diff --git "a/src/backend/gradio_unifiedaudio/templates/component/module-ae1e1517.js" "b/src/backend/gradio_unifiedaudio/templates/component/module-ae1e1517.js" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/src/backend/gradio_unifiedaudio/templates/component/module-ae1e1517.js" @@ -0,0 +1,2981 @@ +import { c as Jn, a as Qn, g as er } from "./module-2c3384e6.js"; +import { g as Kt } from "./index-c48f56d2.js"; +const Rt = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), tr = Jn({ + encode: ({ call: e }) => async (t, n) => { + const r = await e("encode", { encoderId: t, timeslice: n }); + return Rt.delete(t), r; + }, + instantiate: ({ call: e }) => async (t, n) => { + const r = Qn(Rt), o = await e("instantiate", { encoderId: r, mimeType: t, sampleRate: n }); + return { encoderId: r, port: o }; + }, + register: ({ call: e }) => (t) => e("register", { port: t }, [t]) +}), nr = (e) => { + const t = new Worker(e); + return tr(t); +}, rr = `(()=>{var e={775:function(e,t,r){!function(e,t,r,n){"use strict";var o=function(e,t){return void 0===t?e:t.reduce((function(e,t){if("capitalize"===t){var o=e.charAt(0).toUpperCase(),s=e.slice(1);return"".concat(o).concat(s)}return"dashify"===t?r(e):"prependIndefiniteArticle"===t?"".concat(n(e)," ").concat(e):e}),e)},s=function(e){var t=e.name+e.modifiers.map((function(e){return"\\\\.".concat(e,"\\\\(\\\\)")})).join("");return new RegExp("\\\\$\\\\{".concat(t,"}"),"g")},a=function(e,r){for(var n=/\\\${([^.}]+)((\\.[^(]+\\(\\))*)}/g,a=[],i=n.exec(e);null!==i;){var c={modifiers:[],name:i[1]};if(void 0!==i[3])for(var u=/\\.[^(]+\\(\\)/g,l=u.exec(i[2]);null!==l;)c.modifiers.push(l[0].slice(1,-2)),l=u.exec(i[2]);a.push(c),i=n.exec(e)}var d=a.reduce((function(e,n){return e.map((function(e){return"string"==typeof e?e.split(s(n)).reduce((function(e,s,a){return 0===a?[s]:n.name in r?[].concat(t(e),[o(r[n.name],n.modifiers),s]):[].concat(t(e),[function(e){return o(e[n.name],n.modifiers)},s])}),[]):[e]})).reduce((function(e,r){return[].concat(t(e),t(r))}),[])}),[e]);return function(e){return d.reduce((function(r,n){return[].concat(t(r),"string"==typeof n?[n]:[n(e)])}),[]).join("")}},i=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},r=void 0===e.code?void 0:a(e.code,t),n=void 0===e.message?void 0:a(e.message,t);function o(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},o=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0,s=void 0===o&&(t instanceof Error||void 0!==t.code&&"Exception"===t.code.slice(-9))?{cause:t,missingParameters:{}}:{cause:o,missingParameters:t},a=s.cause,i=s.missingParameters,c=void 0===n?new Error:new Error(n(i));return null!==a&&(c.cause=a),void 0!==r&&(c.code=r(i)),void 0!==e.status&&(c.status=e.status),c}return o};e.compile=i}(t,r(106),r(881),r(507))},881:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=(e,t)=>{if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("expected a string");return e.trim().replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g,"$1-$2").replace(/\\W/g,(e=>/[À-ž]/.test(e)?e:"-")).replace(/^-+|-+$/g,"").replace(/-{2,}/g,(e=>t&&t.condense?"-":e)).toLowerCase()}},107:function(e,t){!function(e){"use strict";var t=function(e){return function(t){var r=e(t);return t.add(r),r}},r=function(e){return function(t,r){return e.set(t,r),r}},n=void 0===Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER?9007199254740991:Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,o=536870912,s=2*o,a=function(e,t){return function(r){var a=t.get(r),i=void 0===a?r.size:an)throw new Error("Congratulations, you created a collection of unique numbers which uses all available integers!");for(;r.has(i);)i=Math.floor(Math.random()*n);return e(r,i)}},i=new WeakMap,c=r(i),u=a(c,i),l=t(u);e.addUniqueNumber=l,e.generateUniqueNumber=u}(t)},507:e=>{var t=function(e){var t,r,n=/\\w+/.exec(e);if(!n)return"an";var o=(r=n[0]).toLowerCase(),s=["honest","hour","hono"];for(t in s)if(0==o.indexOf(s[t]))return"an";if(1==o.length)return"aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(o)>=0?"an":"a";if(r.match(/(?!FJO|[HLMNS]Y.|RY[EO]|SQU|(F[LR]?|[HL]|MN?|N|RH?|S[CHKLMNPTVW]?|X(YL)?)[AEIOU])[FHLMNRSX][A-Z]/))return"an";var a=[/^e[uw]/,/^onc?e\\b/,/^uni([^nmd]|mo)/,/^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]/];for(t=0;t=0?"an":"a":"aeiou".indexOf(o[0])>=0||o.match(/^y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt)/)?"an":"a"};void 0!==e.exports?e.exports=t:window.indefiniteArticle=t},768:e=>{e.exports=function(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(t);r{var n=r(768);e.exports=function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return n(e)},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},642:e=>{e.exports=function(e){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=e[Symbol.iterator]||null!=e["@@iterator"])return Array.from(e)},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},344:e=>{e.exports=function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},106:(e,t,r)=>{var n=r(907),o=r(642),s=r(906),a=r(344);e.exports=function(e){return n(e)||o(e)||s(e)||a()},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},906:(e,t,r)=>{var n=r(768);e.exports=function(e,t){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return n(e,t);var r=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);return"Object"===r&&e.constructor&&(r=e.constructor.name),"Map"===r||"Set"===r?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===r||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)?n(e,t):void 0}},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports}},t={};function r(n){var o=t[n];if(void 0!==o)return o.exports;var s=t[n]={exports:{}};return e[n].call(s.exports,s,s.exports,r),s.exports}(()=>{"use strict";var e=r(775);const t=-32603,n=-32602,o=-32601,s=(0,e.compile)({message:'The requested method called "\${method}" is not supported.',status:o}),a=(0,e.compile)({message:'The handler of the method called "\${method}" returned no required result.',status:t}),i=(0,e.compile)({message:'The handler of the method called "\${method}" returned an unexpected result.',status:t}),c=(0,e.compile)({message:'The specified parameter called "portId" with the given value "\${portId}" does not identify a port connected to this worker.',status:n});var u=r(107);const l=new Map,d=(e,t,r)=>({...t,connect:r=>{let{port:n}=r;n.start();const o=e(n,t),s=(0,u.generateUniqueNumber)(l);return l.set(s,(()=>{o(),n.close(),l.delete(s)})),{result:s}},disconnect:e=>{let{portId:t}=e;const r=l.get(t);if(void 0===r)throw c({portId:t.toString()});return r(),{result:null}},isSupported:async()=>{if(await new Promise((e=>{const t=new ArrayBuffer(0),{port1:r,port2:n}=new MessageChannel;r.onmessage=t=>{let{data:r}=t;return e(null!==r)},n.postMessage(t,[t])}))){const e=r();return{result:e instanceof Promise?await e:e}}return{result:!1}}}),f=function(e,t){const r=d(f,t,arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:()=>!0),n=((e,t)=>async r=>{let{data:{id:n,method:o,params:c}}=r;const u=t[o];try{if(void 0===u)throw s({method:o});const t=void 0===c?u():u(c);if(void 0===t)throw a({method:o});const r=t instanceof Promise?await t:t;if(null===n){if(void 0!==r.result)throw i({method:o})}else{if(void 0===r.result)throw i({method:o});const{result:t,transferables:s=[]}=r;e.postMessage({id:n,result:t},s)}}catch(t){const{message:r,status:o=-32603}=t;e.postMessage({error:{code:o,message:r},id:n})}})(e,r);return e.addEventListener("message",n),()=>e.removeEventListener("message",n)},p=e=>{e.onmessage=null,e.close()},m=new WeakMap,h=new WeakMap,g=(e=>{const t=(r=e,{...r,connect:e=>{let{call:t}=e;return async()=>{const{port1:e,port2:r}=new MessageChannel,n=await t("connect",{port:e},[e]);return m.set(r,n),r}},disconnect:e=>{let{call:t}=e;return async e=>{const r=m.get(e);if(void 0===r)throw new Error("The given port is not connected.");await t("disconnect",{portId:r})}},isSupported:e=>{let{call:t}=e;return()=>t("isSupported")}});var r;return e=>{const r=(e=>{if(h.has(e))return h.get(e);const t=new Map;return h.set(e,t),t})(e);e.addEventListener("message",(e=>{let{data:t}=e;const{id:n}=t;if(null!==n&&r.has(n)){const{reject:e,resolve:o}=r.get(n);r.delete(n),void 0===t.error?o(t.result):e(new Error(t.error.message))}})),(e=>"function"==typeof e.start)(e)&&e.start();const n=function(t){let n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:null,o=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:[];return new Promise(((s,a)=>{const i=(0,u.generateUniqueNumber)(r);r.set(i,{reject:a,resolve:s}),null===n?e.postMessage({id:i,method:t},o):e.postMessage({id:i,method:t,params:n},o)}))},o=function(t,r){let n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:[];e.postMessage({id:null,method:t,params:r},n)};let s={};for(const[e,r]of Object.entries(t))s={...s,[e]:r({call:n,notify:o})};return{...s}}})({characterize:e=>{let{call:t}=e;return()=>t("characterize")},encode:e=>{let{call:t}=e;return(e,r)=>t("encode",{recordingId:e,timeslice:r})},record:e=>{let{call:t}=e;return async(e,r,n)=>{await t("record",{recordingId:e,sampleRate:r,typedArrays:n},n.map((e=>{let{buffer:t}=e;return t})))}}}),v=async(e,t)=>{const r=g(t),n=await r.characterize(),o=n.toString();if(e.has(o))throw new Error("There is already an encoder stored which handles exactly the same mime types.");return e.set(o,[n,r]),n},w=new Map,x=(e=>t=>{const r=e.get(t);if(void 0===r)throw new Error("There was no instance of an encoder stored with the given id.");return r})(w),y=((e,t)=>r=>{const n=t(r);return e.delete(r),n})(w,x),M=new Map,b=((e,t)=>r=>{const[n,o,s,a]=t(r);return s?new Promise((t=>{o.onmessage=s=>{let{data:i}=s;0===i.length?(e(o),t(n.encode(r,null))):n.record(r,a,i)}})):n.encode(r,null)})(p,y),E=(e=>t=>{for(const[r,n]of Array.from(e.values()))if(r.test(t))return n;throw new Error("There is no encoder registered which could handle the given mimeType.")})(M),A=((e,t,r)=>(n,o,s)=>{if(t.has(n))throw new Error('There is already an encoder registered with an id called "'.concat(n,'".'));const a=r(o),{port1:i,port2:c}=new MessageChannel,u=[a,i,!0,s];return t.set(n,u),i.onmessage=t=>{let{data:r}=t;0===r.length?(e(i),u[2]=!1):a.record(n,s,r.map((e=>"number"==typeof e?new Float32Array(e):e)))},c})(p,w,E),I=(e=>(t,r)=>{const[n]=e(t);return n.encode(t,r)})(x);f(self,{encode:async e=>{let{encoderId:t,timeslice:r}=e;const n=null===r?await b(t):await I(t,r);return{result:n,transferables:n}},instantiate:e=>{let{encoderId:t,mimeType:r,sampleRate:n}=e;const o=A(t,r,n);return{result:o,transferables:[o]}},register:async e=>{let{port:t}=e;return{result:await v(M,t)}}})})()})();`, or = new Blob([rr], { type: "application/javascript; charset=utf-8" }), Jt = URL.createObjectURL(or), dt = nr(Jt), Se = dt.encode, Qt = dt.instantiate, sr = dt.register; +URL.revokeObjectURL(Jt); +const ir = (e) => (t, n) => { + if (e === null) + throw new Error("A native BlobEvent could not be created."); + return new e(t, n); +}, ar = (e, t) => (n, r, o) => { + const s = []; + let i = r, c = 0; + for (; c < n.byteLength; ) + if (i === null) { + const a = t(n, c); + if (a === null) + break; + const { length: u, type: d } = a; + i = d, c += u; + } else { + const a = e(n, c, i, o); + if (a === null) + break; + const { content: u, length: d } = a; + i = null, c += d, u !== null && s.push(u); + } + return { contents: s, currentElementType: i, offset: c }; +}, cr = (e, t) => class { + constructor(r = null) { + this._listeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), this._nativeEventTarget = r === null ? e() : r; + } + addEventListener(r, o, s) { + if (o !== null) { + let i = this._listeners.get(o); + i === void 0 && (i = t(this, o), typeof o == "function" && this._listeners.set(o, i)), this._nativeEventTarget.addEventListener(r, i, s); + } + } + dispatchEvent(r) { + return this._nativeEventTarget.dispatchEvent(r); + } + removeEventListener(r, o, s) { + const i = o === null ? void 0 : this._listeners.get(o); + this._nativeEventTarget.removeEventListener(r, i === void 0 ? null : i, s); + } +}, ur = (e) => () => { + if (e === null) + throw new Error("A native EventTarget could not be created."); + return e.document.createElement("p"); +}, lr = (e = "") => { + try { + return new DOMException(e, "InvalidModificationError"); + } catch (t) { + return t.code = 13, t.message = e, t.name = "InvalidModificationError", t; + } +}, dr = () => { + try { + return new DOMException("", "InvalidStateError"); + } catch (e) { + return e.code = 11, e.name = "InvalidStateError", e; + } +}, fr = (e) => { + if (e !== null && // Bug #14: Before v14.1 Safari did not support the BlobEvent. + e.BlobEvent !== void 0 && e.MediaStream !== void 0 && /* + * Bug #10: An early experimental implemenation in Safari v14 did not provide the isTypeSupported() function. + * + * Bug #17: Safari up to v14.1.2 throttled the processing on hidden tabs if there was no active audio output. This is not tested + * here but should be covered by the following test, too. + */ + (e.MediaRecorder === void 0 || e.MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported !== void 0)) { + if (e.MediaRecorder === void 0) + return Promise.resolve(!0); + const t = e.document.createElement("canvas"), n = t.getContext("2d"); + if (n === null || typeof t.captureStream != "function") + return Promise.resolve(!1); + const r = t.captureStream(); + return Promise.all([ + /* + * Bug #5: Up until v70 Firefox did emit a blob of type video/webm when asked to encode a MediaStream with a video track into an + * audio codec. + */ + new Promise((o) => { + const s = "audio/webm"; + try { + const i = new e.MediaRecorder(r, { mimeType: s }); + i.addEventListener("dataavailable", ({ data: c }) => o(c.type === s)), i.start(), setTimeout(() => i.stop(), 10); + } catch (i) { + o(i.name === "NotSupportedError"); + } + }), + /* + * Bug #1 & #2: Up until v83 Firefox fired an error event with an UnknownError when adding or removing a track. + * + * Bug #3 & #4: Up until v112 Chrome dispatched an error event without any error. + * + * Bug #6: Up until v113 Chrome emitted a blob without any data when asked to encode a MediaStream with a video track as audio. + * This is not directly tested here as it can only be tested by recording something for a short time. It got fixed at the same + * time as #7 and #8. + * + * Bug #7 & #8: Up until v113 Chrome dispatched the dataavailable and stop events before it dispatched the error event. + */ + new Promise((o) => { + const s = new e.MediaRecorder(r); + let i = !1, c = !1; + s.addEventListener("dataavailable", () => i = !0), s.addEventListener("error", (a) => { + o(!i && !c && "error" in a && a.error !== null && typeof a.error == "object" && "name" in a.error && a.error.name !== "UnknownError"); + }), s.addEventListener("stop", () => c = !0), s.start(), n.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1), r.removeTrack(r.getVideoTracks()[0]); + }) + ]).then((o) => o.every((s) => s)); + } + return Promise.resolve(!1); +}, hr = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i) => class extends s { + constructor(a, u = {}) { + const { mimeType: d } = u; + if (i !== null && // Bug #10: Safari does not yet implement the isTypeSupported() method. + (d === void 0 || i.isTypeSupported !== void 0 && i.isTypeSupported(d))) { + const l = e(i, a, u); + super(l), this._internalMediaRecorder = l; + } else if (d !== void 0 && o.some((l) => l.test(d))) + super(), i !== null && i.isTypeSupported !== void 0 && i.isTypeSupported("audio/webm;codecs=pcm") ? this._internalMediaRecorder = r(this, i, a, d) : this._internalMediaRecorder = n(this, a, d); + else + throw i !== null && e(i, a, u), t(); + this._ondataavailable = null, this._onerror = null, this._onpause = null, this._onresume = null, this._onstart = null, this._onstop = null; + } + get mimeType() { + return this._internalMediaRecorder.mimeType; + } + get ondataavailable() { + return this._ondataavailable === null ? this._ondataavailable : this._ondataavailable[0]; + } + set ondataavailable(a) { + if (this._ondataavailable !== null && this.removeEventListener("dataavailable", this._ondataavailable[1]), typeof a == "function") { + const u = a.bind(this); + this.addEventListener("dataavailable", u), this._ondataavailable = [a, u]; + } else + this._ondataavailable = null; + } + get onerror() { + return this._onerror === null ? this._onerror : this._onerror[0]; + } + set onerror(a) { + if (this._onerror !== null && this.removeEventListener("error", this._onerror[1]), typeof a == "function") { + const u = a.bind(this); + this.addEventListener("error", u), this._onerror = [a, u]; + } else + this._onerror = null; + } + get onpause() { + return this._onpause === null ? this._onpause : this._onpause[0]; + } + set onpause(a) { + if (this._onpause !== null && this.removeEventListener("pause", this._onpause[1]), typeof a == "function") { + const u = a.bind(this); + this.addEventListener("pause", u), this._onpause = [a, u]; + } else + this._onpause = null; + } + get onresume() { + return this._onresume === null ? this._onresume : this._onresume[0]; + } + set onresume(a) { + if (this._onresume !== null && this.removeEventListener("resume", this._onresume[1]), typeof a == "function") { + const u = a.bind(this); + this.addEventListener("resume", u), this._onresume = [a, u]; + } else + this._onresume = null; + } + get onstart() { + return this._onstart === null ? this._onstart : this._onstart[0]; + } + set onstart(a) { + if (this._onstart !== null && this.removeEventListener("start", this._onstart[1]), typeof a == "function") { + const u = a.bind(this); + this.addEventListener("start", u), this._onstart = [a, u]; + } else + this._onstart = null; + } + get onstop() { + return this._onstop === null ? this._onstop : this._onstop[0]; + } + set onstop(a) { + if (this._onstop !== null && this.removeEventListener("stop", this._onstop[1]), typeof a == "function") { + const u = a.bind(this); + this.addEventListener("stop", u), this._onstop = [a, u]; + } else + this._onstop = null; + } + get state() { + return this._internalMediaRecorder.state; + } + pause() { + return this._internalMediaRecorder.pause(); + } + resume() { + return this._internalMediaRecorder.resume(); + } + start(a) { + return this._internalMediaRecorder.start(a); + } + stop() { + return this._internalMediaRecorder.stop(); + } + static isTypeSupported(a) { + return i !== null && // Bug #10: Safari does not yet implement the isTypeSupported() method. + i.isTypeSupported !== void 0 && i.isTypeSupported(a) || o.some((u) => u.test(a)); + } +}, pr = (e) => e !== null && e.BlobEvent !== void 0 ? e.BlobEvent : null, mr = (e) => e === null || e.MediaRecorder === void 0 ? null : e.MediaRecorder, gr = (e) => (t, n, r) => { + const o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), i = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), c = [], a = new t(n, r), u = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); + return a.addEventListener("stop", ({ isTrusted: d }) => { + d && setTimeout(() => c.shift()); + }), a.addEventListener = ((d) => (l, g, w) => { + let p = g; + if (typeof g == "function") + if (l === "dataavailable") { + const f = []; + p = (m) => { + const [[h, b] = [!1, !1]] = c; + h && !b ? f.push(m) : g.call(a, m); + }, o.set(g, f), s.set(g, p); + } else + l === "error" ? (p = (f) => { + f instanceof ErrorEvent ? g.call(a, f) : g.call(a, new ErrorEvent("error", { error: f.error })); + }, i.set(g, p)) : l === "stop" && (p = (f) => { + for (const [m, h] of o.entries()) + if (h.length > 0) { + const [b] = h; + h.length > 1 && Object.defineProperty(b, "data", { + value: new Blob(h.map(({ data: _ }) => _), { type: b.data.type }) + }), h.length = 0, m.call(a, b); + } + g.call(a, f); + }, u.set(g, p)); + return d.call(a, l, p, w); + })(a.addEventListener), a.removeEventListener = ((d) => (l, g, w) => { + let p = g; + if (typeof g == "function") { + if (l === "dataavailable") { + o.delete(g); + const f = s.get(g); + f !== void 0 && (p = f); + } else if (l === "error") { + const f = i.get(g); + f !== void 0 && (p = f); + } else if (l === "stop") { + const f = u.get(g); + f !== void 0 && (p = f); + } + } + return d.call(a, l, p, w); + })(a.removeEventListener), a.start = ((d) => (l) => { + if (r.mimeType !== void 0 && r.mimeType.startsWith("audio/") && n.getVideoTracks().length > 0) + throw e(); + return a.state === "inactive" && c.push([l !== void 0, !0]), l === void 0 ? d.call(a) : d.call(a, l); + })(a.start), a.stop = ((d) => () => { + a.state !== "inactive" && (c[0][1] = !1), d.call(a); + })(a.stop), a; +}, et = () => { + try { + return new DOMException("", "NotSupportedError"); + } catch (e) { + return e.code = 9, e.name = "NotSupportedError", e; + } +}, wr = (e) => (t, n, r, o = 2) => { + const s = e(t, n); + if (s === null) + return s; + const { length: i, value: c } = s; + if (r === "master") + return { content: null, length: i }; + if (n + i + c > t.byteLength) + return null; + if (r === "binary") { + const a = (c / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT - 1) / o, u = Array.from({ length: o }, () => new Float32Array(a)); + for (let d = 0; d < a; d += 1) { + const l = d * o + 1; + for (let g = 0; g < o; g += 1) + u[g][d] = t.getFloat32(n + i + (l + g) * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, !0); + } + return { content: u, length: i + c }; + } + return { content: null, length: i + c }; +}, vr = (e) => (t, n) => { + const r = e(t, n); + if (r === null) + return r; + const { length: o, value: s } = r; + return s === 35 ? { length: o, type: "binary" } : s === 46 || s === 97 || s === 88713574 || s === 106212971 || s === 139690087 || s === 172351395 || s === 256095861 ? { length: o, type: "master" } : { length: o, type: "unknown" }; +}, _r = (e) => (t, n) => { + const r = e(t, n); + if (r === null) + return r; + const o = n + Math.floor((r - 1) / 8); + if (o + r > t.byteLength) + return null; + let i = t.getUint8(o) & (1 << 8 - r % 8) - 1; + for (let c = 1; c < r; c += 1) + i = (i << 8) + t.getUint8(o + c); + return { length: r, value: i }; +}, It = Symbol.observable || "@@observable"; +function yr(e) { + return Symbol.observable || (typeof e == "function" && e.prototype && e.prototype[Symbol.observable] ? (e.prototype[It] = e.prototype[Symbol.observable], delete e.prototype[Symbol.observable]) : (e[It] = e[Symbol.observable], delete e[Symbol.observable])), e; +} +const Ne = () => { +}, St = (e) => { + throw e; +}; +function Er(e) { + return e ? e.next && e.error && e.complete ? e : { + complete: (e.complete ?? Ne).bind(e), + error: (e.error ?? St).bind(e), + next: (e.next ?? Ne).bind(e) + } : { + complete: Ne, + error: St, + next: Ne + }; +} +const Ar = (e) => (t, n, r) => e((o) => { + const s = (i) => o.next(i); + return t.addEventListener(n, s, r), () => t.removeEventListener(n, s, r); +}), br = (e, t) => { + const n = () => { + }, r = (o) => typeof o[0] == "function"; + return (o) => { + const s = (...i) => { + const c = o(r(i) ? t({ next: i[0] }) : t(...i)); + return c !== void 0 ? c : n; + }; + return s[Symbol.observable] = () => ({ + subscribe: (...i) => ({ unsubscribe: s(...i) }) + }), e(s); + }; +}, Cr = br(yr, Er), en = Ar(Cr); +/*! + * dashify + * + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ +var Tr = (e, t) => { + if (typeof e != "string") + throw new TypeError("expected a string"); + return e.trim().replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/\W/g, (n) => /[À-ž]/.test(n) ? n : "-").replace(/^-+|-+$/g, "").replace(/-{2,}/g, (n) => t && t.condense ? "-" : n).toLowerCase(); +}; +const Mr = /* @__PURE__ */ Kt(Tr); +var tn = { exports: {} }; +(function(e) { + var t = function(n) { + var r, o, s = /\w+/.exec(n); + if (s) + o = s[0]; + else + return "an"; + var i = o.toLowerCase(), c = ["honest", "hour", "hono"]; + for (r in c) + if (i.indexOf(c[r]) == 0) + return "an"; + if (i.length == 1) + return "aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(i) >= 0 ? "an" : "a"; + if (o.match(/(?!FJO|[HLMNS]Y.|RY[EO]|SQU|(F[LR]?|[HL]|MN?|N|RH?|S[CHKLMNPTVW]?|X(YL)?)[AEIOU])[FHLMNRSX][A-Z]/)) + return "an"; + var a = [/^e[uw]/, /^onc?e\b/, /^uni([^nmd]|mo)/, /^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]/]; + for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) + if (i.match(a[r])) + return "a"; + return o.match(/^U[NK][AIEO]/) ? "a" : o == o.toUpperCase() ? "aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(i[0]) >= 0 ? "an" : "a" : "aeiou".indexOf(i[0]) >= 0 || i.match(/^y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt)/) ? "an" : "a"; + }; + e.exports = t; +})(tn); +var Nr = tn.exports; +const Or = /* @__PURE__ */ Kt(Nr), kt = (e, t) => t === void 0 ? e : t.reduce((n, r) => { + if (r === "capitalize") { + const o = n.charAt(0).toUpperCase(), s = n.slice(1); + return `${o}${s}`; + } + return r === "dashify" ? Mr(n) : r === "prependIndefiniteArticle" ? `${Or(n)} ${n}` : n; +}, e), Rr = (e) => { + const t = e.name + e.modifiers.map((n) => `\\.${n}\\(\\)`).join(""); + return new RegExp(`\\$\\{${t}}`, "g"); +}, Lt = (e, t) => { + const n = /\${([^.}]+)((\.[^(]+\(\))*)}/g, r = []; + let o = n.exec(e); + for (; o !== null; ) { + const i = { + modifiers: [], + name: o[1] + }; + if (o[3] !== void 0) { + const c = /\.[^(]+\(\)/g; + let a = c.exec(o[2]); + for (; a !== null; ) + i.modifiers.push(a[0].slice(1, -2)), a = c.exec(o[2]); + } + r.push(i), o = n.exec(e); + } + const s = r.reduce((i, c) => i.map((a) => typeof a == "string" ? a.split(Rr(c)).reduce((u, d, l) => l === 0 ? [d] : c.name in t ? [...u, kt(t[c.name], c.modifiers), d] : [...u, (g) => kt(g[c.name], c.modifiers), d], []) : [a]).reduce((a, u) => [...a, ...u], []), [e]); + return (i) => s.reduce((c, a) => typeof a == "string" ? [...c, a] : [...c, a(i)], []).join(""); +}, We = (e, t = {}) => { + const n = e.code === void 0 ? void 0 : Lt(e.code, t), r = e.message === void 0 ? void 0 : Lt(e.message, t); + function o(s = {}, i) { + const c = i === void 0 && (s instanceof Error || s.code !== void 0 && s.code.slice(-9) === "Exception"), { cause: a, missingParameters: u } = c ? { + cause: s, + missingParameters: {} + } : { + cause: i, + missingParameters: s + }, d = r === void 0 ? new Error() : new Error(r(u)); + return a !== null && (d.cause = a), n !== void 0 && (d.code = n(u)), e.status !== void 0 && (d.status = e.status), d; + } + return o; +}, Ve = { INTERNAL_ERROR: -32603, INVALID_PARAMS: -32602, METHOD_NOT_FOUND: -32601 }; +We({ + message: 'The requested method called "${method}" is not supported.', + status: Ve.METHOD_NOT_FOUND +}); +We({ + message: 'The handler of the method called "${method}" returned no required result.', + status: Ve.INTERNAL_ERROR +}); +We({ + message: 'The handler of the method called "${method}" returned an unexpected result.', + status: Ve.INTERNAL_ERROR +}); +We({ + message: 'The specified parameter called "portId" with the given value "${portId}" does not identify a port connected to this worker.', + status: Ve.INVALID_PARAMS +}); +const Ir = (e, t, n) => async (r) => { + const o = new e([n], { type: "application/javascript; charset=utf-8" }), s = t.createObjectURL(o); + try { + await r(s); + } finally { + t.revokeObjectURL(s); + } +}, Sr = (e) => ({ data: t }) => { + const { id: n } = t; + if (n !== null) { + const r = e.get(n); + if (r !== void 0) { + const { reject: o, resolve: s } = r; + e.delete(n), t.error === void 0 ? s(t.result) : o(new Error(t.error.message)); + } + } +}, kr = (e) => (t, n) => (r, o = []) => new Promise((s, i) => { + const c = e(t); + t.set(c, { reject: i, resolve: s }), n.postMessage({ id: c, ...r }, o); +}), Lr = (e, t, n, r) => (o, s, i = {}) => { + const c = new o(s, "recorder-audio-worklet-processor", { + ...i, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + numberOfInputs: 1, + numberOfOutputs: 0 + }), a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), u = t(a, c.port), d = n(c.port, "message")(e(a)); + c.port.start(); + let l = "inactive"; + return Object.defineProperties(c, { + pause: { + get() { + return async () => (r(["recording"], l), l = "paused", u({ + method: "pause" + })); + } + }, + port: { + get() { + throw new Error("The port of a RecorderAudioWorkletNode can't be accessed."); + } + }, + record: { + get() { + return async (g) => (r(["inactive"], l), l = "recording", u({ + method: "record", + params: { encoderPort: g } + }, [g])); + } + }, + resume: { + get() { + return async () => (r(["paused"], l), l = "recording", u({ + method: "resume" + })); + } + }, + stop: { + get() { + return async () => { + r(["paused", "recording"], l), l = "stopped"; + try { + await u({ method: "stop" }); + } finally { + d(); + } + }; + } + } + }), c; +}, xr = (e, t) => { + if (!e.includes(t)) + throw new Error(`Expected the state to be ${e.map((n) => `"${n}"`).join(" or ")} but it was "${t}".`); +}, Pr = '(()=>{"use strict";class e extends AudioWorkletProcessor{constructor(){super(),this._encoderPort=null,this._numberOfChannels=0,this._state="inactive",this.port.onmessage=e=>{let{data:t}=e;"pause"===t.method?"active"===this._state||"recording"===this._state?(this._state="paused",this._sendAcknowledgement(t.id)):this._sendUnexpectedStateError(t.id):"record"===t.method?"inactive"===this._state?(this._encoderPort=t.params.encoderPort,this._state="active",this._sendAcknowledgement(t.id)):this._sendUnexpectedStateError(t.id):"resume"===t.method?"paused"===this._state?(this._state="active",this._sendAcknowledgement(t.id)):this._sendUnexpectedStateError(t.id):"stop"===t.method?"active"!==this._state&&"paused"!==this._state&&"recording"!==this._state||null===this._encoderPort?this._sendUnexpectedStateError(t.id):(this._stop(this._encoderPort),this._sendAcknowledgement(t.id)):"number"==typeof t.id&&this.port.postMessage({error:{code:-32601,message:"The requested method is not supported."},id:t.id})}}process(e){let[t]=e;if("inactive"===this._state||"paused"===this._state)return!0;if("active"===this._state){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("No channelData was received for the first input.");if(0===t.length)return!0;this._state="recording"}if("recording"===this._state&&null!==this._encoderPort){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("No channelData was received for the first input.");return 0===t.length?this._encoderPort.postMessage(Array.from({length:this._numberOfChannels},(()=>128))):(this._encoderPort.postMessage(t,t.map((e=>{let{buffer:t}=e;return t}))),this._numberOfChannels=t.length),!0}return!1}_sendAcknowledgement(e){this.port.postMessage({id:e,result:null})}_sendUnexpectedStateError(e){this.port.postMessage({error:{code:-32603,message:"The internal state does not allow to process the given message."},id:e})}_stop(e){e.postMessage([]),e.close(),this._encoderPort=null,this._state="stopped"}}e.parameterDescriptors=[],registerProcessor("recorder-audio-worklet-processor",e)})();', Ur = Ir(Blob, URL, Pr), Br = Lr(Sr, kr(er), en, xr), xt = (e, t, n) => ({ endTime: t, insertTime: n, type: "exponentialRampToValue", value: e }), Pt = (e, t, n) => ({ endTime: t, insertTime: n, type: "linearRampToValue", value: e }), tt = (e, t) => ({ startTime: t, type: "setValue", value: e }), nn = (e, t, n) => ({ duration: n, startTime: t, type: "setValueCurve", values: e }), rn = (e, t, { startTime: n, target: r, timeConstant: o }) => r + (t - r) * Math.exp((n - e) / o), me = (e) => e.type === "exponentialRampToValue", ke = (e) => e.type === "linearRampToValue", re = (e) => me(e) || ke(e), ft = (e) => e.type === "setValue", Q = (e) => e.type === "setValueCurve", Le = (e, t, n, r) => { + const o = e[t]; + return o === void 0 ? r : re(o) || ft(o) ? o.value : Q(o) ? o.values[o.values.length - 1] : rn(n, Le(e, t - 1, o.startTime, r), o); +}, Ut = (e, t, n, r, o) => n === void 0 ? [r.insertTime, o] : re(n) ? [n.endTime, n.value] : ft(n) ? [n.startTime, n.value] : Q(n) ? [ + n.startTime + n.duration, + n.values[n.values.length - 1] +] : [ + n.startTime, + Le(e, t - 1, n.startTime, o) +], nt = (e) => e.type === "cancelAndHold", rt = (e) => e.type === "cancelScheduledValues", ne = (e) => nt(e) || rt(e) ? e.cancelTime : me(e) || ke(e) ? e.endTime : e.startTime, Bt = (e, t, n, { endTime: r, value: o }) => n === o ? o : 0 < n && 0 < o || n < 0 && o < 0 ? n * (o / n) ** ((e - t) / (r - t)) : 0, Dt = (e, t, n, { endTime: r, value: o }) => n + (e - t) / (r - t) * (o - n), Dr = (e, t) => { + const n = Math.floor(t), r = Math.ceil(t); + return n === r ? e[n] : (1 - (t - n)) * e[n] + (1 - (r - t)) * e[r]; +}, Wr = (e, { duration: t, startTime: n, values: r }) => { + const o = (e - n) / t * (r.length - 1); + return Dr(r, o); +}, Oe = (e) => e.type === "setTarget"; +class Vr { + constructor(t) { + this._automationEvents = [], this._currenTime = 0, this._defaultValue = t; + } + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this._automationEvents[Symbol.iterator](); + } + add(t) { + const n = ne(t); + if (nt(t) || rt(t)) { + const r = this._automationEvents.findIndex((s) => rt(t) && Q(s) ? s.startTime + s.duration >= n : ne(s) >= n), o = this._automationEvents[r]; + if (r !== -1 && (this._automationEvents = this._automationEvents.slice(0, r)), nt(t)) { + const s = this._automationEvents[this._automationEvents.length - 1]; + if (o !== void 0 && re(o)) { + if (s !== void 0 && Oe(s)) + throw new Error("The internal list is malformed."); + const i = s === void 0 ? o.insertTime : Q(s) ? s.startTime + s.duration : ne(s), c = s === void 0 ? this._defaultValue : Q(s) ? s.values[s.values.length - 1] : s.value, a = me(o) ? Bt(n, i, c, o) : Dt(n, i, c, o), u = me(o) ? xt(a, n, this._currenTime) : Pt(a, n, this._currenTime); + this._automationEvents.push(u); + } + if (s !== void 0 && Oe(s) && this._automationEvents.push(tt(this.getValue(n), n)), s !== void 0 && Q(s) && s.startTime + s.duration > n) { + const i = n - s.startTime, c = (s.values.length - 1) / s.duration, a = Math.max(2, 1 + Math.ceil(i * c)), u = i / (a - 1) * c, d = s.values.slice(0, a); + if (u < 1) + for (let l = 1; l < a; l += 1) { + const g = u * l % 1; + d[l] = s.values[l - 1] * (1 - g) + s.values[l] * g; + } + this._automationEvents[this._automationEvents.length - 1] = nn(d, s.startTime, i); + } + } + } else { + const r = this._automationEvents.findIndex((i) => ne(i) > n), o = r === -1 ? this._automationEvents[this._automationEvents.length - 1] : this._automationEvents[r - 1]; + if (o !== void 0 && Q(o) && ne(o) + o.duration > n) + return !1; + const s = me(t) ? xt(t.value, t.endTime, this._currenTime) : ke(t) ? Pt(t.value, n, this._currenTime) : t; + if (r === -1) + this._automationEvents.push(s); + else { + if (Q(t) && n + t.duration > ne(this._automationEvents[r])) + return !1; + this._automationEvents.splice(r, 0, s); + } + } + return !0; + } + flush(t) { + const n = this._automationEvents.findIndex((r) => ne(r) > t); + if (n > 1) { + const r = this._automationEvents.slice(n - 1), o = r[0]; + Oe(o) && r.unshift(tt(Le(this._automationEvents, n - 2, o.startTime, this._defaultValue), o.startTime)), this._automationEvents = r; + } + } + getValue(t) { + if (this._automationEvents.length === 0) + return this._defaultValue; + const n = this._automationEvents.findIndex((i) => ne(i) > t), r = this._automationEvents[n], o = (n === -1 ? this._automationEvents.length : n) - 1, s = this._automationEvents[o]; + if (s !== void 0 && Oe(s) && (r === void 0 || !re(r) || r.insertTime > t)) + return rn(t, Le(this._automationEvents, o - 1, s.startTime, this._defaultValue), s); + if (s !== void 0 && ft(s) && (r === void 0 || !re(r))) + return s.value; + if (s !== void 0 && Q(s) && (r === void 0 || !re(r) || s.startTime + s.duration > t)) + return t < s.startTime + s.duration ? Wr(t, s) : s.values[s.values.length - 1]; + if (s !== void 0 && re(s) && (r === void 0 || !re(r))) + return s.value; + if (r !== void 0 && me(r)) { + const [i, c] = Ut(this._automationEvents, o, s, r, this._defaultValue); + return Bt(t, i, c, r); + } + if (r !== void 0 && ke(r)) { + const [i, c] = Ut(this._automationEvents, o, s, r, this._defaultValue); + return Dt(t, i, c, r); + } + return this._defaultValue; + } +} +const Fr = (e) => ({ cancelTime: e, type: "cancelAndHold" }), jr = (e) => ({ cancelTime: e, type: "cancelScheduledValues" }), $r = (e, t) => ({ endTime: t, type: "exponentialRampToValue", value: e }), Gr = (e, t) => ({ endTime: t, type: "linearRampToValue", value: e }), qr = (e, t, n) => ({ startTime: t, target: e, timeConstant: n, type: "setTarget" }), zr = () => new DOMException("", "AbortError"), Hr = (e) => (t, n, [r, o, s], i) => { + e(t[o], [n, r, s], (c) => c[0] === n && c[1] === r, i); +}, Yr = (e) => (t, n, r) => { + const o = []; + for (let s = 0; s < r.numberOfInputs; s += 1) + o.push(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); + e.set(t, { + activeInputs: o, + outputs: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), + passiveInputs: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), + renderer: n + }); +}, Xr = (e) => (t, n) => { + e.set(t, { activeInputs: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), passiveInputs: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), renderer: n }); +}, ge = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), on = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), sn = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), an = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), cn = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), un = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), ln = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), ot = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), st = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), it = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), dn = { + construct() { + return dn; + } +}, Zr = (e) => { + try { + const t = new Proxy(e, dn); + new t(); + } catch { + return !1; + } + return !0; +}, Wt = /^import(?:(?:[\s]+[\w]+|(?:[\s]+[\w]+[\s]*,)?[\s]*\{[\s]*[\w]+(?:[\s]+as[\s]+[\w]+)?(?:[\s]*,[\s]*[\w]+(?:[\s]+as[\s]+[\w]+)?)*[\s]*}|(?:[\s]+[\w]+[\s]*,)?[\s]*\*[\s]+as[\s]+[\w]+)[\s]+from)?(?:[\s]*)("([^"\\]|\\.)+"|'([^'\\]|\\.)+')(?:[\s]*);?/, Vt = (e, t) => { + const n = []; + let r = e.replace(/^[\s]+/, ""), o = r.match(Wt); + for (; o !== null; ) { + const s = o[1].slice(1, -1), i = o[0].replace(/([\s]+)?;?$/, "").replace(s, new URL(s, t).toString()); + n.push(i), r = r.slice(o[0].length).replace(/^[\s]+/, ""), o = r.match(Wt); + } + return [n.join(";"), r]; +}, Ft = (e) => { + if (e !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(e)) + throw new TypeError("The parameterDescriptors property of given value for processorCtor is not an array."); +}, jt = (e) => { + if (!Zr(e)) + throw new TypeError("The given value for processorCtor should be a constructor."); + if (e.prototype === null || typeof e.prototype != "object") + throw new TypeError("The given value for processorCtor should have a prototype."); +}, Kr = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g) => { + let w = 0; + return (p, f, m = { credentials: "omit" }) => { + const h = d.get(p); + if (h !== void 0 && h.has(f)) + return Promise.resolve(); + const b = u.get(p); + if (b !== void 0) { + const E = b.get(f); + if (E !== void 0) + return E; + } + const _ = s(p), T = _.audioWorklet === void 0 ? o(f).then(([E, A]) => { + const [y, v] = Vt(E, A), M = `${y};((a,b)=>{(a[b]=a[b]||[]).push((AudioWorkletProcessor,global,registerProcessor,sampleRate,self,window)=>{${v} +})})(window,'_AWGS')`; + return n(M); + }).then(() => { + const E = g._AWGS.pop(); + if (E === void 0) + throw new SyntaxError(); + r(_.currentTime, _.sampleRate, () => E(class { + }, void 0, (A, y) => { + if (A.trim() === "") + throw t(); + const v = st.get(_); + if (v !== void 0) { + if (v.has(A)) + throw t(); + jt(y), Ft(y.parameterDescriptors), v.set(A, y); + } else + jt(y), Ft(y.parameterDescriptors), st.set(_, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[A, y]])); + }, _.sampleRate, void 0, void 0)); + }) : Promise.all([ + o(f), + Promise.resolve(e(l, l)) + ]).then(([[E, A], y]) => { + const v = w + 1; + w = v; + const [M, S] = Vt(E, A), P = `${M};((AudioWorkletProcessor,registerProcessor)=>{${S} +})(${y ? "AudioWorkletProcessor" : "class extends AudioWorkletProcessor {__b=new WeakSet();constructor(){super();(p=>p.postMessage=(q=>(m,t)=>q.call(p,m,t?t.filter(u=>!this.__b.has(u)):t))(p.postMessage))(this.port)}}"},(n,p)=>registerProcessor(n,class extends p{${y ? "" : "__c = (a) => a.forEach(e=>this.__b.add(e.buffer));"}process(i,o,p){${y ? "" : "i.forEach(this.__c);o.forEach(this.__c);this.__c(Object.values(p));"}return super.process(i.map(j=>j.some(k=>k.length===0)?[]:j),o,p)}}));registerProcessor('__sac${v}',class extends AudioWorkletProcessor{process(){return !1}})`, B = new Blob([P], { type: "application/javascript; charset=utf-8" }), I = URL.createObjectURL(B); + return _.audioWorklet.addModule(I, m).then(() => { + if (c(_)) + return _; + const U = i(_); + return U.audioWorklet.addModule(I, m).then(() => U); + }).then((U) => { + if (a === null) + throw new SyntaxError(); + try { + new a(U, `__sac${v}`); + } catch { + throw new SyntaxError(); + } + }).finally(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(I)); + }); + return b === void 0 ? u.set(p, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[f, T]])) : b.set(f, T), T.then(() => { + const E = d.get(p); + E === void 0 ? d.set(p, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([f])) : E.add(f); + }).finally(() => { + const E = u.get(p); + E !== void 0 && E.delete(f); + }), T; + }; +}, K = (e, t) => { + const n = e.get(t); + if (n === void 0) + throw new Error("A value with the given key could not be found."); + return n; +}, Fe = (e, t) => { + const n = Array.from(e).filter(t); + if (n.length > 1) + throw Error("More than one element was found."); + if (n.length === 0) + throw Error("No element was found."); + const [r] = n; + return e.delete(r), r; +}, fn = (e, t, n, r) => { + const o = K(e, t), s = Fe(o, (i) => i[0] === n && i[1] === r); + return o.size === 0 && e.delete(t), s; +}, Ae = (e) => K(ln, e), xe = (e) => { + if (ge.has(e)) + throw new Error("The AudioNode is already stored."); + ge.add(e), Ae(e).forEach((t) => t(!0)); +}, hn = (e) => "port" in e, ht = (e) => { + if (!ge.has(e)) + throw new Error("The AudioNode is not stored."); + ge.delete(e), Ae(e).forEach((t) => t(!1)); +}, at = (e, t) => { + !hn(e) && t.every((n) => n.size === 0) && ht(e); +}, Jr = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g) => { + const w = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); + return (p, f, m, h, b) => { + const { activeInputs: _, passiveInputs: T } = s(f), { outputs: E } = s(p), A = c(p), y = (v) => { + const M = a(f), S = a(p); + if (v) { + const N = fn(T, p, m, h); + e(_, p, N, !1), !b && !l(p) && n(S, M, m, h), g(f) && xe(f); + } else { + const N = r(_, p, m, h); + t(T, h, N, !1), !b && !l(p) && o(S, M, m, h); + const L = i(f); + if (L === 0) + d(f) && at(f, _); + else { + const x = w.get(f); + x !== void 0 && clearTimeout(x), w.set(f, setTimeout(() => { + d(f) && at(f, _); + }, L * 1e3)); + } + } + }; + return u(E, [f, m, h], (v) => v[0] === f && v[1] === m && v[2] === h, !0) ? (A.add(y), d(p) ? e(_, p, [m, h, y], !0) : t(T, h, [p, m, y], !0), !0) : !1; + }; +}, Qr = (e) => (t, n, [r, o, s], i) => { + const c = t.get(r); + c === void 0 ? t.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([[o, n, s]])) : e(c, [o, n, s], (a) => a[0] === o && a[1] === n, i); +}, eo = (e) => (t, n) => { + const r = e(t, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + gain: 0 + }); + n.connect(r).connect(t.destination); + const o = () => { + n.removeEventListener("ended", o), n.disconnect(r), r.disconnect(); + }; + n.addEventListener("ended", o); +}, to = (e) => (t, n) => { + e(t).add(n); +}, pn = (e, t) => e.context === t, $t = (e) => { + try { + e.copyToChannel(new Float32Array(1), 0, -1); + } catch { + return !1; + } + return !0; +}, ue = () => new DOMException("", "IndexSizeError"), no = (e) => { + e.getChannelData = ((t) => (n) => { + try { + return t.call(e, n); + } catch (r) { + throw r.code === 12 ? ue() : r; + } + })(e.getChannelData); +}, ro = { + numberOfChannels: 1 +}, oo = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c) => { + let a = null; + return class mn { + constructor(d) { + if (o === null) + throw new Error("Missing the native OfflineAudioContext constructor."); + const { length: l, numberOfChannels: g, sampleRate: w } = { ...ro, ...d }; + a === null && (a = new o(1, 1, 44100)); + const p = r !== null && t(s, s) ? new r({ length: l, numberOfChannels: g, sampleRate: w }) : a.createBuffer(g, l, w); + if (p.numberOfChannels === 0) + throw n(); + return typeof p.copyFromChannel != "function" ? (i(p), no(p)) : t($t, () => $t(p)) || c(p), e.add(p), p; + } + static [Symbol.hasInstance](d) { + return d !== null && typeof d == "object" && Object.getPrototypeOf(d) === mn.prototype || e.has(d); + } + }; +}, je = -34028234663852886e22, pt = -je, ie = (e) => ge.has(e), so = { + buffer: null, + channelCount: 2, + channelCountMode: "max", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + // Bug #149: Safari does not yet support the detune AudioParam. + loop: !1, + loopEnd: 0, + loopStart: 0, + playbackRate: 1 +}, io = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c) => class extends e { + constructor(u, d) { + const l = s(u), g = { ...so, ...d }, w = o(l, g), p = i(l), f = p ? t() : null; + super(u, !1, w, f), this._audioBufferSourceNodeRenderer = f, this._isBufferNullified = !1, this._isBufferSet = g.buffer !== null, this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode = w, this._onended = null, this._playbackRate = n(this, p, w.playbackRate, pt, je); + } + get buffer() { + return this._isBufferNullified ? null : this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.buffer; + } + set buffer(u) { + if (this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.buffer = u, u !== null) { + if (this._isBufferSet) + throw r(); + this._isBufferSet = !0; + } + } + get loop() { + return this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.loop; + } + set loop(u) { + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.loop = u; + } + get loopEnd() { + return this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.loopEnd; + } + set loopEnd(u) { + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.loopEnd = u; + } + get loopStart() { + return this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.loopStart; + } + set loopStart(u) { + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.loopStart = u; + } + get onended() { + return this._onended; + } + set onended(u) { + const d = typeof u == "function" ? c(this, u) : null; + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.onended = d; + const l = this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.onended; + this._onended = l !== null && l === d ? u : l; + } + get playbackRate() { + return this._playbackRate; + } + start(u = 0, d = 0, l) { + if (this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.start(u, d, l), this._audioBufferSourceNodeRenderer !== null && (this._audioBufferSourceNodeRenderer.start = l === void 0 ? [u, d] : [u, d, l]), this.context.state !== "closed") { + xe(this); + const g = () => { + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.removeEventListener("ended", g), ie(this) && ht(this); + }; + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.addEventListener("ended", g); + } + } + stop(u = 0) { + this._nativeAudioBufferSourceNode.stop(u), this._audioBufferSourceNodeRenderer !== null && (this._audioBufferSourceNodeRenderer.stop = u); + } +}, ao = (e, t, n, r, o) => () => { + const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); + let i = null, c = null; + const a = async (u, d) => { + let l = n(u); + const g = pn(l, d); + if (!g) { + const w = { + buffer: l.buffer, + channelCount: l.channelCount, + channelCountMode: l.channelCountMode, + channelInterpretation: l.channelInterpretation, + // Bug #149: Safari does not yet support the detune AudioParam. + loop: l.loop, + loopEnd: l.loopEnd, + loopStart: l.loopStart, + playbackRate: l.playbackRate.value + }; + l = t(d, w), i !== null && l.start(...i), c !== null && l.stop(c); + } + return s.set(d, l), g ? await e(d, u.playbackRate, l.playbackRate) : await r(d, u.playbackRate, l.playbackRate), await o(u, d, l), l; + }; + return { + set start(u) { + i = u; + }, + set stop(u) { + c = u; + }, + render(u, d) { + const l = s.get(d); + return l !== void 0 ? Promise.resolve(l) : a(u, d); + } + }; +}, co = (e) => "playbackRate" in e, uo = (e) => "frequency" in e && "gain" in e, lo = (e) => "offset" in e, fo = (e) => !("frequency" in e) && "gain" in e, ho = (e) => "detune" in e && "frequency" in e, po = (e) => "pan" in e, z = (e) => K(on, e), be = (e) => K(an, e), ct = (e, t) => { + const { activeInputs: n } = z(e); + n.forEach((o) => o.forEach(([s]) => { + t.includes(e) || ct(s, [...t, e]); + })); + const r = co(e) ? [ + // Bug #149: Safari does not yet support the detune AudioParam. + e.playbackRate + ] : hn(e) ? Array.from(e.parameters.values()) : uo(e) ? [e.Q, e.detune, e.frequency, e.gain] : lo(e) ? [e.offset] : fo(e) ? [e.gain] : ho(e) ? [e.detune, e.frequency] : po(e) ? [e.pan] : []; + for (const o of r) { + const s = be(o); + s !== void 0 && s.activeInputs.forEach(([i]) => ct(i, t)); + } + ie(e) && ht(e); +}, mo = (e) => { + ct(e.destination, []); +}, go = (e) => e === void 0 || typeof e == "number" || typeof e == "string" && (e === "balanced" || e === "interactive" || e === "playback"), wo = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c) => class extends e { + constructor(u, d) { + const l = s(u), g = i(l), w = o(l, d, g), p = g ? t(c) : null; + super(u, !1, w, p), this._isNodeOfNativeOfflineAudioContext = g, this._nativeAudioDestinationNode = w; + } + get channelCount() { + return this._nativeAudioDestinationNode.channelCount; + } + set channelCount(u) { + if (this._isNodeOfNativeOfflineAudioContext) + throw r(); + if (u > this._nativeAudioDestinationNode.maxChannelCount) + throw n(); + this._nativeAudioDestinationNode.channelCount = u; + } + get channelCountMode() { + return this._nativeAudioDestinationNode.channelCountMode; + } + set channelCountMode(u) { + if (this._isNodeOfNativeOfflineAudioContext) + throw r(); + this._nativeAudioDestinationNode.channelCountMode = u; + } + get maxChannelCount() { + return this._nativeAudioDestinationNode.maxChannelCount; + } +}, vo = (e) => { + const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), n = async (r, o) => { + const s = o.destination; + return t.set(o, s), await e(r, o, s), s; + }; + return { + render(r, o) { + const s = t.get(o); + return s !== void 0 ? Promise.resolve(s) : n(r, o); + } + }; +}, _o = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c) => (a, u) => { + const d = u.listener, l = () => { + const E = new Float32Array(1), A = t(u, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + numberOfInputs: 9 + }), y = i(u); + let v = !1, M = [0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0], S = [0, 0, 0]; + const N = () => { + if (v) + return; + v = !0; + const B = r(u, 256, 9, 0); + B.onaudioprocess = ({ inputBuffer: I }) => { + const U = [ + s(I, E, 0), + s(I, E, 1), + s(I, E, 2), + s(I, E, 3), + s(I, E, 4), + s(I, E, 5) + ]; + U.some((O, k) => O !== M[k]) && (d.setOrientation(...U), M = U); + const W = [ + s(I, E, 6), + s(I, E, 7), + s(I, E, 8) + ]; + W.some((O, k) => O !== S[k]) && (d.setPosition(...W), S = W); + }, A.connect(B); + }, L = (B) => (I) => { + I !== M[B] && (M[B] = I, d.setOrientation(...M)); + }, x = (B) => (I) => { + I !== S[B] && (S[B] = I, d.setPosition(...S)); + }, P = (B, I, U) => { + const W = n(u, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + offset: I + }); + W.connect(A, 0, B), W.start(), Object.defineProperty(W.offset, "defaultValue", { + get() { + return I; + } + }); + const O = e({ context: a }, y, W.offset, pt, je); + return c(O, "value", (k) => () => k.call(O), (k) => (V) => { + try { + k.call(O, V); + } catch (G) { + if (G.code !== 9) + throw G; + } + N(), y && U(V); + }), O.cancelAndHoldAtTime = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.cancelAndHoldAtTime), O.cancelScheduledValues = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.cancelScheduledValues), O.exponentialRampToValueAtTime = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.exponentialRampToValueAtTime), O.linearRampToValueAtTime = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.linearRampToValueAtTime), O.setTargetAtTime = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.setTargetAtTime), O.setValueAtTime = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.setValueAtTime), O.setValueCurveAtTime = ((k) => y ? () => { + throw o(); + } : (...V) => { + const G = k.apply(O, V); + return N(), G; + })(O.setValueCurveAtTime), O; + }; + return { + forwardX: P(0, 0, L(0)), + forwardY: P(1, 0, L(1)), + forwardZ: P(2, -1, L(2)), + positionX: P(6, 0, x(0)), + positionY: P(7, 0, x(1)), + positionZ: P(8, 0, x(2)), + upX: P(3, 0, L(3)), + upY: P(4, 1, L(4)), + upZ: P(5, 0, L(5)) + }; + }, { forwardX: g, forwardY: w, forwardZ: p, positionX: f, positionY: m, positionZ: h, upX: b, upY: _, upZ: T } = d.forwardX === void 0 ? l() : d; + return { + get forwardX() { + return g; + }, + get forwardY() { + return w; + }, + get forwardZ() { + return p; + }, + get positionX() { + return f; + }, + get positionY() { + return m; + }, + get positionZ() { + return h; + }, + get upX() { + return b; + }, + get upY() { + return _; + }, + get upZ() { + return T; + } + }; +}, Pe = (e) => "context" in e, Ce = (e) => Pe(e[0]), le = (e, t, n, r) => { + for (const o of e) + if (n(o)) { + if (r) + return !1; + throw Error("The set contains at least one similar element."); + } + return e.add(t), !0; +}, Gt = (e, t, [n, r], o) => { + le(e, [t, n, r], (s) => s[0] === t && s[1] === n, o); +}, qt = (e, [t, n, r], o) => { + const s = e.get(t); + s === void 0 ? e.set(t, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([[n, r]])) : le(s, [n, r], (i) => i[0] === n, o); +}, gn = (e) => "inputs" in e, ut = (e, t, n, r) => { + if (gn(t)) { + const o = t.inputs[r]; + return e.connect(o, n, 0), [o, n, 0]; + } + return e.connect(t, n, r), [t, n, r]; +}, wn = (e, t, n) => { + for (const r of e) + if (r[0] === t && r[1] === n) + return e.delete(r), r; + return null; +}, yo = (e, t, n) => Fe(e, (r) => r[0] === t && r[1] === n), vn = (e, t) => { + if (!Ae(e).delete(t)) + throw new Error("Missing the expected event listener."); +}, _n = (e, t, n) => { + const r = K(e, t), o = Fe(r, (s) => s[0] === n); + return r.size === 0 && e.delete(t), o; +}, lt = (e, t, n, r) => { + gn(t) ? e.disconnect(t.inputs[r], n, 0) : e.disconnect(t, n, r); +}, X = (e) => K(sn, e), ye = (e) => K(cn, e), ae = (e) => ot.has(e), Ie = (e) => !ge.has(e), zt = (e, t) => new Promise((n) => { + if (t !== null) + n(!0); + else { + const r = e.createScriptProcessor(256, 1, 1), o = e.createGain(), s = e.createBuffer(1, 2, 44100), i = s.getChannelData(0); + i[0] = 1, i[1] = 1; + const c = e.createBufferSource(); + c.buffer = s, c.loop = !0, c.connect(r).connect(e.destination), c.connect(o), c.disconnect(o), r.onaudioprocess = (a) => { + const u = a.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); + Array.prototype.some.call(u, (d) => d === 1) ? n(!0) : n(!1), c.stop(), r.onaudioprocess = null, c.disconnect(r), r.disconnect(e.destination); + }, c.start(); + } +}), Je = (e, t) => { + const n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + for (const r of e) + for (const o of r) { + const s = n.get(o); + n.set(o, s === void 0 ? 1 : s + 1); + } + n.forEach((r, o) => t(o, r)); +}, Ue = (e) => "context" in e, Eo = (e) => { + const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + e.connect = ((n) => (r, o = 0, s = 0) => { + const i = Ue(r) ? n(r, o, s) : n(r, o), c = t.get(r); + return c === void 0 ? t.set(r, [{ input: s, output: o }]) : c.every((a) => a.input !== s || a.output !== o) && c.push({ input: s, output: o }), i; + })(e.connect.bind(e)), e.disconnect = ((n) => (r, o, s) => { + if (n.apply(e), r === void 0) + t.clear(); + else if (typeof r == "number") + for (const [i, c] of t) { + const a = c.filter((u) => u.output !== r); + a.length === 0 ? t.delete(i) : t.set(i, a); + } + else if (t.has(r)) + if (o === void 0) + t.delete(r); + else { + const i = t.get(r); + if (i !== void 0) { + const c = i.filter((a) => a.output !== o && (a.input !== s || s === void 0)); + c.length === 0 ? t.delete(r) : t.set(r, c); + } + } + for (const [i, c] of t) + c.forEach((a) => { + Ue(i) ? e.connect(i, a.output, a.input) : e.connect(i, a.output); + }); + })(e.disconnect); +}, Ao = (e, t, n, r) => { + const { activeInputs: o, passiveInputs: s } = be(t), { outputs: i } = z(e), c = Ae(e), a = (u) => { + const d = X(e), l = ye(t); + if (u) { + const g = _n(s, e, n); + Gt(o, e, g, !1), !r && !ae(e) && d.connect(l, n); + } else { + const g = yo(o, e, n); + qt(s, g, !1), !r && !ae(e) && d.disconnect(l, n); + } + }; + return le(i, [t, n], (u) => u[0] === t && u[1] === n, !0) ? (c.add(a), ie(e) ? Gt(o, e, [n, a], !0) : qt(s, [e, n, a], !0), !0) : !1; +}, bo = (e, t, n, r) => { + const { activeInputs: o, passiveInputs: s } = z(t), i = wn(o[r], e, n); + return i === null ? [fn(s, e, n, r)[2], !1] : [i[2], !0]; +}, Co = (e, t, n) => { + const { activeInputs: r, passiveInputs: o } = be(t), s = wn(r, e, n); + return s === null ? [_n(o, e, n)[1], !1] : [s[2], !0]; +}, mt = (e, t, n, r, o) => { + const [s, i] = bo(e, n, r, o); + if (s !== null && (vn(e, s), i && !t && !ae(e) && lt(X(e), X(n), r, o)), ie(n)) { + const { activeInputs: c } = z(n); + at(n, c); + } +}, gt = (e, t, n, r) => { + const [o, s] = Co(e, n, r); + o !== null && (vn(e, o), s && !t && !ae(e) && X(e).disconnect(ye(n), r)); +}, To = (e, t) => { + const n = z(e), r = []; + for (const o of n.outputs) + Ce(o) ? mt(e, t, ...o) : gt(e, t, ...o), r.push(o[0]); + return n.outputs.clear(), r; +}, Mo = (e, t, n) => { + const r = z(e), o = []; + for (const s of r.outputs) + s[1] === n && (Ce(s) ? mt(e, t, ...s) : gt(e, t, ...s), o.push(s[0]), r.outputs.delete(s)); + return o; +}, No = (e, t, n, r, o) => { + const s = z(e); + return Array.from(s.outputs).filter((i) => i[0] === n && (r === void 0 || i[1] === r) && (o === void 0 || i[2] === o)).map((i) => (Ce(i) ? mt(e, t, ...i) : gt(e, t, ...i), s.outputs.delete(i), i[0])); +}, Oo = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g, w, p, f) => class extends u { + constructor(h, b, _, T) { + super(_), this._context = h, this._nativeAudioNode = _; + const E = d(h); + l(E) && n(zt, () => zt(E, f)) !== !0 && Eo(_), sn.set(this, _), ln.set(this, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), h.state !== "closed" && b && xe(this), e(this, T, _); + } + get channelCount() { + return this._nativeAudioNode.channelCount; + } + set channelCount(h) { + this._nativeAudioNode.channelCount = h; + } + get channelCountMode() { + return this._nativeAudioNode.channelCountMode; + } + set channelCountMode(h) { + this._nativeAudioNode.channelCountMode = h; + } + get channelInterpretation() { + return this._nativeAudioNode.channelInterpretation; + } + set channelInterpretation(h) { + this._nativeAudioNode.channelInterpretation = h; + } + get context() { + return this._context; + } + get numberOfInputs() { + return this._nativeAudioNode.numberOfInputs; + } + get numberOfOutputs() { + return this._nativeAudioNode.numberOfOutputs; + } + // tslint:disable-next-line:invalid-void + connect(h, b = 0, _ = 0) { + if (b < 0 || b >= this._nativeAudioNode.numberOfOutputs) + throw o(); + const T = d(this._context), E = p(T); + if (g(h) || w(h)) + throw s(); + if (Pe(h)) { + const v = X(h); + try { + const S = ut(this._nativeAudioNode, v, b, _), N = Ie(this); + (E || N) && this._nativeAudioNode.disconnect(...S), this.context.state !== "closed" && !N && Ie(h) && xe(h); + } catch (S) { + throw S.code === 12 ? s() : S; + } + if (t(this, h, b, _, E)) { + const S = a([this], h); + Je(S, r(E)); + } + return h; + } + const A = ye(h); + if (A.name === "playbackRate" && A.maxValue === 1024) + throw i(); + try { + this._nativeAudioNode.connect(A, b), (E || Ie(this)) && this._nativeAudioNode.disconnect(A, b); + } catch (v) { + throw v.code === 12 ? s() : v; + } + if (Ao(this, h, b, E)) { + const v = a([this], h); + Je(v, r(E)); + } + } + disconnect(h, b, _) { + let T; + const E = d(this._context), A = p(E); + if (h === void 0) + T = To(this, A); + else if (typeof h == "number") { + if (h < 0 || h >= this.numberOfOutputs) + throw o(); + T = Mo(this, A, h); + } else { + if (b !== void 0 && (b < 0 || b >= this.numberOfOutputs) || Pe(h) && _ !== void 0 && (_ < 0 || _ >= h.numberOfInputs)) + throw o(); + if (T = No(this, A, h, b, _), T.length === 0) + throw s(); + } + for (const y of T) { + const v = a([this], y); + Je(v, c); + } + } +}, Ro = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g) => (w, p, f, m = null, h = null) => { + const b = f.value, _ = new Vr(b), T = p ? r(_) : null, E = { + get defaultValue() { + return b; + }, + get maxValue() { + return m === null ? f.maxValue : m; + }, + get minValue() { + return h === null ? f.minValue : h; + }, + get value() { + return f.value; + }, + set value(A) { + f.value = A, E.setValueAtTime(A, w.context.currentTime); + }, + cancelAndHoldAtTime(A) { + if (typeof f.cancelAndHoldAtTime == "function") + T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(o(A)), f.cancelAndHoldAtTime(A); + else { + const y = Array.from(_).pop(); + T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(o(A)); + const v = Array.from(_).pop(); + f.cancelScheduledValues(A), y !== v && v !== void 0 && (v.type === "exponentialRampToValue" ? f.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(v.value, v.endTime) : v.type === "linearRampToValue" ? f.linearRampToValueAtTime(v.value, v.endTime) : v.type === "setValue" ? f.setValueAtTime(v.value, v.startTime) : v.type === "setValueCurve" && f.setValueCurveAtTime(v.values, v.startTime, v.duration)); + } + return E; + }, + cancelScheduledValues(A) { + return T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(s(A)), f.cancelScheduledValues(A), E; + }, + exponentialRampToValueAtTime(A, y) { + if (A === 0) + throw new RangeError(); + if (!Number.isFinite(y) || y < 0) + throw new RangeError(); + const v = w.context.currentTime; + return T === null && _.flush(v), Array.from(_).length === 0 && (_.add(u(b, v)), f.setValueAtTime(b, v)), _.add(i(A, y)), f.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(A, y), E; + }, + linearRampToValueAtTime(A, y) { + const v = w.context.currentTime; + return T === null && _.flush(v), Array.from(_).length === 0 && (_.add(u(b, v)), f.setValueAtTime(b, v)), _.add(c(A, y)), f.linearRampToValueAtTime(A, y), E; + }, + setTargetAtTime(A, y, v) { + return T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(a(A, y, v)), f.setTargetAtTime(A, y, v), E; + }, + setValueAtTime(A, y) { + return T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(u(A, y)), f.setValueAtTime(A, y), E; + }, + setValueCurveAtTime(A, y, v) { + const M = A instanceof Float32Array ? A : new Float32Array(A); + if (l !== null && l.name === "webkitAudioContext") { + const S = y + v, N = w.context.sampleRate, L = Math.ceil(y * N), x = Math.floor(S * N), P = x - L, B = new Float32Array(P); + for (let U = 0; U < P; U += 1) { + const W = (M.length - 1) / v * ((L + U) / N - y), O = Math.floor(W), k = Math.ceil(W); + B[U] = O === k ? M[O] : (1 - (W - O)) * M[O] + (1 - (k - W)) * M[k]; + } + T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(d(B, y, v)), f.setValueCurveAtTime(B, y, v); + const I = x / N; + I < S && g(E, B[B.length - 1], I), g(E, M[M.length - 1], S); + } else + T === null && _.flush(w.context.currentTime), _.add(d(M, y, v)), f.setValueCurveAtTime(M, y, v); + return E; + } + }; + return n.set(E, f), t.set(E, w), e(E, T), E; +}, Io = (e) => ({ + replay(t) { + for (const n of e) + if (n.type === "exponentialRampToValue") { + const { endTime: r, value: o } = n; + t.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(o, r); + } else if (n.type === "linearRampToValue") { + const { endTime: r, value: o } = n; + t.linearRampToValueAtTime(o, r); + } else if (n.type === "setTarget") { + const { startTime: r, target: o, timeConstant: s } = n; + t.setTargetAtTime(o, r, s); + } else if (n.type === "setValue") { + const { startTime: r, value: o } = n; + t.setValueAtTime(o, r); + } else if (n.type === "setValueCurve") { + const { duration: r, startTime: o, values: s } = n; + t.setValueCurveAtTime(s, o, r); + } else + throw new Error("Can't apply an unknown automation."); + } +}); +class yn { + constructor(t) { + this._map = new Map(t); + } + get size() { + return this._map.size; + } + entries() { + return this._map.entries(); + } + forEach(t, n = null) { + return this._map.forEach((r, o) => t.call(n, r, o, this)); + } + get(t) { + return this._map.get(t); + } + has(t) { + return this._map.has(t); + } + keys() { + return this._map.keys(); + } + values() { + return this._map.values(); + } +} +const So = { + channelCount: 2, + // Bug #61: The channelCountMode should be 'max' according to the spec but is set to 'explicit' to achieve consistent behavior. + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + numberOfInputs: 1, + numberOfOutputs: 1, + parameterData: {}, + processorOptions: {} +}, ko = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g, w) => class extends t { + constructor(f, m, h) { + var b; + const _ = c(f), T = a(_), E = d({ ...So, ...h }); + g(E); + const A = st.get(_), y = A == null ? void 0 : A.get(m), v = T || _.state !== "closed" ? _ : (b = i(_)) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : _, M = o(v, T ? null : f.baseLatency, u, m, y, E), S = T ? r(m, E, y) : null; + super(f, !0, M, S); + const N = []; + M.parameters.forEach((x, P) => { + const B = n(this, T, x); + N.push([P, B]); + }), this._nativeAudioWorkletNode = M, this._onprocessorerror = null, this._parameters = new yn(N), T && e(_, this); + const { activeInputs: L } = s(this); + l(M, L); + } + get onprocessorerror() { + return this._onprocessorerror; + } + set onprocessorerror(f) { + const m = typeof f == "function" ? w(this, f) : null; + this._nativeAudioWorkletNode.onprocessorerror = m; + const h = this._nativeAudioWorkletNode.onprocessorerror; + this._onprocessorerror = h !== null && h === m ? f : h; + } + get parameters() { + return this._parameters === null ? this._nativeAudioWorkletNode.parameters : this._parameters; + } + get port() { + return this._nativeAudioWorkletNode.port; + } +}; +function Be(e, t, n, r, o) { + if (typeof e.copyFromChannel == "function") + t[n].byteLength === 0 && (t[n] = new Float32Array(128)), e.copyFromChannel(t[n], r, o); + else { + const s = e.getChannelData(r); + if (t[n].byteLength === 0) + t[n] = s.slice(o, o + 128); + else { + const i = new Float32Array(s.buffer, o * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, 128); + t[n].set(i); + } + } +} +const En = (e, t, n, r, o) => { + typeof e.copyToChannel == "function" ? t[n].byteLength !== 0 && e.copyToChannel(t[n], r, o) : t[n].byteLength !== 0 && e.getChannelData(r).set(t[n], o); +}, De = (e, t) => { + const n = []; + for (let r = 0; r < e; r += 1) { + const o = [], s = typeof t == "number" ? t : t[r]; + for (let i = 0; i < s; i += 1) + o.push(new Float32Array(128)); + n.push(o); + } + return n; +}, Lo = (e, t) => { + const n = K(it, e), r = X(t); + return K(n, r); +}, xo = async (e, t, n, r, o, s, i) => { + const c = t === null ? Math.ceil(e.context.length / 128) * 128 : t.length, a = r.channelCount * r.numberOfInputs, u = o.reduce((m, h) => m + h, 0), d = u === 0 ? null : n.createBuffer(u, c, n.sampleRate); + if (s === void 0) + throw new Error("Missing the processor constructor."); + const l = z(e), g = await Lo(n, e), w = De(r.numberOfInputs, r.channelCount), p = De(r.numberOfOutputs, o), f = Array.from(e.parameters.keys()).reduce((m, h) => ({ ...m, [h]: new Float32Array(128) }), {}); + for (let m = 0; m < c; m += 128) { + if (r.numberOfInputs > 0 && t !== null) + for (let h = 0; h < r.numberOfInputs; h += 1) + for (let b = 0; b < r.channelCount; b += 1) + Be(t, w[h], b, b, m); + s.parameterDescriptors !== void 0 && t !== null && s.parameterDescriptors.forEach(({ name: h }, b) => { + Be(t, f, h, a + b, m); + }); + for (let h = 0; h < r.numberOfInputs; h += 1) + for (let b = 0; b < o[h]; b += 1) + p[h][b].byteLength === 0 && (p[h][b] = new Float32Array(128)); + try { + const h = w.map((_, T) => l.activeInputs[T].size === 0 ? [] : _), b = i(m / n.sampleRate, n.sampleRate, () => g.process(h, p, f)); + if (d !== null) + for (let _ = 0, T = 0; _ < r.numberOfOutputs; _ += 1) { + for (let E = 0; E < o[_]; E += 1) + En(d, p[_], E, T + E, m); + T += o[_]; + } + if (!b) + break; + } catch (h) { + e.dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("processorerror", { + colno: h.colno, + filename: h.filename, + lineno: h.lineno, + message: h.message + })); + break; + } + } + return d; +}, Po = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g, w, p, f) => (m, h, b) => { + const _ = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); + let T = null; + const E = async (A, y) => { + let v = d(A), M = null; + const S = pn(v, y), N = Array.isArray(h.outputChannelCount) ? h.outputChannelCount : Array.from(h.outputChannelCount); + if (l === null) { + const L = N.reduce((I, U) => I + U, 0), x = o(y, { + channelCount: Math.max(1, L), + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + numberOfOutputs: Math.max(1, L) + }), P = []; + for (let I = 0; I < A.numberOfOutputs; I += 1) + P.push(r(y, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + numberOfInputs: N[I] + })); + const B = i(y, { + channelCount: h.channelCount, + channelCountMode: h.channelCountMode, + channelInterpretation: h.channelInterpretation, + gain: 1 + }); + B.connect = t.bind(null, P), B.disconnect = a.bind(null, P), M = [x, P, B]; + } else + S || (v = new l(y, m)); + if (_.set(y, M === null ? v : M[2]), M !== null) { + if (T === null) { + if (b === void 0) + throw new Error("Missing the processor constructor."); + if (g === null) + throw new Error("Missing the native OfflineAudioContext constructor."); + const U = A.channelCount * A.numberOfInputs, W = b.parameterDescriptors === void 0 ? 0 : b.parameterDescriptors.length, O = U + W; + T = xo(A, O === 0 ? null : await (async () => { + const V = new g( + O, + // Ceil the length to the next full render quantum. + // Bug #17: Safari does not yet expose the length. + Math.ceil(A.context.length / 128) * 128, + y.sampleRate + ), G = [], fe = []; + for (let j = 0; j < h.numberOfInputs; j += 1) + G.push(i(V, { + channelCount: h.channelCount, + channelCountMode: h.channelCountMode, + channelInterpretation: h.channelInterpretation, + gain: 1 + })), fe.push(o(V, { + channelCount: h.channelCount, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + numberOfOutputs: h.channelCount + })); + const he = await Promise.all(Array.from(A.parameters.values()).map(async (j) => { + const H = s(V, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + offset: j.value + }); + return await w(V, j, H.offset), H; + })), pe = r(V, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + numberOfInputs: Math.max(1, U + W) + }); + for (let j = 0; j < h.numberOfInputs; j += 1) { + G[j].connect(fe[j]); + for (let H = 0; H < h.channelCount; H += 1) + fe[j].connect(pe, H, j * h.channelCount + H); + } + for (const [j, H] of he.entries()) + H.connect(pe, 0, U + j), H.start(0); + return pe.connect(V.destination), await Promise.all(G.map((j) => p(A, V, j))), f(V); + })(), y, h, N, b, u); + } + const L = await T, x = n(y, { + buffer: null, + channelCount: 2, + channelCountMode: "max", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + loop: !1, + loopEnd: 0, + loopStart: 0, + playbackRate: 1 + }), [P, B, I] = M; + L !== null && (x.buffer = L, x.start(0)), x.connect(P); + for (let U = 0, W = 0; U < A.numberOfOutputs; U += 1) { + const O = B[U]; + for (let k = 0; k < N[U]; k += 1) + P.connect(O, W + k, k); + W += N[U]; + } + return I; + } + if (S) + for (const [L, x] of A.parameters.entries()) + await e( + y, + x, + // @todo The definition that TypeScript uses of the AudioParamMap is lacking many methods. + v.parameters.get(L) + ); + else + for (const [L, x] of A.parameters.entries()) + await w( + y, + x, + // @todo The definition that TypeScript uses of the AudioParamMap is lacking many methods. + v.parameters.get(L) + ); + return await p(A, y, v), v; + }; + return { + render(A, y) { + c(y, A); + const v = _.get(y); + return v !== void 0 ? Promise.resolve(v) : E(A, y); + } + }; +}, Uo = (e, t) => (n, r) => { + const o = t.get(n); + if (o !== void 0) + return o; + const s = e.get(n); + if (s !== void 0) + return s; + try { + const i = r(); + return i instanceof Promise ? (e.set(n, i), i.catch(() => !1).then((c) => (e.delete(n), t.set(n, c), c))) : (t.set(n, i), i); + } catch { + return t.set(n, !1), !1; + } +}, Bo = (e) => (t, n, r) => e(n, t, r), Do = (e) => (t, n, r = 0, o = 0) => { + const s = t[r]; + if (s === void 0) + throw e(); + return Ue(n) ? s.connect(n, 0, o) : s.connect(n, 0); +}, Wo = (e) => (t) => (e[0] = t, e[0]), Vo = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c) => (a, u) => { + const d = t.get(a); + if (d === void 0) + throw new Error("Missing the expected cycle count."); + const l = s(a.context), g = c(l); + if (d === u) { + if (t.delete(a), !g && i(a)) { + const w = r(a), { outputs: p } = n(a); + for (const f of p) + if (Ce(f)) { + const m = r(f[0]); + e(w, m, f[1], f[2]); + } else { + const m = o(f[0]); + w.connect(m, f[1]); + } + } + } else + t.set(a, d - u); +}, Fo = (e) => (t, n, r, o) => e(t[o], (s) => s[0] === n && s[1] === r), jo = (e) => (t, n) => { + e(t).delete(n); +}, $o = (e) => "delayTime" in e, Go = (e, t, n) => function r(o, s) { + const i = Pe(s) ? s : n(e, s); + if ($o(i)) + return []; + if (o[0] === i) + return [o]; + if (o.includes(i)) + return []; + const { outputs: c } = t(i); + return Array.from(c).map((a) => r([...o, i], a[0])).reduce((a, u) => a.concat(u), []); +}, Re = (e, t, n) => { + const r = t[n]; + if (r === void 0) + throw e(); + return r; +}, qo = (e) => (t, n = void 0, r = void 0, o = 0) => n === void 0 ? t.forEach((s) => s.disconnect()) : typeof n == "number" ? Re(e, t, n).disconnect() : Ue(n) ? r === void 0 ? t.forEach((s) => s.disconnect(n)) : o === void 0 ? Re(e, t, r).disconnect(n, 0) : Re(e, t, r).disconnect(n, 0, o) : r === void 0 ? t.forEach((s) => s.disconnect(n)) : Re(e, t, r).disconnect(n, 0), zo = (e) => (t) => new Promise((n, r) => { + if (e === null) { + r(new SyntaxError()); + return; + } + const o = e.document.head; + if (o === null) + r(new SyntaxError()); + else { + const s = e.document.createElement("script"), i = new Blob([t], { type: "application/javascript" }), c = URL.createObjectURL(i), a = e.onerror, u = () => { + e.onerror = a, URL.revokeObjectURL(c); + }; + e.onerror = (d, l, g, w, p) => { + if (l === c || l === e.location.href && g === 1 && w === 1) + return u(), r(p), !1; + if (a !== null) + return a(d, l, g, w, p); + }, s.onerror = () => { + u(), r(new SyntaxError()); + }, s.onload = () => { + u(), n(); + }, s.src = c, s.type = "module", o.appendChild(s); + } +}), Ho = (e) => class { + constructor(n) { + this._nativeEventTarget = n, this._listeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); + } + addEventListener(n, r, o) { + if (r !== null) { + let s = this._listeners.get(r); + s === void 0 && (s = e(this, r), typeof r == "function" && this._listeners.set(r, s)), this._nativeEventTarget.addEventListener(n, s, o); + } + } + dispatchEvent(n) { + return this._nativeEventTarget.dispatchEvent(n); + } + removeEventListener(n, r, o) { + const s = r === null ? void 0 : this._listeners.get(r); + this._nativeEventTarget.removeEventListener(n, s === void 0 ? null : s, o); + } +}, Yo = (e) => (t, n, r) => { + Object.defineProperties(e, { + currentFrame: { + configurable: !0, + get() { + return Math.round(t * n); + } + }, + currentTime: { + configurable: !0, + get() { + return t; + } + } + }); + try { + return r(); + } finally { + e !== null && (delete e.currentFrame, delete e.currentTime); + } +}, Xo = (e) => async (t) => { + try { + const n = await fetch(t); + if (n.ok) + return [await n.text(), n.url]; + } catch { + } + throw e(); +}, Zo = (e, t) => (n) => t(e, n), Ko = (e) => (t) => { + const n = e(t); + if (n.renderer === null) + throw new Error("Missing the renderer of the given AudioNode in the audio graph."); + return n.renderer; +}, Jo = (e) => (t) => { + var n; + return (n = e.get(t)) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : 0; +}, Qo = (e) => (t) => { + const n = e(t); + if (n.renderer === null) + throw new Error("Missing the renderer of the given AudioParam in the audio graph."); + return n.renderer; +}, es = (e) => (t) => e.get(t), Z = () => new DOMException("", "InvalidStateError"), ts = (e) => (t) => { + const n = e.get(t); + if (n === void 0) + throw Z(); + return n; +}, ns = (e, t) => (n) => { + let r = e.get(n); + if (r !== void 0) + return r; + if (t === null) + throw new Error("Missing the native OfflineAudioContext constructor."); + return r = new t(1, 1, 44100), e.set(n, r), r; +}, rs = (e) => (t) => { + const n = e.get(t); + if (n === void 0) + throw new Error("The context has no set of AudioWorkletNodes."); + return n; +}, os = () => new DOMException("", "InvalidAccessError"), ss = (e, t, n, r, o, s) => (i) => (c, a) => { + const u = e.get(c); + if (u === void 0) { + if (!i && s(c)) { + const d = r(c), { outputs: l } = n(c); + for (const g of l) + if (Ce(g)) { + const w = r(g[0]); + t(d, w, g[1], g[2]); + } else { + const w = o(g[0]); + d.disconnect(w, g[1]); + } + } + e.set(c, a); + } else + e.set(c, u + a); +}, is = (e) => (t) => e !== null && t instanceof e, as = (e) => (t) => e !== null && typeof e.AudioNode == "function" && t instanceof e.AudioNode, cs = (e) => (t) => e !== null && typeof e.AudioParam == "function" && t instanceof e.AudioParam, us = (e) => (t) => e !== null && t instanceof e, ls = (e) => e !== null && e.isSecureContext, ds = (e, t, n, r) => class extends e { + constructor(s, i) { + const c = n(s), a = t(c, i); + if (r(c)) + throw new TypeError(); + super(s, !0, a, null), this._nativeMediaStreamAudioSourceNode = a; + } + get mediaStream() { + return this._nativeMediaStreamAudioSourceNode.mediaStream; + } +}, fs = (e, t, n, r, o) => class extends r { + constructor(i = {}) { + if (o === null) + throw new Error("Missing the native AudioContext constructor."); + let c; + try { + c = new o(i); + } catch (d) { + throw d.code === 12 && d.message === "sampleRate is not in range" ? t() : d; + } + if (c === null) + throw n(); + if (!go(i.latencyHint)) + throw new TypeError(`The provided value '${i.latencyHint}' is not a valid enum value of type AudioContextLatencyCategory.`); + if (i.sampleRate !== void 0 && c.sampleRate !== i.sampleRate) + throw t(); + super(c, 2); + const { latencyHint: a } = i, { sampleRate: u } = c; + if (this._baseLatency = typeof c.baseLatency == "number" ? c.baseLatency : a === "balanced" ? 512 / u : a === "interactive" || a === void 0 ? 256 / u : a === "playback" ? 1024 / u : ( + /* + * @todo The min (256) and max (16384) values are taken from the allowed bufferSize values of a + * ScriptProcessorNode. + */ + Math.max(2, Math.min(128, Math.round(a * u / 128))) * 128 / u + ), this._nativeAudioContext = c, o.name === "webkitAudioContext" ? (this._nativeGainNode = c.createGain(), this._nativeOscillatorNode = c.createOscillator(), this._nativeGainNode.gain.value = 1e-37, this._nativeOscillatorNode.connect(this._nativeGainNode).connect(c.destination), this._nativeOscillatorNode.start()) : (this._nativeGainNode = null, this._nativeOscillatorNode = null), this._state = null, c.state === "running") { + this._state = "suspended"; + const d = () => { + this._state === "suspended" && (this._state = null), c.removeEventListener("statechange", d); + }; + c.addEventListener("statechange", d); + } + } + get baseLatency() { + return this._baseLatency; + } + get state() { + return this._state !== null ? this._state : this._nativeAudioContext.state; + } + close() { + return this.state === "closed" ? this._nativeAudioContext.close().then(() => { + throw e(); + }) : (this._state === "suspended" && (this._state = null), this._nativeAudioContext.close().then(() => { + this._nativeGainNode !== null && this._nativeOscillatorNode !== null && (this._nativeOscillatorNode.stop(), this._nativeGainNode.disconnect(), this._nativeOscillatorNode.disconnect()), mo(this); + })); + } + resume() { + return this._state === "suspended" ? new Promise((i, c) => { + const a = () => { + this._nativeAudioContext.removeEventListener("statechange", a), this._nativeAudioContext.state === "running" ? i() : this.resume().then(i, c); + }; + this._nativeAudioContext.addEventListener("statechange", a); + }) : this._nativeAudioContext.resume().catch((i) => { + throw i === void 0 || i.code === 15 ? e() : i; + }); + } + suspend() { + return this._nativeAudioContext.suspend().catch((i) => { + throw i === void 0 ? e() : i; + }); + } +}, hs = (e, t, n, r, o, s) => class extends n { + constructor(c, a) { + super(c), this._nativeContext = c, un.set(this, c), r(c) && o.set(c, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), this._destination = new e(this, a), this._listener = t(this, c), this._onstatechange = null; + } + get currentTime() { + return this._nativeContext.currentTime; + } + get destination() { + return this._destination; + } + get listener() { + return this._listener; + } + get onstatechange() { + return this._onstatechange; + } + set onstatechange(c) { + const a = typeof c == "function" ? s(this, c) : null; + this._nativeContext.onstatechange = a; + const u = this._nativeContext.onstatechange; + this._onstatechange = u !== null && u === a ? c : u; + } + get sampleRate() { + return this._nativeContext.sampleRate; + } + get state() { + return this._nativeContext.state; + } +}, Ht = (e) => { + const t = new Uint32Array([1179011410, 40, 1163280727, 544501094, 16, 131073, 44100, 176400, 1048580, 1635017060, 4, 0]); + try { + const n = e.decodeAudioData(t.buffer, () => { + }); + return n === void 0 ? !1 : (n.catch(() => { + }), !0); + } catch { + } + return !1; +}, ps = (e, t) => (n, r, o) => { + const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + return n.connect = ((i) => (c, a = 0, u = 0) => { + const d = s.size === 0; + if (t(c)) + return i.call(n, c, a, u), e(s, [c, a, u], (l) => l[0] === c && l[1] === a && l[2] === u, !0), d && r(), c; + i.call(n, c, a), e(s, [c, a], (l) => l[0] === c && l[1] === a, !0), d && r(); + })(n.connect), n.disconnect = ((i) => (c, a, u) => { + const d = s.size > 0; + if (c === void 0) + i.apply(n), s.clear(); + else if (typeof c == "number") { + i.call(n, c); + for (const g of s) + g[1] === c && s.delete(g); + } else { + t(c) ? i.call(n, c, a, u) : i.call(n, c, a); + for (const g of s) + g[0] === c && (a === void 0 || g[1] === a) && (u === void 0 || g[2] === u) && s.delete(g); + } + const l = s.size === 0; + d && l && o(); + })(n.disconnect), n; +}, se = (e, t, n) => { + const r = t[n]; + r !== void 0 && r !== e[n] && (e[n] = r); +}, Te = (e, t) => { + se(e, t, "channelCount"), se(e, t, "channelCountMode"), se(e, t, "channelInterpretation"); +}, ms = (e) => e === null ? null : e.hasOwnProperty("AudioBuffer") ? e.AudioBuffer : null, wt = (e, t, n) => { + const r = t[n]; + r !== void 0 && r !== e[n].value && (e[n].value = r); +}, gs = (e) => { + e.start = ((t) => { + let n = !1; + return (r = 0, o = 0, s) => { + if (n) + throw Z(); + t.call(e, r, o, s), n = !0; + }; + })(e.start); +}, An = (e) => { + e.start = ((t) => (n = 0, r = 0, o) => { + if (typeof o == "number" && o < 0 || r < 0 || n < 0) + throw new RangeError("The parameters can't be negative."); + t.call(e, n, r, o); + })(e.start); +}, bn = (e) => { + e.stop = ((t) => (n = 0) => { + if (n < 0) + throw new RangeError("The parameter can't be negative."); + t.call(e, n); + })(e.stop); +}, ws = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d) => (l, g) => { + const w = l.createBufferSource(); + return Te(w, g), wt(w, g, "playbackRate"), se(w, g, "buffer"), se(w, g, "loop"), se(w, g, "loopEnd"), se(w, g, "loopStart"), t(n, () => n(l)) || gs(w), t(r, () => r(l)) || a(w), t(o, () => o(l)) || u(w, l), t(s, () => s(l)) || An(w), t(i, () => i(l)) || d(w, l), t(c, () => c(l)) || bn(w), e(l, w), w; +}, vs = (e) => e === null ? null : e.hasOwnProperty("AudioContext") ? e.AudioContext : e.hasOwnProperty("webkitAudioContext") ? e.webkitAudioContext : null, _s = (e, t) => (n, r, o) => { + const s = n.destination; + if (s.channelCount !== r) + try { + s.channelCount = r; + } catch { + } + o && s.channelCountMode !== "explicit" && (s.channelCountMode = "explicit"), s.maxChannelCount === 0 && Object.defineProperty(s, "maxChannelCount", { + value: r + }); + const i = e(n, { + channelCount: r, + channelCountMode: s.channelCountMode, + channelInterpretation: s.channelInterpretation, + gain: 1 + }); + return t(i, "channelCount", (c) => () => c.call(i), (c) => (a) => { + c.call(i, a); + try { + s.channelCount = a; + } catch (u) { + if (a > s.maxChannelCount) + throw u; + } + }), t(i, "channelCountMode", (c) => () => c.call(i), (c) => (a) => { + c.call(i, a), s.channelCountMode = a; + }), t(i, "channelInterpretation", (c) => () => c.call(i), (c) => (a) => { + c.call(i, a), s.channelInterpretation = a; + }), Object.defineProperty(i, "maxChannelCount", { + get: () => s.maxChannelCount + }), i.connect(s), i; +}, ys = (e) => e === null ? null : e.hasOwnProperty("AudioWorkletNode") ? e.AudioWorkletNode : null, Es = (e) => { + const { port1: t } = new MessageChannel(); + try { + t.postMessage(e); + } finally { + t.close(); + } +}, As = (e, t, n, r, o) => (s, i, c, a, u, d) => { + if (c !== null) + try { + const l = new c(s, a, d), g = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + let w = null; + if (Object.defineProperties(l, { + /* + * Bug #61: Overwriting the property accessors for channelCount and channelCountMode is necessary as long as some + * browsers have no native implementation to achieve a consistent behavior. + */ + channelCount: { + get: () => d.channelCount, + set: () => { + throw e(); + } + }, + channelCountMode: { + get: () => "explicit", + set: () => { + throw e(); + } + }, + // Bug #156: Chrome and Edge do not yet fire an ErrorEvent. + onprocessorerror: { + get: () => w, + set: (p) => { + typeof w == "function" && l.removeEventListener("processorerror", w), w = typeof p == "function" ? p : null, typeof w == "function" && l.addEventListener("processorerror", w); + } + } + }), l.addEventListener = ((p) => (...f) => { + if (f[0] === "processorerror") { + const m = typeof f[1] == "function" ? f[1] : typeof f[1] == "object" && f[1] !== null && typeof f[1].handleEvent == "function" ? f[1].handleEvent : null; + if (m !== null) { + const h = g.get(f[1]); + h !== void 0 ? f[1] = h : (f[1] = (b) => { + b.type === "error" ? (Object.defineProperties(b, { + type: { value: "processorerror" } + }), m(b)) : m(new ErrorEvent(f[0], { ...b })); + }, g.set(m, f[1])); + } + } + return p.call(l, "error", f[1], f[2]), p.call(l, ...f); + })(l.addEventListener), l.removeEventListener = ((p) => (...f) => { + if (f[0] === "processorerror") { + const m = g.get(f[1]); + m !== void 0 && (g.delete(f[1]), f[1] = m); + } + return p.call(l, "error", f[1], f[2]), p.call(l, f[0], f[1], f[2]); + })(l.removeEventListener), d.numberOfOutputs !== 0) { + const p = n(s, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + gain: 0 + }); + return l.connect(p).connect(s.destination), o(l, () => p.disconnect(), () => p.connect(s.destination)); + } + return l; + } catch (l) { + throw l.code === 11 ? r() : l; + } + if (u === void 0) + throw r(); + return Es(d), t(s, i, u, d); +}, bs = (e, t) => e === null ? 512 : Math.max(512, Math.min(16384, Math.pow(2, Math.round(Math.log2(e * t))))), Cs = (e) => new Promise((t, n) => { + const { port1: r, port2: o } = new MessageChannel(); + r.onmessage = ({ data: s }) => { + r.close(), o.close(), t(s); + }, r.onmessageerror = ({ data: s }) => { + r.close(), o.close(), n(s); + }, o.postMessage(e); +}), Ts = async (e, t) => { + const n = await Cs(t); + return new e(n); +}, Ms = (e, t, n, r) => { + let o = it.get(e); + o === void 0 && (o = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), it.set(e, o)); + const s = Ts(n, r); + return o.set(t, s), s; +}, Ns = (e, t, n, r, o, s, i, c, a, u, d, l, g) => (w, p, f, m) => { + if (m.numberOfInputs === 0 && m.numberOfOutputs === 0) + throw a(); + const h = Array.isArray(m.outputChannelCount) ? m.outputChannelCount : Array.from(m.outputChannelCount); + if (h.some((C) => C < 1)) + throw a(); + if (h.length !== m.numberOfOutputs) + throw t(); + if (m.channelCountMode !== "explicit") + throw a(); + const b = m.channelCount * m.numberOfInputs, _ = h.reduce((C, R) => C + R, 0), T = f.parameterDescriptors === void 0 ? 0 : f.parameterDescriptors.length; + if (b + T > 6 || _ > 6) + throw a(); + const E = new MessageChannel(), A = [], y = []; + for (let C = 0; C < m.numberOfInputs; C += 1) + A.push(i(w, { + channelCount: m.channelCount, + channelCountMode: m.channelCountMode, + channelInterpretation: m.channelInterpretation, + gain: 1 + })), y.push(o(w, { + channelCount: m.channelCount, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + numberOfOutputs: m.channelCount + })); + const v = []; + if (f.parameterDescriptors !== void 0) + for (const { defaultValue: C, maxValue: R, minValue: q, name: F } of f.parameterDescriptors) { + const D = s(w, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + offset: m.parameterData[F] !== void 0 ? m.parameterData[F] : C === void 0 ? 0 : C + }); + Object.defineProperties(D.offset, { + defaultValue: { + get: () => C === void 0 ? 0 : C + }, + maxValue: { + get: () => R === void 0 ? pt : R + }, + minValue: { + get: () => q === void 0 ? je : q + } + }), v.push(D); + } + const M = r(w, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + numberOfInputs: Math.max(1, b + T) + }), S = bs(p, w.sampleRate), N = c( + w, + S, + b + T, + // Bug #87: Only Firefox will fire an AudioProcessingEvent if there is no connected output. + Math.max(1, _) + ), L = o(w, { + channelCount: Math.max(1, _), + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + numberOfOutputs: Math.max(1, _) + }), x = []; + for (let C = 0; C < m.numberOfOutputs; C += 1) + x.push(r(w, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + numberOfInputs: h[C] + })); + for (let C = 0; C < m.numberOfInputs; C += 1) { + A[C].connect(y[C]); + for (let R = 0; R < m.channelCount; R += 1) + y[C].connect(M, R, C * m.channelCount + R); + } + const P = new yn(f.parameterDescriptors === void 0 ? [] : f.parameterDescriptors.map(({ name: C }, R) => { + const q = v[R]; + return q.connect(M, 0, b + R), q.start(0), [C, q.offset]; + })); + M.connect(N); + let B = m.channelInterpretation, I = null; + const U = m.numberOfOutputs === 0 ? [N] : x, W = { + get bufferSize() { + return S; + }, + get channelCount() { + return m.channelCount; + }, + set channelCount(C) { + throw n(); + }, + get channelCountMode() { + return m.channelCountMode; + }, + set channelCountMode(C) { + throw n(); + }, + get channelInterpretation() { + return B; + }, + set channelInterpretation(C) { + for (const R of A) + R.channelInterpretation = C; + B = C; + }, + get context() { + return N.context; + }, + get inputs() { + return A; + }, + get numberOfInputs() { + return m.numberOfInputs; + }, + get numberOfOutputs() { + return m.numberOfOutputs; + }, + get onprocessorerror() { + return I; + }, + set onprocessorerror(C) { + typeof I == "function" && W.removeEventListener("processorerror", I), I = typeof C == "function" ? C : null, typeof I == "function" && W.addEventListener("processorerror", I); + }, + get parameters() { + return P; + }, + get port() { + return E.port2; + }, + addEventListener(...C) { + return N.addEventListener(C[0], C[1], C[2]); + }, + connect: e.bind(null, U), + disconnect: u.bind(null, U), + dispatchEvent(...C) { + return N.dispatchEvent(C[0]); + }, + removeEventListener(...C) { + return N.removeEventListener(C[0], C[1], C[2]); + } + }, O = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + E.port1.addEventListener = ((C) => (...R) => { + if (R[0] === "message") { + const q = typeof R[1] == "function" ? R[1] : typeof R[1] == "object" && R[1] !== null && typeof R[1].handleEvent == "function" ? R[1].handleEvent : null; + if (q !== null) { + const F = O.get(R[1]); + F !== void 0 ? R[1] = F : (R[1] = (D) => { + d(w.currentTime, w.sampleRate, () => q(D)); + }, O.set(q, R[1])); + } + } + return C.call(E.port1, R[0], R[1], R[2]); + })(E.port1.addEventListener), E.port1.removeEventListener = ((C) => (...R) => { + if (R[0] === "message") { + const q = O.get(R[1]); + q !== void 0 && (O.delete(R[1]), R[1] = q); + } + return C.call(E.port1, R[0], R[1], R[2]); + })(E.port1.removeEventListener); + let k = null; + Object.defineProperty(E.port1, "onmessage", { + get: () => k, + set: (C) => { + typeof k == "function" && E.port1.removeEventListener("message", k), k = typeof C == "function" ? C : null, typeof k == "function" && (E.port1.addEventListener("message", k), E.port1.start()); + } + }), f.prototype.port = E.port1; + let V = null; + Ms(w, W, f, m).then((C) => V = C); + const fe = De(m.numberOfInputs, m.channelCount), he = De(m.numberOfOutputs, h), pe = f.parameterDescriptors === void 0 ? [] : f.parameterDescriptors.reduce((C, { name: R }) => ({ ...C, [R]: new Float32Array(128) }), {}); + let j = !0; + const H = () => { + m.numberOfOutputs > 0 && N.disconnect(L); + for (let C = 0, R = 0; C < m.numberOfOutputs; C += 1) { + const q = x[C]; + for (let F = 0; F < h[C]; F += 1) + L.disconnect(q, R + F, F); + R += h[C]; + } + }, Me = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + N.onaudioprocess = ({ inputBuffer: C, outputBuffer: R }) => { + if (V !== null) { + const q = l(W); + for (let F = 0; F < S; F += 128) { + for (let D = 0; D < m.numberOfInputs; D += 1) + for (let $ = 0; $ < m.channelCount; $ += 1) + Be(C, fe[D], $, $, F); + f.parameterDescriptors !== void 0 && f.parameterDescriptors.forEach(({ name: D }, $) => { + Be(C, pe, D, b + $, F); + }); + for (let D = 0; D < m.numberOfInputs; D += 1) + for (let $ = 0; $ < h[D]; $ += 1) + he[D][$].byteLength === 0 && (he[D][$] = new Float32Array(128)); + try { + const D = fe.map((Y, te) => { + if (q[te].size > 0) + return Me.set(te, S / 128), Y; + const Ke = Me.get(te); + return Ke === void 0 ? [] : (Y.every((Zn) => Zn.every((Kn) => Kn === 0)) && (Ke === 1 ? Me.delete(te) : Me.set(te, Ke - 1)), Y); + }); + j = d(w.currentTime + F / w.sampleRate, w.sampleRate, () => V.process(D, he, pe)); + for (let Y = 0, te = 0; Y < m.numberOfOutputs; Y += 1) { + for (let _e = 0; _e < h[Y]; _e += 1) + En(R, he[Y], _e, te + _e, F); + te += h[Y]; + } + } catch (D) { + j = !1, W.dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("processorerror", { + colno: D.colno, + filename: D.filename, + lineno: D.lineno, + message: D.message + })); + } + if (!j) { + for (let D = 0; D < m.numberOfInputs; D += 1) { + A[D].disconnect(y[D]); + for (let $ = 0; $ < m.channelCount; $ += 1) + y[F].disconnect(M, $, D * m.channelCount + $); + } + if (f.parameterDescriptors !== void 0) { + const D = f.parameterDescriptors.length; + for (let $ = 0; $ < D; $ += 1) { + const Y = v[$]; + Y.disconnect(M, 0, b + $), Y.stop(); + } + } + M.disconnect(N), N.onaudioprocess = null, Xe ? H() : Ot(); + break; + } + } + } + }; + let Xe = !1; + const Ze = i(w, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + gain: 0 + }), Nt = () => N.connect(Ze).connect(w.destination), Ot = () => { + N.disconnect(Ze), Ze.disconnect(); + }, Yn = () => { + if (j) { + Ot(), m.numberOfOutputs > 0 && N.connect(L); + for (let C = 0, R = 0; C < m.numberOfOutputs; C += 1) { + const q = x[C]; + for (let F = 0; F < h[C]; F += 1) + L.connect(q, R + F, F); + R += h[C]; + } + } + Xe = !0; + }, Xn = () => { + j && (Nt(), H()), Xe = !1; + }; + return Nt(), g(W, Yn, Xn); +}, Os = (e, t) => (n, r) => { + const o = n.createChannelMerger(r.numberOfInputs); + return e !== null && e.name === "webkitAudioContext" && t(n, o), Te(o, r), o; +}, Rs = (e) => { + const t = e.numberOfOutputs; + Object.defineProperty(e, "channelCount", { + get: () => t, + set: (n) => { + if (n !== t) + throw Z(); + } + }), Object.defineProperty(e, "channelCountMode", { + get: () => "explicit", + set: (n) => { + if (n !== "explicit") + throw Z(); + } + }), Object.defineProperty(e, "channelInterpretation", { + get: () => "discrete", + set: (n) => { + if (n !== "discrete") + throw Z(); + } + }); +}, Cn = (e, t) => { + const n = e.createChannelSplitter(t.numberOfOutputs); + return Te(n, t), Rs(n), n; +}, Is = (e, t, n, r, o) => (s, i) => { + if (s.createConstantSource === void 0) + return n(s, i); + const c = s.createConstantSource(); + return Te(c, i), wt(c, i, "offset"), t(r, () => r(s)) || An(c), t(o, () => o(s)) || bn(c), e(s, c), c; +}, Tn = (e, t) => (e.connect = t.connect.bind(t), e.disconnect = t.disconnect.bind(t), e), Ss = (e, t, n, r) => (o, { offset: s, ...i }) => { + const c = o.createBuffer(1, 2, 44100), a = t(o, { + buffer: null, + channelCount: 2, + channelCountMode: "max", + channelInterpretation: "speakers", + loop: !1, + loopEnd: 0, + loopStart: 0, + playbackRate: 1 + }), u = n(o, { ...i, gain: s }), d = c.getChannelData(0); + d[0] = 1, d[1] = 1, a.buffer = c, a.loop = !0; + const l = { + get bufferSize() { + }, + get channelCount() { + return u.channelCount; + }, + set channelCount(p) { + u.channelCount = p; + }, + get channelCountMode() { + return u.channelCountMode; + }, + set channelCountMode(p) { + u.channelCountMode = p; + }, + get channelInterpretation() { + return u.channelInterpretation; + }, + set channelInterpretation(p) { + u.channelInterpretation = p; + }, + get context() { + return u.context; + }, + get inputs() { + return []; + }, + get numberOfInputs() { + return a.numberOfInputs; + }, + get numberOfOutputs() { + return u.numberOfOutputs; + }, + get offset() { + return u.gain; + }, + get onended() { + return a.onended; + }, + set onended(p) { + a.onended = p; + }, + addEventListener(...p) { + return a.addEventListener(p[0], p[1], p[2]); + }, + dispatchEvent(...p) { + return a.dispatchEvent(p[0]); + }, + removeEventListener(...p) { + return a.removeEventListener(p[0], p[1], p[2]); + }, + start(p = 0) { + a.start.call(a, p); + }, + stop(p = 0) { + a.stop.call(a, p); + } + }, g = () => a.connect(u), w = () => a.disconnect(u); + return e(o, a), r(Tn(l, u), g, w); +}, oe = (e, t) => { + const n = e.createGain(); + return Te(n, t), wt(n, t, "gain"), n; +}, ks = (e, { mediaStream: t }) => { + const n = t.getAudioTracks(); + n.sort((s, i) => s.id < i.id ? -1 : s.id > i.id ? 1 : 0); + const r = n.slice(0, 1), o = e.createMediaStreamSource(new MediaStream(r)); + return Object.defineProperty(o, "mediaStream", { value: t }), o; +}, Ls = (e) => e === null ? null : e.hasOwnProperty("OfflineAudioContext") ? e.OfflineAudioContext : e.hasOwnProperty("webkitOfflineAudioContext") ? e.webkitOfflineAudioContext : null, vt = (e, t, n, r) => e.createScriptProcessor(t, n, r), de = () => new DOMException("", "NotSupportedError"), xs = (e, t) => (n, r, o) => (e(r).replay(o), t(r, n, o)), Ps = (e, t, n) => async (r, o, s) => { + const i = e(r); + await Promise.all(i.activeInputs.map((c, a) => Array.from(c).map(async ([u, d]) => { + const g = await t(u).render(u, o), w = r.context.destination; + !n(u) && (r !== w || !n(r)) && g.connect(s, d, a); + })).reduce((c, a) => [...c, ...a], [])); +}, Us = (e, t, n) => async (r, o, s) => { + const i = t(r); + await Promise.all(Array.from(i.activeInputs).map(async ([c, a]) => { + const d = await e(c).render(c, o); + n(c) || d.connect(s, a); + })); +}, Bs = (e, t, n, r) => (o) => e(Ht, () => Ht(o)) ? Promise.resolve(e(r, r)).then((s) => { + if (!s) { + const i = n(o, 512, 0, 1); + o.oncomplete = () => { + i.onaudioprocess = null, i.disconnect(); + }, i.onaudioprocess = () => o.currentTime, i.connect(o.destination); + } + return o.startRendering(); +}) : new Promise((s) => { + const i = t(o, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + gain: 0 + }); + o.oncomplete = (c) => { + i.disconnect(), s(c.renderedBuffer); + }, i.connect(o.destination), o.startRendering(); +}), Ds = (e) => (t, n) => { + e.set(t, n); +}, Ws = (e) => () => { + if (e === null) + return !1; + try { + new e({ length: 1, sampleRate: 44100 }); + } catch { + return !1; + } + return !0; +}, Vs = (e, t) => async () => { + if (e === null) + return !0; + if (t === null) + return !1; + const n = new Blob(['class A extends AudioWorkletProcessor{process(i){this.port.postMessage(i,[i[0][0].buffer])}}registerProcessor("a",A)'], { + type: "application/javascript; charset=utf-8" + }), r = new t(1, 128, 44100), o = URL.createObjectURL(n); + let s = !1, i = !1; + try { + await r.audioWorklet.addModule(o); + const c = new e(r, "a", { numberOfOutputs: 0 }), a = r.createOscillator(); + c.port.onmessage = () => s = !0, c.onprocessorerror = () => i = !0, a.connect(c), a.start(0), await r.startRendering(), await new Promise((u) => setTimeout(u)); + } catch { + } finally { + URL.revokeObjectURL(o); + } + return s && !i; +}, Fs = (e, t) => () => { + if (t === null) + return Promise.resolve(!1); + const n = new t(1, 1, 44100), r = e(n, { + channelCount: 1, + channelCountMode: "explicit", + channelInterpretation: "discrete", + gain: 0 + }); + return new Promise((o) => { + n.oncomplete = () => { + r.disconnect(), o(n.currentTime !== 0); + }, n.startRendering(); + }); +}, js = () => new DOMException("", "UnknownError"), $s = () => typeof window > "u" ? null : window, Gs = (e, t) => (n) => { + n.copyFromChannel = (r, o, s = 0) => { + const i = e(s), c = e(o); + if (c >= n.numberOfChannels) + throw t(); + const a = n.length, u = n.getChannelData(c), d = r.length; + for (let l = i < 0 ? -i : 0; l + i < a && l < d; l += 1) + r[l] = u[l + i]; + }, n.copyToChannel = (r, o, s = 0) => { + const i = e(s), c = e(o); + if (c >= n.numberOfChannels) + throw t(); + const a = n.length, u = n.getChannelData(c), d = r.length; + for (let l = i < 0 ? -i : 0; l + i < a && l < d; l += 1) + u[l + i] = r[l]; + }; +}, qs = (e) => (t) => { + t.copyFromChannel = ((n) => (r, o, s = 0) => { + const i = e(s), c = e(o); + if (i < t.length) + return n.call(t, r, c, i); + })(t.copyFromChannel), t.copyToChannel = ((n) => (r, o, s = 0) => { + const i = e(s), c = e(o); + if (i < t.length) + return n.call(t, r, c, i); + })(t.copyToChannel); +}, zs = (e) => (t, n) => { + const r = n.createBuffer(1, 1, 44100); + t.buffer === null && (t.buffer = r), e(t, "buffer", (o) => () => { + const s = o.call(t); + return s === r ? null : s; + }, (o) => (s) => o.call(t, s === null ? r : s)); +}, Hs = (e, t) => (n, r) => { + r.channelCount = 1, r.channelCountMode = "explicit", Object.defineProperty(r, "channelCount", { + get: () => 1, + set: () => { + throw e(); + } + }), Object.defineProperty(r, "channelCountMode", { + get: () => "explicit", + set: () => { + throw e(); + } + }); + const o = n.createBufferSource(); + t(r, () => { + const c = r.numberOfInputs; + for (let a = 0; a < c; a += 1) + o.connect(r, 0, a); + }, () => o.disconnect(r)); +}, Ys = (e, t, n) => e.copyFromChannel === void 0 ? e.getChannelData(n)[0] : (e.copyFromChannel(t, n), t[0]), _t = (e, t, n, r) => { + let o = e; + for (; !o.hasOwnProperty(t); ) + o = Object.getPrototypeOf(o); + const { get: s, set: i } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t); + Object.defineProperty(e, t, { get: n(s), set: r(i) }); +}, Xs = (e) => ({ + ...e, + outputChannelCount: e.outputChannelCount !== void 0 ? e.outputChannelCount : e.numberOfInputs === 1 && e.numberOfOutputs === 1 ? ( + /* + * Bug #61: This should be the computedNumberOfChannels, but unfortunately that is almost impossible to fake. That's why + * the channelCountMode is required to be 'explicit' as long as there is not a native implementation in every browser. That + * makes sure the computedNumberOfChannels is equivilant to the channelCount which makes it much easier to compute. + */ + [e.channelCount] + ) : Array.from({ length: e.numberOfOutputs }, () => 1) +}), Mn = (e, t, n) => { + try { + e.setValueAtTime(t, n); + } catch (r) { + if (r.code !== 9) + throw r; + Mn(e, t, n + 1e-7); + } +}, Zs = (e) => { + const t = e.createBufferSource(); + t.start(); + try { + t.start(); + } catch { + return !0; + } + return !1; +}, Ks = (e) => { + const t = e.createBufferSource(), n = e.createBuffer(1, 1, 44100); + t.buffer = n; + try { + t.start(0, 1); + } catch { + return !1; + } + return !0; +}, Js = (e) => { + const t = e.createBufferSource(); + t.start(); + try { + t.stop(); + } catch { + return !1; + } + return !0; +}, Nn = (e) => { + const t = e.createOscillator(); + try { + t.start(-1); + } catch (n) { + return n instanceof RangeError; + } + return !1; +}, Qs = (e) => { + const t = e.createBuffer(1, 1, 44100), n = e.createBufferSource(); + n.buffer = t, n.start(), n.stop(); + try { + return n.stop(), !0; + } catch { + return !1; + } +}, On = (e) => { + const t = e.createOscillator(); + try { + t.stop(-1); + } catch (n) { + return n instanceof RangeError; + } + return !1; +}, ei = (e) => { + const { port1: t, port2: n } = new MessageChannel(); + try { + t.postMessage(e); + } finally { + t.close(), n.close(); + } +}, ti = (e) => { + e.start = ((t) => (n = 0, r = 0, o) => { + const s = e.buffer, i = s === null ? r : Math.min(s.duration, r); + s !== null && i > s.duration - 0.5 / e.context.sampleRate ? t.call(e, n, 0, 0) : t.call(e, n, i, o); + })(e.start); +}, ni = (e, t) => { + const n = t.createGain(); + e.connect(n); + const r = ((o) => () => { + o.call(e, n), e.removeEventListener("ended", r); + })(e.disconnect); + e.addEventListener("ended", r), Tn(e, n), e.stop = ((o) => { + let s = !1; + return (i = 0) => { + if (s) + try { + o.call(e, i); + } catch { + n.gain.setValueAtTime(0, i); + } + else + o.call(e, i), s = !0; + }; + })(e.stop); +}, $e = (e, t) => (n) => { + const r = { value: e }; + return Object.defineProperties(n, { + currentTarget: r, + target: r + }), typeof t == "function" ? t.call(e, n) : t.handleEvent.call(e, n); +}, ri = Hr(le), oi = Qr(le), si = Fo(Fe), ii = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), ai = Jo(ii), we = Uo(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()), J = $s(), Rn = Ko(z), yt = Ps(z, Rn, ae), ce = ts(un), ve = Ls(J), ee = us(ve), In = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Sn = Ho($e), Ge = vs(J), ci = is(Ge), kn = as(J), ui = cs(J), Ee = ys(J), qe = Oo(Yr(on), Jr(ri, oi, ut, si, lt, z, ai, Ae, X, le, ie, ae, Ie), we, ss(ot, lt, z, X, ye, ie), ue, os, de, Vo(ut, ot, z, X, ye, ce, ie, ee), Go(In, z, K), Sn, ce, ci, kn, ui, ee, Ee), li = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), Yt = ms(J), Ln = Wo(new Uint32Array(1)), di = Gs(Ln, ue), fi = qs(Ln), hi = oo(li, we, de, Yt, ve, Ws(Yt), di, fi), Et = eo(oe), xn = Us(Rn, be, ae), Pn = Bo(xn), ze = ws(Et, we, Zs, Ks, Js, Nn, Qs, On, ti, zs(_t), ni), Un = xs(Qo(be), xn), pi = ao(Pn, ze, X, Un, yt), At = Ro(Xr(an), In, cn, Io, Fr, jr, $r, Gr, qr, tt, nn, Ge, Mn), mi = io(qe, pi, At, Z, ze, ce, ee, $e), gi = wo(qe, vo, ue, Z, _s(oe, _t), ce, ee, yt), He = ps(le, kn), wi = Hs(Z, He), bt = Os(Ge, wi), vi = Ss(Et, ze, oe, He), Ct = Is(Et, we, vi, Nn, On), _i = Bs(we, oe, vt, Fs(oe, ve)), yi = _o(At, bt, Ct, vt, de, Ys, ee, _t), Bn = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Ei = hs(gi, yi, Sn, ee, Bn, $e), Dn = ls(J), Tt = Yo(J), Wn = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Ai = ns(Wn, ve), Xt = Dn ? Kr( + we, + de, + zo(J), + Tt, + Xo(zr), + ce, + Ai, + ee, + Ee, + /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), + /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), + Vs(Ee, ve), + // @todo window is guaranteed to be defined because isSecureContext checks that as well. + J +) : void 0, bi = ds(qe, ks, ce, ee), Vn = rs(Bn), Ci = to(Vn), Fn = Do(ue), Ti = jo(Vn), jn = qo(ue), $n = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Mi = Zo($n, K), Ni = Ns(Fn, ue, Z, bt, Cn, Ct, oe, vt, de, jn, Tt, Mi, He), Oi = As(Z, Ni, oe, de, He), Ri = Po(Pn, Fn, ze, bt, Cn, Ct, oe, Ti, jn, Tt, X, Ee, ve, Un, yt, _i), Ii = es(Wn), Si = Ds($n), Zt = Dn ? ko(Ci, qe, At, Ri, Oi, z, Ii, ce, ee, Ee, Xs, Si, ei, $e) : void 0, ki = fs(Z, de, js, Ei, Ge), Gn = "Missing AudioWorklet support. Maybe this is not running in a secure context.", Li = async (e, t, n, r, o) => { + const { encoderId: s, port: i } = await Qt(o, t.sampleRate); + if (Zt === void 0) + throw new Error(Gn); + const c = new mi(t, { buffer: e }), a = new bi(t, { mediaStream: r }), u = Br(Zt, t, { channelCount: n }); + return { audioBufferSourceNode: c, encoderId: s, mediaStreamAudioSourceNode: a, port: i, recorderAudioWorkletNode: u }; +}, xi = (e, t, n, r) => (o, s, i) => { + var c; + const a = (c = s.getAudioTracks()[0]) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.getSettings().sampleRate, u = new ki({ latencyHint: "playback", sampleRate: a }), d = Math.max(1024, Math.ceil(u.baseLatency * u.sampleRate)), l = new hi({ length: d, sampleRate: u.sampleRate }), g = [], w = Ur((v) => { + if (Xt === void 0) + throw new Error(Gn); + return Xt(u, v); + }); + let p = null, f = null, m = null, h = null, b = !0; + const _ = (v) => { + o.dispatchEvent(e("dataavailable", { data: new Blob(v, { type: i }) })); + }, T = async (v, M) => { + const S = await Se(v, M); + m === null ? g.push(...S) : (_(S), h = T(v, M)); + }, E = () => (b = !0, u.resume()), A = () => { + m !== null && (p !== null && (s.removeEventListener("addtrack", p), s.removeEventListener("removetrack", p)), f !== null && clearTimeout(f), m.then(async ({ encoderId: v, mediaStreamAudioSourceNode: M, recorderAudioWorkletNode: S }) => { + h !== null && (h.catch(() => { + }), h = null), await S.stop(), M.disconnect(S); + const N = await Se(v, null); + m === null && await y(), _([...g, ...N]), g.length = 0, o.dispatchEvent(new Event("stop")); + }), m = null); + }, y = () => (b = !1, u.suspend()); + return y(), { + get mimeType() { + return i; + }, + get state() { + return m === null ? "inactive" : b ? "recording" : "paused"; + }, + pause() { + if (m === null) + throw n(); + b && (y(), o.dispatchEvent(new Event("pause"))); + }, + resume() { + if (m === null) + throw n(); + b || (E(), o.dispatchEvent(new Event("resume"))); + }, + start(v) { + var M; + if (m !== null) + throw n(); + if (s.getVideoTracks().length > 0) + throw r(); + o.dispatchEvent(new Event("start")); + const S = s.getAudioTracks(), N = S.length === 0 ? 2 : (M = S[0].getSettings().channelCount) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : 2; + m = Promise.all([ + E(), + w.then(() => Li(l, u, N, s, i)) + ]).then(async ([, { audioBufferSourceNode: x, encoderId: P, mediaStreamAudioSourceNode: B, port: I, recorderAudioWorkletNode: U }]) => (B.connect(U), await new Promise((W) => { + x.onended = W, x.connect(U), x.start(u.currentTime + d / u.sampleRate); + }), x.disconnect(U), await U.record(I), v !== void 0 && (h = T(P, v)), { encoderId: P, mediaStreamAudioSourceNode: B, recorderAudioWorkletNode: U })); + const L = s.getTracks(); + p = () => { + A(), o.dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("error", { error: t() })); + }, s.addEventListener("addtrack", p), s.addEventListener("removetrack", p), f = setInterval(() => { + const x = s.getTracks(); + (x.length !== L.length || x.some((P, B) => P !== L[B])) && p !== null && p(); + }, 1e3); + }, + stop: A + }; +}; +class Qe { + constructor(t, n = 0, r) { + if (n < 0 || r !== void 0 && r < 0) + throw new RangeError(); + const o = t.reduce((d, l) => d + l.byteLength, 0); + if (n > o || r !== void 0 && n + r > o) + throw new RangeError(); + const s = [], i = r === void 0 ? o - n : r, c = []; + let a = 0, u = n; + for (const d of t) + if (c.length === 0) + if (d.byteLength > u) { + a = d.byteLength - u; + const l = a > i ? i : a; + s.push(new DataView(d, u, l)), c.push(d); + } else + u -= d.byteLength; + else if (a < i) { + a += d.byteLength; + const l = a > i ? d.byteLength - a + i : d.byteLength; + s.push(new DataView(d, 0, l)), c.push(d); + } + this._buffers = c, this._byteLength = i, this._byteOffset = u, this._dataViews = s, this._internalBuffer = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); + } + get buffers() { + return this._buffers; + } + get byteLength() { + return this._byteLength; + } + get byteOffset() { + return this._byteOffset; + } + getFloat32(t, n) { + return this._internalBuffer.setUint8(0, this.getUint8(t + 0)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(1, this.getUint8(t + 1)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(2, this.getUint8(t + 2)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(3, this.getUint8(t + 3)), this._internalBuffer.getFloat32(0, n); + } + getFloat64(t, n) { + return this._internalBuffer.setUint8(0, this.getUint8(t + 0)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(1, this.getUint8(t + 1)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(2, this.getUint8(t + 2)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(3, this.getUint8(t + 3)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(4, this.getUint8(t + 4)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(5, this.getUint8(t + 5)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(6, this.getUint8(t + 6)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(7, this.getUint8(t + 7)), this._internalBuffer.getFloat64(0, n); + } + getInt16(t, n) { + return this._internalBuffer.setUint8(0, this.getUint8(t + 0)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(1, this.getUint8(t + 1)), this._internalBuffer.getInt16(0, n); + } + getInt32(t, n) { + return this._internalBuffer.setUint8(0, this.getUint8(t + 0)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(1, this.getUint8(t + 1)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(2, this.getUint8(t + 2)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(3, this.getUint8(t + 3)), this._internalBuffer.getInt32(0, n); + } + getInt8(t) { + const [n, r] = this._findDataViewWithOffset(t); + return n.getInt8(t - r); + } + getUint16(t, n) { + return this._internalBuffer.setUint8(0, this.getUint8(t + 0)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(1, this.getUint8(t + 1)), this._internalBuffer.getUint16(0, n); + } + getUint32(t, n) { + return this._internalBuffer.setUint8(0, this.getUint8(t + 0)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(1, this.getUint8(t + 1)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(2, this.getUint8(t + 2)), this._internalBuffer.setUint8(3, this.getUint8(t + 3)), this._internalBuffer.getUint32(0, n); + } + getUint8(t) { + const [n, r] = this._findDataViewWithOffset(t); + return n.getUint8(t - r); + } + setFloat32(t, n, r) { + this._internalBuffer.setFloat32(0, n, r), this.setUint8(t, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(0)), this.setUint8(t + 1, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(1)), this.setUint8(t + 2, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(2)), this.setUint8(t + 3, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(3)); + } + setFloat64(t, n, r) { + this._internalBuffer.setFloat64(0, n, r), this.setUint8(t, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(0)), this.setUint8(t + 1, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(1)), this.setUint8(t + 2, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(2)), this.setUint8(t + 3, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(3)), this.setUint8(t + 4, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(4)), this.setUint8(t + 5, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(5)), this.setUint8(t + 6, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(6)), this.setUint8(t + 7, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(7)); + } + setInt16(t, n, r) { + this._internalBuffer.setInt16(0, n, r), this.setUint8(t, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(0)), this.setUint8(t + 1, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(1)); + } + setInt32(t, n, r) { + this._internalBuffer.setInt32(0, n, r), this.setUint8(t, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(0)), this.setUint8(t + 1, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(1)), this.setUint8(t + 2, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(2)), this.setUint8(t + 3, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(3)); + } + setInt8(t, n) { + const [r, o] = this._findDataViewWithOffset(t); + r.setInt8(t - o, n); + } + setUint16(t, n, r) { + this._internalBuffer.setUint16(0, n, r), this.setUint8(t, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(0)), this.setUint8(t + 1, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(1)); + } + setUint32(t, n, r) { + this._internalBuffer.setUint32(0, n, r), this.setUint8(t, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(0)), this.setUint8(t + 1, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(1)), this.setUint8(t + 2, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(2)), this.setUint8(t + 3, this._internalBuffer.getUint8(3)); + } + setUint8(t, n) { + const [r, o] = this._findDataViewWithOffset(t); + r.setUint8(t - o, n); + } + _findDataViewWithOffset(t) { + let n = 0; + for (const r of this._dataViews) { + const o = n + r.byteLength; + if (t >= n && t < o) + return [r, n]; + n = o; + } + throw new RangeError(); + } +} +const Pi = (e, t, n) => (r, o, s, i) => { + const c = [], a = new o(s, { mimeType: "audio/webm;codecs=pcm" }); + let u = null, d = () => { + }; + const l = (p) => { + r.dispatchEvent(e("dataavailable", { data: new Blob(p, { type: i }) })); + }, g = async (p, f) => { + const m = await Se(p, f); + a.state === "inactive" ? c.push(...m) : (l(m), u = g(p, f)); + }, w = () => { + a.state !== "inactive" && (u !== null && (u.catch(() => { + }), u = null), d(), d = () => { + }, a.stop()); + }; + return a.addEventListener("error", (p) => { + w(), r.dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("error", { + error: p.error + })); + }), a.addEventListener("pause", () => r.dispatchEvent(new Event("pause"))), a.addEventListener("resume", () => r.dispatchEvent(new Event("resume"))), a.addEventListener("start", () => r.dispatchEvent(new Event("start"))), { + get mimeType() { + return i; + }, + get state() { + return a.state; + }, + pause() { + return a.pause(); + }, + resume() { + return a.resume(); + }, + start(p) { + const [f] = s.getAudioTracks(); + if (f !== void 0 && a.state === "inactive") { + const { channelCount: m, sampleRate: h } = f.getSettings(); + if (m === void 0) + throw new Error("The channelCount is not defined."); + if (h === void 0) + throw new Error("The sampleRate is not defined."); + let b = !1, _ = !1, T = 0, E = Qt(i, h); + d = () => { + _ = !0; + }; + const A = en(a, "dataavailable")(({ data: y }) => { + T += 1; + const v = y.arrayBuffer(); + E = E.then(async ({ dataView: M = null, elementType: S = null, encoderId: N, port: L }) => { + const x = await v; + T -= 1; + const P = M === null ? new Qe([x]) : new Qe([...M.buffers, x], M.byteOffset); + if (!b && a.state === "recording" && !_) { + const O = n(P, 0); + if (O === null) + return { dataView: P, elementType: S, encoderId: N, port: L }; + const { value: k } = O; + if (k !== 172351395) + return { dataView: M, elementType: S, encoderId: N, port: L }; + b = !0; + } + const { currentElementType: B, offset: I, contents: U } = t(P, S, m), W = I < P.byteLength ? new Qe(P.buffers, P.byteOffset + I) : null; + return U.forEach((O) => L.postMessage(O, O.map(({ buffer: k }) => k))), T === 0 && (a.state === "inactive" || _) && (Se(N, null).then((O) => { + l([...c, ...O]), c.length = 0, r.dispatchEvent(new Event("stop")); + }), L.postMessage([]), L.close(), A()), { dataView: W, elementType: B, encoderId: N, port: L }; + }); + }); + p !== void 0 && E.then(({ encoderId: y }) => u = g(y, p)); + } + a.start(100); + }, + stop: w + }; +}, Ui = () => typeof window > "u" ? null : window, qn = (e, t) => { + if (t >= e.byteLength) + return null; + const n = e.getUint8(t); + if (n > 127) + return 1; + if (n > 63) + return 2; + if (n > 31) + return 3; + if (n > 15) + return 4; + if (n > 7) + return 5; + if (n > 3) + return 6; + if (n > 1) + return 7; + if (n > 0) + return 8; + const r = qn(e, t + 1); + return r === null ? null : r + 8; +}, Bi = (e, t) => (n) => { + const r = { value: e }; + return Object.defineProperties(n, { + currentTarget: r, + target: r + }), typeof t == "function" ? t.call(e, n) : t.handleEvent.call(e, n); +}, zn = [], Ye = Ui(), Di = pr(Ye), Hn = ir(Di), Wi = xi(Hn, lr, dr, et), Mt = _r(qn), Vi = wr(Mt), Fi = vr(Mt), ji = ar(Vi, Fi), $i = Pi(Hn, ji, Mt), Gi = ur(Ye), qi = mr(Ye), sa = hr(gr(et), et, Wi, $i, zn, cr(Gi, Bi), qi), ia = () => fr(Ye), aa = async (e) => { + zn.push(await sr(e)); +}; +export { + sa as MediaRecorder, + ia as isSupported, + aa as register +};