held to affect the\nofficer’s eligibility to travelling concession\notherwise admissible.\n\nGorkha officers who have their homes in\nNepal will be entitled to free conveyance\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n100\n\n(Vv\n\n~~\n\n(vi\n\neee”\n\n(vii)\n\n(viii)\n\nfrom their duty station to their homes in\nthat country under the provisions of the\npreceding clauses.\n\nIn cases where any authorized leave\nincluding furlough leave, maternity leave\n(for lady officer) besides annual/casual\nleave irrespective of the duration is granted\nat the end of a year an officer may\ncommence the journey in the calendar year\nnext to which the leave pertains. This will\nbe subject to the condition that the LTCs\n(both for the outward and return journeys)\nare availed of within the leave period. The\nentitlement to LTCs of the calendar year\nnext to which the leave pertains shall\nremain unaffected.\n\nIN officers serving afloat, who are granted\nleave from a port of call when their ships,\nare away from the base port, will be entitled\nto conveyance, as _ follows:—\n\n(a) From the port of call to the base port of\nthe ship,\n\nOr\n\n(b) From the port of call to the home town.\nsuch officers who are granted leave\nfrom the port of call and choose to\n\n. proceed to the base port of the ship will\nnot be entitled to LTC for the wife under\nclause ‘B’ below in the same year.\n\nWhere husband and wife both are service\npersonnel and are residing together, or\nresiding separately they could, at their\noption, choose to declare separate home\ntown and both of-them may claim the\nconcession separately under the normal\nprovisions in respect of the members of\ntheir respective families subject to the\ncondition that if husband or wife avails the\nfacility as a member of the family of the\nother, he or she will not be entitled for\nclaiming the concession for self\nindependently. Similarly, the children shall\nbe eligible for the benefit as members of\nthe family of one of the parents only.\n\nChildren of service personnel staying in\nhostels are permitted to visit their family\non LTC w.e.f. 01.09.2008.\n\n177 B.(i) (a) Service officers will be allowed, once\n\nin alternate calendar year, free conveyance\nto and from the place where they intend to", "Heads of Branches\nat Service HQs\n\nGOsC-in-C/FOsC-\nin-C/AOsC-in-C\n\nspend their {any authorized leave including\nfurlough leave, maternity leave (for lady\nofficer) besides} annual/casual leave\nirrespective of its duration in lieu of home\ntown LTC (Rule 177A). Asimilar concession\nwill be allowed to their wives and their\ndependent children who proceed to the\nsame station. Officer, his wife and children\nmay travel either independently or together\nas may be convenient to them. The claim\nfor the LTC in respect of the journey of the\none need not depend on the journey\nperformed by the other. The wife and\nchildren will be entitled to the concession\nirrespective of whether the officer does not\nperform the leave journey or that his/her\n{any authorized leave including furlough\nleave, maternity leave (for lady officer)\nbesides} annual/casual leave irrespective\nof its duration has or has not been officially\nrefused. But the wives and children’s return\njourney must be completed within six\nmonths from the date of commencement\nof their onward journey. The concessions\nwill be counted against the year in which\nthe onward journey commenced. The\ncondition of six months may be relaxed by\nthe authorities as under:—\n\nIn respect of service personnel\nserving in Service HQs.\n\nIn respect of service personnel\nserving in their commands.\n\nNOTE: The grant of LTC under this clause in the\n\nfirst year of commissioned service will be\nsubject to the condition that the officer had\nnot already availed himself of the LTC as\nCadet/Midshipman/Flight Cadet in the same\nyear.\n\n(b) Incase the officer, his wife (and dependent\n\nNee”\n\nchildren) travel together in the next\ncalendar year consequent upon the grant\nof leave to the officer at the fag-end of the\nyear, the LTC of the wife and children will\nbe regulated against the year against which\nthe officer's own LTC is being counted. The\nprovisions of sub clause A (v) will also apply\nin this case.\n\nWhere families are separated from the\nhead of the family by reasons of the fact\nthat the latter is serving at a non-family\nstation or where family accommodation Is\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n101\n\n(e\n\n(f\n\nee”\n\n~~\n\n~\n\nnot available, LTC is admissible for the\nofficer's wife and dependent children from\nthe station at which they are residing to\nthe leave station of the officer without any\ndistance restrictions.\n\nWhen service officers and their families\nlive away from the place of duty for any\nreasons, LTC may be allowed from the\nplace of residence, up to the place of visit/\nhome town and back to the place of\nresidence, subject to the condition that the\nclaim is restricted to the entitled mode/\nclass by the shortest direct route between\nthe duty station and the home town or\ndeclared place of visit, as the case may\nbe. In such cases, Service officer should\nfurnish the reasons for residing at a place\nother than place of duty and the Controlling\nAuthority should also satisfy itself regarding\nthe genuineness of these reasons before\nadmitting the claim with reference to the\nplace of residence.\n\nLeave Travel Concession in respect of the\nwife of a service officer who marries while\nserving in operational areas will be\nadmissible from her place of residence\n(treating it as akin to the selected place of\nresidence) to the leave station to which the\nofficer proceeds on leave limited to what\nis admissible from the rail head/airport\nnearest to the duty station in a field area to\nleave station of the officer. If the officer\ndoes not avail of LTC, the place of\nresidence of the family will be treated as\nbasis for admitting LTC to the station where\nshe proceeds, subject to the limit of what\nis admissible from the rail head/airport\nnearest to the duty station in field area to\nthe leave station.\n\nLeave Travel Concession for the return\njourney to the wives of service officers to\nthe HQ of the officer is admissible provided\nthe wife’s entitlement of LTC for the year\nis foregone in the following cases :—\n\n(1) To a newly married wife coming from\nhome town of the officer, the concession\nwill be admissible irrespective of the fact\nwhether the marriage took place during\ncasual or annual leave of the officer.\n\nTo a wife who has been living at the\n\nhome town of the officer and did not\n\navail herself of the LTC in respect of the\n- outward journey.", "(9)\n\n(i\n\n~eee”\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(iii)\n\nOfficers while travelling by rail will travel on\nwarrant but their wives and dependent\nchildren will be reimbursed actual fare paid\nwithout any distance limit in each direction.\n\nIn the year, in which LTC 177 ‘B’ is due, the\nfamily of a service person if staying\nseparately (Home town/SPR) can visit the\nservice person in his duty station under the\nRule 177 ‘B’. However, entitlement of the\nservice person under Rule 177 ‘B’ for that\nyear would lapse.\n\nIn cases where officers, their wives and\ndependent children travel to leave stations\nby modes conveyance other than rail i.e. by\nsteamer, bus etc for places connected by\nrail, the refund admissible will be actual\nexpense limited to cost of warrant in the\nentitled class of rail.\n\nReimbursement for LTC journeys performed\nin a chartered bus, van or other vehicles shall\nnot be admissible in so far as such vehicles\nare owned by private operators. However,\nreimbursement of actual expenditure limited\nto the cost of warrant of the entitled class in\nlieu of warrant may be sanctioned, if LTC\njourneys are performed in buses, vans or\nother vehicles, on charter, where these\nvehicles are operated by Tourism\nDevelopment Corporations in the Public\nSector, State Transport Corporation and\nTransport Services run by other Government\nor Local Bodies.\n\nReimbursement for LTC journeys performed\nby private cars irrespective of ownership (the\ncost of propulsion being borne by the Service\npersonnel themselves) shall not be\nadmissible.\n\nOfficers when availing the travel concession\nto leave station authorised in this clause, if\ndesirous of breaking journey for the period\nin excess of the time allowed by the railway\nrules, will be allowed to do so and issued\nwith more than one warrant according to the\nnumber of their journeys breaks but no\ndeviation in the route to the final destination\nwill be allowed. The different warrants issued\nwill be linked with each other by the issuing\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n102\n\nauthorities by making the following\nendorsement at the top of each warrant in\nred ink.\n\n“Linked with warrant(s)\nNO(S)........... cece cece ee eee dt.\nLecce eee eee eneeeeteeeees > to\n\n(Iv)\n\n(vi\n\noS\n\n(vii)\n\n“iii\n\nween”\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nRoad conveyance, as laid down in Rule 179,\nwill be admissible in addition to free rail\nconveyance admissible under this rule.\n\nThe concession for leave station, under this\nrule, may be availed of at the user’s option\nwhile proceeding either on annual or sick\nleave once a year only.\n\nThe concession for leave station, under this\nrule, will not be admissible to those officers\nin whose case it is known at the time they\nproceed on leave that they will not return to\nduty on expiry of leave.\n\nThe concession for leave station (TR 177\nB), under this rule, will not be admissible in\nthe year in which the concession admissible\nfor home town/SPR (TR 177A) is availed of.\n\nChildren of Service personnel staying in\nhostels are permitted to visit their family on\nLTC w.e.f 01/09/2008.\n\nService personnel are allowed to en-cash\n10 days annual leave at the time of availing\nof LTC to the extent of sixty days, during\nthe entire career. The leave en-cashed at\nthe time of LTC will not be deducted from\nthe maximum amount of annual leave en-\ncashable at the time of retirement. Where\nboth husband and wife are in government\nservice, the present entitlement for availing\nLTC shall remain unchanged, and\nencashment of leave equal to ten days at\nthe time of availing of LTC will continue to\nbe available to both, subject to maximum of\n60 days each during the career w.e.f.\n01.09.2008.\n\nA Government servant can be permitted to\nencash above leave at the time of availing\nLTC himself or when his family avails it,\nprovided other conditions are fulfilled.", "NOTE 3: Encashment of above leave at the time of\n\nNOTE 4:\n\navailing LTC will be allowed 60 days before\nproposed date of outward journey.\n\nRe-employed pensioner will be entitled to\nencashment of Earned leave alongwith LTC\nduring the period of re-employment upto the\nlimit of 60 days (including the number of days\nfor which encashment has been allowed\nalongwith Leave Travel Concession while in\nService) provided he is entitled to LTC.\n\n177 C. An officer serving with unit/formation\n\nwhose personnel are in receipt of Field\nService Concessions will have the option\neither to avail himself of the LTC under\nclause ‘A’ or ‘B’ above, or\n\n(a) For one spell of annual leave in the year in\n\nlieu of LTC under clause ‘A’/ ’B’, free\nconveyance in entitled mode/class to\nspend his leave with his family at the place\nwhere the family has been provided with\nGovernment accommodation (including\nprivately hired accommodation) and back\nto his duty station, irrespective of distance\nlimit. The entitlement of the officer’s wife\nand dependent children under clause ‘A/\n‘B’ will, however, lapse for that year.\n\nNOTE: The OC can, however, allow an officer to\n\navail himself of warrant to a station other\nthan home provided the officer’s family is\n\nresiding there and no extra expense to the\n\nState is caused thereby.\n\n(b) The option of the officer to obtain a warrant\n\nwee”\n\nor the cost of journey at Public tariff rates\nunder Rule 47 will remain unchanged.\n\nOne additional free Railway warrant\n(including sea passage) in the entitled class\nwill be granted to all ranks of the Armed\nForces serving in A&N Islands to travel to\nand from their duty station and Home town/\nSelected place of Residence (SPR). This\nconcession will be in addition to the existing\nfacility of LTC to Home town/SPR/\nAnywhere in India, as presently available\nto them every year.\n\nNOTE: In the case of LTC journey undertaken by\n\nservice officer or his family under above\nRule, the Controlling Officer may at their\ndiscretion waive the requirement for\nproduction cash receipt by rail/road/air/\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF _4\n\n103\n\n177 D.\n\nsteamer, whenever they are satisfied in regard\nto the genuineness of the claim and the\nbonafide of the journeys having been\nperformed. Controlling Officers will ensure\nthat PNR No/Ticket Numbers of the journeys\ntickets are invariably mentioned in the\nWaiver Certificate. These powers shall be\nexercised by the Controlling Officer purely\non merits in really deserving cases and not\nas a general measure.\n\nAdmissibility of LTC to Service Officers\nwhile on Study Leave: Leave Travel\nConcession will be admissible to service\nofficers while on Study Leave. In such\ncases the claims are to be regularised\nas under:—\n\n(a) For self: The officers can avail LTC from\n\nthe place of study leave to any place in\nIndia/hometown/SPR, subject to the\ncondition that the reimbursement will be\nlimited to the fare admissible for travel\nbetween his HQ station (i.e. the last duty\nstation) to any place in India/home town/\nSPR or actual expenditure whichever is\nless.\n\n(b) For Family members:\n\n(i) When the family members are staying\nwith the service officer at the place of\nhis Study Leave, the reimbursement will\nbe as indicated at (a) above.\n\n(ii) When not staying at the place of Study\n\nLeave, LTC may be allowed from place\n\nof residence upto home town/SPR/place\n\nof visit and back to the place of\nresidence subject to the condition that\nthe claim will be restricted to the free\nconveyance in entitled mode/class\nchargeable by the shortest direct route\nbetween the duty station (i.e the last duty\nstation of the officer) and the home town/\n\nSPR or declared place of visit as the\n\ncase may be.\n\n(iii\n\nwee”\n\nReimbursement of journey performed by\nfamily members in the circumstances at\npara (b) (i) and (ii) above will be\nadmissible provided the family\nmembers of the officer proceed to the\nsame station as that of the officer.", "177 E. Forfeiture of Leave Travel Concession\n\n(i) If a decision is taken by the Disciplinary\n\n(ii\n\nNee”\n\nAuthority to initiate disciplinary proceedings\nagainst a service officer on the charge of\npreferring in fraudulent claim of LTC, such\nan officer shall not be allowed the LTC, till\nthe finalisation of such disciplinary\nproceedings.\n\nIf the officer is fully cleared of the charges\nof misuse LTC, the officer will be allowed\nto avail LTC(s) in future years but before\nhis normal date of superannuation/\ndischarge.\n\n(iil) If, however, the officer is not fully\n\nexonerated of the charge of fraudulent\nclaim of LTC, he shall not be allowed the\nnext two sets of LTC in addition to the\nLTC(s) already withheld. If the nature of\nmisuse is grave, the Competent Authority\nmay disallow LTC for more than two sets.\n\nSouthern Command Eastern\nCommand\n1 2\nAnamalais Andhura\nAlibad Bhowali\nCoonoor Jalapahar\nCourtalam Kailana\nKarwar Kodaikanal Kotagiri Kalimpong,\nand Estates within radius of Lebong,\n24 Km from that station Ranchi\nMahabaleshwar Munnar, Town\nPeermade Panchgani Yarcaud Shillong\n\nMercara and Estates within a\n\nradius of 32 Km of that station.\n\nMount Abu, Ootacamund,\nWellington\n\n104\n\n178. Leave Travel Concession to officers of the\nMilitary Nursing Service\n\nOfficers of the Military Nursing Service will be\nentitled to the same LTC as admissible to service\nofficers under Rule 177 with the modification that\nthey will use Form ‘G’ (G) instead of Form ‘D’ and\nreimbursement of 50 per cent of entitled class fare\nas per Rule 176 of these regulations instead of 40\nper cent or 60 per cent as the case may be.\n\n179. Road Conveyance for Officers proceeding\non Annual Leave\n\n(1)\n\nAll commissioned officers, officers of MNS,\nmidshipmen IN., their spouses and\ndependent children will be allowed\nconveyance by road to and from any station\nmentioned below to which they elect to\nproceed on [ any authorised leave\nincluding furlough leave, maternity\nleave(for lady officer) besides] annual\nleave/casual leave once in a calendar year:\n\nWestern Central Northern\nCommand Command Command\n3 4 5\nBakloh Almora Baramulla\nChamba Chakrata Gulmarg\nDalhousie Joshimath Pahalgam\nDharamsala Lansdowne Srinagar\nDagshai Landour Udhampur in\nMussoorie J&K\nKasauli Kullu Nainital,\nRoad Head, Nowgong,\nManali, Ranikhet,\nSabathu Panchmarhi\nRail Head,\nPipariya\n\n(ii) Road conveyance as given in clause (i) above\n\nwill also be admissible to individuals\nproceeding to stations other than those\nmentioned in that clause subject to the cost\nnot exceeding that admissible to the\nrecognised station which is contiguous to\nthe station visited.\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n(ii)\n\n(iv)\n\nWhere journeys to the stations involved\ntravel by rail and road, free conveyance\nby road will be provided to and from the\nrailway station nearest to the place selected\nas the leave station.\n\nTransport for conveyance will be provided\nby Government, wherever possible and", "7\nSS\n\nNOTE:\n\nS\n~~”\n\neconomical, and, if Government transport is\nnot available, by warrant/IAFZ-2150 where\narrangements exists. In other cases actual\nexpense incurred by appropriate means of\nconveyance as defined in Rule 102 limited\nto road mileage, will be refunded.\n\nWhen officers and their spouses and\ndependent children avail of the\nconcessions mentioned in this and Rule\n177 at the time of proceeding on annual\nleave, their, claims for road journeys\nperformed otherwise than on warrant/by\n\nGovernment transport will be regulated as\n\nindicated below :\n\n(a) If the leave station is served by railway\n\nout agency, or any other road transport\nagency tickets issued by which are\nrecognised by the railways and vice\nversa, or by a road company having a\nregular contract with the Government for\nthe conveyance of service personnel,\nthe entitlement for road journey from the\nrail head to the recognised leave station\nwould be restricted to the fare each way\ncharged by the railway, or by road\ntransport agency, or by the road\ncompany having regular contract with\nthe Government, as the case may be.\n\nIn case of other stations not covered by\nclause (a) above, actual expenses\nlimited to road mileage under Rule 61\nfrom the rail-head to the recognised\nleave station will be admissible.\n\nReimbursement for LTC journeys performed\nby private cars irrespective of its owner ship\n(the cost of propulsion being born by the\nservice personnel themselves) shall not be\nadmissible.\n\n(c) Officers and their spouses and dependent\n\nchildren proceeding on annual leave from\nJammu to various stations in J&K, who do\nnot make use of the Government transport\nwill, therefore, be allowed actual expenses,\nlimited to road mileage under Rule 61\nduring the period rail-cum-road tickets are\n\n105\n\nnot available on the strength of certificates |\n\nof non-utilisation of the Government\ntransport furnished by the officers\nthemselves.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n180. Army Officer employed as Army Aviation\nPilots, Officers/Sailors of the Indian Navy\n(Naval Aviation Branch)/Sub-Marine, and Air\nCrew Officers/Airmen of the Air Force\nemployed on Regular Flying Duties\n\n(a)\n\n(D)\n\nArmy officers who are employed as Army\nAviation Pilots and are on the posted\nstrength of the Army Aviation Flights/\nSquadrons and who are engaged on\nregular flying duties and officers/sailors of\nthe Indian Navy (Naval Aviation Branch)/\nSub-Marine/IMSF/Charioteer and Air crew\nOfficers/Airmen of the Air Force employed\non regular flying duties in vacancies in\nauthorised establishments will while\nproceeding on leave (including casual\nleave) be allowed once every year, on\nwarrant, a free rail journey in the\nappropriate class upto a total distance of\n1600 Kms for the forward and return\njourneys, both inclusive, Fhis concession\nwill be in addition to the LTCs that the\nservice personnel are entitled to under\nRules 177 and 184, as the case may be.\n\nJCOs/OR and equivalent ranks of Navy\nand Air Force when availing concession\nunder this Rule will be issued with\nConcession Vouchers, irrespective of\ndistance involved, with the provision that\nreimbursement of the cost of Concession\n\n~ Vouchers will be restricted to 800 Kms for\n\nNOTE 1:\n\none way. The individuals may be granted\nan advance to enable them to purchase\nrail tickets in exchange of Concession\nVouchers subject to the condition that the\nadvance so paid will not exceed 80% of\nthe Government liability for the cost of the\ntickets.\n\nThe provisions of the above rule will also\nbe applicable to all Army Officers who are\nposted in Army Aviation and who are\nengaged on regular flying duties against\nauthorised vacancies in Army Aviation\ninvolving regular flying, irrespective of the\nunits they are posted from.\n\n181. Reduced Fare Certificate for Service\nOfficers Including Midshipmen and JCOs\nand equivalent holding honorary rank as\n\n- Commissioned Officers - Form ‘D’\n\n(a)\n\nService officers including Midshipmen and\nJCOs and their equivalents holding", "(b\n\n~~”\n\nhonorary ranks as commissioned officers\nwhen travelling on leave at their own\nexpenses are allowed on production of\nForm ‘D’ to travel by entitled class or lower\nclass on payment of 60% of the fare of the\nclass travelled. While no reservation fee\nshall be levied, all other charges such as\nsurcharge for AC 2 Tier, supplementary\ncharges for superfast trains, sleeper\ncharges levied by railway at public tariff\nrate will be payable in full by the officer.\n\nWhen the service officers travelling on\nleave without using forms 'D’ due to non-\navailability of forms, reimbursement of the\nconcessional components shall be made\nunder exceptional circumstances on\nproduction of non-availability certificate of\nthe form from the Controlling Officers.\n\nThe total number of forms ‘D’ to the officer,\nhis/her wife/husband and dependent\nchildren for travel to any station within limits\nwill be restricted to six one way journey\nforms in a calendar year accompanied or\nunaccompanied by the head of the family.\nTwo of these six one way journey forms\nmay in addition to the officer, his/her wife/\nhusband and dependent children, also\ninclude the officer's parents sisters and\nminor brothers, residing with the officer and\nwholly dependent upon the officer for a\ncombined onward/return journey.\n\nNOTE: Form ‘D’ issued in conjunction with LTC\n\navailed under Rule 177 will however be in\n\nddition to the six one way journey Form ‘D'\n\nreferred to above.\n\n182. Reduced Fare Certificate for MNS Officers\nand Civilian Sisters —Form ‘G’ (IAFT-1720)\n\n(a)\n\nMNS officers and Civilian Sister when\ntravelling on leave at their own expense\nare allowed on production of Form (G) to\ntravel by entitled class or lower class on\npayment of 50% of the fare of the class\ntravelled including reservation charges. All\nother charges such as surcharges for AC,\nsupplementary charges for super fast train,\nsleeper charge, levied by the Railway at\npublic tariff rate will be realised in full from\nthe commuter.\n\nThe provisions of Rule 181 (b) will also\napply in their case.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n106\n\n183. Concession Voucher to Service Personnel\nBelow Officer Rank\n\n(a)\n\n(b\n\nee”\n\n(Cc\n\nNeel”\n\n184.\n\nService personnel below officer rank when\ntravelling on leave at their own expense to\nand from the station at which they are\nserving are allowed, on production of IAF T-\n1720-A to travel in the entitled or lower\nclass on payment of half the fare of class\nin which they actually travelled.\n\nFamilies of the service personnel\nmentioned in clause (a) above when\ntravelling at their own expense to or from\nthe station at which the head of the family\nis serving, are entitled on production of\nIAF T-1/720-A, to travel in the entitled or\nlower class on payment of half the fare or\nthe class in which actually travelled.\n\nPBOR when travel on leave without using\nConcession Vouchers due to non-\navailability of form IAFT 1720-A shall be\nreimbursed the concessional components,\nunder exceptional circumstances on\nproduction of non-availability certificate of\nform from the Controlling Officer.\n\nLeave Travel Concessions to JCOs\n\n(including Honorary Commissioned\nOfficers/ OR/NCsE and their equivalent\nranks in the Navy and Air Force)\n\n(1)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nSoldiers, sailors, airmen and NCs(E) when\nproceeding on annual/casual leave\nirrespective of its duration may be granted\nonce annually free conveyance on warrant\nby the main route to and from their homes/\nSPR or any other leave station provided\nno extra expenditure is thereby caused to\nthe State. When the main route is either\nwholly or partly by sea and railway\ncommunication also exists, conveyance by\nrailway by the direct route is admissible.\nThose whose homes lie near a port on the\nKonkan Coast may, however be granted\nconveyance by sea in lieu of by rail\nbetween Mumbai and the port nearest to\ntheir homes.\n\nThe provisions of clause ‘A’ (vi) of Rule\n177 will apply mutatis mutandis to IN sailors\nserving afloat who are granted leave from\nport of call when their ships are away from\nthe base port.", "NOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\n(1!)\n\n(iii)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(iv)\n\nOne additional Railway warrant is\nadmissible to all personnel of the Armed\nforces serving in Field/High Altitude/\nCounter Insurgency/ Counter Terrorism\noperational Areas to travel to and from their\nduty station and Home town/ Selected\nPlace of Residence (SPR) twice a year\ninstead of one free railway warrant.\n\nThe reimbursement of charges for booking\nof rail tickets through Internet/E-ticketing\nbooked through the website of Indian\nRailways only for railway journeys\nundertaken for LTC is admissible.\n\nWhen PBOR proceeds on annual leave\nand his family accompanies him on the\njourney to his home station, they are\nentitled family railway warrant/ cash TA at\nhis own discretion for the outward and\nreturn journey.\n\nOnce every alternate year the individual\nshall have the option to travel with or\nwithout his family to a leave station other\nthan home station/SPR instead of his\njourney to home station/SPR on family\nwarrant/ cash TAat his own discretion. This\nconcession is not in addition to the\nconcession of free warrant under clause\n(i) above for that year. Facility of free\nconveyance from SPR/Home Town to\nselected leave station of the individual will\nbe allowed to the families, if they are not\nresiding at the duty station being a non\nfamily station or due to non-availability of\nmarried accommodation.\n\nThe individuals while they are permitted\nto avail leave travel concession under\nclause (ii) and (iii) above may be entitled\nfor issue of Family Railway Warrant while\ntravelling on LTC w.e.f. 31.03.2006.\n\nThe individual while they are permitted to\navail LTC under clause (ii) and (iil) above\nmay be granted an advance to enable them\nto purchase rail tickets in exchange of\nConcession Vouchers subject to the\ncondition that the advance so paid will not\nexceed 80 percent of the individual liability\nfor the cost of the ticket.\n\nGorkha personnel domiciled in Nepal and\nnationals of Bhutan when proceeding on\nleave may be granted conveyance where\nnecessary from the station in which their\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n107\n\n(vi\n\n(vii\n\neee”\n\n!)\n\n)\n\nHeadquarters is located via their\nRegimental Centres/Depots to enable them\nto pick up and escort their families to their\nhomes and vice versa.\n\nGorkha personnel serving in operational\nareas and proceeding on leave to their\nhomes in Nepal may be granted\nconveyance via their Regimental Centres/\nDepots to enable them to pick up their\nheavy kit/civilian clothing.\n\nIn case where annual leave is granted at\nthe end of a calendar year, the individual\nmay commence the journey in the calendar\nyear next to that to which leave pertains.\nThis will be subject to the condition that\nthe LTCs (both for outward journey and\nreturn journey is availed of within the leave\nperiod), the entitlement for LTC of the\ncalendar year next to that to which the\nleave pertaining shall remain unaffected.\n\nThe individuals whose homes are in\nAndaman and Nicobar islands when\nproceeding on annual leave/casual leave\nto their homes will be granted free rail/road\nconveyance from their duty stations up to\nthe port of embarkation and free passages\nfrom the port of embarkation to the port of\ndisembarkation in Andaman and Nicobar\nislands and vice versa. Inland journeys in\nthese islands will be governed by the\nprovision as applicable in the main land of\nIndia.\n\nNOTE: Travel by sea: In regard to places in territory\n\nof India connected by shipping service, the\nentitlement of service personnel for their\ntravel by ship will be regulated as in case of\n\njourneys by ship undertaken of transfer.\n\n(viii) Individuals proceeding on leave will not be\n\nee”\n\nissued with more than one railway warrant\nto enable break of journey enroute for a\nperiod more than that allowed by the\nrailway rules. However, if and when an\nindividual desires to break the journey\nmidway, he may travel at his own expense\nand on return from leave claim the cost of\nissuable railway warrant as for direct\njourney.\n\nIndividuals on annual/accumulated annual\nleave who are either unable to undertake\nthe return journey on due date or having\nundertaken the return journey by due date", "eS\n\nNOTE-1:\n\nNOTE-2:\n\nare held up enroute due to interruption of\ncommunications on account of natural\ncalamities and are allowed to report to the\nnearest military units by the OC concerned,\nwill perform the journey between the station\nwhere they report for duty and the\npermanent duty station under the same\narrangements as would have been\nobserved had they undertaken the return\njourney on due date in the normal way.\n\nAn individual when proceeding on and\nreturning from leave at Government\nexpense will be granted free conveyance\nby road for the entire journey by\nGovernment transport if possible, or by\nhired transport if a Government contract\nexists road warrants being issued for the\njourney, otherwise a Road Allowance of\n~ 1.20/- per km will be allowed. Road\nAllowance for journeys in Nepal will be\ncalculated at the rate of ¥ 20/-per day or\npart of aday. For journeys over the portion\nlying between Siliguri and places in the\ninterior of Sikkim they will be allowed a Road\nAllowance at the rate of = 1.20/- per km or\nactual bus fare fixed by the Sikkim State\nMotor Vehicle Department.\n\nThe payment of actual bus fare will be\nallowed to the families of JCOs/NCOs/OR/\nNCsE and their equivalents ranks in the\nNavy and Air Force where Public Transport\nSystem exists and violation of Road\nContract System is not involved. Where\nhowever, no public system exists, the\nentitlement will be ¥ 1.20/- per km per\nindividual above three years of age.\n\nThis concession will be admissible in cases\nof road journeys between places not\nconnected by rail.\n\nThe rates of Road Mileage Allowance as\nlaid down in Rule 61, as amended from\ntime to time, will also be applicable for\npayment of Road Mileage Allowance\nadmissible in case of contingencies for\njourneys by road on foot and bicycle\nbetween places not connected by rail.\n\nEntitlement for PBOR for the road journeys\nbetween places not connected by rail or\nwhere road-cum-rail ticket are not issued\nwill be as under :—\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n108\n\nService personnel\ndrawing grade pay\nof ¥ 4,200/-, to\n\n~ 4,800/-\n\nService personnel\ndrawing grade pay\nof ¥ 2,400/- and\nabove but less\nthan = 4,200/-\n\nService personnel\ndrawing grade pay\nbelow <¥ 2,400/-\n\n(xii\n\n(xiii\n\n(Xiv\n\n)\n\n~~”\n\nNee”\n\nActual fare by any type of\npublic bus including air-\nconditioned bus.\n\nOR\n\nAt prescribed rates for Non-AC\nTaxi when the journey is\nactually performed by Non-AC\n\nTaxi.\n\nOR\nAt prescribed rates for auto-\nrickshaw.\n\nActual fare by any type of\npublic bus other than the air-\nconditioned bus.\n\nOR\nAt prescribed rates for auto-\nrickshaw for journeys by auto-\nrickshaw.\n\nActual fare by ordinary public\nbus.\n\nOR\nAt prescribed rates for auto-\nrickshaw for journeys by auto-\nrickshaw.\n\n(xi) PBOR and their family may travel either\n\nindependently or together as may be\nconvenient to them. Claim for the LTC in\nrespect of the journey of one need not\ndepend on the journey performed by the\nother but the family’s return journey must\nbe completed within six months from the\ndate of commencement of their onward\njourney. Condition of six months may be\nrelaxed in special circumstances by the\nauthorities mentioned in Rule 177(B) (1) (a)\nof these regulations.\n\nThe family of an individual is also entitled\nto Road Mileage Allowance in respect of\nroad journey to and from railway station to\nhome between places not connected by rail\nas per entitlement of the individual given\nin clause (x) above.\n\nReimbursement of charges for a seat (for\nday journey)/sleeper berth (for night\njourney) if actually incurred in the entitled\nclass will be admissible.\n\nA boy is also entitled to the concession\nmentioned in clauses (i), (vi) and (viil)\nabove.", "NOTE:\n\n(xv)\n\n(xvi)\n\nIn the case of LTC journey undertaken by\nservice personnel and their families under\nthe above rule the Controlling Officer may\nat their discretion waive the requirement for\nproduction of cash receipt by rail/road/air/\nsteamer, whenever they are satisfied in\nregard to the genuineness of the claim and\nthe bonafide of the journey having been\nperformed. Controlling Officers will ensure\nthat PNR No/Ticket Numbers of the journeys\ntickets are invariably mentioned in the\nWaiver Certificate. These powers shall be\nexercised by the Controlling Officers purely\non merits in really deserving cases and not\nas a general measure.\n\nWhen service personnel and their families\nlive away from the place of duty for any\nreason, LTC may be allowed from the place\nof residence up to the place of visit/nome\ntown and back to the place of residence,\nsubject to the condition that the claim is\nrestricted to the rail fare of the entitled class\nchargeable from service personnel by the\nshortest-direct route between the duty\nstation and the home town/SPR or declared\nplace of visit, as the case may be. In such\ncases, service personnel should furnish the\nreasons for residing at a place other than\nplace of duty and the Controlling Authority\nshould also satisfy itself regarding the\ngenuineness of these reasons before\nadmitting the claim with reference to the\nplace of residence.\n\nReimbursement for LTC journeys\nperformed in a chartered bus, van or other\nvehicles shall not be admissible, in so far\nas such vehicles are owned by private\noperators. However, reimbursement of\nactual expenditure limited to the cost of\nwarrants of the entitled class in lieu of\nwarrant may be sanctioned if LTC journeys\nwere performed in buses, vans or other\nvehicles on charter where these vehicles\nare operated by Tourism Development\nCorporation in the public sector, State\nTransport Corporation and Transport\nServices run by other Government or Local\nBodies.\n\nGorkha Personnel domiciled in Nepal when\nproceeding on LTC/Leave are granted\nconveyance subject to condition that LTC\nshall not be admissible for a journey by a\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n109\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(xvii)\n\n(xviii\n\n~~”\n\n(xix\n\nene”\n\nx<\nx<\n—\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nprivate car (owned or borrowed or hired) ora\nbus, van or other vehicle owned or operated\non charter by private operators. Keeping in\nview of the difficulty being faced by the Nepal\ndomiciled Gorkha PBOR due to limited\navailability of public transport buses,\npayment of RMA may be allowed as per STA\nrates to the Nepal domiciled Gorkha PBOR\nwhile travelling in Nepal on LTC for the\nJourney where no public road transport is\navailable.\n\nReimbursement of LTC journeys performed\nby private cars irrespective of its ownership\n(the cost of propulsion being borne by the\nservice personnel themselves) shall not be\nadmissible.\n\nRMA is admissible as per STA rates to the\nNepal domiciled Gorkha PBOR while\ntravelling in Nepal on LTC/Leave for the\njourney, where no public transport is\navailable w.e.f. 29th April 2011.\n\nGrant of one additional free railway warrant\n(including sea passage) in the entitled class\nto all ranks of the Armed Forces serving in -\nAndaman and Nicobar Islands to travel to\nand from their duty station and Home town/\nselected place of residence (SPR). This\nconcession will be in addition to the existing\nfacility of LTC to Home town/SPR/\nAnywhere in India, as presently available\nto them every year. |\n\nChildren of Service personnel staying in\nhostels are permitted to visit their family\non LTC.\n\nService Personnel serving/ posted in\nManipur/Mizoram/ Tripura/ Cachar and\nNorth Cachar Districts of Assam including\nSilchar are allowed to perform Journeys\nby Air between Imphal/Aizwal/Silchar and\nKolkata while proceeding/returning from\nLTC.\n\nRestriction of travel only by Air India will\nnot be applicable to non-entitled personnel,\nwho travel by Air and claim LTC re-\nimbursement by entitled class of Rail.\n\nService personnel are allowed to en-cash\n10 days annual leave at the time of availing\nof LTC to the extent of sixty days, during\nthe entire career. The leave en-cashed at\nthe time of LTC will not be deducted from", "the maximum amount of annual leave en-\ncashable at the time of retirement. Where\nboth husband and wife are in government\nservice, the present entitlement for availing\nLTC shall remain unchanged, and\nencashment of leave equal to ten days at\nthe time of availing of LTC will continue to\nbe available to both, subject to maximum\nof 60 days each during the career w.e.f.\n01.09.2008.\n\nNOTE 2:A Government servant can be permitted\nto encash above leave at the time of\navailing LTC himself or when his family\navails it, provided other conditions are\nfulfilled.\n\nNOTE 3: Encashment of above leave at the time of\navailing LTC will be allowed 60 days before\n\nproposed date of outward journey.\n\nNOTE 4: Re-employed pensioner will be entitled to\nencashment of Earned leave alongwith\nLTC during the period of re-employment\nupto the limit of 60 days (including the\nnumber of days for which encashment has\nbeen allowed alongwith Leave Travel\nConcession while in Service) provided he\n\nis entitled to LTC.\n184-A. Forfeiture of LTC\n\n(i) If a decision is taken by the Disciplinary\nAuthority to initiate disciplinary proceedings\nagainst the JCO (including Honorary\nCommissioned Officers)/OR/ NCsE and\ntheir equivalent ranks in the Navy and Air\nForce on the charge of preferring a\nfraudulent claim of LTC, he shall not be\nallowed LTC till the finalization of such\ndisciplinary proceedings.\n\nIf the JCO = (including Honorary\nCommissioned Officer)/OR/ NCsE and\ntheir equivalent ranks in the Navy and Air\nForce, is fully cleared of the charges of\nmisuse of LTC. He will be allowed to avail\nof the LTC with held earlier as additional\nLTC in future years but before his normal\ndate of superannuation/discharge.\n\nIf, however the JCO (including Honorary\nCommissioned Officer)/ OR/ NCsE and\ntheir equivalent ranks in the Navy and Air\nForce is not fully exonerated of the charge\nof fraudulent claim of LTC, he shall not be\n\n(iii)\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF _4\n\n110\n\nallowed the next two sets of LTC in addition\nto the LTC(s) already held. If the nature of\nthe misuse is grave, the Competent\nAuthority may disallow LTC for more than\ntwo sets.\n\n185. Conveyance to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen\nand NCs(E) when proceeding on Medical\nLeave\n\nAn individual granted leave on medical\ncertificate issued by a Service Medical Officer or by\nthe Medical Officer-in-charge or a service or civil\nhospital, is entitled to a free return conveyance to\nand from his home. Road conveyance will be\nadmissible as per rule 184. |\n\nA Gorkha soldier, sailor or airman proceeding to\nhis home in Nepal and certified to be unable to\nmarch, is entitled to a Road Allowance at prescribed\nrates for each day of journey within Nepal territory.\nClaim for this allowance must be supported by a\ncertificate signed by the Commanding Officer unit/\nship/establishment indicating the number of days\njourney by the main route from the Nepalese frontier\nto the man’s home as recorded in his sheet roll.\n\nThe provisions of this rule will also apply to Army\nBoys/Naval boys and apprentices.\n\n186. BLANK\n\n187. Conveyance to Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen\nwho fall sick while on leave |\n\nA soldier, sailor or airman, who falls sick while\non leave and hires a transport for reporting to a\nService Hospital or a Civil Medical Officer for\ntreatment, will be refunded the actual cost of\ntransport hired provided that the Medical Officer who\nexamines him certified that :\n\n(i) The man concerned was unable to walk;\n(ii) The type of transport used was appropriate;\n(ili) Charges incurred were fair and reasonable.\n\nBills and certificates duly attested by the Civil\nor Service Medical Officer should be handed over\nto the man concerned before he leaves the hospital.\nOn return to his unit/ship or establishment the\nindividual will present these papers to his\nCommanding Officer who will submit them to the\nController of Defence Accounts concerned for\npayment on contingent bills.", "188. Leave Travel Concession for Service\nPersonnel serving in Bhutan while\nproceeding on leave to and from India\n\n(a) Service personnel who are serving in\nBhutan when proceeding on leave to India\nand returning there-from will be entitled to\nLTC under the rules applicable to the\ncorresponding personnel serving in India.\n\nRoad Conveyance from Bhutan to\nHashimara, Bongaigaon or Rangiya as the\ncase may be, will be regulated under Rule\n179 and Rule 184(x) as the case may be.\n\n189. Leave Travel Concession to Civilians\nemployed in Coys ASC (Civil GT)\n\nCivilian personnel (Platoon Supervisors, Clerks,\nMechanics, Assistant Mechanics and Drivers)\n\n111\n\nemployed in companies of ASC (Civil GT) while —\n\nproceeding on leave will be entitled to free\nconveyance once during each calendar year on\nwarrant after six months approved service to and\nfrom their homes while proceeding on regular leave.\n\n190. Leave Travel Concession for Civilians\n1. Extent of application:\n\n(a) Leave Travel Concession is admissible\nto civilians Government Servant of all\ngrades including:—\n\n(1) Deputationist.\n\n(ii) Who are appointed on contract basis\n\nif the period of contract is more than —\n\none year.\n\n(iii) Who are re-employed after their\nretirements, on completion of one\nyear’s continuous service.\n\n(iv) Industrial and work charged staff who\nare entitled to regular leave.\n\nNOTE 1: The concession is not admissible to a\nGovernment servant who has not\ncompleted one year of continuous service\non the date of journey performed by him\nor his family, as the case may be. The\ncondition of one year’s continuous service\non the date of the journey for admissibility\nof LTC is applicable equally to permanent\nGovernment servants and probationers as\nwell as to temporary and officiating\nemployees.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\nNOTE 2:In the case of persons belonging to\ncategories mentioned in clauses (i), (ii) and\n(iv) above, the LTC shall be admissible on\ncompletion of one year continuous service\nunder the Central Government and\nprovided that it is certified by the\nappropriate administrative authority that\nthe employee concerned is likely to serve\nunder the Central Government for a period\nof at least two years in the case of LTC to\nhome town, and at least four years in the\ncase of LTC to any place in India to be\nreckoned from the date of his joining the\npost under the Central Government.\n\nNOTE 3: In the case of officers appointed on contract\nbasis where the initial contract is for one\nyear but is later extended, the total duration\nof the contract will be taken into account\n\nfor the purpose of LTC.\n\nNOTE 4:In the case of persons re-employed\nimmediately after retirement without any\nbreak, the period of re-employed service\nwill be treated as continuous without the\nprevious service for the purpose of LTC\nand the concession allowed for the re-\nemployed officer, had he not retired but had\n\ncontinued as serving officer.\n\nHlustration: If an officer has availed of the\nconcession to visit any place in India in respect of a\nblock of four years before his retirement and he is\nre-employed without any break, he cannot avail this\nconcession till the expiry of the particular block of\nfour years.\n\n(b) The concession is not admissible to\npersons who are:—\n\n(i) Not in whole-time employment of\nGovernment:\n\n(ii) In casual\nemployment;\n\nand daily rated\n\n(iii) Paid from contingencies;\n\n(iv) Local recruits in Indian Mission\nabroad;\n\n(v) Eligible to any other forms of travel\nconcession available during leave or\notherwise;\n\n2. Scope: The LTC will cover the\nGovernment servant himself and his\nfamily:", "3. Definitions: In these rules, unless the\n\ncontext otherwise requires:—\n\n(a) A place in India: A place in India will\ncover any place within the territory of\nIndia, whether it is on mainland of India\nor sea.\n\nControlling Officer: Controlling Officer\nmeans an officer mentioned in Appendix\nll of these Regulations.\n\nS\n\n(c) Disciplinary Authority: Disciplinary\nAuthority means the authority\ncompetent to impose any of the minor\nor major penalties.\n\n(d) Family: Family means as defined in\nRule 2 of these Regulations. Where both\nhusband and wife are Government\nservants, they can claim LTC for their\nrespective families, viz., while the\nhusband can claim for his parents/step\nparents/minor brothers/ sisters, the wife\ncan avail for her parents/step parents/\nminor brothers and sisters. The children\ncan claim the concession as members\nof family of any one of the parents in a\nparticular block. The husband or wife\nwho avails LTC as a member of the\nfamily of the spouse, cannot claim\nindependently for self. In short, they are\ntreated as two independent Government\nservants.\n\n(e) Home Town: Home Town means the |\n\npermanent home town or village as\nentered in the Service Book or other\nappropriate official record of the\nGovernment servant concerned or such\nother place as has been declared by\nhim, duly supported by reasons (such\nas, ownership of immovable property,\npermanent residence of near relatives,\ne.g. parents, brothers etc.) as the place\nwhere he would normally reside but for\nhis absence from such a station for\nservice in Government.\n\n(f) Pay: Pay means pay as defined in Rule\n2-of these Regulations.\n\nShortest direct route: Shortest direct\nroute shall have the same meaning as\ndefined in Rule 39 (b) (ii) of these\nRegulations.\n\n~—\nCO\n~~”\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n112\n\n4. Government Servant and Family\n\nindependent units: The Government\nservant and his family members may travel\neither independently or together as may\nbe convenient to them and the claim for\nreimbursement in respect. of the journey\nof the one need not depend on the journey\nperformed by the other. The members of\nthe family of a Government servant (other\nthan those who actually accompany him)\nmay either travel together or separately in\ndifferent groups as may be convenient to\nthem. Where they travel in different groups\nat different times, reimbursement of\nexpenditure may be allowed in respect of\neach such groups if the outward journey of\nthe last of such groups commences before\nthe expiry of six months from the date of\ncommencement of the outward journey by\nthe first group and the return journey of\neach group must be completed within six\nmonths from the date of commencement\nof the outward journey by that group. This\ncondition may be relaxed in special cases\nby Head of the Department/ Ministry of\nDefence, as the case may be.\n\n5. Declaration of Home Town:\n\n(i) Government servant is required to make\nthe declaration of home town before the\nexpiry of six months from the date of\nentry into service.\n\n(ii) A declaration of home town once made\n\nshall ordinarily be treated as final, but\nin exceptional circumstances the Head\nof the Department or if the Government\nservant himself is the Head of the\nDepartment, the Ministry of Defence\nmay authorise a change in such\ndeclaration provided that such a change\nshall not be made more than once during\nthe service of the Government servant.\nIn the case of persons on deputation,\nsuch requests will be effected only with\nthe approval of the Heads of\nDepartments to which the Government\nservants concerned permanently\nbelong.\n\n(iii) The home town declaration made after\n\nthe prescribed time limit may be\naccepted by the Controlling Authority\nagainst one change for changing the\ndeclaration of home town and this will", "be treated as the final declaration of home\ntown and no further change of home town\nwill be allowed in such cases.\n\n113\n\nGovernment servant. This relaxation may be\nmade by the Administrative Ministry/\nDepartment or by the Head of the\nDepartment as the case may be.\n\n(iv\n\nee”\n\nWhere an entry relating to home town of\nthe Government servant already existed\nin his service book or in any other official\n\n7. Type of Leave Travel Concession:\n\n(a) To Home Town: The LTC to home town\n\nrecord, he need not make a fresh\ndeclaration, for the purpose of the LTC\nunless a change therein is desired by him.\n\nSs\n\nIn the case of non-gazetted staff, the\ndeclaration will be kept in, the service\nbook of other appropriate service record\nof the Government servant. In the case\nof Gazetted officers the Controlling\nOfficers shall forward the declaration\nafter due verification to the Audit Officer\nconcerned who shail keep them with the\nofficer’s History of Service. An officer\nwho is his own Controlling Officer for\nthe purposes of travelling allowance\nshould make the initial or any\nsubsequent declaration of his home\ntown to his next Superior administrative\nauthority for acceptance. The\nControlling Officer may, for his own\nconvenience, maintain a register of such\nhome town in respect of the staff under\nhis control.\n\n(vi) Where the husband and wife are in\nCentral Government service, they can\ndeclare separate Home towns\nindependently.\n\n6. Declaration of place of visit under LTC\n\nto any place in India:\n\nWhen the concession to visit any place in\nIndia is proposed to be availed of by a\nGovernment servant, or any member of the\nfamily of such Government servant the\nintended place of visit shall be declared\nby the Government servant in advance to\nhis Controlling Officer. The declared place\nof visit may be changed before the\ncommencement of the journey with the\napproval of his Controlling Officer but it\nmay not be changed after the\ncommencement of the journey except in\nexceptional circumstances where it is\nestablished that the request for change\ncould not be made before the\ncommencement of the journey owing to\ncircumstances beyond the control of the\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n(b\n\n(c\n\n~_—\nox\n—\n\nshall be admissible irrespective of the\ndistance between the headquarters of\nthe Government servant and his home\ntown once in a block of two years, such\nas 2010-2011, 2012-2013 and so on.\n\n~~”\n\nTo any place in India: Leave Travel\nConcession to any place in India shall\nbe admissible irrespective of the\ndistance of the place of visit from the\nheadquarters of the Government\nservant, once in a block of four calendar\nyears, such as 2006-2009, 2010-2013,\nand so on.\n\nProvided that in the case of Government\nservant to whom, home town is\nadmissible the LTC to any place in India\navailed of by him shall be in lieu of and\nadjusted against, the LTC to home town\navailable to him at the time of\ncommencement of the journey.\n\nee”\n\nFor self only to visit home town every\nyear: A Government servant whose\nfamily lives away from him at his home\ntown may, in lieu of all concession due\nto him under this scheme, including the\nLTC to visit any place in India once ina\nblock of four years which would\notherwise be admissible to him and\nmembers of his family choose to avail\nof LTC for self only to visit the home\ntown every year.\n\nConcession for one way journey:\nLeave travel concession is admissible\nto the members of a Government\nservant's family with reference to the\nfacts existing at the time of forward and\nreturn journeys independently. The\nfollowing types of cases are given by\nway of illustration:\n\n|. Entitled to reimbursement in\nrespect of the outward journey\nonly: A dependent son/daughter\ngetting employment or getting\nmarried after going to home town or", "(ii\n\nremaining there for prosecution of\nStudies.\n\nll. Entitled to reimbursement in\nrespect of the return journey only:\n\n(i) A newly married wife coming from\nhome town to headquarters station or\na wife who has been living at home\ntown and did not avail herself of the\ntravel concession in respect of the\noutward journey.\n\nA husband of a female Govt servant\nwho marries at the home town after\ncoming there on L.T.C. for herself.\n\nee”\n\n(iii) A dependent son/daughter returning\n\nwith parents or coming alone from\nhome town where he/she has been\nprosecuting studies or living with\ngrandparents etc.\n\n(iv) A child who was below three/twelve\n\nyears (ticket for child below three\nyears of age is not required and child\nbetween three and twelve years of\nage, half ticket is required) of age\nwhile undertaking onwards journey\nbut completed three/ twelve years of\nage only on return journey.\n\n(v) A Child legally adopted by a\n\nGovernment servant while staying in\nhome town.\n\n(e) Fresh recruits: Fresh recruits to Central\n\n“eee”\n\nGovernment may be allowed to travel\nto their home along with their families\non three occasions in a block of four\nyears and to any place in India on the\nfourth occasion. This facility shall be\navailable to the Government officers\nonly for the first two blocks of four years\napplicable after joining the Government\nfor the first time. The blocks of 4 years\nshall apply with reference to the initial\ndate of joining the Government even\nthough the employee changes the job\nwithin Government subsequently. The\nexisting blocks will remain the same but\nthe entitlements of the new recruit will\nbe different in the first eight years of\nservice.\n\nSpecial concessions for those\nworking in N-E, Region, etc.—\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n114\n\nGovernment servants who are deputed to\nN-E. Region, Lakshadweep, Sikkim and\nA &N Islands and who leave their family\nbehind at the old duty station or another\nselected place of residence and who have\nnot availed transfer TA for the family will\nhave the following options:-\n\n(i) Avail LTC to home town once in two\nyears; or\n\n(ii) Avail LTC for himself once a year\nfrom his headquarters to home town\nor the place where his family resides\nand in addition the family (limited to\nspouse and two dependent children)\nmay avail LTC to visit the\nGovernment servant at the station of\nhis posting once a year from the place\nwhere they reside.\n\n(iil) In addition, they can avail LTCs on\ntwo additional occasions in\nemergencies in their entire career.\nUnder this “Emergency Passage\nConcession”, the Government\nservant and/or his family (Spouse and\ntwo dependent children) can travel\neither to home town or the station of\nposting in an emergency as per his\nentitlement under normal LTC Rules.\n\n8. Counting of LTC against particular\n\nblocks: A Government servant and\nmembers of his family availing of LTC may\ntravel in different groups at different time\nduring a block of two or four years , as the\ncase may be. The concession so availed\nof will be counted against the block of two\nyears or four years within which the outward\njourney commenced, even if the return\njourney was performed after the expiry of\nthe block of two years or four years. This\nwill apply to availing of LTC carried forward\nin terms of para 9 below. )\n\n. Carry of LTC: Government servant who\n\nis unable to avail of the LTC within a\nparticular block of two years or four years\nmay avail of the same within the first year\nof the block of the next block of two years\nor four years. If a Government servant is\nentitled to LTC to home town he can carry\nforward the LTC to any place in India for a\nblock of four years only if he has carried\nforward the LTC to home town in respect\nof the second block of two years within the\nblock of four years.", "11.\n\n12.\n\nPlaces to be visited by Government\nServant and members of his family\nunder LTC to any place in India: A\nGovernment servant and each member of\nhis family may visit different place of their\nchoice during a block of four years. It shall\nnot be necessary for members of family of\na Government servant to visit the same\nplace as that visited by the Government\nservant himself at any time earlier during\nthe same block.\n\nEntitlement:\n\n(i) Government servants are entitled to full\nreimbursement in respect of LTC\njourneys to visit home town and back\nirrespective of the distance involved. In\nevery case the journeys should be to the\n‘Home’ and back and claim should be\nfor both outward and return journeys.\nThe journeys need not necessarily\ncommence from or and at the\nheadquarters of a Government servant\neither in his own case or in the case of\nthe family. But the amount admissible\nfor the actual distance travelled limited\nto the amount that would have been\nadmissible had the actual distance\ntravelled limited to the amount that\nwould have been admissible had the\njourney been performed between the\nHQ and the home town of the\nGovernment servant.\n\n(ii) There would be no objection to a\n\nGovernment servant travelling in a lower\nor a higher class, but Government\nassistance would be limited to actual\nfare for accommodation by the entitled\nclass and or the lower class to the extent\nactually used.\n\nJourney by Rail: Class of accommodation\nfor Journey by Rail will be as per Rule 9/7.\n\nNOTE 1: An individual and or his family may travel\n\nby Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express. The class\nof accommodation for travel by Shatabdi\nExpress will be as per Rule 95A.\n\nNOTE 2: There is no objection to a Government\n\nservant or his family members availing\nthemselves of any concessional return\njourney tickets offered by the Railway\nauthorities (e.g. seasonal concession,\nstudents concession etc.) in conjunction\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\nwith the LTC. It will be permissible while\nutilising such a concessional ticket to travel\nin any class higher or lower than that\nentitled. In such cases the assistance\nadmissible would be limited to the\nconcessional fare of entitled class in case\nof travel by higher class.\n\nNOTE 3: Reservation charges actually incurred for\n\na seat ( for day journey) and sleeper berth\n(for night journey) will be reimbursed in\naddition to the fare.\n\nNOTE 4:Where a Government servant or any\n\nmember of his family travel by air (non\nentitled persons) or by road or by steamer\nbetween two places connected by rail, the\nextent of Government assistance is limited\nto what would have been admissible had\nhe travelled by rail in the authorised class.\nNon entitled persons are allowed travel by\n\nany Air lines. |\n\nNOTE 5:When a Government servant or any\n\nmember of his family performs the journey\nby a longer route (which is not the cheaper)\nin two different classes of railway\naccommodation i.e. partly by the class to\nwhich he is entitled and partly by a lower\nclass, the entitled class rate is admissible\nfor the corresponding portion of the shortest\nor the cheaper route and the lower class\nrate for the remaining mileage by such\nroute.\n\n13. Journey by Road :\n\n(i) The Governments assistance towards\nthe cost of journeys between places not\nconnected by rail will be admissible to\nthe Government servant as entitled on\npermanent duty moves as given in Rule\n61.\n\nNOTE 1:Leave Travel Concession shall not be\n\nadmissible for journey by a private car\n(owned, borrowed or hired) or chartered\nbus, van or other vehicle owned, operated\nby private operators. However, LTC is\nadmissible for journeys conducted by\nTourism Development Corporation in the\nPublic Sector, State Transport Corporations\nand Transport services run by central or\nother Government or local bodies. In such\ncases, the Government servant will be\nentitled to reimbursement of:", "116\n\n(a) The actual hire charges on the chartered\nvehicle; or\n\n(bo) The amount reimbursable had the\njourney to the declared place of visit\nbeen performed by the entitled class by\nrail by the shortest direct route;\nwhichever is less.\n\nNOTE 2: Disabled Government servant or disabled\ndependent family member can perform\njourney by own car or hired private taxi.\nThe claim will be restricted to actual\nexpenses limited to journey performed by\nthe entitled class.\n\n(ii) For the portion of the journey which is\nnot connected by a recognised public\ntransport system, Government\nassistance should be the road mileage\nat the rate prescribed in Rule 61.\n\nIn either case, the amount of\nGovernment assistance should be\ncalculated on the basis of actual fares\nof road mileage as above, as the case\nmay be, at single rate for the\nGovernment servant himself and each\nentitled members of his family for whom\nfull fares are payable and at their half\nrates for children between the ages of 3\nand 12 years for whom half rates are\npayable.\n\nIn respect of places which are not\nconnected by rail, the Government\nservant may travel by steamer/air where\nan alternative means of travel is either/\nnot available or is more expensive. In\nsuch cases Government bears the same\nportion of cost as in the case of rail\njourneys.\n\n(iii\n\nad\n\n(iv) Where a Government servant performs\nthe journeys between places not\nconnected by rail or by air, the actual\nfare spent on recognized public transport\nsystem or the road mileage indicated at\n(iii) above, whichever is more,\nreimbursed to the Government servant.\nThis decision does not, however, apply\nto cases in which journeys of the type\nbetween Pathankot and Srinagar are\ninvolved, and similar other places where\nrail cum-road services exist and the\npublic transport is recognised by railway.\nThe journey is such cases are treated\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n14.\n\noo\n<\n~~\n\nas if made by rail but reimbursement is\nrestricted to the bus fare payable to the\ntransport system.\n\nNotwithstanding anything contained in\nPara 13(i) & (ii) above where a\nGovernment servant travelling by road\ntakes a seat in a bus, van or other\nvehicle operated by Tourism\nDevelopment Corporations in the Public\nSector. State Transport Corporations\nand Transport services run by other\nGovernment or local bodies to visit any\nplace in India, the reimbursement shall\nbe either the actual hire charges or the\namount reimbursable on the journey to\nthe declared place of visit had the\njourney been undertaken by entitled\nclass by rail by the shortest direct route,\nwhichever is less.\n\nJourney by Air: Class of accommodation\nfor journey by air will be as per Rule 62.\n\nNOTE 1:Non entitled Government servant may\n\ntravel by air between places not connected\nby rail where an alternative means of travel\nis either not available or is more expensive.\n\nNOTE 2: Non-entitled Government servant serving\n\n15.\n\n16.\n\n(i\n\nin Ladakh Region will be entitled to LTC\nfacility by air during winter season with the\nfollowing conditions:—\n\n(i) The facility of air travel will be\nadmissible only for the period from 15th\nNovember to 15th March.\n\neee”\n\nThe facility of air travel will be limited to\ntravel between Leh and Sri Nagar/\nJammu/Chandigarh both for the onward\nand return journey. This facility would,\nhowever be admissible between Leh and\none of these three places. The journeys\nbetween Sri Nagar/Jammu/Chandigarh\nand the home town or any other place\nof visit will be regulated by the normal\nentitlement of Government servant\nconcerned.\n\nJourney by Sea: Class of accommodation\nfor journey by air will be as per Rule 58.\n\nTravel between places not connected by\nany means of transport: For travel\nbetween places not connected by any other\nmeans of transport, a Government servant\ncan avail of animal transport like pony,", "elephant, camel etc. In such cases,\nallowance will be admissible at the same\nrate for journeys on transfer.\n\n17. No incidentals admissible: Incidental\nexpenses. Expenditure on local journey\nand Daily Allowance will not be admissible\nfor journeys performed under LTC.\n\n18. Concession based on shortest route:\nGovernment's liability for the cost of railway\nfare will be limited to the share of the fare\nby the shortest route calculated on a\n\n‘through’ ticket basis. The Government\nservant or his family members may travel\nby any route or halt anywhere on the way\nto or from home town/ to place of visit, the\nGovernment assistance is limited to their\n\nshare of the fare as above.\nshortest\n\nThe term\n\nroute carries the same\n\ninterpretation as recognised for travel on\nduty.\n\n19. Journeys of Weighted Mileage: If for the\nentire leave travel journey or a part thereof,\n\na Government servant has to pay railway\nfare on the basis of an assumed or\nweighted mileage (as for example, on the\nKalka-Shimla Section ) or at inflated rates\n(as for example on the Siliguri-Darjeeling\nSection). The Government servant\nconcerned is entitled to the travel\nconcession irrespective of the actual\n\n_ distance between his HQ and his home\n\ntown.\n\nIn such a case, the amount\n\nreimbursable in respect of each journey\nwhichever is the difference between:\n\n(i) The cost of actual railway fare (inclusive\n\n(ii\n\n(iii\n\n20. Leave\n\n~~”\n\nee”\n\nof the passenger tax) from the railway\nstation nearest to his HQ to his home\ntown and\n\nThe cost of railway fare (inclusive of\npassenger tax) at ordinary rates from the\nrailway station nearest to his\nHeadquarters for both the outward and\nreturn journey.\n\nWeighted mileage (e.g. of 287 Kms for\nKalka-Shimla) is adopted for the\npurpose of eligibility of LTC whether the\njourney is performed by rail or by road.\n\nTravel Concession in\n\ncombination with transfer/temporary\nduty :\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n117\n\n(i) Where an officer going to home town\n\n(il)\n\n(iii\n\n~~”\n\non leave proceeds there from on transfer\nto the new HQ, he may be allowed\nminimum entitlement Transfer\nTravelling Allowance under TR 87. He\nmay be allowed, in addition, LTC under\nthe rules to the extent to the distance\nfrom old HQ to home town and from\nhome town to the new HQ. For example\nif ‘A’ is the old HQ, ‘B’ home town and\n‘C’ the new headquarters, the\nentitlement of the Government servant\non account of LTC will be (distance AB\nplus distance BC)—(distance for which\ntransfer travelling allowance is\nadmissible). In case where the distance\nfor which LTC admissible as above, is\nnegligible it will be open to the\nGovernment servant not to avail of it at\nall, he being permitted to avail of it on\nsome other occasion within the block\nperiod subject to the other conditions\nbeing fulfilled. The option has to be\nexercised in respect of self and\nmembers of the family at the time of\npreferring claim for transfer travelling\nallowance. When LTC is not availed of\nthe LTC advance if any, taken by the\nGovernment servant should be adjusted\nagainst his Transfer Travelling\nAllowance entitlement.\n\nWhere an officer proceeds with prior\npermission to home town on regular\nleave from a temporary duty station and\nreturn to headquarters direct from home\ntown, travelling allowance as on\ntemporary duty may be allowed to him\nfor the journey from the headquarters\nto the tour station from which the\nGovernment servant proceeds to home\ntown and LTC for the journey from tour\n\nstation to home town and back to\n\nheadquarters deeming the tour station\nas the starting point for the onward\njourney. |\n\nIn case an officer proceeds to a tour\nstation from home town with prior —\npermission and return to headquarters\nfrom there, he may be allowed LTC as\nadmissible under the rules from\nheadquarters to home town and\ntravelling allowance as on temporary\nduty for the journey from home town to\ntour station and back to headquarters.", "21.\n\nConcession restricted within India:\n\n(i) The concession is restricted to journey\nwithin India and is admissible for\njourneys between places connected by\nrail/partly connected by rail and partly\nconnected by road/steamer services and\nnot connected by rail.\n\n(ii) A Government servant who declares,\n\nsubject to the satisfaction of the\nControlling Officer, that his home town\nis outside India, is entitled to the LTC\nfor visiting his home town, Government\nassistance in such a case is limited to\nthe share of the fares for journeys (i)\nupto and from the railway station (by the\nshortest route) nearest to the home town\nin India of (it) the railway station for the\nnearest port of embarkation/\ndisembarkation in India. The term\n“nearest port” for this purpose means the\nport of India nearest to the home town\nof the Government servant.\n\n22. Nature of Leave:\n\n23. LTC on Study Leave:\n\n(i) The LTC shall be admissible during\nregular leave including medical leave,\nleave on average pay, earned leave,\nleave on half average pay or extra\nordinary leave, maternity leave, causal\nleave and special casual leave. The\nconcession is not, however, admissible\nto an individual who proceeds on leave\nand then resigns his post without\nreturning to duty. The condition of leave\nwill not apply to journeys performed by\nthe members of family of Government\nservant.\n\n(ii) The concession is admissible to a\n\nGovernment servant and his family in\nrespect of only the outward journey from\nheadquarters to home town during\nrefused leave and terminal leave,\nprovided the concession had not been\navailed of earlier during that particular\nblock of two calendar years. In such\ncases, the journey by both the\nGovernment servant and his family\nmember should, however, commence\nwithin the period of leave.\n\nGovernment\nservants will be allowed LTC while on study\nleave. In such cases the claim will be\nregulated as under:—\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n118\n\n24.\n\n25.\n\n(a) For Self: Government servant can avail\n\nLTC from the place of study leave to\nany place in India/Home Town, subject\nto the condition that the reimbursement\nof fare should be restricted to the fare\nadmissible for travel between his\nheadquarters station to any place in\nIndia/Home Town or actual expenditure\nwhichever is less.\n\n(b) For the Family Member:\n\n(i) When the family members are\nstaying with the Government servant\nat the place of his study leave. The\nreimbursement will be as indicated at\n(a) above.\n\n(ii) When not staying at the place of\nstudy leave. The reimbursement will\nbe as under the normal terms and\nconditions of the LTC scheme.\n\nGovernment Employees on Foreign\n_ Service with Undertakings: Government\n~ employees, on foreign service with Central\n\nGovernment undertakings or statutory\nbodies are eligible for the LTC provided\nthat provision for its admissibility has been\nincorporated in the orders placing the\nemployees on foreign service with the\nundertaking concerned. The cost of the\nconcession in all such cases is to be met\nby the undertaking concerned regardless\nof the period of deputation of the Central\nGovernment servants. The block period in\nthe case of these persons is the same as\napplicable to them while in the Government\nservice.\n\nState Employees on Deputation: State\nGovernment employees on deputation with\nthe Central Government are eligible for the\nconcession subject to the following\nconditions:\n\n(a) To Home Town: The appropriate\n\nAdministrative Authority certifies at the\ntime the Government servant concerned\navails himself of the LTC that he is likely\nto continue to serve under the Central\nGovernment for a period of two years\nfrom the date of his joining a post under\nthis Central Government. The\nadmissibility of the concession during\nthe subsequent two years period will also\nbe subject to a similar condition.", "26.\n\n27.\n\n28.\n\n29.\n\n(b) To any place in India : He can utilise\n\nthe concession if the appropriate\nadministrative authority certifies that the\nGovernment servant is likely to serve\nthe Central Government for a period of\nfour years reckoned from the date of his\njoining the Central Government.\n\nContract Officers: Officers appointed on\ncontract basis are eligible to the concession\non completion one year’s continuous\nservice if the period of contract is more\nthan one year. Where the initial contract\nfor one year but is later extended, the total\nduration the contract is taken into account\nfor this purpose. The grant of the\nconcession to the contract officer is object\nto the conditions laid down in para 25\nabove.\n\nRe-employed Officers: Re-employed\nofficers are eligible to the concession on\ncompletion of one year’s continuous\nservice and, subject to the condition laid\n\n‘down in para 22 above. But in the case of\n\nre-employment immediately after\nretirement, the period of re-employed\nservice may be treated as continuous with\nthe previous service for the purpose of LTC\nand the concession allowed for the re-\nemployed period (provided the travel\nconcession would have been admissible\nto the re-employed officer, had he not\nretired but had continued as a serving\nofficer), e.g, if an officer has availed of the\nconcession to visit any place in India in\nrespect of a block of four years before his\nretirement and he is re-employed without\nany break, he cannot avail this concession\ntill the expiry of the particular block of four\nyears.\n\nMode of preferring Claim: Cash\nreimbursement of the cost of fare is made\non presentation of claims in TA bill forms\nwith the usual certificate that they actually\nperformed such journeys and travelled by\nthe class of accommodation not lower than\nthe one for which reimbursement is\nclaimed.\n\nPrescribed Certificate: To ensure thatthe\nvarious conditions governing the grant of\nLTC are satisfied before the claims for LTC\nare passed for payment, the two\ncertificates, one from the Government\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF _4\n\n119\n\n30.\n\n31.\n\n32.\n\nservant concerned and the other from the\nControlling Officer as at Annexure-I| and II\nto this rule should be submitted to the audit\nauthorities along with TA Bill for travel\nconcession.\n\nObligatory Evidence: The Government\nservant should inform the Controlling\nOfficer before journeys are undertaken.\nThey should also produce evidence of their\nhaving actually performed the journey, for\nexample, serial numbers of railway tickets\netc. Relaxation of minor nature viz in\nrespect of production of serial numbers of\nrailway tickets, prior intimation to the\nControlling Officer before the journeys are\nundertaken by the Government servant\nand/ or their families under the LTC\nscheme etc. can be made by the\nControlling Officer, if he is otherwise\nsatisfied in regards to the genuineness of\nthe claim and the bona-fides of the journey\nhaving been performed. There is no\nobjection to such relaxation being made\nby the Controlling Officer themselves\npurely on merits in really deserving cases\nand not as general measure.\n\nRecord Assistance: A record of all\nassistance granted under those orders shall\nbe suitably maintained, in the case of\ngazetted officers the record shall be\nmaintained by the CDA concerned. In the\ncase of non-gazetted staff the records\nshould be in the form of entries in the\nService Book or other appropriate service\nrecord and should indicate the date or dates\non which the journey to the home town\ncommenced. The authority responsible for\nthe maintenance of the service record shall\nensure that on every occasion a\nGovernment servant proceeds on leave,\nin fact that he availed of LTC is indicated\nin the records.\n\nForfeiture of Claims: A claim for\nreimbursement of expenditure incurred on\njourney under LTC shall be submitted\nwithin three months after the completion\nof the return journey, if no advance had\nbeen drawn and within one month of\ncompletion of return journey if advance had\nbeen drawn. Failure to do so will entail\nforfeiture of the claim and no relaxation\nshall be permissible in this regard.", "33. Grant of Advance and Adjustment\n\n120\n\nthereof: To enable the Government -\n\nservant to avail of the travel concession,\nthey are granted advance on the following\nterms and conditions:\n\n(a) The amount of advance in each case is\nlimited to 90% of the estimated amount\nwhich Government would have to\nreimburse in respect of the cost of\njourney both ways to the home town/\nplace of visit and back.\n\nWhere the Government servant and\nmembers of his family avail themselves\nof LTC separately i.e. at different times,\nthere would be no objection to the\nadvance being drawn separately to the\nextent admissible and permitting\nadjustment of claims separately. Where,\nhowever, a consolidated advance is\ndrawn by the Government servant in\nrespect of the members of his family the\nadjustment claim should be prepared in\na single bill.\n\n(b\n\neee”\n\n(c) The advance may be drawn for both the\nonward and return journeys of the\ngovernment servant and /or the\nmembers of his family at the time of\ncommencement of the outward journey,\nprovided the period of leave taken by\nthe Government servant or the period\nof anticipated absence of the members\nof the family does not exceed three\nmonths or 90 days. Where an advance\nhas been drawn for both the outward and\nreturn journeys and later it becomes\nclear that the period of absence of either\nthe officer or the officer’s family from\nheadquarters is likely to exceed the limit,\none half of the advance should be\nrefunded to Government forthwith.\n\n(d) The advance in respect of temporary\nGovernment servant and their families\nwill be sanctioned subject to the\nproduction by them of surety of a\npermanent Government servant.\n\nOfficers who are their own Controlling\nOfficers for Travelling Allowance\npurposes may sanction the advance to\nthemselves. In the case of the others,\nthe sanction of the Controlling Officer\nconcerned would be required.\n\n(e\n\n~~\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n(f) The advance should be refunded in full\n\n(h\n\n(k\n\nee”\n\neee”\n\nwee”\n\n~~”\n\n“nee”\n\nimmediately if the outward journey is not\ncommenced within 30 days of the grant\nof advance. However, in cases where\nreservations can be made 95 days\nbefore the proposed date of the outward\njourney and advance is granted\naccordingly the Government servant\nshould produce the tickets within 10\ndays of the drawal of advance,\nirrespective of the date of\ncommencement of the journey.\n\nThe Travelling Allowance claim in\nadjustment of the advance drawn should\nbe preferred within one month of the\ncompletion of the return journey. If that\nis not done, the authority which\nsanctions the advance should enforce\nlump sum recovery of the advance\nforthwith. No request for recovery of the\nadvance in instalments shall be\nentertained. Once such recovery is\nmade, it would be taken as if no advance\nhad been drawn and the claim allowed\nto be preferred within a period of three\nmonths, failing which it shall stand\nforfeited in terms of these rules.\n\nThe account of advance drawn for leave\ntravel journeys will be rendered after —\ncompletion of the journey in the same\nway as far an advance of TA on tour.\n\nThe adjustment of the advance will be\nwatched as in the case of other\nadvances. |\n\nIn cases where advance of LTC has not\nbeen drawn, the LTC claim should be\nsubmitted within a period of three\nmonths of the date of completion of\nreturn journey. Accordingly the right of\na Government servant for reimbursement\nof LTC claim shall stand forfeited or\ndeemed to have been relinquished, if\nthe claim is not preferred within the\nabove said period.\n\nIf the claim is not submitted within\nprescribed time, the advance if drawn\nwill be recovered along with penal\ninterest at 2% over GPF interest rate\nfrom the date of drawal of the advance\nand it will be recovered in lump sum.", "34. Fraudulent Claim of LTC:\n\n(a) If a decision is taken by the Disciplinary\nAuthority to initiate disciplinary\nproceedings against a Government\nservant on the charge of preferring a\nfraudulent claim of LTC, such\nGovernment servant shall not be\nallowed the LTC till the finalisation of\nsuch disciplinary proceedings.\n\noo\noy\n~~”\n\nIf the disciplinary proceedings result in\nimposition of any of the minor or major\npenalties the Government servant shall\nnot be allowed the next two sets of the\nLTC in addition to the set already\nwithheld during the pendency of the\ndisciplinary proceedings. For reasons to\nbe recorded in writing the Controlling\nAuthority can also disallow more than\ntwo sets of LTC.\n\nIf the Government servant is fully\nexonerated of the charge of fraudulent\nclaim of LTC, he shall be allowed to avail\nof the concession with-held earlier as\nadditional set(s) in future block years but\nbefore the normal date of his\nsuperannuation.\n\n(C)\n\n35. Explanation: For the purpose of this rule,\nLTC to home town and LTC to any place in\nIndia as specified in clauses(a) and (b) of\nrule 6 shall constitute two sets of the LTC.\n\n36. Interpretation: If there is any doubt\nregarding any of the provision in these\nrules, the matter shall be referred to the\nGovernment of India in the Department of\nPersonnel & Training who shall decide the\n\nsame.\n\nPower of Relax: Save as otherwise\nprovided in these rules, where Ministry of\nDefence is satisfied that the operation of\nany of these rules causes undue hardship\nin any particular case, that Ministry by\norder, for reasons to be recorded in writing,\ndispense with or relax the requirements of\nthat rule to such extent and subject to such\nexceptions and conditions as it may\nconsider necessary for dealing with the\ncase in a just and equitable manner.\nProvided that no such order shall be made\nexcept with the concurrence of the\nDepartment of Personnel and Training.\n\n3/.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF _4\n\n121\n\n38. Encashment of Annual Leave alongwith\nLTC: Government Servants are allowed to\nencash 10 days annual leave at the time\nof availing of LTC to the extent of sixty\ndays, during the entire career. The leave\nencashed at the time of LTC will not be\ndeducted from the maximum amount of\nannual leave encashable at the time of\nretirement. It is further clarified that where\nboth husband and wife are in Government\nservice, the present entitlement for\navailing LTC shall remain unchanged, and\nencashment of leave equal to ten days at\nthe time of availing of LTC will continue to\nbe available to both, subject to maximum\nof 60 days each during the entire career.\n\nANNEXURE |\n(Refers to para 29 of Rule 190)\n\nCertificate to be given by the Government\nServant entitled to the LTC.\n\n1. |] have not submitted any other claim for LTC\nin respect of myself or my family members in respect\nof the Block of the year 20........\n\n2. | have already drawn TA for the LTC in respect\nof a journey performed by me/my wife/myself with\nchildren. This claim is in respect of the journey\nperformed by wife/myself with\nchildren none of whom travelled with the party on\nthe earlier occasion.\n\n3. That my husband/wife is not employed in\nGovernment service.\n\nThat my husband/wife is employed in\nGovernment service and the concession has not\nbeen availed by him/her separately for himself or\nfor any of the family members for the concerned\nblock. : |\n\n4. The journey has been performed by me/my\nwife with children to the declared hometown/ any\nplace in India viz.........\n\n5. That the family members in respect of whose\njourneys the amount has been claimed were entirely\ndependent and actually residing with me at the time\nthe journey(s) was /were undertaken.\n\n6. That the journey(s) was /were actually\nperformed to and from my certified Home/any place\nin India by the class of accommodation for which\nthe LTC has been claimed.", "7. Certified that the fares claimed in this bill are\nby the shortest routes.\n\n8. Certified that the journey(s) was/were\nperformed by the entitled mode/class.\n\nSignature of the Govt. Servant\n\nANNEXURE II\n(Refers to Para 29 Of Rule 190)\n\nCertificate by the Controlling Officer\nCertified:\n\n(i) That the journey(s) was/were performed\n\n(iii\n\n(iv\n\n(Vv\n\n)\n\n)\n\neo”\n\nactually to the declared home town of the\nGovernment servant as recorded in his\nservice book/ any place in India\nviz\n\nThat the concession was not availed of\nmore than once in current block of the\ncalendar years.\n\nThat the journey(s) have been performed\n\nby Shri during\nregular/casual leave.\nThat Shri has\n\nrendered continuous service for one year\nor more on the date of commencement of\noutward journey.\n\nThat the necessary entries as required\nunder para 24 of Rule 190 have been made\nIn the service book of\nshri\n\nCertified that the claim has not been\nperformed and paid earlier.\n\nSignature of Controlling Officer\n\n191. Children’s travel concessions during\napproved vacation of their institution\n\n(i) The children of all classes or civilian\n\nGovernment servants, including those of\nindustrial and work charged staff on regular\nestablishment and State Government\nemployees on deputation with the Central\nGovernment who are studying away from\ntheir parents for prosecution of their studies\nare allowed full fare at students\n\nconcessional rate by second class/ordinary\n\nbus/lowest class by sea(bunk class) subject\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n122\n\n(i\n\n(iii) Frequency of entitlement:\n\n(iV\n\n~~”\n\neee”\n\n~_—\noy\n—\n\n—_—\nO\n~~\n\nto the existing conditions once in calendar\nyear from a recognised educational\ninstitution during approved vacation to join\ntheir parents at the station of posting of the\nGovernment servant and back.\n\nThe reimbursement in such cases is\nallowed in the manner and subject to the\nconditions mentioned below:\n\nEligibility: The concessions will be\nadmissible only:\n\n(a) In respect of Government servant’s\n\nlegitimate children, including step\nchildren and adopted children (where\nadoption is recognised under the\npersonal law) who are wholly dependent\non the Government servant.\n\n| To Government servants posted within\nIndia in respect of their children studying\nwithin India.\n\nIn respect of those children who are\nresiding for their studies at a place away\nfrom the residence of the Government\nservant or his family, if the children are\nresiding at a place where the family is\nresiding they will not be eligible for the\nconcession even if such a place is away\nfrom the place of posting of the\nGovernment servant.\n\nThe\nconcession can be availed of only once in\na calendar year during approved vacations\nfrom the educational institution to the place\nof posting of the Government servant to\njoin their parents and back. Where the\noutward journey is commenced in one year\nand the return journey is completed in the\nfollowing year, the concessions will be\nreckoned against the year in which the\noutward journey commenced. In case\nwhere the children do not return to the\neducational institution after the vacations\nthe concession will not be admissible. The\napproved vacations for this purpose mean\nthe vacations declared by the recognised\neducational institutions in which the\nchildren are studying.\n\nEntitlement: The reimbursement of the\nfare will be limited to second class fare by\nrail at student’s concessional rate from the\nRailway station nearest to the place where", "NOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(Vv\n\n~~”\n\nthe children are studying to the Railway\nstation nearest to the place of posting the\nGovernment servant by the shortest route\nand back. The concession will also be\nadmissible for journeys by road/sea. The\nentitlement by ship/steamer will be by the\nlowest class, i.e. Bunk class and for the\nroad journey by ordinary bus. The term\n‘shortest route’ carries the same\ninterpretation as recognised for travel on\nduty.\n\nWhere both the Government servant and\nspouse are in Central Government service,\nonly one of them will be eligible to claim\nthe concession.\n\nTo avoid duplication of claim for the\noutward journey by the child under this rule\nand submission of transfer TAclaim for the\nsame child during approved vacation, the\nGovernment servant shall have an option\nto claim TA either under this rule or as\ntransfer TA claim in respect of outward\njourney. In case the Government servant\nopts for the claim under this rule, he shall\nbe required to furnish a certificate as given\nin Annexure | to this rule.\n\nForm of claim: Every claim should be\npreferred in the pro-forma given in\nAnnexure | to this rule and should be\nsupported by a certificate from the\neducational institution in the pro-forma in\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4\n\n123\n\n(vii)\n\nAnnexure || for each child for whom the\nconcession is claimed. Each claim should\nbe preferred within three months of the date\nof completion of the return journey, failing\nwhich it will be forfeited.\n\nControlling Officer: Controlling Officers\nfor Travelling Allowance will also act as\nControlling Officers for the purpose of this\nscheme. Each claim should be carefully\nchecked by them to verify its admissibility\nand the records relating to children’s\neducational allowance should be\nscrutinized to the extent they have a\nbearing on the claim. A certificate as given\nin Annexure IV, shall be rendered by the\nControlling Officer.\n\nMaintenance of Record: Record of the\nconcession will be kept in a register in a\npro-forma given in Annexure Ill by the head\nof the office in respect of Government\nservants whose children avail of the\nconcession under this rule. A separate\nregister will be maintained for each year.\n\nProvisions of this rule do not apply to the\npersons who are:\n\n(i) Not in the whole time employment of\nGovernment:\n\n(ii) Paid from contingencies;\n\n(iii) Indian based staff serving in Missions\n\nabroad.", "124\n\nANNEXURE |\n\nApplication for claiming travel concession for children studying in Education Institutions\naway from the place of posting of the Central Government employees\n\n(To be completed by the Government servant)\nName of the Government servant.\nName & Address of the office in which employed.\nFull residential address.\nDetails of the claims :\n(i) Name/s of the child/children.\n(ii) Name and address of the educational institution in which the child is studying.\n(iii) Class in which the child is studying.\n\n(iv) Period of vacation during which the child performed Journeys to join his parents and calendar\nyear in which the claim is to be adjusted.\n\n(v) Particulars of travel of the child/children.\n\nDeparture Arrival Class of Travel by Train Fare Paid Ticket No.\nStation Date Station Date\n\nA. Outward Journey\nB. Return Journey\nCertified that no claim in respect of the above named child/children has/ have been preferred during the\ncalendar year mentioned at item (iv) above.\nAlso certified that my wife/husband is not in Central Government Service.\nOr\n\nAlso certified that my wife/husband is in Central Government service, but she/he has not preferred any\nclaim in this behalf.\n\nAlso certified that the child/children in respect of whom the concession has been availed of is/are wholly\ndependent on me and is/are not studying at a place where my family is residing.\n\nCertified that no claim has been preferred for the student in the transfer travelling allowance bill in\nrespect of the outward journey nor will it be preferred in future.\n\n(Signature of the Government Servant)\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4", "125\n\nANNEXURE Ii\n(To be completed by the Educational Institution)\n\nCertified that Shri/Miss (date of birth)\nSon/daughter of Shri is studying in Class of this\nSchool/College.\n\nAlso certified that this School/College is recognised by the State Government.\n\nAlso certified that this School/College was closed for vacation from to\n\nSignature of the Head Master/Principal with seal\nANNEXURE Ill\n\nRecord of reimbursement of Railways fare allowed to children/Government servants studying in Educational\nInstitution located away from the Headquarters of the Government servant.\n\nName of Government servants\n\nDesignation:\nName of Child in Place at which Period of vacation Amount Remarks\nwhose respect studying during which the Reimbursed\nthe concession ~ concession was\nis availed of availed\n\nANNEXURE IV\n\nCertified that necessary entries, as required, have been made by the head of office in respect of the\nGovernment servant concerned in the prescribed register.\n\nPlace : Signature of Controlling Officer\n\nDate :\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_4", "CHAPTER FIVE\n\nTRAVEL ENTITLEMENTS FOR JOURNEYS IN CONNECTION WITH\nINTERVIEWS, MEDICAL TEST EXAMINATIONS, SELECTION FOR\nAPPOINTMENT AND THOSE ON ACCOUNT OF RETIREMENT,\nRELEASE, DISCHARGE, TRANSFER TO RESERVE,\nDISMISSAL AND DEATH\n192. Travelling Allowance (TA) for candidates\ncalled up for Interview, Medical test etc. for\n\nthe grant of permanent regular commission\nin the Army, Navy and Air Force\n\nof commencement of the Flying\n(Navigator) Course for which they are\ndetailed.\n\nNOTE: Candidate rejected or declared surplus for\na commission in the Army or Indian Navy\nwill be entitled to TA when called up for\ninterview for commission in the Air Force.\n\n(1) Civilian candidates for the grant of\ncommission in the Army/Navy/Air Force:\n\n(i) Civilian candidates (other than serving\npersonnel) who apply for the grant of a\ncommission in the Army/Navy/Air Force\nand are called up for an interview by a\nservices Selection Board (SSB) will be\nentitled to TA and DA, according to the\nrules laid down in the succeeding\nparagraphs once only.\n\n(ii) A candidate who is selected for the grant\nof a commission and is called up for a\nfresh medical examination after a period\nof six months from the date of having\nbeen declared fit at an earlier medical\nexamination for a similar commission\nwill also be entitled to TA and DA.\n\nCandidates who apply again for the\nsame type of commission will not be\nentitled to these allowances on any\nSubsequent occasion.\n\n(iii)\n\nA candidate rejected for the Flying\nBranch of the Air Force will be eligible\nfor TA again if called up later for\ninterview, etc. for any of the Ground\nDuty Branches and a candidate rejected\nfor a Ground Duty Branch will be eligible\nfor TA when appearing later for Flying\nBranch. TA and DA will also be\nadmissible to candidates who are once\nrejected for a commission in the Flying\nBranch and Ground Duty Branch and are\ncalled up again for medical examination\nfor commission in the flying (Navigator)\nBranch, provided the last medical\nexamination of such candidates was\nheld six months or more prior to the date\n\n(Iv)\n\n126\n\n(v) Restriction under above clauses do not\n\n(2)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\napply to those candidates who are\ndeferred by the SSB or found\ntemporarily unfit.\n\nCandidates for the grant of permanent\nregular commissions (Special List) in the\nArmy: :\n\nserving Commissioned Officers, JCOs and\nNCOs called up for interview before SSB\nand /or for medical examinations for the\ngrant of permanent regular commissions\n(Special List) in the Army will be allowed\nfree conveyance in their entitled mode/\nclass.\n\nThe above concession will also be\nadmissible to candidates who are required\nto appear before’ Brigade/Area\nCommander when called up for interview\nIn connection with forwarding of their\napplications.\n\nJCOs/NCOs posted to other stations to be\ngranted permanent regular commission\n(SL) after reporting at the new station will\nbe entitled to free conveyance on warrant\nfor family and baggage either to the new\nduty station or to the selected place of\nresidence, and the case may be, at the\nscale applicable to the rank held by them\nduring the move. |\n\nA Sailor on promotion to SD list will be\nallowed to conveyance on warrant up to\n75Kgs of baggage inclusive of free\nallowance of 40 Kgs allowed by railways", "from old duty station to training\nestablishment where his post promotion\n\ncourses are conducted and on completion\n\n127\n\nof the courses to his permanent duty station |\n\nprovided the total of this additional\nbaggage and the baggage conveyed under\nsub-para to this NOTE does not exceed\nthe total quantum of baggage authorised\nto them under Rule 70.\n\nFree conveyance on warrant for the family\nand baggage from old duty station to\nselected place of residence and then to and\nfrom their new permanent duty station will\nbe admissible.\n\n(3) Candidates for admission to the National\nDefence Academy, Khadakvasla, OTA\nChennai/Gaya, IMA Dehradun, Naval\nAcademy, Kochi:\n\n(a) (i) Civilian candidates called up for\n\ninterview and/or medical test will be\nentitled to the following allowances\nwithin Indian limits:\n\n(a) One second class single fare for a\njourney performed by rail or road\nmileage at the rate laid down in Rule\n61 at par with individual drawing\ngrade pay of ~ 2,400/- to € 2800/- for\njourneys performed by road from the\nnormal place of residence to place\nof interview and/or medical\nexamination and return where\nGovernment transport is not\nprovided. Where considered\nnecessary or advisable, the authority\ncalling up a candidate for interview\nmay issue railway warrant by second\nclass for the journey to be undertaken\nby the candidate. Such railway\nwarrants will be issued by the shortest\nroute. No cash TA will be paid in\naddition.\n\nS\n~~”\n\nOne single fare of the class of\naccommodation at par with individual\ndrawing grade pay % 2,400/- to\n~ 2800/-, exclusive of the cost of\n\n(c) If a journey is performed by steamer\nby a class lower than the authorised\nclass, the fare of the class in which\nthe journey is performed will be\nadmissible.\n\n(d\n\nee”\n\nIf the journey by rail or steamer\nbegins or ends at a place nearer to\nthe place visited for the purpose of\ninterview or medical test than the\nordinary place of residence, TA will\nbe admissible only to or from such\nnearer place.\n\n(e) TA for a journey will be admissible as\n- for a journey performed by the\ncheapest’ practicable route,\nirrespective of the methods by which\n\na journey is performed.\n\nNOTE: Civilian candidates who are called up for\n\ninterview by the SSB and who actually travel\nby other than the shortest routes owing to\nsuspension of train services/non-availability\nof public buses by the shortest routes on\naccount of natural calamities may be allowed\ntrain/bus fare by the longer route actually\nused if that is the shortest practicable route\nin the circumstances. In such cases, the\nPresident of SSB concerned will be the\nauthority competent to decide whether the\nabove travel by the longer route was\nnecessitated by any of the reasons indicated\nabove.\n\n(f) The Commandants of all SSBs/\nAFSBs will be Competent Authority\nto pay return journey fare upto the\nextent of fare for onward journey by\nthe rail /road prior to the departure of\ncandidates from SSBs/AFSBs.\n\n(g) DAor money in lieu of rations will not\nbe admissible to civilians as well as\nservice candidates for the period\nunder test at a SSB as candidate\nlodged and boarded at Government\nexpense. If and when this facility is\nnot provided, DA will be admissible\nfor halts at prescribed rates.\n\nmeals for journeys performed by Upto 6 hours\nsteamer. In cases where such class\nof accommodation is not available in\n\nsteamer, next higher class of\n\nExceeding 6 hours but\nnot exceeding 12 hours\n\naccommodation would be Exceeding 12 hours Full DA 7\npermissible. | | No DA will be paid to local candidates.\n|\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "(li) Service candidates: Service candidates\ncalled up for examination, interview and/\nor medical test will be treated as on\ntemporary duty and will travel according\nto the rules in these regulations\nrespecting their ranks.\n\n(b) Candidates selected to join the National\n\nDefence Academy, Khadakvasla, OTA,\nChennai/ Gaya, IMA, Dehradun and Naval\nAcademy, Kochi will be provided with\nconveyance as under :\n\n(1) Civilian candidates will be issued with\nsecond class warrants, but if this is not\npossible for want of time, they will travel\nin second class at their own expense and\nclaim second class fare on arrival at the\ndestination.\n\n(ii) Service candidates will travel on railway\nwarrants and will be paid cash allowance\nin lieu of rations. etc. under the\nrespective rules.\n\n(4) TA to the extent laid down in clause (3) of\n\nthis rule will be admissible to the following\nwhen called for interview/medical\nexamination:\n\n(a) Engineering graduates and graduates in\nagriculture called for permanent /regular\ncommission by Service Selection Board.\n\n(b) Medical graduates for grant of regular\ncommission in the AMC.\n\n(c) Dental graduates for regular\nCommission in the Army Dental Corps.\n\n(d) Veterinary graduates for permanent/\nregular commission in RVC.\n\n(e\n\nee”\n\nCadets of Senior Division of Army Wing\nof NCC for grant of regular commission\nin the Army.\n\n(f\n\nNene”\n\nSpecial entry cadets of the Indian Navy\ncadets of Senior Division Naval Wing\nNCC and Dufferin cadets.\n\n(g) Civilian candidates called up for\nrecruitment in the Education Branch of\nIndian Navy.\n\n(hn) Candidates called for interview by Air\nForce Selection Board.\n\n(j) Candidates for the regular commission\nin the Military Nursing Services.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n128\n\n192-A. The ex-JCOs and their equivalents in the\n\nNavy and Air Force when called for\ninterview by Deputy Director General,\nDefence Security Corps for selection as\nJCOs in Defence Security Corps will be\nentitled to:\n\n(a) Free return second class railway warrants\n\n(b\n\n~~\n\nwithin Indian limits and\n\nDaily Allowance for stay at Delhi as\nadmissible to the Central Government\nservants of equivalent ranks. The\nentitlement shall be worked out in relation\nto pay/rank held by them immediately\nbefore retirement.\n\n193. Conveyance to Recruits, Combatants and\nNon-Combatants (enrolled)\n\n(a) Recruits, combatants and NCs(E), airmen\n\n(b\n\n~~”\n\n~~”\n\nwho cannot be recruited locally will be\nentitled to free conveyance by rail /road/\nsea from the place of joining the recruiting\nparty to the nearest recruiting or medical\ncentre and then to the Unit/Corps/Depot.\ncentre or training establishment.\nConveyance by road will be provided if the\ndistance by road from/to the nearest rail\nhead exceeds 5Kms.\n\nNon-combatants (enrolled), when they\ncannot be obtained in a unit/station and are\nentertained under the orders of GOC Sub-\nArea/Brigade Commander from. other\nstations, will be allowed conveyance by rail\nfrom the place of entertainment to\nRegimental HQ. |\n\nRecruits who present themselves at the HQ\nof a unit/establishment at the request of\nthe Commanding Officer, or produce a\ncertificate signed by a Civil Officer of the\nDistrict that they reported their intention of\nproceeding to HQ for enrolment will be\nallowed, if finally approved, a refund of\nactual travelling expenses.\n\nWhenever a Recruiting Medical Officer is\nin a reasonable doubt with regard to the\nnature of a disability or disabilities of a\nrecruit and refers the recruit to a specialist\nfor examination and opinion as to his\nsuitability for enrolment in the Army/Air\nForce the recruit will be provided\nconveyance by rail on warrant or by road\nto the nearest Service Hospital where the\nspecialist is available, and back to the\nplace of recruitment.", "(d) Candidates when called up for Interview and\nMedical Examination, etc. for recruitment\nas Airman will be entitled to the following\nTA:\n\n(i) Rail fare by second class from place of\nresidence in India to the place of\ninterview and back. If the places are not\nconnected by rail, actual bus fare will\nbe admissible.\n\n(ii) If a candidate is away from his\npermanent place of residence when\nsummoned for interview, TA will be\nadmissible for the journey actually\nperformed limited to TA from the\npermanent place of residence in India\nto the place at which the interview is\n\nheld.\n\n(e) Individuals, except those obviously unfit,\nmentioned in clause (a), recruited by a\nrecruiting party or recruiter and finally\nrejected by a Recruiting Officer or\nCommanding Officer will be eligible for\nconveyance to the place at which they\njoined the recruiting party, or to their homes\nif they actually proceeded there from to the\nformer place or to any place provided no\nextra expense to the State is involved.\nSubsistence Allowance at the daily rate in\nforce at the time the return journey is\nperformed will be granted to the rejected\nrecruits, for the journey by road. No\nexpenses will be admitted to rejected\nrecruits brought in by men on furlough or\nleave, pensioned or discharged soldiers/\nsailors unless reservists’, rejections are\nmade on medical grounds.\n\nNOTE: Term ‘recruits’ used above includes boys.\n\n194. Travelling Allowance to individuals\naccepted as a candidate for direct\ncommission in the rank of JCO\n\nAn individual accepted as a candidate for direct\ncommission in the rank of JCO and ordered to join\nwith a view to his nomination for a direct commission\n\n129\n\nand requisition by sea from their homes and return\nthereto, if found unsuitable.\n\n196. Conveyance to Ordnance Factories\nPersonnel when called for interview/\nselection\n\nPersonnel of the Ordnance Factories, when\npermitted to compete with outsiders for appointments\nin any posts in the ordinance factories and called for\ninterview by a Selection Committee, will be granted\n\n2nd class rail fare.\n\nis entitled to 2\" class rail fare from home to the .\n\nstation where the unit is located. Road Mileage\nAllowance at prescribed rate is admissible in respect\nof journeys by road if the places are not connected\nby rail.\n\n195. Conveyance to Boys of the Signal Corps\n\nBoys joining the Signal Training Centre shall be\nallowed free conveyance on warrant by rail /road\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n197. Conveyance to Personnel for Scientific/\nTechnical posts in Defence Production /\nInspection and R&D Organisation\n\nCandidates called for interview in connection\nwith appointment to Scientific/Technical posts in\nEstablishments/Laboratories under the Defence\nProduction/Inspection Organisation, Research and\nDevelopment Organisation /Director General of\nOrdnance Factory Organisation, will be granted 2nd\nclass railway fare from their normal place of\nresidence to the place of interview and back. When\nreturn tickets at concessional fare are available under\nthe Railway Rules in force at the time of travel,\nreimbursement will be restricted to the actual cost\nof return ticket.\n\nNOTE: Disbursement of TA to the candidates will\nbe met from the advance drawn by the Head\nof the Organisation. Necessary bills duly\nsigned by the candidates in adjustment of\nthe TA paid to them will be supported by the\ncopies of the call letter sent to them and the\nfollowing certificates from the candidates.\n\n(i) | have actually performed the onward /\nJourney from.............. tO......... IN... class\nand undertaken to complete the return\njourney to my place of residence\nLQ. in the class for which\npayment has been made.\n\nNo allowance of a like nature has been\ndrawn or will be drawn from any other\nsource in respect of the journeys for which\nthis payment has been made.\n\n(il)\n\n198. Travelling Allowance to Scheduled Castes/\nTribes /Disabled Ex-Service Personnel\nwhen called up for Interview /Written test\nfor group ‘C’ post\n\n(i) Scheduled Castes /Tribes candidates and\ndisabled ex-Service men when called for\ninterview /written tests for appointment to", "group C advertised posts, recruitment to\nwhich is made departmentally i.e.\notherwise than through the UPSC., either\ndirect or through employment exchange\nthe recruiting authority may allow such:\ncandidates’ 2nd class rail fares by the\nshortest route from the Railway Station\nnearest to their normal place of residence,\nor from which they normally perform the\njourney whichever is nearer to the place of\ninterview and back to the same station\nprovides the distance travelled by rail each\nway exceeds eighty kilometers. No extra\ncharges, if any incurred for reserving seat/\nSleeping berth in the train will however, be\nreimbursed to the candidates.\n\n(ii) As regards roads journeys between stations\n\n130\n\nnot connected by rail, the recruiting -\n\nauthority may allow such candidates actual\nbus fares or road mileage as laid down in\nRule 61 for Government servants of the\n\n(iii)\n\ncorresponding grade whichever is less.\n\nAs regards TA for sea journey performed\nby such individuals from union territories\nA &N Islands and Lakshadweep Islands to\nattend interview tests for recruitment to\nGroup C posts on the main land as well as\nin the Island, the sea passage by the lowest\n\nclass (exclusive of diet charges) may be\n\nreimbursed provided distance covered by\n\nsea is more than 30 Kms each way.\n\nNOTE: The TAto the candidates called up for written\ntest will however be admissible subject to\nthe condition that the written test and any\ninterview that may also be necessary would\nbe held at one and the same station and on\nthe same day or adjacent days so that the\ncandidate would get TA for only one journey\nto and from the place of selection, the term\ncandidate does not include those who are\nalready in Central/State Government\nservice. Accordingly, the concessions in\nquestion are not admissible to those\ncandidates.\n\n199. Travelling Allowance’ to _ Civilian\nGovernment Servants Called for Interview\n\n(i) Government servants called by Ministries\n/Departments /Offices for interviews in\nconnection with appointment to posts which\nare not advertised and with which the Union\nPublic Service Commission is not\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(ii\n\n(ii\n\n~~”\n\neee”\n\nconcerned may be granted TA as admissible\nfor a journey on temporary duty but without\nDA for days of halt from the headquarters\nstation to the place of interview and back.\n\nNo TA should be granted to persons who\nthemselves apply for interview.\n\nCivilians of the MES who are ordered to\nmove for interviews in connection with their\nselection for appointment as Assistant\nExecutive Engineers in the MES shall be\ngranted TA at the temporary duty scale\nwithout DA for the days of halt.\n\nWhen called for interview and medical\nexamination in connection with their\nselection for Permanent, Short Service or\nTemporary Commission in the Army, Navy\nand Air Force, TA at temporary duty scale\nand DA for the period of stay will be\nadmissible.\n\n199-A. Daily Allowance to Civilian candidates\n\nCivilian candidates called for interview for grant\nof commission in the Armed Forces whenever free\nboarding and lodging facilities are not made available\nDA will be paid at a prescribed flat rate.\n\n200-A. Entitlement on Retirement/ Release/\nTransfer to Reserve /Discharge-Service\nPersonnel\n\n(a) Service personnel on their retirement,\n\nTransfer to reserve/ discharge /reduction\nin Establishment /Invalidment from service\nare entitled to the conveyance,\ntransportation of baggage, packing\nallowance, transportation of private\nconveyance and mileage allowance from\nthe last duty station, situated within or\noutside the area where field service\nconcession are admissible to home town\nor to the place where they and their families\nare to settle down permanently even if it is\nother than their declared home town.\nComposite Transfer Grant equal to a\nmonth's basic pay last drawn is admissible\nin the case of those Defence personnel who\non retirement, settle down at places other\nthan the last station (s) of their duty located\nat a distance of or more than 20 Kms. The\ntransfer incidents and road mileage for\njourneys between the residence and the\nrailway station/ bus stand, etc. at the old\nduty and new duty stations, presently", "NOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nwen”\n\nadmissible, will also be subsumed in\nComposite Transfer Grant and will not be\nseparately admissible.\n\nIn the case of serving Defence Personnel\nwho, on retirement settle at the last station\nof Duty itself or within a distance of less\nthan 20 kms may be paid the Composite\nTransfer Grant equal to 1/3rd of the basic\npay last drawn by them, subject to the\ncondition that a change of residence is\nactually involved.\n\nThe expenditure on transportation of\nconveyance by Defence Personnel on their\nretirement shall be reimbursed without\ninsisting on the requirement that the\npossession of the conveyance by them\nwhile in service at their last station of duty\nshould have been in public interest.\n\nAt the time of retirement Defence Service\nofficers and personnel below officers rank\nand members of their families will travel\nto their home station /SPR as per\nentitlement given at Rule 62, 67 and 70 as\napplicable to them.\n\nOfficers and members of their families can\ntravel on cash TA basis.\n\nThe outgoing chiefs of the three services\nwill have option to avail one free airlift by\naircraft of Indian Air Force along with their\nfamily and baggage to the extent allowed\nin the aircraft from the HQrs (Delhi) to the\nairport nearest to their home or selected\nplace of residence within India and from\nAirport to the home town /SPR by surface\nroute after handing over the charge at the\nheadquarters on their retirement. The\nindividuals will travel by aircraft of Indian\nAir force at their own risk and will sign the\nusual form of undertaking/indemnity bond\nbefore emplanting their Aircraft. All other\nentitlements to the Chiefs of the three\nservices, on their retirement, under these\nrules or any Government order will remain\nunchanged except for transportation of\nbaggage which will be reduced by the\nquantity carried by the aircraft of Indian Air\nForce.\n\nJCQOs holding honorary commission or their\nequivalents as well as other Personnel\nBelow Officers Rank who are required to\nmove to Depot/Record Centre/Depot Ships\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n131\n\n(a) If provided with free\nboard and lodging\n\n(b) When not provided\nwith free board and\nlodging\n\nfor completion of documents prior to\nretirement /release discharge from service,\nwill get TA as on permanent duty for self\nfor the journey up to such places. During\ntheir stay at such places they will be eligible\nfor the same facilities as admissible to\nthem on temporary duty. DA for halt at\ntemporary duty station will be as under:\n\nAn amount equal to\n25% of DA prescribed\nin Rule 114A. |\n\nAn amount equal to\n50% of DA prescribed\nin Rule 114 A plus\nration money.\n\nFor their own journeys from these places\nand journeys of their families from their last\nduty station/ SPR to their homes/SPR, as\nwell also baggage. Journey DA/Transfer\nGrant/Cash Allowance and_ the\ntransportation of their private conveyance.\nThey will be eligible for concessions as on\npermanent duty moves. Transfer Grant/\nCash allowance will be admissible once\nonly for the entire move from the last duty\nstation to SPR/Home.\n\nNOTE: In the case of families of Gorkha soldiers\n\n200-B.\n\nand sailors, conveyance may be provided\nfrom the last duty station to their homes in\nNepal via Regimental Centre/Depot when\naccompanying the Head of the family, so\nproceeding via Regimental Centre.\n\nTravelling Allowance to Service\nPersonnel who wish to settle down\npermanently at the last duty station on\nretirement\n\nService personnel of all ranks shall be entitled\nto TAto the extent indicated below who wish to settle\ndown permanently at the last station of duty provided\na change of residence is involved due to retirement:\n\n(a) Conveyance:\n\n(1!)\n\n(i) Self: Actual cost of conveyance but not\nexceeding the road mileage allowance\nadmissible under Rule 61 of these\nRegulations.\n\nFamily: One mileage if two members\naccompany the service personnel and\none more mileage if more than two", "members accompany. him at the rates\n\nlaid down in Rule 61 of these\nregulations.\n(b) Personal Effects: Actual cost of\n\ntransportation not exceeding the amount\nadmissible under Rule 61-A of these\nRegulations.\n\nS\n~~”\n\nTransportation of conveyance:\n\nAn allowance at the rates prescribed by the\nDirector of Transport for taxi will be\nadmissible for Car and Auto-rickshaw for\nscooter/Motor Cycle. Where this allowance\nis Claimed, no Mileage Allowance will be\nadmissible to service personnel for self. If\nthe family also travel by the same\nconveyance they will also not entitled to\nMileage Allowance.\n\nComposite Transfer Grant:\n\nOfficers who on retirement, wish to settle\nat the last duty station itself or within a\ndistance of less than 20 Kms may be paid\none third of CTG, subject to condition that\na change of residence is actually involved.\n\nNOTE 1: The purpose of this order, the term “last\nstation of duty” will be interpreted to mean\nthe area falling within jurisdiction for the\nMunicipality or Corporation including such\nsuburban Municipalities Notified areas or\nCantonments as are contiguous to the\nnamed Municipality etc, where the service\npersonnel was posted immediately before\nretirement.\n\nNOTE 2: The admissibility of the above TA will also\nbe subject to other conditions for the grant\nof TA on retirement as contained in Rule\n\n200-A of these Regulations.\n\n201. Concession of TA/DA etc. to Service\nPersonnel on re-employment under Central\nGovernment\n\nA Service Officer/JCO/OR/Sailor/ Airman who\nis re-employed under Central Government, within six\nmonths of the date of retirement, the concession\nunder rule 200-A may be allowed to be availed of by\nhim within one year of expiry of the period of his re-\nemployment.\n\n202. Preference of TA claim by Service Officers\n\nThe TA claims of Service Officers and their\nfamilies will be preferred in the same manner as in\nthe case of permanent duty moves .The claims of\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n132\n\nofficers who are their own Controlling Officers should\nhowever, be countersigned by their immediate\nsuperior administrative authority.\n\n203. Entitlement of domiciled/ individuals who\nintend to reside permanently outside India\nafter retirement\n\nAn individual whose domicile is elsewhere than\nIndia or who intends to reside permanently outside\nIndia after retirement the concessions under Rule\n200-A will be admissible up to the Railway station\nnearest to the Port of Embarkation or to the Airport\nfor himself and members of the family, and baggage\nup to the Port of Despatch.\n\n204. Lien on conveyance preparatory to\nretirement\n\nThe entitlement on retirement can be availed of\nby an individual within one year of date of retirement.\nLien on conveyance laid down in Rule 16 will apply\nto moves of service personnel. Members of their\nfamilies and baggage may precede the service\npersonnel by not more than two months or follow\nthem within one year, the period of two months will\nbe counted from the date on which service of\npersonnel superannuated/retires whereas the period\nof one year will be counted from the date on which\nthe individual himself moves. The time limits may\nbe extended by the competent authority as stated in\n\nAppendix- XI in individual cases attendant with\n\nspecial circumstances.\n205. BLANK\n\n206. Travelling Allowance on release from re-\nemployed/re-enrolled Service\n\nOn release from re-employed service, service\npersonnel will be entitled to free conveyance:\n\n(a) Retired Regular Officers: On release\nfrom re-employment service officers and\ntheir families will be entitled to free\nconveyance to SPR limited to Home Town.\n\nTransportation of personal effects, CTG\nand charges for transportation of\nconveyance will not be admissible except\n225 Kgs of baggage as for a journey on\nfirst appointment.\n\nNOTE: If an Officer is re-employed within six months\nfrom the date of retirement and has not\navailed of the retirement TA/DA under Rule\n200 A, may be allowed retirement TA/DA\nwithin one year of the expiry of the period of\nhis re-employment.", "(b) Service Personnel Below Officer Rank and\ntheir families: Conveyance is admissible\nup to selected place of residence /to their\nhomes on completion of period of re-\nemployment/re-enrolment.\n\n207-A. Travelling Allowance to MNS Officers on\nTermination of Service\n\nA Nursing Officer on termination of service is\nallowed conveyance in entitled mode/class to\nselected place of residence in India. Conveyance of\npersonnel effect will also be admissible upto a limit\nof 300 Kgs by goods train on IAFT-1738 to the\nselected place of residence in India.\n\n207-B. Travelling Allowance to MNS Officers on\n\nretirement\n\n| Conveyance As admissible on\n| journeys on permanent\n| duties.\n' Composite Transfer | _do-\n\nGrant\npo\n| Transportation of | -do-\n| Personnel effects.\n\nTransportation of -do-\n\nPersonnel conveyance.\n\nNOTE 1: No DA for time spent in journey is\nadmissible.\n\nNOTE 2: MNS (Local) Officers are not entitled to TA/\nDA on retirement.\n\n208. Travelling Allowance to Civilian on\nretirement\n\n(1) Defence Civilians, who retire on a retiring\npension or on superannuation, invalidment\nOr on compensation pension or with\nContributory Provident Fund benefits, will\nbe granted TA in respect of the journey for\nthemselves and members of their family\nfrom the last duty station to Home Town or\nto the place they and their family are to\nsettle down permanently even if it is other\nthan their declared Home town.\n\nIn addition to the above they will also be\nentitled to CTG and carriage of personnel\neffects at the same scale and rate as laid\ndown in clause ‘C’ of Rule 76 of these\nRegulations. Reimbursement of actual cost\nof transporting of their conveyance from\nlast duty station to Home Town or to the\nplace they and their family are to settle\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n133\n\n(3)\n\n(4)\n\ndown permanently even if it is other than\ntheir declared Home Town is admissible.\n\nIn case of civilians, who on retirement settle\nat the last station of duty itself or within a\ndistance of less than 20 kms may be paid\none third of the Composite Transfer Grant\nsubject to the condition that a change of\nresidence is actually involved.\n\nThe concession may be availed by a\nGovernment servant who is eligible for it\nat the time of retirement or during refused\nleave, or within one year of the date of\nretirement. A member of the Government\nservant's family who follows him within one\nyear or precedes him by not more than two\nmonths will be treated as accompanying\nhim. The period of two months will be\ncounted from the date on which service\npersonnel superannuated/ retires whereas\nthe period of one year will be counted from\nthe date on which the individual himself\nmoves.\n\nThe time limits prescribed above for the\nmove of the family member will also apply\nin the case of transportation of their\npersonnel effects and private\nconveyances. These limits may, however,\nbe extended by the competent authority\nprescribed in Rule 2 in individual cases\nattendant with special circumstances.\n\nThe concession under this Rule will also\nbe admissible to:\n\n(i) Quasi-permanent employees\n\n(li) Temporary employees who retire on\n\nattaining the age of superannuation or\nare invalided or are retrenched from\nservice without being offered an\nalternate employment, provided that\nthey have put in a total service of not\nless than 10 years under their Central\nGovernment at the entitle of retirement/\ninvalidment/ retrenchment.\n\nFor an individual whose domicile is\nelsewhere than in India or who intends to\nreside permanently outside India after\nretirement, the concession will be\nadmissible up to the Railway Station\nnearest to the Port of Embarkation. In the\ncase of such a person who travels by air,\nthe concession of TAby rail/road under this", "rule will be admissible up to the airport of\nemplacement for himself and members of\nhis family, and up to the Port of Despatch\nfor his personal effects.\n\n(5\n\n~~\n\nWhere an individual is re-employed under\nthe Central Government at the time of\nretirement or within one year of the date of\nhis retirement, the concession admissible\nunder this rule may be allowed to be\navailed of by him within one year of the\nexpiry of his re-employment.\n\n(6) A Government servant will be eligible to\nthe retirement TA concession in full,\nnotwithstanding the fact that he had availed\nof Leave Travel Concession to Home town\nor any place in India during one year\npreceding the date of retirement or\ncommencement of leave preparatory to\nretirement or during leave preparatory to\nretirement, refused leave or terminal leave.\n\n(7\n\n~~”\n\nThe TAclaims admissible will be preferred\nin the same manner as Transfer TAclaims\nduly completed, with the same certificates\nas required for the later. The claims of\nofficers who are their own Controlling\nOfficers before retirement will, however, be\ncountersigned by the next superior\nadministrative authority.\n\n(8\n\n~~”\n\nThe provisions of this Rule will also be\napplicable to industrial personnel paid from\nDefence Services Estimates. |\n\n(9) This rule will not apply to:\n\n(a) Civilian engaged on contract and those\nwho are not in whole time employment\nof the Government.\n\nCivilians paid out of contingencies;\n\nThose who are eligible for any other form\nof travel concessions on retirement,\n\nThose who quit service by resignation\nor who may be dismissed or removed\nfrom service and\n\nThose who are compulsorily retired as\na measure of punishment.\n\n(€)\n\n209. Conveyance to Service Officers on\nDismissal or Removal from Service\n\n(i) When the Chief of the Army staff/the Chief\nof the Naval Staff/the Chief of the Air Staff\nis satisfied that an officer, who is dismissed\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n134\n\nor removed from the service or who is\nallowed to resign or retire in order to avoid\nremoval from the service, is unable to pay\nfor his own conveyance and /or that of his\nfamily, he may, at his discretion, authorise\nfree conveyance on warrant to the railway\nstation nearest to the individual’s home.\nThe scale of baggage shall be restricted to\nthe railway free allowance.\n(ii) The class of accommodation to be provided\nshall be such as the Chief of Army Staff/the\nChief of the Naval Staff/the Chief of the Air\nStaff may order in each case.\n\nNOTE: The powers conferred on the Chief of Army\nStaff/ Chief of the Naval Staff/Chief of the\nAir Staff under the rule are delegated to the\nfollowing:\n\n(a) ForArmy Officers: GOC-in-C, Commands.\n(b) For Air Force Officers:\n\n(1) AOA at Air Headquarters.\n\n(ii) AOs C-in-C, Commands.\n(c) For Naval Officers:\n\n(i) COP at IHQ of MoD (Navy).\n\n(ii) The Flag Officers Commanding-in-\nChief, Naval Commands.\n\n(ili) The Flag Officers Commanding Fleets/\nAreas.\n\nThe powers are personal and shall not be\ndelegated further.\n\n210. Conveyance to Service Personnel Below\nOfficer Rank on Dismissal from Service\n\nOn dismissal of a Soldier/Sailor/ Airman from\nservice while serving outside the State in which\nrecruited, conveyance is admissible to the nearest\nrailway station to the individual's home, Families of\nthose individuals, provided they are domiciled in\nIndia and where conveyed at the public expense to\nthe station at which the head of the family is serving\nwhen dismissed may be granted conveyance for any\nportion of the journey by sea. This provision is not\napplicable to boys.\n\n211. Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel when\nproceeding to a Hospital in connection with\nthe supply etc of artificial limbs and\nappliances\n\n(i) Discharged Service Personnel are entitled,\non the authority of the OC Service Hospital\nnearest to their homes, conveyance on", "warrant by rail or road, from their homes to\nthe Service Hospital at which the first report\nin person and then to the Artificial Limb\nCentre, Pune, or other station to which they\nmay subsequently be sent for treatment and\nalso for the return journey in connection with\nsupply, repair and renewal of artificial limbs\nand surgical appliances and further surgical\ntreatment.\n\n(1) When attendants are considered necessary\nthey will be provided with warrants for\noutward and return journeys.\n\n(ili) The class and type of accommodation lying\nand sitting and whether it should be by\nPassenger or Mail train will be decided at\nthe direction of the OC, Service Hospital\nto which the Depot /Centre/Unit is attached\nfor medical cover /OC Service Hospital\nnearest to their home, PMO/SMO of ships/\nEstablishments (in the case of sailors), OC\nArmed Forced Artificial Limb Centre Pune.\nWhile determining the class. of\naccommodation, the conditions prevailing\nin the particular train by which the amputee\nis to travel will be taken into account. These\npowers will not be delegated and will\nalways be exercised before the journey is\nundertaken. Ex-post-facto authorisation will\nnot be acceptable.\n\n(iv) For road journey where warrants cannot be\nissued, discharged service personnel may\nbe granted an allowance at the prescribed\nrate. Discharged Gorkhas who are unable\nto march will however be granted road\nmileage at the prescribed rate for journeys\n\nwithin Nepal.\n\n—\n<\nSe”\n\nShould it be necessary for a discharged\nCommissioned Officer to proceed from his\nhome to the Artificial Limb Centre. Pune,\nor any other Station in India in connection\nwith the repair or removal of an artificial\nlimb or appliance, his actual travelling\nexpenses may be admitted provided that\nthe OC Service Hospital nearest to his\nhome certifies that the journey to such a\nstation was essential for the proper\nexecution of the work.\n\n212. Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel for the\nsettlement of Disability pension claims\nwhere Medical Board papers are not\ntraceable or have been lost\n\nA Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Non Combatant\n(enrolled )who has been invalided out of the service\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n135\n\nafter having sustained a disability, and whose previous\nMedical Board Proceedings are not available, and who\nis, therefore required to appear before a fresh Medical\nBoard for the purpose of assessing the degree of\ndisability prevailing on the date of re-examination and\nthe probable degree of disability which may have\nexisted on the date of invalidment is entitled to free\nconveyance for the journey from his home to the station\nof Medical Board and back to the extent admissible\nunder Rule 155.\n\n213. Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel called\nbefore a Medical Board for assessment or\nre-assessment of their eligibility for\nConstant Attendance Allowance\n\nEx-Service Personnel who are called before a\nMedical Board for assessment or re-assessment of\ntheir eligibility for Constant Attendance Allowance\nwill be entitled to free conveyance from their places\nfor residence to the station where the Medical Board\nis held, and for the return journey in the same class\nto which they were entitled, when in service.\n\n214. Conveyance to Ex-Service Personnel\nadmitted to Service Hospital for treatment\nof disabilities regarded as attributable to\nor aggravated by Service\n\nDisabled ex-service personnel, who are admitted\nto Service Hospitals for treatment of disabilities\nregarded as attributable to or aggravated by service\nand who are in receipt of a disability pension will be\nentitled to free conveyance from their home to the —\nnearest Service Hospital and from the hospital to\ntheir homes. Free conveyance will also be admissible\nwhen transferred from one Service Hospital to\nanother for continued medical treatment. A railway\nwarrant for the railway portion of the journey will be\nissued by the class appropriate to the rank last held\nby them while in service by the OC of the hospital\nfrom where they are transferred.\n\nThe cost of conveyance according to ranks held\nprior to their discharge from the service will be paid\nafter their arrival at the hospital and on discharge\nthere from by the OC Hospital.\n\nNOTE: The above concession is also applicable to\nex-ISF Personnel provided they are\nadmitted to hospitals for medical treatment\nin connection with disability accepted as\nattributable to service with the Government\nof India for which disability pension is paid\nfrom the Defence Service Estimates.", "136\n\n215. Conveyance to the Attendants of Disabled\nService Personnel\n\nnearest road/rail head by an ambulance\ncar will, however, be made by the\n\n(1) Disabled service pensioners who are due Commanding Officer, Service Hospital.\n\nto be re-boarded for purposes of\ncontinuance of their temporary disability\npension but claim to be too ill to travel to\nthe nearest Service Hospital will be\nrequired to produce, in support of the claim,\na medical certificate from a Registered\nMedical Practitioner or Civil Medical\nAuthority. Those who render such a\ncertificate will be dealt with in accordance\nwith the alternatives (a) to (c)} below\ndepending on the circumstances of each\ncase:\n\n(a) Where the condition of the disabled\npensioner is such that the journey from\nhis home to the nearest hospital is likely\neither to aggravate his disability or to\nendanger his life, a Medical Officer will\nbe detailed by the hospital authorities\n\nto carry out the medical examination of —\n\nthe pensioner at the place of his\nresidence with the prior approval of the\nMG Medical, Area concerned in the case\nof Military Hospitals and that of senior\nadministrative authority in the case of\nNaval/Air Force Hospitals.\n\nWhere the condition of the disabled\npensioner is such that he is able to stand\nthe journey but requires the constant\npresence of a medical attendant during\nthe journey, medical attendant will be\n\n(b\n\n~~”\n\ndetailed by the hospital authorities\n\nconcerned. In these cases also,\napproval of the MG Medical, Area\nconcerned in the case of Military\nHospital and that of senior\nadministrative authority in the case of\nNaval/Air Force Hospital will be\nobtained.\n\nIn a case where a disabled pensioner\ncan travel but he required the constant\npresence of a non-medical escort,\narrangements will be made by\nCommanding Officer Hospitals\nconcerned, in consultation with the\nadministrative authorities to detail an\nescort from the nearest Military/ Air/\nForce/ Naval Establi-shment to bring the\npensioner to the Hospital; Arrangement\nto transport the pensioner from the\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(ii)\n\n(iii)\n\nWhen a disabled pensioner, who is called\nupon to appear before a Re-survey Medical\nBoard, attends the board at the Service\nHospital with the help of a private escort\nof his own accord being too ill to travel\nalone, actual fare paid for the inward and\noutward journey of the private escort upto\nthe maximum of the fare of the class of\naccommodation to which the pensioner\nhimself is entitled will be re-imbursed,\nprovided the Medical Board certifies the\nnecessity of such an escort.\n\nCases in which none of the course referred\nto in clause (i) and (ji) above can be\nadopted for any reason will be referred to\nthe Ministry of Defence for necessary\ninstructions.\n\n216. Travelling Allowance entitlement of families\nof Service Officers including MNS, who die\nwhile in Service\n\nOn the death of Service Officer including MNS\nin peace or field station including those killed in\naction, the families will be entitled to the following:\n\n(1) (a)\n\n(b\n\n~~”\n\n(1!)\n\nConveyance of family, transportation of\npersonal effects, transportation of\nconveyance and CTG will be admissible\nas on permanent duty.\n\nIn case the family of the officer wished to\nsettle down permanently at a place other\nthan the normal place of residence\n(permanent home town), travel expenses\nmay be allowed to them by the shortest\nroute from the last HQ to such selected\nplace of residence.\n\nIf a member of the family proceeds from a\nstation other than the last HQ of the\ndeceased officer to selected place of\nresidence or proceeds from the last HQ to\na station other than the selected place of\nresidence, the travelling expenses claimed\nwill be limited to what would have been\nadmissible, had such member travelled\nfrom the HQ of the officer to the selected\nplace of residence.\n\nIn the case the officer had no family, the\nentitled scale of baggage may be conveyed\non warrant to the permanent place of", "(ii\n\n(iv\n\neee”\n\n)\n\n~~”\n\nresidence of the next of kin or to any other\nStation where the next of kin may be\nresiding for the time being provided there\nis no extra expenditure to the State. The\nlien period for conveyance of family\nbaggage of an officer will be one year from\nthe date of demise of the officer.\n\nIn case of death of an officer while absent\nfrom his HQ station on a Course of\nInstruction or on other duty entailing\ntemporary detachment from his unit or\nestablishment, conveyance of baggage as\nin (i) above is admissible. In such cases\nthe total quantity of baggage conveyance\nfrom the temporary duty station plus the\npermanent HQ station should not exceed\nthe entitled scale of the officer as on\npermanent duty.\n\nOn the death of re-employed regular officer\nduring re-employed service, his family will\nbe entitled to conveyance, DA for journey\nand transportation of baggage as per Rule\n64, to selected place of residence in India\nlimited to home town.\n\nTravelling Allowance (without halting\nallowance and incidentals) will be\nadmissible to dependents of deceased\nDefence Forces Personnel by fastest\nmeans including air for onward and return\njourneys for conducting customary social\nrites.\n\n217. Travelling Allowance entitlement of families\nof Service Personnel Below Officer Rank\nwho die while in Service\n\n(a\n\n)\n\n(ii\n\nOn death of an individual while serving in\nunit/ formation/ establishment /ship to\nwhose personnel Field Service\nConcessions are not admissible,\nconveyance and transportation of baggage\nas under will be admissible if the head of\nthe family was on the authorised married\nestablishment:\n\n(i) Conveyance for the family from the last\nduty station /base port of the ship of the\nhead of the family, on warrant, to their\nSPR.\n\nConveyance of baggage on warrant at\nthe scale laid down in Rule 70 from the\nlast duty station to their homes/intended\nplace of residence of the widow in India\n\n~~”\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n137\n\n(ili) Composite Transfer\n\n(ii\n\nor to any other station where the widow\nmay be residing for the time being\nprovided no extra expenditure is caused\nto the state.\n\nGrant and\ntransportation of private conveyance as\non permanent duty.\n\nIn case an individual dies while away\nfrom his permanent HQ on a Course\nof Instruction or other duty, conveyance\nof baggage as in (ii) above will be\nadmissible. In such cases, the total\nquantity of baggage conveyed from the\ntemporary and permanent duty station\nshould not exceed the entitlement scale\nof baggage.\n\n(v) Travelling Allowance (without halting\n\nallowance and incidentals) will be\n\nadmissible to dependents of deceased\n\nDefence Forces Personnel by fastest\n\nmeans including air for onward and\n\nreturn journeys for conducting\n~ customary social rites.\n\n(b) On death of an individual while serving with\n\na unit /formation /establishment to whose\npersonnel Field Service Concessions are\nadmissible, or killed in action, conveyance\nand baggage for the family, if the head of\nthe family was on the authorised married\nestablishment at the old peace duty station,\nwill be admissible as under:\n\n(i) Conveyance on warrant of family from\nold peace duty station/base port of ship/\nselected place of residence/home /\nseparated family accommodation to the\nplace of choice in India.\n\n(ii) Conveyance on warrant of baggage left\n\nby head of the family at his last duty\nstation and that left with the family at\nthe old place duty station /selected place\nof residence /home/ separated family\naccommodation of the family, on\nwarrant to the place of choice in India.\nThe total quantity of baggage conveyed\nshould not exceed the entitled scale\nunder Rule 70.\n\nIn case the individual was not on the\nauthorised married establishment at the\nold peace duty station, the baggage left\nby him at his last duty station and old\npeace duty station and/or selected\n\nee”", "places of residence /home will be sent to\nnext of kin, on warrant as mentioned in\nclause (a) (ii) above.\n\n(iv) Composite Transfer Grant and\n\ntransportation of private conveyance as\non permanent duty.\n\n(c) In the case of PBOR who die during re-\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nemployment/re-enrolment, their families\nwill be entitled to conveyance upto selected\nplace of residence limited to their homes.\n\nThe lien period of conveyance of family\nand baggage of an individual who dies\nwhile in service will be one year from the\ndate of notification of the individual’s death.\n\nIf a member of the family proceeds from a\nStation other than the last HQ of the\ndeceased service personnel to selected\nplace of residence or proceeds from the\nlast HQ to a station other than the selected\nplace of residence, the travelling expenses\nclaimed will be limited to what would have\nbeen admissible had such member\ntravelled from the HQ of the service\npersonnel to the selected place of\nresidence.\n\n217-A. Defence Service personnel killed in\n\nBorder/Line of Control (LC), Operation/\nCounter-Insurgency (Cl) Operations in\nIndia and abroad\n\n(a) Preservation of the dead bodies:\n\n(b\n\na\n\nThe dead body will be embalmed and\ncoffined for the purpose of transportation.\nThe cost of embalming will be restricted to\nthe extent of actual expenditure as charged\nby the Government Hospital and that of\ncoffin should be the barest minimum on\nthe basis of austerity standards.\n\nTransportation of dead bodies:\n\nThe dead body will be transported by\nfastest mode of transport available\naccompanied by only one person who may\neither be a member of the family or person\ndeputed by the family or a_ unit\nrepresentative from the place of\noccurrence as the case may be upto his\nHometown or SPR or place of last rites. In\ncase of death occurring in inaccessible\nareas requiring more than 12 hours of the\njourney time, the body will be evacuated\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n138\n\nby service helicopter to the nearest Hospital\nfor embalming purposes and thereafter will\nbe moved by fastest mode of transport to\nthe nearest airport/airfield from where the\nbody will be flown/moved by commercial\nflights or courier flight to the Hometown/SPR/\nplace of last rites. Where air transportation\nup to Hometown/ SPR’ place of last rites is\nnot possible, the body may be flown to the\nnearest airport/airfield and be moved\nthereafter by rail/road/steamer and the entire\ncost of transportation will be borne by the\nGovernment.\n\n—,\n2)\n~~”\n\nTravelling Allowance entitlem-ents of\nthe attendant:\n\nTA (without halting allowance and\nincidentals) will be admissible to one\nmember of the family/person deputed by\nthe family for the journey performed by Air/\nSteamer /Rail/Road to reach the place\ndeath/designated place to enable him to\naccompany the dead body of the deceased.\nThis will not be adjusted against the\nentitlement of the members of family of\ndeceased available under these rules after\ndeath or demission of officer. Such a\nmember of the family/person deputed by\nthe family will also be allowed TA (without\nhalting allowance and incidentals) for the\njourney by air/steamer/rail/road from the\nplace he commences such journey to the\n_ place of death.\n\nThe Commanding Officer of the concerned\nUnit/Formation will be empowered to\nsanction the total cost of embalming, coffin\nand transportation of dead body\naccompanied by one attendant from the\nI&M grant held by the respective Unit/\nFormation.\n\n218. Travelling Allowance entitlement of families\nof Civilian Government Servants who die\nwhile in Service\n\n(a) The members of the family of a civilian,\nwho dies while in service, are entitled to\ntravel expenses by the shortest route from\nthe last permanent duty station of the\ncivilian to his permanent home town the\nplace where the family wished to settle\ndown permanently, provided the journey is\ncompleted within one year after the death\nof Government servant.", "(D) (1)\n\n(ii\n\n~~”\n\n2\n\nIn addition to the entitled fares, the family\nwill also be entitled to transportation of\npersonal effects, CTG, transportation of\npersonal conveyance as admissible on\npermanent duty.\n\nThe reimbursement of actual cost of\ntransportation of conveyance to home town\nor selected place of residence limited to\nthat admissible upto home town, as on\ntransfer, will be allowed to the family of a\nGovernment servant, who dies while in\nservice provided the possession of the\nconveyance by the Government servant\nwhile in service at the place of his last\nposting was considered to be in public\ninterest.\n\nIf a member of the family proceeds from a\nstation other than the last HQ of the\n\n139\n\ndeceased civilian to the selected place of —\n\nresidence or proceeds from the last HQ to\na station other than the selected place of\nresidence, the travelling expenses claimed\nwill be limited to what would have been\nadmissible had such member travelled\nfrom the HQ of the civilian to the selected\nplace of residence.\n\nFree service will be provided for carrying\ndead bodies of Defence Civilians and their\nfamily members (who are dependent and\nresiding with Govt. servant) working in\nvarious units/ formations under the Army/\n\nNavy and their allied establishments from\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(\n(i\n(€)\n\n\\\\192.168.\n\nCivil/Military Hospital/Police Morgue to\nplace of duty/ residence/burning ghat/burial\ngrounds. (near the place of residence) as\nand when necessary.\n\nThe provisions of this rule will also apply\nto industrial personnel. They will not,\nhowever, be eligible for similar travel\nconcession under any other rule or order.\n\nThe above rule will not apply to:\n\n(i) Civilians engaged on contract and those\nwho are not in whole time employment\nof Government.\n\nii) Civilian paid out of contingencies.\n\nli) Retired civilians who are re-employed.\n\nThe amount of TA admissible to families\n\nof deceased Government servants under\n\nclauses (b) and (c) above will be paid in\nthe order of precedence given below:\n\n4.1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(ii\n\n(i) The surviving widow or the elder among\nthem if there be more than one surviving\nwidow (not being a minor) if the\ndeceased Government servant was a\nmale officer or the husband if the\ndeceased was a female officer:\n\neee”\n\nThe eldest surviving (dependent) child\nof the deceased government servant,\nprovided that he/she has attained the\nage of majority;\n\n(ili) Any person who, in the opinion of the\n\nHead of Office, is fit to receive payment\non behalf of the minor(s), subject to the\nexecution by such person of a bond, duly\nsigned by two sureties, agreeing to\nindemnify government against any\nsubsequent claim; provided that such a\nbond may be dispensed with when\npayment is made to a legal guardian.\n\nIn the case of payments made to a\nperson other than a member of the\nfamily of the deceased Government\nservant, the same shall be supported by\nan Indemnity Bond in the prescribed\nform, as shown in Appendix VIII. The\nIndemnity Bond, when executed, shall\nbe accepted for and on behalf of the\nPresident of India by the Head of the\nOffice under whom the deceased\nGovernment servant last served. The\nIndemnity Bond when executed should\nbe attested by two sureties, being\npermanent Government servants,\nwhose status (whether in the post held\nby them in the permanent capacity or in\nthe officiating capacity) should be\ncomparable to or higher than that of the\ndeceased Government servant. The\nbond shall be preserved for seven years\nafter the year of payment. The claims\nOn account of concession shall be\ncountersigned by the Controlling Officer\nof the deceased Government servant if\nhe was not his own Controlling Officer,\nand by his next superior authority, if he\nwas his own Controlling Officer.\n\n218-A. Conveyance of dead body of a civilian\npaid from Defence Service Estimates or\na Service Personnel\n\n(a) If death occurs while at permanent\n\nHeadquarters in India: If the family of", "deceased desire to transport the body of\nthe deceased to his home town, this will\nhave to be done under their own\narrangements subject to the reimbursement\nof the amount due to them under the\nprovisions of relevant rules of TA on\nretirement.\n\nIf death occurs while on tour: If the death of\ndeceased occurs while on tour in India or\nabroad, the body may be brought by air on\na commercial flight to the HQ or to home\ntown according to the wishes of the family.\nIn such cases, the expenditure will be met\nby the Government The cost of embalming\nthe dead body and that of coffin will also be\nreimbursed to the family of the deceased.\nThe embalming expenses and the cost of\nthe coffin should be the barest minimum and\non the basis of austerity standards.\n\ni\noy\n~~”\n\nTravelling Allowance (without halting\nallowance and incidentals) will be admissible\nto dependents of deceased Defence Forces\nPersonnel by fastest means including air\nfor onward and return journeys for conducting\ncustomary social rites.\n\n(d) Free service will be provided for carrying\ndead bodies of Defence Civilians and their\nfamily members (who are dependent and\nresiding with Govt servant) working in various\nunits/formations under the Army/ Navy and\ntheir allied establishments from Civil/ Military\nHospital/Police Morgue to place of duty/\nresidence/ burning ghat/burial grounds (near\nthe place of residence) as and when\nnecessary.\n\nThe competent authorities mentioned in Appx\n|, may accord sanction for air travel of one\nnon-entitled service personnel/ civilian for\naccompanying the dead body of the\ndeceased service personnel/ civilian paid\nfrom Defence Service Estimates from the\n\n(e\n\nee”\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n140\n\nplace of death to the place of rites or his\nhome town in case no family member is\navailable to accompany the dead body of\nthe diseased personnel, with the stipulation\nthat the return journey will be performed by\nthe individual in the entitled class by rail/\nroad/steamer.\n\n218-B. Travelling Allowance entitlement of\nfamily of deceased accompanying the\ndead body of VIP etc.\n\nGoverriment will bear expenditure of TA (without\nhalting allowance and incidentals) of one member of\nthe family for the journey performed by air/ steamer/\nrail/road between place of death and place of last rites\nto accompany dead body of deceased VIPs i.e.\nCabinet Ministers, Chief Justice of Supreme Court,\nSpeaker of Lok Sabha, Ministers of State, Judges of\nSupreme Court, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha,\nDeputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, Deputy Minister and\nMembers of Parliament and Government servants\nirrespective of the fact whether the death occurs at\nHQ or at tour station. This will not be adjusted against\nthe entitlement of the members of the family of the\ndeceased available under these rules after death or\ndemission of officer. Such a member of the family will\nalso be allowed TA (without halting allowance and\nincidentals) for the journey by air/steamer/rail/road from\nthe place he commences such journey to the place of\ndeath.\n\nThe above provisions will also be applicable” to\nDefence Services Personnel.\n\n219. Travelling Allowance entitlement of families\nof Service Personnel/ Civilians declared\nmissing/POW\n\nThe provisions of Rules 216, 217 and 218 will\nequally apply in the case of individual serving with\nunits whose personnel are in receipt of Field Service\nConcessions and are declared missing or prisoners\nof war.\n\n220. BLANK", "CHAPTER SIX\n\nPERMANENT TRAVELLING/CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE\n\n221. Permanent Travelling Allowance\n\nA Permanent Monthly Travelling Allowance may\nbe granted by the Government to an individual whose\nduties require him to travel extensively. Such an\nallowance is granted in lieu of all other forms of\ntravelling allowance for journeys within the\nindividual’s sphere of duty and is drawn all the year\nround whether the individual is away from his\npermanent station or not, subject to such conditions\nas may be prescribed by the Government.\n\n222. Conveyance Allowance\n\n(1) A monthly conveyance allowance may be\ngranted to individuals who are required to\ntravel extensively on duty at or within a\nshort distance of their headquarters. The\nallowance will be governed by the rates and\nconditions as under:\n\n(a) Monthly\nAllowance:\n\nrates of Conveyance\n\nAverage monthly Conveyance Allowance\n\ntravel on\nOfficial duty For journeys For journeys\nby own motor by other modes\ncar (in &) of conveyance\n(in &)\n\n(1) (2) (3)\n201-300 Kms 1120 PM 370 PM -\n301-450 Kms 1680 PM 480 PM\n451-600 Kms 2070 PM 640 PM\n601-800 Kms 2430 PM 750 PM\nAbove 800 Kms 3000 PM 850 PM\n\nNOTE 1: The Conveyance Allowance at the rate\nprescribed in Column (2) of the table shall\nnot be admissible to officers whose pay in\nthe revised pay band is less than ¥19530/-\nP.M.\n\nThese rates shall automatically increase\nby 25% whenever the Dearness Allowance\npayable on the revised pay structure goes\nup to 50%.\n\nThese orders will be effective from 1st\nseptember, 2008.\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\n141\n\n(o) Conditions for the grant of\nConveyance Allowance:\n\n(i) Average monthly running on duty\nshould exceed 200 Kms.\n\nNOTE: Journey between residence and normal\nplace of work will not be treated as running\non official duty.\n\n(ii) Journeys performed by foot or on\nbicycle are excluded from the purview\nof this allowance.\n\n(iii) The allowance prescribed in column\n\n2 of the table in sub-clause (a) above\n\nshall not be admissible to officer\n\nwhose pay in revised scale is less\n\nthan = 19530/- p.m.\n\n(c) (i) Drawal of allowance at the rate in column\n(2) in the table below sub-clause (a) above\nis subject to the individual owning and\nmaintaining a motor car in good running\ncondition and using it for all official\njourneys for which the allowance is\ngranted.\n\n(ii) The officer who are granted Conveyance\nAllowance under this rule will not be\nentitled to any other travelling allowance\n|.e. daily or mileage allowance for\njourneys upto 16 kilometers from the\nusual place of work at the headquarters.\nThe travelling allowance for journey\nbeyond 16 kilometres will be admissible\nas under:\n\n(A) Ifthe Journey is performed otherwise\nthan in his own conveyance, the\nTravelling Allowance as admissible\nunder the rules, may be drawn in full.\n\nIf he travels by road in his own\nconveyance either in combination\nwith rail/steamer/air journey or\notherwise, the officer may at his\noption exchange his Conveyance\nAllowance at the rate of 1/30th for\neach day, for Travelling Allowance\nadmissible to him under the rules.\n\n(d) Maintenance of Log Book: For the initial\nfixation of allowance under this rule an", "individual claiming the allowance will\nmaintain a log book of journeys on duty\nqualifying for the grant of allowance, for\na minimum period of four months. The\ncontrolling officer shall scrutinize the log\nbook as frequently as possible during\nthis period. A longer period may be\nprescribed by the sanctioning authority\nat its discretion. The log book shall\ncontain the following particulars:\n\n(i) The distance travelled daily on official\nduty/journeys only within 16\nkilometres of the place of work at the\nHQ falling within the local jurisdiction\nof the individual will be included in\nthe log book.\n\n(ii) Places visited with distance covered\nand purpose of each visit.\n\n(iii) The mode of conveyance\nmaintained/used.\n\n(e) General conditions for grant of\nConveyance Allowance:\n\n(1) The competent authority will satisfy\nitself from the data in the log book\nthat the average monthly distance\ntravelled by the individual makes him\neligible for Conveyance Allowance. It\nmay then sanction an allowance at\nthe appropriate rate from any date\n(not earlier than the date from which\nthe log book was maintained) from\nwhich in its opinion the grant of the\nallowance is justified.\n\n(ii) For any category of individuals the\nnature of whose duties requires the\nmaintenance of a motor car, the\nconditions of maintaining log books\n\n142\n\nmay be waived with prior concurrence -\n\nof competent authorities. In all such\ncases the allowance will be\nadmissible at the lowest rates\nprescribed in column 2 of the table\nbelow sub clause (a) above. Any\nclaim for allowance at higher rates\nshall be supported by the\nmaintenance of a log book as\nprescribed above.\n\n(ii\n\neee”\n\nOnce the allowance has been fixed\nin accordance with these provisions,\nit will not be necessary for the officer\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(Vv\n\nee”\n\nto maintain the log book for purpose of\ndrawing the allowance from month to\nmonth unless the controlling officer so\ndesires. The allowance may be drawn\nduring the currency of a sanction so\nlong as the controlling officer is\nsatisfied that there has been no\nchange in the nature of duties of the\nindividual or the extent of his touring\nto justify the withdrawal of or reduction\nin the rate of allowance. A certificate\nto this effect will be rendered by the\ncontrolling officer in the months of\nJanuary, April, July and October in\neach year.\n\nAt present, the allowance is\nsanctioned to Government servants\nindividually, with the result that every\ntime there is a change in incumbency,\na fresh sanction is required to be\nissued for the successor. Hereafter,\nthe Conveyance Allowance will be\ndetermined for specific posts on the\nbasis of ‘controlled travelling’ (see V\nbelow) by the sanctioning authority,\nand the officers appointed to these\nposts will draw the same unless the\nmode of conveyance is different,\nsubject to their satisfying the\nprescribed conditions, where there\nare a number of posts in the same\ncategory, the post(s) for which the\nallowance is intended should be\nClearly identified in the sanction and\nthe rate for each such post should be\nclearly stated.\n\nThe log books should be scrutinised\nby the sanctioning authority for\ndetermining the average mileage per\nmonth justified for official work for the\npost and the rate of Conveyance\nAllowance should be fixed on that\nbasis. The sanction for grant of\nConveyance Allowance should be\nissued for period of two years at a\ntime and its continuance will be\nreviewed at the end of each such\nperiod in accordance with the\nprocedures laid down for the initial\ngrant of an allowance.\n\nIt will not be necessary to incorporate\nin an order sanctioning Conveyance", "(2)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n\\\\192.168.\n\nAllowance, any condition of travelling\na specified minimum distance in a\nmonth for becoming eligible for the\nallowance in respect of that month.\n\n(vi) In the case of gazetted officers, on\nchange of incumbency of a post to\nwhich Conveyance Allowance is\nattached, an intimation should be sent\nby the controlling officer to the audit\nauthority/paying authority to the effect\nthat the new incumbent possesses a\nconveyance (with particulars thereof)\nor does not possess a conveyance\n\n143\n\ncompensate for the cost of all journeys,\nother than journeys by rail or steamer,\nwithin the individual's sphere of duty,\nand\n\n(ii) To those individuals who are provided with\nGovernment transport.\n\nNOTE 3: In order to ensure that the powers have been\n\nas the case may be to enable the |\n\nlatter (Audit authorities/paying\nauthority) to authorise allowance at\nthe appropriate rate to the new\nincumbent.\n\nGOsC-in-C Commands, VCOAS/ DCOAS/\nAG/ QMG/MS/E-in-C/ DGQA/ SA/Director\nGeneral NCC/DPR (Defence)/ DGQS/\nDGOL & SM and other Heads of Branches\nin HQ of MoD (Army) and DGOF. The Flag\nOfficers Commanding-in-Chief Naval\nCommands, the Flag Officers\nCommanding Fleets/Areas, Heads of\nBranches in IHQ of MoD (Navy) in case of\nNavy and AOsC-in-C Commands, Heads\nof Branches in Air HQ in case of Air Force\nare the competent authorities in respect of\nindividuals under their control of sanction\nCar Allowance under this rule.\n\nConveyance Allowance for officers (both\nservice and civilians) will similarly by\nsanctioned by the above authorities.\nConveyance (other than Car Allowance) to\nindividuals other than officers will be\nsanctioned by the local Head of the\nDepartment for Services or CWE as the\ncase may be in consultation with CDA\nconcerned.\n\nThe provisions of this rule are applicable\nonly to officers and civilians serving in\npeace areas and also to those personnel\nserving in operational areas to whom the\nfield service concessions are not\napplicable.\n\nConveyance Allowance will be inadmissible\n\n(i) If Ministry of Defence declare that the\npay of a particular individual or a class\nof individuals has been so fixed as to\n\n4.1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n“eee”\n\n~~”\n\n(ii)\n\nexercised properly by the authorities in para\n2 above, half yearly statements of the\nsanctions issued by the authorities\nmentioned above will be submitted by them\nto the Ministry of Defence to enable the\nlatter to undertake a review of the cases.\n\nA list of Conveyance Allowance specially\nsanctioned for certain appointment will be\nfound in Appendix IX.\n\nThe Conveyance Allowance granted under\nthis Rule shall not be admissible during:\n\n(i) Joining time and leave (except casual\nleave) and absence of the individual on\nduty in another station of more than 15\ndays at a time.\n\nHolidays prefixed or suffixed to leave\n(except causal leave) joining time and\nthe absence of an individual to another\nstation for period of more than 15 days\nat a time.\n\n(ili) Any period of more than 15 days at a\n\ntime during which an individual in receipt\nof allowance under column 2 of table\nbelow sub clause (i)(a) above does not\nmaintain a motor car or the motor car\nmaintained by him remains out of order\nor is not used for official journeys for\nany other reasons.\n\n223. Conveyance Allowance-Habitual Journeys\n\nSubject to the fulfilment of the following\n\nconditions,\n\na Conveyance Allowance may be\n\nsanctioned by the GOC-in-C Commands (DGOL &\nOM in the case of Schools of Instructions under IHQ\nof MoD (Army)) for an officer who is required to make\nhabitual journeys on duty from his Headquarters,\nwithin a radius of eight kilometres or within the area\nof the cantonment, whichever is greater:\n\n(a) The journeys shall, normally, be not less\n\nthan eight kilometres per working day,\nexclusive of the distance from the officer’s\nresidence to his place of duty and back\nthereto.", "(b) The allowance shall not be sanctioned for\nan officer for whom a Government vehicle\nIs available.\n\nThe allowance shall not be admissible\nduring leave except causal leave, and the\nprovisions of Rule 222 shall apply.\n\nThe allowance shall not be admissible to\nan officer who is governed by Rules 225.\n\nThe annual allotment made to meet the\ncost of the allowance shall on no account\nbe exceeded.\n\nNOTE: The provision of this Rule will also be\napplicable to the Indian Navy and Air Force.\nThe powers will be exercised by the following\n\nauthorities:\nNavy :\n| (a) Chief of Naval In respect of officers\n| Staff : serving in Establishment\n\ndirectly under |HQ of\nMoD (Navy).\n\nIn respect of officer\n\n|\n\n (b) (i) The Flag\n\nOfficers serving under them.\nCommanding-in-\n\nChief Naval\n\nCommands\n\n(i!) The Flag In respect of officer\nOfficer serving under them.\n\nCommanding\nFleets/ Areas\nAir Force :\n\n(a) AOC-in-C\nCommands\n\nIn respect of individuals\nserving under them.\n\nIn respect of those\nserving in the units\ndirectly under Air HQ.\n\n224. Hire charge-Government servants whether\nGazetted or Non-Gazetted on official duties\nwithin a radius of 8 Kms\n\n(1) Actual hire charges paid by Government\nservant whether Gazetted or Non-Gazetted\non official duties within a radius of 8 Kms\nfrom his headquarters in taxi or other\nconveyance where a staff car is not\navailable and where no travelling\nallowance is admissible, will be reimbursed\nsubject to the following conditions:\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n144\n\n(a) The place visited on official duty is not\nless 1.6 Kilometres by the shortest route\nfrom the office of the Government servant\nconcerned.\n\n_—~\ney\n—\n\nIf more than one officer are required to\nproceed to a particular place on official\nduty, they should share the taxi or other\nconveyance as far as possible, and\n\n—~\n2)\n—\n\nThe controlling officer shall certify that the\nstaff car could not be made available for\nthe journey performed by the Government\nservant concerned.\n\nNOTE 1: The power to sanction reimbursement of taxi\nor other conveyance charges to the officers\nshall vest only with the competent authorities\nmentioned in Rule 2.\n\nThese authorities may also sanction to themselves\nthe reimbursement of taxi and other charges.\n\nNOTE 2: The total amount of taxi hire or other\nconveyance hire reimbursed to a\nGovernment servant whether Gazetted or\nNon-Gazetted subject to the condition\nmentioned above in any one month shall not\nexceed % 300/-.\n\nIf a Government servant is called to duty\nbetween 8.00 PM and 6.00 AM or is\ndetained in office beyond 8.00 PM and has\nto return home between 8.00 PM and\n6.00 AM when ordinary means of\nconveyance are not available, actual taxi or\nother conveyance hire may be reimbursed\nto him provided he is not in receipt of any\nremuneration for prolonged detention in office\nand is not in possession of his own\nconveyance or is not able to use conveyance\nand subject to also the condition that a\ncertificate from the Heads of Departments\nin the case of Gazetted Officers and Head\nof Offices in the case of Non-Gazetted\nGovernment servants is forthcoming to the\neffect that the officer had to be called/\ndetained after 08.00 PM in the interest of\npublic service.\n\n(il)\n\n225. Conveyance Allowance-Individuals Group B\n& C (both industrial and non-industrial)\nwhose duties necessitate extensive\ntravelling within a radius of 8 Kms or at an\noutstation\n\n(a) Individuals of the Group B & C (both\nindustrial and non-industrial) of the various", "departments and services whose duties\nnecessitate extensive travelling within a\nradius of 8 Kms from their permanent\nstation, or at an outstation provided Daily\nAllowance there at is not drawn, may be\ngranted Conveyance Allowance as follows\nby the local Head of the Department or\nservice, for the periods during which the\nduties are actually performed :\n\nCycle Allowance: Cycle Allowance at the\nrate of ¥ 60 per month may be granted by\nthe local Head of Department or Service\nprovided they are satisfied that the duties\nassigned to a post require extensive touring\nat or near the headquarters and the\nmaintenance of a cycle is essential for the\npurpose. The allowance should be\nsanctioned subject to the following\nconditions.\n\n(1) The official concerned maintains and\nuses his own cycle for official journeys.\n\n(il) Travelling Allowance (i.e. daily and\nmileage allowance) to a Government\nservant in receipt of cycle allowance will\nbe regulated as under:\n\nFor Journeys within a No TA.\nradius of 8 Kms from the\n\nusual place of duty\n\nFor journeys beyond a\nradius of 8 kms but not\nexceeding 16 kms from\nthe usual place of duty\n\n(i) If the points falls\nwithin the local\njurisdiction\n\nNo TA.\n\n(ii) If the point falls\noutside the local\n\njurisdiction TA as admissible under\nthe normal rules provided\n| | the journey is performed\n| | otherwise, than on cycle.\n\nTA admissible under the\nnormal rules\n\n|For journeys beyond\n\n‘a radius of 16 Kms.\nfrom the usual place |\n;on duty\n\n—\n\n(iii) The allowance will not be admissible\nduring joining time, leave and temporary\ntransfer or during holidays prefixed to\n\nleave and holidays suffixed to leave and\n\njoining time.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n145\n\n(iv) For any period more than one month ata\ntime during which a Government servant\nin receipt of Cycle Allowance does not\nmaintain a cycle or the cycle maintained\nby him remains out of order or is not used\nfor official journeys for any other reason,\nthe Cycle Allowance will not be\nadmissible.\n\nThe Cycle Allowance under these rules shall\nbe granted by the sanctioning authority for\na period not exceeding two years at a time\nand its continuance shall be revised\nsufficiently in advance of the expiry of each\nperiod. The sanctioning authority may for\nthis purpose specify whenever necessary the\nlocal jurisdiction of a Government servant\nat the time of sanctioning the allowance.\nThey should also make a review of the posts\nunder their control and decide the posts for\nwhich the cycle allowance should be\nsanctioned. The allowance may then be\nsanctioned with reference to the posts and\nnot the individual incumbent thereof.\n\nAs per existing RMA\nrates.\n\nActual expenses in the\nentitled class.\n\nNOTE:\n\nMotor cycle or\nother conveyance\n\nPublic conveyance\nsuch as motor buses,\ntrams cars etc.\n\nNOTE 1: The rate of this allowance will be increased\nby 25% whenever the DA payable on the\nrevised pay scale goes up by 50%.\n\nNOTE 2: The allowance in respect of motor cycle or\nother conveyance, referred to above, is\npayable to individuals drawing Grade Pay\n\n~ 4200/- to ¥ 4800/-.\n\nNo Conveyance Allowance will ordinarily be\nallowed when journeys covered are less than\n8 Km a day. Individuals of the second grade\nwho normally travel less than 16 Km, a day\nbut who possess motor cycle or other\nvehicles, will ordinarily be restricted to\nConveyance Allowance as for a pedal\ncycle, of failing this as for public\nconveyances if available. A competent\nfinancial authority may, in special cases,\nand for reasons which should be recorded,\nwaive the above minimum mileage limits.\n\na~\noO\n—\n\nIn cases where it is necessary to grant a\nfixed allowance on a monthly basis, the\n\n—_—\noO\n—", "@\n\n(2\n\namount thereof will be fixed in consultation\nwith the Controller of Defence Accounts\nconcerned. Such sanctions will be reviewed\nhalf yearly, and on other occasions as found\nnecessary, by the competent financial\nauthority, or Commander Works Engineers,\nin the case of MES, establishment, in\naccordance with the instructions on the\nreverse of |.A.F.T. 1718-A.\n\nWhen Government pedal cycles other\nconveyance are provided for any\nindividuals or class or individuals, or such\nconveyance can be made available or\nutilised, no Conveyance Allowance will be\nadmissible.\n\nAn individual who travel occasionally on\nduty connected with the office or ship, and\nis required to hire a conveyance, may be\nallowed to recover, on the authority of the\nofficer in-charge of the office or the\nCommanding Officer of the ship, actual\nexpenses from the office allowance or\noffice contingent grant.\n\nA non-gazetted or Group C Government\nservant who travels on duty not connected\nwith the office and is required to hire a\nconveyance, may be allowed to recover\nactual expenses, only if sanctioned as a\nspecial case by the competent authority\nunder the powers vested in it by Rule 61\nFinancial Regulations Part | 1983 Edn.\n\nWhen a non-gazetted Government servant\nis despatched on duty to a place at some\ndistance from his office, or is summoned\nto his office by a special order of a gazetted\nofficer outside the ordinary hours of duty,\nthe expenditure involved may be paid by\nGovernment and charged to contingencies,\nprovided:\n\n(1) that the Head of the Office certifies that\n\nthe expenditure was actually incurred,\nwas unavoidable, and ts within the\nscheduled scale of charges for the\nconveyance used;\n\nthat the Government servant concerned\nis not entitled to draw Travelling\nAllowance under the ordinary rules for\nthe journey, and that he is not granted\nany compensatory leave and does not\nand will not otherwise receive any\nspecial remuneration for the\nperformance of duty which necessitated\nthe journey.\n\n~~”\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n146\n\n226.\n227.\n228.\n229.\n230.\n\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\nBLANK\n\n230-A. Grant of Transport Allowance to Blind and\n\nOrthopedically Handicapped Defence\npersonnel\n\n(i) AllArmed Forces Personnel borne on regular\nestablishment, who are blind or are\northopedically handicapped with disability\nof lower extremities will be entitled to\nTransport Allowance at double the normal\nrates prescribed in rule 230-B, which shall,\ninno case, be less than ¢ 1000/- per month\nplus the applicable rate of DA, subject to\nconditions of rule in 230-B and other\nconditions given below.\n\n(a) Orthopaedically handicapped employees\nwill be eligible for Transport Allowance if\nhe or she has a minimum of 40%\npermanent partial disability of either upper\nor lower limbs or 50% permanent partial\ndisability of both upper and lower limbs\ntogether.\n\n—\noO\n—\n\nThe Transport Allowance will be\nadmissible to the orthopaedically\nhandicapped employees on the\nrecommendation of the Head of.\nOrthopaedics Department of Military\nHospital;\n\n(c) In the case of a blind employee the\nallowance will be admissible on the\nrecommendation of the Head of\nOphthalmological Department of\nMilitary Hospital:\n\nThe allowance will not be admissible\nduring leave (except casual leave),\njoining time or suspension.\n\n~~\nQO\n—\n\nNOTE 1: For purpose of estimation of disability, the\n\nstandards as contained in the manual for\nOrthopaedic Surgeon in Evaluating\nPermanent Physical Impairment brought\nout by the American Academy of\nOrthopaedic Surgeons, USA and published\non their behalf by Artificial Limbs\nManufacturing Corporation of India, Kanpur\nshall apply.", "NOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nNOTE 5:\n\nThe Competent Authorities as mentioned in\nAppendix | of these regulations are\nauthorised to sanction Transport Allowance\nin terms of this rule. They will be\nresponsible to refer the cases of concerned\npersonnel to the appropriate medical\nauthorities for obtaining their\nrecommendations for grant of the above\nallowance. The allowance will be granted\nwith effect from the date the\nrecommendations of the concerned\nmedical authority are received by these\nauthorities.\n\nIn cases where handicapped employees\nare referred by the competent authorities\nto hospital located at stations outside their\nheadquarters for getting recommendation\nfor grant of the above allowance, they may\nbe reimbursed the actual travelling\nexpenses subject to minimum of TA\nadmissible for a journey on tour without any\ndaily allowance for the period of journey\nand for halts. The period spent on journey\nas also at the hospital, shall however be\ntreated as duty.\n\nNo fee shall be charged by the Central |\n\nGovernment/ Union Territories Hospitals\nfrom the handicapped employees when\nthey are referred to such hospitals by\ncompetent authorities for making\nrecommendations regarding grant of the\nabove allowance. However, the fee\ncharged by the State Government\nHospitals, if any, shall be reimbursed to the\nemployees concerned.\n\nIn the case of persons who continue to draw\npay in pre-revised scales of pay\ncorresponding Grade Pay of the Pay Scale/\ncorresponding Pay Scale of the post\noccupied on 01-01-2006 would determine\nthe allowance.\n\n230-B. Grant of Transportation Allowance to\nService Officers and Personnel Below\nOfficers Rank (PBOR)\n\n(a)\n\nTransport Allowance may be granted to the\nservice officers and PBOR at the following\nrates:\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n147\n\nRates of Transport Allowance per month (in Z)\n\nService Pers drawing A-|&Aclass Other places\ngrade pay of cities\n_ Grade pay of 3200+DA 1600+DA\n\n~ 5400/- and above\n\n(i) Grade pay % 4200/- 1600+DA 800+DA\nto = 4800/- 7\n\n(ii) Those drawing grade\npay below % 4200/- but\ndrawing pay in the pay\nband equal to\n\n~ 7440/- & above.\n\nGrade pay below ¢ 4200/- 600+DA 400+DA\nand pay in the pay band\nbelow = 7440/-.\n\nNOTE : Thirteen cities classified as A-1/A are as\nunder :\n\nAhemdabad (UA), Bangalore (UA), Chennai\n(UA), Delhi (UA), Greater Mumbai (UA),\nHyderabad (UA), Jaipur (UA), Kanpur (UA),\nKolkata (UA), Lucknow (UA), Nagpur (UA),\nPune (UA) and Surat (UA).\n\n(b) Conditions for the grant of Transportation\nAllowance:\n\n(i) The allowance shall not be admissible\nto those individuals who have been\nprovided with the facility of Govt.\ntransport.\n\n(li) Service Officers drawing Grade Pay of\n~ 10000/- and % 12000/-, who are entitled\nto use the facility of staff car for\ncommuting between office and\nresidence as per existing orders, shall\nhave the option either to avail\nthemselves of the existing facility or to\nswitch over the payment of Transport\nAllowance at the rate of = 7000/- per\nmonth plus DA thereon. In case they opt\nfor the latter, they shall be paid the\nTransport Allowance, subject to the\ncondition that the existing facility of the\nstaff car shall be withdrawn between\nresidence and office from the date they\nopt for the allowance. In case they opt\nfor the former, the allowance shall not\nbe admissible to them and they would\nnot be required to make any payment\nfor the facility of the staff car between\nresidence and office.", "148\n\n(ili) This allowance will not be admissible granted during such training period treated\nduring absence from duty for full calendar as duty, if no transport facility/TA/DA is\nmonth(s) due to leave, training, tour etc. provided for attending the training by the\nHowever, Transport Allowance may be institute.\n\n\\\\192. 168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "CHAPTER SEVEN\n\nMILITARY TRAFFIC AND CONVEYANCE OF ANIMALS AND STORES\n\n231. Custody and issue of warrants, credit notes\nand requisition\n\n(a) (i) The individual mentioned in appendix X are\nempowered to issue warrants, passage\nrequisitions and credit notes to the extent\nstated when conveyance is admissible and\nare responsible for the safe custody of the\nforms issued to them. Any loss caused to\nthe State by the theft or fraudulent use of\nwarrants, requisitions or credit notes is\nliable to be charged against the individual\nresponsible for the safe custody of the\nforms thus used. During their temporary\nabsence from their stations on leave or\nduty, they may permit the next senior\nofficer or subordinate to sign warrants,\npassage requisitions and credit notes for\nthem on their own responsibility, the senior\nofficer or subordinate so permitted will sign\nthe vouchers ‘for |\n(absent on y’.\n\nA commandant/commanding officer of an\nauthorised educational or training\nestablishment may delegate his personal\nauthority of signing railway warrants and\ncredit notes to any or more of his staff\nofficers.\n\n(il)\n\nThe authorities mentioned are empowered\nalso to issue warrants in respect of the\nfamilies and baggage of individuals entitled\nto conveyance under these regulations.\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv\n\neee”\n\nIf a warrant, requisition or credit note is\nissued on account of any special service\nor expedition, the form will be endorsed in\nred ink accordingly.\n\n(Vv\n\nwee”\n\nWhen railway warrants and military credit\nnotes are despatched by post, they should\ninvariably be sent under registered cover.\n\nWarrant for unaccompanied baggage\nwill prominently be endorsed on the\ntop in red ink linked with warrant\nNumber\n\ndated\n\n(vi\n\neee”\n\n(b) The procedure to be adopted in the care and\naccounting of rail and road forms is laid down\nin administrative orders issued from time to\n\ntime.\n\nNOTE: The Junior Commissioned Officers are\nauthorised to hold custody of blank railway\nwarrants and military credit notes on\npermanent basis.\n\n232. Mode of Payment\n\nAll authorised payments for Defence traffic not\nrequisitioned for by warrant will be made by credit\nnote.\n\nNOTE: The charges for wharfage and storage, for\nreweighing, loading and unloading when\ncarried out at the request of Defence\nauthorities and customs dues are authorised\ncharges. Insurance charges are not\nauthorised and Defence traffic should not,\ntherefore, be insured, except as provided\nfor in Defence Services Regulations.\n\n233. Booking of individuals travelling on railway\nwarrant\n\n(1) The actual route and the class of travel by\nwhich individuals are required to travel, will —\nbe entered in the warrant.\n\nThe actual weight only of baggage and\nstores accompanying individuals booked\non warrant, not exceeding the authorised\nscales, is to be entered on the warrant.\n\nWhen return tickets are obtainable at\nreduced rates, this concession is to be\ntaken full advantage of, particularly in the\ncase Of tariff rate passengers, one warrant\nonly being issued and endorsed\n\"tO. and back” and a note will be\nmade and signed on the reverse of the\nwarrant showing the period for which the\nreturn ticket is issued.\n\n(iii)\n\n234. Conveyance of Defence Stores and Baggage\n\nAll Defence stores, baggage etc., including coal,\nexplosives and other dangerous goods (except those\nmentioned in Military Tariff) conveyed by railways\nare carried at Government risk. Risk notes need not,\n\n’ therefore, be executed for such consignments.\n\n149", "235. Rebooking of goods and parcels\n\nWhen a consignment is rebooked to another\nstation under instructions from the consignee, the\noffice which rebooks the consignment will pay any\ncharges due at the time it is rebooked, the onward-\ndespatch being treated on entirely fresh transaction.\n\n236. Conveyance of Government chargers and\nEquipment Mules by Road\n\nConveyance by road for Government chargers\nand equipment mules shall be provided to the extent\nspecified below :\n\n(a) For equipment mules: By Government\nmechanical transport when such\nconveyance is considered essential in the\ninterest of the State.\n\n~~\noO\n—\n\nFor equipment mules and Government\nchargers: By hired mechanical transport\nbetween Guwahati and Shillong on all\noccasions.\n\n237. Credit Notes\n\n(i) Credit Notes IAF T-1711 is only to be used\nfor the despatch of stores which are the\nproperty of the Ministry of Defence at the\ntime of despatch and on which freight\ncharges are debitable to Defence Services\nEstimates. Credit Notes must be tendered\nto the railway authorities with the\nconsignment. Such consignments cannot\nbe sent ‘freight to pay’.\n\n(ii) In the case of wharfage or demurrage\ncharges payable to railways, a separate\ncredit note will be issued.\n\n238. Free Allowance of Baggage\n\n(i) In the case of journey by rail on warrant, a\nuniform scale of 40 kgs of baggage,\nincluding bedding will be allowed free by\nthe Railways.\n\n(ii) Gorkha soldiers/sailors/airmen domiciled\nin Nepal and soldiers/sailors/airmen who\nare nationals of Bhutan, when proceeding\nhome on accumulated leave in the second\nyear in accordance with rules laid down in\nLeave Rules for Services, will be entitled\nto conveyance by rail on warrant of\nbaggage including their bedding upto a\nmaximum of 60 Kgs, including the Railway\nFree Allowance.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n239. Despatch of Public Stores\n\nConveyance is admissible for despatch of all\nbonafide public stores on Government service.\n\n240. Despatch of Stores by Air\n\n(a) (i) Army stores: The urgent movement of\nwhich is essential on medical grounds or\nfor operational reasons may be despatched\nby air within Indian limits by scheduled\nservices of Air India. Such despatches will\nbe authorised only by officers of the rank\nof Brigadier or above.\n\nIn all other cases, despatch of stores by\nair within Indian limits requires the prior\nsanction of the Government. When time\ndoes not permit of prior sanction being\nobtained, a simultaneous report will be\nsubmitted to the Branch concerned at Army\nHeadquarters for obtaining ex-post-facto\nsanction.\n\n(ii\n\n~~”\n\nDespatch of stores ex-India requires the\nprior sanction of the Government, Master\nGeneral of Ordnance is authorised to\nsanction air-lifting of equipment/stores from\nabroad to meet ‘Op Immediate’\nrequirements subject to the total cost of\nair freight not exceeding * 10,000/- at any\none time. All bookings will be made through\nthe Air India and as far as possible stores\nwill be air-lifted through the Air India.\n\n(iii) The procedure to be followed for effecting\ndespatches by air will be as laid down in\nadministrative orders from time to time.\n\n(b) (i) Naval stores: The urgent movement of\nwhich is essential on medical grounds or\nfor operational reasons may be despatched\nwithin Indian limits and to destination\noutside India for use in Indian Naval Ships\noutside Indian waters by Air India failing\nwhich selected services. Such despatches\nmay be authorised only by officers of the\nrank of Captain (IN) and above filling the\nfollowing appointment:\n\nThe Chief of the Naval Staff or\nan officer of the rank of\nCommodore on his behalf.\n\nMumbai, Kochi,\nVishakhapatnam\n\nThe Flag Officers Command-\ning-in-Chief Naval Commands,\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding Fleets/Areas.", "(il) The procedure to be following for effecting\ndespatches by air will be as laid down in\nadministrative orders from time to time.\n\n(Cc) Air Force equipment : Which is urgently\nrequired may be sent by air in the following\ncases:\n\n(i) AOG equipment.\n\n(ii) When directed or arranged by Air\nHeadquarters with the prior sanction of\nthe Government.\n\n(iii) In case of emergency where air transport\nis resorted to at the discretion of the\nCommanding Officer of consignor unit\nor at the request of the consignee unit\nprovided the extra expenditure involved\nis within the financial powers of the\nCommanding Officer or the consignor\nor consignees unit as the case may be.\n\nWhenever possible, service aircraft\nshould be used for the purpose. Where\nthis facility is not available, the\nequipment will be despatched by Air\nIndia and the procedure as laid down in\nadministrative orders followed.\n\n241. Public, Regimental and Mess Stores\n\n. Conveyance is admissible for all bonafide public/\nregimental/mess stores held on charge of unit/\nformation at the time of the move.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nNOTE: Canteen stores held by a unit/formation run\ncanteen are to be viewed as bonafide\nregimental stores for the above purpose.\n\n242. Conveyance of Band Equipment\n\n(a) Conveyance of band equipment\naccompanying the Corps/Regimental\nCentre bands while visiting their affiliated\nunits, will be allowed upto the following\n\nscales :\nPipes and drums — 375 Kgs\n(Pipe band)\nBand (Brass Band) — 750 Kgs\n\n(b) Air Force musicians, when moving on duty\nin connection with official ceremonial\nfunctions will, in addition to their normal\nbaggage entitlement, be entitled to convey\non warrant band equipment, accompanying\nthem at a scale not exceeding thirty\nkilograms per head.\n\n243. Transportation of printed question papers\nby Rail-Trade Examining Boards of Air\nForce\n\nConveyance of boxes containing Question\nPapers for trade examinations from Government\nPresses located at Delhi, Nasik, Simla and Kolkata\nto trade Examining Boards of Air Force located at\nKanpur, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Guwahati and\nalso between Trade Examining Boards will be\nallowed by warrant ranks alongwith them on Warrant\nForm No. IAFT 1707 (Party-Warrant) as authorised\nluggage on temporary duty.", "CHAPTER EIGHT\n\nTRAVEL ENTITLEMENTS FOR JOURNEYS TO AND FROM ABROAD\n\n244. Approved Routes\n\n(a) Approved routes for journeys from India to\nabroad and vice-versa, and from one\nstation to another station abroad are\nprescribed by the Government from time\nto time.\n\nIf an individual, serving abroad, is\nrequested to travel from the station of his\nposting to another station and if no\napproved route has been prescribed by the\nGovernment for the journey in question,\nthe Head of the Mission (HOM)/Post in\ncountry of his posting shall prescribe, in\nwriting, the route to be followed by the\nindividual.\n\n(Cc\n\n~~”\n\nIf an individual or member of his family or\nIndian servant, at his own option, performs\njourney by a- route/class’~ of\naccommodation/mode of travel, other than\nthe approved entitled route/class/mode, his\nentitlements of TA will be limited to what\nwould have been admissible had he /she\ntravelled by the approved route, entitled\nclass of accommodation and mode of\ntravel.\n\n245. Class of Air Travel\n\n| (i) Service Chiefs/Vice Chiefs\n\nof all the three Services/\nArmy Commanders and\n\nequivalent/DGAFMS\n\nFirst Class\n\nBusiness/ Club\nClass\n\n(ii) Officers drawing Grade\nPay of % 10,000/- and\n\n| above excluding (i) above.\n\n(iii) Officers drawing Grade\n| Pay % 5,400/- to = 9,000/-.\n\nEconomy Class\n\n(a) In countries where both Propeller and Jet\nServices are available, normally air journey\nwill be performed by the Propeller Air\nservice. If however, passages by Propeller\nService are not available, journeys may be\nundertaken by Jet Service with the\npermission of the HOM, in writing.\n\n152\n\n(b) The HOM in WASINGTON may authorise\nstandard (first class) air travel in case the\ntravel by ‘tourist class’ will involve enforced\nhalts enroute requiring expenditure on hotel\naccommodation and payment of DA, etc.\nand the cost of journey by the ‘standard\nclass’ including the expenditure on hotel\naccommodation and payment of DA is less\nthan the total cost of the journey by the\n‘tourist class’. In all cases in which the HOM\nexercise his discretion to allow an officer\nto travel by ‘standard class’, he will append\nto the TA bill of the officer concerned a\nNOTE detailing the comparative financial\neffect.\n\nNOTE : Those officers of the Flying Branch of the\nAir Force who are required to take the flying\nkit with them may be allowed additional\nluggage weighting 20 Kgs., over and above,\nthe luggage allowed free by air companies.\n\n246. Approved Mode for Air Journeys\n\n1. (a) All categories of officials and their domestic\nservants, wherever admissible, on transfer\nto and from India and Indian Missions/Posts\nabroad and also for such journeys between\nIndian Missions/Posts in countries abroad\nwill travel by air on sectors where Air India\nis Operating direct.\n\n~~\nOo\nwee”\n\nAir travel is also compulsory in the case of\npostings/transfers to/from and between all\nstations located in the same country in\nwhich Air India services operate. The\njourney to and from the point of Air India\nservice to and from the place of duty in\nthat country should be performed by\ncheapest mode of travel available (rail/\nroad/air).\n\nIn the case of transfers/postings to/from\nand between Missions/Posts located in\ncountries abroad where Air India services\ndo not operate, Air travel should be made\ncompulsory up to the nearest point where\nAir India operates and the remaining part\nof the journey should be performed by rail/\nroad/sea/air aS may be cheaper and", "feasible. The Air, as well as connecting\npassages in such cases, shall be so booked\nthat the enforced halt at the intermediate\npoints does not exceed 24 hours in any\ncase.\n\nNOTE :Passages will be booked by Air India only.\n\n2. Journeys between two Missions/ Posts\nabroad will be performed by air provided\nthat the two Missions/Posts are connected\nby flights of Air India (and not by a foreign\ncarrier) in which case the cost of passage\nwill be paid in Indian currency through RBI\ndraft.\n\n. IN cases where compulsory air travel by\nAir India has been prescribed, the official\nmay travel by a different route or by\ndifferent mode of transport on the\nconditions that the liability of the\nGovernment in respect of their claims\npertaining to TA, joining time, travel time,\n\n~ together with the allowance thereof, and\nalso the release of foreign exchange shall\nbe limited to what would have been\nadmissible to the officer concerned had he\ntravelled by approved Air India route. In\ncase where different route or mode has\nbeen adopted, the difference of period in\nexpected travel time by the approved\nroute, and the route actually adopted, shall\nbe treated as leave ex-India of the kind\ndue and admissible provided such leave\nhas been applied for and sanctioned in\nadvance. The leave salary in such cases\nwill be payable in Indian currency only.\n\n247. Authority for Moves\n\nIn case of individuals recalled to India from\nIndian diplomatic missions abroad or transferred to\nanother mission on completion of the prescribed\ntenure of appointment or posted from India to fill\nauthorised appointments in those missions, posting\norders/movement orders, issued by Branches at IHQ\nof MoD (Army)/Air HQs or Record Offices, in case\nof JCOs/OR and their equivalents in the Air Force\nposted back to India, will be accepted as authority\nfor the moves undertaken. C&W List/Daily List issued\n\n153\n\n248. Entitlements for Permanent Duty Moves to\nand from Sea/Air Port in India en route to\nStations Abroad\n\nJourneys within Indian limits will be governed\nby the rules in chapter two. However, the scale of\nluggage will be restricted to the quantity laid in Rule\n259.\n\nJOURNEYS TO AND FROM STATIONS ABROAD\n249. Journey by Rail/Road-cum- Sea\n\nRail/Road-cum-Sea passages (inclusive of diet)\nof the appropriate class and grade by the approved\nroute from old duty station to new duty station will\nbe admissible to the individual and his entitled\nmembers of family. Grant of family passages will be\ngoverned by rules issued from time to time.\nPersonnel drawing Grade Pay below % 2400/- will\nbe entitled to passage for self only. Passage for their\nfamilies to the duty station abroad will not be\nadmissible. The families will be entitled to\nconveyance within Indian limits as admissible under\nthe relevant rules in these Regulations.\n\nAn individual will be entitled to conveyance for\nthe members of his family who ordinarily reside with\nhim and who are wholly dependent on him, but in\ncase of members of family who, at the time he\nperformed journeys are not residing with him for\nreasons of health or education, conveyance will be\nadmissible to the destination provided that the cost\nof passage does not exceed the amount admissible\nto the individual had those members travelled with\nhim.\n\nExplanation: The cost of the passage of the\nfamily members is to be calculated with reference\n\n’ to the class of accommodation by which the journey\n\nby IHQ of MoD (Navy) or DOD issued by Captain in —\nNaval Barracks, in the case of sailors will be accepted —\n\nas authority for the move. In other cases,\nGovernment orders will be necessary.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nis made. Thus, for instance, a member of the family\nof the individual who is entitled to a first class\npassage will not be allowed the cost of a journey\nover a long distance by a lower class. The actual\nfare paid, limited to the amount of the fare of that\nclass for the journey made by the individual, will be\nadmissible.\n\nNOTE 1:For a journey by train outside India,\nCommissioned Officers shall be entitled to\nthe actual cost of first class rail fare\nincluding the obligatory reservation\ncharges charged by the Railway company\nby any train. If the journey by rail involves\nfive hours travel by night after 10 p.m. or\nbefore 7 a.m. the fare may include the cost\nof a sleeping berth or of any supplementary\ncharge required to secure a sleeping berth\nof the same class.", "NOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nNOTE 5:\n\nNOTE 6:\n\nIn case an officer travels in his own car, he\nmay draw the fares of the appropriate class\nand grade by the approved route for\nhimself and for any member of his family\nwho travels by the car with him he may\ndraw the fare as normally admissible by\nthe approved route.\n\nIf an officer is a widow/widower, he/she\nmay, by special orders of Government, take\na sister or other near relative at\nGovernment expense as a member of his/\nher family to look after his/her children or\nto act as his hostess if this is considered\nnecessary for the proper performance of\nhis/her duties provided that such an officer\nwill not be entitled to claim first class\npassage for a nurse or governess under\nrule 256.\n\nTitle to family passage in respect of JCOs\nand their equivalents in the Navy and Air\nForce will be subject also to the condition\nthat family accommodation is available\nabroad.\n\nIn regard to cases where a member of an\nindividual's family is residing at a place\ndifferent from his normal station at the time\nof his transfer, fares for the member of the\nfamily under the provisions of this rule may\nbe given by the Government even for\nreasons other than the health or education,\nprovided Government's prior sanction was\ntaken for such residence.\n\nIn the case of an officer transferred to IN\nship on return from a mission abroad, the\nbase port of the ship to which the officer is\nposted will be the new duty station for all\npurpose of travelling allowances.\n\n250. Passage by Air\n\n(a)\n\nIf any question arise whether a particular\njourney by air is cheaper than travel by the\napproved route for purpose of comparison,\nthe cost of air travel and the cost of travel\nby the approved route shall be computed\nas follows:\n\n(i) If no member of the individual’s family\nis to perform the same journey by the\nsurface route, the cost of travel by air\nwill consist of;\n\n(1) The cost of air fares by the entitled\nclass for the individual and for\nmembers of his family, and\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n154\n\n(2) The cost of transport as Air Cargo of\nthe luggage permitted to be carried\nby air; and\n\n(3) The cost of transportation by surface\nroute of the luggage actually\ntransported or 75 per cent of the\nentitlement of the individual,\nwhichever is less.\n\n(ii) If the individual and/or one or more\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n\nmembers of his family are to travel by\nair and other member or members of\nhis family by the surface route and the\nluggage accompanies the latter as free\nallowance, the cost of air travel shall\nconsist only of elements(1) and (2) of\nclause (i) above.\n\nThe cost of travel by the approved route\nshall include the cost of the entitled\npassages by the approved route plus the\ncost of accommodation and DA for any\nscheduled halts, other than halts on duty.\n\nIf, in particular circumstances, travel by\nthe surface route involves a period of\nenforced stay or an enforced or\nemergency halt, the Head of Mission/\nPost who has to book the passages shall\nadd to the cost of travel by surface route\ncalculated under clause (iii) the\nappropriate expenditure involved on\naccommodation and DA in respect of\nsuch specific halt. |\n\n(b) Travel by air if calculated under clause\n\n(Cc\n\nNee”\n\nNee”\n\n(i) or (il) is cheaper than travel by the\nsurface route, calculated under clause (iii)\nof the preceding sub-clause for individual\nthe addition referred to in clause (iv), and\nindividual or member of his family or Indian\nservant may, at his own option, travel by\nair instead of by the surface route.\n\nThe Head of Mission/Post who is required\nto book passages for individual or for\nmembers of his family may, if travel by air,\ncalculated under clause (iii) and (iv) of the\nsub-clause(a) is cheaper than travel by\nsurface route, authorise an individual or\nmembers of his family to travel by air.\n\nThe Government may, in the public interest\nauthorise an individual and/or one or more\nmembers of his family to travel by air by\nthe appropriate class.", "(€)\n\nIf the public interest or the exigencies of\nservice require, the Government may\ndirect an individual to travel by air,\nnotwithstanding the fact that the approved\nroute for such journey is wholly or partly\nby the surface route. Similarly, the\nGovernment may authorise one or more\nmembers of his family to travel by air. It\nshall be open to the Government, however,\nto direct the individual to proceed by air\nhimself and the member or members of\nhis family shall travel by the surface route.\n\n250-A. Foreign Exchange Conservation (Travel\n\n(1)\n\n(il)\n\n(iii)\n\n(1\n\nTax) Defence Service Personnel and\nCivilians paid from Defence Service\nEstimates\n\nThe Services/Civilian Personnel (paid from\nDSE) who are required to draw such foreign\nexchange in public interest while going on\na posting/deputation abroad, in connection\nwith the affairs of Union or State shall be\nentitled to claim reimbursement of the\nTravel Tax paid at the rate of 15% on this\naccount from their respective Departments/\nMission aboard, as the case may be on\nproduction of receipts, while settling their\nTA claims. Such personnel may however,\ndraw an advance as part of normal TA\nadvance to cover the expenditure on the\ntax. The expenditure may be debited to\nthe same head of Defence Services\nEstimates under which the travel expenses\nare accounted for.\n\nNo reimbursement shall be admissible on\ntax paid for drawing foreign exchange on\nprivate account.\n\nIn the following cases reimbursement of\nthe said tax shall be admissible to Service/\nCivilian Personnel:\n\nee”\n\nRelease of foreign exchange where\nadmissible, at the time of transfer\nabroad, issued by the concerned\nPersonnel Section of Service HQs or\nMinistry as per following break up or to\nthe extent specified in the sanction:\n\n(a) Incidentals (¥ 2500/- for married,\n~ 1500/- for unmarried).\n\n(b) Transfer Grant.\n\n(c) Setting up the establishment\nequivalent to 2 months pay.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n155\n\n—\n1)\n~~”\n\n(d) Half of Outfit Allowance.\n\n(2) Conversion facility: The ceiling for\n\nconversion facility in foreign exchange\nfor purchase of cars by the GO! officers\nposted in Missions/Posts abroad will be\n-%2.20/- lakhs. In addition the Officer can\ndraw Motor Car Advance in convertible\ncurrency. If he does not avail of the\nMotor Car Advance, the conversion\nfacility shall be restricted to = 2.20/-\nlakhs only.\n\nCash Allowance drawn by an individual\nwhen proceeding on tour/ temporary\nduty/deputation abroad.\n\n251. Lien on Conveyance of Family/ Servants/\nLuggage |\n(a) Passages and other TA for entitled\n\neee”\n\neee”\n\nmembers of an individual’s family or Indian\nservants shall be admissible if they join him\nat his post within six months of the date of\nhis assumption of charge there.\n\nProvided that if Government is satisfied\nthat an entitled member or members of the\nindividual's family is or are not in a position\nto perform the journey within the prescribed\nperiod owing to circumstances beyond the\ncontrol of the individual or such member,\nthe Government may extend the period of\nsix months, to such period as may be\nnecessary not exceeding 12 months in all.\nWhen the period has been extended by the\nGovernment under this proviso, an\nindividual shall not be entitled to permission\nto allow his entitled family or Indian\nservants to precede him on his next\ntransfer unless they resided with the\nindividual for at least 2 years.\n\nIf, immediately prior to an individual’s\ntransfer, his child is being educated at a\nrecognised educational institution, the\nperiod of six months prescribed in clause\n(a) shall be extended to twelve months.\n\nIf an individual is posted to a station\nclassified as a non-family station, and he\nis, accordingly, not permitted to take\nmembers of his family to such a station ,\nand if subsequently the station ceases to\nbe a non family station, passages and other\nTA for entitled members of the individual’s\nfamily shall be admissible and the limit of", "six months, mentioned in clause (a), shall\nbe counted from the date, on which the\nindividual was informed that he may take\nhis family to that station, or the date of\nreceipt by him of the notification making it\na family station, whichever is earlier.\n\nProvided that TA for the individual's family\nto join him at the station shall not be\nadmissible if the individual is not expected\nto stay on there for at least one year after\nits arrival.\n\n252. Passage entitlement of family or servants\n\n(a) If an individual has received orders of\n\n(b)\n\n(C)\n\n(d)\n\ntransfer he may apply to the Government\nfor permission for one or more members\nof his family or Indian servant or servants\nto travel, in anticipation of his own journey,\nto his next station of posting.\n\nThe Head of Mission/Post may grant the\npermission referred to in clause (a) if the\nmember of the family and/or Indian servant\nhas resided with the individual at his last\nstation of posting for at least.one year if it\nwas a Station with two year tenure and for\ntwo years otherwise.\n\nIf the Head of Mission/Post have accorded\npermission in accordance with clause(b)\nabove, the member or members of his\nfamily and/or Indian servant or servants\nmay perform the journey in advance of the\nindividual himself, provided that the\njourney does not commence earlier then :-\n\n(i) Six months before demission of charge\nby the individual for a journey to India,\nor on home leave, and\n\n(ii) Three months before demission of\n\ncharge by the individual for a journey to\nany other place.\n\nlf a member of the family or Indian servant\nof an individual has performed with prior\nGovernment sanction as per clause (b)\nabove a journey, in anticipation of the\nindividual’s own journey, and the individual\nis, under order of the Government detailed\nat the previous station of his posting for a\nperiod longer than that specified in clause\n(c), the Government may extend the period\nto a maximum of 12 months.\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n156\n\n(e) If an individual serving abroad has sent a.\n\nchild to India to join a recognised\neducational institution there, and within one\nyear of the child’s return to India, the\nindividual takes charge of post in India, the\nindividual may draw TA for the journey of\nthe child from the station abroad to the\nstation where the educational institution is\nlocated, subject to a maximum of the TA\nwhich would have been admissible had the\nchild accompanied the individual.\n\nNOTE: In the above type of case, no difficulty arises\n\n(f\n\n~~\n\n(iii)\n\n~~,\n—\n\nprovided the individual either returns to India\nor joins his new post within a stipulated\nperiod of 12 months. However, in some\ncases, the individual is not able to return to\nIndia or join his new post within a period of\n12 months owing to certain unforeseen\ndevelopments; in such cases it would be in\nthe individual's own interest, if he seeks prior\npermission of the Ministry of Defence\nwhenever he proposes to send his child back\nto India for educational purposes in\nanticipation of his own transfer under the\nabove provisions.\n\nTransfer Passage as well as AMA facilities\nis allowed to a single wholly dependent\nparent of a service personnel or civilian\npaid from Defence Services Estimates\nserving at missions abroad, subject to the\nfollowing conditions:—\n\n(i) Single parent has only one child serving\nin a mission abroad and is wholly\ndependent upon him; or\n\nSingle parent has other children none\nof whom live in India and with whom\nsuch a parent cannot stay during the\nposting abroad of his child who is in\nservice; or\n\nSingle parent who has got other children\nliving in India but with whom such a\nparent has not stayed as a dependant\nbut has stayed with the child who is a\nservice personnel or a civilian paid from\nDefence Service Estimates during his\nStay in India before posting to missions\nabroad. This should be subject to\nverification by Controlling Officers or by\nreference to CGHS Card, the Ration\nCard and Identity Card of Service\npersonnel.", "(iv) The terms “wholly dependent’ will have\n\n(vi)\n\nthe same meaning as given in the\ndefinition of family in Rule 2.\n\n(v) No other facility/concession will normally\n\nbe admissible to the member of family\nsuch as HLF, accommodation; baggage\netc will be admissible to such single\nparent.\n\nSuch single dependant parent will be\neligible to travel in economy class only.\n\n253. Travel to or from a place other than the\nStation of posting of an Individual\n\n(a) An individual on transfer from one station\n\nto another may draw TA for the travel of\nhis child (wholly dependent on and living\nwith him) from his station of posting to India\nwhere the child has to proceed for purposes\nof education, within the limit of the TAwhich\nwould have been admissible had the child\naccompanied the individual from his\nprevious station of posting to his next\nstation of posting and provided the child\ncompletes the journey within one year of\nthe date on which the individual assumes\ncharge of his new post.\n\nNOTE: The provisions of NOTE below rule 252 (e)\n\napply in above case also.\n\n(b) If a child of an individual is wholly\n\nwee”\n\ndependent on him and is residing at some\nother station whether in India or abroad for\n\n_ the purposes of pursuing a course of study,\n\nand individual is transferred from one\nstation to another, the individual may draw\nthe TA for the travel of the child from the\nplace where the child is studying to his next\nstation of posting, within the limit of the TA\nthat would have been admissible had the\nchild accompanied the individual from his\nprevious station of posting to his next\nstation of posting, provided that the child\ncompletes the journey within one year of\nthe date on which the individual assume\ncharge of his new post.\n\nIf an entitled member of the family of an\nindividual who is dependent on and residing\nwith him does not, for the reason of health,\ntravel to the station of posting of the\nindividual, but wishes, instead to travel to\nan intermediate station on the approved\nroute to the station of posting of the\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n157\n\nindividual, the Ministry of Defence may\npermit him to draw TA for travel up to such\nintermediate station subject to the\nfollowing:\n\n(1) The request for permission is supported\nby a medical certificate; and\n\n(ii) The journey is performed within six\n\nmonths of the date of assumption by the\nindividual of charge of his new post.\n\n(d) If an individual is transferred from India to\n\na post abroad and does not propose to take\nhis family with him the individual may draw\nTA for the entitled members of family to\ntravel to his home town in India in lieu of\nand subject to the maximum of the TA\nadmissible had they travelled to the next\nstation of posting of the individual. Such\nmembers of the family shall, however, not\nbecome eligible again for drawing TA for\nthe purpose of rejoining the individual until\nthe latter has been transferred to a third\nstation.\n\n254. Incidental Expenses for moves to and from\nAbroad\n\n(a) For the journeys of individuals, their\n\nfamilies and Indian servants and the\ntransportation of their personal effects at\nGovernment expense on the occasion of\ntheir transfer to or from posts outside India\nincluding transfer from post aboard to\nanother such post or on their deputation/\ntraining ex-India or on return to India after\ndeputation/training the reimbursement of\nthe following charges will be admissible:-\n\n(i) Compulsory charges: Actual\nexpenditure incurred on the following\nitems:\n\n(1) Landing Port or Airport, Head or\nTerminal taxes.\n\n(2) Dock dues.\n(3\n\neee”\n\nPort trust charges and wharfage\ncharges, but excluding demurrage\nand storage charges.\n\nLaunch hire between ship and shore.\n\nFi ai\non fF\nwee ee”\n\nRoad or bridge tolls, turn-pike\ncharges or any other compulsory\ntaxes levied on the use of any means\nof travel.", "NOTE 1:\n\n(6) Obligatory reservation fees incurred\nfor travel performed outside India.\n\n(7) Octroi Charges.\n(8) Foreign Travel Tax.\n\nThe claim of the individual for the\nreimbursement of the charges incurred, as\nmentioned above, will be supported by\nactual vouchers or receipts.\n\n(ii) Incidental Charges: To the extent that\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nthe Controlling Officer (including an\nofficer who is his own Controlling\nOfficer) certifies that the expenditure\nincurred was essential and reasonable,\nactual expenditure incurred on the\nfollowing items:\n\n(1) Porterage and luggage registration\nfees.\n\n(2)\n\nTranshipment cartage or other road\ntransport charges.\n\n(3) Charges levied by travel agents for\nloading and unloading of luggage or\nfor services rendered by them in\nconnection with the transportation,\ncustody, booking, customs clearance\n(but excluding storage and\ndemurrage), execution of customs\nbond and any other service essential\n\nfor the transportation of the luggage.\n(4\n\n~~\n\nTelegram or telephone charges levied\nby the travel agents for booking\nonward passages from-= an\nintermediate point in the journey.\n\nlf any telegram or telephone charges for\nbooking of onward passages from an\nintermediate point in the journey are\nincurred by a Mission or a Post, such\nexpenditure shall be borne by the\nGovernment. If, however, an individual\nhimself incurs telegram or telephone\ncharges for the purpose of booking of\npassages, such expenditure will not be\nreimbursable except with the prior sanction\nof the Government. |\n\nThe claim of the individual for the\nreimbursement of the above charges will\nbe supported by the actual bills and receipts\nrelating to payments made to the travel\nagents; actual vouchers or receipts unless\nthe Controlling Officer is satisfied that it\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n158\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nNOTE 5:\n\nNOTE 6:\n\nwas not possible for the individual to obtain\nreceipts for the amount and the individual\ncertifies that the amount claimed was\nactually disbursed.\n\nReimbursement under sub clause(ii) may\nbe claimed only for expenses incurred at\nthe port or airport of embarkation or\ndisembarkation in India and for such\nportion of the transportation of the luggage\nas takes place abroad, including the\ntransportation between the residence of the\nindividual and the railway station, ports,\nairports or road terminal in question.\n\nThe travel agents submit a consolidated\nbill for handling and services rendered by\nthem both at the port of embarkation/\ndisembarkation in India, and for portion of\njourney within India. This, obviously, makes\nit difficult for audit to entertain the claim of\nan individual pertaining to handling and\nservices of travel agents. Separate bill from\nthe travel agents concerned for the\nservices rendered by them at the ports of\nembarkation/disembarkation in India, will\ntherefore be obtained. In case any\nindividual, fails to comply with the\nrequirement his claim will not be\nentertained.\n\nIncidental charges such as porterage and\ncartage on the luggage allowed as free\nallowance by airlines during the journey on\nHome Leave, for the portion of the journey\nabroad may be reimbursed, as is the case\nwith incidental charges, for the journey of\nthe officer, member of his family and Indian\nservant for travel abroad.\n\nIncidentals etc. on emergency passages\nwould be admissible to the same extent as\nabove. Accordingly, the following charges\non foreign portion of journey only during\nHome Leave Fares/ Emergency Passages/\nHome Leave cum transfer would be\nadmissible:\n\n(a) Porterage, taxi-fare at the station of\n\nposting abroad.\n\n(b) Porterage, taxi fare during any enforced/\n\nscheduled halt at a station abroad.\n\n(c) No incidentals would be admissible for\n\nthe portion of journey in India.", "NOTE 7: Inadmissible charges on transportation of\npersonal effects in India. The following\nitems of expenditure are not reimbursable: -\n\n(a)\n(b)\n(Cc)\n\nRailway sundries.\nMeasurement fees.\n\nCost of scales.\n\nExport Duty.\n\nMarking charges.\n\nCopy of Letter of Guarantee.\nStamps.\n\nPostage and air mail charges.\n\n(iii) Reimbursement of various charges of\nhandling agents for clearance of luggage\nat Mumbai and at Delhi:\n\n(a)\n\nThe maximum limit for the various\ncharges of handling agents for clearance\nof luggage at Mumbai and at Delhi will\nbe as given below. It would be the\nresponsibility of the official concerned\nto confine his expenditure within this\nprescribed ceiling. The ceiling has been\nfixed keeping in view the prevalent rates\nof handling by agents.\n\nWhen the luggage is cleared at\nMumbai or at any other port or border\ncheck point:\n\nWeight categorisation in kgs:\n\n~—\n\nl)\n(ii)\n(iii)\n(iv)\n(v)\n\n(vi)\n\n(vii)\n\n(viii)\n\n2800 1400 700\nPort Trust Charges Actuals Actuals Actuals\nShipper’s Destuffing Actuals Actuals Actuals\nCharges\nCrane charges Actuals Actuals Actuals\nEscort fee Actuals Actuals Actuals\nTransport within ~1150 <%*770 %670\ndocks/ checkpoint\nOpening, Closing ~860 %770 %580\n& Sealing of the\nluggage to facilitate\ncustoms examination\nPorterage within 71060 % 960 670\ndocks/ check point\nAgency & Handling %4990 %4030 % 2880\n\nCharges\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n159\n\n(i)\n(it)\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n(v)\n\n(vi)\n\n(vii)\n\n(viii)\n\n(i)\n\n(il)\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n\n(v)\n\n(vi)\n\n(vii)\n\n(b) When the luggage is brought to Delhi\nunder custom bond :\n\n(a) Charges in Mumbai or at any other port\nor border check point:\n\nPort Trust Charges\n\nShipper’s Destuffing\nCharges\n\nEscort and trans-\nmission fees\n\nCrane Charges\n\nTransport within\ndocks/checkpoint\n\nPorterage within —\ndocks/checkpoint\n\nTransportation from\ndocks checkpoint to\nMumbai Railway\nstation or to the truck\nincluding loading &\nunloading charges\n\nAgency & Handling\ncharges\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\nActuals\n\n= 670\n\nActuals\n\n= 770\n\nActuals\n\n= 1150\n\n71060 %960 %670\n\n71440 %1340 = 1060\n\n= 4800 % 3840 z 2690\n\n(b) Charges in Delhi :\n\nLoading/Unloading\ncharges at Railway\nStation/Truck Depot\n\nTransportation from\nRailway Station/\nTruck Depot. to\nCustom House\n\nOpening, Closing &\nSealing of the\nLuggage for\nfacilitation custom\nexamination\n\nCrane Charges\n\nEscort Fees etc.\ncharged by custom\nauthorities\n\nTransportation from\nCustoms House to\nresidence\n\nAgency Charges\n\n~960 %770 %670\n\n71060 %960 % 960\n\n~860 %770 %580\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\n= 1340\n\n= 1920 = 960\n\n(c) When the luggage is booked directly\nupto and cleared at Inland Container\nDepot, Delhi :", "(i) Inland haulage\ncharges for the\ncontainer charged by\nShipping Company\n\nActuals Actuals Actuals\n\n(ii) Destuffing Charges Actuals Actuals Actuals\n\n(iii) Crane Charges Actuals Actuals Actuals\n\n(iv) Porterage within Depot 960 %770 % 580\n\n(v) Opening, Closing & < 770 ~670 580\nSealing of luggage .\nfor facilitation of\ncustoms examina-\ntion\n\n(vi) Agency charges ~ 3840 %3360 2400\n\nNOTE 1:If an Officer does not engage a handling\nagent and arranges the clearance of\nluggage personally the charges paid by him\nto the porters/coolies should be classified\nas “porterage charges’ and not as\n\nunloading/loading charges of travel agents.\n\nNOTE 2: Charges to be reimbursed on the basis of\n“Actuals” are to be supported by receipts.\n\nNOTE 3:Service Tax at existing rates including\nEducation Cess is admissible.\n\nNOTE 4: These handling/agency charges will be\napplicable for transfer from HQs to\nMissions abroad as well as also for\ntransportation of luggage by air.\n\n(iv) Reimbursement of Visa Fees:\n\nActual Visa fees in cases where an\nindividual or a member of his family or\nan Indian Servant in the course of a\njourney for which TA is admissible, has\nto travel through or to a foreign country\nfor which gratis or official or diplomatic\nvisas are not available.\n\nNOTE 1: The reimbursement of the expenditure\nincurred on visa fees may be claimed as\npart of TAon production either of the actual\nreceipt or on the basis of a certificate of\nexpenditure given by him which is verified\nby the Controlling Officer with reference\nto the passport of the person for whom the\nvisa was obtained.\n\nNOTE 2:lt is the responsibility of the officer\nproceeding abroad to ensure that he is\nequipped with necessary travel documents\n\nincluding Transit Visas. Government will\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nnot accept any claim for any expenditure\nthat may be incurred due to his not having\nobtained a Transit Visa.\n\n(v) Insurance of personal effects during\ntransit :\n\nInsurance charges on personal effects\nagainst normal risks, including fire, theft\nor pilferage and breakage during a\nperiod of transit by rail, road, air or\nsteamer. Such insurance will take effect\nfrom the date of his departure from his\nresidence or from a place of storage at\nhis previous HQ to that of their delivery\nto him at his residence or place of\nstorage or hotel at his new HQ, subject\nto the value of the property insured not\nexceeding the amount prescribed below:\n\n(i) Officers drawing Grade ~ 187 ,500/-\nPay of = 10,000/- & above.\n\n(ii) Officers drawing Grade = 150,000/-\nPay of = 7600/- to = 9000/-.\n\n(iii) Officers drawing Grade ~ 131, 250/-\nPay of = 5400/-, to 6600/-.\n\n(iv) Officers drawing Grade ~ 75,000/-\nPay of = 4200/- to = 4800/-.\n\n(v) Officers drawing Grade ~ 63,750/-\n\nPay below z 4200/-.\n\nNOTE 1:In the case of individuals sent abroad on\ndeputation/training for a period of less than\none year the insurance charges\nreimbursable will be limited to the value of\ninsured property of ~ 5,000/- for officers\ntravelling by first class and = 2,500/- for\nothers, subject to the stipulation that no\nrelease of foreign exchange will be allowed\nfor this purpose.\n\nNOTE 2:The reimbursement of the actual\nexpenditure incurred on insurance carried\nout in accordance with sub-clause (v)\nabove will be subject to the following\nconditions:\n\n(1) Ifthe value of the property insured exceeds\nthe maximum prescribed in sub-clause (Vv)\nabove, the reimbursement will be limited\nto the amount which would have been\nincurred on property of the prescribed\namount.", "(2) If an individual has already insured his\n\n(3\n\n(4\n\n~——e”\n\n~~\n\n(vi) Storage Charge :\n\npersonal effects against risks, including\ntransit risks for the journey in question, he\nshall be reimbursed with such proportion\nof the actual premium paid by him as the\nperiod of transit bears to the total period of\ninsurance or to the premium which would\nhave been paid had the personal luggage\nbeen insured specifically for the journey in\nquestion, subject to the maximum\nprescribed in sub-clause (v) above\nwhichever is less.\n\nIt will be the duty of an individual to ensure\nthat his luggage is properly packed and\ncrated and complies with all the rules,\nregulations and specifications prescribed\nby the Insurance Company to enable the\ninsurance to be effected at the cheapest\npossible rates.\n\nIf normal insurance is not available, an\nindividual under orders of transfer, may\n\n161\n\napply to the Government for permission to —\n\ninsure his personal luggage against war or\nother extraordinary risks on payment of\nsuch additional premium as may be\nnecessary.\n\nSubject to the\nmaximum prescribed in Rule 259 and\nSub-clause (v) above, actual\nexpenditure incurred on the storage,\ndeposit or safe custody of luggage and\nof insurance during such storage:\n\n(1) If, in the course of transit, the luggage\nhas to be stored at a place of\nintermediate halt during a scheduled\nhalt of the individual or a member of\nhis family at that place or during a\nperiod of non-scheduled halt for\nwhich DA is admissible, or due to non-\navailability of normal transport for the\nluggage although the onward journey\nof the individual and/or members of\nhis family is possible;\n\nIf, before commencement of the\njourney, an individual or a member\nof his family has to make an enforced\nstay at the station of departure and\nthe individual or member of his family\nis required or obliged to stay at hotel:\n\nNO\n~ee”\n\n(3) If, on first arrival at the station abroad\n\nor during the period of his posting at\n\nwee”\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nNOTE1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nthe station, individual is obliged on\naccount of non-availability of\nresidential accommodation, to stay in\na hotel:\n\n(4) If an individual is under orders of\ntransfer from one station abroad to\nanother station abroad and has been\ngranted home leave and is required\nto sent his heavy luggage direct from\nhis previous station of posting to his\n\nnext station of posting;\n\n—*\n\nIf an individual is under orders of\ntransfer from a post abroad and has\nnot been informed by competent\nauthority of the station of his next\nposting, storage charges will be\nadmissible for the period from his\ndeparture from his old duty station to\nthe date on which, after receipt of\nintimation of his next station of\nposting, the personal effects are\nactually despatched from his last\nstation of posting to his next station\nof posting.\n\n(5\n\n~~\n\nstorage of personal effects under the\nprovisions of sub-clause (a) (vi) above will\nbe effected only with the prior authority in\nwriting of the Head of Mission/Post within\nwhose jurisdiction the place of storage falls\nor if the station is in India, of the Controlling\nOfficer.\n\nThe Head of Mission/Post or the Controlling\nOfficers , in authorising storage of personal\neffects will consider the cheapest\narrangement possible and may\nconsequently direct that the luggage shall\nbe stored at the last station of the\nindividuals posting or at his next station\nor at any intermediate station or, if that\nwould involve the minimum expenditure to\nthe Government at any other place.\n\nThe reimbursement of storage charge will\nnot be admissible under the provisions of\nsub-clause (a)(vi) above unless the Head\nof Mission/Post or the Controlling Officer\ncertifies that:\n\n(1) The storage was authorised by him or\n\nthem;\n\n(2) The luggage for which storage charges\n\nhave been claimed could not have been", "(3)\n\n(vil) (i)\n\nstored free of cost or at a cheaper rate in\nthe hotel at which the individual is staying\nor in any building including the chancery\npremises under the control of the Head\nof Mission/Post of the Government ; and\n\nThat storage was affected at the cheapest\nrates available at the station in question\nand are reasonable.\n\nThe demurrage charges on personal\neffects are not admissible. However, in\ncases where the delay is occasioned due\nto reasons beyond control of the officer,\nthe Ministry may permit reimbursement\nof such expenditure. The Mission/Post\nshould ensure that all necessary steps\nare taken to obtain the exemption\ncertificates from the local Foreign\nOffice, immediately after the arrival of\nthe officer at the station. The\nGovernment will not normally entertain\n\nany request for reimbursement of\n\ndemurrage charges paid on personal\nluggage.\nPacking Charges:\n\nPacking charges on transfer to and from\nabroad to Defence Service Personnel\nand Civilians paid from Defence\nServices Estimates will be admissible\nas under :\n\n(a) Full packing charges will be\n\nadmissible on transfer from a mission\nto India or to another mission.\nGovernment will bear the expenditure\non packing done by the packers\nincluded in the approved panel. No\nComposite Transfer Grant will be\nadmissible separately. Charges will\nbe paid by the Mission directly to the\npackers.\n\n162\n\ninitial empanelment of firms of packers\nwill, however, continue to be made by\nthe Missions/Posts abroad with the\napproval of Ministry. The sanction\nissued by the Mission/Posts in this\nregard should be sent to the IHQ of\nMoD (Army) (MI Dte), New Delhi and\naudit authorities for information.\n\n(ii) List of approved panel of packers is\n\npublished by Ministry of External Affairs\nfrom time to time.\n\n(iii) In the case of countries in respect of\n\nwhich the approved panel of packers\nhave not yet been finalised, the existing\npractice under rule 254 and 258 of these\nregulations will continue to be adopted\nfor moves falling under (a) (i) above.\n\n(b) At the port of airport of embarkation\n\nor disembarkation in India and at any\nplace abroad where the individual\ncommences or terminates his journey\nor makes a halt, he will be entitled to\nreceive reimbursement of the cost of\ntransport for himself, his family and\nservants:\n\n(i) From his residence of hotel to the\nrailway station, airport, jetty or\npier or the starting point of the\nroad transport service;\n\n(ii) From the terminal point of one\nstage of the journey to the\ncommencing point of any other\nstage of the journey.\n\n(iii) From the terminal point of the\njourney or stage of the journey to\nhis hotel or residence both at the\nfinal destination and at each\nplace of intermediate halt where\nDA is drawn at these places.\n\n(b) On transfer from India to Mission/Post\nabroad, Composite Transfer Grant\n\nwill continue to be admissible.\n\n~—e\n\nNOTE: The reimbursement under this clause will be.\nsubject to the following conditions:\n\n(1) Noreimbursement will be admissible if free\ntransport is provided by or on behalf of the\nGovernment.\n\n(c) Heads of Missions/ Posts will be\nempowered to make substitutions In\nthe panel of packers and revise the\nrates of packing charges of the\nempanelled firms upto 25% of the\nexisting rates beyond which\nproposals would continue to be\nreferred to the Ministry for approval. The\n\n(2) If the Air Company provides free transport\nbetween the airport and the air terminal,\nthe individual or the member of his family\nwill normally avail the free transport provided\nby the Air Company to the air terminal and\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "the reimbursement under this clause will be\nadmissible only from the air terminal.\n\n(3) The amount of the expenditure mentioned\nabove that is admissible to a Government\nServant for the portion of the journey within\nIndia shall be limited to the amount\nadmissible under these rules and such\nexpenditure incurred during the journey\noutside India will be payable if the\nControlling Officer certifies that the\nexpenses are reasonable and essential.\n\n(c) If the approved route for any journey\ninvolves travel by air, either for the\njourney as a whole or for any stage\nthereof or if an individual is directed\nto travel by air in the public interest\nor the exigencies of Service require\nhim to do so, or on the ground that\ntravel by air is cheaper:\n\n(1) No special insurance will be\npermissible beyond the\nautomatic insurance extended to\npassenger by International\nAirlines for a journey by the\nscheduled flight.\n\n(ii) No special insurance will be\nadmissible except to the extant\nprovided by Government\ngenerally for individuals serving\nin India for a journey by air\npermitted within India which does\nnot commence or terminate at a\npoint outside India;\n\n(iii) The individual will be entitled to\nreimbursement for the payment\nof any extra premium required on\nhis existing insurance policies\nduring flights for journey outside\nIndia which have to be performed\nby a non-scheduled flight. The\ninsurance cover, however, will not\nexceed ¢~ 1,60,000/- or 48 times\nof his monthly salary drawn in his\npost abroad or admissible in an\nequivalent post in_ India,\nwhichever is less. Provided that\nif the insurance company is\nunwilling to accept the risk even\non payment of an additional\npremium, reimbursement may be\nmade of the cost of a fresh policy\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n163\n\ntaken to cover the duration of the\nflight.\n\n(d) The scales of luggage authorised to\n\nbe carried at Government expense\nand on which incidental expenses, as\nabove, are admissible in the case of:\n\n(i) Individuals proceeding on\ndeputation/training for one year\nor less and\n\n(ii) Individuals travelling by air while\nsent to deputation/training\nexceeding one year would be laid\ndown in the Government orders\nsanctioning the deputation/\ntraining.\n\nNOTE: In the case of deputation/training for one\nyear or less no separate release of foreign\nexchange for incidental charges on luggage\nwould be made.\n\n(e) The entitled luggage (both\n\naccompanied and unaccompanied) is\nallowed to be handled at Government\nexpense by Embarkation authorities\nin India at the ports concerned. In this\ncase, only such of the expenses\nmentioned in (a) above, as are\nnormally met initially by the individual\nhimself, ie. porterage, port/wharfage\nand insurance charges will be\nreimbursable. In case the luggage is\nhandled by the travel agents at ports\nin India, incidental expense to the\nextant allowed in clause (a) to (d) will\ncontinue to be reimbursed.\n\nThe cost of photographs required for\npassports and visas will be met by\nthe individuals themselves. However,\nsuch individuals as are not in receipt\nof transfer grant and who require\nphotographs for passports and visas\nin connection with their move on duty\n(permanent or temporary) from India\nto a country abroad and vice versa\nfrom one place to another in a country\nabroad and from one country to\nanother abroad will be governed as\nunder:\n\n(i) Photographs will be issued free\nwhere service photographic\nfacilities exist and are available.", "(ii) The actual cost of photographs will\nbe reimbursed where service\nphotographic facilities do not exist\nand are not available.\n\n255. Conveyance for medical examination of\nService Personnel and their families\nproceeding abroad\n\nConveyance is admissible to service personnel\nand their families when in the absence of the requisite\nfacilities at the duty station, they move to another\nstation, to undergo medical examination and\ncertification regarding inoculation and vaccination,\nrequired for proceeding abroad on posting/deputation/\ntemporary duty.\n\nNOTE: The concession to family members\naccompanying the individual will be\nadmissible only if they are allowed under the\nrules governing deputation/temporary duty\netc. to accompany the individual at\nGovernment expense.\n\n256. Conveyance entitlement of Indian servants\ntravelling abroad by Rail/Road\n\n(a) An Indian servant travelling abroad by rail\nshall be entitled:\n\n(i) If he is accompanying a child who has\nnot completed five years of age to\naccommodation by the same class by\n‘which the child travels provided that if\nsleeping accommodation in that class is\navailable on payment of a supplement to\nthe fare of a lower class only, the lower\nclass fare and the supplement shall be\nadmissible. This clause shall only apply\nto one servant of the officer and to\njourneys performed outside India.\n\n(ii) When accompanying the officer or a\nmember of his family to accommodation\nof the lowest class on the train by which\nthey travel;\n\nProvided that except with the prior\nsanction of the Government this clause\nshall not apply if the officer or the\nmembers of his family are travelling by a\ntrain which has no accommodation other\nthan first class accommodation.\n\nWhen travelling independently to a fare\nof the lowest class by the cheapest train\n\n(ii\n\nee”\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nconnecting the point of departure to the\npoint of destination.\n\n(b) When the servant is travelling by road:\n\n(i) If he accompanies the officer or a\nmember of his family in a vehicle for which\nRoad Mileage Allowance is admissible to\nthe officer, no separate fare for the servant\nshall be admissible.\n\n(ii) Otherwise, the servant shall be entitled\nto actual fare by the cheapest public\ntransport available on that route.\n\n(c) When an Indian servant of an officer travels\nby air, his entitlement for such air travel shall\nbe by the economy class.\n\n257. Repatriation of Private Servants of Officers\nServing in Missions Abroad\n\n(1) When an Officer is posted at a station where\nan Indian servant is entitled for him or when\nthe replacement of Indian servant by full time\nservant is regulated in accordance with the\nspecific provision incorporated in respect of\neach station in the respective sanction fixing\nthe foreign allowance for that station and\nhas already brought an Indian servant to that\nstation and subsequently feels obliged to\nreturn such Indian servant to India, he may\nmake an application to that effect to the\nHead of Mission/Post. :\n\n(2) The Head of Mission/Post may, if he is\nsatisfied that such action is necessary on\naccount of misconduct of the Indian\ndomestic servant of the officer, authorise his\nrepatriation to India on the following\ncondition:\n\n(a) If the servant has been continuously in\nthe service of the officer for at least 18\nmonths since servant left India, the cost\nof repatriation shall, subject to the\nprovisions of clauses (c) and (d) below,\nbe met by the Government in full.\n\n(b) If the domestic servant has not been\ncontinuously in the service of the officer\nfora minimum period of 18 months from\nthe date of departure of such servant from\nIndia the Officer shall be required to bear\n10 percent of the cost of repatriation of", "NOTE:\n\nthe servant subject to a minimum of\n~ 50/- for each such servant, the\nGovernment bearing the rest of the\ncost.\n\nIf an officer takes his servant abroad before\nthe verification of his character and\nantecedents is completed, it is at his own\nrisk and the repatriation that may become\nnecessary as a result of the verification, will\nhave to be done at the officer's cost.\n\n(c) The servant to be repatriated shall be\n\n(e\n\n(f\n\nee”\n\n—\n\nee”\n\nfurnished with a through ticket or tickets\nby the approved route and entitled class in\nrail, road, sea or air from the station of\nOfficer’s posting to the port of\ndisembarkation or the first point of entry\ninto India. He shall not be entitled to any\nconcession applicable to enforced halts.\nWherever possible, an endorsement\nshould be obtained on the tickets furnished\nto the servant that any refund admissible\nshall be made only to Mission or Post which\nhas paid for the ticket.\n\nThe question of payment of wages of the\nservant during transit time from the station\nof the officer's posting to the port of\ndisembarkation or the place of first entry\ninto India shall be governed by such\narrangements as may exist between the\nemployer and the employee and the\nGovernment shall have no responsibility\nin this matter. The officer shall, however,\nnot be entitled to claim the reimbursement\nof wages of the Indian servant after the\ndate on which he has left the former’s\nemployment, whether or not he has\nemployed a local servant.\n\nFrom the date the officer employs a local\nservant in lieu of an Indian servant\nrepatriated under the provisions of this\nparagraph he shall be entitled to draw\nForeign Allowance as admissible on the\nbasis of the employment of a full-time local\nservant, except that if in lieu of an Indian\nservant only a part-time help is provided\nat a station for a particular officer, the Indian\nservant will be replaced by such part-time\nservant.\n\nUnless the Government, on grounds of\neconomy, allow an officer to have a\nreplacement from India for his repatriated\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n165\n\nservant, he shall not be entitled to send for\nanother Indian servant in replacement at\nGovernment cost until he is transferred to\nanother post abroad with or without being\ngranted home leave. Such an officer may,\nhowever, send for an Indian servant in\nreplacement of his repatriated Indian\nservant at his own cost. The new servant\nshall be entitled to a passage at the cost of -\nthe Government only when the officer\nhimself is transferred direct to another post\nabroad provided that such passage for the\nnew servant taken out at the officer’s own\ncost will not be admissible if the Officer is\ntransferred to India.\n\nNOTE: The Indian servant taken out at own cost in\n\nreplacement of a repatriated Indian servant\nin terms of above sub-para or of a deceased\nIndian servant in terms of para (4) below\nwould be entitled to AMA facilities in the\nsame manner as were available to the\nrepatriated/deceased servant.\n\n(3) If the Head of Mission/Post is satisfied that\n\nsuch action is necessary on account of the\nserious illness/disease or mental/physical\ndisability on the part of an Indian domestic\nservant, he may authorise his repatriation\nto India. The officer shall there-upon be\nentitled to reimbursement of the cost of\nrepatriation of such servant in full subject\nto the conditions prescribed in clause (2)(c)\nabove. Such an officer may be authorised\nby the Government to take out a\nreplacement from India for the repatriated\nservant at Government expense if such a\ncourse is found to be economical in\ncomparison to the employment of a local\nservant. If, however, the officer is not\nauthorised to take out a replacement at\nGovernment cost from India, he shall be\nentitled to take out a new servant from India\nonly when he is transferred direct to another\nstation abroad whether or not he avails of\nhome leave on such direct transfer.\n\nNOTE: The term physical disability also covers\n\ncases where, due to domestic emergency\nor other circumstances, the servant is in such\na state of mental anxiety as to be unable to\ncarry out his duties properly.", "(4) Replacement of Indian servant who dies\nabroad:\n\nIf an Indian servant of an officer dies’ abroad,\nthe Government may authorise such an\nofficer to take out a replacement from India\nfor the deceased servant at Government cost\nif such arrangement is found to be\neconomical in comparison to the\nemployment of a local servant. If, however,\nthe officer is not authorised to take out a\nreplacement from India, he shall be entitled\nto take out a servant at Government cost\nfrom India only when he himself is transferred\nagain direct to another post abroad whether\nor not he avails of home leave on such\ntransfer.\n\nNOTE: The family of a private servant is not entitled\nto conveyance in any circumstances.\n\n258. Rates of Composite Transfer Grant on\nPosting/Deputation/Course Abroad\n\nService personnel proceeding abroad with their\nfamilies on permanent posting or on deputation/\ncourses of instructions of more than one year from\nIndia or other station Ex-India/returning to India from\nabroad are entitled “Composite Transfer Grant’ w.e-f.\n01.10.1997 as under:\n\nService Personnel Composite Transfer Grant\n\nOne month’s\nPay in the\nPay Band,\nGP, MSP,\n\nand NPA\nwhere\napplicable\n\nAll Officers drawing Grade\nPay of = 5400/- and above\nincluding MNS Officers,\nMidshipmen and Honorary\nCommissioned Officers\n\nOne month’s\nPay in the\nPay Band,\nGP, MSP,\nGp ‘X’ Pay\n\nand Classi-\nfication on\n\nAllowance\n\nif any.\n\nJCOs, OR, NCs(E) and\ntheir equivalents\n\nIn the event of drawal of “Composite Transfer\nGrant” the transfer incidentals such as taxi/\nconveyance charges for self and family transportation\nof personal effects from residence to railway station/\nbus stand/airport and vice versa will not be admissible.\nNo separate packing charges will be admissible.\nThese will instead be subsumed in 1 the “Composite\nTransfer Grant’.\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n166\n\nAs regards transfer from one mission to another\nor to Headquarters in India the panel of Packers\nscheme shall continue to be applicable. In such\ncases, Composite Transfer Grant will not be\nadmissible.\n\nNOTE: The case of a civilian Government Servant\nwill be regulated by the Government orders\nissued in this case.\n\n259. Conveyance of Personnel Effects\n\nWhen an individual travels on public expense,\nconveyance for his personal effects is admissible\nupto the following maximum:-\n\n(A) Luggage entitlement of Service Officers.\nproceeding abroad on Deputation/\nCourses of instruction upto one year:\n\nOfficers proceeding on deputation/courses\nof instruction ex-India upto one year will\nbe entitled to carry the under mentioned\nscale of luggage by air, inclusive of free\nallowance allowed by the air companies.\nThe luggage in excess of the free\nallowance will be transported as\nunaccompanied air cargo at concessional\nrates wherever admissible, otherwise at full\nrate.\n\n(a) Major General and above:\n\n(i) For a period upto 14 days 30 Kgs\n\n(ii) For a period between 15 days 45 Kgs\nand one year\n\n(b) Others:\n\n(i) For a period upto 14 days 26 Kgs*\nFor a period between 15 days 36 Kgs\nand 89 days\nFor a period between 90 days 45 Kgs\n\nand one year\n\n“30 Kgs in case the charges for 26 Kgs\nand 30 Kgs inclusive of free allowance\nallowed by Air Company are the same\notherwise the luggage scale is 26 Kgs.\n\nThe officers proceeding ex-India on\ndeputation/courses of instruction for more\nthan three months but less than 12 months\nduration can convey their authorised\nquantity of luggage to the SPR (less the\nquantity carried by the officer abroad) at\nGovernment expense provided the family", "(B) (1)\n\nof the Officer do not retain the family\naccommodation at the old duty station and\nthe family has actually moved to SPR as\nauthorised for a journey on permanent\ntransfer and from SPR to the new duty\nstation in India on their reposting to India\nfrom abroad after completion of their\ncourses of instruction/deputation abroad.\n\nOfficers proceeding abroad on courses of\ninstruction/deputation for more than 12\nmonths duration can convey their\nauthorised quantity of luggage to the SPR\n(less the quantity carried by the officer\nabroad) at Government expense, as\nauthorised for a journey on permanent\ntransfer and from SPR to the new duty\nstation in India on their reposting to India\nfrom abroad after completion of their\ncourses of instruction/deputation abroad.\n\nLuggage entitlement for Service Officers\nproceeding abroad on deputation\ncourse of instruction for a period\nexceeding one year:\n\nOfficers proceeding on deputation/course\nof instruction ex-India for a period\nexceeding one year will be entitled to carry\nthe following scales of luggage:-\n\n(a) By Air\n\n(1)\n\n(1!)\n\n100 Kgs per adult and 50 Kgs per child subject\n\nto a maximum of 350 Kgs per family while’\n\ntravelling by Air India\n\nConveyance of luggage by service personnel\nproceeding on deputation/courses of training\nto Russia.\n\nLuggage entitlement in respect of service\npersonnel proceeding to Russia on\ndeputation/ courses of instruction for a period\nof less than one year is 80 Kgs inclusive of\nfree allowance allowed by Air Company will\nbe transported as under:\n\nUnaccompanied\nAir cargo at\nconcessional rate.\n\n(a) India to Moscow\nand back\n\n(b) Moscow to the\nvenue of deputation/\ntraining and back\n\nAccompanied\nluggage.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n167\n\n(iii) Aviation Branch Officers of the Navy who are\nrequired to carry their Flying Kit, while\ntravelling abroad on deputation, by air are\nallowed to carry 20 Kgs of additional luggage\nover and above free luggage allowed by the\nAir Companies.\n\n(b) By Sea\n\n(i) When proceeding\nwith family\n\n940 Kgs for onward\njourney and 1300\nKgs for return\njourney\n\n(ii} When not\npossessing a family\nor proceeding without\nfamily\n\n630 Kgs for onward\njourney and 870 Kgs\nfor return journey.\n\nThe total luggage to be despatched by sea\naS unaccompanied luggage by Indian\nCargo Ships is inclusive of the quantity of\nluggage allowed to be carried by Air India\nand is also subject to the ceiling equivalent\nto the cost of 940/630 Kgs or 1300/870 Kgs\nwhatever the case may be.\n\n(c) If the officers so desire, they may instead\nof availing the concessions under sub para\n(a) and (b) above carry their entire luggage\nin one lot by air upto the following limits as\nunaccompanied luggage inclusive of 20\n\nKgs per ticket given by the Air Company:\n\n(1) When proceeding\nwith family\n\n376 Kgs for onward\njourney and 520 Kg\nfor return journey.\n\n(ii) When not possessing 252 Kgs for onward\na family or proceeding journey and 348 Kgs\nwithout family for return journey\n\nNOTE: The entire luggage should be booked\nthrough Air India in one lot. In sectors where\nAir India does not operate, the luggage is to\nbe booked through Air India for carriage by\nForeign Airlines at Cargo rates.\n\n(B) (ii) Luggage Allowance to Service\nPersonnel proceeding abroad for a\nperiod exceeding one year on\ndeputation/course of instruction:\n\nThe conveyance of luggage by air/sea to\nthe following extent by JCOs/OR and\nequivalent ranks of Navy/Air Force", "proceeding abroad on deputation/courses\nof instruction for a period exceeding one\nyear will be as under:\n\n(a) If the total luggage is conveyed by air:\n\n(i) When proceeding\nwith family\n\n188 Kgs for onward\njourney and 250 Kgs for\nreturn journey\n\n(ii) When proceeding\nwithout family\n\n126 Kgs for onward and\n174 Kgs for return\njourney\n\nNOTE: The above luggage entitlement is inclusive\nof free allowance allowed by Air India.\n\n(b) If the luggage is conveyed partly by sea and\npartly by air:\n\n(1) When proceeding\nwith family\n\n470 Kgs for onward\njourney and 650 Kgs for\nreturn journey\n\n315 Kgs for onward and\n435 Kgs for return\njourney\n\n(ii) When proceeding\nwithout family\n\nNOTE 1: JCOs/OR (Equivalent rank of Navy and Air\nForce) shall be entitled to take their\nluggage by air as per mandatory orders of\nAir India and the total luggage to be\ndespatched by sea is inclusive of the\nquantity of luggage allowed by Air India.\n\nNOTE 2: The luggage despatched by sea and air\nshall also be subject to the ceiling to the\ncost of 470/315 or 650/435 Kgs as the case\n\nmay be.\n\nIn the case of luggage sent under Rule 259 (B)\n(ii) (a) above, the entire luggage should be booked\nthrough Air India in one lot. The services of Air India\nare to be utilised for transportation of the luggage.\nIn sectors where Air India does not operate the\nluggage is to be booked through Air India for carriage\nby Foreign Airlines at cargo rates.\n\n168\n\n(C) Scale of Personal Effects for Free |\n\nConveyance on Permanent Duty Journey\nbetween Indian and Diplomatic Mission\nabroad and also for Journey between\nCountries abroad:\n\n(a) Where an individual is proceeding to\nanother post on transfer or on first\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nappointment to a post outside India or\nwhen an individual dies while serving out\nof India the cost of the carriage of luggage,\nupto the maximum limit prescribed below\ninclusive of the free allowance given by\nthe carriers and weight of the lift vans,\npacking materials etc. by goods train/\nroad/sea/air will be admissible.\n\n(i) By Rail/Road/Sea:\n\nRank Kgs\nCommissioned Officers 2800\nJCOs and their equivalents in the 1400\nother two Services |\nNCOs/OR and their equivalents in 1400\n\nthe other two Services\n(ii) By Air:\n\n100 Kgs per adult and 50 Kgs per child\nsubject to a maximum of 350 Kgs per\nfamily allowed while travelling by Air India.\nThe entitlement of luggage by air, other\nthan Air India, in respect of Service\nOfficers, JCOs and OR and their\nequivalents are laid down in sub clause (x)\nbelow and NOTE there under respectively.\n\nIf an individual so desires, he may instead\nof availing the concession under sub para\n(C) (a) (i) and (ii) above carry his entire\nluggage by air upto the following extent as\nunaccompanied luggage inclusive of free\nallowance of 20 Kg per ticket given by the\nAir Company which can be carried as\naccompanied luggage and the luggage\nadmissible under the mandatory orders.\n\n(iii)\n\nRank Kgs\nOfficers 1120\nJCOs and their equivalents 560\nNCOs/OR and their equivalents 560\n\nNOTE 1: The entire luggage should be booked\nthrough Air India in one lot. The services\nof Air India are to be utilised for\ntransportation of the luggage. In sector\nwhere Air India does not operate the\nluggage is to be booked through Air India\nfor carriage by Foreign Airlines at cargo\nrate. In case personnel effects are\ntransported in two lots under the provisions\nof para 2 of NOTE below rule 259 (c). The", "NOTE 2:\n\n(Iv)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nhandling or the other charges would be\nadmissible for one lot only and not for the\nsecond lot.\n\nThese rules are not applicable to Chauffers,\nsecurity Guards etc.\n\nFor each Indian servant travelling\nindependently of the individual or member\nof his family, the free allowance as may be\nadmissible to the servant under the rules of\nthe transport undertaking in question or 75\nKilogram or 12 Cubic Feet whichever is more.\n\nAll the limits laid down in this rule shall be\ninclusive of the free allowance provided by\nthe carrier.\n\nFor the purpose of application of maximum\nprescribed under this clause, the total weight\nof the luggage shall be taken into\nconsideration including the weight of packing\nmaterials, crafts, hoops, receptacles and the\nlift can, if any.\n\n“Personal Effects” means belongings of the\nindividual, member of his family or of his\nIndian servants which are meant for their use\nat the station at which he is posted or\ntransferred.\n\nGovernment would meet the cost of transportation\nof transfer effects in possession of an individual at the\ntime of his transfer or of articles purchased enroute,\nincluding articles for which orders were placed at the\nstation enroute and which reached the individual within\nsix months of his arrival at the station of his posting.\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nNOTE 5:\n\nA mechanically-propelled vehicle or vessel,\nother than a motor cycle, motor bicycle or\nscooter, shall not be deemed to form a part\nof personal effects, even if its weight falls\nwithin the maximum laid down in this rule.\n\nIt is not permissible for an individual to\ninclude in his personal effects any article\nnot belonging to him and meant for delivery\nor presentation to others.\n\nIf such articles cannot be carried as part of\nfree allowance by a transport company and\nseparate freight charges by sea, road or air\nbecome payable or if any other expenditure\nto the Government is caused by such\ninclusion; or\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n169\n\n(il)\n\n(D) (1)\n\n(ii\n\neee”\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n\nIf the carriage of such articles would\nconstitute a contravention of any law or\nregulation or if any diplomatic customs of\nusage or constitute a breach of diplomatic\nprivilege.\n\nPersonal luggage shall normally be\ntransported by goods train, steamer, road\nor air, as may be appropriate, provided that\nif more than one mode of transportation is\navailable the cheapest mode of\ntransportation shall normally be utilised;\n\nProvided, however, that should an\nindividual utilise a mode of transport other\nthan that laid down below, the\nreimbursement to him of the expenditure\ninvolved shall be limited to that which\nwould have been admissible had he used\nthe modes or methods laid down hereunder\nsubject to the limits laid down in clause (a)\nabove.\n\nIf an individual transferred from a post in\nIndia and is required to transport his\nluggage by rail to a port from which he has\nto catch a particular ship and if such\nindividual does not proceed on leave after\nrelinquishment of charge, he may transport\nhis personal luggage from his station of\nduty to the port by Express Goods Train.\n\nIf an individual or a member of his family\ntravels by sea, their personal effects shall\naccompany them on same ship by which\nthey travel. It shall be the duty of the\nindividual to ensure that the free allowance\nfor personal effects given by the Shipping\nCompany concerned is fully availed of as\nfar as the nature of personal effects permits\nand for this purpose observe the\nprescription in regard to packing, size and\ndelivery of the luggage within time as\nspecified by the Shipping Company or\nagents.\n\nSubject to sub-clause(a) (i) to NOTE 5\nabove and to the limits laid down in clause\n(a) above, an individual shall be entitled\nto the reimbursement :\n\n(1) Of the actual freight charges paid in\n\nexcess of the quantum of free allowance\ngiven by the Shipping company, and\n\n(2) Of the actual freight charges on any part\n\nof his personal luggage on which under", "(Vv)\n\n(vi)\n\n(vii)\n\n(viii)\n\n(2)\n\nthe regulations of the Shipping company,\nfreight of the free allowance admissible\nunder such regulations.\n\nIf an individual or member of his family travels\nby sea but does not transport the whole or\nany part of his luggage by the same ship by\nwhich he travels such individual shall not be\nentitled to reimbursement of freight charges\non any part of luggage which could have\nbeen carried free of cost within the free\nallowance given by the Shipping Company\nconcerned.\n\nIf an individual or a member of his family\nis required or permitted to travel otherwise\nthan by sea and the transportation of the\nluggage by the approved route involves\ntransportation by sea and a member of the\nindividual's family or an Indian servant is\n\n170\n\nalso to proceed to the same destination as\n\nthe individual:\n\n(1) To the extent of the free allowance\n\nadmissible, the luggage shall be\ntransported by the same ship by which\nthe member of his family or servant\ntravel, and the provisions of sub-clause\n(iii) and (iv) shall, with such\nmodifications as may be necessary ,\napply;\n\nThe balance of the luggage in excess\nof the free allowance, or if the clause\n(1) above is not applicable, the whole\n\nof the luggage may be transported as.\n\nunaccompanied luggage at the cheapest\nrates applicable to such luggage on the\nroute in question:\n\nProvided that the Government may\nauthorise the transportation of the\nluggage by a route other than cheapest\nif they consider such course necessary\nor desirable. |\n\nThe reimbursement of the cost of\ntransportation of personal effects by rail\nshall be limited to the cheapest freight rates\napplicable to the transportation by goods\ntrains of the quantity of luggage actually\ntransported subject to the maximum limits\nprescribed in clause (a) above.\n\nIf an individual transports his personal\nluggage by passenger train or by goods\ntrain at rates other than the cheapest freight\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(ix)\n\n(x)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\n~_~\nNO\n—\n\nrates, he shall be entitled to reimbursement\nof the actual expenditure incurred subject\nto a maximum of the amount which would\nhave been admissible had he transported\nby goods train the maximum quantity of\npersonal effects admissible under clause (a)\nabove provided that if the transportation is\nmade under the Quick Transit Scheme of\nIndian Railways, the surcharge levied will\nbe reimbursed.\n\nIf the transportation of personal effects by\ngoods train is to be followed by transhipment\ninto ship or aircraft and if the authority which\nhas booked the passage for the individual\nby the ship or aircraft in question is satisfied\nthat:\n\n(1) for reasons outside the control of the\n\nindividual the personal effects could not\nhave been despatched earlier; and\n\nthere is insufficient time for transhipment\ninto the ship or aircraft if it is despatched\nby goods train. Such authority may,\nunless it considers that in the financial\ninterest of the Government the move of\nthe individual should be deferred and fresh\npassages by ship or aircraft booked,\nauthorise him to transport his personal\neffects by a rapid goods train or by a\npassenger train and shall simultaneously\nreport the facts to the Government If an\nindividual has been so authorised, he\nshall be entitled to the reimbursement of\nthe actual cost of transportation of his\npersonal luggage by rapid goods train or\nby passenger train subject to the\nmaximum admissible under clause (a)\nabove.\n\nlf an officer and/or members of his family\nhave been authorised to travel by air, the\nofficer and each adult member of his family\nshall subject to sub-clause (xi) below, be\nentitled to carry by air, 45 Kgs of personal\nluggage inclusive of the free allowance\n\nallowed by the carrier and free allowance for\n\neach child below the age of 12 years.\n\nIn case of JCOs/OR and the equivalents 9\nKgs over and above the free allowance given\nby the company for self and each entitled\nadult member of family. Luggage at the scale\nof 45 Kgs (inclusive of the free allowance", "NOTE 2:\n\n(xi\n\n~ee”\n\n(xii\n\neee”\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\ngranted by the Air company) per adult for\nself and in respect of each entitled member\nof the family can, however be carried at\nGovernment cost to station where the staff\nare entitled to additional Outfit Allowance\nfor extra coldness of climate under P& A\nRegulations.\n\nThe excess over the free allowance granted\nby the Air Company should be transported\nby Air cargo.\n\nThe amount of personal effects carried by\nair inclusive of free allowance shall be\ntreated as part of the total personal effects\nof the individual for the purpose of sub-\nclause (a).\n\nIf, outside India, personal effects have to\nbe transported by road, the individual shall\nbe entitled to the reimbursement of the\nactual expenditure incurred on such\ntransportation by the cheapest rate and by\nthe cheapest mode of road haulage\nactually available for the purpose.\n\nIf an individual carries his personal effects\nby passenger train instead of goods train\nhe may draw the actual cost of carriage\nupto the limit of the amount which would\nhave been admissible to him had he taken\nthe maximum number of Kgs by goods\ntrain. Subject to the prescribed maximum\nnumber of Kgs an individual who carries\nhis personal effects by air may draw actual\nexpenses upto the limit of the amount\nwhich would have been admissible had he\ntaken the same quantity by passenger train\n(upto the limit of the amount which would\nhave been admissible had he taken the\nmaximum number of Kgs by goods train)\nroad or steamer as the case may be, under\nthe normal rules.\n\nSubject to the maximum admissible\nnumber of Kgs an individual may draw the\nactual cost of transporting personal effects\nby the surface route to his new station from\na place other than the old station (as for\nexample, from a place where they are\npurchased enroute or have been left on the\noccasion of previous transfer) or from his\nold station to a place other than his new\nstation:\n\n171\n\nProvided that the total amount drawn,\n\nincluding the cost of transporting these\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(Xill\n\neee”\n\n(xiv)\n\n(xv)\n\npersonal effects shall not exceed the ©\nadmissible amount had the maximum\nadmissible number of Kgs _ been\ntransported by goods train and steamer\nfrom the old to new station direct.\n\nOn transfer from Post/India to post outside\nIndia, such an individual may transport, at\nGovernment cost, such excess quantity of\npersonal effects which he is not\ntransporting abroad, to his home town/SPR\nfor storage during his tenure abroad,\nprovided such excess luggage does not\nexceed the difference between the\ndomestic luggage entitlement within India\npermissible under the revised rules and the\nluggage permitted as above.\n\nOn transfer back to India such an individual\nmay transport, at Government expenses,\nthe excess quantity of luggage stored in\nIndia during his tenure abroad subject to\nthe ceiling indicated in (xiii) above from\nhis home town/SPR to the new duty station\nin India. |\n\nThe transportation of such excess luggage\nto/from home town/SPR_ shall be\ncompleted within a period of six months\nfrom the date of departure from/arrival in\nIndia.\n\n259-A. Luggage scale for Civilians by Air\n\n(1)\n\nCivilians paid from Defence Service\nEstimates proceeding abroad on\ndeputation/courses of instruction upto one\nyear and who are authorised to travel by\nair will be entitled to carry the under\nmentioned scale of luggage by air over the\nabove the free allowance given by the Air\nCompanies:\n\nClass of Deputation Excess Personal Luggage\nOfficers period Allowance\nAll Officers Upto 2 weeks 5 Kgs\nMore than More than 5 Kgs but upto\ntwo weeks a maximum of 10 Kgs to be\n\n(il)\n\nallowed on the merits of\neach case by the Financial\nAdvisers concerned\n\nFor journey on courses of instruction/\ndeputation for a period more than one year\nand on posting to Diplomatic Missions", "abroad on permanent duty, the scale of\nluggage will be as per Government/ orders\nissued in each case. |\n\n260. Transportation of Personal Car-Service\nOfficers\n\n1.\n\n2.\n\n(iii)\n\n3. (i)\n\n(il)\n\n(ii)\n\nThe cost of transportation of one personal\ncar shall be admissible to a Commissioned\nOfficer on transfer or terminal journey.\n\nAt a station where a personal car is required\nby an officer for the effective discharge of\nhis duties, the reimbursement of\ntransportation cost would be permitted:\n\n(i) For acar which the officer possessed at\nthe time of his posting to the next station.\n\nIn case an officer did not possess a car\nat the previous station then for a car he\npurchases for use at the next station of\nposting. In this case, reimbursement of\ntransportation costs would be from the\nplace of purchase or place of\nmanufacture of the car to the station of\nposting limited to the cost of\ntransportation for a similar car from the\nprevious station of posting to the next\nstation of posting.\n\nWhere an officer is transferred from HQ\nto neighbouring Missions viz.,\nAfghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,\nMyanmar, Iran, Maldives, Nepal,\nPakistan and Sri Lanka the actual cost\nof transportation from the place of\npurchase or manufacture of the car to\nthe station of posting shall be\nreimbursed to the officer.\n\nRe-imbursement of transportation costs\nwould be allowed in case of clause (i)\n\nabove if the car is transported to the new\n\nstation of posting, within six months of an\nofficer's taking over charge at that station,\nand, in case of clause (ii) above, if the car\nis paid for in part of full within six months\nof taking over charge at the next station of\nposting abroad. In _ exceptional\ncircumstances, the above time limit of six\nmonths can be relaxed upto one year by\nthe Ministry of Defence in consultation with\nFinance Division.\n\nOfficers should produce bill of lading/\nmanufacture’s invoice as proof of\nexpenditure actually incurred on\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n172\n\n(ii\n\neee”\n\n(Iv)\n\ntransportation of a car. In case of purchase\nthrough a local dealer, the officer should\nproduce Dealer’s Invoice specifying the\namount charged towards transportation of\nthe car from the place of manufacture. The\nclaim of the officer shall be restricted to\nestimate of transportation charges obtained\nthrough the Indian Mission in the country\nof manufacture.\n\nThe officer should furnish ‘Essentiality\nCertificate’ from the Head of Office for the\ngrant of Motor Car Advance for the\npurchase of car, and for the reimbursement\nof transportation charges of a car.\n\nTransportation costs will be admissible only\n\n_ in respect of a car which does not exceed\n\nsix meters in length.\n\n. If an Officer is ab initio posted to a station\n\nabroad for less than full term he shall not -\nbe entitled to the cost of transportation of\ncar purchased at such a station.\n\nIf an officer eligible for reimbursement of\nthe cost of transportation of his personal\ncar between any two places, otherwise than\nunder para 4, possessed car which by\nreason of its age, condition, type of road\nconditions at the station abroad to which\nhe has been transferred is in the opinion\nof the Government unsuitable for use there,\nthe Government (i.e. the Ministry) may\nauthorise him, subject to current local\nregulation to sell it at the last station of his\n\n- posting and to purchase and transport\n\nanother car to his next station of posting\nabroad. The officer shall thereupon be\nentitled to be reimbursed the actual cost\nof transporting a newly acquired car from\nthe place where it is purchased or where it\nis manufactured to the station of his next\nposting within the limit of the amount which\nhe would have been entitled to had he\ntransported his previous car from his\nprevious station of posting to his new\nstation of posting. Provided that\nreimbursement under this para shall not be\nadmissible unless the aforementioned car\nis paid for in part of full within six months\nof taking over charge at the next station of\nposting abroad. In exceptional\ncircumstances, the above time limit may\nbe relaxed upto one year in consultation\nwith Ministry of Defence (Finance).", "(i\n\nee”\n\n(ii)\n\nPrior sanction of the Government (powers\ndelegated to DGOL & SM) for the sale of\nhis old car by an officer shall be necessary\nfor the purpose of claiming transportation\ncharges of his newly acquired car under the\nprovision of this para without prejudice to\nthe power vested with the Ministry (powers\ndelegated to DGOL & SM) and/or the\nGovernment of India’s representative abroad\nfor authorising scale of conveyance by the\nofficer either under the provisions of the\nGeneral Financial Rules or of under the\nprovisions of Conduct Rules. The provisions\nof this para shall equally apply to officers\ntransferred to Missions abroad from India.\n\nThe cost of transportation incurred on the\nacquisition of ‘Reconditioned’ and ‘Second\nhand’ personal car shall be admissible.\nHowever, in such cases the reimbursement\nshall be limited to the cost of transportation\nof the car from the place of its purchase to\nthe station of posting i.e. the actual cost of\ntransportation of the reconditioned/second\nhand car incurred by the officer. No\nreimbursement shall be admissible for\npurchase of such cars from local dealers.\n\n. Reimbursement of transportation charges\n\nwill be limited to the amount admissible had\nthe car been sent unboxed at the cheapest\nrate available by sea on approved route or\n\n173 ©\n\nany part thereof. The cost of boxing of acar —\n\nand the additional expenditure thereon for\ninsurance, etc. will also be borne by the\nofficer. However, where the Shipping\nCompanies do not accept the cars in an\nunboxed condition, the cars may be\ntransported in containers subject to a\ncertificate being obtained from the Shipping\nCompany that they do not accept the cars\nin an unboxed condition.\n\nIf a personal car is transported by rail by the\napproved route, the officer shall be entitled\nto the reimbursement of the actual cost of\ntransportation or freight at the cheapest rate\navailable for transport of an unboxed car by\npassenger train whichever is less.\n\nIf an officer boxes his car and transports it\nby goods train, he shall be entitled to the\nactual freight by the goods train for the\nboxed car and also to the cost of\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nMode of\ntransportation\n\n(1)\n\n(1) When the car\nis sent under its\nown propulsion\n\n(ii) When the car\nis sent loaded\non a truck.\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n10.\n\ntransportation of the boxed car from his\nresidence to the Railway Station at the\nstation of departure, between unloading and\nloading points at an intermediate station of\ntranshipment and from the station of\nunloading to his residence at the station of\ndestination within always the limit of the cost\nwhich would have been incurred had the car\nbeen transported unboxed by passenger\ntrain.\n\n. The transportation of car by road will be\n\nsubject to the provisions as under:\n\nRATE OF ALLOWANCE:\n\nBetween the\nplaces connected\nby rail/ ship\n\nBetween the\nplaces connected\nby rail/ship\n\n(2) (3)\n\n~ 5.00/- per km. % 5.00/- per km.\nlimited to\n\nexpenditure\n\non transportation\n\nby passenger\n\ntrain or ship.\n\nActual expenses Actual expenditure\nlimited to the subject to the\nlower of the car being trans-\nfreights charged ported by the\nby rail/ ship. manufacturer’s\n\n: agent\n\nRoad Mileage Allowance for journeys\nwould be the same as notified by the\nconcerned Directorate of Transport.\n\nWhere the car is sent under its own\npropulsion the Government servant and the\nmembers of his family travelling in the\nsame car would not be entitled to any\nseparate mileage allowance or fare by rail/\nair.\n\nThe reimbursement of the cost of\ntransportation of car shall, include in\naddition to freight charges or the mileage\nrate admissible under the above paras the\nactual incidental charges such as ghat-\ncharges, river dues, dock dues, loading and\nunloading charges, port trust charges or\nroad tolls, handling charges and any other\nobligatory fees and charges.", "12.\n\n13.\n\n14.\n\n15.\n\n16. (i)\n\n. The officer shall also be entitled to the cost\n\nof insurance of the car during the transit by\nrail, road or ship.\n\nIf the insurance is available by payment of\nan additional premium on the insurance\npolicy for the car already paid by the officer,\nhe shall be entitled to be reimbursed with\n\n174\n\nthe additional premium which had to be ©\n\nincurred within the limit of the amount\nwhich would have been admissible under\npara 11 above.\n\nIf the Government are satisfied that a\nnormal insurance policy is not available,\nthe Government may authorise an officer\nto insure the personal car against additional\nrisks also. An officer so authorised shall\nbe entitled to be reimbursed with the\nadditional cost of insurance against such\nrisks.\n\nlf an Officer has transported his personal\ncar to a station at the expense of the\nGovernment, and has been reimbursed\nwith the actual cost of such transport and\nis permitted to sell the said personal car,\nat the station to which it has transported,\nwithin one year of its arrival there, he shail\nrefund to the Government the whole of the\namount drawn by him for its transport to\nthat station.\n\nIf on an occasion when para 14 would\nnormally apply, the car suffers serious\ndeterioration, as a result of an accident or\notherwise, the Government are satisfied\nthat it would not be reasonable to require\nthe Officer to continue to possess or use\nthe said car until the completion of one year\nfrom the date of its arrival at that station to\nthe sale of the car has been obtained. The\nGovernment may wholly or partly exempt\nthe officer from the operation of para 14.\n\nIf an officer transports his personal car to\na station or to India at the Government\nexpenses, and it is reimbursed with the cost\nof its transportation and then he sells or\nproposes to sell the car at that station and\nthe Government are satisfied that the\nofficer will or is likely to receive a price\nvery considerably in the excess of the price\nwhich he had paid for the car and its\n\naccessories, the Government may as a\n\ncondition of the grant of permission to sell\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(i!)\n\n~_—\nox\n——\n\nthe car require him to refund all or part of\nthe amount drawn by the officer for the cost\nof its transportation to that station.\n\n25% of the cost price may be taken as\nreasonable profit for the purpose of\nascertaining the excessive profit in para\n16(i) above. . The cost of the car for the\npurpose of this para would be calculated\nas under:—\n\n(a) The customs duty payable by the\n\nGovernment servant at the time of\nimporting their car into India shall be\nadded to the cost price of the car for\ndetermination of profit on the sale of the\ncar in India.\n\nThe cost of transportation of the car\nalready reimbursed to the officer shall,\nhowever, be excluded while calculating\nthe profit.\n\nThe officer should be required to refund\npart or whole of cost of transportation\ncharges out of the profit received in\nexcess of 25%.\n\n(ili) Permission of the Government will be\n\n17.\n\nnecessary for the sale of car even if the\nOfficer is eligible to sell the car under any\nother orders/rules.\n\nSubject to ail provisions in the above paras,\nan officer may transport his car to the\nStation of his next posting by a route other\nthan the cheapest direct route, provided\nthat the expenditure to the Government\nshall be limited to that permissible had the\ncar been transported by the cheapest route\nto the station of posting.\n\n261. Transportation of Motor Conveyance on\nReturn from Courses of Instruction/Duty\nAbroad\n\n(a) Officers drawing Grade Pay of ~ 5,400/-\n\nad\n\nand above, on return from duty/course of\ninstruction abroad, will be entitled to\nconveyance at Government expense of\ntheir private car/motor cycle left behind at\nthe old duty station in India, from the old\nto new duty station in India, provided the\nconditions laid down in Rules 67/76 are\notherwise fulfilled.\n\nIn case where such an officer transports\nhis private car/motor cycle at his own", "expense to SPR of the family and from there\nto the new duty station on his return from\nabroad, the reimbursement of cost of\nconveyance will be restricted to that\nadmissible under clause (a) above.\n\n2\n\nAn officer who proceeds ex-India on a course\nof instruction/ deputation/ training for a\nperiod exceeding one year and on return is\nposted to a station other than the old duty\nStation, will be entitled to transport, at\nGovernment expense, his authorised\nconveyance brought from abroad, at his\nown expense, from the port of landing to\nthe new duty station limited to the cost of\nconveyance of the vehicle from the old duty\nstation to the new duty station provided the\nofficer maintained a car at his old HQ\nbefore proceeding abroad. The\nconcessions in the preceding clause will\nnot be admissible in addition.\n\n(¢\n\n~~”\n\nSingle officers serving in ships/submarines\ncan transport motor conveyance from base\nport of ship/submarines to home/ SPR and\nthen to the base port of the ship/submarine\non occasion when their ship/submarine\nproceeds to foreign ports for long refit/\nmaintenance.\n\nIn case the officer transferred to another\nstation in India, while the ship/submarine\nis away at the foreign port, the cost of\ntransportation of the vehicle will be\nadmissible from the home town/SPR to the\n\n_ next duty station. The above concession\nwill be subject to the condition that the\nmove is notified through Gen-forms and\nthe duty ex-India is of more than three\nmonths duration.\n\nNOTE: The lien period for the move of the motor\ncar/motor cycle should count from the date\nof officer's appointment to new duty station\non return from abroad.\n\n262. Conveyance of Family of Officers\nProceeding Ex-India on Duty Other than\nPosting\n\n(a) The family of an officer of Indian domicile\nis entitled to free passage when the officer\nproceeds ex-India on duty, other than on\nposting, in circumstances entitling him to\nfree passage provided that:\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n175\n\n(2\n\n(1) The period of duty abroad exceed 12\n\nmonths, and\n\nee”\n\nThe family also stays with the officer ex-\nIndia for a period exceeding eight\nmonths.\n\nThe family may follow within six months\nor precede by not more than one month\nof the move of the officer from/to India.\nThese time limits may be extended\nunder Government orders in individual\ncases attendant with special\ncircumstance.\n\nIn a case where the period of duty ex-\nIndia is not expected to exceed one year\nat the outset, but the officer concerned\ntakes his family with him, he will also\nbe entitled to claim passage for the\nfamily if the period is subsequently\nextended and it exceeds 12 months\nprovided the family stay with him ex-\nIndia for a period exceeding eight\nmonths reckoned from the date\n- subsequently extended.\n\n(b) An officer proceeding ex-India either on\n\ncourse of instruction or on deputation for a\nperiod exceeding 12 months and entitled\nfree conveyance for his family to the place\nof work abroad will have the option to:\n\n(1) Take the entire family abroad or send -\n\nthe entire family to a SPR in India;\n\n(2) Take a portion of the family abroad and\n\nsend such of those members of the\nfamily who have been left in India to a\nSPR in India.\n\nSimilar travelling concession will also be\nadmissible under the same conditions\nfor the return journey of the family to\nrejoin the officer on his return from\nabroad.\n\nThe provisions of this clause are not\napplicable to the DGOF’s Organisation.\n\nNOTE 1: The period of duty will be counted from\n\nthe date the officer takes over charges in\nIndia to the date he resumes charge in India\non completion of deputation. The journey\nwill not be unduly delayed or prolonged.\n\nNOTE 2:An officer of the Indian Navy will be\n\nconsidered to be on duty ex-india if the ship\non which he is serving is outside the\ngeographical limits of India. |", "NOTE 3:\n\n(1i)\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n\n(Vv)\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nNOTE 5:\n\nNOTE 6:\n\nThe period of eight months for the stay of\nthe family ex-India will be calculated as\nunder:\n\nWhen the family precedes or\naccompanies the officer on the onward\njourney ex-India and accompanies or\nfollows him on the return journey to\nIndia: From the date the officer takes over\ncharge of his office in India to the date on\nwhich he resumes duty on return to India.\n\nWhen the family precedes the officer on\nonward journey as well as return\njourney : From the date the officer takes\nover charge of his office in India to the date\nof conclusion of the return journey of the\nfamily.\n\nWhen the family follows the officer on\nthe onward journey and accompanies\nor follows him on the return journey:\nFrom the date of commencement of the\nonward journey of the family to the country\nto which the officer is deputed to the date\nthe officer resumes duty on return to India.\n\nWhen the family follows the officer on\nthe onward journey and precedes him\non the return journey: From the date of\ncommencement of the onward journey of\nthe family to the date of conclusion of the\nreturn journey of the family to India.\n\nWhen the family accompanies the\nofficer onward journey and precedes\nhim on the return journey: From the date\nof the officer takes over charge of his office\nin India to the date of conclusion of the\nreturn journey of the family.\n\nThe journey period to be taken into account\nwill be the time actually taken for a direct\njourney by the route actually adopted or\nby the approved route, whichever is less.\n\nThe periods of leave, if any, taken by the\nofficer after handling over charge and\nperiod of voluntary halts will not be taken\ninto account in computing the period of\neight months.\n\nThe grant of leave to officers on deputation/\ncourse of instruction abroad for personal\nreasons shall adversely affect the title of\npassage back to India for the officer and\nhis family in all cases except the following:\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n176\n\n(i) When leave not exceeding 50 per cent of\nthe actual period of duty performed / to be\nperformed outside India (excluding the transit\ntime from India to the country of deputation\nand back and enforced halts, if any, or 14\ndays, whichever is less, is granted or\npersonal reasons before, during or at the\nend of the deputation/training abroad.\n\n(ii) When leave is taken on medical grounds or\nfor spending profitably a period of enforced\nhalt due to unavoidable waiting for a passage,\nbefore, during or at the end of the deputation/\ntraining abroad.\n\n(iii) When casual or annual leave is taken to\ncoincide with recognised periods of break\nin courses of instruction abroad.\n\nExplanation: In all cases mentioned in this\nNOTE, the TA and transit time will be admissible for\nonward and inward journeys with reference to the\nHQ. |\n\n(c) An officer proceeding ex-India either on\ncourse of instruction or on deputation for a\nperiod of more than three months but less\nthan 12 months may avail of free\nconveyance for the family to SPR in India\nprovided he does not. retain\naccommodation at the old duty station for\nmore than a month. At no stage will the\nfamily of the officer be entitled to free\nconveyance to proceed abroad. Similar\ntravelling concession will be admissible\nunder the same conditions for the return\nof the family to rejoin the officer on his\nreturn from abroad. |\n\nThe provisions of this clause are not\napplicable to DGOF’s Organisation.\n\nTEMPORARY DUTY JOURNEYS\n263. General\n\nTravelling Allowance, DA, charges for hotel\naccommodation and incidental charges admissible\nto service personnel posted to diplomatic missions\nabroad on their temporary duty journeys in countries\nwithin the sphere of their duty are laid down in\nsucceeding rules.\n\nNOTE 1:‘Approved Route’ means the route\napproved for the particular journey in\nquestion and in cases where there is\nstandard route or journeys between two\nstations, such route will be the approved", "NOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\n(b\n\nwee”\n\n——\n\neee”\n\nroute. An individual who makes the journeys\nby a route other than the approved route (e.g.\ntravel by air or in his own car when the\napproved route is by rail) will not be entitled\nto claim more than the amount payable for\nthe journey by the approved route. On the\nother hand, if the route which he takes is\ncheaper than the approved route, he will not\nbe entitled to claim more than the actual\nexpenses incurred.\n\n‘Journey on duty’ include an authorised\njourney made for attending international\nconferences, discussions, consultations or\na tour or visit or which the competent\nauthority, authorise a journey at public\nexpense.\n\nCompetent authority for the purpose of\nthese rules will be as follows :\n\nHeads of the Missions will be empowered\nto authorise the moves on duty of Service\nAttaches/Advisers both in the country to\nwhich they are posted as well as to the\ncountries to which they are accredited. The\nServices Attaches/Advisers will similarly\nauthorise the moves of the staff serving\nunder them. In the case of tour to country(s)\nto which Service Attaches/Advisers are\naccredited, if the HOM is other than the\none of the country(s) to which the Service/\nAttache/ Adviser is posted, prior approval\nto the visit of the Attache /Adviser and his\nstaff to that country will be obtained from\nthe HOM in that country.\n\nHOMs concerned will also be Controlling\nOfficers for the purpose of countersigning\nthe TA claims in respect of Sérvice\nAttaches/Advisers and the Service\nAttaches/Advisers will be Controlling\nOfficers in respect of the staff serving under\nthem.\n\nThe correctness of the TA claims for the\njourney/performed by Service Attaches/\nAdvisers and their staff within the\ncountry(s) of concurrent accreditation will\nfirst be certified by the HOM of the\ncountries visited. Where there is no HOM\nin the country(s) of accreditation, the TA\nclaims will be countersigned as in (b)\n\nabove.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n177\n\n264. Travel by Rail/Sea/Air\n\n1.\n\nBy Rail:\n\nFor journeys by rail in foreign counties,\nGovernment servants will be entitled to\ndraw the actual fares by the appropriate\nclass and in addition DA at the prescribed\nrates for each night spent away from the\nHQ.\n\nHOMs are empowered to grant ‘sleeper’\naccommodation (where such\naccommodation is available on payment\nof a supplement to the second class fare)\nduring night journeys by rail of not less than\nsix hours duration to service personnel\ndrawing Grade Pay from % 4200/- to\n~ 4800/-, serving on the staff of the Service\nAttaches/Advisers. In countries where\nsecond class on the railways do not provide\nsleeping accommodation in any form,\nservice personnel and any member of their\nfamilies when permitted by Government,\nin advance to accompany the individual\nwhile travelling in the night or not less than\nsix hours may, on the specific authorisation\nfrom the HOM, be permitted to travel in\nfirst class, provided it has sleeping\naccommodation. A certificate will be\nobtained from the HOM or an endorsement\non the TA bills to the effect that the amount\nof expenses claimed was actually incurred.\nThis concession will not be applicable in\ncounties where second class on the\nrailways does_- provide’ sleeping\naccommodation but is not availed of due\nto the application for reservation or\notherwise.\n\n. By Sea:\n\nNormal rules will apply in the case of travel\nby sea.\n\n3. By Air:\n\n(a) The Service Attaches/ Advisers and their\n\nstaff serving in Diplomatic Missions\nabroad are allowed to travel by air on\nduty provided that air travel in cheaper\nthan travelling by surface route in the\nclass of accommodation to which they\nare entitled. Journey by air will be\nperformed with the prior approval of the\nHOM concerned.", "——~\noO\n—\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\nThe classification of grades for the\npurpose of air travel will be governed\nby Rule 245.\n\nThe Head of Mission/Post who is required\nto book passages for individual or\nmembers of his family may, if travel by\nair is cheaper than travel by surface route,\nauthorise an individual or members of his\nfamily to travel by air.\n\nThe Ambassador of India in USA may\nsanction air journey on duty in USA and\nalso from USA to Mexico as well as USA\nto Canada and back of the Service Attache\nand his staff in Washington at his\ndiscretion.\n\nThe High Commissioner for India in\nCanada may sanction air journeys on duty\nwithin Canada for the Service Adviser and\nhis staff working under him at his discretion.\n\nFor journeys on tour, transportation of\npersonal effects to the extent of 45 Kgs\n(inclusive of free allowance allowed by Air\nCompanies) per ticket will be admissible\nwhen travelling by air outside the country\nof posting subject to the condition that the\nluggage weighing more than prescribed\nfree allowance shall be transported as Air\nCargo. The incidental charges which may\nbe claimed shall only be such compulsory\ncharges as may be levied on the individual.\n\n. Incidental Expenses:\n\nAs regards incidental expenses, only the\nnecessary expenses (such as taxi fares,\nfees for registration of luggage, porterage)\nincidental to the journey and which are\nreasonably necessary will be payable on\nproduction of certificate by the individual\nthat the expenses were actually incurred.\nReimbursement of any other expenditure\nnot connected with the journey at the\nplaces of halt will not be admissible.\n\nIn addition to the usual incidental charges\nadmissible, telegrams and telephone\ncharged by the Travel Agencies or incurred\nby Missions in connection with the\nreservation of accommodation, including\nsleeper accommodation on Railways,\nhandling and all other Agency service\ncharges and fees shall be reimbursed in\nrespect of journeys by rail abroad when\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n178\n\nconsidered by the Controlling Officer as\nnecessary and reasonable. Telegram and\ntelephone charges incurred by the individuals\nthemselves shall not, however, be\nreimbursable except on specific sanction in\neach case to be considered on merits.\n\nThe payment of taxi charges, fees for\nregistration of luggage and porterage is\nadmissible as charges incidental to the\njourney on tour, i.e. when travelling from\nthe individual’s permanent HQs to the\nplaces visited on tour and back to HQ. The\ntaxi charges incidental to the journey only\ncover the journey from the Railway Station\nor Airport/Booking Office or Sea Port, as\nthe case may be, to the residence at the\nplace of halt and back. The taxi charges\ndo not refer to those incurred at the place\nof halt after the initial journey has been\ncompleted. Such taxi charges as are\nactually incurred at the place of halt after\nthe completion of the initial journey or\njourneys within a radius of eight kilometres -\nand which are considered to be necessary\nand reasonable by the Controlling Officer\nare also payable in addition to the DA.\nActual conveyance charges from/to\nRailway Station/Air Company’s City\nBooking Office (Airport only when free\ntransport is not provided by the Air\nCompany from their city office to Airport),\ndocks to/from the place of duty only will\nbe admissible. If the actual charges from/\nto Railway Station/Air Company’s Office/\nAirport, Docks to/from place of residence\nclaimed by the individual are cheaper than\nfrom/to office, the former may be allowed\nand certificate to the effect should be\nrecorded on the IA bill.\n\nThe officers visiting foreign countries on\nofficial tours maybe reimbursed actual taxi\ncharges incurred for performance of\njourneys from air-port to hotel and vice\nversa in the country of visit subject to their\nfurnishing a certificate to the effect that he/\nthey has/have not availed of a car facility\nprovided by the Indian Mission for the said\njourney(s).\n\n265. Travel by Road\n\n(a) In case of road journeys outside India,\n\nactual fares paid will be admissible.", "179\n(b) An individual may travel by road: (g) Road Mileage Allowance to officers\n\n(1) When travel by road forms a part of the drawing Grade Pay of ¢ 5400/- and above\n\n(Cc)\n\n(e\n\n~ee”\n\n(f)\n\napproved route, or\n\n(2) When he has been authorised in the\n\npublic interest to travel by road by the\nauthority competent to sanction the\ntravel itself.\n\nIf, on any portion of journey which an\nindividual has to perform by road in\naccordance with (1) of the preceding\nclause, there is a regularly established road\nservice or taxi service in which charges are\nlevied on each passenger, the individual\nor members of his family shall be entitled\nto one seat each in such established road\nor taxi service in the same way as if they\nare travelling by rail.\n\nIf there is no regularly established road or\ntaxi service of the type mentioned in clause\n(c) or where the individual has to perform\nany duties at intermediate stations during\nthe journey by road, the individual may\ntravel by an official or private motor car or\nby such other mode of conveyance as may\nbe authorised by the Controlling Officer or\nby the authority competent to sanction the\njourney.\n\nAn officer who performs a journey, for\nwhich road mileage is otherwise\nadmissible, by an official car maintained\nat the expense of the Government, shall\nnot draw mileage allowance. However, if\nan officer is unable to use the official car\ndue to its not being in working order and\nuses his private car on official duty outside\nthe HQ, he shall be entitled to claim three-\nfourths of the prescribed rates of Road\nMileage Allowance or the full rates reduced\nby the amount of DA that may become\nadmissible to the official chauffeur when\ntaken on tour, whichever is greater. Such\nan officer may also use his private car when\nthe official chauffeur of his official car and\nany other official chauffeur in the employ\nof the Mission/Post is not available in which\ncase he shall be entitled to draw three-\nfourths of the rate of Mileage Allowance\nprescribed as per his Grade Pay.\n\nIf one or more members of the individual's\nfamily travel with him in his car, no\nadditional road mileage is admissible on\n\ntheir behalf.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(iii\n\n(iV\n\n<\n~~\n\nat prescribed rates and officers drawing\nGrade Pay of % 4200/- to ~ 4800/- at 75\npercent of these rates for journeys on duty\nperformed by road in private car in various\ncountries abroad will be regulated as under:\n\n(1) Road mileage is not admissible for\njourneys within a radius of 16 Kilometres\nfrom his HQ and/or for journeys\nperformed in a staff car.\n\n(ii) When an officer performs a journey by\n\nroad beyond a radius of 16 Kilometres\nfrom his HQ, the Mileage Allowance will\n~ be calculated at the prescribed rates on\nthe number of Kilometres actually\ncovered during the journey from the HQ\nto the place/places of duty and back.\n\neee”\n\nIf two or more officers are to travel by\nroad to the same destination at\napproximately, the same time and the\ntravel is otherwise than by an\nestablished road or taxi service, the\nOfficers shall normally travel together\nin the same motor vehicle, and only one\nofficer shall draw the prescribed Road\nMileage Allowance and additional\namount per mile prescribed for each\nextra officer carried in that vehicle\nwhose fare would otherwise have been\nseparately payable by the Government\nThe later officer or officers shall only\ndraw the DA admissible under the\nprovisions of these rules:\n\nProvided that Government, or the Head\nof Mission/Post may, if it is considered\nthat it is in the public interest, authorise\nthe officers to proceed separately by\nseparate motor vehicles.\n\nwee”\n\nThe mileage allowance should be\nclaimed in Rupees (except in the case\nof the USA and Canada where it has\nbeen fixed in terms of USA and\nCanadian dollars respectively) and paid\nto the Officer in local currency at the\ncurrent official rate of exchange. No\nexchange compensation will be\nadmissible on mileage allowance.\n\nWhen official journey performed by an\nofficer in his private car involves visits\nto different countries, the road mileage", "NOTE 1:\n\nNOTE 2:\n\nNOTE 3:\n\n(1!)\n\nNOTE 4:\n\nNOTE 5:\n\nshould be calculated according to the\nrates prescribed for and distance\ncovered in each country separately and\nnot only according to the rates prescribed\nfor the country in which the permanent\nHQ of the officer is located.\n\nRates of Road Mileage Allowance admissible\nin various countries will be as per rates\nprescribed in Government orders issued from\ntime to time.\n\nThe year for the purpose of calculation of\nthe total mileage during the period is the\ncalendar year, i.e. 1st January to 31st\nDecember.\n\nThe term ‘trips on duty’ wherever used\ncovers the following journeys while on tour\naway from HQ:\n\nAll journeys from the official HQ at the\noutstation to places of duty and back it will\nnot thus cover journeys from the hotel or\nresidence at the outstation to the official\nHQ and back. In other words, it will not\ncover the journeys from the hotel or\nresidence at the outstation to the office of\nthe Mission or Chancery irrespective of the\ndistance involved since in such cases the\noffice of the Mission/Chancery will be\ntreated as the temporary HQ. If, however,\nthe place of residence constitutes the\ntemporary HQ in the absence of an official\nHQ at the outstation, the journeys from his\n\n180\n\nresidence to the place visited on official\n\nduty will be regarded as trips on duty.\n\nJourney from/to Railway Station/Decks/Air\nCompany's City Booking Office (Airport\nwhen transport upto City Booking Office is\nnot provided) stand/station of any other\npublic transport to/from hotel residence on\narrival/departure at/from place of tour/\ntransfer will also be treated as trips on duty.\n\nThe wife of an officer when authorised by\nGovernment to travel with her husband and\nwho may otherwise be in receipt of DA will\nnot be entitled to any mileage allowance.\n\nIf for a journey on official duty, a staff car\nis used, the officer concerned will not be\nentitled to claim any conveyance charge\nand when a staff car is used for private\npurpose, the officer will be required to pay\nfor the use of the staff car according to the\nrates prescribed in the car code.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nNOTE 6: Local trips on official duty should always\n\n—\nwo\n~~\n\n(4\n\n(h\n\neee”\n\neee”\n\n~~”\n\n~~”\n\nbe performed in staff car. The HOM/First\nSecretary, and in Missions where there is\nno First Secretary, Second or Third\nSecretary who may be in charge of\nChancery will, at his discretion, allow the\nhiring of a taxi or any other suitable form\nof conveyance for strictly official purpose\nin the following circumstances :\n\nWhen there is no staff car in the Mission.\n\nWhen the staff car(s) are being repaired\nor is/are not available being away on other\nofficial duty.\n\nWhen the staff car is placed at the disposal\nof the HOM, and\n\nWhen the journey cannot be postponed\nand cannot, in the public interest, be\nperformed in public transport.\n\nThe HOM/First Secretary, and in Missions\nwhere there is no First Secretary, Second\nor Third Secretary who agrees to the hiring\nof a taxi should certify in each case that\none of the conditions (1) to (4) above is\nsatisfied. The purpose of the journey, the\nmileage covered and the time for which\ntaxi was hired, will be specified in each\ncase. The charges are to be debited to\ncontingencies.\n\nWhen a personal car of an officer is used\nfor official journeys, the officer will be\nentitled to mileage allowance at prescribed\nrate, provided the journey is performed\nbeyond a radius of 16 Kilometres, from the\nHQ. The Mileage Allowance will be\ncalculated on the number of kilometres\nactually covered during the journey from\nHQ to the place/places of duty and back.\nAccordingly, when an officer performs\njourney by road on official duty by private\ncar and claims Mileage Allowance, a\ncertificate to the effect that the journey has\nbeen undertaken by private car in the\ninterest of public service, should be\nattached to the TA claim. In the case of an\nofficer on an official journey on tour in his\nprivate car between places connected by\nrail, rail being the ordinary mode of travel,\nthe road mileage will be limited to rail fare\nbetween the two places. The HOM may\nrelax the limit if the road journey is\nperformed in the public interest. Thus an", "officer travelling on duty in his own car can\nget Road Mileage Allowance at the\nprescribed rate if the HOM certifies that\nthe journey by private car is in the public\ninterest and also records in writing the\nnature of the public interest served by the\nofficer’s travelling by private car instead\nof in a public transport.\n\nAn illustrative and not exhaustive list of the\ncases where a journey on duty undertaken\nin an officer’s private car be considered in\nthe interest of public service is given below.\nThe discretion vested with the HOM can\nbe exercised by him in all cases in which\nhe considers, after taking into account\ncircumstances and merits of each case,\nthat the journey by an officer in his private\ncar is in the interest of public service. In\nsuch cases, he shall, however, have to\n- satisfy audit, if audit considers that the\nconcession has been abused;\n\n(1) A journey undertaken for reasons of\nsecrecy or security.\n\n(2\n\nNee”\n\nA journey undertaken by an officer in\ncustody of confidential and secret\ndocuments.\n\n(3\n\n~ee”\n\nA journey undertaken at short notice\nwhen it was not possible for an officer\nto be at a specified place at a specified\ntime if he travels by the approved means\nand route of travel. _\n\n(j) The Mileage Allowance granted to an\n\n(kK) (1\n\n(ii\n\n~~”\n\nee”\n\nindividual is deemed to cover the cost of\npropulsion of the car during journey on duty.\n\nIn addition to actual fares, usual incidental\ncharges as reimbursable for journey by rail\nwill also be admissible in respect of journey\nby road.\n\nIn addition to the Road Mileage Allowance,\nofficers will be reimbursed the actual\ncharges for toll/ferry/parking and also the\nactual charges for garaging subject to a\nlaid down ceiling per night which should\nbe supported by either a certificate or\nvouchers wherever available.\n\nIn the case of journeys performed by taxi,\nbus or lorry plying for hire, the actual fare(s)\npaid will be reimbursed to the officer. Since\nthe cost of hiring a full taxi is considerably\nhigher than that of taking a seat in a bus or\n\n\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n181\n\nlorry plying for hire, the use of full taxi\nshould be kept to the absolute minimum.\nOnly in cases where it is not possible to\nperform a specified journey by other means\nof public transport either because the\ncompetent authority considers that the\njourney should be performed in a taxi in\npublic interest, a full taxi may be engaged.\nAs a general rule, individuals drawing\nGrade Pay below ¢ 5,400/- should not be\nallowed the use of full taxi.\n\nNOTE: Officers normally maintain a car for efficient\n\nperformance of their duties-official as well\nas representational. They are accordingly\nexpected to make a reasonable use of their\ncars for proper discharge of their official\nduties irrespective of the fact whether it is\npurchased out of an advance from\nGovernment or private sources. This is\nbecause of the consideration that certain\nconcessions are extended to them, e.g.\ntransportation charges of car at the time of\ntransfer, compensation for additional car\ninsurance while serving abroad,\nreimbursement of customs duty when cars\nare imported to India. In view of these, the .\nclaims for mileage allowance or taxi charges\nmay be regulated as follows:\n\n(1) An officer is expected, subject to the\ndiscretion of the HOM, to use his car for\nall official journeys within a radius of 16\nkilometres. If, however, the car is not in\nworking condition or local conditions in\nthe view of the HOMs do not permit the\nuse of the officer's own car, the staff car\ncan be used. If a staff car is also not\navailable, a taxi may be hired in this\nrespect. A taxi may be hired in cases\nwhere public transport cannot be used\nin public interest and actual charges\nincurred by the officer reimbursed under\nthe powers delegated to the\nGovernment of India’s representatives\nabroad subject to the conditions\nprescribed in this respect.\n\niS\n~—”\n\nFor journeys beyond the radius of 16\nkilometres the officers are expected to\nuse their cars, as already mentioned\nabove, and they may draw mileage\nallowance as prescribed.\n\nAn officer travelling on duty in his own\ncar can get Road Mileage Allowance at", "wee”\n\nwee”\n\nthe prescribed rates, if the HOM certified\nthat the journey by private car is in the\npublic interest and also records in writing\nthe nature of the public interest served\nby the officer travelling in private car\ninstead of in a public transport keeping\nin view the provisions of clause (b)\nabove.\n\nIn case where the Representational\nOfficer has been authorised to perform\nroad journey at outstation by his car in\nthe interest of public service with the\napproval of the HOM and the officer\nuses his own car for journeys on official\nduties at an outstation, Mileage\nAllowance at the prescribed rates may\nbe claimed for such official journeys in\naddition to the mileage allowance for the\njourney from the HQ to the outstation\nand back. If, however, the officer does\nnot use his personal car at the outstation\nof his own volition, he will not be entitled\nto reimbursement of taxi charges if\nincurred by him. However, if the car goes\nout of working order at the outstation,\ntaxi charges actually incurred on trips\non duty may be reimbursed subject to\nthe HOM satisfying himself about the\n\nreasonableness of his claim. Taxi\n\ncharges are reimbursable only when an\nofficer’s car is not in working condition\nand that too when it is actually incurred.\n\nAs regards non-representational\nofficers, it is not obligatory for them to\nmaintain a car as the concessions which\nare given to representational officers in\nthe matter of transportation of car,\nreimbursement of customs duties etc\nare not extended to them. They may\nclaim taxi charges for journeys within a\nradius of 16 kilometres at the HQs\nsubject to the conditions laid down in\nitem No. 7 of the Schedule | of the\nFinancial Powers of the Government Of\nIndia’s Representative Abroad. In\nrespect of journeys performed by them\nbeyond 16 kilometres at HQ and also\nfor journeys to outstation, non-\nrepresentational staff drawing Grade\nPay % 4,200/- to ~ 4,800/- may claim\nMileage Allowance at 75% of the\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n182\n\nprescribed rates. When such officers are\nalso authorised to perform journeys by\nroad in the interest of public service with\nthe approval of the HOM, they are\neligible to draw Mileage Allowance at the\nprescribed rates, both in respect of the\njourneys from the HQ to the tour station\nand for official journeys at the outstation.\n\n(m) In case prescribed rates of mileage are\nbased on slab system, the TAclaim should\nindicate the total up-to-date mileage\ncovered by an individual during the\ncalendar year on each occasion a claim\nfor a journey is preferred to, enable the\naudit to ensure that the rates charged are\nIn order.\n\n~—_~\n>)\n—\n\nOfficers who perform journeys on duty in\nofficial and/or private cars may be\npermitted to break their journeys at an\nintermediate station enroute if the journeys\nexceed 400 kilometres and claims DA for\nsuch halts.\n\n266. Conveyance of Official Records\n\nWhenever official records are required to be\ncarried by individuals during their tours on official\nduty, such records, if they cannot be carried with the\nluggage permissible to be carried free under\npassenger ticket, should be booked separately with\nthe prior sanction of the competent authority and a\nreceipt obtained therefore. In such cases, the\nexpenditure involved should be debited to\ncontingencies and not claimed through TA bills of\nthe officers concerned. |\n\nNOTE: It is possible to weigh official records\nseparately and get from the Air Transport\nCompanies concerned two receipts for\nexcess luggage on account of personal\neffects and on account of official records.\nAs such, when official records are carried\nby an individual on official tours, the\nindividual himself should furnish a certificate\nfor the weight of the official records carried\nalong with his excess luggage, if any, while\nclaiming reimbursement for excess\nexpenditure on account of official records.\nThis certificate will provide the required\ninformation to the Controlling Officer for\nscrutinising the charges payable from\nGovernment funds on account of carriage\nof official documents.", "267. Transport/Travelling Allowance to Receive/\nSee off Distinguished Visitors/ Delegates /\nMembers of the Staff outgoing or Incoming\non Transfer\n\n(a) Expenditure incurred on taxi hire or\nconveyance hire by public transport and\nTA to receive and see off distinguished\nvisitors/ delegates arriving in/leaving the\ncountry concerned may be treated as\ncharges in the public interest, provided the\ndelegation is a public one or has been\nsponsored by Government. As far as\npossible instead of hiring a taxi, the staff\ncar may be made available on such\noccasions.\n\nIn respect of officers and members of the\nstaff incoming or outgoing transfer, one\nmember of the staff of the mission\nconcerned may be deputed to meet them\nat the Railway Station/Airport/Seaport in\nthe vicinity of the HQ of the Mission and\nnormally such journey should be performed\nby the staff car. In case, the staff car is not\navailable, the mileage allowance or the\nactual conveyance charges will be granted.\nsuch claims will be supported by a\ncertificate that no other member of the\nMission has drawn Mileage Allowance or\nactual conveyance charges for the same\npurpose.\n\n268. Daily Allowance (Cash Allowance) .\n\nDaily Allowance means an allowance given for\neach day or part thereof for absence from HQ on\nduty or on authorised halt. In addition to the TA\nadmissible under the rules, a Government servant\nmay draw DA in the circumstances which entitle him\nto draw TA.\n\nThe DA for fraction of a day shall be admissible\nas under : |\n\n(a) Up to 6 hours - Nil\n(b) 6 hours to 12 hours - 50%\n(c) Exceeding 12 hours - Full\n\nThe rates of DA as notified by the Government\nfrom time to time will be the same throughout the\ncountry.\n\nHowever, for tours by officers within the country\nof their posting, or for tours from one Mission to\nanother by officers posted abroad. Daily Allowance\nfor each tour shall be regulated as follows:\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n183\n\nFull admissible DA\n75% of Full admissible DA\n\nFor subsequent Additional 50% of Full admissible DA\nDays\n\nFor the First Seven Days\n\nFor the next Seven Days\n\nFor tours by officers posted in India, from India\nto one or more countries abroad, Daily Allowance\nfor each tour shall be regulated as follows:—\n\nFor the first fourteen days Full admissible DA\nFor the next fourteen days 75% of full admissible DA\n\nFor subsequent additional 60% of full admissible DA\ndays\n\nDaily allowance shall be regulated as above and\nrestricted to Rank Foreign Allowance in case of tours/\ntemporary duty exceeding 30 days. The number of\ndays shall be counted on the basis of stay at a\nparticular station only.\n\nAdmissibility of DA of various officers/personnel\nshall be as follows:\n\n(i) Officers/Personnel drawing\nGrade Pay of % 5400/-\nand above\n\nFull Rates.\n\n(ii) Officers/Personnel drawing 75% of the\n\nGrade Pay of % 2400/- prescribed\nto ¥ 4800/- rates.\n(ii) Officers/Personnel drawing 33% of the\nGrade Pay below % 2400/- prescribed\nrates.\n\nThe rates of DA fixed for the officers/personnel\ndo not include any element towards cost of transport\nfor official journeys. Accordingly the actual cost of\ntaxi or conveyance hired for trips on duty which is\nconsidered necessary and reasonable by the\ncontrolling authorities will be reimbursed to the\nofficers/personnel subject to specific provision of\nfunds in the sanction order sanctioning the\ndeputation/delegation.\n\nAs regards accommodation, no monetary\nceilings have been prescribed for hotel rentals but\ninstead a panel of hotels has been drawn for all the\nmajor cities of the world. The officer is required to\narrange accommodation in a hotel on the approved\npanel and claim reimbursement of the actual hotel\nroom rentals (including service charges, taxes and\nother charges). For the cities where approved panel\nfor rentals of hotel has not been prescribed the lowest\nhotel rate for a particular officer in the capital city of\nthe country shall be the ceiling for hiring\naccommodation in a hotel in such cities. Where the", "officer makes his own arrangement for accommodation\nor where accommodation alone is provided free he\nshall be granted DA at the rate prescribed as per his\nGrade Pay.\n\nHotel entitlement of officers going abroad on non-\nrepresentative visits such as training/courses or\nseminars shall be one step below their normal\nentitlement.\n\nWhere an officer is treated as a State Guest or\nhas been provided both accommodation and meals\nfree 25% (twenty five percent) of the DA shall be\nadmissible.\n\nNo reimbursement on account of tips, in addition\nto DA, shall be admissible.\n\nWhere the hotel charges include breakfast\ncharges the DA shall be reduced by 10% (Ten\npercent).\n\nIn the case of countries, where local currencies\nare freely convertible, the equivalent amount of\nprescribed DA in US Dollars for the country\nconcerned may be paid in the local currency. The\nlocal currency equivalent may be arrived at via\nRupee. By using the official rates of exchange fixed\nby the Ministry from time to time. In the case of\nMissions where local currencies are not freely\nconvertible, the prescribed DA for the country\nconcerned may be paid in US Dollars subject to local\nlaws, regulations and administrative procedures,\nDaily Allowance (DA) may be paid in US dollars, if\nthe officer drawing the DA, so desires.\n\n(a) Daily Allowance/ Cash Allowance for\njourney by Rail:\n\n(i) The DA admissible for a journey\nperformed by rail outside India where\nthe fare is not inclusive of the cost of\nfood shall be as follows:\n\n(1) For self and each member of his\nfamily of and above the age of 12\nyears including a relative taken as a\nhostess the prescribed rate of Cash\nAllowance.\n\n(2) For each member of his family below\nthe age of 12 years but above 12\nmonths, three-fourth of the rate\nmentioned in (1) above: and\n\n(3\n\n~~”\n\nFor any child of or below the age of\n12 months at half of the rate of Daily/\nCash Allowance admissible to the\nofficer under (1) above.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n184\n\n(1)\n\n(iii\n\neee”\n\n(2\n\nThe Daily/Cash Allowance under clause\n(1) above shall be admissible at the\nappropriate rates to the service\npersonnel and members of their families\nor Indian servant if he/they spent the\nnight in train.\n\nIf an officer and/or other entitled person\nleaves his HQ by rail and/or returns to it\nby rail, he shall be entitled to DA as\nunder:\n\n(1) If his absence from HQ does not\n\nexceed six hours he shall not be\nentitled to any DA.\n\nIf his absence from HQ exceeds six\nhours but not exceed twelve hours he\nshall be entitled to 50% of the Cash\nAllowance as prescribed by the\nGovernment from time to time.\n\n~~”\n\n(3) If his absence from HQ exceeds\n\ntwelve hours he shall be entitled to\nthe full allowance.\n\n(b) Daily Allowance during travel by Air or\nSteamer:\n\n(1)\n\n(i!)\n\nNo Daily/Cash Allowance shall be\nadmissible to an officer/personnel or a\nmember of his family during any period\nof travel by air or steamer if the fare is\ninclusive of the cost of food during\njourney.\n\nIf the fare for travel by air or by steamer\nis not inclusive of the cost of food the\nofficer/personnel may draw DA as per\njourney by rail.\n\n(c) Daily Allowance during journey by road:\n\n(1)\n\nIf the officer/personnel is proceeding on\ntransfer and travels by his personal car\nor by other private vehicle, either\nbetween points not connected by rail or\nsteamer or in the public interest, he shall\nbe entitled to a DA for himself and\nmembers of his family for the period of\ntransit by road and a night halt after 400\nkilometres shall be admissible in case\nonly single mileage allowance is drawn.\nIn the event of drawal of full mileage\nallowance for self and members of his\nfamily, no DA would be admissible. The\nprovisions of DA for a journey by rail\nshall apply in such a case as\nenumerated in this rule.", "(i!) Where an officer/personnel travels by\nroad at his own option and not in the\npublic interest between points connected\nby rail or steamer, the DA admissible\nfor the road journey shall be limited to\nthe DA which would have been\nadmissible had the officer travelled by\nrail or steamer as the case may be.\n\n(iii) If an officer/personnel is travelling on tour\noutside a radius of 16 kilometres from his\nHQ but does not spend any night away\nfrom his HQ and proceeds to a place or\nplaces he shall entitled to DAs as in\nclause (a) (ili) above.\n\n=\n\nIf an officer/personnel proceeds on tour\nto a station or stations outside a radius\nof 16 kilometres from his HQ and spends\none or more nights at the outstation and\nthereafter spends fraction of a day at\nsuch outstation he shall in addition to\nthe DA at prescribed or split rates (as\nthe case may be) admissible to him for\nthe night/nights spent at the outstation,\nbe entitled to DA admissible under sub-\nclause (iii) for the fraction of the day\nspent at the outstation, provided that\nsuch DA for the fraction of the day shall\n\n185\n\nbe admissible only at the last station —\n\nvisited away from HQ.\n\n(v) If an officer/personnel proceeds on tour\nto a station or stations outside a radius\nof 16 kilometres from his HQ and spends\na night/nights in transit/by rail/air/sea\nand thereafter spends fraction of a day\nat the outstation, he shall in addition to\nthe DA admissible to him under the\nprovisions of clause (a) or (b), as the\ncase may be, be entitled to DA under\nsub-clause (iii) for the fraction of the day\nspend at outstation, provided that such\nDA for the fraction of the day will be\nadmissible only at the last station visited\naway from HQ.\n\nNOTE 1: For the purpose of admissibility of DA for\n\nthe fraction of a day, as laid down above\nthe stay of an officer at the outstation will\nbe held to commence at the time of\ndisembarkation from the plane/steamer/rail\nand end at the time of embarkation on the\nplane/ steamer/rail for the return journey.\nWhere such DA for fraction of a day is\nclaimed in combination with a night halt at\n\n\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(aa) For a halt involving\na full night as\n\nthe outstation, DA from time of arrival at the\noutstation, as stipulated above, will first be\ncalculated on 24 hourly basis and thereafter\nDA for fraction of a day, if any, admissible\nwill be calculated and paid to the officer/\npersonnel.\n\nPersonnel on temporary duty at an\noutstation in a country abroad are entitled\nto DA for each night spent away from HQ.\nNormally night means the entire night i-e.,\nperiod between sunset to sun-rise. The stay\nat an outstation starts from the time the\nindividual arrives and ends at the time he\nleaves the station. The DA for halts will be\nregulated as under :—\n\nFull DA subject to production\nof hotel bills.\n\ndefined above\n\n(bb) For a halt of a portion Full DA subject to productio\nof night where hotel\n\nof hotel bills.\n\ncharges for a full night\n\n(cc) For a halt of a portion\nof night where hotels\nmake proportionately\nreduced charges.\n\n(d)\n\nActual amount paid not\nexceeding the full rate of DA\nsubject to the production of\nbills.\n\nDaily Allowance (Cash Allowance) in\nCountries Abroad:\n\nCash Allowance at the full rate shall also be\napplicable to the spouse of the officers as\nprescribed for officers themselves for journey\non duty in various countries when the wife\nof the officer accompanies him for tour\nabroad with the approval of the Government\n\nof India. |\n\n268-A. Payment of Cash Allowance for stay in a\n\nhotel by Service Officers/Personnel on\ntheir first arrival at Mission/Post abroad\n\n(i)\n\nIf in any particular case a service officer/\npersonnel is put up in a hotel, the\nentitlement to Daily/Cash Allowance of the\nofficer/personnel as laid down by this\nMinistry from time to time shall be as\nfollows:\n\n(a) For first 21 days stay in a hotel :\n\n(i) The amount of DA admissible shall\nbe restricted to twice the amount of\nForeign Allowance.", "(i!)\n\n(ii\n\n~~”\n\n(Iv)\n\nWhere hotel charges include breakfast\ncharges, the DA reduced by 10% or\ndouble the Foreign Allowance,\nwhichever is less, shall be admissible.\n\nWhen the hotel accommodation has\nonly partial kitchen facilities, the\nofficer shall be entitled to DA reduced\nby 25% or double the Foreign\nAllowance, whichever is less.\n\nWhen officer and spouse are both\nposted together to the same Mission/\nPost abroad, DA (for self and\nchildren) or double Foreign Allowance\nwhichever is less for either of the two\nspouses and normal Foreign\nAllowance only for the other spouse\nshall be admissible.\n\nThese provisions shall apply when the\nofficer has to stay in the hotel anytime\nduring his tenure at the Mission/Post\nor at the time of his transfer.\n\n(b) For the period beyond 21 days :\n\n(1)\n\n(1!)\n\n(iii)\n\n(Iv)\n\nOnly normal Foreign Allowance shall\nbe admissible beyond 21 days even\nif the official and his family continue\nto stay in a hotel.\n\nWhen either relieving officer or\nrelieved officer is accommodated in\nhotels during the period of preparation\ntime availed of by the relieved officer\nat the station of posting (either on first\narrival or on departure) prior\npermission of the Ministry will not be\nnecessary. The payment of DA shall\nbe regulated on the above basis.\n\nWhere the amount of DA admissible\nto the officer is less than the normal\nForeign Allowance admissible to him\nthe officer shall be entitled to his\nnormal Foreign Allowance (i.e. gross\nFA, less slab deductions) including\nthe component of entitled servant’s\nwages.\n\nWhile working out the entitlement of\nDA of officers for the period of stay in\na hotel on first arrival, restricted to\ntwice the amount of Foreign\nAllowance, the component of\nservant's wages shall not be deducted\nfrom the Foreign Allowance. Slab\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n186\n\ndeduction should also not be made\nfrom the figure of Foreign Allowance.\nSuch restricted DA is payable only to\nthe officer and not in respect of each\nmember of the family. It should be\ndisbursed in the same currency in\nwhich Foreign Allowance is paid. The\nrate of exchange will be the same as\nused for disbursing salary.\n\n<\n—\n\nIn the case of officers who are posted\nto countries where Missions/Posts are\nopened for the first time or where\nMissions/Posts are opened after\nremaining closed for some time, they\nmay be provided with hotel\naccommodation with the prior\napproval of the Ministry and allowed\nto draw DA or double the admissible\nForeign Allowance, whichever is less\nupto 60 days if their stay in a hotel\nfor want of suitable accommodation\nfor this period becomes inescapable.\nDepending on the merits of the case,\nofficials may with the approval of\nMinistry, be allowed to stay in hotel\nbeyond 60 days but after 60 days,\nonly normal Foreign Allowance will be\nadmissible to them.\n\n269. Daily Allowance during halts en route\n(a) Scheduled halts :\n(1) A scheduled halt means:\n\n(1) Anhalt which an individual or a member\nof the family makes with the sanction\nof the competent authority at any\nstation in the course of journey on\ntransfer or on tour for the performance\nof official duties there; or\n\n(2) A halt at an intermediate station of\ntranshipment provided for in the regular\nservice of a transport organisation for\nall passengers by that route.\n\n(ii) If an individual is accompanied by one\nor more members of his family on a\njourney on transfer and the individual is\nauthorised by the Ministry of Defence\nto make a scheduled halt at any station\non route to the station of his posting for\nthe performance of official duties, that\nMinistry shall decide whether his family\nshall also halt at the station or proceed\ndirect to the station of his posting.", "(iii) If an individual, in the course of journey,\nhas been authorised to make a\nscheduled halt at any station for the\nperformance of official duties, the Indian\nservant or servants of such individual\nshall not be deemed to be authorised\nto make a scheduled halt, except:\n\n(1) If the family of the individual is\nrequired to halt along with him if he\nhas a child below five years in age,\none Indian servant may also make a\nscheduled halt at that station unless\nhe is a widower and has been allowed\nto take a near relative as hostess; or\n\n(2\n\n~~”\n\nIf the Ministry of Defence, for reasons\nto be stated in writing, are satisfied\nthat it is necessary and specifically\nauthorise the individual to retain the\nservant with him during the period of\nthe scheduled halt or a part thereof.\n\n(iv) An individual shall be entitled to DA at\nprescribed rates for any period of a\nscheduled halt for himself, any member\nof his family or Indian servant authorised\nor entitled to make.\n\n(v) When an officer avails leave ex-India\nat an intermediate station, he may prefix\nthe scheduled halt with such leave. In\nsuch cases, the officer shall be entitled\nto porterage charges, accommodation\nand DA the admissible under sub para\n(iv) above. Taxi/ conveyance will be\nlimited to the cost of fare from the airport\nto the hotel only. {taxi/conveyance\ncharges for return from the place of stay\nto the airport shall also be admissible.\nThese charges shall, however, be\nrestricted to the amount of charges\npayable from the panel hotel to the\nairport.}\n\nNOTE: If the individual performs a journey on\ntransfer in his own car and a member of his\nfamily or servant travels by the car, DA\nadmissible for the journey will be limited to\nthe amount that would have been admissible\nhad the journey been performed by the\napproved route.\n\n(b) Non —scheduled halts:\n(i) A non-scheduled halt means:\n\n(1) A halt which an individual or a\nmember of his family or an Indian\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n187\n\nS\n\n©\n~e\n\n(4\n\nservant is , in the course of journey,\nobliged to make at an intermediate\nstation, other than the station of\ncommencement of the journey or of\ndestination due to the non- availability\nof an onward connecting passage/\nconveyance.\n\nA halt which an individual under\norders of transfer from a station\nabroad and/or members of his family\nand/or Indian servants are obliged to\nmake at the station for periods\ninclusive of the preparation time of\nsix days admissible on transfer but\nexclusive of any period of overlap or\nother temporary duty due to the\nabsence or non-availability of\ntransport for effecting the transfer.\n\nA halt which an individual or member\nof his family or an Indian servant has\nto make at an intermediate station\noutside India in accordance with\nthese orders during the course of a\njourney due to illness which has\nsupervened or arisen in the course\nof a journey. |\n\nA halt which an individual or member\nof his family or an Indian servant\nmakes in the course of journey at any\nstation including the station of the\n- commencement of the journey or its\ntermination, due to abnormal causes\narising from circumstances beyond\nthe control of the individual or of the\norganisation responsible for the\ntransport.\n\nee”\n\n(ii) Except with the sanction of the\n\n(ii\n\nee”\n\ncompetent authority a halt under (i)(1)\nand (2)above should not be treated as\na non-scheduled halt if the individual,\ndue to travel on transfer, fails within\nfifteen days of receipt of his transfer\norders to take action for booking his\n\npassages or the individual, a member\n\nof his family or an Indian servant fails\nthrough his act of default to utilise the\ntransport of particular accommodation\nbooked for him in accordance with the\nexisting orders.\n\nIf an individual is travelling by public\nmeans of transport which breaks down", "(iv\n\nee”\n\nduring the journey, he shall proceed at\nthe earliest opportunity by as\neconomical transport as available. The\nperiod of halt till such transport is\navailable shall be treated as a non-\nscheduled halt.\n\nIf an individual is using a personal car\nor some other private car or a\nGovernment car for a journey for which\ntravel by car has been prescribed by a\n\ncompetent authority to be in the public\n\ninterest and the car breaks down, he\nmay make a halt for some period as may\nbe necessary to ensure the safe custody\nof the car, and shall thereafter continue\nthe journey by as economical transport\nas may be available. The period of halt\nfor making arrangements for the safe\ncustody of the car shall be treated as a\nnon-scheduled halt.\n\nWhere passages from an intermediate\nStation of transhipment are not available\nwithin reasonable time of the anticipated\ndate of an individual’s arrival, the\nauthority responsible for booking the\nonward passage from there shall, as\nsoon as possible, inform:\n\n(1) The Head of Mission/Post from where\n\nthe individual is under orders of\ntransfer: or\n\n(2) The competent authority if the\n\nindividual is under orders of transfer\nfrom a post of India.\n\n(vi) The Head of Mission/Post or the\n\n(vil\n\n~~”\n\ncompetent authority shall, on receipt of\nthe information referred to in clause (v)\nabove, decide whether the move of the\nindividual should be deferred or whether\nhe should be allowed to proceed to the\nstation of intermediate halt even through\nit will involve expenditure on a non-\nscheduled halt. In the latter event, he\nHead of Mission/Post shall issue to the\nindividual a certificate of non-scheduled\nhalt.\n\nlf transport is available from the station\nof commencement of the journey but\nconnecting onward passage from an\nintermediate station is not available and\nin accordance with the provisions of\nclause (v) above, the competent\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n188\n\nauthority or the Head of Mission/Post\nconcerned decide that an individual\nshould not commence the journey, his\nperiod of halt at the first name posts shall\nbe treated as a period of non-scheduled\nhalt, if his substitute has already arrived\nand he himself has relinquished charge\nof the post.\n\nNOTE: If an individual makes a halt within the terms\nof these orders the Head of Mission/Post\nshall grant him certificate accordingly and\nthis shall be attached to his TA bill.\n\n(vili) If period of a non-scheduled halt is likely\n\nto exceed one week due to non-\navailability of an onward connecting\npassage/conveyance or beyond six\nclear days of preparation time to which\nan individual is entitled on transfer, the\ncompetent authority/the Head of\nMission/Post may require him to perform\nsuch official duties as they may specify.\n\n(c) Sickness halt:\n\n(i) A ‘sickness halt’ means a halt which an\n\n(ii\n\neee”\n\nofficer, or a member of his family or his\nIndian servant has to make either at the\nstation of commencement of his journey\non transfer after relinquishment of\ncharge from a post abroad or at an\nintermediate station outside India during\nthe course of his journey, owing to\nillness.\n\nIf, before the commencement of journey,\nan individual or a member of his family\nor an Indian servant is suffering from\nan illness or disease, the individual shall\nbring that fact or cause to the notice of\nthe Medical Officer at the station of the\ncommencement of his journey and shall\nnot himself commence the journey or\nallow a member of his family or Indian\nservant to do so unless the Medical\nOfficer certifies that the malady is not\nlikely to occasion a halt during the\njourney. If no Medical Officer is\navailable the individual shall have the\nfacts brought to the notice of the\ncompetent authority and shall comply\nwith such instructions as they may give\nregarding the commencement of\njourney by the individual concerned.", "(ill) If an individual or amember of his family\n\n(iv\n\n(Vv\n\n(VI\n\n(vii\n\n)\n\n~~\n\nI)\n\neee”\n\nfalls ill at an intermediate station and\nthe illness has supervened only in the\ncourse of the journey, and if the\nAuthorised Medical Attendant at such\nintermediate station certifies that the\npatient cannot continue the journey\nwithout serious detriment or danger to\nhis health, he may make a halt at such\nintermediate station for such period as\nmay in the opinion of the Competent\nMedical Authority, be necessary for the\nrecovery to the extent necessary to\npermit a resumption of the journey.\n\nlf as required under clause (iii) above,\nthere is no Authorised Medical Attendant\nat the intermediate station, an individual\nshall have himself or member of his\nfamily examined by a reputable Medical\nOfficer at that station and shall forward\nhis certificate to the competent authority.\nThe authority shall thereon decide\nwhether and if so to what extent and\nsubject to what conditions the halt of the\nindividual should be treated as a\nsickness halt.\n\nIf the period of halt due ta sickness is\nlikely to exceed ten days, the Head of\nMission/Post, within whose charge the\nstation of halt lies, or, if there is no HOM\nor Post there, the individual himself shall\n\n189\n\ntelegraph the circumstance to the .\n\ncompetent authority giving particulars of\nthe persons obliged to make the halt.\nThe competent authority may thereon\ndecide whether, apart from the person\nor persons actually ill, any other member\nor members of the family should halt\nthere or issue appropriate orders.\n\nIf an Indian servant of an individual falls\nill at an intermediate station and the\nCompetent Medical Authority certifies\nthat he cannot continue or resume his\njourney without serious detriment or\ndanger to his health, he may make a\nhalt at the intermediate station for such\na period as is, in the opinion of the\nmedical authority, necessary for him for\nrecovery to the extent required for\nresuming his journey.\n\nThe illness of an Indian servant shall not\nconstitute grounds for the halt of the\nindividual or a member of the family.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(d) Emergency Halt:\n\n(ii\n\n(i) An ‘emergency halt’ means a halt which\nan officer or member of his family or\nIndian servant makes, in the course of\na journey, at any station including the\nstation of the commencement of the\njourney or its termination, due to\nabnormal causes arising from\ncircumstances beyond the control of the\nofficer or of the organisation responsible\nfor the transport.\n\nwee”\n\nlf an individual or member of his family\nor the Indian servant halts or proposes\nto halt under circumstances referred to\nin sub-clause (i) (4)above, the Head of\nMission/Post, within whose jurisdiction\nthe station of halt lies, and where there\nis no such Head of Mission/Post ,the\nindividual himself shall have reported\nthe full circumstances leading to the halt\nor proposed halt to the competent\nauthority, as early as possible. The\ncompetent authority may thereupon\ndecide whether, to what extent and\nunder what conditions, the period of halt\nor portion thereof shall be treated as an\nemergency halt for the purpose of this\nrule.\n\n(e) During a period of non-scheduled halt, an\n\n(f\n\n~~\n\neee”\n\nindividual performing a journey on transfer\n\nshall be entitled to the reimbursement of\nthe standard wages at the prescribed rates\nfor his Indian servants, as admissible at\nthe post relinquished by him.\n\nDaily Allowance at prescribed rates at\nplaces of non-scheduled halts enroute and\nduring transit by rail/road in foreign\ncountries will be admissible under the\nprovisions of Rule 268. The rates of DA\nwill be as notified from time to time for\nService Attaches/Advisers and their staff\nfor countries traversed.\n\nDaily/Cash Allowance for private servant(s)\nof the individual during periods of non-\nscheduled halts at intermediate stations,\nwhen travelling at Government cost,\nprovided that the Controlling Officer\nconcerned certified that such halts were\ndue to non-availability of the connecting\ntransport, will be admissible. The rate of\nDA and conditions of admissibility will be", "as prescribed from time to time for\nPersonnel drawing Grade Pay below\n< 2,400/- for countries in which the enforced\nhalts take place.\n\n(h) Emoluments during non-scheduled halts:\n\n(1) Any non-scheduled halt, other than a\n— sickness halt, which falls within the\nprovisions of this rule, shall be treated\nas a period of duty. The joining time\nadmissible to the individual shall be\ndeemed to have been extended by the\nperiod of such sanctioned non-\nscheduled halt. During the period of such\nextended joining time, the individual\nshall be entitled to joining time\nemoluments as laid down under the\nrules.\n\nIf an individual makes a sickness halt,\nunder the provisions of this rule, due to\nhis own illness ora member of his family,\nthe period of sickness halt shall not be\ntreated as period on duty but as period\non leave of the kind due and granted to\nhim. In such a case, he shall be entitled\nto the following in addition to the leave\nsalary otherwise admissible to him:\n\n(1) During the first twenty eight days of\nhalt, DA admissible under the rules\nto himself and to members of the\nfamily or Indian servant authorised to\nmake the halt:\n\n(il)\n\n(2) For periods in excess of the first\ntwenty-eight days, the individual shall\nreport the matter to the Government,\nwho may, at their discretion, sanction\nsuch financial relief to the individual\n\nas they may deem appropriate.\n\n(ili) If an individual is not travelling himself\nand one or more members of his family\nhave, in the course of a journey at public\nexpense, to make the sickness halt due\nto the illness, either of a member of the\nfamily or an Indian servant, or if an\nIndian servant is travelling alone at\npublic expense and has to make a\nsickness halt, no DA or. hotel\naccommodation at Government\nexpense shall be admissible.\n\nNOTE: No DA shall be admissible to an individual\nor a member of his family or an Indian\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n190\n\nservant during journey period while travelling\nby air/steamer/rail/road, if the fare is\ninclusive of the cost of food. |\n\n270. Entitlement to DA during detention at Ports\nof Embarkation/ Disembarkation\n\nThe provisions of Rule 115 will also apply to\ndetention at ports of embarkation/ disembarkation\nwhile proceeding to and returning from duty abroad.\n\n270-A. Reimbursement of actual lodging\nexpense to Service Personnel Posted to\nIndian Diplomatic Mission abroad during\nenforced halt at Sea/Air Ports in India\nwhen accompanied by their families\n\nActual lodging expenses not exceeding limits\nprescribed by the Government orders issued from\ntime to time will be reimbursed to JCOs/NCOs and\nequivalent ranks of Navy/Air Force proceeding from\nIndia accompanied by their families on their posting\nto Indian Diplomatic Missions abroad and vice versa,\nfor their enforced halts at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,\nDelhi and New Delhi.\n\n2/1. Leave Travel Concession to Service\nPersonnel under Training in UK\n\nService personnel while undergoing training in\nthe United Kingdom will receive the following travel\nconcessions in conjunction with leave:\n\nA railway warrant up to a maximum distance of\n325 kms each way on each terminal break-up to a\nmaximum of three sets of journeys in calendar year\nsubject to the condition that the Head of the Training\nEstablishment concerned/Naval Adviser, London,\ncertifies that: | :\n\n(i) The necessity for leave travel exists; and\n(ii) The destination is reasonable.\n\nNOTE 1: The certificate prescribed in the rule will\nbe rendered by the Military Adviser, Naval\nAdviser and Air Adviser, London in respect\nof Army, Navy and Air Force Personnel\nrespectively on the authority of the\nintimation received from the Head of the\nTraining Establishment regarding the close\nperiod (viz. breaks in_ training\nperiod).Similarly railway warrants will be\nissued by the Military/ Naval/ Air Advisers\nas the case may be.\n\nLeave Travel Concessions admissible in\nIndia will remain unaffected if the period\nof training is for a part of calendar year .\nand in case leave is availed of on return to\nIndia.\n\nNOTE 2:", "271-A. Leave Travel Concession to Service\n\n272.\n\n(a)\n\n-_—\noy\n—\n\nPersonnel\nMissions/Posts Abroad\n\nPosted to Diplomatic\n\n191\n\nService personnel posted to Diplomatic —\n\nMissions and Posts abroad, when\nproceeding on leave to and returning from\nIndia at their own expenses, are entitled to\nLTC within Indian limits for themselves and\nthe members of their families from /to the\nport of disembarkation /embarkation in\nIndia, if otherwise due under the normal\nrules.\n\nThis concession will not be admissible in\nthe year in which the concession, under\n‘emergency passage ‘under Rule 272(d)\nhas been availed of.\n\nHome Leave Passage/Emergency/ Leave\npassage in respect of Service Personnel\nand Civilians paid from Defence Services\nEstimates Serving in Missions /Posts\nabroad\n\n1.\n\n(b\n\nDefence services personnel including\ncivilians paid from Defence Services\nEstimates serving in Missions/Posts abroad\nwill be entitled to one set of Home Leave\nFares during their posting to a Mission/Post\nabroad. They will also be entitled to Home\nLeave Fares at the time their transfer from\none station to another station abroad.\n\n. The utilisation of the sets of Home Leave\n\nFares will be in the following manner:\n\n(a) An individual and all the entitled\n\nmembers of his family may travel to\nIndia and back during his posting to the\nstation abroad.\n\nwee”\n\nHome Leave Fares can be availed by\nan individual and entitled members of\n\nhis family after an individual has\ncompleted one full year at his post\nabroad. The limit of one year period may\nbe relaxed by three months on account\nof administrative exigencies which is to\nbe recorded by the recommending\nauthority in writing before forwarding to\nthe respective Services HQ for\napproval.\n\n(c) The travel of the individual will be subject\n\nto grant of leave but the members of his\nfamily who have resided with the individual\nat a post abroad for at least six months\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n(d\n\n(e\n\n(g\n\neee”\n\nee”\n\n)\n\neee”\n\ncan travel any time separately or together\nwith the individual provided return journey\nof member is completed within six\nmonths of the outward journey. The period\nof six months of the stay may be relaxed\nby the Ministry of Defence with the\nconcurrence of the Ministry of Defence\n(Finance).\n\nlf an entitled member of family of the\nindividual is residing at a place other than\nthe station of posting abroad of the\nindividual, he shall be entitled to Home\nLeave Fares from such place to India and\n\n. back limited to the fares which would\n\nhave been admissible had he travelled\nfrom the station of posting of the officer\nto India and back.\n\nDependent sons /daughters getting\nemployed or getting married after travel\nto India or remaining there for prosecution\nof studies after, having performed the\njourney to India, will be entitled to one\nway home leaves fares for the journey\nfrom station abroad to India provided he\nor she has resided with the individual at\na post abroad for at least six months.\nThe period of six months stay may be\nrelaxed by the Ministry of Defence after\nobtaining concurrence of the Ministry of\nDefence (Finance).\n\nNewly married husbands/ wives going\nfrom India to station abroad or dependent\nsons /daughters staying in India will be\nentitled to one way Home leave fares from\nIndia to the station abroad.\n\nAn Indian domestic servant whose\npassage from India to Mission/Post\nabroad has been borne by the Government\nwill be entitled to come on Home Leave\nto India only when the individual with whom\nhe is employed is transferred to another\npost abroad.\n\nAn individual is entitled to Home Leave\nFares at the time of his transfer from one\nstation to another station abroad provide\nthe last Home Leave Fares was availed\nof at least twelve months earlier. The\ncondition of twelve months stay after", "192\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5availing of the last Home Leave Fare may\nbe relaxed by the Ministry of Defence\nafter obtaining the concurrence of the\nMinistry of Defence (Finance).\n(j) Leave fares not availed at the time of\ntransfer from one station to another station\nabroad will lapse. However, in case an\nindividual is instructed by the competent\nauthority to proceed from his station of\nposting abroad to next station abroad\ndirect without availing of Home Leave\nFares, he will be entitled to utilise Home\nLeave Fares after he has assumed charge\nof his new post abroad on certification by\nthe Attaché/Adviser that functional\nrequirements prevented the grant of\nHome Leave Fares in the normal course\nto the officer at the time of transfer from\nhis last station abroad.\n(k) If an individual wishes to take ex-India\nleave during Home Leave Fares, he will\nbe allowed ex-India leave not exceeding\none-third (1/3rd) of total number of days\nsanctioned as Home Leave. If an\nindividual travels on an unapproved route\nduring Home Leave Fares, the cost of\npassages will be restricted to the\napproved route and the excess fare, if any\nwill be borne by the individual concerned.\n(l) Home Leave Fares for India based\ndomestic assistants of Service\nPersonnel & Civilian paid from Defence\nServices Estimates in Mission/Post\nabroad:\nIt has now been decided that the Indian-\nbased domestic assistants of entitled\nofficers posted in Indian Mission/Post\nabroad would be allowed to avail midterm\nHome Leave Fares, subject, to the\ncondition that the Government’s liability\nshall be restricted to 75% of excursion\nclass air fare. The utilization of this facility\nshall be subject to other provisions of Rule\nas above.\n3. An individual or a member of family travelling\non Home Leave Fares will be entitled to\npassages by approved route and entitled\nclass from the station of posting abroad to\nthe airport in India. Further journey to theHome Town or visit to SPR, as the case\nmay be, will be admissible under LTC as\nadmissible vide these Regulations.\nNOTE: Individuals who wish to avail of LTC within India\nwill commence their journeys on LTC fromfirst airport of disembarkation in India en route\nor New Delhi, whichever is shorter.\n4. If an individual or a member of family travels\nby a route other than the approved route,\nthe entitlement will be restricted to the cost\nof passage by approved route. Attention is\ninvited to Rule 246, Travel Regulationswherein air travel by Air India has been madecompulsory. If an individual intends to travel\nby an unapproved route during Home Leave,\nthe Mission will arrange booking of passagethrough Air India. The Missions responsibilityis restricted to payment of fare by approved\nroute and by Reserve Bank of India draft to\nAir India. Excess fare and/or foreignexchange element, if any, is to be borne bythe individual concerned. It is not permissible\nto convert air ticket from full fare to excursion\nfare during home leave journeys.\n5. An individual or a member of family travelling\non home fares will not be entitled to\ntransportation of excess luggage at\nGovernment cost. However, he/she will beentitled to obligatory charges and incidentalcharges like porterage or free luggage,\nconveyance etc. The individual will also be\nentitled to travel-time including enforced haltin transit.\n6. Home leave fares account will be maintained\nby the respective Service HQ. If a set ofHome Leave Fares or part thereof remainsunutilised during an individual posting to astation abroad, it will lapse.\n7. (i) In addition to the normal Home leave Fares,\nDefence Service Officers/JCOs and OR andequivalent rank of Navy and Air Force andcivilians paid from Defence Services\nEstimates will be entitled one single\nemergency fare during their career if he orshe or a member wishes to travel urgentlyto India for reasons of personal or family\nemergency. In case of an emergency, there\nis no objection to a HOM allowing an", "(il)\n\n(a) Service Personnel:\n\nindividual to proceed on Emergency\nPassage in anticipation of Ministry’s\nsanction subject to fulfilment of other\nconditions and after obtaining the following\nundertaking from the individual concerned:—\n\n“| declare that | am availing this single\nEmergency passage at my credit. | also\nundertake to refund the entire cost of\npassage now asked for in case it is\nsubsequently revealed that this\ndeclaration given by me is not correct.”\n\nThe term “Family emergency” includes\nserious illness of near relatives. The\nproduction of Medical Certificate regarding\nserious illness of such relatives is not\nnecessary for issuance and of formal\nsanction in respect of Emergency Passage.\n\nAn officer or a member of his /her family\ntravelling on Home leave Fares or on\nEmergency Passage will be entitled to\npassages by entitled class from the station\nof posting abroad up to the International\nairport’ in India, nearest to his /her\nhometown or up to Delhi. International\nairport in India will also now include the\nairports which receive International flights\nand have custom clearance facilities. viz:\nAmritsar, Varanasi, Anmadabad, Patna,\nKozikode, Hyderabad and Tiruchhirapalli.\nThese airports are in addition to Airport at\nDelhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and\nThiruvananthapuram. The facility to travel\nby air up to airport at Amritsar, Varanasi,\nAhmadabad, Patna, Kozikode, Hyderabad\nand Tiruchhirapalli shall be admissible for\nInternational and not for domestic flights.\n\nFurther journey from the above airports\nshall be regulated as under:\n\nThe home town\nand back or any other place in India\nwithout any distance limit each way shall\nbe admissible as per Rules 177 and 184.\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n193\n\n(b) Civilian Personnel:\n\nTo home town or visit to any other place\nin India in a block of four years and back\nshall be admissible as per Rule 190.\n\n(iii) If an emergency passage is availed of by\n\nan individual and/or his /ner spouse, he/\nshe may take children below five years of\nage.\n\n. The concerned individuals posted in the\n\noffice of Service Attaché/Adviser in\nMissions abroad will submit applications,\nin triplicate, in the prescribed Pro-forma as\nper Annexure I, for availing of Home Leave\nPassage to the respective Service HQ and\nwill avail of such Home Leave Passage\nonly after receipt of approval from the\nrespective Service HQ. In case of\nemergency, however, the Head of Mission\nmay authorise Home Leave Passages\nsubject to the regulation later by the\nrespective Service HQ.\n\n. India based Interpreters who are required\n\nto stay on in the same Mission/Post beyond\nthe normal tenure of three years in public\ninterest, will be entitled to one additional\nset of Home leave Fare, for each additional\nspell of three years tenure at the same\nMission/Post. The First such additional set\nof Home Leave Fares will be due after\ncompletion of fourth year of stay at the\nsame station, provided it is certified that\nthe Interpreter will stay on at the same\nMission/ Post for a further minimum period\nof one year, after returning from Home\nLeave. Subsequent sets of additional\nHome Leave Fare will be due on the\ncompletion of seventh year, tenth year,\nthirteenth year and so on at the same\nMission/Post subject to the certification\nreferred to above.", "194\n\nANNEXURE |\n(Rule 272, Refer in clause 8)\nApplication for Home Leave Fares/Emergency Passage\n(To be submitted in Triplicate)\nNameoftheapplicant :©2 k ccteceeeee eee,\nPostheld byhimatpresent 4 42 tL ccc,\n\n. Date of joining the present station\n\nNature and amount of leave applied for\n\nSS cS i\n\nDate from which leave is required |\n\nPurpose for which leave is required\n\nNOOR WN 3S\n\n. Place where the applicant proposes\nto spend his leave in India/abroad &\naddress during leave\n\n8. When last proceeded on leave : from\nan outpost and whether the passage(s)\nof the Government servant and his\nfamily on that occasion were met by\nthe Government\n\n9. Purpose to avail of HLF /Emergency\npassage(s)\n\n10. (i) Ifapplied for Emergency passage(s) «6... eee.\nwhether :any Emergency Passage\nhas already been availedof & if so,\ndates on which availed of may be\ngiven.\n\n(ii) If applied for Home Leave Fares Fe ee eee eee eee\nparticulars of size of family who\npropose to avail the H.L.F. may\nbe given below :—\n\nName Sex Age Relationship to the Date of arrival at the\nApplicant present station\n\n1.\n\n2.\n\n3.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "11 Whether all entitled family members are\n\nLr ee Sc cS cc\n\nwith the Individual. If not, details and where\nabout of members for whom passages are\nrequired.\n\n| propose/do not propose to avail myself of leave concession as admissible vide Travel Regulation\n(2014 Edition) during the ensuing leave.\n\nStation :\nDate :\n\n(Signature of the applicant)\n\nFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY\nNature and amount of leave due to the applicant:\n\n(This column will be filled in by the Mission concerned with reference to the Leave Account, if available\nwith them).\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "273. Conveyance to Family Members on Medical\nGrounds\n\nIf any member of the family of a Government\nservant serving abroad, who is residing with the\nGovernment servant at his posts is seriously ill and\nis required to proceed elsewhere on medical grounds\nfor the purpose of treatment, Government may, at\ntheir discretion, allow payment to the Government\nservant of the return fares of the sick person and\n(where necessary), another person travelling with\nthe sick person from the place where the\nGovernment servant is posted to such place as the\nsick person may proceed on medical advice.\n\nNOTE: Since the grant of TA for the members of\nthe family is to be allowed at the discretion\nof the Government, it is necessary to obtain\nthe prior permission of the Government of\nIndia before operating the provisions of this\nrule. In case of extreme emergency or\nurgency, however, the Head of Missions /\nPosts may authorise the Government\n\n196\n\nservants under their control to avail of the |\n\nconcession subject to regularisation by\nGovernment, in due course. In any case the\npayment of TA will be admissible only after\nthe Government has issued necessary\nsanction.\n\n274. Conveyance to Service Officers ordered to\nappear before a Medical Board whilst on\nleave in foreign countries |\n\nConveyance will be admissible to a service\nofficer ordered to appear before a Medical Board in\na foreign country whilst he is on leave in that country.\n\n275. Conveyance to Families of Service\nPersonnel who marry abroad\n\n(a) Aservice officer who marries abroad while\non deputation/duty for a period exceeding\none year is entitled to free conveyance for\nhis family accompanying him on his return\nto India on completion of his tenure of duty\nprovided the family has stayed with the\nofficer for a period exceeding one year\nincluding journey period to India.\n\nA soldier/sailor/airman who marries abroad\nwhile serving in an Indian Diplomatic\nMission will be entitled to free conveyance\nfor his family accompanying him on his\nreturn to India on completion of his tenure\nof duty, provided the family has stayed with\nthe soldier/sailor/airman abroad for a\n\n~~\noO\n—\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nperiod exceeding eight months including\njourney period to India.\n\nThe grant of the above concession does\nnot confer on the families concerned any\nright to claim a passage in future to the\ncountry from which they come or to any\nother country, except under circumstances\nentitling them to such passage under the\nnormal rules.\n\n(Cc\n\n~~”\n\nNOTE: The families will be allowed to convey the\nbalance of luggage, when moving apart from\nthe Head of the Family without the sanction\nof the competent authority subject to the\ncondition that the total quantity of luggage\nconveyed by the individual with him, the\nquantity conveyed by the family and the\nquantity conveyed to depot should not\nexceed the maximum entitlement.\n\n276. Children Holiday Passage\n\n(a) “Children Holiday Passage’(CHP) will be\nadmissible to enable children of service\npersonnel and India based civilians paid\nfrom Defence Services Estimates serving\nin Indian Diplomatic Mission abroad\n(Embassies and High Commissions) who\nare left behind in India for educational\npurposes and are receiving education in\nrecognised educational institutions in India\nto visit their parents once a year during any\nvacation. The concession can however,\nalso be availed of in respect of one child\nreceiving his education abroad in a country\nother than the country of the individual’s\nposting in which case it can be availed of\nonly in respect of one more child studying\nin India.\n\nNOTE 1: The interval between the completion of a\ncourse (or year) of study in one educational\ninstitution and the commencement if a\nfresh course (or year) of study in another\neducational institutional shall also\nconstitute a vacation for the purpose of\n\nthese rules.\n\nNOTE 2:National Defence Academy and other\nDefence Academies will not be considered\nas recognised educational institutions for\nthe purpose and the children of officers\nstudying there will not be entitled to visit\n\ntheir parents under this scheme.", "NOTE 3:\n\nThe Children’s Holiday Passages are\nintended for children who are left behind\nfor educational purposes and are receiving\neducation in recognised educational\ninstitutions. Since it is not necessary for a\nchild receiving education through\ncorrespondence course to be left behind\nin India, such a child will not be eligible for\npassages under the Children’s Holiday\nPassages scheme.\n\nThis concession will be limited to the\npayment of the cost of return air passage\nby the cheapest class available from the\nairport nearest to the place study of the\nchild in India to the post abroad. In respect\nof child studying abroad, the return air fare\nwill be from the place of his study to the\nofficer’s station of posting limited to return\nair fare of the cheapest class from the\nairport nearest to the officer’s station of last\nposting in India to post abroad.\n\nNOTE: The term “Cheapest Class” used above does\nnot mean “economy class” rather, it refers\nto excursion fares, or concessional air\ntickets, issued by Air India to student\ntravellers, whichever is available for a\nparticular station/sector.\n\n(il)\n\n(iii)\n\n(iv)\n\n(Vv)\n\nNOTE 1:\n\nIt may be availed of once in a period of\ntwelve months for a maximum of two\nchildren between the ages of six and twenty\ntwo years. Provided that on the\nrecommendation of the HOM the\nconcession of a particular twelve month\nperiod may be availed of upto one month\nafter the expiry of that period. The period\nof twelve months shall be counted from the\ndate of his arrival at his post aboard.\n\nThe concession will cease to be admissible\nto the child studying abroad in the event of\nthe individual’s transfer or posting in India.\n\nIf the station of posting abroad is not\ndirectly linked by air with India or with the\nchild’s place of education abroad, the cost\nof his return passages by air (cheapest\nclass), by sea (lowest class) and by land\n(appropriate class) will be admissible.\n\nNo other incidental charges will be\nadmissible.\n\nThe child must have completed six years\nbut not completed twenty two years of age\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n197\n\nNOTE 2:\n\n(vi\n\nnd\n\n(C)\n\n(iii)\n\n(il)\n\non the date of commencement of the\noutward journey.\n\nForeign Travel Tax would be reimbursable\non Children’s Holiday Packages.\n\nIn case of couple officers, whether posted\nto the same station or different stations,\nchildren studying in India would be entitled\nto only one set of CHP in each block year.\nHowever, in cases where officers are\nposted in different stations the decision\nregarding the place to which CHP has to\nbe availed would be left to the officers. The\nMission granting the CHP for any particular\nblock year would inform the Mission where\nthe other parent is posted. However, if one\nparent is posted in India, CHP benefits will\nnot be admissible.\n\nThe grant of the above concession will be\nfurther subject to the following terms and\nconditions:\n\n(i) where an individual has completed one\nor more twelve month periods as defined\nin clause (b) (ii) above and is under\norders of transfer to another posts\nabroad he can avail himself of the\nconcession as usual and the twelve\nmonth period will continue to be\nreckoned as before and not from the\ndate of his joining the new poston direct\ntransfer or leave-cum-transfer from his\npost abroad.\n\nWhere an individual has completed one\nor more twelve month periods as defined\nin clause (b)(ii)above and is either under .\norders of transfer to a post in India or\nhis next move has not yet been decided,\nhe may avail himself of the concession\nwithout any condition as to the\ncompletion of the current twelve month\nperiod provided it is certified by the\ncompetent authority that he is likely to\nbe at the stations abroad for at least nine\nmonths after the completion of last .\nblock of the twelve month period.\n\nIf a child accompanies the individual on\nposting or transfer from one post abroad\nto another post abroad or follows him\nwithin the permissible period in terms\nof the rules governing grant of TA on\ntransfer and later returns to India or is\nsent to another country, for education", "(iv\n\n~~”\n\npurposes, the cost of the child’s passage\nfrom the station of the individual’s\nposting to India or to another country,\nas the case may be shall not be\nadmissible under the scheme of CHP\nnor shall the child be entitled to avail of\nholiday passage in the twelve month\nperiods as defined in clause (b) (ii)\nabove, in which he returns to India or is\nsent to another country. He shall,\nhowever, be entitled to avail of the\nholiday passages in subsequent twelve\nmonth periods.\n\nIf the cost of return passage of child to\nIndia or to another country is met by the\nGovernment in terms of the rules\ngoverning TAon transfer or in relaxation\nthereof, the child thereafter shall not\nbe entitled to a Holiday Passage except\nwhen the period of assignment of an\nindividual at the station from which the\nchild returns to India or is sent to another\ncountry is extended by the government\nfor afurther period of not less than one\nyear or he is transferred to another post\nabroad. In the latter event the holiday\npassage shall not be admissible for\ntwelve month period, as defined in\nClause (b) (ii)above during which the\nchild returns to India at Government\ncost.\n\nNOTE: Provided that CHP is admissible from the\nsubsequent block year from the year the\nchild returns to India at Government cost\non transfer TA or one way Home Leave Fare,\nsubject to the following conditions :\n\n(a)\n\n(b\n\nwee”\n\n(Cc\n\n~—\n\n(d)\n\nIt should be certified by the Mission that\nthe child cannot study further for genuine\n\nreasons (to be specified) in the country\n\nof posting;\n\nThe child should not be entitled to CHP\nin the first block year concerned, i.e. if\nan officer joins a Mission on 1.7.2011\nand sends back his chid soon thereafter,\nthe child’s CHP for the block year from\n1.7.2011 to 30.6.2012 will be forfeited.\n\nThe child should be allowed to avail of\nsubsequent CHP fares at Government\ncost for the subsequent block years\nsubject to the existing rules; and\n\nThe child’s entitlement to Home Leave\nPassage will stand forfeited.\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n198\n\n(v) (a)\n\n(b)\n\nNOTE:\n\n(vi)\n\n(d) (i)\n\n(1!)\n\nThese passages will not be admissible if\none parent is resident in India.\n\nA parent shall not be deemed to be a\nresident in India if he/she stays with the\nofficer continuously for a period of at least\nsix months at the station of posting in each\nblock year during which CHP is claimed.\n\nIfa Government servant is legally separated\nor divorced from his/her wife/ husband he/\nshe will be governed by special orders of\nthe Government.\n\nWhere the individual claims or proposes\nto claim the Transfer TA for the child within\na year of his transfer at his post abroad in\nterms of Rule 253 or in relaxation thereof ,\nthe child will not be entitled to avail of a\nholiday passage during that year.\n\nWhere the individual serving in a Mission/\nPost abroad has more than two children\nbetween the ages of six and twenty two\nyears receiving education in recognised\neducational institutions in India, he will\nhave the option to send his wife to India to\nbe with the children during the vacation in\nlieu of two of the children visiting their\nparents abroad provided the individual\nconcerned is entitled to avail of the CHP\nin respect of two of his children at that time\nin terms of these orders.\n\nIn case where this option.is exercised, the\nwife of the individual will be entitled to\npayment of the cost of return air passage\nby the cheapest class available from the\npost abroad to the first port of landing in\nIndia to be availed of provided she arrives\nin India not more than 3 weeks before the\ncommencement of vacation and leaves\nIndia not more than three weeks after the\nend of the vacation. Where, however, the\nplace of posting abroad may not be linked\nby air with India and the journey or a part\nthere of has to be performed by rail or sea,\nshe will be entitled to TA by the appropriate\nclass for the land journey and in the case\nof sea travel passage by the appropriate\nclass on the last connecting boat reaching\nIndia before the commencement of the\nvacation of the children and, on return\njourney, on the first available boat sailing\nfrom India after termination of the vacation.\nWhere sea travel is involved, prior", "(iii\n\n)\n\n~~”\n\n~~”\n\npermission of Government will be obtained\ngiving particulars of the timing of the\nconnecting boats.\n\nThis concession will not be admissible to\nother relatives except wife of the individual.\nIt will also not be admissible unless the\nnumber of children of the permissible age\ngroup left in India for education in\nrecognised educational institutions is at\nleast three.\n\nWithin the scope of this rule, Heads of\nMissions/Posts may arrange passage of the\nchild/children or wife, as the case may be,\nin respect of journeys starting from outside\nIndia. Passages for journeys starting from\nIndia shall be arranged by Service HQ and\nthe payment of these will be made in India.\nIn respect of passages arranged by Heads\nof Missions/Posts abroad whenever the\npayment of the fare be made in India, the\namount in question, will be transferred to\n\n_ India through a Reserve Bank of India draft.\n\nFor passages availed of under the rule, a\njourney completion certificate as per\nannexure ‘B ‘to this rule will be submitted\nby the individual concerned supported by\na certificate from the HOM/Post that all\nrequirements and conditions prescribed\nhave been fulfilled.\n\nThe following procedure will be adopted\nwith a view to maintaining a proper record\nof ‘Holiday Passages’ availed of by the\nchildren/wives of Individuals posted\nabroad:\n\n(i) As and when an individual submits an\napplication for passages for children /\nwife under these instructions he will be\nrequired to submit necessary particulars\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n199\n\nin sextuplicate as in the form shown in\nannexure ‘A’. The Controlling Officer\nafter recording the necessary certificate\nin the form will forward three copies to\nthe Controller of Defence Accounts\nconcerned auditing the pay accounts\nand one copy to Service HQ. ‘The\nController of Defence Accounts will\nretain one copy and send one to Service\nHQ/the HOM concerned confirming\nentitlement to passages on receipt of\nwhich only passages will be arranged.\nThe third copy will be endorsed to the\ncontroller paying the shipping /air bills\nwho should look for the same before\npaying the Shipping /Air Coy’s bills.\nService HQ will, in respect of passages\narranged by them, also inform the\nrespective Controlling Officer\naccordingly who would, in turn inform\nthe individual concerned.\n\n(ii) The remaining two copies of the form\nwill be disposed of as follows:\n\nThe original form will be retained in the\nMission concerned and attached with the\nadjustment journey completion\ncertificate for the purposes of audit\nscrutiny. Sixth copy will be retained in\nthe Mission to be forwarded to the next\nstation of posting of the individual\nconcerned if and when he is transferred.\n\nNOTE: It is the responsibility of the individual\nconcerned to intimate the date on which the\nchildren’s holiday passages are required well\nin advance to the Service HQ etc. and\nforward passports to them for obtaining Visas\nthereon. Aconfirmation that the International\nHealth Certificates are complete in all\nrespect will also be communicated to them.", "200\n\nANNEXURE ‘A’ TO RULE 276\n\nRecord of Passages Proposed to be Availed of under the Scheme of “Children’s Holiday Passages”\n\n(1) Name of the individual:\n(2) Designation:\n(3) Place of Posting: |\n\n(4) Whether the individual is accompanied by his wife?\n\n(5) Date on which the individual arrived at a post abroad on transfer, from a post in India:\n\n(6) Beginning and ending of the current twelve month period for the purpose of holiday passages:\n\nDate Month Year\nBegins :\nEnds:\n\n(7) Particulars of the children availing holiday passage from India:\n\nName\n\n(a) Children left behind in India :\n1.\n2.\n3.\n\n(b) Children who returned to India at the expense\nof the individual for education purposes :\n\n1.\n2.\n(c) Children who returned to India at Government cost :\n1.\n2.\n\n(8) Particulars of child availing holiday\npassages from another country :\n\nName\n\n\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nDate of\nBirth\n\nDate of\nBirth\n\nDate from\nwhich in India\n\nDate of\nreturn to the\nplace after\nlast transfer\nTA was clamied", "201\n\n(9) Particulars of the last Home leave availed of by the child mentioned at (8) above:\nDate of arrival in India :\nDate of return to his place of education abroad :\n(10\n\n~~\n\nNames and places of the institutions where the children mentioned at (7) and (8) were studying prior to\navailing of the holiday passages: :\n\n1.\n2.\n\n(11) Names and places of the institutions where the children mentioned at (7) and (8) joined after availing of\nthe holiday passages:\n\n1.\n2.\n\n(12) Whether the passages have been availed of by the children at (7) above or by the wife in case where the\nchildren of the permissible age group at (7) above exceeds two:\n\n(13) Details of vacations during which the passages have been availed of :\n(14) Period of stay in India in case the passages have been availed of by wife of the individual:\nDate of Arrival : .......... ee\nDate of departure: ..........0....... _—\n(15) Mode of Travel and place from/to in respect of passages availed of at Govt Cost:\nFrom To\nAir\nSea\nRail\n\nDECLARATION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT\n\n| hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct. If it is subsequently revealed, that the\npassage availed of were not admissible, | shall be liable to refund the entire cost involved to the Government.\n\n(Signature of the applicant)\n\nCERTIFICATE TO BE RECORDED BY THE CONTROLLING OFFICER\n\nCertified and found correct. The passages to be availed of are admissible in terms of Government\norders on the subject issued from time to time.\n\n(Controlling Officer)\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "202\n\nANNEXURE ‘B’ TO RULE 276\nJourney: Completion Certificate under the Scheme of “Children’s Holiday Passages”\nTo\nThe Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Officers) PUNE\nThe Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (N) MUMBAI\nThe Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (AF) DEHRADUN\n\nThe Concerned Regional Controller of Defence Accounts.\n\nCertified that the under mentioned journeys by air/sea/rail have actually been performed by my child/\nchildren/wife [Name(s) with age in respect of child/children with other necessary details given below] arranged\nby Service HQ/Head of Indian Diplomatic Mission at................ vide........... dated...............\n\n(Signature of Individual)\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5", "277. Conveyance of Family Luggage and\nServant when a Service Officer dies while\nserving abroad\n\nIf a service officer dies:\n\n(1) when holding a post abroad or when on\ntemporary duty to which he proceeds\nfrom such post; or\n\n(2) when\n\non leave ex-India_ after\n\nrelinquishing charge of a post abroad; or\n\n(3) when abroad on journey on transfer,\n\nConveyance to his family,\n\nIndian\n\nservants, if any, his luggage and private\ncar will be admissible as under:\n\n(a) Travelling Allowance shall\n\n(1!)\n\nbe\nadmissible for the family and Indian\nservants, if any, from the duty station\nabroad to their homes in India on the\nsame scale which would have been\nadmissible, had the head of the family\nbeen alive and transferred on\npermanent duty to India subject to the\nfollowing conditions:\n\n(i) The journey of the members of the\nfamily and of Indian servants to\nIndia shall be completed within six\nmonths of the date of death of the\nofficer, provided that for a child\nreceiving education abroad and for\nwhom Education Allowance\ncontinue to remain admissible, the\nperiod of six months shall be\nextended to the end of the academic\nyear plus reasonable travel time for\nthe purpose of travel to India.\n\nUnless the Government extend the\nperiod in view of exceptional\ncircumstances the transportation of\npersonal effects and the car of the\nofficer to India shall be completed\nwithin six months of his death.\n\n203\n\n(b) If the officer dies at a station abroad ©\n\nee”\n\nwhile on temporary duty or when on\nleave ex-India, the reasonable cost of\ntaking his body and his personal\neffects from the place of death to the\nstation of his posting abroad shall be\nadmissible.\n\nIf at the time of the death if an officer,\nhis family happens to be at station\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\nee”\n\neee”\n\n~~”\n\n~——”\n\nother than his HQ, or being there\nproceeds to a station other than home/\nselected place of residence, provided\nno extra expenditure is involved, such\nmember may draw actual fares for the\njourney made by rail/road or steamer,\nroad mileage for the actual distance\nof road journey and the cost of\ntransportation of personal effects from\nthe place where she was at the time\nof the officer’s death to the place to\nwhich she actually travelled provided\nthat the total TA and cost of\ntransportation of personal effects upto\nthe prescribed limit that would have\nbeen admissible had such member\ntravelled from the HQ of the officer\nabroad to his home/selected place of\nresidence without involving any extra\nexpenditure.\n\nIf the family was living with the officer and\nreturns to India at Government expense,\nthey will be entitled to Composite Transfer\nGrant at the rates laid down in Rule 258.\n\nThe Head of Mission/Post, under whom\nthe deceased officer was serving may\narrange the passages and despatch of\nluggage and if admissible of his personal\ncar to India and may, when necessary,\ngrant an advance to the wife or any adult\nmember of the family to meet the travel\nexpenses which may be adjusted\nagainst the balance of pay and\nallowances due to the deceased officer.\n\nIf the deceased officer had no wife or\nthe wife has been divorced or if the wife\nwas not the resident at the station of\nposting of the Officer and other resident\nmembers of the family are so resident\nbut are minors, or, in the opinion of the\nHead of Mission/Post, are not fit to\nreceive and expend the money, the\nHead of Mission/Post may draw the\nadvance of one month's pay and expend\nit for the travel of such members and\nfor the despatch of personal luggage and\ncar of the deceased officer to India.\n\nIf the Government are satisfied that\nowing to religious practices or other\nreasons, such as local law or custom, it\nis not possible to perform the funeral rites", "of an officer in the country in which he\ndies, they may sanction such expenditure\nas may deem fit for the purpose of taking\nhis body to India and to permit such\nattendants as Government may specify\nto accompany the body to India and then\nreturn to the station abroad. Where,\nhowever, it is in fact practicable and\nconvenient to perform the rites abroad,\nand this would be cheaper than doing so\nin India, the Government may permit it.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\4879DEF_5\n\n204\n\n278. Conveyance to the family and luggage of\nService Personnel who dies while serving\nabroad\n\nThe provisions of rule 277 will also apply in the\ncase of service personnel who die while serving\nabroad. They will, however, not be entitled to cost of\nconveyance of Car.\n\n279. Conveyance to family and luggage of\ncivilians who die while serving abroad\n\nThe provision of Rule 277 will apply in the case\nof civilians who die while serving abroad.", "10.\n11.\n12.\n13.\n\n14.\n\nAPPENDIX |\n\n(A) COMPETENT AUTHORITY\n(Refer Rule 2)\n. Service Chiefs.\n. Vice Chiefs of all the three Services.\n. Dy Chiefs at Service HQ/HQ IDS.\n. All Principal Staff Officers at Service HQ/ HQ IDS.\nCISC, HQ IDS. |\nCommander in Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command.\n. Commander in Chief Strategic Force Command.\n. GOC- in-C Commands.\n\nNOTE 1: The powers of a competent authority vested in GOC-in-C, Command or those exercisable\nby a Brigade, Sub-Area, Independent Sub-Area or Area Commander, under the provisions\nof specific rules in these regulations will be exercised by such authorities in respect of all\npersonnel, including the personnel of lower formations, who are not directly administered\nby them, but are serving in their administrative areas and are under them for purposes of\nlocal administration and discipline such as those of MES, AOC etc. In the cases of Personnel\nof the three services serving at the IHQ of MoD (Army), however the sanction of the’\nrespective competent authority at those headquarters will be necessary.\n\nNOTE 2: Divisional Commanders, for purposes of regulating TA/DA in respect of personnel under\ntheir Command are vested with the powers of Area Commander.\n\n. The Flag Officers Commanding in Chief, Naval Commands.\nAir Officers Commanding in Chief, Commands.\n\nCorps Commanders and Area Commanders.\n\nThe Flag Officers Commanding Fleets/Areas.\n\nAll Director Generals of respective Directorate at Service HQs in respect of self and all subordinate\nOfficers.\n\nDirector Generals of following Organisations /Establishments /Services:-\n(a) Armed Forces Medical Services.\n(b) National Cadet Corps.\n\n(c) Director General Resettlement including the office of the Indian soldiers, Sailors’ and Airmen’s\nBoard.\n\n(d) Defence Estate.\n(e) Ordnance Factories.\n\n(f) Quality Assurance.\n\n. Commandants of all Categories ‘A’ establishments of Army/Navy/Air Force and Inter Services\n\nOrganisations.\n\n. Additional Director Generals at Service HQ who are Heads of Services/Branches and directly reporting\n\nto the Principal Staff Officers.\n\n205", "17.\n18.\n19.\n\n20.\n\n21.\n22.\n23.\n\n24.\n25.\n\n26.\n\n206\nDeputy Director Generals at Service HQ who are Heads of Services/Branches and directly reporting\nto the Principal Staff Officers.\n\nGOC-in —C, Commanders of Area, in regard to recruiting, Assistant recruiting and Extra assistant\nrecruiting officers.\n\nRecruiting Officers in regard to assistant and extra assistant recruiting officers if and when the latter’s\npresence is required at Recruiting Officer's headquarters.\n\nDirectors of following Organisations/Establishments for personnel under their respective control: —\n(a) Standardisation.\n\n(b) Technical Development and Production (Air).\n\n(c) Defence Institute of Psychological Research.\n\n(d) Defence Science Organisation.\n\n(e) Research and Development.\n\nscientific Advisor to Defence Ministry.\n\nThe Secretaries and Joint Secretaries of Ministry of Defence.\n\nThe Chief Administrative Officer, Joint Secretary. In addition, also exercise those powers in respect of\nall Inter Services Organisations other than those mentioned in this Appendix.\n\nMilitary Secretary to the President, in regard to Service Officers on the latter's staff and personnel of\nthe President's Bodyguard.\n\nDeputy Secretary (Military) of the Cabinet Secretariat, in respect of his own moves and those of\nservice Officers serving with the Cabinet Secretariat.\n\nProgramme Officer (M&B) in respect of Officers and Staff working under his administrative control.\n\n(B) COMPETENT MEDICAL AUTHORITY\n\nDGMS (Army /Navy/Air Force). For moves from one command to another and for\nmoves under Rules 156, 157 and 160.\n\nNOTE: In relaxation of the above ADMS, HQ Bihar and Orissa (Indep) Sub-Area will be the\ncompetent medical authority to sanction move of entitled patients from Section Hospital,\nBalasore to Command Hospital, Kolkata.\n\n. MG Medical Commands For moves from one area or Independent Sub-Area to\n\nanother within the same Command and for moves\nunder Rules 157 and 160.\n\n. MG Medical/Brig Medical For moves within an areas or an Independent Sub-Area.\n\n. MG Medical/Brig Medical/ Col Medical For moves of cases of mental disease to a Mental Hospital.\n\n9. Hospital (or authorised medical attendant For moves of patients for antirabic treatment to the\n\nwhere there is no Service Hospital) nearest Pasteur Institute or to the nearest Military\nAntirabic Treatment Centre, for moves under Rule 160\nand for moves of patients for specialist and dental\ntreatment under Rule 157. .\n\n. Authorised Medical attendant For moves under Rule 157 from a station at which no\n\nservice Hospital exists to the hospital where required\nfacilities are available.\n\n\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "207\n\n7. Principal Medical Officer, Central Medical For moves of patients under rules 156 and 157 to the\nOfficer Ships/Establishments (or authorised hospital where required facilities exist, for moves under\n\nmedical attendant where no Service Rule 160 and for specialist and Dental treatment under\nHospital exists). Rule 157.\n8. Principal Medical Officer Command For moves of Air force personnel not patients Service\n\nHospitals for moves under Rule 160 and for moves\nunder Rule 157 within the respective Command.\n\n9. SMO/MO AF Station/Unit For moves of Air Force personnel for Dental treatment\nonly under Rule 157.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "208\n\nAPPENDIX II\n\nCONTROLLING OFFICERS\n(Refer Rule 6)\n\nItem Application From\n\nNo.\n\nControlling Officer\n\nII I\n\n1.\n\nAll personnel (Service and Civilian) at\nService HQ / HQ IDS).\n\n_ Personnel of Vice Chiefs Secretariat at\n\nService HQ.\n\nAll personnel (Service and Civilian)\nat Command HQs of Army/Navy/\n\nAir Force/Andaman and Nicobar/\n\nStrategic Force.\n\n_ Officers at Area, Sub-Area or Brigade HQs.\n\n5. Officers serving under Commander,\n\n10.\n\n11.\n\n12.\n\nDivisional Artillery Brigade Commander,\nIndependent Artillery Brigade.\n\nOfficers (Instructors and Students) for\nmoves between Artillery School Deolali\nand Coastal Wing Mumbai for training.\n\n_ Staff Officers other than those at\n\nCommand, Area, Sub Area or Brigade\nHeadquarters and officers of departments\nand services similarly situated.\n\n_ Remount and Veterinary Officers of the\n\nRemounts Veterinary Corps except those\nat Command Headquarters. |\n\nOfficers of the Military Farm Corps\nexcept those at Command Headquarters.\n\nOfficers and subordinates of units and\nother directly under the administration\nof the Station Commander.\n\nIndividuals of services and departments\nunder the administration of an officer\nother than OC of a station.\n\nPersonal of units in the Survey Group.\n\nHead of the Branch.\nVice Chiefs of Army/ Naval/Air Staff.\n\nHead of the Branch.\n\nGOC Area/ Sub-Area and Commander of Brigade.\n\nCommander, Divisional Artillery Brigade, or Commander,\nIndependent Artillery Brigade, as the case may be.\n\nCommandant, School of Artillery.\n\nGOC Area / Sub Area or Brigade Commander (An Area,\nSub-Area or Brigade Commander may declare, when\nnecessary, in Area Sub-Area or Brigade orders in the\n\ncase of Officers serving away from a Headquarter, what\nauthority shall be the controlling officer for each or any\nparticular class, or he may if he thinks fit, with the\nconcurrence of the CDA, declare any particular officer\nto be his own controlling officer when such a course\nbecomes absolutely necessary).\n\nAdditional Director General Remounts and Veterinary.\n\nDeputy Director General of Military Farms.\n\nStation Commander.\n\nThe local executive head of the service or department\nin respect journeys performed within this jurisdiction. If\nsuch local executive head is not a gazetted officer the\napplication will be sent to the next higher executive\nhead of the service or department at the nearest station.\n\nDeputy Director General of Works (Survey) Army HQ.", "Item\nNo.\n\n13.\n\n14.\n\n15.\n\n16.\n\n17.\n\n18.\n\n19.\n\n20.\n\n21.\n\n22.\n\nApplication From\n\nOfficers and subordinate of the Judge\nAdvocate General's Department serving\nIn Commands except DJAG at\nCommand HQ.\n\nDJAG at Command Headquarters.\n\nOfficers and other establishment serving\nunder the Additional Directorate General\nof Technical Examination.\n\nAll personnel (Service and Civilian) of the\nNavy except those mentioned in Sr\nNo.1, 2, 3 and 16.\n\nNon-Gazetted Staff of IHQ of MoD (Navy).\n\nOfficers and subordinates under Officer\nCommanding Air Force Station/\nSelf Accounting units.\n\nPersonal under their respective\n\nadministrative Control.\n\n209\n\nControlling Officer\n\nDJAG of the Command concerned.\n\nGOC-in-Chief of the Command in Which serving.\n\nAdditional Director General of Technical Examination.\n\nThe Flag Officers Commanding Fleets/Areas, The\nAdmiral Superintendent Naval Dockyards,\nCommanding Officers of Establishments , Director\nGeneral of Naval Projects and Commanding Officers\nof Ships of the rank of Commander and above.\n\nCivilian Staff Officer, Establishment, IHQ MoD (Navy).\nOC, IAF Station/Self Accounting Unit.\n\n(a) Secretary & Joint Secretaries, Min of Defence.\n(b) The Chief of the Army Staff.\n\n(c) Chief Administrative Officer & Jt. Secretary.\n\n(d) Deputy Director General, Defence Security Corps.\n(\n\ne) Director General, and\n\n- Cantonments.\n\nDefence Estate,\n\n(f) Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services.\n\n(g) Director of Technical Development and Production\n(Air).\n\n(h) CISC HQ IDS.\n\nNOTE: The Chief Administrative Officer & Joint Secretary will, in addition, exercise these powers\nin respect of all Inter-Services Organisations other than those mentioned at (d), (e), (f)\nand (g) above and items 19, 20, and 25 of this Appendix.\n\nservice Officers serving with the\nCabinet Secretariat.\n\nCivilian Staff and service personnel of\nthe Defence Institute of Psychological\nResearch.\n\nMembers of the Staff of the Scientific\nAdvisor to the Defence Minister.\n\nMembers of the Staff of the Institute\nof Armament Technology Pune, in\nrespect of journeys by Rail and Road.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nDeputy Secretary (Mil) of the Cabinet Secretariat.\n\nDirector, Defence Institute of Psychological research,\nDefence Science Organisation.\n\nScientific Advisor to the Defence Minister.\n\nThe Dean, Institute of Armament Technology.", "Item\nNo.\n\n23.\n\n24.\n\n20.\n\n26.\n\n2/.\n\n28.\n\n29.\n\n30.\n\n31.\n\n32.\n\n33.\n34.\n35.\n\n36.\n\n37.\n\nApplication From\n\nOfficers of the Directorate General,\nOrdnance Factories and Officer-in-\nCharge Factories.\n\nOfficers (other than Officer-in-Charge)\nand Subordinate of factories.\n\nThe members of Ordnance Factory\nBoard in Respect of Temporary duty\nmoves within India. -\n\nOfficers within Divisions at\n\nHeadquarters, the Central Managers/\nOfficers in-Charge/Officers-In-temporary\ncharge of Factories in their Group in\nrespect of temporary duty moves\n\nwithin India.\n\nOfficers of recruiting organisation.\n\nDefence Services Personnel (Service\nand Civilian) serving in the Directorate\nGeneral National Cadet Corps.\n\nTemporary duty Moves within the\nrespective jurisdiction of service\npersonnel serving in National Cadet\nCorps units under their control.\n\nDefence Service Personnel (Service\nand Civilian) serving in the National\nCadet corps under the Command of\nDirectors, National Cadet Corps\n(State concerned).\n\nPermanent Regular Staff of the\nTerritorial Army.\n\nMembers and establishment of\nPensions Appeal Tribunal.\n\nServices Attaches/Advisors.\nStaff under Service Attaches/ Advisors.\n\nSubordinate. Staffs in the Resettlement\nDirectorate including the office of\n\nthe Indian Soldier’s, sailor's and\nAirmen’s Board.\n\nOfficer’s all personnel serving in Training\nGroups and Centres, Training Centres and\nDepots.\n\nDirectors at Directorate General Quality\nAssurance HQs.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n210\n\nControlling Officer\n\nDirector General, Ordnance Factories\n\nOfficer-in-Charge of the Factories.\n\nMembers of Ordnance Factory Board themselves.\n\nMembers concerned of the Ordnance Factory Board.\n\nThe Recruiting Officers or in his absence the senior\nofficer of the recruiting staff present in the Centre.\n\nDirector General, National Cadet Corps.\n\nCommander, National Cadet Corps Group HQs of the\n\nrank of Lt Col and above.\n\nDirectors, National Cadet Corps (State concerned).\n\nCommandant.\nChairman of the Pensions Appeal Tribunal.\n\nAmbassadors/High Commissioners for India.\nService Attaches/Advisors concerned.\n\nDirector General, Powers to be exercised personally.\n\nCommandants/Officers Commanding of these\nestablishments of the rank of Lt Col and above.\n\nDirector General Quality Assurance.", "Item Application From\n\nNo.\n\n38.\n\n39.\n\n40.\n\n41.\n\n42.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nOther Officers at Directorate General\nQuality Assurance.\n\nOfficers and Staff working under the\nadministrative control of Programme\nOfficer (M& B).\n\nAll Personnel (Service and Civilian)\nserving in Cat A Establishments of\nArmy/Navy/Air Force/Inter Services\nOrganisations.\n\nOfficers for moves between the Infantry\nschool, Mhow and Junior Leader Wing,\nBelgaum and vice versa.\n\nOfficers and Staff working in units under\nadministrative control of Additional\nDirectorate General Strat Movements.\n\n211\nControlling Officer |\n\nDirectors concerned Directorate General Quality\nAssurance HQs.\n\nProgramme Officer (M&B).\n\nCommandants.\n\nCommandant, Infantry School, Mhow.\n\nADG Strat Mov.", "APPENDIX III\n\nAUTHORITIES EMPOWERED TO ORDER MOVES ON DUTY\n(Referred to in Rule 4)\n\n1. Unless otherwise provided for by existing orders of general application, moves on duty within Indian\nlimits authorised by regulations will be sanctioned as under :\n\nS Moves Personnel & Types of Move Authority\nNo.\n1 2 3\n1. Moves outside the All moves except those mentioned below and IHQ of MoD (Army).\nCommand (Army) in items 3 to6: 3 (Branch Concerned).\n\nin which the individual\nmay be serving.\n\nExceptions :\n\n(i) Commissioned Officers attending regimental GOC-in-C Command.\nConferences.\n\n(ii) Officers of regular Army units posted to, and GOC-in-C Command.\nfrom, the territorial Army and Officers of the\nactive units posted to, and from, training/\nregimental centre.\n\n(iii) Bodies of troops less than 20 in number, Unit Commander.\ne.g. individuals to and from hill depots or\noutstation detachments; training staff,\nstudents to, and from, course of instruction,\nsearch parties for deserters; escorts for\nprisoners etc.\n\n(iv) Moves of personnel other than commissioned Commandant,\nofficers between training/regimental Centres Regimental Training\n\nor depots and active units other than those Centres or Depot\ncovered by Para 223 Regulations for concerned.\nthe Army.\n\n(v) Moves of DSC personnel (Other than Commandant DSC\ncommissioned officers) outside Command Centre.\n\nbetween DSC centre and active units other\nthan those covered by para 223 Regulations\nfor the Army.\n\n(vi\n\n~~”\n\nMoves of Deputy Military Secretary and GOC-in-C Command.\nAssistant Military Secretary Commands in\n\nconnection with the selection board meeting\n\nat IHQ of MoD (Army).\n\n(vii) Moves of officers of Head quarters Commands GOC-in-C Command.\non liaison visits to the office of Regional\ncontroller of defence Accounts Concerned and\nTechnical Examiner’s Office.\n\n212", "2 anna etme ane at een Et A Pt A\n\n(vill) Moves of officers and staff serving in DGOL & SM.\nOL Directorate.\n\n(ix) Moves of officers and staff serving in ADG Strat Mov.\nMovement Directorate and Units under\ncontrol of ADG Strat Movement.\n\n(x) Officers of HQ Army Training Command GOC-in-C ARTRAC.\n(ARTRAC) to various formation HQs /\nCategory ‘A’ establishments under\nHQ ARTRAC.\n\n2. Moves within a All moves except those mentioned below and (i) GOC-in-C\nCommand, Area, In item 3 to 6. Command, GOC Area,\nIndependent Sub-Area, : Independent Sub-Area,\nSub Area or Brigade. Sub Area or Brigade\n| Commander, as the\ncase may be, unless\nspecific orders have\nbeen issued by Army\nHQ e.g. in Army\nOrders in case of\nAppointments, etc.\nArmy HQ (Branches\nconcernedg) will be the\nauthority in respect of.\nmoves of\ncommandants-_ of\ncategory ‘A\nestablishment.\n\n(ii) Commander,\nDivisional Artillery\nBrigade, Commander,\nIndependent Artillery\nBrigade and\nCommander, Missile\nBrigade in respect of\nOfficers serving under\ntheir respective\nCommand.\n\nExceptions :\n\n(a) For small parties of troops as in items 1, Unit Commander.\nexception (iii) including the medical\nofficer attached to the unit within the unit\narea.\n\n(b) For temporary duty moves of personnel Commandant\n(Other than Commissioned Officers) of Regimental Training\nRegimental/Training centres, units or Centres or Units or\nDepots within a Command. Depots concerned.\n\n(c) Temporary duty moves of personnel (other Commandant DSC\nthan commissioned Officers) of DSC centre, Centre.\nwithin Command.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "1\n\n2A. Temporary duty\n\nmoves in connection\nwith disciplinary cases.\n\n3. Moves of Personnel of\n\nCorps, departments etc.\n\n(a)\n\n2\nInter Command moves.\n(i) Officers.\n(ii) JCOs/OR.\n\n(b) Within Command.\n\n(I)\n\nMES\n\n(A) Postings to and transfers from MES.\n(i) Military officers.\n(ii) Civilian officers.\n\n(B) Moves between Commands\n(Permanent and temporary).\n\n(i) Military officers .\n\n(i!) Civilian officers.\n(iii) JCOs and OR.\n\n(iv) All other individuals.\n\n(C) Permanent moves (other than (A) &\n(B) above.\n\n(a) Between CWE’s areas within a Command.\n(i) Military officers.\n(ii) Civilians officers.\n\n(b) Between MES divisions within a\nCWE’s area.\n\n(i) Civilians officers.\n\n(ii) Civilian Subordinates.\nc) Within MES divisions — All individuals.\nTemporary Moves.\nBetween commands as in (B) above.\n\n(i) Between CWE’s areas within a\ncommand - All individuals.\n\n&\n\nFt ati et EE\nO\n~~”\n\ney\n~e”\n\n(ii) For temporary moves of civilians\nMES officers/subordinates serving\nunder their jurisdiction in connection\nwith establishment matters and in\ndisciplinary cases.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nAG’s Branch.\n‘A’ Branch at\nCommand HQ.\n\n‘A’ Branch at\nCommand HQ.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nE-in-C.\n\nMilitary Secretary for\npermanent duty\n\nmoves and E-in-C for\ntemporary duty moves.\n\nE-in-C.\n\nCommandant\nEngineering Group\nconcerned.\n\nE-in-C.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nE-in-C.\n\nChief Engineer.\nCWE.\n\nGarrison Engineer.\n\nChief Engineer.\n\nChief Engineer.", "215\n\n2\n\n(c) Between MES divisions within a CWE’s\n\narea - All Individuals.\n(d) Within MES divisions All individuals.\n\n(e) Between Kankinara and Kancharapara under\nESD(M) Kankinara- All individuals.\n\n(Il) Army Service Corps\n\n(A) Permanent duty moves.\n\n(a)\n(b)\n\nAll moves of Commissioned Officers.\n\nAil other personnel (including trained\nsoldiers).\n\n(B) Temporary duty moves.\n\n(a)\n\n(b)\n\n(C)\n\n(d)\n\n(e)\n\n(f)\n\nInter Command.\n(i) Officers.\n\n(ii) All other personnel\n\nFrom one Area or Indep Sub Area to\nanother within a commanc- All\npersonnel within his command.\n\nWithin one Area or Independent Sub\nArea - All personnel within his Area or\nIndependent Sub Area.\n\nWithin a Transport Unit in the same\nArea - All personnel.\n\nWithin a Transport Unit but from one\nArea or Independent Sub Area to\nanother - All personnel.\n\nTo units on first posting Trained Drivers.\n\nOfficers and personnel for bulk\ninspection and dispatch duties\n\nwithin area of jurisdiction/ responsibility\nof respective Composite Food\nLaboratories (CFL).\n\n(lil) (A) Remount and Veterinary Corps\n\n(a)\n\nCommissioned Officers.\n\n(i) Permanent Moves.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nCWE.\n\nGarrison Engineer.\nOC ESD.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\n\nOfficer-in Charge,\nRecords of the\nbranch of the Corps\nconcerned.\n\nDGST.\n\nOfficer-in Charge,\nRecords of the branch\nof the Corps\nconcerned.\n\nMGs ASC\nCommand.\n\nBrig ASC.\n\nOC Unit.\n\nBrig ASC of the\nArea in which the\nHeadquarters of the\nunit is located.\n\nCommandant ASC\nCentre.\n\nOfficer Commanding\nof the CFL\nconcerned.\n\nMilitary Secretary.", "ee ee A Nt i neanentShtSh-vnrRinfASReRS RRS ee\n\ni a EN A A HATE HT A ry al eet a el ee A ce GN A\n\n(ii) Temporary Moves between Command.\n\n(iii) Temporary Moves within Command.\n\n(iv) Temporary Moves within Corps/\n\nArea/Div or Independent Sub Area.\n\n(b) Other Personnel.\n\n(i) Permanent Moves.\n\n(ii) Temporary Moves between\nCommands.\n\n(iii) Temporary Moves within Commands.\n\n(iv) Temporary Moves within Corps/\n\nArea/Div or Independent Sub Area.\n\n(v) Moves on Temporary/ Permanent\n\nduty to any place within the territorial\njurisdiction of Remount Formations.\n\n(vi) Remount personnel, detailed for\nconducting animals.\n\n(ill) (B) Military Farms Corps\n(a) Commissioned Officers.\n(i) Permanent moves.\n\n(ii) Temporary Moves between\nCommands.\n\n(iii) Temporary Moves within Command.\n\n(iv) Temporary duty moves within area\nand Independent Sub Area.\n\nCivilian Officers and Managers\n(i) All moves except temporary moves\nwithin Command.\n\n(ii) Temporary moves within Command,\nan Area and Indep Sub Area.\n\n(b) Other personnel\n\n(i) All permanent moves of Group ‘C’\npersonnel.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n3\nADGRVS.\n\nBrigadier/Director\nRVS Command\nConcerned.\n\nDirectors/DDRVS/\nADRVS of Corps/\nArea/Div or Indep Sub\nArea concerned.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nRVC Records.\nOfficer-in-Charge\nRVC Records.\nBrigadier/Director\n\nRVS Command\nConcerned.\n\nDirectors/DDRVS/\nADRVS of Corps/\nArea/Div or Indep |\nSub Area concerned.\n\nLocal executive\nheads of the\nrespective Remount\nFormations.\n\nLocal Executive\nHead.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nDDGMF\n\nDirector Command.\n\nDirector Command.\n\nDDGMF.\n\nDirector Command.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nMilitary Farms\nRecords.", "1 2 3\n(ii) Permanent moves of Group ‘C’ Officer-in-Charge\nPersonnel between Commands. Military Farms\nRecords.\n(iii) Permanent moves of Group ‘C’ Director Command.\nPersonnel within Commands.\n(iv) Temporary moves within Command. Director Command.\n(v) Temporary moves within an Area and Director Command.\n\nIndependent Sub Area.\n(IV) Army Medical Corps\n(a) Officers (AMC/AD Corps/MNS).\n\n(i) Permanent moves. DGMS (Army).\n(ii) Temporary moves outside the DGMS (Army),\nCommand. Commandant AMC\n| Centre & School\nLucknow.\n\n(iii) Temporary moves within the\nCommand in Connection with:—\n\n(1) Provision of medical cover. MG Medical\n| Command.\n\n(2) Summoning of specialists to see MG Medical\na disabled patient unfit to travel Command.\nor to see a number of patients\nrequiring treatment.\n\n(iv) Temporary moves within Area/\nIndependent Sub Area in connection\n\nwith: —\n(1) Provision of medical cover. MG Medical/Brig\nMedical/Col Medical,\nArea / Independent\nSub Area.\n(2) Summoning of specialists to see MG Medical/Brig\na disabled patient unfit to travel Medical/Co!l Medical,\nor to see a number of patients Area/Independent\nrequiring treatment. Sub Area.\n(b) JCOs/ OR/NCs(E) (AMC/AD Corps).\n(i) All moves. Officer-in-Charge\n\nAMC Records.\n\n(ii) Temporary moves within Command. MG Medical\n\nCommand.\n(iii) Temporary moves within Area/ MG Medical/Brig\nIndependent Sub Area. Medical/Col Medical,\nArea / Independent\nSub Area.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "218\n\n1 | Oo 2\n\ni re et CR I RE RT EHES a nen\n\n(c) JCOs (SMS) and conductor (SMS).\n(i) All moves.\n\n(ii) Temporary moves within Command.\n\n(iii) Temporary moves within area/\nIndependent Sub Area.\n\n(d) Civilians.\n(i) Group ‘B ’-All moves.\n(ii) Group ‘C.\n(1) All moves:—\n\n(2) Temporary moves within\nCommand.\n\n(3) Temporary moves within area/\nIndependent Sub Area.\n\n(V) AOC, EME, DGQA Establishment and\nOrdnance Factories\n\n(i) AOC.\n\n(A) Permanent duty moves (outside or\nwithin the Commands).\n\n(a) Officers.\n(b) OCs Civ/CLOs/ CASOs/LOO.\n\n(c) JCOs/OR and Civilians administered\nby AOC Records\n\n(B) Temporary duty moves including\ntours and inspections.\n\n(a) Outside Commands.\n(i) Officers\n(1) Serving at Formation HQ.\n\n(2) Serving in Ordnance Installation/\nUnits.\n\n(3) Move between Main Depots and\noutlying Sub Depots.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nDGMS (Army)\n\nMG Medical\nCommand.\n\nMG Medical/Brig\nMedical/Col Medical,\nArea/Independent\nSub Area.\n\nDGMS (Army).\n\nDGMS (Army).\n\nMG Medical\nCommand.\n\nMG Medical/Brig\nMedical/Col Medical,\nArea / Independent\nSub Area.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nDGOS.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nAOC Records\n\nDGOS.\nDGOS.\n\nMGAOC.", "219\n\n1 2 3\n(ii) JCOs/OR and Civilians administered Officer-in-Charge\nby AOC Records, except those AOC Records\nserving at IHQ of MoD (Army).\n\n(b) Within Commands.\n\n(i) Officers. | (i) GOC-in-C\nCommands, GOC\nArea / Sub Area or\nBrigade Commander\nwithin their\nrespective\njurisdiction, and\n\n(ii) MGs AOC\nCommands for the\nfollowing moves :\n\n(1) To perform special\nordnance duties like\nstock taking,\nidentification of\nstores.\n\n(2) Attachment for\npre-course\ndepartmental\ntraining.\n\nTo attend Board of\nEnquiry, Courts of\nEnquiry of\ndepartmental\nnature.\n\n(4) To attend\ndepartmental\nConference not of\nrecurring nature.\n\n~~”\n\n(3\n\n~~”\n\n(5) On liaison visits.\n\nIn connection with\n\n(6) |\n: disciplinary cases\nof civilian\npersonnel.\n(ii) | JCOs/OR and Civilians administered by MGAOC.\nAOC Records/Locally controlled MGAOC.\n(c) Officers, JCOs/OR and AOC civilian DGOS.\n\npersonnel serving at IHQ of MoD (Army)\nand civilian staff of AFHQ Cadre serving\nin OS Directorate.\n\nNOTE: OC Units/establishments of Ordnance Installation are authorised to post AOC personnel other than\nofficers serving under them from Main establishment to outlying sub-Depot/Wings or detached sections\nunder their charge or vice versa on permanent as well as temporary duly.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "220\n\n(ii) EME\n(A) Permanent Moves :—\nOutside or within Commands.\n(a) Officers.\n(b) Civilians Gazetted Staff.\n\n(c) JCOs/OR/NCs (E) and civilian\nnon-gazetted staff administered by\nOfficer in charge EME Records.\n\n(d) Civilian Industrial personnel and\nGroup D non-industrial personnel.\n\n(1) Within Command/Technical\nGroup EME.\n\n(ii} Outside Command/Technical\nGroup EME.\n\n(B) Temporary moves (other than on inspection\nduty and tour).\n\n(a) Outside Area/jurisdiction of Command/\nHQ Technical Group EME.\n\n(i) All Officers.\n(ii) Civilians Gazetted Staff.\n\n(iii) JCOs/OR/NCs (E) and civilian\nnon-gazetted staff administered by\nOfficer in charge EME Records.\n\n(iv) Civilian Industrial personnel and\nGroup D non-industrial personnel.\n\n(b) Moves to visit Civilian factories /farms/\nInstallations both in public and\nprivate sectors.\n\n(i) All Officers.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nDG EME.\n\nOfficer-in-charge\nEME Records\n(OsC, EME Units\nare however\nempowered to\nauthorise move of\npersonnel serving\nunder them between\ndetachments / HQ.\n\nCommander\nTechnical Group\nEME / MGs EME\nHQ Commands.\n\nDG EME.\n\nDG EME.\nDG EME.\n\nOfficer In charge\nEME Records\n(OsC EME Units, are\nhowever, empowered\nto authorise moves\nof personnel serving\nunder them between\ndetachments/HQ.).\n\nDG EME.\n\nDG EME.", "221\n\n1 ra 3\n(c) Within area/Corps Tps/Corps EME\nBn Jurisdiction of Command/Corps/\nArea/Div/Sub Area.\n\n(i) Officers/Civilians gazetted. (1) Departmental\nHeads at HQ\nCommand/Corps /\nArea/Corps Tps/\nCorps EME Bn/Div/\nSub Area (Only for\nthe types of moves\nenumerated in\nclause (D) of Note\nbelow item 3 of\npara 1 of this\nappendix).\n\n(Il) GOC-in-Command\n/ GOC Corps /Area\n/ Div / Sub Area for\nall other types of\nmoves not covered\nby (I) above.\n\n(ii) JCOs/OR/NCs(E) and EME\nCivilians non-gazetted staff\n(Non industrial and industrial).\n\nDepartmental Heads\nat HQ Commands/\nCorps/Area/ Div / Sub\n\nArea (OsC, EME\nunits are empowered\nto authorise move of\npersonnel under\nthem between\ndetached sections\nand main body of\ntheir units).\n\n(d) Within jurisdiction of technical Group EME.\nDG EME.\n\n(ii) Other Officers / civilian gazetted staff. Commander\nTechnical Group\nEME.\n\nCommander,\nTechnical Group\n\n(i) Commander Technical Group EME.\n\n(iii) JCOs/ORs/NCs(E) and EME civilian\nnon-gazetted (non-industrial and\n\nindustrial). EME, Commandant\nand Army Base\nWorkshops are\nempowered to\n\nauthorise move of\npersonnel under them\nbetween detached\nsections and main\nbody of their unit\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "(C)\n\n(b)\n\n(!)\n\nInspection duty and tour :\n\n(a)\n\nOutside the jurisdiction of Commands\nand Technical Group EME.\n\n(i) Officers/Civilian gazetted Staff.\n\n(ii) JCOs/OR/NCs (E) and EME\nCivilians non-gazetted staff administered\nby EME Records except those serving\n\nin |IHQ of MoD (Army).\n\n(iii) JCOs/OR/NCs (E) and EME civilians\nnon-gazetted staff serving at IHQ of\nMoD (Army) and civilian staff of AFHQ\ncadre serving in Directorate General\n\nof EME.\n\n(iv). Civilian Industrial personnel.\n\nWithin area/jurisdiction of Command/\n- Corps/Area/Div/Sub Area/ Technical\nGroup EME.\n\nPersonnel other than those belonging to\nTechnical Group EME.\n\n(i) Department Head at HQ Commands/\nCorps/Area Div/Sub Area.\n\n(ii) Other officers/civilian gazetted staff at\nHQ Commands/ Corps/ Areas/ Div/Sub Area\nor serving in EME Units/ Establishments.\n\n(iii) JCOs/OR/NCs (E) and civilian non-\ngazetted staff (Industrial and non-industrial).\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n3\n\nTSOs | in technical\ncontrol of grouped\ndetachments of\ntechnical Group EME\nare also empowered\nto move personnel\nwithin their Group of\ndetachments.\n\nDG EME.\n\nOfficer-In-charge\nEME Records.\n\nDG EME.\n\nDG EME.\n\nGOC-in-C\nCommand, GOC\nCorps / Area/ Div/\nSub Area.\n\n(A) Departmental\nHeads at the\nrespective HQ in\ncase of Inspection\nduties.\n\n(B) Staff authorities at\nthe respective HQ in\ncase of tour.\n\nDepartmental\nHeads atthe .\nrespective HQ\nCommands/Corps/\nArea/Div/ Sub Area.", "(Il)\n\n223\n\n2 3\n\nPersonnel of and those serving under\nTechnical Group EME including\n\ndetachments.\n(i) Commander Technical Group EME. DG EME.\n(ii) Other officers, civilian staff (gazetted Commander\nand non-gazetted) Industrial, non- Technical Group\nindustrial and JCOs/OR/NCs (E). EME (TSQOs | in\ntechnical Control of\ngrouped\n\ndetachments of\nTechnical Group,\nEME are also\nempowered to move\npersonnel within\ngroup of\ndetachments).\n\nJurisdiction Technical Group EME\n\n(a)\n\n(D)\n\n(il)\n\n(b)\n(B)\n(a)\n\nJurisdiction of Technical Group EME will\nextend over all Army Base Workshops EME,\nVehicle Depot Workshops EME, Equipment\nDepot Workshop, and Detachments\n\nof Technical Group EME.\n\nMGs EME\n\nAll EME Units in their respective commands,\nother than those mentioned in sub para (a)\nabove.\n\n(iii) Military personnel of Directorate\nGeneral Quality Assurance.\n\nPermanent Moves.\nService Officers.\n\nInto and out of Director General Quality Military Secretary.\nAssurance All Officers. —\n\nWithin Directorate General Quality ADGQA Concerned\nAssurance - All officers.\n\nOther Personnel. DGQA.\n\nTemporary Moves.\n\nOfficers. |\n\n(i) Directors. ADGQA Concerned.\n(ii) Other Officers of Directorate. ADGQA Concerned.\n\n(iii) Head of Establishments of DGQA. Head of\nEstablishment.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "(b)\n\n(Cc)\n\n224\n\n2\n\n(iv) Other Officers of Director General Quality\nAssurance Establishments except those\nmentioned in (iv) below.\n\n(1) Outside Headquarters Wings,\n\n(2\n\n(Vv\n\n)\n\n~~”\n\nDetachments, outstations and inspection\nduty stations except for inspection of trade\noutturn and escort duty.\n\nOutside Headquarters Wings,\nDetachments, outstation and inspection\nduty stations for inspection of trade\noutturn and escort duty and within\nHeadquarters, Wings Detachments\noutstations and inspection duty station.\n\nOfficers employed in the Controllerate of\nQuality Assurance (General Stores),\nKanpur; Controllerate of Quality\nAssurance (Textiles and Clothing),\nKanpur Controllerate of Quality\nAssurance (Materials); and Chief Quality\nof Aerial Delivery Equipment, Agra Cantt\nwhen required to proceed to outstation in\nconnection with Production/\nDevelopment/ Procurement of stores for\nwhich they are the AHSPs and also to\nattend trails/meetings in connection there-\nwith.\n\nOther Personnel.\n\n(1) Temporary duty Moves of individuals\n\nemployed in establishments except those\nmentioned at (2) & (3) below.\n\n(2) Move of an individual from one\n\nestablishment to another.\n\n(3) Move of individuals to stations outside the\n\nlocal Military Area.\n\nDeputation and moves of Military Officers\nan ‘adhoc’ course of instructions organised by\nGovt., Semi Govt Organisations provided there\nis no extra expenditure to the State except on\nTA/DA. |\n\n(vi) Civilians personnel employed in the\n\nestablishments under the administrative\ncontrol of\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Armaments),\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Vehicles),\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n3\n\nADGQA concerned.\n\nHead of Establishment.\n\nHead of Establishment.\n\nHead of Establishment.\n\nADGQA concerned.\n\nADGQA concerned.\nDGQA.\n\nDGQA.\n\nADGQA concerned.", "err A LA Er rr nian\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Electronics),\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Radars & Systems)\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Engg Eqpt),\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Stores).\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Metals and Explosives),\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Naval).\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Warship Projects).\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Combat Vehicles).\n\nAdditional Directorate General Quality\nAssurance (Policy, Planning & Training).\n\nAdditional Directorate General (Admin). |\n(DIQA), Bangalore. Director concerned.\nADGQA's Concerned.\n\n(A) Permanent Moves.\n\n(a) Civilian Gazetted Officer. Head of\nEstablishments.\n\n(b) Non-Gazetted civilian personnel other than\nindustrial personnel.\n\nOutside & Within Headquarters Wings Head of\nand detachments. Establishments.\n(c) Industrial personnel outside the ADGQA Concerned.\n\nestablishments.\n\nBetween the main establishments and outlying\ndepots/detachments.\n\nB) Temporary Moves.\n\n| a) Civilian Gazetted Officer.\n\n(\n(\n(\n(\n\ni) Head of Establishments. ADGQA Concerned.\nli) Other officers except those mentioned below. Head of\nEstablishments.\n(1) Out-side Headquarters, Wings and Head of\ndetachments except in cases falling Establishments.\n\nunder (3) below.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "226\n\n(2) Within Headquarters, Wings and detachments.\n\n2\n\n(3) Outside Headquarters, Wings detachments\n\n(3)\n\nand outstations for inspection of trade\noutturn of firms premises and at other\ninspection points and escort/courier duties.\n\n(iii) Officers employed in the Controllerate of\nQuality Assurance (General Stores),\nKanpur; Controllerate of Quality\nAssurance (Textiles and Clothing),\nKanpur Controllerate of Quality\nAssurance (Materials); and Chief Quality\nof Aerial Delivery Equipment, Agra Cantt\nwhen required to proceed to outstation in\nconnection with Production/\nDevelopment/ Procurement of stores for\nwhich they are the AHSPs and also to\nattend trails/meetings in connection there-\nwith. |\n\nNon-Gazetted civilian personnel other than\nindustrial personnel.\n\nCivilians other than those mentioned in\n(ii) below.\n\nOutside Headquarters, Wings Concerned and\ndetachments except in cases falling under\n(3) below.\n\nWithin Headquarters Wings and detachments.\n\nOutside Headquarters, Wings, detachments\nand outstations for inspection of trade outturn\nat firms premises and at other inspection\npoints and escort/courier duties.\n\n(ii) Civilian personnel employed in Chief\nQuality of General Stores, Kanpur,\nChief Quality of Textiles and Clothing,\nKanpur and Chief Quality of Aerial\nDelivery Equipment, Agra Cantt., when\nrequired to proceed to outstations in\nconnection with production/development\n/procurement of stores for which they are\nAHSPs and also to attend trials/meetings\nin connection therewith.\n\n(c) . Industrial personnel Outside the establishments\n\nbetween the main establishments and outlying\ndepots/detachments.\n\n(C) Deputation and moves of civilian officers and\n\nnon-gazetted staff on ‘adhoc’ courses of\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n3\n\nHead of\nEstablishments.\n\nHead of\nEstablishments.\n\nADGQA Concerned.\n\nHead of\nEstablishments.\n\nHead of\nEstablishments.\n\nHead of\nEstablishments.\n\nHead of\nEstablishments.\n\nHead of\nEstablishments\nunder whom they\nare serving.\n\nDirector General\nQuality Assurance.\n\nDirector General\nQuality Assurance.", "22/\n\ner\n\ninstructions organised by Govt/Semi Govt.\nOrganito the state except on TA/DA.\n\n(iii) Civilians Personnel employed at HQ\nDirector General Quality Assurance.\n\nTemporary Moves.\n(a) ADGQA.\n(b) Civilians Gazetted Officers. _\n(c) Civilians non-gazetted Officers.\n\n(IV)\nProduction Organisation\n\nTemporary Moves.\n(a) Civilians Gazetted Officers.\n(b) Non-gazetted Civilian Personnel.\n\n(V)\nOrdnance Factories.\n\n(1) (a)\n\nPermanent moves except those\nmentioned in (b) and (c) below.\n\nPermanent moves of those Gp. ‘C’\n\n(b)\n\npersons on the Non industrial\n\nEstablishment with respect to whom\nthe power of first appointment has\n\nbeen delegated to the General\n\nManagers/Officer-in-Charge\nOrdnance Factories.\n\n(c) Transfer between factories of the\nGp. ‘D’ Establishment and industrial\nEmployees.\n\n(2) Temporary Duty Moves.\n\n(i) Gazetted Officers and other\nFactory Personnel to any destination\nIn India.\n\n(ii) Commissioned officers serving at\nDGOFS HQ and Ordnance Factories\netc.\n\n(VI) Army Education Corps\n(a) Officers.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nCivilian personnel employed at HQ Defence\n\nDGQA.\nADG Concerned.\n\nDirector Concerned.\n\nDirector Concerned.\nDy Director (Admin).\n\nIndividuals serving under the Director General\n\nDirector General\nOrdnance Factories.\n\nGeneral Manager/\nOfficer-in-Charge\n\nof Ordnance Factory\nconcerned.\n\nof\n\nGeneral Manager/\nOfficer-in-Charge\nestablishments after\nmutual consultation\nand agreement\nbetween General\nManagers etc.\nconcerned.\n\nGeneral Manager/\nOfficer-in-Charge\n\nof Ordnance and\nOrdnance equipment\nFactories.\n\nDGOF.", "(i) Permanent moves.\n\n(ii) Temporary moves outside the\nCommand.\n\n(ili) Temporary moves of Commandant\nof AEC Training College and centre\nand Principals, Military School and\nother officers at AEC Training College\nand Centre and Military Schools.\n\n(iv) Temporary moves within the Command.\n\n(v) Temporary moves within the formation\nLe. from main formation to detachments\nand to the units under that formation\nand vice versa.\n\n(b) Other personnel.\n\n(i) Permanent/temporary moves outside\nthe Command.\n\n(ii) Permanent moves within the\nCommand.\n\n(ili) Temporary moves within the Command.\n\n(iv) Temporary moves within the formation\ni.e. from main formation to detachments\nand to the units under that formation\nand vice-versa.\n\n(Vil) Additional Director General of Technical\nExamination (Defence)\n\nAdditional Director General Technical\nExamination and individuals employed\ndirectly under him.\n\n(VIII) Judge Advocate General’s Department\n\n(1) Moves other than those in (ii) below.\n\n(ii) Temporary duty moves of personnel\nserving under the Deputy Judge\nAdvocate General in Respect of\nMoves within the Command.\n\n(IX) Defence Security Corps\n\n(A) Permanent duty moves (Outside or within\nthe Commana).\n\n(a) Officers.\n\n(ob) JCOs/ORs and Civilians administered\nby DSC Records.\n\n(B) Temporary duty moves (including tours\nand Inspections).\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n3\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nDCOAS.\n\nDCOAS.\n\nGOC-in- Command.\n\nFormation\nCommander.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nRecords.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\n\nRecords.\n\nGOC-in-Command.\n\nOC of the Unit/\nFormation.\n\nAdditional Director\nGeneral Technical\nExamination.\n\nJudge Advocate\nGeneral.\n\n- Deputy Judge\n\nAdvocate General\nof the Command.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nDSC Records.", "229\n\n1 2\n\n(a) Outside Commands.\n(i) Officers.\n\n(ii) JCOs/ORs and Civilians administered\nby DSC Records.\n\n(b) Within Commands.\n(i) Officers.\n(1) Director DSC, HQ Commands.\n\n(2) Joint Director DSC.\n(3) Officers of Centre and Records.\n\n(ii) JCOs/ ORs and civilians administered\nby DSC Records.\n\n(ili) Moves of DSC personnel other than\ncommissioned officers within Command\non temporary duty in respect of its units.\n\n(c) Officers, JCOs/ ORs and DSC civilian\npersonnel serving at IHQ of MoD (Army)\nand civilian staff of AFHQ\nCadre serving in DSC Directorate.\n\n(X) Signals\n(A) Permanent moves.\n(i) Officers.\n(ii) Civilian Gazetted Staff.\n\n(iii) All other personnel.\n(B) Temporary duty moves (other than on\ninspection duty).\n\n(a) Inter Command moves.\n(i) All Officers.\n\n(ii) Civilian Gazetted Staff.\n\n(iii) All other personnel.\n\n(b) Within Command.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nDDG DSC.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nDSC Records.\n\nGOC-in-C Command\nwithin their respective\njurisdiction.\n\nDirector DSC at\nCommand HQ.\n\nGOC-in-C Command,\nGOC Area/Sub Area.\n\nDirector Command\nHQ within their\nrespective\njurisdiction.\n\nOC DHQ Security\nTroops.\n\nDDG DSC.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nSignal Officer-in-Chief\nIHQ of MoD (Army).\nOfficer-in-Charge\nSignals Records.\n\nSignal Officers-in-\nChief, IHQ of\nMoD (Army).\n\n-do-\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nSignals Records.", "230\n\n2\n(i) Officers.\n\n(ii) Civilian Gazetted Staff.\n\n(iii) All other personnel.\n\n(Xl) Pioneer Corps Officers\n\n(i) Temporary Moves Commissioned\nOfficers (including those on ERE).\n\n(aa) Within Command.\n\n(ab) Outside Command.\n\n(ii) Permanent Moves Commissioned\nOfficers.\n\n(B) Other personnel.\n\n(XII) Army Postal Service\n(1) Permanent Move.\n(a) Officers.\n(b) JCOs, WOs, OR and NCsE.\n\n(c) Civilians non-gazetted personnel.\n\n(2) Temporary Move.\n(a) Outside Commands.\n(i) All Officers.\n\n(ii) JCOs, WOs, ORs and NCsE.\n\n(iii) Civilians non-gazetted personnel.\n\n(b) Within Area/Jurisdiction of\n\n3\n\nChief Signal Officer,\n\nCommand.\n-do-\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nSignals Records.\n\nDirector Pioneers\nCommand.\n\nDeputy Director\nGeneral Pioneer\nCorps.\n\nMilitary Secretary\n\nOIC Records. The\nPioneer Corps,\nDirector Pioneer.\n\nMilitary Secretary.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nAPS Record Office.\n\nAdjutant General.\n\nAdditional Director\nGeneral APS.\n\nOfficer-in-Charge\nAPS Record Office.\n\nAdjutant General.\n\nCommands/Corps/Area/Div/Sub Area.\n\n(i) Officers.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n(i) Departmental\nHeads at HQ\nCommands/ Corps/\nArea (only for the\ntypes of moves\nenumerated below).\n\n(ii) GOC-in-C\nCommand, GOC\nCorps / Div/ Area/ Sub", "231\n1 2 3\nArea / Commander\nBrigades for all other\n\ntypes of move not\ncovered by (i) above.\n\n(ii) JCOs, WOs, OR and NCsE. (i) Departmental\n| Head at HQ\nCommand/Corps /\nArea/Div.\n\n(iii) Civilians non-gazetted personnel. (ii) Officers\n\nCommanding Corps/\nCommunication\nZone/ Air Formation/\nBorder Roads/\nAssam Rifles Postal\nUnits within their\nDepartmental\njurisdiction.\n\nTypes of temporary duty moves of APS Officers which can be ordered by Departmental Heads at HQ\n\nCommand and Corps vide item 2 (b) (i) are specified below :—\n\n1. Technical Inspection of Postal units and FPOs.\n\nDepartmental conferences/discussions not of recurring nature.\n\n_ Supervision over mail communications lines and check of mail arrangements and APO accounts.\n. Conducting Departmental tests and examinations peculiar to the Corps.\n\nmR WN\n\n_ Investigation into postal complaints or loss or damage to mails due to accidents and other unusual\noccurrence. |\n\n6. Liaison Visits of Departmental nature to:\n\n(i) Superior HQ to discuss technical matters.\n(ii) P and T offices and their establishments; and\n(iii) Army and Air Force formations and units.\n\n7. Attending courts of enquiry.\n\n8. Filling up vacancies caused by temporary absence of the permanent incumbent due to annual leave\nor for longer period, like hospital admission, courses or otherwise.\n\n(XIII) Regiments of All Arms\n(i) Officers. Military Secretary.\n(ii) JCOs and OR. Officer-in-Charge\nRecords of respective\nRegiment within and\noutside Command.\n(XIV) All permanent moves and MS Branch.\nduty moves concerning\n\nMS matters All Army Officer\nother than AMC, ADC and MNS.\n\nNOTE: The types of temporary duty moves within Command / Corps/Area / Div/ Independent Sub Area/Sub\nArea/Brigades of Officers as specified below, will only be sanctioned by the GOC-in-C Command/GOC\nCorps/Area/ Division/ Indep Sub Area/Sub Area, Brigade Commander within their respective jurisdiction.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "232\n\n(A) Artillery\n\n(1)\n(2)\n\nMoves in connection with technical inspection of units/formations.\n\nMoves in connection with training of artillery personnel e.g. courses, instructional duties,\ndemonstrations, artillery exercises and trials.\n\nMoves in connection with departmental conferences not of recurring nature.\nMoves in connection with classification of artillery personnel and technical trade testing boards.\n\nMoves in connection with maintenance, collection, return and escorting of artillery equipment/stores/\nvehicle.\n\n(6) Moves in connection with planning /reconnaissance of operational sites.\n(7) Moves in connection with liaison visits to Army /Navy /Air Force establishment of departmental nature.\n(8) Moves for taking promotion examinations in subjects special to Corps.\n(B) AEC\n(1) Moves in connection with examinations/tests.\n(2) Moves in connection with organised visits to places of educational interest.\n(3) Moves in liaison visits.\n(3) Moves to attend educational courses and training.\n(4) Moves to attend educational conferences.\n(5) Moves to attend educational material.\n(6) Moves in connection with matters relating to educational training.\n(C) ASC\n(1) Moves for attachment/liaison visits to immediately superior Headquarters and Units with the Regiment/\nCommand.\n(2) Moves to replace officers proceeding on courses.\n(3) Moves in connection with instructions on behalf of Brig ASC, MG ASC.\n(4) Moves in connection with departmental inquiries/Courts of Inquires.\n(5) Moves for advising on any specialist units or of purely technical nature, e.g. running a technical\ncourse or a departmental exercise, demonstrations, trials and so forth.\n(6) Moves for attending at departmental conferences or discussions.\n(7) Moves for any special ASC functions like stocks verifications, despatching or receiving of ASC Stores.\n(8) Moves for selection of ASC personnel for any purely departmental trade testing or other such\nexaminations.\n(9) Moves in connection with local purchases at any station within the area of the formation to which the\nofficer belongs.\n(10) Moves regarding technical inspection of units and moves regarding pre-course departmental training.\n(11) Moves in connection with sports activities.\n(12) Moves in connection with Corps day/Re-unions.\n(D) EME\n\n(1)\n\nMoves to replace officers proceeding on courses.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "(7)\n\no~\n©o\n—\n\n(10)\n\n233\n\nMoves to relieve officers proceeding on combined leave and not on privilege/ annual leave when no\nreplacements can be provided.\n\nMoves to meet additional repair commitment of units.\n\n. Moves to liaise with another unit with regard to repair schedules or workshop repair techniques or\n\nprocedure.\n\nMoves to inspect equipment.\n\nMoves to investigate defects.\n\nMoves to run short technical cadre courses and for trade-testing of personnel.\n\nMoves to purchase workshop materials (of all types) and spares and non-provided items.\n\nMoves as members of a Technical Board for purposes of condemnation of equipment or for such like\nreasons.\n\nMoves for discussion on technical / administrative / training matters.\n\n(E) Engineers\n\nAll moves in connection with works or other departmental matters.\n(F) JAGs Department\n\n(1)\n2)\n3)\n\n(\n(\n(4)\n\nMoves in connection with court-Martial duties.\nMoves in attend Law Courses.\nMoves to visit formation Headquarters to discuss legal problems with formation commanders.\n\nMoves in connection with Civil Cases filed against Union of India.\n\n(G) Medical\n\n(3)\n\nMoves of officers of SHOs to visit unit's camps and factories.\n\nMoves in connection with training of personnel viz, instructional duties and demonstrations, liaison\nvisits to medical institutions and for attending medical demonstrations.\n\nMoves to attend examinations and instructional courses of short duration at hospitals in medical\nsubjects like Anaesthesia, Surgery, BCG Vaccination etc, as considered necessary by departmental\nheads of formations.\n\nTo attend departmental conferences /discussions.\n\nAttachments / liaison visits to superior headquarters to discuss technical, administrative and training\nmatters. 7\n\nFor purposes of technical stores.\nAll moves in connection with provisions of medical cover/leave reliefs.\n\nMoves of specialists to see a disabled patient unfit to travel or to see a number of patients requiring\ntreatment.\n\n(H) Military Farms\n\n(1)\n\n(2)\n\n(3)\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of the permanent incumbent on annual\nleave/ long leave/ furlough.\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of permanent incumbent on admission to\nhospital on account of sickness/injuries of the duration of two weeks and over.\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of permanent incumbent on course of\nduration of two weeks and over.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "(10)\n\n234\n\nMoves in connection with the condemnation of Farms stores in Military Farms. |\nMoves in connection with surprise checks of Military farms. |\n\nMoves for escorting purposes.\n\nMoves for taking records from one place to another.\n\nMoves for checking of accounts of the depots.\n\nMoves in connection with court of Enquiries.\n\nLiaison visits.\n\nNOTE: Temporary moves involving the grant/relinquishment of acting/ temporary ranks will not be ordered\n\nby the DDGMF.\n\n(J) Ordnance\n\nMoves of officers to perform special ordnance duties like stock-taking, identification of stores etc.\nMoves of officers for attachment for pre-course departmental training. |\n\nMoves of officers to attend Board of Enquiry/Court of Enquiry of departmental nature.\n\nMoves of officers to attend departmental conferences not of recurring nature. —\n\nMoves of officers on liaison visits.\n\nMoves of officers in connection with disciplinary cases of civilian personnel.\n\n(K) Remount Veterinary Corps\n\n(1)\n\n(2)\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of the permanent incumbent on annual /\nlong leave/furlough.\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of the permanent incumbent on admission\nto hospital on account of sickness/injuries of the duration of two weeks and over.\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of the permanent incumbent on course of\n\nthe duration of two weeks and over.\n\nMoves to provide extra veterinary cover in case of out-break of contagious and infectious diseases.\n\nMoves to provide veterinary .cover for animal holding units temporarily till permanent arrangements\nare made by Officer- in-Charge RVC Records/IHQ of MoD (Army).\n\nMoves for escorting purposes.\n\n(7) Moves for taking records from one place to another.\n\n(8) Liaison visits/Technical discussions.\n\n(9) Moves in connection with training of personnel, viz, instructional duties and demonstration, liaison\nvisit to medical/veterinary institutions and for advanced training and attending demonstrations,\nseminars and workshops in Veterinary medicine and allied subjects.\n\n(10) Moves in connection with departmental examinations and instructional courses of short duration at\nVeterinary Units/Research Institutions in veterinary subjects and departmental conferences.\n(11) Moves in connection with equestrian training and activities.\nNOTE: Temporary moves involving the grant/relinquishment of acting/ temporary ranks will not be ordered\nby the ADS RVS .\n(L) Signals\n\n(1)\n\nMoves in connection with technical inspection of units and signal installations.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "235\nMoves in connection with training of signal personnel e. g. courses, instructional duties, demonstrations,\nsignal exercises and trials.\nMoves in connection with conferences of officers commanding signal units.\nMoves in connection with classification of regimental signallers and technical Trade Testing Boards.\n\nMoves in connection with maintenance, trial, collection, return an escorting of signal equipment/\nstores /Vehicles.\n\nMoves in connection with signal communications for Planning, ecce, their establishment and\nmaintenance.\n\nMoves in connection with liaison visits including visits to:-\n(a) P & T department offices, installations and their establishments.\n\n(b) Army/Navy/Air Force installations.\n\n(8) Moves for taking promotion examination in subjects special to the Corps.\n(M) Intelligence Staff and Units\n\n(1\n\n)\n\nLiaison with Civil Intelligence Agencies.\nInterrogation duties.\n\nSpecial Investigations including Security checks.\nArea familiarisation of operations sites.\n\nSpecial reconnaissance.\n\nDepartmental Conferences /discussions.\n\nLiaison visits.\n\nMoves in connection with training, courses, cadres exercises including instructional duties and\ndemonstrations.\n\nMoves for carrying classified documents /Air photos.\n\n(N) Corps of Military Police\n\nTypes of temporary duty moves within Command as specified below may be sanctioned by the departmental\nheads.\n\n(1\n(2\n\n)\n)\n\neee”\n\nMoves in connection with Technical Inspections.\n\nMoves in connection with training of CMP personnel e.g. short courses, instructional duties, CMP\nexercises.\n\nMoves in connection with classification and technical trade testing boards.\nLiaison visits with other units/Formations.\n\nLiaison visits with Navy and Air Force on departmental matters.\n\nTo attend departmental co-ordination Conferences/discussions.\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence when permanent incumbent is on leave or\ncourse.\n\nMoves to provide additional provost cover during training exercises of formations.\n\n-Moves to attend boards/Court of Enquiry of departmental nature.\n\nMoves to fill up vacancies caused by temporary absence of the permanent incumbent on admission\n\n‘to hospital on account of sickness/injuries of the duration of two weeks and over.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "236\n\n(11) Moves for taking records from one place to another.\n(O) Territorial Army\n\nTypes of temporary duty moves within Command as specified below may be sanctioned by the departmental\nheads at Command Headquarters.\n\n(1) Moves in connection with State Advisory committee.\n(2\n\nee\n\nMoves in connection with training of TA personnel e.g. courses, cadres demonstration, exercises and\ntrials.\n\n(3) Moves in connection with planning and reconnaissance of operational sites.\n(4) Moves in connection with recruitment. |\n(5) Moves for attachment for pre-course departmental training.\n\n(6) Moves in connection with all other TA matters.\n(P) Category ’A’ Establishments\n\nCommandants of Category ‘A” Establishments of Army are authorised to sanction inter-command\nTemporary duty move of officers and staff working under them including officers of the unit allotted / attached\nto their Establishment after being personally satisfied that the move is inescapable.\n\nNOTE 1: The following types of temporary duty moves may be authorised by the Heads of Establishments/\nLaboratories of R&D Organisation (where of they are in the rank of Directors Grade | and Grade II)\nin respect of officers and subordinates serving under them :-\n\n(1) Moves to HQrs or other Estt/Lab. for discussion on scientific or technical matters.\n\n(2) Moves in connection with inter-departmental conferences, meetings, symposia, seminars and\nexhibitions approved by Government. |\n\n(3) Moves in connection with departmental enquiries, courts of enquiry of other cases of disciplinary\naction.\n\n(4) Moves in connection with inspection or maintenance trials of equipment/ vehicles or purchases of\nstores/equipment/vehicles. |\n\n(5) Moves for escorting stores/samples/equipment from one place to another.\n\nNOTE 2: The heads of the following establishments /laboratories of Research and Development Organisation\nwill exercise powers under Rule 4 (i) to order temporary duty moves in respect of officers and staff\nserving under them in connection with the types of moves mentioned in Note | above:\n\n(1) NSTL Vishakhapatnam.\n(2) DESI DOC. |\n(3) DIF R.\n\n(4) S & ASE MANALI.\n\nMoves Personnel & types of moves | Authority\n1 2 3\n4. Moves of personnel (i) Service Officers :\n\n(Service and civilian)\nof Indian Navy.\n\n(A) Permanent moves. Chief of the Naval Staff.\n\n(B) Temporary moves.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "237\n\n2\n\n(a) Officers at Naval Headquarters\nand in establishments under immediate\ncontrol of IHQ of MoD (Navy).\n\n(b) Officers other than those referred to\nin (a) above.\n\n(ii) Civilians (gazetted/non gazetted)\n\n(A) Permanent moves of civilians (gazetted).\n\n(B) Permanent moves of civilians (non-\ngazetted).\n\n(a) Inter Command/inter Services.\n\n(b) All categories (centrally controlled\nby IHQ of MoD (Navy).\n\n(c) All categories other than those\nreferred to in (a) and (b) above\nwhich involve transfer from one\nNaval Establishment to another\nwithin their administrative control.\n\n(C) Temporary Moves.\n\n(a) Moves of individuals at Naval\nHQs and establishments under\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n3\n\nThe Chief of the\nNaval Staff, PSOs\nand APSOs.\n\nPSOs at IHQ of MoD\n(Navy) Flag Officers\nCommanding _ in-\nChief, Naval\nCommand, Flag\nOfficer Commanding\nFleets/ Areas.\n\nFlag Officers (Rear\nAdmiral),\n\nDefence Advisory\nGroup (ONGC)\nMumbai,\n\nDsGNPs and Naval\nOfficer-in-Charge\n(NOICs),\nCommanding Officers\nof Survey Ships of the\nrank of Commander\nand above for\ndetailing the officers\nof survey parties only.\n\nThe Chief of the\nNaval Staff.\n\nThe Chief of the\nNaval Staff.\n\nThe Chief of the\nNaval Staff.\n\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding-in-\nChief, Naval\nCommands.\n\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding, Fleets/\nAreas. The Admiral\nSuperintendents,\nNaval Dockyards, Ds\nGNP & NOICs.\n\nThe Chief of the\nNaval Staff.", "238\n\n“immediate control of IHQ of\nMoD(Navy).\n\n(b) Moves of Individuals other than that\nreferred to in (a) above.\n\n(iii) Sailors:\n\n(A) Permanent moves.\n\n(B) Temporary moves.\n\n5. Moves of personnel\n(service and civilians)\nof Air Force.\n(A) Permanent moves.\n\n(B) Temporary moves.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding-in-\nChief, Naval\nCommands. The\nFlag Officers\nCommanding,\n\n-Fleets/Areas. The\n\nAdmiral\n\nSuperintendents,\nNaval Dockyards.\nThe Chief\nHydrographer,\nDehradun. The Flag\nOfficer (Rear\nAdmiral), Defence\nAdvisory Group,\nMumbai, DSGNP &\nNOICs.\n\nThe Commodore,\nBureau of Sailors,\nMumbai.\n\nPSOs and APSOs at\nIHQ of MoD (Navy).\nThe Flag Officers\nCommanding-in-\nChief, Naval\nCommands,\n\nThe Flag Officers\n\n~Commanding,\n\nFleets/ Areas, NOICs\n(Naval Officers-in-\nCharge) COs of\nShips and\nEstablishments of\nthe rank of\ncommander and\nabove.\n\nThe Chief of the Air\nStaff.", "\"239\n\n(a) (1) Personnel serving at Air\nHeadquarters or at units directly\ncontrolled by them.\n\n(ii) Personnel (Service and Civilians)\nserving in their branches at\nAir Headquarters or with\nFormations directly under Air\nHeadquarters.\n\nAirmen and Civilians of\nCorresponding status serving\nunder them.\n\n(b) Personnel serving at Command HQs\nat unit controlled by them.\n\n(i) For all moves within Indian limits\nexcept as in (il) below.\n\nAirmen and Civilians of\nCorresponding status serving\nunder them.\n\n(ii) For moves between Units under\nthe control of the same Wing/\n\n3\n\nThe Chief of the Air\nStaff.\n\nPrincipal Staff Officers\nat Air Headquarters.\n\nDirector at Air\nHeadquarters.\n\nAir Officer\nCommanding-in-\nChief, Command.\n\nOsC self Accounting\nunits (not below the\nrank of Wg Cdr.)\n\nOC Wing/Station. -\n\nStation.\nNOTE: The provision contained in clause | (Iii) of para 1 of this Appendix will also be applicable on the Air\nForce side. |\n6. Miscellaneous (i-A) All moves on duty in respect of personnel\n\nunder their administrative control.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\n(a) The Chief of the\nArmy Staff.\n\n(b) Secretaries and\nJoint Secretaries,\nMinistry of Defence.\n\n(c) Chief\nAdministrative\nOfficer, and Joint\nSecretary. .\n\n(d) (i) Director\nGeneral Armed\n\nforces Medical\nServices.\n\n(d) (ii) OCs AFMSDs\n\n~ will be authority to\n\nsanction temporary\nduty moves of\nATEOs and HS X-\nRay Electricians\nwithin the areas\nunder their", "240\n\n3\n\njurisdiction, as\ndetailed below :-—\n\n(1) OC AFMSD\nLUCKNOW- Units in\nCentral and Eastern\nCommands.\n\n(2) OC AFMSD\nDELHI CANTT- Units\nin Northern\nCommand and\nWestern Command.\n\n(3) OC AFMSD\nPUNE-Units in\nSouthern Command.\n\n(e) Director, Military\nRegulation Forms,\nMinistry of Defence.\n\n(f) Scientific Adviser\nto Defence Minister\n\n(g) Director of\nTechnical\nDevelopment and\nProduction (Air).\n\n(h) Director General,\nDefence Estate.\n\n(i) Director of\nStandardisation.\n\n(j) Director General,\nQuality Assurance.\n\n(k) Programme\nOfficer (M & B).\n\nNOTE : The Chief Administrative Officer & Joint Secretary will, in addition, exercise the powers of heads\nof Inter-Services Organisation, other than those mentions at Sub-items (iii) and (iii-A) below.\n\n(i-B)(a) Moves on temporary duty in respect\n__ of personnel serving in his Bureau.\n\n(b) Moves on temporary duty in respect\nof programme officer (M&B).\n\n(ii) Moves of service officers serving with\nCabinet Secretariat.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nDirector, J C B.\n\nAdditional Secretary\n(R &D).\n\nDeputy Secretary\n(Military) of Cabinet\nSecretariat. He will\nalso exercise this\npower in respect of his\nmoves.", "a a a rE ee HS eS A i A A NR A A SN\n\ni tt NY Meter erg = se cen eee a\n\n(ill) Temporary duty moves of Civilian staff\nand service personnel of the Defence\ninstitute of Psychological Research.\n\n(iii-A) Temporary duty moves of Defence\nservice personnel (service and civilian)\nserving in the Directorate General\nNational Cadet Corps, Training\nEstablishments and Inter Directorate\ntemporary duty moves of personnel\nserving in National Cadet Corps\n\nUnits/Group Headaquarters/ Directorates.\n\n(iii-B) (a) Temporary duty moves within the\nrespective Directorates of\nDefence Service personnel\n(services and civilians) serving in\nthe National Cadet Corps under\nthe command of Deputy Director\nGeneral, National Cadet Corps of.\nDirectorate concerned.\n\n(b) Temporary duty moves (not\nexceeding 90 days at a time) of\nthe officers and the staff of the NCC\nDirectorate J & K State to the\nminimum extent necessary from\nSRINAGAR TO JAMMU when\nthe State Government functions at\nJammu during the months\nNovember to March.\n\n(c) Temporary duty moves within the\nrespective jurisdiction of service\npersonnel serving in National Cadet\nCorps units under their control.\n\n(d) Temporary duty moves of regular\nDefence Services personnel\nemployed on the instructional staff\nunder the OC of NCC units\n\nwhich fall within his own jurisdiction.\n\n(iv) Moves between units of Corps of\nEngineers whether detached or at\nHeadquarters.\n\n(v) Moves between units of Signal Corps,\nother than commissioned officers.\n\n(vi) Moves of personnel of Artillery\nconsequent on promotion.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nDirector, Defence\nInstitute of\nPsychological\nResearch, Defence\nScience Organisation.\n\nDirector General,\nNational Cadet Corps.\n\nDeputy Director\nGeneral, National\nCadet Corps of\nDirectorates.\n\nDeputy Director\nGeneral, National\nCadet Corps,\nJ&K State.\n\nCommander, National\nCadet Corps,\nGroup Headquarters.\n\nOfficer Commanding\nthe National Cadet\nCorps Units.\n\nCommandant of the\nGroup of Corps or\nEngineers concerned.\n\nCommandant, Signal\nTraining Centre.\n\nCommandant,\nArtillery Depot and\nRecords.", "242\n\n2\n\n(vil) (a) All permanent moves within and\noutside recruiting areas of:\n\n(1) Army Officers.\n\n(2) Recruiting medical officers.\n\n(3) Naval Officers.\n\n(b) All permanent moves within and\noutside recruiting area and temporary\nmoves outside recruiting areas of\nJCOs and civilian extra assistant\nrecruiting officers.\n\n(c) All permanent and temporary moves\noutside recruiting areas of ORs and\ncivilians (other than civilian extra\nassistant recruiting officers).\n\n(d) All temporary moves of R.O within ©\n\nrecruiting areas.\n\n(e) All temporary moves of recruiting\nofficers deputy recruiting officers\nand assistant recruiting officers\noutside recruiting areas.\n\n(f) All permanent moves within recruiting\narea of ORs and civilians (other than\n\nMilitary Secretary.\nDGMS.\n\nThe Chief of the\n\nNaval Staff.\n\nJoint Director,\nRecruiting.\n\nJoint Director,\nRecruiting.\n\nJoint Director,\nRecruiting.\n\n| ADG Recruiting.\n\nRecruiting Officer.\n\ncivilian extra assistant recruiting officers).\n\n(g) All temporary moves within recruiting\nzone of Recruiting Officers, Deputy\nZonal Recruiting Officers, Recruiting\nMedical Officers, Asstt Recruiting\nOfficers, JCOs/ORs Civilians.\n\n(viii) Individuals of Air Formation Signals units\n\nwithin the boundaries of the Air Force\nFormations.\n\n(ix) (a) Embarkation commandant and\nOfficers Commanding, Movement\nControl Groups and Movement\nControl areas (Indep). Staff\nemployed under Embarkation\nCommandants.\n\nOfficers Commanding. Movement\n\nZonal Recruiting\nOfficers.\n\nCommander of the\nAir Force formation\nto whom the unit\nis Operationally\nresponsible.\n\nADG Strat Mov.\n\nControl Group and Movement Control\nAreas (Indep) in respect of their Journeys\noutside the jurisdiction of these authorities.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "243\n\n1 2\n(ix) (b) Movement Control Staff in respect\nof journeys within the jurisdiction of\nEmbarkation Commanding and\nOfficers Commanding, Movement\nControl Groups/Movement Control\nArea (Indep).\n\n(x) Temporary duty moves of personnel in\nC M O Directorate, Ministry of Defence\nand C M O units:\n\n(ix) (a) Movement within Army Commands\nMoves of all personnel of CMO units\nin any Army Command except Delhi\nRegion.\n\n(b) Movement within Delhi Areas :—\nMoves of all personnel of CMO units\nin Delhi Region.\n\n(c) Movement outside Army Commands:—\nMoves of all personnel of CMO\nDirectorate (except Director CMO and\nChairmanC RCS C&CM O units).\n\n(xi) Temporary duty moves of personnel\n(Service & civilian) serving under their\nCommand).\n\n(xii) Temporary duty moves of all staff and\nstudents of the Inter Services Category ‘A’\nestablishments.\n\n3\n\nEmbarkation\nCommandant or\nOfficer Commanding.\nMovement Control\nGroup/ Movement\nControl Areas\n\n(Indep) at the case\nmay be.\n\nChairman,:\n(CRCSC,)\nConcerned.\n\nChairman,:\nCRCSC.,)\nConcerned.\n\nDirector CMO.\n\n(a) CISC HQ IDS.\n(b) Commander-in-\nChief, Andaman and\nNicobar Command.\n\n(c) Commander-in-\nChief Strategic Force\nCommand.\n\nCommandant of\nInter Services\nCategory ‘A\nestablishments.\n\nNOTES:—\n\n1. The rules, shown above, are not applicable to moves ordered under para 223 of Regulations for the\nArmy nor do they, in any way, affect powers of competent medical authorities referred to in the various\n\nrules for moves on medical grounds in these Regulations e.g. Rule 157.\n\n2. Amovement order can be signed by a staff or other officer for an authority referred to above, but the\n\nresponsibility rests with the latter.\n\n3. When a move authorised by a higher authority is actually carried out under orders issued by the lower\nauthority concerned, a reference to the orders of the former will be quoted in the orders of the latter for\n\nthe information of the audit authorities.\n\n4. The rules in regard to the movement of bodies of troops are contained in DSR. See also parat, item 1,\n\nexception (ill) above.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "244\n\n5. In cases where a unit serving in one command has a detachment, and in the case of Gorkha battalions,\na training company, located in another command, the GOC Area, Sub Areas, Independent Sub Area or\nBrigade Commander in whose area the Headquarters of the unit is located may sanction the move of\nthe O C. the unit (or in his place Adjutant or Quartermaster or in the case of MT units the workshop\nofficer), in connection with the inspection of the detachment as and when necessary. Moves of Officers\nin connection with changes in command of the detachment and other moves of officers and personnel\nto and from headquarters and detachments of unit may similarly be sanctioned.\n\n6. The authority competent to sanction the move of an artillery Brigade commander for inspection of a\ndetachment can sanction in lieu the move of an Adjutant for the same purpose as and when necessary.\n\n7. Moves of soldiers, airmen and non-combatant enrolled proceeding under the authority to their homes\non discharge, transfer to reserve or pension etc. will be carried out under the authority of unit/\nestablishment commanders.\n\n8. No separate sanction will be necessary for moves of soldiers to schools of instruction to which vacancies\nhave been allotted by Commands and Areas. A reference to such orders on the warrants will meet\nrequirements.\n\n\\\\192. 168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "245\n\nAPPENDIX IV\n\nOFFICERS PERMITTED TO SUBMIT THEIR T A CLAIMS WITHOUT THE\nCOUTERSIGNATURE OF A CONTROLLING OFFICER\n(Refer Rule 7)\n\n. Service Chiefs.\n\n. Vice Chiefs of all the three Services.\n\n. CISC HQ IDS.\n\n. Dy Chiefs at Service HQ/HQ IDS/ Inter Services Organisations.\n\n. All Principal Staff Officers at Service HQ/Inter Services Organisations.\n. Commander in Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command.\n\n. Commander in Chief Strategic Force Command.\n\n. GOC- in-C Commands.\n\n. The Chief of Staff Command HQs.\n\n. Corps Commanders and Area Commanders.\n\nOo O© ON DO OF FP WO NY =\n\n11. Div Commanders/Sub Area Commanders.\n\n12. Brigade Commanders.\n\n13. The Flag Officers Commanding in Chief, Naval Commands.\n\n14. The Flag Officers Commanding Fleets/Areas.\n\n15. The Admiral Superintendent, Naval Dockyards.\n\n16. The Naval Officers-in-Charge.\n\n17. Senior Officers of the rank of Commodore, who are Principal Directors at IHQ of MoD (Navy).\n18. Flag Officer Goa.\n\n19. Flag Officer Naval Aviation.\n\n20. Flag Officer Sea Training.\n\n21. Flag Officer Sub Marines.\n\n22. Director General Naval Projects.\n\n23. Air Officers Commanding in Chief, Commands.\n\n24. Senior Air Staff Officer and senior Air and Administrative Staff officer at Command HQ.\n\n25. Officers Commanding, Air Force Stations of and above the rank of Wing Commander, who have no\nlocal superiors.\n\n26. All Director Generals of respective Directorate at Service HQ.\n\n27. Director Generals of following Organisations /Establishments /Services:-\n(a) Armed Forces Medical Services.\n(b) National Cadet Corps.\n\n(c) Director General Resettlement including the office of the Indian Soldiers, Sailors’ and Airmen’s\nBoard. |\n\n\\192.1 68.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "28.\n29.\n\n30.\n31.\n32.\n33.\n34.\n35.\n36.\n37.\n38.\n39.\n\n40.\n\n246\n\n(d) Defence Estate.\n\n(e) Ordnance Factories.\n(f) Quality Assurance.\nRecruiting Officer.\n\nCommandants of Training Establishments of the rank of Brigadier/ Commodore/ Air Commodore and\nabove.\n\nDeputy Secretary (Military), Cabinet Secretariat.\n\nscientific Adviser to the Defence Minister.\n\nChairman, Pensions Appeal Tribunal.\n\nDeputy Directors General, National Cadet Corps (State Concerned).\n\nChief Controller and Deputy Chief Scientist of Research and Development Organisation.\nDirector Grade | and grade II, the Head of R & D/Est./Labs.\n\nDirector of Technical Development and Production (Air):\n\nDirector of Standardisation.\nProgramme Officer (M & B).\n\nCOAS, VCOAS, Heads of Branches and GOC-in-C or Equivalents in other two services while travelling\non tour/transfer and LTC when unable to travel on warrant will themselves act as their controlling\nofficers, under Rules 7,47,67,119 and177 of these Regulations to sanction re-imbursement of the\nvalue of the warrant.\n\nOfficers of the rank of Maj Gen/ Rear Admiral/ Air Vice Marshal and above, irrespective of their\nappointments and postings are permitted to submit their TA/DA claims without counter signature.\nHowever, they are not authorised to sanction their own moves.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "24/7\n\nAPPENDIX V\nFORM OF SURETY BOND\n(Refer to Rule 21(f))\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT WE (1)1..........::0:ceeeeeee (herein after called the obligor)\nANC (2/)*.......ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees (hereinafter called the surety) are held and fully and firmly bound unto the President\nof India(hereinafter called the ‘Government’ for the sum of ................ to the payment of which amount well\n\nand truly to be made, we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our respective heirs, executors, administrators,\nlegal representatives and assigns.\n\nWHEREAS the Government has paid to the obligor a SuM Of ‘9... etter (receipt of which\nthe obligor hereby acknowledges ) on account of advance of travelling expenses to the family of the\nlate foo cee cecccceeeeeeeeereeeaeeeeeneeeeeas for their journey tO °.......... cee rere eres and for (hereinafter\nreferred to as the family ) the transport of personal effects of the late A cesuueseceeecceeeceeeeeeeeenaaes TO oo ccceeeeeceeeeeeeeeteeeees\n\nNOW THE CONDITIONS OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN BOND is such that if the said obligor shall account\nto the satisfaction of the Government within one month of the completion of the journey\nTO oe eeeeecccceecceceeeseeeeeeeeeeaeeeesseeeeeeees by the family if the family travel in one batch, or when the family travels\nin more than one batch, within one month of the completion of the journey by the last batch or within one\nmonth of the expiry of period of six months after the date of receipt of this advance whichever is earlier, for\nthe proper expenditure of the aforesaid advance, then the above written bond shall be void and of no effect,\notherwise the bond shall remain in full force and virtue and it is hereby declared that:-\n\n(a) Any forbearance, extension of time, or indulgence on the part of the president of India or any officer\nto the obligor whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the surety, shall not in any way\nrelease the said surety, his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns from\nhis or their liability under the above written bond;\n\n(b) That the stamp duty on this bond shall be borne by the Government.\n\nSigned and delivered by the above named obligor in the presence of:—\n\n9 0\n\n20 —. ——————————————— __”—OCVOvVX—\n\nSigned and delivered by the above named surety in the presence of:—\n\n —_—_——— ————————————— — ™?”—«\"ase TTT\n\n20. “CT Orv—“— TOOT TTT\n\nAccepted for and on behalf of the President of India in the presence of:—\n1.\n\ner\n\n2.\n\n4. Herein insert the name of the individual to whom the advance is paid.\n\n2. Here insert the name of the surety.", "248\n\n3. Here specify the amount of advance paid.\n4. Insert the name of the deceased Government servant.\n\n5. Insert the normal place of the residence of the Government servant a journey to which is admissible\nunder the rules.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "249\n\nAPPENDIX VI\n\nAUTHORITY WHO CAN SANCTRION AIR TRAVEL\n(Refer to Rule 62)\n\nDeleted by correction slip No 262/VII/90\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "250\n\nAPPENDIX VII\n\nMEDICAL AUTHORITIES FOR RECOMMENDING AND\nSANCTIONING MOVES OF ATTENDANTS\n\nDescription of individual\nto be accompanied.\n\nservice Officers including\nMNS Officers.\nA sick commissioned Officer\n\nor Nursing Officer of the MNS.\n\nService personnel below\nofficers rank.\n(a) Acase of mental disease\n\nor an invalid proceeding to his\nhome /another station to consult\na specialist or to appear before\n\nan invaliding board.\n\n(b) An individual transferred\nunder provisions of Rule 158.\n\n(Refer to Rule 158)\n\nRecommending authority.\n\nCommanding Officer Hospital\n(or authorized medical attendant\nwhere there is no Service Hospital).\n\n-do-\n\n-do-\n\nsanctioning authority.\n\nMG Medical/CMO/\n\nPMO in Command HQ for\nmoves within the Command\nfor Army, Navy, Air Force\nPersonnel respectively and\nDGMS (Army/Navy/Air Force)\nfor moves outside the\nCommand.\n\nCommanding Officer Hospital/\nPrincipal Medical Officer\n(Ship/ Establishment) and\nSMO/MO at AF Station (or\nauthorized medical attendant\nwhere there is no Service\nHospital).\n\n-do-\n\nNOTE: (a) In urgent cases where time does not permit of sanction being obtained before the move, local\nauthorities will use their discretion.\n\n(b) It is permissible for the medical authority concerned to sanction conveyance for a relative /\nservant in lieu of a specially detailed attendant.\n\n(c) Normally return conveyance for attendants is admissible if the outward journey has been\nauthorized at the public expense. |\n\n(d) The services of soldiers, sailors, airmen or non combatants (enrolled) and non-combatants (un-\nenrolled) proceeding on leave should be utilized wherever possible in lieu of specially detailed\n\nattendants.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 BEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "251\n\nAPPENDIX VIII\n\nFORM OF INDEMNITY BOND\n(Refer of Rule 218)\n\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT WE (1)..............:eeeeesereees (hereinafter called the obligor)\nAN, (2)... ... ccc cece seeeeeeeee eee teeeeeeaeeees AN (3)... ...cccecccceeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeesenereees (hereinafter called the sureties) are\nheld and fully and firmly bound unto the President of India (hereinafter called the ‘Government’) for the sum\nOf Foe (Fe ) for which payment to be well and truly made, we jointly and severally bind\nourselves, our respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns.\n\nWHEREAS the Government has paid to the obligor a sum of €................. ( Fee ) receipt of which\nthe obligor hereby acknowledges, towards the travelling expenses of the family of the late.........00. ee.\n(hereinafter referred to as the ‘family’) for their journey from .................006 TO... ceeececeeneeees and for the\ntransport of personal effects of the late .................8. 110) 1 eee (ore in consideration\nof his executing this bond with two sureties.\n\nNOW THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN BOND is such that if it transpires that the said sum\n0) Cee has not been paid by the obligor to the family of the deceased and /or there is any claim\nhereinafter from the family of the deceased for expenses for their journey and for the transport of the personal\neffects of the deceased or for their any other journey then and in either of the said events this bond shall\nremain in full force and virtue otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect.\n\nPROVIDED FURTHER AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED:\n\n(a) Any forbearance, extension of time, or indulgence on the part of Government or any officer to the\nobligor whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the sureties, shall not in any way release\nthe said sureties, their heirs, and executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns from\ntheir liability under the above written bond.\n\n(b) That the stamp duty on this bond shall be borne by the Government.\n\nSignature of obligor\n\nSigned and delivered by the above named obligor in the presence of:—\n\nSignature of surety (1)\n\nSigned and delivered by the above named surety (1) in the presence of:—\n\ni\n\nen i Ss SS\n\nSignature of surety (2)\n\nSigned and delivered by the above named surety (2) in the presence of :-—", "252\n\nAccepted for and on behalf of the President of India in the presence of :—\n\n(Signature of the authority accepting the bond)\nSignature and addresses of the witnesses:—\n\n1.\n2.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "253\n\nAPPENDIX IX\n\nCONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE\n(Refer to Rule 222)\n\n(DELETED)\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "Item\nNo.\n\n10.\n\n254\n\nAPPENDIX X\n\nPERSONS AUTHORISED TO ISSUE RAILWAY AND ROAD WARRANTS,\nREQUISITION AND MILITARY CREDIT NOTES\n(Refer to Rule 231)\n\nSigning and issuing authority\n\nExtent to which issue is authorised\n\n(a) BY SEA\n\nDCOAS, AG, DGOL & SM and MGO.\n\nGOC-in-C Command, GOC Area, Independent\nSub Area, Sub Area, Brigade Commander, OC\nat ports of Embarkation and Embarkation\nCommandants.\n\nThe Chief of the Air Staff.\n\nOfficers of the Recruiting Organisation.\n\nAdministrative or executive officers of\ndepartments or corps.\n\nBase Logistic Officers.\n\nFor personnel and animals.\n\nFor personnel.\n\nFor themselves, recruiting parties and recruits.\n\nFor Stores which are the property of the Defence\nservices at the time of despatch.\n\nFor personnel, Stores and animals.\n\n(b) BY RAIL AND ROAD\n\nA staff officer or establishment officer/Assistant\nestablishment Officer of IHQ of MoD (Army)\n\nor lower formation/units/ Establisnments, a\nStation Staff Officer, an Embarkation Commandant,\na Staff Officer at Air HQ, an Officer Supervisor i/c.\nEstablishment Section at IHQ of MoD (Army) /\nAir HQ (Military or Civilian gazetted Officer).\n\nCommandants of authorised educational, training\nor other establishments notified in the Army List.\nCommandant President's Bodyguard.\nAdministrative medical officers attached to\n\nHeadquarters of formations, OsC Military\nHospitals.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nFor himself, personnel, animals and stores.\nNOTE: An Officer Supervisor i/c Establishment\nSection at IHQ of MoD (Army) may, in cases\nwhere sections are located in stations away from\nthe main headquarters authorise by delegation\nanother officer supervisor to sign and issue for\nhim railway warrants credit notes for the detached\nsections.\n\nFor themselves, staff and students, establishments\nanimals and stores.\n\nFor personnel, animals and stores of the\n\nBodyguards.\n\nFor medical personnel moving on departmental\nduty, officers and other ranks discharged from\nhospital as fit for duty or further required to attend\nmedical boards, sick transfers, attendants and\nescorts detailed to accompany patients and for\nstores.\n\nNOTE: ACommanding Officer of Military Hospital\nmay, on his own responsibility, permit the next\nsenior officer or a subordinate of the AMC to sign\nwarrants and credit notes.", "295\n\nItem Signing and issuing authority\nNo.\n\n11. Officers Commanding, Medical Stores Depots.\n\n12. Adjutants of Territorial Army units.\n\n13. | Administrative or executive officers of departments\nor services, also military subordinates of\ndepartments or services or civilians in the\ncase of MES when in independent charge\nof an outstation.\n\n14. Officers of the Cantonments Department.\n\n15. Officers of Movement control Staff\n\n16. Officer commanding units or detachments\nand commanding officers of IN ships and\nestablishments.\n\n17. CO of the authorised Units of the AF.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nExtent to which issue Is authorised\n\nFor personnel and stores.\n\nNOTE: Only a commissioned officer of the Armed\nForces is permitted to sign warrants and passage\nrequisitions under this item.\n\nFor other ranks of the Instructional staff of the\nunit proceeding on inspection duty or other\noutstation duty, on the authority of a regimental\norder authorising the journey or any other\ndescription of military duty on the authority of the\nGOC Area/ Independent Sub Area/ Sub Area or\nBrigade commander for authorised journeys of\nmembers of the Territorial Army, and for stores when\nthese are returned to the supplying depot.\n\nFor personnel under their orders when moving\non departmental duty and for animals and stores.\nFor stores only in the case of a civilian of the\nMES. In the case of ordnance and clothing depots\nthe ordnance officers i/c, may delegate the duty\nof signing credit notes to his deputy or the Group\nOfficer in charge of the issue branch. In case of\nOrdnance and clothing factories., the\nSuperintendent or other Officer i/c may delegate\nthe duty of signing credit notes to a gazetted officer\nor commissioned officer of the factory or a non-\ngazetted officer officiating as an Assistant Work\nManager or carrying on the duties of an Assistant\nWorks Manager with a charge allowance.\n\nNOTE: The executive head of an establishment of\ndepartment may issue a warrant for his own use.\n\nFor stores which are the property of the\n\nGovernment of India in the Defence Services at\nthe time of despatch.\n\nFor personnel, animals and stores.\n\nFor themselves and personnel under their\ncommand and stores. They are also authorised\nto sign and issue vehicle or party warrant, as the\ncase may be, in this connection.\n\nFor themselves, staff, establishment stores and\nanimals.\n\nNOTE: An OC unit, at his discretion may delegate\nhis personal authority to any one or more of his\nregimental officers. |\n\nAn OC Army Medical stores may, on his own\nresponsibility authorise superintendents of his\nstores when posted to sub-stores in out stations\nto sign and issue military credit notes.", "Item Signing and issuing authority\n\nNo.\n18.\n\n19.\n\n20.\n\n21.\n\n22.\n\n23.\n\n24.\n\n25.\n26.\n\n2/.\n\nOC unit who is OC Station in which no staff\nofficer exists.\n\nSubordinate-in-Charge of :\nMilitary Farms.\nFodder Baling Depots.\n\nNb Subedar Clerk of the Western\nNepal Recruiting Depot, Kunraghat.\n\nPrincipal Officer, Mercantile Marine\nDepartment, Chennai.\n\nASC Stores keeper in charge of an outpost.\n\nA Junior Commissioned Officer.\n\nAssistant inspector of armourers.\n\nThe chief of the Naval Staff.\n\nThe Flag Officers Commanding-in —Chief Naval\nCommands. |\n\nThe Flag Officers Commanding Fleets/Areas.\nThe Admiral Superintendents, Naval Dockyards.\nThe Chief Hydrographer, Dehradun.\n\nThe Naval Officers-in-Charge.\n\nThe Commanding officers, Ships/Establishments.\n\nThe Naval Armament Logistic Officers.\n\nThe Base Logistic Officers.\n\nOfficer in Charge/Heads of Independent Naval\nUnits /Organisation.\n\nThe DNAI, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi.\n\nThe Senior Naval Stores Officer, Mumbai.\n\nThe Naval stores officer, Kochi.\n\nThe Deputy Naval Stores Officer, Vishakhapatnam.\n\nThe Senior Inspectors Naval Armament, Mumbai\nand Kolkata and Naval Armament Inspecting\n\nOfficers, Vishakhapatnam, Kochi, Jabalpur, Kanpur\nand Kirkee Base Vic tualling Officers.\n\nThe Officer Superviser (Est.) Naval Headquarters,\nNew Delhi.\n\nThe Deputy Armament Logistic Officer, Alwaye.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG\n\nExtent to which issue is authorised\n\nFor personnel, animals and stores.\n\nFor himself and subordinates for despatch of farm\nstores, farm produce, dairy produce, animals and\nfodder.\n\nFor personnel authorised only for the period\nbetween April 1** and October 1* annually.\n\nFor stores which are the property of the Defence\nServices at the time of despatch.\n\nFor stores which are the property of the Defence\nServices at the time of despatch.\n\nIs authorised to sign IAFT-1707, |IAFT-1711,\nIAF T-1712 IAF T-1709, IAFT-1752, and IAFT-1720\nwhen duly appointed by competent authority (GOC\nArea/Independent Sub Area/ Sub Area or Brigade\nCommander) to act in place of a Commissioned\nOfficer.\n\nFor viewers (extra temporary artificers) and\nGovernment stores accompanying them on tour.\n\nFor personnel and stores.\n\nFor personnel and stores.\n\nFor Stores only.", "25/7\n\nItem Signing and issuing authority Extent to which issue is authorised\nNo.\n\nThe NavalArmament Inspecting Officer, Delhi.\nThe Officer-in-Charge CED Vishakhapatnam.\n\nThe Base Logistic officers. For stores Indenting, issuing and accounting of\nall travel forms.\n\nNOTE: SNSO Mumbai, NSO, Kochi ,DNSO Vishakhapatnam, NASOs Mumbai and Vishakhapatnam may\nat their discretion delegate their personal authority to any one or more of their DNSOs/ANSOs and\nDASOs as necessary for the proper discharge of their duties.\n\n28. AOC-in-C, Command and OC IAF Station/ For himself, personnel and equipment.\nWing HQs.\n\nNOTE: An AOC-in-C Command, OC IAF Station/Wing Headquarters may at his discretion delegate his\npersonal authority to one or more of his service officers.\n\n29. Commandants/COs of Air Force Academies/ For themselves, staff and _ students\nTrainings Institutions. establisnments, animals and stores.\n30. Officers of the Recruiting Organisation. For themselves and all moving under order.\n\nNOTE: Recruiting Officers may at their discretion authorise extra assistant recruiting officers serving under\nthem to sign and issue railway.’\n\n31. Military Secretary to the President. For personnel and stores of the band.\n\n32. ADC to Governors of States. For personnel and stores of the band.\nThe cost of warrants and military credit notes is\ndebatable to the State Government concerned.\n\n33. Officers commanding, Senior Division, For themselves and other regular personnel\nNational Cadet Corps units. Group employed with the NCC.\nCommanders, NCC. a\n\n34. Deputy Controller General of Defence Accounts, For personnel moving on departmental duty under\nAssistant Controller General of DefenceAccounts. orders of the Controller General of Defence\n| Accounts and despatch of records and stores.\n\n35. | CDA(Funds), Meerut. For despatch of Government Stores and records.\n36. Controller of Defence Accounts. For personnel of Defence Accounts Department\nand stores.\n\nNOTE: AController of Defence Accounts may, at his discretion authorise any gazetted officer in his office to\nissue credit notes.\n\n37. | Defence pension Disbursing Officers. For themselves and their subordinates moving\n| on pension duties.\n38. Deputy Controller of Stationery; Manager For stores which are the property of the Defence\nof Forms press, Manager Govt .of India Services at the time of despatch.\n\nCentral publication Branch, Managers,\nGovt. of India Presses, the Controller of\nStamps and Superintendent, Mathematical\nInstrument Office, Kolkata.\n\n\\\\192.168.4. 1\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "258\n\nItem Signing and issuing authority Extent to which issue is authorised\n\nNo.\n39. Director, Central Research Institute, Kasuall. For anti-sera and vaccines (excluding\n\nProphylactic vaccine) which at the time of\ndespatch are the property of the Defence services.\n\nNOTE: The director may delegate his personal authority for signing military credit notes to any one or more\nof the officers serving under him. |\n\n40. _ Director General, For issue of Railway warrants and concession\nAssam Rifles and CO Assam Rifles Units. vouchers to Army personnel deputed for duty with\n\n| | Assam Rifles.\n41. ‘Military and Air Attache and assistant Military Railway warrants to Indian Military Gorkha\nand Air Attache/Record Officer of Embassy pensioners of Nepal domicile when they proceed\nof India, Nepal. to appear before resurvey medical board and also\n\nto the serving soldiers/combatant clerks borne on —\nthe establishment of the Military and Air Attache.\n\nNOTE: As and when railway warrants are issued to Military Gorkha pensioners in Nepal, called for resurvey\nmedical board, the following particulars will be forwarded by the issuing office to the OC Military\nHospital where medical board of the pensioners is held, to avoid double issue of railway warrants:-\n\n(a) Regimental Number, Rank and Name of the pensioner.\n(b) Railway warrant No. and date.\n\n(c) Stations from and to as indicated in the Railway Warrant.\n(c) BY ROAD ONLY |\n\n42. ASC subordinates in charges of rest camps For personnel moving by road between military\nwhen considered necessary by the GOC area, stations.\nIndependent Sub Area, Sub Area or Brigade\nCommander.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG", "259\n\nAPPENDIX Xl\n\nAUTHORITIES WHO CAN SANCTION EXTENSION OF LIEN ON CONVEYANCE\n(Refer to Rule 16)\n\nDelegated powers to service HQ Approving Authority Authenticating Authority\n\nFull powers irrespective of period Army — DGOL & SM. Jt Dir/Dy Dir/ Asstt Dir/\ninvolved on lien on conveyance Navy — COP. GSO 1/GSO 2.\nof family and baggage on Air Force — AOP/AOA.\npermanent transfer. AFMS — DGAFMS.\n2. Full powers irrespective of period Army — DGOL. Jt Dir/Dy Dir/ Asstt Dir/\ninvolved on transportation of Navy — COP. GSO 1/GSO 2.\nprivate conveyance. Air Force — AOP/AOA.\nAFMS — DGAFMS.\n3. Full powers irrespective of period Army — DGOL. Jt Dir/Dy Dir/ Asstt Dir/\ninvolved on lien in travel concessions Navy — COP. GSO 1/GSO 2.\n\non retirement of Government servant/ Air Force — AOP/AOA.\nmembers of his family on death of AFMS — DGAFMS.\nGovernment servant.\n\nNOTE: These financial powers will be exercised by the Service HQs, in consultation with the Ministry of\nDefence (Fin) acting as IFA.\n\n\\\\\\E\\DEFENCE\\4879 DEFENCE\\APPENDIX_ENG" ]